#cuz i want everyone to listen to them XD
noodlenumber · 2 years
My URL in song titles:
N) Nobody - Mitski
O) Off to the Races - Lana Del Rey
O) Only A Lad - Oingo Boingo
D) Danse Macabre - The Oh Hellos
L) Leave Me Alone - Neutral Milk Hotel
E) Even Flow - Pearl Jam
N) No One Lives Forever - Oingo Boingo
U) Um, It’s kind Of A Lot -  Will Wood
M) Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave - Will Wood
B) Bourée - Jethro Tull
E) Exit Strategy of a Wrecking Ball - Diablo Swing Orchestra
R) Regret - Everything Everything
I'm tagging @chlotriflouride @doctormadd @pierogiies @beryllium-sunrise @aviatorhead @4nowlost and anyone else who wants to do it!❤️
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honoviadakai · 5 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel Characters based on how much I'd trust them to do a coffee run 🏨😈🎶👼
ah sweet Charlie
Dear sweet Charlotte
She would bend over backwards just to get you a cup of coffee, and that might be the main root of the problem
First of all, If 1 person asks her for coffee, everyone gets something. Everyone.
She's also gonna be a little overbearing
She means well, she really does
But if you only order something like a simple, small black coffee, be prepare to be brought a large black coffee, 2 large Frappes, a breakfast sandwich, a salad and a yogurt bowl
She's sweet but she be doing to much fr
Vaggie 🗡️🦋:
Vaggie is one of the best people in hell/the hotel you can ask to go on a coffee run for you
She's gonna go in, grab your order and get out asap
Where she loses a point is that she might accidentally get distracted by something she saw in a shop window that reminded her of Charlie
You can't even be that mad tbh cuz like...it is a cute outfit that she got for her XD
Other than the occasional distractions, she gets your order correct most of the time so shes a solid and trustworthy option
Don't ask him to do any favors for you
Even an innocent coffee run might bite you in the ass later
And that's assuming he even get you what you asked in the first place!
He's either gonna bring you what asked for and be really ominous about there possibly being poison in your drink(9/10 probably poisoned it 💀)
He's not bringing you anything
There is very little in between with him
He's also gonna high key judge you depending on what you order
He honestly might just get you a cup of black coffee instead of what you wanted because "It's the ✨proper✨ thing to have" 🙄
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
Listen...He means well but you can't trust him to get your order right sometimes
Hell, sometimes he'll bring you a half drunk drink cuz he just couldn't resist taking a sip 🤦🏻
He’s probably gonna forget what you asked for halfway to the café tbh
If he’s not feeling lazy he’ll call/text you and ask you to repeat your order
If he’s feeling lazy….may the odds be ever in your favor
It’s better to go with him tbh
He’ll even making it a day for the two of you
I mean who doesn’t wanna go shopping with this guy?🛍️😎
This man may be an alcoholic but he’s got job security for a reason!(Aside from, you know…Alastor 💀)
Memorizing orders is part of a bartender’s job so he’s gonna have your order memorized after you’ve said it once
He might complain but he’s out the door pretty quick for someone who just said he’d rather eat lead than go grab coffee for you XD
He also comes back quickly too
Mans does not mess around
He’s got a task to complete and he’s gonna do it asap so he can get back to the bar damn it! 😤
Efficient old kitty is efficient
…..I love this woman to death but I feel like trusting her to get you coffee is a death sentence…
If you see her preparing a coffee in the Hotel’s kitchen, go ahead and trust it, it’s probably pretty good
But sending her off to a café….
Best case scenario, she stabbed someone for their order because it was exactly what you asked for
Worse case scenario….the entire coffee goes up in flames because someone upset Nifty….
Please…for everyone’s safety….get it yourself
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
He’s a leggless golden retriever and you know it
He’s gonna agree to get you your coffee with 1000% enthusiasm
This is gonna go down 1 of 2 ways…
Option 1: egg boys
Don’t let them go
Lord only knows when they’ll be back
They will deadass come back at 3am with a cheeseburger and 5 packs of ranch
No coffee…
Option 2: Snake boy
This option…is at least more likely to get you some coffee
Here’s the problem….
Pentious is a smart guy…sometimes…
And for some reason, he just can’t seem to remember your order
So by the time he gets to the café’s doors, your order is forgotten
And instead of maybe calling or texting you…he slithers ALLLLLLL the way back to ask you what you wanted….
Please just go with him….let him feel like he’s doing a good job
Please 🙏
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rox-of-iu · 8 months
heyoo here are the promised bonus concept doodles for the covers ( ´ ▽ ` )b (finally dug them out lol)
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(these first two were the ogs that i made back in june. i was lying in bed unable to fall asleep before my entrance exams and had sudden thought hey what if i made cultivate covers haha jk unless- and then the very next day these two were made hjkd)
as you can see i didnt listen to my own sketches tho and most of these underwent more changes as i went hahha
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and here are the ideas for the beautiful spouses of bai zhan and taoren mountain <333 matching when theyre on each others peaks so that everyone knows theyre a package deal hahha i have modified them quite a bit for the final piece but that was simply because it better fit into the composition that way (but low ponytail lqg is still very dear to me even if it didnt make it into the final version hahha)
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(sy has a willow branch hair pin and lqg has peach blossom hair adornments) yea also i know the taoren outfits are too fancy but shh they can dress up properly to their status for once cuz i said so and wanted to draw it hfjhgkdfh. also they deserve many outfit variations also because yes.
i also thought about making bonus content that you get with the special editions of the final books, like the stickers and posters ykno. so i started doodling stickers but ran out of time hahha so thats that xD (but if anyone else feels like doing cultivate stickers instead pls feel free the more the merrier and stickies spark so much joy to look at hkjghkdf)
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speaking of running out of time. i am the biggest procrastinator so i went "oo i got pleny o time" and then the chapter count started catching up with me so i went "panik!!" and then it went up so "hm kalm again." and then again and again hdfkjhdfg
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good7luck · 7 months
My quick personal thought on Noe in VNC manga latest chapter 61.5
(more under the cut)
I do NOT think Noe "pretended" to not notice the racism towards Dham in the office because he didn't "want" to accept the harsh reality that his "good" fellows are being bad / racists. It didn't happen...yet, at least.
I'm rather sure Noe simply, sincerely had NO "concept" of the racism ITSELF towards Dham AT ALL. "They probably still don't know their individual name each" was the ONLY and "best" guess Noe could ever make ON HIS OWN, within HIS (extremely limited) "common sense".
Noe does NOT realize the word Dham was being used like a slur purposefully in THEIR context, because Noe believes it's "by definition" not inherently an offensive term. They're Dhams, it's who they are, what's the problem? Vani is a human, so there's nothing wrong to call him human, cuz it's what he is, isn't it? But yeah, it's weird to keep calling all of them as just Dham when they all have their own name, let's fix it now!
Well, Noe does not have the same view / experience as other characters, much less we audience. He tends to listen well, but he's not always good at catching the hints / full context quickly. Of course, Noe hated to be called only "vampire" on and on by Vani in the previous arc, but Vani was clearly super hostile and seriously fighting Noe to death at that time, while this is happening "in peace", so Noe couldn't possibly imagine the people were hostile, "too", just in a different or "softer" form, perhaps? Or Noe failed to notice it because it's not directly about Vani lol
I get that it's very tempting to call Noe "stupid / annoying" etc for not noticing the "obvious" malice. But it's NOT obvious to him, unfortunately; he's plain ignorant and oblivious for real, because he literally has had NO chance to learn until now. He can't magically know what he doesn't know. He isn't even a genius character. This is the first time Noe witnessed the subtle and explicit racism, and honestly...I highly doubt if even now he truly understands that he watched people being openly bigoted and that it's never from their "innocent ignorance" as he first believed. Sadly, it indeed doesn't help that those people are the ones who Noe does NOT see as an enemy.
Noe never heard of Ruthven, who "can't" be unknown to anyone. Noe genuinely believed everyone else (Vani & Domi) was lost, when it's actually him alone who was lost. This is the Noe we're talking about!
Shapeless One didn't teach Noe anything about Dham and the prevailing racism (which is surely suspicious and irresponsible). It seems he at least didn't tell Noe that Dham should be oppressed / hated, and thankfully Noe has grown up not to discriminate people merely for race. Since he arrived in Paris, Vani has never bothered Dante and others for being Dham in front of Noe, either. But yeah, now Noe should get to know more and face the unjust reality that the Dham has to deal with.
"Noe should've known better because, Archiviste!!" I feel he believes that it's NOT the same and mostly the matter of the "rightfully creepy" (he thinks) "ability" of the memory-reading (for now, at least). When you think about it...no VNC character has negatively reacted to Noe for being Archiviste so far (and like, most of them barely know in detail or get interested a little) - except Vani XD and we all know Vani currently doesn't care, as long as Noe doesn't try to drink his blood. Astolfo hated Noe, but it's because he equally hates any "vampire".
However, in regards to Dham, people are loudly making "the existence ITSELF" a huge problem, including their mere "appearance" difference. People "discuss" their "right to exist", which is similar to Jeanne, Bourreau, the slaves. Yeah, I suppose Noe has been kinda "lucky" not to be the target of discrimination...until now. I won't be surprised if Noe still doesn't understand what makes Dham "deserve" all the disgust when they don't even have any "disgusting" ability "like his". I'd like to also add that...Noe might've been safe solely thanks to his (problematic) "guardian" Shapeless One, the (in)famous & powerful vampire that no one can casually ignore, similar to Ruthven ^^;;
In short, I think Noe did NOT "forcedly" "choose" to "ignore" the racism and try to make an "excuse" for his "cannot-be-racist" fellows "instead"; how can he "choose" to believe "otherwise", when he doesn't even notice the deep racism "specifically" towards Dham in the first place? Though I can agree that it'd be hard for Noe to properly process what's going on in the office because he unconsciously believes the fellows he trusts wouldn't be "weird" or "malicious" to other fellows "for an unreasonable reason".
This was written quite quickly, and I might regret it and remake a similar post later...or not XD
Thank for you reading my current personal opinion!!
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haro-hawayu · 10 months
CCS: Clear Card Ch. 77
Wooo chapter 77! The latest chapter can be found on CLAMP-net’s YouTube Channel. As always, please check out @meimi-haneoka's post on the latest chapter for EN-JPN translation differences!!
Links for previous chapter reactions can be found here.
Reading Reactions:
It's Kaito on the cover!!! He looks so lonely TUT
Are they really back?? I thought they just encountered trouble!
asdfsdlkjj;lljasd TOUYA!!! TO THE RESCUE!
LOL the espressions & reactions of Kero and Suppi XD
Ahahaha I love the contrast of Nakuru vs Yukito's reactions too
Kaho with new bell?? It's so pretty!!
Dang, everyone ready to throw in an assist at this point.
For Sakura to be able to sense/tell that it was Touya who stopped time and also sense Kaho's power (the gentle moon, I'm guessing) = we support a powerful, perceptive protagonist!
Sakura replaying/remembering the record of what Akiho previously shared with her about Kaito!!
Omgsh, seeing that contrast of Sakura (concerned) talking about Akiho's most important person vs Sakura (committed) being so firm on following through with her promise to Akiho = we support a determined protagonist!
And all the Guardians transforming, I love this!
Syaoran best boyfriend ahhhh!!
Akiho given Flight powers courtesy of Mirror = very cute, love the look on her!
AHHH AKIHOOOOO /wipes all the tears
Sakura just handing things over to Akiho = we support a protagonist who supports others!!
Of course the chapter will ending before they get to talk TUT
We are at the beginning of the (final??) confrontation! I love that Akiho is finally able to join in on this, which was something we expected would happen, it was always meant to be for the two of them to have this long-awaited talk (well, Akiho talk first, and Kaito better listen with all his ears--dragon or not). And this time, Akiho will bare everything for sure, nothing held back (I hope)--after she chases him down XD
Of course, there's still the looming threat, which I'm sure nothing that can't be taken care of with the combined efforts of Sakura & co. I just hope that there won't be even further complications or dangers towards the whole gang after this once the magical association realize that Sakura and her group cannot be trifled with (me being too hopeful).
I just want them all to have their happy ending ahh~
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cybernightart · 8 months
I can't remember where I originally read it but I've also seen a couple other people do stuff that's a similar idea and it is not getting out of my brain!!!
Mild CW: mention and slight discussion of depression and numbness, and mention of abnormal eating patterns and anxieties
Pretty much what it was was a theory/headcanon that the reason why Freddy sounds so different in the fazer blast recording compared to his normal talking voice is because he is hella depressed when we meet him in game but is very much trying to hide the fact, obviously not wanting to put that emotional stress on the child who's clearly already under a lot of emotional stress, but he does accidentally let it slip through a few times whenever he brings up bonnie or bonnie is brought up.
But like just the thought of the months or even potentially years (cuz we don't know how long bonnie was gone for but it was long enough for them to replace basically everything mentioning bonnie in the entire pizza Plex except for the bowling alley) that Freddy has been feeling this way with it slowly getting worse and him getting more detached and just numb to everything around him. And I'm pretty sure it isn't very common in animatronics especially those program to live in this fantasy Wonderland or so they're made to think for them to get depressed, we already know stuff is going on with the glam rocks considering chica's compulsive eating habits, Roxanne's anxiety to say the least, Monty's anger issues, even the daycare attendance anxiety and paranoia.
But it also makes a lot of the stuff that Freddy does in security breach make a lot more sense, like why he was so willing to just go against everyone and everything he had known. So willing to burn the place down, and even after just spending a couple extra hours with this random child he bonded with was so willing to just abandon everything and everyone.
If you were to listen to Freddy's thoughts a majority of the time that he wasn't actively trying to help Gregory, you would just hear muffled sounds of things going on around him and TV static, he's just dissociating.
I can't explain it well but to put it simply angsty depresso himbo bear dad!!!!
Also side note
also just the thought of Freddy occasionally burning things and giving into his inner pyromaniac ways but getting away with it because the staff don't think the goody two shoes bear (with the lighter) is doing it is so funny to me XD
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A Gift From Far Away
Prompt: Birthday/Free Day
Words: 2,082
Note: Happy Birthday to the sweetest dork. I’m sorry this turned into a bit of an inner look on Kakashi and the struggles i think he has in canon (but which never get touched on cuz he’s not the main) but also… no i’m not XD
Birthdays were fleeting. 
Every year Kakashi woke up on September fifteenth and watched as the day passed by at speeds he had never experienced before. From the moment he woke up to the second he dragged himself back into his tiny apartment and fell into bed it felt like someone had turned the day's speed up by eleven.
There was never a moment’s break. His friends made sure of that.
Asuma would be there to greet him as soon as he opened his apartment door, a tiny cupcake in hand and an invite to join him for a morning walk that Kakashi could never muster up the energy to refuse no matter how terrible he was feeling. 
About halfway through their walk Kurenai joined them and offered to pay for breakfast. When they were younger it was just the three of them sitting comfortably in a small booth chatting over omelettes. Now that they were Sensei’s, though, the booth felt a lot smaller with the three of them crammed in alongside nine hungry pre-teens fighting over the food. Kurenai still offered to pay for everyone’s meals, but Kakashi and Asuma had made an agreement with each other to pitch in so she didn’t have to suffer such a giant bill alone.
Once breakfast was done and they’d all said their goodbyes, it was time for training. Even on his birthday, Kakashi likes to make sure he gets some training time in. A fact that Sakura complained about endlessly while she, Sasuke, and Naruto trudged along behind Kakashi toward the training field. He didn’t mind though. She made some good points about everyone needing to rest and enjoy themselves on their birthday, and if it were anyone else's birthday he would agree.
The problem was, it was his birthday, and resting simply meant that the day would drag by. That was the last thing he wanted. So, he trained. Occupied himself during those few fleeting hours when his friends weren’t demanding his attention and tried to forget about the one person he wanted to see, but couldn’t. 
After training and a quick check-in to make sure his students hadn’t died on him, Kakashi made sure to leave Sasuke with a little money to pay for lunch and made his escape.
The rest of the day was spent jumping between his friends. 
An hour playing card games with Gemma, Raido, Kotetsu, and Izumo. 
Two hours enjoying a nice quiet tea with Yamato and listening to his precious Kohai complain about all of the things he had to deal with on his own in the Anbu locker rooms now that Kakashi wasn’t there to watch over him. 
An hour to sit in front of his father’s grave filling him in on everything that had happened in the last year. This year he’d spoken a lot about his students. More than he’d ever dared to speak about them before. He told his dad all about Sakura’s skill with chakra control and genjutsu, Naruto’s hard-headed personality and the endless similarities he saw between his student and the parents who never had the opportunity to raise him, and Sasuke. He spent the most time talking about Sasuke, but where he’d praised Sakura’s skills and fondly remembered his old Sensei and Kushina-San through Naruto, Sasuke was a kid he’d lamented about. A kid who he saw far too much of himself in, and who he couldn’t help but worry about. If his father had really been there with him he might have assured him that everything would turn out alright. There would have been comforting words and promises that Sasuke would make it through all of his struggles just fine. 
The problem was, he wasn’t here. 
He was another body buried in a cemetery that never seemed to stop growing. There were no words of comfort to be spoken and as much as he’d thought talking about it would help Kakashi found he only felt worse at the end. 
Saying his goodbyes to his father, he moved onto the next birthday task. Five precious minutes that he spent visiting with Obito and Rin, and that was only if he managed to keep his thoughts from spiraling downward into those all too familiar feelings of failure, self-hate, and regret. 
Once he’d managed to drag himself away from the cemetery he was certain to find Asuma waiting for him beside the gates. As soon as he was close enough his friend would throw an arm around his shoulder, smile, and offer to buy him a drink. Kakashi never turned down that offer and after that, the rest of the day flew by in a blur of alcohol and laughter.
It would be another three hours before he stumbled back to his apartment with Sake on his breath, Asuma’s laughter still ringing in his ear, and the fond memory of Yamato singing Karaoke so terribly that the entire bar had offered to buy him a drink or five just to get him to stop.
Another birthday came and went, full of friends and cheer, yet Kakashi couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. Something that he still had to do for his birthday to be the fulfilling, wonderful day that all of his friends had tried so hard to make. 
‘It’s him, isn’t it?’ He thought, frowning at his own weakness. ‘There’s nothing to be done. He can’t be here.’
The door creaked open, revealing the emptiness waiting for him inside of his home. A clean table, an organized bookshelf, a comfortable bed, and a plant were all that were waiting for him. 
No unexpected guest that he’d silently been hoping to see all day.
‘I told you’ he scolded himself as he stepped into the room and shut the door behind himself. ‘Not here.’
It was a stupid thing to have to tell himself. A conversation he should never have had to have.
This was Konoha, and no matter how much he wanted to see Gai on his birthday it simply wasn’t possible. An Iwagakure shinobi would never be allowed into the village and where Kakashi had a certain skill for stealth that allowed him to sneak into Iwagakure whenever he wanted to, Gai didn’t share that skill.
He wasn’t a man known for being stealthy and that was just one of the many things Kakashi loved about him.
‘Love,’ toeing his shoes off, he kicked them back towards the door and listened to the clatter of them bouncing against the hard floor. ‘You keep saying that. You should know better.’ 
Love was an emotion that should have been reserved for someone within Konoha, or at least a civilian. The last person he should be claiming such feelings for was an enemy shinobi.
Yet, he couldn’t help it. No matter how much he wanted to be a completely loyal shinobi, it was impossible. His heart had made the mistake of falling for someone he could never be with as openly as his friends were with their lovers.
He couldn’t walk down the street holding his hand like Asuma and Kurenai did. That would only result in him being labeled a traitor and falling down the same path of shame as his father. 
He couldn’t send a letter with anyone but the hounds, because even a whiff of what he would do would result in the elder’s pouncing at the opportunity to have him arrested.
Perhaps a stronger man would cease to care. 
They would choose their own feelings and desires over their village, just as his father had when he chose to save his friends over completing his mission. 
Kakashi couldn’t, though. There were too many people he cared about.
Precious people that he wanted to protect, even if it meant he couldn’t have the life that he wanted. It wasn't the first thing he’d had to give up in his life so he could keep fighting to protect his precious people, but most days it felt like the hardest.
‘Quit it,’ he scolded himself as he trudged toward his bed. ‘Sleep will clear my head. A nice rest and then everything will be back to normal.’ Or, as normal as things could be when his ‘normal’ was longing to see someone that he shouldn’t even be thinking about. 
Reaching the bed he began unzipping his vest when something caught his eye. A small spec of green is sitting just outside the window. Forgetting about sleep for the moment, he took a step toward the window and peered outside of it.
When he saw what was sitting there on the outside ledge his eyes widened and he felt a tightness in his chest that ached just a little, but also caused him to smile.
Somehow, against all odds, he’d managed to sneak into Konoha and leave something at Kakashi’s window. An impressive feat for a man who had failed at hiding his chakra the last time he tried to sneak up on Kakashi. 
“And what is this?” he asked aloud, shaking his head when he realized what he’d done. “Let’s see.” unlatching the window lock, he lifted the window just enough so he could reach out and retrieve whatever it was waiting for him.
The answer came to him as soon as his fingers touched the object. A fabric sort of feeling with just a little bit of fuzziness to it. There was only one thing it could possibly be. Curling his fingers around it, he brought it inside and promptly closed the window once again. 
“I hope you weren’t out there too long,” he whispered, chuckling when he thought about how ridiculous the whole scene would look if any of his friends caught him speaking to an object. “Well, you’re safe now regardless, and now that you’re safe,” he turned the object over in his hand and shivered when the fabric brushed against his fingers. It was a softer fabric than he would usually find himself holding, but then of course he didn’t have a habit of collecting stuffies. “Oh,” the realization hit him as soon as the thought had crossed his mind. Now that he had a good look at it, he knew without a doubt that it was stuffy.
Not just any stuffy, though. A Tortoise stuffy. One that looked oddly similar to a specific tortoise summon that a certain Iwagakure shinobi liked to summon when he found himself in a tight spot.
“You…” his fingers tightened around the stuffy. Inside himself, there was a slew of emotions bubbling up threatening to spill out.
A sadness came from knowing that even on his birthday, the one day that was supposed to be all about him, he couldn’t spend it curled up in his lover's arms with his face buried in his neck. 
Fear at the knowledge that if anyone in Konoha found out about this gift, a tiny turtle that meant nothing to anyone else but held a world of love inside of it for him, he could find himself facing accusations that would make his father look like he’d done nothing wrong. 
That was the emotion he tried to zero in on. The warmth engulfed his entire soul like one of Gai’s bone-crushing hugs. An inescapable feeling of being wanted and cherished.
Growing up he’d given up hope on ever feeling something so wonderful again when he buried his father, but then Gai came crashing into his life with a terrible bowl cut, the ugliest jumpsuit he had ever seen, and more love than he thought anyone who existed in their world could possibly have. 
Love that he happily shared with Kakashi, an enemy shinobi.
“You…” lifted the stuffy, he buried his nose into it and sniffed. His nose was immediately rewarded with that scent he’d come to love so much. The smell of grass mixed with burnt sugar, sunflowers, and a hint of dirt.
The smell that he had become accustomed to after having spent so much time with Gai over the years. A scent that he would happily surround himself with every day for the rest of his life if he could. 
“Thank you,” he whispered to a man who was most likely tucked away safely in his bed thousands of miles away from him. A man who would never hear his words, but who he hoped could somehow feel the overwhelming love that filled his heart as he pushed his nose deeper into the stuffy and surrounded himself in his lover’s scent. 
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chromotps · 5 months
You, answering my asks while sleep deprived: 👁👄👁
Me, sending asks, depriving myself of sleep: 👁👄👁
You suggesting the feather accessories made me think about Avian Hybrids!CoraLaw. Or, well, a Wings!AU.
- Cora has black swan wings and Doffy has flamingo wings (the only time I'll ever include this dude in my AUs. I avoid this mf cuz I'm starting to like him 😭). Idk what to give Law lmao–
- Cora's wings are huge. Like, 260cm/8'6ft. They're also waterproof, he uses them to cover the people from the rain.
- Law's wings are sensitive, so he doesn't like people touching them unless he gives them permission and consent to do so. Cora is an exception tho, Law even reaches out himself so Cora would touch them (No, Bepo isn't jealous. Of course he isn't.. whaaaat. He's totally okay with sharing his pseudo blanket with Cora..!!! That's a lie. Bepo is sulking in the corner while listening to Uta's songs).
- When it's Cora's time to moult in the summer, Law usually takes him flying when he wants/needs to. It's Law's favourite part of every summer, he gets to have Cora in his arms as he takes them flying. Law also helps toss out the old feathers, but some of them are gonna be used and turn into coats for the both of them.
- As you mentioned, feather accessories! I love those omg, thank you for suggesting them!! Cora has a single earring with Law's feather dangling from it. Law has a feather of Cora's attached to Kikoku and another as an earring.
- Law's wings are warmer than Cora's (that's the real reason why Bepo likes sleeping next to Law, trust me /j), so Cora likes to be the little spoon most of the time, just so he could feel Law's warm wings engulf him (they rarely spoon each other, they look like the type to sleep with their backs flat on the mattress). Law's wings are 210cm/6'10 ft, taller than himself when tucked in (Yes I did use the height comparison website on Google lmao).
(...Nah I'm not gonna give their wings width measurements, I'm too lazy for that and it's 5am)
- And because Cora's wings are huge, it makes him hard to stay balanced and upright. Falling means he starts panicking, panicking means his wings starts flailing, his wings flailing means knocking off whatever it is near him and slapping people in the face lol. He tries to tuck them in as close as possible.
I might expand this because I love it sm, but right now I ran out of ideas. You could add your own btw! My AUs are everyone's AUs xD. Enjoy and have a great day/night!
!!!!! I miss Wing!AUs... They're so nostalgic...
(okay also total sidenote, I have the same thing with Doffy. I went from thinking he seemed cool when he was first introduced to being Big Mad at the sight of him, with him killing Cora and. all that. But I've grudgingly come back around to?? strangely liking him?? I just like when villains have a sense of style and totally commit to being completely unhinged... I'm still glad he got got, but he is a fun character. 😂)
I wish I knew more Bird Facts so I could give a suggestion for Law... all I can think of right now is some kind of hawk... ooo or maybe a vulture?
God, Law still being such a SIMP with his wings 😂 and letting Cora get near them.... (hahaha I see those Bepo cameos... man if I wasn't so down bad for Cora I would throw in more with the law/bepo crew. full respect there). Also Law putting a feather on Kikoku!!!!! Ohhhh the mental image of that is so good.... Like, Law subtly showing that Cora is part of the reason he fights....
Ahhh also thinking about Cora being so used to trying to make his wings as small as possible and not inconvenience anyone with them, but one time Law makes a point to take them somewhere with a wide, open space and ask to see them... Or Cora has to fly them somewhere for the first time while running from Marines/some group that's not worth staying and fighting. And Law is just!!! awed!! at the sight of them!!! I know clumsiness is part of Cora's charm, but based on that mission where he stole the op-op fruit, we know he can be really coordinated and stealthy when needed. So, like, when he finally makes full use of his wings, maybe he's one of the fastest/swiftest flyers Law has seen.
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randomveyn · 2 years
How do you think Shuhei hisagi would deal with going to the world of the living and him meeting a human and he develops a crush on this human (shinigami and human’s aren’t usually together, so the drama!), they get along well and this human thinks he’s really funny and sweet? They have come across his terrible musical playing, haven’t liked it, but they’re still supportive of him getting better too. This crush enjoys seeing his artsy side. (Dude has no chance with Rangiku xD so).
this is…so sweet and sad at the same time 💔 cuz i can totally see shuhei as someone who gets attached easily.
✨ super long rambles under the cut ✨
human!reader just walks up to him one day and calls him handsome, complimenting his tattoos. his punk ass face gets blushy and smitten in seconds lolol but he truly appreciates it. like he thought he comes off as scary and aloof, so he never imagined anyone would find him attractive. bonus point if they tells him his scars makes him look manly, he's insecure abt them 🥺
then he starts to hang around them more because cut this man some slacks. poor baby shuhei was so busy and tired running the squad all by himself.
cook him dinner, invite him over for a movie night, buy him new leather jackets okayy? 🥺 he forgot when was the last time he actually felt safe and secured around someone. (kaname rlly broke his heart so put them back for him pls) and omg his guitar playing lol deep down inside he knows he's kinda bad at it so the fact that reader takes the time to listen to it, he's crying river inside. ╥﹏╥
sadly, it's like what you said, shinigami and humans don't end up together. (idk if it's forbidden or just…physically not possible?) he probably doesn't realize he's crossing the line until his muguruma-taicho come back and whip his ass back to senses. shuhei was too drowned in the comfort that reader provides him that he doesn't realize it's love.
he'd be upset and conflicted once he realized his feelings for them. in one hand, he doesn't want to give up on his rs with them, but he also couldn't just leave his squad and responsibilities as a shinigami. (can we talk abt how hard he worked to get into the academy)
now, rangiku-san comes in handy bc her coping mechanism is drinking and that's how she comforts her friends too. shuhei is gonna get all drunk and teary, browsing through his album of their photos together and wailing for another bottle of sake. 😔 kira probably disapprove this kind of rs, but he couldn't bear to sees his senpai in this state. (these three really know what it means to go through a heartbreak again, don't they?)
eventually, kira would be the one who seek them out and break the truth to reader. he'd tell them about the shinigami, soul society, hollow and everything. he thinks reader deserve to know that much, if shuhei is serious about their rs and future together.
if reader decides that they can accept him for who he is and are willing to work around it, kira would bring them to the soul society to meet him. shuhei would be devastated when they see him in his shihakusho and his katana. (worse, if he released his kazeshini) but no worries, flash him a warm smile, give him reassuring hugs, tell him he's worthy and enough and deserve love ahsjdjdkkdldhdjdkd 😫💗
now everyone would be happily cheering for their reconciliation in the background. (shinji might have to restrains a certain white haired mohawk from chewing anyone's head off tho)
okayyy thats all i have to say. sorry for the rambles but this was a good talk. i rlly have to stop here before i bring up the whole gotei 13 to react to this. (i got overboard and forgot this was supposed to be how shuhei react 💀)
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cmdonovann · 1 year
quantum break appreciation month: a quick retrospective
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so, first of all, wow, it was WAY more effort than i thought to just POST SOMETHING EVERY DAY. i put a lot of pressure on myself to only post The Good Stuff to this blog, and boy golly is my standard of "good stuff" higher than it ought to be! so this has been great practice for me in "finished is better than perfect."
second of all, i wanna put together a quick rundown of everything i did this month!
Announcement post
April 1st: My Bleeding Clock (My Immortal AU) fanfic for April Fool's Day
April 2nd: Playlist to go with My Bleeding Clock
April 3rd: Sketch of 2010!Beth
April 4th: Sketch of Jack and Beth
April 5th: Reblogged my old post about last year's anniversary zine, as well as a new little sketch to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the game's release
April 6th: Doodle of Beth in a skirt (with pockets!)
April 7th: I literally just posted a passage I like from the QB:ZS novel
April 8th: Started posting old art... completed set of the halo series here!
April 9th: More old art (Jack/Paul this time)
April 10th: More old art, LNEHH edition
April 11th: More old art, Will Joyce edition
April 12th: Some Jack/Paul art to celebrate me and my husband's anniversary :3c
April 14th: Surprise! it's even more old Jack/Paul art!
April 15th: Wow! I can't believe it's more Jack/Paul art!
April 16th: Apparently I was busy this day because I just reblogged LNEHH, lol
April 17th: Quantum Break characters, but as Skyrim characters
April 18th: Some blinkie gifs I made using blinkies.cafe
April 19th: A sweater I made using the linocut stamps from last year's anniversary zine
April 20th: Another blinkie gif, hehe
April 21st: Meta post about color palettes and color usage in Quantum Break
April 22nd: A little QB divider I made for my fansite (WIP)
April 23rd: Some terrible glitter gifs, also for the WIP fansite
April 24th: Minecraft skins of a bunch of QB characters!
April 25th: I was also apparently busy this day, cuz all I did was make a stupid phone background for myself XD
April 26th: Took a swing at pixel art
April 27th: A promo for the Quantum Break Discord Server I run!
April 28th: Wrote another chapter of My Bleeding Clock...
April 29th: Art of Jack and Paul :3
April 30th: Started a new longfic: The Symmetry of Fear!
holy shit. that's a lot. i am retroactively impressed with my past self for doing all this, lmao. nice.
third of all! i wanna note that i started several projects this month that i have yet to finish. of course i'm not confining my quantum break posting to one month of the year (impossible) but i will take my time finishing the... uh... three fics and two meta essays i have unfinished, as well as the fansite i am working on. i want these to be GOOD, so i'm not going to rush them. i'm glad this month gave me to juice to finally get these projects started, though!
and lastly... why did i even do this project/event in the first place?
well... good question. i imagine i'm not the only one who has been Going Through It for a while now, and i just... really needed a big project to focus on for a while. and quantum break is like, one of the only things that i never get tired of thinking about, so... are you seeing my logic here?
all that said, i do genuinely want to work on putting more love out into the world. and i love quantum break! i want other people to love it too! (or at least, i want other people to look at my passion for it and be like "i dont go here but you keep doing your funky little thing my man," you know what i mean?)
so, big thanks to everyone who has encouraged me this month, whether it be in reblog tags, in the quantum break discord server, or elsewhere. also, big thanks to my husband, who i would not have married if not for our mutual obsession with quantum break, and who is always down to listen to me talk about my various theories and fic ideas. and finally, a big thanks to remedy, for making this dumb game that i love so so so much.
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tachihara, vanitas, miya, and inumaki for the character ask game ! (one from each respective fandom, hope it's not too much lol)
it’s not too much!! i’ll just put it under a cut cuz jeez these can get long xD
fav thing: his jacket. i want it lol. but i like his personality, and his character as a whole. he was so dedicated to his role in the Mafia and his friends there and uGH it’s just so GOOD i can’t explain it
least fav thing: he hid his ability from us for SO LONG and yet it’s SO FREAKING COOL (i’m so bad at coming up with least fav things i might just not do it)
fav line: “Kill everyone you don’t recognize” >:D also “Orders made me who I am. So if I happen to die by those orders, I’ll regret nothing.” *sobs*
brOTP: Tachihara and Hirotsu best bros in the Black Lizard fr or him and Gin (even tho she’s a girl)
OTP: he’s not rlly. shipped with anyone. that i would see making a good dynamic… except Tachihara x Tanizaki if he ever joined the Mafia i guess
nOTP: Tachihara and Chuuya. there’s nothing there. don’t put something there. that’s Dazai’s property
random headcanon: he used his ability on his guns in the Mafia but nobody knew about it bcuz he’s just a good marksman in general, so no one batted an eye when he never missed a shot
song i associate with him: Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin
fav picture:
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screaming crying throwing up i want someone to look at me like Tachihara looks at future dead people
everyone else is under the cut!
fav thing: his eyes are pretty auGh he’s a complicated character who does good things for ALL the wrong reasons but it makes sense? i just like him as a character ig
least fav thing: he. he assaulted Jeanne. yep. that’s it.
fav line: “There’s not much difference between humans and Vampires. They’re all terribly ugly, endlessly selfish creatures.”
brOTP: Vanitas and Dante lol pals for life
OTP: Vanitas x Noé of course
nOTP: he’s not shipped with anyone that i don’t like so? none ig
random headcanon: (idk if this is actually canon) he’s always cold, like 24/7 because of the blue moon stuff. he def used Noé as a portable heater
unpopular opinion: Vanitas and Jeanne do not have any sort of healthy relationship at ALL, but it’s not bad enough to be my nOTP. i still don’t like it tho
song i associate with them: idfc by blackbear (cuz he says he’s not attracted to someone who loves him back)
fav picture:
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he was so cool for this like yes king save your boyfriend
fav thing: his character design is adorable lol. i also love his personality, he’s def one of the best side characters in the anime imo i love this little bean
least fav thing: i give up i can’t think of anything
fav line: whenever he calls someone a slime or troll idk why it’s just so funny to me 😭 new insults for me to also use tbh
brOTP: Miya and Shadow aka the third wheel duo
OTP: he’s an actual kid bro
nOTP: none i guess cuz i don’t ship him with anyone and neither does the fandom rlly
random headcanon: he watches isekai anime (and particularly likes ‘that time i got reincarnated as a slime’)
unpopular opinion: i have mixed feelings about his “cat boy” vibes tbh
song i associate with them: i feel like he’d listen to K/DA (yknow the LoL fake k-pop band thing)
fav picture:
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doing God’s work istg
fav thing: his speech pattern because of his cursed technique they’re so funny and cute 😭😭
least fav thing: literally nothing he’s my fav character in jjk 🥺 he shares my number 1 character spot with Megumi auGh
fav line: he says. like nothing. lmao. BUT i love his voice in general i can’t lie— props to his jp seiyou
brOTP: Inumaki and Panda or Maki. all three of them tbh they’re besties for life they can’t be separated
OTP: Inumaki x Okkotsu obviously lol
nOTP: none ig
random headcanon: sometimes he also sends text in rice ball ingredient language just because
unpopular opinion: can’t think of anything
fav picture:
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he’s such a skrunkly little bean
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shibaraki · 11 months
Monty.... How do you do it? Seriously! It's like every time I read one of your fics and think, welp she surely couldn't write anything more perfect than this cuz I am already obsessed; giggling and kicking my feet re-reading the same fic over and over again like a lovesick fool AND THEN YOU COME OUT WITH THIS! THIS...this is the loveliest thing I have laid my eyes upon.
How did you read my mind tho? How did you know that I am hopelessly devoted to this peppermint man and that I yearn to see him happy and content; and in every fic I read I search for scenes of him spending time with his family (all of them who I wanna smother in love CUZ GOSH DARN IT FUYUMI SUPREMACY) (also can't help my bias since I am elder sister lol) ALSO! The sweet moments of his friends who are more like his family sprinkled within- Uraraka choosing the chair for his balcony, Momo listening to him so patiently and being so understanding, Bakugo's gruff teasing and clear love and concern for his friends AND OH MY GOSH THE KIRISHIMA SCENE HAD ME SOBBING! THAT MAN! Shouto dearie I would never be mad at you bidding for kiri CUZ I'LL BE FIRST ONE IN LINE XD ; Oh and just for good measure incase I wasn't already smitten you added nori too (ngl reading this made me sit staring at the ceiling abruptly aware of the profound lack of a cat in my life :( My mom won't lemme adopt one cuz she's afraid of them) ANYWAYS lmao something that I couldn't get out of my head was what if the reader liked shouto but told them they were kind of cautious getting into a relationship yk cuz the wildly different lives but shouto just pulls out nori and reader is like YES!YES!I'LL MARRY YOU! (Ik I would lol)
Sorry for this being so long but it's important to bring to your attention that this is not a fic but really a masterpiece that I will go back to when I am feeling down. This fic just seeped into my heart and now has made a home for itself there. I have been having a hard time rn cuz of how busy my life is and I feel like I am wasting my youth not doing anything fun, but shouto being a workaholic and regretting isolation but being content with his life at he same time gave me such a strange sense of comfort. No pressure, but please write for shouto again in the future. You do our husband justice. Ok phew I REALLYY should be wrapping up *mwah *mwah Goodnight <3
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p.s. here's a little treat and apology for coming and rambling your ear off in your inbox
ljsskjfskjfjd thank you for the crusty little kitty, first of all! they are so darling I must wrap them up!!!!
second, thank you so so so much beloved. I really do not know how I do it!!!! like you, I adore scenes which involve shouto being loved on, and I find it incredibly rewarding to explore those relationships even in fics that are x reader. I really wanted his life to feel full. I wanted you all to be endeared to him!! (moreso than you already were lmao) and it is such a relief to see everyone liking those parts.
please never feel like you need to apologise!! it’s asks like this that keep me motivated; that silence any and all of my worries about being indulgent!!! I appreciate you and I’m glad you felt connected to shouto here. I hope things ease up for you soon <3 please take care in the meantime!!
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rangedreign · 1 year
ohhh my favourite part of ask games, (harmless) petty fandom drama. i know these are a lot so ofc feel free to pick and choose but im nosy and love gossip so if you feel like it *eyes emoji*:
1 2 (just for the drama lol) 6 (feel free to ignore i understand u completely but i live for drama lol) 7 (MORE) 8 12 (<3) 16 (*eyes emoji*) 21 22 (for some final positivity)
1 - the character everyone gets wrong cedric the sorcerer. he deserves respect as a person, and the royal family was wrong to deny him that, but he does little to earn respect as royal sorcerer. 'oh he has such a good and relatable arc' whup tee doo his grand finale was... *checks notes* doing his job correctly. the one he's been training for his whole life. color me unimpressed by a character that should have either left that job YEARS ago or put a little effort into anticipating what he'd be asked to do and practicing instead of trying to prove his worth through stunts and domination.
2 - a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom can't do it lol, everyone's a verse in my mind
6 - which ship fans are the most annoying? shoutout to the time i went through the snape/lily tag and couldn't scroll 3 posts without a james/lily shipper trying to pull moral rank. however i think 75% of the hp fandom has ship rabies.
7 - what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? eh, none, i don't let fandom influence my interpretations of characters that way. cedric is closest but the fandom misinterpretation is just an additional annoyance, rather than a driving force
8 - common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about 'cedric and sofia have a good relationship'. shipping or not, they're completely one-sided. what does cedric provide sofia with? he doesn't even listen to her particularly well.
12 - the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them to no one's surprise, my first pick here is wormwood from sofia the first. he was created as a joke, ha ha the pet is smarter than the human master, but then the show makes you judge him by human moral standards as the foil to cedric's 'deserving of second chances'. the show itself asks you to view a character that cannot leave servitude as human, and wants you to believe that his station is right. it's so deeply unfair. i care him. i respect him. i want to see him take the power of humanity for himself, abuse it, naturally, because that's all humans have ever done to him, then grow into a complete person when he realizes he cares despite it all. knowing that, i feel like mentioning areelu should come as no surprise. doing great evil in response to evil that was done to you? that's so up my alley. up my pussy even. making her bond with daeran of all people is such a great idea, someone who cannot forgive her, but must move on and work with her regardless. it seems like most people write her off as too evil to live, but she's still a super genius. there's a lot to be gained by befriending her. the gold dragon ""redemption"" happens so absurdly fast though. 'oh shit guess this is pretty fucked up, so glad you're a piss-colored lizard bc that's the only way i'd ever listen to you' wrath's writing in general has a bit of a quantity over quality issue. a lacking-logic issue. no way my azata would sacrifice herself just cuz without knowing what areelu will do once she's gone.
16 - you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) - hero-type main characters in general. idk exactly what it is but i find most of them very dull, and often irritating. a lack of desires beyond duty? can't often be described as freaks? they just never have any footholds for interesting ideas to me. - gold aasimar cum. if you want something golden to come out of daeran's dick, you can just make him piss XD also does that imply his hair is naturally white? - daeran x chill/lawful/'boring' kcs - i can tell that on some level he wants the stability from people like that, but i can't see him actually bonding with them. esp not towards the start of the game. - truly, utterly pathetic meow meows. like, listen, i love shoving a character into a Situation and watching them flounder around, but they've gotta be proficient at something!
21 - part of canon you think is overhyped for just about everything: the worldbuilding. i think people get impressed by the mere existence of worldbuilding, rather than the quality of it. pf surprised me when i looked deeper into stuff and found it gave me the same 'this is a hot mess and i have to make shit up for it to make sense' feeling as stf. i expected better from a massive ttrpg but ok. for wrath, also the characters and the music. the characters rely on one-note personalities with maybe a ~hint~ of spice, with one extremely notable exception of daeran. the degree to which he beats out every other character in complexity is stunning, really. the music is... just fine? it's not amazing, it does exactly what you'd expect a track for that purpose to do. I think most of the tracks have muddy orchestration, too much focus on harmony/vibes and not enough on rhythm and melody. the one track i really love is 'a drink before the battle', it has a great flow and dynamics and i wish it played more often.
22 - your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores the villains/antagonists, best part of literally any media ever
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Sometimes i wish duskwood have more options to what you play as, I'm an Agender person who keep switching between playing the male and the female MC cuz each one have something different, As my Homophopic English teacher like to say (the only thing that have no gender are solid objects, like this class door, or your books) i mean i guess that's fine i don't mind being a door 🤨
Okay but imagine them being like this when you first go to duskwood irl :
Mc : hey guys
MWAF : *is painting the raven sign on your face*
Okay listen don't block me kskskskhshwvuyfxauya I'm sorry I'll disappear again to study for finals
Damn, we should definitely slap your English teacher in the face. What's wrong with them? But let me be honest, in the German language, even objects have a gender. There is a feminine or masculine description for almost everything. 'The door' in German is "Die Tür" the "Die" is our 'the' and feminine. We also have "Der" also the "the" but in German a masculine form. (The printer - Der Drucker) But we also have "Das" also the "The" and "Das" is actually almost always gender neutral. (The car - Das Auto). And yet a car here is considered as feminine. I hate that.
So, on the matter with Everbyte and more possibilities, yes I can definitely understand that and it would be really great if it were so. And I don’t want to protect anything here, but the problem is that the German language is absolutely not gender-appropriate. Really, it is terrible. We have pronouns that can be used, for example, by non-binary people, but hardly anyone knows these pronouns because it seems to have not yet arrived in people’s minds. Unfortunately, we don’t have any really known pronouns for other genders and identities than "he/him" or "she/her" the German language is really just not useful there. I hate that. Even people here start using They/Them, as the englisch words, because in German we don’t really have pronouns for it. So, it’s really hard to escape a feminine or masculine form here.. And that also makes it more difficult to design a game that is really possible for everyone to play exactly as they want it.
Fortunately, gendering is finally an issue here and I hope that our language will finally be designed and adapted in a more just way. If there were finally less assholes... 😒
So, I'm sorry for starting this rant in the answer to your ask. I hope you don’t mind me. XD And I really hope there will be more options at some point. :(
Ohhhh, and I wish you a lot of luck for your finals! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Lots of love! And have a wonderful day/evening/night! Take care of yourself and stay healthy! 💚
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
Tag game tuesday: The MySpace Survey
tagged by @mzkora!!! <3
What’s your name: Jess(ica)
Sun sign: leo but like, just barely 😂 idk what being a cusp means but i'm one of those, like first day of leo
The last song you listened to: i haven't listened to any music today except for one of those musical comedians, this one was about a guy whose friend was flirting with his dad and it was a banger lmao, twas hilarious
What are you wearing right now: the practical all black outfit i've been wearing (unfortunately) for most of the last 3 weeks as i work backstage crew for a musical. usually i change between work and the theater, but my sister starts a new job today which means there will be commute time added as she comes to get me, instead of her being here right at 5, so we won't have TIME to go home and change and get food before we have to head to the theater, so i'm just cutting out the middle man and wearing it all day. this is the third weekend of performances though, show closes sunday, so it's the only time i'll have to.
How tall are you? 5’8
Piercings? only ears, and i don't wear earrings very often, really only for special occasions
Tattoos? i've got one tattoo, as a memorial for my dad who died in 2017. it's a snippet of lyrics from one of the songs he wrote, behind my left ear. i'm planning on getting a memorial tattoo for my grandmother who died in november(?? i think) but we can't currently FIND the drawing she did that i was gonna get. so. if we ever find that again, i'm gonna get it on my hip.
Glasses or contacts? contacts, all day almost every day for about 20 years now, i put them in before i even get out of bed in the mornings. i hate not having peripheral vision in glasses.
Last drink: water yum yum
Last thing you ate: a chicken and cheese quesadilla and a banana/strawberry smoooooothie
Favorite color: big fan of purple
Any pets? not any of my own. had cats and a dog growing up, and had a rat for a few years a while back, but they have all since died 😅 i'm not inclined toward all the upkeep required for larger pets, so no cats or dogs if i have to actually take care of them entirely myself, and i would be down to get another rat or two, but my sister was DEVASTATED when Freya died and refuses to be traumatized by any more pets with short life spans aldkfjg. so no more rats lol.
Do you have a crush on anyone? nope uwu
Favorite fictional character: currently i am deeply fixated on Declan Lynch, somebody send help
A movie you think everyone should watch: uuuuhhhhh A Christmas Carol, the musical version with Kelsey Grammer?? first thing that came to mind, very random 😂 but that version is a banger, i love the music, clearly the superior adaptation of the story
A book you think everyone should read: mmm gonna throw darts at the wall and say Two Dark Moons by Avi Silver, cuz i read it fairly recently and enjoyed it a lot?? idk, i want there to be a fandom for that, i went looking on tumblr for stuff about it and found a grand total of like two posts and was very disappointed lol. somebody else go read it so i'm not alone XD
The last place you traveled: i don't go anywhere aldkfgh. i think the last place i went waaasssss alabama? Mobile maybe?? fuck i don't remember, we went to the Winona Judd concert, wherever it was.
Something you’re looking forward to: strike for this show i'm working 😂 probably the first time i've ever looked forward to strike (the process of disassembling a show's set and clearing out the theater and dressing rooms, huge ordeal) but after dealing with these obnoxious fucking difficult to maneuver set pieces for the last month, i think i will greatly enjoy reducing them to piles of wood and screws.
And I am tagging: @adamprrishcycle @cheeeryos @alloverthegaf @alisonhales @mayonnaisetoffees
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Eurovision 2023 Opinions, Predictions, and Rankings
Here it iiiiiiiiiiis~!
This flew by a bit smoother than I expected. When I first heard, I had to start this earlier than I thought, I panicked, like....worried that I wasn’t ready yet. But I was. Listening to each song for this post, I realized that my opinions on each one were already set in stone, so there was nothing to adjust. I just needed to get in the headspace to write it all down. XD Oh my god, I’m such a bad writer....
But with THIS bunch of songs, how could I lose motivation!? While it’s true that this is the year I had to regretfully bring back the “dislike” tier, last used for one song in 2018, for two songs now....I can’t lie and say I’m not totally hyped for this. I still like the vast majority, and the good stuff is REALLY REALLY REEEEEAAAAALLY good! While there’s no runaway favorite like last year, my favorites this year are a really solid group, probably one of my best top sevens in a while! My number seven was even fought over for a while, which shows how strong the competition was!
The word of the year is: energy! While there are still some downbeat songs, even those have life to them, and I count the ballads on literally one hand. This year seems to be a rebuttal to the “Eurofans complaining about ballads every single year even in years where there are barely any ballads”....How they gonna do that now, huh? Not to mention, the amount of songs I can describe with the word “intense” is a lot higher than usual, too, which gives 2023 its own identity! For now...We’ll see if next year is the same way. XD
One of the other things I’m hyped for is the juries now being final-only (something I’d been wanting for YEARS) means the semifinals are now a free-for-all with no more worries about a “jury bait” song no one else wanted through making it to the finals. Europe has ALL the power to choose who lives and who dies- I mean, who stays and who goes!
Now, before I get to the reviews, I have a note about my rankings: I’ve noticed that, most years, my “like” tier is....overly-crowded. Which doesn’t seem like a problem, but.....because of how many songs there tend to be in that one tier, the difference between the top and bottom of it started getting....really stark. At the top will be songs I really enjoy at any time, right below my borderlines, and at the bottom will be songs I like in the moment, but never have any desire to listen to again after the contest. Those are.......two vastly different kinds of like, sooooo....I’ve split the tier in half to make it easier! The “Really Like” tier are the songs I....well, really like and enjoy even if they don’t blow me away, and the plain “Like” tier are songs that I like for now, but can’t see myself revisiting often after the contest. OK? Make sense?
Please keep in mind that these are JUST my opinions. I don’t always agree with what’s the most popular, and I have a few underdog favorites. I’m not a critic, I’m just a fan who really really likes talking about Eurovision. If you disagree with me, I don’t care. I don’t wanna act like everyone has to.
Also, as always, I have no idea how any of these songs will be staged, cuz I like going in blind on that, so visuals have no influence on my ranking. This is JUST about the songs.
Nooooooow, without further ado....
(In alphabetical order by country) (Also, I'm naming the artists now, wooooo, took me long enough)
Song: "Duje" by Albina & Familja Kelmendi Country: Albania Thoughts: A lotta countries are being off-the-wall and/or taking risks this year....Albania are not one of them. I might sound a bit harsh here, but...I KNOW that Albania can send different stuff, and GOOD stuff, so....when they keep doing this kinda thing, constantly, year after year, songs that are good, but are all practically the same, it gets tiring! That's part of why I kinda liked them last year- last year was, uh....it was definitely unique! XD But this year, they're right back to the norm. Song in Albanian by female singer with soaring chorus and ethnic-sounding instrumental. Again. All these songs are good, don't get me wrong, but after each contest, they all run together. When Albania DO send songs that stand out, it's usually in a good way, so I wish they'd do that more often! Or send Mr. Bushpepa again, please! XD Prediction: Looks like this is one case where I'm not alone. This song's been getting overlooked a lot, toward the bottom of the betting odds. I don't think I can completely discount them, since the second semi is FULL of overlooked songs, but....I....I still don't think they'll qualify. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong, however.
Song: "Dear Future Lover" by Brunette Country: Armenia Thoughts: IT'S LIKE A DAYDREAM BUT I GOT SOME OTHER BETTER PLANS / I WANNA SCREAM AND SHOUT, MY HEART CAUGHT IN CHAINS! / CRUEL HEART, CRUEL HANDS, FIRE IN MY VEINS, FIRE IN MY VEINS, HEART IN CHAINS- *cough* Uh, s-sorry, about that.....Um, yeah, this song's a grower, but it's mainly that frantic breakdown that sticks with me. The rest of the song is....fine. But THAT part? I feel it SO BADLY, UGH! "I've been hypnotized by someone that I've never ever met" and the mention of panic attacks especially....When I first heard this song, I interpreted it as her simply being in love with love - not having someone yet, but just wanting the feeling of being in love itself SO BADLY....but I actually think I was wrong. I think she DOES have a person in mind here, but it's someone she's never met, and admires from afar...something like that? Maybe it could be either or. But either way, this song overall isn't one of the best to me, but it happens to contain a sequence of some of my favorite lyrics of the year, which elevated it up a few spots on the ranking by itself. Prediction: I....I think this song might be a biiiiit....overrated? Or maybe it's me not being overall crazy about it, combined with how it's tipped to do well when being performed second in its semifinal, but the same can't be said for the OTHER song that’s performed second a couple days before, huh? Huh? >__> *grumble* ....can't even be too pissed, 'm used to it....B-but, uh, Armenia are gonna qualify, and probably finish in the top half in the final.
Song: "Promise" by Voyager Country: Australia Thoughts: DANG IT, AUSTRALIA!!! DANG YOOOOUUUU!! How'm I supposed to oppose your continued participation in this contest when you flipping BLOW MY MIND with your entry like this!?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAA, I would be frustrated if I wasn't too busy freaking out! I will never forget how blindsided I was the first time I heard this song's chorus, being so taken by the sheer intensity of...well, EVERYTHING after that point...from every burst of energy, to the desperately optimistic-sounding lyrics that fit the tone so well, to the buildup to that flipping AMAZING instrumental, and how the whole thing engulfs you with its intensity until the very last second, leaving you almost breathless....and I'm happy to say that this song's impact has NOT lessened with repeated listens. And before you start thinking it, NO, this doesn't have to do with any metal bias, OK? Metal is NOT my favorite genre of music! It's actually one I'm usually pretty picky with! But for some reason, Eurovision keeps doing metal right for me. The screaming isn't overdone, which helps, but it's not just that, it's just the MOOD that really gets me. ......Yyyyyeah, if I didn't make it obvious enough, this is my favorite song of the year. Not by a LOT - I love my second-favorite almost just as much - but it's still an honor I have to....reluctantly....bestow Australia. Good work. Now I have to root for you. I cannot lie to myself. ....But it's gonna be alright. Prediction: Ending the second semifinal with a bang! Yeah, combined with their popularity, that's gonna pretty much end with a guaranteed qualification to the final....and thank GOD, cuz the rest of my favorite songs in that semi are screwed. At least my number one isn't. XD As long as nothing goes terribly wrong, I'll be able to be happy with the results. This one song is all I need. And in the final, ummmmm....I-I don't think this'll be a front-runner, but....maybe left side of the board at least? Is that reasonable? I-I'm trying not to get my hopes too high....
Song: "Who The Hell Is Edgar?" by Teya & Salena Country: Austria Thoughts: OK, so....I underestimated this song WAAAAAYYYYYY too much at first. In terms of growers, this is an EASY second place to Iceland’s entry, but in a much different way then that one. Altho, give me a break, I'm FAR from the only one. This is a song that NEEDS multiple listens to understand, cuz on your first listen, you absolutely WILL NOT take it seriously. I was SO ready to brush this off as the new "Eat Your Salad", just a catchy song with an absolutely insane subject that I can't wrap my head around. WHY would you send a jazz pop song about being green of all things to Eurovision? Why would you send a song about being possessed by Edgar Allen Poe to Eurovision? But no, that's not what this is. This song has a lot to say, and it's very clever about it. Sure, it's still fun and super catchy, but there's more to it. I....I honestly can't sum it all up in words, cuz there's so much there, and there's probably been a lot of people dissecting this song's lyrics who did a much better job than me. In particular, if you can, search for the comment of someone named JXO in the comment section of the music video. They do a great job explaining it. It took many a listen for me to GET this song fully, but once I got it, I started appreciating it a loooooooot more. Seriously, that moment when it finally hit me that it disguising itself as a joke song was THE POINT ("At least it pays to be funny"), I just about lost my mind! BIG BRAIN MOMENT! Literally one of my favorite single lyrics of the year. This may not be one of my favorites, but it's without a doubt one of the most unique and clever songs I've ever heard. It's smart, while also being genuinely fun at the same time. Prediction: At this point, I think they're a safe bet to qualify. They're getting a lot of attention, and most of it that I've seen has been unironic, so that's a really good sign! I'm glad people are taking this song as seriously as it deserves! It's WAY too unique to be overlooked, AND it doesn't have a lot of strong competition in the second semifinal. This is making it to the final, no doubt at all. I wouldn't be surprised if it places high in the final, too, so to be safe I'll predict left side of the board, maybe even bottom half of the top ten.
Song: "Tell Me More" by TuralTuranX Country: Azerbaijan Thoughts: This is a song I think I was a bit too mean to when I first heard it. I'd interpreted the lyrics as being gross and pushy, kinda like "omaga", when I doubt that was the intention at all. While he does continually ask about "us", and there's that "I know what you looking for, it's love" part, I moreso just wanna think of this as playful flirting, nothing more. But that isn't the main reason I warmed up to this song....nah, most of that comes from that flipping bridge that does NOT deserve the right to go as hard for me as it does (which is everything from "I wanna buy a land a thousand miles away" all the way to "That is looooove, loooooooove, loooooOOOOOOVE"). In fact, the rest of the song is just OK. That bridge carries this song! The way it steadily builds and builds with every line as it goes is soooooo good! That bridge deserves a better song, pfffff....but yeah, overall, this song's kinda just there for the most part outside of the one part I really like (kinda similar to the Armenian entry), but that part does last long enough for me to say I like the song. Prediction: Will most likely qualify due to being Azerbaijan, but probably won't do too well in the final. I can see this getting overshadowed easily. Maybe....the last quarter of the board? Now that we know they can do that badly, cuz that's what happened to poor "Mata Hari"....this is the kinda song that actually deserves that placing, if you ask me.    
Song: "Because Of You" by Gustaph Country: Belgium Thoughts: This is a fun one! Definitely one of the happiest songs we have, and definitely one that I enjoy a lot even if it isn't one of my favorites. Just a good time to be had whenever I hear it! What more is there to say? It's a feel-good song about finding happiness through your love for someone! Learning to love yourself because they love you....That's the dream, honestly.....Someone to give me hope to believe in myself and be optimistic.....Right now, I do have someone like that, who helped me carry on when I was at a low point, but that's....d-different....it's a different kinda relationship. B-but....eh, if it still makes me think of that, then I'm not complaining. It's something to relate this song to, and thus, make me like it more. I mean, there's no explicit references to romance in this song, so it could be about what I have, or, heck, it could even just be about friendship! Just...anyone who's close to you and brightens up your day, you can sing this to them! It's a very versatile song, huh? XD Not only that, but that beat is so good! Not one of the best, but it's a happy song that sounds happy, about being happy! It's even a bit triumphant in tone too..."Remember when they tried to break us? Well look at us now!" It's like a song for the end credits, a victory lap following a dark time in one's life finally being over. If you don't like this song, who hurt you? Prediction: Betting odds be darned in this case, I'm predicting this'll make it to the final. It HAS to. It's one of the standouts in the second semifinal, if you ask me! And it's sure to make an impact and put people in a good mood, so why not? Buuuut in the final it might not do so well. I'm gonna say it might even be towards the bottom. Once mixed in with the better energetic songs from the first semi plus the auto-qualifiers, this song might fall a bit flat. >__<;
Song: "Mama ŠČ!" by Let 3 Country: Croatia Thoughts: Ahahaha....hahahahaha what the heck. XD I still have a hard time wrapping my head around this song, to be honest. It's probably THE hardest song to rank this year. I do get its meaning now, and yeah it's kinda similar to the Austrian entry in being a silly song with a message to tell you, but this one isn't as clever and the message is a lot more obvious. Also it's a worse song. I'M SORRY- i-it's just so weird! My favorite part of the song, when it actually gets a good beat, starts at two minutes in when there's barely any time left, and the rest of it is just kinda....I wouldn't say disjointed, but it's VERY silly. I'm glad that this song went in the silly direction, allowing us to have fun, rather than be like....the OTHER anti-war song this year, ugh....so, props to Croatia. If you HAVE to say something like this, hide it well rather than play it depressingly straight. .....That being said, I LIKE this song, but would I listen to it on my own time? No. Prediction: With that being said, of COURSE it's qualifying for the final, c'mon, I'm not stupid! Why wouldn't it? It's so memorable, and seems very loved already. I can imagine some cool staging to go with it, too! So, yeah, absolutely a no-brainer. That's right, Croatia are coming for revenge for 2021 and riding their tractor STRAIGHT to the final this time! And given how poor Croatia's results have been this past decade, this thing will pretty easily give them their best result in a loooooooooong while...While I'm not sure if I'd AGREE with it, we'll see. Maybe I'll be surprised. This song is the definition of "wildcard". XD
Song: "Break A Broken Heart" by Andrew Lambrou Country: Cyprus Thoughts: There's always gotta be at least one of these, huh....a song that reminds me of a character I like? And have a hard time looking at with an....unbiased perspective? Always at least one...but thankfully, I was able to remove my bias a bit quicker this time, cuz it's really only a few lines and not the WHOLE song. This song is about a breakup, but that line in the chorus about being left in "the garden" immediately brought to mind one of my character crushes that I was previously obsessed with, and lines like "I'm torn apart, but now I'm a survivor" didn't help matters. I know that it's not overly-specific, but that ONE line had my brain interpreting every lyric and picking them apart to see how fitting each one was. And thankfully, the kiss line reminded me "Hey, it's not about that, it's about romance, dummy", so yeah, it's not the whole song. But the lyrics are still what make this song. Even little stuff like "You did your best to do your worst" are good. And his voice is good. Overall a pretty solid song that I probably wouldn't rank so high if it weren't for the lyrics and that memorable first impression, but I still do like a lot. I hope my broken heart never gets broken again....a survivor indeed... Prediction: I don't think this is qualifying. It's not getting a lotta attention, and is ranked low for most people. I'll admit that music-wise, it's not catchy enough, or emotional enough, or punchy enough. It's just....there. And I say that as someone who likes it. I gotta be truthful. The lyrics are why I like it, and most people prolly aren't gonna care too much. So, nah, not qualifying. Cyprus can definitely do better.
Song: "My Sister's Crown" by Vesna Country: Czech Republic (Czechia) Thoughts: And the award for "Unexpectedly Catchy" goes to.....Yeah, this is one of the bigger growers of the year easily. When I first heard it, I thought it'd settle around mid for me, but nope! Not only is this a powerful song, with a message many can rally behind...but, in terms of sheer catchiness, this isn't that far behind the likes of Poland's, Moldova's, and Austria's songs...although I'll admit that most of the catchiness is contained in the chorus alone. That part will NOT leave my head! Just repeating, over and over, like an incantation almost! XD This is a song I really do like, but I can't think of much to say about it. It's all surface level here. The music is good, the lyrics are good, it's just an overall solid song that doesn't blow me away. Prediction: It seems like this song's getting a lotta attention! Whoa! Just outside the top ten in the betting odds? Interesting...I personally don't think it's THAT good, but not complaining seeing an underrated country get more attention! Yeah, they're qualifying and doing fairly well in the final. My prediction will be "better than last year" (where they came 22nd), but not a front-runner.
Song: "Breaking My Heart" by Reiley Country: Denmark Thoughts: Well, if there was any song this year that combined sad lyrics with an oddly happy, poppy beat, it'd be this, huh? "I'm not scared to love you, but I'm scared of breaking my heart" sounds like a very emotional line on paper, but here he is singing it like it's just another thing....maybe that was the point? Eh, I'm nitpicking and being weird, cuz I actually like that kind of dissonance if it's done right....and also I like this song in general. It's not a favorite, nor is it even a big standout, but it's one that I just...never forget about. The lyrics stuck with me without me making an effort to learn them (kinda like "Space Man"), and I find myself subconsciously singing it sometimes, mainly the "On and oooooooff~ Couldn't meet me in the middle" pre-chorus for some reason. The lyrics are overall good, and make this song better, but the chill vibe of the song overall makes it unique this year too. Overall, solid song, not a favorite, but a reliable one that I don't get super duper into, but I can count on to never get old either. Prediction: I have nooooo idea why this song's not getting more attention, but eh, not the MOST underrated song I like this year by a longshot...It's also in the weaker semifinal, and in my opinion, is one of the better songs in it (that has a chance to qualify). I wouldn't write them off. They could still do it. So....yeah, why not, I predict they'll prove people wrong and be a surprise qualifier. Like I said before, it's unique....If they don't make it, I'll probably blame them having to open the semifinal. Not really what I'd call a good opener....
Song: "Bridges" by Alika Country: Estonia Prediction: I wanna like this song....I wanna like it SO much....when I'm paying attention to it, I feel the lyrics a LOT. I really relate to wanting to bring down my walls and build bridges instead, trying to move on from all the pain I went through before...putting it behind me, and...more than anything...asking for closure. B-but, I hate to say it....the keywords there are "when I'm paying attention". I HATE saying this about an entry from Estonia, after all the slam dunks they've put out recently like "Hope" and "The Lucky One", but in this absolute joy of a year, this song is the only one that actually makes me check out during it. I REALLY don't wanna call it boring, cuz it HAS merits! I just said them! But it's definitely the closest thing TO boring this time. And I really couldn't tell you why, when I like other slower stuff this year more. But...that's just how it is. Great lyrics, good voice, but gets buried under everything else when I'm not making an effort to listen to said lyrics. This is the only song I'd say I'm indifferent to this year, but it's VERY close to being a like. As it is, I still like it more than other songs I've been indifferent to like "Rockstars". Prediction: I...normally wouldn't think they'd qualify, but it's the weaker semifinal, so I wouldn't completely count them out if the staging's good. It's still Estonia, so I wouldn't be surprised if they pull it off. It'd definitely be at the cost of a song I like more, so I hope not, but...eh, I'll get to my two underdog favorites in the second semi later, but short answer: I'm already mentally prepared to lose them. If Estonia get in and it doesn't cost Australia, I won't mind. I don't hate this song. So....sure, I'll say they'll qualify. I gotta predict at least a few surprises, and this one might be one of them.
Song: "Cha Cha Cha" by Käärijä Country: Finland Thoughts: After only two years, Finland are already a fan-favorite again! Usually they wait a lot longer for that.....Finland are a country that have been good at appealing to my taste specifically, sending top three songs for five flipping years in a row (not counting 2020), but for Eurovision itself, they usually just cannot catch a break even if their song's good, which makes me EXTRA HYPED when their entries DO get attention. Do I think they deserve the buzz this year....? OH HECK YEAH THEY DO!!! THIS SONG IS EVERYTHING!! THIS IS HOW YOU EUROVISION IN A NEW, EXCITING WAY!! THIS is how you do it! This song is a VERY close second-favorite behind Australia for me, with my decision of liking Australia's entry more coming down to lyrics and nitpicks. I could've easily have made it a tie, but couldn't do that when the ONE THING about this song that I can even remotely call critical is that the lyrics aren't much, while the lyrics of Australia's song enhanced it. But....does that EVEN MATTER!? Do you even CARE what he's talking about when the music is just THAT GOOD!? Fittingly, my top two songs both got similar reactions outta me on first listen - I was blindsided by this. I do NOT expect the directions this song went in, and was flipping out the whole way. The fact that I was THIS invested in a song that I expected not to be taken seriously was embarrassing.....UNTIL I learned how loved it was, and now, I'm not holding anything back! CHA CHA CHACHA CHA CHA CHA!! My favorite thing about this song is that it's intense and hard, but still fun and catchy the same time! It's like....somehow managing to combine what I love about Australia's and Malta's entries, and it's flipping awesome! ESPECIALLY once the second half starts. The rapping isn't bad either, but I'm glad the whole song isn't like that. XD Then I'd have to call it nu metal, pffff.....Uuuuuhhhh, s-sorry this section's so long, I just flipping ADORE this song and I can't express how happy that Finland are getting attention for it. MAN, at this point, if in a future year, Finland send in even so much as a mid song, my disappointment will be immeasurable and my day will be ruined. XD Prediction: I WAS SO HYPED FOR THIS THAT I ACTUALLY SEARCHED "HELSINKI 2024" ON TWITTER TO SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE MENTIONED THAT, PFFFFFFF!! I am SO rooting for this song to win. Holy crap, Finland have been LONG overdue for another win, and even if this doesn't achieve that, it'll still be the CLOSEST they've gotten to it this decade....FINLAND DESERVE IT!! However, going up against Sweden, who sent Loreen, makes me doubt what'll happen. It could go either way. I love both songs, just this one a lot more. Seeing Finland not only get their second win, but manage to beat SWEDEN as their biggest competition, would be immensely satisfying, but might not happen, so I'll try not to get my hopes too high. All I know is that no matter what, this awesome, intensely fun song will at least finish in the top ten, and that'll be enough for me already....and no doubt the televoters in particular are gonna EAT THIS UP. If Finland vs. Sweden gets really close in the jury vote, Finland will win just due to the televotes. So....uh, yeah, I want it to win, but at the same time I'm not gonna jump on the idea. I just REALLY REALLY want it somehow, it'd be so cool, so unlike any other winning song up till no- *ahem* S-sorry, uhhh.....top five at least.
Song: "Évidemment" by La Zarra Country: France Thoughts: Good to know France didn't let what happened last year slow them down, and they went ahead and sent another banger! God, this is a good one! SO close to borderline tier for me, this song won me over super quickly with its infectious, disco-esque beat. It's very big and grand, while also being something I can just vibe to! AND I can give it uniqueness points! The perfect combination! It's one of those songs that I can't really say so much about, cuz I'd just be talking in circles. Uhhh....her voice is also really good? That's all I got. XD Really, just listen to it. It speaks for itself. Just extremely solid. Prediction: My prediction is JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED! Seriously, last year's robbery still bugs me whenever I think about it cuz there was no reason for it to happen....but I already complained about that enough. Point is, with how much attention this song's getting, that will NOT be happening again, and France will be getting what they deserve for sending a fun, unique song this time! Even though there are songs I enjoy more, I have no problem with this being in the top five fan-favorites as the betting odds show cuz they still deserve it! Now, I don't really see them winning (as of right now, no songs except the ones from Finland and Sweden are screaming "winner material", but that could easily change with the live performances), but top five? Why not, right? Sure, they could not do as well as expected, and fall off a bit, but....well, it's still France....um....y-yeah, I'm gonna be a bit safter and say top ten. They deserve top five, tho.
Song: "Echo" by Iru Country: Georgia Thoughts: So....this is definitely my favorite entry from Georgia for quite a few years, altho that's not really a high bar....but, with that being said, it's still comparatively mid. Good news is that for me, "mid" still means I like it. XD Yeah, this song's pretty good. I have a hard time understanding her without subtitles (I was hearing "My love is my crown" as "My love is like rain" for a while), but her voice is still great, and the whole song feels so....big and grand. But I can't rank it higher cuz for everything I just praised, there's at least one other song this year that I think does it better. This song's got a lot of power, but there are more powerful songs I like more (one even flat NAMED "Power", featuring an even better singer). Cuz of that, I find myself....not really thinking about this song much, sorry.....but when it comes on, I do enjoy it. It's better as a minor pump-up song playing in the background rather than something I give my full attention to. Sorry, Georgia, I know you're trying, it's just very bad luck of who you're up against.... Prediction: This could go either way. It's the second semifinal, where less fan-favorites are, but it's also still Georgia, an unlucky country. It's toward the middle in the betting odds, too, which is no help....Hmmmmm.....Um....I don't think they'll qualify, but they could also be a wildcard. If they surprise me, that'll be fine, too...? There are better songs, but as long as Australia make it, I won't complain about anything else, including this.
Song: "Blood & Glitter" by Lord Of The Lost Country: Germany Thoughts: Hoooooooly CRAP! Germany are certainly trying to put on a spectacle this year, huh? Well, I'd say they might succeed at that! We'll see how the staging goes, cuz this song deserves a SHOW!! I listen to this song, and I'm immediately brought back to "Hard Rock Hallelujah"...just, this BIG metal song that feels like it could fill an entire stadium even with the studio version. This is a song that BEGS to be performed in front of an audience with those booming vocals and screams. It's such a BIG-sounding song, which is what I love about it. It sounds BIG. And it cries out not in anger, but in....happiness? "We're so happy we could die", huh? More like....happiness in a "LET IT ALL GO!!" way, heck yeah! That feels good! Now, would I call this a better song than "Hard Rock Hallelujah"? No, but I can at least say I like the vocals more on this one. That's just an opinion, however. It's true that I don't care for the verses as much as the chorus here, and in terms of hard songs that pump me up, this is kinda in the shadow of Australia's and Finland's entries, but I still really really like this song, and it's a borderline favorite. Can't wait to see it live! Prediction: Honestly surprised that this isn't getting more attention...but it's not doing badly right now in the betting odds, so it might gain momentum in the final. The Eurovision audience has overall been liking the harder stuff recently (besides...."Jezebel", unfortunately...haaaahhhh....) so I can see this doing pretty well! I would NOT call it a front-runner, but maybe top 15? Is that safe enough to assume? This'll definitely give Germany their best result since 2018.
Song: "What They Say" by Victor Vernicos Country: Greece Thoughts: This was one of my picks for least-favorite when I first heard it, cuz I considered it the closest thing to a boring song of the bunch. But, surprisingly, it grew on me a bit, and now I like it! Still on the low end, but hardly worth complaining over. Turns out, Estonia's song was the one I couldn't get into instead....weird how that worked out, but first impressions can be misleading sometimes, and here's the proof. XD Anyway, this song's fine. Perfectly serviceable. Not a standout in any way, but the lyrics are pretty good in places. Fun fact: for days before finally watching with subtitles, I was mishearing one line of the chorus, and I STILL can't unhear it afterwards. I don't hear "Lost souls make sure no one loses their way", I hear "Lassos make sure no one loses their way". Yup...and I was like, "What, so you lasso someone to keep them from wandering off? What? Are you talking about horses now, whaaaaaa-" So....that was a thing. XD Probably the most notable part of this song, and it's just a mistake of mine. Haha....I got nothing left to say. Prediction: This one could easily go either way....Greece have qualified with less popular songs before, but they've failed to qualify twice, so they're not invincible anymore. And this song is just SO....unremarkable, that I can see this not sticking with people. Yet, the semifinal its in doesn't give it TOO much competition, so....I dunno, maybe! But I'm gonna be bold and say they're not qualifying. Hey, I gotta answer what feels right, and cuz there's no more jury to consider, I don't think Greece will have that much chance.
Song: "Power" by Diljá Country: Iceland Thoughts: I....I still can't explain it. I really can't. I just....can't. This lady's voice is just....it's incredible, and she needs more attention, period, end of discussion. ....O-OK, I'll talk a bit more, it's one of my favorite songs after all. But...what else is there? It's the biggest grower of the year! I always have at least one major underdog favorite that I have a hard time explaining the appeal of. Two years ago, that song was "Amen". Last year, it was "Breathe". This year, it's this. That kinda song that scratches my brain in just the right way and makes me FEEL, but I have a hard time conveying that in text. At least this time, I have a BIT more of an explanation, which is just "vocals go brrrrrr". HER VOICE, I SWEAR! This song is SO FUN to sing along to. "Whooooaaaa-oooooaaaa-ooooOOOOAAAAAA~! You have no p-p-p-POwer, ooooover me!" Her runs, her growls, just the overall sound, her voice is perfect, at least in this song! That would be enough for me to love this, but as an added bonus, the lyrics are also great, that voice I love doing an AMAZING job at portraying a cry of freedom from a possibly-toxic person! I think I did a good enough job explaining myself....Yeah, this song won't stand out to most people. I didn't think it would to me, either. Outside of her voice, this song doesn't have anything super special about it, I'll admit it. But gosh dang do I love it. I REALLY wish more people could give it some love. Prediction: Now....uh....I don't think they're a completely lost cause....There's a chance that she could sound just as amazing live, combined with good staging, and it'll save their odds and get them on people's radar! ......But that's wishful thinking. Y-yeah, I'm not completely giving up on them (like I am with my other second semi underdog I'll be talking about later), but I'm not getting my hopes up, either. A lot of people are gonna overlook this song and it'll go down easier for me by accepting that. I don't think they'll qualify....
Song: "We Are One" by Wild Youth Country: Ireland Thoughts: I....I dunno what to say about this one. It's....it's SO generic, but...somehow still good at the same time? Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just a sucker for songs with this kinda message, no matter how many time it's said. Maybe it's the kinda thing I wanna keep being reminded about now and then. The idea that I'm not alone, even when it feels like it...and that I can keep getting back up again each time I fall. We might be different, but tonight, we are one....That line kinda sums up the Eurovision spirit, doesn't it? But yeah, this song is VERY safe. The name Wild Youth is very fitting, cuz it sounds like a song written by someone very young writing their first song ever. But that's not a bad thing in this case. It's just a very simple, innocent song, and there's a place in the world for that kinda thing. Also I like the ending with the drums. Always a sucker for drums. Mhm. -v- Prediction: Ugh, I feel so BAD for Ireland! I wanna see them do well again! It's been YEARS! From 2013 to now, they've only qualified for the final ONCE! And so many of those years were with good songs, at that! They've just been so unlucky! And I HAVE to keep being unbiased and objective as possible in my predictions, so even I can't throw them any bones....This song won't do it for them. Maybe if this song was in the second semifinal, it could've had a chance to stand out more. But not the first one. There's no chance....They're gonna have to keep waiting for the Luck of the Irish to return, sad to say.
Song: "Unicorn" by Noa Kirel Country: Israel Thoughts: Oof, this one....Um, OK, first off, lemme just say that I don't come to Eurovision looking for good lyrics. Sure, there'll be a few songs with good lyrics every year, but I consider those a bonus. For the most part, I come to Eurovision for the atmosphere, and for songs that sound good. Songs with good music and bad lyrics ("Warrior" in 2015) will be placed far above songs with good lyrics and boring music ("Growing Up Is Getting Old" in 2021). I bring this up, because this song right here puts me in a conundrum. It's definitely in the former category, and I do like it fine...but it's a case where the lyrics are SO bad that it comes CLOSE to being ruined by them. But not quite. Not all the lyrics are bad, but those that are, REALLY are. Just not enough for me to not like the song as a whole. I still cannot take it seriously. It's laughable how much this song fails as an anti-haters song ("diss track", I think they're called?). She wants to say that nothing they tell her will ever break her, and that she'll keep doing her thing. OK, valid, but how does she do this? By comparing herself to a....unicorn. Yyyyyyyeah, excuse me what? A unicorn? Ummmm....yeah, that'll show 'em to mess with you, huh? Yeah...yeah, they'll surely not get back up from that one....They can say all they want, but you'll bite back with the power of a....unicorn. Just like how I dealt with bullies in grade school by telling them Pokemon were cooler than them....Fictional creatures....Only got me laughed at harder....but y'know what? You do you, I guess. Music-wise, this is good, but not the best. I like how it ramps up at the end. But when these kinds of lyrics are the most noteworthy thing about a song, I can't really rank it very high, sorry....But I do know a lot of people love this, so maybe it's just not for me. Prediction: This song being in the top ten in the betting odds is baffling, but eh, I can't be too mad. It's still a fun song that'll bring more fun to the final when it qualifies. I'll TRY not to focus too much on how this is one of my more least-favs in a packed semifinal....and how its qualification could cost me Malta....nope nope nope. I'll focus that on Switzerland. This song doesn't deserve saltiness, cuz I do get enjoyment out of it. XD This could finish in the top ten as predicted, but I'm gonna say it'll fall short of that.
Song: "Due Vite" by Marco Mengoni Country: Italy Thoughts: I'm really happy we have a returning artist from 2013 in 2023. A great blast from the past! While 2014 was the first Eurovision I liveblogged, 2013 was the first Eurovision I ever watched live period, and the first year I started taking Eurovision super seriously (altho I'd been a more passive fan for a few years before that). It's a year I look back on fondly. So, even if I didn't like this song, I'd still have a soft spot for it, cuz well...it feels like Mr. Mengoni hasn't changed one bit. This sounds SO MUCH like "L'essenziale". It didn't blow me away, but it's still a VERY pretty song that grew on me like a lot of ballads do. I literally have the exact same thoughts towards this that I did towards "L'essenziale". I think this one is, like....a smidge worse than that one, but the chorus and his voice are still really strong. Pretty good buildup too, which is what I like in my ballads. So, not a top tier Italian entry, but still a very pleasant one nonetheless. I'm using this song as my midpoint between the "really like" and "like" tiers. Everything above it are songs I'd listen to on my own time, and everything below it are songs I won't listen to often after the contest. This song is that perfect point of comparison to me, being a no-skip song I can occasionally get really into, but also isn't something I would search for on my own. Prediction: Italy are still in the top ten in the betting odds right now, but aren't as high as they usually are, so this'll probably be a breather year for them. As in, they might actually stay outta the top five this time. XD I'm still calling the bottom half of the top ten tho, like in 2013. Can't underestimate Italy too much, y'see.
Song: "Aijā" by Sudden Lights Country: Latvia Thoughts: I like this one, but I also feel bad that I don't like it more. I THOUGHT I'd like it more. On first listen, it clicked with me pretty quickly. I really resonated with the lyrics, and thought the song 'd grow on me after I learned them all. But...it stagnated. And, as other songs grew on me, it kept getting pushed down. And I couldn't tell you why. I really dunno why....this is just what happened. But I do still like the song! I still really like the chorus, and I can somewhat relate to wanting nothing more than to stay in a fantasy and not face reality even as it stares me in the face. I can relate to wanting to say the right things even when everything's collapsing. I think, ultimately, it's just the sound of the song. It's not as strong as so many others this year to me. Good, but not as good as it seemed like it'd be. Prediction: Now, as someone who likes this song but doesn't love it, I did NOT expect this to be one of my unpopular opinions. Second-to-last in the betting odds? Whaaaa??? I mean, it is Latvia, but still- Uh....geez, I do think they deserve better than that....but, welp, in terms of underrated songs in the first semifinal, I have OTHERS to worry about...If Latvia don't qualify, I won't mind. But for my prediction....ummmm.....I-I guess I'll say no. I think it might get lost. Staging could save it, but I won't bet on that. At this point, I think Latvia are in the same camp as Ireland- until the next time they send an unironic banger, they're doomed to unluckiness.
Song: "Stay" by Monika Linkytė Country: Lithuania Thoughts: One of the more major examples of the "indifferent ---> like" growers this year. I didn't think much of this song too much at first due to it being downbeat and nothing notable music-wise, only for my opinion to improve once I paid more attention to the lyrics. These are really good lyrics. I really relate to not wanting to be alone anymore, and just...asking for someone to help heal me. Especially recently, when my journey of self-improvement coincided with me discovering the music of my new favorite singer. It really does feel like he was exactly the kind of person I needed at that point in time....It seems unrelated, I know, but...th-this song reminds me of him somewhat. How he always seems so sweet and kindhearted, and makes his fans feel so loved....and how he uses his music to comfort those who need him....a real-life comfort character..."My heart is bleeding, I need your healing" indeed. However, despite this slight bias, unlike with Cyprus' entry, I can't bring myself to rank it above the plain "like" tier. Music-wise, this isn't something I'm gonna be rushing back to. I do like the repeated "Čiūto tūto" and "Finally my heart is beating" part. That's been in my head for the past couple days. And I really really want Lithuania to be more open to sending more songs in Lithuanian cuz they did that last year and I want more, so every little bit counts, pffff. XD But yeah, overall, a song that I can really feel right now, but falls short of me calling it memorable in the long run. It definitely doesn't compare to the last song named "Stay" entered in Eurovision, that's for sure! Prediction: Lithuania are HARD to make predictions for, cuz it feels like EVERY YEAR could be one or the other. XD Ummmm....for this one.....I-I guess I'll say yes...? There are plenty of less-popular songs in their semifinal that could push them forward into qualification territory. This won't be troubling the top half of the scoreboard in the final, but I think it'll be there.
Song: "Dance (Our Own Party)" by The Busker Country: Malta Thoughts: I'm sorry "Discoteque"....but I found a new favorite party song for introverts! And HERE it is, as my third-favorite song of this crazy collection....no small feat! There's a LOTTA songs that I'd call "fun" this year, and this is my favorite of them! (My top two are more "intense" than "fun" even tho Finland's is both- anyway-) And it's not just for the lyrics, altho I do love those...Never before has an introvert wanting to leave a party that's not for him sounded so.....charismatic! And that's part of the charm, definitely, but....I-I'll be honest, it's mainly about that energy for me. SUCH infectious instrumentation and such a fun beat...almost addictive, actually! Yeah, I wanna dance! I know that there've been many sax-heavy, funk-flavored songs like this before, but this is the only one of those we got this time, and DANG it's a good one. I don't even really wanna go into the details, I just wanna LISTEN to this! Nothing but fun! All the fun! I can't listen to this without smiling....even when.... Prediction: I am crushed. I am confused. I am even a bit outraged. I expected my biggest unpopular fav to be Iceland or Poland...not THIS. I expected this song to be a hit. Like, not winner material, but....y'know, something more than this right now! And why? Literally WHY? I-I can't...I just can't wrap my head around this! Malta have sent popular songs before, so why is THIS ONE falling through the cracks? Like I said, it's unique, so it should stand out! Plenty of the Eurovision audience clearly WANTS fun this year! They're giving love to other fun songs like Austria's! What the HECK!? ....I-I can't be mad while listening to this, but I don't GET IT??? ....I can't believe I'm saying this, when I thought they'd be fine....but no....This is the main reason I'm stressed over the first semi: Malta performing second. Not a good omen, and UGH......UGH, I say! I want them in the final so flipping badly...I can imagine fun staging to go with this song, too....I'm gonna be stubborn and say that they could turn it around, qualify, and proove the nonbelievers wrong, but....I-I gotta predict something, so....UGGGGHHH....the thought of flipping Switzerland qualifying over this HURTS, but....I-I'm so so sorry Malta, but second position sucks. I-I don't....I don't think this....is...gonna....happen....Prove me wrong please. Please. Prove me wrong. I DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU! You deserve to dance to the final!!
Song: "Soarele şi Luna" by Pasha Parfeni Country: Moldova Thoughts: If I didn't read his name, and recognize it after a bit, I NEVER would've guessed that this is the same guy from 2012. Never in a million years. This is SUCH a different song than that one, it's like....well, fittingly, night and day. A song this beautiful and hypnotic, coming from Mr. "This trumpet makes you my girl"? Really? What happened? It's insane to think about...but maybe that song was the exception, and most of his music is more like this? That'd be neat! (Disclaimer: I actually liked "Lăutar", it was just really silly, that's all) Cuz man, this song is just SO flipping cool...It has an almost magical atmosphere to it, kinda bringing "Spirit In The Sky" to mind, but with a bit of "SHUM" in there as well. The chorus melody is downright addictive, and the way its constantly repeated makes that worse. I still call this the second-catchiest song of the bunch after the Polish entry. It's a HARD song to shake once it's in my head. Not to mention, the whole atmosphere thing...I think this is the only song this year that I can call "atmospheric", focusing just as much on the mood as the music. It brings images to my mind in the way no other song this year does, on top of just being a beautiful song. Moldova once again prove that their serious songs can be great too, even if they're more underrated. Love this song, definitely one of my favorites. Prediction: I'm SOOOOOOOO WORRIED for Moldova, holy CRAP! While I love Malta's song more, of the two, Moldova have a better chance of qualifying, so....I-I feel like I have to root for them harder than Malta somehow? But still, the chances are not enough in their favor for me to relax here! The first semifinal is stacked, and this song is there just vibing and possibly not being everyone's thing, and the betting odds aren't much help either, showing them in the middle! They're not popular or unpopular, they're just...I dunno WHAT'LL happen to them! I REALLY hope they qualify! This song deserves cool staging, and maybe that'll help? But it'll only help them so much against this competition! I.....gosh, what to predict? The thought of them failing to qualify in favor of Switzerland, ugh....UGH, I say! Gotta be realistic, I....Y'know what...? If I get two favorites in in the form of Finland and Norway, I guess I can afford to lose two other favorites in the form of Malta and Moldova, so....sure....I-I'll be realistic. This song....i-isn't gonna qualify. But, like, it won't lose by a lot, hopefully!....*sigh* One day, a serious song by Moldova will actually get the respect it deserves....    
Song: "Burning Daylight" by Mia Nicolai and Dion Cooper Country: The Netherlands Thoughts: My feelings on this one are....c-complicated. I've decided I like it, but just barely. I'm putting it right at the bottom of the “like” tier. I do think I was a SMIDGE too harsh on it for a while. It's not as depressing as I thought it was at first listen. It's just that it starts that way, but the ending reads as more uplifting ("Goodbye, old life", as in, letting go of what burdened you before). However, some of the lyrics hit....WAY too close to home for me. Specifically, "I can't find any joy anymore" and "Don't know what made me happy before". Without going into major details, I....I went through some emotional trauma during the second half of last year, resulting in me isolating myself from everyone for a few months as I got everything together. During isolation, I did discover a new interest, but before that point, I was pretty m-miserable....it really felt like my world was ending, and that I couldn't feel any joy in the things I liked (besides Splatoon 3) without a guilty conscience. It took me three months until I decided I was ready to talk again, and about a month after that until I felt almost completely normal again. It was....bad. And this song brings me back to that helplessness. I understand why others would like this song, if it speaks to them as well. So, overall, I would compare this song to "Not The Same" from Australia last year - I feel it, and I get it, but I have to be in the right mood to fully enjoy it. This one isn't nearly as good as that one was tho....but it's the closest comparison I can think of. Again, if you like this song for the same reasons I find it too heavy, you're valid. This is just what I get from it. I'd personally rather listen to the Lithuanian song, which is also about being broken and needing to heal, but that one's a lot less depressing. Prediction: In terms of the first semifinal, I will gladly take this over Switzerland, but I have a gut feeling that both will qualify, which will come at the expense of a song I like more (PLEASEnotMalta...butmaybe) I can't criticize the betters this time, cuz this is a perfect example of a song I can see the objective appeal of while not personally being that big a fan of it. I won't get salty if this qualifies. The salt will go towards Switzerland. As for what I think'll happen, uh.....mmmmm,the Netherlands' good history in recent years isn't to be ignored, so I think they'll qualify. It helps that nothing else is like this in the first semifinal, and it's being performed second-to-last. The crowd probably won't be forgetting it.
Song: "Queen Of Kings" by Alessandra Country: Norway Thoughts: Welcome back to my favorites, Norway! Missed you! I KNEW you could send an awesome song again!  And even then, I wouldn’t have predicted something like this! This song may not have conquered all to me, but it came dang close, a solid fourth placer among a really respectable group of songs! Nothing to sneeze at! But yeah, what's to say about this one? Where do I start? XD It's just...really really cool and even a bit...inspiring, but the real best thing here is that CHORUS! While this might not be my favorite song, it probably has my second-favorite chorus of the year after Australia's song's. The way it BURSTS is just amazing! And, as a matter of fact, another one of the best things here is...something I haven't praised any other song for, and that's the pre-chorus of all things! That build-up gives me goosebumps sometimes! "Who will conquer aaaaaaAAAAAAALL? HER NAME IS-" and then I nearly fly outta my seat. Easily some of the best buildup of the year leading to a huge yet catchy chorus. SUCH a cool song. Makes you both fear the queen, yet be in complete awe of her at the same time. Almost leaves me at a loss of words....almost. I still found things to say, heheh.... Prediction: Thank GOD I can say that this song's safe. It's a fan-favorite (not quite as much as Finland's, but still high up there!) and thus I don't need to worry about it. THANK. GOD. Cuz I got other favorites to worry about in the first semifinal. Malta, Moldova....they need my energy. Norway, like Finland, don't. They got enough of it, pfffff.....So, yeah, will qualify, and will also be one powerful opener for the semi too! Nice choice for one, I gotta say. And in the final....probably top ten?
Song: "Solo" by Blanka Country: Poland Thoughts: Sharing a name with one of my favorite Eurovision entries of all time, huh? Definitely a hard act to follow, and yeah, this one doesn't reach that kinda level...but I love it to pieces for what it is. Yup, this is one of my favorites and I'm not even sorry. I know that this is FAR from a fan-favorite...in fact, it seems rather...hated? I-I don't really think it deserves that kinda reputation, but yeah, if you don't like this song, thinking it's just annoying or mindless, well, I'm not gonna stop you there. I really can't. But dang it, it's just too darn catchy! This melody is SO infectious I can't shake it! With my other obvious underdog favorite, the Icelandic entry, I tried to justify my love for it. But with this one, I'm not even gonna try. I'd just look stupid. When this song comes on, I just turn my brain off and vibe to it, nothing more. It's not deep or anything, it just appeals to the monkey brain part of me that likes catchiness. And while I personally find this the fun catchy and not annoying catchy (like "Lock Me In" kinda was last year), if you see it the other way, go ahead. But just like the last time I loved an unpopular Polish entry in my own corner away from everyone, I'll do so this time too. Prediction: Do I even need to say anything here? OK, to be fair, when a Polish song gets hate, it's usually by other Polish people it seems....so, maybe people who can vote for it will? Fat chance, tho...I'm not counting on this qualifying at all. Of my two second semi underdogs, Iceland have more of a chance. But I'll at least enjoy this live once! Hope it sounds good live! XD
Song: "Ai Coração" by Mimicat Country: Portugal Thoughts: Well, this is certainly more energetic than Portgual's entries usually are! Much appreciated! Nice beat, and it appeals to that "being in love feels good" genre of song I've always said I really like. So....why is it that I'm not super into this? It can't be because of the genre, cuz I have liked songs of this flavor before (I'm scared to say what it is cuz I'm not 100% sure and I don't wanna misname it, just know that my first thought was "flamenco" even tho that's a flipping DANCE so yeah, am stupid) I do like this, but it's not something I'd listen to over and over. I like it in small doses, I guess. I definitely respect it for being unique. I can see this getting old if it wasn't surrounded by songs that bring out its uniqueness. Again, I like the lyrics, I like the beat, but there are a plethora of songs I prefer to listen to. Prediction: I'm gonna actually take a bit of a chance here and predict that they'll qualify despite being on the low end of the betting odds. And I won't mind if they do (as long as they're not the reason for...M-Malta....y'know...) but I won't mind if I'm wrong either. I just feel like I have enough confidence in Portugal at this point to make this prediction. They've qualified a fair number of times with odds worse than this, AND it's a unique song. It could happen. Will definitely not be a contender in the final, tho. It'll be in the right side of the board for sure. XD
Song: "D.G.T (Off And On)" by Theodor Andrei Country: Romania Thoughts: Man, so many good vocals this year....This is a REALLY good one. I could easily see this being a borderline favorite in a weaker year. I always have a good time listening to this, it's just that it falls short compared to the songs I love more. So, here we have a really unique genre blend of a song with a fun rhythm despite being about being in an on-and-off relationship with King Dedede! ....OK, th-that last part was a joke....but it still sounds so good! I love the vocals on this. This dude's rough voice is really good, and adds a lot to make the song stand out even more. I don't really have anything else to say, I just really like the sound of this whole song! There's nothing else like it! But at the same time, if you don't like this song, I understand why. It's not for everyone. Count me on the like side, tho! Prediction: Romania dead last in the betting odds with a good song would confuse me....if the same thing didn't happen literally last year too. XD I dunno what it is with Romania that makes everyone underestimate them, but anyway....Uhhhh, this song isn't quite as good as their last one, but it's still really good, so I wouldn't write it off either. But, they are performing early....in the weaker semifinal, tho....Uhhhh....this could go either way. I wouldn't be surprised at either result. It won't be robbed if it fails, cuz this kinda song is not gonna be everyone's thing, but at the same time...I do think some people are gonna give them a chance...? So, uh....I'm gonna say....they....won't qualify. I'M SORRY, I had to answer something, and Romania have had more poor results than good ones in recent years. That's ALL it comes down to for this. But it the same thing from last year happens again, I won't be complaining!
Song: "Like An Animal" by Piqued Jacks Country: San Marino Thoughts: Yet ANOTHER banger rock song, this one a bit more of traditional rock! MAN, I really can't explain why I like this so much, I just DO....Actually, my opinion of this song has similarities to my opinion of the one from Iceland...completely different songs, but hear me out! This is an otherwise unoutstanding song that is absolutely carried by its vocals, just like that one is. Yeah, there's not really much here. The lyrics are...well, pretty generic outside of the Aphrodite reference. But DANG IT, his voice just sells everything! I can't get enough of it! I don't even care if liking something from San Marino makes me look dumb, especially as a borderline favorite, when "Adrenalina" didn't rank that high...No, this is unironically great and I will not apologize! Eat your heart out, Maroon 5! ....Ah, no pun intended....O-oh, uh, they had a song called "Animal", and it was- s-sorry, I'll shut up, I'm sounding way too American right now, pffff..... Prediction: NOPE. Even if this song's performed well, it has NO chance. While I personally prefer it, most people will prefer Slovenia's rock song which is in the same semifinal, AND they're performed super close together. This song already was getting overshadowed, but that's not gonna help at ALL. Can't help but feel kinda bad, but...l-like I said before, my attention is gonna mostly go towards Australia, so it's whatever I guess....
Song: "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black Country: Serbia Thoughts: I reiterate from my previous update: What the heck is this and why does it sound so good?? Oh, wait, I know what it is now....it symbolizes insomnia that makes you loopy. Th-that has to be it, right? He's barely singing, and he has this creepy laugh toward the end- it sounds like he's losing his mind! I think I solved the mystery, holy crap! ...I'm joking, BTW, so don't take my interpretation as fact, pffff...but yeah, I still can't get enough of this song. I'm sorry....I know it's weird, but I get SO into it whenever I hear it. That beat is WAY too infectious....My weakness for synth music strikes again. XD It's addictive, dang it! I'd listen to an instrumental version of this song and love it just as much! This hits my brain is just the right way....Ironic that the title means "I just wanna sleep" with a beat that gives me so much energy! Those breaks are EVERYTHING,I swear! I hum them more than the actual vocals. XD Literally the only thing keeping me from naming this a favorite is that I can only call this a major guilty pleasure. It's not the kinda song I'd share with people and tell them I like it....I-I'm kinda embarrassed to say I like it so much. The vocals are just so....I-I dunno what to say....overdramatic? Nah, that's too mean, but...it's not the kinda thing that you can take seriously. But screw it....maybe it's genre bias, but I love this insomnia anthem and welcome it to my top ten. Prediction: Even tho this song won't be everyone's thing, it's WAAAAAAAYYYY too memorable to count out. Even when it's being performed super early, it will NOT be buried in the slightest. XD It also hasn't been as divisive as I expected, sooooo...yeah, Serbia will qualify! And probably won't be a top ten finish in the final, but probably close outside it.
Song: "Carpe Diem" by Joker Out Country: Slovenia Thoughts: You know you've got a group of great rock songs when THIS is the worst one! Geez, to say that makes me feel guilty....cuz I still really like this! Nice energy, nice beat, and I like that it's in Slovene! When this song comes on, I enjoy it a lot! But.....it just....got overshadowed by San Marino's song to me. I was comparing them at first to decide which one I liked more, and poor Slovenia lost pretty quickly as their competition in the rock department stole my heart. Sorry....but, if it's any consolation, I think I'm in the minority. I think for most people, it'll be the other way around. XD Prediction: I....I actually think Slovenia have a chance this year! They seem to be getting more attention than usual, which was a pleasant surprise! I have zero problem with this! ....Trust me, like I said before, I'm prepared to let San Marino, Poland, and Iceland all go in favor of Australia. So having this in instead of one of those is totally fine with me. It's one of the next best things replacement-wise. XD Just as long as nothing goes horribly wrong, I can see this in the final. It's NOT a shoo-in, and if it fails, I just hope it's so that a song I like more qualifies instead...Oh, and in the final, this will be far from the top of the board. Probably down pretty low, not in flop territory, but in the bottom half. About as well as a lot of rock songs usually do.
Song: "EAEA" by Blanca Paloma Country: Spain Thoughts: I don't wanna talk about this ooooooone.....>__< People really like it apparently, and it just makes me feel bad. I KNOW there's technical skill here. I know that kinda vocal isn't easy to maintain. I KNOW I should at least be giving it uniqueness points....but, I'm sorry, I just can't take this. I don't like listening to this at all, especially the chorus. I didn't think it'd grate on me as fast as it did....but welp. And yes, it's because of the vocals. Much like with "Suus" in 2012, just cuz I can respect a singer for doing things with their voicals, doesn't mean I have to find it enjoyable to listen to. And yes, I do respect this song at least a bit, but those ear-piercing wails are wayyyy too much for me and I actively want to skip it whenever it starts (previously, the only song I disliked enough to warrant that kinda response to me had been "Amar Pelos Dois"....and while I don't like this song, let's not get carried away, huh? This one at least has life in it) I feel like I might've angered at least a few people reading, so again, I'm sorry, this is just my take, that's all! Man, I didn't wanna bring back the 'dislike' tier anytime soon, especially not in a year where there are so many hits, but....I-I can't lie to myself. I just flat don't like this song. It's too annoying. Prediction: I'm in the minority, as this song is part of the top five in the betting odds as I type this. Because of that, I can assume that Spain might be faring better than they usually do. Maybe it'll be their second top ten finish in a row, which'll be cool, I guess! I personally don't want them too, obviously, but I hold no ill will towards anyone. Maybe I'm too uncultured or something, and if that's the case, I tried to understand it better, and still didn't like it. Buuuut.....I'll try to tolerate it. I don't wanna piss off anyone who does genuinely like this song.
Song: "Tattoo" by Loreen Country: Sweden Thoughts: Masterpiece. Yeah, getting that out there right away. This song is a whole masterpiece. EVERYTHING about this is perfection. This was definitely exactly what I wanted from the return of Loreen, containing the same atmosphere and unique, borderline-ethereal presence I remember loving before. The lyrics are also really great, showing desperation just to be loved, wanting to throw yourself at the feet of someone so badly...Now, I had to lower my expectations still, cuz "Euphoria" is an all-time favorite song for me and I expected lightning not to strike twice. And....yeah, I was right about that. This song is no doubt amazing, but it fell just short of being a favorite...at least, right now. It's my number eight, so it's first in line when one of my current favs fails to qualify from a semifinal. THEN it'll be up there. But yeah, it was tough to rank this. This is a song that deserves its acclaim, and I don't understand why I'm here ranking stuff like the Icelandic and Moldovan entries above it. My taste is weird.... Prediction: Now, for the big question - will she do it again? Will Sweden FINALLY tie Ireland's record? A lotta people seem to think that way! And Eurovision back in Sweden, a country that knows how to host very well, is certainly a tempting thought...but do I wanna put my eggs in this basket? I....I normally don't like to call a pick for winner before the contest starts, so I won't. But I do call at least a few potential winners, and this is one of them. But the thing is, even tho I love this song.....it's going up against Finland. In terms of fan-favorites, I'm not gonna lie to myself....I would LOVE to see Finland beat Sweden. That would be glorious. But that's only my opinion....I do think both of them have a chance (I personally can't see any of the other top-betted songs challenging either of them either, but that could change too), and I'd be happy with either. But no matter what, Loreen is doing well. She'll be in the top three. The juries will love her too. She's an art-eest, and the song is captivating and lyrical.
Song: "Watergun" by Remo Forrer Country: Switzerland Thoughts: HEY EVERYONE! Did you know that war is bad! Because WAR IS BAD! IT'S NOT A GAME! WAR BAD, PEOPLE DIE! THOSE GUNS ARE REAL! HAHAHA CORPSES IN BODYBAGS, ISN'T THIS FUN!? This song is exhausting. Why is it here? I'm sorry, I know people like it, but....this isn't what I want in my Eurovision. I don't watch Eurovision to be reminded of things like this. Eurovision should be FUN. Croatia made the same theme fun with their entry, so I gave them a pass. The same isn't true here. Whenever this song comes on, the mood dies. It kills the atmosphere, especially when it comes on after one of the fun songs. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rude to a song with its heart in the right place, but this kinda thing has just never been it for me. This message of "war is bad" should be common knowledge at this point, and the fact that it apparently ISN'T just makes it worse, so we have TWO songs about it this year, just- no, we don't need it. BUT, with that all being said - this is still technically a good song. It does get its desired emotional response, and although I don't like the lyrics, they're still objectively good. I also give it credit for having an...actually pretty good buildup. This song has more life to it than "Wars For Nothing" did in 2015, so I at least like it more than that one (NOT more than "Non mi evete fatto niente" tho, that one's still the only downer song I've actually enjoyed). And even this year, this isn't my least-favorite song cuz it doesn't hurt my ears like the Spanish entry. But I still don't like this song, and would rather never hear it again. I do sympathize with it, and it does its job as a song, but this isn't the kind of thing I wanna associate with Eurovision. Prediction: When I learned about the voting changes, one of my first thoughts was being happy that the semifinals are 100% televotes and that means I won't have to worry about Switzerland qualifying by being jury bait.....but NOPE, turns, out a lot of people like this and are expecting it to do well....Crap....I really don't wanna hear this in the final and have it bring its sour mood along with it, ugh.....Especially when this is the same semifinal I'm gonna likely lose Malta! I might lose Malta, and Moldova too, in favor of THIS! And there are a lot of other good songs, and it'll be stealing a spot from one them! Whyyyyyyyy!? I do not approve!! >.< But, ugh....I will admit that this song is....memorable....so yeah, I can see it qualifying, sadly. I gotta look at this rationally, and yeah, they have a chance....ugh....FINE, I'll predict they'll qualify. And in the final, they're....not gonna flop, cuz the juries will give them points. Maybe...c-close to the top ten...They'll do a lot better than I want them to.
Song: "Heart Of Steel" by TVORCHI Country: Ukraine Thoughts: After being denied the right to host, at least Ukraine didn't lose auto-finalist privileges! Good for them, cuz otherwise.....I, uh....probably wouldn't think much of this. I-I'm sorry, I know this is yet another unpopular opinion, but....this song's just...not a standout for me. I do definitely like it, and I enjoy it when it comes on. I especially like the orchestral breakdown at the bridge. That part's cool. But...listening to the lyrics, I can tell that this is trying to be yet another pump-up song, but it just falls so flat when it's competing with the rock and metal songs this year. That's STEEP competition. Don't get me wrong, the lyrics are still good, and I'd say this song does its job. There's just a lot better this year, and I feel bad for saying that. Prediction: Oh, this one's easy! Definitely somewhere in the top ten. Won't win, but will still get a fair amount of televotes dogpiled on them. They're already a fan-favorite, it seems, so, it's inevitable. XD MAYBE top five, but I'll be less specific this time and say, yeah, top ten, guaranteed.
Song: "I Wrote A Song" by Mae Muller Country: United Kingdom Thoughts: Man, what a good one to finish off the list, huh? This song's so fun! I hope it's not a bad take to say that this has some of the best lyrics of the whole bunch....cuz it does. Well, at least to me. I don't even wanna explain them, cuz they kinda speak for themselves! This is one of the most passive-aggressive revenge songs I've heard in recent memory and it is GLORIOUS. Yeah, she could've broken down, but instead, she's gonna break HIM and let everyone know about it. And she's TOTALLY NOT BITTER ABOUT IT at all! WOO! That's the spirit! Go get him! I especially love when she says she's done such a good job at keeping her composure. "My mother would be so proud", she says. XD This song just reeks of "death blow with a smile" and I flipping love it. I'm all for songs about getting over heartbreak, but stuff like this is such a fun change of pace. Music-wise, it's not a favorite of mine and there's plenty of songs I'd rather listen to, but the lyrics alone raise this song to greatness. (And honestly, writing is a good coping mechanism. I would know...) Prediction: While they're currently doing well in the betting odds, I really hesitate to say that I think lightning will strike twice in a row for the UK....but this song is really good, so maybe? I-I can't see it flopping, at least...? But I wouldn't call it a front-runner, so...top 15 or so? Maybe I'm underselling them....? I wouldn't mind them in the top ten, so....OK, fine, I'll say 10-15....I-I just don't wanna oversell them, either....at least, it won't soar as highly as the Space Man did....
Aaaaaaand, there we go, that's all of them! If you read all that, I'm sorry, but thank you for being patient with my word vomit! I had a LOT to say about most of these! But if you also scrolled ahead for my rankings, you're valid too, so I'll give you what you want already. XD Here's my rankings!
1. Australia 2. Finland 3. Malta 4. Norway 5. Poland 6. Iceland 7. Moldova
Borderline Favorites:
8. Sweden 9. Germany 10. Serbia 11. San Marino
Really Like:
12. France 13. Romania 14. Austria 15. Cyprus 16. Belgium 17. Czechia 18. Slovenia 19. UK 20. Denmark 21. Latvia 22. Italy
23. Lithuania 24. Armenia 25. Ukraine 26. Azerbaijan 27. Georgia 28. Israel 29. Croatia 30. Ireland 31. Portugal 32. Albania 33. Greece 34. Netherlands
35. Estonia
36. Switzerland 37. Spain
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