#darcy needs to CALM DOWN
arainbowmess · 1 year
I always say: the gayer the better
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so since masks arent mandatory on public transport anymore, people on the train were coughing on purpose in every direction uuargh i need some chocolate to calm down
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traveler-at-heart · 11 days
The Doctor's In
Summary: Billy Maximoff sustains an injury and Wanda comes to you, her neighbour who happens to be an ER doctor.
Wanda Maximoff x F!R
For @esposadejoyhuerta - hope this week is better to us <3
That’s all you are. You don’t even know how you manage to get home, dragging your feet through the door and dropping your bag next to the couch.
Sleep or eat?
You look between the kitchen and sofa, and the view of the cushions and the blanket you left there is far more attractive than the prospect of food.
Sleep it is.
Dropping face first on the couch, you sigh, excited at the idea of sleeping for the next few hours, until your next shift at the hospital.
You close your eyes, and don’t know how long you’ve been asleep until a desperate knock wakes you.
“Who is it?” you say, scared by the sudden noise.
“It’s Wanda”
You relax instanty, sighing with relief. Though you don’t speak regularly to your neighbours, Wanda is by far the nicest.
“Is everything ok?” as soon as you open the door, you can see her disheveled state and the fear in her eyes. “Wanda, what’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry, Billy had a little accident in the stairs and he’s in pain, I didn’t know what to do and remembered you’re a doctor”
“Come on” you let her lead the way, opening the door. As soon as you enter you can hear Billy’s cries and Tommy by his side. The boy is sitting at the bottom of the stairs, holding his right arm.
“Hey, Billy. Wanna tell me what happened?”
“It hurts” is all he manages to say.
“May I examine you? You can tell me if it hurts a lot or only a little, yes?”
The boy nods, trying to calm down as you inspect his arm. At a certain movement, he flinches, and you sigh, turning to Wanda.
“He needs an X-Ray”
“Ok, I’ll take him now”
“Why don’t I drive you?” you say, thinking it might be dangerous for Wanda to get behind the wheel when she’s in so much distress. The woman nods, and you help Billy up, making sure he doesn’t move his arm.
Wanda sits with both boys in the back of your car, her hands going through Billy’s hair to calm him down.
“Sorry about the mess” you say, looking at all the junk you had in your car.
“It’s alright” she says, looking a bit more relaxed. “I’m sorry for making you drive us, you must be exhausted”
“I don’t mind at all”
You look through the rearview mirror, Wanda smiling softly and you return the gesture, feeling a bit flustered.
“I thought I told you to go home” Chief Fury says as soon as you walk through the ER.
“Uh… my neighbour’s kid got into an accident so”
“Alright, then” his threatening glare softens as soon as his eyes land on the woman walking behind you and her two kids, Billy in a wheelchair.
“He needs an X-Ray, I didn’t see signs of a concussion or any other injuries”
“Admit him, get vitals and go to imaging. Ma’am, you can wait here while Dr. Y/L/N checks on your son”
“Can’t I go with him?”
“I’m afraid not”
“It’s alright, I won’t leave him alone” you squeeze her hand, pushing Billy to the X-ray room.
Luckily it’s empty when you walk in, the technician setting everything up quickly.
“I thought your shift ended” Darcy says and you shrug your shoulders.
“Shit happens”
Billy laughs and your eyes widen, forgetting you were around a child.
“Uh, maybe don’t tell your mom I said that, kid?”
“Hey, don’t do it for free. Get something in return for your silence” Darcy intervenes and you want to smack her. But Billy keeps on laughing as you argue with your friend, and it’s nice to see him smiling after being in so much pain.
Darcy whistles as soon as you look at the image of Billy’s fracture.
“Clean split”
“Yeah, he got lucky”
You figure it’s better to ask for an Ortho resident to help with the cast. Darcy keeps Billy company while you go talk to Wanda.
“Hey” you sit next to her, offering a cup of coffee you brought from the machine.
“How is he?” Wanda asks, looking at Tommy, who is sound asleep in the chair next to hers. You motion for her to stand up to talk without waking him up.
“Billy broke his arm but won’t need surgery. Just a cast for a few weeks and then we can remove it”
“I’m such an idiot” she curses and you’re taken aback by her outburst. As a trauma surgeon, you had seen your fair share of ugly situations, so a cast was one of the best outcomes all things considered.
“I shouldn’t have let them play, but it was late and I figured they just needed to run a bit more before they got tired” she goes on, hand running through her hair. You can see the tears pooling in her eyes.
“Hey, hey, stop” you place your hands in her arms, waiting until she looks at you. “Blaming yourself is not helping at all. Listen, kids get hurt playing, it’s practically a rite of passage. And I know it sucks and it’s scary but Billy is fine and I’m always around for anything, ok?”
“Ok” she nods and without thinking, you pull her closer, hugging her. Wanda rests her head on your shoulder, her scent pleasant and calming. You rub circles down her back and she relaxes.
“Thank you” she says, her hands still on your waist. You can’t help but notice how beautiful she looks, even in her disheveled state and your eyes travel to her lips.
“Dr. Y/L/N?” a resident approaches you, clearly hesitant to interrupt.
“Yeah” it takes you a second too long to look away, making Wanda blush.
“Billy is all set up” she informs you. “If Miss Maximoff filled out all the forms he’s good to go”
“Yeah, I did” the woman nods next to you, picking up her things and waking Tommy up. The resident leads you to a room where Billy is waiting for his mother. Tommy runs up to him and admires his cast, looking at the material in his brother’s arm.
“Here” you say, adjusting an armsling for him to rest. Signing his discharge and picking up some pain meds, you lead the Maximoffs out of the hospital.
By the time you park in your driveway it’s 2 AM and you have to be at the hospital in less than 12 hours.
“Come on sweetheart” Wanda tries to wake Billy, but you stand next to her and offer to carry him all the way to his room.
You’ve known Wanda for almost two years now but had never gone inside her house. As you carry the boy upstairs, you notice all the family pictures and drawings that the twins made.
“Sleep tight, little man” you say, moving aside so Wanda can remove his shoes and tuck him in. “Let me know if you need anything, ok? I’ll be home until noon”
“Oh, actually, can you wait a second for me? I’m sorry, it won’t be long”
“Sure” you nod, going down to the living room.
You don’t know if it’s the exhaustion or Wanda has an incredibly comfortable couch, but as soon as you sit there, you relax and drift off.
By the time Wanda tucks in both boys and comes downstairs, you’re fast asleep. The woman smiles, your features soft as you catch up on much needed sleep. Wanda pulls out a blanket and drapes it over your body, hoping you’ll finally be able to get some rest.
It smells amazing.
The scent of fried bacon and butter makes you open your eyes, your stomach suddenly very aware that you forgot to have dinner last night.
Looking around, you realise this isn’t your house, but it still takes a minute to remember everything. Wanda, the twins, the hospital.
“Morning” the woman says when she sees you looking confused; the way you rub the sleep off your eyes makes her heart flutter.
“Wanda, hey. Sorry, I crashed in your living room. I’ll get out of your way now”
“I’m making breakfast. I bet you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday”
“Well…” you rub your neck, stretching. You fold the blanket and walk to her, your mouth watering at the smell of everything.
“Orange juice?” she offers.
“Yeah, thanks” you take the glass. “Can I help with anything?”
“You’ve done enough, Y/N. Come on, sit. Enjoy”
You smile sheepishly, grabbing pancakes, bacon and some jam. The first bite is so good, you let out a loud moan.
“Sorry” you blush, Wanda biting her lip curiously at the sound you just made. “These are like the best pancakes I’ve ever had”
“Thank you” she sits across from you, drinking coffee and resting her chin on her hand. “Do you have to be back to work soon?”
“Yeah, in a couple of hours. I’ve got surgery and gotta make the rounds on some patients from yesterday”
“You work too much” she admonishes in her mom voice and you laugh.
“I’ve heard that one before”
“Your boss?”
“Yeah. I mean, I don’t have any family here and all of my friends are at the hospital, so it’s better than being home alone doing nothing”
“Not all of your friends are at the hospital” she says with a shy smile and you nod, appreciating her words.
“What about you? Anything interesting going on?”
“Aside from Billy and Tommy being pure chaos? No, that’s enough for a lifetime” she laughs, and it’s honestly the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard.
“They’re really sweet kids. It must be hard work but you’re doing amazing with both of them, Wanda”
“Thank you” she looks down at her cup of coffee and you nod, eating the rest of your food in silence.
Wanda is about to say something else when your pager goes off.
“Oh, great” you mutter. “My surgery’s gonna be earlier. Gotta hurry up”
“Chew your food!” Wanda scolds when you began to put everything in your mouth.
“Sorry” you say, trying to slow down. Wanda rolls her eyes. “Can I at least do the dishes?”
“Fine” she concedes, and shows you where everything is. “You better eat before your surgery. Or I’ll pack you lunch”
“I promise I’ll eat” you say, rolling your eyes. Once the dishes are done you pick up your stuff and walk out the door, Wanda close behind. “Let me know if you need anything? Billy might have some discomfort but the meds should be enough. But either way, call me”
“I don’t actually have your phone number” she says, making you frown.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Here” You take out a piece of paper from your pocket and scribble on it. “Anything at all, call me. Even if I’m in surgery, I’ll make sure one of the nurses answers for me”
“Is there anything I can do to repay you?”
“Those pancakes were heavenly. Thank you”
It’s hard for you to say goodbye to Wanda, but you hear the twins calling and decide it’s time to go back home.
The woman gives you a nod and you reach out, squeezing her hand. You feel warm as you go back to your place.
To be honest, you’re hoping Wanda calls you, for more than just a consult.
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midnightmayhem13 · 3 months
Hey bby! Can I request in general headcanons for dating the marvel girls?
You Know I Adore You
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trying to get back into it but here's more general headcanons for the girls! (scroll down my profile if u haven't seen the og ones🤫)
Carol Danvers
-she loves to give you soft pecks any time you walk past or say hi or bye to her
-its smt so simple but she loves it, letting everyone know you're both taken
-she loves wrapping her hand around ur shoulder and pulling u into her as she bows her head to kiss you
-when you show her new clothes you bought (dresses, tops, skirts, lingerie) she literally kicks her feet and starts giggling like a toddler
-she puts her hands on her face and smiles so big when you look good in smt/ doing smt
-when ppl hit on you she starts laughing bc she knows ur incredibly loyal, but she does have her moments when she gets insecure
-she'll talk to you about it later if it won't leave her alone. and it usually ends in her sleeping on your tit
-she leaves a drool stain on ur boob but she won't ever admit it's drool
-when ppl hit on her and you get angry it turns her ONNN. like her super sweet and calm gf getting possessive does smt to her
-she loves to call you her sweet girl
-anytime she gets, she'll just stare into ur eyes as she caresses ur cheek, whispering stuff like 'i love you so much pretty girl'
-its mostly to herself but it slips her mind and it's audible
-she loves giving you long tight hugs out of nowhere. like nothing makes her day better then when you wrap ur arms around her so tight and all her problems dissipate
-if you like to cook, she's constantly behind you holding ur waist. she tries to help if she can but usually js ur taste tester
-when ur the one the takes her out on a date and makes her feel so pretty she's literally blushing the whole time. and she'll literally js tell random ppl 'look how beautiful she is!"
-she's so obsessed with you it's crazy, she follows you like a lost puppy.
-and omg when she or you propose she will NEVER skip a chance to call you her wife
-"my wife bought it for me!" "it's for my wife" no thank you, i have a wife" "i love my wife" "i miss my wife" "my wife uses that!" ANY CHANCE
- its gets to the point where nat, bc she's a tease, buys her a shirt that says i love my wife and it's her favorite shirt
-you're her favorite person ever and and if she had to spend every second of her life by your side she'd do it in a heartbeat
Darcy Lewis
-i can't fathom how much darcy loves to leave kiss marks ALL over you!!
-she'll leave them on ur neck, cheek, forehead, and on ur lip so everyone knows to stay away from what's hers
-she'll leave them and say "all mineee" as she grabs ur cheeks with her hands and squishes them together to kiss you
-you guys sleep so intertwined. it's so comfortable for both of you but you've been asked by some ppl how the hell you two get any sleep like that
-darcy likes her girl obsessed. js plain and simple. she KNOWS she had you wrapped around her fingers bc she's aware you'll literally move the moon for her
-you love to spoil her and take her everywhere she can, you want her to live her dream and explore the world
-i imagine darcy dating a big, tall, buff, hot ass avenger chick. she always flaunts how hot you are to anyone
-she gives a lot of dirty looks to girls who stare at you a little to long.
-usually she tugs ur pinky and you'll give her a kiss on the lips or pull her close
-when you two walk, it's impossibly close to eachother.
-you both need to be touching the others skin when ur together.
-she melts in ur arms when you call her pretty.
-it doesn't matter how many times you say it in a day (which is a lot) she's always gonna feel so giddy and nervous when you say it
-looking in ur eyes calms her down. when she's stressed abt work or school you give her a warm hug and tell her everything is gonna be alright and that she's got this
-when you put ur hand on her cheek she grabs it and kisses ur palm and you do the same
-you hate ian. even if he didn't do much to her ur get jelly that he got to kiss her. she finds it funny bc he was not it
-she loves when you lay on top of her and just hold her. even tho she struggles to breath sometimes, she's never felt warmer
-omg imagine darcy with an asguardian gf and she's just so obsessed with ur accent and skills. it drives her up the wall
-she always feels so safe when she's with you and you do wtv you can to make sure she's safe and happy
-darcy loves her scary gf very much and loves when you intimidate ppl bc you're actually a very soft a sweet person
María Hill
-i feel like you and maria have a soft and mature ass relationship
-when you have fights they're usually small. but you two can make up by talking it out or yk smt else
-sometimes you'll stroll into her office, sit on her lap, give her a few kisses then walk out.
-when you two walk around her arms around ur waist and when ur sitting around ur shoulder. js making sure she marks her territory
-whenever you two are js chatting she'll hold ur waist. it could be a conversation about a mission or literally her favorite burger but she's holding ur waist.
-she likes when you call her commander, not even in like a kinky way (she does like it like that too) but she feels so happy knowing ur able to keep it professional and respect her
-you both know how you like ur coffee by heart. and you memorized all her favorite foods and she's shocked
-maria is a jealous girllll. she trusts you 100% but God forbid and stranger touches you. she'll give them hell for it
-when u guys get engaged/married she loves to stare at the ring and wears it all. the. time.
-smt about it is just so you and her as if it was tied to her soul and she loves that you found the most perfect ring ever.
-you make her lunch for work. either packing it in her very cute lunch bag or stopping by her office to drop it off. you make sure she eats
-its also a secret but ur thumbprint opens her office doors. after years of dating ofc.
-i feel like you guys could have an age gap relationship but it's never been an issue
-she has a polaroid picture of you in her wallet and desk. she labeled it "forever my pretty girl" and the date.
-nat is very protective of you when maria's now around. they both know u are more than capable of protecting yourself and very loyal. but mats js making sure
-you have a necklace with her name on it and/or a locket with a picture of her
-you guys are meant to be together and everyone knows that
Sharon Carter
-sharon is so public about ur relationship but also extremely private about it
-like she flaunts her hot beautiful ass gf everywhere. but know one knows as many details about you as her or any of ur guys' anniversaries
- anytime you guys sit down sharon has her arm around ur shoulder, ur leg on her thigh, and her hand on ur thigh
-she's a big fan of whisky but makes sure she doesn't stink of it so you'll let her kiss you. she has a collection of it and you find it cute
-she also likes to tease you by putting the cold glass ur thigh when you sit
-she's actually so clingy and needy. from a distance she may seem as a badass chick who loves her gf, but she's actually like clingy lil thang.
-she always needs to have her hands in you, she's told you she'll die if she's not touching you.
-she will shamelessly stare at ur tits and touch/poke them any chance she gets.
-she also claims she can't sleep if her face isn't in between ur boobs. she swears the scent of ur skin there is better than the rest of ur body.
-she loves to nuzzle her nose into ur neck/chest
-she loves when you wrap ur arms around her neck when she's sitting at her desk
-she loves when u hug her around her neck in general
-after a long night (wink wink) she loves to see you wake up and put her button up/blazer on as you go to the bathroom
-she actually goes feral when she sees you in smt revealing or tight. like it drives her crazy nd she starts craving you so bad
-but she'll literally drool over u in ur lil mom type outfits or pajamas. you js always looks so gorgeous and splendid to her
-she'll let you do her hair sometimes, she perfers it just down and neat but she can never say no to you.
-she loves to buy you jewelry and you guys have a lot of matching pieces
-her heart aches when she sees you being you. ur just so unique and flawless in her eyes
-your her dream girl and she's yours
-your literally her most prized possession. like ofc ofc she doesn't treat you like an object or prize to be on but you're the most important thing in her life
-she's a touch starved baby so when you two get more comfortable with eachother she loves when you affection.
-after she's had a rough day or in general she loves to js sit as you stand between her legs and hug her neck and stroke her head.
-she'll hold ur waist and put her head on ur chest to hear ur heartbeat and feel ur boobs
-don't get me wrong, she's obsessed with ur tits but feeling ur squishy and warm flesh helps her feel less dehumanized, it's not always sexual
-literally no one can disrespect you bc nebula is gonna appear out of the shadows to murder them
-nebula would totally have a soft girlfriend. you're so sweet and kind, the opposite of nebula. but you see and bring out the best in her. nebula and her soft girl<3
-THE black cat and golden retriever gf duo. moon and her star.
-nebula has no shame at all, anytime you guys sit she's gonna pull you on her lap. it doesn't matter if there's plenty of room she wants to be near you at all times
-she loves to give you soft pecks on ur head, cheek and neck. whenever you hug her and she likes to do it when you're sitting next to her.
-idk if i should say she's big on pda bc she just does it yk? she doesn't like being in public but she's so possessive and obsessed with you that she just needs to be touching you all the time.
-her favorite position to take a nap in is hugging ur thigh as she's between them while you stroke her head.
-i've said it before but she's obsessed with how squishy and warm you are.
-when you guys sleep she holds u super close by ur waist, and u put ur hands on her chest
-she thinks you don't hear but she'll silently praise you and tell you how much she loves you when you sleep
-you love ur blue girlfriend and she's so happy you chose her
kate bishop
-she's so obsessed with you it's actually so cute
-she has the biggest pout when she comes home from difficult missions or days
-all she wants to do is lay between her gfs legs and breath in ur scent
-you have an arrow necklace, like nat, but it's for kate
-yelena always makes fun of you bc she says kate is cupid and shot her love bow at you
-she also bugs kate bc of how flustered she gets around , even after you guys start dating. and she'll ALWAYS remind kate of how embarrassing her confession to you was
-you guys go on picnics a lot. you like to braid kate's hair as she's throwing lucky his favorite tennis ball around
-you get so overheated when you sleep bc kate usually sleeps with all her lumps around you and lucky on top of you
-she SNORESS. you think it's adorable but she's gonna refuse it when you tell her about it. she's also drooled on you plenty of times but when u love someone sm it rlly doesn't matter
-if ur an avengers, she falls in love you when ur first introduced to her. clint and nat noticed immediately, and nats like ur instructor. (BC NAT NEVER DIES) and they both just watch as this love story is written in front of them
-if you meet her mom she likes you but doesn't respect you very much. she's very invasive with her questions and makes crude jokes that only she finds funny.
-kate loves to go on cute scenic dates with you. one of the most memorable as when she asked you to be her gf. it one on a hill overlooking the sea with lucky by her side
- she twirls her hair and stubbles over her words a lot when she's with you. she just gets so nervous around you it's crazy
-nat was ur hypewomen and clint was her hypeman. they both love you sm and they want you to be happy. so when you tell nat about ur first date she gets so happy and helps you get ready
-they're both rooting for you. nat also helps kate by telling you ur favorite flowers, snacks, places, movies. and clint helps you by her archery related gifts and stuff for lucky
-you're so obsessed with her as well. you draw K's with a heart anytime you have paper, take pictures of her all the time and so much more. she's so lucky to have you
-you guys are always the best looking at a gala. she'll wear her favorite suit and you wear a long dress with a slit in the color of her tie. she cannot take her hands off of you and she's pure eye candy to you
-she wouldn't rather spend her life with anyone else, she loves you with her whole heart and will do anything to prove it to you
a/n this was SO FUNNN🤍 please send more requests guys bc im lowk running out of ideas!! ty for reading stay safe hoes
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calcifiedunderland · 11 months
Pride and Prejudice: A TWSTed AU
The Schemer of the Scalding Sands: J. Viper
Introduction, or pick another route!
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Jamil x GN Reader
Warnings: Najma and Kalim are wingmen, Jamil insults you Darcy-style (he doesn’t mean it <3 ), P&P-level angst, descriptions of being extremely high in the air (magic carpet ride <3 )
Notes: ngl i became a jamil stan while writing this fic
Kalim was being quiet, Jamil thought as he glanced at the clock. Too quiet.
It was late evening, and usually around this time Kalim would be knocking on Jamil’s dorm room asking for him to cook something. Or for homework help. Or to plan a party. Or all three, plus something else. Usually, Jamil couldn’t go more than half an hour without Kalim coming around, but this evening had been oddly peaceful, so something had to be afoot.
He pushed away from his desk and headed down the hall to the dorm leader’s room, pressing an ear against his door. Good, he’s in the room. Judging by Kalim’s voice, he wasn’t in immediate danger. Good, good. Still, he should just make sure. He rapped his knuckles against the door and walked in without waiting, “Kalim, I came to check-“
He stopped in shock, eyes widening and a frown forming. Kalim was on his stomach on his bed video chatting with someone on his phone, legs kicking in the air cheerfully. That was all fine, except-
“Najma?!” Jamil screeched, diving to Kalim to get a better look. “Why are you calling Kalim?!”
“Dude, calm down,” Najma deadpanned. Kalim grinned, “yeah, it’s all fine Jamil! We were just talking about you actually-“
“What?!” Jamil wrenched the phone from Kalim, and dodged his hands. “Najma! You should be doing your homework not talking to Kalim-“
“Jamil can you relax?” Najma drawled, leaning back on her bed. “I just called Kalim to see if you were actually doing your job.” Not really, it was to make sure Jamil wasn’t overstressing himself. Clearly he was. She suddenly smirked, and changed the topic. “Kalim said you were close to that (name) person you brought to the Yasamina Silk festival. They seemed cool, but now they seem great.”
Jamil was indignant. “Don’t listen to him Najma. And Kalim! You-!” Jamil turned to glare at him, then immediately calmed his voice and face. “You should eat something, it’s getting late.” Kalim’s eyes widened and he looked at the time, “you’re right! We should see if the rest of the dorm is hungry too! We could all have dinner together!” He dashed out of the room without waiting for Jamil, who sighed and turned back to Kalim’s phone. “I’d better go after him, take care of yourself, Najma.” “Okay, bye~”
Najma sighed and slumped against her bed. Jamil seems to really like this (name), and they seemed pretty nice when we met. Not to mention, Jamil seemed happy they were there… it’d be nice for him to loosen up too. In the very few times he’d spoken about you to her, he seemed… almost cheerful. Very unlike the high-strung, perfectionist brother she knew. Even though Jamil was still her older brother, she still worried about him a little bit. It’d be nice if he had someone to loosen him up, who he genuinely liked.
She thought back to the festival, where you and Jamil shared a melon with one another. Sure, you may have not known that one Scalding Sands legend, where if you shared that melon with someone, your friendship (or romance!) would last forever. Or maybe you did know.
Either way, she knew her brother well enough that he wouldn’t slip up with splitting the melon like that. He may not believe in superstition, but a Scalding Sands legend was still a legend.
She thought for a bit, and then smirked and picked up her phone. Oh yeah. It’s all coming together. She just needed to get Kalim on board now.
Jamil was staring at you again.
It was out of the corner of his eye, and he kept looking away, but you just knew. Because he’d been doing it for the past few months, ever since the Scalding Sands event you’d crashed with Grim.
Granted, you were surprised he even let you go with him and Kalim, given how annoyed he looked at the extra guests (between you two, Trey, Cater, and Malleus, it was an unforgettable trip indeed). And you and Jamil sort of reached a… truce, of sorts, after his overblot.
You didn’t know how you felt ever since he’d basically imprisoned you and Grim in Scarabia, and all the things he’d said about you. Sure, after all of that went down, you were pissed and a little hurt. You’d thought that you’d made a friend in a new dorm, (two, counting Kalim, who really was your friend) but instead he was just using you. And now, the two of you were in a strange stalemate, and surprisingly, saw each other somewhat often.
While running odd errands for Crowley, sometimes you passed by the gym. You’d see Ace and Floyd, and also Jamil playing basketball, and invariably Jamil would become distracted. Floyd even loudly complained about that when a stray shot from Jamil hit him in the head. Then, at some point he’d offered to tutor you in Alchemy, saying that Kalim needed help too, so he’d just be getting two birds with one stone. And then Kalim would throw parties practically every fortnight and sic Jamil on your tail, begging you to come.
You supposed Kalim felt extremely grateful for helping him understand Jamil, but frankly you wanted to be left in peace. Still, when you did accept Kalim’s invitation, you sort of… enjoyed the small talk you made with Jamil, commenting on his cooking and sometimes helping him in the kitchen to get away from the crowds. At some point, the two of you even began meeting up to just… vibe.
Sometimes you’d meet with him in the kitchens, watching him cook while you did your homework, and occasionally cook with him. At some point, you’d take over from him and cook in his place, just to give the poor guy a break. This wasn’t something you took lightly, given how overprotective Jamil was over Kalim - the two of you reached a nice… whatever it was.
Still, you felt like he was uneasy around you. Why else would he keep staring at you, hovering over you, and ask you pointed questions? One moment he’d be more lax around you, chatting and bantering, and the next he’d be… venomous. It wasn’t like you could tell anyone about his overblot. You technically didn’t exist in this universe, anyway, so his secret was safe with you.
You heard a knock coming from the Ramshackle front door, and went to open it. In front of you stood Kalim and Jamil. Wait, no… sat.
They were both seated on Kalim’s flying carpet, the Housewarden beaming at you while Jamil looked tired and a bit peeved. “Hey, (name)!” The carpet waved its tassels at you. “Hey guys, I’m fine, but… why are you here?” Kalim grinned sunnily at you, “we wanted to see you! You should take a break and walk with us!” You glanced at Jamil, who was a little quiet, looking at you intently.
“I can’t, I’m…” you failed to think of an excuse, kicking yourself mentally, “…alright, sure.” Ugh, why did you agree?
Kalim cheered, and the three of you went along the path outside of Ramshackle. Kalim insisted that Jamil stayed on the carpet, even after he suggested he walk with you. “(Name), you should sit with us!” He smiled at you, something mischievous in his eyes. That’s a little… odd? Although it was Kalim after all. He did have some impulsive tendencies.
You gently took Jamil’s hand, surprised he’d even offered to help you up, and sat carefully on the carpet. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jamil flex the hand he held yours with. You scoffed, “dude, I don’t have rabies or anything. You’re not infected with my hand.” Jamil frowned and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Kalim jumped off the carpet. “Now, remember what we talked about! Go, carpet!”
Immediately, the carpet lurched forward. “Kalim, what did you do?!” Jamil gasped as the carpet began rising higher and faster. Your eyes widened and you instinctively grabbed the front of the carpet, “KALIM! Jamil stop the-!” You were cut off as the carpet zoomed up into the sky, leaving no trace except your shrieks and Jamil’s shouts. Nonetheless, Kalim smiled proudly at his handiwork, now Jamil and the Prefect can have some quality time together! Pleased, he pulled out his phone.
Kalim: its done! Jamil and (name) are in a whole new world of love now!!!!!!! \^o^/
On the other end of the chat, Najma grinned, and texted back:
Najma: YESSSSSSSS all according to plan >:)
You had been through a lot when you first arrived to NRC. Between living in Ramshackle, fighting overblots, dodging Floyds and Rooks, and shouldering Crowley’s responsibilities, you’ve dealt with your fair share of wildness.
But this? This was new.
You screamed as the carpet seemed to lurch higher and higher into the air, gripping the front of it for dear life. Your stomach flip-flopped wildly, and you tried to not projectile vomit in mid-air. The air rushed past your ears, cold and practically ripping through your skin. You could barely hear anything over the sound of wind, let alone Jamil yelling beside you.
At last, the carpet settled, and you felt extremely lightheaded. Your brain was static at this point, and you moved to lean on both hands when Jamil grabbed your wrist. “Do not look down.”
Well damn, you can’t tell me what to do, Jamil. That made you immediately look over the edge, and you regretted it instantly. The school was barely larger than a postage stamp, and you could practically see the borders of Sage’s Island with how high up you were. It was chilly too - you both were surrounded by clouds, and it was darker than you’d thought. It was probably about to rain - not that you’d know, being above the damn rainclouds.
Beside you, Jamil was beyond exasperated. If he seemed tense before, now he was just pissed. His hand on your wrist tightened, and he leaned closer to you. “Don’t. Look down.” His eyes flashed angrily at you, and you withered under his gaze, gripping the carpet tighter. He turned his eyes to your hands, gently putting his hands over yours.
“Look, I’ll steer the carpet downward, but you need to follow my lead.” He made you look at him. His dark eyes held your gaze, and for a moment you really did feel like you were in the clouds. That the world was just you and Jamil, high above everything on this terrifying carpet ride.
“Do you trust me?” You saw his lips move, but it sounded far away, like he was speaking through water. Maybe it was the altitude messing with your head, but Jamil looked so focused on you. You’d never seen him look at anything like this, so gently.
“Do you trust me?” Jamil tightened his hands over yours, and you were brought back to reality. You nodded, and he sighed. “Good. We’re going to go forward.” Carefully, he tipped the carpet, and you took in a sharp breath when you went forward. The two of you inched downwards, and the school became larger and larger until finally you both touched down in Scarabia.
Jamil clasped your hand in his and lead you off the carpet, silent. He had a deep frown on his face, and his dark eyes were even stormier than the skies. He didn’t get off the carpet with you, but clenched his hands after he helped you off. This was the second time it’s happened, he doesn’t think you have cooties or something right?
“Thanks, Jamil…” You looked at him, hoping he’d maybe lighten up a bit now that you were on the ground, but he refused to look at you, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “Just… stay here. I’m going to put the carpet away, just…I don’t need any more trouble.” As he walked away, you felt his words settle heavily in your gut. I’m just trouble for him? It’s not like I caused the carpet to go sky-high…
Still, you sat on the luxurious couch in the Scarabia common room, and tried to relax. Surprisingly, it was quiet - it seemed that everyone had gone to bed. It was a nice change from Ramshackle, at least. You shut your eyes, beginning to feel tired. After a while, you groggily awoke to a mop of white hair and red eyes exclaiming at you.
“(Name)! What are you doing here?! What about Jamil?! I thought you were up in the sky on your magic carpet ride!” Kalim blabbered while you tried to get your bearings back. He seemed… worried? He put his hand to his chin, thinking. “Well, maybe I could find an empty room and put you both in it-“
“Kalim.” The Housewarden immediately fell silent, spinning to Jamil with wide eyes, smiling at him. “Jamil! Don’t worry, we can still fix this!” Jamil’s frown deepened in confusion, “Kalim, what are you-“ “And the Prefect is still here!” Kalim pointed at you, and you went on alert as Jamil zeroed in on you, seemingly forgetting you were still here.
Kalim continued cheerfully, eyes steeling in happy-go-lucky determination. “And there’s still time! You can get back out on the carpet, there’s still stars out!” Jamil wrenched his eyes back to Kalim, mouth curling into a snarl and arms tensing. “Kalim, what are you talking about?”
“To confess!”
The silence was stifling. You stared wide-eyed at Jamil, who stared incredulously at Kalim, who still smiled innocently. Finally, Jamil seemed to temper himself and said through gritted teeth, “Kalim, go back to your room.”
Kalim placed his hands on his hips, “no way! We still have to-“ “Kalim.” Even though you didn’t know either of them as long as they knew each other, something in Jamil’s voice sapped Kalim of his energy. Kalim’s eyes widened, and after a moment, he left the room. You opened your mouth, but didn’t know what to say.
You watched as Jamil sighed irritably, running a hand through his long bangs. You slouched on the Scarabia couch, watching him pace and huff to himself. What had you done to earn his annoyance? He’s the one who basically kidnapped you on a flying rug. Surely he couldn’t dislike you that much.
“Kalim doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he said at last, and you frowned deeply. “What? Kalim isn’t stupid, Jamil,” you said sharply, losing your patience, “and what in Seven’s name is up with you?
“Look, you’re-“ Jamil stopped, clearing his throat. He smoothed over his expression, face becoming the usual calm-and-composed Vice Housewarden that he always showed to the world, but not you. “Nothing is wrong.” You finally snapped, exhausted and utterly spent, “what is going on? You’ve been acting weird with me ever since winter break!” Jamil grit his teeth, but you continued. “What is your deal, Jamil?! I thought we were friends! What have I done to make you hate me this much?!”
“You’ve been a thorn in my side since you’ve come here!” Jamil yelled, stopping pacing in front of you. His chest heaved, and he had that angry-crazed look on his face he always got when exasperated. “You’re too clever for your own good! And ever since my…” he swallowed, starting to lose his momentum as he realized what he was saying, “last winter, you’ve shown yourself to be someone…interesting.” Finally, he seemed marginally calmer. “And… I don’t think I could’ve dealt with all of this without you, even though you’re the last person who I thought could help.”
Your frown deepened. You opened your mouth to say something, but Jamil hurriedly continued, shutting his eyes. “Look, I know that I inconvenienced you, but… you’re always on my mind, when I should be thinking about attending Kalim. You’re-“
“Alright, that’s it.” You stood up from the couch, and walked off without sparing a glance. Jamil stopped, sputtering, and cried out “you’re just going to leave?!” You spun on your heel, glaring at him. “Yes! I’m leaving so I don’t cause a bigger mess!” Jamil shut up immediately, and you stalked to him, poking his chest hard. “You have done nothing but insult me. What happened today, with the carpet, was not my fault. If anything, you made me into a thorn in your side.” He flinched, but you blazed on. He didn’t get to hurt and belittle you.
“You hurt the entire dorm with your overblot,” you seethed, “and you didn't inconvenience me. You imprisoned me and Grim in your little scheme. And I have tried to be nice to you since then, and I thought we were becoming friends, but you just seem to hate me every time you see me. So fine,” you backed off, throwing your hands up as you left, “I’m leaving, Jamil. I’m leaving.”
Jamil didn’t know how long he stood there after you’d left. The Scarabia common room seemed to get chillier as the night passed, but he couldn’t find it in himself to go back to his dorm. At some point, he found himself on the couch drifting in and out of sleep, wondering why things were the way they were, and why he just couldn’t be lucky. Before he closed his eyes, utterly defeated, his last thought was, I deserved that. But not them.
The next few weeks passed without a hitch, although you were still brimming with dulled hurt every time you saw Jamil and Kalim.
Even though you had nothing against Kalim, Jamil always slunk behind him like a shadow, making you uncomfortable every time the sunny housewarden bounded up to you. Somehow, it felt like Kalim came up to you even more often than before. You’d supposed that maybe Kalim was trying to mend things between you and Jamil, but while he had the best intentions, it was really up to Jamil. Still, you thought, you weren’t exactly kind when you last… spoke to him.
Every time you spoke to Kalim, you tried to gently but firmly turn his invitations down. This time, he seemed adamant that you come to tonight’s party, basically begging you to attend.
“Please, Prefect!” He grabbed your hand pleadingly, “it’ll be fun! The Pop Music club will be playing, and Jamil’s cooking all your favorites-“
“Kalim, let’s go.” You were jarred to hear Jamil speak up, and Kalim actually listen to him rather than brushing it off. Kalim looked at Jamil, who continued, “We need to head back to the dorm and prepare. And…” Jamil avoided your eyes, “please, don’t trouble the Prefect.”
As the two of them left, you felt their absence weigh on you. It had been a while since you’d hung out with Jamil - so you took to cooking alone in Ramshackle or Heartslabyul, and tried studying by yourself. On nights when Scarabia was having a party, you tried to not think about when you and Jamil would hang out in the kitchen, or when you and Kalim would drag him out to the dance floor to loosen up. Still, your Friday nights were getting drearier by the week, even when you tried reading Prejudice and Pride to take your mind off it.
In the gym, the basketball club was in full swing, and Ace and Jamil chatted while passing the ball to each other. “Yeah, sure, I can try to get them to come tonight,” Ace began dribbling the ball, then smirked at Jamil. “Didn’t know you missed them so much though!” Jamil frowned, flushing. “I just… Najma wanted to see them again. That’s all.”
Ace shrugged and passed the ball, “alright, guess I’ll see you later.” Later that day, you frowned at the text you got from Ace, wondering how you should respond. At this point, you’d attempted to avoid Scarabia at all costs, but it had been a while. Even then, you still wanted to see Kalim and Jamil one last time - and at least you’d be with your friends.
Ace: hey theres a party at scarabia tonight, Jamil wants you to go
Ace: so u wanna go or what
You: sure, I’ll be there. Meet u at the mirror in ten
You, Grim, Ace, Deuce, and Cater stepped into Scarabia. Immediately Cater ran off to find Lilia and Kalim, and you got separated from Ace and Deuce while trying to cross the dance floor. At some point Grim perked up as he smelled food wafting in the air, and made a beeline for the kitchen. You ran after him, dodging the partygoers (and at some point almost crashing into Lilia, Kalim, and the drum set) until you found yourself standing in the Scarabia kitchen.
Grim bounded over to Jamil, who was standing over the stove stirring a large pot. “Jamil! What’s cookin’?” Grim’s eyes were shining, and he strained to look up. You heard laughter from behind you, and a voice saying “hey, it’s the Prefect!” Jamil’s head snapped back to where you stood. You looked behind you, jaw dropping, “Najma?! What are you doing here?” She grinned at you, and you followed her to Jamil.
“I just wanted to see Jamil! And Kalim said he was having a party today,” she hugged you tightly. “I haven’t seen you since the festival! Jamil keeps talking about you too!” You made eye contact with Jamil over Najma’s shoulder. He looks like a deer in the headlights.
“Najma, let the Prefect go,” Jamil recovered quickly, and she let go reluctantly, pouting. You turned your attention to the pot, “hey, are you making curry? I thought Kalim hated that.”
Grim stood at attention, “whatever it is, I want some!” Jamil sighed, “I already made the food for the party, this is for Najma.” And you, if you showed up. Najma scrunched her nose, “I don’t want that, it’s too… plain.” Plain? You glanced into the very fragrant pot, swirling with spices and oil.
“You’re going to eat. You didn’t have lunch, baba will be mad if he finds out I didn’t feed you,” Jamil spooned some curry onto a plate and Najma crossed her arms. “It’s fine, but you still make your food look too plain. Like, garnish it or something. I know (name) can probably make it better!” She handed the plate to Grim, and as you picked Grim up to place him on a chair to eat, you frowned.
“My cooking isn’t that great, Najma. Jamil taught me some stuff, but still.” Najma looked confusedly at her brother, “but he says you cook so well!” Jamil gaped at her, while your eyes widened. Najma gave her brother a look, and continued, “he loves your cooking! And he said he loves cooking with you! And-”
“Jamil!” Finally you cut her off, as Jamil looked one second away from smothering her, “I didn’t know you liked my cooking?” You felt your nervousness from the party melt, and smiled hesitantly at him. He seemed to soften a little, “Yeah… it’s nice to have the company,” he cleared his throat. Why did it feel so hot in the kitchen?
Najma watched the both of you stare at each other, then clapped her hands together, making you both flinch. “Alright! This is enough. You need to get out.” As she strode out of the kitchen, you both watched her confused. “Najma, where are you going?,” Jamil called, but she didn’t answer. Grim shrugged, finishing off the curry, “Wow! Jamil, the food tasted so good!” You and Jamil stood in silence, before you both opened your mouths to speak.
“Jamil, I’m sorry for yelling-”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you (name)-”
Your eyes widened, and you both fell into an awkwardness. You were about to open your mouth, but then Najma kicked in the door. “Both of you! Out!~” Trailing behind her was… “Why’s the carpet here?!” Jamil yelled, “Najma that’s a precious heirloom of the al-Asim family! You can’t just-!” The carpet wrapped around both of you and Jamil and began pushing you out of the dorm to the outside, being lead by Najma, who cackled gleefully.
“Okay carpet! Two times is the charm! Go!” The carpet seemed to nod? and then unfurled itself from around you two. It swept underneath your and Jamils’ feet, and began rising gently in the air, unlike last time. Jamil was shouting at Najma, looking down but you weren’t focused on him. Rather, you were looking up.
“Jamil,” you nudged him softly. “Not now, Prefect,” he grumbled. “Jamil, look.” He finally sat down on the carpet, and his mouth hung open in shock. The two of you were in the sky again, but not as high this time. All around you, the stars twinkled brightly in the night, and nebulae swirled across the sky. There were barely any clouds. It was slightly chilly, but Jamil’s warmth next to you was enough to keep you fine. Rather, the goosebumps on your arms were from other things.
“It’s beautiful up here,” you breathed, and Jamil glanced at you. “Yeah, it is.” Jamil could feel his stresses slowly dissipate, and while you both were up in the sky, it felt like the world was only you and him, and the twinkling of the stars above you both. His mind wandered to the old Scalding Sands legend. Was this how the princess and her lover felt when they were courting?
You looked over at Jamil, gently grabbing his hand. In the calm of the night, Jamil seemed a little… less put-upon. Like he could finally speak freely. He cleared his throat, lost in thought. “I… got ahead of myself before,” he finally said, shifting uncomfortably on the carpet.
“I never got to tell you, but I’m sorry,” his voice cracked. “I’m sorry for trapping you and Grim in Scarabia. You’re not a thorn in my side, what I meant was… you were always there. And at first, I hated it. I didn’t trust you. You were like a thorn in my side, because you were always there. But…” You waited for him to continue, all the anger and hurt leaving you in the cool night air.
“I began to like your presence. Like I could relax when you were there, because you could help with Kalim, or keep me company while cooking, or just-” Jamil seemed a little choked up now, is he ok? “Be there. I never felt like that… just…-”
“Supported,” you finished, and he nodded, swallowing thickly. You both stayed quiet, until you spoke. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just… You always seemed to either like me or hate me?” You felt jittery just saying it out loud, “sometimes we’d be fine, but sometimes you’d just… avoid me. And it hurt.”
Jamil squeezed your hand softly, and you sighed, “And I never know what you’re thinking. I really don’t know if you just kept me around for Kalim, or if we were actually…” friends. Jamil moved closer to you. “...I do like being with you. I… I do.”
Jamil turned your chin so you’d face him. He took a deep breath, “Kalim wanted me to… confess,” the word sounded like a hiss. “I thought he was getting ahead of himself as usual but then I…” he hesitated, “I realized he was right. And Najma was right. I did… I have feelings for you, and somewhere along the way I started… loving you.” His voice became quiet, and he averted his eyes from yours, as if expecting you to be angry. To his surprise, you weren’t.
You cut him off, gently pressing your lips against his cheek. His eyes widened, barely believing it. Him? Of all people, him?
“I really wanted you to not hate me,” you confessed, face feeling warm despite the chill. “I… really do like you, Jamil. I like what you can do, and I like you. And I think somewhere along the way…”
You squeezed his hand tightly, making him look at you with a smile on your face, “I started loving you too.” You softly closed the distance between you, finally ending the weeks of inner turmoil.
Jamil softly cupped your face, looking into your eyes, then kissed you gently, as if he couldn’t believe that this was real. You wrapped your hand around the hand on your face, squeezing it softly. You were here. You moved to clasp him tighter, and he wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you tighter.
Quietly in the chilled night, if anyone cared to look up into the starry sky, they would have seen two newfound lovers finally together, exchanging stolen kisses and chuckling amongst themselves. Lucky for them, the only witnesses to them were the stars above, and two teenagers standing outside Scarabia.
Hands on her hips, Najma proudly stared up into the sky, squinting at the shadowed figures on the carpet. Wordlessly, she held up her hand, and Kalim high-fived her, grinning.
“Mission accomplished!~”
Notes: this got so long bc of the introduction with Najma but I just had to include her and Kalim conspiring together! Anyway, hope you enjoyed the Jamil chapter, thank you so much for reading!!!!!!
Taglist: @cerisescherries, @eclecticprincecollector, @ars-tral, @thehollowwriter, @twst-eeps, @casperandcats, @ttokkisbee, @mitsuriswaifu, @parad-ice-lostandfound
@sad-sie, @moyo5653,
(If your username is in bold, it means I wasn’t able to tag you properly 😅)
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
Shrink | P5 - Taming the beast
Avenger! Loki x Therapist! Reader
18+ | contains adult stuff okay - same warnings
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Thinking about you, Loki paced his room, biting his lip as he wondered how he was going to get himself out of this predicament. You were his therapist, a good one, he couldn’t simply just tell you that he was sure the only person he wanted to be intimate with was you and that then he’d be all better because then that’d ruin things. Pausing, Loki remembered that you really were a good therapist so perhaps you’d understand this small mishap and be accommodating.
“Come on Loki, don’t be stupid.” He scolded himself, continuing his pacing; there was no way you’d go for that. He had to be smart about this, meticulous. He could say ‘a night with you would cure me’ or he could phrase it more professionally like ‘a night with you, preferably underneath my duvet in the nude which would eventually result in a thorough boinking, would have me right as rain singing to the birds by morning if your hypothesis is right and I just needed to release my sexual frustration’. That way, he’d be using your own words and you’d definitely agree.
“You can’t force her, she has to want you.” He sighed inwardly as he paused at his full length mirror. His eyes met his own as he gazed into it before smiling seductively at himself. Liking what he saw, he bit his lip before ruffling his hair with his hand and looking his reflection up and down. Strangely, it quickly lost its appeal. Sighing loudly, Loki glanced at the discarded flowers left from earlier on during the debacle and decided just like him, they needed watering. Picking them up, he headed to the kitchen for a vase which would likely end up being a tall glass of water.
“How was your date with the lady I saw walking out of here half naked earlier?”
Rolling his eyes as he heard Bucky’s voice, Loki continued imagining how it’d feel to have you above him, like how Darcy was; a thought he quickly realised he should have saved for the safety of his room. “Oookayyy” Bucky continued, noticing that Loki seemed to be ignoring him “hey Loki, you know y/n, do you think I should ask her out?” Bucky questioned, quickly catching Loki’s attention as he tried to hide the tent in his trousers with the glass of water that now had a bouquet of flowers in it. “I mean Ethel was great, what a lady. She reminded me of my youth” Bucky reminisced aloud “but that doctor of yours” he whistled “she is fire.”
This caused Loki to bite his tongue as he fought to keep calm, poised. This midgardian wasn’t worth it.
“Doctor y/l/n is a very busy lady, she won’t have time for drinks with you.” He answered dismissively.
“She’s out of work until it’s definitely safe for her to go back, surely she’ll have time for a drink?”
“No she won—”
“Or maybe we can start straight in her room.” Bucky grinned.
Almost flinging the glass straight at Bucky, Loki placed it down, keeping his hips back as he conjured a dagger before holding it to Bucky’s throat.
“Have care with how you speak about her.” He snarled, nostrils flared as Bucky paled.
“Geez, calm down.” He tried to play it cool, holding his palms up defensively before glancing down and noticing that either Loki was very excited or suddenly extremely well endowed. Noticing Bucky’s wandering gaze, Loki’s eyes rounded as he let him go before storming back to his room with the last shred of dignity he had left after today’s events.
Once he reached his room, Loki lightly punched the wall, wanting to get his frustrations out but not wanting to break the wall, it had done nothing wrong. The images of you came haunting him, reverberating through his mind as he tried to think of anything other than the curve of your ass as you walked away, the swell of your breast whenever you wore a button down blouse, your voice as you spoke to him, your scent, everything drove him insane, it was intoxicating now, he needed you. He needed you gone, he needed you bare, he needed you out of mind, he needed you in his bed, he needed you out of the compound, he needed to feel your skin beneath his hand, he needed to feel your breath against his neck, he needed to feel your soft lips against his own, he needed to drown in you, he needed release.
Before he knew it, Loki was laying in his bed on his back, legs splayed open as he stroked his hard length. His eyes closed as he bucked his hips, imagining he was entering you. He felt like he was on fire, a feeling he had been neglecting, a feeling that made him remember why he had spent so many angsty years alone in his bedroom. He felt foolish for forsaking this side of him, the carnal side, the rabelaisian god side that had accompanied him on many salacious orgies.
He tightened his fist, imagining how it’d feel to have you come undone above him, how you’d look, how you’d sound. He cupped his balls with his other hand, giving them a gentle squeeze causing his cock to twitch. He was leaking precum, he could feel it moistening his hand, adding to the pleasure. The heels of his feet dug into the mattress below him as he imagined himself guiding your movements as you rolled your hips against his. It felt so real, so sinful, so wrong. Palming himself a few more times, he came with a loud groan, his warm seed oozing out of him.
It felt fed now, the prurient incubus tame after the release and yet, he still wanted you. He knew he couldn’t have you, not like that. You were his therapist and he was your client so he couldn’t cross that boundary but seeing you without being able to touch you would soon grow painful, Loki knew that. There was only one way he could end this and that was to end it.
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Loki and his post nut clarity 🥲
Forgive Bucky for he knows not what he’s done
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @evelyn-kingsley @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @vickie5546 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @somewhereinthegalaxi @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @mushypork
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mjolnirswriststrap · 9 months
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 977
Summary: Part 5/6. The knock at the door isn’t who you expected.
Warnings: None.
“Friday, what’s our eta?” Steve yells out, too anxious to control his voice. “Five minutes.”. That wasn’t fast enough for him. Two days ago he was fighting his best friend on a bridge, now some intern is saying he’s in Austria. How did he get here so fast?
“Calm down, we got this.” Natasha gives him a reassuring look. “I know, but it’s Bucky, he acted like he didn’t remember me, what if I can’t get through to him?”
Natasha feels for her friend, but she can’t imagine what he’s going through. The guy Steve described couldn’t be the winter soldier they’d come to know. Something was afoot but they just don’t have all the pieces yet.
“I haven’t been here since I lost him, it hasn’t changed.” He says looking at the snow capped mountains. They see the clearing they designated for landing just ahead of them. Steve squeezes Natasha’s hand giving her one last terrified look.
They land and it was like any other mission, Black Widow and Captain America working perfectly in tandem. Steve swept the woods east of the helicopter, while Nat wordlessly cleared the west side. They met in the middle, facing south, Steve cocked his head towards the tiny clouds of smoke coming from behind a wall a trees.
You can’t even hear their foot steps in the snow as they sneak their way towards the cabin. You and Bucky didn’t hear a thing as you huddled low in the kitchen, it was the closest you’d been to him, maybe it was his military experience telling him what to do, or it was his natural instinct to keep you safe from whatever was outside.
You tightly held on to Bucky, your face buried in his shoulder. “He found me! I knew I shouldn’t have called Darcy.” You begin to cry, why couldn’t you just be free. You hear a knock at the cabin door and your body freezes. Bucky has his right arm tightly wrapped around you, keeping you close. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”.
You look into his icy blue eyes and you know what he said was a promise. You nod to him as he lets go of you and stands. He cautiously walks to the door, peering out of the window. All Bucky can see is two shadows through the frosted glass. He opens the door, holding his breath, waiting for a fight.
When he’s greeted by the face of his nightmare his heart skips a beat, which is odd, he hadn’t really felt it since he woke up in the snow. “Steve?”, he looks between his friends squinted eyes.
“Buck?” Steve sounds like his heart is breaking. Bucky watches as his eyes soften, this isn’t the Steve from his dream, he wasn’t out to kill him. Without another word Bucky crosses over the threshold, bear hugging his best friend. He doesn’t let go, even when the red headed woman beside them clears her throat.
You waddle to the front door and peak your head around the corner. It wasn’t who you expected. Bucky was squeezing the life out of Captain America, while Black Widow stood there looking utterly in shock.
Steve finally returns Bucky’s hug, understanding this isn’t the same man from the bridge. Bucky releases his friend for a second to say, “I thought I’d never see you again.”.
You never seen two grown men cry before. But here they were, Bucky sobbing into his friends shoulder while Steve stood there letting the tears fall down his cheeks. “It’s really you Bucky?” Steve can’t believe it.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Bucky relents from the hug. Steve looks into his teary eyes, “You don’t remember fighting on the bridge?”.
“My last fight was with you, on the train. I’ve been here ever since.” Bucky feels his heart again, but this time it’s racing. What could Steve possibly be talking about? He’d never fought on a bridge.
“You need to come with us.” The red headed woman said, pointing between you and Bucky. Your eyebrows raise, how were you getting out of this one?
“She’s not going anywhere.” Bucky finally looks away from his friend, now keeping his promise to you. He gives the black widow a murderous look. “There’s the winter soldier!” She says, taping Steve and pointing at Bucky’s face. She was done with today, this was not what she expected.
“Not funny, Nat.” Steve says, giving her a shameful look. He leans past Bucky, into the house. “You really do need to come with us, we can explain on the flight back.”.
With orders from Captain America you’re nodding your head. You couldn’t fight him on this, whatever he had going on was far more important than your disgust for New York. You grab your phone from the kitchen counter, pulling on your thick winter jacket. “Yes, sir.”.
Bucky gives you a look, silently asking if this really was okay. You give him a small smile, this was out of your hands now, you were just along for the ride.
You all packed into the helicopter, no words were exchanged between you as you lifted off from the ground. Your head was spinning, this might be too much for you to handle, but you had to push through, you couldn’t imagine how weird this is for Bucky or Captain America.
You lean your head against the window, letting your eyes close. The adrenaline is gone, leaving you exhausted. Right when you feel yourself drift off to sleep, you hear the woman say “Where did he go?” You look around the small cabin, Bucky’s seat was empty, no indentation showing that he was even there.
You look between the two Avengers, they looked to you for answers. “Did I mention to Darcy that I think he’s a ghost?” You say, scratching the top of your head.
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darlenicy · 9 months
Darcy and Riven – their story and why I ship them
In January 2023 I found my way back into the Winx fandom - more precisely, I created this Tumblr on January 28th, 2023 and since then I have been constantly passionate about this show from my childhood. Most of all, of course, for our three favorite witches. Accordingly, this year I have given a lot of thought and HCs to the Trix and their relationships. Today is the day that I'm going to write down all of these HCs and thoughts I have and tag them properly so that they're easier to find in my jumble of posts, reblogs and crazy fangirling. Well, have fun!
I got my first anon ask about Driven headcanons (hcs most of the time now) in march and therefore tried to order my thoughts on this topic as well. It actually became something of a definition of their relationship and how I see them in the show: This is how my bullet journal looks:
Riven is pretty badass. That's why Rivusa doesn't make much sense because ego-wise he would have gone after best-girl-Bloom. Or Princess Stella, but more Bloom, simply because Brandon (Sky) obviously found Bloom interesting.
Then there is Darcy. Not only is she the complete opposite of the loud, glittering fairy gang, but she also forms a stark contrast to Riven. She is powerful, yes, but above all she is calm, goal-oriented and come on in 1x8 we see how cute she is. Of course, Riven likes her power-talk in 1x9 but he surely is keen on her because she is a totally different type of girl than Musa or Stella.
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Oh, and an important thing that just came to my mind while supervising what I wrote and putting it into a post: DARCY DID NOT MIND-CONTROL HIM IN CANON!
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Her glowing eyes meant that she formed the connection with Riven, so that he could contact her mentally later on in the show!
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It's fkn 4kids who came up with the mind control because they tend to downplay everything for all American kids' sake. - Ok back to the post:
In terms of type, if comparted to the fairies, Darcy is mostly like Flora, but in contrast to the nature fairy, she has a much more self-confident demeanor. She is also the first to respond to Riven as a person and his needs (power, being recognized). Then of course there is the matter of rescue. Firstly: Thanks for saving my life and secondly: The woman can ride this flying motorcycle like a guy. Where can you find something like that? And unlike the Winx, who are constantly in trouble, Darcy (and her sisters) is beyond competent (in Season 1 after all, we know how the writing goes down, *sigh*). So, we have Darcy: a beautiful, competent badass BB who just saved his life and looks like an angel that fell from heaven - all in the specialist uniform too - sexyyy. So, it's an extremely attractive girl who also knows guy things and cares about him and really sees and perceives him as a person. She's not a self-centered good-time girl who makes him clean, so she doesn't have to endure her punishment alone (looking at you, Winx....)
But who exactly is Darcy? (she's my girl, my bb, my queen) Out of the Trix, she is probably the one who is least behind the world domination plans. Of course, she is still a member of the Trix - and of course not less power-hungry than her sisters. But she would be the one most likely to give up everything to live a quiet but fulfilling life with the person she loves. Isn't she? She is definitely the first to panic and to make mistakes as a result. We remember episode 1x5, where she immediately panicked when everything didn't work out as planned. She thought she would find Stella's ring in no time, that wasn't the case. Instead of keeping a cool head like Icy would have, she freaks out and starts attacking Bloom. Is it fear because she is running out of time and doesn't know what to do if her disguise is exposed? In any case, Darcy would have been expected to wear a more confident disguise. But in the end, she's the one most likely to panic and this episode shows that perfectly. Maybe that's also the reason why she has clever ideas, but often doesn't think them through. In episode 2x10 she tries to get Icy to put the feather in the scales, fearing that she might have made a mistake and get wiped just like Stormy, who had previously hit the scales with brute force. Icy states very correctly: You’re a backstabbing coward, Darcy. And I love you for that. And with that she the nail right on the head. Darcy is certainly the first of the Trix to get nervous. She certainly has a tendency to overthink, whereas Riven strikes first and thinks later (at best).
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Mind control is her specialty. She knows how to get into the minds of her victims to confuse and weaken them. At the same time, she also knows how uncertain and dangerous feelings can be. When it comes to having deep feelings for someone else, she is more likely to be the one who is insecure and cautious. Precisely because feelings are so uncertain, she probably tries to make decisions with her head rather than with her guts.
Their love story is iconic and cute. Basically, we have good girl and bad boy, but the good girl is one of the bad guys and the bad boy is ultimately one of the good guys. They haven't really fought against each other yet. Riven only knows that Darcy is one of the most powerful witches in Cloud Tower and that she and her sisters hate the Winx. Since Riven is skeptical of the Winx himself and has no deeper connection to them, he has little to do with this antipathy from both sides and perhaps only hears about it in passing from Brandon or Sky. So in 1x7 he doesn't pay much attention to the Trix. The fact that he turns on the light and exposes the Trix is once again Riven being Riven. He wants to be the cool dude and doesn't really care about the situation. He simply has no interest in the Winx's affairs and is only pissed when he becomes personally involved with Musa being thrown into his arms by the minotaur. Maybe that’s where his inner hero speaks? But first and foremost, he wants to praise himself. The first time he really notices Darcy is in 1x8, where she represents to him the complete opposite of the fairies, one of which had just shown him up (Bloom).
Darcy, on the other hand, is already interested in Riven in 1x7 and hides the whole thing behind the talk about the Prince of Darkness (seriously, WHO is the Prince of Darkness? Why is that never clarified?). One episode later, she's extremely worried that something might happen to Riven with Icy's, admittedly delicate, plan. bb obviously already has a crush on him. And no one can claim that Icy doesn't know this and is actively using it for her plan. I think that Darcy's feelings didn't matter to her at all, thinking she'd get over it sooner or later. But the fact is, even Icy sees the spark fly between them.
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So you could say it was love at first sight for both of them. It is also important for Riven that after all the disappointments and constant criticism he was exposed to at Red Fountain, someone finally recognizes him and his talents. While the Winx, especially Stella, just complained about him, Darcy supported what he was. Partly because she can take advantage of his ambitions, of course, and partly because she simply likes him. I think there are some things Darcy does simply for herself and not because it's part of the plan to rule the Magic Dimension.
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From Riven's point of view, what probably also speaks for Darcy is her maturity. She's not a little fairy to save. The opposite is the case. She is probably more experienced in other things too - but that always depends on the respective HC. Darcy can be a bad bitch and cute bb - both are accurate. For me though, she gives more bb vibes than bitch vibes. However, she appears much more mature and confident than the fairies. Speaking of bb (she's one, look at her!) -
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she's the type most likely to develop romantic feelings. Icy is too calculating and Stormy is just there for the passion (if you get what I mean). In 2x2 we have this scene "*sigh* To be young and in love...".
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She's also the one of the Trix most likely to feel something resembling remorse, if only for her time with Riven. On the other hand, in season 2 we have Riven, who immediately sees through Darcy's attacks - because he knows them. Very well. There is probably still a connection between the two. There could have been more hints about their relationship besides “cute” and “not cute”. There could have been one or two longing looks. I FELL ROBBED.
That’s basically how I interpret their story and why I ship them. I’ll come up with some headcanons these days as well. Stay tuned :3
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The Fate Of A Fae - Part 6
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
Soulmate Match: You know on sight. Friends also know when they meet you if you're a match for one of their friends.
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: The aftermath of the reader smashing up the kitchen continues.
This chapter is bigger than the others, but it brings in some backstory, which is going to very relevant moving forward.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of cuts and blood, medication.
You jumped at the sound of Bucky’s voice.
“Doll, what the fuck happened?” As he strode towards you.
“Her and the dishes had a fight. I think the dishes won. Where’s the first aid kit sweetie?”
You watched as Bucky examined you, eyes scanning over your feet and legs, lifting them gently.
“Doll, your first aid kit?”
“You take her Barnes and put her on the counter. I’ll get the kit.”
Tony was far from stupid. He’s multiple degrees and PHDs proved that and with a dragon father, he knew Bucky was annoyed you were in his lap. Bucky nodded, reassuring you that he’d be careful as he moved you and, true to his word, he lifted you gently and placed you on the small kitchen island. Tony grabbed the first aid kit from the top of your fridge and opened it up.
“Some of the glass is still in there.” Tony told Bucky.
“Doll, it might be best if we get a doctor over here?”
“I could call Banner.” Tony threw in.
“Nat wouldn’t like it.” You replied. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you.
“I thought you weren’t talking.” He said.
“We aren’t but I’m not gonna have her ex over, especially when things are weird between them, it would be disrespectful. Darcy would probably be pissed too.”
“I’m not sure either of them would mind if you were getting medical treatment.” Bucky stated.
“Still no. But by all means tell Romanoff, so she learns about respect.”
“I’ll text her.” Tony interrupted.
“Tony no. Doll, this one in your foot is a little deep.”
“Just pull it out.”
“It’s gonna hurt. I don’t want to hurt you fae.”
Your eyes snapped at him at the sound of the new pet name. You couldn’t decide if you liked it or not. He smiled at you softly and moved towards you so he was between your legs as he placed the tweezers he’d pulled from the first aid kit down on the counter. His hands gentle on your thighs, one flesh and one gloved as he began to rub circles with his thumb.
“Hey.” He said his face inches from yours. “I’ll take care of you fae but I need….”
It was all so very overwhelming. His hands on you. His face inches from yours. Him wanting to take care of you. And you snapped. Bucky was jostled back as you lifted up your foot and grabbed the tweezers.
You dug them into your foot and pulled out the offending piece of glass before Bucky could stop you.
“Doll no! Jesus Christ! That could have been on an artery. What the fuck were you thinking?”
You shrugged and Bucky felt rage build inside him at your complete lack of self care and preservation.
“Don’t ever do that again!!!”
“Barnes calm down. You could have cauterised it yourself.” Tony added.
“And risk burning her? Leaving a scar? Not a god damn chance!”
You muttered to yourself about it not being the only scar you’d have. Tony sighed expecting as much from your shitty parents, but you’d taken Bucky by surprise.
“What? What do you mean by that?”
You looked down at the floor. Bucky reached out and gripped your jaw with his flesh hand and moved your face towards his.
“What do you mean by that?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.”
“Well it shouldn’t.”
Bucky, now nose to nose with you again, struggled to hold back the dragon like rumble in his chest. Tony noticed his eyes flicker gold and decided to step in.
“Barnes, give her some space.”
Bucky’s head snapped in Tony’s direction as he felt his temper flare.
“Glare at me all you want” Tony replied, unbothered, “but you’re coming on a little strong there buddy.”
Bucky huffed, remembering his mother and father’s words and took a step back and released your jaw.
“So, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Romanoff is on her way.”
“For fucks sake.” You muttered.
“I may have sent her a snarky message about respect and she’s on her way but before either of you bitch about it, she’s bringing one of the scanners from the tower, so you can make sure all the glass and crockery is out. Now tea?”
“Don’t you have a flight to catch?” Bucky snarked at Tony.
“When you own the jet it leaves when you tell it.”
You rolled your eyes and asked Tony if he even knew how to boil a kettle because the tea wasn’t making itself. He gasped with mock offence and started to make the tea.
“Should I be concerned that you have more tea in the cupboards than food.”
“Don’t start Stark.”
Before either he or Bucky could comment on your lack of groceries an alarm sounded from your phone that Tony had discreetly turned on.
“I turned that off?” You said confused.
“Tony put it back on.”
“Tattle tale.”
You rolled your eyes again.
“I still don’t know how Pep puts up with you.”
“She loves me of course.” Tony said wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“You’re making it weird.”
“Ok, cups you didn’t break are where?”
You pointed at one of the cupboards.
“Ermmmm excuse me, why are there three Stark Industries mugs in here?”
Your eyes went wide. Bucky smirked at you as he dabbed at the cuts with an antiseptic wipe. Fairies had a tendency to pick up things that they thought were going spare and would be useful. Bucky learned the hard way in high school to never leave a pen or new notebook unattended.
“The same reason you have spanners all over your lab.”
Pixies like Tony were witty, mischievous and also liked to collect things. Often multiples of the same thing.
“Actually my spanners are under control since you had those nice tidy moulded drawers made. The wrenches though they are a problem.”
“I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Sure you’re not, pass that container please.” You replied as you pointed at a plastic container separated by the days of the week. Tony passed the container and you gave him a firm look.
“I’m not tidying your lab whilst you’re gone.”
“Sure you’re not.”
“I’m busy Tony.”
Tony finished making the tea and passed you a bottle of water from the fridge, muttering again about your lack of groceries. Bucky’s brow furrowed at the size of the container, and then again as you popped open today’s meds.
“That’s a lot of meds fae.”
You shrugged your shoulders and started to take them.
“This containers bigger than the one that used to have.” Tony pointed out concerned.
“They changed some, new ones wouldn’t fit.”
Tony and Bucky exchanged a worried glance and it dawned on Tony that your soulmate had no idea you were on any kind of medication. He and Bucky both had a time they were on a lot of meds, pain relief, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication to name just a few but even to them this was a lot.
“Run me through what you’re on again.”
Tony had taken an interest in your meds before and you’d compared pain relief in the past so you thought nothing of it and started to answer.
“Paracetamol, ibuprofen, stomach liner because of the ibuprofen and then a multivitamin that Romanoff helped me find that’s for faes and this new one. I have to take two.”
“Is it another painkiller?” Bucky asked.
“No, it’s to replace another one that’s not made anymore.”
“Birth control?” Tony asked.
“No, I’m off that altogether. Didn’t see the point, I've not been seeing anyone for ages. I’m already putting enough drugs in my body.”
Bucky’s eyes flicked gold as his dragon stirred.
“Alright Barnes calm down. But what actually is it sweetie?” Tony asked.
“I can’t pronounce it. The next batch are up there.” You pointed to the top of the fridge and Tony reached for them. He pulled open the paper bag they were in and reached for the box inside. His eyes went wide almost immediately.
“I need you to see Banner.”
“What? Why?”
“Promise me you’ll go and see Banner and Cho whilst I’m gone.”
“Is there a reason my ex-fiancée’s name is being mentioned?”
Tony jumped at the sound of Nat’s voice. You and Bucky were unfazed, although you were pissed off that people kept magically appearing in your apartment, particularly now one is Natasha. Tony pushed the packet of medication towards Nat and her eyes went wide. He stepped towards you, a worried look across his face. Bucky looked at them both puzzled.
“Do you know what those are?”
“There some sort of muscle relaxant. To help with fairy type pains. I’ve been on them since I was little.” You looked away and then stared at the wall, but were quickly brought back by Bucky cupping your face.
“Hey, it’s OK. Whatever’s happened…..”
“But it’s not, is it!!!???” You cried. “It hurts, it hurts everyday, I have no wings and now my ears are on fire and all of this is meant to help and you and Steve!!! You and Steve can fly and I can’t!!!” You began to sob again as Bucky pulled you closer to him. You resisted at first and fought against him. You felt Nat and Tony each wrap an arm around your back too as they pressed themselves against you and Bucky. You eventually relaxed into Bucky as he held you tightly.
“Everything hurts a little less if you let your soulmate take care of you kid, I promise.” Tony reassured you.
You muttered into Bucky’s chest about hating it when he called you kid and he placed a kiss on your head and pulled away mentioning calling Banner to make an appointment for you. Nat mimicked Tony’s actions and pulled away to start sweeping the floor and cleaning up the mess you'd made, as Bucky continued to hold you tightly. You weren’t sure how long you were wrapped in his arms and you stayed like that until Nat’s voice pulled you apart.
“Hey.” She spoke softly. “I’m sorry to break this up but Steve is really insistent that he speaks to one of you. He’s using his Captain voice.”
Bucky put his hand out as Nat passed him her phone, call open and Steve’s name on display. You heard him snark something about Nat as the phone passed you.
“It’s me punk.” Bucky said. “Yeah, I know, I felt it too. She’s broke some dishes. Got some cuts to her feet and legs.”
He paused and you could hear Steve bombarding him with questions. You looked around sheepishly wanting the world to swallow you. Nat picked up that you were uncomfortable and shooed Bucky away, giving him a firm look. She took his spot in front of you but didn’t stand between your legs like he had. Instead she reached for your hand and squeezed it softly.
“I don’t mind if you have to see Bruce. Him and Cho are the best at what they do.”
You shrugged.
“He treated you like shit Nat. Played you and Betty off against each other.”
“I know but this is about your health, not me and not Darcy.”
You looked up and met her eyes.
“I really am sorry.” She said her eyes full of remorse. “After you had to move, I was worried, so was Darcy, and I knew that you were a good match for them. We all felt it. I thought it’d be safer if you had them around.”
“But you tampered with the fates!”
“I know and honestly, the others have all ran me the riot act for it. Pepper had already planned to invite you to their next event so it was a natural meeting but that asshole was gonna hurt you, so I showed Bucky a picture of you….”
“What?? What picture?” You snapped.
“It was a good one, don’t worry.”
You glared at her.
“Hey, he showed up didn’t he?”
“Steve didn’t.”
“He didn’t want to play with the fates, plus he may have already been on his way to Europe when I planted the seed, and, if we’re being really honest, I did it then on purpose. I knew Steve wouldn’t step away from the natural order or things but Bucky would. He can’t help it.”
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a manipulative pain in the ass sprite?”
“Once or twice.” She smiled at you.
“Don’t pull this shit ever again with me Natasha. I said I wasn’t ready for a good reason and you completely disrespected that. Pushed aside my feelings and did what you thought was right, without consulting me. You didn’t even run it passed Darcy!”
“I know and believe me, she’s let me know how she feels about it. But there’s only so many times I can hear and feel her tossing and turning at night whilst she’s worrying about you. Do you know she spent two hours on the phone to Clint and Tony about your security set up?”
You shook your head.
“I was worried, so was Darcy, anyone that knew you were. You aren't eating or sleeping right. You wouldn’t stay with us, so I decided to improve your safety.”
“By what? Adding a dragon to my security system?”
“You know when you say it like that it sounds absurd.”
You raised your eyebrows at her and within moments you both started to laugh. Nat took the chance and stepped between your legs and pulled you into a hug.
“He keeps standing on the roof you know?” You said pointing out the roof of the neighbouring building to Nat.
“Oh I’ve heard. All of this aside, taking out all of the Steve and Bucky stuff, you haven’t heard anything from the asshole right? He’s not been in touch? No random DMs from him or his friends? Anyone trying to buzz in?”
“No, nothing at all.”
You’d all soon discover that this would change very soon.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@calwitch @jenniferpendragon @sebastians-love
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clickoly · 2 months
O'Knutzy Week - Day 2
Part II of Starboys, a Cubs Formula One AU
Characters by @lumosinlove, for @oknutzy-week-2024
Prompts: Changes, Racing
Links to: Part I, Ao3
Here comes Nutter Butter 🌻
Endless weekend on a wave 
FormulaNews24 @formulanews24 (1d)
Eyes on the track as we witness history in the making! Silver Racing unveils a new bold addition to Tremblay's strategy team. Meet 22 year old Leo Knut, the youngest race engineer in F1 history. 
#ItalianGP #SilverRacing #LT10
"Loops!" Finn shouted. His curious eyes darted over the picture of a smiling blond man on the X For You page.
Qualifying was about to start and Finn was killing time, trying to calm his nerves before jumping into the car. 
The fireproof undershirt felt suffocating, and his cherry red racing suit lay unfastened and loose around his hips, in a hopeless attempt to beat the sweltering heat. 
Finn locked the phone's screen and pulled up from the desk he was leaning on, scanning the noisy garage. Remus was sitting on a stool, one leg shaking nervously on the footrest, lips pinched between long, bitten fingers. His full attention was caught between too many monitors at once.  
"Loops." Finn moved closer. 
Remus didn't bother to acknowledge him, he just pointed to a sheet of data on screen. "Here," he said. "You're braking too early over there, before the chicane."
"By how many–"
"Two hundredths," Remus was always one step ahead. "I've been up all night studying the numbers, Harz," he turned to him, looking resolute. "This is your only chance to get the pole." 
Finn blew out a long, deep sigh. "I know it is." 
"And I know you can do it." 
Can I ? Finn couldn't help but wonder. 
"Aw, Loops," he cooed instead. "You're gonna make me cry." 
Remus just shook his head affectionately. 
Starting from the front row on Sunday wouldn’t be enough. Finn wanted the pole position. But weighing down the load of an emotionally tough week were the expectations of too many people he couldn't disappoint. It was the Scuderia's home race, after all, and all eyes were on him and his teammate Kasey. 
Right now, however, Finn couldn't bring himself to think about numbers, times, and strategies. Together with his team, he had discussed all the details a hundred times that morning, right after the third and final free practice session. Because Logan had set the fastest lap. 
Finn knew exactly what to do and how to do it. He just wished he could escape that oppressive weight on his shoulders, the intrusive fear of failing—a bitter consequence of the events of the past week.
So he dared a topic switch, if only to avoid giving himself and his concerns away. 
"Hey, where's Black?" He asked casually. 
Remus eyed him suspiciously. "How should I know?" 
"I understand that you want to be professional," Finn arched one of his dark red eyebrows. "You know, being friends with the enemy," he pretended to whisper. "But honestly, you two are as thick as thieves." 
The veil of pink that brushed Remus' pale cheeks betrayed him. "You're the one to talk," he grumbled back, then pretended to check the time. "Green light in five, Harz. Go get ready." 
"You're no fun, you know that, right?" 
"Yeah? Want to trade me for your bff' s new race engineer?" Remus' grin was teasing. 
"No need to get defensive," Finn scoffed indignantly. "And that's why I asked about Sirius, by the way." 
"I'm curious," Finn shrugged. "I thought he might have told you something about their new acquisition." 
Remus went back to the screens. "He didn't say much. Just that Knut's young and talented. But rumor has it he's a real hothead."
"Well," a familiar voice chimed into the conversation. "He sure is hot." 
A sharp elbow hit Finn's waist and he found himself shoulder to shoulder with a smirking Natalie Darcy.
"What's up Loops?" 
"Hey Nat," Remus laughed. 
"What?" Finn asked, confused by her amused face. 
"Were you blushing, O'Hara?" 
"No. I... I'm," Finn stuttered. "What? I wasn't blushing." 
"If you say so," she smiled smugly. "Sorry to interrupt, guys, but I need Freckle here," she gestured toward Finn with the camera in her hands. "Gotta get some shots for the qualy posts." 
"Better do that in the car," Remus suggested. "Harz, radio check in two minutes." 
"Copy," Finn nodded, then spun on his heels to go grab the rest of his equipment. 
"We should do another close-up with the helmet on," Natalie offered as Finn stepped into the car. "Fans go crazy for those big eyes, you know?" 
"Yeah?" Finn tried to act casual as Natalie nimbly captured his movements from different angles. 
"Yep," she twisted the lens again with a smooth flick of her wrist. "But I prefer Kasey's." 
"Of course you do," he chuckled, then finally pulled down the visor. "Wish me luck," he said louder as the engine roared to life. 
Natalie patted his helmet. "You won't need it."
There had always been a moment before a race when Logan would simply close his eyes and breathe deeply. A peaceful silence would permeate his mind, leaving out the deafening noise of twenty rumbling engines ready to run, and the roaring crowd, ecstatic and impatient for some action. It was a much-needed release to make room for concentration and nothing else, right before the emotional rush that washed over him every time the countdown began.
That Sunday, Logan was starting from P2. To his left, perfectly positioned on the first grid slot, was Finn's car. The crimson livery shone brightly in the few rays of a timid sun. The pattern of red and yellow lines on Finn's glossy black helmet, partially hidden behind the halo, reflected the afternoon light perfectly, drawing a slightly curving 17 on top of his head. 
Logan had tried to be mad about it. He'd wanted the pole, he'd put in a fantastic lap, and yet Finn had overqualified him by three hundredths of a second. He'd really meant to be upset, if only for the sake of appearances. But as soon as they'd climbed out of their cars, sweaty and out of breath, the glow that had brightened Finn's face at the crowd's loud cheers had instantly tamed Logan's furor.
On the other hand, the hint of disappointment in Leo’s voice had also been a hard pill to swallow. I’m sorry , he’d said over the radio at the end of the Q3 session, as if it had been his fault. But Leo had done a perfect job. He’d been confident and meticulous, showing his professionalism to everyone in the pit wall, and to Logan as well. He didn’t want Leo to feel guilty about that. Sharing the front row with Finn was a good starting point for a thrilling battle for the win. 
Still, Logan understood his concerns and the impulsive urge to prove that he was worthy of the responsibility he’d been given, despite his young age and all the rumors that had made their way to the paddock. 
Now, feet ready on the pedals and hands tight on the steering wheel, where gloved fingers brushed over the shift paddles, Logan looked out at the clear track in front of him and felt the first wave of adrenaline run down his spine. 
"Mode A on," Leo’s voice came through the earbuds. "Lights out in thirty seconds." 
"Let’s bring this home, Nut," Logan grinned to himself. "And tonight we're going to celebrate together." 
The next second, his eyes were locked on the starting gantry, intent and alert. Somewhere near the end of the pit lane, the hand of a clock marked two o'clock, and the five lights ahead of him began to turn on in sequence.
Two. Breathe.
Three. Focus.
It’s lights out and away we go here in Monza! Amazing reaction time for both men in Red, with Logan Tremblay still in between, contending the lead with O’Hara and Winter down to turn one. Here comes O’Hara first, then Tremblay, and James Potter goes to the inside, but Winter has the power to hang on to third position, as they all make their way through the first chicane. 
It wasn't until Turn 3 that Leo realized he was holding his breath, caught in his dry throat. He scanned the monitor, looking for anomalies, the back of his pen clicking insistently on the full page of notes in his journal. Everything seemed fine. 
The live feed showed Logan darting away from Kasey and rushing behind Finn, waiting for the best chance to overtake him.
"You all right, Knutty?"
Leo lowered one of the earpieces of his headset and faced Sirius, nodding briefly and giving him a polite smile.
"Good, you're doing great," Sirius smiled back, and once again Leo couldn't believe his luck. 
How many times he'd imagined this exact moment, he couldn't say. Late, sleepless nights spent over books. Endless days of training, split between work at the factory and research for his thesis. Leaving New Orleans, his family and friends, and moving to England to fulfill his dream. It all finally made sense, because this was where he was meant to be. 
He could be grateful for all the risks he'd taken, all the sacrifices he'd made. And on top of that, he'd been assigned to Logan, Silver Racing's star driver, to assist him in one of the greatest battles for the world championship ever witnessed.
Leo reached for the radio console with one hand and held the boom microphone to his mouth with the other as he spoke. "DRS is enabled," he told Logan. "Right now you're 0.4 behind."
Logan's voice came back scratchy, slightly static. "I'm trying," he panted. "He's too fast."  
As a fan of the sport, Leo had followed both of them throughout their careers. Finn was an incredibly gifted driver, and Leo remembered the struggle of the past few years, trying to get the best out of a very problematic car that had allowed him only a few wins. Logan was just as skilled, born to speed through tight corners and sharp hairpins. Lucky to drive an exceptionally fast car that had rarely been beaten in recent seasons.
Watching them race against each other had always been astonishing, an emotional experience like admiring a masterpiece of art. So it shouldn't have surprised Leo to see them battling for the lead, showing off technical offensive and defensive moves that were driving the crowd crazy.
Until something unexpected happened just before the start of lap thirty-five.
"Shit, look at that," Sirius nudged him, pointing to his laptop.
Leo watched as the track map on screen slowly filled with patches of different shades of blue.
"Heavy rain expected in ten minutes," he heard Sirius tell James over the radio, before looking back at him expectantly. It was then that Leo noticed the dark clouds approaching rapidly with the increasing force of the wind. 
A strategy. They needed a new, effective strategy. Quickly.
"Finn has fresh medium tires," Leo began, twiddling the pen between his long fingers as he spoke. "They're going to pit Kasey first, 'cause he won't have any grip for a full lap with washed hards."
Sirius kept humming as he followed his train of thought.
"And they might be expecting a red flag, or maybe a safety car if someone slides off the track. But if we call Logan in for inters as soon as it starts raining harder..."
"What if they don't want to wait?" Sirius said. 
"We'll pit him anyway, just follow plan A. Same strategy as the leader," Leo explained. "But if we manage to get Logan in before Finn, he could easily end up leading the race."
Sirius rubbed a hand over his dark stubble, his icy grey eyes telling Leo he was thinking a mile a minute. "Okay," he breathed. "But James is coming in with him."
Leo nodded. "It's going to be chaotic, but it'll work out."
Please, I need this to work out.
At the other end of the pit lane, the mechanics rushed to grab two sets of new intermediate tires. Then they took their positions in the pit stall, helmets on, ready to spring into action.
Leo felt the smell of rain first, the strong scent that the contact with the hot asphalt released. He spun around in his chair to hold a flat palm over the canopy, where a gentle drizzle wet his hand, the intensity increasing by the second.
He locked eyes with Sirius again as they silently agreed to proceed with their plan. A single, confident nod was all he needed.
"Box, box," Leo chanted over the radio.
"What? Already?" Logan protested.
"Yes," he insisted. "Please Logan, confirm the pit stop."
Now, this is unusual. Silver is calling both of their drivers to box on this lap. That's Tremblay coming into the pits, followed by Kasey Winter and, wow, it's getting crowded out there. It's going to be a real mess with the intensity of this rain. 
O’Hara stays out, and with a quick look at the data I can tell you he’s slowing down considerably to keep the car on track. 
With a 2.2 second pit stop Logan Tremblay leads the way out of the pit lane, Winter and Potter on his tail. And isn't that brilliant? They're coming back right behind the nine cars being called to pit right now! 
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new race leader. 
The whole grid held out for eighteen laps in wet conditions, and despite the downpour, Logan managed to gain a considerable advantage over the others. Finn made his comeback to second place, overtaking car after car in almost zero visibility—a true racing masterclass that had sent a thrill up Leo's spine.
But Finn couldn't reach Logan, too far away, now engaged in navigating the infamous high-speed parabola just a few meters from the checkered flag. 
"Leo," Logan shouted into his ears. He could picture some kind of delirious grin on Logan's lips just from his voice.
And wasn't Leo delirious himself.
He stared, heart in his throat, as the GPS signal of Logan's car crossed the finish line. Only then did he realize what had just happened.
Leo didn't know what face he was making when Sirius clapped a strong hand on his back. His smile was euphoric, so wide it began to hurt a little in the corners. But he held himself still, enough to look composed if a camera caught him.
"Well done, Logan." He smiled into the mic. The radio message would certainly have been broadcast on tv. "A well-deserved win. You did a fantastic job today."
"I want you on the podium," was Logan's reply, a little breathless. Leo swore he could faint right then and there. "This one is yours as well." 
If this was a dream, Leo didn't want to wake up, ever .
Sirius had dragged him to the cool down room to wait for the top three drivers before the podium ceremony. He'd also insisted that Leo should be the team representative to accept the trophy for their victory. And as if that wasn't enough, Leo's mind was blown the second he spotted Logan and Finn walking together to their assigned posts, soaked from head to toe—their hair a complete mess from the helmets.
"Looks like I have a new nemesis," Finn greeted him with a teasing wink.
"Oh, you better be careful out there," Leo bit back, unable to stop himself from giggling when Logan rolled his eyes—a shade of green that stood out perfectly against his black racing suit.
"Not tonight," Logan said. "Tonight we're having fun."
"Yeah?" Finn sounded surprised. “What are you up to, Tremblay?”
Logan looked mischievously between them. "You're going to find out. Hey, Bliz," he turned to Kasey, who was busy chugging a bottle of water in one go. "You with us?"
"Sorry, guys," he panted a little, then smiled. "I promised a date to a fancy Italian restaurant."
"And you? What do you say?" Logan playfully shoved Leo. As if he could ever say no to something like that.
"Sounds fun." He crossed his arms over his chest, a mocking grin on his lips. "But wherever we're going, I am driving."
"No way," Finn and Logan chorused back, and a carefree laugh broke out of Leo's chest. He felt blissful.
And maybe it wasn't, but this all felt like a crazy dream.
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ur-fairy-of-mimicry · 4 months
How the Alfea College students (+ Red Fountain, Cloudtower) Give Hugs
Fandom(s): Winx Club
Character(s): Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, Sky, Brandon, Riven, Timmy, Helia, Icy, Darcy, Stormy
Pairing(s): Alfea College students X Reader, Red Fountain students X Reader, Cloudtower students X Reader
Genre(s): Fluff
Writing Style: Drabbles
Summary: A drabble of how some of the people in the magic realm give hugs to you.
Warning(s): None
Requested by: None
Note: Hello again to you all! I have come up with new ideas and imagines for the characters! I am trying to do some drabbles now, this is my first drabble, actually! I hope I will do well with my writing, as well as the headcanons and imagines for each character. I must say, writing the Trix's parts were quite the challenge... Anyway, enjoy the read, dear readers!
Whenever it comes to giving out hugs, Bloom will do it either gently or tightly. It depends on your preferences, but I can definitely see her hugging you in the most gentle way possible. She likes to wrap her arms around you to assure you that as the last princess of Domino, she will do anything to protect you from the world's harm. Her fingers will trace patterns on your back, her touch comforting and affectionate. The more time passes by, the closer she will hug you until you're entirely pressed against her. Bloom will hold you as her everything.
Stella's hugs are full of excitement and affection. She would love to run towards you with a huge grin on her face, jump into your arms and fall to the ground with laughter coming out of her lips. Her upbeat aura radiates as soon as you make physical contact, her touch warm as the bright sun. Stella would squeeze you tight, nuzzle your neck, and send shivers down your spine as her fingertips ghostly trace on your back. But if you really need the hug, Stella can be less enthusiastic, yet her loving arms still brings you reassurance and hope.
When Flora gives you hugs, they make you feel calm and satisfied. Her aura is gentle and sweet, so whenever you need her the most, Flora's embrace will remind you that everything will be okay. She would love play with your hair, twirling a lock with her fingers. And somehow, this simple gesture feels like your refuge. The longer you hug her, the calmer your body will become. Her affection is just like the effects of lavender—its scent subsiding every bit of anxiety within you. She wouldn't mind hugging you longer, because she wants you to always be happy.
With Musa, her hugs can vary like her taste in music. Some of them are upbeat if she's happy. Some are reassuring if she knows you need her. Some are melancholic if either of you are sad. Although she doesn't engage in physical contact for most of the time, that wouldn't mean she won't give hugs. Musa will hold you close in her arms as you slow dance in a private room, humming with the tune as she caresses you. It's her little way of showing affection. Just tell her what you want or need, Musa will do just that.
Tecna is awkward with hugs. She's all about logic and numbers, so they aren't really her specialty. Even so, that doesn't mean she isn't willing to try physical contact. Her hugs in general are brief and your bodies wouldn't press against each other's. Yet she makes up for it by giving you side hugs, as she is more comfortable with it. However, when the time comes where you need her by your side, Tecna will give you a long hug. She doesn't say anything logical during these moments. She just holds you, her actions telling you that everything is okay.
It may or may not be surprising, but Sky isn't very good with these kind of problems. He isn't particularly close with his parents and he was trained not to show weakness of any sorts. However, as your lover, he will try to engage physical contact. Beginning from handholding in public to snuggling in bed, Sky is determined to try it all. Whenever you are down, the prince will attempt to offer a hug. His hugs are gentle yet firm, protecting you from the world in his arms. He sincerely vows to always be there when you need him most.
Because of that headcanon that Brandon belongs in a large family, he is one of the people who gives out the best hugs. He firmly holds you in his arms, his face buried into your hair as his nostrils takes its scent. He can be enthusiastic or serene in hugging, depending in the situation. But if you need him, Brandon's hugs are just perfect. His hugs make you feel secured and loved, his gentle hands tenderly reassuring you that he's always there. He is a brother and a knight—a perfect combination. Nobody beats the embrace of a big brother.
It might not look like it, but Riven's hugs are one of the best. He isn't the type to initiate physical contact, but whenever he gives out hugs, they're always so warm. Riven doesn't say anything nor does something with his hands. He simply holds him like that, no words said. Riven is awkward at first—as said in my headcanons if the Specialists were your boyfriend—but he becomes comfortable eventually. Perhaps his hugs are great because he gives body heat or maybe his silence puts you at ease. In the end, he's highly thankful that you trusted him.
    Out of everybody in this list, Timmy is the most awkward whenever it comes to hugs and affection. His hugs are just like Tecna's but doubled. He couldn't completely wrap his arms around your frame. Even with side hugs, his face turns beet red and his arm only hovers on your shoulders, never touching at all. But as soon as he turns comfortable, Timmy's hugs are gentle and brief. Despite the embrace not being long, Timmy's hands know how to calm you, similar to how they know how to fix items. Hugs aren't his specialty in comforting, but he tries.
    Helia is the opposite of Timmy. He is the most affectionate person out of everyone, always open to them despite the situation. This guy prefers to be bound to his lover, thus agreeable with any sorts of hugs you offer him. When Helia gives out an embrace, they are similar to Flora's ambience. The only difference is how they are described as. Helia's hugs are like the calm seas and the flowing winds, making you feel at ease. Whenever you're down, Helia will either hug you in silence or whisper sweet nothings into your ear. This man is your refuge.
    Expectedly, Icy's hugs are monopolizing like her cold personality. She holds you possessively like a predator keeping its prey. Her hugs in general will make you feel you belong to her and only her, yet there are occasions where Icy will be tender and loving. Her hands will hold unto your body to secure you, eyes scanning elsewhere to see if someone dared to take you away from her. But when her guard is down, Icy is calm and her fingers run through your hair, small giggles escaping her lips every now and then. Be sure to savor these moments.
    A variety of hugs is what you'll receive from Darcy. They can either be gentle, possessive, easeful, affectionate, you name it. Despite wanting to bound her lover, Darcy wouldn't mind the hugs they offer (though she mildly dislikes clingy ones). Out of the Trix, Darcy is welcoming whenever it came to initiating physical contact. Her hugs will depend on her mood and situation. But in general, they can be brief yet tender. Whenever the gloomy days come, Darcy will envelop you in her arms as she whispers sweet nothings to your ear. She truly adores you in her own way.
    Amidst the heavy and violent storms, Stormy's hugs are like its eye. She isn't really into physical contact to the extent that only handholding was allowed. However, the more you date, the more Stormy shows her true colors. She may be quite disastrous, yes. But if you are patient enough, you will experience was piece of heaven in your life. Her hugs are reassuring and warm, arms clasping around you firmly to secure you from everything else. She will attack whoever comes near both of you. But whenever privacy is achieved, her hugs are tranquil like a gentle rain shower.
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starry-hughes · 4 months
kendall’s injury
it was fast pace hockey. there hadn’t been a whistle in almost three minutes. kendall had her typical blue tinsel braided into her hair. she decided on two braids tonight. she had thrown up in the morning from the nerves.
it was loud. a sea of blue and green and she felt so small. she was a fast skater. and then someone’s stick got caught in her feet as she chased after the puck they didn’t even call for icing.
the slam echoed as she hit the wall. it was an awkward fall. the play was immediately blown down as kendall withered in pain on the ice. “kenny?” nils, her linemate, skated over. she was biting down on her mouth guard so tight to stop herself from screaming. it was the worst pain in her life.
the trainers came over quick, even edmonton’s trainers. “kenny, what hurts?”
“leg. leg,” she choked out. “get the paramedics over here,” someone mumbled. they made her as comfortable on the ice as possible as the stretcher was wheeled out. “no, i can play i promise,” she said. “kenny,” jt swallowed, “you can’t.”
“no i can! i promise! just let me get up!” she told them all. zadorov helped them get her onto the stretcher. “where’s petey?” she asked. “he’s skating over, huggy is coming too.”
“kendall,” elias breathed. “it hurts,” she finally admitted. there were too many eyes around, elias couldn’t just kiss his girlfriend or provide her the comfort she needed. quinn skated with the stretcher. “sorry cap,” she sniffled trying to ignore everyone watching. “kenny, don’t be sorry. love you.”
stick taps erupted by that point and everyone in the stadium cheered. kendall was in such pain by the time they got her into the ambulance the adrenaline was wearing off. “am i going to be able to play again?” she asked. no one answered.
in the safety of a hospital room, she broke down into sobs. after the game ended, the team made their way over to the hospital. kendall was a bit freaked out by so many people seeing her in the vulnerable position. her teammates gave her headpats and sad smiles. “they are getting me stable enough for surgery,” she told elias. he wiped her cheek gently.
“you’ll be okay,” he mumbled. she nodded, trying to convince herself it would be okay but she was choking back sobs. jt looked at her and made everyone leave the room. “she’s my girlfriend,” elias argued. “she needs a second.”
jt shut the door and looked back at kendall who is practically his daughter in his eyes. “kenny you can let it out now, it’s just me here.”
and she did. loud cries, pain shooting up her thigh. “what if i can’t play ever again?” she hiccuped. “you will play. i promise kiddo.” she calms herself down. “your parents are on their way i think. want me to send petey back in?”
she nods. within seconds, elias is in there. “kendall, i- i’m so sorry.” she sniffles and he grabs her head softly and kisses the top. “i called your parents.”
“thank you.” “ellen and jim are on the way too.” she nodded again. “i love you,” he mumbles. “darcy is trying to get here too.”
“why are so many people coming for a broken femur?” she laughed a little. elias swallowed hard and the reality of everything began setting in. “i hope i can play still,” she choked on more tears.
“you will be, i know it. next season. you’ll be back on the ice. i promise you,” he soothes. elias climbs up into the bed with her, being careful with her leg. “we lost,” she mumbled. “i know. don’t worry about it. it’s been a rough couple of weeks for us. just rest my love.”
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anakinsgirlfriendreal · 11 months
Parts Of The Truth
Chapter Eight
Warnings: 18+, foul language, maybe some misspelling, infidelity, angst, family issues, discussions of pregnancy and abortion, honestly can't think of anything else lmk.
Padme, placed the phone back in her purse, nervously playing with the hem of her dress, she smiled at the couple across the table. Old friends from Anakin's college days.
"He's on his way, lost track of time with work," she excuses her husband's lateness.
"Oh, so he hasn't changed at all," Owen laughs.
His wife leans into him, "I'd hope he has, from what I remember he was quite a ladies man."
Padme laughs awkwardly, sucking in as much air as her lungs can take and breathing out again, "maybe we should order drinks." She beckons the waiter.
Fifteen minutes later Anakin finally arrives, kissing Padme's cheek and greeting his friends. She smiles when he sits next to her, his hand on her leg. Her face falls when she smells it; when she smells her, the smell of fresh roses and ocean breeze, a combination that could make anyone happy made her sick. Her mind tuned out the voices around her, the music playing in the restaurant, the laughter of their friends just background noise as her eyes zero in on his appearance, noticing every detail, the small wrinkles in his suit, the way he smelled, the way his hair was a little messy. Her breathing got heavy and she felt her heart beating in her ears. She stood up suddenly drawing attention from the trio around her. "Uh, sorry, I just- I need to use the bathroom," she excuses herself.
He looks up at her, "What's the matter love?" He asks his eyes soft. She shook her head, smiling.
"Maybe I should've stayed light on the margaritas, I'll be back." She walks away from the table and further into the bistro where the bathroom was.
Locking the door, she tried to calm herself down, gripping the sink, he felt her tears fall, she tried to compose herself, she lets out a small sob. Lately she'd been crying a lot; every time he came home smelling like roses, like the freshness of the ocean, every time he came home with his suit wrinkled or his hair disheveled claiming he was just stressed at work and got a bit comfortable, every time he'd reject her because he wasn't in the mood, every time he'd yell at her for pushing the idea of adoption or every time he didn't come home and didn't call to say where he was or if he was okay.
She dried her tears, reaching for her phone in her purse, finding your number.
You groan, reaching for your phone on the coffee table, pausing your show, you couldn't sleep so you decided to melt your brain with whatever garbage was trending, and the interruption was highly unwelcomed. Your mood lightened when you realized it was Padme.
"Padme hey" you smile as of she could see you over the phone, your mood dampens when you hear her voice, she sounded so sad.
"Hey, I just- I don't know why I called I don't know what's wrong with me I just needed to talk."
"okay, okay what's the matter"
"We're- we're at a restaurant right now, and and he was late and I just knew I just knew that he was with her and when he hugged me I could smell her and I just don't know if I can do this anymore" she cries.
You swallow the lump in your throat, if hell exists you were definitely leading the line there. "Padme I'm so sorry." It's all you could ever say.
"I feel so stupid," you can hear her sniffles "Ugh men don't you just wanna punch 'em right in their stupid perfect faces." She chuckles humorlessly.
"Well I know that feeling," you snicker.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted it's just nice to chat you know, I don't mean to burden you but you're like the only friend I have that gives a shit."
Your stomach twists into knots, "You don't burden me Padme."
You can almost hear her smile and you know it's sad, "thanks, alright well, I'm gonna splash some water on my fav and get back out there. Tell Darcy I say good night." She hangs up.
You put the phone down, running a hand over your face.
"You are so fucked up," Grace laughs.
You look at her warily, an annoyed expression on your face. "Grace."
"Relax, I got your back, secret's safe with me." She drags her fingers over her lips like a zip.
The next few weeks were nothing short of horrible, you now remembered why you and Grace never got along. She was constantly on your back about Anakin, walking around the house like she owned it, telling Darcy things she shouldn't know. You were going insane. Your mother was smart to ship her to you instead of dealing with her difficult personality on her own.
On top of all that you were sick; throwing up, constantly nauseous type of sick.
"Maybe you're pregnant" Ahsoka says, hands under her chin as she stared at you with raised brows.
You scoff, you hadn't even considered that. "Don't even joke."
She shrugs, "I'm just saying, this is exactly how you were when Darcy was cooking."
"I'm not pregnant okay, that's- actually not crazy" you shake your head, "fuck"
"is how you ended up here" Ahsoka quipped.
You chuckled, "that's pretty good."
She was about to respond when she's interrupted.
"Y/n." Padme approaches you, swiftly. Ahsoka's brows raised, you had told her of your new friendship, she thought you were stupid for that of course she was right.
"I thought I'd find you here, it's five soon, I thought we could do drinks" Padme turns to Ahsoka, "you're welcome to join."
Ahsoka smiles, "I would love to."
Padme claps, "Great, I could use the strongest...whatever they've got."
You sat at the bar with Padme and Ahsoka, shaking your head as Ahsoka took in all Padme's relationship drama. "I don't know, it's not like I've caught him right, but I know that he's cheating." Padme shakes her head, sipping her drink, "I can smell her on him as soon as he walks through the door." She turns to you, "Hey why aren't you drinking, we should get you a drink," she looks for the bartender. Her words were already slurred and you could tell she was tipsy.
"oh she can't drink" Ahsoka says.
Padme looks between you two, "well why the hell not" her eyes scan your face and then soften when she realizes, "oh, you're pregnant, honey that's amazing, congratulations."
You put your hand up, "well I'm not sure, I haven't taken a test."
Padme smiles, "oh, oh well then we're gonna buy one and do it right now!"
Ahsoka, who was also tipsy, nods along enthusiastically. "I LOVE THAT IDEA," she yells in your faces. Padme claps and calls over the bartender to pay the bill.
That's how you ended here, sitting in the stall of a drug store bathroom, peeing on a stick while Ahsoka and Padme laid on the floor peeping up at you.
"You guys are so weird"
"We love you" Padme says and you feel sick again.
You pick your cuticles waiting for the five minutes to be up, longest wait of your life. When the timer on your phone rings, Padme picks up the stick, staring at you excitedly, almost like she was the one pregnant.
"It's positive!"
You hit your head against the wall.
Padme frowns, "Oh come on this good right? Darcy will have another sibling, you'll have another baby- unless..."
You shake your head, "I can't keep it."
Ahsoka pouts, hugging you, letting your tears wet her sleeve. "Hey hey it's okay, that's your decision."
Padme sighs, in her mind she couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want to keep a baby, but that's because she struggled so much to even keep a pregnancy, she pushes her own feelings aside.
You hold your head in your hands, "I don't know what I'm doing." You confess. "I can't have another baby, what am I even thinking"
Ahsoka rubs your back, Padme looks in thought, "what about the father? He can support you, whoever he is. I don't mean to pry."
You shake your head, "he's-it's complicated." You almost out yourself. "He's travelling for work, his career is at it's peak, we just can't afford to have another baby." You cover up. Ahsoka is silent, she knew; of course she did, you always tell her everything.
Padme nods, taking your hand, "Well you have us, whatever you decide we'll be right here with you" she smiles, god you hate yourself. "Also if you decide not to keep it, at least you won't have to rip your vagina all over again, that's good right." It makes you laugh.
"Yeah that's something."
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
Tumblr media
me and you from the night before
a morning with the ladies/sleeping with them❕🩶
enjoys my fellow single fucks🩶
carol danvers
carol doesn't accept it but she snores. she wakes up at the ass crack of dawn but is a heavy ass sleeper. she'll put her full body weight on you. she'll hold you close and lay on your boobies/chest. she'll drool on them too. you'll wake up when you feel the bed dip or the warmth of her body gone. but if you don't wake up with her or be there before you're fully conscious, she'll make sure to leave note. but if she sleeps in she'll let out the cutest a and mildly loud snores. she'll be getting that good sleep. her pajama pants will be on her calves and her hair will b a mess. but she'll always look stunning. if you try to leave before her, she'll let out a little 'noooo' and try to keep you on the bed. but sleepy carol will melt with the sweetest little facial kisses.
sharon carter
sharon freaking squeezes you to death while sleeping. you're her teddy bear. for her i feel like she be big spoon but she won't deny being little spoon. she also hold you by the waist and you wrap your arms around her neck. you will literally be tangled in your sleep. and if she gets up before you she'll have hot coffee (or tea) ready. and you guys definitely cool breakfast together. but when she doesn't have anything to do that morning she'll sleep in as long as she wants, and you better stay with her. she gets whiney if you try to leave her on a lazy saturday morning. and she's a calm sleeper, she'll pull you closer occasionally and mutter 'i love you' while unconscious. she doesn't know that but you're okay with it.
darcy lewis
it's very clear that darcy's the biggest cuddle bug ever. she'll wrap her arms and legs around you as if she was going to get blown away if she didn't. she'll nuzzle her head into your neck. omg since she can't see when she wakes up she'll be all dramatic, like she'll rub her hands all over your face and say "where are your lips babe?" and you just laugh and kiss her all over her face. she stares at you and slightly squints if your saying something while having your small morning or late night conversation. i feel like she's a blanket hog too. and she also sleeps on top of you. she's your blanket. she also demands you carry her anywhere when she wakes up. and she'll demand coffee, but sweetly. many kisses
you have no idea when but nebula is always up before you. and she's staring at you. like directly into your soul. she also strokes your hair and just stares at you lovingly while you sleep. but when you're both knocked out she always has an arm around your waist. she'll make sure it's her "real" arm and not the metal one. while sleep though she's very at peace. some times when she can't sleep she'll hold you realy close and wrap your arms around her so you can hold her. she'll knock out if your rub her head softly.
maria hill
big spoon little spoon position 100%. a rather calm sleep but when she's especially tired she'll snore. if she moves in her sleep you'll move with her, bc she's holding you so tight. omg and she always wakes up before you and leaves you a cup of water on your bed side stand so you can drink it first thing in the morning. when she doesn't need to get up early she'll wake you up with kisses so you two can have a date day. she'll love to take a steaming shower with you in the morning. she's also loves when you run your hands through her hair while you try to calm her down after a mission or nightmare
kate bishops
i feel like kate starfishes in bed. like you two sleep all over the bed but are still touching in some kinda of way. blanket thief fs. she also rolls in her sleep and will end up on top of you. her hair gets messy while she sleeps and you two wear matching pajamas. lucky sleeps with you two adding to the tangled mess on the bed. when it gets hot it's tank tops and shorts and a bunch of fans. even luckyy gets hot. sometimes both of them kick you. and when luckys on top of either of you that person cannot move no matter what. and the other person just gets up and laughs while going to prepare lunch, bc you guys sleep in. but in the mornings kate gets up very hesitantly and a little grumpy.
a/n wrote this after getting up at 2pm🩶
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wtfastaroth · 9 months
I have so many Trix headcanons, I could talk for days.
Trix hobbies headcanons
Icy's hobbies
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For me, Icy is a person who really enjoys her own company, she invests a lot of her time in herself, hobbies that are calm and solitary are her favorites.
Photographing landscapes and moments is something she loves to do, enjoying a calm breeze and keeping this moment forever is magical. She has countless chaotic photos of her sisters, and many unforgettable moments together saved on a sheet of paper.
Taking care of herself is always therapy for her, skicare and nail care are the best moments of her day. She always invests in herself, trying to be her best for herself, and not for anyone else.
There is no one more competitive than her, she loves games, all of them, especially the difficult ones, which last for hours, she will keep playing until she emerges victorious.
If Icy plays an instrument, it has to be the piano. She plays it since a very young age and she loves it, it calms her down a lot, she prefers to play already created melodies, Like Beethoven's and Sonya Belousova's.
Darcy's hobbies
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As much as she appears to be the calmest of the trix, Darcy is not very different from her sisters, the difference is that she keeps what she feels and adapts to situations. She will demonstrate what you want to see. This made her look for ways to express what she really felt.
Creating, she loves to create, be it texts, poems, bracelets, jewelry, necklaces, paintings and much more.
Darcy is a lover of literature, she can read for hours, absorbed by the words.
Meditation and yoga came from her need to deal with her thoughts, meditation helped her with her powers and yoga helped her with her mind.
Motorcycling, She loves motorcycles, participating in races, riding a motorcycle at night, the adrenaline calms her down.
Stormy's hobbies
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Stormy loves cooking, testing new recipes, baking, everything, it's truly a passion.
She loves cinema, visually entering thousands of universes and stories is magical for her. She really likes watching films inspired by the books that Darcy reads so they can talk about the story.
Swimming is something she doesn't do very often, but she loves it.
Literally her happy space is the moment when she is dancing, dancing helps her spend all her energy, she loves trying different types of dance, even if some are very difficult for her.
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chand-ki-priyatama · 5 months
Ek khat mere pyare bade Bhai ke naam
You chose this name "HECTOR" for you , if we go in the literary sense it means to talk to someone in a bullying way - irony of this fact that you can never do that.... And so I nicknamed you "CEDAR"
One of the most sweetest, kindest being I ever met....
These are my feelings for you in the form of writing cause we are writers we do not speak we bleed ink on paper...
So ye khat aapke naam from aapki chhoti behen Clover aka me Kaya ek kaviyitri aur lekhika....
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Mere pyare penguin bhaiya that's why I nicknamed you cedar cause Its metaphysical properties promote peaceful thoughts and help interpret messages from your inner self. Cedar supports us on spiritual quests by reconnecting and grounding us with earthly roots..... And I attribute all these qualities with you...
So Cedar bro , intellectual baatein karne wale samajhdaar bhaiya
Dear Bhai,
I first interacted with you via a reblog post and I was amazed by your thoughts on my writing then we had a very small chat on dm that's it.... then I joined the discord server but there too we never chatted much cause I was busy in creating a ruckus for myself
But now since we have started talking , I never felt as if I never had a word with you on the contrary it feels as if my day is incomplete without sharing words with you....
Someone beautiful as their existence
Someone who is dearest to me....
Honestly love the way you talk , and might I tell you you need to teach me about Greek mythology , you are so intelligent and intellectual means how just drop the secrets dude...
Although I am not there irl with you but I'll always be there for comforting you....
Never feel as if you are alone in something cause you have a little sister with whom you can share anything...
We are always together in everything although not physically but whenever you see the stars and moon remember that they bind me together with everyone and whenever you feel alone just look at them somewhere I am doing that too...
They bind me to you
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Being one of the most supportive person and still doubting yourself is not good that's why I included earlier "Look at you comforting others with the words you wish to hear" , you are one of the bestest person out there so learn to trust in your abilities...... (I dare you say something contrary and see what I will do🔪)
You feel like a soft melody after constantly being irritated by pop music...
These are your vibes according to me :-
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I still remember the day you told me your penguin story gosh I am still not over it , it was so cute and wholesome....
You know how I am the bubbly talkative af girl and to am extent I can say maybe nakchadi hu (still can't believe you though I was rude ) but you are the contrary mature, intellectual, introverted but that's what makes us brother and sister...
If I had to say you were a colour I'd definitely say you are green cause Those with Green color personality strengths tend to be perfectionistic, analytical, conceptual, cool, calm, inventive and logical. They seek knowledge and understanding as well as always looking for explanations and answers....
As if fictional character fight me but I will always say you are Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice cause you give off those gentlemen vibes...
Now imagine we met and you know my obsession with Polaroids so think these pics as them...
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I know deep down sometimes (always) just like me you think about things about what would happen but isn't it the part of growing up...
अजीब दास्ताँ है ये, कहाँ शुरू, कहाँ ख़तम
I associate these lyrics with you cause our friendship was something very unexpected....
Last few days were tough for me so thank you for always being there for me and supporting me throughout....
I lost my faith in friendship way too early but thanks to you and few others that you revived it....
Now imagine me playing a guitar and singing this song to you...
I been tryin' to do it right (Hey) I been livin' a lonely life (Ho) I been sleepin' here instead (Hey) I been sleepin' in my bed (Ho) I been sleepin' in my bed (Hey) (Ho) (Ho) so show me family (Hey) all the blood that I will bleed (Ho) I don't know where I belong (Hey) I don't know where I went wrong (Ho) but I can write a song (Hey)
I belong with you, you belong with me You're my sweetheart I belong with you, you belong with me You're my sweet
I dedicate these lyrics to you...
Just so you know I love you to the moon and back and I always appreciate and cherish your existence....
As always I'll dedicate these songs to you and as of its voice note I'll send it to you...
Now I think I have spoken enough
So signing off Cedar bro,
With love always
Kaya 💗
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