#common homophobe l
transmascwillbyers · 2 years
So I was talking to one of my friends this morning about ST, and according to her, her brother (who's a fan of the show too) believes that Will's arc throughout the show revolves around helping Mike and El solves their problems as a couple. Not as in it's part of his arc, not as in it's something he needs to do to fulfill his arc, as in... that is his arc. Like, that's what he is meant to do, optimally, in the show, and byler being canon would directly contradict his "character development".
...I think we can conclusively agree that this is the worst Will take ever.
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buckieduckie2 · 2 years
i was trying so hard not to laugh at noahs "Common homophobe L" comment today during english class 😭😭😭
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emblazons · 2 years
Me in 2024 when a whole swath of M*levens & homophobes storm the internet mad that The Duffers caved to “social pressure” to make Mike reciprocate Will’s feelings + make El single & happy about it—that this was never set up, that it blindsided them, and that it’s just a nonsense ending that they could have done better in a fanfic:
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yelenapines · 2 years
Good evening! I sincerely hope you develop a rash on your entire face that never goes away.
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clonedchaos · 2 months
Welp, as I was googling some images for Yasammy week, I came across a thread and turns out one of my favorite Jurassic YouTubers is homophobic and a Yasammy hater…
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(More ranting in the tags)
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writer-ace · 2 years
I watched the asexual and aromantic communities get eaten away at by exclusionists and proto-TERFs and queer people making fun of microlabels and people who talked about how they just wanted all of us to stop dividing ourselves so much and people who decided that the concept of the Split Attraction Model was homophobic and people who flooded the ace and aro tags with porn and--
Well, you get the point.
But now a lot of people on this site don't know about ace culture and modern history, so here's some stuff you should know about:
The Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) was started in 2001 by asexuality activist David Jay as a forum and educational space about asexuality.
A Carnival of Aces, which is a monthly blogging carnival on ace topics, has been taking place since May 2011 and has included such topics as coming out, non-traditional relationships styles and polyamory, asexual education (which I hosted), and labels and microlabels.
The Split Attraction Model is one model for talking about sexual and romantic orientation that splits out those two orientations, allowing individuals to describe sexual attraction/orientation as distinct from romantic orientation (e.g., aromantic bisexual, heteroromantic grey-asexual). While this model is primarily used by people on the ace and aro spectrums, it can be used by anyone who wants to discuss or describe sexual orientation as being separate from romantic orientation.
The AVEN triangle (or asexuality triangle) is a black and white or greyscale triangle that originated from taking the Kinsey scale and extending it down into another axis to address/acknowledge the range of attraction between what's on the Kinsey scale (allosexuality) and no sexual attraction (asexuality). It's generally presented as white at the horizontal line at the top and then black at the point at the bottom, often with a gradation of shades of grey down to the bottom.
Microlabels are specific (sometimes very narrow) labels for sexualities, romantic orientations, and genders. While these are not aro- or ace-specific, they were often associated with those communities because there was a culture of having nuanced conversations about narrow definitions, often by people couldn't find something that fit their experience in the standard L, G, B, or T lexicon. Demiromantic/demisexual, cupioromantic/cupiosexual, and quoiromantic/quoisexual are all examples of micro-labels.
The ace ring, a black ring worn on the middle finger of the right hand (generally) is a symbol of asexuality that some ace people wear. It originated on AVEN in 2005 when people were looking for a symbol that was rather covert.
Cake has also been an ace symbol, mostly from the idea that ace people agree that cake is better than sex. It used to be common to see a drawing of a cake with the ace flag colors.
The ace of (heart/spades/clubs/diamonds) has at times been used as a symbol for different ace spectrum/aro spectrum combinations. Ace of hearts is generally agreed on as alloromantic asexual and ace of spades as aromantic asexual (aroace or aro/ace). Ace of clubs is sometimes for grey-romantic asexual and ace of diamonds sometimes for demiromantic asexual, but those are less common.
Dragons were also associated with the ace community, at least on Tumblr. I'm less certain where this one came from (theories include that they're mythological creatures the way ace people are seen to be or that it's because there were headcanons that Charlie Weasley was ace).
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hildegardladyofbones · 3 months
specific Estonian related things I've noticed in disco elysium
May bells. They call the lily of the valley a may bell. An exact translation of what it is in Estonian (maikelluke). I've never heard of anyone using that name in English.
Lily struggles to say the R letter and says R instead. I've never heard of English speaking kids replace R with L, but that is extremely common in Estonia. I couldn't pronounce the hard R until I was 6.
The obvious one is the song they hear for a few seconds when they fall into Ruby's trap. It's the song "telefon" by the band Vennaskond.
I'm fairly certain that English speaking homophobes use the slur fag more than pederast. It may exist in English, but that is the most common slur for gay people in Estonia (well, the shortened version, pede, is).
Add more if you can come up with anything else
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hp-hcs · 1 year
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 1 of my silly lil mlm stories <3)
Gay Awakening (Chapter One) — smitten! mattheo riddle x male! reader
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TWs: tobacco & alcohol use, internalized homophobia, homophobic slurs (once)
hella ooc mattheo. congrats, ur his gay awakening, and he’s an absolutely smitten lil gay mess for you but yk he’s trying
“Hey, dude. Who’s that?” Theodore asked, bumping Mattheo’s arm to get his attention, then pointing his fork in your direction. You were sitting at the very end of the table’s bench, wearing an oversized black muggle hoodie with your green tie loose and haphazardly slung around your neck. You were animatedly talking with, out of all people, a Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff girl sitting at the Slytherin table either seemed to be completely unaware of the looks she was receiving, or she was steadfastly ignoring them. Your laugh cut through the room, the Hufflepuff cracking up with you.
“American transfer students,” Malfoy sneered. “They clearly don’t know the rules yet.”
“Oh, shut up, Draco,” Pansy rolled her eyes, resting her chin on her hand and looking at the Hufflepuff for a moment too long.
Draco scoffed, clearly offended. “Whatever. They’re probably faggots anyway.”
Pansy whirled around with a furious expression. Mattheo himself flinched slightly at the slur, which caused Blaise to look at him questioningly. Once Mattheo had waved Blaise’s unspoken question off, Zabini shrugged, leaning over and muttering in his ear, “Ten galleons says she brings up Potter.”
“-and everyone knows that you have a crush on Harry Motherfucking Potter, so maybe you should take your bigotry and shove it right up your-”
“Pansy?” you questioned, awkwardly standing across from her. “Here, ‘m supposed t’ give this to you.”
You leaned across the table to drop a folded up note in front of her, allowing Mattheo to catch a faint whiff of your cologne. You looked back down at the floor shyly, hurrying back to your spot at the end of the table.
“He’s hot,” Theo shrugged, taking a bite of his toast. “I call dibs.”
“You can’t call dibs on the guy who just asked Pansy out, dipshit.”
“Actually, it’s a note from the ‘puff,” Pansy interjected, twisting her wrist around to show off the neat cursive written in a purple glitter gel pen. “She wants to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend, dipshit.”
“Yeah, dipshit,” Mattheo teased Theodore. “Plus, I think Malfoy already called dibs on him, so tough luck.”
Theo blew a raspberry at him, only a slight distraction from where Mattheo’s comment had fueled another Pansy-rant and left Draco sinking low in his seat as if he wanted to disappear.
“Alright, Zabini, you’re up. What classic novel is a satirical adaptation of R. M. Ballantyne’s The Coral Island?”
“Why the fuck would I know that, Berkshire?”
“Blaise forfeits! Sudden death round is down to just us, Riddle,” Theo crowed excitedly, watching as the score quill of the charmed muggle trivia game scratched Blaise’s name off of the paper score sheet, drawing a condescending frowny face next to it.
Enzo laughed, flipping over the little hourglass timer. “If anyone can answer in the next thirty seconds, they automatically win the game.”
“No idea,” Mattheo shrugged. Theodore spun his rings around on his fingers before shrugging too.
“The Lord of the Flies,” your quiet voice pipes up. The game players all look over in your direction from where you’ve just entered the common room—coming back from the library, it looked like, if the stack of books in your hands explained anything.
“What?” Draco asked, raising an eyebrow and sneering.
“The Lord of the Flies,” you repeated. “William Golding. Fantastic book.”
Malfoy huffed. “And who are you, exactly?”
“Y/n L/n,” you introduced yourself, nodding politely in their direction before wordlessly disappearing up the dorm room stairs.
Mattheo stared after you alongside his friends, none of them immediately noticing the charmed quill writing your name down on the score card as the winner.
“C’n I bum a smoke?” your sleepy voice called softly from behind Mattheo. He turned around from his spot on the otherwise unoccupied balcony to see you rubbing your eyes, a fuzzy green blanket draped around your shoulders. He cleared his throat and nodded, fishing a fresh cigarette out of the pack and holding it out to you. His heart rate stuttered for a moment when your fingers brushed against his.
“Thanks,” you muttered, using a wandless incantation to light it. Mattheo leaned back against the railing, taking a drag from his half-finished cigarette and blowing the smoke out thoughtfully.
“Why’re you up? It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?”
Maybe it was his well-meaning-but-patronizing phrasing or the confidence-imbued late night cigarette, but you clicked your tongue once and said in a short, clipped tone, “Oh, shut the fuck up, you hypocrite.”
Mattheo barked out a surprised laugh, choking on his lungful of smoke and falling into a coughing fit.
“Language, L/n,” he teased.
“English, Riddle,” you snickered back.
He grinned at you, blushing a nice pink color as you both smoked in a comfortable silence for a moment.
“My roommate brought some girl back from the party he went to,” you say after a while. “Didn’t want to deal with all that.”
“Ah,” Mattheo nodded slowly. “Boys seem to lose all of their brain cells as soon as they come within a ten-foot radius of a hot girl.”
You snort. “Not all of us.”
“Yeah?” he questioned, in a way he hoped came off as nonchalant, even though he was internally freaking out. “No lucky lady piquing your interest?”
“This may shock you, but believe it or not, I’m not actually into girls at all,” you snort again, dropping the cigarette butt and grinding it into the ground with the toe of your sneaker.
“Really?” he asked in a high voice before loudly clearing his throat. “I mean- really? That’s cool. Uh, m-me too.”
“Yeah?” you glanced up at him curiously. “Huh. I wouldn’t’a guessed.”
“Can I kiss you, Y/n?” Mattheo blurted out, immediately snapping his mouth shut and mentally facepalming.
“Sure,” you shrugged.
“I said sure.”
The poor boy was frozen in place, gaping at you. Taking pity on him, you made the first move—tugging on his tie to pull him down to your level.
His hand found the back of your neck, gripping it while kissing you softly—much more gently than you would’ve expected.
When you broke apart, he looked like he’d just been enlightened. Like he might've actually shouted eureka! and run off.
“Holy shit,” he breathed. “I’ve never kissed a guy before- holy shit.” He laughs freely, cupping your face to kiss you again.
“So what now, Archimedes?” At his confused expression you elaborated, “Muggle reference, sorry.”
He nodded slowly, his fingers automatically winding their way into the hair at the nape of your neck. “Well… you could sleep with me tonight,” he offered after a moment. “Y’know, so you don’t have to deal with your roommate.”
“Oh, um, I’m not really that type of guy, Mattheo…” you trailed off.
“Oh!” His eyes widened in panic. “I didn’t mean to imply- I mean, not that I wouldn’t love- I meant we could just literally sleep in the same bed!”
You giggled, a bit relieved. “I’d like that.”
He took a deep breath, smiling hesitantly at you. “No funny business, promise. All at your discretion.”
He held out his hand to you, and you took it immediately, leaning into his side.
“So about that fight between Malfoy and Pansy…”
Chapter Two
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jdsgothwife · 7 months
lawlight fic rec list
so i’m gonna do a series of these, starting with my favorite death note ship! make sure to pay attention to all warnings on these fics. enjoy! if you have a ship you’d like me to make a rec list for, please just send me an ask! i don’t want to be obnoxious, and i’m not saying they’re good, but i (slackjawbitch on ao3) have some lawlight fics up!
♡ = a favorite of kitty’s
♡ 1. i’m drowning; please save me: L looks at Yagami Light and drowns. There is no other way to put it. As the days pass and blend into weeks, L looks at Yagami Light sitting next to him, the harsh lines of his face creased and determined, and he swallows water.
L looks at Yagami Light and he cannot breathe.
great characterization, always makes me very emo, and is probably a pretty major influence on my writing. one shot. 1,817 words.
2. always waiting for you just to cut to the bone: And then, breaking through the pounding in his head he hears what would be the last words out of that wretched man’s lips.
“I love you.”
fic for teh death note drama (2016) canon! title is unfortunately from a t*ylor sw*ft song (/silly) but this fic is so good and sad.
3. Our Bodies, Possessed By Light: L. Lawliet is a gifted photographer who believes he has understood the light and its secrets. Light Yagami is a young, unstable and slightly crooked model. Together, they kill time.
modeling and photography au. make sure to read all teh tags and warnings for this one; there’s nothing gross, but some potentially triggering subjects for some people are in here. multi chapter. 81,218 words.
4. Hearts and Spades: Which would you choose? Love or death? RaitoL, slight AU.
short but sweet piece featuring that classic fanfiction dot net era vibe, an emo-ass playing card metaphor (/pos), and a recounting of l’s death scene that made me sad over him all over again (also /pos). and also light being obnoxious, but it’s death note, so that’s usually a given, lol. one shot. 1,801 words.
5. Not Quite Drowning: Sometimes Light ponders happiness. L/Light
a short lawlight and light character study. i like it a lot, and i don’t usually like light, so that should tell you something about how well i think it’s written! one shot. 424 words.
♡ 6. Water, water, water: In the bath, they forget they’re a detective and a suspect; they remove these identities along with their clothes, layer by layer until there are only the handcuffs left. And them; facing the other in the eerie calmness of their bathroom.
At least, it’s how Light sees it.
i really love this one! make sure to read teh tags, as eating disorders and drugs are mentioned, for example. angst with a happy ending! one shot. 3,504 words.
1. Silver Bells: Silver bells...silver bells...
They’ve made it. Everything is okay now, when they’re dancing in the candlelight.
really, really cute! i recommend it as a palate cleanser to make you feel better after reading a sad one, lol. one shot. 1,255 words.
♡ 2. New Year’s Eve: "I've seen fireworks before," he says. "This is... so much... more."
just a cute little new year’s eve lawlight fireworks show! this one is also from 2009 which is kinda cool to me, haha. i like this author’s descriptive language a lot. one shot. 507 words.
♡ 3. Do Gay Penguins Go to Hell?: Too many New Year snacks bring about a family discussion between L, Raito and their daughter about healthy diet, common sayings and nature of good and evil. And gay penguins, of course. AU
a really darling kid fic, based on teh stupid, homophobic controversy over that adorable kids’ book about teh gay penguin couple. one shot. 3,791 words.
4. A Feeling: It's LxLight fluff! This takes place after Light was confined and lost his memories, chained to L. : D SO YUS. SOME FLUFF FOR YAH D: Hope you leik it :D
very cute “l and light cuddle and kiss” fic, written by a scene kid in 2008, which is extra points with me! one shot. 1,006 words.
alright! i will add to this rec list as i find more fics, and i would love it if people would send in their favorite lawlight fics!
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No one has suffered more than gay tim from camera like to me he is jesus on the cross. Firstly being soooo down bad for a closet case who snaps at you like you're his paid help ... Having to needle him about his new gf just to understand what the fuck is going on under that shiny comb over.... but then your unskillful needling and unsubtle romantic advances actually push him further into the closet . Common tim L . also when those bomb blasts went off and Ross' life was flashing before his eyes and he was ready to leg it and Tim REELED him back by the collar like no no no upon pain of death we aren't leaving downtown until dale secures his footage and climbs one more rung up a darksided villainous career ladder that worsens his closet-case psychosis, okay? :) also after dale lunged for tim's mouth and then took off like a track athlete and returned the next day like "wild night, wild that nothing of note happened" and Tim was STILL like so do you wanna hang out? do you wanna take a walk? baby if you invested in a spine as much as you do in your curl care routine .... anyway and then he had to watch this white man launder evil right-wing homophobic narratives on air and be all "oh sorry. you must be soo sensitive about it" upon being confronted. and then finally when tim did do the healthy thing and decide to quit, on his last day he had to 1) be in the same room witnessing dale and helen compete in the olympics of having a mental breakdown 2) inform dale that the network is, in fact, promoting him to newsreader, congrats 3) pull a shift of suicide watch at dale's place and reassure him that there is life after coming out. and then dale was like, well I already had everything I wanted from life before this so . at which point yeah I would also stand up heave a sigh and get out of there
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neechees · 11 months
about the whole preoccupation w incest thing amongst white people on the internet i haven't really noticed it? i am white and find it intriguing (i was incestually abused as a child and so i find it interesting how it develops in families, how people respond to it, etc (it's kind of been part of my healing process)) but i don't really see anyone being obsessed w it? maybe pointing out themes of it in media but that's kinda it? some of my mutuals, idk if they're white, but they have also been abused the same way i have and find discussing it or finding media with incest in it to be a part of exposure therapy/dealing with the trauma. id love to hear your thoughts on it :)
I've talked about this a few times in the past, but I'm posting again to make my views & boundaries known that 1. Dni if you're a "pr0shipper" & enjoy shipping incest, I do not want you here, 2. Fiction does not exist in a vacuum. Im going with the assumption that anon is not a proshitter & they're asking this in good faith. Just putting a readmore because this got long and also for anyone who is triggered by this topic
The conversation I think is surrounding proshitters ("shippers"), but I think the conversation also goes deeper into things like "incest" & "step family" being popular porn site searches that very often feature white actors, as well as those things showing up in film, book, and TV, but in romantisize/sexualized/downplayed ways written by and featuring, again, white people. So I believe generally the "obsession" part means White people who are overly preoccupied with seeing incest quite often, especially and specifically in sexualized, fetishized, and/or romantisized ways. Because personally (& I believe other nonwhite people can attest to this as well, and that's what the other posts mean to say) a lot of the people who have this overkeen interest in incest are White.
Like it's not talking about people wanting to have nuanced depictions of incest, why it's bad, how that affects people & can be extremely traumatizing, and then approaching that topic respectfully (because it should be, that's a terrible thing and showing respect for victims of it & ensuring its not, accidentally or not, endorsed or shown as "okay" or normalizing it, is important. Execution as well as intent are important & should be done with tact.) The people who are mentioned as being "obsessed with incest" as these pr0shippers who find incest "sexy", want to see it, actively search it out where it is both romantisized/sexualized/fetishized, and will apply it in fanon interpretations even when it doesn't exist in canon or this interpretation wouldn't/doesn't make sense anyway, specifically because they enjoy seeing it. They find it titillating. Quite a few of the popular users on this site who have famously defended incest (and/or pedophilia) both in real life AND as proshitters have been... White. And racist.
I think there IS a correlation between White people, proshitters (who are usually people who defend romantisized depictions of things like incest), and liking incest, because I very often seen proshitters be racist (and other types of bigoted tbh), and ALSO defend things like racist depictions of nonwhite characters, things like slavery AU's featuring Black characters, or colonizer AU's, and the like. It's a common joke (not so much of a joke tho tbh) that the more White people that exist prominently in a fandom, then the less fun it is, specifically because of racism that will then exist in that fandom. So there's this huge overlap of White fans being racist but ALSO there being a lot of fans who enjoy seeing incest in their fave medias, because of the proshitters, who do both. There was also that whole thing where a bunch of popular white users on here (many of whom ALSO defended incest) defended sexual raceplay & then called any nonwhite person (ESPECIALLY BLACK USERS) "homophobic" or "transphobic" for rightfully and correctly calling this racist.
Lots of White people like to do this thing where, if they are marginalized in some way, then they'll weaponize that marginalization against anyone who criticizes them for something (most often racism), even if their marginalized identity has nothing to do with the topic or was brought up. White women who happened to be gay called me "homophobic" and "misogynist" (even though I'm a bi woman but you know) because I talked about the nazi associations & racist inclinations of cottage core. I saw multiple White lotr fans call a specific artist "homophobic" because that artist asked that their art not be tagged as an incest ship, and that incest ship is very popular (and their art piece was depicting them as just family), but this incest ship isn't even canon, and the artist wasn't actually homophobic or against gay relationships in general. So they essentially just called this artist "homophobic" for no reason. Because they didn't want their art piece of two family members to be incorrectly interpreted as incestuous. Im even reluctant to draw fan art of some of my favorite characters who are family members, because I dont want people who ship incest to interact with it or tag it as that, and the fact that so many artists even have to ask people NOT to do this is insane.
Like it's one thing if someone analyzes media with it or might find comfort in certain characters in books or TV etc because they feel seen in their trauma, and yet can acknowledge that this isn't for everybody and not everyone processes their trauma this way, and that seeing it (incest in media) can make trauma WORSE for many people, AND that not all representations are made equally, and none of those are free from being available to criticism in approach of that representation anyway. But very often there's White fans (many who aren't even incest victims themselves, so they don't have the "I'm coping" excuse) that are offended that other people don't like seeing incest at ALL, that people will (understandably) not want to interact with them if they're a pr*shipper, and hate being reminded that treating incest like its a fun little interest that shouldn't be handled with care just because it's being featured in a fictional situation (or even sometimes when it's NOT) is pretty fucked up and even disrespectful & insensitive to incest survivors, and then chalk up any criticism of the amount of sexualized/romanticized incest as "censorship" even though that's not what's happening, and again, very often self victimize themselves and often are also racist.
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darkkbluee · 1 year
What are your lawlight headcanons?
Oh, an ask? In my inbox? It took a while to realize there really was something in the inbox and it wasn't a bot this time. Anon, this is my first real ask, I'm so touched <3
To the topic! Lawlight headcanons! I have so many, I don't even know where to start. Some of them are AU genre specific, some are based on which arc/timeperiod it is. So many thoughts, how to summarize...
Warning: Below is a long ramble of a few headcanons and why I think that way. They're headcanons, and don't need canon or authorial proof to exist, thanks. Some of them might be AUs too, oops.
For AUs set in the early 2000s, where Light is first arc age. L realizes he's in love first. Not because L's older. Because of the circumstances Light grew up in.
Light is the eldest (and only) son of his family. He had his life figured out since childhood and never doubted he would do anything other than follow that path: Become a detective, chief, and eventually director. Get a girlfriend, buy a car and a house, marry said steady girlfriend, have two kids, the whole traditional family thing. You can even see hints of that in second arc.
When I first read the manga, I could see it in manga!Light. It seemed that way to me because it is sort of a common cultural thing between some Asian countries. Not anime!Light though, which is interesting, but not the point here.
So, Light does not realize he's in love, because he's never had the question of whether he's gay, because he never thought the reason he can't keep his eyes off L is because he's attracted to L, because 'attraction to L' is a non-existent concept in his consciousness.
Light is not dense, nor homophobic or anything. He recognizes when other men are attracted to him, he accepts that people can love whoever they want. He just never superimposes that image on himself.
It takes a whole long while for his brain to cook enough, to separate himself from the image he has in his mind. Then, he questions his sexuality and realizes he is, indeed, attracted to men as well. Or rather, one specific man. He has no sexual and romantic interest in anyone else and by that age, Light has experimented enough to know that.
Between Older Light and L, Light would be the first one to figure it out. But between 18 - 21 year old Light and L, it would L.
2. L is very specific about textures. His favorite, the one he discovers when he meets Light, is Light. Light takes very good care of himself, his face and body being as much a resource he uses as his brains.
Cue touchy L. L likes to run his fingers through Light's hair, he likes it when he can touch Light skin-to-skin, likes it when Light touches him back with his fingers.
As much as L likes watching Light (because L will freely admit he is a shallow creature and Light is very attractive to watch indeed), L loves touching Light more. He may or may not miss body language cues if he's too close to observe the full picture, but the trade off is worth it to L.
3. Light's long list of ex-girlfriends and admirers has stumped L many times. Especially when Light admits they all knew about the others. And that they don't begrudge Light for not committing 100%. And that they still happily help Light with whatever he wants them for even decades later.
Sometimes, it makes L wonder if he is just another victim of Light Yagami's charisma. Then he discards that thought because it doesn't matter. He has Light and Light is just as obsessed with him right back. L is the eventual winner and it doesn't matter who caught whom when they're both in it together.
4. They're both highly competitive. It translates over to board games as well. It's a Rule TM, posted on the fridge, notarized, signed and stamped by their friends and family, that they are never allowed to play Monopoly. And Uno. And Catan. And- [an increasing list of trade focused games].
Addendum - Twister should only be played in personal space, behind closed locked doors! — Sayu and Mello
Addendum 2 - Light is forbidden to play Jenga with Near. — L
That's all for now! If I continue, I'll never stop XD
Thanks for the ask, Anon!
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, homophobia (as a joke), and one poop mention
Desc: the boys are trying to find out how cat boys defecate
Mikey: it doesn't matter
Mikey: if Kazutora was a real cat boy he would shit in a litter box
Mikey: that's all i'm saying🤷‍♂️
Baji: don't say that then tf??
Mitsuya: usually i don't ask but this seemed unprovoked
Mitsuya: what are you guys talking about
Mitsuya: i'm gonna regret asking this tbh
Kazutora: i shit in the toilet just fine thank you
Kazutora: and i never claimed to be a cat boy😭. i'm just a boy that loves cats
Mikey: you said, and i quote "yeah i think i'm a catboy"
Mikey: fucking slut
Draken: then leave him alone? like what's the issue
Mikey: oh here comes sensible Ken-chin to save the day with his common sense that will most likely save hours of arguing🙄
Draken: 😐
Kazutora: ok fine maybe i said that but i didn't mean it like that. i meant i was a boy who also happened to like cats. Mikey you aren't listening to me
Kazutora: also why am i a slut???
Chifuyu: i mean
Kazutora: bro??
Chifuyu: no i'm joking lol
Baji: he's not
Mikey: it's your waist
Mikey: and your piercings
Mikey: you're a literal whore
Draken: Mikey
Draken: shut the fuck up
Baji: go fuck his sister to spite him
Draken: dude
Draken: can you ever be normal
Baji: nah
Kazutora: nothing's wrong with my waist?
Baji: you wear crop tops sometimes
Mikey: and your twink like, feminine like, small torso tempts those around you
Baji: don't get me started on those nipple piercing bruh, had me creaming all over the place
Mikey: chill😕
Mitsuya: of course
Mitsuya: of course this is an argument you guys are having
Chifuyu: yeah guys leave him alone
Baji: are you typing with both hands? 🤨
Chifuyu: yes????
Chifuyu: 😭
Smiley: these damned homosexuals bruh
Smiley: sorry thought i was dming Angry
Angry: homosexuals are fine!
Angry: Smiley's homophobic, not me
Angry: please keep that in mind
Angry: i was going to reply with something along the lines "well i like gay people because they slay"
Kazutora: idk man i just feel like i'm being attacked for no reason
Mikey: stop being slutty then!
Baji: only be slutty in our apartment bro
Baji: problem solved 👍
Mikey: wait
Mikey: bro chill i was joking
Mikey: dress anyway you like fr
Draken: don't listen to them Kazutora, they're all delusional
Kazutora: ok...
Kazutora: i am a boy that likes cats and that is all
Hakkai: sorry to interrupt
Hakkai: but does that mean that Inupi's a dog boy
Koko: puppy boy in particular
Angry: bro came out of nowhere
Mikey: lol
Mikey: came out
Mikey: get it
Mikey: cause he's gay
Angry: i believe it's bi
Kazutora: i don't think it's gay to think Inupi's hot
Mikey: why not
Kazutora: he's pretty like a girl
Mikey: he has a dick and balls
Kazutora: ok fine 🙁
Smiley: koko and inupi
Smiley: they're the gays i hate the most tbh
Draken: dude can u stop 🤨
Smiley: no
Smiley: watch me tell Emma you're half gay
Draken: she knows mf😐
Smiley: i wanna call you guys a homophobic slur so bad rn
Kazutora: dude you can't do that
Kazutora: it'll hurt Baji's feelings
Baji: nah i'll just beat his ass
Kazutora: lol cause you're gay
Baji: ...
Baji: yeah?
Kazutora: what?
Baji: yeah? cause i like dudes?
Kazutora: ...
Kazutora: 😯
Baji: ain't no way bruh
Mikey: Tora you fucking idiot man
Draken: L
Kazutora: what'd i do???
Baji: did u think me being attracted to men was a joke
Kazutora: yes...
Kazutora: it's not??
Chifuyu: 😟
Baji: so all the times i physically grabbed your ass...that didn't ring a bell?
Mikey: or the times he stared deeply into your eyes and told you he loved you
Kazutora: i thought you were being sus with the homies
Baji: c'mon man
Baji: bro this isn't even funny
Baji: i thought we had smth fr
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Mikey: Kazutora rn lol
Chifuyu: 💀
Draken: lmao
Smiley: Draken chuckled ☺
Smiley: he found the joke funny🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: let's go outside
Smiley: nah bruh you gon beat my ass
Kazutora: Baji let's talk bruh
Angry: he emphasized the 'bruh' which means he doesn't have romantic feelings for you
Angry: sorry Baji
Baji: fuck off megamind pubes head ass
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Mikey: Baji rn
Baji: i'm gonna shove a cactus in every crevice of you body
Mikey: bro's mad
Baji: ayt
*Baji has gone offline*
Mikey: bro thinks i'm scared
Draken: why r you trying to find a place to hide
Mikey: i'm just looking for my phone
Draken: ...alr
Draken: ...
Mitsuya: what
Draken: Baji
Draken: where'd you get a cactus that big that fast?????
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campgender · 5 months
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Omise’eke Natasha Tinsley on Indya Moore’s Calvin Klein ads, ballroom hands as gender performance, & imagining + valorizing femme penis
image description: four cropped screenshots of text from The Color Pynk: Black Femme Art for Survival by Omise’eke Natasha Tinsley.
excerpt 1:
In their “I Speak My Truth in #MyCalvins” spot, Moore gives viewers hands performance while perched gracefully on the balcony’s edge. The ball of their left foot balanced on the ledge, right leg extended to the floor, and thighs in an open V, their right hand holds the railing while the left circles on the soft, limp wrist characteristic of vogue femme. At this moment—also the beginning of the voiceover that “speaks truth”—Moore seems at once grounded and ready to fly, their crotch bulge, breasts, and ballroom hands gesturing toward femme flight.
In the companion video “Convention Killer,” Moore—now advertising a black lace bodysuit from Calvin’s “womenswear” line—again gives us hands performance along with floor work, rolling and twisting with arched back and circling wrists as they dance in a mirrored glass cage. A black shirt tied around their waist swings between their legs as they work vogue performance style “soft and cunt,” which “consists of clean, soft, and smooth hand/arm movements in a fluid and flowing way.”
Mobile hands, not pendulous flesh of any kind, are the body parts that tell stories of gender in vogue femme, Tente argues: “The hands mark every presence and activate all bodies, from the voguers to those who came to look or judge... They frame the face, create boxes and flows of energy, they tut, twist and draw eights, they tell a story, point to certain parts of the body that need to be looked at and admired.”
excerpt 2 (images 2 & 3):
Moore’s styling and posing in the Calvin Klein videos use hands performance to point to ways Moore alters not only the body itself but their understanding of what their body means. In the “Convention Killer” spot, their hands deftly circle both their face and upper thighs as “parts of the body that need to be looked at and admired.”
Their vogue femme hands point to their crotch in a way that, in the words of my brilliant Femme Theory student Elijah Ezeji-Okoye, “begs us to imagine a biologically femme, non-binary penis”: that is, Moore’s voguing femme choreography in their slightly bulging Calvins “allows us to include the biology of the penis in a more representative femme-ininity while resisting the gender binaries that are imposed upon us from birth.”
I love Ezeji-Okoye’s idea that Moore dresses and dances a biologically femme penis, which aligns with Moore’s self-identification as “nonbinary, femme,” and decidedly not female. I also love that when I write something like this—Moore gestures toward her biologically femme penis with soft and cunt hands—I’m putting together words that make little sense in relation to each other in straight common sense but signify generously in Black queer world making.
Like Black pussy in Shoniqua Roach’s theorizing, cunt and cunty don’t reference genitalia in ballroom. Cunt and pussy are “criteria for gender performance in ballroom culture, as opposed to insults or demeaning expletives hurled at women and femme queens,” Bailey points out. (Comedian D. L. Hughley once called Moore a pussy for objecting to his homophobic jokes, to which they responded, “Pussy’s are warm, have depth and are strong enough to take a beating... Pussy is absolutely complimentary to who I am.”) Bailey notes, “When these terms are used, the speaker does not typically say ‘you are a cunt.’ Instead, the speaker says, ‘give me pussy’ or ‘you look cunt,’ meaning give me femininity in your performance and self-presentation.”
In Bailey’s examples, cunt functions as an adjective rather than a noun: and while concrete nouns suggest “permanency, stability, fixity,” as Gloria Wekker writes of Dutch nouns describing sexuality, adjectives—whose semantic role is change, modification of a noun’s meaning—are more supple, more suited to the malleable, unfinished understanding of sex and gender Bailey attributes to ballroom.
Cunty is a descriptor Moore themself uses, as in their tweet about Janet Mock’s work on Pose: “Goddess @janetmock teleported from the universe of infinitely cunty magical stuff and crushed some sugar, some spice and everything transsexual & softly blew the con- tents with her hand using her holy afro futuristic breath unto the book of Pose. & then our cast was born.” Nobody’s cookie-cutter, heteronormative femininity, the infinite cuntiness in Moore’s fabulous description is a femme-ininity that multiplies gender possibilities like grains of sugar, births something new with hands and mouth instead of uterus, and creates beautiful Black femme futures that were never supposed to exist.
excerpt 3:
In a roundtable on colorism, Moore cites white woman cunt—“a phrase in the ballroom scene that is commending somebody that is beautiful”—as proof that decolonization of queer bodies is ongoing, painful, and powerful even in our own spaces. Black femme cunt, Black femme penis as standards of excellence, they know, are “holy afro futuristic” dreams yet to be realized.
end image description.
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unabashedly-so · 11 months
⚜️ SDV Elliott HC ⚜️
Elliott's family...
Content warning: One-off mentions of homophobic/biphobic microaggressions, alcohol, abusive parents, child favoritism.
I came up with a short story that keeps getting longer about Elliott bringing his partner back to meet his parents (not necessarily by his choice) and confronting a lot of what he'd left behind. The refrain is "To be loved is to be changed," and also part of the resolution is Elliott and his partner totally have nasty revenge sex in his parent's old money country club.
Y'know, therapeutically.
Laurel - 36yo (older sister) - currently a lawyer/attorney in a large city not far from home. She's a very serious person, but not to the point of sternness or coldness. In contrast, she's actually very warm, especially to her siblings, but she's kindly ruthless in her pursuit of what she feels she should pursue. She and Elliott grew up rather close and Elliott idolized her a lot of his childhood, preferring her company over the company of other boys/kids because he felt he could be unabashedly himself around her. She still calls Elliott "Ellie" "Lelly" "Lellit" (Elliott as a toddler would say his name like "Lellit" because all his siblings names started with L so he thought his did too.)
...So anyway here's Elliott's family made for a story that I'll probably never actually get around to writing. "Spoilers" for the story and character growth are in the parentheses at the end for his parents. Also, no they don't have last names because that feels weird.
Loren - 34yo (older brother) - currently a stocks trader or something, but it's not his passion. He mainly does it to make money so he can indulge in his hobbies--traveling, and collecting calculators and typewriters. He has taken Elliott on some of his travels but he's a bit distant emotionally, very much someone who gets lost in his own head, but unlike Elliott, he doesn't really care to share it with others. There are moments of good connection between him and Elliott, but it's a lot of work to get those moments, so Elliott stopped trying to force it. As a kid, Loren was a typically older brother to him and antagonized him appropriately. Elliott was appropriately a younger brother to him when he wasn't dangling off of Laurel. As older siblings, they did share some commonalities that they bonded on, like sharing books, and he was a good listener for Elliott's story ideas.
Elliott - 32yo - as the middle child with two very successful older siblings, Elliott is often overlooked by his parents. There's no incredible pressure for him to be wealthy or successful, but that doesn't mean they aren't disappointed nonetheless. As a child, he was imaginative, creative, and loved to be the center of attention when he had a good story to tell. Otherwise, he was rather quiet. His mother likes to joke that Elliott was the "baby" of the family for 8 years and he's never once forgotten it, saying that he needs more coddling than most, as he was always so attached to his older sister, Laurel.
Samuel - 24yo (younger brother) - very much The Accident. Susannah tells everyone he dropped out of medical school to go practice field medicine in war torn Gotoro. In actuality, he's currently living off the family's fortunes (and Loren's kindness) "finding himself". Elliott's relationship with Samuel is a bit distant, mainly due to the age gap. Elliott is fond of his youngest brother and has fond memories with him, but it was always tainted by a perceptible difference with how he was treated vs. Elliott and the rest of the kids.
Susannah - mother - Motherly but outsourced much of the emotional work to servants. She does care for her children and wants the best for them, but like her husband, very much thinks that they can only be happy in the ways that she comes up for them. Her main style of communication is through double-entendres and snide, passive aggressive remarks. ie, if Elliott brings home a wife, she'll remark, "Oh Elliott, I knew you'd find the right girl to fix you right up!" (talking about his bi/gayness) Laurel followed Susannah's hopes for her, so Laurel is the golden child in her mind. Loren does well for himself and doesn't cause any trouble so he's another good egg. Elliott... well, she doesn't quite understand the path he's chosen. She thinks he's too in-his-own-head for his own good. She tells him to be more like Loren all the time directly, and indirectly reveres Laurel to him. (It's revealed that Killian barely supported her in her raising the kids, which was why she outsourced so much of their raising, because she couldn't handle it on her own and knew it wouldn't be good enough. She also comes around to accepting she doesn't understand Elliott's path in life AND that that's okay as long as he's happy and taken care of. She also says that she and Sir Killian have been seeing a marriage counselor (their "advising consultant") for years and she's so sorry she didn't do it sooner.)
Sir Killian - father - very hands off with the kids. Led by stern example, but not cruel, just not accepting of deviation from his expectations. One-on-one and in private, he can be very warm and caring, even jovial and soft. But there's a military history, one that he's not escaped and comes through in much of his interactions and the persona he puts off. "Sir" comes from that experience. He appears quietly disappointed all the time that none of his children took up the mantle of military service. (It is later revealed that he did not partake in childrearing or supporting Susannah in it because he knew the father he would be was not the father his kids deserved--his father was militant, alcoholic, abusive, etc. He shares that he regrets not even trying, but at the same time, sees how it was a benefit. He shares that he is actually relieved that none of his children went into military service and that his experience made him very anti-war, but coming out with those views would have excommunicated him from his family, and he felt he had to uphold that connection for fear of not being able to provide for his family.)
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menalez · 1 year
We never see headlines like ‘Heterosexual couple beat their son with a hammer’ even though the majority of abuse is committed by straight parents: https://twitter.com/dykenukem3d/status/1670537598836637696
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this has several layers of disgustingness to it. nevermind the fact that this is significantly more common with heterosexual parents (just look at all the most renowned serial killers' parents and try to tell me heterosexual parenting doesn't often include severe abuse similar to what these women did), "woke parents Ls" what makes them "woke parents"? the fact that they're a same-sex couple? that in itself has homophobic implications. calling a child being severely abused an "L" is also disgustingly insensitive.
heteros get to do whatever they want to their kids including raping and murdering their own children like casey anthony or aileen wuornos' parents who abused her & her grandfather who raped her etc etc etc and it is never used as a reflection of their sexuality, but if a same-sex couple does similar then suddenly its used to prove all of the homophobic beliefs that people already held. its yet another example of minorities being held to a standard in a way heterosexuals are not
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