#dangerous secrets review
invisiblegarters · 2 years
Micro BL Reviews +
So due to being ill, I've been spending a lot of time in bed watching dramas. And as always, I have thoughts.
So here, have some more micro (or not so micro) BL reviews, mostly for Thai shows that I missed last year (which is all of them, really).
Not Me (Thailand) - I quite enjoyed this. The romance stuff is secondary, but that was entirely fine by me as the main plot was interesting enough to hold my attention without it. In fact, and I know this is unpopular but…the chemistry wasn't really firing for me, romantically. I really liked Sean and White's relationship, but I never quite managed to buy into it. They have great chemistry but I didn't necessarily buy it as romantic. I think it's just me because the internet tells me that they are an extremely popular pair. And I had less than negative interest in Graffiti Cop and Hey, It's Akk From The Eclipse (it’s not, it’s Dan and Yok, sorry I'm an ass and also kind of a liar, because I didn't watch The Eclipse until after I finished Not Me and it took a trip to MDL for me to realize that Akk and Yok were played by the same person).
But I really want to jump around under a giant pride banner. Like,  badly.
This one was mostly tight, though, and tackled themes I didn't expect from a BL, and that's why I'm rating it 9/10. Fell apart for me a bit in the end, but otherwise very solid, although to be frank I don't see myself rewatching it.
The Eclipse (Thailand) - I love this one, and it's almost entirely chemistry based. The school stuff was interesting enough but what kept me watching was Akk and Aye, for the most part. And I adored Akk's struggle with his sexuality - I actually thought it was portrayed well, and I felt for him. Also I love a good coming out scene with supportive and lovely parents.
Honestly, Akk was my favorite. Dude was a hot mess wrapped in tears and panic and a prefect's arm band and I have to admit I was entirely there for it.  I do tend to have a thing for characters that seem like they're constantly on the verge of a panic attack (see: Uenoyama from the Given live action drama, my archetype for this).
Not the biggest fan of Thua in the end or the giant outing scene in front of the school (dear lord that's traumatizing and why do they keep going there??? STOP), but I did think that Kan and Thua were really adorable as a second couple right up until Thua went all *waves hand*…that.
LOVED the trio of protesters and loved that the drama never vilified them or tried to make them seem in the wrong. Not so fond of the Dika/Chadok thing, or how suddenly everyone was like "oh it's fine that you traumatized a kid and manipulated him into doing actual crimes and actively endangering other people's lives and essentially upheld a system that is detrimental to most of the student's mental health and also tried actively to run another student out of said school using the teachers and the kid you were traumatizing and manipulating because you hurt, too." And here's the thing. I feel for him. The backstory with Dika was tragic. But there's no real excuse for the things he did. I sympathize too much with Akk to be able to do a full 180 on the guy pushing him into destruction, even if everyone else did. Tragic backstory doesn't excuse mentally torturing more than one high schooler. Although the more I think about it the more I see that he is where Akk might have ended up, had things been a little different. Not a fun thought.
This one I originally rated 8/10 because of the above. I was annoyed by how pat the ending felt. But then the stupid thing caught in my head like a fish hook and I wound up watching it again and even though I still feel the end was weak and I am still irritated at Teach, the very fact that I couldn't stop thinking about it and basically had to watch it again made me bump it up to a 9/10 for enjoyment purposes. Because I did enjoy it, probably more than I did Not Me, although I think that Not Me was tighter and better written overall.
I'm also obsessed with the way Akk looks at Aye.  Yeah, this one got me and go me hard, so much so that I know that had I watched it last year with everyone else it would have wound up in my top 5. Sorry, Choco Milk Shake.
Secret Crush On You (Thailand) - Oh, this drama. I am honestly not sure how I got through the first few episodes, tbh, because I was cringing the entire time. Like full on trying to retract my head into my body like a turtle.
And to be honest, it didn't get much better for me. I appreciate that Toh is not the typical lead in a romance like this, but I just couldn't with the collecting. Nuea was pretty, too, but I didn't get much from him by way of personality. This is a drama where if you don't like Toh, I don't know how you can get through it. I liked him even if he made me cringe a lot (he kept a whole ass crab as a memento. An entire crab. I can't get over this), so I did finish. And I will say that the chemistry was good. The kisses at camp were hot, hot, hot. My goodness.
I also really hated that most of Jao's storyline was about how fat he was. I just don't enjoy that kind of thing and also, to me he looked like a normal sized dude shoved into clothes (mostly the school uniform) a size too small.
My favorite was Daisy, though. Love. And love how sweet Intouch was with her. I read somewhere that he uses the same pronouns (?) for her she uses for herself, and I love that. Thank you show for not making me hate the whole thing and not treating that character like a joke. I about cried my eyes out, though, when she tried to be more what she thought would be less embarrassing for Intouch (read: more masculine), and Som spoke my thoughts exactly.
I actually really liked the friend group in this one. Giving it a 6/10 based mostly on that group of friends, although as I said the chemistry is good, too.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (Korea) - I was enjoying it, but I didn't like the ending at all. Unfortunately an ending I'm not fond of can kill a show for me, and this one kinda did that. Also I badly want a Denis spin off because I still don't know what his deal was and by the end that was more interesting to me than the whole reincarnation thing (although I have to admit there's something to them being doomed to repeat the same pattern). 6/10
Currently Watching
Between Us (Thailand) - Full disclosure, I have never seen Until We Meet Again and probably never will because fated mates aren't really my thing and I don't like reincarnation plots. I did watch a video about the original couple though, does that count? So I have zero attachment to Win and Team outside of this series, although again, I did watch a vid with them in once. It was fine.
All that said, I absolutely love this. Reincarnation and fated mates might not be my thing, but the whole FWB gets serious and no one involved has any idea how to handle it thing definitely is. Between Win thinking that he can't hold onto what he loves and Team's survivor's guilt making him doubt he deserves life, let alone love, those two have enough baggage to fill a small plane, and I am here for it. Add to that the fact that their communication styles are entirely different and honestly, I'm entirely unsurprised the confusion and angst that we're mostly getting. This might be unpopular but I'd be fine if it were even angstier. I do love mess.
The side couples are fine. I can take or leave all of them but Waan and Tul, tbh, but I also think that a little cute is a good thing to break up the tears and the frustration (for people who aren't me who don't eat this sort of ridiculousness up*) of Win and Team. I don't really care about the dad stuff, and while I actually do want Team's trauma to be addressed I don't think we have enough time for it anymore. It makes me wonder if they're hoping to do some sort of continuation but even if they are they better not end this with the two of them apart or then I will be annoyed.
*I would like to say here that I do eat it up, but part of the reason that I am loving this so much is that to me (again, someone who never watched UWMA and binged the first nine episodes the day before the tenth aired) this makes so much sense for these characters as I know them.  You can say (and people have) that this amount of angst over something that could be taken care of in one conversation is too much, or is unrealistic, etc, but as a person who finds it very difficult to communicate actual feelings to people it actually feels pretty true, especially for two people who are what? 19/20 at most?  Most especially when you consider that neither of them have done this before, both of them were utterly blindsided by the fact that feelings were happening, and both of them have a ton of baggage. I get the complaints, but for me it works.
Also my goodness Boun is lanky, isn’t he. 
HIStory 5 (Taiwan) - I'm enjoying it well enough, the workplace romance a bit more than the time traveler, but honestly I just don't have a lot to say about it. For me it's fun, easy to watch, but I'm just not that invested. I keep waiting for the time traveler and his rich soon to be boyfriend to do something for me. I hope this most recent ep will kick things into gear there.
That said it does make me laugh, and honestly the workplace duo are the most adorable thing.
Love in the Air (Thailand) - for some reason Viki is being a dick and releasing this one week at a time when I'm fairly sure it's already been over for a while, and Dailymotion keeps freezing on me (or playing an ad and then refusing to start the vid), so I'm stuck waiting currently. This is a trash watch if there ever was a trash watch, I went into this knowing that and knowing that if I wanted to get through it I'd have to turn my brain mostly off and just enjoy the pretty and the high heat. Fortunately for me I am fairly good at turning my brain off when required. I also have the dubious fortune of having cut my teeth on far worse.  I genuinely like Sky and the dude who plays Prapai is gorgeous.
On Hold
Ameiro Paradox (Japan) - I keep trying to get into this one and it keeps not happening, so I've given up the ghost for now and will binge watch when all eps are out. I feel like I'm punishing it for not being Eternal Yesterday and that's just petty.
Bad Buddy (Thailand) - I don't know, I just couldn't get into this. The chemistry wasn't hitting for me and eventually I just decided to stop watching rather than try to force it. First kiss was good and I shipped the girls, though.
And well, since we're here and since nothing about this fits the definition of "micro"…
Looking Forward To
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (Japan, Jan 29 on Viki and Gaga) - yep, another one that will very probably end badly. I hope it'll give me good chemistry though since Japan likes to do that with the sad ones.
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (Japan, Feb 7, no word on if it will be on Viki or Gaga but I'm assuming it'll be on one if not both) - I'm still very very much in the WHAT stage with this one. And part of me is terrified it's not going to be good (the first one is my favorite BL ever, fight me) and I can't quite squash that fear, but I think that's probably just the normal fear with sequels. The assumption is that they're splitting the 2nd novel into two parts, essentially, with season two being the very end of the first novel plus some side story stuff, as well as the beginning of the second, and the movie finishing the second novel up. Not sure about the accuracy here, though, this is just stuff I found out when I first heard about it and I'm not necessarily in the loop with this stuff.
Only Friends (Thailand, ??) - I love me a mess, and this looks like a big one. I think I'll probably wimp out though and wait to see how it all shakes out before watching because I feel like real time will frustrate me and I'm hoping if I go into it already knowing who is going to pair off I can prevent the inevitable "oh no I ship this thing that's not gonna happen more, boo"s.
Our Skyy 2 (Thailand, ??) - Mostly into this for the Akk & Aye part(s), if I'm perfectly honest. “Alexa, play The Heart Wants What it Wants”
Dangerous Romance (Thailand, ??) – Because Perth, basically. See above.
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thereadingcafe · 1 year
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danielleurbansblog · 6 days
Review: Lethal Standoff
Synopsis: Justice can be elusive. Family secrets can be deadly. The stakes are high, and the clock is ticking in a volatile criminal case filled with unanswered questions. And Carrington Reed is running short on time to piece together clues that will solve the puzzle. Hostage negotiator Carrington Reed is called to the scene when reports come in that fifteen hostages are being held by the…
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bargainsleuthbooks · 6 months
Secrets of a Scottish Isle (A Jane Wunderly Mystery #5) by Erica Ruth Neubauer #ARCReview #BookReview #NetGalley #KensingtonBooks #NewBooks #Mystery
On an isolated isle off the western coast of Scotland, #JaneWunderly must investigate a secret society where esoteric rituals blur the line between what’s real, what’s illusion, and what’s deadly. #BookReview #NetGalley #ARCReview #KensingtonBooks
On an isolated isle off the western coast of Scotland, spirited American Jane Wunderly must investigate a secret society where esoteric rituals blur the line between what’s real, what’s illusion, and what’s deadly . . . Isle of Iona, 1927: Cast away on a remote locale, Jane’s latest assignment depends on concealing her identity and blending in at an occult gathering. Not even her fiancé,…
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annafromuni · 6 months
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason is a Treat
India Hilton returns with her beloved characters and witty plotting, bringing forth a novel so genius and tantalising that you’ll be just like the agents fawning over Alice and Bixby. The Secret Service of Tea and Treason is a delight to read and a perfect way to spend an afternoon in bed. I appreciate the pining and comical slow-burn aspect of this book. It’s reminiscent of The Wisteria Society…
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afabstract · 9 months
Surfside Girls Volume 1 Review
Can two girls save their favorite spot from being taken away by a resort? Read our review of "Surfside Girls - The Secrets of Danger Point"
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) It was a good idea to read “Surfside Girls – The Secrets of Danger Point” on a dull, cold winter evening. This graphic novel by Kim Dwinell transports readers to sunny summer days, where best friends Samantha and Jade hang out and decide to save their favorite beach from being taken over by a commercial resort. Kim Dwinell blends…
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overflowingshelf · 10 months
Review: The Secret Service of Tea and Treason by India Holton
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason India Holton Publisher: Berkley Books Publication Date: April 18, 2023 Series or Standalone:Dangerous Damsels #3 Links: Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Goodreads – StoryGraph Rating: MY REVIEW CW: Violence; gun violence; abandoment; child abuse; physial abuse; emotional abuse; pregnancy  Starting a new India Holton book means you’re in for a whimsical,…
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bethly126 · 10 months
Beth Favorite's Books of 2023!
It’s that time of the year! Where we look back at all of the books we read this year and pick our favorites. These are my favorite books of 2023. They are in no particular order but in order that I read them. The Dangerous Damsels series by India Holton – The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels, The League of Gentlewoman Witches and The Secret Service of Tea and Treason were such a fun trilogy…
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
Frozen novel naming scheme rant
I'm finishing up listening to Frozen 2: Forest of Shadows (so far it's fairly good, at least I really vibe with the prose.....it has.....some hiccups but......maybe I can review it later).
Before I even talk about the book....can I just say....Frozen Novel Naming schemes? Fucking ass. TT0TT Not a braincell was conjured for them I swear. orz A blind monkey could write a better title!
Frozen Twisted Tales: Conceal Don't Feel/Let it Go (US/UK titles respectively)......neither title fits the theme of the book kaljflkdsf CDF is more mysterious, LiG is more iconic....but the novel should've been titled "For the First Time in Forever" TT0TT Nothing is being let go, nothing is being concealed (at least to the extent of the OG story, in fact the whole story is trying to UNCONCEAL something). FtFTiF makes more sense bc FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER they can reunite TT0TT
Forest of Shadows isn't even an F2 book....IT TAKES PLACE BEFORE F2! TT0TT A month but STILL????? It's a prequel. Where tf does it get off being titled "Frozen 2: FoS"???? Just drop the 2 you wet nugget!
Then there's Polar Nights and....MKDLSJFDLSJF THAT'S THE ONE THAT'S A SEQUEL TO FROZEN 2!!! BUT IT LACKS THE FROZEN 2 IN THE TITLE????!!! WHY???? Is2g Disney I'm going to break into your house and rearrange your furniture so it actually makes fucking sense I hate it here TT0TT
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randomhealer · 6 months
Okay but- Boothill (sfw-nsfw)
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warnings: GN reader, not reviewed, nsfw, I lost everything and I'm living on a bench in Penacony. this is crack don't take it seriously pls, hmmm tetanus :)
okay but- Boothill likes to rub his cheek against yours, just because he can't feel you with other parts of his body.
He blushes when you kiss his face but secretly (not so secret since he says it openly) it's his favorite thing
He gets upset easily with anyone who is close to you and this always causes problems for you because he doesn't like it when people touch you, whether they are men or women.
then he follows you behind you like he's your shadow and one second he's behind you quietly and the next he's on the other side of the street fighting with a guy who was looking at you for 5 seconds longer than Boothill would like...
he is vindictive, yes. Once a guy complimented you by giving you a light kiss on the cheek and Boothill spent a week calling this guy and saying threats like: "I know where you live, and I'm going to put a bullet in your head before learning not to touch something that isn't yours"  ends up coming out as "I know where you live, and I- I hope you have a good day" because of his filter
And when did you take him to the Express with you? guy could make a second explosion wanting to fight with everyone until you fight with him so he stays quiet and he will sit on the couch, opening his legs completely while looking at you, waiting for you to sit on his lap. He has no shame as he buries his face in your neck and stays quiet for just a minute before he starts teasing you by biting or licking you. (in front of everyone at Express)
He gets extremely upset if you deny him something (especially a kiss) he will be grumpy all day, mumbling all day almost dramatically. he will complain about this even with a Warp Trotter, But it won't be long before he gets to you and pins you to some surface to take what's rightfully his.
Boothill loves it when you encourage him in something or when you praise him. See you looking at his body with curiosity in your eyes? He can't help but have a smug smile. he smiles more seeing how small your hands are on his chest gives him slight satisfaction but he'll still pat you if your hands wander too much.
He can drink the most variable things possible but he won't drink Himeko's coffee, for some reason his body warns him as if it were a dangerous substance so he always passes the coffee to you as if it were a bomb and an apologetic look...
You may or may not wake up to him in the morning eating bullets from his gun next to your in the bed and he will just look at you with a smile and offer you one even though he knows it's impossible for you to eat it 
NSFW (pls don't read this far if you are underage)
His favorite thing is probably fingering you, he loves doing that because he can occupy himself on your neck while you squirm
but he loves to eat too, to stay between your legs for hours while you get to the point where you start crying and whining while trying to pull his head away from you. His hair is a bit sensitive so he might end up growling and blushing when you pull it.
Does it bite you in every possible place, chest, thighs, neck? yes! your curves? yes too... 
He misses his body, how he could feel your chest on his, the heat of your body on his and how good it would be to feel how hot and tight you are inside, he hates it but he still feels a surge of satisfaction in him as he feels it. see what he can do with just his fingers and his mouth on you.
He may or may not be jealous of vibrators... I mean... are those things giving you more pleasure than him? Ugh but it's okay, he can use these things to his advantage...
Give you more compliments than degradation, not because he wants to but because it's the only thing he can do...
"I know you can give me one more, aren't you my little sunshine?" (this was supposed to be a my little bitch)
He loves to be mean to you in bed, if he can't put words into words then he will act, he loves pulling your hair to kiss you, bite you hard, make you beg for not giving you anything and make you cry for giving you more than you asked for.
His day ends more satisfied when he sees you getting out of bed, shaking with wobbly legs and dirty with your own juice and sweat... aren't you the cutest thing he's ever seen? almost like a little bunny...
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campusaint · 8 days
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I wrote a book, you guys (gender neutral)!
WHERE BEAUTIFUL THINGS GO TO DIE is a coming-of-age / romance / thriller about growing up surrounded by crime in Latin America and how we escape violence through love.
Pitch: Two estranged lovers. A dangerous city. A deadly secret. Alex will risk everything to save Luz, but can he uncover her truth before it’s too late?
I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ❤️
Cover art and — beautiful — illustration: Margaux G aka gummybean.
Tropes you can expect:
The one that got away
Mafia romance
Forbidden love
Second chance
Escape from danger
Latinx protagonists
You'll cry a lot
TW (non spoiler): Graphic violence, depictions of substance abuse.
If you make any sort of book related content / reviewing, DM me for a free copy. 👀
Crabs and shoelaces,
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amirasainz · 29 days
Can you do the leclerc brothers with sister reader and she’s like the joy of their life, kinda like the bond with amira sainz and Carlos but with the leclerc?
Of course!!! I find this is such a cute request. Enjoy reading and send me requests!!! -XoXo
Little Sunshine
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It was no secret among the paddock that the four Leclerc siblings shared an exceptionally close bond. It was also widely known that the three older brothers—Lorenzo, Charles, and Arthur—were fiercely protective of their younger sister, YN. At just 19 years old, she was not only the youngest in their family but also the only girl, creating a perfect recipe for three overprotective brothers.
There had already been numerous occasions where the brothers had demonstrated that their sister was the center of their universe, and they would go to any lengths to ensure her happiness and safety. ANYTHING!
One particularly heartwarming moment occurred during the Silverstone Grand Prix. During this GP, the cameras captured a scene that made fans fall in love with the Leclerc family all over again. As it was raining cats and dogs outside, the Free Practice session had been red-flagged. The FIA deemed it too dangerous for the drivers to continue in such treacherous conditions. Consequently, all the drivers were confined to the garage. While most of them were engrossed in reviewing data with their engineers, taking a brief respite, or chatting with their loved ones via FaceTime, there was one notable exception: Monsieur Charles Leclerc.
Instead of poring over data with his race engineer, Charles was seated on a chair, surrounded by an impressive array of hair care products. His lovely sister YN sat in front of him, comfortably perched on a cushion, completely absorbed in a book. The cameras captured the look of intense concentration on Charles’ face. What astonished the fans the most wasn’t that no one interrupted them, but that Charles was able to execute a top-notch hair care routine for his sister’s beautiful hair with seemingly effortless precision.
Later on, when the media inquired why he didn’t engage in the same activities as the other drivers during the red flag, he responded with a nonchalant expression, “My sister has beautiful hair, and my mama is a hairdresser. Naturally, I know that her hair requires special attention during such heavy rain. I don’t even understand why you’re asking such a silly question.” Safe to say that the fans loved the sassy respons from their PR trained King
Another fan-favorite moment occurred during one of Charles’ vlogs. The Leclerc family is renowned for their cherished boat trips during the summer, and this year was no exception. The memorable incident took place while Joris was busy filming Charles, who was enthusiastically explaining some part of the boat near his two younger siblings, who were both basking in the sun. With his face turned to the camera, Charles was blissfully unaware of his older brother Lorenzo sneaking up behind him. The camera began to shake from Joris’ silent laughter. As Charles continued his explanation, Lorenzo crept closer and closer to his unsuspecting siblings. And then it happened.
One moment Charles was mid-sentence, and the next, he was unceremoniously thrown overboard into the water. Before anyone could fully process what had happened, Lorenzo had already scooped up Arthur and tossed him in next to Charles, who was now simultaneously complaining and laughing. It was anticipated that Lorenzo would also pick up their sister and throw her in with their brothers. But that’s not what transpired. Instead, Lorenzo carefully lifted his sister and carried her to the railing. He gently set her down and descended the stairs himself first, stopping on the last step.
“Careful, ma puce, the stairs are a bit slippery,” he cautioned her. Instantly, Charles and Arthur halted their water fight, now also keeping a vigilant eye on YN. With Lorenzo’s assistance, which she didn’t even need, and under the watchful eyes of her other brothers, she safely entered the water. Now it was her turn to initiate the water fight, easing the tension that had briefly filled the air. However, her brothers remained close to her, ready to offer support in case she grew tired of swimming and needed a break. And Joris? He was busy laughing his butt off the entire time.
Another memorable moment took place during the Vegas GP. Like any other American GP, this one was packed with celebrities. Being the supportive sister she is, YN attended the GP with her older brother Arthur to cheer on Charles.
While Charles was out there racing, the well-known actor Timothée Chalamet decided to shoot his shot with the pretty Monegasque girl. “Hey. What do yo—” Before he could even finish his sentence, he was met with the disapproving face of Arthur Leclerc. The youngest brother looked him up and down, raised an eyebrow, and uttered a single, final word: “No.”
Arthur then moved his sister away from Timothée’s sight and engaged her in a conversation about the new Vogue magazine she had bought that day. YN, who didn’t even realize what had just transpired, was more than happy to discuss her favorite fashion magazine.
It’s safe to say that even a blind person could see the immense love and protective instincts the three brothers have for their sister.
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danielleurbansblog · 6 days
Review: Lie Beside Me
Synopsis: You wake up.You can’t remember what happened.The man lying next to you is not your husband.And he’s not breathing . . .Pre-order the gripping thriller starring DCI Jonah Sheens, from the author of Richard and Judy pick and Sunday Times bestseller She Lies in Wait Louise wakes up. Her head aches, her mouth is dry, her memory is fuzzy. But she suspects she’s done something bad. She…
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slytherinslut0 · 11 months
Chapter Twenty Four-Info:you and Mattheo have been butting heads for months, since you were assigned as his tutor, and one day during a session full of tense bickering, he has enough.
Tags: 18+, Dirty Talk, ANGST ANGST ANGST, Kissing, Childhood Trauma, Slight!GunPlay(very slight), More Angst, Sadism, Slight Emotional Manipulation.
Find the rest of the chapters HERE.
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Your fingers glided gently across the pages of your open book, tracing the lines of text as if seeking to absorb the knowledge directly into your skin. The ambient hush of the library enveloped you, punctuated only by the soft rustle of pages turning and the occasional murmur of voices in the distance. It was a haven of tranquility, a sanctuary where you could finally turn your thoughts off and allow yourself to get lost within the words of the text.
In this cocoon of silence, you immersed yourself, your eyes traversing the lines on the page with a voracious hunger for understanding. The atmosphere was thick with the scent of old parchment and the subtle aroma of polished wood, creating a sensory symphony that enhanced your focus. But amidst this serenity, an abrupt disruption shattered your concentration. The creak of a chair being pulled out and the faint sound of footsteps approached, heralding an unexpected presence.
Startled, your eyes lifted from the text to find Mattheo seated across from you--his dark, penetrating gaze drilled into yours, his eyes narrowed with a glaring suspicion as he analyzed your features, slowly and cautiously--not daring to speak. The sudden intrusion in such a public setting caught you off guard; a mix of surprise and unease filling your lungs as you blinked, glancing around the room to ensure no attention had been drawn.
It had been two days since the events in the bathroom, two whole days where the conversations were as bland as a piece of raw fucking chicken, and yet, here he was. Without warning. You had no fucking clue what he was doing here, but the look in his eyes told you it wasn't for any particularly pleasant reason.
"When were you planning on informing me about your little friend's new companion, hm?" His voice sliced through the air like a blade, his eyes narrowing with sadism. "I mean...I just happened to stumble upon her leaving my brother's dorm, and I'd highly fucking doubt she was there for a casual browse through his book collection, wouldn't you agree?"
Your eyes widened in shock, nerves flooding through you like an icy tide, freezing your words in your throat. You had been meaning to tell him, but since the two of you had hardly been speaking, it seemingly slipped your mind.
You glanced around the room, as if searching for an escape from the intensity of his gaze, before finally managing to whisper, "Are you fucking serious right now? Why is that any bloody concern of yours?"
"I just find it utterly fascinating," he sneered, his voice dripping with dangerous intent as he leaned over the table, scuffing his chair toward you. "...the intricate web of secrets you weave, Raven...not very Ravenclaw of you, now is it?"
"How is that a secret?" you hissed, your voice laced with both irritation and trepidation. "And why would I care about Emily getting with Tom? I never had any feelings for-"
"Not talking about that," he interrupted, his tone sharp as he cut through your words. "I'm talking about everything, in a far more broad context...all of the willing little lies and deceit...all the ways you've used me, just as much, if not more, than I've used you...you even managed to outwit Tom, which is one hell of an impressive accomplishment all on its own, I'll give you that."
The oxygen in the room vanished, leaving you nearly gasping for breath. "I...outwit Tom?"
"Well, it was only thanks to his blaring review that you landed this mentorship, was it fucking not?..." he scanned your features, his brows pinching in focus. "Every calculated step you've taken, every deceptive move you've made, all orchestrated to extract what you wanted for your bloody career...it truly makes a man wonder..."
His words struck like a cold breeze, sending a chill down your spine as you struggled to process the weight of his insinuations--you were beyond startled by the pace of this conversation, each syllable from his lips landing like a punch to the gut, rendering your mouth mute.
"I..." his words had you reeling, your voice catching in your throat, your confidence shattered by his unsettling revelation. "What the hell are you implying, Mattheo?"
Your throat tightened as you struggled to maintain composure. Swallowing hard, you tried to play it off, squinting at him in an attempt to mask your anxiety. But his penetrating gaze saw through your facades, leaving you defenseless against his piercing scrutiny. Mattheo's movements were deliberate, each shift in his chair calculated to exude an air of intimidation and control. His eyes, sharp and predatory, followed your every reaction as if he were studying his prey before a calculated strike.
"I did some digging on you last night...on your background...what your parents do...since, you know, you clearly had no interest in telling me yourself..." a sinister smile played on his lips, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic satisfaction. His voice lowered to a barely audible murmur, laced with a sense of superiority. "After the night at the lake, after that little spat we had...I just...I just couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to you than met the eye...and boy was I ever fucking right.”
Letting his words sink in, he leaned back in his chair, that sickening grin still plastered across his face. As the realization of his words settled like a heavy stone in your chest, you grew increasingly uncomfortable, acutely aware of the other students nearby. Their presence, though not directly involved, added a layer of unease to the situation.
Leaning across the table, you whispered urgently, "Do you have to do this here?" The words escaped your lips in a hushed plea, your voice strained with the need for privacy and a shred of dignity. "Like at least-"
Mattheo's response was chillingly calm, his grin widening with malicious delight.
"Oh, princess, come on," he purred, his tone a twisted mockery of sweetness. "Why continue to hide the truth? Let them hear what kind of person you really are..."
Your anger surged, the intensity of your emotions making your fingers grip the book tightly as you leaned in closer to him.
"You're a despicable asshole, you know that?" you spat out, your voice edged with pure disdain. "What's your bloody angle here?"
"Never claimed otherwise, did I?" His tone was flat, devoid of any remorse; meeting your words with an infuriating calmness. "Unlike you, I don't pretend to be something I'm not."
Your eyes rolled so forcefully it felt like you were glimpsing the inside of your skull, a groan of frustration clawing at your throat. Of course, he chose this moment--a place where you had to hold back your torrent of emotions, where you couldn't unleash the full force of your anger upon him. He knew exactly what he was bloody doing here, and it was fucking infuriating.
"Enough with the games, Riddle," you snapped, the words escaping through clenched teeth, your patience stretched to its limit. "Stop being a bloody arse and spit it out already."
"Your family history," he said, leaning in so close that your eyes locked in a battle of wills, each glance a dagger threatening to pierce the other's resolve. "It isn't as pristine as one might think...in fact, I'd almost be inclined to say it's the complete fucking opposite."
Your entire body tensed, coiling like a tightly wound spring. There was a pause as you studied his face, trying to decipher exactly what he knew before responding.
"Careful, Mattheo," you retorted, your voice laced with a sharp edge. "Just because you've unearthed a few skeletons doesn't mean you've cleared the whole closet."
"Honestly, Raven, I'm just curious," his grin stretched wider, the atmosphere around him growing denser with an almost palpable tension. "How did you manage to play the part for so long? You certainly had me fooled...even managed to trick the sorting hat into believing your little fucking charade...it's quite impressive, truthfully..."
A knot tightened in the pit of your stomach, every nerve inside you screaming in turmoil. "I...I don't know what you're talking about-"
"Don't even bother," Mattheo's words cut through your feeble denial, and he tilted his head, his intensity thickening the air around you. "I see right fucking through you, now, princess...that innocent act won't work on me anymore..."
His eyes, like burning coals, seared into your skin as if trying to uncover hidden truths. The room seemed to close in around you, amplifying the weight of his accusation.
"Generation after generation of Pureblood fucking Slytherins..." he continued, his voice low and laced with feign exasperation. "And yet, here you are...apparently as Ravenclaw as they come...you've managed to make yourself so damn-near invisible that no one even fucking noticed..."
Your breath hitched, caught in the vice grip of his merciless scrutiny. The truth of his words hung heavily in the air, a damning revelation that sent a shiver down your spine. Your carefully constructed facade, your shield against the world, was crumbling, and Mattheo had managed to find the cracks, leaving you exposed and vulnerable in his piercing gaze.
"I'll admit, I feel rather idiotic for not piecing it together sooner..." he sneered, his tone cutting through the tension like a knife, hands curling into fists atop of the desk. "I guess I was too entranced by your starry-eyed facade to see the cunning Slytherin hiding beneath, even though it was right in front of my face this whole time...your biting sarcasm, your unrelenting ambition, and your overly-eager knack for deceit--classic fucking Slytherin traits, aren't they, Raven?"
Your entire being blazed with a searing heat, a tempest of conflicting emotions threatening to consume you. The urge to throttle him until he fell silent warred with a fierce desire to pull him close and lose yourself in a breathless kiss. How infuriating it was to witness his sharp wit, a talent he wielded effortlessly, yet one he seemed unwilling to apply to his fucking studies.
At your silence, he huffed, glimpsing your lips again. "Not even the stars can change the essence of who you are, princess." He whispered, a hint of mockery in his tone. "Maybe it's about time you were honest with yourself."
Your anger surged like a tidal wave, crashing against the shores of your restraint. In that charged moment, you leaned in closer, as close as you possibly could, your body practically vibrating with intensity. How dare he sit there, smug and superior, acting like he had unraveled the very fabric of your being just because he had dug up a few skeletons from your family's closet?
Sure, your parents weren't paragons of virtue, but their actions don't define you--and that was the very the essence of all this. Every choice you've made, every hardship you've endured, has been a deliberate effort to distance yourself from their toxic legacy. His derisive remarks only fueled the fire, and you practically hurled the words at him, your voice laden with disdain.
"You don't know a single fucking thing about me," you seethed, "all you fucking know is what the inside of my body feels like...don't you dare sit there and act like you've got me all figured out."
Your steps were purposeful as you pushed up and away from the table, leaving him sitting there, his words lingering in the air like a bitter aftertaste. You moved back into the library, the familiar scent of old books surrounding you like a protective barrier, but you knew it wouldn't shield you from the storm that was Mattheo bloody Riddle for long. No, that would be far too fucking easy.
And nothing about your situation with that boy was easy.
As you put your book back on the shelf, you felt his presence behind you, a suffocating weight pressing down on your shoulders as you reluctantly spun back around to face him.
"Why'd you do it, huh?" Mattheo's voice cut through the air like a razor, his narrowed eyes fixed on you as he backed you up against the shelf, his presence overwhelming. "Are you truly that ashamed of who you fucking are?"
"Mattheo," you spat, your fists clenching at your sides, the frustration boiling inside you. "Please, don't push it...if I wanted to tell you about that, I would have..."
"Yeah, you're ashamed," he sneered, dismissing your words with a cynical laugh, confirming his original point. "You're ashamed of where you come from...fuck, I always knew we were alike, but I never knew it'd be this much-"
"What the fuck is this? Some type of elaborate power-play move? Some type of big intimidation act to get me to tell you about my life?..." you snapped, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and pain. "If you wanted to know, why didn't you just ask me? Instead of fucking me every chance you got why didn't you try having a real conversation with me? Try actually opening up to me for once?"
"Even if I did..." he said, dropping his tone into a low whisper. "Would you have told me? You said it yourself that you don't fucking trust me..."
"What do you want to know, Riddle? Huh? You want me to tell you how I grew up in a mansion full of emptiness? How my parents were never around and I was left with my cold, reserved grandmother, who cared more about her fucking butler than me?...or maybe you want to know about how I was raised in a world of expectations, forced to be perfect in every way imaginable, while my parents only bothered to acknowledge my existence when it served their social ambitions..."
You paused, frowning at him, your features a near scowl. "You're sure quick to call me a rich little princess...and sure, maybe you're right, maybe I had all the material things one could ever desire...but it was never enough, could never be enough. Something was always missing, like a void inside me that nothing would ever fucking fill."
Your eyes burned with unshed tears as you continued, the weight of your past bearing down on you. "When my grandmother got sick, it was the only time she actually fucking spoke to me. She told me to be different, to break free from the mold that had plagued my family for decades. I was there with her in her final moments, the first and only fucking time she ever said she loved me. And where were my parents? Absent, as always. They didn't even show up until days after her death, showering me with gifts, as if their mere presence could make up for years of neglect..."
In an unrelenting torrent, words cascaded from your lips, each syllable carrying the burden of years' worth of pent-up emotions. Mattheo's unwavering gaze never strayed, his chest rising and falling in shallow bursts, absorbing every uttered syllable as though he never anticipated such revelations.
"Sure, maybe I was handed whatever I wanted on a silver fucking platter--but I was always alone, and truthfully, that's how I fucking preferred it. I never believed in destiny, Mattheo...the stars never whispered my name, my future...I had to shape my own path, I had to become something of my own...once my grandma passed, I was left with the butler. My parents didn't care about what I did as long as my grades were to their standards. They had no idea I wasn't in Slytherin until my third fucking year..."
You paused, your eyes catching Mattheo's parted lips, a reflection of sheer astonishment. Despite fighting to maintain composure, your voice softened with each breath, your heart pounding in your throat.
"I had to grab my own fate with two hungry hands, pulling and pushing and molding my life into something I could be fucking proud of...and then you came along, with your smart mouth and your fucking effortless charm...and you just...you forced your way right into my bloody heart, tore down my walls like you fucking belonged there." The bitterness in your voice hung in the air, the pain of your past etched into every word, your chest heaving with emotion as Mattheo stood in front of you, speechless. "Yes, I've made mistakes, but they belong entirely to me...and thats precisely what sets us apart, you went through some shit and let it possess you...I chose to fight back."
Trembling fingers betrayed the turmoil within, your entire body quivering in the aftermath of the verbal storm you'd just unleashed upon Mattheo. Only when the deafening silence enveloped you did the weight of your words become palpable.
Unable to endure the silence any longer, you broke eye contact, running a trembling hand through your hair. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to trauma dump on you like that, I just-"
"No," he declared, "don't you dare apologize to me...I should be the one apologizing to you."
Mattheo's interruption sliced through the charged air, his voice emerging rasped and strained, as though he had withheld words for years. Swallowing, you met his intense gaze, attempting to decipher the kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within his eyes.
"Don't pity me, Mattheo...I'm well past needing that," you whispered, your figure leaning subtly against the bookshelf, a tangible weariness emanating from your being. "Everything you've ever said was right...two sides of the same coin, the masks, the fact that we're each haunted by our own ghosts. You've always been fucking right. The only misstep was when you claimed you'd be my ruin."
Mattheo arched an eyebrow, bridging the distance between you with a measured step. "And why is that?"
"Because, little did you know, I was already in ruins," you murmured, reaching out to loop your fingers around his belt, pulling him closer. "If anything, you've been my bloody salvation...you did something I wasn't sure I was capable of anymore--you made me feel."
A tangible tension hung in the air as Mattheo's hands gripped your hips with a silent urgency, a fervent plea for your presence.
"As if you're going to fucking say that," he countered, his grip conveying unspoken desires. "As if that's not precisely what you did to me."
"Yeah?" you smirked, your voice a sultry whisper. "And what do I make you feel?"
"Everything, Raven," he cooed, lips grazing sensually over your jawline. "Hate, desire, anger, lust...among other things."
Your breath hitched, suspended in the charged exchange. "Among other--"
Before you could finish, Mattheo cut you off, his lips crashing onto yours in a searing kiss, a palpable surge of desire that eclipsed the need for spoken words. He pressed you against the bookshelf, the wooden solidity of the shelves meeting your back. His hands, with a journey of their own, glided up your sides, their warmth leaving a trail of anticipation. They found their destination on your face, gently cupping it with a possessiveness that made your heart flutter, and you sighed into his mouth, letting your hands rest at his sides.
"Everything about you is so fucking addictive..." Mattheo's confession hung in the air, a declaration punctuated by the heat of his lips tracing a fervent path along your jaw. His hand, a serpentine caress, slithered down your arm, leaving a tingling trail of warmth in its wake. "You are both hellfire and holy water...soft yet strong...and every bloody time I touch you I feel a little less war-torn, like your chaos balances out mine...I just...I have no idea what peace feels like Raven, but I have to imagine it feels a lot like you..."
"Mm...fuck, I've missed you..." a soft sigh escaped your lips as his kisses descended, exploring the landscape of your neck. Your fingers instinctively tightened their grip on his shirt. "Whatever happened to that break you said you wanted..."
"Fuck the break," he growled, desire lacing his voice. His hand ventured boldly behind your head, the other finding a home on your hip, possessive and hungry. "I want you so fucking bad...I want to fuck you right here...right against this fucking shelf...cover your filthy little mouth so no one can hear you fucking moaning for me..."
"Shit..." you mewled, gasping slightly as his hand slid around to grip your ass. "Maybe...if two people can't seem to stay the fuck away from eachother, they aren't meant to be apart, hm?"
"Maybe you're right..." Mattheo purred, nipping at your earlobe as he pressed you back against the shelf. "I've always been a strong man, Raven...but you break me without effort...you are my weakness, the chink in my fucking armour..."
"Your undoing?" you murmured, your fingers tracing over his belt.
He hummed. "Precisely."
"When are you going to open up to me, Mattheo?" You whispered, your voice a fragile murmur as though you were afraid of the answer, slipping your fingers under his belt now, gliding along its path. "Tell me all the bad things you've done...tell me what made you into the weapon you are...you don't need to be afraid...I saw your darkness from the very beginning and I'm still fucking here, aren't I?..."
"Why?" His grip tightened, breath hitching. "Why didn't you run?"
Your lids fluttered, slowly losing yourself in the warmth of his breath against your neck. His scent enveloped you; a familiar, soothing balm to the ache he'd caused with his recent request for a break. The answer formed easily in your heart, though voicing it required vulnerability, more than you'd ever expected to give.
"Because...it was a reflection of mine."
Mattheo's only response was a deep growl that rumbled through the charged space, a primal sound that resonated with desire. Without hesitation, he pulled you back into a hungry kiss, his body pulsating with pent-up energy seeking release. The intensity of the kiss mirrored the raw hunger between you, a magnetic force that defied all notions of any further separation.
As your fingers continued their exploration along his belt, tracing the contours with a teasing caress, you encountered an unexpected sensation--cold, unyielding metal tucked between the leather and his abdomen, its texture rough, and harsh. A chill ran down your spine as confusion slowly crept over you, your eyes fluttering open in slow, tentative blinks, fingers seemingly frozen in place.
Mattheo, lost in the heat of the moment, seemed oblivious to your sudden unease. The kiss deepened, his hunger transferring into the fervency of the embrace. But your focus had shifted, and your trembling fingers tentatively confirmed the nature of the cold object--something metallic, something that should not be there. You gently pulled away from the kiss, your eyes wide with realization, fixated on the metal object now halfway exposed. Dread tightened your chest as your brows pinched, flicking back up to meet his eyes.
"Mattheo," you whispered, the name carrying a weight of urgency, "what is this?"
Mattheo's swallow echoed in the charged silence, his gaze dropping to your hand, his chest still heaving from the passionate kiss. His eyes widened as the weight of your question settled in, a realization dawning on him, as if he had momentarily forgotten about the object concealed within his belt.
"Raven, I-"
He began, but you interrupted, yanking your hand back. "No-what the fuck-"
"Stop," Mattheo commanded, his tone abruptly taking on a harsh edge. With deliberate movements, he pulled up his shirt slightly, revealing more of the mysterious object nestled between his belt. The revelation hung in the air, and Mattheo, eyes now serious, asked a question that carried the weight of the moment: "Do you trust me, Raven?"
Your eyes squinted as a realization crashed over you, the rhythm of your heart shifting into a turbulent drumbeat within your chest. There was absolutely no denying it--that sleek, ominous silhouette spoke volumes. That was a fucking gun.
Frozen in a surreal disbelief, your ability to think, blink, or move was momentarily hijacked. Mattheo's hand surged upward with a suddenness that matched the shock in your eyes, seizing your jaw with a commanding force. His fingers, both firm and urgent, redirected your gaze, forcing you back to the depth of his eyes, which were now darker than the midnight sky.
"Answer me," he demanded, the intensity of his words amplified by the gravity of the situation. "Do you fucking trust me?"
The weight of the question echoed in the charged air. Your mind spun, grappling with the incredulity of the scene unfolding before you. Firearms had been a distant memory, relegated to hunting trips with a Muggle friend back in middle school. Yet, the stark reality of Mattheo possessing a fucking handgun in the heart of Hogwarts shattered any remnants of normalcy, the shockwaves reverberating through your very core.
"I-I-" you stammered.
Mattheo jostled your head in his grip, pulling you closer. "Yes or no question, Raven."
Blinking, you found yourself caught in a tempest of conflicting emotions. The tendrils of trust warred with the unsettling presence of the gun, a contradiction that defied all reason. In the throbbing silence, Mattheo's growl of frustration pierced the air. Relinquishing his grip on your jaw, he seized your wrist, directing it back toward the ominous weapon.
"Take it out," he commanded, his eyes fixed on yours. "Right now, Raven. Take it."
A whimper escaped you, your fingers trembling as they tentatively wrapped around the cold metal. With visible reluctance, you extended it out, pointing the gun down at the floor. Mattheo's grip on your wrist persisted, unyielding, anchoring you in the unsettling reality of the moment.
"I'll ask you one more fucking time," he whispered harshly, the words slicing through the charged air like a razor. His breath, warm against your face, carried an unsettling contrast to the gravity of his demand. "Do you trust me?"
Another desperate whimper slipped past your lips, the nodding of your head an almost frantic plea. "Yes! Please, I trust you. Just take it back-"
Mattheo's reply erupted as a snarl, a guttural growl that echoed with a feral intensity. His features, twisted by a crazed possession, accentuated the mad determination in his eyes as he tightened his grip on your wrist. With an unhinged sense of purpose, he directed it upward, the cold barrel now pressing menacingly against his own temple.
"Pull it," he said stoically, the eerie calmness chilling against the tension. "Pull the trigger."
Your jaw dropped, the brimming tears reflecting the disbelief that swirled in your eyes. "No! What the fu-"
"Do it," he repeated, the calmness persisting. "Go on, baby, pull it."
Sickened and paralyzed by the surreal horror of the moment, you hesitated, the sheer shock of what Mattheo was asking you to do anchoring you in a moment of profound disbelief. Your mind swarmed with recollections of the crazy things you'd done for him before, but this--this was unlike anything you had ever fucking imagined. The weight of the gun in your hand, the gravity of the situation, left your brain reeling as the stark realization of the moment seized hold of your senses.
His frustration, palpable and charged, manifested in another growl. With a menacing determination, he shifted his hand to envelop yours, forcing your finger down, the pressure on the trigger unrelenting.
You heard the click, you felt the click--and yet, nothing happened.
"Fuck..." you choked out, a turbulent blend of relief and confusion seizing your senses in a tumultuous embrace. "What the fuck..."
He blinked, his dark eyes tracing over your lips as he clicked it again. And again. The ensuing silence, pregnant with the surreal gravity of the situation, echoed through the seemingly empty library. Each breath you exhaled became a struggle, the air tinged with the weight of the inexplicable moment, your senses teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.
Then, like a tidal wave crashing over you, the realization struck with breathtaking force. "It's enchanted..."
"About fucking time you caught on." Mattheo nodded, his acknowledgement cutting through the charged air with terse confirmation. He released the hold on your hand, pulling the gun away and casually slipping it back under his belt. "This gun only serves one purpose Raven, and it's never to kill, only to protect..."
Your heart leapt. "Protect what?"
"Doesn't matter," he said, a gentle hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair away from your eyes. “You can trust me, Raven…you can always fucking trust me…”
You exhaled, a long, exasperated breath. “I know, Mattheo…”
“Good girl,” he cooed, a smirk playing on his lips as he stoically reached into his back pocket, as if on a quest for something. "Has Nott popped the question yet?"
Your cheeks flushed. "Yes.."
"Good," he replied, his other hand securing your wrist before he withdrew his busy one, placing a handful of Galleons in your outstretched palm. "Go treat yourself to a dress. Something red, something tight."
As he withdrew his hand, he leaned in, placing a hot, wet kiss on your cheek, smirking from ear to ear as he said. "I've got something I have to do tonight, so I can't stay...but I look forward to respectfully ripping off whichever lovely dress you decide on."
"Respectfully?" you quipped, a playful glint in your eyes. "I'll make sure to pick a dress that demands nothing less than the most dignified removal, then."
"Oh, Raven...I can promise you it'll be the furthest thing from dignified." He snickered, wetting his lips as he took a few steps back, slowly beginning to make his retreat. "See you then."
As he spun around, making his exit, your mind followed suit, a whirlwind of emotions from this entire encounter. Only Mattheo Riddle could master the art of rendering you utterly anxious, furious, emotional, aroused, terrified, and, finally, relieved--all within the span of under an hour. You'd never encountered a man who expertly navigated every one of your buttons and boundaries like he did, yet you couldn't deny the potent influence he held over you.
You couldn't deny that as soon as he left, an insatiable longing for his presence consumed you, an undeniable yearning for his return.
Chapter 25->
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jewishvitya · 4 months
Haaretz did this:
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The full thing is under the cut, in case this link is paywalled for other people. The actual text has blocked out portions as well, to highlight what it's like to report on cases of administrative detention.
Like all administrative detention hearings, it was held in-camera, to obscure the fact that detainees' lawyers do their job without access to the facts of the case. Even the few details that are not secret are prohibited for publication. The administrative detention order was approved in full for a period of six months
In the past, it was considered, at least officially, a measure reserved for the most extreme of cases. This hypocritical position has always been false, but now there is no longer any need to save face. According to the Israeli army's own data, almost 5,000 arrests were made in the West Bank in the past eight months. These are very conservative numbers, as they don't include the many thousands arrested and released without being indicted.
The data shows that administrative detention, this so-called extreme of extremes, is now the norm. According to Israeli Prison Service numbers, Israel now holds 7016 people who have not yet been convicted in its jails – either awaiting trial or under administrative detention. Of these, 4,299 – more than 60%! – are held without charge or trial. And all that is without saying a single word about the torture, hunger and humiliation to which all Palestinian prisoners held by Israel are subjected these days.
Administrative detention is based on secret suspicions, secret evidence and no charges being brought. To conceal its inherent absurdity, hearings are held in-camera and away from the public eye. As such, even the little that is revealed to the defense remains prohibited for publication.
On the morning of October 29, after a short farewell to his wife Nariman and their kids, Bassem Tamimi left his home in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, north of Ramallah, and started heading east toward the Allenby Bridge. He was on his way to visit relatives in Jordan he had not seen in a long time. A little after 11 A.M., Nariman received a message saying, "The secret police asked for me. I'll write when it's over." And then, shortly after 3 P.M., a call: "I am being arrested. They're coming to take the phone. Have to go. Bye."
This, unfortunately, was not Bassem's first encounter with Israeli law. His village, Nabi Saleh, has waged a multi-year campaign of civil resistance against land grabs and settlement expansion. As a prominent activist, he was incarcerated repeatedly for his role as a protest leader, part of Israel's attempt to quell dissent.
In the evening, the phone rang again. The woman on the line introduced herself, saying she lived in Silwan and was currently at the Hadassa hospital in Jerusalem. She then went on to say that Bassem was there, surrounded by soldiers. He was taken there after his blood pressure soared dangerously. Nariman could faintly hear Bassem's voice over the line saying, "I'm fine, don't worry, everything's good." After a few more hours, at night, that same woman sent a picture of Bassem in the ER, undergoing a checkup; his hand bound with ziptie cuffs. That was the last time Nariman heard from him. Save for a single short lawyer visit before Eid al-Fitr in April, no one has been in contact with him since.
Four days after his arrest, police ████, ████ ████: "███████ ███ ████ █████ ███ ████████, ██████, █████? "███████ ███ ██████: "████ ███ ██████." And that was that. Eight days later – the maximum time afforded to the authorities by article 33 of Israel's military law in the West Bank before a detainee must be presented before a judge (who also is a soldier in uniform) – a six-month administrative detention order was issued, which did not suggest any specific allegations, but rather only a very general statement regarding ███████ ██ █ ███████ .
Eleven more days later, the Kafkaesque proceedings of judicial review over the order took place. Some of it was held ex-parte between the soldier-judge and the Shin Bet. Like all administrative detention hearings, it was held in-camera, to obscure the fact that detainees' lawyers do their job without access to the facts of the case. Even the few details that are not secret are prohibited for publication. The administrative detention order was approved in full for a period of six months, until April 28.
Administrative detention, however, is not really bound by the limits of time, and can be extended indefinitely. And indeed, as the six months passed, a new six-month order was signed, citing the same meaningless cause of ██████ ████ █ ██████ ██ █. This time however, and unlike the state of affairs in almost any other administrative detention case, the defense had a pretty good insight into the details of the case. Administrative detention is such a mundane phenomenon in Israeli military courts, that , , , .
A few hours prior to Bassem's arrest, Israeli forces arrested █████ █ ████ █ ██████ ███ █████ █ ████████ ███ ███, Bassem's friend from their days together in Israeli jail at the beginning of the millennium. Then too, under administrative detention. ██████ ███ █████ █ ███ ████ ███ ███ ██████ █ ██ █████ █ ███ █████ ███ ███ █ ███ ███ ████, █ ████ ███ ███ ████ ███ ████ █ █ ███ █████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███ ████ █ ███ █████ ███ ███ █████ ███ ████ █ ███. █████ ███ ███ █████ ███ █████ █ ███, █████ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ █████ █ ████ ███ ███ ████ ███ █████? █ █████ ██ ███ ███. ██ ███ ██ ███ █ ██ █████ ███ ███ ██████ ███ █████ █ █████ ███ ███ ██████ ███ █████.
█ ████ ███ ███ ███ █████ ███ █████ █ ████ ████ ███ ███ ████ ███ █████ █ ████ ██ ███, ██████ ███ █████ █ ███ ████ ███ ███ ████ ███ █████ █ ██ ███ ███ ███ ███ ██ ███ ███ █ "██████ ███ ███ ████ ███ ████ █ ██████ ███ ███? █████ ███ █████ █ ████ ███ ███ █████ ███ ████ █ ███████ ███." ███ ██████ ███ ████ █ ███ ███ ███ ██ ███ █████ █ ██████ ███ ███ 25 ███ ██ █████ █ ███████ ████, long after the administrative detention order against Bassem was reviewed and approved by the court, ██████ was unconditionally released.
On his release, ██████ contacted Nariman and told her what had happened, thinking that his release must also mean Bassem should soon follow. This is how the defense learned the details it knows, and not through discovery by the prosecution. Even though there is no gag order on ██████ ██████'s case, discussing its details in conjunction with Bassem's administrative detention is prohibited for publication. Despite everything that was revealed – and that is the nature of administrative detention: there can always be more hidden evidence, secret, almost mystical – Bassem is still being held under administrative detention even now. Almost two weeks after the hearing, ███ █ ██ ██████ ██████ ████████ █████ █ █████ █ █████, the judge partially confirmed the second administrative detention order against Bassem in violation of military law provisions, ████████ ████ █ ███ █ ███████ ███ █ ████████.
Like Bassem, thousands more are held captive by Israel under administrative detention. In the past, it was considered, at least officially, a measure reserved for the most extreme of cases. This hypocritical position has always been false, but now there is no longer any need to save face. According to the Israeli army's own data, almost 5,000 arrests were made in the West Bank in the past eight months. These are very conservative numbers, as they don't include the many thousands arrested and released without being indicted.
The data shows that administrative detention, this so-called extreme of extremes, is now the norm. According to Israeli Prison Service numbers, Israel now holds 7016 people who have not yet been convicted in its jails – either awaiting trial or under administrative detention. Of these, 4,299 – more than 60%! – are held without charge or trial. And all that is without saying a single word about the torture, hunger and humiliation to which all Palestinian prisoners held by Israel are subjected these days.
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writeriguess · 28 days
Katsuki x fem reader fic where he's your professor but you have a secret relationship
The heavy sound of boots echoes through the empty lecture hall as Professor Katsuki Bakugou finishes his lesson. The room is devoid of students now, the lights dimmed except for the one near his desk. You linger behind, pretending to review your notes, though your eyes keep drifting towards him. The air is thick with unspoken tension, the kind that only you and he understand.
"Everyone's gone," Bakugou says gruffly, without looking up from his papers. His voice is deep, commanding—a stark contrast to the softness he shows you when no one else is around.
You close your notebook, heart pounding. "I know."
Bakugou finally looks up, his sharp, crimson eyes locking onto yours. "You should leave too," he says, but there's a hint of something more in his tone. Something that says he doesn't really want you to go.
You stand, your pulse quickening as you walk towards his desk. The distance between you feels like a chasm, but you close it in a few quick strides. The moment you’re close enough, his hand reaches out, grabbing your wrist and pulling you behind his desk, out of sight from the door.
"Katsuki," you whisper, the use of his first name forbidden in this setting but thrilling all the same.
"Quiet," he mutters, his voice husky as he pulls you closer. His lips brush against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "Someone might hear."
But the thrill of being caught only heightens the excitement. You can't help the smile that tugs at your lips as you lean into him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. "Let them," you tease, knowing full well that neither of you can afford the consequences.
Bakugou's grip tightens on your waist, his breath hot against your neck. "You think this is a joke?" he growls softly, but there's no real anger in his voice—just a frustrated desire that matches your own.
Your heart races as you tilt your head to meet his gaze. "I think it's worth the risk."
For a moment, the world outside ceases to exist. It's just the two of you, wrapped in the dangerous thrill of your secret. He kisses you then, hard and fast, as if he can’t stand being apart from you for even a second longer. His hands roam over your back, pulling you flush against him as if trying to erase the boundaries that keep you apart during the day.
The kiss is fiery, just like him, filled with a passion that leaves you breathless. When he finally pulls back, you're both panting, your forehead resting against his. His hands remain on your hips, holding you close as he fights to regain control.
"We can't keep doing this," he murmurs, though his actions betray his words. His fingers trace patterns on your lower back, igniting sparks beneath your skin.
You know he's right. You both know it. But the thought of ending things makes your chest ache in a way you can't ignore.
"I don't care," you whisper, your voice trembling with the intensity of your feelings. "I want you."
Bakugou closes his eyes, jaw clenched as he struggles with the same internal battle that has plagued him since the beginning. But when he opens them again, there's a fire there that mirrors your own.
"Damn it," he curses softly, before capturing your lips in another searing kiss, one that promises that this secret, this forbidden romance, is far from over.
In the silent, dim-lit lecture hall, your love is a spark that defies the rules, burning brightly in the darkness. But with each passing day, you both know that it’s only a matter of time before the world outside finds out, and the consequences of your forbidden love come crashing down.
Requests are open.
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