#correct minerva mcgonagall quote
constantineseveran · 1 year
McGonagall: I ask people whether they have a headache.
Dumbledore: And I treat them with patience and care.
Snape: Yet still I suffered.
Harry: I’m the headache.
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maiiefizz · 16 days
Harry: My father didn't strut!
A rat:
A Werewolf:
A black cat:
A racoon:
A black dog:
A stag:
Minerva McGonagall:
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the-fandoms-bitch · 4 years
McGonagall: Four students out of bed in one night! I've never heard of such a thing before!
Me: Don't you fuckin lie.
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jawira707 · 5 years
*Sunset over Hogwarts*
Somewhere in a class room
Parvati: Draco can you focus? We are trying to get this essay done and all you do is...
Draco: *thinking* stupid Harry Potter...stupid famous...talented...who does he think...
Parvati: ...swooning and sighing and staring out of the window! You never will beat Granger like this!
Draco: Right, right...I'm not swooning! I'm just thinking!
Zabini: Sure, sure...question number 30: What potion needs to be brewed if...WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?
Draco: LATER! *storms out of the room*
Zabini: Probably spotted his crush. Yikes.
About 2 hours later:
McGonagall: So what you are trying to tell me Mr. Malfoy is that you were out on the grounds as well and you ran into these three, isn't that right!
Draco: No,no,no. I was not outside. There was a dragon egg, I swear!
McGonagall: Explain yourself, Mr.Malfoy or detention for you too!
Ron: He's lying. Or he was literally stalking us...like watching us from a window or something *laughs*
Harry: Yeah suuuure, Ron
McGonagall: Mr. Malfoy?
Draco: I...
Draco: Oh my father is going to hear about this!
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hprarepairfest · 3 years
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hamster4wheel · 3 years
I'm gonna start a series called: How aroace friendly are pieces of media?
I will start with book series, that I read when I was younger and then switch to movies and shows, that I watched more recently.
I'm trying to explain everything so that everyone is able to understand my point without having to have read/watched it.
Please correct me if I say something offensive, ignorant or factually incorrect! And of course you can suggest me things to add or what I could judge next.
Let's start with the reason I got the idea:
Harry Potter
Miss Terf is an awful person for a lot of reasons and the books are full of shit
Obviously no canon representation
The main villain’s (Voldemort) backstory is that his father was under the influence of a love potion when he slept with Voldemort's mother
A lot of people (me included before anon corrected me) interpreted that as him being born without the ability to love, which made him evil
In canon he grew up without love (mostly because his family is shitty) and thus became evil
Love potions in general (even though they don’t make “real” love)
The main message the author wants to bring across is: Love always wins
= all main plot points are solved because of love (platonic, romantic, family)
Romance serves as solution for people's problems & internal struggles (e.g. Remus Lupin & Tonks, Draco Malfoy & Astoria Greengrass)
Every main character ends up with a romantic partner at the end
Even characters that didn't got a romantic plot in the actual series got one on Pottermore (Wiki where the author sometimes adds facts and stories) later (e.g. Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Luna Lovegood)
Don't even get me started on Snape (teacher at the school the main characters attend)
He's an awful person who projects his own problems onto literal children's and makes their life hell
But suddenly he's a good guy because he was in love with main characters mum
These quotes: "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love."- Albus Dumbledore
"The old argument," he said softly. "But nothing I have seen in the world has supported your pronouncements that love is more powerful than my kind of magic, Dumbledore." -Tom Riddle
Romantic relationships are not portrayed as more important than the friendships
It’s for children so there is no sex
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snarkysynonymroll · 5 years
The Philosopher’s Stone: Episode One
One night, I had the idea of re-writing Harry Potter in the format of the Office, primarily using Office Quotes. 
Episode One
Dumbledore is sitting in his office, working. He sips a butterbeer and glances out the window. A concerned look comes over his face. The Camera follows his gaze to find…
A man in purple robes wearing a turban approaching the Hogwarts castle.
A panicked look comes upon Dumbledore’s face as he turns back to the camera.
Dumbledore: Oh bloody hell…
He runs to the fireplace in a panic.
Dumbledore: (speaking into the fireplace) Minister’s office!
The fireplace magically shows the Minister’s office, which is empty. A recorded message comes through.
Recording: You’ve reached the office of Minister of Magic. Cornelius Fudge is unavailable…
Dumbledore looks back at the Camera.
Dumbledore: This is bad.
In the Great Hall, Hogwarts professors sit at the head table, enjoying a relaxing morning. Classes have not started yet, so the Great Hall is unusually quiet and peaceful…until Dumbledore bursts in through the heavy doors, panting and fear-stricken.
All eyes turn to Dumbledore.
Dumbledore: Everyone, lock the doors, turn out the lights, pretend to not be here.
McGonagall: (calmly) Are we in danger?
Dumbledore: I don’t know. There’s no time to think about if this is real.
He runs to lock the door and uses his wand to extinguish the lights.
Dumbledore: Shh, shh, shh!
Everyone is quiet. There’s a knock on the door. Then another.
Quirrell: (muffled through the door) Hello?
Roughly an hour after the incident, Dumbledore is back in his office sitting at his desk. Dumbledore looks at the Camera sheepishly.
Dumbledore: The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and I did not get off to a great start.
[Opening Credits - Upbeat music]
[Hogwarts: A Magical Workplace]
Dumbledore: (to the Camera) I’ve been at Hogwarts for 64 years, the headmaster for the last 25. If you want to come through here…
Dumbledore leads the Camera across his office and opens the door to his balcony. He steps out onto the balcony. The Camera follows him, panning across the breathtaking castle, the pristine school grounds, and the ever ominous forbidden forest.
Dumbledore spreads his arms wide, gesturing to all of it.
Dumbledore: This is my kingdom, as far as the eye can see.
There’s a knock on the door and another teacher walks in — a tall man with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and sallow skin.
Dumbledore: Ah, this is our Potions Master, Snape. Snape, Snape, Severus Snape! Say hello to the camera, Severus.
Snape looks at the camera with no amusement in his dark eyes.
Dumbledore: Snape has been with us for forever, right Snape? About 10 years?
Snape: That is correct, headmaster.
Dumbledore: If you think he’s creepy looking now, you should have seen him a couple of years ago.
Snape: Wait, what?
Dumbledore: Anyways! What can I do for you, Snape?
Snape: Sir, the first-year students have arrived. Hagrid’s bringing them across the lake now.
The Camera cuts to Dumbledore, alone in his office.
Dumbledore: Students say I’m the best Headmaster. They go, “We’ve never gone to school in a place like this before, you’re hilarious, and you get the best out of us.”
He grabs a small cauldron from his desk and holds it up. The cauldron reads “World’s Best Headmaster”
Dumbledore: I think that this pretty much sums it up. I found it at Potage's Cauldron Shop
The Camera cuts to the line of first-years waiting to be sorted. The Camera zooms in on Harry, and Harry looks at the camera, helpless
The Camera cuts to an interview with Harry.
Harry: I’m a first-year student at Hogwarts. I was raised by my aunt and uncle, who don’t have magic, so this all still very new to me…
Harry laughs uncomfortably, shrugs, and makes a weird face at the camera.
Harry: I have no idea what I’m doing.
The Camera cuts to an interview with Ron,
Ron: The sorting is some sort of test. I think. Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking.
Ron laughs nervously, and then his face falls serious.
Ron: He was joking…right?
The Camera cuts to the end of the Sorting Ceremony. When the final student —Blaise Zabini — is sorted as a Slytherin, Dumbledore gets to his feet to address the students.
Dumbledore: Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words.
He pauses to take a deep breath.
Dumbledore: Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything for anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter where. Or who, or who you are with, or where you are going or… or where you’ve been… ever. For any reason, whatsoever…
The Camera cuts to an interview with Dumbledore
Dumbledore: Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.
The feast ends and Dumbledore approaches Quirrell.
Dumbledore: New Guy! Quirrell! Come come, I’ll introduce you to the other professors.
Dumbledore leads Quirrell around the school. They go to McGonagall’s office.
Dumbledore: Quirrell, I’d like to introduce you to Minerva.
McGonagall: Minerva McGonagall, Assistant Headmaster
Dumbledore: Assistant to the Headmaster. She’s is our Transfiguration Professor, and sort of like the Grandmother of the office.
McGonagall: I’m younger than you, Albus.
Dumbledore: Well, I don’t know about that…
McGonagall: You were a teacher when I was a student here.
Dumbledore looks at the Camera, annoyed.
The Camera cuts to Dumbledore and Quirrell entering Professor Snape office.
Dumbledore: And this is Severus Snape. He’s our potions master. Severus has an amazing new cauldron, right Severus?
Snape: Yeah, I’ve got a pewter self-stirring, collapsible cauldron. I’ve got pictures…
Snape reaches into his desk and then draws back, a look of disgust on his face.
Snape: Bloody hell! They put my stuff in jello again.
Snape pulls out a plate with a dome of jello, in the center his wand giggles.
Snape: That’s the third time and it wasn’t funny the first time!
The Camera cuts to interview with Snape
Snape: It’s okay here, but some people take advantage because it’s so relaxed. I’m a death eater on the weekends. You cannot screw around there. It’s one of the rules.
The Camera cuts back to Snape’s office.
Dumbledore: What is that?
Snape: That’s my wand.
He points to Quirrell
Snape: Ok, you know what? You can be a witness.
He turns to Dumbledore angrily.
Snape: Can you reprimand the Weasley twins, please?
The three men walk to the Great Hall, Snape carrying the jello as evidence. They approach one of the Gryffindor tables, where two red-headed boys sit with other students. Snape turns to Dumbledore.
Snape: These two are the culprits.
Fred: (eating Jello)  How do you know it was us?
George: (also eating Jello) Yeah!
Snape: It's always you. (To Dumbledore) Are you gonna discipline them or not?
Dumbledore: All right, here's the deal you guys: the thing about practical jokes, is that you have to know when to start, as well as when to stop! And yeah, Fred and George, now is the time to stop putting Professor Snape’s personal effects into jello.
George: Ok. Professor Snape. I’m sorry because I've always been your biggest Flan
Dumbledore snickers.
Dumbledore: Nice!
Fred: You should put us in custard-y!
Dumbledore: Yes!
Snape: Ok that's great, I guess, what I'm most concerned with is damage to school property. That's all.
Dumbledore: Lemon Drops... I'm trying to think, another dessert to do.
The Camera cuts to a hallway crowded with students as they head to their classes. The Camera follows Harry. All around him, people point and whisper. The Camera zooms in on Harry as he makes a funny face at the camera.
Harry: People have been looking at me kind of a lot all day. I would be creeped out by it, but it’s nothing compared to the way Snape looks at me…
The Camera cuts to Snape staring at Harry from around a corner, eyes burning with the anger of a thousand suns.
A few hours later, Harry and other students enter the Potions classroom. Snape addresses Harry with a sinister smile on his face.
Snape: Why if it isn’t our newest celebrity - Harry Potter.
Harry’s eyes shift to the Camera as he makes a face
Snape: (to Harry) Question! What is the greatest danger facing Hogwarts
Hermione’s hand flies in the air.
Hermione: I know the answer, Professor Snape!
The Camera cuts to interview with Hermione.
Hermione: I’ll be the number one student here in six weeks. How? Name repetition, personality mirroring, and never lowering my hand. I’m always thinking one step ahead. Like a …carpenter…that makes stairs.
The Camera cuts back to Potions Class. Professor Snape ignores Hermione.
Snape: Potter?
Harry: Being discovered by muggles?
Snape: Wrong! Flash Floods! What is the real reason the Bloody Baron killed himself?
Harry: Depression?
Snape: Wrong! He hated himself. Final question: What is Albus Dumbledore’s greatest fear?
Harry: Umm, loneliness. Maybe women.
Snape: Wrong! He’s not afraid of anything! Also, I would have accepted snakes. Guess fame isn’t everything, huh Potter? 
Harry and Ron walk out of Potions class. Harry looks shocked and appalled.
Harry: He really didn't like me.
The Camera flashes back to Snape’s classroom.
Snape: (to the class) If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Voldemort, Grindelwald, and Potter, I would shoot Potter. Twice.
The Camera flashes back to Harry and Ron.
Ron: He did not. But he didn't have to say it to your face. But, at least we made it through the first day without any fires, trolls, or dark lords breaking out.
Harry looks at the Camera and with a confused look on his face.
As the first day at Hogwarts comes to a close, the Camera cuts to Fred and George Weasley sneaking out of the Gryffindor dorm. George is carrying a plate with a towel covering it. They quietly walk to Dumbledore’s office, where they set the plate on his desk and remove the towel to reveal…
Dumbledore’s “World’s Best Headmaster” cauldron in Jello.
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unsqeakable · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts' Inconsistency: Minerva McGonagall
WARNING: The post includes spoilers to the film Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. You read at your own risk.
Announcement: This post focuses only on the character of Minerva McGonagall, even though other inconsistencies appeared in the films(s). The goal is to prove that this “Professor McGonagall” is in fact THE Minerva McGonagall the fans know from the books, as some opinions says that it can be her relative, and that canon (which is IMPORTANT) has been destroyed because of fan service which was not needed or wanted (by most of fans). Also, the author does not express their opinion about the films but express their constructive criticism about this particular problem.
The biggest issue here, obviously, is the fact that Minerva McGonagall was born in 1935 (and it is going to be proven later, just in case someone thinks otherwise). Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald takes place in 1927 and Professor Minerva McGonagall was already a teacher! Long before she was even born, since she was Newt Scamander's professor. Newt and Leta seem to be around 15 in the flashbacks (and he was born in 1897, so if they were 15, it would mean that the flashbacks took place in 1912). If it was McGonagall's first year as a teacher (and that's why she had no idea how to punish her students), it would mean that she was born no LATER than in 1893 (because she would have to graduate first and because she was born on 4th October, she would accomplish her education while being 19).
Fun fact: that would make her at least 127 in the Cursed Child.
Now, some of you may say that the year in which she was born was never said. Well, technically, you would be correct. But canon (and Pottermore, written by ROWLING herself) tells us otherwise:
“How long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?” Professor Umbridge asked.
“Thirty-nine years this December,” said Professor McGonagall brusquely, snapping her bag shut. Professor Umbridge made a note.”
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, chapter 15, p. 321
The action of the book takes place in 1995. 1995 – 39 = 1956. According to CANON, McGonagall began her Hogwarts career (as a professor) in 1956. 1912 and 1956 give us 44 years of difference. In that case, shouldn't Minerva say that she was a teacher for 83 years, instead of 39? Of course not. Because she was born in 1935, and it is known because of Pottermore, from her OFFICIAL biography to be exact, which was written by Rowling HERSELF (as it was already mentioned). The biography informs readers that after graduating from Hogwarts, she worked 2 years for the Ministry and THEN became a professor:
“Upon graduation from Hogwarts, Minerva returned to the manse to enjoy one last summer with her family before setting out for London, where she had been offered a position at the Ministry of Magic (Department of Magical Law Enforcement).”
“Though a most efficient and gifted employee, and fond of her much older boss, Elphinstone Urquart, Minerva was unhappy in London, and found that she missed Scotland. Finally, after two years at the Ministry, she was offered a prestigious promotion, yet found herself turning it down. She sent an owl to Hogwarts, asking whether she might be considered for a teaching post. The owl returned within hours, offering her a job in the Transfiguration department, under Head of Department, Albus Dumbledore.”
Pottermore clearly states that Minerva started working at the Ministry right after she graduated and worked there for two years before she began her work at Hogwarts, under Dumbledore himself who was TRANSFIGURATION professor, not DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS one. This aside, it means that Minerva graduated in 1954 (as she began to work at school in 1956). As it was already said, she was born on 4th October, which would make her 19 when she graduated, since she started Hogwarts at the age of 12. 1954 – 19 = 1935.
So, Minerva McGonagall was born in 1935 and this is CANON.
Some of you may say: but... maybe it's her mother or grandmother? Or other relative? Well, sadly, no. This “Professor McGonagall” (credited as “Minerva McGonagall” anyway) was not her mother (or anyone else as it will be explained soon). Let's quote Pottermore again:
“Minerva’s father, the Reverend Robert McGonagall, had become captivated by the high-spirited Isobel Ross, who lived in the same village. Like his neighbours, Robert believed that Isobel attended a select ladies’ boarding school in England. In fact, when Isobel vanished from her home for months at a time, it was to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that she went.”
Minerva's mother was Isobel Ross, not Minerva Ross, or any other variation of the name. She married Mr. McGonagall at the age of 18 and GAVE UP her wand. So no. She has NEVER been a teacher. And of story:
“By the time she was eighteen, she had fallen in love with Robert. Unfortunately, she had not found the courage to tell him what she was.
The couple eloped, to the fury of both sets of parents. Now estranged from her family, Isobel could not bring herself to mar the bliss of the honeymoon by telling her smitten new husband that she had graduated top of her class in Charms at Hogwarts, nor that she had been Captain of the school Quidditch team.”
Now, it's time to explain why it couldn't be any other relative, like her grandmother, aunt or anyone else. That's easy. Minerva was named after Isobel's grandmother, who was a ROSS (or she had any other magical name, since Isobel was a pureblood, but this Minerva was definitely NOT a McGonagall):
“Missing her family, and the magical community she had given up for love, Isobel insisted on naming her newborn daughter after her own grandmother, an immensely talented witch. The outlandish name raised eyebrows in the community in which she lived, and the Reverend Robert McGonagall found it difficult to explain his wife’s choice to his parishioners.”
Such a name as “Minerva” was really weird to the Muggles. And yes, Minerva's father was a MUGGLE. He had NO IDEA about magic. His wife was hiding it from him for many years, so his potential siblings weren’t magicial as well:
“Although Minerva was too young to remember that night, its aftermath left her with a bitter understanding of the complications of growing up with magic in a Muggle world. Although Robert McGonagall loved his wife no less upon discovering that she was a witch, he was profoundly shocked by her revelation, and by the fact that she had kept such a secret from him for so long.”
Minerva McGonagall, the first-born child of Robert and Isobel McGonagall was the VERY FIRST McGonagall who has EVER started Hogwarts (or was a witch/wizard in general). And no. She does NOT own the Time-Turner as the one which she gave to Hermione in the books was from the Ministry of Magic and she had to write many letters to have it. Also, she's an intelligent witch and would know that meddling with time would have deadly consequences, especially that she would keep her real name in the past...
“It’s called a Time-Turner,” Hermione whispered, “and I got it from Professor McGonagall on our first day back. I’ve been using it all year to get to all my lessons. Professor McGonagall made me swear I wouldn’t tell anyone. She had to write all sorts of letters to the Ministry of Magic so I could have one. She had to tell them that I was a model student, and that I’d never, ever use it for anything except my studies. . . . I’ve been turning it back so I could do hours over again, that’s how I’ve been doing several lessons at once, see? But . . .”
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, chapter 21, p. 395
Conclusion: Minerva McGonagall, played by Maggie Smith in the Harry Potter films, was born in 1935 and this is canon. “Professor McGonagall” who appeared in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald was the very same person and the only reason for her being there was fan service which destroyed canon, as well as confused and enraged many people (as far as the author is aware).
Ps. If someone wonders what actually “fan service” means:
“Fan service is material in a work of fiction or in a fictional series which is intentionally added to please the audience”
Question: What's more important? Being faithful to the canon you yourself created, and to your fans, or doing something as you please, not listening to anyone, only because you can since you have the rights to do so?
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siriuspadfoot14 · 6 years
Honey Badger-Chapter 2-Roosting
Sirius x Reader (eventually) platonic!Remus x reader
Warnings; vomit scene, blood
You don’t want to put the hat on. It’s touched hundreds of heads – no, more like thousands. Statistically, it’s horribly infested with lice by now. The headmaster gives you no choice. He presents it with a flourish and smiles grandly, plopping it on your head.
“I can assure you, I don’t have lice.” A wizened voice whispers, sounding mildly offended.
Still, you can’t believe it. How is a hat supposed to take a casual shower, or a bath? It can’t, so it must be lying to you. “Are you nearly done criticizing me?”  It suddenly shouts, prompting a short apology from you. “Thank you,” sniffs the hat, and you’re not sure how a hat can sniff. “Now let’s see… You value hard work, don’t you? You like seeing everything come together, seeing the results of your efforts… Quite a loyal one too, aren’t you? Better be HUFFLEPUFF!”
Your smile doesn’t reach your face; no need to show others your emotions. You don’t even know anything about this house or its people, but you’re keen to learn and glad to belong somewhere. A relieved sigh escapes you when the hat is snatched off your head and placed back on one of the headmaster’s shelf. Looking down, you realise the trim of your robes has turned a deep honey yellow. Headmaster Dumbledore smiles at you, and you wonder if he’s using magic to make his eyes to sparkle. “______, my dear, did you make any friends that can help you navigate Hogwarts? I’m told it’s quite confusing at first.”
You suddenly have some inner conflict; you don’t want to force your presence on Remus and the others, but they are the only people you know with enough knowledge to help you… “Remus Lupin.” You throw his name out into the air reluctantly, and it is expertly caught by Dumbledore.
He closes his eyes and sighs as a smile creeps onto his face, “Very well then. Minerva, could you call up Mr. Lupin please?”
Watching Professor McGonagall’s robes swish out through the doorway and rush down the spiral stairway fills you with a creeping sense of dread. She’s left you alone with Dumbledore, who is almost certainly going to interrogate you. “Interesting choice of friends, ______. Did you sense a kindred spirit, perhaps?”
You force yourself not to scowl. If you didn’t already know Remus wasn’t human, there’s no way you wouldn’t have guessed his secret. It’s not the headmaster’s place to out people as nonhuman, you think furiously. “No actually, I sensed a lovey person who is worth my time and effort. Who also doesn’t feel the need to push others away because they aren’t the same as the average ‘human’” You make quote marks with your fingers as you say ‘human’.
Dumbledore looks you straight in the eye and he can see the fire in your heart almost as clearly as the smouldering fire in the corner of his office. You aren’t prepared to back down, even to the headmaster himself. You can practically see him begin to wonder whether you should be in Gryffindor due to your unwavering bravery. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to offend, ______.” He smiles.
It feels fake. You open your mouth, but you’re not sure what you’re going to say. In the end, you don’t say anything. Professor McGonagall returns with Remus, who smiles reassuringly at you. You smile back. Very seriously, headmaster Dumbledore explains to Remus that you need someone to show you around the school. Remus nods and smiles at all the correct places and as he shows you to the Hufflepuff Common Room, you can’t help but wonder why he likes the headmaster so much.
Walking into the Common Room is like coming home. Plants hang from every surface available, even growing out cracks in the wall. The air is earthy and fresh like your garden. Closing your eyes, you can almost imagine you’re at home. Except at home, the only heartbeat belongs to your uncle. Here, there’s hundreds of different heartbeats all in the same place. “Hi, ______, I’m Prefect Abbott. You can call me Gottfried.” A boy smiles at you warmly.
You’re a bit fed up of smiles at this point, but you nod to show you’re listening. “Here in Hufflepuff, we value hard work, so we all look after the plants ourselves without house elves. Not worth it if you sit and watch others doing all the work for you. Where would you be if you did that?” He chatters as he walks you over to a door that looks just as old as the entrance.
It opens into a warmly lit corridor with a low rounded ceiling. He motions for you to enter with him and he continues to wander along to the last door in the corridor and stops. “This is your room. You’ve got it all to yourself. No point lumping you in with the girls or boys, eh?”
The door squeaks open with a turn of the rounded rusty handle.  It’s dark inside; the only light comes from the dying fireplace embedded in the wall. “I do hope that you will be comfortable. Your friend will collect you in the morning to show you to your classes. Hope you sleep well!” He smiles at you again, then shuts the door behind him as he walks away, presumably to his dorm.
You flop onto the bed, enjoying the light springiness of the mattress, and sigh. There’s no way you’re going to be able to sleep. You’re nocturnal, after all.
 After a particularly frustrating night of restlessness, you rub your eyes and get up to pull back the singular patchwork curtain to reveal a small dusty rounded window. Your arm starts to itch as the sunshine makes contact. You pull back your hand and retreat to your bed. You may be a vampire, but you love to watch the sunlight spread like a bohemian rug across the old wooden floor. It’s calming in its own way, and you’re sure that you would be happy sitting here in your bed falling into a deeper sleep than ever possible at night. You need to get used to sleeping at night and being alive -awake - during the day. You have to blend in; it’s the only option. Your eyelids feel so heavy that you can’t help but close them. Just for a minute, you tell yourself. A sharp knock jerks you awake and as you whip your head round, you realise the sun has moved far too much for it to have been just a minute. “_____?” Remus’ voice calls, “It’s time to get up. We have classes.”
Sluggishly, you move to answer the door, but the sun’s bohemian rug has conquered almost all the floor and the end curtains of the bed are the only thing protecting you now. You take a deep breath and count to three. “I’m kind of stuck,” You mumble sheepishly.
“Stuck?” Remus sounds alarmed, “what do you mean?”
“I opened the curtains.” You grumble.
Gripping the duvet tightly, you pull it out of the bottom of the bed and wrap it around your shoulders. You quickly jump out of the bed and pull it tighter around you, shuffling to the door. Your hand itches as you reach out and begin to feel for the handle, unable to open your eyes in the harsh light. Finally, you catch it and let Remus in. You throw yourself onto the bed again, Remus rushes over, and closes the curtain, dulling the light. You thank him shamefacedly, and he smiles back as he comes to sit next to you on the bed. “Are you okay?” He asks.
Unintentionally, you glare. “Right, sorry. Of course, you aren’t okay.”
When you suddenly pull your shirt over your head, he gasps, falling off the bed. You drop the shirt that you were going to put on and vault over the bed to lift him off the ground. “What’s wrong?” You wonder.
“You took your shirt off!”
“Yes? That’s what people do when they get changed?”
He glues his eyes to yours and you can tell that he is trying his hardest not to look down. “In private.” He emphasises, like it’s a big deal.
Your uncle has very little concept of privacy and as a result, so do you. You just don’t get it. “You can look, you know. I’m sure you’ve seen someone get changed before.”
He looks down and back to your eyes as quickly as in-humanly possible. He smiles at you as you take his hand and hoist him to his feet. He looks down again, then turns away from you and raises his hand to scratch the back of his head. You pick up the soft cotton shirt, idly noting that it matches your skin tone almost perfectly. You slide the soft fabric over your head then pull the trousers on, tie your shoelaces and motion to Remus that you’re ready to go. “Shouldn’t you cover up a bit? Its sunny today.” He looks over his shoulder at you.
Shrugging, you grab the cardigan sitting on the end of your bed and some sunglasses, just in case. You join him and walk down the corridor together and out of the main door.
He turns to you as you walk beside him, and hands you a piece of paper. “Your timetable,” He explains, voice hushed and awkward.
Your eyebrows furrow as you read over it. Out of all the possible combinations, given how huge the year is, you seriously doubt it’s a coincidence that all your classes are shared with Gryffindor. The staff have probably pulled a few strings for you to be with Remus and his friends. You’re pleased that Dumbledore doesn’t hate you so much as you keep you apart. It doesn’t do much to warm your feelings towards him, but every little helps. You follow him into the great hall, elbows touching slightly, and end up sitting down between him and Peter. “Ugh, what’s that weirdo doing here? She’ll ruin our reputation!” James stage whispers to Sirius and smiles smugly when you frown.
Sirius lightly slaps his friend’s arm when he sees the frown on your face, probably because he feels bad for you. “I dunno, they’re cute.” He suggests, throwing his head back in laughter at James’ scandalised expression.
“She is cute, not they.” Insists James stubbornly.
“You’re actual frothing at the mouth obsessing over someone else’s bits, mate!” Sirius laughs.
Flushing in embarrassment, James drops the subject for now. Just sitting there doing nothing starts to get to you. Picking up a spoon, you help yourself to some porridge. It tastes like ash. Warm, gloopy ash. Halfway into your second spoonful, your stomach turns. You jump up from the table in a panic, hand over your mouth, and rush out of the great hall. You don’t know where you’re going though and in the middle of the hallway, you throw up. It feels horrible. You feel horrible. Disgusting and weird. Suddenly, you realise someone is petting your hair and murmuring reassurances. They don’t smell like Remus. “Who?” You gasp, body trembling.
“I’m Lily, a Gryffindor second year.” She explains, still rubbing your back. “Shoosh, you’re going to be okay.”
Remus bursts into the corridor. “Are you okay, ______?”
“Yes, Remus, I am absolutely fine.” You grind your teeth as you turn to look at him, voice made of pure venom.
Slowly, you open your eyes. Lily’s arm is still on the small of your back rubbing up and down in a rhythmic motion. You feel wrong. You feel starving. Remus looks from the floor to your eyes and watches in horror as they turn a deep, rich shade of red that mimics the blood you’re lusting for. “Lily, you need to leave.” He says, and seeing her open her mouth to protest, adds firmly, “Now.” She huffs and swishes her hair over her shoulder. As she walks past Remus, you can hear her heart beating. You scramble to your feet to take a step to follow her, but Remus quickly grabs your shoulder and spins you around. He keeps a firm hold on you, even as you thrash and try to chase after Lily.
Sucking on a bloodpop in Headmaster Dumbledore’s office, you decide you’re never sitting with the Gryffindors again.
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rogerdvies · 7 years
congrats!! your gift ideas are so sweet i love them alll :) my fav planet is saturn ☾ one of my best friends is coming back from camp tomorrow ♥ hard to pick a fav character but i really love sirius! ★ thank you soo much have a lovely day
@grahnger. ah thank you so much nala !! i tried to make things that people would like ?? because it is a celebration for followers. so i am glad people seem to be liking them.
☾ + your favorite planet for a url poem/quote
❝ there’s something about her wistful, dreaming, full of life, that the other girls don’t have creative, imaginative, believing, almost like a light inside of hersharp wit, brilliant mind, open heart,that makes me want to believe that (she is "magic) is real". ❞
♥ + something that makes you happy for a blog compliment
ayyye friend reunions are fantastic !! alright, so, i was reading through your bio partially because i’m a stalker like that and partially for the blog rate and it’s honestly the cutest thing ever ?? i love these little lists of things that you like that you have – and i totally share a lot of them. also, both your url for hermione and your icon of her (with that little smile omg my heart) are so precious. and your name reminds me of the lion kind and i love that so much.
★ + your favorite hp character for a hogwarts blog rate
house. gryffindor | slytherin | hufflepuff | ravenclaw
pet. none | owl (your owl can stay up with you and keep you company while you do your night owl stuff who needs sleep right?) | rat | cat | toad | something illegal that would be in newt’s briefcase
quidditch position. none | chaser | beater | keeper | seeker | +captain
class position. student | prefect | head boy/girl
best core class. astronomy | transfiguration | charms | potions | defense against the dark arts | history of magic (this is a class i imagine that can be studied for curled up in bed or a huge armchair in a sweater on rainy days with a cup of coffee yup thats my whole reasoning behind this choice) | herbology
worst core class. astronomy | transfiguration | charms | potions | defense against the dark arts | history of magic | herbology
elective(s). arithmancy (mATH) | muggle studies | divination | ancient runes (this must be the closest thing to computers) | care of magical creatures
reason for detention(s). on multiple occasions you turned in essays late and so the professor had no other choice but to give you a detention in hopes that you could work on your essays in detention. the reality of the situation? you’ve written the essays (took forever because you would stare at a sentence for ten minutes and decide you didn’t like how it was worded) but you always knew there was something more you could add to make it better so you ended up missing the hand-in date. all you wanted was to write something a) factually correct, b) interesting, and c) that you could be proud of. putting effort into your work. ofc the professor knows this.
friend squad. remus lupin, minerva mcgonagall, frank and alice longbottom, marlene mckinnon, neville longbottom, cho chang, roger davies
significant other. sirius black | hermione granger
career. auror | ministry position | minister | wand maker | professor | quidditch player | dragonologist | magizoologist | herbologist | potioneer | astronomer | curse breaker | healer | unspeakable
associated creature. unicorn | werewolf | hippogriff | centaur | dragon | basilisk | bowtruckle | niffler | merfolk
associated light spell. expecto patronum | protego | lumos | episkey | accio
associated dark curse. crucio | imperio | avada kedavra
join léo’s  +500 follower celebration. (blacklist #things for 500 friends if you don’t want to see posts)
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eclecticbutch · 7 years
Hogwarts Houses: An Analysis
Disclaimer: I haven't read the books in a while and my memory is shit but I had a good conversation today and wanna post my thoughts but I'm not gonna pull direct quotes or anything.  I’m also putting this under a cut because goddamn this is text heavy.
So. Hogwarts houses. A system so popular it's widely used as a way to describe people in our universe, and characters from other universes. It used similarly to a Dungeons and Dragons alignment chart, but focuses on character traits, not morals. However, the Houses have many flaws: 
Sorting system:
Firstly, summing people up to a core trait just isn't realistic. Humans are complicated beings. While Hatstalls (instances in which the hat takes a long time to choose a house for the wearer. Example: Minerva McGonagall) do exist, it still doesn't change the fact that people are more than a single core trait. Many headcanons have been made about hypothetical students who aren't the stereotypical example of a House's trait, and even then it still boils down to "smart, brave, loyal, or ambitious," just in unconventional ways.
 Also, summing up someone to a single core trait, when they're ELEVEN? While core traits are generally constant throughout someone's life this is still just... a bad idea. Plus surrounding a young impressionable child with similar people, it sort of molds them all in a similar way. While it is true that there a lot of diversity in the houses, as core traits don't define your entire personality and values, and many people between houses are friends, the houses are still pitted against each other in competition with a "House first" mentality. And the older student who grew up in the same environment have similar views that affects the younger students so it's a big batch of potential peer pressure and (hopefully) unintentional grooming. 
This is especially true with Gryffindor/Slytherin rivalry which leads me into:
Stereotypes: Because the Houses are designed after one core trait, stereotyping is practically inevitable. Gryffindors are reckless, Ravenclaws are smart know-it-alls, Hufflepuffs are just nice, Slytherins are evil and racist/pureblood supremacy (honestly why couldn't Rowling cut back on metaphors a little and just make it what it is?). These stereotypes, especially that of Slytherin, causes strain between houses, and families outside of Hogwarts. I'm mainly going to discuss the house stereotypes, and end each section stating what the true canon traits are, plus what I believe are the "secondary" core traits of each House. 
It is extremely apparent that as a whole, Hufflepuff is overlooked. LOYALTY is overlooked. Hufflepuffs are seen as nice because loyalty is often shown through kind gestures towards friends and family because no one is in a position for others to stand up for/with them 100% of the time. 
It's my personal opinion that if James, "would consider it the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends," Potter wasn't a Gryffindor, he would be a Hufflepuff. (quote may not be word for word but it's darn close) 
Besides, loyalty is expected in any relationship, which doesn't devalue it, but it's treated as a devalued core trait. 
Hufflepuff is often seen as the "extra" house. You're brave, smart, "evil," or you get put in Hufflepuff since 3 core traits don't describe a majority of people in the slightest, bringing back to the Sorting issues. But that is simply untrue.
Hufflepuff is about loyalty, and its secondary trait is generosity. Both of these can fall under kindness but that is not all they are.
Oh where to start with Slytherin. It deserves its own subgroups honestly, but I'll try not to ramble too long. 
Stereotype: Slytherin is evil. Wrong. Salazar Slytherin was not a good man. I disagree with all of what little we know he stood for. However, as a House, Slytherin is not evil. 
Society says they are, and therefore this pressure can groom those in the house, especially if their families do so as well. There is a correlation between why so many families aligned with the Dark Arts are from Slytherin, and that has to do with the founder's, and more importantly, Voldemort's values and actions. One or two bad things ruin the whole. In this case, reputation  and the families within the house.
Again, you will see posts about Slytherins who aren't "evil." Draco Malfoy himself, while he made many mistakes, and was in no way "good," he is somewhat redeemed as a manipulated youth rather than condemned as an unforgivable villain. He is redeemed somewhat further in the Cursed Child, which while it has it's own muddle of issues, is technically canon. He is redeemed in the eyes of many fans... even if some of that redemption is probably undeserved and rooted in the wide fascination with the “bad guy to boyfriend” trope. I would not say he was evil. His father, yes. Most of the Lestrange/Black/Malfoy family and any other connections I would call evil. But there are exceptions. 
A better example of someone who was Slytherin, but not evil is Slughorn. I don't like Slughorn as a person. But he's not a bad one. He fought against Voldemort in the battle of Hogwarts. He never supported Voldemort, except when he told Tom Riddle about horcruxes, something he could never have guessed the consequences of. 
Heck, even Snape was technically a good guy. I hate him, and don't think his love for Lily ever will redeem him, but he was technically aligned with the good.
Slytherin while it has an undeniable dark history and unsavory characters within it, it is not evil. It values ambition, and it's secondary value is pride. Many with these traits don't have a greater capacity for evil, however they may give in more easily. However, this is not always the case.
A good example of an ambitious, prideful, undeniable good guy, as good as anyone could be aligned, is Annabeth Chase of the Percy Jackson series. She is very ambitious, and says herself her "fatal flaw" is pride. While it is a fault for her, pride is still a value if managed correctly. 
Side Note: (Percy Jackson himself would give up the world for his friends. That's his fatal flaw, he would be a Hufflepuff. Not all main heroes are Gryffindors!) 
The most I have to say about Gryffindor and Ravenclaw is there are different kinds of bravery and smarts than just reckless rushing in and having straight As. Gryffindor is about courage and honor, chivalry. Ravenclaw is about knowledge, but also the wisdom of how to use it and the wit to use it creatively.
  The Houses were a system made in good faith, but it is most definitely a flawed system. These are just my thoughts, feel free to further discuss or correct me if I got some example wrong.
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obsidianarchives · 5 years
Have a Biscuit, Professor McGonagall
I am convinced that my second grade teacher, Mrs. Biles, hated me. I hadn’t discovered Hermione Granger yet, but I’m pretty sure that if Mrs. Biles ever read the Harry Potter series, she more than likely put the book down and said “There’s a fictional character just like Kai Mills. An absolute insufferable know-it-all, determined to take on the world.” To that Mrs. Biles, I apologize that you had me at such a time in my life where I hadn’t quite figured out how to use my powers for good. I was a bright young mind (definitely tooting my own horn a bit here) and yet my report cards were filled with things like, “Miss Mills is determined to outshine her classmates,” and “a bright girl, but just a bit reckless,” and “much too talkative for a girl her age.”
As the years went by, that reputation spread. While I had some good teachers (even my own aunt!), I still became known as “the bright yet troublesome child who can’t help herself.”
I still can’t help myself, which is why I became the one thing I never thought I’d become: a teacher.
I had a lot of great teachers, both real and fictional. My first grade teacher, Mrs. Merrit, was the first one to reward me for my academics, which taught me it was okay to be competitive. Meanwhile, Mrs. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus motivated me to not take myself so seriously, to actually enjoy the process of learning, and to make friends. I had the privilege of even having my own aunt teach me U.S. History. While she was Aunt Ann at family functions, she was Mrs. Gaines in the classroom, and she taught me to always have a fact up your sleeve, a quote to recite, or a question to ask. Simultaneously, Miss Grotke from Recess inspired me to advocate for myself and others, accept responsibility for my mistakes, and to understand that adults may have been the authority, but were definitely not always right. Still, none of my teachers held a candle to Professor Minerva McGonagall, the sharp-witted yet impeccably kind Head of Gryffindor.
That is, until I met Mrs. Sandra Gray, my high school English teacher. By this point, I had a lot in common with Hermione Granger; I had big bushy hair, I had been voted “Most Intelligent” twice, and I attended The Piney Woods Country Life School, a boarding school that my parents visited so rarely that I wondered at times if they remembered they had a daughter at all.
Mrs. Gray was an avid reader, a flawless grammarian, and a master of sass. To this day, I couldn’t tell you if she had a husband, children of her own, or even a cat. I can tell you, most emphatically, however, that she loved me. When I fell asleep in her class because I spent yet another night in the library, she let me. When I told her that I was writing my senior thesis on a book that she had not assigned, because all the books she did assign I had already read, she didn’t become offended or indignant. She looked over her glasses and replied, “Do what you will Ms. Mills, the report is still due a week from today, at noon.” When I scored a 33 out of 36 on the English section of the ACT, she bought me a box of pizza. When I graduated and finally told her what she meant to me, she answered, “I was just molding what was already there. You now have the power to do the same.”
Flash forward to quite a few years later: I am now a woman who doesn’t want children and yet I spend a lot of time with them. Talking with them, arguing with them, marking their mistakes, fussing at them, sighing as I’m wiping their tears, and pointing out their boogers (even 8th graders still get boogers). In true Ravenclaw fashion, I once spent a bit of class crunching the numbers for my students as an act of rebellious frustration, hoping to make them see just HOW MUCH TIME I spent working on children that did not come from my womb.
For those of you who are wondering, it’s about 2,430 hours a year, give or take. That’s about 240 hours a month, which breaks down to about 47 hours a week. That’s just a rough estimate; I majored in English, not Math.
In having this conversation, one of my students sagely remarked: “It’s almost as if you’re our other parent.”
This gave me pause, a strong pause. Despite all my beautiful baby cousins and my students and their precious antics, I have had no desire to become a parent. Changing diapers, fretting over vaccinations, picking out nurseries and preschools and day schools, trying to schedule playdates, the list of anxieties goes on and on. Not to mention when they get older — having talks about puberty, heartbreak, career moves, politics — it seems barely manageable when they’re in my sight for 8 hours, how could I possibly do it 24/7?
And yet one of my favorite teachers, Minerva McGonagall, did it all.
To save some time, not in any order of importance, Professor Minerva McGonagall did the following badass teacher things:
Wrote a welcome letter and supply list for every student
Physically visited Muggle-born families to quell their anxiety
Rewarded and disciplined with fairness and sass
Defended her students against an incompetent fellow staff member
Called out her boss on his bullshit, more than once
Helped students find their talents
Bought Harry a broomstick when he would have had NO CLUE what to buy
Enforced punctuality and owning responsibility (she definitely should’ve turned Ron into a pocket watch)
Taught her subject with passion and engagement
Comforted students when they were grieving
Defended her coworker against a tyrannical bully
Promoted academic and athletic competition
Handled being looked over for a promotion with grace and class
Gave sound and encouraging career advice
Taught students important life skills
Understood how politics and media impacted education — and warned her students to learn the same
Flawlessly mastered advanced magic
Inspired Hogwarts to defend itself
Battled cancer while making her mark on the muggle world (Dame Maggie Smith IS Minerva McGonagall, PERIODT)
Put her own personal life aside to be a myriad of things her children needed
Knew when to be serious and when to take a joke
People, fans and strangers alike, love to point out — sometimes with cheek and often with sadness — that Minerva McGonagall was never a mother. Well, I’m here to give those folks a well-guided course correction:
Her career choice wasn’t just the dramatic punchline to the sob story that comes from the loss of her husband and lack of biological children. It wasn’t just to add another sad spinster to create a diverse set of women (we’ll have a talk about Sybill Trelawney and Arabella Figg at another time).
It was to show the world that great teachers are more than just collectors of knowledge. We’re advocates. Counselors. Social workers. Taskmasters. Expectation setters. Historians. Advisors. Cheerleaders. Activists. Warriors.
As I enter year four of my teaching career, I see that in my students I have my own cast of characters. I have my Hermiones, my Harrys, my Rons, and even my Lunas. I also have a Seamus, a Dean, a Neville, and interestingly enough, a Blaise Zabini. I hope that they see how special they are to me, a childless woman without a husband, who comes to their school day in and day out, hoping to teach her children that they have all the magic they need inside of them. That they can see that in times of trouble, in times of heartache, in times of stupidity, in times of stubbornness, in times of confusion, grief, solitude, and more that they have someone. Even more so in times of triumph, joy, amazement, prosperity, and hope. Because when the battle is over, we all need a Minerva McGonagall to remind us that the walls are still standing, the classrooms are open, and it’s the children that make the school, not the other way around.
Have a biscuit, Professor McGonagall. From one teacher to another, you’ve earned it.
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