#dc stuff can wait for a bit <3<3
Prompts I’ve seen/found online that I have used an inspiration for many things, but mainly DP X DC stuff.
There’s 200 prompts/quotes in there
1. They match each other’s freak to a degree that is dangerous to the public.
2. People often mistake me for an adult because of my age.
3. “I have a solution.”
“Thank goodness.”
“It involves fire.”
“Absolutely not.”
4. Why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?
5. We can’t have a crisis - my schedule is already full!
6. “What’s our exit strategy?”
“Our what?”
“We’re all going to die.”
7. That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.
8. “This coffee tastes weird.”
“That’s probably because it’s not coffee.”
9. “Can I bother you for a second?”
“You always bother me, but go ahead.”
10. “Are you mad?”
“So sharpening knives at 2am is just a hobby?”
11. I’m going to give my inner child a gun.
12. Your inability to learn complicated handshakes is tearing this gang apart.
13. I get so affectionate when I’m sleepy it’s disgusting.
14. Leaving a watermelon on someone’s doorstep in the middle of the night is a pretty inexpensive way to occupy a portion of their mind forever.
15. No offence to myself or anything but what the fuck am I doing.
16. I would love to be mysterious but I never shut the fuck up.
17. The divorce rate amongst my socks is astonishing.
18. Adulthood is a scam I want to be a crow.
19. Good morning! God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everybody’s problem.
20. My house is haunted because I live there.
21. That’s my emotional support entity of questionable moral standing.
22. God released me into the wild and now he’s hunting me for sport.
23. No, no you don’t want to get to know me, I’m better as a concept.
24. I can’t wait until I’m old enough to pretend I can’t hear.
25. Do birds every just fly for fun or are they always on some kind of mission?
26. The older I get the more I understand why roosters scream to start their day.
27. ‘You’ll understand when you’re older.’ I am older and I understand absolutely nothing.
28. Source? It was revealed to me in a delusion.
29. Why do drugs after 30 when you can just stand up too fast?
30. I won’t ever be the bigger person in an argument. God made me 5’ for a reason.
31. This meeting could have been a fist fight.
32. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m never going to have a midlife crisis because my entire fucking life is a crisis.
33. Anyone fancy going off the fucking rails with me I’ve had enough.
34. Go ahead and get in the pond since you wanna act like a silly goose.
35. My life is like a romantic comedy except there’s no romance and it’s just me laughing at my own jokes.
36. Who the fuck decided to call it ‘emotional baggage’ and not ‘griefcase?’
37. I don’t have a nervous system. I am a nervous system.
38. “What makes us human?”
“Selecting all of the images with traffic lights.”
39. Don’t let anyone else ruin your day. It’s your day. Ruin it yourself.
40. The sixth love language is combat.
41. “I just told you 2 minutes ago.”
“I do not control the remember.”
42. Due to not wanting to. I will not be.
43. My flabbers be gasted daily.
44. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“Like a hallucination, a therapist, or a person?”
45. “You’re the most ridiculous person I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you I try my best.”
46. I tried to embrace my inner child today and the little asshole bit me.
47. I think my dark under eye circles are adding to the aesthetic actually.
48. Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot.
49. Next time I’m opening up to someone will be at my autopsy.
50. Too many songs about love. Not enough song about sword fights.
51. “You’re cute.”
“I’m feral and chaotic, don’t touch me.”
52. I’m not as unhinged as I could be and I want everyone to be great full for that.
53. How dare you know stuff about things.
54. “I have a plan.”
“Is it a good one?”
“I have a plan.”
55. “Are you decent?”
“Not morally, but I’m wearing pants if that’s what you’re asking.”
56. I may have the right to remain silent but I do not have the ability.
57. I don’t want to look ‘pretty.’ I want to look otherworldly and vaguely threatening.
58. If you ever feel safe please remember that I’m out there.
59. “I’m too good for revenge.”
“Well I’m not. Give me the gun.”
60. “You know I really feel like we aren’t seeing eye to eye.
“It’s because you’re taller than me asshole.”
61. “They rely on you.”
“I can’t be blamed for their lack of judgment..”
62. Well, aren’t you a little Ray of pitch black.
63. I can get behind murder but I draw the line at misogyny.
64. In my defence your honour, I simply do not vibe with the law.
65. Life is a tornado and I’m just the cow being spun around for cinematic value.
66. You can burn all the sage you want, I’ll be back.
67. I believe in holding grudges. I’ll heal in hell.
68. You know…they make medication for the way you act.
69. I like men with massive, throbbing vocabularies.
70. My swear jar could finance the fucking space program.
71. “Well if you want my opinion-”
“I don’t. I have my own.”
72. I’m awake but not operational.
73. Due to personal reasons I’ll be going back to sleep.
74. The bags under my eyes are Prada.
75. I identify as a threat. My pronouns are try/me.
76. Audacity must be on sale this year…
77. “Have you ever been handcuffed?”
“Sexually or by law enforcement?”
78. I don’t like salad or eye contact.
79. “Come here.”
“Just come here.”
“No you’re gonna hit me!”
80. “I didn’t catch your name.”
“I didn’t throw it.”
81. I have to keep reminding myself that I am an adult and will be charged as one.
82. Apparently ‘spite’ is not an appropriate answer to ‘what motives you?’
83. There is a fine line between my crazy and my intelligence. I use that line like a jump rope.
84. I don’t know where you got your opinion but I hope you kept the receipt.
85. Sometimes when I close my eyes…I can’t see.
86. Is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted?
87. Some days the supply of available curse words is insufficient to meet my demands.
88. I’m running out of reasons to not stab you.
89. When I said ‘how stupid can you be?’ It wasn’t a challenge.
90. Love at first sight? Tired, boring. Love at first assassination attempt? Spicy.
91. I’m sorry I don’t take orders. I barley take suggestions.
92. And that’s a wrap on another day where I acted like I knew what I was doing.
93. Now if you’ll excuse me…tonight’s bad decision isn’t going to make itself.
94. I take super hot showers to practice burning in hell.
95. I wanna be 14 again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas.
96. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parent’s job.
97. Being an adult is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.
98. If I’m ever murdered, feel comfort in knowing I ran my mouth until the bitter end.
99. My spirit animal would fucking eat yours.
100. Some people will only like you if you fit inside their box. Don’t be afraid to shove that box up their ass.
101. I wonder if people look both ways before getting on my fucking nerves.
102. If I was a bird, I know who I’d shit on.
103. Giving a fuck doesn’t really go with my outfit.
104. I’m not insulting you, I’m describing you.
105. Life is full of disappointments and I just added you to the list.
106. And then I decided to take a detour to deliver an ass beating.
107. I wanna contribute to the chaos.
108. I’m gay and also stronger than all of you. So don’t try any shit.
109. With all due respect, which is none
110. What, pray tell, the fuck?
111. My arson charges don’t define me.
112. Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range.
113. I don’t understand your specific kind of crazy but I do admire your total commitment to it.
114. I am not above slashing my own tires to avoid going to this family brunch.
115. I don’t want to heal my inner child I want them to get revenge.
116. In order to insult me I must first value your opinion. Nice try though.
117. There’s someone for everyone and the person for you is a psychiatrist.
118. Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you’ll find a brain back there.
119. I think my guardian angel drinks.
120. In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
121. I believe in you. I also believe in Bigfoot so don’t get too excited.
122. If you figure me out I want an explanation.
123. I don’t think I meet the height requirements to ride your emotional roller coaster.
124. When killing them with kindness doesn’t work, try voodoo.
125. Another fine day ruined by responsibility.
126. You call them swear words. I call them sentence enhancers.
127. Stop petting my peeves.
128. What a year this week has been.
129. Don’t follow me I don’t know where I’m going.
130. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake.
131. I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
132. Please don’t interrupt me while I’m ignoring you.
133. Everyone has the right to be stupid but you’re abusing the privilege.
134. I just know I will die trying to pet something I shouldn’t.
135. At this point, if a clown invited me into the woods, I’d just go.
136. I told him to take care of his eyes because they’re the only balls he has.
137. The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready.
138. My last words will probably be sarcastic.
139. We don’t have time to unpack all that.
140. I may have committed light treason.
141. How is ‘pretty boy’ supposed to be an insult? I’m the prettiest goddamn boy in this town.
142. I’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.
143. “Based on statistical evidence, I’m immortal.”
“How so?”
“Haven’t died yet.”
144. I’m just here to establish an alibi.
145. Take the day off from being the bigger person and choose violence, you deserve it.
146. Forgive and forget? I’m neither Jesus nor do I have alzheimers.
147. People are so ungrateful. No one ever thanks me for having the patience to not kill them.
148. “I can see your bra.”
“Fucking good it was expensive.”
149. Sir, that’s my emotional support knife collection.
150. My idea of ‘help from above’ is a sniper on the roof.
151. “We’re surrounded!”
“Excellent, we can attack in any direction!
152. Lord give me patience or an untractable handgun.
153. Step back! I’m a professional idiot!
154. “Trust your gut.”
“I have anxiety. My gut is always telling me to abort mission.”
155. Keep your morals away from me.
156. Your existence gives me a headache go stand over there.
157. What, from the bottom of my heart, the fuck?
158. My heart is not a home for cowards.
159. Underestimate me so I can embarrass you.
160. “It’ll be easy. You just have to seduce them.”
“You’re kidding, right? I’m about as seductive as a cabbage.”
161. You’ve got heart, kid. Several hearts. Honestly, I’m a little scared of you.
162. It takes a very special kind of idiot to pull off what you just did.
163. I’m no doctor - but I think he’s dead.
164. I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.
165. “What brings you here?”
“A continuum of terrible choices.”
“You’d be surprised to know how often people say that.”
166. “I thought we agreed to tell each other when we were bleeding internally.”
“That’s a very specific promise I don’t remember making.”
167. “Did you really google how to flirt with a girl?”
“What? How’d you know that?”
“You do realise there’s a search history?”
168. “I’m gonna…”
“If you kick down the door, I swear…”
169. “Is it still murder if I give them a heads up?”
“That’s a threat.”
170. Surprise! I’m back from the dead! Isn’t that exciting?
171. Don’t mind me, I’ll just be in the corner, having another existential crisis.
172. I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.
173. You’re important to me you piece of shit.
174. “Why are your hands purple?”
“That’s a very good question.”
175. Can someone turn off the sun please?
176. “I had a thought.”
“Oh no.”
“I swear it’s a good one this time!”
177. I’ve met bread smarter than you.
178. “Please stop getting shot, it stresses me out.”
“Oh, well if YOU don’t like it.”
179. Dude, we are not asking the dragon for directions.
180. You’ve got as much charm as a dead slug.
181. For you, I could steal the stars - but I can also get them through legitimate means, if that impresses you more.
182. I am under no obligation to make sense to you.
183. You smile like an idiot when you’re talking to them.
184. Don’t you sign to me in that tone.
185. Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
186. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Don’t care. Shut up.”
187. Now that I made it weird, I’m going to make my exit.
188. So uh, I noticed you’re kinda naked. Is that intentional or…?
189. “Do you trust me?”
“Smart man.”
190. Well, if you’d woken up properly the first time I kicked you, I wouldn’t have had to do it four more times.
191. “I have NEVER been so insulted.”
“You don’t listen much, do you?”
192. “Don’t you know who I am?”
“Yup. I just don’t care.”
193. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. I just thought it would be amusing.
194. I would tell you to be yourself but that almost got us killed last time.
195. “Why aren’t you worshipping me, mortal?”
“Not interested. Thanks.”
196. “I’d rather be dead.”
“Then I have some good news for you.”
197. “Did you hear that scream?”
“Yes, I’m the one who screamed.”
198. “What happened to your-”
“I lost a bet.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
199. Reading way above my grade level didn’t get me as far in life as I had hoped.
200. Due to foreseen circumstances well within my control I will be late.
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dianawinchester03 · 4 months
Season 2, Episode 3 - Blood Lust
Series Masterlist
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The boys and I were driving down an empty road, the middle of the day in Deans newly refurbished car. Back in Black by AC/DC was blasting through her deck. Baby was fixed up to a mint, Quinn took some work but she's locked and loaded, ready to be ridden. But I decided to just tag along with the boys until I'm ready to ride my girl again, she needed a rest after what happened to her so I left her at Bobby's.
"Woo! Listen to her purr. You ever heard anything so sweet?" Dean exclaims excitedly, a large smile across his face. Me and Sam share an amused look in the rearview mirror. Chuckling, I lean forward between the boys from the backseat, "You know, if you two wanna get a room, just let me and Sam know" I quip jokingly. "Seriously, Dean. It's weird" Sam chuckles.
"Awww, don't listen to her, baby. She's just jealous" Dean caresses his steering wheel, flashing me a sly wink. I scoff along with Sam, as we all share a laugh. My heart warms to see Dean so happy for once. "You're in a good mood" Sam points out a bit surprised. "Why shouldn't I be?" Dean asks curiously. Me and Sam shrug, "No reason" We say in unison.
"I got my car. We got a case. Things are looking up" Dean smirks widely, his tone filled with excitement. "Wow. Give you a couple severed heads and a pile of dead cows and you're Mr. Sunshine" I shoot jokingly. Dean laughs along with Sam at my statement, "How far to Red Lodge?" Dean asks. "Uh, about another 300 miles" Sam answers.
"Good" Dean smirks, his foot went heavier on the gas. Speeding up down the empty stretch. Me and Sam held on for dear life as he flies down the road.
Red Lodge, Montana
Sam, Dean and I were now in Montana, posing as reporters to the police sheriff in order to collect data on the case. They were dressed in suits and ties while I was dressed in a baby blue floral blouse and a black above-the-knee pencil skirt. We sat in his office, across from him as we questioned. "The murder investigation is ongoing. That's all I can share with the press." The sheriff says to us.
"Sure, sure. We understand that. But just for the record. You found the first, uh, head last week correct?" Sam asks professionally, pretending to take notes on a pad. "Uh-huh" the sheriff responds. "Okay, and the other, a Christina Flanagan" Sam goes to ask but the sheriff cuts him off. "That was two days ago, is there any-" The sheriff is interrupted by a knocking at the door.
"Excuse me, sheriff" A young blonde woman knocks at his door, tapping the watch in her wrist. Indicating times up, "Alright." He nods at her. "Sorry, gentleman and lady. Times up. We're done here" The sheriff dismisses, ready to get up. "Wait, one last question" I try to stop him. "What about the cattle?" Dean quickly asks.
"Excuse me?" The sheriff cocks his eyebrow. "You know, the cows found dead...split open, drained, over a dozen cases" Dean further says, giving the sheriff and knowing look. "What about them?" The sheriff scoffs. "So you don't think there's a connection?" I add. He turns to me confused, "Connection with...?" He trails off. "First, cattle mutilations...now uh. Now two murders. Kind of sounds like ritual stuff" I say superstitiously.
"You know, like satanic cult ritual stuff" Dean adds, shrugging a bit. The sheriff looks between all of us before bursting out laughing and pointing at us. We all roll our eyes at this, "You..." The sheriff laughs, it descends when he sees the serious looks on our faces. "You're not kidding" He says dryly. "No" Sam responds, shaking his head.
"Those cows aren't being mutilated. You wanna know how I know?" The sheriff asks firmly, clasping his hands infront of him. "How?" Dean asks. "Because there's no such thing as cattle mutilations. Cow drops, leave it in the sun...within 48 hours the bloat will split it open so clean it's just about surgical" The sheriff explains with a sarcastic smile.
"The bodily fluids fall down into the ground, gets soaked up because that's what gravity does" He talks to us as if we were 5 year olds. "But, hey, it could be Satan" He says sarcastically. "What newspaper did you say you work for?" He asks us suspiciously. Dean clears his throat awkwardly, "World Weekly News" Dean answers unsure. "Weekly World News" I correct.
"World-" Dean stutters. "Weekly World" Sam corrects. "World- I'm new" Dean chuckles nervously. The sheriff narrows his eyes at us, "Get out of my office" He says firmly.
Later that day, the boys and I headed over to the Candler County Hospital Morgue. We threw over some lab coats we found in a supply closet to blend in. I swung the door open to the morgue, a young man sat at a desk looked up at me. I flashed him a coy smile before looking down at his ID badge to see 'J.Manner' with his picture.
"John" I guessed his name. "Jeff" He corrected with a wide smile, getting up from his desk. "Jeff. I knew that" I chuckle flirtatiously. From the corner of my eye I see Dean cocked his eyebrow before rolling his eyes. "Dr. Dworkin needs to see you in his office right away" I say urgently, to Jeff to get him out. "But Dr. Dworkin's on vacation" Jeff says. I come up with the first lie I could think of and say,
"Well he's back and he's pissed. And he's screaming for you, man. So if I were you I would.." I say quickly, letting out a low whistle so he could skedaddle. Jeff did exactly that, a look of horror on his face. "Nice job, Princess" Dean snorts, giving me a wink. I scoff chuckling, "Thanks, charming" I chuckle as Sam closes the door behind him.
"Hey, those Satanists in Florida, they marked their victims, didn't they?" Dean asks us, getting straight into work mode. "Yeah. Reverse pentacle on the forehead" Sam answers. "Huh, gross" I mutter cringing as Dean hands me a pair of latex gloves, along with Sam. "So much fucked up crap happens in Florida" Dean agrees as we snap on our gloves.
Sam opens the door to one of the body deal storage refrigerators, pulling out the tray with one of the victims body. The corpse was headless as expected and there was a large plastic container was at its feet, presumably it's head. "Alright, open it" Dean says to Sam. "No. You open it" Sam quips back defensively. I roll my eyes at this, "Jesus, you wussies. I'll open it" I groan, taking the container off the tray and resting it over on the table.
I could feel their glares at the back of my head, but I ignore it. "We're not wussies" Dean scoffs offended. "Whatever" I mutter. They come up besides me as I I take the lid off the reveal the mutilated head of a young girl, Dean flinches back in disgust as Sam grimaces. My heart gave out for her. "Well, no pentagram" Dean mutters. "Wow. Poor girl" Sam sighs heavily, I nod in agreement.
"Maybe we should, you know, uh, look in her mouth. See if those wackos stuffed anything down her throat." Dean suggests. "You know, kind of like the moth in Silence of the Lambs?" Dean pats me on the small of my back. I chuckle at his movie reference as Sam nods, "Yeah, yeah, go ahead" Sam agrees, pushing the container closer to Dean. He turns the container back to Sam, "No you go ahead".
Sam looks at him confused, "What?" Sam scoffs. "Put the lotion in the basket" Dean smiles smugly. I roll my eyes at them, "Oh for Christ's sake. And you have the gall to say you're not wussies" I huff, earning a snicker from Sam as Deans smile drops. I turn the container to me, taking a deep breath before clearing my throat.
Using my gloved fingers, I pry her cold mouth open. A chill running up my hands as I do so, my stomach began to churn as I stuck my fingers in her mouth searching. "Fellas, get me a bucket" I ask them quickly. Dean immediately gets the bucket near the mops and broom. "Find something?" Sam asks hopefully. "No, I'm gonna puke" I groan, gagging in disgust.
Sam gives me an unimpressed look, "Right, and we're the wussies" Dean snorts, resting the bucket next to me, a triumphant smirk on his face. "Would you like to stick your fingers in the dead girls mouth? No, I didn't think so!" I snap at him, his smirk dropped as I dug around in her mouth. I shook my head, taking my fingers out as they peered beside to me to take a look.
"Wait, lift her lip up again" Dean tells me. "What?" I scoff. "You want me to throw up" I groan, "No, no, no. I think I saw something" Dean defends, lifting her top lip up. "Yeah, I think I saw it too" Sam leans closer. My eyebrows shoot up to reveal what seemed like a hole in her gums. "What is that, a hole?" Dean questions, Sam then puts his finger behind it, pressing it slightly.
That's when a tooth came retracting and my stomach dropped. Vampire. "It's a tooth" Sam says. "Fellas, that's a fang" I point out, my mouth agape as Sam gasps. "A retractable set of vampire fangs. You gotta be kidding me" Dean groans, letting go of her mouth. "Well, this changes things" Sam mutters. "Ya think?" I quip sarcastically. The boys gave me a sympathetic look at my tone.
The boys and I pulled up to a nearby bar later that night, we assumed it to be the vampires hang out spot in the area since it's near where the girl was killed. We all have each other a look before exiting Baby and heading towards the bar. Dean opened the door, gesturing for me to go in first all gentlemanly like. I flash him a sly wink before walking in, I'm pretty sure I felt his eyes on my ass so I added an extra sway to my hips.
Sam walked behind me into the crowed dark bar as Dean closed the door. We scoped our surroundings carefully, "How's it going?" Dean greets the bartender as we approach the bar, "Living the dream. What can I get for ya?" The bartender dryly responds. "Three beers please" Dean says, the three of us taking seats at the bar. Sam and Dean besides me, "So we're looking for some people."
Sam says to then bartender. "Sure. It's hard to be lonely" The bartender deadpans. Sam chuckles lightly along with me and Dean. "Yeah, that's not what he meant" I say in a coy tone, taking out a $50 bill I had stuffed in my bra. His eyebrows shoot up, along with Sam and Dean at my move as I slide it across to the bartender, he glances down at it intrigued before taking it up.
Sam clears his throat, "Great, so these people, they would've moved here about six months ago. Probably pretty rowdy, like to drink" Sam explains. "Yeah, real night owls, you know? Sleep all day, party all night" Dean adds, sipping his beer. I felt a weird sensation on my back, almost creepy. Almost as if someone was staring at me. I turnt my head to see an African-American man who was smoking a cigarette, his eyes trained straight at me and the boys.
"Barker Farm got leased out a couple months ago. Real winners. They've been in here a lot. Drinkers. Noisy. I've had to eighty-six them once or twice" The bartender says. The man breaks his gaze with me when he realized I noticed him, I got a strange vibe from him but I ignored it. Probably just some creep. The boys and I share a look before turning back to him, "Thanks" I say kindly before we all finish our beers.
We rest out empty beer bottles down at the bar and begin to head out. I made sure to look back in the seat where the man who I caught staring at us was, now empty. Gone. His mug still half full, the half finished cigarette crushed in the ashtray. "Wait, fellas" I stop Sam from opening the door. "What's wrong, y/n/n?" Sam asks me concerned.
"There was a guy in the corner, over there. He was staring right at us when we questioned the bartender" I whisper to them in a low tone, nodding my head towards the table. Their eyes flicker to it and then back to me, "You think he's still outside?" Dean whispers back. "I don't know, let's walk down the alley and see if he follows us" I suggest. They both share a look before nodding.
Sam opened the door as me and Dean walked besides him. I still felt as though someone was watching so I scanned my surroundings to make sure but no one was there. They both gave me a look that said, 'Ready?'. I nodded in response as we made our way down the alley, my father's machete tucked up my sleeve of my leather jacket.
The boys walked besides me as usual, me in the middle as we strolled down, we heard footsteps padding towards us as we bent the corner around the bar. We all quickly hide away in a dark corner, where he was sure not to see us. The footsteps stopped, so the boys and I took that as a go. Jumping the man in a sneak attack.
Sam and Dean both grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall, "Smile" I grit my teeth at him, pressing my fathers machete to his neck. "Show us those pearly whites" Dean growls at him, slamming him harder against the wall Sam's help. "Oh, for the love of-" The man groans. "You wanna stick that thing someplace else? I'm not a vampire" The man tries to defend himself. We all still glare at him, not convinced.
"Yeah, that's right. I heard you guys in there" The man says smugly. "What do you know about vampires?" Sam growls. "How to kill them. Now seriously, sweetheart. That knifes making me itch" The man widens his eyes at me, I cock my eyebrows at him and tilt my head a bit. I give Sam a look and he slams the man harder into the wall, "Hey! Woah, easy there, Chachi" The man snarks at Sam before raising his hand up.
He lifts his upper lip to show us his gums. It didn't have a hole like the girls one in the morgue. "See? Fangless. Happy?" He grumbles. The boys and I share a look before slowly retracting. They let him go as I slowly draw my blade always from him. "Now, who the hell are you?" The man asks us.
We were now by Gordon's, the man who we almost decapitated, car. "Sam and Dean Winchester. And Y/N L/N." Gordon says excitedly, pulling out a side cabinet from his backseat with a load of blades. Sickles, machetes. You name it. "I can't believe it. I know I met your fathers once? Great guys, even greater hunters" Gordon says with a wide smile. "I heard they passed....I'm sorry" Gordon says apologetically.
"Not to pry. But is it true that a vampire killed F/N?" Gordon asks me. My eyes snap up to him, I just nod in response. "I'm sorry" He says genuinely. I just shrug at it. "That's big shoes. But from what I hear, you guys fill them. Great trackers. Good in a tight spot" Gordon says. I roll my eyes at his fake flattery.
We all give him a suspicious look. "You seem to know a lot about our families" I say in a dry tone. "Well word travels fast. You know how hunters talk" Gordon says causally. The boys and I share a look at this. "No, we don't actually" Dean says. "I guess there's a lot you dads never told you kids, huh?" Gordon says. "So, um. So those two vampires, they were yours, huh?" Sam asks.
"Yep. Been here two weeks" Gordon responds nodding. "You check out that Barker farm?" Dean asks. "Just a bunch of hippie freaks. Though they could kill you with that patchouli smell on them" Gordon chuckles. "Where's the nest, then?" I ask. Gordon chuckles again, scoffing a bit before retracting the cabinet back into his car.
"I've got this one covered." He says, I roll my eyes at this. "Look, don't get me wrong, it's a real pleasure meeting you guys. But I've been on this thing for over a year" He tells us. "I killed a gang back in Austin, tracked the nest all the way over here. I'll finish it" He assures us firmly. "We could help" Dean offers. "Thanks. But I'm kind of a go-it-alone type of guy" Gordon narrows his eyes at us.
"Come on, man. I've been itching for a hunt" Dean tries to reason. "And I would love to hand it to those bloodsucking killers" I add pervasively. I notice Sam give us a side look at this. Gordon shakes his head, "Sorry. But, hey. I hear there's a chupacabra two states over. Go ahead and knock yourselves out" Gordon offers before getting into his car.
He locks the door before telling us, "It was real good meeting you, though." He smiles at us. "I'll buy you a drink on the flip side" He smirks, flashing me a wink. I cringe in disgust at this, not interested whatsoever. He then starts his ignition before driving off. The boys and I share a look at this.
We decided to trail Gordon's car, eventually ending up at an old mill. We watched as he got out and entered. We waited a couple minutes before the roaring sound of an electric saw filled our ears. We all bolt into action and jumped out of Baby, running towards the sound in a hurry. We're met with the sight of Gordon being held under the saw by his neck on a ledge by a man wearing a mechanic outfit.
Sam hurried up the ledge and pulled Gordon out of the way, the man turns and flashes his fangs at me and Dean. Dean grabs an old spear and swings at the man, headfirst. I drew my feet back in a swift motion and kneed the vampire in his stomach, sending him stumbling back into Gordon's previous position under the saw.
Dean raised the spear over his head before driving it through the vampires gut, earning an animalistic painful roar from him. My eyes flickered to the saw and a nasty idea came across my mind. Vengeance, hatred, grief swirled around my noggin. Without thinking, I grabbed the saw and pulled it down onto the vampires neck.
Decapitating him in a slow painful manner. His blood splattered across my grim face, while glaring at him, I clenched my jaw as the vampire roared again in anguish. His head was finally off clean and went tumbling back. I got this sick feeling in my stomach after killing him, it wasn't nausea, that's for sure. I thought I would've enjoyed it more.
I turnt to the men to see Sam with a look of disbelief on his face, a proud almost lustful smirk plastered on Dean's lips and a impress look on Gordon's, his mouth agape. "So I guess I gotta buy you that drink now" Gordon says impressed. I don't answer, my bloodied face stoic.
We're all now back at the barber we're at earlier. Dean and Gordon were hankering down a pitcher of beer, celebrating. My cigarette tucked between my lips as me and Sam sat upright in our seats, our eyes narrowed in Gordon's direction. My stomach was still churning from killing that vampire. It didn't feel as good killing that vamp as much as I expected. I relished in killing Kate, the bitch who took my father too soon from me.
But this time didn't feel as good. Gordon didn't rub me the right way at all. Now I know what you're saying. 'You barely know the guy, Y/N. Give him a break.' But something about this guy is already getting on my nerves. Blame it on my ESP thing or whatever you want, something isn't right with him.
A waitress approaches our table and rests down four shots. "Here you go" She says kindly, Dean goes to dig in his pocket to pay for them but Gordon stops him. "No, no. I got it" He says, handing the waitress the money. "Come on" Dean cuts in. "I insist" Gordon says firmly, shaking his head. "Thank you, sweetie" He smiles at the waitress. "You're welcome" The waitress responds sweetly before walking off.
Gordon picks up his shot along with Dean, "Another one bites the dust" He smirks. "That's right" Dean smirks back before toasting, both downing the shots. "Y/N" Gordon says before chuckling. "You have that big-ass fang one hell of a haircut, sweetie" Gordon smiles at me. I narrow my eyes further at him, simply nodding, crushing my burnt out bud in the ashtray in-front of us.
"Yeah, atta girl princess. You did good" Dean congratulates me, flashing me a wink. Normally I'd swoon at this but I wasn't in the mood at this time, it still made my heart flutter, his praising rising a heat in me. "Thanks" I responded softly. "That was beautiful, absolutely beautiful" Gordon continues to compliment. Both me and Sam scoff, rolling our eyes.
"You two alright? What's the matter, Sammy?" Dean asks us concerned, realizing we're on edge as he takes a sip of his beer. I make eye contact with Dean, trying to tell him with my eyes, 'I don't trust this guy'. But he doesn't pick up on it. "Yeah, we're fine" Sam answers for the both of us in a deadpan tone. "Well, lighten up a little, Sammy" Gordon tries to cheer him up.
My eyes widened slightly when Gordon called him Sammy. "They're the only ones that get to call me that" Sam retorts in a dry tone. Gordon's face drops, I notice Dean smirked proudly, "Okay. No offense meant. Just celebrating a little." Gordon says awkwardly. I'm not gonna lie, I had to hold back a laugh at this. I felt special because normally whenever we call him Sammy, he always groans 'It's Sam' or rolls his eyes unimpressed.
"A job well done by Princess Y/N over here" Gordon smirks at me, flashing me a sly wink. My nostrils flare, my eyes twitching at this. I couldn't help but notice Deans grip tightened around his beer mug. "Don't you dare call me that" I growl at him. "Woah, woah" Gordon puts his hands up in surrender chuckling, Deans eyes snap over to him in fury.
His eyes flickered between me and Dean before his mouth formed the shape of an 'O'. "Sorry, man" Gordon chuckles, patting Dean on his knee. "Didn't mean to disrespect you or your girl" He grins widely. Deans anger seemed to diminish, his eyebrow cocked. Normally, I'd feel pleasant or have butterflies in my stomach when someone mistakes me for Deans girlfriend.
But coming from this jackass, my eye twitched. My fists clenched in my lap, the table began to shake slightly. Causing Gordon to look confused and stunned. "What the fuck?" Gordon muttered, trying to not make all the beers fall over. Sam and Deans eyes snapped over to me in fear when this began to happen. "Hey, hey" Dean whispers to me, resting a hand on my thigh.
"Relax" He says calmly, caressing my thigh gently, a pleading look in his eyes. My stomach fluttered, my eyes snapping back over to Deans. My heart rate quickened, my anger slightly diminishing. The table then settled, the shaking stopping in an instant. "How the hell did you do that?" Gordon gasps, his eyes wide. Dean chuckles nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about" I shrug innocently, narrowing my eyes at him.
Gordon cocked his eyebrow at me, unconvinced. The whole time this was happening, Sam looked like he was holding back the biggest laugh. A wide smirk on his face. "Look, I'm not gonna bring you guys down. I'm just gonna go back to the motel, you coming Sammy?" I turn to Sam. "Yeah, let's go" Sam says, getting up from the chair along with me.
Dean sighs disappointed, "You guys sure?" He asks, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Yeah" I respond simply, following behind Sam. "Sammy, y/n/n." Dean calls out to us. We turn to see him shaking the keys to the Impala at us. "Remind me to beat the buzzkill out of you two later, alright?" Dean quipped, tossing me the keys. I quickly catch it, scoffing at the fact that he'd rather stay here and get shit faced with Gordon.
Sam gives Dean his classic bitchface as we walk out towards the exit. Sam then opens the door, gesturing for me to go first. A mischievous thought crossed my mind. "Wait" I stop Sam. "What?" He asks me confused, his hand still holding the door open. A smirk rises on my face, his eyebrows raised at my expression and then I focused my gaze on Gordon's beer mug in his hands.
In mere seconds, it suddenly slipped from Gordon's grip and spontaneously combusted mid air. The glass scattered across the floor along with the beer. "Shit! Ahhh!" Gordon yelps, getting up quickly. "How the hell did I drop it?! Waitress!" He exclaims, calling the waitress over to clean the mess up. Sam bursted out in hysterics, causing Deans eyes snap over to us.
His face dropped, shooting me an unimpressed look, shaking his head in disappointment. I smirk back at him, shrugging nonchalantly, "Now, we can go" I say to Sam smugly, who's biting his fist from laughing. I strut out the door, adding a sway to my hips. Sam followed behind me, still laughing as we exit. Closing the door behind us. Sam hunched over, his hands on his knees. "Dude, you gotta teach me that" Sam exclaims in hysterics.
We entered the motel room, bad mouthing Gordon. "He's a snake I tell ya, something isn't right about that guy" Sam rambles as we strip our jackets off. "That's exactly how I felt! I mean; who the fuck does he think he is? Calling you 'Sammy' and me 'princess' " I agree, huffing as rest Deans keys gently on the table next to my machete. I grew a bit silent, my mind flickering back to the vamp as I sink on my bed.
Sam notices this, so he asks, "You okay?" He asks concerned, sitting next to me on my bed. "I don't know" I sigh, leaning back on the headboard. I cross my arms over my chest, relaxing a bit as I throw my feet up on his lap. "When we found out that that dead girl was a vampire. My dad came rushing back to my mind. And I was partially excited to kill some bloodsuckers." I admit.
Sam gives me a sympathetic look, "But then when I killed that guy. It didn't feel right, you know? I expected it to feel more satisfaction that I took away one more monster like I usually do whenever we gank em. But it felt....off" I sigh, shaking my head. A lump growing in my throat, "Hey" Sam says gently, resting his hands on my shins. My eyes meet his, tears ready to fall as my bite my lip.
"You did what you had to do. I might not like the guy, but he was gonna kill Gordon. And he might have killed us." Sam assures me, offering me a small smile. "F/N would've been proud" Sam says softly. I scoff back a chuckle, wiping the tear away from my eye before wiping my nose. "Have you met the man?" I ask sarcastically, chuckling. Sam chuckles, shaking his head in amusement.
"He would've found someway to complain about what I did wrong, probably would've told me I should've burnt the corpse too, just in case" I chuckle, shaking my head. "You got me there" Sam admits, chuckling along with me. He pats my shin, indicating for me to take my feet off his lap. I do exactly that, he then gets up and goes over to his bag. "What're you doing?" I ask curiously.
"Calling Ellen to find out about this Gordon guy" He responds, taking out his phone. He searches for Ellen's contact, sinking back next to me in the bed. He puts it on speaker and it rings a couple times, "Harvelle's Roadhouse" Ellen answers. "Hey, Ellen. It's Sam Winchester and Y/N L/N" Sam responds. "Sam, Y/N. It's good to hear from you" Ellen says happily. "You kids okay, right?" She asks us concerned.
"Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine" I assure her. "We got a question though" I add. "Yeah, shoot" She says. "You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?" Sam asks. "Yeah, I know Gordon" She confirms. "And?" I ask for her to further continue. "Well, he's a real good hunter. Why you asking, sweetie?" She asks. "Well, we ran into him on a job and we're kind of working with him, I guess" Sam informs her.
"Don't do that guys" Ellen quickly warns us. Sam and I share a panicked look at this. "I- I thought you said he was a good hunter" I stutter. "Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist." Ellen mutters. "Look, he is dangerous to everyone and everything around him. If he's working on a job, you kids just let him handle it and move on" She instructs us firmly. "Ellen-" Sam goes to say but she interrupts him.
"No, Sam, Y/N. You two just listen to what I'm telling you, okay?" She says firmly. Sam and I can't believe what we're hearing, we were right. "Yes ma'am" We both respond in unison, "Good, you kids stay safe okay?" She says in a mother tone. "We will. Thanks Ellen" I finish before Sam hangs us, scoffing as he tossed his phone aside. "I can't believe it. We were right" Sam shakes his head.
"We gotta call Dean" He goes to pick his phone back up to call him. "He won't answer, he never does when he's drinking. Unless it's him drunk dialing" I say, taking the phone away from him. He sighs, nodding in agreement at the fact. "When he gets back then, he needs to know" Sam says, getting up from the bed. "I'm gonna get a soda, want anything?" He asks me, walking over to the door.
"Yeah, a coke and if there's a vending machine. Get me some chips" I nod, reaching into my pocket to give him the money. Sam chuckles, waving it off, "I got it, coke and chips" He repeats my order, before opening the door to head out. "Thank you!" I call out as he locks the door. I sigh heavily, plopping back onto the bed.
A few minutes have passed and I was getting bored with my thoughts, so I decided to take a shower. I pick up my towel and toss it over my shoulder, headed to the bathroom. My ears perked up when the door opened, footsteps echoed through the room. Sam might be a giant, but I know damn well he doesn't have four feet. Luckily, I had my gun still in my jeans.
Thank you dad for always pestering me to be prepared even when in the bathroom. I pulled my gun from the back of my jeans swiftly before pressing my back against the wall. I heard a sniff come from the room, "I can smell her, she's in here" A familiar voice said, but I couldn't pinpoint who. Vampires. Fuck, I left my machete on the table. Great. I clenched my jaw before revealing myself, "Hey blood breaths!" I bellowed, shooting at them.
It barely grazed them, they grunted. Now bearing their fangs at me. I recognized one of the guys, he was the bartender we questioned earlier. I tossed my gun aside as my eyes nervously flickered to the machete on the table, with a wave of my hand. I summoned into my grip, I swiftly swung at the first guy but missed, he raised his foot and kneed me in my stomach.
I groaned painfully, gasping for air when the vampire shoved me into the wall. I went flying back and the machete slipped from my grip. He then picked up a phone to knock me out but I ducked, he ended up going headfirst into the wall. I swiftly dived to the ground for my machete, the bartender from earlier grabbed me by my feet, but I pulled back and kicked him off, causing him to stumble into the table.
With another wave of my hand, I sent the other man crashing into the nightstand. I swiftly did a kipup, charging at the bartender. He dodged my swing quickly. I didn't notice I had my gun in his hands, the last thing I saw was the butt of my gun going straight at my head before everything went dark.
I groaned from pain in my head when my eyes flickered open. Everything was dark, I could feel my hands were bounded behind my back and something was over my head. Definitely a bag. "I swear, if anything happened to my little sister. I'm gonna kill you!" I hear a familiar voice growl angrily. His tone pained. It was Sam. "You're barely a couple months older than me dude" I mutter, my head still pounding from the gun butt.
Then suddenly. Someone pulled the bag off, my vision was still a bit blurry but when it readjusted, I opened my eyes to see the bartender who attacked me earlier in the motel room. "Oh thank god, I thought you were gone" Sam breathes out in relief. "I'm fine, just a little tied up" I respond dryly, moving my bounded hands behind my back slightly.
"Shut up. Both of you!" The bartender growls at us, bearing his fangs in our direction. Our eyes widen in horror at this as he snarls, inching closer to my neck. My heartbeat quickens in fear, but I keep my game face on because these suckers could smell fear. "No!" Sam screams. "Wait. Step back, Eli." A woman's voice orders the bartender to not sink his fangs into me.
He glares at her where she's stood in the doorway before backing away from me, retracting his fangs. His angry deathly gaze trained on me, "My names Lenore. I'm not gonna hurt you guys. We just need to talk" The woman steps in, introducing herself. Me and Sam scoff, "Talk? Yeah, okay. But I might have a tough time paying attention to much besides Eli's teeth" I snarked at her, my eyes flickering over to him and back to Lenore.
"He won't hurt you. You have my word" She assures me calmly. "Your word? Oh, yeah, great. Thanks" Sam huffs, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Listen lady. No offense, but you're not the first vampire we've met" Sam retorts with sass. "We're not like the others. We don't kill humans. And we don't drink their blood. We haven't for a long time" She explains calmly. "What is this? Some kind of joke?" I scoff, rolling my eyes.
"Notice you're both still alive." She points out. Me and Sam share a look at this, our eyes flickering over to Eli and back to Lenore. Sam chuckles ironically, "Okay, correct me if I'm wrong here, but shouldn't you be starving to death?" Sam counters. "We found other ways: cattle blood" Lenore tells us. This surprises us, "You're telling me, you're responsible for all the-" I say but she interrupts me,
"It's not ideal. In fact, it's disgusting. But allows us to get by." Lenore says. "Okay, why?" Sam asks. "Survival." She simply puts it before crossing her arms over her chest. "No deaths, no missing locals, no reason for people like you guys to come looking for people like us...we blend in" She continues to explain. That's not what I expected from a bloodsucker whatsoever.
"Our kind is practically extinct. Turns out we weren't quite high up the food chain as we imagined" She says calmly. This triggers a switch in me, my mind flashing back to my father. "Great, no need for any of you parasitic leeches running around killing innocent people, now would we?!" I growl at her, tugging at my bindings. I notice Sams face drop at my outburst, while Lenore's is taken back by my anger, a look on recognition on her face.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you lost someone dear to you by one of our kind, havent you?" She calls me out, I just narrow my eyes at her. My jaw clenching, "Not all of us are like that, we just want to survive" She assured me, a sympathetic look on her face. "Why are we explaining ourselves to this killer?" Eli spits angrily at me, cutting into the conversation. "Eli" Lenore says in a warning tone.
"We choke on cows blood so that none of them suffer. Tonight, they murdered Conrad and they celebrated" Eli growls in disgust, sounding grief stricken. "Eli, that's enough" Lenore snaps. "Yeah, Eli. That's enough" Sam sasses, "What's done is done" Lenore says to Eli calmly, before turning to us.
"We're leaving this town, tonight" She reveals to us. "Then why did you bring us here? Why are you even talking to us?" I quipped. "Believe me, I'd rather not" She scoffs honestly. "But I know your kind. Once you have the scent, you'll keep tracking us. It doesn't matter where we go. Hunters will find us" She says calmly, realization dawns on me. "So you're asking us not to follow you" Sam voices my thought.
"We have a right to live. We're not hurting anyone" She responds. "Right, so you keep saying. But give us one good reason why we should believe you" I scoff. Lenore then leans down, both hands on the sides of the chair I'm tied to. Her face inches away from mines, i hull fearfully, not daring to look her in her eyes. "Fine. You know what I'm going to do?" She says menacingly.
I don't answer, my jaw clenched, "I'm going to let you two go" This surprises both me and Sam. We share a stunned look, "Take them back. Not a mark on them" Lenore orders Eli. He smirks, inching towards us. Before placing a bag on Sam's head and then mines. I feel him grab me by the shoulder and begin to walk us out. I count the steps in my head as we walk,
I hear a door open before another set of hands grab me. A couple more steps and then a car door opens, the person tosses me in along with Sam. The bag stayed on as the ignition started. I began to count the second of the ride, making sure to take in mind every turn, left and right. Not too long after the ride, they untie us.
Tossing us out the car. We both hit the cold gravely ground in a thud. We pull the bags off of our heads to see we're back at our motel. I try to get the make and model of the car but I didn't get to see it in time. "What the fuck just happened" I mutter to myself, Sam then helps me up. "I have no fucking idea. Let's go" He responds as we dust ourselves off and make our way to our room.
We open the door to see Dean with Gordon at the desk. Deans eyes widen when he sees us, "Where have you two been?" He asks. "Can we talk to you alone?" Sam asks him in a monotone voice as I glare daggers at Gordon. Dean then turns to Gordon, "You mind chilling out for a couple minutes?" He asks Gordon. Gordon shakes his head and we all make our way out our motel room.
I lock the door behind me as Sam starts. "Dean, maybe we gotta rethink this hunt" Sam says to him. "What're you talking about? Where were you two?" Dean asks us confused. I sigh, "In the nest" I tell him. His eyes widen, "You guys found it?" He says in shock. "They found us, man" Sam tells him. "Wha- How'd you guys get out? How many did you kill?" Dean asks us.
"None" I tell him. Dean is in disbelief. "Well, guys. They didn't just let you go" Dean says. "That's exactly what they did, Dean" I stress. "Alright, well, where is it?" Dean asks a little too eager. "We were blindfolded. We don't know" Sam says calmly, giving him a weird look. "Well, you gotta know something" Dean presses. "We went over that bridge outside of town. But, Dean, listen. Maybe we shouldn't go after them" I tell him.
"Why not?" Dean cocks his eyebrow confused. "We don't think they're like other vampires. I don't think they're killing people" Sam tries to explain to him. "You're joking" Dean scoffs, not convinced. He looks between me and Sam, now realizing we aren't joking. "Then how do they stay alive or undead, whatever the hell they are?" Dean queries. "The cattle mutilations. They said they live off of animal blood" I tell him.
"And you guys believed them?" Dean asks a bit amused, probably thinking we're being naive. "Look at us, Dean" Sam gestures between me and him, letting out a nervous chuckle. "They let us go without a scratch" Sam points out. "Wait, so you guys are saying...? No man. No way. I don't know why they let you guys go. I don't really care. We find them and waste them" Dean shakes his head. Determined to kill them before walking away.
"Why?" I call out to him. He then turns to me, "What part of 'vampires' don't you understand, y/n? If it's supernatural, we kill it. End of story. That's our job" Dean says firmly. "No, Dean. That is not our job! Our job is hunting evil. And if these things aren't killing people, they're not evil!" Sam defends. "Of course they're killing people. That's what they do, they're all the same thing guys. They're not human, okay? We have to exterminate every last one of them." Dean argues.
I rub my head in frustration, "No, Dean. I don't think so, alright? Not this time" I try to remain calm. "Gordon's been on those vamps for a year. He knows" Dean says. "Gordon?" Sam scoffs. "Yes" Dean answers. "You're taking his word for it?" I scoff. "Yes" He answers again. "Ellen says he's bad news" Sam tells him. Dean raises his eyebrow at this, "You guys called Ellen?" He asks.
"Yeah" Me and Sam respond in unison. "And I'm supposed to listen to her? We barely know her. No, thanks. I'll go with Gordon" Dean rolls his eyes. "Right! Because Gordon's such an old friend" I snap back sarcastically, chuckling humorlessly. Dean looks offended by my words, "You know, y/n. I expected more from you" He scoffs disappointed before walking away again. I'm confused by this, "What's that supposed to mean?!" I call out to him.
He turns to me, "Nothing. Okay." He shrugs it off but I press. "No, talk your shit Winchester. Since you're so trusting of Gordon." I snap back, sarcasm seeping through my tone, crossing my arms over my chest as I wait for his response. He shakes his head, "You killed that vampire, no hesitation. What's wrong now?!" Dean argues. "I was saving our asses from getting killed! Just because I killed that vampire doesn't mean I trust Gordon!" I argue back.
Third Person POV
The argument between Dean and Y/N was getting heated, Sam looked on. His eyes flickered between the both of them nervously as their voice escalated, echoing through the empty motel parking lot. Feeling like a child of divorce, looking at his parents fighting for custody.
"For someone who went through what you went through, I'd expect you to hate vampires more!" Dean shouts.
"I do hate them. Trust me, I do but they're not killing anyone, Dean! I'm not gonna kill innocent people!" Y/N retorts back defensively.
"They're not innocent, Y/N!" Dean yells.
"So you trust you old friend Gordon but not us?! Your brother and your longest friend?! Why can't you just take our word for it?!" Y/N shouts back, frustrated at the fact that Dean was trusting Gordon more than her and Sam.
"Because you're being stupid!?" Dean retorts.
"Excuse me?!" She scoffs in offense, shouting enraged.
"A vampire killed your father and you're willing to leave a pack of bloodsucking monsters to run free because they claim to live in peace! He'd be disappointed in you, it's an insult to his memory!!!" Dean bellows.
The second he said that, he regretted it instantly. Y/N is taken back by this, her mouth snapped shut at Deans words. While Sam is agape in disbelief at the harsh words that left his brothers mouth. That was the last thing Y/N expected to leave his mouth. Her heart panged painfully, already feeling like she disappointed her father and now Dean had to go and confirm it.
Had it been anyone else, it wouldn't have bothered her as much. But coming from the man she loved, it stung like a son of a bitch.nA bubble of humorless laughter left her throat, the anger rising in her body. "Okay" She says calmly, before turning away. Y/N drew back her fist before right hooking Dean across his jaw. Deans head snaps to the side, grunting in pain, surprised from the punch.
Not expecting there to be such a kick from that. Dean might be Sam's brother but he was internally cheering on Y/N for punching his brother, he damn well deserved it from what he just said. And honestly, if y/n didn't do it. He would've done it for her. "Fuck you, you don't get to say that!" She growls at him enraged. Her nostrils flared with hot steam practically rushing out of it.
Dean nurses his jaw, his eyes wide when he notices Y/N's eyes glassed over to a ball of white. The only time he's seen this was when f/n died, and in the hospital when she saw him but he had no memory of it. Then with a wave of her hand., She sends him barreling back into the Impala next to them. "Woah! Easy!" Sam tries to hold her down, he clutched onto her but Dean was still pinned to the car.
"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT!" She screams at him, she loosens her mind grip on him as Sam holds her, trying to calm her down. Her eyes went back to her normal (e/c) ones. Dean peels himself from the car, "You can hit me all you want, princess. Toss me in the air or flatten me like a pancake. It won't change anything. I'm going to that nest." Dean says in a deadpan tone.
He knew what he said was crossing a line because Y/N would not only, never say something about like that John to him, despite not liking the man. Instead, she'd console him and comfort him. But being grief stricken himself, he allowed his anger to get the best of him. Hurting the woman he loved,
"We won't tell you where it is" Sam takes Y/N's defense. "I'll find it myself" Dean snaps back. He then gives y/n one last look, she didn't dare to look at him. Not allowing her eyes to meet his, his heart dropped. Scared that she'd never look at him the same, y/n's eyes were glued to the floor. Trying to take deeps breathes instead of letting her anger getting the best of her. She didn't want to hurt anyone, especially the boys.
Her newfound powers were getting the best of her, she barely knew how to control it and it only came in times of desperate need and anger. She was scared, scared of herself, scared she'd hurt someone else. Someone she cared about. Dean turns to walk back to the motel room.
"Dean, wait" Sam calls out to his brother. Following behind him. Y/N then follows behind Sam. Dean opens the door to see it empty, "Gordon?" He calls out for it but no answer. "You think he went after them?" Sam asks. "Probably" Dean answers. "Dean, we have to stop him" Y/N says panicked. "Really, Y/N? Because I say we lend a hand" Dean scoffs.
"Just give us the benefit of the doubt, would you? You owe me that" Y/N pleads. Deans heart pangs, guilt rising again. She didn't take long to use that one against him but he deserved it. He nods firmly, "I'll drive, give me the keys" He says to her calmly. Y/N goes to pick up the keys where she left them on the desk, when they came back from the bar. Only to see it now gone. "He snaked the keys" Sam gasps.
"I can't believe this. I just fixed her up too" Dean grumbles in annoyance as he hotwires the Impala. The engine spluttered for a couple seconds before starting. Dean sighs, looking over to Y/N next to him in the passenger seat, her eyes were trained on a map along with Sam in the back with his own map.
Dean clears his throat awkwardly, "So, the bridge. Is that all you got?" He asks her gently. "The bridge was for and a half minutes from their farm." Y/N responds dryly, tracing her finger on the map. "How do you know?" Sam asks surprised. "I counted" She says, turning to Sam and then back to the map.
"Damn, should've thought of that" Sam grumbles to himself for not thinking in the moment. While Dean gives her a proud smile which she didn't acknowledge, his smile dropped as she continued. "They took a left out of the farm, then turned right onto a dirt road. Follow that for two minutes, slightly uphill. Then took another quick right and we hit the bridge" She explains, her finger tracing the trail on the map.
"Impressive" Sam chuckles, impressed by her tracking skills. "You're good." Dean commends her. "A monster pain in the ass....but you're good...with a mean right hook" He adds, smirking at her before putting the Impala in drive. Y/N scoffs, rolling her eyes as she held back a chuckle. Sam shakes his head at their version of saying 'I'm sorry'. At least they made up and aren't gonna fight, Sam did not want to get caught in the middle of that.
The car was filled with awkward silences as they made out way down the stretch, headed towards the bridge. Dean would look at y/n with a pained expression when she wasn't looking, and she'd do the same when his eyes were on the road. Sam speculating the entire time, his lips tucked into his mouth as he looks between the two, praying for the awkwardness to subside.
After following Y/N's directions, they stumbled onto a house. Parked outside was the same car that Sam and Y/N was transported in back to the motel. Y/N didn't recognize it but Sam made sure to get a good look at it. "Look, that's the car they tossed us out of. This has to be the house" Sam points out. Dean then puts the car in park and they all jump out.
They made their way up the porch to see the door was wide open, they all shared a look at this before walking in. They entered the living room, stumbling upon Gordon and Lenore. Lenore was tied to a chair, blood dripping from open wounds as Gordon wielded his knife dripping with Dead Man's Blood, torturing Lenore. Gordon turned his head to the trio.
Sam and Y/N's eyes widen in terror at the sight. "Sam, Dean, Y/N. Come on in" Gordon greets them. "Hey, Gordon, what's going on?" Dean asks warily. "Just poisoning Lenore here with some dead man's blood. She's gonna tell us where all her friends are" Gordon responds as if what he's doing is casual. "Aren't you sweetie?" Gordon smirks at Lenore menacingly, who's choking on her own blood. Heaving from the poison.
Sam and Y/N clench their jaws, "Wanna help?" Gordon turns to Dean. "Look, man-" Dean begins a bit nervous. "Grab a knife. I was just about to start in on the fingers" Gordon days before slicing Lenore's wrist with the bloodied knife. Her arm seared from the poison, making her grow weaker. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, let's all chill out, huh?" Dean tries to ease the situation. "I'm completely chill" Gordon says calmly.
"Gordon, put the knife down" Sam says warily, taking a step forward but Dean and Y/N out their hands out to stop him. "It sounds like it's Sammy that needs to chill" Gordon smirks. "Just step away from her, alright?" Y/N tries to reason. Gordon turns back to Lenore who's choking weakly, and back to them. "You're right" He says to Y/N before dropping his knife on the table.
"I'm wasting my time here. This bitch will never talk" He says grimly, before taking up his machete, pulling the cover off of it. "Might as well put her out of her misery. I just sharpened it, so it's completely humane" He snarks at Sam and Y/N. "Gordon, I'm letting her go" Y/N says before taking a step forwards to help Lenore.
Gordon holts her in her actions by pressing the knife to her chest, "You're not doing a damn thing" He growls. Deans heart drops, Sam tries to reach out for Y/N but, "You take one step closer, I'll slice the bitch" Gordon threatens. Y/N puts her hands up in surrender, "Hey, hey, hey. Gordon, let's talk about this" Dean tries to get Gordon to take the knife off of her. "What's there to talk about? It's like I said, Dean. No shades of grey" Gordon retorts.
"Yeah, I hear you. And I know how you feel" Dean responds. "Do you?" Gordon cocks his eyebrow, his machete still pointed at Y/N's chest. "The vampire that killed your sister deserved to die. But this-" Dean tries to resin but Gordon chuckles darkly, cutting him off. "Killed my sister?" Gordon smiles darkly. "That filthy fang didn't kill my sister. It turned her. Made her one of them. So I hunted her down and killed her myself" Gordon reveals, his knife still against Y/N's chest.
They're all taken back by this, "You did what?" Dean mutters. "It wasn't my sister anymore. It wasn't human. I didn't blink. And neither would you" Gordon points the blade to himself, then to Dean and back to Y/N. "So you knew all along then? You knew about the vampires. You knew they werent killing anyone" Sam says in realization. "You knew about the cattle, and you just didn't care" Y/N scoffs.
"Care about what? A nest of vampires suddenly acting nice? Taking a little time out from sucking into innocent people and we're supposed to buy that?" Gordon chuckles. "Trust me. It doesn't change what they are" Gordon points at himself with the machete before turning to Lenore with a hate-filled gaze. "And I can prove it" He turns back to Y/N. He grabs her wrist in a flash, slicing it. Before gripping her in a chokehold.
Sam and Dean don't think. They just act, pulling their guns out and cocking it at Gordon. "Let her go!" Dean growls at him, enraged. "Now!" Sam yells. Y/N tries to break from it but he's too strong. "Relax. If I wanted to kill your bitch, she'd be on the floor already. Just making a little point." Gordon says calmly, his machete pressed to Y/N's throat as he held her arm dripping with blood out.
He then moved her closer to Lenore, holding her arm over the convulsing vampire's face. The blood then dripped from her arm and onto her face. Lenore bared her fangs, snarling for more, "You think she's so different now?" Gordon snarks at the Winchesters. "Hey!" Dean yells, "Still wanna save her? Look at her. They're all the same. Evil, blood thirsty." Gordon says menacingly.
Lenore retracted her face, "No, no." She says pleadingly. "You hear her Gordon?" Sam motions towards Lenore. "No, no" Lenore groans, trying to control herself. Gordon's grip loosens on Y/N, allowing her free. "We're done here" Y/N growls at him, "Sam, Y/N. Get her out of her" Dean orders the two younger hunters. "Yeah" They respond in unison.
They both help Lenore to her feet, wrapping each of her arm around both their shoulders. "Come on, hun. We've got you" Y/N says gently as they help her limp out of the room. Gordon goes to move but Dean still at his gun cocked at him. "Uh-uh. Uh-uh" He warns him to stay put. Gordon holts in action, putting his hands up in surrender.
"Gordon...I think you and I got some things to talk about" Dean says to him dryly. "Get out of my way" Gordon says. "Sorry" Dean smirks. "You're not serious" Gordon scoffs. "I'm having a hard time believing it too, but I know what I saw. If you want those vampires, you gotta go through me" Dean warns. Gordon takes a look at his knife before sticking it into the table besides him.
"Fine" He shrugs nonchalantly. Deans smirk widens, he then uncocks his hun before disarming the click into his hand. Stuffing it into his pocket. Gordon takes the opportunity to right hook Dean, who stumbled back but quickly recovered. Retaliating with his own right hook. Gordon then pulled his knife out from the table making Dean groan.
He tried stabbing Dean twice but he dodges before grabbing Gordon by his arm and throwing him into the wall. The knife was still in his hand so he head butted him twice, knocking his hand against the wall to disarm him off his knife. "What're you doing man? You're doing this for a fang?" Gordon groans as Dean held him by his throat.
"No. I'm doing this for my girl who's throat you held a knife to!" Dean growls back, right hooking him again. Gordon turned to Deans back was faced to the doorway. "Come on, Dean. We're in the same side here" Gordon pleads. "I don't think so you, sadistic bastard" Dean snaps back. Gordon quickly blindsided him, elbowing him before kicking Dean into a wooden table.
It crashed in impact, Dean shakes his head. Dazzled from the fall as he groans in pain. Gordon inches closer to Dean, "You're not like your brother. You're a killer like me and y/n." Gordon says. Dean quickly trips him but knocking him at the back of his knee. He then straddles Gordon, throwing punch after punch at his facts.
"Keep...Her..God...Damn...Name...Out...Off...Your...Fucking...Mouth!!!" Dean screams, punching Gordon with every word that left his mouth. He then grabs him by his shirt and throws him into a glass cabinet. Turning him around and then tossing him against the wall. Gordon tries to hit but he's too weak, Dean quickly grabs his arm. Putting it down.
Right hooking him again twice before holding Gordon under his arm as if he's gonna hit him a reverse DDT wrestling move, he drags him into the other room before 'accidentally' walking into the wall. Sending Gordon's headfirst into it, earning a groan from him. "Oh, sorry" Dean feigns a sarcastic apology.
He then places him on a chair and begins tying him to it. "You know. I might be like you...and I might not. Y/N is certainly nothing like your as" Dean tells him before leaning to whisper in his ear. "But you're the one tied up right now" He smirks, as Gordon glares at him.
The sun has risen and Gordon is still tied to the chair as Dean paces the room Gordons knife. The front door opens and shuts, Y/N and Sam walk into the room to see Gordon tied up. Their eyebrows raised, "Did we miss anything?" Sam asks. "Eh, not much" Dean shrugs. "Lenore get out okay?" Dean asks them. "Yeah. All of them did" Y/N answers, glaring at Gordon.
"Then I guess our work here is done" Dean smirks at Gordon. "How you doing Gordy? You gotta tinkle yet?" Y/N taunts Gordon, earning chuckles from the boys. Gordon rolls his eyes not answering. "Alright" She snorts. "Well, get comfy. We'll call someone in two or three days, have them come out, untie you" Dean further taunts, walking over to the table. Sticking the knife into the wooden table.
"Ready to go, Dean?" Sam asks. "Not yet" Dean says, walking over to them. "I guess this is goodbye" Dean chuckles, fixing his hair. "Well, it's been real" He smirks, drawing his fist back before punching Gordon so hard. He chair went toppling back along with him to the ground. Sam grimaces holding back a laugh along with Y/N. "Okay, I'm good now" Dean clears his throat.
"We can go" He says simply before walking out. Sam and Y/N share an amused look before leaving the house. As they walk down the porch, Y/N turns to Dean. "Hey, Dean?" She says. "Yeah?" He answers. She preps herself, taking a deep breath. "Clock me one" She clears her throat. The boys look at her in disbelief.
"What?" Dean scoffs, "Come on, come on. I won't even hit you back. Let's go" She screws her eyes shut. Dean scoffs a chuckle as Sam shakes his head, snickering. Deciding to leave them be as he walks back to the Impala. "No. Im not gonna hit you, Princess. I'll never hit you" Dean shakes his head. She peeps one eye open, "Come on, you wuss. Put the your morals aside for a sec. And that's coming from a raging feminist. You get a freebie. Hit me. Come on" Y/N tempts him.
"No, y/n." Dean says firmly. "If I'm being honest, I deserved it" Dean admits, rubbing his jaw. Y/N sighs, "So did I" She admits. "What?" He's taken back. "You were right, dad would've been disappointed in me. Hell, I'm sure he's probably rolling in his grave right now" She bites her lips. "Are you kidding me?" Dean scoffs. "Y/N, you and Sam just saved innocent people. Sure, they were vampires. But you did the right thing. He would've been proud" Dean assured her, resting a hand on her shoulder.
Her eyes flicker up to to his, "You don't know that" She holds back her tears. "I'm so sorry, princess. I should've never said that." Dean apologizes sincerely. She nods, accepting his apology. "I wish we never took this job. It's jacked everything up" She scoffs. "What do you mean?" Dean asks her, taking his hand off her shoulder. She takes a deep breath, "Think about all the hunts we went on, charming. Our whole lives" She begins. "Okay?" Dean says.
"What if we killed things that didn't deserve killing, you know? I mean, the way our dads raised us-" She sighs. "Y/N, after what happened to mom and then your mom....they did their best" Dean tried to reassure her. "I know they did. But they weren't prefect" Y/N says. Dean shrugs in agreement, "But the way they raised us to hate those things. And man I HATE them. I do, I miss daddy every single fucking day" She grits her teeth.
"When I killed that vampire at the mill. I didn't even think about it. I expected to enjoy it. I did for a moment but not the way I wanted to." She admits. "I just- I don't know how we do it" Y/N sighs. "Because it's in our blood. Every instinct told me to kill, Lenore. I was gonna kill her. I was gonna kill them all" Dean admits. "Yeah, but you didn't" Y/N points out. "That matters." She adds.
Dean gives her a soft smile, "Truce?" Y/N puts her hand out for a shake, "Truce" Dean smirks, taking her hand into his. Their eyes meet and in a flash Dean pulls her by her arm into a hug. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Y/N chuckles into the hug, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "You really are a pain in the ass, you know?" Dean jokes, his face buried in her neck.
"Guess I might have to stick around and be a pain in the ass, then" She quipped back, pulling away from the hug. His arms still around her waist while her arms are still around his shoulders. Her eyes flicker down to his lips, along with his eyes flickering down to her.
Meanwhile, Sam was sitting in the passenger seat of the Impala, watching the two as if they were a chick flick he was indulged it. "Just lean in, man. It's not that hard. Come on" Sam mutters to himself as the twos eyes pierced into each others. He rolled his eyes when he saw Y/N took her hands off of Deans shoulder and awkwardly cleared her throat along with Dean, who's face was flushed. "Wussies" Sam scoffs.
They then begin to walk back to the Impala, "Thanks" Dean genuinely thanks her as she opens the back door. "Don't mention it" She smiles softly, before jumping in. Dean takes a moment to recollect himself before jumping into the Impala. Putting it in drive and hitting the road for whatever awaits them.
Authors Note: Ohhhh the angstttt ahahah. Hope everyone enjoyed!! And trust me when I say, this slow burn is killing me too LOL *cue villainous laugh* This chapter is unedited and I plan on coming back to edit.
@hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19 @deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur
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yetanothergreyjedi · 2 years
Ghosts of Our Pasts
DP x DC crossover
Damian Wayne and Danny Fenton siblings AU
Parts 1 & 2 Part 3.
Part 4
He looked more like Bruce than Damian did, which felt right for the brother that had died leaving the assassins.
Danyal's stance was not a League of Assassin's stance. It could be that he was trying not to look openly hostile, but if Dick was honest, it reminded him most of Wonder Woman. Danyal stood like he might throw himself into the air with no expectation of gravity pushing him back down. Interesting, but de-escalation first.
"Richard Grayson," Dick introduced himself with a wave, "But you can call me Dick."
Danyal's lips did the little twitch that everyone's lips did when he told them his nickname. Daynal didn't relax yet though.
"Hi, Dick, I'm Danny."
"I'm Tim, but we established that... and you know Damian..."
The silence stretched.
"Well, if that's all you guys wanted..." Danny took a few steps backwards deeper into the alley, never letting any of them out of view.
"I should have gone with you." Damian said. It was an apology; though someone who didn't know him might not realize. "...I did not understand, not until I came here..."
Danny closed his eyes, looking away for the first time, clearly internalizing something in Damian's words. With every second, he seemed to realize that no attack was coming, and none was going to come.
"Maybe we should go back to the coffee shop?" Tim suggested, good. A neutral, public place would ease at least some of the tension.
Danny grimaced, a hand coming to rub the back of his neck. "Yeah, I sorta... I need to head back there..."
"Okay, cool," Dick said, as if the tension still didn't require tools to cut.
The walk back was an awkward mess of everyone trying to stay in Danny’s eyeline despite the crowd and him pretending he wasn't nervous when he couldn't see them. Dick had already decided that if Danny ran again, he was going to make sure they let him run. Chasing would only make him trust them less, and Danny wasn't a criminal (probably).
He gave them all an unreadable look as they re-entered the coffee shop. Dick wasn't sure what to make of it until an older bald man declared, "Mr. Fenton!"
"Sorry, Mr. Lancer..." Danny said, every bit a sheepish high-schooler. He sat down at the table he'd been at before the chase as the older man began a lecture about safety in big cities and staying with the group. Well... that complicated things.
The barista called Tim's drink.
"Are you good, man?" Tucker asked as soon as Lancer's attention went back to focusing on the group as a whole and not just their table.
"I think so, Tuck, but, uh... this... I don’t know, I don't think the just chilling plan is gonna work..."
"Is this related to Gotham? I thought she gave you permission?"
"She didn't just give me permission, Sam, she welcomed me... I know why now... its just complicated..."
"So... is that why the Wayne's were chasing you?" It was said like a joke.
Sam's eyes widened when he answered. "Yeah,"
Tucker stuttered out a confused mix of excited syllables, "Does that mean we get to meet—"
"Their just people, Tucker." Sam reminded, "Spoiled rich kids who at least manage to cause a scene at every other gala, so they get to rank slightly higher than all the other rich kids, because at least their not boring."
"Sam!" Tuckers exclamation caught Lancer's attention. The teacher called on them to restate what he had said. Sam guessed correctly, Tucker and Danny did not, and so the lecture started over.
Danny patiently waited for the lecture to end before whispering, "You guys know how I'm adopted..."
"So..." Danny gestured to the group of siblings that appeared to be arguing over... napkins? What were they doing?
"Wait, you know the Wayne's? Why didn't you ever say something?" Tucker exclaimed.
"Uh... well, the League of Assassins stuff..."
"Uh huh,"
"Actually, thats a bad way to explain it... my biological father is Batman."
"The Batman?!" For all of her 'people are just people' talk, Sam was too excited.
"Yes, and I can't fully explain all this without getting into identity stuff."
"Danny, Danny, Danny, first of all fair, but second, how far off is Wes?"
Danny tried very hard to not react to that. Which apparently was the same as saying yes, so he shushed them before they could start.
"I don't know how he connects to the League. This is more secret than mine, okay?"
They sobered, argued that phantom was equally important, but Danny didn't budge. So they excepted it as a weird obsession thing and agreed.
"Wait so, how did you not end up a Wayne kid?"
"The assassins have access to ectoplasm and I traded some for my parents to hide me."
"I hate that that tracks."
"To be fair, I didn't understand how actually messed up it was until later."
"Wait, so is Batman apart of..."
"I don't know, I thought he was. But the fact that I'm not stabbed right now is a good sign."
"You say that like you were planning on letting yourself get stabbed..."
Danny sighed, "It would be easier to fake my death... or like, actually die for a few days, than to resist and have them realize I'd require ending."
"Great." Sam said with forced cheer. "How are we modifying the vacation plans?"
Part 5
Tag list:
Next part is finished but is a bit short, I will not post 5 until I have 6 written and 6 is being mean to me.
Edit: Part six bit me, so it's in time out. But the draft is finished.
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmelloe @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
@pastalavistamf @mysoulspiralbound @mj-arts-n-stuff @andaspoonfulofangst-whoops @apointlessbox
Apparently there is a mention cap on posts, who knew! I will see about the best way to add anyone else.
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wolfjackle-creates · 9 months
The Two Ghost Motel Chapter 3
Danny is tired. Endless ghost fights with too many responsibilities and too little time; he barely passed sophomore year. When Ember visits town for a bit of fun, she mentions the Two Ghost Motel, a place of peace and refuge for restless ghosts who aren't ready to cross over. “I’m fine, Ember.” Danny’s got a home and friends. He’s fine, really. But when his parents begin experimenting with electricity to destabilize ghosts, it’s too much for Danny. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Tucker can host him for the night and he’s left wandering in the night, alone. Then he sees it: The Two Ghost Motel. He checks in. “Welcome.”
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: Minor Original Character Death
Fandom: DPxDC (though no knowledge of DC is necessary for this fic.)
AO3, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
All morning, they tried to catch the attention of any ghost they saw. They even knocked on doors if it seemed like someone was inside. After his fight with the receptionist, Danny was so low on energy he could feel his transformation pulling at him, but he refused to succumb to it.
Most people they saw ignored them entirely. Others would look in their general vicinity for a few seconds before continuing on their way. And some, usually the ones in more modern clothes, could be convinced to speak a few sentences.
Most only spoke about what they were currently doing. A dog walker told them about his dog, a smoker told them about his favorite brands of cigarettes. Sometimes they’d give a name, sometimes not. No one reacted to his questions about Tom and Alan.
The sun was much higher in the sky when they’d covered the front half of the building, still avoiding the office.
“Should we do the same for the back half?” asked Jay.
Danny groaned and leaned against the wall. “Let’s not. If I have one more person ignore me when I ask about Tom and Alan, I will punch something.”
Jay bumped their shoulders together. “Do you think there’s a way we could steal the log book from the receptionist?”
Danny chewed his lip and considered. “Let’s go back to one of our rooms. We need to plan. Do you know where all the entrances to the restricted areas are? Maybe we can find some answers there.”
“Duh, of course I do. That’s, like, the first thing you learn.”
“First thing you learn for what? I certainly never had anyone teach me stuff like that.”
Jay hesitated. “I— I don’t know. I think I had a job. Before, I mean. There was something I did. And I had to train a lot for it.”
“So you lived in an Alley that was also a Park that was near the ocean and you had a skilled job at fifteen. And you’re bird.”
“And there’s someone waiting for me,” added Jay.
“And there’s someone waiting for you,” agreed Danny.
“What are you trying to figure out?”
“I just, if I can figure it out, I’d like to know who you were. Maybe one day I can leave flowers on your grave or something.”
Jay shook his head. “Not my grave. I remember talking to a stone statue. It had wings and was up high. A…gargoyle? That’s where you should leave anything. And not flowers. Leave something cool, like a knife or a good book.”
“A gargoyle.” Danny raised an eyebrow, knowing Jay couldn’t see it. “Another clue.”
Jay grinned at him and grabbed his hand. “Come on,” he said as he pulled Danny up the stairs at the end of the building. “Let’s go and start planning.”
“Okay, okay!” Danny laughed as he ran after Jay. “I’m coming!”
Jay brought them to his room this time. It was much messier than Danny’s, more proof he’d been here for a long time. His bed was unmade and the drawer in the nightstand half ajar.
“The nightstand always had a favorite book of mine in it.”
“You like reading, then?”
“Yeah! It’s great. I used to spend so much time in the library before. They’d let anyone in and it was always warm in winter and cool in summer.”
Danny just hummed as he filed the information away.
Jay ignored the nightstand and book, though, and ran to the desk where he pulled open and slammed drawers shut. Until he pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil with an exclamation of success.
Quickly he began sketching out what Danny recognized as the general shape of the motel.
“How are you with heights? We should check the roof for other access points, too,” Jay said as he drew. When the general shape was sketched out, he added arrows. “This one is the office, obviously. Then here”—another arrow pointed near the right end of the motel—“Is a service door, but there’s no external handle on it.”
“Ghost can fly, birdie. Heights aren’t an issue.” He pointed to the side door. “And my intangibility seems to work here, so we can start there.”
Jay nodded. “You should teach me how to do that, too. If we get trapped or you get in trouble, I need to be able to help you.”
“You’re right. And it should be instinctual, so it won’t take long. When I first died, I had a harder time staying tangible than not. Dropped so many glasses. Got banned from chem class; it was a disaster.”
“Would there be a way to get past the receptionist? It’d make sense if she’s guarding the area we really need to get to.”
Danny tapped his fingers on the desk. “I could. But it would be loud and attract attention. And something about this place makes me more tired than I usually am. The fight this morning… I should’ve been able to redirect that fire with ease. She’s no where near as strong as some of the people I fight. But it was hard.”
Jay nodded and tapped his pencil near the office arrow. “We’ll leave it as a last resort, then.” He paused, then added, “Do you need to rest? If the fight took more out of you than you expected?”
Danny looked towards the bed and chewed his lip. It was edging into early afternoon. Jazz would know he was missing by now. Possibly his parents, too. But he could also feel the exhaustion under the surface. “I just need a bit of ectoplasm. And some food wouldn’t go amiss. Anywhere to get stuff like that besides the office?”
Jay hummed and looked towards the ceiling, only to shake his head. “No, I think the vending machine is the only option.”
“Think it’ll be safe to go back?”
Jay considered his question, then shrugged. “She calmed down at the end and then didn’t seem to give us a second glance. If we don’t try and cross her, it’ll probably be okay.”
“And I do need the ectoplasm…” Danny sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Let’s go.”
Jay nudged him with his elbow. “It’ll give us a chance to scope it out again before we have to attack later.”
“If we’re lucky, we won’t have to.”
Jay snorted. “Yeah, luck never works out like that. But we’ll do the other areas first. Now, intangibility?”
Danny laughed. “You just want superpowers.”
“Intangibility and flight are easy. You’re a ghost. Ghosts don’t belong on Earth and don’t have to follow the physics of this universe. So just… remember that gravity is optional and your physical body doesn’t really exist here unless you want it to.”
Jay blinked at him. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Huh.” Jay looked at his hand in wonder. Then he touched the desk. His finger was stopped by the wood. Jay scowled and jammed it again to the same results.
Danny shook his head with an unseen grin. “Let me show you.” He took Jay’s hand and extended his intangibility to the boy. “See how that feels? You’re not really here unless you want to be. So let go.” He plunged both their hands through the desk before withdrawing his and leaving Jay’s.
“What the fuck!” exclaimed Jay as he tugged at his hand, solidly encased in the wood of the desk.
“Focus, birdie,” said Danny. “If it’s hard to think that you don’t exist, imagine it’s the desk that doesn’t exist instead. After all, for you, it doesn’t. You’re not from the same dimension, the same universe. The laws that govern the desk don’t apply to you.”
Jay glared at him, but then closed his eyes and focused. A moment later, he successfully pulled his hand out of the desk.
“There you go! Told you you could do it.”
Jay looked at his hand in wonder. “I did, huh? That’s so cool! It’s like I’m a Martian or something.”
“Not really,” said Danny. “When I first died, I looked into how Martian phasing works. It’s totally different to ghostly intangibility. Even if the end results are the same.”
Jay stuck his tongue out at him. “Shush. Let me have this.” He plunged his hand back through the desk and out. Then he turned to the wall and ran through it into Danny’s room.
Danny laughed and flew through the wall after him. “See told you it was easy!”
Jay grinned. “And I can fly, too? Like you are?”
“Yep. Gravity only applies if you want it to. Just, now that you’ve mastered intangibility, try not to sink into the ground. It can be hard to figure out which way is back to the surface if you’re not tuned into the gravitational force of the Earth.”
Jay nodded with a thoughtful expression. Then he jumped into the air, only to fall back to the floor. “Give me your hand,” he ordered. “Let me see what flight feels like.”
Danny obligingly reached out and took his hand, raising him up until they were both floating a few feet in the air. “See, no gravity. You don’t feel that pull towards the ground at all. In fact, you might as well be on solid ground.” He flipped them upside down. “And even like this, there’s no blood rushing to your head. It feels no different than having your feet oriented towards Earth’s ground.”
“Huh. I do see.” He pulled on Danny’s hand until they were floating over the bed, then turned right side up again. When he let go, he remained in the air. He grinned. “Damn, this is so cool. I’ve always been jealous of those who can fly!”
“Flying is my favorite power. I like to just fly high above the town and look up at the stars. Plus it’s way faster than walking and easier than running.”
“I can see why.” Jay landed on the floor and took a few steps before rising back up until he was level with Danny. “This is so cool! But, come on. Let’s go get you that food you want.”
“I want one of those ectodrinks more,” commented Danny. “But yeah, let’s go, Birdie.”
“What is ectoplasm, anyway?” Jay asked as he opened the door.
Danny shook his head. “You really don’t know anything, do you? I’ll have to ask Frostbite about it next time I see him. These things are supposed to be instinctual. Ectoplasm is what ghosts are made of. It’s what everything in the Ghost Zone is made of. Those plants growing through the asphalt in the parking lot? Ectoplasm. Your body? Ectoplasm.”
“Does that make you a cannibal if you eat it?”
Danny rolled his head to show he was rolling his eyes. “First of all, I will be drinking it. And second of all, no.”
“Seems like it would.”
Danny just ignored him and kept walking. When they got to where Matt still sat playing jacks, he stopped to watch.
When Jay joined him a moment later, he was frowning. “Hey, Matt,” said Jay.
Matt ignored them. Danny and Jay exchanged a look and Danny repeated the greeting. Matt still didn’t respond.
“Let’s just get something to eat,” said Danny after a moment. When they reached the door, took every ounce of will power he had to keep from hesitating before reaching out for the doorknob. Just as it had that first time, it stuck slightly under his grip, but opened easily enough.
Inside, the ghosts on the couch had changed out again and now there was someone else standing and staring at the coffee bar.
The receptionist didn’t react to their presence, and Danny let out a low breath. “What do you like?” asked Danny as they made their way to the vending machine.
“I’m gonna take a Zesti,” said Jay, punching in the code. Again, the machine activated without Danny putting any money in.
Danny got himself an ectodrink, bag of chips, and a packet of m&ms. “Okay, that should be good. Let’s go.” He shot another wary glance at the receptionist who was still frozen in place.
“Give me just a sec,” said Jay. He opened his can and looked around the room. “Who chose the wallpaper here, do you think?”
Danny shrugged. “How should I know? Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Jay looked around one more time as he sipped from his drink. “Fine. Let’s go.”
Finally being able to close the door between him and the receptionist helped, though he knew walls and doors didn’t mean much to ghosts.
“Let’s go check out Matt’s room,” said Jay.
“What? Why?”
“Why not? We learned he was staying in room 117 and apparently we can still phase into other people’s rooms. After all, we got into yours from mine. Maybe he and Alan were staying together and just never checked Alan in. Would explain why he won’t talk about him.”
“Huh, it would. Let’s do it.”
Jay grinned at him and sprinted down the sidewalk. Danny outpaced him easily by flying and laughed when Jay scowled at him and called him a cheater. Neither bothered to knock before phasing through the door.
At first, all they could see was blackness. Then the room seemed to form around them as their eyes adjusted to the low light that the drawn curtains allowed through.
It was empty. Obviously it had a bed and desk and dresser. Really, it was just a carbon copy of Danny’s room. The bed was neatly made and every thing was in its proper place. If Danny didn’t know better, he’d have assumed no one was staying in this room.
“Do you think more people leave their rooms like this or messy like mine?” asked Jay.
“Only one way to find out,” Danny replied, grinning.
Jay laughed and ran through the wall into the next room. For a moment, he thought he saw a cape flare behind his friend.
The next room looked more lived in, though not by much. The bed was still made, but a book sat on the nightstand and the TV remote was on top of the sheets rather than the dresser.
In the third room, the resident was sill present and Danny walked in on Jay already stammering out apologies.
The woman barely glanced up from her book before looking back down and flipping a page.
“What book is that?” Jay asked.
She lifted it up so they could see the cover.
“Oliver Twist? I read that book. Love and hate it, to be honest. Lotta weird feelings about that one.”
She looked up and actually made eye contact this time. She tilted her head as if to ask why.
Jay shrugged. “Did the musical one year at school. Too many people tried to compare me to Oliver. Do you know how annoying it is to have people look at you and ask ‘Please, sir, can I have some more?’ in a fake British accent every lunch period?”
Her mouth twitched into a faint smile.
Danny’s Midwestern manners meant he had to give his own apologies as well. “What’s your name, Ma’am? I’m Phantom and this is Jay. So sorry for barging in on you.”
She looked back at her page, but said, “Sylvia.”
“Sylvia? Cool name,” said Jay. “Is this your first time reading Oliver Twist?”
She shook her head slightly. “It’s my favorite.”
Jay nodded in agreement. “The motel is good about always having your favorite on hand, isn’t it?”
She nodded and turned her page.
Danny shifted from foot to foot. “Look, not to interrupt or anything, but have you met any of the other guests here?”
She shrugged and didn’t look up from her book.
“It’s just, I’m looking for a kid named Alan. He was one of the two playing jacks over near the office. And a man named Tom. I met him the night I checked in, but he disappeared in front of me just a few hours ago.”
“People always leave. Oliver’s mother left. His friends abandoned him.”
Jay nodded. “But his grandfather didn’t. And Phantom here, he won’t leave either—not until he can confirm they’re safe.”
She just shrugged again. “I don’t know. Guests come and they go. No one comes here intending to stay for more than a night or two.”
“But they do stay for longer,” said Danny.
Sylvia shrugged and turned her page.
Danny let out a groan of frustration—the mask made it sound even more angry and Jay glared at him.
“Sorry,” said Danny. “How long have you been here, Sylvia?”
“Just a night or two.”
“Where are you in the book?” asked Jay.
“Oliver is with Fagin.”
“Have you ever seen the musical? Or the movie?”
Sylvia didn’t reply and kept reading her book.
“They’re like NPCs in a video game,” said Danny. “Once you complete all the dialog options, they stop interacting.”
Jay couldn’t quite hold back his snort. “Enjoy your reading, Sylvia. It’s a good book, even if it’s not one of my favorites!”
She didn’t react and the boys left. Through the door, this time.
“We should probably not go into random rooms anymore, should we?”
“Probably not,” agreed Jay. “Besides, I think we’ve confirmed that none of the other ghosts know anything about the other guests. Continuing to chase them down is pointless.”
“Let’s go back to our rooms. I need to eat my snacks and then we can pick back up with our investigation.”
Danny flew up to the second floor, forcing Jay to follow him, rather than waste time walking to the stairs.
“You’re getting the hang of that,” he commented. Jay grinned at him with pride.
Once in his room, Danny took off his mask. “What?” he asked when he noticed Jay staring at him.
“You look so different without the face mask.”
Danny raised an eyebrow at him. “I look different when you can see my face instead of safety goggles and a respirator?”
Jay waved off his sarcasm. “You know what I mean. You feel more human this way. Why don’t you take it off more?”
“The mask is part of me now. I have to focus on keeping it off or it’ll reform over my face.” He pulled out the ectoplasm first and frowned when he noticed it was much more watery than he was used to seeing. “That’s odd…”
“What’s odd?”
“Ectoplasm doesn’t usually look like this.” Danny carefully unscrewed the cap and sniffed the open bottle. The scent burned, ozone and garbage and dirty toilet all in one. Danny gagged and quickly screwed the cap back on. “What is that?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“It was rhetorical! That’s rancid. Gross.” He sighed. “Looks like we’re doing this while exhausted. Not my first time, won’t be my last.” He opened his bag of chips and practically shoved his nose into it to overpower the smell of the not-ectoplasm.
Jay sat on the bed. “So where are we going first? The side door with no handle?”
“Yeah, might as well. That and the roof are where we’re planning to start, right?”
“From what I’ve seen, yeah. Only other place is behind the desk in the office.”
Danny shuddered remembering the receptionist’s transformation. “Hopefully not.” He shoved a handful of chips in his mouth. Enough ghosts liked to attack during his lunch period at school that he’d learned to eat fast. In no time, the chips and candy were gone and his mask was back in place.
Jay stood. “Let’s go, then.”
“Hang on a sec,” said Danny. “I want to go through my bag. See what supplies I have handy. Might have a weapon for you.”
“Ooo! Weapons! Let me see!” Jay bounced over to peer at the closed bag.
Danny laughed. “Hold on a minute!” Before touching his bag, he pulled the ectoknife out of his pocket and passed it over. “Have you used a knife before?”
Jay grabbed it and flicked the blade in and out. “Duh. You never left home without at least two weapons where I grew up. Been handling knives since I was a toddler.”
“Right. I’m not touching that one.” A quick feel around his pockets revealed nothing else useful. Turning to the bag, he quickly discarded most of the clothes he’d shoved in the top, though he paused on the socks.
He stood and grabbed the not-ectoplasm from where he’d left it on the desk and wrapped the bottle in the socks as protection before putting it in a pocket of his suit. At Jay’s confused look, Danny explained, “I can study it when I get home. See how it’s similar to and different from normal ectoplasm.”
Jay nodded, but asked, “Why do you even have clothes, anyway? I haven’t seen you change at all. And I know I haven’t.”
Danny shrugged. “I told you—I’m weird for a ghost.” Under his clothes, he unearthed a thermos which he immediately clipped to his hip.
“What’s that?”
“A containment device.” Although the answer clearly didn’t satisfy Jay, he didn’t ask any further questions. Unfortunately, Caspar High had banned blasters after some of the students had begun shooting each other with them, but he did find a lipstick laser he’d been meaning to give to Sam. For over a month now. “Here. Take this, too.”
“Lipstick?” asked Jay as he removed the cap.
“Wait! Don’t do tha—”
A laser shot from the tip and burned a mark in the wall. “Dude! What sort of movie-spy shit is this? Why do you have it?”
“My parents are ghost hunters. They like making stuff like that.”
“Ghost hunters? But aren’t you a ghost now?” The concern was practically oozing off Jay and it made Danny grimace.
“Look, it’s fine. My sister and friends know about me and my parents have a ton of useful things I can use to help fight ghosts.” He continued rummaging through his bag. He found his phone, but it was dead. Which shouldn’t have been possible since he’d switched to an ectoplasmic battery that should’ve kept it powered for years. Nothing he did would get it to work, though, so he shoved it back in his bag. He and Tucker would figure it out later.
“What’s that?”
“My phone. But it doesn’t seem to be working right now. And I don’t have anything else remotely useful on me. I need to figure out how to sneak a blaster into school or something. This is pathetic.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s better than I had before. And we’re just doing reconnaissance, right?”
Danny huffed out a half-laugh. “How often does reconnaissance stay reconnaissance?”
“Touche,” agreed Jay. But he still grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him out of the room. “But that’s what makes it exciting.” He jumped over the railing, stopping their fall a few feet above the ground.
“You’re really getting the hang of flying.”
“I’m used to jumping off tall buildings. Even easier now that I can fly!”
“You jumped off tall buildings? Why!”
Jay grinned at him. “Yep. Don’t remember why, but I did it all the time. Now, let’s go!” Without waiting for a reply, Jay flew towards the end of the motel, leaving Danny to follow.
The area along the side of the motel hadn’t been cleared in a long time. The bushes, their leaves a bit too luminescent to be native earth plants, were overgrown and the grass reached halfway up their calves. Right in the wall where Jay had said it would be sat a solid, metal door without a handle. Jay didn’t hesitate before moving towards it, but Danny grabbed his arm to stop him.
“I’m gonna look in first. I’m better able to defend myself if things go wrong.”
Jay groaned. “Fine. But I can look after myself.”
“I’m realizing that, but this is my area of expertise.”
Jay pouted but didn’t argue, so Danny turned just his head invisible and looked through the door.
Only to be faced with pitch black. Absolutely no light made it’s way into the area behind the door. With a mental curse, he brought a hand through and pulled up an ectoblast for a bit of light. Dusty, cement stairs led down into a cellar. Wires hung from the ceiling and green ectoplasm, or maybe that not-ectoplasm—his mask effectively blocked scent so he wasn’t sure—dripped down the walls.
Danny pulled out. “I don’t see anyone. But there’s a steep stairway, so be careful.”
Jay nodded his agreement and the two stepped through the door. Danny used an ectoblast for light again, and the two picked their way down the stairs.
Danny reached out a gloved hand to touch the green fluid on the walls—it had the same consistency of the not-ectoplasm.
“Can you smell anything rotten?” asked Danny.
Jay sniffed. “I don’t know if I’d call it rotten, but it smells like old blood and fire.”
“Try not to touch anything, I don’t know if it’s dangerous to ghosts or not.”
“Trust me, Phantom. I had no intentions of touching it. Nothing good comes of weird, glowing liquids. Everyone knows that.”
Danny huffed a laugh. “Not in Amity. We’re used to it there.”
They fell silent as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Pipes ran along ceiling, and the floor was made of cheap linoleum. He still couldn’t see any light fixtures. The hall went on for a few dozen feet before ending at another solid metal door.
The breathing from Danny’s suit seemed to echo in the hallway. And his boots were nearly impossible to walk silently in. Each sound made him wince internally, especially since he had to look back to confirm Jay was still with him. When they reached the door, it was locked. Danny turned intangible again and tried to stick his head through, only to bang it hard on the door. “Ow,” he muttered under his breath. He shook his head and, more cautiously, tried to stick his hand through instead. It also hit resistance.
“What’s wrong?” whispered Jay.
“It’s warded against ghosts,” Danny replied. “Can’t phase through.” With his hands intangible, he started at the center of the door and reached outwards, then up to the ceiling, then to the floor. When every inch seemed to be blocked to him, he moved to the walls bordering the doorway, only to have the same problem.
“What do we do now?” asked Jay, who had reached out to try as well. His attempts were no better.
Danny worried at his lip. Even just maintaining the ectoblast for light was requiring constant focus. And the pull was taking far more energy that it should. “We’ll have to go back. Or figure out where the shield is generated from. If we can disrupt that, we may be able to get through.
“Damn. How would we know what the shield looks like?”
Danny shrugged. “I know what the ones my parents and the GIW use. But those designs were invented in the last two years. I’ve no idea how old this place is or what technology they’re using to ward off ghosts. Let’s go back outside and we can reassess.” Maybe something would come to him if he didn’t have to focus on making their light.
Jay nodded and the two navigated their way back out. Danny kept his hands on both walls, but at no point did the shield break. Not until they reached the exit door which only allowed them back outside.
“That was pointless,” Danny said as he collapsed on the ground. If he’d been human, he would’ve been panting.
“No it wasn’t,” argued Jay. “We know there’s something important down there now.”
Danny groaned. “But we can’t get to it. If only we were back in Amity. If I had access to the full Fenton arsenal, I could maybe do something.”
“What’s the Fenton arsenal?”
“My parents’ weapons vault. You have the laser. The thermos”—he gestured to his hip—“is another invention of theirs.”
“They have an entire weapons vault? And they just let you access it?”
“They’re ghost hunters and scientists,” said Danny with a shrug. “It’s my normal. Part of my chores growing up were to help clean the lab.” Danny groaned as he pushed himself up.
He swayed once on his feet and Jay helped steady him. “Woah, are you okay?”
Danny yawned. “I’m more tired than I thought.” He was close to transforming unwillingly, but he had enough control to force it back. “This place is doing something to me. Let’s go back to my room. If I can’t get any ectoplasm here, I need to nap for an hour or two. My core needs to recharge somehow. Then we can check out the roof.”
“Will I get tired like you if I keep flying and using intangibility?”
“Normally I’d say no. But I’m also never this wiped out from a minor fight, so…” He shrugged. When they reached room 114, he flew to the second story and walked through the wall into his room and collapsed face-first onto the bed.
Only to let out a grunt of pain when his mask pressed awkwardly against his face and his goggles dug into his eyes. He rolled to his side. “Sometimes I really hate that I died in this suit. It is not comfortable.”
Jay laughed and poked him in the back. “Get some rest, sleeping beauty. I’ll wake you up in a bit.”
“Thanks, birdie. Night.”
If he replied, Danny didn’t hear it.
“Jus’ five m’r minutes, Jazz,” mumbled Danny as he tried to shift away from the person shaking him awake.
“Phantom!” called out a male voice.
Not Jazz. Tucker? But he wouldn’t call him Phantom. Danny yawned and opened his eyes to see a black-haired, blue-eyed boy staring at him and an unfamiliar ceiling.
“Finally! I’ve been trying to wake you for ages.”
“Birdie?” Danny pushed himself up until he was leaning against the headboard.
“Yep! Since you were sleeping so hard, I went to the roof. There was a vent up there I was able to climb into. And guess what? It leads to an area over Ms. Creepy Receptionists’s desk! Could probably jump down from it and land behind her, giving us access to the forbidden area.”
Danny blinked a few times, his brain struggling to shake off the his nap. “What time is it?” he asked.
Jay rolled his eyes. “Are you even listening to me? It’s like six or seven or something. Not quite dark out yet.”
Danny yawned. “Sorry I slept for so long.”
“It’s fine. I figured you needed it. But come on! We have to get going now. There’s people waiting for us.”
“Right. Tom and Alan.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “Them, too. I guess.”
Danny yawned again and lifted his goggles to rub at his eyes. “So a passage to the receptionists office? You shouldn’t have explored without me.”
“I’m not some untrained kid. Besides, you gave me two weapons. I was perfectly safe. And aren’t you the one who said we had to hurry?”
Danny rolled out of the bed and stretched. “Yeah, yeah. I need to get home. I’m sure there’s already people looking for me.” He closed his eyes and reached for his core. He didn’t have as much power as usual, but he had enough. More than before his nap at least. He let it’s coolness center him. “I’m ready.”
Jay grinned and held open the door, following Danny out.
This time, Danny led them towards the stairs rather than flying down. Evening had settled in and the the overcast skies were darkening, though the horizon was still light. “Let’s try talking to Matt one more time. I’d like to avoid fighting the receptionist if at all possible.”
“But the kid doesn’t remember anything!” protested Jay.
“Then it won’t take long.”
Jay groaned theatrically, but he followed Danny to where Matt was still playing with his jacks.
“Hey, Matt,” greeted Danny. The boy didn’t react and Danny sat across from him on the ground. “Mind if we join in?” he asked.
Matt still didn’t respond, but he caught the ball and picked up all the jacks before tossing them back out. He handed the ball to Danny.
Jay took a seat between them. “Sweet, another round! Hey, Matt, how’s Alan doing? We’ve been all over the motel today and haven’t seen him.”
Matt looked at Jay and Danny tossed up the ball to play the onsies round. Matt never verbally replied, though Jay continued to ask more questions. He asked about Matt’s mother, where he lived, what classes he took in school. All of it was met with silence. Though the few times Danny was able to look up, Alan was staring at Jay rather than the game.
When he finished his round, Danny let out a celebratory, “Yes! Got it!”
Jay clapped his hands slowly. “Good for you. You managed to complete the easiest round,.”
“Shut up,” said Danny. “I’m still learning. Just for that, I vote Matt goes next. What do you say, Matt?” Danny held out his hand with the ball.
He didn’t say anything but did take the ball.
Danny and Jay watched as he tossed the ball up and let it bounce once before grabbing a jack and catching the ball.
He’d repeated the action twice when Jay asked, “Matt, are you feeling all right?”
Danny looked over at Jay in surprise before turning his attention back to Matt. The kid was pale, but not an unusual color for a ghost. Though… he rubbed his goggles. Was he blurry around the edges? A quick glance at Jay proved his goggles were fine. Matt was a bit faded around the edges.
“Are you turning invisible on us?” asked Danny, forcing his tone to be light and joking even as his core thrummed in fear.
Matt, as expected, didn’t reply to either of them. Jay and Danny exchanged a look, but neither could stand to take their eyes off the boy for long. With each toss of the ball, Matt looked more and more out of focus.
Then, when he was down to the last jack, his body disappeared entirely when he threw up the ball. All that remained visible was his shining core. Danny lunged forward even as the core and ball both fell to the ground.
His fingers only just brushed Matt’s core as it hit and shattered into sparkling dust.
The sound of the ball bouncing on the cement next to his head echoed in his ears as he stared.
The dust from Matt’s core flickered with light, though it kept getting dimmer and dimmer. Danny grasped at it, trying to gather it up in his hands. Jay joined him. But there was nothing they could do. The dust fell through their fingers and disappeared faster than they could gather it.
But Danny kept trying until the last speck faded and nothing of Matt remained. The ball finished bouncing and came to a rest against the wall.
“What just happened?” asked Jay.
The question was enough to jolt Danny back to motion. He snatched the bouncy ball and shoved it in his pocket then jumped to his feet. He grabbed Jay’s hand and pulled him up as well.
“We have to leave. Now.” He ran, dragging Jay behind him.
Chapter 4
The ending of this chapter is one of the first scenes I planned for the fic. It may be the darkest thing I've ever written (and shared). Please let me know what you think. I've never written this genre before, so I want to know if something didn't hit right.
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exdeputysonso · 2 months
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comic-con wrap-up ✨
Thursday Did the dexter offsite. Honestly not really worth the hour wait, but the shipping container theming was cool!
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After that I said no more offsites or lines. The rest of my trip was exhibit floor and panels. I just didn't even try for any big Hall H panels this year. Too much camping. Other panels were pretty easy to get into if you just show up a bit early. I typically sit through one to three panels to make sure I get in and get a good seat for what I actually want to see. So there's a lot of random stuff in here. But a lot of the random stuff was fun! The Todd McFarlane panel had David Dastmalchian as a surprise guest to talk about a new comic he's writing. I'm like 90% sure David waved at me as I was taking pics of him. I was off to the side, towards the front, with not many other people around and I'll just say it was trippy.
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Then I was there for the Teacup panel which I knew nothing about except James Wan was producing so thought it'd be cool to check out. And it was!
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Okay, so I reallllly wanted to get into the Dexter panel so I sat through four (4) random panels for this one. You can kind of see my pics get progressively better as I move up seats between panels lol.
The panels were Snowpiercer, "Brave New Warriors" (basically a random guys panel about action roles), "Collider's Ladies Night" (random ladies panel), and "TV Guide Fan Favorites" (just completely random lol). The TV Guide panel was my fave and a lot of fun. Bruce Campbell is always a riot and idk anything about Percy Jackson but Leah Jeffries was adorable. Oh, also back to the ladies panel... shout-out to Katy O'Brian for being a Sinister fan.
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Then the main event was the Dexter: Original Sin panel. I was happy enough just for anything Dexter, but then Michael C. Hall showed up as a surprise guest and made my life. They also showed the intro for the new show and it looks great. Everything I heard just makes me extra hyped for it. And hyped about Michael C. Hall narrating. I'm still working out my feelings on the Dexter: Resurrections announcement, will have to wait and hear more on that one haha.
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Saturday was my see-random-panels-for-actors-i-like day. Jack Quaid, hollywood's good boy (cbb joke I can't resist), was there for the The Safe Man audio drama.
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And then Hamish Linklater was there for a panel for voicing Batman: Caped Crusader. My Hamish feelings are resurfacing after this, he's just such an interesting soul and a joy to listen to. Matt Reeves was also there which I guess is pretty cool!!! (But this panel only got vague references to the wider DC universe.)
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Sunday was just me finishing walking the rest of the floor I hadn't hit yet. And finishing my game of how much chucky merch can I find.
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And finally my haul of random stuff I bought off the exhibit floor. <3
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trojanteapot · 1 year
Obligatory Infinity Train Fanfic Plug I Guess
I have some new followers since I posted about my Infinity Train cosplay process so I guess now's a good time to plug my boring overly-long fanfics that are mostly sad and stuff.
Ain't No Cure For Love: Ryan and Min-Gi perform their first gig in Montreal. Min-Gi wants to confess his feelings. (First fic I ever wrote probably a bit rough now and the only fic without any sort of theme besides "love wins" i guess) It Can't Be Helped: Takes place in the mid-2000s when Ryan and Min-Gi's band have become quite successful and are touring East Asia. Ryan has some cultural identity issues to overcome at the age of like, 40-something. (This one is much much better than the first Rymin fic, and is about more than just shipping. I did a ton of research into Japanese-Canadians and Korean-Canadians for it as well! Shout-out to my partner for his huge role in shaping this fic as he is Japanese-Canadian himself.)
Raison d'Etre (PART 1) (PART 2): Post-Canon AU where Simon survives the Train. Grace and Simon spend about 4 years apart from each other living their own lives on Earth, but one day Grace shows up randomly in Quebec to pay Simon a visit. Traumatic wounds get reopened, things get emotional, philosophical, maybe even a little... sociopolitical? Also interspersed between Grace and Simon's little dates are flashbacks to the Train that explain exactly how Simon managed to leave the Train in this AU.
I separated it into two halves because the second half contains smut. However, the second half kind of needs to be read for there to be a complete story. The smut is entirely skippable and doesn't contribute to the overarching plot so I do encourage you to read both halves.
(Also of note is that this takes place not in the "present" but in the past (2018), because I am An Old Person(TM) and so I made Grace and Simon millennials. And I also didn't want to write about the pandemic. It's not that noticeable and you can ignore that timeline fuckery if you want.)
True Love Waits: (VERY VERY CURSED) Sort of not a shipping fic? But Grace gets pregnant here and we all know who the father is! So Grace needs to leave the Train before the baby is born. Canon complacent so Simon is dead. (TW: other than pregnancy there's also thoughts of self-harm and mentions of abortion)
Leave It In My Dreams: Grace's sad nightmare in Alma Mater but from Simon's perspective.
Shame On You, Blue-Eyed Fox: Grace lets her guard down and harassed by a rookie cop. Simon finally makes himself useful for once in his entire life. (TW: real world racism obviously.)
Alma Mater: Post-Canon. Tulip starts college, is very typically Tulip about it, but she befriends an older student named Grace Monroe who helps her through it. However, Tulip comes to learn that she and Grace have more in common than they realized at first. Also Jesse and Lake get thrown into the mix and drama ensues. (Mostly canon complacent except for 1. time period, and 2. Grace is from California, not DC, but her parents work in DC.)
Initial State: A side story to Raison d'Etre. After Simon realizes he's wrong he works with the Cat to bring his number down and leave the Train. But this isn't as easy as he thought especially when he meets a denizen he's recently met before, but never expected to meet again (becausehekilledherlol).
Semi-Automatic Lonely Boy: Prequel to Raison d'Etre. Just a series of vignettes of Simon's life after returning to Earth. (TW: depictions of self-harm) Other than It Can't Be Helped, this is the other fanfic that I am the most proud of so far. Literally went and relearned French to write some of the dialogue in this.
I'll Get It Right Sometime (ongoing): Four years after Book 3, Hazel and Amelia have a pretty decent life on the Train. But this peace is interrupted when Hazel meets a passenger and decides to help him through the Train. How can Amelia keep Hazel safe? Who is this passenger anyway? Why is the Cat so interested in interfering? Why is Simon somehow involved?! Why is JESSE somehow involved?!?!??! (Note: I think Hazel ages normally, so she's 10 years old in this one.) This is also my most ambitious fanfic yet. I have an Entire Homestuck Reference chapter, a Reddit chapter, and I plan to have several Discord chapters.
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peterneptune16 · 1 year
Well the Volume 9 Finale was A-MAZ-ING, I loved it all the way throughout. Darn near as perfect as an Episode of RWBY can possibly get, and this volume overall has exceeded my expectations and just been SOOOOOOO good. Plus all the ship stuff. Of course with Bumbleby and WhiteKnight hinting being super obvious, yet still absolutely adorable. But also the more subtle adorable RoseGarden hints. But just overall, literally everything about the volume has just been- so super good. But we don’t have to wait forever for our next bit of RWBY entertainment folks! In just 3 days we’ll have not only the 3rd Issue of DC/RWBY, but also the first ever RWBY FILM! JL/RWBY Heroes and Huntsmen Part 1 will be releasing April 25th and I cannot wait! So we’ll have some more stuff to tide us over! Not to mention that an issue of the comic will come out every month until the run is over and RTX will be July 7-9, so we are bound to get some new RWBY news!
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karouvas · 7 months
adam from trc? (for the characters ask game!)
Why I like them: Difficult to sum up since he’s one of my favorite characters of all time, I mentioned he’s probably my second favorite specifically male character in media and I stand by that <3. He has a lot of traits that appeal to me between the control issues and emotional repression and being curious and wanting to know what is up at all times and being a resourceful smart bb who can probably (the traits that most make me vibe with male chars tbh), his ambition and drive and desire for autonomy is really admirable to me but I enjoy that his arc in original trc is about learning he’s worthy of loving and being loved and about the value of that, that vulnerability isn’t automatically going to lead to being ruined in a sense. And his whole journey/arc in original trc is really beautifully done, one of my favorite character arcs ever to this day. On the flip side he’s a freak and a menace and I adore that as well, his internal monologue and pov is truly unhinged in the most fascinating and fun way. I definitely wouldn’t be nearly as attached to him without that. And I love stories about identity and masking and characters who feel alien and other having malleable relationships to identity to conform… so that might have started a bit with my love for Adam I’m realizing.
Why I don’t: I’m satisfied enough with how the arc played out in canon to not hold this against him when it comes to my feelings about his char especially since the breakdown of Blue and Adam’s relationship is pretty compelling to me in general, but anytime I see fandom takes that act like he Never treated Blue badly during their relationship at all and blame her for everything … Bombastic side eye doesn’t begin to cover it. But that’s only related to fandom bs, in terms of moments I actually dislike him which are not reckoned with by the narrative at all obviously it’s the racism re: Henry in TRK, ugh.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): tbh so much of my favorite Adam content comes in his internal monologues and PoV rather than what he’s Doing in a scene… but DC Party scene is incredible <33. If you made me pick another scene would go with him blackmailing Greenmantle nefarious king <3. Oh but also being unbothered by Kavinsky’s death iconic… wait I actually changed my mind pretend I never said those things it’s definitely the sacrifice scene in TRB yes that is my final answer.
Favorite season/movie: I love his entire arc and journey in trc so much so it really could be any book each for different reasons but I’ll say TDT, I love a Downward Spiral that’s interesting and messy <33. But also his BLLB arc rules… but it is the more obvious answer since it’s more positive/uplifting so yeah will stick to TDT answer and unpopular opinion but he’s the best part of that book for me.
Favorite line: lonesome internal monologue is iconic for a reason it’s incredible… also his whole internal monologue about being jealous of all combinations of his (hot) friend hanging out without him is soo real and iconic. Oh also ik I slander TRK but his monologue about loving magic and not knowing he was capable of love before and then Cabeswater showing him the images of his friends in moments linked to heightened emotions surrounding them… went off. If we’re going with just dialogue World’s Ending Folks! tirade is iconic + the internal monologues surrounding it… so much fun to dissect together.
Favorite outfit: the white shirt and cargo pants from BLLB ig my man has no drip… actually changed my mind it’s the secondhand tweed suit Gansey’s dad gave him he wears at Harvard for symbolism reasons.
OTP: Adam/Gansey. I love him with Ronan too and find stuff to be compelled by re: him and Blue but Adansey just hits on a different level emotionally and narratively they are everything…
Brotp: Persephone I love their psychic mentorship in BLLB.
Head Canon: would not have said this was my take before this reread but I do actually think of Adam as having some more internalized homophobia than most of the fandom, not as intense and exacerbated by religious shame as Ronan’s but there in a subtler way. I think Adam at the beginning of the series has some level of awareness about his attraction to men without fully registering it/accepting it, when he thinks about a model for success in TRB&TDT it’s this very heterosexual WASP ideal him watching Declan and Ashley as a model is very this to me for instance and I reblogged some older meta posts about this I agree with (stopping myself here because I kind of want to make a separate post about my thoughts here at some point).
Unpopular opinion: He’s quite an emotional mess for most of the series so fanon portrayals of him as totally cool and collected and put together rub me the wrong way especially after rereading where it Really stood out to me how much fanon and canon tend to diverge... He’s a logical, pragmatic person and a brilliant problem solver but that boy is emotional as fuck (Not soft at all which is totally different from emotional imo) and his efforts to deal with that logically make it worse (I can relate but that’s beside the point), he’s also really not smooth it’s just that Ronan and Gansey’s disasternous is more telegraphed and it makes Adam’s easier to downplay, also a trademark of Adam narration is that He prefers to see himself as a totally logical in control of emotions person and will downplay his emotional investment/emotions as a factor even when his feelings come out in other thoughts and especially especially when you look at his actions….
A wish: makes me deeply sad that even though he clearly values knowledge, loves when other people love knowledge for it’s own sake and get’s a taste of that passion himself when it comes to how much he loves being a powerful psychic/doing magic, he never gets to have that in his academic pursuits because they’re all tailored to get him out of Henrietta / help him win at the capitalist American dream… I so want for him to find a major he’s actually passionate about.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: well from the Greywaren spoilers I heard (I read CDTH and MI when they came out and now that I’m done rereading the original series am rereading them and will then read Greywaren so will.. try to reserve judgement but what I’ve heard to me is 😬) but aside from that I did always hate the idea of him losing his psychic powers and I’m glad that specifically didn’t happen.
5 words to best describe them: ambitious, observant, obsessive, practical, neurotic
My nickname for them: don’t have one, but I did call him a Freak (affectionate) a lot while rereading so I guess you could count that
thank you so much! (send me a character for ask game)
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fanfictiongreenirises · 3 months
20 questions for writers
thank you @60sec400 for tagging me!! 🫶🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
169, but it'll be 170 when works are revealed for an exchange i'm in :D
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,162,091. It makes me a little bit insane to think about it
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I tend to hop every once in a while, but I've written the most for DC comics, and now I'm mostly writing for The Untamed/Modao Zushi.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Antonym of Philtre
Modus Tollens
deep roots (are not reached by the frost)
if the stars we used to wish on (disappear into the night)
(ngl, apart from deep roots and stars, it's insane that some of these fics are so high up here. these are like random one shots i spent v little time editing or plotting, and i have no idea what it is about fics like philtre or ringing that made them so much more popular than other fics that i spent much more time on 😂)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try my best to! If it's a fic I've posted recently I really try to reply to every single comment, but i read over every single comment i get
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably Rectilinear Motion. if you click into this, please read the tags before continuing. i've got a fic where i do kill nightwing, and this is far worse
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lmao i honestly have no idea. probably one of my smut fics
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I think the harshest comment I've received would be bitchy or passive aggressive at most
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I have no idea how to answer the what kind 😂
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not really? The only xover I've written was probably my Johnny Storm/Peter Parker/Dick Grayson fic but it's not something I typically do
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
hiding from @sassydefendorflower. i've done a few round robins that were posted, which were a lot of fun, and aurora and I started a fic together that i was terrible at delivering my end of 😭
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
this is so hard to answer 😭 i bounce between ships and characters and am too much of a multishipper to really have one ship i love above all others
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
💀 like all of my DC ones lmao. fossiled is definitely one i haven't ever thought about finishing. and my fic with aurora is probably something i'll never really complete even though i'd really like to, like i'd have to mentally go back to how i saw batfam three years ago and it's not something i can easily do. i keep trying to update deep roots but it's been two years now and past me didn't leave any outline notes for the ending, and the stress of trying to write something satisfying for me, true to the story, and satisfying for readers who've waited this long (the stats on that fic make me v stressed lmao) is one of the biggest hurdles
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i've gotten pretty good at little self-contained one shots. if you give me a prompt i can smash it out even if i have no personal interest in the story. and i like to think that i've gotten somewhat good at casefics, given how much i like writing and reading them
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i'm always down for it! definitely no italisicing, though. i've been reading fic whose source material is chinese for long enough that now it annoys me so much to see italics for words in other languages in published books. i love stuff like mouse-over translations, but it's also fun to keep the reader guessing, and having them either go translate it themselves or just not entirely understand what's being said. there are a handful of published books i've read where you just can't translate some of the stuff, and it makes for a fun reading experience!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
chronicles of narnia! i deleted that fic before it even saw the light of my bedroom though lmao. the first fandom i posted fic for was hamilton
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i've written way too much to choose from, or even remember 😅 i really love please do not stand or wait in this area, one of my hardy boys fic, and i recently reread deep roots and found that it actually is pretty good. i'd also say that Whipped! By Zidian's Master, And Other Erotic Tales is my current favourite
tagging (no pressure <3): @sassydefendorflower @dottie-wan-kenobi @they-reap-what-we-sow @twilightarc-gm
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leatafandom · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @reallyreal-madeingold!! It was long, so I thought I'd make a new post I did not know you wrote a Willow/Spike, and I am going to have to check it out tonight I adore them.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? I have 122 works on my Ao3
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 887,007, which for some reason made me laugh really hard, seven little words.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly for Supernatural, but I've written for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spider-man/Deadpool, Merthur, Arrowverse, and starting to write some more DC stories
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Distraction: Scars - One of my favorites of mine, a spideypool story.
This is a Bad Idea - This is just a little smut I wrote for spideypool
Waiting for the Perfect Time - A Merthur piece I wrote with some HC of mine
Distractions -Voice(s) - This is part two of the Spideypool Distraction series
Breakfast - Another Merthur smut piece.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! I love comments, I normally respond to them whenever I'm updating a story or posting a new one anymore though so sometimes it takes me a bit to get back to people, but I do!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Umm I feel like I've answered this before, but I don't remember what I said and now I don't know what to say. Maybe Not Yet? It is a prequel to Waiting for the Perfect Time and without reading that one, it does not have a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I feel like I write a lot of bittersweet and untraditional happy endings. I leave them in a better place than they were a lot of the times, but they are not always happy. Despite my want to always go for no happy endings I tend to write them anyway. But~ ah I think maybe Conversations in the Dark I feel like that one is pretty optimistic at the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No I wouldn't say hate maybe some discouraging comments but not hate, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hahaha, I write porn, let's be clear. It's not sex there is a difference. Ah, I write a lot of rough stuff, some bloody stuff, some soft loving stuff, mmm, and I've been starting to write some more variations of bodies doing it. So that's fun
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't write crossovers, but I have done a crossover between two of my stories, and it was crazy. It was like two years in the making and it was so much fun. Taste of Cherry is a crossover between a very rom-com soul bond sabriel fic I wrote and a dark horror-themed version of sabriel. It was thrilling to have them meet and play off each other.
11. What's the craziest one you've written? Totally missed this one before but ah idk I write some weird stuff. Maybe Holy Hole? Since I made a world just so I could have a sabriel tentacle smut fic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yup a few, I am always open to getting my fics translated so more people can enjoy them. I just ask that the translator asks first, tells me, and share the link to the translation so it's easy to find from the original. It's a joy whenever someone wants to.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! It was very recently, and a wonderful experience! Freaks Like Us, is a Buffy verse fic featuring Dru, Spike, and Angelus and lots of smut. It was so fun to write with @aufredpratt and to get help and advice writing women.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh, this is so hard, I love so many ships from so many fandoms. I...I don't know especially since it's different when talking about who I'd love to write the most and who I like to read the most. I'm sorry I refuse to choose. x_x
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Once and Future Soulmates. It's an unpublished WIP that I just picked up again yesterday, but it is such a big Merthur project, and I'd love to finish it but also oh my god it's so much.
16. What are your writing strengths?  I'm bad at these kinds of questions. I think characterization and world-building. I like poking at stuff until it breaks and then making sure it won't do that. My worlds have many layers that never come up, but they're there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes (though I think I'm getting better... maybe), word choice, and conveying fear and some other emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Unless its one I'm fluent in, or have someone who is helping me I probably won't and find another way to convey language being said in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings~~
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Still Distractions: The K-word/Distractions: The New Kid. They both overlap the same year in Spideypool's relationship. I love how it came out and I will always be happy to have written out my HC comic mass up of them. Maybe they're just still my all-time OTP....
No Pressure Tags: @idabbleincrazy @heavenssexiestangel, @michaelmilligan, @fantasticstoryteller, @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes, @incorrectcoldflashblog, @toutes-les-routes @angst-is-love-angst-is-life anyone else who would like to!
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moonstone27ls · 6 months
X-men 97 thoughts so far...
Gonna give one spoiler warning....
Why? Because if reviewers haven't spoiled it, most youtubers have dozens of dozens of clips. Literally no point in me saying it much....
Sooo... that pretty much it....
.....Spoiler warning....ends.......
............................................now....(Also warning I do not have a Disney+ account. I'm on a budget I'm relying on clip unfortunately)
So my thoughts initially when I was hesitant to really look at it. Not so much because Disney owns this now. Its just been a long time. I kinda quit watching the original cartoon I wanna say before the last two seasons.
First ep didn't really grab me. At first the animation turned me off. I can't give a definitive reason why. Just something about when they first talked. And also.... did everyone suddenly get paler? oO No I'm not accusing them of whitewashing Storm. I'm referring to in general. I mean even Magneto looks a bit bleached.
It at best seemed decent. Ep 2 was shown and I was intrigued to see Magneto was apparently in Charles will and just gave him everything. Either he loved/had faith in Magneto more than he showed or just dang he pulled a 180 as they say. Lol I kid, I do think Xavier did all that out of good faith.
That one grabbed my attention a lot more. To see Magneto struggle against what he's use to. To try and be better for Xavier and the X-men. I admit seeing Storm lose her powers was a shocker. But I don't believe she'll stay human forever.
As hard as it is sometimes to see the other side. The show did actually attempt to show a pov for humans. (And no not referring to friends of humanity group). Its just a youtber pointed it out, that although Storm was protecting Magneto, yeah through a humans' eyes the powers could look more terrifying. And although it was stupid of the doctor to refuse aid to Madelyne (Jean's clone, sorry warned earlier on spoilers).
I've watched enough hero shows to see... the doc had a point. DC's Ace accidentally killed her parent as a baby. Cyclops has had accidents. So the fear wasn't totally without cause. Still cool though that Rogue could absorb medical knowledge and the nurses complied.
Enjoyed Wolverine's face when she said the baby was coming. Baby Nathan was cute. And the monologue Magneto gave the UN was really well done.
Ep 3 came and well wasn't entirely shocked the Jean, Cylcops had a baby with would turn out to be her clone. I dunno if it was everyone guessing or the comic reference. Hmm for me it was her face in the background. I swear Madelyne looked more angry than shocked.
And also dang that was good moment to show us they could let go of some restraints. Besides the excellent animation in both their fears being shown and Goblin Queen's fight with X-men and Magneto. And I'm gonna say it... Jean's talk with Wolverine. Very sweet moment, it made me a Jean/Logan shipper. And I recall as a kid I wasn't really into it.
Though will it happen... dunno. Probably not. But I wouldn't be entirely against it. Especially watching that whole ep. Just neither one can remember when they got switched. Just awkwarddddddddd. And while it was sad Cyclops had to say goodbye to his baby, granted I had not read the comics but was told enough to know it was gonna happen. Changed obviously but cartoons does their own thing.
Ep 4 was okay, Jubilee's okay but stuff with Mojo was never my thing. I just enjoyed it when her and Roberto finally became an item. Super cute. Though surprised that the X-men just basically bent over when Magneto said "no" to Jubilee's birthday wish. I mean granted yes he owns their group?/or home. But they all literally wanted to enjoy/and give Jubilee a birthday party. Just surprised not even Wolverine offered to take them out.
Storm's arc was so far ok(waiting for part 2 to full give opinion). Felt sorry for her the entire time cause she clearly missed her powers. And was a bit surprised Forge made those weapons... (dunno if thats a direct ref to the comics).
Then on to ep 5... the one I think so far has clearly blown our minds. I'm not gonna lie part of me saw what happened with Genosha coming because I follow people who explain comic history. So moment the place was mentioned I thought "oh boy what are they gonna do". I am a bit surprised Cable attempted to stop it. Or warn others of it? Sooo... is Madelyne dead? Went to fast to show if she survived.
Action scenes were intense to say the least. Not gonna lie I will be super pissed if they killed off Remy just so Rogue can run back to Magneto. Yes I know what the robot said and everyone's all "Magneto's dead".... but considering how this ended I wouldn't be surprised if he's shown alive later. Guess just a bit surprised people died in general. I mean its not Invincible level but you get the idea still surprising.
Any personal notes... okay what I liked. Voice acting's good, glad they got back the original actors, animation, music even pretty good, some of the story has done fairly well. I like some of the new characters.. I mean I guess.. its been 5 episodes I can't say there's been a lot. All of the cameos and easter eggs.
Anything I don't like...the love drama. Cyclops love rectangle(had to add Wolverine). Not sure were the writers are planning to go with this. And Emma Frost is here, as a character I dunno. But her role with Cyclops I DO remember. Please people don't add more. Lol. After this ep I can already see his variables. One, Madelyne's alive and he choses her. Two, Madelyne's dead and he wants Jean back as a rebound; though she's clearly in my opinion should be given space instead of being asked to choose whom to love right now. Or three she's hurt and he drags his feet in between both. Which sucks.
Honestly although I know Logan turned Jean down. I would prefer Jean go "I need space". She finds her space and she just asks Logan on a date. Just to see where it goes.
Then there's the one I REALLY didn't ask for Rogue/Magneto/Gambit. Yes I know this was in the comics but even then I didn't like it. But onto the show version. Don't like it cause there was no hint of it in the series. And secondly felt like the story was trying to give us Rogue/Gambit as a couple. So to see them trying to find their footing and then shoehorn this love triangle in was EXHAUSTING. I mean I love Magneto as a character both hero/antihero and villain. But I don't ship him with Rogue. He's old enough to be her grandfather and the animation doesn't really do well of hiding it either. He's a cool grandpa but still grandpa to me.
AND yes I know this is a revival. But even their attempts to give it justification felt off. Their background made it more awkward. I'm giving my opinion to be clear. You don't like it don't read it. From what I can tell Rogue was kicked out as a teen. And according to the wiki she was 13.
She met Magneto (according to this revival ) sometime after Mystique took her in. What time? I admit it doesn't say. Given how she's in her mid 20s in the show. We still have to assume she was still a teenager when they met.
Again can't give a precise age besides the fact that it was vague on purpose. Secondly, the animators made her look her 20s age even when she met Magneto. And I'm not buying that. I get it they're attempting to not make this triangle so out of the blue.
But doing it like this now and then I'm gonna be blunt watching his actions/and that dance felt wayyyy more predatory than it did romantic. At least Wolverine wouldn't put Jean on the spot so he could get into her pants. I mean come on writers Magneto could literally have ANYONE else without making it feel predatory BD;.
I'll say it again, I will be PISSED if Gambit is killed and Magneto lives. And just so we can push a may/December romance NOBODY asked for. And at Gambit's expense.
Thats it. I'll write my opinions when the rest of the eps are shown. Later till then!
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leviticus101st · 1 year
Spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man 26
I’d clip, but I literally don’t give a shit.
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There is only one thing that can be said.
3 questions.
1: WHAT?!
I decided to log off a bit to collect my thoughts....and with that I can confidently still say "What the actual fuck?"
Let's leave aside the problematic shit for a minute and talk about the other stuff.
You kill off a character who was the main character of her own book in a completely different book. One that she was barely in. One where the events of the book have nothing to really do with her.
It's one thing for Spider-Man writers to lazily just default to 'story where Peter gets sad' or refuse to have his most iconic love interest get back with him.
It's a whole other thing to screw up an actually good character for their stupid melodrama.
"Oh but it's comics. She'll be back in a bit"
Ya don't do the sappy death shit when you're aware that another writer is going to undo it.
Man, I can't imagine that these guys even bothered asking G. Willow Wilson, Sana Amanat, Adrian Alphona, or Jamie Mckelvie for permission nor can I imagine Marvel even telling any of them about this.
Ya think about the DC Sandman stuff and how in Dark Knights Metal Scott Snyder asked Neil Gaiman for permission to have Dream show up just to provide exposition.
Can't imagine why I'm thinking about that right now.
See I actually haven't been reading the Zeb Wells Spider-Man stuff, only really memeing on stupid pages uploaded online.
The only reason I'm assuming that Kamala was chosen to be killed off was because they thought the outrage would be funny. Given the creative's behavior.
Alrighty. Time to just talk about the real shit.
You took the biggest example of a Muslim Superhero, a hero that gave representation to a group that still suffers so much discrimination to this day, and you killed her off.
A character that truly meant so much to so many people and they kill her in this piece of shit.
I want to say that this was just pure ignorance, but given the behavior exhibited by the creators, I'm not giving them that benefit.
They probably want to laugh at the people upset about this, not knowing that killing Ms Marvel, I'd say a group is right to be upset.
Although I will say this. Please, for the love of God, do  not harass, send death threats, or threats of physical violence to anyone over this.
This is a god forsaken piece of shit and we should treat it as such, but don't be a piece of shit yourself. That being said, next point
Seriously though, they unironically pulled the Women in Refrigerators shit and it's infuriating as hell.
But yeah, I'm sure the next big event comic that will change everything forever will bring her back, if we even have to wait that long.
Screw this shitty ass run for pulling this shit.
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A Leverage fanfic made me try again to like (and watch) The Lord of the Rings movies. I have wanted to love LoTR since they came out, but there were always too many characters for me to keep straight and the storyline was confusing.
Last weekend, I watched all three Extended Edition LoTR Movies and god bless my husband and brother for helping me along.
Some highlights:
1. Took me three movies to remember and say correctly “Isildur”, for 75% of the three it was “Ilsidor” (Bonus: Saruman was Solomon for a bit)
2. Had to watch an hour of Fellowship thrice (the part where they take Frodo to the elves), because I had trouble understanding and being able to distinguish Aragorn and Boromir from each other.
3. Constant complaints that characters names were far too similar. Examples: Sauron and Saruman, Arwen and Èowyn, Aragorn and Arathorn.
4. Bafflement from my brother because by the end of the first movie I could tell Merry apart from Pippin, but was still having trouble with Saruman and Sauron.
5. My favorite characters are Aragorn and Elrond.
My husband is probably the most PATIENT person on this planet for sitting through his favorite movies with me because, well, this type of stuff happens with nearly every movie.
We can go see the Marvel/DC movies in theatre, but as soon as we’re out, my husband will have to explain the ENTIRE movie again. A lot of times we wait until they come to a streaming service so we can pause and rewind.
I’ll save the X-Men debacle from last night for another post 🤣
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hiya! Hope you're doing well because I'm about to hit you with an onslaught of questions from the Get to Know Your Fic Writer (as well as spam the asks with requests 🙂):
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
5. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
6. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
7. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
8. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
9. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
10. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
11. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
ALRIGHTY!!! I'm down for spamming my inbox ngl, like, if you got the time and you want to, absolutely go ahead!
1. it depends, really! some fics I write solely as a one-shot and they turn into multi-chapter, others I specifically write so that they can become a series!
2. when it comes to multi-chapter fic, I do have a little bit of a plan in mind for them; I don't plan them in GREAT detail, but I will have, like, a list of ideas that I want within the chapters!
3. have a cigarette and a bit of a think. ask @tokillamockingbird427 about something and get an idea (specific only to fics w more than one chapter and/or series fics dhfkskfk). have another cigarette. start writing and realise I don't like the idea. start again. have another cigarette and realise what I wanted.
4. p much everywhere! some fics have been inspired by real emotions and events, others come from a random idea that popped into my head - most descriptions of woodland and rural areas come from when I've been out for a walk. one fic I'm working on atm (which is a COD WW2 fic, for context) was inspired by the Chasseurs Adrennais and what they did. so it can come from everywhere!
5. most of them it's after! sometimes it comes from a particular theme or image within the fic (Rabbits), others come from a line said within it (Blackbird), and then some it comes from just a random thought I have whilst writing (The Good Captain).
6. oh, definitely. I tend to like be very explicit with the cost of war and how horrific warfare itself is; "war is Hell" is very much a big pattern for me lmfao
7. first person POV is one of them, but most of it is written down in my rules.
8. I wish Christmas Truce and Fields of Verdun had gotten more response, same w 1916 and The Attack of the Dead Men
9. it's definitely Love, Hate, Sex, Pain lmfaooooo @tokillamockingbird427 was there for the entire ride and can probably attest to the fact that it's literally just... there's so much going on 💀💀 Crowley and Lt's entire dynamic is chaotic, let alone the Everything Lt Does fjfkskfkskg
10. my most favourite is being able to do stuff like major character death and getting experimental when describing warfare to be as horrific as it is in reality - being able to try and make it as gutwrenching as possible is my favourite.
my least favourite is probably waiting for feedback tbh; I don't like to sit around lmfao
11. I've got favourites per fandom, but that's mostly to do w me tbh fjfkskfkskg like Bane and Bruce Wayne (from the Nolan films) are my favourites for DC bc I loved the Nolan trilogy as a kid and love it even more today (don't tell me you wouldn't be swayed by a communist w big titties saying "we need to bomb the city to get rid of corruption and capitalism". we all would.)
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milflewis · 2 years
makkinen + haunting
was going to make this angsty but bitchy michael n long suffering but amused af mika wouldn’t get out of my head so here you go my love <3
There’s a loud pop bang of what sounds like a balloon and David screams in the room next to his, loud and high, echoing through the thin walls. Mika sighs, kicking off his shoes, already folding down a corner of his page.
There’s laughter outside, footsteps coming closer, solid and quiet and familiar as his own, before his door swings open. Michael slips in, hair messy, breathing a little heavy. He turns, leaning back against the door and startles a little when he spots Mika.
Mika raises an eyebrow at him, at his shirt that stretches right across his chest, creased around his hips.
“Hey,” Michael says, hand running through his hair, flexing, all faux casual and easy charm, pretending as of this was the plan along. Not for the first time, Mika hates how much it works on him. You don’t deserve me being so easy for you, Mika thinks. It’d do you good to work for it. He lets Michael away with it though, like he lets him away with most stuff, off track at least anyway.
“Was looking for you.” Michael grins, loose and wide, lingering in his eyes. Mika hums. “In DC’s motorhome?”
Michael shrugs, wandering over. His hips sway a little as he walks and Mika rolls his eyes. Subtle.
“I got lost. It's a bit confusing out there. You should put up signs.”
“I’ll get right on that,” Mika says idly, watching Michael strip off his shirt, toe off his shoes, mess his hair up a little more. He climbs on top of Mika, long limbs graceful even in his rush, pushing aside Mika’s book. Heat pools in Mika’s stomach as Michael pulls at his hair, ruffling it, tugging Mika’s ear with a smile. Mika’s hands find his waist, thumb settling in the cut of his hips.
He rolls his eyes again when Michael tries to shove Mika’s shirt off, scrunching it up at his shoulders. “Can I help you?”
Michael hums, shifting around, pulling and messing with the blankets on Mika’s couch. He’s grinning as Mika twitches, arching his back a little, chasing the contact. “Yeah, you can. Mind taking that off?”
Mika narrows his eyes. Michael’s got that smug look to him, mouth curled up at the edges, not bothering to hide it, as if all his plans are coming together and then some. David can still be heard cursing loudly outside. Mika can make out the words bastard and fucking arsehole thinks he’s so funny and blond German prick.
“Nah,” Mika relaxes into his couch, folding his arms behind his head, shirt still all bunched up around his chest. Michael’s eyes flicker from his hands to his wrists to his biceps and back to his face, smiling. “I think I’m good here.”
“Yeah,” Michael murmurs, voice low, hands trailing up from the sheets to Mika’s stomach, palm flat and hot along his ribs. “You are.”
He leans down, pressing a kiss to the right of Mika’s belly button where there’s a faint little chicken pox scar that Mika hadn’t even noticed was there until they had sex for the first time years ago and Michael pointed it out. He kisses him again, waiting, mouth unforgivably soft. He settles further into his knees, sitting back on Mika’s hips, half hard against Mika.
“I know what you’re doing,” Mika says. “I’m not getting in the middle of you and David and whatever you’re up to.”
“Ew,” Michael says, scrunching up his nose. “Thanks for that mental picture.” He laughs then, Mika’s lamp light catching on his lashes as he leans down, hands by Mika’s face. “He said I don’t scare him.”
“Oh, yeah?” Mika murmurs, Michael’s nose brushing against his. Mika wants to put his hands on Michael’s back, feel the stretch curve of his spine, the way he arches into. He leaves his hands where they are. He refuses to be the one who blinks first.
“Yeah,” Michael says, breath hot and smelling of juice and mint on his face. “He was wrong.” He shifts his thigh as he kisses Mika, pressing down, swallowing Mika’s groan.
Mika pushes back against him, Michael’s body an unmoving long line of muscle and heat. Michael bites at his lip, one hand in Mika’s hair, tilting his head further back into the cushions, licking into his mouth. Mika lets his legs fall open wider, stretching Michael’s thighs, leaving him a little unbalanced as Mika steadies him. Michael pulls away, shaping his mouth against Mika’s jaw, swiping his tongue along along it, wet and warm and slightly disgusting. Mika is too busy rocking into Michael’s leg to care.
Their door swings open again. David barging in, face red, one fist shoved into a pocket, the other hand pointing at Michael. Mika’s stomach goes cold, softening a little when David is quick to kick the door shut behind him.
Stupid, Mika thinks. Stupid, stupid, Michael never locked the door behind him.
Michael laughs into Mika’s neck, heated puffs of air tickling the kiss wet skin there.
“Can we help you with something?” Michael says, turning a little to look the other man in the face, still half sprawled over Mika. “We’re a bit busy here, incase you haven’t noticed.”
Mika digs his fingers into Michael’s ribs in retaliation. He had told Michael not to involve him in this. Michael keeps grinning.
“You’re an asshole,” David says, jaw clenched.
Michael cocks his head to the side, mouth smug at its corners. “You look a bit…scared, DC. You alright?”
David stares at him for a moment before grabbing the nearest thing, Mika’s bag, and throwing it at them. Michael ducks, it hitting the wall, towels falling out of it and behind the couch.
Mika sighs, letting his head fall back, breathing in deep so he doesn’t laugh at David’s face, eyes closing.
“Stay the fuck out of my motorhome,” David snaps, slamming the door behind him, feet hard and loud as he walks away.
“Well,” Michael says, voice bright, hands soft in Mika’s hair. “I think that went pretty good.”
Mika opens one eye, Michael’s grin the first thing he sees. You’re a dick, he thinks and the thought is fond and quiet and careful. I think I might actually be in love with you.
“I’m thinking of some kind of ghost or zombie thing next time. Halloween is coming up and I’m feeling a haunting theme.”
“Michael,” Mika says in the way that he always says Michael’s name when he wants Michael to listen to him. Michael blinks, looking at him, fingers stilling on Mika’s sternum.
Mika slides his hand up from Michael’s neck to hold the base of his skull, hair soft and short between his fingers.
“Shut up,” Mika says, pulling Michael in, who laughs against Mika’s mouth before pressing into him, all muscle and warmth and light fingers. Mika kisses him quiet, rolling them over, pulling at Michael’s hair to appease him when the other man grumbles.
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jaydonsjam · 2 years
Blue Beetle I
So I decided to do a mid-00’s reading of DC comics during the era of Infinite Crisis and post-Infinite Crisis which includes Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps (which I’ve already read previously so I won’t be posting about those on this blog), Booster Gold, Shadowpact, Secret Six (won’t be talking about it either because I’ve already read them), etc. So expect some more DC posts coming up! Just a note for those of you who are finding my blog months in: I only post about comics I’m reading for the first time whether they be decades old or brand new. So that’s why I won’t be making posts about GL or Secret Six for example.
Blue Beetle #1-7
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Blue Beetle #1-7 - writer(s): Keith Giffen (#1-6), John Rogers (#1-7) | penciler(s): Cully Hammer (#1-2, 4, 7), Cynthia Martin (#3, 6), Duncan Rouleau (#5), Kevin West (#6) | inker(s): Cully Hammer (#1-2, 4, 7), Phillip Moy (#3, 6), Duncan Rouleau (#5), Jack Purcell (#6)
Blue Beetle (vol. 7) is one of those series that I’m reading for the first time. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to post about it. First things first there was a bit of a revolving door of artists working on these seven issues but I think since they all seem to draw a similar style, it worked for me. I really love that Cully Hammer draws a little cartoony and I think it fits the tone and writing of this book really well.
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I like how we get two timelines (present and past) being explained for the first chunk of issues with what happened to Jaime during and post-Infinite Crisis. Just for context btw, my experience with Blue Beetle (Jaime) is from the Young Justice show, Smallville, Batman: Brave and the Bold show and his short-lived New 52 series (Blue Beetle vol. 8). I also love how we open the first issue mid-fight with Jaime and Guy Gardner. We also meet his family and close friends Brenda and Paco which I enjoyed. We’re introduced to a crime boss La Dama who’s the aunt of Brenda. One thing I found funny and a little dangerous for Jaime was the fact that every supporting character already knows that he’s the Blue Beetle. They also spend the majority of the issues believing that the Scarab and Jaime’s suit is magical but we get the reveal in issue 6 that it’s alien in nature. So maybe we’ll meet the Reach and learn that stuff coming up soon. I enjoyed the Infinite Crisis tie-in and the idea that Jaime felt like the other heroes left him in space was heart-wrenching. The coolest part of this version of the Blue Beetle is his high tech alien suit which can allow him to fly and make all sorts of weapons and shift the armor in different ways. I loved the recurring joke about Jaime’s transformation where the Scarab crawls inside of his skin into his spine. It’s pretty gross. It was interesting to see an unrecognizable Peacemaker and I’m curious to see where and how he fits in moving forward. Overall I enjoyed this read and I can’t wait to continue this series!
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