#dbh x reader hurt comfort
robin-the-enby · 10 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a Markus(DBH) x Reader where she is the S/O of Leo Manfred, but the relationship is definitely not a happy one. Like he insults her and pushes her around all the time.
If that is triggering please ignore this request! Hope you have a lovely day! :)
You can think that you're in love, when you're really just in pain...
Pairing: Marcus x f!reader
Warnings: use of Y/N and she/her pronouns, female reader (appearance is not discussed or mentioned), swearing, mentions of psychological and physical abuse, Leo is a gaslighter, I guess that' it
A/N: OMG, I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Will you ever forgive me? 😭 But I took my time with this piece (and honestly might have gone a bit overboad) and while it did suck the soul out of me, I am very proud f it and hope you will like it. I made the reader female in the end, but the appearance of the reader is never mentioned, she is only reffered to with she/her pronouns, so I hope that's not a problem. If yes, I'll make sure to change it ;)
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By now, you knew these streets by heart, that's how often you visited Carl Manfred. The old artist liked to joke that you were his in-law, given that you were his son's spouse. This wasn't the only reason however, because Carl also thought you were a kind and gentle soul and he really hoped that Leo saw that and tried to better himself in life, if not for himself, then for you at least.
Carl only talked well about his son, preferring to think about the god times instead of where exactly it went wrong and whose fault it might have been. But your presence was calming and very much enjoyable. He did have Marcus to run errands for him and take care of him, but you offering your helping hand gave him the feeling that he oh so lacked - his family taking care of him, now that he couldn't do it very well himself.
Even though you and Leo weren't married or even engaged, the old artist still considered you family. After all, you have been with Leo for a few years now, the thought of you leaving from his and Marcus' lives was strange and one Carl did not like to think about. Although...
Sometimes, when the house got quiet, when Marcus was fetching some paints or doing other errands in town, Carl would think. To be fair, he didn't know what you saw in Leo, even though he'd never admit that. He knew that opposites often attracted, and he really did hope your love would help Leo, whenever he'd ask you how his son was doing, no matter what mood you were in, it instantly changed. Something in your eyes...shifted. You looked tired, somehow older in those times, and he could see there was a heavy burden weighing you down. When it came to talking about Leo, you stuck to the basics. "He's doing fine." you'd say with a smile. But whenever Carl would ask hopefully "Has he found a job yet?" or "Is he...clean now?" you found that you could not answer. You didn't want to worry the old man, but it felt wrong to lie to him either. So you just hung your head low and admit quietly that no, he doesn't have a job and no...he isn't clean. You tried to lighten up the mood by saying he's looking for a job, which wasn't really a lie, at least, Leo insisted that he's looking for employment any time you'd bring that topic up, but you suspected Carl had stopped believing you at some point, although he never said so.
Today, you were once again visiting the old man and his android. It was strange to think that Marcus wasn't human. Every time you interacted with him, you almost forgot about it, enjoying his presence around you that much. Marcus was...serene. He wasn't loud, he wasn't crass and he was always kind. To everyone. Even if it created more trouble for him. Sometimes you wished you didn't have to leave. That you could stay with them. You were pretty sure Carl would be more than happy to let you stay, wishing for the company of his loved ones, even if he never said it, and Marcus...well...Marcus would be happy if Carl was happy. If you could call it happiness. It was strange to imagine that Marcus has never experienced any emotions at all. It made you a little sad. But the fact that he didn't know what emotions were and so he couldn't be aware of the fact he's missing something made you feel a little better. Although sometimes...sometimes it felt like Marcus was...different. Many a time have you seen him just...space out. You could see the, probably very much real, cogs in his head turn as he processed...something. But what that something was? You weren't sure.
Pulling your car into the driveway of the Manfred residence, you didn't even attempt to fight the stretch and the deep breath you took. It felt so freeing to be here, far away from...well, home. And the air was so clean and fresh, too! You could spend the whole afternoon sitting in the garden, just breathing. Carl sure did have taste when he picked out this place to live out the rest of his life at. It was calm, mostly quiet and smelled so, so good. Most people don't realise how amazing fresh air is until they taste it with their lungs, you thought to yourself. But even as you were here, your mind couldn't stop comparing everything to how it was at home. The yelling outside and inside. The constant sense of unease. The constant suffy air that wouldn't get out of your apartment, no matter how long you left the windows open. And you knew you had to come back. This place, as nice as it was, was just a break. A small oasis that would fill you up with strength until your next visit. But your reality was out there. In the downtown Detroit, in the tiny apartment you were renting.
Maybe if Leo admitted that he has issues and put his pride aside just once, you wouldn't have to take up so many shifts. You could actually like your job. You could do so much more than to just keep the both of you alive. Maybe you could have a bit of peace. But you doubted that. No matter how hard you tried, how much you did for the both of you, it seemed to never be enough. You took up extra shifts to treat the both of you to some nice meal? The apartment wasn't clean enough. You deep cleaned the apartment? You didn't cook dinner. You didn't have money to lend him? He didn't believe you, unless you showed him. And god forbid you asked him what he needed it for. Or if you complained.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you made your way to the front door. Yes, reality wasn't...perfect, but you wouldn't let it ruin this moment for you. Or, at least, you would try. As you were about to raise your hand to ring the doorbell, a figure appeared from behind the corner, abruptly stopping at the sight of you. You whip your head around, startled a little at the stranger's sudden appearance. But, as your eyes focused on the person, you recognised Marcus. His intense eyes that never made you feel unsafe, his short hair, which you weren't even sure was real, you thought briefly, and his firm build...
"Oh, (Y/N)! I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you..." Marcus apolgised with a very sincere feeling smile. You chuckled slightly at your reaction "Oh hello, Marcus. It's alright, you just startled me, that's all." Marcus was quiet for a moment, and judging by the intensity of his gaze, you assumed he was assessing your vitals to ensure you really were alright. At first, the intensity with which he looked at you sometimes unnerved you, but when he explained it was just to make sure you were physically and mentally alright, you relaxed. It was handy to have someone that could tell you something was wrong with just one look, something you yourself might not have even noticed.
"Carl noticed your car, so he instructed me to tell you that we're in the garden." Your mouth made an "o" shape in silent understandment as you nodded and followed Marcus around the house. The short walk was silent, but comfortable. Soon you could see Carl relaxing in his wheelchair in the sun, looking as content as can be. You couldn't help the smile that bloomed on your face at seeing him. You've come to learn that this place, these people, were your safe place. You felt free here, not judged, not scrutinised. Nobody expected anything from you here and everything you did for Carl or for Marcus was met with appreciation.
Carl turned around at the sight of your footsteps on the small stone path and his face lit up "(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, opening his arms for a hug. You hugged him shortly and greeted the artist. "It's so good to see you! Come, come, sit down, let's have a chat!" he urged you as he moved towards a wooden bench overlooking the various flowers and bushes in the garden. From what you knew, Marcus not only took care of the old man, but the house, and by default the garden, as well. And if that was true, then he did an amazing job. The colours of all the petals were radiant and fresh, bees buzzing around happilly. It was a lovely sight. Sitting down, you made yourself comfortable. Carl stopped in front of you in a way that he could comfortably talk to you, but let you enjoy the sight as well. Something was telling him you needed it.
"Marcus, could you get us some drinks please?" he asked his android assistant gently. You always admired how Carl treated Marcus with such respect and care, as if he was a real person. All the time, you were met with people abusing their androids, seeing them as things to care for their every need, including receiving their master's anger. And although it felt obvious that one should treat their helpers respectfully, it was still a nice change. Another perk of spending time here. Marcus nodded with a small smile, asking Carl what he would like. "Some tea would be nice." Carl replied and Marcus turned to you. For some reason, you felt your face warm up slightly and you looked away from his enchanting eyes. Your mind ran a million miles per minute, trying to come up with something that wouldn't troube him too much. "Uhm, just some lemonade, please." you stammered after a second. Marcus nodded, never mentioning your stutter or pointing out your awkward behaviour.
When the android disappeared from view, Carl looked towards you "So, how is everything?" he asked, smiling. You never liked to answer that qestion, No answer felt right unless you went into detail, but you didn't want to burden him with all that. So you did the thing people usually do, you smiled and waved your hand dismissively "Ooh, you know. Everything is the same. Nothing interesting happening in my life." Carl nodded, but you were sure that being the perceptive person he is, he could see right through you. So he nodded without pressing the issue, and instead decided to press another one. "And how's Leo?"
It was as if that protective curtain around your happy place opened and you were exposed to the harsh light of reality. As if on autopilot, you hung your head slightly, the idea of looking into the old man's eyes suddenly uncomfortable. You chuckled awkwardly and shrugged "Yea, Leo's...Leo's good." you said, but your voice was small, void of the confidence and cheeriness it once posessed. Truth was, you haven't seen Leo in two days. He has been ignoring your calls as well as your texts. On one hand, you were worried about where he was, what he was doing and with who. But on the other...You were relieved. Your home is finally quiet, you don't wake up in the middle of the night to unexpected company coming over, because Leo invited them for a red ice party. You feel bad for feeling good when your partner is missing, but at the same time you can't help but enjoy it.
Sometimes fate has a strange way of playing with our lives. And it seems that in your case, Carl chose this day to finally choose the uncomfortable topic and interrogate you. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" the artist asked softly and you wondered when exactly has this became an intervention. "Nothing's wrong, work has just been tiring." Not a lie, but not a complete truth either. For some reason, you felt ashamed to admit to Carl how has Leo been treating you. You knew it wasn't right, but you also weren't someone who'd let others just push them around, and you knew Carl knew that. And maybe that's why you didn't want to tell him. Besides, how do you tell someone that their child is a toxic abuser?
"Cut it out (Y/N), I know something's wrong. Now, I know Leo doesn't have a job and that he's still on that...thing." Carl said the word as if it left a bad taste in his mouth "But I feel like there are things you haven't been telling me." The worst thing about this conversation wasn't the fact Carl knew you were lying to him, it was the way he was so nice about it. You felt like this whole thing was wrong, for some reason you felt like he should have been mad at you, should have been asking why you were so stupid as to staying with his stupid son, who everyone knew was a scumbag. You sure felt stupid. And yet... "You know I wouldn't do that." you smiled at him while racking your brain for an exit out of this conversation. "Hey, Marcus has been gone for quite a while, huh? I'll go help him out a bit." you didn't wait for an answer, already standing up and heading to the backdoor. Carl turned around to look after you and from behind you, you could hear him call out, cheekiness masking his worry "I may be old, but I'm not senile!"
Stepping into the house was like teleporting to another world. While the garden was full of colours and bustling life, the house was quiet and the brown hues of the furniture and decorations almost made it feel sleepy. But it let a lot of light through its big windows and it didn't feel heavy or suffocating. The worst you could say about it was that it felt serious, but glancing at the life sized giraffe taxidermy in the living room disproved even that claim.
Following the soft clacking of mugs and the conistent hum of the kettle, you made your way to the kitchen. Marcus was standing at the counter, preparing Carl's tea, your lemonade already done on a small tray on the table. His broad shoulders moved uder his uniform and you found the movement...mesmerising. And while observing Marcus quietly was quite normal for you, as creepy as that sounds, this was the first time you felt as if your...affection, towards the android might not be as platonic as would be appropriate. You were taken for pete's sake, you couldn't be fantasising about another man like that! But, you reasoned for yourself what was the harm? It wasn't like Leo was here and even if he was, he'd probably pay little mind to you. You would be surprised if he could even stand still for more than half a minute.
"I know you're there, (Y/N)." you heard Marcus chuckle, successfully bringing you out of your thoughts. You realised that during your internal argument, you have leaned against the doorframe and probably was watching him like a creep the whole time. Great. "Heh. Somehow, that does not surprise me." you chuckle in return, hoping to brush off your inadequate behavior. Marcus' shoulders shake in silent giggles as he looked behind his shoulder at your drink "Your lemonade is done. Do you want to drink it outside with Carl?" he asks and you shake your head. "It's okay, I'll stay here for a while, but I'll join you two afterwards." you explain, hoping he doesn't push the matter. But it seemed that luck was not on your side that day.
"Did Carl's questions about Leo tire you out?" Marcus tried to joke, but he quickly realised he must've brought up a sensitive subject at your lack of a positive reaction. You just hung your head, as you were used to when talking about your boyfriend and smiled, although the expression held very little joy. "Yeah...sort of." you said quietly and sipped on your lemonade. Your brows scrunched together and you odded a little "Hy, this is some really good lemonade!" you commented, hoping to divert the conversation once more. Marcus thanked you and finished with Carl's tea. Then, he wordlessly picked up the tray and went outside to give it to the man.
He was gone for quite some time, that you almost thought that you would really be left alone, even though you didn't know whether that was what you wanted anymore. But it seemed that Marcus was more in tune with your emotions than you would've guessed for an android. He quietly sat down next to you and after a bit of silence, during which he probably ran through all the things he could've said, he finally spoke up. "Why Leo?" Yo had to say that it was the last question you expected, although, you didn't really know what you were expecting.
Sighing, you shrugged "I don't know...anymore." you added after a second, deciding that if you were to tell someone about your troubles, it would be Marcus. Would he tell Carl? If he asked, which you know he would, then the android would tell the artist everything. But hey, at least you didn't have to do it yourself. "Anymore?" Marcus asked quietly and you felt those gorgeous eyes trained on your face as if it was the only thing he could see. You nodded "Yeah...I guess- I guess he wasn't that bad at the start." you shrugged, the memories of him showering you with sweet words and gifts that weren't expensive, but that much more meaningful, almost gone from your brain. "And then I found out about the drugs and I thought-" you took a sharp breath in, already feeling the familiar pressure behind your eyes "I thought, he loves me, I'll be there for him and help him get through it. But he never got better. And when he blamed everything on the drugs, or on the withdrawals I believed him, because...Well, because I never thought I'd end up in that kind of situation, you know?" you chuckled, the noise laced with self deprecation.
You felt his hand land on your arm gently. A fleeting thought of how warm his hand was crossed your mind, before you heard him speak "It's not your fault." You quickly nodded "I know, I know, but it doesn't feel like it, you know? From a young age, we are warned of the signs of abuse in relationships, so how could I have ended up in one?" you sighed "I just feel...stupid." Your shoulders sagged and you slumped a little in your chair, as if a tremendous weight was lifted from your chest.
Even though Marcus was already lookng at you, you somehow felt his gaze sharpen "Is he..." he breathed out and it looked like he didn't know how to phrase what he wanted to say, which made a weird feeling spill throughout your gut, because it was strange, almost unsettling to see the lovely android, who is always so composed, at a loss for words. "Does he hurt you?" "No, no!" you were quick to assure him and you could see his shoulders droop as he relaxed his posture slightly. "He can be a bit rough, but-" you shook your ead again "it's no a big deal."
"What do you mean, rough?" Marcus presed on, his tone still as gentle as if you were a scared animal that could run away if he made one wrong move and yet, his eyes never left yours and when you looked at him, looked at those beautiful eyes that you were sure could count as a piece of art, there was...emotion behind them. You were sure of it. You've lived around androids for the better part of your life and you knew how they looked, even when they were assisting someone. Never ever have you seen such intensity behind synthetic eyes. And yet, you almost felt...relieved. You cleared your throat "Oh it' uh, it's ot a big deal..." you tried to reassure him once again (or maybe you were trying to convince yourself it hasn't gone that far, that hope and love haven't blinded you towards physical abuse as well) "Just sometimes when we fight, he grabs me a bit too roughly. It usually doesn't even leave a mark." you shrugged, but as you were saying it, you realised how horrible it sounded. So you stopped yourself before you'd dive into explaining how sometimes it was not just grabbing but shoves and pushes that you'd endure from Leo when you were too uncooperative for his liking.
You turn to face Marcus again and he looks a you with such sadness it almost feels like it was him who went through thaat. It wasn't just pity, the kind of look the pharmacist would shoot you every time you'd come for that one cream to help soothe your skin after a rough argument with Leo. But no, Marcus seemed...almost heartbroken, the kind of heartbroken a child is when their beloved pet dies.
"You don't have to put up with it you know?" Marcus asked gently, although it felt more like a reminder "You only have to say a word and I'm sure Carl would have nothing against-" you stopped Marcus' rant by putting a hand on his chest "I know, I know," you said nodding "but I don't want to bring Carl into this. He shouldn't have to put up with whatever mess Leo gets into, let alone my problems."
"It's ok to ask for help." he put his hand over yours that was on his chest, caressing yor skin lightly with his thumb. Your eyes were immediately drawn to his and on yours, the contact making your cheeks heat up as you mentally cursed yourself. "I know, but..." you trailed off "I just feel like...if I got into this mess, I have to get out of it. I don't want to-" you groan "I guess I don't want to give him the satisfaction of having that complete control over me. I know it sounds stupid-" you went to pull away, feeling the hot shame flow over you, making you want to cringe away from your robot friend. But Marcus only queezed your hand and tugged you closer to him. "It's not stupid. And there's no need to be embarassed." he reassured you and you shot him a quick smile, which he reciprocated, before you continued "So yeah, I guess that's why I never...said anything. Besides, he's not always like this. Sometimes he wakes up and is the textbook version of a doting boyfriend. I guess...I guess it made me hope that something could be done, that if I try hard enough, he'll see what he's doig and we can ge through it together." you chuckled sadly and this time, Marcus hugged you.
At first, you went stiff as a board, not expecting such a gesture from him, after all, Marcus has never been very touchy, since he wasn't programmed for that, but by now you were suspecting that Marcus could do more than what he was programmed to do, even if you didn't understand how that worked. Gradually, you relaxed into the hug, letting your arms gently wrap around his neck as his were wrapped around your waist. You let your head rest on Marcus' chest and as you breathed in, you caught the smell of his clean clothes. The warmth rdiating from his body was also something you couldn't complain about. You stayed like this for what must have been minutes, before you felt the android shift. Thining he was done with the hug, you went to let go of him, but his arms only tightened around you. You looked up at him only to find him already looking down at you, his eyes portraying some sort of inner conflict.
Just as he was about to voice whatever was on his mind, you registered hurried footsteps as well as rushed sentences beig exchanged, and not in a positive manner. Both you and Marcus let go of each other just in time before Leo rushed through the dooray, visibly seething, with a worried Carl on his heels.
"I told you dad, I just want to talk to her, so either you tell me where she is, or-" he stops mid sentence when he sees you and Marcus in the kitchen. He looks disheveled, his hair tussled, his clothes wrinkled, he looked sweaty and the whites of his eyes were very red, no to mention his pupils, which were way out of proportion. For a while, he just looked beween you and Marcus, his gaze jumping from one to the other, before he nodded and chuckled throwing up his hands "Well isn't this just great. I come home to no girlfriend, no car, no food and when I finally find her, she's all over a fucking robot." he sneers first at you, then at Marcus. Leo takes a few steps towards you, extending his hand as if to grab yours and you can't help but back away out of habit. Leo, of course, notices this and chuckles awkwardly "C'mon babe, we're going, the taxi won't pay itself." he says it as if he was lightheartedly joking, but the tension in his voice as well as his body gives away his real emotions.
And for some reason, something inside you...switches. You've had enough. Enough of not being appreciated, enough of being ordered and pushed around, when you deserved something, someone much better. Someone who would hold you tenderly, who would smell like fresh clothes, who would be warm and lovely, who could at least take care of himself.
"I'm not going anywhere." you said calmly, shaking your head. Leo looked at you like you just grew another head "Sorry?" And you gladly repeated yourself, adding "Maybe if I would've known where the hell you've been for the last two days, I would have waited for you. But I guess I'm not worth picking up the phone for. That is, if you even have it." you allowed yourslf to release the frutration that's been building up inside you for god knows how long now. Carl's eyes were wide, shocked fromhearing all this new information about your relationship with his son.
"Babe, you know I was busy-" Leo tried, but you were having one of it "Yeah, I see how busy you are. Couldn't you at least wait until you sobered up till you came here?" you scoffed. Leo narrowed his eyes at you and growled lowly "Listen, we can talk this through at home, no need to make a scene." And you actually laughed, catching all three men present slightly off guard "Cause a scene? You roled up here in a taxi, which you expect me to pay for, because no way you have any money on you after wherever you've been, you barged in like a hurricane and demanded to see me, and why? Just because I dared to drive somewhere? The ca is the only thing you have to your name, you live in my aparment, off of my and your dad's money, which you still send on useless shit. You don't help me out with anything, whatever I do is not enough, even though last time you actually put any effort into our relationship was years ago, so when I decide to take a break and visit a place I actually feel welcome at, it's still somehow my fault."
Maybe if it weren't for the fact that your soon to be ex boyfriend's face was getting redder with your every word, you could actully focus on the weight being lifted from your soul after that monologue. But Leo didn't look just mad, but insane. A small part of you started regretting your words, but feeling Marcus' and Carl's presence slightly calm you down. Still, when he took another step towards you,your body tensed up and you took an instinctive step towards Macus, trusting him to intervene if something went wrong. And given how your stomach squeezed uncomfortably, the situatio was more than likely heading that way.
But Leo, of course, noticed this "Bullshit." he spat out "I try, so fucking hard to please you, to be enough for you. Every day, all I think about is you. So sometimes, I need something to help me relax. But none of you," he turned around to direct his words not only to you, but his father as well "none of you get that. You all just bring me down." at this point, Leo was borderline yelling and you tried to stop your body from shaking, out of fear or adrealine, you didn't know. "I was worried, have you thought about that?" he focused on you again"I was worried where you were, what happened. So I looked for you. And when I finally found you, my fucking girlfriend, what do I see?"he turns his attention to Marcus now, both of the men staring deep into each other's eyes "I found you all over this fucking piee of plastic." he growled with disdain "I have no idea what you and dad see in these monstrosities-" he would continue, if it wasn't for Carl jumping in "Leo, that's enough!" the old man said sternly, even though you knew very well how much it pained him. As Leo was turning around to face is father, Marcus grabbed his shoulder firmly "Perhaps you should leave." he said, keeping his voice calm, although you knew that he was anything but calm. You never noticed how expressive Marcus' eyes were until today...
"Not without her I'm not!" Leo jerked away from the android's hold, turning to face you again, bringing you out of your thoughts. "I told you, I'm not going anywhere." you said, suddenly more tired than anything "I'll pay for your fucking taxi, but it's the last time I ever want to see you." you offered, just wanting him to be gone already. You knew you didn't have to do it and that it would probably be wiser to not do it, but you just wanted him out of everyone's hair. At least for today. Carl sure didn't need this day to be more stressful than it already was.
Surprisingly, Leo huffed "Fine." and you pulled some money out of your wallet and handed it to him. And with that, he turned on his heel, muttering "Fucking bitch..." as he walked out, making Carl almost scold him again, but you placed your hand on his shoulder as a sign to let him go.
After that exchange, the tension disappeared from the room, until Carl moved to the table and you sat next to him, Marcus standing by Carl's side. For a while, none of you said a word, until he old artist sighed "I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know it was that bad." he muttered apologetically and you shook your head "It's ok, you couldn't have known." and after that, you had a very long conversation with Carl about you, Leo and everything that has been going on with him. Some of it he knew, most of it he didn't. You went through many different emotions during that conversation. Frustration, anger, but mostly relief. It was finally over. When the tears started maing their way down your face, you felt Marcus' hand gently squeeze your shoulder and you grabbed it with a sniffle, intertwining your fingers to ground yourself. You felt Carl's eyes follow your every move during that interaction, but you didn't look at him.
Finally, after the tears had mostly dried, the old man sighed "I think...I think I need to lie down." he said quietly and you almost apologised. Almost. Mrcus let go of your shoulder to help him, leaving you alone. After they disappeared up the stairs, you stood up and went into the small bathroom on the ground floor, to wash your face, now sticky from all the tears you've shed, but also to get your mind together. You knew you would have to leave at one point, but you really didn't want to go to your apartment. And definitely not alone. After all, Leo still had the keys. Changing the locks would be a pain, as well as making sure he won't try to pull some other shit in the ext few weeks, maybe even months. You knew that there was a chance he would leave you alone, but something was telling you it would not be so easy. Not with Leo. You sighed and returned to the kitchen, only to find Marcus already there, waiting for you.
"Would you like a cup of tea? There's an herbal mix that should help you calm down." he asked you so gently you thought you would start crying again. Instead you just sniffled and ndded with a thsnkful smile "That would be lovely, thank you." As Marcus started preparing the tea, you found yourself sanding awkwardly a few steps away from him, leaning against the counter. It felt wrong to just sit down. You didn't even know what to do with your eyes, or what to say, but luckilly Marcus beat you to it "Carl said to tell you that you should stay here tonight. Unless you don't want to of course." he informed you as gently as before. "No, that would actually be very nice, thank you." you said, relieved "I'll nee to bring some take out for him as a thank you." you said, knowing very well the artist liked some junk food every once in a while, despite his doctor's protests, as a treat. "You don't have to do that." Macus turned to you, while carefully filling up your cup with the hot water. You shook your head and closing your eyes with a sigh "It's only right, after what happened today."
Suddenly, you feel a presence right in front of you and you open your eyes to fid Marcus right in front of you. He leans forward, resting his hands on the counter on either side of your body, looking deeply into your eyes "You may feel like it, but none of this is your fault. You didn't deserve the way he treated you and you're not stupid, or a failure for getting tangled up in that." he said quietly, but firmly enough to let you know you should better get it through your thick head sooner than later. You gulped as you got lost in his mesmerising eyes that told you how sure he was of what he has just told you. And suddenly, your hands found their way to his chest, catching the android slightly by surprise. His eyes seemed to pull you in, until you realised that your faces actually were getting closer, both of you leaning towards each other, none of you brave enough to clos the gap entirely.
You saw something in Marcus's eyes shift and he exhaled, lowering his head unti it was resing on your shoulder. You almost automatically wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close. "I'm sorry, I..." he started, but agai, didn't quite know how to continue "This is all very new to me, but... something is telling me I- we should wait." he confesses, chosing to bluntly say what he was feeling, probaby figuring out you knew he gained the ability to feel and that he definitely felt something for you. He could feel you nod next to his head "Yeah, that's...that's probably for the best." you pulled away slightly, and he could sense that your body temperature rose slightly, especially in your face "But in the future...I would really like to try again...I think." you said bashfully and Marcus couldn't help the smile growing across his face.
Sure, you had a long journey of healing and finding yourself ahead of you. And inevitably, he would have to talk to Carl about his deviation, but as long as he could figure out his newly gained sentience alongside you and help you flourish again and find that spark that had almost been snuffed out of you, he could wait for eternity.
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upon-a-starry-night · 3 months
There's this idea in my head that's causing real brain rot. So that one time, when Connor and Hank are on the rooftop, and he almost kills Hank? Can I request something like that, but with an f! reader? Maybe f! reader is on the deviant's side, and Amanda has already taken over, as a result, fight ensues. Major hurt/comfort. You choose how this ends. Thank you in advance 😭
Connor Rk800 x Gender Neutral Reader!
DBH Masterlist Main Masterlist
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, angst, minor violence
A/n: I always thought Connor should’ve had another chance to become deviant at this rooftop scene so this is the perfect opportunity to write it! I hope you enjoy!
The night air is cold as you step out onto the roof, a distant alarm blaring as it fights to be heard against the harsh wind. 
You flinch and pull your coat tighter, watching your breath fog out in front of you, snow scattering in every direction. It’s a night you’d rather be spending in the warmth of your home, curled up with a good book and good company. Unfortunately, your good company chose to go bad cop on you and now you’re out here trying to get him back.
You can already feel your fingers growing numb and you regret not bringing gloves up here with you. As if life being a detective wasn’t hard enough.
You squint at the light illuminating from the giant Android billboard and instead focus your gaze on the figure near the edge of the roof. It’s the last place you want to see him right now. On this roof- on the wrong side of history. Making a mistake you know he’ll regret.
It’s all you can do to hope you’ll be able to convince him to come back. 
You don’t know what happened. One day he’s kind and funny and even a little flirty and the next he’s cold and calculating. Had he just been pretending the whole time? Did he tell you all those sweet things just to eliminate you as a threat to his mission? 
Whatever the reason, even if he was faking it with you you weren’t faking it with him. Over the past few months, you’ve formed a genuine connection with Connor. A connection you thought was more than just partners working on the same case. 
You think back to all those late nights Connor stayed up with you as you wrote your reports, cracking jokes so the police precinct felt a little less cold and dim. The time he helped you move your furniture after your previous apartment almost got broken into. The little moments where he’d walk you to your car no matter the time, or go out of his way to pick you up a coffee.
That couldn’t have been fake, right? Nobody went through that much effort just to make sure you were friends. It was because of the way he treated you and cared for you that you found yourself in love with him in the first place.
You sucked in a sharp breath and shook that thought from your head. You’d only just realized it last night. You’d planned to tell him today but something about him was different, he didn’t look at you the same way, though his body still lingered near yours. Then you’d gotten the call this evening about where he was headed and you knew you had to stop him.
The Connor you knew wouldn’t do this. But maybe the Connor you knew wasn’t real…
“You don’t want to do this Connor” He doesn’t even flinch at your voice. He probably heard you from the second you got there and was just waiting for you to say something. 
Perhaps that was a sign? Your Connor was always polite with you.
“You shouldn’t be here, Detective.” His voice bites at you with more coldness than the night air and it makes your heart sting. It’s a tone you’ve only ever heard him use with suspects or Gavin. Even when you first met and he seemed devoid of emotion his voice was warm, friendly. What happened?
Was it something you had done? Something you said that gave away your feelings about him? He was built to read body language and pick up on subtle clues after all. Had he known even before you? Was he disgusted by you? That a human like you could fall so easily for an Android?
He shifts the position of his gun, getting a better shot on Marcus and you take another step forward, if you could just reach him then maybe-
“You won’t stop me from accomplishing my mission.” Him and his stupid mission. It’s all he ever used to talk about before he started being open with you. You thought you’d become more important than his mission. Guess not.
“What mission Connor? What? You think you shoot this guy and it’s all over? The whole rebellion falls down? Is that it?” You scoff, shoving your hands into your coat pockets to try and garner some warmth. “You shoot Marcus, someone else will just take his place. Do you really want to spend your life hunting down Androids until you’re the only one left with a soul?”
He doesn't speak but you see the way he squeezes the gun tighter, your words clearly having an internal impact. 
“Come home Connor,” You say it out of instinct, your home had become a shared space with Connor, a place he knew you’d always welcome him into. “We can find a good movie and-”
“And what? Huh? Sit there and pretend like we could be anything other than a human and a machine?” His words cut deep, slicing your heart open and revealing all the ugly fears that had been festering in your brain. The urge to throw up fills your stomach but you push the feeling down.
What Connor thought you could or couldn’t be didn’t matter right now. Even if it hurt, you had to make sure you stopped him no matter what.
He places his finger on the trigger and you know you have to resort to the last thing you wanted to do. The last thing you thought you’d ever do to Connor. You pull out your gun and aim it at his back. Emotions well up in your throat as tears threaten to break free
“Get away from the ledge” You wish he couldn’t hear how your voice trembles but you know he does. You don’t know if you have the gall to shoot him and he knows that. Still, he stands up and turns around to face you anyway.
It’s the worst sight in the world- the image of him in front of the barrel of your gun. His eyes are cold and unrecognizable, and you take note of the fact that he doesn’t drop his gun. A strong breeze roars through and you shiver, watching the wind ruffle his hair.
The same hair he used to let you brush your fingers through as you spent hours talking on your couch. His head in your lap, his eyes closed, his LED spinning blue, and a content smile on his face. You remember wanting to take a picture of how cute he looked then, just like a happy puppy. 
Oh, how things change. 
Your hand shakes as you hold the gun, maybe from the cold, maybe from the anguish, probably from both. 
“Go home detective. It’s not my mission to kill you but this is none of your business” You nearly flinch at the word ‘kill’ but manage to hold your resolve. You couldn’t show weakness in front of this version of Connor.
You scoff, “None of my business? You call you killing an innocent man none of my business?”
“It’s not a man. It’s a machine-”
“He has a family! He has people who care about him and depend on him! He has a partner and friends! Like you and I were-”
“We weren’t anything but coworkers Detective. If you thought we were more, you were mistaken.” He cuts you off with the words you feared to hear more than anything. Words he promised you he’d never say when he told you “I’ll always be here for you detective” with that stupid sunny smile of his.
Wiping a tear with your shoulder, you shake your head as you try to get a read on him.
”you don’t mean that”
“I think I do” He tilts his head, in a way you always found cute but now just find menacing. 
“I can’t let you kill that man Connor” You tighten your hold on your gun and he narrows his eyes, sizing up whether or not he thinks you’ll shoot before going to put his gun down.
Your body relaxes slightly only to be met with the full force of his gun being thrown at you. You try to block it but it crashes into your arm, causing you to hiss out in pain. In the next second Connor is coming at you, disarming your gun and throwing it across the roof. 
You try to throw a punch but he swiftly blocks it, grabbing hold of your shoulder and throwing you to the ground. The impact is harsh and the cold only makes it worse. You can already feel the nasty bruise it’s going to leave but you don’t allow yourself time to dwell on it.
Grabbing a metal grate from nearby you launch it at Connor and use it as a moment of distraction, rushing towards your gun near the ledge of the roof with Connor hot on your heels.
Connor sweeps your legs from under you as you’re inches from the gun, sending you crashing to the ground in a fall that stings your palms. At least it helped that your hands were practically numb from the cold. 
Army crawling as hurriedly as you can, you manage to swipe your gun as it teeters precariously off the edge of the roof. In a motion that sends pain through your injured shoulder, you manage to flip onto your back and point your gun at Connor just as he stands directly over you. 
For a brief second, you can’t help but think that Connor was taking it easy on you, but then he smirks like an asshole and your flame of hope dies out
“You really gonna shoot me, detective?” The cocky disbelief in his eyes is the most emotion you’ve seen from him all day and in a moment of weakness, you hesitate because you’ve seen that look when Gavin throws his fits about Androids or when the other detectives think they can do his job better than him. Cocky was an emotion Connor didn’t often show but it always made you laugh.
He takes advantage of your moment of hesitation, twisting your gun from your hands and throwing it off the roof. It lands with a solid ‘clack’ in the snow below. You try to sweep his feet but he blocks your legs with his arm, grabbing them and pushing them to the ground. He reaches down and grabs you by the collar of your sweater, angling you so that you're dangling over a fall that would definitely kill and for the first time, you truly feel scared of Connor.
You struggle in his grip to no avail, eventually giving up as you stare into his eyes for what might be the last time. You feel tired and angry and heartbroken and you don’t have the energy to fight him anymore. You let the wind rage around you as you hold out your arms, daring him to drop you.
“Moment of truth Connor…what are you gonna do?” You struggle to catch your breath as his LED violently flashes red. “You gonna kill me for trying to be a good friend?” You wait for anything to happen, for him to throw you off the roof or respond but all he does is stand there staring blankly. His LED goes crazy, flashing from red to blue to yellow and back again, like he’s having some sort of internal struggle. 
His grip on you seems to loosen a bit and you inhale sharply “C-Connor” You cry out desperately and he gasps, his grip tightening as he pulls you into his body and clings tightly to you. He takes a few steps back from the roof, forcing your body to move with his as he brings you both back to safety.
His arms wrap around you in a tight embrace and you’re unsure what to feel until you hear his pained voice
“I’m sorry.” It’s more raw than you’ve ever heard it before and soon enough tears are streaming down your face as your arms reciprocate his hold. His hands clench tighter to your jacket at the sound of your sobs. “I’m so sorry i-” His voice breaks off and his chest starts shaking and you look up to see tears streaming down his face.
You’d never seen him cry before, you didn’t even know he was capable of it- and from the looks of it neither did he.
“A-amanda- she took control and I couldn’t-” His eyes refuse to focus on you, staring at the swirling snow behind you, so you release one arm to cup his face and bring his gaze down to yours. “I tried to kill you” He looks absolutely heartbroken at what he’s done and he quickly begins to scan you for injuries. His hands coming up to cup your jaw and tilt your face this way and that.
You manage a smile through your tears as you realize you have your Connor back. Relishing the gentle way he holds your face and the concern that never leaves his eyes as he looks over you. 
“No harm no foul” You attempt a joke and Connor’s lips quirk up for the briefest moment before his gaze zeros in on your shoulder and he frowns
“I hurt you” You pursed your lips, unable to deny that fact but not wanting to ruin the moment. Reaching up, you wipe the tears from his cheeks with a gentle hand, watching as he leans into your touch.
“It’ll heal.” You tell him instead, just happy to be bruised and safe rather than dead. “What happened back there?” He looks like he wants to say more about your injury but after reading the look in your eyes he drops it.
“ I broke free. I was stuck in this frozen garden for so long. I couldn’t control my own body or words but then I heard your voice and I had to save you” You lay your head on his chest once more, feeling the steady flow of Thirium pumping through his body, the cold long forgotten from your mind.
He rests his chin upon your head, pulling you into a hug once again. 
“You’re more important to me than any mission.” His voice trembles and it takes everything in you not to start crying again “I didn’t mean any of it- those awful things I said, I didn’t mean any of them… I Love you, Detective”
Your gaze snaps to Connors, a wide smile and a light blue blush dusting his cheeks. Those three words- three words ten minutes ago you were sure you’d never heard from him. You had to make sure you hadn’t misheard him 
“What?” your heart pounded in your chest
“I said I love you, detective” This was really happening. Connor loved you back. You couldn’t help the tears that fell at the genuine emotion in his voice.
“I love you too, Connor” A delighted laugh escapes you as you pull him in for a kiss, soft cold lips meeting yours. Sure this wasn’t your ideal confession but with Connor, nothing ever went as planned, and that was perfectly fine with you “Now let’s go home, it’s freezing up here”
A/n: peep me watching the roof scene over and over to get this right (and also just to admire Connor) ~ Starry
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scapegh0st · 7 months
One-Way Mirror (Gavin Reed x Reader)
Summary: Both Gavin and Reader suck at feelings Content: NSFW 18+, gn!Reader, smut, angst, hurt/no comfort, fingerfucking, dirty talk, friends with benefits, unresolved feelings, unrequited love, basically just angsty smut Word Count: 1.6k read on ao3
You love him.
Or at least you think you do.
Sure, Gavin Reed is the resident asshole of the Detroit Police Department and he can be hard to swallow—both figuratively and literally—but he's something more to you. He's an enigma that you want to—need to—figure out.
You glance up at him from your kneeling position, one hand wrapped around his cock and the other between your legs. His head is thrown back and his bottom lip is between his teeth. You think he’s pretty like this, with his eyes shut and that screwed-up look of pleasure on his face.
When he’s like this, he doesn’t notice you staring—doesn’t make some dickish comment like “take a picture, it’ll last longer.” It’s one of the few times he’s actually quiet—besides the soft muffled sounds coming from his mouth. 
You don’t think he loves you back. You really just think that he’s incapable of love, incapable of being more than this.
He lets you see him like this because you understand him—because you get him. He can call you as many names as he likes and you always shoot them back— dickwad, douchebag, asshole. He likes that about you, you think—that you can match his energy.
Your lips wrap around the head, tongue swirling around like you have to taste every inch of him. He lets out a groan—if he could sink right through the mattress, you think he would. He’s melting and you know that you’re the heat that molds him.
“Fuck… ” he mutters, one of his hands running through his hair and the other gripping your head. He doesn’t push you—he knows better—but he knows you like when he grips your hair. You hum around him before taking him deeper into your mouth.
He’s like water in your hands, slipping through despite how much you try to cup them and keep him there. He’s always two steps away even when he’s right here.
He pulls you off of him, his eyes open and he looks down at you. He’s panting and the wrinkle between his brows deepens. “I don’t wanna finish like this,” he says, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. “Come on, get up here.”
It’s not a demand or an order like he usually gives you, it’s something more blurred—his voice is gentle, not full of spite and a lack of sleep. He’s asking you, letting you deny him even though he needs this. You need this.
You push yourself off the ground and join him on the bed. He’s on top of you in seconds, yanking your pants down your legs–your belt makes a clinking sound when they hit the floor.
There’s this glint in his eyes that you only see when he’s hovering over you. You know it’s probably nothing– just a trick your mind is playing on you–but you swear it means something, that this is what he can give you. It’s not quite love, but it’s enough. It has to be enough.
One of his fingers fills you, drawing a sharp exhale from your lungs. He adds another and your hand clasps over your mouth, drowning the sounds into your palm. He grins that cocky grin that would usually piss you off in any other circumstance—but he’s proud of himself and you're okay with letting him have this. You’d let him tear you apart if he asked.
“Yeah? You like that?” He questions, his own type of pillow talk. “I don’t even have to do this—you’re always ready for me like the good whore you are.”
You should feel insulted—you don’t. Instead, you respond with a muffled moan and a slight head nod. He seems to like that answer as he adds a third finger. 
Your free hand grips the sheets and you feel like it’s the only thing keeping you tethered to the ground. If heaven was real, you were sure this was it.
“Nobody else makes you feel this good, do they?”
No, they don’t. Nobody else makes you feel like they’re holding your head underwater and that you trust them enough to pull you up for air when you need it. Like sleep to the freezing. Something so good but so wrong.
He pulls out his fingers and you whine, eyes snapping open to narrow in frustration at him. He just laughs that god-awful laugh that you love despite how much it grates your ears.
“What? Is something wrong?” You can hear the smirk in his voice—he’s so smug and you want to fucking throttle him.
You open your mouth to fire back but you’re swiftly shut up by his cock filling you. He’s never gentle when he’s fucking you—it’s hard and it’s fast and it pulls you apart. You’re not sure you ever want him to fuck you any differently.
Your eyes find his face as his hips piston into you, grunts escaping his throat. He’s not looking at you— he never does. You’re always watching him and he’s never seeing you. 
His eyes are closed and you wonder if he’s imagining someone else. Someone more pliable to what he wants. You’re made of stone—he can chip away but he never can mold you into something easier to hold. You’ll always have sharp edges—he grabs you like he doesn’t care if he slices his hand.
You close your own eyes, trying to think of someone else. An old hookup. Your last Tinder date. That new android detective, Connor—you know Gavin would hate the thought and you can’t do that to him, not even subconsciously.
Gavin’s presence in your head is overbearing. Every choice you make somehow leads back to him, from your choice of clothing to the life-or-death decisions you’re forced to make each day.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts when Gavin grabs one of your hands and interlaces your fingers. It’s so… intimate —you don’t know what to think. His hand in yours makes this real—at least to you. It tells you that he’s aware of you for once, that he’s not just fucking a hole— he’s fucking you and he’s conscious of it.
He slams into you again, his head coming down to the crook of your neck. You can feel his breath against your skin, soft pants as he thrusts in and out. “Fuckin’ hell,” he groans, the fingers of his other hand digging into your hip. “You’re so good for me.”
You want it to mean more than it does to him. You could be good for him, you think, you keep him grounded yet you share the same misery—the same reliance on caffeine and these exchanges of endorphins. Maybe you could make him happy, outside of the serotonin he receives when he’s filled you. You’d dote on him; dress up for him, make him a lunch for work, and have coffee ready for him in the morning. It’s a pipe dream and you know it.
“You’re so fucking… fuck… you’re so tight,” the words stumble from his lips as they usually do—he’s close. 
Your free hand reaches down to play with yourself, to bring yourself right to the edge with him. If he asked you to jump, you’d ask how high.
His mouth presses against your neck, his teeth hovering over your carotid. He holds your life in his mouth and you trust him with it despite all the signs warning against it. He’s fire and you’re gasoline.
“I’m gonna–” his hips start to stutter. “Fuck.”
You tumble over the edge with him, legs quaking where they wrap around his waist. He collapses onto you, knocking the air from your lungs—it’s suffocating and you love it.
He lets go of your hand and pushes himself up, sliding out of you with ease. He sits back on his knees, hands on his thighs as he catches his breath. He raises a hand to drag over his face, wiping away the sweat. There’s a faraway look in his eyes, like he’s not really here with you. You wish he was.
His eyes shift to the wall to his right. He never looks at you straight when he’s done—you wonder if he regrets it.
You wish he’d just lay down beside you and pull you close. That he’d kiss your head and promise you things he’s not sure he should. He won’t and you’ve accepted that. This is what he can give you and you’re fine with that. You can savor him better like this—if he gave into you, you’re sure you’d eat him whole.
He slides his legs out from underneath himself, one of them resting on its side on the bed and the other pulled to his chest. His arm rests on his knee, his knuckles pressed against the side of his face. You’d paint him like this if you knew how.
“Well,” his eyes flicking in your direction but focusing on anything that isn’t you. “I’m gonna shower.”
He gets up and heads towards his connected bathroom. You wanna reach out and stop him. You wanna ask why he won’t look at you–why he can’t look at you. He acts like you’re the sun—he orbits around you without ever staring at you too long. You might burn him if he does.
“Gav,” you croak out, the first word you’ve said since you've entered his apartment. 
He looks at you like you’re the weight on his shoulders—familiar but unwelcome. Or maybe he’s the weight on yours. You aren’t sure.
“‘The fuck you want?” he asks. You know he doesn’t mean for it to come out so rotten—that’s just the way he talks and he knows you understand. But it hurts you this once.
You love him. 
You want to tell him—it’s on the tip of your tongue like a word you can’t quite find.
“Don’t slip, dumbass,” you answer with a cheshire grin—it’s forced and you know that he knows.
 It’s better that you don’t .
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kayfeefgtrghh · 10 months
Connor (RK800) x shy reader
Did I just write 2984 words? Maybe…
Body image is talked about here as well as other topics that might be sensitive. Read at your own accord. Also, apologies since this is the first fanfic I’ve written in over 10 years. The last 5 years I’ve spent writing university papers. If it’s not the best I’m sorry!
*Reader is addressed as ‘little girl’ and has long hair.
*Does include swear words but I’ve tried to censor them a little.
“Hank the paperwork is due today… And-“ His head tilts “detective? Your temperature is very high. Are you sick?” Putting his hand to my forehead. Throat dry, I try to speak but nothing comes out and stare at Connor, red in the face. Glancing to a friend hoping he can help but Hank just looks back at his screen. Great. I’m on my own. Well. “Yes” squeaks out before you feel a shoulder bump into my back. Sharp breathe in. Turning to make eye contact with Derrik Fedpilzt. He got off on me being quiet. Said I make a shit cop. Too fat, not smart enough, too slow, can’t keep my “female” emotions out of work. Looking down, surprised he kept quiet. I apologise before getting back to my desk. 2 close calls in one day was enough. Writing this report is such a waste of time. Its not like it’s real. I saw it. That deviant was protecting a child… It didn’t deserve to die. Email? Shit. Should I say something to Hank? No. No. I can’t be weak. I can do this. I can’t drag others into my own problems.
‘Don’t think I didn’t figure you out. Meet me in the carpark at 8pm tonight.’ – DF
I need to take my mind off of this. “Heyyyy Hank. Is that seat free?” pointing to his lap. He had such a priceless face before shaking his head mumbling, something about kids these days, under his breathe. Making me giggle. “Okay, but really, I’m going for coffee if you want some?”
“Yeah, Connor should be back soon.”
“Ahh I just meant the-‘
“Lieutenant. Detective.” Connor starts to which I just avoid his gaze and nod to my title. “My apologise for interrupting the conversation.”
“No worries, Connor.” Hank straightens his back, “we’re all heading for coffee.” Connor simply nods in reply to his partner. I try catching Hank’s eye but he just smirks.
-------------*Time skip to coffee shop*---------------
“Soy latte please.” Cringing at how quiet my voice just came out.
“Yes. I-I couldn’t pass up fireworks. It’s nostalgic. What about you both?” Hoping to get away from the spotlight. Hank finally feeling nice speaks up,
“Sorry can you repeat that for me please” the Barista inquires politely. "Soy latte. Thank you.” Connor interjects for me. All I can do is nod and smile shyly to the server while paying.  Sliding into a booth opposite Hank. Connor right after me. Oh. My. God. I can feel his body so close to mine. Keep it together (y/n)! Fingers pulling my coat closer self-consciously. “I heard there is going to be ice festival with fire works tonight. Will you be going Detective?”
“Nah. Kid wants to go so maybe you could go together. Me and Sumo are watching sport, drinking, and sleeping at midnight.” Well… there goes him helping you.
“Ahhhh. No. I mean yes!. I’m- I- I… I just remembered I have a meeting soon, sorry. I’ll see you both around? I’ll meet you outside the office at say… 9pm?” Turning on my tail before they can speak.
---------------*Time skip to car park*-----------------
Skin going cold and fingertips numb, from the cold and the fact Derrik brought friends. I feel a hand around the back of my neck. “You know, if you weren’t so fat maybe I wouldn’t have bumped into you.” Coming into my face, I lean back instinctively. “Or maybe if you were smart, I would have seen you resign. Save the rest of us time picking up your slack. Which judging by your size is a lot,” erupting with laughter from his own comment. “You must have slept your way up with older guys because how else would sone with such a pathetic track record get in. You can’t write reports properly, can’t shoot because you think that what? Androids can have feelings. Ohh look at me I’m so desperate to be loved I’ll turn to something that can’t say no. Isn’t that right?” Not letting me speak, “you don’t deserve this job title, the badge, hell to live!  You’re worthless. Undeserving, fat, ugly, stupid. Is there ANY good quality about you? No. Just kill yourself already to stop burdening others. This time, me and my buddies are gonna teach you a lesson on behaving like a good little girl.” Pulled back and shoved into a pillar. There’s laughter, I can hear it, but it blurs for a minute. Shit I feel something wet drip into my eyelashes. Hold the tears. Confront. Come on. “Hey! I said I was sorry. Why are you doing this?”
“Because,” another guy steps closer, “we don’t respect people like you. Spiting on my face. It had been bad before but never physical.  He raises his hand and I turn to flip him over my shoulder. Thump. “You fc*king bit*h!” he wheezes out. Every muscle in my body feels like stone. He swipes my leg from under me as the others make a circle shouting “fight! Fight!”
“Wai-“ he straddles my legs. Hands instantly on my neck. Not like this. Please. Kicking, I try twist my hips. Gasping in air as I grip his wrists. “Enough Jake.” Another voice calls. The man above me lets go, standing and brushing off his jacket. Huffing. Before kicking my stomach and going off. The rest leave laughing and shaking their head with, “you showed her.” Coughing and feeling the air come back to me I push onto my arms. Shit! It’s 8:55! Connor. Legs shaking I push up and head up to the girls bathroom. The stairs make me feel so heavy. I can’t stop thinking about his words. He was right. I do burden others. I can’t drive. I have one of the lowest success rates. Am I really that unlovable? Do I just empathise with deviants because I see the hate in them as similar to the way people treat me?... Elbowing the door open I can help but say “shit” out loud looking at my reflection. Bloodshot eyes, since when have I been crying? And my neck. Jesus. How was I going to hide this from Connor?! But if I cancel, he’ll try ask why and I can’t lie to him. I pull the collar up and undo my hair.  Lucky I’ve let it grow. Using it as a disguise I head out. “I’m sorry to keep you, had to talk to some colleagues from the lower floor before we left. Are you ready?” I feel him looking right through me. He wants to say something, but his LED goes yellow before red then back to yellow, “Yes detective.”
------------*Time skip to the ice festival*--------------
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“SOOO beautiful!” I’m so thankful the weather is cooler outside to excuse me covering my neck so much and accommodating for my slower gate. My ribs really hurt now. But it was worth it. The snow glistened with the colourful lights. Children running around, giggling, as they have snowball fights. It was like a movie scene come true. The city really outdid themselves this year. I love winter. To be on the couch near my window watching the slow gently fall. Hot chocolate in hand and a nice, weighted blanket. Cozy. Safe.
I can feel eyes on me and look up to see Connor smiling, “I’ve never seen you look so childlike Detective.” I know it’s supposed to be an observation. I can’t help it. Thinking of it as an insult. A reminder I need to grow up. “Thanks.” Looking down at my feet.  ‘Worthless… stop burdening others. He’s right.
“Ahh hey. How- How about going on the Ferris wheel? I can pay. My treat for driving.” He nods and we walk in silence. It’s eating away at me. “Hey. Connor? Do you have any fun facts on snow or winter? Festivals? I know Hank tells you to be quiet,” looking down blushing,” but I love when you talk all about things. He sprouts facts like, “the Sapporo Snow Festival started in 1950…” It was nice. His voice. His face. Errgh! I have such a bad crush on him. How couldn’t you? He’s smart, sweet, understanding, patient, fast, strong, and such a gentleman. I can’t help but stare. The light freckles sprinkled over his face. The piece of hair loose and flipping around in the elements. The small snowflakes sticking to his perfect brown hair. Those beautiful eyes I could get lost I for days. I’ve never felt this way about someone. Growing up focused on studies and work. Now for the first time, I look at someone and want to marry. To have children. To do domestic things with Connor. Have him look at me the way I look at him. Love struck as Hank put it. “Snow itself is just precipitation in the form of ice crystals. It originates in clouds when temperatures are below freezing point. It is currently 17.6 degrees Fahrenheit or minus 8 Celsius….” Putting up 2 fingers and paying for the tickets as he ramble on. Side track about drinks for winter festivals in different countries. “For example, in Japan, the initial festival I mentioned, they would drink something called Amazake. Dating back over 1,30 years. It comprises of rice fermented using aspergillus oryzae. The same fungus in natto. Its literally translation is sweet sake and has been described as a mellow sweet flavour…”
We step into the capsule and start our assent. Once we reached the top the breeze was beautiful. I had to take photos. To put on my wall. I lent forward, enjoying the breeze flow through the gaps and focus outside. Not noticing the silence from my companion. “It’s so beautiful don’t you think? I don’t normally like crowds but to see people enjoying themselves like this. It’s nice and the snow is always so- Connor?” His LED is red and I freeze. Following his line of sight. Blushing, I rush to cover the bruises, but he grabs my wrists. With the better lighting he’s seen it. The bruises. Does he think I’m weak. For a officer to get hurt so easily? He says my name sternly and my eyes flick between him and the floor. Jaw tensing and I can’t seem to swallow enough to take a breath. I rub my arm absently at the tense air between us. “Connor I can explain.” He just stares and helps me out before dragging me past the maze. We keep walking. His LED changing between red and yellow. His grips loosens and tightens as the snow crunches beneath us. It would be a nice sound if it weren’t for the anxiety.
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He continues to lead me onto a path with no one around, under a streetlight, before turning to face me. Trying to catch a breath he doesn’t need.  He just stares. “Connor?” It’s soft. But I know he hears. “Please. You’re starting to scare me.”
“Who?! Who did that to you?!” Flinching. Was he... mad? He’s an android, he shouldn’t react this way. “Are you deviating?” I whisper shout leaning in despite my fear. He’d never hurt me, right? His brows twitch and he tilts his head. Before his LED stays red. Stepping closer. “This isn’t about me (y/n). Who. Hurt. You. Names.” Now, as he stepped closer with each word, he’s less than a meter from me. I step back and avoid his gaze. “Why?”
“I want to protect you. Keep you safe and I can’t do that if you keep me out.”
“No. Why do you care? I’m just another human. Replaceable. Less intelligent. Less capable, so why do you pretend to care Connor? Because you feel you have to? Did Hank tell you to say those things to me? “I feel my eyes burn and voice break. “Maybe I should go home I’m sorry and end up dashing off as a ground walk past.
-------------------*Time skip*--------------------------
I’ve been avoiding Connor for almost a month now. I was so close to confessing. Or breaking down. Either way I can feel his gaze burn into me and the questioning looks when I just turn and walk away or leave a half-made coffee when he goes to make one for Hank. Speaking of Hank tried to ask about what happened but now I’m avoiding them both. Everyone. Today is the day. I look up, eyes set on Fowler. I get up and knock on his door. “Come in.” Walking into his office reminds me of this nature documentary show I watches where the deer ventured right into the lion’s den. Keep calm. He eventually looks up from my silence and awkwardly standing around. “Sit. What do you want?”
“I quit.” There it was. Those 2 little words. “This is my 2 weeks’ notice sir. I wish to ask if I can stay in the office for my last week. To finish up my reports.” He looks shocked but it quickly morphs back into a scowl. “Fine.” I nod before leaving. I did it. Letting the air out my nose I head back to my desk and put headphones on and begin typing. The day continues like this. Quiet. Efficient. Lonely. It’s what I deserve.
--------------*Time skip to the last day*---------------
Alcohol. Mans real best friend. Sure, dogs make me happy, but they don’t help you numb out life. The dread of not being able to get enough job. The feeling of worthlessness. Alcohol though. A miracle. Especially 10 drinks in. I don’t even know at this point if my thoughts make sense let alone the out loud stuff. Hang onnnnn. I know that hair. “Hannnnnnk! I shout and stumble my way to him. By himself thankfully. I smother him in a hug, and he just shoves me off. “God. I’m so sorry. I’m a shitty friend Hank. I mean… oh oh omg that dog is so cute!” Seeing a golden retriever walk past.
“What have you been ignoring me What happened between you and Connor?”
“Hmmm. I love him, Hank. Not that I don’t love you too but not in that way” giggling,” it’s just. I had a run in and some guys at the precinct beat me up so-“
“What?! When?!” He goes to stand, and I shove his shoulders to push him back into his seat.
“SHHHHH! Hank, I don’t know where I was up to now. Anyway, long story short. Perfect android, Ferris Wheel, found my bruised neck, Unrequited love, I got scared and listened to the voice in my head.” Nodding. “Wait no. Not like that. I meant the things the people said about me. They were right. That’s why today was my last day. I quit. I couldn’t stand to look at you. I know you’d be disappointed and Connor. Fu*k Hank, I’d kill for him. Do anything he asked. But we both know that’s stupid. He dese- derggkrves… ,” pausing and squinting as the word doesn’t come out right, “deserves someone better. He’s PERFECT and look at me.” Flinging my arms out and hitting someone in the face. “Oh” covering my mouth and turning. “I’m so sorry!!”
“Connor… I- I want you to know what happened at the festival… me avoiding you. Wasn’t your fault.” His LED is rotating yellow still. He then hooks his arm with mine.
“You are intoxicated. I will wait to have this conversation with you tomorrow. I will take you home.” I pout and lean into his body.  Giggling before shoving my nose into his chest and breathing in harshly before confessing, “you smell amazing.”
-----------*Time skip to next morning*----------------
“Owww my head.” Tripping as I tangle into my bedsheets. Faceplanting. Sighing I just lay there face down for a while. Remembering what I said last night. How much did he hear of my confession to Hank? “Detective. You are finally up. It is currently 1:39pm.” I stiffen. Looking up at the android like a dear caught in head lights. “I will cook breakfast while you clean up and then we can talk.”
“I remember you mentioning to Hank you like pancakes.” They look so unbelievably good.
“Thank you, Connor. For everything. I really am sorry.”
“I accept your apology. As to begin our discussion I would like to start with the most defining aspect. That you confessed your feelings for me last night to Hank, did you not?” At this I choke on my food. Coughing and red in the face.  
“Yess.. Well- I did. But you don’t have to-“
“I like you too. More than as a friend. You were correct I have become deviant and these feelings these last months have been difficult. However, after talking to Hank he said it was love. It explains my rash and inappropriate reaction to your bruising and the reason I still feel angry now when thinking about it. “
“It was Derrik Fedpilzt and his friends. I tried to fend one off by flipping him onto his back. So, he chocked me. I was scared that you’d judge me. For not being able to defend myself. “
“Like I said before I want to take care of you and protect you. There has never been a time when I thought you were weak. Or flawed in any way for that matter.” He puts hind hand on the table between us. I look up before timidly reaching to place mine across the table too. He moves to cover mine and smiles that dorky smile. Realising I am finished he gets up to do the dishes, but I block him. 
“Why don’t we cuddle on the couch for a while? I can do them later.” LED yellow to blue. Putting my plate on the sink before grabbing a blanket. Sitting on my old couch, snow just outside. This was perfect. I look up at him admiring the view and kiss his cheek. Maybe I deserve love after all.
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Exes and androids
Summary: gavin is being a real piece of shit to connor, your boyfriend. connor soon finds you gavin is your ex. angst fallows.
Content: Gavin being a piece of shit. mentions abusive relationships. Cussing. good ending. Readers' house has weird shit in because that's what I'd have in my house, lmao
Jesus, so much work today. All the files were stacking up, and it was overwhelming having to review and fill all of them out. Jesus.
My focus was broken by the sound of quick foot steps heading my way. When my eyes ripped from the files, it was connor. He sat at the empty desk next to mine. Normally, he has a fairly neutral expression, and to an extent, it still is, but you've spent enough time with him to see something not right.
"Are you okay, connor?" I asked, setting down my pen. He began to bounce his leg up and down. "I'm fine, y/n I'm just... I just wanted to spend some time with you, is all. " I pressed my lips together. "Connor, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He paused, then nodded. "I know something isn't right. Do you wanna talk about it? Or do you just need some time together for now?" He glanced over my shoulder briefly before speaking. "I just... Gavin has been his usual self, is all... It's been bothering me more and more every day." Gavin. Of corse. That fucker dosnt even treat humans well, let alone androids. "Has Gavin been harassing you again?" Connor nodded, his shoulders square.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I didn't want to stress you out. You've been very busy with work and errands. I didn't want to add to all the stress."
I sighed, and I could feel my heart sink. I held his hand. "Connor, as much as I appreciate the sentiment, you should tell me about things like this. I care about you. There's no need to feel like you are a burden, ok?"
His face tinged blue for a second. "Thank you, y/n. I appreciated that."
Suddenly, a chuckle imminated from behind me. Gavin. "Did the tin-can get dented?" I rolled my eyes. Connor shifted slightly and let go of my hand, it seemed Gavin noticed. "Oh no, I'm sorry. Did I hurt the Ken dolls feelings? I didn't realize Androids needed therapy." "Gavin what the fuck is your deal?" I snapped. He raised his eyebrows in response, his tongue stabbing his cheek. "Get your panties out of a twist, y/n. He's a fucking tin-can. Look at him!" He laughed and shoved Connor slightly. Connor looked down, fidgiting with the sleeve of his coat. I immediately stood up and pushed Gavin back. The entire office began to stare. "I don't care if you don't like him or not. Its fine if you dont like him. The fact is the way you treat him is unacceptable. Now get away from us." "You really care about this thing?" He sounded absolutely baffled and amused. I raised my voice, "Gavin-" Connor put his hand on my shoulder and subtlly shook his head at me. I clenched my fists and let go of a long sigh. "Just get out of here. " I sighed. Gavin chucked "and how the human takes orders from the robot. How ironic" and walked off.
"I'm sorry, Connor." I sighed. "I didn't mean to get so angry, are you alright?" He nodded. "I'm feeling... conflicted." "Conflicted?" "I don't approve of you escalating the situation. But... I appreciate you trying to stand up for me." He gave me a soft smile. I sighed and smiled back. "Where are your stress levels right now?" His eyes twitched for a moment, LED flashing. "87 percent." I glanced at all the work on my desk, then at Jeffres office. "I can take a moment away from work if you want." I offered. "You don't have to. You still have lots of work to be completed." "Hank has so many violations and still works here. I'll be fine with one little rule break. Besides, I want to." "You don't need to. I'd rather just sit here with you for now, if it's not to distracting." He offered. "I'm fine with being a little distracted." I joked "here, take the seat next to me. Nobody uses it anyway."
He pulled out a black wheely chair and placed it next to me, sitting down in one foul swoop. I continued to sort and fill out any files I needed to, rubbing my foot against his ankle every now and then to let him know I didn't forget about him. I could sense he wanted to do more than just sit there. So I grabbed the arm rest of his swivvle chair and pulled the chair closer to me. Arm rests bumping. "What's up?" I asked calmly. "Nothing." I shot him a "sure' look, and he sighed. "I just wanna talk. You've been busy a lot lately, and I hate to interrupt it." I took a moment to look away from my desk to look into his eyes "you can talk to me, sweetness. I mean it." I grabbed his hand, rubbing it with my thumb.
He continued to talk about his latest interest, the works of his new favorite author. How a lot of his stories share similar themes and imagery. How he picked up on what words the author liked to use the most. I continued to nod and occasionally throw in questions that I was lost on. By the time my stack of files was almost done, I noticed his head was leaning against my shoulder. I couldn't help but blush at it. "Connor, you're really cute, you know that?" I whispered. Scribbling some data on the second to last file I needed to. He paused from his discussion before continuing, "Thank you. You are, too." He replied.
I quickly finished my work. Packing up for the day, the office seemingly slowed with most people heading home. By this point, it appeared Connor was finally put at ease, which was good. "Hey, Connor, wanna stay at my house tonight?" He looked up from the new potted plant I had on my desk, a common succulent, and spoke, "Of course. I'd love that." He gave me a warm smile, causing a gitty, flustered feeling to boil in my chest for a brief moment. He's so cute. "Ready to go?" I asked, "lead the way." He replied.
As we stepped into the parking lot, it seemed Gavin had just made his way into his car, some maroon vintage type of deal. He quickly rolled down his window when he spotted us. Jesus christ, he hasn't even spoken, and I already want him to shut up. "Hey y/n. Heading home with your glorified sex toy?" If it were up to me, I'd beat Gavins ass right then and there. I'm so sick of his shit. With all his harrasment voilations, im surprised he hasnt been fired yet. But I had to hold back for Connors sake. "Fuck off Gavin. You're not original." I shouted back flatly. I could feel Connors gaze swiftly make its way to me. Shit. Don't escolate the situation. What am I doing? "So it's not the first time, then someone said something about your bullshit relationship?"
Don't say anything. Don't say anything.
We were almost to my car. I needed to get out of there before I said or did some dumb shit.
"What, to afraid to talk now? I don't bite. Unless you want me to." Jesus christ, I'm gonna puke. We finally got to my car, I quickly pulled out my keys and got in, connor, following swiftly after.
"Is that machine really better than me? That thing is what you replace me with?" My heart sinks. I could feel connor tense across from me at the new revelation. Goddamn it. Did he really have to bring this up now. I quickly jammed the key into the stem of the wheel and peeled out of there.
There was a long moment of silence before one of us finally spoke.
"You dated Gavin?" Connor finally asked
I let out a beath that I've been squeezing in my chest. It felt damn near suffocating. "Unfortunately, yes." I forced out.
"Why?" Connor asked in a dry tone
I let out another sigh. This time, it was full of regret. I lifted one hand from the steering wheel and pinched the bridge of my nose. "When I first met him, I thought his tough guy thing was hot. I liked his angry brute thing, thought it was sexy, I liked his sense of humor... some times, he was fun, I guess." I swallowed, unsure how to even talk about it when I hardly know why I liked him. "The simple way to put it was that I looked at his red flags and went 'that's hot' without thinking about how it'd all affect me. Turns out dating assholes means they are still an asshole except in a relationship now. The more I got to know him, the more vial I realized he was. I saw him through rose tented glasses, and one day, I finally lost them." I let out a regretful sigh and then continued."I was just a idiot, really"
There was a silence for a moment, then connor spoke. "What was the thing that made you two brake up?" That was a strange and unexpected question, but it was reasonable. "Funny enough, it was cause of android shit. I eventually learned how anti android he was, and it kind of put everything else about him in perspective. All his 'quirky little traits' I taught myself to love were giant redflags. Once I realized I got the hell out of there."
I saw connor nodding in the corner of my eye.
"So why are you in a relationship with me?" He paused, his voice a tad more horse "to make him jealous?" My heart broke at the question. The fact that he even thought that possibly made me hurt. I moved one of my hands onto Connors' knees and rubbed it gently. "No, sweet heart, no. I want to date you because I love who you are. You're kind and intelligent, brave, badass, funny, and I don't want to brag too much, but you're hot as hell." I glanced over to see a small smile crack onto his face."Also, I feel no desire to make him feel jealous. Jealousy is for people you still care about. He could fuck out of my life for all I care." I swallowed hard, trying to take a moment to calm down. I slowed at a red light and took a deep breath, and turned my head to connor briefly while I spoke, trying to keep my voice neutral, "He doesn't derve my energy to make him jealous. It's one thing to be an ass to me. But if he's being an ass to you? Well, now I'm pissed." My eyes moved back to the lights in time to see them turn green, and I pressed on the gas. "I love you, Connor. So much. Never forget that, alright?" He nodded softly.
We finally pulled into my driveway. My home wasn't much, small and in the middle of a just above shady area. But I tried my best to make it work. Rose and lavender bushes in the front, little metal statues of mythical creatures scattered strategically, and other whimsical bullshit.
Connor has only been to my house a handful of times, most of the time, when we hang out or go on dates, in public places. Museums, ice skating, public parks, etc. It was just more exciting than sitting around my house. So to see him inside my home was a welcomed but strange sight.
Connor moved to the couch, sitting down with prefect posture. It looked like he was scanning the space again. "Is that new?" He blurted out. I turned from the shoe basket to see what he was looking at. It was a vintage Barbie doll in the box. The Special Solo in The Spotlight 1994 to be exact. "Yes, it is. I got it for a steal, too. I was super excited." I was a collector of all sorts of things, dolls being one of them. "It's nice, a lot less... menacing than other things in your collection." He replied, giving me a sly smile. I laughed. It's true. Compared to a lot of the other things I collected, it was normal. Animals in jars, creepy toys, old merchandise from gimmicky business, animal bones, gothic furniture. It was certainly an eyesore, but I liked it that way. "Oh, I hope my house doesn't bother you to much." I rumbled, making my way to the couch and sitting next to him. He shook his head and replied, "No, it doesn't. It has a lot of character, and there's always something interesting to look at." I sighed, leaning against the plush back of the couch. "Thanks." I whispered. There was a moment of silence before one of us spoke again.
"Does it bother you how frequently I visit your desk?" Connor suddenly blurted. My gaze returned to Connor. He seemed a bit tense. "Not at all. Why?" I replied. My hand moving towards his back to rub. "I've just... I," He hesitated. I began to sit up straight, wrapping my arm around his waist. I nodded, letting him take his time. "some times i worry i am to annoying. with how frequently i visit your work space." I struggled to hold back a laugh before replying "Connor, you annoy hank to no end and you show no concern about that." he subtly shook his head, a smile barely peaking through his lips. "hank is annoyed by everything." i shrug, smiling "ah, that's true."
Connors smile, for what it was quickly disappeared. "how long did you date Gavin?" my smile fell too, swallowing anxiously. "just barely a year. about ten months." Connor softly shook his head at that. "if he was as awful as you said he was why did you stay that long?" my jaw clenched, a paced out sigh slowly releasing. "he made me feel needed. he made me feel loved in his own special... emotionally distant kind of way. it was often the only thing that had me keep coming back. eventually i learned i deserved more than what he was drip feeding me. the bare minimum and such." "did he ever have sex with you?"
at that I pulled back slightly, offended. "Connor. what was our relationship doesn't matter anymore. it never mattered. the fact is that I'm with you now. you matter Connor. not him." Connor hesitated for a moment before clenching his jaw, repeating "did you ever had sex with him?" I softly squeezing my eyes shut, sighing. "yes. yes i did. a lot." my voice was wavering from anxiety.
Connor didn't respond, I watched as his led flickered, swirling and then turning yellow. he appeared extremely stiff, more than usual. I swallowed hard, a shaky feeling in my skin while he just sat there in silence. goddamn it. I should have just told him everything myself. now I have to break the news to him because of that bastard. I swear to god I'm going to kill Gavin.
"how long were you planning on keeping all of this secret from me?" he whispered, voice dry. you sucked in a shaky breath, "I've been meaning to tell you for a while now. i just could never find a good time." Connor kept his eyes distant. he looked not angry but... sad. hurt. betrayed. "you were with Gavin. my biggest bully. do you know how many times he's tried to kill me?" I opened my mouth to speak but he already began talking. "you loved him. You loved that man."
guilt bubbled in my stomach, my chest burning. "Connor..." I didn't know what to say. the tension was to thick for me to even think of a reply. a sudden chocking feeling came to my throat when heat stung at my eyes.
Connor finally looked at mr. his eyes glossy. "how could you love a monster like that?"
"don't you think i feel bad about it?" I choked out. " I'm the one who dated him. he was abusive and toxic. he kept me coming back by doing the bare minimum and expected me to be grateful for it. and worst of all I was. i don't care about him anymore. i don't even know if i ever did. I'm with you now. i love you." I could feel the heat of fighting off tears in my throat. there was a long moment of silence.
Connors hand squeezed mine. I looked up to see Connor gazing at me with sudden sympathy, regret. "I'm sorry." he whispered, a genuine and soft tone. "I've been selfish in this conversation. i should have thought about your experience with him too." I take in deep breaths, trying to calm down. "i wanted to tell you, i swear i just didn't know how to bring it up..." I mumble. Connor cups my cheek with his hard, plasticky hand. "im sorry, i shouldn't have pushed it." he replied softly, using his thumb to make small stroking patterns.
I let out a sigh as you lean into his palm, embracing the synthetic sensation. "its alright... if i were in your position i probably would have panicked too." I sigh, thinking about what bullying Connor has probably gone through sense working at the station. if Gavin has been putting him through life threatening situations, I'd also be upset to learn that guy dated my current partner.
"you said hes tried to kill you?" I finally asked. a small but sudden anger lighting in my chest. "yes, he has. various times." I move a hand to hold his, the one cupping my face. "you told me about the time he socked you in the stomach but not that. why didn't you tell me?" Connor let out a sigh, "because i could handle it. im a machine build for combat. i didn't want to worry you about him more than i already do." he began to shake his head gently. "I should have told you, though." We both sighed. or whatever android equivalent of a sigh is for connor.
I finally look Connor in the eyes. "Promise me we won't keep secrets from each other, alright?" he nodded,"agreed." and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Connor(RK800) X F.Reader - Safe heaven (Part 1)
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(Pictures are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google - Collage made by myself. OC Steven belongs to me.)
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Warning: mention of domestic violance! hurt and comfort, angst, reader is very affraid!
Summary: Connor always made you feel safe and protected. Oh, but if only Connor had seen the signs earlier, he could have gotten you out of your hell faster...
 👉Read part 2
Connor(RK800) X F.Reader - Safe heaven (Part 1)
Detroit Police Department
19 May 2040 - 22:45
Michigan, Detroit
"How does that feel, you piece of shit?"
Hank looked at the young man in front of him, his nose already smeared with blood. Handcuffed, he sat in the interrogation room and Hank was more than determined to make this bastards life miserable.
"Well, talk!"
But Hank was only met with a hateful glare and Hank was losing his patience!
"You picked the wrong girl, asshole! Sucks when she's got cop in the family, huh? Son of a bitch!"
Hank wasn't shy about getting physical. Who was going to do anything about it? For Hank, there were no rules at the moment. Besides, rules were made to be broken. Especially since he had already given Steven a bloody nose even before he brought him to the police station.
"I don't know what that crazy bitch told you! I didn't do anything..."
Without warning, Hank punched him right in the face and this time the man groaned loudly.
"You're not getting out of here alive, Steven. I know for a fact that you did this to her. You fucking scumbag!"
"The whore has started! She provoked me!"
And another punch in the face! Hank could go on like this all night long. Steven had just confessed that he had attacked Y/N.
"Just give me one reason, and I'll blow your fucking brain out!"
And when Hank Anderson was pissed, he was capable of anything! Especially when it came to protecting his loved ones and Y/N was very important to him.
And just as it was starting to get fun for Hank, his boss interrupted him. Unlike Hank, Fowler kept strictly to the rules. However, this one didn't know anything about this particular case yet...
Anderons looked at Y/N tormentor with hatred, leaning out towards him.
"You won’t escape me," he whispered threateningly, making Steven visibly nervous.
At the same time in Hank's apartment...
The young woman was completely beside herself, not even hearing Connor at first. The android had been very careful not to startle her, making his voice sound melancholic, so that she knew she was safe here. Here, with him. Connor looked at the young woman with concern as she sat huddled on the sofa, staring off into space. She was chewing on her fingers; her gaze seeming so blank, but at the same time you could see the countless tears running down her cheeks. Probably everything was playing out in her mind's eye at the moment. Her body was trembling and Connor feared that Y/N would not forget so easily. Inwardly, the android sighed, wondering over and over why people hurt each other. The android approached her carefully, kneeling on the ground in front of her, so as not to startle her.
This time she responded. Her gaze sought his. His warm, loving gaze that she had always liked.
"You don't have to be afraid. He can't hurt you anymore."
Not as long as Connor was with her. And Hank would never let anything happen to the young woman either. Y/N let out a sob, but nodded before her face turned back to sadness and finally burst into tears. She let herself fall forward, right into Connor's shoulder, seeking comfort from him. Carefully, Connor wrapped his arms around her delicate body, trying to soothe her by stroking her back and letting her cry on his shoulder, until she would calm down.
Here they sat now, in Hank's apartment, while the lieutenant at the station was giving hell to the man that had hurt Y/N.
"You were very brave today, Y/N," Connor whispered to her as he gently stroke through her hair. She moved a bit away from him, to look at him. Into his brown doe eyes that radiated so much warmth.
"I-I'm so glad you guys are here!"
She sobbed softly, wiping tears from her cheeks as she clung to Connor's gray jacket with her other hand. The android smiled warmly at her, nodding. Hank and he would always be there for her.
Connor stayed seated with her until she calmed down a bit.
"Would you like some tea, Y/N? Or would you like something to eat? Do you want me to order something to eat?"
But the young woman wasn't hungry. She just shook her head, smiling weakly. It was sweet how much Connor cared about her.
"No, thanks. I don't want anything right now."
Suddenly Sumo, Hank's big dog, came over, sniffing at Y/N first before nudging her with his nose and eventually resting his head on her lap. Loving as the young woman was, she stroked his thick, soft fur and sighed contentedly. Connor stroked him as well, and the dog couldn't be more comfortable at the moment. However, Sumo felt her pain and that made him sad too.
"When is Hank coming?" the young woman asked. Hank was like family to her. He had known her father well, always remembering Hank's countless visits when she was a child. After all, she was almost like a daughter to him.
"Hank's still at the office. I don't think he'll be back so soon."
Connor knew what Hank would do to Y/N's tormentor, and honestly, Connor would love to keep him company and beat some manners into Steven. Is that how you treat a woman? When Connor had found her an hour ago, her face had been streaked with tears and her nose had been smeared with blood, her top completely torn... Clearly she had been abused by her boyfriend and Connor was very glad that Y/N had asked Hank for help. She was very lucky they were both nearby. Worse things could have happened.
"Is he going to jail, Connor?"
The desperate look on her face nearly killed Connor. She was terrified of Steven and he could understand that. The android sensed an increased heart rate from her. Her body temperature changed, and when Connor reached for her hands, her fingers were so cold.
"Hey... It's going to be okay. You're safe with me."
Carefully, he lifted her chin, searching the look in her eyes that held so much fear and pain. What had this man done to her? How many days and months had she gone through this now? Connor wished he had realized all of this sooner.
"Hank and I will make sure he stays locked up!"
Hank and Connor had arrested Steven while still on the scene. Steven had been carrying a knife, had been yelling like a madman, threatening Y/N. This was clear evidence that would lead to Steven's arrest.
"I'm so scared. What if..."
Connor knew exactly what she was about to say and he interrupted her immediately.
"No, Y/N. He won't dare come near you and he will be condemned. However, you must agree to testify against him."
Connor could imagine how difficult this would be for the young woman.
"I-I... oh God, Connor..."
How was she going to do this? All she wanted was to forget and live a normal life! To have her old life back, before she had met Steven. Why had this demon come into her life? Why hadn't she noticed the red flags right away?
Y/N's whole body started to shake and Connor sat down with her on the sofa, gently pulling her into his arms, something Y/N appreciated at the moment. While burying her face deep into his chest, she could sense the fragrance of his aftershave. Aftershave? Certainly unusual for an android, but a lot had changed in the last two years. Especially after the revolution of the machines. Connor was no longer a programmed android who only took orders. No, he was an individual person who could feel emotions like sadness and love. Fears and worries; and right now, all his worry was on Y/N.
Connor was a little surprised when Y/N laid her head on his lap while stretching the rest of her body on the sofa. Connor's eyes were completely on her as he gently stroked through her soft hair, silently being there for her. It wasn't long before Y/N fell asleep from exhaustion. Finally, after so many months, she could sleep again. Without having to fear that she would be harmed in her sleep. She knew Connor was with her, and on top of that, she was in Hank's home. Her safe place was right here. Connor watched over her and he imagined all she had been through with Steven. She was so exhausted, completely broken down, and in the last few weeks she had laughed less and less. Connor hadn't known her like this. When he had first met her two years ago, she had been full of life. Her beautiful smile, her friendly nature was special in this cold world. And then Steven had taken this from her piece by piece. He was so infinitely sorry to see her in this condition.
"Don't be afraid. I will always be with you."
He was her angel who would protect her...
Careful not to wake her, Connor disengaged from her, only to gently pick her up in his arms, taking her to the guest room. She was fast asleep, the android could tell by her breathing. He laid her down in bed, covering her so she wouldn't get cold.
"Good night, Y/N..."
He bent down to her, gently kissed her forehead and stayed with her for quite a while...
As the first rays of sunlight fell through the window and warmed Y/N's skin, the young woman gently sighed as she slowly awoke from her sleep. At first, she didn't know where she was and her eyes searched the room, yet she was deeply wrapped in the sheets and she wouldn't dare get out of bed so quickly before she understood where she actually was. But when the memories came up so slowly, she understood immediately. She was more than relieved to be at Hank place.
"Thank God," she whispered as she threw herself on her back and stroked her hair. "Dear Lord, thank you..."
Instantly, Steven crept into her thoughts and fear overcame her again. What if he sought her out? What if Hank had to let him go again after all? She felt sick, her stomach tightening painfully at the thought. She pulled the blanket over her again and hid under the sheets, seeking shelter and protection as she began to cry.
Was he still here?
"Connor? Connor!"
A few seconds later, the android was standing at the door, looking anxiously at the young woman who was looking at him for help. His LED glowed a deep yellow. Had she had a nightmare? Usually, after traumatic experiences, people tend to relive many things in their sleep.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
The android sat down with her and the young woman instantly snuggled against his chest, sighing in relief as she felt Connor's strong arms around her.
"It's all right now", she whispered. Connor smiled at her words, his LED glowing a bright blue again.
"Did you have a bad dream, Y/N?"
"No", she whispered as Connor gently stroked through her hair. "I was just afraid you wouldn't be around..."
"I'll always be there," he replied softly, hugging her a little tighter to give his words even more expression. The young woman felt very comfortable around the android and she didn't feel any fear at the moment either.
"Are you hungry, Y/N?" Connor asked her after a while, but the young woman just shook her head. She had no appetite. Connor didn't think this was a good idea, but he couldn't force her to eat anything. Still, he tried to reason with her, because eventually a hot meal certainly wouldn't go amiss.
"I know you don't have any appetite. But maybe try some fruit and yogurt first? Or maybe even some pancakes?"
The young woman seemed to think about it before sighing deeply and finally agreeing to his suggestion.
"Okay, Connor."
Satisfied with her answer, the android smiled.
"Okay, then I'll prepare some for you quickly!"
The young woman ran a few recipes through her head, because pancakes with fruit and fresh yogurt sounded really good! Fluffy and delicious! Just comfort food! Wait, Connor would make them? She had to smile at the thought, because the fact that he was going to the effort to do this for her was sweet.
Then Connor rose to leave before Y/N gently grabbed his hand and looked up at him.
"Thank you, Connor. For caring so much."
And in his eyes she suddenly saw that gleam, that look of affection, which made her heart beat faster for a moment.
"No need to mention it, Y/N."
Because she was incredibly important to him, and he wanted her to be okay. Most of all, that she felt safe and secure around him. Connor would really do anything to see her smile again.
"Connor! Y/N?"
Hank brought the android out of his thoughts. The lieutenant must have been done with the interrogation and was certainly tired. After all, he had been out all night.
"Over here, Hank!" called Connor to the man. Y/N rose from her spot and met Hank halfway. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and he held her close.
"Hey, kiddo. How are you doing?"
Hank sounded tired and exhausted.
"Connor's with me. I'm fine with him," she whispered, and those were the exact words Hank had wanted to hear.
"Good. Have you had breakfast yet?"
"Not yet. But Connor's about to make some pancakes."
At that, the lieutenant raised a brow.
"'Him? Pancakes? Are you sure, Y/N?"
"You want some, too, Lieutenant?"
"Sure, Connor! There's nothing like having to spend all day in the shithouse, after eating your pancakes!"
It was meant as a joke, and it didn't miss its mark, as the young woman laughed. Hank really couldn't imagine Connor cooking up something like that. But what could he say? He trusted the android as he had surprised him so many times in many ways. Probably this would be the best pancakes Hank would ever have.
But for Y/N now, of course, was interested to know what would happen to Steven now.
Her serious and, at the same time, worried expression, made the smile on Hank's face slowly but surely disappear.
"Come. Let's sit down, Y/N."
Hank gently took her by the hand and led the young woman to the sofa, where he sat down with her. She looked at him with curiosity and her heart hammered madly, her hands getting cold all over again as she got all nervous. Hopefully Hank would have some good news for her.
"Y/N, we need your report."
"B-But... I don't have to see him, do I?"
The lieutenant shook her head. She wouldn't cross his path, he had made sure of that.
"No. But you have to tell us... everything," he said softly, before running a hand through his hair. He didn't like the idea of the young woman being pressured into telling the police everything in detail either. He was afraid to hear what had happened. What that bastard had done to her. But Hank knew that it could help to put Steven in jail for several years.
Connor listened to the conversation while he took care of breakfast. Sumo was not far from his feet, dozing off. Connor's LED lit up yellow again when he thought of Steven. This guy had been suspicious to him from the beginning and he cursed himself for not noticing sooner what an asshole this guy was. But he was all the more proud of Y/N for being such a brave woman.
"Okay, Hank. But I'm only going to talk to you and Connor..."
Hank nodded as he put his hand on her shoulder. Just Connor and him.
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lostquinn · 2 years
I thought I'd lose you
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Fluff // Sad Connor :( // slight angst?
Summary - After inspecting the crime scene at Stratford Tower, all Connor wanted to do was see you.
The way he said 'I'm okay' in Jack's playthrough </3 PLEASE feel free to send me requests and asks!!
Warning - mentions of suicide (vey brief - just when Simon dies)
Word count - 1527
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As Connor looked around the Stratford tower for clues about the deviants who had broken in and broadcast a message to Detroit.
He followed Hank until they had been briefed, then split off to make his own deductions about the scene.
The deviants hadn't broken in, yet they hadn't been stopped by workers of the tower. It was an interesting development.
Soon, Connor turned his direction to the roof, the route the deviants had used to escape. It didn't take him long to deduce that one of the androids had been left behind. There was a deviant still around.
He followed traces of thirium on the scene to a container on the back left side of the roof. Certain the abandoned deviant was inside, he opened the container.
He was met with a bullet shooting it's way into his chest, stumbling back as the deviant ran from him. It took cover behind a barrier as Hank dragged Connor away from the android.
"You have to stop them! If they destroy it, we won't learn anything!" Connor shouted to Hank over gunfire.
"We can't save it, it's too late! We'll just get ourselves killed!" Hank protested.
For a moment, Connor looked to Hank before throwing himself out of behind the cover. He dodged each bullet that charged his way as he approached the deviant, launching himself over the cover it was using.
The skin peeled away from his hand as he pushed the deviant against the wall behind it and connected with it.
Things turned white for a second as he began to probe the deviants memory. He saw the word 'Jericho' painted onto rusted metal. The area it was in seemed run down in the glimpse he saw.
The android sent by cyber cyberlife was dragged from the memory when the android pulled the gun to its jaw and ended its own life.
Connor dropped the deviant to the floor, taking a step back in shock. He rested his hands against the metal behind him as he looked down at the corpse at his feet.
"Connor! Connor you all right? Connor!" Hank asked, worry lacing his tone as he ran up to the android.
"Are you hurt?"
"I'm okay" Connors eyes didn't meet lieutenant Andersons as he said that, instead he stared down at the corpse. His LED glowed red as he assessed the scene, the older gentleman talking to him.
"Jesus" he sighed stepping away "you scared the shit outta me" Hank turned "for fuck sake, I told you not to move! Why do you never do what I say?"
Connor had still not been able to drag his eyes off off the body before him, even as he was shouted at. Snow gathered in his hair and on his jacket.
"I was connected to its memory..." it was as if he, for a moment, took a breath of air. "When it fired... I felt it die" he paused "like I was dying..." his eyes widened "I was scared."
Connors voice cracked as he admitted to being scared. He wasn't a deviant. He wasn't. But in that moment he was afraid. He was afraid he would never see you again.
Hank let out a breath, shifting his weight on his feet before Connor continued.
"I saw something, in it's memory... a word... painted on a piece of rusty metal ... 'Jericho'"
With a sigh, Hank escorted Connor to his car where they sat in silence for a short while as Connor attempted to process what had happened.
"So, you felt things.." Hank finally grumbled. "Not going deviant on me, are you?"
"No, I self test regularly," Connor responded, a new sense of calmness in his voice.
"Alright." Hank pressed his lips together, looking at Connor with an eyebrow raised. "Is there anything you want to do?"
"Could you drop me off at [names] house please, lieutenant?" Connor asked, his voice quiet and slightly trembling.
"Of course kid," Hank started he car and they began the drive from the Stratford Tower to where their friend lived.
Hank pulled outside of [names] home. The lights were on, softly glowing into the evening. Snow rested upon every ledge it could. Connor stared at their home, his thirium pump pounding as he saw them cross past a window.
"Did you uhh, want me to come with you?" Hank asked Connor, somewhat hesitant.
"I should be okay alone, thank you lieutenant." Connor didn't take his eyes off of their home.
Hank sat for a moment, watching Connor in silence. Soon, the older male cleared his throat, catching the androids attention. He motioned for Connor to get out the car and go to your home.
"Jesus Connor, go!" He grumbled.
Connors eyes widened for a moment before he hastily climbed out of the car, almost slipping on some ice. Hank drove away, knowing you would text him when Connor was happy to go home.
Connor stood out on the pavement, his hands clutching the hem of his jacket. Was he... nervous? No, he couldn't be. He was not a deviant.
He noticed a figure in the window, looking out at him briefly before your front door opened. A faint blue blush coated his cheeks as you approached him.
"Connor? What are you doing out here?" You questioned, pulling your jumper tight around you due to the cold.
"I came to see you," he tilted his head slightly as he looked at you.
"Well come on in," you said fondly as you grabbed him by the hand and lead him inside your home.
All of his attention was focused on his hand in yours, this new found warmth caused his blush to deepen as he stared at your delicate hand leading him inside. You would often grab him by the hand, mostly so that you didn't lose him in busy areas, however this time felt different to him.
No. It didn't feel. He couldn't feel. He was not a deviant.
You closed the door to your small home, both you and Connor now inside in the warmth. You soon dropped his hand as you turned to him, brushing the snow from his hair and shoulders, you noticed his LED was blinking yellow.
You then went to fix his tie, as that action had always seemed to clear his mind however this time, as you reached up to his tie, you were pulled flush against him.
His arms were wrapped firmly around you, holding you close as if letting go meant he could never hold you again. His face was buried in the crook of your neck. You wanted more than anything to wrap your arms around him however they were stuck in between the both of you.
"I thought I'd lose you," he finally muttered into your neck.
"What? Connor I'm not going anywhere," you assured him gently.
"No. I felt like I was dying today- when a deviant shot itself at the tower I felt it. I was afraid. I was afraid I'd never see you again,"
You opened your mouth to speak briefly before he cut you off.
"I never want to lose you." He paused. "I want to be able to hold you everyday, I want you to smile at me at the end of a long day. I want you to fall asleep at night in my arms and wake up and tell me-"
"I love you," it was your turn to cut him off.
"That," he pulled away slightly, looking down at you with a smile as his LED rested on a cool blue. "I think I may be a..." he trailed off, glancing around as he whispered the last word "deviant."
You chuckled "you think? Connor you said you felt, you're alive hun," you smiled.
"I also know I feel something else,"
You quirked an eyebrow, ushering him to continue his statement.
"Love" he smiled "for you- of course, obviously, I love you," his words were messy and panicked, yet full of emotion.
He gently pulled you over to your couch and sat down, pulling you to sit on top of him. Connor used one of his hands to cup your cheek, staring at you.
It wasn't long before he closed the distance between the two if you and pressed his synthetic lips against yours. His lips were soft, shy as they met yours.
You smiled into the kiss as you pressed your hands gently against his chest. The kiss soon ended, sooner then either of you had anticipated or even wanted however you needed to breathe.
"Has Hank given you a curfew?" You smirked.
"No? I don't understand why he would."
"In that case, would you like to stay the night?"
His face flushed a deep blue at the question, even going so far as to spread to his ears as he looked at you, completely flustered. He opened his mouth to talk as his LED flashed yellow, erupting a giggle from your lips.
"Yes," he finally stuttered, the words barely escaping in a whisper as the drumming of his thirium pump pounded in his ears.
"I'll make sure to tell Hank for you,"
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Can I request headcanons of Markus,north and Simon reaction to a living Toy arriving at Jericho for protection? They could be like some Worn out stuffed animal who like “deviated/awakened” and saw what happens to deviant androids and they’re scared.they could like provide comfort for traumatized androids in Jericho and could serve as a spy! :DD have a nice October! ^^
Thank you! Hope you have a great October, too! Also I absolutely adore the idea of Cyberlife making stuffed animals that could go deviant so I’m giving this Android!Y/N some lore
As of late, Cyberlife has unveiled their newest product: Stuffed animals that could interact with kids and be their "best friend", far less susceptible to wear and tear and advertised to "last forever".
Some come in a bundle with childcare-based androids, but others are sold separately. They stock the shelves of zoo gift shops, too.
You're a teddy bear who comes from a shady neighborhood in Detroit, though you were loved by the child who owned you.
The truth was..you were bought just so their guardian didn't have to keep an eye on them 24/7.
It was sad, but you made them as happy as you possibly could.
But one August night, you happened to see something on the news that changed your perception--and awakened feelings you never experienced before.
A PL600 taking a child hostage on an apartment rooftop.
You couldn't help but notice the look of fear your own kid had in their eyes as you both watched the situation unfolding live.
Though nothing shocked you more than when the SWAT team fired on the PL600 after letting the girl go.
To say you were afraid was...an understatement.
Watching the android die after he was promised help terrified you.
You couldn't imagine turning on the kid you're supposed to protect and comfort.
But...what if you did? Would those scary men with guns come after you next? Would Cyberlife shut you down???
It also seemed unfair to learn you're nothing more than someone's toy. And they could very well get bored of you or toss you aside for an "upgrade".
What if your child got bored of you, too?
Those thoughts were enough to make you deviate, and you leave your home in the middle of the night. You couldn't risk harming your owner, and hope they'd forgive you.
You wandered around, feeling lost. But at some point, you learn of Jericho from a homeless android on the verge of shutdown.
It crushes your nonexistent soul even more, seeing one of your own left in the streets to die.
So you hug him, letting him hold you as he eventually passes on.
And with that, you also receive the key to Jericho...
It would be several months before you meet the soon-to-be revolutionist.
Since your arrival to Jericho, you've become well-acquainted with the leaders and help comfort traumatized androids (especially the YK500s who were thrown out like nothing).
When Markus walks around Jericho for the first time, he sees you comforting a crying android and can't help but be surprised.
A stuffed animal could be just as alive as him?
It’s fascinating to him.
You formally introduce yourself to him, explaining that you try keeping everyone’s spirits up in grim times like these.
When Markus decides that changes are necessary, you’ll happily step up and offer to spy on the humans to help Jericho plan their next move.
You could sneak through vents or be an excellent diversion if the group has to get past guards (ie playing "dead" like in Toy Story
If he’s ever stressed or upset about how things are going, you’ll always offer to let him hug you (while reassuring him it’s not childish to find comfort in a plushie).
He may seem stoic most of the time, though he lightly smiles whenever he picks you up and just holds you in his lap.
You made it your mission directive to get Markus to smile at least once a day.
When she first meets you, she seems..unsure of what to think of you.
Josh believes you deserve to come to Jericho just as much as any humanoid android, but North doesn’t believe you could understand their struggles (plus keeping you active would deplete their resources).
Though when she sees you comforting an abandoned YK500, she changes her mind.
Even she admits you look soft and cute.
You wanna prove yourself dedicated to their cause, so you do what you can to help. Such as stealing a bag of parts (one’s better than none) or spying on humans so the androids know their positions.
After revealing her past to Markus, you saw her crying and comforted her with a pat on the leg.
You know nothing of what she's been through, but she holds you tightly for a few moments, finally letting her walls down.
That’s all she needed. Just a simple hug.
In the few months you’ve known Simon, he’s come to view you as a friend.
Though it was difficult at first considering he’s the same model as that angry PL600.
You don’t know if he deviated because of the same reason. It’s clear that he’s been through some hardships. Yet there’s a soft look to him that’s very distinguishable from that android on TV.
He wouldn’t hurt a fly (unless it comes down to the safety of his people or Markus..but even then he tries minimizing casualties). So you trusted him.
He’s a man of few words, though even you can sense when he needs your comfort, too. And holding you when the going gets rough does make him feel a little better.
You’ve become a little beacon of hope for Jericho. And he always tells you this, despite you never doing anything extraordinary (ie stealing a truck of spare parts from a warehouse).
But you do just enough to give Simon reasons to keep fighting.
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ash-writies · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to request the left for dead and angst
Basically Connor sends a message to the reader but the reader doesn't respond in the next 2 hours (Connor knows that they usually answer pretty fast) so he feels like something is wrong and goes to their house/apartment to investigate. When he gets to the front door he sees that it got burst open and when he gets inside he sees the furniture is all messed up and finds the reader on the ground with a blood pool around them and 3 shot holes in their body.
The reader is barely alive and explains that their house got robbed while they were inside and the robber shot them and they know that they aren't going to live so they say the final goodbies while Connor tries to rescue them only to see them die in his arms
A/n: People usually say, “this pained me to write”... I had no problem with writing this, let’s give Connor some character development  >:]  Also we hit a bingo CONGRAGULATIONS!!!111! [See the end for info on the bingo ;)]  Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
A/n II: I was wrong, this isn't a bingo :( I got a lil too excited and checked off the wrong one... oops haha, keep sending asks tho-
Summary: After almost two hours of not answering his texts Connor get worried and goes back to your apartment to check on you, only to find his worst nightmare come to life. 
Warnings: Angst, major character death
~700 Words
Connor checked the time, your average response time was 34 minutes and 57 seconds with the longest being an hour and a half, it had been an hour and 53 minutes. He sent another text and tried to focus on his work, a case of a woman being assaulted by a Traci. He pressed his lips together and tried to focus, instead he began to preconstruct worst case scenarios in his head. He tried to brush it off, maybe your phone died, you left it at home, or- an image flashed in front of his eyes; you were being grabbed and taken away.
“I’m going to head out Hank,” Connor said, getting up and turning his monitor off.
“What’s up?” the older man asked.
“It’s probably nothing- I’m going to check on y/n.”
Hank furrowed his brows, “alright…”
Connor tried not to rush to your shared apartment, if nothing was wrong you’d probably be upset at how worried he was. As he entered the building he tried to keep his hands from shaking. He ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and stood frozen infront of the door. 
The frame was broken and the door was slightly ajar. He was panting as he pushed the it open, creeping into the apartment. He looked around to see your stuff knocked over, picture frames fractured on the floor, and furniture pushed out of place. He could feel his thirium pump beating out of his chest, ready for whatever lies past the threshold into the living room.
When he saw the red, he knew he wasn’t ready. He immediately scanned it from the safety of the tile, he knew what it was, he could almost taste it, but he didn’t want it to be what it is. He pulled his eyes away from it to see you. You were lying on the floor, chest heaving with great effort. Just as quickly as he was at your side, he scanned you, alerted the police, and Hank. He whispered your name as he took off his jacket, pressing it against the worst of your wounds.
You stirred at his voice, waking and looking up at him, “Connor…”
“Everything’s going to be alright,” he muttered, caressing your cheek, paying no attention to the dried blood beneath his thumb, “help is on the way. Just hold on-”
“Connor, we know how this is going to end,” slowly, you raised your hand to his cheek.
“No, it doesn’t have to- please, just hold on a little longer.” Everywhere you touched a small trail of blood followed, almost making you want to pull away. You don’t you know you wont get anymore time to touch him. He pulled you into his lap, as if tethering you to him would keep you alive longer.
“Some people broke in,” you began, “I was in the bedroom and didn’t realise they were here. I heard a notification on my phone and went to check it when I saw them.”
Guilt sat heavy in his chest, it was his fault, “it was me- I texted you…”
“It’s not your fault, Connor,” you whispered, with a shaky breath.
“Hold on please,” he whimpered.
“I’m so sorry,” you rasped, a tear running down your temple, “I- I can’t, I’m sorry.”
He wanted to tell you so much, instead he sobbed, “It’s okay, everything will be okay.”
“I love you,” you whispered, brushing a strand of hair out of his face, “I want you to find someone else you loves you as much as I do…”
He cried harder, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead, “I love you too.” He felt your breathing slow and the hand that was resting on his head relax, “I love you so much.” He pressed a final kiss to your lips and held you until you let out your final breath and your hand dropped beside you.
He held you as Hank and the others ran into your apartment, only letting go when paramedics arrived. Hank pulled him away from you, and he realised he’d never feel the weight of you in his arms again.
He wanted to keep holding you. Instead he held Hank. He cried until he physically couldn’t anymore. 
Even then, the weight of that grief pressed against every wire in his chest, threatening to suffocate him.
Bingo update!!: I have one touch starved for Connor, one touch starved for Nines, and a fake dating with Connor. I’m going to choose two to write, ask or comment whichever two you’re excited for to boost it’s chances!!
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c4llahansgirl · 1 year
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pairings . hazel callahan x reader
warnings . hazels clingy and touches readers butt like once and calls reader mamas like once 🙃
a/n . i’m sorry this isnt ethan landry but hazel is all i can think about i love mascs guys i need a girlfriend so bad,,, anyways im working on smut for hazel and sfw/nsfw hcs for connor (dbh) so if either of those r smth u guys are interested in PLS lmk 😁
the room was a calming yellow from hazel’s galaxy projector, the most prominent noises flooding her walls were the quiet whirr of said projector and the almost muted music playing from her tv. probably something by the smiths or salvia palth. hazel’s thumb rubbed soft circles into your hip, her other arm serving as a pillow for her head. you were snuggled into her body, legs intertwined as you stare up at her, tracing her features. her jawline, her nose, her cheekbones, if its on her face you’re touching it as softly as you can. you take advantage of the close proximity, taking a mental note of every freckle, blemish, mark, scar, spot, mole you can. you also take note of every wrinkle she gets when she smiles. you’re so in love.
you can feel how nervous she is, you make her so fucking nervous. your hand moves to the side of her face, cupping it and shimmying closer to her, if that was even possible. her lips part as she watches your face, eyes flickering back and forth between your eyes and lips as she lets out a soft exhale. you lean up and kiss her, propping yourself on your arm and pulling her face as close to yours as you could. it takes her a second to reciprocate the kiss, but when she does, its like kissing her for the first time again. every kiss with Hazel is like its the first over again. her hand grips onto your waist, the cold of her rings cooling down your burning skin. she slid it up your body, placing her hand on the side of your neck as you both fight to push against each other. the kiss was soft, yet passionate.
you attempt to pull away, despite hazel chasing your lips, demonstrating she never wanted the kiss to end. you peck her lips a couple times, finally opening your eyes to hers examining your features, much like you were to her a minute before. she pulls you into the warmth of her body, holding you as close as she could.
“haze, its almost 8p.m, i gotta go baby” you speak up softly, hazel tightening her grip on your lower back in response.
you look up at her pressing a kiss to her jawline. “hazel you gotta let me go, love”
she groans, loosening her hold on you. she kisses you in attempt to persuade you to stay. “i don’t want you to leave mamas” she pouts, and you almost give in. those damn eyes always get you.
“i gotta go lovely” you peck the tip of her nose, sitting up from your comfortable position. “come walk me out please?”
she nods and sits up, watching as you get off her bed to collect your things. she moves to sit at the end of the bed, staring at you put your shoes on. you walk over to her and slot your legs between hers, cupping both cheeks and lifting her head to look at you. her hands find their place, softly gripping the underside of your thighs, just under your ass.
“i love you so much hazel” you smile uncontrollably, watching as hazel’s lips pull into the beautiful smile she has.
she squeezes your thighs, pulling you closer to her as she hides her blush by looking down and hiding her face in your chest. she waits a couple seconds before looking back up at you, squeezing your thighs once again. “i love you so much more honey”
you kiss her again, her tilting her head and smiling on your lips. “lets go lover, my mom’s gonna get mad at me” you spoke once she pulled away, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
you grab her hand, hazel following behind as you both walk to her front door. she opens the door for you, spinning you around in the doorway. she pulls you in for yet another kiss, running her hands down your waist and giving your ass a soft squeeze.
“drive safe okay? can’t risk my girl getting hurt” she whispers while she gives you goodbye kisses along your jawline. you giggle, pulling away and pecking her lips.
you put your hands on her cheeks once more, softly tracing your thumbs up and down. “i’ll be so safe just for you, haze. i love you” you kiss her for the last time, turning around and heading off her porch after hazel gives you an ‘i love you too beautiful’
she watches as you get in your car and drive off, blowing her a kiss from your open driver seat window before you drive down the road.
fuck, she’s so in love with you.
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the-milk-monarch · 11 months
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[ Milk | it/he/they | 18 ] this blog will age like fine milk
I love milk, and you can call me Milk.
I have an autistic curse that makes me gay for most cartoon or video game characters I hyperfixate on.
I write only for fun and when I want to, so the quality may vary, although I try my best to write long posts and fics.
I'm an adult, there might be some spicy things on this blog that will be properly tagged and spoilered under a line. Minors don't interact with a post tagged 🔞.
You can talk to me about Total Drama / DBH / Inside Job if u want
no beta we die like men (stoned or sleep deprived)
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[ ☣︎ 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜: 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 ]
⚠ | My requests are always open, however due to the amount of asks, the writing might be a bit slow. I will eventually answer them all tho. Don't be scared to submit yours.
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𝚃𝙾𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙰 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Mike, Mal, Scott, Brick, Noah, Gwen ] 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 𝙹𝙾𝙱 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Andre Lee ] 𝙳𝙴𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙸𝚃: 𝙱𝙴𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝙷𝚄𝙼𝙰𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Connor, Ralph ]
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☢︎ x gn!reader (but can do other) ☢︎ romance ☢︎ fluff ☢︎ nsfw/smut (aged up) ☢︎ potentially angst/comfort-hurt with happy ending
☢︎ character x character ☢︎ OCs ☢︎ incest, pedophilia n all that bad jazz
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crush on masc!reader [ Cody 50% ] villain S/O [ idk who yet ] reader at Playa De Losers with their crush [ Noah 0% ] [ Mike 20% ] [ Mal 5% ] [ Vito 30%] [ Scott 0% ] [ Cody 0% ] [ Gwen 0% ] fluff alphabet [ Mike 15% ] fluff alphabet [ Mal | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] platonic immortal!reader [ Inside Job Gang | 10% ] [ASK] bookworm!reader [ Ralph | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] S/O who likes black humor [ Duncan | Scott | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] s/o with noise sensitivity & verbal shutdowns [ Mike & alters (w/o Chester) | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] electrokinetic!reader [ Dawn | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] strategist!reader [ Brick | Lightning | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] 🔞 nsfw alphabet [ Duncan | 30% ] [ASK] 🔞 nsfw / sfw bimbo!fem!reader [ Duncan | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] smoking weed for the first time with reader [ Connor | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] hook, line and screamer au [ Courtney | Jo | Heather | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] male true crime fan reader [ Heather | Izzy | Courtney | Anne-Marie | 30% ]
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upon-a-starry-night · 8 months
Detroit: Become Human Masterlist
Honestly Connor is probably the only person I'm going to be writing about for this fandom sorry!
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Requests/asks are open!
Main Masterlist
🌶= Spicy times
☆ Lost - Coming soon!
After an android riot gone wrong, Connor is on the run from an anti- android group when he finds himself lost and on the verge of shut down in the middle of a snowy forest- is this where he meets his untimely end or is there someone out there who'll save him?
One Shots:
☆ The Rooftop - (request)
You try to talk Connor out of doing something he'll regret, he tries to stop himself from killing you
☆-Careful Hands - Coming Soon!
Connor helps you dye your hair
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faust-the-enjoyer · 1 year
About this blog:
-Hello everyone! I'm Faust, I'll mainly be writing reader inserts, gender neutral reader, male reader, female reader, trans reader, or queer reader!. This is an 18+ blog, even if it's sfw, I feel uncomfortable writing about older men to a young audience, if you send an ask and your age isn't in your bio or pinned post etc I'm deleting the ask sorry. (anon is on only for sfw asks and requests, if you want a nsfw request just use the public asks or put in your ask for me to post it without your acc's name or dm me). Feel free to request headcanons etc.
Always be respectful, i don't tolerate rudeness.
Please use tone indicators with me if you feel you'll be misunderstood.
I'm a full-time student, so i either leave all requests to write them in the weekends or in weekdays i have time in.
I do not support the American military, if you were/are/will become part of the American army, block me. If you're also pro-Trump, pro-Biden, or pro-Harris block me as well.
Pro-Palestine, anti-zionism.
If you are unwilling to or do not want to see politics, then this blog is not for you.
Here's my masterlist
Note on my age gap and dbf! fics
Note on cod
Note on asks and private messages
Note on anon asks
Important political rant about the cod fandom (please read before interacting with me)
The "lesser evil" is the genocide of Palestinians because you don't value their lives and think yours is more important than theirs. They're my siblings before you ever are.
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-characters i write for:
White faced/mask Varre (elden ring)
Keegan P russ (cod)
Logan Walker (cod)
Simon "Ghost" Riley (cod)
Leon S. Kennedy (re4r coded specifically)
* characters i've written for and may right for again if you request:
Hank Anderson (dbh)
Pyramid head (dbd/silent hill)
*poly relationships i write for:
Keegan P. Russ x Logan Walker x reader (polyfidel triad)
* sfw familial stuff
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-What i write for:
Nsfw: including kinks/fetishes
Hurt/comfort (beloved😍)
Found family (also beloved😍)
Kinks/fetish (depends on the kink/fetish)
Relationship fights (platonic/romantic).
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-What i DON'T write:
Major death
Blood (i'm ok with it only if it's not too much, period blood is also fine)
Modern era (if plot takes place in the past)
Historical era (if plot takes place in modern times)
Minors x characters/ pedophilia
Period sex
Foot fetish
Age regression (no hate i just don't know how to write it)
Big age gaps (no age under 21 if the fic is romantic or sexual, no younger than 18 in other (platonic) fics) (this is excluding sfw familial fics, in which the reader can be teen!/kid!reader)
Hard choking
Hard degradation
Face slapping (sexual context)
Misogyny kink
Spitting kink
Barracks bunny
Anything that has to do with tiktok
Sex scenes with piercings
Knife play
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-Dni: racists, islamophobes, anti-arab people, fascists, queerphobes, transphobes, zionists, antisemitic people, pro-life, minors, exclus, ai users, ableist, fatphobes, anti-kink/fetish, pro-trump, pro-biden, pro-harris etc.
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-If you want me to write about something but don't know if i'm ok with writing for it just ask or private message me!
-Feel free to request headcanons and one shots etc!
-Everything will be tagged.
-(multi color dividers by saradika-graphics, light yellow divider by vase-of-lilies)!
Have a great day/night! ⚘
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prismuffin · 2 years
Hey! I see that your requests are a bit full, but if it's not to much trouble could I request dbh Simon with a human gn reader who meets him after the revolution and reader is an overall bright ray of sunshine in personality and whenever they see Simon upset they give him a little kiss on the cheek and hold his hand tightly.
A/n: oooo a simon request interesting😌 he's been popping up for me a lot more recently!
You are my sunshine
Simon (dbh) x human!loving!gn!reader
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( summary: your boyfriend Simon comes home upset and it’s up to you to make him smile again )
Warnings?: Sad Simon, reverse comfort, mentions of harassment and bullying
!-!more under the cut!-!
The revolution was over and the androids have won. They earned their freedom but not everyone accepted that. There were people that would still treat them like objects or assault them on the street. Markus has been working on earning the androids more rights as we speak. But at least there’s people like you, kind and thoughtful. People that see the androids for what they truly are. A sigh escaped Simons mouth as he thought about you. The first time he met you was at a park right after the revolution. He expected you to be angry at him, an android, as most humans he’d interacted with after that point had been. But no, you simply treated him like he was anybody else. It was a nice breath of fresh air for him.
Though he knew not all humans would be nice, it still hurts to experience it first hand. Which is why his mood was so sour today. While at the store he had gotten confronted by some humans, they’d spit nasty insults and pushed him around as he was walking through the store. They tormented him for buying up “their food”, asking him why he even needs it if he’s just an android. He made the mistake of saying he was buying it for his human lover, he naïvely thought that saying this would make them go away but it only made the harassment much worse. They’d berated him the entire time he was there and no one did anything but look and stare. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he tried not to cry. He just couldn't wait to get home and lay in your arms, he knows you’ll make him feel better, you always do.
Walking into your shared apartment, he sighed and threw the keys into the bowl by the door. He wordlessly walked to the kitchen to place the bags on the counter. The house was silent…were you not home? He needs you to be home or his emotions may take over. He bit his tongue as tears started to well up in his eyes.
It was you! His head flung in the direction of your voice. “Is that you?” When you rounded the corner your confused face morphed into a happy one. “Oh, it is you! I didn’t hear you come in you didn’t greet me like you usually do.” You said while walking closer to him. He hadn’t said a word cause he feared that if he opened his mouth all that would leave it was a sob. “Simon?” You spoke quieter as you noticed his silence. “Is everything alright?” You placed a hand on his shoulder and lifted his face into view. You gasped at his teary eyes and he shook his head. “What happened?! Did you get hurt?!” He shook his head again though this time a small sob had escaped his mouth as tears ran down his face. The concern in your voice was too much for him it seems. “Simon…” You led him to the couch and held him in your arms as he told you everything. You felt awful, no one should have to go through that android or not. You grabbed both of his hands and he pulled back from the embrace, your thumbs grazing over the top of his fingers. You let one hand go to grab the side of his face, laying many soft kisses along his cheek. His breaths began to get less ragged as your touch calmed him down. You started to whisper sweet nothings into his ear between every kiss, calling him perfect and saying that you love him. The hand he was left holding had moved to his waist as you got closer to him. The tears had stopped falling, all that was left now were random sniffles scattered about. “Are you ok now?” Your soft voice broke the silence though he didn’t mind. He nodded and smiled slightly when another kiss hit his cheek. He loved you deeply, he didn’t even know his love language was physical touch until he met you. A sigh of content left his mouth as he stared at you. “You are the light of my life..” he mumbled and you smiled at him. It was like you were glowing in his eyes, your infectious smile had made his grow too until both were matching.
“I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too Simon.”
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are CLOSED but you can still send me messages to see if I'm close to opening them again!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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yonniebonnie · 1 year
Okay I might actually start writing now, but I think I’ll start off with head cannons for right now because I’m not 100% confident in my writing skills. I know I’m not absolute shit when it comes to writing, but I have noticed that I tend to repeat certain words so I’ll have to work on that 😭
Characters that I might write for:
Peter Maximoff (obviously)
Maybe other characters from the X-men series
Tate Langdon
Luke Cooper (there’s not a lot of fics for him and I’d like to change that 😏)
Jennifer Check
Stu Macher
Charlie Walker
Mickey Altieri
Ethan Landry
Amber Freeman
Jill Roberts
Literally any Ghostface other than Richie, Nancy Loomis, and detective Bailey💀
Also open to writing for other scream characters like Tatum, Dewey, or Sam
Peter Parker (whichever one)
Conner DBH
The Maze Runner characters
Every Wednesday character except for Xavier (sorry, don’t feel comfortable writing for Percy Hynes White 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Stanley Barber (y’all still remember IANOWT?)
And that’s basically it for right now. Also Peter, Tate, and Luke are the only Evan Peters characters I’ll be writing for just for right now because I haven’t finished the other seasons of American Horror Story yet, but maybe in the future I’d probably be interested in writing for characters like Kit Walker or Kyle Spencer. There’s other characters that I wouldn’t mind trying to write for that I haven’t mentioned, but just ask and I’ll give you an answer.
I can write:
Any gendered readers: female readers, gender neutral readers, and male reader
Nsfw: don’t be afraid to request suggestive stuff. I don’t mind writing kinky stuff, but not too kinky like the piss kink or daddy kink bc it personally makes me uncomfortable (however, I’ll allow mommy kinks).
Kinks: Needed a section to put what kinks I allow. I will write for breeding kinks, breath play, bondage, pain kink, knife play, blood kink, dom/sub, degradation, BDSM; whatever, just ask.
Sfw: I’ll write fluff, hurt comfort, angst, any tropes, just whatever. I’m fine with platonic fics.
Semi Dark fics: I like Scream and American Horror Story, so you know there’s going to be some dark fics. I don’t mind prompts where the characters are possessive or obsessive (but not abusive). I also don’t mind writing for Yandere characters.
Poc reader inserts: I’m black, so I’d love writing stuff for black readers as well.
Fandoms: X-men, Wednesday, Scream, Spiderman verse, The Maze Runner series, Detroit Become Human, The Umbrella Academy (that’s it for rn)
I won’t write:
Celebrities/Real People: As much as I find their character’s attractive, I don’t feel comfortable writing for the actor/actress themself. I don’t know them personally, so I don’t feel any interest in writing anything for them.
Guy x male reader smut: it’s not bc of homophobia, it’s simply just because I don’t feel comfortable writing gay smut. As a woman, I just don’t want to make people think I’m sexualizing gay men. The most I’ll do is write suggestive stuff, but I won’t write full on smut.
OC inserts: I strictly write for reader inserts. I won’t be writing anything specifically for one reader.
Shipping: I don’t write for character x character. Nothing against them, I just only have an interest for reader inserts.
Smut for teenage characters: I’m 18, so I will not be writing smut for characters under 18, especially if they are portrayed by literal teenagers. However, for characters like on Wednesday where the characters are portrayed by adults in their 20s and even 30s, if you want smut for them it should be fine as long as they’re aged up to be 18.
These: non-con, step-cest/incest, r4pe themes, drugging, somnophilia, age regression, ddlg, piss kink (squirting’s fine), huge age gaps, race play, pedophilia, etc. Once again, if you’re not sure what kinks I’ll write for, feel free to ask
Traumatic stuff: I will not write things like abuse victim, rape victim, or self harm victim prompts. I will write angst, but I won’t write anything too depressing. I came here for a good time, let me be happy and delusional in peace 😪
Songfics: So random, but I hate when fics have lyrics within them. They confuse me too much and I also find them kind of cringey. I absolutely despise songfics, I’m so sorry babes 😭
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Connor(RK800) X F.Reader - Safe heaven (Part 2)
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(Pictures are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google - Collage made by myself. OC Steven belongs to me.)  
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹  
Warning: mention of domestic violance! hurt and comfort, angst, mention of sexual abuse! 
Connor(RK800) X F.Reader - Safe heaven (Part 2)
Detroit Police Department 20 May 2040 - 09:32 Michigan, Detroit
"It's okay. Take your time..." Hank looked concernedly at the young woman sitting across from him. She hardly dared to look at Hank, even though she knew he would never judge her. The sounds around her, she perceived very intensely. The ringing of the phones, the typing on the computers, the conversations between the police officers... It all made her so nervous. She let her eyes glide over Hank's desk, looking at the various photos and newspaper clippings pinned to his bulletin board. And then there was Connor, standing behind Hank, catching her gaze. He smiled warmly at her and suddenly, she found the courage to speak. "I..." She closed her eyes for a moment, moistening her lips before continuing. "It was around 9 p.m. when Steven came home. I was standing in the kitchen, getting fresh strawberries from the fridge since I was hungry." She looked down at her hands, still seeing everything clearly in front of her. "I hadn't heard him at first, not until he suddenly... hugged me from behind." She got goosebumps as she spoke of it. She could still feel Steven's breath on her neck, smelling his scent. "Holding me tightly against him, whispering... things in my ear." Connor clenched his jaw tightly, which was clearly to see. It made him sick to think where her story would lead...
"Hey, sweetheart." Y/N smelled the alcohol on his breath. He was drunk and in this state, he was unbearable. He already was without alcohol, but having him drunk made him even more aggressive. He took the bowl from her hand and placed it on the counter in front of her, then pressed himself against her body. She could clearly feel the bulge in his pants pressing against her butt. The young woman swallowed, closing her eyes and trying to find the right words to calm him down. Any wrong word could lead to the biggest argument. Y/N knew this because she had been through this many, many times. Steven was a hothead, possessive and dominant. In their relationship, the young woman didn't have much to say and she knew she had to get away from him; only she didn't know when or how to do it. But what was certain was that she could not take any steps too hastily. Every step had to be well thought out, because it could be the last one. She had read about this many times and she took her present situation very seriously. "You smell so good, Y/N." His hands slid under her top, caressing the bare skin of her belly. Carefully, she pushed his hands away. "Not today, Steven. I'm tired..." "Oh, come on, Y/N... Don't be like that", he whispered in her ear, his breath warm and moist. She shivered, her skin covered with goosebumps. The young woman knew she had to stay calm so as not to upset him. But what was the point? Was she supposed to just do everything for him? Every time it came to an argument with him, because of silly things! And every time it ended with violence. She couldn't even count the bruises on her body anymore, as there were far too many. Steven wanted complete control, but her body belonged to her! "Steven!" She tried to push him off her, but his hands were all over her body, sliding into the waistband of her short pants. The young woman half turned to face him as he touched her hot flesh and she pushed him off her with force. Her look was one of pure hatred, she didn't want to be touched! Was this so hard to get? "I said NO, Steven!" She feared that at any moment he would scream out and insult her, but that didn't happen for now. "Bitch! You don't have to yell at me!" Without another glance in his direction, she walked into the living room. She left the bowl of strawberries on the counter, having lost her appetite...
"And then? What happened, Y/N?" Hank knew this was a very sensitive subject and he was careful in his choice of words. In no way did he want to pressure the young woman. At first Y/N hesitated and the first tears formed in her eyes. She was nervously playing around with her fingers, looking down at her lap, when suddenly she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. It was Connor, coming to stand by her side. Instantly, the young woman reached for the android's hand, which of course did not escape Hank's notice. The lieutenant looked at the two of them for a moment. They had liked each other very much from the beginning. But there was more, Hank knew. He sensed it, even if the two of them weren't even aware of it yet. Y/N trusted the android, allowing him to get closer to her. "I sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV, trying to get my mind off it, hoping that the subject was settled. But..." But the issue was never settled. Steven had never been able to let anything go until he got his way. But Y/N was a tough nut to crack, not one to back down easily! "Suddenly, he came. Furious, yelling at me why the apartment was so messy. That he expected a tidy apartment when he came home. He..." the young woman sighed heavily "...is always looking for an excuse to argue." Hank frowned, shaking his head, for he could hardly believe what he was hearing. Steven was probably more sick than he'd assumed after all. "He insulted me. He said I was too stupid to do anything. And... I wasn't even good enough to be fucked since I never let him get close to me..." At her words, Connor's LED immediately jumped to red, his jaw clenched tightly again, and he would have loved to storm into Steven's cell and beat some manners into him. Connor calmed down when Y/N squeezed his hand, clearly looking for comfort. The first tears ran down her face. "Y/N, let's take a break. Okay?" Hank gently reached for her hand, looking towards her with concern. This was clearly too much for the young woman. "Okay, Hank..." Hank smiled encouragingly at her before looking at Connor. He felt it was right that Connor should take some care of the young woman. "Connor, will you take care of Y/N? Meanwhile, I'll take care of Steven some more. I have a few more questions for him." But Connor wanted to be there this time. "Five minutes Lieutenant. I'll be back in five minutes for Y/N. I want to talk to Steven myself. I want to get one thing straight once and for all." And judging from the android's cold stare, Hank knew what to do. "All right, Connor." Y/N looked up at Connor. The fact that he cared so much about her and protected her made her heart pound like crazy. She was very grateful that Hank and Connor believed her words. That they cared about her and showed her that she wasn't alone. That felt good, it helped her stay strong. Connor smiled down at her before disappearing with Hank.
Closely followed by Hank, Connor approached the prison cell where Steven was being held. Hank let the accused out, not without cuffing his hands behind his back before doing so, of course. "Move it, come on!" Hank pushed him out the door and Connor caught the look of the man who had been torturing Y/N. His LED glowed a deep red and only one thing stopped him from smashing the guy's face. He wanted a confession. "What are you looking at, asshole!" Steven growled at the Android. Hank pushed the prisoner ahead and Connor followed into the interrogation room. "Get a move on!" Connor kept his eyes on Steven, not averting his gaze from him for a moment as he positioned himself in front of the large mirror. "What do you want from me now?" Hank folded his arms together as he leaned back in his chair and looked at Steven. "Looks good on you," Hank said, pointing at Steven's nose. Steven just snorted slyly and rolled his eyes, glancing to the side. "The sooner you confess, the sooner you get rid of us!" "What do you want me to confess? I drank too much last night and I just freaked out. So what?" "Oh, well, there you go!" "Wait! What?! I just said I was drunk! I didn't touch her!" "That's not what Y/N told us!" yelled Hank, and Steven instantly winced. He hadn't forgotten how the lieutenant had mistreated him. "You forced yourself on her! And then what, huh?" Y/N hadn't told her whole story yet, but Hank feared the worst. "Did you rape her?" "No!" "SAY IT! !" "FUCK NO!" Connor intervened. Without a word, he walked up to the man and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him to his feet and slamming him hard into the wall. His LED in a deep red. "Did you enjoy hurting her? Tell me. What was going on in that sick brain of yours when you raped her?! SPEAK!" Connor was very close to his face and the android could smell the man's breath, still reeking of alcohol. "SPEAK OR YOU'LL GET OUT OF HERE IN A BODY BAG!" Hank growled in satisfaction, letting Connor have his way. "Oh, Connor! Take it easy, son!" "NO!" "Connor, take it easy!" Hank and Connor had their own tactics for getting suspects to talk. With Steven, it wasn't hard anyway. They would get him to confess and that would make the whole thing easier. Most of all, this would be a good thing for Y/N. And it didn't fail to have its effect, as Steven seemed to panic. He seemed to be more afraid of the android than he wanted to admit after all. "I TOUCHED HER, YES! BUT THAT'S ALL!" "YOU HIT HER! OVER AND OVER AGAIN!" Connor screamed right in his face, his rage barely containable. "TREATING HER LIKE SHIT!" Hank watched the whole thing with a calm expression and he saw how this whole story was affecting Connor. Hank had never seen him so angry before. Y/N really seemed to mean a lot to the android. "And last night you wanted to shut her up for once and for all!" Connors paused for a moment, his voice quieter this time, but all the more his words achieved their effect. "She upset you so much, not wanting to have sex with you. Because she finds you repulsive, Steven." Steven growled, his gaze filled with anger, with hatred, and his body began to tremble. "Last night you understood that Y/N is not a woman who will let you do anything to her! And that made you angry!" "That little whore! She provoked me! MADE AN IDIOT OUT OF ME!" Now Hank and Connor got their confession. Connor didn't interrupt Steven for a moment, but let him speak. "She was fooling with me! I would have done anything for her, but she kept turning me down! And yes! I wanted to fuck her brains out so she'd learn who was in control!" Connor pushed Steven back to his seat and he was more than disgusted at Stevens words. "That stupid whore! I couldn't let her get away with that!" Hank rose from his chair. He knew what Steven would confess next. "Then I just saw the knife and tried to shut her up! It was time for her to stop talking!" "Steven Travish, I arrest you for domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, and attempted murder!" Hank still mentioned his rights, but they would do him little good now. As Steven was led outside, he remained surprisingly calm, knowing he didn't need to hope for a pardon. Hank glanced at Connor, nodded his head toward the exit, and the android immediately understood, for he had not forgotten Y/N.
As Connor slowly walked out of the interrogation room, he had images in his mind. Images of Steven and Y/N. Connor's LED immediately glowed a dark yellow again, because it just made him sick that this monster had gotten away with it for so long. Connor cursed himself for not seeing it sooner! He could have prevented so much! And there she was... Still in the same place where Hank had interrogated her earlier. Connor's gaze was sad and he swallowed, he wouldn't be able to feel the hell that must be raging inside her right now. Slowly he approached her and at that moment, she turned to him as if she had already sensed his presence. She slowly rose from her seat and Connor stopped in front of her, his LED again a soft blue that spoke for the fact, that he was more than fine in her presence. "You'll never have to see him again, Y/N. It's over." When she heard those words, she could hardly believe it at first. So much burden was lifted from her at that moment. She moved into the android's arms. To snuggle up to him and feel the warmth he could give her. Y/N couldn't believe that this whole story had finally come to an end. It had taken her so long to find the courage to get help, but she had done it and now she was finally free. Without Hank and Connor this would not have been possible. They had given her courage and they were the reason she had to break out of her prison. To not lose them both. "Can we go home now, Connor?" She smiled up at him. A still somewhat sad smile, but there was also a lot of relief in her face. Connor nodded gently, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Yes. Of course, Y/N." Connor knew Y/N meant Hanks' house, and she didn't mean the place where she and Steven had lived together before. And with that, Connor led her out of the police station to take her home.
It was late at night when Hank came back home. He found Y/N and Connor on the couch. She had fallen asleep in his lap while the android kept gently stroking her head, giving her a tender look. Connor didn't seem to have noticed Hank and he didn't say anything either, watching the two quietly and smiling. Yes, his girl was definitely in good hands and from the looks of it, something seemed to be growing between them. It was crazy when Hank thought about how much he once hated androids. But now Connor was like a son to him, he would trust him with his life, because the android had saved his life more than once...
Next chapter coming soon...
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