#cricket hours
gael-garcia · 7 months
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evilmacdennisevil · 1 year
dee is 100% the most psychotic member of the gang but y’all aren’t ready for that conversation
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outism-had-a-purpose · 8 months
Just realized the left side of the bus (with the exception of Rodion) encapsulates the "I miss my wife, Tails" meme when you look at their source material
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Outis misses Penelope, Meursalt misses Marie, Ishmael misses Queequeg, and Heathcliff misses Cathy.
Dante the half of the bus is full of YEARNING
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alithographica · 6 months
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It’s 1:15am which means it’s Sandwich Hours
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theonekierce · 23 days
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I have a poignant recollection of the hour it took us to reach the house. We walked across St. James's Park (I can see the lights now, bright on the bridge and blurred in the water) -Willful Murder
this story has a lot of good imagery but this description stuck in my brain for some reason
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cricket-teeeth · 2 years
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i’m so funny
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livejournallegacy · 10 months
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Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (2005) 3. Astro Zombies - My Chemical Romance "We grew up listening to [the Misfits]. They're from New Jersey which we’re real proud of."
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
Something I always wonder with the whole: "The lazy populous doesn't want to work!" is if it's only being said to keep minimum wage at the very, very lowest end of 'survivability.'
The "lazy worker" isn't truly a problem. The employers are.
#politics#this is my old man conspiracy theory#it's insane when you actually start job searching and you apply fucking Everywhere and it's crickets#job announcement: no experience required! we'll train you! you're actually PERFECTLY qualified#you apply and then NOTHING. and then you listen to the news or other people#and they complain about how 'lazy' the modern worker is and how employers are DESPERATE for people to work for them...#...and you'll end up knowing better if you haven't soaked up the individualist corporate shill propaganda i think...#...that propaganda (at least in the US) is the idea that the individual worker is always at fault...#...that if they never get a job - even 'entry-level' - that it is THEIR fault...#...if you don't want to work minimum wage get a maximun-effort job!!!!!...#...if you want to Get Hired then make yourself Hireable!!!!!!!!!...#...you must be Indispensable (but potentially for $7.25/hour)!!! it is Up To You!!!...#...make records! never ask for anything! never complain! never dare bite the corporate hand which feeds you!!!!!!!!#that's the type of shit i grew up with at least. and i cannot buy that it isn't propaganda in a world hostile to any layman#i wonder if the romanticized version of the 60s-70s working class in the US is completely true as well...#...i just wonder if we are idealizing a past which never truly occurred for the worker...#...simply because these tactics Aren't New and Aren't Considered Morally Reprehensible because of the Bottom Line#this last part is tangentially-related but i always question whenever people have rose-colored views of The Past
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taizi · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this ask if it's overstepping, but whenever I have to do something stressful involving my mental health I channel/process those feelings by writing fanfic of my blorbos doing the same thing. So, any thoughts about rise Leo going to his first therapy session post-movie in the Hidden City? Could even take place in the City Lights verse.
Mikey is kicking the heel of his foot against the waiting room chair over and over, full of a restless sort of worry. 
It was an uphill battle getting Leo to agree to this in the first place. God, Mikey would almost rather fight the Shredder again then relive that first conversation about it. Being stubborn is a Hamato trait but Leo takes it to a whole new level. 
Thankfully, he is and always has been a daddy’s boy. 
“I have not always been a good father to you,” Splinter finally says, interrupting the beginning stages of Donatello Losing His Absolute Shit Out Of Love. He pats Leo’s cheek gently. “But I am putting my foot down this time, Blue.”
“You’re the medic,” Raph points out. “You wouldn’t let one of us walk around with a broken bone, would you?”
For all that he’s spent the last two years in a state of constant anxiety and frustration, he never lost that softness that makes him their Raph. He still carries it around with him, and hands it out freely where it’s needed, and right now he’s wrapping it around Leo as deftly as a blanket. 
And for all that Leo has this stupid idea lately that he’s supposed to be perfect and self-reliant and never burden his family with anything he could handle on his own, he’s still their Leo. He buckles under genuine affection like a house of cards. 
He puts up one last token protest. “That’s not the same thing.”
“It’s exactly the same thing,” Donnie says, just barely not a snap. “You have literally bullied me into telehealth sessions before.”
He’s not angry, not really. He just cares so much and he can’t get the words to come out right and he wants Leo to do what is best for Leo without arguing about it, even though they all know that’s just flat-out impossible. 
“It’s different,” Leo stresses, well and truly at his emotional threshold. “You deserve—”
He cuts himself off but the damage is done. Everyone knows what he was going to say, what he meant. The tension in the room ratchets up to a solid fifteen on a max ten scale. Donnie starts flapping his hands. Casey looks pale and haunted. Mikey bites down on the wounded sound he wants to make, but Raph’s arms tighten around him like he heard it anyway.
“Yeah,” April says in a tone that lets all of her little brothers know not to mess around, “you’re going to therapy, Leon.” 
Splinter grips Leo’s chin before he can sink into his shell. There’s an ocean of grief in the rat’s eyes that Mikey is worried he might drown in. But there’s love, too. Mountains of it, rising out of turbulent water, steady and immovable and forever.
“Don’t hide yourself away,” Splinter says. Maybe it’s something he would have liked someone to say to him, once upon a time. “We love who you are, even if who you are is someone who is struggling right now. Lean on us, Leonardo. You are not alone.”
So here they are. The latest in a string of failures. Mikey keeps bumping his foot into the chair leg, trying not to stare at the clock. 
This is the longest an intake session has lasted. The first one was about ten minutes, but none of them expected the first one to go well. Leo joked about the whole thing and wouldn’t answer anyone’s questions directly. But he went straight to his room afterwards and didn’t come out until he was extracted for dinner, which said plenty. 
The session after that went on for half an hour, but Splinter—and Draxum, who had come along that time and sat in with Leo’s permission—agreed it wasn’t the right fit. The session after that was another no-go, and then the disastrous fourth session almost shut the whole operation down entirely. It lasted all of twenty minutes and ended in property damage. Whatever was said in that office caused Splinter to go full Lou Jitsu and break the desk, a chair, and the door on their way out. Leo was glassy-eyed and unresponsive in a way that caused actual murder to flash through Donnie’s eyes. 
Leo crawled directly into Raph’s open arms and stayed there, cheek pressed to plastron, to better hear the comforting rumble that started up in his brother’s chest. When Mikey crawled in next to him, his hands opened so Mikey could hold them, but otherwise he just blinked slowly and didn’t speak and it was the worst thing ever and Mikey very heroically managed not to burst into tears but it was close. 
They were kind of expecting him to cite The Fourth Session as a reason why they should pack this whole idea up and mail it far away from them to the next bunch of jokers but he didn’t. He just heaved himself off the sofa without a whine or a joke or anything and shuffled after Splinter out the door. 
It made Mikey feel like a bully. It was for Leo’s own good, but it was clearly taking a toll. Opening himself up again and again for a complete stranger, only to have that trust totally unrewarded and sometimes even thrown back in his face. For someone like Leo, whose guard is constant and unwavering even when the only people he has to guard against are his own family, it must be grueling. It must be awful. 
But if they could just find the right fit, Mikey thinks desperately. If they could just find the right person…
“Hey,” Raph says, nudging Mikey’s arm, jolting him out of his thoughts. “He’ll be okay. Pops isn’t gonna let it get as far as it did the last time. He promised.”
“At worst, we’ll be accessories to murder,” Donnie says without looking up from his phone. He sounds like the idea doesn’t bother him at all, and also like it’s much preferable to anyone making his twin even the smallest bit upset for any reason. “In which case I suggest swinging back around to Session Four’s office and tying up loose ends.”
Raph closes his eyes briefly, looking as though he’s actively making plans to wrestle Donnie into therapy next, and then continues as if the softshell hadn’t spoken at all. “Leo’s perfectly safe.”
“No I know,” Mikey says quickly. In part because he knows Raph is trying to make him feel better, also in part because it sounds like maybe Raph is trying to make himself feel better, too. “I just—we’re running out of names in the Hidden City white pages, you know?”
“I can’t believe they still use the white pages here,” Donnie mutters. 
“There’s still a lot of options left for us to try,” Raph says patiently. “And when we run out of options, we’ll come up with another plan. Don’t borrow trouble just yet, okay?” 
Mikey leans on him, trying to absorb some of that steadfastness for himself, and Raph puts an arm around him, drawing him and his whole chair closer with a short shriek of plastic on linoleum. 
A sudden high-pitched, frantic beeping fills the lobby. A few heads in the waiting room turn, but the yokai behind the desk don’t even blink. 
“Is that the fire alarm?” Raph asks in a polite, I’m-not-freaking-out-but-I’m-about-to tone. 
“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” one of the receptionists reassures him at once. She’s been nice to them since they got here and her teal face is lined from a long life of smiling. “This happens all the time. We have wards to prevent fire, but they don’t stop smoke.”
“Um, okay,” Mikey says. “But why is there smoke? In a clinic?” 
The door leading to the offices opens and Leo steps out looking slightly scorched and a little bemused. Splinter is nudging him along, looking like he’s aged ten years in the last sixty minutes, and a beetle yokai shuffles after them sheepishly. 
It’s the beetle yokai who introduced himself as Cricket, the clinical psychologist with licenses from both yokai and human institutions who passed Donatello’s extremely invasive vetting process, and the first doctor to somehow last the full hour with Mikey’s most stubborn brother. He’s five foot nothing and his exoskeleton is a pretty coral color.
“What did you set on fire this time?” one of the employees says in a long-suffering tone. 
“You don’t know for certain that it was me,” Cricket replies with a nervous little yank at his wrinkled button-down shirt. 
“Like the entire lounge,” Leo answers immediately after. “It’s amazing, I’ve never seen anyone fail at cookies that hard before in my life, and I live with Donatello.”
“Offended scoff,” Donnie says loudly. 
“It’s a nice gesture!” Cricket says. “I was making a nice gesture!” 
“Whoever left their lunch on the counter in there, I have bad news,” Leo goes on. One of the yokai tapping away at a computer stops, puts her head in her hand, and sighs. Splinter draws Leo down far enough to pat him on the cheek and then heads toward the reception area to do paperwork things. Leo and Cricket bicker their way across the waiting room.
Mikey feels something buoyant and bubbly happening in his chest, like someone shook a can of soda up in there. This is the most Leo-like Leo has been after a session, in all his playful, sarcastic glory. He glances up and sees the way Mikey is vibrating in his chair and laughs. 
“Jeez, Michael, if you needed to go outside and run around the block I would have understood.”
“I’m saving all my energy for giving you the biggest, proudest, love-you-est hug of my entire career,” Mikey says very seriously. 
Leo’s golden eyes get very bright, which is how Mikey can tell that his heart is smiling even if his face folds into something theatrical and performative. “Am I gonna need to clear my calendar?” 
“The WHOLE day, baby!” 
Cricket is smiling at the picture the four of them make, mandibles clicking idly. Splinter is watching too, his eyes impossibly soft and full of the same pride Mikey’s feeling in spades. 
“What do you say, Leo?” Cricket says. “Same time next week?”
Leo tugs at the sleeve of the purple hoodie he borrowed from Donnie that morning. He glances sidelong at Splinter, who gazes back fondly but doesn’t answer for him. Mikey’s on pins and needles, waiting to hear what he’ll say with his heart in his throat. He thinks he can feel Raph holding his breath. 
“Yeah, I guess,” Leo says after a moment. “Maybe we can burn your office down next time.”
Cricket lets out an affronted little clicking noise but he clearly doesn’t mean it, because he sends the clan off with warm goodbyes. The second they’re out the door, Mikey flings himself at Leo bodily, barely remembering at the last second to be gentle. Donnie has his arm linked through Leo’s good one, and Splinter is hanging back to make a quiet, exhaustively relieved phone call to April and Casey, and Mikey keeps saying how proud he is. He can’t stop. Leo’s the bravest person he knows, the best person, and he has to keep saying it or he’s going to explode. 
“Alright, alright,” Raph says, gently disentangling Leo from the bramble of clingy brothers and lifting him up onto his shoulders instead. “Take us home, Fearless.” 
There’s a smile on Leo’s face that’s almost familiar. It’s not the one Mikey knows, but it’s one he’s getting to know. The fact that his brother is here to smile at all is more of a miracle than most people get in a whole lifetime.
Even if Leo never makes it all the way back to that shining boy he used to be, Mikey can think of at least a billion things to love about the person he is right now.
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fleshadept · 4 months
the whole "you cannot control how people interpret your art once its out there" thing is so real. i switched one of my student films from unlisted to public recently and it's gotten a ton of views but aside from a couple the comments are some of the dumbest things i've ever seen. one of them is a rant about how kids these days are so obsessed with filming everything they don't help people who are in danger. there is one character in the whole film and she never films anything herself. people will interpret things in ways you couldn't even imagine
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stars-over-ice-cream · 6 months
head in my hands rn every cricket post is just- that feeling of omg you were posting so much about it and everyone can see it and now india's probably lost and--
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fuxling · 11 months
pspsps hi fux do u have any btd/tpof ocs (for no reason in partic tacular)
Oh! Yes I do!
I tend to become self conscious about my own ocs, and because of this I don't share a lot about them due to my...anxiety? LMAO /lh
I have three, but for now I'm just going to share two (I don't really have art of the third yet so that'll wait) I have an OC and I have a Sona/"Self Insert"!
I've posted about my OC, Cricket, before. She also gets called Pigeon/Pidge. Her ref is outdated but the other illustrations are pretty accurate still.
Pidge is a 27, Cis, & Bisexual. She's 5'0, and weighs 110lbs. She grew up in Seattle to a deadbeat dad and an overbearing mother. Eventually in her teen years, her parents split and she moved to San Francisco with her father, who inflicted a lot of bad shit upon her before she packed up and moved out on her own. She lived alone perusing modeling & photography before she was Got after a party in the city.
Waking up, she found herself in an auction room. Derek buys her, takes her to the hunt. I have kind of a few 'versions' of how the hunt goes for her, some ending in possession or sacrifice, or just death, but the main one is she stabs Derek but doesn't have the guts to kill him, so he takes her home and she basically becomes his lap dog via repeated abuse and torture.
I'm not sure what parts of her 'story' I should expound on and what parts I should sum up quickly, haha.
Personality wise, she's very dry, doesn't smile much. She got a lot of shit for being an ice queen growing up, and tends to come across apathetic, even when she isn't. Very sarcastic and can seem catty, but usually is trying to cover her own ass. She has a huge soft spot for other girls, especially fem folks who are in trouble, and will often put herself in danger to help others who are vulnerable/in danger.
She is afraid of her own capacity for attachment, which is why she refuses to let herself attach to anyone. This provided a lack of support in community around her, and made her a better target for kidnapping, since no one would notice her gone or take much action if they did.
In reality, she is desperate for connections and keeps herself from interacting intimately with anyone due to her fear of becoming over attached. This really blossoms later as hee Stockholm Syndrome with Derek kind of...Happens. Haha
Eventually Derek rubs off on her and she gets into some trouble, and starts killing at the hunts that Derek drags her to. You can also imagine she gets used a lot by the whole hunt lmao
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Here's some pictures of her! ^ I love her very much, she is small and full of rage LMAO
Then we have Kade/Juju. This is my "Self Insert". I haven't posted about him much yet, I have been redoing his reference 100 times it feels like, and this is what I have at the moment.
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Kade is 28, He/Him trans masc, and mlm. He's an American Red Fox, and grew up on the dense forests of the west coast. His family is estranged, and he ran off to the cities after he was of age to go to school for Botany.
His schooling and thirst for Travel causes him to move North, where while he's attending school he runs into a Specific German at the bar.
He's a quiet dude, kinda nervous, and has very big "Homeschooled by a forest ranger" energy. Loves to infodump about animals, bugs, plants, you name it. Pretty decent survival skills, which also lends to him being a bit of a slippery captive.
I eventually want to put him in a situation with both Lawrence and Mason also, but I haven't been able to sit down and Think in a hot second. If he ends up in Strade's house, he either gets killed for attacking Ren or also gets pet-ified. In that instance, I really like the visual of Strade just having this duo of Fox pets that are constantly horny but also kind of at each others necks a lot (Male foxes have no chill around other male foxes)
I'm starting to get lost in the sauce here so I'll leave it there and if anyone wants to know more, I'd love to answer whatever curiosities may plague you!
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housewifebuck · 24 days
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Ok I don't like Tommy.... But his actor is *clears throat* much better
Lesbian silence ……..
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queerenteen · 2 years
*Batfam watching a Metropolis Meteors VS Gotham Knights match when it begins to lag*
Tim: Goddamn it we're supposed to have good wifi here
Bruce: *already calling up the Internet service, wanders out to 'talk' to them*
Dick: *opens live match on phone and streams it*
*Rest of the Batfam begins to lean in*
Jason: Come on, we're so close
Steph: The Knights haven't won a game against the Meteors in like, 5 years--
Damian: The last Championship game was a bloodbath
Cass: *tentatively* Hope his arm got better
Jason: *snorting* We could see bone in three different places
Dick: *shushing violently* Shut up! Last ball--
Tim: *chanting* Please be a home run, please be a home run. I will pay you so much money if it's a home run.
*Two minutes later*
Jason: Fucking hell, he struck out time to go home
*Pour out of the Manor with disgruntled grumbling*
Bruce: *walking back in* They fixed it! Where--
*lagged television starts playing again and the Knights strike out, losing to the Meteors*
Bruce: ...
Alfred: This is why cricket is the superior sport
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cricket-teeeth · 1 year
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just realized i never posted this, but i redrew the ayda i drew back in september
pretty happy with my improvement since then :)
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r2y9s · 2 months
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graphite on paper doodle i did on the plane the other day. reference by al parker on the right.
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