#club bleu
peachesandrain · 30 days
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both teams winning today, I know that’s fucking right!!!! LETS GO BLUES, UP THE CHELS!!! 💙💙
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ladyy--lazarus · 1 year
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unproduciblesmackdown · 10 months
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summer stock reunion ft. will and corbin via lsoh, or reunion of that time corbin went to bmc, and maybe even other occasions
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abushelandablog · 2 years
Live footage of Equipe de France and PSG stans
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melanirana · 2 months
A Tune and a Drink
singer!reader x bartender!sun/ moon
Suprise! Have a little something. You are a singer in the 1930's and two specific bartenders have caught your eye, just like you have caught theirs.
I even have a musik recommendation for this one. Habits - Vintage 1930's cover and Levitating - 1920s style cover by PostmodernJukebox on YouTube. Check em' out they're really good.
with that said, enjoy
It’s the 1930’s, the era of glamour, fashion, parties but most of all, good music. Big cities are getting bigger, new opportunities arise on all sides, technology is advancing and you are right in the middle of it.
You are known throughout the whole city, not famous enough to be known across states but known enough that clubs and bars fight to have you sing on their stage. To have you bless their establishments with your voice and draw in the people, so these people make their bar The City Bar.
Whenever you agree to sing at their club they make it known immediately. Whether that is through the newspaper, telling their guests who tell it their acquaintances, or hanging papers around the city. 
“downright heavenly”
“the voice of an angel”
“as powerful as it’s wonderful”
“rich with a beautiful smoky undertone” they call your voice. A bit of an exaggeration you think, you can agree on the smoky undertone but the rest. It must be because you hear your voice every day, when you wake from sleep, when you talk, when you warm up, when you practice when you sing.
But other people only hear you when you sing, it isn’t often it is a special occasion, it is desired it is sought after. To them it means so much and therefore it means so much to you. To sing for people, to lighten their day, to make them happy.
There is barely ever you turn down an offer to sing, it is simply a matter of when you have time again. More often than not you don’t come back to a bar for a month or two, too busy singing somewhere else, writing, or any other reason.
So why is it, that even with such a full schedule, you always find time to come back to sing at one certain high-profile bar named Celestias. 
People wonder. Is it close to home. Do you have a deal with the bar. Does it mean something to you. Is it the celebrities that frequent this establishment. Or is it simply the wonderful view of the river that divides the city, that flows right by the building.
All good guesses, but utterly wrong.
The reason you keep returning is the bar, those how tend to it specifically. Two highly advanced Animatronics.
Metal polished like a brand new 540 K Special-Roadster, but not just a car. Highly advanced machinery capable of many things, but not an industrial machine. Eyes that see, hands that move, mouths that speak, but not human.
The robot pair is truly unique with their circular faces and wonderful colors. One bright as a golden Charleston-dress under a chandelier, eyes so wonderfully bleu they seem to be carved out of the ocean itself with a crown of metallic rays. The other shines like a blue evening gown under a low light, eyes as dangerous and enticing as a ruby with a long silk night cap that looks like it was sewn from the night sky.
Both with crescents that split their faces in the fashion of theater masks.
Both wear high-quality suits, the black of the suits contrast with their color, making their color shine even more and complementing their long limbs. A thick tie sits at the base of their slim metal necks, the end tucked neatly into their suits. The golden animatronic’s tie is a rich scarlet as well as his half gloves that always cover the animatronic’s hands. The blue animatronic’s tie and gloves contrast his counterparts wonderfully with their deep navy blue.
The robots are the bar's pride and joy, placed where everybody passes by, and the reason why they come here. The bar.
You noticed the animatronics the first time you visited, they were hard to miss as the owner proudly showed you them, even when it was from across the room. After that you had no time to pay the two bartenders any mind, quickly surrounded by people eager to meet you followed by your performance only to once again be surrounded by more people.
It was only your third visit that you truly saw them, and saw them you did. In the middle of your performance your gaze wandered to the bar, and what you saw was the golden robot cleaning a glass and looking at you.
You were no stranger to being looked at, your place was the stage after all, but the way the robot looked at you was different from the usual. Almost love-struck in that wonderful half-lidded lazy smile kind of way.
Your response to the animatronic’s gaze was a particular smile while singing a more romantic part of your song. This would have people hiding their faces as they reddened, have them melting on the table they are leaning on, or your favorite, bring a hand to their face as they hide their giddy giggles.
This however was not the response you got from the bartender.
Instead, you got a raised eyebrow and an amused smile, the robot placed the glass below the counter without braking eye contact. “Are you sure?” he said without making a sound. A challenge.
A challenge that you accepted.
For the rest of your performance during any particular romantic part of the song you made sure to let your gaze glide to the bar and exchange look with it’s bartender. His expression had changed ever so slightly from the first time you caught him looking. Still mostly the same but now with a hint of danger mixed in.
You could feel the tension between the bar and the stage rise with each exchanged look, neither of you breaking eye contact during the few seconds you had.
It was the most exciting performance you had in a long while, but it had to come to an end. The night just started and you needed to save your voice for your continued performance later in the night.
Immediately you were surrounded and distracted by people once you started your brake. Even though you couldn’t see the bartender you were pretty sure he saw you. Shortly after you began your brake a waiter came up to you, on a silver platter sat a single beautiful decorated crystal glass. The glass is short and wide like a whisky glass.
A rich orange liquid filled the short glass to a perfect half. When you asked the waiter who sent you the drink he simply said “It’s on the house.” You had ever the slightest hunch from whom it came. When you sipped from the glass the taste of honey sweet and yet smoky whisky filled your mouth, followed by a fruity aftertaste.
You couldn’t help the little that spread on your lips.  
Later in the evening, your performance continued. But this time it was not the golden robot tending to the bar but his blue counterpart. A little childish part of you wanted to make the two bartenders jealous of each other, make them vie for your attention.
While resting the owner had told you more about the robots, how highly advanced they were, how they are unique and that there is no second pair like them, how they work together like a well-oiled machine. “Almost like twins,” he said.
Maybe you can cause a little bit of a sibling rivalry then.
Nothing too bad, just a little bit of fun.
You didn’t even need to get the robot's attention, when you let your gaze wander to the bar he was already giving it all to you. You went through the whole routine again, you smile at the bartender during a romantic part of the song, he raises one eyebrow in a challenge and you accept.     
And just like his counterpart, he did not break eye contact as the few seconds you had each song ticked by.
This went on for a few songs until his counterpart returned. When you looked back to the bar you saw the two of them talking, the blue one facing away from you and the other blocked by his counterpart. They looked neither irate or iterated, rather they looked natural at least from what you could tell during those few seconds before you returned your gaze to the guest. 
Oh, too bad.
Maybe they figured out what you trying to do and decided to ignore you then. You couldn’t really blame them, even if you did. A fun challenge ended because you wanted some excitement in your life.
When next you returned your gaze to the bar you where meet not by one but two pairs of glowing eyes, both pairs half lidded accompanied by lazy smiles. The two robots have banded together.
Two robots band together against you in order to win this challenge, that is known only to you three. They might have been at a numbers advantage, but if they thought that you were going to let them win they were in the wrong. You were not going to back out just because it got more exciting. 
And so this challenge went on for the rest of the evening and into the night, unbeknownst to the other guests in the large room. 
By the time your performance ended it was well into the night, the sun was long gone and the moon took its place in the sky.
And just like always the moment you step off the stage you were surrounded by people eager to snag all your attention for themselves. You gave them your attention, but not all. Just like on stage, you glanced towards the bar but there were no eyes meeting you.
The bartenders had returned to their duty, now that your performance was over the guests wanted their drinks. Both animatronics hands move at impossible speed around the bar, you were surprised they didn’t knock anything over at the speed at which they were moving.
Your challengers are distracted by their duty so you allowed yourself the be distracted as well.
Not long after a different waiter came up to you, on the silver platter a tall wide decorated crystal glass. It almost looked like a whine glass but not quite, that moment you decided that you’d have to brush up on your glass etiquette. The liquid inside this glass was deep red, along the edge a ring of sugar.
Again as you asked who this is from the waiter said “It is on the house.”
You toke a sip and the sweet flavor of wine spread across your tongue along with a light taste of citrus from the ring around the glass.
That’s when you decided you have to come back and come back often.
And so you did.
Over the following months, you were at the bar at the very least once a month. Every time without fail, after you went on brake or finished your performance, a waiter would come up to you with a wonderfully decorated glass and the best-tasting drink inside of it.
Once, when your voice wasn’t the best to the point where it was hard to miss that you weren’t at your best, a waiter brought you a simple glass, inside was warm milk with honey when you asked who sent it the answer was “The bar.”
Months and months have past, and a good amount of change happened both in your career and in your relation ship with the bartenders.
Career-wise you have taken off. Now recognized and sought after outside the state you were busy going to new locations, meeting new people, meeting contemporaries, and singing your new songs.
You were outside the city more often and longer, but you made it a point to always drop by your bartenders.
Your bartenders, with whom you have not exchanged a single word since you first saw each other. The bartenders with whom your relationship has developed past a simple challenge.
The looks you exchange have not increased in length, which was nigh impossible while you stand on stage, but they have increased intensity.
Their looks are no longer love-struck but devouring. Every time they look at you they drink up your entire being, as if your existence and your existence alone keeps them alive. They now let their eyes wander across your form, you never see them doing it but you can feel their eyes on you.
As their eyes travel up and down your body, drinking it in. The way you move, the way your costume lays against your skin, the slightest of wrinkles in your clothing, the smallest of hairs it doesn’t matter. They absorb it all, like a flower after drought drinking up all the water it can get.
That night when you first noticed their eyes traveling you, you almost lost the challenge. 
When your gaze followed the path it took so many times before, you saw them. Sitting behind the bar counter, leaning on it as they rested their faces in their hands. They had no shame as they showered you with their affection, attention, adoration and anything else they could give you through their eyes alone.
You immediately felt your face heat up and the urge to hide your face but you caught yourself before you looked away. Your cheeks remained a soft shade of pink trough the rest of the night and your singing had a bit more pep in your step.
Not long after you reviled a new song that made big waves and that caused you to become more known. A song about the sun and the moon, how the singer basks in the sun's warm light, how the singer would follow the moon's beautiful light anywhere and never feel alone, how the singer oh so loves the celestial bodies and their wonderful light, how they wouldn’t know how to live without them.
You let the song spread before you visited your favorite bar again, you wanted to play with them before returning the favor of a warm face. And play with them you did. You teased, called members of the audience the sun and the moon, said how the song is devoted to all and everyone. You played up how this song is to remind of the things one easily takes for granted and that whole spiel.
In the corner of your eye you could see how the robots seemed to deflate with each word. It hurt, and a lot more than you expected but you had to do it so it would hit just as hard as their affection.
When the part came where the singer talks about their love for the sun and moon you let your gaze wander before firmly landing on the bartenders, you had not looked to them before this part of the song. You didn’t care to hide your smug smile on your face as you look at your dear bartenders.
And it worked, like a charm.
They went rigid as they listened to the words coming out of your mouth, completely and fully directed at them.
The cheeks of the robots started to glow a bright orange as some mechanism in their face began to overheat, small puffs of steam expelled from their joints as they tried to cool themselves. And just like you, they almost lost the challenge.
Those few seconds felt like hours, hours their eyes were glued onto you before you released them. From the corner of your eye you could see them fanning their face, desperately trying to cool the mechanism in their face and failing.
For the rest of your performance, their cheeks remained a soft warm orange.
And now, here you are.
Sitting in front of your vanity in your brand new apartment right above your favorite bar. The owner had gifted it to you as a thanks for visiting the bar so often and coincidentally bringing in more guests and therefore income.   
Said guests have started to slowly leave the bar below as it is about to close. You can hear the distant chatter of people through your open balcony door. After one more look at yourself in your vanity mirror, checking your makeup and hair to see if it is acceptable to leave your apartment in these conditions, you get up the close the balcony door.
The chatter has significantly lessened since the beginning of closing time. The few people outside must be the last stragglers.
The bar is now officially closed.
When you return to your vanity you catch yourself in the mirror again. Your simple dark blue dress pants reach slightly over your ankle. They blend well together with your black shoes, they are not your highest shoe when it comes to heel shoes but your favorite, they give you just a few inches more.
A light green poke dot poncho hangs from your shoulders, down to your thighs. It's loose and frilly, one of your favorites. It shows enough of your silhouette but not too much, even if that doesn’t really matter since you’ve worn very form-fitting costumes on stage before.
And yet again you contemplate your looks, you have been doing this for far too long. Changing outfits, makeup, hairstyles and changing the outfit again.
You never have trouble picking an outfit for performances before. So why is it that you are struggling now to pick an outfit, your not even preparing for a performance.
You just want to finally actually meet your bartenders.
You have been exchanging looks with them for months, basically flirted with each other back and forth. Hell, you have even confessed each other's love for one another. You wrote an entire song to do it.
So why are you so nerves.
You look at yourself in the mirror for many moments and as the doubts about your clothing start to make their way back in your head and gnawing at your confidence, you all but run out the door. If you change again you’ll never meet the two.
They are already head over heels for you and so are you.
You make your way down the stairs. The staircase is illuminated by small decorative lamps along the walls, their colored glass shades bath the space in a warm yellow. With a rhythmic tack tack tack of your heals you make your way down the stairs.
Once you’re at the bottom you stand in the back hallways of the bar. No simple guest is allowed back here and yet the hallways are equally as decorated as the main floor. You haven’t had time to familiarize yourself with the all corridors, but you know the way to the stage entrance.
The path is well light and as you step on to the backstage, slowly you pass the curtain that decorates the side of the stage, the light just above welcomes you as always. Your heart is beating like insane in your chest and you have to take a couple of deep breaths to calm before you fully step out onto the stage.
The view of this usably packed place, now completely empty is more than a bit strange but that is not what you focus on. You focus on the bar and its lack of attendants. The bar sits completely empty, there is not a single metallic shine of robotic limbs to be seen. To say your heart drops would be an understatement.
Did you miss them, they should be here, they are always behind the bar. Do they just leave once the bar is closed.
Where are they.
As fear begins to pluck at your heartstrings, what if you don’t meet them now, will you ever actually meet them. Are the three of you cursed to only look at each other.
Suddenly a muffled noise from somewhere even further behind the bar gets your attention. You walk to the very edge of the stage and lean over the edge to listen for that muffled noise again.
It sounds like a conversation. And just when you think that it might be them, you see a flash of blue pass by a doorway in the bar’s wall that you didn’t even notice was there. All these months you look at the bar and nerve noticed that it has a backroom, well you were more so looking at the bartenders. But that doesn’t matter now, they are still here, you didn’t miss them.
Immediately your mood brightens by the power of the sun. You hop of the stage as quietly as possible and tiptoe your way to the bar counter. Easier said than done thanks to your heals. 
You are full of energy and nerves, your heart is doing leaps in your chest. You are as giddy as a kid whose dad is taking them to the toys shop to pick out a new toy.
In an attempt to stop the giggle building in your throat you bite your tongue. However that doesn’t stop the stupid smile on your face from spreading.
In on swift and quite motion you sit yourself on one of the bar chairs. You remain unnoticed. On top of the bar counter are two little bras bells, one with details painted in yellow and the other in blue. You have a hunch for what these bells are for.
Past the door, the conversation between the unknowing animatronics continues. You take one deep breath, then you ring both bells at once with a gentle tap of your finger. The sound the bells make is beautiful and light, but your trained ear can hear that one of the bells has a bit more reverb than the other.
The conversation comes to a stop and hear what you think is a synthetic sigh. Then out from the door steps one of your dear bartenders. His rays catch the light from above and give him the appearance of a glowing crown. His wonderful blue eyes don’t meet yours as he looks down to his hands where he works on putting his red half-glove back on his exposed hand.
His had is a wonderful shining chrome, the tips of his fingers are a brilliant yellow.
When he speaks his voice is butter-smooth and honey-sweet when he talks. “The bar is closed for tonight.” He sounds exhausted, like he had to have this conversation often. “I’ll have to ask you to leave-“
He finally looks up and meets your eyes, immediately freezing mid-step. He looks at you wide-eyed, surprised to see you of all people here.
“Oh, if you don’t want me here I can leave again.” You say as you turn on the chair as if to get up. “Ah- No. Stay.” The animatronic blurts out as he steps closer to the counter, one ungloved hand stretch out as if to stop you from leaving.
You lean back on the counter and smile at the sunbot, resting your head on the palm of your hand. “I’ll stay then.”
“Yes stay here.” The animatronic says quietly, sweetly, as he moves even closer. He drinks in your very being like he did so many times before, only closer now.
Your face warms up, about to catch fire. Already you can tell, that if he speaks even more sweetly to you, this will be a lethal encounter.
At least you know the names of your demise, after all the bar owner proudly told you their names during your very first performance.
From behind your Sun his counterpart emerges, his nightcap lazily resting on his shoulder, he is also not wearing his half gloves. Just like his counterpart, his hands are a shining chrome and his fingertips are a deep blue.
“Sun, what’s going on?”
You just about die. His voice is nothing short of heavenly. Deep and lush, simply beautiful. You can feel the vibration of his voice down your spine.
The lunar bot meets your eyes and visibly brightens. “Oh~.” You are deceased. “Finally decided to visit us~.” The animatronic says with a grin, showing his sharp teeth. He steps around his counterpart and stands next to him.
“Oh, you know. I had nothing else to do.” You lean forward, closer to them and fold your fingers together before resting your head on them. Both robots lean forward as well, closing the distance between you even more.
“Plus, I thought things were getting a bit boring, so I thought we make it a bit more exiting.” The smile that spreads across your face is smug.
Both bots raise their eyebrows, just like they did the first time. “More exciting? And how might we do that.” The golden bot asks.
Without saying a word you free your hand and reach for the sun bots face. His gaze follows your hand. Gently and slowly you reach under the bots chin and lift it, from where he was looking down at your hand, to look at you.
“Oh, nothing too big.” You say sweetly.
His internal workings kick into overdrive, the wiring inside his chest becomes louder, puffs of steam seep through his suit and the metal of his cheeks becomes a hot orange. The rays around his face fold back against his head and he stammers something before he wraps his hand around yours and removes it from his face as it is getting to hot.
However, he doesn’t let go of your hand.
Next to him, Moon lets out a dark chuckle and it’s your turn to melt.
“Playing the jealousy game again?” The bot accuses you amused. “It was worth a try. Don’t you think?” You retort playfully.
He chuckles again. His gaze lands on Sun who has slightly recovered from your flirt, now he examines your hand with a loving fascination. You follow Moon's gaze and watch Sun as he gently turns over your hand.
It is only then that you realize how much bigger Sun's hand is compared to yours, his hand completely engulfs your with ease. A few seconds later you realize how much bigger they are in general. Sitting at a bar with a human bartender, you see eye to eye but with these two you have to crane your neck to look them in the eye, even if they are already hunched over.
So lost in your realization, you barely notice the hand that is coming towards your face. Blue fingertips gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before tracing your skin and cupping your face.
You can't help but lean into the cool chrome hand and let out a small sigh. You relax as a cool thump softly draws circles on your cheek and yellow-tipped fingers work their way up your arm.
And there you remain for longer, with your dear bartenders, no longer confined to look at you, but now able to touch you just as gently as they looked at you.   
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lewisvinga · 1 year
chocolate almond croissant | jude bellingham x fem! perez! reader
summary; jude bellingham and the granddaughter of florentino pérez, the president of real madrid, soft launch their relationship
fc; nailea devora
note; i haven’t written in forever and i’ve never done a smau on tumblr so here’s my attempt😋😋 my requests are closed btw 😁
masterlist !
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liked by bsfuser, judebellingham, and 739,038 others!
ynperez: in france, kinda want a baguette
user1: mother
user2: i wanna be u
bsfuser: u only know the words oui and allez les bleus
ynperez: i know cama ooh too
camavinga: i feel so special
user3: anyone see jude in her likes
user4: he’s trying to get on presi’s good side
user5: our future president
user6: tell papa pérez to send the damn bid
user7: i’m a culer but i love yn
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liked by ynperez, camavinga, and 2,038,937 others!
judebellingham: the south of france
user8: we were in the same country we’re meant to be guys
user9: my faves
user10: going feral rn
camavinga: QP QP-skyyy
vinijr: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄me dejaron
judebellingham: restttt bro😘
ynperez: ur so unserious
judebellingham: thx
user11: isn’t yn in france rn??
user12: who is yn??
user13: she’s florentino pérez’s granddaughter, he’s the president of real madrid 😭
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liked by judebellingham, aurelientchm, and 723,938 others!
ynperez: when bae ate the last bite of your chocolate almond croissant
bsfuser: u look so sad
ynperez: nothing to smile about in my life
user14: BAE????
user15: omg she’s not in her single era anymore
user16: 100% believe she’s dating a real madrid player
aurelientchm: how many bites did he take
ynperez: one too many
ynperez: and one too many sips of my matcha latte 💔💔
judebellingham: sounds delicious 😁
ynperez: yeah yeah 😒
user17: can you blame her?? jude and aurelien are on that team i’d want them too if my father was the president of the biggest club!
user18: real
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liked by ynperez, vinijr, and 2,985,034 others!
judebellingham: new found love for chocolate almond croissants
user19: it’s illegal to be this fine
user20: damn
user21: call me delusional but didn’t yn pérez talk about her ‘bae’ eating her chocolate almond croissant & they seemed to be in france together
user22: delusional
vinijr: wonder what else you love 😂🤣
judebellingham: hey man, chillll🤫
ynperez: u should try matcha lattes i heard they’re good
judebellingham: i’m a fan of them icl
user23: no way jude isn’t dating yn pérez
user24: tryna get on presi’s good side like presi didn’t speak english for him at his presentation 😭
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liked by judebellingham, camavinga, and 940,038 others!
ynperez: bf always taking pics of me mid complaining should i dump
user25: yn so cute😭
user27: dump him u can do better (me)
ynperez: ur so dumb ur lucky ur cute
judebellingham: oopsies
user29: i knew those twitter threads were right
camavinga: it only took so long for jude to explode
vinijr: to be fair u always complain
ynperez: i helped sign him he should be grateful for me!
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liked by judebellingham, vinijr, and 1,482,038 others!
ynperez: ruined my soft launch but it’s okay, mi novio is tan lindo y lo quiero 🤍 [my boyfriend is so cute and i love him]
tagged; judebellingham
judebellingham: i said i’m sorry😔
ynperez: it’s ok pumpkin
vinijr: just so you know he giggled
judebellingham: i don’t giggle idk what u mean
judebellingham: i love you🤍
ynperez: i love you 🤍🤍
user30: I KNEW IT
user31: it couple
user32: now we know why jude signed for real madrid
yourbsf: finally u posted him, such cuties 🥹
ynperez: i wanted a cute soft launch but this will do😔😔
user33: she calls him pumpkin that’s so adorable
user34: idk if i want him or her
user35: anyone see vini’s comment 😭
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liked by ynperez, camavinga, and 3,028,937 others!
judebellingham: prettiest girl ever, te quiero, mi flor 🌹🤍 [i love you, my flower]
tagged; ynperez
judebellingham: what can i say, i have vw the best teacher!
ynperez: te quiero muchísimo mi querido [i love you very much, my dear]
judebellingham: te quiero siempre [i love you always]
user36: 50% of me is crying but the other 50% is so excited
user37: him speaking in spanish for her?? that’s so cute stop
camavinga: he asked me 20 times to make sure he was saying it right btw
judebellingham: mate, don’t expose me like this 😕😕😕😕
user38: camavinga 😭
user39: wanna know how presi feels
ynperez: papa pérez is happy that his granddaughter is happy 😁
user40: i’d sign for real madrid too if that means yn perez would be my gf
872 notes · View notes
freedomfireflies · 2 years
I’ve been thinking of how would it be to talk to H by mistake like you go on a club and try to get this boy’s phone but he ends up giving you the wrong number and when you message him turns out it’s harry’s phone and you 2 get along so he asks you to meet up😭😭 TRY IT PLSSSS
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Why should you never fight a dinosaur?
You wait with bated breath for the response, eyes widening when you see those familiar three bubbles rolling across the screen.
Uh…I don’t know? Why?
You grin. Because you’ll get jurasskicked.
Then…the bubbles.
Okay, alright, you got me. That was good.
Pleased, you settle back against your headboard, lip between your teeth. Sorry, I’m sure it’s not very cool to text someone an hour after you leave them in a bar but…hey, you said you liked dad jokes. Figured I’d end your night on a good note.
Exactly three minutes pass before you see him type. Bar?
Yeah. Oh, sorry, this is the girl who wouldn’t stop singing It’s Raining Men and throwing back tequila shots before jumping into your lap.
You hit send, then quickly add in a separate text, Sorry about that, by the way.
Four minutes pass this time, and despite yourself, you feel a bit nervous.
That sounds like a lot of fun, but unfortunately…I don’t think that was me.
You frown. Wait, what? This is Braden, right?
More bubbles. Damn, his name was Braden? Yikes. But no, I can’t claim to be Braden, I’m sorry to say.
Fuck. Your heart drops as you glance around your room. Had he given you the wrong number on purpose? You thought you’d had a connection, and so did your friends as they urged you to ask for his number.
Maybe you’d read the signs wrong?
The bubbles appear again. Have you heard the joke about the butter?
Your head tilts. Uh…no?
Oh, I better not tell you. It might…spread.
You snort, snuggling back down into the covers before pulling the phone closer as you watch another text deliver.
I’m Harry, by the way.
Your fingers dance along the screen, feeling a bit relieved despite the obvious disappointment. Hi, Harry. Sorry about the miscommunication.
Don’t sweat it, Harry types. I love dad jokes.
You smile.
I do not like Braden, though, he adds, and you can’t help but chuckle. Sounds like a dick, to be honest.
You shrug, even though he can’t see you. He wasn’t so bad. It was loud in there anyway. Maybe I just heard him wrong.
A minute passes before the bubbles pop up and your heart leaps. 
Why is your heart leaping?
Well, his loss is my gain. You got any more jokes?
I have a joke about pizza! But…it’s too cheesy.
Oh, god. Oh that was…yeah. That was bad. That was really bad. That was not…grate.
“Oh, my god,” you whisper aloud, grinning wildly before typing, Oh, like you can do feta?
He takes a minute to think. I’ll be honest, I’m not very gouda. 
You wince, although you can’t deny your amusement. Yeah, this is nacho thing.
But I’m having a hole lot of fun.
You begin to type a response, but he sends another text before you can:
…get it? Cause…hole? Like Swiss?
You laugh again. No, I got it. It was very…sharp.
You hope that made him chuckle.
I like you, Cheese Girl, he says, and your cheeks flush. Hope you don’t feel so bleu.
I’m much cheddar now, you type. Thank you.
A minute passes. No problem. Listen, I gouda go but…this was fun. If you ever think of any more puns…send ‘em my way, yeah?
And despite the fact that Harry is a total stranger to you, and that you’d kind of been expecting to talk to Braden tonight, and really…cheese puns aren’t exactly sexy…
…you feel disappointed to see him go. 
You swallow and straighten up, taking a second before replying, Absolutely. I think this is the start of a brie-utiful friendship.
He responds with a laughing emoji, followed by, Goodnight, Cheese Girl.
You smile.
Goodnight, Harry.
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It’s not exactly on par with the request, but this was honestly so much fun that I was kind of thinking I’d make it a couple of parts 😭 Thank you so much to whoever asked!!!💞 I hope it’s okay!
~ iFall for Harry pt. 2 (the second part to this!)
~ Full iFall for Harry Masterlist
~ Full Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
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What do ikeprince suitors smell like? Pt. 1
Have you ever wondered how our pookies would smell or what perfumes woulds they wear if they were real? Because I do, and it almost keeps me awake at night. But don't worry, I'm here to satisfy your curiosity. I've assigned each IkePri suitor scents and perfumes based on information from the routes and, of course, mainly on the vibes they give me.
Sariel Noir
The Palace Devil definitely wears a complex yet sophisticated perfume, with a fresh and spicy top note and a warm, woody base.
Notes: mint, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, vetiver and tonka beans.
Perfumes he might like:
Five O'Clock Au Gingembre - Serge Lutens - His favourite
Spicebomb - Viktor & Rolf
Noir Extreme - Tom Ford
(He also has the Miss Dior perfume, courtesy of Clavis, but he keeps it because he secretly loves his troublemaker lil baby, but ssshhh.)
Rio Ortiz
The Puppy Butler uses a vibrant and cheerful perfume with fresh floral vibes and a sweet warm base.
Notes: mandarin, sweet lemon, neroli, orange flower, peach and amber.
Perfumes he might like:
Light Blue Intense - Dolce & Gabbana
Orange blossom - Jo Malone London - His favourite
Versace Pour Homme - Versace
Keith Howell
The Gentle Stag goes for something more fresh and citrusy with a heavy heart of herbal spices and aromatic herbs on top of a woody base.
Notes: bergamot, yuzu, basil, clove leaf, vetiver and cedarwood.
Perfumes he might like:
Neroli Portofino - Tom Ford
Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum - Chanel
Colonia Club - Acqua di Parma - His favourite
Emerald Thyme - Jo Malone
Forest Lungs - The Nue Co.
Silvio Ricci
Our Haughty Jingler Jangler is definitely tied to the ocean (and alcohol). I feel like he would go for something fresh and spiced with a sophisticated warm base. Also, he's a bougie boy, so he has a lot of perfumes. He doesn't have a favourite perfume, because he loves the layering technique, he is unique and doesn't want anyone smelling as good as him, period.
Notes: Ron, mandarin, bergamot, mint, nutmeg, cardamom, amber, musk, ambrette seed, sea salt and sea moss.
Perfumes he might like:
Bvlgari Man Extreme - Bvlgari
Allure Homme Èdition Blanche - Chanel
Wood Sage & Sea Salt - Jo Malone London
Herbal Aquatica - Montale
Fougeres Marines - Montale
Virgin Island Water - Creed
Un Jardin en Méditerranée - Hermès
Seahorse - Zoologist Perfumes
Gilber Von Obsidian
This pookie The conqueror beast smells like the blood and fear from his enemies, just kidding. He probably likes winter fresh like scents with some herbal and floral notes on top of a woody base. Something that dries out warm and kind of sweet.
Notes: Sweet basil, fennel, neroli, winter daphne, blacktea, rum, amber and vanilla.
Perfumes he might like:
Noir Extreme - Tom Ford (He probably stole it from Sariel while visiting his boyfriend bff Chevi)
Terre d'Hermès - Hermès
Viking - Creed - His favourite
Silver Mountain Water - Creed
Kagari Amagase
We still don't know much about this dorayaki lover kitty (Doraemon is that you?) so this is just based on assumptions. We know he is competitive, he seems elegant and sophisticated at first sight and has stolen the hearts of the fandom with those feline eyes. So I feel like he goes for citrusy and fresh scents, with a bit of spice an sweetnes on top of a warm and sensual base.
Notes: Bergamot, mandarin, ginger, cherry blossom, white floral, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, sandalwood, amber and musk.
Perfumes he might like:
Gabrielle - Chanel
Premier Figuier - L’Artisan Parfumeur
Zen for Men - Shiseido - His favourite
Especially Escada - Escada
Azel Radwan
We also don't know much about Tanzanite's God. But we know that he is a God, and ethereal, and beautiful, an slay, and a God, and mysterious, and a God, maybe broke (but we still love him), and he is a God. We can't forget that he is a God, 'cause he is a God, just in case you didn't know he is a God. He definitely smells divine, aromatic and warm, maybe kind of spicy with white florals. He gives me vibes that he has a huge collection of arabian perfumes, 'cause he a sassy.
Notes: ylang-ylang, lotus flower, bergamot, jasmine, violet, frankincense, amber, oud, musk, tea, tonka beans and vanilla.
Perfumes he might like:
Royal Oud - Creed
Oud Wood - Tom Ford
Interlude Man - Amouage - His favourite
Reflection Man - Amouage
Royal princess Oud - Creed
Mukhallat - Montale
Borneo 1834 - Serge Lutens
Matthias Asbrink
Again, we still don't know much about him, but we do know that our cold boy is a firm and strict protector of law and justice. I don't know about you, but I feel like he smells like a breath in a snowy mountain at midwinter, refreshing, almost freezing. But he is elegant, discreet and sophisticated. He might seem cold but I'm sure he is warm and cozy on the inside (and a little freak iykyk). If I had to describe his scent vibe in a sentence it would probably be "like drinking a hot chocolate in front of a fireplace after a morning in the middle of the snowy mountains of Northern Europe."
Notes: Snow, cypress, honeysuckle, cardamom, bergamot, iris, lavender, clove, vetiver, cedarwood, leather, cinnamon and chocolate.
Perfumes he might like:
Homme Intense - Dior
Aventus - Creed
Silver Mountain Water - Creed - One of his favourites
Black Orchid - Tom Ford
Chocolate Greedy - Montale
Man In Black - Bvlgari
Glacial Essence - Bvlgari
Gentleman - Givenchy - One of his favourites
Snowy Owl - Zoologist Perfumes - Another favourite because you gifted it to him. You thought it was cute that the cold man from the north that has an owl as his crest deserved a perfume cutely named "Snowy Owl".
Penguin - Zoologist Perfumes
And here it ends part 1 of "What do ikeprince suitors smell like?". Stay tuned for part 2 with our iconic princes of Rhodolite my dearies. Love you all!!!!
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mistydeyes · 1 year
perfumes i think the 141 boys enjoy
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summary: Scent is one of the most powerful senses, so what kind of fragrance do the 141 boys + Alejandro like on their significant other?
pairing: 141 x Reader
warnings: none
a/n - i also work for a perfume company so I've had a couple of ideas about what scents the boys like :)
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price - loves expensive, smokey scents on anyone. imagine the scents of a fresh cigar-that's what price wants in a fragrance. notes like pepper, leather, tobacco, cedar wood, and iris will make him crumble.
oud wood - tom ford notes: oud wood, sandalwood, chinese pepper
osmanthe kodoshan - maison crivelli notes: leather, tobacco, sichuan pepper, apricot, peach
functional fragrance - the nue co. notes: cardamom, iris, palo santo, cilantro
hinoki fantôme - boy smells notes: tobacco leaves, oak moss, and smoked leather
jazz club - maison marigela notes: pink pepper, rum, tobacco
lumière d’iris - veronique gabai notes: rose, iris, cedarwood, amber
baccarat rouge 540 - maison francis kurkdjia notes: jasmine, ambergris, saffron, cedar wood
cuir béluga - guerlain notes: leather, powder, vanilla
platinum 22 - floris london notes: rose, violet leaf, blackcurrant, oat, black tea
soap - woodsy, floral scents are soap's surprising pick. it brings back memories of the scottish countryside, adventuring in the woods and smelling the fresh flowers his mam had. notice notes of herbs (sage, rosemary, mint), lavender, and violet.
sauvage - dior notes: pepper, amberwood, bergamot, powder
h24 - hermès notes: clary sage, narcissus, rosewood
new york wall street - bond no.9 notes: sea kale, cucumber, lavender, ambergris, vetiver
voodoo chile - dries van noten notes: rosemary, patchouli, hemp
libre - yves saint laurent notes: lavender, musk
dirty grass - heretic notes: black pepper, lemon, hemp, violet
melancholy thistle - jo malone london notes: thistle, english ivy, cool wood
portrait of a lady - frédéric malle notes: frankincense, black currant, raspberry, patchouli
la tulipe - byredo notes: tulips, cyclamen, fressia, rhubarb
gaz - FLORAL CITRUS will make this man fall in love with you. it reminds him of a warm summer day sitting in the grass and smelling flowers. look for summery fragrances with notes of citrus, lemon, sage, and fresh herbs.
bleu de chanel - chanel notes: citrus, labdanum, sandalwood, cedar
polo black - ralph lauren notes: iced mango, lemon, tangerine, sandalwood, sage, patchouli
l'homme - yves saint laurent notes: bergamot, ginger, cedar wood, vetiver
cactus garden - louis vuitton notes: maté, bergamot, lemongrass
velvet cypress - dolce & gabbana notes: pine, lemon zest, bergamot, clary sage
eau de campagne - sisley notes: grass, citrus, herbs, jasmine, lily of the valley
brazilian crush cheirosa 62 - sol de janeiro notes: pistachio, almond, sandalwood, heliotrope, jasmine
her blossom - burberry notes: mandarin, plum blossom, sandalwood
flora gorgeous jasmine - gucci notes: mandarin, jasmine, magnolia, sandalwood
ghost - likes a light, musky scent! he loves when a scent adds to a person's natural smell (he hates sugary, gourmand scents). ingredients like musk, ambrox, pepper, sandalwood catch his eye as he pictures fresh sheets and a rainfall in a forest.
geranium pour monsieur - frédéric malle notes: mint, aniseed, sandalwood, geranium, frankincense
atlantis - blu atlas notes: orris, oak moss, violet, musk, ambrette seed
gentleman - givenchy notes: pear, lavender, patchouli
glossier you - glossier notes: pink pepper, iris, ambrette seeds, ambrox
not a perfume - juliette has a gun notes: ambergris
santal 33 - le labo notes: violet cardamom, cedar wood, iris, ambrox
missing person - phlur notes: musk, bergamot, jasmine, neroli, sandalwood
golden nectar - nest notes: florals, orchid, amber, musk
apollonia - xerjoff notes: white floral, orris butter, white musk
extra! alejandro - if ghost likes it simple and light, then alejandro is the exact opposite. he loves when he can smell someone's fragrance across the room. focus on bold fragrances with spicy notes of nutmeg, myrrh, and rum that is mixed with the gourmand of vanilla, almond, and tonka bean.
the last day of summer - gucci notes: cedarwood, cypress, nutmeg, patchouli, vetiver
bibliothèque - byredo notes: peach, peony, violet, leather, patchouli, vanilla
london myrrh & tonka - jo malone notes: almond, vanilla, myrrh, lavender, honey
tobacco vanille - tom ford notes: tonka bean, vanilla. cacao
dark rum - malin + goetz notes: anise, plum, leather, rum, patchouli, amber
tao dao - diptyque notes: sandalwood, cedar, cypress, myrte
lost cherry - tom ford notes: black cherry, tonka bean, almond
brazil aroma - costa notes: white jungle flora, orange oil, pink pepper, bourbon, vetiver, patchouli
babylon - penhaligon's notes: saffron, nutmeg, coriander, cedar wood, vanilla, cypriol
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bleu-seas · 10 months
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★ Sypnosis  - Y/n S/n, an Architecture student and Bada Lee, a Performing Arts student shares an apartment at their university. They are doing great until Bada started bringing different girls at night forbidding Y/n to focus on her studies. Things went south when Bada stated her adoration towards Y/n. It all went downhill when one night ruined Y/n’s heart.
★ Pairings - Bada Lee x Y/n
★ Character Background -
Bada Lee as herself
— Performing Arts, Dance Major
— 23 years old
— Owns a dance studio
— President of the Dance club
— Well known choreographer
Bada’s friends
— Lusher
— Tatter
— Noze
— Aiki
— Monika
— Leejung
Y/n S/n
— Architecture
— 22 years old
— Consistent Dean's Lister
— President of the Student Council
— A well known artist
Y/n’s friends
— Audrey
— Ling
— Kirsten
— Latrice
— Emma
★ Warnings - Enemies to lovers, mentions of sex, accidents, and more (i will be updating the warnings depending on the chapter). Bada as a mixed signal giver 🥹
★ Bleu’s Note - Posting Ignited Fire here in Tumblr is something that I thought I could never do. It took me 3 whole months contemplating whether I should post this or not but here I am. Please bare with spelling or grammatical mistakes.
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Chapter 1
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morelikeravenbore · 23 days
how would Aurelie have navigated Hogwarts and moving to Scotland in a au where Sebastian was never there? Do you think she’d befriend Ominis?
This question is genuinely so good, but I accidentally wrote a total crackfic in response that only sort of answers your question so I hope that's okay 👉👈
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Toast & Tribulation
A crack fic in which I explore an AU where Aurélie is a Slytherin, and she and Ominis are besties/Hogwarts royalty. Yes, there will be Mean Girls references.
Content warnings: aside from nonsense and total crackficery, N/A, SFW.
Word count: 1.4k
Image credit: Ominis found via pinterest by sallowfae. Aurélie generated by me that one single time I tried AI and decided never again lol.
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When Ominis Gaunt had first introduced himself outside the Undercroft by threatening to have her expelled, Aurélie swore right then and there to hate him for the rest of her life. And for most of her debut year at Hogwarts, she did just that — vehemently.
Such was her pleasure at seeing the Heir of Slytherin scowl unhappily, she made it a point to purposely side with his best friend Sebastian in every ridiculous argument the pair had, until, quite to her dismay, she found herself on the receiving end of Sebastian's crucio to retrieve a book, trudging through scary underground catacombs in search of some weird old relic and, worst of all, an accomplice to murder when Sebastian's uncle Solomon found out about their misadventures and tried to intervene. 
It was only then did she realise she'd perhaps been a bit hasty in inadvertently encouraging Sebastian's descent into darkness out of pure spite — but one didn't just threaten a French girl when she'd done nothing wrong and get away with it. 
As it turned out, murder had a way of bringing people together (so long as you weren't the one being murdered), and she and Ominis quickly found themselves allied together under the common goal of covering up Sebastian's crimes and keeping him out of Azkaban. That allyship, as unlikely and bewildering though it may have been, was only strengthened when Anne, Sebastian's twin and the only witness to Uncle Sallow's death besides Aurélie, rallied against them, insisting that her brother deserved to pay for his crimes by having Dementors suck out his will to live for the duration of his life. 
Anne Sallow had been a formidable opponent indeed; as stubborn as her brother and twice as clever, it had taken all of Aurélie and Ominis’ combined efforts of cunning and resourcefulness to convince her to spare Sebastian a fate worse than death. 
Subsequently, their allyship morphed into friendship after Anne up and disappeared, feeling betrayed by her brother and her oldest friend (and decidedly not a fan of the New Fifth Year), and was only strengthened further when Sebastian withdrew into his own private pit of despair, shutting them out despite their best efforts to pull him out again. 
Driven together by the absence of the Sallow twins and a burgeoning sense of camaraderie, Aurélie and Ominis — later dubbed Aurelis by their many admirers — found themselves with no one else to turn to but each other. By their seventh year, having realised they were far more powerful together than they were apart, the pair had become not only best friends, but Head Girl and Head Boy respectively, founders of la Société du Papillon Bleu (an exclusive club in which Aurélie passed judgement on the latest fashion trends and Ominis agreed even though he couldn't see any of it), leaders of the school choir, and the two most popular and influential students Hogwarts had seen since the original founders had walked the halls. 
If they could cover up a murder together, they could do anything. 
‘The toast is dry,’ said Aurélie one morning when Ominis joined her at the Slytherin table. 
Today, being Wednesday, Ominis had foregone his usual Slytherin green and silver for a bespoke all-black blazer, waistcoat and tailored trousers; one of the many ensembles Aurélie had ordered for him especially from France. 
‘That is unacceptable,’ he sniffed. ‘Hand it to me, let me feel it.’
A quick touch of the toast was all the confirmation he needed. Dropping it back onto the platter like a used handkerchief, Ominis wiped the crumbs off his fingers and declared, ‘Toast is out.’
Aurélie agreed with a fervent nod. ‘Toast is so out.’
Across the table, his mouth full of toast, Sebastian quietly rolled his eyes. 
‘You two are ridiculous,’ he muttered. ‘You do know that toast is supposed to be dry, don't you?’
‘You do know that on Wednesdays we wear black, don't you?’ Ominis retorted, and then, as an aside to Aurélie, ‘He's not wearing black, is he? I can sense it.’
Dressed in his typical emerald and silver uniform, Sebastian's natural tenacity rendered him immune to the self-imposed fashion rules that dictated his friends’ outfit choices, but he knew better than to argue with their astute judgement of appropriate bread dryness, and by the end of the day, nobody at Hogwarts dared eat another slice of toast lest they be cast aside and shunned for the rest of their schooling days — and possibly even beyond. 
And so it went: unchallenged in popularity, fierce and beautiful and vaguely terrifying, Aurelis were free to reign over the student body, revel in their infamy and walk in slow motion down the corridors between classes without consequence or reprimand. 
One spring morning, struck by a sudden stroke of inspiration, Aurélie brushed Sebastian's hair so that it swept across the right side of his face instead of his left. The result caused a frenzy the likes of which hadn't been seen since Professor Weasley had been caught smuggling toast into the faculty lounge, and suddenly every student, male and female alike, were changing the parting of their hair in hopes of replicating Sebastian's natural good looks and easy nonchalance. 
‘I saw Sebastian Sallow wearing his hair swooped over the opposite way, so I'm wearing my hair swooped over the opposite way,’ was a common phrase heard throughout the castle that week, and Sebastian enjoyed his newfound rise in popularity until Aurélie had the genius idea to let a lock of hair loose from Ominis’ usual slicked back hairstyle, and Sebastian's right-sided swoop was forgotten in the fever pitch that ensued thereafter. 
When December rolled around, the subject of the approaching Yule Ball was all anybody could talk about. Rumours abounded about Aurelis, the King and Queen of Hogwarts, until the anticipation was palpable and the collective excitement simmered on the edge of frenzy: what would they wear? Who would they go with? Would they arrive as a trio, Aurélie, Ominis and Sebastian united as one terrifying entity, or would they bestow their company onto those brave enough to ask them as dates? 
And what of Aurélie's dress? Had it really been handmade by a commune of Veela within the Palace of Versailles, who'd once, under utmost secrecy, made garments for Marie Antoinette? As the weeks wore on, the scrutiny over Aurélie's gown became so intense she had to hire a security troll to guard over her wardrobe day and night. 
When the trio indeed did arrive at the Ball as one united front, and glided down the Grand Staircase together in coordinated outfits, a collective gasp of adoration arose from the rapturous crowd, and several people actually fainted; never in the thousand-year history of the Yule Ball — nay, in the wizarding world at large — had a vision of such profound beauty and perfection been beheld. 
Aurélie's dress was an iridescent dream of shimmering gauze, as delicate as butterfly wings. Woven with unicorn hair and real fairy dust, the colours shifted from baby blue and sweet pink, to pastel green and pale lavender with every elegant movement and catch of the light. Several real butterflies fluttered in her long braided hair, and on each arm, in matching silk suits and unicorn hair bow-ties, Ominis and Sebastian stood tall and handsome beside her, enjoying their place next to the ethereal beauty that was Aurélie Genevieve Collins.
Once nothing more than a trio of misfits — an unknown French transfer student, a relucantant Heir, and an uncle-killing Dark Arts enthusiast — they'd risen above all adversity to come out on top. To come out as royalty. Overlooking the awestruck crowd, the three enjoyed their moment of glory until a great echoing bang sounded from across hall, and every head turned away from them. 
Framed in the great entrance doors, a blinding  vision of gold so bright they had to shield their eyes, stood a small figure, her dress cascading to the floor, glittering with what looked like pieces of pure sunlight woven into the silk. 
Somebody screamed, but whether from excitement or terror, Aurélie wasn't sure, until a moment later the stranger turned, moving so gracefully it made her want to cry, and a familiar face came into sharp relief. 
Their eyes locked from across the room. Beside her, Sebastian let out a gasp. 
Anne Sallow had returned to Hogwarts. 
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Zora, the sassy sagittarian, turned twenty nine or twenty fine, as Nique corrected.
Having stuffed their faces full of delicious food, from several different houses the day prior, her mom and sisters rounded her up for a home cooked breakfast plus mimosas, took her shopping, got her nails and toes done, got her hair redone, all paid for by Leon. She was being pampered to the fullest.
She was currently being driven to her surprise of the night, about to drive her loving boyfriend up a wall with how much she asked, are we there yet?
“I'm gonna turn around and go home,” he playfully threatens, earning a swat to his arm.
“Stop it! I'm just excited, that's all.” She says, crossing her heeled feet.
“I know, I know.” He nods, pulling into the lot, hopping out and helping her out as well.
“Aw, this place is cute!” She says, admiring the building in front of them. It was quaint and draped in deep blue, the name of the poetry club, Speak Easy, is lit up in gold cursive.
“Glad you like it,” he smiles, holding out his hand for her to take, as he leads them inside and over to the round red acrylic table that seems to sit underneath a spotlight. She hums to herself.
The inside was beautiful, the walls are black and the floors, a deeper blue, giving off an almost velvet effect as the steps to the lower level sparkle back at her.
A waitress comes and sits a glass of white wine down in front of her, and a glass of rum in front of Leon, before leaving them alone again.
“What? Is she psychic or something?” She whispers, making him laugh.
“No, baby– even though that would be cool,” he nods, “when making the reservation, it asks for your favorite drink and dessert. You can order something else, but they start with those.”
“That's so cute,” she dances in her seat. “So a slice of red velvet cake is gonna meet me before we leave here, tonight?”
“Absolutely, beautiful.” He answers, leaning in to kiss her lips.
She swoons, just staring at him once he pulls away. He does the same with her.
“You look stunning, tonight. Like a doll.” He compliments, twirling a strand of her curled hair around his finger.
“Thank you! I feel like a doll,” she giggles, “I don't get all done-up like this unless it's an occasion.”
“And an occasion, it is. I pulled out one of my best fits for you, girl.” He chuckles.
“Aw, and you look so good in it!” She compliments, rubbing his chest.
Thank you, baby,” he says, leaning in for another kiss. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you!”
“Welcome, welcome. As always, we appreciate everybody in the house tonight for supporting us. We've got a lovely group for you tonight, some new, some familiar faces. Our first performer is heading our way, so get ready to be wowed and remember, hold your applause til the end.”
The lights dim to a soft pale yellow, as the first person sits upon the stool to share their poetry piece. Spice is her name, and she embodies it perfectly with her ginger hair.
“Honey with spice,
Simple, yet divine.
Wild, but grounded.
Messy, and worth it.
A woman of many shades,
Who I am is for me to define,
And for you to uncover.”
“Wow, she's good.” Zora comments, as they all clap for Spice. “I like how short and sweet it was.”
He nods in agreement, his nerves beginning to get to him. He smiles at her. “Y-yeah, she did good.”
The next performer by the name of Bleu takes the stage, and the lights dim to a pale blue.
“In spite of it all,
I came, saw and conquered.
In spite of it all,
I lived,
I loved,
And I lost.
In spite of it all,
I have no regrets.
If I could go back and double it.
Triple it.
In spite of it all,
I'd still tell my younger self
to love just as hard as he did,
And my future self
to love harder.”
More applause, and Zora’s sliding her hand into Leon's clammy one, her nose wrinkling up as she softly laughs.
“You okay?” She asks.
“Yeah, just wanna make sure you're having a good time.” He answers, brightening the smile on her face.
“The best time.” She reassures him with a squeeze to his hands. “I know I crack my jokes about you being a walking poem, but I like being in the places you love to be in.. seeing you in your zone, too. It's beautiful to me.”
Moved to tears, he clears his throat and wipes his face. Her hands cover his own, while she gazes at him.
“I've got another surprise for you.” He says, before giving her another kiss and disappearing from the table, leaving her alone and confused.
“What?” She quietly asks, before looking around at the other tables, really feeling like she was underneath a spotlight now.
Turning her attention back to the stage, she takes a sip of her forgotten wine, almost spitting it out as Leon taps the mic.
“What??” She whispers again, her eyes popping out of her head.
She had just gotten contacts, and she knew she was seeing correctly.
He was performing?? She finally gets to see him do his thing, on her birthday?? Was he gonna perform a piece for her??
She had so many questions that were about to be answered, as the lights dimmed to deep orange, completely moving her to tears.
“In all the ways,
I dream of you.
You're a goddess.
I happily kiss the ground you walk on,
Pluck every flower just for you.
My muse.
My passion is you.
The most beautiful woman to
ever walk the earth.
To ever cross my mind.
Damn, you’re so fine.
In all the ways,
I dream of you.
The light,
And the dark.
My sun,
And my moon.
You shine brighter
Than the stars.
The blank space
In between stanzas.
A resting space,
A much needed break.
I lose my senses
When it comes to you.
Forgetting how to speak
Is only the beginning of
Just how frazzled you make me.
In all the ways,
I dream of you.
I'm hooked on you.
Always and,
The applause seems to double in volume as he finishes, and a single slice of red velvet cake with a candle in it is sat down in front of her, as everyone sings happy birthday to her.
“What?!” she yells for the third time.
Grabbing the napkin from the table, she dabs at her eyes and looks around in disbelief, feeling like she was living in a dream.
“Make a wish, sweet stuff.” He says from the mic, as he was still on the stage.
Taking a second to think, she clasps her hands together and blows the candle out, earning another wave of applause that makes her squeal.
As soon as he makes his way back to Zora, she damn near clings to him, giving him all the hugs and kisses she could possibly give.
“That was… that was the most beautiful, sweetest thing ever.” She whimpers, wiping her tears away for the second time tonight.
“I'm so glad you loved it, cause I was so nervous!” He chuckles, lacing their fingers together and kissing her lips, repeatedly.
“It was perfect,” she says in between kisses, “you are the sweetest man!”
“I do my best for you.”
Listening to the rest of the poetry pieces, sipping on her wine and eating the most delicious cake, Zora was on a high for the rest of the night.
“Best birthday ever.” She says, swishing the soapy bubbles around in the bath he drew for her.
“Ever?” He asks, tracing a random pattern on her other arm as he sits behind her in the spacious tub.
“Ever,” she repeats. “Tonight was something out of a movie! I felt like the only woman in the world.”
“You're the only woman in my world. That's for sure.” He says, making her giggle and welcome the many kisses to her neck and cheek.
“I love you, sweet stuff.”
“I love you too, sugar foot.”
She never even considered “birthday sex” to be a thing, but the way he put it down had her working her brain overtime on what to cook him for his birthday, which happened to be the next morning.
A day and a year apart, she had to admit was pretty wicked.
“Happy dirty thirty, Avery!” She'd greeted early this morning, pressing kisses to every part of his face.
His baritone laugh sounded through the room as he wrapped her up in his arms, “thank you, sweetheart.”
“I made breakfast!” She says, excitedly jumping up from his bed and into the hallway, causing him to sit up and rub his eyes, and properly stretch.
Coming back in with a plate of strawberry crepes, her grin turns cheesier at the look on his face.
“Look at this!” He exclaims, taking the plate from her. “I've always wanted to try my hand at these.”
“I knew it,” she laughs. “I've only made them like one other time, and it took me like an hour! So try them and tell me what you think, please.”
He nods and takes a bite. Then, another bite. And one more, his hums of appreciation cause her to cover her face.
“Damn, this is delicious!” He says, popping a strawberry into his mouth.
“Yeah, you really like ‘em??” She asks, watching him continue to eat.
“Girl, you finna watch these disappear!” He chuckles, pulling her into his lap, where she takes over feeding him the delicious breakfast.
“Is this how you feel when you cook for me?” She asks, looking down at his handsome face.
“Super accomplished? Hell yeah,” he wholeheartedly nods, making her giggle.
“Did you taste 'em?” He asks, holding a piece out for her.
“I did, but I'll just have one more bite.” She obliges, sighing at the sweet and creamy taste.
Like he said, she watched him make the crepes disappear in record time. She clapped as he hit his victory dance, still seated.
Doing his best shimmy for her, the burst of giggles that hit his ears was another present for his day.
“I got you something,” she says, while they're standing hip to hip in the kitchen, washing the leftover dishes from breakfast.
“What is it?” He asks, nudging her once she starts to laugh.
“Let's finish up here, and you'll see!” She says, flicking soap at him. Of course he flicked some back, right on her nose.
Did the dishes get neglected for a soapy water fight that lasted for five minutes? Absolutely.
Did those five minutes turn into an extra thirty, as they went at it on the counter? Again. Absolutely.
Done with their own shenanigans for the time being, cleaned up and sitting in his living room, Zora sits the box in his lap, a huge smile stuck on her face.
“I don't know which one of us is more excited,” he cracks, the box making a snap sound as he pops it open, finding a stack of gold, square rings— the coolest rings he's ever seen with his own two eyes.
“Woah,” he says, blowing out a breath.
“I originally went to buy you a new chain. Maybe some new studs, but then I saw these! And while you don't wear much jewelry, I thought it would be something of a statement piece to add to your wardrobe, ya know? B-but, if you don't like ‘em, I kept the receipt.” She says, folding her hands in her lap.
“Oh, I'm keepin’ these!,” he laughs, reaching out to squeeze her hand. “Thank you. These are super fucking cool, babe. Ima put ‘em on now, just cause!” He announces, pulling them out and sliding them on his middle and ring fingers, holding them up to watch them shine back at him.
Zora's chin is in her palms now, watching him enjoy his gift was the highlight of her day.
“You're welcome, babe.” She responds, pulling his hand towards her, wanting to watch them shine, too.
“Oh, one more thing!’ She says, before hopping up and grabbing the box she hid on the other side of his couch. The complete confusion on his face was priceless.
“How long was that there?” He asks.
“About a week?,” she pauses to do her mental math, before nodding, “yeah, about a week.”
“I’m surprised I missed this big ass box,” he chuckles, making her shake her head.
“I’m glad you did miss it! What kind of surprise would that have been?” She asks with a laugh.
“She’s learning the premise, lord.” He kids, laughing as she snatches the box away.
“I guess I’ll just take this baby back, since you like to play games.”
“Alright, okay. Let’s relax, I was just kidding,” he holds his hands up in mock surrender, making her laugh and hand it back.
Just in case she tried any more funny business, he pulled the lid off the box to find a smaller box with the word Canon written on it.
“A camera? For real?!” He yells, opening it up to pull out the Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Panasonic LUMIX FZ1000 I.
His jaw was on the floor and his mind was blown.
“I've had my eye on this one, girl.”
“I know.” She says, sitting back down beside him.
Unable to find the words, he just fondly shakes his head and stares at the camera, trying to figure out how to turn it on.
Once he does, he checks the battery and aims the camera at Zora, who covers her face.
“Come on, be the first picture to grace this, here camera! Let me see that beautiful face, Jean!” He says, pushing her shoulder with his free hand.
“Okay, okay,” she drops her hands, and he captures her natural mug. Looking back at the photo, he fondly shakes his head again.
“What,” she nudges him.
“You got me the coolest gifts ever. I don't know what to say, besides thank you. That feels inadequate.”
“The coolest guy ever deserves the coolest things ever, right?!” She exclaims, nudging him again.
“The coolest?” He asks, that boyish grin making her own cheeks burn as she nods.
“I'm glad you like your gifts, seriously. I know gift giving is your thing, and you're so thoughtful with yours.. I just wanted to live up to that, too.”
“Zora, let's not forget that you've painted me. Several times. The most thoughtful thing I've ever seen. Hell, you set the standard for me! We could do this all night,” he laughs, sitting the camera down on the coffee table and grabbing hands.
“Thank you. I love my gifts and I love you.”
“I love you too, and you're welcome.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Zora was currently making dinner, and even though she insisted that they didn't have to get dressed up, she was back in her little black dress, since he ever so sweetly requested that she wear it for him, and he pulled out another one of his best fits for his favorite occasion.
“Never let an outfit go to waste, girl!”, he said multiple times today. She'd remember it for sure.
Coming into the kitchen, he does a spin for her as she whistles, “look at you, hot stuff!”
The killer smile he sends her way makes her face warm, a couple giggles escape them both as they awkwardly sway.
“There go those angry bees, huh?” He jokes, pulling her away from the stove to wrap her up in his arms.
“Babe,” she whines, “it's this cologne you've got on, too. My goodness, you smell so good!” She deeply inhaled, making him crack up.
“You told me to always keep a bottle of it near, so,” he shrugs, that smile still on his lips.
“Too much,” she comments, dropping her gaze to his suit. “You really have on a whole suit!”
“Yeah, I do!” He says.
“Even though we're not going anywhere,” she continues.
“Baby, we don't need to leave the house to get all dolled up!”
“No, I know! And don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. I just.. I just always felt there needed to be an outing attached, but I honestly feel less pressured, since it's just you here. I mean, you get my nerves going enough,” she rambles, and he just smiles and cuts her sentence off with a sweet kiss.
“If it feels extra, that's the point,” he cracks, pulling a smile from her. “Question. You don't think you look good, tonight? Cause I think you look absolutely gorgeous.”
“I do, yeah!” She answers.
“You don't think I look good?”
“Of course I do, Leon!”
“Okay, then! Our night on the town just happens to be inside my apartment, and that's okay. Right?”
“Yeah, it's perfect.” She corrects.
“That's what I like to hear. You don't even have to put those dangerous heels on!”
She scoffs a laugh. “Please! Ima go put ‘em on just for that! Dangerous heels.”
“Hey, you always complain about them hurting your feet!”
“Yeah, I be a lil sore but beauty is pain! Why do you think I have a headache every time I look at you?!”
“A-ha,” he dryly laughs, “very funny.”
“I thought so too, now go sit. Dinner’s ready.” She says, shoo’ing him out of his own kitchen.
Two glasses of white wine sit at his round table, along with a tealight candle in the center. Zora came and sat down two plates of piping hot food.
“Damn, this looks delicious babe. I gotta take a picture!” He exclaims, jumping up from the table to get the camera off the charger.
She softly laughs at the way he rushes back over and snaps a picture of her beautiful setup.
“Okay, okay. We can eat now!” He says, sitting back down.
“How many pictures is that, now?” She asks.
“Uh… five?”
“Yeah? I'm shocked there aren't more!”
“Well, technically there's only four, cause I had to retake one. It came out kinda blurry.”
“Still keep it,” she suggests.
“Yeah, maybe.” He says before they join hands to say grace.
Digging right into the stuffed chicken breast and potatoes, the same look he wore at breakfast is back tenfold, making her laugh and look away from him.
“Again, you finna watch this disappear.”
“Stop it, and tell me how lunch with your two favorite girls went.” She says, digging into her own plate.
“Well, I was missing my third,” he faux pouts, earning another smile out of her, “but lunch was great. I didn't realize how much we'd all missed out on in the last couple months!”
“Yeah, Eryn was traveling to Florida and back on another business trip, ma was sick for a few weeks, and around the timeframe she gave me, I remember calling her and asking her if she was good, cause you just know when parents are tryna save face and act like their in tiptop shape. She had a cold the whole time.”
“My mama does shit like that, too. It's so frustrating, like let me help you!”
“She swore it would've disrupted my schedule, like she's not my mama. Fuck that job.”
“Yeah, fuck that job,” she repeats, laughing at the expression his face. “This really bothered you.”
“It really did!” He laughs, shaking his head. “But, she's promised not to do that anymore. We’ll see,” he sighs.
“Hold her to it,” she points her fork in his direction. “I do my mama like that, too. She be tryna slide outta her promises too, they think they're slick.”
“I agree. I need somebody to take her off our hands cause she's gonna turn us gray, not the other way around.” He half-jokes, making Zora crack up.
“Leave her be! Cause if a man does come around and scoop her up, you really ain't gon know where she at and how she’s doing.” She smirks, snickering at his stale expression.
“Anyway,” he says.
“I'm just saying! But, anyway.”
“Other than all of that, this has been a great birthday. I always pictured thirty in so many words, and grateful is all I really feel.” He says, reaching across the table for her free hand, meeting her bright smile with one of his own.
“I'm glad I could be a part of it, there's nothing I'd rather be doing than being here with you.”
Holding his tears this time, he gives her hand a squeeze to keep the mood light, even though she's tugging on his heartstrings like crazy.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. Happy birthday.”
Changing out of their fancy clothes after their photo shoot, the two threw on their pjs and settled on the couch to watch their usual cartoons, along with bowls full of ice cream— his was cookie dough and her was brownie cheesecake swirl.
“Best way to end the day.”
“Yeah, getting sugar wasted?”
“Like the teenage me would,” he laughs, sitting his bowl down on the coffee table, pulling her into his lap, sideways.
“Was I too far away?” She asks, biting into a brownie chunk.
“Yeah, I still think you do it on purpose.” He says, snuggling right into her neck. She laughs and sits her bowl next to his.
“I do not!”
His muffled laughter sounds in response, then silence covers them as they sit and soak up the moment. Nothing but the sound of the tv in the background.
“I love you” is conveyed in light sweeps of his fingertips over her bare thighs. Nuzzles against her sweet spot. Her nails softly scraping against his scalp.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“Shit,” he groans into her open mouth as she grinds on top of him, his hands on her hips, fingertips digging into her heated skin.
“Feels good, huh baby?” She moans, placing a hand on his chest, wrinkling his shirt in her grasp as she moves faster, the clap of her ass against his thighs giving her extra motivation.
“Good as fuck,” he smacks her ass, pulling her t-shirt up to bury his face in her chest.
His nips and licks to her sensitive flesh had her eyes rolling back. His groans vibrate off her skin, her own moans tangle between.
Her hands find his growing curls, tugging just to drive him wild. Both of his hands come down on her ass again, earning a gasp in return. Her arousal doubles, the squelching joining their sexual harmony.
“I fucking love you,” he groans, his head falling back against the cushions. Her ass is still smacking against his sticky thighs.
“I know,” she says with a smirk, pulling her t-shirt completely off. The dazed smile on his face made her throb against him.
Pulling him to her by his neck, she watches as he buries his face back into her chest. Her hands find his hair again, her bottom lip deeply bitten into as she continues dropping her ass on him.
“Fuck, baby..” his raspy groan sounds through her chest, her hips back in his firm grasp. He was close.
Pulling him up to face her, she wraps her arms around his shoulders, pressing kisses all over his face.
“I love you,” she moans, “cum for me, baby..” she whispers, smiling at the way his eyes begin to roll back, her name falling from his lips like a prayer as he reaches his peak.
She kisses his parted lips, the way he's wildly rutting into her and grunting has her throbbing against him again.
“So fucking sexy, baby— shit,” she gasps, feeling her own peak creep up on her, “oh my god.”
“You cummin’, yeah?”
“Fuck-— yes!” She moans with her head thrown back, loving the way he grips her hips and takes over slamming her down on him.
Now, that's the best way to end the day.
@ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @honestpreference @starcrossedxwriter @thegifstories @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @abeautifulmindexposed @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @mauvecherie-writes @harmshake @sheabuttahwrites @cecereads209
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k-hippie · 1 year
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And of course, we have some mistakes in the links and in the cc content we are currently correcting ... What is a good Sims 3 World without a little headache ? :D And because we love difficulties, we are currently updating our own website ( which is a mess ) ... What else ? Nothing, everything is fine under the sun of this hot summer :D
The General Hospital is a Maxis one, but from Riverview. @nornities ( thanks A LOT for his/her patience to check Champignac ) pointed to us different things : missing mostly. so, somes of you may not see the Hospital ( Hopital des Bleuets ) in their game.
Bad links are currently corrected and both CC sims3packs folder and CC packages folder updated to include few missing stuff, including the Fresco Market items and the Skylight Studio roof elements we used + the Riverview Hospital :) HERE
The Open Swimming pool ( Champignac Bains Romains ) has lost its border texture ... don't worry : just replace with a one you like :)
The School is not the good one : too many missing stuff there, so we are currently uploading a new Champignac save game which should correct the little mistakes here and there HERE
Our Carpets Rabbit Holes folder had to be updated to get the Bistro RH : it is currently done ! But, you have to re-download the Rabbit Holes HERE
Our apologizes for this ! Really ... Anyway, we'll upload in the next hours a folder with ALL Community Lots and another one with ALL the residential Lots :) Just in case ... And here the 2 listings :
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Small Park : Monticule funéraire oublié - Colline des Celtes Small Park : Petit Fleuriste Small Park : La Vieille Tour no1 Small Park : La Vieille Tour no2 Small Park : Place Olivier Magnolia Horse Training Grounds : Elevage Pégase Junkyard : Neo Casse Stadium : Football Club Fire Station : Pompiers Volants Pool : Piscine Municipale Pool : Bains Romains de Champignac Diner : Brasserie du Cercle Gym : Gymnase Club Visitor Allowed : Boulangerie DeNimes Elixir Shop : Boutique d’élixirs : Elixirs et Reliques Theatre : Théâtre & Opéra Cemetary : Cimetière Civil Hospital : Hôpital des Bleuets Bookstore : Le Kiosque no5 Library : Bibliothèque V. Hugo Café : Café Catane Military Base : Bureau des Armées Police Station : Police Municipale Grocery Store : Epicerie des Halles Market : Marché Bio City Hall : Nouvelle Mairie Art Gallery: Villa Medicis Fishing Spot : Lac des Collines Criminal Hideout : Cyber Crime Beach : La Petite Plage Gypsy Wagon : Oeil d’Irma Science Lab : Bio Sciences Supernatural Hangout : Taverne du Nain Business & Journalism : Centre d’Affaires Consignment Store : Boutique & Brocante Bistro : Bistro Gastronomie Nectary : Le Monastère School : Ecole Municipale Vampire Bar & Cocktail : Midnight Lounge
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Maison Familiale : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Bleu Indigo : 1 double bed Maison des Pensées : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Prés : 3 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Ensoleillée : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Colocs : 2 double bed Maison Élégante : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Tournesol : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Biscornue : 2 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Haies : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Neo Rustique : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Mardi : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Chanoine : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison de la Vieille Tour de Garde : 1 double bed Maison des Gardiens : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Roses : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Chardons : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Nénuphars : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Bonjour : 1 double bed Maison en Coin : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Thym : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Fougères : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Collines : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Coquelicot : 2 double bed Maison du Ginkgo : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Manoir Central : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Manoir Chapelle : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Mas des Vignes : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Ferme des Tortues : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Ancien Lavoir : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Ancienne Ferme : 1 double bed Intro de Qualité : 1 single bed Le Camp des Hippies : 1 double bed Le Bosquet de Gardenias : 1 double bed Champignac Starter no1 : 1 single bed Champignac Starter no2 : 1 single bed
We have carefully furnished all the houses of Champignac to avoid half empty houses when visiting your Sims friends in town but not too much to avoid useless weight ;)
Do you know the origin of the name Champignac ?
We'll ... Champignac is a village from Spirou & Fantasio which is one of the most popular classic Franco-Belgian comics. The series, which has been running since 1938, shares many characteristics with other European humorous adventure comics like The Adventures of Tintin and Asterix. It has been written and drawn by a succession of artists ... Spirou and Fantasio are the series' main characters, two adventurous journalists who run into fantastic adventures, aided by Spirou's pet squirrel Spip, the Marsipulami, and their inventor friend the Count of Champignac ... :D
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Once again, sorry for the inconvenient. All files should be ok now, and oh ! one last detail ... Have Fun ! \o/
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kinnporsche · 2 years
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okay, because there are so many talented writers in this fandom, i decided to make a little rec list of the incredible fics (all by different authors) that i’ve read recently—likely to be the first list of many! all of the fics in this list are completed (though if it’s a series it may not be yet) but the next list i put out will most likely be wips to help spread the love around! the list order is according to length, from longest to shortest! make sure you read the tags, and check out all these authors further because they’re all so amazing! [part 1/?]
— blue blood by ahdriking – explicit / 121.6k words
In the dark, low places of the underworld is a club called Sang Bleu, a place where the depraved and the debauched can enjoy themselves with reckless abandon, and enjoy the brutal fights that take place in the infamous pit. Kinn finds himself amongst them, invited by the owner to celebrate a newly formed alliance. He doesn’t expect to be entertained by the mindless violence and spectacle, until the next match is announced; a fight to the death, in his honor.
And then he appears; the Phoenix, a man with golden skin and dark eyes and a saunter in his step that makes Kinn’s blood hot. He doesn’t stand a chance, not against an opponent twice his size, but the arrogant jut of his chin says he believes otherwise. For the first time in a long time, Kinn feels intrigued. Against his better judgement, he places a bet.
— but you’re everywhere (yes you are) by fortunehasgivenup – explicit / 92.4k words
What if Porsche, upon remembering the kiss on the pier, went to Kinn and said that he remembered? What if there was no diamond auction? What if they’d had a different start? Would it make them any softer?
— paperwork promises by surrealsunday – explicit / 80.5k words
Filing paperwork and tending to the needs of rich, stuffy executives was never Porsche’s dream career, but a job is a job. That job is made a lot less easy—but maybe a bit more interesting—when the boss he’s been avoiding since that very first day in the elevator, gets a lapful of coffee and an eyeful of Porsche. Just when Porsche was getting used to the monotony of the every day…
— the king’s tree by luckydragon – explicit / 78.5k words
Kinn was seven when he woke up one morning to discover a small silver circle on the back of his left wrist.
— between the sheets by daswarschonkaputt – explicit / 70.5k words
“And who’s that?”
“Oh. That’s Porsche. He’s Khun Kinn’s live-in boytoy. He’s harmless, mostly. Just a pretty face.”
(A boyfriend can go so many places a bodyguard can’t. As the threat of a potential leak in their security forces looms large, Khun Korn hatches a plot to place an added layer of protection around his heir presumptive. Enter Porsche, former bartender, current bodyguard, and reluctant fake boyfriend of Kinn Theerapanyakul.)
— crimson clover by daltoneering – explicit / 52.4k words
Kinn falls silent, holding his gaze for a long, uninterrupted moment. Sizing him up. Porsche meets his stare defiantly, squaring his shoulders and lifting his chin. He won’t let Kinn know how much he is internally quaking about what he’s agreeing to do, or how much it aches to think that he doesn’t even know when he’ll see Chay again. He’s doing this for Chay. He’s doing this to save him. (Or: Porsche reluctantly agrees to help the mafia out on a quick job at a diamond auction, because he’s desperate and probably also insane. As it turns out, he’s signed up for a lot more than he bargained for.)
— i’m the one for your fire ‘series by kurtstiel – explicit / 48.4k words
This series is canon compliant with the exception of Kinn and Porsche being in an established Dom/sub relationship. All parts can be read as a stand-alone.
— for you (i’d burn the world to the ground) by cuteandtwisted – mature / 41.8k words
Porsche is Kinn’s most vicious bodyguard. Feared by most and respected by all, he flinches at nothing and fears no one. (And if he feels his knees give out whenever Kinn enters the room, then nobody has to know.)
(Or: AU where Porsche grew up at the compound after his parents died serving the main family and spent his childhood/teenage years annoying his way into Kinn’s thoughts (and heart), before an ‘incident’ turned him into Kinn’s most lethal weapon.)
— you picked a dance with the devil, you lucked out by aby01 – explicit / 34k words
Feral alphas are devastatingly violent, brutally vicious and absolutely loyal. To have one under your control means great power. Kinn has been looking for his own for years now. He just didn’t think he’d find it in a mouthy beta that tricks him out of his favorite watch.
— la fortissimo ‘series by mirrorofprinces – explicit / 23.1k words
Moments during episodes 2-5 when Kinn and Porsche could have (should have?) hooked up, if Kinn was just a little meaner about it.
— nfwmb by vesna (mrsronweasley) – mature / 18.8k words
There’s a rushing in Kinn’s ears, a noise he can’t shake. It almost makes him miss the next thing Arm tells him. “He was supposed to check in, as per protocol, but—”
“But what,” Kinn snaps. A headache is building behind one of his eyes.
Arm’s eyes are wide right before he lowers them and says, “He hasn’t been heard from in two and a half hours.”
(Or: Porsche is kidnapped. Kinn goes through it.)
— show me yours, i’ll show you mine ‘series by sirvaria – explicit / 15.8k words
Kinn and Porsche having fun in and outside of bed.
— heartlines ‘series by oliviacirce – explicit / 5.8k words
Kinn and Porsche communicate through sex. (Or: connected PWPs set during the one month time skip in episode 14.)
— stuck when you get sweet by butterflylungs – explicit / 3.2k words
There’s a hunger nipping at his heels that begs him to cling to Kinn, to climb under the other man’s skin and make a home for himself there; no matter what he does, the feeling has never gone away since he met Kinn.
(Or: Kinn takes Porsche home to continue what they started.)
— your teeth round my organs by androktasia – explicit / 3.1k words
“Aren’t you meant to finger me?” Porsche asks, breathless, as Kinn smears lube around the rim of his hole. Kinn looks up, pausing his movements, and Porsche shifts slightly, almost unconsciously, as though trying to get him inside.
“Where did you hear that?” Kinn asks.  
“I watched some porn,” Porsche says, and Kinn raises an eyebrow at him, unimpressed. He remembers the kind of porn Porsche likes—shrieking women lying back and taking it from coarse, grunting men. “Gay porn,” Porsche clarifies after a moment.
221 notes · View notes
frenchcurious · 2 years
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Une de plus.... ''magnifique en noir avec une pointe de bleu''. - source Jean Wheeler via Team Shelby Club - Official Group.
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rosejigglypuff76 · 1 year
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Yesterday in the late afternoon, I went to the movie cinema to watch the Super Mario Bros Movie 🎥 Buying tickets to head into the premium Director's Club to watch the aforementioned movie, because of the fact that it's like watching in an airplane business class version of a movie theatre 📽️ Here are several photos that I took, all while having a set of different Cookie Run characters to show up in the photo 🎀
Several of cookies that were all know and recognize are heading into the Director's Club to watch an upcoming movie! Each of them came in with their family and/or dates by their side, all excited to see an amazing animated film that'll start showing in about 30 minutes from now At the Movie Ticket Booth, Sparkling brought along his boyfriend named Vampire, and his father known as Earl Gray went to watch the upcoming movie together Espresso is asking to speak to the Cinema's Manager while Madeleine is oblivious to it Alchemist and Strawberry Crepe are simply there to see what movies are coming soon Moving towards the Snack Bar, Clover walks in with a suspicious cookie with the thought of having their little date Stardust and Kyu-Kyu are enjoying some snacks together and having fun like a lovable dad with his silly kid Princess and Pomegranate are having an argument with each other, and Cherry Blossom stares in an embarrassed manner And finally in the Director's Club Cinema, Almond walks in with his sleepy daughter named Walnut as a way to give both her and himself a wholesome father-daughter relaxation day, not knowing that Phantom Bleu (Rougefort) also popped in The polyamorous cookies consisting of Capsaicin, Kouign-Amann, and Prune Juice are also excited to be here, although the potion brewer feels like it's unnecessary to head here Clotted Cream is being cautious as he brought Custard III and Pancake to the movies for a family bonding, cautious since he doesn't want Custard Sr to show up And finally Dark Choco and Herb just arrived at the cinema, ready to have a lovable and fun time with everyone as they all watch the movie
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