#college is killin me
theaonlax · 4 months
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Set break
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connyshiba · 11 months
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The only thing that fuels me at this rate are shitty cod shitposts
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kodaiki · 1 year
hi guysss :33 i’ve been lurking n brainstorming for a few days bc i miss writing sm :(((( hope y’all are having a great day or night ! n how r y’all pls update me on how y’all doing i miss u ;(
mood of the day is represented by this meme bc did i or did i not study for my midterm tomorrow, that’s the q :”)))
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raththemagician · 2 years
I should make more Columbo posts
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mimisplayground · 3 months
٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ sorry for the wait hehe :3 sorry its not much!! ive got all kinda of summer classes that are killing me :( release me from ur clutches college pls
You love your boyfriend. He holds your hand in public and kisses apologies onto the back of it when you tell him hes gripping too tight.
He lifts you off the ground like you weigh nothing, because god is he the worst gym rat you’ve ever known. With a slight musk of sweat to him often from his workouts that often lead to him winding down by pounding into you. He’s so nice to you.
He just has a habit of grabbing you a bit too rough when he gets excited. Hands tangling in your hair if they can, hands wrapping around your waist and hips in a bruising grip.
He pounds into you hard, one hand firmly keeping your face shoved onto the pillow under you. He stares at the fingerprint bruises he sees all over your body. His marks, from your calves to your throat, everyone can tell that Johnny got his hands on you. When he’s so gentle with his hands at work, demolishes requires a light touch at times, its no surprise you’re his stress ball.
His free hand raining down on your ass and thighs, listening to your grunts and pleas.
“God, bird… yer killin’ me…” he grunts while you pant. Whining as he fucks you through another orgasm, keening at the feeling of his hand roaming. “Johnny…” was all you could manage to gasp out through your peak.
The scots final thrusts are harsh and quick. Snapping in before both hands find home on your hips after he wraps his arms around you. Kissing your ear and biting at your neck as he cums.
God, he’s just such a brute.
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 1 month
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch6
Alright shits about to go down so hold onto your butts! Also hoping you all are enjoying these two as much as I do. I feel like this chapter is rushed IDK. @smoothdogsgirl WARNINGS: Minor Character Death, Military inaccuracies and Mentions of nudity
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When you woke the next morning Jake was still asleep on your chest. You didn’t have the heart to wake him up so you watched him until you fell back asleep. Jake woke a couple hours later and listened to you breathing. He eventually got up and ordered breakfast to be delivered. When it arrived Jake got everything sat out on the kitchen table. Jake walked back to the bedroom and leaned against the doorway taking in the way the sun graced your face.
He didn’t want to wake you, but he also didn’t want the food to be cold. “(Y/N) darlin’ food is in the kitchen”, he drawled. You woke slowly blinking up at him then smiled before pulling him down for a kiss. “I’ll be there in just a moment”, you replied. He grinned and headed back to the kitchen. You went to the bathroom to relieve your protesting bladder. When you finally made it to the kitchen Jake was chewing on some bacon. 
You walked over and sat in his lap as his shoulders started moving with a laugh. “You know I have chairs”, he says. “Yeah but your lap is more comfortable”, you giggle. You both enjoy breakfast and every once in a while feed each other something to try. You had to admit you never thought a guy could be so gentle and tender. “What are we gonna’ do today babe?”, you asked. “Up to you I don’t mind as long as I can spend the day with you”, Jake whispers into your ear.
You laugh but try to think of things you both could do. “How about we go sightseeing then go to a club downtown tonight”, you suggest. “Sounds like fun”, he replies. You sneak back to Bradleys apartment grabbing some clothes and heading back to Jake’s apartment. “I’m going to shower real quick”, you explain. He nods as you get into the shower and wash your hair then lather yourself with soap. 
You hear the bathroom door open and the curtain pulls back allowing Jake to step in with you. “Figured we could save water and shower together”, he tells you. There is nothing sexual about it and it’s a relaxing shower as you both wash the night off. When you both get out and dry off you head back to the bedroom to get dressed for the day. Jake gets the truck started as you take a moment to get your phone and wallet from the nightstand. As he drives you grab his open hand as the radio plays a Garth Brooks song.
“That’s something I would like to do again”, you say. “What’s that?”, he asks. “Going to a rodeo. I used to run barrels when I was younger, but when I went off to college all that changed”, you explain. “Tell ya’ what if you ever come with me back to Texas I’ll take you to a rodeo”, he says. “I would love to” you respond. The rest of the day is filled with going to historic landmarks and Jake taking you by the base as you both watch Jets take off. 
Lunch came and went as you ate on the tailgate watching the beach scene. Then you both decided to go back to the apartment to get changed into something more club appropriate. You change into a beautiful black strapless dress that Nat had also insisted on you getting the last time you went shopping. It showed off your curves, you styled your hair and put on some lip gloss. You had to admit Nat was right, you looked damn good and you couldn’t wait to go out.
Jake was still in his jeans but the t-shirt seemed a size small and he paired it with a black leather jacket with his all too familiar aviator sunglasses. If you weren’t going to the club you would jump him right now. Jake looked you up and down whistling as you blushed like mad. “Darlin that dress is killin’ me”, he tells you. “Well let’s go before we change our minds”, you laugh. With that you both get back into the truck and head downtown to a local club.
It’s not very busy which is nice and leaves plenty of space on the dance floor. “What do you want to drink sweetheart?”, Jake questions. “I’ll take a rum n’ coke”, you reply. He goes up to the bar to order your drinks and you look around taking in your surroundings. You look at the crowd on the dance floor and across the floor you swear you see your ex, but before you can get a good look Jake comes back with your drink.
“What’s wrong?”, Jake asks. “I thought I saw someone I recognized, but I must be mistaken”, you reply. You sip at your drink as Jake drinks his beer and once finished with your drinks head out to the dance floor. It does surprise you that Jake can dance and you enjoy every moment of it. You take in his smile, the way he makes you feel and how carefree he is. You do this with a little nagging in your brain saying this could be the last time you see him like this and it makes your stomach feel uneasy.
You push that thought out of your head and get closer to him. At some point you turn around as Jake’s hands find your hips and pull you back to him. He kisses your neck as your fingers find the back of his neck as you both continue to sway with the music. You spend the evening like this and end up leaving the club around nine since he has to be up early. On the way back to his apartment he hands you a key. 
“What’s this for?”, you ask. “It’s the spare key to my apartment. That way you can come over whenever you want even if I’m gone”, he tells you. “Thank you”, you say. He has no idea how much it means to you, but you intend to show him. When you get back to the apartment Bradley is parking at the same time. When you get out Bradley bristles like a feral cat seeing another cat in his territory. “So what’s going on between you two?”, he asks. “Well I took my girlfriend out before we ship out tomorrow”, Jake says, but you can see the dig he is trying to get in at Bradley.
“Girlfriend?! (Y/N) please tell me he’s joking”, Bradley exclaims. “He asked me last night and I said yes Bradley. Don’t act like it’s such a big deal”, you huff. “So he asks you right before we go on a mission he may not come back from”, Bradley argues. “Bradley, I know the risks of dating an aviator. I think you forget that you weren’t the only one to lose a father to flying”, you seeth. Bradley seems to deflate at that, but you hug him even though he is being a jerk.
“I want you both to watch out for each other while you're out there”, you say to both men. “I can do that, but only for you”, Bradley says. “Anything for you darlin’ “, Jake responds. After that little agreement you take Jake’s hand and make your way into his apartment. You both get ready for bed and you automatically cling to Jake’s side. “I didn’t know your father was a pilot”, Jake murmurs as he strokes your head. 
“Yeah we traveled from base to base back east, but ended up settling at the naval base in Virginia”, you reply. “If it’s too much I understand, but how did you lose him?”, Jake asked. “He was away on a mission. They ran into enemy fighters and my dad chose to sacrifice his life for his friend. For the longest time I hated his friend because I didn’t understand at the time, but when I got a little older I found out that he had just gotten married and was expecting his first child. Then I understood why my dad did what he did”, you replied.
Jake felt a tear hit his chest and he pulled you onto him to kiss you. He gently wiped away those tears as he continued to kiss you. “Your dad sounded like a brave man”, he told you. “Yeah he was, but please don’t let the rivalry between you and Rooster come between you all when you're in the air”, you begged. “I swear to you we are a team when we’re up there. I don’t want to lose any of my team even if they can be a pain in the ass”, he jokes. It reaffirms what you thought before that Jake puts on the front he doesn’t care, but in reality he cares a great deal.
That gets a small laugh out of you and you go back to being tucked into his side with your head resting over his heart. The rhythm lulls you into sleep for the night as Jake takes a little longer to fall asleep. He thinks about it and he has never really had a reason to come back from a mission, but now even with this whirlwind romance as his sister would call it he did. It takes a little while longer, but hearing you breath and feeling you there helps him to fall into a deep sleep. 
When the alarm goes off in the morning you groan, but Jake is already getting out of bed to get ready. You eventually get up as he goes straight for the shower. You join him and share several kisses while you both get ready for his departure. “You want to drop me off and pick me up when I get back?”, he asks. “Yeah I can do that”, you say, going to get your keys. When you get down to the parking lot you realize Bradley was already gone. You drive him where he directs you to go to drop him off. 
He got out to grab his stuff and turned to you as you pulled him in for the longest kiss you had ever had. When you went to pull away he chased your lips for a couple more. Jake could see your eyes were shining with unshed tears, but he had to go or he would be in big trouble. “I’ll see you when I get back darlin’. Wait for me?”, he asked. “I’ll wait as long as I have to”, you replied. He gave a two finger salute and walked away as you finally let the tears fall from your eyes. You watched him until he was out of sight then got back in your truck to drive back to the apartment. 
It didn’t feel right to go back to Jake’s apartment when he wasn’t there so you went to Bradleys. It felt so different with Bradley gone to. You had to work tonight so you got an outfit ready and waited until it was time to go in. The rest of the week was much of the same of going to work, coming home using the day to clean, rinse and repeat. Friday was the hardest because everytime you looked at the pool table it was empty of the people you had come to care about. 
You were scrolling through social media when a video popped up about sending your significant other a raunchy photo and seeing their replies. That got you thinking so you decided to hatch a plan. Getting your phone set up perfectly you changed into a new red two piece lingerie set you had bought and took several pictures in different poses. You ended up picking the picture of yourself posed on your knees looking up into the camera, but the angle had a clear view of the whole outfit. 
You looked so innocent and you knew that it would have Jake chomping at the bit to be there. After you grabbed some paper and a pen you wrote a quick letter and put it in the envelope. Next stop was to get the picture printed. You had never been so nervous to print your own photos at a self service kiosk. Afraid that someone would see as you tried to print it as fast as possible. Once printed you bought some stamps and mailed it to the address that Jake had given you.
He had told you he would be gone for at least a month so it was going to have to do until he could come see you in person. Two weeks went by faster than you expected and coming home one night from your shift at the Hard Deck you noticed Bradley’s apartment door standing open. When you looked it was clear that someone had broken in and you immediately called the police. They checked over everything then had you go in to confirm if anything was missing. 
The only thing you found that was missing was a couple pairs of underwear and bras. The police told you they would patrol the area, but it may be best for you to stay somewhere until the door was fixed. You ended up deciding to stay in Jake’s apartment, but it didn’t ease the fear that whoever had broken in and stole your things wasn’t still out there watching and waiting. 
When you told Penny she made sure that you always texted her when you made it back to the apartment. You couldn’t wait for Jake and Bradley to be home because at least them being here would help you feel safer. You only had a couple more weeks to go, but you sent a letter to Bradley to let him know what had happened and that the door had been replaced. You hoped they were doing okay and that they were safe.
The next week went by pretty much the same and you had been taking care of both apartments although you had been sleeping in Jake’s bed. It smelled like him and it helped to relax you after all that had happened. You even did Jake and Bradley’s clothes that had been in the hampers. Folding them and putting them in their respective drawers. You then did a deep clean of both apartments that weekend.
Jake sat down across from Rooster as someone came in yelling mail. Jake didn’t expect anything as Bradley was handed an envelope. To his surprise his name was called and an envelope placed in his hand. He would recognize (Y/N)’s writing anywhere as he stared at the envelope. “What the fuck!”, Rooster cursed. “What?”, Jake asked. “(Y/N)’s letter said someone broke into my apartment and that my door had to be replaced, she said she wasn’t home when it happened”, Rooster relayed. Jake didn’t like that one bit and opened his letter as something fluttered to the floor.
“Shit”, he cursed. He bent down and picked it up realizing it was wrapped in a small self made envelope. He decided to read the letter first, 
“Dear Jake,
I hope you and Bradley are safe out there and return soon. Penny has given me some extra hours to keep me busy, but it only helps a little. I sent a little something in a handmade envelope that I hope you love because it took me several times to get the right look. When you get back maybe you can see it for yourself. Can’t wait until you're back home!
Your Girl,
Jake opened the small handmade envelope and realized it was a photo. When he pulled it out his body was hot and his brain went into overdrive. There you were on your knees looking up innocently and in a red two piece lingerie set. Damn you were trying to kill him before he even made it back home to you. He quickly put the photo into his pocket on his shirt to keep anyone from seeing it. He couldn’t wait to get back home to you, but when he made it back to his room he wrote a letter back.
Penny was calling your name as you read the letter for the hundredth time. He had stated that everyone was doing okay and that he was tired as hell. He also made it known that he couldn’t wait to see you and the lingerie set in person. “(Y/N) are you okay?”, Penny asked. “Oh yeah. I’m sorry that I have been distracted”, you reply. “It’s okay I get it I still get that way when Pete is out there”, she tells you. “Do you think you can close tonight? I have to go pick up Amelia”, she says. 
“Yeah I can close tonight”, you respond. You continue to work until closing as one of the bartenders asks if you’ll be okay by yourself. You told her you would be fine and started taking inventory. You played some music on the jukebox as you swept and mopped. The bartenders had cleaned their stations so you just had to wipe down the bar tops and tables. The whole time it felt like you were being watched, but you shook it off and finished up. 
You kept feeling like you were being watched as you got into your truck. You made it to the apartments and went into Jake’s apartment still not feeling safe in Bradley’s. You showered and got ready for bed making a late night snack. When you climbed into the bed you noticed that Jake’s scent was starting to fade. You grabbed his pillow that still smelled like his shampoo and hugged it to your chest as you tried to sleep not knowing that Jake and Rooster were about to experience something they hadn’t before.
“Keep up speed we should make it out of enemy airspace without being detected”, Rooster called over the radio. “Dagger squad you have two bogies approaching your position”, overwatch relayed. “Rooster, we have to pick up the pace”, Jake told him. “Alright hold on guys, we’re gonna’ turn and burn”, Rooster replied. They increased speed but the wingman following Jake panicked. “Guys you're going too fast we can’t keep up”, Banshee said. “You’re gonna have too, those bogies are going to intercept us if we don’t”, Rooster called back. Jake knew this was bad, but they had already destroyed the target and were almost home free.
The open ocean a couple miles from the carrier. “Holy fuck I’m hit I’m hit!”, Banshee yelled as his WSO Fluke was panicking as well as calling out all the failures. “I’m coming back Banshee! Just hang in there!”, Jake yelled. “Hangman, I'm coming. Phoenix continue to the carrier”, Rooster ordered. They both intercepted the bogies as Rooster was able to shoot one with a missile. “Shit he has a lock on me!”, Banshee yelled. “Smoke in the air! SMOKE IN THE AIR”, Fluke screamed. “DEPLOY FLARES”, Banshee yelled.
“I CAN’T THEY AREN’T WORKING”, Fluke yelled back. Jake opened fire trying to hit the missile, but missed by a hair as Rooster had tone and fired a missile at the bogie. The bogie deployed flares as Banshee and Fluke yelled out one last time as their jet exploded. “NOOO”, Jake screamed. “HANGMAN I COULD USE SOME HELP”, Rooster screamed through the headset. Rooster was using evasive maneuvers and had just deployed flares to avoid the missile. 
“HANGMAN WHERE ARE YOU?!”, Rooster screamed. “I’VE GOT YOU” Jake yelled as he fired a missile. The bogie deployed flares as he turned to go after Jake. “SHIT ROOSTER BOGIE IS ON MY SIX”, Jake informed. Jake had deployed all his flares by the time Rooster was on top of the bogie. “I NEED YOU TO HOLD STEADY SO I CAN TAKE THIS GUY OUT”, Rooster called out. “ARE YOU CRAZY!”, Jake responded. Jake looked down at the photo he had placed in his cockpit.
It was the one of you in your sundress on the beach staring out into the ocean smiling. If he was going to die he wanted to go looking at your photo. Rooster fired and the bogie couldn’t evade in time as the missile made contact. “SPLASH BOGIE! SPLASH BOGIE!” Rooster confirmed. Jake let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and headed back to the carrier with Rooster. When they landed they were immediately debriefed and let go to get some rest. 
Jake, Rooster, Phoenix and Bob sat there knowing that it could have easily been Payback and Fanboy had they not gotten injured. Hell it could have been any of them. It was somber as they all went to their rooms. Jake shared one with Rooster as he climbed into his bunk. He pulled out the photo he had in the cockpit and broke down as he realized he could have died today. He didn’t cry because of his near death today, but the fact that if he had died you would have been devastated. 
You just felt heavy as you willed yourself to go back to sleep. Jake and the others should be back soon and you couldn’t wait to be able to hold Jake again. You grabbed Jake’s pillow again and curled around it. You were wearing one of his t-shirts and it was just as soothing as holding onto his pillow. “Jake come home please”, you whispered. Sleep consumed you within minutes as you dreamed about him coming home.
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gallaghersgal · 10 months
just some more college dad lip content bc i think ive found my niche. short and sweet and dialogue heavy
philosophy. engineering. calculus. biology. art history. jesus, who was pollock again? and kant? kant's the philosopher...
lip runs a hand through his hair, looking up at his "no distractions" sign, and the picture next to it. it was you, him, and emily. her first christmas. he wasn't sure how everyone had done it, but the whole family had showered the three of you with baby gifts. emily was dressed in an adorable little christmas dress and baby tights, himself in a matching button up, and you wore a deep red sweater with a pretty tint on your lips in the same shade.
his girls. god, he misses you.
he glances at his phone, then to his work, then back to his phone.
"fuck-" he switches out the burnt cig between his lips for a blunt and dials your number.
"h-hi," he lets out a shaky breath at the sound of your voice, "hi baby.'
"what's up, somethin' wrong?"
lip laughs softly, "nothin' sweet girl. i jus' wanted to hear your voice." he breathes in the warm, smooth smoke, the exhales. "exams are killin' me."
"i know. when do you finish up?"
"last exam's thursday morning, then i've got work study but uh- i'll be home for dinner." his chest feels tight as he thinks about coming home to you and emily. just another hot chicago summer, all sweaty and humid. but any time with his girls is priceless.
"you'll be home soon."
"yeah, real soon.” he sighs, checking the clock on his desk. it’s late, emmie’s gone to bed, and he needs to get back to studying.
“go, it’s okay,” your voice is soft through the reciever.
“‘m sorry baby,” lip groans. “i wanna talk more, how was your day?”
“it’s okay, i’m serious. go study and get a good nights sleep, college boy. and call me in the morning, okay?”
he’s quiet for a moment, smoking and thinking as his mind starts to go just a little bit hazy. just a little more studying, thirty minutes tops. then he could sleep.
and then he could hear your voice again.
“yeah, okay,” he resigns. “i love you, i’ll see you soon.”
“love you, lip. so much. go make me an’ emmie proud.”
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nanaminokanojo · 7 months
–one night of fooling around with the annoying campus king gojo satoru (he thinks so), turns into...well, something else more long term
CHARACTERS: gojo satoru x you | geto suguru | jjk characters
GENRE: college au | smut | smau | smau + prose | everything in between | ons | fubus to lovers | aged-up characters | idk where this is going
⚠️ TW/CW: strong/mature language | 🔞 | mentions of alcohol, smoking, etc. | this has narrations | god-awful pet names | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 99 next>>
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A/N: Guys, this has been on my drafts, just waiting for part 100, but I failed so I'll do it later in the weekend with some more updates. Sarreh. And can you please tell me if you're getting notifs for that tags? It's killin' maaahhh!! Thanks.
TAGS LIST: @arxliana @neeneee @charlie-xo @aelynaneedsalottathing @arizzu @cloudxp @justpuddinglol @mikkies @nyfwyeonjun @whats-humanity-lol @letthewindlead @whore-of-many-hot-men @localgaytrainwreck @pikibee @bloombb @mr-underhills-things @lysaray @chocoyanchan @poemzcheng @bookswillfindyouaway @dreamxiing @koutaroo @taelattecookie @kazuhasmaid @weebbuscuit @moonmalice @taengkatsu @reagan707 @lysaray @to0ru @shirabane @yell0wdreams @r0ckst4rjk @megtheebimbo @tmvll9
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dakichh · 11 months
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i won't finish this until tomorrow bc college's killin me mentally but happy friday 13th to all my sweet killjoys!!
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rwby-confess · 3 months
(steps into gothic confessional) forgive me father, for i have failed thee still workin on the whiteknight propaganda, my back is just out here KILLIN me so bestie we are gonna have to wait a couple more days but rest assured i WILL bring my A game college essays have never left me more prepared for this moment
The Gods may forgive you but I, my child, do not. I shall unleash the wrath of cursed Blake upon you:
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Everytime you make a mistake, she gets closer
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perspectivestarters · 7 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo (Part II)
I wore makeup when we dated 'cause I thought you'd like me more.
Tried so hard to be everything that you liked.
I knew how you took your coffee and your favorite songs by heart.
I read all of your self-help books so you'd think that I was smart.
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me.
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave.
You found someonе more exciting, the nеxt second, you were gone.
You left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong.
You always say I'm never satisfied, but I don't think that's true
All I ever wanted was to be enough for you.
Maybe I'm just not as interesting as the girls you had before.
You couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more.
I'd say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that,
I don't want your sympathy.
I just want myself back.
Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?
Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
Don't tell me you're sorry.
Feel sorry for yourself.
Someday, I'll be everything to somebody else.
You'll be the one who's crying.
You say I'm never satisfied, but that's not me, it's you.
I don't think anything could ever be enough for you.
Nothing's enough for you.
We broke up a month ago.
You know I know you've moved on, found someone new.
One more girl who brings out the better in you.
I thought my heart was detached.
Does she mean you forgot about me?
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me.
I'm selfish, I know.
I can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better.
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier.
Do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?
An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean.
Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me?
But she's beautiful, she looks kind.
She probably gives you butterflies.
I wish you all the best, really.
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me.
Think of me fondly when your hands are on her.
I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room.
All I see are girls too good to be true.
Wish I didn't care.
I know their beauty's not my lack.
It feels like that weight is on my back.
I can't let it go.
Comparison is killin' me slowly.
I think I think too much. 'bout kids who don't know me.
I'm so sick of myself
I'd rather be anyone else.
My jealousy started followin' me.
I see everyone gettin' all the things I want.
I'm happy for them, but then again, I'm not.
Oh god, I sound crazy.
Their win is not my loss.
I can't help gettin' caught up in it all.
All your friends are so cool.
Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend, too.
I wanna be you so bad and I don't even know you.
All I see is what I should be.
I'm losin' it.
Know that I loved you so bad I let you treat me like that.
I was your willing accomplice, honey.
I watched as you fled the scene.
One heart broke, four hands bloody.
The things I did just so I could call you mine.
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime.
You used me as an alibi?
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line.
I defended you to all my friends.
Now every time a siren sounds, I wondеr if you're around.
You know that I'd do it all again.
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do.
I was goin' down, but I was doin' it with you.
I say that I hate you with a smile on my face.
Oh, look what we became.
Baby, you were mine
I knew a boy once when I was small.
He played the drum in the marching band.
His parents cared more about the Bible than being good to their own child.
He wore long sleeves 'cause of his dad.
Somehow, we fell out of touch.
Hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush.
Don't know if I'll see you again someday.
If you're out there, I hope that you're okay.
She raised her brothers on hеr own.
Her parents hated who shе loved.
She couldn't wait to go to college.
She was tired 'cause she was brought into a world where family was merely blood.
Does she know how proud I am she was created?
We don't talk much, but I just gotta say.
I miss you and I hope that you're okay.
Address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings.
Nothing's forever.
Nothing is as good as it seems
I hope you know how proud I am you were created with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred.
But, god, I hope that you're happier today.
I love you.
I hope that you're okay.
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marksbear · 2 years
just unearthed my obsession with the boys with that one 😍
could you make a pt2 or just something similar with smut where as hughie sort of starts to see how reader could actually be the bad guy, kinda confronts him about it, and then reader would either
a. deny it, convince hughie he's good and loves him (shows him with sex)
b. embrace it, convince/tell hughie he still loves him and be all like "what would you do without me" to hughie (also shows him with sex 💀)
(i had those two ideas and couldn't pick one so i'll leave a or b up to you, and sorry if b didnt make sense or was worded weird, i hope you can still understand what i'm trying to say lmao)
Hell yeah I can make a part 2! I'm going to choose B then write A maybe later tonight or tomorrow 😘. I just love villain supe reader!
Warnings, Y/n is mean and evil as HELL, manipulator Y/n, hard smut, blowjobs, fingering, Y/n killing someone with one punch, ofc Homelander a little. The boys being NOSY AF
The H/n and The Homelander.
The two superheros did it again. Almost every single week the two are trending about being the best superhero duo ever. Even though the two are in the best superhero group in the world the two are always out shine the rest.
Hughie looks at the news on his phone watching all of the new interviews of you and reading the new articles about you smiling to himself.
Y/n and Hughie have been going great with each other for the longest. Y/n has gotten more serious in the relationship so has Hughie. The two spend everyday with each other.
Mostly Y/n has been planning all of their hangouts and dates. Hughie was confused at first why Y/n was spending so much time with him. In their relationship in the past Y/n has been always busy with hero work and with meetings and all that.
But now this time Y/n he has been spending so much time with Hughie. Y/n has a reason for this. He has been keeping so many secrets from Hughie he doesn't even know more. He doesn't want Hughie one day to look for him and he's killing a civilian.
It's not like he'll ever do that right. Since you know hes H/n and all...
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One day Butcher and threw a fit about H/n how hes a "Stupid killin bastard" And of course Hughie was in denial. So Billy grouped up all The Boys and went to a place where H/n will supposedly be stopping a villain at.
Somehow Billy was right and H/n was here to stop them. The Boys watch in the shadows as H/n fights. It doesn't take long for Y/n to take down the villains goons.
The villain begs for his life as Y/n stalks up to him all bloody with a sinister smile on his face. Y/n laughs at the poor man and says. "I ain't going to kill ya. Thats Homelander job... I'm just gonna--- f-fuck!" Y/n head starts to spin. He quickly knocks out the villain.
Y/n gets his phone out of his pocket calling Homelander. "Mi---ssion complete. Need you to pick... me." Y/n falls on the floor past out as Homelander hears Y/n falls on the floor and sighs. "Gotta stop using that power all the time H/n. I'm tired of picking you up all the time." Homelander hangs up and goes to his college mission to pick him up.
Billy picks up the villain telling everyone to go. Hughie stands back looking at Y/n worried and runs up to him giving him a quick kiss on the head before running away with the gang.
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Somehow Y/n wakes up early as soon as Homelander arrives about to get him. "Where the hell did he go!?! I had the fucker on his knees begging for me not to kill him." Y/n says angrily standing up not even caring about his headache.
"And my phone is gone too! just my luck. Homelander can you be a good number one and carry me to an electrician store." Homelander let out a huff and picked up Y/n flying him where he wanted to go. Y/n waves Homelander off making sure hes actually gone before going to Hughie's house.
Y/n opens the door and shouts. "Sorry for not telling you that I was coming! Hughie! The most bizarre---- V/n?" Y/n stares at the villain that he was just hunting down. He sees stacks of paper about him on the table and Y/n walks up to them. He sees his phone unlocked and on his hidden. His hidden is filled with dead victims Y/n killed brutally.
"Y-y/n why did you lie." Hughie says throwing more papers from years and months ago about him doing evil things some even a couple days ago. How could this happen... Y/n made sure to use his hidden power to delete and hide every bad thing he had done from the face of the earth.
"Hughie... How did you get all of this? AND why do you have my phone?" Hughie becomes silent at the phone part and looks away.
"You were there!?! Weren't you Hughie! I told you to stay out of my missions! And don't follow me when i'm working! We can't be seen together Hughie!" Y/n grips the papers and out of anger he throws them around.
"AND YOU EVEN GOT V/N HERE! That's how you got all this information didn't you Hughie!" Y/n doesn't even try to mask his anger. He walks up to V/n and gives him one strong punch hearing a crack from V/n skull killing him instantly.
"Y/n. You lied. I trusted you! You told me you weren't like the others! I believed you. I even love you Y/n!"
"Hughie...I love you so much. But you have to understand I love it. I love the thrill of the kill. I love the thought of being caught. And just rule the world and no one can touch me or say anything about me because I am the best thing god made on this sick planet. I am the chosen one."
Hearing Y/n confession scares him and he backs away. But Y/n was faster he took Hughie's wrist softly pulling him into his chest.
"We both know that were made for each other. What would you do without me? You would have been dead right now without me... I am your savior, i'm your hero and most of all i'm your fucking boyfriend." Y/n lets go of his wrist and moves his hands to Hughie's cheeks pulling him in for a kiss.
One part of Hughie hates himself for giving into him. He hates how his cock begins to get hard from Y/n rubbing their crotches together. He hates that he keeps moaning in his evil boyfriend's mouth. Y/n guides him to the couch basically tackling him on the couch.
He is so mad at himself for begging you to fuck him. He hates the spell you have him locked in. He hates the way he grinds his own ass into your hard bulge. He hates everything about you.
But god why did he love it so much. He liked the way you made him feel. You make him feel happy, more confident, safe you made him feel that he was loved. And boy he loved you too.
Both of y'all's clothes were ripped off by Y/n who was eagerly jerking his own cock off as he watches Hughie finger himself. The two of you get more and more turned on by the other beautiful sight. Both of you watch each other like prey and a predator. Hughie adds two more fingers into his ass and becomes a moaning and whining mess. Hughie cock twitches and the precum starts to leak out of the tip. Y/n lets go of his own cock and goes down on Hughie's cock licking around the tip lapping all of the precum in his mouth.
Hughie hips bolts into Y/n mouth making him take his cock all the way in his mouth. Y/n lets Hughie fuck his mouth until his jaw goes limp and his chin is all covered in spit and cum. Y/n rest his head on the base of Hughie cock as Hughie fucks the back of his throat. Y/n grows bored and slips Hughie cock out of his mouth. Y/n uses his hand to gather all of the cum and spit from Hughie's own and applies it to his own making his cock all wet and sticky.
Y/n holds Hughie by the waist aligning him up so his hole is above the tip of his cock. Y/n spits on his cock head a few times before moving his cock forward into Hughie's insides. Hughie moans and screams fill the house as he arches his back holding onto the cushions of the couch for dear life. Y/n stops moving until only the tip is in fucking him with the tip for a while until Hughie begs for more. "Y/n!! please mo--re! I need more!~" Y/n slams his cock all the way inside Hughie.
Y/n thrust is animistic like he's using Hughie like if he was just a toy. Y/n grip on Hughie hips tighten probably gonna bruise for the next few days. Y/n only chases down his own orgasm not even caring about Hughie's own pleasure. "H/n! f-fuck h/n plea---se slow down!~" Hughie beg was filled with moans. Wet skip slapping is heard throughout the house. "Fuck! Hughie I'm close!" Y/n warns aiming his thrust into Hughie's prostate showing Hughie a bit of kindness. Y/n pulls himself down kissing Hughie jaw and chest.
"C-cum with me Hughie! I- I aM cumming!! Fu---uck I'm cumming!" As Y/n asks Hughie he cums with his boyfriend. Y/n doesn't pull out just yet looking at the mess he made with Hughie.
"I told you that you're nothing without me. No one can fuck you the way I can or love you like me."
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Hey there! Welcome to the infirmary! Really quick while you’re here, which base is this again? Ah never mind, I’ll figure it out. Feel free to take a seat while I get everything sorted in here. Fair warning however, I haven’t exactly nailed the ‘sewing limbs back on’ thing, so if thats what you’re in here for it might be quicker for me to just send you to respawn.
(OOC under cut)
Yo, I’m @underisntavalible, this is an ask blog that i made to help me conceptualise a TF2 au where me and my irl’s get isekaid into 197fuck New Mexico and picked up by the Blu team, so original I know. This was also made to get me to draw more frequently and hone my craft a bit more before I go to college.
I have a tendency to specify things that really don’t need specification, if I do so in a post please call me out on it.
Anon magic is allowed and encouraged.
NSFW is mostly prohibited, sex jokes are fine and gore is expected but I am (as of writing this) still a minor, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If I haven’t responded to your ask, please don’t send it over and over again, I’m either busy with other things and am getting to it, or I do not feel comfortable answering it.
Probably going to be interacting with other tf2 ask blogs a LOT, you have been warned
Critiques are always appreciated, but please give actual criticism and not “your art looks weird, fix it”
I am very much not a medical professional, if you ask me for medical advice I’ll do my best to answer with what I know but please take my words with a cup of salt and go to a real doctor.
eugh… tags…..
#resuscitating replies - responding to YOU!!!
#stitches n’ scribbles - showcasing any art made by myself, my mutuals, or y’all!
#crossfaction interaction - interacting with other tf2 ask blogs, or talking with/about the other isekaid idiots of this au
#story driven killin’ - lore related stuff!!
all of these are gonna have a LOT of overlap :p
That being said
ask away ig
Edit 2: no more drawing, will redraw eventually
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5ivebyfive · 11 months
“Your mom gave me pictures of you when you were a baby.”  For Trimberly and its Trini's pics she's in frilly things
[non-power rangers au]
Trini drove her car with Kim at her side. They had just left Trini's parents' house having had dinner with them. It had been the first time Kim met Trini's parents and Trini thought it had gone well. She had been really nervous that her mom would embarrass her, and she had, slightly, but it hadn't been too bad. Trini glanced at Kim before looking back to the road.
"So...what do you think?" She asked.
"I think your family is great," Kim said, taking Trini's free hand and squeezing it. "I know you were stressed, but you didn't need to be."
"What about Mami asking a million questions about your life?"
"She wanted to get to know me," Kim said. "I didn't mind."
"And when Diego asked you if you were going to marry me?"
"Didn't freak me out. I mean, maybe I will," Kim said. Trini's eyes widened.
"We've only been dating for three months," she said.
"But we've known each other a lot longer. And maybe means maybe."
"Okay..." Trini said, her heart racing. How could they be talking about that? How could Kim say that? It had only been three months! Not that...Trini could deny that she already loved Kim and that Kim was the best girlfriend she had ever had.
Trini met Kim while they were in college, and Trini had a little crush on her immediately. But Kim was dating someone else and they remained friends. It wasn't until they had graduated and moved on into their careers that they started spending more time together. Kim had long since broken up with her boyfriend and their friendship had gotten closer and closer, until the night they kissed. From there, it had been nothing but great. Trini was in love and happy, and she honestly didn't see a future without Kim so marriage wasn't off the table or anything.
“Your mom gave me pictures of you when you were a baby," Kim said after a bit, jarring Trini from her thoughts. Trini almost ran off the road but corrected. She looked over at Kim again, who had said pictures in her hands. She was shuffling through them with a smile. Trini looked forward again.
"She what?"
"You were so cute!" Kim said with a chuckle. "I especially love all the frilly clothes. Why don't you dress like that anymore?" Trini felt her cheeks warm and gulped.
"Because now I can choose my own clothes."
"The look looks good on you," Kim said. "I think you should get something like this and wear it for me." She held up a picture and Trini quickly glanced at it. She knew which picture it was immediately. She had seen it often enough on the bookshelf in the living room. She was four years old in the picture and she was wearing a soft pink dress with a white lacey collar that fell down her chest. The bottom of the dress was ruffled around her thighs. She wore a matching pink bow in her hair. Trini groaned.
"Not that one," she said. "I'm gonna kill her."
"No you're not," Kim said. "I love them."
"Why?" Trini grunted.
"Because I love you," Kim said simply.
"Yeah...love you, too," Trini said, reluctance in her voice. She was going to find those pictures while Kim wasn't looking and she was going to destroy them. It was the only option.
"And don't think you'll take them from me," Kim said, reading Trini's mind like she often did. "I'm going to sleep with them under my pillow."
"You killin' me," Trini said.
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snobgoblin · 1 year
2d: okay we gotta look uniformed as a united band.
ace: makes sense
2d: so lets all wear black
ace: hold it bub. i'm not wearin' all black like those college poet wanna-bes
noodle: how about just black jackets?
ace: ... not all the time. black is a very depressin' color and i'm anything BUT depressed
russel: i think i know a place that can make a letterman's jacket.
2d: make the other color white
ace: D you're killin' me!
2d: and you're in MY band so you gotta follow what i say
ace: ... >B[ [fists are balled up]
noodle: white is a very bright color and compliments black. plus you have your shirts and pants. the letterman jacket will go with anything
ace: ... fine.
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daphnebowen · 1 year
hsmtmts season four episode five
WHY ARE ALL OF THEM IGNORING RICHARD even though it’s LITERALLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE still that’s really rude what happened to being nice to people??? If people are genuinely like that in college I am scared
“Richard Bowen.”
”Elton John.” I LOVE THESE TWO!!!!
why does the principal care omg like stay out of her business not everyone can make every rehearsal what do you expect??
kourtneys hero is her mom! That’s the most wholesome and sweetest thing ever 🥰
if kourtneys college trip was a casual visit how come miss girl is wearing four inch heels a miniskirt and a turtleneck 🥸 not that I’m complaining, she looks amazing, but I’m just saying my feet would be KILLIN ME
”wait wait wait… YOURE working??”
ok can we talk about ej for a min?? Man has four jobs, full class schedule, is on the PING PONG TEAM (is that a thing?), is an acapella group called the blindorphins (blind orphans? Help?), has no parental support (srsly, where is his mama?) has a beard much more prominent than the one in season two, is the dork of his friend group (how????), is talking to Val (I totally ship, ngl, so if it’s just a friend thing ima hurt someone) and wears Birkenstocks. He’s a hippie. Someone help my matty poo. But good for him! Proud of ya eej!
”you do look good.” “You look… terrible.”
okay, plot hole, ej says he’s been dabbling in playing the guitar yet in season three he’s literally playing the guitar for the song “ballad of Susan fine.” So is he dabbling in other types of guitars or is a plot hole??? Because if it’s a plot hole it’s the first one I’ve noticed. and now it’s bugging me. And I can’t unsee it.
”I do not break my promises” NO YOU DONT
”for my leading lady thirty seconds.” Welp
”g force” I cant
”no is a complete sentence” thanks Quinn that’s my senior quote
”I’m hearing awards buzz” the only line from Mack I haven’t absolutely hated
“ all songs might be terrible, Elton.”
they’re such brothers it hurts knowing that this is like their last season together :( I wish we’d gotten more of their friendship “ooh, a capo? Fancy.” Ricky said with a proud smile 🤩 his big bro is all grown up (which is backwards, but you know what I mean)
I absolutely love this song! It’s everything we’ve ever needed and more
ricky looks so intently focused on ej he’s into it
that song really hit Ricky home huh. That’s just what he needed. I can totally see why people ship Ricky and ej because their chemistry and like, playfulness was really cute but I still see it as more of a bromance and brother relationship.
man Siri is really working miss Jenn dang
The fact that Siri is still going and recording all while miss Jenn and Carlos are talking has me bawling what if it sent the text to the theater group lmao
no Mack. You and Gina are not “best friends.” Yall are barely friends imo. Ashlyn is Gina’s best friend. Kourtney is Gina’s best friend. Ricky is Gina’s best friend (plus a lil smth else 😏😉)
the fact that she’s looking at a picture of Ricky to help her nail the chemistry 😚 true love right there
EW NASTY MACK STOP KISSING GINA Gina looks like she does not wanna be there but Mack is all in and I wanna slap him
omg big red. What happened…. Cairo… changed him?
Aw his grandma is 100! That’s so sweet
stopppp I still can’t believe it was BIG FREAKING RED
”fantastic. My girlfriend is kissing her childhood crush”
ejs little noises “mmm.. mmmm… mmMMMMmm.” He totally disapproves huh
i love how Ricky is ranting to ej even though Gina and ej dated and ej is pretty cool with it, he’s so supportive in this season
man Ricky cannot sit still boy is constantly moving
“everyone’s only allowed to be okay, for like, ten seconds” yup pretty much sucks but true
”todd” says it like it’s the worst word ever
im tired of you losing people too Ricky - don’t worry I’m HERE FOR YOU :((
I love how big red was just like SURPRISE!! even tho Carlos is literally dying of heartbreak and he’s just like “eh it’s cool, whatever” COME ON BIG RED YOURE BETTER THAN THAT
i can’t freaking believe that big reds coming out moment was with Sebastian
I love how Ashlyn doesn’t even care herself she’s just worried about Carlos mostly TELL HIM ASH TELL HIM
bug red is so supportive 😍 he’s a number one madlyn fan I swear
honestly redlyn was one of the most non toxic couples in the show, they constantly supported each other and were there for each other, but they knew that there just wasn’t something final about them together, yes they clicked and they clicked well and so they’re better off as friends now that both of their storylines have explored other sides of their feelings and broadened “their dating pools” as Ashlyn said. So I’m glad that they’re staying friends. And were able to come to a mutual breakup. “Or maybe growing towards this” 🥹
”we are 24 cups?!” The instant panic is so real
Carlos: “do you know what it’s like to be gay?” Miss Jenn: *shakes her head* 😭😭😭😭
”hiding is never the answer” yess!! This all the way
baby steps Carlos you got this hun
kourtney really is glowing , she’s so happy at Lewis
harpers shoes are super cute!
”how heavy can a steadicam be?” The steadicam guy: really heavy 😒
“you missed every one of my opening nights!” “Hollywood is different” GIRL I hate you if it weren’t for those opening nights Gina probably wouldn’t be in hollywood hate to admit it but I did
I hate Gina’s mom so much why does she feel the need to push Gina towards Mack and invite him over for dinner and make her miss rehearsals when clearly she wants to go rehearse like what? Gina doesn’t even like Mack that way!
ginas mother… I thought you said “no boys.” And here she is
the last time Carlos is gonna smile at big red “spill the international tea”
”im very fond of you “ AWWW sad considering the circumstances but it’s still a sweet thing to say..
oh- mad and mad are back on again
i love how ej aaid “no” when the thunder cracked 💀
see the fact that Ricky didn’t even know about ejs dad problems and everything going on with him and Gina and still waited respectfully until Gina was ready shows his character growth. In season one he was actively interfering with nini and ejs relationship but in season three he saw Gina was happy and let her have her happiness. This is what I love about him ❤️
”you will never meet another family like the Wildcats” HITS LIKE HOME CUZ ITS OVER
”cause I miss it every single day” literally me rewatching this knowing I will never be able to go back and rewatch seasons 1 and 2 ever again 😢
Matt Cornett king of voice cracks
”she would be be with you if she didn’t see the guy you could be” YES EJ PREACH MY MAN
”if you hurt her… I will never forgive you.” The way Ricky looks up in alarm ‼️
Ej is the freaking best at pep talks man all that time with Val really taught him a lot, he’s being tough on Ricky and honest with him but he’s also being caring and gentle and I love that for the two of them, we need more bromances like this!
”why didn’t we hang out more in high school?” “Well maybe because you were always stealing my girlfriends” HAHAHA
awww ej is giving him his guitar!!! (He’s got good instincts)
ugh mark and spark are literally on the table
part 2 tk!
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