#cloudy Yang
bravenew-what · 1 year
Every friend group should include:
A bimbo:
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A mean bisexual:
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An even meaner lesbian:
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She/theys and he/theys:
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A token straight that’s on thin ice:
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An astrology bitch who has everyone’s chart memorized:
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And a short king:
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(Avantasia Fans, how did I do?)
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shanaraharlyah · 1 year
Enjoying this song a lot lately.
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random hsr headcanons i sometimes think about
ratio and sampo are distantly related cousins that come from the same planet, which is one of the worlds where aha is worshipped. they both vaguely follow the path of elation, but sampo is a masked fool and ratio is a mourning actor. sampo "treads" the path of nihility because he has no faith in humanity, and simply treats them as an elaborate stageplay. ratio "treads" the path of the hunt because he finds the elation to be idiotic and hopes to eliminate the masked fools one by one.
seele and pela are related somehow, and when they first meet each other they get the weirdest sense of deja vu.
stelle wants to become a quantum type, caelus wants to become an ice type.
march both loves and hates being frozen in combat. she loves it because it reminds her of the six-phased ice she was trapped in, and thus, her connection with the astral express. she hates it for the same reason.
dan heng trained his usage of a spear by sitting under a maple tree in autumn and slicing them as they fell
caelus would call dan heng "dan" out of naivety and not knowing xianzhou naming customs. even after they visited the luofu it took him like a month to realize that he was calling dh by his surname and thus linking him to his past as dan feng.
welt sometimes forgets what world he's in and starts speaking languages that don't exist in the hsr universe.
one time before the crew visited the luofu, march misspelled her name as marah (somehow) and dan heng refused to speak to her for like a week
himeko knows her coffee is a bit strong for some people but offers it anyways to watch people squirm
black swan has chronic fatigue which is why most of the time she just appears ominously. she doesn't have the energy to walk.
acheron and welt are both self concious about their grey streaks
when the aetherium wars championship was taking place, bronya watched silver wolf / march / trailblazers' math and when she saw silver wolf she choked on her tea
xueyi and boothill would either be besties or hate each other's guts, no in between
hanya forgets to breathe a concerning amount every day
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dreamlandxrunaway · 2 months
⛈️ 1 cloudy day at a time ⛈️
part 43: corporate gray
summary: getting stuck in rain on campus that one faithful monday with a mild hangover is either the best or the worst thing to have happened to y/n... she has yet to decide, and so have the people that were involved.
pairing: yang jeongin x fem!reader
warnings:anxiety / panic attack, depression and self-harming actions, (proofread but who is to say that it was done well lol)
word count: 7.6k
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Day T-minus 8 days Time: 6 am. Weather: Overcast with a chance of rain and thunder.
With sluggish momentum, YN dragged her heavy body to the studio. Ignoring the ominous squeaking of the door, she stepped inside and there awaited her the piles of her priceless artworks.
A correct choice of words, without a doubt. That is how some would describe them… Yes, undeniably so. They will be sold for an obnoxious amount of money in less than 10 days. 
And for a good cause. 
For children! 
For their future and dreams! 
A worthy sacrifice for their future, yes, for the future of the faceless and nameless masses that deserve better, that need the help.
For their future.
For them. 
She did everything in her power to help. Voluntarily.
Just as she was ordered to.
Artworks took up her whole room. Some rested in the corner of the room, covered with a white sheet, some were on the table, some leaning on the stack of her favorite pillows. Looking at the couch where she often slept while working the graveyard shift, she threw herself on the hard surface and lay down, her limbs limp like weeds flattened under the sole of a muddied shoe after a heavy rainfall. 
She closed her eyes and listened to the never stopping symphony number 5, titled “The anxiety”. A messy tune lacking harmony and regular rhythm performed by her very own heart. Her muscles spasmed in the beat of her pounding headache. YN deepened her previously shallow breaths, unclenched her jaw and stretched out her fingers. 
The start of her day weighed heavy on her chest, and nailed her to her warm bed. However, she had no choice but to get up. Rolling out of her comfort zone was never easy, but at least this time it did not result in any new bruises. She brought her hand up to eye level and looked at the fading discoloration on her wrist. A dry laugh rested upon her lips. 
“It sure is taking its sweet time healing up, isn’t it?” She thought to herself. That nasty fall was a long while ago, and yet, it was still here.
Her chest fell and rose in mechanic sequences, those of a robot whose program went haywire and had to be reset. 
Breathe in and breathe out… breathe in… and… out…
She continued like that for a while. Playing engineer wasn’t easy, it wasn’t even pretend. 
The ticking of the clock drowned out by the distant cracking of thunder. 
9, 10, . . .
The crack of a thunderous whip jolted her senses awake.
And it came again, without a warning.
The thunder roared like an enraged father, with disappointment in the tail ends of his voice. The storm had yet to start in the city, but the announcement of its upcoming presence still sent a chill down YN’s spine. It was far, so far that it could barely be heard, but with YN’s heightened senses she could foretell when it would start pouring and drown any arrogant fool who dared step a foot on the streets that were not meant for them to walk on. 
Reluctant, YN looked up to her window. It was dark outside. Yes, dark clouds usually did signify rain… 
Good eye you’ve got, YN! Good job! 
Even you rolled your eyes at your own dumb observations and questions…
Just look at how gloomy the sky was presenting itself to be these days… It didn’t even try to hide its sadness anymore… Like a heavy burden weighted down on the shoulders of the feeble men, like the dread has grown a body, limbs and head, like its greedy eyes have swallowed up the city whole. When was the last time the sky greeted us with the clear blue’s smile instead of the gray dull’s numbness?
When did it start to pour like a dam that burst when it rained?
When did the unrelenting typhoons start to harry the lands of the bountiful harvests?
Since when has it become a barren, emotionless wasteland?
The daylight barely peered through the window into the studio. The shadows were too harsh in here, perhaps it was a wise decision on YN’s part to stand up and turn on the lights. Nobody wanted her hard work to go to waste because she tripped on something and broke a painting or two. Sure, she could also have hurt herself, but that’s of insignificant importance anyway. What was the worst that could happen? Going to the hospital to fix her would cost less than having her paintings ruined. 
So many would suffer if that happened…
YN swept away the rain, the one she didn’t pay attention to until this moment, one dripping down the corners of her eyes. She exhaled the last hiccups of resistance and finally started packing the paintings. Or so she intended to… 
She stared at them, her hands tingled as her eyes slowly lost focus. Her eyes darted across the room, her body didn’t know how to move. Her shoulders tensed up, fingers dug into her skin… Her mind was blank, a crumpled piece of paper on the side of a trash can that someone threw aside. A failure of an attempt at ambitious work…
Where was she supposed to put them? Or how was she supposed to pack them?
Her mind screamed at her to move and do something… but how… and what was she supposed to do?
They didn't tell her that! 
She… she didn’t know that! She only knew that the paintings were going to be transported to the storage room… 
And today… in a few hours from now…
As YN’s knees buckled down and she contracted into a little protective shell, she screamed. Not loudly. No. Her voice was gone from all of the crying she did. It was a dry desert and her… a sinner left to search and traverse the lands, perched without any salvation in sight.
She crawled underneath the table, hid like a little child playing a game. YN hid away to the best of her possibilities. The burdens she must carry wouldn’t find her there… correct?
Frustrated, she leaned on the front leg of the table and faced the cracking wall. 
No, they moved around erratically. No! Those were bugs! 
She flinched away and bumped her head into the table with a loud thud, her scream barely louder than a whisper. She tightly shut her moist eyes… With deep breaths, choking on air, she tried her best to compose herself. She must have coughed out a part of her soul at that moment, if she had any left.
The desk was right to the wall, and no light reached her. It was dark. Too dark.
She must have imagined things… surely…
Scared, she turned around and crawled away from the cold exterior wall, careful not to hit her head again in the process. Now, she, just outside of her haven, carefully observed the room from this angle.
It was small. Small small small small small!!! oh so small! It was suffocatingly small!
Nowhere to hide!
It was spacious, big enough for all her dreams,
But it was small small small small small!!!!!!!
From this angle, she only saw the mountains of her pain and horror taking up her space. 
She rocked her body in repetitive motions, her head knocked on the table from time to time, each hit stronger than the last. Her actions had no clear sign of stopping soon. There was no room for her to lean her head comfortably.
She was too big for it.
There were paintings on the right.
But they were not hers…
There were paintings on the table above her.
But those, too, were not hers.
Not hers, not what she wanted to paint, not her dreams.
Not the fruits of her self expression! 
Nothing inside this room was hers beside these broken tears and silenced screams that did not stop.
Where did she begin? What was she supposed to do? She wasn't told what to do, oh god, what was she supposed to do then?!
She didn't know, didn’t know… she just did not know!
For fucks sake, was there anyone who could just tell her what she needed to do?!
As time passed, the light warily peered through the curtains and looked kindly at her. It pitied her, as she bowed her head down, pitied that her head felt heavy, that her hands felt rigid like a pair of chiseled marble stones, precious and easy to break. Her skin was hers as much as it was borrowed on a loan. 
When will the blood debt be cleared? 
How much longer did she need to spread herself thin?  
Would it only stop once she was left with crumbles of her own identity, one that does not rely on her relationship with the LN family? 
Would the debt be considered settled once and for all, once she was no longer a part of this earthly realm? 
What a cruel usurer family can be.
YN let out a broken laugh, sniffling and swallowing her tears.
Even meek sunshine dared to pity the bruised heart YN carried within herself. Its callous warmth caressed her paintings, zoning in on them, it whispered for her to gather herself. It peered through its tick shackles of gray to remind her… time is all encompassing. Time brought both a slow decay of the soul and body and the thawing of an ice cold heart. It passed slowly, yet fast. It killed with the same hands it healed…
On her knees, and slowly on her legs, YN’s hands supported her body weight on the table, and once more, she raised her gaze to look outside. The darkness of November night quietly switched places with the rising morning Sun. Undeniably, the sand in the hourglass still flowed out even if you could not see it because of an obstacle. And no matter how she spent this time, it still didn’t stop for her to wallow in self-pity.
YN’s fingernails gently scratched over the freed surface on the wooden table. A bit of hardened yellow and green paint to the side. It was smooth, her nails glided over it. She pricked on it, scraping away the residue. Her mind steadily calmed, still it ran a mile a minute trying to figure out the course of her actions.
Maybe she could organize them? Yes, that's what she decided to do. YN left real packaging to the professionals. Surely, she was mistaken. She couldn't possibly be responsible for that serious of a task. Yes! Silly YN!
So she did, she went and organized them… By size. Some canvases were small, some were a lot bigger. Wow, she really painted that many in that little amount of time? Our YN is such a genius!
Perhaps, she thought as she patted her right biceps, perhaps she should take a picture of them. Yes, she should do that before she stacks them up or anything!
Yes, YN! That's a brilliant idea! You did right by making a mess out of the already organized paintings, just to take pictures that you’ve already got! 
As much as her inner voice nagged her for making a mess, yet again… she knew that these pictures were different. These were the last images of them, and in these pictures... 
You, too, were in these pictures, YN. 
These were not pictures taken solely for the purpose of marketing.
Now that you took all of these pictures, you could organize them again. You weren’t doing this to delay the inevitable. No, that’s a silly thought.
Come on, our precious masterpiece making machine, you knew you needed to pack these things. You wasted your priceless time again, silly! Why did you do that?
Yes, organizing these soulless paintings was as tedious and tiresome as making them was, but it still needed to be done?! You successfully did the first part, you didn’t complain and you didn’t stop, so why bother now? 
The faster you finish everything, the faster those 8 days would come and the auction would come to pass… and you’ll be free…
Silly, YN!
So stop wasting your damn time and go do something more productive and useful! 
YN sighed once again and fell to her knees. Slouched, a lopsided smile graced her face. A madman’s smile, a man who was going through a breakdown… A burst dam of suppressed emotions and opinions… 
She bit the inside of her cheek and used the back of her hand to swipe away the beads of sweat that formed on her face. 
Her hands went up in triumph, the knuckles turning completely white. 
“I did it! I.. I’m done!”
What a crazed laugh was that, YN? Like cracking of the boards in an old decrepit house that barely held itself together, like wind that howled through and rattled the windows open and shut.
Perhaps, you found today to be a dreadful day, and not completely the same as the rest. Yes, this Thursday was different than the last, and still… It was like any other day. 
But her questionable enthusiasm didn’t last for long, as her phone had reminded her that…
At some point this Thursday, she had to talk with her father. And that time came sooner than she wanted. She refused to talk over the phone, and now, she had to go and have this conversation face-to-face with the devil himself.
It was 7 o’clock sharp; her phone rang. It was none other than her father’s main Secretary – Secretary Park. A meticulous man always in gray. He was terse, but polite, and always on time.
The terror set in her eyes, it watched as the sound coming from her phone echoed across the room like the bell at an empty cemetery. Death grimaced at her trembling form, it wasn’t in her presence and yet… A feeling that fate worse by tenfold awaited her if she picked up the call. 
Her hand reached out for the cursed object, tepidly; if she picked it up, she’d have no peace for the rest of her days.
Silly, isn’t that your current predicament?
And so, she picked it up.
After a few morning pleasantries exchanged between them, an awkward silence ensued. Odd, as Secretary Park is not one to allow such mistakes to happen. Although he didn’t talk pointlessly, he still said enough… But this, YN noted, was not like him.
“Secretary Park?” YN called out to him, confused.
“I apologize, Miss. There seems to be a problem on our side. Give–“ his voice sounded strained, “give me a second to take a look at something.”
“Oh… Sure.”
YN played with her cuticles as she waited for him to speak again. The shouts from the other line broke the silence.
“They sure have a lot going on…” She thought to herself as she bit down on her lips… and at the rate she was going, she was sure to leave wounds. 
“9 am.” Secretary Park spoke out of nowhere, almost scaring her silly. “I will be waiting for you in front of the art department building.”
“A truck will come and pick up your art and transport it to the storage.”
“Yes… I was told as much.” 
“Miss YN and I will go to the company… Driver Kim will be driving us there...” He wasn’t talking to her, his voice sounded far.
“Mhm…” Still, she responded.
“Oh… Miss YN, is that alright with you?” His gruff voice shook her up.
“Yes…” YN’s voice trailed off…
The exchange ended with him confirming the time and place with her again. Although he didn’t say anything to warrant such a thing, to YN, his voice sounded almost pleading, as if he begged her not to cause trouble, to make sure the things went as they were supposed to.
As the line went dead, YN was reminded how much she disliked the circumstances she was in. The lack of control of it all, really. There was no moment where she had forgotten about it. She sat down on the sofa and leaned her head back, her eyes focused on the blank ceiling… 
What was she supposed to do for the next two hours? She gripped her phone tightly; turned it on and off multiple times… as if the time refused to pass when she needed it to…
She opened her private twitter account and thought to message her beloved anonymous friend.
“But, it’s so early though…” They wouldn’t respond, so what’s the point?
She couldn’t bother others, she didn’t want to be a burden to anybody…
Ah.. maybe…
But then, as if “Bubba” could read her mind, she got a message. What an interesting telepathic connection these two shared.
It was a one of those over the top pictures wishing her good morning, as well as a text message that read:
-[To the beautiful soul and my dear friend, I hope this day treats you better than the weather outside.]
The irony.
And another… few…
-[I have classes early today… and honestly, im not that excited to go to class.] -[i dont wanna go, Moonie… can you go instead of me :(] -[it’s that weird professor again] -[it’s been a while since i heard from you, i hope you’re doing alright~ text me when you get a chance~] -[you know i loooove you more than anyone else in the world, right? youre my ride or die boo, so tell me when we are jumping, dont jump without me okk?]
And yet again, another flirtatious and goofy meme followed after that… weird string of good morning messages.
A crack of thunder brought YN back to reality.
Ah, he remembered.
She responded to his messages simply, wished him a good morning as well, wished him a good day too, despite the obvious lack of hope he had for his classes… 
He responded fast, asking her one too many questions for her to process and talked about one too many things for her to even try to understand. She responded simply, but it was enough.
Soon enough, she was doom scrolling on her social media as the rain poured outside.
“Ah, he didn’t forget to bring an umbrella, right?” YN shook her head as she thought to herself. No way.
She stretched her hands in front of her before retracting them back, and once more, she pulled the rest of her body close to her chest. She leaned her head on her knees, fearful of the nightmarish chime of her smartphone. It was going to ring soon. She was soon to be on her way to the place she wished she never had to step a foot in. A place where dreams are supposed to be made, and yet so often die a tragic death, never to be reborn. 
She looked towards the door. This scene is so similar and yet so different from the pleasant night with Jeongin. Alas, with the break of dawn, dreams disappeared and reality dragged its ugly ass in. Only nights are made for pleasant things, and the days, they leave a bitter taste in your mouth. All of this would be easier to bear, if only Jeongin was there with YN, too. In person. The talk with her internet friend did help a bit, but nothing beats the real deal. At least, with him here, she could have cried in his arms. Surrounded by his warmth and pleasant caress of her back…
Companionship might not solve all of her problems, but having someone to share this pain with, it certainly would make the weight easier to bear. Pain is a lot easier to deal with when someone is there to hold your hand. A lot better than suffering with your lonesome…
She really missed her… friends…
Like a preprogrammed machine, the phone rang at exactly 9. Just like Secretary Park promised it would.
YN looked at the phone in her hand for a moment and wondered if it would've been alright to pretend she never heard it, to pretend they did not have a conversation this morning. She sighed deeply, swallowed the words she wished to say and begrudgingly picked up the call.
“Miss YN, I am waiting for you in front of the building. Are you inside?” His voice was stern and yet mellow.
“Will you come down so that the workers can come collect the painting?”
“What…” YN’s voice was barely audible… “Are you saying… I was supposed to pack them myself?
“Oh, Miss YN!” You imagined that he got strange looks from the passers-by as his voice went an octave higher… if there were any around. “For goodness sake, of course not! That would be too much trouble for you! We have professionals who can take care of that.” 
“Ah.. I assumed…”
“No! Absolutely not!”��
“That was silly of me.” You hoped Secretary Park couldn’t pick up on your sniffling. Your nose was still a bit runny. Hopefully, your eyes weren’t too red.
“No, Miss.”
There was a slight pause, and YN picked herself up from the floor – that she somehow found herself on yet again – and shuffled across the room.
“Will you be coming down now?”
With such short answers, there was no way for her voice to break. Though, that did not mean that it covered the sadness in her voice. It was still present to those who cared to listen.
YN came down and exchanged greetings with Secretary Park. He wore his trademarked gray suit, just like he always did. And YN, too, wore yet another shade of gray. Funny how things turned out sometimes, isn’t that right? She didn’t even intentionally pick it… it just sorta happened. Perhaps this was the frequency the network emitted and YN connected to the same wavelength… and if that was so, why was the world of creativity so dull?
While YN was pondering the meaning of her useless life and tried to keep a good manners about her, the workers booked to her studio. While she wishfully looked back, Secretary Park looked on at her with a look of expectation.
“Miss.” He cleared his throat. “We should get going, Mister L/N is waiting for you.”
YN nodded at his words.
“He… freed up 2 hours for you.” He looked quite apologetic about the whole situation and that made YN too uncomfortable about what she was about to say.
“But… I wanted to lock the door behind…” YN couldn’t look him in the eyes as she spoke. “Erm…. I guess I should’ve stayed on the studio floor then…”
“Nonsense…” He fidgeted with his cufflink. “Then, how about this, Miss?” 
He started walking towards where the car was parked. 
“I will stay behind. I’ll lock the door… and haul back a ride to work…?” 
“But that would be too much of an inconvenience, Secretary Park!” YN chuckled through the discomfort. 
“It’s part of my job! Nothing for you to be worried about.”
With staggering steps, YN followed Secretary Park and was successfully transferred into Driver Kim’s care. Secretary Park opened the door for her and reassured YN again that he would not forget to lock the door. He promised her that he would hand the key over to her as soon as he could.
She couldn’t help but worry. Her safe space was currently being invaded and there was nothing she could do to stop the siege. Alas, her work, hobby, life… all of her was already occupied… Was this move from the enemy’s side really that surprising? 
No, YN… no it wasn’t.
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The ride was smooth, there was nothing YN could complain about. 
YN looked outside the window, watching the building pass, the monotone monochromatic view surrounding her. The dreariness of the sky contrasted by the flashing billboards. That one on the left was that one actress that’s been signed with your father’s company for years, that other one on the far left building was the most popular member of the girl group that debuted 3 years ago, and that one was…. So many people, all of them were the ones that were affiliated with your fathers company. So many people were living their dreams because they chose the “right” company. They grasped the right opportunity. Perhaps they wouldn’t have shone as bright if they had chosen a different path, right, YN?
Even now in this moment you thought about the betrayal you felt from someone you held close to your heart. You started to believe it was ridiculous that you still felt betrayed, but you still did. You had no right to, you even gave them your blessing… and yet you still did. You wondered if you should feel this way, these are their lives, they are allowed to do what they want and with whom they want and yet. You hoped that this situation would not happen. Were you selfish to feel this way? Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes yet again, but you swallowed your wounded pride and swallowed the lump in your throat. The fingernails dug deep into the skin of your palms, hands stretched and contracted, frustrated that there’s nothing to grab on. Nothing to tear apart the way your soul wishes to burst out of your chest and make your skin bleed with relief. You squeezed the door seat, feeling the cool leather underneath your fingertips. It was slippery, your fingers glided over it. You slowly scratched it, not leaving any marks, only a comforting sensation to calm your fried nerves. This didn’t hurt right…  You sighed deeply, throwing your head back, looking up to the roof of the car. It was spacious and yet still so suffocating. You spaced out looking at the roof as the neon lights bounced off your skin. There really are a lot of billboards around here, huh? And the people on them were the talents from your fathers agency.
They were the only light that illuminated this uninviting gray sea. The only paragon of humanity. And yet, all of that too was the same. Same smile, same eyes, same dreams, same same same same… Everyone entered different, but exited the same, battered and broken. Compromised dreams and lives that many envied – the only thing they had.
The ride was quiet, only your sighs and the soft morning music were heard. Driver Kim focused on the road ahead of him, which allowed you to wallow in self hatred to your content. No words were exchanged between the two of you. You occasionally moved your unfocused eyes to look in front of you, but there wasn't anything you saw. Nothing to be seen except the morning rush. Yet another congestion in your life. Nothing to see here. Not even the pitying glances Driver Kim gave you through the rear mirror. This wasn't the first time he'd seen you this way, after all, he worked for your family for quite a while now. Even he felt pity for someone of your status.
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After a while, YN had arrived on the battlefield. 
Driver Kim’s voice woke you up from your daze, the older man called your name a few times before you noticed that the vehicle had come to a stop. You bid him your farewells as you got out of the car. With one last nod, you took hesitant steps towards the building. The guard at the front door recognized you, bidding you hello. 
He looked at you with pity. 
He opened the door for you. You thanked him and continued onwards. You stopped in the lobby, it was decked out with the artist's photos. It was massive. 
You steadily approached the front desk, and asked them to inform your father that you had arrived. You went through the motions, not thinking, just navigating the space using just your muscle memory.
They, too, had pity in their eyes. They shouldn't, but they did. They, too, saw it as you fiddled with the hem of your jacket, folding it and straightening it as you waited to hear the confirmation that you can go upstairs.
From the Sun, to the Moon and stars, to the birds in trees and ants on the ground, you see pity everywhere around you, YN. They see how unfair this is, fair Lady, why are you angry at them for noticing so?
As a kid, you spent a lot of time at the company, but how times have changed. You’d come visit your dad while he worked, sometimes even talk to some of the stars, the staff loved you too. But now, he was no longer your dad. Father was barely a title you liked to leave your lips either. He barely counts as a fatherly figure, after all you too were an employed talent being exploited for his means. Though your work brought him prestige and the public’s goodwill and no money… 
You loved painting, and your artworks were going to a cause you believed in, but you felt dirty, borderline evil. There was no sincerity in your actions or concern. It was forced. These works were like rotten bread in a welfare stand. You ate poison while giving them the fresh loafs. With each bite you grew sicker and no doctor could help cure you. But there's nothing you could do to prevent this illness either, it's the only source of food you’ve got.
The elevator chimed open… you’ve reached the final destination. You passed by some trainees talking, they moved aside as you walked past them, immediately shutting up. They were talking about 3RATCHA… However, some of them were displeased with the quick ride to the top they got, and so the guy who recognized you shushed them up. You gave them a curt nod, and continued on your way. There’s no need to talk with them, or express how you felt about it. 
A secretary waited for you in front of your fathers office. She introduced herself as Secretary Kang and told you to wait for a second, as your father was currently on a phone call, and that she was going to call you in as soon as you could come in.
Sitting on that couch felt like a lifetime had passed. Everything was a chic black and white, with posters from the talents being hung all over the walls. Secretary Kang sat quietly at her desk, typing away about who knows what. The magazines on the table looked nice. They had the number one singer’s face on their cover… what else... Erm, there was a flower pot next to the ginormous window overlooking the city… What else was in this room? There was a bookcase next to that flower, right in the corner… Oh god… 
As your eyes darted across the room, your hands played with the zipper on your jacket, you made eye contact with the employee... She had a slightly annoyed look on her face, her brows gently furrowed. You gave her an awkward half smile and looked away, not noticing that she wanted to say something.
The floor was nice, polished tiles… if someone walked too fast they would most certainly slip and fall and break their back and, and, and… and… your mind continued to spiral down. You didn't sleep well last night and your mind, anxious, continued to take you to the most awful of places. The ticking clock continued to pester, just pointing out the passage of time. 
Things will get better once you're free, right? You will be free, right?
You have to admit to yourself just how much you dreaded talking to your father. How afraid you are to face him.
You wished that it would turn out he was too busy to talk to you and that you wouldn't need to actually sit down face to face with him and have this uncomfortable conversation. Maybe, then, in the end, you would be allowed to just walk in with them in the auction… or better yet, maybe he'd agree that you didn’t need an escort. Why did you need one in the first place? And then too, if you were going to come in with one, wasn’t picking Han Jisung a bit risky? For his career sake? Ah, what a great point to bring up without having to say anything about the real reason you don't want to walk with him, talk with him or be anywhere in his proximity.
God fucking damn it, how long do you need to wait for? Again… you have to wait for  him yet again.
You tried asking, but the poor Secretary Kang didn’t know when the phone would end. It wasn’t a planned one after all.
Frustrated, you took off your jacket, putting it on your lap. 
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"Mr. L/N will see you now."
A century long wait for your sentence finally came to an end. Now, the Judge, the cold-hearted businessman, was ready to announce the punishment.
Stubborn muscles not following the wishes of their owner, the feet dragged across a 10 steps long corridor riddled with the death traps. 
It was fine.
It was going to be fine.
The secretary knocked on the upholstered mahogany, announcing your presence. A gravelly voice resonated from the other side of the wooden shield, inviting you in. You didn’t dare step inside of the enemy lair, but as the secretary did as she was instructed to, you had no time to run away.
Reluctantly you stepped over the threshold, with careful steps. The man stood at the back of his office, his back turned to you.
How welcoming.
YN swallowed the rising lump in her throat. One of her clammy hands trembled at her side, the other held onto the jacket as tightly as it could… What would she do if she had to release her aegis? Only the stubborn thunder and pointed voice of a distant man standing not that far away from her roared, her voice quiet as a mouse. 
“Sit.” He said, still not looking at you. His head held high and arms behind his back.
The black leather couch was still the same as the last time you’ve been here. You put the jacket beside you, the clinking noises of the zippers being the only noise in the room.
Your eyes were pointed to the coffee table in front of you, a rather empty sight. The dreariness of the color choices of the walls weighed heavy on your mood that was already in ruins. Perhaps, it is that man’s aura that’s suppressed you and broke all of the boundaries you built. His footsteps nearing you rang like those of a killer approaching his victim.
But he was just your father, and you his daughter.
He sank into the couch opposite you, his gaze intense enough to drill through an impenetrable rock. Frozen and unmoving as you were, you might just be one. 
You didn’t move a finger, you didn’t say anything, you stood your ground on everything he’s ever asked of you, never changed your opinions.
You might have been a stone but across you sat water, unrelenting and persistent. If water tried hard enough and for long enough, it too could break the unbreakable.
Which happened… again and again. 
You faltered against his authority many times. 
He never listened or quit, always finding a way to go and make you do what he wanted, and you broke into a million pieces every time trying to fit into places he designated for you.
“I’ve gone over the inventory again –” He stopped mid sentence, whipping his head towards the desk. “Do you want any tea?”
You just shook your head, but he scoffed and narrowed his eyes. 
“No… thank you…”
“Alright!” He cleared his throat and continued, his tiger-like roar of a voice still not allowing you to relax. Every syllable he uttered instilled fear into your heart, you even forgot to think.
“As I was saying, you really gave it your all, YN!”
His laugh stung, it prickled your skin like sharp needles. You nodded through the pain, to everything he said.
“Every single one of them!” He clasped his hands. “Truly, works of a genius!”
“I… did… the best I could.” If he wasn’t going to move his gaze away, you would. 
He continued to sing praises about works, surprising you with pointed comments and things he noticed in them. But as he marveled at the details and prices they’ll fetch for, you noticed one thing that did change in this room.
It was gone.
The painting you made at the tender age of 16 was gone, made back when some love and yearning for approval still resided in your heart.
Your eyes lingered above him for far too long for him not to realize why your shaking eyes stabilized, why a flame ignited and blazed the top of his head.
“I know how valuable that piece is.” You don’t believe he does. “It’s one of the early masterpieces of a genius artist! I can part my hands with it if it helps the children!”
Oh, how the unconsidered men howled in content. How they basked in the light of their own benevolence. Their saintly light blinded. In this dark room, his own ego shone the brightest.
“You plan on auctioning it off.”
“It’s beautiful! One of our investors is rather interested in it.” 
You were stun-locked by the words that kept coming out of his mouth.
“The last time he was here, the man couldn’t stop going on about its artistry!”
“He couldn’t believe you were just a high school student when you painted it!”
“If only the money wasn’t going to a charity…”
“FATHER!” Your voice rose an octave, words barely made it out of your gated lips. “You… you plan on auctioning it off?” Your face contorted in disgust and betrayal… yet another… 
“Don’t paint me as a bad guy here, YN!” Your head fell into your hands, you reached out for your hair, your sleeves rolled up and exposed your forearms. Your locks of hair tangled between your fingers, and you resisted the urge to pull on them.
“You can always paint me a new one, right, daughter?”
You hated the self satisfied smile on his face, if you reached over the table, you might snatch it off.
“It’s not the same!” Your voice quivered, your sour mood prepared to burst into tears if this talk continued for much longer.
And you would just sell it off too…
“Yes, if you made it now…” He fiddled with his wrist watch. “It would be more valuable, ha, I can’t even imagine how much more it would sell for if you made it now!”
You jumped up, ready to question him why he’s selling it in the first place if he believes that it’s of lesser quality than ones you made now, but his void-like eyes remind you not to.
“This is not why I’m here.” Instead of sitting down you walked up to the window, tracing the raindrops rolling down the glass. 
Metal echoed across the glass table, the careless throw made you flinch, your shoulders shot up to your ears. 
“Right, my daughter…” When will this man stop his disgusting chuckling? “Pray tell, YN, who do you want to bring as your plus one?” 
The race across the smooth surface in front of you continued on.
“Do I have to?” you mumbled. 
The one on the left was faster than the one on the right…. Ooooh, it combined with another one underneath it and now it was even faster!
You could see his nonchalant frame lean back onto the couch in the window. He spread his arms behind him.  
For a man who never laughed, this change in his demeanor brought all of the rage inside your heart to the surface. You turned your head around, your eyebrows furrowed and footsteps hurried. You stopped right to the side of him, and leaned with one hand at the backrest of the couch, looking at him from the side.
“I don’t have to???”
“Yes…” His responses dragged on, he lazily smiled at you. “I thought about what you said, and you were right, YN... No need to come with Jisung.”
“I don’t need –”
“The trio is better presented as such.” He picked up the watch and marveled at its polished sheen. “A trio.”
“When did you figure that out, old man?”
He chuckled at your retort. “Last night?”
“Then –” You huffed, snorted, shook your head in disbelief. “Then, why make me come here and miss class!
“I said we were going to have this conversation eye to eye, YN.”
“And you aren’t even missing class right now. Do you even know your own schedule?”
Taking a few steps back, you slowly approached the opposite couch. His continued onslaught of provocations made your blood pressure spike. You aren’t sure how you responded to his words. You blacked out with wrath taking control over your mind. 
You picked up your jacked and stormed out, the doors slammed behind you. It was right on time, as Secretary Park was encroaching where you stood.
You took the keys off him and walked away, pissed that the old fart wasted your time and didn’t even care how his unfeeling ass hurt you.
However, he stepped out and reminded you once again of just how much that statement rang true. How unimportant your feelings and opinions were in the face of greater things.
“Don’t forget to be ready on time!” He straightened the collar of his shirt and fixed his tie. “We need to be there early so we can enter at the same time!”
This old fox! What a sly fucker, forcing you to enter with your disharmonious family! 
He made you forget that you didn’t even mind that option too much, if it was him or them. 
Now that he’s said it as a matter of fact… and in front of so many people… how were you supposed to say no?
But it was just a few staff and some trainees that obviously wouldn’t say anything even if you ended up entering separately…
Oh no, this old man knew you wouldn’t let that happen.
You looked him directly in the eyes for the first time today and hissed through your fake smile. “Of course I won’t forget! This is our last entrance together as a family after all!”
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Exchanging fake but knowing smiles with that old man, YN left, not noticing that those trainees at the side weren’t just any young men… No, those weren’t the ones YN saw in the lobby on her way here. No, that was none other than 3RATCHA who was about to have a meeting with the devil himself, to accept or deny their contract with the agency.
They were sat outside by Secretary Park who ran into them in the lobby. They sat right where you previously were and unintentionally overheard the tail end of your conversation with your father. Those walls weren’t nearly as soundproof as they needed to be. There were words of anger exchanged that you probably don’t even remember saying, but they made Chris uncomfortable, stung Changbin’s ears and made Han’s heart clench. They frightened more than the deafening growls of thunder happening outside these building walls.
Hearing YN’s words made Chris realize just how fearless you can be in the face of a man that has you in the palms of his hands, that strung you around like a  marionette as you’ve once put it. 
Seeing that pathetic play in front of their eyes made Changbin question where your dauntlessness had gone, he didn’t believe you’d just let someone push you around like that. Your eyes brimmed with tears and you retreated into yourself.
But Han noticed the bruise that peeked out on your wrist. You were hurt? How? What happened? He wanted to go run after you but he couldn’t, no, never. As Han Jisung felt guilt eating him alive, devouring him in bitter mockery. In the end, they were here to accept the deal, excusing their actions by believing that he’s already ruined what you’ve had and at this point it would be a waste not to take it.
Your messy silhouette disappeared from their sight fast. They barely had time to process all of the information in front of them before being called in for the meeting as the lawyers presenting both sides had arrived.
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YN, you peerless actress… How well you played the role you were given. A supporting actress, the second place in everyone’s life and even your own. You were a passive participant of your own life, how shameful.  
If you don’t like the merciless truth, then do something about it. Do you even dare to step outside your comfort zone? Until when will you continue to let everyone dictate your life. How will you defeat them when you can’t even handle me?
YN cried herself to sleep, her face buried deep into her fluffy pillow and her smothering blanket over her. 
It was a cloudy day, and night, a slightly different Thursday. She held a conversation with her dad for longer than 5 minutes, even if it descended into a fight in the end.
Not a single star shone in the sky, just a distant thunder lulled the frightened heart to sleep and messages that popped up on her screen that lit up the room. One of them read:
[guess who got drenched like a fucking rat today?]
And many more covertly worried ones ensued…
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prev < part 43 > next
tag list: @mythicalamphitrite @aliferousminho @jcngh0-hq @linodori @seroriis @mchslut @jiisungllvr (lmk if you dont want to be tagged any more) @streetrebelrootsdistinguish @thisisnotjacinta @mmm-alhaitham @abbiestearsricochet @hello-2-u-from-me @hwangseungminnie(?)
Purple can't be tagged :(
Feedback is greatly appreciated!!!! ♡
A/N: After a whole year and some months, we are back! For... one chapter :') So much has happened since then, both in my personal life and in the world... I hope I didn't miss anyone in the tag list, but in case I have, please remind me so that I don't forget to tag you for the next part... which I hope I'll finish faster than this one. Tbh, writing the whole chapter was rather daunting, even though I knew what was supposed to happen, I just wasn't sure how to express all of it correctly, and even this, I'm not sure is quite right. But, it's here! No moodboad for this part... even if it was the much needed... considering how long it took me post it hahaha In case it takes me a long time for the next one... you can check the moodboard / teaser for it (doesnt exist atm, a link will be added once i do make it) Anyways, I'll go back to my other WIPs now... hopefully I'll see you guys again soon :D The tag list is open, so if you want to be added, let me know :) especially since it takes me a while to update :))
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cherryinthesun · 4 months
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Blake x Yang - Fall
Fall can be full of storms and dark cloudy days, but remembering how much you mean for each other can have a power to get you through even the worst time!
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
Hi Good morning...
Could you do Yandere Alastor? If not Could Alastor be possessive?
Imagine Charlie going to heaven to talk to the angels (just like in that episode) but in addition to taking his girlfriend, he also took Alastor along with them... Now imagine Alastor being reunited with his beloved wife (who became an angel after her death and with that they both separated) what would happen? Now imagine having other angels flirting with Alastor's wife or trying to protect her since he is the radio demon...
Oooh… okay. This is interesting. Though, I can imagine Alastor may end up dragging us down to Hell with him since he’d be that possessive. He wouldn’t stay in Heaven, he’d be getting us banished from Heaven so he can be with us! That’s how I view it and this is my first Yandere Alastor and Yandere Hazbin Hotel as well!
Alastor- Yin and Yang, Light and Dark
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Alastor is a merciless, intimidating man of extreme power as Hell’s all-around-feared Radio Demon. A figure who had nothing to his own name that others did. Just himself, a blade and so many sins under his belt. Nobody would ever suspected he would ever fall in love, that he could fall in love, that it was possible for such a corrupted mind…
But here is both Charlie and Vaggie, and the entirety of Hell being completely disapproved. The young sapphic couple decided to bring their redemption project’s primary investor, Alastor up to Heaven with them as backup support, incase anything happens. The three demons are greeted with the mighty Seraphim, Sera’s assistant. A beautiful warm-hearted female angel that greets them with a warm smile and a familiar accent
Alastor just stopped in place when he met your eyes, he stopped smirking and snarking through this situation. Stopped even smiling as he couldn’t stop looking at this angel… she reminds him of the wife he had lost. Nobody knew he was married… he almost forgot he was. Alastor approaches this sweet-hearted angel and asks politely to hold her hand. Of course, this angel… or also known as you, is a bit hesitant but does so anyway. Eventually being able to flip your hand to reveal the shiny wedding ring that has remained there for so long, it may as well be stuck in place
Since when did Alastor have a wedding ring?! That’s what Vaggie asks herself when Alastor seems to just manifest a shiny golden marriage band onto his hand in just a flick of his wrist, both of you carefully slide off those rings to check the insides, where writing of each other’s names remain. Revealing to one another that you’ve both been reunited since 1933… since Alastor’s death, many years prior your own
You’re found your husband… after almost seventy years
It was hard to not cry before your guests but pulling back in all your emotions and your questions for your estranged now demon husband, Alastor. You have to lead the Princess, her partner and her close friend over to where Sera and Emily await to greet them. Whilst Emily ends up excitedly distracting Charlie and Vaggie, you’re unable to stop thinking about being able to find your husband. You know that ring anywhere and looking at the Radio Demon more, you can see the dark-skinned Creole man behind the new appearance
You smoothly weave past the other two higher-rank inhabitants of this grand bright cool cloudy realm to take Alastor’s hands, prying one off his staff-like microphone-cane and eventually running fingers through his hair, doing so just makes his tall fluffy deer-like ears pin back. It’s just like when you were both humans and how’d you run your fingers through his fluffy dark brown hair to ease him after a long day of work
“Alastor… why did you lie to me? You said we’d go to Heaven together”
He did promise. Back in 1926, when you two got married. A illegal marriage but you didn’t care at all. Married at only 26 years old, both of you. He promised you’d both die together and fly up to Heaven together, be happy, safe and comfortable together in Heaven but when you died after he did, you never found Alastor
You were devastated, looking everywhere, desperate and heartbroken at being alone, and ending up being comforted by Lady Sera. Who revealed to you Alastor never arrived in Heaven… which was just proof to that that he didn’t go to Heaven but he went to Hell
You wanted to know so badly, for almost seventy years. Why he went to Hell… what did he do? You never saw Alastor commit any wrong. He was a good person, yes, wealthy and influential as a very popular Radio Host but a good man
Alastor, in reality, simply hid his true self, his psychotic ‘disorder’ from you. He had actually fallen in love with a sweet soft angel, a sympathetic harmless woman and was terrified he’d lose you, a genuinely good person, to the fact he was a serial killer… hence why you never saw nor knew how bad he actually was
How he killed every single man who came onto you, how he killed every single woman who dared to give you any side eyes. He was obsessed, possessive, protective, murder-driven
Alastor covered every single footstep and every trace of his bad doings and even when he was reported as the serial killer on the radio upon the Police taking him down… you still didn’t know because you avoided the radio, out of heartbreak pain of your husband being taken away from you and utter disbelief of what anybody said about Alastor back in Louisiana, New Orleans during your old-timey era
Being reunited with you… this beautiful moment has drowned Alastor with not only all those incredible memories of the past as a human he shared with you, but all his unhealthy, what it’s called yandere mannerisms. In an instant, he is determined to get you back at all causes and he is willing to drag you down to Hell with him
He can’t be redeemed, even if seeing you again is a huge motivation to try fix himself and pass by his sins of wrath, he’ll just make you fall through the clouds and land right into his arms after passing through the pentagram above. This is perfect… absolutely perfect and a mere second devised plan is already becoming the Overlord’s obsession
Alastor lifts up the hand combing through his hair away and kisses the top of your hand, making both yours and his heart flutter. Everything you do for one another is reminders of the past and reminders of your secret marriage. His pretty crimson red eyes look down at you before he speaks, his voice dropping the radio effect echo so his organic transatlantic accent coos out, full of love and joy
Mainly because he’s going to make you become a Fallen Angel and come live in Hell with him. You won’t be alone again and he won’t be alone again either
“I know, darling… I was never a good person and I didn’t deserve you. But I am here to change. If you give me some weeks, maybe some months. Give us that time. We’ll be together again. Just like before”
A/N: To say. What would Alastor do if he saw Angels trying to flirt with you or keep you away from him as he visits Heaven with Chaggie is that he’d be planning immense murder and destruction but he couldn’t do anything about it. Politely dragging you away from the angels to talk to you more. He wants to kill but he can’t whilst within Heaven
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cherllyio · 1 month
Do you think we will see Pangu the god of creation in lmk season 6?
cause we have seen a brief cameo of him in season 5 episode 2 that might be his claw hand or his hair since I have heard that his hair is space or cloudy sky and his eyes are the sun and moon cause the myth says “Pangu is everywhere”
Omg- I hadn't noticed that! And yes! I do belive we see Pangu in the future!
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More specifically with the "he" that is about to win, since he clearly (in some way) is connected to the primodial chaos.
And who held the primodial chaos away from our universe? Pangu.
Pangu began creating the world: he separated yin from yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the earth (murky yin) and the sky (clear yang). - Wiki
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Which would give us some very direct: " Chaos vs Order" battles.
But this could also lead us back to another quiestion, that is starting to get explored more and more: "Is chaos evil? Or is it destiny that is evil?"
More specfically: "Is it the demons (like Xiangliu) who are evil, or is it gods like Nüwa who keeps repeating the cycle?"
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(AND Nüwa is in some myths Pangu's "granddaugther" (it's complitcated). Meaning that if Xiangliu is related to the "He", these two would be our main characthers direct connection back to Pangu and the "He".
And this "He" I do belive to be Hundun: The Psycal incarnation of Chaos! (Which I will talk about more another day)
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But the important part is the fact thatPangu does acutally kill Hundun in some version of the creation myth!
The first-born semidivine human Pangu (盤古, "Coiled Antiquity") separating the world egg-like Hundun (混沌, "primordial chaos") into Heaven and Earth. - Wiki
I will probaly talk more about this another day (in more depth), since after i started writing this theory I started to realize even more stuff. But untill then!
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pilot-boi · 2 months
Twin au when yang loses her arm jaune feels it and he continues to have arm pain from the fall onwards, with makes yang feel bad.
I don’t think he would continue to have pain (at least no more often than Yang has phantom pain) but he DOES feel it when Yang loses her arm
It’s when they’re in the vault fighting Cinder and Jaune is so bowled over that he nearly blacks out. This is what makes Pyrrha blast the door off the pod, Jaune collapses
He doesn’t pass out, because the pain is always a little bit muted and he didn’t ACTUALLY lose his arm, so there’s none of the mental/emotional shock (mostly because Yang is unconscious). But he can Feel something is Missing, something is Wrong. Somewhere in Beacon Yang is HORRIBLY injured
His only reassurance as Pyrrha pulls him out of the tower in a pain fueled daze is that the fact that he’s feeling this pain still at all means that Yang is still alive. He’d know if she was dead
After the Fall after Pyrrha JNPR goes to Patch. His family is hurt, Ren and Nora and Ruby and YANG oh gods Yang is so hurt and if he lets her out of his sight he’s going to go mad
He’s fine. He’s fine. Why does everyone keep asking if he’s fine?
Jaune’s arm aches so badly that he’s fitted with a sling, even though there’s no physical injuries. Everything from his elbow down feels numb, and he can’t hold glasses for weeks after the Fall
He barely leaves Yang’s side. He can’t feel anything from her, just cloudy dreams pierced with red, and pain pain pain. Always muted, which is a relief. He’s dreading her reaction when she finally wakes up
Time passes, as it always does. Yang is awake, but she’s so MUTED, her sun-brightness dulled by the loss of a part of her. Their arms hurt less every day. JNPR becomes RNJR, and they leave for Mistral
Jaune’s arm aches, and he pushes through it. He had to train, he has to be BETTER. If he was better then his sister wouldn’t have lost an arm, then his PARTNER would still be alive
He doesn’t know what it is, but one day his arm feels… complete. More solid. There’s no more tingling in his fingertips, no more aching in his forearm. He has no way to know, but this is the first time Yang puts on the prosthetic
That’s about all the pain he gets. His arm still gets stiff and achey from time to time, when Yang is having phantom pain. But it’s never as constant as it was during the trek across Mistral
Actually, when he gets to the city, Ren and Nora make him get one of those elbow braces and that helps a LOT. Yang feels bad when she arrives and sees him wearing it, because she knows why he needs it, but he reassures her that he’s fine
And he is, in that regard at least.
It’s actually Blake who reacts the worst. Yang never blamed herself for losing her arm, and she didn’t blame Blake either. She just feels bad that this injury hurt Jaune as well.
BLAKE feels AWFUL for a while
She watched Yang lose her arm, but she completely forgot that her pain would transfer in part to Jaune. He of course doesn’t blame her at all, and on the way to Atlas, or on the train, they talk about it
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malarign · 2 years
ENHYPEN masterlist
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author’s favourite: 🕊️ | request: 🫧 | series: 📂 | texts: 📧 | headcanons: 🖇️ | stories: 📝| thoughts: 💭 | angst: ☁️ | fluff: 🤍 | crack/comedy: 🐚 | suggestive: 💨 | ongoing | suspended
Lee Heeseung | 이희승
that’s a c-major chord | wc: 0,8k 🤍📝
music of a forgotten pledge | wc: 1,0k ☁️/🤍📝
what happened to us? | wc: 1,5k ☁️/🤍📝🕊️
melody | wc: 0,2k 🤍📝
told you so | wc: 7,4k ☁️/🤍📝
jealousy, jealousy | wc: 1,1k ☁️/🤍📝🫧
unfair | wc: 1,3k ☁️/🤍📝
scars painted with kisses | wc: 0,6k ☁️/🤍📝
minimalistic life | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝 🕊️
rainy season | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝🫧
your lips, my lips | wc: 0,3k 💨/🤍📝🫧
never-stopping rain | wc: 0,7k 🤍📝🫧
a-z with Heeseung! | wc: 1,6k 🤍🖇️
heeseung as your boyfriend! | wc: 1,4k 🤍🖇️
heeseung as your college boyfriend | wc: 0,2k 🤍🖇️
street basketball 📂 📧
synopsis: sometimes friends can be a pain in the ass, that’s why you finally agreed to go and play with them play some street basketball, not expecting a cute player to catch your attention
Park Jongseong | 박종성
fake friends | wc: 1,1k ☁️/🤍📝
sometimes we don't get what we deserve | wc: 0,9k ☁️ 📝
cloudy skies, sparkling water | wc: 0,5k 🤍📝
cancelled date | wc: 0,5k ☁️/🤍📝
seal of my love | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝🫧
bold | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝🫧
two cats in love | wc: 0,3k ☁️/🤍📝
jay as your boyfriend! | wc: 1,4k 🤍🖇️
jay as your college boyfriend | wc: 0,2k 🤍🖇️
Sim Jaeyun | 심재윤
was this shirt always so big? | wc: 1,1k 🤍📝
sick | wc: 1,0k 🤍📝🫧
mistakes happen | wc: 0,4k ☁️/🤍📝
can you please come over? | wc: 0,5k ☁️/🤍📝🕊️
studio nights | wc: 0,6k ☁️/🤍📝
facetime doctor | wc: 0,6k 🤍📝
support | wc: 0,3k ☁️/🤍📝🫧
hairdryer | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝🫧
dispute over my love 🤍📧
jake as your boyfriend! | wc: 1,3k 🤍🖇️
jake as your college boyfriend | wc: 0,3k 🤍🖇️🕊️
Park Sunghoon | 박성훈
midnight kiss | wc: 1,2k 🤍📝🕊️
chilly mornings | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝
please don’t yell at me | wc: 0,8k ☁️/🤍📝🕊️
death by the window | wc: 0,9k ☁️/🤍📝🕊️
comfort zone | wc: 0,4k ☁️/🤍📝
jealous sunghoon | wc: 0,1k 🤍💭🫧
cheater | wc: 0,7k 💨/☁️📝
thunder | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝
due midnight | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝🫧
can i kiss you? | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝🫧
five minutes | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝🫧
sunghoon as your boyfriend! | wc: 1,3k 🤍🖇️
sunghoon as your college boyfriend | wc: 0,4k🤍🖇️
Kim Sunoo | 김선우
skincare night | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝
sunoo as your boyfriend! | wc: 1,2k 🤍🖇️
Yang Jungwon | 양정원
prank | wc: 0,7k ☁️/🤍📝🫧
thoughts of doubt | wc: 0,8k ☁️/🤍📝🫧
i only have eyes for you | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝🫧
heartbeat | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝🫧
sleepy | wc: 0,3k ���📝🫧
han river at night | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝🫧
boyfriend duty | wc: 0,5k ☁️/🤍📝
jungwon as your boyfriend! | wc: 1,5k 🤍🖇️
Nishimura Riki | 西村力
shoulder nap | wc: 0,6k 🤍📝
silence | wc: 1,0k ☁️/🤍📝
paint in the sunlight | wc: 0,4k 🤍📝
it’s okay, my love | wc: 0,4k ☁️/🤍📝🫧
personal stylist | wc: 0,3k 🤍📝
here for you | wc: 0,6k ☁️/🤍📝
riki as your boyfriend! | wc: 1,4k 🤍🖇️
hyung line:
butterflies | wc: 0,5k 🤍🖇️
butterflies pt. 2 | wc: 0,6k 🤍🖇️
love you unconditionally | wc: 2,4k 🤍🖇️
boyfriend | wc: 0,5k 🤍🖇️
dates | wc: 0,4k 🤍🖇️
aftercare | wc: 0,5k �� /🤍🖇️
admirer | wc: 0,4k 🤍🖇️
situationship | wc: 0,7k 🤍🖇️
crybaby | wc: 1,5k ☁️/🤍🖇️
make up | wc: 1,1k ☁️/🤍🖇️
your texts with them when you’re away 🤍📧
your texts with them when they're drunk 🤍📧
your daily texts with them 🤍 📧
your text with them when you’re on your period 🤍📧
maknae line:
situationship | wc: 0,5k 🤍🖇️
crybaby | wc: 1,3k ☁️/🤍🖇️
butterflies | wc: 0,3k 🤍🖇️
your texts with them when you’re away 🤍📧
physical | wc: 1,9k 🤍🖇️
say it back | wc: 1,8k 🤍🖇️🕊️
hug me | wc: 2,6k 🤍🖇️
who they were written by | wc: 1,0k ☁️/🤍🖇️
invidia | wc: 1,6k ☁️/🤍🖇️🫧
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twogater · 1 month
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doodles (PB human design by @disorderlyconstruct)
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fankid requests. In order: ICS and FKLP - Snowpie (Snowball x Pie), Ties - Winner x Loser, Pop Rocks - Lollipop x Teardrop, Aerogel Block - Balloon x Cloudy, Bronze Medal - Yang x Trophy, Ecosystem - Tree x Black Hole.
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and the rest of my doodles. Object Kerfuffle, OCs and a recommended character I find kinda funny.
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incomingalbatross · 18 days
Top 10 Psych episodes (or moments)?
Thank you! :D I enjoyed this. Not necessarily a definitive list here, but ten of the many Psych moments I love:
Everyone trying to get Shawn's motorcycle back in "Cloudy With a Chance of Murder"
The scene with Shawn and Henry at the end of the Uncle Jack episode, where Jack was supposed to rendezvous with Shawn and didn't so Shawn called Henry for a ride home
Drunk Lassie scene at the start of "From the Earth to the Starbucks"
The bit at the end of "Scary Sherry" where they (I think it's Gus? but not sure) throw Lassie the fortune cookie
The various parts of "Shawn Gets the Yips" where Shawn and Gus are very clearly treated/viewed as part of the SBPD
The bit in the carnival episode (right after Shawn and Jules start dating) where Shawn and Gus are arguing about blood clots and deep-vein thrombosis. because I still quote "It's a real thing, Shawn. It's how people die from not sitting in first class" regularly
The episode where Henry first visits the Psych office, both because I remember him and Shawn becoming instinctively more obnoxious to each other and because Shawn's "license to kill" monologue there is one of my favorites.
Basically all of "Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark," obviously, but if I had to pick I guess today I'd say Shawn talking to his kidnappers. It's such a good blend of genuine fear and vulnerability + very deliberate manipulation, I think it's a fascinating look at Shawn in a survival situation.
Gus being there for Shawn in the first Yang episode.
This is a cop-out BUT it's also true: Every time characters hug.
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Zhu Bajie's First Wife
In JTTW chapter eight, Zhu Bajie tells Guanyin that he inherited his cave from a mysterious figure:
It's called the Mountain of the Blessed Mound," said the fiendish creature, "and there is a cave in it by the name of Cloudy Paths. There was a Second Elder Sister Egg originally in the cave. She saw that I knew something of the martial art and therefore asked me to be the head of the family, following the so-called practice of "standing backward in the door." After less than a year, she died, leaving me to enjoy the possession of her entire cave (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 212). 叫做福陵山。山中有一洞,叫做雲棧洞。洞裡原有個卵二姐,他見我有些武藝,招我做了家長,又喚做倒蹅門。不上一年,他死了,將一洞的家當,盡歸我受用。
I'm surprised that I've forgotten this "Second Elder Sister Egg" (Luan erjie, 卵二姐) considering how many times that I've read JTTW.
Yu (Wu & Yu, 2012) confirms that Zhu and this figure were married, for the practice mentioned above is a "colloquialism of the Huai'an region, referring to a man living in the woman's house after marriage" (vol. 1, p. 517 n. 31). This means that Zhu had a wife prior to "Green Orchard" (Cui'lan, 翠蘭) from chapter 18.
I was interested in learning more about her and found this Baidu page. It mentions that the luan (卵, "egg") part of her name is actually a transcription error, for the original 1592 edition of JTTW shows a different but similar-looking character. I checked my own copy, and found that it reads Mao erjie (夘二姐, "Second Elder Sister Mao") (see the right side of page 105 here).
Like Baidu, Pleco notes that Mao is the fourth (of 12) earthly branches, which is associated with rabbits. Therefore, Zhu's first wife could have been a rabbit spirit. Can you imagine the kids? They would be a strange pig-rabbit hybrid, pretty much an aardvark.
The Baidu page also mentions that their pairing may be an allusion to yin-yang theory since the fourth earthly branch, Mao (夘/卯, rabbit), is associated with yin wood, while the 12th, Hai (亥, pig), is associated with yang wood (i.e. they complete each other). This kind of stuff is over my head, so I don't plan to delve into it further. But this page does give an overview of the stems and elements.
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On a related note, if we were to apply this yin-yang/earthly branch dating approach to Wukong, his partner would be a chicken! This is because the ninth earthly branch, Shen (申, monkey) is yang metal, while the 10th, You (酉, chicken) is yin metal.
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howlingday · 3 months
Team RWBY face off against White Fatalis from Monster Hunter.
"Are we there yet?" Yang yawned, walking at the rear of her team with her hands folded behind her head. "We've been walking for hours."
"Will you take this seriously?" Weiss chided from beside her leader in the front. "This mission was ranked five stars and handed to us specifically. We're essentially being told to fight on the same level as headmasters!"
"Is that weird for anybody else?" Blake asked, walking between Ruby and Weiss in the front and Yang behind. "If this mission is so dangerous, then why only send the four of us?"
"Apparently, the one who posted the mission said they didn't want to risk spending more than he needs to." Ruby said, tapping at her scroll. "The five star was actually something agreed on by the headmasters."
"It's still weird." Weiss said, cupping her chin. "Why only send us four without a headmaster?"
"Maybe it's to test us?" Ruby smiled.
"Maybe it's to be bait." Blake worried. A cold wind blew, making her shiver. She then felt an arm drape over her. "Huh?"
"Don't worry about it." Yang smirked. "Whatever it is, it won't stand a chance against Team RWBY!"
Yang pumped her fist into the air, making Blake smile. Ruby giggled as Weiss rolled her eyes. The trek uphill became a lot easier, though the cloudy sky did little to improve morale any further. Looking ahead, the team saw the path open up where it had previously been blocked by an avalanche. Upon passing over the crest, they eyed their mission objective.
"There it is." The team stopped, looking over the frozen remains of the former Castle Schrade. Legend said that a once great kingdom, now long past, was ruled by a good king. But then disaster struck and wiped out everything and everyone within the kingdom in a single night. Blake looked to Ruby. "What's the game plan?"
"Hang on, I'm getting an update from the headmaster." Ruby tapped her scroll. Her lips then pursed as she scrolled through the message. "Uh oh..."
"Uh oh?" Yang repeated. "Why uh oh?"
"Uh..." Ruby started. "Oh, well, um, see, the thing is that we... might need to go back?"
"Go back?" Weiss repeated this time. "Why in the world would we need to go back when we're so close?"
"Well, it's kinda because of the ranking."
"See, I told ya it was nothing to worry about." Yang said, tapping Blake's shoulder with her fist. "Rank's probably only a three at best."
"Well..." Ruby winced. "See, um, the thing about that is-"
"Oh, will you just spit it out already!" Weiss barked.
"SIX!" Ruby yelped, covering her head.
"Six?" Blake repeated, completing the set. She then asked for clarity for what she feared the only logical answer. "Six what?"
"Six... stars. This is a six stars mission."
The wind blew again but had no effect on the already chilled team. Their battles against Salem's Inner Circle, in which they had assistance from far more experienced huntsmen and huntresses, were four to five stars. Six was an all-headmaster emergency, as in it required ALL headmasters to accomplish the mission. It wasn't until somebody spoke up that the long silence ended.
"So, what do we do now?" Blake asked.
"Obviously we retreat!" Weiss shouted.
"Should we really leave the mission like this when we're already so close?" Ruby asked. "What if the threat only just got bigger and us leaving would only make it worse?"
"It sounds like a stretch, to be honest, Rubes," Yang sighed, shaking her head, "but it's also your choice. What's the plan, Leader?"
Ruby stared down at her scroll, then looked to the ruins of Castle Schrade. Something about it seemed to be calling to her, though it was more like a monster luring its prey than a friend beckoning their ally. She took a deep breath, then turned to her team.
"Here's my plan..." Ruby said with confidence. "I'm going to message the headmaster, let him and everyone else know that we're going to continue the investigation." At this, Blake and Weiss noticeably stiffened. "It could be nothing, but if there's a chance that there's something there that could hurt more people by us just sitting around and waiting, then we should at least try to slow it down." Though it wasn't by much, her team softened. "And if things get really hairy, then we'll pull back and regroup with the headmasters, who are probably on their way."
"Getting hairy, huh?" Yang grinned. "Sounds like we'll need a Schrave and a haircut~!" Everyone groaned. "Huh? Get it~?"
"You're gonna get it if you don't keep quiet." Weiss grumbled. "And while I can't say I like the idea of us charging headfirst into danger without knowing what's waiting for us, I like the thought of us doing nothing even less."
"Agreed." Blake nodded. "And if we can keep it stalled long enough for people to evacuate, then it's all the better." She then rubbed her arm a bit. "The headmasters are coming, right?"
"In the message, I got told that they were coming to relieve us of our tasking." Ruby answered.
"Not even sending somebody else in?" Yang whistled. "This thing must be pretty serious."
"Unlike some of us." Weiss said, getting a giggle from Blake.
Ruby tapped her scroll to message the headmaster. She'd likely get told to fall back and might even be scolded via some form of a strongly worded e-mail, but she had to hold firm. Especially when such high stakes were at play. She looked to her team as she pressed 'Send'.
"Ready, guys?"
Walking into the ruins of Castle Schrade was an eerie experience. Once a mighty and near-impervious fortress, what remained was little more than rubble upon rubble. Old weapon racks had become decayed wood piece that once held rusted swords and spears now strewn about the charred floor. Atop short-reaching steps were ancient bowguns that still functioned, in theory, but were unlikely to last longer than a few shots, if even one. What calamity that had befallen this once noble military outpost had rendered it completely uninhabitable and indefensible.
Blake rubbed her hand against the cold stone as she walked by the long-destroyed pillar. Her cat-like ears twitched and a shiver ran through her body. Looking over the ruins, she voiced her suspicions to the team. "Whatever did this wasn't a natural disaster."
"I think that depends on your definition of natural, huh?" Yang agreed, looking over the scorch marks on the wall. "Whatever happened here happened a long time ago, right? Has to be something unreal to leave scars this deep."
"Anything from the headmasters, Ruby?" Weiss asked.
Ruby tapped her scroll, hoping for an update. "Nothing new." She sighed. "They said they were on their way, but they couldn't give an ETA clearer than 'as soon as we can'."
"Ruby, I don't think we should be here." Blake said, looking to her leader. "I think this is way above what we're capable of."
"I hate to say it, but I kinda agree." Yang gave a sigh. "The last time we took on something capable of destroying a city, we nearly got wiped out. This..." She gestured to the smashed walls and collapsed arches. "This is way beyond that."
"I know, guys." Ruby nodded. "I'm nervous, too, but... I don't want to think about what would happen if..."
Dark clouds started to swirl above. Not just dark, but blue with red lightning. In the distant sky above, the shining sun was blotted out by a swirling mass as a dark circle took it's place. From the hole in the sky, in perhaps reality itself, like something out of a nightmare, a silhouette made its approach to the castle.
As it drew closer, the monster became much clearer to see. On beating wings, a reptilian beast with silver scales and snow-white hair made its descent onto the failed fortifications. With its long, ancient snout, it bellowed its declaration as red lightning crackled across the sky above. Team RWBY readied their weapons in defiance to the ancestral wyvern, White Fatalis.
With a thundering crash to match the sky above, the dragon-like monster spread its wings and let loose a mighty roar, shaking the ground and huntresses beneath it. The girls split apart, Weiss and Yang circling one direction with Blake and Ruby going the other. Leaping ahead of her Faunus friend, Ruby swung Crescent Rose around onto the scaled hide, only to find the blade bounce off without leaving so much as a scratch.
"It's too tough to cut into!" Ruby called out, hoping Weiss and Yang heard from the other side. Blake readied a cartridge of ice dust and loaded it into Gambol Shroud. "Look out!"
Blake was lifted off the ground, her former position swept away by a massive white tail. Before she could thank her leader, she shoved her away in time for red lightning to fall from the sky between them. Looking over to White Fatalis, it lowered its head from what seemed to be a roar to the skies. It had control of the weather and could call forth thunderbolts to strike its foes.
"I saw!" Ruby replied before Blake could say anything. "I've never heard of Grimm doing that!"
"I have, but it wasn't red like that."
"What dust do you have in right now?"
"Fire." Blake lifted her weapon. "It's white and covered with fur, so I thought-"
"Got it." Ruby pulled out her own cartridge. "Do you think Weiss and Yang are okay?"
"We're fine." Weiss said, panting next to Blake.
"You don't look fine." Blake noted. "And where's Yang?"
Weiss pointed to the blonde brawler currently wreaking havoc on the monster ahead. Checking Weiss' aura, Ruby saw that she was already low in her reserves. Without saying a word, Blake ran in, opening fire on the titanic for. If she missed, she missed. If she hit, she hit. If she hit Yang, then it would make her angrier at worst. And she was already blazing with rage.
Yang crashed into the monster again and again, colliding like a comet with the white dragon, noticeably knocking it to the ground. Blades did nothing to pierce it's hide, but blunt force weaponry seemed to be doing the trick. Either that, or the flames of Yang's semblance made it noticeably weaker. Blow after blow was delivered, until finally the beast could take no more and fled to the other side of the ruins.
That's when things got worse. Either out of rage or pain, or a mixture of both, the scales around its eyes and chest began to glow red, like blood had been spilled in excess, and it bellowed a mighty roar that shook the world around them. In a blink, the monster was on top of Yang and slammed its claws down on top of her. She'd barely managed to dodge, and the near miss caused her to trip and roll on the ground.
"Yang!" Blake threw Gambol Shroud to her partner and, on her catching it, pulled her away in time as a lightning bolt came crashing down to where she was.
It was at this point that the sky itself was rumbling with rage. Beneath their feet, with little doubt in the danger presented and little room for shelter from the incoming danger, light began to glow all around, save for beneath the beast itself. All of Team RWBY rushed in, getting as close to the enraged monster as they could, as red lightning danced across their battlefield. Pillars crumbled and rubble was reduced to more rubble. Most concerning of all, however, were the less solid structures like the weapon racks and bowguns, which were destroyed with little evidence of their existence. Had any of the team been caught by this attack, then it was very likely that this mission would no longer be a problem for them in the worst possible way.
"What do we do, Ruby?" Weiss asked.
She looked to her sister. "Yang, when you were punching it, did it look like it was getting hurt?"
"Well, I don't think it's putting on this light show because it likes it." Yang answered.
"How much fire dust does everyone have?"
"I have enough for myself and to refresh one of you if you run out." Weiss replied.
"Okay, then stay out of the way until your aura recovers." Ruby said. "We can swing by to refill if we need to. Yang, stay angry and keep hitting him."
"On it~." Yang grinned with red eyes still blazing.
"Blake, you and me will shoot from a distance." She looked out to see the lightning die down. "Everyone ready? Let's go!"
Once the crimson lightning storm had settled, Yang immediately leaped out from beneath her mighty foe and began her head-first charge into the monster. Weiss, using as few glyphs as she could, retreated into an alcove and watched as her team spread out to avoid being hit all at once. Ruby ran to the beast's left, peppering its wings and hide with fire dust rounds while Blake used her ribbon to pull herself to the remains of a column and swung around and unloading a magazine of fire dust into their foe's left side.
With a loud cracking sound, the white wyvern reeled in pain as its horn snapped off from Yang's strikes. Tossing her down, it jumped into the air and landed on top of her, using its weight to crush her. The blonde brawler struggled beneath her enemy's mountainous strength, finding her semblance failing her to keep the giant held aloft.
"Yang!" Ruby cried, looking around for something to do more damage. It was then she noticed a ballista hidden away, untouched by battle and ready for use. Using her semblance to arrive sooner, she aimed the ancient weapon at the ancient devil, lining up her sights to the back of its scaled neck.
Click! Shoomp! Shing! Thunk!
The massive gear rattled and shook in place as the ballista released the ancient missile. Time, however, was not on the weapon's side as it's rusted metal and frayed wire broke and snapped, thankfully waiting until Ruby had already fallen over from the kickback to avoid being struck by the shattering apparatus. Climbing to her feet, Ruby awed that her target had been struck, though not where she had intended.
In her haste to strike a killing blow in the neck of White Fatalis, she'd failed to account for its shifting form. However, this proved to be a boon as the shifting monster had moved itself just right to be struck through its right eye. With a piercing scream, it fell over, thrashing on its side and release Yang from her weighted prison. Ruby ran out to her sister's side, though Blake was already there to help her to her feet. Together, the three unloaded every fire dust they had into the flaming red core of the raging cataclysm. With a few short clicks, they were out of ammunition.
"Weiss!" Ruby shouted, noticing the shattered building where Weiss had retreated. Terror gripped her heart.
"No need to shout." The heiress huffed. "Here." She tossed the remaining fire dust into the air before spun her rapier and stabbed it the ground. A glyph appeared ahead of the team as a giant, flaming knight took form. Jumping from Blake's hands, Ruby took hold of the fire dust and loaded it into Crescent Rose.
"Hey, Blake." Yang tossed her fire dust. With a crack of her knuckles, her hair flared to a golden shine. "I ain't gonna need it."
In a coordinated assault, the team of four huntresses unleashed a blazing fury unlike any felt before. White Fatalis screamed on the ground as it thrashed against its attackers, tail whipping around before it was cut off by Weiss blazing gigas. Blake moved to the side, carefully aiming inside the massive maw where it was likely weaker than its snowy scales. Ruby fired into the exposed wound of the eye, hoping for a quick end through the brain to end the monster's pain, though the scenario grew more and more hopeless with each pull of the trigger.
Yang blasted punch after punch at the red core, ignoring how red it was making herself and the ground around her. She could feel the blood burning her skin through her aura, but she didn't care. All that mattered was taking this thing out.
However, despite their efforts, it rose to its feet and bellowed a ground-shaking roar. The sky filled with black clouds that blotted out any light, save for the largest red thunderbolt zooming through the air to the highest object it could...
"RUBY!" Her team cried as red light vaporized any remaining rose petals. Tears filled their eyes as the petals drifted into ash. The clouds began to part to reveal the shining sun once more. It was as though the heavens wished to aid in finding the missing leader. Sadly, she was nowhere to be found.
Until they saw that the clouds had been perfectly cut. Like a scythe through its harvest tasking. And from the clouds, they saw a red dot growing bigger and bigger. In a red spiral, they saw Ruby Rose, weapon in hand as red electricity danced across the blade of Crescent Rose. In arrogant defiance, White Fatalis took flight and charged the descending huntress leader.
In a scatter of rose petals, the ancient wyvern was split in twain, blood spilling from its severed torso and body. Its chest smashed into the ground before Team RWBY while its body destroyed what was left of Castle Schrade. Landing atop the head was their team leader, dizzy and stumbling before falling off. Yang ran and caught her little sister, grateful she was alive.
"Ruby!" She called.
"How did you do that?" Blake asked.
"Since when could you do that?!" Weiss shrieked.
"Well..." Ruby chuckled. "I just changed my scythe and..."
"Team RWBY?" The girls looked over to see their headmaster, accompanied by other headmasters who each had their own variant of shock on their faces, approached them. "I believe I told you to abort this mission." A smile then grew in place of a scowl. "But I am grateful for both your initiative AND your productivity. I believe you have a mission report for me."
"Uh..." Ruby stood to her feet, looking back to the slain monster behind them. "I think this speaks for itself, doesn't it?"
"It does, but..." The headmaster leaned in with a smile. "I'd like to hear your side of the legend."
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dreamlandxrunaway · 1 year
🌧 1 cloudy day at a time 🌧
part 42: drunk on power v3.0
summary: getting stuck in rain on campus that one faithful monday with a mild hangover is either the best or the worst thing to have happened to y/n... she has yet to decide, and so have the people that were involved.
pairing: yang jeongin x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, toxic family being toxic
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prev < part 42 > next
tag list: @mythicalamphitrite @aliferousminho @jcngh0-hq @linodori @seroriis @mchslut @https-skzology @streetrebelrootsdistinguish @thisisnotjacinta @mmm-alhaitham @abbiestearsricochet (let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore, you asked such a long time ago!!!)
Purple can't be tagged :(
Feedback is greatly appreciated ♡
A/N: This is definitely coming out on time... i def didn't have to correct some dumb mistakes that i didn't even make... there definitely were no double messages... especially where they weren't supposed to be.... yup... I definitely didn't cover anything in the first picture....... Honesty? I'm not even sure if some messages are in the right order....... it seems fine... ish? I wanna cry 🥴
We have reached the last update for a while ~ see you guys after a good part of my exams is over. Hopefully, I'll post in August at the latest hahaha Hate to leave it at that... but I think that's par for the course for my writing nshshshwjhs
Next time we see our MCs is at the charity event(?)~
But you might see me earlier if I decide to work on another piece~ keep an eye out for me ;)
The tag list is open, so if you want to be added, let me know :) especially now :))
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falleri-salvatore · 7 months
My predictions as to how Jaune's Semblance will evolve
I am fully willing to accept the scorn that comes my way as the price of finally letting this idea that JUST! WON'T!! LEAVE!!!! off of my chest. (We are here ->) First Stage: Aura Amplification. Basically restores user's and/or other's Aura as well as temporarily amplifies it (along with all that comes with it. May or may not include Magic) (Theoretical) Second Stage: Aura Nullification. Drains other's Aura as well as temporarily nullifies it (along with all that comes with it. May or may not include Magic) (Theoretical) Final Stage: Aura Plasmification. Basically a fusion of Prana Burst from FSN, Kaioken from Dragon Ball Z and Butterfly Mode from Naruto (sans the wings). The user is enveloped by a shroud of flames and lightning (think a combination of Yang's Burn and Nora's High Voltage) that massively increases every single one of the user's Physical, Mental and Spiritual Parameters. Also overclocks Aura Ampification and Aura Nullification and dramatically boosts both their effects and their range. This state also transforms the user's calories and nutrients as fuel for even more power. However, this state also consumes Jaune's Physical, Mental and Spiritual Stamina and overuse can lead Jaune into getting severe Body Fatigue (The body twitch and spasms in pain and doesn't respond to the user's command. The user reaches an anemic state due to burning nutrients and calories and transforming them into aura), Mind Fatigue (Thoughts become cloudy and can barely form a coherent thought. Headache from overstimulation and overclocking) and Soul fatigue (Aura recharges very slowly and becomes very hard to control. Think of the Ki Sickness from Dragon Ball Super). Thankfully, the exhaustion state can also be easily recovered from by getting a lot of sleep and regaining the lost nutrients and calories. In other words, this is Jaune Arc going out in a "Blaze of Glory" like a "Bolt of Lightning".
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Summer Solstice - Part 3 It starts -> here
Jack thought it's time for the others to finally get up too. To not waste their precious time here in Henford. This is supposed to be a special trip for them since it had been Vlad's last wish to come back here because they'd been so happy and carefree here on their first visit. Ji Ho and Sai are too tired to have an opinion about this, but Jack, with his endless energy, dragged them to a clearing where they started with their daily yoga practice (which is helping Jack with his pain).
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Even though the night had been short - and Ji Ho is still a bit drained from teleporting the TukTuk - they felt a lot fresher and fitter after practice. Before the others return, Ji Ho wanted to talk with Jack and Sai about what Princess Jihovere learned about in Saarburg: Tantra.
They sat on Jack's blanket and Ji Ho told them about the benefits of this kind of yoga. Noxee had sent Ji Ho two books and now he shares what he already found out. (Noxee was very excited about Ji Ho's request and she thinks that it would help Sai and Jack (her 'kids') a lot! (She'd kind of adopted Jack and Sai after they'd been rescued from the Lab a few years ago. But this didn't stop Jack from having a major crush on her, neither that she's in love with his biological father, Greg...)
But back to topic. Ji Ho: "Here, this book says: 'Tantra is a method to expand the mind and liberate the dormant potential energy. Tantra principles form the basis of all authentic yogic practices.' It's not just about sex, like many think. There are a lot of beginner friendly exercises for us we could do together. I would love to do them with Vlad since it could help us to build a better and deeper relationship, but I know that he would hate it ^^' There are Tantra yoga and meditation practices so we just could replace our daily practice with Tantra exercises. If you like?'' (It seems the Little Goats/Satyrs are already very interested. Food for their plots and twists ^^')
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That does sounds interesting indeed. Saiwa is positive that this could even be a replacement fo their therapy until they can safely log in again, if ever... Maybe it will even help him to get back together with Jeb? And Jack is up for it too (Jack has too much energy anyway, so usually he's up for anything, but he's also easily distracted by something else ^^') Ji Ho told them a bit more and they started with a few breathing and meditating exercises.
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When Vlad, Jeb and Kiyoshi returned from jogging, they had breakfast together, took a quick shower (not together ^^') and called the horses. The rest of the day they are going to spend by the river.
It had been here, in Otherworld's Bramblewood, where Ji Ho found Yang Mal, his horse. We took such beautiful pictures of them -> here and here.
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They took their time to explore the surroundings. It's so beautiful here, Jack didn't think much about his nightmare and trauma. He remembered the good times they had here during their first trip. It's good to see Jack is leaving his trauma behind. It was a good and brave decision to stay here. And not to give in to his fears. Jack to Ji Ho: "Haha do you remember when we rehearsed for the trailer video after I'd lost my swimming trunks?" Saiwa to Jack: "I do! You almost got killed because some monster hunters thought you were attacking Ji Ho and kidnapped a boy omg!" (TMI: Oh my, that's almost 2 years ago! And the monster hunters had been adult Jack's sons from our other story universe! And my posts had been only 1-3 pics long ^^' And we never found out how Jack managed to lose his trunks... ö.ö)
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They dismounted the horses by the river to go for a swim. The perfect day and weather. A bit cloudy, so it wasn't too hot. The only thing too hot - in Jeb's opinion - was Saiwa in his stupidly short shorts and this too tight tank top...
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We weren't able to call the horses before ~ 6 am because they 'were sleeping'. So why, only a few hours later, are they so tired again? -.- Plus - it's happening very often that the relationships between the boys and their horses get erased and they don't know each other anymore. I had to move in Valerian and Kiri because we weren't able to call them. Lol and Saiwa, Jeb and Kiyoshi were running to the other 'entrance' of the river even though I'd told them to go swimming where Ji Ho, Vlad and Jack went in... Nothing is easy in these worlds. Maybe Jeb needed to cool down after seeing Sai in his new swimming trunks.
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Nonetheless they had a lot of fun! And it was healing. When they'd been here for the first time, they had no worries and troubles. Well a few, but not like it is now. I hope they will have more peaceful times like these in their future.
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They spent the rest of the day by the river before they packed up in the evening and the TukTuk took them back home to Tomarang.
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Ah, this was a nice and healing Summer Solstice! Jack did so well. The others too. They made huge steps towards living all together again (more or less) comfortable. Like before. And they could scratch one point off of their bucket list :)
'Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side I wanna be your left-hand man I love you when you're singing that song And I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong
I just wanna, I just wanna know If you're gonna, if you're gonna stay I just gotta, I just gotta know I can't have it, I can't have it any other way'
Riptide - Vance Joy
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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