#could also be that they're biological cousins
abcwordsurge · 4 months
so I saw a post a bit ago about benny (the lego movie spaceman) and jay (lego ninjago) being cousins, and it has given me Thoughts. so here are some headcanons for that AU.
they're adoptive cousins, really- benny is ed and edna's niece's son (or something like that). so, they grew up fairly good friends
ninjago came out before the lego movie, so benny is younger than jay, by probably four or five years (I'm thinking he's about a year younger than lloyd?)
but benny is taller than jay. probably 5'10" to jay's 5'6" or 5'7"
when they were younger (maybe jay a teenager and benny middle school age), jay would always pick benny up and swing him around, and benny absolutely loved it. nowadays, since benny is taller, he'll pick jay up in greeting (this one in direct reference to the gorgeous fanart by @irodimww, link here)
benny discovered his love for building by hanging out at the junk yard and learning from jay (though, of course, benny ended up far more invested in tech than jay ever was- he became a master builder, after all)
benny always kept an eye on what the ninja were doing, especially when he was young, because he was so proud of knowing one of them (he had a habit of, while the ninja were saving the city, turning to anyone nearby and saying, "you know, jay's my cousin. and best friend. yeah he loves me")
in season one, when jay had that awesome ship, benny saw that and was like "yeah, that's the kind of thing I'm gonna build for the rest of my life"
they rile each other up a LOT. like, they're both energetic and talkative on their own, but if they're together, then, well, no one else is getting a word in except these two. they tend to talk over each other and go through the same mental leaps that almost seem like telepathy, so no one can really make sense of their conversations. they're just chaos together <3
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
i very much enjoy the extremely scientific analysis of the naruto verse in which there are three genders, aka naruto, sasuke, and Woman.
AM I WRONG? AM I WRONG? pulls down projection screen and plays powerpoint
Obviously let's give room for nuance. A ton of Naruto characters don't fall into these gender norms. This does predominantly apply to the rampant proliferation of the three-person dynamics that were assigned by the government and dictate your entire life. And, like, society. It does not end. Gender isn't a biological factor in Naruto, it's a social dynamic constructed entirely by your homoerotic tension with other men. And there are so many.
Madara (S), Hashirama (N), Mito (W). Izuna (N) and Tobirama (S) - tragically, Izuna died before women could be invented. Sarutobi (N), Danzo (S, horrifically) - see above about women not being invented yet. Jiraiya (N), Orochimaru (S), Tsunade (W). Yahiko (N), Nagato (S), Konan (W). Obito (N), Kakashi (S), Rin (W). Shisui (N), Itachi (S), that little deeply unimportant girlfriend (W). Um, fucking, Naruto (N), Sasuke (S), Sakura (W). Even - even, fuckin, Rock Lee (N), Neiji (S), Tenten (W).
And what do they all have in common????
(OT3. They're all OT3s. Is what I'm saying).
There is some room for alternative gender expressions here, like being butch or femme. Naruto gender expressions: teacher, otouto, woman who you can't even tell is woman gendered because she has no backstory but you just have to kinda assume that she has a polycule-based backstory where she was Woman Gender. I feel almost as if 2/3rds of the Rookie 9 are liberated from this. InoShikaCho just doesn't fit (their chaotic cousin energy is just too strong and Ino's too much of a lesbian). Hinata's too busy being defined entirely by a different throuple's N to have codependent dynamics with her own N and S (and I'm hesitant to even say that, since I actually don't know if Kiba and Shino have a codependent rivalry - do they?).
I get, like, the reason for all of this. Curse of Hatred. Cycles. N and S Genders being sourced from demigods or something. Narrative parallelism. Sympathy points. It's not the bad guy's fault he's evil, his N and W gendered counterparts died :(. But an extremely strange side-effect of this is that all of the male characters are, like, Just Naruto or Just Sasuke. But the vast majority of the female characters are - like, completely defined by the men in their lives - but also they are more likely to be a unique person. Mito, Sakura, and Rin have actually nothing in common. Writing so sexist it creates more interesting characters?!?!
Unironically, this is why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the ship of all time, nothing will ever top it, you will NEVER do it like Sasunaru, etc. Every important relationship in the series is meant to evoke Sasunaru. (Notably, none of the explicitly romantic ones. But we're beyond such paltry understandings of the most iconic pairing of all time as fundamentally based in romance. We're operating on a higher level than that). This unbroken chain of toxic yaoi has culminated at the end point of Sasunaru, and it exists to parallel Sasunaru and define their relationship by the dysfunction of generations of tragedy. That's why Naruto has to consciously break the cycle and free them from the generational hate - it was the only way to save Sasuke. This is also why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the point of Naruto, and that the entirety of Naruto is about Sasunaru. Come back to me when your work has invented new genders in the all-encompassing pursuit of toxic yaoi.
This also means that the only truly gender non-conforming individuals in Naruto are its mightiest heterosexuals: Minato (W) and Kushina (N). Truly insane. The N/S/W configuration is the societal norm, it's bonkers to make a major good-aligned male character a wifeguy. By Naruto standards Minato and Kushina are the only queer couple.
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regular-gnome · 7 months
So, about your archivists, do they have any growth spurts? Is there a point in time where they start to become much taller at a faster pace?
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Kind of? In this version, they're not exactly a normal species with typical biological function, but more personifications of magic soo their growth is bit different
I thought the magic exists in two "forms". In their basic "condensed" form, its not tangible, all the magic shifting in one space not exacly on the physical plane. Their physical form works an extension of that magic, acting as a vessel to interact with the physical world and keep the base magic shielded and together. To use it, they convert the condensed magic into "loose" released magic that can then be utilised so with time the level builds back up. You can think of it like DNA packed around histones, to be accessed it has to be unwrapped
As kids the release speed isnt really that fast, they have very strong magic but its not the same amount they have available as they age so the vessel is rather small. In their teens the release rate is fast enough to have a lot of it at all times allowing it to support a larger body (that could be seen as sort of growth spurt) aaand as side effect causing magic to seep through their form and manifest as a galaxy-like skin. By late teens/adulthood, their magical baseline stabilizes, vessel catches up and they stop growing. Could still shape shift in larger or smaller forms but at an energy cost
Also with converting from stable to loose magic there's a release of energy in the form of light, giving the appearance of stars on their skin. I like the idea of the release rate changing depending on emotional state like in designs by Matthieu Cousin, sort of heart pumping faster when someone is stressed or angry - more stars appearing or with younger ones getting the galaxy effect with more magic being converted
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Grandpa Janet's maiden name, father of David Cain, Mary Grayson, and Janet I honestly hc that Drake is actually her maiden name and Jack took her name instead of the other way around because Janet's family had more of a history and let Jack somewhat avoid the nouveau riche label, was indeed a supporter of trans rights and he got into many bar fights as a younger man when he stepped between a lady and a dude who wouldn't take no for an answer. Grandpa Drake was of the belief that "no" was a full and complete sentence and one of his pet peeves was people trying to badger others into changing the "no" to a "yes". Grandpa Drake studied pharmaceutical chemistry and took Drake Industries into the medical field.
He met the future Grandma Drake in one of the bar fights. She was a ballerina and had the skill and strength to break a man's neck with a kick if she wanted. Normally she just broke legs or noses instead. She was her ballet troupe's mom friend and designated driver. She was also the sort of person who learned things just for the sake of learning them and after marriage her occupation was essentially professional student.
Shortly after Janet and Jack married, Grandma and Grandpa were abducted by an alien, a past lover of Grandma who had also fallen for Grandpa and this was the alien's way of trying to rekindle their relationship with Grandma while also trying to start a relationship with Grandpa. Maybe they're still alive somewhere in space. Possibly Tim will run into them if he and YJ have more space shenanigans.
The Respectful Womanizer Grandpa Drake AU!
That post was a bit ago, so I don't feel like scowering my page to look for it.
I hc Jack took Janet's name as well, regardless if that's factually accurate.
What I remember for the AU and important parts:
Tim's grandfather, Janet's father, was a womanizer. He loved woman. He thus fathered David Cain and Mary Grayson (which makes Tim, Dick, and Cass biological cousins).
Despite loving women, he did not badger them. In fact, that's one of the easiest and instant ways to get on his shit list (trying to force, coerce, or wear someone down for sex). He also loves all women and has had many relations with any consenting individual who identified as such near his age range.
He did face some social backlash and shit cause of the time period, but he was a rich, white man. He also didn't give a fuck what the others said and loved getting into fights (he got smarter about how he picked fights and how he aired out his grievances [more manipulative and subtle if he could]).
Grandma Drake met Grandpa Drake during a bar fight. Obviously, gramps had to ask the gorgeous lady (who could beat the shit out of many grown men in a row) out to at least dinner. Grandma, who saw gramps beating the shit out of disgusting guys and calling out their behavior, agrees.
Grandma and Grandpa Drake have an open relationship, and they are happy with it. They discussed healthy boundaries and how it affected their marriage (which they both agreed to for the legal and social benefits. They loved each other, but they didn't need to get married for their own personal relationship). For plot's sake, let's say Mary and David were born before the grandparents got married. Grandma Drake knew of this and supported Gramps being whatever role of parent both bio parents agreed to.
Janet was born shortly after they got married and was raised on their cunning nature to fight for what they believe in. She saw her father use Drake Industries for good and wanted to discover more about the beauty of humans (including how different cultures treat social statuses/roles [like gender, romance, relationships, attraction, etc.] and how people are free to be themselves).
The part where the grandparents get kidnapped by an alien who's interested in both of them and thus they are alive when Tim runs into them in space? Pure crack and I love it
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Isn’t tsams Eclipse related to tsams Sun ?!?!
They're technically not related.
I kinda like to say that they're not for situations like this.
Eclipse is basically all of the Violent thoughts and Impulses of Moon, spawned from the Killcode housed inside them.
It's a little tricky and I'm not sure what you would call it.
Like would you call your "Bloodlust" or your "anger" or your "abandonment issues" given life Related to you????
Like??? It's a hard thing to think about. Cause you don't think of your Emotions as being things with sentience or are related to you.
What muddies the matter is that Sun and Moon are robots and it all comes down to code.
Technically, Eclipse is Sun and Moon's SON. Sun and Moon are his Mom/Dad if you want to get EXTREMELY technical about it. Which also is probably NOT the dynamic Eclipse would pick for himself, and Defiantly not the dynamic that Sun and Moon would want to think about, because Sun and Moon have admitted themselves to be brothers by their own definition of their relationship.
Even Lunar (when Eclipse and him got along) joked that Eclipse was technically his Mom, cause Eclipse Made him.
Bloodmoon Referred to Killcode, Eclipse, and Monty all as Father at one point or another. (if tsams says that Bloodmoon needs no one... that's a blatant lie and he inherited Eclipse's isolation. he only gets himself, so having the duality of their relationship helps)
Solar is a Nice Eclipse from a different dimension, who has no connections to Our TSAMS Sun and Moon at all. Yet, he told Earth that she can call him "her cousin" if she wishes.
At the end of the day, they're all robots, and I think that what relationships they want for themselves is 100% up to each individual.
Example: Lunar, in his own words, Had Eclipse as a "Mom." and His "brother" but he disowned that idea quick when Eclipse was mean to him, and he asked if Sun and Moon could be his brothers instead. You can actually see Lunar made a concious change to his relationship dynamics within the context of the show in real time.
Their relations are entirely what they want to be called to each other... Because they have no biological roots.
Earth calls Creator "Father" yet Sun and Moon call him "Creator" and only call him "Dad" , albeit uncomfortably around Earth.
Is Eclipse Related to Sun and Moon?
Yes and No.
Eclipse never really had a positive experience with Sun and Moon to consider what they were to each other other than "mortal Enemies"
So their relationship dynamic is very malleable.
Like if someone wants to write a TSAMS Eclipse redemption story where he becomes another sibling? Fine!
Does someone else want to write a TSAMS Eclipse Redemption story where he does the nasty with one of them and it's an enmeies to lovers thing?
That is actually also fine.
Because their relationship dynamic is entirely dependent on what Eclipse does next once he decides to change if you go that route.
How Eclipse FEELS about the Brothers.... What Eclipse feels his place is in their hiarchy and dynamic. Where he fits in, and where there's space for him.
I think that is very important.
Do I expect the TSAMS lore to clarify if they are or not related at some point?
But I'm fine with reading aus were he's not related at all. I actually think them being robots provides a level of flexibility and Eclipse is able to decide for himself what he wants his relationship to be for them, if he is to have any at all.
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aenor-llelo · 3 months
I've been reading your fox fall series and I've decided to pick your brain about the vessel-gendered and thunderus-tornadus things. But could you elaborate on those for me a little? I get the basic concept but I would like a more elaborate explanation please. Thank you in advance and I enjoy the series very much.
(second question first cus it's short) thundurus-tornadus is basically their word for a tsunami. a lot of weather events in this setting are basically considered acts of god.
(first question next because it's long) in foxfall, draconian gender operates on a trianary of which of the three tao dragons most represents their self-chosen role in life. things like trans/cisgender Do Not Exist in draconian culture because they do not factor for biological sex in how their society functions. that kind of information is considered taboo outside of lovers, doctors, or most immediate family. (hormone therapy and what we'd consider gender reassignment surgery exists, but they see it as matter of dysphoria intervention rather than a gender thing.)
sexuality also isn't something they define either. people marry or cohabitate with whoever, and it doesn't matter if that union produces children. draconians don't really care about the integrity of the bloodline, only if someone has been raised/taught in the draconian way.
(something like ingo and emmet, where they live together as a platonic civil partnership in all but name, is considered completely normal by draconian standards. it's much weirder that they're 30 years old and don't have any kids or apprentices.)
draconians as a whole will accept whatever pronouns they're assigned unless the individual finds it convenient, or even advantageous, to insist on a certain binary pronoun set when it exists in the area's language, but some dragonless choose to default to they/them for draconians out of respect to their gender privacy. precisely because they consider it private information, draconians take the genders/chosen presentation of the dragonless very seriously, since in their eyes knowing that kind of thing is an act of trust.
the setting as a whole thinks draconians are kind of mysterious. "there's this spiritual nomad culture that tames dragons, has genders we don't know about, and keeps huge parts of identities to their graves!" queer culture doesn't insist draconians are themselves a nonbinary/trans society because of the different circumstances, but draconians are considered cousins/friends of the queer community. in places where draconians are common, they're often a baby queer's first exposure to the concept of xenogenders and genderqueer individuals.
trianary semantics under the cut:
the first set of honorifics is fire/winter/storm, which is basically just an elemental vibecheck. which dragon to you kin? this sort of thing is figured out relatively early in childhood, but all of these aspects can be changed at any time if someone feels like they've fundamentally changed as a person.
the second is song/silence/roar. which do you choose to strive for- skill, patience/simplicity, or vigor?
then there's the base gender, hoard/vessel/stone.
hoard, the reshiramgender. Defined by power, knowledge, philosophy, art, parenthood (draconians consider the act of teaching to be the same as parenthood)
vessel, the kyuremgender. Defined by service, cold/ice/lack, taking aspects from everything, jack of all trades, becoming what is needed.
stone, the zekromgender. Defined by craft, skill, tradesmen, labor, hard work.
by pure semantics, draconian culture basically has nine possible self-determined genders meant to communicate the following in ascending order- what do you do in life, how do you do it, and why?
Ingo, fire-roar vessel. "for the sake of an honest world, i put my passion to realizing the ambition of others. show me your true form!"
emmet, storm-song vessel. "for the sake of an ideal world, i hone my skill to reveal the talent of others. let this be the perfect battle!"
drayden was once a winter-roar hoard, but nowadays is winter-silence hoard. "for the sake of inner peace, my wisdom is the strength i wield to teach and protect others." (the transition from roar to silence happened after his sister died.)
iris is winter-song hoard! "for the sake of harmony, my skills will hone and defend the world."
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flameohotwife · 1 year
We've talked so much about kataang parenthood and the cloud babies, but I'm always up for hearing more of your thoughts on them. Really, I'd just give you that and let you talk away wherever it takes you, but how about this for more of a prompt.
Here's one that's been percolating for me lately. The cloudbabies grow up in a family that's not just their parents, but their entire community. Both Aang and Katara grew up in communities full of extended aunts/uncles/cousins (whether biological or not) surrounding them, and likewise their kids grow up on an island full of Air Acolytes that act as extended family for them. They're emersed in Air Nomad culture as a daily part of their lives. Both Aang and Katara would work to make sure they have traditional Water Tribe culture as part of their upbringing too, of course. (As you know I HC that Uncle Sokka is heavily involved in all their upbingings.)
I'd just love to hear your thoughts on anything extending form that or related.
Oh, absolutely. You knew what to send to make me go off, hahaha. Kataang as parents gets, I think, wholly misrepresented based on a couple one-off lines in LoK that were meant to show that even our favorites weren't perfect in parenthood (really, who is? I try my best but I know I fail my kids in different ways all the time), the same way the writers were able to show that each character had flaws in the original series. Aang has so much on his shoulders that OF COURSE he's not going to be able to balance that perfectly. And sometimes he (AND KATARA) will be too tired at the end of the day to think straight and might not be as attentive as they could/should be. I don't know how much of the criticisms are coming from people who are actually parents, though; who know intimately the constant daily (hourly?) pressures parents of multiple kids with widely varying personalities and needs are under. None of the parents I've talked to have felt this way.
I also love this idea of the cloudbabies being raised in a communal lifestyle, because you're right that both Aang and Katara grew up that way. Everyone always paints that as a point of conflict for Aang and Katara--that Aang wouldn't know anything of a nuclear family structure but really, as much as Katara did know that, her tribe was so close-knit that they were all like family as well. This was only amplified after the men went off to war and only the women and children were left behind. The cloudbabies probably have favorite acolytes that they run to when their parents are busy, and of course Sokka and Suki and Toph and Lin and Su are always around, too, or they're in the city visiting them.
And Aang and Katara take care of Toph's and Zuko's (and potentially Sokka's if he had any) kids like their own, too, whenever they're at their house. Once they're teens/preteens, the kids all cross the bay on the ferry themselves and hang out together when they can, and all the adults just know to feed whoever is there and have extra just in case their parents come looking. I'm reaching this stage with my oldest and I can really see Aang leaning hard into this, giving Bumi's friends a ride over on Appa when he sees them in town, telling stories from the war (maybe embellishing a bit) to Bumi's intense embarrassment but his friends' joy, making sure they have an extra fruit pie to take home to their parents after... Aang might not be anybody's pro-bending coach but you can bet he finds other ways to be involved in his kids' lives and is always so, so proud of the little humans he and Katara created, regardless of bending ability, grades, or anything else (though I hc that all the cloudbabies are pretty brilliant in school). They're going to have insecurities and complaints because they're all HUMAN, but they won't doubt for a second that they are loved ("That's one happy family")
Well that became a novel, haha. Thanks for sending me your kataang thoughts(/thots) and for asking for mine, too!
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missglaskin · 2 years
What would happen if y/n would start making demands in the yandere hotd family story? Like what do you think would happen if after she sees ser crispy coleslaw murder someone that her cousin cares for deeply she goes against Alicent and demands he be punished or executed? Would he still be pardoned or would he become dragon food?
If I was in that situation I would take full advantage of the power y/n holds over all these important political figures
This is for the part 2
There are many explanations for why Criston was spared from the prosecution. One could argue that Joffrey provoked Criston, and in the ASOIAF universe, a king's guard is allowed to use force to defend their honor. Additionally, it's possible that Corlys and Rhaenys didn't want people to dig too deeply into the situation. And as the queen, Alicent has the most authority of the court members; therefore, if she were to pardon Criston, what could one do? 
Now, in terms of the circumstance where the reader begins to make demands, it's not an easy situation to fully exploit. There is a strong implication from the beginning that the reader has been separated from their biological family and that they really don't have a choice whether they want to be in their current circumstances. 
While there are certain advantages for the reader, such as not having to worry about their safety, being able to receive all the lavish things on earth, and being showered with love and praise. At the same time, it's clear the reader isn’t allowed to be independent. The Targaryens, Hightowers, and Velaryons are all merely tugging them in various directions. They will expect the reader to take a side, especially when the dance of the dragons occurs. 
There are some characters who think what they're doing is best for the reader. For instance, Alicent tries to make decisions for the reader because she believes they need her guidance. Also, we've seen how, if given the chance, Daemon is prepared to take the reader away by force. Even the more laid-back yanderes, like Rhaenys and Viserys, believe they are treating the reader right by making decisions for them.  
There are certain characters, though, who will comply with the reader's requests. It also depends on the demands, such as whether they are political, motivated by the desire to get rid of someone, or merely material in nature. But given how eager they are to please the reader, I can see Laenor, as well as Rhaenyra and Alicent's kids, doing whatever she asks.
I can also definitely see Criston receiving punishment or even being put to death in the circumstances where the reader is demanding justice for what he did. While Corlys doesn't want people to have any suspicions or dig too deeply, he is still prepared to accede to the reader's request. If Daemon is present, he’ll back her up, and so will Rhaenyra. But Viserys has the final say, which he allows because he wants to please the reader. 
Alicent is upset and pleads for you to reconsider. Alicent might even be honest with you about what really transpired between Criston and Rhaenyra. As it’ll not only spare Criston, but perhaps sever your relationship with Rhaenyra. If you persisted, she would be powerless in preventing Criston from being executed or punished. In spite of that, Alicent can never stay mad at you, and she rather blames the Velayrons and Rhaenyra for what occurred. 
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catcas22 · 1 year
Millicent's Sisters Theory(?)
Obligatory "this is 10% theory and 90% headcanon."
This started as a discussion with @thatboreddrake about the Egyptian concept of the soul. By my surface-level understanding, there are five parts: Ren is your name, your true name which encapsulates your identity, Ka is your living essence, your life force, Ib is the heart or the seat of the soul, the part of you that is judged upon death, Ba is the thing that makes you "you," your personality and reputation, and Sheut is your shadow, or the mark that you leave on the world.
Drake suggested that Millicent carries Malenia's Ba, her pride, her sense of self, the thing that made her herself. Meanwhile Malenia has been left with only her Ren, her name. Hence why she repeats her "I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella" mantra with every battle. It's the last part of herself she has left.
However, that presents a problem -- only the Ka, the Ib, and the Sheut remain, but there are four sisters to account for.
Although we don't know much about the sisters, I'm going to take my best guess based on their only real differentiating characteristics -- their weapons.
Amy bears the same blade as Malenia's teacher, the blind swordsman. I think the Sheut would fit her best. Just as the shadow the swordsman cast upon the world lives on in Malenia, Malenia's shadow lives on in Amy. I was also thinking about their names. While three out of five have "M" names like Malenia, Amy and Polyanna stick out. Then I realized that "Amy" might be a reference to "Aeonia," as in the Aeonian Bloom, the most obvious and ever-present shadow that Malenia cast upon the world.
Although there's less of a solid connection here, I'd link Mary (wields a Cleanrot Commander's Halo Scythe) with the Ka (living essence), as her weapon represents Malenia's life's work as the defender of the Haligtree. And I'd associate Maureen (wields a Golden Order Treespear) with the Ib (the heart which carries the weight of one's sins and is judged upon death).
By just about every metric, Polyanna is the odd man out. Her name doesn't fit with the others at all. She is the only one we can interact with as an ally. And she's specifically referred to as an "adopted daughter."
At first I just assumed this to mean that she's Gowry's adopted daughter, drawn from the swamp and raised like the rest. But when the sisters all show up together, they're labeled by birth order. And given that Gowry is a representative of the pest hivemind, a race born entirely from the Scarlet Rot, it could be argued that he's the closest thing the sisters will ever have to a biological father.
So here's where I abandon all pretense of evidence and dip into pure headcanon.
What if Polyanna is not Millicent's (or the others') biological sister? Sure, they all look similar, but could she be a different relation?
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Is it just me, or does Malenia look a lot like her dad? Not just the hair, but her lips, her cheekbones, and her nose.
So the sisters (including Polyanna) take after Malenia. But it's fair to say they also take after Radagon a bit. Maybe Polyanna isn't their biological sister. Maybe she's their cousin, via another of Radagon's children.
Put yourself in Radahn's shoes for a moment. You go soft no-contact with your toxic family. You move to the furthest reaches of the Caelid Wilds to start your own fiefdom. As the family feud seems to be getting ready for another round, you meet someone and get married. Would you maybe be reluctant to tell your scheming siblings, your genocidal stepmother, your backstabbing father, and your dubiously trustworthy half-siblings that you now have a wife and a baby on the way?
It would add so much context to Radahn's impossible defense of Sellia and his oath of honorable death with Jerran if the big guy had a family of his own in Caelid. It would explain his half of the Aeonia clusterfrick -- Malenia refused to hold back because her twin senses told her Miquella was imprisoned in Caelid. Radahn refused to hold back because he was protecting his new family. As much as both may have hated to assume the worst of the other, neither felt that they could afford to take chances.
When the population of Caelid becomes afflicted with Scarlet Rot, Sellia becomes a ghost town, and Polyanna becomes one of many orphans left behind, Gowry takes her in because hey, you never know when a half-demigod might be useful.
It would explain why he sends her to help the Tarnished against O'Neill. While the other three sisters are potential vectors for a Bloom if Millicent fails, Polyanna would be essentially expendable to him.
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offorestsongs · 20 days
Swallow ― fun facts
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so i made a post like this for Lysander/my Yuu and i since i had a lot of fun writing it, i thought i'll make them for my other OCs as well since it's a nice and low effort way to let you guys learn more about the OCs i don't talk about as much (even tho i really should). so this time: Swallow Reynard aka my Robin Hood OC aka my beloved fox boy who i think about so much yet never post about </3. enjoy!
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he's actually an orphan; when his father was coming back from night shift at work, he had found tiny baby Swallow in a bag at a train station and took him home. Swallow treats his adoptive parents as his real family in every sense of the word and has no interest in trying to find his biological parents
his parents are working class people, not especially wealthy, and they live in a more rural area. he had grew up in a house full of people since beside him and his parents, a few other relatives of them live there as well (one of his grandmas, a few of his aunts/uncles, his cousins). his family is also very close with their neighbours; the place they live in is one where everyone knows eachother. it's mostly why Swallow is so community oriented
he doesn't have actual siblings but he basically treats all of his cousins as his siblings. he's the oldest kid at their house and so naturally he was always the "leader" of their little group and would always come up with what games they would play. he's also very protective over them and did get into fights with any kids who would make fun of them
despite coming from the Queendom of Roses, culturally Swallow is the fantasy equivalent of Polish — his parents are immigrants (i mean, what's a fantasy version of the UK without Polish immigrants?). they taught him a lot about the culture and they would usually speak Polish while at home, so Swallow knows the language as well (you can imagine that he says everything with rolled r <3)
also Riddle collared him once for trying to teach the first years Polish swear words LMAO
fox beastmen tend to be on the smaller side (since, you know, foxes generally aren't know for being super big animals) so he's actually the shortest person in his family
has a lot of scars all over his body — when asked about it, he will tell you many fantastic tales about how he got them while doing something cool and heroic but the truth is that they're either a result of extremely stupid accidents that happened while he was playing outside or getting into fights with other kids
he has a septum piercing and a nose percing — both were done at home with the help of his cousins (the fact that he didn't get any infection and they generally healed pretty okay is a miracle)
like Ruggie, he had worked A LOT of odd jobs around the neighbourhood to help out his family
he's actually the only person in his immediate family that has magic — his parents boast to EVERYONE about their mage son who got into a prestigious magic school <3
his signature spell, Merry Thief, allows him to walk without making a sound or casting a shadow and appropriately to the name it had manifested when he was on the run from authorities
story-wise, the Heartshackle gang would first meet him after they got kicked out of the first Unbirthday party; he was sitting outside of the dorm, because he "refused to take part in Riddle’s tyrannical ways" as he'd say it. he doesn't really do much as far as the plot goes but he does provide some exposition on Riddle’s magic and why nobody was able to stop him before (also depending on the Yuu you put in the situation, he may shamelessly flirt with them LMAO)
to the surprise of everyone, he remembers most of the Queen's rules; back in their freshman year he would learn them so he could purposefully break them to prove a point to Riddle (not that it worked in any way but it didn't stop him from trying)
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Sorta related to the RB I added, derailing your post a bit. But like, Oraclefam is where I'm at. Babs, her daughter Cass, her whatever Steph is, her brother/cousin figure Bruce, and her little brother Jason (imo his best interpretations always also make him EXCLUSIVELY listen to Babs which... Yeah ofc he'd listen to her its Babs)
Babs would be a way better head of the family than Bruce. Not that the "family" would be any more nuclear or tradition.
Cass and Steph are somewhat like her sisters. She was Cass's primary source of support and love when she came to Gotham. She's became a sort of mother figure, despite her being only 7 years older. And she mentored Steph in a much looser and more personal way to how Bruce mentored Dick. She's not Steph's boss, they're friends and vigilante partners who pledged to always have each other's back. Also Steph's the only person in the world that can out-snark her.
Dinah and Helena are always around as friends and colleagues. Dinah's her bestie for real and they definitely fucked but it didn't ruin anything thank god. Helena and her clash and have this homoerotic thing going but still grew close. Helena even cried when Babs reformed the Birds, less than a year after the breakup.
Dick floats in and out; they've always been more than friends but they're more than love interests too. No one gets Babs like Dick does and vice-versa; they've seen each other at their best and worst. Credit to them for remaining this close even throughout their "we have history" era. Also they finally married in Nightwing/Oracle.
Tim's like Dick's goofy, spoiled kid brother Babs used to babysit and Damian this traumatised, stabby brat that her lil sis Steph has taken under her wing.
Bab's dad was Renee's old boss and Renee is now Helena's roomie for even more homoerotic fun times. And there's Wendy; another one of Babs's mentees who she plays basketball with.
Bruce could never.
There's also Jim, her adoptive cop dad who's also her biological uncle and her adoptive brother James Jr. who is a serial killer. 😀
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corneliathekate · 1 year
Why does every Evil Shanks Theory sound like a bad callout post? Spoilers under the cut so idk, if this happens to spread, you're protected.
"Why would he meet with the Gorosei??? Sus???"
Bro, maybe the one Yonko that isn't a Capital Letter War Criminal has some interest in maintaining balance? And as far as diplomacy with the enemy, this man straight up BDE'd his way onto Whitebeard's ship to tell him to mind his own business. They're not friends. Same with Marineford. He's got a habit of trying to stop fights.
"Well, his brother/father/uncle/moon man cousin, that guy's a Celestial Dragon, and he might be one! He's gotta be evil!"
You right, dude, in fact, I'm gonna let you continue and tell me how many people in this bitch are defined by their shitass biological family and not the people that love them. Go ahead. I'll wait.
"Why did he give up his arm for Luffy? If he says he bet it on a new generation, doesn't that mean he chose to do it? Pretty manipulative???"
Narrative. Eat my ass. Also I'll explain this in-world in a bit, give me a second.
"Why'd he have the Nika-Nika Fruit??? Why didn't he tell Luffy all about it???"
Would you tell the kid that stabbed himself in the face that he just got an all-powerful fruit that makes him God if he dies? 5 year old Luffy was already gonna cowabunga into the nearest bottomless pit to see how high he can bounce, let's not make it worse. The most you'll get is him deciding it's a mystery fruit. And as for why he had it, if he has it, that means the Government doesn't have it. If he was working for them, wouldn't he have it under lock and key and not stop to bone ram Makino and stay for a vacation?
"Well he can't be all that good, he abandoned the One Piece! He betrayed what Roger and Buggy believed in him!"
Bro, sue me for this, but if everybody's gonna suck Buggy's detachable dick for deciding to try to be the King, that means he didn't want to be for a longass time. Despite the power scaling, Shanks is still human. Just as human as his clown ex-boyfriend. You lose your dad in a public execution and see what the world will say about him for the next 20 years and tell me you feel like slapping Kaido or Whitebeard when you're (at the time) half the Him that Roger was. And this ties back to losing his arm. He's a fucking human being. Haki takes concentration and control. And Shanks, emotional wreck he was, wasn't exactly in his top game when Luffy got thrown into the sea. By that point, he was ready to risk everything for Luffy. Whether you believe he's been looking for the real Joyboy or not, he obviously loved that kid. He had his own kid by then, no wonder he dropped everything for this child that reminded him so much of the greatest man he ever knew.
Anyways. I like to think Shanks is who we want him to be, but I could be wrong by the end of the story. Shanks may end up being the disappointment Buggy decided he was. I just think it's funny that we're trying to define the morality of a pirate emperor in the first place like there's an easy answer here. Shit's complicated. He's doubly divorced, never married, and is likely racking up biological/adoptive kids like pool balls. I don't think there's a clear way to define him or his relationships with anybody.
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fugos-lil-fork · 2 years
Some Random Mista Headcanons! (Some r kinda NOT SFW)
Has definitely thought about getting a navel piercing
I wouldn't say he's really clingy?( At least not in the level i hc Nara to be where he'd definitely want/need to know where his s/o is at, at all times in fear of them suddenly abandoning him-) But like, Mista does like it/feels relieved when his s/o updates him on where they're at/what they're doing just bc of y'know, mafia- And he's been left a bit traumatize by witnessing what had happened to the woman he saved, that he's afraid anyone he loves could suddenly have that happened to them and he, or someone like him, wont be there to save/help them.
Bc of that, I also think he absolutely hates ppl that get too handsy immediately. It's not jealousy, he's just genuinely afraid of his loved one being taken advantage of/being forced into do something they don't want to do.
Mf turns every game between him and s/o into a stripping game 💀
Absolutely adores PDA- (obviously I mean, I hc that mans has a thing for fucking in public so why wouldn't he love PDA?-)
I hc that this boi grew up with multiple siblings- Which is a reason why he's so over his stand. They just remind him of his siblings and bc he has younger siblings, he knows how to take care of them.
He loves the beach... Just that-
Mista keeps condoms in his boots. He sometimes accidentally pulls them out instead of his bullets 💀
The pistols always snitch on him, how he's feeling, and embarrassing shit he's done/said.
Definitely owns thongs-
He definitely has a playlist for when he wants to get down and dirty either with himself or someone else-
Ik this man's gropes his s/o on a regular basis 💀 Just a quick grab, squeeze, or smack of certain areas 😭
I ACTUALLY GIVE CREDIT TO MY FRIEND FOR THIS ONE- He hc that when Mista's desperately lonely and depressed about his s/o being away for so long, he goes as far as fucking his own pillow 💀 (that poor innocent pillow, #JusticeForMista'sPillow)
Kinda rare for him to call his s/o by their name. He absolutely prefers to use pet names/endearing names.
Man's jerks off twice a day, maybe three if wakes up to morning wood-
Definitely owns porn magazines (mf stole them tho-)
He owns two tube tops-
He has a BIG family. Aside from having a couple siblings, his older siblings have children. Has quite a bit of aunts and uncles as well as cousins. Yet, no one knows about his "profession". He simply tells them he works for a company that requires his to travel quite a bit. And whatever scars they're able to point out on him he shrugs them off as scars from guys trying to mug him.
He has a genuinely wholesome relationship with his family. The only reason they hadn't been able to bail him out of jail when he was thrown in it was because they didn't have the money to do so. However, they're all extremely proud of him for saving the woman.
He "worked" at a small family business growing up. (Worked, in quotes, bc he mostly goofed around or just lounged around in the back lmao-)
Has a family tradition where his entire family meets up at one of their homes just so they can all see and bond with each other. Obviously, he always goes, and has dragged the Bucci gang to it before. (Fugo and Abbacchio agreed that never again- Narancia loved how sweet and fun everyone was- And everyone demanded for Bruno return next time-)
He isn't sure if he wants children or not (biologically or otherwise) because he, obviously, loves the energy his big ass family brings. But, he also understands the reality of his line of work. Though, his family constantly pressure him to have kids one day.
✨Bi King✨
He's never out right said he's fruity to his family- He's heavily implied it to them. Some of them understand and actually accept him (bc they been knew ever since he started dressing himself up-) but others still don't get it and think he only gets pussy- (those who don't understand r actually the ones that pressure him the most to have kids 💀)
His mom and dad have known since day one that he also liked dick-
His siblings bet on whether he's gonna end up marrying a guy or a girl (some bet he's gonna stay a hoe and never get married-)
Spoils his family thanks to Mafia money
Sweats SUPER easily, that's the real reason he gets rlly stinky
Despite being naturally really warm, he loves warm clothing even during the summer (another reason as to why he gets stinky so quickly/easily)
Has absolutely no clue how to match outfits- He just throws on the first items he sees and since he considers his clothing nice/attractive clothing, he figures it all matches/goes together (it doesn't.)
Man's sleeps ONLY with boxers (or butt-naked-) and no blankets. Only uses the thinnest blanket known to man in the winter-
Absolute sucker for men in fancy ass suits. He somehow finds them as sexy as lingerie
Y'know how u fall asleep one place then wake up in your room? It's him. He's the one carrying you to bed whenever you fall asleep somewhere else-
He gossips a shit ton. But he's slightly better at keeping secrets than Narancia- The only reason he'd tell is if he's bored and wants to start up ✨drama✨ or the person who the secret came from pissed him off and he decides to expose them
Pretends to be in serious pain when he's not just so he could hog his s/o's undivided attention and they can shower him with physical affection-
He owns a motorcycle but only uses it on his days off when he goes out and to show it off
He's a soar loser- If he loses at a game he'd definitely start being like "Yeah... This game isn't really fun. Let's do something else"
Loves to leave bite marks on his s/o's thighs, neck, and shoulders
Needs to take at least one nap a day with his s/o, doesn't matter how long it is. He n e e d s it-
Can and does stick other stuff into his pants when he gets tired of holding them instead of using his pockets like a normal person
One of his favorite animated movies is definitely Sausage Party 😭
Every time he has sex in a multiple of four, he gets an STI 💀
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psychofreakforc · 1 year
Is there anything you wanna talk about regarding Sam and Tara? I'm just in a mood for the sisters and need more headcanons or ideas
Oh, let's talk about the carpenter's family. No,no. Not just their parents, we've talked about them enough (not really).
But where is the other part of the family?Grandparents? On Christina's side? On Mr. Carpenter's side? Or i don't know, a cousin, uncles, aunts? They're never mentioned. And considering their situation, i suppose that they should've gotten involved somehow. So, from the lack of information we have on them, i take it as they're not in the picture.
Maybe christina's parents knew about her secret, maybe they've never been okay with her "seeing" Billy, they always saw something wrong with him and then it happens: She's pregnant. She confess to them only that it's Billy's daughter, and that's when they cut off any sort of contact with her. It could be that christina has also never had a good childhood or two loving parents.
That's why she's that way with sam and tara. She's selfish. If she's never had a good life, why should they? And especially sam, who is the reason her family got ruined (even more).
On Mr. Carpenter's side, maybe his parents just hated the idea of him marrying that woman. Christina didn't have a good reputation, even when they were young. They tried so hard to keep him away from her. They didn't stop having contact with him, but they had no intention to meet his daughters. So when the truth came out, Mr. Carpenter went back to his parents, and they supported him in his decision to just leave. Even his biological daughter.
So sam and tara have never met their grandparents or anybody else in the family beside their mom and dad. Actually, for a long time, they didn't even think about it because family was just the four of them. Growing up. at school, the other kids often talked about going to their grandparents' house or about all of the gifts they were giving them, and that's when it clicked to them. They were supposed to have these people in their lives, too, right? Just like the others.
Lots of questions were made, but no answers were given. It was a topic, christina and Mr. Carpenter avoided in their household.
So sam and tara have never really experienced what being a family means. Family for sam and tara is just them. No christina, no Mr. Carpenter, no grandparents. Just them.
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quiet-in-the-wild · 6 months
some thoughts on adoption & gender There is something called biological mirroring & it is very important for child development. & something that adoptees are denied when they're taken from their biological family. Even if you're adopted into a family of the same race there is something missing from your development that is crucial. & as you grow older you don't have examples of what you'll look like, how you fit in to you genetic family. & it causes feelings of exclusion/abandonment.
& I just realized something pretty major. Watching my neigbor take his dog out.
My wife is latina - my two current neighbors are latino men. I've always felt something particular around Latino men. It's not quite gender euphoria - but it is adjacent. but at the same time it also feels very safe to me.
My adoptive family - on both sides are very tall. My dad is idk 6'4 I probably come to his armpit. all my cousins are over 6 feet tall my male cousin is taller than my dad. on my mom's side the men are just as tall. Just towering, and slim.
And I realized one of the reasons I feel so safe around my wife's family in this undefined & particular way is because of biological mirroring. Yes I'm not lantina/latino - I'm like irish, scottish & british But all the of the men in her family are around 5'6-5'8 they are all stocky like me. I don't feel like I stand out -I feel like I fit in a way that feels safe. I remember the first time I met everyone from her family & I just felt like i could exhale for the first time.
I met my bio dad once. I met my whole family except my bio mom. & everyone was under or about 5'7 - everyone. My bio dad was my exact height, with my exact wavy long hair. (but a severely receding hairline that I'm worried about for myself) my aunt & my bio mom have my same face shape & cheekbones. I have photos of my dad as a kid - we have the same eyes when we're smiling. He even had the same bowl cut hair that I had in elementary school.
I know biological mirroring is important to me- it's actually a pretty major reason I got into art history as a career/field of study because I was obsessed with starting at people's portraits trying to find someone who looked like me.
Just an interesting realization to something that I didn't have the words to describe before.
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rain-world-headcanons · 7 months
slugcat relationships are so fun to hc..
spearmaster and hunter would be super close friends, they'd probably bond over being biologically screwed up by their robot parents.
artihunter is cute... cherrypie is cute.... barbecue is sooo cute..... polyamory.... :)
speaking of that. artificer and gourmand being survivor and monks grandparents.. artificer would also be super close with monk
monk and rivulet are definitely besties. riv probably sees them as a little sibling or smth, i personally dont see it as a ship but lemonade is such a cute duo / ship name
saint and arti? they both hate each other. artificer thinks saint is a loser and saint is terrified of artificer
inv and saint enemies to lovers fr.
platonic bathbomb btw. they're like cousins to me
fishstick... i love fishstick.. it makes almost no sense canonically but i like to think they might've met at some point because riv is a wanderer and spears is a messenger ... so it could work you never know. i like their dynamic. energetic weird ass fish thing and chill freak of nature. who knows what kind of shenanigans they would get up to (nblnb btw. they/them spears and they/them riv).. ... it could work. in some way. i love fishstick :)
i'm sorry but i need to tell you tagging every slugcat is genuinely a hassle because the post keeps giving me error after error when i try to tag more than like 5. lovely headcanons i am simply a little frustrated tagging everything
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