#coronavirus anxiety
Hello, hi! I get my Covid booster shot today because 1. I feel safer with it and 2. I want to protect my high-risk mom, and I'm super anxious about entering doctor's offices all the time because of my phobia of germs. Can I get a hell yeah for going to get vaccinated despite that? (I have fun and low-key activities planned for afterwards!)
Hell yeah you did a good and brave thing!!! Next time Quinn is in my town he's taking me to get my covid shot and my flu shot and we're probably gonna have a nice dinner and maybe a cupcake to celebrate!
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queercatboys · 9 months
PSA Since everyone’s favourite virus is doing the rounds again:
If you’re on antidepressants, anti-anxiety or anti-psychosis medications, be very careful with anti-inflammatory drugs!
Some of the most common anti-depressants, including Prozac, Lexapro and Zoloft can be almost completely nullified by simple anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or diclofenac. COVID-19 is already an exhausting and depressing illness to have, so trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to suddenly lose all effectiveness from your regular medications on top of that.
Doctors are very overworked this time of year and might make mistakes, so be sure to be extra aware of what you’re taking. It might spare you a lot of grief
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coupleofdays · 2 months
A few years ago, I decided that I would make a real effort to become more social, instead of spending most of my free time sitting at home. I was going to find ways to socialize, byt finding local groups doing stuff I'm interested in, by visiting conventions, maybe try going to concerts or clubs. Maybe even *gasp* try dating. There's a part of me who often tries to push against these ideas, coming up with excuses to stay at home instead, but I was going to do my damndest to fight against it, argue against it, or simply ignore it, because I had a genuine longing to not just sit at home, alone.
Then the Covid pandemic started.
And now, that antisocial part of me has the perfect excuse, that I'm having a really hard time arguing against.
"Oh sure, you can join a group or go to a convention, but is it really worth the hassle? You wouldn't want to endanger anyone else, would you? You'll have to wear a mask constantly (and if you start to go out regularly, that's a whole lot of masks you gotta buy!), always make sure to wash your hands if you happen to touch it, always try to keep your distance, never letting your guard down for an instant. Oh, and try to make sure that all meetings you attend are outdoors too, because being indoors with other people increases the risk!"
"And even then, even if you do everything you can perfectly, if you take every possible precaution, you'll still have the nagging knowledge that it's not 100% safe, that you might be endangering everyone around you despite your best efforts (especially since most people around you doesn't seem to care about masking anyway, and your social anxiety makes it so you don't want to bring the mood down by arguing about it). Wouldn't it be easier to just stay home and play videogames all day, and then go to bed and fall asleep while worrying about dying alone?"
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starfox313 · 1 month
Rant Time:
My manager knowingly came into work with covid. She claimed no one would be able to cover her shift because in her words "no one ever does". That being said, we work retail and come into close proximity with babies, children, and the elderly a lot. That's a pretty big risk already. She also knows that my immune system isn't the strongest, and you could practically sneeze in my direction, and I'd get sick. Now as if that wasn't enough, my manager claims she cleaned everything and sanitized. I went into work and determined from the layer of dust on everything that she actually hadn't done that. I then made sure to sanitize literally every surface because I didn't want to risk anything. I thought I was going to be in the clear, but lo and behold, yesterday I woke up with a fever. I took an at home covid test last night, and it was positive. Three guesses where I caught it. Now I'm calling out of work today and tomorrow (and possibly Sunday) because I don't want to put anyone else at risk. I also want to give myself time to heal and feel better. My manager has been texting me about this and getting obviously annoyed with me for calling out. And it's been making me mad because it's her fault I'm sick in the first place. She was irresponsible and exposed me and countless others. In turn, I ended up exposing others too. Yet she has still been trying to get me to come into my shifts at work. I've been keeping her updated with my symptoms including having a 101°F fever today. It's to the point that I flat out told her I will not be coming into work until I'm fever free for 24 hours, and I'm not at risk of infecting others. I'm able to miss three shifts without a doctor's note or any potential consequences at least. But the whole situation just makes me angry and frustrated.
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herveiwfromthefloor · 2 years
POTS, a debilitating heart condition, is linked to Covid and, to a lesser degree, vaccines
Wow, is the medical world finally going to acknowledge POTS? The study mentioned in the article confirms what I already knew Covid can cause POTS and that POTS is a debilitating disease. POTS and other chronic illnesses are real and very serious, I'm sick and tired of getting my symptoms dismissed with the "it's just anxiety" diagnosis. When it most certainly is not...
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majakkie · 2 months
......rant about masks incoming......
So little background, when I go out in public I almost always wear a face mask. I do not have anything that can be spread to others (I do have LongCovid tho) but I really like having a mask on. It has become somewhat of an accessory for me (I usually only use black fabric masks), as well as helping me with my social anxiety. The health and hygiene aspect is honestly secondary to me.
But where I live NOBODY uses masks! They barely used any during the height of the pandemic (don't try to tell me the pandemic is over) So I've gotten used to glances and looks, but overall people just mind their own. My family on the other hand is embarrassed to be seen walking with me when I have my mask on, and they have told me several times to stop it. I don't.
But today's event was so infuriating! I was on a day trip to Ikea (I've moved) and like always I wear my mask. The shopping went really good, I even saw another person wearing a mask (typical blue one), but when I went to the restaurant.... Oh boy how I regret eating there. Like always the line was packed and long, so I stood there patiently waiting for my turn. I did feel my anxiety becoming worse standing in a packed line, but by the power of the face mask I didn't have an anxiety attack. Instead I felt someone staring at me, but not like the usual stares. This was full on malicious. And I have never had that happen before! Judging stares, yes, curious stares, yes, stares just cause it's not an usual sight, all the time! Now, because there were so many people around me, I couldn't pick out exactly who were staring at me, but it felt like a group, or maybe a couple. Either way, it's horrible to have someone actually stare daggers at you, especially if that someone is a stranger. And the worst part was that I couldn't get away! I was stuck in a packed queue with these hateful glares during the whole waiting time! In the moment I didn't know if I wanted to dissappear or pick a fight with the people staring at me. Like why in the hell do you care if I use a mask?! How rude can you be??But at the same time I started to wish I never used my mask in the first place, and started to wonder if I was in the wrong.
Now, I need to address that me wearing a mask don't need to be the cause of their glaring. But why else were they glaring at me? I can't think of any other reason, cause I know that there were no one there I knew and it was none of my line neighbours, so it wasn't something like I did. When it started I was just standing in line like everyone else around me.
Should I stop wearing my mask all together? I still feel bad after this encounter...
What did I do to deserve such hateful stares??! It was almost like I was was a bug that had killed their dog or something. Even if they thought I was sick and went around in public spreading it, wouldn't me wearing a mask help minimize the spreading?? And there are lots of people walking around with no masks on WHILE knowing they are sick and infectious! Me wearing a mask is for myself, my health and well-being! I don't deserve getting such hateful glares simply because of a little cloth covering half of my face.... But it still feels like it was all my fault...
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throwaway5666 · 4 months
Everybody in my family but me and my sister has COVID, and god I never really got what the anxiety diagnosis was for until now
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thecpdiary · 7 months
The Impact of Coronavirus on Mental Health
Four years in and the pandemic has brought significant attention to mental health concerns worldwide, which are not being addressed. My mental health has been affected. I still struggle, it's why I continue to write about external influences. Also, through the socials, it is clear many other individuals have struggled with anxiety, depression, loneliness and other mental health issues during these challenging times.
While there might have been a surge in published materials addressing mental health through organisations like the World Health Organisation, during the height of the pandemic, the need for ongoing support and resources still remains critical. The world has stopped talking about and dealing with mental health, but I haven't.
The CP Diary offers information, support and guidance
One way to deal with mental health concerns during these challenging times is to seek out existing resources and support networks. Indeed, my own website, The CP Diary, offers information, guidance and tools for coping with stress, anxiety and other mental health challenges, and brings clarity on many topics after 13 years of writing. Give yourself time to read through some of my blogs.
Engage in practices such as mindfulness and exercise
To deal with mental health, you can also choose to engage in self-care practices such as mindfulness, exercise as well as connect with those you trust to maintain mental wellbeing. Therapy or counselling services, either online or in person, can also be valuable resources if you're struggling with mental health issues.
It is important to continue the conversation about mental health. By sharing our own experiences and reaching out for help when we need it, we can support each other, as we continue to work towards better mental health.
For more inspirational, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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Are you absolutely positive it's the flu and not one of these new COVID strains? Some of them aren't picked up by the at-home tests. I know you've been in the hospital, so hopefully you were tested with one of the better tests, but I also have heard a lot of people say doctors aren't even considering it as a possibility anymore. Either way, long COVID spaces might have useful advice for recovery since symptoms can be so similar.
Sorry if this is isn't useful. I just found out someone I love has a very bad case of COVID and I'm very worried, so it's more on my mind than normal, even as a high risk person myself. I hope you start gaining your strength back soon.
Yes. I went to the ER. They did a lot of testing, including the proper COVID tests, where I tested positive for Type A Influenza. But they specifically tested for COVID when I was in the emergency room. I'm sorry about your loved one. I hope they recover soon ❤️
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rikaklassen · 7 months
CW: discussion of the ongoing SARS-COV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Not happy about the CDC's decision to end any and all isolation guidelines. The recommendations are anti-science and anti-worker in the interests of the capitalist class. It's appalling business owners in the US (and Canada) rather chase profits of the next quarter rather than think about the long-term consequences of a labour force that is too disabled to work.
It's mind-blowing there haven't been a clean air revolution yet. Yes, we may not be able to do much about SARS-CoV-2 being endemic and constantly mutating; but there are some things we can do like better filtration, better air circulation, ceiling UV-C light disinfections, providing free or subsidized masks and respirators, paid sick leaves and so on. The working class deserves better and safer working conditions. And they should demand those.
While I may be Canadian and our recommendations are separate from American's, my best friend works in the service industry, more specifically, bars and restaurants, and many Americans cross the border for a myriad of reasons. And she is much closer to the border than I am.
I am really trying my best to make sure my friend is safe. She already has been reinfected a few times, and each time increases the risk of long COVID (eg. chronic fatigue, brain fog), cardiovascular disorders and other adverse health effects. I try to make sure she has the equipment she needs to mitigate reinfections, the safety net to take time off from work if necessary in the event of a reinfection. For her to attend and study at polytech acquiring a specialized skill so she could find a safer workplace.
Bestie deserves the world. It saddens me entitled customers, business owners, politicians, corporations and bureaucrats see her and many others as disposable. She deserves all the opportunities. Everything. The whole bakery.
I already send all of my paycheques and deposits to bestie. Every single penny I have. I shouldn't. She never asked; and she asked me to take care of myself first. But I gave her my words, and within my social circles, saying you will do something is taken very seriously and is seen as a promise. People will actually remind if you have said something and hold you to your words, even if you did not intend to make a promise in the first place.
I do give her everything I have anyway because my anxieties go away and I get peace of mind. Otherwise I just stay up all night ruminating.
People are tired of me constantly plugging PayPal, but here is her link: paypal.me/bglamours.
You're not obligated to donate. I will send anything I earned or received from families and the government to her regardless. But I have to try everything.
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sewgeekmama · 8 months
Coronavirus Craziness Cancels March, Possibly April
The world has officially gotten weird as the coronavirus has cancelled everything in March and is spreading to April and beyond. I’m currently moving past a state of frustration and disappointment and settling right back into the same place I was working hard to break out of- a neurotic mess of anxiety and stress. My husband finally returned from a very long deployment and life was getting back…
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After almost THREE years of avoiding it and being careful, my husband and I have contracted covid-19. Tested positive today, and I am
I am very ready for this to be over already.
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𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗶'𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲. 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲?
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silverfox66 · 2 years
A month ago, I got covid for the first time, and ever since, my anxiety has been way worse than it ever was. Panic attacks are more frequent and more intense. A feeling of breathlessness is not uncommon for me during a panic attack, but a few weeks ago, I actually started hyperventilating quite badly during a panic attack. Which rarely ever happens for me. I feel like that covid-infection has made me a lot weaker.
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davhynephitt · 2 years
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𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 ❤️‍🩹 —————— ℍ𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 💔 😛 😋 😙 😌 🤣 😞 😒 😙 #anxiety #rare #relationships #strength #art #nature #quotes #growth #authenticity #cptsd #sdg #safe #empathy #charity #coronavirus #peace #photography #nutrition #selfacceptance #music #truth #revival #africa #zhgworldfoodday #loseyoutoloveme #motivation #therapy #wildlife #loveyourself #elderly (at Vulnerable Women) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClVbo3POR6G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sophierebeccasmith · 2 years
Post Pandemic Depression
Post Pandemic Depression, a little insight into how the pandemic effected my life working in a care home.
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