#could that be their ship name? idk
fistfuloflightning · 1 month
Lan Sizhui’s words are terrifying. Don’t move, don’t make a sound, I’ll be back when it’s over. And they’ve always been black for as long as he can remember. The other disciples his age have their soulmate’s last words in shades of skintone not their own, like delicately crafted scars that are easy to overlook. Warm and alive and welcoming. But his are black.
He’s eighteen when they change. He’s never heard of soulmate marks changing—fading to grey if the dead was brought back as a fierce corpse, but never changed. Like he was given a second chance—or the other was. But the black thaws to a shade paler than his own skin, the characters red and raw looking. Like they’d been cut into his arm. Like they were never meant to be there. I’ll be here when you wake, A’Yuan.
And those words terrify him even more.
Because apparently he’s fated to keep losing them, over and over again. He has no memory of the first, and his father cannot or will not answer when he asks.
And so Lan Sizhui waits for the day he loses everything all over again.
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perennimal · 1 year
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gascansposts · 3 months
Even more legends of Avantris bullshiticus!
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The pile is like… Gideon on the floor, while Frost Kremy and Torbek all lay as close as they can to tThe Heat Source (TM) and Hootsie and Gricko sleep a lil off to the side because they’re a feed back loop of warmth I guess?
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literally in another universe snowbairdplinth could've been THE revolution. they wouldn't even really need any allies, lbr.
like, between coryo's cunning, sej's conscience, and lucy gray's charisma? the snow name, the plinth fortune, the baird d12 but neither district nor capitol pedigree?
coryo could've actually been like, panem's first 20-year-old president, who outlaws the hunger games and who the districts still listen to because he has sej and lucy gray on side. and yeah maybe coryo still kills a bunch of people but like whatever, no one really bats an eye -- who's gonna mourn gaul, anyways? no one in the districts, that's for sure. even if gaul didn't suck ass they'd be busy with cool covey music and awesome new legislation.
in a better universe i am 100% certain snowbairdplinth could've managed a fairly bloodless revolution, six decades early.
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elspeth-catton · 5 months
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[saltburn characters + text posts part 2 (but it's just felix being poisoned)]
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elany · 1 month
Yk what I want? I want a very early stages post canon labrumisu, but from Chilchuck's POV.
Imagine mister 'interparty romance is the devil' visiting court just to see these three circling each other like a pack of uniquely unhinged cats. And of course he sees it immediately, he's nothing if not perceptive and he's seen this happen so, so many times before. Kabru is hardly subtle in his fascination with Laios, who trusts him in turn more than nearly anybody else. He can see how close Mithrun and Kabru still are, even when there's little reason for the former captain to even stay in Melini. He can see where this is going. And he can see the disaster it's gonna end up in.
So he's just staring at them in horror, trying to figure out what in the world the dynamic here even is and glaring daggers at Kabru all the while for seemingly being the linchpin of this entire bullshit situation. King, his adviser and a fucking foreign noble?? Who thought THAT was a good idea! Is nobody else seeing this?? (no lol) Why is nobody objecting to this politically unsound love triangle that could literally ruin the kingdom they've only just established??
The anger! The distress! The despair when he first sees Laios getting all giddy when Mithrun so much as talks to him. Because hell, now he can't even blame the entire situation on one pretty boy insisting on having fingers in every possible pie, on political and personal level both!
And then they just. Quietly get together. All three of them. And Chil's just watching from the sidelines in complete bafflement because he's invented infinite worst case scenarios for how this will implode in all of their faces and destroy their friend group and topple the entire country and--
Instead they do. This. He'd be relieved if he wasn't so goddamn mad that he's spent months worrying about this shit just for them to resolve it in the least dramatic way possible.
Fuck this, he's taking a holiday.
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circlique · 2 years
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Friends across lifetimes--airbending Avatars and their waterbending companions.
That airbender urge to take whatever object is nearby and spin it around really fast--some things don't change.
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Two is a coincidence, but three--oh, three is a pattern. Haha, I tricked you into looking at OCs! Juno is only a waterbender on a technicality, but it still counts.
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milkbreadtoast · 2 months
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(OC) boyfriends..... 🤭🧡💜
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thapunqueen · 4 months
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shes laughin but does she know of the horrors that will pursue her the second she enters ???
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pepperpixel · 5 months
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Scott pilgrim art dump!!!! I started working on these like a fucking month ago and just have not been able to finish them cuz life has been so fucking busy… but I FINALLY! I finally managed to finish them now!!! So behold!!!!!! My blorbos! My favs…. I rlly enjoyed every scene w these 3 they were adorable and awesome and cool…. I hope u guys enjoy my art of them even if it is super freaking late ghgh
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pierogiy · 2 years
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whyd i put out so so many comics
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maudiemoods · 1 year
Doodles from the magma!!
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Thanks for coming out! I'll be doing more soon! I'd like to host some when it's early morning for me so those in different time zones can join!
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lavenderjewels · 5 months
Despite jjk already being tragic for multiple characters, it’ll be beautiful if Yuuji manages to save Megumi from Sukuna. One of the best aspects of their relationship from the start (although possibly not the healthiest) has been their unconditional desire to save and be with each other. Megumi telling Yuuji to “start by saving me” was such a significant moment in helping Yuuji continue moving forward and not isolate himself away from Megumi and the others. And, while killing Sukuna is considered to be the priority of the characters Yuuji has consistently been planning ways to save Megumi too, and arguably one of the only characters to push those plans too. The same can apply to Megumi too, with his soul drowning after possession, suppressed after seeing his sister and mentor die. At his lowest, I would love to see Yuuji and the others be there for him too. It wouldn’t fix anything that’s already happened, but it would be a start towards healing
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rainpelt25 · 4 months
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Valentines day on the enterprise!!!
Finally finished this oh my god but it's worth it I love anything with these guys being a big family
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And then some more silliness in the form of random doodles idk I wanted to draw kirk like some sorta valentines cowboy,, also bridge crew but a ship!!!! We need more of that as a society methinks
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yourplaceinaugust · 20 days
i saw a thing where it's Aaron cheating on Katelyn with Kevin and i propose a better idea. Katelyn and Aaron in an open relationship and Katelyn is hooking up with Kevin but she hasn't told Aaron yet bc she's worried bc Kevin is Aaron's best friend and she's trying to find the right moment but every time she tries something happens and she has to postpone. meanwhile Aaron is also hooking up with Kevin and knows Katelyn is too. he just assumed they both knew this and just didn't talk about it
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minnesota-fats · 7 months
Alright! Danny is dimension hopping and fines the dc universe or he was sent to the past to do something and ends up helping the hero’s with something.
Danny introduces himself cuz omg more hero’s!!! He explains that he isn’t from that dimension or timeline so his identity doesn’t matter.
Danny eventually goes back to his time/dimension leaving a Danny shaped whole and people miss him.
Eventually someone decided to look Danny up for shits and giggles cuz they miss him or something only to find Danny pre accident and ghost shenanigans. (Or just regular civilian Danny living his best life and not half dead)
What do they do?
What does the justice league, young justice, teen titans, etc. do when they find an alternate version of their friend (or crush depending on whatever the visualizer wants)?
Like I feel the internal conflict to be fascinating!
Like the moral dilemma of either just going to make friends and drag him away from a normal life or leave him be to live his life? Or leave him be to die a horrible painful way or intervene and risk the proper flow of time?
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