#crystals and flowers! some good food!
hallow-witxh · 2 years
Simple Things Baby Witches Might Miss
I was a baby witch once, and there were tons of small, little things that went over my head until later in my practice. I'm hoping that some of these will ring a bell for those who may need to hear them.
When you're cleansing a room, especially if it's a smoke cleanse, you need to open a window. This gives an 'escape route' for what you're cleansing away and also gives the smoke somewhere to go other than sticking to your walls.
Speaking of smoke cleansing, do not smoke cleanse in a room with pets in it. It can be very, very dangerous to them.
When you're doing research, you should be cross-checking across four to six different sources. If something matches across multiple sources, it's more likely to be solid.
You can incorporate your craft into pretty much anything. Showering? You're washing off the bad energy. Cleaning? You're preparing your space. Gardening? You're encouraging growth and prosperity. And delicious tomatoes!
If you're using a smoke cleanse, you can add the burnt portion to salt to make a beginner's black salt.
Spell jars don't have to go on your altar.
Altars are not completely necessary, especially if you're in the broom closet. Work with what you have.
Every herb has benefits and correspondences. You can utilize these without spell jars, burn spells, etc. Kitchen magic is one of my go-tos - cooking with spices and herbs infuses your food with their benefits.
Ask 'dumb' questions. Reach out to people. If they laugh at you for your questions, you know they are not a reliable source of information. (P.S. - my ask box is always open!)
White wax can replace any other color of wax. Get birthday cake candles for easy, fast burning.
Clear quartz can replace other crystals.
Here's a simple color chart.
Here's a simple moon phase chart.
Here's a simple guide to flowers and their correspondences
Here's a simple guide to cascarilla
As always, do your own research. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt until you do research - yes, even from me, because I make mistakes, too. Blessed be, and good luck, baby witches!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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artinvain · 4 months
vampire!sevika x witch!reader who runs into you at the library when she’s returning books. (no smut … yet!??!) men and minors dni
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:✧・゚:
Vampire!sevika who smells you, sickly sweet smell of a bakery, cigarettes and coffee. whose mouth starts to taste metallic. standing there and scenting the air, her eyes scrunched shut so no one sees the whites have turned crimson and her pupils are blown and black.
who tries to smile at you but feels her fangs extending a pain of hunger growing in her so she has to feed before she even comes near you.
vampire!Sevika who ignores all your advances with a smile and flippancy because she’s afraid she’ll hurt you if she gets too close.
vampire!Sevika whose hunting and spots you on a picnic, and has to claim she was hiking because she was caught staring.
vampire!Sevika who has to join you — seeing you alone in the woods too worrisome for her to leave you.
vampire!Sevika who then warms up to the idea of being around tou, not because she was dangerous but because she could protect you from things much worse than her
vampire!Sevika who starts leaving flowers at your work.
vampire!Sevika who is so used to providing she nearly cries when you send her your favourite book you “think you’ll really enjoy. It seems to match your old soul” with a plate of baked cookies on top.
vampire!Sevika who has her team watch out for you (as in stalk you 24 hours and report your movements back to her)
she thinks it’s the way you get to know someone — watch you , learn what you like so that she can anticipate your needs and be a good partner.
vampire!Sevika who thinks she’s ready to have dinner at your place when you offer.
and is stunned to see the sigils and candles, books and herbs inside, crystals lining the walls and refracting light into your living room.
When you stand silently at the door until she asks to be invited in, she’s immediately suspicious.
vampire!Sevika who’s been around long enough to realise you have a cloaking spell rune above your fireplace and knows she fucked.
because she doesn’t know anything about you — all her intel was messed with by your spell.
vampire!sevika who is now an entirely new level of nervous because not only are you intelligent and interesting and funny — you’re also more gorgeous than any face she’s seen in decades. eyes so unwarded and honest, skin soft and dewy. and your hands on hers — god it’s so soft—
and then she realises you’re asking about her daylight ring, you’re very fascinated you know about the type of rock that was used, it’s more popular century, the tiny runes inscribed de dismissed as aging.
vampire!Sevika who doesn’t stay for dinner when she smells your tea, the scent like burning razors in her nostrils. Vervain. A plant near deadly to vampires.
vampire!Sevika who excuses herself saying she has a cold and then receives a care package for her, which makes her realise the cookies you baked didn’t have any vervain in them. So she tries the food and it’s fine. more than fine it’s incredible. It makes her so hungry she has to feed.
vampire!sevika who only feeds on what she declared “scum of the earth,” she didn’t do it often at the risk of being caught but some nights, (like where she sees two men pulling a knife on a woman walking home from work — well with a knife it’s easy to make the deaths look … natural) she’s lucky.
vampire!Sevika who invites you over to her loft, it’s actually more dated than you’d expect. gold-yellow and red lilac and columbine flower wallpaper in the living room’s feature wall. With more modern pops in the furniture and essentials.
“A lot of your stuff is… antique,” you say smiling politely, a furrow in your brow. and Sevika laughs at the way you sit very very carefully on an old chesterfield sofa.
“I’ve reinforced them,” Sevika explains “they are old but, I can’t seem to let them go,”
“Family heirloom?” You guess, a lot of the stuff in here was too fancy to be sold at regular antiques in your area, which meant Sevika was rich, according to her furniture you guessed old money rich.
“that’s insane to have a family tree you can trace so far back you could have your own heirloom”
it was her brothers. they sat on it every night together in his first and only home, and talked in depth about nothing at all.
“My family is close, I am grateful,” Sevika says
the look in your eye. a twinkle of playful curiosity,
“and the ring is an heirloom also?” You ask, standing up to take another look around.
“this stuff if very english — your accent —“
”we moved when I was very little,” she interrupted quickly, that wasn’t entirely false. “I’ve lived here all my life,” that was lie.
you smile at her and quirk your head. she was so… guarded.
“what about your family?” Sevika asks, stepping toward you and guiding you with her hand on your lower back to the sofa. she opens a bottle of wine and pours it for you when she hears you say “salem” and nearly spills. you pretend not to notice and take the glass, thanking her.
“yeah, we fled during the salem trials, there was a much bigger pool of people then, than what’s documented,” you say and Sevika turns to you
”witches then,” Sevika says and lets a giggle slip when you say “of course, have you seen the way I dress?” so wooed by your boldness because yes, she has noticed the way you dress and she thinks you’re some kind of deity, the way your dresses and skirts fall over your thighs, and the way your jean overalls highlights your arms. she’s always mesmerised.
“you are a little whimsical, you sent me the metamorphosis by Franz kafka!” She rolls are eyes at the memory, she was kind of offended when she got it because really? but then when she read it with your note at the end she knew you were referencing yourself, explaining the way your mind works without really having to tell her. So Sevika is gentle with her words around you, makes sure your needs get catered to and makes sure that you always feel secure and loved. 🏷️ @archangeldyke-all @sexysapphicshopowner @iamaboringrattat @sapphicsgirl @sevsbaby @bimboprincezz @opropheticsoul
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mrsbrookemunson · 7 months
Hi, love you’re writing! I was wondering if you were open to a Sebastian request… there’s a HC that the reason his hair is always so chaotic is due to Solomon taking sheep shears to his head, and I was wondering if you could use that to do a small fluff, possibly revealing a crush, between Sebastian and MC, in which he’s received another Solomon haircut and is feeling really self conscious about it, so MC assures him it’s not so bad/he’s still handsome
I'm not even kidding, I saw this request and immediately had to do it because I love it so much - I recently went to Universal (Islands of Adventure) and saw the Hogwarts castle and Hogsmeade... I may have cried a little. Summary: The request Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x MC (No pronouns used) Warnings: Uncle Solomon (there, I said it), angst, fluff, food mentioned, use of 'MC', honestly just real fluffy fluff which I feel like we don't have a lot of. Wrote this in one sitting so most definitely typos. If you're on a computer, the pictures might be formatted weirdly. Contains (Or Lacks): No specific house mentioned. The main plot of the game still happened, but Sebastian's side quest did not. Which means Solomon's alive, but Anne is not cured. Set in summer.
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(Pictures Found on Pinterest)
The summer sun was always a lovely feeling after the long and cold winters that occurred in the Scottish Highlands. You could admit the snow was pretty, but the way the warmth engulfed you as your journey took you through fields of flowers, across crystal clear water streams, all whist surrounds by tall mountains that were accented with green. Green was everywhere - green grass, green trees, green bushes, and everything so forth. Each breath you took filled you with peace.
Then there you were.
It was only a month and a half ago since you last saw your best friend, Sebastian. The end of your 6th year left you torn. Why? Because ever since you and him met in 5th year, you couldn't deny the spark that ignited when your eyes first met his. It was almost as if Merlin himself wrote in the stars that the two of you would find each other one day. And thank Merlin you did. He was there for you during your fight in the Goblin War, he was there for you in the search to find all the answers that led to more questions, and he was there for you when you lost Professor Fig. But, there were lows that came with it.
You couldn't help him. Over the last two school years, you've tried and failed to have found a cure for his twin sister Anne. You both now knew Rookwood was behind the cruelty and not a goblin, but what good did it do when you were too blinded by the fight to have forgotten to force the answers Sebastian so desperately needed out of him? At least, that's what you tell yourself. Sebastian had to have told you a million times not to blame yourself, but you couldn't follow through. The only way to fix things was to find a cure for Anne.
You clutched the handle of your trunk as your eyes caught the all too familiar well of Feldcroft.
"Off on another adventure?"
You turned your head with a raised eyebrow toward Ignatia Wildsmith. With a chuckle, you continued forward.
"Ah! MC, good to see you again!" Bernard Ndiaye, the Feldcroft shopkeeper, called out.
You smiled and walked up to him. "Hello, Bernard. Doing well?"
"As good as one can be," he answered. "What brings you to town?"
"Oh, I'm just visiting a friend," you replied, vaguely. "Sebastian," you added.
"Ah... young Sallow. I've seen quite a bit of him recently."
"Hm?" You gave him a questionable look.
"He's been helping the folks around here with some labor. He's been a great help to me, keeping my shop tidy and stocked!"
"Sounds like Sebastian," you laugh.
He echoed your laughter. "I shouldn't have been surprised of your arrival, he's been talking about you."
"Has he?" You perked.
"Oh yes... all good things, of course." He grinned, smugly.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in suspicion. "I'll take your work for it..." you dragged in amusement. "Well, I should probably be going, they are expecting me."
"Yes! Yes! Don't let me keep them waiting." He waved you off as he takes a sip of his tea.
You smiled and waved goodbye. You walked away toward the Sallows' house which you deemed as the most whimsical looking one out of Feldcroft, but maybe you were biased. You sighed as you took in the house. It was small, but beautiful. You took note of the new elements that have appeared since the last time you were here. A few new plants, a few new fruits and vegetables in their garden, even a new painted wood sign that claimed their residency. Everything looked perfectly tended to.
You raise your fist to knock, but before your knuckles could touch the door you heard what sounded like a grunt coming from behind the house. You froze in attempt to make it easier to hear. Your eyebrows furrowed when you heard yet another one. You took a step back from the door and set down your luggage. Your curiosity led your feet around the house, eyes bouncing around to spot the source of the sound.
You stopped over by the training dummies when you heard another sound, louder than had been before. You turned your head rather abruptly knowing you had finally found your conclusion but that backfired when you felt your knees nearly give out on you.
Your face flushed when your attention was suddenly drawn to none other than your best friend. Your best friend that you fancied like mad, right here in front of you, skin glistening from sweat, breathing heavily with the occasional grunt as he moved large trunks of wood. Your eyes widened the more you continued to gawk at him, you didn't even notice that your jaw had dropped a little at the sight of him.
He stood up straight and lifted his hat a little to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He let out a long sigh of exhaustion and let his head hang low for a moment before shaking it off and turning his body to where you stood. You swore you saw his soul leave his body when he was smacked in the face by your presence.
He jumped and grasped his chest with a gasp. "Merlin MC, don't do that to me! How long were you standing there?" he scolded.
Your brain didn't process his scolding. You smiled and walked with vigor up to him. Without a word you threw your arms around your neck and pulled him into an embrace. He stiffened for a second before hugging you back
"I missed you," you said.
He wouldn't have admit it in that moment, but hearing your voice after haven't heard it in a while made his stomach flutter. A smile made its way onto his face. "I missed you too."
You pulled away, but not too far as you scanned his face for any changes. He did the same.
"You've grown," you pointed out.
"Have I?" He smirked.
"At least an inch." You narrowed her eyes. "And you got a new freckle... right... there." You poked his cheek.
He jokingly slapped your hand away. "I see you haven't change one bit," he teased.
You rolled your eyes. You raised a hand to block your eyes from the sun. "Merlin Sebastian, how are you wearing a hat right now in this weather?"
You didn't mention it, but you saw the way his cheeks turned a light shade of red.
"Where's your luggage?" he asked.
"At the front." You jutted your head in the direction.
"C'mon, let's get you settled then." He placed a hand at the small of your back and guided you to the front of the house. He grabbed your luggage and brought it inside, holding the door open for you.
The first thing you saw was Anne. She was standing there with a weak smile on her face. She had gotten a lot thinner since last summer when you saw her, and the dark circles under her eyes were more noticeable. It was a jab to your heart seeing her this way, knowing you couldn't control it.
"MC!" she exclaimed, happily.
"Anne!" You opened your arms and hugged the girl.
"How've you been?" she asked, moving so she could look at you as she spoke.
"I've been good - busy - but good." You hesitated at first, but asked, "And you? How have you been feeling?"
"Some days are worse than others, but today has been good. Probably because I knew you'd be here today." You laughed together. "Uncle has gone out to go get supplies for supper tonight, he should be back soon."
Sebastian behind you muttered something incoherently.
Anne looked at him. "Something on your mind?"
He glanced up from the palm of his hand which he had been absentmindedly tracing. He formed his lips into a tight line. "Nope. Nothing at all... I'll be outside if you girls need anything." He was quick to leave.
You grew a little confused at his rushed exit. "Is there anything I should be aware of?"
Anne scoffed a little. "Oh, it's - it's nothing, it's silly." She brought you to sit at the dining table with her. "He's just a little snippy because Solomon gave him a haircut," she explained.
You didn't know whether to laugh or not. "What?"
Anne shook her head a little. "Ever since we were young, after our parents died, every summer Uncle Solomon will give Sebastian a haircut if he thinks it's gotten too long to do labor with."
You grimaced at the thought of that man giving you a haircut and began to felt sympathy for Sebastian the more you thought about it. "Oh..."
"Solomon recently thought it had gotten too long... I have never seen Sebastian fight it more than he did this time. Honestly, I think it had something to do with you coming so soon."
You frowned. "I'd never make fun of him if that's what he thought."
"He knows that, it's just..."
You tilted your head. "It's just... what?"
She leaned in a little. "It's just that he wants to look his best when he's around you."
"Why should that matter?"
She looked a little taken aback. "My Merlin, do you really not know?"
"Know what?"
"You don't!" she exasperated.
"Don't know what?" You were starting to get a little desperate.
Anne looked around as if to make sure no one was listening. "Be honest with me here... do you fancy my brother?"
You nearly choked out your saliva as you gasped in shock. "What?! No! Me?! No!" You avoided her eye contact as well as her wide grin.
"Oh my gods! You do!" She began to laugh as if it was hysterical. "I knew it!" She slapped the table. "And Sebastian told me you didn't think of him that way..." She shook her head. "I should've listened to Ominis." She began to ramble off about you, Sebastian, and Ominis.
"What are you talking about?"
"You can't tell him I told you, but sister to sister you have to know... that my brother - my twin - is totally in love with you."
You blinked a few times as you attempt to process this information. "What?"
"Now before you start asking - "
"Has he told you that?! Since when?! Why has he never told me?!" you blurted.
"He - "
Suddenly, the door swung open. Heavy footsteps treaded in, the wooden floors creaked underneath the new weight. You turned your head and was met with Solomon whose facial expression hadn't changed since the last time you saw him. A deep scowl.
"You're here early," he grumbled.
Your eyes glimpsed at the grandfather clock in their house. You weren't early, in fact you were actually a little late, but there was no way you would correct him. So, instead, you gave a sweet smile. "I had anticipated some interruption during my travels, but lucky for me none came."
He gave a stiff nod and shuffled his way to the kitchen. "Hope you like Shepard's pie."
Even if you didn't, you would never admit it. "Love it!" You eyed Anne who was holding back a giggle.
"Where's that boy?" he asked, unpacking the produce and meat.
"He's outside, working in the back," Anne answered.
He glared. It wasn't directed toward Anne, but it still managed to make you two cower a little. "No manners that boy has! Invites a guest over and then - " The rest of it was mumbled as he stormed out of the house.
You and Anne could hear muffled shouting.
You turned to Anne. "Anne, about Sebastian - " You were interrupted this time by the door. However, Solomon was now accompanied by Sebastian.
So, that's why he's wearing a hat. You thought to yourself.
Solomon shoved his toward the table where you and Anne sat at. He huffed and sat down beside you.
Anne glanced between the two of you with a sly smile. "So, MC... you said you've been busy, doing what exactly?"
"I've been helping Mr. Weekes at Spintwitches Sporting Needs, he has some new ideas for broom upgrades that I've been assisting him with."
"Sebastian told me you were a good flyer, better than Imelda from what he's told me."
Sebastian had seemed to've perked up. "She's the best on the team."
You breathily scoffed. "That's pushing it a little."
"Nonsense, people think you're gonna get chosen for captain in this new year," he said.
"Don't let Imelda hear that, it'd be over her dead body would I get that position," you half-heartedly joke.
"Anything else you've been doing?" Anne inquired, resting her chin against her knuckles.
"I've been helping Mr. Hill with modeling clothes, helping Sirona at the Three Broom Sticks - cleaning and whatnot, helping J. Pippins with potion deliveries, of course running my own shop - "
"Have you been taking breaks?" Sebastian asked.
You frowned a little at his look of concern. "Of course I have been taking breaks, I''m taking one right now, being here." You could tell that didn't ease him. "It's a busy season, but I've been managing."
"But, you've been drinking enough water, right? Eating enough? Sleeping enough?"
Anne could relate this back to the 'he's in love with you' claim, but you could relate it back to the two of them. He's had to care for Anne for a while now and witnessed her downfall, it's to no surprise he'd be protective over your health and making sure you're okay.
"Yes, Sebastian," you assured.
Solomon was cutting carrots (why is that funny to imagine?), when he grumbled to himself about something. He set his knife down shook his head. "Boy! What did I say about wearing hats indoors?"
You eyed Sebastian's expression. It flickered with embarrassment.
"I am not taking off this hat," he argued.
Solomon crossed his arms and stared down Sebastian. "And why is that?"
Sebastian's lip trembled a little. "W-Well, because - " He sighed in defeat, he didn't want to argue in front of you. That was an embarrassment in itself as he learned the more he thought about the day you first met Anne. "Yes, sir."
Solomon went back to cooking. You didn't know whether to watch or not as Sebastian slowly took off his hat. His eyes casted down in shame. Some of his hair was matted down from the sweat while the rest of it had it's own mind. You had never really seen his natural hair, always tamed with gel. This was the first time you had seen the chaos that was Sebastian's hair, and oh how Solomon did not understand it.
Sebastian ran a hand through it, but it only seemed to have stirred it more. The shorter layers sticking out a little, some parts wavy, some parts straight. The longer layers uneven. You deep down hoped that one day it'd be you who'd give his hair the treatment it deserved, because you knew how much Sebastian cared about it.
"I'm just going to step away for a moment - " Sebastian started.
"No, I need your hand in the kitchen," Solomon countered.
Sebastian shut his eyes. His nostrils flared ever-so-slightly as he breathed in sharply. He stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"Due to the arguing, Solomon did haste the cutting process," Anne explained in a hushed tone
"What does he use for it?" You scooted closer toward her so Sebastian nor Solomon heard.
"Sheep shears." Anne cringed at the thought. "I've been fortunate enough to have never experienced it, Sebastian on the other hand..." she paused. "In our second year, Solomon cut it right before the start of first term, and let's just say... it ended him up with an awful nickname."
"Oh, poor Sebastian..." You sympathized.
"After that he learned how to style his hair and built a new reputation for himself, but I know it haunts him every time this season comes around. I think he's just scared you'll somehow lose interest in him all together if you see him - well... this way..."
You frown and looked at Sebastian whose energy drained in the last hour.
"I don't think that's possible," you whisper, unknowingly.
Anne grabbed your hand that laid on the table. "Maybe it's time to tell him that."
You bit your lip. Your nerves grew the more you thought about such a conversation between you and Sebastian. Where you'd reveal the feelings you've contained since the day you met him. Yes, when you met him, you thought he was attractive, but then you got to know him and suddenly he was beautiful. Inside and out, and that's what scared you.
Were you enough for someone beautiful?
You know Anne said he liked you back, but what if it was all a big misunderstanding? It wouldn't have been the first time.
Could you afford to get your heartbroken by Sebastian?
You think not. Which is why when you got your plate of food, you managed to build up no appetite. You pushed around the potato meat and vegetables until it was nothing but a pile of mush. You could feel the heat of Sebastian's gaze burn into you, but you did you best to avoid it. Eventually, Anne allowed the awkward silence to take over until everyone was done with dinner.
Sebastian stood up. "I'm gonna go get some air," he announced before leaving.
You watched him carefully as he left.
Anne picked at her fingernails. "I'm gonna go help Uncle with the rhubarb pie," she said, slowly, as if hinting toward something. "If you know... you wanna... talk." She eyed the door.
You picked it up her cues rather easily. "Yeah," you breathed. "Yeah, maybe that's for the best." You cleared your throat as the both of you stood.
Anne could read by your stance how nervous you were. She grasped your upper arm. and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Hey, believe me when I tell you that you have nothing to worry about. I know my brother better than anyone and I know... you're everything to him."
You could've argued against that, but chose to bite your tongue and nod. She smiled and gave your upper arm one more squeeze. She walked past you to the kitchen. You sighed and glanced at the door. After what felt like a lifetime you took the first step toward exiting the house until you felt the cool breeze against your face. You ventured out a little and turned your head to your right. It was where you two met up the day you first came to Feldcroft all that time ago, before you met Anne, before him and Solomon got into that fight, and before you told Sebastian all about the keepers.
You walked up the steps and to him where he was leaning against the railing. His back was still turned to you which prompted you to rest against the railing next to him. The two of you wallow in the silence.
"I'm sorry," he said, breaking the silence.
"What for?"
"For being distance."
"It's okay - "
"It's not okay..." He groaned a little. "It's stupid." He shook his head.
"What is? I can tell you, whatever it is, it is not stupid if it's affecting you this much." You knew what it was, but for you to truly understand, you needed to hear his feelings on it.
He shakily sighed. "I know you've noticed, how could you not notice?" He tugged at a strand of his hair which stuck up and out of place. "I swear he treats me as though I'm still a child."
"Don't even lie and tell me it doesn't look bad."
"Could you look at me, please?" He hesitates but does so. "Here..." You stand upright, guiding him to do the same. Cautiously, you began to run your fingers through his hair. You don't verbally mention the way he shuddered immediately when doing so, or when he sighs again, this time of content. You smile, and continue to use your fingers to carefully style his hair. "This is the first time you've ever let me do this."
"Is it really?" He sounded absent. You noticed he had close his eyes and was now leaning into your touch a little more than before. "I've been missing out..."
"Just give me the word and I'll do this at any time for you." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"Careful... I think I'd tell you to never stop at some point."
You chuckle but don't respond. You finish by brushing his bangs to the side. Your eyes flickered all around his face. You were so close, you could've counted every freckle, every eyelash, every scar and imperfection that was perfection simply because it was him. Without another thought, your fingers dragged to trace the side of his face down to his jawline. During that, his eyes slowly opened. Your hand didn't leave his face as his eyes bored into yours.
Have they always looked at you that way?
"Have I told you lately that no matter what... you're beautiful... to me?" you stammered.
His breath hitched in his throat. "No," he breathed. "But, then again, I've been doing a terrible job reminding you that as well."
"We ought to really work on that together then, hm?"
He lifted up a hand and pushed your hair back behind your ear. "Yeah..."
"Kiss me."
You could only describe the moment as the stars having finally aligned. He wasted no time placing his lips against yours. There was no barrier of friendship keeping him from doing the thing he's been wanting to do for so long. You both have well crossed that safe line and now there was so turning back. Sebastian pulled you closer as he deepened the kiss. He wanted to make up for all the time he let go by without making you his. And he really wanted you to be his as much as he wanted to be yours. He wanted to memorize the feeling of your lips against his, your body pressed to his body, the tickle of your hair of his face, the feeling of your fingers in his hair. All that he wanted to consume was you.
The two of you pulled away to catch your breath. You both laughed and leaned into each other as you processed the moment as it was really happening.
You sighed, happily. "You know, your uncle is going to be wondering where we went."
"I honestly could care less about that right now." He couldn't stop smiling. He goes to lean in again but is interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
"As much as I'd love for you guys to continue your moment, I was ordered to tell you that the pie is ready," Anne said with an amused glint in her eye. "I'd also like to mention that I told you so, to both of you." She spun on her heel and began to slowly walk away.
You and Sebastian watched Anne walk away with wide eyes. Sebastian intertwined your fingers with his. "I guess we do have all of summer to spend time with each other."
"I'd like to think it wouldn't end just there," you tease as the you both start to walk back to the house.
"Don't you worry, you're gonna be stuck with me for life. Bad haircuts and all." He nudges you, playfully.
A perfect life.
Your eyes soften. "Lucky me," you whisper.
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 11 months
Lord Jon and Prince Damian is a funny combination because just imagine Clark never managed to conquer all earth because magic and magic user, Talia basically built a huge kingdom to protect her people from the Lords and also accepts some others who are fleeing.
Years past and Jon has always been curious about that place and laughs when he faces Talia's youngest soldiers. He falls in love deeply hard about that boy with green eyes, then Jon starts to try to seduce that cute and smol boy (and Damian hates him deeply)
Just imagine:
Jon: *throws a body at his door like a cat*
Damian: ... Some guys bring flowers
Jon: I'm not 'some guy'
And also
J: "i've killed for you. how many other people can say that?"
D: "... Multiple, actually"
Basically: Lord Jon's love language is being annoying
Took me a while to figure out how I'd write the Super Lords, but eventually I was inspired by another work. I might write a sequel to this but we'll see. Fic under the cut.
Jon was scrolling on his phone, looking to find people talking negatively about him or his father so he could send them death threats. He could probably find them easily and make good on those threats, but then he'd have to get up, and he was comfortable where he was. He was getting a little peckish though, so he might run through a couple if he got up to eat.
His dad came into the room looking flawless. “Jon.”
“Hey dad, can you get me something to eat?”
“What? No. Get it yourself, or better yet, ask Kelex.”
“I thought you took away my voice commands after I killed the wrong general last week.”
“Oh, right. Have the knowledge crystals not taught you how to hack yet?”
Jon groaned ”I hate the knowledge crystals dad, they take so much time. I don't see the point in them.”
“The point is they would teach you how to solve problems, like how to reinstate your voice commands in Kelex’s code. Now get up, I have something important for you to do.”
Jon got up and stretched. “Oh I'm way hungrier than I thought. Hold that thought, Dad.”
“Jona–” Kal started sternly as a gust of wind blew past him. He could hear Jon ferociously consuming junk food from the pantry in superspeed. When he was done, he ran back up to his dad.
“Hey Dad, I'm back. What's up?”
“What do you know about Talia Al Ghul?”
“Oh that's easy. She's like, your archnemesis. Her family's got really strong magic so she can kill us if she gets close enough. She controls the last stronghold of human resistance. She's older than you so she's, what, a million?” He grinned cheekily “Just kidding, Dad. You don't look a day over 500.” He laughed. “Kidding! You should see the look on your face.”
“Jon, I'm being serious here.”
“She's just crowned her heir, Prince Damian. He's your age.”
“He's an even more powerful mage than his mother, and trained in martial arts. He is a serious threat, one that needs to be neutralized.”
“Ok, but how am I gonna do that? You said he's more powerful than his mom, and you can't kill her.”
“He takes his group of soldiers into the Himalayas every month to train privately. I want you to ambush them.”
“Kill them, right? How do you want them dead?”
“Doesn't matter.”
“Alright. I'll be right back.”
Kal grabbed his arm and dug his fingers in hard enough to bruise. “You could die today, Jon. Take this seriously. Run away if you need to. You're no good to me dead.”
Jon nodded. “Got it.”
Jon flew to the mountains and looked for them with his heat vision. He found them fighting each other and flew down and started snapping the neck of the closest person to him. Unfortunately, this was slow enough to draw alarm from the other assassins, who all knew magical attacks. Still, Jon was quick and he fought dirty, letting out a deafening shout and causing an avalanche. The teens fought him with martial arts married with magic, sacrificing their lives so that the final assassin could defeat Jon and place him in magical bindings.
He spat blood. “You're lucky they can be brought back to life, or I wouldn't have spared yours.”
“I didn't ask you to. But thank you– not for sparing my life, but for beating me. I've never lost before. It was exhilarating! Can you do it again?”
The boy looked at him strangely. “What?”
Jon grinned manically. “You're a great fighter. I want you to defeat me again. And again and again until I get bored. What's your name? I never even lose to my dad.”
“... I am prince Damian Al Ghul.”
“Oh no way! I came here to kill you! Well, I'm not doing that anymore.”
“Clearly not.” Damian said, gesturing to the chains around him.
“Oh no, not cuz of that. I meant cuz like–” Jon cut himself off as Damian took off his mask and piercing green eyes met his own. “Wow, you're really pretty. I've never seen anyone as pretty as you in my whole life. Definitely not prettier. I think I was saying something?”
Damian blushed. “Tt. You were saying why you're not going to kill me.”
“I think I'm in love with you.”
“What?!” Damian squeaked.
“That was so cute! You're so cute! You're so small you look like you'd fit just right in my arms!”
“Go back to the ‘I love you’ part because I'm not understanding!” He shouted.
“I'll say it as many times as you want! I love you, I love you, iloveyouiloveyouiloveyoui–”
“Stop! You can't love me, you just met me, and your dad is superman!”
“Um, I'm pretty sure I can. Love at first sight is a thing, and I've known you for longer than that already.”
“So what, just because you think I'm pretty and I beat you for the first time, you're in love with me?”
“Is that not enough? Ok well, I really like the color of your eyes, and you're really powerful, and you make me feel so many feelings I have never felt before! Fear, excitement, curiosity, admiration, respect, awe, happiness, arousal–”
“Stop talking.”
“Whatever you want, gorgeous.”
“That's talking.”
“Oh, right. Sorry.”
“Still talking.”
“I don't know how you want me to stop talking if you keep talking to me. Oh but uh, don't stop, I like it.”
Damian facepalmed. “I'm taking you back to my mother.”
“Oh I hope she doesn't decide to kill me after you went through the trouble of sparing me, that would be really embarrassing for you.”
Damian was quiet for a few minutes. “...You've never felt curious? Or excited, or afraid or happy? Really?”
Jon shrugged. “Maybe once. But nowadays I'm always either bored or bloodthirsty. Except right now, I'm neither. You're the most interesting person I've ever met and I just killed 5 people. That's like, 1 more than I usually do in a day.”
Damian set his jaw hard. “Why do you kill so many people?”
“Why do you think, assassin Prince? To feel alive.”
“...Who do you usually kill?”
“Dissidents and criminals. My dad's okay if they're dissidents or criminals. There's not, like, a ton of those out there anymore, though, so I've taken to scrolling back really far on Twitter. Oh, and jaywalkers.”
“Tt. Typical.”
“Who do you usually kill?”
“Political enemies, soldiers, criminals.”
“I guess everyone's a political enemy when they're aligned with us and not you. That's a lot more people you can kill. I kinda wanna join your side now.”
“We don't kill frivolously.”
“Why not?”
“Because we value human life.”
“What do you mean, why? Why does your father care about order if not to preserve human life?”
Jon laughed. “My dad doesn't care about humans! He just wanted to tidy things up. He gets mad when I kill other people because it messes with his system. It's one of those dumb parent rules, like keeping your socks in the sock drawer, or cleaning the fortress on Sundays even though we have robot servants.”
“... You're completely insane.”
“Do you want me not to be?”
Damian furrowed his brow. “Why are you asking me that?”
“I want you to get what you want! You deserve to get anything you want, way more than my dad does. I bet you could with your magic! Cast a spell on me, make me sane for you. If you want that, I want it.”
“It's Jonathan, isn't it?”
“Yeah, or you can call me Jon. Or you know, whatever you want. Even if it's mean, I can take it.”
“...Jonathan. I don't want to take your agency away with my magic. That wouldn't be right.”
Jon shrugged against his chains. “If you say so, my prince.” Damian was quiet for a while, and Jon slipped free of his chains to help Damian cart back all of the bodies. “You should let me carry this.”
“What– Jon?! How did you escape my bindings?”
“Magic interacts completely unpredictably with me.”
“I don't– why are you even still here?”
“Why would I leave? It's not as if there's anything more interesting on TV. Twitter says all the shows are boring cuz of Dad. Well, you know, the dead side of Twitter. God do you know how perfect you look? From every angle?”
“Jon, I think you should just leave.”
“Well, my dad is expecting me home soon. What do you think I should tell him about you not being dead?”
“... Is he going to hurt you if you go back?”
Jon shrugged. “If I let him. Which I probably will, so I don't get grounded. But I might be grounded anyway since this meant a lot to him. If I don't get grounded, can I see you again?”
“It's best if you don't.”
“I'm going to be honest, I don't like that answer. If you want me to stay away you'll have to use your magic to harm me.”
“Tt. Do you have a death wish?”
“No. My biggest wish is for you to spar with me and win.”
“What if I lose?”
“Then we'll go again until you win.”
“...Hm. You're very… persistent.”
Jon grinned. “Thanks. Wow, it feels really good when you compliment me. Do it again.”
“Um… you have really unique eyes?”
Jon beamed. “This is great, keep going!”
Damian blushed. “I'd rather not.”
Jon pouted. “Pleeeeaaase? I'll do anything.”
“Will you go home?”
“Fine, yes, after… 3 more compliments. Then I'll go home, for now.”
“Tt. Your curls look very nice, your hair makes a nice contrast against your skin tone and you– ah… you… that is, you're very strong.”
“I already knew that last one.”
“I meant muscular.”
“That's not a compliment, that's just a fact.”
Damian’s ears burned. “...I like it. I like that about you. I like that you're muscular. It looks… visually appealing.”
“Oh, I'm definitely in love with you. I'd love to stay and compliment you back, but I said I'd leave, and I want you to trust me! If you ever need me, or just want me, all you have to do is call. I'll come.”
Jon flew back home. “Dad? I ambushed him, caused an avalanche, and killed his squad, but he still beat me.” Jon called out.
Kal walked out to see his son. “You look unharmed. Why did he let you go?”
“Honestly? I think I annoyed him too much. But I'm going back tomorrow.”
“I see… an ambush didn't work, so you'll have to gain his trust and then betray him. I was going to punish you but your tenacity and cunning deserve a reward, so it is simpler to do nothing.
“Oh, yeah, psh, that's totally why I want to go back. I totally want to murder him in cold blood. I mean, you know how much I love murder.”
Kal frowned. “I do know. It gets in the way of your studies. However, this time I approve.”
“‘kay. Thanks. See ya.” He went back to his room to watch Damian with his X-ray vision.
The next day, Jon went to Nanda Parbat and watched Damian from the sky, waiting until he was alone to approach him.
Damian’s hair was slicked back with sweat and he was flushed and panting.
“Prince Damian. You look somehow even more incredible than last time.”
“Spare me the mockery.”
“What? I'm not mocking you. The way your skin flushes and glistens is as enchanting as any of your spells, my lord.”
“Hn. You know most humans find sweat repulsive?”
“I'm only half human. Also, you smell great. Musky. Can I lick you?”
“Definitely not.” Jon pouted. “Do you want something?”
“Yeah. Can we spar?”
“After lunch. Would you like to dine with me?”
“Can I? Won't the servants see me?”
“I cook for myself.”
Jon gasped. “I get to try your cooking?! Yes!” He pumped his fist in the air.
Damian chuckled good naturedly.
Jon leaned against the island as Damian cooked. “What did your dad say about you failing to kill me?”
“Oh I told him I was going back today and he thought I meant that I was going to gain your trust to kill you.” Damian stiffened. “So I'm going to let him think that so I can spend more time with you.”
“Try this.” Damian said, handing Jon a spoonful of sauce. Jon tasted it.
“Hm, that's pretty good! I've never had this before.”
Damian tasted it himself and nodded. “It is good.”
Jon ate at his usual impatient pace and spent the rest of the meal talking at Damian.
“Alright, Superboy, follow me.”
“Tt.” Damian led him to the training courtyard. “Here we are. Remember to be quiet.”
Jon rushed to tackle Damian but he predicted it and dodged, casting a spell to slow down Jon’s movements. It was a lot stronger than the spell Damian intended to cast, and he moved like a sloth. “Wow prince…” he began as Damian took his time pinning Jon to the ground and immobilizing him with a spell. The first spell wore off quicker than expected. “...Damian you're so fast! Oh, it's already over!” Jon giggled. “You did even better this time! I suppose it's to be expected since it wasn't an ambush. You're really impressive…” Jon sighed dreamily, looking up into Damian’s eyes with a lovestruck gaze.
Damian coughed and looked away. “...You wanted me to beat you. Did you go easy on me?”
“I can honestly say that didn't even occur to me. I don't know why I would do that. Would it have made you happy?”
“Hell no. It would have made me angry.”
Jon smiled. “I'd like to see you angry. Maybe I will next time. Though I don't know if you'd even notice, considering how well you beat me this time.”
Damian looked confused. “Why would you want me to be angry?”
Jon raised a brow. “‘Cause I wanna see how you look when you're angry. I've never seen it before. I wonder if it would make me angry, too. I never get angry anymore.”
“You're… impossible.”
Jon grinned toothily. “Is that a good thing?”
“... I haven't decided.” Damian got off of Jon, much to the younger teen’s disappointment, and did a nullification spell on Jon before helping him up. Jon smirked and flipped Damian over his shoulder as he stood, but Damian landed on his feet and cast a sleeping spell on Jon. He woke him up with a water spell, sitting on his chest.
“You got me again! I love you.”
“You're weird.”
“Is that bad?”
“I haven't decided.”
Jon smiled, crinkling his eyes. “Wanna go again?”
Damian laughed. “Sure. I've not even worked up a sweat yet.”
The next time he came to Nanda Parbat he threw down a corpse in front of Damian, face still splattered in blood.
Damian sighed. “Most guys bring flowers.”
“I'm not ‘most guys’”
“Who was he?”
“He criticized your looks so I killed him for you.”
“Jon, I don't care what anyone says about me.”
Jon's eyes flashed red. “I care that he said that. Now he can't say anything like it ever again. What do you think of my technique?”
“Messy, but efficient.”
Jon smiled “Thank you. Do you want to spar?”
“Jon it's 11:38 at night.”
“... Is that a problem?”
“I was sleeping.”
“Oh. Can I join you?”
“Tt. No. Go home.”
Jon pouted. Damian held firm.
“Okay. I'll miss you.”
“Tt. You say such embarrassing things. Goodnight.”
Jon smiled, then quickly leaned in to kiss Damian’s cheek. “Good night, my love.”
Damian slammed the door in his face.
It became somewhat of a pattern for Jon to ambush Damian when he went out on missions, and Damian learned to expect it. Jon was getting faster at killing Damian’s compliment.
“I killed them, so we can be alone!” Jon said cheerfully, gently touching Damian’s cheeks with his bloody fingers and looking at him adoringly.
“Jon. Keep your hands to yourself before I cut them off.” He said, drawing his rune-encrusted sword slightly out of the scabbard.
Jon pouted but removed his hands. “As you wish, my lord. So, what are you out here for today?”
“I was planning on retrieving a magical relic from a temple to the east of here, until you showed up. You’re like a gnat.”
“I can get it for you!”
“Tt, I’m sure you can’t, there are magical booby traps.”
Jon pouted. “I want to do this for you. Please?”
“Jon, I am certain that if you were deathly injured my mother would not permit me to put your body in the lazarus pit.”
“Not even if I died saving your life?”
“Likely not. I shouldn't even be talking to you, you are the enemy.”
Jon grinned. “I guess we both like to do whatever we want.”
“It is human nature to desire freedom.”
“Well yeah but I'm not human.”
“You are as human as you are kryptonian. I wonder, did your father have the same disregard for your mother as with the rest of humanity?”
“I dunno. I was cloned from her dead body and my dad. I never saw them interact. But I know he loved her, and I know he misses her. He's told me it's the only reason he puts up with me.”
“It does not sound like you are very close.”
“We aren't. But he's the only other kryptonian other than Kara Zor-el so y'know, he's important. Not as important as you, of course, but he was previously the most important person in my life.”
“We're here. Don't follow me.”
Jon floated after him. “But I wanna keep you safe! Let me carry you.”
“No– Jon, put me down!”
Jon grinned and flew Damian in. “What's it look like? I can look through the walls for you.”
“Unneeded, I have a map.”
Jon swiped the map from him and read it. “I have a great sense of direction, don't worry.”
“You are infuriating.”
“We cause strong emotions in each other~ how lovely. Okay, hold tight.”
Jon flew quickly down the halls, before being knocked into the wall by a magical hammer. Damian rolled off of him as Jon groaned in pain. “You idiot. Where are we?”
Jon grunted and pointed to their location on the map.
“I can’t even cast a healing spell on you as I have no idea how it will effect you.”
“Don't worry… I have super healing… so the side that hit the wall will be fine. The wall isn't magic, right?”
Damian checked. “Luckily for you, it is regular stone.”
Jon grinned. “Help me up? I wanna help you finish this.”
“It's a bad idea. We need to get you out of here.”
Jon shook his head. “I'm not going. I'll be right behind you. You can handle the magic traps, and I can fly in front of an arrow for you or something.”
“And what if it's a magical arrow?”
“I'll die for you. Did I not mention that?”
“Tt. You're dangerous to have around. But if you're not leaving…” Damian got out a rope and tied them together by their waists with a length of rope in between them. “Stick close to me.”
Jon floated to his feet. “Mkay. Let's go!”
Damian sighed and pulled along a floating Jon. He disabled the traps as they went until they reached the chamber with the artifact. Damian picked it up and the room shook with a deep voice.
“To get out of trouble, face your double. Return the staff to the rack and it will end the attack.”
Smoke billowed out of the air vents and coalesced into shadow versions of Jon and Damian. Damian sighed and took out his katana.
Jon and Damian fought back to back as their shadow versions worked independently. Damian took out his double and Jon defeated his own. The smoke dissipated and Jon cheered.
“We did it! That was awesome! They didn’t stand a chance against our teamwork! Imagine if you came in here with your whole squad! That would have been so much chaos, I really did you a favor by killing them.”
Damian growled and pressed his sword to Jon’s throat, backing him up against the wall. “No. Killing.”
“Mhn, so it's fine if you kill me but not if I kill your squad, who as we've previously established can come back to life whereas I will not?”
“I will kill you if I have to.”
“I would expect nothing less, my prince.” Jon smiled slightly. “So this is what you look like when you're angry. I love the intensity in your eyes.”
Damian narrowed his eyes. “Are you really trying to de-escalate the situation by flirting?”
Jon shook his head as much as he could. “Just saying what I think, my lord. And I think you look beautiful.”
Damian sighed and withdrew his blade. “You're an idiot.”
Jon smiled cheerily and let Damian drag him along by the rope still attached to his waist. Damian escorted Jon back to the entrance of the temple and cut the rope. “You need to stop killing my team every time I leave the palace. It makes me look incompetent.”
“Do you get in trouble?”
“Not exactly, no–”
“Then it's fine!”
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose. “Listen to me carefully. I am telling you that I want you to stop killing my team. Did you not say that I deserve to get what I want?”
“You're turning my words against me! I just want to be with you. Your assassins would never allow it. If I don't defeat them, I'll die.” Jon whined.
“Then learn non-lethal techniques of taking people down. Practice on those criminals or whatever.”
“You want me to… not kill a criminal?”
“I can try… can I still be violent?”
“I would appreciate it if you did not scar my team too badly. But outside of that, you can be as brutal as you like as long as they do not die.”
“Okay. I will practice not killing and come back to you. Farewell, my prince.”
“Farewell, lord Jonathan.” Damian said as Jon lifted off into the sky, the cut rope rippling in the wind with his cape.
Jon stormed through the palace towards Damian, knocking people out of the way like flies. “Prince Damian! I came back, as I said I would.”
“Yes, I can see that. Are you here to kill more of my people? You know I cannot allow that, Lord Jonathan.”
Jon cocked his head. “Why would I do that? I don’t care about humans.”
Damian quirked a brow. “I am human.”
“You’re better than everyone else, though.”
“Is that so?”
Jon giggled. “Yeah, I think you could even kill me if you tried. That’s so hot. Look at you, not attacking me right now… so romantic...” Jon sighed.
Damian tutted. “I’m beginning to regret that.”
Jon giggled. “Some days I think I love you so much I'd just let you. Would you like me to do that? Or would you want a fight?” He came closer.
“What kind of question is that?”
“A genuine one. Oh… If I tried to kill you, I hope you’d try to kill me too… maybe we could die at the same time. If I am going to die, I want it to be by your hand. And no one else deserves to take your life away but me, and only if you asked me to.” He giggled, twirling his hair. “I really like having you around, so you would have to convince me first, or else I wouldn’t even let you kill yourself.” Jon hummed. “But I don’t see you convincing me that this world is so terrible as to deserve to be ridden of such beauty.” He stroked Damian’s cheek with a gloved hand, and Damian smacked it away. Jon sighed. “I love you.”
“You don’t know what love means. Your father never showed you.”
“I don’t? Well then, you’ll have to teach me. No one else will do.”
Damian tutted, before sighing as if greatly put upon and offering his ring for Jon to kiss. He did so gladly, kneeling at his feet.
“My prince.” Jon held Damian’s hand by the wrist and turned it over so he could nuzzle into his palm. Damian allowed it. Jon locked his violet eyes on Damian’s emerald ones. He kissed his fingertips one by one.
“You are so devoted to me. It’s perplexing.”
Jon kissed his wrist. “It’s simple; the whole earth should bow to you. You are perfection. Every moment you spend with me is pure gold; my greatest treasures.Or maybe it is that I can take anything in the world that I want, except for you. You are the only thing I could ever rightfully earn. The only goal worth pursuing. Everything was meaningless and dull until I met you, my Prince.”
Damian cupped his cheek. “And what if you got me? What then? Do you truly believe that to be love?”
“I would work to keep you and to serve you, to make you happy.” He smiled. “To annoy you, to pester you, to laugh with you, to see you cry. To hold you. To learn everything there is to know about you until you’ve changed so much that I have to learn you all over again.” He sniffed Damian’s wrist, at the cologne there, and deeper at all the smells that made up Damian. “Intoxicating.” Jon puffed out a laugh. “I don’t know what love is supposed to be like. Have I got it wrong? Do you think it matters? I ask out of curiosity, ‘cause even if it were really something completely morally unacceptable to you, I wouldn't care. It feels better than anything ever has. It’s what I live for.”
Damian’s lips parted in surprise. He schooled his features to ask his next question. “How many people have you killed since I last saw you?”
“None.” Jon smiled. “I’m learning, see? I can do better. I must be of some use to you, haven’t I?”
Damian got a strange look in his eye just then, and Jon became excited at the prospect of learning that expression. “Get up.”
Jon wilted. “Have I offended you, my Prince?”
Damian shook his head. “Stand up. Don’t. Float.”
Jon bowed his head obediently and stood up. Damian stepped close and put his hand on Jon’s shoulder, pulling him down into a slow and gentle kiss. Jon did not know his heart could race so fast. Damian pulled away with an unreadable look in his eye. “Alright, Jon. I accept. I will teach you how to love.”
Jon beamed. “Oh, this is so much better than murder.” He whispered.
Damian smirked. “It is, isn’t it? A lot of things are.” Damian took his hand off of Jon’s shoulder and put both behind his own back.
“Could you excuse me for just one moment? I feel the urge to go fly.”
Damian nodded, and Jon flew off, laughing brightly like a child.
Jon returned a moment later. “I love you! It feels so triumphant!” Jon gasped. “Does this mean we are dating? Boyfriends?!”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but yes. My mother will not be pleased.”
“I can kill her for you, if you wan’t.”
Damian glared at him. “No. No Killing.”
Jon looked at him for a long time. “Okay… Okay. But if someone tries to kill you, I won’t spare them. Even if you get mad at me. Even if you don’t believe my explanation. Even if you can take care of yourself. I promise, I won’t let you die.”
Damian scowled. “Just…kiss me, you idiot.”
Jon flew to his side in an instant, but was much more apprehensive about actually kissing him, so Damian grabbed his head and dragged their mouths together. Jon purred and pulled him closer. Damian nibbled on Jon’s bottom lip and he gasped. “Damian!”
“You’ve done this before! And I can’t kill whoever you did it with!”
“You don’t have worry, they are already dead.”
“Woah, do you kill people instead of breaking up with them?”
“Tt, no. They betrayed me. I made an example of them.”
“Wow, I can’t imagine killing you if you betrayed me.”
“Hm. I can’t say it was pleasant, but— we are supposed to be kissing right now, Jonathan.” He pulled him in for a few more smooches.
“Is this part of learning how to love?” Jon asked dazedly.
“No, this is for me. I’m just glad I found a way to shut you up.”
“Dami! That’s–” More kissing. “That’s mean. I love it when you’re mean to me.”
They had their arms wrapped around each other by now. Damian rubbed between Jon’s shoulder blades. “You really shouldn’t.”
“Nobody is ever mean to me but you! How could I not like it? I love when you give me attention.”
“To have everyone afraid of you, your whole life… Let’s change that, hm? You are terrifying in the way that you move, talk, smile, laugh, and behave… But we should be able to change at least two of those.”
“Am I so scary, even to you?”
“No, not to me. You’re even… cute.”
“Isn’t that a bad thing?”
Damian furrowed his brow. “No, why would it be?”
“My father always told me to stop acting so cute, that it was distracting.”
“Everything about you is distracting. You’re currently distracting me from my work. I didn’t think you cared.”
Jon smiled. “You’re right, I don’t. And like I said, you can be mean to me, as long as you don’t ignore me. Well, even if you tried to ignore me, I’d cover your eyes until you had to acknowledge me. Or… maybe I could bite you, like Krypto used to do when I was little and I’d ignore him. Hm… come to think of it, you did just say I was distracting, I’m sure there are lots of ways I could get your attention. I like being distracting.”
Damian arched a brow. “Surely you’ll allow me to get my work done.”
“Well, that’s not ignoring me ‘cause you’re mad! So it’s fine. I can just watch you.”
“Do you watch me when you leave?”
Jon nodded. “And I strain my ears to listen. I love the sound of your voice, my prince.”
“Oh Jonathan, your life cannot only be me. I want you to stay in the palace so I can show you other things you might find meaningful.”
“Like what?”
“Friendship, learning to cook, making art. Things that are worthwhile because of the struggle. I think you will enjoy pottery.”
“What's so interesting about making pots? Plenty of people can do that.”
“They can do it because they put in the work, and they are better than you at it. Don't you want to impress me with an excellent piece of pottery?”
“You would like it if I gave you something I made?”
“Jon, the only person who can make the art that you would make is you. If you do not make it, it will never be known. You can give me something no one else can.”
“Who cares? Everyone will say they love it so I don't singe their eyebrows off…”
Damian arched a brow. “I won't.”
Jon blushed and smiled at Damian. “That's right, you're not afraid to tell me what you think. You're my equal.”
“I may even decide to encourage you with kisses.”
Jon rumbled a purr. “I love you. I'm going to make you the best pot ever.”
Damian kissed him again. “Good. I eagerly await it.”
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actual-changeling · 8 months
i've been thinking more and more about those four years between armageddon and jimbriel's arrival, so have some crowley angst & hurt/comfort
Crowley stops him right as he is about to close the car door, and he doesn't know why now, why today of all days, but it almost slips past his lips.
Saying it would be so easy, three words he has been thinking for longer than he can remember, and the late summer night is blanketing them in a dream too good to be true. The air feels like honey in the back of his throat as he takes a deep breath and watches Aziraphale's knuckles turn white against the black metal.
There was nothing special about their shared dinner—food and wine drowning in comfortable conversation—and Crowley had kept his gaze on him from behind his glasses exactly like he always does: watching, waiting.
At some point, Aziraphale had almost touched him, their pinkies less than two inches apart as he excitedly recounted his newest literary rarities, but then he had pulled back, slowly, almost casually, if it hadn't been for the soft tremor in his fingers.
(Like he always does.)
No matter how closely their bodies orbit around each other, one final layer of space remains, repelling touch and forcing them apart as if they were trying to push two magnetic poles with shared polarity together. Still, when Crowley had offered him a lift home, Aziraphale had accepted with a smile a tad too wide to be purely polite, and the hope in his chest—which has been surviving on those rare, gentle moments—flickered in recognition.
Crowley's lips part, the silence between them tempting him to say it out loud, luring the words out of his chest, but he knows him; he remembers year after year after year of going 'too fast'.
A car passes them by, its lights illuminating Aziraphale's face for a second, and the cutting fear on his face burns its way into his vision, the afterimage of a bright flash he never should have seen.
Don't look at the sun, but they never tell you that every once in a while, the pain is worth the warmth flooding your body and making your blood sing. Crowley tightens his grip on the steering wheel and swallows a mouthful of truth until only its bitter taste remains, sharp, stinging, and frustratingly familiar.
"Goodnight," he finally says, gritting his teeth so the sudden wave of relief rolling off of Aziraphale doesn't make him wince. A stone sinks to the bottom of his stomach as he tries to convince himself that if he were to say it, Aziraphale would say it back.
"Goodnight," Aziraphale responds, his lips wearing the same smile as earlier in the evening, and yet hope no longer blooms, flower heads turning away from what had been sunlight and comfort. He pushes the Bentley's door shut and turns around, his hands already searching for the bookshop key.
Admission or denial, it does not matter, never has—Crowley knows precisely how far he can reach before he gets burned. Tonight, his fingertips got singed, pain rising to the rhythm of his pulse as he switches the radio on and cranks up the volume.
Don't look at the sun. Don't listen to too loud music.
Crowley has never been particularly good at following the rules, even if the consequences rain down on him like a flood of shooting stars and ice crystals.
Don't touch the hot stove. Don't drive too fast. Don't look at him.
Tearing his gaze away from the now lit-up bookshop windows, he revs up the engine and pushes down the gas pedal, allowing himself one tiny moment to squeeze his eyes shut and indulge the ache in his chest. As soon as he rounds the corner, he shoves the past couple of hours to the back of his mind and makes himself promise to keep his mouth shut the next time he sees him.
Don't let him catch you looking. Don't ask questions. Don't look at him.
Rule after rule after rule. Centuries-old promises and crudely stitched-together wounds. Wondering if he is worth breaking the occasional oath, the grief that follows, and answering out loud to empty rooms and shivering plants
Don't look at him.
He is worth it. Of course he is. All rules can be broken, any rejection can be taken and accepted.
All rules except for one.
Don't tell Aziraphale you love him.
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stalkerofthegods · 10 months
Lady Hestia Deep Dive
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Lady Hestia is a wonderful goddess, she is always there for everyone, I adore Lady Hestia, I do not worship her personally but I know well that she is Amazing.
Herbs • Chaste trees, Rosemary, Parsley, Basil, Sorrel, vanilla, Cinnamon, coriander, Marjoram, Mint, Lemon balm, cloves, clary sage, Allspice, Angelica, Coriander, poppy seed, chamomile, Angelica, Bay, garlic, mint, peppermint, pepper, marjoram, The lavender, the chaste tree, the datura, the California poppy, the goldenrod, the hollyhock, the yarrow, the purple coneflower, all white flowers, Lavender, White roses, angel’s trumpet, goldenrod, hollyhock, and yarrow, pine, Wildflowers & sunflowers, raspberry leaves, sage, pearly everlasting, yellow rose
Animals• pigs, donkeys, one-year-old cows, a Crane. 
Zodiac & scared number  • unknown, I cannot find out what month she was born on, or the day. But I would associate numbers 1, and 6 because she is the oldest and the youngest (and etc, but who even likes my rambles?)
Colors •Gold, yellow, orange, red,  White, Gold, Lavender, light purple, black, silver, and dark red
Crystal•Carnelian, Garnet, Goldstone, Calcite, Topaz, garnet, amethyst, lapis lazuli, green tourmaline, Vanadinite, Quartz, gold, silver, and brass, Amber colored crystals, citrine, clear quartz, sunstone.
Symbols• a kettle, the hearth (fireplace), torch, candle
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• friendship bracelets 
Diety of• the virgin goddess of the home and hearth fire, cooking of meals, and sacrificial food for feasts, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state, and sacrificial flame
Patron of where the families ate and congregated, hospitality, family.
Offerings• give her prayer beads that remind you of her that are not Christian (or make one, which is better), wooden beads, Oil Lamps, Seven Day Candles (because they burn for 7 days), LED Candles, A Candle that reminds you of home, White or red candles, Apple juice, cider, Wine, Baked goods, keys to the home (preferably not stolen(looking at Hermes devotees))), Small kitchen antiques/objects,  pottery/cups/bowls, artwork of homey things, a meal, your favorite things, poetry, books, items you made, fall-themed stuff, spring-themed stuff, First/last foods & libations from a meal, Candles/flame, Honey, Pork, Cakes or Cookies made to look like one of Her symbols,), Keeping a candle/hearth fire or lamp constantly burning, Pictures of homes you want to live in one day, pictures of homes you have lived in, Pictures of architecture that you like, Teacups, teaspoons, tea towels, Childhood memories (ex- stuffed toys, baby clothes, old photos), Homegrown herbs, Toys or art of donkeys and pigs, Leaves or blooms from a chaste tree, Tea light candles (real or fake), Your favorite poetry or poetry you have written for Her, Your favorite books, Stories you have written, Art of flames, fire, candles, Garmets that you have made such as clothing, blankets, beanies, Homemade lotions, bath bombs, shower gel, bubble bath (You can ask Her to bless them then use them she probably won't say no), Beeswax products, honey, olive oil, pumpkin pie 
Devotional• Pick up rubbish in communal areas, Offer the first or last bites/portions of food your to her, Cooking/baking for yourself or others, Having a candle lit whenever possible (electric or real), playing a video of a fire place, Volunteerring at homeless or DV shelters, donating to homeless or DV shelters,  Setting healthy boundaries with friends and family, reading about Tea/Coffee magick, Getting involved with your local community, Advocating for policies you believe will better the community Allowing yourself to rest,  Do a chore you've been putting off for a long time, organize to hang out with some loved ones, Veil or bind your hair, Wear something red or orange, Make a devotional playlist for her, make a Pinterest board or a mood board for her, Learn about kitchen witchery, Cook a meal in her name, Clean the House, Put together a puzzle, Eat popcorn and watch a movie, do Knitting, read about knitting, donate yarn and
knitting supply’s, prepare food for family, make the table before eating, garden, Harvest berries, pick flowers, Donate to food charity/drives, Support people who lost their homes to natural disasters, Welcoming others into your home, Keeping the peace (especially in the home), Donations of time & money to Habitat for Humanity, Do little (or big) acts of kindness, If you have a fireplace light it for Her or build Her altar around it, Meditate next to a fire, Read poetry or a book, play a playlist for Her and play it while you clean or cooks, Clean your house/room and keep it nice and tidy, Take a cooking or baking class, Collect recipes and keep a recipe book, Host celebrations at your home, Remember your ancestors and learn more about them, Spend time with your pets, Take care of yourself and your mental and physical health (Your body is a home for you),  Take a hot bath, eat some ice cream, chill at home for a day, Pray to Her( ex- for protection, inspiration, happiness, guidance, and help getting rid of negative entities in the home, peace in the home, good food, an abundance of food, independence), help to start/tending to the hearth, work on having strong family bonds, Open your curtains and let the sunlight warm the room, Make a potful of tea and keep it in a large thermos, Watch movies that make you feel nostalgic and cozy, Say goodnight and good morning to her, Get an electric blanket and feel the warmth connect you to her, Cuddle a stuffed animal, Make a blog/journal filled with cozy homely things, Keep a few locally baked goodies nearby for when you need them, String up fairy lights and use them as your only light source, Whisper prayers and devotional pieces before you go to sleep, Use a Himalayan salt lamp to connect to feeling of a fire, Invest in little things (ex- pillowcases, photos, curtains) that make your room feel welcoming and peaceful, Make a little bottle filled with herbs and crystals and other things that remind you of her, Listen to music that makes your soul happy and your heart content, Take care of yourself (ex- Brush your hair, use a wet cloth on your face), Keep a tealight on you, Clean one small area of your house, Savor a hot drink, Do small, unnoticed acts of kindness, Always greet animals (both big and small), Do anything by candlelight,  Wear colors you associate with her, Practice your patience (both external and internal), Be a listening ear or shoulder to cry on for those who need it, Make compromises when it is healthiest for both parties, always have a lighter or matches, Listen to music that reminds you of her, Spend time tending to your body, Leave a big tip the next time you have a chance, Practice kindness in all areas of your life (including driving), Take a hot bath or shower with no time limit, Decorate a space, Build a fire, Compliment people (both strangers and loloved ones), Donate something (ex-clothes, money, or your time), Look at photos and embrace the happy nostalgia, Wear makeup or jewelry that reminds you of her, Wake up early to see the sunrise - or watch the sunset, Watch/read about acts of kindness to be inspired, wear prayer beads that are for her, go to a high school reunion, do a family reunion, do budgeting in her honor, do meal planning, set healthy boundaries, have a household notebook, do seasonal cleaning, try home remedies,As you light your gas stove, say a prayer to Hestia, Spend quiet quality time at home, Gather your family (including your chosen family) for a festive candlelit meal, Commit to spending more time with children and old people.
Ephithets•Äídios - eternal, Aïdius – See Äídios., Basileia - See Vasíleia, Bulaea - See Voulaia., Chloömorphus – See Khlöómorphos, Daughter of lovely-haired Rǽa, Khlöómorphos - verdan, Polýmorphos - multi-formed, Polyolbus – See Polýolvos, Polýolvos - rich in blessings, Potheinotáti - beloved, Prutaneia – See Prytaneia, Prytanei, Vasíleia - queen, Voulaia - of the council, Prytaneia -”of the Prytanis.” 
Equivalents• Vesta (Roman), loki (Norse), Brigid (Celtic), Hathor (Egyptian)
Signs they are reaching out• having a strong urge to Vail in her honor, seeing her animals and symbols in your dreams, and seeing her imagery a lot, everything at home suddenly going well.
Vows/omans• that she “would be a maiden all her days”
Morals• morally light/pure
Courting• None 
Past lovers/crushes• None
Personality• She avoids drama, and is generous, but her temper is volcanic in nature, she is slow to anger, but when she gets angry her rage is a force of nature. She is modest, tranquil, and industrious
Home• Mount Olympus 
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact• Historically she is supposed to be the first deity offered to in a ritual due to being the goddess of fire, she's the oldest Olympian, She is spat out last by Kronos so she is also the youngest, she shares her seat with Diyonisus, she did not give it up, she receives a share of every sacrifice/prayer to the gods, and she is commonly seen alongside with Hermes, I would recommend putting their alters close together.
Element• fire 
Curses• a bad family life, food being burnt, having not enough food, being turned away at restaurants, being homeless, your house catching on fire 
Blessings• all domestic happiness and blessings
Roots• Greek mythology….and she was raised in her father's stomach, and at the first years of theogony era.
Friends• all of the gods, but most notably Hermes, but is not friends with Priapus, she dislikes him (he tried to rape her.) 
Parentage• Cronus and Rhea
Siblings• Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, Demeter, Hera 
Pet• she has no pets.
Children • she has no children.
Appearance in astral or gen• she was typically represented wearing a veil and robe. In some images, she held a flowering branch or kettle as well.
Festivals • None, at every feast and meal a liberation was made to her name first and last, but I associate Thanksgiving with her, but her Roman counter part Vesta has 1-15 June of each year, an then another festival celebrated on 8-9 July.  Hestia is also mentioned on 8 June. But a neo-pagan sets aside 26 December – 22 January as a month devoted to Hestia.
Status• Virgin theoi goddess.
What disrespects her turning away people at your home (she is a goddess of hospitality and it was seen as disrespectful to her to do so.)
Planet• unknown 
Her Tarot cards• the Temperance, the fourteenth Major Arcana card.
Remind me of• Hot cocoa, and Thanksgiving. 
Scents/Inscene • Lavender, Rose, spring water,  rain, Pumpkin, Apple pie, cinnamon, fall leaves, Chamomile, Myrrh, Frankincense, Iris, Angelica, Peony, Angelica, iris, Sandalwood 
My opinion • I like her, but I'm scared of her too. (what a shocker!) 
Holy Queen of Sanctity, we hymn you, Hestia, whose abiding realm is Olympus and the middle point of earth and the Delphic laurel tree! You dance around Apollo’s towering temple rejoicing both in the tripod’s mantic voices and when Apollo sounds the seven strings of his golden phorminx and, with you, sings the praises of the feasting gods. We salute you, daughter of Kronos and Rhea, who alone brings firelight to the sacred altars of the gods; Hestia, reward our prayer, grant wealth obtained in honesty; then we shall always, dance around your glistening throne.
For the lost -
Blessed Hestia, the first and the last, and the always flame. May your light burn bright and strong, May your prayers be those of respect and love, May you guide the lost, And give to those who have nothing. I give thanks to you, Hestia, for all that you have done And continue to do.
For people with intrusive thoughts -
I ask Hestia, the kind goddess, to help those who feel down. May they find comfort and peace inside of their homes and inside their own minds. Protect them for their destructive thoughts, and be the safe place they need so much
A prayer for homeles—
In Hestia’s name, may you always have a home and a roof over your head. May you always be comfortable and warm with a full belly. May you always be in good spirits and good company, never knowing the pervading loneliness that envelopes the soul.
Blessed Hestia, Fill this home with your light and bounty, As the day fills it with golden sunshine.
Glorious Hestia, Let your hearth fire warm this house, As night draws her shadowed cloak over it now.
Blessings of the kitchen-
Hestia bless my little kitchen, I love it’s every nook And bless me as I do my work, Wash pots and pans and cook. May the meals that I prepare, Be seasoned from above, With thy blessings and thy grace, But most of all thy love
Links/websites/sources •
ts-witchy-archive, constantly-disheveled, saryoak, eldritchhorror06, https://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amp, https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amphttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://www.learnreligions.com/hestia-greek-goddess-of-the-hearth-2561993#:~:text=Keep%20a%20candle%20dedicated%20to,prayers%2C%20songs%2C%20or%20hymns.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.html#:~:text=In%20myth%20Hestia%20was%20the,youngest%20of%20the%20six%20Kronides.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.htmlhttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestia#google_vignettehttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestiahttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/hestia/https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai https://hestiasservant.wordpress.com/2018/05/27/honoring-hestia-a-festival-every-day/https://www.elissos.com/the-family-goddess-hestia-mother-of-all-gods/#:~:text=The%20birth%20of%20Hestia%20dates,to%20his%20throne%2C%20his%20children.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhea_(mythology)#:~:text=According%20to%20Hesiod%2C%20Rhea%20had,and%20Zeus%20in%20that%20order.https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/14sy8cj/is_hestia_reaching_out_to_me/https://mythopedia.com/topics/hestia
http://persephoneandhecate.blogspot.com/2011/06/exploring-archetypes-hestia.html?m=1https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://honeyandhestia.tumblr.com/post/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/heatherwitch/160613514230/hestiavesta https://constantly-disheveled.tumblr.com/post/156636591525/can-a-hearth-fire-just-be-a-candle-that-you-lighthttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169551188078/devotional-activities-for-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/167758105763/jar-to-help-me-connect-to-hestia-chamomilehttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171225676313/burn-herbs-and-spices-as-an-offering-to-hestia-i https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183383795283/what-kind-of-crystals-would-yall-associate-with https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171208375440/a-historical-prayer-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169394109439/i-ask-hestia-the-kind-goddess-to-help-those-who https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/166938581678/if-youre-still-doing-prayer-requests-may-you-be https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/178225408393/lady-hestia-goddess-of-comfort-and-warmth-to https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183772520921/a-little-kitchen-prayer-for-hestia https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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fox0war · 6 months
Been seeing alot of lamb n the gods on my page recently so here's their relationships in my save:
Lamb and Nari - The Lamb HATES Nari, doesn't respect him at all, and would've killed him if it weren't for the fact that it would prove him right, that they are now like him. They hate how he forced death where it didn't belong, because he was corrupt, he wasn't like the other gods, he was worse. Meanwhile Nari has sorta realized how bad he fucked up and shit man... was the Lamb always that beautiful? So terrifyingly and amazingly powerful? That's right, one sided narilamb that the Lamb will never return!
Lamb and Leshy - The Lamb respects Leshy but does think he could've toned it down a bit, left some flowers behind where his corpse laid after killing him, now in cult they treat him almost like a brother. Leshy thinks the Lamb is overrated but that they're fun to mess with and that the Lamb knows some good tricks, though the Lamb only ever brings them up as a bribe or when they're drunk.
Lamb and Heket - The Lamb and their family had been worshippers of Heket before everything had happened, knowing that a God of Famine was just as much of a God of Harvest, if convinced to play things a certain way. Now in the cult, they're married, after all, the Lamb's family were their most dedicated worshippers, and the Lamb truly did enjoy having Heket around. The perform food related rituals often together. Heket loves her spouse but also feels quite awkward and guilty for the whole, yk, genociding your spouse's species thing. Also the Lamb left mushrooms on Heket's body when they slayed her.
Lamb and Kallamar - They're on good terms with Kallamar, often giving them nice trinkets they found on their latest outing. They also had to ensure that no, even though they killed him, they didn't want to, and that they were very sorry. Kallamar is still a bit scared of them but alls well that ends well, right? The Lamb left some crystals with his body when he was slain.
Lamb and Shamura - They're more distant but still friendly, Shamura was the most recent addition to the cult anyway, and they tend to have memory issues too, so it's hard to build a solid foundation right out of the gate. The Lamb left some silk by their body.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
What about some platonic concepts for Kallamar where the reader worships him?
Tumblr crashed and annihilated my draft so guess I'll die 🤷‍♀️ I am trying again like weeks later, lol.
Yandere! Platonic! Kallamar with Follower! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Religious themes (Cults), Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Some threats, Controlling behavior, Sacrifices mentioned, Kallamar makes you sick on purpose, Jealousy, Forced companionship.
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Kallamar is the most cowardly of his siblings.
He is the Bishop of Anchordeep and a harbinger of pestilence.
His followers present sacrifices to him to stay in good health.
You never liked the sacrifice aspect of The Old Faith.
Each Bishop always demanded gifts and sacrifice just so you could thrive.
If you didn't follow through... you became the next sacrifice.
No other religion is permitted, The Bishops of The Old Faith made sure of that.
You are a citizen of Anchordeep, an aquatic realm Kallamar rules over.
You do whatever you can to appease the Bishop, silently hoping he stays merciful.
You gift him crystals, gold, and food.
You tend to stay away from the sacrifice practice.
The idea of it makes you (ironically) ill....
Kallamar sees you enter his temple often.
You always come offering gifts and small chatter.
You really try not to catch the gaze of the Bishop... but when he summons you more often, your fears get worse.
Kallamar finds speaking with you refreshing, truthfully he wants a companion that isn't his siblings.
His siblings always expect things of him.
Leshy is so loud, Heket is so bossy, and Shamura is always so cryptic.
Speaking with a follower such as you makes him feel in control for once.
You are so weak compared to him, shakily giving him gifts.
Kallamar doesn't wish to hurt you, he even finds it amusing that you appear just as scared as him at times.
In a way... a feels you two are similar.
Which makes the Bishop see you as a friend and companion.
While you just wish to stay out of the way, Kallamar wishes to summon you often.
He enjoys your chatter and doesn't mind your gifts.
He often tries to keep you in his temple for as long as you can.
To the point of even bribing you to stay longer.
When you leave he even offers you a parting gift.
Kallamar seems like he'd be clingy towards you.
You're clearly his favorite follower, like it or not.
You still fear Kallamar, even when he gurgles about you and him being companions.
Kallamar could easily make you ill if you angered him.
In fact... maybe he even casts an illness on you to keep you at his temple.
He can cure you of your plague... but you have to stay with him.
Kallamar may even keep you just sick enough to make you rely on him.
You can't go to any other followers for help, no, you must stay with him.
He can ask Leshy for flowers to cure you, or just look after you himself.
But his obsession over his new "friend" mostly culminates in him just keeping you in his temple.
Staying there gives him constant access to you.
He can speak with you, meet with you, at this point he doesn't expect gifts from you anymore.
You and him (in his eyes) have a bond much more valuable than crystals and gold.
You're the best gift he could ever have.
To the point that if you ever managed to flee somehow, Kallamar would order other followers to drag you back for some sort of reward.
Other than that, any follower who tries to speak with you is usually the next sacrifice.
Kallamar is easily jealous
Kallamar would want to hold you, which is an interesting experience.
He's much larger than you and a squid... you can imagine how it feels to embrace him.
If you misbehaved him, he'd make you sicker.
Kallamar definitely uses pestilence to keep you with him.
He adores his little follower companion... the best follower in his area...
You'll never leave him.
He'll make you sick to the point you can't leave him...
Then you'll have to rely on your friend and Bishop for as long as you live.
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tytarax · 2 months
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The early morning sun cast a golden glow over the rugged landscape, bathing the mountains and forests in a warm light. You stretched lazily, feeling the soft rustle of the leaves under you. Life on Vampa had been harsh at first, but with Broly by your side, it had become a place of unexpected peace and beauty.
You glanced to your left and saw Broly already awake, his towering figure silhouetted against the rising sun. He was tending to Ba, the giant creature who had become more of a friend than a pet. Broly’s gentle hand patted Ba’s head, and you couldn’t help but smile at the tender sight.
“Good morning,” you called out, your voice breaking the serene silence.
Broly turned to you, his stern face softening into a warm smile. “Good morning,” he replied, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder. He made his way over to you, his steps surprisingly light for someone of his size.
“How did you sleep?” he asked, sitting down beside you. Despite his imposing size, Broly always made sure to be careful around you, his movements deliberate and gentle.
“Like a rock,” you replied with a chuckle. “This place is starting to feel like home.”
Broly’s eyes sparkled with happiness at your words. “I’m glad,” he said softly. “I want you to be happy here.”
You reached out, taking his large hand in yours. “I am happy, Broly. Because I’m with you.”
He blushed slightly, a rare but endearing sight. Broly wasn’t used to affection, having spent most of his life in isolation or conflict. But with you, he was learning to embrace the softer emotions.
The two of you spent the morning exploring the surrounding area. Broly showed you a hidden waterfall he had discovered, the crystal-clear water cascading down into a serene pool. The sound of the water was soothing, and you sat together on a rock, simply enjoying each other’s company.
As the day grew warmer, you decided to take a break and have lunch. You had packed some simple food, and Broly had caught some fresh fish from a nearby stream. Cooking over an open fire, you shared stories and laughter.
In the afternoon, you ventured further into the forest. Broly’s protective nature was evident as he guided you through the dense foliage, ensuring you didn’t stumble or get hurt. His keen senses picked up on any potential dangers long before you did, and you felt safe knowing he was always looking out for you.
At one point, you came across a clearing filled with wildflowers. The vibrant colors and sweet scents were enchanting, and you couldn’t resist picking a few to make a small bouquet. Broly watched you with a tender expression, his eyes filled with love.
“You like flowers?” he asked, his curiosity genuine.
“I do,” you replied, holding out the bouquet to him. “Here, for you.”
Broly’s eyes widened in surprise, and he took the flowers with a gentle touch. “Thank you,” he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “No one’s ever given me flowers before.”
You smiled, reaching up to brush a lock of hair from his face. “There’s a first time for everything.”
As the sun began to set, you returned to your makeshift home. Broly had built a sturdy shelter for the two of you, using his immense strength to create a safe haven. Inside, it was cozy and warm, filled with little touches that made it uniquely yours.
That evening, as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, you sat outside with Broly, wrapped in a blanket. He held you close, his arm around your shoulders, and you rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
“I never thought I could be this happy,” Broly murmured, his voice a gentle rumble.
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his. “You deserve all the happiness in the world, Broly. You have such a kind heart.”
He kissed the top of your head, his lips warm and soft. “And I’m happiest when I’m with you.”
The two of you sat in comfortable silence, watching the stars and simply enjoying the moment. No words were needed to express the depth of your love for each other.
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slicznymartwy · 1 year
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saccharine pt ii (you're billy's favorite)
cis fem reader
warning: billy's being fucking weird again. stalking you from inside the house, stealing your panties, humping your pillow, breaking into your room and masturbating. obsessive billy. 69ing. dead dove stuff. don't read if that bothers you
read pt i
read on ao3 here
Billy waits until the house is empty to drop from the attic.
He passes by Claude in the hallway, who gives him a disinterested once over before rolling onto his other side.
“Meow,” Billy says, stopping next to the old cat.
Claude croaks a little hello, and Billy goes on his way.
When he first started staying in the big brown house on Belmont Street, Billy spent his lonely days investigating the sluts’ bedrooms one by one. It was fun to dig around aimlessly, poking through their dirty clothes and their garbage cans, until he would hear a noise and scrambled back up the attic.
In those early days, he did his best to be extra cautious; no matter how badly he wanted to, he never took any panties with him back to the attic and he never messed with their beds. He knew that if they found out he was looking through their rooms, they’d chase him out. He wanted to stay with all of you in the big brown whorehouse.
Your room was the last room he explored, it being the closest to the staircase to the main floor. Standing in front of your door for the first time, he had no way of knowing how much you would change him.
The smell in your room was intoxicating. It was sweet, like pretty flowers in a crystal vase. It soaked into your messy sheets, which he stumbled towards excitedly, and he buried his face against the indent where your body must have been. He breathed in deeply, eyes fluttering shut, then moaned. Was he already getting hard?
Again, he breathed in deeply, moving so that he was laying on the bed. You smelled so good, whoever you were. He wished that he could put a face to this smell. Wished he could imagine whose pussy he’d fuck while you rubbed your pretty scent all over him.
His jeans were tight and pushing his dick down against the mattress made him moan again. Sitting straight, he crawled up the bed and dropped down with his head against your pillows. The smell was even stronger here, and he shoved his face into the soft white cushion as far as it could go.
He was definitely hard now, pressing against the unforgiving denim. He undid his pants and let himself free. Breathing in deeply, he wrapped his hand just around the tip of his cock and squeezed.
“Pretty pig,” he whispered, lips moving against the wet spot already forming on the pillow. He tried to slurp up some of his drool, but his heavy breathing made it pointless. It didn’t matter to him either way.
He fisted his cock a few times, but his hand was dry even with the leaking fluid that gathered at his slit. As he breathed in your pillow, his mind began to wander; he pictured your pretty imaginary head against these pillows every night, rubbing your smell on them. You had pressed your cheek to these pillows, your hair, maybe even your lips. These pillows were like your face, Billy concluded. He wanted to fuck your face.
After that point, he’d made it a habit to visit your room almost every day. It was your fault, really. You shouldn’t smell so good, shouldn’t have such soft pillows, shouldn’t be such a perfect pretty pig slut.
Today, he opens your door, just like he had done yesterday and like he will do tomorrow, and shuts it behind him.
Walking to your bed, he passes by your dresser. He can see right away your bottle of perfume, the one you put on whenever you came from your shower. He knows from experience that it tastes like shit, but it must be something about you that makes the chemically fluid become so delicious. He wants to lick the smell off of you. Wants to suck it out with his mouth.
He’s quick today. He hasn’t eaten much food this past week and he’s eager to dig into the kitchen, but this is more important. If someone came home early, he’d much rather go to sleep hungry than having missed you.
Putting the pillow towards the middle of the bed, he straddles it before pulling his cock out. After a few strokes, he’s hard enough to rub against you. He pictures your face, pretty and blushy. He pictures your glasses too, how they’d get knocked off while he rubbed his cock against your cheek.
It’s so good, and Billy’s mind swims. He’s fucking your face, your mouth, your thighs, your pussy. He’s rubbing his cock on your shoulder and your arm. He’s getting his leaky clear fluid on your hair and on your thigh. His drool makes your tits shiny. The pillow is so soft against the tip of his cock, and he humps it like a dirty dog. Dirty Billy.
But even with how good it is, it isn’t enough anymore. He’s had this fantasy for weeks now, and he needs to cum more than he wants to live. With shaky legs, he stands and wanders the room, searching in the usual spots. He opens your white laundry hamper and sees them immediately. With a little smile at the corners of his lips, he takes your panties and smells them. You must have worn these all day yesterday. He licks at the little strip of cotton where your cunt would have been. His cock twitches.
“Pig cunt,” he mutters sharply, waddling back to the bed. His cock is rock hard and jutting out from his opened pants, and he’s quick to press it against your pillow again. As he rocks his hips, he puts your panties to his mouth and nose and breaths in.
It only takes a few more thrusts against the pillow before he’s coming, and he’s quick to drop the pretty pink panties to his cock to catch his hot white cum. It’s so messy and sticky, and a couple drops still land on your cushion anyways. He needs a minute to catch his breath, and he rolls onto his back, looking up at the ceiling.
He had done the same thing his first time too, mind pleasantly fuzzy after his orgasm. He had stared at the wooden ceiling and thought about how this was your view every night. Maybe one day, you could both lay here and stare at the ceiling together. Back then, he was so lost in his daydream that he almost missed the hole between the floorboards just above the bed. Almost.
His life changed so much the day he met you.
Standing after a few calming moments, he flips the pillow onto its other side and drops it back at the head of your bed. Next, the panties go into your hamper, and then he fixes his pants. His stomach growls angrily and he sighs as he pats it.
Claude follows him to the kitchen.
“It’s for you,” Clare says, holding the phone out to you as you pass by. “He said he’s from your orgo class.”
There’s only one guy who calls you about organic chemistry. You breathe in sharply as you glance at the phone. Not wanting to alarm your friend, you fake a smile and take the handset.
“Thanks,” you say, and watch as Clare walks off. You’re not a child, you tell yourself. You can be brave. You take a calming breath in and out before you hold the phone up to your ear. “Hello?”
“Hi,” the Moaner says, laughter making his voice sound so boylike that you wonder how old he is.
“What do you want?” you ask, closing your sweater around you with your free hand. You turn your back to the living room.
He moans obscenely then swallows, the sound so wet and desperate that you wonder what he’s doing to himself.
“You. You pig cunt,” he says, spitting out each word like they’re accusations. He laughs again and you close your eyes.
“What’s your name?” you ask him calmly. He responds with yours instead, and you try not to shake by clenching your sweater even tighter.
“Your name,” you say again, emphasizing the first word. Still, he says yours like he’s proud of it. He laughs, then says it again.
“Cut that out,” you snap at him. “This isn’t fair. You know my name, but I don’t know yours.”
“What’s the change in enthalpy?” he whispers.
“I’m going to hang up if you don’t tell me,” you threaten. He groans, but it doesn’t sound pleasured anymore. It’s as if he’s in pain. Or, your mind supplies unhelpfully, he’s the sort that likes them at the same time. You sigh heavily, both at him and your overactive imagination.
“What’s the change in enthalpy? Pig slut. I’m gonna, gonna stick my tongue up your pig cunt,” he mutters into your ear.
“No, you won’t,” you say dismissively. You regret it immediately as the line goes dead. Even when he wasn’t talking, you could hear him and his mouth, breathing and licking and moaning. Now, it was silent. “Hello?” you say after a long stretch of silence.
“Filthy Billy,” he says finally.
“Is that your name? Billy?” you say, straightening up a bit. He moans then, and you have no doubt that one is from pleasure. “You’re disgusting, Billy.”
“Disgusting Billy,” he mumbles back, panting and moaning and slurping at his lips. Why are you feeling so hot all of a sudden? You clench your thighs and look over your shoulder.
“You talk a lot, Billy. You make a lot of promises,” you whisper into the handset.
“Gon- gonna suck your piggy clit,” he mumbles, so sweet that your stomach flutters with butterflies.
“No, Billy. I don’t think you’re brave enough,” you goad.
“Gonna lick it,” he groans, stretching out each word and letting you hear every syllable. “Piggy cunt. Stick my tongue up your pretty pussy.”
“I don’t believe you,” you say, gulping. You’re still trying to stay brave, but you can’t understand the warmth in your belly.
“You want my fat cock, you cunt,” he snaps at you, cutting off the end of your sentence.
“Do you know where I live, Billy?” you ask suddenly. The line goes dead again. You didn’t know you were so good at shutting him up. “If you want me so bad, come and get me.”
You slam the handset down and half expect it to start ringing again. It’s quiet, even after a minute. Feeling satisfied, you nod at the phone and head back to the living room. You sure showed him.
The hallway is black as pitch, and Billy stands in front of your bedroom door. The house is filled with the sounds of sleeping, all except for your room. An orangey light shines through between the door and the floor. He can hear the scratchy sound of a pencil on paper, and the occasional sigh from your lips.
He can’t believe he’s so close to you, and his cock twitches in anticipation. Already, he can smell your flowery crystal scent from here.
He doesn’t knock. Quiet as a mouse, he turns the doorknob slowly and eases the door open. Staring through the newly made crack, he can see that your back is to the door, head hunched down over the textbooks on your desk. Carefully, he steps inside and shuts the door behind him.
Billy knows the creaky floorboards to avoid as he makes his way behind you, and he’s so close that he could touch your hair with the tip of his finger if he held his arm out straight. He waits there for a while before you realize you’re being watched.
“Fuck!” you squeak, jumping in your seat before turning to face your intruder. Books and pens clatter to the floor and a sheet of paper is crumpled in your hand. Your eyes are so wide and beautiful as you stare at him.
You’re shaking. Billy wants to fuck you and cum on your face and your ass and your slit. He wants to lick it, lick it, lick it.
“Hi,” he whispers.
“You- you.” With trembling hands, you let go of the paper and push your hair out of your face. You can’t seem to speak, your lips moving with words you don’t say.
“It’s me, Billy,” he says, shaking too. It’s so hard to hold himself back, and his fingers are so scratchy with his need to touch you. “Agnes.”
“I’m not Agnes,” you respond, staring back at him from your seat.
“I’m here, Agnes,” he says quietly.
“That’s not my name,” you say again. When you stand, Billy takes a half step backwards.
“That’s not my name,” he responds, unconsciously matching your pitch. He lets out a shuddering breath.
Your smell was everywhere, so much stronger with you in the room. It wasn’t just a vase of flowers anymore; your smell was like an overgrown garden, with dirt and honeysuckles and animals.
Your name falls from his lips without his brain’s permission, and he feels kind of like how he was supposed to feel when he went to church as a kid.
“Billy,” you say softly in return, and Billy has to swallow noisily or he might drool past his lips.
“I found you,” he says, and he makes fists against his thighs.
“You did.” Even though your voice was quiet, you didn’t sound scared anymore. Billy glanced down at your body and saw that you were already wearing your night dress, made with white flowy cotton that danced and twirled with every step you took towards your bed; Billy watched helplessly as you sat down on the edge of it.
Billy’s breath was ragged, and he felt like he had been running for miles. Here you were, looking up at him with your pretty eyes and your pretty hair. Pretty pussy, pretty pig cunt that he wants to fill with his hot cum until it oozes out, lazy and slow. He tries to lick his lips, but he can’t stop panting like a dog. He should be used to this; he’s watched you from this exact same spot up in the attic. He’s already cummed on you.
He should have known from his calls with you, it was your attention that made him lose his mind. He’s about ready to scream out loud when you hold out your hand to him.
“Come here,” you whisper. Billy stares at your hand, then at your face. Pretty face. He steps forward like he’s falling.
You lead him to sit beside you, and Billy can feel your heat pressing along his leg where you touch him. He stares down where his rough denim meets your white dress. He doesn’t jump when you put your hand on the side of his face.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot, Billy,” you say. Billy drags his eyes up to you. You’re so close. He breaths through his nose. You stand, leaving Billy on the bed, and you don’t take your hand off him until he’s out of your reach.
In front of him, you pull your dress up and over your head. Billy blinks. You’re naked.
“Not so talkative now, huh?” you say with a little smile. Billy’s eyes are so wide as he takes you in. He wishes he could take a picture like this. Wishes he could take the picture with him back to the attic so he can cum on it one million times and stroke your face with his thumb. “Take off your sweater, Billy.”
Billy breaths in and out a few times to catch his breath.
“Don’t pussy out now. What happened to dirty Billy?” you taunt.
“Filthy Billy,” he mumbles, and he has to lick his lips. Sitting like this, he’s at eyelevel with your soft stomach, and he wants to pull you close to kiss his way down to your pussy. He wants to part your pussy lips with his tongue and trace it all the way up until it hits your clit. He wants to rip you apart and live inside your tight wet heat.
“Show me how filthy you are,” you whisper, taking a step closer to him. Billy groans, hearing the wet click of your pussy as you moved. Shaking, he lifts his sweater over his head and throws it to the floor. When you sit beside him again, he can feel your soft warm arm against his own.
Billy gulps and stares down at your lap, because if he looks into your eyes, he might wrap his hands around your neck and squeeze until your face turns blue. He digs his fingers into his denim-covered thigh.
“It’s okay, Billy,” you murmur and take his hand. “Can I kiss you?”
“You can suck my cock,” he mumbles helplessly. He smacks his lips like he’s dying of thirst and laughs softly. He can’t stomach looking at you.
“You’re such a pervert,” you tell him, like he doesn’t already know. Filthy, disgusting Billy.
“Wanna put my tongue up your piggy cunt,” he says, but he can’t touch you yet. You let out a hot breath, and he can feel it on his shoulder. He shudders and presses his mouth closed.
“Take off your pants,” you whisper. It’s a secret, and a dirty one.
Billy can’t move fast enough. His hands are still shaking as he opens his pants, and he stands for just long enough to pull them down with his underwear. His cock is hard, and it lolls against his thigh when he sits again. He can feel your eyes on his face still.
“Can I kiss you, Billy?”
He nods and keeps nodding even when you cup his face and pull him in for a gentle kiss. He only stops when he feels your tongue on his bottom lip, and his cock drools against his overheated skin. He whines against you and presses his forehead against yours while he takes a shaking inhale.
“Lay down with me,” you say quietly, putting your warm milky creamy hand on his chest.
“Wanna suck-“ Billy swallows thickly, gasping his breaths again. “Wanna suck your clit.”
“Lay on your back,” you say, more insistent as you push him onto his back. Again, his cock bobs with the movement and settles flat on his stomach. Billy lets a broken groan come from his throat as your hand moves lower on his torso. You shush him, and the sounds sends a chill down his spine, like icy spiders.
“You’ll wake my sisters up,” you tell him, lips brushing against his ear.
“I’ll lick their cunts too,” he whispers back. He tries to look at you from the corner of his eye, but it’s like looking at the sun. His head hurts being this close to you, and the smell is like being drunk. When you smile, he looks away.
“What about me?” you ask, and Billy feels your hand on the shaft of his cock. He chokes on his spit and coughs, turning on his side away from you. He laughs because he doesn’t know what else to do.
“S-slut,” he says, slowly going onto his back again.
“You’re mean.” Billy watches you get onto your knees beside him. “You talk so much, Billy.”
He moans when you turn yourself around and swing your leg over him, and all he can see is your pussy – pretty, pink, and so creamy for him. His hands move on instinct and wrap around your thighs, pulling you flush to his face.
There’s no point in wasting time, not when his heart and his cock are competing on which could throb the hardest. The sound of his tongue against your wet slit is terrible and it makes him feel like he’s drowning. He can’t help but moan, letting his tongue trace along your meaty folds before burying deep inside your cunt.
You’re making sounds too, but Billy hardly cares. This was what he had been dreaming about for so long. He wasn’t just dirty pervert Billy who made empty promises. He was Billy who takes. Billy who isn’t afraid to be seen. Billy who can be brave when he wants to be.
Still, he nearly shouts when he feels your lips on the tip of his cock.
“So good, Billy, that’s so good,” you’re whispering, but everything is so loud between your legs. His breaths echo, and everything is so fucking wet. He can feel your slick on his cheeks and on his chin, and every move of his tongue clicks against your needy fuckhole.
His cock feels tight, like it’s going to fall off, but then you wrap your lips around him and swallow him down so far that your nose touches his balls. He tightens his grip on your thighs until you cry out against him, your wet hot mouth vibrating against him.
It’s more perfect than Billy could have imagined, feeling your cunt clench around his tongue as he fucks it in and out of you. He wants more of you, wants you dead so he can take you without having to talk to you, wants you alive to hear your voice. He wants to fuck his cock so far down your throat you suffocate. He wants to make you cum again and again until you’re beginning him to stop.
“Love you,” he tries to say, but it sounds mangled against your cunt. He kisses your pretty piggy pussy lips and feels like maybe he’s turned into a pillow, with the way you ride on his face.
Maybe that’s all he is, maybe he’s so messed up in his brain because he’s a pillow that turned human. Maybe he’s only meant to be your thing to hump against, to sleep on, to get your smell all over before washing it. Billy thinks it would be nice to roll around in a clothes dryer.
Your lips are soft against his hot swollen cock, and he bucks wildly when you wrap a hand around his base and suck at his tip. He grunts into your fleshy cunt, nose bumping against your folds before returning his tongue to its rightful place. But, from the bottom, there’s not much he can do but take – take your mouth on his cock, and take your cunt on his mouth.
He doesn’t last long, but he never does when he can help it. He could have probably come from eating your pussy alone; at least he would have lasted longer. He bucks into your mouth, but your firm grip at his base keeps him from gagging you. He shoots his cum in your mouth instead, and he feels you swallowing around the tip of his cock. Even when he’s finished, you suck like you’re trying to get more out.
“Slut,” he tries to moan, and he sounds wretched. He holds onto your thighs still as you move more frantically on top of him. When you sit up, your press your cunt even harder against his face and he stabs his tongue deeper than before.
Billy makes a depraved noise, a mix between a groan and a choking cough, as you clench down tight around him like you’ll rip his tongue straight out of his mouth. He’d let you, he thinks desperately, he’ll let you take his cock too if you want it. You can sleep on him and hump him and use him however you want.
Your legs shake as you clench down again, and then you collapse forward, pussy lifting off of his face enough to see it quivering and sopping wet. Mindlessly, he picks up his head and leans forward to lick at it some more, broad strokes from your clit up to you blinking hole. He laps at it until you’re quiet, and then laps some more until you lift your hips too far for him to reach.
Rolling off him, he’s suddenly exposed to your chilly bedroom air, and he longs desperately for you to cover him again. If he wasn’t so cum-dumb, he might’ve tried to pull you back on him again. Instead, he watches you from the corner of his vision as you lay down, shoulders touching his.
“Wanna spend the night?” you whisper once you catch your breath. He shakes his head, still panting out loud. He’s not sure if his heart will ever slow down again.
“At least stay for a little while,” you say. You touch his hand gently. He wants to snatch it away on instinct, but a moment passes, and he’s surprised that he likes it. His hand is limp as you wrap yours around it.
“Are you gonna keep calling?” you murmur. It feels like one of those questions that has a right answer, but Billy doesn’t even know where to start. He tells the truth instead, and nods.
“Pretty… pretty cunt,” he says, letting go of your hand to brush along your thigh towards your cunt. He touches your clit with his sticky finger, and you jolt like you were struck by lightning.
“That’s too much,” you whine. Billy lets his hand rest on your lower stomach instead, feeling your scratchy hairs against his palm.
You’re quiet for a while before you say, “If you’re gonna call, I don’t want you to talk to the other girls like that. I don’t want you to sleep with them.”
Billy lets out a shaky breath and drags his hand up your stomach, watching your nipples pebble in anticipation.
“My piggy,” he says.
“Mean,” you respond. He faces the ceiling again, hand falling off you and resting on the messy sheets again.
You lay together, shoulders touching, and knees bent over the edge of the bed. Billy imagines watching himself. How does he look next to you. Probably like nothing. The Billy in the attic wouldn’t even be looking at himself – he knows he wouldn’t take his eyes off of you for even a second.
And he doesn’t, once he finally gets dressed and leaves without another word for his attic; he watches you all night, your smell on his fingers and his face, your flowery perfume on his clothes.
In the morning, he hears your housemate sluts laugh at you and ask who came over last night. You don’t say anything when the loud annoying one asks if it’s your new boyfriend. No, Billy wants to say, he’s something even better than a boyfriend. He’s your pillow, and you’re his pig.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
:D i had a lot of fun writing this !! hope you guys enjoy it
reblogs are greatly appreciated !!!!!
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ilovemybishies87 · 7 months
The Vacation from Hell - Chapter Two
Chapter two is now uploaded to AO3! It is also below the cut, in case anyone prefers to read on tumblr.
This chapter is VERY loosely based on the response sketch from @damntheyare's original 'human hotel' fanart. Because some tropes will never die (nor do we want them to).
Despite the numerous changes since Alastor was alive, he could more or less navigate thanks to a few familiar landmarks, like the old Hermann-Grima place. Back in his day, it had been a boarding house for single women. He slowed as they passed its faded blue shutters and gated front door.  
“What is it?” asked Charlie. “You know this place?” 
He shook his head. “Not exactly. I know about it. This house has quite a history, spanning back to before I was even alive! The families who owned it are well known around here.” 
“Speaking of, where is here? I didn’t ask since you seem to know the way.” 
“New Orleans.” Alastor paused. “Home, I suppose.” 
Charlie’s eyes widened. “This is where you lived when you were human?” 
“Born and raised!”   
“And the hotel we’re staying?” 
He didn’t answer. He could only hope it still existed.  
Their suitcase wheels clacked on the brick sidewalk as they strode down Saint Louis Street and turned right. Many of the businesses were from after his time. He didn’t care for their newer architecture: some flashes of style here and there, but mostly it simply existed. Functional without any flavor.  
They crossed over two more streets before reaching their destination.  
Alastor allowed himself to drink in the sight. The name Hotel Monteleone was embellished in bold cursive on all three sides of the sign above the main portico. Festoons and cartouches, worn with age, adorned the hotel’s facade. Flower-filled planters lined a set of windows, and sky-blue flags waved on poles attached to metal guards.  
Charlie’s jaw dropped, and her bag nearly so. “This is . . . wow.” She laughed. “Good choice, Al!” 
“Thank you, my dear!” he said, and found his mood marginally improved. 
A solitary footman stood before a pair of golden doors. His attire was more suited to the weather—a short sleeve button down—but the black hat couldn’t have been comfortable. As they approached, he swung the door closest to him open.  
Cold air wafted out from the lobby.  
“Maybe we should have someone greet our guests at the entrance, too!” she whispered, nodding her head in thanks as they entered. “Nothing says hospitable more than a friendly face greeting you when you arrive!” 
“Oh? And who would you suggest for our doorman?”  
“Angel Dust?” 
“Not the worst suggestion.” He thought she might suggest Vaggie, but Charlie seemed to realize her dour expression would deter sinners seeking redemption. “Though I can’t say the types of guests he’d attract are what you’re hoping for!” 
“That’s the point, Alastor! Everyone is welcome,” she insisted. “The problem is whether Angel would agree to it. He already works for Valentino. But maybe this will be a step in the right direction!” 
The lobby was even more impressive than the hotel’s front. Their suitcases glided over parquet marble floors. Framed paintings of the founder, along with other men Alastor couldn’t place, decorated the walls. Above them, gold inlayed panels adorned the bases of crystal chandeliers. The lighting filled the entrance with a soft glow, making the place feel otherworldly.  
To their left, a rose centerpiece stood in the middle, bench-like seating surrounding the arrangement. A set of stairs, most likely heading to the establishment's rooms, lay before it. Another smaller set of steps led to the entrance of a restaurant. Alastor filed that away for later. Once they were settled in, food would no doubt be a priority. They passed more seating in the form of sofas and upholstered armchairs, along with a grandfather clock ticking away the seconds.  
Charlie lingered behind as he approached the counter. 
The receptionist was a completely average woman. Not too tall or short, heavy or thin. Completely unremarkable. Her only standout feature was the short reddish locks framing her face. Her smile screamed ‘customer service,’ but she didn’t appear to be in a mood either. 
“Can I help you?”  
Alastor read the tag pinned to her blazer. “Why, yes, I believe you can, Marie!” he said with a flourish. “My companion and I are needing a room for the duration of our stay.” 
“Of course, sir.” Marie began typing and glanced between him and a screen that suspiciously resembled Vox’s head. “Do you already have a reservation?” 
Yes, he did. Decades ago, when they were supposed to arrive. Alastor was left with quite the conundrum. Did he take a chance on the hotel having an open room? Or did he use his magic to . . . turn the odds in their favor? The latter was the obvious choice, but he had expended more energy than planned to transport the group and their belongings. 
Alastor lightly tapped the top of the machine and infused it with his magic. A green glow came forth from the monitor along with thread-like tendrils. They reached out toward the receptionist and infused her pupils with the same green glow.  
“Yes, indeed!” he gritted out. “It should be for Alastor Malveaux and Charlotte Magne.” 
Marie blinked; her eyes returned to normal. “Thank you, sir. One moment while I pull up that information.” 
“Was that your last name?” whispered Charlie, joining him at his side. 
Alastor shrugged. “Who knows?” he replied, his voice low. “Whatever it was, it’s lost to the wind. The Radio Demon is what I’m known as now, and I have no complaints.” 
“Okay, but what about my name? Charlotte Magne. Really? What’s wrong with Charlie Morningstar?” 
“Your last name might . . . raise a few eyebrows,” he said, smirking, “and Charlie Magne is too obvious.” 
“How so?” 
Marie interrupted before he could explain. “Okay, so I’ve found your reservation.” Her face twitched. “But I’m afraid the room you requested was double booked. Another couple has already checked in.” 
“I see.” Charlie turned to him. “I guess we’ll have to cut our trip short?” 
"No, no, Miss Magne!” said Marie. “This was entirely our fault! We do have another room available, though. Fortunately for you, it’s an upgrade!” She started furiously typing away. “How long did you and Mister Malveaux plan on staying again?” 
Alastor struggled to keep his grin. “Six days.” 
“And what time were you planning on returning home? Check out is before noon.” 
So many questions. “We can be out before then.” 
“Perfect! So, that will be five nights total—” 
“What a relief!” Charlie scooped Husk off her shoulder and held him in her arms. He had somehow managed to remain affixed the entire trip to the hotel.  
Alastor wholeheartedly agreed. “We’ll have to decide who gets which bed once we are in the room.” 
“Oh, you wanted two beds?” asked Marie, the clacking on her keyboard slowing.  
He blinked. “I beg your pardon?”  
“I’m sorry if I wasn’t clearer.” She held up her index finger. “The room only has one. If it’s any consolation, it’s a King.”  
He would not murder the woman for doing her job, even if she was getting on the very last of his nerves. Alastor forced the violent urge down and laughed. “It would be quite improper for an unmarried man and woman to share—”  
“We’ll make do,” Charlie answered, much to his shock. She looked up at him. “Is that okay?” 
“As you said,” he stated with a deep breath, “we’ll make do.” 
“All right! That’s five nights total with two pets,” Marie said, eyeing Niffty and Husk in their arms. “They receive their own little welcome package for free. Trust me, everyone loves it! And did you want any add-ons or upgrades for your stay? We offer overnight valet parking, along with a wide selection of wines and hard liquors—” 
“That won’t be necessary.” 
“Maybe some macrons for you and Miss Magne—” 
Charlie watched their exchange with rapt attention. No doubt she was mentally taking notes on what could be added to their hotel. That was the purpose of this visit. And while he appreciated her passion in theory—the more invested, the more satisfying it would be to see her dreams torn to shreds—the only one suffering at the moment was him. 
“Just the total,” Alastor ground out. “Please.” 
“That’ll be $2,204.60.” 
Alastor turned to Charlie and handed her Niffty, who let out a small ‘Yip!’ of dismay. Charlie gasped. She barely managed to catch the other demon—now dog—and juggle both her and Husk in her arms. 
Alastor unzipped the bag sitting on top of Niffty’s luggage and made a show of rummaging around. As he suspected, Husk had packed nothing but alcohol. He was grateful for once. A bottle of whiskey was calling his name. Hopefully the staff didn’t check the contents before they settled in. With his last bit of magic—at least until he could get some food and rest and alcohol—he conjured a stack of bills and zipped the sack closed. 
He pulled out the cash and began counting.   
Marie’s almond eyes widened. “Wow, don’t see that too often!” She stared at him grimly. “You’ll want to be careful. You’ll be a target for sure.” 
Alastor chuckled as he placed the last bill down. The remainder was shoved into his pocket. “I’m not worried.” He took Niffty from Charlie, much to her relief, and held the small dog under his other arm.  
Marie picked up the bills and double checked the amount. “Suit yourself. We don’t keep change here, but—” 
“Don’t worry about the extra. Consider it a tip for your hard work! Otherwise, we’d be looking for another hotel or returning home.” 
“Thank you, Mister Malveaux!” This time her smile was genuine. “If you don’t mind me asking, where is home for you anyway?” 
“I'm technically from around these parts, but it's been years since I’ve been back. Things have changed quite a bit.” 
Marie nodded. “You’ll find yourself at home in no time. Change doesn’t happen that fast here.” She turned to Charlie. “What about you?” 
“Well . . . ,” said Charlie nervously, “where I’m from is pretty big. And dry. And hot! Not to mention very . . . intense! It’s nothing like here.” 
Marie raised a brow. “Huh?” 
“California!” said Alastor, and he felt Charlie relax.  
“It’s where we met,” Charlie added, smiling at him.  
“Oh, so you must be an actor,” said Marie to Alastor. “You sure are dedicated to the craft, not breaking character! It explains the accent. The glasses and cash too. Those Hollywood eccentrics sure have rubbed off on you.” 
Alastor quirked his head. “Pardon?” 
“I’ve never seen you in anything before, but I'm not much for historical pieces.” She reached for the safety deposit box below the counter and locked the cash away. “But I’m trying to branch out. I’ll watch for you.” 
He and Charlie shared a look. A smirk graced her lips. 
“Not a word, Miss Magne,” he said under his breath. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Mister Malveaux.” 
“Your room will be ready in a few minutes. Our bellhop will take your luggage for you.” A stout man with curly black hair approached. He wore the same outfit as the doorman, though his dark pants still held the crisp line from when they were pressed earlier that day. “Olivier, could you take their things to room 606?” 
He tipped his hat in her direction, then piled their bags onto the luggage cart. “I’m on it!” 
Alastor eyed the sofas in the lounge, but before he could move, he heard the shuffling of papers from behind the counter. 
“So,” said Marie, “what do you two plan on doing while you’re here?” 
Charlie bit her lip. “I’m not sure honestly. I was only interested in the hotel,” she admitted. “Alastor did all the planning.” 
Absolutely not.  
“I see.” Marie nodded. “Any sites you wanted to visit with Miss Magne?” 
He was not having any small talk. 
“I hadn’t given it much thought,” he said, his tone clipped. 
Marie’s expression brightened. “In that case, would you mind if I made some suggestions?” 
“Not at all!” exclaimed Charlie. 
“The Phantom of the Opera is in town,” Marie said, handing over several brochures. “Not sure if you’ve seen it yet. Broadway is probably better, but it hasn’t been to New Orleans in about a decade, so we’re all excited.” 
Charlie turned to Alastor and placed Husk on his shoulder before he could say a word. She took the pamphlets from the receptionist and flipped through one.  
“Is this any good?”  
Marie leaned over to see what Charlie was showing her. “The Voodoo, Witchcraft and Vampires tour? If you’re into supernatural stuff, sure. There's no shortage of that around here, even at this very hotel.” 
"How so?” Charlie asked.  
“There’ve been countless unexplained happenings over the years. Doors that open on their own, elevators that go to the wrong floor, even shadows of kids playing in the halls! Eyewitness accounts from different times, guests, and staff. Hard to write it off as coincidence!” 
What drivel. Charlie seemed to think so too, judging by her incredulous expression. If anyone knew what happened to a soul after they passed, it would be the Princess of Hell. They were either in her domain or they weren’t. It was as simple as that. 
“What about this, Alastor? They have jazz bands and even a jazz museum!” 
“I wouldn’t mind hearing a live session again,” he said. “It’s been ages! But I also wouldn’t mind some place . . . quieter.”  
“Then you have to go to Oak Valley Plantation,” said Marie. “It’s about an hour away from here, but if you want to get away from it all, that’s your best bet! It’s like stepping back in time.” 
Alastor considered her briefly. “Maybe before we leave, to wind down.” 
“Excellent! I can help get you tickets for any or all of those excursions. Give me another ten or fifteen minutes to calculate—” 
“We’ll do them all.” He glanced at Charlie, who couldn’t have looked more thrilled than if every sinner in Hell had been redeemed in one fell swoop. Alastor pulled all but a couple of bills from his pocket and placed them in her hand. “I trust you with the schedule, my dear.”  
Charlie grasped the cash tightly. “Thank you, Al! I won’t let you down.” 
“Yes, yes.” He sighed. “I’m taking a breather until our room is ready.” 
“Olivier should be nearly finished if you would like to head up, Mister Malveaux. Here’s your key,” Marie said, handing him a piece of plastic. “I’ll give Miss Magne the other so she can join you when we’re done.” 
Alastor held the rectangular thing awkwardly between his fingers. What odd material to use for a key.  
The elevator was several paces behind them on the other side of the stairs. Leaving the two women to hash out their plans—a decision he hoped he would not come to regret—he stepped into an empty lift and pushed the backlit button with the number 6. 
Husk pawed at his head, nearly knocking his glasses off. 
Alastor turned, his glare ice cold. “You’re trying your luck, Husker! I’m not in the mood to be messed with. Unless you care to find out if cats really do have nine lives, I would suggest you mind yourself for the rest of the trip.”  
Silence filled the compartment for the ride up to the sixth floor. The elevator’s ding! notified them of their arrival, and the doors slid open. A gold cart was parked in the hall several doors down. He could see the last of their luggage—pink, in all its shameless glory—being picked up and transported inside. 
“Thank you for your hard work, my good sir!” said Alastor, steadfast in keeping the last of his remaining patience in check. He handed the man a crisp . . . twenty? Fifty? He didn’t look. “Much appreciated!” 
Olivier’s eyes widened. Had he slipped him a hundred by mistake? “You’re too kind, sir! Thank you. Let me know if you need anything!” He pushed the cart back toward the lifts. 
The room’s door remained open long enough to slip in. Alastor allowed it to close behind them as he placed Niffty on the ground beside him. Husk jumped from his shoulder and landed on the carpeted floor. They surveyed their accommodations. 
White. It was very white. Alastor crossed over to the king-size bed and upholstered headboard, a wallpapered inset behind it. They were white. So was the bedding. As was the much smaller, more rustic chandelier hanging up above. The nightstands, the single-seated sofa, and the vanity and set of chairs at the foot of the bed.  
The carpeting. The floors. The ceiling. 
Everything was white. Even the bathroom gave him no reprieve. 
Was this what Heaven was like? 
Alastor felt like he was going mad. The only hints of color came from the trio and the baggage they had dragged along for the trip. Charlie’s and Niffty’s luggage were a sight for sore eyes against the colorless landscape that was their room.  
Husk’s was too, but for very different reasons. Alastor picked up the leather bag, placed it on the vanity, and pulled out a seat. A small glass was set upside down beneath a mirror. He grabbed it and quickly zipped the bag open. The bottle of whiskey he eyed earlier clinked against a bottle of gin, and without hesitation, he twisted the cap off with his thumb and poured out a healthy amount.  
Husk jumped up and hissed.   
Alastor tipped his glass and downed the drink. “Even when you can’t pour, you make an excellent bartender, Husker old pal!”  
An almost imperceptible beep alerted him to Charlie’s arrival. “That receptionist really knows her stuff!” She dropped a handful of brochures on the vanity, along with a much thinner stack of cash, and pulled out the seat next to him. “So, I know we’re here for research—” 
“You are,” said Alastor, pouring himself another glass. “I am but the chauffer.” He picked up the money, returning it to his pocket. “And sponsor, clearly.” 
Charlie hesitated. “Are you okay, Al? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink before.” 
“Well, we are on vacation, aren’t we?” This time he didn’t down the liquor in one gulp. He allowed it to linger on his tongue before swallowing, relishing the slight burn. “You were saying?” 
“R-Right. I still plan on getting the full hotel experience while we’re here. Even checking in has given me so many ideas! I’ll need to take notes, so I don’t forget anything.” She took out a notepad and pen from her purse. “Everything is so luxurious, don’t you think?” 
If someone enjoyed the ‘padded room’ aesthetic, then certainly. 
“But I figured, we might as well take in the sights too! I can only imagine how much has changed since . . . .” 
Alastor allowed the silence to hang between them.  
Charlie looked around awkwardly. “I’m sorry about the bed. We can ask for more pillows to create a wall between us. If that helps.” 
“You needn’t worry about me.” Alastor took another long sip before grabbing a different bottle from Husk’s bag. He read the label and realized he didn’t care what he was drinking, so long as it was strong. “I will make do.” 
“I don’t want you sleeping on the floor, Al. Or in the chairs. You should be comfortable!” 
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get there,” he said, fumbling over the words. His accent slipped as well. “In the meantime, you should do what you set out to do! There’s a whole hotel waiting to be explored.” 
Charlie stood and tipped her luggage onto the floor. “What about you? You’re not going to spend the whole day drinking, are you?” 
Alastor made one last drink and toasted to her. “Well, you could say I have some research of my own. But until then”—he tipped the glass back and grimaced—“I’m starting this trip off with a bang!” 
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this might sound super cheesy but can you maybe write tan or pietro with a reader who's this embodiment of femininity, always put together when she goes out, borderline clean freak, does hair and skin care, shy and calm, hopeless romantic, has this priscilla presley and sharon tate kind of energy? which based on tan and pietro, she's the polar opposite.. so yeah maybe that and add whatever you want.
- 🦢
hii honey!! just as my requests are still closed, im gonna write this as hcs/ thoughts. hope that's okay. and this is absolutely nowhere near cheesy!!! bc I FUCKING love shit like this. and im gonna pick tan, just cuz he's my fave (and i feel will suit better for this type of reader)💌
couldn’t resist, so I made some moodboards
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so I imagine you to be this beacon of light and warmth, just this presence of comfort and serenity. and it's something that contrasts with tan, but in the same way, balances it out perfectly. I imagine you to be very nurturing and motherly and caring and it'll act as a magnet for tan. you will have this pull on those around you, and it makes others feel safe and cared for and loved
shy and calm and reserved at times, but very passionate
smart and calculated but in a nice way. very honest and true to yourself. finds beauty within everything. presents yourself well
you would love love. everything about it - the good and the bad. old couples eating together, seeing people on first dates, children holding hands, people opening doors for others, seeing people share food. hopeless romantic
always has a granola bar, tissues and a piece of fruit in your bag. lip gloss, sanitary wear (enough for others, just in case) and plasters too
some key words: everything has a home in your house. fresh baked goods on sunday mornings. bowl of fruits on the kitchen counter. open windows in the springtime. old paintings. cooking. fresh cut flowers in every room. healthy indoor plants. pinks. greens. whites. smells clean and fresh. put together. pure. kind. homely. divine energy. connected. crystals. candles. warm hugs. crochet blankets. vintage cars. willow trees. apple pies. wicker baskets. open meadow. wildflowers. washing lines. lace. silk. vases. regular manicures. happy. content. skincare. pomegranate. figs. strawberries. lemons. blueberry muffins. rabbits. deer. cats. the moon. the sun. venus. ocean. waves. forrest. lakes. ecofriendly.
you'd be like this pure, whimsical gust of light sent down. considerate. effortless
"darkness in the light, light in the darkness. one can't exist without the other" you and tan bc you balance each other out so perfectly
now im thinking what I said is cheesy😭😭😭!!
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sweetprfct · 8 months
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sometimes things just doesn't seem to work out and maybe sometimes that's okay.
Author's Note: Here's one of my angsty fics. So, I apologize.
Wordcount: 2.9K
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Six months.
That was exactly how long it has been since you have last seen him. Since that night. You haven’t fully found yourself yet, but you took it day by day. The first two months since he left were the worst parts of your life. You would stare into nothingness, while you sat on your sofa. You would barely eat. You would barely move. You would barely go out with your friends. Busy, that was what you would tell them. You have been busy with work. But weekends were spent on your bed, sleeping all day, or crying at certain times when you would find a piece of him around your flat. An old t-shirt tucked into the corner inside your drawers, his scent still lingering on the fabric. A piece of paper where he would doodle little flowers or hearts for you. It all consumed you in a way where you couldn’t move the moment you found little pieces of him in your place. 
You should start cleaning around.
You told yourself that, but you never got around to it. It was almost like you were too scared to throw away the things he had left because you knew that the moment all of his things were gone, you knew that you had to face the reality that he really wasn’t part of your life anymore. That you would never see him again. It was four years of you two being together and in one blink of an eye, he was just gone. It was like those four years didn’t exist, but in your heart and in your mind, those four years were still crystal clear. 
“Hey,” He would appear behind you after a long day of filming. 
He would come home, and he would find you cooking dinner in the kitchen. There was something about having these domestic moments with him that made you feel warm and cozy on the inside. His lips would linger at the back of your neck, his warm breath creating goosebumps on your skin and you would lean back against him and sigh happily.
“Joe.” You warned. “I’m cooking dinner. Don’t distract me.”
A small giggle would come out of you, and he would make it even worse as he would start kissing down your neck and on your shoulder. 
The kitchen was always a special place for you two. Joe loved to cook and when he was not filming, he would show you his love language and that would be spoiling you with some delicious homemade food and spending the day watching movies in the living room. Sometimes, you two would find yourselves taking a nap on the sofa. It was little moments like these that made you love him even more. It was little moments like these that made your heart ache every time it reappeared in your memories. You couldn’t bring yourself to enter your kitchen in the first two weeks since he left. You would order take out and completely avoid it unless you really needed something. You even bought yourself a mini fridge to store your bottles of water in your room just so you could avoid that one room in the flat.
The kitchen may have good memories, but it was also the last memory you had with him, and it wasn’t a good one. You knew that things between you two had been distant lately. He had been busy booking more roles, and you had been busy with your own job. After you got promoted in the office, you saw less and less of each other. Joe would fly to the States for filming, and you would sit in the flat alone, eating dinner by yourself. It didn’t really occur to you at the beginning because of the fact that you were also busy. Supporting each other’s careers were one of the strongest traits you two had in the relationship but how did it become like this? How did it end like this? 
It took about two months of Joe being away from you that you started to feel the distance between you two. Not just the fact that he was across the pond but how he was starting to be distant to you even if he was home. He would text or call on the first few weeks of his filming in the States but then, he started to go silent on you. The only time you would see him would be paparazzi pictures of him and his co-stars hanging out at a bar or at some concert. 
It bothered you. It bothered you that he couldn’t reply to one text or pick up his phone when you would call after not hearing from him for a week, but he had the time to hang out and go have some drinks with his newly found friends. It bothered you even more when he was seen with one of his co-stars getting too close. The picture you saw on the internet made your stomach drop. They were in a concert with his other co-stars, and she was sitting next to him, whispering something in his ear, while her hand was on his thigh. Joe had a smug smile on his face, and you immediately exited Twitter as soon as you saw it. 
It hurt. It hurt a lot when you saw that.  
After that, you didn’t hear from him. A month of you indulging yourself on the internet and staring at every new picture of him and the girl. You wanted to scream. You wanted to say something to him. You wanted to call and ask him what was going on, but you didn’t bother because he didn’t even bother replying or calling you back. That was until he came back home to London. You just had a long day at work, and you stayed later than usual in the office and when you came home, you saw Joe sitting on the sofa. You couldn’t look at him. You felt disgusted. So, you muttered a hello to him and made your way to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers. 
“How are you?” Joe asked you, following behind you.
He slipped his arms around your waist and gave you a kiss on the cheek, but you pushed him away. You occupied yourself by taking the bowl of leftover chicken from the microwave and pulled out some utensils. 
“What’s wrong?” Joe asked. “Look, I’m sorry I haven’t called. Filming had been really busy and–”
The sudden clang of utensils got Joe’s attention as you let out a sharp breath. Tears were starting to form in your eyes, but you held it in. You couldn’t let him see you like this. Your back was still turned to him as silence took over the both of you. 
“Busy filming, huh?” You finally said, your tone of voice sounded angry. 
“Yes.” Joe’s eyes stared at you as you turned to face him. 
“Tell me, Joe. Is that it?” You raised your brow, holding the spoon tightly in your hand. “Is that the only reason why? It’s not because you were cuddling with some girl in the States?”
“For fuck sake!” Joe shook his head. “Is this what it’s about?”
“No, Joe!” You exclaimed. “This isn’t just about her! It’s about how you don’t reply to my texts or when I call, you never answer! It’s the fact that I haven’t heard from you in a month, and you come back in here like there’s nothing wrong!” 
Your voice shook. Your whole body trembled in anger as you stared at him, tears welling up in your eyes. Joe didn’t say anything because he knew. He knew you were right. Both of you had been distant from each other, and he had denied it. You both had denied it. It didn’t mean that he had stopped caring. Things had just been different lately with all the things he needed to do for his career. 
“Hey.” He walked around the kitchen island and wiped the tears that started rolling down your cheeks, but you pushed his hand away.
“Don’t!” You warned him, taking a step back. “Don’t act like you care because I know you haven’t cared for a while now.”
“That’s not true!” Joe barked. “I care about you!”
“Not like the way you did before!” You argued, your eyes widened.
You felt stupid. You have been denying this for months now, and you knew that things had not been the same lately. That things had changed. You just couldn’t face that reality and maybe, Joe couldn’t either that was why he was still here standing in front of you. 
“We kissed.” Joe admitted, his head hung low. “Once. But that was it. It didn’t mean anything!”
You nodded your head as reality creeped in slowly. You couldn’t move. You felt angry. You felt that knot in your stomach, and you felt like vomiting as you heard those words came out of Joe’s lips. Four years of being together just all washed away by those words. Those words that stabbed you right on your chest as you grabbed the bowl of chicken and threw it at Joe. Fortunately, for him, he had ducked just in time as the bowl shattered on the wall behind him, leaving the chicken a mess on your floor. 
“I’m sorry.” Joe tried to walk towards you, but you kept stepping back as you sobbed in front of him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head as he tried to cup your face and looked into your eyes, but you were pushing him away, hand scratching and grabbing the fabric of his sweater as you slapped his hands away from your face. 
“I’m sorry.” Joe cried, tears rolled down his face too. 
You shook your head as you sobbed in front of him as you started pacing back and forth in front of him, while Joe tried to reach for your hand. So many questions were running in your mind and so many emotions washing over you. 
“Please.” Joe murmured. “I’m so sorry.” He pulled you in his arms as he hugged you from behind and buried his face on your shoulder.
You closed your eyes, feeling his strong arms around you, while tears streamed down your face. Joe continued to murmur his “I’m sorrys,” but the image of him and that girl just kept flickering in your mind, and it made you angry and disgusted. How could he do this? How could he just easily throw away everything you both had? 
“It didn’t mean anything.” Joe turned you around, his hands sliding down your arms and taking a hold of your hands. “I know I have been distant, and I’m sorry. Work had been stressful, and I didn’t want to drag you into it.”
“We’re partners, Joe.” You sniffed, sliding your hands away from him and wiped the tears on your face. “I thought we knew how to communicate with each other. I thought we knew how to be there for each other no matter what the situation was. You were the one person I thought that would never hurt me like this.”
“I know. I just…” Joe sloppily wiped his own tears. “I just couldn’t bring you into this crazy world that I entered, and I… I know. I’m so sorry. I was drunk and it happened so fast.”
Another silence took over before you asked him the one question that had been repeating in your mind for the past month.
“D… Do you still love me?” 
It hit you like a ton of bricks when he couldn’t answer your question. The silence was enough for you to know the real answer from Joe. No, he didn’t love you anymore. It was the silence that you never thought would make you feel that sharp pain in your chest. Joe took a step forward to you, his hand reaching, but you couldn’t look at him any longer. He was a different person to you now. He wasn’t the same Joe that you knew for the last four years. 
“The kiss meant nothing to me.” Joe repeated it again, but you weren’t listening anymore. “I’m sorry.”
“It doesn’t matter.” You sniffed. “I know how you feel about me and the fact is you don’t love me anymore.”
Another silence. 
“I think you should go.” You stated, wiping the last remaining tears on your face. 
“I think you should go.” 
And just like that, it was the last time you saw his face. You walked away from him and went to your room. You never saw him again. You only heard the sound of him packing his things and the door closing behind him as you sobbed in your bed that night. Ever since then, you haven't gotten any sleep at all. That was six months ago though. You have been okay since. At least that was what you thought until you had walked by a coffee shop one day and the sight of Joe had given you that negative feeling in your stomach again. He was with another girl, kissing her softly as they waited in line inside. You stood there outside by the window as you felt yourself breaking down again.
You couldn’t breathe. 
You couldn’t move. 
You shouldn’t be here. 
You thought that the feelings were gone. You thought the hurt that Joe had caused you was enough for you to hate him, but you were wrong. You still loved him. Perhaps, you always will. He was always going to be a part of you no matter what but seeing him with another girl made you face the fact that you needed to also move on with your life. You needed to stop dwelling on him. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 
So, that was what you did. You worked on yourself for weeks and weeks turned into months and months turned into a year. You started going out again with your friends. You started smiling little by little again, and you finally had brought courage to yourself into stepping into that kitchen again. The mark on the wall where the bowl had shattered that night was still there. You ran your fingers through it, but you felt okay now. You didn’t feel anything. You had told yourself to fix that hole on the wall and maybe re-decorate the kitchen and so, you did. It was almost like the more you had fixed that kitchen, the more you were fixing yourself too. 
You saw an ad of Joe on the internet one day, and he looked different. A good different. He looked okay. Just like you. You were okay. You have moved on. You have focused more on your career, friends, and family for a while now. Another year passed and you were more than okay. You were good. 
Two years.
Exactly two years since that night. If only you could go back in time and tell yourself that you were going to be okay, you would. Though, you wouldn’t have had it either way because it taught you lessons. It taught you new things about yourself that you never knew before. Your only hope was that Joe was okay too. Even if the relationship didn’t end well, he was still Joe. Your Joe. The Joe that you knew for four years and loved you then. The Joe that you loved.
You were walking down the streets of London one day just right after office hours when you had heard that familiar voice call your name. You froze in place as you slowly turned around and saw Joe standing there in front of you. He looked different. You couldn’t explain it, but he just looked different. He looked more mature and older.
“Hey.” You gave him a small smile.
“Hi.” He gave you a tight lipped smile as he slid his hands in his coat pockets.
“It’s… It’s been a while.” 
You didn’t know exactly how to react. You didn’t expect to ever see his face again, but you were glad that you did. Somehow, you didn’t feel that pain in your chest anymore as you looked into his brown eyes. You didn’t feel that knot in your stomach. You just felt content and relaxed. 
“Yeah, it has been.”
“How are you?” Joe asked. 
“I’m good. How are you?” Your eyes studied him. “You… You look great.”
“Thank you. I’m good. I just got back from the States. I had a movie premiere that just finished.” 
“Oh? Well, congratulations.” 
For a moment, you two just stood there, looking at each other. Both of you knew that the pain had washed away. That both of you had learned something from it. That both of you had grown from it. That maybe the two years had healed the both of you. That maybe the two years had made you both mature. 
“Listen,” Joe started. “I just want to thank you for always being so understanding and supportive of me. I truly am sorry for giving you the pain that I know you didn’t deserve.” 
It was closure.
Something both of you needed after that night. 
A small smile appeared on your face, your eyes twinkled for a moment. “It’s alright. I didn’t regret being with you.”
Joe’s lips also curved into an understanding smile. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you around.” 
Both of you walked away in opposite directions and for a minute, you stopped in your tracks and looked over your shoulder to see Joe doing the same thing. You gave each other one more smile before completely walking away. 
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna
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skogjeger · 4 months
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Connecting and Working with Deities ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 
‧₊˚.  : · •.  * • ˚   . · * ✶   : · •  *   ˚ ✵
In a previous post, I opened up about the idea of compiling a list outlining ways to establish a connection and work with deities. So here are some ideas of how you can connect with deities and or worship/work with them. Mind you, these are just suggestions, so there isn't a wrong nor right way on how you want to connect with deities. It is whatever feels comfortable and feels comfortable with the deity you are wanting to have a connection with.
𖤣𖥧˚ Research & Learn
Study Mythology: Study mythological material to understand the particular deity's background and their connections with their circle. Mythology can help understand attributes, symbols, or the history. As a note though, how a deity is predicted in mythology might not even come close to how they actually behave.
Understand Cultural Context: Learn about the cultural and historical context of the deity; how they were worshipped in the past, how others in a particular culture worked with them and showed appreciation and or admiration.
𖤣𖥧˚ Create an Altar or Sacred Space
Set Up an Altar: Create a dedicated space with images, statues, symbols, and offerings related to the deity. And if you're wanting to take a cheap approach, doing a digital altar works too!
Sacred Objects: Include items that are sacred to the deity, such as crystals, herbs, or special artifacts pertaining to that deity.
𖤣𖥧˚ Offerings
Food & Drink: Offer foods and drinks that are favorable and or were common as an offering to the deity. It can range to anything like candy, beer, wine, coffee, hot chocolate, water, meat, fruit, etc.
Incense & Candles: Light incense or candles as offerings. Bonus would be that the scent/colour correlates to the deity, but this is entirely optional.
Flowers & Other Natural Offerings: Place flowers, stones, leaves, or other natural items on your altar.
𖤣𖥧˚ Artistic Creations
Create Art: Draw, paint, sculpt, or engage in any artistic endeavor that honours and or shows appreciation for the deity.
Music & Dance: Sing, play music, make music, or dance in a way that celebrates the deity.
Writing & Poems: Write a short-story, your interactions, and or poems dedicated to that deity.
𖤣𖥧˚ Divination and Signs
Divination Tools: Use tools like tarot cards, runes, scrying, or other forms of divination to seek guidance from the deity. If you are using tarot cards, what helps is looking at the major arcana cards to see which deity it is associated to.
Look for Signs: Be open to receiving signs and messages, and or look out for anything that is consistent but out of the ordinary.
𖤣𖥧˚ Study and Practice Corresponding Disciplines
Learn Related Skills: For example, if the deity is associated with healing, study and practice healing arts. If the deity is related to death, you can do funeral donations to help the bereaved.
𖤣𖥧˚ Rituals and Ceremonies
Seasonal Celebrations: Participate in or create rituals and ceremonies that align with the deity's sacred times, such as solstices, equinoxes, or specific festivals.
Personal Rituals: Develop your own rituals that feel meaningful and appropriate for your connection with the deity.
𖤣𖥧˚ Meditation and Visualization
Meditate: Find a quiet place, clear your mind, and focus on the deity. Visualize their form, symbols, and presence. If silence doesn't do too well, you can play a song that you think would be a good representation to the deity.
Guided Imagery: Use guided meditations specifically designed for connecting with deities.
𖤣𖥧˚ Prayer and Invocation
Pray Regularly or When Needed: Establish a daily or regular practice of prayer. Speak from the heart or use traditional prayers and hymns. You can either keep your prayers formal or casual, whatever feels right and appropriate.
Invoke the Deity: Call upon the deity's presence through chants, mantras, or specific invocations. You can either do this in your mind or call out loud.
𖤣𖥧˚ Join a Community
Find Like-minded People: Join groups or communities that honour and work with the same deity. It can be through Discord, Tumblr, or wherever—online or physical.
Attend Ceremonies: Participate in communal worship, festivals and gatherings.
𖤣𖥧˚ Tips for the Practice
Respect: Always approach with respect and sincerity.
Consistency (or Flexibility): Build a regular practice to deepen your connection, and even if it's not daily, there's always a flexible approach.
Intuition: Trust your intuition and personal experiences.
Adaptability: Be open to changing your methods as you grow and learn more.
Remember, the key is to develop a relationship that feels genuine and meaningful to you in whatever means possible.
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prettymorgueboy · 1 year
Hey can u request Adrian Tepes as a father again and it’s just fluff like he takes her around the castle and they just have some sweet father daughter moments daughter reader btw ❤️😁☺️
A Day Of Leisure
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Synopsis: Reader is I’d say about 8-9, a bright cookie, you and your father are just enjoying life in the castle. she/her prns for this one!
Warning(s): Nothing! Just a small mention of being abandoned as a child for the reader.
Word Count: 1.6k
Note(s): I'm adoring how much you guys are enjoying the last one so I'm very happy to see another request for it, as always my requests are always open for anything and everything as long as it goes with my Card! 
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The manor was quite, the morning dew coated the windows, leaving the outside world hidden from the child's bedroom, She who had just rosen from her slumber, tired eyes and small yawns escaping her lips as the room was dimly lit, the sun slowly sinking upon the curtains, letting the floor be coated in a warm haze. Every morning was like this, the child running down the staircase with her nightgown fluttering with the force of the air as she sprinted down the stairs, twisting around every corner, practically bouncing off the walls as she rushed endlessly to her fathers room.
Alucard was always awake before them, ready to start the day before his daughter; yet he waited. He would hear her little feet patter against the wooden floors of the castle, chuckling quietly as he always pretended to be asleep the moment she opened the door before jumping into his bed. Some days she would doze back off in his care, but on days like this she jumped headfirst into his chest.
“Oof! Little lady, what a brute way to awaken your father!” The Man would shoot a playful glare at her which was always met with the brightest grin she could manage, Mornings were always warm, As if nothing could go wrong in the day before the sun would signal that it was noon. 
“I woke up first again papa! That means we get to work on the flowers again!” Alucard smiled at his daughter, stroking her hair while nodding. He had always promised if she woke up earlier than him then she could choose the chore for the day, and she almost always chose to do garden work, or work outside. This was something they enjoyed to do together, something simple in the warm sun, Alucard didn't mind the sun, compared to others it had no ill effect on him but truth be told It did make him a bit more sluggish towards the end of the day, but perhaps that was himself who conditioned that sort of thought.
“Garden work again (y/n)? I thought we agreed the attic needed dusting.” He teased the small child, but she stood proudly before jumping off the bed in a huff, twirling around to grab her fathers hand and lift him from the confinement of his comforter. 
“You said I could choose! You lost!”
“Yes yes of course dear, now, we need to get you some food before we begin, work in the sun is always tasking on you.” He smiled softly, changing into a comfortable but far more appropriate outfit to start the day, for neither of them could work in nightgowns. He handed her the change of clothes and she rushed off to change. Her footsteps echoing through the walls as she raced back, he left his room and made way to the kitchen on the ground floor. 
“Fruits, and some toast should be good, I’ll make us an early lunch anyways since we will be outside..” He murmured quietly to himself as he continued to prep the fruits. The gas stove warmed the pan and right as he began to place the bread onto it with a dash of butter the young girl ran back in.
“Papa!” She smiled widely and took it upon herself to grab the pitcher of water off of the counter, carefully tipping it into two different crystal glasses. They once had a dining room table they shared in the dining room itself. Ever since she had grown past the age of four they both agreed they preferred to eat closer, so they had a set of chairs sat at the counter by the window, which was their ‘new’ table. They only used the dining table when closer friends and family came over; which is rare.
“Darling, do you want to plant the rose bushes? Or perhaps we can work on the stone structure in the front part? As long as you don't make me do it all again.” The small girl giggled at her father before the plate was placed in front of her, he sighed as he stared at her hair, It was a mess and tangled beyond belief.
“You didn't brush your hair after your bath did you?” He shook his head, stifling a small chuckle and she turned back around with full cheeks, stuffed with the mix of sliced fruit with a dash of honey.
“Nwo… Forgwot” She spoke before he was able to cover her mouth which was full of food.
“Don't speak with a mouth full of food little one..” She swallowed quickly and puffed her cheeks slightly, her eyebrows furrowing before he pulled her hair back to rest off the back of her shoulder before grabbing a comb and ribbon. 
“Eat up (y/n), I'll comb through the knots, we don't want the dirt getting into your pretty hair or we will have to spend twice as long washing it all out.” His fingers slowly separated strands, making sure to take the comb carefully, unraveling them in ways that would hurt the least. She ate quietly before putting a strawberry on her fork and pointing it in the direction of her father who looked over and smiled before taking a bite of the strawberry.
“Thank you little one, Do you want your hair braided? It’s a bit windy outside and I don't want you to get overwhelmed with your hair loose or in a tail.”
“Can I have a braid? But I want papa to have a braid too.” His eyes widened a bit, surprised to see the young girl so eager to share a hairstyle with him, so he smiled and nodded. “Yes I suppose so.”
He slowly braided the hair, making sure It was secure, wanting it to last until they were done with outside work. She tends to get distracted by the critters out and about and chases them around. 
“Can I try to braid yours papa?” She turned around and looked genuine, seemingly wanting to give her father a hand with the workload, he sat for a moment, pondering the question as he tied the ribbon around the ends of her hair, tucking any loose pieces behind her ear. He turned his chair to her, sitting with his back facing his daughter.
“Go ahead little one, first you take three strands and slowly weave them together, think of it almost like making a basket like we did when Uncle Trevor visited us.” She seemed excited, wishing nothing more but to make her fathers hair look as pretty as he did for hers. She had done ponytails or simply brushed it and decorated it with a few clips in her jewelry box. 
It was small moments like this that made Alucard wonder how he ever had the chance to have this little girl as his daughter, how anyone could look at his (y/n) and just drop her off in a box in the forest, left to be a meal by other monsters that lurked within them. He had felt lucky to be her father, to have such a smart child, such a caring and sweet one, albeit a handful from time to time, he never stopped being proud to be her father.
“I'm done! You look pretty too now!” he smiled softly, pulling the braid over his shoulder; examining her work. She had done wonderfully, sure there were a few strands a bit loose but It didn't bother him one bit when he saw how happy she was, and for a moment he felt like his mother. He saw his own once childish smile in his daughters, and he felt his mothers presence as he looked softly at her. Nothing but adoration and pride shone in his thoughts as she looked so unbelievably gleeful at his hair.
“It looks gorgeous little one, thank you. You should have told your father you could braid so beautifully, I'll make you braid out pie crust from now on!” He chuckled and picked her up, enjoying the warmth at that moment. She rested on his hip as they both spun in the kitchen, her giggles filled the room before he dipped her, pretending to drop her before catching her and placing her down onto the floor.
“Well, are we planting the roses or fixing the stones?” They stared for a moment but then she looked out the window.
“Roses, But you have to dig the holes!” She ran off, leaving her father to trail behind, smiling softly at how happy he was, even if his family was small, It was his and he wouldn't ever change it.
Ahhhhh I love writing these so much… Biggest comfort in the world is writing my cc as fathers, they make me so happy and dear god Alucard my beloved man. As always I hope you all enjoyed this, I had planned to do a bit more, though I thought it was a sweet ending seeing them softly bicker as you run off. 
Stay healthy, happy, and hydrated everyone!<3
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hezzabeth · 10 months
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Everyone who lived on Baker Street had come out from the fog to eat Nanni’s dinner. This made perfect sense; Nanni was one of the few people in the park who knew how to cook meals using ingredients and an oven.
When the park was still open, Revati's home was a coffee shop called the “Mad Hatter Teaparty.” The walls were painted in eye-watering clashing shades of neon pink and green. The light fixtures hanging from the ceiling were all giant velvet top hats. The booths were giant flower teacups with tiny chairs and tables inside.
"Was there some sort of drug in the pineapple?" Revati heard Brigadeiro ask. Revati just ignored him and instead walked past each of the booths, collecting tributes; nobody ate Nanni’s for free.
The Paprikas sat in the blue and gold teacup, their neon orange hair clashing with the paint. The Paprikas were two brothers and their sister who had found themselves trapped in the park as children. Their parents had been vaporized by a towel-warming rack. Now they were in their mid-twenties and worked for Revati as hired muscle for free dinners.
"Who's the new guy? He's actually clean and good-looking," the youngest brother Brie asked Revati. "His name is Brigadeiro Bun; he's an off-world tourist who stupidly went to the wasteland," Revati said. "I was trying to find crystal roses," Brigadeiro smiled helpfully.
"Bridgadeiro huh? So your parents were Goup worshippers then?" The sister, Juniper, asked curiously. Revati vaguely knew that Goupism was a popular religion on other colonies. Over a thousand years ago, there was once a woman who apparently traveled the earth gathering the best health practices needed to be “happy.” "A white woman, and she stole most of her ideas from our eastern religions," Amma, who was a staunch atheist, had snapped with annoyance when Revati asked her to explain the Paprika siblings' religion. Still, despite her thievery, at some point, she had become a god. They firmly believed in things such as “psychic vampires” and “color-balancing therapy.” They also all had peculiar food-related names, mainly because the goddess had named her daughter Apple.
"Yes, they were. They insisted on coming here for a Wellness Day holiday," the eldest brother, Croquette, growled. "I miss mama's Wellness Day Avocado and chocolate cookies," Juniper sighed sadly. "It's not the same, but here I have a couple of factory-made ones in my pocket," Brigadeiro said, crawling into the booth. The Paprika siblings gasped with astonishment as he pulled a packet of cookies wrapped in gold paper out of his jumpsuit's gigantic pocket. "They got a bit crushed when I was kidnapped, but they're still good," he said, opening the package and placing it on the table. The Paprika siblings stared at the cookies, their mouths slack with shock. Croquette slowly shook his head, completely snatched the package, and began to serve the crushed crumbs amongst his siblings. "You need to keep this one forever," Juniper said firmly, and Revati just shook her head, moving onto the next table.
The next table consisted of the elderly Gupta couple. "You adopted another kid? If you want more water for him, we want more dried apples," Mrs. Gupta said, a small scowl on her wizened face. It was Mr. Gupta who had figured out how to gather and purify water from the atmosphere. It was Mrs. Gupta who managed and recorded all the water they collected, rolling it out like a tyrannical dictator. "Fine, one extra package of dried apples per week," Revati said before swishing grandly onwards.
Amma was sitting in the pink cup, her new partner Dusk Brisbane. Dusk Brisbane was a teacher from Titan, who, along with their students on a field trip, found themselves stuck in the park. Like all people from Titan, Dusk had inherited the ability to rapidly change biological genders. Titan had also inherited a name that meant a time of day and a gender. Dusk’s remaining students were sitting with Dityaa on a large cat-shaped sofa. When the invasion began, there were twenty-three of them. Now there were only five nineteen-year-olds left. Dityaa was holding court over all of them, sitting on a couch shaped like a giant grinning beast. "Your sister said you had an interesting night," Amma remarked as Revati sat down next to her. Nanni had laid out a plate of aloo mushroom curry. Revati picked up a piece of hardtack and dipped it into the sauce, refusing to talk. "So you're not even going to bother telling your side of the story?" Amma asked as Revati swallowed. Nanni always moaned that her cooking was so much better before the war. Years ago, Nanni worked in the city as a professional meal prepper for wealthy families that wanted to eat real organic food.
Nanni was proud of her ability to create one hundred percent sand-free meals using the most exotic ingredients. Nanni would bemoan to everyone that her meals were now a mess, that her spices were too basic, and that she never had enough salt. Revati, however, who had never tried anything else, thought her food was delicious. "I'm hungry! Besides, what's the point in telling my side? I'm sure Dityaa's story was more enthralling," Revati replied. "Every story needs both sides and the truth," Dusk remarked. As they spoke, their features shifted from a feminine middle-aged woman's face to a man's face with a beard. "You're not my creative writing teacher, and you're not my parent," Revati pointed out.
Revati knew deep down she didn’t dislike Dusk; Dusk was a perfectly decent person. Not to mention Amma had been so lonely until Dusk offered to help her teach the feral children a year ago. Still, it was a lot to get used to.
“True, but your mother did ask you a question, and I think she deserves an answer," Dusk replied in that same mild diplomatic voice. Revati deliberately ate another mouthful of curry before wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her dress. "Dityaa got attacked by some lady at the ball; the chutiya had A.I. eye implants! They must have switched on somehow," Revati explained. "Mind your mouth, Revati! There will be no swearing at the dinner table," Amma scolded her. "Her implants switched on? That's so odd; one of my students had AI tastebuds, but they stopped working the second we walked into the park," Dusk remarked, their face shifting back into a woman's as they glanced at one of their students. The student in question, Basil Paris, was sitting next to Dityaa, licking their hand. Dusk was right; in order to create true "historical authenticity," the park was surrounded by massive mirrors. The volcanic Martian glass blocked the "AI" life stream. "And what did you do?" Amma asked in a quiet, nervous voice. "I threw a glass of vodka at her face, and her eyes fried up," Revati replied.
"Can you take the children's sign language lesson tomorrow morning? I need to check the mirrors around the walls," Amma said to Dusk.
"Of course," Dusk replied, and Revati rolled her eyes.
"You don't need to do anything, Amma! I'm the elected leader of Baker Street! This is my job," Revati said firmly.
"You're only seventeen!" Amma protested.
"Almost everyone voted for me! Well, apart from Mrs. Gupta, who voted for herself," Revati said, and mother sighed.
"Fine! But you're not going to leave well after the sun rises, and you're not taking Cora and Laila! You can take Vivienne and Jay Jr.," Mother replied firmly.
Nine minutes past midnight.
Revati's eyes snapped open in the blue-glowing darkness. Slowly, she sat up, taking in the familiar shapes of the kitchen's walk-in freezer. Dityaa was sleeping next to her on the souvenir pillows Amma had sewn together into a makeshift bed. In the corner, the feral children slept together in a nest made of old soft toys. Nanni was snoring on one of the plastic shelves that had long ago stored ice cream. Amma insisted on them all sleeping behind the massive metal doors. To anyone who lived near any other planet, it would have been freezing, but Martians had evolved to withstand the cold.
Revati stood up and glanced down at Dityaa. Dityaa had worn her new dress to bed, ignoring the stains. The blood on her dress looked shiny black, her face shadowy blue. She looked just like Princess Savitri in the family book of fairy tales. Revati, on the other hand, had changed into her pajamas, which consisted of a long-sleeved men's shirt three sizes too big. The red fabric hung to her knees, and the words "Olde Landon Halloweenfest 3544" had been printed across the front. Revati picked up her blanket, draping it around her shoulders. Sleep wasn't going to return any time soon. Revati reached underneath her part of the mattress until she found the stories.
Outside the metal doors, Revati could hear distant voices, and carefully she slid the door open. Amma and Dusk were sitting together on the cat-shaped couch, murmuring to each other over tea.
"I don't see how they could know..." Amma began, and then she trailed off, spotting Revati.
"Insomnia again?" She asked gently, and Revati nodded, walking past the two of them.
"If you're going up to the greenhouse, be quiet; I made a bed for the boy up there," Mother replied.
"Really, Amma? You couldn't give him a bed?" Revati asked, opening the front door.
"He would freeze in the fridge, and he said he liked plants," Mother replied.
Outside, the fog was still shifting, and Revati moved ten spaces to the right.
"Evening, boss," Juniper's voice called, and she suddenly appeared holding a jar filled with glowing mushrooms.
"Any problems?" Revati asked.
"Nope, it's been a pretty quiet night!" Juniper said.
"Good, make sure your brother takes over your shift! We don't want you fainting from sleep deprivation again," Revati replied.
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