#david crouch
moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
David Tennant would fully approve the cuntefication of Barty crouch Jr
He was a perfect casting, but at what cost?
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skullfragments · 6 months
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soooo i've been real busy this past month and change working on this monster of a painting! it was originally for the GO Ref library study club but clearly took much longer than i anticipated😅
for those of you who don't recognize it, this is based on one of my favorite historical paintings, Judith Beheading Holofernes (1620) by Artemisia Gentileschi. i love the Baroque period and this painting (as well as her other works) makes me insane. here it is Good Omens style so maybe all of you can be insane with me <3
"Aziraphale (and Crowley) Beheading the Metatron"
(non-bloody and non-glowy versions under the cut)
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arashixyarts · 2 months
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Thats enough realism for a lifetime actually!
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k1ranishf4 · 1 year
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Ah, yes. Finally, the full version
[By tardis_time_with_13 on Instagram]
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
His betrothed.
Barty Crouch Jr. x reader
Summary: The youngest Black sibling is getting near courting age. Regulus and Barty have a plan, and Sirius doesn't like it.
Warnings: the Black family literally, cursing, siblings fighting, idk
Author's note: I wrote this while I had a fever, so if it's horrendous, let's not judge :|
Part 2!
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Sirius turned his head to look over his shoulder. 
Sweet little Y/N Black was standing behind him with a worried look in her eyes.
Being the caring older brother he was, he pushed James slightly, making room for her to sit next to him at the Gryffindor table of the Great Hall. She accepted, sitting down gently, her expression never changing.
Remus saw the look as well, and seemed to be just as concerned, "What's going on?"
They weren't the only two marauders concerned. In fact, they all were.
When Sirius' sibling Y/N was sorted into Gryffindor, Sirius had physically cringed. He couldn't stand seeing his darling little sister go through the Black family's mental and physical abuse due to her house. At that point, away from Walburga's watch, the marauders had taken the girl under their wings. During the summer, she still remained in the Black household at Grimmauld Place with her twin Regulus. But during the school year, she was raised by Sirius.
Hence, where this situation had come from.
James threw an arm around the girl's shoulder, leaning close to her ear, "Whatever it is, you can tell us. That's what we're here for."
She simply stared at the plate in front of Remus across the table.
The four boys stared at each other, worried and unsure of what to do at this point.
Her small voice came out, "Mum is having me go to my first… meeting…. This winter…"
Sirius' hand had a steady grip on his fork, his knuckles turning white. His voice was low. Scarily low, "What."
Remus leaned forward to him, "Pads, control yourself in front of everyone."
Sirius' head lifted to him, "I would, but she's 17 fucking years old. Too young to be staring this… this shit…."
The girl remained unmoving, James' eyes never leaving her, "Y/N…?"
A small sigh came from her lips, "that's not all…"
Sirius looked as if he would explode. "Not…all?"
Peter finally peeped, "Is everything going to be okay?"
She looked up at him, "I'm not sure…"
Sirius rubbed his hands over his face before leaning on the table, "Alright, sweetheart. Tell me."
"Mum is… well… setting up… alliances…"
Sirius knew what that meant. Merlin, he knew what that meant. And he was angry. Beyond angry.
Remus' eyebrows furrowed, "…alliances?"
She nodded, her frame getting smaller as if she was shrinking into herself with every word, "It's…. Well it's when-"
Sirius interrupted, "Mum's marrying her off."
The table went silent, each boy trying to come to terms with what they had heard. 
Finally, Peter spoke up, "to…. To who?"
All of their eyes were on her. Well, almost everyone's eyes.
She shrugged, "Mum hasn't told me yet."
James, who had been staring off past the siblings to a different table, was holding a slight smirk to his face. "I bet I can tell you who it is."
Y/N looked up to him with teary eyes, her emotions finally getting to her, "Who?"
His eyes never left the person, his head moving as if to point in that direction. Sirius and Y/N followed his gaze.
Barty Crouch Jr. sat at the Slytherin table, his eyes flickering up in her direction every few seconds. When he saw the entire table looking in his direction, he quickly looked down at his food, as if forcing himself to not look up at her again until they looked away.
Sirius' voice was practically a growl, "It's. Not. Gonna. Fucking. Happen."
James sighed, "I don't know if you get a choice, Pads."
Remus looked up at Y/N, who was near tears. His hand reached out, grabbing hers from across the table, "Hey. Are you alright little dove?"
That was their name for her. Little dove. She was no animangus. But, hoping to make her feel included, they had given her a name during her 3rd year. And it had stuck ever since.
She shrugged, her bottom lip quivering. "I'm not sure."
He nodded, "That's alright. We'll figure this out… Pads?"
Sirius was in his own world. His eyes flickered around the room at every person, as if anyone could jump out and take her from them. 
When Regulus entered the Great Hall, Sirius immediately jumped up, walking to him. "Regulus…"
Regulus stopped, confused. Sirius never spoke to him unless it had to do with Y/N. "…what."
"I want you to tell me what the fuck Mum is doing to her."
Regulus sighed, "Let's…," his eyes wandered around, "Let's get away from listening ears."
"What the hell, Reg?!"
"Hear me out, Sirius!"
"No! You're letting Mum marry her away like a piece of fucking meat-"
Sirius went quiet. The only sound in the hall was the occasional student that walked a few corridors over. His voice finally came out calm, "What… what do you mean?"
Regulus sighed, "It's… complicated."
"Yeah, I can fucking tell…"
"Crouch…," Regulus looked like he was ready to get hit by his brother, "he asked."
Sirius' eyebrows furrowed, "Asked for what?"
"Sirius, please. Don't make me spell it out."
"He asked for Y/N?"
Regulus nodded, "He's liked her for the longest time, really. Since I can remember. And when Mum mentioned that she was going to make arrangements for me soon, I panicked knowing she'd be soon after. I told Crouch, and he said he'd happily marry Y/N. And I helped him win Mum's favor." He looked back up at Sirius, "Look. Don't judge me. I'm doing what's best for her."
Sirius scoffed, "'what's best for her'? What's best is getting her away from the hellhole we call our family. They don't fucking deserve her. Marrying her to a fucking death eater, Reg? Not the brightest idea you've had. Merlin…"
Sirius slowly began to walk away until Reg spoke up again, "I thought it through, Siri. Swear to God."
The 7th year stopped, turning around once more, "…how?"
Reggie sighed again, "Crouch… he's… he's only a first generation death eater. There's not many responsibilities he has to hold. He's loyal only to himself and those he deems worthy."
Sirius thinks it over, "And would he be loyal to her?"
Regulus let out a small laugh, "Merlin. He is already."
When Sirius didn't answer, Regulus continued, "He may not be close to his father, but… it gives her options. If they decide to run away, he can protect them. And if she decides just to leave Bartimus, then his father could protect her on his own. Crouch brought it up to Mum as a way to give more connections between the death eaters and the Ministry. But, we both know. It was for her protection."
Sirius was staring to be slightly shocked at his brother's reasoning, "I…. Okay?"
Regulus gave a final statement. "And He'll treat her well, brother."
"How can you be sure?"
Reg shrugged, "Don't believe me? Make them interact. You'll see. He's like a loyal dog. He'll do anything for her."
Sirius sighed, "I should wring your neck. But I won't. Because you've thought this out so well. I won't say I'm agreeing with it. But… I'll let it grow a bit. To see where it goes."
Regulus smiles, "That's all I ask, brother."
Sirius entered the Great Hall once more, sitting in his spot with a huff. At this point, James is gently running his hands through the girl's hair. She's talking to Peter and Remus over an omelette, her mind far from the previous conversation.
He interrupts, "We're talking about this later. The four of us."
She turned, "Not me?"
Sirius' tone turned condescending, his voice harsh, "When have you ever been a part of the four of us? You're not a marauder."
James' hand in her hair immediately paused, Peter dropping his fork clumsily. Remus choked on his drink. But none of them said a word in her defense.
She stared at her brother with a guilty look that slowly morphed into slight hatred. Her voice was still as soft as always, but it held a bite to it, "Fine. I didn't want Mum to know I'm around the Black family traitor anyway." She stood up, leaving the table without another word. 
Remus stood up, watching her go, "Dove?"
But she had already left.
She approached the Slytherin table, her red and gold tie standing out from that side of the room. 
And Barty Crouch Jr. was already looking for her, noticing her leave from the Gryffindor table. 
She stood behind him, quietly trying to speak up, "Excuse me?"
Barty's eyes closed. Her voice was so sweet. He never got to hear it. And she was trying to speak to him. This situation couldn't be better. 
He turned around on the bench, a small smile gracing his face and a happy look in his eye, "Hello. What do you need?"
She pointed to where Regulus always sat, "Could I… maybe…?"
He looked over to the spot next to him before immediately, "Oh. Yes. Please."
She sat, finally taking note of the people around him. The most notable one being Lucius across the table.
Lucius held an arrogant look in his eyes, "What? The blood traitor finally got tired of you too?"
Barty's jaw clenched, "Watch your tone, Malfoy."
Malfoy snickered, leaning forward. "Why are you here, Black?"
Barty was becoming highly irritated, "Hey. What did I fucking say?"
Lucius held his hands up in a surrendering way, not saying a word, but his eyes were saying more than his mouth needed to.
She stood, "I'm sorry. This was a dumb idea…"
Barty grabbed her wrist. "No, please. I want you to sit."
She hesitantly does so.
A silence falls over the table before Barty breaks it, "Regulus hasn't been back since Sirius drug him out. Think he beat him up?"
She laughs, "No. I'm sure that just had a small fight is all."
Barty smiles, "I have a feeling I know what it's about."
She nods, deciding to avoid the subject. "Do you have classes today?"
He nods as well, "Just one. Potions. Tell me yours."
She pulls out her wand, waving it. A small piece of paper lands on the table, her entire schedule written on it. She begins to study it to give him an answer.
He leans over to her, peering at it slightly over her shoulder. He smiles, "You have astronomy tonight?"
She nods, "It's my favorite."
He points at one of the classes for the day. "I know where that is. Why don't I walk you?"
She shakes her head, "You don't have to. I know where it is, I just-"
His voice was a whisper, "-please. I would love to."
She decided to look at him finally, and when she did so, she found their faces to be inches apart, his deep brown eyes staring longingly into hers. She felt her face heat up, a light pink shade overtaking them. They stayed this way for a while before she decided to talk first, her voice softer than a whisper as she caught him staring at her lips, "Do you really want to marry me, Crouch?"
He smiled, "More than anything."
The moment sat for a while before she looked away, now a deep shade of red. "Perhaps you can walk me to class then."
"And a walk after dinner."
She looked up at him, "…a walk?"
He nodded, "Please."
He points at another class on the paper, "I can walk you to this one as well… if you'll have me?"
Her eyes soften as tried to see if this was a joke. If he had an ulterior motive. But he didn't.
Regulus came up from behind, completely unnoticed until Y/N felt a kiss to the top of her head and a small, "scoot over."
She did so, pushing herself closer to Barty, who held a smile on his face the entire time.
Regulus could feel the stares from the Gryffindor table. He looked up to meet their gazes, smiling in an almost mocking way at the sight of the two betrothed finally bonding.
She was still looking at Barty, "I…. Yes. I would…. I would like that very much."
He nodded, "Then it shall be done." He stood up, grabbing his books next to him, "I must get to potions, but I'll meet you by the Gryffindor common room entrance before your class, yes?" When she nodded, he gave a nod to her brother, "Regulus," then took his free hand, grabbing the girl's hand, kissing it gently, "Y/N." And with that, he left.
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risetherivermoon · 11 months
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i love how chronically offline he is,
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saralilstaremoji · 2 months
im sorry but nobody matches each other freak like evan rosier and barty crouch jr!
im going to say it again for the people in the back, NOBODY is EVER going to match each others FREAK like ROSEKILLER
thanks for coming to my ted talk😌
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ineedhjalp · 11 months
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Literally tumblr.
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princeloww · 11 months
David Tennant Roles Ranked By What Crime I Think They Got Arrested for
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theidlespoon · 4 months
rip barty crouch jr you would've loved måneskin
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ffb6c1lover · 2 years
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me on my way to watching the entire filmography of david tennant
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mizgnomer · 2 years
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David Tennant in Long Coats
Bonus (in the Fifth Doctor's coat):
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No one will ever Barty Crouch jr the way David Tennant can Barty Crouch jr
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s-3lliot · 9 months
Well damn, now I HAVE to watch.
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flintnsocks · 2 months
barty with a hufflepuff best friend would include…
barty crouch jr. x gn! reader the poor boy is crushing on them of course
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a/n: you’ll have to pry david tennant as barty from my cold dead hands. i don’t accept anyone but him. not too many hints of romance but this is just me throwing stuff out of my brain.
always trying to to help you let loose. oh? you would love to watch the stars at night, but don’t want to risk getting caught? well, he’s going, and you wouldn’t leave a dear friend alone, now would you?
that is to say; barty will do anything to make you happy. who cares if a few school rules or actual laws are broken along the way? anything is worth that smile. awfully curious about a book from the restricted section? he somehow acquires the thing the next day, announcing it to you with a huge grin on his face. struggling with some spell-casting? the slytherin will gladly tutor you. don’t worry if he stands too close, holding your hand in his as he guides you. it’s easier to learn that way!
studying together! while he loves his other friends, some of them aren’t exactly the calmest.. or focused on their studies. with you, he can find peace. it’s like you share energy with him. the two of you can go from being hyper and a potential risk to the health and sanity of the other students, or to sitting quietly as you memorise yet another goblin rebellion.
he’d trust you with his life. sometimes, barty is genuinely convinced that you’re an angel. he feels the safest with you, though he still tries to put on an aloof act. you always see right through it (damn you for knowing him so well). you ground him. whenever his father makes him feel like he’s not good enough, you’re there to prove him wrong.
if anyone has something to say about your friendship, he’s giving them the meanest glare. the boy will resort to nasty remarks but.. well, so will you. he’s surprised the first time you stand up for him, and immediately feels ashamed for underestimating you. you can hold your own, of course you can. you’re strong, it’s why he loves you. though, he will never stop being protective over you
hides his interest in dark magic, too scared of what you’d say. he never wants to disappoint you.
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entitled-fangirl · 6 months
His betrothed. (P3)
Barty Crouch Jr. x reader
Summary: the two expand on their love while the Black brothers try to get used to it.
A/N: so sorry for the long wait! Trust me, there's more for these two!
Masterlist <3
Part 1 and Part 4
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Barty started to show up at the Black house unannounced during the rest of the winter break for a few reasons: to check on his soon-to-be bride, spend time with Regulus, and try to win over the twin's parents.
And luckily, it seemed to be working for him.
Of course, Regulus would never complain about hanging with the his best friend. Nor would he complain about said best friend caring for his sister so much.
"How is she doing?" Barty asked out of the blue.
"Oh," Regulus thought, "Um, I mean… she's okay. I wouldn't say great but, she's okay."
Barty nods, "Thought so. She in her room?"
Regulus nods, "She should be."
Barty smiles and stands, quickly leaving Regulus' room to journey towards Y/N's. 
He knocked lightly, hearing rustling sounds and finally the sound of the door being unlocked. 
He slowly opened the door. 
Y/N was sitting cross-legged on her bed, looking down at her fingers as she picked at them anxiously.
He quickly crossed the room to her and sat on the foot of her bed, giving her enough room to not feel suffocated, but close enough to be near. "Everything alright, love?"
She sighed and sniffled lightly, "'M fine."
He leaned forward and gently lifted her head up by her chin. Her eyes met his. They were red, and tear streaks stained her face. He felt his heart drop at the sight.
His thumb lightly caressed her cheek, "How do I fix this?"
She leans out of his grip, her voice soft, "Fix what?"
"What's happened?"
She looks away from him, "Just Mum. Like I said Barty, 'm fine."
He reaches forward again and places his hand on her leg. "Y/N. How can you know to trust me if you won't take the chance?"
She scoffs, "I don't take chances."
He smiles, "I know that."
A silence falls over them for a while as they stare at each other lovingly.
"Why do you want to marry me so badly?" She finally asked.
He shrugs, "You're enchanting. Everything you do just makes me want to figure you out all the more."
She laughs, "I've heard Sirius say that to girls before. Sounds like rubbish to me."
Barty smirks and leans back, "Alright. You want the truth, love? I love the way you see the world. You see… happiness where there's darkness. You see… good in people. In things. In life. But, it's not that just that. It's that you don't know you do that. You naturally love life. It's part of who you are." He stands up and runs a hand through his hair, "And think me mad but I'd like to have some of you to myself… To have… just… a bit of your happiness. And hope that maybe… just maybe… you could see good in me, too."
She's speechless as she stares up at him. How was she to respond to that?
He takes a deep breath, "You're like sunshine, love. You… you walk into a room and it lights up. Only a fool would deny that about you. I've seen the way some of them look at you. They want to ruin you. And perhaps I will somehow along the way… but I'll try anything. Anything. To preserve some of that sunlight. As long as I can. If you'll let me."
She wipes her cheek lightly as she sniffles. Her eyes now holding  their usual glow, "Barty?"
He looks up immediately, "Yes?"
She smiles, "I can't wait to marry you."
He lets out a breath. It feels like he's been punched in his gut the way his heart shifted. "I… I uh, I was gonna wait but… since I have it…"
He sits back on the bed and retrieves a box from his pocket.
A ring box.
He smiles as he opens it, "I know this is strange and… I'll give you a real proposal, I promise. But for today… maybe this will work."
The ring is gorgeous. The diamond practically glows along with its white gold band.
"Barty…" she finally says, "How… this is beautiful…"
"What do you think, love?"
"Merlin!" James cried.
Sirius held his sister's hand in his own with a vicious grip, glaring at the diamond in the ring that he could practically see his own reflection in.
Remus remained quiet with his jaw practically on the floor.
Peter's eyes shifted nervously to each of them in the Common room.
"I… I know this isn't what you wanted, Siri, but…" she started.
He held his other hand up to silence her, "It's not my favorite idea. But… I was wrong to take my anger out on you over it. After all, it's not your decision. It's not like YOU want to marry him."
She caught James' line of vision, clenching her jaw as their eyes met.
"No." James reasoned. "No… absolutely not."
"He asked me. And I said yes."
All four immediately stood from their spots on the various chairs and couches in the common room. Their voices all loudly proclaimed their thoughts, the sounds overlapping each other.
She involuntarily took a step back at the harsh tones of the boys. 
Even Peter was voicing his opinion for once, as small and squeaky as it came.
Remus noticed the way her eyes glazed over, and he finally snapped out of it. "Hey."
No one payed attention.
"HEY!" He finally yelled.
The other boys froze, staring at the scar-ridden boy.
"Let her speak. Merlin. We're acting like animals."
James smirked, "I mean technically-"
"Shut up, James." Remus snapped.
Sirius' jaw clenched harshly. His words came out of his mouth through his teeth, "Fine. We'll hear her out."
Remus pushed them down back into their seats, "Alright, dove. When you're ready."
She took a deep breath.
"I know you don't like him because of… of… well, he's honestly quite lovely. He said the most wonderful things to me. He… He told me he loves me."
"Oh, please," James scoffed. "How could Bartimus Crouch Jr. possibly love you?"
She gasped lightly. "I… what… what do you mean?"
"What do I-" He stood, angrily walking to her. He grabbed her wrist harshly and yanked her sleeve up, revealing the fresh dark mark on her forearm, "If he loved you, he'd have never let this FILTH get into your skin."
"James… he… he didn't…"
"No, dove." He persisted, "He will never love you. Anyone with this mark on them… is filled with nothing but hate. When I become an auror, the first thing I'll do is rid the world of this shit-"
"FUCK OFF!" She finally roared.
His lips drew into a thin line initially. She never raised her voice like that. He then smirked and let his voice relax, "You know, I'm just trying to help you. Don't be such a bitch-"
Sirius immediately stood, shoving James harshly, "You watch your motherfucking mouth, Prongs."
James stumbled, thrown off by the sudden shove, "Bloody hell, Pads. I thought you were fucking angry about this, too."
Remus stood next, "Let's all just settle down for a minute."
Sirius' head jerked towards Remus, "Watch it."
Remus nodded and sat back down.
"I am angry," Sirius continued, "But I won't stand by while my best friend insults her like this. I don't want your fucking input on this, James. I thought you were my brother. But you're not family, not for this."
It felt like a dagger went through James' heart, but he wouldn't let Sirius know that, "Fine."
And he stormed up the stairs to their room.
Sirius sighed and turned back to Y/N, "I'm sorry. I've been a foolish brother. Perhaps Regulus is right about all of this."
Peter spoke up, "But I thought you said-"
"-The only thing that matters," Remus said, "Is that she chooses who she marries. Is that not what you told us, Pads?"
Sirius sighed, "Yeah. I said that."
"Well, he asked her. And she said yes." Remus pointed out.
Sirius sighed again, "I know, I know. You're always right, Rem." He steps up to his little sister, pushing hair behind her ear. "I just want you to be happy."
She smiles, "I am happy."
He nodded, "Alright. Then I'm doing my job."
The next morning, Y/N practically ran to the dungeons. She had agreed to meet Barty there so they could walk to class together.
He was already there, smiling as she approached.
"Good morning, love. You look beautiful."
She smiled, "You're a charmer."
He shrugged, "Only to pretty girls with dimwit brothers."
He sighed, "Your brother is just being a fool again."
She tilted her head, "How did you find out about my fight with Sirius?"
"Sirius?" He laughed, "No. Regulus. Regulus is being a dimwit."
"Oh," she giggled, "'suppose that's fair. What's he done now?"
"Nothing. He and I just got into a fight. Nothing serious. Shall we?" He asked.
She nodded, taking his arm as always.
"Y/N, listen. I gotta talk to you." Regulus pleaded at the Gryffindor table of the Great Hall.
She turned to look at him over her shoulder, "Reg? What?"
He bent down to whisper in her ear. "It's… um… something happened this afternoon. After lunch."
Remus, who sat next to her, turned to look at him as well, "What?"
"It's about Barty. Listen… this isn't easy to hear, dear sister…"
She turned in her seat to face him fully, "Where is he?"
"Well, I suspect in the library. That's where I saw him last."
She immediately bolted up and ran out of the room.
Regulus' face lost color, "Y/N!"
Sirius stood, "What's happened?"
Regulus leaned to him and whispered in his ear.
Sirius froze, "Oh, fuck."
Y/N ran as quickly as her legs would take her to the library. 
She quickly walked past every aisle, desperate to find him.
Her feet stopped at the sight she saw.
Barty seemed to have his tongue down Andromeda Black's throat in a heated snogging session.
Y/N let out a gasp.
Barty pulled away immediately. He held a regretful look in his eyes, but his body didn't pull away, "Y/N?"
Andromeda smiled, "Oh. Hey, Y/N."
Y/N's eyes held tears as she covered her mouth to hold back a sob, "Barty… you…"
He sighed, "I what?"
Y/N let the sob go at his harsh tone, "I shouldn't have said yes to you. S…Sirius was right."
And she ran before another word could be said.
If you wanna be part of the taglist, comment below!!!
Taglist: @marauders-81, @godofstory
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