#claudia can't you see i'm trying to sleep
mapiforpresident · 7 months
Claudia Pina Angst pls! (Or literally anything Claudia Pina! ❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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How Could You Do This Part 1
Claudia Pina x reader
warnings: angst
Summary: You find out your girlfriend is cheating on you
Not proof read so let me know if you see any mistakes.
You were scrolling through TikTok on your girlfriend's phone, patiently waiting for her to finish her Cupra interview. Since your phone had died, Claudia had kindly lent you hers to stave off boredom during the wait.
Halfway through watching a hilarious dog video, a text from Patri popped up, catching your attention before you could swipe it away. It read, "just tell her before she finds out." Confusion washed over you as you tried to decipher whom or what Patri was referring to. Another text appeared, stating, "Y/n will be so mad once she finds out. Hopefully she doesn't break up with you. At the very least, you might be sleeping on your new couch for a week."
What could Patri possibly be talking about? It seemed clear that Claudia was keeping something from you, something she knew she shouldn't. Your mind immediately jumped to the conclusion that Claudia was cheating on you. You and your girlfriend had always prided yourselves on honesty, promising never to keep secrets from each other. Thus, you couldn't fathom what else she could be hiding.
Though hesitant, you couldn't resist the urge to snoop. Clicking on Patri's message, you hoped to uncover the mystery. Initially, the conversation consisted of random memes and funny videos they'd exchanged, but you stumbled upon a series of texts from two days ago that piqued your interest.
Patri: Did you meet up with the girl today?
Pina: Yeah, she was awesome. I can't wait to see her again.
Patri: That's great! I'm glad you found someone better.
Pina: Yeah, me too. Y/n is going to murder me when she finds out though. I need to tell her soon.
Patri: Take her to a nice dinner and then try to break the news.
Pina: I might. I keep trying, but every time I go to mention it, I chicken out. I don't want her to be upset.
Recalling the fancy dinner Claudia had taken you out to the previous night, her nervous demeanor suddenly made sense. You had assumed it was related to her upcoming interview, as she never enjoyed media engagements. It was unfathomable to think that she had started seeing someone else, especially with Patri's encouragement. A whirlwind of thoughts flooded your mind. Your girlfriend of over three years was cheating on you. Feeling overwhelmed, you dropped the phone onto the chair and rushed out of the room. Claudia remained engrossed in her interview, oblivious to your sudden departure.
You raced down the training ground hallway until you found a bathroom, locking yourself in the first stall, overcome by sobs. How could Claudia betray your trust like this? You believed you had the perfect relationship, and just that morning, she had seemed so deeply in love with you. She had made you breakfast and cuddled with you on the couch until the last possible moment before you had to leave. She had always been affectionate, constantly holding and kissing you. You were at a loss, unable to comprehend what you had done wrong.
"Y/n, is that you in there? What's wrong? What happened? Do you want me to get Claudia?" It was Alexia's voice. You hadn't heard her enter the bathroom.
"No, no, don't get Claudia," you called out desperately.
"Why? What happened? Did she do something? Let me in." Alexia was very confused at this point because whenever you were sad or hurt or upset, you immediately asked for Claudia, and Claudia always immediately came to your side no matter what she was doing.
You silently unlocked the door as Alexia squatted down in front of you. When she saw your tear-stained face but no visible injury, she decided to try and help you up, knowing you were physically fine. "Oh, bebita, what happened?"
Alexia now had you standing and hugged you tightly as she tried to get you to calm down enough to explain what had made you so upset.
"Clau... Clau..."
"It's okay, it will be okay. Take some deep breaths for me." You did as Alexia told you, trying to take a few deep breaths as your sobs turned into sniffles.
"Clau... she cheated... she told Patri... that she... found a better girl... she said she met up with her," you choked out as Alexia started to look furious. She loved Claudia, but if this was true, then she wouldn't hesitate to confront her.
"Did she tell you this? Did Patri?"
"No... I saw their text messages... I was just TikToking while she had her interview."
"God, I am going to kill them both. You are coming to stay at my place tonight. I will text Olga to make up the spare room. I am going to have a talk with Claudia tomorrow and then Patri. I will bring Mapi too." Alexia was basically talking to herself at this point as she led you to the locker room to quickly grab her things.
Just as she was about to lead you towards the door to leave, Claudia burst through.
"There you are, amor, what happened? I couldn't find you anywhere. Are you ready..."
"Get out," Alexia said in her loud, stern voice.
"What... what happened? Is y/n okay..."
"Get out now," Alexia said again. "Don't ever come near y/n again, I swear, Claudia."
Neither you nor Claudia had ever seen your captain look so angry and so disappointed. Claudia was stunned; she had no idea how to react. She turned and ran out the door, not knowing where she was going. What did she do wrong? She didn't think she had done anything wrong, but you had clearly been crying, and Alexia looked furious, so she must have done something.
Claudia ran out onto the pitch and grabbed a bag of balls laying off to the side. Everyone had already left, but she didn't want to leave until she figured out what she did wrong.
She took penalty after penalty until her leg could barely kick the ball into the net. She finally decided to go to her best friend for help, maybe Patri could help her figure out what she had done wrong.
It was well past the sun going down as she pulled into the parking lot of Patri's apartment complex. Patri was shocked at hearing the knock and opening the door to reveal the most sad she thinks she had ever seen Claudia.
"Hey Claudia, what happened, aren't you supposed to be at the movies with y/n tonight. She's been waiting for it to come out for months." Patri said as she moved to let Claudia into her apartment, but before Claudia could fully enter she broke down.
"I messed up, I don't know what I did. We were fine this morning, but after I got done with my interview she was gone and... and... and... then I went to go find her and she was crying in Alexia's arms. Alexia told me to get out. I have never seen her that angry before and y/n wouldn't even look at me. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know what to do. Y/n and Alexia won't answer my calls or texts and..." Claudia ranted so fast that Patri could barely keep up.
"Hey, hey, hey slow down, everything will be ok. You and y/n love each other ok. recount your steps, there is nothing that you could have done to upset her?" Patri asked as they sat down on the couch, Claudia with her head in her hands.
Thirty minutes later Claudia stood nervously outside of Alexia's door with flowers and your favorite chocolate. She wanted to come talk to you knowing that you were most likely here. She wanted to figure out what she did wrong and how she could make it up to you.
Alexia opened the door thinking it was the food she ordered for takeout. "Hello thank ... oh Claudia." Alexia's voice immediately changed from nice and friendly to annoyance and verging on rude.
"Please leave you are not welcome her. Y/n does not want to hear from you or see you again outside of practice."
"But... but what did I do. I didn't do anything wrong. I love her please Alexia just let me talk to her," Claudia begging while trying to remain calm and not let her tears fall in front of her captain.
"Go. Now. Before I call the cops." Alexia slammed the door in the face of the girl she once thought of as a little sister. Claudia didn't know what to do so she just called Patri as she got back in her car.
"I lost her. I lost her," Pina says as she sobs on the phone.
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zisurru · 3 months
i'm kind of thinking about addiction in the vampire chronicles and specifically about daniel.
he is obviously an alcoholic. by the end of his mortal life the only things he cares about are alcohol and armand. and he's given up everything for armand. he’s lost his friends. he’s lost his family. he has no real dreams or ambitions outside of staying with armand. he might separate himself from him for a little while, but he always goes back. he’s in his 30s but looks much younger because he's stunted at the age armand came into his life. armand is everything; daniel is subsumed into armand. he winds up dirty, freezing, sleeping on a park bench, and what he wants most is to scrape up enough money for a drink, and to be back with armand. he loves him, hates him, absolutely cannot escape him, and it is killing him. it is very very much an addiction story (among other things).
so finally daniel is dying of organ failure, and what happens next is, in a way, the fantasy of every addict, and everyone who's loved an addict. the first part is that the addiction is cured. physically, he's well again. mentally, he is no longer dependent on alcohol. he's preserved right on the edge of death - kind of like claudia. the second part is what you dream about when you're addicted to something, and what daniel finds in the blood: a high so perfect it eclipses all other cravings. finally getting the thing you've been fruitlessly trying to reach when you use your substance of choice. both of these things feel...just intensely personal, honestly, coming from a writer who was an alcoholic herself, and who lost a parent to it. and intensely sad, and familiar. and both of these things are fantasies, as rice have known from experience. you can't excise an addiction from the rest of the person. the perfect high doesn't exist.
not even in this story, really. daniel doesn't get to have everything. armand does kill him. he'll be "the boy" forever. his parents will never see him again.
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aviradasa · 8 months
Love long lost
Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
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(picture from Pinterest, if you know the artist let me know so I can give proper credit!!)
Warnings: None that come to mind.
This one shot is based off of a prompt by @jellyfishxxi
Linked here
If you want a part Two leave a request, Private message me, Or tell me down in the comments!! Love you all my little goblins🖤
Don't forget to check out my Masterlist
Part 2 linked here
Part 3 linked here
Part 4 linked here
Do you ever have memories of things that never happened? Memories that don't even seem to be yours but in certain moments they appear before you like a flashback. You know it can't be a dream, but it almost feels like one with how otherworldly they seem and how they mostly seem to attack when the moon is high and the stars shine brightly above the land, decorating every inch of the sky in ethereal light as they paint pictures with one another. I hate them. For some reason I can't stand the sight of the stars due to the overwhelming dread I feel gazing at them. It almost feels like guilt oddly enough and not knowing. god's, not knowing makes me hate it even more.
The sound of our footsteps echoes through the thick forest surrounding the kingdom Katolis.
” I can’t believe it's been two years since we left this place..” I hear Rayla say to me as we approach the bottom of the cliff that supports the mighty castle atop it, “I know it feels like it's been longer than that right?” I ask with a small chuckle as I catch the climbing sickle Rayla tosses me, getting a grip on it I take the first jump stabbing the blade into the rock as we climb
“Yeah I suppose it could feel that way.” she stops for a moment taking another leap up the cliffside i follow “I just wonder if we will still be welcome here after how we left,” she says a large hint of uncertainty following her tone as she speaks.
I understand her concerns well, especially considering the circumstances of our little disappearance. Two years ago shortly after the fight at the storm spire I had been wide awake unable to sleep due to another one of those pesky memories, and went out for a little walk in the castle during said walk I found my dear friend Rayla attempting to sneak out of a window, and with some convincing i got her to allow me to join her. I know it was hard on her. That night she left a lot behind like her love, her friendship, and the trust she shared with the others, especially Callum. But even though we were both struggling we persisted to try and find Viren and Claudia. Unfortunately, we are coming back empty-handed.
I stop climbing for a moment to catch my breath looking at her “Hey. I’m sure that's not the case, despite our leaving they are still our friends I'm sure they will understand once we explain our reasonings.” I tell her with a small grin
“Even Callum?” she asks me with an unsure expression
“Yeah, knowing him you will be fine,” I respond with a chuckle
That was 2 days ago
things didn't go as planned. we arrived slipping inside the castle I went straight to the kitchen and Rayla to the fancy new high mage office to see Callum, and the next morning when she met me outside to go to the Welcoming of Queen Zubeia and Zym she told me all about it, to say the least, it sounded awkward and I'm happy I didn't have to bare witness with my own eyes to that interaction. Then of course when everyone was having a nice peaceful time the news came, in the form of ibis’s last breath. And we made haste to Xadia
. We waited in the storm spire for the others to arrive. when I see the magical-looking glass that made them fall behind I get a horrible feeling of deja vu and have to steady myself to not lose my balance. As I see my reflection in it next to the others a strong feeling of dread and guilt overwhelm every sense I have. As I listen to the story Zubeia tells, I can't help but feel it's familiar in some way. But before I can take too much time to dwell on things a roar sounds from the throat of the mighty queen of dragons as she calls upon a storm to block us from the sun's view, as the light fades a new glow replaces it as the Mirror replaces its view of us all with a rather lavish room and a rather surprised looking startouched elf.
Seeing him froze me. Not from fear but from the fact that he was so familiar, and the way his gaze circled the room, and when his eyes turned to me he looked at me with sheer Hatred. With a wave of his hand, Callum started choking and dropped to the floor. None of us could think we were all stuck but Rayla was able to speak. and she held her hand out with uncertainty, “Callum-” she began to ask before his head snapped towards her his eyes black as a void. Aaravos waves his hand once more behind the mirror and Callum begins to stand jerking like a puppet on strings. We all take a step back, Once Callum stands fully his movements smoothen up once again and he stares into the mirror blankly his eyes turning into an iridescent white. Aaravos then smirks, and so does Callum.
Moments pass and Callum's possessed body paces back and forth his head facing down and his hands tucked neatly behind his back as we look on at the scene with disturbed and confused faces. None of us know what to do in the moment, And none of us dare take a step. That is until Ezren attempts to step toward his brother, Not getting more than an inch before Soren places a hand in front of him stopping the young king from stepping closer, suddenly Callum’s body turns to face Queen Zubeia, raising his head with a smirk on his face and a voice that's not his own “Zubeia~ you haven't aged a bit you look as Young, and ravishing as the day you betrayed me.” Zubeia huffs angrily a cloud of smoke escaping from her nostrils, as he continues speaking “So sorry to hear of your mate's untimely, and tragic passing.” He mocks before Aaravos turns Callum, his meat puppet to face the rest of us.
“So these Are the champions you've gathered to try and stop me? They are nothing but pathetic children.” he chuckles a bit before approaching Ezren and looking down at him
“The whining child king who is way over his head,” he leans down a bit “and he knows it.” Ezren looks down and I place a hand on his shoulder pulling him back as I draw my sword and raise it to Callum's possessed body. Aaravos sighs, raising Callum's hand and using two fingers to move the tip of my blade aside with an eye roll “I'll get to you later.” he sneers before turning and walking up to Rayla getting in her face a bit with a mocking grin “ahh the Moonshadow assassin who- can this be right” he turns his head away from her for a moment before looking her right in the eyes “is incapable of killing?” he lingers for a moment before turning away from her, as he turns Rayla looks down with a frown and I take as step forward Ezren stopping me as Soren did him moments prior, i look down at him and frown but take step back nonetheless.
Callum's possessed body approaches Soren “the failed son,” he says with a condescending grin as Soren looks on with Frustration “whose father wishes he was never born. And finally You.” He snaps his head towards me with a twitch as he approaches me quickly placing the palm of his hand under my chin and curling his fingers up, Digging his fingers into my cheeks harshly and pulling me closer to him, I attempt to use my arm to smack his hand off of me but before my hit can make contact he grabs my arm with his freehand and hold it in the air cutting off my circulation as I let out a muffled scream of frustration and pain. He lets out a dark chuckle “And you.” he repeats as he flashes me a chilling grin
“Aaravos stop this, She doesn't remember anything!” Zubeia jumps in with a snarl.
Aaravos makes Callum's body turn to face the Dragon queen just slightly, not releasing his grip on my face or wrist in fact he tightens them. “ You think I don't know that!” he snaps at her before looking back at me “But have no worries I'll make her remember,” he says his sickening smile returning, As I struggle in his grasp.
I feel like a mouse caught by the tail in a cat's mouth, squirming and writhing to escape. The thing is even though the mouse is aware its attempts are unlikely to make any sort of difference in the outcome of this unfortunate circumstance. It believes it might as well make life a tad more annoying for the cat before it's devoured.
“Remember what?” I attempt to shout, it's quite difficult and it comes out muffled but he still chuckles darkly, letting me know he understood every bit.
“Why how about I just show you,” he smirks disturbingly as he releases my wrist and raises his hand, his palm glows with a blue light. Even before the blood can return to my hand I start fighting to escape his grip as he attempts to place his hand on my forehead, but no matter how much I kick and scream and punch at him he doesn't budge. eventually wrestling me to the ground.
it feels like a snake that wraps its victims in its tail, strangling them to death. But this snake has no tail just hands the hands of my dear friend that He uses as a flesh puppet for his bidding,
In my last attempts at fighting, I catch a glimpse of the others. I see Rayla jump forward with her blades drawn only for Soren to grab her with both arms and keep her still. As I look back up at Callum the last thing I see isn't even him anymore, all I see is Aaravos and blue light as he places his palm on my forehead.
The feeling of burning is almost funny because blue is normally seen as a cold and calming color yet the magic that it uses burns, it burns a lot. it burns so hot that I think my flesh could seer off the bone, I scream in agony as scenes flash before my eyes. Fading in and out and then in again before I feel my consciousness slip away and blue light engulfs my vision. One of the last things I feel is my face being released and the stinging pain of it. The last thing I hear is a dark chuckle, and a crack as I hear my head hit the hard stone.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
The writers have said that they are sticking close to the second half of the book this season, which is why I don't see the trepidation that you see in the final Loumand scene. Because if any part of Louis feels like he has to sleep with Armand to keep Claudia safe, then what is the point of the missing diary pages? What is the point of Claudia yelling at him for picking another man over her? Why does Louis look 100% turned on in the preview we got of his sex scene with Armand?
The fatal flaw of the Louis/Claudia relationship in the book is that Louis is so blinded by his love for Armand that he can't fathom that he would be a threat to Claudia. This doesn't work in the show if Louis knows from the beginning that Armand is a threat. I know Jacob said that Dreamstat is Louis' inner voice, but he also said that he's his guilty conscience. Let's face it; Dreamstat singing "Come to me you little whore" isn't Louis' subconscious telling him that Armand is evil. It's Louis' guilty conscience trying to prevent him from moving on. Louis could have fallen for literally anybody in Paris and he would still have Dreamstat insulting his love interest and telling him not to go for it.
And before you accuse me of having Loumand shipper lenses on, let me just say that the only ship I'm invested in is ArmanDaniel. I enjoy Loustat and Loumand and Armandstat, but I'm not attached to any of these romances. So this isn't bias talking
Okay. All of that plays into all of this as well, of course.
However, book canonically Armand also put spells on Louis to make him do things, literally influence his actions. Makes him turn Madeleine, for example.
It is no wonder Armand comments on Louis as he does in his own book.
"Louis, my companion, dried up of his own free will, rather like a beautiful rose skillfully dehydrated in sand so that it retains its proportions, nay, even its fragrance and even its tint. For all the blood he drank, he himself became dry, heartless, a stranger to himself and tome."
I mean... the show has been very clear wrt to the "golden cage" Louis is in. It has been said so as well by Hannah.
Of course it's a complicated beast. Of course there was attraction. I'm not denying that.
But the show has also made clear that they would go the gaslighting route since the SDCC posters. Like, they never even promoted Loumand.
Given that Jacob said it would go darker from hereon... ????
DreamStat is more than a guilty conscience though, "he" says what Louis will not say out loud. I think that will come across more directly in the upcoming episodes, since we've seen some of it in the trailers already.
And, you know, sex can be fun even if you entered a relationship under difficult circumstances.
Lust was never the problem, lol.
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lionlena · 1 year
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 10
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart…  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse, unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking, sexual harassment, women abuse, violence, injury, sickness.
I'm sorry you had to wait for this new chapter for so long. I hope I will write 11 much faster ;)
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Part 10
You spent a few more days with Anna and Toby, helping them and making sure they would be ready for winter.
You were surprised at how well you all were doing. You fell into a nice rhythm. You got up first and made breakfast for everyone with Anna's help. Ellie also helped you sometimes. Teddy would get up and go straight to Joel. He often spent a few more minutes napping with his dad. Then Joel came to the kitchen with his son. Meanwhile, Toby also showed up. You ate breakfast and together planned the work that needed to be done. Once you were ready to go to work, Teddy was left in the care of Ellie and Toby.
You were positively surprised by how you all worked together. No arguments or misunderstandings. You worked together like a family.
In the evening you came back for dinner and you all spent time together playing games and having fun. If you weren't very tired, you went for a short walk with Joel.
You noticed that he was trying to give you space, but he still couldn't stop himself from hugging you and kissing your cheek, but you didn't mind.
The day always ended the same. You fell asleep in Joel's arms wearing his T-shirt and woke up in the morning.
But last night you couldn't sleep. You lay next to Joel, who was snoring lightly, and you thought about how surreal this moment was.
It's as if everything Joel did in Boston happened to someone else.
Sometimes you imagined things would have turned out differently. Joel approached you at the bar and asked if he could walk you home. Of course, you agreed. On the stairs, Joel tripped and you held him. He kissed you… Passionately and gently. Then he took you to his apartment and made love to you… No, he didn't fuck you… He was gentle and caring, and after it was all over, you fell asleep together in each other's arms. But in the morning Joel sobered up and realized that he had made a mistake. He apologized to you and told you that he wouldn't leave Tess, that you were just a child to him and he shouldn't take advantage of your naivety. Of course, that would break your heart too, you would scream and cry, but then you would calm down. The next day you would set out with Claudia into the unknown and... What would happen then? Did you fall in love with someone else?
You sighed heavily and rolled over. After a while, you felt a gentle kiss on the back of your neck and heard his hoarse, sleepy voice.
"Is something wrong, darling? Can't you sleep?"
You were silent for a moment, not sure if you should share your thoughts with him. You knew that was what a good relationship was all about, but… You also knew that Joel felt really bad about himself. He wanted to forget about how he treated you. But the problem was that it was impossible to forget. This had to be worked through.
“I think,” you finally said. "Would... Would we be here now, together, if our first time had been different? Or maybe I would have already had someone... A boyfriend, a husband... I don't know, these are stupid thoughts..."
You could feel how Joel was tense. Like you caused him physical pain, but he still wanted to be supportive of you.
"Hey, hey baby, it's not stupid… I…" His voice became almost a whisper. "Sometimes I think what would have happened if you had stayed in Boston... I don't know if it would have been better... I'm actually happy that Teddy was born here. He wouldn't have had such a happy childhood in Boston."
You nodded because you knew he was right. You wouldn't want to raise Teddy in this dirty and violent place.
You felt Joel hug you tighter and press his face into your back. You didn't want him to be so sad. You gently stroked his hand that rested on your stomach.
"What happened... It had to happen... for us to be where we are now and... We just have to live with it and move on."
Joel placed a gentle kiss on the back of your neck again.
"I don't deserve you. You're too good, too sweet, too caring... You're perfect."
You smiled softly.
"You may not deserve it, but it's what you get. Deal with it."
After a while, you added:
"There's something else."
What you were going to say was a distortion of reality, but you felt the need to say it.
"If Teddy ever asks about our beginnings, we will lie to him. Do you understand? I'm not doing it just for you, but mainly for him. I want him to know that he was created because his mom and dad loved each other... Then we argued over something stupid and we broke up before we discovered I was pregnant. But we wanted to have children, we loved each other..."
Joel murmurs softly into your neck:
"Thank you."
You couldn't see his face, but if you turned around you would see tears in his eyes.
The next day you said goodbye to Anna and Toby and promised them you would come back soon. Even Ellie seemed sad to leave them.
When you entered the gates of Jackson, it was already evening and you were all tired. You hoped that you would put your baby son to bed quickly and rest, but... Tired Teddy was sometimes cranky. You helped him get to the ground and he immediately was clinging to Joel, whining and looking at daddy with pleading eyes. Joel picked him up and rubbed his back soothingly.
"What's the matter 'bear cub'?"
"I want you to sing me at bedtime." The baby boy whined.
Joel laughed lightly and ruffled Teddy's hair.
"Of course."
You just rolled your eyes, already knowing what was coming. And you were right. It didn't end with one song. Teddy also wanted you to tell him a story and hug him. Then he wanted his dad to bring him something to drink and hug him. Then he wanted both of you... Then again only dad. And he said all this while looking at you with those sweet but tired brown eyes of his, so neither of you could even get angry at him.
Joel sat down next to you on the couch with a huff after singing a song to his son for the fourth time.
"He fell asleep..."
You giggled slightly.
"Well, apparently he inherited my fondness for your voice."
Joel smiled to himself. He couldn't deny that your words brought a pleasant warm feeling to his chest.
"I think that's not the only thing he inherited from you. He's sweet, but sometimes he's…"
Joel looked at you and you frowned. Feigning indignation you said:
"You mean he's stubborn like me."
Joel looked at you, flustered, and scratched the back of his neck.
"No... that's not what I meant...what I meant was that he's relentless."
You laughed and gave him an amused look.
"Relax. I'm just joking."
Joel sighed and leaned further into the couch. He closed his eyes.
"I'm tired."
You nodded.
"Me too. I'll fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow."
With a groan, Joel stood up and leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"Good night. See you tomorrow."
You closed your eyes and whispered.
"Good night."
However, some time later you discovered how wrong you were. You were tired, and yet you were rolling over on the mattress for an hour. You couldn't find a comfortable position on the bed and it was ridiculous. The bed at Anna and Toby's house was uncomfortable, and yet you slept perfectly well... Did you really get used to Joel's presence that quickly?
You groaned in frustration and got out of bed. You remembered Joel's warmth and scent, his solid chest...
“Ugh…Y/N, pull yourself together.”
You decided to go to the kitchen and get something to drink. You poured yourself some water and leaned against the kitchen counter. You felt that your drowsiness had completely left you. You were still extremely tired and wondering what you could do when you heard a soft knock. At first, you froze. A shiver of fear ran through your body. Who could be knocking on your door so late? You carefully looked out the window and immediately took a breath. Even in the dim light, you would recognize who this silhouette belongs to. You opened the door with a slight smile.
"Joel, what happened?"
You were sure he had gone to bed long ago. You stepped aside to let him in and you noticed that he looked tired.
"I wanted to ask the same thing, I noticed you had the light on in the bedroom and the kitchen and... I wanted to check if everything was okay with you, and Teddy."
You nodded and looked at him gratefully. It was nice to feel that someone cared about you and your son. You led him to the kitchen, where you sat down across from each other.
"Teddy's sleeping... I can't sleep..."
And then suddenly something hit you. Joel wouldn't be able to see your bedroom window and kitchen from his house, which meant...
"Joel? What were you doing exactly? Wandering around? I thought you were already asleep."
Joel shrugged and rubbed his face.
"I can't sleep," he muttered quietly.
You raised your eyebrows and huffed in amusement.
"You? You never have trouble falling asleep."
He looked at you as if you had offended him. "I don't fall asleep on watch." Then, a little shyly, he replied: "The bed seems too big to me."
You felt your heart beat faster, understanding what he meant, but you decided to tease him some more.
"Have you tried falling asleep on the couch?"
Joel gasped in surprise. "I... Umm... Maybe I really should."
You started laughing and stood up from your seat. You walked up to him and stood in between his legs, resting your hands on his shoulders and looking down at him.
"I think I slept better with you next to me."
Joel sighed in relief and gently placed his hands on your hips. "Me too, honey... Do you think... Do you think we can sleep in the same bed tonight?"
You bit your lip and smiled. You had another idea.
"It does not make sense."
Joel looked at you with sadness, even fear. He started to wonder what he had done wrong and was about to remove his hands from your body when you said:
"Living next to each other, instead of together." Joel's eyes lit up. "I think I'm ready... The last week we spent together showed me that this would be the best and easiest thing. Let's be honest, Joel... We won't be able to sleep tomorrow either... And the day after tomorrow."
Joel very carefully began to stroke your sides. "Do I understand this correctly? Will you and Teddy live with me and Ellie?"
You smiled and replied, "Yes."
Joel pulled you closer to him and hugged you tightly. You started stroking his hair and slowly felt sleepiness coming back to you. You were about to ask him to go to the bedroom with you when you heard his hesitant question.
"Y/N, what are we exactly? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to force you to define our relationship... I just don't know. Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?"
You giggled at his expression. Joel wasn't the best at these kinds of conversations, but he sure was sweet.
"I don't know." You answered honestly. "We are the parents of a wonderful baby boy, that's for sure. We've become friends, despite our complicated past... And I guess we're partners... You know, I mean... Friends don't do that..."
You leaned up and lightly kissed him on the lips and he grunted in pleasure. His hand ran through your hair. When you pulled away from him, you both sighed in contentment. You rested your forehead against his and sighed. His large hands caressed your sides and back. You felt the heat coming from his body and for you, it was like sleeping pills. You moved away from him a bit and muttered:
"I don't know how to define exactly what's going on between us. But does it matter? We'll figure it out later but for now... Let's go to sleep."
Joel eagerly followed you to the bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt. As you lay down next to him, a wave of peace immediately washed over you. All he had to do was wrap his arms around you and you immediately began to drift off to sleep. Before you fell asleep completely, you felt Joel kiss your head tenderly.
A few days later, you officially moved in with Joel and Ellie. You were sure of your decision. You really felt like it was the right thing to do. Not only did it make taking care of Teddy easier, but it also made your relationship with Joel stronger and took it to a new level. Not to mention that your son went crazy with joy. You've never seen him pack his things so quickly. And he didn't even complain. With a broad smile on his face, he moved his things to the new house and new room. Seeing his happy face filled you with joy and peace.
You thought that nothing could disturb your peace. But you were wrong.
You were feeding the horses when Ellie ran into the stable.
You looked carefully at the teenage girl. She looked nervous and you immediately stopped what you were doing.
"Something happened?"
Ellie took a deep breath as if trying to steady her nerves.
"Well... Did you hear that new people have arrived?"
You nodded and wondered why that would be a reason to be nervous. You thought it was good that the community was growing. You calmly replied:
"Yes, Sofia has already told me everything. Two older women, one younger with a little daughter, and two teenage boys. Is that right?"
Ellie still didn't look calm.
"Yes and umm... This young woman..."
"What about her?"
Ellie opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, and took a deep breath.
"She's fine, she's just..."
You both looked at Maria as she entered the stable. You smiled slightly when you saw her pregnant belly. You still had a tense relationship from the moment you stood up for Joel, but you still wished her the best.
Maria gave you and Ellie a weak smile and immediately decided to get to the point.
"Is your old house available now?"
Her question surprised you. The truth was that you left a few things behind because... Despite the feelings you felt for Joel and the certainty that you had made the right decision, you wanted an emergency exit. You felt you had the right to do so after everything you had been through.
"Uh... Actually... I left some summer clothes there and... A few other things."
Maria raised her eyebrows. "I thought your move to Joel's was permanent."
You felt an unpleasant pang in your chest. "Because it is." You said quickly and maybe a little too loudly. "I just didn't have time to move everything, so I decided some things could stay there for now."
"I understand, but I would like you to take everything away. Your old house will become a new home for our new resident, her daughter, and her elderly mother."
You felt like you were out of breath. You were sure that you would have a happy future with Joel, but... The uncertainty was still inside you and it was hard for you to come to terms with losing your safe oasis that was your home so quickly. But you knew there was no point in arguing about it. You tried to look casual as you said,
"Oh... Yeah, sure. I'll do it soon."
Ellie looked at you sympathetically and quickly added, "I'll help you."
Maria nodded. "Okay. I'll come with them soon."
Before you left the stables, Ellie grabbed your arm.
"Maybe let's talk to Joel so he can talk to Tommy. It's not fair that Maria is taking your house. There are several other empty houses in the city. She's doing it maliciously."
You sighed heavily and shook your head. "No, Ellie... I don't want Joel to know that I wanted an escape route. He's trying so hard to make things better between us. I don't want him to think that I doubt him... That I assume that it won't work out. Maybe it's for the best."
Ellie nodded and you both started walking towards your old house. You saw that the teenage girl was thinking about something. She obviously wanted to tell you something, but she didn't know how. But you didn't have time to ask her about it. You focused on getting all your things as quickly as possible.
With Ellie's help, it went really smoothly. You were just taking the last box outside when you noticed Maria with three new Jackson residents in front of the house. You almost dropped the box and looked at Ellie. You realized that was what she was trying to tell you.
The young woman who stood next to Maria looked like a younger version of Tess. You felt a knot in your stomach and swallowed hard. You wanted to scream at the universe and ask why it hated you. Then you woke up. Just because she looked like Tess, didn't mean Joel would abandon you. But still, you couldn't help but feel uneasy that a woman who looked like your partner's former lover would be living next door. You heard Ellie lightly clear her throat as she tried to bring you back to reality.
"Oh, hello... The house is empty now."
Maria nodded. "That's great. I present to you Emily, her mother Lucia, and her daughter Rose."
The little girl waved at you shyly and you tried to smile. She was a similar age to Teddy, so Joel... You mentally cursed yourself for your ridiculous thoughts. Joel was in love with you and Teddy was his world. He wouldn't abandon you just because some woman looked like Tess and had a daughter.
“I'm Y/N, this is Ellie…” You felt your voice shake slightly. "We live next door with my son Teddy and... My... My partner Joel."
You tried to make the word "partner" sound as loud as possible. Ellie looked at you with her eyebrows slightly raised. Well, you will be going to explain to her what "marking territory" means when she is older.
"How old is your son?" Emily asked.
"He'll be seven soon."
"Oh, that's wonderful. Rose turned six a month ago... I hope that once we get settled and rest, we'll get to know each other better."
You stuck a fake smile on your face.
"That would be great, now... Let's go now. We still have a few things to do, right Ellie?"
The girl nodded nervously. "Yeah, sure... We have to make dinner for Joel..."
"That's right. See you later."
As soon as you entered the house, you threw the box in the corner and immediately stood by the window in the living room, where you could see your 'old' house.
"Is this what you wanted to tell me?" you asked, quickly glancing at Ellie.
The girl nodded and carefully approached you.
"She is not that similar... On closer view, she is actually completely different."
You smiled slightly at her attempts at comfort and looked out the window again.
"She's very similar" you muttered sadly.
Ellie immediately tried to distract you from your bad thoughts.
"Hey, let's go to the kitchen... I'm hungry and... Standing by the window won't change anything."
You nodded and moved towards her. Ellie was right. Standing by the window and staring at Tess's doppelgänger didn't change anything. But there was something else you needed to know.
"Ellie, has Joel seen her yet?"
The teenage girl shrugged.
"I do not know, probably no."
"Okay. Let's go get something to eat."
For the rest of the day, you tried to keep your mind occupied. But no matter what you did, you always glanced towards your former home.
When Joel returned, you began to watch him carefully and waited for the right moment to talk. He acted very normal. He gave you a kiss on the cheek to greet you, he played with Teddy and, unlike you, he didn't constantly glance towards the window. You started to wonder if he had seen Emily. If not, maybe you can somehow maintain this state longer. Then you rolled your eyes... That was a ridiculous idea. How would you implement this plan? You would lock Joel in the house, or maybe you would cover his eyes? Tess's doppelgänger literally lived on your doorstep.
His deep voice brought you out of your thoughts. You were sitting on the couch and looking out the window.
Joel sat down next to you and gently placed his hand on your knee. He looked at you worriedly.
"This is about your house? Right."
You blinked your eyes in shock. Well, Joel may not have gotten to the heart of the problem, but he was close.
"I... It's not..."
Joel gave you a reassuring smile.
“It's okay that you wanted to still have a safe place. I don't blame you for that and…” He gently lifted your chin so you were looking straight into his eyes. "I want you to be aware that if things don't work out between us, I will move out. You don't have to worry about not having a home."
You felt a surge of gratitude. It was surprising how well Joel already knew you. But not being able to return to your previous home wasn't the only problem. You had to bring this up. There was no point in running away from it anyway.
"Have you seen our new neighbor?" you asked quietly and he nodded. “She reminds me of Tess,” you said even more quietly and swallowed.
You watched Joel's face carefully for any signs of nervousness, but he still looked at you calmly. Not a muscle in his face even twitched at the mention of Tess.
"I don't know... Maybe a little. Does it matter?"
You gave him a look like, "Seriously?"
"You were in a relationship with Tess."
Joel looked at you surprised. He was still trying to figure out what this had to do with your new neighbor.
"Yes, I was in a relationship with Tess and it was... A specific relationship. We were comfortable together. You know? Tess was a convenient option for me in Boston. We worked and slept together." Joel grabbed your hands. "But I don't know if that relationship would last here. I think I would probably be too interested in you and would like to spend time with Teddy."
You could hear the genuine sincerity in his voice and it calmed your nerves a bit.
"Okay. I guess I got a little carried away with anxiety and the ridiculous idea that you and Emily... It's stupid."
Joel pulled you to him and kissed your forehead.
"Wait... What were you afraid of? That I would abandon you as soon as I saw someone like Tess." Joel couldn't hide the slight amusement in his voice. "Honey, she's just a woman of similar looks like Tess... I don't know her. And her looks don't matter because I only have my eyes on one woman."
He gently brushed his lips against yours.
"Only you."
You sighed and relaxed in his arms. For a moment you forgot about your anxiety. Joel wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tighter. You rested your head on his chest and tried to focus on his heartbeat, but deep inside you still felt this unexplainable fear. You felt the shadows of your past return and you were afraid they would consume you.
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Part 9
Part 11
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*I don't know if tags work ;( If anyone knows how to make them work, let me know
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amadeoapologist · 3 months
i also think armand fundamentally does not know how to make people happy because he himself is unhappy. i was talking with my friend about louis and how louis still uses human markers of wealth and success that lestat and claudia and armand don't understand. louis wants to own things, he wants to invest in profitable endeavors. i don't think he wants to laze about in his wealth, but he wants to work hard and have it pay off and he wants to see the tangible products of his efforts.
and i'm bringing this up in relation to armand because i think this mindset explains some of the disconnect in dubai, beyond just the circumstances with lestat that got them there. because louis feels lobotomized to me in his cold modern penthouse where he's disconnected from his food, he's disconnected from other vampires, he doesn't work. he buys and sells artwork he appears to have only a passing interest in, he's tempered his accent. he sleeps in a bed and not a coffin, he eats at the table.
and i've been trying to wrap my head around that and how he ended up there, but i'm starting to think a lot of that is armand trying to give louis what he thinks louis wants to feel satiated. louis wants independence and nice things and obvious markers of wealth. so. have this penthouse with the most coldly, impersonally stylish decor. acquire this expensive artwork and then sell it so you can buy something more expensive. if you won't hunt, then here--dine on fine china.
i'm not saying armand holds all the money or anything, we don't know their finances. but i could see him continuously providing louis with expensive things in the hopes that will satisfy louis' desire to feel successful (and also because he has a metric fuckton to make up for and this is one way he tries), but it doesn't because what is louis doing to earn it? money makes money and it seems like louis doesn't have to do anything any more but coast, which is, as armand fears, boring. but idk if he knows how to address that because armand doesn't understand louis' perspective in the first place.
i think i love and empathize with armand so much because he's the one character on the show who feels, at his core, like he isn't good enough. i don't think this is as much a struggle for louis or lestat or claudia, but i think it is for armand. armand is pathetic. he's morally void, and he's too damn weak to grow a fucking backbone and stand by his choices without couching them in lies, because he can't accept being perceived as someone who would make those decisions. he wants affection. he craves approval.
(lmao old school a/n here--i wrote most of this before the finale and damn......i was spot on re: armand couching choices in lies lolololol)
people keep making posts about how armand seems a bit too invested in daniel's opinion of him. and obviously there's an armandiel bent to those, but i also think it's because daniel is the most objective person in the room. he isn't objective because he's tangled up in their story, too, but he's outside of the partnership. he's a journalist. he's an archivist of some version of the truth. and i think he wants daniel to see him how he wants to be seen. he didn't want daniel to think he was boring in san francisco, and he doesn't want daniel to think he's boring now decades later. he wants the external validation from someone outside of his unit to tell him he did the best he could. which obviously daniel won't do, which makes armand want it more.
there's a very good chance i'm completely wrong and talking out my ass and just a pathetic armand apologist myself, but idk. every episode makes me more curious about him. i started season 2 really disinterested in armand and lowkey put off by his presence. but the season has shifted things for me slowly but surely, and now i think armand is one of the most interesting characters on the show. and that makes me love him even more.
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ca-suffit · 3 months
sorry how long this is, but this fandom is pissing me off so much and I need to rant a little before I explode lol.
-- madeleine (nonchalantly) says of sleeping with a literal nazi, "I was inviting a frightened boy to cradle my tits," and then when louis turns her we see this as a pleasant memory, and I'm supposed to believe someone who could take pity on a nazi (even if he "wasn't dedicated to the cause") and remember him fondly isn't going to be racist? so I'm the weird one for finding claudeine to be a gross ship and being exasperated by seeing edits of them flood my dash? and every time I talk about this on ANY platform, I mostly get ignored and the few people who do interact w my posts are denying it and saying she had to do it to survive, as if she didn't also literally say she grew up rich like 30 seconds prior.
-- a decent chunk of the anti lestat crowd insists he participated in the trial as an act of revenge and can't say his name w/o talking about how they hate him (bc his racism + abuse), and these are the same people going apeshit over ben daniels saying that santiago was gay and in love with armand, as if he isn't one of the most antiblack characters we've met on the show bc he was quite literally eager to put on the trial solely bc he hated louis for falling asleep during one of his performances. and don't get me started on his monologue about claudia's ashes. and yet ppl are excitedly eating ben's interview up. 🙄
-- the narrative literally showing us that lestat has changed since the attempted murder (going off script on the trial in defense of louis & claudia, taking accountability for his abuse, staying silent about the fact that he was the one to save louis & letting him leave w armand when we know how terrifying being alone is for lestat, spending decades living in that shack and eating rats to punish himself vs the hedonistic & decadent lifestyle we saw him living in s1) and the anti lestat crowd claiming this is just him being manipulative and are furious that the writers had louis forgive him. like normally I agree that it's in very poor taste to paint an abuser as sympathetic, but the thing about this show is that these characters are immortal and have all the time in the world to change. like this isn't the writers sweeping it under the rug, they're explicitly acknowledging how horrific lestat's behavior was and there are literally canon glimpses showing us that lestat has become a better person (and I'm sure this will be fleshed out more next season as we'll get his pov) and, like, isn't it a good thing to see an abusive character realize the error of their ways and alter their behavior and become better????? like it's fair to not want to see that, but this is the wrong show to be watching if you can't handle seeing abusers change their ways & being forgiven by the people they've hurt (especially since it's pretty much confirmed armand/daniel is going to happen at some point and given I'm sure they'll be circling around each other, I feel confident that louis will eventually forgive armand too)
ur fine, u can rant! I have a lot in my inbox but I try to get to it all eventually in whatever way.
idk how much u wanted me to comment on anything or not, but I'm gonna add comments and u do whatever u want with it.
a) ur never going to have an easy time criticizing a white woman in fandom. it reflects too much of what fandom is usually made up of and ppl will usually tell u it's misogyny to judge these characters if u ever try (most of the time it's not, but that's a convenient excuse to shut down convos).
the show intentionally makes everyone do p questionable shit, especially the white characters. it doesn't tell u how to feel about it, that's up to u. that makes ppl uncomfortable. it goes further too when it is someone like madeleine, who is otherwise seen in positive ways. it's reflective of real life and that's what scares ppl the most. nobody ever fits in a box of only "good" or "bad." a lot of what the book for IWTV asks too is what defines that anyways? and S1 also said "are we the sum of our worst moments?" so it is constantly asking u that and it is for u to decide and reflect on.
b) white, gay stuff is also gonna be popular in fandoms. ben daniels is also gay irl and his husband just died so there's crossover from that to praising his character bcuz ppl feel sympathy for him. I also think ppl detach more from his actions bcuz he's not romantically linked to the characters he's torturing. ppl also just honestly dgaf about antiblackness anyways so for most ppl it's easy to overlook. which is how we get posts like this.
I mean, u can also like whatever characters u like for any reason. some ppl like characters not bcuz they support what they do, but bcuz they're just enjoyable to watch in performance or connection to the plot or whatever. I think examining santiago after what ben said about his performance is something ppl should be able to do, and again it circles back to the stuff I wrote for madeleine. where does ur (general u) discomfort lie and why? as u said, if it's ppl who dislike lestat then it's worth looking at that too, why are the characters different then?
c) there's sort of 2 things happening for this part. the first is that 2x8 did have pacing issues, for whatever reasons. a lot of ppl felt like it flattened the plot and characters for the sake of making lestat look the best (over armand) and rly shoving it in out of nowhere. the second part is what u said about the themes. I've always figured they were going to explore forgiveness and personal growth, but I also know it isn't going to be easy for ppl to follow. hopefully the full seasons coming do a better job of this but for 2x8 there were a lot of reasons ppl felt crazy about the way it was shown to us. I also agree that other characters will have these journeys with each other too. it was just such a sharp turn for S2 to end on highlighting the white character we've otherwise seen as being p horrible and suddenly saying "it's the brown character who rly did the worst!" I don't think they intended to come across like that but it's how it landed for a lot of ppl. it doesn't mean ppl have an issue with the concept of forgiveness and stuff otherwise. we'll have to see how it goes. but ya there's 2 things going on there for this rn.
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ilovewriting06 · 5 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 7
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"Okay! Okay! I think this is as good as it's going to get."
I look over to Stiles to see him nod in agreement before I look back at the Stilinski household basement that has been set up to house Amelia's pack, which should be arriving tomorrow night.
After two days of discussion the pack decided that the basement at the Stilinski house is not only the safest but also the only reasonable option. Since there are kids involved we can't just say to hell with it and let them rough it in the woods so Stiles and I have been scrambling since Wednesday (it's now Friday) to set up the basement so that 10 children and six adults could stay until a better solution was found.
The basement was renovated years ago so that it could be turned into a game/play room but Claudia got sick and it stayed empty, except for the two beanbag chairs and tv that were stashed away in the corner. Stiles and I scrubbed it from floor to ceiling before moving in four twin sized air mattresses, small but practical for the space and it allows for the adults to have their own space.
The children aren't so lucky. For the kids there are two queen sized air mattresses and then sleeping bags and blankets scattered on the floor for them to decide from. There is room for everyone to sleep but it will definitely be a little crowded, but we're hoping that this is just a temporary set up.
I smile before bumping Stiles' shoulder, "I should probably head over to Lydia's. I'll try and be home by two tomorrow but you know Lydia when it comes to planning."
Stiles grimaces slightly before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me to stand in front of him, "I sure do, and as long as you're home before Amelia gets here it's fine."
I lean into him as I wrap my arms around his waist and sigh, "I'm gonna miss you."
"I know, I'll miss you too but this will be good practice for us and if it gets too much I can come get you."
I press a kiss to the scar of my teeth on his neck before pulling away, "Alright, come on, you have to drive me."
"Oh. My. God! He didn't!"
I snort at Lydia as Erica nods and says, "Oh he most certainly did. Most romantic moment of my life."
I lean across the couch and pat Erica's arm, "You mean the only romantic moment of your life."
She rolls her eyes, "You're one to talk, Stiles is the only dude you've ever known. How do you even know that he's the one if you never experienced anyone else?"
Lily snarls at the comment but I smile and shrug, "I just knew. Kind of how you know the sun's bright. No one has to tell you, you just know because it's right there in front of you. It's been like that since day one with Stiles, he was and still is, my metaphorical sun."
Erica snorts, "Kinda taboo to be sleeping with your son there Y/n."
I don't even know who said it because I was too busy laughing. When I finally catch my breath, I wipe my tears and move to look Erica in the eye, "But Erica, honestly, I'm glad Stiles was the only one I ever gave my heart to because I never had to experience heartbreak."
There's silence for a minute before I whisper, "At least not yet."
Lydia, who is sitting in between me and Erica whips her head around to stare at me, "What do you mean not yet? Aren't you two tied to each other for like, the rest of eternity or some shit?"
I nod and lean back on the couch, "Yeah, but the witch, Amelia, didn't you hear her?"
Lydia scoffs, "You mean the 'great heartbreak before the great joy?' Yeah, we all heard her but she was probably lying so you felt like you owed her or something."
I raise an eyebrow before Erica shakes her head, "She wasn't."
Lydia, Kira, and Allison look between Erica and I in confusion so I give a weak smile and finish what Erica was saying, "She wasn't lying, her heartbeat stayed steady. And I can just feel it, it's like my whole body knew that what she was saying is true, and Stiles felt it too."
Kira moves so she's sitting on the floor and leaning on the coffee table in front of the couch before frowning, "What do you think it is?"
"I don't know, but it's coming, I can feel it."
"Oh my gosh, Y/n/n, that place is gorgeous!"
I smile as we crowd around my laptop that currently has the venue Stiles and I decided on pulled up. After everyone got their laugh in about it's name being Enchanted Gardens we scrolled through the pictures and we all decided it was perfect.
The picture we are currently stopped on is the exact area that Stiles and I want to get married at. There is a giant willow tree with a beautiful pond behind it and a lot of open space for seating arrangements, all in all it's my dream venue.
Lydia flips through the rest of the pictures and we silently wait for her final verdict and when she finally speaks I can't help my proud smirk, "I agree, it's perfect, especially with the colors you decided on."
I cross my arms and lean back in my chair, "Mhmm, those were my thoughts. Now I just need to reserve it but Stiles and I want to go see it in person just to make sure it lives up to the pictures and then we'll reserve it."
Allison nods as she looks through the picture since Lydia hogged the laptop when she flipped through them, "That's smart and I have to agree with Lydia, this place just seems perfect for you two."
I smile before Lydia claps her hands together, "Okay, now we need to decide on what you want for the bridesmaid dresses. Do you want the maid of honor dress to be different and if so do you want the style or the color to be different, or both. I personally don't care as long as you like it and I don't look like I'm wearing a trash bag."
I roll my eyes before laughing, "You won't look like you're wearing a trash bag and I was thinking maybe keeping it the same color but I haven't decided if I want a different style or not."
Lydia nods before stealing the laptop back and setting it in between us on the table, "Why don't we just look at some of the different styles and decide on that first and then we can work on the smaller details."
I shrug and look at the other girls before shrugging, "Sounds good to me."
As Lydia scrolls through the dresses from the wedding boutique a few towns over, I look for a dress style that would compliment all four of them when I see it. I squeak before repeatedly tapping Lydia's arm, "Up, up, go back up!"
She sighs before scrolling up until I squeak again, "Stop! That one, that one right there." She looks at me with a raised eyebrow but I can see the smile threatening to make an appearance as she clicks on the picture. All of the girls crows around and I smile, "I think that's the one. I like the style and the color, what do you guys think?"
They all nod as Lydia speaks for them all, "I like it and with California temperatures it looks like a reasonably light dress so we won't be sweating our makeup off. Plus that color would go great with the venue. You already have the sage green color you like with the tree and the grass so making the bridesmaid dresses dusty rose will offset the green and give you the colors you want."
They all nod in agreement as Allison speaks, "Plus it has that simplistic look you want."
I hum in agreement before looking between them, "So, we're all in agreement?"
The nod in sync with a quick, 'yup,' before I smile and nod, "Alright then, that's the style and color we want, just have to show the dress boutique what we want when we go for dress fittings but I think that's the dress."
Lydia smiles, "Now for the wedding dress. I've been waiting for this part since you go here. What are you wanting?"
I smirk before opening Pinterest and scrolling through the wedding dresses I've saved throughout the years, "Something like those."
Lydia raises here eyebrows before she nods, "Alright then, simple yet elegant, chiffon or lace, no sleeves, and nothing too poofy. Did I get that right?"
I nod with an approving smile, "Yes ma'am, you sure did. I actually have one picked out but I want your guys' opinion on it."
With those words I'm practically being tackled as all of them, except Lydia who is sitting beside me rather than standing behind me, clamber over me to see the laptop better.
"What is it?!"
"I want to see it!"
"Why didn't you start with that?!"
"OW! Move your bony little elbow, Kira!"
That last one was Erica who had somehow managed to get one of Kira's elbows directly elbowed into her ribs. I roll my eyes before pulling the laptop towards me and pulling up the wedding dress I picked out a few weeks ago, not long after we got engaged.
"Oh my God!"
"It's beautiful!"
"Stiles is going to go feral!"
"Someone's getting knocked up on their wedding night."
Everyone stops and turns to look at Erica but she just shrugs, "I'm just saying, it's gonna happen. They're all over each other and they already said they were going to start trying after they were married. So my prediction is that the night of the wedding is the night Stilinski Junior is conceived."
I shake my head as I chuckle, "You're ridiculous."
I jump off the couch as someone knocks at the door at the same time that Stiles walks out of the kitchen. We make eye contact as Scott follows Stiles into the entryway before we send reassurance down the bond to each other.
Once the door open and Amelia steps through, obviously surveying the room, she nods before turning to Stiles and Scott, "Is it alright if they come in now? They're quite tired from the journey."
Stiles looks at me and I give a small nod and as if the flood gates have opened the living room is swarmed with children. I chuckle as a few of them immediately crawl onto the couch and curl up to sleep while the others look around the room in awe. I smile as I walk towards Amelia, "Amelia, it's nice to see you again. I hope you didn't have any issues."
She smiles before motioning the rest of the pack inside and then closing the door, "We didn't have any trouble thankfully. Let me introduce you to the rest of the pack."
Stiles wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me close to him as Amelia introduces the rest of the group. I pay attention until I feel a pair of eyes watching me.
I furrow my eyebrows before turning my head and I feel my breath catch in my throat when I look into whiskey amber eyes, and these ones don't belong to my mate, but they sure as hell look like his. I watch wide eyed as the toddler, who is being held by Leah, and appears to be no more than a year old stares at me, blinks and then coos.
Amelia notices the awe filled staring contest and something about her smile seems like she knew this was going to happen, "This is Lola, she's our newest addition and currently the youngest we have. She doesn't like many people but she seems to have taken to you two quickly."
I tilt my head in confusion until I feel the love and awe rolling off of Stiles in waves. I glance at him to see that the toddler, Lola, is staring at him with the same happy intensity that she was staring at me with. When she turns back to me her eyes flash beta gold and it's like something between us snapped into place and the shocked gasp from Stiles told me he felt it too.
I feel my heart stutter as Lily practically jumps around in my chest chanting, 'Mine. Ours. Baby. Protect.'
A/N- I struggled so much to pick a wedding dress so if you don't like it, feel free to change it to whatever you wanted. Let me know your thoughts on this part!
Tag List: @ah-blossom @gabby988
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theoakleafpancake · 2 months
Okay so I think I've had enough time to get my thoughts together, and after watching the new season twice back to back, here are my highlights for each episode (Basically me taking the thoughts I had written down and condensing them) (Do not keep reading if you haven't watched it yet :)) This is going to be a very long post
Chapter 1: Startouched
First of all, still can't get over Aaravos's crying. Pack it up, Santa Claus 🤚
The new Viren intro? Hello? Is he dead? He must be
Was very disappointed to realize that he was, in fact, not dead
Terry is still thriving. We stan him
Rest in peace, Sir Sparklepuff
Claudia was abandoned by her mother and her brother (in her eyes), and now her father, too, whom she sacrificed so much to save.
Her sobs are chilling
Soren is an icon, as usual, he and Opeli are the best duo
"Fellowship of the Pearl" ELROND??
Stella is the number one Rayllum stan
Seriously, why does everyone sleep in full uniform?? Except Rayla. She gets comfort
"What have I done" my poor boy is never going to sleep again
"He took our blankie" LMAOO
Barius could be an award-winning baker in our world
"I'll be fine. I have my blankie." I'm going to live by this phrase
Claudia, PLEASE get some therapy
Chapter 2: Love, War and Mushrooms
Ayo we get a Claudia intro now??? Leave my girl alone
"I'm happy to see you, too." Good. Now kiss
Karim's reflection in the crown :( poor Janai
"What am I not seeing?" Corvus, honey. There are weirdly-colored mushrooms. EVERYWHERE.
Not him having to babysit Soren and Hat
"But I will do what I must" Karim stop trying to be Viren
Ezran and Zym being brothers <3
Soren's carrying the entire show with the modern references "Among Us"
"If I ever start to doubt you, I'll know I am truly lost" crying rn
I did not expect Soren to have beef with a mushroom
Hello?? The parallel scene with Janai and Karim's speeches?? I am speechless?? It's beautiful.
Fun sized Zym!
Each group adopted a baitling and I'm here for it
Chapter 3: The Frozen Ship
"Aww, look at that pair, Sneezles and Snoozles" as he's having a traumatic nightmare LMAO
Terry is still waiting for her...
I love Earthblood magic
"Evil black ice" preach, Rayla
They really put the ship monologue in, didn't they 😭
"I mean, you can sit here and draw pictures up the ship, but does that change anything?" hey, shut up <3
Y'know what, forget the plot twists and everything, I wanna know how Claudia's nails stay perfect
Rayla sobbing over a love tragedy while Callum's out in the freezing snow
"Rayla, I'm here!" *door slams in his face*
"Rayla..." *gives a super soft look* "all this time...you were READING?" Writers how dare you
WE GET DAD LORE, EVERYONE. HIS NAME IS DAMIEN. HE WAS A POET. AND HE HAD A BREATHING DISEASE. Maybe the same like Soren? Could he have been saved with Dark Magic????
Callum just share the blanket...YES
Stella the wingman
Claudia is slaying with that new haircut
TERRY WAS COLLECTING THE STICKS TO MAKE HER A LEG HJLEFHKBEFAHKBEF "I did it for you!" kuhewfkhuefw "I would do anything for you." YES
Idk why but the animation during the argument was just *chef's kiss*
"I promise." Hey. No. Stop it.
"I am a humble servant!" How the turns have tabled
Aw, Viren's begging and sobbing on the ground like the pathetic man he is.
"Good. You don't deserve any." LET'S GO, EZRAN
Chapter 4: The Starscraper
I was expecting Callum to just be shot up in the sky like he was walking into a geyser, tbh
but the starscaper is giving minecraft beacons
I was kind of expecting a "BUT it's a living creature and deserves to not be used for parts" but ig we'll settle for a "BUT it's sooo cute"
"Hello, we need help." "Drop." Well alright then
Claudia, yes. Step away from Aaravos. No, he does not deserve your help. nO
"I need to see my dad, he can tell me the right path" Yeah, I don't think she's gonna see her dad again
"How do you all feel about spiders" haha nOPE I'm out
Oh, yay. Sol Regem.
"No" HA
"No horns! But greasy hair..." dang Astrid what did Callum do to you
The novablade was given to a human girl?? The Orphan Queen, mayhaps?? 👀
Thank you Terry, for saving Claudia from using that vial
ohhh, Soren's about to get severe whiplash
Chapter 5: Moonless Night
Soren's serious and I don't like it
LMAO not Stella trying to steal Callum's book
"Maybe I just want to see you suffer" As you should, Soren
"And I'm so proud of you" "Everything you're telling me is some kind of lie" OUCH
Viren being miserable brings me joy
Not the wet socks :(
Rayla girlbossing as usual
her seeing the good in the ones that everyone else thinks is a monster >>>>
I want to pet Esmeray
Moana who? I only know Rayla
"Luna's love is with you even if she's not" didn't Runaan say something similar to Ethari before he left??
What's the significance of the bells
Imagine the first thing you see in your life is the stars...I think I'd transcend, too
Kosmo's getting his magical girl transformation
"Your star is...darkness" That wasn't very nice >:(
Lain's face is full of defiance while Tiadrin and Runaan are terrified
Poor Callum
The scene with Viren shouting to Aaravos he can't control him, and then panning to the fly caught in a spiderweb is a nice touch
Chapter 6: Moment of Truth
The parallels of both Viren and Harrow writing a letter to their son
Lissa is gorgeous
Nooo, writers, stop trying to make me feel sympathy for the rat man
Kpp'Ar?!? Isn't actually a bad guy?
Kosmo you broke Callum
"You might have all the power of the cosmos but you're still dumb" Astrid ily
Did he just?? Hit the restart button? I want that. Give me the power of the cosmos :(
Callum's stronger than I am cause I would have walked out as soon as she mentioned the spider was going to bite me
"Without magic, you're just a frail old man" who's talking now, Viren
Oh. "I watched it fill with her tears" my hatred of you has increased tenfold, Viren
That letter needs to go to Claudia instead of Soren
Stella bringing out the popcorn lmao
Chapter 7: The Red Wedding
The way he caresses her face adiwefiijefjioef
Not Stella being mean to Sneezles for messing up another Raylum kiss
Ooh, they're getting married! But Karim has to be a little POS and ruin it with an army
Aanya, beloved
Hmm I saw you moving closer to Ezran there
Janaya for life
"Specifically, we tried to kill each other" true love at it's finest
They keep bringing attention to Pharos's wound and I don't like it
Get married, kill your traitorous brother, and eat cake, all in a day's work
THE WAY THEY LOOK AT EACH OTHER they're literally perfect
"Of course I love my sister! I still want to take everything she ever loved from her!" Brother of the year award
So many of my problems could be fixed with an exploding arrow
Ezran didn't reach them in time IS HE GONNA DIE WITH THEM
Oh no he's heading for Katolis oh NO
Chapter 8: We All Fall Down
I am...I have no words for this. (Seriously, I didn't have a lot of notes for this bit. Just seeing Katolis being burned to the ground, the townspeople about to die...the writers were brilliant at letting us feel their horror and fear)
Hat survived tho
"Take good care of Hat" you act like you're about to die??
There are a lot of names I'd like to call Aaravos, but I won't say them
"I can't" oh do something for ONCE
"Take my heart." I'm sorry??? No???
Viren. Why is there blood on the knife what did you DO
He carved his own heart. He CARVED his OWN HEART
Soren's alive tho
Ladies and gentlemen, Viren is finally dead. And even though I still hate him, his death sequence was top tier
Ew, pathetic beast (Sol Regem)
Aaravos, I hope you choke on your own tears <3
Claudia, the tragedy that you are
She lost her father TWICE
I forgot Lujanne had a husband. Or boyfriend. Did she and Allen get married? I don't remember
Thank you for being the ONLY reasonable one here, Terry
Claudia and Callum are after the same spell??
He needed Sol Regem's bones :o
"Veritas" hello Deltora Quest what are you doing here
Ooh Claudia's spell didn't work?
Chapter 9: Stardust
"It needs love" That was...not what I expected from you
Leola, cutie. Her and Claudia would have gotten along well
Callum made her a bracelet to bring her back <3
RUNAAN? it wasn't the behemoth, he's there but he's corrupted? What???
LAIN AND TIADRIN!! And they're...dancing?
Ohhh the key was for a book
They're at peace. Runaan's not. I'm going to die
Leola looks so small standing before them
I love how the cosmic order is just like "oh this is the beginning of chaos" you are quite literally about to kickstart that chaos
The og trio looks so small in the flashback
And thus, Leola's Last Wish was born
Oh Santa's back
They put his prison in his daughter's grave 😟
"You taught me to never break my promises!" Hey, so. Can you break the promise you made in Chapter 3?
"No!" Runaan get back here right now.
So Lain and Tiadrin have been dancing this whole time while Runaan's been living in a nightmare. That checks out
Ruthari <3
OOh the Aaravos/Runaan spell is just like the Janai/Karim speech sequence
The wedding was supposed to be happy >:(
Aanya got to try her cake tho
Ezran, my poor boy. He was just going away for his aunt's wedding. Nothing was supposed to go wrong. He's still a kid.
Aaravos also gets his magical girl transformation
Hello?? He's literally a giant? Ohhh the "I swallowed her" makes sense now
Terry knows this is a horrible idea. What if Aaravos makes her turn on Terry?????
Is this why is voice is so deep?
Overall, season 6 was a ROLLERCOASTER and probably my new favorite season. There was so much going on, and it did not disappoint. I can't wait to see the next season, AND for those of you who don't know, there has been a mention of a third arc which means possibily 10 seasons instead of 7!!!!! But in order for that to happen we need to show as much support as possible so yeah! If we do get those 3 extra seasons I will never shut up about this series
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 113 - The Playdate of All Time
It's a little dreary, but this was the only day Anna could convince her husband to tag along for the playdate too.
Anna: You have a lovely home.
Ophelia: Thank you. Uh, mind telling me who these other three kids are?
The more the merrier but it's weird one of them is a teen.
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Calvin: Sorry for the short notice, but I mentioned this playdate to my boss and he asked if his twins could come.
Ophelia: That's okay, we've got plenty of toys! I'm sure the kids will have a lot of fun today. I, uh, don't think the teenage boy will have much fun though.
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Calvin: Oh, that's their brother Trent, he's just dropping them off.
Ophelia: That's nice of him.
Calvin: Mr. Esposito's a busy man. And his second wife doesn't really… do kids. Wish I had that privilege.
Ophelia: Uh, isn't Jaden your son?
Calvin: What's your point?
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Calvin: Trent's a good kid but he's one of those… you know.
Ophelia: Uh, no?
Calvin: Come on, you see the eyeliner, right?
Ophelia: …An emo?
Calvin: Is that what we're calling them nowadays? I can't keep up with that PC crap.
Ophelia: Uh…
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Trent: Hey, Mrs. Lemon. Thanks for having us. I freaked out when Dad told me you were the one hosting this! I'm a huge fan!
Ophelia: Thank you so much, but you can just call me Ophelia, hon. Your sisters look like sweethearts, we don't mind at all.
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Ophelia: You don't have to hang out with us old folks, we'll take good care of the girls, but you're more than welcome to stay.
Trent: Uh, a chance to hang out with the singer from my favorite band? I'd love to stick around. Besides, Claudia's kind of clingy.
Calvin: Oh. Great.
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As the kids run off to play, Gemma sees one of these unfamiliar little girls and can't help but admire her sense of style. The pompom necklace, the butterfly wings? This girl knows how to dress for a party!
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Gemma: Hi! I'm Gemma. What's your name?
Marina: I'm Marina!
Gemma: I like your butterfly wings! Can you fly?
Marina: I dunno, my hermano won't let me jump off stuff to try.
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Marina: This is my sissy Claudia!
The other little girl, who was plucking away on the xylophone, perks up hearing her name.
Claudia: Hi.
Gemma waves and Claudia goes back to playing.
Marina: Hermano says she's always on that grind!
Gemma: What's that mean?
Marina: I dunno!
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Gemma: What's a hermano?
Marina: My big brother!
She looks over at Trent and back to Marina.
Gemma: Wow, your big brother is real old.
Marina: Yeah, he's like 40 or somethin'. My daddy's like 150, and my step-mommy's like 12!
Gemma: Whoa!
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Jaden's kind of doing his own thing too. His daddy doesn't like 'all that kiddie crap' in the house so he's too overwhelmed by the options to be social.
Marina: You got lotsa fun toys! Wanna play with me?
Gemma: Okay!
First Jaden, now Marina? Gemma's making so many friends!
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The adults table isn't nearly as fun. Calvin and Anna drone on about their ministry for the Church of Llama Day Saints, but can't even pretend to care when Ophelia talks about music or Trent talks about… anything. Ophelia is enjoying talking to Trent, at least.
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Anna: So what church does your family go to?
Ophelia: Oh, uh, none. I mean, we believe in the Watcher, but uh, organized religion just isn't for us.
Anna: Ah. I see… I'll pray for you.
Not Trent mocking Anna behind her back 💀😂
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Calvin: If you'd like to go to a service sometime, we'd be more than happy to let you sit at our pew.
Ophelia: Oh, I think we're good.
Trent: If you change your mind, don't worry. They never stop asking.
Xander wishes Lulu hadn't gone to sleep so he didn't have to be here.
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Gemma and Marina have a grand time playing dolls in the play tent, but Claudia seems a little less focused once she hears her sister giggling and having fun with someone else…
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Claudia confronts Gemma while Marina is distracted by something shiny.
Claudia: Stop playing with Rina! She's MY sister, not yours! I'm gonna tell my papi and he's gonna fire you!
She hears her papi threatening to fire people all the time. It must mean he sets them on fire!
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Whoa! Why was this girl being so mean and yelling at her? Gemma wasn't trying to steal anyone. She thought they were all having fun together.
Gemma starts to whimper as tears pool in her eyes but thankfully Ophelia's to the rescue.
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Ophelia wipes Gemma's little tears away and comforts her.
Ophelia: It's okay, baby doll, you didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes it's hard to share. I'll make sure she apologizes.
Thankfully, Ophelia doesn't have to do much because Trent steps in.
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Trent: Claudia! ¡Basta! You know better. Marina can play with who she wants. Say sorry to Gemma for being mean.
Claudia: But-
Trent: We're guests here, you're not going to be rude to our hosts.
Ophelia's impressed. Seems like this isn't the first time Trent's parented them.
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Now Claudia's the one sniveling.
Claudia: S-Sorry, hermano.
Trent sighs.
Trent: Thank you, Clauds, now go tell Gemma, okay? I'm not mad, you're not in trouble, just make sure you're using your manners, alright?
Claudia: Okaaaay.
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Trent can't stand to see one of his sisters crying. He won't let them act up but he's not completely heartless.
Trent: Come here, you're fine. Now go show Gemma the nice girl I know you are, yeah? Love you, pollito.
Claudia: I'm not a chicken!
Trent: You're my little chicken!
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Trent: Sorry about that.
Ophelia: No, it's fine, kids are kids. Thank you for saying something to her, though.
Trent: Hey, I'm not raising any spoiled brats, you know?
They have a father AND a step-mother. Why is this teenager raising them at all?
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Claudia: Sorry I was mean. You can play with my sister.
Gemma: Okay! You can play with us too if you want!
Well, not really, because Trent says it's time for them to go shortly after. It takes a bit to pull Marina away from her toy.
Jaden's hashtag feeling himself though.
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Calvin: What is my son playing with?
Ophelia: Oh, that's Gemma's makeup kit.
Calvin: Why would you put that out when you knew a boy was coming over? Don't you have any toys that are more masculine?
Ophelia: I don't really consider toys to be masculine or feminine…
Calvin: I see the woke mind virus got to you too.
Ophelia: You and Anna keep saying 'woke' but I'm not really sure what you mean by that.
Calvin: Look, that's fine for your girls, but maybe put that away next time Jaden's here. I don't want my son thinking he can wear makeup.
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Ophelia: Makeup isn't only for girls.
Calvin: Trent's gone, you don't have to pretend that's normal anymore.
Ophelia: I'm not pretending.
Calvin: Listen, I'm trying to be civil here. Don't push your woke agenda on my boy.
Now there's an agenda? Wish someone filled her in.
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Gemma: You look as pretty as my mommy!
Before Jaden can respond, his dad comes to berate him.
Calvin: Jaden, are you trying to embarrass us? Boys don't wear makeup! We're cleaning that off before we leave.
Jaden whimpers. He didn't want to be bad, he just wanted to have fun…
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Xander: Don't you think he's being a bit harsh?
Anna: You can raise your kids how you want. We're raising Jaden to be a respectable young man like his father.
Xander: muttering Dude's throwing a tantrum over mascara but sure.
Ophelia's hoping to get struck by lightning.
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Gemma: I dunno why your daddy got all yelly. You're so pretty!
His heart feels less heavy when Gemma says that.
Jaden: …Thanks.
Even if his parents aren't always the nicest to him, his new buddy Gemma has his back!
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loveislandthegame · 5 months
thoughts on today's volume ! sienna is annoying, and it's even worse because she'll continue to harass you regardless of whether you're pursuing your OG LI or not . i'm not trying to get back with jin (unless claud's somehow still unavailable at the next recoupling)
MC needs a "leave me alone, bride of chucky" option. moving on
next up is snog marry pie. once again, theo is flirting with me despite MC showing no interest in him ? i'll talk more about this later. for now i had to let him know that i'm Mx. Steal Your Girl
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my wife !! i'll be wearing a wedding suit though, don't get it twistedddd 😏
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i snogged kyle, married claudia, pied liam, then used the bonus pie on sienna. hazel pied off jin for some vague reason, "you know what you did," type stuff. and i mean ... sorry to the loyal girlies, but i actually hope OG LI did something major. it'd be sad & frustrating among other things if FB decided to set up yet another black woman islander as a petty, jealous villain
i can't lie, this argument was funny af. bonus points for this actually being unique dialogue (i think they should kiss...👀)
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and what is this black swan (2010) halloween costume from shein-looking ass dress ???!!!! i think this rivals the season 7 suggested prom monstrosity as the fastest "see other options" selection i've ever made. this outfit is not the one, two, three, or four
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next challenge is "couple goals 2.0," a bit lazy there😖
for the most part i've glossed over liam's dialogue cus he genuinely has nothing of value to say, but what ?? i've never gotten steamy with theo . in fact, i barely see the dude because (outside of casa amor) him and claudia share the same "slot" for private chats and alone time. not to mention the only person in this entire villa who's ever done anything with MC outside of a challenge is claudia (my MC didn't even go in the hideaway)
once we came back from casa theo began having a really obvious crush on my MC (don't get me wrong, i think he's gorgeous. i just avoid him specifically because the overlap of his & claudia's routes) and i know some people have complained about claudia flirting with them in casa amor on a straight theo route. i don't know if this is intentional, or if this is just the game falling apart. knowing FB it's probably the latter
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venus girl you're so messy ... (acting like i didn't choose these options😭)
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speaking of mess, i did expose sienna for hooking up with oakley . (mainly because she had the nerve and audacity to insinuate that i did bits with kyle in casa when we didn't even sleep in the same bed) i didn't reveal that it was theo who caught them, tho people should put two & two together based on him trying to get MC to stop talking lol . i kinda regret it, because oakley is trying to spin it as MC being the one that's somehow "out of control," but i'll just see how the next volume goes before i decide to do a replay. if they're exposed during movie night i'll go back and keep it a secret 🤷
enough of that though, we got a steamy scene with claudia 👀 plus some more confirmation that she's 100% focused on us ... i don't know when the next recoupling is but hopefully within the next couple of episodes, i'm tired of being forced to lead people on 😩
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next volume is movie night ! i pray for some branching here, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was some ridiculous clip that can make everyone, even the loyal girlies, look "bad." throwback to vicky getting pissed at my movie night clip of giving bonnie a hug 🙄
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
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Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
Rosewood Hall / May 25th, 2016
VIVI | [sighs] VIVI | [deep, shaky breath] [door opening] JACQUES | You're not ready? VIVI | No. JACQUES | [offscreen] Everyone's waiting for you. VIVI | So? Let them wait. JACQUES | [offscreen] Vivi, come on— JACQUES | [sighs] It's just a couple quick pictures, okay? VIVI | ... JACQUES | C'mon. Pin on a smile. We both have to try, remember? VIVI | ... JACQUES | Hey. Hey, it's alright. Please don't cry... VIVI | I can't... JACQUES | You can. It'll be quick, okay? Just 15 minutes, I promise. [door opens softly] CLAUDIA | [softly] Excuse me, your highnesses? JACQUES | [softly] C'mon Vivi. No more tears. It's time. JACQUES | We need her dressed and downstairs in 10 minutes. CLAUDIA | Yes sir. JACQUES | I'm serious. No more fucking around. Roz is getting impatient. CLAUDIA | Of course, sir. Right away.
ROSALIND | ...really, I feel very fortunate to work with my family. We're quiet close, and it's been such a pleasure to see them grow in their roles. [Mary blows raspberries and Hugo giggles.] REPORTER 1 | I know I'm being naughty, but I have to ask: are the Layes planning to expand their family? It feels like the entire country is on bump watch! ROSALIND | Er... ROSALIND | Well, you'd have to ask my brother, but— JACQUES | [offscreen] Ask me what? ROSALIND | Well, well. Speak of the devil. Where is your lovely wife? JACQUES | Oh, she's still getting ready. Women, amirite? ALL REPORTERS | [polite laughter] ROSALIND | We've already been standing around for half an hour— PHOTOGRAPHER | Why don't we take a few test shots while we're waiting?
VIVI | [quietly] Do I look okay? You can't tell I was— CLAUDIA | [gently] No ma'am. VIVI | I don't look tired, do I? I don't want them saying I look tired. CLAUDIA | No ma'am. Not at all. ROSALIND | There you are. Honestly, we should call you the Duchess of Late. REPORTER 2 | [chuckles] 'Duchess of Late,' that's very clever, ma'am! VIVI | Sorry to keep you all waiting, I wasn't feeling well... ROSALIND | Let's get this over with. We've wasted enough time standing around already.
[They take pictures]
ROSALIND | ...there's no reason to tell him. Not one! JACQUES | Roz, it's his child. You can't keep that from him. MARY | I think there's no reason to tell him right now. ROSALIND | Right. Before we do anything else, we need to find Kelly and find out if the baby is even his. She might've been sleeping around. MARY | Think about it. If you were in her position, you'd tell him, right? I mean, even if you didn't want to marry him, you'd want money for the baby. JACQUES | When she saw me, she bolted. Why run away if it's not his? ROSALIND | I don't know, and frankly: I don't care. I made my decision. We're not telling him, or Mom and Dad, or anyone else. Not until we know more. ROSALIND | [offscreen] Even if Freddy isn't the father, it'll be a huge scandal. This wasn't...an accident in a long-term relationship. This woman is a stranger. JACQUES | Yeah, but— MARY | Look: there's no point in telling him before we know for sure. We'll find her, we'll do the paternity test, and then we'll decide what to do. ROSALIND | Until then, I'm asking you nicely to keep this to yourselves. We wouldn't want to risk a scandal now, would we? VIVI | No ma'am. ROSALIND | [chuckles] Vivi, you're a treasure.
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fairysteve · 2 years
Steve doesn't get depressed. He doesn't.
He just gets tired a lot more than he used to, but he has also gotten a few more concussions. And it's november, the sun setting earlier is of no help. And family video is exhausting, long shifts alone while Robin is at school.
It's completely logical that he's tired. That he doesn't have the energy to eat as often. That he finds it harder to get out of bed in the mornings.
Driving Robin is a great motivator. He doesn't know what he would have done without her.
But she's clearly wrong, because he does not get depressed.
At least that's what he told her as he was driving her home earlier. Alone, still in his car because he doesn't want to be home, Steve feels the depression like a heavy blanket over his shoulders. Comforting yet smothering.
November isn't a good month for him.
It's the anniversary of too many things, and it's the month of Thanksgiving. He can't stand playing nice with his parents over dinner. The last two years, he had barely recovered.
But they already had the threat to Hawkins this year. And his parents aren't coming home for Thanksgiving.
Steve hasn't told anyone. He knows Claudia would invite him if he asked. He knows Max could use the company. He knows he has people willing to listen and care.
But he doesn't know how to put words to what he's feeling. The way even Robin exhausts him when being around her used to fill him with energy.
He shouldn't be buying drugs when he's trying to save up to move out, but he finds himself parked outside Munson's trailer. Barely remembers driving there. Knows that Max will see him if she's home.
Does he even have money on him?
Oh, who cares. He can just sit in his car until his brain cooperates enough to go home.
Or at least, that was Steve's plan. The knock on the window thinks otherwise, startles him enough that he hits his head.
Eddie Munson is looking through the passenger window, and when Steve doesn't react fast enough, he opens the door and gets in.
"You should have told me we had a date, Harrington. I would have dressed up."
Steve attempts a smile, but if Robin's energy exhausts him, Eddie's absolutely drains him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drive here."
Eddie makes a show of looking around, with wide eyes and a playful smile that makes something twist in Steve’s chest.
"Strange place to end up on accident. What can I do for you?"
"No, really, I don't even think I have money on me." Steve makes to pat himself down, but his hands fall back down seconds after he raised them.
He's just so tired.
"You okay?" The smile has left Eddie's face. Steve misses it.
"Yeah. Long shift." He shrugs, a small what can you do sort of gesture.
Truth is, Steve can't remember when he last had a good night's sleep. He's so tired all the time, and he spends most of his time at home in bed, but sleep still escape him. And when he does sleep, the nightmares wake him.
Unless he has some help. But he doesn't have the money for that right now.
"Okay. You should come in then." Eddie interrupts his thoughts.
"Well, I can't let you drive home when you're looking dead at the wheel, and the trailer is comfier than your car."
"I don't wanna disturb-"
"Wouldn't have offered if you were gonna be in the way. Just come in, Steve."
Hearing his first name is enough to get him out of the car. It just sounded so right in Eddie's voice, and Steve is running on minimal brain capacity.
Maybe he should talk to Robin about being depressed. After he tells her about spending time with Eddie, no drugs involved.
For now, he's just gonna follow Eddie's lead. Starting with going inside his home.
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cbrownjc · 2 years
Hi dear! Can i ask a question? I don’t mind spoilers at all!!! If you suspect lestat is in the penthouse. Why is Louis sad/depressed?. And are they not in good terms? I mean i always thought louis was the love of lestats life. But if he is gonna wake up and then run off with akasha it rubbs me the wrong way. And What do You think Will wake him up? Will it be ha happy reunion?
Hello Anon,
So, slight spoilers for the books Memnoch the Devil and Merrick below, and how they might be brought into S2.
So when I say I think Lestat is asleep in the Dubai penthouse, it's not that I'm saying he's taking a nap or something. I mean that he's in a coma. And not just a regular vampire sleeping-to-heal coma. I'm talking specifically about the coma state he went into after the events of book 5, Memnoch the Devil. The state of that coma was so different that everyone pretty much thought that Lestat was, for all intents and purposes, the vampire-equivalent of brain dead. That he was never going to wake up from it.
During this period, Louis spent a lot of time with Lestat's body, reading to him and such.
Anyway, the events of Merrick happen, which are spearheaded by the retrieval of Claudia's diary btw. I won't go into all the details - which also include the bringing back of what might or might not have been Claudia's spirit/ghost - but between learning just how Claudia hated and manipulated him, as well as thinking Lestat will never wake up again, Louis decided to end his life via sunlight exposure.
So Louis tries to end his life, however, because he was not only turned by Lestat but has lived as long as he has (over 200 years by that point) the sunlight can't reduce him to a pile of ashes anymore. He just ends up extremely, and I mean extremely, burned.
However, Louis trying to kill himself in this way is what ends up finally waking up Lestat. Lestat feeds Louis his blood, which not only restores Louis but gives him a power upgrade as well.
So if my hunch is correct, I think S2 will end in a similar way to this event in Merrick. Armand has already said that Louis is attempting suicide with this new interview. And while I think Louis' original plan was to not only use the book to warn humanity of this "great conversion" thing as well as put a target on himself for other vampires to try and kill him, I also think the book was a suicide note Louis was leaving for Lestat. I think, just like in Merrick, Lestat is asleep in such a way and has been for many years, that there is a real belief that he will never wake up again. But, just in case Lestat ever did - either in the near or far future - Louis was leaving the book as a last thing for him. (In Merrick too, Louis left a short suicide note for Lestat as well.)
However, on the show, I think Daniel upended everything when he broke through the narrative Louis set out to tell. And I think whatever original plan Louis had set out for all of this is basically going to continue to fall apart until he's not going to wait for Daniel to write and publish the book before he attempts to end his life. I think whenever Louis is done telling Daniel whatever else he feels he needs to about what happened, he'll make the attempt to end his life almost immediately afterward.
There is a reason we saw Louis stick his hand into the sunlight and burn in the first episode, aside from establishing the vampire lore of the universe. As well as seeing Louis badly burned in the second episode.
However, we've also seen Louis drinking from Armand who is resistant to sunlight. That also wasn't random.
Louis has no idea that he can't fully be killed by sunlight. Neither does the audience. AMC-Louis is also about 100 years younger than book-Louis was when he attempted to end his life. So it isn't age that'll stop Louis from being turned into a pile of ashes on the show. It'll be the fact that he's been drinking Armand's blood for who knows how many years at this point.
However, like in Merrick, he'll still be badly burned to almost the point of death I predict. And, just like in Merrick, I think Louis attempting this will be what finally ends up waking up Lestat, and Lestat restoring Louis with his blood.
What will happen between Louis and Lestat after that, I don't know. Since all of this I'm speculating about would happen at the end of S2 IMO. We'll likely have to wait until S3 to get a full picture of the dynamic between them. Though, you know, saving Louis and healing him I expect will make Lestat rather emotional, at the very least.
But no, Lestat ain't running off with Akasha at this point. We already know that S3 would/will be an adaptation of The Vampire Lestat. General audiences who never read the books or seen the Queen of the Damned movie have zero idea who Akasha even is. She's a character you have to introduce first for her to have any impact wrt such a thing. And where was Akasha first introduced? In The Vampire Lestat, during Lestat's backstory.
Lestat still has to tell that backstory and, as I said in reply to another ask recently, the most dynamic way to do that visually is continuing to do it in the interview format. Plus we know the title of the show isn't changing when they do adapt TVL in S3. So I don't think it's a stretch to think Lestat will tell his backstory via an interview with Daniel, just as Louis has been doing in S1 and will continue to in S2.
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jellyfishxxi · 2 years
Shooting Star, Travel Far
S1, Ch 1: Echoes of Thunder
Summary: A normal day at the castle of Katolis. Callum failing at training, Soren and Claudia lightly teasing each other, and your adoptive father is being hunted by Moonshadow assassins. Wait, what?!
Genre: Comedy, Light Angst
Warnings: Sadness, abuse, abandonment
Characters: Callum, Ezran, Bait, Soren, Claudia, Harrow, Viren, Reader
Relationships: None if you don't count Callum's crush on Claudia
Notes: I'm not writing this word for word from the show, so be prepared for some differences, but I'll try and keep the overarching story the same.
Rain poured down onto the roof. You and Ezran had shared a bedroom for the longest time, so looking over to see the small boy sleeping with bait like he usually did was a comfort for you. You smiled and looked through the doorway, seeing Callum at his easel, drawing something.
You put your bookmark in your book and picked up a candle, walking over to your step-brother. Leaning over his shoulder, you looked at the paper, seeing a dragon melting a man made of marshmallows. "Whatcha drawing?" You asked. Callum jumped, shifting away from you.
You only laughed. "Dang it, _____, don't do that!" He scolded, causing you to laugh more. "Sorry, Callum." You spoke in between laughs, before putting the candle down. "Nice drawing, though. You've got a gift." You spoke, looking back down at the paper. Callum smiled.
"Thanks. It's just something that popped into my head." He spoke, looking back down at the paper. "Take that, Marshmallow man!" He laughed, causing you to laugh too. A lightning bolt struck the roof of the tower, causing Ezran to wake up.
"Callum? _____?" He spoke, looking into Callum's room. "It's just a lightning bolt, Ez." Callum began. "It can't hurt you, try and go back to sleep." You spoke, walking back to your own bed. Ezran nodded and turned around, his back facing you as he and bait fell back asleep. Soon enough, you and Callum blew out your candles too, drifting into the land of sleep.
"Mommy! Mommy please, I can be good I swear! Please mommy, don't send me away!" The child pleaded, tears in their eyes. Their mother didn't care how many years they shed, or how much they begged to stay. "Shut up." She said, kicking them off. "I don't want to spend another second looking at this... This..." The woman thought. "Abomination's face! Get it out of my sight!" She yelled.
"Yes, my queen." One of the guards said, picking up the child. The queen turned and left, not bothering to look back. The child reached out for her, begging for their mother to come back, to let them stay. The guard that held them felt sorry for them, as he knew the queen would not let them stay. He knew the queen was cruel, so did everyone else. But never in their minds would they have thought she'd abandon her own child.
The child didn't know how long they had walked. But eventually, they came to a stop. The guard gently set them down on a rock, kneeling before them. "I'm so sorry, your highness." He said, gently caressing the crying child's cheek. "You don't deserve this." He said, wiping their eyes. The child sniffed in response.
The guard took out an apple from his pocket and handed it to them. "Here. You'll need it." He said as the child took the fruit. "Goodbye, little one. I hope whoever finds you will be kinder than the queen." The guard gently hugged the child, leaving shortly after. The child sat on the rock, their knees close to their chest as they cried some more. They just wanted to go home.
The wind blew past their ears. A song rode on the harsh, winter breeze. It comforted the child, causing their cries to lessen. They couldn't explain it, but the song felt familiar. The voice, though it felt far away, felt familiar. Their cries finally stopped as they leaned back, almost like they were being held.
Your eyes snapped open and you shot up. Looking around, Ezran's bed was empty, and Callum wasn't in his room. They must be up already... You thought. Getting out of bed, you grabbed a notebook and charcoal stick before leaving the tower. Opening the notebook, you began to write.
I had the dream again last night. The one about a child being abandoned. Something tells me this dream is significant, be because this is the third time it's happened. But, I don't know. I have no clue what dreams mean, and I don't think there'd be any books in the library about the subject. I guess it'll remain an unsolved mystery.
You closed the notebook, looking up. You must've subconsciously walked to the training grounds, because there Callum was, practicing with Soren. And on a bench next to the 300-year-old tree was Claudia. Soren looked at you, making a spraying motion with his hands.
"Oh _____, you must avenge me! For I have been stabbed by the stab-prince!" He exclaimed dramatically. You laughed. "Looks like he finally got revenge for all the teasing." You joked, moving around to sit next to Claudia. "Morning, Claudia." You greeted the brunette. She looked up at you and smiled. "Morning, _____!" She returned the greeting, causing you smile in turn.
"Learn any new spells lately?" You asked. Claudia nodded, taking out an orb. "Check this out." She said, drawing a rune. "Aspiro!" She shouted, blowing out a large gust of wind. You laughed, smiling. "Sky magic, right?" Claudia nodded again. "Yep! This is a primal stone. It contains a real storm." You looked at her in awe.
"No way..." You exclaimed, eyes trained on the orb. It held thunderclouds that let out bursts of lightning occasionally. "Yes way!" Claudia exclaimed, putting the orb away. "And most humans don't know how to do magic, so that makes it all the more rare!" She explained. You nodded.
You seemed like you were about to say something, when you heard Opeli calling for you. "Prince Callum. Prince/Princess _____. King Harrow wishes to see the both of you." She said, alerting you and your adoptive step-brother. You stood up, waving Claudia goodbye as you followed Callum and Opeli out of the training grounds.
You, Ezran and Callum stood outside the throne room. You took a breath in as Callum opened the doors, seeing various people around what you called the strategy table, one of which was your adoptive father. Callum cleared his throat, allowing Harrow to approach the three of you.
"Callum, Ezran, _____!" He began. "Congratulations, you're going to the banther lodge!" He said, causing the three of you to look at him in confusion. "Isn't the banther lodge the winter lodge?" Callum asked. "Yeah, what will we even do?" Ezran asked. Harrow seemed intent on pushing the idea.
"You could have dirtball fights! Or make dirtmen! Or even go mud sledding!" He suggested. You raised an eyebrow. "I don't think those are things." You said, folding your arms. Harrow's expression changed into a more serious one. "I just need you three to go tonight. This is not a debate. Pack your bags. You leave at sundown." The three of you stared at Harrow in surprise before leaving. Harrow looked at the doors as they closed before sighing, turning back to the strategy table.
As the three of you walked down the hallway, an overwhelming silence hung through the air. You opened your notebook, looking at your previous entries, sighing as you began to write your thoughts down.
We're going to the Banther lodge. I don't know why, but I have a feeling it isn't going to be good. We don't go there unless it's winter. There's definitely a reason, and it's likely a bad one. Sorry Callum, Ez. But if I find out, I'll have to keep it to myself. Another secret on the pile, I guess.
You put your charcoal stick away and closed your notebook, moving your eyes to look back at Ezran and Callum. There was still an underlying tension.
It was the middle of the afternoon. Luckily for you, you had finished packing by now. You had resolved on taking only some clothes and few personal items. Now, you were simply wandering around the castle, tracing every wood carving and running your hand across the walls.
"...No defense will stand against them." You heard Lord Viren speak in another room. You quietly snuck over to the doors, leaning against them so you could hear what was being said.
"Once the full moon rises, they'll be virtually unstoppable, so we strike during the day." Viren spoke, presumably to Soren and Claudia. You peaked your head out from behind the door, watching the interaction. Viren took out a box.
"You'll use this Archangel Lunaris, a moon moth, to track and ambush them. And do it quickly. If they get inside, they won't hesitate." You were confused. Who wouldn't hesitate to do what? Seems Soren shared your confusion. "To do what?" He asked. Viren looked around, before whispering the answer to him.
"They're gonna kill the king?!" Soren shouted, causing your eyes to widen. You let out a shocked gasp, before immediately covering your mouth as Viren looked in your direction. He didn't see you, and turned back to face Soren.
"Discretion, boy! Do you want to cause a panic?!" He shouted. Whatever was said, you didn't hear the rest. You ran off to the room you shared with Callum and Ezran, breathing heavily. Assassins were coming to kill the king. And from the way Viren was speaking, you could only surmise that they were moonshadow elf assassins. Deadly accurate warriors.
You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to believe it. The man who took you in out of the kindness of his heart, who raised you like his own child...
Was going to die.
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hermit-frog · 3 months
I love how those lestat fans anons are so angered by Louis lmao LDPDL the power that you have! He makes them loose their mind over his beautiful existence. They cannot comprehend how enthralling and compelling he is as a character. And why their fave is at his feet and will always be.
I'm always laughing when lestat fans complain about Louis being whiny when he has legit reasons to be sad and complain about his life. But if we have to point out fingers at whiny people, Lestat is right there. Like this man is the definition of whiny and pathetic. His fans have to brass themselves because we're going to see more of this side of him in s3.
But like Jacob said "fuck Lestat". This abusive asshole of a man was never worthy of Louis and I'm glad Louis choose himself. Had their reunion in that shack and he said "it was nice seeing you but that's about it. I love my life as it is right now and I wouldn't change it for anyone. Adieu!✌️"
that was blatant bait, just wanted to share
Louis is such a complex and deeply layered character, idk how people can find him uninteresting. He is kind of silently gloomy, he likes to ponder, soak in his sadness and grief. He expresses it with anger (at others and himself). A very depressed vampire, love that closure he got for himself, growth✨ (ignoring the implication of that ending).
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Lestat is a narcissistic drama queen. I find both characters interesting, but Louis is my fav while Lestat is on the bottom, he's (unintentionally) hilarious, but i just simply don't think about him (if i do, i either laugh or get mad), while i could discuss Louis for hours. I am biased, ik, but idc, i love him unconditionally. It's hard to hate bookStat because he's so stupid it's funny, showStat is also stupid af, but he pisses me off more, i will never get over how he treated both Louis and Claudia, what he did to them. I'm happy for Louis tho 💖
it's silly to have a one-sided beef with a fictional character, i appreciate what Lestat's character is portraying in the show, he's simply a tool to share a certain idea/message/story after all. my problem centers on the reception he gets. the double standards when it comes to Louis and Claudia, insane.
it would be so funny when we get to s3, and the “real” Lestat, from his own pov, is even worse lmao, he's such a clown. i mean, i was reading the books and i just, i can't even be mad because of the ridiculousness? 😂
oh hey Niki, why u crying lol anyway, i'm leaving today, going to trave. oh, about that, do you remember that fucked up scary ass vamp who had kidnapped and tortured you? yeah, the one who had released you literally just this morning ha ha... so, i'm leaving you with him and his minions, yeah those guys, i think it will be a nice experience for you. oh, no, don't cry! i know that you already miss me but i can't take you with me, i'll write you tho. oh, please stop the hysterics, it's not that serious, you will see me soon. very cute of you to cry because you love me so much btw :/ anyway, have fun, make new friends, i'm sure you'll have lots of great experiences ;) x
lestat had really listened to armand's backstory, and was like, hm, this marius guy, would love to meet and be friends with him. lmao 😭 and then rubs it in armand's face? i can't. there was a similar post, but i can't find it, i'll try to do something similar. so all this time you though marius was dead, crying yourself to sleep, wishing he'd save you, grieving him? yeah, so he's actually... doing great? yep, this whole time lol oh, and he came to me, like, immediately ha ha ha. we had so much fun. remember his secret he refused to share with you? no, no, he hadn't just told me, he took me to them! can you believe it, lmaaaao. and then i drank our mother's blood, mmm😏.... just made realize, since i am my mother's maker, it makes me her father and master😏...i will return to these thoughts later today, once i'm alone))) oh, yeah, so marius was like, if you tell anyone i'm going to kill everyone you love and then you. but then he was like, jk lol he even game a loving nickname, so silly. are you sure it's the same guy who had beat the living shit out of you over nothing? the one from whom you had to hide under some chick's bed? naaah, can't be him. he says i'm his favorite, which is ridiculous because we knew each other for days, ha ha ha
and with the body thief, jesus christ (talking about jesus christ😏yep), lestat. oh, so this random guy, who has been stalking me, who steals bodies (he said so himself, and even tried to steal mine without my consent lol), that everyone had warned me about, suggested to swap bodies for like a week, and he promised to give mine back, so nice of him. obviously i had accepted lol, but i think he might have tricked me??? like, he left me with nothing? but that wasn't sus tho. but he haven't shoved up to switch our bodies back, so weird, really didn't expect this :/ anyway, pissing sucks, and i really want to fuck that old man david, oh and for some reason my brain has connected him to claudia??? yea, but i wanna hit real bad (to be fair lestat wants to bang everyone)
i have a new daughter now, she's married to my clone btw ;)
the core of all the vamps, the spirit Amel: *looks and acts just like Lestat* Lestat: i want you so bad🥵
normal person: Hello, my name is -. lestat: I’m the vampire Lestat. I’m six feet tall, have blue-gray eyes that sometimes appear violet, and a lean athletic build. My hair is blond and thick and hangs to my shoulders, and over the years it has become lighter so that at times it seems pure white. My face is square, my mouth full and sensual, my nose insignificant, and I am perhaps one of the most conventional looking of the Undead you’ll ever see. Almost all vampires are beautiful. They are picked for their beauty. But I have the boring appeal of a Matinee Idol-
you can't make this shit up, those books were a trip
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