#cute boyyos
wikitpowers · 7 months
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he's ᵏⁱᵗ ʰᵉʳᵒⁿᵈᵃˡᵉ ⁽ᵗⁱⁿʸ ᵉᵈⁱᵗⁱᵒⁿ⁾ 🌟
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writeyouin · 10 months
How would mtmte Miminus, Thunderclash and Swerve react to the liaison(who has a crush on the bots but the bots are oblivious but maybe like them back) dying their hair their color scheme?(kinda in the style of rainbow hair) Also, I adore you and sorry if I misread any of your rules! 💜 Stay safe!
MTMTE Bots X Reader Headcanons - Oblivious
A/N - I peeked at the vote results early by voting once myself. I have zero patience. So, since it's a mix of headcanons and fics, I'm gonna go through my inbox and do a few asks as headcanons and save the rest for fics. Oh, also I missed out Thunderclash, just 'cos I'm less familiar with him and I haven't read the comics in a while.
Warnings - None.
Rating - T
Minimus Ambus
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You work with Minimus a lot, reporting to him on Megatron's behaviour.
He was used to your previous hair colour, red and blue with a few white streaks.
What a coincidence that you should dye it green, black, and blue just as he is becoming more comfortable going about his tasks without the Magnus armour.
"Do you like my new hairstyle?" You ask him, quietly hinting that it's him you really like.
"It's in line with regulation, so it's more than adequate."
Honestly, you didn't know there were hair regulations until Minimus said that. You should have guessed. He is meticulous after all.
You thought you were being direct, but you'll have to be more to the point if you want this boyyo to notice you.
"I thought it would be nice to match you."
You think you can hear Minimus' cooling fans click on.
"Yes, well," He clears his vocaliser. "I am proud to have been a positive influence on you."
He hastily finds an excuse to look away from you, staring pointedly at his beloved paperwork.
It's only when he sees you practising your handwriting to be more in line with his that he thinks he might be feeling something akin to love.
Nope, no, not love. Probably just a spark infection. He'll see Ratchet to make sure his systems are functioning optimally later.
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Swerve notices the change in your hair and clothes immediately. He always notices the things you do.
Oh wow... Do you even realise that you match his colour scheme now? Probably not. This was likely just a happy accident.
Oh, if Swerve could match you, he would.
He likes to imagine those happy couples on Earth with the same Christmas jumpers on, and you would send a card to everyone you knew. There would be a dog of course, and three children, all in the same outfits, and- did you say hi to him? Primus! He'd been so far off in his fantasy that he'd completely blanked you.
"Do you like dogs?" He asked point blank, forgetting himself momentarily. He's checking for accuracy. If not, he's going to change the fantasy pet to a cat.
"Sure," You grin. "Dogs are cute."
You've got up to the bar now.
"Your hair looks nice," He says after a minute, smiling softly. "I really love you- IT! THE HAIR! Not- Not you. I love your hair. It's nice that we match, 'cos like, orange is a good colour, which is why it's my paint job, so it's good to see you like it too, 'cos you match me- Wait, did that sound arrogant? It did, didn't it!"
Now he's spiralling. He's trying to wave off the embarrassment and he's knocked some energon on you.
"Shoot," You say, though you're not too upset, it's just a mild annoyance. "I don't have any other orange clothes. Guess we won't match any more."
You want to match him? Even when he was such a glitch. Swerve has hearts in his optics.
Okay, he's working up the nerve to ask you out. He's gonna do it. Just give him like a month to build up the courage.
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scarredlove · 8 months
Oooh! Your art is so pretty! So squishy and smooth like marshmallows! I love them! Also regarding your sea slugs outfit I think it's such a cute concept that y/n would try to create some outfits based on sea slugs to match and/or impress the boys! I wonder how would they react? One day they see them in the colourful, fancy outfit that replicates their kind in such a cute way!
Love you have a nice day! And thank you for sharing your art!
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I FEEL SO BAD FOR TAKING AGES ON THIS!! Outfit design struggles, work getting in the way, lack of motivation etc. etc.
Reading the compliments have been like a soft blanket for me and Imma just show what I got done! Sadly, not coloured, but they are outfits inspired more by the boyyos than the slugs!
I just hope they're worth the wait, sorry again my beloved anon! Hope your day is just as spectacular as you :)
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marinerainbow · 6 months
17) Does your OC have a pet? Any of your ocs
You know what? Imma do all of them. Mainly because they are mostly similar XD
Betty Locera: She definitely wants to get a dog one day. She and her family had a couple of dogs that are old good boys now. Betty hasn't really gotten around to it as she's trying to establish herself and her business in the isles. And when she adopted Flower, she decided it was best to focus on her rather than trying to get a pet. I can see a year or two later though, Betty takes Flower with her to the pound to get a dog. Boyyo needs a buddy ^^
Huff Bad: I need to do more for my boy. Puff needs her twin brother! Hm... I can see Huff being the kind of kid who would gather different sizes of snails, slugs and worms to make little 'families' (so basically me XD). He definitely would have tried to keep a pet worm. As he gets older, I think he would invest in an ant farm or something. He just thinks they're really cool. How does Puff feel about her brothers 'gross' interests?
Sketch Quinn: No. They know they aren't exactly in the best position to have a pet. They already are worried about not being there enough for Rooty. But that's ok. They're satisfied with the pigeons on their window sill... Not to mention the fricken rat and roach Rooty brings home 😭
Prism: She has her eatier friend Mercedes. Does that count? XD If not... I don't think so. She has her dad/mento Owl, her eatier friend, and the rest of the wildlife of the Night Dimension. I think shes pretty satisfied with not having her own pet ^^ (would Audaci feel the same way?)
Ben Cottontail: He had a pet goldfish as a kid. But now, as an adult, he's more focused on his garden to get another fish.
Henry Foxworth: He does really like chickens, but he's given up hope of having his own chicken farm by now... But he will break into other peoples' farms just to hang out with the chickens. He won't steal one, though. He knows he can't take care of an animal on the streets.
Moony Wolf: He has his bunny cake, who he loves and spoils ^^ he actually adopted Cake shortly before he and Poppy started dating. Since Cake is more social, he introduced Poppy to her just a few dates in. Poppy fell in love, and now she's kind of like a mother to Cake, too. Even after they've split up, she'll still petsit for Moony when she can and gives Moony advice on how to care for rabbits whenever he needs it ^^
Poppy O'Hare: She doesn't have a pet, but she wouldn't mind one. She definitely needs an emotional support animal. Poppy would love to get a tarantula. Or a duck. She loves ducks ^^ (nobody tell her what ducks are like in the human world-)
Shiny Weasel: She definitely wants a ferret or a cat! She needs a fluffy buddy. Though she feeds the cats in her neighborhood and gives them her own names, even if they have a collar and name tag. So for now, she's satisfied with just her little entourage of kitties XD ^^
Terry Ratt. T: Actually, yes! He has a corn snake he named Louie. It may not be a cute or punny name, but he felt like that suited him. One time, he invited Shiny over to his apartment to meet Louie, and that woman now catches the mice her feline friends don't hunt and offers them to Louie ^^
Thank you for asking! This was so fun to answer ^^
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electricea · 2 years
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Hi there, Tumblr! My name is Jassi and I am a newly rebooted RP blog for Ryuji Sakamoto of the Persona 5 series! Although I am a Persona blog, I'm also more than happy to write crossovers and dip into other verses! I don't require you to know or to have played the game - but if a cute, dumb fuzzy haired blonde boyyo who steals hearts on the side is of any interest to you at all, kindly give this post a reblog or a like and let's make things happen! Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you on the dash.
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tododeku-or-bust · 7 months
Me: I don't even like JoJo like that, he more like a roommate fr
Also me: *hundreds of pics of JoJo poses* *posts JoJo* "hey look he's so cute!" "Oh look he misses Mamà and Papà" "there's my BOYYO" "come sits with Mamà" "share the blanket" *nose boops*
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franklyshipping · 6 years
Marshmallow Jim ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @ericleederekson and @erik-lee-derekson
As someone who has no siblings, nor have had anyone in my life whom I would consider ''sibling-like''....I don't quite understand the relationship siblings have. They're not like parents or other family members who you may feel awkward socialising with, and yet they may neither be like best friends who you can share absolutely everything with....and yet they know everything about you anyway. The only way I have ever really understood the concept of siblings....is through the Jims. Always having each other's backs, having an unexplainable synchronicity in thought and intention, whilst still having some degree of individuality. A comfort, and safety, an obligatory love that you WANT to fulfil because they're just understanding in a person, and they're someone who can understand you. This is what the Jims are, I can't speak for all siblings, but of course not all siblings are as perfect as the Jims.
'Your editing, as ever, astounds me Jim, you must show me how you do it all so smoothly!'
Camera Jim bore the most enthusiastic expression as he grinned to his younger brother, of whom he was in awe of currently due to how he'd undergone the realisation of how completely multi-talented he was. Not only did he provide the perfect auditory commentary for their documentaries, but was also the best formatter he thought he'd ever met in his whole life. Said younger brother, Reporter Jim, had a pink hue of bashfulness on his cheeks before he elected to retort with similar awe-inspired praise of his awesome older brother.
'I surely will Jim, but only if you teach me the secret of how you're able to carry a hugely heavy camera on your shoulder for extended periods of time without getting achy!'
The young reporter grinned....and stuck out his pinky finger. It had always been their thing when it came to making promises. None of this crossing your heart or swearing on life malarkey, just a good old pinky finger shake promise. Camera Jim giggled, extending his pinky finger and sealing this new solemn promise. 
'Deal Jim!'
I think we can agree that this is just a wonderfully pure, lovely thing to witness, and it's certain to light up the day of anybody who sees it, right? Well....I'm mostly right. The other person witnessing this would agree that it's pure and wonderful....but deep down, it would end up offering more darkness to his day than light. Eric Derickson is the person here. He was currently concealed in the living room's window seat that was hidden behind a thick curtain, and had been daydreaming of his, unfortunately now deceased, brothers. He'd been trying his best to keep good, happy memories in his mind, it was meant to help with the grief apparently.
When the Jims had entered the main room however, a pang of want for company had made Eric stand up....but then they'd started talking. Sometimes talking, just the action itself regardless of words, can stop people for different reason. He'd frozen up, and stayed that way. Body half-curled in his seat, fist clenching his raggedy, yet soft, handkerchief as he listened and peeked at the Jims....who talked so in sync. It was amazing to hear. So amazing in fact, that the thought of barging in and including himself in the scene made Eric feel sick right in the pit of his stomach. That sickening pit of anxiety....was just the start.
'Howdy Jim was on form with his advertisement work wasn't he Jim?'
Eric flinched at the sound of the young reporter's exclamation...the Jims never did have a good volume control. It might be a sign of being a rambunctious sibling, there's always a hint of wildness if you're raised in that kind of free for all family. Like the Jims...or....like the Dericksons. Eric's brothers were just the same...they were so much....the same.
'Oh agreed Jim! As was Flirty Katana Jim with their dating advice Jim!'
Camera Jim replied with a wide smile; a hobby of the Jims was crediting and greatly admiring all their friends behind their backs. Eric could feel his eyes getting hotter and hotter. The happy memories of his siblings were being poisoned, poisoned by his anxious grief that made him clutch his hanky tighter and tense what little muscle he had. What really got to Eric though, and in fact made him softly gasp....was what our dear Reporter Jim said next.
'Oh their confidence is unrivalled Jim....I....find myself being jealous, since I get nervous so easily and end up rambling which makes people think I'm a good reporter when in fact I'm just speaking nonsense in order to get past it more quickly so that it's done and there's a lower risk of people finding fault and being disappointed with me-'
'Jim....sweet baby brother, the most talented of us all. You ARE a good reporter, because you handle the truth unlike every other reporter in the existence of the Planet. And you're adorable, viewers like that!'
To hear Reporter Jim have that insecurity struck a chord in Eric....but it was his brother's words that made his first silent tears roll down his cheeks. There's something about being a sibling, when someone sees you at your best and at your worst...it means that they have this gift; an ability to have the perfect words to get you back to your best. Eric didn't have that anymore. He used to have that...but he'd lost it, and it hurt.
Reporter Jim squeaked bashfully, and as the Jim's embraced happily, Eric covered his mouth with his handkerchief to muffle his sniffles. He didn't even have the energy to chastise himself about being weak, the sorrow inside him was just bubbling up and boiling to a point where he just didn't feel in control anymore. Eric felt weak. He'd relied on others being there to help and look after him all his life....but surely that meant he wasn't actually strong like his brothers used to say? Surely if he was strong he would be able to calm himself down and gain control over any panic or surge of anxiety, right? That's how things worked, right?
Yes, you may have people in your life with soft eyes and soft voices who can say all the right things to get you to listen....but they're not the ones who have your lungs. No one else can get you out of hyperventilation and wheezing, that's all you. Yes, someone may be gentle and wipe the tears from your cheeks, but who's the person who stops them coming to yours eyes? You. Yes, your loved ones can take your hands and guide you to places of comfort....but it's your legs that you walk with your brain that convinces you to get up and move those legs. It's you..... but not ONLY you. Yes, you can contribute to getting yourself out of unpleasant states...but it is ALWAYS the people who love you who are there to light that spark and clear the path, to make things easier. They are at the first, middle, and final stages side by side with you. You just have to let them listen....they need to hear you.
'W-Wait....Jim can you hear-?'
'A new noise nearby, yes Jim....'
Reporter Jim whispered in quick succession of his brother as they parted from their hug, both bearing expressions of curious confusion. Neither of them were sure of what they'd heard at first since the noises transitioned through sniffs, hics, gasps....until they both understood that what they were hearing was sobbing. They both looked around the room....before freezing, with the veiled window-seat alcove in their sights since it was the only place that someone could hide in the room. They glanced to one another.
Camera Jim nodded resolutely at his brother's reply before they stood simultaneously and carefully made their way over, being slow; if someone was upset, the last thing they wanted was to startle them. Eric was holding his breath, he knew they'd heard him and he had absolutely nowhere to go, they were going to see him in his stupid, weak state. He was scared....what would they think? What would they do? He was about to find out. Reporter Jim drew back the curtain carefully as his brother peered into the alcove, and both the brothers' eyes widened as Camera Jim whispered.
'New Jim....'
They hadn't come up with their own nickname for him yet, since they hadn't talked to him all that much. The things they did know however, was how the only family he had was his bully of a father, and that the anxiety he suffered from was intense and COMPLETELY undeserved. They knew that his anxiety was in full effect now from his tear stained face, tense frozen form, and look of utter shame on his face. Eric was silent, so Reporter Jim spoke up, but still quite softly.
'Hey....New Jim....why are you....so sad?'
Eric gulped....he could see their concern, but in his mind it was human nature that made them ask him such a caring question. Obligation by nature. Eric therefore did NOT have the confidence to answer, for fear of them not actually caring and in fact seeing him as a burden with whom they talked with out of politeness. Obviously, that is not the case. The brothers knew that they had to be gentle, careful, and patient, much like medical professionals with any other kind of disease. Both brothers took a few little steps towards him, offering him gentle smiles as the eldest murmured.
'You can tell us, we won't tell anyone else....we want to help....we like helping people who are sad, we make sure anyone who leaves us has a smile on their face....'
Eric looked between the two of them nervously, hunched up with nervousness as thoughts pricked his brain....they seemed like they really meant it, and out of everybody, he figured that they were the least likely to deceive him. So Eric decided to try and tell them.....everything. That meant that all of his words came out as this fast, stuttery babble of speech as all his feelings tried to come out at once.
'W-Well I-I-I was g-going to say hi but y-you guys were ch-chatting so I d-didn't want to i-interrupt, th-then you were gossiping a-and b-being caring a-a-and it m-...m-made...me...th-think of m-my own brothers a-a-a-I-uh....'
Eric was shaking and hyperventilating as his coherency just diminished, his sobs returning to him at full force as he held his hanky to his eyes. The Jims only saw one course of action....hugging. They both surged forwards and put their arms around him, and since Eric was the sort of person who needed a lot of physical affection, this was the perfect thing to do for him in that moment. The Jims were in shock....they never thought that one person would ever have to deal with such a great degree of grief....and yet here he was in their arms. And by the gods they were going to help him.
'Hey now it's okay it's okay, we're right here for you aren't we Jim?'
Reporter Jim crooned softly, rubbing in-between Eric's shoulder blades as he and his brother led him slowly to the main couch; standing in of itself was probably draining Eric of energy. Camera Jim had nodded at his brother's words, and kept Eric's non-hanky hand encased in both of his own as he kept eye contact with the distraught man.
'Definitely. Don't worry, if you need to keep doing the crying then we can cuddle you through it all.'
'Cuddling is a cure for all problems.'
'We've got you, you don't need to hide away and do it by yourself....'
They may have spoken in quick succession, but the lowered tones of their voices along with the caring words they spoke made it all just seem soothing for Eric. Soon enough they were all on the couch, with Eric half-nestled limply into Camera Jim as Reporter Jim rested/snuggled into his back.....and there Eric wept. All I can tell you regarding how long he cried for is that it was the amount of time that he needed, and you can't put a numerical value on need. When he did manage to get his breath back, his eyes were flicking over the squiggly patterns on Camera Jim's shirt, and his voice was a whisper.
'I-I-I m-miss them....I-I n-never knew th-that I could hurt th-this much, I didn't think a p-person could f-feel like nothing...'
The Jims thought they were going to tear up....he just sounded so broken.
'But you're not nothing, not really....all the nastiness you feel just shows how much you loved them. I bet all your brothers were so wonderful and loving...'
Camera Jim murmured soothingly, running his hand through Eric's hair as he looked down to him. To the Jims' joy, Eric nodded at Camera Jim's words...and they felt this hope that if they helped Eric focus on happy memories, it would be less painful. Eric sniffled softly, his watery eyes flicking up to Camera Jim as he snuggled more into both brothers, getting more comfortable as he replied.
'They w-were....'
Eric looked like he wanted to continue, so Reporter Jim spoke encouragingly as he kept rubbing the man's back.
'Hey....if you'd like to, we'd love to hear about them. Talking about the happy things might make it hurt way less.'
Eric blinked a few times, turning his head behind him as he hummed softly at the light massage....and a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.
'.....th-that s-sounds....nice....'
Both Jims smiled as Eric resumed carefully cuddling and getting comfy, and the Jims both made sure to be attentive as Eric spoke.
'W-Well they um.....th-they were all kind of wild and rough, a-always playful and h-having competitions and mini-fights. But....th-they never tried to...m-make me do that s-stuff. They knew I g-got anxious easily s-so they looked after me, they d-didn't care that I didn't like fighting...they l-loved me for me....'
The Jims kept smiling as they listened to Eric....just talking about his brothers in a happy light seemed to make him perk up more; Camera Jim ruffled Eric's hair a little as he whispered.
'They sound so sweet and kind, I bet they loved looking after you, their little Eric...'
Eric's cheeks turned pink, and the Jims withheld gasps when the man suddenly became all smiley and bashful...he was so adorable.
'M-Mhm....th-they u-used to c-call me that when they t-teased me....a-and s-sometimes babied me because I w-was the youngest....'
Okay now the Jims' hearts were truly melted because the thought of fifteen people constantly being there to baby and care for Eric was the purest thing they could possibly imagine. Seeing Eric so bashful too was a sign to the Jims that they were helping Eric onto the right track, so they decided to try and keep it that way. Reporter Jim giggled a little.
'Awwww, to be fair you are really adorable!'
'I bet all your brothers loooved cooing at you! What else did they do?'
Eric felt his breath catch in his throat at the teasing from the Jims....and for the first time in he didn't know how long....he got butterflies in his tummy. Actual flutters and tingles of happy flusteredness that he used to have so much that the butterflies became as normal for him as breathing was. Eric hadn't fathomed feeling them again...but he was....and he loved it. He wanted to feel more. He was eager to tell the Jims more, he could feel that they were honestly interested, so he spoke; it was still in jitters, but that was normal for him really.
'W-Well, uhm...ohgosh-heh....well...th-they a-always said I l-looked cute....b-but I always d-disagreed with them. S-So...t-to get me to agree they'd um....wr-wrestle me down an all take turns....t-t-tickling me...'
Eric had his head bowed in embarrassment as he trailed off breathlessly, mind racing at how he was actually telling people this, about how he was frequently gang tickled; he was shocked he even got that word out of his mouth. The Jims meanwhile...felt a mix of things. Amazement that Eric had survived frequent gang tickling from FIFTEEN STRONG BROTHERS! Awe at how happy Eric was becoming as he unloaded more and more, plus honour at how Eric trusted them with all these personal things. Their main shared emotion however....was mischief. Mischief and delight. Mischief and delight at the fact that Eric had just told them something of great value; something, that could keep Eric's smile in place for a good while. The Jims shared a look, grinned, and confirmed their intentions via some secret Jimmy telekinesis which we will never understand.
'Wrestle you down you say? All of them against you? Why you would never had stood a chance, poor thing....'
'You must have been utterly defenceless, say....did they wrestle you like this?'
Reporter Jim crooned after his brother, before sneakily gaining a grip on Eric's forearms from behind and bringing them above his head as Camera Jim lightly pushed Eric into a lying position, sitting on the confused man's shins in the process. Eric was mightily confuzzled. He let out a soft whine as he struggled amidst their movements, not feeling too nervous since their kindly smiles reassured him that playfulness was what was on the table here. Eric tugged gently at his arms, wiggling as he stuttered.
'What-u-u-uhm....y-yes I s-suppose....b-but why are y-y-you d-doing it? L-Let me up....'
As Eric's speaking went on, he became more and more soft spoken, especially when it came to him making his meek little request. Why you ask? Well, that would be due to how the Jims were subtly looming more and more over him as the seconds passed, eyes glinting as they relished in his cuteness. The Jims shared a glance for a few moments, and Eric gulped as he tried to interpret what they were thinking....but it was impossible. He only understood, when they spoke.
'Well we wanted to get a really good picture of how your brothers would wrestle you, and you also said that they did it because they cared for you-'
'And you were smiling when you talked about it!'
'So really it makes sense that we re-create it for you.'
'So that we can keep you smiling!'
Reporter Jim finished the brothers' spiel with a growing enthusiasm in his voice, and it was then that Eric realised. He went over in his head what he'd told them.....and there were those butterflies once more. Eric....was so happy. He was too happy to even be embarrassed. He knawed on his bottom lip as his watery, hopeful eyes flicked between them with a growing excitement....wondering.....wondering if this was going to happen to him...after so long.
'B-B-But....d-does that mean y-you're gonna....?'
Eric's evident joy meant that the Jims were just itching to get started, so much so that no sooner had they nodded to Eric to confirm his suspicions, Camera Jim had set his fluttering fingertips under the nervous man's chin. And boy was he rewarded.
'AHA! D-Dohohon't s-s-stahahart thehehere!'
My. God. His. Giggling. You're not even ready. The Jims sure as hell weren't ready, and let me tell you, they were shook. You're aware of the phrase 'tee-hee' in reference to laughter right? Well, that's how Eric laughed; or rather, giggled. After a spluttery start, he descended into this high-pitched stream of preciousness as he tried to tilt his head in an attempt to hide his ticklish chin. He couldn't believe this was happening....he'd missed it so much.
'Awww but why noooot? It's making you so giggly and cute!'
'VERY giggly and cute in fact....'
Camera Jim followed on from his brother's giddy remark with a purr as he kept up his fluttery, scratchy technique whilst smiling down at Eric fondly. Camera Jim was getting this odd feeling that he didn't just have one little brother anymore....and Reporter Jim was half-thinking that in the future he'd get to tickle a sibling for once rather than be on the receiving end. Eric was thinking that he was flustered and their successive teasing was very, very evil.
'Nohoho dohohon't sahay it dohohon't sahay ihit!'
You might think that if someone gets called cute nearly 24/7 in their life, they'd get used to it eventually.....nooo. If anything, the constancy just made Eric more easy to fluster. The very apples of his cheeks were lovely and rosy as he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, wiggling about and whining at how he couldn't fight back. So, what did the Jims do? Why, tease him even more of course!
'Uh ohhh, I think someone's getting flustered Jim.'
Camera Jim cooed with a smirk as his fluttery tickly digits founds the backs of Eric's ears, making him squeal extensively whilst Reporter Jim lightly rubbed Eric's forearms.
'Oh deeefinately Jim! Look at his little blushy cheeks, they look so cute and squishy!'
I'm surprised that Reporter Jim didn't develop genuine heart eyes given how lovingly he was looking down at Eric, both Jims found that they now had a very strong attachment to him. Eric felt the same for them too...because now they really reminded him of his brothers. He was even getting flashes of memories in his mind of when they would crowd round him and make him giggle his heart out for god knows how long. Eric was soon back in reality when he tossed his head even harder from side to side, the tickles behind his ears feeling unbearable in the teasiest way.
'S-Stahahap the t-t-teheheasihing, shuhuhushy!'
Eric had his face scrunched up, since he was trying to a) dislodge the evil ear tickles and b) try to block out their babyish teasing. Yeaahhh....that didn't work. If anything...he just made everything worse for himself.
'Jim....I think our ticklish little Eric is trying to tell us what to do....'
Camera Jim stroked down Eric's neck as a new expression of sternness rose on him, making Eric gulp and squeak nervously....Eric never thought a Jim could be intimidating....oh how wrong he was.
'Ohhh that's a big mistake Jim.'
'A VERY big mistake.'
Eric whimpered and whined with wide eyes as he looked between the brothers, BOTH of whom were stern now, and he especially tensed when he felt the reporter's grip on his forearms get that little fraction tighter. Camera Jim leant down just above Eric, letting out a few lengthily drawn out tuts, making Eric squirm and try to look at anything but his intimidating expression.
'If anything it's....quite cheeky...'
'The height of disrespect!'
'Such disrespect deserves a punishment...'
Oh god.....punishment. That word. That word that had always meant that Eric was screwed, and I can assure you that it meant the EXACT same right now. Reporter Jim grinned excitedly as he watched his brother's fingers trail down Eric's neck, before drifting to his inner arms below his elbows....before softly....trickling....downwards. Eric was babbling almost immediately.
'W-Wahait waitwaitwait plehease I-I-I r-rehespect you b-bohoth please Ihi dihidn't mean it I didn't!'
Eric's solemnity might have been believed....if he hadn't been smiling like an excited little dumpling. The Jims giggled at his begging, loving it even more when they realised Eric didn't mean a word of it; the Jims realised that when you know someone wants you to tickle them when you've already started....it's very difficult to stop.
'It's too late nooowww!'
The young reporter let out the most evil train of giggles as his older brother winked down at Eric....and then he began. Tracing and scratching and fluttering were what Eric's underarms were subjected too, and that's all that it took for Eric to snort like a piglet and yell to the heavens.
The Jim's couldn't hold back their happy squeaks at this impromptu nickname....they loved it. Almost as much as they loved how wildly Eric was reacting to such gentle tickling, they figured his sensitivity was through the roof after years of frequent tickles from his brothers; as a result, they kept it gentle, whilst still being taunty.
'Don't think your adorableness is going to make us have mercy on you!'
'Yeah Mr Cheeky Blush!'
Reporter Jim had growled just after his brother as Eric wailed and thrashed about, but even with his real struggles Reporter Jim didn't have to exert too much strength to keep Eric's arms up. Eric gazed at them both pleadingly as shockwaves reverberated from his underarms, through his shoulders as well as his torso, and his back was sharply arched as he exclaimed in his mirth.
Both Jims awed audibly at him, which made him wail even more through his laughs and babbles, and they were intrigued by how Eric spoke in such a child-like tone, but of course, it wasn't unheard of in flustered people to react childishly when they were cooed at like a child. That reminded the Jims that Eric was still enjoying himself; he was playing along with their tone of teasing, so they continued with it.
'Does it indeed? Enough to make you a more polite little Eric I hope?'
Camera Jim spoke with a raised eyebrow, to which Eric nodded with utter desperation.
Camera Jim smiled softly as he relented on the poor man, and watched happily as his brother released Eric's arms and started cuddling him from behind; Eric started to catch his breath. Reporter Jim snuggled into Eric's shoulder as Eric mewled, subconsciously trying to snuggle back as he subconsciously craved the affection. So Reporter Jim provided it. He carded his fingers through Eric's hair, wanting to calm him and help replenish his energy as much as possible....since he may still need it.
'Breathe, breeeathe, I've got you, your Jimmies are here....'
Eric smiled and blushed at the affection as he bowed his head, extremely embarrassed that he'd actually called the Jims that out loud. He always changed people's names in his head, like, Ed was Eddy, Host was Hosty, and the Jims were Jimmies; calling people cutesy nicknames in his head like that made him less anxious whenever he talked to them. He shut his eyes momentarily as he nestled into Reporter Jim's chest....which meant he didn't see the mischievous grin that the two brothers shared. Camera Jim...shifted a little, just so that he was resting more solidly on Eric's shins as the care from the young reporter both soothed and distracted Eric. It was the perfect way to set up their finale. After a few moments, Eric's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Reporter Jim, heart swelling with happiness.
'Thank y-you....th-this really means a lot t-to me-EEEEEEE!'
Wow, way to ruin a sweet profound moment or what? Eric squealed in surprise before throwing his head back in high pitched laughter. The Jims giggled, particularly Camera Jim who was absently swiping his fingers across the tops of Eric's thighs.
'Yeeeaaahhh, we're not quiiiite done, sorry for the lack of warning...'
Eric wailed at the entirely unapologetic tone in Reporter Jim's voice as he tugged at his legs, and of course he couldn't fight back due to the reporter's previously loving hug now being an entrapment.
Reporter Jim giggled in Eric's ear, which made him shudder even more amidst his frantic writhing. Camera Jim now started introducing mini-pinches and squeezes to the flesh, making Eric howl and laugh even harder as his eyes got watery and glazed again....oh the memories he had of his brothers tormenting him here. They would torture his poor thighs until he wept....and guess what's going to happen now.
'Awwww did I find your bad wittle tickle spot, hmmmm?'
Camera Jim taunted, not stopping the tickling for a second as he cocked his head down at Eric, who nodded in the most frantic manner.
The Jims chuckled adoringly, making Eric cry out in embarrassment as they swiftly spoke....to one another; playfully talking over his laughter so as to fluster Eric as much as they possibly could. Why? Well.....who wouldn't? The young reporter began teasingly.
'The worstest? My, my it must be diabolical Jim.'
'Oh truly evil Jim, I'll tell you something that's truly not evil though.'
'Oooh what's that Jim?'
'How amazingly marshmallowey his thighs ar-'
Eric let out a mighty shriek. Camera Jim's squeezing and pinching of his soft muscles made tears stream down his cheeks as he hid and sniffled and laughed into Reporter Jim's chest, which made both tormenting brothers aww softly; they could tell the poor thing had reached his limit. So, the tickling stopped, for real this time. Eric gasped and shivered when the tickling slipped away, only to be replaced with....intense cuddling. It was intense because of how Camera Jim elected to lie on top of him, thus cementing Eric into what could only be described as a Jim-witch.
'There we go....all good now...'
Camera Jim whispered as he snuggled close, smiling as he peeked up at Eric who had revealed a fraction of his burning face....and the Jims were elated to see him still smiling so damn brightly. Eric took a few gentle breaths as he squirmed to get comfy between them, murmuring bashfully.
'Y-Yeah....all good n-now...'
After he trailed off, there was a gentle silence. Eric felt himself becoming soothed by the sound of the young reporter's heartbeat against his ear as he rested on his chest, as well as from the way the brothers rocked him and stroked his hair and rubbed his shoulders carefully....all of it so loving, and all of it making Eric feel safe just as it had done in the past.
'Y-You don't....h-h-have to b-baby me i-if you don't want to....'
He stuttered drowsily, his anxious selflessness still there even as he drifted closer to slumber. The Jims merely shushed him softly, making Eric hum as they crooned to him.
'Oh believe us, we want to.'
'We want to look after our brother....'
'Our Marshmallow Jim....'
The young reporter finished with a grin as his eyes met with his elder brother's, before they too relaxed and exhaled with contented sighs along with their Eric; and from that moment on, Eric Derickson had a sense of family that he hadn't had for a long, long time. 
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cosmicbash · 3 years
I'm away on vacation right now but that apparently that can't stop me from working on my fics!
So here's some sexy krook smut for the lovely @triplexdoublex that they've patiently waited months for me to finish 🥲🥲
Hope this makes up for all that time!
Colson’s fingers are threading gently through Rook’s hair when he gets the idea.
“You should let me fuck your face.”
He doesn’t mean to say it out loud, his lips just move on their own. Maybe it’s the weed they're smoking, maybe it’s just how irresistible Rook’s wet little pout looks while the drummer scrolls through Instagram on his phone. Colson can’t be sure which one provokes it, but one thing he is certain of is how hard his dick twitches at the immediate flushed look his comment inspired.
Rook’s too cute for his own good.
Colson’s mouth curls up into a smirk, fingers twirling a few chestnut strands before he tries again. “Your face. Let me fuck it.” Now that he’s said it he can’t stop imagining it.
Rook’s hazel eyes all wide, staring up at him from the floor, nose buried right against his pubes. He can almost feel the choking tightness of his drummer’s throat already.
Reflexively his fingers tighten a little and his knees shift apart.
There’s no hiding the tent forming in his pants, not while wearing gray sweats like he currently is. Colson knows Rook can see it too, even if it’s just in his peripheral vision. The almost shakey eye contact they’re making just emphasizes how hard the brunette is trying not to look at it. “Kells…”
“Cmon, I’ll be quick,” Getting to do it fast for once will be half the fun. “I’ll take care of you after too, promise.”
Just as quick as Rook looked at him in the beginning, he looks away. Eyebrows furrowing and lips pursing again while he tries to focus back on his phone screen. “No way dude, I’m not trying to die sucking a dick.” Colson doesn’t miss the way Rook’s fingers tense when his thighs flex again. “And, w-we gotta hit the head soon anyway. I told you this morning if you wanted to fuck around we shoulda did it back at the motel-“
“I wasn’t horny back then,” And besides, with how late they all stayed up partying the night before it was a drowsy rush to leave this morning. He doubts Rook would have actually agreed to let him do anything in lieu of eating breakfast.
The dude has full on bitten Colson's hand over some hash browns.
"Yeah, well tough." The drummer's cheeks are coloring pink, one of his small tatted hands rising up to try and slap away the one in his hair. "I'm not sucking you off in the middle of the bus, everyone's here-"
Colson rolls his eyes and drops his palm down to scratch through his bandmates undercut. Long legs kicking out to stretch and adjust some of the tight fabric across his crotch. "And? They're all asleep." Even if they weren't it's not like any of them would care. Ashleigh maybe, she hates walking in on sex shit, but Baze and Slim are used to seeing him and Rook fooling around by now. Tours are long, and Colson's not going to pretend they collectively haven't all fucked each other at some point anyway. Drugs can lead to some crazy decisions.
Though, Dub is one who will make a big fit if he catches them. Colson can still hear his screams of eye purity and attacks on his love for pussy from the last time.
"Asleep is where we should both be too. Jerk off in your bunk or something-" Rook moves to get up, but Colson's fingers drop down quick enough to catch the drummer by his tee. Plopping him right back against the bench before he can get far.
He's not finished trying yet.
"C’mon babe, that's not gonna feel anywhere as good as with you. Besides, we'll both sleep better after we've both come once." This time Colson dips his head down to bring their bodies a little closer. Breath fanning over the shell of Rook's ear as he talks. "I'll do that thing with my tongue that makes your legs shake. Always sleep good after that, don't you?"
Eating Rook out in the middle of the bus sounds hot too. Colson can just see the brunette's legs up in the air, arms reaching over his head to hold onto the shitty bench seats back. Whole body shaking from how hard he's trying to stay quiet.
"What if...what if they wake up?" Rook's palm pushes at his thigh, grabbing but not exactly squeezing just yet. Colson can feel the flush heating up his face just from the way the ear between his teeth warms.
He knew Rook wouldn't be able to say no to that.
Read the rest over on ao3 😘
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thjrdwheel · 5 years
easily the cutest moment of the show....... omfg
credit to @/gwayupdates on insta))))
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bedds-head · 4 years
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Eddtober Day 8: Minor Characters
quick drawing of some.. thespians. whose names i. don’t know. ?? i love them tho!
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wikitpowers · 9 months
imagine dru confessing to ty that she is in love with ash and him being like listen i get it im in love with a faerie prince myself and them just ✨bonding✨ over their joined anguish
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softrenjunnie · 4 years
[9:21 pm] When Jeno walked in through your apartment door to find all the lights off and no signs of you, he wasn’t only surprised; he disappointed and felt a bit betrayed. He hadn’t seen you all day, as he’d been busy practicing for the upcoming album. You had sent him a text in the morning, a short & sweet “happy birthday! i have a lot of work today and i already had plans for dinner tonight since way back, but i’ll try to be home as soon as possible”. His members had congratulated him, sure, but there was nothing other than a few words. No gifts, no cake, nothing. It made him feel... weird. He was confused as to why he was getting less attention on his birthday than any other day, but at the same time, he didn’t want to seem to greedy.
He sighed as he kicked off his shoes, hanging his jacket by the door and putting down his bag on the floor. But as he walked into the living room, the lights suddenly turned on. And there you stood, a cake in your hands, with all of the NCT members with you. “Surprise!” you all yelled and his frown slowly turned into a grin as he noticed how the entire apartment was decorated and a bunch of gifts were lying in the corner of the room.
“Happy birthday, baby,” you cooed as you put down the cake on a table and walked closer to him.
“I can’t believe you,” he snickered, pulling you into a hug and kissing your forehead softly. “Thank you.”
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I have two characters that are dating. Their names are Zack (Edgy chaotic dumb villian) and Fleet (Choatic dumb some times has a valley girl accent hero). Zack is polyamorous pan and prefers guys and Fleet is also poly and bi. I'm working on a guy to add to the relationship of the two and he's like noooo baby don't stay up all night >.< I wanted to cuddle!!! And he likes forehead kisses and is a bit of a softie.
so I need name ideas and some fun situations for the three of them
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Hey, I have an OC question! ^^ What are your OC's (Or at least- Poppy, Shiny, Terry, Henry, Ben and Moony's) favourite animals?
Oh I like this question! I'm gonna go ahead and do all of my OC's for this one ^^ starting with the WFRR OC's since there are so many of them XD
Poppy: Well, we know she's fond of insects, though I don't think they are recognized as animals? So I'd say she also likes ducks. Especially the ducklings (I blame that one convo we had. You know which one XD). When she goes to the park, she always brings a bag of duck friendly food for the birds- and she almost always gets a flock surrounding her 😂
Shiny Weasel: Hm... I'm gonna say it's a cross between ferrets and cats. She doesn't own any pets, but she thinks some of the strays in her neighborhood have adopted her for free food, and Shiny has grown a soft spot for them XD she'd love to get a ferret someday ^^
Terry Ratt T: Snakes. Not really an explanation, he just thinks they're cute, funky guys, "They don't have arms and legs. They do everythin' with their body. Move, eat... They're pretty funny like that."
Henry Foxworth: Hm... I'm gonna say he likes chickens. Not even because it's a fox thing, he genuinely likes them. I think he might have wanted to start a farm at some point in his life before he took scamming as a career path.
Moony Wolf: Ok hear me out... It's bunnies. Even before he started dating Poppy, he's liked rabbits. At first, it was just a part of his predator mindset. Rabbits = food = happy. And when he started working on himself, he felt guilt and felt like he had to make it up to the little critters somehow (Poppy specifically, but A. He didn't know where she was at the time, and B. He figured non-sentient rabbits could be like a practice run, or stepping stones toward the right direction). So he tried to volunteer at animal shelters around Toontown, and ironically got along best with the rabbits (and the dogs course). One adoption and a relationship with his former co-star later, and it's cemented in Moony's mind that rabbits are the best animal (he named his pet Bunny Cake btw)
Ben Cottontail: Hm... Hard to say in all honesty... I think he might like fish? Like maybe as a kid, Ben had a pet goldfish or something, so he's more familiar with fish.
Ok, onto my other OC's XD
Betty Locera: Dogs. And canines in general. Betty would be the best dog mom. She's already a more outdoorsy gal anyway! (*cough* @marshmallow-biscuit-blog Betty would fricken love Boyyo. Joe can dump the dog on her if he needs a dog sitter. Or just a break)
Detective Sketch: Pigeons. Pigeons have been a constant presence in Sketch's life. Watching them land on their windowsill in the orphanage. Seeing them flying around the city. Pigeons kind of bring a sense of childhood nostalgia to Sketch ^^
Prism: She can't pick just one. There are so many amazing animals in the night dimension, and even more that she's read about in the waking world. How can she choose!? Though I do imagine she has made friends with an eatier, a nightopian creature I invented, named Mercedes (I should post about Eatiers now that I think about it 🤔)
Well, I think that about covers it. Thank you so much for sending this in! I loved it ^^
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toxarts · 4 years
Gordon is cute 💞
AH thank u!!! I’m glad u like my design for him!! :>
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tuesdayscanons · 4 years
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《 Asdfghjkl...Maddie getting together with Fentonino in the same verse where she takes on Louis as an apprentice 》
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