#cursed? absolutely but i cant quite put my finger on why
saulbaby · 2 years
Ok.....lawkarian scenarios.....
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blinder-secrets · 3 years
Just As He Was
john x reader, 2500 words, wartime angst with a happy ending
prompt: ‘Don’t ever forget me. Please.’
a/n: this is a gender neutral reader fic but there is brief mention of the idea of having children (if you cant have kids, just know that i think john would absolutely adopt and then imprint his terrible habits onto any child he raises)
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On the day John left you had followed him to the station. He wasn’t meant for France, not right away, they were sending him south first, to train in the camps there. Him and the rest of them, all three Shelby boys in tow. He had asked you to wave him off, said you being there would give him all the courage he needed, not that he was lacking any. He was like a bull. Steaming from the nostrils, kicking his feet back in the dirt.
‘You know,’ you’d told him, ‘you aren’t supposed to be looking forward to this.’
‘Why not? We’re only gonna be in the towns, or under the fucking mud if they let us.’ He’d swung his arm around Arthur, who was hardly animated himself. ‘Between us we could win this thing, put the Huns to bed, right Arthur?’
‘Right, John-boy.’
You didn’t believe him any more than Arthur did. But that’s just how John was, all energy, all hope. Laughing away the uncertainty until you doubted he had any to start with. For a time, you thought you’d never see that side of him again. 
When the others had boarded the train, John held back, saved the soft part of his goodbye for just you. You’d been dating long enough that you’d have been annoyed if he didn’t. As far as you were concerned, you deserved a whole day of farewells from him.
‘Now, don’t miss me too much,’ he’d said, putting his arms around you. 
‘Oh, I won’t.’ You smiled, and pushed the lump back down your throat. ‘If you’d had married me though, maybe then…’
‘Right, don’t start,’ he’d scoffed, joking again. ‘Will you ever stop going on about that?’
‘Not ’til there’s a ring on my finger, John.’
‘We’re too young for it, can’t have a family when we’ve barely seen the world.’
‘But you do want to? With me?’
He kissed you instead of answering, let his hands come up to cup your chin and hold you still. Again, you had thought, kiss me again and again until you miss your train. ‘You know I do,’ he said, his face barely an inch from yours. ‘No-one else I’d curse with my fucking kids.’
‘No-one else who could handle them,’ you agreed, smiling because he always got you like that. Had you grinning without meaning to. It would have lingered longer, but then his expression switched so suddenly, that you had no choice but to frown in response. It was like the youth dropped out of him, all in one go. Scattered onto the platform beneath and left just him, somber and waiting, with your head in his hands. 
‘Don’t ever forget me,’ he said, very seriously. ‘Please.’
‘John…’ You tried to pull away, to wave off his sincerity, but his hold on your face stayed exactly where it was. His palms even pushed your lips into a pout. 
‘No, I’m serious, alright? I can’t go unless you promise.’
‘Then maybe I shouldn’t say anything,’ you mumbled. Should’ve kept your mouth shut just to keep him there. 
‘Please,’ he said again, drawn out like a child. ‘Promise you’ll remember me, even if I’m gone ’til bloody Christmas.’
‘Course I will,’ you said. ‘Course I will, you idiot.’ 
The grin broke across his cheeks like lightening. You laughed, unable to smile fully under his hold, and then he kissed you again; clumsily, messily, all over the place with excitement and nerves and no shame at all for the people standing nearby. 
‘I’ll be right here waiting for you to come back,’ you promised. 
And you were. You were there for his visits. For his Christmas leave, for his scheduled four days at home. For his trip in the springtime. You were there waiting to greet him, whenever they sent him back, and every time you met someone that didn’t quite match. Someone that wasn’t John as you knew him to be, almost, though not really, but he had asked you to remember him, to remember that John, so you tried to. It had made it better. Sometimes. It made the John France had sent you easier to forget, kept the one you loved cemented in your brain instead. 
‘Do they feed you well?’ you’d asked him once, on his leave in the second year. He looked slimmer, but it was hard to tell under the uniform, and you never saw him without it. You were still living with your parents at the time.
‘What? No, I dunno. Don’t have much time to be judging the food.’
‘Well, what’s it like?’ 
‘What’s it like?’ he’d said. ‘What’s it like? God, when did you start asking so many fuckin’ questions?’
But the John you remembered loved your questions, loved answering them because he loved to talk, loved to tell you about everything and anything. The one that came home that time, didn’t. He didn’t like talking at all. So you stopped asking, and waved him away when he left again, hoping next time he’d be a little bit more like himself.
Eventually though, he stopped coming. The time between visits grew longer and longer until you’d forgotten how many months it’d been. You had letters still, but he said whenever they gave them time away, breaks from the tunnels they were digging, they were too tired to even think about coming home. Said they spent their days in the nearest village, bathing and lying under the peach trees. You didn’t mind as much as you thought you would. After all, that was a very John thing to do, finding joy in the hard-times. You just hoped he made the men laugh with him. If it wasn’t you, it could at least be them.
They’re sending them home now. One by one, trickling soldiers into the country. A week ago, the Brown’s boy arrived back, but his dad had fallen ill while he was away, so you’d offered to help settle him in again. To cook extra portions for them both and keep the house tidy. They live next-door to your parents, so it’s hardly been an effort. In fact, you like having something to do, it stops you from waiting on the days to pass. John’s last letter had given you a date, so that’s what you’d been doing. Staring at the calendar and waiting.
Your new responsibilities, however, have perhaps been too much of a distraction. You’re in the kitchen prepping meals when you realise the mistake.  
‘When’re you off to see him, then?’ your mum asks, speaking over her shoulder. Her knife goes down and up again, through the bone in one clean cut. ‘Is he here for supper?’
‘Who?’ You flick a scrap of peel from the potato you’re working on. 'John?’
She nods. ‘Should be any time now, right?’
‘He’s not back until Friday.’
She turns fully, aiming her baffled expression at you. ‘It is Friday, love.’
‘It is?’ Fuck, it is. You check the clock behind her head. It’s long past noon, the morning’s gone and forgotten. He could be half-way home by now, maybe even settled and drinking tea with Polly. You’re so late he’ll have given up on you all together. ‘I have to go,’ you tell her, already moving for your bag, your coat. Your shoes in the hall. ‘Don’t wait for me, I can eat when I’m home.’
‘Bring him with you,’ she calls back, ‘it isn’t just you that’s missed him, you know?’
You’re at Polly’s so quickly it feels as if you haven’t made the journey at all. Feels like you fell off your own step and woke up here, panting and knocking wildly at the door. Though, you suppose it’s not just Polly’s anymore, it’s theirs again, the Shelby’s. The house is full as it should be. 
She doesn’t say much when she answers. Her face is red like she’s been crying, kohl smudged and leaking from her eyes, but she’s smiling still. Glowing like you expected her to be. She tilts her head, gesturing behind her. ‘He’s upstairs,’ she says, ‘go on.’ So you do. You fly through the house as quickly as you had done through the streets. Everything’s in such a blur, all you can do is keep moving. The quicker you go, the less time you have to think. 
Will it be him, you wonder on the stairs, will you recognise him this time? You take another step before dwelling on it.
The door to his room is open, wide enough that you can see in before you’re even at the doorway. He’s got his back to you, his focus on the items laid out on his bed, his shoulder blades visible through the material. There’s no uniform hiding him this time. He’s in a cotton shirt, a pair of trousers, and white socks, no boots. Just socks like a half-dressed teenager. 
‘John,’ the name drops out of you as you approach, stealing his attention.
He turns, recognising you instantly.
‘Thought you were gonna be waitin’ for me?’ he asks, barely finishing before you’re upon him, throwing yourself into him like you’ve wanted to for months. He laughs, more surprised than anything, and then tightens the hug, squeezing you until your feet are pulled up from the floor.
‘I’m sorry,’ you say into his shoulder, ‘I was going to be there.’
He takes a deep breath, nose pressed into your hair. He hasn’t heard you. ‘I’ve missed that,’ he laughs, before inhaling again, ‘never thought I’d miss the smell of your hair so fucking much.’
You’re set down again, slow and awkward against his torso. Now you have a chance to look at him, his features, his fresh-shaved face. He looks as he had the day he left, minus a few pounds. He’s so himself, so John, that for a minute you consider the possibility that you’d imagined all the other Johns. That the grumpy, sulking ones weren’t him at all. How could he be back to how he was? How could he go to war and return at the end of it, even more himself than he’d been before?
‘What?’ he asks, fidgeting under your stare. ‘I don’t look that bad, do I?’
‘No, no.’ You squeeze his biceps. ‘You’re just right.’
That suits him, the smile returns. ‘Thought about you all the way back, y’know. Couldn’t stop imagining this.’
You frown. ‘But aren’t you mad?’
‘Mad? What the fuck would I be mad at you for? I haven’t been this happy in months.’
‘I was worried you’d think I’d forgotten you,’ you explain, unable to meet his gaze. ‘And I didn’t, I just got the days mixed up. I’ve been waiting since I heard you were coming home, but yesterday I had to—‘
‘Oi,’ he interrupts, thumb lifting your chin, ‘do I look annoyed?’
You shake your head.
‘Cause I’m not. I’m just happy to see you, yeah? So no more fucking worrying about it.’ He kisses you, just a short peck, and then another, and another, and then one to the end of your nose. ‘And I got you something,’ he says, pulling away finally. ‘Close your eyes.’
‘What? Got me what?’ He’d been to France, to war. When did he have time to get you anything at all?
‘Go on, close them.’
You sigh. ‘Okay.’ 
You feel him take your wrist, then your hand. Feel his rough fingers peel yours out until they’re flat, waiting to be filled. Then a small box arrives in your palm. Lighter than paper, small enough to be nothing at all. 
‘You can look now,’ he instructs, sounding as giddy as he did before he went away. You don’t wait to see why.
‘Oh my god, John.’ A ring. A delicate ring, gold and twisting with detail that seems impossibly small. ‘Where did you get this?’
He laughs, for a second you think you see the glint of something in his eyes. Wet, like he was almost going to cry, but then he laughs again and it’s gone. ‘That’s what you’re asking me? Where I got it from?’
‘I mean…’ your words fail you, what else could you say? You stare back at the ring like it might vanish if you leave it unobserved for long enough.
He elbows you. ‘You gonna give me an answer, or what?’
‘We haven’t seen the world yet,’ you say quietly, thinking aloud, letting your brain catch up with it all. He had been away so long you’d assumed that it’d be another year, at least, until you could even mention the idea. ‘Isn’t that what you said?’
His chin drops a fraction. ‘Yeah, well, I’ve seen enough of it to know I should marry you before anything else.’ 
‘Then you should ask me properly,’ you decide, unable to stop the edges of your mouth from lifting. ‘Before the moment passes.’
‘Right.’ He nods, dropping almost instantly. One knee bent, one set on the ground. He takes the ring-box back and holds it up to you proudly, his cheeks red and ridiculous alongside his serious expression. ‘Will you marry me, then? Will you marry a dumb, loved-up bastard, like me?’ 
He’s definitely tearing up this time. The wet builds along his lashes and doesn’t leave.
You set your jaw, attempting to stop yourself from grinning and failing miserably. It’s exactly as you’d imagined it would be, even after such a long wait.
‘C’mon,’ he moans, gesturing with the ring, ‘I’m not asking again.’
‘Yes, John. Yes, I will.’
‘Bout time, and all.’ He stands, taking you in his arms before he can even finish telling you to ‘fucking come here’. 
He kisses you heavily, passionate like he’d saved up all the ones you’d missed, stored them away until right now. You melt into him, kissing back with the ones you’d saved too. When you pull apart, his lips are red, swollen from the weight of them. He looks as drunk as you feel, high from the taste of you.
‘Now can we go to the Garrison so I can show you off?’ he asks, panting slightly.
You scoff, feeling your cheeks warm in embarrassment. It’s the good kind though, the kind you’d missed, the heat from feeling too spoiled, too readily doted upon. He has a knack for adoring you like it’s natural. Like doing so is the obvious way for him to be. ‘Alright, but you owe me about a hundred drinks.’
‘Make it a hundred and one,’ he adds, ‘to celebrate.’
‘Wait,’ you remember, stopping him mid-way, ‘we can’t.’ You wish you didn’t have to ask it of him. Something so childish, so mundane and silly to a man who’d seen what John has. 
‘Oh? Why not?’
‘My mum,’ you explain, ‘she wants you to go see her. Said she missed you like I have.’
He smiles, looking smug about it. Cocky like he always has been. ‘Well, can you blame her?’
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Flirting, Teasing, Tension- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Kody: Requests are open and all that good shiz. Enjoy this story my dudes.
   Warning: Cursing, Sexual themes, touchy touchy. Draco being mhm hawt and you being a badass.
   House: Slytherin
   Summary: Draco has been flirting with you relentlessly, but when Pansy gives you advice you give him a taste of his own medicine and then some and he cant handle it, neither can you too.
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   You sighed and continue to scribble down notes, trying to ignore the Slytherin boy failing at getting your attention. “Psst L/n” he says in a low whisper. You ignore him again, hearing him groan. You think that’s the end of it, but when a paper swan lands on your desk, you knew it was him. You place your quill down next to your parchment and begin to unfold the swan. 
   As you undo the last fold, you look at the words and read them in your head ‘You look ravishing in that skirt today, but it would look better on my dorm room floor’ you let out a bitter chuckle. This guy just doesn’t quit. You turn in your chair to see Draco with his famous smirk plastered on his face. You lift the note and give him a innocent smile. 
   A spark of hope lights in his eyes before you rip it in half in front of him and flip him off, then it dies out. Leaving “What a git” you mumble and pick up your quill once more. You could hear his friends laughing at him abit, which was kinda funny.
   Sitting down next to Pansy you groaned “He’s staring at me, isn’t he?” you questioned the brown haired girl
   She peeks over your shoulder to see the Slytherin boy indeed smirking at you. “Yeah he is, what a creep” Pansy sneers before facing you again. “He’s still flirting with you right?”
   You give her a nod as you take a bite of your food “I have an idea, but it might cost you your dignity” Pansy begins, turning your attention towards her “Flirt with him back”
   You choke on your food and let out a cough “No, definitely not. Are you mental Pansy?” you asked as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
   Pansy rolls her eyes at your comment “Think about it, flirt with him as much as he does to the point where he is so annoyed with it to. A taste of his own medicine if you will” she says proudly. 
   You lean back in your seat and smirk thinking about it, it would stop him from his constant nagging. “Alright, i’ll do it”
   Free periods were one of your favorites, sitting down and reading a nice book was always a fun way to pass the time. You’d like to read in the courtyard while sitting on a bench. The fresh air was nice and calming today so you might as well right?
   When you heard laugh, not just any laugh mind you. The laugh of a a stuck up rich boy, you knew there be trouble. Keeping your eyes at your book, you continued to the read the words as footsteps approached you. “Ah Y/n, lovely to see you today. You look absolutely beautiful” 
   You lower your book. What? No sexual remark? Was this even Draco Malfoy you were looking at? Since he was being nice you gave him a nice answer for now. “Why thank you, how’s your day so far?” you asked. Draco shrugged and took a seat next to you.
   “Better now. I get to sit next to you in a really short skirt, your legs are really sexy Y/n” Draco leans in and you feel his breath fanning your face. Well that didn’t last very long, did it? You feel anger boiling inside you, but remember what Pansy had told you. 
   You muster up all the seductress in you that you could and close the boo in your lap. You turn your head and grab his tie, pulling him only centimeters from your face, you hear him inhale sharply which makes you smirk. A spark igniting in your chest. “Thank you, but wouldn’t they look so much better wrapped around your waste as you hold me against a wall”
   You watch as Draco’s face turns into one of shock at your words and his eyes trail down to your lips then back to your E/c eyes. He leans in to what you assumed to kiss you, but you put a finger over his mouth “Aw, no” you laugh softly and let go of him, standing up and collecting your things. You leave, purposely swaying your hips as you walked.
   As you wrote the last line of your essay you heard someone come through the portrait, but you didn’t pay much mind to it as you placed your essay in the folder, then the folder in your bag. As you grab your textbook so you can shove them in as well you hear a whistle from behind you, turning around you see Draco.
   He eyes you up and down and takes a look at your outfit. “Well well, look what we have here. You in a even tinier skirt.” He begins and sits next to you on the sofa. he places a hand on your thigh and feels the spiderweb stockings under his hand, he starts to trail his hand dangerously up which makes your stomach do flips.
   You try to ignore the feeling in your chest and remember to not let him get to you, but you get to him. You grab his hand and take it off, you throw a leg over his lap and straddle him. Feeling the same spark you did the first time you teased him. Draco’s eyes widened as he saw you on top of him, a feeling of arousal coursing through him. 
   “You must really be turned on by tiny skirts, Malfoy” You start, shifting your hips in his lap so you could lean in, a small groan falling from his lips “I can feel you getting hard under me” You whisper as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of his face. You smirk feeling satisfied and hop off his lap, scooping your bag in your arms. 
   You give Draco a small wink as your eyes go down to his pants “Might want to handle that” You say and point to the obvious bulge in his pants before walking out of the common room and down the hall to your dorms.
   “You did what?!” Pansy yelled, causing a few Slytherins to look at the both of you weirdly. You laugh at your friend. It had been two weeks since you started your teasing with Draco and you had completely broken him down to the point where he blushed whenever he looked at you.
   “I’m just doing what you asked” You said back, laughing as you took a bite from your muffin, placing it down on your plate.
   Pansy sighs as she rubs her temples with her hands “I told you to flirt with the man, not grind on him and feel him up!” She snaps in a hushed tone. You shakes your head and lean into the table.
   “It’s fine i know what i’m doing, plus his reactions are the best” You laugh quietly and watch Pansy’s face twist into one of curiosity and you raise a brow “What?” you ask.
   Pansy crosses his arms “What do you feel when you tease and flirt with Draco?” she asked. You open your mouth to speak but she holds her hand up “Just answer”
   You sigh, rolling your eyes “Okay, well when i flirt with Draco, i feel like a spark i guess. Its exhilarating and makes me want him to hold you a grab at me all over and on the rare times he can back it makes me melt. Makes me want to give in...oh shit” You run a hand through your hair, eyes widening.
   Pansy nods “You like him or in short terms want to shag him-” She says and you cover her mouth shaking your head.
   “Not another word”
   Pansy takes your hand off and laughs “Both of you are clearly attracted to each other so go for it” she shrugs and picks up her cup, taking a sip of her drink.
   “You say that as if it’s so easy to go up to him and ask that handsome demon to rip my clothes off-” You start before its Pansy to cover your mouth this time. 
   “Please, not another word” She says and removes her hand. You both stare at each other and break out in laughter.
   The next night you were in your dorm, just wearing something comfy and warm. A knock comes from your door and you place your book down on your bed and stand up, slipping on your white slippers so your feet don’t touch the cold floor, another knock comes to your door “Calm your tits, i’m coming!” 
   You walk to your door and open it, seeing a very disheveled Draco. His white hair was all ruffled and messed up, he was also wearing regular pjs. “Draco?” you ask, but he doesn’t answer and just pushed past you into your room. “Okay?” you say and shut the door.
   You cross your arms and look at Draco, watching as he looked at his hands before walking towards you “I can’t stand the way you tease me, touch me, or even breathe next to me then just leave me. Its fucking annoying” he growls, making a shiver run up your spine.
   Your frozen as he pushes against the wall, both of his hands slam next the wall by your head “I can’t even sleep without thinking about you and the sight of you sitting on my lap i-” Draco stopped himself, but he had already said to much. You could see the needy look in his eyes.
   “It was only to get you to stop flirting with me, then i guess i liked the way you reacted” You spoke, making Draco look you in the eyes which made your heart thump widely. “Then the tension grew”
   Draco nods “Yeah tension” he repeats before his eyes trail down to your lips, looking at you expectantly and you just nod slowly. Without hesitation  he slams his lips on yours, the feeling sending sparks throughout both you and Draco. His hands move to cup the back of your thighs, pulling away from your mouth for a moment “Jump”
   Who were you to deny the literal god in front of you right? So you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist, he squeezed your thighs making you gasp. Using the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You both kissed roughly and passionately, desperately even. Grabbing onto each others clothes in a lustful way.
   The night was filled with a passion like no other and would certainly not be the last, the way he touched you was like no other and would be engraved into your mind for the rest of your days.
   Your eyes flutter open as you are face to face with a sleepy Slytherin boy, you smile as memories from the night before flood back into your mind like a tidal wave. You didn’t get long to relive them in your head when your door creaks open, you sit up quickly to see Pansy, you quickly put a finger to your lips gesturing for her to be quiet.
   Pansy gasps quietly and point to the both of you “I can’t believe you two actually liked, you know. Fucked” she said making you flush red and waves your hands.
   “Go, get out” 
   The brown haired girl laughed and blew you a kiss before shutting the door. You hear Draco mumble and you turn to face him. He looks at you and gives you a smile “What are you doing sitting up? Lay down and cuddle me” he says like a baby and you laugh before laying back down. 
   Wrapping an arm around you he pulls you flush against his chest and presses a sweet kiss to your forehead. Both of you went back to sleep quickly in each others arms.
   Kody- Hey hey hey, i wrote something spicy. Crazy right? Anyway, peace p.s my requests are open
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r0ryzhxn · 3 years
nanami x injured reader
word count: 1.5k
tw: blood
(this is my first fan fiction! it definitely won’t be perfect so i apologise, but i hope you enjoy it <3)
you and nanami had just gotten back from a mission, he wasn't badly injured, he just had a few cuts and bruises, but you had multiple wounds spreading across your body. they weren't severe and it was shoko's day off, so you decided not to bother her and nanami promised to bandage you up. you told him that you were okay and you could deal with the injuries yourself, but he could so easily see through your bluff. he practically forced you into his car and drove you to his home.
you're great colleagues and worked very well together, but you have never had any kind of relationship outside of work. you were always slightly interested in him (how could you not, the man is gorgeous), and you think the feeling was mutual, but you both knew that anything you could have together was irresponsible and not suitable for work.
on the drive home he was constantly asking you if you felt okay, and made you promise to tell him if you were unwell and needed anything. he provided you with a water bottle and a blanket, which he kept neatly in the trunk of his car, among other things for certain emergencies, just in case he ever needed them, like now.
when you arrived at his apartment building he assisted you out of the car and you limped into the building. "i'm sorry y/n, the lift is broken. we're going to have to use the stairs. do you think you can do that?" nanamis asks politely.
"of course i can." you say, immediately doubting yourself. you approach the stairs, knowing you won't be able to make it all the way up, but you will at least try. i can slaughter supernatural murderous curses but cant walk up some stairs because of a couple injuries? embarrassed by this thought, you force yourself to try walk up.
nanami hasn't even started walking up the stairs. you turn around to see him with his arms crossed, examining your body. "you're stupid, you know that?" he asks with a husky voice.
"what? aren't you going to show me to your apartment?" you ask, confused.
"y/n...you're so stubborn aren't you? you need help going up the stairs, you know you can't walk all the way up alone. so why don't you just ask me already?" he says with the edges of his lips slightly upturned.
"ask you...what?" you say knowing what he wants you to say, but he wasn't lying when he said you were stubborn. after you said that, he throws his head back slightly and starts laughing, his arms still crossed.
"i'm waiting, y/n." you had never expected him to do this because he's a kind guy. but he's not the slightest bit submissive either, apparently.
finally, you realise that you'll have to say it eventually. you let out a loud sigh, "nanami. please can you...carry me up?" you say with a moody face, you're eyes trying hard not to meet his.
he smiles and licks his lips, "of course i can y/n. come here." he grabs you by the waist and your legs rest on his arm. he cradles you and you try your hardest not to make eye contact. you've never been this close to him. fuck, he's so goddamn hot, it's infuriating, you think to yourself.
once you get to his apartment door, he still doesn't set you down and holds you with just one arm. he opens the door and walks into his insanely clean apartment. he sets you onto the kitchen counter. he removes his blazer and tie, and unbuttons the top buttons of his white shirt, stained with splotches of blood. he rolls up his sleeves and brushes back his blonde hair with his fingers.
he gets out a couple of bandages and a bottle of antiseptic ointments. "i know that you have a high pain tolerance y/n, so you'll be okay with me applying antiseptic and alcohol on the wounds, right?" you give him a nod. "alright, where are the cuts?" he asks.
“i have one big one on my torso and a couple on my legs another bigger one on my thigh." after you telling him this, he hovers his hands over your shirt and looks up at you, his eyes asking for approval to remove your clothes. you nod, and he slowly takes off your shirt. his carefulness of the movement of his hands trying to not make you uncomfortable send butterflies rushing through your stomach.
“tell me if i ever make you uncomfortable, okay? if you don't want me to do this i'll take you straight to a hospital, although they'll be asking how you got these injuries, which isn't an easy situation to get out of. but promise me you'll tell me if you don't feel comfortable with this, okay y/n?"
"i promise, nanami." you say with certainty. he cleans and bandages up the wounds, and during the process of trying to heal you, he offers you food, tea, and reassures you with his words constantly. once he's done, he moves to the sink to wash his hands and removes his blood stained shirt. "thank you, nanami." you say.
"no problem. it was the least i could do, y/n." he replies with a straight face.
"could i repay you for this over dinner at my house this weekend?" you say, frightened that he might reject your offer for the date. you had been interested in him for a while, but afraid it might make things awkward at work, but now you simply don't care. he's the man you want to be with, he's absolutely perfect.
"uh, like a date?" nanami asks, his cheeks slightly painted with a light shade of pink. you couldn't tell if he was glad that you asked or not.
"if you want it to be?" you say, anxiety creeping up through your body. nanami's slightly smirks as you say this, you're flustered as ever and he can definitely tell. "id be more than happy to have dinner with you this weekend. thank you. i've actually been wanting to ask you to have dinner with me for a while you know."
"what?" you say, your face now extremely red.
"i like you y/n. i would like to date you." he says while soaking the bloody towels in hot soapy water, not even looking at you.
"wow. i didn't know that you- i would've aske- i don't know what to sa-" he pulls himself towards you and wraps his hands around your neck. he kisses you deeply. he does this for about five seconds until he pulls away from you. "i needed to shut you up. you're a mess y/n. i need to get you to bed." you're still shocked by everything that had just happened, but manage to let out some words. "uh- yeah. could you drop me off home?"
"shouldn't you stay the night? it's 2am. you can sleep i my bed, i'll be on the couch. you're too tired and frankly so am i, and you're injured. it's not good to be home alone with those injuries of yours. i'll drop you off in the morning okay?"
"okay, thank you. i'll sleep on the couch though, okay?"
"no y/n. just use my bed. god you're difficult." he says with a laugh.
as he changes the bed sheets and prepares the room for you, you sit on the side, talking and laughing about your lives. "you're a very different person from what you're like at work, nanami."
"i am? i guess i'm just more relaxed when i'm not at work. and gojo isn't here to be constantly pestering me." you and him laugh together. "alright. you need sleep." he picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist and just before he sets you down into his bed, you lean in to kiss him passionately. neither of you pull away for quite some time, indulged in a long, sweet kiss. finally he pulls away and puts you down into his bed and says goodnight, but as soon as he walks away you grab his wrist without even thinking. "isn't there room in this bed for two?" you say, smirking.
"i'm not sure. should we check?" he replies with a smug look on his face. you pull him into bed and he hugs your waist, being careful not to hurt you. you dig your head into your chest and he pulls you closer.
“thank you, y/n. he says as he pecks a kiss on your forehead.
"thank you, nanami." you reply and this time leaning in to kiss his lips slowly.
“goodnight, y/n" he says. the two of you drift off to sleep together, encased in each others warmth.
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strawberri-blonde · 4 years
Daisy - Draco Malfoy
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Summary: You have a secret admirer who gifts you your favorite flower, after three times he reveals himself but it doesn’t go as planned.
Warnings: None
Laughter filled your body as you listened to Ron go on and on about how Hermione will never feel the same as he did. “What are you all talking about?” The beautiful Gryffindor nudged your shoulder making you giggle as the boys instantly shutting their mouths to scared to get caught. Rolling your eyes at Harry’s widen eyes and Ron’s shuttering you replied.
“We were talking about how Ron absolutely sucks at potions and he is too intimate to ask you for help.” Ron gave you a look but Hermione tilted her head. “You know how boys get. Their egos are fragile.”
“Hey.” The red head threw a crumb at you while Harry laughed along with Hermione.
“I’ll help you Ron.” Seeing the blush appeared on his pale face you picked up your cup to shield the smirk that was to evident if you didn’t try to hide it.
“Pssh, if you think Granger can help you, you’re crazy Weasley.” Hearing that familiar voice that caused chills to run down your spine. You quickly brushed off the feeling as Ron spoke.
“Ah, shut it Malfoy.” You set your cup down then reached for your fork and rested it in your hands.
“Please, Draco can we have one day without you terrorizing us?” The blonde looked at you and his  stature stiffened. Luckily, no one noticed it and he was able to concentrate on the real reason he was here.
“Honestly, Y/n.” He leaned down placing his arms on the either side you, making your heart race but you kept a straight face. “I don’t know why you hangout with these mugbloods.” And just like that you rolled your eyes and turned to him making it so your lips were only inches apart.
“Because they’re my friends Draco. You should try to get some other than your minions.” Sucking in a breath as his eyes trailed down your face towards your lips. “That’s not a friendship.”
“Hmm.” The two of you stayed in that position until the boys spoke up.
“Back off Malfoy.”
“Yeah just leave her be.”
Clearing your throat, Draco leaned back and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his robe. “When you’re ready to be around your on kind you know where to find me.” You rolled your eyes again then turned back, not facing the boy then dropped your fork to pick up your cup to take a sip from it.
“Not in a million years, Draco.” The golden trio plus others that couldn’t help but listen in snickered at the platinum blonde. The pure blood only rolled his eyes and turned away but not before sparing you one more glance.
Harry and Ron carefully watched the Slytherin walked off to sit with the members of his house. “Good, he’s annoying.” The Weasley snipped before taking a bite of his food.
Letting out a sigh, you put down your cup and went to grab your fork but when you did something else was in its place. A white daisy. “What in the-”
“Y/n, did you do that?” Picking up the delicate flower you turned to Hermione and shook your head in confusion.
“No, I...” you paused to inspect the beauty, quite literally in shock. “I didn’t do it.”
Harry squinted his eyes at the flower. “Maybe you did it on accident.”
Ron nodded in agreement. “Or someone could’ve cursed your fork?” This caused all of you to turn to Ron in disbelief. “What?”
“I don’t think someone would curse my fork to turn into something like a flower.” Hermione grabbed onto your arm and let a smile cover her beautiful features.
“Maybe someone did it because they have a crush?”
Your eyebrows rose and eyes widen at this. “I don’t think so Hermione.” Feeling her hands slip off your arms you brought the flower closer towards your face and smile at it. “But I have to say I do enjoy the sweet surprise.”
The crowds roaring echoed in your ear lighting up the fire inside as you yelled with them. Hermione and you were jumping up and down from the Gryffindor team scoring a point tying with Slytherin. “Merlin, we need to win this.” Hermione nodded in agreement clenching her hat onto her curly long locks. “Go, boys!” Surprisingly enough, it seemed as though Draco somehow heard you through all the ruckus and y’all locked eyes for a brief moment. He was the first to look away and knock a Gryffindor off his broom. Smirking towards yourself you hated that you found it hot.
“What was that?” Hermione’s question startled you a bit causing you to grab at your chest in shock.
You pushed back some of your hair as you kept your eyes onto the match, not daring to look the girl in the eye. Because you knew that if she did, the girl would know your secret. “What are you talking about?” Gryffindor blocked a goal causing you to scream but Hermione crossed her arms over her chest giving you her signature look.
“Oh don’t give me that?” You sighed making a cloud surround your face because it was so cold. “You like him. You like Malfoy-” insanely you turned around and covered her mouth with your hand.
“Don’t.” Your voice came out very squinky making you wince. “Please Hermione, not right now.” The brunette squeezed your biceps in comfort and when you let go of her mouth a smile had taken over.
“Okay, but later-Y/N!” Hermione pulled you toward her as a golden snitch came flying your way. You lifted your arms up to cover your face and flinched expecting to feel pain but it never came. Instead you felt the slightest touch. Slowly you moved your hands away from your face and looked down to see a daisy. Hermione bent down and picked it up to hand it to you. “Someone just saved your live with a daisy.”
Your breath got caught in your throat as you reached out to grasp the flower. Looking at the beauty, it looked the same as the one that appeared in the dinning hall. “I guess I’m lucky.”
After that, Slytherin had won the match, with Draco scoring the winning point for his team. Of course you were upset that your house had lost but seeing Draco’s smile made it a little better.
Walking down the main hall, you took off your hat and ran your fingers through your hair still holding onto the white daisy. “Y/n.” Surprised to hear the voice you turned around quickly to look over at the platinum blonde.
“Draco? What are you doing?” His hair was pressed to his forehead from the sweat and his cheeks were flushed from all the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Surprisingly, he smelt amazing despite having sweat all over.
“I-I was wondering if you were okay.” A sweet smile danced its way onto your face as Malfoy neared.
You took a step forward making it so you were only a few distances away. “Well,” you said as you twirled the daisy in between your thumb and pointer finger. “I didn’t get knocked out by a snitch sooo I think I’m doing okay.” Draco laughed at this and stepped a little closer.
“Well that’s a good thing.”
You grinned at him before replying. “Was the great Draco Malfoy worried about little old me?” The boy dragged his tongue across the inside of his cheek to the bottom of his lower jawed under his bottom lip. His eyes never left yours making you giggle. You reached forward with the hand that held the daisy, you grabbed the collar of his green rob and pulled him until his body was touching yours. “It’s a good look on you Malfoy.” And just like that all the confidence the Slytherin had was gone. You seeing how flushed the boy was, laughed in response and pulled away from him. “Have a nice night Malfoy.”
Cursing at himself for being so weak, Draco smiled at you one last time before you turned around to turn in for the night. “You too.”
Frustrations ran high as you stared at the piece of paper going over every ingredient, every little detail trying to get this potion right but for some reason it just wasn’t working. “Fuck me.” You groaned tugging on your roots.
“Is that an invitation?”
“Merlin.” You gasped turning around in shock. The moon shined through the window causing some light into the library but the fire did most of the work. You really didn’t expect for anyone to be in the library this late but here you were. “Draco? What are you doing here?” His slider body made his way over to where you were sitting and pressed his hands against the table.
“I was terrorizing 2nd year mugbloods and I lost them. Then I saw the light in the library and got curious.” You rolled your eyes then rested your chin into your hand.
“You know curiosity killed the cat right?” Now it was Dracos time to roll his eyes as he pulled out the wooden chair to sit across from you.
“Now it’s your turn.” You both had a mini stare off as you finally let out a sigh in defeat. You reluctantly turned the book around and showed it to the Slytherin.
”I cant figure out this spell and Snape has been giving me hell.” Draco’s eyes watched as you palmed your face in distress and his heart became heavy. “I’ve read everything at least seven times and I keep messing it up. And if I don’t get it right in class Snape will quite literally have my head.”
Chuckles filled the room as Draco grabbed onto the page. “We can’t have that can we?” Reading over the potion Dragon Dung Fertilizer. You watched carefully as his eyes gazed over the ingredients and looked at the materials. “Okay put it together like you have been because I think I know what you’ve been doing wrong.” You gave him a look but he just laughed. “I did the same thing too.”
“Whatever.” You laughed out then started to put all the ingredients together then at the last step toasted dragonfly thoraxes you grabbed your wand and lightly burned them. Before you could even put them in the bowl, Draco clicked his tongue against his teeth. “What?”
“I know it says toasted but you basically have to fry them.” You gave Draco a look but he rested his hand onto his chin. “Just trust me.” Giving the boy one last look you enknighted the spell that caused fire to spew from your wand and you burned the thoraxes to a crisp. Gently you set the ingredients all together and mixed them perfectly. Once everything seemed set you picked up the dead plant that came from Harry’s and Ron’s room and applied the fertilizer to the soil. At first nothing happened but then the golden potho came alive and grew a foot long in leaves.
“Draco!” You squealed out, dashing from your seat to grab him into a hug. Draco was stund but quickly adapted placing his arms over yours. “Thank you.” You mumbled a thanks into his chest giving the boy butterflies.
“Yeah no problem.” You pulled away first to look over at the plant and that’s when Dacro noticed the daisies in your book of spells. You were trying to see who was sending them. “I have to go it’s late.”
“You’re right.” You nodded while tidying up. “I’ll see you tomorrow Draco. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” You listened to his footsteps until they disappeared then as you lifted up the pothos plant that’s when you saw it. A daisy.
“Oh it’s so Draco.” You let out a scoff as you pulled up your skirt then turned to your dorm mate. “I don’t know why you deny it so.”
“I’m denying it, Mione.” You looked back towards your mirror to brush your hair. “I’m denying it because I don’t want to get my hopes up.” Granger jumped up from her bed and walked behind you to comb your hair for you.
“So you like him.” Sharing eye contact through the reflection you nodded shamefully.
“Since second year. I know he’s mean to you and the others and I shouldn’t; but I see through all that. He’s going through pain and instead of standing up to his dad he takes it out of others.” Hermione gave you a soft smile, finishing up your hair.
“And that’s why we love you Y/n. It’s because you care for others who really don’t deserve it.” Shrugging your shoulders you turned to face the beauty. “But if you like him, Ron and Harry will get over it.” Her comment made you scoff. “It might take a while but they will.”
You stayed quiet but decided to shake the comment off. “I have to get to class.” Not giving Hermione a chance to start the conversation back up you threw on your robe and grabbed your wand, and books for class plus paper and a quill. “We’ll talk later. Promise.” You raced out the door not really looking at to where you were going. Once you turned a corner your body seemed to crash into something. “Bloody hell.”
“I’m sorry.” Looking up you were surprised to see the infamous Draco Malfoy.
“What-what are you doing on the girls dormitory floor?” You both bent down to pick up your stuff but once Draco handed you your book he grabbed your quill. He was the first to stand back up then lended a hand to help you up. Without hesitation you took it, and he helped you onto your feet. “Thanks, it’s seem quite the morning.” Draco let out a laugh and watched as your eyes landed onto your quill. Nervously, the platinum blonde grabbed his wand and pointed at the pen and whispered a spell.
Tears formed in your eyes as you saw the pink daisy. “Are you trying to joke with me Draco because it’s not funny.” Instantly the boy gapped and began to stutter making you push at his chest. “You saw the daisies or either heard about it from someone and thought that you could turn my pen into one pretending to be someone who might actually like me?” You pushed him again but Draco tried to grab your wrist but it didn’t work. “That’s low even for you Malfoy.” Quickly, you turned on your heel to flee from the boy but he grabbed your wrist.
“It was first year and you were talking with Hermione about how daisies were your favorite because that’s what your father gave your mother.” Hearing his words caused your heart to swell in your chest, and your eyes widen as you looked into his. “So I wanted you to know how I felt by giving you white daisies like your father.” He lifted the pink daisy and sighed. “I did it in secret because you make me nervous and I knew I would mess up.” You continued to stay quiet as you watched Draco put the flower behind his back and not even a second later he revealed a new set of a dozen white daisies. You smiled sweetly as you grasped them into your hands. “I like you Y/n Y/l/n.” A blush formed on both of your cheeks. “And I was wondering if you would company me on a date?”
You inched closer to the boy and stood on your tippy toes to press a kiss on his cheek. “I’m free tonight at 7.” Collecting yourself you moved past the boy to start walking down the hall. “And Malfoy don’t be late.”
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
“lip gloss kiss marks”
a/n: im making another oneshot so thank you to my broski jay ❤️
rengoku x genderneutral! black! reader
contains kissing, slapping kyo’s ass bc why not, kyo is technically up at an ungodly hour, reader doesn’t like the outside world, reader is a kyojuro ass enthusiast
modern au. f l u f f and some crack bc i cant resist
lets get it
You lazily leaned against the doorway with your arms crossed. You watched Kyojuro put on his white button, admiring how his back muscles moved as he adjusted his shirt. “I can feel your stares burning into my back, my love.” Kyojuro said with a slight chuckle as he looked at you in the mirror. You smiled. “What can I say? I’m simply a sucker for my husband’s muscles. Sue me.” You commented earning a hearty laugh from him. You lovingly watched as his eyes crinkled as his shoulders slightly shook. “Ah. You never fail to surprise me. Casanova in the sheets and a shy lil thing in the streets.” He said as he finished buttoning up his shirt. “It’s called me hating the outside world.” You sang while doing jazz hands.
“My brother is in the outside world.” He sang. “Shut up. Senjuro is my baby and I love him. Baby doesn’t count. I mean strangers and other shit like that.” You said, scrunching your nose. He hummed as he tucked his shirt into his pants. Your eyes trailed down his back to his snatched waist then to the main prize. That ass. Your man had a whole junk in the truck. Shawty was thick. You gotta tap that. You quickly shuffled forward and winded your hand back. You slapped it. He gasped and quickly held his bottom. He looked back at you with a bewildered expression and pink cheeks. “I touched the butt.” You said as you stared at your hand. “Y-Y/N! You can’t just do that!” He exclaimed. “Oh yeah? Who’s stopping me? There ain’t no law stoppin’ me from slapping the absolute dog shit out of my husband’s ass. You can’t just wear those slacks with that glorious ass and expect me not to pounce like a cat. Nu uh sir. You walk into a room and that ass walks in 5 minutes later.” You said passionately as you poked your finger into his chest. He huffed out a laugh as he glanced at your plump glossy lips. He could smell the coconut scent and he already wanted to kiss it all away.
“I walk into a room and my butt walks in 5 minutes later?” He questioned as he gently swatted your finger again. “That. shit. is. phat. It fuckin’ jiggles for fuck’s sake, Kyo! It’s mandatory! Let me get my daily dose!” You reached behind him and lightly patted his butt. He swatted your hand away. “Stop it, Y/N! I have to get ready for work.” He whined. “Need I remind you it’s only like what 5 am and you have a whole hour and a half before you even have to clock in?” You said as you adjusted your bonnet. “The early bird gets the worm! It always sets a nice example to be early and prepared for work!” He chirped before putting on his watch. “Sure, but there’s a thing called being too early which you’re doing right now. I don’t get why we couldn’t cuddle for just a few more minutes, sunflower. The bed is so warm and comfy while outside isn’t as warm and comfy.” You whined as you wrapped your arms around his waist. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around you. He cupped your face and used his thumb to gently carress your s/c cheek. “Becauseeee my sun, a few more minutes for you means hours. But, don’t worry! I’ll be coming home at a reasonable hour! So after work you’ll have me and my cuddles all to yourself.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your bonnet. He scrunched his nose and gently moved the elastic band of your bonnet back to kiss your forehead.
You hummed. “Still doesn’t make it better. Kyo I think I’ll die without my proper amount of cuddles and affection.” You said dramatically as you made your best puppy eyes. Kyojuro could feel his resistance breaking as he looked at your big bright eyes that he never failed to get lost in. “I’m sorry, my sun! But I can’t stay as much as I’d like to. You also have to start your day fully as well.” He mumbled. You cursed under your breath. “Fineee I won’t ask anymore.” You looked away and grumbled, very unhappy with the fact your puppy eyes didn’t break him like they did on multiple occasions. He nodded and tilted your face back to him. He looked down at your glossy lips and then back up to your eyes. You smiled gently and nodded, giving him permission to let his own gently meet yours, not caring if your lip gloss rubbed off onto his own.
He smiled against your lips as he continued to press short kisses against your own, moving his arms to fully trap you in a hug. You felt yourself lean back slightly due to the repeated kisses (not that you hated it. No no, it was quite the opposite. Kyojuro’s kisses honestly felt like a drug as his regular scent of cinnamon and vanilla filled your senses.) pressed onto you. He hummed as he pulled away. He glanced at your lips and stared in disbelief. “It... It didn’t rub off that much.” He said, surprised at the durability of your lipgloss. Usually, by the time he was done your lips would be ridden of any balm, gloss or lipstick you wore. But this right here? Props. It was actually Kyojuro proof. “Mhm. I’m wearing a thicker one so I don’t have to keep reapplying after you basically eat my lips off each time. Keeps em soft too.” You mumbled as you looked at his glossy lips. “Smart move, my sun.” He said, letting you go. You slightly groaned at the lost of his warmth. (I mean seriously this man was like a human heater why would you let go?)
After he was finally able to finish putting on his clothes and eating with you, he grabbed his knapsack from the couch. You watched as he adjusted the strap on the bag before slipping his shoes on. As he stood up, you fixed his tie. He smiled at you. “I have to go now, my sun.” He said as he cupped your face with both hands. He pressed a kiss to your plump lips and pulled away. You whined, making him press a couple more kisses. “I love you. Remember to call me if you need anything.” He said as he let you go. You nodded as you watched him turn to unlock the door. You held the door for him as he stepped out. You suddenly got an idea. You smirked as you quickly grabbed the back of his collar, pulling him back. He gasped as you twirled him around, grabbing his tie. “Stay for just a little longer? I don’t think I got my daily dose of your kisses.” You said with a devilish innocent smile. You watched as his cheeks reddened.
“Y-You’re evil.” He mumbled as you pulled him back into the house, closing the door behind him. “But you married me.” You cooed, satisfied he was under your spell. “But I married you.” He whispered as you pulled him to kiss you by his tie. Yeah no, he wasn’t going to come in to work by the time he wanted to leave with your stunt you just pulled. He kissed you back, shrugging off his knapsack. With a light thud, his knapsack fell onto the floor. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He kicked his shoes off and quickly lifted you up by your thighs. You squealed as he walked to the kitchen and set you on the island. “I have to go now, my sun.” You mocked once you pulled away from your liplock. He chuckled slightly. “You’re just a little too intoxicating. You little manipulator.” He joked. “Can’t hate the player, hate the game, sunflower.” You said as you pressed kisses all over his face. “Can you call in late today? Just this once?” You asked as you gave your best puppy eyes with a pout.
Damn you and your puppy eyes. He groaned as he pulled his phone out and sent a quick text before gently tossing it on the counter. “The things I do for you.” He leaned forward to get a deeper kiss in. You pulled him closer.
Kyojuro ended up coming into work slightly late with some glossy kisses marks on his pink cheeks.... He was clowned by Sanemi and Shinobu.
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roughentumble · 3 years
I'm almost afraid to ask...
What are your werewolf au ideas?
GSHBDKSND oh its not horny or anything its just like. kind of angsty, but like, in that way where sometimes angsty daydreams are fun, you know?? like
ok its like a geraskier thing cuz im a one trick pony, but basically geralt gets cursed, three nights a month he goes all wolfy. he's an intelligent werewolf with pretty great self control, BUT he's like, ridiculously worried that he's gonna snap and hurt people. (he's not, but, you know, he's had to put down werewolves for that before, and he's not a man with a lot of faith in himself, So.)
uhhhh i cant remember how jaskier finds out tbqh, but after traveling together a while, it comes to light, and jaskier is of course very "its just you, im not scared, and im not judging you." they hang out, they figure things out, and geralt starts to relax.
so all the time he's been cursed, he hasnt gone back to kaer morhen-- its only been a year or two, but still. he feels like they'd know right away, he's worried they'd just put him down, he doesnt think they should get used to "monsters in the keep", he just feels Real Bad about it, but jaskier convinces him that this is his family, they'd understand, and they must miss him.
geralt agrees, eventually, goes up to kaer morhen with jaskier in tow.
but once they get there, he just... totally refuses to explain anything. none of the other witchers have sussed out that something's wrong(other than jaskier's hushed whispering about how geralt should "just tell them, they'd understand")
geralt's genius solution is, he'll just sleep outside three nights a month, he'll bring blankets and his fur will protect him. jaskier doesnt like it, but he's not about to tell geralt's secret, and he cant bodily drag a werewolf inside, so. his only condition is that he gets to sit outside with geralt for a bit, cuddle with him n' such. their excuse is that theyre gross love birds who are going out for moonlight picnics. everyone buys this, partially because its sort of true, partially cuz no one wants to walk in(or out) on them fucking.
it actually works the first trio of nights, to jaskier's surprise, but the 4th night they try they arent so lucky-- they forget something inside(a bottle of wine, a blanket, who knows) and eskel is like "i'll fall on my sword, be the one to bring it out to the happy couple". he steps outside, and what does he see?
a gigantic werewolf pinning jaskier to the ground.
bit of a frenzy after that, eskel attacking and shouting for backup, trying to keep the werewolf in sight while also looking for geralt, getting between the monster and jaskier while jaskier shouts-- eventually jaskier gets through to him though. thats geralt, dont hurt him, its geralt.
geralt isnt saying anything though(despite the fact he's perfectly capable of it, even transformed), and eskel sortve misunderstands. doesnt really get that this has been a long-term affliction, and assumes this is the first transformation. so with geralt not responding, eskel says "not right now it isnt," and gets his hands on one of the training blades they keep in the courtyard.
more chaos-- everyone's outside now, jaskier is absolutely not having any of it but also three grown witchers versus one bard isnt much of a fight, no one's listening to him, and geralt's just pinning himself against the wall like a prey animal and not saying anything.
jaskier proves just enough of a distraction that geralt manages to hop a wall, takes off into the woods. jaskier is calling after him, while the three remaining witchers each make a gameplan(STILL not listening to jask). after a moment, jaskier darts and weaves and makes it just out of their grasp, so they've got a werewolf AND a bard loose in the woods in the dead of both night and winter, which. Bad.
eskel goes after geralt, vesemir stays behind because they need someone in the keep, and lambert's on bard wrangling duty. lambert doesnt have much trouble finding jaskier, but he does have trouble keeping a hold on him, because he's worried about breaking his tiny human limbs(and also he's wearing a lot of thick layers, which he has no compunctions about ripping to shreds to get out of lambert's grip.) he loses a boot and a sleeve to the ongoing tussle, as he keeps slipping out and darting away. lambert even tries axii, but the biggest trick to getting out of axii is just training a lot to resist it, so geralt and him'd run through that a long time ago, so his response is to go fake-limp, then kick lambert in the dick and run off into the night with one shoe.
lambert is extremely annoyed. its not jaskier's best plan.
he finds the cave that geralt had backed himself into by some miracle, and also because eskel'd made no efforts to hide his tracks and there are currently shouts coming from the cave. jaskier gets himself inbetween the two of them and refuses to budge. geralt's still pulling the silent routine, ears pinned back, looking like a kicked dog, and eskel's trying to coax jaskier away from the "monster".
lambert comes bursting in as well, pissed and sore, but stays near the entrance, the four of them locked in a sort of stalemate. the three of them argue about what to do, but jaskier is shivering because of his wrecked coat. eventually geralt breaks his silence to rumble out a worried "yourrr fingerrrs..."
(werewolves roll their 'r's in tw3. dont ask me why, just go with it.)
eskel and lambert are stunned into silence, and jaskier is immediately turning towards geralt, letting him fret and dote on him. slips his arm inside his jacket so his fingers dont fall off-- lets geralt wrap a giant, warm paw around his foot to get some heat back into it.
lambert's like "wait, so you CAN fucking talk?????"
it all got escalated way out of hand, partially because of eskel's reaction, but also because geralt was too ashamed to stand up for himself-- thought maybe they were a little bit right. was basically just going to curl up and let it happen, which he admits with some gentle prodding, and leaves eskel looking sick.
jaskier, though, is absolutely nuclear levels of pissed, because he was explaining everything, even how he'd known for months, and that geralt was perfectly safe to be around, but all the non werewolf witchers were just tuning him out. and geralt nearly died because of it. so he's, like-- he's unspeakably angry at all three of them.
eventually, they do all four make their way back to the keep(geralt carrying jaskier cuz he's still missing a boot), and explain everything one more time for vesemir. everyone looks pretty ragged, because it was a lot of drama very suddenly late at night.
geralt still hesitates in the doorway of the main hall, says he'll make the keep smell like monsters, that it's dangerous, but jaskier just gently encourages him inside and they curl up together in front of the hearth, nice and warm.
from there its little bits and pieces of geralt showing his werewolfy-er side, like dragging in a deer one night to devour raw by the fire. (he looks bashful about it, but jaskier insists its a part of their routine on the road, helps geralt clean his muzzle afterword.) and jaskier slowly encouraging geralt to relax, come deeper into the keep, curl up in a real bed.
jaskier gets less mad, but never quite gets over the fact that geralt's family proved his fears right. geralt gets less ashamed, but never fully sheds his anxieties about being allowed inside. everyone else gets less tense, but never quite sheds the shame of nearly killing their brother in arms while he was fully cognizant-- or quite comfortable with a "monster in the keep". it's still their first winter, tho, so with any luck things will someday get smoothed out.
[the porny ending is that geralt knots all three of them and this wildly smooths over any remaining tensions, but thats just a little fun off-shoot, not the Official Daydream Ending]
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Requested by: @hello-lucky-luka
The corpse groom
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Every minimal details had to work, said your parents.
You were being forced to get engaged with Shigaraki Tomura, a noble from a family whose had their status, but no money. In contrary to your family who had money due to their bussines involving fish, but no such tittles.
You had only a conversation with the man, but both your mothers exclaimed how it was scandulous to be alone on a room alone before the marriage.... The wedding rehearsal was a disaster where you just wanted the ground to eat you alive... especially with that random woman laughing.
Despite Shigaraki calling you back, you ran away due to all extress of not being prepared to be married with a man you barely knew... You wish you had never entered that florest though.
A man. A DEAD man emerged from the ground and you colapse... wakening up only by some snickers, noticing that now you were in a world where dead creatures lived.
A man with an eye missing out with blong hair was shaking you and screaned along with yourself when you finally woke up.
"Where am I?! Where is this?! Who are all of you and why do you look so-so-?!"
"Fucked up? Absolute filled with trash? News flashes newbiew! We're fucking dead!" A man spoke, he was huge and with a hole on his chest that you even saw through it.
"Ooh new meat!!!!" Another man with the jaw broken aproached and you yelped, falling on the floor but with arms... DEAD ARMS on you as if they tried to prevent your fall.
"Pardon." The man with glasses spoke before casually kneeling to pick his arms and placed them back to help you stand up.
"T-this i-is-"
"Oi! YOu ShOUlD Be GrAtefUll To BE DraGGed DoWn HeRE!" A creature with their eye hanging of their head spoke and you almost vomited.
"Yes. Parcially because they are master's spouse." One blond man with a fucking katana on his stomach spoke calmly as you gagged in horror.
"W-what w-was that part again?"
"It seems we're engaged." A gruff voice spoke from behind you, scaridly you sneak over your shoulder and gasped at the sign of the main responsible for you to be in this circle of horror.
The man had messy brow hair with golden eyes, his skin was a mix of faint blue due to how long his corpse have been dead as half of one arma of his was pure bones while the other was... "fine". He wore a black messy and torn black tuxedo with half of his tie missing as he crossed his arms over his chest.
You screamed in horror when someone patted him on the back and his fucking eye dropped on your hand.
"Geez is just an eye." The man who patted the other spoke as he gravbed the eye nornally back and handed to the owner, his body was full of holes as if he had been fuzilied.
"Imbecile." The owner of the amber eye punched the back of the white hair man head... making it to fall to thhe floor.
You screamed again.
You came to learn that this man was actually murdered. He had fell for a woman's trick to get her hands on the money of his family. Ever since then, the dead people around there told that this man, Chisaki Kai; whose by disgust at himself decided to change his name by Overhaul; vowed to himself that he would wait for someone else, and perfect, to marry him.
And looks like you were the poor soul.
"I-I'm really sorry what happened to you. But I really cant do this! I have another man to-to-"
"YoU'Re An IdiOt?!" The creature screamed and you flinched at how his eyeball swinged... giving you shivers and even the urge to puke.
"We learned that you were on a arrangement married." The white, and dirty, haired man spoke and Chisaki's eyes narrowed.
"So there is another one huh?"
"There's no other one! A-Actually- You're the other one! My groom is waiting up there and you are just... just-!"
"Dead." He hissed and you swear you saw a tinge of sadness on those dead cold amber eyes of his "It doesn't matter. We are engaged and that's final."
He stormed his way out of the room, making every person of there to look at you as YOU made something wrong.
The fuzzilied man and the creature followed after him as you continue to think of something, anything to get you out of that place.
"Maybe they lost their head or something." Mimic spoke as Chisaki paced around the room with a frown.
"Shigaraki Tomura. Boss trust me, there's nothing special about this guy! Just give some time to them, and bing! The curse will be broken and you got someo-"
"Stop." He said nonchantly, shoulders sagging in defeat as he ran his reamaining hand on his hair "They have a point. I am prisioned with this.. dead. While they are still with lungs functionanting... maybe it was indeed a mistake." He sighed.
The two man changed worried glances. Before Mimic smirked and elbowed his commurate, aproaching Chisaki slowly.
"What does that wispy little brat have
That you don't have double?"
"He can't hold a candle
To the beauty of your soul." the white haired man placed a hand on his shoulder.
"How about a pulse?" Chisaki hissed, slapping Kurono's hand away from his shoulder.
"Overrated by a mile." Mimic answered smugly.
"Overvalued, overblown
If they only knew
The you that we do" the two continue
"And that despicable little creature
Isn't wearing their ring" kurono pointed to the ring of his finger.
"And he doesn't play piano
Or dance, or sing
No he doesn't compare" the both said in hopes to cheer up his boss and friend.
"But he still breaths air." He noted sharply before the two got in feont of him as he tried to exit.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
He glared a both of them before hsi vision got into the only candle lighten up on the room, frowning at it...
"If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
If you cut me with a knife
It's still the same...
And I know his heart is beating
And I know that I am dead
Yet the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
And it seems I still have a tear to shed" he layed his back miserably on the wall and placed his good hand to cover how much his pain was feeling.
"The sole redeeming feature
From that little creature
Is that he's alive," mimic exclaimed while getting from behind, transforming into his human form, still with the eye hanging from his skull as one of his legs were missing.
"everybody knows
That's just a temporary state
Which is cured very quickly
When we meet our fate" Kurono aproached from the other side while taking off his head to make his point.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
Impatience and rage took over him as he punched from behind the two man. The two hissing in pain before seing how numb was he... how miserable he sounded for the first time since they knew him.
"...If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
In the ice or in the sun
It's all the same
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Thou it doesn't beat, it's breaking
And the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
I know that I am dead..." he layed on the bed, looking at the ceiling with no hope before closing his eyes.
"Yet it seems I still have
One tear to shed" they widened their eyes at the single drop of water coming out of his closed eye.
"Do deads can cry now?!" Mimic whispered shouted before cursing out loud when Kurono merely sighed and punched him with more force than Chisaki had before.
You were absolutely horrified. Not even two days in here and one subordinate of your family had died from a heart attack and appeared on the same place you were stuck in... and it seemes like he brought the news which brought you to the reality.
When you went missing, your and Tomura's family had canceled the wedding due to you not being there, assuming you had ran away from your responsibilities and another woman came in rushing as a thunder to take the responsibility.
This made you realize how... you didn't were cared for by your supposed future broom. It was all a arrangment marrige after all.
The sound of a sad yet beautiful music took your thoughts away as you followed the beautiful melody... finding a door half closed, you decided to pick inside only to widened your eyes in shock as you see the man you were supposed engaged to playing the piano.
People could call you crazy, but in this scenario he looked... quite beautiful. His eyes were sorrow but still focused on the piano in fron of him, slender and bones fingers dancing on each piece of it as his shoulders tensed when he heard the door making it a sound... but still not looking up.
"You play wonderfully." You mused out loud as he scoffed, wincing a bit you remember that he some how must still be offended by what you said earlier.
You slowly and shyly took a seat next to him, visibly noticing him not enjoying the least your company as he still played.
"Im sorry I hurt your feelings-"
"I thought deads didn't had those." He grimaced and you instantly shut uo before slowly playing one note, smilling shyly when he stopped a bit to inspect your actions.
"My parents thought I didn't had to do piano classes, so I sadly didn't had one chance to play such beautiful songs as yours..." you tried to mimic his actions before you and him hissed at the horrific sound it came out.
"God have mercy, your parents were right on not trying to put you onto such a thing." He growled and you felt offended. Going to talk back you closed your mouth when he aproached you, placing his still carnal hand and skeleton one underneath yours, encouting you silently to touch it.
He started to play one song more animated, you gasping in awe at the beauty of it and how he was actually showing you how it was. The sign of it made him smirk as you giggle... although he widened gis eyes whem his hand decided to pop out of his wrist and dance on the fucking piano.
You giggled and hesitantly picked it back, offering him with a smile.
"Pardon." He coughed as he put it back with a scoff as you smiled at him.
The door suddenly slammed open, the blond man who scared you at the first day panting as Chisaki glared at him from his seat with you.
"What is the meaning of this?" He growled, getting up as the poor guy pointed at some place in the hall.
"I-Is urgent boss! Is something about your-" Kurono popped out of no where, shutting his mouth up.
Chisaki gave you an apologetic look before adjusting his tie and going after then.
After a few minutes of no company you sighed and decided to walk around until you heard whispers shouts on what was suppose to be the kitchen.
"I'm sorry master, but the marriage will only be "real" when both of the involved are from the same world." Tengai spoke as you heard Chisaki punching something.
"What is needed then?!" He shouted and you curled in yourself by instinct.
"That's the best part!" Mimic said in glee before darkening his voice "We're going to kill them!"
You muffled your gasp as you pecked inside the room, seing all the man in there looking at Chisaki. Who for the first time had a conflicted expression.
Suddenly he let out a heavy sigh. Making you curious and rather anxious on what he would say.
"No. I was a criminal while alive, but certainly I am not a beast." He murmured as the others on the room frowned.
You laid your back in the wall sighing... biting your lip as all the thoughts in your head ran and ran until you decided to enter the room slowly. Shocking everyone.
"What are you doing in here?" Chisaki growled, eyeing you between his eyes, before taking his hand out of his face to watch you more properly when you took a seat next to him.
"I will do it." You spoke witha smile, giggling a bkt when one of the man's jaw literally fell.
"You heard it." He mused out loud as you pondered over your final decision.
"You weren't selfish enoigh to murder me. And only what you done with my stay in here was trying to be gentle with me until i ruined everything with my hurtful words. But still I have one wish to make.... I want the wedding not to be soon, neither down here... on the surface more likely, so you all and myself can watch the beautiful nightsky."
"... fair enough. Then why are you trying to brush the wedding aside then?" He asked with his noss arched up, you hesitated before grabbing his hand that weren't left any skin or muscles on it, surprinsing him for once.
"Because I want to know my groom before I marry him. And I want you to know about me as well." You smiled and you swore the deadman was smilling as well.
"Very well.... finance."
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw!reader
Warnings: Slight swearing, bullying
Word count: 4,728 (this is the longest one I've ever written)
Request: Hey do you think you could do a Draco imagine? I was thinking with a ravenclaw reader who’s actually shy and clumsy.
A/n: Sorry this came out later than I anticipated, its regents week for me and I was crushed by exams. I hope to have part one of my Draco series out over the weekend. Hope you guys like this ridiculously long one!
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“Ms. y/l/n” You heard an all too familiar voice say.
“Yes Professor?” You asked turning around swiftly to face the raven haired teacher.
“What happened with your potion, it was a complete disaster?” The teacher asked.
You flushed, it was no secret you weren't exactly great at positions, you were too clumsy to measure anything out, you managed to cut your finger and you always messes up the order of ingredients.
“I'm so sorry professor i'm just not very good at positions. I have been studying I swear, it just..” Your voice trailed off. “I'm sorry professor.” You mumbled looking down.
“I want you prepared for the test next Wednesday, you should be able to manage that?” He asked eyebrows raised.
“Of course professor.” You mumbled still quite flush from the whole conversation. You turned to leave walking back towards your common room. About thirty seconds later you saw the last person you wanted to. Mckenzie Clarkson. She was a fellow housemate who unfortunately was extremely popular, pretty, nimble footed and of course, smart. She was basically everything you weren't, in your mind.
“God your pathetic.” The brunett girl laughed, her stunning green eyes narrowing. “You have lost, what was it? 30 points for us today.” The girls behind her giggled whispering things to each other. “You shouldnt even be in Ravenclaw. Your far to stupid. You cant even get into the common room without help, you trip over your own feet and you are practically failing all your classes.” She smirked clearly feeling very good about herself, as you willed yourself not to cry. You hated crying, so you just glared up at her anger rushing through you like a wave, but you kept it down, what could you possibly say to her?
“Can you just let me go?” You asked voice weak.
“I don't know can we?” The hallway erupted in laughter.
“Just let me leave.” You said voice a bit stronger now as your anger grew.
“Fine.” She smirked as she moved out of the way. You quickly began to walk through the group of girls, the embarrassment was suffocating.
Just as you were about to break free of the group, a girl stuck he leg out sending you sprawling to the ground. Your hands, full of books that scattered as you attempted to get your arms in front of you, it was a failure and you landed on your elbow directly followed by you face. You groaned in pain as you felt blood begin to seep from your nose.
“Oops.” The girl giggled before they all turned to leave laughing and joking.
You lay there for a few seconds squeezing your eyes shut, begging the tears to retreat. You eventually pushed yourself up so you were sitting. You were surrounded by books and papers, you had blood rushing down your face dripping onto you shirt and you had had enough. You simply pulled yourself to the side of the hallway drawing your knees to you cest and began to cry. You knew this wouldn't stop. You were far too shy to say anything and even if you weren't the girls were right anyway. Why were you in Ravenclaw when it took you a good twenty minutes just to figure out the password to your own common room?
Just then your heard voices. You quickly moved grabbing your books and sprinting out of the hallway before anyone could see you. You sprinted the whole way back to the tower. You were greeted by the raven statue you had grown to hate. You groaned loudly.
The statue spoke, “How is it possible for you to stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?” it asked, making you groan again.
“Can you please just let me in, im covered in blood.” You grumbled knowing that it wouldn’t answer. You tried to think. How can I stand behind something that is behind me? You racked your brain for an awnser but it seemed impossible. You couldnt help it you began to cry again. Frustration, embarrassment and sadness filled you as tears streaked you cheek. Why were you put in Ravenclaw? What could that stupid, good for nothing, hat possibly seen in you that made him shout “Ravenclaw” like a farmer yelling for his next sheep to slaughter.
You then heard footsteps beside you. You turned to see Cho Chang. She was in the year above you and was everything a Ravenclaw should have been, pretty, athletic, and of course wicked smart. You wanted to hate her for being so perfect but you couldn't.
“Hey,” She said softly, “I heard what Mckenzie did. That's messed up.” She attempted to sooth you.
“It doesn't matter.” You attempted to smile but it was more of a tight lipped grimace.
“She’s wrong you know.” Cho smiled.
You gave a half hearted laugh, “What could possibly make me a Ravenclaw?”
“So much y/n,” she said, “You are crazy good at Wizards Chess for one.”
“That’s just a stupid game.” You grumbled.
“No, it takes strategy and I've never seen a single person beat you.” She pointed out.
You blushed not used to getting praised.
“Also i've seen your artwork, its beautiful, absolutely stunning.” She smiled making you blush more.
“Thanks.” you mumbled.
“Look don't let one girl get you down.” She advised before asking the statute for the riddle. It answered and she stood there thinking for a second.
    “Oh!” she exclaimed, “Your standing back to back.”
    The statue spun open as you hit your forehead onto you stack of books making you stumble, barley catching yourself before you fell. You cursed yourself before ascending the stairs to your room. You had had enough humiliation for today.
    Draco rolled his eyes as Zambini told another terrible joke beside him, “What do you call a red head with no brains?’
    “I don't know, you with red hair?” Draco mocked.
    “Close but no.” the other boy snickered, “A weasley!” He erupted into laughter as they rounded the corner, heading to the common room.
    As they continued talking Draco felt something thump against his foot. He looked down to see a leather bound book which he had kicked a few feet in front of him. The platinum blonde raised his eyebrows before bending down to pick it up.
    “What the..” Balises voice trailed off.
    Draco looked up to see a small puddle of blood at the end of the quoridor.
    “Some idiot probably got hurt in potions or something.” Draco scoffed, though he was a bit confused. They continued walking being careful to avoid the blood. Draco's mind was quickly brought back to the book and he opened it to see what it was. What he saw stunned him.
    They were sketches. Not crappy sketches that was done by some kid, but damn good sketches. Most of them looked like they were for herbology. There were various plants with notes about them scribbled in messy handwriting in the margins, but every few pages there was something different. On the fifth page there was a drawing of a creature he didn't recognize. It was a black horse-like creature with big leathery looking wings. He wondered what it was. They had now arrived at the common room and Draco went directly to a couch sitting down on the black leather, continuing through the book. On the eleventh page there was a drawing of a broom stick. It was read Nimbus 2000 at the handel. There were various other sketches of random objects littered throughout the pages of plants and each was extremely realistic. His thoughts were interrupted by Daphne and Pansy.
    “Did you draw those Malfoy?” Daphne asked plucking the book out of his hand ignoring his protests.
    “No, could I have it back?” He asked glaring at the girl.
    Before she could respond Perkison interrupted, “Who’s is it Dracy?”
    “Don't call me Dracy” the boy groweld, “and I haven't the slightest idea.”
    “Oh, how did you get it?” Daphne asked.
    “I just found it, now give it back.” He stood up snatching the book up before retreating upstairs.
    “Who pissed in his cheerios?” Pansy grumbled plopping onto the couch.
    The next day you had herbology first period, you quite liked herbology you were good at it too. You loved how you could just sketch after you finished the drawing of the plants and of course you love your grade in the class. It made you feel less like a loser. Just a little less. When you plopped yourself into a seat next to a Ravenclaw boy named Casey. He was always very nice and often complimented you drawings. You would be lying if you said you didn't like him a little.
    After sitting down and greeting the boy you opened your bag to look for your sketchbook. It was nowhere to be found. What the heck? You thought as you searched through your bag with no luck. Then it struck you. You must have left it in the dungous yesterday. You cursed yourself quietly.
    “You okay?” Casey asked beside you.
    “Yeah I just lost my book,” You smiled at him blushing a bit.
    “Oh. I could help you look for it later if you want.” He offered.
    “O-oh I wouldn't want to bother you.” you blushed
    “It's no bother, I swear i want to help.” He smiled flashing a pearly set of straight teeth.
    “Ok, s-sounds good.” You stammered, you felt your face grow impossibly warmer.
    The lesson continues and you talked occasionally to Casey, you did your sketch on a piece of lined paper, you would transfer them when you found your notebook. After Herbologioy you and Casey headed down to the dungeons to look for your book. You had never really hung out with him out of class and it was nice. You were fighting a blush the whole time, you weren’t really one who interacted with attractive boys out of class.
    Draco began to make his way down to potions, he was still working through the drawings, there were many creatures he had never heard of before. It was odd, how had he never seen so many of these before? He was halfway through the dungeons when he heard giggling. It wasn't Pansy’s shriek, it was a soft quiet sound that made him think of the patter of rain on dewy grass. He turned the corner to see two figures in blue robes. One was a tall boy with dirty blond hair and deep brown eyes. Next to him was a y/h girl with y/h/l y/h/c hair that shone in the candle light. Her eyes were a stunning y/e/c that shared a soft yet sharp gaze with the world. He was taken aback. How had he never seen this girl before? They both looked at Draco expecting him to speak but he didn't, he simply kept walking brushing past the two, tucking the leather bound book back into his robes.
    As he walked away, he heard the boy mutter something to the girl, causing her to gasp and laugh,
    “Casey!” she scolded him
    “Oh come on y/n that was funny.” He teased back and Draco almost gasped in surprise. That was y/n? y/n y/l/n? No way. You were in his potions class and you never even spoke up, you were constantly messing up positions too. How was that girl the same one whose name he had grown deaf to Snape yelling? I didn't seem possible.
“Shot, I have to get to positions.” you told Casey glancing at your watch. He said goodbye as you walked quickly to your worst class. You were actually unusually excited, Luna one of your best friends had offered to help you out because you had the class together and she was quite good at potions. You entered the classroom quickly and found Lun, sitting next to the girl. As you waited for class to start you chatted about the different potions and what might be on the test.
“Wait for the dragons egg you have to turn it to powder first right?” you asked to see your friends gaze elss where.
“Dracos staring at you.” She said simply as if she hadn't just said an impossible sentence.
“What?” you asked turning around to meet a pair of silver eyes already on you. They quickly dodged away making you blush tremendously. “I saw him in the hallway eairler, and Casey made a stupid joke about him, hes probally plotting my death.” You sighed reality crashing on to you.
    “I don't think so.” Luna said in her usual dreamy tone.
    “What else would he be doing?” You murmured returning to your notes.
    Before Luna could answer Snape entered the room and you snapped your eyes to the front of the class.
    “It has come to my attention that many of you are getting nothing done in this class.” He stated harshly. You cringed this was not going to end well. “And because of that fact I have made a new seating chart,” You groaned, just when you were getting excited about positions.
    “Listen for your name and your partner,” He continued. “Parkinson, Belby. Goldstein, Crabbe. Greengrass, Lovegood.” You glanced at your friend who was as usual, smiling. You are happy for her as well, there were much worse partners to be had. “Corner, Zambini. Boot, Blustrode. Y/l/n, Malfoy.” The rest of the names went out of the window when you heard your partner. This was not going to be good, not good at all.
    When Draco heard your name called, then quickly followed by his he felt like he was going to throw up. And it wasn't because he knew you were probably going to botch whatever potion they made, it was because he wasn't sure if he could focus around you. He blushed madly and tried to think about something else. It's just a pretty girl you bloody idiot. He scolded himself. You just met her today, he reminded himself Well just realized she existed today. He was shaken out of his thoughts by Snape's voice.
“If you don't like your partner, too bad. Move together please.” Draco glanced over at y/n who was already packing up, Zambini moved from his seat apologizing to Draco for his partner and moved toward the back where Micheal was seated.
    He then saw you make your way over to him your cheeks a bit red, the same way they were when you were talking to that Casey boy in the hallway. He grimaced, how was he jealous of someone he had never spoken a word to? He then decided he would ignore every good quality you had and focus on the bad ones. That way it would be easier to pretend to hate you right?
    The second you sat down his plan failed. You smelt like vanilla and roses. He wanted to lean closer to you and inhale your addicting scent forever, but instead he moved over or so he couldn't breathe in your intoxicating fumes.  
    “Hi, i’m y/n.” You said sweetly sticking your hand out.
    “I know who you are.” Draco responded ignoring your hand and continuing to stare at the board, slouching in his seat.
    “Oh ok.” You murmured. He saw a small frown take over your soft pink lips and he felt angry for being its cause.
    Snape explained that you were to make a Confusing Concoction potion and told you you had till the end of class. The potion wasn't too complicated. You thought you might be able to get through this one.
    “I'll get the water you can work on the feathers.” Draco drawled trying not to get to close to you as he stood. You pretend not to notice.
    “Ok.” you nodded. You grabbed the feathers and began to separate the barbs from them. Not but two feathers in you yelped with pain as a barb pierced your thumb. You yanked it out hissing in pain as you saw blood drips from the wound. Draco who was now back and heating the water grimaced at the sound of your pain but refused to show that he cared.
    He sighed loudly, “Look you go clean up and I will finish the feathers.”
    “Thank you.” you whimpered walking towards a sink face red as the blood dripping from your hand.
    Draco let out a breath he didn't know he was holding after you walked past. He then sat down and began to work on the feathers. His fingers moved easily to separate the barbs from the stalk and he couldn't help but wonder how you had possible stuck yourself with one so quickly. He then heard a thump and an apology and looked up to see you stumbling back to your seat face a brilliant red as Millicent and Boot glared after you. He snickered a bit turning back to the feathers.
    Once you had most of the ingredients in you had to wait for 30 minutes for it to boil so Draco sat down and pulled out the book of drawings he had found.
    He was flipping through the pages again when he heard a gasp beside him. He looked up eyebrows raised.
    “Where did you find that?” You asked pointing at the book.
    “In the hallway.” He smirked, “Why do you care anyway?”
    “Because it's mine.” You whispered causing his cheeks to flush.
    “This is yours?” He asked surprise sewn into his voice.
    “Yes.” you nodded, “I lost it when..” your voice trailed off face growing red, “after potions.” you finished voice quiet.
    “You sure this is yours?” It came out harsher than Draco had intended but what could he do about it now?
    “Yes.” you breathed out face growing warmer. “It does have drawings in it, doesn't it?”
    “Well yeah but they are like, really good.” Only after he said it did he realise how it sounded. He instantly was filled with guilt as your face flashed with sadness and anger.
    “Yeah, well, they’re mine.” You grumbled voice quiet.
    “Here.” He handed the book to you, your hands brushed before you snatched the book away and he felt like he was going to burst at the feeling of your skin against his.
    Just then the timer on your position went off and the two of you continued to work.
    That's how it went for two weeks. You and Draco would share very few words as you worked together. Your grade did improve, but you were still quite prone to accidents and Draco rolled his eyes everytime. You went from being sad he didn't like you to being mad. He was always so rude. He would avoid speaking to you, looking at you, hell he avoided you altogether, his seat was always poised at the other end of the desk as if you were some sort of plague. All of this made you angry and frustrated. What have you done to make you so repulsive? You knew you weren't the best at potions but you had only messes up three the whole time and you were improving. You had never been rude to the boy even once, how come he hated you so much?
    “I just don't get it.” You pouted turning to Casey who was walking you down to potions.
    “It's not your fault y/n, he's like that with everyone.” He explained, “He's just a dick, not much you can do about it.”
    “But maybe if I was better at potions the-” you were interrupted by Casey.
    “Y/n its not your fault, you are amazing and sweet and kind, it's just him okay? Don't let him make you doubt yourself.”
    You blushed furiously at his words, “Thanks Case.”
    “Plus if he's really pissing you off just blow a potion up in his face.” he jeered.
    You laughed loudly, “He'd probably kill me with his icy glare.” you teased.
    “He is always glaring at you.” Casey smiled.
    “Thanks for walking me.” You said.
    “Of course, i’ll see you around y/n.” He beamed.
    “See ya.” You said before entering the classroom. You were met with Draco's frozen glare.
    “Hello Malfoy.” You greeted.
    “Y/l/n” he responded his voice vacant of any emotion.
    You sat down and glanced at the board to see what position you were working on. You then looked at Draco who was already looking at you making you blush.
    “I'll get the water.” You said promptly before standing up and snatching a cauldron. Only when you did this you left foot got caught behind your right and you plummeted to the ground. You dropped the cauldron with a clang and you hit the ground. You instantly heard laughter erupted throughout the room and you felt tears well up in your eyes. You then heard a snicker and you didn't have to see his face to know it was Draco. You blinked furiously face a deep shade of crimson. You then pushed yourself off the ground, lifted the cauldron from a few feet away and turned to face the slytherin boy. Your shyness suddenly disappearing in your rage and embarrassment when you saw the everlasting smirk perched on his lips. You felt two tears cascade down your red cheeks as you thrust the cauldron into his hands.
“Screw you Malfoy.” your voice trembled through gritted teeth. You then quickly left the classroom, laughter disappearing behind you. You made it maybe two cordors from the classroom when you saw Mckenzie. You instantly turned to run but were cut off by a few other girls already behind you.
“God y/n, such a clutz.” She snickered. “I think you belong in a physical therapy building not a wizarding school.”
You only whimpered feeling helpless and small.
“Boo-hoo poor, poor, y/n all alone.” She rubbed her eyes with her fists.”You do realize that Casey only hangs out with you because of a dare right?”
Your eyes widened in confusion.
“I made a dare that he couldn't get you to go out with him in a month and here we are, only two weeks in and you are practically drooling over him.”
You felt a sob leave your mouth. You wanted to say it wasn’t true but you knew it was. It sure as hell wasn’t a coincidence he asked to help you find your book the exact day she said she struck the deal with him. You felt angry. Sad. But most of all embarassed. You were always so embarrassed. Why where you always so fucking embarassed?!
“Guess I'll have to go out with him now that I told you about the bet” She smirked picking at her long blue nails.
“Of course.” You muttered tears falling of your chin.
“What's that?” Mckenzie smirked.
“Of course he would want to go out with you.” You began to sob and you saw Mckenzie’s smirk widen and your anger out did you.
“Of course, some douchebag like him would want to date a slutty bitch like you.” Anger dripped like poison from your voice. All of the laughter around you stopped as you felt yourself smile. You looked up through your tears to see Mkenzies mouth wide open in shock, her eyes wide in her sockets.
Anger took over her features and she pulled her wand from her robes with a shriek. “Stupify!” she shouted and you were sent sprawling backward. Your head hit the stone wall and black dots danced in your vision. You groaned closing your eyes but they popped back open when you heard another voice.
“Back off!” it yelled anger knit into its frame. You turned to see Draco heading strait at the girls. He whipped his wand once and suddenly Meckenzi flew into the air. She then dangled there like an invisible rope was tied to her ankle.
She shrieked for the girls below her to help but they just turned and ran fearful of the boy heading toward them. After the other girls disappeared Draco flicked his wand again and Mckenzie fell to the ground and began to cry.
“Get out of here before I do more than hex you.” You heard him growl.
The girl instantly stood up sobbing as she stumbled away. Draco's eyes softened when they landed on you.
“Are you alright?” he asked as he rushed over to you.
“What do you care Malfoy?” you mumbled attempting to get up only to stumble over your own feet and plummet to the ground, well you would have hit the ground if it wasn't for a pair of strong arms wrapping around you. You looked up at the blonde, his grey eyes were set on your lips and felt your heartbeat speed up to extremely high. Draco's face was now quite red as he helped you back to your feet.
“Why do you hate me?” the question rose from your lips before you could stop it. You flushed immediately after it left your mouth. Draco looked taken aback by the question.
“I don't hate you.” he stated.
“Don't lie to me. You avoid looking at me, you don't speak to me, hell you sit as far away from me as possible.” You paused looking at the boy, “I just want to know why.”
He laughed he actually laughed. What could possibly be funny right now? Was this all another joke? Did he really find your misery that funny. You flushed madly turning to leave.
“No wait love, don't leave.” Draco begged his laughter stopping abruptly.
You felt heat rush to your face at the nickname and turned around looking at the ground. Your gaze was turned upward when you felt a finger slowly lift your face upward. You had never blushed so much in your entire life.
“I don't hate you y/n. I would never hate you.” He smiled, not his usual smirk but a genuine smile and it made you go weak at the knees. “I don't think I could ever hate you.”
“Then why do you act like you do?” you asked, “Why do you avoid me? Why do you never talk to me, never look at me?”
He sighed, “I avoid you because whenever I get near you, I smell you. And it drives me crazy.” His hand caressed your cheek bone and you were pretty sure you face was on fire. “Your scent is beyond intoxicating. When I talk to you I lose track of everything else and I can only hear your voice echoing in my head.” He whispered, his minty breath danced across your face making you shudder. “And when I look at you, it's like the world disappears and it's only you standing there. Everytime I look at you I have to battle myself not to lean in and taste your lips.”
You stared at him. You couldn't breath, your It had been replaced with butterflies that were now fluting inside you madly. You were pretty sure this is what death felt like. But then something clicked inside you and your realized this wasn't death it was love.
“When it comes to you, I can focus on nothing else.” Dracos lips were so close you could feel them brush yours and you couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed the back of his head and smashed his lips onto yours.
You had never felt anything like it before, his lips danced on yours with grace you couldn't even begin to fathom. You felt his tongue slid across your lips and your eyes widened in surprise. You then shut them again opening your mouth a slight bit. You ran your hand threw his hair as he explored your mouth with his tongue pushing you up against the wall softly. You didn't want to break the kiss but you felt your lungs burn begging for air and you drew away from him.
You were both panting when you pulled apart. Your face was a bright red, your lips swollen, and hair disheveled but to Draco, you had never looked more beautiful.
“Merlin,” he gasped out, “I'm never going to focus again when I know you kiss like that.”
You flashed a brilliant red and giggled, Draco then decided he couldn't stop himself anymore, he pressed his lips against yours once again.
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whereshiphappens · 4 years
Hi!! From the prompt list, If you want to (obviously), Could you do Steo, number 2 or 52? ☺️
Steo (teen wolf)  +  2. “They may not understand you, but I do.”   +  52. “Why don’t you tell me why you really came here tonight?”  
Canon Universe, with canon divergence, set somewhere in 5x11, after the sheriff is hurt, before they figure out who hurt him.
~1,540 words
A/N: Hi darling!!!! oh you were so nice asking i decided to do both :D thank you so much for this, i love steo to death, i cant get enough of writing them. i also love angst cannot help myself, hope you don’t mind, and i hope you like it!!! sorry about mistakes it is very much not proof read sorry. and thank you!! xx
ps- if ever anyone wants to ask specifically for happy/fluffy things or sad/angsty feel free to include that in the ask with the prompt i don’t mind at all!
Stiles can feel his heart beating in his throat. He’s moving, but his brain isn’t making any conscious decision to put one foot in front of the other. His phone is clutched on his hand and he’s repeating the directions he read to keep his brain busy.
There’s so much gibberish, there’s always so much noise it’s almost fucking impossible to not feel like he’s drowning in his own thoughts, so he keeps repeating the directions and his feet follow. 
In the end he doesn’t know how he got through the maze of tunnels and exactly to the right place, but he stops at a badly lit rusty looking room and he knows he’s in the right spot.
“I’m surprised you reached out,” comes Theo’s voice, and he appears just on the other side of whatever this place is supposed to be. Stiles’ eyes are on him immediately. He doesn’t answer, works so very hard on trying to control his breathing and calm his heart.
Theo’s words from last night (was it really only just last night?) echo inside his skull and he knows Theo can hear the jump his heart gives.
“Does this mean you’re joining my pack?” he finishes, with a smirk - he doesn’t really think that’s the reason Stiles is here, he can see it on Theo’s face. He’s just toying around with him. And he knows Scott is fine.
Stiles tries to not let the anger take over.
“You didn’t hurt my dad,” he says instead. It gets Theo’s attention, his eyes focusing on Stiles intently. 
“I told you that before, didn’t I?” Theo answers, narrows his eyes ever so slightly and starts pacing slowing circling closer to Stiles. Stiles can feel what’s left of his sanity slipping away from him.
“But you know who did,” he states. It’s not a question - Theo has to know. And Stiles needs to know as well. His hands are shaking.
Theo inclines his head just a touch, stops to look at Stiles properly, “I don’t.” He says. It makes something snap inside of Stiles, it makes all that anger curse through his veins, comes out in the form of a scream and a violent kick to the door just next to him - strong enough to crook it's already not very sturdy form.
“Stop fucking lying to me!” Stiles yells at him, hands closed into fists, his whole body shaking. He feels like he’s going to rip out of his own skin, eyes watering keeping him from seeing the way Theo strides towards him.
“I never lied to you,” Theo tells him, calm and collected - a perfect contrast to the absolute raging fire that Stiles feels like.
Without thinking, Stiles’ hands come up to grab Theo by the collar in a movement very familiar, except this time around, neither of them moves. Theo’s chin comes up and the stay calm and still as Stiles yanks at him.
“Who hurt my dad, Theo?” Stiles repeats and his voice gets away from him, slipping through his fingers just as the grips Theo’s shirt tighter. The control Stiles is fighting so hard to keep feels too slippery and he doesn’t have directions to repeat in his head anymore so his brain gets flooded with every single intrusive horrible thought that he’s been keeping away in order to function because. 
What if Theo is telling the truth? What if he doesn’t know and he’s back to zero and his dad is running out of time and he has no way of helping him and-
Every breath he takes is painful, the white noise in this ears grows louder and louder with his horrible thoughts and his vision is getting blurred with tears that he can’t fight. He’s shaking all over and he’s not sure if he keeps gripping Theo’s shirt to hold him in place, or keep himself from losing balance.
Theo’s hands come up to grip both his arms, “Stiles,” he calls, controlled, “look at me,” he asks. Stiles can barely register what he’s saying but somehow he manages to, tears falling down, lips parted as he tries to just fucking breathe!
“Easy,” Theo instructs in a quiet voice, keeping eye contact with him, tightening his grip on Stiles’ arms, gets him to stop shaking so much. “You need to focus.”
Focus. Yeah, Stiles knows that. He needs to reel himself back in, he needs to keep breathing or he won’t be any fucking help.
It takes him a couple minutes, in which Theo does nothing but observe him. When Stiles reaches back towards the wall, Theo walks him back and doesn’t let go of his arms. Stiles would be lying if he said the weight of them aren’t helping him anchor himself.
Theo keeps watching his face, squints a little like he’s seeing something else, beyond the drying tears and beyond the panic and fear and anger.
After a while, he speaks, “if I knew who it was that hurt your dad - which I don’t… what then? What will you do, after you save him?”
Somehow, Stiles knows exactly what Theo is asking. And he also knows that Theo knows the answer to it. He wipes away at the rest of his tears and a blank expression takes over his features and an automatic answer ready.
“We’ll lock them away and keep them from hurting anyone else-,” Stiles deadpans and Theo scoffs, rolls his eyes as he lets go of Stiles, takes a step back finally giving him his space. Stiles lets himself slide down the wall to sit on the floor.
“Cut the crap, Stiles, it’s just the two of us here,” Theo says, his voice rising just a little bit as he focuses back on Stiles. “What’s this ‘we’ bullshit? That’s Scott’s solution to everything, because he’s just too afraid of compromising his own conscience in order to do what needs to be done. But you’re different.”
Stiles stays quiet, locks eyes with Theo and feels his heart fasten again, “You know that there’s no other way, sometimes. Just like with Josh. Just like with Donovan.”
The worst thing is, he’s right, Stiles thinks. He brings his hands over to cover his face, rubs at his eyes and feels for a moment the exhaustion he isn’t allowed to, not just now. 
When did he stop agreeing with the good guys and thinking like the bad ones?
Theo crouches down to Stiles’ eye level, takes his wrist and pulls his hand away to look at him.“ Your friends,” Stiles wants to laugh at the way he spits the word, although there’s no humour in it, ”they may not understand you, but I do.” Theo’s voice goes quieter.
“I think you’re smarter than every single one of them. And that makes you more complex, and that makes you not think in black and white.” When Stiles makes to look away, with a scowl at Theo’s words, Theo pulls at his wrist to get his attention back. “I know you know I’m right. I know you know what you really need to do to stop all of this fucking mess, and I know you know Scott isn’t going to help you fix anything, just as you already knew I didn’t know who hurt your dad, but you came to me anyway.”
Stiles breathing picks up as he stares back into Theo’s cold, intense eyes, “So why don’t you cut the crap? Why don’t you tell me why you really came here tonight? Why you came to me?”
“Because I’m going to fucking kill them!” Stiles blurts out, presses forward until he’s up on Theo’s face. “Because I need help, and because the only thing Scott will do is hold me back. But you won’t.”
Theo can’t help the grin that spreads over his face, his breath hitting Stiles’ chin softly as he nods, “That’s right,” Theo’s voice suddenly drops quieter, eyes roam all over Stiles’ face and the change in the atmosphere around them is palpable, makes Stiles’ heart jump and something uncomfortable brew at the pit of his stomach. His breathing hitches as Theo’s free hand comes up to the side of his face, fingers ghosting his skin, “That’s right, Stiles.” 
Theo gets closer, and Stiles understands him, suddenly. With a bit of a shock, but then again, not really. “I will never hold you back,” Theo whispers.
Stiles parts his lips. He’s the one that moves, but his brain doesn’t quite register, feeling too high and too raw from the rollercoaster of emotions he’s just been through. 
The noise that Theo makes when Stiles kisses him goes straight to the pit of his stomach and ignites that uncomfortable feeling, makes it a hot electric fire that blinds his mind and makes his body move without his permission. He opens his mouth and Theo’s tongue is already waiting for him. Their lips move like they’ve done this before and it’s fucking crazy.
Stiles stops, draws back breathless and looks at Theo. His eyes are wild and he dives back again, kisses him once, twice with Stiles’ hand on his neck holding him close. 
He makes to move, but before, with his lips pressed against Stiles whispers “let’s go hunt, shall we?”
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Chapter 4
Part one here:
Morgana was 16 now. Itd been a year since her father Uther announced she would be of marrying age. At the very least of age to be promised to someone, and it was easy to say that Morgana was not pleased at all. Arthur had tried to sway their father, as gently as he could without angering him, but Uther wasnt having it. The old man was already confined to his room, sick beyond repair, and he 'had to make sure his children were taken care of.' It didnt matter how. It didnt matter if Arthur would be miserable as a young king, or Morgana miserable as a house wife; as long as they were taken care of. And that's when Morganas teen rebellion really kicked in. Everyone knew about it, Morgana would sneak out late, making it incredibly easy for anyone to find her going to see her latest 'crush' of the week. She didnt mind the gossip-- she even welcomed it. The one suitor who had been at the castle when he heard about her 'cheating' - which, for the record, the prince had only asked Uther to court her; never morgana herself- was absolutely mortified. And Morgana couldnt have been prouder. Gwen and Arthur were... reasonably a bit embarrassed, but they had about as much of a chance of stopping her as Uther did. And if Gwen was really being honest, she found it hilarious. All Morgana had to do was ask for a kiss from a fair lady and the busybodies in the castle would get to work.... unfortunately the more it happened the more Gwen and Arthur were less amused. Gueinivier couldnt quite put her finger on it but it made her stomach turn whenever she saw Morgana kissing some other lady... Arthur was more annoyed in general, in a brotherly way.
But today seemed different. A lot more relaxed... no one was giving her letters from princes' or kings, and no need to ask for more favors from the ladies in the town or working in the castle. The perfect day to get up to something with Morganas favorite people in the world... Gwen and Arthur. ... well, Gwen was definitely a favorite, arthur really got on her nerves a lot, but he was still her brother. So that's what brings us to the now. Gwen and Morgana walking through the forest in comfortable silence... Arthur had unfortunately been roped into another meeting with the king and the round table, so the two thought to make it a girls day. As they walked, Gwen couldnt help but let her mind wander, glancing over to Morgana... it was true, the Pendragon siblings were both very good looking. Anyone anywhere would love to be their king or queen... but gwen loved them beyond their looks. Morgana was mischievous, mysterious and bold. Arthur was strong, dependable and kind... the two put her head in a tizzy. But with Morganas.... escapades lately... she couldnt help but give the witch the cold shoulder. The secrets and kisses from other girls were funny and cute at first but now they had gotten a bit more frequent... a little more bold. And unfortunately, Gwen was far too good at hiding her true intentions because Morgana hadn't even noticed anything was wrong. Sure she had acted a little off at times but, times were strange now... with her fathers declining health and tensions on making sure Arthur was ready to be king...
... and then Gwen nearly jumped out of her skin. Her thoughts were so abruptly interrupted by a sudden presence that she let out a squeak in suprise. the suprise guest in question laughed at her reaction, along with Morgana.
Mab had been watching the two for a few minutes, waiting for a good moment to suprise them and drop from her place in the trees. "Hello you two." Mab put her arms around the girls. Admittedly it had taken her a while to accept Gwen even as an acquaintance. But what really sealed the deal for Mab was Gwen's pure, genuine fascination. Whenever she looked at magic and its byproducts her expression held nothing but amazement, wonder and fondness. And if anything, Mab wanted to keep amazing her, just to see that look on her face. It never failed to make her laugh. "I'm suprised you're both out today..." the princess trailed off, and Morgana groaned. "Its been absolute hell back at the castle." She rolled her eyes and slumped her shoulders for emphasis, to which Gwen chuckled and shook her head. "They... that is, Arthur and Morgana... have had their hands full to say the least." Gwen further explained to Mab, who got a thoughtful look on her face before replying. "Sounds like you've come to the right place to decompress then." She winked at the girls before wordlessly leading the way further into the woods...
"Ahhhh...." Morgana sighed in relief as she sunk down in the fairy made hot spring. She didnt realize how much tension she was holding in her neck and shoulders until now, but the hot water was absolutely amazing on her muscles. All that running away from terrible princes, knights and responsibilities does a number on ones self she supposed... "Are you two done yet?? The waters going to get cold." Morgana called through the thick veil of greenery to Mab and Gwen, who were currently whisper fighting with eachother. Since neither girl was exactly ready for a suprise swim, Mab had let them borrow some of the stollen goods she... acquired as offerings in her woods. People who dont want to be kidnapped, killed, cursed or worse always left her a little something at the threshold of her home. And the few cloaks she'd acquired she allowed Morgana and Gwen to use... they were her least favorite anyway. But honestly, Mab didn't see *why* you needed to cover up around others while you swam, showered, bathed, etc. It was a completely foreign concept to her, but she got a kick out of the red faces from Morgana and Gwen she just told them both to hop in. "I cant just go in! What if its... not secure enough." Gwen gestured to the 'swim-suit' Mab fashioned for her. "Well, then itll fall off. What do you *think* would happen?" Mab hissed back at her sarcastically. "You'll be fine. Its not like she'd bite you.... well..." Mab had to reconsider that. Gwen shoved her arm and the faerie princess grinned. "Follow my lead." She said confidently, Gwen watching as Mab strutted out. She had her usual attire on. Not uncommon, since it looked like the plants that made up her base clothing were just a part of her; but the few nice touches of clothing or signs of humanization were gone.
She stopped at the far end of the spring before jumping in and swimming over to Morgana with ease. "Come on Gwen." Mab said impatiently, and Morgana shouted after her. "Sooner you get here the sooner we can play water games!"
Gwen took a deep breath. Be brave. Just like them. She rolled her shoulders and closed her eyes, calming herself down before opening them again, now with new determination. Her nerves wouldnt get in the way of this rare day off. So, she took off running... and dove into the water. She could hear Mab and Morgana clapping and laughing above, swimming over to them now as she breached the surface. "That was amazing!" Morgana said with a big grin. "One things for sure we've got to do that together-- just... neyoooommm... " she put her fist in the water suddenly, making a splash. "See how big a splash we can make..."
"Well. One things for sure, the fun is only just beginning." Mab gave them a mischievous smile.
The fun was officially in full swing. Mab had invited a few fresh water sirens to come play a guessing game with them, and it only escalated from there.
Some of the river nymphs were playing as a referee for the games going on; some of the kelpies at the bottom of the hot-water would sing while a few of the fae would try and guess what they were singing. Some of the sirens were playing a competitive diving game with their treasures; bits of bone, a pearl or two. Whoever got to it first kept it. Which, without supervision quickly devolved into a bloody fight. A few of the not-so-water-resistant creatures were having loads of fun just on the shore, making flower crowns for any winners and not so subtly trying to help the contestants who they thought were the cutest. Morgana had joined Gwen in the kelpy game, since the creatures had a tendency to drag any losers down underwater and drown them... but Gwen was doing suprisingly well. Morgana was only a little bit jealous. Mab had split from the girls briefly to compete with the sirens, winning a few games and rejoining her friends once she had enough trophies of victory. They came to sit with eachother at the edge, all three of them smiling to themselves and basking in the fun. "So. How's your day off been?" Mab asked them with a grin. "Well considering Gwen's won more games than I... I'd say not so well." Morgana joked, making Gwen laugh. "Well, I can give you some pointers next time." She winked and nudged Morgana with her elbow; making Morgana blush just a little. "Well. Either way you both look just about ready to join the sirens with the way you're pruning up there. Let's get you two dry." Mab hopped out of the 'pool' and shook herself dry a bit. "Okay *mom* " Morgana teased as Gwen and her followed. "No you pronounced it wrong. Its MAB." Mab corrected her. Morgana wasnt super sure if she was being serious or not, but it didnt matter. Mab lead them to a closed off area where she stashed the twos clothing. "Once you're dressed we can do some land-games." Mab winked at them, squeezing out her hair. Gwen and Morgana went over and grabbed their clothes as Mab got some cloth to help dry them. The fae girl allowed them both a screen of ivy and vines to get dressed in a bit of privacy...
Today was... something else. Gwen couldnt remember the last time shes had this much fun. The amazing wonders around her filled her head with dreams and her heart with hope and longing for adventure... discovering more and finding things no ones ever seen before... but only if it was with her friends. As cliche as it was... she wanted Morgana... Arthur, even Mab there with her. Wherever the road took her. They completed her in a way she could never have imagined. She wanted to be there for them. Just as they would for her... Gwen had many friends as a child. But when her family moved to Camelot, all of it was ripped away from her. She wondered sometimes... if they thought of her. But the Pendragons and this magical world... took the heartache away.... but... recently? With Morgana..? The heartache returned... no it wasnt the same as before. No force on earth could take Morgana away from her. No, the heartache wasnt one of sadness... it was longing. So similar but so different. The heartache that belonged to Morgana was one that was bitter-sweet. Whenever she looked at her it was the feeling of coming home to a warm fire and sweet fruit.
So then... why did the thought of being with Morgana... hurt at the same time?
..she knew the answer. Arthur. She loved arthur just as she loved Morgana. And yet... not. They were so different but she loved them all the same. The kind of love she'd want to come home to and kiss before bed every night.... Arthur and Morgana... were her love.
Meanwhile, Morgana got dressed. Nothing in particular was on HER mind. No... but something was on Mabs...
The faerie peaked her head through to Morganas side. Seeing she was infact decent. Mab had been infatuated with Morgana for a long time. She'd known it in her gut. Shes told so many of her friends and they all dismissed it as wanting a pet. And shes seen fae have human pets... the feeling wasnt the same. For them It was control... dominance and cruelty. But Mab wanted Morgana for the very reason just to love her. When she thought about kissing Morgana her heart raced, when she thought about curling up with her, going to bed and waking up to see her face everyday... it made her heart hurt with how much she wanted that. Real love...
"Morgana." Mab began... there was a pause. "... Mab?" Morgana questioned her. She looked incredibly suspicious... was this the start of some prank? "I..." Mab stepped further in. "Wanted to tell you something." She crossed her arms loosely. Mab had never actually planned this part out. She always figured that somehow, someway, she'd just sweep Morgana off her feet and Morgana would have no choice but to practically marry her on the spot!.... but this was definitely not how things were going to go. Morgana was... difficult to really wow, or 'sweep feet'. "... okay." Morgana narrowed her eyes at the faerie, getting ready for some sort of prank or attack of some kind... Mab walked closer... and awkwardly put her hand on Morganas shoulder... and came in closer... until the side of her face touched the side of Morganas... okay so maybe it wasnt 'telling' her anything... Mab didnt even know if she could say the right words... but she hoped and metaphorically prayed that Morgana understood.
She did. It was an intimate gesture. Mab trusted her... to turn her face to her and keep her close; faces touching just slightly. This was big... and Morgana couldnt help the huge suprised grin that spread across her face. Off and on throughout their friendship she's thought about it-- being with Mab. Theres no doubt that they got along and shared so many things in common, but she never even dreamed that Mab would come to her first. And like this.
Mab slowly pulled away. Looking reserved and guarded, waiting for Morganas reaction... still hopeful she understood, and accepted. "So... you like me?" Morgana asked with her grin. Mab looked just a little insulted at that. "Of course I like you! What do you think I am? An idiot? It would be stupid of us not to court! We love the same things, we're already so close and we-" Mab was cut off by Morgana kissing her on the cheek. "Ah yes. How could I argue with such air tight logic?" She asked sarcastically. Mab was completely frozen for a moment. "Is that a yes?"
Morgana smiled. "Does this answer your question?" She pulled Mab back in and kissed her. The faerie could feel her heart hammering in her chest. She pulled Morgana as close as she could, and kissed her back... unbeknownst to them, the screen Mab created was falling apart into beautiful wild flowers to reveal the scene to Gwen...
When Gwen saw the two... she felt like she was going to vomit. Not out of disgust. Never. But she never thought that seeing her secret love and good friend kissing could break her heart so much... she just stood there. Frozen.... until Morgana noticed. And she laughed.
"Wow. Look at miss queen of the fae... cant control her plants when shes kissing." Morgana teased Mab, who was now red in the face, looking around to see Gwen and of course... no screen of greenery. "A-um- i- I can control them! I can do... anything!" Mab argued. Morgana laughed. "Does that include making your face go as red as my hair?" She asked. And honestly... in the moment... gwen couldnt help but laugh along..... it was better than being heart broken.
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Some domestic fluff.
“You’re going to break your hand if you keep on like that.” 
Aster and Griffin buy a punching bag.   
I’m writing a lot of pointless fluffy nonsense with these two because 
A.  It’s fun.  
And B.  I want to work on believable chemistry.  So have this nonsense.
Tumblr media
Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.
The punching bag had been a stroke of genius in Griffin’s opinion. Far from a conventional impulse purchase of course. But it gave him an outlet he sorely missed, a vent to the daily frustrations of his work.
He had not however been expecting Aster to take to it with such gusto. But then when did Aster ever do the expected.
The constant muffled thud and heavy panting from the living room was proving an insurmountable distraction tonight.
Griffin tapped his pencil irritably, trying to force concentration a little longer before finally conceding, and standing, replacing his dark spectacles to face the brighter light of the living room’s lamps.
Closing the door of the spare room turned study he leaned against the wall to observe her. It was a strangely endearing sight, Aster in oversized menswear pounding away at the heavy bag. He’d have kept watching but for one thing.
“You’re going to break your hand if you keep on like that.” He said finally.
Aster started visibly, and he managed not to chuckle at her distress. It was so rare to get the better of her like that.
She spun to face him, brushing strands of errant hair out of her face, only for it to fall into a slightly different position.
“Oh come on, what am I doing wrong this time.” She huffed, crossing her arms, as if her terrible form was somehow Griffin’s fault as opposed to her own inability to remember the basics.
Arguably teaching Aster to hit things more effectively was a grossly irresponsible thing to do. But arguably Griffin was a grossly irresponsible person, and as long as her left hook wasn’t aimed at him, he’d far rather she break someone else’s nose then her own thumb.
“Where to start?” He responded archly, “your footing is alright. But from the waist up, it’s an absolute disaster.”
Aster huffed again, blowing stray hair from her eyes. 
“Alright then, show me how it’s done.” Aster said, before stepping aside to give Griffin uninhibited access to the punching bag. He canted his head to the side as she did, something about the angle of his glasses gave the definite impression of amusement, Aster returned the implied expression with a faint smirk of her own.
“If you insist.” Griffin said, rolling his neck and shoulders before slipping into a fighting stance. Bobbing in place a couple of times and taking a quick glance to make sure Aster was watching.
In all honesty it had been years since he’d done this regularly.
Jab, cross. The impacts came in rapid succession, plainly visible even if Griffin’s hands were not, the first had the bag wobbling and the second sent it crashing to the ground with a colossal thud.
Aster let out a startled laugh, which pulled Griffin’s attention back to her entirely.
“Well done!” She enthused, adding a round of applause for show.
Griffin chuckled, grinning at the complement.
“I am impressive.”
“Very.” Aster agreed pointedly, “but I’m still not sure what I’m doing wrong. Maybe you should pick that up and take another shot. You know for educational purposes.” She continued giving him an impish smile.
Griffin sighed in an exaggeratedly put upon fashion and righted it with barely more effort than it had taken to knock it over. Looking down at her from over his tinted spectacles. 
“I’m beginning to suspect you just want to watch me hit things.”
Aster flushed a little and nodded. “Maybe.”
He rolled his eyes letting out a bemused scoff. “I can’t fathom why, it’s not much of a view.”
“It’s enough of one.” She shrugged, not feeling a need to explain herself beyond that.
It was his turn to flush, now keenly aware of how closely she was watching him even if he wasn’t precisely sure what she was watching as he settled back into position, raising his fists to guard his face and delivering another series of quick hits.
None quite so strong as to knock it to the ground again, just enough to rattle it violently, leaving it rocking back and forth wildly on it’s spring.
He should have been paying more attention to that. Instead of stealing glances at Aster, there was such a light in her eyes when she was entertained. Such a spark.
Hard to say what was louder, the boxing bag smashing against his face, or the string of curses Griffin let out in response. On Impulse he struck out sending the boxing bag crashing to the ground again.
Aster winced, although he could see her eyes crinkling as she tried not to laugh.
“IT’S NOT FUNNY!” He clutched his face and blinked away the invisible tears that were forming. Dammit all. This was what he got for trying to enjoy himself.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” She did at least sound apologetic, if still a little amused. “Are you alright?”
“Marvellous, I love taking a hundred some pounds to the face.” Griffin snapped, sniffing and rubbing his nose tenderly before pulling off his glasses to check them for damage.
“Nothing broken at least.” He grumbled. Well not the glasses. The jury was still out on his nose. Griffin winced again, feeling something damp on his face.
“I- Is that blood?” Aster was pointing at him, her face a mixture of confusion and concern.
Griffin checked dabbing the damp spot gingerly and observing the red liquid on his hand.
“Unfortunately, it becomes visible with oxygen.”
Aster was transfixed by it for a moment, before regaining her senses and hastily offering it to Griffin. “Here.”
“Thank you.” Griffin took it and wiped the blood away then retreated to the couch to pinch his nose and lean forward.
Aster settled herself on the other end leaving a comfortable space between them.
“I thought you were supposed to tilt your head back?”
“Maybe if you’re a vampire.” He responded with a scoff, noting Aster’s confusion.
“When you tilt your head back you end up swallowing blood.” He clarified.
“Oh.” Aster nodded, apparently following well enough. “You’re speaking from experience here aren’t you.”
“Unfortunately,” Griffin sighed, shifting uncomfortably. “This will be the fourth time I’ve broken my nose if I’m unlucky.”
Aster made a face. “Sorry to hear that.”
“It’s no matter really. Cosmetic damage isn’t something I have to worry about.”
“Well, not right now maybe,” Aster said, sliding a little closer and patting Griffin on the shoulder. “One day you’ll get it.”
The contact startled him, but he didn’t pull away or ask her to retreat to her edge of the couch. Aster’s faith was touching, he’d meant is as a joke when he spoke. But still bitterness and frustration had crept in. More and more he was resigning himself to being like this forever.
The fact that someone thought otherwise was encouraging.
“Soon.” He agreed, thinking it best to feign the same hopeful spirit.
Not that he wanted to dwell on the topic, Griffin looked down at Aster where she sat, still close to him.  “Do you still want to know what you’re doing wrong?” he asked.  
“If you’re still in the mood for lessons.  I thought the moment might have passed.”  
“Don’t be absurd, I’m always in the mood to correct people. Make a fist.”  
Aster let out a quiet chuckle and did as instructed.  Listening as Griffin listed the things she had done wrong and enjoying the strange sensation of his invisible hands on hers as he adjusted the placement of her fingers and thumb.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Wild Thing- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
  Request: I’m so happy you’re back!!!!Can you write a draco and Hufflepuff reader where he invites her to a slytherin common room party and she’s nervous but once she gets there she becomes great friends with his friends and has a lot of fun and he sees a new wild side of her come out and lol yeah 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
    Kody: Ooo party time!
   Year: 7th
   House: Hufflepuff
   Possible Triggers/Warnings: underage drinking, some cursing, slightly mature themes.
   you stroked the platinum blond locks of your boyfriend as he sat on your bed, reading a book. You both had been sitting in silence for awhile, basking in each others presence. “do you have any plans tomorrow, love?” Draco spoke softly, not trying to spoil the silence to much.
   you shake your head almost instantly “No i’m free, why?” you give him a questioning stare. He collects the bookmark from his lap and places it in between the book pages then close it. He places it down in front of him before shifting his body to face you.
   “there’s a party in the Slytherin common room and i was wondering- well hoping that you would come, so you could meet my friends because i want to show off my hot girlfriend” he grinned cheekily. You snort and reach up to playfully hit his chest.
   he grabs the hand and raise it to his lips “You also mean a lot to me and so do they. I want my favorite girl to meet my favorite people” he spoke, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles. A smile grows on your face at his words “Favorite girl huh?” you repeat his words.
   Draco notices your cheek, a smirk playing on his lips. He leans forward, placing his hand on your stomach to push you back onto your bed. You fell back onto the pillows with a playful look swimming in your E/c eyes. He leaned in and planted a quick kiss on your lips.
   “you are indeed my favorite girl”
   taking another look at your outfit, a smile graces your lips. You looked cute in your opinion and hoped Draco would like it as well. You push open the portrait of the Hufflepuff common room, spotting your Slytherin boyfriend on the other side. He turned to look at you and was stunned.
   his eyes trailed down your body, taking in the wonderful sight before him. Once he made his way to your eyes, he grinned. “You look absolutely ravishing. I almost want to hide you away so no one can see you like this but me” your face flushes at his compliment. He always knew what to say to make you swoon.
   “Thank you Draco. Now we have a party to go to, shall we?” you say in a mock formal tone. He uses his arm to wave towards the stairs, gesturing you to walk first. You smile and begin to make your way down the steps with Draco’s hand on the small of your back. 
   as the portrait opened you could hear music playing. Funny enough, muggle music. Draco reached down and grasped our hand, leading you inside. He led you through a crowd of Slytherins who were dancing and/or chatting it up with there fellow housemates.
   he made his way into the back of the common room where three people sat on a sofa. One girl with long brown tied back in a ponytail paired with brown eyes. She was quite beautiful. The two others were tall boys with dark hair, one had there arm wrapped around the others shoulder.
   You both stopped in front of them, catching there attention “Hey Dray- oh is this her!” the girl shouted excitedly, pushing off of the sofa and over to you. She studies your face before smiling brightly “Yep, your right. She’s hot” you stifle a laugh, giving her a polite smile “Thank you”
   “and shes nice! Are you sure your not paying her?” the girl said, pointing a finger at Draco. He rolls his eyes “Yes i’m sure. Y/n this is Pansy and those two are Theo and Blaise. They are the grossest when they’re doing couple shit” he spoke. Both Blaise and Theo glared at your boyfriend.
   “Oh shut up, hey Y/n is he all soft around you by any chance?” Blaise asked, raising a brow in amusement. You chuckle softly and nod your head. “Indeed he is. Always telling me how much he loves me and kissing me all over-” Draco put his hand over your mouth.
   the three Slytherins burst into laughter as Draco’s pale face turns to a shade of light pink. 
   as you sat on the sofa in Draco’s lap Pansy comes over with a tray of shot glasses “I got us some drinks bitches!” she shouts. Blaise leans up and grabs two glasses off the tray. He sits back down and hands one of them to Theo who smiles, taking it from his hand.
   “What’s in it?” Draco asked as Pansy handed him one as well as you. She takes the last glass, placing the tray on the side table “Firewhiskey” she answers quickly before downing her drink. Her face twists a bit before sighing contently “Still strong as hell” she adds, laughing.
   Blaise and Theo clink their glasses before pouring the liquor down their throats with ease. “Now love, just take it slow. I know this is your first drink and...” Draco looked up at you just as you very skillfully drank the whole shot. You seemed very unbothered by the liquor. 
   you look down at him and smile lightly “My first what?” you asked with a innocent expression. Draco looks entirely dumbfounded and just blinks in silence. Pansy cackles and wraps an arm around your shoulder “You are incredible. You have to meet my girlfriend”
   “Ginny weasley, right?” you asked and the Slytherin girl nods proudly. “Yep that’s her!” you nod with a small smile “We’re already friends” Pansy’s eyes light up “Really?! Oh we should do a double date kind of thing, right Draco- Draco, are you okay there?”
   you gaze over at your boyfriend who still seems shocked by your previous actions. You tilt your head to the side and plant a kiss on his cheek, which seems to gain his attention back to reality “You okay?” you ask in a sincere tone. He gives you a reassuring smile and nods his head.
   “Yeah of course”
   the platinum haired boy watched as you and Pansy were casually drinking more firewhiskey at another sofa. “Your girlfriend is something else” Blaise spoke, making Theo laugh “I thought you said she was a innocent Hufflepuff?” Theo adds, going over to sit next to Blaise.
   Draco just shrugs his shoulders “I thought so too, at least shes having fun i suppose” both of them nod. “Yeah. Anyways we know you brought you here because you want our approval which is super cute by the way, but we adore her so your good” Theo says in a cheery tone.
   “What about Blaise here?” Draco asked, turning his head to them. He spots a passed out Blaise laying in Theo’s arms. “Still cant hold his liquor” the brown haired boy laughs. Draco snorts, shaking his head “yeah i can tell.” and with that Draco stands up from the couch “Let’s take him to his dorm”
   after Draco helped Theo take Blaise to his dorm Theo decided to stay with Blaise tonight. Draco smiled and left him to find you. He walks out into the crowd to find you and Pansy dancing to the music that was playing. He found it absolutely adorable.
    he made his way over to the both of you and tapped Pansy’s shoulder “Can i talk to you for a second Pan’s?” he asked. She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, nodding. Both of them leave you to continue to dance to head over to the far wall.
   “So, whats up?” Pansy asked, crossing her arms over her chest. “How do you feel about Y/n?” a nervous expression playing on his face. Pansy lets out a small laugh “Mate, if i was single and she wasn’t dating you i would date her” he deeply exhaled. “Thank merlin, also back off”
   both of them laugh before she gives him a side hug “You picked a good one, Malfoy”
   the party went on very well with the three of you chatting it up. You and Draco took a break from the liquor while Pansy got properly shitfaced. Draco was placing Pansy on the sofa so she wouldn’t trip over anything while standing and bust her head open.
   one of your favorite songs came on and you quickly left Draco to go dance. He successfully got her to sit down before turning around to find you not by his side. He gazed around and spotted you swaying your hips to the song, eyes closed with your hands in your hair.
   the Slytherin smiled to himself before making his way over to you. He walks behind you and gently places his hands on your hips. You smile instantly, your mind rendering the hands to be belonging to Draco. He presses his chest against your back as the both of you sway together.
  with a cheeky smile you lay your head back on his chest and a bit of his shoulder so you could look at him. A smile played on his lips as you both danced slowly to the song. Draco leans down and plants a chaste kiss on your lips. You smile brightly, the song changing to a sensual one.
   you began to very subtly move your hips against him, hearing him inhale sharply. His fingers traced the skin of your exposed stomach leaving goosebumps on your skin. “Your a wild thing, you know that?” he rasped out in your ear.
   “Oh really?” you say in a amused tone. A small chuckle bubbles in his throat “Here i thought you were so innocent, but here you are. Teasing me” you grinned at his words. “Yeah, but i can tell you love it. I can feel you love it” Draco stiffens up a bit.
   you laugh and turn your body to face the Slytherin “Can i stay at your dorm tonight?” you ask, your demeanour changing back to it’s sweet innocent one. Draco blinks a couple times before nodding slowly, grabbing your hand. “Yeah sure love”
   as he opens his door both of you step in. He leans down to take off his shoes. He hears some shuffling and assumes it’s you flopping down on his bed. When he places them by his door he looks up to see you sitting on the edge of his bed without your sheer black shirt on and your belt unbuckled.
   you look up at him and give him a sweet smile “Help me will you?” your tone is soft and sensual, but he noticed the playful look swimming in your eyes. He feels a warmth around his body before reaching up to unbutton his shirt, tugging it off. Your smile grew.
   “Of course, darling”
   Kody- Can we all just take the fact that i didn’t follow the request like at all. I wrote this then read the request and wanted to actually commit not alive. I’m so sorry, i got ahead of myself. Anyways, peace.
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xxforsaken-angelxx · 5 years
=> A Friendly Secret Visit.
chimericarchitect Howdy! I wanted to ask about the rods and how that was coming along.
xxforsaken-angelxx aww shit yeah i got them i just slipped on messagin you
chimericarchitect Neat! So, let me know whenever it is clear for me to come and get them and I'll do that.
xxforsaken-angelxx gotcha > You'll send her a time for later today, after your shift is over.
chimericarchitect > Presumably he will send updated coordinates since it's a ship in space and you will, at the time allotted, go there to pick up the rods. It'll be great.
xxforsaken-angelxx > He will, and she'll be teleported straight to his block.
> Or at least part of his block. It visibly looks like a study, with floor to ceiling shelves on the two walls without doors that are loaded with jars of herbs, crystals, bones, and basically any other magical trinket that gets used in his kind of trade. That and what's probably a fairly narrow curation of books, most of them looking old or otherwise well loved.
> You're at your desk nestled in there, in front of an oddly old looking computer. You're dressed in full goffik attire, with the boots and the long coat and the whole nine yards.
chimericarchitect > Saness might like what she knows of Grinmaww, she might think he seems a pretty decent troll, but that doesn't change the fact that he is an unknown. She is dressed accordingly, in what she used to consider 'cool adventurer attire,' something good to tussle in or go for an impromptu roam. It consists of a sturdy white vest over long dark sleeves, equally white boots over flexible black pants, an overly vibrant neckerchief, and a wallet chain on her hip that definitely doesn't connect to a wallet. With her sunglasses up in her stark-white dandelion puff of curling hair, useless but available, Saness looks like a starry-eyed kid dressed up as a cosplay biker.
> She arrives in a blossoming yellow-green light, accompanied by the sound of something stretching sharp, the hollow bell-tone echo of a rubber band snapping, an unnaturally compressed static twang. It's only a fall of a few inches to the floor of the ship, boots tmp-ing with the weight of her existence as the glow recedes as rapidly and efficiently as it had appeared. With her face fully exposed, it can be noted on a glance that her hair grows in this shade. That, or she spends way too much time dying her eyebrows and lashes.
> Immediately Saness looks to Grinmaww, the full attention of 5' 10" of dimension-hopping globetrotter drawn right to him by some force unknown. There is a sort of reckless energy to the way she carries herself, careless of her color, focused intently and intensely on the only other troll in the room. It lingers for a heavy second, gears turning behind her eyes, before scattering nearly as immediately under the force of her own curiosity and whimsy, the dopey little 'o' of her mouth and the perplexed pinch of her brow turning to a wowed smile while the slightly flighty hands-out posture of her arms falls to her sides as she straightens. Her eyes gleam when they catch light, a reflective plate of lime snapping here and there over all of the fascinating and colorful doodads filling the walls of this space.
> "My dude, you are absolutely killing this aesthetic."
> She defaults to common Alternian, for all purposes friendly and easygoing in tone, if a little bright with excitement.
xxforsaken-angelxx > That cracks him up immediately, after those few seconds of regarding each other in silence. His face is...oddly stretchy, the skin pulls a little farther than most people when he smiles.
> Which is why he doesn't, when he rises out of his office chair to full 6'5" stature. It's not exactly an Ampora Resting Bitch Face, his eyes stay friendly, but there's all the signs of someone who keeps their expressions trained.
"Well shit, mission fuckin' accomplished then. I'm diggin' your whole look too, though. Y'look cute."
> And how dare she, frankly? Meeting someone from a whole other universe was supposed to be a big deal, both from a mental and security standpoint, but here she was waltzing up with the aura of a box of novelty rubber ducks. It's hard to be all serious at that, bah.
chimericarchitect > Cute, huh? Saness grins a little wider, something easy and lopsided. She's being very loose with her expressions, leaning heavily into what charisma she possesses over her own stranger-danger default; there has not been one single Eridan in the history of fish-or-otherwise bastards that she has ever gotten along with, but in counter she has a great and hopeful fondness for Makaras and clowns in general. All she has to do is be her charming self and *surely* things will work out. Surely. So far so good, right?
"Well shit, mission fuckin' accomplished!" she intones in quick mimicry, momentarily affecting his cant and general tone of bearing. That too falls away, dripping from one instant to the next with the pulse of a rabbit. A flourish places her splayed fingertips over her chest, the goofish mockery of a stuffy tilt to her chin. "Saness Casper Psuede, The Mischief, at your service and pleased to finally meet you, Grinmaww!"
> She is, perhaps, a bit much at full-tilt, hyped to be here and make a solid first impression. Ideally, Grinmaww will like her as much as she hopes to like him. That's the plan. The scheme. The big cannoli. *Maybe* this critically informal introduction will entice him into relaxing as well. A girl can dream.
xxforsaken-angelxx > Hearing his drawl coming out of her makes him laugh again, and he instinctively tries to go for a handshake. Just a casual one. Business casual.  
"Man, you're somethin', arentcha? And somethin' that should use Mischief more often, that's a good one."
> Truth be told, he was already fond of her. Being in the position he was, he tended to like people who had a different view of the world, and Saness kept fitting that to a T. Even discounting her inherent otherworldly-ness, she was people smart in a way he couldn't manage, and just...had a certain way of things. Maybe a way that clashed with his way sometimes. But it was an interesting way, and an interesting clash.
> Sure being the leader of a big ass ship also put him in that same zone of inner stranger wariness, but y'know. So far so good!
"Nice to finally meet you too."
chimericarchitect > The Dreaded Handshake, As The Prophecy Foretold. With how sharp she keeps her claws these nights the best she can do to cover up is to wear fingerless gloves, but that is inconducive to the possibility of reacting to danger, and she anticipated that the ever-present threat of engaging in polite society might rear itself anyway. Thus, a counter arrangement has been prepared in advance: completely naturally, despite her lack of hand cover, as if this was the response expected of her, Saness reaches past Grinmaww's outstretched palm and clasps his covered forearm. A bracing, friendly gesture!
> It's loose enough an action that she doesn't have time to react to new information, or to accommodate the unexpected. From this close, she can feel her hair standing on end, a fresh tingle across the nape of her neck. This isn't Chill Boss Aura, the weight of his presence more intense with proximity, but rather something else entirely. Something otherworldly. The trouble with keeping her features emotionally available and reactive is that, they are, in fact, emotionally available and reactive. Her eye scrunches slightly and her smile ticks one degree toward uncomfortable on the matching side.
> Braced like this, she gives his arm the single handshake pump of proper business, albeit a fraction of a second delayed.
> Quick, say something.
"Ah, yeah, you think so? I thought it was kinda, heh, on the nose. If somebody were to roll up and introduce themself with the title of 'Mischief' you'd have certain expectations, I'd think."
xxforsaken-angelxx > Eridan isn't oblivious enough to miss her sudden awkwardness, but it's also not like he knows his own aura, or any other reason Saness might avoid handshakes. In his mind he just went too formal, like a dumbass. He goes a touch sheepish when she goes a touch awkward, and flicks his hair and plays it cool when she lets go.
> The third eye he draws in his paint wasn't peeking through his bangs until now.
"I mean, sure. But that kind of expectation would probably get you some friends around somewhere like here. Mischief and clowns go together, right?"
> Hopefully, at least?
chimericarchitect > Once released she gives him a conspiratorial smile, waggles a finger, and says, "Those mischievous clowns," in that fake-cursing sort of tone, meant to confirm his assertion.
> Now that she's aware of an otherworldly presence, she is Aware of it. It's kind of just all over the place, isn't it? And her new friend appears to be the epicenter...
> From this point out, her attention is going to be partially split. Whatever it is, it doesn't *feel* directly threatening, but it's definitely unlike the clown deities she's met. It's... not quite familiar. Grinmaww's angels? But it doesn't feel like the angels she's known either, not... quite... Perhaps they aren't angels at all. That's the unsettling part. People and things that identify as other things can have a lot of reasons for doing so. Half the angels she's met weren't so nice anyhow...
> Most of the time she keeps her attention politely fixed on Grinmaww, but it slips through him or past him here and there, occasionally flitting elsewhere in the room. Saness cannot help but be wary in the back of her mind.
> Uncultured, she points right at his face.
"In every timeline I've visited or heard of, face paint holds a lot of personal significance to the clowns who wear it." Her arm drops to her side and she rocks on her toes in a gentle and harmless fidget. "Is it too personal to tell me about? I'm curious."
xxforsaken-angelxx > There's those in the church that don't believe that *any* of the entities are who they say they are. Some believe they're all more of a subconscious figment than anything else- not nonexistant, per se, but a form to let the troll mind comprehend something uncomprehendable. Eridan does believe in his angels, but he's not... unfamiliar, with the idea that they might not be so straightforward.
> He doesn't know that's what's on her mind, but *they* do. They can sense her attention. They know she can feel them. And they...want to play nice, actually. Yes they're everywhere, yes they have him in their grasp, but does that have to feel so bad? They can at least try to be a bit more friend shaped.  
> Meanwhile, their host gets thrown by that question. Not in a defensive way, just in a purely off-guard one.
"Uh, no, it's not, it's-" He gestures, aimlessly. "It's not actually *that* big of a thing? For us? Like it's real fuckin' important, don't get me wrong, but it's not like- it's not *sacred.* It's fashion."
> He shoved his hands in his pocket, and gave his jacket a bit of a flounce.
"I uh...picked mine when I was pretty young. The whole painted on smile and the tears and the secret eye. It's all kinda obvious. But I still like the vibe. Still me and such."
chimericarchitect > Saness can... kind of feel them, the attention of Grinmaww's angels in response to her awareness. She can detect the things they broadcast most blatantly, the more gentle way they coil, the intentional friendliness. Perhaps an act like that would put a more paranoid troll on higher alert, but where most people have a healthy level of mistrust for the unknown, developed or instinctual, Saness has stubbornly hoarded olive branches to clumsily brandish at anything that exists. If they want to be friendly, then by the stars, Saness is going to give them her reckless trust and put her faith where her mouth is.
> Understanding that the angels are at least *similarly* aware of her the way she is aware of them, Saness begins working through the process of lowering her mental hackles, just as intentionally relaxing as they intentionally displayed peace. She loves being cool and playing nice, well and truly.
> It helps that Grinmaww is so cute. Look at him, fumbling and fluffing his feather. Normally she would giggle at him, laughter comes so easily to her, but with her focus split, all she does is smile fondly. It feels safe enough to relax around him, and they all vibe together as a unit, so... Yeah. Everything is cool and she is pleased to make more than one acquaintance. Yep. That's what she's rolling with.
"So, dedication to fashion is really important, but being a clown is not an organized religion beyond being purple and... being goth..." The last part is said almost like a question. "Would you be in trouble if you didn't wear paint, if it isn't sacred? What about like, partial coverage? In public and stuff. Oh, and, um, the whole... distinction thing. Goth is more elegant? Than punk? Or like, grunge, or emo. Are you supposed to dedicate yourself to YOUR aesthetic or is there a dress code? Is 'goth' an important word? Does equating it to other aesthetics come across as rude?"
> Special Move: One Thousand Needling Questions no Jutso.
xxforsaken-angelxx "You don't get in *trouble* for not wearing the paint, no. Like, most people around here wouldn't want to be out an' about without it or nothin', but just in the way anybody else who wears a lotta makeup wouldn't. Partial coverage's fine, too. I know this one chick who does a pattern with half her face, 's'cool as hell. And there is absolutely not a dress code beyond legal modesty and safety regulations, I almost can't believe you gotta ask that."
> He says it with fondness, as he leans up against his desk. He could talk about this stuff forever, he just had to settle into the rhythm of it. His gods seemed to enjoy it too, maybe, almost curling up beside him once he got on a roll.
"Self expression is important to us. It's an inherent part of our magic. We're all brought together around a school of thought with magic that's about experimentation and what you feel, so, like. If you're callin' up the damned with scryin' bones, why the fuck *shouldn't* you wear a full black velvet cloak, y'know? Why not wear it out to get a sandwich every night, if that's what makes you happy?"
"So comparin' us to punk or whatever else is rude just 'cause it's not us. We have an ideology, and punk has a totally different ideology, an' none of us really want to be lumped together when it doesn't stand for the same thing."
chimericarchitect "Then... what is the goth clown ideology? Under that umbrella of self-expression and exploration... are there pretty pastel clowns, peppy and chipper, or clowns that... essentially aren't goth? That sounds really kind of cool though, being encouraged to pursue happiness in the empire. Are there purplebloods that aren't clowns, or is it kind of mandatory?"
> Saness is slowing down a touch, pretty sincerely fascinated by this topic. Culture in general is wildly engrossing, but she has a particular passion for the heavy familial nature of mirthful society.
> She follows his lead, to a degree, crossing her arms and resting her weight unbalanced on one leg, hip cocked out just slightly to accommodate. Very laid-back. One foot taps, keeping time with the pace of her thoughts.
"And, I mean, I *assume* it's just purplebloods and not other colors that join the faith in your society, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Doctrines and ideologies tend to conceptually elude me, but I do so love to hear about them."
xxforsaken-angelxx "Just purplebloods, but it's not mandatory, no. Most of us end up here anyways, but there's plenty that don't. And..."
> There's a pause as he chews on his words a bit. He's had to explain something to this effect several times before, and every time it's a little different. A little closer to what someone who's Grand Highblood might say.
"We think that belief is the most important part of magic. The rituals you do and the entities you work with are just...methods. What makes it *work* is what you feel. And if you *know* that, then you can take your belief and apply it on purpose to somethin' workin' to your advantage. So we just... believe in doin' what personally works for you. Celebratin' what personally works for you. There's no reason you can't be cheery and also goth, or be some pastel fuck and also goth. We're only gonna question you if *you* don't think you're doin' it right. You have to believe you are. Genuinely."
chimericarchitect > Saness inclines her head, an inquisitive pinch to her brow. It's not fully intentional, but she keeps mentally checking in on the spectral presence surrounding Grinmaww, akin to curious little 'are you still there' pokes while he talks.
"That's what goth is? Celebrating the self?"
> Her expression smooths away and she straightens with a soft laugh.
"I mean, heh, wow." She waves a hand, gesturing over his whole him.
xxforsaken-angelxx "I have no idea what you're talking about," he says, playfully shaking his head.
> The angels are also very there. They're Always there. Or at least, some of them are. Sometimes there's more, sometimes there's less, but there's always *something*.
> They tend to poke back, too. It's fun having friends.
chimericarchitect > She shakes her head, still smiling.
"Alright, so, next question. I think I saw the answer before on tumblr maybe, but I don't remember it at the moment. Can you always sense your angels?"
> Yeah she came here with a purpose, but Saness has never been very business-oriented. She hasn't been here long enough for the recycled air to bother her, she's barely been here long enough to appreciate the fact that she's in space. Vacuums and stable pressurized ships aren't as easy to replicate, she's kind of lucky not to be experiencing some kind of reaction to the environment. The thought is starting to creep into her head, the idea that there could be so much more to see.
> Somewhere in the bowels of this contraption, Hydromatic dangles in some kind of torture stasis.
xxforsaken-angelxx > Somewhere, Hydromatic is at their station, filing through dozens of simultaneous requests and trying to scrape up the spare seconds to fantasize about their matesprit. Piers is somewhere as well, possibly finishing his shift.
> And the ship is just generally bustling with life. It was a massive place, filled with a town's worth of purplebloods. Each one had their own magic, their own loud style, their own gods...
"Pretty much always, yeah. Sometimes I get distracted, but they're always there."
chimericarchitect "Does it still get lonely sometimes, even if you're never alone? How old were you when you like, met them? And, um..."
> Saness glances toward the door and lets her continuation hang in the air for a moment, not quite stilling so much as slowing her idle animation. There's a lot to consider, all the mystery and intrigue just beyond, but she knows full well she'd never be allowed to pass through. Not in a thousand sweeps. What would she even do? Act like a lost tourist and get Grinmaww into trouble?
> She slides her focus back into the room, back onto her host and off of stray thoughts of the fantastical. Her hands go into her pockets and she gestures toward him with a shrug of her shoulder.
"Are the subjects of everyone else's devotion so present as yours? Can you sense or otherwise detect them yourself?"
xxforsaken-angelxx "I'm not the lonely type. But I met 'em when I was like...five-ish? Which is young, for us. I had more resources than most wrigs would've, an' I just...had a strong pull, I guess."
> A strong pull and a florid imagination. His eyes follow hers before he can get too wrapped up in thinking about his old hive life, though. If it were anybody else, he'd be glad to show her around the ship. There were constant visitors on the Hydromatic, so one more wouldn't be terribly out of place.
> As long as they were like, actual Imperial citizens with travel paperwork. And not of a blood color that didn't exist here. So unfortunately that wasn't happening, even if they both wished it would.
"...I don't think everybody's are. Kinda depends. But magic just has a vibe, I can feel that usually."
chimericarchitect > ...Huh. What if he's picking up magic vibes off of her? Wicked undid those... locks or whatever, and she did attend a single quarter of lessons at the magic college, even if she was pretty much fully incompetent with her abilities. She would think, 'nah, they're totally different things probably,' but here she is and she can sense his angels, so... maybe not? But maybe it's like, a warlock thing, rather than strictly a magic thing. She doesn't have a magic sugardaddy hovering around her twenty-four seven for him to detect. Or even like. Sugardaddy La Croix. Residual sugardaddy. Hint of having been near a sugardaddy that might have side-eyed her once.
"Well, the angels seem really pleasant and friendly, and if that says anything about you then, heh." Even with all of her training Saness's face is soft, tender cheeks squishing firm when she smiles. It doesn't stretch like Grinmaww's or Ringleader's. "How old do clowns normally take on a patron?"
xxforsaken-angelxx > The magic here *was* different from magic elsewhere, but mostly in how certain the clowns were of its mechanics. Magic was considered an action, a movement of energy. It wasn't something just sitting around in people willy nilly, in their minds. Without something actively magical lying around, there was nothing he was attuned to sense.
> His face softened a little at her compliment, and a small "Aww" slipped out before he could think it through.
"It uh, depends though. Six is when most people really start socializin' online, and that's a big factor for decidin' to participate in the faith. So seven-ish is the most common for gettin' serious with contactin' things, as far as I know."
chimericarchitect > A little 'o,' either of interest or surprise, anoints her.
"Did you meet them before you met any other clowns or joined the faith then?"
xxforsaken-angelxx > His eyebrows raise a little.
"Before I met any other clowns, yeah. But I was pretty set on being involved since I could read what I had about it."
chimericarchitect "Did I ask something strange? Sorry."
> Saness tries to play it cool, another pretty flash of a somewhat sheepish smile, but she is a weenie and the lift of Grinmaww's eyebrows causes her to fret a secret amount.
xxforsaken-angelxx > He tries to look reassuring. Or as reassuring as a much taller goth clown can.
"Nah. Just haven't had anybody ask that. Nobody really asks an heir how they started, y'know?"
chimericarchitect > It works, she's as easily reassured as she is unsettled. Intent is always WAY more important than appearances to little ol' Saness. She tilts her head, birdlike. Why *wouldn't* anyone ask?
"Well... How *did* you start?"
xxforsaken-angelxx > Eridan stews on that for a second, digging through his memories of his old swamp hive for the answer he was looking for. Then, when he found it, he very seriously said:
"Clown grubby books."
chimericarchitect > Her mouth opens, and then it closes. She considers this. Raises a finger. Opens her mouth again with the sound of an H turning to a W, then closes it again. A hum. The finger lowers.
xxforsaken-angelxx > He watches her flounder, and provides nothing. There's a smile in his eyes. Specifically a :o)
chimericarchitect > It ends with her giggling, one arm crossing her front to rub at the other. Her general demeanor has an air of vulnerability at the shift, gentle and earnest in both the way she speaks and the way she looks at him, smiling soft as a peach. Saness's eyes still gleam to an unnatural degree, the ever-present predator, but she's about as scary as a snail covered in dew drops.
"Sorry, that sounds really cute Grinmaww... Were they pop-up books? I hope you had a pop-up book, I have a little collection of those, I think they're very charming..."
xxforsaken-angelxx > He ends up laughing back at her, crossing his arms and actually smiling a little. She's so cute? She's so cute. Why does everything happen so much.
"Of course they were pop-up books. Like just one of 'em but what kinda church would we be if the grubby book wasn't a pop-up one. That'd be bullshit."
chimericarchitect > Her smile widens eagerly, the rubbing arm stopping in more the fashion of a half-formed self-hug.
"I wish I could read them. Obviously it inspired little you? You're here and all, and you seem happy to."
xxforsaken-angelxx "I sure am. Love this place, always have."
> He glances at one of his bookshelves in particular, scanning for a particular spot and then stammering.
"I uh- I still have the pop-up one. Like just a newer copy, lying around. You could, uh...I'd let you borrow it, for as long as you have the tubes, if you want. It's not like it has anything too secret."
chimericarchitect > Saness covers her mouth when she starts laughing this time, both hands. It lasts a good moment, eyes scrunched up with a fond sort of mirth once more. She's been charmed, how dare he. Like really, how dare he. This isn't the troll she made this trip to make friends with!
> And yet, she can't say she minds the direction this is going. Not one bit. What a good place this must be with leadership like this.
> She lowers her hands to rib-height, curled into loose and amicable fists.
"Really?" She pauses to nibble her lower lip, literally biting back another short string of giggles. "If you don't mind, I'd very much like that. Really."
xxforsaken-angelxx > Phththhghbhbhb, goes the clown. There's indignant hand waving and everything. He's trying to be NICE and she has the AUDACITY to like. Handle it in a playful friendly way. Rude.
"I don't mind at all, just lemme fuckin-"
> He strides over to the bookshelf in question, pulling out the thick little book from the spot it's been tucked away in, among serious magical tomes.
> The cover has a generic looking purpleblood wriggler, notably un-goth. They're curled up against a sheeplike lusus in a cool-toned forest scene, watching a glittery butterfly float overhead. A gold whimsical font proclaims that "Magic is Everywhere!"
> He shows her this for a second, then places it next to the other things she came here for.
chimericarchitect > Look at this guy. What a guy! A guy who keeps a copy of his wrigglerhood  pop-up book in his block! A guy that would lend it to a near-stranger with a smile! A guy that bends and breaks the rules to do whatever is best or most interesting! A guy that doesn't get annoyed when he makes other people laugh! A guy with a really impressive propeller hand dance!
"What, you aren't going to flip through it with me? Don't you want to take a trip down memory lane with your new friend~?"
> Saness flounces along in Grinmaww's wake, leaning around him to rappa-tap a dance of her claws on the cover before he can fully rid himself of the book. She no longer minds the increased density of his aura by proximity, having decided that yes, they are friends now. It's a mostly-sincere question carried on a teasing tone that leaves him room to turn her down without anything getting awkward; he can brush her off as playing or he can take her seriously and crack open the book, and neither answer would be wrong.
xxforsaken-angelxx > Her hands get lightly swatted away. Bap, bap bap. It's kind of fortunate that he has a boyfriend now and everything, otherwise he'd still be terribly unused to people just...approaching him.
"Look, if I'm gonna give this thing to my 'new friend~'," he says, mimicking her badly, "Then I want you to enjoy this the proper way, which is all curled up at hive or whatever. It's the cozy kind of wriggler book. Don't at me."
chimericarchitect > Saness accepts her defeat with wiggly fingers, politely stepping back out of the range of his personal space. She is a self-satisfied creature.
"Cozy wriggler book, you've got it."
> She stuffs her mitts back into her pockets (all better, no touchy) and resumes rocking from heel to toe, watching Grinmaww with interest.
"I have so many more questions for you, but like, I realize this wasn't supposed to be a social visit and you are a very busy troll." Gotta check in. Gotta give him an out.
xxforsaken-angelxx > He settles back into leaning up against his desk, all casual like. But clearly with his feathers playfully ruffled. If it weren't for the paint there'd probably be a bit of a blush...which Saness might can guess anyways, with how much time she spends with clowns.
"Nah, I don't mind. Once I'm off work it's not like there's anything I'm supposed to be doin'."
> That and he's really enjoying her company. But he can't just like, say those words out loud, right?
chimericarchitect > That's enough of an invitation for her! Beaming, Saness makes an invisible 'desk' out of her psi and leans back against it, copying him like the silliest roly-poly.
"Great! You're even cooler than I'd hoped, I like talking to you."
> Apparently she can just say whatever the fuck she wants, unabashed while in her element. A single clap!
"Tell me about your lusus!"
xxforsaken-angelxx > There's clear amusement in her parroting, but also...a lack of questioning how the fuck she's doing that. Miming is a pretty common skill around here, after all.
"A goat? But like, a fish goat. An angler fish goat. Real big fucker that'd go around the swamp eating basically anything."
> There was a bit of disdain in his voice. It's fairly obvious that he didn't have a *great* opinion of his goat figure.  
"Think I gotta pass that one back at you, though. What was your lusus like?"
chimericarchitect "Uh, well..."
> She would be more phased by having bonked so clumsily into the Makara-standard experience of bad wriggler-lusus relations, but Grinmaww just asked a bit of a tricky question. It's obvious that Saness has to really consider how to answer this; for a moment she even looks off to the side, brow pinched.
"I don't really remember my lusus. I had a guardian, and she was a troll."
> The "sort of" that follows is said lower. How does one smoothly segway into 'I have amnesia and also the troll that looked after me when I came-to was actually some kind of life-force golem'? The answer is, you don't. You just don't.
xxforsaken-angelxx > Obviously there's curiosity that arises from that 'sort of.' Like, sort of a troll or sort of a guardian? It's an easy follow-up, and one he doesn't take. Instead, he gives her a somewhat sympathetic look.  
"You don't gotta talk about it if you don't want to."
> It's said both sincerely and flatly. He's not effected by whatever emotions she has around the subject, but is okay with them. No judgement, but lots of instinctual professionalism.
chimericarchitect "R-right..."
> The flat tone doesn't feel like it fits with the sympathetic look. Saness does not thrive in professional or formal environments, and even the gentle stiffness is enough for her to trip and flounder over. What is she *supposed* to say? Is this one of those secret codeword things people do when they like someone and want to be polite, but don't actually want to hear what they have to say?
> And besides... *Does* she want to talk about it? It's reflex to say 'no she doesn't,' and that coupled with the above is enough to sway her decision.
"I don't believe I ever got around to asking. Are limebloods extinct in this timeline?"
xxforsaken-angelxx > He *would* be interested, but he's not... supposed to be. Being a boss has it's tolls, one of them happening to be that he has a firm habit of not prying too hard. Any piece of extra information is something that can trip up the works of Imperial bureaucracy.
> So she takes her out and he lets it be, moving on to answering her next question as if nothing happened.
"Yeah, they are. Though the real dock against you is the fact that you don't have paperwork for existin' here. Like, you could go all hemo-anon or whatever an not stand out, but not havin' a travel record would get you in trouble real quick."
chimericarchitect > She's quick to focus on this new topic, grasping at it a bit like a life raft. It was one little hiccup, everything is fiiiiine.
"Really? Travel record? ...I implanted an identity to assume on an Earth once so that I could open a bank account and a few other things, but like, I imagine something like that might be a bit more difficult in this timeline. Earth is just... Not very savvy. Then again, on a standard Alternia, there are LOTS of available identities to assume, trolls die super constantly on the ground..."
> Grim thoughts are grim, and Saness makes a face. This line of thought isn't pleasant, and she isn't neutral about it, no matter how plainly she likes to talk about it.
"Who even checks for those? Everyone I pass in the hall? Do you have to confirm your I.D. at every doorway?"
xxforsaken-angelxx > Eridan points up towards the ceiling and gestures around.
"Cameras. There aren't any in here, but they're pretty much everywhere else. Anyone out of place would get spotted immediately, an' then you'd get flagged down for some questions."
> There's an attempt to not make the word "questions" in that sound ominous. An attempt. But the eyes of the Hydromatic were in fact everywhere.
chimericarchitect "Oh, so the 'travel records' are digital, and Hydromatic can identify people and locate aforementioned records on the spot, and if something doesn't line up, then yadda yadda? Or do you mean, Hydromatic would send security after me or whoever else walked mysteriously out of a closet because they're just *that aware* of every single familiar face and *that aware* of who has gone where? Because, I've got-"
> Saness grabs for her wallet chain, pulling the end of it out of her back pocket. It's definitely still not attached to a wallet; it's attached to a retro sylladex!
"I've got..."
> Operating this thing is not efficient. She's still flipping through it... There's a reason technology moved on without this little pocket-lunk.
"I've got this amulet, it was a gift. A disguise amulet..."
> Fwip fwip fwip... She just wants to show him a neat trick, man... Why does this have to be so har-AHA!!
> With a declaration of triumph, she retrieves a very simple locket on a very simple chain, proudly holding it aloft and grinning mischief at Grinmaww.
xxforsaken-angelxx > He just...lets her. He's the one with an even more old-fashioned looking computer sitting behind him. But he has no idea what exactly a 'disguise amulet' implies. Like, it *feels* magic, but there's a lot of extents that thing could go to. Instead, he just answers her questions.
"It's like a facial recognition system, just with an actual pair of eyes as a step in the process. If you're authorized to be on board here, and also to be in whatever rooms you're goin' in, then everything's fine, mostly."
chimericarchitect > Saness nods along, but she only half-cares about the answer to her question. It's not like she's going to be skulking about on the ship.
"Okay, so, check this out. Do you have any printed photos? Small ones, or ones you don't mind being folded? Magazine cutouts count, it'd just be cooler if it's someone that you recognize from this timeline rather than whoever I have in my pocket."
xxforsaken-angelxx "Uh-"
> Now it's his turn to awkwardly fumble around for something. He turns to start going through his desk drawer, pushing around this and that. There was a lot in the damn things. A few pipes, art supplies, spare papers, weed...
> Eventually he found a photo tucked away amongst it all, and handed it over.
> It's a picture that was only able to print halfway for some reason or another, leaving only one person in the image. Said person is Nymede, the Hydromatic's lead IT specialist. She was in an open shoulder top and hot pants and fishnets, with big fuzzy legwarmers. Her face was half obscured by a gas mask, and she had bright purple and fuchsia hair extensions.
> She was...probably in the helmsblock, or near it, there was biowire visible behind her, but there was no sign of Hydromatic themselves.
chimericarchitect > Is it void nonsense? A lack of ink? Some sort of printer malfunction? A certain helm being fussy about their picture being taken and purposely botching the job? The world may never know, and further, the world is unconcerned. Saness accepts the photo and gleefully pops open the locket. There was already a photo inside - one of Saness that has been color-edited to have black hair and ordinary teal eyes - that she hastily replaces with the photo of this very Fashion(tm) clown person. She gives it a playful jostle once it's closed away.
"Now, hang on, this is the cool part-"
> The moment she slips the locket over her head, Saness is no longer standing in the room. Instead, in every physically perceivable way, Nymede has replaced her. Eeach visible detail is accurate to the picture, and Saness-as-Nymede gives a little twirl.
> It doesn't alter her voice, unfortunately, and Saness still sounds like herself. She moves like herself too, despite whatever change in height there may be, fluffy legwarmers flouncing realistically to match.
xxforsaken-angelxx "Wow what the fuck."
> That was. Perhaps less enthused sounding than he intended, and he cracks up the second after that leaves his mouth.
"Man, what the *fuck*-"
>  It is perhaps somewhat alarming to see a perfect clone of your friend, even if you think it's fucking hilarious. Boy is it realistic, though. He saw Nymede just tonight, and he wouldn't have thought twice if she'd been able to mimic her voice. Scary, but incredibly impressive!
chimericarchitect "Isn't it neat? It's basically a hologram. The projection is magic and it has the most basic of shells to give an amount of resistance when touched, but if you pressed against it you would sink through until you touched me. When used to mimic smaller things, the parts that hang out turn completely invisible, but can still knock into things if you aren't careful."
> While she talks Saness is wafting Nymede's arm back and forth, looking it over herself. She has back some of the same energy she came in with, the excitable quickness to the way she carries her borrowed form bleeding into how quickly she talks.
> She pauses only a moment, snapping her attention from Nymede's arm to Grinmaww's face. There's more she wants to say and show him, but she's not the type to sprint on ahead without someone.
xxforsaken-angelxx > He's following along, mostly, the way someone tends to when they're fascinated by something they don't *really* understand. Holograms were a thing in common use here, hard light was something he understood in theory, using magic to create tech-like results was...imaginable, at least?
> Which amounted as far as it being conceivable, and him having no idea how the fuck something like that would actually be made. Miracles, man.
"Neat is a real fuckin' understatement for that."
chimericarchitect > She chuckles and goes to remove the locket, zooping back to her regular appearance with a sideways flicker as soon as the chain is off her neck.
"You can even disguise things as people, or people as things, or things as other things..."
> Saness looks around the room for an easy target that doesn't look like something personal or sensitive, something she could feasibly loop the chain around.
"...and you can keep the chain on the object you want to disguise while keeping the locket somewhere else, it will continue to function so long as neither are destroyed..."
xxforsaken-angelxx > There are, frankly, a lot of Things in this room, so there's a lot of potential targets. There's several large quartz samples of different colors that could easily have the locket wrapped around, or some of his jars of common herbs like rosemary and thyme. Or for something even safer looking, she could nab a big black candle.
> That last part is what really surprised him, though. The parts could work separately? The locket didn't have to be on the chain? It wasn't just the locket that did the thing? How the FUCK did this thing WORK?
chimericarchitect > Badda-boom, she slips the locket off of the chain and wraps the pretty metal in a loose cascade over an unsuspecting candle. Nymede appears where it was, but nearly completely physically static. If the candle was lit, she'll be wobbling her head around in a way that could be considered eerie, mimicking the flames with the limitations of hair and a neck.
> What's more, a candle is much smaller than a person, and... the projection seems to shiver and warp a lot like it is strained, glitching in a way that Nymede *definitely should not be moving* in. Saness seems to find these wild distortions and unnatural behaviors to be entirely hilarious, pointing up at her and giving the whole thing a very good laugh.
xxforsaken-angelxx > It was not lit, just sitting around waiting for use. But that only mitigated the weirdness of this somewhat. Like, here was one of his best friends, in lifelike form, magically superimposed over a candle when she really shouldn't be. The whole thing wibbled around with the uncanniness of a wax figure and the function of spaghetti code.  
> He also thought it was fucking hilarious, and laughed with her.
chimericarchitect > They'll likely spend a moment in shared laughter before Saness reaches into the illusion to fumble around and remove the chain. As before, Nymede stretches sideways and zlorps out of existence.
> Saness is still a bit breathy with laughter when she speaks.
"See, that's... I can be anyone, or anything, except maybe - pppbb - a candle, or a spoon, haha!"
xxforsaken-angelxx "That's fuckin' mindbogglin' to me. But impressive as long as you're not tryin' to dodge the guards with bobblehead candle clowns."
> He shakes his head, still giggling a bit. What a time to be alive and in charge of this joint.  
"I've been doin' magic for a long ass time an' I've never gotten to see shit like that.
chimericarchitect > A bit more laughter and apparently show-and-tell is over, because Saness is putting her magic tool back into her sylladex - but she courteously remembers to take out the picture and offer it back toward Grinmaww on an open palm.
"The multiverse is a vast place and... I guess I've seen a lot of things!"
> Actually, it was talking to Pierce before that really put it into perspective. She's a veteran of mystery...
xxforsaken-angelxx > The picture gets placed back roughly where it was before, in one of his desk drawers. Possibly not even the same desk drawer? There are only so many things that can be in his goth mind at one time.
"Guess so," he says. "And guess I haven't seen much at all."
> Which was solely exciting to him, really. There was nothing he loved more than learning about the way everything flowed along in the universe. All a vast *multi*verse meant was he never had to stop.
chimericarchitect > Prrp! Saness proceeds to brush herself down for reasons unknown, satisfied with his response. There is a threshold here that needs to be respected, and unlike some of her friends, she's going to try and reel it in before crossing it.
"There are a lot of things I could show you, but I think maybe that's enough for a first meeting. I may not be the most vibrant or interesting tour guide, but I am a willing and attentive one!"
xxforsaken-angelxx > There's a small scoff at that second part, immediately.
"You're plenty vibrant. I do think we're good on the touring for now though, yeah."
> His hand creeps a little towards the collection of things he's supposed to be passing along to her. It's that business instinct again.
chimericarchitect > That was? A compliment? Yeah, no, it's cool. It's COOL. She sure hopes it's a compliment and not some sign that she overwhelmed him though, but if it is then man, it sure does sound like Grinmaww is completely clueless, he should meet her friends, *they're* the vibrant ones... And probably also very literally insane.
> She doesn't fuss when he moves them toward the end of their visit, quirky in her lopsided-smile sort of way. Saness rocks on her toes with her hands jammed deep into her pockets. She'll wait politely for him to gather himself up and bring this meeting to a close; it is his place, after all. Grinmaww is the floor master.
xxforsaken-angelxx > The look he gives her seems to support the compliment theory... But a moment later he's distracted. No objection, time to give her the things. The picture book first, and then the two psychic tube-y things. They're neatly labeled with label machine stickers, one from Pierce and one from Grinmaww.
> They actually came out pretty distinct looking. Both of the glow bits are lit a similar shade of purple, but Grinmaww's is...actually a good bit fainter. He's never really had any other chances to compare himself, though, so it doesn't even strike him as odd. Pierce is just good at shit like this, obviously.
chimericarchitect > Her hands are freed from her pockets! In order! To accept a darling pop-up book! And the actual tools she came for!
"Thanks so much for being such a good sport. I'll get the bracers and your cozy grubby book back to you as soon as I've finished!"
> They disappear from her palms, slorped up by her sylladex like so much loose spaghetti.
"It will take me a little longer than normal to complete these though, as I'm uh, a little bit preoccupied back at hive."
xxforsaken-angelxx > He shrugs, and...smiles just a little. Why must she be so goddamn pleasant all the time always.
"That's fine. Ain't like there's any rush anyways. Just get 'em back when you can."
> There's a moment of realization on his face when he remembers that she's just going to like...zap out of herself out of here. And not use a door. Which means that normal farewell dialogue cues weren't going to happen.
"It was uh, real nice seein' you an' all man."
chimericarchitect > Saness wouldn't know a normal dialogue cue if it bit her full on the bulge, farewell or otherwise.
"Somenight we'll have to figure out how to swap tours for realsies!"
> Rather than saying goodbye or returning the compliment like a civilized or well-adjusted troll, she gives her new friend a big smile and an even bigger dwarpy salute, turning on her heel for dramatic effect as the crackly light consumes her once more.
> Just like that, she is gone.
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johnnq · 6 years
[1:03am] gripping your favourite embossed notebook in one hand, and reaching out in front of you with the other, you wonder how you ended up like this on a saturday night, in a shady looking alleyway, a man you swore you'd just about gotten out of your head standing in front of you when you should of been tucked up in bed with a movie and your enormous double bed.
"i.. i can't do it without you mark, i just- can't." you finally force out of you after far too long staring at the boy before you.
pushing his chestnut brown locks out of the way of his eyes, he puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder and looked down for a moment in the way he always did when he knew you were doubting yourself even when you had no reason to.
"of course you can, y/n.. you've got to forget about me and what we used to do, and start remembering how you lived before me and you. you've got this." he finishes, gently running his fingers across your shoulder as he speaks and smiles hopefully at you, an inch of sadness in his eyes.
"but that's the thing.. i don't remember what it was like before me and you. i don't want to remember it either, it wasn't nearly as happy as i was before.. that."
you share a gaze that lasts for far longer than either of you had anticipated it to, hurriedly breaking it when you see mark staring at his wrist watch and realising he hasn't got long left.
"then make new memories without me. everyone in your situation always thinks they can't cope and they spend weeks believing they're doomed, but really, truly.. you'll be absolutely fine, i promise. you're strong y/n, that's why i fell in love with you in the first place. if i didn't think you'd cope without me then why do you think i left it this long?"
you chuckle to yourself and walk closer to him for possibly the last time for quite a while.
"people in your condition don't often visit, do they? you're not even here right now; just a figment of my imagination and nothing more." you look down at the ground, the reality finally sinking in that you may of been lucky, but that your luck ran out right here. "even so, i hope you know that i miss you every single day i can't be with you." you breathe out, tears falling onto your pale cheeks, counting the twentieth time this week you'd lost control and let yourself be sad.
gripping your hand with such a manner that you could just feel the love radiating off of him, you feel mark kiss your cheek and try to stifle the tears now coming from him.
"i miss you too princess, and i can't wait to see you make me proud real soon like I know you will. be safe, okay?"
looking up, tears still falling profusely from the encounter you had just had, you see that mark is now gone without a trace - almost, like he was never there in the first place.
"damn you.. coming back just when i thought things were finished."
falling to the ground now, your back up against the brick wall you stood against before, and you can barely contain yourself from letting out the cries of pain and distress that you'd tried so hard to pretend weren't threatening to spill out of your mouth the entire time he was standing in front of you.
dropping your notebook carelessly and reaching into your pocket, you pull out your phone and a small collection of fabric that faintly resembled a shirt. going into your voicemails and clicking on your latest, you put the phone on speaker and lay it on the ground beneath you.
"hey baby! i just wanted to let you know that i'm on my way back from the party now. yeah i know it's late and yeah, i'm a little drunk but i'm about a block away from the dorms and i had a great time."
hearing these words makes you smile briefly, knowing and remembering just how happy his enthusiasm always made you. gripping the fabric, you inhale the scent - blueberry, his favourite fruit, and the familiar thing he always smelt of.
"i just wanted to let you know how much i love you, cheesy, i know! but i can't help it, i just adore you so much. i will definitely drop by tomorrow after practice and i can make you something delicious for dinner just to show you how much i missed you."
at that, you can't help but let out a bittersweet chuckle as you clench the fabric a little tighter than before.
"..i'm rambling, so i'm just gonna hang up and hope you aren't too mad at me for walking myself home so late, sweet dreams baby, and remember that i always love you!"
hearing his sweet and gentle voice finish the last sentence of the voicemail and knowing from the beep and the following silence that it was over, you cry into the fabric, covering your face as you curse yourself for putting yourself through the torture of hearing it again. his last words.
you almost feel like screaming or hitting something just to release all the things that are bottled up inside of you.
"mark..i miss you.." you cry, but this time nobody, not even mark can hear you or respond.
mark's been gone for a long time, nearly three months exactly to the day. robbed and held at knife point before being stabbed six times in the chest by an unknown group of attackers just short of thirty yards from his dorm.
that was the last voicemail he ever sent, and the fabric you had bunched up in your arms was the shirt he wore when it all happened, when a group of strangers took your boyfriend's life without a second thought.
you try not to think about the fact that the voicemail was not even two minutes before he'd already be laying near dead on the ground, shedloads of his own blood pooling around him as the attackers ran and left him to die there, scared, alone and now wishing he'd listened to you when you said he should get someone to walk him home after the party he attended, but you know that deep down you cant forget it.
the image of him laying there knowing he wasn't going to make it haunts you to this day, and you can't quite wrap your head around the idea of him breathing his last breaths, and speaking possibly his last words while you were fast asleep; annoyed and angry at him all because he left you at home to go and have fun with his friends at a local party he was invited to.
the worst part, tomorrow was his birthday.. august 2nd. he would of been twenty, and your whole heart hurt knowing you couldn't see his face light up like it did every year when you surprised him with a cake and a party.
"happy birthday to you.." you sing barely above as a whisper as the clock strikes midnight.
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pedropascalssimp · 5 years
●Part two ●
demon of the night
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Summary: it's been a few days since the night Brian's car broke down, two days later he awakes with a sore neck, and a odd hunger. And angry
Warnings: mentions of blood and language. Angsty
Its midnight when brian awakes, he yawns and opens his eyes looking around the dark room, his brows netting in confusion when he sees its pitch black dark outside, he hisses in pain as he feels a stinging in his neck, he brings a hand up lightly feeling the area, once the pad of his finger comes in contact with the area it stings, he hisses again at the painful feeling, he then scrambles out of bed and to a vanity with a mirror, when he looks in it he sees two red Mark's and a bruise. He panics and anger takes over him.
That's when he basically runs downstairs and towards the soft humming emitting from the kitchen, when he walks in he sees you standing there in a long red gown drinking something red, he would assume it was wine but it look thicker then wine would be, he stares at you for a moment, taking in the sight of you, you're absolutely gorgeous, he felt like he was hypnotized, the way your hair fell over your shoulders and your y/e/c eyes shining in the dim lighting, you're pure gorgeousness.
Then he realized he was supposed to be mad, and the anger returns, he stumped his way into the kitchen grabbing the attention of maximus who hisses at the man, you look up and smile at the man.
" what the fuck is this!." He points to his neck In a panicked angered voice, you only smile and turn around taking a drink from the mysterious red in the glass, he scoffs and looks to the floor with a tense jaw and clenched fists.
" why aren't you answering me and why are you smiling so damn much!." He almost begs as he looks back up at you, you smile again and look at him while leaning on the counter.
" well...its quite the long story and I'm sure you'd find it overwhelming so maybe you should take a seat." You say, he scoffs and let's out a noise that would resemble a whine. You motioned him to the sofa and he followed. As the two of you sit down you look toward him with eyes full of sympathy and love, and a soft kind smile. He couldn't help but to let his anger go as he looked at your beauty that seemed to wash it all away.
" to start it all off I'm not what you think i am...I'm a vampire an-." Before you could say anymore he cut you off.
" there! Not real!." He said with a raised voice, if Freddie, john or roger was hear they'd be shocked at the usually calm man raise his voice. You sigh at him.
" we are and I'm one so just listen." You say softly, but he doesn't and he stand up and paces, " how is that even possible! There these made up t-things! That people dress up as on Halloween!." He rambles, you sigh but stand up in a flash of an eye and grab his shoulders as your fangs come out, you hiss at the man and show him the fangs, his eyes go wide as he looks like he's about to fant, but thankfully he doesn't.
" sit down and listen to me!." You say in a demanding voice, he does so and stares at you with wide eyes still.
" I'm a vampire....have been for thousands years and." You say, still standing up looking at him with hard loving eyes. He gulps and let's out a shakey breath. " I didn't want to be one but it happened and I can't take it back...and I'm sorry...I'm so sorry what I did but I needed to...I had to.." you say with tears filling your eyes, he looks at you confused and you slowly get on your knees in front of him, looking at him with guilt.
" what did you do to me?..." he mumbles as he starts putting the puzzle pieces together. And quite honestly he's scared. A tear falls from your eye as you look at him.
" I had to do it...it's what was meant to happen." You say, he couldn't believe this...the anger he felt before was back and he moved you and stood up as he felt like punching something.
" you! Have basically ruined my life!." He yelled like a temperamental teenage girl, you stand up looking at him. " now! I'm this damn thing! When all I was supposed to be! Was a guitarist in my band!." He yelled, you look down and a whimper escapes your lips.
" I'm sorry...if I didn't turn you, you wouldn't ever live a life with someone you can love and trust! You would live a miserable life! And I would have died! Three days after I saw you!." You yelled back, he looked at you with anger filled eyes.
" you. are what made my life miserable..." he said and went upstairs, you cry and run a hand through your hair. He stumped upstairs and slammed the door. As he throws himself on the bed. He was beyond mad over being turned into a vampire. And know he's stranded in the middle of nowhere with a crazy woman....he feels this unbearable pain fill his chest when he thought about leaving you.
He groans in frustration at the whole situation. He just wished it was all a dream.
You sit in the floor while staring at the red walls you've stared at for years upon years, you hated what you had done but its what was supposed to happen, you was told that by the very man who had turned you into what you are all those centuries ago...and you hated him, the only reason he turned you through was so the world could be populated by vampires. And That one man is who had taught you the ways of vampires and after he told you his plans you refused to populate the world with what you was, which you thought to be a a curse, so therefore making you be shunned and that's when you moved into this house in London....
You sigh and wipe away the tears and walk to the kitchen as you grab a glass full of blood you had fixed for brian, you sniffle and walk upstairs knocking on his door, you hear him mumbling something before he yells at you.
" please! Go away!." He yelled, you sigh and refuse, he needs this blood and he will take it even if you have to force it down his throat.
" you need to eat bri or you'll get sick!." You say, he yanks the door open ready to give you a peice of his mind, that is until the smell of blood blesses his nostrils. He looks down at it and cant help but to lick his lips. You hand it to him and he instantly gulps it down, as he downs the whole thing a few drips fall from the corner of those beautiful lips you found yourself craving.
" why does this taste so fucking good?." He whines while screwing his eyes shut, you sigh and look at his pure beauty.
" because it's the only thing you can eat now...its what vampires feed off of..." you tell him softly, he groans and looks up at you with hatred and sad eyes, the beautiful honey brown eyes staring into your own y/e/c ones,
" I want to leave y/n...I want be as far from you and this place as possible...please." he begs you, you sigh and a pain stings your chest as if someone was sticking needles in it,
" its easier said then done brian...its impossible!." You say with a shaky panicky voice, " neither of us would live for long....we will die without each other." You explained truthfully, but he didn't believe you.
" that's bullshit I'm leaving even if I have to walk 20 fucking miles." He said, you stand there staring at him with pleading eyes, but you wouldn't force him to stay....he would feel the pain after being gone for a day...then he would have to come back...so you step aside and let him out of the room.
" the phone is fixed..." you say quietly as you follow him. He nods and walks to it dialing John's number once more, after four rings he picks up with a sleepy voice.
" hello?." He said, brian smiles and let's out a shakey breath, " thank God john...my car broke down and I have no idea where the hell I am and I really need you to pick me up as soon as possible." He explained, over the line brian can here john sit up.
" jesus bri where the hell have you been?." Asks john, brian looks over towards you for the address, you sigh and tell him.
" well theres this woman who let me stay with her for a few days...she leaves pretty far out and her phone didn't work until know...the address is Epping new road, in loughton." Brian sighs out, john groans.
" its 1am Brian and that's quite the drive." John complained, " for goodness sake john please...the womans mad." Brian whispers into the phone but you hear it.
" okay I'll be there but just warning you now...Freddie is absolutely mad about you missing a few days in the studio...as well as roger." He warned the man, brian sighs.
" just get here as fast as possible." And with that he hangs up. You look at him with crossed arms and a frown.
" I can't stop you from leaving...so I might as well give you the warnings that come along with being a vampire..." you tell him. He sits down and closes his eyes.
" you cant sit in the sun for long or you'll basically get extremely sick make sure you always wear sunglasses if you do." You say as he nods, his head thrown back as he rests his eyes. " and always make sure to eat blood and blood only, if you eat food you'll regret it..." you add.
" anything else?." He snaps at you. Your heart breaks at the tune of voice he uses with you.
" if your gone longer then three days from your mate then you'll die from a unbearable pain that will slowly kill you." You explained, he scoffs with a laugh.
" how lovely y/n I'm so thrilled you have turned this curse on me! I couldn't ever live my whole life without it." He sarcastically praises you, a tear falls from your eye as you stare at him.
" fuck you brian." You whisper as you turn around and stump up the stairs, " no! Fuck you y/n!." He yells, you slam the door to your room shut and let a sub out.
You knew he would be upset about the whole thing but you couldn't stand hearing the way he talks to you...the tune of voice he uses as if he hated your guts...and he does...but over time he would love you, that you was sure of. But at the moment he felt everything but love for you, and that was painful.
It's been four hours as brian sit on the sofa silently crying, why he didn't know but he was beyond happy when he heard the sound of a car pull up outside, he jumps up with a smile as he wipes his tears away, before john could knock on the door brian swings it open and hugs the man, john stands there shocked but hugs back.
" thank god! Your a life saver john!." Brian crys in joy upon seeing his friend. John looks at Brian worried.
" just how crazy is this woman!?." He asks concerned, and that's when she walks downstairs with a small smile.
John looks at her with wide eyes. She was stunningly beautiful. " she looks really hot for a mad woman." He mumbles to brian, he only scoffs. " let's just go." Brian said, and so john waves bye and walks out, before brian could you stare at him and say his name. He turns to look at you.
" you'll regret it brian...and I'll be waiting here when you come back." You say, he scoffs and slams the door shut leaving you to cry as the pain hit you slowly. Starting off with little pain bit you knew it would build up to something unbearable.
And you sit there on the stairs as tears race down your cheeks.
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