#clone trooper Thrill
merlyn-bane · 22 days
Hey Merlyn, clone art req for you 👀 older cadet/trooper holding a younger one back with a hand just planted in their forehead? Lil cadet is trying to swing for them maybe. Very big sibling/little sibling energy lmao. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for all the requests 🥰
hiiiii gabbi :D :D have Alpha-17 with one of his cc cadets while they were still squishy and little.
(thank you for everybody that has sent me prompts 🥰🥰 i am absolutely still taking them so feel free to send them in and i will work through them as fast as i can without aggravating my wrists again <3)
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sulevinen · 2 years
”I don’t want to do this.”
Alpha scoffed and patted him on the shoulder, lightly but still irritatingly enough for CT-7567 to shake the hand off.
”I know you don’t. But I think you two would be great friends.”
”I have a friend. I don’t need another.”
Alpha rolled his eyes and shook his head, not in disappointment but in amusement. At least CT-7567 hoped so.
”And Cody is a great friend to you. But I think you could use a friend who is more like you.”
”More like me?”, CT-7567 raised his eyebrows, and followed Alpha to the left, avoiding his hand trying to maneuver him.
”Yeah, like you. You’ll see.”
CT-7567 didn’t want to see. He wanted to go back to his bunk, take his datapad and hide under the covers until it was time to go to sleep. The blanket didn’t block out much of the noise his batchmates made in the room, but it did help him concentrate on the book he was reading.
Tyrannosaurus Rex, an apex predator, largest of all ancient carnivores…
CT-7567 lost himself to the thought and followed the sound of Alpha’s light footsteps. He got to page seven, which meant that the place Alpha was taking him was farther from the nearest training room than the facility next by. CT-7567 got curious and lifted his gaze from the floor, noticing that the lights had gotten dimmer and the usually loud noises of his brothers couldn’t carry on even as echoes through the vents.
”Where are we going?”, he asked, and Alpha gave him a reassuring smile.
”Don’t worry. It’s not far. It’s a secret hideout.”
Alpha hummed, and stopped in front of an unassuming door, like every other door in the facility. It was darkened by the edges by dust and what CT-7567 hoped wasn’t mold, but the air of the corridor felt moist enough to make it possible. He frowned up at Alpha, nodding at the door.
”Is that mold?”
”No”, Alpha said nonchalantly, punched the code in and smiled at him. ”Don’t worry.”
The door slid open with a slight creak, and Alpha led the way in. CT-7567 hesitated at the door a bit, but decided to trust Alpha and went inside. Alpha had lit the lights up, and they beamed from the ceiling white and cold like everything else on Kamino. CT-7567 looked around him, seeing nothing out of the ordinary for a simple room, but it was oddly empty and quiet.
”What is this place?”, he asked, looking out the window where the never-ending storm raged in the distance.
”This is the secret hideout”, Alpha said, but clarified at CT-7567’s angry frown, ”it’s an old bedroom I emptied and cleaned, to your standards.” Alpha had a weird expression on his face, something between smug and humble, but CT-7567 couldn’t remember what it was called in the book.
”I actually don’t know if it was a bedroom or an office or a medbay”, Alpha started rambling, moving around as if seeing the place for the first time. ”I found it with my batchmates when I was still a kid, even younger than you. And so far I don’t know if anyone else has been here. It was filled with junk and dirt and spiders, but I cleaned it for you.”
”For me?”, CT-7567 asked, and Alpha nodded.
”For you, and for your new friend.”
CT-7567 crossed his arms. ”Stop calling him my new friend.”
Alpha lifted his arms up, like surrendering, but not in a real way. Wolffe did it a lot when Cody was starting to get really angry at him, which just made Cody more pissed off. CT-7567 wasn’t really sure what was the point of it, but he guessed by what he had observed, that it was a false surrender to make the opponent calm down.
”I am calm”, he said, mostly to himself, and tapped his leg with his fingers. Alpha let out a chuckle and cleared his throat, making CT-7567’s shoulders instantly tense and go up his ears.
”Okay, hang out here for a bit, I’ll be right back. That okay with you?”, Alpha smiled at him, and CT-7567 gave him an uncertain nod. He really didn’t want Alpha to leave him alone, because usually it meant that people came to bully him, but this time by the sound of it, nobody could find him here. It didn’t make him any more relaxed though, and when he watched Alpha disappear behind the closed door, he wanted to run after him.
He’d just have to stay calm. He kept tapping his leg with his fingers, and looked outside, gently humming. The sound resonated nicely in his throat, and his voice wasn’t bad either. It was in perfect tune with the actual song from the holonet, and Cody had told him it was because he had perfect pitch. CT-7567 was yet to search on his datapad what it meant, because every time he meant to do it, it managed to slip his mind.
He sighed and sat down by the window, following the raindrops with his eyes. There were probably millions of them on the surface of the glass, all racing down, merging with each other or ceasing their trip completely. CT-7567 felt the static in his head quiet down the longer he stared at them, and he almost forgot the anxiety he was feeling about the new kid he’d have to meet. Almost.
The silence around him got disturbed by quiet chatter and footsteps outside the door, and CT-7567 hung his head low, preparing himself for meeting his ”new friend”.
The door opened with a creak, and at the sound of two sets of footsteps, CT-7567 raised his head and faced the cadet. He was glued to Alpha’s side, eyes flickering from CT-7567’s hair to his uniform, slightly squinting. When CT-7567 looked directly at his face, his eyes strayed away towards another direction.
He supposed this was CC-1010.
”This is CT-7567”, Alpha said, and CT-7567 got up, stood as straight as he could, and attempted to make eyecontact, but his eyes settled on CC-1010’s eyebrows.
CC-1010 looked up at Alpha, frowning slightly, and Alpha answered with a smile.
”He’s like you. His brain is wired the same way as yours: a little differently than the rest of us. I think you’d get along just fine.”
CT-7567 glanced from Alpha to CC-1010, seriously considering if Alpha knew CT-7567 at all. They were not the same.
”We’re not the same”, he decided to tell him, ”similar, but not the same.”
Alpha gave him a nod and stepped forward, attempting to take both of them by their shoulders, but like CT-7567, CC-1010 also avoided his touch. CT-7567 took a step forward just to not be so difficult, and looked at CC-1010 from below his eyebrows. His shoulders were tense, hands squeezed into tight fists and gaze on the ground: hardly eager to have a new friend either. CT-7567 glanced at Alpha, trying to look as disapproving as possible, but Alpha just kept talking his nonsense.
”I know that. But you’re more similar to each other than you’re to me or the other cadets. I thought this way you could have some company, maybe help each other with tasks and training, and maybe, maybe become friends.” Alpha looked sternly at CT-7567, and his fight or flight urge kicked in. He didn’t need any more friends. Cody was plenty, Cody was enough. He didn’t want any more friends. CT-7567 was sure Cody would agree with him if he was there. He decided to ask him later, so he could talk some sense into Alpha.
CT-7567 kept frowning at CC-1010, and he started looking more uncomfortable as the seconds went by. He faced the corner of the room, and Alpha humphed as he looked back at CT-7567.
”He’s always frowning. Nothing personal.”
Well, CT-7567 surely took that as personal.
CC-1010 kept looking away, and Alpha signaled CT-7567 to sit. He did, after giving him an angry glare, and kept staring at CC-1010, expecting him to turn around and sit as well, so they could begin whatever dumb activities Alpha had planned.
”Take your time”, Alpha spoke to CC-1010, and then leaned towards CT-7567: ”He’s a little shy. Why don’t you think about dinosaurs for a while?”
That CT-7567 was happy to do. He lowered his head, folded his hands on his lap, and fanned through his memory to get to page seven of his book. It was about Tyrannosaurus Rex’s diet, one of CT-7567’s favorite subjects.
After a moment which felt too short for thinking about the T-Rex, he heard a deep inhale and concentrated his eyes on CC-1010, who sat down as he exhaled.
”Easy now”, Alpha said, and CT-7567 glanced at him: he was being easy. He was being as easy as he could. It was up to CC-1010 if they could carry on with the start of their great friendship.
Alpha laid his hands on the floor, and CC-1010 copied him, eyes on the ground and rapidly blinking. CT-7567 dropped his head as well and got back to his book, but felt something tinge his forehead, and lifted his head to stare at CC-1010. He immediately looked away at Alpha.
”OK. You’re both okay now, yeah?”, Alpha said with a smile.
Then he cleared his throat suddenly, and CT-7567’s hands flinched instantly on his ears despite his efforts to make himself stop. He felt his cheeks and ears get hot and he looked down at the floor, hiding his hands in his lap.
”It’s OK.” Alpha kept saying that. It clearly wasn’t okay. They were in a strange room, that was too quiet and filled with static noise, covered in mold and had just been a residence to spiders. And he had to share it with this new cadet that was supposed to become his new friend. It was not okay.
Alpha tapped the ground next to CT-7567’s knee to get his attention, and he reluctantly complied. ”Like I said. You’re both okay. This is a safe space, like we discussed. Here you don’t have to hide your stims.”
CT-7567 gave him a quick nod and started picking at the palm of his hand. It had been opened and scarred and reopened and rescarred multiple times, by CT-7567’s nervous habit alone, and his trainer’s didn’t like it at all: but Alpha had approved, and Cody didn’t mind. So it was fine.
CT-7567 kept staring at the ground, thinking back to the memories of the times he had been at medbay, scolded by the medics and Kaminoans for ruining his skin. After the tenth visit, about nine too many, Cody had exploded at the medic and decided that from that moment forward he’d patch CT-7567’s hand whenever needed.
CT-7567 could always trust Cody. Everything would be okay as long as Cody was there.
He wanted Cody, now. Nothing was okay. Not this weird new stranger, not Alpha who forced him to make new friends, not this room that smelled like mold and spiderwebs. He wanted out.
He opened his mouth to tell that to Alpha, when he noticed that CC-1010 was hitting his hips with his eyes closed. CT-7567 tilted his head at him in confusion, then remembered that they were supposed to be stimming. CT-7567 glanced at Alpha who sat his eyes closed as well, and decided that disturbing the quiet moment of peace wouldn’t be looked at kindly by either of them. So CT-7567 decided to suck it up and close his eyes.
He started tapping his knees lightly with his fingertips, and almost involuntarily his body started slightly swaying from side to side. CT-7567 never quite knew why his body did that without him telling it to, but it was calming and helped him with the static in his head that came from silence. It quiets the quiet, he used to tell Cody, who didn’t really understand, but smiled at CT-7567 anyway. Like he always did.
CT-7567 slowed down his breathing, and listened to the raindrops and Alpha’s breathing in the room, and tried to ignore the sound CC-1010 was making. He opened his other eye a bit to see what in the universe he was doing that was so loud, but he was still hitting his hips with the faintest hint of a smile on his face. CT-7567 lifted his eyebrows and closed his eyes, keeping his mouth shut.
He wanted to feel happy too. He guessed that was what CC-1010 was feeling, why else would he be smiling? CT-7567 frowned and took a steady breath, his thoughts wandering through the many books he had memorized, and the songs Cody had played for him from the holonet.
One of them was his ultimate favorite. It was slow, it had a nice beat to it, a low bass sound and instruments that sounded like flutes. He started humming it quietly under his breath, adjusting his body’s movements to the melody and tapped the beat with his fingers.
He liked music. It was the only way to keep the static in his head to a minimum. It helped him concentrate, and remember things, and relax. It was soothing to his senses, it made the twitch of his hand more regulated as he listened to the beat of the drums, and sometimes he felt like he could almost see it as golden strings or sharp green peaks, like in a heart monitor, depending on it’s pace. He thought that music looked just as calming as it sounded.
Alpha’s quiet voice mumbled something in the background, but CT-7567 wasn’t ready to let go. He kept playing the song on loop, feeling it flow around him and through him and take his anxiety away. He shook off the weight from his shoulders, and the fatigue from keeping the stress in for so long finally overtook him, but he was able to relax and let it settle in his bones once he got to the end of the song.
The ground trembled under him and he heard Alpha laugh. He opened his eyes, very slowly, and faced CC-1010 again. His cheeks were slightly glistening, and his eyes weren’t as squinty and anxious anymore.
”You ready?”, Alpha asked, placing his hand on the ground next to CT-7567’s knee.
CT-7567 blinked. ”For… what?”, he asked, a slight stutter in his words.
”For sleep”, Alpha smiled, and got up as CT-7567 and CC-1010 glanced at each other simultaneosly. CC-1010 looked puzzled, mirroring CT-7567’s expression.
CT-7567 tried to collect his thoughts. ”You- we- we did all this, and now- sleep?” CT-7567 got up and dusted his pants, ”I thought that we’d-”
”You’re both tired, no? If you feel like it we can train or do math-”
”No thank you”, CT-7567 cut him off, and noticed a smile spreading on CC-1010’s lips. CT-7567 raised his eyebrows at him, and prided himself in getting someone to smile. Usually he wasn’t a fun or nice person to be around, but CC-1010 smiled at him, without having to tell him a single word.
It made CT-7567 feel a little less alone, so he offered his hand for CC-1010 to grab, and he did, shortly, before dusting his pants and getting in line with CT-7567 in front of Alpha.
”I’m proud of you two. I know it was just a few minutes in a closed space but- this is the first step into unlearning your mindset towards stimming. It feels good, doesn’t it? I saw how you both easened up, relaxed.”
CT-7567 chest bubbled with joy and an odd feeling of sadness. Finally, someone was proud of him for who he was, and was happy he had a way to relax himself. CT-7567 bit his cheeks to stop himself from getting emotional. The more you cry the more it hurts, the trainers’ voices echoed in his ears.
He glanced at CC-1010, who was looking at him, and he shrugged. CC-1010 copied him and opened his mouth for the first time.
”Yes. It felt nice.” CC-1010’s voice was so strained and quiet that CT-7567 wondered if he used it at all. CT-7567 nodded to his words in complete agreement, thinking it was even more than nice.
It was freeing.
”This room is for you two. I’ll make sure that you have your space and peace, so that you can do whatever, whenever, when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or just want to be alone. You can also meet up here, if you ever need to, OK? This is for you two, only. I promise.”
CT-7567 glanced at CC-1010 and nodded, and CC-1010 took a deep breath and nodded back with a small smile. CT-7567 tried to reciprocate his clear message of amicability, but could only lift his eyebrows.
”Just us?”, CT-7567 frowned at Alpha to forget his bad attempt at smiling.
”Just you.”
CT-7567 looked around the empty room and felt distraught by it’s emptiness and complete isolation. He didn’t like being alone in it, not even with Alpha, and he didn’t know CC-1010 well enough to feel completely comfortable.
”Will we- will we be- could-”, CT-7567 started, trying to find his words. ”Could- Cody-”
”If you want to, you can ask someone to come with you. Mainly I meant this as a… secret lair of sorts, so that the Longnecks won’t find out what you’re doing. The trainers too. So, try to keep it lowkey, OK?”
”Okay”, CT-7567 said, next to him CC-1010 nodded. Alpha smiled as he turned around. ”Come on. I’ll take you to bed. And- remember, keep this a secret, OK? If a non-brother asks, you’re here to receive extra training. Understood?”
”Okay”, CT-7567 and CC-1010 said in perfect sync.
Part 1
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totes-tubulardude · 11 months
Thinking about an AU where certain clone troopers have the ability to size shift, namely certain Clone Commander batches.
Just a few little tidbits:
They can either go bigger or they can go smaller, no troopers can do both. Certain batches of stealth trooper were designed to go smaller because it makes missions easier but mainly bigger was the way to go.
Max size would be about 40 feet and minimum size is 6 inches
Sidious did not request this, however the Kaminoans took “make an army of super soldiers that can take on droids and can also kill the Jedi when needed” and ran with it. This lead to more than a few surprises when the war began.
The jedi that worked alongside a clone commander with the ability to size shift understandably were very surprised the first time they saw it, but quickly accepted it.
Any troopers with this ability had special blacks that were designed to grow with their body, however they didn't have any armor so they were vulnerable to certain attacks
They can't hold super large sizes for very long because of how much energy it requires. Usually its an ability reserved for small uses or dire circumstances. After using it the trooper requires a lot of food and rest
Troopers that shrink can hold their size much longer but it still requires rest afterwards
The mutation to allow some troopers to size shift also leaked into a few other batches so some CTs ended up with the ability. Many were terminated prior to decanting but others were allowed to live and train just to see what would happen
Certain moments of high emotion can trigger shrinking/growing and more than a few commanders have slammed their head into the ceiling when someone jumped out and startled them
I like this AU idea and I might explore it more!
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clonehub · 2 years
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twinterrors29 · 2 years
Cody: Commander Ahsoka: Commander Ahsoka: you said you had something to show me? Cody: yes sir, I believe I have a suggestion for how to improve morale *hands her a padd with a holovid queued* Ahoska: *watches the vid* Ahsoka: 😃😃
and that's the story of how Cody and Ahsoka formed the GAR's first Force-enhanced cheer squad
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mandos-mind-trick · 8 months
Kinktober Day 19 - Voyeurism
Summary: When you first met Rex, you wouldn’t have pitted him as the risky type. Little do you know he’s got a few surprises up his sleeve. 
Pairing: Captain Rex x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, unprotected sex, public sex, shower sex, fucking in the barracks, voyeurism, Rex is secretly a freak
A/N: Once again stepping out of my comfort zone with Rex. A bit nervous about this one honestly.
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When you first met Rex, you wouldn’t have pitted him as the risky type. He showed up early to your date with flowers, held the door for you, walked you back to your barracks on the cruiser, and came the next day to the med bay to see you. He was sweet and polite. He called you ma’am until you gave him permission to call you by your name. 
The first time he held your hand, he asked if it was okay. He asked permission to kiss you the first time, even though you were close enough to breathe in each other’s air. 
It wasn’t until after you had sex the first time that he became a little more bold. Touching you when he felt like it, initiating without asking if you were sure you wanted it five times even after you gave him permission.
The first time he wraps his hand around your throat while piledriving you into the bed, you nearly pass out from shock. You’re sure that’s the moment when you fell in love with him. As soon as you clamped around him, cumming on his cock from the feel of his hand around your throat, something shifted in him. He became rougher, riskier. 
He explored different positions with you. He cuffed you to your bunk once. You’re not even sure where he got the cuffs from. You fucked in a supply closet, mid flight. He ate you out under your desk while you did paperwork. 
This new side of him that he was showing was thrilling, and you’re certainly not going to complain. 
It’s when he fucks you in the communal fresher after a long campaign when you realize the extent of his riskiness. 
It had been a spur of the moment decision after you had finished in the med bay, sent away to get some rest. You were dead tired, but the adrenaline and nervous energy was still pumping through you. You ran into him in the hallway on your way to your barracks after he had spent the last few hours filling out paperwork and doing reports. He looked like he needed some stress relief, and you were more than happy to get fucked to unconsciousness if it meant you could clear your head enough to sleep. 
He takes you to his barracks, the beds full of tired troopers, but none of them pay you any mind as Rex leads you past them. He takes you into the fresher, the door unlocked, allowing for any of them to walk in at any time.
All thoughts leave your head when he pushes you up against the fresher wall, tossing a leg over his shoulder before burying his face in your pussy. 
You fuck in the freshers, quick and needy before moving to his bunk. He hovers over you, blanket tossed over you both. Your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He kisses you, desperate and needy and still hard despite cumming in you in the fresher. He slips into your slick folds easily, both of you groaning quietly. You’ll never get tired of the feeling of him inside you. 
You shiver at the thought of getting caught by the sleeping clones around you. Any of them could roll over and see you under their Captain. A chill of excitement runs up your spine, your pussy clenching around him. 
His movements are slow and deliberate, careful not to make the bunk shake, or to make too much noise. You don’t need fast or hard fucking, not in this situation. The thought of fucking in a room full of people has you dripping and excited. 
He keeps his lips pressed against yours, swallowing the quiet sounds that escape as he rocks into you. Your bodies grind together, getting slick with sweat despite your round in the fresher. 
You turn your head to the side, lips parting in surprise as you meet the eyes of a clone in the bunk next to you. Fives, you think. You know most of them. You’ve seen them routinely in the med bay. He’s watching you, and judging by the subtle movements of the blanket covering him, he’s enjoying it. 
Rex’s hand covers your mouth as a moan escapes, your eyes locked with Fives’. As you become more aware of the room you can pick up other sounds. Muffled groans, creaking bunks, shifting bodies. 
They’re awake. They know. Rex knows. 
You don’t care. 
The General could walk in and you wouldn’t care. 
Not with the way Rex’s cock is twitching inside you. He’s close, obviously enjoying being watched just as much as you are. You wonder how often he’s been on the other end, how many times he’s woken in the middle of the night to discover one of the others with a visitor in their bunk. You’re no fool, you hear stories from other civilian medics about their clone lovers. You’ve never said anything about Rex, keeping him to yourself. 
Until now. 
You cum with a cry, Rex pulling back just in time for it to sound through the bunks. He presses his body into yours as he cums, filling your pussy with his cum. You’re both breathing heavily, echoing groans sounding through the barracks. 
You pull Rex against your body, wrapping your arms around him. He presses kisses to your neck as your head turns to the side, meeting Fives' gaze once more. A small smirk forms on your face as he lays there, lips parted and panting. You wink at him before turning your attention to Rex once more.
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Ye ole Ragu list:
@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @sinfulsalutations @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips @crosshairlovebot @ghostperson69 @captain_rexs_cyare @jediknightjana @jedi-hawkins @dalu-grantkylo @cw80831
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qvnthesia · 1 month
in action. (a tbb hunter one-shot)
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a hunter/jedi!reader (afab) fic.
the pitch: seeing hunter in action inspired a different flame in you, one that you wanted everything to do with.
a/n: okay look — i know i know i was supposed to update my tvd fic but IT’S HUNTER COME ON this man has captivated my heart my soul my body my legs—*ahem* anyways, i hope you enjoy this fic! dedicated to @/xajnie on tbbtwt, thank you for fuelling the hunter admiration <33 i’ve had to change the plot 4 times — FOUR TIMES (fuck writer's block) — so, once again, i hope you enjoy this fic!
word count: 1, 426
theme/warning: fluff, and references to smut. implied enemies to lovers dynamic. reader is an adrenaline junkie <33 (yes i’m projecting yes i’ve become a whore for this man yes i’m not ashamed) — putting an 18+ warning just to be on the safe side 💗
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You were staring.
Here’s the thing—Jedi weren't supposed to stare like that. They were supposed to observe, analyse their environments and maintain peace and harmony accordingly.
Granted, you had spectacularly failed at that mindful endeavour when you had stormed through the Zygerrian stronghold. You cut through hordes of clankers with a brazen and bold strut, freed civilians fleeing behind you for cover as you advanced forward. You supposed your lightsaber would have yielded some ‘yielding’ results from the enemy, but your master’s warning about your thrill-seeking tendencies rang in your brain, and you were too late. Now enslaved to the cruel species, you didn't have much of a leeway, much to your amused chagrin, with a shock collar saddled around your neck, sharp electric cords having forced you on your knees with your bound wrists lying between your legs.
Now, however, you weren't regretting being bound at all.
There was a reason the clones had more advantages than the Separatists. They were men, they were alive, they were people who had thoughts and dreams of their own. Every trooper you had been graced with the privilege of serving alongside with had their own quirks, distinguished by their own art, moral and valour.
The sargeant was more.
As the de-facto commanding officer of the Bad Batch, Hunter had had his initial doubts about you. He was a man who wasn't used to deferring his leadership, especially not to someone who had gone from Captain to Commander to General within a span of months. But you were a Jedi, and he never voiced his doubts even though you could still feel the bitter edges of his annoyance and his purposefully positioned distance reduced to nothing but professionalism and workplace discipline.
You thought that being a Jedi, you’d stick to the military civility and get the job done.
But the Sargeant made it hard to be a stickler for the rules.
You centered yourself in the Force, ignoring the deep tug from your pulsing womanhood as Hunter battled a horde of Zygerrian slavers, hand-to-hand.
This wasn't the first time you’d watched him fight. Sure, he fought for the good of the Republic, but you’d be lying if you said watching him kick ass wasn't a scrumptious treat for your sore eyes.
Aside from the clankers begging for mercy, he spared none as he sank his knife into the droids. His pauldrons strained against his biceps as he wrapped his arms around the commando ones until their circuitry sparked and fizzled into haphazard disassembly. There were moments where it was just comfortable silence, you working on your lightsaber again while he kept twirling his knife until he sheathed it under his forearms and got up to receive the latest mission briefing. Your veins always swam with his every move, your gaze drinking every smug tug of his chapped lips as he gave a two-fingered salute and decimated battalions, his fingers curling in the exact way you’d imagined him inside you.
It was as if the war suddenly ceased to matter, your Code rendered obsolete within a span of seconds as he brgan filling your thoughts. His breath mixing with yours, fingers tangled in his hair, all resistance forgotten, his skin on yours, bodies joined, his light inside you, rendering you delirious and needy with pleasure. His smoky voice filling your ears with the filthiest of murmurs as he claimed every inch of you, gazing down upon you with a dark, heavy-lidded stare that he’d directed at you whenever he disagreed with you and your near-suicidal yet successful strategies.
You’d committed his every move to your memory. It wasn't hard to forget, being sensitive to everything down to the molecules around.
It was then you sensed it, panic flooding your limbs as a yellow whip cracked the air.
Your warning died, lips parting in sharp, rippling surprise as the whip curled around Hunter’s arm. The electricity travelled up his body, and you struggled against the bonds, being hit with electricity tailored to make you kneel.
That’s when you heard it. A low growl. The strangled primal voice ripping out of Hunter’s throat as he stood up on his two feet. Your mind practically exploded as you stared openly, mental shields frayed from something between pain and admiration, the kind inspired by a promise of the forever you’d sworn not to chase.
Gripping the blazing whip, Hunter yanked the Zygerrian man towards him, stopping an imminent collision as he bent the slaver’s wrists with a painful wrench and delivered a sharp kick to his chest, careening the scum across the dark bridge of the facility until his body collided with the console and fell to the floor with a useless crumple.
You let out an exhale, relieved. Your legs were trembling from the exertion employed from resisting being beaten into submission. But you stood up on your two feet, shaky.
“Right on time, huh?”
You met his helmet, stark, and sighed again.
“Okay, I know you're mad and yes, I should’ve take the offer for backup—”
You’re cut off as his helmet hits the ground with a thud and he makes straight for you. Before you can say anything, his fingers rip off the collar your neck and undo your restraints.
Your confusion muffles into shock as he pulls you towards him and brings your lips into his.
Your heart nearly explodes, its pace picking up as your eyelids instantly droop shut, your palms pressing his chest plate, arms snaking around his neck until your fingers threaded through his dark locks. His fingers grip under your thigh, feet shuffling until he pins you against a wall, his solid body trapping yours under his heat. His mouth slants over yours, and he groans into the kiss as your tongue meets the hot wet of his mouth. Your back digs against his hands as they roamed across the expanse of your robes.
He was so close to you, so unbearably far away with the layers between as you snaked one leg around his waist and his length pressed against you. You arched your back at the contact, flames igniting up your body as you grinded against him, the lines between need and want blurring so intensely between your desires to be one with him and have him stay just like this.
His hands cupped your face and he flinched. Your brows stitched together as he drew back, hurt tautly woven on your face.
Hunter probably sensed your emotions, he always did, always on the lookout for something different, something hopefully not life-threatening. He simply held out a hand now coated with your blood. His eyes roved over to the bleeding gash from the side of your face, and he let out a weary sigh.
“When will you start listening to me?”
“Now where’s the fun in that, Sarge?” you grinned.
“Tsk,” his other hand traced the edge of your jaw until his thumb pressed your lower lip. “Don’t tempt me.”
Your grin grew wider and you let out a breathy laugh, your tongue flicking out to give his thumb a lick. A thrilling shiver ran down your spine, your mind hazy with your victory, once his intense brown-grey eyes refocused on you.
“Call it a favour, Hunter.”
He hummed, “What if I don't see it as a favour, Mesh’la?”
Your smile melted, the fire in your blown-out eyes sparking brighter, your gaze flickering between wonder at the use of that endearing term.
A handful of seconds passed between the two of you, and a smirk tugged at his lips.
Your scent had been on him the entire campaign, driving him into absolute overdrive everytime he watched you cut down enemies with your saber and decimate battalions as if you were cutting through butter and not fighting an intergalactic war. But today, he’d had trouble fighting against those slavers with the thoughts that were running in your head and driving him wild. He’d felt the weight of your gaze on his soul, the curiosity turning into animosity masking your passionate frenzy. And he would be a fucking fool if he didn’t admit not a day went by where he hadn’t thought of doing things to you that turned your bratty self into a whimpering, moaning mess all over him.
He noted your evidently aroused state, the warm blood rushing beneath your skin, and the wetness pooling your trousers.
This was going to take a while, and Hunter wasn't going to waste a single second of finally getting to have some action with you.
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thank you so so much for reading! please do point out any grammatical mistakes if there are any. this is the first time i'm writing for hunter so i hope you enjoyed this fic!
if you'd like to be added to the hunter tag list (since i do have a shit ton of fics planned—this man has a chokehold on me as bad as hayden does), drop a comment below! reviews are extremely appreciated 💗✨
this fic has NOT been cross-posted to my ao3. any/all forms of plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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235 notes · View notes
melymigo · 2 months
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Star Wars: Secrets of the Clone Troopers, published by Insight Editions, written by Marc Sumerak, and illustrated by Alberto Buscicchio, is coming out on September 10th of this year.
Learn the secrets of the clone troopers in this interactive, fully illustrated guide for readers of all ages.
Join the ranks of the Galactic Republic in Star Wars: The Secrets of the Clone Troopers. Young fans will uncover thrilling secrets from the history of beloved clone troopers—from Captain Rex to the Bad Batch—all accompanied by incredible artwork and interactive features, including pop-ups, booklets, and lift-the-flap inserts.
117 notes · View notes
badbatchsprincess · 2 months
Heated ~ pt. 1
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
No warnings for this, just world building... welcome lol.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
After approximately 90 rotations aboard the Marauder, give or take a few days, you were ready to disembark. 
Tech, of course, calculated the accurate amount of time, but you were running on inner planetary standard time. You were exhausted. Truly and totally exhausted. The battles along the outer rim were beginning to overtake every waking thought, and the war only seemed to be escalating. Even though you were just a medical technician, it seemed like you never had a moment to breathe.
The boys had been sent on one mission after another to the most backwater planets you’d never even heard of. In the beginning of working with Clone Force 99, you were thrilled. 
Tired of being on the front lines with Captain Rex and General Skywalker, you thought this would have been a cakewalk compared to tending to the 501st. (Or as you liked to call them, the most reckless GAR unit in history.) Boy, were you wrong…
Rex assigning you to Clone Force 99 had been one of the most challenging places you think a young medic like yourself could have gone. 
These men, in particular, were a unique kind of reckless, and they always seemed to end up in the craziest situations. 
That didn’t mean you didn’t come to grow fond of them, but as GAR procedure demands, they must return to Coruscant for their quarterly medical examinations, and you were relieved. 
While you didn’t particularly care for the bustle of the high-density planet, you could appreciate not being shot at, chased, or bombed at any given second.
The Marauder also didn’t offer the same level of comfort as the Venator Attack Cruisers you’d become accustomed to staying on for months at a time. But it’s alright, you’ve come to enjoy your time with special force 99. 
For a bunch of chaotic Alphas, they were pleasant company. 
Sergeant Hunter was the leader and a remarkable tracker. You couldn’t help but marvel at his heightened abilities; it was really interesting from a medical standpoint. Tech had the brain capacity of a supercomputer and his ex-arc trooper friend, Echo. You actually had known Echo from your early days serving under the 501st. 
It was nice having him around; he seemed to keep the peace and offered some much-needed familiarity. Then there was Wrecker, the sweetest man-child you’d ever met. He had a love for blowing things up, which you found hilarious, and finally, there was Crosshair. You never really knew where you stood with the man. Echo told you it’s because he’s not used to strangers hanging out with his brothers, but you weren’t quite sure. The Alpha was quiet and calculated. He didn’t miss a thing, not with his heightened reflexes. He never said much to you; he often operated in silence unless it was to piss off Hunter, which seemed to be more often than you realized. 
He, however, treated you indifferently. It was just odd for an Alpha to not acknowledge an Omega. Not to say you needed his attention, it was just different. You speculated it had to do with his genetic mutations; maybe he was too good at focusing on his objective. Omegas hardly phased him.
“You ready, Pip?” Wrecker gave your shoulders a gentle shake. 
You smiled at the nickname. “Yeah Wreck, ugh I just really want a real shower.” You sighed, getting a little impatient. 
The Marauder was waiting for landing clearance while you made quick work stowing away the last few stray supplies. You made notes of all the supplies that had been depleted, which was most of it. You shook your head; you’d be raiding the GAR supply facility before deployment for certain. 
“You and me both,” Hunter snorted and settled down in one of the chairs in the cockpit.
Poor guy, you realized, probably had the worst of it all. Living amongst five sweaty dirty men and one medic had his scent on overdrive. Not to mention the dulled pheromones. Being surrounded by so many alphas, the stench was probably awful for him. 
You, however, being an omega on the smaller side, couldn’t smell much, not with your implant which was due for replacement this quarter. Hunter never mentioned anything to you about smell. You just hoped it wasn’t too much for him with all of your implants thankfully. It never seemed like an issue for him. 
“We’re clear for landing,” Echo chirped from the copilot seat. Everyone came up to the front to strap into the jump seats. Crosshair brought your packed bag up with him and placed it gently under your feet before he took the seat next to you and strapped in. You thanked him, and he gave you a silent nod still chewing on his toothpick. 
Echo and Tech gently landed the Marauder in the GAR main hangar bay and finished up the last cross check before disembarking. Wrecker was kind and offered to carry your duffle filled with your civvies and toiletries. You thanked him and followed him out of the Marauder. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, you smiled at the feeling of real sun on your skin. 
Looking down the steps, you squealed, noticing all of the white and blue plastoid on the other side of the hangar bay. Running at full speed, you nearly tripped over your own feet, flinging yourself at Kix. 
He noticed you last minute and swooped you up into his arms, “Hey Tiny! I didn’t know you were on rotation already?” He picked you up and spun you around before putting you down. Your excitement to see your old unit was overwhelming; you couldn’t help but smile as more of your friends on the 501st ran over to give you a hug or a playful shove.
You missed the way Wrecker gawked at your reaction to the Regs. “Well, she certainly doesn’t do that with us,” Tech noted, watching you rub up against the alphas in a comforting manner, purring under their affection. 
“Fucking Regs,” Crosshair groused. 
Echo remembered how fond you are of the 501st. He remembered when you were a newbie just starting your medical field days bonding with General Tano as teens. He felt a little nostalgic watching you with his vod. He laughed remembering how Ahsoka would scent you before sending you out into the field. They loved you so much. 
Tech noted how comfortable you were with their touch and scenting. Something no one in their unit ever attempted with you. Of course, they were aware of your designation, but they tried their hardest to be respectful. Hunter had made it extremely clear no one was supposed to touch you unless necessary. It had been six months of your service on their unit, and no one has ever gotten this close with you except Wrecker, but it wasn’t anything like that. 
The alpha in Tech was a little upset by this. Why didn’t the omega feel comfortable with them? 
Hunter listened to the way you preened under their attention, and his chest pained a bit hearing your purrs. Was he… jealous? No. That’s his medic, that's all. He had read your file; you’d been with them for most of the war. Of course, that would make you closer. He could smell the happy pheromones you spread from where they were. You were happy with the 501st’s attention; it wasn’t something he knew you craved.
“I’m here for quarterlies,” you tapped your shoulder, “And I’m due for replacement.” You sighed. “Ahh,” Kix smirked, “Difficult enough dealing with us reg alphas huh? Gotta deal with defects now too huh? Got that implant working overtime.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved him. 
A cough behind you caught your attention. You spun around to see your unit catching up, looking a little perturbed, especially Crosshair. He’s never warmed up to the Regs and didn’t particularly like you sharing your fond stories about them. You usually keep to yourself in his presence or else he’d get a little hostile. 
“Sarge,” Kix greeted with a head tilt. 
“Kix,” Hunter gave him a polite nod, “Captain.” He looked beyond you. 
You spun around, “Rex!” You ran at him, wrapping yourself around your old captain. “Hey kid,” he laughed, giving you a pat on the head looking down at you.
 “I’m older than you, Captain,” you rolled your eyes with a smile. 
“So you like to remind me,” he laughed, suddenly realizing how much he had missed you. 
You stepped back with a huge smile. Suddenly everything was starting to feel good again. 90 rotations didn’t seem so terrible anymore. You giggled as they all filed in demanding to know how you’ve been.
 “We’re heading to 79’s later,” Jesse smiled, “You gotta come Y/N. I wanna hear about your adventures to the outer rim.” 
“Especially me,” Fives trotted forwards shoving you playfully aside before embracing his brother Echo, “Vod!” He hugged Echo tight. Echo relaxed into his hug and gave him a curt smile. “How you doing?” Fives asked, wrapping his arm around Echo’s shoulder before walking off with him towards the barracks to no doubt catch up. 
“I got a replacement due,” you sighed, “I can’t drink but I’ll stop by for a bit to catch up!” 
They all seemed to light up at that, “See you there, kid!” Captain Rex gave you a nod and turned on his heel to get back to work and make sure the General’s Venator was getting proper maintenance. 
“C’mon, Pip,” Hunter was leading the others towards the medical campus for their quarterlies. 
You huffed, “Coming, Sarge.” 
“Pip?” You heard the others laugh a bit at your new nickname when you trailed off behind your new unit. Damn their long legs you were struggling to hold pace with them. 
Crosshair gave you an incredulous look watching you try to catch up. You gave it right back to him. 
“Miss your precious Regs?” He sneered. You didn’t miss the way Tech’s shoulders stiffened. Wrecker and Hunter pretended not to hear, but you knew they did. You suddenly missed having Echo as your defense. 
“What?” You looked at him. 
“You heard me,” he growled. 
“Of course I missed my old unit. I haven’t seen them in six standard months, Crosshair.” 
“That all?” He was cold. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” You stopped and crossed your arms forcing him to stop walking. 
Crosshair pointed his toothpick at you, “Throwing yourself at a bunch of alphas like a bitch in hea-”
 “Enough!” Hunter growled. 
Your cheeks burned red. How dare he. You looked to Wrecker and then Tech but the looks on their faces didn’t exactly show any support for you. Did they agree?…Maker. Wrecker lowered his gaze which surprised you the most. 
Crosshair never really said much to you besides if you asked him an immediate question about his health or an injury. He usually somewhat avoided you. But you never thought he disliked you, at least up until now. The disgust was obvious on his face. 
You just shook your head and continued stalking towards the medical campus, ignoring Hunter’s call. Your shore-leave was becoming more and more desirable by the second. You wanted space especially from Mr. dark and gloomy. 
Deciding you’ve had enough of them, you detoured for your department entrance leaving them to go into the main medical campus alone. You knew Tech had all of your reports stowed on his datapad records. They would survive without you at least for now. You thought you heard Wrecker whimper behind you, but the sound of ion engines priming drowned out the rest before you stepped inside the medic clinic. Fuck Crosshair. What a dickhead.
You shook your head knowing you had other things to focus on besides his stupid little attitude. 
Passing through multiple security clearances, you stepped into the sterile clinic’s main lobby. 
“Medic Y/L/N?” You heard a familiar soft voice. 
“Hi Layla.” You smiled sweetly at the nurse who you came to know during your training program. Being an omega, she opted to stay on base instead of venturing out into the battle fronts she was definitely more gentle mannered than yourself. You preferred some action and excitement. 
“In for your quarterly’s?”
"Yeah, and I need a new replacement implant," you muttered as you trailed behind Layla toward one of the deserted exam rooms. The clinical white walls felt suffocating, a stark contrast to the chaotic memories you shared here. You reminisced about your early days serving the GAR, where Layla and you tended to wounded soldiers and even brushed shoulders with the occasional Jedi. But that was before you were transferred to General Skywalker’s unit, thrust into the heart of battle and endless repairs for him and his Padawan. You missed the simplicity of those days, the camaraderie with Layla.
”How’s the 501st treating you?" Layla's voice broke through your reverie as she handed you a crumpled paper gown.
"I got transferred to Special Forces 99," you replied, shedding your uniform behind the flimsy curtain. "They’re a different breed, that's for sure."
"Clone Force 99?" Layla's eyebrows rose in curiosity.
“Yeah.” you confirmed, feeling a flicker of amusement at her reaction.
As Layla chewed on her pen, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes. "The Sergeant’s pretty hot."
Your cheeks flushed, and you nearly stumbled over your words before recovering. “Layla…” You gawked.
She giggled and sat down on her roller stool. "Don’t lie and say you’ve never thought about it."
Well, obviously you’ve thought about it. They’re all honestly pretty hot, but you’d never admit that out loud.
"Now where have you seen Hunter like that?" you giggled at her cheekiness.
"I watch the holonet streams every once in a while. Especially after the retrieval on Skako Minor, General Skywalker and Sergeant CT-9901 were all over the holonet for weeks," she mused. "An omega’s wet dream."
You screamed and threw your boot at her. You two looked at each other momentarily before bursting out into a fit of laughter. Man, you missed Layla. Honestly, you just missed having another girl to talk to. This was such a refresher from the overwhelming amount of Alpha.
You hopped up on the table, lying down, trying to get comfortable.
"What’s he like?" her tone shifted into mischief.
You hesitated, memories of Hunter flooding your mind. "He’s… different. Polite, I guess."
Layla raised an eyebrow, her expression demanding the truth. “Girl…” she slapped your shoulder, grabbing her scanner to document your entire system from head to toe.
"Well, I don’t know!" you put your hands up in defense. "He’s quite the gentleman. None of them so much as look, Layla, I swear."
She just looked at you with a raised brow while she continued her work, “Yeah right.”
"But…" you smirked, watching her work, "I do know the tattoos go to his feet…" you bit your lip.
Now it was her turn to choke. "You’re lying…" Her interest was piqued.
You shook your head. "Full skeleton all the way down his arm, ribs, thigh…"
You two sighed.
She finished her scan and input the data before sliding her roller chair right next to you. "Everywhere?"
You raised a brow. "Everywhere," you confirmed with a nod.
She put her hand over her chest in a dramatic manner before prepping the numbing agent for your implant.
You remembered the day you found out this information about your Sergeant. Up until this point, you’d only seen maybe an arm or some knuckles in your medical repairs, but this time Hunter had taken a pretty bad hit to his side and thigh. Multiple blaster wounds had torn him up, and Tech had helped him limp back to the ship before they both collapsed on the floor. You had flung yourself out of your bunk at the commotion only to realize what had happened.
Tech helped you tear off Hunter’s armor and helmet, trying to figure out where the wounds were. Luckily, they hadn’t gone through, and it was mostly just surface wounds, but you still had to cut through his blacks to get to it, leaving his entire left side exposed. He had growled at you, but Tech had set him straight. He was just in pain.
That’s when you realized his entire left side was tattooed like his face, all the way down to his feet. You mumbled a quick apology before starting your cleaning process and bacta application.
The wounds had healed up nicely, but he had to re-tattoo the fresh skin the next time they had shore-leave. You had also stowed away the information of how muscular he was. The man was truly a work of art.
A sharp jab snapped you out of your memories when Layla removed the old suppressor implant. You yelped when the new one went in, making you a bit dizzy with pain. You hissed when she retracted the mechanism.
"There we go," she beamed. "Good as new."
"Thanks, Layla," you said, sitting up, letting her bandage the small incision wound with a bacta patch. The soothing coldness was immediate. You sighed in relief as the pain dulled.
"I told Rex I’d be at 79’s later, if you want to come?" you offered, slipping from the table to give her a hug.
"As much as I’d love to play with the captain, I have so much work to catch up on for quarterly's. I better stay here," she sighed, pushing her chair back into place. "But you have fun, and enjoy your time off. Come back to visit if you get bored."
You giggled. "I will." And with that, she left you to change back into your uniform before leaving the medic’s clinic. The hangar bay was significantly more empty now as you made your way over to civilian transport. After exiting the security checkpoint, you made your way over to the clone transport. "Can you take me to residential?" you asked the officer in the pilot’s seat. He gave you a nod, and you settled back into the transport’s seats. With a sigh, you were finally starting to relax a bit. You knew the boys were probably already back at their barracks after their examinations, so you knew they wouldn’t be bothering you for at least a few rotations.
When you finally arrived to the GAR residential building you gave the driver a thanks before hoping out and skipping over to the front door. You couldn’t wait to get to your quarters and enjoy a long hot shower. Swiping your clearance card, you dashed into the elevator to your floor and into your room. It smelled like you needed to open a window but other then that is was just as you left it. Knowing you’d have to get some food delivered, you gave a dramatic sigh while kicking off your regulation boots. You went to unzip your uniform top when you heard the swish of clothing and a familiar scoff. 
You turned suddenly seeing Crosshair standing in your kitchen in his civvies looking tall and menacing. 
“Maker! Crosshair!” You put a hand on your chest, “You scared me!” 
“Sorry little one.” He didn’t sound sorry at all. 
You looked around suddenly remembering you’re in YOUR apartment. 
“What the hell are you doing here Crosshair?” You narrowed your gaze at him getting mad all over again. 
“Hunter is making me apologize for earlier.” He grumbled around his toothpick. 
You hummed, “How did you get in here?” 
He held up the Sergeant’s entry card. Of course… dammit Hunter.
“Here.” He slid your duffle across the floor to you. A peace offering. You were grateful for that at least. 
A deep pang in your shoulder made you grimace “Thanks.” You unzipped your uniform top leaving you in your bindings not caring if he looked. He didn’t seem phased anyways. The bacta patch stained red with your blood. He narrowed his eyes to the incision. You knelt down to your duffle and pulled out your field kit. You grabbed a dose of pain killer and brought the injector up to the wound site. You pressed the mechanism and the needle stabbed you quickly injecting the medicine. You rolled your shoulder and replaced the bacta patch seeing the wound turning to a simple line. Soon it would be gone in a few hours. 
“So?” You looked at the tall sniper. 
He lifted a brow. 
You crossed your arms, “Your apology?” 
He snorted and stood up straight before walking past you. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled before stepping back out into the hallway and disappearing. 
You sighed knowing that was all you’re going to get from the grumpy soldier. Whatever, you’d take it. 
The shower that followed was worth it. You had never felt so clean in your few years in this universe. The piping hot water cleansed you of three standard months of sweat, bomb residue, and blood. You scrubbed and scrubbed until your skin flared red before you stepped out of the shower to get ready. Throwing on your favorite civvies and some makeup, you quickly dried your hair before throwing on your regulation boots. Grabbing your com and a few credits. You practically skipped out of your apartment making a beeline for 79’s. You couldn’t wait to catch up with your old friends.
When you arrived, you heard an uproar of men yelling your name. You looked over to see Fives, Jesse, Kix, and the others wave you over. 
“Tiny!” You got tackled by Fives. He put you in a headlock and ruffled your hair despite your cries. You shoved him off of you knowing he must have scented you in the process. 
“Ugh! Fives you reek.” You scrunched your nose smelling the alpha on him it was stronger then usual.
“Sorry tiny.” He laughed rubbing the back of his neck, “We gotta get our implants replaced too.” 
You shook your head and plopped down in the booth next to Kix with a laugh. He shoved the snack plate in your face continuing his conversation with another soldier to his right. You were starving and started munching down on the mantell mix.
“Hope that wont be a problem kid.” Rex smiled at you. 
You just yanked your collar down to show them the patch, “All good captain.” 
That made them relax. The 501st is many things, but they were always chivalrous towards you. Being their favorite omega and all, they had always taken a very protective stance with you. None of them tried anything and they had always kept away the creeps. You were thankful for their protection. 
Your current hoard of alphas though, you didn’t really know where you stood with them. They kind of pretended like you weren’t there. You quickly realized they weren’t used to working with strangers, and an omega of all things. At first they treated you like a fragile little thing. Like they were worried they’d step on you. They couldn’t help but stare. You didn’t really blame them. Eventually it wore off and they seemed to become a bit more comfortable with your presence. Until it became normal. Except Crosshair, he never seemed to warm up to you and kept you at arms length. 
“So how’s your new unit?” Fives asked sounding a bit jealous. 
You giggled, “They’re.. nice.” 
They all looked at you. 
“What?” You shrunk under their looks. Even Rex stared. 
“Nice?” Jesse laughed. 
“That’s not exactly the word I’d use.” Rex raised a brow, “You’re okay, right kid?” 
You opened your mouth in shock, “Guys I’m okay. I swear.”
They visibly relaxed. 
“Look, it took some getting used to. I don’t think they’ve ever been around strangers before they’re very close. Clearly. Eventually they warmed up. Except the sniper. I think he might actually not like me.” 
Fives just scoffed, “It’s because your’e hot cyar’ika”
Jesse punched him in the stomach. Fives doubled over and everyone at the table grumbled at him. You just felt your cheeks burn up and you hid behind Kix’s shoulder. 
“Fives…” Rex sighed. 
“What?” He choked out, “I’m just saying. I don’t think those defects have been anywhere near a woman much less an omega. Aye!” He blocked Jesse’s punch again. 
“What omega?” You heard a gruff voice approach. 
It was Commander Wolffe and the pack still in uniform. Rex got up and clapped him on the shoulder getting him settled in. He placed his helmet on the table and peered over at you. 
“I don’t think we’ve met cyar’ika.” He grinned at you showing off his scar and grey iris. 
You felt your heart rate increase under his intense stare. You could tell this alpha was seasoned, first generation from the looks of him. You were certain that if you didn’t have your implant, you'd be keening for his attention. Instead, you submissively lowered your gaze and leaned into Kix a bit. He wrapped an arm around you and looked up at the Commander, saying, “This is Y/N; we call her Tiny.” He shook you playfully, adding, “She used to be our medic. Now she’s with the 99’s.”
Wolffe let out a low whistle. “The 99’s? Must be exciting. Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said, extending a hand, which you took, giving it a good shake. His calloused fingers lingered a bit as he ran them over your soft knuckles.
Looking up at him from beneath your lashes, you said, “Nice to meet you, Commander,” giving him a polite smile.
He smiled back, clearly pleased with your attention. Oh, he liked you, you thought to yourself. He then gently released your hand and turned to his men. “Let’s get a round of drinks. We’re off for quarterly’s!”
His men let out a whooping shout, and the waitress took down their orders. The pack quickly became rowdy, opting for roughhousing with each other and the shinies. After a long while of dodging his gaze and eating the food Kix placed in front of you, you decided you needed a cold glass of water and squeezed out from under Kix’s arm. The stench of so many alphas was starting to become too much, even with the implant. You were praying they couldn’t smell the nervousness on you.
Walking up to the bar, the woman smiled at you. She recognized you, as you usually spent your time with the boys when you were off. She gave you a little wave and bounced over, asking what you wanted.
“Just water for me,” you smiled. She smiled back and went to fill up your glass.
“What’s a pretty little omega doing in a place like this?” a shiny walked up to you, placing himself uncomfortably close to your back. You turned, facing him square on. Despite all clones being created as alphas, this one was young and stupid. Your omega instincts told you he’d be a weak mate. You noticed the lack of markings and scratches on his armor. He’s barely seen anything, you realized.
“I’m here with my friends,” you replied curtly, taking the glass of ice water from the bartender with a nod. You went to move away, but he caught your arm in a tight grip. Not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough to assert his dominance and stop you from leaving. You just looked at his hand and then up to his face.
“I wasn’t done with you… omega,” he leered, leaning forward to run his nose closer to your scent glands. Your heart rate increased for all the wrong reasons. Fear started to creep up inside you the longer he had his hands on you. Now you wished Fives had scented you for real. 
“Why are you messing with my medic?” 
You stiffened. 
Hunter’s smokey voice cut through the music of the club making your entire spine tingle. Hunter had used his Alpha tone making you tremble in spot. The shiny suddenly looked up eyes going wide. He quickly released you and saluted Hunter.“Sorry Seargant. I didn’t know she was yours.” 
“Hmm” Hunter dismissed him and grabbed you by the same arm the shiny had just moments ago, except this time the touch didn’t feel dangerous. Instead it made your stomach flip. He’d never touched you unless it was for medical purposes. You couldn’t help the little preen inside you bubbling up. Alpha Protects. He lead you past the shiny and over to an empty booth in the back of the club. You could hear Layla’s voice ringing in your head. She’d be eating this up right now. You prayed your pheromones didn’t give you away.
He finally let you go when you reached the booth waiting for you to slide in. You immediately missed the warmth of his bare hand. You realized they were all in their civvies, well except tech, he still had his helmet near by. The rest of them slid into the booth following suit. 
“She’s smells like Regs.” Wrecker crinkled his nose. Between, Fives, Kix, and the shiny you knew you reeked.
“Sorry.” You mumbled taking a sip of your water still a little pissed with them.
“You okay pip?” Hunter asked looking you in the eyes. You suddenly shied away from his gaze looking down at his shirt collar nodding. His eyes were too intense. You usually didn’t have a problem, but you were still trebling from the effects of his voice lingering. 
“Did something happen?” Tech asked from around Hunter’s shoulder. 
“I’m alright. Just a dumb shiny.” You felt like you were being suffocated by their stares. 
They laughed a bit at that. 
“Okay, I can’t take it anymore.” Wrecker shoved you under his arm and rubbed his scent all over you. You coughed and sputtered trying to shove him away but it was no use. Crosshair rolled his eyes.
“Alright Wrecker enough.” Hunter sighed looking down at you drowning in alpha, “She’s covered.” 
“Ugh.” You tried to straightening out your hair and top a bit, “Easy next time big guy. I think every alpha for a mile can smell me now.” 
He just gleamed. You couldn’t help but be a bit grateful. It seems like everyone was due for an updated implant. The smells were getting to be out of control. No one would come near you now. Even the rough housing seemed to be a little aggressive than usual. They had asked you about the wolf pack but you just shrugged watching their rough housing turn into full on brawls.
The boys continued talking about something random that Tech had info dumped about and Wrecker of course was confused. You continued to sip on your ice water before you heard your name being called. You popped your head up from the booth to find Fives looking for you. You sighed and put your cup down. Part of you didn’t want to go back because of the attention the commander was giving you, but the other part of you wanted to spend some time with Rex and the boys. Damn these alphas. 
Opting to stay where you were, Fives and the boys decided to come over towards you. Knowing this was probably going to go badly, you shrunk into the booth. Hunter eyed you before he heard Crosshair snarl. A large group of Regs came trotting over to come socialize like a bunch of drunk pups. They all pulled up chairs and surrounded the booth with their rambunctiousness. 
“Where’d you go Tiny?” Jesse was sloshed. Leaning over Fives who was barely holding himself together. 
“Tiny, did you see the way the commander was looking at you?” Fives shoved Jesse off of him, “I think he’s trying to-” he jiggled his brows suggestively at you and you just shook your head and wanted to melt into the table. Please not this. Not with my commanding officer present. Not my very hot commanding officer present. You wanted to slap Layla why did she have to start putting these thoughts into your head. 
“Commander Wolffe?” Tech asked for clarification. 
Fives just nodded taking another big sip from his cup.
“Someone shoot me.” You covered your face you were too sober for this conversation. You could feel Crosshairs smirk from across the table.
“Awh pip.” Wrecker just grabbed you again and shook you around, “The Commander thinks you’re prettyyyy.” 
Fives and Jesse giggled. Hunter and the others just looked uncomfortable. Obviously they weren’t the most social, nor playful. This was just embarrassing. Your only comfort was Wrecker. He was always the nicest anyways. You just tucked yourself into his side forgetting his betrayal earlier. 
“The Commander wants to rut with Y/N?” Tech asked. 
“Maker.” You wanted to dissipate into thin air.
“Mhmm.” Jesse and Fives nodded with cheesy grins, “she gave him the eyes.” 
You scoffed, “I did not!” 
“Yeah you did!” Fives giggles. He then looked at Jesse and re-enacted the whole scene dramatically, “It’s nice to meet you commander.” He fluttered his eyelashes at Jesse and held his hand. You groaned and put your head down on the table. 
“I need a drink.” You whimpered not able to take the teasing.
“Is that wise?” Tech chimed in, “You just had your implant replaced. It’s advised to not drink for the first 24 hours or else it may be ineffective.” 
“Kriff.” You sighed. 
“And that’s my cue to come rescue Tiny.” Kix interjected and yanked you up from the booth taking you far away from this painfully awkward conversation. You thanked him profusely letting him guide you.
“You’re nervous when you’re sober.” He laughed walking over to the dance floor with you. 
“I’m nervous because of my Sergeant.” You whisper in his ear. He just gives you a questionable look. You laugh and shake your head, “A friend of mine said something today and I can’t get it out of my stupid omega head.” 
“Oh?” He raised a brow dancing to the beat. 
“Shut up.” You laughed praying Hunter couldn’t hear you over the yelling and music, “They also don’t like the “Regs,” you shook your head. 
“Well I know why.” He replied spinning you around. 
“Why?” You asked swaying to the beat. 
“Everyone was so mean to them growing up. Kids are horrible you know. But because they’re different they definitely dealt with a lot during training days.” Kix informed you. Suddenly everything made sense. Especially why Crosshair can’t seem to socialize with Regs to save his life. 
“Plus, the Captain decked the sniper on Skako Minor.” Kix said cheekily. 
You dropped your jaw, “Rex?” You couldn’t believe it. There’s no way level headed Rex lost it with Crosshair.
“Oh yeah.” He laughed, “They got into it while trying to find Echo.” 
“No way.” You couldn’t believe it. While dancing you peered over at the table to find the four 99’s watching you completely ignoring the drunk shenanigans from the 501st boys. The only one interacting was Echo. You could tell there was a part of him that missed his brothers. They continued to drink and talk amongst themselves while you and Kix danced on the floor. Some of the other 501st boys joined you before linking up with pretty omegas vying for their attention. Clearly their interests were else where.
You definitely didn’t miss the way the Commander seemed to be unable to take his eyes off of you from his chair. You chose to ignore him. 
An alpha like that could send you into heat with or without an implant. You however had a job to do, and being stuck in his bed for a week wouldn’t suffice. The mortification of even thinking about returning to the Marauder after that. You couldn’t even go there. Crosshair would literally never let you hear the end of it. He might shove you out of the airlock when you weren’t expecting it. 
Kix seemed to be reading your mind and elected to giggle. You slapped him on the arm and he feigned injury. Just then, you noticed the Commander stand and seemingly decide to come your way. Feeling there to flee, you quickly hugged Kix and made a dart for the door. Grabbing your comm you let the boys know you’d be returning to your apartment but to your dismay, Hunter replied…
“Don’t bother we just got special orders. We’re shipping out tonight.” He sounded tired. So much for shore-leave.
“Ugh.” You whined turning to the taxi waiting by the club entrance. You put your comm away in your pocket and fished around for a few credits ignoring the way the cool evening air chilled your skin.
“Something wrong Cyar’ika?” The gruff voice you were dreading came from behind you. Damn your omega tendencies. You turned keeping your eyes lowered. 
“Everything is alright Commander.” You replied sweetly, “I just got informed my break has been cut short. We ship out again tonight.” 
He sighed stepping forwards and placed his pointer finger under your chin to tilt your head up. You nearly whimpered looking into his scarred eye. Alpha’s strong. Alpha likes you. Alpha smells good. Really good. You wanted to whine when his eye zeroed in on yours. He wanted your eyes on him that was for certain. Maybe a breakout heat with the Commander wouldn’t be too bad…
“Well if you ever need anything you let me know, yeah?” The Commander smiled wolfishly at you and released you. You took a deep breath and took a step back and nodded your head. 
“Y/N?” You heard Tech’s call come to your rescue, “Do you need a ride?” 
You grabbed your comm and quickly responded with shaking hands, “Yeah that would be nice thank you Tech.” 
It wasn’t long until their speeder arrived and you turned back to the Commander who had no issue walking you over to your unit. You could tell by Hunter skeptical glance that he was trying to figure out the situation. The Commander passed you over to your men and have you a nod before putting his helmet back on and walking back into the club. 
“What was that about?” Hunter asked with a raised brow. 
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” You shook your head and practically dove into the speeder. 
“Did the Commander proposition you?” Tech asked pushing his glasses back up. 
You squeaked and hid in the backseat. 
“Stop bothering her.” Echo shook his head. Thank the maker for Echo. 
“It was a harmless question.” Tech justified, “As we were talking about his strange attentions earlier and Y/N’s even more unordinary response according to the Regs.” 
You looked out the window of the speeder at the endless city below, “I’m going to jump.” You half joked. 
“Tech please drop it.” Echo implored, “You’re making her uncomfortable… and me.” 
“It’s just biological responses.” Tech grumbled into his data pad, “Nothing to be embarrassed about.” 
You sighed. This was going to be another long mission, and then you were going to take it upon yourself to insure you got a vacation. Hopefully there was something Rex could do to get you some time off for real this time far away from all of these men. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
This part one, I'll be posting regularly to this story, I hope y'all enjoy!
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wanderinginksplot · 1 year
What to watch during the writer's strike:
Don't pay attention to companies who blame writers for delayed movies and television shows! The WGA strike comes from people who are trying to make things better - not only for themselves and other writers, but the films and tv shows we all love.
While we wait for a resolution, I thought I would share some existing television shows that I enjoy. I didn't bother with too much well-known stuff. Instead, I focused on shows I feel many people missed because of the glut of content that all premiered at once over the last few years. (I may make another one of these for movies later on, but this one is about tv.)
[Update: Movie version here]
Feel free to add on! Just try to give a quick, spoiler-free synopsis for the show and the streaming service where it can be found.
List under the cut!
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The Good Place (2016-2020) - A 'bad' woman is accidentally sent to heaven. She and her moral philosophy professor of a soulmate try to save her soul by making her a better person. Genre: Comedy with deeper implications and one of the best endings in television history.
Russian Doll (2019-2022) - When Nadia dies at her birthday party, she's more than a little confused to come back. Especially when it keeps happening. Genre: Time loop drama with a wicked sense of humor and a dash of theoretical physics. Potentially not ended?
Narcos (2015-2017) - The fight of the American DEA and the Colombian army against cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar and his reign of terror. Genre: Drama with thrilling elements. Lots of violence, some sex and language. Lots of subtitles. Features Pedro Pascal and Boyd Holbrook, if you need some extra incentive.
Derry Girls (2018-2022) - Five teens grow up in Derry, Ireland in the 1990s, amid the final years of the Troubles, a low-level war that lasted roughly 30 years. Genre: Comedy. Some sexual content, some religious content, less violence than you would expect, and the best nun ever to appear on film.
Arcane (2021-?) - Two sisters are alienated when one accidentally kills their adoptive father. Their different paths threaten the fragile peace of a city already on the breaking point. Genre: Drama with elements of action-adventure. Though it's animated, Arcane's animation is beautifully done with tantalizing steampunk elements that will keep you invested.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2020) - If you haven't seen any of the Star Wars animated series, this is a good place to start. Set in the time gap between Episode II and Episode III, this series helps flesh out Anakin Skywalker and the Jedi. It is also a great introduction to some of the characters and plots of The Mandalorian. (Star Wars: Rebels is another good choice.) Genre: Adventure with some drama. Violence and death are a large part of The Clone Wars, but it's usually appropriate for children. The clone troopers will steal your heart!
Gravity Falls (2012-2016) - Dipper Pines and his sister Mabel are sent to Gravity Falls, Oregon to live with their great-uncle for their summer break. But when Dipper finds a mysterious book in the woods, the pair find that Gravity Falls is far more mysterious than it seems... Genre: Adventure with a lot of comedy. Though it's billed as a children's cartoon, Gravity Falls is an intriguing watch with mystery subplots that will keep anyone guessing. It also features a famously strong and cohesive series ending. I was in my late 20s when I first watched this and I was still invested!
Daredevil (2015-2018) - After being blinded as a young boy, Matthew Murdock trained his other senses to replace the sight that he lost. He uses his skills to protect the helpless in the New York City neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen. Genre: Action and superhero. Features a lot of incredibly choreographed violence. (Jessica Jones is also an excellent show to watch, especially if you think of David Tennant as the consummate 'good guy'. He's got range!)
HBO Max (Just 'Max' now, I guess):
Ghosts (2019-2023) - Petty roommate squabbles don't stop just because you're dead! Alison and her husband Mike inherit a house, then a near-death experience allows Alison to see its ghostly inhabitants. Chaos and humor ensue as the ghosts try to adjust to the house's new owners. Genre: Humor. Ghosts is a British sitcom, but since the writers are comedians (writing and performing in Horrible Histories), the show is done in a style that feels more natural to American viewers. Hint: watch the BBC version, not the American one. They're fairly similar, but definitely not the same!
Pushing Daisies (2007-2009) - A pie-maker with the ability to bring back the dead helps to solve murders. He's helped by his once-dead childhood sweetheart. Genre: Comedy with some dramatic elements. Some of the CGI-heavy moments haven't aged particularly well, but the show has a unique premise and an incredibly talented cast!
Abbott Elementary (2021-?) - This mockumentary series showcases an inner-city elementary school in Philadelphia. The teachers and administration do their best for the kids, but they're constrained by budgets and the limitations of the educational system itself. Genre: Comedy mockumentary. Though Abbott Elementary is fictional, some of the issues brought up are all too real. This is a funny and incisive look at the American public school system.
Amazon Prime:
Fleabag (2016-2019) - The unnamed protagonist of the show struggles through life on her own with limited support from her alienated family and the memories of her recently deceased best friend. Genre: Comedy with lots of dramatic elements. Lots of sexual content and references, some language, breaking the fourth-wall, and several characters you just long to hit. I watched the second season in a single day, that's how good this was.
Unknown Streaming Service:
Black Sails (2014-2017) - This prequel to Treasure Island features elements from the book, original characters, and real pirates from history in a setting that emphasizes realism. Captain Flint and his crew search for a legendary prize... one that might allow them to claim Nassau for their own. Genre: Action and adventure. Think Game of Thrones, but with pirates. Incredibly well-written and well-acted with gorgeous scenery, LGBTQ representation, and just enough historical accuracy to keep things grounded. Black Sails also boasts one of the best endings ever given for a television show.
Like I said, please feel free to reblog and add your own television show recommendations onto this list! There are plenty of things to watch and plenty of ways to support the WGA strike that don't involve giving in to big studios.
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ghostofskywalker · 6 months
To Keep The Shivers At Bay
Captain Rex/Fem!Reader
Words: 1,754
Summary: On a special assignment, Rex ends up getting cozy with his battalion's civilian administrator. But it's only to make sure you stay warm (or at least, that's what he tries to tell himself)
Prompt: "come lay with me" (slightly adapted, but the vibes are there)
Note: this fic is part of the clone xreader life day exchange, which i ran! i was thrilled to receive @wizardofrozz as my giftee, and i had so much fun writing this - i hope you like it :)
for the rest of the fics in the exchange, check out @cloneficgiftexchange!
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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Cold seeped into the small cabin from the non-insulated transparisteel of the window, and you watched as snow swirled around in the night air. The storm was growing more powerful by the second, and the fact that this place wasn’t exactly the height of luxury meant that the power had barely been enough to keep the lights on, let alone be able to provide a consistent source of heat. You groaned as you pulled every blanket you could find from the closet, and the fact that you only found two was certainly concerning.
Rex stepped into the cabin, a flurry of snow blowing in behind him as he swung the door closed. Even though he had been barely gone for ten minutes, and the helmet on his head meant that you couldn’t tell what his face looked like at the moment, you could tell that he was cold. Usually clones had higher body temperatures than humans did, so the fact that he was feeling the temperatures meant that it would be much worse for you. Part of you wondered if you were even going to make it through the night, but you preferred not to think about that.
The most insulting part of everything here was the fact that a Republic Gunship was currently stationed right outside this planet’s atmosphere, but the intense storms above where you were made it so that the rest of the 501st was unable to get through without severely risking life and limb, so you and the captain were stuck here until the storm stopped. At least the assignment you had been sent here to fulfill had gone to plan, you thought, because if it hadn’t, you have to have the worst luck out of everyone in the GAR. But with no droids or Sith on your tails, all you had to worry about was the cold.
You had thankfully packed a few hand-warmers before you left, but they were doing little to stave off the chill that threatened to freeze you solid. You handed one of the threadbare blankets off to Rex, who shook his head as he removed his helmet. “No, you need it more than I do.”
“I can tell you’re freezing too,” was your no-nonsense response. “I would never forgive myself if I was the one who got my commanding officer killed.”
Technically he wasn’t your commanding officer, but you trusted him with your life, and he knew a hell of a lot more about all this stuff than you did. Rex’s face changed, and you watched him wrestle with his emotions before finally sighing and taking the blanket from your hands.
The sooner that morning came, the sooner this experience would all be over, and the two of you shuffled off to opposite sides of the large couch before attempting to settle in for the night. Even with all the layers you were wearing and the blanket draped over yourself, you couldn’t help but shiver as you tried to relax.
The first hour was brutal.
Simply put, attempting to sleep like this was incredibly uncomfortable. Ignoring the fact that this old shelter had a bed frame but no mattress, the weather conditions were the the biggest reason for the fact that you had been unable to fall asleep. Wondering if Rex had managed to succeed where you couldn’t, you turned your head and looked over at him, right as he happened to look over at you.
“Too cold to sleep?” he asked, his voice soft.
Your response was accompanied by a shiver running through your body. “Yeah.”
“Me too,” he said, and you could feel the misery you both shared reverberate through the space as silence settled once more over you. In a shocking turn of events, Rex spoke again. “Why don’t you come over here and lay with me?” he said. “It’s no use for both of us to freeze on opposite sides of the couch.”
There was no arguing with him, it was the very thing you’d wanted to do since you handed over one of the blankets, but you would have never asked for yourself. Besides the fact that you considered him a direct superior, you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t say that Rex was incredibly attractive, and you did not want to feed into that silly crush by convincing yourself he felt the same way. Cuddling up together for the night was a survival tactic, nothing more.
You could feel one of his arms wrap around you as you layered your blanket on top of his, and you laid against him as best you could on the couch. You were certainly warmer (and more comfortable) than you had been before (Rex had thankfully taken his armor off), but you could still feel some of the biting chill of the air on your face.
“This should all be over in the morning,” you heard him say, and you weren’t sure if it was to convince himself or you, but either way, it did begin to work. Taking deep breaths and attempting to somehow pull your body heat together via telekinesis, you could feel your eyelids start to droop, and your last thought before drifting away was that you hoped Rex had found sleep too.
A beeping noise from your datapad was the thing that woke you up the next morning, and you shivered as you opened your eyes and realized that this damn cabin was still just as cold (if not colder) than it had been when you went to sleep.
Being close to Rex helped, clearly. As much as it was chilly and you could see your breath, you didn’t feel as though the cold had significantly affected your health, and you knew that it was because you had been able to conserve some of your body heat when you laid next to him. As you moved your arm towards where you had left your datapad (to stop its incessant beeping), you found it more difficult than expected.
Because as you soon found out, Rex had his arm around you.
It wasn’t difficult to escape his grip, since it was more like he was resting his arm on your back than truly holding you against, but you really didn’t want to pull away, even though you did. The feeling of the cabin’s cold air on your back was punishment enough for your treachery movement, but of course the captain had to yawn and shift at that very moment, with a look in his eyes that was adorably bleary as he woke up, even if it was just for a second.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, and you were certainly not prepared for the slightly gravelly edge that sleep had granted his voice.
Maker, did you want to kiss him right now, was what ran through your head in response. Not particularly helpful, but you couldn’t deny it.
“Still cold, but not terribly,” you said. “As long as we get out of here I think we’ll be okay.”
He nodded. “Do we know when the transport ship is coming?”
You paused for a moment as you checked your datapad for answers, but shook your head. “I sent Jesse the coordinates for our location last night, but there hasn’t been any word since.”
“We’re all packed though, so it shouldn’t be an issue,” he said. “And that means we don’t have to get up until we know we’re leaving.” You knew that his words were meant in that way because it was very cold in this room and your shared body heat was helping to keep both of you warm, but for a moment you allowed yourself to believe that maybe he said that because he wanted to keep cuddling with you.
A comfortable silence settled over the space as you waited for any kind of word from the rest of the 501st about when they were coming to get you. But of course, you did want to say one thing before the moment passed.
“Thank you,” you said, and a look of confusion began to dawn on his face, so you continued. “For sharing your body heat with me.”
“Of course,” was his response, along with a smile you’d never seen before (but you’d pay an endless amount of credits to see forever).
Once more the conversation fizzled, and then after a period of time it was his turn to break the silence. “And if you’re still cold, I think I know of another way to help keep warm.”
“Really?” you asked, moving your body so that the two of you were facing each other. “What is it?”
“This,” Rex said gently before leaning in. However, he stopped right before your lips would have connected with his. “Is this okay?”
“Of course,” you breathed. The tiny gap between you was closed, and you suddenly forgot about the fact that you were in a chilly cabin with barely any power.
The feeling of Rex’s kiss was electric, and a soothing warmth spread through your entire body. You kissed back, and soon his hands had found their way to your waist as the two of you sat on the couch. Yes, both of you were wearing gloves, but you could still feel the spark that would have electrified your entire body had it been against your bare skin.
But of course, all good things have to come to an end, and this one ended with the sound of your datapad beeping, accompanied with the sound of Jesse’s slightly mechanized voice from the comm function. “We’re outside you two,” he said, and you reluctantly pulled yourself away from Rex’s lips.
“We’ll be out in a minute!” you said, and once you were sure no one could hear you through the device, you spoke again. “I don’t know exactly what this means, but I’d really like it to continue.” Those words could be dangerous, since clones (along with anyone who worked for the GAR) were technically allowed to form romantic relationships on the job.
Rex nodded. “I’d really like it to continue too,” he said, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your cheek.
So much was left unspoken, but you were pretty sure you’d get a chance to figure things out, even if it meant enduring inevitable teasing from Rex’s men once they figured out what was different about your relationship with their captain.
And of course, just being with Rex made all of that worth it. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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vodika-vibes · 13 days
The Brotherhood - Stat Wars AU
Summary: Misfit is kicked from the 501st and barred from joining Rex with the 332nd. Though, he was warned that this would happen.
Characters: Clone OC - Misfit, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma, Commander Fox, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Jesse (mentioned)
Word Count: 764
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“I know you're not thrilled, Misfit-” Rex says slowly as he looks at his, very unimpressed, little brother, “But this might be a good thing.”
Misfit pulls a cigarette out of his jumpsuit pocket and slips it between his lips, though he doesn't light it just yet, “A good thing, huh?”
“You're not made for military life, vod. You've been miserable since the war started-”
“-so you're ditching me.” Misfit replies, finally pulling his lighter from his pocket and lighting the stick hanging from his lips.
“I…wish you wouldn't say it like that.”
“Oh? Is there a nicer way to phrase it?” Misfit asks sarcastically as he flicks an unkempt curl off his forehead.
“Misfit, vod,” Rex sighs, “You haven't exactly made any friends over the years. You convinced Barriss Offee to leave the order.”
“I convinced her that terrorism wasn't going to prove her point.” Misfit corrects as he blows some smoke out the side of his mouth, “Her leaving the order was just the next best thing.”
Rex is quiet for a long time, “Ahsoka tried to have you transferred to her, but the Admiral decided that you're a liability. Your drug use is rather well known at this point.” He shakes his head, “I'm sorry, vod. But there's no longer a choice. Maybe…maybe you should talk to the jedi about rehab.”
Misfit flicks some ash off his cigarette, “I'd sooner eat my blaster.” There's a shout from the doorway, and Misfit turns his cold gaze to his older brother, “Better get going, Commander.” Somehow, the rank sounds like an insult.
Rex lingers for a moment, and then he turns away, “Don't do anything drastic, Misfit. We'll talk when I get back, maybe get you sent to the 212th.”
“I won't hold my breath.” Misfit leaves before Rex reaches the door, and Rex's shoulders slump as he walks over to Jesse, who sympathetically claps him on the shoulder. 
Misfit walks through the clone Barracks, breezing past his brothers, content with them ignoring him. He turns down a side hall, goes down a flight of stairs, and kicks open a swinging door that leads to a darkened, musty smelling hallway.
The hallway leads to one place, a large room that's been ignored for years. Well, officially at least.
Misfit reaches the door and keys in the code that he was given earlier that day. The door slides open and Misfit steps into a well lit and clean smelling room.
“Do you have to smoke that in here?” Fives asks from where he's flipping a blade between his fingers.
“It's this or I throw myself off the roof, take your pick, vod.” Misfit replies.
“Put it out, Misfit.” Fox orders from where he's scanning a datapad, “I'm guessing you're here because you've been kicked out of the 501st.”
“And the 332nd.” Misfit confirms as he puts his cigarette out in the convenient ashtray. “Just like you said.”
“I'm sure it wasn't personal,” Tup says from where he's examining the blade attached to his wrist. “You know what Rex is like.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Misfit tucks his cigarette behind his ear, and drops into a chair next to Dogma, “Anyway, why am I here with three vod'e who are supposed to be dead?”
Fox smirks and drops a strange looking blade on the table in front of Misfit. It straps to the inside of his wrists, and a sharp blade pops out from the hilt as he flexes his wrist. “This is a hidden blade,” Fox explains, “perfect for assassinations.”
“Will you finally tell us what you're planning?” Dogma asks.
Fox drops in a seat, a small smirk on his face, “I'm making an assassination squad. The four of you were chosen because all four of you are quiet in the Force. According to Vos, you're force quiet.”
“Meaning?” Tup asks.
“You're force sensitive enough that other force sensitives can't detect you.” Fox leans forward, “I'm sure you can tell that there are a lot of people in the galaxy who deserve to die. People we can't touch. That's what you four are for.”
“You want us to be your personal assassins?” Fives asks.
“No, I am going to be completely hands off from here on out. You'll do your own research, gather your own evidence. Your targets are your choice.” Fox says, “Fives will be in charge.”
Fives pauses and a dark smirk crosses his face, “Palpatine will be our first target.” He leans over the table as Fox leaves the room, “Welcome to the Assassin's Brotherhood.” Fives almost purrs, as he drops a map of the senate on the table, “We're going to save everyone.”
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foxigemini · 9 months
A Little Bit of Fun (Captain Rex x Female Reader x Commander Cody Smut)
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Summary: You work at a brothel/strip club for clones. Wolffe has convinced a curious Cody and a reluctant Rex to come along with him to this establishment. Once there, Rex and Cody can't resist your beauty.
Warnings: Nsfw, Smut, Threesome, Oral Sex, Fingering, Unprotected Sex.
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"Can't believe Wolffe convinced me to come along to this place," Rex muttered and crossed his arms as he leaned back against the chair.
"You can't tell me you haven't been a little bit curious about this establishment?" Cody said with a teasing smile as he took a mouthful of his beer.
"No. I haven't," Rex replied and glared at the commander.
Cody raised one of his eyebrows and sat his glass down on the table. "C'mon, Captain. Are you really telling me that you've never jerked off while fantasizing about fucking a woman?"
"Of course not!" Rex's face went bright red. "I am a soldier. I do not lower myself to such simple desires."
Cody laughed. "Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that."
Rex huffed and ignored his brother as he scanned the room. "Where is Wolffe anyway?"
Cody nodded at something behind Rex and smiled. "Looks like he's already found his enjoyment for the evening."
Rex turned his head around and saw his other brother walking down a corridor with his arms around two women, his delightful laugh booming through the room.
Rex shook his head and looked back at Cody, ready to say something, when the music volume suddenly increased, drawing every clone's attention to the scene where Rex and Cody sat. Rex turned to the stage, his eyes widening as a woman walked out from the shadows wearing nothing but the thin fabric of clothes covering her sex and breasts.
The spotlights licked your swaying curves as you grabbed the pole in the middle and started dancing. Closing your eyes, you felt the music in every fiber of your body, letting it control your every muscle. Most workers here hated their job, found it degrading, but you loved it. Nothing was more thrilling than having the attention of all the men in the room, feeling their desire for you. Some might call you weird for it, but who cared what others thought?
You smiled at the two clones sitting nearest you as you wrapped your legs around the pole and bent backward, arching your back and pushing your breasts out. Well, well, these two were new here.
Cody swallowed hard as he watched you grind your sex against the pole, and his dick was painfully hard against his trousers. You reached back and untied the clothing covering your breasts and let it fall to the floor. Cody's breath hitched in his throat when he saw your tits, the first ones he'd ever seen in his life. Kriff, you were perfect. So soft and plump and tempting...
Rex couldn't tear his eyes away from your breasts bouncing as you danced in front of him and Cody, couldn't control his body's reaction as he felt himself become hard. Kriff...He blinked his eyes, tried to concentrate on anything but your tempting body, but it proved to be utterly hopeless. Your body moved around the pole with agility and enticing rolls of your hips until the song ended and you bowed to the cheering crowd before leaving the stage.
"Wow...kriff...she was...," Cody gulped and shifted in his chair, trying to ease his predicament.
Rex didn't say anything, only glared at his brother when he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Cody's widened eyes.
"Well, hello, boys. You two are new here."
Rex turned his head around and met your smiling face. He clenched his jaw and glared at you, trying to ignore your hand sliding down his chest.
"How would you know? We all look the same."
You smiled and giggled softly. "Of course you don't. You all have distinctive features that separate you from each other. Like your scar," you said as you walked over to the other clone and ran your fingers across the scar on his face, smiling when he took a sharp breath. "What's your name, trooper?"
"C-Cody," Cody stuttered and fluttered his eyes as your hand ran across his shoulder.
"And your friend?"
"R-Rex. His name is Rex."
"Well, hello Cody and Rex. My name is y/n. Are you guys only here to watch? Or are you here to have some fun?"
"Uhhh...," Cody gulped when you suddenly sat down on his lap and rolled your ass against his crotch. "Oh, kriff..." he cursed under his breath and stared at your ass, his hands shaking mere inches away from your hips he didn't dare to touch.
You giggled. "Looks like you want to have some fun, trooper." You stood up and took his hand as Cody stood up on shaky knees. "And what about your friend? Isn't he coming too?"
Cody's eyes widened. "Y-You want us both??"
You smirked. "The more, the merrier. I'm not doing this without him," you said and winked down at the sterner clone still sitting down with his arms crossed and glaring up at you.
"Oh, kriff, c'mon Rex, please," Cody begged his brother. "You have to do this. You can't tell me you're at least a little bit curious."
"Wait. Are you telling me you're both virgins?" you asked, earning a blush from Cody. You giggled with joy. "Oh, this is gonna be so much fun."
Rex didn't know why he followed Cody and you through the corridor and into a private room. Maybe it was curiosity? A longing for something more? Something else? Once this war was over, he would be redundant. What would he do then? He had been thinking about Cut ever since he left their planet. About what it would be to have a family, children. Perhaps, there was more to this world than being a soldier.
Once inside the room, you gently pushed Rex and Cody down to sit on the couch. They looked up at you with big, wonderous eyes and you smiled down at them as you settled yourself between them, placing each of your legs across their thighs, spreading your legs for them.
"C'mon, boys. Don't be afraid. Touch me. You can do anything you want with me," you purred seductively as you ran your finger down Cody's jaw. Cody stared back at you and you could feel him holding his breath as his shaky hand came closer and closer to your inner thigh. The other one, Rex, had shifted from grumpy to curious as his fingers ran up along the sensitive skin on your inner thighs. He definitely was the more bold but silent one. Cody's fingers were finally grazing your skin now, his breath jagged as he inched closer and closer to your clothed sex. You closed your eyes and let out a soft moan from their touch and in that moment, something changed. You could feel it in the air. Opening your eyes, you met Cody's brown ones and something was different in them. Turning to Rex, you saw the same spark in them. A lust and dominance to take and claim what was theirs. They pulled down the clothing covering your breasts, exposing your nipples to their hungry gaze. They leaned and took each nipple into their mouth, flicking the tip of their tongues across the hard, sensitive bud.
"Oh, maker," you moaned and grabbed their heads. You looked down, meeting their gazes as they sucked on your breasts. They let go and hooked their fingers underneath the hem of your panties, giving you a silent command to lift your hips. You obeyed, let them pull down your underwear and toss them away. Cody and Rex stared at your pussy as you once again wrapped your legs around their thighs, their breaths labored as they reached down and explored you with their fingers.
"Kriff, you're so wet," Cody mumbled as he pushed his finger in and out of you. Rex didn't say anything as he found your clit, only groaned at the reaction he got from you when he touched it. He rubbed it again and you moaned, bucked your hips against his fingers.
"Kriff, do that again, Rex," Cody muttered and added another finger inside you. Rex started rubbing circles onto your clit at the same time as Cody fucked you with his fingers.
"Oh, yes, just like that," you gasped, feeling your orgasm building. "Faster, please..."
The clones obliged and you came swift and hard, wetting down their hands.
Cody and Rex stared down at your flushed face and heaving chest.
"Kriff, I can't wait anymore," Cody rasped and stood up as he started undressing. Rex followed his lead and you watched them with anticipation, knowing exactly how well-endowed they were. You bit your lip as they stood naked before you, their cocks hard and bouncing. Leaning back against the couch, you spread your legs for them with a smirk on your lips.
Cody quickly placed himself between your legs, hand wrapped around his cock as he aligned the head with your pussy and pushed inside.
"Kriff...," Cody moaned and bit his lip at the blissful, tight feeling of your pussy wrapped around him like a glove. He started thrusting slowly, watching mesmerized as he slid in and out between your pussy lips.
"Fuck, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Cody breathed and looked up at your face, his brown eyes connecting with your half-lidded ones. You smiled at him, then looked over at Rex who climbed up on the couch and aligned his cock with your lips. Smiling up at him, you stuck out your tongue and teasingly flicked it across the spongy head of his cock. Rex clenched his jaw and grabbed a fistful of your hair, tugging your head back. You gasped and stared up at him with wide, lustful eyes. Rex took the opportunity to push his dick into your mouth. You gagged and Cody let out a gasp as your pussy clenched down around him.
"Kriff, do that again, Rex. Keep fucking her mouth, she likes it."
The clones smirked at each other and started thrusting simultaneously, Rex's cock deep down your throat and Cody's hitting that sweet spot deep inside your pussy with each buck of his hips. Their moans and groans filled the room, along with the filthy noise of your gags and the wet sound of your pussy. It didn't take long for them to come, bringing you with them over the edge as they filled your mouth and pussy with cum.
"Well, this was fun. We have to do it again sometime," you said with a cheeky smile as Rex and Cody got dressed. They didn't say anything, only flickered their eyes as they avoided looking at each other.
You giggled softly at them as you sat up and crossed your legs. "Are you suddenly being shy now? You weren't so shy moments ago when you were both fucking me."
"Umm...yeah, well...," Cody rubbed the back of his neck and glanced over at Rex, who glared at Cody and pointed his finger at him.
"We do not talk about this. Ever."
You chuckled delightfully as you watched them leave, certain they would return.
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jangosboyz · 9 months
Welcome to the RP Blogs of the GAR
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We'll be adding to this post as things change, but for now... Enjoy the RP blogs of the clone boys we've got so far! Rules and FAQs will be built up as we go, but for now, see below!
The 501st
Kix: @i-outrank-everyone
Jesse: @arc-trooper-juicy-j
Tup: @tup-perware
Hardcase: @hardcase-ct-yolo
Dogma: @is-that-regulation
Hevy: @hevy-lifter
Echo: @idiot-tamer
Fives: @fives-but-a-10
Rex: @professional-tooka-herder
Wolffe: @howl-like-u-mean-it
Fox: @a-1010-is-speaking
Thorn: @every-rose-has-one
Gregor: @its-capt-traitor-to-you
Hound: @massiff-daddy
Interaction Guidelines
Getting flirty/suggestive is cool, but please don’t get explicit with the boyz.
Muses on the dash, muns in the DMs. Pls don’t attempt to DM the boyz.
Feel free to tag us in fics, the muns love their muses and are thrilled to see new stories, but that doesn’t mean the boyz will respond…but they might 👀
Please feel free to tag us in art, so we can reblog it and show love to the artist.
Be polite in the askbox or you may get blocked. Thorn wields the Block Hammer just as well as his Z-6 😜
Please do not tag us in clonecest, incest, rexsoka, twincest, cloneshipping, or underage.
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 11 months
Lean On Me
Kix x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You're out dancing with your friends when you sustain a knee injury and Kix comes to your rescue.
Pairing: Kix x Fem!Reader
Characters: Kix
Tags & Warnings: 18+, established relationship, alcohol, mention of past injury, minor injury, domestic fluff, romance, a little angst, hurt/comfort, mild suggestive themes, non-sexual shower scene, implied nudity
Word Count: 6.1k
Author's Note: Due to an unexpected knee injury, my fic writing schedule has been thrown out of whack and I wrote this instead of the ten other fics in my queue. Still a bingo square down, so I don’t feel too bad. Fic is based on a real injury that happened to me four days ago. How the reader got the injury is how I got the injury. Self-indulgent, because I wanted Kix to kiss it and make it better, but it got away from me. As always, please enjoy 💚
@clonexreaderbingo Square: Kix
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It’s a gorgeous summer evening as you bustle around your apartment while getting ready for your night out. You playfully slide across the linoleum kitchen floor in your socks and stop abruptly at the calendar hanging on the wall. You grab a red marker from the adjacent drawer, pull the cap off with your teeth, and cross off today’s date. You flip backwards through the calendar and look at the sea of red adorning the previous pages and let out a small sigh.
Each red slash marks one rotation of Kix’s deployment. It’s already been sixty rotations since he shipped out, but a smile creeps onto your lips as you flip the calendar back and focus on the large red circle four rotations away. Kix had sent word two weeks prior that the 501st were finally coming home and he gave you an estimated date of his return. You’re excited for him to come home, but each rotation seems to linger longer than the last as you wait impatiently. 
Nevertheless, at least for tonight, you’ve decided not to dwell on how much you miss him. Instead, you’re preparing yourself for a fabulous girl’s night out. You and your friends have been planning this excursion for a couple weeks now and you’re thrilled to finally get out, party, and unwind. It’s not something you do often, especially without Kix, but this night was just for the girls, so no boys are allowed. It’s only about you and your friends having a good time.
As the time for you to leave approaches, you pull off your loungewear and slide on a playful emerald green dress that you purchased for the occasion. It’s not sexy by any means, but it’s fun and perfect for a night out with friends. You slip on your favorite pair of flats and sit in front of your mirror to style your hair while humming a happy little tune. You adorn your ears with a simple pair of earrings and give yourself a little spritz of your white gardenia perfume.
As you finish up your look for the evening, you hear a knock at your apartment door. You wonder if it’s the neighbor down the hall. She’s an elderly woman that you help out every once and a while. She’s really sweet and loves to tell stories of her younger days when you get lonely. You announce that you’re coming and make your way to the door. You press the button to open it and your eyes grow wide at the unexpected sight before you, a clone trooper in full armor. 
“Kix!” you exclaim as you throw yourself into his outstretched arms. You nuzzle your face into his neck and breathe in his musk and vetiver cologne that instantly intoxicates you. 
“Hello beautiful,” he purrs while dropping his duffle to squeeze you tightly, pressing a desperate kiss on your neck while savoring your alluring floral scent.  
You lean your head back to look up at his face, his amber eyes just as warm and piercing as you remember. “I wasn’t expecting you,” you admit with excitement.
“We got back a little early,” Kix explains. He gives you a soft kiss on the cheek and you smile. “I wanted to surprise you.” He leans you back a little, running his hands up and down your bare arms, while his eyes gaze upon your dolled up body. “This isn’t for me is it?” he inquires with a chuckle.
“Oh, this?” you look down at yourself and remember what you were doing before he came home. “I was going out with the girls tonight, but I don’t have to!” you quickly rebut. “I can stay here.” As much as you have been waiting for this night out, you are completely ready to ditch all of your plans to spend it with the fine man standing in front of you.
“Out of the question,” he shakes his head. “Go out with your friends and have a good time. I’ll be here when you get back.” He presses a tender kiss to your forehead and a small whine escapes your lips when he lets you go. He picks up his duffle and heads into the apartment, sighing in relief at finally being home. You lean against the doorway, smiling as you watch him instantly meld back into domestic life as if he never left.
“If you keep staring at me like that, your eyes are going to get stuck,” Kix jests without turning around. He can feel your gaze resting on him and knows you won’t leave without a little nudge. You huff through your nose at his intuition and grab your purse from the stand next to the door. You amble over to give Kix a goodbye kiss and he swats your butt when you turn to leave. You whip around and shoot him a surprised look, but he just smirks. “Get out of here!”
You shake your head at his playfulness and head out the door with a small wave of your hand. The place where you’re meeting your friends isn’t too far, so you decide to walk since the evening air is pleasant. You take your time strolling along the sidewalk, thinking only about what you’re going to do when you get home. You want to stay in the present and have a good time with your friends, but it proves difficult knowing your handsome man is waiting for you at home.
You finally make it to the meeting spot, a little dance club that has great reviews. Your friends see you coming and greet you with excited waves. You quicken your steps to close the distance and exchange hugs all around. You enter the club with your friends and make your way to the bar first. You order something light, a simple sangria. The goal is to have fun, not get wasted, and you want to enjoy your night out and have a blast with your girlfriends. 
The rhythmic beats emanating from the speakers vibrate under your feet and traverse up your legs as you wait for your drink. You close your eyes and let it encapsulate all of your senses. You love the deep bass and the way it makes your body feel. The way it makes your heart beat faster in anticipation and excitement. The way it rumbles into your core in the same manner as Kix’s voice when he moans sweet nothings of desire against your body. 
You’re pulled out of your daydream by a clink of glass when your sangria is placed down in front of you. Feeling slightly embarrassed at your lewd thoughts, your face flushes pink as you thank the bartender. You take a few sips of the cold, fruity, wine drink and let out a sweet sigh. It’s refreshing and helps cool you down in the hot club. You leisurely sip on your drink as you chat with your friends at the bar, occasionally falling into a fit of laughter from your growing buzz.
Your ears perk up when you hear the bass of your favorite song. Your heart races, and you grab one of your friends to pull them out onto the dancefloor with you. You sway your bodies to the beat, waving your arms over your heads, laughing, and smiling at how silly you’re being. The song switches, and now you’re jumping up and down in a crowd of people doing the same. Everyone’s energy is feeding off each other and you jump around with reckless abandon.
As the song continues, you pant heavily as sweat droplets disperse from your body at your rapid movements. You slow down as you feel your calves burning from all the jumping, and it becomes a sudden reminder that you need to exercise more often, because clearly you're out of shape. You finally stop jumping to catch your breath, and you bend over to rub your screaming muscles. You straighten yourself up and see your friends wave you over to where they’re sitting. 
You plop down in the booth with an exhaustive exhale and order another sangria to help you cool off. Your friends ordered some finger foods for everyone to pick at throughout the night and you dive into the greasiest and saltiest looking thing that was brought out. You start chatting with your friends, laughing hysterically at the jokes you make, leaning playfully on each other, and  enjoying their company. You dance a little more, drink and eat a little more, and chat a little more.
You check your chronometer and realize several hours have passed, and you think now is a good time to head out before you’re too tired to walk home. You let your friends know and begin scooting yourself towards the edge of the booth. As you straighten yourself up, something doesn’t feel right. Your left knee feels strange. You try to walk a little, but your knee won’t bend or straighten. It doesn’t hurt, but rather it feels as if something is stuck under your kneecap. 
You try to walk forward, but you end up limping. Your friends take notice and ask if you’re alright. You’re not sure how to answer them, but you know you can’t walk home like this. You hobble backwards and sink back down into the booth. Your face downtrodden at your awful luck. Your friends offer to call you a cab, but you're not sure what you want to do. You debate whether or not to comm Kix, but knowing your medic boyfriend, he would be furious if you didn’t try to reach him.
Regret washes over you when he answers in that groggy, sleepy voice he gets after waking up in the morning, but he brushes away your apologies. You explain the situation to him and he asks a few simple questions. He doesn’t sound worried, but you can tell the wheels aren’t completely turning in his head yet. He directs you to stay put and says he’ll come get you. You smile and exchange ‘I love yous’ before ending the call. You sigh in relief and await his arrival.
It doesn’t take long for Kix to appear on scene. You see him come through the entrance, in full gear no less, and you wave him over. He has a stern look on his face and walks deliberately, quickly closing the distance between the two of you. You barely let out a small greeting before he slides his hands around your back and legs and lifts you up into his arms. You’re taken aback by the sudden and silent gesture and instinctively wrap your hands around his neck to hang on.
“Kix,” you chuckle playfully as he walks toward the exit of the club. “What are you doing?”
“I’m taking you to the GAR clinic,” he answers without moving his eyes to meet yours. His fierce gaze is locked on its heading. 
“It’s 23:00 hours,” you remind him as you wave goodbye to your friends. “They’re closed.”
“Nothing is closed if you have a key,” Kix retorts, a smirk flashes across his face, but is gone as quickly as it came. He raises his foot to push the club door open and his armor-covered thigh glides across your bottom. You inhale sharply at the swift movement, but Kix doesn’t notice as he carefully maneuvers you both through the opening before it swings shut.
“Don’t you think that’s a little excessive?” you question in a stutter as your face flushes. He doesn't answer. “It’s twelve blocks away!” you try to convince him of the absurdity of him carrying you for such a distance, but he still doesn’t answer or waver from his course. 
His face is trained forward, focused solely on his mission and nothing else. You know that look, that gaze. The one he gets when he automatically falls into combat mode. His expression becomes serious and determined. It’s like a switch, and his ability to flick it on and off amazes you every time. It doesn’t matter the situation, when his training kicks in he becomes unstoppable and immovable, and it’s one of the qualities you admire most about him.
As Kix walks down the street towards the GAR clinic, a cool breeze blows through and hits your sweaty skin sending a shiver through your body. Kix notices you shudder and grips you tighter against his chest to keep you warm, cursing under his breath that he didn’t bring you something better to wear. In his groggy haze after your comm, he forgot you wore a dress tonight and left the apartment with just his gear and blaster, as if this situation even called for a blaster.
He gives you an apologetic kiss on the forehead and continues your journey towards the GAR clinic. The walk is mostly silent, with just the serenade of rhythmic crickets filling in the void. You want to say something, maybe tell him to take a break, but he would never listen. You wonder how his arms haven't fallen off yet at carrying you for such a distance. He doesn’t even sound winded. You start to feel bad about the situation and doubt creeps into your mind.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper while burrowing your face into his neck, a small tear escaping your eye and dissipating into the black fabric of his body suit.
Kix stops walking, tosses you up a little to readjust your position in his arms and continues walking. You thought he was going to say something, but he didn’t. You wonder if he’s mad at you and the destructive thoughts begin swirling endlessly in your mind. All of sudden, you’re second guessing everything about your relationship with Kix. What if you’re too much for him? What if he’s getting tired of you? What if he wants a less accident prone girlfriend?
Before your thoughts could spiral any further out of control, Kix speaks up. “I’ve carried heavier for longer distances,” he reassures. “This is nothing.” He pulls your torso up a little higher and nuzzles your face softly with his cheek before bringing you back down to the comfortable carrying position. You breathe a sigh of relief and rest your head once again on his shoulder, letting the warmth and calmness of his body relax and comfort you. 
Not long after the short exchange, Kix stops walking again, but this time it’s because you’ve finally made it to the GAR clinic. You look up at the familiar sight, where the two you first met, and smile briefly at the memory. The clinic is dark, which is what you would expect at this late hour. Kix shifts your weight so he can grab his clinic access card from his pouch and swipes it. The door whooshes open and the lights automatically turn on as you enter the lobby.
Kix swipes his access card again to gain entrance to the secured medical facility, and instead of carrying you to one of the exam rooms, he brings you straight back to the x-ray room. You still think the whole thing is overkill, but you trust that he knows best. He carefully sets you down on a chair, kisses your cheek, and maneuvers the x-ray machine and your knee to get the pictures he needs. His biggest worries are a tear, fracture, or dislocation and he won’t feel satisfied until he knows for sure.
You sit still for him while he takes the x-rays, scrunching your face periodically at the stiffness and aching you feel in your kneecap. It’s becoming more and more uncomfortable the longer you sit with it bent at this angle, but this is where Kix wants it, so you stay put. You turn your head and look through the window of the tech room and watch as he works. He’s completely focused and engrossed in what he’s doing as he flicks switches and taps on the data-pad. 
You continue to watch as he projects the holo x-ray and puts his hands on his hips as he studies it. You’re starting to feel nervous about the outcome and wonder how badly you injured your knee. Your breath quickens and you let out a small grunt at the pain in your knee. You lean over to rub it and glance back through the window at Kix. He switches off the holo-projection and turns around to look at you with a small smile. You really hope that’s a good sign.
Kix makes his way back to where you’re sitting and gets on one knee in front of you. Without saying a word, he lifts your injured leg gently, fully extends it, then fully bends it, focusing carefully on the movement and your expressions. He rotates your leg to the right, then to the left, presumably to check your mobility. It didn’t particularly hurt when he moved it, but it didn’t feel great either. He then takes his thumb and presses it just below your kneecap.
“Ouch!” you cry with a sharp inhale and recoil your leg from his touch.
“Bingo,” Kix states as he gets up from the floor. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask while rubbing your knee, slightly offended at his painful test.
“Patellar tendinitis,” Kix answers with a relieved smile.
“Galactic standard, please?” you question, unsure of the medical terminology.
Kix chuckles and gives you a kiss on the cheek. “It means the tendon that connects your kneecap to your shin bone is swollen. It’s an easy fix with some anti-inflammatories, an icepack, and rest.”
“How did I do that?” you wonder aloud. All you wanted to do was have a fun night out with your girlfriends and here you are sitting in a clinic with a knee injury.
“Were you jumping?” Kix inquires while crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall behind him.
You purse your lips, almost embarrassed to answer him. “Maybe, a little.”
Kix raises an eyebrow at your sheepish answer. He always knows when you’re lying. It’s one of his unfortunate special powers.
“Okay, maybe a lot,” you answer while looking down, not wanting to meet his piercing gaze.
Kix sighs and shakes his head. “You shouldn’t be jumping like that when you have a previous knee injury.”
“But, I just wanted to have fun!” you protest as your emotions flow through your words unabated. “I just want to dance and have a good time like every other girl gets to do.” 
Kix frowns, pushes himself off the wall, and sits next to you on the x-ray table. He slides a strong arm around your back to pull you against his side and leans his head atop yours. He takes your hand, brings it to his lips, and kisses the back of it. “I know, cyare,” he soothes in a low rumble. “I know.”
You close your eyes and lean into his touch, feeling defeated and betrayed by your own body. The previous knee injury wasn’t even your fault, and it happened so long ago, you didn’t even think about it while you were out with your friends. It’s funny how quickly your body reminds you of how truly broken it really is. You wish your body could do what everyone else’s can but this blatant reminder fills your heart with a type of grief that will never leave and your eyes well with tears.
Kix is quick to notice and wipes them away before they get a chance to fall from your flushed face. He knows you try. He knows you want to have fun. He knows you want nothing more than to be normal. And he knows how much it hurts you when you can’t, but there’s nothing he can do about it. You stay in each other’s embrace for several more minutes, silently exchanging invisible words of hurt and comfort, with light sniffles and soft kisses being the only sounds heard. 
Kix pays close attention to your body language, waiting for when you're ready, and not a moment too soon. He feels your heartbeat slow, your breathing moderate, and your body finally relaxing into his. “Do you want to go home?” he asks.
You take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah, I think I’m ready.”
Kix kisses the top of your head and stands up. He stretches out his hand and you grab it to help hoist yourself up to stand on the floor. You wince at the discomfort in your knee and limp forward a step. Kix puts his other hand on your back to steady you, and you breathe out a small thanks before continuing to limp forward. Unsatisfied with your struggling, Kix bends over to wrap one arm around your legs and the other around your back, cradling you into his arms like before.   
You sigh and roll your eyes at his selfless, albeit reckless, gesture. “You can’t carry me all the way home too. That’s even farther!”
Kix smirks at your challenge. “Watch me.”
The journey home is much more light-hearted than the walk to the GAR clinic. You can tell Kix is relaxing as he steps down from medic-mode and steps into boyfriend-mode. He asks you more questions about your night out with your friends and you regale him with exaggerated tales of your womanly wiles. You both laugh at your wild stories and he tells you a couple funny ones from his time on deployment. 
It must be quite the sight at 02:00 hours, two people laughing hysterically while strolling down the street, one carrying the other. People probably think you’re drunk, but neither of you care about their opinions. You're finally getting a chance to be together after being separated for such a long time. It doesn’t matter the circumstance, just the closeness, the fondness, and the affection are what you need. His gentle touch, his strong heartbeat, his deep voice, it’s all that matters to you.
Kix rounds the corner of the street your apartment is on and you hear him huff. The long distance and exhaustion is finally getting to him, but he is determined to finish strong. He shifts your weight in his arms to get a better grip and you smile at his tenacity, rewarding his efforts with a sweet kiss on his cheek. He makes the final stretch and pulls out your apartment key card, swiping it to open the door to your home. 
He carries you through the doorway, past the kitchen, and into the bedroom, laying you gently on the bed, before flopping backward onto it himself with a heavy sigh of relief. You roll onto your side to face him and prop your head up on your elbow. “Are you okay?” You chuckle as you run your other hand over the stubble of his shaved head.
“I just need a minute,” Kix breathes, his chest rising and falling rapidly from the exertion. “And a shower.”
“I could use one too,” you realize after thinking about your night out before you injured yourself. There’s no way you can go to sleep with all that ick covering your body, but you wonder how well you can shower yourself with your knee hurting so badly. You imagine all the ways you can brace yourself to wash your hair and how hopping on one foot works in a slippery bathtub.
“We can take one together,” Kix suggests as if he’s reading your mind. He turns his head to look at you, waiting for your answer.
You raise an eyebrow in response. It’s not that you don’t want to, in fact, you’d love to, but not now, not like this. This isn’t the time for that. You're in pain and you don’t want to play around. You just want a shower, and only a shower, nothing else.
“What?” he asks, feigning feelings of hurt that you think he would take advantage of you in your injured state. “I need a shower, you need a shower, and you obviously can’t do it on your own.”
You purse your lips and narrow your eyes at his assessment, feeling offended that he would say something like that, even though it was the same conclusion you came to only moments earlier. You think about it a little more, and you hate to admit it, but it does make sense. You're both exhausted and disgusting, so a shower must be taken at some point. You sigh in defeat and begrudgingly agree to shower together, but you stipulate no funny business.
Kix agrees to your terms and conditions without hesitation, because, honestly, he doesn’t want to do anything either, but it’s more fun if you think he does. He loves to see that flustered look on your face and watch as you get defensive and straightforward with him. He smirks at your empty threats as you rattle off all the things you would do if he crosses even one line, and he laughs at your playful smacks on his arm when he tosses out a lewd joke. 
“Kix,” you stretch the pronunciation of his name out to show your annoyance. 
“Alright,” he concedes while still laughing. “Are we doing this or what?”
“Yes,” you answer with a sigh. “We’re doing this.”
Kix smiles and heaves himself up from the bed with a grunt. 
“You sound like an old man,” you jest with a snort and start to giggle.
Kix turns around and furrows his brows. “If you weren’t injured, I’d–”
“You’d what?” you quickly cut him off, daring him to answer.
He takes a deep breath and lets his thoughts dissipate. “Never mind.” You both laugh at yourselves, obviously too tired to think straight. “Come on,” he beckons. “Shower time.” 
Kix starts by removing his armor piece by piece and neatly piling it in the closet. He then peels his sweaty blacks off and tosses them towards the laundry hamper, but they land hanging halfway out. He shrugs at them and leaves the room to turn the shower on. You then slip your dress over your head and also toss it towards the hamper, but you sigh at your terrible aim as the hamper topples over. You shrug at the mess and decide to worry about when you have more energy.
Kix comes back to get you, and frowns as he watches you rub your knee. He knows it’s going to hurt for a while and he wishes he could do something to alleviate your pain besides medicine and ice. He walks over to the edge of the bed and kneels down in front of you. You raise an eyebrow, wondering what he’s going to do, but you give him the benefit of the doubt. He slides his hand along the outside of your shin, snakes his fingers under your knee, lifts it to his face, and kisses it tenderly.
“I’ve heard kisses make boo-boos better,” Kix whispers against your knee, his hot breath giving you goosebumps. He recoils apologetically at your body’s reaction. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.”
“It’s fine,” you assure him with a soft chuckle and a sincere smile. What he did was a sweet gesture and you had no qualms with it. You wish his kisses had the magical power to take all your pain away, and sometimes it feels like they can, but there are some things that kisses cannot fix. However, you play along and feed into his heartfelt attempt. “My knee already feels better.”
Kix smiles knowingly, gets up from the floor, and comes alongside you. He reaches one arm around your back to support you, and grabs your hand with his free one. You brace yourself against his strong hold and pull yourself up from the bed. You hobble forward a little, trying not to put pressure on the injured knee, and Kix steadies you. You lean against his toned body and limp toward the refresher, wincing at the discomfort. 
Once in the refresher, you toss your undergarments aside and Kix picks you up to lift you over the raised side of the tub and places you down into the warm spray. You grab the small railing on the side to steady yourself, and give Kix a nod to let him know he can let go. He slowly takes his hands off you, making sure to watch if you falter. As he sees you holding yourself up, he gets into the shower and joins you under the hot water.
Kix places his hands on your hips and pulls you back against his bare chest. “Lean on me, sweetheart,” he whispers in your ear. 
You don’t hesitate to take him up on his offer as you release the railing and let his strong arms hold you up. You’ve built up enough trust with him that you’re not afraid for a single moment whether he’ll drop you. You know that when you’re in Kix’s arms, there’s nothing that can touch you, there’s nothing that can hurt you, and there isn’t a force in the galaxy that can pry you away from him. There’s no fear when you’re with Kix. Some call it possession, but you call it safe. 
You let the hot water roll over your face, your hair, and down your body for several minutes before grabbing your shampoo bottle. You squeeze a little onto your palm and lather it up in your hair. Kix leans his head back to keep it from getting in his eyes and you giggle as he blows away the bubbles forming in your hair. You rinse the shampoo out of your hair, add some conditioner, then grab your body wash and loofah. 
It’s a little awkward, the two of you tangled up as you try to wash the dirt off your body, but he tries to maneuver you into different positions to reach different spots. At one point, he was holding you with one hand and scrubbing you gently with the other. You wonder how he does it. How he could be so strong and unyielding in the field, yet so gentle with you. He holds you like a fragile piece of glass even though he could crush you with a single flex of his muscles. 
You finish cleaning all the nooks and crannies of your body and rinse out the conditioner from your hair. Now, it’s Kix’s turn to get the water he’s been waiting so patiently for. He moves you both forward, so you're past the shower’s spray and he’s directly under it, pressing one hand against the back of the shower for you to lean against. He groans with pleasure under the water’s cascading heat and the vibration echoing from his chest sends a shiver down your body.
Kix notices you shivering, and makes quick work of cleaning himself up, thinking your cold from being outside the water’s warmth. He switches hands for you to lean against so he can clean everywhere he needs to, and rinses the soap off his skin just as fast. You feel bad that he didn’t get to spend more time under the water, but he reassures you that as a soldier he’s used to quick showers and this was more than enough for him to feel satisfied. 
Kix turns the water off, leans out to pull a towel off the rack, and wraps it loosely around your damp skin. He tussles the towel to help you dry off and you start giggling. He smiles at the happy little sounds you’re making and gives you a chaste kiss on the nose. Once satisfied that you’re not shivering anymore, he gets out of the tub, picks you up to lift you over the side, and gently places you back onto the ground. 
He makes sure you're steady, then grabs another towel from the rack, pats himself off, and wraps it around his waist in a few short movements. It’s so quick that if you blink you’ll miss it, but that’s him, quick and efficient. He positions himself beside you to help guide you back to the bedroom, limping slightly along the way. As you approach the bed, Kix picks you up princess style once again and gently lays you down onto your side of the bed. 
He rummages through the dresser, grabbing you some clean pajamas and a pair of boxers for himself. You both dress yourself for bed, and you take the towel wrapped around your body and work on drying your hair to an acceptable amount to go to sleep. You don’t have the energy to blow dry it at this point, but you also don’t want to sleep on a sopping wet pillow. As you work on your hair, your stomach starts growling and you realize it’s been hours since you had any food.
“Is it too late to eat?” you ask an already half-asleep Kix laying next to you.
He opens one eye to look at the chronometer on the bedside table and mumbles into his pillow. “It’s basically breakfast time, so why not.”
“I bought a frozen pizza last week,” you mention while tracing small circles on his back to coax him awake. “You could pop it in the oven real quick.”
Kix groans in protest, but his stomach betrays him and growls at the mention of food. He sighs in defeat, gets up, and rubs his eyes. It’s been a very long night for the two of you and dawn is already fast approaching. Luckily, neither of you have plans for the day so sleeping past noon is the only logical course of action. On his way to the kitchen he remembers to grab the anti-inflammatory medicine and an ice-pack for your knee, the two things he wasn’t supposed to forget. 
He puts the pizza in the oven and brings you the medicine and a cup of water to wash it down. You gladly take it as the pain in your knee started bothering you again after the shower made it feel slightly better. Kix smiles lazily at you, the exhaustion clear on his face, and you feel bad for making him stay up so late for you. He takes the cup of water back and places the towel-covered ice pack on your knee, timing fifteen minutes for when you need to remove it.
Kix, being the ever-doting man he is, decides to do one more thing to help make you feel better. He steps back into the kitchen and puts the kettle on. If there’s one thing he knows you enjoy, it’s a hot cup of tea. For some reason, tea fixes everything. Bad day? Tea. Period? Tea. Sad? Tea. Injured? Well, according to the track record, tea will work for that too. He sifts through your tea cabinet and pulls out your favorite blend and mug, and steeps you a steaming cup. 
The pizza timer dings and Kix pulls it out of the oven, slices it, and brings the whole thing into the bedroom, along with some napkins, and the tea he brewed for you. You smile when he comes into the room and you're even more happy to see your favorite mug in his hand. He sets the mug down on your bedside table and places the pizza in the middle of the bed, before walking back around and settling onto his side of the bed. 
You take a sip of the tea and lean your head back against the headboard in simple bliss, sighing softly. Kix smiles at your peace and downs a slice of pizza. You grab a slice as well, and pick up the remote to start one of your favorite princess holos. You're feeling extra sappy tonight and in need of something comforting. You already have your prince charming, but you still love the nostalgia of watching the maiden fall in love with the prince and being swept away into a happily ever after. 
Once the pizza has been demolished, Kix removes the pan from the bed and tosses it onto the floor. He slides across the sheets to close the gap between you and wraps an arm around you to pull you close. You lean into his loving embrace and nestle your head against his chest, laying an arm across his stomach. He kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes, listening to his strong heartbeat and his soft breathing as they soothe and lull you softly to sleep. 
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amberskyyking · 3 days
-sliding into another week on my unapologetic bullshit like-
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HAPPY BAD BATCH DAY!!!!! Chapter 7 is UP, Tech is ALIVE, I have a PLOT and a CHAPTER COUNT now (it’s gonna be 14, probably, but hey, famous last words), and there are Wrecker-sized FEEEEELLLLIIIINNNNGSSSS!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Implications Of Being Alive
Chapter 7: New Last Memories (And Hugs For The Whole Family)
Wrecker never faced that CX trooper head on in their fights, but for a long time, he wished that he had.
Whenever he caught Crosshair messing with his wrist, or Omega woke up with a nightmare about being taken, or Echo got all quiet at a mention of a brother they lost on Teth, Wrecker regretted that he never got the chance to take on that trooper himself. He woulda crushed him if it came down to it, even if he didn’t wanna kill him. It was still a clone in there, he knew it wasn’t really their fault, he remembered how awful it felt to be controlled by the chip and no one deserved something like that. But Wrecker woulda stopped him, even if killing him was what it took to do it. He wouldn’t have let his family get hurt if he could help it, not for nothing.
He didn’t wish that anymore.
The realization when Omega gave them the news had hit harder than the monster on Tantiss. Wrecker curled in on himself, clutching at his middle with one hand and reaching into thin air with the other, like he had when Tech fell from their railcar, and his hand found Hunters shoulder as the memory pressed in.
He had begged Tech not to do it. It wasn’t an option, Tech was right there and they just needed to get him on the railcar, just needed a little more time, but Tech had known better. Wrecker had watched him come to the conclusion as if in slow motion, the way his eyes went steady before he took aim and said those rebellious last words, but… But Wrecker couldn’t take that! He couldn’t lose him! He screamed for his vod, lunging out of the railcar with an outstretched arm even though it was useless, just some instinct in him that couldn’t let go, just his own willpower versus gravity like a damn Jedi, and Tech fell. Wrecker couldn’t look away, and neither did Tech, both keeping their eyes locked on their family as long as they could in those last moments until the car caught the tracks and ripped them apart.
Tech’s plan had worked, and Wrecker could only ever hope he knew it in the end, hope he knew that his sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Even if it hurt. Even if it had never stopped hurting. It was the last ever memory Wrecker had of his brother, the last memory any of them had, since Wrecker had been the one to see it happen, who couldn’t stop it… Until now.
They were going to get to make new memories again. Tech was coming home…
And if Wrecker had ever gotten the chance to face that CX trooper a decade ago, he might not be.
The sun beating down on the top of his head would have usually felt good, especially out on the water, with salty mist spraying up in the air and the thrill of catching nice fat fish. But today, waiting on solid dry land for the Havoc Zillo to appear in the sky, it was only making him sweat.
“You okay, Wrecker?” Hunter’s voice mumbled quietly at his side.
Wrecker ran a hand over his bald head and tried to let go of his thoughts with a shaky huff. “Nah... But you’re no better. I don’t need to hear heartbeats to tell that.”
“Neither do I,” Hunter said dryly, shifting his weight and exhaling hard. They sat in silence a few seconds more, craning their necks and squinting up at the air. Crosshair’s toothpick snapped in his mouth.
“What do we even say to ‘im?” Wrecker turned back to his brothers. “After all this time-”
“Depends,” Crosshair spat. “We don’t even know what he’ll be like. He might try to kill us again.”
“Don’t say that, he’s our brother-”
“I’m only being realistic, Wrecker.”
“Well I’M just being-”
“Enough,” Hunter cut them both off at once, his head snapping back towards the sky. “They’re here.”
Wrecker gasped and turned his good eye back to the sky above, searching for the little dot that was Omega and Echo and Tech coming home. It took him a second to find it but his heart leapt when he did, and Wrecker’s face split into a huge grin. There wasn’t a doubt in the galaxy that Tech would be okay, somehow, after everything. He had his brothers to help him again! They would make sure it turned out just fine, of course they would.
By the time the ship swung around Wrecker was bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation, and as soon as it hit the ground, he broke free of the others and ran to it!
“OMEGA!” He bellowed, waving an arm as Batcher bounded at his heels. “ECHO! WHERE’S TECH?!”
It didn’t even matter that the engines were just powering down and the ramp hadn’t lowered yet, he knew they could hear him! And Tech was in there!
“MEGA!” He called again just as Hunter and Crosshair caught up, and finally, the ramp let out a hiss and began to lower, slowly revealing the other half of their family at the top.
Tech was there, he was really there, and Wrecker suddenly couldn’t speak. His brother, who he missed so much, stood in the middle of the other two, with Echo’s arm around his waist and Omega’s hand clutched tight his own. He regarded the three of them on the ground with a thoughtful expression that Wrecker knew, even all these years later. It knocked whatever words he was going to say right out of his throat. Wrecker feel dizzy all of the sudden, he wobbled on the spot as tears blurred his vision and ragged breaths were torn from his lungs, and Crosshair caught him lightly by the arm.
“T-Tech?” Hunter said at his side in a voice that sounded fragile.
“See?” He heard Omega speaking softly. “I said I’d bring you home, didn’t I?”
Tech still hadn’t made any move to come down the ramp. For a second everyone was quiet as the engines finished winding down, and even Batcher paused her cheerful circles, as Echo and Omega tugged at his arms but his feet didn’t budge.
“And… They want to see me?”
Hunter eeked out a wounded sounding whimper and Wreckers bursting heart broke at the words.
“C-Course we do!” Wrecker found his voice again, scrubbing hard at his good eye to try and see his brother better. “Never a question, Tech! Come ‘ere, it’s… It’s been too long…”
Hunter sniffed hard and nodded at his side and Echo muttered something reassuring in his ear, and finally, Tech let himself be led down off the ramp. He looked at each one of them in turn, almost as if he was in a daze, once his feet hit solid ground, but the second Tech’s eyes met his own Wrecker was gone. The last time he locked eyes with his brother had been a goodbye, but now he was alive, he was back, that hadn’t been their last moments, he could hardly believe it! After ten long years he threw his arms around Tech’s shoulders and pulled him into a hug, cradling him gently against his chest and resting his cheek against the top of his brother’s head, like he would have years ago if he had just been able to reach him in time and pull him to safety.
Tech let out a surprised little gasp and went stiff, but after a moments hesitation, Wrecker felt him relax and wrap his arms gingerly around Wrecker’s sides in return.
“Y-You’re back,” Wrecker stammered out. “I missed ya, I really did…”
“I… I too have missed this,” Tech said in a small voice. “Though if you could loosen your grip just slightly it would be appreciated, this arrangement is impeding my ability to breathe.”
“Sorry…” Wrecker sniffed. “I know you’re not a big hugger, just, it’s been so long…”
“I do not mind it, actually,” Tech whispered, staying very still against Wrecker’s chest. Then Hunter was at their side, sliding his hand along Tech’s back too with tears streaming down his own face, and Wrecker lifted an arm to let him in, gesturing for Crosshair to get over here too. Their youngest brother could act prickly as much as he wanted but Wrecker knew how he really felt, and sure enough, Crosshair let out a small huff before crossing stiffly over to them and letting Wrecker drag him into the hug.
“I’m sorry,” Hunter was rasping out between full body sobs. “I’m sorry Tech, I’m so sorry-”
“As I told Echo. There is nothing to apologize for,” Tech said softly. “There was nothing for you to do differently and no viable way to determine whether or not I had survived.” He paused for a second, and Wrecker felt a small shudder course through his body. “I, on the other hand…”
“Whatever you did doesn’t matter,” Wrecker cut him off before he could put himself down or try apologizing. “Not to us. It wasn’t you, Tech.”
“We know you better than that,” Hunter agreed through his tears.
Echo and Omega joined in the hug pile from the outside and Wrecker loosened his other arm to make room for them, too. Even once he didn’t have Tech in his own grip his big brother stayed nestled close to his chest as Wreckers massive arms stretched out to encircle his family, his full family, all at once. He… He hadn’t ever gotten to hug them all at once before! After the war, when they went back for Omega, Crosshair was left behind, and no one was really in the mood for hugging when they were trapped together on a sunken Kamino. Then by the time they got Crosshair back, Tech was…
But Tech was here now. They all were, every single one of them was safe in his arms, after all this time.
Wrecker never wanted to let any of them go again.
They stayed like that for a while, much longer than Crosshair would have usually tolerated, and maybe it was because the others realized that too and felt the same. But of course, eventually, he had to, they couldn’t stay like that forever. When they started growing fidgety Wrecker reluctantly loosened his grip to let them go, but even once they all broke apart, he stood protectively close to Tech. Tech didn’t seem to mind. If anything he was hovering a little closer than usual too.
“Well… Come on,” Hunter said in a hoarse voice. “You’re probably hungry, Tech, and tired... I know it’s been a long trip. For all of you.”
Tech nodded compliantly and at Wrecker’s gentle urging he began to follow after Hunter, who turned back every few steps to make sure they were all still there, even though Wrecker knew he could have counted their heartbeats or footsteps or something instead. Wrecker could hardly even see the path back up to their little house, or… or Domicile? That was the neat sounding word Tech used to use for a house, wasn’t it? He somehow smiled even bigger at the thought. Not all of Tech’s vocabulary had stuck in his head, but there had always been a few unique words like that that that he remembered, and whenever he heard them anywhere else he thought of his brother.
Wrecker hoped that Tech still used those words. He hoped Tech still did a lot of the things he used to do, that the Empire hadn’t been able to crush a single ounce of who Tech was over the last decade they spent apart because his brother was too damn good for that. But if they did, Wrecker would remind him. They all would, and Wrecker couldn’t wait to show him the beaches the next morning! He was ready to walk with Tech anywhere he wanted, lift him up to see inside the little holes in the rocks where some fancy looking crabs nested, carry whatever sort of crazy recording equipment Tech cobbled together for his research without complaint, maybe even bring him out on the boat so he could talk to them all day about the different fish they caught. And he would never get sick of it, it wouldn’t be possible. He hadn’t realized how much he missed his brothers constant chatter until it was gone.
As the night went on, though, Wrecker started to have just a few worries. Tech wasn’t quite his old self. It wasn’t really fair to expect him to be though, at least not so quickly, was it? Maybe his memory was a little off, or maybe it was just the hyperspace-lag, or the ten whole years they missed out on that was making Tech act so much more quiet and subdued than he used to be. He still asked a few questions about the sushi they were eating, he showed interest in Wrecker’s tale of catching the fish that the sushi came from, he even said he dreamed a couple of times about eating this exact food while he was with the Empire. Those all had to be good signs… Weren’t they?
But Wrecker’s gut told him there was still something off.
Omega and Hunter encouraged Tech to turn in to bed early, and he put up a fight about it for a minute, but Echo got involved and he settled down. That didn’t quite strike Wrecker as right either. Tech had acted afraid, but he trusted Echo and Omega, they’d been with Tech again for a few days more than he had and it seemed like they had done this before. The thought made Wrecker uneasy. Who knew what sort of osik the Empire put his brother through? There were all sorts of things that could cause fears like that and it made Wrecker’s blood boil to think of any of them happening to Tech.
Crosshair began clearing the dishes in a huff the second the others made their way towards bed, and Wrecker dutifully carried plates over to the sink to be washed as they waited for their brothers to re-emerge.
“He’s not right,” Crosshair hissed as Wrecker brought him an armful of plates and began scraping the scraps into a compost bin. “He might be acting fine for now, but he isn’t.”
“I… I know,” Wrecker admitted. His grip tightened on a plate as he did and it cracked under his thumb.
“Sorry!” He muttered, swiveling around to drop the whole plate in the garbage before he could cut himself on it, but it slipped and sliced the side of his finger anyways. “Damn.”
“Clean it,” Crosshair said with a sigh, stepping away from the sink and drying his hands on a towel.
Wrecker did as he was told, even if he grumbled about it, stuffing the injury under running water. It wasn’t even all that big, but Crosshair was already fumbling around for the first aid kit, and he knew better than to contradict him. Tech had been their medic before, but Crosshair had taken it upon himself to learn the basics once he returned, and hardly anything pissed off their littlest brother more than not taking care of an injury these days, no matter how small.
Just as he turned off the faucet and gave his hand to Crosshair for bandaging, Hunter, Echo and Omega came back from the room, with Hunter looking pale.
“...Something you two want to tell us?” Crosshair said in a dangerous tone, barely looking up from Wrecker’s hand.
Echo and Omega exchanged a dark look at that, and Wrecker’s gut twisted.
“Yes,” Omega said heavily. “I’m sorry but we really needed to wait to discuss it until Tech was asleep and I wanted to tell you in person.”
“Out with it, ‘Mega,” Hunter bristled.
Wrecker barely noticed Crosshair finish dressing the cut and give him back his hand. Whatever this was, it wasn’t going to be good news, he could tell. The energy in the room had shifted, and he should have known. Even if Hunter was the one with enhanced senses, Crosshair and Wrecker’s combined intuition was rarely wrong…
But nothing they learned now could be as bad as the idea of Tech being gone forever.
Echo squeezed Omegas shoulder, and she let out a deep sigh. “There’s… I don’t really know how to tell you this, we haven’t completely figured out the details of what he’s thinking yet but… Tech doesn’t think this is real.”
Wrecker blinked at her in confusion. That… That didn’t make sense.
“Not real?” Hunter repeated incredulously.
Omega gave him a solemn nod. “He thinks he’s dreaming… At least most of the time.”
Dreaming? Now Wrecker’s heart began to race. Tech didn’t know they were together again? He didn’t think he was home? That this was all just… Wishful thinking? All in his head? Fake?
Wrecker growled under his breath at the idea. How dare the Empire do that to him?! How DARE they hurt his big brother SO BADLY that he didn’t even KNOW-
“What do you mean by most of the time?” Crosshair hissed.
“I mean he’s confused,” Omega pleaded. “He acts like himself sometimes, like the way things used to be, then other times he talks like he’s still with the Empire and this is all a vision! He thinks he needs to return to his commanding officer, he thinks he’s going to be decommissioned-”
“DECOMMISSIONED?” Wrecker roared in horror. “NOBODY’s gonna decom him an’ - and if they EVER come back for him I’ll KILL ‘EM”
“Easy Wrecker. You’ll wake him,” Echo chided, but his voice was just as venomous as Wreckers, and Wrecker scoffed. “The Empire is like that,” Echo continued. “He told us it was common practice, and my intel says he’s right.”
Wrecker’s head was spinning. More things about what Tech had said before were starting to make sense, and they made him feel sick. How long had Tech held on to them during that hug, like he didn’t want it to end? There was that comment about dreaming of sushi, and his strange silence like he wasn’t fully there, and that thing he said about his own family not wanting him-
“So is he going to try to return to the Empire on us?” Crosshair interrupted Wreckers thoughts in a clipped tone, placing a steadying hand on Wrecker’s arm again.
“I don’t think so. Not right now anyways, he… He thinks he needs to wake up somehow to do that,” Omega explained. “But he’s afraid to go to sleep because he doesn’t want to wake up with the Empire again. We have to keep promising him we’ll still be here when he does, not them…”
“This… Could be a serious problem,” Hunter mused, rubbing his fingers hard against his own temples with his eyes closed in thought. “Once he figures out this is real…”
“If he figures out this is real,” Crosshair corrected, and Wrecker wheeled on him like he’d just suggested Pabu was covered in snow.
“Whadda’ya mean if?” Wrecker piped up. “He’s gotta know!”
“Why?” Crosshair snapped. “He’s here, isn’t he? He’s said he doesn’t want this dream to end and he’s less dangerous like this.”
“But that’s not right!” Wrecker cried, pulling his arm away from Crosshair. “We can’t all just lie to ‘im! He deserves better than that, he’s our brother!”
“You don’t know what he’s capable of! None of us do! Except maybe Omega!”
“Well if anything happens we’ll handle it! But it shouldn’t take trickin’ ‘im to keep ‘im around. That’s… Isn’t that what the Empire was doing?”
There were a couple sharp inhales at that. Wrecker looked around at each of them in turn before landing his gaze back on Crosshair, trying to understand why they would even think of handling this any other way.
“That’s part of what we need to talk about,” Echo said evenly. “Crosshair does make a point. Tech has been a CX-trooper for ten years. That influence doesn’t just go away.”
Omega nodded. “I barely made it out of my own fight with him… He was relentless. He fought with lethal force even when he was badly injured, I got lucky. If he didn’t get distracted at the end…”
Hunter made a choked sounding noise and immediately pulled Omega into his arms, as if to protect her from the very idea that she could get hurt like that or worse, and Omega chuckled into his hair just a little.
“I’m alright Hunter,” She said affectionately. “I really am, but I just mean to say… You really can’t underestimate him.”
“But Wrecker is right too,” Echo said darkly. “Lying to him is Empire osik, and we’re better than that. He deserves better than that.”
Wrecker let out a long breath. “It’s just… We can’t force him to believe anything, can we? Just cause we say this is real, it doesn’t mean he’ll believe us. But it’s still on us to be honest with him, and if it that causes a problem, we’ll deal with it then. He’s our brother. We gotta protect him but… We wouldn’t be doin’ a good job of that without being honest and showing him he’s loved. An’ lying wouldn’t be very loving.”
“I agree,” Hunter said. “We’ll have to be prepared for if he does… Wake up… But I think Wrecker’s right. We can’t just lie to him forever, not if we really want him back.”
Echo and Omega both nodded, and all eyes fell on Crosshair.
“Well it looks like I’m outvoted anyways,” He said snidely.
“Come on, Cross-”
“I think this is a bad idea,” Crosshair snapped. “I think you’re not taking the danger here seriously. But if you want to try and draw him back out so you can fight all his demons, fine. Have kriffing fun.”
With that Crosshair stalked out of the kitchen. Wrecker took a couple steps to follow, but a door slammed, and he stopped, torn.
“Let him go,” Hunter said tiredly. “You know how he gets. He just needs some time.”
“He hasn’t gotten like that in… In a while, Hunter,” Wrecker moaned. “I don’t want him to be upset all alone.”
Hunter let out a sigh. “I know. But… trust me.”
Wrecker hesitated a minute longer, but finally, he nodded, letting his shoulders drop.
A few minutes later they decided it would be better if they all went to bed early, all except Hunter, who took the first shift at Tech’s bedside just in case he woke up confused, to make sure they kept their promise. They had just set up the fourth bed in their shared room earlier this morning. Shep had brought it over for them as a gift, to make sure Tech was comfortable back home, at long last. Echo settled into Hunter’s bed to get some rest before taking second watch, and Wrecker crawled into his own with his eyes resting on Tech and the gentle rising and falling of his chest in the dim moonlight that streamed in through the windows.
He could have stayed awake the whole night like that, reminding himself Tech was here. Wrecker was going to remember everything about this best he could, so his last memory about Tech would be fresh and new every day from now on. But sleep hit him like an unexpectedly huge ocean wave and knocked him out in minutes, and the last thing he saw before succumbing to it was Tech roll over, looking peaceful in his sleep.
A good memory.
Partway through the night, Wrecker awoke to the sound of snoring, and he blinked a couple of times in the darkness of the room. The sound was coming from Crosshairs bed, and he could vaguely see the shape of his brother laying there.
Good. He made it back home.
Hunter seemed to be asleep in his own bed again, too, and Echo sat awake at Tech’s bedside. Wrecker met Echo’s eyes, and Echo gave him a tired, joyful smile, glancing down to where Tech was holding his hand in his sleep.
Yeah. It was all going to be okay.
They had so many new memories to make.
Please leave me fic fuel (comments and shit) cause I’m having a blast with this but it’s WAY more fun to carjack canon with *friends*!!! Lemme know if you wanna join the tag list!!!! @floofyroro @vimse @norraexploradora
Full I-Said-I-Would-Fix-It-And-I-Did Work: Implications Of Being Alive
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