#clearing out the old drafts
marquisguyun · 1 year
mdzs/cql ask meme: 1, 2, 6, 12, 25 :)))
1. which adaptations have you seen/watched? which one do you like best and why?
I’ve watched both the donghua and CQL (and read the book and some of the manhua). I’m not sure if I have a definitive answer to which visual adaptation is better? The donghua is gorgeous, especially all the demonic cultivation in the third season (plus it was my first mdzs adaptation, my first danmei of any kind actually). I do really enjoy CQL tho, and there are things I like and dislike about both adaptations. That answer is a total cop out but it’s also the truth 😂
2. top 5 favorite characters? what specifically do you like about each one?
Okay so I thought I had this, no problem, and then I counted again and realized I had six characters lmao... I’m not doing this in order bc that’s too many decisions to deal with
1. Wei Wuxian - What can I say, I love a tragic hero! I am intrigued by how smart he is (inventing demonic cultivation, lure flags, etc) but also how he makes mistakes and does some really fucked up stuff even tho he has good intentions. A great complex character!
2. Lan Wangji - I mean who doesn't like Hanguang-jun? He's a badass and a romantic, plus he's stubborn as shit. I really appreciate his relationships with the juniors. I also think his whole teenage angst about liking wwx is fantastic, and also him being super horny and dominant... I am a fan of novel dynamics for wangxian's sex life lol
3. Xue Yang & Xiao Xingchen - I am a slut for a good tragedy and for messed up characters! Plus I love identity porn. Yi City and XueXiao were basically tailored to my personal taste.
4. Lan Sizhui - He's just a good boy! And I like the added complexity of his identity.
5. Jiang Cheng - Honestly it took me a little while to latch onto him as hard, but he grew on me steadily. I originally mostly thought about him in relation to WWX, but damn he's been through a lot! Raising his nephew and running his sect on his own after he's lost everything? Really fucking sad and angry about it? That's good shit!
Also want to note that I like all of these characters in all adaptations, but their actors all did a fantastic job in cql and really added to my love for the characters, especially Wang Haoxuan as Xue Yang and Wang Zuocheng as Jiang Cheng!
6. unpopular opinions?
1. I don’t hate Jiang Cheng or Lan Qiren? those can be pretty unpopular opinions
2. I’m a white American and my reading of danmei is definitely colored by my different experiences/worldview... I try to be aware of that as much as I can be and to read meta by Chinese disaspora (EDIT: I wrote this like a year ago and idk where I was going with this, but I think I was trying to say something about how I try to make sure my opinions aren't culturally insensitive? Bc some of the takes you see definitely are)
12. do you like any other of mxtx's works? is mdzs your first of hers or did you watch/read the others first?
It’s less obvious on tumblr bc there’s less content I come across compared to twt but your girl is a Scum Villain main lmao (EDIT: That was written a year ago when I started answering this ask. One of the advantages to twt's whole mess is that there's more scum villain content on tumblr now!!)
That said, I have read all three MXTX novels, watched all three donghuas, watched CQL, and read at least part of all three manhuas (rip sv manhua)
my order of watching/reading (with some overlap) was something like: watched mdzs donghua s1-2 >>> read mdzs novel >>> watched cql >>> started scumbag system >>> started heaven official’s blessing donghua >>> read scum villain >>> read what little there is of the sv manhua >>> waited several months?? and then read tgcf >>> dabbled with mdzs and tgcf manhuas >>> watched mdzs donghua s3
25. queer headcanons? 
- I definitely see Wei Wuxian as bi, altho I can understand reading him as a gay man who isn’t actually attracted at all to the women he flirts with - On the other hand, 90% of the time I see Lan Wangji as gay. The other 10% is me going “but what if Wei Ying was a girl tho”
I don’t think I have a lot of definitive non canon queer headcanons for mdzs honestly? There are definitely ones I enjoy and ones I don’t really see, but a lot of times I’m just happy to be taken along for the ride of other people’s headcanons for a fic or meta. Here are a few I’ve enjoyed:
- Asexual Jiang Cheng - Bisexual Jiang Fengmian (in love with Wei Changze) - Trans headcanons/AUs for various characters
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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New Family Speedrun 00:09.12 (World Record Not Clickbait???)
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tarmac-rat · 2 years
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cacysayshi · 6 months
once I had a dream that scar posted a video simply titled "motherfuhckjer". I clicked on the video and scar was standing at the edge of the perimeter with grian half out of frame on the left hand side, and there were a few seconds of dead silence. then scar inhaled and yelled "MOTHERFUCKER" eith all his chest and after another moment of silence grian starts laughing his ass off. this was like 4 months ago and I remember this in. vivid detail. anywya
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Clark being annoying in the Marvel universe after getting accidentally transported there: well MY billionaire vigilante would never do this—
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toasteaa · 3 months
Can't talk, thinking about accidentally triggering claiming and mating behaviors in Zhongli -
There's just something about it, you know? Seeing Zhongli, a god - a former Archon- who has placed himself above his base desires and draconic instincts, struggle to hold those very same instincts back when it comes to you.
Perhaps you stayed out just a bit too long for his liking. A surprise rainstorm swept through the harbor, and once you returned to your shared home, you were absolutely soaked. Ah, but you were offered a spare coat from a coworker of yours to keep even just a bit dry - and Zhongli is quietly simmering with displeasure as that scent drowns out yours. Drowns out what should be his scent on you. That which marks you as his. It shouldn't bother him like this; he knows it wasn't intentional. He knows that you merely misjudged the forecasted rain (as you often do, despite him being overly familiar with the weather patterns of the region and reminding you of this constantly) and then accepted help from a man - a coworker, he tries to remind himself . Yet he's barely listening to you as he tugs you out of the offending article and -
Oh...it isn't enough.
There's a cloying, wretched stench stuck to your clothes, and Zhongli's patience is running even thinner as he strips you of these as well. But even after he's kicked those soiled clothes to the side and secured his own coat around you, it still isn't enough. It's as if that offending scent has permeated your skin, sunken in with the rain - and there's a deep seated, rarely seen possessiveness that takes root in his mind. One he hasnt felt since...Archons, since he last took up his former name. It's as though a white hot brand has pierced him and coiled around his senses.
Everything that is logical about this no longer matters; the only thing that makes sense to him is the sudden way he gathers you into his arms and makes haste to the bedroom. Your scent is there, as is his. And this will be a well needed reminder that he doesn't appreciate other claiming his treasure as their own.
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theangrycomet · 7 months
I like to think these two are work friends that research at the same university who have absolutely 0 clue that they live on the opposite ends of the Science Dad moral spectrum.
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Utonium isn’t one to judge a book by a cover and is oblivious on the best of days while Venomous just does NOT bother to do research on any of the heroes so has 0 clue that Utonium has anything to do the the Powerpuffs despite them both talking incessantly about their daughters for years.
They both just sort of assumed the other was on their side of the hero/villain spectrum.
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aroaceleovaldez · 15 days
HoO au where the Argo 2 crew leaves Nico in the jar to save time and he ends up deified and just turns up on the boat anyways and jumpscares everyone
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heardchef · 11 months
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jeremy allen white + bts for 'what's next for jeremy allen white' november 2022
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misandriste · 2 years
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⤷ endless gifs of lena luthor ✳︎ 51/∞
katie mcgrath as lena luthor supergirl ⪼ 4.05: paradise lost
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mangosaurus · 5 months
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Ben Fitzgerald Pincus + Abandonment S1E05 • "Happy Birthday, Eddie! / S3E07 • "A Shock to the System"
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windrixville · 4 months
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@paletmblr event xxviii: free choice THE OUTSIDERS— Dallas Winston
"The shade of difference that separates a greaser from a hood wasn't present in Dally. He was as wild as the boys in the downtown outfits like, Tim Shepard's gang"
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whumblr · 1 year
“Do you realise what you just did, darling?”
Whumpee stared up at the man in confusion.
“I didn’t tell you to get on your knees.” Whumper laughed as Whumpee looked up, confused. “Oh, you didn’t even realise that? Well, that’s even better.”
He crouched down in front of them. “Must be a scary thought, hm? It’s almost like... you don’t have control over your own actions anymore.” Gentle fingers reached out, lingered over their chin for a moment, keeping their face tilted towards him.
“Who knows what you’ll do if we keep going like this."
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daydreamingmiller · 8 months
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joel miller 10/?
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despazito · 11 months
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Bruce “oh no I’m going to have to sleep with this super villain, aren’t I? yeah, I’m definitely fucking that questionable moral character it’s too late” Wayne
and his child
Jason “why can’t any of y’all stop fucking my dad for like ten seconds please I’m begging you” Todd
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