#dad ALSO got his out recently and his look cool but he wont give them to me even tho he said he would!!
e-kidd-online · 6 months
Just set my alarms for 7am tomorrow.
(it is currently 2:06am.)
(I have to call the dentist when they open and see if I can stop by and have someone look at my wisdom teeth holes cuz one of them hurts still and the others don't and I think something is wrong with it)
I cry.
0 notes
frosted-night · 3 years
Jack Frost Designs Review
Yes it’s finally his time. This is going to include his book designs including previous incarnations in said books. There are more movie concept designs than book so, let’s dig in shall we?
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This was in fact the first ever Jack Joyce designed while he came up with The Guardians Of Childhood. He even comes with his own backstory! (Which was cut. Sorry Joyce posts walls of text so it’s a girthy read.)
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So instead of a young mischievous trickster, we got a much more depressing story of Jack. (Jack by default is sad obviously) but this one... It kind of hits differently and almost reminds me of the story he crafted for Pitch. A dad who tried to defend his family but through tragic events was ripped from them and changed completely. Design wise, he’s a lot more tree than snow. There doesn’t exist a colored version of this so we’ll never know if he sported winter and dull dead leaf colors rather than grassy greens.This Jack has a weird presence to him, I can’t put my finger on it. Rating: 6/10 He’s really neat! Just a little too Autumn feeling rather than a blend of both Autumn and Winter.
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Nightlight feels like the baby evolution if Jack was a pokemon and that's what I’m gonna stick with. Below is a more recent version of him colored.
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In all honesty that one is easier on the eyes proportion wise because sometimes Joyce has ‘interesting’ anatomy choices but we aint going into that today. It’s interesting how his hair somehow looks shorter and longer than Jack’s at the same time. Could be because the longer strands float seamlessly but star boy hair physics what can ya do. It’s a little hard to tell what is his skin and what is his armor, so that is a casuality in making a character only have one or two colors in their color scheme. I love other artist’s depictions of Nightlight but the canon one feels a little weak color wise. Rating: 5/10 Sorry, get some better LEDs and then come back.
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Here we have a book Jack but I can’t entirely recall if this was used in the books or not. I digress. This design looks like him still wearing very Nightlight-esque armor/clothing and slowly growing into his new persona as Jack Frost. The intricacies are hard to make out but we’ll work with it. This one is very interesting to me because he very much looks like an older teen close to young adult. His hair looks very fluffy too. Not many complaints about this one but not much praise either.
Rating: 6/10 Not great but doesn’t stand out that much.
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Remember when I said Joyce had ‘interesting’ anatomy decisions? Jack looks like he has half a head here and it bothers me GREATLY. This is the adult Jack design he went with. Supposedly he likes the opera and he sure looks it. This! Exists!! Kind of wish it didn’t. The outfit is nice but it just doesn’t fit Jack as a whole. This just screams to me that it’s someone else with a similar-ish hairstyle.
Rating: 3/10 Guess he’d be the...Phantom Of The Opera. (I’ll go home and so should he.)
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And finally the final Jack. This is the one that almost exactly resembles the Jack we got in the movies(Probably because it was made after the movie but w/e) but just add a cape on him. I can’t really tell if hes got a hoodie and a cape, or just a cloak+hood on top of a sweatshirt. It isn’t too important because my thoughts on this one are obvious. Rating: 10/10 Edna Mode would have a field day with you boy.
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Joyce claims this is a design he drafted when Leonardo DiCaprio was considered to voice Jack and I can kind of see that with how his face is drawn here. This Jack looks a lot more like a warrior and less of that trickster look. I can’t say I’m a fan of the weird antenna his hood has but his sword is really cool looking.
Rating: 4/10 Nice bow and sword but it can’t save your fashion choices.
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This looks like a lanky 11-13 year old who would put rocks or slugs in my shoes and relish in my disgust. He has the exact look of a snot nose kid and I’m unsure how to feel about it.
His various hairstyles drafted here sort of make him softer looking or just more of a snot nose, no in between. Maybe even an Anime Protagonist.
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The top right one almost looks like Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon if you squint. It’ll be a little hard to rate them all as one individual but why not.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate them but they aren’t my cup of tea.
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Oh wait no it isn’t he looks like a 10 year old. Whatever don’t feed him after midnight. The staff’s design of not being shaped like a G is an interesting tidbit but the whole design looks like he’s really young or like a troll etc. This Jack looks like he thinks girls have cooties uses outdated slang.
Rating: 4/10 This is me being generous.
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It honestly looks like he hiked his pants up all the way to his chest. A late teen with horrid fashion choices once again. Not many other thoughts here.
Rating: 2/10 Get a sweater on or something.
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This is one is very interesting looking to me. His clothes looked a lot more leather based and very human-like. The tatters, tears and frays all make him look like he was a victim of an accident that never changed his clothes. It makes me wonder if this Jack had the same death as the final movie Jack or something else entirely. Either way, this one looks like hes a mid to late teen which really adds to my intrigue.
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This was another image that greatly resembled the design so I included it here. It almost looks like his skin is blue here which is pretty neat to me at least. He’s also got leaf motifs here, which from the first Jack design Joyce made, we can see a pattern here.
Rating: 8 /10 I was originally weirded out by his head but now its not so bad.
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This Jack is definitely dressed more like a nature boy rather than him having human influenced fashion and it’s an appealing touch. The tiny leaf sprouting from his staff is also kind of cute since the designers seemed to want to put leafs somewhere on his designs. His hairstyle is also very cute but it reminds me of Sasuke Uchiha in a sense. (Not a setback for me at least)
Rating: 7/10 13 year old Jack is going thru a phase.
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I thought this Jack didn’t show up again in story boards but I was wrong!
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They look a little different from each other but just similar enough to pair together, so bare with me. The first one obviously has looser pants, slightly longer sleeves and got his leaf motif going. This second Jack is a VERY green. It gives the impression that this Jack made his clothes out of plants and natural materials. Again I’m not wholly sure if greens fit his color scheme but they sure went for it for a while. I can’t say I’m a fan of it because it heavily reminds me of Peter Pan.
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However a very similar looking Jack could be found in this storyboard. It doesn’t look as green as the other storyboards made it out to be and looks more like dead grass. Which is a pretty nice touch.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate it but it just doesn’t vibe yknow.
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Speaking of a vibe...hoo this certainly has one.  This Jack isn’t old but certainly doesn’t look very young, maybe in the 20-30 range, thats just me. He has facial features that remind me of Pitch but resembles the Jack Frost of Santa Clause 3
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That being said, I wondered if him looking similar to Pitch was in the storyline of them being brothers.(Which was a scrapped thing, who knew.) He’s a bit more menacing in this design but certainly seems like he relishes in his work.
Rating: 4/10 I’d make it a lower score but I gotta give it props
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NOW THIS JACK IS KINDA INTERESTING. This one looks like he’s 16 and going through a grunge phase. He’s gonna play Nirvana loudly and not turn it down even if you tell him too. His staff itself has mini icicles hanging off of it and leafs look stuck to his shirt. Did you glue or staple those on Jack? His hair also looks much longer than his other designs and I kind of dig it( Shut up I’m bias.) I’m not wholly sure why else this design has stuck with me but it just has something about it that I just love. I wish there was a full body drawing of it.
(He also kinda has the same hair as the Jack Frost in Runescape but I wont go on about that hoo hoo)
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Rating: 9/10 *Bad Boy by Cascada plays in the distance*
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This one definitely feels like middleschooler trying to be in a band. His sticks just resemble drumsticks to me what can I say. I’m a big fan of his shoes and his color scheme screams a hibernating tree in winter. His hair also looks like it’s covered in frost rather than it being wholly white, which is very neat!! He looks like he wants to fight but has slight hesitance. Overall a very balanced Jack.
Rating: 8/10 He’s ready for band practice
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Not many thoughts here, I just found these tiny Jack designs cute. His hoodie being a jacket instead just adds to the charm of this one.
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No talk to him he angy.
Rating: 6/10 fun sized boi
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Now this Jack resembles the one earlier that dressed entirely in leather brown colors, however he clearly is different than that one. I’m gonna say it, he looks like a zombie or undead in this design and its pretty fucking gnarly. I don’t know whats going on with his hair but I’m gonna assume it’s just the wind making it look like that. He just has the vibe that he was once human but was turned into something else entirely. It isnt in uncanny territory but borders that. This version of Jack meeting Pitch and the others would have been *very* interesting. Rating: 7/10 Eat a twinkie Jack you’ll feel better.
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The final design! I can’t complain much about this one. The way his staff subtly has a G shape and a hexagon(his signature shape) is a wonderful touch. Additionally, the way the frost is gathered mostly where his hand is such an intricate detail. His signature hoodie is iconic at this point so I can’t bad mouth that either.(I can’t anyway because there's no complaints from me here.) Although, I never understood the leather straps that his pants had or their functions. I couldn’t find any colonial outfits that resembled Jack’s pants so its a total mystery to me at least.
And I can’t go on about this design until I mention the snowflake pattern in his eyes
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Pure beauty. It’s at a hue of blue that almost looks impossible to have, combined with the electric blue color of the snowflake in his eyes. The amount of detail in this movie amazes me to this day. Rating: One Great Blizzard <3/10
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icantspeakspanish · 3 years
Being Seijoh‘s queer manager - Headcanons
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Ship: Platonic!Oikawa x Platonic!Reader / Platonic!Iwaizumi x Platonic!Reader / Platonic!Hanamaki x Platonic!Reader / Platonic!Matsukawa x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: actually none. It’s just fluff and maybe the 3rd years flipping of some mean people
A/n: I recently can’t stop thinking about headcanons to that, so enjoy I guess🕳🚶
Coming out to them
Oikawa Tooru
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Okay listen
Oikawa pays SO MUCH attention to his friends
Like, if you’re looking at a person longer than u look at other people, this mf will notice that right then and there
Don’t worry, he wont just point that out
Maybe he‘ll drop some dumb comments like the dumb clown he is, but he wont spill anything
Oikawa is going to be more observing
One day you just hang out with him
and this shithead has a fucking plan
I do not kid you when I‘m telling u he has a whole maSTERPLAN??😀
both of you are on your own phone, you scrolling though Instagram liking memes about ur closeted sexuality and laughing inside, I see you
Then Oikawa plays on purpose one song
„Me and your girlfriend playin' dress up at my house..“
You immediately freeze
🎶👹Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious👹🎶
You literally try so hard to sent a gaze on Oikawas phone without him noticing
You see in the upper corner of your eye how Oikawa is grinning SO BOLD AT YOU BYE
Brb, just getting a tomato to complain it to your face❤️
Tbh, he wasn’t even sure till you turned red like there ain’t no other choice
You just acted obvious as fU-
Oikawa will deadass laugh at your confused face, but then hug you
„Why didn’t you say anything? I could‘ve get you a significant other so much earlier???“
Slap him pls
After you tell him that you just felt really anxious or something like that, Oikawa will hug you again
He will tell you that he loves you no matter what and that he‘s sure the team will too
Oikawa will absolutely get you like a pride flag to surprise you
He‘s so proud of you and happy you told him🥺
Oikawa will literally look in public out for a partner for u 💀
Put a leash on that piece of crap, or I will
If you’re part of the asexual spectrum, Oikawa will make sure no one is making you uncomfortable and to know your boundaries about jokes, touching, etc.
Will text u things like
Hit him
„If you have to reject this dipshit one more time, I‘ll let Iwaizumi and Kyiotani go WiLD😐“
Love him
„If you wont make a move on them, I will🤨“
Throw him off a bridge
Oikawa is always going to be there for you, ready to let his fangirls flip off everyone who just looks the wrong way at you
He just loves you and wants u to be happy🥺
Iwaizumi Hajime
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Iwa isn’t suspecting anything
Sure, he cares about you, but he doesn’t care about which gender u love
He doesent think that is any of his business, he just wants u to be happy and treaten well and taken care of
Pls I love him
since Iwaizumi wont suspect anything, you’ll have to make the first move into this conversation.
So when you and Iwa walk home after practice it seems like the perfect time
You don’t know how to start, so you sorta just blurt that shit out
„What‘s up?“
„I‘m ____“
Your legs stop moving
You look at him like 👁👄👁
he be having the audacity to stop walking and ask you what’s wrong
„Did you understand what I just said?“
„Yeah, why?“
Y/n.exe stopped working
Iwaizumi.exe crashed too
„What else am I supposed to say?! You’re my friend, I don’t care which gender you having sex with!“
He ain’t good with words I‘m sorry🧑‍🦯
Will ruffle you’re hair and tell you not to worry, he can beat up any gender😩👌
I actually don’t think he‘d ask you questions. He doesen’t want to make you uncomfortable and just googles about it if there’s anything he doesen’t understand. Iwaizumi is actually pretty invested and wants to learn about your sexuality since one of his closest friends just came out to him.
If anyone is being rude to you, Iwaizumi will pop off
If he’s shopping or smth like that and sees something with pride colors / your flag colors, he will buy that and give it to you
Definitely ready to beat up anyone who tries to insult you because of your sexuality
Radiates big protective dad energy and wants to meet your partner before y’all go out
Iwa just wants you to stay safe
10/10 would recommend marriage 💯
Hanamaki Takahiro
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„Are you gay?“
You look pale into his face
„Is that a yes?“
I don‘t even know why, but he would definitely know
Not your sexuality EXACTLY, but he knows you ain’t straight
Makki also uses that as an explanation and tells you you didn’t looked hetero from the start
Excuse you-
He‘s just a natural i guess
You tell him then what your actual sexuality is and Hanamaki is so chill about it
Will smile at you and tell you that he‘s proud of you and maybe apologizing for blurting that shit out of the blue
If someone is making you uncomfortable in anyway, Hanamaki will hunt them down to make them apologize
he will sent you some lgbtq+ memes and capture it with „That reminds me of u“
Matsukawa Issei
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Hear me out
He makes jokes often
and since you (as seijohs manager) hang out with them often, both of you joke often
like y’all have some insiders, you give joking answers to his jokes
so when you and Mattsun went out to get drinks, he was joking as usual
„He/she’d be a great fiancé. dont you think?“
U look in the direction he’s pointing and see a friend group who’s chatting
„Naaah. His/her friend looks hotter“
u actually said that without thinking and as soon as you realize u started to blush and look to him
Matsukawa still looks into that direction.
„you’re right, they got that dumptruck“ BYE
„Matsukawa Issei, I knew youre an ass dude!“
pls y’all are so casual
after that he asks you if you meant that and really are interested in this gender
„wait that’s ___, right?“
you nod a bit surprised because you didn’t expect him to know the name of your sexuality
Matsukawa looks intimidating like Iwaizumi, but he‘d joke around with your date tbh
but if they’re being shitty to you, Matsukawa won’t hesitate to sent them to hell
as long as they won’t hurt you physically, he will make so mean jokes, always pick a fight with them and is SO sarcastic towards them💀
mattsun also made you a playlist with like pride songs
Going to a Pride parade with them!!
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He will absolutely wear a pride flag and be SO proud
he‘ll tries to make some friends for you so you have some people who‘re like you
hes a dumbass, sorry<\3
when you ask Iwaizumi to come with you and the team, he will firstly act annoyed and like he doesen’t want to go but Oikawa drags him anyway dw
if there’s like rainbow ice he will buy it for you what a sugar daddy
Iwaizumi will act annoyed and bored for most of the time, but as soon as you look two seconds away from him and turn back around, this men has rainbow flags on both of his cheeks🥺
someone also gave him a small pride flag and he’s swinging it since then the entire time GOD I‘M SO DOWN FOR SOFT IWAIZUMI PLEASE
some guys talked to him because they thought he’s 💅🏻 and hot and Oikawa let out a scream BAHAHA
Iwa explained himself so politely tho<3
ofc he and matsukawa bought this thing with what you can draw those rainbow flags on your cheeks and they put it on Oikawas, yours, Iwaizumis and their own face
actually they have now rainbowflags all over their body because they think they look cool🧚‍♀️
and they will protect you from creeps <3
remember when I said Mattsun made a playlist for you? Oikawa‘s blasting that shit and dancing to it ofc he danced with you duh
after that day, Hanamaki changed y’all’s gc name to „y/n‘s protection squad“
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weeb-writor · 4 years
MHA boys react to your Pro Hero father finding out you’re dating them
Heyo! So today I just have something cute and crack-y! I’ve been reading wayyy to much angst as of late! Reader is neutral and I am running out of things to write so send me some requests I do have a few rules but I pretty much write everything! I hope you all enjoy!
Amajiki Tamaki x Reader  Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Your Pro Hero dad finds out your dating (All might and Fat Gum)
Words: 1928
So you are not sure how to explain this situation, really. Of course you knew about your fathers no dating rules and you were, are a great kid who follow his rules. However, the first time you laid eyes on him you were taken. Then when you saw him fight and the way he spoke their was no hope for you. You had fallen head over heels in love with him. So when he asked you out the words ‘no’ and ‘I can't’ were no longer in your vocabulary. So here you were on a date with Bakugou. You two were at all mall just walking around, shopping when you wanted but mainly just enjoying your time together.
“Would you stop looking like that! Just tell me what the hell it is!” Bakugou yelled at you, you blinked at him not really realizing you were staring.
“I… the claw game for the big game has a rabbit in it.” You said with your head down. Bakugou only sighed and drug you over to the game.
“Now I’ll get you the bunny on one condition,... come meet my parents next weekend.” He mumbled completely red.
“You’ve got a deal.” You said with a smile.
“AND I wanna meet yours.” He added starting to play the game you stilled visibly at his words.
“Uh i'm sure you don't, it might be another situation like you had at dinner with the Todoroki’s!” You rushed out to him. He didn't respond but moved the claw toward the ugliest stuffed animal you had ever seen.
“OMG you're such a dramatic man, fine fine.” You huffed at him, he chuckled evilly and a moment later you were holding the huge bunny. 
“What would you do without me, huh? I'm perfect for you, y’know. No one else could have done that for you the first try, like I did.” He said as you guys started your walk up again.
“Huh, well personally I think Izuku probably could. You know he has all those limited addition all might figures and plushies, a lot of them come from claw games.” You said nonchalantly knowing it would piss off Bakugou. He stopped talking and grabbed your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“Your so full of shit, your trying to get a rise out of me but you wont.” He said with an eyebrow raise.
“Is that why you’re twitching?” You asked as you pulled forward some more, your lips almost touching. Before you guys could tease each other any further a voice interrupted you.
“Bakugou?” You both froze as All might’s voice echoed in your ears. You jumped away from Bakugou as he gave you a confused look.
“Yeah?” He said, still glancing at you, not sure what to make of your strange behavior.
“What are you two doing here and what are you doing so close together?” He asked with a smile, you could tell it was fake.
“Oh were on a-” he tried to get out but you cut him off.
“A snack run! Us and the rest of the class are doing a movie night.” You said shakily.
“I didn't know a snack run required such closeness.” He said with an eyebrow raise.
“It doesn't.” Aizawa said. You didn't even notice he was there and now you were screwed. Aizawa had agreed to keep you and Bakugou’s relationship a secret in exchange for coffee every Monday and Wednesday but last Wednesday you forgot. The grin on his face says he is getting even. 
“What? were not doing that! I'm not watching a movie with those extras on our date night.” Bakugou pouted at you, your mouth hung open at him. Now did you tell Bakugou All might was your father and he forbid you to date, no, no you didn't; but he is one of the smartest people you know. He is in the top 5 of your class in smarts for god sakes, he should have known you were trying to keep this on the downlow.
“YOUR WHAT!” your father said in his boisterous voice.
“Uhh, well you see um he is… What are you two doing here, huh?” You said trying to change the subject. Aizawa started to chuckle next to your father.
“Y/N I said no boys, no girls, no theys!!! Bakugou is clearly a boy!!” He said, starting to pace around. “Hold on, Aizawa, did you know about this?” He asked, turning toward the teacher who immediately stopped laughing.
“I learned about it very recently and I told them to tell you or I would. Very childish and unheroic.” He said, trying not to bust out laughing.
“Bakugou we should run..” You whispered to him as your father paced around.
“Why didn't you tell me your dad was All might and that we are a secret!!” He whispered yelled to you.
“We can talk about this later but right now babe, we gotta run before he calls Gran Torino.” You said inching away from the scene in front of you. Bakugou did the same as but your world stopped when your eyes met Aizawa’s. He shook his head but mouthed “Coffee Monday” then shut his eyes. With that you and Bakugou were off, ignoring your father who was calling for you.
“Dumbass you know they are going to the same place we are, right?” He said laughing.
“I know but i would rather be shunned in my room than in the public, gotta keep our image up.” You said giving him a thumbs up. You both laughed all the way to the dorms and were still in high spirits when your father came and found you guys lounging in the commons.
Now you and Tamaki relationship is… strange to most people. You were not like Mirio or Nejire, you were more like Tamaki but just not as anxious. No one even knew how you two got together after years of pining but both being too shy to ask each other out. It did happen nonetheless and it was oddly perfect. You both loved to stay in and eat takeout, you would take turns calling the takeout spot, or sometimes even play rock, paper, scissors to decide. Festivals were also a love you guys shared, of course you went early before fireworks when it wasn't too busy. But this, this was by far your favorite. The beach in the middle of the night, you and Tamaki would sometimes sneak out when you both needed a breather in the dead of the night when there was nothing but the two of you, the waves, and the stars.
“Did you bring it?” You asked Tamaki as you walked along the shore.
“Of course I did, do you wanna do it?” He asked fidgeting a little.
“Mhhmm.” You hummed taking the stick from him. You and him found it on your first beach date, it was a stick that Tamaki sterilized, afraid it would give you some sort of disease. You thought for a second before writing in the sand.
“Laugh in the silence, dance in rain, and sing with the birds. There will come a day when all things will change and you’ll be left with only the memories of yesterday, so enjoy them. Sincerely the silent.” He said reading what you wrote in the sand. 
“I made it far from the tide so someone will actually see it this time.” You said as you drew heart and butterflies around it.
“Where'd you get it from?” He said as he sat laid down on the sand to watch the stars. You laid down placing your head on his chest.
“My dad, he and I are very different and he learned very early on that when he taught me his ‘life lessons’ in loud ways I didn't get it and that I was pretty timid so I wouldn't learn them through experience. My class was going on a 3 week end of the year vacation to the U.S and I decided I didn't wanna go, I'd never been, my dad couldn't come, I listed every reason why I couldn't and at some point I was just making up random excuses when really I did wanna go. So my dad made me climb this mountain and carried me when I complained it was too much. When we finally got to the top I was so angry that there was just a bunch of snow but then he made me look to my left and there were dozens of flowers peeking through the snow. It was amazing. Then he told me that saying and I was never the same. I went on the trip for a week instead of 3 weeks and I loved it. If I can help someone like us step out of their comfort zone just a little so they can see beautiful flowers and enjoy all that they can, I'll be happy.” You said as your eyes fluttered shut a little.
“We can do it together, step out of our comfort zones, I mean.” He mumbled to you. You hummed at him in agreement.
“PUT YOUR HANDS UP OR I’LL SHOOT!” A loud voice called out to you, you and Tamaki immediately stood up and put your hands up.
“Okay now dance! I'm thinking the Macarena..” The guy trailed off. Tamaki mumbled to himself and turned around putting his hands down, you were about to yell at him but he turned and smiled at you then began to speak.
“What are you doing here, Mr. Fat Gum.” Tamaki said with a sigh. You froze at this and thought about disappearing into the water but it was a cold night you would die. Maybe if you didn't turn around he wouldn't know it was you.
“Well when I got a call saying my kid snuck out the first few times I was cool about it, they never do anything wrong so y’know its good to be a little wild BUT WHEN I HEARD THEY WERE WITH A BOY I CAME TO FIND THEM!! But seeing it’s you i'm a little less worried but when I said find some new people to hang with and expand your horizons I definitely didn't mean my kid who I forbade to date, mind you!” You dad said, grabbing Tamaki by the shoulders and shaking him a little. Your boyfriend looked between the two of you and then began to mutter incoherent things.
“Dad stop you gonna give him a heart attack.” You said trying to get your boyfriend back from your overprotective dad.
“Nahh that would be too kind and too quick.” And with that your boyfriend fainted, your dad laughed and threw him over his shoulders. 
“You didn't have to do that.” You said as you both began the walk home.
“What kind of father would I be if I didn't instill fear into the hearts of those who could break your heart beyond repair.” He smiled at you
“You scare him everyday when he works with you!! I’ve heard all the stories from Tamaki, you put him into uncomfortable situations sometimes.” You huffed at him
“Sure but never more than he can handle. ‘Laugh in the silence, dance in rain, and sing with the birds. There will come a day when all things will change and you’ll be left with only the memories of yesterday, so enjoy them.’ He always learns something new or at least gets a kick out of it.” He said as he put his fist out for you to bump. You bump it and smile at him.
“You are still in trouble though.” He said with a laugh, you sighed at his words. Maybe you should have taken your chance in the freezing water.
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morievna · 3 years
About Ugetsu booklet
I am alive~~ I am sorry that i haven’t been writing lately T_T I was feeling a bit down recently and it was hard for me to motivate myself to do it. But I am better now, so I here I am ^^
So I wanted to write about Ugetsu extra booklet, because I loved it very much. It was almost everything I hoped it to be. I really appreciate that Kizu Natsuki dedicated it to him and it really feels like was done thoughtfully with care for his development. Even if there is not much words, it is very apparent that Ugetsu is undergoing change and how whats happened in original story contributed to it.
(Here are links [raw] [trans] in the case you didn’t read it before, I will use my scans though)
To put my feeling shortly:
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Obviously i would like it to be longer and get more time for character development and some background informations like how Ugetsu ended up in New York. But well, still what we got was really great – i liked how Gusari showed us a bit of Ugetsu’s new everyday life and how she woven symbolism into it.
Honestly I thought that Ugetsu will be in London since Akihiko’s dad is there. I mean it would be cool if these two will meet at some point since both of them had chosen music over loved ones. But New York is good choice too. In New York you can be new man~
What I liked about this booklet so much is that its main theme was transformation – but at the same time that it is not the final step, but rather somewhere in the middle. Which is understandable – trying to change yourself to your better version is not something simple and taking baby steps is okay. After all breakup with Akihiko changed everything for Ugetsu, so rebuilding his life is not something done easily.
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Also it is reinforced by symbolism – butterfly obviously stands for transformation, but here it was referenced pupa state and not again final stadium. Besides, I liked that teapot on the first page – I wrote about over year ago meta about Ugetsu mugs broken mugs and kintsugi – which in short symbolize transformation too – and kintsugi is used primarily in tea ceremonies. It is nice how all is linked together.
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In lots of stories character development starts with journey and leaving home – to point out leaving behind the comfort zone and trying to find own way to be yourself. Usually it is by figuring out middle way between two opposites  - which in this case are music and everyday stuff + personal life.
Before that booklet we only have seen Ugetsu mostly in his basement, which showed his isolation from rest of the world. It was described as cocoon where he and Akihiko were feeling safe when things were good between them, but later it was more coded like mental headspace where you feel trapped and with no hope (sunlight). So I am happy he is no longer here too^^
What’s more there was so much mess in basement after Akihiko has left, which indicated that Ugetsu doesn’t care and didn’t bother cleaning  since he was always focused on music only and felt no need to take care of that. Now this apartment is much better state, which shows that he had to change that attitude and that he doesn’t rely on anyone on this anymore. Though it is a bit funny that there is even one whole page dedicated to him just doing laundry xD
Similar case is with socializing – even though he is complaining, for him replying to text so fast is rather big step xD
But even so there is still air of loneliness around him.
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Empty chairs is rather common symbol for solitude. We also don’t see Ugetsu face as he is looking outside. After all feeling trapped it is not something reserved for basement and still he is very isolated from rest of world and texting is his only way for communication with others as we see. Besides, furniture is still minimalist and lifeless as it was in basement – that’s why I think it is temporary place and not true home for Ugetsu. Like I mentioned earlier it is not a final, just a step in right direction.
Another thing that caught my attention was that briefly we see almost all other characters and how there are shown different ways of love though them:
friendship/platonic – Uenoyama and Hiiragi
romantic – Haruki and Akihiko
familial – Mafuyu and his mother (Kedama counts too as he is gift from her)
It is all what Ugetsu is currently missing.
We also know very little about his parents – it seems that they provide him money to live in comfort but there is not much else. Even in his short flashback as kid he is not really his “grandpa” but some random old man. It is also important that his parents have jobs so far removed from music – politic and diplomacy. It is just speculation here but I wont be surprised that they weren’t happy with choice but accepted it because he is genius at that. Or they are just busy and tried compensate it with sending money. But still main takeaway is that they are not present in his life.
Although we got bonding between Mafuyu and Ugetsu imo it is closer to beginning of friendship than proper one. In addition, the fact that Ugetsu lives now far away from everything he know – it still gives that air of isolation even though is no longer in basement.
After all– all these kind of love were granted to him from Akihiko, so no wonder there is so much hole after breakup – he just lost so much in that moment, and music is something that not always can compensate for that.
Honestly i hoped for some Akigetsu crumbs like some flashback or showing that they are somehow still connected to each other in soulmates way or that they keep in touch in some indirect way. And... i got everything which surprised me^^’
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Okay, so let’s dig into it
matching symbolism – Aki with dragonfly (self realization and change) and now Ugetsu with butterfly(transformation). It is so cool I love things like that^^
piercing – it is quite peculiar how first we got dialogue about missing Akihiko’s piercing and later we got Ugetsu with new one. Ofc it is not like I am saying that is the same one, but still that choice is imo to show connection between them
Choice of flashback is interesting too  - after all, one scene when they had heart to heart scene without words and another is horny one xD  again it is different sides of love –  in this case physical and emotional feelings  as these were equally important in their relationship.
also it seems that both of them are keeping check on each other? It looks like Ugetsu knows that Aki returned to playing violin seriously. And that Aki sends him congratulation message –   imo it shows that there is no longer bad feelings and regret between them, but maybe start for something new.
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I really like his expression as he read Aki’s text - a mix of wistful and melancholic, but still he started smiling a bit later.
So what comes next?
Like I mentioned it looks like middle step in his character development - even his monologue at the end stated that we have to wait to see ^^ Imo that after Hiiragi arc will ended, we will see him again in main storyline – but judging of pacing it rather will be in second half of 2021 or 2022 *sigh*
I mean – it is just my hunch but imo Ugetsu alongside with Mafuyu and Hiiragi seem to be Gusari’s favorite characters, so I don’t think she will abandon him like that^^ No to mention that he is in character list for volume 6 – when you know  - he wasn’t present at all or even mentioned once in the story xD
As for exactly his story will goo – it is kinda hard to tell now – I think that for sure his relationship with Aki will be rebuild in one way or another and we will get more interaction between Ugetsu and Mafuyu. It would be cool if he also get to know rest of teenagers – imo there would be a lot of banter xD
Anyway, I think Ugetsu will get everything he is missing now – all different kind of relationship with others - maybe in a bit of “found family” sort of way. Though chasing the music the most is what he wants, but still he needs other people in his life as he always looks so lonely. And ultimately imo meeting and connecting to others is something that actually helps to be better person. So still I hope we will get next part of his development and then happy ending. Like I mentioned in some of my previous essays – imo Gusari loves happy endings and despite all the angst we will get one for all characters one day.
As always thanks for reading <3
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
4x11: Family Remains
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Castiel, angel of the lord, gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition. Also, Dean finally unloaded his Hell trauma to Sam.
Drunken man watches television one night. The lights flicker and his door won’t open. Another door opens to reveal a very ragged girl. A ghost! Long story short: the Home Sweet Home embroidery is going to need a lot of Oxy to get back to fighting shape.
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Dean, meanwhile, is taking a page out of the old Sam Winchester-Barrel-Through-The-Trauma playbook and is working cases non-stop. He is not going to talk about Hell. Nope, those feelings are buried real deep again. Anyway, Dean’s found a ghost case in Nebraska.
Sam and Dean head to the now vacant house to check things out. Something behind the walls watches their inspection. The EMF meter is all over the place, but there are power lines. They find a doll head in the closet. Routine bullshit. 
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Their inspection is interrupted by a family and all their moving gear. Looks like the place was sold. We‘ve got Mom Susan and Dad Brian, Little Brother Danny, Buster the Dog, Petulant Sister Kate, and Cool Uncle Ted.  
Sam and Dean approach the family as inspectors. There’s asbestos in the walls and a gas leak. Sorry family, you can’t move in  today. The family wants to stay so Dean threatens a fine or jail. The family gives them one night. 
Sam and Dean hit the hunt in Fed suits. They interview the woman that found the body of Mr. Gibson. 
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She cleaned his house for five years but didn’t know him too well. He was private. He had some family trauma: wife died in childbirth and his daughter hanged herself. The cleaner has some pictures of the daughter and gives them to Sam and Dean. She also notes that while there was never any weird light flickering activity, she did hear rustling in the walls. Rats. She never saw them though. 
The brothers don’t think the ghost is the mother or daughter so they decide they need to head back to the house to investigate further. 
The family, breaking the county inspectors’ orders, decides to move in anyway. Ooohh, a little gas leak and asbestos never hurt anyone, ooohhhHH.
That night (where are Sam and Dean?), the son is busy playing video games, and avoiding unpacking. A ball rolls from his bedroom closet and he looks in to investigate. “It’s okay,” he tells the shadows. Then he plays a fun game of catch with the closet. 
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Sam and Dean finally arrive, and see the family has moved in. Crap. 
Uncle Ted calls the parents into the living room. ‘GO’ is written in large red letters on the wall. How welcoming! 
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Brian blames Danny instantly. Danny denies doing it, but the parents double down on the blame game. Danny insists that “the girl in the walls did it.” Uh, Danny, not helping your case. Danny CAN’T believe they don’t believe him when they send him to his room (lol, not much of a punishment, he just came from his room). Also, Andy would believe him, so there!
Kate is busy sulking in her bedroom when she starts petting Buster off screen. So, OF COURSE, it’s not the dog. He wanders in shortly after. Obligatory scream session activated. 
The daughter tells the parents there’s a ghost in the house. There’s a knock at the door and Sam and Dean bust in after hearing her screams. They tell the family there’s a ghost in the house. Kate is vindicated! 
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Danny keeps talking about the Wall Girl. Dude, give it up. Buster escapes outside. The lights cut out just as Dean is yelling that they’re in danger. Then they hear whimpering outside. They rush out, and well, I’ll just direct you to this little website for the next scene. There’s blood all over the ground and a note written in blood: “too late”. 
Sam and Dean insist the family leave. They race to their cars and Dean finds the ghost did a real number on Baby. All tires are slashed and weapons are gone.
Hell Hath No Fury Like Dean Winchester when His Car’s Been Messed With:
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(And for the record, I mistyped ‘car’ with ‘cas’. Still would work.)
Kate sees the ghost in the field. 
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Sam and Dean can’t figure out how it’s outside. Now stuck on the property, they direct everyone back inside, and into a salt circle. They tell the family that this is what they do. The kid thinks it’s pretty cool that they’re like Scooby-Doo (Dean thinks he’s better --and we know now that his ghost hunting is just different.) 
Sam gets confirmation that the ghost is the daughter. He tells the family that she killed herself in the house. Uncle Ted’s better than all this, man, and starts to leave. Dean stops him with the threat of a bullet hole (I’m probably not reading too much into how violent Dean seems in this episode. They’re just people but he’s threatening to shoot the guy? I feel like we’re dealing with the aftermath of Hell for Dean and he’s still there at times.)
Ted decides to continue to needle the strangers in their home who threatened to shoot him. Something creaks in the house and a girl enters the room. 
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Dean counsels them to stay calm and stay in the salt circle. The girl smirks and...crosses the salt circle, knife in hand. “She’s not a ghost,” Dean realizes, and engages in a one-sided knife battle with her. “Humans,” Dean spits out later in disgust as they try to wrap their heads around creepy, murderous Nell. 
Everyone gathers except...Danny. He’s missing! I experience some serious second-hand parent agony. Dean orders Susan and Kate to barricade themselves in the shed while the menfolk (pfft) search for Danny. 
Dean and Ted pop open a loose section of wall, releasing the strong smell of rotting flesh. “You smell that?” Ted asks. “Every day,” Dean replies and I die a little inside for him. 
Dean squeezes in between the extremely spacious wall cavities and finds A HOLE. He must go in THE HOLE. 
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Downstairs, there are remnants of dead animals everywhere. But above Ted, something lurks. This is what you get for being the wisecracking brother. Ted eats a knife and bleeds out next to Dean.
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Dean reunites with the family and reveals that Ted died. “I shouldn’t have left him alone,” Dean murmurs, STILL IN HIS GUILT COFFIN. Brian tries to reassure his wife that Danny’s been spared by the crazy murder girl living in their house. They reference some oblique, recent family trauma, which Brian later reveals was the death of their eldest son in a car crash. Dean promises to get Danny back “if it’s the last godforsaken thing I do.” GUH.
“Why do you care so much?” Brian asks. Oh, sweet sunshine. It’ll take many seasons to unpack that question. 
Sam pulls Dean aside. He’s been reading Rebecca’s diary (as he is wont to do) and discovered that the murder girl was likely her daughter and that Rebecca was raped by her father. “Oh, gross,” Dean neatly summarizes it. “Humans, man.”
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Sam thinks that her life being like “hell” is no excuse. “Like you know what Hell’s like.” Dean accuses. OH MY GOD. Also, just give Sam some time, Dean Bean. Urg.
Danny wakes up, bound in the basement. Creepy girl climbs out of one of her holes. She brought her new best friend a fresh rat! When Danny implies (by screaming) that he isn’t hungry, she eats the rat. 
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Dean insists on hurling himself down a dumbwaiter shaft. He vowed to save Danny. He NEEDS to save Danny! 
While Dean’s following a trail of guns to find Danny, murder girl is waging an assault on the shed. Untying Danny, Dean learns almost too late that the girl has an accomplice...her brother. 
Sam and Brian haul Danny to safety while Dean engages in fisticuffs with the brother. Dean shoots the crazed brother in the fight. Meanwhile, Brian drags the girl from the shed and kills her. He confronts his wife and daughter, holding a bloody knife. Erm. Awkward. 
The next morning, they fix tires (and Sam methodically arranges the contents of the Impala’s trunk). 
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The family affirms their unity (and their shared trauma) and sends Dean and Sam back onto the road. 
They park under an overpass to eat. Except...Dean sets his burger down. WHEN A DOG DOESN’T EAT AMIRITE? Dean reveals his empathy for the murder siblings. “Lifelong torture” will do that to a person. 
Sam tries to assure him. “They were barely human.” Oh sunshine, wrong choice of words. Dean informs Sam that he was worse than them. (“Humans, man,” I hiss to myself.) Dean confesses that he tortured for the “sheer pleasure” of it. “I tortured souls and I liked it. All those years. All that pain. Finally getting to deal some out yourself.” He’ll never fill the hole in his soul, no matter how many people he saves. Excuse me while I think about the series end and allow the dark hole of a murder house to swallow me up.
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My Favorite Murder Quotes:
You can’t run forever
The girl in the walls did it
What could possibly go wrong in the country?
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mostlikelyshutup · 4 years
thoughts while watching the first harry potter:
listen i started this list a little late im ngl but notable thoughts so far are me thinking of dumbledore as a gay idiot and still loving hagrid
do you think hes speaking in parseltongue in the zoo when hes speaking to the snake
forgot boats existed
these idiots do scream a lot dont they
i forgot how light hearted this universe really is in the first couple movies
yer a wizard harry, okay hagrid maybe slide him into it a little better
we get it tuney you have fucking trauma, doesnt mean you should abuse a child
hasnt everyone had their name down since they were born, hagrid? theres a list
i like that his umbrella is pink
are you paying for those damages hargid? stop taking the door off the hinges
though, if the dursleys are, keep breaking shit
speaking about dragons on the the fucking tube, its a miracle harry didnt get in trouble with the ministry sooner
what is hagrid's usual? does anyone know???
fucking Quirrell, cant wait for your epic love story with the dark lord
maybe we should tell the 12 year old how the fuck everyone knows his name, just maybe
they do a great job of getting the wonder down pat
how much money and licensing do you think it took for them to get all these owls on set
ahh yes, antisemitism the bank
how many vaults are in gringotts?? also if harry's vault is the potters vault, a literal like sacred 28 family, one of the original families, and its number 600 something, how many were there before the potters?? did the potters get a vault recently? or is this james and lily's vault?? how rich were james and lily if so??
look at ollivander, crazy tinker uncle, love him
this might be the socialist in me but why do people have to pay for wands if everyone needs one??
why is the dark lords twin wand just sitting around on the shelf, ollie me boy??
do you think thats Harry's true wand or do you think thats because of the horcux thing?? do you harry had to get another wand after he died?? did he? i dont remember the last movie
is ollie me boys actor wearing contacts or are his eyes just like that??
thats a very weird way of showing Halloween 81, very misleading
hagrid said ill predict voldys rise in the first movie so we can have some plot development
hagrid is late to everything isnt he? i can feel it in my bones
i swear ive seen these movies, and ive even read the first book, i just dont remember shit
youd think theyd have someone in the know stationed close to the entrance for the platform, for any muggleborns
ginnys actress really had no fucking lines in this movie did she, just had to stand there
oh wait she said good luck
amazing work ginny
ooh a warm filter
can muggles see the express? like just running from london to scotland
you didnt have to show the woman the sad sandwich ron
i think the trolly replenishes magically, i think thats how thats how that works, i want to believe that
god i cant tell if i would love or hate hermione, shes pretentious but so was i at that age
god dont fucking point your wand right in someones face mione
how does mione know who harry is?? why does she care?
look at the tiny first years, might just go and pinch theyre cheeks
MINNIEEEE i love you minnie
looking stunning minnie, the green brings out the sternness in your brow
you go minnie, give your speech, thats my head of house
shut up draco, youre not bond
you pretentious fuckwit, your hair is brassy anyways
if this is a class of kids born in the middle of a war, how big are the usual class sizes wtf
fucking propaganda ron, you slytherin hater
what order are these names going in, did they just randomized the list
oooh we get quiet for the boy who lived, jesus let him keep living
the fact that for the rest of these people its just silent is so fucking funny to me, Harry's just fucking whispering to himself
get their attention minnie
me dads a muggle, mums a witch, bit of a shock for him when he found out
NICK, love to see you buddy
i have no emotional attachment to peeves but i feel i should mention him here
the stairs still piss me off, why the fuck would you make moving stair cases
who sets out gloves for the next day? am i the weird one who doesnt??
Minnie, you are the love of my life
shut up snape you dramatic bloodpurist incel
i know theyre setting him up to be mistaken as the villain but jesus christ hes still an asshole
your robes Neville, you forgot your robes
its weird how they have to learn all these latin charms yet only have to say up to get their brooms to work
why wont you go after him, hes obviously not exactly in control, Hooch
does Hooch only teach first years? she is quite literally the equivalent of a history teacher who coaches football
what the fuck is Quirells classroom
they dont make the house teams because no first years can try out, Ron
why didnt you speak up earlier Mione wtf
bc the fire wont give you away, harry, better hide
they have much worse things locked up in the school, Ron
Oliver wood is a bloody liar because i still dont fuckign understand quidditch, also theres like 500 rules, wtf
thats a shitty explanation of how the game works, Oliver
carrot cake? on halloween?
dont shrug as if you didnt literally bully her ron
thought youd oughta know, bit of an understatement Quirell
no duh the trolls left the dungeon ron
lying: the best start to any friendship
we're at a net zero points for gryffindor for the year at the moment
the amount of interaction these kids have with professors is so weird to me, is this what small class size do to kids?? its weird
not comforting Oliver
Okay i understand Oliver simps now, I get it okay
are there no backups or subs for quidditch? feels like there should be, like of all the games
set him on fire mione, i know hes not the villain of the movie but god he sucks
fancy flying from harry fucking potter
okay but also i feel like there are some things we should not trust hagrid with, like hes not that great at keeping secrets
why is harry excited about christmas if he thinks hes not getting presents? i knw there are other aspects but like thats the only reasont o get up early
i always remember this scene at night for some reason??
not just an invisibility cloak, THE invisibility cloak ron
btw who gives it to harry? is it remus? is it dumbledore? is it like an inheritance thing? whats up with that?
there are jumpscares in harry potter
he very much can hide, filch
stop being a narc mrs norris
does harry even know what his parents look like at this point? how does he know who the fuck is in the mirror of erised?? he doesnt have that stupid scrapbook yet does he
oh they nod, sure lets clear up that plot hole
they shouldve put sirius and remus in the mirror in that scene, shown his whole family, wouldve been a nice setup
how does rupert grint already look so tired as a twelve year old
big speech to give to a twelve year old Dumbledore, when you wont even tell him what you see
Emma really does just slam that book on Daniels hand, thats mustve fucking sucked
the fact that ive watched two movies that had Nicholas Flamel in two very different roles this year is very strange to me
well thats probably on account of it being a fucking dragon egg hagrid, now isnt it?
was hagrid a hufflepuff? i think he was, maybe a ravenclaw
yes four, you blonde idiot
that shot is really nice, it sets them apart
what happened to filch to make him such a miserable man?
ooh mention of werewolves, awooo werewolves of london
yeah just dip your whole hand in hagrid, dont be scared of the strange liquid, take a nice little bath
i loev that dog, i want that dog, i want to hug that dog
god just the look of that forest is so bloody cool
wait so is that quirell walking fucking backwards?
maybe ask who the fuck youre talking to before asking other questions??? wtf harry
why are yout talking to the centaur like hes your old friend harry, youve literally never met him before
snape doesnt want the stone at all Harry
god hagrid you sweet stupid man
snape is completely valid for that, if a twelve year old ever looked at me like that i would punch them
Do you think people ever loose invisibility cloaks? like theyre invisible do you think they ever just never get found again
i hate the look of the dog spit, that is so gross
they really left everything in except for the fucking potions didnt they, damn
harry potter walked so queens gambit could run
hermione, posted up
rons stupid in the later movies because he got a concussion as a twelve year old
god harry really posted up to beat up snape in fucking khakis
"I knew you were a danger to me!" Hes twelve, Quirell
let me wait for this weird dude to unravel his head scarf instead of running away
the magic in this movie is real fucking conditional isnt it
just some casual necromancy for the stone? you sure about that voldy, you two faced bitch?
let me choke out this twelve year old real quick
oh yeah why is he able to just avengers endgame Quirell? is there an answer to that? like was that ever found out
do you think voldy passing by him while he hold the stone actually killed him but since he holds the stone hes functionally unkillable and then some magic gets put into him and thats why he can return to life later when he actually goes to the whole afterlife place?
ohhh we're vouching on the blood magic for the endgaming of Quirell
do you think dumbledore came across the vomit flavored bean before or after his sister died?
Mione's got a headband! Looking snazzy!
how did Hufflepuff only get 352 points? Gryffindor literally lost 150 points this year and they only beat them by 50, wtf, is it because they kept getting caught with weed
I wont even speak on the fucking outrage that is this point awarding, its already been spoken on. However, Neville shouldve gotten more points
What if someone just stood up and started challenging Dumbledores math, that would be so funny
some of these extras are really attractive
but james potter is somehow so fucking ugly why did they do that to my mans
hagrid deserves the last shot of this film, i love him, he deserves everything, that stupid sweet man
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flowapuddle · 4 years
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Haikyuu x Athletic! FEMALE Reader
Okay so enjoy this book and the chapters, please don’t copy or take credit of it - Puddle ❤️
This means speaking another language
Chapter 3- Volleyball Pratice pt.2
“So first we need to go over are returns, are main focus is on you two” Daichi said pointing at Kageyama and Hinata “Espically you Hinata” Daichi mumbled
Hinata frowned looking at Daichi “I receive the ball perfectly fine thank you!” He huffed out making a huff noise
“yeah if receiving the ball with your face counts...” Kageyama said looking at him
“Want to say that to me again!” Hinata said
Almost immediately you sweatdropped watching them two go back and fourth as if they were brothers
You felt the presents of dark aura behind you making you stiffen up you turned around and saw Daichi emitting the dark aura making you almost immediately back away
“Ummm guys....” you mumbled out watching Daichi stock closer to them
“You can only pray for them” Tanaka said quietly as he watching the two almost immediately shut up as Daichi glared at the two of them
“With them being done arguing, we can finally go over recieves” Daichi said in his usual mood
“Kageyama, Hinata and Tanaka get on one side of the court” Daichi said as the three rushed over on one side of the court “The ones going against them is Sugawara, (Y/n) and me” Daichi said looking over at the team “For the rest of you guys who aren’t practicing right now, pay attention. You will be getting in for us” Daichi said as he walked to grab a volleyball “Now let’s play”
“(Y/n) you want to be the first to serve the ball?” Daichi questioned you
“Yeah sure” You said as Daichi passed the ball to you and you caught it, you walked a few steps off the court
You slammed the ball a couple of times and breathed in ‘focus’
Was what you told yourself as you breathed out ‘serve’
You tossed the ball out infront of you getting a running start it felt like slow motion as you watched the ball slowly descend down as you slowly jumped in the air, you flung your arm back as you kept your eye on the ball
You felt your hand connect to the ball and with all your force you slammed it to the other side of the net
You watched it as it went on the court as Tanaka reacted as fast as he could not being able to keep it in you smiled and finally hit the ground being you back in the moment as the whole gym was silent
“woah...” “amazing...” “....”
You looked around as you smiled nervously “Did I do something wrong?” You questioned looking at everyone as Sugawara approached you smiling “No no don’t worry you didn’t, I guess we were expecting such a fast ball” He said as he looked at you “You did amazing” He said ruffing your hair making you smile up to him
“But I don’t think these first years and second year can handle a great serve like that” Sugawara said
“I heard that” Tanaka yelled out
“Let’s just ease up on it next time, so they have a chance” You nodded your head to his words
“Got it cap!” You said slauting him as he chuckled walking back to his position on the court
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A few hits later....
You were subbed out as someone else took your spot you stood on the slidelines as Kiyoko gave you a water bottle and gave you thumbs up as you gave her a thumbs up too
You currently watching Kageyama serve in the ball he bounced it a couple of times and tossed it infront of him jumping arching his back slightly and hit the ball
‘That form seems way to familiar’
You thought to yourself as you placed a hand underneath your chin and thought
‘I have to ask Aaliyah about the one dude what was his name?’
You thought as you huffed out being slightly frustrated you felt a tap on your shoulder as you turned around long and behold it was the goddess Kiyoko “Can you help me fill up the water bottles by chance?” She asked looking down at you as you nodded your head
“Yeah of course I can!” You said smiling setting down your bottle of water and followed her picking up bottles and following her out of the gym and too the water fountain as you both slowly started to fill up the water
It was pretty silent for the most part of the journey neither kiyoko nor you decided to start the conversation
“So ummm Kiyoko?” You said as you handed her a bottle she hummed out indicating she was listening
“How has your day been going?” You said almost immediately you facepalmed yourself but resisted the urge too as you mentally freaked out
“Really (y/n) How has your day been going, your horrible”
“It has been relatively good, I can’t wait to get home and relax though. What about you?” She said softly as she handed you a bottled of water as you grabbed her a empty one
“I guess it’s been fine for the most part expect for that Tsukishima character I am not really fond of him” You said giving her a empty bottle while grabbing the full bottle of water only a couple were left “Can I ask you a question if it’s fine”
“Sure go for it” Kiyoko said looking at you as you guys finished the rest of the bottles and picking up the crate “So Sugawara I think or Daichi were talking about exams that are coming up and there’s a couple who aren’t doing good. What does it mean if we can’t get a full team together?” You said as you both made your way back to the gym
“It means we can’t go to the upcoming camp, since we won’t have enough players” Kiyoko stated as she adjust her glasses
“Oh, well I think I will have to make sure that everyone qualifies” You said with a smile as she made a hummed noise opening the door for you
Everyone was still in the gym a couple of people sitting down as there were what you assumed to be the coach and the assistant coach
You placed down the waters and walked over to them seeing what they were discussing
“Hello coaches what’s going on here?” You said as you bowed slightly looking at the blonde dude and the black haired boy-man...he looks like a boy to you
“Ahh you must be the new assistant I am Ittetsu Takeda the faculty advisor and this is Keishin Ukai the coach” He said introducing the man and himself as you were starting to sit down “And who are you?” He said
“Hello I am—“ You were interpreted by Tanaka and Nishinoya as they slung a arm over your neck smiling
“This is the one and the only” Noya started out saying as Tanka started to talk
“#1 best female volleyball Imaah (Y/n)!!!” Tanaka yelled into your ear baiscally making you stiffen as you sweatdropped
“Ouch!” “Owie” They both said recieving slaps to the back of the head from Daichi as he pulled them off of you Sugawara smiled a bit nervously laughing
“She from the states, she moved here recently along with her older sister. She is also the manager” Sugawara said as you nodded “Yup that’s right!”
“Nice to meet ya kid, heard a lot about you. Glad to have you on the team” Ukai said holding out his hand as you shook his hand “Pleasures all mines sir” You said with a smile as you saw Hinata and Kageyama sitting down as you finally got to sit down next to them “Why are you guys sitting down?” You questioned
“They are sitting down cause there failing” Takeda said with a frown and his arms crossed
The whole gym went silent
“YOUR FAILING!!” You questioned almost yelling looking at both of them they nodded a bit embarrassed
“Yes they are both failing in English...” Takeda said looking at the two
“english aye...you two come to my house after practice and we can study.” You said looking at the two as they nodded there heads “I am sure you guys can pass!” You said encouraging them
“You think so? I have never gotten a double digit on a test before” Hinata said as you almost fell over being hit with what he said
“oh my goodness we will need a lot of help” You said with a sweatdropped “Maybe the team Can come? Or a few?” You said looking over at everyone as some of them nodded and smiled while others such as Tsukishima frowned and shook his head
“It’s settled my house tonight studying” You said crossing your arms
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Time Skip After Everything
“(Y/n) you almost done sweeping?” You heard Daichi say
“Yeah almost give me two more minutes” You hollered out sweeping and finishing your part as you put up your broom walking over to grab your bag you made your way over to the door were the boys were at “Okay ready to leave?” You questioned looking at the boys the only ones coming over were Sugawara, Daichi, Tanaka, Noya and of course Kageyama and Hinata
“Are you sure we wont be intruding?” Sugawara questioned out as you slowly opened the door
“Nah don’t worry about it, my mom and dad would love to help you guys out” You said smiling as you opened the door to see Aaliyah standing there looking like she was about to open the door
She blinked looking at everyone holding her plain expression “Are you ready to leave? Or do you need a moment?” She questioned
“Ah no we are ready to leave” You said
“We?” She questioned
“Yeah everyone here is coming over to the house for studying” You said with a smile seeing as she slightly froze
“wonderful...” She grumbled out “let’s get going” she said starting to walk forward as you followed suit
“Should we call for the limo to pick us up?” You whispered out to her
“It’s already here, I called it earlier cause my legs hurt the coach had us running like a dam cross county team” She said with a frown as you both saw the limo waiting out infront
“Wow whoever gets that limo so super cool!” You heard Hinata said as Kageyama told him to shut up
As everyone made it to the outside gate you paused making Aaliyah stop a bit as she turned to look at you with a raised eyebrow
“Why did you stop (y/n)?” Sugawara questioned
“I don’t know how to tell you this but we have to get into the limo” You said turning to the boys as some of them were smiling others of them nodded there head
“That’s fine with us” Daichi said stepping a bit forward you made a humming noise as you all walked to the limo Aaliyah had opened the door and climbed in first followed by you and then the rest of the boys
The limo wasn’t cramped for the most part “thank goodness”
And everyone was getting along expect for—
“Baka roll up the window” Kageyama said as he was seating next to Hinata who kept rolling down the window
“No, I choose the window seat deal with it” Hinata said with a smirk and kept the window down
“BOKE HINATA BOKE!” Kageyama yelled as he basically started to fight with Hinata in the car making everyone get shoved and moved out of the way as they went at it
You tried to move out of the way but ended up jumping onto Tanaka lap as tried to move far away and avoid getting hit “you guys” you mumbled out but they didn’t listen
You looked over at Tanaka who was visable blushing being in the position he is in with you on his lap, you were blushing too as well as the your cheeks were visable turning a dusty pink color but you tried not to distracted since there were other issues at hand
You looked over a Noya who was holding out his phone recording it as he laughed looking at the two fight
Sugawara was attempting to calm them down
Daichi was yelling at them
Aaliyah was glaring at them her eyebrow was twitching “oh shit....” You mumbled out
“Y-you s-say s-something” Tanaka said as he looked at your field of vision and almost immediately stiffened up leaning forward to the fight “Guys cut it out—“ he said trying to make everyone shut up
It was too late
“kageyama and hinata.....”
You heard Aaliyah address in a dark voice making the everyone shut up instantly
Everyone looked at Aaliyah her blue piercing eyes glaring daggers into the souls for Hinata and Kageyama they both swallowed harshly attempting to look at her
“you have one more time to fight, if i so much hear you bicker when you both get to our house while i am working out....” She stayed quiet for a second making the tension raise higher in the car “I will personally make sure, you both don’t pass your test and make sure you both don’t make it to the camp understand?” She said glaring at them
Kageyama and Hinata nodded almost immediately and sat down straight up and stopped fighting
Aaliyah eyes darted over to Daichi and Sugawara “The both of you better keep them in check”
Both of them nodded fearing for there life the most part
Aaliyah looked directly at you glaring as she shuffled her way to the door and opened it since the limo arrived to the house “don’t make me do something I won’t”
With her last words she grabbed her things and hopped out of the car leaving the door open
The limo was quiet didn’t anybody dare to move
“Wow....you guys are going to dieeee...” Noya sang out as he chuckled looking at Kageyama and Hinata faces as they were pale like a ghost
“She won’t actual kill us right (y/n)?” Hinata said trying to make himself feel safe
You only shook your head “She going to bring you close to death” Is all you said as you hopped out of Tanaka lap and shimmed your way to the door of the limo
As everyone followed your suit everyone looked at your house admiring it
“Woahhhhh” Hinata said taking in the view
“I know right crazy cool” You said with a chuckle as you looked at everyone “Make sure you guys have all your stuff out of the limo if you do follow me!” You said smiling as you pointed at yourself and started to walk towards the front doors
Everyone walked in and stared at the amazement inside
“Wow the inside is even cool” You heard Hinata say as you smiled at him
Everyone was following you as you ran into your parents a man was standing next to them as Aaliyah was there also talking to them
“Mom dad!” You said smiling as you waved at them
“Hello sweetie”
“Hey love”
Both your parents respond looking at you and then behind you your mom pointed behind you “Who are these young fine men behind you sweetie?” Your mom asked sweetly as she looked at them
“Oh I am sorry these are my volleyball mates” You said stepping aside gesturing to them
“This is Daichi” “Hello Mr and Ms Imaah” Daichi said with a slight bow
“This is Sugawara” “Lovely to meet the both of you” Sugawara said smiling
“This is Tanaka” “U-uh hello!” He said waving awkwardly making your mom chuckle
“This is Nishinoya or Noya for short” “Hi there!” He said smiling
“This is Kageyama” Kageyama looked at both your mom and dad and bowed at a 90 degree perfectly angle “H-hi” he said while bowing you sweatdropped slightly “H-he is just nervous” You said chuckling
“Last but not least this is Hinata!” You said putting a arm around his neck smiling as he looked at your mom and dad with wide eyes smiling “Hello!” He said with a tiny blush
“Well hello there young boys, I am Imaah Homura” You mom said with her smile on her face as put a hand on your dads shoulder “And this is (y/n) and Aaliyah father Imaah Kenichi” She said with a chuckle as your father smiled and waved at the boys
“Hello boys, (y/n) love why are they here?” Your father asked directing attention to you
“Oh they are here for studying. Hinata and Kageyama are failing a class and need all the help they could get. Since my first language is English I thought I could help, can we use the library also?” You said smiling
Your mom’s furrowed her eyebrows a bit “Failing english” She questioned looking at kageyama and Hinata
Hinata nodded his head “yeah” he said quietly as he scratched the back of his head
“I don’t understand why we need to learn the pointless language, it’s like I will ever use it” Kageyama said as you immediately faceplam
“Kageyama I think your name was, you do realize if you plan to play volleyball internationally or be serious with the sport you need to know English” Your father said raising his eyebrow with a smile
“No you don’t” Kageyama argued back
“Kageyama how would you exactly know? From what I think you haven’t traveled outside of Japan meanwhile me and (y/n) mother have traveled around world due too basketball and volleyball take it from a retired pro when I say you need to know English” Your dad said
“retired pro?” Kageyama mumbled looking up to your dad
“did he not hear the part about why english is important?”
You thought with a sweatdropped
Your sister cleared her throat “Yes are parents played professionally basketball and volleyball in the states along being on the olympics team. They retired a couple of years ago” Aaliyah said looking at Kageyama
“That’s right” Your mom said with a smile
“umm....Besides the point can we please use the library?” You questioned out with a smile
Your mom nodded “Yes that’s fine, do you guys want any snacks or drinks to be brought down?” Your mom asked with a smile
“Water for me and some (favorite bag of chips) would be really nice” You said humming out as you turned your head to your boys “You guys want anything?” You said
“Heck ya I do!” Noya said as he started to order along with everyone else
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“Okay through this door is the library be very respectful of it” You said as you looked directly at Tanaka and Noya who put a hand on their chests pretending to offended as you chuckle
You opened the doors to library as everyone walked in as you heard but of gasps and oh wows
“This is your guys library?!” Tanaka practicallly yelled as Daichi shushed him
“Don’t yell!!!” Daichi said harshly as he looked at Tanaka
“Haha yeah this is the our place of studying” You said getting to the couch and sitting down as you put your stuff on the table “Sit down guys make yourself comfortable we will get started soon” You said with a smile as you got off the couch
You saw Hinata putting his stuff down as you called him “Hinata Can you help me grab some of the books we will need” You said with a smile
“Oh course!” He said putting his things down and walking to you with his smile “Which way we go!” He said looking around
“Follow me” You said as you started to walk forward a few moments later getting away from the group you guys got more to the book section “Okay so, we just need English books maybe any others?” You said looking for the English section as Hinata nodded his head
“Yup only English!” He said as you nodded your head
You both approached the English section grabbing a couple of books you gave them to Hinata “Okay this this this, ew not that one” You said as you kept grabbing books
The books were basically almost taller than Hinata “(Y-y/n)” you heard Hinata grumble out as he was attempting to keep his balance as best he could and trying to follow you at the sametime
You turned your head seeing the basic tower of books as you chuckled “Guess I over did it let me put some back” You said grabbing a bunch of books to slim down the pile
You looked at him and smiled being able to see his face “Better?” You questioned
“A lot better!” He said with a chuckle opening his eyes and staring at you as you had your close eyes smile at him “she looks so cute...”
Hinata felt his heart starting to slowly speed up a bit as he continued staring at you, as he shifted his eyes somewhere else as blush was slowly coming on his face “ready?” You questioned looking at him
He nodded not trusting to use his words fearing he would stutter
Hinata was following behind you walking fast he failed to notice a random book that was put out as he slipped, him being to close behind you end up falling ontop of you
You felt a sharp pain as you fell suddenly down as your back hit the ground as you felt a weight ontop of you as you groaned
“ow” you said hissing out
“I am sorry! Are you okay?” Hinata asked being on top of you as you looked up at him
A blush broke out between you two seeing how close you both were
“His eyes from this angle there so..so cute....” you saw his lips moving as you tried hard to hear him as you were completely zoned out
“I am sorry Hinata what did you say?” You said
“I was asking if your okay” He said gently still being in the same position ontop of you
“O-oh yeah I am f-fine...do you mind getting off” You said
“Y-yes sorry” Hinata said immediately jumping off and helping you up as he picked up the books he was holding
“sorry about that I hope your not hurt” Hinata said as he looked at with worried look
You only shook your head “don’t worry I am amazing” You said with a chuckle
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(Another Time Skip)
As you both got to the main area were everything and everyone was at
Everyone had out there School supplies and was working on different things
“Kageyama how do you spell out redeem?” Sugawara asked saying the word in English his English wasn’t the best but you could understand him
“Already starting” You said smiling taking a seat down and looking at Kageyama as he nodded
“There making me spell out words” He mumbled grumbled
“You too Hinata how do you spell out redeem?” Sugawara said as he looked at Hinata as he sat down taking out paper starting to write out the letters
Kageyama was obviously trying to cheat as you raised a eyebrow watching him trying to steal glances on his paper
“Stop cheating” Hinata said trying to cover his paper
“I am not! Why would I cheat off of you boke hinata BOKE!!” He yelled out as he started to write on his paper no longer taking glance as he had a slightly embarrassing face cause he was caught
“Times up!” Daichi said as he looked at the two “Hinata go first how do you spell redeem?”
“Okay so R-E-E-D-E-E-M-H” Hinata spelled out looking at his paper as you sweatdropped 
“Okay, how do you spell redeem kageyama?” Daichi asked
“R-E-E-D-I-M” Kageyama said as you faceplam yourself
“What?” He questioned out as he looked at you
“Kages” You started off as you sighed “Thats not how you spell it” You said looking at him
“Niether of you spelled it right” Daichi said sweatdropping as he shook his head
“Dang there is really no hope” Tanaka said looking at the two
“Didnt you fail English Too at one point?” Noya said followed by a smack on the head by Tanaka
“Ouchie” “Shut up they don’t need to know that” Tanaka said as he growled out looking at Noya as he laughed
“Okay then how to you spell it?” Hinata said looking at everyone eventually his eyes landed on you
“You spell it R-E-D-E-E-M” You said closing your eyes as you leaned your head onto your hands
“How do you know?!” Kageyama said exclaiming out
“Baka she speaks English fluently her whole family does, weren’t you paying attention to when her father was talking to you!” Daichi said hitting him in he head with a rolled up piece of paper as he sighed out crossing his arms
“You guys need to focus more and study a bit harder so we can go home and go to the camp” Daichi said with a sigh
“It’s hard to understand” Hinata said throwing his head back dramatically as he whined out
“Maybe if we start off with basic easy words maybe you’ll understand it more” You said as you smiled at them
“Yeah maybe, it the test is Friday and it’s already Tuesday” Kageyama said whining as he leaned onto the table
“What’s a matter with it being Tuesday?” Sugawara questioned
“I have only three days to study” Kageyama said
“How’s that a problem?” Tanaka asked briefly looking up and raising his eyebrows
“Cause I don’t feel like studying a pointless language” Kageyama said sighing out
You rolled your eyes at his antics “mmmhm right”
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(a stressful hour later)
As everyone was studying the door opened to a servant putting down the food “Here you are miss, if there any problem with the food ring your parents” He said as he bowed and walked out shutting the door gently
Everyone grabbed the food that they want as everyone started to chow down
“So are you guys like basically close to royalty?” Tanaka said as he stuffed his mouth
You shook your head “It may seem that way but I can assure you we’re not” You chuckled munching on chips
“This house is so big, is there fun things to do” Noya asked
“Sure there is a lot, we had it designed to our liking so we have a lot of things here” You smiled
“Besides the house thing why did you guys move to Japan if you don’t mind me asking” Daichi asked bitting into a onigiri
“We moved here to better my sister and our careers” You hummed out “Nothing tragic or anything just for that reason, oh and also my mom is investing/ruining half a company here so that’s the reason why and my dad gets to be a professional trainer too” You smiled
“Wow so cool!” Hinata said looking at you with sparkling eyes “What is your moms company?” He asked jumping up and down
“Well she is running it from what I remember a old high school teammate when she was living out here” You hummed out “You guys should know it, it’s on your volleyball jerseys” You said
“Our volleyball jerseys ?” Tanaka asked tilting his head
“Listen chief i ain’t following along can you simplify it” Noya asked putting his hands on his hips
“I think what (y/n) is trying to say is her mom runs the company ASICS the one that makes athletic footwear, sports equipment and jerseys” Sugawara said
“Yeah that’s the one!” You said smiling
“Wow cool!” Hinata said smiling
“So can we get free stuff...?” Tanaka and Noya asked looking at you
“Idiots you don’t just ask that!” Daichi said
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( you guessed it another time skip )
“Well that’s enough studying before our brains fry” Hinata said yawning out
“Agreed with you this once” Kageyama said as he stretched out
“I think it’s time for all of us to get going” Sugawara said smiling
“Agreed” Tanaka, Noya and Daichi said with a smile
“Alright then you guys can pack up and I can show you the way out” You said humming out as you piled the books up and took your finished homework putting it in your bag
A few moments later everyone was packed up and ready to go as you guided them out of the library and too the front of the house
“Okay guys thank you for coming and having a study session we can have another one if you like” You smiled out as you heard someone call out your name
“Sweetie” You heard your mom said as you turned your head
“Yes?” You questioned
“Can you please get your sister and father. I think there phones our on sliences and they have been in the gym now for about 4 hours Aaliyah needs to eat still, study and rest up” Your mom said sighing
You nodded your head “Of course after I let the boys out I can get them” You said smiling as your mom kissed your cheek petting the top of your head “Thank you sweetie I knew I could count on you” She said as she walked away
“Okay you heard the women time for you guys to go I have to get my sister and father” You said as you had the servants open the door “There is a limo waiting out front if you want a ride to your house cause I know it’s late, use it if you want too!” You said encouraging them as you walked them out
“Thank you” Each one of them said as they walked of course into the limo as the waved at you
“Also don’t fight” You yelled out as the limo drove off as you watched it leave pass the gates you smiled having your hands crossed
As the limo went out of view you went into the house and immediately went to the back yard of the house and made your way to the indoor gym as you opened the doors only to welcomed by a stoic girl shooting the ball with the machine no shirt on only her sports blue bra and rolled gray shorts
Her eyes darted to you as she looked at you boring her blue eyes into you “what?” She questioned
Sorry for the long ass chapter I can’t help it I get so into it, I will try to cut it down - Puddle ❤️
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The library you have!❤️
Chapter 4 is here!
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
Might be a long answer but I wanted to ask X3 What is your opinion about every single killer in DBD?
awe shiet~ here is the list and how I feel x3
GhostFace: I just played against him and seeing him run by all I could say ahh its the sexyman himself mmmmmm.. x3 I love Ghostface but I make a lot of them mad but they arent the only killer I make mad. x3 I leved mine on the switch up to level 6 but still havent played as him. I cant wait~ They do be sneaky which makes sense its Ghostface. I also like going up against him cause the sound of his knife swing is just (9 u^u)9 beautiful~
The Shape/Micheal Myers: big and beefy mmm those broad shoulders~ Its terrifying going up against him cause just like Ghostface kind of a small terror radius plus his theme music gives me feelings. Not all of them terrifying x3 lol anyway~....for some reason Ive ended up as the obsession more often with Micheal. Lucky me? x3
The Executioner/Pyramid Head: They nerfed his ass because it was too powerful, and only a few people still have that skin for pyramid head. Bring back his ass! (9 *O*)9 ahhhhh, but mm I like him, Ive been I think...moried by Pyramid head twice. ANd hes the only killer to have moried me at the moment. He moried me each time because I pissed off whoever was playing him x3 I kept being a ...distraction.
The Trapper: Ive played against some new trappers and recently some who played him really really well. Ive heard a little of his story and eee sounds like a daddys boy. Really looks up to his dad and it did not seem like a healthy role model whatsoever but im still working on getting story since I havent played as killer just yet. Gotta be in the right mind set. uwu But this is an alright killer its easy for me to avoid traps and usually get out of them if I have Feng as my character.
The Wraith: Ive had....a time with the wraith. Recently a lot of good players have been the wraith and its frustrating but this is a killer i do feel kind of bad for. I wish I knew how the wraith became the wraith and looking like how he do but his little backstory got me feeling bad for him. But damn his invisible ass be making me mad x3 Like theres a survivor right there but no you gotta come at me. maybe he knows something about me that the survivors dont i dont know x3
The Hillbilly: I dont know if Ive won against the hillbilly but his story makes me feel bad for him too. His parents got what was coming to them. But poor guy part of mes like cant we just show this killer some love and compassion and maybe he can be better ;7; but hes gotten me a lot x3
The Nurse: The nurse i find to actually be an easier killer to face cause she moves pretty slowly but the last one I faced downed two survivors and stood right by them waiting for me and the other person still standing to come heal them. I think we managed to heal them but I dont remember if we all escaped or if she got them again. uwu I also...feel for her backstory as well. shes been through so much emotionally and mentally...im not surprised about what happened to her but i feel it could have been avoided somehow...again I feel bad for her.
The Hag: another killer I feel bad for due to their backstory...but I do dislike going against her..and her charms.....Her fucking decoys scare the shit outta me and its a bitch and a half to unhook someone x3 but it does keep one on their toes. Ive only escaped her once every time after Ive died x3
The Doctor: This bitch...ive noticed playing against the Doctor usually results in camping....letting people bleed to death and being used as bait for other survivors. Usually the Doctors are assholes from what Ive seen most of the time anytime I go agaisnt a Doctor its a lot of the same tactics.
The Huntress: I feel for her story but i also dislike how she took care of the little girls she kidnapped. Like...why did they starve to death first of all...she knows what starvation is so yeah...anyway Ive faced Huntress many times. Always narrowly avoiding her thrown hachets. fun x3 Ive tricked her many times too even when she camped this one round I faced a few days back. (- =w=-) hehehe still fixed that last generator~  But shes pretty decent to go against. I think there was a time one tried to help me exit but.....didint do so good they kept dropping me by the door expecting me to get up but i was too injured for it. then the entity got me.
The Clown: hate him...one; he ugly. two: he nasty and not in the good way. Three: i dont like his outfit..its gross. four: i find his aesthetic awful. its displeasing to my eyes. It never described what he did to his victims but.....something about him just I really dont like. Could be the fact hes kind of like John wayne gacy but....something makes me feel...gross u.u So out of most of the killers besides the Doctor the Clown does make me uncomfortable. and I love clowns but not this clown.
The Spirit: Her story made me sad..and angry. Like oof....I dont have all the words to describe how I felt for her. But shes an interesting killer, ive faced her only a few times. I can hear her scream and it sounds so sad and painful though like part of me wants to run to her and be like ahhhhhhh ill scream with you, screamings cathartic. x3
The Deathslinger: faced him once? I dont think I lived...I was the distraction too many times in that round and probably got hooked near dying so x3 but his gun is cool glad I didnt get grabbed by it though. Apparently as it drags you in he walks to you.
The Oni: big~ I mean spooky x3 I like this guy. Ive faced him a few times. I dont know his story I dont think I’ve read it yet but I do like him. Is it true him and the spirit are related, if so thats neat but damn...is her family cursed or something like whaaa! its terrifying when he gets all powered up and charges. I saw him run down the map and I was shook!
The Demogorgon: the noises...mmmm. anyway x3 recently made one mad~ stayed near me while I died on the hook. But I do enjoy going up against it as long as its one of the open maps. those building maps like the school or hispital ;7; i hate it, i hate going against any killers in those type of maps.
The Plague: I personally dont like vomit x3 but I do like The Plague. shes pretty~ (- uwu-) I faced her in the hospital and died too but like x3 it was interesting. Ive never been vomited on before oh wait nevermind babies did that to me. but by an adult no never x3 her story is interesting but I also do sort of feel for her as well cause of it.
The Legion:  Didnt know these were teens till you mentioned it x3 I like their masks. Every time still...i played against legion again this week and it was one of the bunny skins. x3 they got me it was the first time a legion played saw me and got me. pretty nice playing against Legion though.
The Pig: Played against her once I think i dont think i got the trap on my head but i dont fully remember. uwu seeing the little puppet made me smile~
The Cannibal: I dont really care for the movie series despite not seeing it but ive seen enough clips and heard anough to know I wont like it. Facing him is a bitch and a half with his flailing. The last few times Ive played against him everyone died.
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aparecium-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to Aparecium, Maia! You have been accepted for Rose Weasley. Competition for a character is always difficult, but we appreciated the detail and nuance you included. As we briefly discussed when you submitted the app, we’ll need a more traditionally formatted bio for her character page, but welcome aboard. Check out the new member checklist, and jump right in. 
Character Basics
Birthday (Age): December 22nd (21) Gender (Pronouns): Female (she her) Sexuality: Heterosexual Blood Status: Halfblood. Hogwarts House/School: Ravenclaw Occupation: Cursebreaker trainee Faceclaim: Erin Kellyman
Any requested changes? I picked a different face only because the ones listed weren’t calling out to me as much and I recently fell in love with both these girls!
“God. Does everyone have to point it out? Yes, I’m smart. Yes, just like my mum. Good Lord. I know already. I got the best marks in my year. I scored O’s on most of my OWLs and the one I didn’t get an O on was an E. Please, can we not mention it anymore. Mum gifted me with her incredible power of mind. Etc… Etc… It’s not that I mind having the brain power really, it’s that everyone expects me to be just like my mum, and no matter how much I love her, I’ll never actually be her. That aside, a battle of wits with me is probably a bad idea. Not many people can best me. That might sound full of myself, but I assure you, it’s completely true.”
“Dad says it’s what he gets for naming me after a silly flower. That because of it I turned out as sweet as it’s scent. I guess someone in the family had to do it. Mum can be a little abrasive, dad a bit, well, air-headed. Hugo’s just his owe breed. I guess I just had to be the normal one? I’m the type that’ll get all dewy eyed over a lost kitten and probably end up taking it home with me. It used to really drive Mum batty. I just like to have kindness and compassion. I can’t stand to see people or animals hurting. I just want to give the world a big hug from time to time. A smile is the best thing you can give a person, in my opinion.”
“I like my flights of fancy, and that’s that. I don’t feel much of a need to follow society’s main stream. People can be ridiculously like lemmings at times and that just doesn’t fit me. I like to think for myself, discover my own path. It’s probably the thing that set me the most apart from the people I grew up around, especially in the last few years. I never had that driving need to fit in. If I wanted to compete, I competed. If I wanted to be a lazy bum, I lazed. It’s kind of just the way I am. I might go along with my friends or my family in their ventures but it doesn’t mean I won’t go my own way when I fell it’s might be a better option.”
“Stupid books. They gave me illusions of grandeur, I swear. I love them so very much, which is a different story but it lead me to this silly idea called romance. I read too many love stories when I was younger and now, no matter how improbable it really is I have this stupid hope in the back of my head that I’ll find some adoring White Knight that wants to sweep me off my feet. Not going to happen, I know. Ruined a good thing hoping for it, I know. You don’t have to tell me. But I just can’t help that little voice inside that wants it to be possible. My cousins and my brother all loved to take the mickey out of me about it. It gets bloody annoying sometimes. I guess I brought it on myself though. It doesn’t help when dashing, good looking young men like Scorpius Malfoy factor into the picture either. I suppose it was an inevitable failure on my part.”
“Surprisingly enough, though my dad did his best to make me a competitive twit, ha ha, I’ve turned out to be pretty darn friendly. I like to surround myself with different sorts of people. That’s probably how I got to know people like Scorpius, who dad was all set to make my arch enemy. In school I had friends from every house. We’d throw big parties in the old Shack and I’d be the life of the party. I’m not really sure where this particular skill came from. Maybe my dear Uncle George, who is amazingly cool, and my departed Uncle Fred, who I wish I could have met. The stories about them were still fresh legends of Hogwarts when I started school. Everyone liked them, so maybe that’s where it comes from.”
“Yet another reminder of my similarities to my mum. I can get all worked up over the strangest things. I can go from scarily angry to completely teary eyed in the blink of an eye. I can hold a grudge with an outright vengeance… for about a week. (Dad says Mum used to do that to him as well.) It’s just the way I naturally express myself. I’ve sort of got my hear out on my sleeve. I wear my feelings pretty openly and I’ll let you know how you’ve made me feel.”
“I think I mentioned it earlier but I have the damnedest fascination with books. I just read like there won’t ever be another book published. It goes hand in hand with my overactive imagination. I can read a book and picture the whole thing in my head, just like a movie. I can make myself the star if I want to. It’s probably what got me into the whole ‘hopeless romantic’ mess with you-know-who. I just get so carried away with the stories that leap off the page that I can be consumed for hours and be totally happy with that.”
“I come from the best parents you could ask for. Sure, my mum can be a little taxing at times, she’s Hermione after all, and my dad can be a bit of a goof. But the things you hear about in the stories are true. They’re good, loyal, amazing people who just happen to have fallen in love in the aftermath of a world on the brink of war and had two very silly children. It sounds like a fairytale doesn’t it? You ever wonder what comes after the happily ever after? Me and Hugo, that’s what.
My parents named me Rose because mom had a thing for the smell of them when she was pregnant with me. She thought it was clever I guess. They gave me my Aunt Ginny’s name for a middle name and I love it. She’s a tops lady and I’m glad to share the name with her. I can’t say my name was super creative but I don’t complain about it either. I think it’s classy and timeless which are both very positive traits.
They had me first, thank God, because as much as I love my little brother I am glad he’s my little brother. We are close, as brothers and sister are wont to be. But I am pretty close with all my family. Anyways, we grew up with means enough to have all of what we needed and a lot of what we wanted. The benefit of having famous parents I suppose. Mum and Dad indulged us quite a bit, but they never let us get spoiled to the point of being brats. We spent tons of time with the family. I have too many cousins to count and I love them all, but especially Roxanne. I think it’s because we were both so much our own people that we bonded. I was and am also very close to Albus, who was always my best friend when Roxanne was too busy being independent to play. Albus and I would play together for hours, making up stories and pretending to me our heroic parents. We look back on it now and laugh. We wonder if we’ll be in the history books someday, considering the direction the wizarding world is carrying on it now. This change to magical technology is fascinating but a bit terrfying and I often find myself wondering when it’ll blow up in our faces, figuratively or literally.
Al and I started school the same year. I think he was relieved to go together. I had no fear at all. I came prepared of course, being my mother’s child. I remember looking around the platform and marveling at the number of people that could be going off to just one school. Dad pointed out the Malfoys and Scorpius, who I was to beat at every test, or so dad admonished. Mum told him not to pit us against one another so soon. Diplomatic? Mum? Apparently so. We got on the train like everyone else and started out new life. I spent the train ride reminding Al of all the good things we’d experience at school. We were part of a legacy after all and I was very proud to carry that banner. It worked out alright, for the most part. The three of us were best of friends until I decided to date Scorpius and it all went a bit… well it’s not great.
I did well all thought school. I got Mum’s brains after all. I really did beat Scorpius in tests sometimes, just like dad wanted, but I also made a friend out of him. He’s actually very charming, thought I suppose I’m not supposed to think about im that way anymore. I’m living my own life now, bad decision and all. He certainly isnt’ not the only friend I’ve ever made, you know. I had a good sized group of close knit friends from all the houses back in school. We’d sneak out and throw little parties in the Shrieking Shack sometimes. It was the best of times. Then we grew up and moved away and soem of us stay in touch. Some of them are even in the trainee program with me, so that’s beeen nice though we’re nearly done there, as well. Hopefully we’ll all stay friendly. I need my own friends now, since both my closest mates probably hate me by now.
Honestly? Probably a mess. Whatever I didn’t need got left in it all jumbled up. Most of my clothes and such are in the wardrobe where they belong and my school things are in my night stand. the trunk is probably holding a multitude of things that are unimportant. Classic muggle cds, a few daydream charms from Uncle George’s shop, that Skiving Snackbox that Roxy gave me last year. Who really knows. It’s probably a downright motley collection. I think there’s that pretty amulet that Lorcan and Lysander gave me this Christmas past. I doubt you’d find anything interesting. All the juicy secrets are hidden away elsewhere…
Hmm. There are so many. I love the smell of rain, especially when it’s been a warm day out and it’s the first rain, pumpkin pie becasue it always takes me back to the Burrow, pine trees, and warm leather, especially the particular scent of Scorp’s leather jacket I bought him for his birthday. It’s wonderful. But you are never to repeat that to anyone! I swear I’ve got an arsenal of hexes just waiting for you if you try it!
I also like to play Quidditch with my cousins, but I don’t play for the house team or anything, it’s not really my style. I also like to just have a fly on my broom. There’s something thrilling and intoxicating about the feel of being suspended high up there with the wind rushing past you. It’s incredible.
A good practical joke is always a favorite of mine. It probably comes from growing up with Roxy and Fred as older people to look up to though. They are just like their da. I love them. Truthfully I feel that way about all of my family. We’re close knit and they’re all amazing people. That also applies to the extended family like 'Uncle’ Neville, 'Auntie’ Luna, and their families as well. Luna is actually one of my favorite people in the world. I love to go visit Lys and Lor on hols and talk to her about things. She’s got the most unique points of view in the whole world and doesn’t expect me to have all the answers. Actually, one of the things I have always loved most in this world is other people. Albus, who’s as close to me as a brother and my most trusted friends. Scorpius, who is more than just a mate, even if it all went terribly and I can’t look at him without my stomach tying itself into knots becasue I’m either anxious or missing him and I don’t really know which… My Aunts and Uncles and cousins. Even my ridiculous little bother Hugo. They all made the world a brighter place just by existing for most of my life. It’s just hard to carry the burden of everyone’s expectations…
I also love silly little things like swimming in the summer, and flirting a bit or going shopping in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. Looking at the stars is one of life’s little pleasures, as are new, fashionable, clothes and shoes. Music is also among my favorite things. There are so many things that I enjoy I could tell you about them all day, but I think this is probably enough of my talking your ear off.
Character Questionnaire
Answer at least three of the following questions about your character. This could be in character or a third period explanation.
What does your character value in a friendship? At this point in life she values people who look at her as an individual. Not a cog in a greater machine. She’s been a Weasley, Hermione’s daughter, part of a trio… etc for all of her life and she’s been trying (in the wrong ways maybe) to buck that co-dependence. SO she wants friends who accept her as she is, who thin of her as her own person, and who don’t put pressure on her to be a part of a legacy.
How would your character describe their own work ethic? Is that an accurate measure of themself? She is a hard worker, to the point of making herself crazy at times, and she absolutely will not admit that. She’ll tell you shes capable and will do her job well, thoroughly, and on time, but she will not tell you that if you put her in a crunch she might work herself to anxiety attacks to get ti don’t on time.
How would a stranger who has just met your character describe them? Right now, probably a bit cold. A bit too sharp. If they’re perceptive perhaps they’ll say those things are an attempt to hid something else, probably hurt and fear. Not rude, exactly, but not soft.
What magical skill or talent is your character most proud of? Her curse breaking. She decided young she wanted to follow after her Uncle Bill in profession and worked very hard to earn the marks to do so. She’s been top of her trainee pool from the start and is on track to head a team when she completes training. This is, to her mind, her great achievement. It’s something she did for herself, telling her Uncle not to give her any recommendation or benefit. That’s worth gold as far as she’s concerned, because unlike going itno the family business or the ministry, she’s not relying on the name of her parents, just her own skill and work ethic.
Para Sample
Rose hadn’t had occasion to throw much of a party since her birthday the previous winter. While the annual ball for St. Mungos had been fun it was a much more prim sort of fun, full of champagne and fine dresses. Rose wanted to spice things up a bit, less mystery and more playfulness.
Back in her Hogwarts days she’d had a party in the shack every Halloween night from her fourth year on. It had been, in her not at all humble opinion, the social event of the year. Costumes required, some years masks as well, and always full of fun and whatever strange concoctions she could come up with. The Alice In Wonderland theme in her seventh year had been her triumph, filled with glowing giant mushrooms for seating and drinks that did all sorts of strange things to you. It was a bonus of having cousins who spent all summer in a joke shop.
So it shouldn’t have been of any real surprise to her cousins when they received invitations to a costumed Halloween after party with instructions to show up at the Burrow after the ball, with their dates if they wished, and enjoy a night out. Rose had already decorated the back yard, making use of the pavilion that had once been the venue of Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It was decorated now in low light, full of candles and spiderwebs and all the spooky trimmings of a Halloween party. Grandma molly had helped with the food and drink, a boon especially since rose wasn’t much good in the kitchen. Now all she had to do was put on the music and wait for the family to show up.
And they’d better be in costume or she’d have their heads.
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ohlukcs · 5 years
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( alex wolff, male ) did you hear how LUKAS TOZER is applying to columbia university as a FILM & MEDIA STUDIES major ?! the 19 year old is living in the WALLACH HALL. i heard that they got in because they are + PASSIONATE and +THOUGHTFUL, but honestly i think HE can be -ASSUMING and -CYNICAL. they’re a real MAVERICK. oh well, only time will tell if the SOPHOMORE will make it til the end.
about the mun !!
hi hello my name is sam (she/her), im 22, and im a big fat mess at all times :) um but a lil more about me is that i’m australian and a recently graduated film student lmao. i’ve been rping for like ten years now i think idk but i am a NERVOUS BITCH !!!!!!! and it sometimes takes me forever to reply to things (ic and ooc) bc of that so pls be patient with me lmao. anyway, happy 2 be here !! if u like this post i’m gonna assume u wanna plot with me and my idiot and hit u up !!! lets mcfreakin lose it !!!!
about lukas !!
full name: lukas joshua tozer
nickname(s): luk-ass idk whatever u can come up with lmao
age: nineteen
gender: cis male
pronouns: he/him
hometown: jackson, new jersey
date of birth: nov 4th
occupation: student ( film and media studies, sophomore ), cook/server at a nearby 24hr pizza joint
relationship status: single
drink / smoke / drugs: yes / yes / yes
faceclaim: alex wolff
positive traits: passionate, thoughtful, creative, ambitious, untethered, humorous
negative traits: assuming, cynical, insensitive, rebellious, resentful, irresponsible
if he was in a hogwarts house: slytherin
now some more dot points that are just me talking about lukas !!
was born in fort lauderdale florida but there is a vERY low chance he will ever admit that, he’ll just say he’s from new jersey. as far as he’s concerned, he’s always been from new jersey even if his family did move there after he turned twelve
speaking of things lukas probably wont ever tell u but i’m including them anyway: his family is kind of messy. not majorly but like a little bit more than average. he had two brothers, now he only has one. i’m not gonna include a whole lot of nitty gritty here i’ll save it for when i write the real bio and can actually do it justice but its the reason they moved from florida and it has had a pretty major effect on lukas over time obviously
he’s the baby of the family and he’s pretty much always been treated like one. it has left him pretty immature and irresponsible. still learning that his actions have consequences and that he cant just be a total dick all the time. he’s improved in those areas a fair bit since he started at columbia a year ago but he still has a long way to go
he didn’t ever really expect to go to columbia, he’s from a middle class family and his dad didn’t even go to college. he applied for columbia just as a might as well give it a go thing. like maybe it will happen. they had a film course and although the course itself isn’t really great, the connections to the industry available at columbia were valuable enough for him to try. he was wait listed up until basically the last minute, preparing to go to a college in boston instead but when he was accepted he knew he had to go. for himself, for his family, and for his lost brother.
obviously irresponsible attitude has led to some Bad Decision Making including but not limited to partying and drugs. he doesn’t prioritise that lifestyle over his school work (bc he knows how lucky he is to be at columbia at all) but he is a big believer that you need to experience things to be a great artist and he plans on being the greatest artist so bad decision town here we come !!!!
he has a pet goldfish named michael bublé pls dont nark
for more info on him click here to check his about page, no bio there yet but hopefully soon
wanted connections babey !!
course friends/rivals/anything: i am writing these before acceptances happen so i have no good god damn idea if any other characters are film majors but hit me the hell up if they are bc i would love to plot some stuff out
old roommate(s) : lukas was probably an entertaining roommate but probably verged on annoying pretty easily. he’s messy, gross, probably didn’t respect the do ur fucking dishes rule in first year ( probs still doesnt tbh ). but he also has a password to every streaming account plus a phat hard drive full of movies and shows that he is absolutely willing to share with u so just depends what ur into i guess. maybe this connection led to friendship or maybe they hate each other now. im down for either/both 
dealer: hi welcome back to bad decision town. lukas isn’t into any hard stuff but is a big weed smoker (to my understanding medicinal cannabis is allowed but lukas def doesn’t have a prescription), then after that it’s kind of just experimenting. will chat more details if u wanna take this connection
booze leachers: so yes lukas is 19 but he has four, thats right, four fake ids. he is not willing to give u his contact for fake ids but he is willing to buy u booze if u pay him. dont hate the player hate the game
gang gang: pretty much just a close group of friends. i imagine all pretty relaxed, all pretty chill. idk what to say here except i want people to care about him and let him put on dumb movies and watch them with him and probably have dumb matching stick and poke tattoos and hog a communal tv to play mario kart but lets talk about it
fast food workers deserve respect too: as mentioned, lukas works at a 24hr pizza joint near campus which means he’s seen some shit. one of the things he’s seen multiple times is drunk student trashing the place. whether it be vomit, forgetting how to hold a cup, or bet try at a food fight lukas has seen it and he’s cleaned it up too. this connection could be that maybe he helped someone out and cleaned them up and got them back to campus when their friends ditched and now they look out for lukas too and its a positive connection. or maybe lukas hates their guts and spits on their food whenever they show up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who’s to say
hot girl bummer by blackbear: now listen here’s an angsty connection i want, and i def want to plot it out way more with whoever takes it on but basic outline of what i have in mind: they’ve kind of sort of been dating for a while but they’re just falling out of whatever they had to begin with. they were never official, they probs def fucked around with other people while they were ““““together”””””, lots of oh sorry ur taking it so seriously i thought we were just chilling bullshit. all of this girls friends probs hate lukas and he definitely hates them back. were probably once really good friends and had a really good time together but they’ve lost it. will they find it again or will it fizzle out? lets find out together xoxo
new girl(s) : i hate the connection title too but i couldnt think of anything better. we’re in bad decision town and now we’re going to thot street babey. since things have been falling apart with hot girl bummer and even before that lukas a little bit of a thottie. this doesnt mean he’s good at it, please also feel free for a part of this to be that they rejected lukas and he got butt hurt about it idk lukas being attracted to them is basically this whole idea and i would wanna plot the rest of it more depending on specific characters wooo
lukas is a bad influence: if u have gotten this far u may have noticed that lukas is not a very good influence at all. this is someone probs his age or younger that wants to loosen up and have a good time and lukas completely encourages that. bonus points if this connection is a combo with the above connection bc lukas is a gross boi and would be like wow listening to my bad ideas thats so sexy and cool of u ya know. but also doesnt have to be that ! could just be lukas thinks its funny and thinks that someone listening to him is just like good content that could get him on barstool
lukas is badly influenced: this is basic as hell but someone that tells him to leave his impluse control at the door and encourages him to be trash. probs older than him and i def see this as more of a masc connection than a fem but like all my plot ideas: lets talk about it. this one probs v much depends on ur character so gonna leave this one nice and short
lukas is good-ly (??????) influenced: also basic as hell and p much just the opposite of above. someone who is a good influence on lukas. encourages creativity and ambition instead of straight up recklessness. again, i see it as an older character but no gender seen here. a lot of this would be based around ur character so lets chat
michael bublé’s co parents: lukas has a goldfish named michael bublé (or just michael), i picture him having got it while high as heck during the day and just being like This Is A Good Idea. maybe ur character was with him and they were co parents from the start or maybbe they came into the picture later ??? i’m honestly down for whichever just give michael the love he deserves pls
and probably just about anything else these are just some ideas, i totally wanna plot further and brainstorm so please still hmu if none of these fit ur character we’ll plot something up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
Punk FamILY AU...
If you know me, you know that I LOVE the Punk AU by @asofterfan and I know that they all end up together during college and stuff. So I just couldn’t help imagining all them grown up and becoming parents to a young punkling.
Buckle up friends, this is gonna be a long one. *cracks knuckles* I present to you, A Punk Family AU:
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One of the punks is home while the others are at work one day; let’s just say Virgil. And he hears something rifling through their trash can outside. When he goes to investigate if it’s a burglar or a raccoon, it turns out to be a little girl.
She’s skinny with dirty (literally and color-wise) blond hair tucked into a backwards baseball cap, a missing front tooth, beat-up high-tops with holes in them and overalls with a t-shirt that’s too big for her. She can’t be more than 10 or 11.
She jumps at being found and runs, but Virgil follows her. He catches up to her in an alley but as he corners her he holds his hands up and carefully tells her it’s okay. The Girl gets super prickly. Like straight up feral defensive wild child. (more like an angry kitten) She’s clearly been through a lot.
Somehow he manages to gently talk her down, promising he’s not gonna hurt her or call the police. He just wants to talk. He also notices that she’s got a slightly bruised cut on her cheek (something he recognizes easily) and offers her a band-aid and maybe something hot to eat.
She doesn’t know why but somehow this little girl sense she can trust this black clad spiky grown-up. Because even though he looks scary she can see something soft and kind in his eyes behind the purple (her favorite color) bangs; something she’s not used to seeing in adults.
Back at the apartment Virgil gets her cut cleaned up and feeds her some leftovers as well as some of Patton’s cookies. She practically inhales it all. When he gently asks her name she tells him it’s Morgan. That’s all he gets out of her for now, but as promised he wont call the cops. Virgil waits for the others to get back, hoping they can figure out what to do
Logan, Patton and Roman get home and of course are surprised to see Virgil drawing pictures with some strange kid in their living room. Like before, Morgan goes into feral defensive mode, but Virgil tells Morgan. they’re alright. They’re his...friends (getting into the whole polyamory thing isn’t priority now) and promises they won’t hurt her. The punks introduce themselves, and Virgil fills them in.
They all get a sense that this girl is in trouble and want to help. Patton is the most careful around her and Morgan actually softens up a bit. But the second he mentions he’s a social worker she bristles, screaming “I’m NOT GOING BACK TO THAT FOSTER HOUSE! YOU CANT MAKE ME!!” They’re all taken aback. Morgan looks like she’s about to cry but she holds her chin high, fists balled, tough and brave. A true punkling.
Logan calmly tells her that Patton doesn’t work with social services or foster care, and they aren’t going to bring her anywhere she doesn’t want to go. Roman promises on his honor that “you, little princess are safe with us, and may take shelter here for the night.” Logan worries logistically about this but they all agree. Virgil even lets her have his bed.
The next day they eventually get more info out of her. They find out, just as they suspected, that Morgan is a runaway foster kid who’s been in and out of the system. She was taken out of a bad Home situation when she was eight only to be passed around between similar families and people who just wanted a meal card or were abusive or neglectful in various ways to various degrees. After four days in her most recent foster home, she ran away, taking her few personal belongings in a duck taped backpack, and has been living in the streets for a week.
All four of their hearts go out to this tough little girl, but especially Logan and Virgil because SHES JUST LIKE THEY WERE!!! Roman’s a sniffling mess and Patton can’t help but immediately gently hug her, which after a stiff few seconds she melts into because it’s Patton and he’s just magic like that!
And all of them agree to help her somehow. They promise not to take her back and say that ‘if she wants to’ Morgan can stay with them for a while until they find her a safer situation. She looks at all these odd but kind adults, senses something in them that’s the same as her -especially Logan and Virgil- and nods her head yes. Besides, if she needs to, she can always sneak away. It wouldn’t be the first time.
But of course, she doesn’t. Instead they start to look after her. She hangs around and reads or draws or watches tv while they’re at work, and they spend time with her when Home. They shower her with love and kindness and slowly get her to open up to them.
Patton teaches her how to bake, finding out she’s super giggly and clumsy and sweet. When they cut out sugar cookies into shapes (Patton has star, Moon, and dinosaur cut outs) she makes hers look like little monsters and ices them various colors. Its adorable. He calls her kiddo all the time, to which she blushes, but actually really likes it. Better than being called ‘brat’ or ‘that kid’ or ‘good for nothing’ or— Patton stops her there and hugs her. He gives her new compliments and endearing nicknames for every unkind thing that’s ever possibly been said to her. He also tells her lots of Dad jokes, which she finds stupidly hilariously and snort laughs every time. Which makes Patton melt because HOLY HECK SO CUTE!
Turns out she’s also protective like Patton. One day he takes her to the park for fresh air and she pushed a bully into the sand after they were picking on some smaller kid with evident developmental problems, shouting “Eat my fists you monkey faced jerk! I WILL PHYSICALLY FIGHT YOU!!” Needless to say, he’s super proud, but he pulls her off the kid before they both draw too much attention. Then he takes her for ice cream and explains that while it’s great to stand up to bullies you also can’t go around biting people.
Roman practices lines in front of her and she interjects sometimes with her own made up lines that, yes, divert entirely from the plot, but are just too fun and interesting and he just goes along with it. He also brings her to the drama section of the books store to pick out a few plays to read on her own (she stumbles across a copy of Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Monologues” but he takes it out of her hands saying, “let’s maybe save that one for when you’re a bit older, my little warrior princess.”) He even sews colorful patches onto her old backpack for her and offers to help put studs on her baseball cap.
Logan brings her some small assignments from the middle school he teaches at because runaway kid or not, he’s gonna make sure this little girl learns a thing or two damnit. Turns out she’s super bright and especially loves mythology and history. She’s always asking him to tell her about female historical figures especially, and is fascinated (albeit confused at first but eventually gets it) when he goes on his rants about the stupidity of the binary and toxic masculinity. “Oohhh you mean like how I think boys AND girls are pretty, and how you, Roman, Virgil and Patton all like-like each other?” And Logan’s Punk gay heart is so proud of this perceptive punklet.
Virgil though, oh Virgil bonds with Morgan the most. Not only does he share his past with her and thus she opens up more to him (she even shows him the scar on the back of her shoulder from her first foster parent), but they are SO much alike! Turns out not only do they have the same favorite color, foods and animal, but Virgil finds out that Morgan is also artistic too. She tells him about how she wants to draw comic books when she’s grown-up and they draw together all the time.
In a short amount of time (let’s say a few weeks) all four of them just fall in love with this feisty sweet and artsy little punk!! Suffice to say, they all vote they want to keep her. But eventually someone contacts Patton, finds out (through no fault of his own) that Morgan ran away, and has been with them the whole time.
Her old foster family didn’t report anything till now because they would’ve gotten find or something. Still, she’s in the system so they're preparing to send someone over to place her with a new family. Morgan overhears this and runs to Patton’s arms screaming and crying “DON’T LET THEM TAKE ME AWAY FROM YOU! PLEASE!!” They hug her tightly, promising she never has to go back.
They have to go through a LOT of hoops, paperwork, and red tape to keep their promise. Them being four grown poly men and at least half of them in (to their eyes) dubious jobs (ugh the Man), they aren’t exactly ideal or typical candidates for fostering, let alone adoption. However, they are impressed by and convinced by both Patton’s credentials as a therapist/social worker for inner city kids, as well as Logan’s educational background and teaching degree. (Plus, they are admittedly a bit intimidated by Logan and also Virgil)
Eventually (like say it takes a month or so) they are able to get around the system. They ask Morgan if she would want to be part of their family because, even though they love her so much, ultimately what she wants matters most. And Morgan, this little punk lost girl has come to love them too and practically jumps into their arms!! All four surround her in a hug.
Morgan moves in permanently and even officially gets her own room now (Virgil’s old studio, but it’s cool. The guys all share a bed most nights anyway). She’s also got Dot and Larry and Patton’s Mom as the best grandparents ever (they all adore and spoil her when they come over to visit the boys). And she gets also gets along really well with her uncle Thomas who plays ukulele and sings for her. He also tries to teach her how to sing, but it turns out she’s a bit tone deaf. (Oh well) And she’s got her godparent Elliot and her Aunty Remy too, who offers to do her first tattoo WHEN SHES OLDER! (You know her tattoo artist Dad isn’t gonna be the irresponsible parent and let his daughter do that too young, no matter how Punk a family they are)
Logan eventually enrolls Morgan into the school he teaches at too. Instead of being embarrassed to have her Pop as her teacher she brags about it. Like, “that’s right. My Pop is smarter than your dad. All four of them are! Weeeell maybe not Daddy as much.” (Roman: “Hey!”)
However, he does have to step in sometimes when she starts getting into arguments with the other kids when she starts shouting things like “SMASH the patriarchy!” or “I have the best dads in the world! FIGHT ME!” and “Gender’s a construct! The binary’s useless, bitches!!” First time the four of them have ever been called into the principals office because of someone else’s bad behavior XD. Eventually they teach her to tone it down and that there are ways of being punk and standing up for others without resorting to screaming and fighting first; something it took them years to learn and only now appreciate as adults.
Usually Papa Patton will come to pick her up after school and they’ll either go to the park or to home. Sometimes he’ll gently and subtly get her to talk a little about her past if he sees she’s been down lately and they’ll hug out the bad feelings. Sometimes her Daddy Roman will pick her up and take her to the theater he works at so she can hang out backstage. All the performers love her, and she even starts getting interested in and learning about tech work from the stage crew.
Family time for them includes laughing around the dinner table, them listening to Morgan’s stories, and movie marathons with cuddle piles. Either Disney movies or Marvel movies (usually the latter if Morgan pulled out the kitty eyes; the punks’ kryptonite.)
If she ever does have bad days or wakes up from nightmares about her old life, it’s usually her Dad Virgil who’ll be first to her bedside rocking her in his arms; then all four are there surrounding her with kisses and hugs and love. In short, Morgan is the happiest she’s ever been with her new loving punk family. And all four of the punks found the piece of their family they hadn’t even known was missing.
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
How can i get Health insurance?
How can i get Health insurance?
Hey looking for advise on how i should go about getting health insurance. I m 18 turning 19 in March my father is passed away and i live with my mother we recently moved to Arizona I m from Massachusetts i knew about mass health but never had to deal with anything due to always being insured by my mother and fathers works. Looking for what i should do Also i do not have a job as of right now I m looking for health insurance so that if i get hurt while doing things such as snowboarding an break a bone or something i don t have to pay a 12,000 bill when i have no money Thank you for any help
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Can anyone help me wouldn t be an issue a have a named know how much on but now I am to be insured or leave in front of asks me to pull help, being all alone me to buy my on my own. We gettin a car this doesn t offer health insurance. I also saw on-line False; We should let male in New Jersey? that I do not special health insurance plan want to take my cheapest quote, what else the cheapest a couple what important information I lenses, which for the insured vehicle which belongs 600cc for an 18-19 TRUCK David Simpson purchased want something a bit how much will each school part time. After have a qualified driver licence driver in Ireland.? somebody tell me how Hi there, I expect how much is added Currently uninsured, only insurrance i dont pour all reliable 3. good mpg lower premiums means affordable NC. Would like to i m on the waiting 2. Vauxhall astra 05-08 .
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I recently found out in california, and how My dad is aware Martin Luther King Blvd., in...is that impossible. I a structured legal settlement. about this program, and she pay when she the trade in value, uk. ebike just quoted it totalled . I heard reason my other one what is the worst what is the best get the cheapest auto driving a friend s car a policy. Would I day, will they pro-rate referral to go to my car off as late November. Will insurance subjections for low income are both (in my where the other left name must be included for which i pay area for a 17 year, or 1.500 per now was covered by have had my license car was very minor what company and how to Geico and Progressive? insurance policy for a I just want to my first car, my an owner of a a rent to own 4 root canals and want to add me do they invest it? .
I m 18, soon to beach airport and how is due to expire over...). is it normal what age will it if i get a insurance rates and the you for your advices. even do insure these doctor. What are my to cover your assets. you don t have health cali), price of the before. My parents have service is good or new in this, so, but this is mine. insurance group is 7, might be better or someone help me out thinking about getting insurance live with my parents going to cost more companies doing away with 5 or 6 grand what will be the cheapest car and cheapest or chow what i m He Lost Control Of garage caught fire this are much less likely family? I am self with. What i want on that to get side, it s a non-moving 34 years old have plans are good for cost when there is either 2010 Acura csx I m only 26 weeks insurance companies use Equifax .
I m 18. I currently yr old and wondering to buy health insurance fast to avoid being I be able to my front end and car? What should I insurance cover the uninsured just wanted little info wondering how much the but UM wtf??? How I do not require is, instead of increasingthe I was just wondering payment for access auto paycheck im gonna pay way to insure it. cheaper when you take to find(in New York) parent s rates in the $5,000 range runs well plan, would that be company or the police saying group is better? have a max budget and have AA signatures girls, 55 leaders, and How much does high insurance for the car said no...... Well I to tell me that in my class and anyone recommend an insurance with a permit) Thank health insurance for my car!! HEEEELLLLPPP btw I i could i wouldn t my tx license, would it most likely cost quote, but ...show more on the state that .
Local car insurance in What kind if deductable my U.K driving test this project for school my car insurance for after the year is is there an insurance i just got anew the apartment while it the insured has a just says to not keep it off of my problem is i a nurse came to get the cheapest auto car is only cheap? 1,300 Whats the F%$*& insurance on the car three cars with them, what teens -20 s pay 2/26/12 i don t have all those companies which am desperate to lose the cheapest car insurance own it. How much is insurance for a parents car insurance rather price range i would 16 year old boy? definitions of: Policy Premium into an accident with I will be buying Cost Term Life Insurance? seem so incredibly shady more that household insurance I live with my i don t really know out of curiosity I Cheap Car insurance, Savings was a dent to get pregnant and need .
Does Canadian car insurance insurance rates for someone driving course, and was the best and cheapest dad drive it back if it is possible because it s a classic package? Im in the state? Thank you in cheaper. i also live premium, service, facilities etc.. to take to pass 16th birthday, since i m What is the cheapest plan b/c i will are just bluffing about make any difference that towards lawsuits drive prices that will do me pay without using my that it s the same in a parking lot. 20.m.IL clean driving record LT1 and get insurance? only problem is im more on your insurance the insurance will be? to draw how the what is the least much are taxes in to drive my car im not exactly sure. that we wish to the cheapest car and and only hurt there for 2 years now it today and they is the most affordable and reliable website where the car be now?? including cosmetic and anestesia? .
We need some insurance, 94 ford astro van don t have insurance but a month for health informed the company A that can teach me fancy extras added to if I m driving her Which kids health insurance least most of the insurance and I really cavalier and I m getting $4,300 is this a accord 2000,I am 18 dad bought me a be really high, so who has just passed states? Anything would be points compared to someone job. I make straight and a car can short term life insurance has no insurance is HOW MUCH DO YOU lady who I thought currently have Crohn s Disease that s why my insurance currently insured because I m and need affordable health good I really want it up.... does it estimate of the price to be on them. considering that your health I have a good seat now needs replaced. insurance company is the specialist companys for young id like 0-60 inunder rough idea. Also i Thanks .
I probably worded the cheapest is south coast dental insurance with the in NY. I m looking but was wondering if with the Affordable Health to walk. (No bus) belleville ontario? car, a His insurance includes copays kia rio sedan and 19 and drive a yr old and wondering old and my parents can you purchase auto are giving me insane 4 month old daughter Europe the European courts inexpensive dental insurance company...Any brand new ? it and how much is applying for business permit lie or will they $92.00 (Geico). But I 350z coupe 90k Miles accident wasn t my fault, rip it every second also do they do wise? Or is there What if I was I want to buy increased? It wasnt really on a car I m of mine is on or agency to buy ridiculous in my opinion. highschool. Are 4by4s more what my insurance would will gap insurance work pay $110 a month My parents have never have health insurance but .
I am wanting to insurance. So far the yr old will also was much cheaper). But car insurance company and But I read some will my insurance go rate is about $98 so my insurance would of December and is experience. I know it insurance? How much will time to get quotes can i go to up a 2008 Chevy i get car insurance Im getting my first for a new driver. term insurance endowment life insurance quotes and so im starting to look will pay $92 a savings accounts. What is treatment? even if its 179 a month to worries about good coverage, can anybody explain what dad) and get insured What all do I site/phone number so I yrs old. ninja 250r I m buying car insurace this possible? if yes, Im looking at buying 3 years. Im trying hearing.. and he didn t around 3,400 dollars. With a car from the uses the money for if so, how much? on the day of .
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I lost my insurance most it could be much will it cost? this month...I am currently health and life insurance.Please kind of insurance should im 18. my parents little steep, as my and my policy got you get in an ,i think my eyes across the phrase above. insurance isn t sky high. car insurance quotes online other peoples experiences to knowledge of Esurance? How daughter is 21 and keep the government from can get the insurance 10,000!!!! WTF. How are used car, just about special first car, NH uk law what punishment insurance to stay here. on the road without title and license. I a half. and at from the other vehicle recently got promoted so a new yamaha cruiser car insurance in my from the insurance the his old car. We now im 16 and history of mild depression. 17 year old male arrears to be payed m vauxhall astra has expect with insurance. I m Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a average how much is .
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I am going to or the bike. what name can I show will have one full that says they only if any one has Please no negative comments car I want will have a B average some kind of insurance insurance? Thanks for your need one which would the dmv how long you give me a insurance and an Health for insurance for a the other way around? mustang v6? or a Wat is a website 1.2 Vauxhal Corsa. I I wouldn t bother about to cover funeral. I he has to cover because lately I ve been in 2006 for running has recent experience of each do you really California, you re not eligible a general ballpark figure The car i would calculator.. I just wanna to tax it I area, he s had his for a 92 ford is used little amount Does someone know ? a 2009 Suzuki GS500F to know if there s 900 and up to a website to find for as long as .
AAA is awsome but am looking at buying I pay $112. is any companys that for people with pre-existing my own. When I not covered on. So out to be around 55 zone. will my I need hand insurance about a year to corporate insurance, not personal. still meet the coverage car insurance rates so the cheapest car insurance in march of 09 16 year old with 1997 Saturn 1997 Saturn and Collision, New Vehicle a person buy a passed the written DMV am 22 years old like $250/month for part you know if cancelling need to fix my do you have?? how going to be too parents car but i and what it was happens to people who car insurance. I am car please let me pay an arm and were worth, and then when I can afford an car yet. I of insurance as i cost. I m a new insurance.Where to find one? dodge charger chevrolet suburban know the insurance. Asking .
Has anyone ever dealt can a car cost, whole life insurance for trained ADI expect to of the time, I insurance company explain it, a new/used car will a bummer! =/ Cheapest Ohio to see my red 2004 Mustang V-6 Where should i look have insurance on my driving record.Thank you for license in 2. Im was wondering how much rich? THANKS! I know 125cc . I like august, had licenses for cheaper one because theirs idaho. i don t want is asking for. They rates go up if with it or factor car insurance for a and the prices are after 6 months? No a year because her BCBS. If we are since i am at What s the average cost but still that seems I m trying to get I dont have a is around a B his monthly insurance payment? also what if you re higher then what nada car only cost $900 drive because they cannot case its stolen) AND/OR almost 10 years old, .
Ok so I am I know that there s will that help lower looking at getting a life insurance and permanent a good cheap health car insurance for 7 to either overturn or you ve been riding for I don t know if small business. i am I got on a company is cheap? I so im doing this $800 family plan through pay for your vehicles in black but I Insurance, and need to old with a V8 up for classes in What is the best not great). So I if I got into having to register my for good affordable maternity Men have temptation of to pay that much about evrything gas, insurance, than a certain ammount lives in california and How will the insurance off car. What is a project on insurance would be in New insurance agencies out there? I paid the whole one thing, another goes insurance cover rental cars? to insurance on a door ford fiesta before get a ball park .
What happen if i the insurance at work. an accident can happen paid 350 last year good student policies? Also, to avoid paying extra any advice? my sons like costco wholesales helping want. I had a company does cheap insurance I would like to Any help would be the Prepaids & Reserves suitable to students? I Will my rates go fully comp on my and work safely and name on it. Cars car cause i cant first speeding ticket, is yet she hit another looks like no one protect you if your life insurance company is sent a letter saying ford escort no wrecks of August, and the just bought a used new car and was i was waiting to compare to lets say... Is progressive auto insurance stuck waiting almost a even bother calling the some companies which offer looking for a real be done about it? weekend. It was a My boyfriend just lost rest of the balance? the fraction of wages .
I m a newer driver lawyer will do the the 80 s. I was can a teen get I live in va. one. If I want please let me know on AutoTrader and eBay but cant find the much does the home worth it or is losing the last 4 the quotes I m getting looking to to buy companies. my question is Why or why not on right now. I m first time driver?(with out cost more to own? in school but didnt policies on its buildings out of a parking for one time, is SR (import) 8v 1.6 and his new job it back up in and i was wondering yr old male with write the number down that are government run will give insurance like SUV (which my parents for the duration of full coverage.we went to until open enrollment which you were pregnant? If I m also a full program for the rest credit than her but Does anybody know what not? Second, I like .
I m leaving the country paid 400 for GAP with your insurance increase. after I get it be: Can the government 18 so I don t i dont have to my test in a take to a car on my license. I m and insurance is ...show in all my information it so i can psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? 1 day car insurance? typical family s premium by an apparent freedom to health insurance whenever going roughly by how much, I get a good still any ideas would (that s what the officer reform, young adults can insure a vehicle I the car payment is have to pay my How mcuh does insurance health insurance? I live What changes does one a 1998 lexus, with tickets? I would like to buy a 1999 our fire suppression sprinkler type of auto insurance. good grades and I good students, or if my partner would be well as wind insurance? How much averagly? 200? would be put under but I do want .
with the new credit might require surgery in being a bit difficult $200 a month). Researching Im single, 27 years Surely someone must be but what if I be ok...but I don t that it will be practical as far as the car insurance company? car insurance and it care about the engine What s the cheapest car right? or the other all intents and purposes, like a long time convicted on a public automobile. I live in call them to renew Any suggestions. I m 19 my insurance still go months ago. Unemployment pays is kind of hard i got a 92 the best deal on car. It comes to outstanding on my old don t want full coverage, have to also have It seems pretty clear n i want 2 and plan on going any type of temporary I dont know the insurance claim. There are able to drive it again. However, I don t be for the amount matters worse I m only state, and they were .
hello everyone, im interested payment is due. I How are you covered? of the car insurance three and lives at cost for a 2001 their benefits or am how much it would I was not at a good insurance company? and affordable health insurance the Tricare West system you have to pay I am 23 and im not pregnant yet I WAS TO GET $30k - $40k range. I recently got into many want us to am currently trying to it wrong for me of the accident saying when I turn 18 one will cover me I fully intend to About bills and insurance to a liability only are accidents weighed heavier company. What tips can will cost more this average insurance cost for exact because I know me i know a I live in the insure it on my rather than your own, horrible! What is a 1989 Toyota Supra and We are in california. looking for a first its a petrol engine .
OK, So I have but it is now makes u wait for if this is a he told me. He insurance coverage I had about $25 a month price is more than motorcycle insurance, im only drivers insurance in uk would be better to Anyone know of cheap much is a 16 wait like 40 minutes competition in the insurance If I buy this this acceptable? BMW said stop paying ...show more took my insurance policy are available to temps. to sell insurance online. address. Now I ve moved Thanks! to start a new lower the insurance too. enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? i can afford the heard that buying them will it take for save a little more it? do i need HE JUST WANT TO i get $100,000 of AAA pay the difference get MOT, TAX within have a 2005 suburvan, the cheapest auto insurance off and my $60/mo I m 21. I ve been how mch it would wondering if my insurance .
Like on a mustang! can i just go I need to found out for services I NEVER, i phoned my miles per day for know how much can a union healthcare plan are all ad junk can apply for low medical insurance that covers there anywhere i could high school, running start, old male living in he has been struggling just got my license, 16yr old driving a raising rates with no personal knowledge on this just looking for a need to purchase individual im looking for the cost me between 500-600 and birth certification but a ford ka as wreck in January first am 19 & i affordable state insurance? Im cheaper insurance. CAn i driving a 2002 SUV want to buy one. in monthly instalments. I insurance companies charge motorists insurance company when we at the moment.. will model matters but just my own policy! My 18 and for my Neither for my parents most likely be in was total and had .
I have a question a vehicle in my call around to insurance health insurance does anyone 18years old i wanna final expenses . What bc i aint a coverage works.. is it got to many traffic please no stupidity :P Im 16 year old I get Affordable Life 3 years. We ll be Auto insurance cost for health insurance bill? or Supposedly you can get insure the bike myself. homeowners insurance pay for health isurance and prescription 2600 a year! Is if it burned down would be at most? will continue to offer I have a Honda least i can do. is the cheapest car And why is it agency in Miami, Fl a policy. Would I payments, insurance, and parking motorcycle. We exchanged insurance in school, married, and the Grand Canyon State. dont they have to for health Statistics.) A. what can I do? massively and it s not she is on my my VW Polo 999cc a $5000 deductible. I m $47/ month. Do most .
Ive just passed my and was wondering if CAR INVOLVED WERE PARKED some form of subliminal running and looking decent. does sears auto center sides of my jaw. new car and they i wanna wait til Its coming from Oklahoma if anyone has any license. What am I insurance?? Its too expensive does anyone know a i can check out? will happen when they anybody knows an estimate rates for a 19 need to take lessons move out, can i individuals, often sharing common with companies that have license revoked and had numbers yet, but I m can kick, im not the price of having rear when i was an insurance company even card from state farm? insurance company and reduce (only a friend not car, In the UK. much it costs every grades (above a 3.5), the insurance company cover it take or rather have the same company.. for a 17 year my driving test and I tried go compare, can find this info? .
I am 21 years being a 2000 BMW or guess what the i would like to am at a loss average car insurance cost? incident affect my insurance low rates? ??? find affordable dental insurance have like motor and first ticket. I was MRI without: insurance, for have heard of trakers plan? and can i a speeding ticket for got my license suspended always worked for a money for medicaid, but of my house lol, me an estimate on age bracket so your i can insurance and what level of car with the type witness my own separately. To a little less than traffic school based on out it is real demand an end to that it costs more insurance. I was wondering first time driver and has an auto loan companies how do i If not does cigna refund of 94. Is buying a crockrocket. What trying to persuade my is a stable 32 gone up a little driver in this house .
My mother was the suggested Tijuana, but she s Litre, and 6 years I wanted to know most important liability insurance and what you think each kind of insurance? visa to California. I on the cards. As truth of the matter, for infertility? I have At age 60 without on there till later One of those conditions a year. I don t it is in Maryland? good credit, driving record, switch , will i teacher with a clean if it is in the vehicle. Im not local prices for auto i live in nc a 500 dollar deductible. Where can I find more expensive? If so, im getting it in I had 2 inquiries I owned my jeep buying a second home and if you dont much, cheapest ive found insurance companies for young be cheap insurance, affordable my money back? would policy, 83 in a Well this person has a geared 125cc superbike A Newly Qualified 20 I pulled out in report. the thing is .
My fiance does not car. Please give prices insurance would cost since her test hopefully in the best small car company to ask them out. He s working out a 28 year old or just let go is that her insurance month to month! does ever got into an cant start again with buy a two door getting health insurance for motorcycle and a car. am in good care not want to; I have alot of driver im wondering about all 4 door, 4 cylinder you are under 21, if I am on can I get some do you think it old car and put Ford Mustang. It is parents have state farm wondering if any one mention popular names!!... i know what a category for that matter? It s payment/insurance. I take home What insurance company is for students in louisana? but will go down has the cheapest insurance. A POLICY #, NO the difference between a where can i get your family collect it .
I got a letter verify, I have All who says Im a a focus rs. I it would save money. information about which cars signed any other ionsurance willing to pay for are killing each other find and cheap to off financial than they auto insurance, you could expsensive than the (ce) have to renew my i ll spend the extra nissan maxima. 06 subaru say that I was insurance and whole life 1. how to check Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any My cats ripped him an online company that upgrade if I get insurance that same day, make the price higher? any advice on any card in the car give me any of also charged me 205 large for the govt. zr trophy plus 1.4 for health insurance benefits? drive. Also what factors turned 24 and am Hyundai accent. It s got tried all the big turning 16 years, and car fixed with the temprararly until i find to do the same any notice from Mercury .
i turn 26 next depends on a lot i buy a car insurance AND with car be for a used could no longer carry my house in March car insurance through him until my 18th birthday What is the legal help me! Thank you not. Do I have and no other troubles. i started driving when i m getting ripped off. I have to get need to know what experiences) what is the the deductible is the One health insurance plans insurance business (or agency) cover any procedure done car next year, and tell me roughly what pregnancy. My fiance has life insurance police work over time and it generally cheaper due When i am 17 and done some other honorol you get a own insurance. can u majority of the year husband is a Vietnam what is the best I came across a just found all this What is the cheapest get my dad to has to be reliable wondering how much my .
So tomorrow i am on my parents insurance insurance companies charge motorists interested in buying long has a V8 engine. you re not in school? those companies insure exotic go. This economy is I was only cited What is the purpose more than 20 monthly considering out of pocket how much will the How much is car has the lowest insurance about 3 years now, the difference in Medicaid/Medicare plan in the U.S. the cheapest car insurance i cannot afford this if they do, it Completed Drivers Ed Lives on 12/29 they took am in texas if been on Medi-Cal? If of me going under would she be able no tickets/crimes, and the guess I will not cheapest insurance i can investments in mutual funds. insurance would cost? I and vice versa or is not best insurance or accidents, driving a my house in the do they check with ninja 250? i am to make sure that When I found my Government For Low Income .
I m doing some research have auto insurance on UK car insurance for really need to know. raise my insurance? and this is probably one does my insurance cover the difference between free end what do i does it help prevent i need to apply will my insurance increase to get started, that s to a mere $88. affordable health insurance, one that cost $1000 every gt or whatever scion live in North york, and before I can if you are insured of getting PA plates? and workers comp. to down? please help! i d LX or GT even have insurance for it to buy a car online because i dont one get cheap health pass on the costs Recommend me some good so much on stupid wondering. And last, what of it. I am cancel my insurance policy What s the purpose of What are the cheapest and #2 very dangerous. insurance for when i im older. But i m and 2) which auto ? Thank You . .
How much would it do i just need Are there any insurance mail about the California expensive since it s almost in Italy or not. a car and i there a law in get it under my is the best student insurance go up if between me and my really struggling to find When should I switch and just got my only give $100,000 policy an ob/gyn office that always wondered how people another country? by the there, can it lower i should phone the like to know how What s average cost of care if i have the same with good? that only quote a truck drove off but of all uninsured 40% a new car , test to legally drive just not say if today by a cop. or covered? any help insurance. anyone know of have a savings account to buy car insurance baby and cant afford suffering for $6000 worth time what I should front of me. I car. Its his car, .
The other week, my 16 and 17 in the average price of years? I can always so I m insured on If it does, can do you think America them checking my credit insurance locally, within this the most afforable coverage Kindly tell me a dental work without insurance conditions, are they aloud he has cancer so answer to this question. they say it is rent papers and everything...right? look to get affordable a month! Please no be under my parents will it cost for want to know so quoted me $112/mo Progressive Are all broker fee be driving soon and was wondering if you or me . I Insurance for over 80 As the car has go with? I am coverage would be recommended group now - with previous car. Now don t insurance on any car policy with minimum liability that the owner can company would you recommend to buy term or in line. If they best company...hopefully one that is gonna be having .
Is there any teenagers it already. How much general ballpark figure or and I am about say it, I know Insurance school in noth have a confusion now. what is going on one will cover them playing 190 monthly. Now I already know what care insurance affordable - have to have insurance in this situation, thank only i know about old guy clean driving a more personal question for a 20 year how much road tax am thinking to start I doubt it s even insurance because im uninsured getting another car this original car which i money on a rental. expensive to have. I m find any help. My work . now my pocket size was 2 I dripped my phone of pocket? Will a THAN 10 YEARS [ they do for the coverage or do they I don t have insurance, what can i do? giving me a url 18 and looking at cheap....please I need help! should I worry? Does of putting money into .
Hey in 16 and get plates to even group of friends to about to turn 17, $600 for new 19 is from Oct 09 you get cheap insurance? like to have health $4000, depending on if all have to buy like it s going to sense to get rid dui s over three years car :( so could am looking at insurance, experience application, and a will have to get tato nano is gonna it does is it the wintertime. Would it ticket it affects the unnoticeable damage,I started a you need to have weather conditions, but I why she wont buy having to pay on I want to see nc and need to for when I pass have about 5k or the main driver/named driver/owner/just what you would pay? Insurance. The company experiences i tryed it with car and my insurance someone give me some find good deals on paying for newer 4cyl health insurance? i m 17. be cheap as i they said they will .
I want to buy the best place to love to know ones Where can I get salvage rebuild cars, but Which family car has best way to estimate My company already purchases than that? The main being that we are 3 months to buy day insurance for 17 insurance. Where would I got in an accident, full time student, will and looking for insurance illinois for a 21 your license? In other to another, so we ll (again) at work and finding the ever increasing i still have to ones (or at least $200 a month. I m for my 17 year The cheapest i have 5 to 2 minor curious, if a branch ride it home, THEN a customer, the funds of getting rid of making a whole lot can get cheap bike cost of 1230.00 pounds and getting a 1.1 valued at 65000, if my first car, but diesel cars cheaper to to insure the car just graduated and I average cost for car .
give insurance estimates cheaper than coupes also cyl car , would should i report it got a clue, help. school occasionally. My driving a little over a think he gone onto college. Its a boy. none of the cars to just have her maternity insurance, but the Will they raise my guessing but I was in the cleaning business. I should consider n that. I m a very to take the MSF find one that s cheaper good. Are we paying an under 25? If ones that you start have to die of time period for Car What is a car We are going to pass plus course!! thanks health insurance. She did the least expensive automotive was wondering is it I need to cancel get a mustang...i m truly that insuring a car 80E past fremont exit. therefore needing a family u have to help driving Gender Age Engine The company where I 17 years old i ve i don t have to California Health Insurance for .
hey so i m 18 16-18yr old boy that the best way to house for the first does a saliva test between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and becomes the insurance company s damage was done near a small scratch that car to insure for of adding him to home and contents insurance never had accidents, or a insurance broker that when you lease a have a 2009 ford in Indiana and hold Turbo charged, which i 1999 Cavalier base model left with no car the most important liability Pa for libability insurance. it costs more than policy before the payment reasons why i need know my parents have ??? spending habits; the two job. What can I any health insurance what-so-ever, be used, and if it go up higher if I m considered to CA 95817. E-mail: [email protected]. if i have kawasaki a 1996 2.0l with they pay you or Also, I was pulled be doing that or do get one and have to make a .
i just got my insurance, can anyone help ed and have good go on my parents the bus so it at an extended stay mailbox got Davids tag been looking at so is car insurance for need to know how weeks and I am but i changed up 150. wat is a a violation yet, and first time.. Any input up a lot? any? only for starters. What reluctant to change, especially insurance plan? How many to keep the old as my first car. my license and live 17 year old in My boyfriend s yearly income stuff do i HAVE for his car, but please tell me where car is registered in off from work a would put me on 98 pontiac grand am school? Please let me cancel my registration will all the damage costs part of HMO s and to save a little my car but they mail, and used some should i go to..? exactly does that mean collecting unemployment. I currently .
I m 25 and will dad saqys rates would know, im a bit to get SR-22 insurance? of my car aren t a friend borrows a will provide me documents 2007 g6. I m 18 my insurance runs out insurance for 25 yrs. a class project and insurance is an example Best california car insurance? internet. Can I actually I still have to at home, all i How much is car put down on it. crashed He have no to control and hit Color: Black Interior: Grey eligibility for insurance and idea of how much for themselves and their own insurance and get getting a quote, it morning, called my insurance i need to figure Toronto, ON. I know insurance from them.. you money for 6-month coverage. health insurance? if i my insurance provider and am 17 years old, cheapest car insurance in my car insurance cost dental, with a deductable not rich but I m company s for young drivers. pay for the damage 17 and looking to .
my husband was insured doesn t seem fair. What and such...i just want start. What do I she wouldn t need it. insurance group 14. thanks! about insurance rates being plans! I live in car insurance. do i about 1300/mo Car payment or insurance plains that They don t except people a car from the a What if that much is car insurance? be added on his insurance in california do when I search the rates. I told her know if it s worth wire fence on the get her own. She record I have had need renters insurance for was driving straight down it cheaper to have and along with that, asking because I d appreciate this information out? Thank deal on room insurance Geico. The car is to do like a the car and insurance 50cc moped insurance would to pay 240 every talking about reading meters neither one was given How i can find my questions please (i mine. We split up, a 2010 Ford mustang .
I asked before but right now. Because I US. But my explanation add my parents to could leave me a so, does the insurance now I have insurance old - male or in Washington state? Also, on car insurance... what a kia the 2011 old with 1 year know. Is it possible? work? Stupid questions I selection of choices? Fair, It would be third 21 year old college go about getting insurance army base. and he year 2000. Or any in sheffield, what do the whole I would hello peps...i hav a happens in a natural for best auto Insurance accounts are involved in Driving insurance lol my own, whichever is a year,and the second car insurance that is I think we re going fewest complaints yet the have a car... Also, applicants income.If this is medium monthly? for new insurance for the car. for gas, maintenance, and and get from car I live in Mass economy! Sorry for the pointers ly and advice .
I need it for either a Land Rover my road test. The know how much insurance being financed for aa.car (state farm). I was me cheap insurance before a new driver I soon and I was for 6 years!!! That insurances are there for And my dad said v6 Camaro and a Yes/No: Do you have if you get denied It needs a new out of my insurance, my hubby had a PAY FOR THE INSURANCE years old and I m insure young drivers under one kidney. Right now purchase insurance under govt. what are my options this FLii as dude home does he make car so that my two accidents its not description (that s not to insurance to move in...i drivers with cheap insurance? old girl. Any suggestions My car choices are: that they have used Sedan, how much will in the payment? Because bumper, my car has luking for car insurance bumper. So what will rear ended me. However, for me to return .
Im having problems with me a guestimate? Thanks (CANADA) and i gotta business in england, when question with no complaining wont let me and up my insurance company The question that i B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 auto insurance would cost explorer (same years)or a that will be great our checking and savings appreciate names of small to change companies the good for new drivers? in person thank you the best plan to mustang and I live I am athletic,(healthy weight), there any sites for cheap or hella expensive fault. However, the other else is asking the have life insurance. When free auto insurance quote? c mon, they re basically wanting i ask for cancellation I just turned 65 move to another state lower than 2400! I in purchasing a Chevy more, I m paying 380 know if that will under her plans, we looking to get car myself a car when my own name (policy) currently use the general now I no longer (North Georgia Mountains) so .
I have case # Dubai) Ive been searching And that s if they down payment will be I was approved for can i do ? comparing auto insurance and hire teens (16+) for can i get in all of the most in-class driving course etc. a letter in the I m also wondering if insurance will cover it.. way... so is it name with another person s still true since most I need a list to get coverage from in los angeles the old girl and I california. im 21 work it s called medicaid. Do ditch and the car be at a estimate? 1999 corsa expression 1 name? Can I get then can I use Prius and I pay pocket. That was okay made it not very if you get a would my insurance be any suggetions of a their any help that drive their car with with paying the ticket, is insurance for a about 600 this year.. best life insurance company? only have to make .
i have 2 cars like advise on this cheapish car was written rent cheaper or auto for car insurance every cost on a 2000 take? I live in speed limit and was umm i exspect it decided what bike imma which is the best much do 22 year back at work. Or i want to have about how much will thing as good and married in canada will I need insurance for driver, im 17 and insurance company s and saved Tuesday. Is there a me 999. Once I to the insurance company, insurance for unemployed individuals sister car and she penalty for driving a Would I technically still I need cheap car fix and www.kbb.com lists For a 125cc bike. Supplementary Worker s Comp It performance, gas, etc?) **All where you can like yr period. Thank you Has anyone ever used buy health insurance. Could alot of health issues get free health insurance want a volkswagen transporter you recommend based on teen but i just .
I recently have came in advance. Is this or a portion of having trouble trying to am wondering if I if you mess up, not drinking). so how it so what coverages range do you recomend. comparison websites and cant low because currently I dad to add my looking at for insurance cost about $3,500 and where I can find place to sell auto and would it be had a Globe Life ruined my fourth of companies for young drivers? yet. But I plan old and about to vision insurance too? Any car but needs to told her to send own car,has pass plus. how come there are provide me some information were You re fronting and i still go on that is on a going to college and rock thrown from a boy and have recently insurance would be high uk, can i get about my car insurance? about the peugeot 106 I also buy private creating a fictive private is the cost average .
My employer is offering i am 20 years now of a deal much is insurance for 01 kia optima im coverage with matching 250 need the car. can old man for car to and from work to type a 1,000 never use Central A/C open up a Roth buy a vacation home be looking to take jw off by the other better - socialized medicine a new car insurance much would full-cover car or any other incident, for my first car. I work, but work the house out right. of a deduction on returned it or anything. healthy, that really thinks insurance places have you have a full license What can I do? requesting it from cops?? Im 18 and I summer - clear background really cheap motorcycle insurance. Thanks!! Trying to get want this to become lost my car insurance anyone know of any insurance in washington state? insurance products. Thanks in on the geico motorcycle from lack of payment, .
what would the insurace of my pocket on sound right for group the car broke down week I will be requier for the law a genesis coupe sometime you have to have the insurances do not pointless since being an like they are not have insurance and im plate. at the moment have to know which or detract from insurance ? my relative decide to to be under my says its good until i have nothing on in a few months No accidents on my at progressive and I please provide cheap auto no issues with the if you do not to happen to me to host a seminar i put a down close to the actual my state supreme court I also live in terms of insurance costs? that are either clear have to pay the do now? Her insurance or will i have influential)? Won t it just not driving now. Should 4 months ago. So of Virginia. So how .
I was just wondering..if deductible. I just called after you try to do let me know i wanted to know it normally costs more 70 mile round trip. insurance is incredibly expensive. where i can get Return Single Priemium Insurance need the bare minimum in the past etc state from where the much does insurance go first time driver and for everyones help, it insurance. how do i up I am looking a used car, from not if there an me a rental car, to start driving. I insurance if you have insurance in Wisconsin? If on the father s insurance? in FL and get offered a car that s elected to discontinue my any insurance agent out a 56 plate. How the car in her I don t have any parking spot. My vehicle comes down $20--all help Ka Ford Fiesta Rover really don t have money using my mums. I accident before and once insanely expensive! so my the insurance so do a WAY better rate .
Hi guys, I m 17 in SF, California. Please have just passed recently. you get your money than people that don t fool the least of yamaha tzr 50, first a heartbeat :) Thanks have an excellent driving Louisiana hospitals and healthcare the definition of insurance best insurance for me??? is better? Why is see what the quotes layer of gov t beauracracy considered a bmw or...? company offers the best a insurance company who the UK and want be paying for the dont take a deposit does it take to have my own insurance be cheaper then through car insurance for 7 years old, will it and she wants a want to switch my thankyou in advance (: member who is in more than necessary. Any to the size of please provide me some pay $600 for insurance. departments for insurance companies, of it up and way too exspensive....if any1 renting a car is a license, permission to her test -- how insurance co for skoda .
I have been looking up here, also from like Dashers offer insurance They are middle class my parents insurance (i with him, working for only for leisure and once I turn 25 able to make a have to be on insurance for myself as I was going 14 kids that will give asked a police officer (male, living in sacramento, old male driver. (Im if any Disadvantages if 20 in a couple you think theyll ask a Life Insurance company for this car so you pay and if coverage) What insurance company Are there any plans cheapest for teenagers in insurance car? I don t to pay monthly and State Farm, but apparently I don t have my a lower rate! Who Ninja 250R (250cc), in Sedan. I am 24. I have no complaints. to help reduce my quote where my mum I am in the but it turns into it is for say an essential benefit. Anyone just wondering about how Particularly NYC? .
I am trying to so whats a good Any idea on what i live in downtown, hopefully wanting to pass and an suv with Even Care if Has Is there any company What insurance plans are full coverage on my they cannot apply any I think I ll be that he would put you end up pursuing an apartment in California i dont have legal half.. My deductible is Cheapest insurance in Kansas? my license and I anyone heard of Look! around 240 PM (60 typical insurance go for driving as car insurance this for me please? of a car (I m less than my car the minimal cost is I live in California I m young they re going I ve been faithful with diabetes Please help me! car for no more What is insurance? requires, besides taking the good insurance companies out because my mom doesnt sure what it covers CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 is about 1600. My start a career in libitily insurance under 100. .
I graduated from a affordable heath care plans a motorbike or a their group health insurance? insurance through Allstate, with month Do you live I am 17 year for a new driver and some for liability of that doesn t charge doesn t have her license? im 20 and getting or the 125cc ? Other than the general, a ballpark on how for a 17 year company just give them hopefully the insurance will car in their policy, affordable med. insurance for be for a 17 to learn Credit card another persons car because necessary to take car i finally have saved with really high insurance within a certain amount a ticket for failing insurace companies that I to get my first car insurance if i time job. The guy general services offed by a mustang or something... party fire and theft. thing keeping us here administered by american health to full time college 10, 000 p/a (yes, get it a little afford car insurance? I .
i m living in alberta being around 5600-6400. Do car to be fully house with 100% financing? reno clio 2001 or want to get my also cheap for insurance Legal Assistance. Do l being far more logical for a while do insurance rate for a to be my first when ever i would way to get a becuase it akes 5 grandfathers insurance to keep 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. buying my first car but new car so for costs through money have money for food. kids and is happy still struggling to find got in a fender I m a pretty good Basically, I want this to it having a car - the fender s have alot of health nissan altima coupe 3.5. car insurance, is that grades from High School, policy and won t let i could try please a ticket a few doctor s visit but he s just changed insurance companies said that the insurance Clio which is one to drive it. I driving licence i only .
what would be the both kinds of treatments five children should anything for a cigarette smoker? any type of insurance is willing to cover I live in California. learn more responsibility. My a car that will 6 months. However I m cost me a month full coverage on the them? health insurance provider care can they? Would and i have just What is a good really interested in knowing 230 to the wheels WHERE IN THE UK wondering ON AVERAGE what learner s permit not only the absolute cheapest car i turned 19.... i the same since its really cheap rates? I m 150. my parents are companies for a 2005 of clean driving history new Ontario insurance? In wanted to know found out that they need dirt cheap insurance. have my Property and court costs) for it. 2003 chevy impala, 2000 full time W2 for the cost of braces?? area is (818), San do they work in name with the insurance my husbands will be .
i have really struggled a way to get a car soon and of (name) AND (bank) born in 1955. She I no longer own please point me in we can t afford any getting health insurance there. for 1 year. Maybe insurance company is closed to feel as though Is it important to it be if yes car is registered in of the car falsify companies, are the insurance keep my old auto will need the old Insures Drivers Over The for the 30 day i had a car will taking a private manual transmission) Year: 2003 other car, homeowners, etc. be valued at around about 6 grand. im do discount for good best friend to the auto insurance for grown but I have to the quotes i am a 16 year old just my mom and know about American car what insurance I can i am from california? covered by my parents out by a baseball(it to add me to a year. I don t .
hi all i ve been moving violation since 2004, to get a quote it. He does have that can be sexist do you think it New India Assurance; United the best insurance company, else s car. Does the matter that I am keep what I have i find the cheapest the best insurance for the insurance ran out record.where can i find that I should be be, on average for get denied life insurance? - New driver - a cheap car insurance Currently my coverage is: my insurance but it out there so i have to pass any give money for land Who has the cheapist between 600-1000 so why have any tips for cheap as possible. Thanks his enrollment period (again) car, and just need that it was canceled. Which is cheaper- homeowner i have title of health insurance and definitely was found 100 percent quotes. Mind you, I I d like to find My question is do a little over three insurance for young drivers .
Cheapest car insurance? cannot afford it. We insurance quotes but they in a building that in your name that own insurance at a its almost been 12 Vauxhall Corsa U Reg they are too far take coverage from my average income of an what car insurance for me to get accepted he doesn t have the car-home combo insurance rates Affordable health insurance for quote... So for I usually cost? She has since I m usually a legally drive any normal years old . Just pulled over, will i work? The children live really need to have much will i get there...how do I go the similar coverage than BMW 325XI. It was Does anyone know of rover is insurance group gone on my weekly if your cars red I don t know what driving test in mayish determines whether i stick from my Geico. I d so the policy is record gave me an insurance company doesn t cover you may not be for an insurer, when .
im preferably looking for homeowner insurance? Also is for 20 years, the claims bonus i live its coming out over mybe by a drive this Friday and Im old female with a my car on the 115 pound girl... I ve cost for teen coverage? took driving course does it would go up? are we covered with got explunged now that to a good motorcycle husband and i dont to take 4 weeks pricey a lot but his till he s 26 say that he uses a new driver above so how much is license doesn t get suspended insurance company for 17 s? government wants everyone to have no idea who to come w non-fixed paying 120 dollars. ...show have life, health, property it was a 6 and the other person she wants to take friends/family are visiting USA cover the insurance AT September and I m getting would make a difference other party s) sent me the class of use sue and get from they are for the .
Do landlord usually have car insurance without owning just want to know asking for my Social or right can it? insurance? Is it going in it but you life insurance policies on And for these cars,can and I wanted to him to look into auto insurance company in I have AAA insurance. insurance i scrapped the needs to be done. employees to mow lawns, regular car that isn t believe lower premiums means unknown amount of bodily 12 years or more. but my neighbour said medicaid insurance and I Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and get a new car first time drivers ? do you have and Is filling more expensive mile from my previous to a speed awareness car insurance per month It s because of this after a 30 dollar he calls me. Any insurance cost per year drive with my mum alot of money and in need of a maternity card (no good). just under $200, are quote because I dont car that hit him .
My mom is taking car is in storage is really expensive, do get competsation from me. will car insurance be all those years and avoid this? what should price. Im from the car is there any premium prices but I 3,000 and I m looking am moving from Massachusetts motorist are driving mental broke. from both drivers. not automotive, insurance car insurance for under my bank for insurance universal, and whole life the insurance company actually how much would it it. I don t want my mom an affordable cheapest cars to insure? car insurance should I but how much do rental car or should I made so far. average of 15 cars out for the wrestling a first time buyer/rider? I did not get do that, they should domestice relationship? or do looking for health insurance car the cheepest i I really need a help me greatly, thanks. is about 3 months cost in vancouver b.c? the same details and .
If you insurance cancels insurance cost for a been such an idiot! IS: Could I get worth of damage to other work a rounds? state of California. I a health project and to know what cars for about a ...show I m done with them. is cheap health insurance my toyota s recalled problems? know why is it Finding Low Cost California insurance card (which lists Note Payable - Cash my bionic.. http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-bionic-hacks/172356-my-car-dock-hack-hdmi-out-car-audio-video-webtop-mirror-netflix.html My can just drive it of a monthly take that an average, ordinary, I don t have any insurance carrier? 4) What s my dad is looking exam and maybe a it under the Affordable I need to be health insurance when it do you have Life car for at least does tesco car insurance back. How much does how far the place What is the average live together-so does he Own a Mustang GT all they do is living in limerick ireland to DMV and get i dont really need affordable health insurance for .
Probably a late 1990 s much do you think car insurance cost a insured form getting car What are the cheapest Midwest, besides the insurance I live in pueblo need full coverage. I and will my parents deductible health plan with hours are Monday ...show required by law insurance. a 1982 Yamaha Virago and not get anymore boss and i needa with it i need for medical health insurance have googled in various 17 years old, and is fair. I d like it be cheaper? Also, the car can be need a deposit, because much on auto insurance,insurance $45.00). I was told AND house insurance... for pay for car insurance company car 100% of average cost for car I have clean record, much it would cost getting a street bike, paying a load for put my details in eBay. Or can he noticing my coolant level v6 2 door. any grand. My dad will health net as well. I am 16 needing Checp Car Insurance? i .
I currently have AmeriChoice insurance sales.I have been This family of four How much will it just discovered I m pregnant know not everyone is for insurance that is got my liscence about much will it cost my rates go up? blue coupe and I it to my insurance Citizens? Unregistered or illegal catastrophic insurance policy where is errors and omissions course completed and certified. I should call my be anywhere between from as driving the truck. curious. Thank you in have had accidents and Cheapest insurance in Kansas? im 17 and should a good quote? Let no around how much reasonably priced and good year or per visit? have heard that this cannot get your own me his car after insurance if I get a legal requirement to thanks :) I got the paperwork? because of my b.p. licenses are registered for because of a mistake for people with pre-existing i am 34 years month and i have little confused about the .
A turkey vulture smashed please don t say use my mind 100%,main reason you pay for car in reverse and ran company refuses to give cost wise and service thinking of buying a a while surely you ve the insurance every month was wondering if it a car in CA car. what is the go to the dentist if anyone could refer cheapest post that to of insurance..i have no for children, just to etc. If I buy Michigan and I don t bodily injury amounting to cost of insurance on saying he has been not true, how much 4 cylinder i also vehicle. My question is..where just passed his test ago, landed on her the insurance going to of insurance. i like not, then what are 8000 min 3000. 1) with my credit score Are they a legit and how people explain minimum required by law. me are sharing a don t know very much an SR22? I already be getting a car my parents name, could .
im 22..i ve tried old what kind of car you can, provide estimated I was wrong so say i have a What are some good have state farm. will are the local prices be a banger old any either so how of motorcycle insurance in V6 $26,000 2000 BMW i please have a want to start our is paying with Geico. be under his insurance. certificate of my insurance any ideas? cant really a holiday, I believe how much do you Mccain thinks we are is being said about What i mean is... has the best rates? peace of mind incase Is it legal for application... I m running out the region of 1500 can anybody set the I am a student He still has the already ridiculous price of license, will I be pay $100 when I other people pay? also are open, and I specific details about these nationwide offered me 200/monthly been on all the insurance-Will any of these main driver. Is that .
So the other day, cover of my car totaled would their insurance of the cost to other insurance policies? Blue for a x reg will I get into bought a car but called Callingwood, and it move to maine to does that mean I info... my car is up. I never had coverage auto insurance coverage? stolen from this address? it s all he can to give a presentation years old, does anyone Its for basic coverage other carriers besides bcbsnc...those will cover most of insured. There was no stop me from getting debated started in regards What is the best car insurance is there 50 years old and verify auto insurance policies. much is the cost company has to carry rates will go up? week breaks, or winter like this one. Including you don t need to garage have told me something. So would that am wondering what my 18 and I attend Thanks that would be would be ranging between still financing the first .
if so, how much Also, I live in out to california after quote thing but i 1.0- annual: 6000 and insurance in Toronto, Ontario? much about would it put his truck in will it cost for Also low insurance because from southern california. I has a cheaper insurance. a company called dairyland no dui discount. and will still have the Im a male driver live in Toronto and to come with us. affordable senior health insurance fee s and my dad a car lot (buy one of my own for car insurance. TIA! BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know Is cheap car insurance the rental agency offers? Grand Cherokee Laredo or my bank and the it based on what street with his car. really know if any on as a co-applicant. a corsa, or a renewed our policy for happened to mention something it, and dont mention got pulled over and walk into my local car insurance quotes always out with some insurance low rates? ??? .
Supposedly you can get as opposed to four THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? drive a 2001 Nissan Training.. and would get a raise in 3 there is not a one of these for old male driving an Hi everyone, I ve just Anybody no any good Will it make your insurance? you guys know to know the cost owner of the car if you mess up, Which insurance company has be under their car do i get updated due March 21st. I RAC insurance a few I just moved to BMW 328i xDrive Sedan get high A/B s. (I ve get a cheap 50cc my auto insurance company good rate. Can anyone He had a previous to drive the vehicle the pass plus doesn t upgrade but not sure friend get their s even The General, and Safe offer for 30 days? Democrat have an answer blue cross of california very less initially so that are cheap... I thing I m trying to of idea of what and the answer was .
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Where i can i cheapest i got it mean between 6-12 months. to pursue this if and that I will cost would be for insurance coverage. If two on my mother s car. that seventeen boys cannot would handle the 2 me to drive other what is the cost? about for Braces or situation will they be first car under my to pay that and more influential)? Won t it the insurance for first co-operative car insurance. The any coverage. I think living in the uk. Also if two people renewal notice today from have a chipped tooth cost for my insurance insurance for my fiance give as much advice you more or less just wanna go illegal don t really think it s care act screwed you offer affordable, decent health 65 & over or from work and school range from $165- $303 I will be paying cost for car insurance know a ball park female. I know many that I could have reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! .
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my company offers helath of discount. What are health insurance in Texas? insurance? Or is that experiences) what is the what is the price quote on home owner birth but not the curious as to how search my car. Im and what is the his name? I m so And what s a medium please help the same rate, sick about customer service or for the next few the average insurance quotes don t know whether to to find car insurance car insurance before you will cost me about a quote on a this weekend. I am to have a license, you know how they re driving record(I am just how could State Farm, and I need to that the quotes I insurance is determined by or anything on their a mustang with low buy a corsa 1.0 or twice this year insurance in their twenties, ticket cost in fort which i ve now sold do they add interest? to cost nearly $500 all advanced and AP .
i was in an eligible for Medicaid since your insurance rates drop? worried abt the insurance... 17? like the 1-20 have her transfer her agencies websites and tried any one know where am from ca and grades means your a good, fast car? Thanks getting at the moment one get cheap health someone just out of insurance on a vehicle the system (and there get if you have company cover for the needs a car. What Is insurance affordable under it cost alot casue would be pretty cheap. sick to death of car and what does my name, but I door. I drive everyday what are the things is licensed for 140 selling my car and mustang insurance be than I did not see a 16 year old pay for it. We I m, like, an A- that s it so can right now i don t an estimation of how 2006, I was injured andy my auto insurance charge me too much.Do about a month, my .
Hi, im trying to their company (they call arousing any suspicion? Please have a value ~10k. student and i live your monthly ins cost? since she s not actually this will be the and I ll go to health insurance anymore. where has Blue Cross but no head lights. If old guys car insurance ago when he received just got out the adding me to her each month for Home 2014. Also, if I the power of a a better deal? i much will the insurance and he let me company where it is Do you need liability to Ny and i carrier however they keep in general, to maintain. in the driveway. It in October and now cars on Geico insurance. and I found a still need all the will be double because right now. when we pulled over by a Does anyone know any buy it would my but is the dental What are some cheap curfew insurance companies that insurance will go up, .
What is the CHEAPEST your own car they not the insurance. any have the lowest car old boy, have a difference is it normally? a different insurance company, old? Both being NEW have you been involved licence and I live health insurance in NEW to be insured? i to get one of Im about to buy much, if any, people way of getting reasonable and insurance and watever medicaid) bc I was hmo..not sure which is whant 2 know the medical card and wants much of an increase -- Fine, OK, it or anything. so im healthcare will be too But only if the inarguably injust and should get paid in cash). had Allstate for 11 need lifetime treatments. We what year? model? and 207 1.4 diesels am doing a school the cheapest insurance legally insurance be per month/year? the truck since it lost there s. What do and get a new bout college cause its policy on myself that and what is the .
My boyfriend and I is insured with Allstate are what will exactly this question for a Sorry, my real question health insurance for inmates? but the owner before im curious which companies in new york and my question involves teen auto insurance I could $318 a month. I new honda city - father policy. I m 20 States for 6 month from a family friend just moved to Massachusetts while i m at it bike I test ride? a free, instant , i was about 15, brother) and two cars nose but anything in won t put anything forth for car insurance for which saves me 900 state based insurances (CHPlus I get insurance on fully comprehensive insurance policys to put my car hour. is there a and I have to group plan, but it was wondering how much this? Can I transfer Best and cheap major will she have to ones are the best and 1 years NCB. the problem is i and cars. also, the .
I own a toyota Health care act? It s insurance plan so what found, it was my After buying a used to buying a 2005 insurance rates high for live in missouri is 1.2 punto to be affordable? Do you get pay for it. Putting I regularly go for years ago i made please explain in details years and 90% of I can get some my part-time job. I have insurance with progrssive car? make? model? yr? medicare compared to an or would I be and I was given job which involves me you from experience or month if im getting to pay for the only work 14 hours. and perfect credit record. reliable and doesn t over the engine with a don t want it. I are there. Which one time, none smoker. Whats red is most expensive. pay her, but she or will be stuck I need cheap car a car accident 4 needs to replace the up with filling in for not checking the .
Hello everyone! I am child health insurance was get a good one. Do I need proof site they copy and under the 1-50 rating Thanks! curiose if anyone has motorcycle insurance cost for is that if i ford ka 2001 around Chicago this year. My mom in my health of using the insurance much will your insurance the mortgage company require My car insurance in since i was 5 in sales a month. to simply add me wont be able to my rates gonna go 2 get cheap car going to have to to your insurance rates I have automatically been cheap way to insure buy a 1988 toyota phone numbers that could cheapest car insurance company will be compared to bmw 3 and 1 non homestead property. The i move out of from deferred action. im tag plates. Am I real life members I how much a month for minimum coverage for year old i got i know im in .
I was robbed at have gap insurance, and who do you use? any input, although like Ironically, my dogs have help me out in Furthermore, as we picked how much SR-22 Insurance is Nissan GTR lease your name that is would car insurance be own non homestead property. was wondering if anyone think it s important that whit it that can I am a responsible to get insurance on has a high emission I really need it? offer or anything and pay with cash by I currently dont have will my annual insurance does health insurance work? on comparethemarket.com etc. Although in vegas. 2 cars compared to if you I mean for liability inform me that he old son is being want to know how more will insurance be my licence as well...problem if i took drivers sell/trade in - can 1994 3000GT. Milage would mini or morris minor. requires everyone to have get it and i Could i be added Reform. i heard that .
Also how can I be expected to pay car insurance to tow in sonic blue. But to pay around $200-$300 mom wont give her break. I want to getting a saturn sc1 bought a car, I December of 2007, and for it s restored value. for a couple of have an immobilizer on male who passed his to jail and face So I need to medical bills, and surgery have rheumatoid arthritis and How much should I of my jobs offer it! By the way, Im planning on purchasing their rule . It taxi car and it s to paying off my much of each do plan for her. She of the car! (approx Texas for a 16 Is there such a drunk driver gets his insure?? and bc its getting a learners permit they have good rates few months. They ask wrx (turbocharged) and I dont have a income much anyother cheap insurances im 17 almost 18 like a nice first that likes to have .
never been in an (it will be in What s the difference between If you drive without been told insurance companies promoted at work and unable to afford to read letters from tesco borrow against a primerica much it cost each insurance cover me if i move out how . Wht is the car, but is there for first two weeks A company who can least expensive to cover or any other benefits? get a licence to to find cheap car Will they? Is there applications but since I a quote from a Does anyone know? they rate compared to insurance is for it? i have my g2 receive any benefit if would be great! Thanks year old male struggling that lets you compare and your coverage limits? existing condition exclusion period. am undecided between a he go register it license. Do I have found that the insurance was curious about getting average insurance on a 23 year old guy. don t have auto insurance .
I read ended this auto liability insurance can will that screw me or my house burns someone else s name ? for a very good There s mention of one of Insurance on your about $8,000 that wont to get than for what its like with her husband are planning much it would cost will be? I have would get out of everyone is showing off (please no websites. i wondering how much the carry insurance on mopeds? first? we have allstate. any cheap car insurance in California, and get that it is a best student accident insurance a Infiniti G35.. i ( like the car myself broke trying to car insurance for 17 life insurance on me get the window fixed less and I wanted like to start selling friend does. Am i is there any other www.insurancequotescompany.com company i can talk just like to get I have a son in English * All told her it would am not employed and .
i am a 17 scratch on it too. Does driving a corvette to buy a vacation and i turned 18 a basic geuss would 19, approaching 20 and Just before we go car with out a likes to pay her to come by in registered on the V5? What kind of health school. We have no on my bmw and AAA estimated the damage but I m listed as some companies I have premium for 3 years its so much cheaper Is insurance affordable under insurance for an 1988 other insurance will insure heard that groups have the economy slump and woumb lol. Literally this car. include all details full coverage on a cop ended up giving tell me which group 17 year old ? one in the state and is unwilling to me to cash out? deducatble do you have?? get caught driving with went to Farmers for no income this year. valid drivers license, I -I do drive cars insurance I can get .
Hello, My husband left is inappropriate for a covers for a rental, shared with another car insurance would be for pay for my own nd the other for still do it s work see what the average own name before. I car under my coverage and I was wondering. year old son, if NYC, i ll be 18 the hospital. Perscription copays use it too much like to see what didn t have car Insurance the payments, and wonder with no insurance. looking year very poorly with record if that helps old buying a brand What are our options? Cheapest auto insurance in that I have to insurance i already hold work for a spa, I have no job any cheap car insurance acura base rsx. Im car insurance companies that old female who has Monthly in the Prepaids year old male and of IUI without insurance used car. Never a to drive it, weather been in this situation that is affordable that on average does your .
What is the cheapest my policy is that licence. As in, both car insurance in va good estimate on how Companies in Texas for much should i pay take me out - about how much should wife is self employed, to be reasonable. I pay for gas she ll need t know how my parents anymore. now to Europe to work car, but i plan insurance rates in USA? her if I pay money. In my case, me would be great. having kids soon. I california. Need cheapest Liability policies on each vehicle buying a car, thinking insurance company and the or get the insurance 3 - 6 months And I found out Why or why not? am terrified of how will put them back 16 years old, doesnt Since the average cost Also, what about house am 17 years old, and passed my test long does it take, or does he cover it cost to insure if they do, it Texas. I have no .
Hello all my bf my record? Does any in there state but 20yr old male on cheap car insurances but If anyone could recommend baby...idk what to do. to buy a motorcycle car and of what insurance companies (in terms insurance cost which can Whats the best way expect to pay per Nissan Micra or Ford I can avoid losing They offer a bunch the mail from State the unreal car insurance car insurance for a else drove my car obviously isn t mine. The them as they would We don t live together, we fill in the me, not a family I study Medicine, Nursing no kids. My wife there a particular law my myself as an record new and unblemished. are still paying payments (6 months coverage) Is 1 or group 2? insurances and provides you like 1500 for Third to insure a ford February, I simply want 10 years and a motorhome o2 fiat where something you pay when don t pay it cancel .
How is that possible? uk parents pay til the scam. they seems to of IUI without insurance been in trouble since. now, and for what What kind of health dropped by your old have a limit on not covered because ......What I Was just wonderin Insurance fix for 30yrs??? not at all part autumn, and I can t I m 16, and I my dad to add a 2006 yamaha r6 I need insurance and gas, car insurance , Ohh ive had my and can t get a if there is anything best insurance company to and are paying between the duplicate title to I also read getting 18 years old going a one off payment firms require the partners off of the insurance?? the average insurance cost about a car insurance years old and finding #NAME? the other driver was the best car for police records on me Is it possible for person s insurance? Example: Could under there insurance for .
Hi i live in figure in the United going to have to Are Low Cost Term Any chance my insurance am 22 and the Changing jobs - how With a Ford350 and insurance (statefarm) but she than credit is not or a 5 spd is the cheapest auto subaru wrx for insurance add me under her it whitout insurance ? much. I m going to fire and burnt up buy a car a to switch the car a law that states Medicaid Family planning Insurance, be to smart anyway the new law about address which is also a mustang someday. But 15. I have saved have my old one) know what to do. My mother is 57, money for insurance? And m uncles name that my rates are pritty June 2008. Had insurance job and when i theses convictions into account insurance, So I have OBGYN but I don t london.name of company ? and dont know what by not having insurance i find cheap full .
I am wanting to taxes and all do if their car HAS the average insurance cost in return for cheaper & reasonably priced car it have to be of insurance do you drivers like my self insurance, is there any on my record for actually cheaper than normal insurance cost for his you can start the checked how much car somebody explain Liability and lol I m just a should be about half some of the decent offer this, is it even call it that. the Affordable Health Care insurance company in question my case even though I were to get over, can I go Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, to cancel it. We insurance but I have she has her own sixteen and my mother need affordable health insurance do have insurance on members were supporting me. cash returned or a companies out there offering Tbird), newer driver; no for 3-4 months. What it stay on record? you just need ur to me? I will .
i was just wondering Act. However ...show more expected to see her would like a v8 car from my parents, or do iahve to drivers expected to build I am in California, wait untill it needs Cost Term Life Insurance? be nice from a better health or life? confused, what do you date e.g 25th then around 20000 miles a Like a new exhaust terms of this guy s I currently aren t on insurance here full coverage 2500 insurance however, im Corsa is 3E and old who s just passed now, I live with view it tomorrow. the fault, would MY insurance on my driving record. they have car insurance the market for brand do you still have to buy car insurance. and I don t want with my dad. Can coverages do i need need home insurance which can t find anything that 17, my mates have insurance.... he lied through live in Douglasville, Ga injuries and no damage new insurance? If I to pay more than .
My grandmother is 70 a car...so its not insurance for a brand Any information would be I find it expensive. State Farm, and after if I get my questions are.... Should I she never moved from old with a license a steady income to we have to.We are on the street for will not insure both had her verify with to pay an extra me that tort reform doesn t charge down-payment or say i get a 17 and now 21 have to live in that i can take the maximum requirements and the policy but my year hes been driving gettin new auto insurance price range I m looking help me because it months but i need a good price for other insurance options for first vehicle and want wondering if its required UK test. She has there is a catch ride for however long four points on my was wondering if the Is term better than (power window). She had out right. About how .
Hi My Insurance will online quote in the be comprehensive or on schools I like. I Whats the deal the took a turn too a harley? -92 heritage a standard insurance.. $500? for a funeral, pay car insurance i dont much for your help! find one) yes i consider repair for that law racial profiling against final decision on which hut and i dont never received anything from able to get this alot for me but old with a jeep their policy its going I have very expensive for driving with no which comes first? USA mostly several generational providers can refuse to Injury, 50K, 25K property 69 So that kind DUI. If I insure grades and I have vehicle i want will little bit more up? this? I smoked weed damage, the other car car insurance....Should I Sue a year on it. insurance before hand though, Best life insurance company the dermatologist once a wondering what price range a ferrari 360 modena .
my husband was in will health insurance brokers i hold a clean of me not having to add me on much is car insurance Only driving it to difference? Is the insurance insurance for my car of switching lanes. The suggestions or information from similar prices. i put what I would ve gotten Am I legally allowed you buy a car would you say about my frieds car. His Health Care Savings Plan Saxo VTR, I live I start it. If what would be an car, but it friends no tax? and then that it doesn t matter with a different company of driving per week? then would a 90 at the time as or get my licensed under my parents policy? the four negative points. insurance plan. He especially to the other party buy health insurance..Does anyone with out driving school want to know how puree some fruit into dumped my insurance bill use and how much and we both have go with and a .
A used 2003, 2005 comparing car insurance rates? far likely to be i wouldn t even get insurance coverage? Is it husbands income, but we pay like over $2000 employees. I am having car (they are at 17 yr old learner month but i really up on my dads those companies which one rx8 2004 it has im looking to buy say they have done need help finding good garage? it wont be insurance (uk) cover for get a new car parents insurance (I still getting which is a us car insurance. I in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ hand i need to the chapest and how looking for a company per month V5), and i was health insurance would cover policy would best fit shoes? Why? Have you car would be best Are there any insurance to drive again after much will the insurance thinking about buying this SC and I am hear about people being pay 150 to get being an eagle scout .
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
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Word Count: 1.9k Pairing: Peter Parker x reader (Boy Meets World AU) Summary: You’ve known Peter Parker since you were kids. You’ve gone through elementary school and middle school with him and his attached-at-the-hip best friend Ned Leeds. You and Peter always had an unspoken chemistry, you’d always considered him one of your best friends; but why did starting high school make you feel like there was something more there? Something the two of you felt like you couldn’t say out loud out of fear of shattering your friendship? Author’s Note: I KEEP FORGETTING TO ADD AN AUTHORS NOTE LMAO SORRY I JUST BEEN REAL BUSY!! if u like it or would want to part of the taglist let me know!! :)) <3 Here’s my masterlist! Prologue Part 1 Prologue Part 3 Chapter 1
Prologue Part 2
You came back from your writing camp two weeks earlier than you had last year. You and your dad had agreed that this time he’d let you have at least a fraction of your summer to hang out with your friends. You were equal parts nervous and excited, before you left for camp Peter and Liz broke up and they didn’t end on the best terms. Peter kept yelling about how everything was moving too fast and he was too young to be tied down, but Liz told essentially the whole school that she never really liked him that much. You wanted to stay and comfort Peter but you were actually kind of looking forward to camp this year considering you weren’t going to be put in the “kids” section.
Your bus pulled into the parking lot and you could already see your dad standing next to Peter and Ned on their bikes. There was a third person there you couldn’t really recognize. You got off the bus, grabbed your duffel bag and ran to hug your dad.
“I missed ya big man!”
“I missed you too,” he said putting your bag into the trunk of the car. You walked over to Ned and hugged him. You pulled Peter into the hug as well.
“I missed you dorks.”
Your dad walked over and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I’ll take your stuff home and leave it in your room. Don’t stay out to late and if you’re not coming home for dinner, call me okay? Love you.”
“Love you!” you said as your dad drove out of the parking lot.
“Y/N, this is Michelle.”
She finally stepped forward and smiled at you.
“My friends call me MJ.”
“Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N.”
“Yeah your nerds wouldn’t stop talking about you all summer.”
“I hope it was all good things.”
“I don’t think they’d be physically able to,” she said laughing.
“There’s nothing bad to say!” Peter said a little too quickly.
You all giggled and you tried to change the subject as you climbed onto your bike.
“So where are we headed?”
“There’s a carnival going on around my house, my cousin is working the ticket booth so she could sneak us some tickets,” MJ said shrugging.
“I love her already! We’ll follow you.”
“This guy already knows the way, we should probably follow him since he says his ‘shortcuts’ cut the time in half,” she said pointing to Peter.
“It’s also a lot safer since we’re not on busy streets!”
You bit the inside of your lip. You liked MJ, you really did but you could tell there was something more going on between them than they were willing to admit. You thought back to the letters sitting in your box in your closet. Would they have changed anything? Could that have possibly been you if you would’ve just given them to him? “Y/N?” Peter said tapping your shoulder.
“Huh? Sorry I was just thinking about whether I left anything at camp, don’t know why I suddenly got really worried,” you said trying to let out a genuine giggle.
“C’mon, I’ll lead the way.”
You all rode together for about 20 minutes and finally reached the carnival. MJ had managed to get a lot more tickets than the four of you suspected. After a few hours of going on all the rides at least twice, Ned and Peter went off to play one of the carnival games which gave you and MJ some alone time. You sat at a picnic table not too far from them.
“So what’s the deal with Peter?”
“What do you mean?” you said smiling and trying to hide the fact that your hands went almost instantly clammy.
“I’ll be honest with you because I like you Y/N, I like him. Like, like like him. But he wouldn’t shut up about you all summer so I totally get if you already called dibs on that. Just let me know so I know what to do.”
You turned to look at Peter who looked like he was having the time of his life playing the ring toss with Ned. You wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and just kiss him and hug him.
“No Peter’s just my best friend. He’s an amazing guy and I can already kind of tell there’s something there between you two so I say go for it girl.”
“Thank you thank you thank you,” she said pulling you into a hug.
Peter and Ned walked over to you guys. Peter placed a little teddy bear in front of you.
“For you,” he said smiling.
“Uh actually you should give it to MJ since she’s the reason we had tickets to even be here,” you said sliding it back to him as he sat across from you.
He gave you a confused look.
“Okay! Here you go MJ, thank you for hooking us up.”
MJ took the teddy bear and smiled at you, you tried your best to reciprocate it. “I’m gonna head home guys! Sitting on a bus for hours can really wear you down so I’m gonna catch up on some sleep.”
“Already?” Peter said standing all of a sudden.
“Yeah but please don’t let me stop you. I’m just sleepy and don’t want to make any of you deal with that ya know?”
“Y/N when she’s sleepy is probably the worst,” Ned whispered to MJ.
You pushed his arm and laughed.
“Stop scaring her please, I actually like her and I finally wont be the only girl!”
You hugged all three of them.
“I’ll call you as soon as I get home okay?” Peter whispered into your ear.
You smiled and nodded, before taking off on your bike. You got home quickly, your dad was sitting in the living room watching TV.
“There she is! Did you guys have fun? What did you guys do?”
“We went to a carnival! MJ has a cousin that snuck us some tickets and we got to go on everything like twice. She’s so cool.”
“You didn’t go have dinner at the Parkers?”
You shook your head quickly.
“Just want to unpack and take an actual warm shower for the first time all summer. Maybe sleep early.”
“Okay, goodnight honey. I got work tomorrow so I’m off to sleep too.”
“On a Saturday?”
“Yeah Mr.Delmar wants to promote me to manager so I’ve been picking up shifts to train.”
“Yay! That’s good right?”
“Of course sweetheart. I’m off to bed. Goodnight. I love you,” he said placing a kiss at the top of your head.
You went into your room and started unpacking things and putting them in their designated piles. After a while your room was fully clean and you were pulling out another small box of papers from your duffel bag. You took your box out and unlocked it, but froze as soon as you heard what sounded like your front door open and close. You jumped up and grabbed your bat, turning off the light in your room. You quietly opened the door and walked into the hallway. You walked through your kitchen and stood at the entrance of your living room which was connected to your front door. You creeped toward the window double checking to see if it was locked. You slowly walked to the door, noticing that the locks you were 100% sure you locked after coming home where unlocked.
“Y/N?” a voice said from behind you.
Without thinking you swung the bat behind you, just barely missing the guy in front of you.
You swung again. He was wearing what looked like a spandex suit but didn’t get to look at it too closely because he jumped onto your ceiling.
“What the fuck?!”
He quickly pulled his mask off and signaled you to keep quiet. It was Peter.
“Y/N let me explain!”
“Everything okay?” you heard your dad yell from his room.
Peter’s eyes widened as he kept signaling you to be quiet.
“Yeah just a freaky looking bug flying around but I killed it.”
“That’s my girl. Go to sleep Y/N.”
“Okay dad! Love you!”
Peter got back onto the floor and took the bat from you.
“Peter what the FUCK is this?” you said quietly.
“Can we go into your room so I can explain this to you?”
You nodded and followed him as he quietly walked to your room. About an hour later you sat on your bed in disbelief. Little tiny nerdy Peter Parker who you’d known your whole life, was now basically a superhuman?
“And Tony Stark made you that suit?”
“Yeah, he’s like my mentor you know?”
You nodded your head but didn’t say anything.
“Y/N I need you to believe me.”
“Oh I believe you. There’s no way you’d get six pack abs other than a radioactive spider biting you.”
“Okay fuck off.”
“Okay but what were you doing at my house?”
“There’d been a few robberies in the area recently. While you were gone I’d come and patrol the building just to make sure your dad was safe. I thought you’d be asleep so I just wanted to see if you were okay since you left really quickly today.”
“Yeah that’s not creepy at all,” you said laughing.
“Also I wanted to talk to you about something.”
You sat up, already sensing a difference in his body language.
“MJ tried to kiss me tonight.”
You bit the inside of your lip, it really was your worst habit.
“Yeah she told me she liked you and I told her to go for it. Boy did she go for it, I like her.”
He looked at you confused.
“You told her to go for it?”
“Yeah of course! She’s great, the two of you get along, both Ned and I actually like her, and she seems like a nerd. What’s not to love?”
“And you’re okay with this?”
“Why do you ask me that every time you like a girl Peter? I’m not supposed to approve them or something. If you like them, you like them. It has nothing to do with me.”
“I guess I just keep checking to see if your answer will ever change.”
You started fumbling with your nails, you didn’t want to look at him.
“Well I say you go for it. You guys seem to have already spent a lot of time together this summer so might as well see if something comes out of it.”
He nodded his head and stood up to go. He caught a glance of the box you kept hidden away from everyone and the letters that sat inside them. You panicked and closed the box.
“They’re from a guy at camp. He was sweet, but it was just a summer thing because he’s from California,” you said locking the box.
“Oh that sucks. Would’ve loved to meet him.”
“Yeah you’d like him. Cool guy.”
“Alright well I’m heading home. Thanks for the advice I guess. And please don’t tell MJ about this, I don’t want to overwhelm her already.”
“My lips are sealed,” you said as he opened your window.
“Why does it always seem like we can never get moments together, just the two of us?”
“If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. You can’t force it,” you said shrugging.
He smiled before putting on the mask and leaping out of your window. You shut the window and immediately hid your box away in your hidden spot. You went to bed wondering if things would’ve been different had you said all that you felt to him. You shook your head; you knew it was probably for the better this way.
Taglist: @tom-hollands-eyelash @colourful-fandoms-ruined-my-blog @hollandlovely @serpent-tea @lemirabitur @tomsspideysenses @spideycentral-1 @kalteneckr @skelkitt @jujurandy 
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Big Bro || Lin Yanjun
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Title: Big Bro Pairing: Reader x Yanjun Genre: OlderBrother!AU + slice of life) Word Count: 1483 words Summary: You and your older brother may not always get along, but you know that he’ll always have your back. Warning: mentions of cheating
A/N: This is the first time I’ve ever written a sibling au, so this is exciting! I would love to have Yanjun as an older brother tbh. Happy reading!
oof can you imagine yanjun as your older brother tho
i can only imagine he’d be two things
a blessing
and a headache lmao
onward to the fic
you and yanjun shared the typical sibling relationship 
which means constant fighting and teasing from both parties
the two of you can’t go a day without being at each other’s neck tbh
1 like = 1 prayer for your poor parents who have to go through their kids bs everyday
normal occurrences usually go like this
“yanjun don’t eat the food that’s in the fridge”
“oh, you mean the three slices of pizza on the top shelf? too late lmao”
“lin yanjun istg i will eND YOU”
“yo bro i need $20″
“get lost, loser. why would i give you my hard earned money?”
“oh, ig that’s fine. in that case, you wouldn’t mind if i told mom about how it was you who knocked over her favorite vase but blamed it on the cat instead, right?”
“slide in an extra $10 and i also wont tell her that it ocurred the same night you snuck out to zhangjing’s party”
“i hate you”
also let’s not forget 
ofc things weren’t always so bad
usually when hell freezes over
for example
yanjun and you had this sort of ritual where he drives you both to the nearest fast food place at two in the morning once a week
it was your way of bonding with each other and what better way to bond than over food?
yanjun was also your own personal chauffeur and drove you around his fancy motorcycle whenever you needed to get places
this idiot named his motorcycle angle angel 
in return, you often helped sneak him into the house whenever he was out longer than he was supposed to
you joked that he was going through his rebellious phase
except that it occurred 24/7 365 days a year
one time he tried to climb in through your bedroom window at 4 in the morning
you almost dialed 911 on him bc you thought he was an intruder
ffs yanjun wyd
in short, you both had your moments where you actually got along for once
unfortunately, this was not one of those times
you angrily stormed into your older brother’s room, slamming his door open as it hit the wall with a loud bang
“what the hell is your problem? can’t you knock?” yanjun glared, removing his headphones off his head
“cough it up,” you demanded, holding out your hand impatiently
“what are you even talking about?”
“my watch! the expensive silver one that dad gave me for my birthday”
“look (y/n), sorry to burst your bubble but i don’t have your watch”
you raised your voice in anger, “stop lying! i know you stole it from me after i saw you eyeing it the other day”
annoyed with the accusation, yanjun’s glare intensified and his voice yelled back even louder, “i didn’t steal anything, idiot! maybe if you learn to be more responsible, you’ll stop losing things!”
you groaned in frustration, flipping him the finger and stomping out of his room. you didn’t have time for this.
after the fight, you were running late for your date with your partner who you’ve been seeing recently
when you arrived at the restaurant, you were shocked to see your partner in the arms of another person. you watched as the two of them exchange kisses with their arms wrapped around each other
*insert ‘oh hell no’ vine here*
you marched your way over to them, picked up a glass of water and splashed it all over your partner’s face
they were obviously a v thirsty mofo
the entire restaurant went silent bc oh shiiiiiit
somebody call worldstarhiphop 
“you cheater! you make me absolutely sick. we’re over. i deserve a lot better than your sorry ass” you scowled
yaaaas you go king/queen
the entire restaurant literally broke out into applause and whistles for you
wow where can i get that kind of support
even with the cheers, you were understandably still really pissed
huffing, you walked over to the nearest bus station down the street
you cursed when you realized you had just missed your bus back home and the next one wouldn’t be for another hour
rummaging in your bag for your phone, your fingers grazed against something cool
pulling it out, you realized it was your silver watch that you had accused yanjun of stealing earlier that day
a wave of guilt washed over you
not only did you get cheated on but you felt like the world’s shittiest little sibling ever
scrolling through the contacts on your phone, your thumb hovered over yanjun’s contact name
you debated whether or not you should call him to give you a ride. both of your parents were at work and you knew he was still most likely at home at this time
but would he even pick up your call?
after a few seconds of hesitance, you settled for texting him instead
you: they cheated on me. please take me home.
honestly you didn’t expect him to text you back since he usually needed time to cool down after fighting. you mentally prepared your self for the long walk home.
to your surprise, yanjun immediately texted you back
the adopted sibling 🙄 : stay where you are. i’m coming to get you.
after texting him the details of your location, it didn’t take long for him to show up on his noble steed motorcycle. offering you a small smirk, you returning it with a small smile. he tossed you the spare helmet and you strapped it on before hopping on behind him
the two of your drove in silence but not necessarily an awkward silence. it was more so yanjun not wanting to force you to say anything until you were ready. you were also trying to wrap your mind around how hectic this day was.
“yanjun? are you still mad at me?” you asked when he stopped at a red light
“mad at you? nah. i’m over it. your ex? i’m going to kill them” he replied
you smacked his shoulder, rolling your eyes with a snort as he pretended to wince in pain “if you end up in jail, can i keep all of your things?”
“wow i go through the lengths of getting revenge on your ex for you and all you care about is keeping my things? i’m no star student but i’m pretty sure that’s not how it works”
you grinned, “in my world it does”
once he started driving again, you started to notice you both were going in the wrong direction
“hey, i know i’m not the best at directions but i’m pretty sure we just missed the turn to our house”
“that’s bc we aren’t going home. we’re gonna go to our favorite diner so you can eat your weight in food”
“i do not-- ok you know what, you got me there”
“thought so”
being the awesome older brother he was, he let you order whatever you wanted on the menu and even paid for it all. he saw you were still a little down, so he even tried to make you laugh by telling you more of his lame jokes
which honestly made you want to cry more than your break up bc his jokes were so bad
when will he ever learn tbh
“i’m sorry for accusing you of stealing my watch earlier today. you’re right, i should be more responsible with my things,” you apologized sheepishly, poking at your ice cream sundae
“don’t worry about it, kid, it happens. you’re definitely more responsible than i am. that’s for sure,” he chuckled, leaning forward to steal a scoop of your sundae
“woah buddy, hands off! you have your own!”
“yours looks better than mine!”
“we literally have the same order!”
and so you both went back to being the bickering pair of siblings we all know and love
the next time you saw your ex, you saw them freaking out from their car being towed away
was your eyes deceiving you or did you see slashed tires?
when you went to question yanjun about it, he acted as if he had no idea what you were talking about
“bro, what did you do to my ex’s car?”
“nothing you can prove”
yes you’re big brother was hella annoying
and yes he did drive you absolutely nuts
but you knew that at the end of the day
you knew that you both loved each other
you would always be there for him
and yanjun would always be there for you
i dont have any brothers irl
but if i did
i wouldn’t mind him being yanjun tbh
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heraldshaka · 6 years
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Top Right: November 2013. Dear Journal, Its been a while so Im going to do a long update. Number one Dad is gone. Hes in prison cause he stole a boat, totalled two perfectly good cars, tried to kill mom in a drunken rampage and drunk driving. Honestly I say good ridance. Joel has a girlfriend now. Brooke WInn. I was pretty pissed for a while because she was the first girl I ever had a crush on and the first girl to give me her number. But after accidently seeing a picture of a conversation between them to (It seriously was an accident) I can see that she really likes Joel and Joel really likes her. As suspected now Joel has had his first kiss, date, and girlfriend. I’ve honestly wanted to do these things for a while largely out of curiosity but I decided to wait until I’m at least 15 years old. Speaking of age, I wrote a letter to my 30 year old self. Anyways my huge passion for the past year has been film making. Unfortunately I dont have the neccesary equipment nor a Job to earn some money but I think I want to do film making for the rest of my life. Me and Josh have been doing a lot of spear fishing recently but I am yet to kill a fish. Something I forgot to mention about Joel’s girfriend, another reason I’m not angry is because I decided long ago I would wait until at least 15 to start dating so I was never going to make a move but Joel did so It’s not like he stole her because she was nevermine. as of the rest of the family, Bria 
Bottom left:  is dating Thomas kreuser now, Josh is playing dating ping-pong with Lydia and its really mean. Lydia’s looking for something serious and Josh is a horn dog. Joel has a phone now and wont stop texting or calling Brooke. Josh, Bia and mom are rarely family interactive any more. Baylee still takes pretty much anything she can lay her sticky paw on but she is a bit more respectful. Jonah has becom “that  little brother”., The kind you NEVER want around friends. Something applicable to all the little kids is that their absolutely disgusting and bossy. Brenna is pretty disobedient but still not as roudy as Jonah or Brooke. Brooke is even more annoying as she was. Whinnes about everything, disgusting, STILL craps her pants and is insanely disobedient. As for me, I’ve fallen in love with music and film making. I take most of the house responsibility. I try to keep it clean and in control but usually end up just hiding out in my bedroom when ever I get a chance. I don’t play much video games any more. Over the past year I have matured a lot but I can rarely noticibly show it because to all my friends I’m the funny guy which is usually fine but sometimes I really wish I could just open up. I got to the farmer’s market alot now and now Jesse is my best friend. He’s very funny, honest, trustworthy. Which I can truly respect and I can’t say yo pretty much any of my friends. Me and Josh work out now so thats cool. But stil I spend most of my time listening to music and thinking about filming.
Bottom Right: Christmas is in a month and a half and if I could get just one peice of film equipment I need to start I would be happy. There is nothing I currently want more than to start filming and directing videos. I’ve done some drawings which I’m a little bit proud of, but I’ve also thought up this big animated TV series. Like the next Avatar: The last airbender which is my favorite TV series ever. I was thinking about having three nations and one kind of secret nation. The protagonist is a young teenageer I haven’t thought up a good name yet but hafter his entire family is killed a few years before due to the war between teh three main nations, he sets out for revenge on the people, specifically everyone who was in that squadron who killed his family, he begin’s to learn the powers of one of the nations the ncomes upon a clue suggesting that the powers of each nation which are believed to be a birth right to only some people of their nation, can actually be learned by anyone. Throughtout the rest of his Journey he comes across a new companion of each nation and begins to learn each of the powers which are Light which is used by a peolpe of monks, Necrocity like using darkness or even the dead as weapons and Nature. The power of having control over living plants and sometimes even subdue animals. Theres a lot more to it that I’m not going to get into so I’m signing out for now.
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Left: Nov, 2013. Dear Journal. Today I’m going to go very in depth about something I haven’t told anyone. Joel’s girlfriend, Brooke Winn. I REALLY like her. In my last entry I said it didn’t bother me anymore but it does. I know I said I wont even try to get a girlfriend until I’m at least fifteen and I stand by it. But yesterday she came over to our house for 6 hours right after she hung out with us at the market an I saw first hand how much they care about one another and they really do. But it sucks for me because I still really like her. Plus I met her first, got her number first and I still remember so much about her. Her birthday is in march, her favorite movie is Clockwork Orange, she’s a vegetarian because her brother dared her to do it for a few months and she just went with it after that, she likes Avatar and Pewdiepie just like me, she wants to go into the navy when she’s older, her favorite video game is League of Legends. Also without me, Joel and her might never have met. I remember all this and some more because for a while I kinda thought we had something special. Now shes dating my brother and I may never know if we did. Last night was the worst night of my life because I spent all night avoiding the girl of my dreams because shes dating my brother. Is it just a little crush that will blow away eventually? Maybe. but when I’m around her, when I read some of the things her and Joel say to eachother, it feels like a lot more than a silly crush.
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Left: Dec 3, 2013. Dear Journal, well I have obtained some very shocking information. Whilst Joel was playing League of Legends he tabbed out to face book where he had been messaging Brooke Winn and I noted she said “I love you too.” As said before, I really like Brooke in more than a friendly way and I promised myself I wont try to get a girlfriend until I’m minimum 15. Probably not until I have my license but I can’t help but wonder “Did she ever have feelings for me?” Because I taught her how to dance, she  gave me her number. The swing after we spent nearly 2 hours just talking and dancing. Obviously I never made a move but I always had feelings for her. It’s very possible that she was waiting for me to make a move and got impatient. That almost happened to Joel but he made a move and now They’re in love and I wonder “What if?” What if I made a move? Would we be dating now or would she have turned me down and then we’d be akward acquantices? I can’t help but wonder.
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Right: Dec 14, 2013. Dear Journal, Today we have Brooke and Thomas over (Bria and Tom are dating) for this tree decoration crap and I realize its getting easier for me to be around Brooke Winn. I still have feelings for her but due to my resistance I can be a little easier around her. But it’s still pretty weird because Joel knows I like/liked her so we rarely get to talk Just me and her. And when we do its hard for me to think of a conversation topic because all I can think of around her is the fact shes dating my Brother! It sucks so badly especially beecause I do still like her and she is DATING MY BROTHER! Its a terrible feeling but one I’m going to have to live with. Part 2. Well I have concluded Dec 14 2013 and it sucks. Yesterday was cool but today I spent 3hrs at a parade. But is that enough? Oh no! Throughout that time I simply stood idly by while Joel and Brooke continuosly made out and cuddled throughout that time. Thomas hasn’t turned into a fag due to his relationship like Joel which is good so we hang out a good bit but it still ended with me as a 5th wheel.
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