#dao creation
mobiloitteindia · 2 years
A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that cooperates according to rules encoded on the Ethereum Blockchain. DAO is decentralized, they are not subject to the control of any single entity. This makes them more resistant to hacking and corruption.
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onewingedangels · 2 years
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DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS (2009) dev. BioWare
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cultivateme · 4 days
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3cosmicfrogs · 9 months
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one triangle is not enough i need to make more
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earthfluuke · 1 year
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hakkikun · 2 years
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pinayelf · 2 years
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thedas tweets
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mdzs-fics · 3 months
I Believe in Miracles by NiobeFurens
AU - Canon Divergence 11 chapters complete 14k words [Must have an account with Archive of Our Own in order to read. An invitation is readily provided on the website.]
“Wēn Qiónglín, you have to help me get out of here;” said Jiāng Wǎnyín urgently, his voice was as weak, and unsteady, as his body; but his eyes were clear, and determined.
“W-w-what? Y-y-you can’t go a-a-anyw-w-where like this!”
“I know;" he murmured, "That’s why I need your help.”
“What Wèi Wúxiàn wants to do! What your Jiějiě plans to do…” he said frenziedly, “I cannot allow it!”
“Wēn Qiónglín, please! You have to help me get out of here!” implored Jiāng Wǎnyín again, “I thought you were his friend! How can you stand by and watch him destroy himself! I beg you!”
Wēn Níng fell silent. He had been against this scheme all along… He didn’t think it was a good idea… How could two wrongs make a right? But to go against Jiějiě, and Wèi Wúxiàn…
“If it had happened to you,” pressed Jiāng Wǎnyín, desperation in his eyes, “Would you want your Jiějiě to give you her core ?”
At the start of I Believe in Miracles, Jiāng Wǎnyín heard the discussion between Wèi Wúxiàn and Wēn Qing and is resolved it will never happen. Wēn Ning has a better plan: go find Bàoshān Sànrén. It turns out that it might be possible. Wēn Ning has studied the history of the Wēn for quite some time.
As the story progresses, we find that the "meek" Wēn Qiónglín is assertive, knowledgeable and willing to do what it takes to save Jiāng Wǎnyín. He can also be extremely persuasive.
The story goes back and forth between the characters involved. Wēn Qing and Wèi Wúxiàn, operating in different places, are involved the most. The swords are retrieved. An invitation to the Sun Palace is presented to the Sects by Bàoshān Sànrén (yes, Wēn Ning was successful).
Things go differently after that. The events at the Sun Palace and what comes after are satisfying. I'm happy I was able to read this work, which is so different to many of the Alternate Universe tales I've encountered. Enjoy.
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cadmar · 2 months
What causes a Change
What causes something to change? What makes it to change? What determines a change? What are the underneath factors to make something change? We have the ability to notice changes happening all the time around us. We have the ability to notice the changes occurring within ourselves. But, what really is change? Is it merely a difference between a memory and another event? Or is there something much more deeper? What is really going on?
The only way I look at it is using the example of scratching a lottery ticket. There are choices, but these choices are all concealed by being covered up. You can only make a few guesses and each guess is made by scratching out the covering surface. If you scratched the correct choice, you won. Our ability to notice changes is similar to scratching a lottery guess. Except we are not physically scratching, but another action is used.
To scratch a lottery ticket, certain conditions must be met. The ability to physically scratch the ticket. The ability to understand the rules. The desire to win. All these conditions and there are more others are all formed by the person's history and experiences in life. This is the same for us to having the ability to notice changes.
For us to notice a change, certain conditions are essential for us to have this ability. This comes from growth and development from past experiences. Our past is one long mathematical equation, or one long wave length. When we scratched the lottery ticket, we are adding another ability to this process. We are making the mathematical equation stronger, healthier, and more precise by removing uncertainties and the unknowns.
Basically, when we are scratching the lottery ticket, we are scratching away the concealments caused by our ignorance, our hatred, our fears, and our desires! One by one, little by little. We are then noticing that we are changing as we can see and sense more. We are interacting more with both the outside and inside, together! We can experience more because the world around us is allowing us to scratch deeper to what is truly amazing and wonderful! We are growing, developing, and sensing what is out there and inside of us, both at the same time!
The world outside and the universe inside of us unveils together, reveals together, grows together, and are bound together. This is a dance of participation! An interplay and never a dance of spectators, but an active dance of participating in an amazing universe of wonders and excitement of pure happiness!
This is change. This is us discovering by scratching out the concealments and revealing the change within ourselves and outside of ourselves! The dance of active living! This is an active life! This is a growing life! This is meaning in itself, by itself, and to itself! All within itself! Our interplay with the entire universe!
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crowetesque · 1 year
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Since the official launch of Baldur's Gate 3 is around the corner I thought I'd share test scribbles of my planned Halsinmance druid, Maeve. Aka the wolf wife.
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mobiloitteindia · 2 years
A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that cooperates according to rules encoded on the Ethereum blockchain. 
Because DAOs are decentralized, they are not subject to the control of any single entity. 
The rules of a DAO are encoded in its smart contracts. 
These rules determine how the DAO interacts with the outside world and how its internal affairs are managed
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onewingedangels · 2 years
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The Village of Haven DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS (2009) dev. BioWare
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zihua-art · 1 year
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Perler KEYCHAINS for ColossalCon Otaku Craft Fair! These and more~
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oediex · 2 years
I started watching the Dragon Age: Origins with a Therapist playthrough, by Dr. Mick, who the article on PC Gamer was about. So far, I've only seen the first 25 minutes with character creation, but there's already very interesting stuff!
Here's what he has to say on character creation in RPG video games:
"When people create video game characters in RPGs using customisation, oftentimes they will use two factors in how they create their characters, particularly if they want it to have some sort of similarity to themselves. One is called wishful identification; the other is called similarity identification. These are traits that people will put into their character creation. So I am going to create a city elf and I am going to talk through aspects of wishful and similarity identification as I make my elf. Because we can learn a lot about people through the characters they create."
"The first thing I’m going to start with here is gender. For me, being male is a very important part of my identity. So, I have a hard time connecting with characters in video games when I play as them when they are female. Not that I can’t. It’s just different for me, because of how important being male is in my identity, so I almost always make male characters. So making my elf male is important. One thing that I like about elves too is that they’re usually tall and slender like me. So there’s a little bit of that. I used to make dwarves and, like, really strong, bulky humans because there is a little bit more wishful identification in there. But I’ve skewed more toward similarity identification in the characters I create as I’ve gotten older."
"So, there’s not really a lot to be said about when people go for more similarity vs. wishful identification. Usually what it means, like, it kind of depends on how you play a characters as well. One of the things that’s really interesting is if you look at patterns. So if a person makes a character with a lot of similarity identification and then makes consistently certain types of decisions in video games and then they change their appearance maybe to wishful identification and they play them differently, that can sometimes say a little bit about what they wish their behaviors were more like. It really depends. So, there’s also, like, kind of ways to explore different parts of identity. Like, for example, if a person is experience gender dysphoria, for example, you might play around with what your character looks like and how they interact within the world and maybe you find something that is a bit more, like, in line with what you see yourself as. So, a lot of times, like, we’ll try to combine the two. So sometimes, like, I might give myself a little bit stronger jawline than what I have in real life or something like that. But I feel most immersed and connected to my character when it looks somewhat similar to me. Or I will kind of go fully off the deep end and just try to make something that is just fully wishful. I’m not a big blend guy. I usually go either similarity or wishful."
"There is no right or wrong way to create characters by the way. But it is fun to, like, kind of immerse yourself in it. Like, I’m a big believer that if a game has a character creator, then you should totally consider using it."
"Sometimes people just like to make cool characters. It’s when people are really thoughtful about making it a reflection of them in some way, when we start to have more interesting conversations. When people just make crazy, wild characters, sometimes it’s just for fun. You don’t have to look too far into it."
He talked through making his character, but that wasn't very interesting, just "oh i'll give him brown hair because i have brown hair; my eyes are blueish-grey" etc. So he was clearly using similarity identification.
He's written an academic paper called "Videogame use as a tool for assessing and intervening with identify formation and social development", where he talks about similarity identification vs wishful identification which I've found here. Haven't read it yet, though.
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earthfluuke · 1 year
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“Please introduce yourself to our juniors.” OUR SKYY 2 (2023)
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helpmeimblorboing · 1 year
Title : The Purple Lotus Blooms Forever
Rating : Teen
Fandom : Mo Dao Zu Shi
Genre : Hurt/ Comfort
Summary : "But, in his heart of hearts, the awe-inspiring Sect Leader Jiang was desolate and world-weary. The losses he had suffered and his responsibilities towards his Sect weighed on his mind like iron chains. He still remembered, though none were left to remember it with him, how bright the sky of Yunmeng used to be, before the Wen-dogs forever darkened it with the black, choking that rose from the fire they used to burn Lotus Pier, fire that had been fed with the blood of his friends. He still remembered his father's kind embrace, his mother's stern but nonetheless caring rebukes, his sister's lotus-root-and-pork-rib soup, the sound of the disciples clamouring and laughing as they assembled in the main hall for dinner.. All things he treasured. All things he loved. All things that were torn from him before their time. " Jiang Cheng is tired. He is old and beyond his time. For over a decade, he has lived, fueled by wrath, pride and spite, and a need to protect those who depended on him. But now Jin Ling no longer needed him. His Sect could stand on his own. And it's time, for Jiang Cheng to finally turn his gaze inwards towards his own heart and heal, or at least try to heal, the wounds on it
Or, Jiang Cheng gets some much-needed therapy
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