#color coded alphas in love?
respectthepetty · 7 months
I don't go here, but . . .
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good for that Blue Boy!
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Teen wolf next generation: Sterek version
Let's meet the Stilinski Hale kids
Talia Erica Stilinski Hale
Faceclaim: Brianna Hildebrand
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First born daughter of Derek and Stiles
Named after Derek's mother and former beta
Takes after Derek. She is a werewolf and is the future Alpha of her pack
Such an overprotective big sister
Loves her leather jackets
Speaks Spanish and a little polish
Benjamin "Ben/Benji" Noah Stilinski Hale
Faceclaim: Cole Sprouse
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Second oldest of the Stilinski Hale's
He takes after Stiles in sarcasm and the love of mysteries but can be pretty intimidating like Derek and older sister.
He is also a werewolf, and he is also pretty blunt
He is very weird, but he embraces it.
Miguel Vernon Stilinski Hale
Faceclaim: Tyler Young
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He is the middle child
Big loner and antisocial. A bit of an emo boy (so takes after Derek)
He also takes after Stiles since he randomly knows random facts about pretty much anything
Incredibly smart
He is a spark and future emissary of his pack
He had inherited Derek's brooding face
Also uses color coded highlighters and string for his assignments
Claudia Laura Stilinski Hale
Faceclaim: Sara Waisglass
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Younger child of Stiles and Derek
Named after Stiles's mother and Derek's late older sister
She's a sweetheart, and everyone loves her
Older twin to Eli (hates him, but loves him at the same time)
She is also a spark and like Miguel, she is also an emissary in training
Both her and Miguel are trained under Deaton
She's a cheerleader in Beacon Hills high
She is Noah's favorite (🤫🤫 don't tell anyone)
Can get away with anything
She and Miguel speak fluent Polish
Elias "Eli" Mitchell Stilinski Hale
Faceclaim: Vince Mattis
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Troublemaker in the family and pup in the family (he hates the pup part)
Youngest twin (believe it or not)
Annoys, his siblings, and his parents to no end
Secretly jealous of all his siblings but loves them at the same time (never tells them that, but they know)
Takes after Stiles by.............A LOT
Him and Claudia have twin telepathy and can sense what the other is feeling
He's not the greatest lacrosse player, but he loves doing it anyway
He loves it when his family comes to see him play and when his twin cheers for him
His siblings cover him a lot (I mean A LOT) since he gets in trouble (A LOT)
He is closest to Stiles and Claudia
That's all I got for the Stilinski Hale pack. Hope you teen wolf and Sterek lovers enjoy ❤️🐺🦊
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thewertsearch · 2 months
Second part of the giga-ask compilation!
@publicuniversalworstie asked: Why assume the Horrorterrors would know that changing events would create a doomed timeline? That assumes both A) that the horrorterrors know the future and B) that they don't think it can really be changed. Maybe they genuinely thought they could change things, such as by perhaps fulfilling all the requisite loops a different way? Imagine a scenario where a time traveler learns of their death, therefore being destined to die, and instead fake their death to create the conditions under which they learned of the death originally.
It's possible. But if the Horrorterrors do have a way to trick the Alpha Timeline like that, then they've really been holding out on us by not mentioning it to the Players. Such a revelation would completely change the game - we might even be able to fake the Earth's death.
Anonymous asked: i want to learn more about coding to analyze homestuck better - do you have a place i could start? resources? idk love the liveblog hope you're doin well :]
Absolutely! I've got two separate answers for you, depending on what your goal is here.
If your main goal is just to analyse Homestuck, then you’re probably best off picking a language whose syntax is easy to understand, such as Python. You'll pick up on the basic logic pretty quickly, and the ~ATH snippets will start to make a lot more sense.
If you’re actually interested in programming for its own sake, then I recommend you start with my own first language, C. It’s a lot harder for a newbie to get to grips with, but doing so will give you a much more solid theoretical foundation then ostensibly ‘easier’ languages.
W3schools is a decent starting resource for both languages - but if you need more specific guidance, let me know, and I'd be happy to help!
@skelekingfeddy asked: actually grubmom having the same color wires as in that pic of sahlee wasnt intentional! i based it on how sollux’s game grubs have red and blue wires attached to them
Anonymous asked: Did you run any mysterious ~ath programs on that computer of yours?
Honestly, running ATH on that thing would probably have improved it.
Anonymous asked: One voice headcanon I have for Terezi is the English dub of Power from Chainsaw man
Honestly, she sounds pretty much exactly how I imagine Terezi does. She even has the horns!
@martinkhall asked: I'm surprised none of the suggested instruments for a time player were an ocarina.
Some fruit is just too low-hanging.
@delicate-ruins asked: what's an animal you like that you think doesn't show up very much in media, be it fiction or news or just generally? example: i like secretary birds. but except for videos about them, i have never heard them references.
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They're not obscure, per se, but there will never be enough sloths in media. The only fictional sloth of note is Sid from Ice Age – and he does not do them justice.
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Capybaras are also underrated as hell – so much so that LibreOffice, which I'm using to edit this compilation, doesn’t even recognize the word as real!
Anonymous asked: “I’m trying to figure out if it’s fully a Breath outfit, or if there’s some Heir stuff too.” the general rule for god tier outfits is that the colors and symbol represent the aspect, the clothes represent the class. so, for example, if two princes of different aspects ascended, their clothing style would be the same but they would a have different color scheme. @skaiandestiny asked: If you haven't already figured it out, class informs the godtier outfit and aspect informs the colors and icon!
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In that case, there is something about John’s outfit that says ‘heir’ – but nothing really stands out to me.
@driventopoison asked: Hey, I don't know if it's just me but it seems like you've skipped ahead. I have been following your liveblog daily, but I haven't seen you come across the windy thing yet. Is this because you were using the app or something? Also just want to let you know that I love your liveblog. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! Anyway, John’s Windy Thing is indeed documented on the liveblog, and it’s visible to me. I was using the app for some of that segment, though – are app-made posts particularly buggy?
@classpecting-guide-official asked: story about a modded game of sburb where the characters notice that something isn't right and slowly realize that their world is a lie
Back in Act 1, this is pretty much what I thought was happening. It was a simpler time.
@ignis-cain asked: Note the colors the capslock flashes for WV.
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When WV locks his capsule, the button’s light flashes red and green – but I’m not sure what the significance of these colors is, in this situation.
Anonymous asked: i know i'm SUPER late to answer this, but i think the instantiation thing is the same as any video game, newly made with a prebaked history. when you name your character, that has been their name for their whole life, even though you thought it up a few seconds ago. when you enter the medium, the planet has a history and the denizens have memories, even though they just showed up when you entered.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is indeed what’s going on. The implications are just a lot more wild when the game is physically real, rather than virtual!
@kintatsu asked: So, I know I'm a little late to the party, but I have to point out: Alternian sunlight doesn't need to be THAT much stronger than Earth's to blind Terezi as quickly as it did. Trolls are nocturnal, which means they almost definitely have a tapetum lucidum (eyeshine membrane), which means that however much light entered Terezi's eyeballs? Her retinas were blasted by every photon twice.
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Damn, Vriska. For a second, I thought this ask was explaining why Terezi wasn't in as much pain as I'd thought - but this alternate explanation might actually be worse than what I was picturing!
@delicate-ruins asked: It's delightful to see somebody read Homestuck and be as charmed by it as I and a lot of my friends were way back when we first read it, and the calm, digesting pace at which you're enjoying it is honestly so nice. I rushed way too much to catch up since my friends recommended it in about 2016, which means I went from knowing nothing about the comic to being caught up on it in like a week. I never sat down with the ideas and thought "hey, does this mean XYZ?" because quite often I got the answer five seconds later as I rushed to catch up. But seeing you asking those questions is so so fun. Yeah, DOES it mean that?? Guess we'll find out! In the meantime, we get to guess, which means we basically get to have fun twice. It's reigniting my enjoyment of homestuck quite significantly, I think!
Thank you! It’s really nice to be able to engage in a dialogue about the comic through these asks, which is something that wouldn't be possible if I was speeding through it. As I always say, I'm here for a good time and a long time.
@manorinthewoods asked: Alright, here's another transtimeline fun fact. Each of the kids was supposed to have a Quest related to their associated material - John had a land covered in oil, Rose's ocean was polluted with chalk, the gears of LOHAC were gummed by amber, and LOFAF was in a nuclear winter. Ultimately, while the ocean of LOLAR is still chalky, nothing but John's oil made the cut. ~LOSS (16/5/23)
I think it was a good change, then. Not everything has to be a pattern, and Dave's two weird maybe-quests are a lot more unique and interesting than a generic 'materials quest'.
@captorations asked: oh hey, this walkaround! so funny story, i used to run a blog where i posted one of terezi’s canon appearances each day, in order. yes, i completed my task, and more besides. however! when i was wandering through this as terezi, a glitch rendered me trapped. i decided that this counted as a noteworthy appearance, and took a screenshot. then, by sheer coincidence, it ended up being posted on… halloween. it was pretty great (also don’t forget to check out ctrl + t)
You accessed the double-secret version of Past Karkat: Wake Up, which plays the Earthbound Halloween Hack version of Megalovania rather than the Homestuck one.
Anonymous asked: Personally, I think John gaining so many levels so quickly is tied to his role as the heir - he gains so many levels without really trying, not because he's better than the trolls or his friends, but because he just kind of falls into it. The game rewards him for taking the path of least resistance.
That certainly makes sense if we just look at John - but I have trouble reconciling this interpretation with our other Heir. Equius certainly has some advantages, but they aren't exactly unique to him, as you'd expect them to be if his Heir class was responsible for them.
Yes, he's a highblood, but he's outranked by three non-Heirs - and his strength doesn't seem to be unique either, as Feferi seems capable of similar feats. Perhaps Equius will trip and fall into more unique privilege, but it hasn't happened yet.
Anonymous asked: my personal headcanons for midnight crew claspects: Slick - Prince of Blood, Droog - Mage of Space, Boxcars - Knight of Heart, Deuce - Bard of Doom. knowing you youre probably gonna attempt to analyse these LOL
Slick has had ties to Blood since he first met Karkat, so that tracks - and Boxcars is a shipper, so Nepeta's aspect is probably the best fit for now. I'm not sure about the other two, but I'll revisit them later!
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loveandleases · 4 months
Progress Update
Hey everyone~ Hope everyone is doing well and had a great holiday season. For those of us who also celebrate Chinese New Year, the season is still going strong. This is going to be long so below the cut to save your dashboard.
Guess it's about time I post one of these. So, there was an anon who said I've been posting too many asks to actually be working on the if. For those who have followed me for a while, you know that I queue things. Meaning the blog stays active while I'm elsewhere. I have a new class starting in February which is going to be, well eventful to say the least. Luckily, that class will be online which means I have more time to focus on my writing/coding.
While some coding I can handle fine, some is just a bit of a hassle. This again makes me think of moving from twine to choice. I just enjoy the look of twine and the ease of it better. I've been working on ensuring I get all the customization options in the character creator. (This includes specific types of heterochromia). I've also been working on a master post. This will help in finding more information about chosen ro's, character dynamics, snippets, scenario asks, etc.
I've since decided that the demo will be shortened. If need be I will go through and move some things around so that you're still able to meet all the Ro's in the initial drop. I also want to do some alpha testing before the initial drop, which i will put an application out for. Not only will you get to meet the Ro's in the demo, you will also get to customize your MC, their looks, and even some relationships. (Looking at you G!) Not only will you get to decide on some relationships, but I also want you to meet a specific character in the demo. (Any guesses?) Hope some of you are a fan of choice indicators!
I keep going through rereading what I've gotten typed up and changing a few things. I know it doesn't have to be perfect because it's something I can always come back to. Yet, I want it to be perfect, to convey the right emotions such as betrayal by Chris and Jade, even MC's family. Will it be my best work? Probably not, but I will continue to come back to it so that it is on that level. So, until then if I get quiet it's because I'm just busy, if you see a lot of asks. I assure you I'm working on the if, I'm just answering and queuing things on the side. I guess I should show a few bits of code here and there. Maybe a small glimpse behind the curtain of Love and Leases. So this is just a glimpse of what is in Twine, I will end up changing the theme, font, font color etc. (Any guesses on who MC just had a meet cute with?)
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fakeoutbf · 10 months
so much for (tour)dust u.s. leg
magic 8 ball and piano medley songs sorted by date
color coded by album ● repeated songs in bold
tttyg ● futct ● ioh ● fad ● srar ● abap ● mania ● smfs
June 21 - Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
Piano medley
- Lake Shore Drive (Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Live Debut) (Alias: GOLF)
June 23 - Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Maryland Heights, MO
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive (Live Debut)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Of All the Gin Joints in All the World (First time live since 2008) (Alias: GAMMA JULIET)
June 24 - Azura Amphitheater, Bonner Springs, KS
Piano medley
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) (First time live since 2014)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year (First time live since 2014) (Alias: OCHO)
June 27 - Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, The Woodlands, TX
Piano medley
- Somebody to Love (Queen cover)
- Take On Me (Aha cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) (Live Debut) (Alias: TANGO YETI)
June 28 - Dos Equis Pavilion, Dallas, TX
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie (First time live since 2013)
Magic 8 Ball song
- The (After) Life of the Party (First time live since 2007) (Alias: SIERRA ALPHA)
June 30 - Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre, AZ
Piano medley
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Slump song, first time live since 2011)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Homesick at Space Camp (First time live since 2013)
July 1 - North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, Chula Vista, CA
Piano medley
- Nothing Compares 2 U (Prince cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- (Coffee’s For Closers) (First time live since 2009)
July 2 - BMO Stadium, Los Angeles, CA
Piano medley
- Mr. Blue Sky (Electric Light Orchestra cover)
- Golden (First time live since 2007)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S.
- America’s Suitehearts (First time live since 2009) (Alias: ASS)
July 3 - BMO Stadium, Los Angeles, CA
Piano medley
- Every Breath You Take (The Police cover)
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers (Live Debut)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- The (After) Life of the Party
- Bang the Doldrums (Live Debut) (Alias: YANKEE HOTEL HOTEL)
July 5 - Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA
Piano medley
- Alison (Elvis Costello cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes (First time live since 2013) (Alias: PATRIZZY S)
July 7 - USANA Amphitheatre, West Valley City, UT
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Hold the Line (Toto cover)
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (First time live since 2018) (Alias: KILO)
July 9 - Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre, Greenwood Village, CO
Piano/acoustic medley
- Goin’ North (David Stump cover)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner (First time live since 2014)
July 11 - Walmart AMP, Rogers, AR
Piano medley
- (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding (Brinsley Schwarz cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me (First time live since 2015)
July 13 - Somerset Amphitheater, Somerset, WI (shortened show due to weather)
Magic 8 Ball song
- Fame < Infamy (Live Debut) (Alias: BRAVO WHISKEY PAPA)
July 15 - Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati, OH
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Favorite Record (Live Debut)
July 16 - Ruoff Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Where Did the Party Go (First time live since 2014) (Alias: WHISKEY PAPA)
July 18 - Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Piano medley
- Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen cover)
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You)
Magic 8 Ball song
- 27 (Live Debut) (Alias: TANGO SIERRA)
July 19 - Jiffy Lube Live, Bristow, VA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner (full song)
Magic 8 ball
- She’s My Winona (First time live since 2009) (Alias: BEETLE JUICE)
July 21 - PNC Music Pavilion, Charlotte, NC
Piano medley
- Lean on me (Bill Withers cover)
- What a Catch
Magic 8 Ball song
- Dead on Arrival (First time live since 2013) (Alias: DELTA OMEGA ALPHA)
June 21 - Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- 7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) (Patrick on drums, First time live since 2007) (Alias: WOLFGANG)
July 24 - iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL
Piano medley
- Dancing Queen (ABBA cover)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today (First time live since 2013) (Alias: GATOR BITES)
July 25 - MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre, Tampa, FL
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Miss Missing You (First time live since 2015)
July 26 - Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood, Atlanta, GA
Piano medley
- Nothing Compares 2 U (Prince cover)
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
Magic 8 Ball song
- From Now On, We Are Enemies (Live Debut)
July 29 - Pine Knob Music Theatre, Clarkston, MI
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? (First time live since 2007)
July 30 - Budweiser Stage, Toronto, ON, Canada
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- West Coast Smoker (Live Debut)
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S.
August 1 - Forest Hills Stadium, Queens, NY
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Just One Yesterday (First time live since 2014)
- Stereo Hearts (with Travie McCoy)
- Cupid’s Chokehold (with Travie McCoy)
Magic 8 Ball song
- I Am My Own Muse (Live Debut)
- 27
August 2 - Fenway Park, Boston, MA
Piano medley
- W.A.M.S. (Live Debut)
- Sweet Caroline (Neil Diamond cover)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- XO (First time live since 2007)
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S.
August 4 - Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Darien Center, NY
Piano/acoustic medley
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (First time live since 2006)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- You’re Crashing but You’re No Wave (Live Debut)
- 27
August 5 - PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ
Piano medley
- I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song) (Live Debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Bob Dylan (Live Debut)
- I Am My Own Muse
August 6 - Freedom Mortgage Pavilion, Camden, NJ
Piano medley
- Jet Pack Blues (First time live since 2018)
- I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Pavlove (Live Debut) (Alias: KEVIN BACON)
- 27 (Alias: ONLY THE GOOD)
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Alias: ACRONYM)
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fefairys · 1 year
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all the pics of the food and drinks we got from the cafe! forgot to get a pic of the highblood and the batterwitch drinks, but we tried those as well! my reviewz of them under the cut bc ppl said they were curious for the tl;dr: everything was lovely!
first image - Dave's apple juice - yeah its just apple juice with a candy apple cold foam which was DELICIOUS and i loved a little appy juice treat :3
second image -
Sburb Soda Beta: Mtn Dew with green apple flavoring Sburb Soda Alpha: Mtn Dew Code Red with Dragon fruit flavoring
these were both really good! they kinda tasted like gushers since they had gushers in em. just soda with some nice flavors in there! super sweet! the sburb alpha was my favorite
third image- the mayor strawberry - i didnt eat the strawberry part but the chocolate was nice and Juice says the strawberry wasn't great, since it isn't strawberry season. he says "it was okay!" enthusiastically lol. it was a real big strawberry 😳 and it was super cute :3
fourth image - Grimsnark Milk Tea: Passion fruit, Jasmine, Marigold, and rose milk tea with a green matcha cold foam - not actually the fuckin neon green color from that picture requiem shared lol! i didn't care for this cause i'm not a fan of how strongly rose-flavored it was? but juice enjoyed it, and the green matcha cold foam was nice :3 Strawberry Lalonde: Strawberry and Rose lemonade topped with sprite - delicious!!! i think the rose part of it gave it the slight flavor of tasting like it was spiked, which was fitting lol and it also came with pink rock candy!!
fifth image - The Pumpkin Rodeo: uhhh i cant find the official description of this but it was two waffles with pumpkin ice cream, whipped cream, green sprinkles, and a candied orange slice! - SO FUCKING GOOD but expensive! but the waffles were fresh and hot and it was so awesome. yummyyy i miss it
sixth image - juice holding the Sopor Slime Pie which was just some key lime pie! it was like, super potent lime flavor.. it was pretty tasty i enjoyed it :) but definitely only recommend it if u like key lime pie a lot cause its like a STRONG one lmao. but it was suuuuper fluffy! very pleasant texture :3
not pictured (sorry i forgor but u can find pics on the instagram it just looked like the picture) - High Blood: Blackberry butterfly pea tea and lavender lemonade Batterwitch Latte: Cake flavored latte with actual Betty Crocker ingredients u could definitely taste all of the ingredients listed in the highblood it was a very nice combination, i enjoyed the blackberry ^u^ two of my friends who tried it gave it rave reviews as well! and the batterwitch was a really good, sweet coffee drink i enjoyed it a lot!!! definitely getting that one again, i think it was my favorite. love me an ice coffee..
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
hello 👋
I would like to request something for Alpha 17, he deserves all the love and kisses and I thought something with a hot and heavy makeout session, idk I normally don’t request so I don’t know if this is correct 🫠
thanks and much love 💕
So This Is Love
Summary: Alpha is late coming to bed, so you go and get him.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Word Count: 937
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: This is a totally fine request! Thank you so much for making it! I love writing Alpha-17.
Divider by Saradika
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It’s late. So late that you’re pretty sure that everyone has gone to bed, but you’re still awake, your burning eyes locked on the holo, and darting to the chrono on your wall every now and then.
The minutes are ticking away, and it’s nearing one am at this point.
But Alpha-17 still hasn’t returned to your rooms.
And you’re starting to grow concerned.
You push yourself to your feet and slip a pair of shoes on, before you open the door and step into the dimmed hallway. You silently ghost by the cadet dormitories, as well as the nursery for the tubies, and you follow the simple blue line on the wall that leads to Alpha’s office.
The Kaminoans were forced to give Topica City to the clones. You’re not really sure why, but you know the Jedi insisted on it.
In the end, it doesn’t really matter, because you were able to hand the cadets as much paint as their little hearts desired, and now the walls are a riot of color. 
And one clever young cadet drew perfect lines on the walls leading to the trainers offices.
So you set your hand on the blue line, and you followed it down the hall.
You reach Alpha’s office and key in the door code, and then you step into the well lit room. True to your thoughts, your perfect man is still behind his desk, one hand tangled in his hair, while his exhausted gaze remains locked on the datapad in his hands.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” His voice is a low rumble, and you close your eyes as his voice washes over you, you can sit and listen to him talk for hours.
“Shouldn’t you?” You retort with a small laugh.
Alpha’s head snaps up, and he favors you with a small smile, “Cyare.” He greets you quietly, as he pushes his seat back slightly.
“You didn’t come to bed.” You explain as you cross the room, and sit on his lap. You reach up and lightly trail one finger down his jawline, “And I thought that I had better come and check on you.”
Alpha sighs and leans into your touch, “You should be asleep.” He chides without any heat in his voice.
“How am I supposed to sleep without you next to me?” You retort with an easy smile.
He chuckles and leans in to press his face against your neck, “So what you’re saying is that I spoil you?”
You hum in response and reach up to tangle your fingers in his hair, “I think I deserve to be spoiled, as a treat.”
He laughs outright at that, “Do you?” Alpha asks as he pulls away to look at you.
“I do.” You grin at him.
“Hm, well then. What does my little love want most?” He teases, his large hand coming up to brush the back of your neck.
“Mm…a billion credits.”
He laughs again, “Sorry, love. I don’t think my backpay will be that much.”
You heave an exaggerated sigh, “Well, I suppose I can make do with a kiss.”
“Only one?”
“Or two…or ten?”
“Greedy,” Alpha murmurs as he pulls you in to ghost his lips over yours, “Very, very greedy. I should do something about that.”
You lean in to try and catch his lips in a proper kiss, but he moves back so you can’t quite reach him, “Alpha,” You whine.
He grins at you, mischief alight in his eyes, “Yes, cyare.”
“I wanna kiss you,” You pout at him.
“Do you?”
His thumb moves across your lips, “Oh, has my pretty little love forgotten her manners?”
Your gaze flickers across his face, and you press a light kiss to his thumb, “Please?” You whisper.
“Much better,” Alpha crashes his lips against yours, and pulls you tight against his body. You can feel the plates of his armor biting into your skin, but you don’t really care, because his lips and teeth and tongue are all demanding your complete attention.
Alpha lifts you so that you’re straddling his lap properly, and you whine low in your throat as you press yourself firmly against him. One of his hands settles on your lower back, pressing you even tighter against him.
He holds you like you’re the most important thing to him in this galaxy, and he kisses you like he needs you to live. And you fall in love with him more every time he kisses you.
“Alpha,” You breathe out his name as he breaks the kiss for a moment, “I love you.” You gaze up at him though hazy, half-lidded eyes. 
He smiles at you, it’s soft and warm, and he kisses you again and again, “Love you too, princess.” He murmurs.
“Come to bed, Alpha,” You plead with him, “Please?”
He glances at his desk, and then he sighs and presses a quick kiss to your cheek, “Alright, Princess. You convinced me.”
He smiles fondly at you. “Run back to our rooms, and draw me a bath, will you?”
You shoot him a puzzled look.
And his grin becomes devious, “I want you already in the bath when I get there.”
Your lips part, and you nod enthusiastically, “I can do that.”
“So eager,” Alpha purrs in delight, as he pulls you into another demanding kiss, and then he releases you and sets you on your feet, “I’ll see you in a few minutes. Promise.”
You smile at him excitedly, and you lean in to kiss his cheek, and then you’re leaving his office and silently hurrying back down the hall.
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that-lemur · 5 days
please infodump about lemurs (no pressure) >:)
SOSO LEMURS *runs in circles*
Funny thing is that I literally never thought about lemurs before having the dream shift that awakened me as a lemur Therian- which is like SO odd to me but slay ?? It’s a bit off topic but after awakening I realised things about myself that were very “lemur coded” likeeeee how I love dressing in black & white and muted colors, how I love using my hands to eat, basking in the sun,,, etc. I also had a fixation on that one King Julian show for NO reason 😭 ANYWAYS THATS OFF TOPIC
Lemurs are so silly and a little dumb but that’s okay cause me too and I love them to death,, lemurs having thumbs on their feet is SO cool like?? Bro has the max level grippers !!! Genuinely have no clue why I love these sillies so damn much (cough Therian cough autism) BUT YEAH
Fun fact, male ring-tail lemurs have scent glands on their wrists that they rub on their tails during mating season. Whoever has the stinkiest tail gets to mate with the Alpha Female!! Yep lemurs are a matriarchy species, meaning in their conspiracies/troops they have a dominant female and the rest are males!!
Unfortunately I haven’t been doing a TON of research as I’m only newly awakened but I can’t wait to learn more about myself !!
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pinkycustomworld · 2 months
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Bonus Retexture of Elise hair by Anto
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Cute medium long, straight alpha hairstyle. Originally made by Anto, recolored in a wide variety of unnatural hair colors.
- 96 Colors - Custom Thumbnail - Female - Teen + - All Occults (Except Werewolf) - HQ Compatible -Previews are taken with HQ mod-
❌MESH REQUIRED❌ - Mesh link under download section -
Want to know what HQ mod is? Or maybe you want to know how to install it yourself? Find all info and all you need to start using HQ mod ✨HERE✨
💜Get 6$ off the annual TSR VIP subscription using the code: SHOP_PinkyCustomWorld12💜
✨My Socials✨
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Original Creator / Mesh Owner : @antosims Huge thanks to all the amazing cc creators I have used cc from in my previews.
CC used in previews are listed under the cut
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@northernsiberiawinds : Skin overlay @noodlescc : Skin tone Coffeemoon : 3D Eyelashes @carolldesign : Face shine, Lips @evilquinzel : Eyes @suzuesims : Mermaid ear accessory , Nose piercings @arltos : Dress @sugarowl : Eyebrows , Eyeshadow , Eyeliner (CC not listed I do not remember who made)
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DO NOT ; Re-upload and or claim as your own
DO NOT ; Convert my CC to any other game or platform (SL, GTA, etc)
DO NOT ; Include my CC in any downloads, link back to original
DO NOT ; Use my textures or part of them for your own work
DO NOT ; Under any circumstances convert ANY of my work to fit infants, kids or toddlers. My work is not suited for those age groups! Recolors and Retextures
Feel free to recolor but DO NOT include my original, link back and remember proper credits
Recolor ONLY public creations, no early access work
Recolors can be put as short early access but NOT perma paywalled
If you recolor my work, tag me for proper credits, and I would love to see
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respectthepetty · 1 month
Pit Babe 2 Colors Pilot Trailer
The crowd said I have to watch Pit Babe 2 the same way I watched the first season, so here I am starting early and watching the pilot trailer, muted, on double-speed, and without subs.
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Wow! This brought back all the memories and emotions quickly, like being mad at Jeffrey for wearing blue AND red (this little son of bitch!). You're lucky my man loves you.
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But I'm not as mad at Charles for wearing his blue while incorporating Barbie's black (and white too, Charles . . . okay)
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Oh, and I'm thrilled Vegas' Hedgehog and Southwest Airlines FINALLY understood the group color-coding assignment and wore the right effin' colors for once!
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And that Kimberly is fully invested in his new squad with his matching colors and blue.
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Thank goodness everyone got blue flower bouquets for Way (WHO AIN'T DEAD!) including Peter who got the bluest set.
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And I LOVED that the trouble showed up in their respective colors: Whiny Winifred is still red and a little bitch, Dean may have betrayed his family, but I think he is still loyal to the blue,
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Kenta is still brooding in black
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But I'm very worried about Big Red showing up in white because either he has seen the light and turned good, or he is actually dead, and he will be haunting the season, as in possessing someone.
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Like maybe a super Alpha . . .
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Is Charlie really wearing white and Barbie's black, or someone else's colors?
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kemetic-dreams · 11 months
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Lucien Victor Alexis (1887-1981)
Not very much is known of Lucien Alexis’ early childhood in New Orleans, but what is known are the achievements he would make in later years to come. Born on July 8, 1887 to Louis Victor and Alice Saucier Alexis, he was educated in the local schools where he excelled academically. Alexis was determined to attend Harvard University. Not having the finances to do so, he began working in 1907(at the age of twenty) as a railway mail clerk, saving for the education he so desperately desired.
By the time he reached twenty-seven, he had set aside enough money for four years of college. He applied and was accepted at Harvard but was asked to attend (for one year) Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, a prestigious preparatory high school. While at Exeter, he lived in the home of Mr. H.F. Quimby and soon developed a keen interest in foreign languages and the sciences. By now he had only enough money for three years upon entering Harvard, so he managed by graduating “cum laude” a year early (1917). It was there, at Harvard, that he earned the nickname: “The Negro Einstein.”
That same year, Alexis entered Officers’ Training School in Des Moines, Iowa and was commissioned as a 1st lieutenant and assigned to the 367th Infantry on October 15, 1917. World War I was raging in Europe and Alexis sailed for service in France on June, 1918. Two months before departing, Alexis married Rita Holt in Gulfport, Mississippi and together they would have one son, Lucien Victor Alexis Jr.
Upon returning to New Orleans, Alexis took up the profession of teaching. He was assigned to McCarthy Elementary in 1921 and appointed Assistant Principal in 1923 at Willow Elementary. But his greatest reward came in 1926 when he became principal of McDonogh #35, the only public high school opened for the education of colored students in the city of New Orleans. For the next nearly 30 years, he would leave an indelible mark on this institution which is still being echoed by many of his formal students up to the present day.
“It was not unusual to spot our principal walking up and down the corridors of the Rampart Street School reading scientific works printed in German. Noted for his mastery of Latin, he often found time to instruct advanced classes in the subject.” (Class of 1936)
Other graduates affectionately tell stories of his successful administration but also his dreadful “army”. Being a former military man, Lucien was said to be strict but fair as well as famous for his method of disciplining students. Students who violated his dress or discipline code were forced to join Alexis’ “army” and ordered to march up and down the second floor of the school building.
Respect for Mr. Alexis soon extended beyond the school grounds and into the community. Since McDonogh #35 was located on South Rampart and Girod Streets, the students had to pass through a neighborhood of sleazy bars, houses of prostitution and various other vices. Often the girls were meddled by men on the way going and coming from school. Fortunately, once it was known that you were an “Alexis” girl, you were never meddled again. They respected Mr. Alexis and knew to show respect to his students.
The “Negro Einstein” did not give up his interest and love for science once he became principal. For five years he engaged in serious scientific study and soon published a 40 page brochure outlining his principles of a new theory which he termed his “ethonic” theory.
From 1929 to 1937, he published the following scientific articles: Fundamentals in Physics & in Chemistry, The Thermo-Electric Formula, The Riddle of the Magnetic Field, An Empirical Disclosure of the Fallacies of Relativity, A Counter-Deduction from Bent Alpha Tracks, Radiations-Their Loci of Travel and Their Loci of Origin, The Co-Origin of Gravity&Cosmic Rays, Simple Formulae for Measuring Atoms, Their Speed, and the Speed of Light.
Upon retirement, the brilliant educator and published author opened Straight Business School on North Claiborne near Esplanade Avenue and Mrs. Alexis basically ran it. Lucien Alexis also was president of the Supreme Industrial Life Insurance Company, founder and executive director of the School of Post-Modern Science in New Orleans, and a charter member of Sigma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Alexis also spent a great deal of time on his favorite hobbies at home. On the 25th Anniversary of his graduation from Harvard, he told the Harvard press of these hobbies:
“Don’t interfere with my physics and chemistry, which I have raised from the ignoble position of a hobby into the dignified status of a science. Don’t interfere with my Italian which I have picked up since leaving you fellows. Don’t interfere with my German, my French, or my Spanish which I have kept plugging at. These are my near hobbies. You may interfere with my gardening and my frequent efforts at directing operettas, especially the Gilbert and Sullivan ones, for there you are in the field of real hobbies of mine.”
Lucien Alexis passed away December 18, 1981. He is buried in the family’s tomb in St. Louis Cemetery No.3.
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morallygreyyn · 1 year
(same anon that sent the crewel ask <33)
he likes it when u bring him lunch and would go 🙄🙄 whenever his students would see and make a fuss but i think deep down he'd like it like yeah my s/o loves me sm and is the best u wish u were me hoe
yk that thing that went on during valentines? like wearing clothes with a certain color that showed ur standing in ur love life? so when a class event was held on that day and the students and even the teachers would wear outfits that had a distinct color code that corresponded to their love life, like:
green - fuck couples
pink - someone's sure thing (sure thing is a slang in my country that basically means that you are that person's one and only, you chose them, they chose you.)
blue - just got broken up with
purple - single not ready to mingle
crewel would silently get giddy when, after ending his class, his s/o would be waiting for him outside the classroom or school
he'd also make u his designated driver bc he thinks u looked hot while driving
crewel @ crowly (smugly): https://www.tiktok.com/@mattheperson/video/7084723341214485806?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7172881399262758401
imma tackle these one by one bc biittcchh i have tHOUGHTS
your entire wardrobe would be FILLED with clothes that he personally designed, made with the finest fabric known to man and crafted to fit your body utter perfection. it's a way crewel shows his love and if you think he's gonna let his alpha wear rags you can think again
i can just hear the students whistling, snickering and passing comments and while crewel swiftly silences them, but deep down he’s so so happy and he loves showing off how perfect his alpha is
i actually had no idea about this colour thing for vday but you best believe crewel had designed and created the most exquisite pink attire (based on the colour descriptions you sent) and is practically strutting around the school for the entire day looking like a full blown model and proudly flaunting the colour in front of the other staff members mainly trein, i can see him loving to show off in front of trein for some reason lol
he also makes sure you were wearing pink too bc i can imagine him throwing a sophisticated tantrum if you didn’t or if you forgot
please if this man saw you leaning against the wall outside his class waiting for him it would take everything in him not to sprint to your side. instead crewel keeps a cool demeanour and strides over, asking if you didn't have anything better to do and if you reply with something cheesy like there was nothing better than him or nothing better than doing him crewel would absolutely be screaming on the inside
he has many reasons for not wanting to drive when you can do it for him, the main one being that you look ridiculously hot and he loves to watch you
and when you put your hand on his thigh, or on the back of his seat when you reverse
you better expect to be spending quite a significant portion of that evening in the bedroom when you get home if you make it that far - it didn't take you long to catch onto this and now barely a car journey passes without you doing this
when you get engaged there isn't a moment that passes where crewel doesn't find an opportunity to flash his very expensive ring or bring up the engagement or how his wedding is going to be the most grand occasion that all the queens in history would be jealous of
i can imagine you going somewhere on one of your days off and you're trying to take a picture of the scenery and crewel would just shove his hand with the ring in the way so that's all you can capture instead
"my love, as beautiful as your hand is, i would like a picture of this sunset"
"how else will people know we're engaged?"
"i think the fifty times you mentioned it during lunch was adequate"
*cue crewel's really smug face* "trein was jealous, his eyes could barely leave my ring"
"that's because you shoved it under his nose, my dear"
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phoenixyfriend · 27 days
Masterlist: General and Misc.
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
About my blog:
Ship Tomato
About Fashion:
Designer recommendations for references
Poly in Romance vs Poly in Fashion
Buying off-brand or almost-fast-fashion and the guilt that comes with it
I went to a bridal shower and was asked to draw a wedding dress
Bridal uses ‘fit and flare’ wrong
Fashion History nonsense
About Architecture:
Those Economics/Architecture Videos I’ve Been Bingeing
A lil bit of NYC history for you folks
NYC has lost SO many tunnels
My first big post about architecture (complaining about Central Park Tower)
About Me:
Color-coding “Baking Yesteryear” by B. Dylan Hollis
That one AITA post about tofu
Scapula (English, Serbian, and Latin)
Gotta admit I was wrong about vegan butter just being margarine (they are legally distinct!)
About Life:
No sex and no booze is not a tragedy
Starbucks Sizes
A macchiato is this! A macchiato is that!
Chef/Diner sims as a way to teach time-management and scheduling
That time I had to defend the NYT because people like absolutionist takes
Catholic vs Jewish “I Want To Fight God”
And another thing!
NYT article forgot about Headlights
I forgot Martha Stewart’s name
Men’s Rights Inactivist
“In the Hall of the Mountain King” and “Flight of the Bumblebee”
A mondegreen: some guys in a tree
My understanding of Arthuriana
Šumsko voće as a flavor
Sometimes I want to just say ‘fuck it’ and add ‘antis DNI’ into my posts
Tumblr things
Tumblr under Automattic
A guideline for tumblr usage
Reblog Etiquette
How to start a fight (shipping)
That was also me
I want a poll about the Tumblr Sexyman poll
General sex-related things:
Explaining consent in bdsm through the analogy of gym workouts
tfw you think about how your obsession with “Burlesque (2010)” probably should have been a Sign Of Gay
The Omegaverse Third Gender
A different Omegaverse Third Gender
Omegaverse: Penile Proboscis
“My inner alpha” is just omegaverse for “lizard brain”
In-universe stereotypes: nursing
The shift towards “No, I am not just in heat, I’ve been in love with you for years, I will give you PROOF if that is what it takes.”
Male omega? Lay an egg
What the tiktok kiddos would cancel me for
Ptolemaic Dynasties in the context of Omegaverse (read the trigger warnings first)
Sci-Fi Reproduction/Sex things (not Omegaverse)
Human/Catgirl Sex Safety
Three-gender species concept
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fakeoutbf · 2 months
so much for 2ourdust
u.s. leg
magic 8 ball and piano medley songs sorted by date
color coded by album ● repeated songs in bold
tttyg ● futct ● ioh ● fad ● srar ● abap ● mania ● smfs
Feb 28 - Moda Center, Portland, OR, USA
Piano medley
- Young and Menace (First time live since 2018)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Alias: HM)
Mar 1 - Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, WA, USA
Piano medley
- Allie (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year (Alias: FLANNEL)
Mar 3 - Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, CA, USA
Piano medley
- Golden
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- 27 (Alias: RAINBOW PETS)
Mar 4 - Honda Center, Anaheim, CA, USA
Piano medley
- I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- 7 minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen)
- Good Girls Go Bad (Cobra Starship cover) (with Cobra Starship)
Mar 7 - Dickies Arena, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (Alias: BARBIE)
Mar 8 - Moody Center, Austin, TX, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Think It Must Be Love (Live Debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? (Alias: YIPPIE KAY YAY)
Mar 11 - Paycom Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Piano medley
- Tempted (Squeeze cover)
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Tiffany Blews (First time live since 2009) (Alias: ARLO GUTHRIE)
Mar 13 - Legacy Arena at the BJCC, Birmingham, AL, USA
Piano medley
- Just One Yesterday
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Young Volcanoes (Alias: OLD ICEBERGS)
Mar 15 - Kia Center, Orlando, FL, USA
Piano medley
- Golden
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- FUCKING ALPHA DOG FUCK ME (Full live debut) (Alias: SHAQ)
Mar 16 - Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Piano medley
- Bad Side Of 25 (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed (First time live since 2013)
Magic 8 Ball song
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) (First full live performance since 2014) (Alias: DING DONG)
Mar 19 - PNC Arena, Raleigh, NC, USA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Just One Yesterday (First full live performance since 2014) (Alias: QUESADILLA)
Mar 20 - CFG Bank Arena, Baltimore, MD, USA
Piano medley
- I Can't Wait (Hepcat cover)
- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Miss Missing You (Alias: CRABBY CAKES)
Mar 22 - Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA
Piano medley
- Spidey and His Amazing Friends (Patrick Stump song, live debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Just One Yesterday (Full song, with Daisy Grenade)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Full live debut) (Alias: BAKED ZITI)
- Slow Down (The Academy Is… cover) (with William Beckett) (Alias: GABAGOOL)
Mar 24 - MVP Arena, Albany, NY, USA
Piano medley
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
- What a Time to Be Alive
Magic 8 Ball song
- I Am My Own Muse (Alias: FLOPPY BUNNIES)
Mar 26 - Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Piano medley
- Run Dry (X Heart X Fingers) (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
Magic 8 Ball song
- FUCKING Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) (First time live since 2018) (Alias: MOMS SPAGHETTI)
Mar 27 - PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Piano medley
- Heart Transplant (Punchline cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Music or the Misery (First time live since 2006) (Alias: DUQUESNE INCLINE)
Mar 29 - Value City Arena, Columbus, OH, USA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Fourth of July (First time live since 2017) (Alias: FIONA THE HIPPO)
Mar 30 - Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center, Lexington, KY, USA
Piano medley
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) (Alias: HARD HATS)
Mar 31 - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN, USA
Piano medley
- You Never Even Called Me by My Name (David Allan Coe cover)
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Stump song)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Jet Pack Blues (First full live performance since 2018) (Alias: BOOT GOOFIN)
Apr 2 - Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Celestial Lights (Uncle Barnaby cover)
- What A Fool Believes (The Doobie Brothers cover)
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Stump song)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Alias: HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE)
- Pavlove (Alias: LAVERN & SHIRLEY)
Apr 3 - Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, IA, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner
- I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- What a Time to Be Alive (Alias: GROOVE METAL)
Apr 5 - CHI Health Center Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA
Piano medley
- Bishops Knife Trick (Live Debut) (Patrick when i get your fucking ass)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- “From Now On, We Are Enemies” (Alias: STEAK NIGHT)
Apr 6 - Target Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Piano medley
- Bleed (Animal Chin cover)
- 7-9 Legendary (Live Debut)
- Purple Rain (Prince cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Honorable Mention (First time live since 2007) (Alias: HARAMBE)
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Alias: GRANDMA)
- The Carpal Tunnel of Love (First time live since 2008) (Alias: CATDOG)
- Rat a Tat (with CARR) (Live Debut) (Alias: RUMPLESTITSKIN)
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (Alias: KROGER, CHAD KROGER)
- Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) (Alias: WOOT WOOT)
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pushing500 · 6 months
✨Gracie's Rimworld Modlist✨
(for the Children of Ecthuctu run)
Here are all my current mods in order. Only a scant two-hundred and sixteen of them! Once again it's all hand-typed because I am a bit rubbish at computer stuff and don't know how to export modlists. Enjoy!! xoxo
Prepatcher (a mod manager thing)
Harmony (I think this is just for performance)
What’s That Mod? (tells you what mod stuff is from. VERY USEFUL)
Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded (this is just cool for loading screens etc.)
Camera+ (for taking better screenshots)
Biomes! Fossils (I could build a dinosaur museum!!!)
Better ModMismatch Window (for if I do feel the need to mess with the modlist)
Mod Manager (I have lots of mods to manage)
RimPy Mod Manager Database (I don’t know if this needs to be active to use the RimPy application but I don’t wanna risk it)
HugsLib (I think this is just for performance)
Humanoid Alien Races (aliens are cool)
Tabula Rasa ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Character Editor (so I could start with the colonists I had planned)
Vanilla Expanded Framework (I think this is just for performance)
JecsTools (I think this is just for performance)
Interaction Bubbles (To see what my lil’ guys are talking about)
CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+] (helpful for spotting incoming mental breaks)
Childhood Backstories (so that babies born in my colony will have relevant backstories when they are all grown up)
Dubs Bad Hygiene (bathrooms cool)
Pathfinding Framework (makes the Biomes! mods work)
Doors Expanded (expands on the doors)
A Dog Said… Animal Prosthetics (animal bionics wooo)
LBE’s A Dog Said Easy Patcher (to help with all the animals mods woooo)
Vanilla Achievements Expanded (sometimes it gives me a serotonin)
Vanilla Fishing Expanded (a good food source when I’m not resorting to cannibalism)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Android (cool robot xenotype)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Tribals (more tribal stuff)
ReGrowth: Core (framework for ReGrowth stuff)
ReGrowth: Tropical (adds new tropical plants and stuff)
Biomes! Core (the framework for the Biomes! mods)
Biomes! Islands (in case I wanted to reenact Castaway)
Vanilla Plants Expanded (more farm stuff hooray!)
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents (for making the colony look pretty)
Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants (even MORE farm stuff!!)
Biomes! Prehistoric (dinosaurs :3)
Alpha Biomes (can never have enough biomes)
Alpha Mythology (adds mythological creatures)
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded (expands the psycasts)
Alpha Animals (even more pets!)
Alpha Genes (more xenotypes to play with and draw!)
Alpha Prefabs (pop-up buildings will be cool for a nomadic playthrough)
Allow Tool (easier to forbid and unforbid items)
BiomesKit (helps with placement of biomes on the planet I think)
[ATW] House Decor (for aesthetic purposes)
[KV] Impassable Map Maker (in case I want to make a colony on impassable mountains someday)
Vanilla Traits Expanded (I love hoarding traits)
Bundle Of Traits (give me ALL THE TRAITS)
[GMT] Trading Spot (to stop stupid traders keep walking in my house)
[NL] Facial Animation - WIP (they make funny faces :3) 
Vanilla Textures Expanded - [NL Facial Animation] (why my colonists have such cute lil’ faces)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid (dinosaur people wooooo!)
[SBV] Recreational Drum Use (banging on drums is cathartic)
[T] More Floors 1.4 (adds more floors)
Anima Gear (I could make stuff out of anima grass if I felt like doing the research for it)
Animal Controls (to stop animals eating my fancy colonist-food)
Avoid Friendly Fire (you think they would know not to walk in front of the gun but noooo)
Geological Landforms (cool new map gens)
Biome Transitions (if your map tile is next to a different biome they can mix together)
Clocks (tick tock tick tock…)
Ebbbs (goo creatures my beloved)
Erin’s Cat Overhaul (I like cats)
Erin’s Cottage Collection (everything looks so cozy ❤️)
Erin’s Decorations (for aesthetic purposes)
Erin’s Hairstyles - Redux (there’s never enough hairstyle variety)
Euglena Framework (the framework for the euglena xenotype stuff I think)
Euglena Expanded - Euglena Xenotype (tree people go brrrr)
Euglena Expanded - Implantor (expands on the euglena stuff I guess)
Floordrawings (adds more floordrawings for kids to draw)
Giddy-Up 2 (getting to the crashed ship will be easier with animals to ride)
GloomyFurniture (cute cozy furniture)
Gloomy Furniture Fix (some patches for the cute cozy furniture)
Gradient Hair (so your colonists can have frosted tips I guess)
Hard Times: Hair and Beards (I love hair and beard variety)
Haul to Stack (so they don’t clutter the freezer with individual piles of food instead of one big pile)
Horse Breeds - Skin Variations (horses very fun!!)
Hospitality (easy to lure unsuspecting victims from other factions if you run a hotel)
HousekeeperAssistanceCat (one of the first mods I ever played with and I love it)
Human Butchery 2.0 (look it’s a cannibal cult what else was I supposed to do??)
Illithid Xenotype (I like hoarding xenotyes)
Kinky Bodystrap (It was funny at the time)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids (scary robots)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded (can never have too many weapons)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval (cool medieval weapons)
Vanilla Cooking Expanded (expands the cooking)
Vanilla Brewing Expanded (alcohol woo)
Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffee and Teas (coffee and tea woo)
Megafauna (biiiiiig pets!!)
Vanilla Genetics Expanded (adds fun and illegal-feeling genetic experimentation)
Vanilla Genetics Expanded - More Lab Stuff (adds “more lab stuff” to the aforementioned mod)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power (adds new power sources)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security (more defense stuff)
[FSF] Complex Jobs (Legacy Version) (splits jobs into smaller subsections)
Let’s Have a Cat! (I like cats)
LightsOut (pawns turn lights off when not using them)
Metaflora (cool mechanical plants)
MinifyEverything (sometimes picking up whole sections of brick wall is okay)
More Descriptive Words and Names (adds… more descriptive words and names)
More Faction Interaction (Continued)  (the more we interact the more chances there are for me to EAT THEM)
More Horn Colors (So that impids can have ✨fancy✨ horns)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures (lots of cool ideology stuff)
More Ideological Words (just makes random generation a bit easier and more interesting)
More Persona Traits (adds more variety of traits for persona weapons to have)
More Religious Origins (more ideology stuff)
More Thrumbos (Continued) (adds a whole bunch of awesome new thrumbo types)
More Thrumbos (Retextured) (retextures the awesome new thrumbo types)
NamesGalore (adds new names for people and stuff)
NamesGaloreLatin (adds new names for people and stuff but in Latin this time) 
negative traits (more traits but bad)
Optimization: Meats - C# Edition (all meat is just “raw meat” unless it’s specifically “human meat” or “insect meat”, so it can all be stacked together easily)
Pawn Name Variety (I like them to have lots of different name options)
Pick Up and Haul (pawns can carry more than one thing at a time)
Polyamory Beds (Vanilla Edition) (🎶there were four in the bed and the little one said “roll over! roll over!” so they all rolled over and one fell out…🎶)
Prisoners Dont Have Keys (they gotta bash their way out if they want to escape)
Rainbow’s Hair Pack (I like lots of options)
Replace Stuff (so I can build stone walls on top of wood walls without un-freezing the freezer, etc.)
Rim of Madness - Bones (skulls for the skull throne and all that jazz)
Rimsenal - Hair pack (more hairstyles lmao)
RimTraits - General Traits (more traits pleeease!)
River’s Tribal Shoes (don’t want to get prickles in your feet)
Roo’s Accessory Hairstyles (hairstyles with neat accessories in ‘em)
Roo’s Dreadlock Hairstyles (dreadlocks are cool!!!)
Roo’s Glasses Hairstyles (hairstyles with cute glasses attached)
Roo’s Royalty Hairstyles (fancy hair)
RPG Style Inventory Revamped (better inventory layout)
RPG Traits+ (more traits haha)
RT Fuse (I don’t like the zzzzt events)
Sand Castles (Laursen loves building sand castles)
Simple sidearms (every colonist needs MANY WEAPONS)
Simple Utilities: Ceiling (lights on the roof!)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect Module (adds new building stuff)
Simple Utilities: Wall (lights on the wall!)
Snap Out! (slap pawns out of their mental breaks)
Standalone Hot Spring (geothermal power boring and ugly, hot spring FAR better use of steam geysers)
Strong Bridge (makes bridges stronk)
Stylized Slave Collars and Headgears (it was funny at the time)
Tilled Soil (it’s not cheating it’s just farming)
Toddlers (makes babies more interesting)
Trait and Backstory Icons (gives traits and backstories cute lil’ icons next to ‘em)
Tribal Ideology Icons (more ideology symbols but tribal-specific)
Vanilla Animals Expanded (I insist on having a huge selection of pets)
Vanilla Animals Expanded - Endangered (endangered pets)
Vanilla Animals Expanded - Royal Animals (fancy pets)
Vanilla Animals Expanded - Waste Animals (pets that will probably irradiate you)
Vanilla Apparel Expanded (more clothes) 
Vanilla Apparel Expanded - Accessories (adds fun utility items)
Vanilla Armour Expanded (more armour)
Vanilla Backstories Expanded (adds new and fun backstories for colonists)
Vanilla Base Generation Expanded (makes enemy bases on caravan trips more fun)
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews (adds stew)
Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi (adds sushi)
Vanilla Events Expanded (more events)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw (adds quickdraw weapons)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser (adds laser weapons)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy (adds heavy weapons)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns (adds coilguns)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers (cowboys and stuff)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier (weapons for cowboys and stuff)
Vanilla Expanded - Ideology Patches (for patching things up to Ideology)
Vanilla Expanded - Royalty Patches (for patching things up to Royalty)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients (expands the Ancients)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire (adds more Empire stuff)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids (bugs. ew.)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates (love me some pirates)
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings (adds vikings)
Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn (you can catch treasure when fishing)
Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Xtra Fish (adds more fish for fishing)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded (More furniture)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art (I’m something of an artist myself)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming (for farm furniture I guess)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical (to make cool hospitals)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production (makes for very nice workshops)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decorations (more props and decor)
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Furniture (cool spaceship style furniture)
Vanilla Hair Expanded (more hair)
Vanilla Hair Retextured (just helps vanilla hair be a bit nicer)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme (alters the Gauranlen trees a bit)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads (more gauranlen tree stuff)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags (adds new ideology clothes)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols (easier to customise your ideology)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artefacts (adds new relics and artifacts for your ideology)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Splits and Schisms (sometimes your ideology can have a reformation and split into “catholic” and “protestant” versions, I guess)
Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded (mmmmm yummy goo)
Vanilla Outposts Expanded (I could go make outpost camps if I wanted)
ResearchPal - Forked (I’ve always played with this mod and it’s hard to adjust without it)
Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded (more skins for persona weapons)
Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms (adds new mushrooms)
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Puppeteer (adds a new psycast route to take)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons (new icons for xenotypes)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Archon (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Fungoid (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Waster (I like lots of xenotypes and xenotype playstyles)
Vanilla Skills Expanded (expands skill stuff)
Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded (new social interactions for fun and interesting storytelling)
Vanilla Textures Expanded (makes stuff sharper and crisper)
Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations (stuff looks cooler when it varies)
Vanilla Trading Expanded (I think this adds a stock market or something idk)
Vehicle Framework (cars go brrrrr)
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded (expands on the vehicles)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades (adds more grenades)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift (adds makeshift weapons)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal (adds non-lethal weapons)
Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal (adds more tribal weapons)
VPG Garden Resources (it’s a lovely day on the Rimworld and you are growing uranium in your garden)
Offworlders - The Biliog (hideous swamp people with chemfuel blood)
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Tier 3 (more vehicle stuff)
War Crimes Expanded 2 Core (I mean I am playing an eldritch cannibal cult it was bound to happen eventually)
Way Better Romance (streamlines the romance a bit more)
Alpha Props - Parks and Gardens (adds more awesome decorations so my colony will look snazzy)
Colors (adds more colours to the default palette)
Det's Xenotypes - Boglegs (space mafia that looked fun to draw)
Det's Xenotypes - Avaloi (more cool xenotypes that looked fun to draw)
Erin's Hairstyles 2 (I have a hoarding problem)
Erin's Baldur's Gate 3 Hairs (a really severe hoarding problem)
The Vanity Project - Bears (there's just so many cool hair mods)
The Vanity Project - Female Hair (look at them all!)
The Vanity Project - Male Hair (I'll never run out of hair to draw)
The Vanity Project - Maid Outfits (c'mon Magic Man would slay in a maid outfit)
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Sophian Style (never have too many styles)
Dresses in the Rim (fun clothes to draw)
Extra Alerts (adds some helpful things to be aware of)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Lycanthrope (everybody's teenage werewolf dreams 'boutta come trueeee)
Upscaled - Won hair men (and we're back to the hoarding problem)
Upscaled - Won hair women (maybe it's not a problem maybe it's a ✨collection✨)
Won Hair Men Retextured (these just make the last two look a lil' bit sharper)
Won Hair Women Retextured (these just make the last two look a lil' bit sharper)
Human Leather Floor (eldritch cannibal cult, need I say more?)
Facial Animations Xenotype Compatibility (for compatibility)
[CAT] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats (so we can have cool hair and cool hats)
Sin's Cuter Child Clothes (cuter child clothes)
While You’re Up / PUAH+ (pawns will carry stuff while they’re on their way to and fro)
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gonnamurdersomeone · 6 months
CoD people as cats? I think so here we go!
Someone better appreciate this I literally took 3 pages from my fucking notebook to write all this shit down
Captain John “Bravo-6” Price
I think John would definitely be an Oriental cat if not that then probably a Burmese. Smart, quick on his feet and pretty loyal seems about right.
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
I think Simon would be a Norwegian forest cat or a British Short hair.. for obvious reasons dude is a fuckin Brit through and through. I chose NFC becuase they are bigger types of cats and used to harsh climates
Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
For Gaz I chose an Abyssinian cat, they are pretty, usually have pretty eyes (like him) and are pretty smart and playful. Very Gaz coded
Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny boy would be a Scottish Fold or a Siamese cat. They are very vocal, love people and are just a joy to be around honestly. Plus they suffer from pretty boy syndrome so… yeah
Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson
Gary my baby boy, I chose an OciCat cause of his name it’s so random? I thought him being a more exotic and weird cat would fit his aesthetic. Very pretty cats too!
General Hershel Shepherd
Fucking hell I hate this dude and for that I gave him a Sphynx cat, they are mean, bald and bossy as fuck. Sound about right for mister Shepherd no?
I want to kill him
Kate “Watcher-1” Laswell
Kate one of my favorites! She would definitely be an American Curl. Very pretty cats with a unique personality and it just fits her. That or a Bombay cat I couldn’t choose
Nikolai “Gaz fell out of the helicopter again”
Nik our lovable transportation buddy, of course he would get a Russian blue there is no need to elaborate here he would be a Russian blue. Very cool cats ngl
Farah “Kilo Actual” Karim
She is so pretty and such a girl boss istg. But I’m giving the Bengal cat or an Ural Rex very curly hair and just very funny kitties, I think it fits her
Alex “Echo 3-1” Keller (Jr Price fr)
Pretty boy gets a pretty cat!!! He gets to be a Manx cat cause of the no tail (and his one leg) nahh jokes aside very pretty kitties for a very pretty boy
Phillip “Shadow-1” Graves
I hate this dude with all my atoms but he’s tolerable compared to Shepherd.. But I gave Graved an American shorthair. One becuase he’s American and two his hairline makes me wanna cry
Vladimir Makarov
I hate you so so much for what you did in MW3… but you are a character so I’m still giving you a cat. If you were a cat my guy I think you’d be an Peterbald or a Karelian cat
Andre “Alpha 2-1” Nolan
Surprisingly not a bad character imo but he could use some more character development! I’m giving him a Korat cat or a Singapura. I wish he got more development in MW3 honestly :/
Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro! Our favorite Mexican man gotta love him and the cowboys. He’s a petty boy as well so I’m giving him a pretty chill and cool cat as well. A color point shorthair, not necessarily a *breed* per day but still he deserves a petty kitty
Rodolfo Parra
Rudy! Another cowboy we love what a gentleman <3 I’m giving him an Egyptian Mau kitty, it has spots and I think Rudy would be a spotted kitty. Very good boy
Valeria “El-Sin-Nombre” Garza
Mommy issues fr love this women. I support women rights AND wrongs 💪 she gets a Donskoy or a Savannah cat. Both wild kitties to match her wild and unpredictable personality I think it fits very well
Anxious King gotta love them! For obvious reasons he’s a Maine Coon cat, the biggest house cat there is. For being an absolute UNIT of a man he deserves a very loyal, pretty, and big kitty. God I just wanna smother this man
Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
Toyger need I say more? It’s a literal house tiger, his name is fucking Tiger he gets to be the tiger damnit! 😤
Darnell “Hutch” Hutcherson
Dunno the rest of these guys very well (besides Nikto) but I’m giving Hutch a Chartreux cat. I wish the more obscure characters got more attention, no they may not be apart of the MW part but still they deserve love
I love this man with every fucking atom of my body. My baby boy deserves the best cat in my opinion the Lykoi. Very cool, funny and amazing cats one of the best he’s just a goober I wanna pet him and keep him in my closet away from all the bad things
Mace heard some things about you here and there and decided I couldn’t leave you behind. You my friend would be an Oriental Longhair dunno why but I think it suits him
Idk if this man is even part of the fandom? Either way I’m giving you a cat deal with it. You would be an Highlander cat if not then an Tonkinese kitty.
Keegan P Russ
Oh Keegan my dear boy, you would be a Devon Rex kitty, very smart, mischievous and overall just a joyful cat. You deserve the world my dear
Logan Walker
Ragdoll. You will get a ragdoll take it or leave or my guy. Just know I’m only adding you and everyone else because of Keegan
David “Hesh” walker
Hhhh.. hesh dude idk I’d probably give you a Havanah Brown kitty. Seems like a good fit. Unusual brown kitty for a unusual cool character
Elias T “Scarecrow” Walker
I literally know nothing about you? But I’m still giving you a cat! Uh I think possibly a Javanese cat would fit you my dude.
Alex v “Ajax” Johnson
Same with you like? I have never heard about you either but whatever. I think a Australian Mist or a Khao Manee cat would work
Alright so that’s all the CoD characters I think? I’m not sure if I missed anyone, if I did tell me and I’ll assign them in the comments or whatever.
No I’m not adding the other characters such as Diego or any other unknown Ghost team people or random background people that only have like 2 lines of dialogue or is barely even known within the CoD community.
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