#daily gay
kokichidemon · 7 months
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tomorrow is the day before Thanksgiving (to those who recognize it)
however, Tomorrow means something completely different to me. It’s the 4th year anniversary of when I came out of the closet as trans (and subsequently not accepted by my parents since). I’ve never really felt confident in myself until the past year, and I’m truly the happiest I’ve ever been so SUCK ON THAT MOM. I have two wonderful partners and friends who have all made me want to keep living, even for a little longer. my theme for the outfit is just gender & lack- there-of. I’m also wearing a striped winter beanie and have pink and blue makeup on.
fuck society, be who you are.
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babybluebanshee · 9 months
So I finally got my water heater replaced after more than half a year of it leaking and nearly destroying my floor, but that's not the story. The story is of the handyman that installed it.
Dude's name is Chris, and he's your typically midwestern schlub - friendly, apologizes too much, really likes the Cardinals, maybe a little younger than my parents. Hella nice tho, gets the heater installed quickly, and even offers to fix the floorboards it warped (after nearly tripping over the hump it made in the floor twice). Overall, a stress-free experience.
Then, as he's gathering up his tools - "So, I noticed your, uh, banner. Over your bed."*
*(The closet where my water heater is is located in my bedroom because I live in a mobile home, dude wasn't just wandering creepily into my bedroom)
He's referring to a giant pride flag that's hanging over my bed, with the words "Sounds gay, I'm in"
My anxiety spikes instantaneously, thinking oh christ I'm about to get hatecrimed or at least microaggressioned.
But then he says "Yeah, my daughter is gay, and I was wondering, like...where do you guys, ya know, meet up?"
"Because she met her most recent girlfriend when she was in jail, and I keep asking why she doesn't just find a nice lesbian librarian or something and she said 'dad I know they're out there, I just don't know where'. So...like...where do you?"
So I ended up confessing to this nice man who installed my water heater that I don't know of any real gay culture in our mostly Baptist Missouri town of about 18,000 that routinely freaks out over pride displays in the library (I'm sure it exists but I'm lazy and haven't gone looking for it). My girlfriend lives in an area with a rather bustling gay community (we just did a face painting booth for their pride festival a few weeks ago), so maybe have her go out there with some friends, and also a lot of queers I know play dnd so maybe find a nice group of them and network. I then apologized that I wasn't more helpful in getting his daughter settled with a nice, wholesome dyke.
On the plus side, he was not deterred at all, and seemed to be very interested in the fact dnd was so popular amongst the el gee bee tees. I told him the names of some dms I know and told him to go to town. I do not know if the names will be given to his daughter or hoarded for himself so he can join a group and play like he did when he was a teenager and not be called satanic for it.
He's coming to fix my floor next week.
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seancefemme · 13 days
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Who wanna be girl best friends
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#110 - 同志 (tóngzhì / gay) - Happy Pride!!! :3c 💖🏳️‍🌈🌈
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tallgh0st · 2 months
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aranciu · 1 year
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I made this last year when reading Dracula Daily, but I was too much of a coward to post it. Now I am no longer held back by earthly matters such as "reputation".
This is the original text from the book, but wildly misinterpreted. enjoy
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Day 710 - 712
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cheekios · 1 month
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I did not make rent, I’m no where near it. I still have $750 to raise. Out of desperation I charged my card just to attempt to pay. The 3rd is the absolute last day to pay. The office is closed, so on Monday the leasing office will see whether I paid or not. If I don’t raise the remaining $750 the transaction will decline.
Goal: $750
CA: $HushEmu
If my payment declines I will be charged an additional $100 for processing fee. Not only that I will pay for the late fee which is $100 + $10 everyday rent is late. This is still in effect even if they are evicting the tenant. Evictions take 1-3 months every month I reside in my apartment they will charge me if I don’t vacate. The $100 + late fee will still resume even in eviction. I processed the payment despite not having enough to pay rent to buy time. I am lucky that rent fell on the weekend and not during the week.
This is my final plea to staying housed. I have exhausted all options. If payment does not reflect by Sunday Midnight. I will be issued a notice to vacate Monday.
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livefromcastledracula · 8 months
Dracula vs Carmilla
The writing in Dracula:
"Day 1 of the Castle, the Count is a strange but friendly man, I think my employment here shall be fine and nothing will go wrong. Gosh I really love my fiance, Mina."
"Day 4 of the Castle, he's climbing down the fucking wall again. Gosh I really love my fiance, Mina."
"Day 6 of the Castle, he just fed a baby to his sexy roommates and I am thinking of jumping out the window."
The writing in Carmilla:
"Carmilla did something strange and inexplicable, and I was suspicious, but then she said she loved me, rubbed herself all over me, and sobbed into my hair. I was confused and not at all horny and forgot entirely about the other thing. Also, the General stopped by and told us this long, waffly story about a masquerade ball. Let me reprint it word for word here..."
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kokichidemon · 1 year
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yaepyep · 9 months
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daily-crabbys · 11 days
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Today's crab is: 🌈
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My sticker/print shop has been updated with 29 new designs including all my pride dragons so far!! :)
Support a queer artist by taking some dragons home! ^w^
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jrjresq · 4 months
i ate too much cheese!! my stummy hurt (pic unrelated)
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cainpdf · 6 months
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this is the face of a man so in love it makes him stupid
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
The thing is, Jean Valjean’s “nineteen year prison sentence for stealing a loaf of bread” from Les Mis isn’t actually unusual….not even today! I see people talking about it as if it’s strange or unimaginable when it happens every day.
In modern America — often as a result of pointlessly cruel (and racist) habitual offender and mandatory minimum laws— people are routinely sentenced to life in prison for minor crimes like shoplifting or possession of drugs.
The ACLU did a report in 2013 detailing the lives of various people who were sentenced to life in prison without parole for nonviolent property crimes like:
•attempting to cash a stolen check
•a junk-dealer’s possession of stolen junk
metal (10 valves and one elbow pipe)
•possession of stolen wrenches
•siphoning gasoline from a truck
•stealing tools from a tool shed and a welding machine from a yard
•shoplifting three belts from a department store
•shoplifting several digital cameras
•shoplifting two jerseys from an athletic store
• taking a television, circular saw, and a power converter from a vacant house
• breaking into a closed liquor store in the middle of the night
And of course, so so so many people sentenced to life without parole for the possession of a few grams of drugs.
And we could go on and on!
Gregory Taylor was a homeless man in Los Angeles who, in 1997, was sentenced to “25 years to life” for attempting to steal food from a food kitchen. He was released after 13 years. The lawyers helping to release him even cited Les Miserables in their appeal, comparing Taylor’s sentence to Jean Valjean’s.
And there’s another specific bit of social commentary Hugo was making about Valjean’s trial that’s still depressingly relevant. He writes that Valjean was sentenced for the theft of loaf of bread, but also that the court managed to make that sentence stick by bringing up some of his past misdemeanors. For example, Valjean owned a gun and was known to occasionally poach wildlife (presumably for his starving family to eat.) . So the court exaggerates how harmful the bread theft was—he had to smash a windowpane to get the bread, which is basically Violence— then insist the fact that he owns a gun and occasionally poaches is proof that he is habitually and innately violent. Then when Valjean obviously becomes distressed traumatized and furious as a result of his nakedly unjust sentence and begins making desperate (and very unsuccessful/impulsive/ poorly thought through) attempts to escape…. the government indifferently tacks more years onto his sentence, labels him a “dangerous” felon, and insists that its initial read of him as an innately violent person was correct.
And it’s sad how a lot of the real life stories linked earlier are similar to the commentary Hugo wrote in 1863? Someone will commit a nonviolent property crime, and then the court insists that a bunch of other miscellaneous things they’ve done in the past (whether it’s other minor thefts or being addicted to drugs or w/e) are Proof they’re inherently violent and incapable of being around other people.
A small very petty fandom side note: This is also why I dislike all those common jokes you see everywhere along the lines of “lol it’s so unrealistic for the police to want to arrest Valjean over a loaf of bread, there must have been some other reason the police were pursuing him. Because the state would never punish someone that harshly and irrationally for no reason. so maybe javert was just gay haha”. (Ex: this tiktok— please don’t harass the creator or poster though, I don’t think they were intending to mean anything like that and its just a silly common type of joke you see made about Les mis all the time so it’s not unique in any way.) because like.
As much as I don’t think Les Mis is a flawless book or that its political messaging is perfect….the only way that insanely long unjust sentences for minor crimes is “unrealistic” is if you’re operating on the assumption that prisons are here to Keep You Safe by always only punishing bad criminals who do serious crimes. And that’s just, not true at all. Like I get that these are just goofy silly shallow jokes, and I’m not angry or going to harass anyone who makes them. but it feels like there’s an assumption underlying all those goofy jokes that “this is just not how prison works!” “Prisons don’t routinely sentence people to absurd laughably unjust pointless sentences!” “Prisons give people fair sentences for logical reasons!” When like…no
Valjean being relentlessly hounded and tortured for a minor crime in a way that is utterly ridiculous and arbitrary in its cruelty is not actually a plot hole in Les mis. It’s a plot hole in …..society ajsjkdkdkf. And the only way to fix that is to fight for prison abolition or at least reform, and (in America) stand up against the vicious naked cruelty of habitual offender and mandatory minimum laws.
But yeah :(. I hate how Les Mis opens with a prologue saying the novel will be obsolete the moment the social issues it describes have been resolved— but two hundred years later, the book is still more relevant than ever because we’re dealing with so many of the exact same injustices.
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