#cocky sam vibes
samkerrworshipper · 7 months
Begging for you to write something involving Sammy concealing a strap plsss 😘🫶
based off of her most recent pics from the esquire cover….
i know we all want another chapter of 2s a company, 3s a crowd and i promise it’s on the way just taking longer than planned !
warnings: insinuations of smut
Sam looked utterly delectable.
It wasn’t often that you were able to sit in on her photoshoots, or interviews, scheduling conflicts always seemed to arise.
It was a sacred opportunity, a little special sweet moment that you were more than happy to experience from the sidelines. It was rare that you got to sit on the sidelines, got to appreciate Sam in this kind of way, so you were more than happy to be someone in the background as they got her dolled up.
You could hardly contain yourself when she walked out of the dressing rooms in the first suit, a classic black suit with a crisp white shirt. You almost choked on the air, blinking rapidly as you took it all in.
“You likey chick?”
You weren’t even sure what to say to that, did dogs bark? Was the sky blue?
“Feeling cocky are we Ms Kerr?”
Sam smirked at your, a big fat grin covering her flawlessly makeup covered face, it was rare to see Sam so made up, you loved her in all of her forms, sweaty after games, bed hair in the mornings, but this made you feel things, things you weren’t exactly proud of.
She walked towards you, extending the sleeves of her shirt and two cufflinks. You took the two pieces of cold metal in your palms, before gently taking her hand in yours and beginning to secure the cufflinks.
“Cocky, baby? You wound me, good looking, beautiful and stunning yes, but definitely not cocky.”
You rolled your eyes at Sam, smiling lightly as you continued to work on the starched sleeve.
“Add humble to the list.”
Sam snickered a little bit, your banter was her favourite part of your relationship, you both knew how to have fun, but you also knew where the line was between jokes and going too far.
“Soo, do you like the outfit?”
Sam sounded almost bashful, the previous confidence had faded from her voice, she sounded more raw and hopeful.
You looked up from Sam’s sleeve, again taken aback at just how breathtakingly good she looked.
“Sammy, baby, you look absolutely perfect, the picture of beauty.”
She preened a little bit with your praise, whether she wanted to admit it or not, nobody's opinion mattered to hers beside yours, you were the only person in the world that’s thoughts of her she truly valued.
“Good, now sit here like my good little wag and I’ll give you a reward once we’re done, I’ve got a surprise for you waiting.”
Your whole body shivered as Sam leant down to your ear to whisper the words directly into your ear. You could hardly think with her in that suit, but her in that suit plus the insinuation that she had something planned for once you were done was enough to send off fireworks from your core to your spine.
She pressed a little peck to your jaw before standing herself up, righting her clothes and then walking towards the photographers, leaving you ultimately high and dry.
Sam had done enough photoshoots to know exactly what she was doing, how to pose, how to act, how to smile. It was magical watching her at work, a different kind of work that you were used to.
Dating Sam Kerr ultimately included a lot of pitch-side watching, it was extremely rare that you were ever able to see her engage in this kind of work, you valued all kinds of her work, but this was especially perfect.
It didn’t take her long to get it done, she was well versed in the media and the photographers were extremely happy to let her take the lead and do whatever she was comfortable with.
You just sat on the side, she looked ethereal in your eyes, a figure of perfection.
When she was all wrapped up you were more than happy to follow her into her changeroom to enjoy some peace before you were dragged off to whatever else she had planned for the day.
Sam sat down on the couch in the corner of the room, already beginning to unbutton her shirt loosen the bun that her hair was in.
“Come over here honey.”
Sam pointed to her lap, you were more than happy to oblige her request and walk towards her, setting yourself down across her lap.
“M’ so proud of you, that was incredible.”
Sam smiled at you, pressing a little nudge of a kiss to your cheek.
“Thank you baby, I think it’s time I give you your surprise hmm? You’ve waited long enough.”
Sam’s hands came down to your hips, tugging you further down her lap.
It took you a few seconds to adjust to the new feeling, and once you did your jaw dropped slightly.
You nudged yourself around just a little bit, making sure that your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you, but from further investigation your jaw only dropped further, your mind going dangerous places as the cogs ticked in your brain.
“D-Did-were you wearing that the whole time?”
Sam’s sardonic smile was enough of an answer for you.
“Mm, your favourite one.”
You struggled to contain a moan, as your ass relaxed against the feeling of the hard silicone pressing directly against your muscles.
“Samantha May.”
Sam nudged her hips up against yours, half thrusting the appendage further into your clothed ass cheeks.
You bit down on your lip.
“You seriously wore a fucking strap during a serious shoot, what if you’d gotten caught?”
Sam just chuckled, her hands snaking their way around your waist and gently resting on your hip bones.
“Twitter probably would have gone crazy.”
You rolled your eyes at Sam’s effortless excuse, the humour coming to her tongue concerningly easily.
“You're teasing me Samantha.”
Your voice is matter of fact, calm, cool, collected, it’s nothing like what your body is feeling with a dildo pressed directly into you.
Sam leant up to your ear, her breath tickling against your neck.
“Well then, how about I get changed then and we head home, hmm? Or you could just save the horse now and ride your favourite cowgirl.”
It took every part of your self control to not hike your skirt up in that moment and reach down for Sam’s fly, but you had some self preservation, and enough common sense to know that it was not a smart decision to start something here that you couldn’t finish.
“Hurry up and get changed then, before I change my mind.”
Sam practically shoved you beside her on the couch, springing out of her seat and beginning to quickly remove all of her clothes.
You averted eye contact on purpose, you knew that if your eyes came into contact with the strap then you were a complete goner, self preservation or not.
Once Sam was changed and stripped of all the makeup you were more than happy to have her lead you out to the car, with a promise of a good time when you finally made it back to your apartment.
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sortarapunzel · 1 year
absolutely incorrigible behavior in this house tonight <- watching the voltron german dub and enjoying it
#if me from 10 years ago could see me now she'd be so confused#all she knew of german dubs was that they turned benjamin coddersnatchs voice into a normalman tenor in sherlock#but also... voltron... whew its bringing back memories#the english dub... its Such a kids show oh my god how did we ever think it was going to go where we thought it would#the animation does slay though. when the characters move it slays#the german dub sort of smooths out the kids show vibes#it also smooths out keith which is really funny#og keith is so like. im punk. im gruff. im voiced by steven yeun. meanwhile german keith is just kind of tired?#german keith has been through some shit and you can hear it. hes no longer a weirdly deepvoiced teenager hes now a weirdly worldly teenager#(and a tenor. of course. bc no german dub is complete without a complete swap of vocal range for the men) (I've honestly gotten used to it)#(highpitched sam winchester is the superior sam winchester and you can fight me on this)#already growing so attached to the german voices that the og english sounds weird to me. i am 10 minutes into the first episode#german dubs are superior!! i can't explain it!! even though the acting is so dry in comparison to the og...#idk what it is i just like how they interpret the characters#og hunk is hard to beat tho ill give him that. german hunk is good but og hunk is great#german lance is WAYYY less cocky lmao he sounds way more unsure of himself when he's delivering those bravado-ass lines#pidge is just. a woman though. it's kind of offputting#you literally cant beat bex taylor klaus at voicing pidge like. they were practically Made for the role#but to have just a normalvoice woman voice pidge is so odd#anyway the translation is also great. lance calls hunk a genius giantfart (genialer riesenfurz) instead of a gassy genius#instead of 'well‚ congratulations'‚ keith tells lance 'welp‚ congrats‚ dude' (Tja‚ Glückwunsch‚ man)#at hearing he got his place in the pilot class#which is such a small change but im obsessed with it#anyway. back to the incorrigible behavior#voltron#junos
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crazyk-imagine · 3 months
Blast to the Past
Tumblr media
Pairing: Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe x Wife!reader
Characters: Wife!reader. Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Nick “Goose” Bradshaw, Robert "Bob" Floyd
Briefly mentioned: Carol Bradshaw, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, Ron “Slider” Kerner, Rick “Hollywood” Neven, Marcus “Sundown” Williams, Sam “Merlin” Wells, Charles “Chipper” Piper
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of the 86' squad, reader is still involved with Top Gun, mav and reader are besties, everyone still talks to one another, wolfman is a simp for his wife, wolfman and reader are lowkey hella cute, bradley remembering reader hanging out when he was a kid, reader teasing mav, reader thinking of hangman as mini mav, Bob being the reader's fav, Wolfman loves gossiping with his wife, this is lowkey gives off kicking your feet vibes
Word Count: 1,070
The text from Beau was not the one you were expecting.
Admiral Jackass
"You've been called back." Sent Read 1:02pm
Admiral Jackass typing…
You're one stop away from making dreams happen again, you shiver with anticipation and take a deep breath, thinking back to your favorite group of students when they were younger.
At that point, it was within the early years of your teaching career.
After the class of 86' you didn't teach as often but when there was an important mission or the admiral's needed someone they knew could get the lieutenants properly trained, they called you.
You take a deep breath, walking down the hallway, realizing you've missed the feeling you (still) get walking down the halls towards your next group of lieutenants.
You walk down the pathway in between the desks much like you did when you taught his class.
Another reason for the text, he's late and Beau wants them to learn now.
You turn and eye each of the lieutenants, seeing who's confident and who's not. Something else you were known for, identifying the weak and making them stronger if they're up for it.
It was how you got him back when he lost his family.
They don't call you "Sly Fox" the Modifier for nothing (you wish your husband didn't get that started, it's stuck and you can't get rid of it).
The corner of your lips twitch, remembering more of your infamous class of 86' only because of the overly confident blond sitting in one of the first few seats.
You lean against the podium, clasping your hands together. "Who thinks they have what it takes for this mission?"
They start turning, glancing at one another.
"Do you?" You turn your attention onto the infamous Hangman.
He smirks, messing with his toothpick. "I don't think, I know I do."
"Cockiness gets you and your crew into some seedy situations."
"It get me out of them."
The door opens and your favorite captain enters.
You straighten your posture and turn back to him. "These people are you crew, you need to have their backs, or no one will have yours and you'll be alone."
He walks down the path you and uses the confidence you told him to.
The one you've claimed as "Mini Mav" turns, flipping his toothpick before sinking into his seat, followed by two others.
"It seems it's my time to leave." You throw a wink in Pete's direction before walking towards the opening.
You didn't see the way Bradley's eyes widened at the way you interact with him.
He has a vague memory of you hanging out with his family once or twice and calling his mom after losing his dad.
"Don't have too much fun, Mav." You pat his shoulder, "you've got a live one."
He furrows his brows.
You glance back at the class once more before deciding to take your leave. "Good to see you again, Bob."
He smiles and waves back at you.
Natasha turns to him with furrowed brows. "How do you know her?"
He shrugs, "she taught my first class a while back."
"She remembers your name?"
"And," he shrugs.
"You were so her favorite."
You make your way to the opening of the hanger and sigh, "I told you guys to- no, no."
You pinch the bridge of your nose and groan.
One of the technicians runs back into the hanger tripping over his feet.
You pull up beside him on one of the carts. "I told you not to run. I wasn't upset."
"I beg to differ ma'am."
You grab them by their collar. "I'm going to show you a thing or two. I was trying to help you."
You drive back out without looking back, already knowing that Beau is shaking his head while Pete and the class are trying not to laugh.
"Do you get it now?"
He nods. "That wasn't as complicated as I thought."
"Good, now do it again to this row." You can see the excitement fall from his face and can't help but chuckle.
"No, kid. She's just messing with you." You husband wraps an arm around your waist, pecking your cheek as he places his hat on your head. "Hey, sweetheart."
You smile and lean in for a kiss, having missed him with the grandkids out at school and spending more time with their friends since they're starting to get more freedom from their parents now that they've proven themselves responsible.
"Feels like I haven't seen you in forever."
He smiles, "feels like it's been forever."
"It has. What brought you out here?"
"A little birdie told me you might be maiming one of the techs."
You scoff, "as if."
You both turn to the technician and finding him staring at the two of you in awe. "Holy- Wolfman and Sly Fox are married?"
"Where have you been?" Leonard asks.
"Under a rock apparently."
You snort, covering your mouth. "Alright, we'll talk more later. Get to work before Cyclone comes for you."
"Yes, ma'am."
You two start walking away and head towards the hanger.
You glance at him through your lashes, grateful he put his hat on your head. "You're not gonna believe who's teaching and in his class."
He groans. "Don't tell me, Mav's here."
You nod. "Along with baby Goose."
"Nick's kid is here?"
You nod, pulling him behind you.
You both turn the corner, searching over the hanger for the one person you want him to see.
Pete turns to you and pauses, raising a brow.
You sheepishly smile and pull your husband away from the hanger.
"He looks just like him, don't you think?"
"Mustache and all. Damn."
"What?" You stare at him, watching him get dressed.
"Goose would have loved this."
The corner of your lips tugs upwards. "I know." A wishful sigh slips past your lips. "You'll never guess what I discovered in their class."
"What?" He asks with amusement.
"Don't be a smartass."
"Hey, you married me in spite of it."
"Yes, yes. Whatever. Mav has a mini Maverick."
"Mav produced?"
You scoff, "no but there's a kid just like him."
"That's less fun than him teaching his own kid."
"He's got baby Goose for that."
"True." He closes the locker, "you ready?"
You all but run into his arms, letting his arm rest over your shoulders. "Take me home, honey."
"As long as you'll have me."
Tag list:
@kmc1989 @callmemana @blueoorchid
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cursedcola · 2 years
I want mine to be a crack post. So the dorm leaders + Sam(whom they’re buying the supplies from) reacting to mc buying prank supplies and scaring Crowley just for fun.
A/N: Aight. I gotchu. I love writing crack mm mm mmm it's the good juice. We love torturing bird-man in this house. Especially after he threw us in that dirty-ass dorm like we were trash. Like, you expect me to sleep on dust covered sheets with spiders making a nest in the corner? Nah. This isn't Cinderella bestie and we have standards.
Setting the Scene <3
MC to their love interest after being Crowley's bitch for yet another day: Listen. The F*ck. Up. We will not be taking this abuse. We will not be taking this absolute DISRESPECT. Okay, we have a saying back on "earth," and it's called "hoez mad". Which is me. I am the hoe and I am mad. And you? You are my accomplice. You see this ring???
*waves promise ring in their face*
THIS is the ring that YOU gave me when I snagged you up and made you mine. The chain of foreverness that you imposed on my alien-ass-self.
I pulled your emo-wannabe ass back from the brink of valhalla and you will be paying me back - at a very unfair trade on my end - today. We are destroying whatever pride that cocky pigeon has and we are doing it now.
Riddle Rosehearts
-100/10. Will not comply or even be associated
bitch he isn't getting in trouble for you??? The fuck you think he's going to do?? Collar the headmaster?
The moment you step out of that door, he's tattling - no cap
Best drag him by the ear because he'll throw you under the bus
does not pass the vibe check
threatens to break up with you if you get him in trouble
so YOU threaten to break up with HIM if he doesn't at least carry your stuff
aight. he's in. it was a bluff so please don't dump him
he will cry and then stuff his face with tarts
he doesn't understand how covering everything in Crowley's office in tin-foil will make you feel better? but go off I guess
The entire time he is just complaining about how you both are wasting resources and time.
Riddle really needs to stop ruining the fun (T ^ T)
Leona Kingscholar
"That's hot"
Likes when you get mad lol Crowley should piss you off more often
He’ll watch but won’t do nothin
Another spoil sport in that he thinks it’s too much effort
He’s got some balls considering he’s no better than Crowley
Deadass is this a relationship or are you his servant
Okay that’s Ruggie’s job not yours
Speaking of, he suggests just making him doing it or the literal man children you babysit (*cough* deuace *cough*)
Lets you drag him by the foot to Sam’s shop. Why fight back?
Watches you swap Crowley’s toothpaste for mayo and wonders if you should really be considered future royalty
Doesn’t trust you around his food or personal items when you’re pissed at him
Azul Ashengrotto
“Can we get icecream after?” (〃ω〃)
Yes Azu, we can get nommies after but you must pull your weight
Man is Simp? Simp do anything for affection? Need I say more?
The BEST at covering tracks too. One bat of your eyelashes and he’ll buy out Sam’s store just to make you happy
Has a bit too much fun. One taste of rebellion and all the pent up r a g e from getting his businessman privileges revoked blossoms
They grow up so fast . He’s a natural born criminal
You wanted to do something small scale, like swapping the sugar for salt in Crowley’s coffee. He lets you, but goes the extra mile
Azul says “go big or go home,” and uses his henchmen to spam Crowley’s close conspirators with complaints from ‘student families,’ and essentially throws all of NRC’s shady business *cough*ghostbride*cough* back in Crowley’s face
Now the headmaster is up to the neck with work
Are you proud of him? He avenged you both and barely moved a fingie
Azul accepts payment in cash, credit, or kisses pls <3
Kalim Al’Asim
“Pulling pranks isn’t nice MC”
“And neither is nearly giving me a heart attack with diabetes tea. Quit complaining and move-“
You must trick the sunshine to comply
This is a game and the headmaster is happy to be pranked! It’s all in good fun Kalim~
He comes up with dozens of ideas but settles on on you pick bc he loves u
Anything to make his treasure happy ^_^
If worse comes to worse he can just throw some money to pay for the next school event so you don’t get expelled
You both get to work on covering the floor of Crowley’s office in plastic cups full of water
And…Kalim does not get the memo and blocks your way out *facepalm*
No problem tho! He calls his magic carpet through the window and it rescues you both from the makeshift island, also known as Crowley’s desk
Did he just step on important trade documents? Oops-
Fwoooooosh you both are out the window and safe
Thank him because you both were actually caught, but he payed off the snitches to not say nothin
All in the name of love so you get a taste of sweet sweet revenge
Vil Schoenheit
Uhm…no 💅
Too much effort
Honey why do you even want revenge? Keep stressing like this and you’ll be a potato for the rest of your life
Is that a potato spore or just a dry patch of skin? Nono dear lets go put that money towards some skin care products okay?
U g h
Fiiiiiiiiiiine. One prank. And it better be both small and still funny
A schoenheit does not waste their time. We must be efficient with the best results
Which is why we are putting hair dye in Crowley’s body wash. J u s t enough to stain him a lovely shade of baby blue, okay?
Rook will do it. He’s better at being a cockroach on the wall anyways
Now lets do our nails. In exchange for helping you, Vil is picking the color. No, you have no rights in this exchange
Idia Shroud
“Alright” (; ̄ェ ̄)
Yes, it’s that easy. He hates conflict
With you and ortho. He doesn’t mind messing with other people
Especially since that rotisserie chicken confiscated his talking tablet at the last ceremony
Idia wants vengeance. If it wasn’t for you, he would airdrop photos of Crowley picking his nose to the entire campus
Instead he settles for something more basic. For you. Because you don’t know how to have fun 😒
Special orders truth peppers from sam’s black market. All you have to do is eat one and you can’t tell a lie for at least a month
Idia does his little techy thing with the cafeteria camera so you can slip it into Crowley’s lunch (that you are forced to bring bc he treats you like an errand boy)
A few hours later, you both are chilling in Idia’s room with nommies and watching Crowley make a fool of himself by spilling his secrets
Cruel? A bit. Necessary? Yes
Malleus Draconia
“Is this what you like to do for fun? Have I misjudged your character”
Mans is so down. He wants to be a little rebellious
And damn is he e v i l
Like y’all forget that he is a powerful wizard. You think he hasn’t made a potion or two for his own purposes
He doesn’t even give you room to think. Just shoves a coin purse in his pocket and poofs you both into sam’s store
Nearly giving said tradesman a heart attack but whatever
“I need everything here and whatever you have in the back,” malleus purchases enough to make an alchemy lab in your dorm
And conjures the most v i l e smelling potion you have ever seen with a smile
And a little evil cackle for measure. Lilia taught him that no good villain is worth their salt without an evil laugh
He leaves you with a kiss on the forehead to go “do the dirty work,” and doesn’t even tell you what’s up
He…turned the headmaster into an actual bird
But like, Crowley can still talk so all you hear around campus is him squawking for someone to fix this
It’s pretty obvious who pulled the prank. Malleus is the only one powerful enough to make something even Trein can’t reverse
You both end up in the slammer
Still better quality than Ramshackle tho
Sam ze Tradesman
Cha-ching 💰💰💰💰💰
He knew there was a reason he liked you
Has Sam ever mentioned that you are his favorite wallet student??
Well you are
He sells you anything and everything you want. No questions asked and a firm believer of snitches get stitches
If he gets caught tho then you’re on your own
Jk he wouldn’t do is favorite customer like that
Or would he???🤔💭
Well. Maybe not so long as these pockets of his stay stashed with cash
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tsunami-of-tears · 1 month
ACOTAR x Stardew Valley
This was my pre-bed daydream yesterday. You're welcome.
This is so unserious, purely based on ✨vibes✨
Feyre - Leah I typically romance Leah. I can't help it. She likes when I give her sticks 😭
Rhys - Sam At first I wasn't sure about this one, but after checking his schedule and interests I can confirm this is Rhys (or the closest to him)
Nesta - Abigail Another of my faves, and she loves chocolate cake 🥰
Azriel - Sebastian I looked up the wiki and this is in his description, I'M CACKLING: he feels like his sister gets all the attention and adoration, while he is left to rot in the dark Also his most loved gifts are 'Frozen Tear' and 'Obsidian'
Cassian - Alex I kinda hate Alex but I still give him my eggs. From the wiki: Is his cockiness just a facade to mask his crushing self-doubt? Is he using his sports dream to fill the void left by the disappearance of his parents?
Lucien - Elliott I'm dying at this revelation, they even look similar 💀
Elain - Evelyn Do not come for me, I adore Evelyn and that is 100% Elain if she remained human and got to grow old.
Gwyn - Penny Penny is such a sweetie, and she's so hardworking.
Mor - Haley They are both blonde? Haley is quite superficial and can be kinda mean, but she does have some of the best character growth.
Amren - Pam I can't unsee this.
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chaosology · 10 months
condensing it all into one post, here’s my…
works in progress
i’d abbreviate it to WIP but that looks too close to WAP and unfortunately i have the maturity of a 12 year old boy
this is in no specific order and it’ll be updated as they come in :) if you want to navigate thru the blog, i’ve organised it here and the masterlist is here
request # 1: barbie girl
“Can you do a follow up from chills where Sam does actually wear the barbie hoodie to a training or something?”
request # 2
“cannot stop thinking about sam x popstar reader and having cheesy ass love songs written about her like taylor swift’s reputation and lover albums omggg like imagine sam blushing in the crowd while reader sings to her during her concert i’m literally going insane”
request # 3
"lol what about having to fly with sam? she said it’s like her worst fear. or her getting scared"
lurking p3
social media fic with actress!reader
request # 4
“could you write one where Sam plays through a game but she’s sick? and she’s really struggling so the reader is like super worried?”
request # 5
“writing for this prompt (when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine) with Sam Kerr (((:”
request # 6
“i was wondering if you would want to write something with sam kerr and the reader and like they have kids and they watch sam play soccer and cheer her on or something?”
request # 7
“could you write a sam kerr fic where the reader got REALLY badly injured and trampled on in the World Cup and she’s got a bad fear of blood, so when she sees that she’s bleeding she faints on the pitch and sam immediately runs over to her (u can write the rest)”
request # 8
“Could you do one when where Sam an reader are going with Ivf an reader has a miscarriage and then later she gets pregnant if you can’t that’s fine love your writing”
request # 9
“Ok so ik that I've already sent you a prompt but I just had the BEST idea. Close your eyes and imagine this: last 10 minutes of the final, you get subbed on, and the score is 1 all, you are awarded a penalty, after final whistle bc sUsPeNsE. You aim for the goal, line it up perfectly and score, the final goal, winning the match. (Sam x reader bc why not)”
request # 10
"have u considered the other height difference option… i am a 5’11 girlie and i find sam’s aerial shenanigans hilarious like. 😮‍💨 girl doing all that jumping just to get to wendie renard’s normal height.. if you were taller you’d be jumping 10 feet easily but alas. anyway um. consider this a prompt for a taller gf height difference (no pressure obv!! just an idea if u felt like it lol)"
request # 11
"Heyyy could I request a sam kerr x reader where the reader is prone to like anxiety and during a match they struggle to breathe because of anxiety and the stress of the game and Sam like takes notice and tells the ref and helps them calm down. 👍😊"
request # 12
"it’s just off the back of your “bad idea right” one shot (fan btw)- just cause i’m soft asl, could we have a follow up please where it’s maybe the morning after or even later and sam is being a bit cocky/teasing/flirty and suddenly reader gets genuinely upset bc it feels like this will never end and they’ll never get over sam and sam doesn’t feel the same way. and sam immediately snaps out of it and it becomes all soft and vulnerable and hopefully happy ending?"
request # 13
"oh shiz i need like a straight mans trying to flirt with reader at like a game or an event and sam just coming up and mans is shook"
request # 14
"what about a proposal? would she do it at a game or like would the other tillies get involved? also like wedding vibes? xx"
request # 15
"ok but what about sam dating a preschool/primary school teacher? like idk but like i just thought it"
benched pt 2
"Part 2 of benched where reader goes into labor and Sam is running around like a headless chicken"
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dani-ya-dig · 6 months
Okay so this is the most stupid thing ever that makes no sense, but I’ve been thinking about like what if redacted audio existed in the redacted-verse. I was thinking about who the characters would listen to, if they would listen. Think of it like this is the character I would recommend to the redacted audio characters.
So I’m gonna rant abt that. Feel free to offer your suggestions and who you think the characters would like!
David: I don’t think David would be the type to listen to boyfriend asmr at all. So while Guy or Asher would be an obvious answer for that, I think he wouldn’t want to view any of these characters in a romantic light. If he did listen he would be the type of listener to imagine the listener is a separate character from him entirely. So I think his favorite character would be someone he can enjoy from a character standpoint outside of the romance audio. To that I choose Damien! I think David would be able to relate to him in the way he throws himself at things and his work, and I also feel like David would admire Damien’s strong sense of Justice.
Asher: Now a super easy answer I could go with would be David. Unlike David, Asher would love a character that embodies traits of David just as much in fiction as he does in real life. He would kick his feet and twirl his hair over David’s audios. So David is definitely an answer for Ash, but I feel like it’s too easy. Maybe Aaron? I mean he does have that whole tsundere, dom vibe that Asher could fuck with. I think that’s the closest I’m getting here.
Milo: oh god Milo… who would he like?? Oh wait! Gavin yup. Gavin has the just right amount of like started off as a confident, cocky asshole, to evolving into a sweetheart (no pun intended) who is still a cocky, confident asshole. That’s my final answer for Milo.
Vincent: This one is actually stumping me?? Like… thinking about Vincent’s character and what characters he would like. Maybe Avior? I’m taking shots in the dark here though. If you guys have any ideas then like let me know what you think and why.
Sam: You see… my heart wants to say David, because I think it’s so funny to joke about Sam having a crush on David. But my head, knows that Sam would not put up with the amount of attitude and assholery in David’s first audios to get anywhere near where he is a calm dude. Sam is another one of those characters who I don’t think would really like to romantic aspects of bf asmr, so it’s not up to picking who he would be fictionally romantically compatible with. Hear me out…. Guy. Again Sam isn’t intro eh whole romance thing. Guy is an entertaining listen outside of the romance stuff! Peepaw misses half of the vine references and memes, but regardless Guy’s silly attitude and dramatic demeanor makes him laugh and shake his head affectionately and that is all he needs in this simple life.
Porter: Okay so Porter is a tease. I think he loves to tease and flustered the shit out of people. So you’d think the obvious answer there would be Lasko, but you’d be wrong! He doesn’t just want flustered and that’s the be all end all, I think he would want at least a little pushback. He lives to piss people off. So for that I would go with David and Damien. Also this one might be a little out of character and just my personal interpretation of Porter, but I think that he would like Geordi’s storyline. I think he would like seeing a story where the listener does something bad and toxic but that’s not the be all end all of who they are. A story of someone getting better and actually working on their faults and their partner actively wanting them to change and encouraging them to get help while also uphold in boundaries.
I think this is all I’m gonna do for now. I’ll probably do the DAMN crew next???
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Expanding on cocky, pleasure dom Sam for @gretasmokerising
I just imagine Sam being so obsessed with the power trip behind making his partner orgasm. I mean, just by feeling out his vibes I think he just loves the idea of making you cum all over his fingers or his face.
Just based off how he talks, i think he’s very much a verbal teaser. So a lot of,
“Aww, you can’t do it? Yeah you can, one more doll. One more for me.”
“Oh, but you’re so pretty when you cum. Why would I want to stop?”
“Listen to you, noisy little thing.”
“Oh nooo, don’t cry, princess. Does it feel too good, hmm?”
Also, I think he would do everything in his power to make you squirt. His fingers could be cramping and feeling like they’re on the verge of falling off. But is he gonna stop? Absolutely not. He’s too caught up in how warm you feel around them, how you squeeze them, watching your chest and tummy rise and fall rapidly as pleasure surges through you. The high pitched, whiny noises you make, they way you try to keep your eyes open to watch him, but you just can’t seem to keep them open. Everything. I just think he’s so obsessed with all of it and I will fight on this hill.
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blackquillchillin · 3 months
Okay for Simon romancing people in Stardew Valley, we gotta evaluate the potential relationship with each of the characters, so, starting with the Bachelors!!
Alex: gives young person vibes, similar to how Sam does, but more then that i just don't think he's Simon's type. Cocky Jock with Gridball on the brain, eh. I don't know they'd have anything to talk about, really.
Elliott: Aesthetically quite nice, though I don't know if I picture Simon as being very appearance focused in partnerships. Very Artsy. Could work, though I think Simon would be pretty neutral towards him initially.
Harvey: Huge Bonus is that he does not appear as young as some of the other Bachelors. I'm also biased, as He and Sam are the only two I've gotten to marriage to personally. (and quite liked both of them) That said...I don't think he has enough Confidence for Simon. He's dedicated to being a doctor, sure, but he's also nervous, with huge amounts of anxiety at times. He talks constantly about the health and safety of the town, but when other topics do come up, particularly in dating, he's easily flustered. As cute as i find him (and his mustache) I don't think Simon would be interested.
Sam: Reads as too young. everything's still about skateboards and music. Not too young for romance, mind, I romanced him, but too young for Simon. does have golden retriever energy though, which is nice, and really loves his younger brother, also a plus. and he does grow a little once married, But I think it would feel weird. Better match for someone Athena or Apollo's age.
Sebastian: Now here's where we get into the fun stuff!! I think Sebastian would NOT like Simon, who in turn would be....very neutral towards the young man, and completely unaware of the one sided rivalry brewing. See, a lot of the problems Sebastian faces are concerns about not being able to establish himself. He's living in his Mom's basement, with his Step Father he dosn't get along well with, and half-sister who he sees as being favored over him. He also feels no one takes his job seriously, (example, in his two heart event we learn Abigail plans to come visit regardless of him working) but one thing he IS is the town's resident Goth, even more so then Abby. So, imagine, just imagine, how frustrating it would be for him when Simon rolls up, Grumpy and Standoffish, Shock of black hair, dressed all in black, hawk perched on his shoulder, already having his own space with a job everyone recognizes and not having to answer to anyone. If we wanted to count who's edgier, Simon's even been to prison. Heck, in this world he might even have prison tats, anything could happen. And Simon? not the least bit concerned about this, or even aware.
Shane: On the one hand, no one should romance Shane. Shane needs a friend, absolutely, but he also needs therapy, and is not ready to commit to marriage. I might feel differently about this if he wasn't returning to drinking after tying the knot, or reacted to you giving him Beer after quitting. On the other hand, they're both deeply troubled, and I absolutely pair deeply troubled fictional characters, both romantically and platonically. (Bobby Lives! Blackbright whomst, on both counts) They could be deeply troubled.....together..........
And that's the Bachelors! Next up, Bachelorettes..... Abigail: One of her Big character conflicts is growing pains and tension with her Dad. Too young for Simon.
Emily: Too new age-y. I do think they could be friends, though. She'd gift him crystals to "help him absorb negative energy" and he'd get caught in anything she's hung from the ceiling, like dream catchers or beaded curtains. She would be brightly optimistic even as he grouses about life, though wouldn't always appreciate his sarcastic ways.
Haley: Okay hear me out, same energy as Blackmahdi, or NyQuill as I prefer to call it. Sure, it's missing the Ying-Yang color scheme, but consistently arguing? taking pot-shots at each other? both being complex characters with real human motivations underneath their cruel exterior? yeah. It could work. Emily wouldn't be thrilled that that's how they talk to each other though.
Leah: Don't have a reason for it other then I just don't see it. Like, sure, it could happen, but I just don't think it would, you know?
Maru: Simon would be immediately put off by her dad, like that's a big no. Also, she reads fairly young, being at least younger then Seb. also, while he may be reasonably fond of her as a person, (or maybe not, i dunno) I think growing up with Aura may have killed any interest in inventors in general.
Penny: Okay, I know I said Harvey was too timid for Simon, and Penny doesn't exactly exude confidence, but it's not the same. She's a lover of children, who's actively trying to teach the only two children in town. She's aggressively helpful, and trapped in rough circumstances. Also, he could sweep her up in his arms and hold her close and she could gently help him through his anxiety attacks and no I'm not projecting-
Lastly, It's not Romance, but Platonic,
Krobus: No notes. Sweet little guy. Perfection. Simon would share his house with him, as would anyone.
And that's the list!! let me know if you want to hear potential dynamics with the other townsfolk, I may have more thoughts about some of them then others, of course.
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blutomindpretzel · 2 years
William Solaire having a ‘consort’ who’s an absolute menace of a human. Imagine this centuries old vampire falling in love with a human who has the worst self-care habits known to man but he’s head-over-heels regardless.
They work the blood-drives for the clan, which is oddly professional of them considering their cocky personality. They organize the donations, and schedule the deliveries- all that important shit. Since the Solaire Clan is their biggest client, they’re spending quite a lot of time over there working out the details with William.
….Just hear me out for a second
They dress super professionally every time they visit Wonderworld, using knock off scents from dollar stores, and thrifted loose-fitting button downs with tight dress pants. -Bonus points if they’ve got either a black or deep red corset over a button down. Clacking dress shoes shuffling down a narrow hallway to a break room for some water + Will watching them leave.
Their whole vibe is: dumbass who’s only a dumbass on the inside but is super professional and intimidating on the outside x an old ass vampire who’s the leader of the most important clan in Dahlia- but is also just as much of a dumbass.
I’m trying to think of a name for them: like how the listeners have specific and fitting petnames- I’m thinking of Chief/Dear (Dearie/dearest)
Chief is more sarcastic or followed by a salute of some sort from William, but Dear is more sincere and romantic.
Dear works for an important branch of the department, and used to partner with Ansel and Sweetheart before strengthening the blood-drive aspect of the donations that were lacking in organization at the time. The worked their way past Jett, branching off as manager for the company. They outwardly hate how Jett runs things, they absolutely aren’t afraid to speak out about that. They literally could care less about anyone else’s feelings on the matter, all they care about it getting their job done.
Dear will admit that working with William definitely takes the edge off of working in a position such as theirs. And seeing how calmly he handles his position as king begins their admiration of the old blood.
Then Dear got involved with Quinn-
That’s how Dears magic manifested (much like Lovely)- they’re a gravitational energetic. (Unless you wanna change shit around that’s totally chill I’m just having fun with this)
William is more than aware of their situation, but often avoids talking about it to keep professional despite his every inkling to do the opposite. He’s blunt, but respectful.
William and Dear going over paperwork for scheduling the next delivery when their fingers brush as they pass the pen back and forth
Mmmmmm Dear having a bunch of scars from Quinn’s attack and William brushing his thumb over the ones on their hands.
Sam thinks they’re the best thing to happen to the clan and isn’t afraid to give Dear credit where credit is due.
William and Dear staying after-hours together just drinking and joking about work. Dear sipping whiskey and talking shit about Jett, William drinking blood from a glass and gloating about Vincent. GETTING DRUNK AND MAKING OUT.
Dear apologizing through kisses and talking about how wrong this is but never stops. His hands on their waist, guiding them closer as he presses gentle, hungry kisses to their neck. (which leave lil red lip-prints because of the blood he just had) LIKE THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY GRIPPING ONE ANOTHER
Running into shit, knocking stuff over, unbuttoning shirts to feel each other’s skin. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” “I know” *kissing* “we’re business partners- Will.” “I know” *kissing harder*
- Oh yeah the clan has seen how they act around one another and yes everyone knows and yes everyone is impatient. They have “just fuck already” energy and Fred isn’t afraid to say so.
- Lovely thinks it’s incredibly charming how gentle William is with Dear, and how intimidating the two look side-by-side. AND THEY LOOK LIKE ABSOLUTE FUCKING TYRANTS WHEN THEY DO.
Dear suffers from resting bitch face, William is intimidating and knows it so he sports a quiet lil smile while in public or around the clan.
William hosting a clan ball and inviting Dear and the entirety of their branch. WILLIAM AND DEAR DANCING TOGETHER- they waltz and it is truly the most captivating dance the clans ever seen like the whole fucking floor clears:
The intensity in their stare as they glide across the ballroom floor, how they never once look away from each other. William is smirking a little but Dear is just stone-faced. They’re so lost in Williams piercing silver gaze, and the feelings for the vampire king that they never wanted. In their head it feels so wrong, their body is begging them to get off the floor- but their heart is simply aflame as he holds them gently and stares into their eyes.
Dear is absolutely hypnotized by this man, that they just let him guide them wherever he wanted. The song could play for eternity, and their heart wouldn’t miss a single beat.
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@actiongrrl continued from here because she's a terrible influence!
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ㅤMike would have liked to have said that there had been some big plan in mind for Wolfie's name, that he'd thought it out and was making the 'joke' before anyone else could, but the fact of the matter was that he'd referred to the wolf as that in the moment and it had stuck. Better than 'big guy' and 'good boy' all the time, though those also fit, obviously. He had some interesting discussions ahead of him, but he was determined and it wasn't something he had to deal with that day. Night? He had no idea what time it was and given he was a few minutes out from another long nap, he didn't think it mattered.
ㅤ"Looks like I'm not the only one headed for some painkillers," he pointed out, watching her look over her hands and wishing he had the energy to be faux-mad about the 'redneck cousin vibes' she'd just dropped between them, but they were both fading, and the nurse seemed to have super senses about that kind of thing because she was there and ready to move them along. "Good, cause you know, Wolfie would miss you. And I need anything that's going to promote healing, at this rate."
ㅤHe gave her an attempt at the cocky smirk that he was so well known for at that, even a wink, but it was hindered by the bruising, black eye and split lip. Still, he offered up a wave of a bandaged hand almost like a little salute while the nurse approached to likely get Sam settled and then come back for him. "Yes to movie, you can even pick it."
ㅤAs expected, he was gone to the world right after he got the painkillers, but at least it was sweet relief, and so began a cycle of sleep, company and dealing with nurses and doctors that thankfully didn't last more than a few days. There was a surprisingly helpful cop (agent) from the day of their rescue who made friends enough with Wolfie to help with walking him until Mike could get his ass up consistently, and then very likely pulled some strings that Mike wasn't asking about to help with getting Wolfie on a plane with Mike and Sam back to California. From what he'd heard, he was the last one ready to leave and it was mostly his fingers that they were really focusing on at that point. Well, that and the head injuries before he got on a plane - seemed like a good idea.
ㅤGetting through security had seemed like a task, but compared to what he was headed home to, he was okay if it was a circus for a little while. Naturally, his parents had been in touch because he wasn't underage anymore, but he was still a college student living out of the dorms and very clearly not going back to school right away. That meant that he was headed home, and his mother was not going to be happy with the look of him - or his new dog. He almost tried to hitch a ride with Sam and her dad when they met up with the man at the airport, but he pulled a smile and apologized for not shaking hands with a show of bandages (and Wolfie's leash in the least damaged one) and hoped he didn't look as utterly wrecked as he still felt. Then, his own dad was coming out of the crowd waiting by the arrivals area and he leaned in for a quick, gentle hug on Sam and promised he'd talk to her soon.
ㅤSoon didn't come quite fast enough, but he finally made his escape down the street on foot under the pretense of walking Wolfie and just made for an extended trip when he showed up at Sam's house two days after the plane, pulling his sunglasses off to grin at her at the door. "Hey. I was in the neighborhood."
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
thinking about poly!sam, moon, yasmine & reader 2day. they’re all so cocky and proud… they’d be such mean dommes if you think about it…
Sam and Yasmine can definitely be mean and dominate. Moon is more of a softdom imo but can definitely dip into mean territory if she wants to.
Like, they all walk with their arms linked or holding hands when out and about, giggling and just in their own little world with each other. Nothing usually bothers them. Though they get mistaken for a group of gal pals rather than a group of girls in love with each other. So Sam and Yas are usually the ones to say something to people who try to hit on their girlfriend. Moon and Reader love the display, especially if Sam gets protective or Yasmine gets catty.
Like, that's their girlfriends, do not touch.
I also just see a big plush bed with soft sheets and toys spread across it while the girls have fun with each other. Either fully nude kt clad in sexy lingerie, feeling each other up with soft touches (Moon) or roughing grabbing and groping for funsies (Yasmine). Sam is nice at first, but when she gets going, she's not so nice. Once she gets her harness and strap on, she's mercilessly pounding into one of her girlfriends and having them beg for more.
Yasmine likes wearing her own pretty strap that hangs low between her legs and making one of her girlfriends suck on it. She pushes their head on it and likes to hear them gag on her long fake cock.
When Moon gets especially dominate, she folds Reader or Yasmine or Sam in half and pounds away at their pussy whilst pinching their nipples. She praises them for taking her fat cock so well and slaps their tits around, but once they come all over her strap, she goes back to that softdom she loves being and kisses them all over, licking over their tits to soothe them from all the rough treatment she gave them, telling them how they did such a good job.
Yasmine and Reader wearing fat dildos and fucking Sam's tight little cunt at the same time. Moon watching with her own dildo shoved up her pussy with a vibe on her clit. Sam's eyes rolling up as she rolls her hips between her two girlfriends and babbling about how good it feels.
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astxrwar · 3 months
Ngl, your physical therapy Bucky had me giggling and kicking my feet, blushing in the club rn.
I'm a SUCKER for touch starved - forced proximity - nice older guy and holy shit how are you even alive RCs. Lololol, you live like this vibes. Totally not for personal reasons...👀
Ugh. That gave me life. I'm not encouraging that story in the future but man... I am encouraging that story in the future lololol
AUGH YOU’RE ENCOURAGING MY BRAINROT i was walking to lab today and my brain came up with More Stuff for this because of course it did
imagining everything sort of comes to a head when you run into him while Out bar hopping or at a club or something with friends. and he’d be there with steve and sam and nat and your friends are Drunk and upon meeting him are like “omg you’re right he IS really hot!1!!” which is just like. AUGH PLEASE SHUT UP!!!! DO NOT SAY THAT IN FRONT OF HIM! anyway both groups end up leaving at the same time and you end up on the same subway line and then getting off at the same stop because you apparently live near each other. imagining almost tripping catastrophically on that little gap between the train and the platform and he’s like. jesus christ okay I understand how you keep injuring yourself you’re hopeless. making jokes about how he feels like it'd be irresponsible to let you walk the rest of the way home alone (his apartment is closer to the station than yours) and you're just like. laughing it off. he's just generally a flirty guy, teases everyone, yeah it makes you feel all warm and good-nervous but it's not like he's serious. except it's summer and rainy season and when you guys get to his apartment it starts to POUR!! and in NYC especially lately (thanks climate change!) the rain can get INSANE so im imagining him being like. ah geez do you want to just come in for a bit until the rain stops there's no way you're walking in this. and he’s Drunk and you’re also Drunk but it’ll be fine! your phone weather app thing says it'll be over in twenty minutes and yeah you definitely don't want to walk in it, you'd get home soaked and city rain is nasty.
you nearly trip taking off your shoes (i do this all the time. augh) and cue more playful teasing about how absolutely Hopeless you are. puttering around in the kitchen like ‘do you want… i dunno, like, a tea, or something?” (sure) (why not) meanwhile it’s still POURING. you guys start talking about just like. whatever. random stuff. and eventually he mentions how you're a lot more comfortable rn than during PT, to which you reply (because you're drunk) that it's because he's not, like. touching you. Bucky's some combination of flattered/pleased/endeared by that, cocky little grin and "oh, yeah?" and all, and you're just like. whatever, man, at this point it's not like it's a secret, and he'd said that people are like this with him a lot, so. Except-- he says this as he's crossing the kitchen, maybe you're not looking at him, watching the rain, but you can hear his voice getting closer behind you-- what he'd actually said is that a lot of people find him attractive. not that a lot of people REACT to him the way you do.
when you turn back from the window he's standing pretty close, leaned against the same stretch of kitchen counter, and he reaches out for the little ceramic mug of tea you have clutched in your hands, but doesn't take it from you. you manage to stumble through asking him what he's doing; minimizing collateral damage, he says, his mouth twitching up at the corners; you immediately drop the mug as soon as his fingers brush the curve of your cheek, and that little almost-smile breaks into a a full-blown grin as he sets it safely on the countertop.
you're real fuckin' cute, you know that? he says.
oh-- c'mon, that's no fair, you mumble in protest, now you're--
he tips your chin up with his fingers and you lose track of whatever you'd been saying like somebody'd reached in your head and grabbed hold of your train of thought, pulled it until it snapped right in two.
--you're doing it on purpose, you finish feebly.
yeah, he agrees. yeah, I am.
(the rain is long over by the time you actually end up leaving. oop.)
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cyborgdumptruck · 1 year
Why I like Jetstream Sam: A Comprehensive Essay
I was actually thinking of making a separate post about Sam as a character. So I think the time has come. 
Disclaimer: these are just my thoughts and observations about him (might also include hcs). I do not and never intended to establish one only interpretation of him in canon. Basically, this is just me rumbling about my own comforting stuff, and you don’t need to take that seriously if you have some other opinion. 
And another heads up: my English sometimes is very wonky when it comes to writing something very important, I get pretty nervous, and it is very hard to write about it. It is probably connected with my mental health, so don’t be surprised with some mistakes. 
My acquaintance with Samuel started with memes. I was curious to know more about Sam with the thought that he might play an important part in MGR plot (I was not mistaken). However, I thought that Sam was a sidekick of Raiden who would betray him in the end (which was not true and I am actually glad that it is like that). After discovering more about the plot and characters, I got invested even more into the game (which I managed to play after months of being in the fandom). I just fell for him as a character right away. In the end, I dove deep enough into fandom to know more about him.
Here is the meme I am referring to.
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and here also my favourite pic with the battle in badlands which I saw during my search.
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So, what actually makes Sam such a nice and expressive character? Voice, mimic and gestures, they are rich. The way I see him move and talk..It just makes me melt. Every time I see him on the screen makes me squeal “he is so cool”. (fangirl moment I guess)
However, there is something more behind this charisma and smile. It cannot be seen from the first glance, yet it is strongly connected with him. You know what they say? The eyes are the mirror of a soul. I see those eyes, I see pure sadness. Yes, Sam hides it, yet it can be observed through his reaction to different interactions in the game. Here are a few screenshots that I consider the best representation of how it shows Sam’s despair. It is not about expression, rather the way he looks - tired, sad, broken. He hides it behind the cocky attitude and remarks.
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Well and of course the difference between dlc Sam and Desperado Sam who is seen as a parallel to Raiden. I also like the detail that they both have scars on their left part of the face. Another interesting thing is that Sam cuts Raiden’s left arm while he had his right arm cut by Armstrong. From that point this wound started “the fall” of him. I think that he just lost his way, he lost desire to live. Raiden was his only hope, at least get rid of Armstrong as the final “revenge”. 
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Surprisingly, Sam feels more of a protagonistic figure than Raiden (he just has some vibes of it). If not the circumstances, he would be a hero too, I just feel like it. 
In my humble opinion, Sam is capable of not only showing some more “human” and “genuine” side of him. He CAN FEEL because he is not fully augmented. He struggles, like all humans and who knows, maybe he wanted a better life. 
Sometimes, I feel that I can partially relate to him. I don’t know why, but it is just something that helps me to feel significant in this world. His story kinda reminds me of my own (not at all parts, but just the concept of “losing my identity”).  Anyway, the point is that I feel him as my comfort character. It is just enough to see his smile to understand that things will be alright. 
To sum up: Sam has a large potential as a character, he deserves appreciation and love. I would give anything for him to have a separate game with the whole story of the revenge for his dead father and destroying drug cartels in Brazil. It would be really awesome! 
Just look at him ;_; he is so...perfect!
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technovillain · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Morris' supposed competitive streak (based on the cut voicelines surrounding the mentathlon that include him, with particular points to "Winners, mostly." and "Try your hardest, and you might come in second place! After all, we know who's coming in first." like Adam and Norma wouldn't be on the ass of whoever gets into first place LMAO)?
Oh one of my favorite things I've realized about the interns is just how cocky every single one of them can be in their own way. Which is like perfect for a group of teenaged overachievers being put next to each other. Literally so accurate.
Like I think it's easier for Lizzie and Norma to be competitive being siblings around the same age. Although I do think that Lizzie does not feel competitively towards Norma at all anymore because. She doesn't feel like she needs to be because she is miles cooler than Norma is. But Norma's still such a little hater all the time so the rivalry remains in some sort of way. Gisu shares a similar too-cool-for-school energy as Lizzie.
Sam's attitude is a little more reserved than the others I think but I love her self-assured way of just asserting everything she believes as irrefutable fact, it's very humorous.
I just know that Adam and Morris are only children and that gives them a different sort of cocky vibe to bring to the table. (I feel like Gisu probably has siblings....just getting that vibe here) I feel like those two in particular are the same brand of thinking they're the coolest and being competitive about it and I love it.
So in summary? I love him for it I love how the interns are all kind of rude in a true to life teenager way. Delightful.
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space-writes · 9 months
Happy Friday the 13th! If your OCs were in a piece of horror media (video game/book/movie), what roles would they play? Who would die first? Who would make it to the end? What kind of horror media would they be in? (slasher film, psychological horror, zombie apocalypse, etc.)
~Morrigan (@memento-morri-writes)
Hi Morri! happy friday the 13th!
Oh this is a fun idea.
Sorrow and Lucian, for backstory vibes, would end up the protaganists of some kind of psychological horror, just because of all the Trauma that would Manifest as Literal Monsters. That might not be exactly psychological horror, but it’s the thought I have for them. I don’t think Lucian would survive a Silent Hill scenario but I think all of his Troubles would result in some fun manifestations. Same with Sorrow, though he’d be more likely to survive just because he’s so bloody-minded and stubborn.
I can imagine Aliyne, Zander, Quest and Leshanna in some kind of Shaun of the Dead situation, more of a horror comedy but with the opportunity to be useful, because Aliyne and Quest wouls absoutely rule at zombie prep. Aliyne would be able to figure out the best places for supplies and to hole up, and Quest would wrap up head to toe and wade through hordes with a huge bat or a machete and have the time of their life. Regrettably in this scenario Zander would die first, because he’s a cocky idiot. Leshanna would be the type to get bitten and not tell anyone so as not to worry them.
Vren is such a Final Girl though. He’d either be the slasher, Because Assassin, or fight his way through bloody gritted teeth to be the last man standing.
Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade (ask to be +/-)
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