#clearly they have priorities and i'm not one of them that's fine
lavend3r-stardust · 8 months
Idk i just wanna be held and comforted or some sappy shit. I just wanna feel worthy of affection and know that people actually want me for who I am instead of what I do for them, i don't wanna the back-up friend anymore. I don't wanna reach for shit that isnt even there anymore, like i'm trying to hold onto nothing. And i keep embarrasing myself by trying to start talking with them and they just sit there like . . . They don't care. They're not looking at me, they're just working and waiting for someone else. That's all they do. Tolerate me and always talk with other people. They never fucking needed me and that's ok. I'll cut them off for my sake. I can't keep going back to people who don't care for me when i could have better conversations with gravedirt.
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goldsbitch · 5 months
First night in a shared apartment with Lando. All is idyllic - until there is an unidentifiable alarm sound, which brings out insecurities buried safely inside under normal circumstances.
fluff, anxiety vibes, one shot
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Y/N was a baths type of person. In fact, Lando suspected her being a part-time mermaid. Always in a body of water, if possible. For hours and hours. Many times he had come to her home only to find her sitting in a bathtub of then already cold water on her "home office" hours, with a laptop on her precisely curated set up. He would come to her, chat a little and playfully splash some water into her face, before having her drain the tub and joining her after another set of hot water was in it. Even after that, he could only last about 20 minutes before getting uncomfortable.
He was glad water bills were not life or death for him when they moved together to their first official shared apartment in Monaco. Making it their own was her priority, so a bathtub was an absolute must. Pool nearby as well.
As far as moving houses goes, this was a hectic one. Lando's schedule making it hard for him to participate, so she had to organize it all with the help of movers. Cleaning out two apartments into one. She was few years younger than him and this was the first time she had actually moved on her own, making it a classic test of adulthood. There were few pseudo panic attacks involved during the process. However, the feeling of accomplishment? Being able to prove to herself that she can do it alone was something nobody could ever take from her. Another level of adulthood conquered. But she didn't want Lando to know about this little insecurity of hers - with him having to grow up faster than most of his peers, she sometimes felt like she was lacking behind. Though Lando never made any comment about that, in fact this did not cross his mind at all, until their first proper evening together in their new apartment.
Lando was excited for that evening, but he was proper tired. Physically and mentally drained. Few weeks of constant travel and racing drama had him totally off.
She managed to get most of things ready for his arrival. They hit the bubbly bathtub immediately upon him coming home. Lando was smitten. Coming home, it felt really refreshing after months of "your place or mine?".
It was raw, both of them naked facing each other in the tub, legs entangled, their bodies touching at multiple places. Hot steam coming out of the water filled the room, curling Lando's hair more that usually and the scent of her latest favorite vanilla bath salt gave into the relaxing atmosphere. They casually caressed each other, engaging in a light simple conversation, carefree and intimate.
All of that went out of the window when there was an excruciatingly loud and sharp beep alarm noise suddenly out nowhere.
Y/N eyes went wide. Lando knew that look all too well by then. Pure panic. He knew there were few moments he had to stop her spiraling.
"What was that? Did you hear it?" she asked, boring her eyes in his for answers he did not have.
He smiled and tried to pass on some relaxing energy onto her. "Yes, I did...Calm down, it's probably nothing."
"Probably?! How can you be sure?"
Lando reached for her hand. "I'm sure. All is good and fine, let's not get bothered by anything. I missed you so much," he said truthfully. She was what he wanted to focus on. Not some nonsense sounds.
She eased a bit, her fingers still feeling tense in his hands. "I miss you everytime."
"Oh, so it's a competition now?" he smirked, happy he got her distracted.
The two stared at each other in silence for few moments.
"Honey, ignore it," he said trying to sound more demanding than a plea.
Y/N took a deep breath in. "I am ignoring it."
"I can see that, clearly," he said sarcastically. "Tell me about your week instead. Were the movers ok? Did they do a good job?"
"Well, we're sitting here and we have a bed to sleep in, so I'd say it was a success," he replied dryly.
"You're my little nervous peach, aren't you?" he said, leaning closer to her so that he could caress her face. Oh boy, was he drowning in love with this strange human sitting across him.
She let go of her pout. "Yes...But, you're the one to talk! You always get nervous before a car upgrade."
He was truly fascinated how she was unapologetically able to compare new McLaren upgrades with a random beep sound. He'd already made a mental check of the things that could have been making that sound and figured all the important alarms made a completely different sound. For a moment, he imagined his girlfriend sitting in a formula 1 car going over 200 km/h, freaking out in the style only she knew how. He'd never admit this to her, but he found her "freaking out" face irresistible.
He calculated his response. "It's perfectly fine to get nervous. But trust me, this in nothing."
Her question was almost immediate. "What if it's the gas. What if we have a gas leak. A guy came here to do an inspection yesterday, what if he didn't close the vent or whatever?"
"Honey, the gas is not even on now..." he looked at her perplexed.
She was unstoppable at this point. "I don't know that! I don't understand these things! It's all gas heater there, air conditioning here, water boiler this and insurance that. Did you know we need to have a property insurance for the lease?"
"Yes, I knew that." He was not sure how to keep responding at that point. The last thing he wanted was to make her spiral more.
"Well, I didn't! Felt like an absolute idiot talking to the guy, I thought these things were part of leases."
Lando squeezed her hand. "It's fine. Once we get out of the tub, we'll go and search for the sound. Hey, maybe it has already stopped."
She was staring at him, waiting for her cue, expecting a beep sound any moment now. He returned her look, challenging her, making a battle of who was right. And the sound? Suddenly, not even a little ding.
"See?" he said, really hoping it was not going to come as he finished.
Tension was high in the bathroom, making it the opposite of relaxing. Yet still, there was no place other than these two would rather be. Well, Y/N would rather be at the source of the forsaken beeping, but, that was not happening now.
"Ok. Maybe you're right," she said, visibly tired as well.
"We'll get out of this bath in few mins, have dinner in the bed, watch some nonsense and go to sleep, ok? I need your cuddles, desperately," he said softly and leaned to kiss her.
"Oh my god, what is that???" she screamed in utmost annoyance.
"Honestly, it sounds like it's coming from outside the house," he observed - and she was not having it anymore.
She gave him a sassy smile. "So, what. Is it the apocalypse now?"
"It's not the apocalypse."
Flustered wave hit her face, having her melt down completely. "Why would someone install an alarm somewhere and have it beeping for no apparent reason? People don't do that."
"I don't know, my love..."
"That's ok, but I should know! I took over the apartment from the realtor - I should have asked!"
"And what would the question be? What are the things that could beep?"
She threw her arms out, splashing water everywhere and not even noticing it. "I don't know! That's the thing! I just don't know. And I don't have a single idea where people find these out. How come everyone around always seems to know and I'm here just sitting, vibing and hoping we're not going to burn the house down."
"Y/N? What's this about?" he asked, concerned. Was she ok? Was there something he'd missed?
She was on a roll, words just flowing out of her mouth, the way only speaking to Lando made her do. "I just feel so out of place some times. I'm doing all these adult things, far away from family and from you as well. And I want to be able to do it, I want to be a good adult. But I just don't know."
He tried to hold her hand once again, but she was busy having her arms crossed around her chest. "You're still young, this is growing up. I also don't know yet, many times..."
"I don't want to be your burden, I want to be your support."
"You are my support, what are you on about?"
"I was suppose to be in charge of the whole moving thing. And here we are and I can't even tell you what's beeping."
"My god! Can it just stop! Please!"
Lando was still thinking about what she said previously. The familiar feeling she described.
"You did a great job with the move, by the way. Honestly. It would not happen without you. I wish I could be here more," he spoke slowly, hoping she would subconsciously join in his tune.
She sighed. Might as well get everything out now. "I love you, you know that. But it gets lonely sometimes. And there is no end of your nomadic lifestyle in sight. And what if you get bored of me once you stop traveling? We've never spent a month without a break together. What if when you're older, you decide I'm actually pretty boring and you leave me for someone younger. And I'll be old, pass my best years and alone once again."
She stopped, surprised a little bit by the words that came out of her. Now that it was out, it was impossible to ignore.
Lando was hyper focused now. Every word a calculated decision. This was no longer a chill chat.
"Y/N. I love you too. And I love you the way you are and I can't imagine loving anyone else. I'm also excited for the older version of you to come one day, to accompany my older self that I have yet to meet. I want to be with you. My job is making this harder, but I hope this will not be an obstacle for you."
The last thing she wanted was to make him feel guilty. She got mad at herself for tangling things up together so much that it stopped making sense to her. "Of course not. I love your passion and the fact you dream big. Sorry, this got a little out of hand."
"No, I'm glad you're finally phrasing your worries. Is there anything more?" Lando was keen on continuing this impromptu chat.
"What if we grow apart? People change all the time. What if we stop wanting each other? How long can love last?"
He smiled. "For me it's impossible to imagine it now. I can only speak for my present self. But what you described it the last thing I'd ever want to happen."
Y/N took a deep breath once again. "Do you want children? Because I don't know yet. Yet, unlike you, I don't have the luxury of decades to decide. My time is slowly running up. And here I am, not even sure if want them?"
"Honey, plenty if time for that. I'm sure I do not want children in the next two years anyway. It must be real fun in your head sometimes - in one sentence you're too young to know adult stuff and in other you're too old for having children?"
She finally laughed. "Yeah. It is confusing sometimes."
"I hope you don't get offended, but you look absolutely gorgeous when you're flustered. Don't be too hard on yourself, please."
"I'll remind you of that when you're on your typical self-hate trip after a bad race."
"Touché." Got him there.
"Shall we get out of the bath? Would you mind searching with me for the alarm?"
"With you I'll be happy to do absolutely anything."
He got out and reached a hand for her when she was getting up, almost as a metaphor for her current state. They helped each other dry out, put on new matching bathrobes that Lando brought as a gift and searched the whole apartment for anything that could or would beep. There were few more beeps coming their way before they suddenly stopped. The two figured it really was coming somewhere from outside. Once Y/N was finally convinced they checked everything, she agreed on getting to bed and cuddle. Lando offered going out to get her ear buds for sleeping, but by that time it had already stopped.
They never found the source of the beeping. But, that's ok. Sometimes things just make unexpected noise and it's fine.
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girlgenius1111 · 8 months
i'll be whatever you need
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part 2 of birthdays are supposed to have surprises
alexia x reader angst / fluff no warnings :)
Alexia didn't do anything halfway. Not football, not outfits, and apparently, not training puppies. The woman made schedules for when they were supposed to eat, play, go out, and when you both were supposed to train them. You were less strict about them then your girlfriend would have wanted, sometimes slacking off on the schedule she had imposed.
It felt ridiculous, making them sit, and stay, and roll over, and bark. They did all those things already, when they wanted to! Alexia was adamant, though, that they be well behaved dogs. And, in fairness, you were the reason the two of you had ended up with 2 puppies at one time, so you went along with it.
You weren't bothered by it at first; really, you thought it was cute, how committed Alexia was. And then, it seemed like all she did was go to training and play with the puppies. They were a lot of work, and, as Alexia was on an easier schedule due to her knee injury, she was home with them more. They became attached to her, more attached to her than they were to you. You weren't jealous of your dogs, that would be absurd. You just wished Alexia would pay a bit more attention to you.
It was around week 4 that you became rather fed up. Alexia, for all her insistence on rules with the puppies, was weak when it came to not letting them on the bed.
Finley's cries woke you up, as was customary, his tiny little voice carrying from his crate in the living room, all the way back to the bedroom. He was fine, just a bit lonely. It was still early, and you and Alexia had a rare morning to sleep in, with training scheduled for later afternoon. You reached out for Alexia's shirt, grabbing on and pulling when she tried to get up to go get him.
"No, stay," you said sleepily.
"I will be right back amor, I am just going to get Fin," she whispered, kissing your forehead before pulling away from your grasp. Of course, she didn't just go get Finley, she got Fernando too, entering the room with two hyper puppies in her arms, dumping them unceremoniously on the bed by your face. They both began frantically licking at your face, and you pulled the covers over your head, grumbling loud enough for your girlfriend to hear.
"Hey, they are saying good morning," Alexia said, removing the covers from your head. "Say good morning." She demanded.
"Good morning." You sighed, letting your eyes fall shut again. A soft nip at your nose had you sitting straight up in bed, eyebrows furrowed as you glared down at Fin's little face looking up at you innocently. Alexia was biting back a laugh, holding Fernando in her lap on the other side of the bed.
"Ow, Finley," you scolded, moving to put him on the floor. Alexia's hand stopped you, pulling Fin into her lap as well.
"He is just a baby, amor, be nice."
You gave her an exasperated look, one that didn't seem like you were joking, before rolling over and burying yourself under the covers once again. Alexia stared at your back for a minute, confused. She wasn't sure why you seemed to be so annoyed with her.
"Do you want to come with me on our walk?" She asked, putting the dogs on the floor, and pressing up against your back, leaving a gentle kiss on your ear.
"What time is it?" You asked.
"Already 9:30. I thought we could go to the dog park, and take the puppies to see my mom after."
You went rigid against Alexia. You were supposed to get breakfast at your favorite cafe that morning, at 9. Alexia had said she would wake you up, and you'd leave the puppies to enjoy a morning to yourselves. Evidently, she'd forgotten. It shouldn't have bothered you as much as it did.
"Amor?" Alexia asked, only growing more confused when you shifted away from her.
"No. I'm tired, I'll stay here."
"You do not want to come at all?" Alexia asked, sounding slightly hurt. You couldn't bring yourself to care, not when her priority was clearly the puppies.
"No." You responded harshly, squeezing your eyes shut. Alexia was still for a moment, before she got up from the bed without another word, and began to get dressed.
The dog park was not very fun without you. It was hard to watch both puppies, and Alexia decided to cut the trip short, especially when her mom called and asked to reschedule her visit because she had come down with a cold. She was getting increasingly worried about your behavior the longer she was away from you She wasn't quite sure what your problem was, but she was hoping that your grumpiness would have resolved by the time she got home.
You were out of bed, dressed and messing around in the kitchen when she got home. You were still acting kind of... off. You greeted her with a chaste kiss on the cheek, instead of on her lips. You looked paler than normal , and eventually ended up lounging on the couch while she trained with the dogs. She was working on getting them to follow simple commands, like sitting and staying. They were not very good listeners. She was completely wrapped up in the puppies, while you watched on sullenly.
"Fin, venga. Siéntate." Fin stared at her for a moment before clumsily sitting down. "Buen chico," Alexia cooed, giving him a treat.
You cracked a small smile, before letting out a quiet sigh. You didn't feel right today; you weren't sure why, maybe because you were still kind of upset with Alexia, who remained oblivious. Either way, you just wanted to lay in your girlfriend's arms.
"Ale?" You called.
"Hmm?" She responded distractedly, not looking over at you.
"Will you come lay with me?" You asked.
"Not right now, amor, once I am done with the puppies' training I will." Alexia told you. You felt ridiculously rejected, tears beginning to well in your eyes.
"Okay." You said, getting off the couch and hurrying back into the bedroom. Your voice was shaky, and Alexia turned around just in time to see the door shut behind you. She was confused, not quite sure why you were seemingly upset. She stood, abandoning the dogs completely to follow you down the hall.
"Amor? What's happened?" Alexia said, peeking in through the door to see you curled up on the bed, head tucked into your pillow, hiding your face. You didn't respond, simply burrowing further into the bed. Alexia walked around to her side, climbing over to where your back was turned to her.
"Amor, please," she said. Still, there was no response from you. Alexia pulled on your shoulder, ignoring your resistance, out from under the throw blanket and onto your side, facing her. She noticed dried tear tracks on your cheeks.
"¿Por qué estás llorando?" She said urgently, wiping at your face with her thumb as if the tears disappearing would make your sadness go away too.
You pushed her hands away, blinking away a wave of fresh tears at the distraught look on your girlfriend's face. If it wasn't bad enough that you were crying, for an absurd reason, but now you were going to have to explain it to Alexia.
"I'm fine." You replied, but Alexia shook her head, pressing the lightest of kisses on your nose.
"What is it?" She asked again, holding your face in between her hands.
"It's stupid." You mumbled.
"If it is making you upset, it is not stupid. Tell me, please."
"You forgot about breakfast." You told her quietly, avoiding her gaze, even as you saw understanding flash across her face. You still felt so stupid, being upset over something so small. It just didn't feel small. It felt like Alexia was using any excuse she could to avoid you.
"No, amor, I am so sorry." Alexia whispered, pulling you into an almost suffocating embrace. "I am so, so sorry."
"It's fine." You mumbled into her.
"No, it is not fine. You were so excited about it. I was busy with the puppies, and I completely forgot." The blonde explained.
"You're busy with them a lot, recently." You said softly, embarrassment flushing across your face as Alexia pulled away to look intently at you.
Alexia is silent for a moment, thinking about the past few weeks. She hadn't realized how she'd put you to the side, spending most of her time training, or focused on the dogs.
You mistook her silence for annoyance. "It's okay, Alexia, please don't worry about it."
"I have not been spending much time with you recently, have I? Between getting back on the pitch, and the dogs..." Alexia trailed off, looking rather horrified at herself.
"It wasn't- it wasn't on purpose then?"
Alexia's eyes flew to yours, her jaw dropping at what you'd said. You knew you were wrong, then, that you'd been silly. There was no way to take back what you'd said.
"No, amor. Of course it was not on purpose." Alexia told you. She yanked you forward into her arms again, squeezing tight. "You thought it was on purpose?"
"I don't know, I was just... worried. You know how I get."
She did, she was well aware of how insecure you could get for seemingly no reason. Normally, she could recognize when you were heading that direction, and stop it before you began to completely doubt yourself. This time, though, she hadn't done that.
"Pack a bag." Alexia said suddenly, pulling away and sliding out of bed, heading into the closet.
"What?" You questioned, sitting up, confused at the sudden change in her demeanor.
"We a have a day off tomorrow, and we will take the day after that off too. We will go away for the weekend, leave the dogs with Alba."
"Ale, what?"
Alexia didn't take days off. Neither did you, really.
"Get up, pack, venga mi niña, time is wasting!" Alexia responded, peeking out of the closet with a large smile on her face.
"Are you being serious?" You laughed. She sighed, dropping the stack of shirts she was holding, moving closer to take your face in her hands.
"Dead serious. I need time with my girl, no interruptions. You need the same, yes?"
You nodded, smiling shyly up at her.
"Good. I will pack your favorite strap!" Alexia smirked, backing away from you when you blushed, and swatted at her. You stared after her in disbelief, as she headed back into the closet, leaving a mess of clothes in her wake.
"Come on, come on, come on!" She yelled excitedly.
You got out of bed, smiling to yourself. Alexia was not a spontaneous person, that was all you. As evidenced by the 2 puppies sitting in your living room currently. She would always be what you needed of her, though. Even if it didn't come naturally to her; she'd be whatever you needed. Always.
shorter than i was planning, but perhaps it's because i didn't want to rush the smut i was planning at the end. so. be on the lookout for part 3 :) it'll be dirty 😈
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aetherdoesthings · 4 months
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forethoughts: ✨guess who's sick again✨ i'm kidding i'm not sick. i have a few ideas i want to write out (all including arlecchino because she has my heart rn) so expect to see more aether original fics! i'm still writing requests rn; so if you want something to be written, send an ask!
notes: fem!reader, domestic life, protective!arlecchino, arlecchino trying to be a good wife
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Being the Fourth Fatui Harbinger’s wife was probably the best thing in the world. For one, you didn’t need to be worried about being attacked out of the blue when you had a squadron of Fatui agents always watching you while you were out. Arlecchino always showed love and kindness to you, despite her cold and indifferent look. Even though her workload and job filled up most of her time, she always found time to talk to you and bond with you whenever she had even the sliver of free time. Arlecchino always sought to communicate and ensure everything was clear between the two of you to avoid as much worries as possible. Sometimes she would take you to the House of the Hearth to play with the children and join in on the family barbecues. In every essence, she was the perfect partner.
Your job was to watch over the mansion the two of you resided in while Arlecchino worked in the House of the Hearth, and make sure everything was in order. Nothing ever went wrong or put a stop to your task; you were an unstoppable force that would always complete your tasks everyday. 
Well, until you weren’t.
“Darling, I’m back.” You heard Arlecchino’s voice echo off the walls of the mansion. You stumbled off the couch in the living room, your brain taking an awful long time to readjust to its new state as stars filled your sight. You hobbled over to the door, one hand pressed against the wall and another on your temple. Your head was pounding, threatening to explode and kill you in an instant, while your muscles were numb and jelly-like. A cough was forced out of your mouth, causing your body to convulse and spasm. 
“I-I’m here…” You croaked, hobbling towards your wife. 
“There you are, darling. How are-” The sound of her heels clicking against the ground came to an immediate halt, before dashing towards you. You felt hands clutch onto your arms, one of them shooting up to your forehead. “Y/N, are you alright? What’s wrong? Your forehead is burning.” You swore you saw a flicker of worry and fear in those pools of darkness. Or maybe you were hallucinating. 
“I-I’m fine.” You coughed, causing another strike of pain in your head. You lugged one of your feet forward, then the other, hobbling to the kitchen like a drunkard. Arlecchino immediately blocked your path, her arms wrapped around your frail and weak body to stop you from moving or fall unconscious and hit your head. 
“You are the opposite of fine, my love.” Arlecchino stated matter-of-factly.
“I need to get s-started on dinner… need to…”
“Sshhh… sshh…” Arlecchino swooped you into her arms, carrying you bridal style as she marched towards your bedroom. “None of that. You are clearly sick. Your lips are ghostly pale, you’re coughing up a storm and sniffling, your forehead is burning hot, and you can’t even walk two steps before stumbling and falling.”
“I’m perfectly fine-” Of course a coughing fit struck you the moment you said that. Arlecchino stayed put, rubbing her hand up and down your back in an effort to soothe you.
“Deep breaths, darling. Deep breaths. It’s alright. You’re alright. You’re okay. You’re okay, darling.” Arlecchino whispered into your ear, pecking soft kisses on wherever was available, trying to calm you down. Once your cough had retreated momentarily, Arlecchino took the opportunity to carry you all the way back up to your shared bedroom, helping you change your clothes into your pajamas as she placed you down underneath the bed sheets like you were made of glass. She tucked you into bed, before scurrying over to the table where all your makeup was stationed, grabbing your makeup remover. She dabbed some of the liquid on some cotton pads before going back over to your frail body. Her fingers traced the contour of your face, removing all your makeup for you without you even knowing or feeling the pressure. Arlecchino rolled up her sleeves, worry and panic starting to plague her mind as she tried to stay calm and be rational for you. “Okay, I will be right back. I am just going to get some things for you.”
She was already out of the room before you could register and reply to her, and back before you could say a word. Arlecchino set down the tray of items she had retrieved on your nightstand, eyes always flickering towards you to monitor your state. 
“Arle… I swear.. I-I’m okay, I really need to-”
“You really need to shut up and let me take care of you, sweetheart. Open.” Arle held up the thermometer. You reluctantly opened your mouth, as she placed the thermometer under your tongue. 
“Close.” She ordered, while drenching a towel with cold water. You obliged to her commands, too weak to protest and do anything. Arlecchino laid the towel on your forehead, the heat radiating from your body overpowering the coldness of the towel. While it managed to bring some reprieve, it only lasted for a few minutes. 
“Can you sit up for me, darling? I just need you to take these meds and you can go back to lying down.” Arlecchino asked, a couple pills in her hand. With her help, you put yourself flat against the wall, your mind protesting about the change in altitude again. With the cup of water Arlecchino provided, you downed all the pills, and immediately slipped under the safety of the blankets.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick, darling?” Arlecchino sighed, her hand on yours as she rubbed small circles on your thumb. 
“I… didn’t want to worry you. C-Cause y-you’d have to come back home a-and take care of the work here.”
“Y/N, my dear, I’m your wife. I will always worry about you no matter what; your health and wellbeing is always my first priority. Please, do not ever hide from me if you are unwell or in need of something. I wish to be able to provide for you and treat you like you are a princess. Do not ever think you are an inconvenience to me nor a burden, that cannot be farther than the truth. I will handle the chores around the house and manage my work simultaneously. All I want you to do is sleep and rest, understood? Can you please do that for me, darling?” Arlecchino moved her hand to your face, cupping your cheek.
A small, weak smile crept onto your face, your eyelids growing heavy by the minute. You pressed your face into your wife’s palm, letting yourself bask in the warmth you loved to feel, instead of the burning and drowning heat of the fever you were experiencing. “So…Arle’s cooking tonight?”
Arlecchino chuckled softly, as she leaned down to plant a kiss on your cheek. “Arle’s cooking tonight. Don’t worry, dear, I’ll make your favorite. If you ever need me just call my name and I will come, no matter how quiet or loud you say it. Go get some sleep, okay? I’ll bring dinner shortly.”
“No you won’t.” You giggled to yourself, closing your eyes before Arlecchino could confront you and rebut that.
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wonderlandwalker · 8 months
Desperate Measures | Remus Lupin x Reader
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Marauders Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: (Part 1: Desperate Times) After your break-up Remus doesn't know what to do with himself, but when he finally gets to see you again he promises himself to make it up to you by any means he can
Content Warnings/Tags: fluff, small amount of angst, big amount of smut, minord dni, 18+, unedited writing, still not sure if smut is my strong suit but won't stop me from trying
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: A lot has happened while I took a break from writing for a little while but it basically comes down to the fact that I still struggle with my mental health on a daily basis and writing isn't always my priority. While I do not plan to stop writing any time soon, the intervals of them will probably continue to stay longer. So thank you to everyone who has the patience to wait. Anyway, today is my birthday, so this is my small gift to all of you for the occasion xx
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His friends didn't dare say anything, no, they could see how he was doing, they didn't need to ask. So they let him sulk, and it's not like they hadn't tried to cheer him up, but there was nothing that seemed to work. Not the speech from James, not the distractions Sirius tried, and not even the chocolate muffins Peter swiped from the kitchen could get a smile on his face. Just letting him wait it out seemed like the best option. But as time continued to pass and Remus continued to sulk, they realised a more hands-on approach was needed.
They weren't sure if talking to you would go over well, so they decided to test the waters by talking to your friends.
"What do you want Potter" Lily glared at James as he sat down next to her.
"Don't you think it's time she apologizes"
Now see, all of them were used to the incredulous looks Lily would give James, but this one beat the record.
"What in the seven hells are you on about"
"Remus has suffered enough, he hasn't left the dorm in nearly a week."
"So. Whatever fight they had she clearly seems fine" he gestured over to where you were sitting a little further away, breaking your pastry up into small bits to eat as you laughed with Marlene over some joke he couldn't hear.
"Don't you think she should apologise to him by now, they always make up eventually"
Lily dropped the exasperated expression as her face turned to stone while she spoke her next words.
"Yes, James, she seems fine. I found her crying her eyes out on the bathroom floor. Just because she is coping better than Remus doesn't entitle him to anything. "
James's overconfident demeanour dropped slightly. He had been worried about his friend all this time, he hadn't stopped to look at how it affected you. But when paying closer attention he could see Lily was right, there were bags under your eyes and they were still a little red, you must have cried even more after the night Lily was talking about.
"You know I care for her as well, but Remus is being stubborn, he won't even talk to us, won't even tell us what happened, we just thought that if she saw the state he is in, she'd maybe forgive him, get through to him"
"There is nothing to get through about. He broke up with her, now he's suffering the consequences, good riddance if you ask me"
Now it was James' turn to look startled
"Hang on a second. They broke up?" Lily copied his expression
"Yes they broke up, what did you idiots think was going on"
"We figured they fought, they fight sometimes but they always make up" Lily started shaking her head as she answered him.
"Not this time, he broke her heart, James. Even if he did regret it, I'm not sure she'd forgive him, and I don't think she should either"
Taking a last look at you, James bolted from the table. All this time they had simply assumed he was irritable because of a fight, but you had broken up. Not only that, it was Remus that had broken up with you. No, this would surely not do, not if they could help it.
Over the next few days, they came up with a plan to, in the easiest of terms, get Remus to beg for forgiveness. It all started with the party
"I'm really not in the mood Sirius" Remus was stretching time the most he could, but Sirius wasn't letting up.
"You've been cooked up in that bed for nearly two weeks now, people are starting to wonder if we've killed you with one of our pranks. Besides, if nothing else there'll be liquor, liquor solves everything"
Normally Remus would have argued, but strangely enough, this time Sirius had a point. But Sirius had a mission too. Yes, he was following the plan step by step. He had talked to Marlene, who had promised to get you to the party as well, which was probably a much easier task than he had been left with, seeing how after last week you had decided it was no use sitting around moping any longer.
He dragged Remus down to the party going on in the Gryffindor common room, poured him a glass of the strongest thing he could find, and got him settled on the couch. For a moment he debated getting Remus to dance, but that might have been a bit too ambitious. Either way, Remus was here now, Sirius's part was done.
Remus saw you standing on the other side of the room, and either you hadn't noticed him yet or you were simply ignoring him, but you seemed to be in your own world. And he was fine with looking at you from where he was, after all, that's the fate he had resigned himself to. He was fine with watching you because you seemed like you were enjoying yourself.
But it didn't take long for his so-called plan to crumble down like a poorly constructed house of cards. Because he saw someone walk up to you, he saw someone get close to you, someone who wasn't supposed to.
What was Evan Rosier doing at a Gryffindor party? But he didn't have much time to think about it, because he saw Evan walk up from behind you, and at first you seemed startled, but when you turned around to face him you seemed to light up. You pushed up on your toes to hug him and Remus's stomach started to twist. Not in the way it always used to when it came to you. His insides used to do somersaults every time he got a smile out of you. No matter how sour of a mood he was in, it would light him up.
His friends used to poke fun at him for it, but they soon realized you were the only thing that would cheer him up when their usual methods had run out, and they surrendered to the spell you seemed to have him under.
But this was nothing like that. Evan secured his arms around you and you let him, why did you let him? He knew he had been avoiding you, but he couldn't have missed this much. He sat there and watched, his body seemed to have turned to stone as if you had been Medusa herself. His eyes he couldn't keep off you, it was only when Evan pulled back that he thought the nausea that had bubbled up in his stomach would disappear, but he couldn't have been more wrong. Because the moment he did, Evan took off his jacket, and put it around you. The green colour of it engulfed you and Remus was filled with it just the same.
He felt as if he wasn't in control of his own body as he stood up from the couch, walking in your direction. He wasn't even sure what he would say, what he would do, but he could no longer sit and watch idly. So when Remus reached you he did the only thing that made sense to him, he pulled you in and kissed you. He kissed you like he had thought about doing every minute for the last few weeks. He had wondered if your lips were still as soft as they used to be, what a stupid question, he thought now, of course they were.
For just a second his life is back the way it should be, you're kissing him as if it's pure muscle memory, and perhaps it is because only a moment later you seem to come to your senses and pull away. But you're still looking at him, and your eyes have him just as Enchanted as the first time he saw you. He recognizes a small sparkle in them and promises himself to make it ablaze again.
"Can we talk, please" He is ready to get down on his knees and beg you, because he doesn't know if he can stand being without you anymore. He would drop to the floor and grovel for your forgiveness if that was what it took, but of course, you don't make him. Even before he's always been ready to tear his heart from his chest and give it to you the moment you requested so. He would watch it continue to beat as he ripped it out because by now it was entirely yours anyway, it wouldn't stop as long as you were near, wouldn't dare let you down.
You nod your head to the stairs leading up to the dorms and he walks with you until you're in the dorm, the door shutting behind you. He wants to push you up against the door and trail kisses down your neck like he used to, but he can tell you have something to say, so he sits down on the foot of your bed, trying not to fidget with his hands too much.
"You really hurt me Remus" The way your eyebrows slightly pinch together and the slight pout on your face makes him once again regret every single word he uttered that night. He's trying to think of what to say, how to continue. Because he's gotten this far and he's determined not to mess up again. But what is there to say, what can he say other than the fact that he's sorry, which seems like too much of an understatement for the situation he created.
"I know" is all he can come up with, and it's true, he spent so much time thinking about what he had done and how it had hurt you.
"I don't know if I'm ready to just move on as if nothing happened"
"I know" Remus wants to smack his own head for his response. This was his one chance to make it right and he couldn't even form a coherent thought.
"I'm sorry" is all he can say next, and he wants to smack himself again for the oversimplification. But you look at him as if it's enough, as if you know the weight those words truly hold behind them. He wouldn't be surprised if you could see right into his mind, you've always been able to read him so well.
"Please let me make it up to you, I promise I will" You look at him again, and walk closer to where he is sitting.
"How exactly do you propose to do that?" Your tone has shifted, and he's still nervous, but no longer for the same reason. It's the kind of nervous jitters he still gets when he's close to you, the kind that makes him want to pin you down underneath him and spend eternity looking at you. Except this time he's not sure what to do. He usually knows exactly what you want, has got your body memorised like a map that leads to treasure. But now he needs to tread more lightly, not taking any chance of having read it wrong.
But you walk towards him until you've slotted yourself between his open legs, and he knows it is all going to be okay, because you start to softly move your hands through his hair in a way that makes his head spin, and he grounds himself by pulling you closer, hugging his face to your stomach. He lets himself enjoy it for a few seconds before he remembers the promise he just made.
He starts to leave small kisses going up your torso, and ghosts his fingers over the back of your thighs as you're still standing in front of him. He holds your body closer to his and hears a small moan leave your mouth. And it's only softly, but he hears it, and it’s his sign not to stop.
His hands move with a mind of their own, trailing further up until he reaches under your skirt, finding the soft flesh of your ass and giving it a gentle squeeze before he retracts one of his hands to slap it. And now he’s sure, because the sound that leaves you is no longer hesitant, it's pleading. He grabs onto your legs and flips you over onto the bed behind him, your head hitting the pillow as he hovers over you.
You move to kiss him, and he doesn't dare refuse. It’s different from earlier, more desperate. Not only his but your emotions showing through it, it's harsh, too much teeth, too forceful, but he can't find it in himself to mind. He kisses you back with just as much passion, and while he could spend eternity like this, he had something else in mind for now. So he moves his lips down your neck, and you arch into him immediately, giving him better access to the spot he’s looking for.
“Remus please” he doesn't need to be told twice, not today at least. His hands inch up underneath your shirt, delicately moving it up your body until it reaches your head, and you don’t hesitate to shrug it off and throw it off the bed. He’s enthralled for a moment, the sight before his eyes so familiar yet so captivating.
He makes quick work of his own shirt and moves back to leave open-mouth kisses down your chest as his hands once again travel down. But he doesn't make you wait long, because it’s followed by him moving your underwear to the side, sliding his fingers over your folds, feeling how wet you already are for him. His mouth is still busy on your chest, reacting to the sounds you make as he’s sucking bruises into your skin. With his free hand he tugs down your bra, finally giving him full access to your chest. The moment his mouth grazes over your nipple you moan out his name and he starts circling your clit before inserting two of his fingers into you. Your body immediately remembers the feeling and he can feel you already starting to clench around him, but he’s not about to question it. He’s still using his thumb to trace patterns onto your clit as he moves his fingers in and out of you, searching for the spot he knows will make you see the stars. He curls them once again and from the sounds leaving you he knows he’s found it, relentlessly hitting it as if it's his only goal in life, and right now it is.
It doesn't take much longer until you’re panting and writhing underneath him, and he has to use his free hand to pin your hips down on the mattress. As moans and whispers of his name continue to stream from you he wonders how he ever thought he could make peace with never hearing you say his name again, but he doesn't dwell on it for long as he feels you spasming around his fingers, clenching as if your body is trying to keep him there. He coaxes you through it until your breathing turns back to normal and he pulls his fingers out, hovering back over you as he cleans them off with his mouth, humming at the taste.
You’re starting to come back down from your haze and he can feel your hands travelling over his body before one of them drags over the bulge in his trousers. The friction makes him close his eyes and sighs, dropping his head in the crook of your neck. You’re trying to undo his belt when he snaps back to reality, catching your hands in his own as he stops you.
“What’s wrong?” The concern in your voice makes him want to soothe away any worries you might be carrying, and he’s quick to tell you.
“Nothing’s wrong darling, I’m just not finished apologizing yet.” It’s not that he doesn't want to feel your hands on him, pumping him as he loses his composure, but he’s already painfully hard from making you cum on his fingers, and he wasn't finished.
And so with a final kiss to your lips he shifts back down your body until he's face to face with your pussy. You’re fidgeting underneath him and he uses his hands to lock your legs in place, holding them open so he can do exactly as he wants. He starts by tickling your inner thighs with kisses, enjoying the feeling of your skin against his. Normally he would take his time, get you desperate underneath him, but he’s the desperate one now, so he doesn't waste any more time. His tongue flattens out over your entrance and a whine of his name leaves your mouth, followed by more moans that make him rut into the mattress, seeking for some friction of his own.
He distracts himself by massaging the fat of your thighs, trailing over the stretch marks he adores. You're rutting your hips into his mouth and when your hand finds purchase in his hair, tugging on it as his tongue enters your folds, he no longer tries to hold back. His attack on you is so sweetly malicious, your taste intoxicating hum further than any liquor could, he grinds down and moans into you. The vibrations make your breath hitch and he can feel you getting close again. The soft pleas and whines coming from you are a melody he will orchestrate for as long as he can, his nose bumps against your clit as his tongue is still busy lapping up your juices and it makes you twitch under him.
“That's it darling, cum all over my tongue” He's craving it just as much himself, every shaky breath from you and every time he feels you clench he gets closer to his own high. All he wants to do is get you there so he can let go himself. He doubles his efforts, remembering what you like, listening to your body react, and with his mouth still busy between your legs you suddenly go still, your body motionless except for the small flexes of the muscles in your thighs. He knows better than to stop, coaxing you further until the filthiest of moans come from your mouth, relentlessly thanking him, although he's certain he should be the one thanking you.
He's still chasing your sweet taste as he can feel his cock straining impossibly hard, the tip pulsating as he finds his own release, too caught up in you to even care that he is coming in his trousers, whines leaving his mouth as he still laps up anything you give him. He doesn't stop until you push his head away and he glances up at your face, a thin layer of sweat glistening above your eyebrows. You're radiating pure ecstasy and he can't help but smile at the sight. You silently ask him to come up by tugging the back of his neck towards you and he wouldn't even dream of doing anything other than complying.
“I've missed you Remmy” it's barely there, your voice a whisper in the now quiet room, but it's more than enough for him. He leaves featherlight kisses over your face, from your forehead to your cheekbone and finally finding his final destination on your lips. It's soft, sensual and full of pent up emotions and apologies, but the way in which you settle yourself next to him, cuddling into him with a content sigh as if he's the puzzle piece you fit next to let's him know that despite everything, you'll always find your way back to each other, even in the most desperate of times.
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Taglist: @hesperdern, @lexmoon17, @y0urm0m12, @dreamingofmarauders
233 notes · View notes
seullovesme · 6 months
slow dancing in the dark » bae irene
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pairing ⥬ joohyun x reader
genre ⥬ angst (fluff + smut)
summary ⥬ on her date, joohyun comes to the realization that there's nobody that she wants other than you. hopefully, she's not too late.
warnings ⥬ dom reader, sub irene, oral (idol receiving)
WC ⥬ 5.5k
part 1 | part 2
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joohyun watched junmyeon's lips move as he talked on and on about his business deals at work. she would say she was listening to him, but she knows better than to lie. to be completely honest, her mind was in a different place.
this date was way different than the first.
their first date had felt so much more easygoing and fun, but only now she could tell the romance was missing. it felt like he was only talking about himself. she adjusted her hair and her dress, feeling oddly uncomfortable. this is not the same sweet charming guy she talked over phone with, and she was starting to see through his facade.
she was thinking of inviting you to join them earlier, before she had left, but obviously she wasn't going to make you tag along on their date because she didn't want you to actually meet him until they were officially dating like she had done with her other relationships. seeking your approval was always her number one priority because you knew her more than she did herself, and you were a little protective. nevertheless, you always closely examined each guy she brought to you, making sure that they had good intentions, checking if she had misjudged their motives. you were like the shield to her warrior.
maybe that's why she felt a little more awkward, or uncomfortable. she knew your presence made her feel safer and she was starting to feel uneasy with the man, sensing that he was slowly getting cockier and more rude as time passed. you never made her feel like this, never made her feel so little or inferior. clearly, he was trying to do that by flaunting big business words and bringing up his famous clients.
she knows that if you were here, you would've set him straight and told him off for making her feel upset. she blushed as she thought about you defending her like you usually did, always being straightforward and scolding someone if they even dared to hurt her. you were always the one to protect her, so of course she would've wanted you here tonight. she also would've enjoyed the dinner more if she could hear you talk about something dumb rather than this snooze-fest of a topic.
she also thought about whether you did want to come and were just afraid to ask. she's brought you on dates before, usually when she meets up with someone she doesn't know well. though, those relationships never lasted, they always ended it because they "knew her heart belonged to someone else".. anyway, you usually did everything together so it wasn't that odd for that to be the case. you did look quite down when you left her place.
"joohyun? you okay?" startled, she was brought back into the moment when she heard him.
joohyun locked eyes with the man in front of her, "hm? yeah i'm fine, why do you ask?" she put on a forced smile, trying to pretend like she wasn't ignoring his rambles.
he inspected her face. "it didn't look like you were really listening." because she really wasn't. this entire time she had been trying to figure out why this date was just boring. she hated to admit it, but this was not what she expected the date to be like. she thought it would be like the movies where she'd come to the conclusion that she had finally found her soulmate.
she could tell that he wasn't anywhere near to having that title. she needed a way out of this, any second longer hearing about how his business clients tried to finesse him and she may go crazy. "junmyeon, you're a good person but i really can't sit here and waste your time." she sighed at his shocked face, his ego clearly damaged. "i don't think this is working out for me."
"what? wait hyun—"
"don't call me that, there's only one person who's allowed to call me that." she said sternly. his eyebrows shifted and he wore an upset expression, but she didn't care. that was the nickname you gave her, so she never allowed anyone but you to call her that. not even her parents. it ticked her that he did, she always made sure that the precious nickname was reserved for you.
"joohyun," he corrected himself, "can't you just give me a chance? for me, this date has been great and i think ending things here would be stupid! i'm really the perfect boyfriend for you." he pleaded before reaching for her hand, but she dodged it, scoffing at his childish behavior.
she begins gathering her belongings, trying so hard to not roll her eyes at him. "who are you to decide what the 'perfect boyfriend' is for me? maybe i'm not wasting your time but rather my own." she stood up, looking down on him like he was scum.
he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "should've known a girl like you was only good for her looks." he muttered under his breath and leaned back in his chair.
she's fuming. "don't call me or contact me, or else." joohyun took her bag off the chair and began to speed walk away.
"or else what? you're going to get your loyal puppy you call your best friend to come and fight me?" that made her pause and she could hear him getting closer as he followed. "she'd probably do whatever you command her to. after all, she clearly just wants to get in your pants just like the rest of us."
a slap echoes in the now silent restaurant.
everyone watched as joohyun struck junmyeon right across the face, the sound of her hyperventilating and a couple of murmurs the only audible noises to her. she was mad, livid even.
"it is not your business what y/n does, nor is it okay for you to judge her like you know anything about her. you must have some nerve to think everyone is as much of an asshole as you. i've known her for years. i've been her best friend for years, and i've seen every side of her. i'll decide what her intentions are with me." junmyeon held his hand right over the cheek she slapped, bewildered by how hard she hit and how defensive she was of you. she muttered some other insults under her breath as she collected herself.
she took a deep breath and looked around, realizing that everyone was looking at the two of them. she felt a little embarrassed, not about defending you, but because she was disturbing the innocent bystanders who were just enjoying their dinners. she gave a small bow to apologize for making a scene, and glared at the man who was still standing there not saying anything.
she needed to leave asap. she felt so angry that she wanted to cry, so upset that she got involved with someone like this. at times like this, your consolation was all she needed to make the anger dissipate. "once again, don't try to contact me." joohyun made clear before storming off.
the moment she reached home, she took off her heels, switching them with house slippers, and threw her purse onto her counter after she got her phone from inside of it. she called her only pinned contact and waited to hear your voice.
instead, she heard her own voice in the form of a custom voicemail, the same one she made for you when you both were still in high school. "hello! if you are trying to reach y/n, she can't pick up the phone probably because she's too lazy to... anyway leave a voicemail or call again later!" why was it sending her straight to voicemail? joohyun was confused because you would always wait for her call, especially if you knew she was going out with someone in case of an emergency. it wasn't like her calling you was out of the blue, it was a regular thing. she could even recall the days you stayed up all night, saying you couldn't sleep because she didn't call.
she called once more and ended up with the same outcome. at this point she was already extremely upset, mostly with what went down at the date, and she wanted your comfort. she grabbed her keys and decided she would just go to you. either way, she wanted your presence, no, she needed it. it was like an urge that she could just not brush off, she needed to talk to you. without changing into her shoes or even changing her outfit, she got into her car and drove off.
once she reached your street, the first thing she noticed was that your car wasn't in your driveway. when she typed in your passcode to your door, she also noticed your shoes were also missing. usually when she came over, she would scold you for leaving your shoes all over the place as she put them away.
but this time, there weren't any shoes for her to pick up.
where could you have possibly been at 9 pm? the fact that you were more of a homebody made it even more odd.
joohyun went to your bedroom to lay on your bed, planning on just waiting for you to return. minutes that felt like hours passed and she felt herself nodding off, your comforting scent on your pillow lulling her to sleep. she was out cold by 11, still in her red dress as she didn't bother changing because she thought you'd be back sooner. otherwise, she would've just slipped into one of your baggy tees.
but as the sun rose and shone through the window of your room, you were still nowhere to be found. she shot up in a daze, looking around to see any trace of your return. nothing. you were still missing and she was starting to get nervous.
joohyun opened her phone and tried your number again, the same outcome. she called your parents, thinking it was probably the only place you would have been overnight, but even they said they had no clue where you were and that you weren't answering their calls either. joohyun apologized for calling so early in the morning and it was probably nothing to worry about, hanging up. she didn't want to drag them in and make them worried too, ultimately deciding to search for you on her own.
she was out of ideas, she had no idea where you were and joohyun was sick to her stomach just thinking about what dangers you could be in. you could be lying dead on the floor for all she knew. she curled up in your sheets and snuggled close to your pillow again, seeking comfort in it by hugging it and smelling it, imagining it was you. praying you were safe, she took a nap despite having just woken up.
five days had passed and joohyun was still in your bed. she only ever got up to cook something to eat using what you had, which was mainly instant foods because you relied on joohyun as she loved to cook you your favorites. when she met your mom for the first time when you were younger and she learned about all of your favorite dishes, she promised that she'd make all of them for you even if you grew up and learned how to cook on your own.
great. now she was crying again, it's like she was reminiscing memories of someone dead. she hugged her knees to her chest and sobbed. her worries got the best of her and she was not only worried now but also scared. it had been almost a week and there was still no sign of you anywhere, on your socials, your dms, nowhere. she felt like she was dying not being able to do anything but wait in your home.
she already called the people she knew and they didn't know, called your favorite places to go and they couldn't recall you ever showing up, and she didn't know what to do other than wait. was she supposed to report you as a missing person? joohyun was so lost, not knowing what to do. she sniffled as her tear ducts were completely drained and a wave of sleepiness hit her like a truck. your pillow was decorated by her tear stains and she just hugged it closer, wishing you would just send her a message that you were okay.
she fell into a deep slumber as it felt like the only thing she knew how to do in this state of mind. not even the sound of the front door being opened woke her.
when you had returned, you spotted joohyun's car in your driveway almost instantly having seen it so many times. what was she doing at your place? why wasn't she out with her boyfriend?
you quietly entered through the main entrance. even if it was your house and you could've come in as loud as you wanted, you wanted to avoid startling your sensitive best friend, assuming she was somewhere in here. there, you were at it again, unconsciously caring for the girl who belonged to another. reality sucked and you felt embarrassed that you cared so much when she didn't reciprocate your feelings after all.
the house was dead silent so with soft footsteps, you walked around in search of joohyun. as you passed the hall leading to your bedroom, you noticed how the door was wide open when you remembered shutting it when you left. for a second, you thought about the possibility that she had brought him to your house, but she knew you rarely let people into your house, let alone a total stranger.
you peered through the open door and saw a joohyun sized lump in your bedsheets with one of your pillows missing. silently, you fought the urge to just jump on top of her and throw away the five days of your friend's "therapy sessions" (you just cried on their couch and explained everything in incoherent words). you were supposed to be working on moving on, but seeing her again made it feel impossible.
you approached her as quietly as possible as she was quite the light sleeper, sitting on the empty space beside her. you gently peeled the blanket from her face, praying you won't be stepping over any new boundaries. she was just as pretty as you thought she was, but her eyes were puffy and a little red and there were faint tear streaks on her cheeks. you found your missing pillow, but it was stained with tears as well. not only that, but joohyun was still wearing that red dress she looked so beautiful in. that was what she was wearing when you last saw her though..?
before you put the puzzle pieces together, joohyun began stir awake. she felt the bed had sunken into and turned around to see you sitting there with a confused look. she stared at you blankly for a moment. "hyun?" it took a second for her to process that you were finally home and when she did, she launched herself at you, wrapping her arms tightly around your torso. you were taken aback by the force of her tight embrace, but you melted in her arms, rubbing her back as she started to cry into your shirt.
"you're back.." she mumbled into the fabric, inhaling your natural scent mixed with the scent of fresh laundry.
in a sudden burst, she put both her hands on your chest and shoved you back, forcing you to get up off the bed and stand as her breathing got heavier. her sweet expression quickly switches to an angry one and you are so confused by the change in her demeanor. you try to get closer to her given the distance she made, but she moves farther away on your bed.
shit, you should've known you were getting too cozy when she's already taken. you've gone and made her uncomfortable. nice one, dummy.
"hyun, i'm.. i'm s–"
"how could you..?" joohyun asked, her voice quivering as her eyes brim with tears. you felt a tightening sensation in your chest at the sight of the distressed girl. and to even think that you had hurt her when you worked so hard to protect her heart from all pain.
"hyun, i'm sorry. i–i truly didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, i was just thinking about myself."
she furrowed her brows. "what?"
"there's obviously a line and i didn't mean to overstep it, nor did i mean to disrespect junmyeon. i was just so used to our usual skin-ship that i wasn't thinking about it" once you say that, joohyun begins seething.
"are you stupid?! that's not the problem!" she blows up. "the problem here is that you decided to leave out of nowhere without even calling me or messaging me once! i called everyone, even your parents!! and i felt so hopeless not knowing what to do."
she had it wrong, you didn't think it was going to be this hard on her. you just wanted to fix yourself and heal your broken heart. "hyun, i wasn't–"
"i was here panicking when you were probably frolicking around, partying with other people, enjoying yourself. you just disappeared and i was worried.. i was so worried." the tears spill over, and she's now a crying mess. the gears in your head went into overdrive trying to understand her. she thought you were out having a blast, being a party animal? you..?
now you're upset. "me? 'frolicking around'? what, you think i was out clubbing or going to bars, doing something fun?" you asked with a mad tone.
the switch in your vocal tone caught her off guard."yes.."
you scoff. "seriously? that's not even close to what i was doing, but okay, whatever you want to believe joohyun." you ran your hand through your hair, sighing deeply, trying not to get mad with the way she accused you of something stupid. she was clearly not okay and you weren't going to get upset at her. "i'm going to leave, call me when you want to talk."
she fist tightened, her nails digging into her palms. "of course you are, you're good at leaving." she felt a surge of emotion through her veins. anger, sadness, she felt it all when you said that and she gave up. you bit your lip, feeling like you were about to boil over. she read into your expression of disbelief, "you know how hurt i was?"
"you were hurt?!" you yelled. joohyun flinched at your volume, which you noticed, but you couldn't just bottle this up forever and act like you were okay just to protect her. "what about me? i was hurt too when you made me sit through that date, watching you flirt and laugh with some man you met a few days ago. i was hurt when i watched you talk to him over the phone when we were supposed to be hanging out. i was hurt that someone you spent so little time with managed to steal you away from me so easily, even though i've been by your side for years."
you quickly tried to wipe the streams coming from your eyes, but they just kept pouring. joohyun sat there so lost, perplexed by your shouts.
"what.. what are you–"
"for years, i've been in love with you, joohyun."
joohyun's eyes widen and her arm that was holding her up gave out for a split second. her puzzled face made you want to laugh in pain. you spun around and made your way out of the room, desperate to get out as quickly as possible.
you snatched your keys off your kitchen table and stuffed them into your pocket, slipping on your favorite pair of shoes that you left randomly placed at the front door.
before you could even put on the first one, joohyun slammed you into the wall, pinning you against it. if it were any normal day, you would have let her do her thing and just stood there flustered, but you were over it. "joohyun, move." you command, trying to gently pry her off of you.
"no!" she cried, doing her best to prevent you from slipping out of her grip. she was really afraid that you were going to leave her this time.
"so stupid.." she mumbles and you furrow your eyebrows. soon, you were going to get wrinkles.
"me, stupid?"
"you are! you really think i want that bumbling idiot?" she growled.
"well, yes? i saw how bright your eyes sparkled when you talked to him. you love him, i can tell." you remembered how stoked she was after the first date, spending her days on her phone, talking to him.
obviously, that's not how she recalls it. "how are you going to tell how i feel?"
"i'm not stupid joohyun."
"well maybe you are because i'm in love with you too."
you both just gaze into each other's eyes, feeling the tension lingering in the air. your eyes slowly shifted down to her lips that were slightly apart, listening to her breathing pick up its pace. you wanted to kiss her so badly, her plump lips so tempting to taste. seeing that you weren't going to make the first move, joohyun placed both of her hands on your cheeks and inched forward, capturing your lips into a kiss.
the leisurely kiss slowly turned into a heated make out. the sounds of your wet kisses were deafening, the entire place dead silent otherwise. she was starting to pin you more by leaning her body onto yours, pressing you completely into the wall as her hands snaked around your neck. it was making you dizzy, feeling her body on yours. you tilted your head and bit her lip, allowing you to slip your tongue in to explore her mouth. joohyun let out a small moan in return, surprising you.
you broke the kiss, your lungs crying for air as you try to figure out if this was going the way you hoped it was. scared she did something wrong, joohyun looked down and frowned. you put a hand on her chin, lifting her head up so you could continue. "joohyun. do you really want this?" she nods eagerly, her excitement showing through how quick she responded. "i need you to say it out loud."
"yes, please, i want this." she pleaded. without wasting a second, you latched onto her neck, sucking and biting, leaving purple marks behind. she tried not to moan in fear of making you stop again, which she did not want at all. the pleasure was overwhelming for her, overwhelmingly good at least. you picked her up and she yelped as she wrapped her legs around your waist, your hands supporting her underneath her thighs. while you carried her to your room, she pushed back your hair and pressed kisses on a sensitive spot under your ear.
you opened your door with your foot and went straight to the bed, laying her down on her back. "turn over." she listens to you and flips onto her stomach. you go for the zipper of the dress and slowly pull it down, revealing her silky skin and pink laced bra. you hum in approval of her choice on undergarments, enjoying the view from behind. she whines, protesting your speed, urging you to hurry up.
she brings her hand to yours on her back to take over, but you slap it away. "don't rush me, joohyun." the authority in your voice makes her quiver, the heat between her legs intensifying. "i'll make sure you know how to be patient by the time we finish here." you say with smirk, loving how you can affect her so easily as she lets out a breathy sigh.
once the metal reached the end of the zipper, you placed your palm on the lower part of her back, making her flinch at the contact. you pulled down the sleeves of the dress and undressed her, revealing her pink lingerie set which amuses you. you toss the dress to a corner, careful not to ruin it as it was a cherished gift of yours. your eyes traced her fame, admiring how gorgeous her body was in pink.
"you wore this to your date with that douche? you got all prettied up for him?" you ask, a little mad just thinking about her wearing such a lewd thing for someone other than you. she nodded and pushed herself up with her elbows, shifting to face you, a little shy that you were seeing her in this. she puts her arms over her chest and groin. you grab her arms firmly and move them out of the way, allowing you to see her completely. "funny you think he deserved any of this."
you let go of her arms and grope her right breast, to which she lets out a squeak. "this," you give her a squeeze, making her moan out. "is mine. understood?" she just nods again, eyes closed as she focuses on the works of your hand. you move your hand around to her back and feel for the hook of her bra, undoing it with one hand. you tugged it off, the sight of a topless joohyun absolutely one of your favorites.
you forced her back until she was laid down flat, latching your lips around her perky nipple. the new sensation made her throw her head back, her nipples very sensitive. she felt your teeth gently bite on her nub and soothe it with a swipe of your tongue. at some point, she stopped caring about being loud or not, it was very obviously going to be impossible to be quiet when you knew how to pleasure her so well.
your lips left her chest and slowly worked its way down to her stomach, leaving a trail of kisses every inch of the way. you looked through your eyelashes and saw that she was just watching you so intensely, clearly waiting for you to relieve the ache that was only growing the farther down you went. just to tease a little more, you started to go the opposite way of where she wanted you to go.
joohyun whined for the nth time and pushed your shoulders back until you were face to face with her clothed pussy. there was already a wet spot forming on her underwear, the smell of her arousal intoxicating. with your pointer finger, you press onto the wet patch. her whole body seems to react as she tenses up, crying out, and you snicker at how sensitive her body was.
"stop teasing me, please." she begged.
"fine." you began rubbing her heated cunt through the fabric, and all the tension left her body. her small whimpers fueled you to get straight to the main course. you take her panties and rip them, tearing them off of her so you could have full access to her sopping pussy.
"hey!" she sits up halfway using her elbows, "do you know how much this set was?!" it was like steam was coming out of her ears. joohyun always valued everything and took care of her stuff with care so that they would last longer. you just laugh and look at her, the fact that you didn't give a shit was written all over your face.
you hold up her torn underwear with one finger, "baby. i can buy you as many as you want, but you are not keeping this." you take the pink laced set and tossed it to the side. "as if i would let you wear this lingerie after you bought it with the intention of having someone else take it off of you." you muttered.
your eyes take in the sight of her fully nude with her legs spread open, her wetness glistening in the light. once again, she felt shy under your gaze and forgot that she was even mad in the first place. she tried to close her legs, but you palmed her crotch, your hand getting covered in her juices. the pressure you apply makes her moan as she slowly begins moving her hips, grinding against your hand.
you let her do her own thing for a moment, taking the chance to get impossibly closer. you remove your hand and replace it with your tongue, giving small kitten licks to her bundle of nerves, each paired with a small whine. joohyun gasped as you sucked her clit and swirled your tongue around it.
"fuck! h-haah, why are you so good at this.." she asked between breathy sighs. you let go of her nub with a small pop before dragging your tongue down her slit. she was soaked. you slurped up her wet, slick juices and dipped your tongue into her, making her emit sounds at a pitch you didn't even know she could reach. you pick her thighs up and put them on your shoulders. as you devour her, you circled her clit with your thumb.
her mind is foggy, the unholy thoughts of having you ravish her all day, every day being the only thing she can think about. no one knew how to treat her like you do, how to pleasure her, how to make her feel good. comparing you to her past relationships and few one-night stands, there was really no one better than you.
you pausing made her perk up, unhappy with the loss of contact. "no one better than me, hm?" your teasing smirk infuriated her, realizing that she let her last thought slip out. she put her hand on your head and pushed you back down.
"shut up, i didn't say that." she lied.
you took it as a challenge, a taunt. "oh really? so you need me to prove that there will never be anyone to please you like i do? consider it done, bae joohyun." you stopped talking and dove in, clamping your lips around her engorged bud. without warning, you plunged two fingers into her sopping pussy. she screamed out in surprise by the complete 180, going from soft and gentle to rough in the blink of an eye. the mix of your fingers thrusting in and out of her with the biting and licking of her clit brought her closer to her climax within minutes.
"fuck-!!" she put both of her hands onto your head, raising her hips trying to press herself harder against your face. "gonna cum, i'm gonna cum!" she warns, but her higher pitched tone with her antsy movements gave it away already. you sped up and curled your fingers into the spongy flesh. you pressing onto her g-spot sent her over the edge, her back arching as she gasped.
she went silent before her body started shaking violently, her soft, warm thighs crushing your skull in order to keep you in place and she came. you removed your fingers, but continued to lap up her gushing juices, making sure not to let a single drop go to waste. coming back down from cloud 9, she loosened her hold on your head, scared she hurt you because she needed an outlet for the pleasure.
all worry was wiped clean as you came upon with the biggest smile on your face, looking like a kid on a sugar rush. around your mouth and on your chin were the remnants of her orgasm, the thin coat shining in the light. she hummed, "i think you got a little something on your face." she joked, pointing to you. you poke your tongue and cleaned your lips, wiping the spots you couldn't reach with the back of your hands.
"all gone?" you ask. she shakes her head no and leans in, licking a strip on your face.
"there, all gone." she says innocently as she bats her eyelashes at you. she was so close that you could feel her breath on your face. she was so clearly staring right at your lips so you close the gap, smashing your lips into hers, allowing your lust and love take over. when you broke it to prevent yourself from suffocating, you saw how she's surprised by your energy. "what?"
"you thought i was done with you, hyun? i still have years of daydreams and fantasies that i need to fulfill. unless you're too tired?"
her surprised face transitioned to a snarky one, her energy matching yours now. "i'm never too tired to make up for lost time." she shoots back before pouncing onto you like a hungry fox hunting its prey.
the whole night was dedicated to you showing joohyun just how much you needed her, wanted her, and she got your message. she felt it in every touch and in every whisper.
you finally got the chance to express your deep and unwavering love for her. no more slow dancing in the dark.
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Okay wow I was not expecting my kittypet fae post to take off overnight like this, but I'm glad you all like it! I've been thinking about kittypet culture so this is what I think is the reasoning behind the beliefs.
Kittypets are often well groomed and well fed no matter the season, while wild cats are often groomed there's a softness to kittypet pelts that you don't find in wild pelts. Along with pretty accessories that a wild cat would have no clue what they are like bows. As such they start to seem a bit uncanny valley because they look like you but not Quite. Especially because of more purebred cats who have brighter pelts or unusual colors or strange muzzles or weird ears. Which helps spread the thought that kittypets aren't fully cats, but something similar, something different but the same. Firestar as a purebred orange cat is just a lot naturally brighter or vivid then the more muted oranges that appear in the wild, and that scares cats.
Kittypets also like to share with their wild friends, they see their friend skinny and cold and want to bring them inside where they can get food and get warm. So they tend to offer it pretty often, however cats that do this start to get used to the ease of food and warmth of the den and find it harder to stay wild or to stay away from twolegs. Some kittypets may even aid twolegs in trapping their friends for the sake of protecting their friends from the harsh outdoors. Which everyone knows once you've bonded with a twoleg whether you want to or not your transformation into one of them is nearly complete.
Kittypet food is also meant to fill a cat as its been fine-tuned to fit the needs of a cat so even if a cat doesn't think it tastes as good as mouse, it still fills them in ways they may struggle to get with hunting. So cats that risk taking a bit start to go back for more, especially in harder hunting series. Sure sparrow may be a bit tastier but if its a sparrow once a week during leafbare or kittypet food every day, cats are going to be tempted.
With kittypets not being in a war culture and often just chilling beyond mild spats means there's more room for other activities like a lot more gossip and stories, news travels fast between cats because kittypets are horrendous gossips which means if you fuck over a kittypet, every other kittypet is going to hear about it and shame you for it. To clan cats it's shocking because kittypet news travels throughout an entire twolegplace and even beyond it thanks to some kittypets that travel in like trucks and stuff, so it can seem like despite being nowhere near the original kittypet, everyone still magically knows how you messed up. This extends to their friends as well, if you beat up a cat that the kittypets consider a friend over a border dispute all the kittypets are going to be like "hey why'd you do that that was mean" and potentially chase you away.
Now for names is something I think is interesting because kittypets are never really like "my names Mouse but the twolegs call me Mittens" so clearly twoleg names have some priority here for kittypets, while the significance of this can very between whatever you want really, its clearly important. So if you get taken in by a twoleg to heal a wound and the twoleg starts calling you Pants, then suddenly all the kittypets call you by that name. No matter how much you insist your name is Twigpounce, you're Pants now. Plus if you're actively stuck with kittypets, you'll start going by Pants as well. Thus the kittypet's steal your name.
Cats that come back from twolegs always come back changed, from how they talk, to how they walk, to what food they eat, to the things they say. They can still shake off the influence and return to the wild, but they'll always be a bit off, a bit different. Everyone knows Tallstar was pet-touched a long time ago from how he acts, but everyone politely doesn't bring it up.
Avoid kittypets! They're tricksters that look like us but they're liars with their fake mice and fake warmth! Do not trust! They aren't true cats! They're something different! Something more dangerous! Do not be tricked!
Also Longtail still throws down with Rusty because he's an idiot and also probably hoping that this will make the scary fae child leave his clan alone.
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yan-randomfandom · 21 days
Hello! We're back! Can you perhaps give us yan! Dev headcanons? Like he sees us as a new, better parent than his dad, and he decides to stop trying with his dad and ends up putting all of his efforts into us instead.
I love our adopted son lol
💘ficto anon
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P!Yandere!Dev Dimmadome & GN!Reader
[PLATONIC] oh no... i love this req... dev,,, our poor bb 😔 half bullet & half drabble!!
"We can't just leave him here," a foreign voice murmured, careful to try and not wake the kid. Unbeknownst to them, Dev could vaguely hear two voices under his floaty sleep.
"Eh, he should be fine," another familiar voice shrugged. His son's heart would have shattered hearing that if he were fully awake. "Now, follow me to the office—what are you doing?"
Warmth. Warmth has enveloped Dev's entire body. Your arms gently carried him, a hand cradling his head.
Dev couldn't avoid the sigh of relief leaving his lips. He unconsciously snuggled closer to you.
"...Where's his bedroom? That's where he should be sleeping." You can't believe Dale was about to leave his son on the couch. Not even sparing a blanket or a pillow. It's freezing in their living room.
A scoff left the man before he turned around. "Follow me then."
You pursed your lips as you trailed after him. Are you being too intrusive? Seeing Dev like that just reminded you of your childhood, when you'd wake up in your bedroom after sleeping somewhere random. Your hold on Dev subtly becomes more protective, which is nothing short of a welcome change for him.
When you carefully put him on the bed, his hand quickly shot up and grasped your sleeve. You and Dale exchanged looks before he personally separated Dev's hand from you.
The day after that, you visited their house again for important business, but Dev doesn't recognize who you are.
In fact, he despised you. He thought he was about to get bonding time with his dad again, but then you rang the doorbell and took him away.
Though... Dev was surprised to see you smile when you saw him. "Hello, Dev! We haven't officially met, but I'm your dad's business partner!"
You offered your hand. His dad is behind you. He took your hand for a shake, only for his sunglasses to drop halfway when his skin touched yours.
It definitely took you some time to gain his favor. And when you finally do, well... He's the sweetest boy you could have ever met.
That's right. Sweet. He'd offer you food and make sure you're comfortable in your stay at their home.
He just soaks in every second of your company whenever either you or him and his father would visit. Sometimes, he swears that he doesn't even need his father's attention anymore. It felt new... it felt like freedom, strangely.
Dev is a sassy one. Witty banter is something you'll always expect. Calling each other the wrong name is a thing now, apparently.
His father often sees the two of you bonding. He doesn't mind it, he doesn't exactly do anything.
Surprisingly, physical touch is one of his main love languages. He likes holding hands a lot and really likes it when you carry him.
The AU Pairs are barely used whenever you're around. They're mainly there for convenience, which is strange because Dev used to utilize them for everything.
But then, Dev finds you talking to someone else. He's clearly standing right in front of you. Why aren't you greeting him? Haven't you seen him yet?
You eventually turn, smiling when you see him. He wholeheartedly smiles back. "Dev! Hi! Make yourself comfortable, okay? I just gotta take care of things first."
... He isn't a priority?
If Peri's still here (rip), then he's obviously going to use his wishes as an advantage. Although he didn't even need to wish for your affection! No rules are limiting him! How lucky is he?!
Whatever he wishes for will likely backfire on him or you, and whether he chooses to learn a lesson from that or not is up to him. Peri will always try to support his godchild.
But... If there's no Peri... Dev starts to be more and more demanding. He's absolutely needy and won't stand if you reject his request.
At some point, he'd give you the silent treatment, his shades back up and everything, and you'll have to be one begging for forgiveness.
He certainly doesn't like the fights any more than you do, but he just... he needs you.
And he'd do anything for your attention.
"Let's try and make lemonade later, okay? I'll teach you how," you grinned, carefully patting his gel-filled head. "I promise."
"You better not forget," he quipped, excitement brimming through his very core. He has always wanted to do that with his dad, but now you're here! All the lacking years of quality time can be filled by you!
then you guys will pull pranks on his dad
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
omggg in my fluffy needing comfort era and i LOVE how you write jamie tartt x reader- could i make a request for jamie x chronically ill reader where he is just really supportive and loving with someone who is long-term sick? ♥️♥️
of course, my love. thank you for the kind words. i tried to make this as vague as possible so people can relate in their own ways. sending you love! <3 | gn!reader, 1.2k words, tw chronic illness & pain, language
You'd just about managed to get your hair how you wanted it to look for the evening, with minimal swearing for once. Jamie was sat on the bed waiting for you, he'd been ready for a good few minutes now, but you were still reluctant to emerge. There was a wave of pain undulating through you that you were trying to ride out in silence without alerting your boyfriend.
"Y' alright, love? No rush, I wanna be fashionably late anyways," he said from the next room, raising his voice so that it reached you through the closed door. You hardly ever closed doors around each other, so you should have known he'd be worried.
The pain wasn't dissipating, so you took a few deep breaths before stepping out into the bedroom with a smile that you hoped was normal.
"Sorry, my hair wasn't co-operating," you say, tilting your head as you take him in. Navy trousers, white shirt, brown jacket. He looked effortlessly gorgeous, even if he had one more button undone than you would have suggested. Some things didn't change, "You look so good, Jamie."
"Me?" he said incredulously, standing up and huffing out a breath of disbelief, "You look...fuck. I'm not good enough with me words for this."
His hands gesture aimlessly down your outfit and you feel a real smile blossoming under his attention. You take his hands in yours and place them on your waist, stopping his flapping from going further.
"I like your words just fine. And your face," you add with a grin that he returns, curling his fingers into the fabric he's found. A new wave of pain crests and you try your hardest to keep it off your face, but don't think about how your body must tense under his touch. His whole face crumples.
"Ah shit," he murmurs, running his hands down your arms to interlace your fingers together as he takes a step closer, "Why didn't y' say anythin' babe?"
"About what?" you ask pathetically, watching him fix you with a look that said 'cut the shit'.
"Cut the shit," he said, clearly deciding the look wasn't enough, "We agreed, babe, you tell me if it's a bad day so I can help. Or at least try to. Thought we were in a good place with it."
Your heart aches. He really does hate it when you keep your pain to yourself, even though you're not sure he yet understands just how much pain you would be sharing if you shared all of it. You'd been dating for six months, but still wanted to be careful not to scare him off.
"I am. I promise, Jamie, I do tell you it's just..." you struggle for a good explanation that doesn't create any pity in him, "Tonight's big, you know? I want to be a proper girlfriend and I want to burst into tears and kiss you stupid when they call your name for that award."
There is a little bit of pity in his eyes when you've finished, so you can't have done a very good job of it. He squeezes your hands tightly in his.
"Can't say it many more ways," he says softly, "But y' gotta believe that you are me priority, gorgeous. Jus' wanna look after you, y' know. I wanna be a proper boyfriend too."
You'd never thought about it that way. Another wave of pain hits and Jamie's instantly stroking your temple when your eyes clench shut. You feel his lips on the opposite side of your head as he whispers sweet little comforts in your ear.
If it wasn't so painful, maybe you'd be more willing to argue the point with him. It would have to be a battle saved for later, because lying down was the only option for the moment. You could feel the sting of tears; it couldn't have been a worse time for a flare up.
"I'll be there for every other award you win," you say forcefully, but you can't bring yourself to promise. Sometimes you worry you can't promise him enough, but then you see the way he looks at you as he leans backwards again and a lot of that worry falls away.
"You're way too sure that I'm winnin' this award, by the way," he says, a little bashful. It was one of your favourite versions of him, "I'm up against quality."
"None of that. The most creative player in the league this season was you. Hands down. I think you know that really."
He nods, but doesn't look sure still. Then he's stepping away from you as he shrugs off his jacket, throwing it onto the back of a chair and flopping down on the bed.
"Come on then, love. We can fit in a quick episode of whatever you want before the ceremony's on TV."
You stare at him.
"Well I'm not fuckin' going without you," he laughs, like that was never an option, "Duh. I'd be bored shitless. I know you need to lie down, babe, come on."
He holds out a hand to you. You take it, still dazed by the sudden turn of events, let him pull you onto the bed and into his arms on top of the covers.
"There we are," he breathes, pressing kisses into the top of your head, "Perfect. We'll have a much better evening bein' able to laugh at Roy makin' a fool of himself for the cameras from 'ere, right?"
Coming back to your senses, you pull yourself out of his arms for a moment so you can look at him properly. He's been acting normal up until now, but when he sees the tears in your eyes, his whole face softens.
"Let's not argue right now, love, please," he begs, "Wanna take care of you, so jus' let me. We can talk about it tomorrow."
"Your award..." you choke out, but he shushes you.
"Will be waitin' for me at the club tomorrow. Me speech would have been fucked anyway, so there's nothin' to miss out on."
There's no room for argument in his voice. It's as firm as it is comforting. Relenting as the pain hits once again, you snuggle back into his arms, kissing whatever parts of him you can reach.
"Like my guardian angel," you say, trying not to sound so teary, "So grateful for you, Jamie. Love you so so much."
"Yeah, yeah, love you too," he says, brushing you off as you expected but with fondness in his tone as he pulls you even closer.
"Hey...you just said the award would be waiting. You're finally admitting that you're definitely getting it?"
He chuckles.
"Course I'm getting it. That award's mine, babe," he says, cocky smirk firmly on his face that you can only see in the reflection of the TV. Then he gasps, comically, "Do y' think they'll make Roy do me speech?"
You gasp right back, already feeling better.
"Yes! If you put it on now, we might be able to see him flip people off on the red carpet beforehand."
Jamie grins as he struggles to reach the remote and turns the TV on.
"Fuckin' genius, you are."
please see this post if you would like to request your own roy/jamie drabble!! closing soon <3
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Mrow | Part Five (finale)
Bakugou x roomate!reader
Summary: back human?? fucking finally??
A/n: WE'RE HERE. THIS IS LAST CHAPTER I PROMISE OH MY GOD. i'm NEVER writing quirks again is what i wanna say because GODDAMN if figuring this shit out wasn't ridiculously hard. i feel more nervous posting this last chapter than all the others combined. hopefully the ending lives up to all the love you guys have given!
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath-
And out...
-before reopening them.
Yeah, no. Still naked as the day you were born.
"CLOTHES," you screeched in a panic. Scrambling frantically, you grabbed the first thing you could in your proximity, holding onto the tattered cloth to your naked body for dear life, desperate to maintain some semblance of modesty. "BAKUGOU HELP HELP HELP-"
"WHAT THE FUC-" You didn't even have to see him to know he was gaping at you in shock. At the corner of your eye, you caught the villains charging up their attacks, taking aim while both your heads were spinning from the situation at head.
"BAKUGOU HOWITZER IMPACT-POWER SHIELD COMBO!" You yelled, one hand still holding up the too small cloth like a lifeline over your naked self, you steadied your other hand, timing your quirk with Bakugou's.
Bakugou didn't hesitate, having paired up with you enough to go through the motions of your combo moves like its instinct.
One blast from your roomate sent the villains flying back from its impact. The kickback had the air around you whipping, making you squeak as the wind tried to rip the cloth from your death grip while you activated your quirk, creating a power shield to buy you some time to-
"Sunshine?!??" Wow he wasn't even going to pretend to yell at you for telling him what to do. He must really be distracted.
You barely chanced a glance at Bakugou, doing your best to concentrate on keeping your forcefield up. You caught your roomate all but whip his head around to stare at you, eyes almost bugging out of his head as though he couldn't believe the sight before him.
"WH- HAH???? SUNSHINE?????" He all but wheezed out. You wanted to to tell him to save his breath with all the panting he was putting his lungs through but both of you had other priorities.
A beat of silence.
"BITCH I KNEW IT WAS YOU!" The blonde yelled back, recovering quickly, huffing in exertion while he scrambled to get something to cover you up while you kept up your forcefield.
"I BLASTED SPARKY OF OFF THE ROOF FOR THAT!" He screeched back, chucking the soft material into your face with enough force to make you stumble a bit, your power shield wavering slightly.
You almost deactivated your quirk in favour of a facepalm. You return to human after two weeks of being a cat & the first thing you do is get into a screaming match with your roomate about fucking pudding of all things.
"Okay, SHUT. Take over & cover me for 10 seconds while I get decent & I'll charge you up."
"You get 8 & you're buying me pudding," he bargained with a smirk. The audacity of this man.
"Are you serio- you know what. Fine. Fine!"
With that you leaped out of the way, letting Bakugou cover you. Quickly tugging over the baggy shirt & sweatpants abandoning the tattered cloth.
"Oh my god. Did you actually manage to find your own merch for me to wear right now?" You couldn't help but snort as you held up an oversized black shirt with Ground Zero's signature orange X on the front.
"Fuck off. They were the closest things I could get my hands on. Call it coincidence."
You couldn't help but chuckle as you rushed over to position yourself behind the burly hero.
"Alright, alright. One power up coming up," you gave him the heads up. You brpught up your hands to rest on Bakugou's shoulder blades, ignoring the toned muscle beneath your palms as you focused on directing energy to his arms.
"Thats more like it," Bakugou smirked, feeling the heat return to his palms.
"Alright, Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Better live up to that ridiculously convoluted name of yours."
"Its Ground Zero now & you know it, gaslighting brat."
"Aw but I liked the tongue twister better, you menace to society." Rolling your eyes as you thought back to all the times he used to insist everyone get that absurd hero name right. The entire thing. No shortcuts.
You caught the smirk your partner threw you, paired with that classic murderous glint in his ruby red eyes when he was about to go berserk. Wew, you almost felt bad for the villains who were going to face his wrath as you watched his grin turn predatory.
Then you remembered they had no qualms in hurting furbabies to get their way.
Yeah, no.
"Fuck them up, roomie," you smirked at the thought of serving these villains what they deserve, smiling at the huff of a deadly laugh the explosion hero breathed out.
"Lets give them hell, Sunshine."
"That will be 6.99," the cashier said robotically, his eyes wide & owlish. You didn't blame him though- you & Bakugou were quite the sight. The two of you were intensely ragged & disheveled from your little villain encounter, though fortunately, neither of you were severely injured- just a couple of light cuts & bruises that would be a bitch to wake up to tomorrow morning.
"Take your fucking pudding," you all but growl at the blonde smirking over your shoulder. Bakugou swiped his pudding of off the counter gleefully, one large hand going to ruffle your head. You pretend to threaten him with a bite, snapping your teeth at the offending hand, making him laugh at your expense.
"Thanks, Sunny."
"Its Sunshine to you," you huffed, stepping out of the store, Bakugou close to your side.
"You've been Sunny for the past 2 weeks. I think its too late for that at this point."
Stopping in your tracks abruptly, you turned to face the blonde, your narrowed eyes meeting amused red ones to pout up at him.
Smug bastard.
Rolling your eyes, you stepped into his personal space, making his shit-eating grin falter slightly, confusion falling over his face. That got a satisfied huff out of you, masking your nerves before you launched forward pouncing onto your roomate & wrapping your arms around his waist. The contact made Bakugou freeze, his entire body tensing up in your hold.
"..whats this for?"
Fuck. Your face felt hot. You didn't let yourself back away though. Instead, you hid yourself away into his chest.
"Nah. I kinda promised myself I'd hug you as thanks when I'm back human. For, well, looking out for me & shit," you mumbled into what was left of his hoodie, nuzzling into the soft fabric. You continued when Bakugou didn't say anything.
"Its weird. I didn't even go anywhere, but I missed you. I guess."
It took a moment, but you soon felt hesitant hands come around your body to return your hug, the reciprocation making you melt into Bakugou's careful hold as he rested his chin on your head.
"I should've known," he started lowly, making your brows furrow at the tone of his voice- something you could only describe as regret. "Even if you looked different, you were still you. From the way you sass me to the way you hiss at me in the mornings. Even- even the way you pretend to bite me after I mess with your head. It was all you. And. I should've seen it," he swallowed.
You pulled back to look at those downcasted red eyes you've grown to love so much, especially after having the oppurtinity to stare into them as much as you wanted with your excuse of being a cat. Slipping your hands into his, you squeezed lightly to make him meet your gaze.
"Bakugou. I was a cat."
"Yeah, but-"
You rolled your eyes fondly at this dumb blonde, not bothering to listen how he should've known, how he didn't do enough.
Instead, you clasped a hand over his mouth to shut him up before he could get even more agitated with himself, leaning forward to lightly press your lips to your own hand, right where his lips would've been without you covering it, letting your eyes flutter shut. Just for a moment.
Pulling away, you looked up at your roomate with a fond smile, not even caring that you had hearts in your eyes from how much adoration you had for him.
God, you were down bad for this man.
You watched Bakugou blinked at you blankly, seemingly frozen in shock as you pulled your hand away from his face, leaving his mouth gaping in surprise.
Heh. You smirked, satisfied at your roomate's flushed face & reddened ears-
Your roomate that your brain has helpfully supplied as so fucking hot the moment you laid eyes on him all those years back in UA.
Your roomate that you had to pretend you weren't completely fangirling over when you two moved in together & eventually started working together on missions, preening at every subtle praise & approval of your idol.
Your roomate that you have grown to recognize as more than just an amazing hero you look up to but also as a friend you adore as his own person- angy pomeranian, mom friend tendecies & all.
Your roomate that you've managed to befriend as more than an ex classmate to someone you trust no just with your life on the field but also with your most vulnerable self, stripped off of your hero status when you're home stress eating cookie dough ice cream at 2 am like the gremlin you are.
Your roomate that you have promptly fallen in love with after he danced with you on the roof that one cold night when he found you up there alone, swaying to a melody lost in the wind- yet vowed to not pursue.
Your roomate that your heart grew fonder for after having seen his soft side during which he cared for you as Sunny- when he sat by you with his gentle fingers in your fur on days you were lost on ways to break the quirk, seemingly atuned to your down days, even while you were cat. All the while working his ass off to find your human self.
Your roomate that is now currently malfunctioning from your actions as you turned around & continued your walk home cooly, proud to have been able to fluster the man who has had a hold on your heart for so long now & blatantly ignoring your own burning face as if your heart wasn't about to keel over from giddiness.
"What- what the fuck was that? I-if you're going to kiss me do it right dammit! Coward! Pussy!" You heard your roomate sputter after you as he jogged ahead to fall back in pace with you, roughly grabbing your hand.
You snorted at his choice of words, readjusting his hold on you but never letting go of his hand.
"The only pussy I am is the one you couldn't say no to the moment I so much as bat my pretty eyes at you. The one you cooed & talked to even through all your complaining about me being a loud little shit. The one you told all about your precious Sunshine you worried about every ni-"
"You're never going to let me live this down are you, brat?" Bakugou winced at how much blackmail you had against him the past 2 weeks he coddled your furry ass.
"And let this knowledge of how much of a softie you are deep down under all that gruff outside go to waste? After all I had to go through? Absolutely not. Mrow, bitch."
A/n: HELLO ALL OF YOU WHO STUCK AROUND UNTIL THE END. i hope the ending was okay? i scratched all my previous drafts for it & decided on something much more lighthearted because i feel thats what made this series so fun & as lovable as it is. i love you all so fucking much & i hope you enjoyed reading mrow as much as i enjoyed writing it <33 until the next crazy series my brain comes up with <3
Series taglist: @deadpoolsvodka @zbeez-outlet @fixed211 @arael-asuka @sadcookie365 @phrogfungi @trash-heichou-kacchan @sad0ni0n @woodzonesworld @mushi42 @yappydoo @kazxtora @nnubee @chuugarettes @voidsatoru @freakyundercover @momdisappointment @simp4rengoku @yaskna @zane2408 @lynn-writes-things @dinodumbass @jihyuniepark @julietdelamare @captainchrisstan @atrainb @wannabewolf @cupidcole @atsushiki @trashbin-nie @mothmanuwu @skyesayshi @nezykoi @theredtater06 @lanaxians-2 @alextheknight707 @vollkornpraline @misakik28 @carnationhcs @some-ryvant @blubearxy @dangerousluv1 @seokjin-bby @slytherclaw1227 @tjmaxx556 @kuleo26 @answer-the-sirens @stxrrielle @call-me-drartemis @ouch-thats-harsh @coodoritoss @thychuvaluswife @dynakats @naneko-nakooooo @letharue @sleepylittlebarista @moonbinnie0983 @ninashellhole @lovra974 @i-cant-write-for-shit
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
I love love LOVE the idea of Tim being on the other side of an affair! And not the mushy "but then they fall in love with Tim and leave their wife for him" stuff (which is good in its own ways ofc!), I'm talking about unapologetic slutty homewrecker Tim
He fucks these men bc he wants to, he's completely independent otherwise. He doesn't need these men for anything other than good dick, and he can find that anywhere. He gets a thrill out of making married men cheat, what can he say?
But my favorite idea with this, is Tim starting out these affairs when he's still way too young. Like his first successful affair isn't even a cape, it's one of his tutors when he's 13. They only do it the once, but Tim loved it! He would seek out more opportunities, but then he becomes Robin a few weeks later and his priorities shift
So when he's 14 and alone with Superman and somehow finds himself on his knees sucking down a huge cock? He takes the chance where he can. It ends up becoming a regular thing despite Clark's guilt over cheating on Lois, and it gets worse when Tim gets pregnant at 17, in the aftermath of him and Clark fucking for the first time since Tim saved Bruce from the time stream
Clark is conflicted on what to do but Tim is like "whatever, nbd. I've always wanted kids one day anyways, even if this is a little early. Honestly I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner with the way I sleep around" and then Tim realizes why Clark is upset and adds "oh, no one will know the baby is yours, ofc. It isn't any of their business, anyways. And you don't have to take any responsibility, tho it would be nice if you visited on occasion. But I get that Jon and Lois are your priorities and stuff"
So Tim goes through with the pregnancy, as a darling baby boy that he kicks ass at raising as a single mom, and everything is just fine (except maybe Clark's paranoia at being found out). Tim finds out he's pregnant again about a year later tho and he's just as fine with it as he was the first time, and reassures Clark that he knows the baby is someone else's in the JL. By the time Tim is 25 he has five kids, all of them clearly having different fathers (and if you look closely, you could definitely figure out who fathered who. Clark for his first baby, Barry for his second, Oliver for his third, Arthur for his fourth, Wally for his fifth, and a recently married Bruce is responsible for Tim's belly filling out once again with baby number six). The only thing they all have in common is that all of his baby daddies (aside from being JL members) are happily married husbands
Tim never thought he would let it get to the point where he was having these affair babies, and so many to boot, but honestly? It makes him feel sexy, desired, and powerful. After all, it's not everyday you have blackmail over some of the strongest members of the JL
its universally acknowledged that all the bats are a little screwy, they all have a little something something wrong with them. for tim his thing is homewrecking, there's just something about married men that draws him in so much closer than anything else. but not just any men, its the weak ones. some part of tim revels in sniffing them out like a shark, that no matter their words, no matter how much they posture, or how they hold themselves- tim knows that at the slightest opportunity they'd risk losing everything just to fuck him.
so tim's just a little disappointed to find so many capes fit that criteria, just a little bit though. tim only wants their dicks not to lecture them. plus once his short affair with the tutor his boarding school hired, tim had been looking for someone else. someone older, closer, someone who could really fuck tim, not the quiet quickies he'd been having up til then.
and so clark comes to him! bruce is in space and he and clark apparently had some agreement where he'd fly by the manor to check on jason and dick, make sure they weren't in any trouble. only tim doesn't live at the manor and suddenly clark is standing in tim's room, unsupervised and alone with tim who had just been under the sheets and playing with his little cunt. tim barely has to even try. he's horny and desperate and clark is there and big and his hands are so large they drawf tim's head and force him close as he swallows his cock into his wet, tiny mouth. he begs clark to fuck him. and he does, tim's pajama covered bottoms hang around his ankles as clark kneels and wetly sinks into tim's pink baby cunt with a thick wet sound while tim is laid on his bed and whining. clark's cock is so big that he's only able to get half his cock into him, the rest is stuck outside getting steadily dripped on by tim's wetness. clark's cum is hotter than a normal human's and so liquidy it drips down like a broken faucet out of tim's cunt.
for the rest of the time bruce is gone clark returns to swing by, marveling over tim's body an stroking his sides as he rides him, the stretch having been made easier with the help of the lube tim found in his dad's bedside drawer.
clark is tim's longest lasting affair, and while he'd never admit it to bruce, his favorite. after all you can't carry on an affair for years and not grow at least a little fond of someone. its why tim is a little excited when he does get pregnant. he'd been thinking of settling down and retiring for awhile. damian was now robin, bruce was doing better mentally than he ever had before, the rest of the family was mostly at peace and talking rather than estranged. it's perfect for him to retire.
so when he finds out he's pregnant, he does.
tim doesn't actually tell clark he's pregnant, he doesn't see the point, he and clark see each other sporadically so tim could just tell him the next time clark swung by to fuck him, maybe tim would already have the baby by then and they could work on baby #2.
bruce tells clark, lamenting to him about tim retiring due to pregnancy and not seeing how clark goes ghost white.
tim assures clark he wasn't going to tell anyone, that he had no obligation to tim, that this was TIM'S baby and he'd handle everything about it and it was alright that tim wouldn't tell anyone clark was the daddy.
and tim doesn't.
he keeps his promise.
but the baby thing does scare clark away for a little, he comes back eventually but not until tim has already started fucking barry. oh barry, he's so kind and thoughtful. he hears about tim's "unfortunate" teen pregnancy (at least that's what the other heroes were calling it) and takes it upon himself to gift tim supplies and a crib that once belonged to his own children and was so expensive it was a shame to leave it rotting in the attic. tim is visibly pregnant and living alone in his apartment because bruce had not been too happy about tim's pregnancy. and barry is welcome company who chats and asks tim questions about his baby plans while building the crib even though tim knows that with his superspeed he could have it done in under a minute and cut the visit short. but he doesn't and tim appreciates the company while talking about his birthing classes.
barry really is a swell guy even if he accepts the advances of a pregnant teen that he has on his back and fucks on the floor of a baby's future nursery. barry is very into fucking tim, tim suspects a kink but he's not sure which one. tim was already pregnant so there wasn't much use in condoms which barry was particularly happy about as he buried his cock heatedly into tim's reddened cunt.
clark comes back eventually. a few months after tim gives birth to his baby he brings enough diapers to last tim months and fucks him while tim's baby naps in the other room. when tim gets pregnant again tim makes sure to tell him before anyone else does and also assures him that he's not the father which clark just blinks at and it occurs to tim that he probably hadn't realized tim had been fucking other people aside from him. tim doesn't say who (no need to open a can of worms with the information) but does admit they are also in the JL.
tim's affair with oliver is a natural progression as a result of his affair with barry. of course barry confides to olly. they run in the same circles, are "bros" to an extent, and when barry comes to him freaking out about having gotten tim pregnant well of course oliver gets interested. he's curious, wants to feel out the extent of the affair, maybe softly interrogate tim. tim is certain green arrow came to his door fully intending on doing something about barry's affair, instead the only thing he ends up doing is tim.
pregnancy makes tim horny, almost as horny as married men do and so tim getting bent over his washing machine and thoroughly fucked was the natural result.
oliver swings by to see him every time he's in gotham, he swings by even more frequently after tim gives birth to a sweet little girl with a head of blonde curls that he gets weepy over.
aquaman hears about his fellow married leaguers all having affairs from their drunken rambles. the husbands in the league have a bit of a boys club, something that initially started out as a way to bully bruce since he was the only unmarried man. he hears about their shame, but also how they can't help going back, how they secretly check on their kids, and how they're happy that tim's such a loving and wonderful mother, how tim has the best cunt any of them have ever fucked. arthur starts it out of curiosity. he loves his wife, he does. but...arthur has gotten a bit of a reputation among the husbands as a bit of a bore, not really someone who would take risks, who would do something as aghast as having an affair. tim seems like the best option, he's clearly discrete, is very capable of managing league personalities, does well in bed. its a no brainer. arthur is only planning to do it once, just so he can have the badge of honor of having successfully had an affair. but then he finds himself returning. finds himself...attracted. timothy is good company, he's humorous, he's curious, he listens to arthur's laments, he's wonderful company in more ways than one. arthur finds the little mother of three very attractive and before long he's the reason he's become a mother of four. arthur is the only one of tim's affairs that tries making it more, offering to bring tim and his children to atlantis, offering them a safe haven to learn and grow, to support tim and even legitimize their child. mera may be upset with him (very upset) but arthur was still ultimately king.
tim rejects it. insists to arthur he's fine, that he wants to raise his babies on his own terms and that tim wasn't looking for commitment.
besides if arthur's affair came out, if the fact that he sired a child outside his marriage came out- surely that would incense some people, shake atlantean's view of him?
arthur hesitates but its enough and tim tells him to drop it. that tim will send him pictures of their child through email occasionally if he wants, its what he does with the others afterall.
bruce is the last of them. he was also the last to get married but still. the ink is barely dried on the marriage certificate when a tipsy bruce fucks tim in the bathroom, right next to the baby changing station. tim's dress is hastily shoved up, the top pushed down to expose his milky tits from nursing arthur's baby. bruce's voice is deepened to a near growl and he whispers about how he's needed tim for so long, that this was his last chance to ever fuck him before being tied down forever. bruce's cock is almost dripping with need, the tip messy with precum as he presses into tim's warm cunt with ease, a benefit to having four babies.
bruce fucks tim so hard he nearly leaves a permanent imprint on the tile as he hoists tim's legs up to wrap around his waist.
it's a good wedding night. for tim at least.
the next morning bruce is at his door with an apology, an excuse with his drunkenness. but it doesn't last because it ends with bruce and tim on the couch, bruce buried inside tim again.
bruce is the most possesive of tim's affairs. tim's not sure when he starts looking into it but shortly after starting his affair with tim bruce threatens the others away from him, somehow it got into his mind that he wanted to be the only one fucking tim. but a quick threat to out him to selina and all of a sudden bruce is okay with sharing.
which was the point, it was the reason tim was able to peacefully enjoy his many affairs. there was a built in backup plan. if they ever tried to do something he didn't like, ever tried anything- it would be over for them. people could forgive affairs but affairs with a much younger person, someone he mentored, someone that was more of an honorary nephew, someone they'd gotten pregnant, someone they'd been seeing for years? there was only one natural result to all their marriages if they found out and tim knew they knew it, knew they loved their wives too much too lose them, but they were also unwilling to lose tim.
it was perfect. tim had everything he wanted and things were just as they should be.
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teyamsilly · 9 months
ouu ok i have a fic idea for Lo’ak!
so maybe he’s insecure especially about his more “human” like appearance he has with his 5 fingers, smaller eyes, the eyebrows.
(the setting for this being with the metkayina clan, we are one of the reef na’vi)
so we take him to our secret spot where we can be alone, so no one will bother us. and we just love on him pushing him down onto the soft sand and kissing on him, and touching him, telling him how attractive we think he is and that he’s perfect the way he isnothing.. too sexual more like suggestive??
feel free to add in whatever else you want! i bet you have some great ideas too 👀 <3
not just a freak— your freak
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pairing: lo'ak x metkayina! fem reader tags & warning: bullying, comfort, suggestive content, fluff at the end summary: lo'ak was used to being an outcast. he was used to na'vi kids pointing it out and excluding him from their groups, but it didn't mean that it hurt. he thought that he would get used to it and that it would hurt less, yet it never does. you noticed this and brought him to the two of you to your special spot with the intent to cheer him up. word count 1.0k
teyamsilly speaking ✩ i hope this was to your satisfactory !! i'm on a two week break and it's gotten me so lazy lately.
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You heard what happened from your sister. Tsireya was teaching Lo'ak how to make a headpiece with your favourite gems he found from the ocean. This was meant to be kept a secret, yet with the events following it, she couldn't keep quiet.
Ao'nung's friends spotted them by the beach and decided to approach them. Lo'ak and Ao'nung had already settled their differences after he was left alone outside the reef, but clearly his friends couldn't move on after their violent fight.
Lo'ak kept his composure like he promised to you. His temper would always get the best of him and if it doesn't, he keeps his problems to himself and shut himself out from everyone. It became a problem in your relationship. He didn't like how the root of your arguments were because of him and he swore since then that he would learn how to be better.
They would tease him for having five fingers and toes, making him look unnatural and displeasing to the eyes. Nothing that the Sully boy haven't heard before. Tsireya scolded them for approaching them unprovoked, but he assured her it was fine even if he wanted to do something about it deep inside.
It was when they started mentioning about his odd relationship with you that started to hurt. How he is not capable of being the mate of the next Tsahik of their clain, and maybe that Neteyam was a better fit for you. After all, Neteyam didn't have his unnatural features.
This angered you. From where you were standing, you could see Ao'nung's friends laughing wholeheartedly. The sight of them made you furious, however, they weren't your priority. You searched for Lo'ak and when he was nowhere to be seen, the last place he could possibly be would be your special spot.
You carefully approached the secluded pond. There were huge leaves surrounding it, keeping it hidden. If someone searched deeper in this little forest, they would have found the area. The two of you weren't sure if anyone else knew about the place, but no one has came everytime you visited which is why the both of you claimed it as yours.
Lo'ak sat at the edge of the pond, staring at his own reflection on the water with his brows furrowed. He would clench and unclench his hand from time to time.
"Hey," you called softly. Immediately, he straightened his back and turned his head to you with his ears perked up, He forced a small grin as he greeted you with a small hi before returning his gaze back on the water.
You sat beside him, your thighs touching his. "I heard what happened," you began.
Lo'ak shook his head, a sigh escaping from his lips. "I'm fine. Nothing new," he mumbled as he shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing. Like their words did not make his chest hurt. But you knew him well enough to know he was lying. He never had the guts to look at you when he lies because before he knew it, the words would start spilling from his mouth just by looking at your eyes. 
"We both know hat is not the truth…"
"I can't do anything about it, okay? I was born like this–" he raised his palm before clenching it, "alien. That's what the whole clan sees me as no matter what I do."
You took his clenched fist in your hands and brought it to your lap. The size difference between your hands always made you blush, his hands were big enough to cover your small face and he would always tease you about it.
"What other na'vi people see of you does not matter." You unclenched his fist gently, smiling when he complied to your touch. "Yes, you are different, but the good way."
"How? I have the same features of the sky people."
"And some are good, no? You told me of your friends at the Omatikaya. You have seen it yourself how they choose to be loyal with the na'vi. We, metkayina, haven't. They wont understand like you do." Bringing his hand closer to your lips, you planted a small kiss. "What I think of you should matter more, right?"
Lo'ak bit his lower lip, trying to hide the wide grin that was about to break on his lips. He snaked his arm around your waist and brought you closer to him, giving a kiss on your temple. "I don't what I'd do without you," he mumbled against your skin.
A giggle escaped from your lips, his words never failing to make you feel special. It sometimes worry you how deep you have fallen for the forest boy, but you felt relieved that he didn't feel any different from you. He was just as bad, maybe even worse.
You cupped his cheek and brought his face closer to yours. He pecked your lips first, and again, then again, making you whine because you needed more. He chuckled as he pressed his lips on yours. You draped your leg over his and sat on his lap, his thighs encased between yours. When you began softly grinding on his clothed cock, his hands squeezed your hips.
You broke the kiss and began kissing him all the way down to his neck. He cocked his head back, allowing you better access. His eyes were closed, his lips open, whilst he moaned quietly. 
"It is fate Eywa brought you to me, Lo'ak." You grinded your hips harder on his cock, feeling it harden against your clothing. A whimper came out from your lips at the constant friction against your clit. "She made you for me."
Lo'ak bit his lip and watched how you were desperately rubbing yourself on him. His hold on you hurt, but felt so good. When your hand reached behind him to untie his loincloth, he stopped you.
"W-wait." He was breathing heavily, eyed half lidded as he stared at you with desire.
"I-I'm sorry, did I-"
"No, no, baby. I'm just…" Lo'ak carressed your hips as he sighed, "Everything I've done has been impulsive and out of order. I want to do it right with you." He shrugged, "If I'm gonna be called a freak, might as well be your freak."
You slapped his shoulder lightly making him laugh. "I'm already yours, skxawng."
Lo'ak hugs your figure and places his head against the crook of your neck. "And I am yours."
"And you are not a freak, okay?"
"Whatever you say."
You slapped his shoulder harder this time.
"Okay, okay!"
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support banner by @cafekitsune ♡
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ordinaryschmuck · 10 days
Full Family AU Part 19
"Where am I going?" Vee asked as Camila strapped her into a spare booster seat in the back of the car.
"You are coming with me to the vet," Camila told her, a little frazzled. Her hair was unkempt in a messy ponytail and her smocks were wrinkled as they were rushed on. She had spent the good part of her morning planning and replanning on what to do that getting ready for work became second priority, meaning she had to rush through her morning routines. She wasn't even sure she remembered to put on deodorant.
"Aw, I wish I could go to the vet..." Luz whined in her booster. "It's nice, you get to pet the puppies sometimes, and Mrs. Kristy lets you take candy out from that little bowl on the front desk."
"But it's still a school day," Manny said as he took the drivers' seat. "And you still need to go to school. We...haven't worked out how Vee's going to attend yet."
"Which is why I'm bringing her to the vet!" Camila explained a little too loudly as she forced her "Everything is fine" smile. She then shut the door and quickly hurried to the passenger side.
"But won't people wonder what Vee is?" Luz asked.
"Yes, but...I'll tell them she's our adopted daughter!" Camila said as she took her seat and buckled up. "Sure, that'll lead to a dozen more questions that I won't have the answers for, but it's not like there's nothing else I could say! Because if Vee's sticking around then that's all I can say! Because if I say she's family visiting for a bit, then they'll wonder who's family she's from and why she's still at our home and--"
"Okay, okay, mi amor!" Manny said loudly and clearly, gripping Camila's shoulder. "Breath. Breath slowly. You're falling apart and freaking out a certain someone."
Camila looked up at the rear-view mirror and saw Vee, shaking a little as she clutched the jacket that Manny still allowed her to wear over her shoulders.
"Oh...Oh, baby, no..." Camila turned around in the front seat and reached for Vee. "I--Okay, I can't hold you right now, we're in a hurry."
"Yup," Manny agreed, starting the car.
"But just know that I'm sorry if I'm making you worried," Camila went on. "This whole thing is...complicated and I'm just trying to work things out as we go along. I might be doing it loudly and a little panicky, but it's just me processing things to make sure I can give you the great life you deserve. I just don't know how, so I'm...working it out."
Vee sniffed. "If me being here is too much--"
"It's not," Camila said, squashing that quickly. "You're not too much, I swear. And while I may be stressed now, it'll all be worth it in the end when we finally figured things out. I don't know when we will, but we will."
"...You promise you'll let me know if I'm too much...?" Vee asked, and Camila really wished she could give the poor girl a hug right now.
"I promise that you never will. I can--Here." She stuck out her pinkie. "I even pinkie swear."
"Pinkie swear?"
"It's the biggest binding promise in the world!" Luz explained. "You wrap your pinkie around someone else's and they will forever keep their promise. Like when Papi pinkie swore to give me chocolate chip cookies if I was a good girl at the first day of school!"
"That I did..." Manny said as he pulled out of the driveway. Camila would interrogate him on that later, but for now she held her pinkie out for Vee.
"I pinkie swear that you'll never be too much," she promised. Vee looked at the pinkie for a minute, and hesitantly stretched hers out to wrap it around Camila's.
"Pinkie promise..." Vee quietly said.
"That's right," Camila said with a smile, this one much more genuine. "And don't worry, I'll have a plan figured out by the time Manny drops us off at the vet."
That got Vee to smile now, making Camila satisfied enough to turn forward again in her seat.
Only to then make eye contact with Manny and mouth the words, "Drive slow," needing all the time she can possibly get to figure out a plan.
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for Iron, Scream_kinh, and ComfyB; Kon meets pink kryptonite and decides to fuck Tim and his boyfriend about it.
Kon is kneeling on the bed completely naked, and Tim and Bernard are both still sitting against the headboard completely dressed. That was hot while he was "showing off" for them, but now . . .
"C'mon already, I showed you both the goods," he says, flashing them both a flirty, dirty grin that Cissie once resignedly called a "panty-dropper" of an expression before much less resignedly proving that it was, and will hopefully have similar effects on the opposite end of the gender spectrum. "Lemme see what you're packing."
"Alright," Tim says, the corner of his own mouth quirking in amusement. "It's only fair, I suppose."
"Well we're definitely not gonna measure up, but I guess we do need our dicks out to actually fuck you the way you so clearly deserve to be, yeah," Bernard says with a laugh, leaning back on his hands. Kon wants to get on top of him right now, hearing that "deserve". Even just as a jokey aside, it's–affecting, yeah.
"Yeah, you do," he agrees, grinning wider. "So lemme see what I deserve, then."
"Oh, well, you are a guest, we should be hospitable," Bernard replies graciously, making a magnanimous gesture with one hand before unzipping his jeans. Tim lets out a quiet chuckle and takes one last picture of Kon before unzipping his too, and then both of them, well . . . then both of them pull out their cocks for him. Neither of them is fully hard, but they're both visibly turned on, and Kon tilts his head and just . . . looks, for a moment.
Tim's skin is unsurprisingly paler and Bernard's apparently a natural blond, and they're both significantly smaller than him but pretty comparably sized to each other, and both cut. And it's not like he really pays all that much attention to other dudes' dicks, like, ever, but they both look really . . .
Kon, momentarily, wonders how quick he could get them both fully hard.
And also how they'd both look then.
"Huh, yeah, your dicks absolutely do look good to me, weird," he says, mildly surprised by that realization but less surprised by the immediate temptation to just grab them both at once and touch. He is, after all, who he is as a person. "Alright, I guess not weird, all things and gay space rocks considered, but I still feel like it should be weird."
"Too weird?" Tim asks, looking just barely cautious. Kon shoots him a dubious look and grabs a condom out of the box Bernard dug out of the nightstand for them.
"Tim, you absolute moron, if you in any way prevent me from choking myself on your cock for your boyfriend's entertainment, I will never fucking forgive you," he says.
"Seconded," Bernard says.
"Ngh," Tim says. Kon, as a man with the correct and appropriate priorities, tears open the condom and then gets immediately distracted by the sight of bright lime-green latex and can't help brightening up a bit himself in delight.
"Oh these are candy-colored, fuck yeah," he says approvingly. "Are they flavored too?"
". . . I vetoed the flavored ones but now I'm deeply regretting that decision, to be honest," Tim admits, his face flushing, and Kon mock-pouts at him.
"Booooo, no fun," he says. "Bet Starfire and Nightwing would've had the flavored ones."
"Tim, can I just marry your bestie? Is that cool?" Bernard asks with a wide grin, looking pretty damn delighted himself. "Is our relationship there yet, where I can marry your stupidly hot best friend and his aesthetically perfect dick and you'll be fine with it?"
"Excuse you, I am obviously the kept boy in this scenario," Kon huffs, flicking the torn condom wrapper in the direction of Tim's trash can. "I look like marriage material to you?"
"You look like the last party favor in a Vegas honeymoon suite in the middle of Pride, and I very much mean that as a compliment," Bernard says feelingly. Which, well, Kon absolutely did automatically take it as one, he didn't actually need the clarification there.
Though he does appreciate it, admittedly.
Tim doesn't tell him what to do this time, but Kon kinda already has a goal in mind here, so he just grins flirty and dirty at them both again and leans forward towards Tim, giving him a wink as he wags the unwrapped condom at him.
"You still look good in green, right, man?" he asks teasingly. Tim visibly swallows, and Kon watches his pupils dilate.
And he feels his cock twitch.
Fuck, Kon loves his TTK.
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royalarchivist · 10 months
Tubbo: Yo, crazy question: you got any rabbit feet?
Fit: Man, you and feet man, what the... Okay, I got nothing.
Tubbo: Me and feet– that's literally Jack Manifold's thing, why are you literally– why are you putting that on me? That's crazy. That's crazy.
Fit: Well, didn't you show your feet on stream that one time?
Tubbo: Yeah, but that was– that was for–
Fit: You're the one that's got a favorite toe! No no no no, you got favorite toes! You got favorite toes? What do you mean "it's not about feet"?!
The continuation of a terrible conversation.
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Tubbo: Yo, crazy question: you got any rabbit feet?
Fit: Man, you and feet man, what the... Okay, I got nothing.
Tubbo: Me and feet– that's literally Jack Manifold's thing, why are you literally– why are you putting that on me? That's crazy. That's crazy.
Fit: Well, didn't you show your feet on stream that one time?
Tubbo: Yeah, but that was– that was for–
Fit: You're the one that's got a favorite toe! No no no no, you got favorite toes! You got favorite toes? What do you mean "it's not about feet"?!
Tubbo: OBVIOUSLY I do! Look, you're telling me you would not rather have your little toe cut off than your big toe? Your big toe literally allows you to walk! You're telling me that you would literally cut that one off, like it was any other toe?! You'd have to learn to walk again! You're crazy if you don't have favorite toes.
Fit: What, no– you can have a preference of which toe you'd rather lose, but it doesn't mean it's your favorite.
Fit: No it's not! That is not a favorite, favorite means you like it, I'm indifferent to all my toes, I don't like them, I just have them.
Tubbo: Oh, my gosh. Oh my gosh. No, that is literally favoritism. If you had to chop off one toe, you're not indifferent! You'd much rather chop off the fcking small little one! That means you clearly have an order of priority in favorite toes!
Fit: I would never, ever say I have a favorite toe, Tubbo.
Tubbo: Fine! Say it however you want! You have a preference! Say you have a fcking– one you value more than the other! Say it however you want! Boiled down to the basics: it's fcking favoritism.
Fit: Well, I could tell you my middle finger is my favorite finger, but if I had to lose one, it would definitely... Well, actually, you know what? You're right. I didn't think that one through.
Tubbo: Yeah! Yeah. Yeah!
Fit: But you know, I'd rather lose my middle finger than my thumb, even though it's my favorite.
Tubbo: Obviously! But that's–
Fit: Yeah. It's– I dunno. I just think it's weird that you have a favorite toe! I just think it's odd. I just think it's odd.
No! It's a toe! It's not even a favorite– it's literally a toe I value more than the others 'because 'cuz it allows me to walk!
Fit: Alright, but–
Tubbo: That's so normal.
Fit: Why do you call it your favorite, though? Like–
Tubbo: Because literally having a preference of something over another is the definition of favorite! It's the correct use of the word!
Fit: Yeah, but you're talking about toes, man. Like, why you gotta say it like that?
Tubbo: Sht, bro, I'm just using fcking words. Fine! I have a toe I value more than the others! Great! Now I've said four words instead of fcking one.
Fit: Yeah, well, it sounds a lot better than the one you decided to use!
Tubbo: ...Whatever, bro. Actually, whatever, bro.
Fit: Yeah, yeah...
Tubbo: Do you have any rabbit feet?
Fit: No, I don't have any fcking rabbit feet–
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hikarry · 9 months
We know Aziraphale and Crowley are not talking to each other, but what if when Aziraphale comes back, he tries
He finds Crowley, whom pretends like nothing happened, nothing affected him, if not for the fact he can't look at Aziraphale
"What do you want?" He says, his back half turned to the angel. "Already got bored of your holy duties? Came to gloat over your good deeds?"
"Crowley..." Aziraphale gives a step forwards and Crowley flinches. "Just, listen to me-"
Crowley chuckles, coldly, running a hand through his hair, still not looking at him. "What for? We have nothing else to discuss." He throws a quick glance over his shoulder before turning his back fully towards Aziraphale. "Leave."
Aziraphale takes a deep breath, his hands fiddling with each other, attempting one more step forwards. "My dear-"
"Don't!" Crowley suddenly turns around. "You-!" One shaking finger pointed towards the angel. "You have no right! You-" He takes a shaky breath and looks up to the sky.
Aziraphale takes one last step forward, reaching out to hold his hand, which Crowley snatches like he has been burned. The angel tries to ignore how that hurts. He kind of deserved it. So he closed his eyes for a second, trying to will his tears not to fall.
"I know I hurt you," Crowley laughs with no real humor, still looking up. "But I need you. I need you so-"
"Yeah?" The demon chuckles again. "You only need me when the world is going to shit, oh Supreme Archangel? Is that all I'm good for?"
"Crowley, look at me." He didn't. "You know that's not it. You're my best friend!" Aziraphale takes a final step forward and holds Crowley by the lapels of his jacket more aggressively than he intended. "All I've done was for you. For the world. But Heaven's plans are more complicated than I imagined and I can't-! I tried-!"
"So you came to get your lap dog to help you after you kicked it?" He looks down, but still avoids Aziraphale's face. "It's too late for that, angel." Somehow he made the nickname sound like an insult on his tongue.
"Stop!" Aziraphale shakes him by the jacket. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, I am! It was never my intention! I-! I was trying to protect you. To fix it so we don't have to run anymore!" The angel slowly moves his hands from the jacket to frame the demon's face. He flinches once again, but doesnt go far. His lips a straight line, his hands closed in fists by his side. "Crowley..." Aziraphale tried to move his head so he was looking at him, to no avail. "Will you look at me?" He unconciously runs his thumb through the demon's cheekbone. "...Please?"
And that does it. That little word always does it. And a small smile takes over Aziraphale's lips when their eyes meet, even through the sunglasses. He feels Crowley stop his breathing and his arms slightly shaking, itching to reach out, but being forced to keep still.
"You made your choice." His voice was low and rasp, as if he was making a monumental force to speak. "And I clearly wasn't it."
"You misunderstand." Aziraphale's smile is sad, but Crowley doesn't look away. "You've always been my choice. You. And the world. I made a mess of things and went about it the wrong way, perhaps. But if I had to choose between running away with you and not being sure we would ever be safe and leaving and knowing you would be alright. Alive. I would make the same choice again. Because i would rather make the world safe for you than see you hurt. You have always been my priority, Crowley...Alright?"
A few moments pass in silence, looking at each other in the eye. Crowley's jaw quivers and he puts his hands over Aziraphale's, pulling them away from his face but not letting go.
"Fine." Aziraphale lights up. "But!" He raises a finger, pontuating the word. "You are not forgiven and I will be petty about this whole second coming bullshit until we save our world. Again." His expression softens and he squeezes Aziraphale's hands. "And maybe for a few more decades or so. And after this is all said and done, we are going to talk. A serious talk. About...everything."
Aziraphale smiles, squeezing his hands back.
"Its a deal, my dear."
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