#coming to realize i'm very bad at knowing my feelings about shit so i dont totally know what's going on
howdy geek how’s the gender going
it's funky and weird and I don't totally understand but I'm not a guy so that's cool
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n3xii · 1 year
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What do people think of you?
Reminder that I sell personal readings for an affordable price, my dms are open.
Today's reading explores what people think of you whether good or bad, reminder this is a general reading so don't force anything to resonate if you dont feel it does <3 here's the pics to choose from:
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Pile one
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What people think of you-
King of wands reversed, 4 of swords reversed, saturn in scorpio
People see you as a visionary with aspirations bigger than your means, there are people (or even just one person) in your life who thinks you are unrealistic and overly ambitious. They see you as someone who needs to "manage their expectations" when it comes to what you can accomplish and get in life. I like this about you though, your aspirations should be so big that others are intimidated. As long as you have the motivation and attitude to actually make shit happen, you can achieve more than you realize. I also sense that people think you're burntout or tired and that you need to give things a break so that you can actually have the enrgy to achieve what you want. They feel you go all in on things and burn yourself out before seeing results. There's an energy here where people feel that you could accomplish so much with your life if you had the patience and discipline, they feel that if you developed more long term commitments and stick to what you start that you can make alot of success for yourself. Going back with the first message about you being too ambitious, this may be beacuse people know how you are and that you don't always reach your full potiental. They see you and your aspirations, goals and desires and feel that if only you stuck to it you would actually reach it. They feel that if you developed more self discipline and responsibility then you would be unstoppable. But I a sense you are already unstoppable, you just need to be realistic and disciplined when it comes to completing goals. You're someone who doesn't like to start small or create small goals to reach, you're someone who has a hard time feeling proud of themselves when they reach a small milestone. You need to unlearn that because a big part of completing goals is about the tiny milestones in between. You can skip to the finish line, it won't be as satisfying
Pile two
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What people think of you
Page of pentacles reversed, the high priestess, Venus in capricorn
I feel like people don't understand why you do what you do, but internally you follow your instincts and emotions. Theres an energy of soneone or some people who feel you aren't doing what you should be doing to progress or become financially stable, but they don't understand where you feel guided and that you're simply trusting yourself. Someone thinks you should be doing other things and spend your time more usefully, but again you list to yourself, you honor your instincts even if others don't understand. And that's more appreciated than you think. (Sidenote that may not resonate with everyone) Some of you are in a relationship with an older person and people think it's a waste of time for you, others of you are attracted to older men and others don't understand that lol)
Regardless, I'm seeing you're the type of person who is private and not open about your ambitions, you keep it to yourself because you want to rely on your own intution and not the asvice of others. People see you as a very classical beauty as well, that your beauty reminds them of an different time or era, and that you're a timeless masterpiece. You may enjoy classical art or music, and your may have a very eye catching style that is either vintage or has alot of neutrals. You come off as very serious and hard to read to some people but beneath that you have a very good sense of humor
Pile three
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What people think of you
The hermit and two of wands both reversed, moon in pisces
People see you as someone who avoids choice or someone who avoids taking indefinite action because you're afraid to move forward with certainy, you dont give the impression that you trust yourself. The abundance of possibilities and choices is overheleming because you overthink every scenario. You may dissociate alot. You are seen as someone who is resistant to leave their comfort zone or to come out of their shell. I think you are this way because emotionally you have a almost psyhcic awareness of the emotions of others, you may like to be lowkey because you can be easily overwhelmed. You are a good listener, you're extremely understanding and empathetic and people see this about you. But that moon in pisces card still points to escapism and wanting to withdraw instead of facing the reality and situation at hand. People see you as someone who needs to stop relying on their inner world and solitude because you are sacrificing your freedom by doing that. They see you as someone who needs to come back to the present moment and out of your escapism tendencies. You may often disappear unintentionally to rejuvenate and become difficult to reach. You recover from being overwhelmed by daydreaming, solitude, maladaprive daydreaming or dissociation. You overthink choices and end up avoiding thise choices as a whole out of fear. People see you as someone who needs to become more sure and certain of themselves so that they can come out of their shell
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fluffycalamari · 1 year
One Piece Relationship Headcannons Pt. 2!!
Part 1!
Contents: fluffy! A Lil suggestive for Kid
Characters in this part: Law, Kid,
Gender nuetral reader in mind!!
You guys need to understand Law is my no.1 fav in One Piece; I've thought long and hard about him.
Very calm outside of his bed quarters
Like come on he's literally the definition of "affection behind closed doors"
It's the little things that makes him flustered!
Holding hands in public?! Sure he has that deadpanned face on; but MENTALLY! MY BRUVA IS FREAKING OUT.
Behind closed doors he's very vulnerable; he's got a lot of trauma to unpack.
Likes to be the little spoons idc what any of yall say!! It gives him comfort.
He really appreciates when you give him his space.
He also adores it when you're stubborn about him taking a break; it helps him to not overwork himself.
The type of boyfriend you can never catch sleeping unless you wake up 5 years before him.
Especially cause I know for a fact that Law is the type to work into the early mornings.
Your stir in your sleep, absent-mindedly searching for your lover. Throwing your arms across the bed, your eyes shoot open when you realize aside from you, it's empty. You force your heavy lids open and face a nearby window. It's dark, now that your senses are flooding in you hear scribbling. Through static vision you see Law hunched on his desk, going over and revising what you're assuming to be the agenda for the next island you guys were heading. "..Law, why the hell are you still awake?" Your voice is groggy; pulling yourself off the bed you approach him. "[Name]-ya, listen.." he yawns, inked hands covering his mouth to be polite. "I need to finish this before we get to the island." Law's voice is just as groggy as yours. "My guy," You state, grabbing his arm. "We're going the fuck to sleep, how are we gonna execute a plan if you're not in top shape?" Dragging him to the bed "i-" "I nothing Law, bed now," as you push him onto the bed; you join him, wrapping your arms around him. As you drifted back into your slumber you hear law mutter under his breath "I love you [name] ya". You don't even have the energy to say it back, so you hum the phrase in response.
Eustass Kidd
Where do I even start with this red headed slut.
I love kid, you love kid, we all love kid
He doesn't know how to express his feelings for you so it always comes out the best way he can...Aggressive.
You love that shit though cause why would you be with him otherwise!!!
Kid buys you flowers; he's lying right through his fucking teeth about how you were bitchin and moanin because you wanted these flowers so bad. While blushing his goofy ass blush.
(You just glanced at them while walking through the city with kid)
Now this might be rinse and repeat but I don't care
He's nicer behind close doors, he can get vulnerable with you because he knows you won't utter a word to another soul.
Don't get me wrong he's still agressive/dominant; this is kid we're talking about. But he's still a human being so being able to express himself freely is nice.
This man is bold, gets jealous, and literally needs the world you two are together so other pirates won't try anything.
Will slap your ass whenever he pleases; you get him back too cause wtf not!
Like this man will full on make-out with you if someone tries to flirt with you.
You're in public with kid on a lil stroll, sanji is being sanji and he rushes towards you nose bleeding, calling you a bunch of pet names like "beautiful, darling, sweetheart!!" You look up at Kid as Sanji is literally on his hands and knees asking you to be his partner. "Sorry sanji, I'm not really interested in-" you're cut off by Kid, he grabs you by the collar of your shirt pulling you into a sloppy kiss. His tounge being shoved down your throat as you finally get into thw motions; throwing your arms around his neck, tounges intertwining while attempting to close the non existent gap between you both. Breaking away from the kiss, Kid smirks at sanji, "They're with me."
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cryptixani · 2 years
[JDVN] NSFW Headcanons
more nasty john doe shit for you guys, enjoy while you can cause the next one's gonna be painful :) minors fuck off as per usual
warnings: pure pure filth
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switch with a mild sub lean
when he subs, he's kinda bratty and likes being roughed up and degraded, though the further in you get the more obedient he becomes, until he's on all fours gazing up at you like you're a divine being, pupils dilated wide and smile giddy and breathless, hard cock throbbing desperately at the very sight of you, babbling about how much he loves you and how perfect you are and how he doesn't deserve you. whimpers, whines, purrs, and even screams if you please him right.
when he doms, i think he's a bit more primal, loves the whole thrill of the chase, loves when you squirm and writhe. he especially loves biting and scratching and marking you up, overstimulating you until you cry and oh god do you look pretty when you cry. he doesn't really talk as much as he does when he subs, but he does still love praising you and murmuring how pretty you are. not a growler but will pant in your ear like a dog, groan and purr.
definitely a drooler, look at this man. it drips from his chin and tongue while he fucks you like a madman, landing on your chest. if he notices, he'll use his tongue to lick it off you
ohhh my godddd his tongue
very long, very wet, and very hot. he knows how to use it. will reach every single spot you need him to with that tongue
doe can give himself whatever genitalia you want him to have. and that means they're customizable too. (i'm tryna say that if you want him to have a cock, he can make it whatever length you find most pleasurable)
always has a thick bush of black curly pubes though, and usually a happy trail to match
he's a shameless used underwear thief and he will sniff them right in front of you, john doe does not know 'dignity' nor 'embarassment'
honestly he does it with all of your clothes, but your underwear he loves especially. he says it 'smells of you the strongest'
he will try everything once
anything you may be into, even if he's never heard of it before, he'll be willing to at least try out with you. he'll never judge you for your kinks/fetishes, either. hell, he's probably into some fucking weird things
is actually horrifically bad at dirty talk and doesn't realize it, it always comes out sounding goofy as fuck, just kiss him to get him to shut up
the socks stay on during sex sorry guys
you honestly dont want them off anyway his dogs are rancid just trust me its better this way
doe always has you sweating more than you usually would be during sex since his body temperature is warmer than a humans. he loves it though, thinks you look (and smell lets be fr here this is john doe we're talking about) especially delectable all covered in a sheen of sweat
he doesn't particularly have any favourite positions, he just wants to be able to see your face, so that he can take in all the pretty expressions you make. he usually goes for a mating press, or if you're topping he loves cowgirl. sometimes he'll have you in doggy, but in those cases he goes full out, with your head against the mattress. he'll keep you down with his own body.
loves aftercare just as much as the sex itself, whether he's the one predominantly giving or receiving it. loves to just cuddle up next to you/on you, nuzzle against you and rest for a while.
doesn't like it so much when you interrupt Post-Sex Cuddles because you need to 'go clean up' because you 'feel all gross and sticky' or because you'll 'get an infection down there'. what the hells that all about?? and then you come back and you've showered and your delicious natural scent is barely there, all washed away by the water. no fair.
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thewertsearch · 9 months
I don't think Tavros is just emulating Vriska here. This is a very Alternian mindset, and it's one we've seen before.
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Alternia is, after all, an empire. It's a society whose idea of success is inexorably tied to violence and domination - so if you're trying to be a better troll, you'll probably gravitate to both, even if you don't realize it.
It's not really about your personality, either. Karkat is, by all accounts, one of the more moral trolls in the party - but as we've seen above, even he's got those imperial instincts. This sort of thing is insidious, and once it worms its way into your brain, it can be hard to shake.
Tavros is a very straightforward example. He's finally gained some 'confidence' - and what's his first impulse?
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To seize a useful resource from an alien, and use it against her will.
GG: that would be smug and arrogant and would make you a bully!!! [...] AT: yOU'RE RIGHT ABOUT ALL THAT, i'LL RESPECT YOUR WISHES, AT: oR, AT: wILL i? };) GG: nooooooooo dont dont dont dont dont GG: im serious GG: uuuuggghh i think my headache is coming back AT: i WAS jUST, AT: mAKING A JOKE, AT: sORRY, }:(
This dude cannot read a room. Truly, the anti-Terezi.
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Oh, leave off.
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AG: Next time you decide to open your heart to an alien girl…….. AG: Make sure her chat client isn't 8eing holographically projected for all to see, ok?
This exploit should apply to chat clients of any size, provided the screen is visible. Maybe John's Pesterchum Glasses were a better investment than I thought.
AG: Jade let you down too easy. She's too nice! Someone's got to tear into you for that appalling display, and once again, guess who's shoulders that falls on? AG: That's right. Vriska's, as usual.
Tavros probably does need someone to explain what he did wrong, but it should be anyone but Vriska. This is obviously just going to be more bullying, and no actual advice.
Showing backbone against Vriska, eh? Finally, a constructive use for all that confidence.
Progress is progress, even when it's just a minor clapback.
AG: Hey, I'm nice when it matters, [...]
Nope, I'm calling Vriska's bluff. What nice things has she done so far, exactly?
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Sure, she made Tavros the rocket chair, but only after mercilessly tormenting him for his physical condition, which she caused.
Plus, this wasn't even a real apology gift. She kept bullying him after that, and is literally doing so as we speak.
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I guess she also made Aradia's soulbot, as an 'apology' for murdering her with her own boyfriend. To be precise, she had Equius make it, with horrific results that she should probably have seen coming.
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She also thought that it would be 'nice' to tell Terezi that her blindness 'wasn't that bad'. This conversation was kind of complicated, though, and I'm not sure what her actual intention was.
Anyway, it's pretty clear that Vriska doesn't really grok what 'nice' means. She gives Tavros a rocket chair, continues to torment him, and doesn't understand the contradiction, because she doesn't think his feelings actually matter.
[...] and where it doesn't strangul8te the critical development of people I give a shit a8out, ok?
"After all, no one was ever nice to ME, and look how gr8 I turned out! When you think about it, it's actually a GOOD thing that no one ever showed me kindness! It made me strong! Don't you want to 8e stroooooooong, Pupa? ::::D"
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I'm reminded of this exchange from Hivebent. Kanaya recommends that Vriska practice some basic self-care, and Vriska completely flies off the handle, furious at the mere suggestion that she should be kind to herself.
Vriska thinks kindness will harm her. She refuses to accept it, and avoids showing it to anyone, which makes her remarkably consistent in her cruelty. I'm willing to bet that there's nothing she's said to Tavros that she hasn't already said to herself.
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adoringmha · 11 months
if you dont mind,can i have baku with a mommy kink?loved your needy bakugou fic,it had me clenching my thiiighs😳🥵
this has literally been in my inbox for 2 years but i was saving it for when i had inspiration. | bakugo x gn!reader (but he calls you mommy) | nsfw !!! minors dni !!! also why is it a little angsty i'm sorry about that sjkfdhg
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thinking of bakugo only letting loose with you, only allowing himself to be that vulnerable when he's with you. he didn't even realize he had that kink until he was settled in his relationship with you, coming to a realization when he noticed how much he loved getting taken care of by you.
he wasn't really used to that. he was brash and blunt and aggressive, and most of all independent. he was always looking out for others, despite his tough approach, not the other way around.
so when you broke down his walls and let him rest his head on your chest, cooing at him that he was your baby and that you'd take care of him, he didn't even know what to do, but he knew he loved it. a lot. maybe too much.
but sometimes, he doesn't feel like he's deserving of that nurturing affection. so he's a little rougher on the exterior, even though inside he's dying for your soft touch and words. especially on those days where he feels he didn't do his best at work. he wasn't fast enough, he was too sloppy, someone could have gotten hurt, etc.
he tries to push you away (it's bad he knows, but he can't control it), giving you curt responses, not looking you in the eye, cause he knows once he does, he'll want to melt into you completely.
so he makes you work for it a little bit, unintentionally though, cause in his mind, he's the one that has to work for it, to earn it.
"katsu c'mere." your voice is soft, beckoning him over like a siren, and he literally clenches his fists and his jaw to refuse.
"m'busy." he goes into the kitchen, letting out a tense breath.
he gets a bottle of water from the fridge and places it in front of him on the counter, leaning forward on both his hands, going completely stiff when he feels your arms slide around his middle, too caught up in his head to even hear your footsteps.
"that wasn't very nice, baby."
he both loves and hates how your words send a thrill through his body, how you already have him in your clutches.
you're not mean to him, not with your voice anyway. that's the distinct difference between you two, you're not rough, you're always soft, even when he thinks he doesn't deserve it. and it makes him feel like shit sometimes. like he doesn't deserve you. but he won't say it, he can't. because what if once he says it out loud, you realize he's right and you leave him?
he doesn't think he deserves you, no. but he's too selfish to let you go.
he's brought back to the moment when your hands slide up and down his torso. you smell good, and your soft pressed up against him, he can barely think straight, already feeling himself slip through the cracks.
he doesn't respond but you know what's wrong with him.
"rough day?" you don't expect a response, so you simply press a few kisses on his back, feeling him loosen up with each press of your lips, and smile to yourself. you're sure he can feel it, but he doesn't seem to mind.
"let me see you." your voice is warm, tempting, but he still hesitates, only slightly straightening up.
"come on, baby." you squeeze him lightly before stepping back, immediately making him miss your warmth.
he turns to face you like you pulled him, and you did really, just not physically. his gaze is on the floor, but you're having none of that.
you step closer to him until you're pressed against him, your hands on his waist, and you can see the veins in his arms from how hard he's holding back, his hands in his pockets, itching to touch you.
you slide your hands up to his chest slowly. "can you look up for me?" he takes a second, but once he does, you smiles at him, luring him further into your hold. you have his heart right in the palms of your hands.
"take a deep breath with me." you nod at him, tempting him to follow your lead and he does, eyes roaming over your face like he still can't believe you're here, with him, for him. just looking at you has him feeling a thousand times better than when he walked in.
you smile even wider when he breathes with you. "good, baby."
you raise your arms, not even trying to reach his face, knowing he's far too tall, and he follows the silent request, leaning down so he's at your height. your hands hold his face gently and his eyes flutter shut for a moment before looking back at you, his gaze much softer than before, like a switch was flipped.
you kiss him and he whimpers, hands finally coming to touch you, arms wrapped around your torso like he's never letting you go. he lets you take the lead, letting you consume him wholeheartedly.
you pull back to let the both of you take a breath, knowing katsuki would rather reach his last breath then pull away from you. "m'here, yeah? i've got you." you notice his eyes are a little glazed over and slightly glassy right before he buries his face in your neck, inhaling your scent and holding you tight.
his voice is muffled and he mumbles but you make out the words against your shoulder. "m'sorry mommy."
you hold him tighter, wanting to hold him together. "it's okay baby, you're okay. let me take care of you, yeah?"
and when you're both finally in bed, him on his back fully nude, hands on your thighs as you sit on top of him still in your underwear, he's looking up at you like you're the moon and stars, moaning when you grind against him.
you slide one hand up his chest, the other holding the side of his face, leaning in close so your lips graze his and his hips buck up into you, making you smirk. "i'll take good care of you, baby. promise."
he nods before you even finish your sentence, completely in your control. "please."
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Hey it me again. Let’s try this for round two of my request for the tadc cast ( plus Caine) helping a reader with crutches at the breakfast table after they accidentally left them for the new i.h.a.
TADC cast x reader who uses crutches!
Side note I'm on mobile still for tumblr and my asks are getting weirder; the asks look fine in the inbox but when I go to answer them it like. Makes it on long thing, single worded lines. it's annoying and I dont like it!! It happened with the last request too grrrgrr
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It takes him a while because it's not uncommon for circus members to skip out on IHAs, I mean zooble openly says they dont want to do them! But when he decides to go make sure you're not doing anything you're not supposed to (cough cough going into the void/j) he stumbles upon you
You can practically see the gears running in his head before he realizes the issue
Immediately zooms to your side and makes a show of apologies while helping you up
Shit he might even be frantic enough to scoop you up
Honestly I feel like Caine would feel so so bad and he would try to make it up to you
Feels very bad when she realizes you're not around; shes still trying to get hard to the digital world so shes still learning everyone and their whole deals
You know how some characters run with their hands out in front of them. In like a weird scurry. I think pomni would lowkey run like that when she tries to search every corner of the circus for you. Shed already check your room and a bunch of the halls before she even thinks about the main area
Letting out a stream of apologies as she gives you a hand, trying to let you know that she didnt do this to be malicious or hurtful
I think it would take a while longer for pomni to really, really, embed your needs into her schedule since shes juggling so much between coming to terms with being trapped and finding an exit, but she does promise to do better (and she does, eventually!)
It's rare that ragatha would just up and forget something like you needing crutches to really be able to move around; even rarer for ragatha to forget you as a whole for a brief moment
No I think the only way this scenario would work is if caine suddenly sprang up the days adventure out of no where as soon as the last person was done eating; and he decides to make it a really high energy chaotic one that takes everyone off guard
It's not long until she remembers you were left behind, though, shes probably one of the few who would take probably at most 10 or so minutes to go and get you.. jax is the second, oddly enough
That said she's apologizing and fretting over you before filling you in on everything you missed
Very sweet very nice, she wont let it happen again
I like to think that jax does the "really fast run that he did leaving kaufmos room" a few times, especially when hes struck with a brilliant idea for a prank. So there definitely has been at least a couple instances where he left you behind. It's not so much that hes doing it out of malice, but its like. Those huge motivation spikes that prompt you to work ASAP, you know?
"Heh did you see that, reader?" After the prank he planted in an IHA goes off, turning around to find you're not here
Puts two and two together and runs off to where you were before and pulls you up
Lazy apology, I think, I mean I think jax is the type of person to struggle with apologizing but thats just me
Genuinely forgets because I mean... kinger has multiple instances of forgetting/not noticing gangle is right next to him in the pilot.. so do I really need to explain that kinger simply forgets? Obviously hes not doing it to be mean, assuming kinger truly is losing his marbles
I think it would require someone else outwardly asking where you are before he suddenly swivels in every direction trying to find you
Similar to pomni he runs around trying to find you before finding you by chance
Rather than immediately apologizing and helping you he runs over to you and expresses that he was scared SKMETHING had happened to you and how relieved he is to find that ultimately, you're okay
Then the streams of apologies start
Though I think this is a rare occurrence, because hes always trying to keep you in his line of sight; to align it with my other kinger hcs.. hmm.. perhaps this could happen in one of his worse days
Zooble likely skips IHAs, so it would admittedly take them a while to find you. I mean if they're not at the IHA then they cant notice you're missing. I think they would find you when they decide to leave their room to wander the grounds, far from the chaos and
You're kinda just, there. It looks like you had fallen over, your crutches far out of reach; perhaps you had tried to leave yourself after being stranded for a while
Zooble feels.. bad.. but they're flat in terms of expressing their emotions outside of annoyance and fear/surprise, so it kind of comes off as a
"Oh shit man my bad" reaction as they quickly try to get you your crutches and help you up
Takes you to their room after the fact, apologizing for bolting off so fast after breakfast
Doesnt take long for her to realize you're not here, too, shes probably behind jax in regards of how fast shes going to retrieve you. Letting out these short squeaked apologies while helping you up; probably struggles doing so because shes made of ribbon and likely isnt that sturdy (I'm sorry that was mean)
Honestly you two probably skip out in the remainder of the IHA, gangle feels too horrible to go out and continue it snd you're tired, you know?
Two mirmir
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smalltestaccount · 15 days
okay i think ive come to the conclusion that i dont really fit in with most other trans women, like personality wise, and thats okay. Like i think recently a lot of trans women, not just on tumblr, have been making me think i have to be kinky and bizarre or something, be blasé about transitioning or gender roles, or even just like be okay with some borderline harassing behavior. Its okay if that is you (except the harassing behavior some of yall need to work on that), but like thats not really me. Acting this way just makes me feel bad. Just ignoring that Im a total straightedge, that im like a 1 on the Kinsey scale now. Ever since i was like 11 my biggest desire is just like being a normal cis girl. I always am happiest embracing basic American femininity, and i only just re-realized this after after it helped me get out of a depressive episode (along with antidepressants and an increased estrogen dose). I don't care if im "enforcing gender roles", because i fucking love female gender roles (in modern American culture) cause they make me feel like not-a-piece-of-shit. Also i don't strictly adhere to many anyways. And i just don't think terfs would have any issues with cis girls who love the color pink, flowers, being boy crazy, and dreaming about being a mother. So like why should I feel like its wrong to like that stuff? I don't think there is anything wrong with it. And you know if you don't have that relationship with gender that is fine, you need to do what makes you happy, that's why feminism exists. I'm just saying I don't want to pretend like my personality is something that really just makes me uncomfortable.
I dont like when people here imply being a trans woman entails being sexual cause like i just want to be normal and that stereotype is harmful, especially to transgender children who are really likley to be targeted for some kind of sexual abuse because theyre trans and being trans is already sexualized more than it needs to be. Adults can navigate that to some extent, but not kids; I couldnt really navigate that when i started transitioning in middle school and im lucky it only stayed online. Trying to even somewhat fit in with tumblrs idea of trans women has made me encounter tranny porn on my dash and whenever i post images of myself I'm followed by gross accounts that just reblog that stuff . A lot of trans women don't hate it, because sex work is very much as part of the trans community. But honestly, seeing trans women be treated in those ways just makes me feel bad for the actresses and sick about myself and very dysphoric.
Im not saying that you cant express kinkiness and hyper-sexuality, because I dont want to dictate how you act any more than i want you to be dictated on how I act. But I also want to encourage thoughfulness in what you say. Saying you, yourself, is kinky and weird, is not that same as saying trans *girls* are kinky and weird. In the same way I'm not going to reblog tradwife content, I don't think its productive to make an "all tgirls be kinky" post. You shouldn't try to paint that image of other trans women.
As its the first day of june I'll just tie it up by saying that not all trans people fit into one personality and if you want to show support its best not to suggest trans women all act a certain way, and please don't think talking about "gock" is a good way to show support. This isn't a "kink at pride" discourse post in the very slightest cause I don't, and never have, given any shits about that, cause I've never been to pride. This is just me talking about how I fit into the trans community.
Im Alexa and I'm going to reblog and post shit i like, not what other people like or expect. That Includes not doing tummy tuesday cause i really only briefly did it out of fomo and peer pressure. And please don't say things about me that you wouldnt say about other women
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lovelybunn · 2 years
𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.
warning(s): swearing, mentions of depression
author's note: I DONT HAVE FAVORITES I PROMISE this is a high-school au bc i'm trying to cope with it (even though i've only been there for a few weeks lmao)
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“ 𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍! 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 �� 𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐄 sweater you got there, bud! ” you give the boy a small smile. he frowns and looks around, pointing at himself. “ yes you, silly. who else in the class is named stanley? ” you giggle, stan glances away in embarrassment, “ o-oh. thanks, i guess. ” he sits down with a bit more force than he expects, causing him to cuss under his breath.
“ what’s wrong? ” you ask with genuine concern. without making eye contact with you, stan replies, “ nothing. just kinda stunned. ” as if just now realizing what he said, his eyes suddenly widen. his cheeks flare up, “ oh shit– i mean, tired. yeah, that's what i meant, not stunned. why would i be stunned? ” your worried face slowly melted into a teasing snicker. “ you're funny, stan marsh. ” with his face even more red that it originally was, he stammers, “ what are you talking about?! what's so funny, huh?! ”
manz doesn't know how to take a compliment tbh
he has a very low self esteem (bc of his depression), so he'll take anything he can get. beggars can't be choosers, right?
when he does get complimented, stan almost always gets all red and shit and it's so precioussss
he doesn't usually reply with some kind of counter compliment bc he sucks at talking to ppl :(
but the good thing is that he always repays you back in some way for the simple act of kindness to him of all ppl. you know that meme/phrase where its like “ *character* will remember that ”? yeah, that's stan marsh.
he doesn't automatically register when someone is speaking to him, so you prob will have to repeat yourself multiple times before he realizes that your even there lmao
𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄, 𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 to leave his hair down for school, and to be honest, you think his natural curls are gorgeous. you grin and wave at the ginger as he walks into class, placing his things down. “ sup, kyle! seems you know how to take very good care of that mane of yours, don't you? ” with pursed lips, he raises a brow inquisitively at you. “ hm? what's that's supposed to mean? ” your grin grows wider. “ it means i think your hair looks sick, man. ” kyle's screwed up expression slowly melts into slight shock. his face flushes into a deep red against his scattered freckles, “ aw, thank you. ” kyle smiles goofyily.
kyle doesnt expect kindness/flattery to ever be targeted towards him, mainly bc his friends are kinda dicks (AHEM CARTMAN AHEM)
but when he does get this kind of treatment, he's pleasantly surprised. especially when he's at his at most limit (which is pretty frequent), being able to hear that little positive thing said about him will help kyle rest peacefully for the rest of the day.
don't worry though, a genuine nice response will almost always come in exchange. (unless the poor boy is having a really bad day, then he'll prob just act like you simply don't exist)
kyle is very good at nick-picking certain specific quirks, behaviors, and traits of the ppl he adores. like with his baby brother ike, just one little head jerk or hand movement from ike, and kyle will instantly know exactly how his baby brother is feeling.
so, in relation to you complimenting him, he now is, of course, fond of you. (ex. your eyes look a little droopy one day at school? “ hey, (name), i brought some coffee in my bag, you can have some if you want. ”)
overall a sweet boy w/ anger issues but we don't talk about that :)))))))))))))))))))))))
“ 𝐘'𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀 𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊, you're actually a pretty cool dude, cartman. ” you exclaim dryly, making little doodles on the assignment you presumably are supposed to actually be doing. he slowly turns his head to face behind him. a large scowl plasters on eric's expression. “ i'm cool all the time, motherfucker. ” you roll your eyes dismissively, “ the entire campus would beg to differ. ” he opens his mouth to respond with some sort of snarky remark, but he changes his mind and turns around in defiance. cartman laughs proudly. “ you're just extremely jealous that you'll never be as cool as me. ” you sigh and mutter, “ keep telling yourself that. whatever helps you cope, i guess. ”
boy thinks that's his birthright to have everyone within his vicinity praise him in some way bc his name is eric theodore cartman
but deep down this boy hates himself with a burning passion, like all narcissists lmao
two words, backhanded compliments.
well, unless he doesn't like you/thinks your ugly af or sumn, then he'll be like “ yeah, i know. couldn't say the same for you, though. ”
but i'll be honest with ya'll, if he even moderately likes you in any way, that one compliment will cause him to attach to you until you have to literally force him to back off. (ex. imagine his relationship w/ butters)
the only plus to that is cartman will be a little bit nicer to you than he usually is. “ hey bitch (affectionate)! ”
𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇 and it's kenny's turn to read a section of the excerpt the class is assigned. none of his three best friends have this class with him, so he's practically mute for most of the period. you never hear his voice other than a few “ hey ”s, “ mhm ”s, and “ what ”s, so a tiny part of you is lowkey excited to be able to hear the orange hooded boy speak a full few sentences for the first time. he isn't the fastest reader in the class, and definitely not one of the loudest, but something about his soft tone relaxes you. kenny's voice is strangely soothing. after he finishes, you decide to point it out.
you tap on his desk to get his attention, “ wow, i didn’t know you sounded like that, kenny. ” since you didn't elaborate, he stares at you with a blank expression in his big baby blue eyes. he slowly squints at you, silently asking for an explanation. you chuckle, “ i think your voice sounds nice, mate. you should run an asmr channel or something. ” kenny's eyes avert from left to right for two rounds before he becomes a popped bubble full of agressive cackles. the entire class stop whatever they're doing to figure what's going on, but you just give kenny a huge toothy smile.
bruv will never take compliments seriously, like he legitimately thinks your joking.
but he'll still flash his pretty crooked whites at you, and nod his head like a child that just got asked if they want a cookie (pls he's baby <33333)
most of the time kenny's eyes are dull bc he's depressed, but when he's really happy, they'll sparkle, like a lot. remember that.
small talk isn't kenny's thing so after you say whatever you wanted to say he'll prob instantly go back to blocking you out like what he does to his parents when they fight
but after a while of processing what you said, he's truly touched, sometimes he'll even tell karen about how much you made his day with that little comment alone
here's a plus, if kenny thinks your cute enough, he'll start lowkey flirting with you, complimenting you over literally everything you do (sometimes he's a lot more straightforward, but he tries to keep it as discreet as possible)
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spearxwind · 10 months
not to sound weird but what was that work you put in to get where you are 🙏 i want to improve my life so bad but have no clue where to start. even a general gist of things
You dont sound weird! I think it's commendable to want to change your life for the better, and I want to help in any way I can :D
This is also my own perspective but I think a lot of it could be universally applied if you look at it through different lenses of ppls different situations. This also got rly long so I'm putting it under a readmore ^^;
So I had pretty much been isolating myself with increasing ferocity for years until recently. Even when trying to reach out to people I was extremely closed off, keeping my feelings behind many walls and chains always. A lot of my hard work has come from undoing all of that fuckup. I put all my eggs into my online friendships (and even then had a hard time with them).
My behavior was a cluster of personal garbage, learned mannerisms from keeping bad company, and hardwired reactions to specific behaviors. It's something pretty hurtful to realize when you do realize it, but that doesn't mean that you are a bad person or a failure or anything like that. It just means that you have certain bare minimum survival behaviors that worked before but now are only doing you damage, and you have to learn to undo them. (which is a great step!!)
Which brings me to what I have (painfully) learned over the past several years: the basis to any and every good relationship, romantic, platonic, family, or anything is crystal clear communication. Straight up for the love of god communication skills will save your life time and time and time again
And also like I said in earlier posts the solution to wanting to be more social is just BEING more social. This is arguably extremely hard, especially after years of "if they want me around they'll ask me" and always waiting to be invited but not wanting to bother anyone by asking if you can join NO!!!!!!!! GET THAT SHIT OUT OF YOUR BRAIN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!!!! It really does NOT work that way at all. People will invite you to things if they see you express interest in them. The same way that in your head you think 'theyll invite me if they want me to go' if they dont see you express interest people will think you dont want to join. If you go someplace and just stay recluse because youre shy they likely will also think "theyre probably not comfortable or dont want to be here, so we wont force them". People are inherently kind and they are definitely NOT thinking about shunting you on purpose (and I am speaking this, genuinely, from personal experience)
While I was studying my major I got close to a group of people and thought of them as my friend group, but they always seemed cold to me, and I rarely got invited to hangouts because they seemed closer among themselves so I ended up always thinking that they didn't really want me around, and created all of these assumptions in my mind about them or what they thought of me.
Years later, recently, I found one of them again just... randomly while walking through the street and we started talking. And in my much better state of mind I asked about this whole thing because I wanted to know how the rest of the group was doing (I care very much for them still) and he revealed to me that THEY were the ones who thought I was shutting myself off of the group bc I didnt wanna be close to them. Which just blew my mind but it made a lot of sense and explained a lot. I was always on my phone too, talking with my internet friends (because it was my comfort zone), so what they'd assumed was that I already had a friend group that I was invested in and so I wasnt going to prioritize them. SO basically this whole thing ended up being resolved with clear communication and would have been solved much earlier if I had just spoken up about it and gotten braver (though my mental state did not let me at the time)
Anytime you are making up assumptions and ultimatums in your mind without communicating them to the other party you should stop and very much go and speak out loud to the other party (or parties) it will genuinely do you good cause huge as hell brain snowballs do nothing but drown you in your own mind.
Also on the being social front, if you dont have the practice in then it will be hard but a lot of it is very much "fake it till you make it" and I genuinely cannot recommend that enough. Inject yourself into conversations and places and act like yourself unapologetically because the secret isnt to craft a persona that you think people will like, its just being yourself and finding people who will love you for who you are. And like I said I just got invested in other ppls plans and asked to be able to go to places, and oftentimes just by expressing interest i got invited "oh I love this show very much!!" "well we have a plan to watch it at my pals house do you wanna come?" "we were planning on going to X place this week" "omg that sounds so cool can I come with" "of course!" Generally people will respond with "the more the merrier" so please dont be afraid to ask. And even if you get a rejection or two it's fine, don't let it discourage you. Some plans are simply not meant to be, and that's totally fine too!
Something else I worked for was reestablishing contact with old highschool friends I'd lost and I missed terribly. I went out of my way to find them again (old phone numbers, old emails, old instagram accounts that hadnt posted since 2019), and I found them!
And most of them really missed me too and were absolutely thrilled I contacted them again, we picked up right where we left off eight years prior. With a lot to catch up to but its genuinely so nice to have them in my life rather than just melancholically thinking about them and wondering if they hated me or anything. Turns out that they had also thought to contact me as well or had tried and lost my phone, or some of them even thought that it was better to leave things as they were to not "stir up shit" so we were all stuck in the same loop of insane thinking without actually confirming it until one of us (me in this case) finally broke the ice (and it took a damn long time too)
The thing is, people are just like you. We all have our own mental nonsense to fight, and we all have our assumptions and propensity to think ourselves into the grave, that's why its so so so so important to communicate things as clearly and as often as possible. Bearing your suffering alone will only make you miserable in the end, and your circle is there to help you
As a last note, I do want to say I have been incredibly lucky, because the friend group I've been adopted into I have met through that one friend from uni that I just HAPPENED to find on the street. I could have not waved him over on the street and just kept walking with my music on and ignored him. I could have said 'no' to his offer to get dinner that day if I'd wanted to be home earlier. I could have never spoken up about liking eurovision and never gotten invited to the hangout where I met my bf. And none of this would have ever happened at all. But that just strengthens my advice of "just say yes and reach out of your comfort zone" because you never know where it's going to lead you!
All this to say:
Communicate clearly with your peers to reduce misunderstandings. More likely than not they'll be in the same boat as you are. (Also extra note. Communication works BOTH WAYS. It needs to come from both parties. It is also a skill you have to nurture and hone!!)
Be kind!! and be loving!! and be yourself unapologetically!!
reach out to people the same way that you'd want to be reached out to. It sucks that sometimes (even often) you have to be the one to do it, but you eventually reap what you sow and people will learn that they can reach out to YOU
People will respond in kind to you being nice to them and a positive energy in their life. Some people will take advantage of it yes, thats just how things are, and its something you have to learn to recognize but you should never let that steel your heart. It is so so so important to remain kind and loving the world needs it so much. We're all out here trying to make our own lives and our loved ones lives a little bit brighter <3
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voiceofsword · 1 year
i'd like to know... whats ur take on rinne meeting niki's parents for the first time?
ok i forgot about this ask but because people are sort of SCARING ME speculating that bc crazyb are going overseas there's a small chance that they might come across his parents. i dont actually know how much i believe this will happen since at the end of the day the focus is on rinne and this sort of thing deserves to have More exposition, imo, so having it be an interaction that only occupies a chapter at most is doing a disservice to niki
i actually have a fic drafted out for this (which is nowhere near done, loool), which i'll summarize: it's not necessarily a pretty encounter.
i think rinne would blame niki's parents in part for his "curse" — he doesn't think highly of them, even if niki himself doesn't hold a grudge against them. i think rinne feels like he needs to hate them on niki's behalf, bc even if niki doesn't realize it, at least part of his self deprecating habits come from having been left by them at a young age, and the whole scandal that had arose from his father's tv career.
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so while he's obviously not violent towards them, if he were to, say, head to niki's apartment and encounter both of them sitting there waiting for his son, he'd be very passive aggressive. they fucked over his best friend and left him alone, no visits, who knows if they even call him anymore, for years? he wouldnt want to exchange pleasantries with someone like that. and as far as niki's parents are concerned rinne's some stranger who just waltzed into their home so i'm not sure they'd be all too fond of him either? this is all operating under the assumption that niki has little contact with them at this point in his life, so they know little about rinne besides him having dragged their son into the idol world, which he was consequently dragged out of by his father, and now he's an idol again. in their eyes, he's probably kind of a bad influence.
if niki shows up during this meeting, say he was late from work or something, he'd just be kind of speechless the whole time. it's not really a tearful reunion. if they stay for dinner, the preparation leading up to it would be awkward, not much talking. if there is it's niki trying to fill the silence, but neither his parents nor rinne want to actively take part in conversation, opting for throwaway comments at each other, and about niki, since they all think they know what's best for him (and niki isn't the brightest, but none of them go over his head). eventually niki gets fed up and slams his hands on the dining room table, effectively shutting them all up, and going to make dinner by himself while the other 3 sit in silence.
i dont know. maybe they'd be able to talk it out eventually? however i think after this initial encounter they'd probably just want to talk to niki, by himself, some other time. rinne wouldnt be pleased and doesnt think niki owes them shit but i think theyre at a point in their relationship (esp after talking it out themselves — even though rinne can be a bit of a jerk, niki would understand that he was angry on his behalf, not just because) where if niki said he wanted to go speak to them alone, he'd be apprehensive but encouraging. if niki wanted him to come with, he'd drop everything to come with if only so niki doesn't feel alone when talking to them. but ultimately, even if niki reconciles with his parents, rinne wouldn't ever be on the best of terms with them. at least i think that's how it'd be.
look forward to my fic in 2030
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cephalotyrant · 17 days
Hiiiiiiiiii so. Azurido bodyswap.
Think about it; these two housewardens who constantly seem to be bickering, and then one day during a joint alchemy class they accidentally swap bodies...
Azul trying to run heartslabyul and hastily memorizing all the queens' rules; speaking of i had a sudden thought do you think azul would learn the rules for riddle after they start dating so he can easily come over to heartslabyul and follow all the rules teehee anyways back on topic Azul is mentioned to have less magic capacity so im imagining him being like "okay yeah this kid's currently on a murderous rampage buuuut do I REALLY need off with your head rn why can't i just assert my dominance with words or some shit works with floyd" (i'l never forget that time azul made floyd kneel as punishment... sad moment)
And then Riddle... bless his heart he's too much of a reasonable honest person for octavinelle's bs he's like "stop scamming students" and they're like "um ACKSHUALLY you see the free market and blah blah blah-" Riddle can't behead them anymore because azul doesn't have that power (loser) so he's just like -_- waiting for them to stop talking please oh please what he wouldn't do for them to shut the fuck up-
also weird thought riddle out of instinct trying to cast owyh and then accidentally activating the true form of it's a deal and just... knocking a bunch of guys out cold. and his glasses. he hates them bc they keep getting foggy.
speaking of glasses azul keeps trying to push them up except they dont exist fuckin L hah hah everybody point and laugh
and riddle's high heels... azul falls over (point and laugh part 2)
anyways getting a bit more serious I do feel like azul and riddle do have more similarities in leadership style (like how azul's canonically very irritable with octavinelle students and ortho mentions it's actually quite rare to see him in a good mood just like riddle) so... poor heartslabyul guys aren't catching a break just yet. Except instead of being collared it's just like "shut the fuck up travis this is why you're poor" "3.8 gpa santocruz??? I think you mean 1.8 because those tabloids could only be written by a FUCKING IDIOT" (i'm joking PLEASE DONT KILL ME I MERELY JEST besides we all know azul probably tries to seem uber classy so he wouldn't swear)
meanwhile octavinelle students have never seen such rage... even more scarily... HONESTY AND STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS (an octavinelle student's worst nightmare)
Anyways Riddle and tweel interactions here are just so funny if this is before floyd realizes the truth because it's like
"Lemme squeeze you, goldfishie!"
And then "Azul" waltzes in and is like "Floyd why how could you do this that is highly improper!!!!!!!"
Ofc "Riddle's" like "so i owe you now" bc azul wants riddle in his debt lmaooo
Azul keeps trying to find riddle's weakness... but it goes wrong...
Short scene:
Azul gazed into the mirror of Heartslabyul's bathroom, looking at every new detail at this new face of his. Riddle's face. He was looking for weaknesses. Yes, weaknesses, as dastardly as it seemed.
Like - how those soft, sun-kissed cheeks were likely sensitive to light, and how those gorgeous little heart-shaped tufts of hair often added to Riddle's poutiness, and-
Wait, why was Riddle's face growing redder in the mirror all of a sudden?
Womp womp azul you're gay for him
Anyways they turn back and it all gets found out blah blah... Azul saying the most down-bad shit when he thinks no one can hear like "riddle-san looks even prettier from up close" jade and floyd overhear his little mumble he never leaves it down...
and riddle... is hyperfixating over azul's moles. he knew about the one on his chin but there's MORE??? On The neck? The COLLARBONE??? He never undressed (neither did azul bc they were swapped for a pretty short time so it was pretty easy not to as just... yk a respect/consent thing) but while adjusting his tie and stuff he noticed. He is now freaking out over it to Trey. Why does he care??? When can he sign up to kiss them??? More on seven.
Memorizing the rules would be a DAUNTING ass task bro. But Azul is up to it and I bet he memorized them just for fun at one point so he could find all the loopholes (and rub them in riddles face) funnily enough, Heartslabyul is confuse because it seems like Riddle has gotten... sharper? Some clock him immediately as wrong (ADTC)-- Riddle often stands stiffly and probably has a resting bitch face, let's be real. but now the way he stands is almost looser, more fluid, his body more expressive, flexing his hands. In his attempt to follow the rules, Azul IMMEDIATELY calls out someone using a loophole. But for today, he'll let it slide-- but I better not catch you doing that again, else there will be consequences. (He means Jade and Floyd it was on instinct) Even the way he SPEAKS is different, and why is he talking about himself so much? Don't get started on the moment Azul is mentioned-- why is he suddenly avoiding speaking any bad about Azul Ashengrotto? They were at each other's throats just this morning!
He feels weirdly frail. Not only does he lack his octo-stength, he has to look up at absoloutely everyone! And these heels are ridiculous! Of course, he's heard all about Riddle boasting that the dorm uniform being a replica of the first housewarden of Heartslabyul, but he could have omitted SOME details. The way everyone straightens their back when they hear the clacking of his heels, though... that's quite nice. It's hard not to powertrip.
I'm not going to get into it I'm not going to get into it I'm not-- FUCK. He can't help but be envious of the complete lack of fat on Riddle's body, the way his uniform cinched his waist just right. Perhaps there were some benefits of being so small... And there's a constant dull ache in his dominant hand. Seriously, for someone raised for a future in medicine, he doesn't appear to be taking care of himself very well! Maybe he'll snoop about the room for a diary, finding a drawer full of letters from a very particular woman-- and leave the investigation there. Funnily enough, it fills him with the urge to write his own letter to his own mother... he hasn't spoken to her in a while.
At least the bed is fantastic? Let's just hope Trey doesn't walk in while he's giggling and wrapping himself up burrito-style into the blankets.
Azul (Riddle) back at Octavinelle seems like he's one moment away from a STROKE. So much so that every few moments red rings swirl in his eyes-- his last straw being the fourth pencil he breaks in a row. Since when has Azul been this strong!? Does his dishonest nature extend to taking steroids?? He's going to have a VERY long talk with him later! His glasses keep getting smudged and sliding down his nose, and Azul's layered clothing was so ridiculously heavy-- being of average height is kind of nice, though.
Jade and Floyd clock him as NOT AZUL right away I fear... though it is a little funny to watch Azul's body throw a tantrum and stomp his feet. They freak out, however, when Riddle realizes he has the strength to preperly defend himself... not good. If he can't behead them, he can go physical. Really, he's not fit at all to run Mostro or do deals atp... but Jade and Floyd think it'd be funny if he fucked some up. He's rather impressed by how such a busy establishment runs so smoothly, and the employees, namely, the waiters, are rather polite. They stand straight and speak clearly... Azul’s done quite well.
Finally. A respite from the endless things that needed his attention– as the housewarden of Heartslabyul, he was used to tending issues left and right, but this experience, being trapped in Azul’s body, had stretched his patience thin. Azul, truly, had his fingers in far too many pies.
Discarding anything the Octavinelle housewarden wore on the regular would have been improper, though it certainly didn’t prevent him from complaining about it. The layers of the dorm uniform were oppressive, to put it lightly– even his cape, for how it dragged across the ground, wasn’t nearly as heavy. The cummerbund was too tight to be considered remotely comfortable. He abandons it on the chair in front of the vanity.
He tugs on silky purple fabric to undo the bowtie, the thing having gone crooked, most likely from when he undid the suspenders or pulled off the jacket. It’s always satisfying to allow one’s neck to breathe at the end of the day–
Right there, not too far from under the collar, is a culmination of small dark spots. Three, in fact. And just when he peels back the collar to get a better look at them, there’s another one, right there, on his collarbone!
Experimentally, he runs a finger over them. They’re just spots of pigment… so why do they make his breath hitch and his face warm so?
The door beside the vanity swings open without warning, causing him to jump and squeeze the collar shut in alarm, crumpling the, no doubt, expensive fabric. He curses, seeing one of two tall eel mermen at the door.
“Are you accustomed to coming in unannounced?”
Jade smiles, half concealing it with a hand. “Oh my. Look at you, you already sound so much like our dearly departed Azul.”
“D– dearly departed!? He’s in my body, not deceased!”
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c0rpseductor · 20 days
have to explode about this somewhere or i simply will not make it
i am so fucking mad at my mom. i realize in isolation everything happening recently is totally innocuous and normal, it's just like. in context that it hurts.
i hate that she's sick with Probably Covid and asking me for a bunch of extra favors. i had to wash her a cup for water because she didn't feel good the other day, yesterday i had to do her laundry, today i had to cook for her. if this were like, between anybody else it would be fine. it's just like. agh
i feel so angry that she wants me to take care of her and i've ALWAYS taken care of her and i always feel like she just does not give a fuck about my most basic needs beyond "well, lestat's not dead!". it makes me feel ungrateful because i know she does nice stuff for me sometimes too, it's just like, it hurts when i always hide when i'm upset and barely ask her for anything even when i'm in such bad physical pain that i can't function. like most of the time if i'm too unwell to make something to eat i just go without food. i don't like asking her for things and i always feel like there's a limit to how often i can ask for her help, and that i have to be careful to mostly be a kind of pleasant background decoration that never imposes on her.
i always had to be her mom, ever since i was a kid. even when i was little she wasn't consistent and would berate me or get angry with me for just, like, being a kid and wanting or needing stuff. meanwhile i've always been like her little stuffed animal to talk to when she's sad. she always acted like she loves me so much and we're so close but mostly like i'm a possession of hers. i just like. i dont know. im so hung up on when she was drinking and high on coke and she said to me like, "oh id much rather just have a roommates relationship with you instead of being like mother and son." explains much about like, my Entire fucking childhood!
and then she takes credit for how i've turned out as if she raised me, like, i feel like not only did i raise myself but i'm raising her half the time trying to explain basic things about emotional regulation and hereditary mental issues and shit, being the first person she comes to for everything, always having to calm her down or support her when she's venting when i KNOW i can't rely on her in the same way or tell her any of the really challenging issues i have, like just. it's not fair. it's so tiring. materially i am very grateful that she is willing to let me stay with her and that she understands i'm disabled and can't work right now and tries to still help me live a comfortable life (and, cynically, i feel that she's kind of okay with me being in this kind of bad position as long as i don't leave), i know i'm lucky to have food and shelter and things like that.
i just like. man i don't know. i feel like i've been holding this back for days because i just fucking feel like it's so unfair that whenever mom feels bad i'm Favors Boy and i can be expected to do anything for her that she wants, but when i feel bad it's like, locking myself in the bathroom trying to cry quietly enough that she won't notice to clean off blood after cutting, or holing up in my room with a migraine and having to drag myself out of bed to use my Very Little Energy to make myself coffee or get water and then not being able to eat because im too tired to make myself anything substantial and god forbid i ask her, and then after i have my bad episode she's like Hey so i know you have a bad leg and stairs make it worse but i dont like taking out the trash so can that still be your job. it's not like the front steps are even THAT bad it's just like, ok, im so glad you thought about my limp. of course she wouldnt though it's literally her fault my leg is so fucked up and when i went to the hospital for it way back when and it didn't turn out to be a broken bone she was all like haha i told you so! and then laughed at me when i tripped and fell on my crutches coming home. she just does not give a fuck. but ohhhh lestat would you mind feeding me like a baby bird.....your poor old mother is so sick and feeble.....
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juli19varez · 7 months
Sur...prise? | Alejandro Balde X Reader
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summary: alejandro tried to do a surprise to you, but... well.
warnings: fem!reader, attempt to make it funny, reader described to be overworked (not too explicitly), fluff.
author's note: this was a request but my app excluded all of a sudden 😭 anyways, really liked that request and i made it a little more longer than i wanted (still good i swear) hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes <3 (requests open)
it was almost midnight, you were still studying on your dorm for your next exams, almost sleeping on your books, when you heard a knock on the door. confused and exhausted, you got up to see who was there at such a time. when you opened the door, you could see alejandro smiling, while carrying some bags with him, your eyes widened.
"ale, what the hell are you doing here?!" you said whispering. you knew the rules of the dorm very well. no one from the men's dorms could go to the women's dorms after ten o'clock.
alejandro grinned, entering your room. "i was bored, so i was thinking 'why not go visit mi princesa preciosa?' and here i am!" he said proudly, putting the bags on your desk.
you sighed closing the door, approaching him quickly. "you know the rules here and how much this is dangerous! are you crazy?" you whispered, touching his chest. ale looked down, smirking. "maybe i am, but it was worth the risk," he whispered, giving a little peck at your lips, making you blush.
ale smiled, taking your hand. "come on, i bought you presents, dont be mad at me" he pouted giving you puppy eyes, you shook your head in disbelief. ale pulled you closer, hugging you.
"okay, I'm sorry, that must be some stress because of the finals." you sighed, hugging him back tightly. he stroked your hair, nodding.
"I know that, that's why I'm here." you looked at him confused as he goes to grab the bags again, handing them to you. "open up!" opening the bags, you saw a stuffed animal, and the other, some chocolates.
"I know how stressed you get with these things and overwork yourself, and i cant be by your side all the time, so I bought that bear so you could use some company, he's even using my perfume!" he pointed, looking happy. "and the chocolates... well, you love chocolate."
you smiled, looking at him happily. "you're literally the best boyfriend ever!" he chuckled as you started to kiss all his face, hugging him like a koala. "wow, you really do love me, hm?" you nodded, feeling his arms around you.
"uhm... we just have one problem..." ale hid his face on the crook of your neck. you murmured telling him to continue. "i can't get back to my dorm right now, you know? and im really tired right now... and you need to rest a little, dont you think?"
you tried to say something to complain, but knew he was right, it was almost impossible to leave the building while the guards were everywhere, and wouldn't be a bad idea to sleep together after so much time studying. you nodded, leading him to your bed. "just this time, you troublemaker, don't get used to it." he laid beside you, babbling something you didn't really paid attention, too focused turning the lights on your side off.
you turned to face him, smiling at his sleepy face. "good night, amor" he kissed your nose, hugging you by the waist, resting his head on the top of yours. "good night, preciosa."
8:00am. you heard someone knocking on your door again, you tried to get up, but alejandro was hugging you tight, it made you smile. when you were about to get back to sleep, you heard someone outside.
"y/n!!! you promised to us that we would study together this morning! open up, girl!" your eyes widened realizing it was your friends, you whispered a 'holy shit' when you glanced back to ale, who was still sleeping peacefully by your side.
"u-uhm... one second!!! im... im in the bathroom!" you said back, trying to wake alejandro up. "please, wake up amor" you begged, and finally he opened his eyes, stretching himself and smiling tired. "good morn-"
"no time for it!! hide in the bathroom, right now" you whisper shouting to him, amost pushing him inside there. he looked so confused that made you feel bad, you murmured 'sorry' for him all the time while he just chuckled. "I'll explain later, just don't make any sound until i open the door again." he nodded, and you headed to the girls, still knocking on the door.
"why did you take so long?" "sorry, i was going to take a shower, and then you two appeared." you smiled awkwardly, trying to hide your nervousness. you took a little look até the gifts of the last night, at the same time your friends did. oh no.
"OMG! who gave you this?! this is so cute!!!" they screamed in awe, looking at the heart shaped box with chocolates.
"i-i.... uhm, someone not really important! just a... guy i know..." you grabbed the bear and the box quickly, putting them behind you. "ooh, come on! tell the truth."
"i-it was a guy i met sometime ago... i like h-him, you know?" you said shyly, feeling your cheeks burning, the two girls continued to say how cute and romantic that was. you interrupted them to make some bad excuse to cancel your plans, and they left.
you sighed in relief, hearing the bathroom door crack. "so... you like me?" alejandro hugged you from behind, kissing your red cheek. you laughed, pulling him off. "shut up!"
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
Because I love salt, what do you find to be the most annoying lines of so-called evidence or foreshadowing for ships you hate? For me it’s hard to pick just one but Jon saying Sansa looked radiant is up there for me because the idea that Jon had a crush on Sansa in the first book or before is so much worse than the thought of them meeting again and then developing feelings (which I still hate, but it’s just not as bad). It’s super normal for people to think their siblings look nice. Arya’s POV chapters also remark that Sansa is beautiful. Ashford theory is annoying because it was originally about the hound and Sansa (also hate this ship but the fans are a million times more tolerable). I also roll my eyes when fans insist that the bride of fire line foreshadows Dany marrying Jon (and I even LIKE that ship but only in an AU in my head where Lyanna is Jon’s mom but Rhaegar is NOT the father)
"Because I love salt"
You have come to the right place as this is an accurate real life photo of me running this blog:
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Thats a good one I hate though, multiple siblings and family members in this series all compliment one another. Even characters with bad relationships compliment each other. In the books, Arya recalls that her father calls her pretty, which only Jon ever also called her. Does that mean Ned had romantic feelings for Arya? Or Lyanna for that matter? No of course not. Thinking someone in terms of beauty is zero indicator of attraction in any way.
Also its even funnier with Jonsas because Sansa herself notes that Arya looks just like Jon, and then on multiple occasions notes that she thinks Arya is ugly. So, its even less compelling.
In the show Tyrion compliments Cersei's beauty all the time and we know there is nothing to it. It's reading into something that isn't there beacuse if they ignore the way beauty is used in this series as a common compliment towards other highborns, then its a really simple box to check on really stock symptoms of attraction. (I also dont really enjoy Sansan but it is funny how they just stay in their circle and mind their business like they somehow are winning based on being not fucking annoying alone).
I'm gonna rapid fire for Jon here because pretty much every single ship he has is backed by the worst evidence known to man.
The idea that Jon never thinks about Sansa because he loves her the most is dumb and not how we know Jon works. He holds back what he says not what he thinks. He thinks of Sansa the least because despite being his sister, she treated him like shit because she looks down on him for being a bastard. Jon cares about her, but not anywhere near how he cares about his other siblings who have clearly shown him love and respect.
The worst of Jon and Arya is a very very old outline that grrm scrapped. Its an outline that wasnt used and most of it isnt canon so it is literally a piece of non evidence for a ship that is disgusting. (Both Jonsa and Jonrya make Jons good older brother behavior towards his sisters look predatory and the shippers are all literally too blind to realize it)
Jon and Dany have literally nothing to back that up, because they are staged as moral oppositions to one another, dont know the other exists, and the idea that the motif of ice and fire will be about the coming together of romance is antithetical to everything grrm has established about the themes of his story. They are so far from being a ship that literally the ONLY thing they have to support it is the show and thats an absolute joke (see my every post that got me blocked by jonerys stans for more detail)
Ygritte is a rapist, so I accept literally zero "evidence" on that ones validity.
I also hate the "the actors have chemistry" argument to support really bad ships, because some actors having chemistry doesnt equal good romance, it equals good on screen dynamics in its own unique way. Like Tywin and Arya in season 2 have GREAT chemistry, but I don't need to explain why shipping that is creepy. Catelyn and Jaime have great chemistry, but it doesn't mean anything was actually there which could've worked.
Like shipping is fine, but so many people just INSIST it is canon or meant to be instead of something fun to think about. I joke ship about Stannis and Davos because its fun but I'm not over here arguing that people who don't ship it are "ignoring the text in front of them deliberately".
Also honestly, its really funny to me that you had to specify you'd only like that ship if they weren't related. Big oof on that one. Jonerys stans hate the idea they couldn't be related because they somehow think Dany being his AUNT isn't at all creepy. Like, Dany is related to Jon the way Jon thinks hes related to his MOTHER. There is no capability of romance or attraction there, that's crazy.
People who are biologically related but don't know it, 99% of the time are in fact, still not accidentally attracted to each other because that's biological survival instinct. Anti inbreeding protocol. But they think because DANY was raised to think her families blood superiority driven incest is fine, that somehow means JON would think its fine. Jonsas have no argument for that they just have to pray desperately that Jon would want to fuck his little sister despite how much it makes him look like a predator.
I'm sorry, I hope you have water on hand to wash down all this goddamn salt I just threw at you all at once.
Really, it isn't individual lines that irk me, its the overall tendencies of these ships to put more emphasis on things that don't even exist to justify something they don't even realize WHY people think it's creepy. I don't hate a lot of ships, just...all pro incest ones, and ones that promote predatory/rapist behaviors. Which is why I don't ship much in this series.
We're probably not meant to ship many people in this series if I in any way understand even a modicum of why grrm writes the lack of romance the way he does.
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roomofshroom · 1 year
kyman headcanons part 2 !!!! SFW (cartman oriented!!!)
since yall liked my kyman headcanons so much i thought id give it another try and write down sum more ! :D
part 1: here
cartman would plan little fucking schemes to see if kyle really loves him (text him from a fake instagram profile, pay a girl to make a move on him, shit like that)
motherfucker craves attention so much, so he like pretends he's sick or dying or that something really serious happened to see if kyle comes running to him
kyle quickly realizes this is not a one time thing and is really annoyed w him but manages to come running everytime cartman pulls something like this, eric always treats him with a big smile when hes at the doorstep ("you came! :D " "ofc i came you said ur fucking mom was dying?! where is she?" "oh she just went shopping" "so you made it up?! you know how fucked up that is?!" "technically, my mom IS dying, we are ALL dying every second of every day ever since we were born, kHAL...")
cartman uses like an unhealthy ammount of emojis in every message, sends shit ton of tiktoks, reels, youtube shorts and has a completely different types of conversations w kyle on every social media platform all at once (like on instagram he's venting to him about how he doesnt feel appreciated enough by the world while hes sending him memes on discord and streaming himself playing fall guys or smth i dont fucking know)
kyle's style of texting is very simple, he doesnt like long messages, he doesnt really send memes or tiktoks or anything but he religiously watches everything eric sends him, responds to him asap and writes medium sized messages with emojis because cartman is super fucking clingy and goes on a rampage if kyle doesnt respond for more than 3 hours or if his response isn't "enthusiastic" enough (*eric sends a meme of cats with a "this is so us" comment* kyle: <3 eric: do you hate me? kyle: no wtf i dont??? why? eric: idk just seems like you hate me)
cartman hangs out w kyle's mom and makes kyle's mom unknowingly share embarrassing details of kyle's life just to tease him w the information later, they also look through baby pictures together
eric and kyle's mom love gossiping together and they watch say yes to dress together and critique the dresses ("the mermaid style dress with HER LEGS!? i thought she'd wanna show them off!" "yes, such a shame, wasted potential")
sometimes cartman just goes to kyle's house solely to hang out with his mom ("oh hey cartman, i wont be able to hang out today, i need to-" "no worries, I'm here to watch tlc w your mom")
cartman's love language is words of affirmation, obviously, and he makes kyle say everything he loves about him at least twice a week as a "communication exercise, so that their relationship stays good and they both feel appreciated" (its honestly just a way for eric to get praised, he loveeees that shit)
he knows kyle's love lang is acts of service (hes known him for years, kyle didnt even need to tell him) so while he's at his house he'll wash the dishes and fold his clothes but he won't admit to it, he actually hides it and feels embarrassed, kyle just knows ("hey, did you clean my room while i was downstairs?" "no?" "look, its clear you did, just say so" "i don't fucking know what you're talking about, khal" "...thank you, eric" "...shut the fuck up, jew, as if I'd touch your dirty ass room")
cartman's actually very shy with showing affection when its just two of them and when kyle says something sweet unprovoked, cartman usually blushes and shuts him down, turns it into a joke or straight up ridicules kyle ("you're actually very pretty, cartman" "yeah, you're pretty too... pretty gay, HAHA")
kyle's shy with showing affection in front of others and cartman fucking takes that and runs with it sometimes, doing everything to make kyle uncomfortable, he's being all lovey dovey infront of kenny and stan to see kyle cringe internally and awkwardly smiling on the outside to 'not seem like a bad boyfriend' (cuz when he once couldn't take it and told cartman to shut the fuck up, cartman got fake sad and stan came to kyle afterwards and gave a speech about "sometimes having to put up with stuff you don't like to make your girl, uhm sorry, to make your... significant other happy")
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