#cover your ears kiddos
okmcintyre · 1 year
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"I'll Be Watching" + no-context cursing
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moonxknightx · 1 month
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : MEET THE FAMILY : :;
╰┈➤ ❝ [PAIRING] ❞ Logan Howlett x F!Stark!Reader
・❥・GENRE: Fluff :))
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆FANDOM: X-Men & MCU
ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: None!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥SUMMARY: After your dad, Tony Stark, finds out you’re dating Logan, he insists the whole Avengers team meet him. Nervous but with Logan by your side, you head to the compound, with Wade tagging along. The Avengers are curious and a little skeptical, especially Tony, but Logan holds his own during dinner. He impresses the team with his confidence and clear care for you, even earning Tony’s reluctant approval by the end of the night. Despite the initial tension, Logan becomes a part of your chaotic family, and everyone accepts him.
Part 2
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THE COMPOUND WAS QUIET. Too quiet. You'd been on edge ever since Happy had called you that morning, voice full of that awkward yet endearing nervousness he always got when delivering bad—or rather, inconvenient—news.
“Your dad knows.”
Three words that had set your entire day into a downward spiral of anxiety. Of course, Tony would find out. He had eyes and ears everywhere, despite you trying to keep things on the down low. And now, he had apparently told everyone.
Your boyfriend, Logan, sat beside you on the drive to the Avengers compound, eyes fixed on the road, completely unfazed. He was never one to be easily rattled. He hadn’t even batted an eye when you mentioned the entire Avengers team was going to be waiting to meet him. If anything, he just lit a cigar and shrugged, saying, "Not the first time I've been sized up by a bunch of superheroes."
Logan was like that. Unbothered. Calm in the face of impending chaos.
Unlike you.
You let out a deep sigh, clutching the steering wheel a bit tighter. "You know, we could just make a U-turn right now," you muttered, hoping, praying he’d take you up on the offer.
Logan chuckled, the low rumble soothing and maddening all at once. "Nah, darlin'. We’ll be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?"
"Logan, it's my dad. My dad, who, mind you, is Tony Stark. Genius. Billionaire. Overprotective father extraordinaire. I love him, but he’s going to grill you."
He smirked, one of those self-assured, slightly cocky looks that made your heart skip. "I’ve been through worse, trust me."
You were about to respond when a voice suddenly piped up from the backseat, startling you both.
“Hey, so what’s for dinner? I hope it’s not shawarma. I had that yesterday, and let me tell you, intestinal distress doesn’t even begin to cover it.”
The red-suited mercenary, Wade Wilson—aka Deadpool—grinned as he popped his head between the seats. "Who else? You thought I’d miss a chance to meet the Avengers again? Besides, I’ve got a bet with myself to see which of them cracks first. My money’s on Banner. Big guy’s got a short fuse."
You groaned. “Wade, you weren’t even invited.”
"Yeah, but you love me," Wade said with a wink. "Plus, I’m the one who introduced you two lovebirds, so technically, I’m responsible for all of this.”
Logan rolled his eyes, but there was a glint of amusement there. He had a weird, chaotic friendship with Wade that baffled you at times. Still, Wade had been the one to introduce you to Logan in the first place. After one of those typical Wade escapades where you'd found yourself smack dab in the middle of a multiverse-saving mission, Logan had swooped in, gruff and full of snark, but undeniably magnetic. You'd been hooked ever since.
"Alright, just... please don't say anything weird when we get there. This is already going to be awkward enough as it is."
Wade gave you a salute. "Scout's honor, kiddo."
When you arrived at the compound, Logan strode beside you, a protective yet calm presence. Wade, naturally, flanked the other side, completely unfazed by the prospect of facing a room full of Earth's mightiest heroes.
As you entered the living area, the first to greet you was not your father, but Morgan Stark, Tony’s precocious little daughter, who ran up to you with a big grin on her face.
"Hey, Morgs," you greeted, bending down to hug her.
Her eyes immediately shifted to Logan, who watched the interaction with a faint smile. "Is this him?" she asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.
You nodded, a little nervous. "Yup. Morgan, this is Logan."
Morgan looked up at him with wide eyes, studying him. Logan crouched down to her level, his usually gruff demeanor softening just a bit. “You must be Morgan. Your sister talks about you all the time."
Morgan beamed. "You’re tall."
Logan chuckled. “And you’re smart.”
Morgan grinned and then, in typical kid fashion, dashed off, satisfied with her judgment. "I like him!" she called out as she disappeared into the kitchen.
One down.
Then the rest of the team filtered in—Tony, Pepper, Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Thor, and even Rhodey. They all sized Logan up in their own way.
Tony, of course, was the first to speak.
"So," he said, voice casual but his eyes sharp, "this is the guy?"
Logan straightened up, meeting Tony's gaze with that signature, unflinching confidence. "Yup."
Tony took a moment, probably running a full background check in his mind before nodding. “Alright. Dinner’s almost ready, but first, I think the team’s got some questions.”
Steve, ever the diplomat, stepped forward with a polite smile. “Logan, right? How’d you two meet?”
Before you could respond, Wade butted in.
“Oh, it’s a great story!” he exclaimed, gesturing dramatically. “So, picture this—alternate dimensions, worlds colliding, typical Tuesday stuff. I’m getting my ass handed to me by some bad guys—”
“I don’t remember it that way,” you interjected.
“Shh, let me have this moment. Anyway, I call in Logan here for backup, because duh, claws and healing factor, and then boom, sparks fly between these two.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms as her eyes flicked between you and Logan. "Sparks?"
You opened your mouth to reply, but Wade was too quick. "Like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Or maybe that was an explosion—I can't remember."
Logan sighed, clearly used to Wade's antics by now. “We met on a mission. Wade was being a pain in the ass, as usual. Your girl here held her own, and I liked that."
Your face heated up at Logan’s praise. You noticed Natasha and Steve exchanging a look. Clint leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, lips quirking up slightly as if he was already sizing Logan up.
“Multiverse missions, huh?" Clint finally said. "That must’ve been fun.”
Logan smirked, locking eyes with Clint, both men now in some sort of unspoken stare-off. “Fun's one way to put it.”
Clint didn’t break eye contact but gave a slow, approving nod. “So you’re used to the crazy life. Good.”
Thor, ever the enthusiastic one, stepped forward next, looking Logan up and down. "Ah, a fellow warrior, no doubt!" He clapped a hand on Logan's shoulder, earning a slight grunt from him. “Tell me, Logan, have you faced a frost giant before? Or perhaps a horde of dark elves?”
Logan gave a half-shrug, completely unfazed by Thor’s boisterous personality. “Haven’t seen those specifically, but I’ve fought my fair share of things with claws, teeth, and bad attitudes.”
Thor laughed heartily, clearly impressed. "Then we shall have many stories to exchange!"
Bruce, who had been hanging back, finally spoke up. "So, uh... any anger management issues we should be aware of?" He asked it cautiously, but you could see the hint of a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Wade snorted. "Banner, you're one to talk."
Logan just grinned, clearly enjoying himself. "Let’s just say I know how to handle myself.”
Natasha’s gaze sharpened. "I’ve heard about you. Wolverine, right? Healing factor, claws, indestructible skeleton."
Logan nodded once. "That’s me."
She studied him for a moment longer, then gave a small, approving nod. “Impressive.”
Tony, though silent for most of the interaction, was still sizing Logan up. You could feel the weight of your dad’s expectations hanging over the room. He wasn’t one to just roll over and let things be.
“So, Logan,” Tony said, leaning back with a scrutinizing look. “You’ve been around a long time. Done a lot, I assume. How exactly do you plan on handling my daughter?”
Logan didn’t flinch under Tony’s gaze. Instead, he gave a small, almost imperceptible smile. “She can handle herself just fine, Stark. But if you're asking if I’ve got her back? Always.”
The room went quiet for a beat. Even Wade had paused from whatever chaotic inner monologue he had going. The weight of Logan’s words, his seriousness, seemed to sink into everyone.
Tony’s eyes flicked to yours, and for the first time that night, his expression softened. A flicker of something—acceptance, maybe—passed across his face.
“Well,” Tony said, standing up and smoothing his shirt. “In that case, I suppose we should eat.”
As everyone began to move toward the dining room, you felt Logan’s hand slide into yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. You looked up at him, relieved to see a small smile playing on his lips.
“They like you,” you whispered.
Logan shrugged, but there was a warmth in his eyes. “More importantly, they love you.”
You leaned into him slightly as you both followed the rest of the Avengers. And as for Logan? He had passed the test.
As the group settled into the dining room, the mood shifted slightly—less tense, more familial. The Avengers took their seats around the long table, conversations gradually picking up, but you couldn’t shake the subtle glances they kept throwing Logan’s way. It was clear they were still sizing him up in their own way.
Logan, for his part, remained calm. He was good at reading a room, better at letting things roll off his back. You’d noticed that about him early on—he had this way of commanding a space just by being in it, without the need for flashy words or grand gestures. Even so, you could tell by the way his hand remained close to yours that he was paying attention to every little detail. Watching, listening, judging.
Morgan was seated next to Tony, happily talking to Pepper about something she’d done at school that week, her occasional glance toward Logan full of childlike curiosity and approval. To her, Logan wasn’t an intimidating figure. He was your boyfriend—nothing more, nothing less. The simplicity of it warmed your heart.
Dinner was served, and Wade, who had somehow managed to squeeze in between Natasha and Clint, immediately started in on a loud, entirely unprompted story about a mission in Madripoor that no one really asked for.
“So there I was, pinned down by a mob of highly trained ninja assassins—yes, they exist, Steve—and I’m about to go down for the count when Logan here comes in with the whole snikt, snikt thing,” Wade mimed Logan’s claws extending with dramatic flair, “and saves my beautiful behind from a fate worse than death: losing my taco night.”
Steve sighed, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. “Right, because that’s clearly the priority in a life-or-death situation.”
“Exactly!” Wade pointed enthusiastically, as if Steve had just made his point for him. “This guy gets it.”
Natasha leaned back, smirking as she cut into her food. “So, Logan saved your life, and that’s how the two of you met?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Not exactly. Logan and I didn’t really meet officially until a little later. Wade just… happened to be there. Per usual.”
“Per usual, my dear?” Wade gasped dramatically. “You wound me. You wouldn’t have even met this tall drink of Canadian water if it weren’t for me!”
Logan gave a quiet grunt of amusement, though he didn’t say anything. Instead, he caught your eye, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as Wade continued his rambling story.
Thor, who had been listening intently to Wade’s increasingly exaggerated tale, turned to Logan, looking genuinely intrigued. “So, Wolverine, your claws—are they forged of enchanted metal, much like Mjölnir?”
Logan paused, mid-chew, and raised an eyebrow at the Asgardian. “Not exactly. Adamantium. Strongest metal on Earth. Had it grafted to my skeleton a long time ago.”
Thor nodded, stroking his beard thoughtfully. “Ah, I see! A most noble addition. I myself am well-acquainted with weaponry of such caliber. Though I must admit,” he leaned in slightly, “I would be most curious to see them in action.”
Logan gave a low chuckle. “Maybe after dessert.”
As the conversation drifted on, Logan slowly began to settle in. Steve asked him a few more questions about his past—carefully avoiding anything too personal or traumatic—and Clint, always the quiet observer, seemed to be assessing Logan from across the table, eyes sharp but not unkind.
Tony, meanwhile, hadn’t said much since dinner started. He watched everything, listened to everyone, but remained quiet, only offering the occasional comment or quip. You knew him well enough to recognize that he was still processing. As much as Tony trusted your judgment, the whole “overprotective dad” thing didn’t exactly disappear overnight.
“So,” Tony finally spoke up, setting his fork down as the rest of the table quieted. “You’ve been through a lot. War, battles, more than most people could handle in one lifetime. And yet, here you are.”
Logan glanced at him, not quite sure where this was going, but he nodded. “Yeah. Seen more than my share.”
Tony leaned forward, elbows on the table, and his gaze sharpened, narrowing slightly as if he was putting Logan through one last test. “My daughter’s important to me— really important. You say you’ve got her back, and I respect that. But if you’re sticking around… you’re gonna need to know one thing.”
The room stilled. Even Wade had gone quiet, which was a rare feat. Logan met Tony’s stare head-on, not a trace of intimidation or hesitation in his gaze.
“What’s that?” Logan asked evenly.
Tony exhaled, his expression softening—just a fraction. “This family? We’ve been through hell. Lost people we cared about. We’ve had our world flipped upside down more times than I can count. And the thing is… when you’re in, you’re in. No half-measures. No walking away when things get tough. You stick it out. You fight for the people who matter.”
Logan didn’t blink. His gaze shifted briefly to you, then back to Tony. “That’s how I’ve always lived.”
Tony nodded slowly, almost imperceptibly. There was a weight to that moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Whatever final test Tony had in mind, it seemed Logan had passed.
Pepper, sensing the shift, smiled softly and placed a hand on Tony’s arm, quietly grounding him. “Dinner was wonderful,” she said warmly, breaking the tension. “I think we’ve had enough grilling for one night.”
Natasha smirked, raising an eyebrow at Logan. “You’ve survived the inquisition. Impressive.”
Logan shrugged. “Didn’t seem all that bad.”
Rhodey laughed. “You’re lucky. The last guy that showed up to date one of Stark’s kids? He didn’t make it past the appetizers.”
Tony snorted, shooting Rhodey a playful glare. “That’s because that guy showed up in a muscle car blaring AC/DC and quoting Shakespeare.”
“I thought you liked AC/DC?” you teased.
“I do. Not when it’s a first impression.”
Morgan, who had been quietly observing the back-and-forth, suddenly piped up. “Are you staying here tonight?” she asked innocently, looking up at Logan.
Logan blinked, clearly not expecting the question. “Uh…”
“Morgan,” Pepper began, her tone gentle but with that motherly undertone of “not now.”
“What? If he’s dating my sister, maybe he should stay!”
Wade, sensing an opportunity to cause more chaos, grinned beneath his mask. “Oh, I second that motion, mini-Stark! Logan here can bunk with me. I’ll show him my extensive collection of ‘80s action movies. It’ll be like a slumber party, only with more explosions.”
Clint nearly spit out his drink, trying to stifle his laughter, and even Natasha cracked a rare smile.
Logan, who had been stoic and composed throughout the entire evening, just shook his head. “Yeah, I’ll pass.”
You burst out laughing, and as you glanced around the table, you saw that, little by little, Logan was beginning to fit in with the Avengers’ chaotic dynamic. Sure, there were still guarded looks and unspoken tests, but your family—both blood and found—was starting to accept him in their own way.
As dessert was served and the conversation shifted to lighter topics, you felt Logan’s hand rest on your knee under the table, a small, reassuring touch that grounded you. You leaned into him slightly, smiling to yourself. Maybe this whole thing hadn’t been as bad as you’d feared.
By the time the evening began winding down, Logan was in the middle of an animated conversation with Thor about battle strategies, Wade was loudly recounting yet another exaggerated mission story to anyone who’d listen, and Morgan had fallen asleep in Pepper’s arms.
Tony, now more relaxed, leaned over to you as the others chatted around the table. “So… Logan,” he said quietly.
You glanced at him, unsure of what was coming next. “Yeah?”
Tony gave a small, reluctant smile. “I still think you could’ve given me a heads-up earlier, but… he’s alright. I guess.”
You grinned, bumping your shoulder against his. “Told you so.”
Tony chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Don’t get used to it.”
As the night wrapped up and the team slowly began to disperse, you and Logan lingered by the door. Tony walked up to Logan, offering his hand.
“Take care of her,” Tony said, his tone steady but genuine.
Logan gripped Tony’s hand firmly, meeting his gaze once more. “Always.”
With that final exchange, you left the compound with Logan by your side, Wade tagging along (of course). And as you drove away, your hand resting in Logan’s, you felt a sense of peace settle over you.
Your family had met him. He’d met them. And while it hadn’t been perfect, it was the first step in blending the two worlds you cared so deeply about. In the end, Logan wasn’t just a part of your life anymore.
He was a part of theirs.
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🏷️: @twinky-wink @fidgetingbee @astarions-girl-dinner @layladestiny8 @birdy-bat-writes
If you want to be added to the Logan tag list, let me know!
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wysteria-bloom · 7 months
▨ "our child is an angel"
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JJK characters when called into teacher's office about their child
Characters : gojo, toji, nanami, sukuna
Genre : fluff, crack
Warnings : I use female pronouns
A/n : Toji is not a deadbeat dad in this one because yeah. Wish he was canonical a hot dilf but we can never get what we want where Gege is concerned 😟
⟢ gojo satoru ␥
"When your son was asked to wait to go to the bathroom, he replied 'I will pee on your floor then bitch.'" The teacher spoke solemnly.
Satoru immediately snorted which you gave him a death glare for, pinching his thigh harshly.
You frowned," Well, before I question why the teacher denied bathroom privileges..." you turned to your husband. Your son was pouting next to you both, looking away with narrowed eyes," That doesn't sound like him at all, does it Satoru?"
Satoru immediately agreed with you, shaking his head," N-no. Not at all. Who taught you that language, kiddo?"
His son looked at him with a betrayed expression, pointing at him accusingly "YOU did!" He exclaimed.
Satoru's smile was pained as you slowly turned your head to him, eyebrows furrowing,"... Thank you for your time, Mrs. Fiyumi. I will have a stern talking. With BOTH of them." Then you gave her the brightest smile," I think it's all the candy they've been eating, I think maybe it's time to cut down on it all, yeah?"
The teacher nodded in agreement with a knowing smile," Yes, I agree."
The two males simultaneously slouched back into their chairs with loud groans which they covered up with coughs when you glared at them.
Satoru mustered a charming grin, settling a loving hand on your shoulder," I've been meaning to go on a diet anyways, haha..."
You rolled your eyes and patted his hand with yours in a pitying way," shut up, my love."
"Dad! Grow a backbone, you lanky idiot!" Your son scoffed out disapprovingly.
The white-haired man's charming grin fell instantly and he glared beneath his glasses," shut up you-"
⟢ nanami kento ␥
"Yes, your daughter got into a fight with one of the boys and managed to split his lip." The teacher gestured to the little girl in the chair who was sitting oh so politely.
Nanami hummed lowly, brows furrowed," not good." He said with that disappointed drawl to his tone that could make anybody curl into themselves with shame, his own daughter cringing to herself.
You merely raised a brow at your daughter," That right? So she won?" You asked bluntly.
A warm hand settled on your knee, squeezing lovingly and as a warning," not the point, love." Nanami grunted out disapprovingly.
The girl grinned with her cute gap-tooth, blue eyes glinting with pride as she looked to her mother," I won!!" She chirped," he pulled my hair so I split his lip!"
Her parents stared on in silence before Nanami gave her a small smile filled with warmth," Good girl."
⟢ ryomen sukuna ␥
"Your daughter punched Midori-"
Sukuna held up a hand," Don't need to hear it. Let's go." He began to stand up, tugging his little girl by the hood of her hoodie.
You shook your head in disapproval at your husband and looked to the teacher," I'm sorry, can you give me more context?"
Sukuna scoffed," Babe. Its obviously about that rich kid again. The little shit who bullies her? Yeah. Don't give a fuck. I'm proud of my fuckin' daughter." He glared at the teacher and walked out of the room with his daughter following anxiously behind.
Your eye twitched before you stood up slowly, offering a pained smile to lighten the load," well, you heard the man. Thanks." You left as well, not before tugging on your husband's ear like a mother and giving your girl a kiss on the forehead and a promise of ice cream.
Sukuna crouched down to her level and pinched his daughter's cheek with a bored expression, eyes glinting in amusement at the sight of her nose scrunching up at the actions," Next time? Put her through endless torture and misery. I can teach you a few techniques--"
You had to step in before your husband created a potential serial killer.
⟢ fushiguro toji ␥
"Megumi got into a fight aga-"
Toji let out an obnoxiously loud yawn, wiping away the sleepy dust from his eyes as his wife fretted over their son's messy black hair.
"Ugh, I swear your hair drives me crazy, Megs. You definitely didn't get it from my genes." You muttered as you tried to smooth out the strands.
Megumi merely sighed and pushed your hands away with an uncomfortable frown etched onto his face," Mom. Listen to Mrs. Fiyumi." He scolded lightly.
"I am, I am." You whined to him, turning to face the teacher with a frown on your lips.
"You too, dad."
Toji blinked at his son before scoffing," I was, I was." He let out a fatherly grunt as he sat straight in his chair, large hand resting on your thigh as he did, looking to the teacher in boredom.
The teacher cleared her throat, giving the small child a thankful nod for keeping his parents in check," As I was saying, little Megumi got into a fight with a boy yesterday. This behaviour seems very unlike him, so I was just worried if there's anything going on at home lately that's stressing him out?"
Megumi's brows furrowed but he didn't open his mouth, sitting politely in his chair. You hummed," Well, I suppose he hasn't been getting a good amount of sleep lately. But that's all I can think of." You settled a hand on your husband's that was caressing your thigh gently.
Toji hummed," just apologise, Megs. An' we'll be on our way." He grumbled to his son, waving his free hand dismissively.
Megumi cleared his throat and stood up, bowing to his teacher, which shocked her a little," I'm sorry, Mrs. Fiyumi. I won't hit anyone again." When he stood to his full-height, he looked her straight in the eye," I hope your failed marriage is getting better." He stated in such a polite and genuine manner.
Toji bursted out laughing - cackling like a witch whilst you stared at your son in complete horror, tugging his hair scoldingly.
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undressrehearsal · 5 months
is it casual now?
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chapter 1
summary: you and ellie agreed that this was just for a little fun - so what's the harm in her inviting you to joel's for a movie night?
word count: 2.3k
tags: nsfw, fingering (e and r receiving), angst, dub con?? i think?, does this count as public sex?, this shit's messy af y'all, mean reader, toxic relationship
a/n: i've wanted to write a fic based off this song for a while now. i've seen a few people write it (the song's a banger) but i only ever see ellie being written as the distant toxic one and tbh i don't think that matches her character so here's the opposite
also i hid a one last stop reference in here if you find it you get a prize (it's not hard to find)
if you wanna be tagged in the things i post, just lmk in the replies!
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Joel was trying to decide what movie you should watch. 
At least, Ellie thought he was. She could see the way his lips were moving - could even make out the words Dawn of the Wolf, whatever that meant - but she couldn’t actually hear him. She sat across from him at the dining table, nodding along, trying to school her expression into a pantomime of interest, but his words were drowned out by the ringing in her ears. 
Your hand on her thigh crept higher. 
Ellie shifted in the uncomfortable wood chair, uncrossing her legs only to recross them, and your hand didn’t move. You stroked slow circles into her jeans with your thumb; she would have thought it was absentminded if she didn’t know you so well. Ellie could see you in her peripheral. You smiled politely, nodding along as Joel listed off what movies he had found lately - it had become his mission to hunt for them while he was on patrol. (He always insisted that Ellie needed to be familiar with all the classics from before the outbreak.) 
Somewhere past the sound of her heart pounding in her ears, Ellie heard Joel say her name. She blinked, shifted in her seat again, and replied intelligently, “Huh?” 
He shook his head at her and laughed as he said, “Where you at, kiddo?” 
She ran a hand through her hair, purposely avoiding looking at you - she knew she’d only find that shit-eating smile on your face. “Sorry, had patrol late last night. Yeah, that movie sounds cool.” She had no idea what movie he had suggested. 
It didn’t matter much in the end. After switching off the lights, Joel sat back in his big old recliner (he’d looked like a fucking kid on Christmas morning when Tommy gave that to him), leaving the couch to you and Ellie. You leaned into her with your head on her shoulder; she had her arm draped over the back of the couch, not quite touching you. She was dancing a fine line between wanting to hold you and knowing you wouldn’t let her, but the tightrope was slipping from under her feet because you had put your fucking hand on her thigh again. She’d swear there was a damn magnet connecting your hand to her. 
Ellie covered a gasp with a cough when your hand drifted between her legs. Your eyes were glued to the flickering television, but there was no hiding the small, satisfied smile on your lips. And she fucking hated herself for wanting to kiss it more than anything. 
The tattered blanket you shared covered up the fact that the tips of your fingers were grazing across the seam of her jeans. Even the ghost of friction made her squirm, the movie becoming nothing more than white noise. You were too fucking bold, and her head spun when your nimble fingers undid the button and slid the zipper down so slowly it ached. When your fingertips dipped below the waistband of her boxers, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing at Joel. He was enthralled in the movie, and she couldn’t even pay attention to it; she hated herself for that too. 
She knew she shouldn’t; she knew she should’ve grabbed your wrist, told you to stop so she could just enjoy the movie with her… with Joel. He’d been trying to plan a movie night with her for a week, and tonight she had finally been free from patrol. God, she shouldn’t have invited you, but when he asked if she wanted to bring a friend, of course your name had popped up. 
She should have known it would be a mistake - an intoxicating one, but a mistake nonetheless. And when you dragged your fingers over her, pressing the lightest pressure to her clit, it took everything in her not to tilt her hips against your hand in search of friction. 
Ellie bit down on her lip so hard she'd swear she tasted blood when you dipped just the tips of your fingers inside her. It was embarrassing how easy it was - how wet she already was and you had hardly even touched her. But when you circled her clit, your fingers already soaked, the shame burning in her chest evaporated. Her eyes fluttered, heat burning in her stomach, your touch setting her aflame. Her fingers dug into the back of the couch. She longed to touch you, to just wrap her arm around you and hold you close, press your head to her chest so you could hear how her heart reached for you. 
Instead, she could only grip the couch behind your shoulder, gritting her teeth against the ache of it. You didn't even look at her, playing with her as though it were an afterthought, but there was no missing the smirk on your lips. She hated it; God, she wanted to kiss you. 
Ellie didn't dare look at Joel - she didn't think she could handle seeing him so engrossed in the movie he had been so excited to show her while she sat only a few feet away, coming undone on his couch. She couldn't handle the shame rising in her throat again. If she looked at him, she was sure she'd be sick right there. 
She tried so hard to keep it together - her hips ached from the force of holding them still, her lip surely cracked from biting it. Her chest burned with the moans she had to swallow like acid. But she couldn't keep it all in - it was overflowing. And when finally, the coil in her stomach threatening to snap, a low groan spilled from her lips, Joel turned to look at her. 
Ellie didn't want to think about what he saw, but whatever it was, it made his brow pinch in concern. She couldn't meet his worried eyes when he said, “You okay, kiddo? You don't look too good.” 
Your fingers hadn't even fucking slowed. You looked at her with a mask of concern, batting your eyes so innocently even as you pressed your fingers into her, curling them so you hit that spot that made her see stars. And then Ellie did grab you, gripping your shoulder in warning and glaring down at you. You wrinkled your nose, but relented and slid your fingers out of her; her grip tightened when you slid back over her clit. Fuck, she never should've invited you. 
Ellie cleared her throat; she couldn't look at either of you without feeling sick, so she turned her gaze to the movie. What was it even about? 
“Sorry, I just-” Her voice was strained, suffocating in her own throat. She felt like she was going to swallow her own tongue. The coil in her stomach tightened and she felt nauseous. She groaned again, and the words tripped over themselves in a rush when she said, “I don't feel good.” 
Ellie stumbled to her feet, forcing you to withdraw your hand; when she glanced down, she could see that your fingers were wet and it made her stomach twist. Keeping one hand over her stomach to hide the fact that her fucking pants were undone, she hurried from the room, ignoring Joel when he called after her. She couldn't look him in the eye or else she might actually puke.
Making a beeline for the bathroom, Ellie slammed the door behind her and leaned against it, the wood cold against her back. She took a deep breath, counting the cracks in the ceiling until her heart finally stopped bashing against her ribs, her throat burning. Pinprick tears stung her eyes as she fixed her pants, her fingers shaking so hard she could hardly grasp the button. 
Cursing under her breath, Ellie braced her hands on the bathroom sink, her shoulders sagging. Her eyes were rimmed red; she scrubbed her hands over her face roughly, willing her stomach to settle. 
She shouldn’t have been upset, really. The first time your hand had found its way into her pants, all those months ago, you had made it perfectly clear what this was. She could still hear your voice from that night, saccharine sweet and smelling like the whiskey you had nabbed from her cabinet: Come on, Els, Jackson’s so boring. We can just have a little fun, right? She remembered the weight of your body when you climbed onto her lap, your thighs warm on either side of her hips, your hands pressing her back against the couch. She could still feel the way your breath had ghosted over her neck, your voice dripping with honeyed desire: It's just a little fun.
Her own eyes looked so unfamiliar, a stranger peering at her from the bathroom mirror. 
Cursing again, she turned on the faucet, bending to splash water on her face - it was December and the water was so cold it numbed her hands. It was a welcome relief against her burning skin. 
Ellie felt so fucking dirty it hurt. No matter how she scrubbed at her skin, rubbing it raw, she couldn’t seem to rid herself of it. The cold water stung her cheeks. 
A knock on the door made her jump, cold water splashing down the front of her shirt. She cursed, pulling the damp fabric away from her chest with a grimace before calling, “Give me a minute, okay?” 
But you had never been very good at listening, had you? You didn’t even look surprised when you pushed the door open, ignoring her protest, and found Ellie leaning against the counter, water still dripping from her chin. If anything, you looked almost amused, quirking an eyebrow at her. It was the look you gave her every time you got her worked up, your eyes showing the laughter you bit back. She fucking hated that look. 
Ellie glared over her shoulder at you, but there was no real malice behind it - even when she hated you, something in her still softened when you were around. A switchblade girl with a cotton candy heart. 
You closed the door softly behind you, leaning back against it with a smug smile that she wanted to wipe off your face - she just wasn’t sure how she wanted to yet. Ellie could hear how your ego tinted your voice when you said, “Joel sent me to check on you. Probably thinks you're barfing your guts out or something.” 
Ellie rolled her eyes, looking away from you and mumbling, “Yeah, I guess dinner didn’t sit well….” 
You scoffed and the sound went straight to her stomach. She felt rather than saw you step behind her; she tensed when you placed your hands on her hips, leaning forward to put your chin on her shoulder. Her hands gripped the edges of the sink so hard she thought the porcelain might crack. She could feel the heat of your body all the way down her back, your hips pressing into her ass, and her traitorous heart fluttered embarrassingly. 
Ellie met your eyes in the reflection, watching as your smile grew into something almost mocking. You placed a kiss on the back of her neck, pressing your words into her skin: “Damn, Els, I didn’t know Dawn of the Wolf got you so hot and bothered.” Your fingers pressed into her hips, pulled her back against you. She failed to smother the sigh it pulled from her. She hated how it made your smile widen, and she hated even more how much she wanted to fucking kiss it off your stupid face. She shivered when she felt your teeth graze over her neck, and almost missed it when you muttered, laughing, “God, you’re so fucking easy, you know that?” 
Ellie shoved away from the counter, spinning on her heel and grabbing your wrist before you could flinch away. You had only blinked before she slammed you back against the wall, praying that Joel didn’t hear it. Her fingers wrapped so tightly around your wrist she could feel your pounding pulse, pressing it to the wall above your head. She slipped her thigh between your legs, pressing up into you, and she only had a moment to register that smug fucking grin before she slapped a hand over your mouth. She relished in the way your eyes flashed in something akin to fear. She had to find wins where she could, right? 
Leaning forward so her nose brushed yours, Ellie growled into the back of her hand, “Don’t make a fucking sound.” 
And she did get to wipe that cocky smile off your face. She kept her hand over your mouth, releasing your wrist to snake her arm between your legs. She muffled your moans, hissing when your nails dug into her biceps. 
Joel was in the next room, she thought distantly. Joel was in the next room, watching the movie he had been so excited to show her. He was in the next room, concerned about her, waiting for her, and here she was pressing her best friend into the wall of his bathroom. She had your pants around your ankles, two - three - fingers pushing into you. She could feel the vibrations of your moans against her hand - she wanted to press her lips to yours and swallow them, knowing you would never let her. 
It came too fast, Ellie pressing into you relentlessly if only to make you fucking shut up for once. Your body shuddered against her, and she wanted to hold you through it, but by the time it was over you were already pushing her away. When her hand fell from your mouth, you were smiling again. Maybe she was going to be sick after all. 
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sorrowfulrosebud · 10 months
Part two of this
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“MAMAAAAAAAA!!” Your baby wailed as he runs to you, tiny feet pattering against the floor. Your head immediately snaps to your child, barely having time to snatch him into your arms as he jumps at you.
“What’s wrong, sweetpea?” You ask, checking him over for wounds. There was the telltale signs of teeth marks on his chubby little hands, the surrounding area a tiny bit pink. His cheeks wobbled with unshed tears as he sniffled into your neck.
“Did daddy get you again, baby?” You murmur to him, rocking your toddler. He lets out a pathetic sniffle as he plays with your hair.
“Mhm,” he whimpers pitifully. You roll your eyes slightly, knowing just how rough your husband can be. You know he doesn’t mean it, he just adores his baby and gets too riled up when playing.
“Shall mama tell daddy off?” You ask him quietly, holding his hand as you rubbed the soft skin. Your toddler thought for a minute before nodding his head. Katsuki’s blonde locks peeked round the corner, his muscular body following. His eyes widen and you can see the fear in his face when he figures out he’s been ratted on.
“You little snitch! You wanted to play hero’s and villains,” Katsuki grumbled as your son glares at him.
“Dada, it hurt!” He argues back. You have to try not to laugh as your two Bakugou’s bicker. Honestly, if you pitched your husbands voice down and blindfolded yourself, you wouldn’t be able to tell who was who.
“Mama, no laugh! Tell daddy off!” He pouts, cradling his ‘injured hand’. You wipe away your laughter and smile and try to glare at your husband. Katsuki was fighting for his life with his son, trying to excuse himself before stilling at your “glare”.
“Katsuki, what you did was wrong. He’s only little, you need to be more careful! Look at his hand,” you scold lightly. Katsuki didn’t even see the bite marks when he was playing with him.
“Shit, didn’t know I left a mark. You okay squirt? I’m sorry kid, daddy didn’t mean to nip you so hard,” his face slightly melts with guilt. His son’s hand was tiny in his own, as he lifted it to his lips and gave him a little kiss to make him feel better.
“Be caweful daddy, that weally hurt,” he sniffled. You nudge your son.
“Do you want to give daddy a hug? Show you’ve made up?” You murmur into his teeny ear. Your son nods as the tears begin again. Katsuki pulls his son close, kissing the side of his head as he sways with him for a bit.
“I’m sorry, kiddo. Daddy’ll be a lot more careful in the future,” he promised his son quietly. Your son sniffs and nods, wrapping his arms around his father’s neck. Katsuki kisses his son’s head as he settles down. Katsuki extends his arm to you, pulling you in for a family cuddle as your son repositions yourself.
“Have you learned your lesson sweetie?” You teasingly nudge your husband. Katsuki rolls his eyes, pulling you closer and kissing your cheek.
“Yeah yeah, no bitin’ the kid. Guess that means I have to bite you instead!” He lets out a grunt as he nips your cheek, eliciting a surprised squeal from you. You try to escape, cursing Katsuki’s inhuman grip on your waist. Laughter spills from you all, Katsuki adding some biting noises to wind you up.
Katsuki alternates between nipping and kissing you gently, your cheeks and neck getting slowly more covered in slobber as your son chortles away. Katsuki lets you breath as he slowly turns to his son. He catches on immediately, squeaking as his father starts to pretend to eat him.
He was super careful of his teeth this time, alternating between blowing raspberries and attacking him with his nose whilst making eating noises.
“Dada stop!” Your son cackles, squirming from his father’s devilish laughter.
“HAHAHA, NEVER!!” Katsuki declares, pulling you closer to alternate between you two. As the sound of your combined precious laughter filtered through his ears,
Katsuki couldn’t help his own laughter.
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moonastroellie · 4 months
Ellie with your kid and your pregnancy head cannons 🥺
Warnings: like absolutely none, a bit suggestive at the end but pure fluff! Transgender!Ellie.
- Ellie was quite literally bouncing off the walls when she found out you were pregnant, couldn't wait to tell Joel.
- when Ellie had told Joel, he was also bouncing off the walls with excitement.
"I'm so excited for you kiddo" he said with a firm hand squeezing the poor girl's shoulder.
- Ellie who most definitely held your stomach so you didn't have as much pressure on your poor stomach carrying her baby. She'd come from behind while you're doing the dishes and would hold your stomach softly upwards as you slightly moaned at the feeling.
- Ellie who was there throughout the whole birth, the poor girl nearly fainted but had to stay strong as she knew if she fainted in front of you, it would stress you the fuck out so she stayed strong.
- Ellie who carried the baby in her arms so softly to the bed as soon as you guys got out of the hospital, absolutely loving your son.
"he's so fucking cute babe, I cant- I just- I love you so much" she chuckled, hugging you from behind with her head on your shoulder as you held him, almost sobbing.
- Ellie who definitely woke up at 2am from the baby screaming at the top of his fucking lungs.
"babe please" you whispered and Ellie groaned "I'm tired" she complained "so am I, go!"
She groaned harder before getting up to check on your son- she changed his nappy, before waking you up again "he's hungry".
She watched in admiration as you breast fed your son, "bet you wish this was you huh?" You teased and she laughed "shut up" she got back into bed "nuh-uh, you're putting him back to bed" you gave her a mom look and she immediately got out of bed and grabbed him gently to put him back to bed.
- Ellie who definitely had her favourite t-shirt covered in vomit, after her kid threw up all over it, it didn't matter. She loved him anyways but she wasn't too happy about it, always complaining to you.
"babe look" you chuckled at the sight of vomit all down her shirt.
- Ellie definitely cried so hard when it was your son's first day of kindergarten, he was growing up and she was sobbing in the car over how 5 years has gone by so fast.
- Ellie who always took him to Macca's after you said too much unhealthy food was bad but she just wanted to see her boy all happy.
- Ellie who brought him all this gaming shit for his 12th birthday and gamed like crazy with him and it made you giggle at the sight of her teaching him how to play- and of course he was growing up so fast, who knew 12 years would go by so quickly?
- Ellie who asked to go to Joel's for lunch, and whispering in your ear after Joel went to go get food "wanna make another?" She joked, your eyes went wide and you looked at her- "jokes!" This girl was scary fertile, you knew she was joking but you would've considered it.
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komelrebi-san · 10 months
gem ♡ boy band ver.
will be performing in a band in talent show and it gave me ideas
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feat.: guitarist! childe, drummer! itto, bassist! diluc, keyboardist! kaveh, vocalist! venti synopsis: Hoyo Entertainment recently debuted a boy band! and you are their pretty little stage-styling manager. the catch? they can't seem to keep their hands off you...
a/n: i got carried away oops
tw: MDNI!!, characters slightly ooc, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap kiddos!!), semi-public sex, slight voyeurism, dacryphilia, p->v penetration, slight breeding, semi-clothed sex, edging/orgasm denial, hand fetish, praise kink, riding, marking (hickies), oral f!/m! receiving, slight manhandling, size kink, tummy bulge, tell me if there's more!
don't like, don't read.
guitarist! childe
always laughing on stage, bright cobalt eyes twinkling as he played
the kind to vibe with his members on stage, looking over at them now and then with a wide grin on his face
the cheeky smile he sends to the audience, the kind of smile where dimples appear at the corner of his lips, paired along with a charismatic wink, makes the audience go crazy
but who cares about the audience when he knows that you're backstage, watching?
always makes sure to throw his head back at back at the end of the song when he strums the last chord
he knows you can see his adam apple bob in his throat, he knows you can see how the light hits his jaw line, he knows you can see the sweat dripping down the side of his face, he knows you can see him pant and his hair stick to his forehead
he knows he's hot, and he knows you get antsy when you hear the fans scream
he's definitely the kind to stare at you intently when you're brushing highlighter onto his face, or using a blue eyeliner that matched his big eyes
'mhm? you're blushing~' he remarks, raising a hand to push away yours that's holding the eyeliner pen before cupping your cheek
insists that you kiss him before you go on stage, for good luck purposes only!
(not just that though, your lips are so soft, of course he'd wanna kiss them)
'ajax, you're gonna smudge your lip- mmh!' and he plants his lips firmly on yours, long slender fingers brushing against your waist
he laughs when he sees your red face, turning to walk on stage but not forgetting to plant another kiss on your cheek
oh, it's so cute, he thinks. he does it every time but you never fail to please him with your flushed cheeks
he knows you stare at his hands - dextrous fingers, prominent knuckles and veins, he knows you practically drool over them when he plays guitar
and you make the prettiest sounds when his fingers work their way into your panties
'wait- ajax- not here-' and he cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours, relishing the whimper that bubbled up your throat
'not here, mhm? that's not what your pretty little cunt says, princess. you're dripping wet, i can just slip my fingers right in.'
you're quite sure that you saw stars when his fingers reach a spot inside you that you'll never be able to reach with your own fingers
he chuckles when you break off the heated kiss, a loud moan tumbling out of your pretty lips when he curled his fingers inside you
'no no no, we can't have that, mhm? people are gonna hear.' childe leans in to whisper in your ear, raising his other hand to cover your mouth as you whined.
'unless...that's what you're into. you want them to hear, do you? you want them to hear how good i'm making you feel? naughty girl.'
he laughs breathily when you moan again, the sound muffled by his hand, lewd squelching resonating in the dressing room when he scissors his fingers in your cunt
'tell you what, if you are good and stay quiet, i'll let you cum. how's that?' and he grins when you nod feverishly, bucking your hips into his hand.
he knows you can't stay quiet, he knew, but maybe he'd play nice today, since you're so desperate for his touch, mhm?
he hears venti call for him, so he curls his fingers in a 'come here' motion, pushing his finger pads against that spot inside you that made your legs quiver
with a muffled cry, you gush around his fingers, juices dribbling down your thighs as your walls clamped tight around his fingers
'good girl.' he says, licking your juices clean from his fingers, grinning when you groan at the sight. 'wish me luck, mhm? maybe i'll treat you later.'
drummer! itto
the kinda guy that laughs while throwing his head back as he plays, especially when one of his band members pull off something sick
twirls his drumstick, it looks so cool fr fr
his arms!
there's this once when you told him being able to play drums is cool, so he tried to teach you
made you sit in the drum stool and sat in a chair behind you, wrapping his arms around your figure to take your hands in his own, guiding your hands holding the drumsticks to hit the different drums
back against his firm chest, veins gliding over knuckles when he squeezed your hands gently
oof his hands completely covered your own bc yours were so much smaller than his
you can see the muscles flexing in his arm when he plays, oof he's so strong
and he knows it, he wears tank tops all the time for a reason, bc tank tops meant that ppl can see his arms, good god
in between songs, he runs a hand through his hair and takes a drink of water from his bottle - but you're right there, backstage, watching their performance
so instead, he gulps the water because he knows you see his adams apple bobble up and down
he pours some of the water on his head (under the excuse of the heat) because he knows you can see the water wet his shirt (sticking to his muscles) and lifts his shirt to dry the sweat running down his face
he sees you staring, really - he sees you staring when he twirls his drumstick and pass it from finger to finger, knuckle to knuckle; he sees you staring when he stretches after a performance
'Sorry about my hair, it must give you a lot of trouble, huh?' He says as you stood in front of him, trying your best to curl the hair that fell beside his face
the way his voice was quiet and slightly husky, the way his large hands were dangerously low on your hips, the way he leaned closer to you whilst pulling you into him - everything about him made you melt
you give him a rather nervous smile before leaving him to change into his outfit, but wait - he pulls you back into him
the way he's manhandling you is so hot, ngl
partially, itto really wants to just prove his strength and manliness to you, to prove that he's the best because he knew his band members want you too (who wouldn't, mhm???)
your back was against the wall, his hands hooked under your knees holding you up while his hips rutted into you
'fuck, look at you, taking my big fat cock so well.' he groans. his cock tip was probably kissing your cervix because he was so big. he gripped your plush thighs tight, groaning when your cunt sucks him back in
'shit, you're so tight, doll.' he pants, laughing at your terrible attempt at trying to form a sentence, only incoherent babbles exit your mouth. 'i bet none of the others fuck you like this, mhm?'
you can barely think as he works you impossibly close to your climax, eyes rolled to the back of your head
'fu- i- i'm gonna cum.' he pants, lifting you slightly so that his cock head pressed against your g-spot every time, loud cries ripped from your throat at feeling the knot in your tummy threatening to unravel
he possibly got even harder at seeing your tummy bulge
'yeah? you want me to fill you up? you gonna take my cum like a good girl?' you couldn't answer him, drool running down the corner of your lips, tongue lolling out, way too fucked out to think or respond. but he knew your answer when you whined loudly, walls fluttering around him
he thinks you look pretty, even prettier than usual - barely able to walk, his cum running down your thighs
bassist! diluc
he's the quiet one
but bc of the kind of aura he has, bro's popularity skyrocketed
actually not the type to wear rings and shit, he likes stuff simple
but! the fans went wild when he started wearing them at your suggestion
upon noticing his popularity dramatically increase, kazuha started including more bass riffs in the songs
actually has a good singing voice, but only shines when he does adlibs for venti's vocals
he looks so good on stage, sheesh
long red hair usually pulled back into a ponytail with small braids here and there, bangs curled to frame his face perfectly, rings adorning his long fingers (very much at your genius suggestion, big thank you)
like childe, he interacts with his members on stage
doesn't just open up to everyone, but feels really close to his band members
he's not as outgoing about it, he only subtly shows his trust in his companions
he gives everyone a reassuring nod before lowering his head again to look at his fingers strumming the strings, or pressing down on the fingerboard
bobs his head slightly as he plucks the strings
redid his hair once in the middle of a concert, but he did it by fixing his hair while biting on his hairtie
ooof that was so hot
gentle in his approaches, generally prioritises you and your needs over everything
always brings an extra bottle of water to the dressing room - oh, one of them is for you
gives you a small but sincere smile as you lean closer, gently dabbing eyeshadow/doing eyeliner
the kind to lean closer to you, tuck a fallen strand of hair behind your ear before stroking your cheek
'thank you,' he whispers, leaning in to press the lightest peck to your cheek, before making his way to the stage, not forgetting to give you a small smile - a smile that he reserved only for you
oof i'm whipped
he rlly loves it when you do his hair, bc you're so gentle with him
catches your eyes in the mirror as you worked away on his hair, curling iron in one hand, hairbrush in the other, bobby pins held in your pursed lips and clips on your sweater sleeve
your touch feels so nice, oop
oh, you look so cute, he thinks. you look so cute when you're all focused on him, and not focused on childe's/venti's shenanigans
but - you look even cuter when you're on your knees in front of him, pouty lips wrapped around his dick, struggling to take all of him in your mouth
'you look so pretty like this.' he says, cupping your jaw in one of hands
quiet for the most part, but when you struggle take more of him inside your mouth, pressing your tongue flat against the underside of his shaft and raise a hand to fondle his balls, he loses it
a gutteral groan rumbled from his chest, throwing his head back, reaching to hook his hand on the back of your head, he pushed your head down slightly as he tangles his fingers in your hair
'you're doing so- ah- so good.' he pants, tugging your hair slightly as he bucked his hips, smiling slightly when you gag as his tip hits the back of your throat, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you whimpered
'you look so pretty, good god.' he groans, rutting his hips into your mouth as he cums down your throat
keyboardist! kaveh
his hair is so soft!
literally doesn't give you any trouble when you try to style it
tie it up into a ponytail, half-up, braid it - anything works and anything looks pretty on him, and he has zero objections in you trying out new stuff
does the thing where he drums the desk or his thigh or the arms of the chair, his deft fingers playing his keyboard part, tapping away
at first it was really annoying, geez
but it slowly became comforting, calming, even
almost like a kind of silent noise at the back of your mind, soothing you as you do his makeup
big eyes peer up at you, batting his lashes innocently when you are not working away at his eye makeup
and when you are, a soft smile dances on the curves of his lips, feeling the brush against his eyelids or along the corner of his eyes
he's so gentle, so sweet with you, you could practically see all his affection towards you pour out of his eyes
your heart aches when he's around you because his attention is all on you
but at the same time, he wants, needs, craves your attention so bad at the best of times
quite affectionate with you too
ruffles your hair, pats your cheek, swings an arm around your shoulders - you name it
my gosh, have you seen his music scores?
any and all space is filled with doodles of you - and they look so accurate!
he's always focused on every little detail on your face, every tiny perfect imperfection, he can't get enough of you because you're so pretty that it hurts
it's only fair that he captures your beauty perfectly, since you make him look so pretty when he goes on stage
clingy! he's basically half hugging you when he peers up at you, taking in how you were frowning slightly as you worked away at his face, tracing his cheekbone with a dab of highlighter
takes advantage of every single chance he has to be alone with you, and that's how you ended up being pulled onto his lap as his bandmates filed out of the dressing room, heading onto the stage first
'ka- kaveh, you have to go on stage-' you manage to stutter, feeling him grind his bulge into your aching cunt
'shh, you want this too, no?' he whispers, leaning in to press openmouthed kisses to your collarbone
but it was obvious you were needy - small hand fisting and clutching his shirt tight, humping your hips against him to match his rhythm, quiet whimpers leaving your throat when you feel his erection against your barely clothed cunt
'you're so cute.' he says breathily, tugging you closer to him whilst moulding his lips with yours
oh, his lips are so soft, and he tasted so sweet - like strawberry and peach blossoms and all kinds of other nice things, you can never get enough - he tasted just as sweet as the way he treated you
and when he finally slips inside you, both of you groaned loudly, not even caring about other people hearing
you felt so full - his long-fingered hands on your hips, helping you move up and down on his cock
'i can feel myself here.' he pants, caressing the bulge in your tummy with his warm palm. 'shit- your gonna kill me with your clenching- god- just- just relax, yeah? i've gotchu.'
just like he knew all the small details on your face, he also knew exactly how to work his way around your body
'shh shh, you're doing so good for me, so good.' he praises, leaning in to suck on your neck, pretty red and purple marks blooming across your soft skin.
'i'm- nngh- i'm close.' you manage to make out, hands on his shoulder to support yourself.
'i know, princess. me too. cum with me, yeah?' he smiles, pulling you to him to cradle your head in his neck, voice cracking when he feels your walls clamp down on him again
he brought a hand down to swipe across your clit, feeling you quiver in his touch
with a sob, you cum around him, white strings of both your juices dripping out of your cunt as he pulled out
'good girl.' he says, leaning in to press another sweet kiss to your lips.
vocalist! venti
cheeky little shit
straightup just blatantly stares at you in the mirror when you're doing his hair
peeks under your skirt you're bent over, grabbing tools and getting ready to do his makeup (oh, how he wished he can bury his head between your legs)
always always always makes you dye his hair
under the excuse that the other styling team members never gets the turquoise colour quite right
'they can't mix the same colour like you can.' he complains, whining about you rushing off to do kaveh's hair instead of paying attention to him
no, that's a lie, because it literally has nothing to do with hair colours whatsoever
he just thinks that his hair should be only for you to touch and stroke
of course, he's exclusively yours, and only yours
the fans love him - he's lively, he hypes up the concert, he interacts with the fans while singing, leaning over the stage to highfive and take selfies with them
but he's yours, and only yours
stopped doing his braids by himself - must be you that does it!
whines that he can't do it as well as you do, but actually just really enjoys your touch
'ehehe, is this the tint that you use for your cheeks?' he asks, leaning in until you were nose-to-nose, while you are dusting his cheeks with the pretty blush
you don't reply, opting on leaning back to continue doing his makeup
he knew you were only trying your best to convince yourself, because you were staring at him, eyes wide, cheeks flushed, hands shaking slightly
'you always make me look so good on stage, i was wondering how you do that...is it because you use the same things personally? ehehe, i knew it~' he laughs, teal coloured eyes twinkling in feign innocence as he grabs your wrist, tugging you closer to him again
'hey, what flavour is your lip balm today?' he asks, batting his lashes, the rather mischievous glint doesn't leave his eyes as he leans in
but he doesn't wait for you to answer, this little shit guy literally just leans in to sneak a kiss by pressing his lips to yours, relishing the muffled 'mnhm!' of surprise
oh, you are so cute
the fans call him cute, but only if they knew, really, that you are the cutest
you're so sweet - you smell sweet, you and so sweet towards him, and you taste so sweet
your lips taste so sweet (oh, they are strawberry today) - but your cunt tastes even sweeter
he's obsessed with your taste - nose nudging at your clit, tongue eagerly prodding at your entrance, finally delving into your hole when he's had enough of slurping at your arousal
'you taste so sweet.' he groans, the vibrations against your folds drawing another whimper from you
'ven- venti-' you pant, but your voice disappears when he moves his mouth to suck on your clit, 2 dainty fingers slipping into your hole
'fuck- i can do this for hours.' he's almost whining, though really you are the one at his mercy. he was on his knees while you sat on the desk, desperately bucking your hips into his face as he worked his way around your folds
it was so lewd, you think. the loud slurps, your juices and drool dribbling down venti's chin, his whimpers and whines as he buried his face into your crotch as angelic as ever
who, amongst the countless number of fans, would think that their idol who had the most beautiful voice, singing songs that praised innocent, sincere love - would be here, your plush thighs opened wide, muffled whines leaving his mouth as he begged to taste you more?
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stoirmeachapas · 4 months
look for the light
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warnings: injury, but thats quite literally it!!!
nika muhl x reader
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you dropped to the ground, clutching your knee in your hands as tears instantly spilled from your eyes. you heard a whistle blow, then everything went so quiet.
your fist found the ground as you cried out in pain.
everything was so blurry. people stood above you but you couldn’t make out anyones faces.
it was all too much. the lights were so bright, it made your head throb. you squeezed your eyes together so hard and covered them with your hands to block it out, but nothing worked.
“hey,” a hand was placed on your shoulder. “its okay, look at me.”
you pulled your hand from your face reluctantly and wiped your tears, blinking more away.
a brunette girl was kneeled in-front of you, brushing flyaway hairs away from your sweaty face. “everything’s okay.”
“no its not. it hurts so bad. its not okay.” she shushed you while she twisted your ponytail around.
nika grabbed your hand lightly as they sat you up. geno and paige stood above you, talking to the medics as they asked questions.
geno lent down, “hey kiddo, were gonna try to stand you up and get you over to the side, alright?” you nodded your head lightly in response.
nika wrapped an arm around you and began to help you up, the medic grabbing your other side.
as soon as you were up, a cry escaped your mouth the second you were upright.
panicked breaths escaped your mouth as you failed to stand. not managing to put any pressure on your leg. “i know it hurts, but we have to do this,” she mumbled out, more of your weight falling to her.
geno hushed a few of the girls over to the bench, all of them glancing back over with worried looks. “she needs to try one more step, then you put her back down if she can’t.”
“we need to move her.”
“you will do as i say. you will do what is best for my players.” geno spoke sternly, trying to cover up his slight anger.
the second medic, a shorter girl, smiled lightly at you, “can you try one more time, honey?”
nika held your hip even tighter, pulling more weight off your leg. “you’ve got this, baby.”
a light cry escaped your mouth as you took another step, quickly stepping off of it and onto your other leg. “ geno stood infront of you, “what do you think.”
“let me keep going, please.”
“does it hurt?”
you took another step, “yes.”
and as you went for another step, you crumbled into nikas side, tears filling your eyes again. “shh. sit down.” you were so dizzy, and so tired. as soon as you reached the floor, you couldn’t stay awake anymore. the pain was too much. the light slowly turned into darkness. you would’ve been scared but nikas worried eyes staring into yours were enough to calm you down as you went out.
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you were only out for about five minutes, but it felt like forever to the entire team.
they will admit, moving you off of the court was much easier when you were passed out. nika held your hand the entire time. she refused to let go, so when you woke up on the floor by the bench, she was sitting next to you still. ice was placed over your forehead and your knee.
after you blinked the fogginess away, it was almost like you never fell asleep. the pain was back. it was so horrible.
paige and caroline were there as-well, sitting on the floor. they were leant over your leg.
it was purple around your knee, bruising happening very quickly. geno got down on one knee by you, “hey, they’re gonna bring you in.”
“m’kay, thats fine.”
you rolled over to your side, the bags of ice falling off as you curled into a ball.
paige rubbed your back, mumbling about how its going to work out good. caroline just stared at your leg, processing what happened. nika loosened your ponytail just incase you got a headache while she murmured sweet words into your ear.
you held onto one of her hands and your other hand clutched the front of her jersey.
as they loaded you onto the stretcher, she dropped your hand for the first time since it had happened. she furrowed her eyebrows and gave you a light smile before turning away, not looking back. she knew that if she turned around she wouldn’t be able to leave you.
the entire ride was surreal. it was as if nothing had happened in your head. you were still on that court with your team. you were still with your girls.
you had the game playing live on your phone. you wanted to know how it was going, but they were off. it was almost like they didn’t care for the rest of the quarter. you would’ve thought that they didn’t, if you watched how they played. it was so messy.
when the buzzer sounded they were down sixteen. the fourth quarter began minutes later, and they were closing the gap. it was a seven point, then four, then two, and then they were tied. in the final seconds they took the lead, securing the win for uconn.
you smiled at the screen as they celebrated, sinking further into the hospital bed.
doctors came in and out, poking around and asking more questions.
after multiple test and a mri, they had decided it was a torn acl.
it was as if everything had suddenly fallen apart. you thought that there would be nothing wrong, you had convinced yourself. but there was something wrong, and it was season ending.
the shock slowly left and it turned into being upset, then angry. you just laid there and silently cried.
after an hour, geno came into the room. you guys didn’t talk about your leg, he was trying to take your mind off of it. then nika came in and he left. she spoke so softly, wiping tears off your face. she pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back, pressing light kisses to the side of your head. “it’s gonna be okay, baby. i promise,” she mumbled lightly, twirling your ponytail around.
you looked at her through watery eyes, “i’m so mad. how could i let this happen?” you sobbed, tugging on the collar of her shirt. “no, stop it. its not like you could’ve predicted this. everybody gets hurt sometimes.”
“but this isn’t a sore ankle or a broken finger. i’m gonna have to get surgery, and i’m out for the rest of the season!”
she cupped your face with her hands, “take a deep breath, please. i’ll do it with you, okay?”
you nodded at her, focusing on your breathing. “there you go…good girl.” she pulled you into a light hug, sitting on the side of the hospital bed. you cuddled into her side, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “don’t leave, just stay here,” you whispered out.
“i’m not going anywhere.”
and that was the truth. she was with you when you went in for surgery and when you woke up. she was there for your first step on your leg. she was there when you starting playing basketball again. she never left.
“whats up?”
“your the light of my life.”
send reqs please i’m sooo boredd im begging youuu
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mahboimahboi · 1 year
reader getting absolutely destroyed by gojo, toji, getou, and nanami😇
A SEX FEST x M!Reader (featuring Getou, Gojo, Toji)
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As the phone rang that was seated on top of the table, Gojo whistles to a tune he created on the spot as he picked up the phone and placed the it near his ear. "Hello~ This is Gojo speaking." He spoke in a singy-song voice as a light chuckle moves past his lips.
"Oh, Mr. Gojo, good morning. I would like to ask if Y/N is with you? He told me that he would be there at your house for a very important tutor lesson." A boy's voice spoke from the other end of the line as Gojo begins to play with the telephone's cable, twirling it around his finger.
One side of Gojo's lips move upward upon hearing your name, as he kept his composure and spoke as poised as he can, being known as one of the most prim and proper teacher in their school. "Yes, he is." He replied, eyeing the scene unfolding on his bed through the side of his eyes.
"Oh, can I have him over the phone please? I would just like to talk to him about something." The male spoke, Gojo's smirk just growing wider, if possible.
Gojo pops his tongue and replies with sinister laced in his voice. "Of course, give me a minute."
He passes the phone over to you, whilst you covered your mouth trying to restrict any sound of sex satisfied noise from ever coming out of your mouth as Toji holds you down in place like you are some kind of sex toy or fleshlight, drilling his cock in you roughly. "R-Ryuuji? What is it?" You tried to answer the phone with all the strength left in you, but you accidentally drop the phone as Toji pulls your body back towards him, Gojo getting the phone from where it fell and ends the call after telling your brother that you are busy. "F-Fuck, yes, sir. Fuck me, fuck me good!" You moaned out, rolling your eyes to the back of your head, your eyes hanging out of your mouth in pure bliss.
"Huu, yes, kiddo. I'll fucking give you what you want." Toji groans out, gritting his teeth as he fastened his pace, his strong arms holding you in place, your own strengh nothing compared to his, letting yourself just melt into lust and left your body to be used at his own advantage. "That's what I love about you, kid. You're a really good cum dumpster." He degrades you, the word enough to drive you crazy as you felt a very familiar coil in your stomach.
"S-Sir! AH, FUCK! NNGGH! I'M CUMMING!!" You let out, holding onto the adult male's biceps, but your pleasure is not long lived when you feel something wrap around the base of your cock, making you whimper as your climax got rejected. "N-No! NNYAH!" You moan in pleasure, but the noises was too much for Getou that he pulls your head by your hair and inserts his fat dick in your mouth to cover the irritating sounds coming out of your mouth.
"Didn't actually perceive you as a person who likes noisy bitches like this slut, Toji." Getou comments as the male starts to fuck your mouth without even giving you a proper warning, holding onto your throat with one hand. "Hm, fuck. Well, I say this one's a little different. Bitch knows how to use his mouth." He said, howling in pleasure when you start twirling your tongue around his thick rod. Getou pushes his head back, letting Toji's thrusts be a moderator to your head sucking his cock.
"Careful boys. I still haven't had my turn yet." Gojo stated, pushing down the glasses he had on a little as he smirks, finding your fucked up state a total turn on. It is as though you are purposely seducing him, which you are. You tap on Getou's thigh to signal him that you wanted to say something, the male groaning in annoyance as he pulled out.
"S-Sir Gojo, my ass still feels empty even w-with sir Toji's cock in me." You said, which made Toji stop his movements, his pride being stepped on at your words. He lets out a dark chuckle, dropping his head low. "Please, fill me up, sir Go—AAH!" You're cut through your words when Toji suddenly starts fucking you roughly, practically just vibrating in your place.
"You fucking slut! You could have just asked Gojo, not say shitty words and hurt my ego." Toji grunted in anger, using you to let his frustration out. I mean you are the reason he is angry right now, so you basically deserved getting your brain completely fucked out.
Gojo stifles a laugh before he joins you, Getou, and Toji in bed. "Don't worry, hon. We'll have our own little fun time once they're done with you." Gojo smirks, before he got out of the bed and moves towards his own room, leaving you to be a mess with his co-teachers.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 5 months
Dean Winchester & daughter!reader, Sam Winchester & niece!reader
Requested by anonymous (x2)
Synopsis: you get your period for the first time, and Sam and Dean help you through it
Warnings: blood, period, crying, fluff
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You awoke in the middle of the night, unsure at first what had woken you up. Then a sudden, stabbing pain in the pit of your gut had a pained gasp escaping your lips.
“What…” you mumbled as you pulled your blankets aside and clicked on your lamp. Another gasp, this time one of shock, came out as you saw blood covering your sheets and blankets. The gasp was followed by a whimper as another wave of pain washed over you.
You didn’t understand; you hadn’t been injured anywhere recently, and certainly not down there…
The only thing you could think of was a witch—Rowena had been around lately, and though she seemed to be on your side, could you really be sure? She could have left a hex bag in your room, something that would make you bleed to death! You checked your mouth, your nose, your ears—anywhere else that you could be bleeding from—but nothing; it was just between your legs. Your chest was tight, your throat constricted, as panicked gasps left you. You tried to take deep breaths—you needed to keep calm—but it wasn’t very effective.
You wanted to go and get your dad and Uncle Sam, but first you decided to do a quick sweep of the room; you didn’t find any hex bags.
You made your way awkwardly towards your fathers room, very aware of the blood running down your right leg. Your hands were shaking as you reached out to knock on his door, and when you looked down you realized that all of you was shaking.
Dean opened the door, rubbing his face and looking half asleep.
“N/N? What are you doing up?”
“I-I-I…” you swallowed hard and tried again to speak past your tears. “I think I got hexed.”
Dean was suddenly alert, his eyes fully open and his stance straight.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Im ble-bleeding and it won’t stop,” you sobbed.
“Bleeding? Where?” It was too dark for Dean to see the growing stain on your pajama pants.
“Um…my-my…” you were suddenly shy, struck with how awkward it felt to talk about this with your father. You clammed up, alarming Dean.
“Commere,” he said, opening his room for further and gesturing you in. He clicked on his bedroom lamp and looked you up and down. It took him mere seconds to see the blood on your pants, and to your surprise he relaxed completely. “Oh kiddo…”
His lips began to twitch ever-so-slightly, and now it looked like he was having an internal battle. Was he…
“Are you smiling?!” You demanded. “Dad, I could be dying!”
A single second of laughter escaped him before he schooled his features, noting how scared you were.
“Honey, you’re not dying, I swear. This is totally normal.”
“Normal? How could this be normal, I’m bleeding!” Dean’s nonchalance just made you more frustrated, which just made more tears fall.
“Hey, hey ok,” Dean’s voice was gentle and understanding. “Just take a seat and I’m gonna go get Sam. He can get you what you need for this and while he’s gone I’ll explain it.”
“Do-do we have to tell Uncle Sam?” You mumbled, still embarrassed, but less panicked.
“Trust me, Uncle Sam knows what this is too. It’s not gonna bother him a bit.”
“Ok.” You nodded your assent. “But-but I can’t sit on your bed, I’ll get blood all over your sheets.”
“Just sit, I’ll wash them later, ok?” Only after you’d hesitantly sat on your dad’s bed did he leave to get Sam.
Dean was just wrapping up his explanation when Sam returned with a Walmart bag and a gentle smile.
“Hey there,” he greeted. “How are we doing?”
“Um—ok,” you mumbled. Now that you understood you weren’t dying, you were more embarrassed than anything. “Sorry for freaking out.”
“Don’t apologize,” Dean insisted. “I should’ve told you earlier, I just…I thought I’d have another year or two.” Dean ruffled your hair. “You’re growing up fast, kiddo.”
Your lips twitched up—only a little—and Dean grinned before turning to take the bag from Sam.
“Ok, what do we have here?”
“Uh—“ Sam scratched the back of his neck. “Well I asked this lady that was buying some of this stuff herself, just to make sure I got everything. I got pads and tampons, because she said that Y/N should get to pick. Then I got a heating pad—that’s supposed to help with cramps. I got this one that you can plug in, it looks easy to use, but then I got this one shaped like a teddy bear that you can put in the microwave.” Sam reached into the bag as he spoke, pulling out each item in turn. Sure enough, he pulled out a little brown bear, and you smiled. “And then I got a lot of chocolate, and some, uh…” Sam pulled out a bottle. “I don’t really know what they are, but it’s supposed to be better for cramps and stuff than Advil, so…”
Looking at all the stuff on the table, you felt incredible overwhelmed. You needed all this stuff?
“Ok.” Dean clapped his hands together. “I guess you should start with these.” He held out the box of pads and the box of tampons. You took them both, reading the instructions on the back carefully before taking both boxes with you to the bathroom. You returned a few minutes later to both men busy at work—Dean taking the sheets off his bed while Sam was returning from your room with clean clothes.
You took the clothes from Sam and retreated back into the bathroom, and after a quick shower to clean yourself off, you emerged again in clean pajamas. Dean was just returning to the room with the teddy bear fresh from the microwave, and Sam had gotten you a water bottle.
“Do you want us to take this stuff to your room?” Dean asked, and you saw his question for the open invitation that it was.
“Could I stay in here?” You asked, and Dean smiled.
“Of course, sweetheart. I’m gonna go get some clean sheets, and then we can go back to bed, ok?”
Not ten minutes later, Sam had returned to his room and you and Dean were getting comfortable in his bed.
“Just let me know how you’re feeling in the morning, and we’ll go from there ok?” Dean said.
“Ok,” you mumbled sleepily, burrowing into Dean’s side. “Hey dad?”
“My pleasure, kiddo.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
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hysteria-things · 6 months
PHOTO ALBUM (part two)
read part one here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft!dom chris x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: when you and chris finally have alone time, you guys want to make the most of it.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, fluff, swearing, p in v, sleepy sex, a little praising
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 715
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: the second part for @whoreforchrissturniolo request😜
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marylou opens the front door and smiles wide, you and chris walking into his childhood home and placing the car seats on the ottoman. “how are you doing, sweetie?” she greets with a hug, chris unbuckling the twins so braeden and lydia can stretch.
“i’m doing good.” you reply. “just tired.”
“tell me about it,” she says lowly, chris coming to your side. his mother talks to the babies, taking both of them out of the seats and holding them in her arms. she is a pro.
“thank you again, mom. i’m sorry we keep coming over like this, especially when dad’s at work.”
she scoffs, refusing to take her eyes off of her grandchildren. “don’t be silly. go get rest; i got this.”
occasionally, you and chris would come over to his parent's house in the morning to have them watch the kiddos while you guys get some extra sleep. it helps tremendously, since the amount of sleep you guys get is about four hours.
because of the eye bags, it does look like you guys got punched in the face.
once you plop onto chris’s bed, you get under the covers and snuggle instantly, eyes already half closed. “your mom is a lifesaver.” you mumble.
he giggles, facing toward you and taking your hand to peck it. a peck leads to him kissing up your arm, then neck, then to him on top of you with your arms wrapped around his neck. your lips move in sync. it’s slow, but it’s full of need.
ever since the kids were born, you guys have not had time to have sex, which is understandable. right now, you guys are exhausted, but you can’t stop now.
he pulls away, groaning when you reach your hand into his pants and pump his base. “fuck.” he whispers, feeling him getting harder under your touch.
you hum when he pushes your hand away, untying both his and your bottoms before pulling them down. he goes in and kisses you again, this time inserting his tongue into your mouth.
soft moans and pants leave your mouths, keeping in the back of your heads to not be so loud. you guys are supposed to be asleep, after all.
gasping, you grab onto chris’s arms. you haven’t felt him in a very long time, so adjusting to the size again will be difficult. he leans to your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. “you’re taking it so well, baby. just a little more, okay?”
you whine, chris taking one of your hands and interlocking his fingers with it above your head. once he thrusts softly into you, your eyes flutter closed. you throw your head back, taking in what you haven’t felt in almost a year.
“damn,” he grunts, leaving kisses on your neck and collarbone. he missed this.
“you feel so good.” you whimper, gripping tighter onto his hand that’s holding yours. he moans in response, licking his lips to focus on how well you wrap around him.
you open your eyes, his already staring back at yours. your noses graze each other, mouths open wide with heavy pants escaping them. because it’s been forever, your orgasm already started to build.
his cock moves deep inside you, a high-pitched moan louder than the others falling past your lips before you cover them with your palm. clenching hard, chris’s hips jut. “you’re squeezing so fucking tight. is someone close? hm?”
“y-yes.” you exhale. “i need to cum so bad. i-i miss cumming around your cock.”
those words cause a groan, his hips moving slightly faster to also get to his climax. “sh-shit.” he stammers. “that’s right. cum around my dick like the good girl you are. there we go.”
legs trembling, you continue to moan as your release smears down his shaft. multiple grunts and ruts of the pelvis later, the feeling of chris’ cum oozing inside of you has you thanking god that you recently got back on birth control. you love the babies, but you certainly don’t need another one at the moment.
he lays at your side, arms wrapping around your waist and nuzzling deep into your back. you were tired before, but that got you guys falling asleep in seconds, enjoying the peace while listening to each other’s heartbeats.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @sturniolotriplettoplover @stars4matt @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @luv4kozume @ivyyyyyysposts @mirxcle1 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @catalina-island @mbsbaby @mattsdollie @pinkfarts @slut4mattsturn @thesturniolos @vickeyzloserz @nononopenono1 @bitchydragonparadise @gdsvhtwa @hrt-attack @bellasfavbisexual @dwntwn-strnlo @venusbabysblog @meerkatzthings @crazychrisl0v3r @maggieflms @strtuniolo @mutualsafe @riasturns @sturniolowhore @antpile00 @ashley9282828 @stingerayyy2 @sturnsjtop
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chaotic-toasters · 5 months
wHy wOulD yOu dO tHiS iN tHe LiViNg rOoM?
Caitlin Foord x Teen!Reader (Platonic)
TW: Alludes (mentions of?) to smut, no actual graphic descriptions or anything
Minors DNI just to be safe
"-No, of course not," you scoffed to your former teammate as you walked onto the driveway. "That's summin' Kyra would do, not me."
Jen smiled. "Well, you might do it if you're sleep deprived. You're nearly as crazy as Kyra when you don't get your rest."
You climbed the steps, pulling your key out of your pocket. "I take offense to that, Beats. No one likes being compared to Kyra, ever. Don't tell her I said tha-aUGH!"
You didn't know what you were expecting when you opened the door, but it was not your sister engaging in... sexual activities with your third captain.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" your hands flew up to cover your eyes as you stumbled about, hitting your back on the doorframe and falling over as Jen sat on the other end of the line, confused. "CAITLIN!"
The frantic rustling of clothing sounded out. "I-"
"wHy wOuLd yOu dO tHiS iN tHe LiViNg rOoM?" You shrieked, voice pitch rapidly changing as you shot to your feet. "YoUr liTtLe siStEr lIvEs wItH yOU!"
Caitlin's Aussie accent was thick with embarrassment. "Y/N, you said you wouldn't be home 'till tomorrow!"
You screamed, blindly sprinting out of the house, phone forgotten on the floor with your hands clawing at your eyes. You didn't even know where you were going, but you from the aggressive honking of cars, you'd crossed the street at least twice. Thankfully for you, your feet had brought you to a familiar house in St. Albans.
"KIM! KIM! KIIIIIM!" you sobbed, desperately banging on the wooden door as the earlier image lingered in your mind. "KIIII-HIII-HIM!"
Your captain yanked the door open, clad in old Arsenal sweats and a jumper. "What happened, Y/N? Are you alright?"
"Caitlin and and and Katie THEYAUAHAUHAUHLBLUHUUHUH!" You babbled, hands rubbing frantically at your eyes like someone had pepper-sprayed you in the face. "AUAHAABUHHUH!"
"Caitlin and Katie what, sweetheart?" Kim pulled you inside worriedly, moving you into a sitting position on the floor and joining you after closing the door. "I can't understand you."
Kim gently pried your hands from your eyes as you launched your face into her shoulder, lips pressed into a thin line. "Did you knock, kiddo?"
"THEY WERE IN THE LIVING ROOM!" you cried hysterically, shaking your head as you tried to shake the ghost image. "I DON'T 'WIKE IT!"
The Scot choked on her spit. "What?!"
As you screamed bloody murder into her shoulder, Kim reached for her phone, dialing your national team captain's number. "Steph? Can you and Leah go to Caitlin's flat? She and Katie need a stern talkin' to."
"Why?" you could hear the defender ask.
"They were doing it in the living room. Y/n's in bits."
"Put Y/N on the phone."
Kim obliged, holding the phone to your ear.
"Hey, kiddo—"
"THEY WERE DOING—THEY WERE— THEY AUHHAUGHH—" you cried again, struggling to free your hands from Kim's firm grasp. "I STILL SEE IT, I STILL SEE ITTT!"
Steph sighed. "We're on our way."
"Thanks, Steph, I'll talk to you later. Bye," Kim hung up the phone, wrapping you up in a tight hug as you squirmed. "It's okay, Y/N, it's okay."
You dug your face deeper into her shoulder with a whine. "I don't wanna go back there, Kimmy. I don't wanna."
She murmured her agreement. "You can stay in the spare room tonight, kiddo. I'll have Steph and Leah pick up some of your stuff, and we'll figure out the rest tomorrow."
"Hey, Y/N, how's it‐ why are your eyes so red?" Cloe questioned as she sat next to you in her own cubby, concerned. "Have you been crying?"
"Maybe," you answered hoarsely. "I don't know."
Steph whispered something into the Canadian's ear, your teammates eyes filling with surprise and pity. "Oof, sorry, kid."
"Me too, Cloe," you mumbled miserably. "Me too."
The last of the gunners filed into the changing room, your sister one of them. "Y/N, could you step outside so we ca—"
You screamed at the top of your lungs, jolting away and diving into Cloe's arms. "NO!"
"Give her time, Cait," Steph advised, directing her away from you. "You might've scarred her for life."
You sniffled in Cloe's comforting hold. "Why did you have to be the naked one?"
Katie shrugged apologetically. "She is a pillow princess."
You shrieked. "EWWW!"
What am I doing
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g-xix · 22 days
🔞☁️Spiderman!W2s au
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Inspo: Harry as Spiderman in the come dine w me sidemen video, and the "chocolate house" scene in TASM
Summary: When studying for an exam, your spider boyfriend interrupts your session with the incessant want to distract you...
CWs: oral (female recieving), parents being home, praise
Notes: In this AU Spiderman Harry and reader are both 18+ student inters at Oscorp Labs (the whole timline is a bit askew but allow me x)
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Headphones in and exam material spread out on the desk in front of you, you closed your eyes and relaxed a moment. Thunder rumbled and rain thudded against the window outside, the sky still grey outside, yet not enough light for the studying you had, to prepare you for the next exam in a couple weeks. Your spiced cookies candle still burned strong and illuminated your pages with a warm glow, but weren't enough to prevent your eyes from straining in the darkness.
You picked yourself up from the desk, allowing yourself a full body stretch - cracking each vertebrae until your fingertips tingled and head felt filled with fuzz to contrast the diagrams and data that swam in your prefrontal.
The tea you'd made was running short, and you equally needed a shower. Both of those required going to the kitchen - to turn the boiler on as well as the kettle - which also meant a break from your much needed cramming.
You brought your phone to your pocket, slipping it in so that your headphones still played instrumental tracks into your ears whilst you went across the room to flick the light-switch, illuminating your room and letting you lie back against the bed for a moment, just closing your eyes and pushing one earmuff to the side so that you could indulge in both the music and the heavy thuds against the window. Rainpour outside glum and dreary, and yet the most beautiful noise you could think of to accompany your evening revision session. 
The thuds became heavier, more frantic, and you opened your eyes to look out and see the fat bullets that'd hit and drain down your window - creating the outside world into a real-life oil painting - splattered and swashed with haphazard reds and yellows from the traffic lights and cars that honked and buzzed so far away from your flat.
Though the idyllic painting you had expected to see was not what you were met with, as you saw the blurred silhouette of a red and blue suit, and brunette head of hair resting on your windowsill so many floors up from the ground. A gasp fell from your lips, followed by an almost panicked "HARRY!" - rushing to the window to fight the locks and open the window so that your boyfriend could push himself through the window frame and into your room - grinning sheepishly up at your panicked face as you assessed your boyfriend from head to toe - hair spiked and dampened by the rain, and body still kitted in that skintight spidersuit that hugged all of the muscles you knew he possessed beneath.
Although your assessment was cut short as you heard your name called from the end of the corridor outside your room, footsteps drawing nearer too.
Your eyes snapped from the door to the boyfriend that hadn't announced his presence to your parents, having entered through the window, your wide-eyed look of fear and panic showing that you were too stunned to do anything. Which left Harry no option but to dart under the bed himself - slipping his body between the thin slit of space between the hardwood bed frame and carpet floor, tugging the duvet down to cover the shadow of his body, beneath the bed.
The knock that sounded against the door was what unparalysed you and caused you to shoot towards the door - opening it and smiling unsuspectingly at your dad who was on the other side of the door.
"You alright, little miss?" Your dad asked, before looking back at the bedroom behind you. "I thought I heard you saying that Harry kiddo's name, just checking you're all alright..."
"Oh yeah I'm fine," You quickly responded, nodding to affirm it. "I just... I just thought I saw him down on the roadside from the window - I don't think it was him though... I must just be having hallucinations from studying too hard or something, right...?"
Your dad looked at you blankly for a moment. Like you were absolutely insane. Before a chuckle fell from his lips and he looked down, shaking his head at your insanity warmly. "Absolutely insane, you are."
You shrugged with a slight smile on your face.
"What was it you were talking about at dinner last week - wanting to live in a chocolate house," He laughed fondly at the fresh memory, and you felt the colour drawing from your cheeks as you remembered Harry was underneath your bed and could undeniably hear every embarrassing word your father spoke. "You were doing up a real court case there - I mean - you designed a whole electricity system using the sugar in gummy bears to power the lights and -"
"OKAY, okay! I get it, I'm insane!" You cut him short as you felt the redness building heat to your cheeks. Your dad only found it even funnier, and laughed at your embarrassed demeanour.
"Alright, alright.." He stopped himself with a large smile over his face. "I like that Harry kid - your boyfriend - he isn't half bad. You know you're allowed to have him over whenever you want, you don't need to be secretive about none of that. He does the same Uni course as you, yeah? He's a good kid, Y/n, you could have him over for dinner tonight if he's available - your Mum's cooking up a roast, y'know...?"
"I think he's busy tonight," You said unsurely, and your Dad just nodded though. "Thanks Dad - could you put the boiler on as well? I wanna have a shower in a few."
Your dad agreed, shouting a half hour until food's ready! before leaving you to close the door with a sigh of relief, turning around and seeing Harry - already made comfy on top of your bed and smirking up at you. "Chocolate house?" He repeated with a grin, and you rolled your eyes as you flopped down besides him, tugging at his sleeve. "The clothes you left are in a that drawer there - go put them on, sewer rat... And I think you need a shower, too."
"Shower with you?" He looked over at you with a mischievous grin, and you had to thud him with a pillow to get some sense into him. ("Guess that's a no then.")
You watched Harry as he got up from the bed, stretching to hit the spot on his back that loosened his spidersuit and wincing as he did so. You noticed how he let out a huff, wincing once more as he bent over to take his shirt out from the lower drawer, your brows furrowing. 
"Harry, turn around." You commanded, because there's been times where Harry had been injured and refused to tell you until he'd been healed or gotten professional help. He'd said that his special abilities would allow him to heal up without really needing attention... But you still feared that he could get infected, or have an injury worsen due to his neglect for it. And with him wincing and huffing with every movement, you couldn't help but fear he'd done something to his body which he was now trying to hide.
"...Why?" He froze up, not turning around.
"Why are you so uneasy sounding right now?" You narrowed your eyes.
"I asked the question first so you have to answer first-"
"I literally asked you to turn around first, if anything you should have to do that first-"
"Well there's nothing that you need to worry about, Y/n," Harry huffed again, this time out of his begrudging nature - rolling his eyes and quickly slipping his shirt over his top half (and even though you felt unhappy with him, you didn't miss the opportunity to ogle your boyfriend's back muscles), letting the man get himself into something more comfy before turning around with a regretful expression as he got next to you on the bed. "Sorry for getting angry, I -uhm- shouldn't have..."
You exhaled a deep breath as his fingers found the back of your head, his hand tentatively massaging your scalp. Your own fingers traced the bottom of his shirt before your head tilted up to him, his hand moving with your head and bringing his attention down to you - meeting for eye contact.
"Harry, you know I'm just lookin' out for you.." Your fingers went beneath his top, feeling out the muscle of his lower abs and the trail that lead upwards to his belly, palm flattening over the skin and making his breathing hitch slightly. "I know you say that it doesn't matter because you got some spider immunity - or whatever the hell it is - but you're human beneath it all... and that doesn't mean that you're not immune to an infection. Or some sort'a vector creating disease that'll wipe you and your entire spider-species out."
Harry chuckled slightly at your words, but his hands still went under his shirt to lie on top of yours, his fingers interweaving between yours and clasping over yours as a non-verbal show of connection. 
His breathing hitched and you felt the edge of your finger brush over something rougher. Like the skin surrounding a wound. You knew you'd hit a sensitive spot - some sort of injury, and you looked up to meet Harry's eye contact. "...Can I look..?"
Harry took a deep breath but nodded shakily. 
And tentatively pulling his shirt up, you squeezed your lips together to stop yourself from gasping at the horrifying dark red gash that ran from just below his chest and over his abdomen - raw and ripped, reddened and smudged with blood that was darkened and dried lower down - his quickened healing already forming a scab over the cut that had a width almost as long as your finger.
"It's not that bad is it?" Harry's voice came our quiet and sheepish - as if guilty for having not wanting you to see it.
Your own voice had a high and breathy quality as you internalised all the shock and horror and emotion you felt for your boyfriend, hurt with the massive cut across his body. "...It's... there." 
There was a first aid kit in your downstairs bathroom, and pressing Harry's abdomen down into the bed, telling him to just stay - crawling over Harry's body to the door (placing the lightest of kisses on his stomach) before hurrying to grab the antiseptic, cloth, cotton, bandage and more - running back up the stairs of your family apartment and entering the room - your hand only just managed to touch the door handle briefly before the breath was taken from your lungs-
A thud sounded from the bed as you watched your boyfriend roll frantically to hide - raising an arm to shoot a web at the door handle which your hand was still attached to.
"Oh fuck, it's just you.." You heard a groan from your boyfriend who'd rolled himself onto the side of the bed. "Uhm - sorry about the web.."
You laughed and tugged your hand to escape the sticky web that had attached you to the door, but... "Harry, why can't I move my hand..?"
"Uhm, you said you got some anti septic - that's got alcohol - just douse your hand with some of that, that might melt the web a bit..."
The web became like thick sugar syrup on your hand - melting - but still sticky all over the back of your hand and your fingers, although Harry promised it was completely safe as you washed it off and shot him dirty looks as he stood in the bathroom doorway with your room now locked.
"Okay big boy, squeeze my hand when you feel pain just don't scream," You chastised for the final time, and your Harry nodded with pursed lips - squeezed shut to prevent a single noise leaving his mouth as you lowered the alcohol drenched cotton swab to his wound.
You forgot that his spider abilities made him stronger than he was before though, and you were the one to let out a yelp as you felt your fingers almost getting crushed by his own digits, wrapped around yours. Instantly however, he let go and had gotten up to press his lips to your hand, pressing kisses to the back of it and apologising profusely, his thumb now tracing over each phalange whilst he left delicate kisses over each one in an apology.
You managed, in the end. Harry decided to bite down on the face of a pillow instead, as you wiped alcohol over his wound and sterilized it - bandaging the cut to prevent entry of any pathogens and receiving kisses all over your "Miracle hands" in payment. 
Although as you realised you had been set a topic behind, according to your time schedule - Harry only allowed you fifteen minutes more of peaceful revision, before he had decided that he was finished with looking out of your window and playing with your newton's cradle - and wanted to pester you instead.
"You're so pretty when you're studying." Harry leant back against the glass of your window to observe you - pencil in hand - poised and trailing over the words which you digested from a textbook and traced onto your own separate notes.
"Yeah, you should be studying too y'know.." Your gaze didn't move from the page you read whilst you spoke, and thus you didn't see Harry cross the room to stand behind your chair.
You were so absorbed, in fact, that you didn't even notice his presence behind you until he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and let his chin rest of the top of your head, the weight of his head on top of your making you grumble even whilst you liked the pressure of him around your body.
"God, how do you always manage such good grades even when you spend all day in the city and acting hero," You let your eyes close and body untense, leaning back into your boyfriend who hummed at your resignation to the studying- indulging in your boyfriend's hold instead. He laughed, and the sound ricocheted in his chest and vibrated against your body in the most pleasant way.
"I think you need a break," Harry's hand delicately took those strands that had fallen from your ponytail and tucked them one by one behind your ear ever so lovingly. And whilst the warmth of his body against your back betrayed you and had you wanting to indulge in his sweet loving, your rationale caused a whine to fall from your throat as you betrayed your wants to protest him.
"Noooo.." You did your best to protest with your words, because your body was absolute fool to Harry's touch, and didn't protest one bit as he wrapped his arm slowly and tentatively beneath your thigh to pick you up bridal style. Testing the waters as he gently chastised you with a "Oh yes," as he brought you to the bed , slowly and carefully setting you down against the pillows as though you were delicate china before crawling up onto the bed himself. "Breaks are important - you gotta give your brain rest time so you can come back more refreshed. You need a distraction, Y/n..."
You'd been keen to notice his much stronger Harry had gotten since being bit by that spider. Though his physical frame didn't look awfully different, his strength, reflexes and grip had most definitely had a drastic increase in sensitivity and effect. And once again, you noticed Harry's strength as he held himself up on top of you on just his forearms - lowering himself to the exposed skin of your collarbone - brushing the cardigan aside to reveal the soft, untouched skin.
He looked up with a smile, through thick lashes and boyish charm that had you wrap your legs and squeeze around his body. And taking a hint, he gently pressed his lips to the flesh - feeling the hard bone beneath the surface and letting his tongue scale it before nipping with his teeth and listening to your body's physical reaction as you back arched ever so slightly whilst he pulled away with a grin.
"Y'know another thing?" You spoke, letting a hand thread through his locks before trailing down to his cheek. He looked up at you, giving you eye contact to listen to your hypothesis. "I think your canines have gotten sharper since you got bitten."
"Is that so?" He cocked his head to the side, letting his cheek fall into your palm - and you trailed your hand over his face so that you could push your thumb into his mouth - pulling his upper lip up and holding it there with a grin as you looked down at his teeth. Sharp canines protruding from the ordered and equal-lengthed incisors. The pad of your finger pressed into the points and let the points create little indents onto the soft skin. Definitely sharper.
"Without a doubt," You smiled up at him, admiring the mossy green nestled within the oceanic blues of his irises, delicate wave pattern threaded through the circumference that circled the dark pupils. God, you felt as though you could drown in those. "C'mon Harry, tell me; how'd you do so well constantly in class when you're always out saving the city or just enjoying life.."
He laughed again, giving you another show of the attractively sharp canines before lowering himself down - pressing his chest into yours whilst still effortlessly holding his weight up - leaning into you so that his breath fanned over the hard outer shell of your ear as he gave his hush response.
"I don't sleep. I'm revising instead; because spiders never truly sleep - they just slow down and take some down time, before they're back in action.."
His voice was low and husky with the words you delivered, and you could feel something sinful setting alight in your stomach. "Harry - this is the weirdest sexy talk you've ever done."
"I think it's working though-" His hips were already flush with your core - and reaching a hand below the hem of your skirt, he pressed the material of your panties down against your slit until he could feel the arousal that had formed between your legs from everything to do with Harry. A gasp fell from your lips at the sudden intimate touch, and your hand jumped to his wrist to stop his movements. Because the grin that he wore told you that he was absolutely going to take this further if you didn't stop him. 
"Harry!" You hissed his name in horror. "My Mum and Dad are still home! We can't do anything..."
"Why not..?" Harry's fingers had resorted to tracing patterns over your thigh which was awfully seductive alongside his confident smile and eye contact. "I can tell that you want to..."
"But you should know that we can't." You spoke firmly, and as if to consolidate your words, you both heard a shout from your dad downstairs: "THREE MINUTES UNTIL DINNER'S READY, KID!"
"See?" You stressed to Harry. "We can't do anything because we only have three minutes - PLUS my doorlock is already faulty - really Harry, anyone could walk in anytime-!"
Harry grumbled and shifted his weight onto one arm so that he could lift the other to point to the door, jetting a web to cement the door shut and flush with the wall. "There - now no-one's coming in - we can have some privacy for three minutes... I can work with three minutes, Y/n - all you gotta do is say the word..."
You took your lip between your teeth as you contemplated... Because you knew that you really did want Harry - and with the door webbed shut, you really could spend those three minutes with no interruptions... But you had a family dinner straight after, and even if your parents wouldn't be able to see you - there was always a change theyd be able to hear you instead... Your contemplation was futile as you realised that each moment you spent weighing pros and cons only reduced the very short time window you had to actually do anything with Harry if you decided to. You had to make a decision now.
"Fine," You sighed and looked up. "Let's do something then."
"C'mon, you can actually sound like you want it, y'know.." Harry teased and you rolled your eyes. "C'mon, tell me what you want - d'you want me to fuck you? Or d'you want my fingers? Or I can have you cum all over my face-"
"OhmygodHARRY!" You flushed at the lack of filter he had, covering your reddened cheeks in horror. 
"C'mon, make your mind up princess, time's ticking."
You felt a blush rising to your cheeks as you took your lip between your teeth, knowing exactly what you wanted but being shy to say it. "Can you-uhm-use y-your mouth-"
His touch trailed further up your thigh as the request left your lips, and an almost proud smile lit up over Harry's lips as he looked up at you. "See, that wasn't too hard, was it?"
His eyes flickered away from yours to the clock besides you on the bedside table. "Two minutes," he mumbled, "I can work with that."
Harry didn't bother to remove your panties. Instead, he just moved them to the side and returned his mouth to between your legs - his head covered by the material of your skirt that fell over his head and ended mid-neck. 
Which meant you were absolutely clueless to his touch. You couldn't see the glint he had in his eyes, nor expect any of his touch - every touch of his hands, his tongue, his lips was all completely unexpected. And that meant that when you felt Harry's teeth gently closing around your labia just as a teasing nip at your core, a gasp fell from your lips which you had to cover with a hand to prevent yourself from being too loud. 
You could hear the low chuckle that fell from your boyfriend's lips, muttering a "Sorry, couldn't help myself," before he pressed his tongue flat to your clit and moaned, tasting you all over your delicate bud and channeling vibrations that stimulated every nerve ending in your heat and sent pleasure coursing through your veins - making your eyes roll to the back of your head even with the littlest touch that Harry had provided. 
"You taste so fucking good-" His words were cut short as he pressed himself back to your cunt like an addict, his tongue now pressing to your dripping hole and drawing a line from there up to your clit - mixing his saliva with your arousal and spreading it over your pussy so that he could lap blindly between your folds and still taste you regardless of where he placed his tongue.
And you were a wreck with what Harry did.
Your thighs were clenching around his head and core convulsing, your body spasming with a hand over your mouth as you squeezed your eyes shut and did your best to not let out any loud noise that'd have anyone else in the house knowing that your boyfriend had secretly snuck in and what now tongue-fucking you into oblivion...
An un-disguisable gasp slipped from your mouth as you felt a panging in your core, your orgasm barrelling closer and closer as Harry's thumb pressed to your clit - using your slick to lubricate his movements as he pressed circles into the sensitive organ in syncopation with the rhythm of his tongue which lapped between your folds and dived between your walls, the skilled muscle making your breathing come heavier and heat spread across your cheeks and the whole of your body.
"H-Harry, I'm so close-I'm gonn'-I'm-"
"Please~" He begged your release with such sincerity that with his admission you couldn't hold back - your thighs squeezing around his head with enough pressure to crush it - throwing your head back and letting your back arch off from the bed as you felt the pleasure in your core spread through every vein and flood your body with enough oxytocin to fry every neurone in your body, feeling yourself come undone on Harry's tongue in the most lewd and filthy way possible as he lapped up every ounce of praise your body gave him.
"My god, if I could live between your thighs the world would be such a better place," Harry groaned, and you saw his pussy-drunk face as he withdrew from beneath your skirt with slick lips and such a sexed-out expression that you could feel a blush drawing to your cheeks, knowing that was all for you.
He brought himself to your face and joined his lips with yours, his tongue caressing your lower lip and causing the taste that Harry had gotten drunk off of to linger over your lips whilst he made out with you - slowly - sensually - and appreciatively, regardless of the sloppiness of the kiss that had sparks relighting in your core and almost beckoning for a second round with Harry. Yout thoughts were prevented however, as a shout from your dad echoed up the staircase and through the wall: "DINNER'S READY, COME LAY THE TABLE!"
Your lips detached from Harry's with a smile, giggle exiting your lips as you felt Harry's lashes tickling your cheek before he rest his forehead against yours.
"I think you gotta go, sweet thing," Harry spoke with a hushed voice, but you made no move to leave.
"I don't want to," You whined and did your best to wrap a hand around Harry's forearm to keep him with you - though he could sense your plan and had to move back before he was persuaded to stay any longer. "Won't you come have dinner with us - dad said you could-"
"He said I could on the conditions that you invited me and probably came through the front door - not through his daughter's bedroom - besides, I can't go making him hate me when he just admit he thinks I'm a decent guy," Harry grinned as he reflected on the words your dad had used to describe your boyfriend, though as he caught the frown on your face he shortened the gap between you to console you with a kiss to the forehead. "C'mon sweet, you gotta go get your dinner, I'll see you tomorrow in the labs anyways, right?"
"B-but I haven't even given you anything in return for..." You gestured to allude to the head he'd given and he laughed.
"You don't need to worry about me - I already got something to think of when I sort myself out at home," Harry cheekily spoke, and pulled his mask over his face - decided to stay in his cosy clothes.
"You going home, then?" You made the assumption, trying not to be downcasted as the boy nodded. "Web safely then, and text me when you get home - I don't wanna get a heart attack seeing you on the telly for getting into a fight with some bad guy."
Harry laughed and nodded in agreement. "Sure thing. You enjoy your dinner and keep studying hard. I'll still beat you in the next test, though."
You rolled your eyes, hearing another shout from your dad on the floor below.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow - love you!"
"Love you!" You managed to return just in time as Harry opened the window and slipped himself through, casting a web along the main road before swinging away from your apartment and leaving you to walk down the stairs to dinner where your Mum placed roast potatoes in a fancy platter, and you dad laid table mats out.
"Who were you talking to?" Your mum cast a glance over her shoulder at you as you went to retrieve the knives and forks from a drawer to lay the table.
"Just on a call," You shrugged, the lie coming all to easily.
"You ought to be revising instead of spending your time being social, Y/n." Your mum gave a pointed look, and you bit down on your lip to avoid saying something witty in response to her well-meaning scolding. You smiled as you remembered Harry's words instead. 
"It was just a short break. My brain was already fried so I just needed a short social break so that then I could come back refreshed." You smiled to yourself, parroting Harry's words and watching how quickly your Mum changed her stance and agreed with you, taking her words back and becoming more lenient.
You could almost feel Harry there, stirring the gravy and sneaking you a smirk as he watched you repeat the words you'd been so indignant to agree with only fifteen minutes prior. And even all the way through dinner, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling down at your plate as the thought of Harry crossed your mind - the way he'd entered, the tenderness as he'd let you clean his wound, the sharp canines and the love-drunk smile he'd cast you...
Truly, you were head over heels. And when you checked your phone just before studying - opening the picture Harry had sent you - in the darkness of his room having arrived home safely - his spidey mask still on and hand clutching at a quite clearly outlined semi beneath the sweatpants he wore, the accompanying text: thinking of you <3  making your heart flip and core burn up once more - your found yourself realising that one of the other reasons that Harry consistently scored higher grades than you in class was because he was always somehow always on your mind and able to distract you
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Did u mfs enjoy this, bc i lowkey wouldn't mind making this a fulll-time au i write more fics on... 👀👀 i already got spiderman!w2s anon (ty for requesting this btw i had SO MUCH fun writing this) already sending in another idea which i like... do we continue this au?!!?
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hunnylagoon · 9 months
Right Where You Left Me
Pt1: Coming Down With Me
Ellie Williams x reader
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I once met a girl with skin like kiwi. Even the butterflies were drawn to her, landing on the top of her nose, the dip in her palm. But the kiwi stung my tongue, scarred my lips and made me bleed. I do not care. Cover me in your kiwi kisses, burn my mouth and scar my flesh. Bleach my eyes and dip my heart in lemon juice. Sing your sickly sweet words until my ears bleed.
Premise: You and Ellie were childhood best friends until you grew up. Funny thing about soulmates is that they tend to find their way back to each other.
Warnings: Angst / reader has religious issues / people are mean lol / best friends to enemies to lovers / roommate! Ellie
Part two here!
Part three here!
Part four here!
I know everything about you,
You know everything about me.
I had always been bound to the earth while Ellie danced with the stars in the night sky among delusion and dreams. Though, more so than anything, we were bound to one another.
Our parents were friends, even before we were born. They met at summer camp when they were teenagers, the same camp that Ellie and I were eventually shipped off to every summer. Of course, I have no recollection of when I was an infant, only stories that my parents shared with me; My dad told me that I learned to crawl backwards before I learned to crawl forwards. Joel kept a photo album of his girl.
I can't remember days of crawling around and babbling incoherently, but I can tell you what I remember.
Five years old- Kindergarten
Despite the air being unbearable hot, it was infused with excitement as Ellie and me set foot in the petting zoo. I had never seen so many animals in one place, my little brain was going nuts. Accompanied by the gentle hum of content animals, the aroma of straw, and the distant melody of joyful chatter, the petting zoo rang true to its rustic charm.
Ellie, with her auburn curls bouncing in the breeze, led the way, her eyes widened at the sight of a fluffy alpaca lazily grazing in the sunshine. I giggled as we approached a pen filled with adorable piglets, their tiny snouts sniffing the pure air far away from the dirty stench of the city.
Our parents, watching with affectionate smiles, guided us to the lamb enclosure where soft, woolly creatures nuzzled against tiny palms. Ellie's fingers gently traced the contours of a lamb's ear, and she couldn't resist a delighted squeal as she felt the velvety nose of a goat.
As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the scene, the families strolled through the meandering paths, passing by a pond where ducks quacked merrily. Ellie and I, hand in loveable hand, marvelled at the wonders of the animal kingdom, our hearts brimming with the pure joy of discovery and a blooming friendship.
Seven years old- Grade Two
On this particular day, Ellie and I had been messing around in her backyard; that's all we did on the weekends at that age, you couldn't get us to go inside. We spent the morning entwined in daffodils and hyacinth that Joel has so tenderly nurtured, careful not to crush the dainty flowers beneath our wild flailing bodies. 
We had the brilliant idea to paint rocks so we had been searching her yard for the perfect flat stones we had in mind. Ellie picked up a rock and immediately threw it back down, jumping away with a shriek.
This had piqued my curiosity (As well as Joels who sat on the back porch, watching us), I went over to where she stood petrified and found nothing more than a little snake staring up at her. I dropped the stones I had been carrying and bent over to get a better look at it, it was brown and had a few white vertical stripes cascading up its thin body. 
I slowly moved my hand outwards to touch but was swiftly interrupted by Joel scooping me up "That's enough of that kiddo." 
Nine years old- Grade Four
Joel's house garnered an expansive backyard and just past the old fence that Ellie and I had thrown one too many softballs at was a lush forest. I would always clamour up the wood fence and poke my little head over it to try and gather a glimpse of wildlife, Ellie usually had to give me a little boost. "Hold still!" She hissed with her arms wrapped around my torso to help lift me, my scrawny arms shook as I tried to pull myself up even further.
The wood rot of the ancient fence finally set in and with the both of us pressing our mighty weight against it collapsed with the fence. We heard the splitting of wood, I got the worst end of the stick, toppling over and putting my hands out to protect myself. I could've sworn that I heard my wrist break like a crunch.
While I did what felt like a three-sixty frontflip over the fence just for my small head to come down on the end of it with a solid smack, Ellie had just flopped on top of it, green eyes widening in shock when she saw my once straight arm now had an abnormal bump coming out from my wrist. "What's wrong with your hand?"
"I don't know I'm probably dying!" I screamed as loud as my voice could carry, that was the first time I had felt adrenaline run through my veins. "You killed me!"
"No, I didn't!" She retorted, scrambling off the fence and back up to her feet. She was clad in a Jurassic Park T-shirt that she practically was swimming in and those pink and orange plaid Bermuda shorts that any kid in the 2000s owned. "Dad!" Ellie yelled, calling for Joel.
I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and finally, I released the sob that had been building up in my throat. She was almost dumbstruck and just ended up kneeling and wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She muttered.
10 years old- Grade Five
Ellie had been practicing guitar the entire time I was at her house, Joel had gifted her his old guitar and she was so set on perfecting every cord, every half-hour she would ask for a song recommendation and then flip through the songbook she got to find it.
I was curled up in her bed reading The Hunger Games over again "Els, are you team Peeta or Gale?" I was always at Ellie's house, mine was too busy all the time; I had three siblings, Naomi and Aaron who were twins and two years younger than me and my brother Elijah who was three years older than me. I loved going to her house on Saturdays so I could sleep in and wriggle my way out of going to church. Even though her house was right across the street from mine and my parents would bang on Joel's door, he always covered for me.
"Uh," She was distracted by something in her songbook "Team Katniss?"
I nod in approval to myself as she isn't paying attention "You know who Gale reminds me of?" I ask and without Ellie giving me a response I answer anyway "Luke, I think I kind of like him."
Those are the words that get her to look at me "Ew, he's so weird."
"He's nice to me."
She wrinkles her nose in distaste then shrugs, returning to her guitar which sits awardly in her scrawny frame.
12 years old- Grade Seven
"Fuck!" I yell, kicking the grimy green dumpster in the graffiti-covered ally out of anger, though I kicked it a little too hard now my foot hurts I refuse to admit it "Fuck I hate them!"
Ellie leans against the brick wall on the opposite side of the alley, our bikes discarded on the ground while I hopelessly rant to my friend about my parents. She doesn't say much, just little nods of agreement. My parents had caught me skipping church and they laid into me, saying that I had no respect for them or god and whether that was true or not didn't matter, I was full of pre-teen angst and needed to call my friend to go for a bike ride around town.
"She fucking tore my room apart, I never see them get mad at Aaron or Naomi!" I drag my hands down my face before I look back at the dumpster and kick it again "Ow, cunt!" I'm now hopping on one foot while my knee bends my other leg and I hold my beaten red Converse, covered in doodles, to soothe the pain of my poor toes. It's moments like this that remind me why I love Ellie, because as stupid as I look hobbling around and cussing, she doesn't laugh at me even though I know she wants to.
After a little bit of me aimlessly yelling I finally wind down. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to remember those breathing exercises that we were taught at school assemblies. "Thanks for listening to me talk shit, I'm sorry."
"Don't be," She shrugs "I've seen you do worse."
This cracks a smile on my face, I turn my head and am met with the Jackson skyline, a beautiful pink sunset on the horizon "Sun's setting," I say.
"Sleepover?" Ellie asks.
"Sleepover," I confirm.
13 years old- Grade Eight
We were thirteen when our parents shoved cash into our hands and dropped us at the mall to go back to school shopping by ourselves for the first time. Every parent's nightmare was a busy mall so when they figured us old enough to venture into the dreaded foodcourt on our own, believed they were taking that opportunity. 
Ellie had bought a couple of T-shirts and hoodies here and there, not too particular about what she was buying, though I was very nit-picky over what I wore so I forced Ellie to judge every single outfit that I wore and rate it, she gave the same answer every single time "It looks fine."
"Cool but I don't wanna look fine, I wanna look pretty," I say in frustration, walking back into the dressing room to try on another outfit. Ellie is sitting in the fitting room on a pink velvet couch, arms crossed and waiting for me to finish. "How's this?" I ask, walking out of the changing stall and giving her a little twirl.
"It looks fine- I mean good, everything looks good on you." She sounds almost exasperated. Ellie's hair was still that vibrant auburn colour that my mother was obsessed with, it had yet to fade out into a duller brown with age.
"Really?" I perk up just the slightest.
"Yeah, you look really pretty." She gives me a little nod of confirmation. I know that she's only saying that because she wants to go to the food court and get a cinnamon bun but I believe her anyway.
14 years old- Grade Nine
We were just nearing the end of the second half of our soccer game. It was the tournament and we were only a point away from placing first in the league, the thought of it had kept me up all week I was running off of Subway sandwiches and Gatorade. 
Riley (the midfielder) swiftly passed the ball to me before she was surrounded by the other team's defence, I looked up to the clock and there were only seconds left in the match. I let my instincts take over, my parents forcing me into soccer since elementary school was not going to wind up useless. My footwork took me up the right wing just before the penalty box. 
I wasn't paying enough attention to notice the tall blonde girl in a slick back ponytail closing in on me. I hear Ellie shout my name and that's all I need to make this last pass, I barely even looked up before power-driving the ball to Ellie who was merely six metres away from me. I slipped onto the muddied field with that kick, watching Ellie waste no time to score our final goal the second her cleat touched the ball. 
The clock deadlocks and I drag myself off the ground running towards my best friend, I jump on her almost taking her down with me though she manages to steady herself. "I fucking love you!" I scream hugging her with all of the force I can muster. She hugs me in return, unable to get any words out between her laughs. The team is quick to swarm us, everyone is shouting about our well-deserved victory but not one person is louder than Joel in the stands.
15 years old- Grade Ten
Snow was falling as I stood in the foyer of the high school, still waiting for my date for the winter formal to arrive. Conner had asked me out weeks ago, we hadn't talked much since though I just figured that was because he was shy. I even left school early to get ready and spent hours meticulously pinning every hair into place and adjusting my navy blue satin dress so it would drape across my body in just the right way.
My sister, Naomi was an aspiring makeup artist so I let her dust my eyelids in silver glitter, I forced Warren to drive me. All of that was just for me to get stood up. Conner hadn't texted me all day, I knew he wasn't coming that didn't stop me from forcing denial on myself. "Hey," I heard a soft voice sound behind me, I wasn't surprised to see Ellie. Even though our parents were no longer friends, we were close as ever.
"Hi," My voice was hushed and feeble.
"The dance started an hour ago," She said, that night she had been wearing a white button-up with a pair of jeans and her hair half up. It was clear the dance wasn't as big a deal to her as it was to me. All she had done was ask Riley to go with her and call it a day. Despite her lack of effort, she looks beautiful as ever "I don't think he's coming," She said bluntly.
That's the exact moment I felt myself crack, tears welled up in my eyes and I lurched forward to hug her, flailing my arms helplessly to search for comfort "Then why did he ask me to go with him?" My sobs were drowned out by the sound of Kesha blasting in the overcrowded gym.
"I don't know, but he's an idiot for standing you up," Ellie holds me close and I never want her to let go "I wouldn't have ever done that to you."
16 years old- Grade Eleven
This is where things begin to fall apart. I found Ellie on the back porch of some random guy's house at a party. "I figured I would find you out here," I say, taking a seat next to her on the wooden steps, I hug my knees close to my chest.
"What's up?" Beside me, Ellie is unnervingly calm, she nurses a joint, taking a long hit and letting the smoke turn to clouds. 
"Conner kissed me," I say cutting to the chase
I can tell she doesn't like the thought, she hated Conner, ever since he stood me up at the winter formal but she bites her tongue "You guys gonna date?"
"I think so."
"Good for you."
"I don't know if I liked it," My eyebrows are furrowed, and I pull my knees in even further, inhaling the crisp autumn air and the smell of Ellie, she smells like cannabis, firewood and bar soap. 
"What do you mean?" Ellie puts out the end of her joint and tucks what remains of it into an empty Altoids container.
"Nothing," I dismiss it, "It doesn't matter, I just wanted to talk to you," Ellie had softened every burden for me since we were girls. "Um, so, my parents are sending me to boarding school next year."
"No, they're not-
"They are."
Ellie doesn't seem so calm anymore, she adjusts her body to face mine and she's so close I swear to god I could've counted every freckle on her face. "Why, what did you do?" The way she looks at me makes me wish that she was a boy.
"Nothing!" I retort "They think I'm straying from god, it's a Christian school." That was my code for 'they think I have a crush on you and I rather not get disowned by my super religious parents!'
"come stay with me and Joel-
"Ellie, please," I place a hand on her thigh "I don't think I can get away from this one."
That was at the end of September, it only got worse from there. I partially wished that I didn't tell Ellie that I had to leave, every time we hung out it just felt like words were hanging between us like birds on a wire and neither of us could say what we wanted. I forced myself to distance myself from her, I didn't know how else to handle my feelings. 
She would blow up my phone and come by my house even visit my work but I just told her that I was busy. I could tell that she didn't believe my excuses for a second, she had English with my new boyfriend, Conner and would get him to relay messages and notes to me.
It didn't get easier to ignore her, my family prying about where she had been. I never told my parents that Ellie was gay, though I know they had always had a suspicion and that's why they could never love her all the way completely, the way Joel loved me and looked out for me. My mom and dad liked that I swapped out Ellie for Conner, by February, my dad even started to call him son. 
In March Ellie and I had stopped talking completely, she gave up on texting me and coming by my house just for my siblings to lie about my whereabouts. It hurt to see the resentment gleam in her eye every time she passed me in the hallway. 
She didn't speak a word to me until the start of the summer bonfire which was custom in our town. If I had known she would be there I never even would have thought about going. I rather not rehash this awful night, not right now just know that it ended with some alcohol, a bit of blood in the sand and me telling Ellie 'I would pick him over you every single time.' Yikes, that's not a good look for me. I spent the rest of my summer burying her in the back of my mind until boarding school finally came upon me and I graduated with friends I didn't like in a place that didn't feel like home. 
I was sixteen then now I'm nineteen, no longer a girl but not yet a woman. Those were some key moments of our friendship. I'm not so sure why I felt so mature at the age of sixteen. I had taken a gap year and loved every minute of it, I backpacked in Australia, worked as a camp counsellor in the summer then left to work at a turtle conservatory in Bali, I was making pennies but the experience was worth it. 
I arrived at my new home sunkissed with Ellie far in the back of my mind. I didn't know much about who I would be rooming with, I had only spoken to Dina over a Zoom call who was a friendly girl with warm eyes and ink-black hair spilling over her shoulders. I just prayed that none of them were Craigslist killers.
It took me entirely too long to find parking, when I finally did, I grabbed two of my suitcases, unable to hold anything else, the rest of the boxes jammed into my car would have to wait. I read over the text that Dina sent me what seemed to be a million times to make sure I had the right address. It was a small-ish one-story flat with brown walls that had white accents along corners and the doorway with a wood-panelled gable roof. As far as college housing went, I was happy. It looked like something I would've made in the Sims when I was a teenager. 
I walk to the front door, the entrance is framed by intricately carved moulding, its details telling a story of craftsmanship and tradition. The wood, polished to a warm, inviting glow, exudes a sense of richness and history. I knocked on the door and heard a voice shouting that she would get it.
The door swings open and I'm met face to face with Dina "Hey!" She smiled "It's nice to meet you, I think you'll like it here," She held the door wide open, motioning for me to go in, and I obliged. "Let me give you a tour." Dina is clad in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt and her hair has been pulled back into a messy ponytail.
The layout of the house seemed somewhat odd to me, there was a corridor straight ahead when you walked in, the first room was the laundry room and contained the washer and dryer with some hampers and shelves of detergent and laundry freshener. "This is the laundry room, we have a wash schedule along with a chore schedule so we will put you on that tonight," Dina told me, I just nodded politely in response feeling a little too awkward and out of place to say anything. 
"Alright so this is the kitchen, there's a half bathroom beside it," She says, swinging her arms wide open for exaggeration I can see the chore chart hanging on the walls, it's written in chalk, and it is the laundry schedule. There are little laminated tags with each person's name on them, though I can't quite make out the names from where I am standing. The fridge is covered in postcards, magazine cutouts, polaroids, and bright magnets of papayas and flowers, I automatically assumed this was Dina despite not knowing the other roommates. The kitchen is open with no walls to hide it, the oven and dishwasher are built into counters against the walls as well as the sink which i spotless at the moment, there isn't a dining table but a kitchen island with stools. Past the island you can see the living room, there are two grey couches with decorative pillows and fuzzy throw blankets, a coffee table that looked handcrafted with care and of course a TV. 
Have I mentioned there are plants everywhere? Like everywhere. "Okay, so," Dina keeps on moving and I trail behind with my suitcases, over there is my room and Cat's and Abby's," She points to the left of the living room where there is a short hallway with three doors, one on each wall of it. "There's Cat now," She waves at her roommate.
Cat is relatively tall, she has black hair that's tied into a bun, and she's wearing plaid pyjama pants and a black tank top, I can see her abundance of tattoos. She has one sleeve of laurel cascading up her arm and the other is patchwork done right, each separate piece blends almost seamlessly into the next. "I like your tattoos," I say, not wanting to sit in any more silence.
She grins at me "Thanks, love," I nod in response to her, Cat looks down at the suitcases that I'm lugging around "Dina, take this poor girl to her room already."
"I was just getting there," Dina teases and motions for me to follow her "So over here is the bathroom and of course your room, I left your copy of the house key on your mattress," She opens it up. The bedroom is completely blank aside from the boxed bedframe, shelf, vanity and mattress that I had to send over prior. There's a built-in closet in the wall. 
I put my suitcases on the ground "I'm gonna grab the rest of my stuff from my car," I offer up a tight-lipped smile.
"Wait a second," She takes my hand and then knocks on the bedroom door parallel to mine. "I'm coming in!" Dina announces pushing the door open, there's a brunette girl hunched over her desk. My breath hitches in my throat when she turns around "This is Ellie."
I can see the panic that momentarily takes over Ellie when she spots me before it's replaced by a false coolness, "Hey," She says before turning back to her laptop and putting her headphones back on. It felt like my heart had shut down, why the fuck did I sign the lease?
"Sorry," Dina shuts Ellie's door "She's not the friendliest of the bunch but she'll warm up to you eventually," Dina walks to the front door with you Abby should be around here somewhere."
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I had gotten so frustrated trying to set up my bed frame that I sheepishly left my room and asked for help, god bless Abby. She was putting everything together so easily, I watched her in awe as she finished adding the final screw to my bedframe. "Want help setting up the mattress?"
"Yes, please," I say, I grab one end of the mattress while Abby gets the other, she tells me to lift on three and I listen, she carries the majority of the weight but it still feels like an accomplishment on my part. "So does everyone here go to Northridge?"
"Yeah, except for Cat, she's a tattoo apprentice."
"Cool, cool," I search for words, "What are you majoring in?"
"Kinesiology," It makes sense, I could've called that by looking at the fit gym rat who was now sitting on my bed. "You?"
"Wildlife biology,"
"So you like animals and conservation and stuff?"
"Mhm," I nod "It's honestly kind of hard to not have any animals in my life." I was missing all my pets back home, when I wasn't with them I was working at a conservatory or at a summer camp where I took care of all of the horses, and Ellie's dog, Achilles.
"You'll get used to it, living with Dina is the same thing as living with an animal," She smiles and for the first time, I feel comfortable. Abby watching me with her blue eyes as I begin to unpack my abundance of boxes, I kind of just dump everything onto the ground because I can't remember which box has what, the first thing I search for are my coat hangers. I dump out a box with a bible, wall cross, and rosery and golden cross necklace from a box of random knickknacks. "You religious?"
"Kind of?" I question it myself "Not really, it's just my family, I packed that stuff to make my mom happy."
Abby nods "I get it."
"You do?"
She backtracks "No, but I can try to."
I shake my head, "I wouldn't try if I were you, I spent nineteen years trying to get away from it." I was sure other Christian homes were healthy but mine wasn't one of them, the way my parents obsessed over Jesus was honestly frightening.
"Hey, do you wanna come watch a movie when your done unpacking?" Abby asked, "Get to know your new roommates a little better."
I don't entirely want to, I wasn't ready to talk to Ellie. I still hadn't wrapped my head around the fact that I was living with her and that she was pretending she didn't know me, despite this, my words betrayed me "For sure."
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I sat on one of the couches beside Abby, I made myself as small as I could, thinking that maybe I could make myself disappear. Cat and Ellie crammed themselves on the other while Dina took the plush armchair. I felt so out of place everyone here had relationships, I had one with Ellie before I severed it 'Grown Ups' was playing on the flatscreen though it seemed I was the only one paying attention.
The four girls all laughed and talked their way through the movie, Abby, Cat, and Dina would ask me a question here and there but I didn't know them well enough to pitch in. I kept telling myself that I needed to push through, if Spiderman could do it, so could I.
I didn't even finish the movie, halfway through I excused myself saying I was tired which wasn't necessarily a lie. It was difficult to fathom how well Ellie was playing it off, acting like she never met me. I walk into the bathroom, clean towel in hand, ready to scrub off the stress of today. Beside the mirror, I see a cardstock poster decorated with bright markers and doodles.
#1 No underwear left in the bathroom
#2 Wash your dishes
#3 Break it? Tell Abby
#4 No smoking inside
#5 Privates are private!
#6 Pls don't drink and drive (We have a couch)
#7 Give your beloved roommates a heads up before having someone over
#8 This is a residence of women so the seat goes down!!!
#9 Respect the bedrooms
#10 Having sex? Keep it quiet
#11 NO DRAMA!!!!!!!!
#12 Follow chore and wash chart
#13 Don't eat what's not yours! (Without asking)
I finish reading the last bit and mutter to myself  "Wasn't planning on it." I run the water so hot that it feels cold and I'm quick to not use all of the hot water and have my roommates hate me on my first night here. Everyone has their little drawers in the bathroom, mine is empty aside from some floss and cotton pads that the girl before me left behind. I make a mental note to make use of my bathroom drawer tomorrow and fill it with makeup remover or conditioner, or something like that.
Brushing my teeth and wrapping myself in a strawberry towel that I had purchased at a craft fair, I open the bathroom door, I can see the light of the TV and the sound of chatter from the living room. However, I ignore it and make a B-line to my bedroom. Even though I had spent hours unpacking and pinning up posters it still didn't seem homey.
I slip into shorts and a t-shirt, leaving my hair as is and throw myself onto my bed. My towel is discarded onto my bathroom floor. When I turn on my phone I am bombarded my messages from my parents, my mother has probably sent me twelve Google pins to the closest churches, I answer her with a thumb-up emoji and settle into my bed to scroll through social media and see how much fun all of my friends are having. 
Fucking Ellie. She's plaguing my thoughts, I think of what I said to her and it makes me cringe, I want to smother myself with my satin pillow. I don't even have food to eat, grocery shopping wasn't something that I put on my priority list and right about now I was but Ellie, god, why was I such a dick? Because I didn't know what else to do- whatever, I was a scared teenager. What would you have done? Probably kiss her you lesbo.
Lord, it makes me sick to think about what could've been.
15 years old- Grade Ten
Ellie and I were sitting at a fire pit at her uncle Tommy's lake house. It was a Fourth of July party except we were the only teenagers there; everyone else was friends of Tommy and Maria or some distant relatives of Ellie's or children of said people.
After five years of practicing day and night, Ellie had just about mastered the acoustic guitar, she played and I sang, wrapped up in her flannel, I was tucked close next to her. 
She struck every cord perfectly and I began to sing absentmindedly, the song that had been carved into my brain. Ellie looked so insanely beautiful illuminated only by fire and the stars that hung in the sky, if it hadn't been a sin I would've kissed her.
Talking to her felt as holy as praying to god but I knew it was as sinful as worshipping the devil. 
If it was so wrong why was I born in God's image?
Her gentle hand strummed on the chords of the guitar, the same calloused hand that had once turned water into wine. Her laughter was the sound of a church choir 
I wish I told her how much I liked her but what would've happened if I did? What would my parents think, they would kill me. 
Part of me didn't care how my parents would react, if I spoke up, I could say goodbye to my inheritance and having college paid for. Maybe that was an unfair assumption to make on my part. Ugh. FUCK, I don't know, let's get to the next part of the story.
I couldn't sleep that night, I thought maybe a glass of water would soothe me, well I didn't really think that but I was hungry and thirsty and water was the only thing in that house I had the right to ingest. I figured that I could fill myself with water and zip to Denny's in the morning then grab some groceries.
Poking my head out of my door, I checked to see if anyone was still awake before gingerly taking hushed steps towards the kitchen, I was trying to be as light as Thumbelina. I hadn't noticed Ellie bumming on the couch, scrolling through her phone. 
"You cooking all of that non-existent food you brought?" She jeered. Oh, now she wanted to talk to me.
"I was gonna have some warm water soup for dinner and chew on pistachio shells from the cup holder in my car for dessert," I answer "I'm treating myself tonight." She didn't think it was funny at all, a few years ago she would've been cackling at my subpar joke, but now she just seemed unamused. "Sheesh, tough crowd."
She stays silent.
"You used to think I was funny," I say.
"I also used to think the tooth fairy was real."
"Harsh," I mutter. Turning the tap on and sticking a finger underneath it to test the temperature. I put my hummingbird mug underneath it and let it fill. "Hey, Ellie," She doesn't answer "Have you told them any bad things about me?"
She nearly scoffs "No, believe it or not, I don't talk about you, I don't even think about you," There's venom in her voice "You haven't crossed my mind since you walked through that door."
"Why are you pretending you don't know me-
"Because I don't fucking like you," She says it like it's so obvious and it honestly is in this moment "Just because you're pretty and you act like a sweet little Christain girl, that doesn't mean shit."
"I'm not trying to act like anything-
"Yeah, well it seems pretty insincere to me," Ellie seethed and I could feel a sting in my heart, I would do some pretty horrendous things for a time machine right about now.  I can tell that there won't be any salvaging for this, she hates me to death and rightfully so. 
This is where I give up "Okay, sorry," I grab my hummingbird mug and retreat to my room.
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I endured four months of that.
Ellie was pushed to the back of my mind while I ran through classes and got a job as a waitress at a stake house. I did everything in my power to keep myself busy, to keep her out of my head but she was always there, she hung around like a song I can't shake, like I'm haunted by the melody. 
Some nights when the city decides to quiet down I can hear her play guitar, and I'll quietly hum along to it. Songs she used to sing for me, she now sings for another woman, another soul. I knew that she had girls over, but I never got to meet them as Ellie did everything in her power to pretend I didn't exist.
The only communication I got with her was in the roommate's group chat, and it was always brief.
Ellie: Having a friend over tomorrow night
D-manz: Friend? With benefits??????????
Kit-Cat: Nah they're hardly even friends, just benefits
Abs: Don't get her pregnant
Me: 👍
As long as I was with the girls, Ellie was not. She avoided me like the plague, it was like she despised my existence. If we go clubbing, she takes a separate taxi, petty if you ask me. The girls knew something happened between us but they couldn't pinpoint what it was. It was Dina's conspiracy that Ellie used to date one of my friends and broke her heart. While I bonded with Cat, Dina, and Abby, Ellie would pretend to like me. She would occasionally laugh at my jokes or ask how my shift was when Dina was in the room. 
Trust me when I say I would rather forget than dwell on it but it was impossible. I know that I'm nothing more than an obstacle to her, a stain on her bedsheets, a sore in her mouth, but she was still my diamond in the rough. I will willingly ignore all of her cutthroat words and her jagged edges. 
Because I know everything about us.
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alyswritings · 6 months
Panic Attack
Request: Could u possibly do a jj maybank and sister has a really bad panic attack and jj just helps her through it and is really sweet? Thanks, love your writings 💜💜
JJ Maybank x sister!reader
Summary: JJ helps his sister with a panic attack.
Warnings: panic attacks, anxiety, luke yelling
a/n: thanks for the request! hope you all enjoy! also if you want/don't want to be tagged, lmk! unrelated, i am in love with his dimple.
(gif not mine)
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Y/N races to JJ's room once she's certain he's in there after encountering Luke. She shuts and locks the door, the boy sitting on his bed, hands buried in his hair as he silently fumes.
"You're both useless pieces of shit! Your mama knew it! I know it! Your stupid friends know it!" Luke shouts over the blaring rock music.
Luke pounds on the door making Y/N jump, letting a small whimper out. She stumbles away from the door as he continues to hit the door. She quickly sits on the floor, curling up into a ball as she feels her breathing pick up and her hands start shaking.
Luke continues to shout insults and crude words, JJ fighting every urge to go out and fight back. He hears a quiet sob, his head snapping over to his sister.
"Y/N." He mumbles, rushing over to her. "Hey, hey." He sits in front of her. Y/N shakes her head, tears racing down her face as she gasps for air. "Y/N, hey, look at me." JJ cups the sides of her head, forcing her to face him. "Look at me, I'm right here. Follow my breathing." He slowly breathes in, waiting for her to attempt it. He lets out the breath, Y/N struggling to copy him.
They repeat a few times, Y/N still struggling, but getting better after a few more attempts.
"There we go, kiddo. We're gettin' there." JJ says, continuing to encourage her. "It's okay."
Y/N gets a deep breath in before Luke slams on the door again causing the girl to sob, the progress going down the drain.
"No, no, hey, hey. Keep breathing. Keep breathing, Y/N/N." JJ encourages, Y/N trying to follow his instructions. "I'm right here. Focus on me, okay? Don't listen to him." JJ slides his hands so his palms cover her ears, hoping to block their father out.
JJ kisses her on the forehead, quietly repeating reassurances to her.
After a while, she gets her lungs to work, taking slow, long breaths.
"There we go." JJ coos. "Great job, kid. C'mere." He pulls her into a tight hug. "You're okay. It's okay. He can't get us." Y/N sniffles, hiding her face in his shoulder. "I got you. Just you and me."
"What if he breaks the door?" Y/N mumbles, her words muffled from his shirt.
"Not gonna happen." JJ assures. "Come on. We can sneak out and go to the chateau, okay? Go fishing or something? Or just take a nap if you want. Sound good?" Y/N sniffles and nods, rubbing her nose. "Okay. Come on." He kisses her on the head before getting up and getting his stuff.
JJ quietly opens his window, climbing out. He helps Y/N out and then shuts the window.
"Let's go." He whispers, grabbing her hand and dragging her over to his motorcycle. "Here. Wear this." He gives her the helmet that only she ever wears -- despite her constant worries for him to wear it.
Y/N doesn't argue as she puts the helmet on her head, buckling the straps underneath her chin. She climbs on after him, tightly holding onto him as he speeds away.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel @ironmaiden1313
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a-simple-gaywitch · 1 year
Heart Full of You
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: When Spencer goes to pick Henry up from school for JJ, he doesn't expect to fall head-over-heels for his teacher
Warnings: Mentions of guns, I think that's it?
Word Count: 4541
Author's Note: I don't really like the ending I have here, but I'd LOVE to continue writing this universe, I have so many ideas!
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“Fate shuffles the cards and we play.” ~Arthur Schopenhauer
Spencer walked through the doors of Henry and Jack’s school and headed toward the theater. JJ and Hotch had signed the boys up for the school district’s musical and had asked Spencer to pick them up. JJ and Will had their Thursday date night, and Hotch was stuck in the office. Spencer was more than happy to agree. He slipped into the auditorium and took a seat at the back, since he was still pretty early. 
He saw a younger woman, probably in her early 20s, at the front of the auditorium with a clipboard and tape measure. She was presumably taking the students’ measurements for costumes while the instructor up on the stage led the children through the dance steps. The man he knew to be one of the high school teachers sat in the middle of the front row, making notes in a book. 
The dance instructor clapped as the song ended. “Okay, everyone, that’s the choreo for the day. I’ll turn you over to Mr. Meadows.” She nodded to the teacher in the front row. 
“Thank you Miss (Y/N). Take a water break, everyone, we’re back in five.”
A small chorus of “thank you five” was heard from the older students as the kids dispersed off the stage. The woman, Miss (Y/N) as Mr. Meadows had called her, hopped off the stage with ease and joined the younger woman who was taking a high schooler’s measurements. 
“Okay, folks, let’s bring it back!” Mr. Meadows called. “Take your seats, please. I won’t keep you too much longer, I just want to go over today’s notes.” Spencer noticed the monotonous tone of his voice and the elementary schoolers’ attentions already fading. “First, I need my principles, minus Jack and Red, right at 3 tomorrow. Do not be late. Evan, that means you. We have vocal work to do with Ms. (Y/N) and I do not want to waste her time. The rest of my high school cast, 3:30. Next, principles, do your linework. The sooner you start, the easier things will be later. Finally, my junior cast, don’t forget to see Ms. (Y/N) and Ms. Addi with your grown-up before you leave. And with that, I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”
Henry ran over to Spencer, his overly large backpack thumping against his back. Jack walked behind him, dragging his bag behind him. 
“Uncle Spencer!”
“Hey, kiddos!” Spencer said, kneeling down to catch the incoming Henry in a hug. Before he knew what was happening, Henry was dragging him towards the two women at the front of the auditorium. 
“Miss (Y/N)!”
“Hey, Henry! Hi, Jack! You boys find your grownups?” the dance instructor asked him. Her clothes reminded Spencer of the teacher on that Magic School Bus show Henry liked. Her pants were covered in music notes and she wore large, dangle feather earrings.
Henry nodded. “Uh-huh! This is my Uncle Spencer!”
You looked at Spencer and smiled. “Well, while I talk to your uncle, why don’t you go let Miss Addi take your measurements for your costume?”
Once Henry bounded over to the young woman with a clipboard, Jack following close behind, Spencer said, “Uh, my name’s Spencer Reid. I’m an authorized pick-up for both Henry Lamontagne and Jack Hotchner. I’ll be bringing him home today, too.”
“Uh, Hotchner, Hotchner,” you muttered under your breath, flipping through the clipboard in your hands. “Ah, here he is. I just need your signature next to both children’s names, Mr. Reid.”
“Oh, uh, of course.” He took the clipboard and pen from you. “So, are you new to the district? I don’t remember seeing you around before.”
“Oh, no,” you said with a laugh. “No, I’m here on a volunteer basis, technically. Been working with the theater department for six years, but I’m not on their payroll. I actually work-”
“Can we go get pizza now?” Henry asked Spencer, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Ooh, a pizza party? You must be the fun uncle,” you said. 
Spencer’s face flushed and cleared his throat. “Uh, s-sure, Henry. We’ll get it on the way home.”
“Bye, Miss (Y/N)!” Henry said, wildly waving his arm. 
“Bye, Henry, bye Jack. I’ll see you boys on Monday.”
Spencer watched you for just a moment longer as another child and her guardian approached you. 
The team was reviewing a local case. 3 women were killed, all dressed in period clothing. 
“You think he’s making them look like Jack the Ripper’s victims? I mean, their throats are slashed and they’re dressed in Victorian clothing.” Morgan suggested. “And we know the victims are low-risk, victims of opportunity.”
“I don’t know,” Reid muttered, scrutinizing the crime scene photos. “Something about the clothes feels off.”
“The clothes are the key. Something about them will lead us to him,” Rossi said.
“Reid, you and Callahan look into the clothing more. Dave, you and Morgan go to the latest crime scene. JJ, you’re with me. We need to build a geological profile.” After Hotch gave the assignments, the team dispersed. Spencer and Kate Callahan stayed in the briefing room, looking over the photos. 
“What if we have an expert look at the clothes?” Kate suggested. “See if anything sticks out to them? There’s a professor at the university that’s known for her dissertation on historical clothing.”
“Now, if you look at contemporary theater, you’ll notice huge differences in how typical gender roles are portrayed. Unlike the standard Golden Age piece, women are given more agency and more purpose in the story besides furthering the objective of the man. For example, West Side Story versus Hairspray. Even though both shows center on a woman, it’s Tracy’s will that drives the plot of Hairspray whereas Maria’s will does not drive West Side Story. This goes back to our discussion earlier in the semester regarding protagonists. However, we do see a shift during the Golden Age, in that women are beginning to be fleshed out as characters. Compare the women in Allegro to the women in Gypsy. As we progress through to the contemporary age, we begin to see more female-led shows take stage.” You glanced at your watch and sighed. “And that is where we will pick up next class. Please remember to read chapters 13 and 14 in your text. If you have any questions, you know where to find me.”
Your class gathered their belongings and slowly made their way out of the room. You were tucking your own belongings into your bag when you felt someone approach the desk. 
“Office hours are at- Oh, hello.” When you looked up, a woman was standing in front of you, presenting an FBI badge. 
“Dr. (L/N), my name is SSA Kate Callahan, and this is my partner Dr. Spencer Reid.” Standing behind her was a man you recognized from the school. He was the uncle Henry Lamontagne talked about all the time. “We were hoping you’d be willing to give us your professional opinion on some clothing pieces.”
“Oh, well, uh, sure. Let me just email my next class and let them know it’s canceled.” 
As you pulled your laptop out from your bag, Agent Callahan asked, “Don’t you have a TA that could take over?”
You huffed a laugh. “I’m a professor in the theatre department. I’m lucky I have my own workshop and somewhat of a budget during show season.” You typed up a quick email to your next class and sent it. “I usually work in my shop instead of my office, but-”
“Wherever is most comfortable for you,” Agent Callahan said. “We have some pictures that are… well, gruesome.”
You nodded. “Well, then, to the dungeons it is.” At the concerned look the agents gave each other, you said, “My workshop is in the basement. My students affectionately christened it the dungeons a few years ago. I hope you don’t mind a few sets of stairs.”
“Lead the way,” Dr. Reid said. 
Getting down to the costume shop was like a quest on its own. Not only did you have to trudge down several staircases from the classroom floors, but then you had to use your ID to take the elevator the rest of the way down. When you finally reached the basement, you dug your key hoop out of your bag and flicked through it. The key to the main portion of your shop was attached to a Phantom of the Opera keychain. 
You unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Welcome to my shop. Feel free to sit wherever you can. If there’s stuff on a chair, just set it on a workbench.” As you set your bag down at the desk in the corner, Spencer looked around the room. It could be accurately described as organized chaos. While the work benches were covered in fabrics, thread, and many other things Spencer didn’t know the names of, everywhere else was meticulously organized. Bins and drawers were labeled, and not a thing seemed out of place. Spencer looked at the dress hanging on a mannequin and couldn't think of it as anything other than a work of art. There was elaborate beading on the bodice and embroidery on the skirt.
“So, what can I help you with?” you asked as Kate and Spencer got settled. 
“We were hoping you could tell us about the outfits in these pictures,” Spencer said, pulling a file out from his satchel. “Fair warning, it’s not pleasant.”
You shrugged. “I grew up with a mom obsessed with crime shows and police procedurals. Pictures won’t bother me.” 
Spencer handed you the file folder. “We think he’s dressing them up like Jack the Ripper’s victims.”
You hummed as you looked through the pictures. “Any idea what kind of fabric was used?”
“Why does that matter?” Kate asked.
“Well, cotton was a luxury in Victorian London,” you explained. “Most common folk wore linen or wool, because it was what they could afford. It was also common to patch up clothing with fabric found around the house rather than replace a shirt or a pair of trousers.” You grabbed a magnifier from your desk and looked closer at one of the photos. 
“Do you see something?” Spencer asked as you moved to another picture. 
“I’m not sure,” you said. 
“Well, what is your gut telling you?” Callahan asked. 
You pointed toward a small section of embroidery through the magnifier. “This stitching along the underside of the skirt. It’s on all of them.”
Kate’s eyebrows scrunched up. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s a signature. Us designers like to add some sort of signature or tell into all our pieces. A secret way of letting the world know the piece is ours.” You reached across the desk and grabbed a piece of fabric. When you unfolded it, they saw it was a shirt. You held the edge of the sleeve out for the agents to see. “For example, I use a treble clef as mine. My mentor would include Mickey Mouse heads because she was a huge Disney fan. Other people just find creative ways to embroider their initials onto it in a way that just looks like an artistic choice.” 
“So, if we can find out whose signature it is, it can lead us to the origin of the outfits,” Spencer said. 
“I’ll call Garcia, see what she can find.” Callahan said.
“Oh, we don’t get cell service down here, you might need to go back upstairs,” you told her. She nodded and stepped out of the workshop. You cleared your throat. “It’s, uh, it’s nice to see you again, Dr. Reid.”
“You, too,” Spencer said with a small smile. “So, this is where you actually work, huh?”
You gave a small laugh. “Yep. Start of this semester was 7 years.”
“Thanks. So-”
“Reid. Hotch wants us back. Rossi and Morgan might have something. Thank you for your help, Dr. (L/N).”
“Of course. Happy to help.”
After Callahan and Reid left the costume shop, Kate said, “Okay, spill. The energy in there was really weird. Why didn’t you tell me you knew her?”
Spencer rubbed the back of his neck. “I, uh, I didn’t know I knew her.” At Kate's questioning look, he explained, “I met her through my godson. She volunteers at his school and goes by her first name there.”
“Uh-huh. And the awkwardness?”
“When have you known me to not be awkward, Callahan?”
Kate hummed, but dropped it.
You were humming along to the soundtrack you had playing, measuring a drape of fabric on your dress form, pins sticking out from your mouth. You glanced from your notebook with your measurements and pattern sketch to the fabric. You pinned a piece of the cloth up when you heard a knock at the door to your shop. 
“Come in,” you said, your voice muffled from the pins. You stuck them back in the pin cushion on your wrist before standing up and dusting off your pants. “Oh, Dr. Reid! How can I help you?”
“You, um, you can call me Spencer,” he said. “I uh, I wanted to stop by and tell you we caught the guy,” Spencer said, standing awkwardly in the doorway. “We-we couldn’t have done it without your help.”
“Oh! Well, I’m sure you would have figured it out anyway. The BAU seems to be good at that kind of thing.”
Spencer gave a small laugh. “Yes, but your help enabled us to track him down without any more lives lost.” So, what are you working on?”
“Oh, I’m making one of Eponine’s dresses. We’re doing Les Mis this semester. I have Cosette’s dress on Cordelia over there.”
“Oh, sorry. The dress form. We named them after Shakespearian women. It’s just a fun little thing we do here. That’s Cordelia, this one by me is Rosalind.”
Spencer smiled. You know, maybe you could tell me more about what exactly your job is at dinner?” Before you could answer, Spencer said, “Obviously, you don’t have to, I’m not trying to force you into anything, I-”
“Spencer,” you said, holding your hand up to calm him. “I’d love to go out with you. Here-” You walked over to your desk and shuffled papers around. “Aha!” You grabbed a pen and scribbled something down. “My personal number. That way we can, you know, figure out something that works with both our schedules. I’m sure yours is even crazier and more unpredictable than mine.”
The smile you gave Spencer lit a warmth in his chest that he didn’t think he would ever get tired of. 
“Pretty Boy! Tonight, drinks on me.”
“Oh, uh, no thanks, Morgan.”
“No, no, no, you can’t just stay in when we finally have a Friday night off. You’re coming.”
“Look, it’s not that I don’t want to- I mean, I don’t, but it’s not just that. I, um, I already have plans.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll see you all on Monday.” He grabbed his satchel and rushed out of the BAU office. 
Morgan’s brow furrowed as he watched Spencer’s retreating form. 
“What’s wrong?” JJ asked. 
“Remember the last time Reid was this jittery and secretive?”
She sighed. “You know I do.”
“What happened last time?” Kate asked. 
“Maeve,” Garcia answered, her voice just above a whisper. 
“We have to find out what’s going on with him,” Derek decided.
“I really don’t think that’s necessary-”
“Let’s follow him,” Garcia cut Kate off. “See where he’s going, what he’s up to.”
“That can’t be true!” Spencer laughed. “There’s no way!”
You were laughing too. “I’m serious! I stapled the sleeve of my sweater to the set piece we were building and I didn’t notice until we were ready to lift it into place! They wouldn’t let me in the wood shop after that.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling the whole night. You were funny, smart, and everything he could hope for. 
“So, how did you end up working with the school district?”
“My niece,” you explained. “Her senior year, their regular choreographer went on maternity leave. The district said if they couldn’t find someone to fill the role, they would cut the play. Julia called me melting down over it, begging me to volunteer. And, you know, I’ve never been able to say no to my nieces and nephews. After that production, we found out that the choreographer was quitting to be a stay-at-home mom, so I agreed to be the regular choreographer on a volunteer basis. Then the next year, their costume connections fell through. I worked through the university to provide costumes, which is how the internship program started. This year, I’m just filling in on vocal directing while the choir director is out on medical leave. And Into the Woods is one of my favorites to sing anyway. So, what about you? How’d you end up working for the FBI?”
While Spencer told you about going to college at 12 and meeting Gideon, Morgan, Garcia, and JJ were sitting at a nearby table, hiding behind menus. 
“Who is she?” Garcia asked, trying to get a better look at you. Your back was to their table.
“I don’t know. Never seen her before.”
JJ squinted. “Something about her seems familiar.”
Before they could do more digging, a waiter came over to take their orders. When the waiter left, Spencer’s table was empty. 
“Where did they-”
Spencer walked up to their table, arms crossed against his chest. “Really, guys? Did you think you were being discreet?”
“Kid, look-”
“You were being all secretive, we were worried about you!” Garcia cut in.
Spencer sighed and dropped his arms. “I didn’t mean to worry you guys. I just- We’re all so in each other’s business, and this is so new I-”
“You wanted to keep it to yourself,” JJ said. “We get it. Looks like she’s coming back from the bathroom. We’ll get out of your hair.”
“Come on, Pen. I’m sure he’ll tell us all about it on Monday. Right, Spence?”
Spencer smiled. “Sure, Jayje.”
Phone calls with your family always stressed you out. It wasn’t that you had issues with your family, it was just that they always seemed to be up in your business. And that held true for your monthly family dinner.
“(Y/N/N), I’m telling you, you’d get along great with this guy,” your older sister, Maria, said. You were over at her house for dinner, your parents and other two siblings video-calling from their respective locations. “I know you feel like ‘the universe and fate will align’ and introduce you to your soulmate or some shit, but that’s not really how the world works.”
You sighed. “Maria-”
“Come on, you haven’t dated anyone since college!”
“Because I haven’t had any interest. Liz, back me up here,” you said to your younger sister, who was feeding her twin toddlers. 
You shook your head. “Never mind. Can we just change the subject, please? Tommy, how’s school going?” you asked your younger brother, the youngest in the family. You could tell he was only half paying attention from his dorm room. “What classes are you taking this semester?”
“Maria’s right, sweetheart,” your mother said. “How will you ever meet someone without putting yourself out there?”
“I mean, you’re not getting any younger-”
“I have a boyfriend, okay, Ma? I don’t need your help!”
Your family fell silent. 
“You have a boyfriend?” Liz was the first to speak. “What’s his name? Where did you meet? How long have you been together? How-”
“Elizabeth, let her breathe!” your father said with a laugh. “We’re happy for you, pumpkin. Tell us about him. At your pace, of course.”
You smiled and told them about Spencer. Only after promising to bring him to the next real family dinner did they relent and change the subject, pestering your little brother about his college classes.
You and Spencer were a damn near perfect match. After that first date, the two of you barely went a day without calling or texting each other. When he was in town and not across the country on a case, he would bring you lunch. You’d frequently stay over at each others’ apartments. Months into your relationship, you knew each other better than yourselves.
Which is why, when you didn’t answer your phone on a Saturday afternoon when the team got back from a case, Spencer was concerned. He made his way to your apartment and fished the spare key you’d given him out of his pocket. He pushed your door open.
“(Y/N)? Love?” He walked into your apartment, which was unusually messy. Scraps of fabric were littered around the room, and music was blasting from your home office. “(Y/N)?”
You came rushing out of your kitchen, your hair a wild mess and your oversized pajama top drooping from your shoulder. You skidded to a halt. 
“Spencer! What are you doing here?”
“We just got in from the case. I tried calling-”
“You did?”
“-to see if you wanted to grab dinner.” You pulled your phone from your sweatpants pocket and saw the 3 missed calls from Spencer. “Are you okay? What’s going on? You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
You sighed. “I haven’t. I’ve been working nonstop. I need to make the mask for the Wolf, the Witch's coat, and Enjolras and the other revolutionary’s waistcoats, and my sister asked me to make a dress for her coworker’s daughter’s quinceanera and-”
“Whoa, whoa, hey. Breathe.” He cupped your face in his hands. “You need to stop working yourself so hard,” he said, rubbing your cheekbone with his thumb. 
“Says the man who overworked himself so much he developed chronic migraines.” At his raised eyebrow, you said, “Sorry.”
He smiled softly and kissed your forehead. “Why don’t you let me help you out a bit? Give me instructions, I’m a quick learner.”
You reached up and pulled his hands from your face. “Spencer. As much as I absolutely treasure and adore you, the thought of you seeing the absolute disaster that is my home workshop right now is literally the most terrifying thing I can imagine. More terrifying than you meeting my family. Which, by the way, my mom is insistent that you come to Thanksgiving this year.” You yawned and leaned your head against his chest. 
“We can talk about that later.” He kissed the top of your head. “How about now, into bed? You’re dead on your feet, love.” When you only nodded, Spencer led you to your bedroom. 
After getting you settled in your bed, Spencer went to stand up. You reached out and grabbed his hand. “Stay,” you mumbled, tugging him towards your bed.
The next morning, Spencer walked into the round-table room late. 
“Well, look who’s wearing the same clothes,” Derek said. “Fun night?”
“Shut up, Morgan,” Spencer said, taking a sip of his coffee. 
Hotch looked over Reid before saying, “As I was saying, Indianapolis needs us to write up a consult. Garcia is passing around the case file.”
Spencer was filling out paperwork at his desk when his phone started ringing. “Dr. Spencer Reid.” He froze as he heard the person on the other end of the line. “Oh- oh my god. Yeah, yeah, no, I’ll be right there. Uh, thank you.” He slammed the phone down and started gathering his belongings. 
“What’s wrong, Reid?” JJ asked, watching Spencer cram a folder into his satchel.
“(Y/N)’s at the police station.”
You were walking home from the fabric supply store when a young man stopped you. He couldn’t have been older than 20. He pulled a gun and pointed it at you. 
“Give me your purse,” he said. You saw the way his hand was wavering.
You straightened up. “No.”
“You-you can’t say no! I-I have a gun!”
You just blinked at the man- practically a boy. Then you kicked him in the groin, causing him to drop the gun as his hands flew to cup his injury. You pressed your foot on top of the gun, preventing him from picking it back up, then you dialed the police. 
They brought you to the station to give a statement. You were sitting next to one of the detective’s desks when Spencer ran in. 
“(Y/N)! Are you okay? What happened?”
The detective nodded at you and gestured toward where Reid had come from, indicating you were free to go. 
You shrugged at Spencer. “Some punk-ass kid tried to mug me. Had a gun and everything.”
“It’s fine, I knew he wasn’t gonna go through with it.”
“How could you possibly have known that?”
“Spence, I’m from Philly. It’s not the first time someone’s tried to mug me at gunpoint.”
His eyes went wide as saucers. “That doesn’t make it better!”
You smiled and kissed Spencer’s cheek before taking his hand. “I’m fine. Thank you for coming to get me.”
“Of course, (Y/N). I love you.” Your smile widened as Spencer’s face started to pale. “I mean, uh-”
“I love you too, Spence. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
“Okay, closing night,” Mr. Meadows said, addressing the students, all in their brightly colored costumes. “I’m incredibly proud of all of you for making it this far. This is our last show, you’ve all done great so far. Go out there and give them one last show to remember. Now, before we get in places, Ms. (Y/N) is going to lead you through a vocal warm-up.”
“Thanks, Mr. Meadows,” you said, taking your spot in front of the group. “Okay, guys, you know the drill. Repeat after me, then all together.” You took a deep breath before leading, “To sit in solemn silence on a dull dark dock, in a pestilential prison with a lifelong lock, awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block.”
After the cast ran through their warm-up, you said, “I’m so proud of all of you. Go out there and break legs. I’ll see you all after at intermission.” You waved before slipping from backstage, making your way to the lobby. 
It wasn’t often that you got to just sit and enjoy the hard work your students put in, but one of your interns was staying backstage in case of any costume emergencies. You spotted Spencer in the crowd and wove through everyone to get to him. With him were Henry’s parents, Jack’s father and aunt, as well as the rest of the BAU team. 
“Hey,” Spencer said, grabbing your hand and giving you a quick kiss. “Glad you could join us.”
“Me, too,” you said as you slowly made your way into the auditorium to find your seats. “It’s gonna be nice to just enjoy the show for once.”
As the show began, you felt Spencer looking at you.
"What?" you whispered.
"Nothing. The costumes are beautiful. You're an artist."
Your cheeks flushed at his words. You took his hand in yours and rested your head on his shoulder.
Like Cinderella and her prince, Spencer was your happily ever after.
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