#creature Jazzy
herd-of-creatures · 3 months
Shout out to kinning cause it's pretty fun!
Genuinely I do think I'm a shetland sheepdog kin, but I don't take it super seriously, it might b a little volentary and that's okay!! I'm not a serious headmate, I'm supposed 2 b having fun, so it makes sense that I also would have fun with my alterhuman ids.
I love going into dog mode and just seeing my real doggy self, it's not often but it's nice when it happens.
Gotta love head mates having different kin types! (I have some funny fictotypes lol, I'll talk about those another time!)
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jazzyartsssss · 30 days
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I just want all the AU papyri to live happy lives. And for all papyri to be big brothers to frisk
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agentjazzy · 10 months
blessing your dash with bruce campbell bonding with a furby
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ohshootradio · 8 months
YIPPEE but it's JAZZ (tbh creature)
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f-ckingawful · 10 months
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miss jazzy beloved, looking extremely melancholy on this day for absolutely zero reason, as she is a cat whose biggest problems in life are her feeding schedule and being a little baby
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jester-jazzys-mind · 5 months
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Attempted to Draw The Creature for Mel’s 29th birthday🧚‍♀️✨
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mod-jazzy · 2 years
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merry crisis
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falloutfoxart · 1 year
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That's a lot of stripes
Just a critter I came up with while on a particularly stressful trip. Everything's good now.
Posted using PostyBirb
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schnee-gheist · 5 days
The Show of a Lifetime - 3/?
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"It doesn't make sense! Why the hell would that freak need to travel around so much? That's the only thing the map’s good for, anyway."
"Most likely to further terrorize other beings, more consistently and quickly."
"That's so disgusting! Why hasn't anyone been able to kill him yet?"
"He's fast, but when I get my hands on that sick fuc-"
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"You... You're going to hurt him?"
"Jazzy-pants! Why haven't you been talking? "
"Oh my baby, of course we're going hurt him. You've seen what he's done to others, and your arms! How could you possibly forgive an abomination such as him?"
"Actually, I never saw Atlas myself, I just theorized with about 90.85% accuracy that he was somehow involved with Jasmines accident."
"Vlad, I get you're all calculations and cool headiness, but Jazz is clearly still in shock at that abysmal creature harming her! Right, sweetie?"
"...That's not-"
"Okay, but do we really know what happened? Excuse me for not exactly trusting the only guy who witnessed Jazz get hurt and not do anything about it."
"Samantha, please stay out of this conversation. Although video recordings were unavailable, I can assure you that I was not the one who harmed Jasmine here."
"Don't call her that! And I'm with Sam, that is pretty suspicious. Are you trying to get rid of every Fenton kid?"
"Young man! We have agreed to not talk about that in moments like this."
"I'm with them in this one. You do have a pretty spotty history, Plasmius."
"Ms. Huntress, I suggest you pick your next words very carefully."
"See! He's so totally evil!"
"I am not malicious in any way, Mr. Foley!"
"Why you..."
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(Why should I try to talk if no one's gonna listen?)
(I already forgive you, Danny. Every time you've done anything 'evil', it's either been mind control or a set up for a greater cause. I just hope I'm right about all this...)
(Or if the others will ever forgive you too.)
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Thank you @thats-one-cool-dude for this commission, inspired by itsxroxannex's amazing art. Nothing quite like Nightmare himself <3
... You were in a dream.
The realisation hit you, the moment you became aware of yourself and your surroundings. Ironically, it felt like you had just ‘woken up’- snapping back to reality. But you couldn’t have been more conscious of the fact that this reality wasn’t yours.
You still felt like you were dreaming. Partly. It was hard to think, there was still that signature disconnect between your head and your body. And yet... you could feel things you didn’t normally feel in a dream, sensations that were usually either muted or entirely gone. Was this what lucid dreaming felt like? You'd never been able to do that before. You’d never woken up, and immediately known with every fibre of your being that you weren’t really ‘awake’.
... You looked up. There was a small table before you, draped in a spotless white cloth, and decorated by a single lit candle. Very gentle piano drifted through the air, jazzy and slow, like you were in the middle of a nice restaurant... two chairs pulled up on either side of the table.
... Someone occupied one of the chairs.
He was a skeleton. A tall skeleton, his bones were slick and dark, bluish black as a midnight sky, with the faintest iridescent sheen like the shimmer on a bubble or an oil spill. He looked as if he were made of tar. A clean smile of ice white teeth... one eye, a powerful, electric cyan blue, the other socket covered by that same tar-ish substance.
... He was wearing a suit. You didn’t expect that. A nice suit, it outlined him well, it made him look well-proportioned and tidy. Somehow, the liquid of his body didn’t stain the white cuffs or collar. Dream logic? You had no clue.
Were this any other situation, you probably wouldn’t have reacted as... calmly. But because you were in asleep, your mind felt far more forgiving of the bizarreness of the situation. Sure, a skeleton with inky bones and one glowing eye was waiting for you at a table set up like a date. Why not? You'd had weirder dreams.
That, and...
... Well, his face looked so... gentle. He simply stared at you, with a low smile, like you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. The candlelight flickered against him... he had a nice face. Strong curved cheekbones, a pretty defined jaw. His skull was handsome in a regal, timeless sort of way.
Your cheeks felt hot.
“ah. finally.” His voice was silky, low, and dark. Very pleasant to listen to, and exactly the kind of voice you expected to hear from a creature that looked like him. “i thought you’d never sleep.” 
... You looked down at yourself. You were dressed for a date- an outfit you definitely didn’t normally wear. 
“... come on, now. don’t be shy. i’ve been waiting for you.” He said, sweetly, patiently. “come sit with me.”
Well. It was just a dream, right? So you had nothing to lose. You shuffled over to the table, sitting down opposite him. His grin lifted, the flickering candle played with the shadows on his face... the gentle piano continued.
“i’m sans.” He shifted his elbows onto the table. The black parts of his suit, although it was clearly fabric, very faintly had the same iridescent sheen as his bones. “don’t worry, i already know your name.”
“... You do?” You asked. Was that something you needed to worry about?
He chuckled. The sound was handsome. “of course. it’s only a dream, right?”
“... Oh. Yes, right.”
Remembering that this was a lucid dream gave you a strange sense of... confidence. It made your chest puff up a little, it brought your hands out of their curled position on your lap, the anxieties you usually always carried finally melting off. Warm confidence flooded your system- he was right. You didn’t have to be embarrassed, or scared, did you? This was your dream, wasn’t it? You could do whatever you liked. Man, lucid dreaming was great.
‘Sans’ gained a slight twinkle to his beautiful blue eye. He kept looking at you like you were everything- it was making you feel warm. Important.
“i know it’s a boring question. but do tell; how was your day?”
“... Slow.” You replied. He had such a nice face. This was a nice dream. “Very slow.”
A knowing look. “sometimes a slow day is better than a frantic one.”
... You let out a little laugh. He leaned a fraction closer to you. “Yeah, I guess. I’d take a slow day over the kinds of days I normally get.”
“what would a normal day be, for you?”
“Like you said. Frantic.” He had instantly put you at ease. His dulcet tones, his impeccable sense of dress, his gentle aura... despite the fact that you were having a conversation with a skeleton, it felt like you were talking to an old friend. “I work a lot. Then on my few days off, it feels like I’m so exhausted I have no energy to spend on anything other than recovery. It sucks.”
“i think you aren’t alone in feeling like that. today is far too fast-paced.”
There was suddenly a wine glass in front of him. And in front of you, too. An expensive-looking bottle beside the candle, in the middle of the table- Sans picked up the bottle, offering it to you.
“shall i pour you something?” He asked, invitingly.
... You paused. “I... don’t really know if I should...”
“come on now.” He purred. “it’s a dream, right? you won’t have a hangover. when will there ever be a better time to have something to drink?”
“... Pft.” You felt... kinda silly for saying no. “Oh, alright then. I guess you’re right.”
Sans grinned. He poured you a generous serving, the liquid was a beautiful tyrian purple, and once he stopped pouring the candlelight in the wine made it appear as if your entire glass was filled with ruby. He filled up his own glass as well. It was good wine, too, it was exactly to your taste.
“... What is this, by the way?”
“... wine?”
“No, this.” You gestured around. “Are we on a date right now?”
“of course.” He placed his glass down and chuckled. Sans had such a warm gaze, despite the cold blue colour of his eye. It almost looked... adoring? He hadn’t stopped staring at you since the moment you woke up in this dream.
“because you’re wonderful.” He knitted his fingers together, using them as a cradle for his head. The ends of his phalanges looked sharp. “and i think you deserve a good date. none of those terrible, thoughtless outings you’ve been on recently.”
“How do you know I’ve been on dates?” You asked, but teasingly, drinking a bit more. Of course he knew, this was your dream. His eye flickered to your lips as they touched the rim of the glass, but they returned to your own eyes so fast you couldn’t tell if you really saw the movement at all.
“those fools don’t know what they’re doing. who tries to take someone back to their parents’ house on a first date?” He looked like he still couldn’t believe it. “despicable.”
You snickered at that one. Who wouldn’t?
“They weren’t so bad.” You said, softly. “Rough around the edges, sure. But they meant well.”
He leaned a little closer again. Every time you laughed, he seemed unable to stop himself from drawing nearer. The space was getting more and more intimate.
“you’ll realise how terrible they were when i show you how good dates can be.”
“I’m sorry, but...” You traced the rim of your glass. “am I going to get any more context on who you are? Or are you just too mysterious?”
“i’m nobody important.” He said, reaching the wine bottle across the table again and refilling said glass. “i haven’t any ulterior motives, dear, if that’s what you’re afraid of. i just want to get to know you.”
... You liked the way he said ‘dear’. It made you feel warm again. You swirled the wine around the glass, admiring the strange colour- huh, funny. Even though this was a dream, you could still feel that familiar sensation of being tipsy.
“... This is nice.”
“yes.” He murmured, gazing at you through a lidded socket. “it is.”
“I don’t really want to wake up.”
His eyelight flashed.
“... now. don’t go saying things like that, dear. someone might think you’re serious.”
You woke up with a lovely, soft, cosy feeling. Right down to your core. Far from your usual stuffy, too hot/too cold awakenings, the bed felt like a pair of arms around you- a comfortable pair of arms that made the thought of just closing your eyes and slipping back to sleep again all the more appealing.
You rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling. Morning light was seeping through the curtains; as nice as it sounded, you couldn’t really go back to sleep right now. The day was starting.
... You could almost still taste the wine. You almost felt like its fuzzy warming effect was still thrumming through your body. And, in your mind’s eye, you could still see him- looking at you, smiling, like you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
“i just want to get to know you.”
... Sans, huh?
“hello again, dear.”
The same feelings of ‘waking up’. The same knowledge you were dreaming. And, when you opened your eyes... the same skeleton in front of you.
No suit, this time. Just normal clothes, all toned as black as his bones, sharing his faint iridescence.
... This dream wasn't set at a table. It was on a sunny street corner, in a musical-looking city, bright blue sky and quaint cafes surrounding you, bicycles and colourful pedestrians and trees on every inch of available pavement. People busied past both of you, like you weren’t even there- like there was nothing strange about a large, ink-black skeleton holding the hand of a bewildered human.
... Holding your hand. You blinked, looking down... his midnight claws were entwined with your fingers.
You looked back up at his face. “Sans?”
He grinned, evidently delighted you recalled his name. There was so much you didn’t know, in his eye, so much he understood but you didn’t.
“surprised to see me? i said you i’d take you on more dates, didn’t i?”
Yes. You were very surprised. It took you a few moments to gather the words, mouth opening and closing again, dumbly.
“... I-I just... it was a dream.” You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. “My dreams don’t normally...”
“repeat?” He squeezed your hand gently, brushing his thumb over the back of your palm. “perhaps they do. perhaps they just weren’t worth remembering before now.”
You flushed at the casual touch. “I didn’t expect to see you again.”
“well." He tilted his skull. "are you the good kind of surprised, dear?”
Again, yes. But you didn’t seem to need to say it, judging by the delighted softness his smile took on.
“... Where are we?”
“you're so cute. paris.” He replied, amiably. “i took the liberty of finding the nicest looking side. it’s a charming city, certainly... but not all of it is this pretty.”
“... I never thought I’d...”
“... be able to go?” His voice was a disarming, lulling purr. “i told you. i want to take you on real dates. we can go anywhere you want- anywhere at all. time and distance are no issue.”
“i said so before. i just want to get to know you.”
... You looked around. At the beautiful streets. You could hear people talking, smell baked goods and coffee. It was so romantic... so unlike anywhere you’d ever been.
“Could... we go somewhere high up, when the sun goes down?” You asked. “To see the lights?”
... A small laugh left his chest. Like your question had an incredibly obvious answer.
“... of course we can.”
Sans, whoever he was... he was quickly becoming a staple of your life. 
He kept his promise. He took you on dates. Wonderful ones, hopelessly romantic ones- strolls through starlit woods, picnics on hills overlooking the ocean, scenic boat rides through canals and rivers alike, city tours that felt so impossibly vivid and real despite the fact that your feet never ached. Various delightful places across the world you were certain you’d never be able to visit in your own reality. 
... Sans was charming. Charming in a sophisticated, cultured way, he had that lifted air to him that made you feel so important when he seemed to so much enjoy listening to what you were saying. He spoke sweetly, he was effortlessly funny, he knew precisely how to make you unwind. He already knew more about you than most people in your life.
Though you still knew nothing about him.
You’d never been so well-slept. Your dreams were starting to become your favourite place. Why wouldn’t they? Nobody in the waking world treated you so kindly. There was nowhere else where you felt so consistently cared for, listened to. If you ate together, you would wake up not hungry anymore. If you drank, you would feel the faint buzz even after your eyes opened. 
... And you always felt warm.
You hadn’t researched Sans until now. There was just... something that felt prying about it? You had no reason to think that way. Today was the day you were going to try and find out something about your nightly visitor.
... It was worth researching. Dreams that recurred that often probably had meaning, right? 
A few google searches wouldn’t hurt.
You saw him again the next night. Because of course you did.
... It was a much simpler setting than usual. Sans usually took you to places that would take your breath away... here, it was just a park bench in a flower garden. 
“morning.” He said, with a teasing lilt to his voice. “how was your day?”
You sat down beside him. Your heart was starting to beat faster. “... Could I talk to you about something?”
He paused. Only for a moment. It seemed like... he could sense your apprehension.
“... oh. of course.”
“I... did some research today.”
A flicker of something in his face. He covered it quickly. “the fun kind of research?”
“Research about dreams. And nightmares.” You fiddled with your hands, looking anywhere but him. “It took some digging. But I found something eventually. Old legends, really old, about a being that can enter people’s minds while they sleep and influence what they dream about. A skeleton with black bones.”
“... interesting.”
“... A lot of stuff was different. Like... tentacles, ‘evil’ energy, making people have night terrors so bad they’d give themselves insomnia to avoid sleeping. But, I mean... a skeleton with black bones that enters people’s minds while they sleep?”
... Sans had gone quiet. You glanced at him.
“Are you... uh... are you ‘Nightmare’?” 
As you held his blue eye, a strange sensation fell over you. 
It was like... you had come home, and a door you were certain you left closed was wide open. The feeling of staring into a room and knowing, just knowing, there was someone in there that shouldn’t be there. 
An interloper. 
His face... suddenly didn’t look quite as inviting.
Had he always been that big?
“i see.” He said, softly.
Then you were awake. Staring blankly at your ceiling.
You didn’t feel warm. Not at all.
It was a normal dream, at first. A busy room full of people you didn’t recognise, a nonsensical list of reasons you had to be there that only made sense because your higher thought functions were locked away. Your head felt as though it were stuffed full of sand, and you had little care in the world aside from the base anxieties your brain was projecting onto the scene before you. A test, a missed train, you couldn't even recall.
A normal dream.
Something in the corner of your eye flickered. A shadow, moving the wrong way.
Just like that, you were aware.
The hair on the back of your neck prickled, the faces around you blurred and unfocused. You felt... singled out. Alone. A real person, in a room full of mannequins.
... You could tell he was there. You'd had enough dreams with him to know when he was nearby. But you couldn't see him- you turned around, only the rest of your dream behind you. But you could feel it... he was in there with you.
"... Sans?" You said.
... Nothing.
Your voice wobbled. “Are you... are you there?”
“no.” He said, softly, right in your ear. You jumped- it sounded as if he was standing behind you. “do not call me that.”
You didn’t turn around. Something told you there was a reason he was remaining out of view. “... Why did you disappear?”
He hissed. “i never wanted it to be like this.”
“Like... this?”
“it should’ve stayed a dream. it was never meant to be real.”
Your gaze dropped to the floor. The carpet, a product of your sleeping mind, repeated itself over and over.
... You suddenly felt... stupid. For a lot of reasons- but mostly for letting yourself feel hurt by that. 
What did you think was going to happen, getting so attached to a random guy in your dreams that did little more than take you on a few pretty looking dates and say a few sweet words? All he had to do was feign interest in what you said, and you were like a fish on a hook. Idiot.
You wanted to wake up.
Hands pressed against your shoulders.
“ ... that’s not what i meant.” His voice was a lot softer, suddenly. Softer than you'd ever heard it before- softer, even than your 'first date'.
It was your turn to not respond.
“dear.” It felt like he wanted you to turn around, now. You didn’t. “i promise that’s not what i meant.”
When you spoke, your voice was sullen. This was the end of your nice dreams, wasn't it? “... What else could you possibly mean by that?”
He didn’t let go of your shoulders. “i... it was...”
... Him needing a moment to speak... it didn't exactly cheer you up, but it made you return to the moment a little. It made you listen. You were so used to him knowing exactly what to say at any given moment, silken words coming so easily- the fact that he needed time to gather his thoughts made what he was about to say seem a bit more genuine.
“... the waking world is so complicated.” He finally said. “dreams... are the escape. i didn’t want this to be complicated.”
“... Complicated.” Your tone had significantly eased. He wasn’t wrong. Things had definitely become more complicated, as soon as you brought the real world in. 
“i wanted to see you.” His hands moved, from your shoulders to your torso. “i wanted to know you, but i didn’t... want you to have to think. i just wanted to be a dream, for you, someone you could escape to. i wanted to be a good dream for once.”
You didn’t reply. He was convincing. But you didn’t even know if you believed him.
“... don’t wake up.” He murmured. You felt his face press to the back of your head... his arms tucked around your middle.
“I don’t know if I can trust you.” You said. “I don’t know anything about you.”
“i didn’t want you to be afraid of me.”
“Should I be?”
“no.” Instantly, breathlessly. Like he couldn’t believe you asked that. “no, of course not.”
You sighed. 
“What’re you willing to tell me?”
“whatever you ask.” 
... It was an interesting way of wording it. You didn’t miss the specificity- whatever you asked him, he would answer. But volunteering information seemed beyond him for now.
“we should go somewhere. to talk.” He offered. “where do you want to go?”
You paused.
“Well. How about... somewhere you want to go, this time?”
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herd-of-creatures · 5 months
Honestly we don't have a lot of people that can front for long periods of time, and I don't know why exactly. Me, Bark, and a small handful of other people can go on for multiple hours and some rare accounts days, and others have a really hard time staying in front for even an hour.
I think it has sometimes been difficult, cause the reasons why alters cant always be around for that long vary from just how they work or outside factors. Sometimes people insult themselves or others for not "doing enough" but thats bs and they are definitely being too hard on themselves.
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biggest-stupidhead · 2 years
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A/N: I'm baaacckkkkk, I was inspired by a tik tok about how dangerous the winter solstice is, and how the veil between this world and the next is thinnest this time of year. So, in honor of my previous spooky Nat fic, I wrote this :) Hope you all enjoy! Listen to Demons by Hayley Kiyoko if you're feeling jazzy. Image is from pintrest not mine, credit goes to the creator!
Summary: The darkest night of the year harbors dangerous creatures, and you find yourself in a precarious situation when Natasha returns after a month of radio silence...
Warnings: Uhhhh lesbian sex (duh), blood (minimal), dark! Wanda & dark! Natasha (not super dark just spooky) , slight horror themes, porn w plot, fingering (r receiving, Wanda receiving), oral (r giving & receiving, nat giving). Lmk if I missed anything, this was a long one and I wouldn't be surprised if I did tbh.
Word Count: 3.5K
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Autumn departed in a long drawn-out battle, temperate weather ebbed into freezing winds and biting blizzards. Bare tree branches scraped against your window, and the leaves have long fallen to be replaced with icicles and heavy snow. Dried herbs and pickled goods littered your minimal counter and cabinet space, casting strange shadows in the dark. You sat in a small armchair near your fireplace, a book splayed open on your lap. The scent of bitternut hickory logs burning filled the space, mingling with the dried herbs and the soup you’d prepared earlier.
Your cat purred as she slept by the fireplace, her paws kneading the air. Your cozy cabin felt lonelier than ever during this holiday season, your only company was the cat. This solitude had never bothered you before, but after Natasha had slipped into your life and just as easily slunk out of your life, you found yourself feeling lonely. Your nightly visitor had stopped visiting, and you found yourself missing her company. After her last visit on All Hallow’s Eve, she stopped coming, and your fears were confirmed. Natasha wasn’t a townie who was visiting your isolated home, she was something else entirely. A true creature of the night, bound by ancient laws to restrict the havoc she could bring to the secular world. 
Deep down, you had always known this was the case, her glowing eyes, sharp fangs, and claws hidden under a vague disguise gave her away. You shouldn’t miss her, she was not yours to keep, and she likely hadn’t thought about you since that final encounter. But you thought of her constantly, every night you spent between cold sheets with your fingers buried in your heat you thought of her. You closed your book, eyebrows knitting together at the memory of her body slotting against yours, the chorus of your moans filling your quiet cabin. The book clattered to the ground as you stood quickly from your chair. A log in the fireplace popped loudly, but your cat continued to purr, her flank rising steadily with each tiny breath. You ground your teeth as your eyes flickered around your tiny cabin, taking stock of the herbs you had grown and gathered. 
It wasn’t enough. You hadn’t been prepared for All Hallow’s which is why you felt so tormented. Mere days separated you from the Winter Solstice, a time when the veil between worlds was thinnest. It was the popular belief that Halloween or Samhain was the most dangerous night of the year. But those people would be sorely mistaken, the true danger lies in the darkest night of the year which occurs on the Winter Solstice, a time when sun deities are said to have died. You were counting on Natasha’s return on this night, but you needed boundaries this time. You flew into a frenzy, throwing open cabinets and lighting beeswax candles as you rummaged through your stores. It became apparent that you would have to run into town for mistletoe and yule logs. There was little you could do tonight, so you set about pacing your cabin as you made a mental list of what needed to be done. 
As the first rays of sun filtered through your window, you were already dressed and stepping out the door. You hurried into your beaten pickup truck, allowing the ancient vehicle to warm up as you double-checked your list. One full day of sunlight stood between you and the darkest night, between you and Natasha meeting once more. Of course, this was all provided she wanted to see you, a thought that made your stomach swirl with anxiety. Once the truck was warm enough you slowly drove through the powdery snow, navigating your way through the precarious roads.
Once in town, you checked off each item, leaving nothing to chance. You were back in your cabin, unloading sprigs of mistletoe and hauling yule logs into your home. You tethered the mistletoe above every threshold and sprinkled some salt down for good measure. A large chunk of beef was simmering in bone broth on your stove, the aroma overpowering the scent of smoke and herbs. The berries you had preserved were bubbling in a mixture of lemon juice, water, and sugar, well on their way to becoming a fine jam. A feast for yourself would be ready by dark, which wasn’t far away, and maybe if you were feeling generous, you’d welcome a guest. 
The afternoon slipped by and you watched the sun set as you placed your jam in jars, the scent of freshly baked bread threatening to overwhelm the scent of the stew. It was the proper way to fend off spirits, a warm meal, salt covering thresholds, and mistletoe dangling above every doorway. Most would surely pass you by, but you were praying that one wouldn’t. As you sat out plates and poured yourself a glass of wassail, the heady scent of cider and cloves filled your nose as you brought the steaming cup to your lips. The flames of your candles licked at the air, occasionally spitting plumes of smoke into the still air. The sky outside was like crushed black velvet with studded diamonds sprinkled across its surface. You found yourself enamored with the vision of perfect constellations, the heat of your drink seeping into your calloused palms. 
Just as you began to think about sitting down to eat your meal, there was a soft yet demanding knock on your door. Any feeling of warmth or comfort left your body as gooseflesh rose to the surface of your flesh. You sat your cup down softly and carefully crossed the room, pausing in front of the door, trying not to grin like an idiot. 
“Hello?” Your voice was mistreated, rough from not speaking often. Your porch creaked under the weight of whatever was on the other side of your door. 
“Let me in.” The voice was unfamiliar, your smile dropped from your face, eyes widening as a cold sweat broke out all over your body. It was feminine and sultry but it certainly was not Natasha. 
“No.” Your breathing picked up as you staggered backward, and a soft malicious chuckle filled your ears as if the creature was right behind you. You spun around only to find your crackling fireplace with your cat batting a ball of yarn innocently across the floor. Another slow rhythmic knock rang through the cabin. 
“Come on, don’t be scared.” The creature sang between knocks, followed by a soft scratching sound. 
“Little witch I know you’re home.” You struggled to maintain your breathing as the scratches grew louder. 
“You must be so lonely in there. I can help you.” The scratches stopped, the porch creaked, and the hinges on your door groaned. Carefully, you stepped closer to the door, call it a morbid curiosity. You pressed your body against the door, your ear on the smooth wood as you listened intently. 
“Speak to me.” A wispy voice rang through the wood, she was also pressed against the door, and the vision of a beautiful woman just on the other side filled your mind. Subconsciously, your disloyal fingers wrapped around the brass knob, turning it a quarter before a searing heat burned your palm. 
You yelped loudly and laughter rang through your cabin, a sadistic sound that made your blood freeze. You stepped back again, nearly tripping over the ball of yarn as you sank into your chair. 
“I won’t leave until you open this door.” The voice grew stern and you felt a tear slip past your lashes, the fear encompassing you. Between shaky breaths, you gathered yourself before throwing another yule log onto the fire. The ashes swirled as the logs popped and snapped because of the blistering heat. Your stew was growing cold, the forgotten glass of wassail sat on your counter, and the creaks of the creature outside grew louder and more impatient with each passing minute. 
“Let me in.” The voice sounded tired and frustrated as it continued to plead, a pitiful scratch followed the request. 
“I won’t!” You shouted into the brisk night air, and the creature hummed. 
“You will.” The creature growled and the candles you’d lit flickered out, leaving you in darkness. Your cat yowled before racing into your bathroom, the clatter of things falling led you to believe she had jumped into your shower. The pounding on the door was louder now, more demanding, you covered your ears and curled into yourself, tucking your legs to your chest in fear. Suddenly the pounding stopped, the porch creaked again, and then you could discern a second set of footsteps. 
“I told you to wait.” Natasha. 
“I couldn’t help myself Natty.” The other voice sounded soft and playful. 
“You’ll have your turn.” Natasha hissed and you nearly flew to the door to open it at the sound of her voice. 
“Natasha!” You screamed and their hushed voices stopped. The darkness seemed to heighten your senses, you swore you could hear them both breathing heavily on the other side of the door. 
“Let me in darling.” Natasha turned the doorknob impatiently and you paused, recalling the salt and mistletoe. You kicked the salt aside and took a deep breath, your hand resting on the brass knob as Natasha turned it once more. 
“Just you.” Your voice was shaky and brimming with fear. Natasha laughed softly and turned the knob once more. 
“Just me.” Little did you know, she was crossing her fingers between her back, her lips curled into a sinister grin as her friend hovered over her shoulder. You opened the door slowly, peeking through the crack to see Natasha standing innocently, alongside another beautiful woman. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of the two. Natasha looked the same, her red hair tied back in a loose braid, green eyes sparkling in the moonlight. She looked like a vixen, her white teeth shining in the soft firelight that slipped through your cracked door. 
“This is Wanda, she won’t hurt you.” Natasha stepped aside, and you got your first good look at your tormentor. She had dark hair that hung loosely around her round face, her hands were locked together in front of her. But what truly caught your attention was her face, her eyes were green like Natasha’s but they were wider, more doe-eyed. She had full pink lips that curled into a grin as she noticed your prolonged stare. 
“It’s freezing out here.” Natasha hinted at you to let them in, making a show of rubbing her hands together. 
“Come in.” You threw all inhibitions to the wind as you let the door swing open and stepped aside. The two stepped in quickly and you shut the door behind them, Natasha paused under the mistletoe, reaching up to tap it lightly. The bundle of leaves swung with the disturbance and you watched it, swallowing thickly as Natasha turned her attention to you. Wanda stood looking into your fire, her neck craning down as she watched the flames lick the logs. 
“How festive,” Natasha murmured, reaching out and cupping your face and you found yourself leaning into her touch, despite the coolness of her palms and the sharpness of her claws. 
“I missed you.” You whispered as she touched her forehead to yours, red whisps of hair slipping from her braid as she did so. 
“I’m here,” Natasha spoke softly, her lips brushing yours as she did so, her thumb brushing over your ear lobe tenderly. She leaned forward and sealed her lips with yours, setting a slow and sensual pace as her arms circled around you, pulling you flush against her. 
“Wow get a room.” Wanda scoffed, whirling around on her heel and smirking as the two of you broke apart. 
“Can we eat? I’m starving.” Wanda’s green eyes glowed in the firelight, she licked her lips and the fear that was hiding inside of you was ignited again. 
“I could eat.” Natasha shrugged, her own gaze languid but lurking beneath you could sense that familiar darkness. Something told you they weren’t talking about your stew, you slipped out of Natasha’s grasp and moved through the small space to grab your drink. You gulped down a few long sips, the auburn liquid slipping past your lips and dripping down your chin. Natasha sighed loudly, walking to Wanda and rubbing her back. 
“I’m famished.” You made eye contact with each of them, blinking slowly as the two broke into sly grins. 
“Come here, sweet girl.” Natasha crooned and you slowly padded over to her, your confidence fading with every step. Wanda bit her lip, her sharp fangs protruding as she did so. You wouldn’t be surprised if she had a forked tongue as well, maybe even a pair of leathery wings folded behind her back. Once you were an arm's length away, Natasha grabbed your wrist and reeled you in, kissing your jaw as her hands cradled the back of your neck and wrapped around your waist. Your eyes fluttered closed as you basked in Natasha’s affections, her claws scratching your back softly. 
“Give me a turn Natty.” Wanda whimpered and your eyes flew open, meeting her green ones as she placed her chin on Natasha’s shoulder. Wanda’s warm breath fanned over your lips, her long lashes batting as she watched your mouth drop open. Natasha’s lips had found your collarbone, her sharp teeth scraping against soft warm skin. 
“When I’m done, you’ll never forget who you belong to.” Natasha hissed against your skin and Wanda giggled, leaning forward and pressing her lips to yours just as Natasha broke your skin. A hot trail of blood slipped down between the valley of your breasts, staining your shirt as it blazed a trail down your body. You gasped against Wanda’s open mouth, her laughter cut through the tension as she cupped the side of our face softly.
Her lips found yours again and you honed your focus in on kissing her, your tongues mingling as your heads turned to reach deeper into one another. Meanwhile, Natasha had sunk onto her knees, resting between you and Wanda as Wanda’s own hands greedily tugged at the hem of your white blouse. Natasha was busy pulling your pants down, along with your underwear, her cold hands roaming along the expanse of your thighs. Wanda broke the kiss so she could pull your shirt off, leaving you completely exposed to the women. She groaned as she cupped your breasts, smearing your own blood across your skin as she leaned in and took a pert nipple between her teeth, biting down softly. You threw your head back and arched into her, Natasha’s finger traced along your labia, smearing your arousal as she watched you and Wanda from below. 
“Fuck, you look so perfect like this, covered in blood, being such a good girl for us.” Natasha groaned as she sunk a finger into your heat. You whimpered, your hand clutching the back of Wanda’s head as you struggled to meet Natasha’s gaze. Wanda switched breasts, her green eyes lidded as she savored you, her cold hands skating along your sides. Natasha’s own lips latched onto your neglected clit, suckling softly as Wanda returned to your lips, kissing you deeply. Natasha added another finger, slowly curling her digits to massage the rough spot inside of you that she knew drove you crazy. Your knees buckled and you nearly lost your balance, Natasha chuckled as Wanda steadied you, her fingers digging into your shoulders. Natasha continued her ministrations, feeling your pussy clench down on her fingers as Wanda stripped off her clothes. 
“Nat, please. I need you so bad.” You whimpered as Natasha’s fingers picked up their pace, her thumb finding your clit once more. Wanda was nearly nude now, her teeth shimmering in the firelight as she leaned in to place fiery kisses along the column of your throat, your head was thrown back in ecstasy. The tight knot in your stomach was becoming unbearable, and the ache between your legs seemed insatiable. Natasha’s fingers held a brutal pace, the loud noise of her fingers sinking into your cunt spurring her on. Wanda’s fingers found your neglected clit, nearly matching the pace that Natasha had set. 
“Go ahead sweet girl, come for us.” Wanda bit down on your ear lobe, her lips pressed against the side of your neck. That was all you needed to hear before tipping over the edge, your legs shaking as your eyes rolled back and a wave of pleasure washed over you. Natasha slowly let you come down from your high as Wanda peppered kisses across your collarbones, whispering praises as your heart rate returned to a normal rhythm. You felt like the room was spinning as Natasha cupped your chin in her hand, a smug grin smeared on her face. 
“Let's go to the bedroom huh?” Natasha’s brow raised suggestively and you hummed in agreement, eager for what was to come next. The three of you staggered into your bedroom, crowding into the queen-sized mattress that occupied most of the room. Natasha reclined against the pillows, patting the space between her legs and pointing at Wanda, who leaped at the opportunity. Wanda laid back against Natasha’s chest, her head notching between Natasha’s neck and shoulder perfectly, the sight made you jealous. You pushed your lower lip out in a pout, unsure where you were supposed to lay, what you were supposed to do. Natasha laughed, her long slender fingers skating down to stroke Wanda’s glistening pussy, Wanda moaned, burying her face into Natasha’s neck. You watched as Natasha’s fingers slipped into Wanda’s heat effortlessly, her arousal shimmering in the moonlight. 
“Come here, sweetie.” Natasha hummed and you climbed onto the bed, slowly crawling between Wanda’s legs. You rested on your elbows, watching as Natasha’s fingers slowly pumped into Wanda’s cunt. 
“Go ahead, take care of her.” Natasha withdrew her fingers, a stretchy string of Wanda’s wetness still connecting them. Wanda whined at the loss of contact, her eyes screwed shut as her hips rose from the mattress eagerly. Your mouth watered as you leaned in to place a soft kiss on her clit. Wanda sighed as your tongue lapped at her aching cunt, her hands weaving into your hair to keep you close. Your eyes remained trained on Wanda’s face, which was twisted in pleasure as Natasha’s hands roamed her body and your tongue delved into her. 
“‘m close Natty.” Wanda cried out, her hips grinding against your face as you looked at Natasha, trying to see what she wanted. Natasha nodded at you, a proud gleam in her eyes as you focused on bringing Wanda over the edge. Your fingers sank into her heat, slowly setting a steady rhythm. 
“Tell me about it, Wanda, what’s she doing to you?” Natasha asked and your cunt throbbed, as Wanda whimpered as her fingers pulled at your hair desperately. 
“S-she’s… her fingers are inside of me.” Wanda stuttered as you kept your pace, eager to bring her pleasure. 
“Go on…” Natasha sighed, her hands cupping Wanda’s breasts, her fingers pinching her nipples. Wanda gasped, her hips jutting off of the bed and pressing into your mouth. You moaned into her, your mouth watering as you continued to eat her out. 
“Natty please, I’m so very close, please let me come.” Wanda yelped as your teeth scraped against her sensitive bud. You felt her clench down on your fingers, her leg twitching as her orgasm built up inside her. 
“Go ahead Wanda, come for us, baby.” Natasha hissed into Wanda’s ear and the woman screeched, her thighs clamping down around your head, her fingers pulling at your hair as she rode out her high. You sighed contently as her body shook with tremors, you gave her clit one last kitten lick before departing and she whimpered, at the stimulation. 
“Come here,” Wanda spoke between pants and you crawled up her body, your head spinning as she reeled you in for a searing kiss. 
“How did she taste (Y/n)?” Natasha’s hand rubbed your back languidly and you broke the kiss to respond. 
“Like candy.” You teased and Wanda’s nose scrunched at the jest. 
“You surprised me tonight sweet girl.” Natasha hummed, toying with a strand of your hair as you laid down on Wanda’s chest, your own fingers busying themselves in Wanda’s curls. 
“It could be like this every night….for a price,” Natasha mumbled, and Wanda chuckled darkly. 
“I might just take you up on that offer.” You sighed as Wanda’s nails traced patterns on your back. 
“Think about it, we’ll be waiting.” Your eyes slipped closed, tangled in their warmth despite the cold outside. You knew you’d wake up alone, and you knew that if you agreed to their terms, your life would change. For the better? Likely not, but you found yourself weighing your odds. You might just agree if it meant you would spend every night like this. 
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jd-loves-fiction · 2 years
𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 (3)
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➢  A new ghoul is summoned, they're small and unsure of who they want to be. The ghouls and ghoulettes help them figure it out while bringing them into their loving arms and showing them that no matter what path they choose, they will be loved.
➢ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: poly!nameless ghouls/ghoulettes x OC (Ghoulie)
➢  𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff ❤
➢  𝖜𝖈: 1.8k
➢  𝖆/𝖓: POV CHANGE!! ALSO CAN YOU TELL SWISS IS MY FAVORITE YET?? Actually very very happy with this one, lots of mystery~ And if you’d rather read this on AO3 here’s the link :D
➢⚠️: Swiss. Also Swiss being... well, Swiss
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3 - 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖙 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊
Days pass with my only company being Aether and occasionally Rain. I’m starting to feel like that princess in the tower, waiting to be rescued by a prince I don’t yet know. Ok, maybe a prince I do know would be less creepy.
I wake up one cold night, alone in Aether’s bedroom since he decided to sleep in someone else’s tonight to get me used to being alone. Dewdrop, I think he said?
Well, turns out that wasn’t a great idea, considering I’m wide awake at… 2:52 in the night. But what am I to do, wake him- both of them up because I couldn’t sleep? Sounds oddly selfish. 
Perhaps the bond has started to form without me noticing, because I can almost feel something missing from inside my chest as well as a chilling silence inside my mind. Though it’s hard to say if that’s just paranoia.
No, I don’t need anyone’s help to fall back asleep - I’d been doing that for who knows how long in Hell. And if you can fall asleep in Hell, you can fall asleep anywhere.
Or at least that’s what I thought. It’s proven wrong after around 10 minutes of tossing and turning. After all of that, I end up turned towards the door, from where I see light coming through the crack. That wasn’t like that when I went to sleep…
Realizing that I'm not going to sleep just yet, I get up while rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.
After passing through the first door, I find the door out of the common room open as well and so I pass through it as well.
Moonlight spills into the abbey's grand hallway from the courtyard in the middle, from where a soft melody sings - energetic and warm. The singer’s voice is sensual and deep, curling like a beckoning hand around my mind, urging me closer to it.
I follow the jazzy tune out to the courtyard, where the moon can be seen clearly as I look up. It’s at this moment I realized I’ve never seen a moon, or a sun! Hell doesn’t have either, only a dark void as the roof that looks suspiciously like the insides of a long-deceased giant creature.
It’s round and bright. So much brighter than I thought it’d be! It looks like the largest, shiniest, roundest pearl in an ocean of stars. It’s breathtaking, so much better than the books described.
The sound of melodic humming snaps me out of a trance, running to quickly and quietly hide behind the nearest bench like a feral cat. I’m not alone.
After calming my breathing as much as possible, look over my cover to find the source of such a lovely sound. Another ghoul!
They lie on the edge of the fountain, bathed in moonlight, eyes closed and expression as serene as can be. Their voice is light and sweet, like a spring breeze, matching the music player so perfectly, it almost seems like it’s their song.
The music player itself is a curious thing - it’s open, spinning a disk as large as a cat and as dark as coal while a needle slides along its grooves. It looks vaguely familiar and interesting in itself, but I’m far more captivated by the unknown ghoul.
Their skin is a dark brown, disaturated like all the others, hair is even darker, strands tightly curled and soft-looking. Lips are plump and turned in a peaceful smile, lines around them indicating an easy-going personality. My eyes can’t help but move down, which makes me feel slightly creepy, which is the weirdest part. This is supposed to be normal for a pack. At least that's what Aether told me… Maybe I feel this way because I’m not truly one of them yet.
The thought makes me drum my claws against the stone of the bench nervously - it feels wrong to think it, no matter how much I’m inclined to believe it.
Lost in self doubt, I fail to notice the humming has stopped, the ghoul’s chest (barely covered by a white tank top) stutters in surprise and two dark caramel orbs reveal themselves from beneath lazy lids, “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
I gasp, crouching lower to try and hide myself again - an utterly fruitless endeavor as the ghoul’s eyes remain glued to my form, curious and amused by the lazy flicker of his dark tail and the small flash of white teeth between dark lips. They announce as much, “No use hiding now, cutie.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” I stand up awkwardly, fidgeting with my nails for something to do. They’re long, could use a trim… do ghouls even do that?
“It’s alright, no problem with staring. What is a problem, is you not introducing yourself. Now that is quite rude.” He’s toying with me, that much I can tell, and deriving quite a lot of amusement from it. He must be Swiss.
“M-My name is Ghoulie… for now.”
"Oh, you're just as cute as they said you'd be. My name is Swiss, but you probably already know that." His words bring heat up to my cheeks, just what have they been saying about me?
“What are you doing?” I ask, moving closer slowly, still looking over his casual pose.
"Bathing in the moonlight~" He responds playfully, stretching with something between a purr and a growl, satisfied, no doubt.
"I see…" I return to fidgeting, now only a step around from the fountain, not sure of what to say. A familiar feeling festers deep in my gut, an old friend and something close to an enemy at the moment.
We've just met, so why the Hell do I feel like this?
Aether's late night ramblings about the rest of the pack come to mind. Swiss was described as 'one horny fucker and far too charismatic for his own good. The Sisters' favorite, for obvious reasons.' 
"You always been this shy, or is it just me?" His hand hovers close to me, I feel something prod at my mind, like knocking on a door in a dream - the bond.
I close my eyes, concentrating to try and break down the wall that separates us, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. It feels vaguely like trying to put an electrical plug into an outlet in the dark - it’s a lot of feeling around and hoping you don’t get electrocuted.
A warm hand settles on my arm, urging me to open my eyes to meet his caramel orbs, “It’s ok, you’ll get there.” 
“So everyone keeps saying.” I grumble, crossing my arms stubbornly. Swiss scoffs, amused, before patting the spot beside himself, urging me to sit down.
“Isn’t it supposed to be working already?” Frustration bleeds into my tone as I sit down, knees tucked to my chest.
“It’s different for everyone. Sometimes it has to do with your personality, sometimes it’s your element - do you know what yours is?” He can’t hide his curiosity, even if he actually tried to, it’d be painfully obvious by the widening of his eyes and how his breath shortens.
“No… no clue at all.” I sigh dejectedly, “What’s yours?”
“Well… did Aether tell you about element combinations and all that?” I blink up at him, combinations? “I guess that’s a no.”
He sits up straighter, indulgent smile on his lips making his fangs peek out from between them, “Alright, so there's the main 5, which I'm sure he's told you about; water, fire, earth, air and quintessence. But there's one more, it's extremely rare so I don't blame him for skipping it… also for… other reasons." His dark caramel eyes dark to the side briefly, remembering something no doubt unpleasant.
What other reasons…?
"Anyways, that last element is shadow or darkness. There's only ever been one full shadow ghoul and plus me. Kinda. I'm a Multi-Ghoul - fire, earth and shadow." His chest puffs out proudly as he says while my eyes widen in wonder. Why didn't Aether tell me? Did he really just forget?
"All of that just so you keep in mind that you might also be a Multi. And to explain what I'm doing out here. I guess the shadow side of me likes the full moon the best, so I indulge every time I can." He looks up at it with a reverence I cannot yet understand, as if all is right in the world when he looks at it. I hope one day I'll get to feel that too.
"Enough of all that sentimental shit, how's your tail coming along?" He grabs it before I can react, making my spine straighten like a bow string. The corners of his eyes twitch as his peaceful smile turns mischievous at the gasp I let out. “Seems like it’s still quite sensitive. That’s normal, don’t worry.” Though his voice is kind, his hands are not as he continues to rub and pinch my tail in ways that make my stomach flip.
“Don’t what? Don’t stop?” He chuckles, lips close to my flushed ears. "I don't need a bond to know you don't want me to stop."
I hate that he's right. But I also don't, not when it feels so good. I quickly realize that I hate that I'm so easy to read. I've gotten too comfortable being around ghouls like Aether and Rain - gentle and sweet, more interested in leading me by the hand than teasing me.
"... But I guess that's too bad." The warmth of his hands disappear and not even the hand in front of my mouth is enough to muffle the sad, little whine that you make in response. "I'm not risking Aether's wrath when I can be patient and wait for my turn."
"Wait, what are you talking about?"
"You're smart, at least from what I heard. You'll figure it out." That sneaky little smile is back on his face.
A mix between pleading and frustration settles over my face, directed at Swiss, whose grin wavers indulgently.
"Listen, if you haven't figured it out yet then either you're not as smart as everyone thinks or," My nose scrunches, mildly insulted despite his jovial tone, "and I find this one more likely, you're not meant to know yet. Plus, this is a conversation you really should be having with Aether, not me."
His dismissal is beyond suspicious, but I reason with myself that I don't quite know him yet - maybe the mysterious vibe is just his thing. I hold myself back from making a joke about him being shady. 
Swiss shoos me back to my - Aether’s - room, not long after and I go with heavy lids and a mind full of questions.
Perhaps I should check the library when I get the chance.
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hldailyupdate · 1 year
There’s a palpable sense of excitement at Wembley Stadium as the crowd – adorned in pink cowboy hats, glittery boots and multi-coloured feather boas – wait for Harry Styles to take the stage. Tonight is the pop superstar’s final show of a four-night residency for the last leg of his spectacular Love On Tour dates.
Brassy opener Daydreaming kicks off the night with Styles – high energy as ever – running laps across the stage, flaunting his black-and-red embellished ensemble to the adoring crowd. The former One Direction star breezes through the openers which include the shimmering Golden, with the crowd chanting back every word of its catchy chorus, into the groovy Adore You and mellow Keep Driving, closing out with the rockier tones of She.
Fans are also treated to bouncy love-song Daylight, followed by a throwback to the One Direction days with Stockholm Syndrome – its brash guitar riffs pierce through the crowds’ extra-loud reception to it. For the more intimate part of the show, Styles moves forward to the extended stage – waving to fans, giving them thumbs-ups and blowing kisses throughout as a show of gratitude, something which is mentioned earnestly throughout the evening.
Truly the biggest surprise of the night comes with a performance of Sweet Creature – a delicate, moving track from his debut record. Twinkling acoustic guitars accompany Styles’ heartwarming lyrics about finding comfort in a person, a sentiment that is undoubtedly shared by many in the crowd. Styles makes a point to start his shows by encouraging people to “please feel free to be who you’ve always wanted to be”, setting a precedent that, for at least the two hours you’re in his house, you’re welcome to be you – whatever form that might take.
Tender renditions of Matilda and Love of My Life further ease the pace before launching into the ‘disco section’ of the night with funky, drum-laden single Satellite, jazzy Late Night Talking and Cinema, into the grand brass-heavy Music For A Sushi Restaurant. There’s barely any time to recover before fans are boot-scooting their way into the feel-good anthem Treat People With Kindness. As Styles begins the joyous performance waving a Pride flag across the stage, many more pop up across the arena shedding light on this beautiful safe space that they’ve managed to carve together.
Treat People With Kindness is mixed in flawlessly with the mega-hit What Makes You Beautiful, and although hard to verify, it feels as if every single person in the crowd is singing along (if they weren’t already!). Grapejuice provides a well-earned breather as Styles flawlessly croons through the jazzy track; leading into a mesmerising performance of Fine Line where he provides his strongest vocal performance yet, holding high notes as great big horns crash into a crescendo.
Our encore begins with Sign of The Times, Styles’ epic debut single performed here with fireworks and a crowd that has not relented its energy. Fan-favourite Medicine carries this on but it’s As It Was, the synth-heavy lead single from Harry’s House, that takes the evening to dizzying new heights.
In an adorable closeout moment, the song begins with young fan Sandler providing the iconic “C’mon Harry, we wanna say goodnight you” intro, making way for a euphoric performance that brings Harry Styles’ triumphant run of shows to a close. During his final night at Wembley, Styles proves that no matter who you are, there’s always space for you at Harry’s House.
GAY TIMES rating: ★★★★★
via Gay Times. (19 June 2023)
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Anime of the Day: Kekkai Sensen
[The Anime of the Day series will feature two anime each day from the list of shows that, for a variety of reasons, didn’t make it to the final list of shows that will be joining the tournament.]
“Secret organization protects world from vampires/monsters”
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Supersonic monkeys, vampires, talking fishmen, and all sorts of different supernatural monsters living alongside humans—this has been part of daily life in Hellsalem's Lot, formerly known as New York City, for some time now. When a gateway between Earth and the Beyond opened three years ago, New Yorkers and creatures from the other dimension alike were trapped in an impenetrable bubble and were forced to live together. Libra is a secret organization composed of eccentrics and superhumans, tasked with keeping order in the city and making sure that chaos doesn't spread to the rest of the world. Pursuing photography as a hobby, Leonardo Watch is living a normal life with his parents and sister. But when he obtains the "All-seeing Eyes of the Gods" at the expense of his sister's eyesight, he goes to Hellsalem's Lot in order to help her by finding answers about the mysterious powers he received. He soon runs into Libra, and when Leo unexpectedly joins their ranks, he gets more than what he bargained for. Kekkai Sensen follows Leo's misadventures in the strangest place on Earth with his equally strange comrades—as the ordinary boy unwittingly sees his life take a turn for the extraordinary.
(Admin: Three people submitted this show, so there’ll be three separate propagandas)
Kekkai Sensen is a sci-fi action manga from the author of Trigun that revolves around an ordinary guy with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He can’t really fight, but he’s determined to make his way in a city where people die at the drop of a hat. A web of tragedies and crime and crazy coincidences is spinning around his arrival in the city, and a dark plot is brewing that could risk the fate of the world. The story is compelling, comedic, fast-paced, and gorgeously animated. Fans of mystery, action, sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, and even more will all find something to adore about this series’ story and characters—not to mention its iconic soundtrack and stunning visuals.
Super interesting story with a well-balanced and fun cast of characters. There’s someone for everyone and open the top flashy action scenes. The characters are especially endearing with how they interact with each other
Most people remember the show from the ending that everyone was making edits for. This show is outstanding, and the last episode changed me as a person, and I’m still not sure how or why. It’s from the creator of Trigun and has incredible music from jazzy numbers to soft and sweet ones. The characters are great, and the voice talent is even better. It’s funny, cute, and sometimes serious. Also found family for the win.
(Admin: To the three who submitted, seriously, not one of you found a trailer that wasn’t dubbed? I couldn’t find one, either.)
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annoyangle · 2 months
Hey-let it be known while some anons seem to be getting a little pushy at the moment. Some of us-don't want you to change what you are-We love your inconsistencies. The constant changing just means that you're FUN. And it seems to me a certain frilly creature doesn't enjoy fun at the moment. Or, your brand of fun anyway. Sometimes its more fun to remain a villain. And you don't have to be alone on that front about yourself. Some of us like you for what you already are, crazy, scheming, incomprehensible, a little lonely and a bit traumatized, but moreover hilarious all knowing all seeing eye guy. I'm leaving at least 10 wine bottles of blood for you around to eat with that pasta Noodles making.
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