#commissions are not open right now btw but soon !
saph-y · 2 years
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Long time overdue promo post ! I got some questions lately about how to get a commission, and the best way is : 💚🌿✨my Patreon page ✨🌿💚 In addition, it’s the place where I post the most, the more regulary, including a lot of exclusive stuff (and rambling about my stories, characters and artist life). If you like my work and want to see more and support what I do, this is the place !
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pumpariah · 1 month
Help a brown asiolatine disabled trans person sustain their family + help their father leave venezuela
Hello there Tumblr people. I'm Ren, I was formely pumpyrunah before my past account got "ended" for being mistaken for a bot 🫠
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I'll try to keep things as concise as possible this time around because I really want to get to working as soon as possible: I'm Venezuela and I'm working to help my parents with the house spendings and we also wish to in a near future help my father emigrate. Just last month ago we had out elections. And as I hope most of you already know, things didn't end up exactly well after the elections.
I Really would appreciate saving up the further details about what did or did not happens over here or my personal opinion on the whole shitshow, simply because it's already draining enough to both my physical and mental health. All that concern us right now it's that is obvious things aren't going to get easier in the near future, my current irl job just covers rent, half of groceries and my brother's institutionalization and savings have dried up. And less than a week ago The Humanitary Parole has been indefinitively "frozen"
Because of all of these new circumstances, it's extremely unlikely we'll be able to apply for a parole in the near future, so the current plan is for me to try as hard as I can to raise anything to both keep ourselves at bay in groceries and medicines, and also help my dad leave the country "The other way" through The Darién Gap 'safely' with a big group from his hometown in the following months. In order to have certain Docs and equipment really we estimate we're need around 8k USD. However I current have ran out of medicine and food with some debut luring over us so I need a bit of help quickly.
I don't want to simply beg for help, if anyone is interested in doing so freely i'm extremely thankful with my heart, but I really want to earn and work on helping my parents. So because of such I'm currently offering extremely cheap comms of little chibi doodles in a style like the example below for anyone that wishes something in return.
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Even if you can't of don't wish to donate of order. Just by sharing this around as much as possible is enough to help. Thank you <3
Ppal, mind you is under my 'legal name'. Btw if anyone knows any way I can set up a Cashapp as a forgeiner please reach me out
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
we need to talk about Inprnt.com
Following a really good post with more screenshots and evidence by @dynasoar5 i'm going to talk about my own experiences with @inprnt and why I am about to put my shop on indefinite hiatus from Monday the 14th of August.
First of all I'll say that since starting my print shop last year it has been a significant help to me financially - I was able to not worry about affording car insurance or motor tax (together commonly over a thousand euro) when I bought my first car, for example. I am immeasurably grateful to anyone who chose to buy one and I treasure all the pictures I've been sent of my prints hanging up on people's walls. Right now they are displayed in a real (if small) art exhibition in my home town.
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(top right print is not from inprnt though)
They're great prints. Never had any complaints about them. But here's what's going on behind the scenes.
Earlier this year, around March or April, Inprnt sales started increasing in regularity. I'd made as much as $600 a week during previous sales when I made proper promo posts here, but with this increase in regularity, I felt that I couldn't make promo posts every single week. And then one day, I'm not sure when tbh, the sale just never ended. It just didn't stop having that "Ending soon! 15% off your order" banner at the top of the site. Right now it says "Final Hours: $5 Worldwide shipping and save up to 35% off your order!" and not even for a second do I believe in this final hours bullshit. It's been 'final hours' for weeks now. Months, even.
Why is this a problem? Well, how tf am I meant to make a promo post for a sale that is always "ending soon!!" and then never ends. One week it'll say "this weekend only!!" and then when the weekend is over, the sale banner just changes its wording and the sale doesn't end. I can't promo this, it makes me look like a liar and a skeevy salesman by association! It makes the site look like it's 1 week from crashing and burning, and the site owners are just scrabbling to suck as much money from artists as possible before they drown.
And they are sucking money from us. To peel back the curtain, Inprnt money can only be transferred to my paypal account 30 days after the sale is made, just in case the order is cancelled and refunded. This means I used to make one withdrawal every couple of months, when there was enough build-up of money to make it worthwhile. It also forbids withdrawing any sum under $50 btw. I would make a withdrawal request and then, after a 10 business day wait, it would reach my Paypal account.
Not anymore! The past few withdrawals have taken over a month to complete. They are straight up keeping my earnings from me for longer the agreed period. This was my last fulfilled withdrawal:
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Note the date.
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Almost two months.
And here is the latest withdrawal request that still has not been fulfilled.
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It's coming up on 1 month and if the pattern continues, it could literally be November or December by the time I fully clear all sales.
So what's going to happen to my print shop? Because my art is currently being exhibited with a QR code linking to the shop, I can't close the shop this week. Instead I will close it on Monday the 14th of August, next week. That means that on the 14th of September, I can withdraw all of the remaining money without having any left over. My account balance will go to 0 and stay there. Although I'll de-list my prints I will leave my account there, because at the end of the day I don't want to leave Inprnt. It still offers the best artist margins and as I'm now unemployed after graduating, the additional support is such a load off my mind. So this is a chance to wait and see - if they improve their services, I'll happily re-open.
It's a big deal to me because selling prints is sort of my ideal life as an artist. I never had the attention span or self-discipline for commission work and I found that it left me creatively stagnant. I always want to try new things, new concepts and ideas, and being able to think "yeah, people will like this as a print" while I experiment is honestly very reassuring. And I know that in going on hiatus, it'll break a lot of "buy a print" links in my circulating posts. Oh well lmao. If you want to buy a print right now - go ahead, it might be your last opportunity. Another way to support me would be to check out my ko-fi for once-off donations or some nice sketchbooks/comics/book samples you can buy, or subscribing to my Patreon.
As of right now, Inprnt owes me $381 (the unfulfilled request submitted above for $186.60 and my current standing balance of $194.80 which takes 30 days from each transaction to clear).
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notakugelblitz · 14 days
sorry it took me so long to write it I don’t know why I was completely stuck. i’m not particularly satisfied with this part 2, but it’s okay. maybe it’s because I wrote in third person, i prefer using “you” usually. i hope you’ll like it ! thanks for your kind comments on the first part btw 🫶 english is still not my first language, so I hope there aren’t too many mistakes. takes place during season 4 episode 2 and 6 so be careful about the spoilers ! enjoy !
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part 1 if you missed it 👇
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It wasn’t one of those mornings where the main character wakes up to sunlight gently caressing her face. A headache jolted Y/N awake, as if someone had stabbed a knife into her skull. A violent wave of nausea hit her as she struggled to sit up. It took her a while to recognize Five's room. He was still asleep, but a grimace twisted his lips. He didn’t seem to be feeling very well either.
At that moment, she could have been happy about the night spent with Five. After years of working for the Commission, bickering and flirting, it was a fitting conclusion. But Y/N felt so unwell that she struggled to take it all in.
She shook Five’s arm, trying to wake him up. He groaned as he was slowly woken from sleep, groggily opening his eyes and looking up at Y/N with slight annoyance.
“Stop it …”
Fuck, just let me sleep you moron. Y/N heard Five’s voice in her mind.
“That’s not really nice” she let out.
Five’s eyes widened as he realized what had happened. He jolted up, sitting against the headrest of the bed and looking at Y/N.
“Did you just … hear what I was thinking ?”
“Don’t be ridiculous I …”
If you hear me that confirms pretty much of it. He hadn’t even move his lips and it resonated in her mind. She put her hands on both sides of her head and closed her eyes.
“What the fuck is happening, Five…” she whined.
That confirmed it. Y/N had abilities. Five tried his best to remain calm, gently resting his hands on hers and giving them a squeeze to help her ground herself.
“Y/N … Y/N, you need to try and focus. Just listen to me, okay ?”
“I keep hearing your thoughts …” she whined more.
Five gently pulled Y/N into his arms as he felt how scared she was, holding the back of her head. He began softly rubbing her back in gentle, slow circles, trying his best to soothe her.
“I know this is probably overwhelming right now, but I need you to try and focus. Listen to my voice. Try and block everything else out. Start with just my voice, okay ?”
Y/N nodded weakly, grabbing the back of his shirt tightly.
“Good … you’re doing good … just keep focusing on me, okay ? Just focus on how I’m rubbing your back … focus on my hand on the back of your head, running through your hair … keep your eyes closed … take a deep breath in and let it out … breathe with me … focus on how my chest rises and falls when I breathe, and follow it … take a deep breath in … hold it … and let it out nice and slow…”
“Why … why is this happening to me …?” she huffed, doing as he said.
Five continued to rub her back and run his fingers through her hair, trying his best to keep his voice calm, soft, and steady.
“I don’t know … I know that this probably scares the hell out of you, but you’re doing good. Just keep following my voice …”
He gently pulled her head under his chin so she could hear his heartbeat, hopefully finding some comfort in the rhythmic pace.
Y/N breathed in and out, calming the beating of her heart. She could hear his thoughts still, but not as loud as earlier. He was hoping she’d be okay and cursing whatever caused this.
“I wonder … have you tried … to blink ?” she asked softly. “You seem as unwell as me …”
Five gently nodded, continuing to try to soothe her. As soon as she mentioned the possibility that he has regained his power, he let out a slight sigh.
“I don’t know …”
“Try it. I can feel that something’s different within me, and certainly within you.”
Five looked at her a bit puzzled. He struggled a bit before getting up. Suddenly a purple light blinded Y/N and he disappeared right before her eyes.
“Oh my …”
She didn’t have the time to finish her sentence that he reappeared, falling back on the bed.
“We should call the others …” he huffed, eyes widened.
Speechless, Y/N stared at Five for a while, a million thoughts running through her head. She shook her head and stood up, trying to find her phone, but she felt a sudden headache and some stomach pain. She could hear in her mind that Five was suffering just as much as she was.
Y/N finally managed to grab her phone on the bedside table. She typed a message to the group, telling them to meet at the academy as soon as possible. Everyone answered pretty quickly, saying that they all felt the same.
Five let out a deep sigh as he watched her write the message and looked at her with a concerned and worried expression.
“Alright … once we all get here, we’ll try and figure this out … but in the meantime … I think we may just have to ride this out … you look like a corpse …”
“So do you,” she tried to tease him, but she retched a bit.
Five chuckled, but it was interrupted by a retch of his own. His smirk faded, and he groaned slightly as he lay back down on the bed, putting a pillow over his face.
“I just hope we’ll get over it soon.“
He moved the pillow from his face just enough so that he was able to look at her, giving her a small, shaky smile.
“Mmh … hopefully the others aren’t suffering too badly and may at least have an idea of what the hell is happening …”
“Don’t you think it was a bit weird when Ben proposed shooters to us?” Y/N asked, grimacing a bit.
Five’s face scrunched up as the nausea hit him. He groaned again, gently grabbing her hand before replying, his voice a little shaky since he was forcing himself to stay calm.
“Yeah … that was a little weird … but knowing Ben, it seemed normal enough …”
“Are you sure about that ?”
“Well it’s true that he has been quite insistent about getting our powers back but … oh no.”
“Five … is the marigold still here?” Y/N asked, a horrified look on her face as she pointed at the box Sy gave them.
Five’s eyes widened as the realization hit both of them, and he looked toward the box sitting on the dresser. He gently let go of Y/N’s hand and grabbed the jar that was in the box and get it out. Half of the Marigold was missing.
“Fuck.” Five swore.
“I don’t know if I should be happy or not to have some powers now …” she whispered, her gaze lost in the void.
Hearing Y/N whisper in disbelief, Five gently put a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it gently as he held back another retch. He couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions when it seemed like she was about to freak out just like he was.
“As long as they don’t make you suffer … it could be quite the drill to read people’s minds.” Five tried to reassure her.
She nodded firmly, looking right into his green eyes. He’s been the best thing she has ever encountered, and it was a blessing that he was here right now. If he weren’t, she would have just panicked hard.
“You’re right. Now you can’t hide anything from me …” she teased softly.
A small, weak laugh left his lips as a smile appeared on his face.
“I guess that’s one good thing,” he replied, trying to sound positive about the whole situation. “But believe me, you’re really not going to like a lot of my thoughts … most of them are pretty damn snarky …”
“But you are always snarky.” she let out, rolling her eyes.
Y/N let her hands go through his hair, caressing it gently, hoping it’d soothe him a bit. eyes softened as he felt the nausea starting to subside. He closed his eyes with a sigh, feeling her hands running through his hair. He leaned into her touch, a slight purr escaping his chest in response.
“ … and I’ll have to be careful when I’m thinking perverted things now … can’t have you listening to that every five seconds …”
“Too late.” she chuckled.
Of course he heard that silly little thought that ran through his mind. Five’s eyes widened as his face went red, a mixture of embarrassment and slight annoyance from how quickly she heard his thought. He looked up at her, his eyes narrowing slightly as he gave her an unamused expression.
“We’ll have to set up some rules.”
“You’re not funny … ” she sighed but still smirking.
But he was right, that wasn’t fair and polite. So she managed to stop the reading. Five groaned and laid his head back on the pillow, putting his arm over his face, hiding it a bit since it was still red with embarrassment.
“I hate you so much right now … you know that, right?”
She got on top of him and leaned down to his face, laughing a bit.
“Oh yes, of course you hate me …” she teased him.
Five’s eyes widened with slight surprise, not expecting Y/N to dominate him like that. He tried to keep his grumpy expression, but failed as a chuckle escaped his lips. He was about to say something snarky when Y/N’s ringtone caused him to pause.
“Maybe we should go …” he sighed.
Y/N groaned, cursing his siblings to be that impatient. It was Diego who was calling but she hung up quickly. She kissed Five briefly on the nose and gathered her clothes that were laying on the floor.
“I’m not finished with you, Five Hargreeves,” she said, putting on her pants.
He couldn’t help but chuckle again from her comment, rolling his eyes.
“Looking forward to it …”
And so she was right. Ben did gave them their power back by pouring some Marigold in the shooters last night. But what they didn’t look forward was the bunch of adventures that came up to try to stop another apocalypse.
Five explained to Y/N how he ended up into a subway every time he teleported, she even went with him while they were in New Grumpson. That place was pretty weird actually, but nothing was as much surprising as a talking cube or time travel after-all. So Y/N didn’t worry about that, neither when Five disappeared with Lila a few hours. Oh … little she knew …
For Christmas, the whole family was staying at Diego’s, with Lila’s family and their children. And now that they were all reunited, she finally started worrying. But the stress suddenly faded away when she heard Five’s voice in her mind. *We’re back …*
The two of them came in with dark faces, Lila kissing her children like it has been an eternity. As strange as it may seem Five looked a little bit older. But Y/N swept this observation away. She promised Five that she wouldn’t read his mind if he didn’t allow it, so she didn’t, but she walked towards him with a worried face.
“Are you alright …?” she asked quietly.
He tried to put on a smile, though it was obviously fake. The past seven years on the road with Lila had taken a toll on him, and he looked exhausted.
Five gently caressed her cheek with a trembling hand as if he was scared to break it.
“You look radiant as always, doll…”
She frowned her eyebrows. He never used to call her that. She looked at Diego kissing Lila, her looking distant.
“May I talk to you ? Alone ?” Y/N asked him, pretty much concerned.
Five couldn’t help but inwardly sigh, realizing that she was catching on and suspecting something was off. He nodded, grabbing her by the arm lightly and leading her away from everyone else and into the kitchen.
Y/N looked at him for a little while, leaning back on the counter. She had her arms crossed on her chest, nervously biting her nail. She was waiting for him to say anything.
Five looked at Y/N for a moment before looking away, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black suit. His stomach was doing flips, knowing that it was going to be almost impossible to avoid telling her the truth.
“Just…don’t freak out, okay ?”
“It’s too late for that. Look at you. How could I not freak out?” she lets out.
Five winced slightly from her words, his shoulders tensing a bit. He let out a shaky sigh, still avoiding eye contact as he leaned against the wall of the kitchen, his gaze on the ground.
“It’s …”
He trailed off, his jaw clenching a bit. He still didn’t want to speak the words. He didn’t want to say them, as though speaking them would solidify the truth of what happened during those seven years.
“Would it be easier if I read your mind ?” Y/N asked, her heart beating fast.
She knew that something was wrong, and it was killing her. Five’s whole body tensed up even more as she made the suggestion, his eyes widening. The thought of her getting stuck in his mind and seeing the events of the past seven years frightened him even more than speaking about it.
“Please no …”
He said a bit too quickly, finally looking into her eyes. He could feel the guilt forming in the pit of his stomach more and more as he saw how worried she looked.
Y/N bit her lip and hesitated before walking towards him and carefully holding his hand, rubbing her thumb on it.
“You know … we worked for the commission together and fought a few apocalypses so … you can tell me anything. I’d understand …” she tried to reassure him even though she wasn’t really calm.
Five winced a bit as she walked over to hold his hand, his heart aching. He gripped her hand a bit tighter, knowing that the words were about to come out no matter what at this point. He took a shaky deep breath before looking into her eyes again, his expression nervous and guilty.*
His voice broke a bit as his gaze dropped from her eyes and down to the ground.
“I messed up.”
Y/N hurried close to him, cupping his face as she tried to meet his eyes.
“Hey hey … I’m sure it is not a big deal …” Y/N said softly, her heart still pounding hard in her chest.
He flinched slightly. She deserved to hear the truth … no matter how much it hurt. Five closed his eyes with a shaky sigh, his shoulders tensing once more.
“I travelled through different timelines with Lila … for seven years.”
Y/N frowned her eyebrows.
“Seven years ? How … it’d only been a few hours …” she let out, puzzled.
“A few hours for you … but seven years for me.“
Y/N tilted her head as she processed the information.
“It has something to do with the subway you get in when you teleport ?” she asked bluntly.
Five nodded slowly, hating how quick she was to figure it out, but a small part of him was impressed, knowing that she was always smart and could figure out the bigger picture. But it still didn’t ease his guilt. He could still feel the pit in his stomach and the tightening in his chest. Yet he squeezed her hand a bit more, as though silently asking her to hear him out before she said anything else.
“We were alone … and I was weak, emotionally weak and so damn tired. And she … she just …”
His voice shook, his grip on her hand unconsciously getting a bit tighter. Five didn’t really have to say anything more. Y/N let go of his hand and walked back, leaning against the counter again, eyes lost in the void.
“Something happened between you and *her*…” she articulated.
Five hated the way her face dropped when she spoke, the slight tremble in her voice. He took a small step forward, as though wanting to close some of the distance she had just created by walking back. But her words made his stomach drop, realizing too late that his silence had confirmed everything for her.
Five opened his mouth to speak again, his voice weak and shaky.
“Y/N I …”
“Why did you come back then ?” she asked with a somber tone, cutting him off.
His eyes widened a bit in surprise as she spoke so bluntly, no anger in her voice, only shock. He hated how emotionless she was, wishing that she would get angry or sad … anything was better than this.
Five reached out to grab her hand again, only hoping that it’d cause a reaction other than her being completely closed off now.
“Because I couldn’t stay away from you, you know I can’t.”
“That didn’t stop you from doing whatever you did with L- … *her*.”
Y/N couldn’t say her name : it made her nauseous instantly. Five squeezed his eyes shut, her words bringing about the reality of the situation. He gripped her hand tightly, as if trying to stop her from pulling away from him again. A wave of shame washed over him, his heart aching in his chest.
“I … was an emotional mess back then, I wasn’t thinking straight …”
“That’s what they always say …”
“But you know that I’m not lying, Y/N.”
She looked right at him, her eyes finally full of tears but still they didn’t run down her cheeks. Somehow, even though she was hurt, Y/N couldn’t help but thinking what she could have done if she got stuck 7 years with another man, with a friend. And there was so many possibilities, and so much desperation.
Five saw the tears in her eyes, and his stomach dropped even more. He hated being the reason for those tears … he’d always sworn that he’d never, ever hurt her like that, and here he was, having hurt her in the worst way possible.
In instinct, he stepped closer to her and lightly cupped her face, his thumb gently rubbing against her cheek as he gently spoke, his voice shaking.
“Y/N please … say something … anything …”
“I … I don’t know …” she let out.
Y/N didn’t look in his eyes : she couldn’t. She wasn’t looking at anything, actually. He continued rubbing her cheek with his thumb. It hurt to see her like this, so distant and emotional.
“Come on. You can yell at me, cry, get angry … just say something please.”
His voice was trembling, trying to hold back the tears that were building in his eyes in
response to her closed-off expression. Y/N looks up at him, her heart broken for a bit.
“What happened exactly with her … like … do you really love her ?” she asked a bit desperately.
His hand froze against her cheek, her question catching him off guard. Five quickly shook his head, his expression becoming panicked.
“No, of course not … God, I don’t love her … I don’t love her at all !”
“Then why…?” she asked with a broken voice.
Y/N finally looked up at him, fighting the urge to just read his mind. Five gently slid his hand down from her cheek, letting it fall to his side. He looked into her eyes, guilt still swirling in his own green ones.
“It’s just … I thought I got stuck again you know ? But this time I wasn’t alone so I’ve been holding on to it. I thought I went crazy. For 6 years we searched for a way back I swear and … I got tired. I gave up, I did, and I’m sorry. Not a day has past without me thinking of you. But in the end it just hurt me so badly. I lost you. And I thought *she* had the ability of healing that but I was so damn wrong.”
She looked at him silently and brushed her tears away.
“I believe you Five. But I need facts, I need to know what really happened because you’re not fucking precise at all and … I know you don’t want me to read your mind if you don’t allow it and that’s fair, that’s a promise I made. But I don’t care about Lila.” she articulated with a somber tone.
Y/N then pushes him and bursts into the living room where everyone was. Five tried to catch her but it was too late. She walked toward Lila and, without warning, slapped her. And this mere contact allowed her to see what she needed to see.
Y/N saw them, being desperate to come home. She felt their sadness, their mess, how Lila was down because her marriage was shit, and how she missed her children. She saw how Five was powerless. They then searched for years and years, and after six they kissed as if it could heal their pain. And Five seemed bad, really bad, Y/N could see that he was not feeling the same as Lila did. They ended up living in a house, away from everything, thinking there was no way back. But then Five found one, and he didn’t even hesitate.
Y/N lost her balance, having seen too many memories at once, her power allowing it but taking too much energy from her to do this.
Five was caught off guard by Y/N’s reaction but when he saw the look on her face, he realized that she must have done more than just a slap on her … she’d read her mind. He immediately rushed forward to catch her as she started to fall.
“Y/N ! Y/N, are you alright ?”
She was feeling dizzy as she could hear all of the Hargreeves exclaiming some things, surprised by her act. Diego was mad, but Luther was holding him back from jumping on her.
“Five …” she let out, feeling weak.
“I got you…”
He held her up as best he could, gently rubbing her back as he spoke, trying to keep her grounded against the dizziness. He ignored the shocked looks from his siblings, focusing completely on Y/N and making sure she was okay.
“I know you didn’t mean it …” Y/N huffed.
Everyone heard and got silent, not understanding why she just said that.
“What the fuck is she saying?” Diego asked angrily.
“It’s fine, love,” Lila said, scared that he’d discover the truth.
Five could hear everyone else’s confused reactions as Y/N spoke, but he tried to ignore it, knowing that they probably wouldn’t understand without context. He gripped her tightly, speaking in a low voice so the others couldn’t hear.*l
“How much did you see..?”
“Pretty much…” she lets out, regaining her strength a bit.
She straightened a bit and looked at Lila.
“At least you took care of him,” Y/N said, her voice a bit off.
Five stayed close to her, ready in case she wobbled again. He turned to look at Lila when, his eyes a bit wide and surprised at the almost backhanded compliment she gave her. Y/N then looked at Diego, and back at her.
“I know the last few years have been shit for you … but you have everything, Lila. Everything everyone here has ever wished for. Look at us. Luther, Allison, Klaus and Viktor lost their other half. Ben is a fucking mess. And we went through puberty a second time and that’s shit. And above all that ? Diego is doing his fucking best. Five, he …” she looked at Five. “He’s not the solution you’re seeking.”
Five’s heart broke a bit at her words, seeing the way she tried to give Lila some actual advice while still being heartbroken by what she’d seen. He hated seeing her like this, knowing that she was suffering and in pain. He hated that he was the cause of her pain. He reached out to hold her hand, gently stroking his thumb along it, his eyes pleading silently for her to look at him. But she kept addressing Lila instead, making his heart ache even more.
Y/N kept silent, waiting for Lila to open her mouth and say anything.
“What the heck is going on,” Diego groaned toward Lila.
Everyone else was waiting for Lila to say something, still confused about what was happening. Especially with Diego demanding an answer. Lila remained quiet for another moment, trying to think of what to say before eventually speaking, her voice wavering slightly.
“It’s not what you think …” she said, her eyes going back and forth from everyone’s confused expression.
“Oh, it better not be.” Diego scolded.
Lila looked into Diego’s eyes for a few moments, seeing how hurt he was. It broke her heart to see him like this … but she didn’t know what to say to him without the truth coming out …
“Darling, I promise you … it’s not what you think …”
She took a small step toward him, silently begging him to believe her with her pleading expression. As she could feel that Diego was about to say something, Y/N stood up, leaning on Five.
“I need some air.”
Five immediately held her a bit tighter so she had support.
“Yeah … yeah, of course …”
He helped her toward the front door, shooting a glare at the other siblings when they looked as though they wanted to interfere with them leaving. He quickly led her outside, closing the door behind them.
“Lila will find a way to get out of it,” Y/N said.
She breathed in and out, closing her eyes. Five nodded and released a deep breath, knowing fully well that Lila would find some way to talk her way out of what just happened. It wouldn’t be easy for her, but if there was anyone who would manage to make Diego drop the subject, it was Lila.
He kept his hands on Y/N, gently rubbing her sides in a comforting manner as she closed her eyes.
“You okay..?”
“I… I don’t know if I could ever forgive you but…”
She looked down as his heart dropped, but he understood somehow. He kept rubbing her sides, gently coaxing her to look at him instead of the ground. Y/N finally met his gaze and sighed out.
“… but I get it. I mean … yeah. Loneliness and desperation are quite tricky …”
“You don’t have to try to make me feel like I wasn’t at fault to feel better. I know what I did was wrong … I shouldn’t have let it happen. I should’ve been stronger and said no …”
“Five, listen …” she cut him off, putting her hand on his lips.
They felt warm against her fingers, but she let them slide onto his cheek.
“I’ve met enough apocalypses and weird things to know that I should enjoy every single moment. And fuck it. I love you, okay? So damn much. Of course, it hurt. But damn … seven years … and you got stuck 40 years in an apocalypse I can’t even imagine how you felt thinking that there was probably no way back again …”
He closed his eyes, his heart aching from the memories. Five leaned into her palm, desperate for a bit of her warmth and comfort. His eyes opened again and he placed his hand on top of hers, keeping her palm against his cheek as he spoke.
“I don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve your love. Not after this …”
“Maybe not. But I don’t fucking care.” she said, finding his gaze.
Even though she didn’t read his mind, she could feel how sorry he felt, how truly hurt he was. He held her gaze, a mixture of guilt, hurt, and love swirling in his blue eyes. Five gently gripped her hand, his heart fluttering slightly at her response.
“You’re an idiot …” he murmured quietly, his grip on her hand tightening.
She leant her forehead against his, a tear falling down her cheek as she let out all of her stress.
“And you’re a fucking moron …” Y/N said back, smiling slightly.
Five chuckled softly, bringing his free hand up to gently wipe the tear from her cheek. He kept their foreheads pressed together, feeling the warm and familiar feeling of having her so close and so near to him again. He gently tilted his head sideways, his nose brushing against hers.
“Yeah, well … takes one to know one.”
“You owe me, Five Hargreeves,” she chuckled.
Five nodded in response, her breath hitting his face in a way that he’d missed immensely these past seven years. He knew fully well that there was no argument to that statement.
“I do … I owe you so much …” he said quietly, slowly bringing his thumb up to brush against her bottom lip, resisting the strong urge to kiss her.
“Don’t ever forget it then.” Y/N threatened him gently.
God, it felt good to be able to hear her gentle teasing again. His thumb stayed against her lip, slowly tracing along the edge of it, unable to pull his gaze away from it. Yet he managed to force out a quiet chuckle.
“I think you’ll have plenty of opportunities to remind me …”
“A kiss would be a good start, dont you think ?” she suggested with a smirk.
Y/N looked right into his eyes. They were full of hurt and love at the same time. His thoughts were so powerful that she could hear some of them … and they were only apologetic ones, full of love.
He smirked, letting out another soft chuckle in response to her suggestion. It was a familiar smirk that he hadn’t seen on her face in so long … he was still her Five, and she was still his Y/N, his Delores, even after seven years and everything that he’d endured over that time.
Five kept his thumb against her lip as he spoke, knowing that she could hear his thoughts clearly. Even though he knew he didn’t fully deserve to have this again, he found that he was getting impatient, desperate to kiss her again.
“Is that so ?”
“Unless you forgot how to do it for seven years … oh no right, you trained on your brother’s wife.” she teased him in a quiet voice.
Y/N knew that it was a barb she hurled at him, but he deserved it a bit. But she craved for a kiss, as if she had waited for it for seven years too. He chuckled softly at her teasing, knowing that he deserved this. He deserved so much more than that, to be quite honest. But the thought of not being able to kiss her again was something that made him sick the last seven years ….
He leaned forward, his lips a mere inch away from hers, a smirk still on his face as he spoke.
“Why don’t you see for yourself ?”
Time froze as his lips pressed against hers again, feeling as though he’d finally come home after being stranded in some unknown desert for so long. Five knew he didn’t deserve this affection, he knew he shouldn’t be allowed to love Y/N so fiercely anymore … but he couldn’t help himself. He kissed her slowly and gently, being so overwhelmed by wanting her that he couldn’t stop himself. He brought his other hand up to cup her chin, holding her face in his hands as he continued to kiss her, afraid of letting her go again.
Out of breath, Y/N broke the kiss and backed away a little bit, their noses still touching.
“How I love the kisses of Delores …” she hummed quietly.
Five laughed, a frank laugh. He felt truly good for the first time in seven years. This song, he kept singing it in his mind when he was stuck, remembering the night they sang it at Luther’s wedding, or when they kissed in that car on their way back from the restaurant.
“I would die to be with my Y/N.” he hummed back, replacing Delores by her name on purpose.
Y/N smiled and buried her nose in his neck, holding him tight. They could die tomorrow, and the thought of living every future single moment without him was nonsense. He was back and that was a gift. God only knows what she could have done if she had been stuck seven years with another person just like him. She could have done nothing and at the same time she could have done much worse …
As Bryant H.McGill said, there is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love. And this man, whoever he was, was so damn right.
taglist (thanks for your support <3)
@armyswag93 @boogiemansbitch @mylatest-hyperfixation @fanficwriter5
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somepsychopomp · 1 month
Vampire Gojo/Getou/Nanami AU!
I got a commission to write a saucy AU featuring Vampire!stsg & Vampire Hunter!Nanami. This was a ton of fun to write and a much needed breather between the bigger fics I'm actively writing right now. Thank you for the commission, anon! ♥️
Word Count: 2,300
TW: blood
Link to read this fic on Ao3
(BTW my commissions are still open. See the details here!)
Nanami couldn’t say he ever envisioned himself hunting vampires for a living, especially after trying to give it up, but he kept trying to tell himself it was somehow superior to wasting his life at an office job. 
Yes, sleeping at odd hours of the day and working from sunset to sunrise most nights, embodying a cruel parody of his prey’s nocturnal lifestyle, was better than toiling away at a perpetual stream of emails and phone calls. Yes, nearly having his throat ripped out on a near-daily basis was preferable to having an overbearing boss that loved to ask Nanami to work overtime while he himself left early every Friday. No, he did not regret his change in careers, even if the pay was laughably low considering he could die on the job at any time. 
Until now. 
The higher-ups sent him to clean out a vampire nest that had established itself in an abandoned warehouse outside of Tokyo. It was the perfect location, isolated but still bearing easy access to human populations. The vampires he found were rather weak, bearing deadly fangs and preternatural strength but no additional abilities. They were more like mindless animals than the people they once were, but he’d learned not to pity the things he was sent to exterminate. Nanami made quick work of the nest once he arrived, killing the few dozen vampires in just one night. It would’ve gone by quicker, but the old warehouse was full of discarded industrial machinery, making up a labyrinth of steel.
By the end of the job, he’d run through nearly his entire supply of wooden stakes, blunting all but one in his messy, bloody endeavors. The scent of rot and gore hung in the air, though to be fair, it did already smell like that when he arrived. Nanami twirled his last stake in his hand as he did a final sweep of the warehouse. The holes in the ceiling let in the very faintest trace of gray light, hinting that dawn was soon to come. But until then, it was still too dark to see. Nanami had to navigate by his narrow flashlight beam and his own eyes, long accustomed to scanning for movement in the shadows. 
He was on the far side of the warehouse, as far from the only known exit as he could be, when he shivered. His only warning was the way the hair on the back of his neck rose as if lightning was about to strike. 
Then it was as if something did hit him, his flashlight shattering in his hand and plunging him into darkness. Nanami raised his stake without hesitation, keeping his other arm up to guard his throat. 
“Who’s there?” he called, hoping to lure the straggler to him. How annoying, that the surviving vampire had some kind of additional power. Nanami waited, but nothing burst from the shadows. However, he could tell he was being watched. He shouted, “Come out! I know you’re there!”
He expected a shriek or a low hiss. Not a coherent human voice. 
“Hey, Nanami.”
His stomach coiled into a tight knot. That playful tone… he’d heard it only once before, back when he was a young student and a novice hunter. But he could never forget it; that voice belonged to one of the two beings in their profession that spelled certain death. 
A light turned on in front of him, almost making him step back. No, it wasn’t a light. It was the glowing blue eyes of the strongest vampire lord in the entire world, Gojou Satoru. 
He appeared in front of Nanami out of thin air, just out of reach and hovering a few inches over the ground as if to add to his already staggering height. Gojou was canted forward, hands behind his back in a strangely childish pose. 
The only reason he’d ever let a hunter live was to play with and kill them another day. Nanami thought about the tedious office job and long life he willingly gave up just to wind up here, about to be bled dry like an animal for slaughter. 
Those blinding, sapphire eyes looked past Nanami’s stake and bore right into him, as easily as a fang would sever an artery. 
He refused to give up his steady composure even in the face of the greatest vampire. 
Gojou smiled, flashing his sharpened canines. “Aw, do you really think you’re going to hurt us?”
Nanami’s blood ran cold. “Us?”
To his credit, he didn’t flinch or cry out in alarm as two arms wrapped around his waist and a broad chest pressed against his back. A purring voice in his ear asked, “Oh, mister vampire hunter, please show us mercy.”
Getou Suguru, the second strongest vampire. And Gojou’s beloved. 
It was a trap, Nanami realized too late. The vampires he slayed before were just underlings, meant to die and deplete his supplies until he was all but defenseless. But why plan anything at all?
Alone or together, Gojou and Getou would be strong enough to kill him without lifting a finger. Getou was said to have an army of demons at his disposal, in addition to whatever poor humans he turned into thralls. And Gojou… he could kill with the barest effort.
“You should know…” Nanami said, keeping his voice even as much as possible, “...my guild’s higher-ups refuse to divulge their most valuable knowledge to those below them; I don’t know anything about their future plans. And another hunter will eventually rise up to take my place. You will gain no advantage in my death tonight.”
“Death?” Gojou asked, tilting his head to the side. He suddenly appeared right in front of Nanami, taking hold of his stake and crushing it to splinters, “Who ever said anything about death?”
Then they wanted to turn him. What a useless idea, they should know that most vampire hunters regularly consumed a potion that would conflict with the influence of vampirism and cause one’s demise rather than transformation. It was a rather unpleasant drink, one of its main ingredients being a copious quantity of onions, but Nanami believed death was preferable to eternal servitude. 
The voice behind him asked, “You think we’d bother to establish a nest here, and watch you slaughter our kin, only to kill you now?”
So they were watching. 
Nanami finally did flinch as he felt lips ghosting over the side of his neck. He tried to free himself, but the arms around his waist held fast. And one of his hands was now trapped in Gojou’s clutches. 
“Silly Na-na-mi,” Gojou said, drawing out his name. The corners of his eyes creased as his smile widened, “What do you think we want to do to you, hm?”
“With you, would be more accurate.” Getou said. 
Too close, Nanami thought. They were both far too close. Not just because they were his greatest enemies -arguably humanity’s greatest enemies- but because their hands on his body felt hauntingly intimate. 
He’d had an occasional fling, most of them when he was younger, but Nanami hadn’t been intimate with another person in years. He never wanted to endanger potential partners, but also never felt the urge or any kind of spark. Nothing like the burning handprints he felt on his waist and now his chest. Gojou pressed his palm flat against Nanami’s chest and hummed in curiosity 
“I can feel how fast your heart is beating, are you that excited to see us?”
Getou added, “We’ve seen how hard you work. We see the way you care for your juniors. But when was the last time anyone has ever taken care of you, Nanami?”
A creeping fog was starting to enter his mind, making it hard to think. It was vampiric compulsion, that much he knew. But he surprised even himself when he said, “I dislike off-topic questions.”
For a stifling moment, no one spoke. 
Then Gojou threw his head back and laughed. Nanami felt the chest pressed against his back tremble with the effort to not join in. 
“Satoru,” Getou said, almost admonishing but with a grinning lilt to his voice. 
“Nanami!” Gojou said, his voice teetering toward a childish whine, “Does everything have to be work-related with you? What do you like to do for fun, huh?”
“I drink,” he said. Startled, he clapped his free hand over his mouth.
Gojou Satoru’s compulsion was that strong, even with all his training?
Nanami supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised. 
Getou’s soft, mellow, sugary voice filled his head, “Is that so? We love to drink, too. Maybe you’d like to join us? You must be thirsty after such hard work.”
Against Nanami’s will, his shoulders started to relax as his hand fell away from his mouth. This was part of what made the two lords so dangerous; their hypnotic sway was beyond that of any other vampire. Gojou had his eyes that pulled the truth out of his victims and Getou’s gentle voice could sway anyone to do his bidding. 
Being in both their presence for this long… Nanami had no idea what he might say or do. If he still had his stake, he would’ve contemplated using it on himself to escape whatever dreadful fate awaited him. 
Gojou laughed softly, lowering himself until his feet touched the ground. Even then, he was still so tall that Nanami had to crane his head back to keep track of those long, sharp fangs. His head fell back against a shoulder, as if Getou was just waiting for it. 
Gojou smirked and said, “Don’t be so worried, Nanami. Here, why don’t we just show you what we're planning.”
Nanami braced himself, fully prepared to lose his jugular and return from whence he came. But Gojou reached over his shoulder, pulling Getou closer. Though Getou kept one hand on Nanami’s waist and Gojou did the same, it might’ve been possible for him to break free and run. However far he got, he could at least die knowing he tried.
But how could he leave? How could he ever look away when Gojou cradled Getou’s pale face with more tenderness than had ever graced Nanami in his life? 
He watched, starstruck, as the two vampire lords shared a kiss. Getou tilted his head back, those violet eyes fluttering shut. That intense blue light dimmed as even Gojou’s own eyes fluttered and closed into half-moons. Vampires did not need to breathe, but one of them let out the softest moan. 
Nanami saw a flash of white and watched as Gojou’s fang sliced Getou’s lower lip open. A thick trail of blackened blood snaked its way down his chin. Vampires, being undead things, needed the blood and lifeforce of others to sustain themselves. Nanami always thought of it as a sad existence. But here and now, he couldn’t deny how enticing it all looked. 
Another flash of white. Getou bit Gojou’s lip hard enough to draw blood. 
It was the sway of their compulsion that compelled him to stay and watch, surely. And not the sound of Getou moaning as Gojou lapped up his blood and made a mess between their lips. 
Nanami shuddered. He felt his whole body start to heat up despite the chill in the air. He suddenly wished he was free of his jacket and tie. 
The two vampires parted. The sight of a thin trail of viscous blood connecting their lips made Nanami swallow. His throat was suddenly very dry. He was so parched, so thirsty. 
A hand took his chin and forced him to look Getou Suguru in the eye. Those half-lidded violet irises and plump, parted lips took whatever embers of resistance he still held and blew them away. 
“Come here, hunter.”
Nanami felt his whole body flood with an aching, hungry heat, his head going fuzzy as the vampire lord kissed him. He felt the glide of those fangs but no bite. He parted his lips as a faint gasp escaped him, Getou taking that as an invitation to slip his tongue past Nanami’s teeth and force him to taste vampire blood for the first time in his life. 
It was cloying and heavy on his tongue. And so very sweet. 
It felt like pure bliss. Nanami swayed where he stood, supported by both of the arms cradling him close. Seemingly from far away, he heard Gojou chuckle and say, “My turn.”
And he was met with another set of lips, and another taste of vampire blood. Despite how much it felt like he was burning up, Nanami also felt as though he were sinking into some dark lake. His thoughts and concerns drained out of him as he was unable to imagine the sight of the sky nor the bottom of the depths. He simply was, floating yet still somehow standing. Blissed out yet still hoping for more. 
He reached out to steady himself and unknowingly leaned against Gojou’s side. 
Getou spoke, voice low and sweet, “Poor thing, must be awfully tired to fall so fast. Why don’t you take the rest of the night off and come home with us, Nanami?”
“Yes, come home with us. We’ll let you stay for as long as you like. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Nanami opened his eyes. When did they close? Did it even concern him anymore that he’d let his guard down so easily?
No, not really. At that moment, he couldn’t imagine a life without this taste on his tongue, this heat curling low in his belly. He never wanted this moment to end. 
Only one word escaped his lips.
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hdra77 · 8 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
---- interested in commissioning me? my art commission page can be found here! i accept payment through ko-fi or paypal! feel free to dm to inquire or if you have questions! :D
Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
tags are usually: #cw body horror, #tw body horror #cw gore, #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work.
Commissions: open
Art trades: friends/mutuals only
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Nine Sols
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
Warrior cats
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!)
Youtube - HINDRANCE77
Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now)
My tags:
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes
#into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
My Rainworld Oc tags:
#Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c dystopian arbitrary
#7c golden life
#rw ocs
-- still WIP --
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burgycreeper405-blog · 10 months
new commission sheet, hello
had to draw these new stuffs for this one this time, why? i dunno lol
doesn’t really look appealing isn’t it,, sorryz, it’s like, midnight when i’m making this post
anyways here it is!
Sketchy Style!
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Finished Style!
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there are actually a few variations in the Finished style!
and those are:
the normal brush
the chalk like brush (the one that is used in the sheet)
the watercolor brush (it is shown down in the examples (the 5th picture))
you get to actually choose if the lineart would be colored or not (only if it’s gonna be colored and or shaded)
Lineless style!
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shading in this style is same price btw 👍
Object style:
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sum examples and few notes down the below
here are sum examples:
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Character illustrations like those in the examples 👍
Blood (but no intestines or extreme gore cuz i just not good at drawing it 👍)
Any franchise that I'm in or not 👍 (just send a reference if it's a character i do not know)
Different artstyles
Different methods of shading (i can only do cell shading)
Complicated Backgrounds ((the BGs that I'll only do (for now) is what you saw in the examples))
NSFW or 18+ content
offensive stuffs.
Complex Designs (or I'll just try to simplify them lol)
Hate art
Problematic ships
Prices will multiply by number of characters (pets only add half the price of the character)
Pay first before I start doing the commission
Will accept payment through Paypal & Gcash!
You can request a refund but only when i haven’t started yet
I always send in a sketch of the commission for approval before finishing it
I won’t accept the commission if it has a due date
I have every right to not accept a commission
Do not rush me, please, thank you
You can message me through here in Tumblr, Instagram or Discord!
ps, comics might be available soon for commission.. but for now, it's just a thought,, will add that if more people are interested 👍
(i may or may not have forgotten something else but ye 👍)
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meyeswat · 8 months
hey my friends need to get out of a shit ass housing environment as soon as possible, so i'm trying to raise a little extra money to help them out! therefore, i am opening:
blockbench model/animation comms!
BASIC INFORMATION: - Models start at $70. They can be optimized for CPM as well. - Animations (in Blockbench) start at $50. I will animate other peoples' models. I am not offering CPM animation at this time (my schedule is limited and the turnaround time would be too high) - I can do a rendered image/turnaround in Blender for 10$. - I will not start the commission until I receive proof of donation to the Gofundme equivalent to the amount of payment required. here are some examples of my work. BTW
https://imgur.com/a/3TVZfRN <== most recent stuff
for more in depth information, i do have a small carrd, but dont be afraid to reach out for further clarification. im @meyeswat Anywhere
im only taking a few slots right now, so if you're interested, please reach out as soon as possible! thanks
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violettduchess · 2 years
for the angst ask (thanks for opening them btw) vlad and illness? he waited so long for his mc (gn) just to watch them slowly dying in front of him, their last moments and what that entails? I want to be crushed haha
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A/N: Hello anon! I took a little bit of artistic liberty here because I had an idea so its not illness, but rather an accident. The rest of the request is still honored.
CW: death, loss
Vlad x gn reader
Word Count: 1783
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A Pureblood vampire has nothing but time. It becomes their only constant, the one fixed thing they can depend on as the world around them evolves and changes. The flow of time brings mighty mountains to their knees and changes the course of rivers. It has seen man crawl, then walk and now, in the late 19th century, begin to run as technology makes leaps and bounds within shorter and shorter time spans. And one sure thing about time: it never stops.
How does one bear the weight of years and decades and centuries? Vlad has found a way. Something that fascinates him. 
He has loved them with a ferocity sharp and deadly. That their lives are so fleeting, rising like sparks from a fire only to blink out of existence and return to darkness within mere decades, is what makes them precious. Worth fighting for. And he has never loved a human, or any other being, as much as he loves you.
You were the one he waited for. The one who imprinted yourself upon him like a brand, your essence burned into his soul with a heat that never subsided as he waited all those long years for you. And when the time came, when you understood who he was and what you meant to him, when you returned those extraordinary feelings of love and desire, he understood the words Shakespeare had penned when writing his greatest love story: 
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea 
My love as deep. 
The more I give to thee,
The more I have, 
for both are infinite.” 
You gave his world a beauty far beyond that field of roses he holds so dear. Vlad’s heart holds entire universes of love only for you. 
Which is why, when you told him you did not want to be turned, despite the consequence of death, he never once questioned it. He had simply raised your hands to his lips, his claret eyes closing as he pressed a kiss into your skin, accepting your decision. 
And decided then and there he would dedicate every moment you had together to bringing you joy. He would show you the world and in return, give the world the gift of your smile.
Which is why you were in London, exploring the world’s largest city and breathtaking capital of the British Empire. You were staying at Claridge’s, one of the grandest hotels London had to offer, and swept up in the whirlwind of pleasures Vlad had arranged: an outfit tailored just for you at London’s most exclusive boutique, high tea at one of the oldest tea houses in the city, a boat ride on the Thames. As you disembarked, hand in hand, a young boy was waiting with a message for Vlad. A mystery item he had commissioned was finished and would he care to come pick it up or have it delivered to the hotel? His rose-colored eyes had gleamed, his excitement dancing within their depths and along the curve of his lips. He would come right away. When you had asked what this mysterious item was, he had simply smiled softly. You would see soon, beloved. Go, the carriage that would take you back to the hotel was waiting just across the street. He would meet you in the hotel’s salon for supper.
You parted, his smile still warming your heart against the misty London air and you took the time to watch his tall figure grow smaller and smaller as he walked with the young boy down the street, eventually disappearing from view as they rounded a corner. Your heart could not be any fuller, your soul could not be more content. Vlad was the key that unlocked the truth about love: it mattered, more than anything. He mattered more than anything. Loving him had transformed your world into something so perfect it could be called heaven. You were so lost in your starry-eyed thoughts, your mind floating in the clouds on a breeze of affection and anticipation, you did not pay attention as you stepped onto the street.
You did not see the carriage with its spooked horse barreling towards you.
You did not hear the shout of warning.
You stepped out into the street.
And your world went black.
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It’s tucked safely into the inside pocket of his jacket, carefully wrapped in the softest black velvet. One look at the pin, a detailed red rose made from the purest rubies with its emerald leaves and curving stem, made by one of the finest jewelers in Europe, and he knew it was worth every cent. It was a work of art and he was proud of the design he had created. He wanted something unique, something custom-made that no one else the world over could have, a symbol of his feelings for you and a sign to all who saw it that you, like the rose, are a rarity worth remembering, a beautiful spirit worth marveling at.
He turns the corner onto the street where you had gone ashore after your boat tour, his mind running through the way he imagines you will smile when he presents his gift, a smile that rivals the sun in all its brightness. All thought however screeches to a halt as he notices the crowd gathered, blocking most of the way. There are police wagons and officers doing their best to keep people away from something on the road. Vlad passes an elderly man sitting on the filthy flat pavement meant for pedestrians, his dirt-streaked face blanched with shock, hands shaking as he tries to drink from a flask. He hears the mumbled words, repeated over and over to no one in particular:
“The horse stepped on a nail. I couldn’t control it. I couldn’t stop it. It stepped on a nail. I couldn’t stop it. They came out of nowhere. I couldn’t stop it-”
Uneasiness begins to slowly creep down Vlad’s spine like a spider descending on its silken thread. He was planning to walk around the crowd, his long legs swiftly taking him away from the buzzing and gawking of the crowd so he could get to you, his light, his love, and make sure you were ok. He will never be able to answer why he didn’t stick with this. Why instead of walking around the crowd, his feet begin taking him through it. 
Each step feels like the earth is trying to stop him, gravity is desperately pulling at his legs, trying to slow him. His feet feel like they are made of granite, dragging along as he shoulders his way through the dense, foul-smelling mass. Each beat of his heart becomes louder, the crowd’s murmuring becomes distorted. Fate has wrapped his heartstrings around her cruel fingers and pulls, forcing him to shamble his way toward a truth that will sunder his very soul.
He breaks through the throng. 
And sees you lying there, your soft hair touching the filth of the street, your head pillowed by hard, uneven cobblestones. 
Someone has thrown what looks like a shabby picnic blanket over your body, but Vlad can smell the blood through the fibers, through the grime of a London street. Your eyes are open, blinking rapidly, your lips trembling as you mouth one word. He recognizes the shape of his name.
“I’m here, beloved.” How he manages to speak through a throat full of thorns is a miracle, another question with no answer. He sinks to his knees beside you, feeling the dampness soak through his trousers, the hard stone biting at him. “I’m here.” You turn your head and the effort that costs you is evident in the flickering light of your beautiful eyes. He reaches out with a shaking hand, the movement slow as if underwater, and manages to brush your hair off of your forehead with infinite tenderness. His fingers are stained red with the blood trickling down your temple. He repeats the motion anyway.
Your breathing is labored and erratic but you refuse to look away, holding his gaze for as long as you can.
“I’m…..sorry.” Your voice wheezes, rough with strain.
His heart shatters into a thousand pieces. Tiny shards that embed themselves into his own lungs, that twist his stomach into a Gordian knot, that pierce his very soul and cling, barb-like and heavy.
“No, my love. My dearest one. No.” He smiles. It is a reflex, a gesture of comfort. His lips shift without him even conscious of it. Words continue to find a way through his blocked throat. Because he knows you need them. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” His hand, still trembling lightly, slides down, cupping your face, the one he has loved for ages, the one white as bone and red with blood. “I love you.”
A shudder wracks your body and your eyes close. For a moment you don’t breathe and panic seizes him, gripping his mind with hands of steel. No, no. Just another moment. No.
And then you manage another breath. Your eyes open again, seeking his. Your lips part and he leans down to catch your labored, whispered words.
The truth of it bears down on him. He has seen death so often that it had become as innocuous as the changing of the seasons. Spring follows winter, autumn follows summer. People are born, live out the time they are given, and then die. 
And yet your words have turned the world upside down. Death is no longer an abstract, cyclical idea. It is real. It is on that grimy cobblestone street, leaning over you, reaching down, seconds away from taking you away from him forever. Stealing every place you never went. Every kiss you haven’t shared. Every declaration of love yet to be spoken.
Vlad presses his lips to your cold forehead, his hand still cupping your face.
“I’m here, beloved. I promise, it will be okay. I’m with you.”
Your eyes are on him, but they are no longer focused. The flame of life inside of them is sputtering as the curtains slowly close on your mortality. Your breathing becomes rapid, uneven, louder. The sound forever burns itself into his memory. 
You draw one breath.
His soul quakes. Don’t go, beloved.
And then another.
Beloved……I’m scared.
And then you are still, sightless eyes gazing into nothingness.
And his world goes black.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly
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byllsbytch · 2 months
Baking Baddies PT 1
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BTW I'm an artist - commissions are open for cartoon cake drawings hit me up😜
Today was Nikki’s, my niece, 4th birthday. My little bub was growing way too fast.
I woke up and went to go make me and Tom a coffee. He was still asleep but by the time he woke up the coffee wouldn’t be too hot. I laid back in bed next to Tom. Staring at the way his chest rose and fell. Looking so peaceful.
Finally, I grabbed my phone to ring my sister. After a bit of ringing she finally picked up and my little sweetheart was on the otherside of the phone enjoying her pancakes.
“Happy Birthday Bub!” I exclaimed.
She looked at me tilting her head and flashing me her cheeky grin.
“Good morning Arty!”
“and pancakes for breakfast, what a very lucky girl!”
“Yuh huh! Look! Strawberry!” She pointed her minnie mouse fork at me.
“Yummy!” I replied, trying not to wake up Tom next to me. Which failed.
“Are you going to say thank you for your birthday wishes?” Asked my sister.
“Tank yew!” She yelled, causing tom to shift besides me.
He rustled in the sheets then shuffled behind me, spooning me.
Tom’s head appeared over my shoulder as he looked into the camera.
“Happy Happy Birthday Nikki!” Tom chirped.
Nikki’s attention was fixated on the TV show playing in the background.
“Hey, Bum Bum!” Tom called, turning Nikki’s head to the phone as she cackled.
“I said Happy Birthday Gorgeous!”
“Tank yew Uncle Tommy”
“Whoa! You must be a big girl now, you’re using your fork!” He joked.
“Show me what you got Hun.” I said to her and she immediatey got up, her little footsteps echoing out the speaker.
Tom planted kisses on my cheek and neck while we waited for Nikki to come back. His hand on my lower back.
After sometime she finally came back wearing fairy wings and clomping in princess heels a pile of toys in her arms.
Me and Tom chuckled to ourselves.
“Look! You give them outfits!” Nikki said.
She showed us a metal tray with princesses on it and they had different magnetic clothes to stick on them.
“Woah! Thats so cool!”
“Yeah! I also got puzzles, teddies, colour books and a tea pot!"
I sat with a surprised expression. While Toms mouth was open.
“Wow! I think we gotta have a tea party Nik with you new tea set." Tom said.
“Show them your favourite toy Nik.” My sister whispered.
She ran off again and was back instantly with a pink pram and little baby doll in it.
“Look my baby!” She yelled, “Her name Minnie!”
“Nawe like Minnie Mouse.”
“Yeah, you know!”
We all lost her attention again as she sat shoving the dolls dummy into her mouth then back in to the dolls mouth.
My sister turned the phone to herself.
“So, since you guys are the best Arty and Uncle Tommy, could you guys please buy a cake mix and make it for Nik’s party?”
“Shit, yeah of course. What happened to the baker?”
“He got his dates wrong and hasn’t even started making the cake. But I’d appreciate it if you could just get one thing off my mind while I finish trying to set up for the party soon.”
“Yeah sounds good, what a dick though, how much was he charging?”
“Like $120”
“Yeah nah, I’d be getting my deposit back and telling him to kiss it.”
“Well, that’s the least of my problems at the moment Y/N.”
“Oh, your right. Me and Tom will get this cake ready then we’ll still head over as early as we can to see the princess and give her her presents.”
“Awesome, well I just need to put up the decorations and obviously do the balloons when you guys get here. Start cooking food…” She started mumbling to herself her checklist.
“SHIT!” She yelled.
“What’s up?”
“It’s fine! I’ll go get some lollies and toys to put in the bags and me and Y/N will make them too.” Tom stood in.
“Oh my gosh! Life savers, I have no clue where my head’s gone. I think I’m just loosing it because my baby isn’t a baby anymore. Well I’ll let you guys go, got heaps to do.”
She quickly hung up before we could speak and I put my phone back on charge. Turning to face Tom.
“Good morning babe.” I smiled, kissing him on his forehead, nose, lips then chin - a daily ritual.
“Good Morning Schönheit (beauty)” He hummed.
We laid in an embrace before I broke it and handed his coffee.
“Mmm, perfect.” He chimed.
I walked to the kitchen and began to get all the ingredients
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magnusforgaza · 4 months
I have a question! I would love to join the artist group, but I literally don't have any time to draw right now. How long will this project be open??? And if I can participate in two weeks time let's say, do I join now or later?
Btw, I love this idea!! I love that we can help this way!
The commission forms will open up on may 17th (if things run smoothly). Wee haven't chosen a specific closing date, aiming to close it when the commission form has reached capacity. We would like for artists to start as soon as they can.
Keep an eye out on this account if there's any changes to this schedule, and apologies that we can't give you a specific answer.
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mikerooksi · 9 months
ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴘᴏsᴛ
redoing this for like, the 3rd time, whoop whoop. 🎉
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[ basic information ]
hellooo. thanks for stopping by my blog!
my names mikey, however basically any nickname is cool with me. I'm a MINOR !!!!!! so, keep that in mind. I'm also queer — trans, FTM, and right now I'm unsure of my sexuality but I'm not straight lol. Please use he/they pronouns on me!
[ commissions may be opening soon? – not sure yet. ]
[ more info below ! ! ! ]
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[ other accounts . . . ]
[ please keep on mind, some of these accounts I don't use as often/anymore! ]
@a-mutant-turtle [ ROTTMNT/TMNT 2018 Mikey RP account – semi-active, trying to get it more active ]
@geno-swap [ an account dedicated to an AU of Underswap me and a couple of friends made! updates are messy – semi-active ]
@a-glitchy-sans [ https://www.tumblr.com/a-glitchy-sans – I believe it may have been shadowbanned? not active ]
@silly-store-guy [ an Enphoso, from the roblox game Regretervator, RP account - not active ]
@just-another-phighter [ an account dedicated to all of my phighting, a roblox PVP game, stuff. mostly for my OC, mace. however, I'm not huge into phighting anymore – not active ]
[ Something else I'd like to mention here are that I have a discord, roblox, pinterest, and scratch accounts. (I have other apps as well,) You may see some of my art on these sites. If you'd like to friend me on any of these you may DM! ]
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[ some of my interests are . . . ]
LMK (lego monkie kid), Ninjago, (ROT)TMNT, The last ronin, Spiderverse, Sally face, TWDG, Studio Ghibli, Sonic prime, and more!
[ The bolded words are what I'm really into as of right now! ]
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[ some of my hobbies are . . . ]
art (digital art usually), writing (mostly poetry!), role-playing (sfw), reading, doing quads (not a therian btw! just for funsies), playing games (mostly horror games or shooting games), watching youtube, listening to music, etc!
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[ DNI list . . . ]
the basic DNI list (homophobes, transphobes, racist, sexist, ped0s, etc), NSFW blogs, pr0shippers, etc. also just please don't be a dick LMFAO
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[ hope you can enjoy your stay, or visit! I don't mind asks as well btw. just a silly teen wanting to post their art and rants! ]
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wndaswife · 5 months
omg yay :3 ok i made a buy me a coffee account, and right now there's only a donation option and really soon i'll start putting commissions for sale, but first i need to make a post outlining what you can commission etc :)
this making me feel so business, and i really hope it will be a fun option for ppl who really wanna see a certain fic idea get written
btw once commissions open, i still do have my requests in my inbox (nobody ask me how long they've been in there, i know the answer but im not gonna tell you it), so they r not forever gone they r there once i need something to write but don't have my own ideas
and again to reiterate, commissions r not requests and are not optional for me to choose whether to write them or not like requests are, they r paid purchases and it is my full responsibility to write them asap as they r being bought with people's money
all this i will write in the commission post i'll make really soon
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dejadoodles-101 · 8 months
Hey yall! I’m gonna go ahead and finally introduce myself on here since a lot of you don’t really know who I am. So allow me to introduce myself! 💕
🪷My real name is Rhiannon, but that’s not a very good name so just call me Deja :)) (I have other nicknames too such as Rhi, Rhia, Jade and etc)
🪐I am an Aries ♈️ My bday is March 27 and I’m currently 22 years young but turning 23 soon!
🍄My pronouns are she/her/hers
❤️My sexuality is heterosexual (straight) as of for right now. Having some thoughts about becoming bisexual
🪻Introvert (INFJ-T)
🎨I am an artist. I sketch, digitally draw and paint on canvases sometimes.
🇺🇸 I live somewhere in America.
☘️ I’m also Irish-American.
💜 My favorite color is purple, but I also love blue, green, pink, black, red, gold and silver. And other variants of those colors
🖤I am considered as a goth, emo, and scene person. I’m also an aesthetic kind of person. (I’m into a lot of things lmao)
🧁 I really like sweets~ <3 (and other foods too)
🌴 I love the warm weather
😎 I guess I’m also considered to be cool lol
What I’ll mostly be posting on here is art, memes, fanfics, incorrect quotes and etc. The fandoms I’m in are The Owl House, Amphibia, Helluva Boss, Inside Out, Futurama, Big Hero 6 and etc. Expect a ton of TOH and IO art cuz that’s what I’m really into right now lmao 😂
Here’s a list of other things I’m also into:
•Goth/emo/scene stuff
•Jewelry/crystals/rocks/gems and such
•Dream/weird core
•Witchy stuff
•Rock music as well as pop, heavy metal, punk, dubstep and etc
•Creepy things
•Aesthetic stuff
-Do I do art requests, commissions, trades or whatever? All of those are currently closed. I DO NOT do art commissions because I don’t have access to do any of that. I probably will open art requests at some point as well as trades, but I’m just SUPER busy with art that I still need to get done.
-Am I LGBTQ+ friendly? HELL YEAH 🏳️‍🌈⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ I am an ally and I don’t care if you’re bisexual, pan, lesbian, gay or whatever! Just be yourself and don’t give a shit abt what anyone else says!
-Can minors interact with me? That really depends on the age. I am an adult and still a stranger here so I think I really prefer if ppl around 16+ can talk to me. I’m just kinda uncomfortable with the fact that there are 13-14 year olds on here and I’m like 10 years over those ages. If you are under 16 and wanna be my friend, I guess I’m okay with that but please just remember that I am an adult and just please be careful :) I am a nice person though!
-Other socials? I have 2 Instagram accounts. One of them is MissBigHero6 (my private account; the username will be changing soon tho) and the other is DejaDoodles101 (my art account). I have a DeviantArt (DejaDoodles101). I also have a discord account and that is under the name of Ariezthetic.
-I am obsessed with a ton of characters such as Emperor Belos and The Collector (TOH), Loona and Verosika Mayday (Helluva Boss), Anxiety and Envy (Inside Out), and many more lmao. Btw I’m a HUGE Belos simp 🤭
-My favorite ships are Lumity, Raeda, Huntlow, Gustholomule, Veesha and Belrin (my OC Erin x Belos, (TOH) Joy x Sadness, Disgust x Anger and Anxiety x Ennui (Inside Out) Millie x Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
-I have a ton of OCs and I can’t wait for you guys to meet them! Both original characters and from shows and movies I watch!
Kinda running low on other things to say abt myself so I’ll probably just stop here for now. I’ll try to add more at some point!
Go ahead and follow me if you’d like! Def need more followers and friends on here cuz I’m such a loner lmao 😅 Also looking forward to meeting you all! 🩷
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windwildsblog · 1 month
Here’s something new!
Legit maker and seller here, my full shop is only live on ebay right now but I plan to venture out to Etsy etc) You can find my shop there currently under the name cosmic710 but will be changed on the 11th, if you’ll be looking for me after then just wait until I make a post about it! Some masks were removed simply due to the quality of them and the ones up for sale will be quality repaired once purchased. I also will be opening digital art commissions as well as a range of self made stickers I have coming to my shop soon as well.
The masks I have up for sale are the first ones I’ve ever made btw! With time I get much better that’s why the prices are generally low on those
And honestly I just want to say so many more projects on the way! I have many ideas planned and saved out for future days.
In the meantime I also offer this;
An option for “care packages” specially put together by me personally. Featuring all kinds of cool and fun stuff! The proceeds of anything you buy from me goes straight towards affecting my life and supporting an artist!
It’s been hard in life because of my mental disabilities and no work experience at the age of 19 I haven’t been able to get a job after trying for around 7 months now. So I really have no choice in the meantime but to sell art! And well at the same time everything is getting expensive! Food and education and bills in particular, as well as saving up for my first car since I’m finally learning how to drive.
All being said I’d deeply appreciate any other artist interaction or any interested buyers!
P.s. also working on fursuits but I’m not active in the fandom due to the toxicity,,
And also more therian gear! Keep an eye out
-Gear or accessories might not be made by me but artwork will be gear that was self made will have a unique signature on it ^_^
-I only source faux fur
- I use sustainable and recyclable packaging
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yukinarinn · 1 year
“Pleasurable Vulnerability”
Myumu x Dom!Byakuya Togami
Heya, btw, I don’t take requests with ocs here. It’s another commission request by Zir this time, on Amino since there I made a writing commission post. It’s been like almost a month (3 months now) since she requested it and I’m so sorry for letting you wait so long dear! I hope you like it, I don’t know if it’s that good, though. Please tell me if you want me to change anything! 💕
Since I’m done with those commissions, I’m ready to take care of the requests from Tumblr!
The second art is Myumu by Zir, she’s so talented!!
Also this is an update, I’ve NOW finished this and all I have to say is that I think it’s just cringe. I should’ve written this earlier but now it turned out like this so please if you’re cringing, I’m sorry!!
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cw: praising, degradation, breeding kink, mentions of pr3gnancy, dom!byakuya, sub!myumu, THH bad ending
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The final class trial has came to an end, Kyoko was executed, and Makoto was devastated while Junko forced the remaining students to live in the Hope’s Peak Academy, forever. And there was nothing they can do.
Days had passed since the final class trial, most of them were spending their times alone, in their own room. Aoi only came to the dining hall to eat breakfast and donuts, Yasuhiro tried to get everyone’s attention and have a chat, but the students weren’t in the mood for that, Makoto is still thinking of an escape, Toko is spending the whole day in her room, sometimes stalking Byakuya, and Byakuya is ignoring everyone, obviously, a specific someone is an exception.
And that someone is… Myumu! his best friend and the closest friend he even had, she, instead, was talking to everyone! Excepting Toko, Toko is obsessively talking about Byakuya all the time and something just snaps inside Myumu for some reason.
The pink-haired girl is in the library, reading a book, together with Makoto since he wanted some company. He kept looking at her instead of reading his book, and Myumu noticed, looking straight into his eyes and chuckled.
“Aww, is there something wrong, Makoto?” She asked him, smiling as he starts blushing.
But before even answering to her question, someone gently touched Myumu’s shoulder which made her look behind, and she faced Byakuya, who looked a bit upset and confused. Though, he tried to hide his emotions.
Byakuya was looking at Makoto with so much disgust meanwhile the poor boy was confused about what’s happening and why he gives this look to him.
“Um, I will leave now. Seems like Togami doesn’t want me around.. See you later, Myumu!”
“No! It’s fine, he’s ju-“
“Let him leave. Actually, he can stay here, I do have some.. business with you anyway.”
Myumu gave him a confused look, not knowing what to say at this point. Byakuya was closer to her, but he never asked for anything nor wanting to talk to her more privately.
“Umm, sure! right now?” She asks, giving him one of her innocent smiles.
The blonde guy touches her cheek gently, his mouth forming a smirk but this smirk disappeared as soon as he started speaking.
“Of course, you need to come with me now. I do noticed something weird, and that’s why I want to make sure I’m right.”
Myumu nodded and followed him, she didn’t even have time to say goodbye to Makoto since Byakuya grabbed her hand and “forced” her to come with him. Looks like the bussines he’s talking about will be discussed in his own room.
He opens the door, making sure that Myumu is the first one entering his room, he may be rude and ignorant to others, but he’s actually a gentleman with the people he truly cares.
He slowly locks the door while she looks around.
“You know, I’m pretty confused. So the business you were talking about will be discussed in your room?”
He sighs.
“First, take a seat on the bed and make yourself comfortable here” He says, sitting right next to her. “You know I’m not here to play games so I’ll just be straight forward to you, but, could you really answer my question without lying to me?”
Myumu looked down, basically knowing what was he going to ask. She could be honest, but she doesn’t know what his answer will be. But.. she has nothing to lose, she has to be honest to him. If her feelings aren’t reciprocated, at least she tried. But what if they are…?
“No, I’ll be honest, you don’t need to worry. Go ahead!” She smiles.
Byakuya always melted when she was smiling like that, but never admited it.
“Do you have feelings for me? If so, for how long?”
He suddenly got even more closer to her after asking this which made her blush and embarrased. But still, she had to answer his question.
“I-I do, for a very long time actually. But I thought other people’s feelings don’t matter to you. Toko likes you too, right? But you always pushed her away.”
He smiles and touches her chin with his index finger, making her to look at him.
“Toko isn’t even my type. It’s true that I don’t care about others that much, but you’re my best friend, I mean you were. Because I wanna show you how much I adore and love you.”
Myumu stared at the boy she loved so much, not able to say another word. She was just staring.. waiting for him to say something more.
“I know that’s pretty surprising and even confusing for you. And I’m not really that type of guy who just confesses his love to someone, that’s why I want to show you. Can I?” He asks, already unbuttoning his suit.
Myumu was out of words but she was still able to smile, that was a confession. A confession that she was waiting for so long.
“W-what do you mean by that?”
Byakuya smirks and touches her thigh.
“You’re so innocent, let me change that.”
With that said, he pushes her onto the bed, getting on top of her and taking his glasses off, putting them on the table right next to them both. Byakuya was staring at his incredibly adorable face she has, she didn’t expect him to push her like that, which made her squeak a bit. They didn’t say a thing, they were so busy looking into each other’s eyes.
He was obviously the one in charge so he took the lead, starting with his expensive suit, slowly taking it off. Myumu didn’t say a word, but she wanted what he wanted, just by looking at those innocent and pure eyes of hers. His clothes were on the ground now and he let his skinny yet muscular body in sight so she can take a good look at this beautiful view.
Byakuya, once he saw her all flustered and blushing, gets closer to her ear, biting the lobe of it gently and whispers which sent vibrations to her spine and, well, her whole body.
“Do you like what you see? how about you help me taking off those cute clothes of yours?” He says in a dominant tone, but he still asked for consent as he didn’t want to hurt her or cause any misunderstandings. This moment should be important for the both of them.
Myumu let out a soft moan as soon as she felt his teeth touching her ear lobe and biting afterwards. But she nods.
“Yes.. please.. let’s take them off-“
He smirks as he squeezes her thigh a bit. He was already excited and words couldn’t describe how happy he also was that now she’s under him, waiting to be dominated and loved.
He gladly took off everything she had on her and now that Myumu’s skin is fully revealed to him, things are getting interesting. He placed many kisses on her flesh, making her squirm.
He looked down at her.
“What was that noise? do you like it?~” Byakuya teased her and kept going. Touching every part of her body and biting her neck gently. Myumu still let out moans without saying anything and that’s because everything was perfect at the moment. She forgot where she was and what happened in this place, now that Byakuya is so close to her.
He chuckled, seeing her like that and then he grabbed a condom from the table, rolling it on his dick. She was watching him, speechless.
“I just love how you’re so quiet even though I’m so ready to fuck my kids into you. I guess that’s how a slut usually behaves?” As he chuckles, he put it right at the entrance, still looking for her consent. “Tell me. Tell me you also want it”
“Byakuya.. I will give myself to you.. since I love you so much~” She told him and spreading her legs wide more.
Byakuya nods and he slowly pushes it inside, letting out a groan before kissing her. He stayed like that for a while so she can adjust with his size and then he began thrusting into her, wraping his hands around her neck.
He was of course enjoying this, and Myumu too. He could tell that only by looking at his pretty face, moaning out loud and screaming his name pathetically to keep going and finish her off.
He was going deeper and faster as he was close to climax. He pulled her closer to him.
“Tell me where you want me to cum, princess”
“I-Inside!” She moaned loud once again, wraping her legs around his waist as she was close too.
Her walls squeezed which made him cum instantly, painting her walls with white.
After a few seconds, he was laying right next to her, cuddling together.
“You’ll be a great mother, Myumu. I love you so much.” He said, kissing her cheek.
She blushes and hugs him tightly.
“I.. I love you too!”
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