#dcau superman x reader
solar-wing · 3 months
⚣ Love's Punishment 🏛️
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⚣🏛️ A/N → If y'all knew how many times I deleted and restarted this entire thing... I don't even remember how I got this idea, I just remember wanting to write an obsession/love spell fic where some male superheroes go batshit crazy & horny over the reader. Either way, hope you all enjoy it. WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | OMEGAVERSE | Canon-Typical Violence | Alpha Barry Allen/Flash | Alpha Hal Jordan/Green Lantern | Alpha Clark Kent/Superman | Demigod-Omega Male Reader | Obsessive Behavior/Actions | Attempted Non-Con | Dub-Con | Oral Play | Knotting | Bonding Marks | Sneaky & Meddlesome Gods & Goddesses |
Prompts Used: @rednsuch – #39 “Just the smell of you gets me excited, darling.” – #13 “Stop being such a brat.”
⚣🏛️ Summary → One may ask what it's like having a God or Goddess for a parent. Honestly, not fun, and Y/N is a perfect example of that considering how he's being punished by his mother. How do you even bring up this level of mommy issues in therapy?
⚣🏛️ Word Count → 6.2K
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY 🏛️
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Daddy issues this, and Daddy issues that.
What about the people who have mommy issues? Because they exist, and Y/N would be shocked if anyone else’s relationship challenges with their mother were similar to his own.
Truthfully, he would never understand or believe the idea that someone could have sex and procreate with a god or goddess and not have one clue. There was no divine light following behind them? No wisps of magic or sparkles. No flowers and bright auras left in their footpaths?
Nothing, not a single clue?
You may ask yourself, “Y/N, whatever could be wrong with someone having adult fun and having children with a god or goddess?”
Lots of things, actually. There could be an encyclopedia on why that could be a bad idea with lots of consequences to follow. Too many to get into right at this moment considering he was busy trying to cover his head and face from getting blasted while hanging off a superhero’s shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
Getting punished by a god or goddess was not for the weak.
No kid liked getting in trouble and punished by their parents. It was a very unpleasant and frustrating feeling when you had to answer for something you either 100% did without thinking of the circumstances, or something that happened and you were the victim of said circumstances.
But imagine getting punished by your God or Goddess parent for something that you had no control over. Even more, something said parent was directly responsible for!
The hypocrisy of it all.
Y/N’s father was a handsome man. Their genes were always divinely blessed, the Alpha always liked to joke, and the young Omega didn’t realize the irony of that statement until he got older and started questioning things.
Whenever he thought about changing his appearance or switching something up, it happened immediately without any action or movement from him. At one point during some teenage life crisis, he wanted to go blonde but didn’t even need to purchase dye. One moment he’s looking at his natural hair color and looks down to grab his comb. Next thing he knows, he’s got a full head of blond hair in the exact style he imagined. And it looked goood.
There was another time when he wished in his head that the sweater he was eyeing while shopping was gray instead of red, but according to the store, they never produced that particular color. When he went to go look at other options, imagine his surprise when he turned back two minutes later and it seemed as if the store did indeed have gray. And from a closer look, they only had gray. Starting to see the point?
Y/N could read people like a book, especially pertaining to feelings of affection, desire, and jealousy. Imagine the ability to feel someone’s very adult-like feelings, and you hadn’t even hit puberty yet. His dad had to have the birds and the bees talk with him much earlier than planned.
One of the most concerning things was Y/N's naturally attractive aura and charming voice. Though, he couldn’t tell if it was his voice or just the words he spoke that were attractive. But, people seemed to flock to him like moths to a flame. Even at a young age, many fought for his attention, whether it was classmates, friends, family, or strangers he’d run into when out with his dad.
It was normal for an Omega to be highly desired and sought after by Alphas, but it wasn’t just them fighting for his attention. Y/N had Betas and Omegas alike competing with each other for the chance to get acquainted with him.
By the time he entered high school, on record, he had up to four secret admirers (and two stalkers), and when things only seemed to get more out of control, that’s when his dad finally decided to sit him down and explain the truth to him.
“So, yeah. Probably should have told you this when you were younger, but your mom’s Aphrodite.”
Not joking, he 100% said it just like that.
Of course, you can imagine the Omega’s confusion and somewhat anger that this information had been withheld for most of his life. Now, not only did Y/N have to deal with the everyday struggles of life and being an Omega, but he also had to balance being the demigod son to the Goddess of Beauty, Love, and Desire. When you think about it, it made the Omega thing 10x more stressful than it already was.
This was the type of shit people wrote and fantasized about.
Wait a sec…
Now, back to the beginning, since we have some more context, what was this so-called punishment, and why did it have Y/N grumbling about mommy issues while being whisked around the nation’s capital as some superheroes had it out with each other over who got to claim his body affection?
Oh, nothing serious, really. Just mommy dearest trying to interfere with her son’s love life! Who knew the immortal parents were privy to the same, petty tactics as their mortal counterparts…
Unlike most others who would be excited at the thought of being the child of Aphrodite, Y/N felt he had an unfair advantage when it came to dating and relationships, given his semi-godly abilities and gifts. After his last relationship ended in a horror show with a sequel he promised would never see production, he swore off dating and romance for good.
Well, that didn’t fly too well with Aphrodite. Her children, full-blood and half-blood, were always known for their romantic escapades. One of them was the face of Valentine’s Day! Well, his cousin from Rome was, at least.
So, with the help of her son and Y/N’s half-brother, Eros, God of Love, Lust, and Sex, (the mentioned Greek cousin to Cupid) they set up a little divine punishment for the young Demigod to teach him a lesson for rejecting his goldy heritage. It also paid off as insurance, just in case.
Deities and their children were always known to be stubborn little beings.
Aphrodite sent Eros down to Earth to follow his half-blood sibling around, observing his actions and who he interacted with. And, for any male Alpha that the Omega came in contact with, the God of Lust was to ensure a connection was established between the two if he deemed them worthy enough.
Simply put, he was to shoot male Alpha he figured his mother would approve as a match for her son/his brother in the ass with a love arrow. Now, why she told him to shoot only male Alphas and not female, you’d have to ask her.
Mother knows best.
Unlucky for Y/N, they chose one of the worst days to do that when he happened to be in Washington, D.C. for a work-related trip.
Do you know what else is in Washington, D.C.? The Justice League headquarters.
But, why would that be a problem? Do you really need an explanation?
Imagine how interesting it would be if, at the same time Y/N happened to be in Washington, D.C., one of the famous Justice League heroes like Flash, Green Lantern, or Superman happened to be there as well. Picture how tempting of an opportunity it would be for Eros after he was told to find the best potential matches for his little brother.
Pretty damn tempting if you ask anyone else.
Now, if we’re being truthful, Superman was Eros’ ideal choice for his brother, knowing their mother would definitely approve of the relationship between her son and the Kryptonian. Even if he wasn’t an Alpha due to his alien biology, he still had all the ideal traits of one. Not to mention his strong features and handsome looks.
But, he wasn’t opposed to one of the other heroes like Flash or Green Lantern. And when the latter had been the one to save Y/N during some random battle that broke out between the League and some villains, he figured why not just shoot them all and see who came out on top?
Plus, he was the God of Sex just as much as he was of Love. He wanted to see who out of the three heroes had the sexual prowess to handle someone like his brother. Prude or not, being mated to a child of Aphrodite meant you had to be strong in a lot of ways, especially when it came down to the nitty and gritty.
And who said he couldn’t get a little entertainment out of this?
That entertainment is what led Y/N to his situation of being carried throughout the city like some prize while the world’s defenders fought with each other like kids trying to get the last cookie in the jar.
As said, it started with Green Lantern rescuing him and carrying him away to some random rooftop. Everything seemed normal until Y/N noticed a change in the hero and his sudden lustful gazes that were being directed at him. He'd been on the receiving end of a fair amount of adoration and attention by admiring and persistent Alphas, but this he could tell was something different.
And it was.
Eros had shot Green Lantern with the love arrow while they were still in the sky. Now, instead of thinking about the fight he was leaving his comrades to handle by themselves without his assistance, all his thoughts were centered around the Omega in his arms and how blessed he was to be in the presence of such a radiant being.
And how much he couldn't wait to claim his body all for himself. Besides, no one was more fitting or deserving of an Omega of Y/N's stature than the Green Lantern himself. At least, that's what his love-delusioned, and frankly, naturally egotistical mind believed.
Y/N didn't have time to even question what was going on before the green-clad hero had whisked him away to a rooftop, not too far from where the fight was happening. He figured it was over after that and the Alpha would return to his comrades after setting him down.
Imagine the Omega's shock when he found himself pressed against a wall, the hero kissing and nuzzling his neck while running his hands down his body.
"W-What are you doing?" Y/N stuttered out, trying to push the man away but to no avail.
"What does it look like? I'm saving you," The hero's voice was gruff and desperate, and the Omega was starting to get concerned.
"Okay, but this is less saving and more of molesting," Y/N struggled, having his arms pinned against the wall before feeling a hand running down his body towards his pants.
"I'm saving you from other Alphas trying to claim you. After this, you'll belong to me, and me only," Lantern growled gruffly in his ear, an aggressiveness that was all too familiar to the Omega. He'd seen this behavior before but didn't have much time to think about it as the hero started unbuttoning his pants.
"W-Wait! Stop!"
"No, I can't," Lantern shook his head, his eyes glazed over.
"You're under a spell or something!" Y/N tried again, but his words fell on deaf ears.
"I can't stop myself. I need you now," The hero growled, finally pulling the Omega's pants and underwear down before undoing his own and pulling out his throbbing, hard cock.
"No! Stop! You don't want to do this!"
"Stop being such a brat. I need to do this," Lantern's voice was firm and demanding.
Before the green-clad hero could achieve his objective, he was suddenly yanked off the Omega by a red and yellow blur, electricity crackling off it. The Omega after realizing he was free wasted no time in pulling his underwear and pants back up, watching as the blur, now recognized to be Flash, was currently fighting with Green Lantern near the edge of the rooftop.
"What are you doing, man?!" Flash yelled, trying to restrain the other hero.
"Let go of me, I need to save him!" Lantern growled, fighting the speedster's hold.
"From what?" Flash questioned, looking at the Omega confused.
"He's mine!"
"He's not yours!"
"Yes, he is!"
"GL, you need to get a grip."
"He's my Omega! I need to mark him!"
From his position, Y/N could see Flash was struggling to hold the other Alpha down and figured he should probably make his exit right about now. He made his way over to the fire escape, about to climb over until a figure floated up from below.
Superman, ever in his large and slightly intimidating form with his cape blowing in the wind looked down at the Omega with a smile, offering his hand, "Need some help?"
The Omega smiled with a soft blush, trying to quell his nerves at the Alpha's admittedly very handsome and chiseled face. Again, the Omega was no prude, nor was he oblivious to all the gossip and rumors of the world's protectors and their handsome and muscular figures. The latter was made even more prominent by the tight nature of their uniforms.
Y/N would be lying if he said he wasn't looking at Flash's prominent glutes hidden under the red spandex.
But, before the Omega took the Kryptonian's equally large hand, he noticed something in the background. The fight that initially led to this whole mess was still going on. Yet, three of the main superheroes involved in that fight were over here. Flash, he threw to the back of his mind since the speedster did technically save him. But, why was Superman here?
That's when Y/N noticed something in the Kryptonian hero's eyes. An expression almost identical to the one he just saw in Green Lantern.
Uh oh.
Before the Omega could even react, the Alpha had already scooped him up into his arms and flew off into the sky.
"H-Hey! Put me down!" Y/N stuttered, struggling in the Alpha's hold.
"I can't. I need to save you," Superman's voice was low and deep, and the Omega could feel the vibrations from his chest.
Hmm, where had he heard that before?
"Save me from what?"
"Other Alphas trying to claim you," The Kryptonian explained, and Y/N could have sworn he heard a growl in his voice.
A nervous feeling settled into his stomach, and if he wasn't careful, he'd find himself falling prey and submissive to the very situation he was trying to find a way out of. Being Aphrodite's son as mentioned before, he had an extraordinary gift with the power of emotions and desires. He could project his feelings of desire and love onto others, just as much as he could mirror them.
Another one of those aforementioned consequences of deities breeding with mortals.
The only thing Y/N struggled to figure out though was why all of this was happening. He'd never had a run-in with any of these heroes before, and the only time he'd seen behavior like this was when it was related to his...
...Of course.
His mother.
Now, everything was starting to make sense. This could only be the work of mommy dearest, and if Y/N had to guess, his half-brother Eros as well.
He'd have to deal with that problem later, though. Right now, he needed to focus on the task at hand, and that was escaping the arms of a very powerful, very strong, and very horny superhero.
"You're mine. I'll protect you from the others," Superman continued, and Y/N could feel a slight rumble in the Alpha's chest.
"I'm not yours," The Omega shook his head, continuing to struggle.
"Yes, you are. You're mine," The Kryptonian's grip tightened, and the Omega winced at the pain.
Y/N looked down and quickly rid himself of any thoughts that he could survive a fall from this height. Even if he was Aphrodite's son, he lacked something vitally important that his mother and brother both possessed. Immortality.
Hopefully, he could figure another way out of this.
He knew there was no reasoning with the Alpha. As long as he was under Eros' spell, no amount of logic or reasoning would get through to him. As cliché as it may sound, Y/N needed a divine intervention.
Thankfully, it seemed as if one was on the way.
Trails of green energy suddenly surrounded the pair, forming a giant floating cage. Superman turned to see his comrade, having escaped from Flash's grasp flying toward them.
"Get away from him!" Green Lantern yelled, flying towards the duo.
"No! He belongs to me. You have no right to him Lantern," Superman shouted back, clutching the Omega closer.
"You're not even a real Alpha, Clark! You're not even strong enough to make an Omega like him submit to you."
"What did you just say?!"
"You heard me, you fake-ass Alpha. I'm the only one worthy enough for him. Not some alien trash!"
"Why, you-"
Before the two could continue their argument, a vortex suddenly surrounded the two, causing Lantern to lose his focus. The energy cage surrounding the Kryptonian and Omega dissipated and the force from the vortex sent the two heroes to lose their flying. Superman tried his best to stay in the air, but the sudden force was too much and caused him to crash into a nearby building while Lantern crashed into a dumpster.
The Kryptonian managed to shield the Omega from the damage and brunt of their fall by wrapping him in his body. When Y/N realized they weren't falling anymore and had come to a complete stop, he peeked from the Alpha's hold, just in time to see the return of a certain Speedster who must have run up the side of the building to where they were now.
"Are you guys alright?" Flash asked, his eyes landing on the Omega in Superman's arms.
"I'm fine," Y/N nodded, and Flash sighed in relief.
"A vortex, Flash? Really?" Superman questioned with a raised eyebrow, still holding the Omega to his body.
"It was the quickest way to get you two out of the air without hurting anyone," Flash defended, crossing his arms.
"By throwing us into a building?"
"Better than the ground."
"You could have gotten him killed!"
"You were the one holding him!"
"Guys, I'm fine. I promise," Y/N interrupted, and the two Alphas turned to him.
"See, he's fine. Let's get back to the fight," Flash suggested, turning to leave.
"No, not until he's mine," Superman shook his head, and the Omega groaned. He stood up from the ground, letting the Omega stand on his own feet, but keeping an arm wrapped body to prevent him from running off.
"Not this again," Flash sighed, turning back, "You can't claim him."
"And why not?"
"Because he's mine," Lantern's voice suddenly joined the conversation, and the three turned to see the hero, seemingly recovered from his fall, walking towards them.
"No, he's mine!" Superman shouted, his eyes suddenly glowing red as he pointed them at the green-clad hero.
"Clark, no!" Flash shouted, holding his arms up in an attempt to stop the Kryptonian.
"No, he's mine. He's mine. He's mine!" The Kryptonian yelled, his eyes getting brighter.
"Clark, you're gonna kill him!"
"I don't care, Barry. No one is taking my Omega from me."
"He's not yours to claim," Lantern shouted back.
While this was all happening, everyone was oblivious to the new presence that had joined him. Only, none of the heroes could see him. Only Y/N could, and that was a very big problem.
"Eros..." Y/N muttered under his breath, narrowing his gaze at his half-brother who held a mischievous grin on his face while positioning himself slowly behind the speedster.
When Y/N realized what he was doing, he struggled in the Kryptonian's grip, "Eros, no!"
But, it was too late. The deity had taken his shot at the Flash, hitting him perfectly square in the back. The speedster flinched at the impact, turning to look around but finding nothing there, at least, nothing his sight could see. But, when he turned his gaze back around and they fell on the Omega still trapped in Superman's hands, an identical glaze to match the one in the other heroes fell over his eyes. One the half-blood was all too familiar with.
"Oh fuck..." Y/N muttered under his breath.
"Mine," Flash growled, his eyes trained on the Omega.
Before either of the two other heroes could react, Flash sped forward and landed a bunch of fast punches and blows on the Kryptonian, causing him to lose his grip on the Omega.
"Flash, what are you doing?" Lantern yelled at his comrade.
"Taking what's mine," The speedster responded, a charming but crazed look in his expression.
He grabbed Y/N and threw him over his shoulder, the Omega flailing in his grip while also trying to hold on tight as the speedster sped around the space, avoiding attacks from both Green Lantern and Superman at the same time.
"He's not yours, Barry!" Superman shouted, his heat vision shooting at the speedster who avoided it with ease.
"Yes, he is! He's mine!" The speedster yelled, clutching the Omega tighter.
"No, he's mine," Lantern yelled back, sending a giant fist toward the speedster who avoided it in a blur.
"No, he's mine!" Superman yelled, sending his heat vision at Lantern who in turn blocked it with a shield.
"No, he's mine!" The two shouted together, and the fight resumed.
Y/N, still trapped in the speedster's arms, watched helplessly as the Kryptonian and Lantern focused their attacks on each other, feeling a pat on his ass from the speedster who tightened the grip he had around his legs.
"Don't worry about them, beautiful. They're not worthy enough to have you. I am. You'll be mine, and I'll protect you from the others," Flash's voice was husky, and the Omega could feel his heart pounding against his chest.
"You're under a spell, Flash. You don't want to do this," Y/N tried to reason, but the speedster just laughed.
"Oh, but I do. I didn't know what actual life was until just a few minutes ago when I gazed upon you. and now that I have you, I can finally make you mine," Flash smirked, and the Omega gulped.
Flash sped out of the building with the Omega over his shoulder still, the two other Alphas only noticing their disappearance after they were already a mile down the street.
"Shit, where did he take him?" Lantern asked, looking around.
"I don't know," Superman answered, "But we'll find him. And when we do, you'll be the one who has to step aside."
"Like hell, I will!"
While those two continued to bicker, Flash ran himself and the Omega all the way back to Central City. Y/N was amazed at how he didn't pass out from the speed and movement, but he was grateful he didn't. Also, having superspeed may have made it a bit easier.
Just a guess.
When they finally came to a stop, the Omega was set down on his feet, and he looked around to see they were in some bedroom.
"Where are we?" Y/N asked, trying to keep his composure.
"My bedroom," Flash answered, his eyes still glazed over.
"Oh," Y/N nodded, a nervous feeling in his stomach.
"Don't worry, you're safe here," The speedster walked towards him, and the Omega backed away, "I'm not gonna hurt you."
"You say that, but your eyes say otherwise," Y/N responded, continuing to back away until he hit the wall.
"I know. But, I can't help it. I need to have you," Flash smirked, and the Omega felt his arousal getting excited in his pants.
"I'm not yours to have," Y/N shook his head, his heart pounding.
"Yes, you are," Flash's voice was firm, and the Omega felt his resolve fading.
"I-I'm not," Y/N stuttered, his knees getting weak.
"Yes, you are," The speedster was in front of him, and Y/N could feel his breath on his skin.
"I'm not," Y/N shook his head, but his voice was barely a whisper.
"You are," Flash whispered, his face close to the Omega's.
The very thing Y/N was concerned about happening when he was trapped with Superman earlier began to manifest, much to his fear. His divine abilities were reacting to his body's 'chemistry spikes' and now, he was beginning to mirror the Alpha's current feelings toward him, including the obsessive ones, which were now clouding his judgment.
"I'm not," Y/N shook his head, his breathing getting labored.
"You are," Flash whispered, his lips getting closer to the Omega's.
"I'm not," Y/N stuttered, his body giving in.
"You are," Flash whispered, pressing his lips to the Omega's.
"I'm not," Y/N muttered against his lips.
"You are," Flash said firmly, pulling the Omega's body closer to him.
In a move Y/N thought was him going to push against the Alpha in an attempt to resist his seductions, he actually was running his hands up and down the spandex-covered muscles. His legs were spread open by the speedster as he hoisted him up, wrapping them around his waist while pressing him to the wall, kissing him even harder while undressing his clothes.
"You're mine, Y/N," The speedster whispered, his lips trailing down the Omega's neck, "All mine."
"I'm yours, Barry," Y/N panted, his body flushed. Y/N remembered hearing Superman call the speedster by that, figuring it must have been either his civilian name or a codename they had. Either way, he could see from the delighted expression across the Flash's face and his blue eyes through the slits of his mask that he was very pleased by it.
"Say it again."
"I'm yours, Barry. I'm yours."
"That's right, beautiful. You're mine, and I'm yours. You'll never have to worry about other Alphas again, because I'll protect you from them."
The sun's light cascaded through the open windows in the bedroom as the two continued frotting against each other against the wall. Barry trailed his kisses from Y/N's lips down to his neck and eventually to his naked chest, before sucking on his wet nipples while the Omega through his head back in pleasure, the Alpha looking up at him with his blue eyes before taking his lips away from the leaking nubs.
"Do you like that, darling?" Barry asked, and the Omega nodded, his eyes glazed over, "Are you ready for more?"
"Y-Yes, Alpha," Y/N nodded, his breath labored.
"Good boy," Barry whispered, his voice husky and deep. He kissed the Omega one last time on the lips before pulling him away from the wall, carrying him bridal style to the bed.
Barry laid the Omega down, the latter spreading his legs open in submission and invitation, and the former smirked, climbing on top of the bed. Barry pressed kisses to the side of the Omega's neck again, right over his scent gland before taking a big sniff.
"Just the smell of you gets me excited, darling."
Barry's hands roamed the Omega's upper naked body, feeling the smooth and soft skin while trailing his fingers down his sides and to his hips. Y/N gasped, his hands gripping the sheets as the speedster's fingers teased the inside of his thighs.
"I love the way your skin feels, and the way your body reacts to me," Barry whispered, his nose pressing into the Omega's scent gland.
"Barry," Y/N moaned, his body arching off the bed.
"Say it again," Barry growled, his hands squeezing the Omega's hips.
"Barry," Y/N moaned, his eyes closed.
"That's right, baby. I'm Barry, and you're mine," Barry whispered, his fingers moving up the Omega's inner thighs.
"I'm yours," Y/N nodded, his legs spreading open even wider.
However, before Barry could move to remove the Y/N’s pants, the Omega whined at him, tugging on the spandex of his suit and mask with his hands causing a cheesing smile to appear across the Alpha's face.
"Aw, you want to see me out of my suit, don't you, darling?" Barry asked, and the Omega nodded frantically.
"Yes, Alpha. Please."
"Good boy," Barry praised, and the Omega whimpered.
He quickly removed his gloves and masks, tossing them aside before unzipping the top of his suit and pulling it off, revealing his sculpted and muscled chest. Y/N's eyes widened in delight and appreciation at the sight, reaching his hands out to touch the smooth and pale skin.
The Omega moaned happily at the sight, running his hands down the hard pecs and abs while leaning up to press his own kisses against the skin. Barry shuddered above him from the move while resuming his earlier actions of removing the offending pants and underwear that were hiding his prize from his sight.
Tossing the pants aside, he leaned up and took in the sight of the fully naked Omega, writhing on his sheets and whining for him, feeling his own throbbing hard erection under his suit pants.
"Look at you, darling. So beautiful, and all mine," Barry ran his hands down the Omega's sides, creating a tickling feeling that had the smaller male giggling, "I can't wait to claim your body, all for me," he growled, voice husky with want.
Barry kissed his way down the Omega's chest, taking a moment to bite and lick at the leaking nubs again before gripping his thighs and spreading them open. He positioned his head between the open legs while staring at the tight, slick-producing hole in front of him. He lapped his tongue to gather of taste of it on his tongue, Y/N flinching violently at the sensation while calling out the Alpha's name.
"Delicious," Barry muttered, before diving in on the wet treat in front of him.
"Oh fuck," Y/N moaned, his hands gripping the bed sheets tightly.
Barry's tongue lapped at the dripping slick, his hands gripping the Omega's thighs tight and pushing them open even further to gain better access. Y/N moaned, his back arching off the bed while the Alpha's tongue entered his hole, tasting him from the inside.
"Barry, please. Please, I need it. Please," Y/N begged, his body shaking with arousal and want.
Barry didn't listen to him though, he kept feasting on the Omega's arousal while using his speed to vibrate his tongue inside him, causing the Omega to moan even louder, his body shaking with pleasure.
"Barry, please! a-ah, fuck ... !" Y/N cried, his body shaking even more.
"What do you need, baby? Tell me," Barry asked, pulling his tongue out and looking at the Omega with a smirk.
"I-I need you... Please, please," Y/N begged, and the Alpha smiled.
"You want me, baby?"
"Yes, Alpha. Please, I need you. Please."
"Well, since you asked so nicely."
The Alpha discarded the rest of his suit and underwear, his throbbing erection springing free, causing the Omega to lick his lips at the sight. Barry chuckled at his reaction while pulling him down the bed and picking him up in his arms, wrapping the smaller male's legs around him and pressing him against the wall.
Barry played with his cock against the Y/N's wet heat, enjoying the pleasurable reactions that ran across the Omega's face. "Who's your Alpha?" He asked with another playful smack of his mushroom head against the hot and throbbing entrance.
"Y-You, Alpha," Y/N panted, his face red and eyes glazed over.
"That's right, baby. I'm your Alpha," Barry whispered before he slowly slid inside the Omega.
"Fuck!" Y/N yelled, his head leaning back against the wall.
"So tight and warm. It's like you were made just for me, baby," Barry moaned, his cock pushing all the way in until his balls were pressed against the Omega's ass.
Y/N dug his nails into the skin of Barry's shoulders while the Alpha pressed him harder against the wall, his hips rapidly moving back and forth as he fucked him hard. The speedster's hips and legs were already dripping with more and more of the Omega's arousal as it dripped into his carpet, creating more of a mess the harder he thrust in and out of the hole.
"h-harder ... p-please, harder ..." Y/N moaned, his eyes closed while Barry sucked on his neck.
"So beautiful," Barry growled, his hands gripping the Omega's ass cheeks while thrusting harder, "Such a good little Omega, taking my cock so well."
"Barry! Barry!" Y/N moaned, his legs wrapped tighter around the Alpha's waist.
"Say it again," Barry growled, his hips moving faster.
"Barry!" Y/N moaned, his back arching.
Suddenly, Barry got the bright idea to add his speed to it, making his hips move at a pace that would be deemed impossible for any regular human. Good thing he wasn't a regular human. However, the increase in speed had Y/N shouting at the top of his lungs, tears springing to his eyes as he pounded his fists against the Alpha's hard, mildly sweaty chest.
Meanwhile, Y/N was a soaking mess. The shine from the sweat all around his body was highlighted by the sun's fading rays and the increasingly bright glow from the streetlights outside the window. Combined with the sticky fluid still leaking from his chest and the slick that was all but splashing between the Alpha and Omega.
"That's it, baby. Take my cock. Take it all," Barry growled, his hips moving faster.
"Barry, I-I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum," Y/N cried, his legs shaking.
"Do it. Cum for me, baby," Barry commanded, and the Omega followed.
"Fuck!" Y/N screamed, his back arching and his eyes rolling back into his head as he came between the two, digging nails into Barry's sweaty back as his release overwhelmed him.
"That's a good Omega," Barry said, before slipping out of the smaller male, carrying him over to the bed and propping him up on all fours.
He gripped the Omega's hips, sliding back inside him and fucking him at a rapid pace, his hips slapping against the plump ass cheeks. Y/N's eyes rolled back into his head as he cried out, his body shaking with pleasure while the Alpha fucked him.
"That's it, baby. Take it," Barry growled, his grip tightening on the Omega's hips.
"p-please, I can't... FUCK! I can't take anymore... !" Y/N cried, his body shaking as the Alpha started using his powers again to increase his speed.
"You can, and you will," Barry growled, his hips moving even faster.
"Barry, please! Fuck, I'm gonna... !"
"Do it. Cum for me, baby. Cum for your Alpha," Barry growled.
"mm ... mmh ... ! O-OHH, FUCK ... !" Y/N shouted, his back arching and his eyes rolling back into his head as he came, his legs and body shaking from the overstimulation as the Alpha started to chase his own finish.
Barry's knot started to form at the base and slowly was inching closer and closer as the Alpha fucked the Omega who was beginning to softly cry from the amount of pleasure and pain he was experiencing. His hands weakly tried to push against the speedster's hips in an attempt to slow him down but were snatched together in a grip while feeling a painful smack against his ass.
"Don't try and fight it, baby. Just let me claim you. Just let me have you," Barry growled, throwing his head back in pleasure.
"Barry, I-I can't ... !" Y/N cried, his body shaking.
"Yes, you can. Just a little longer," Barry's hips started to stutter, and the Omega cried out, his legs shaking as he felt the Alpha's knot starting to press against his hole.
"Barry, please! PLEASE ... !" Y/N sobbed, his body convulsing on the inside from the overwhelming sensation.
"Just a little longer, baby. Just a little longer."
"I-I can't... Please, I can't ... !"
"Almost there, baby. Who's your Alpha?"
"Y-You... You are ... !"
"That's right, baby. I'm your Alpha. And, now I'm gonna make you mine. Forever."
With that, Barry pressed all the way inside, releasing his knot into the Omega with a loud groan as he leaned forward, catching himself on the bed as Y/N had his third orgasm against the sheets, suddenly feeling heavy and drained from the strenuous workout he just went through.
While the pair were both recovering, neither of them realized the small, matching marks that slowly appeared over their scent glands. They were now a fully mated pair, and the God of Love and Sex knew this as he peered in through the window, watching the sweaty individuals with satisfaction.
"Welp, my job's done. I'm sure Mother will be pleased with this outcome. Serves you right, brother. You should know better than to try and deny your heritage. Hope you learn well from this punishment."
With that, the deity disappeared, making his way home.
"That should be the last of them," Lantern said, flying through the air after he captured the last of the attacking minions.
"Good," Superman nodded, his eyes still glowing white as he scanned the area.
"What are you doing?" Lantern asked, looking at the Kryptonian confused.
"Looking for him."
"The Omega."
"Oh yeah, do you think Barry already claimed him?"
"Probably, but it doesn't matter. Cause he belongs to me, and I'm going to take him back, by whatever means necessary."
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☀️ | Barry Allen/Flash | ☀️
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jupiter-letters · 5 months
Dating Clark Kent would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: None
A/N: Felt like writing for clark lately, I'm down horrifically for this man. This can be for any incarnation of Superman but I based it off the comics and my adventures with superman
It all started with a random encounter at the library while he was researching an old historical site in Metropolis(aka busy work for the new guy). He saw you with a couple of books in your hand, eyes browsing the shelves. 
He worked up the nerve to start a conversation with you and actually managed to get your number. He left the library with butterflies in his stomach and an angry call from Perry asking his whereabouts. 
A good starter date for him was obviously coffee. He spends hours deciding where to meet up with you, trying to find reasonably priced coffee with a good atmosphere. He tries to come up with a bunch of different outfit combinations, making the attempt to look nice but not too dressed up. This proved difficult since his wardrobe is 90% dress shirts and slacks, he’s still gotta look casual. Clark is such an overthinker, he just wants things to go well ; v; 
Of course the date goes well cause he’s so perfectly himself and he charms you so naturally. He’s surprised when you ask to see him again, the whole time he was sweating bullets praying you didn’t notice. After that the second, third, and fourth date all are perfect. Well not perfect but the time spent together makes up for the hiccups. 
Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty: early days of dating Clark still tries to be perfect, he hasn’t become totally comfortable with you, yet ;)  I think for him he wants to wow his partner in the early stages, he feels like trying to get a city slicker like you he has to bring his A-game. 
When he sees you he tries to bring you little trinkets and flowers, he likes to spoil you every now and again. 
Touching! He likes to be touching you when you’re near, a hand on your waist, brushing his pinky against your hand, pressing his knee next to yours when you’re sitting together. His love language is acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch. He loves doing things for the people close to him. This includes: Taking out your trash, watering your plants, making your bed, putting a pot of coffee on in the morning, and fixing any holes in your clothes. 
Now when you're really in it with him he tells you about the Superman stuff, he feels like he can trust you but there’s still the risk of you knowing that’ll get you hurt. He doesn’t underestimate your autonomy but there are very powerful forces out there that want him gone, and you are very precious to him. 
Once you can convince him that you are willing to accept the risks and tell him how much you care about him, the last of the walls come down. You’re stuck with him forever now and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
When it’s a quiet summer afternoon he’ll take you flying just before sunset, he’ll go right above the clouds so you can see what he gets to see. However if you’re afraid of heights he won’t force you lol. He’ll make sure you’re properly dressed when he takes you to visit the fortress of solitude(He tries is the key phrase). You always underestimate how cold it’ll be and he has to go all the way back to metropolis to get your favorite jacket while you sit by a heater.
 Looking after him when he gets kryptonite poisoning from fighting bitch ass Lex Luthor, seeing him sweat for the first time with dark circles under his eyes. It’s more painful than what he��s feeling at that moment, and he still tries to tell you it’s not that bad. Once he’s feeling better he has to talk you down from murdering Luthor.
“Honey don’t-” “Nuh-uh call Bruce, I want a bazooka.” “You don’t need a bazooka sweetheart, I'm fine.” “No way I’m coming for his bald ass.” “Baby I’m fine, please calm down.”
Of course you’re not serious but you still want to protect him. Nobody messes with Clark and gets away with it. You and his friends will see to that, yes sir!
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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stellaisinlove · 1 year
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Tie a Tie
Clark Kent X Reader
Summary: Clark has to get ready for work but Y/N doesn’t want him to leave.
Warnings: Fluff, Tickling, not proofread, & Anxiety?????
Word Count: 1k
Clark woke up early, as usual, not wanting to disturb me while he got ready for work. He tiptoed around our bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible while getting dressed, buttoning his suit, and struggling to put his tie on. He mumbled curses under his breath trying to remember which way to loop the tie. In many failed attempts he decided to not wear it. Clark sat on the edge of the bed while tying his shoes. As he leaned down to tie his laces, he felt someone's eyes on him. He turned around and saw me, awake and watching him silently from the bed. A smile spread across his face as he stood up to face me.
"Well, Good morning," he whispered, leaning down to kiss my forehead. I smiled back at him, my tired eyes lingering on his muscular chest as his shirt fit him like a glove.
"What time is it?" I asked, my voice still groggy from sleep.
"It's still early, don't worry about it," Clark replied, grabbing his jacket from the chair beside the bed.
I sat in bed, pulling the covers to my chin while watching Clark. He looked so handsome and confident as he got ready, and I couldn't help but admire him. As he turned around to face me, again.
"What?" I asked, feeling a blush creeping up on my cheeks, I had been caught staring.
Clark chuckled, running his fingers through his hair. Clark leaned down over me, placing his knees on the bed to support him. He looked down at me with a smirk. "What are you looking at?" Clark's voice was barely over a whisper as his hands moved down to my side, holding me in place.
"I was looking at...this really weird guy that's in my room. He's kind of strange, he's like an alien too-" I was being snarky, but before I could finish, his fingers tickled around my stomach. I jumped and started laughing hysterically
I giggled and squirmed under him, trying to push him away. "Stop, stop!" I shouted between laughs.
Clark smiled, he wasn't listening. "Who's this weird guy you're talking about?" He said moving his fingers up my body and tickling me everywhere, "What's his name?" He was being snarky right back to me.
"Okay, okay! You win!" I kicked my legs, quickly out of breath.
Clark finally relented, pulling back and sitting on the bed next to me "That's what I thought," He looked at me with a cheeky grin. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes.
He ran his fingers through my hair, but I was trying not to give in to his charm. Though, the way he played with my hair did feel really nice. His fingers would twirl around my strands of hair and they would move up to massage my scalp.
"Don't you have work?" I asked softly, moving onto his chest. His fingers not letting go of me.
His fingers trailed down my back then back up, creating a pattern on my body. "I don't mind being late." He said looking down at me on his chest. He smiled kissing the top of my head.
"I would rather be with you today, anyway. Perry and Lois have been nagging me to finish this article all week." Clark groaned, lifting his hand up and massaging the bridge of his nose. Him letting go of me left me with a cold feeling, I was already missing his touch.
"What's the article about?" I asked, nuzzling my head into the warmth of his neck.
He chuckled, "Apparently there's this superhero convention coming up, and they want me to write about all the events...all the boring stuff." He sighed.
I shifted positions, I was leaning up against Clark looking into his eyes. My hand reached up and caressed his cheek.
"Just take the day off."
His head rested on my hand, and Clark was sinking back into the bed. "I wish I could, Y/N..."
My hand moved up to play with his hair, his eyes closed, relaxing into my touch.
"Call in sick," I said, trying to think of alternatives so he could stay in bed with me.
Clark held me by my waist and pulled me on top of him. I blushed, feeling a warmth spread through my body. I leaned in to kiss Clark, feeling his lips part against mine as we deepened the kiss.
"I can't..."
I huffed, not wanting him to leave me.
"Shit," Clark whispered, checking the watch on his wrist.
"Hm?" I hummed moving down to kiss his jawline, moving down to his neck my hands moving down his torso.
"I'm going to be la-" I found Clark's sweet spot. He let out a soft whimper feeling my warm lips on his collarbone.
"Y/N" He mumbled. "I have to go..."
I could hear it in his voice, longing. He didn't want to go. He was enjoying this very much, but his anxiety was rising with the belief of being late to work.
He lifted me off of him and placed me down gently on the bed. Clark rushed to the mirror in our room to see what he looked like, his cheeks were flushed and his hair was a mess. Clark adjusted his glasses before walking to the door.
"Wait," I said softly getting out of bed.
He turned back around with an anxious smile, trying not to get stressed.
"Your tie," I said picking it up, off the floor. I wrapped it around his neck and tied it for him.
"A big boy like you still doesn't know how to tie a tie." I teased him. Clark rolled his eyes with a smile.
"I love you," I said softly, pulling him down by his tie, I pressed my lips on his. Not wanting to let go.
We pulled back, breathless, and Clark grabbed his briefcase. "I love you too.."
He walked to the door but stopped before turning the handle. He turned back around to me and placed his hands behind my neck pulling me closer to him.
He pushed his lips onto me, moving his hands through my hair and down to my waist before letting go.
"I'll see you tonight."
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jackoquako · 1 year
Clark, lamenting the fact that he couldn’t go near the priest without getting sick to lois and wondering if he’s actually been possessed this entire time: Lois I Gifgifddfduicgvhhoj *existential sobbing*
The priest who collects shiny green rocks and puts them in his pockets: ooh shiny green rock, score!
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poltergeistsidekick · 8 months
I need some more fic content for my f/o's expeditiously, I'm tired of the same obsecure fics and headcanons from 4 years ago. 😩😩I need FOOD please writers I'm begging you. Anyone taking requests or even commissions please let me know I'm fucking starving. I'm not that confident about my writing but fuck it I might have to do it myself
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!JL!reader (Justice League Unlimited!Bruce)
Summary: When all adults are banished from earth, you join Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern in a unique fight to save the world. Along the way, some hidden feelings are revealed.
Warnings: spoilers/rewrite for Justice League Unlimited 1x3 "Kid's Stuff", fluff, mention of beheading, canon-level violence and action
Word Count: 3.1k+ words
A/N: I can't tell you how many times I've watched this show because Kevin Conroy's Batman in the DCAU tv shows is unmatched (and the kids who did the voice acting in this episode did phenomenally). I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!🤍
Part 2: Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids >
Picture from Pinterest
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You are in a unique position for several reasons. Being one of the only human members of the Justice League, you find yourself pushing yourself to be the best you can and ensuring that you can keep up with your superpowered teammates. Plus, you are one of the only people who knew Bruce Wayne before you knew Batman, and no matter how much he denies it, you knew after one look that the man under the cowl was none other than your favorite billionaire. When you first arrived on the Watchtower with your fellow vigilante, you wondered if any of the superheroes (especially those who had unique mind powers) could tell that you wanted to be more than fellow crime fighters with Batman. If they did, no one said anything, so your secret crush has remained secret as it grows stronger.
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“Bats,” you warn as you duck away from Cheetah’s claws.
Bruce flips away from Deadshot’s line of fire before rushing up beside him. He punches under his jaw, and you watch as Deadshot lifts Bruce off the ground. Bruce throws a batarang, and you slide away from them as Deadshot falls to the floor.
“Guess that’s a wrap,” Green Lantern says. At Bruce’s look, he adds, “Sorry. Been hanging out with Flash too much.”
“I don’t see how that’s a bad thing,” you tease.
You look away from John and see three police officers entering the vault. A pink wave follows them inside, and your eyes widen when the officers disappear. Bruce pulls you to his side as John creates a forcefield with his ring, but it fails nearly as quickly as it appears.
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When you open your eyes on a floating rock, you’re still tucked against Bruce’s side. You step back quickly and look around. Dozens of rocks surround you and each holds numerous people; adults only, you notice.
“It was judgment day,” Copper exclaims, “and- and we got sent to the bad place. The bad place!”
“Where else were you expecting to go?” you ask sarcastically.
“Snap out of it, Copper!” Cheetah demands as she slaps him.
“Yeah, calm down,” John calls. “We’re probably just in another dimension.”
“I don’t see any children,” Bruce says.
“You would be the one to notice,” you murmur. “It’s not a bad thing,” you add when he directs his bat glare at you.
“That’s because a child is responsible,” a woman wearing a mask interjects as she hovers above you.
“Morgaine Le Fay,” Bruce greets, though he’s prepared to fight rather than exchange niceties and introductions.
“Great, magic,” you mutter as you fall in line between Bruce and Diana.
“I mean you no harm,” Morgaine assures. “My son Mordred has wrought this treachery. Banishing all adults to this shadow realm.”
“Do you think Flash is here?” you whisper to John.
“50/50,” he answers.
“After I spent millennia feeding him, bathing him, preparing him to be a king,” Morgaine continues. “Where did I go wrong?”
“You’re a sorceress. Can’t you just undo his spell?” Diana asks.
“No. He’s got the amulet of first magic. He’s too powerful. But if we all work together…”
“You want us to defeat your own son?” Bruce clarifies.
“So don’t trust me. Let him rule the world and all your children. Here we will stay. Forever.”
“But what can we do? We’re stuck here, aren’t we?” Diana says.
“Please don’t say-“ you begin.
“Not exactly,” Morgaine answers.
“That,” you finish as your shoulders slump.
“The spell only banishes adults.”
“I don’t like where this is going,” you and John say together.
“It’s the only way,” Morgaine says.
“We have to do it,” Clark announces.
John exhales deeply, and you step back to be at Bruce’s side again. Magic has never been your preferred battle, and as Morgaine directs her spell at you and everything turns green, you clutch Bruce’s cape in your hand.
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When you arrive in Mordred’s amusement park-turned-kingdom, you’re ready to leave. Being turned into a kid again wasn’t exactly on your superhero bingo card, and as a human, you don’t bring much to the fight anyway.
“I hope this is temporary,” Bruce complains.
You look over at him and feel butterflies in your stomach. Despite de-aging, you still have a crush on Bruce, but it hits harder and faster. You tear your eyes away from him and try to calm your racing heart. Each moment you live as a kid, you’ll start acting more like one.
“You sound weird,” Clark says. “Whoa. So do I.”
Diana looks between Clark and John before straightening her shoulders. She towers over them and smiles. “I kind of like this.”
“Why are you squinting?” you ask John.
Bruce, Clark, and Diana look over after you ask, and you drop your eyes to avoid looking at Bruce again.
“I wore glasses as a kid. Guess I need ‘em again,” John answers.
A pair of oversized green glasses appear on his face, and he jumps in surprise. They’re nothing like what adult John would create, and you stifle a laugh at the sight of them.
“I didn’t even try to make these!” he exclaims.
Clark laughs as Bruce says, “I hope not.”
You pat John’s back as he focuses on making nicer glasses. Once he’s ready and Clark compliments his new look, Diana reminds you that you’re supposed to be looking for Mordred.
“Bet the little punk’s in there,” Bruce says.
He points to the castle looming in the distance and begins running. You run behind him and watch as Diana, Clark, and John fly past you.
“It’s not a race,” Bruce grumbles.
He speeds up, but you keep your pace and make it to the castle all the same. Despite the earlier teasing about John’s glasses, none of you have mentioned any differences between the kid and adult versions of one another. You’re thankful, though, because reliving your childhood is not your favorite pastime. When you enter the castle, you stay behind Bruce as he stands beside Diana.
“The Justice Babies!” Mordred calls before laughing.
“What are you laughing at, precious?” Bruce asks.
“Precious?” you repeat.
“You,” Mordred answers. “Mother sent you, didn’t she?”
“Maybe she wanted a chance to have a normal kid,” you taunt.
“She shouldn’t send a boy to do a man’s job,” Mordred tells Bruce.
He grabs the amulet, and you watch as a young boy’s toys come to life. They grow until they’re giant, and you stumble backward before running for cover. When Clark flies into one of them and is knocked to the floor, you begin questioning if it was truly a good idea to become kids to fight a boy with powerful magic.
“Bruce, batarang,” you request.
He hands you one before running toward Mordred. You wait for one of the toys to run toward you before sliding between its legs.
“I’ll make a laser cannon. No, a missile launcher,” John says above you. “Oh! Oh, I know.”
“Just pick something!” you and Bruce yell together.
You dig the batarang into the back of the toy’s leg and roll to the side as it collapses to the ground before disappearing. Bruce and John take one out, while Clark disables the other with his laser vision.
When you hear Bruce grunting and see him dangling from his cape in the grip of the last toy, you gasp and run toward him. Diana beats you there and catches him.
“You okay, tough guy?” she asks.
“Let go. I’m fine,” Bruce demands as he struggles to get out of her hold.
His shoulders drop and his cape surrounds him as he sulks. You don’t ask the same question Diana had but thank him for the batarang as he passes.
“That’s not fair,” Mordred complains.
“Get him!” Bruce calls.
You run behind Diana and aren’t surprised when you’re all encased in ice. Mordred is powerful, and you and your fellow “Justice Babies” seem to be forgetting that. When you fall into a dungeon and are freed from the ice, you scoot toward Bruce. One of the cells opens, and red eyes glow within. You clutch Bruce’s cape and watch as a small demon walks out.
“Etrigan?” Bruce asks.
He steps away from you, and his cape slips through your fingers. You stay behind John’s forcefield as Diana lifts Bruce out of the way of Etrigan’s flame. Diana has been closer to Bruce during this mission than usual, and the butterflies in your stomach start causing more pain than happiness as you wonder if they’ve been hiding feelings for one another in the Watchtower, too.
“Don’t hurt him!” Bruce yells as Clark pulls Etrigan away from you and John.
Etrigan bites Clark’s arm, and he calls, “Tell him that!”
“C’mere,” you tell Etrigan. You crouch to the floor and pull him into your arms. “Stop!”
He calms down, and Diana helps Bruce up as Etrigan cries. You look at Bruce and shrug.
“He’s just a baby,” Diana says.
“And he needs more than a hug,” John adds, waving his hand in front of his nose.
“Now, that is a job for Superman,” Bruce says.
Bruce takes Etrigan from your arms and passes him to Clark. When Bruce takes your hand to lead you out of the dungeon, you nearly trip over your own feet. You’ve never been more ready to grow up before, you think.
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Mordred’s new kingdom is comprised mostly of children doing what they were never allowed to do before. When you walk through the paths surrounding what used to be the center of the park, you are surrounded by children doing dangerous stunts and breaking rules.
“You two, knock that off!” Clark demands when he sees two boys playing with wooden swords.
“What are you gonna do? You’re just a kid,” they taunt.
Clark shoots a laser between them and answers, “I’m the kid with laser beams coming out of his eyes.”
“That’s just gonna scare them,” you interject before they run away screaming. “You can’t threaten kids the same way you threaten criminals.”
“Then what do we do?” John asks.
“Tattle,” Diana answers. She flies to an elevated area and yells, “That’s enough!”
Everyone freezes, and you find yourself reaching for Bruce.
“You can’t tell us what to do! You’re not our mom!” someone replies.
“No, but I promise you we will find all of your moms and I’m gonna tell!” Diana answers.
“Well, what should we do?”
“Go outside and wait for your parents. Now!” Diana demands with a hand on her hip.
“Man, your girlfriend sure is bossy,” John tells Bruce.
“Shut up,” he replies before leaving John’s side.
Those butterflies in your stomach become dead weight. You stall behind John, but he turns to look at you.
“You like Bruce,” he accuses.
“What? No!” you answer too quickly. “We’re friends.”
John gestures for you to come with him, and you follow Bruce together. You know that John knows more than he ever lets on, and if anyone found out about your crush, you suppose you should be glad that it’s the one who can keep a secret. Better him than Wally.
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“He’s almost asleep,” Diana whispers as you look into Mordred’s hideout. “We can take him.”
“I’ll make a lawnmower and chew him up,” John suggests.
“A lawnmower?” you repeat incredulously. “Why?”
“I say we get that amulet away from him first,” Bruce says. “We’ll split up and sneak behind him. Then Lantern can do his thing. But no mowers.”
“Why?” John questions.
“Because it’s stupid,” Clark answers.
“He’ll hear it, too,” you whisper with much more kindness than Clark.
“I guess I’ll go with Clark,” Diana says. “Unless I should go with you,” she tells Bruce.
“Whatever,” Bruce answers.
John sees your eyes drop and says, “Clark can go alone. I’ll go with Diana.”
You appreciate it but shake your head because you don’t want to be left alone with Bruce.
“Whatever,” Bruce repeats.
“Go,” John whispers.
You lead Bruce around the side of the cave, and John shakes his head as he watches you go.
“What’s with them?” Clark asks.
“Really?” Diana questions.
“Man, for somebody with fifty different kinds of vision you are so blind,” John responds.
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“Is that a claw?” you ask Bruce as John tries to get the amulet.
“Unfortunately,” he answers.
He may be young, but his sarcasm hasn’t changed a bit. You lean against him when John’s claw wavers before disappearing. The amulet falls to Mordred’s chest, and Bruce moves you carefully as he calls, “Get the amulet!”
You join Bruce, Diana, Clark, and John in a failing attempt to hold Mordred down and take the amulet. He uses his magic to grow and throws Bruce and Diana off of him before standing. A young girl is standing nearby, and you take her hand to lead her to safety as the others fight Mordred.
“Bats!” you yell, just as you had as an adult this morning.
Bruce looks back and sees the living gargoyle chasing him and John and directs John toward a small bridge.
“Close the door!” you yell as Bruce enters the castle.
Diana closes and locks the door behind him, and you listen to John come up with complicated plans to stop Mordred as Bruce thinks.
“Forget it!” Bruce calls after John mentions giant handcuffs. “We’ve got to focus on…” Bruce’s eyes lock with yours and he says, “Never mind what I just said. We’ll take care of everything else. Lantern, you go crazy.”
“What are you going to do?” you ask.
“It’s time for all of us to grow up,” Bruce answers.
He takes your hand before running toward another area of the kingdom. Your butterflies begin reviving, and you wonder if anything will be the same after this.
“Go!” he yells to Clark.
Clark pulls the amulet from Mordred’s neck while he’s distracted by John before tossing it to Bruce.
“This is the most dangerous game of keep away I’ve ever played,” you yell as you take the amulet from Bruce and run it to Diana. Diana throws it to Etrigan, and you flinch when he bites into it. The wave of purple magic that escapes it is unsettling, but you don’t take your eyes off Mordred.
“I already absorbed too much of the amulet’s power,” Mordred says as he stands.
He uses his magic to suspend all of you, and Etrigan, upside down in the air. He pulls a sword from a nearby stone, and it turns purple before reappearing as a curved blade.
“I’ll take care of my kingly duty myself,” he declares.
“Is he really going to behead us in an amusement park?” you ask with your arms crossed over your chest.
“I’m scared,” the girl you helped earlier says. “I want my mommy.”
Mordred lowers his blade to say, “You don’t need a mommy. You’re better off without one. Trust me.”
“Ooh, mommy issues,” John muses. “Those ain’t easy.”
The girl begins crying and Clark taunts, “Some king.”
“I’m not impressed,” Diana agrees.
“What’d you expect? He’s a boy doing a man’s job,” Bruce finishes.
“You don’t know what it’s like being stuck as a kid,” Mordred says.
“Since you’ve had all that power, you could have been a man anytime you wanted. I think you’re too chicken to grow up.”
“Yep, big chicken. That’s what you are,” John agrees, flapping his arms like wings. “Bock, bock.”
“Face it, precious,” Bruce continues. “You like being a little mama’s boy.”
“I’ll show you!” Mordred yells. “I’ll show you all.”
“Sure, you will,” you agree with an eye roll.
“And when I am a true king, I’ll start with the human!” Mordred adds, pointing to you.
Bruce looks at you, but you keep your eyes on Mordred as he spreads his arms and is surrounded by purple ribbons of magic. Etrigan claps as Mordred’s spell spreads, and he reappears as a man.
“I’m older than you now,” Mordred says as he turns to face you.
The magic released his spell, and you catch yourself as you fall from the air.
“You sure are,” Bruce says.
Mordred disappears, banished by his own spell. As an adult, he couldn’t stay, and now you can only wait until Morgaine does her part. Bruce steps to your side and you turn your face toward him.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Yes,” you answer just before Morgaine appears.
“A bargain is a bargain,” she says as she waves her hand before you.
The spell is lifted, and you are an adult again in only a second. You hadn’t prepared for the change in size however and are pressed against Bruce’s chest with the sudden growth. He makes no move to get space from you, though.
“Mommy,” Etrigan coos at Diana.
She drops him and steps back. You chuckle at the scene and Diana looks at you with furrowed brows before smiling and rolling her eyes.
Morgaine opens a portal, and Bruce places a hand on your hip as he steps around you.
“Wait,” he calls. “What happened to Mordred?”
“My spell gave him eternal youth but now that he’s broken it all he has is eternal life,” she answers.
“Circumstances aside, it was kind of enjoyable to be a kid again,” Diana says.
You walk to Bruce’s side and watch the happy reunions of children with their parents.
“I’m sorry,” you offer softly.
“For what?” he asks.
“You just- you didn’t get to be a kid like the rest of us.”
“Perhaps Diana was right. It wasn’t completely unenjoyable.”
He turns toward you, and his arm is pressed to your shoulder.
“You’re telling me the big, bad bat had a little bit of fun?” you tease.
“You never talk about your childhood,” he deflects. “So, I’m sorry if this brought up bad memories.”
“Just dead butterflies,” you answer.
Bruce glares at you, but it’s the one unique to when he’s reading you.
“Is that why Lantern sent us off alone together?”
You look down as you nod.
“My butterflies are alive and well, and happy to wait for you,” Bruce murmurs.
“Butterflies or bats?” you ask.
“Should we be having this conversation in an amusement park?”
“You’re right. Let’s go to Metropolis and make the cover of the Daily Planet so Clark has to write all about it.”
Bruce sighs, but he takes your hand as he leads you outside the amusement park. He presses a button on his utility belt and the Batmobile pulls up a moment later.
“Bruce,” you say once you’re inside. “You were a really cute kid.”
“You were really bad at eye contact,” Bruce counters. “Or was that just with me?”
“I guess crushes aren’t just for kids,” you muse.
“Maybe Diana will stop pestering me to ask you out now.”
You nod as you watch the road before you. It takes a moment, but you finally understand what Bruce just said.
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loverofoptimus · 5 years
The Less Eventful Of Days: DCAU Superman X Reader
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Figured I’d make a fic to go along with the relationship headcanons I typed out   https://loverofoptimus.tumblr.com/post/183845680514/dcau-superman-x-reader-headcanons
Your sleep came to an abrupt end at the feeling of lips on your neck but just about any annoyance at the sudden interruption was gone at the wonderful sensation especially when your mind finally had time to process of the one person it could possibly be.
Turning around you saw Clark giving you just the grin you were expecting which you returned with one as well. He leaned in closer and pressed your foreheads to each other.
“Good morning, beautiful”. he said.
“Good morning, Superman”. you answered.
 The two of you brought your faces level to level and kissed deeply. He worked his great wonders on your lips with his own and pulled you tight against his chest while your hand made it’s way onto his head and started playing with the S curl of his hair.
His hands rubbed and massaged along your back and his tongue traced your lips asking for entrance which you took very little time to oblige. Your own tongue slid against his as it explored your mouth.
Breaking from the kiss, he looked you over and said. “Even with that bedhead, you’re still more alluring in life than you are in my dreams” 
“Why, thank you.” That comment though made you react by trying to fix your hair as best as your hands could manage. 
He chuckled and gave your lips a peck. Then he uncovered himself from the sheets and threw his legs over the side of the bed you two shared. 
“Well, time to start another day”
“Do we have to?” You moaned. “Can’t we just stay like this all day?”
Clark just gave you a smirk and shook his head. You sighed knowing he was right, as much as you didn’t want to leave the bed. He then wrapped his arm around your torso.
“If it helps, I’ll go make breakfast.” He said.
That did sound really good right now. With that motivation, you managed to pry yourself from the bed while he made his way to the kitchen.
After the mundane task of preparation, you headed to the kitchen taking in the lovely aroma of pancakes. Clark had just set up your spots at the table and beckoned you over. You obliged and once comfortably seated, began to eat 
There was that satisfied smile he loved so much no matter how many times he’s seen it. 
“I’ve never known a man who could whip this up so fast and efficiently before you.” You complimented.
“Well, Wally can do it quicker but he tends to leave a big mess behind.”  He answered then took a sip of his coffee.
“At least he can clean it up just as quickly.”
“But not the most efficiently.”  He then chuckled. “Bruce almost busted an artery in his head when he found signs that Wally had been going through his equipment.” 
You giggled at the thought of what Batman must have said to Flash after that. You sure didn’t envy that poor kid.
Clark stopped eating and got out of his seat then gave you a hint of what his next move was going to be.
“I don’t think Perry would like me walking around the office like this.” 
He then went upstairs to dress and tidy up. You were almost finished with your breakfast when he came back down fully dressed. His hair combed down and is face now sporting the glasses that he had no need for other than helping his facade as just an ordinary citizen.
It was strange at first how the similarities between Superman and Clark Kent didn’t click immediately to your mind. But then again, very few people knew that Superman even had a secret identity, let alone who it was.
Honestly the more you thought about it, the more surprisingly brilliant it was. 
Clark took his seat and finished up his pancakes while you did the same. He took the dishes to the sink then turned to you.
“We have a little time before we need to leave.” He walked over to you and planted a sweet kiss to your forehead.
“What do you have in mind, Clark?��� You asked with a smile. Of course, you already had an idea of what it was.
 You arrived at the new Italian restaurant that you and Clark had been planning on trying for lunch that day. Standing by the entrance, you decided to pass the time with your thoughts while you waited for him and your mind started with the city around you.
Although Metropolis was always a nice place to look at, many people agree that it looks it’s best from above rather than at your current street level. But where most people would think of that from a view from one of the skyscrapers, you have something even better.
Your boyfriend.
No building or plane could ever give you the spectacle that Superman could. You love it when he takes you on his one woman flight. Any fear of falling was completely gone in the comfort of his strength and speed should anything go wrong. 
The air also felt crisper than it did down on street level with fewer people to distribute between and fewer machines giving off smog. It was all just a grand experience.
You were suddenly pulled out of your trance when a pair of familiar arms wrapped around your torso followed by a pair of lips pressing against your cheek.
“Need an escort?” 
You giggled and replied “I don’t know. Maybe I’d like going solo.”
Clark released you from his embrace and led you into the restaurant.
The two of you spent time talking about the new ideas Clark had in mind for the Daily Planet and if Bruce and Diana were ever going to finally become a couple until your meals arrived.
“Now to satisfy my belly”. Clark said in anticipation.
“If it tastes as good as it smells, we should come here more often.” You added
 A bit way through the meal Clark decided to start up the conversation again.
“Anything exciting happened at work so far?” He asked before taking a bite of his pasta. 
“About as much excitement as calculus.”  You answered honestly. There was a good reason why you’d have rather spent the day in bed. “How about you?” 
“Well, Lois went on quite the rant and she was so furious about it I didn’t even catch what it started with.” He chuckled. “It’s usually best to just keep to the sideline until she can think straight again.” 
“Doesn’t it feel uncomfortable working in the same place as your Ex?” You asked quieter knowing this was a public place.
“I told you before, Y/N. There were no hard feelings or maliciousness. We agreed it just didn’t work out.” He then took a good look around, checking for any prying eyes or eavesdroppers before he continued in a whisper.
“Besides, as far as she still knows, Clark and Superman are two different people.”
While you and Lois weren’t enemies by any means or even had any true personal distaste for each other, you always couldn’t help but feel that she had a habit of either getting herself into a great deal of trouble all for a shot at a story or else just bring trouble to any situation.
Granted she was a reporter but she really could stand to use more caution.
Still, she kept Clark happy for a good while till he started dating you and if he’s still on good terms with her, she couldn’t be all bad.
“Did I ever tell you about the time she almost married Bruce?” Clark asked.
“No, but I’m sure it’s a story I’d like to hear.” 
You arrived home first which meant Clark was either held back a bit by the press or somewhere, something was amiss that needed the help of Superman.
Even though you went over in your mind time and time again that there was very little that can actually threaten his life, there was always that tiny hint of worry anyway.
After all, despite his great power, Clark held most of it back in the fear of hurting innocent lives, even when his own well being was at stake. He’s such a selfless soul.
You knew that this was going to be something you’d have to accept when you became his girlfriend. 
All the same though, you also settled in your mind that you’d rather take that chance than just spend your life dreaming of what could have been and you’ve never regretted it. 
You found ways to keep yourself preoccupied until it lead to checking the TV guide for a good movie. 
It was then when you heard the front door open. You made your way to the entrance of your home and standing there was indeed your one true love.
He was wearing his suit. The blue and red one with the trunks and cape. The one that just about everybody in Metropolis and most of the world would instantly recognize him in.
“What happened?” You asked concerned. 
“Nothing too serious. Just a few burglars I caught trying to ransack a jewelry shop.” 
“You’d think the non-super villains would have learned by now.”
Clark laughed and pulled you into a hug.  You nuzzled your face into his chest and embraced him back. He gave you a sweet peck on the head 
After he released you, you took the opportunity to check his spandex figure. You may have seen it countless times before but it didn’t look any less dull than it had the first time.
“I can keep it on for a while.” He said, fully knowing you loved the way it felt. Not to mention how good he looked in it.
“What can I say? I love a man in uniform.” You replied with a shrug.
He chuckled then followed you into the living room. He sat down on the sofa and pulled you into his lap. You reacted by snaking an arm around his torso. 
“Beauty and the Beast is coming on in about 10 minutes.” You said. His face lit up at that information
“I haven’t seen that movie in ages.” 
After reliving what might be the greatest animated movie of all time, your stomach (as well as the growls from Clark’s) reminded you of what it was time for. 
You got off your boyfriend letting him get up as well then you both made your way to the kitchen.
“Feel like having those chicken breasts?”  He asked while fishing through the refrigerator.
“The way you can cook and season meat, I’d be fine with spam.” 
“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll throw in mashed potatoes and dessert for that.” He started gathering the cooking tools and ingredients.
“That’s too much work for you alone, big guy.  Let me give you a hand.”
“Too much work? Have you forgotten who I am?”
“You mean besides the man of my dreams?”
He chuckled as he placed the chicken on the oiled pan he set up. Rather than turn on the stove top itself, he let his heat vision do the work and added spices to the sizzling meat.
All the while he was whistling to the tune “Be Our Guest” 
You meanwhile set the table as that was just about all you were going to accomplish before Clark would insist he’d take over from there.
“I’m just glad that the man of my dreams was both of the men I fell in love with. I already spent too many sleepless nights trying to decide which one I was going to pick.”
“It sounds like a good foundation for an upbeat musical. Maybe we should send it to Disney.” 
You laughed as he brought the cooked chicken to the table.
With dinner finished up, you were now in the bathroom stripping down and about to take a shower. 
The door opened and in he stepped unclothing as well. It was almost funny how the big boy scout wasn’t even remotely bothered by the naked figure of the woman in the room with him or that he was exposed in front of other eyes too.
Of course, it’s certainly wasn’t like you two haven’t seen each other like this before.
Clark stepped into the shower and you followed suit as he turned the head on and adjusted the water’s temperature. You took the soap off its holder and started lathering up your body.
Halfway through your cleansing, he placed his hands on your waist.
He had a cocky smirk plastered on his face and you knew exactly where his mind was.
“Feeling amorous?” 
“Very, yeah.” 
“Good. So am I.”
It went on for a very long while even long after you both were done washing. 
As always, you were completely worn out but couldn’t be any more satisfied. With the little energy you had left along with some help from Clark, you dressed into your nightwear and crawled into bed.
He came around the other side and did the same. You then cuddled against his body warmly while he pulled you into an embrace. Now relaxed, you let out a sigh.
This had honestly been among the less eventful of days since you two started dating and it was still more pleasant than just about every day you had spent alone.
Clark made everything that much nicer. He always had. Thinking over it, you thought it was rather unfair how much effort he put into this relationship when you felt you’ve haven’t contributed the same.
“I really can’t say enough how much I appreciate everything.” You said. “You’ve given me so much and I just can’t help wondering how I can ever return the favor.” 
His hand caressed your cheek and he gently turned your face towards his own. He gave you a warm smile and leaned in closer.
“Y/N, just being with me is enough to return the favor. You really think you don’t do enough for me? You lift my spirit. You reinforce my hope. You gave me love in my life when I needed it the most. You’re everything about humanity that I love.”
He pulled you closer and gently but passionately kissed you. 
“The only thing I could ever ask you for is the promise that you’ll stay with me and one day, we’ll start a family. Help me rebuild the life that my kind lost.”
“There’s nothing more I want than that.” You said, returning his warm smile.
“I’ll give you much more than that anyway. Just wait until you see what I have planned for us on the weekend.” 
You laid your head on his chest as his heartbeat soothed you to the core. His body was so comfortably warm that you wouldn’t mind if the sheets were suddenly removed. 
He ran his hands along your back and held you against his body as tight as he could without making it uncomfortable. He took a deep inhale of your scent and kissed your forehead. God, this felt so wonderful. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He muttered
“I love you too, Superman” You answered before drifting off into sleep.
You know in your heart, you couldn’t leave him if you tried.
Thanks for Reading! If you enjoyed, please like and reblog! 
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berjhawn · 3 years
Day & Night - Ch. 8 - Contingency Plans
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Warnings: Mentions of death, attempted murder, almost sexy scene, etc
(A/N) we’re getting closer to the end!! as usual please do not hesitate to let me know what you guys think. 
Day & Night - Master-List
I find Diana in the kitchen searching for something to eat and smile as I see my friend for the first time in forever. She was the one person I missed the most after leaving. I knew she understood why I did what I did but I still needed to apologize for basically running away.
“You know, Clark hides some Pop-tarts in the raisin bran box.” I say softly causing her to instantly turn toward me a bright smile on her face.  
“That’s just bad hiding skills.” She replies a playful smirk filling her lips.
Then before either of us has a chance to say anything else I rush over and wrap my arms around her. She hugs me back and it was like we were back in Themyscira. I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss my home. Everything there was nice and simple. The only downside was that no men were allowed there, and I doubt I’d be able to live without Bruce.
“I’ve missed you.” I say as I pull away and hold her at arm’s length.
“I knew you’d be back.” She replies a smile filling her beautiful face.
“I wish I could say that was the reason I was here,” I pause worry filling my eyes.
“But?” She questions her expression mimicking mine.
“I need to ask you some things, about when I was younger.” I say and she motions to the table and chairs.
“Ask away,” She says, and I take a deep breath.
“When I was younger, did I ever have any moments when I would just check out? Like my body would be there, but I wasn’t.” I ask and her eyes widen slightly. “What? What is it?”
“When you were younger my mother gifted you with this beautiful hawk.”
“You mean Artemis?” I ask and she nods.
“You loved her more than anything. There was never a moment when the two of you were apart. Do you remember how she died?” Diana asks and I furrow my brow as I try to remember the incident.
“I think it was a hunting accident. One of the other girls was hunting in the same area I was and accidently shot her.”
“Do you remember what happened after that?” She asks and I clench my jaw as I try to remember.
“When you realized that she was dead, your eyes turned black and so did your hair. You attacked the girl and almost killed her. It took the lasso and mother to pull you out of it. After that mother took you into a room and no one else was allowed in there. All I remember was the ground shaking and the sky turning dark.
“Three days later you both emerged but you had no recollection of what had happened, and you were asking for Artemis. It was then that you and I became close friends. Mother believed that I could heal the hurt in your heart from your loss. Since then, we haven’t seen Void since.”
“Void?” I ask my brow furrowing.
“That’s what mother called her. Since you are Light, and you can’t have light without dark.”
“Clark’s met her.” I say making Diana’s eyes widen slightly.
“He said when I caught him and Lois together my eyes turned black and it was like I wasn’t there anymore. The room was dark and cold.”
“So, she didn’t completely show herself?” Diana asks confusion on her face. “Somehow, you unconsciously kept her in check.”
“I guess.” I answer shrugging my shoulders.
“I hate to say this, but her showing herself is connected to your mental state. Like if you experience something devastating, she’ll fully show herself, and when that happens, I don’t know what will happen.”
“That thought alone terrifies me. Especially since I now have a danger prone family.” I add making her let out a worried sigh. “And you know for a fact those boys won’t stop putting themselves in danger. Just look who their father is.”
“At least with Connor you don’t have to worry too much.”
I nod in agreement. The Kryptonian part of him basically made him invulnerable.
“Unless it’s someone who knows he’s weak to kryptonite.” Diana adds and I glare at her. “Sorry.”
“Do you think I could control her?” I ask and Diana shrugs her shoulders.
“I’m not sure, but I know you. I know you’d never let someone take over your body and hurt others.” Diana says and I nod.
“Thank you, for telling me. Not gonna lie, I’m a little worried about it but I think I’ll be okay. If anything happens, you’re the only one with the ability to stop me. Please, promise me that you will, even if it means I must go back to Themyscira.”
“Bruce won’t be happy about this.”
“Of course, he won’t, but he’ll understand, eventually.” I confirm and she nods.
“Are you back?” she asks and taking a deep breath I smile softly.
I knew without a doubt now that I had people who cared about me and would be here to help me. I could do this. I could come back and help people. Yeah, it would be difficult at first. Especially with how awkward it would be between me and Clark.
“I think I am.”
I found Bruce in the command room messing around with some buttons and switches. Flash and Cyborg were there with him and I take a deep breath before I walk over to them. I needed to talk with Bruce about what I had discussed with Diana. He needed to know that I was coming back and that if something happened to him or the boys, and Void came out, I needed to know that he would be okay with Diana taking me down.
“Who’s this?” Cyborg asks and I smile.
“Geez you leave the league for a few months and everyone forgets who you are.” I joke and their eyes narrow as they try to figure out who I was. Rolling my eyes, I lift a hand and create a ball of bright hot light. Recognition washes over them, and I am unable to stop Flash as he runs over and wraps his arms around me.
“Where the hell have you been?!” He inquires and I hug him back as I reply.
“I needed a break.”
“Are you back?” Cyborg asks and I glance over to Bruce whose hands had paused their movement and clearing my throat I pull away from Flash.
“Can you guys give Batman and me a second alone? Please?” I ask as I look back at them.
“Fine, but we’re catching up later.” Flash says and I smile softly at him.
“Of course.” I reply as I watch Flash leave. Cyborg gives me a supportive smile before he follows Flash leaving Bruce and I alone. When I am sure we are alone I walk over to him and wrapping my arms around him let out a heavy sigh.
“So, you want to come back?” Bruce asks and I nod into his back.
“I want to be where I can protect everyone. Especially you and the boys.” I reply and I feel Bruce tense.
“I understand your want to protect the boys, but I don’t need protecting.” He retorts and I roll my eyes.
“Don’t you though?” I reply raising a brow at him as I pull away and move to stand beside him giving him a knowing look. “You’re the most danger prone one out of all of us.”  He doesn’t reply because he knows I’m right. “You have the most dangerous villains, like Joker for one.”
“I won’t put you in danger like that.” He announces as he finally looks at me. “(Name),”
“Don’t, we already talked about that. Joker can’t hurt me, physically or mentally. If anything, I could crush him with my pinky.” I joke and Bruce glares at me and I roll my eyes. “I’m joking, well only kind of.”
“How did your talks go?” he asks changing the subject and I turn to lean against the computer console.
“My talk with Clark went well. He’ll try and talk to Connor.”
“And Diana?”
“That… that one was a little more troubling.” I reply as I quickly tell him what Diana and I had discussed.
“You want to go back to Themyscira?” He inquires and I shake my head.
“No, but if that’s what it comes too, I will.” I answer and I investigate his face for any trace of emotion. I look around to make sure no one is here before I continue. “Bruce, I don’t want to leave you or the boys. I love you and them, but I never want to put you all in danger; and Void… I don’t know what she’s capable of.”
“I understand.” Bruce replies reaching out to gently take my hand in his.
“Which brings me to my next issue.” I start my eyes looking down at our joined hands. “I know you have contingency plans for all the league members... except for me.”
“No,” Bruce starts knowing exactly where I’m going with all this.
“Bruce, I need to know that if Diana cannot stop void, I need you to take me out.” I say and he furrows his brow.
“I can’t do that.” He says his grip tightening on me.
“You can’t, or you won’t?” I inquire and he knows I know the truth. “I’m not saying we’ll have to use it; I just want to be prepared. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use it.”
Bruce looks around for a moment before he pulls me into a tight hug. I knew what this hug was. He was going to do as I asked. He was going to make a contingency plan for me, and if I knew him like I believed I did, he would be the one to execute it. My hands snake around his body holding him tighter.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Bruce whispers into my ear and I smile through my hurting heart.
“I know, I hope you never do.” I say softly as I pull away from him and reaching up gently cup his face with my hands. “Bruce, I love you more than anything in this world. If something happens and Void shows herself, I will do my damnedest to fight her to stay with you. I swear I will.”
“I know you will.” Bruce replies reaching up to clasp my hands in his. Pulling them down his brow furrows and I let out a heavy sigh. I needed to lighten the mood.
“How about we think of something else for a while.” I suggest a flirty smirk filling my lips.
“What do you have in mind?” Bruce questions the tension leaving his body.
“Well, there are many rooms here on the watch tower… or we could, you know…” I smile softly as I lean forward and gently yet passionately place my lips against his in a deep kiss.
Bruce’s hands move to my waist as he pulls me into his waist his kiss turning hungrily. Mine shoot up to wrap around his neck and pull him in closer. Before we could go further, he pulls away breathless and grabbing my hand instantly starts to lead me away from the consoles and toward the crew quarters. I giggle inwardly as we sneak past everyone until we reach a room. A soundproof one.
When we are alone, he removes his cowl and instantly pulls me into his arms lifting me up so that I can wrap my legs around his waist. His hands grip tightly to my ass as he tries to pull me in closer. Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean in and passionately kiss his lips.
Bruce moves over to where the bed lies and turning sits down upon it. His hands move from my hips to slip under my shirt, his fingertips touching all the places he knows that drive me wild. A soft moan escapes my lips as I briefly pull away to grab the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head tossing it somewhere in the room.
I smile as reach out and start pulling at his bat suit until he starts to remove it. I take the chance to stand up and remove the rest of my clothes until I am naked in front of him and he is bare before me. I smile devilishly as I move forward and straddling his lap say, “You better be glad this room is soundproof.”
Will Continue- 
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Please shut up about Marvel having too much continuity
That’s a phrase I hear thrown around endlessly by fans, ‘fans’ and comic creators themselves.
 Continuity is bad we need to get rid of it or cut it down because it’s too intimidating to readers.
 This is provably untrue.
  Exhibit A: The Marvel Cinematic Universe
 The MCU has been running since 2008. As of this writing there are 20 movies in the MCU with more on the way and I don’t even know how many short films and episodes of various TV shows.
 Now sure, the movies are mostly self-contained and don’t require you to check out any of the other stuff. The same is true of the Netflix MCU TV shows
 True but the other TV shows (like the long running Agents of SHIELD) aren’t so self contained. The Netflix shows do trade off of events in other Netflix shows. And even if you confine it to the movies you still have those 20 movies.
 And sorry but if you wanna check out the latest of the 2-3 Marvel movies out in any given year being asked to watch twenty films  is a lot of continuity to ask of someone. Far more than is reasonable and honestly for a new viewer it might as well be as intimidating as 50 years of comics.
 And the harsh truth is... a lot of people just don’t do that when they go see a Marvel movie. But it’s also true that most people seem to like Marvel movies.
 How is this possible?
 How could they possibly enjoy the latest instalment in a film franchise without having seen everything before?
 Well this video about Avengers Assemble raises two key explanations.
 The gist of things is that Avengers Assemble in part traded off of the modern way we consume media and trusted people could Google or Youtube what they needed to know to ‘get’ the movie. See the endless number of articles and videos explaining what audiences ‘need to know’ before they check out the latest MCU film or revealing telling things in movies they’ve already seen. An example would be all the articles explaining who Thanos was after his mid-credits tease in Avengers Assemble.
 However the video’s other more salient point is that Avengers Assemble, like the movies leading into it and in fact the movies after it, was actually written to be accessible on it’s own.
 Sure you get a more rewarding experience if you checked out everything beforehand, but it’s not necessary.
 Even in a bonanza like Infinity War, in 2018 everyone is aware of who most of those characters are in the first place and even if they aren’t they know who a few of them are and can thus get invested in the movie for them.
 It’s kind of like every movie is written with the belief that it’s someone’s first...which is exactly how Marvel used to write all of their comics!
 Exhibit B: The DC Animated Universe
 Before Marvel made film history DC made animation history by replicating the shared superhero universe of DC comics in animation.
Comprised primarily of Batman the Animated Series, Superman the Animated Series, Batman Beyond, the Zeta Project, Static Shock and Justice League (with some seasons rebranded under different names and status quos) the DCAU lasted from the early 1990s until the mid 2000s with easily in excess of 100 episodes between the shows. Which doesn’t even count the tie-in comics, video games and more significantly four animated films.
All of these shared continuity in particular in the Justice League TV show where of course virtually every  DC character from earlier in the DCAU cropped up alongside a massive amount of new ones.
What made things even more complicated was that Justice League was released after Batman Beyond, a show set in the distant future of the DCAU, meaning the show was even drawing upon continuity from stories that chronologically took place way later.
Confusing right?
Well...not if you go by the ratings, critical acclaim and strong fan following.
Let me stress the DCAU predated the easier access to the internet we have today, it wasn’t until the DCAU was wrapping up that its various shows began to get complete home releases.
It is extremely unlikely that everyone or even the majority of the viewership of any given DCAU show were fully aware or up to scratch on the continuity of the DCAU as a whole.
And yet the DCAU was extremely successful.
In fact Justice League was so successful that it was renewed twice  after originally intended to wrap up the DCAU as a whole. And both attempts drew upon older continuity, especially the second of these two attempts.
Exhibit C: The market for superhero info books
Fun fact, I’ve worked for D.K. books which has made a lot of comic book based info books diving into the (mostly in-universe) history of the various characters.
The first of those books I know of was Spider-Man: the Ultimate Guide published about oh...in 2001.
It’s fourth and newly updated edition was released last year.
In fact with the surge of superhero popularity D.K. had to make more guidebooks than ever before, so many in fact that they had to drop some.
Here is some inside baseball but to capitalize upon Thor: Ragnarok there was supposed  to be an ultimate guide book all about Thor but due to producing stuff for Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Wonder Woman, Black Panther and Justice league the project had to be dropped.
Guidebooks about individual franchises were not even the only types of info books D.K. did.
They’ve recently published what amounts to an encyclopaedia about the entire Marvel Universe since the 1940s!
And by the way, these books aren’t aimed primarily at the established/older hardcore fan.
They are aimed at a mass audience, chiefly kids who’ve maybe seen the movies, cartoons or read a little about the characters and now want to go deeper. And they are sold in general book stores as well as comic book speciality stores.
And they’ve been doing this since 2001...internationally!
So OBVIOUSLY there is thriving market for the large in depth histories of these characters. Clearly people love the idea of there being wider lore for them to explore.
It’s not even a phenomenon exclusive to comic book nerds, just ask Lord of the Rings fans!
Exhibit D: the DC Universe
If you count absolutely everything, there has been in truth at least six  different versions of the DC universe since it began in 1938.
That means on six separate occasions DC has chucked out aspects of their history and in theory made it more accessible to readers because hey, there is less history for you to read now. Their biggest attempt of recent years was in the New 52 in 2011.
And yet in general Marvel has systemically outsold DC comics and especially did so during the New 52 when the DC as whole suffered massive sales losses linked in no small part to their decision to reboot their universe and throw out the history readers had invested in.
Exhibit E: Soap operas
Soap operas that are intended to last indefinitely rarely (if ever) have facilities to enable viewers to catch up on older episodes across their massive sometimes 1000+ episode count. And even if they did such options wouldn’t have existed before the 21st century when DVDs and digital media and recordable TV isn’t what it is today.
Yet these soap opera kept running and running and running sometimes for decades?
How? They couldn’t have maintained the same viewership across that entire time.
Could it be that the new viewers of these soap operas just tuned in and rolled with it/the soap opera were written in a relatively accessible way so that they continued the ongoing plots whilst allowing new viewers to jump on ship at any time?
 Exhibit F: The 1980s-1990s
The notion of Marvel’s long continuity being a bad thing, of being a problem hampering them is dependent upon the idea that after a point there is just too much  history in the way of readers to jump on board. The Marvel Universe has lasted since 1961 after all*.
The foolishness in this mentality is that it wholly fails to recognize that catching up on and keeping up with even 20-25 years worth of comic book history is such a daunting task that it might as well be 55 years!
And yet in the 1980-early 1990s the comic book industry was over all healthier than it is now despite there already being a huge amount of history and lore to most Marvel characters.
In fact easily the most popular Marvel franchise of the 1990s was the X-Men which was THE most complicated and convoluted franchise Marvel had at the time.
Compounding the challenge new fans allegedly had to face was the fact that reprints, trades, info books and internet based resources to help them catch up or learn the wider histories either didn’t exist or weren’t what they are now.
There comes a point when getting a grip on 55 years of history when you have endless resources to help you do that and instant access to those stories on your phone  is infinitely easier trying that with 20-25 years of history when you have next to nothing.
But there were MORE comic book readers in the 1980s-1990s than now and they were able to jump into the long running narratives decades into their histories.
How is this possible?
Because back then Marvel practiced a mantra preached by Stan Lee himself.
Every comic is someone’s first.
So every comic pushed the characters stories on but also made sure they invited new readers along for the ride too.
 Exhibit G: Myself
When I was 12 I began watching the Justice League cartoon show and fell in love with all those characters, only slowly realizing that the Superman and Batman of this show were the same ones I’d seen on Batman the Animated Series and those 6 episodes of Superman I’d seen years ago. I didn’t even know who Darkseid and Brainiac were? It didn’t matter they were clearly big deal bad guys and I loved their 2 episodes in Justice League. I loved Justice League Unlimited even more even though I didn’t realize it was capitalizing upon plot threads set up in yet more Superman episodes I’d never seen.
When I was 11 one of my best friends who was nowhere near as much into comic books as I was showed me his new book. Spider-Man the Ultimate Guide. In it was pages and pages about Spider-Man, his powers, his costumes, his friends, his foes and his history over all. I needed my own copy of that book and re-read it multiple times because wow I didn’t know Spider-Man was once buried alive and there was a Spider-Man in the future and this one time Spider-Man battled the Juggernaut and it was awesome and this other time Spider-Man turned into the Lizard and the Hulk!
When I was 10 I read my first ever Spider-Man comic book and began following the character religiously.
This comic book was Peter Parker: Spider-Man #75.
This was the very last part of the very last story arc in the single most convoluted Spider-Man story of all time, the Clone Saga, with even that one issue drawing upon and referencing continuity from 27 years earlier!
And yet it hooked me.
All those things hooked me.
Because it’s not about how much continuity you have.
It’s about how you choose to use it or not use it when crafting a compelling story.
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exaltnexile · 2 years
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last updated: 03/2022
status: CLOSED
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general rules:
currently doing SFW requests only. if i decide to write NSFW, then all characters will be 21+ for these specific requests.
reader will automatically be female, unless a gender-neutral reader is requested.
i will try to get through everyone’s asks, but keep in mind that there will always be a chance that i may not get to everyone’s request for a variety of reasons. thank you for your understanding.
when the ask box is closed, it is closed. i will delete any more asks that come through, as i don’t want to be overwhelmed and possibly not get to everyone’s asks.
can request up to three characters for headcanons and scenarios, and up to five characters for five-sentence prompts.
please do not repost to other platforms or blogs, thank you!
and if you’re unsure of whether your ask will be accepted or not, please don’t be afraid to message me and ask! ♡
who i write for:
currently writing for injustice, dcau and the batman (2022).
^ i may expand to marvel characters but that will be determined at a later time.
though current biases are for: bruce wayne (the batman 2022) and injustice superman. they will be the ones i feel more inspired to write for atm, but don’t feel discouraged to ask for others!
will not write:
male reader.
incredibly specific reader-insert requests. for example, if you were to ask how bruce and reader would get through [insert very long and detailed scenario] then it would restrict how much creative freedom i’m given on the request.
on that note, please no asks involving a reader with specific traits (physically or personality-wise) as i want to create content that can apply to anyone.
no oc x character (as i mainly will be writing reader-inserts) or character x character (unless it is a poly relationship involving the reader).
mental health themes or self-harm, as i don’t want to inaccurately portray them and offend unintentionally.
0 notes
solar-wing · 3 months
⚣ Jealousy Is A Disease 🟢
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⚣🟢 A/N → DON'T ASK ME WHY, I DON'T KNOW OKAY! I just can't write a Hal Jordan fic without making it about his incessant need to be better than Superman. I'M TRYING OKAY! anyway, hope you like it. WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | Omegaverse | Major Dub-Con Themes | M-Preg Themes | Penetrative Sex | Fingering | Overstimulation | Alpha Hal Jordan | JL Omega Male Reader |
⚣🟢 Summary → Y/N's knows he's got a little heat brewing between him and Superman, but something is going to get in the way of that. He should've known better than to have entered into any sort of arrangement with Hal Jordan. Not only was the man super cocky and sarcastic, but he was literally green with envy.
⚣🟢 Words → 3.7K
REBLOGS & replies are appreciated, please! 💛
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The Watchtower had been relatively quiet.
Y/N had been talking with Clark about some matters related to supervillains' plots, potential recruits, and a bunch of other mumbo jumbo that he wasn't really paying attention to because he was too busy eyeing the Kryptonian's body. The Omega knew his heat was getting close and that he would probably have to take some time off soon to deal with it.
But, it didn't stop him from imagining Clark's large and muscled body over his while they rutted against each other all sweaty and hot and-
"Y/N? You ok there?" Clark's voice interrupted his thoughts, the Omega blushing when he saw the look on the man's face. He had noticed his staring and it had probably led him to realize the nature of his thoughts.
The Kryptonian had a knowing smirk on his face, though. He'd been more or less aware of the Omega's attraction towards him, and it definitely wasn't one-sided. Clark may not have been an Alpha by nature of his Kryptonian biology, but it didn't mean he didn't consider himself to be one in many aspects. He certainly had the physique of one, and he did have a few...kinks that came with the territory.
"I-I'm sorry, I got a little distracted." Y/N chuckled nervously, feeling his cheeks heating up. He didn't know how the Kryptonian would react to his blatant display of lust, but he didn't think it would be bad. Clark was always so nice to him and he had a good sense of humor. Plus, the Omega really wanted to know what was under those suits.
"Don't worry about it. You know I get distracted too sometimes." The Kryptonian smiled, his eyes lingering on Y/N's flushed face before traveling down the length of his body. The Omega suit was one for the books, the tight-fitting material leaving nothing to the imagination. Y/N looked damn good, and he knew it.
"So, uh, what were we talking about again?" Y/N asked, clearing his throat.
While the two continued their little flirtatious and flustered dialogue, neither of them was aware of the presence watching them through the door, his eyes under his green mask narrowing in anger and jealousy.
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Later that night, Y/N was getting ready to head home. His heat was coming closer and closer, and he knew he had to spend his next few days in his apartment and away from everyone.
As the Omega neared the Zeta Gateway that would take him back to the Hall of Justice, his arm was suddenly snatched and he was pulled into an empty room. Y/N was ready to fight whoever it was, but a familiar scent invaded his senses.
"Hey there, sexy. Missed me?" Green Lantern smirked as he looked down at the Omega's shocked face.
"Hal! What the hell are you doing?" Y/N whispered. "Someone might see us!"
"I was just thinking that maybe we could have a little fun before you go home. It's not like anyone's gonna come here at this hour." Hal said as he moved closer to Y/N, backing him toward the wall.
"I have to go. My heat's coming up." The Omega said, stopping him before he could make any more moves.
"You always say that. And then we end up fucking anyway."
"Not this time. I need to rest. It's going to be a very intense one." Y/N tried to reason, but the Alpha wasn't having it.
"C'mon, baby. Just one more time." Hal whispered in his ear, his breath sending shivers down Y/N's spine. "Let me have a taste."
The Alpha leaned forward and began kissing and biting Y/N's neck, his hands moving to grip his waist. The Omega could feel his arousal getting excited at the stimulation, but he had to stay strong. He knew his body would crave an Alpha's touch during his heat, and there was a certain blue and red-wearing superhero that he was more interested in.
"H-Hal, no! Stop!" Y/N said, pushing him away. "No more of this. I'm not gonna let you fuck me anymore, understand?"
"What the hell's gotten into you?" The Alpha growled. "You're always begging for it, and now you're pushing me away?"
"Yeah, well, things change." Y/N sighed, moving to leave the room. "Just stay away from me."
"Who is it, huh?" Hal asked, blocking his way.
"It's not like that," Y/N said, knowing full well he was lying through his teeth, "It's just that I think we should keep things strictly professional from now on."
"Bullshit. You weren't concerned about keeping things professional all the times I fingered you during meetings. Or all the times you sucked me off in the training room."
"Hal, I–"
"Did you care about professionalism when I fucked your tight little cunt while Batman was right outside that door? Or when you rode my dick in the showers? Huh?" Hal said, his voice raising a bit.
"Quit it, Hal. You're being rid–"
"Or all the close calls we had when I knotted you without a condom, and you thought you were gonna get pregnant? I bet you were hoping for it, weren't you?"
"Shut the fuck up!" Y/N shouted, his patience running thin. "I don't have time for your bullshit, Jordan. Now, move."
"Oh, now you're giving me orders? Is that how it is?" Hal growled, his own Alpha pheromones responding.
"Will you please shut the fuck up?!" Y/N growled, his scent turning sour. He couldn't believe the nerve of this man!
"No, you shut the fuck up! You're acting like a whore who's too good for me." Hal growled, his scent becoming heavier with the stench of anger.
"A whore, huh? I'm a whore for letting you fuck me whenever you wanted, and now I'm a whore for wanting to stop the fuck-fest, is that it? You're the one who wanted this, remember? You're the one who was all up on me in the first place, so don't play the victim."
"You're such a fucking tease. You act like a slut and then you expect me to leave you alone?"
"Yeah, and I'm also an Omega who could easily have an Alpha whenever I want. Don't forget that."
Hal clearly didn't like the mention of that. He was an Alpha, Air Force pilot and a Green Lantern. He wasn't supposed to be a side dish.
"I'm not someone you can fuck whenever you're bored, Y/N." The Alpha growled, his scent spiking.
"Well, guess what, Jordan, I'm not your toy either. We both had our fun, but I'm done with this. I don't want you anymore, and I certainly don't need you. So, move."
Before Y/N could move an inch, Hal lunged at him, tackling him to the conference table in the middle of the room. The two of them started wrestling and fighting, the Omega's pheromones spiking as he did his best to keep his body in check while trying to get the upper hand.
The fight didn't last long, though.
Y/N was soon pinned underneath the Alpha, his wrists in a tight grip above his head. Hal's free hand was holding his chin, forcing him to look at him.
"I can't believe you'd say something like that to me. After everything we've been through." The Alpha said, his voice low.
"Let go of me." Y/N struggled, trying to get out of the Alpha's hold.
"Not until you admit that you want me. That you're mine."
"In your dreams, Jordan. I don't belong to you. I'm not some prize that you can claim."
"I can do whatever I want. I'm an Alpha and I'm Green Lantern," Hal smirked, his grip on Y/N's wrists tightening as he rubbed the hard-on throbbing under his suit against the weaker male, "And you're an Omega. My Omega. You're gonna submit."
"You're not my Alpha, and you may be Green Lantern, but you'll never be Superman," Y/N said, ignoring the pleasurable tingles running through his body from the Alpha grinding against him while sporting his spiteful little smirk at the Alpha, "You'll never be him."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hal questioned with a growl.
"I know you're jealous of him, Hal. You put on this cocky, self-assured facade, but deep down, you hate that Superman is everything you wish you could be. He's not even technically an Alpha and yet, everyone respects him. Everyone trusts him. He's the perfect hero, and you're not."
"You're wrong."
Y/N could see he was hitting some nerves, and despite the warnings in his head telling him to stop, he couldn't, "Am I? So why is it that every time he's near me, you're always watching me? Always trying to get my attention. You're always trying to assert your dominance as if that's going to make me want you more."
"Stop talking," Hal ordered, not even realizing how he was slowly grinding his hard erection against the Omega's slick dripping heat, the friction from their uniforms making it all the more pleasurable.
"You're always going on and on about how you're an Alpha and Superman's not, and yet, he's the first person who comes to mind when anyone thinks of a traditional or a perfect Alpha."
"That's enough."
"And what does that say about you, Hal?"
"Shut the fuck up!" The Alpha roared, his scent becoming suffocating as he tightened his hold on Y/N's wrists, his hips rutting faster and harder against the Omega's crotch.
"You're a disgrace to the Green Lantern Corps, Hal. And you're a disgrace to the Air Force." Y/N continued, his eyes blazing with a mix of fury and lust as he stared at the Alpha above him.
"That's not true," Hal said, his voice faltering slightly.
"Is it? Because the way I see it, you're nothing more than a second-rate Green Lantern, a third-rate Alpha, and a fifth-rate superhero," The Omega ended, a venom to his words as he tauntingly smiled at the Alpha rutting against his body, his scent sweetening as his orgasm arrived already due to the increasingly sensitive state of his body from his heat approaching.
Hal lost control, his instincts taking over as he ripped the fabric of Y/N's suit. He couldn't stand the disrespect and the insults, and he needed to make the Omega eat his words. He needed to show he was better than the Kryptonian. He had to himself as the stronger Alpha, as the only Alpha.
He needed to prove that he was the best.
Y/N's moans were music to his ears, his slick coating his fingers as he pushed two digits inside the smaller male's tight cunt, the Alpha growling in arousal as the warmth wrapped around him. The Omega had to grip the edges of the table that he could reach to keep himself steady as his body rocked with overwhelming stimulation from Hal's fingers entering him so roughly while he was still in the middle of his first orgasm.
"A-ah, fuck ... ! H-Hal, stop.." Y/N moaned, his legs shaking as his walls fluttered around the Alpha's fingers.
His hand was around the Omega's throat, squeezing tightly as he forced him to look at him, "Don't you ever say those things to me again. Do you hear me? I'm not a failure. I'm not a failure."
"You are...a failure." Y/N choked out, his eyes watering.
At this point, the Omega had slowly given into his body's most primal desires, his mindset slowly slipping into that of a sex-crazed, needy little shit who just wanted to get fucked and knotted, thanks to his heat.
The Alpha snarled at the insult, his fingers thrusting deeper and harder. His thumb rubbed circles around the Omega's nub, the bundle of nerves sending jolts of pleasure up the smaller male's body. His focus had become solely on proving himself. He needed to show the Omega who was in charge.
"Stop saying that! Stop it! You're lying!" Hal growled, his pace quickening.
"Y-you're a f-failure. You'll...never be Superman," Y/N panted, his mind growing clouded. "You'll never b-be my A-Alpha."
"I'll be your Alpha. I'll be better than him. Better than any of them."
Within just another few minutes, The Alpha pulled another mind-shattering orgasm from the Omega, his scent heavy and intoxicating. He pulled out his fingers, licking his lips as he watched the mixed slick and cum dripping from them. He moved his hand up to the Omega's mouth, smearing the wetness across his lips.
"Suck them."
"No..." Y/N whimpered, his eyes fluttering closed.
"Do it. Now." Hal demanded, his grip on the Omega's neck tightening.
The squeeze against the smaller male's neck had his mouth opening with a quiet yelp in reflex, allowing the Alpha's fingers to enter. The taste was sweet and salty, and the Alpha couldn't help but growl in arousal as he watched the Omega suck his digits clean.
"That's it, baby. Get them nice and clean. You like the taste of your body, don't you?"
Once the Alpha had pulled his fingers out, the Omega's eyes were glazed over. His scent was so strong and thick, and it was almost enough to make the Alpha's knees weak. He wasn't done yet, though. He still needed to show no one was better than him.
Especially not Superman.
Hal ripped the front of his Green Lantern uniform open (it was okay, it magically came on and off anyway), exposing his toned chest and abs. His cock sprung free, already leaking precum. He positioned himself at the Omega's entrance, his tip rubbing against the wet entrance.
"Look at me." The Alpha growled, grabbing the Omega's chin.
Y/N's gaze was half-lidded, his pupils blown wide. His skin was flushed and his breathing was heavy. He could feel the Alpha's cock throbbing against him, the tip catching on his rim every so often.
"Still think I'm a failure? Still think I'm not good enough?" Hal growled.
"You're not..."
Y/N cried out as the Alpha entered him roughly, the sudden intrusion making him clench around the thick shaft. His body was overly sensitive, and the feeling of being filled was almost too much. He couldn't stop his hips from rolling forward, his thighs shaking.
"Oh, God...!"
"Doesn't seem like I'm a failure, does it?"
"Fuck...Hal, please, I can't take it.." Y/N begged, his body trembling.
"No, you'll take it. You'll take every inch of me." The Alpha growled, his hands gripping the Omega's waist as he began thrusting in and out, his pace fast and rough.
"No, please, Hal...stop, I can't...!"
"You can, and you will."
Hal's fingers dug into Y/N's sides, his thrusts growing faster and harder. His eyes were trained on the Omega's face, taking in the sight of his tear-stained cheeks and the drool dripping from his lips. The scent coming from the smaller male was so sweet and tempting, the Alpha's nostrils flaring as he breathed it in.
"Fuck, you're always so tight. Such a good little Omega for me."
"N-no, I'm not...I'm not..."
"Yes, you are. You're mine. My Omega."
The Alpha leaned forward, his teeth grazing the Omega's neck. He could feel the smaller male's pulse-quickening, his body shivering as the Alpha's warm breath ghosted across his skin.
"You're mine, Y/N. No one else's."
"You're gonna be my mate, and you're gonna carry my seed and give me my first kid. I deserve it. I'm a better Alpha than any of them."
"N-nh ... ah ... n-no."
"Yes, you will. I'll fill you up with my cum, and I'll make sure it takes."
Hal leaned down over the Omega's body, his front pressing against the smaller male's chest as he continued his relentless assault on his cunt. His thrusts were deep and hard, the sound of their skin slapping together filling the air.
"Mine...mine...mine." The Alpha growled, his lips ghosting over the Omega's jaw and neck.
"H-Hal, please...it h-hurts." Y/N choked out, tears rolling down his cheeks as his hands clawed at the Alpha's wrist.
"Yeah, that's right. Beg. Who's a third-rate Alpha now, huh? Who's a failure now, Y/N?" Hal snarled while nipping the Omega's jaw and neck, the sound of the conference table creaking and groaning under their weight.
Y/N had already been through his third climax at this point, his body overstimulated and sore all over from the Alpha's rough treatment. He couldn't think straight, his mind overwhelmed by the pleasure and pain coursing through him.
"H-Hal, no, s-stop, p-plea–"
The Omega's cries were cut off by the Alpha's hand wrapping around his throat, squeezing tightly.
"Shut the fuck up. I'll let you breathe and talk when you're ready to admit who you belong to. Not before."
The Alpha's hips were slamming into the Omega's, the sound of their bodies coming together echoing throughout the room. His knot was swelling, his thrusts growing more and more erratic.
Hal had never fucked him so brutally before, landing a harsh slap on the side of his bottom every so often while squeezing his neck even tighter. His insides felt like they were on fire, his walls clenching and throbbing around the Alpha's length.
"All that talk earlier and now look at you, crying and begging for me to stop. What happened to you thinking I'm a failure, huh? Did you change your mind?"
"I-I d-didn't. Y-you're a f-failure." Y/N managed to choke out despite his oxygen-deprived brain.
The Alpha's thrusts grew even harder, his knot catching on the Omega's rim every so often. He was close, his cock pulsating and throbbing inside the smaller male. He leaned up to stare the smaller male in the face, preparing to breed the smart-mouth brat while glaring at him through his mask.
"I can't wait to see Superman's face when you're round with my kid, knowing that you'll be mine and no one else's. And it'd better be a boy and an Alpha, or we'll be right back where we started," Hal growled, his grip on the Omega's throat tightening once more.
He continued hammering away at the Omega's heat, getting closer and closer to his end while Y/N approached his fourth, "Hope you weren't planning on having that weak Kryptonian with you during your heat. Because I'm gonna fuck you until you're pregnant, and then you're not gonna leave my side until I know you're carrying my child."
"P-perv..." Y/N weakly muttered, the Alpha's thrusts hitting his sweet spot repeatedly as he was forced to look into the Alpha's mask.
"Say what you want, but you know you're mine. And don't think I'm not going to punish you for those words earlier. I'll have you gagged and tied to the bed until you're carrying my kid. No protection this time."
Despite the lack of air in his lungs, Y/N, through the cloggy fog of his sex-muddled brain managed to mutter out one more thing before meeting his fate on the Green Lantern's knot, "I'd rather have Superman's kid than your failure spawn."
And just like that, Hal's grip on his throat tightened and his knot swelled and caught inside the Omega's hot cavern, his cock releasing his hot load while he growled, "That's it. You're gonna get it now."
Hal's knot kept his cum from spilling out of the Omega's throbbing walls, his grip tightening even more around the Omega's neck as he choked the life out of the smaller male.
The seething anger across Hal's face as he bred the Omega with his cum while he struggled to breathe was the last thing Y/N saw before blacking out.
While Y/N slipped into unconsciousness, Hal got the eerie feeling he was being watched, turning to see a trail of a familiar red cape through the small window in the door.
The Alpha felt a sense of accomplishment and superiority, smirking as his hand squeezed the Omega's neck and the other ran down his body, settling at the base of his stomach, "Don't worry, Y/N, I'll take care of you. I'll prove to you who's the best Alpha. Just you wait."
When his knot finally deflated, Hal pulled out his limp cock from the Omega's sloppy hole. He watched as his cum spilled out of the smaller male's pink and puffy cunt, his fingers scooping some up. He pushed it back inside, his smirk growing wider.
He re-formed his entire suit while doing his best to cover him before slinging his unconscious form over his shoulder, making his way out of the room and the Hall. He was going to have his Omega, whether he liked it or not.
He was going to breed him and make him bear his child, and no one was going to stop him.
Hal had been walking for a few minutes when a large gust of wind nearly knocked him over, Superman standing before him, his expression unreadable, "What the hell do you want, Kryptonian?"
"Give him to me."
"That wasn't a request, Jordan," Clark growled, his eyes narrowing, "Give him to me."
"I don't think so. I'm the only Alpha here, and I'm going to take him back home. I'll show him that I'm the better man. And there's nothing you can do but accept it," Hal said, a hint of smugness in his voice.
"Like hell, I am," Clark said, his eyes glowing red.
Hal barely had time to react before the Omega was ripped from his shoulder and cradled in Superman's arms, "What the hell?! Get your hands off him, you bastard!"
"I'm not the bastard, Hal. That title goes to you," Clark growled, his tone cold, "Now, stay away from Y/N. If I find out you've touched him again, I'll personally deliver your ring back to Oa myself. Got it?"
The Green Lantern was left speechless, watching as the Kryptonian flew off with the Omega. He was pissed, and he knew he had to get him back. He wouldn't let Superman steal what was rightfully his.
"Alright, then. Round three it is, fly-boy."
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☀️ | Hal Jordan/Green Lantern | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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julianlapostat · 7 years
Characters versus Icons
There’s a post-mortem air about DCEU after Justice League, and one that puts me in a reflective mind about the problems of DC’s movies in general, that in turn led me to look at broader problems of superhero movies. And along the way I got an idea for a meta series. One which I might tackle later, but which I can outline here. E. M. Forster in his book Aspects of the Novel described Flat and Round Characters, i.e. characters who are 2-Dimensional (i.e. they do not change and are static in development) and characters who are 3-Dimensional (are capable of change, in ways that surprise readers). 
Superhero characters in comics are rarely 3-Dimensional. Most are One-Dimensional, especially in the quote-unquote classic golden age era. Stan Lee and his Marvel revolution introduced what Alan Moore called “2 Dimensional characters” or as he put it characters who do things because they have a bad leg and so on. Actual three-dimensional characters are almost never to be found in comics. But of course what happens in the comics is not true for movies. After all in the movies, we have the promise of a deeper, more mature, and more internal take on characters, and in fact we see the same problem recur. 
For instance, Christopher Reeve’s Superman is a wonderful incarnation but he’s not really a character with real depth. And indeed there are very few stories that allow Superman to truly have that depth, and about the only version of Superman that comes close to being a rounded character is the one from the DCAU. In Tim Burton’s Batman movies, only Selina Kyle played by the great Michelle Pfeiffer is a convincing believable character but I wouldn’t say she is terribly deep, she is tragic, mysterious, eccentric and unforgettable. Christopher Nolan’s Batman films have their fans, and Heath Ledger’s Joker is an amazing bit of showmanship, but I wouldn’t say any of its characters are deep or interesting. In many respects, they are more shallow than the Tim Burton takes on the characters, and arguably Val Kilmer’s Batman in Forever had a Bruce Wayne who was more convincing and believable as a romantic figure who could trade his life to settle down with a nice girl as opposed to Christian Bale. And in either case, the DCAU Batman by Kevin Conroy, or even the Arkham Batman by Kevin Conroy is more convincing and three-dimensional.
Amazing as this is to say, but Ben Affleck’s Batman is the only cinematic take on Batman, or arguably a superhero icon, that really works as both characterization and performance. Most Batman actors can work the Bruce Wayne part or they can do the Batman part, but Affleck pulls off both. He is the one guy you can watch onscreen and totally buy that he’s the man behind the mask, and that he’d be Batman and dedicate himself. He works...regardless of whether the movie he is in or the writing of said movies work or not. Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is likewise a wondrous incarnation in the Reeve mould, but she likewise doesn’t yet have deeper shades, though Justice League provides interesting material for her. As for Henry Cavill...well what can one say about the CGI-Mustache. In the case of Marvel: None of the Spider-Man (Tobey, Andrew, Tom) are three-dimensional figures regardless of the writing, tone, and brand marketing. The X-Men Movies fare better, especially Magneto and Wolverine, but the characterization is still a mix of soap-opera and team drama and has very little depth beyond that. And in the case of Wolverine, LOGAN above all. Robert Downey Jr.’s IRON MAN comes close, especially in IRON MAN 3 by Shane Black, but the MCU Shared Universe needs him to constantly revert back to type (i.e. asshole inventor who creates villains). Steve Rogers/Captain America is likewise a great incarnation but not a real character. And the same “bad leg” motivation and spectacle hovers over Marvel. 
The proposed series I am envisioning will likely profile three characters: Superman, Batman, and Wolverine and examine their characterizations, their representations across media, and contrast that with the comics. It’s not going to be comprehensive or anything, but it will be something to consider. I am choosing Superman, Batman, and Wolverine because individually each of them are in more movies than other superhero characters -- Superman has 8, Batman has 9, Wolverine has 9, and unusually so is the only one played by the same actor as opposed to three Supermen (Reeves, Routh, Cavill) and multiple Batmen (6, as many as James Bond actors). 
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silver-stargazing · 7 years
Do you prefer DC or marvel movies/comics?
Excellent question, Anon! (Sorry for the rambles in advance!)
I would say, in terms of overall comics, I prefer DC Comics. I like the overall more optimistic tone found in the DC Universe compared to Marvel, where the denizens of the universe are generally grateful to be saved rather than immediately jumping into fear and hate. I understand why the latter is compelling for some readers, but I prefer the former. I love how truly epic some of their crossovers are. When they say an event will be Universe-shattering, it often lives up to the declaration and more! My mind is still blown away by Crisis on Infinite Earths! I love the creativity in terms of world-building where nearly every city is original (please read Starman if you want to read some amazing world-building. I knew nothing about Opal City when I started and now I feel like I’ve known it all my life). Most importantly, I love just how weird DC Comics can get. Comics like Shade the Changing Man and Sandman offering amazing and wild visuals, Doom Patrol featuring a team that includes a literal street and where their main adversary is a brain in a jar and his lover, a gay french gorilla, those wild Silver Age comics where Jimmy Olsen would get five super powers over the course of two pages and every superhero had at least two themed animals. Just good fun all around.
In terms of movies, though, I prefer Marvel. DC has made some fine movies in the past (I will defend Superman 2 as the best live-action Superman movie ‘till the day I die), but Marvel seems to have perfected the formula for superhero movies. The heroes are engaging, the worlds always feel fleshed out (even in the stand alone movies), and I always have a good time even during the bad ones (Ghost Rider and The Punisher may be bad but darn if they aren’t still fun to watch with friends!). I also simply remember thing about the Marvel movies better as well. I can remember the goofiest of details from films like Fantastic Four 2 and X-Men Origins but I literally can’t remember a single detail about Green Lantern other than it was boring as heck and Parallax was the villain only he looked like Galactus from Fantastic Four 2 but worse. DC in non-comic media does better for me in a shorter format like television. Specifically, animated cartoons. Shows like Young Justice and especially the DCAU (Batman TAS, Justice League…) are absolute standouts and I personally find these to be some of the most compelling animated shows ever produced.
I will say that due to the evolving nature of comics, my opinions will probably always be changing. I say I prefer DC Comics now but I really am not a fan of some of their more recent output. I find that they can be unbearably bleak at times and needlessly gory (here’s looking at you, New52). I also really don’t like how much stock they seem to have placed into Batman and his surrounding characters. I love these characters but if you were looking at the listings of published DC Comics, you’d swear Batman was in five separate teams at the exact same time and the vast majority of important events took place in Gotham City. And that’s just…boring. There’s an entire universe out there and they’re restricting themselves to one tiny corner. If I read DC comics, it’s usually from the early 2000′s and earlier. But maybe that will change in the future. I’ve heard some OK things about DC Rebirth that have me curious enough to check it out.
IDK what I’m rambling towards but basically: I love DC Comics and I love Marvel Comics. Both are awesome and if you like the movies/tv shows, you should give these comics a try. Now I’m going to finish up Issue #11 of Hawkeye and then start another attempt at the New52 version of Animal Man.
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solar-wing · 3 months
⚣ It's Not A Competition 🥇
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⚣👊🏻 A/N → SURPRISE! double post today! I've been wanting to do a Clark Kent post forever but never had any good ideas. Then, this popped into my mind. Also, I'm really trying to clear out my drafts and any old requests. WARNINGS: Canon-Typical Violence | Jealousy | Established Relationship
⚣👊🏻 Summary → Dark Knight this and Dark Knight that. What about Superman?! He's also a great hero! Better than Batman, at least. The guy doesn't even have powers. But that's what makes him more interesting and cool, according to Y/N. And frankly, Clark has had quite enough and intends to show him why Superman is way better than Batman.
⚣👊🏻 Words → 4.7K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY 👊🏻
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Clark just didn’t get it.
Why was it that Y/N was so obsessed with Batman and not Superman? All the young reporter ever talked about was the Dark Knight and how he was so cool and mysterious. Going on and on about his awesome gadgets and the fact that he had no powers, which made him so interesting.
Clark very much would beg to differ.
“You know, Superman can shoot lasers out of his eyes, and I heard he can move faster than the speed of sound,” Clark pointed out while walking with Y/N down the sidewalk. They decided to go out for lunch and since the Daily Planet was so close to one of Y/N's favorite restaurants downtown, he figured, why not just walk together?
“Clark, not this again,” Y/N chuckled while sipping his drink.
“I’m sorry, you just always talk about how great Batman is, and I’m not saying he’s bad, but I don’t get how he’s better than Superman?”
“You know, you’re starting to sound like Lois with all your Superman praise and comparison.”
“Well, she’s not wrong. I mean, come on. What can Batman do that Superman can’t?” Clark asked, looking down at his boyfriend while waiting for an answer.
“Batman’s quicker on his feet. He thinks of solutions faster and more creatively than what I’ve seen from Superman. Plus, he’s resourceful. The guy’s got a freaking jet. The only people I could think of that own jets and planes and all the crazy gadgets he has would probably be Lex Luthor or Bruce Wayne.”
Clark tried not to react to the irony of that statement, rather focusing on how he could combat that logic even though it was true. He had to admit that his comrade, whether in the field or in practice, was very good at analyzing a situation and using whatever he had around him to his advantage.
Still, it didn’t mean he was better than him.
“Well, Superman can also fly, and as many have witnessed, is crazy strong.”
“Yes, he is. But if Batman can afford a jet, I’m pretty sure he can afford a jetpack, too. Plus, we all know how strong Superman is, some more than others. Their insurance claims can definitely speak to how strong he is.”
That last line Y/N said was more so to himself than as a statement to Clark. However, it didn’t take away the slight sting from his words, considering how true they were.
“So you’re saying Superman is reckless and bad at his job or something?” Clark accused.
“What? No, I’m not saying that at all. Why are you getting so defensive about this? You’re acting as if you know the guy. Wait, do you know him?” Y/N asked, now looking up at his giant of a boyfriend.
Sometimes, he wondered what kind of genes ran in Clark’s family. It was a bit of a puzzle to Y/N why the six-foot-something man was in journalism rather than something that seemed more his speed, like fitness or athletics.
“No, of course not. I just don’t think it’s fair or even logical to compare Superman to someone like Batman, considering what each of them has respectfully achieved, not to mention the state of their cities and everything. I mean, have you ever been to Gotham before?” Clark asked, doing his best to not draw any more curiosity or suspicion out of the younger male.
Not that he was doing a good job of that in the first place.
Clark just wished he could’ve shown Y/N why Superman was better than Batman. They’d only been dating for a few months so it wasn’t reasonable or even smart for the Kryptonian to consider revealing his identity to him, no matter how much he wanted to.
“Clark, it’s not a competition. You know that, right?” Y/N said, placing his hand on Clark’s arm.
They paused in their steps, Clark looking down at the gentle hand lying across his forearm before looking up into the eyes that always put him under a spell. He smiled to himself, thinking of the fact that even if Y/N favored Batman over Superman, Clark was still the real winner, because he had him.
He took his hand in his own, doing his best to contain his excitement pulse at the feeling of his larger hand surrounding the smaller one in his grip. Y/N was still a male, so his hand wasn’t dainty or small by any means, but compared to Clark’s, it might as well have been.
“Yeah, I know. Sorry, I got a little bit crazy.” Clark apologized with a small kiss on the shorter man’s hand causing a slight blush to appear on the smaller male’s cheeks.
“It’s ok. Besides, I like a little bit of crazy. Keeps things interesting.” Y/N said before continuing their walk towards Clark’s place of work.
‘You have no idea,’ Clark thought to himself as he followed behind, letting himself be tugged along.
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They returned to the Daily Planet to find everywhere in a buzz, chattering excitedly with each other as various individuals were either running to the bathroom with pouches of makeup and skincare and others at their desks touching up their hair and clothes.
“What’s going on?” Clark asked aloud as he strode into the office while still holding Y/N’s hand.
“Was it like this when we left?” His boyfriend asked, chuckling at the comical movements and gestures of the rushing to get re-ready for whatever was happening.
“No, it was actually the opposite,” The reporter stated before eventually spotting Lois at her desk, who was also touching up her makeup and hair. He made his way over to the desk area, narrowly avoiding multiple people rushing while pulling Y/N closer to him to keep him from getting bumped into.
“Lois, what’s going on?”
“Oh, hey, Smallville. Hello, Y/N. Didn’t you both get the emergency email Perry sent to everyone earlier?” She said in her usual fast-paced, business tone while curling her eyelashes.
“No, We were at lunch. What was the email about?”
“Oh, Clark. Must I always have to save your butt?” Lois said before handing her phone over to the man, Y/N chuckling behind him at the comment.
Clark threw him a look while Y/N did his best to keep a neutral face before reading over the email.
“Bruce Wayne is coming to the Daily Planet?”
Y/N's eyes went comically large at the mention, immediately jumping to read the email for himself, “No way!”
Lois smirked to herself before grabbing her phone back from the man, while Clark just stared at his boyfriend in jealous shock from his excited outburst. “Yep. Wayne Enterprises has announced its support of various major liberal movements and is donating large proceeds to different organizations calling for massive change in the nation. And with this being an election year, many political figures and business entities are feeling a little uneasy at this sudden new support from the tech giant. And yours truly, landed the exclusive interview with him to get all the nitty and gritty details .”
Y/N’s eyes were almost bugging out of his head, before he ran to the bathroom himself, snatching his hand from Clark’s who looked desperately after him.
“Dammit, Bruce.” The reporter growled under his breath.
“You say something?” Lois asked while powdering her nose.
“No,” Clark responded gruffly, an irritated glint in his eye before walking to his own desk.
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After everyone has ridiculously made themselves extra presentable, including Y/N much to Clark’s annoyance, the pair stand outside the room with a few others, watching through the glass pane walls as the interview is broadcast live to the entire nation. Lois asked Mr. Wayne various questions, ranging from his real intentions behind his charitable donations to whether he was looking to begin any political endeavors and win the favor of the public.
Bruce answers every question with confidence and suaveness, leaving no room for questions about his actions, and denies any political motivations. Y/N watched impressed from the other end while Clark just looked around with a grim and irritated look, his arms crossed as he listened to the interview and watched his boyfriend fanboy over his secret comrade.
“Well, you certainly seem like the charming and noble benefactor, Mr. Wayne. I can see why you're known as ‘Gotham’s Favorite Son.’ I have to ask though, even if you truly have no political ambitions, aren’t you worried that these donations and announcements along with the unwavering stance you’ve taken on these political topics will inevitably place a target on you?” Lois asked, notepad and pen sitting with poise and precision, ready to take down every little thing the billionaire said.
“Wow, I can see why she’s so respected. She’s nailing this interview.” Y/N commented.
Clark nodded to that. Even if he wasn’t feeling the most agreeable at the moment, he’d always give hats off to Lois’ skills. The woman was a powerhouse when it came to this stuff.
“Well, first off, thank you for your earlier comment. I don’t think of myself as anyone’s favorite, but even I can’t control what the public says or does,” Bruce responded with his ever-so-billion-dollar smile, earning a laugh from Lois and probably every other American tuning into this broadcast, including Y/N.
Clark, however, wasn’t impressed. He’d heard funnier.
“But, to answer your question,” Bruce continued, “...any move in the business or even the political world I imagine can be considered a risky one. I’m not going to pretend that my decisions have made some very happy, and others very unhappy. That’s life. You can’t please everyone. But, to sit and accept things as the way they are for fear of retaliation or backlash is misery in itself. I believe anyone who doesn’t speak up for what they truly believe or want for fear of ‘rocking the boat’ is just content with living in their own misery. And, let me be clear before I’m canceled—I know the meaning behind that now thanks to my kids, particularly my two youngest sons—I’m not saying someone who’s genuinely content and happy with where they are is included in this. I’m specifically talking to those who want change, and want to create a better world, but are waiting for others to do it for them.”
Despite its clichéness, many in the hall gave a small clap to the CEO’s words, Y/N looking thoroughly impressed himself.
“Wow, he really is an inspiring man,” Y/N commented.
“He’s alright,” Clark said in response.
Y/N gave the taller man a suspicious side look, “Alright, what’s going on with you? You’ve been standing there pouting
since this interview started. What, do you not like Bruce Wayne or something?"
Clark sighed before looking down at his boyfriend. It was true, he wasn't really liking the guy at the moment. But, it was just because he was so jealous. He didn’t like how Y/N was looking at him, or how he was talking about him.
It wasn't fair.
The reporter wanted Y/N to be looking at him and only him like that, and he wanted his attention and affection, and he wanted him to only talk about him like that. It was petty, and it was selfish, but Clark didn’t care.
He just wanted Y/N to only admire Clark Kent. not Bruce Wayne.
Only Superman, not Batman.
Despite Y/N's earlier words about it not being a competition, Clark knew the truth. It was a competition, one he was not planning on losing.
"No, I don't not like him. I'm just not that impressed, is all. He's not a superhero." Clark said.
"Neither is Lex Luthor. But, that doesn't stop the public from making him the villain in his story. I'm sure there's a lot more to Bruce Wayne than the media is letting on."
"Oh, trust me. There's more to him than what meets the eye," Clark mumbled to himself as the interview was getting ready to wrap up.
"Well, on behalf of the Daily Planet, I'd like to thank you for joining us today. Your words are certainly ones that will not go unheard by many. I look forward to—"
Before Lois could finish speaking, the lights in the building suddenly went out, leaving the office pitch black. A few people in the hall gasp, Y/N instinctively grabbing Clark's arm, who in turn places his hand over the smaller man's own.
"What's going on?" Someone asks.
"I don't know. It's almost like a blackout, but it can't be because we have backup generators. They should've turned it on by now." Another responded.
"Clark, what's going on?" Y/N asked toward his boyfriend, who was holding the smaller male closer to him out of instinct.
"I'm not exactly sure..."
Just as he said that, the lights came back on, and everyone was looking around confused as to what the source of the blackout was.
"Oh my god!" One of the people in the hall screamed suddenly as everyone turned back towards the interview room. Inside the room, some members of the crew suddenly had masks with insignias covering their faces on them. One of them was behind Lois holding a dagger to her neck while another stood to the side, pointing a gun directly at Bruce's head.
"I'm so sorry to interrupt, Ms. Lane," The individual in the middle of the room said, "But, this interview isn't over just yet."
"Who the hell are you people?!" Lois asked, fear and anger in her eyes as the blade was held to her neck.
"Wouldn't you like to know? As for Mr. Wayne, we're going to have a little chat. I suggest you and your friends don't follow or intervene. Otherwise, this broadcast won't be the only thing getting cut" The masked individual threatened, nodding to Lois.
"Don't you dare touch her," Bruce warned, his expression serious, as he got ready to stand.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Mr. Wayne. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen, now would we? Especially with all of America watching right now."
Bruce sat back down, knowing that his opponent was right. He couldn't let them hurt Lois, and he certainly couldn't risk any lives in this room.
"Don't worry, Mr. Wayne. We'll make this quick," The leader said as one of the other masked goons went to lock the door that led inside the interview room.
"Clark, we have to do something," Y/N said, his heart racing a mile a minute.
"I know. Stay here. I'll be back." Clark said before running off, leaving the smaller male alone.
"What? Clark, wait! Where are you going?" Y/N called after him, but the taller man didn't hear him, already too far away.
'What the hell is he doing?' Y/N thought to himself before turning his attention back towards the situation in front of him.
As Clark rounded the corner and made his way down the hallway, he made sure no one was watching him before he ran as fast as he could into the supply closet. Once inside, he quickly changed into his suit before taking off through the backdoor.
"So, how does it feel knowing that you're on the side of the wrong? How does it feel knowing that no matter what you do, you'll never be able to fix the mess you made? All the lives lost because of you," The masked man asked Bruce, who was sitting calmly in his chair, his eyes not showing an ounce of fear.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Of course you don't. None of you wealthy elites do. You don't know the pain and suffering your companies and your products cause to others. You don't know the misery you cause. Well, allow us to show you." The man said before signaling his partners.
One of them immediately moved and grabbed a hold of the camera, pointing it directly at the masked man in the center.
"Hello, Metropolis. And hello, America. If you're watching this, that means you're just as much a part of this as we are. if you've been sitting here listening to the lies and promises of a better world by this man and his kind, you are as much a part of his schemes as he is. It is because of people like him that we have the world we live in. It's because of people like him that so many of us suffer. It's because of people like him that the world will only continue to rot and decay until there is nothing left but a pile of ashes. But, we will not be the ones who burn. We will not be the ones who lose. We will not be the ones who suffer, not anymore. Today, we fight back. Today, we will show the world that we will not be silenced, we will not be oppressed. We will not allow the likes of him and his kind to continue to control us anymore with false promises of a better tomorrow while lining their own pockets. Today, we say enough is enough. Today, we rise. Today, we will take back what is rightfully ours. Today, we take back our freedom and our lives from the rich and corrupt." The man spoke, his words filled with conviction and determination, but also hatred and poison as he stared deep into the camera.
"And if any of you try to stop us, then you will be considered just as guilty as the rest of them. We will not be silenced. We will not be ignored. And if you think that the likes of Batman and Superman will save you, I wouldn't be too sure of that..."
As soon as the leader was done with his speech, the sound of the glass shattering was heard as Superman broke through the windows, flying into the room before stopping directly in front of the man holding the camera.
"But, I am..." The Man of Steel said, shooting a laser beam at the dagger being held by the goon threatening Lois. He immediately dropped the blade as it became too hot, giving the Daily Planet reporter the opportunity she needed to escape his hold.
"Bastards," She cursed, turning around and delivering a kick to the masked man's groin.
He groaned out in pain, falling to the floor before Lois punched him in the face, knocking him out.
Superman turned his attention back toward the masked man standing in the center, "I believe it's time for you to take a hike."
"Not yet. We still have unfinished business," The man said before signaling his other henchman. The man immediately aimed his gun at the Kryptonian, firing shot after shot into him.
Superman stood his ground as the bullets hit him, before eventually, the gun ran out.
"You're right. This is definitely the end," Superman said as he flew toward the man, knocking him out before he could reload his gun.
As Superman finished off the last of the henchmen, the leader turned back towards the camera, "Sorry, Superman. But, the damage has already been done. I hope you enjoyed this little taste of what's to come."
Before the Kryptonian could stop him, the man took out a smoke bomb, throwing it onto the ground and covering the room in a cloud of smoke.
"Crap," Superman cursed, unable to see as the man escaped.
As the smoke began to clear, Bruce took out his phone, "Alfred, I need you to track this signal."
"Understood, sir. I've also informed the police and they're on their way," Alfred responded.
"Good," Bruce said before turning back towards the room.
The actual camera crew was not out in the hall, hugging their co-workers who were all relieved at their safety. The broadcast was cut from the air, but there was no doubt every TV station from here to San Francisco was talking about it. Y/N was standing nearby, his eyes filled with awe and admiration as he stared up at Superman.
There was something oddly familiar about him.
"That was incredible, Mr. Wayne," Lois said.
"I could say the same thing about you. I'm glad you're ok."
Lois smiled at him, "You were worried about me?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Bruce asked, a small smile forming on his lips.
Lois blushed slightly before turning back to look at Superman, who was now standing right in front of the two.
"Thank you for the save, Superman," Lois said, extending her hand out to the Kryptonian.
"My pleasure," Superman said, shaking the woman's hand before his attention was drawn toward Bruce who just gave him an appreciative nod. Though the look in his eyes signaled they would definitely be communicating about things later.
As Bruce and Lois moved towards the hallway, Lois spotted Y/N who was standing close to the door peeking inside.
"Oh Y/N, there you are! Thank goodness, you're alright." Lois said, walking over to him and hugging him.
"Yeah, I'm ok. Are you?" He asked, looking up at the woman.
"I'm fine. I'm tougher than I look."
"That's good to hear. And, it's good to see you’re okay as well Mr. Wayne. That was scary." Y/N said, turning his attention to the billionaire.
"Yes, I'm glad I'm alright, too," Bruce said, his attention on Y/N.
"Oh, Bruce Wayne, this is Y/N L/N. He's one of our upcoming new reporters along with Clark Kent, who you've met before." Lois said, introducing the two.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wayne," Y/N said, extending his hand out.
Bruce took it, giving the younger man a firm handshake, "The pleasure is all mine."
As the two looked at each other, Clark was standing nearby, his gaze focused on the two, his fists clenched.
'I swear to Rao...' He thought to himself, jealousy coursing through his body as he watched the two interact.
"So, Mr. Wayne, what do you think that was all about?" Y/N asked.
Bruce turned to look at the woman, an amused eyebrow raised, "He must be getting trained by you," He said, sparking a laugh from Lois and another eye roll from the Kryptonian before flying off, "And please, call me Bruce. Mr. Wayne makes me feel old."
"Bruce, then. What do you think that was all about?" Y/N asked again.
"Well, I can't be certain, but based on their words and their actions, I'd say they were a group of anarchists."
"Yes. They're not an uncommon group. Many people are growing tired of the way things are in this country. With the state of the economy and the government, it's only a matter of time before things begin to boil over."
"So, you think this is going to happen more often?"
"I'm not sure. But, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of them."
Y/N nodded his thoughts on the events that had transpired earlier.
"Y/N!" Clark called, interrupting the conversation.
"Clark, there you are! You had me worried sick," The smaller male said while hugging his boyfriend, missing the sharp look the taller man was throwing at the billionaire.
"I just went to alert the building security and the police. Seems everything turned alright though since Superman showed up," Clark said, wrapping an arm around the younger man's waist while still giving a side eye to Bruce who was watching with amusement.
"Yes, thank goodness he did. I'm sure we all owe him a huge thanks for his services."
"Yes, indeed we do. But, unfortunately, I must be going now. It was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N." Bruce said, extending his hand once more to the younger man, who took it, shaking it gently.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, too."
Bruce smiled at him before turning back to Lois, "And it was a pleasure seeing you again, Lois."
"Likewise, Mr. Wayne."
Bruce smirked, "I do believe we're a bit past the formalities now, Lois. Please, call me Bruce."
"Of course. Bruce." The woman replied, her tone flirty and her expression coy.
Y/N noticed this and turned to look at Clark, whose expression was blank as he looked on.
"Will do, Lois. I look forward to our next meeting," Bruce said before stopping in front of Clark.
"Good seeing you as well Clark, as short-lived as it was," Bruce said, extending his hand out for a handshake.
Clark reluctantly took it, the handshake lasting longer than was necessary.
"Likewise," Clark replied.
Bruce nodded, his eyes giving the reporter a knowing look before he was escorted out by security.
Once the billionaire was out of sight, Clark and Y/N decided to leave as well, making their way towards the elevator.
"Well, that was a crazy day," Y/N said.
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"Do you think Bruce Wayne knows Batman?"
Clark stopped mid-step, a shocked expression on his face as he looked down at his boyfriend.
"Are you serious right now? You can't be serious?" The taller man said with an indignant expression.
"You're still thinking of Batman after Superman just came and saved everyone?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, he's a hero too. They both are. Besides, Superman is always getting most of the credit, don't you think? It would make sense if they were working together. You know, the world's greatest detective and the world's greatest hero, solving crime and catching the bad guys. Wouldn't that be so cool?" Y/N asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement at the thought.
"No, not really. I don't see why that would be a good idea," Clark said, rolling his eyes.
Y/N sighed, "Clark, remember what we talked about earlier about it not being a competition?"
Clark looked down at the smaller man, his eyes filled with frustration, "Yeah, but it doesn't mean you have to obsess over Batman. Superman is just as obsessed-worthy!"
"Clark, seriously, what is up with you? It's not like I want to marry him or something."
"You're acting like you want to," Clark mumbled under his breath.
"Look, Clark. I'm not going to say I'm not a fan of Batman. I mean, I think he's cool. But, that doesn't mean that I'm not a fan of Superman either. I'm a fan of both of them. I think they're both great heroes, and I think they both do good work."
"But, you don't think that Batman is cooler, or that he's better than Superman?" Clark asked, his expression pleading.
"I mean, I guess. But, why does that matter? Why are you so hung up about this?"
"Because, I—" Clark started before stopping, knowing he was about to give away his identity.
"You what?"
"I just want you to think of me, is all," Clark said, looking down at the ground, feeling a bit embarrassed.
Y/N's heart softened at the confession, the older man looking like a little kid who just got his favorite toy taken away. He stepped forward, cupping the taller man's face in his hands, causing him to look up.
"Clark, I do think about you. I think about you all the time and I love how protective you are of me. Whether I like Batman or Superman more isn't going to change that" Y/N said, trying his best to ease his boyfriend's fears.
"Promise?" Clark asked.
Y/N chuckled, "I promise."
"Good," Clark smiled while leaning down to place a kiss against his boyfriend's lips, "You should still like Superman more."
Y/N rolled his eyes, "Sure thing, Clark. I'll work on that."
"Thank you."
"Whatever. Now come on, we now have a celebratory date to go on." Y/N said as he grabbed Clark's hand.
"What are we celebrating?" Clark asked with a laugh as he was pulled towards the elevator.
It was always adorable watching the smaller male pull Clark around like it was nothing.
"Surviving our first criminal encounter together," Y/N said while hitting the first-floor button.
"Honey, we live in a city with sky-high insurance because a superhero lives here. You really think this will be the last?"
He definitely doesn't.
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☀️ | Clark Kent/Superman | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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fluentmoviequoter · 25 days
What You Want
Requested Here!
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!villain!reader (Joker's daughter)
Summary: You are Joker's daughter, and you let him think for you. Bruce Wayne, however, sees who you really are and encourages you to be better.
Warnings: mentions/brief depiction of child abuse, threats, angst, fluff and comfort, Bruce sees the real you
Word Count: 2.9k+ words
A/N: I didn't envision a certain characterization, so feel free to pick your favorite Bruce Wayne! I did listen to Superman/Batman: Apocalypse while writing so it may embody Kevin Conroy's DCAU Bruce at times. The Batman had a pretty good Bruce-Joker relationship too, so I chose this gif.
Masterlist | DC Masterlist | Request Info
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“They’ll never accept you,” your dad said. “Those people are the crazy ones, and they hate us for being sane.”
“Why are they so different?” you had asked as a kid.
He raised his hand, and you turned your face to prepare for the impact. “Maybe we’re the different ones. Perfection is rare, yet here we are.”
You opened your eyes as he knelt before you. He smiled widely and pulled the corners of your lips into an uncomfortable smile. 
“Do it all with a smile, and one day, they will bow before us. People are bad, but revenge makes a change.”
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Years of hearing your father’s philosophy and view of life changed you. Since you were a child, you’ve been fighting his battles, forced to become a soldier with a twisted morality and a perverse sense of justice. Becoming a villain was the only choice, yet you continue to believe his lies that you are the good in the world. A light in a dark city, though your hands are covered in the same blood that blocks the light.
“What are you waiting for?” a deep voice asks behind you.
You turn quickly, unsurprised to see Batman lurking above your city. “A decent opponent. Tell me, are you still working with the police?”
“Whatever conspiracy theory you’re carrying today,” he begins, “you should know it is no match for true justice.”
“True justice,” you scoff. “Humanity is defective. You are the perfect example of how crazy the world has become. Justice won’t fix us.”
“And genocide will? Abuse? Manipulation?”
You watch Batman’s lips move as he talks. He’s supposed to be a symbol, the single image your father uses to demonstrate how far humanity has strayed from righteousness. Yet, you pine after him each time you meet. He invades your thoughts and distracts you from your father’s lessons.
An alarm blares in the distance before you can begin to fight Batman. The lights atop Arkham Asylum diffuse through the fog over Gotham.
“Guess that’s your cue to run from a fight,” you murmur.
“What happened to you?” Batman asks, as gruff and direct as ever.
“A miracle,” you answer with a smile.
Batman’s jaw tightens at your answer, your father’s answer, and you’re tempted to ask why. Your dad told you that you and he were from a miraculous line, and you would be the ones to redeem Gotham, then the world. If Batman doesn’t believe that… is there a chance it can’t be true?
He disappears over the edge of the roof, and you stare toward Arkham as the Bat flies through the sky. Your father is likely on his way to see you if the alarm means anything, so you must prepare to answer for your mistakes.
“That was… pathetic,” your father says as he grabs your shoulder. “My weekly great escape, wasted, for a conversation. Perhaps I haven’t made it clear.” He circles you to pull your mask away from your face. His hands grip your jaw closed as he smiles and bends to look into your eyes. “Batman is the enemy. He is the threat to the perfection we crave. Does this mean nothing to you?”
You shake your head quickly. It means something; you’re just not sure if it means what he says it does.
“It does? Well, then, perhaps we should do something to help you remember.”
The hands holding your mouth closed drop away, and before you can apologize, you drop to your knees before everything goes dark.
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“Ma’am? Are you okay, miss?” someone asks kindly. “Perhaps we should call an ambulance, Master Bruce.”
“No ambulance,” you mumble. You force your eyes open and see two men standing above you. 
“Would you look to come in and have some water?” the older man offers.
“We insist,” the other adds.
“Aren’t you Bruce Wayne?” you ask as you push up onto your elbows.
“Most of the time,” he answers.
He reaches down and helps you stand. His arm wraps around your shoulders as he leads you inside.
Wayne Manor is huge; it is bigger than the picture your father showed you made it seem. He explained that Bruce Wayne, his money, and his home were defective and evidence of evil. That wasn’t anything compared to Batman in his lessons, however.
Bruce tells you to sit on a plush chair beside an oversized fireplace. He and what you assume is his butler or employee walk through the room and into another. Left alone, you try to remember what happened after your father approached you on the roof.
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“Are you sure about this, Master Bruce?” Alfred asks. “She is a villain, as I’m sure you remember.”
“She’s not,” Bruce declares. “Something isn’t right. When she speaks… it never seems like her.”
“There is no way you can be so sure of what the woman does or does not sound like. Perhaps she truly is as lost as she seems.”
“But if there’s a chance she isn’t, we have to take it. You did the same for me when I started thinking like Ra’s.”
“Must you always bring up my good deeds to excuse your own choices?”
Bruce shrugs and replies, “Stop doing so much good and I won’t be able to.”
“Just… be careful, Master Bruce.”
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Bruce returns, and you flinch away from his outstretched hand. When you see he is offering a glass of water, you apologize before you thank him.
“How did you get here?” Bruce asks as he sits across from you.
“I… don’t remember,” you admit quietly.
Bruce nods as you sip your water. Something about where you are, what happened, or this house affects your mind. Your thoughts seem clearer, and you want to ask Bruce questions about his family, their philanthropic beliefs, and why anyone would consider him to be in the wrong.
“I can help,” Bruce says.
“Help? Help me?” you repeat incredulously. “How exactly do you plan to do that? Throw some money at me and hope that I use it for good?”
“Who am I talking to?” he asks, leaning toward you.
“I told you my name when I came in,” you remind him.
“I’m asking who thinks that the people of Gotham are so terrible that they can’t be saved. Execution over salvation is never an answer, and it takes a twisted mind to think it is.”
You set your water on the table and stand as you argue, “Then maybe I’m just twisted.”
“I don’t think you are. You don’t have to stay, of course, but I think talking could benefit you.”
“You want me to talk?” you ask with a humourless laugh. “Sure, because that will change so much!”
“Someone has talked to you a lot. Beliefs like that aren’t made, they’re shared.”
You breathe out quickly, hating that he’s right. “I’m supposed to be the one to help. But… sometimes I question if there’s a wrong way to do that.”
Bruce nods as you sit back down but doesn’t speak again.
“My dad said that people need to be redeemed, that we’re the line that is supposed to do that. But…” you trail off and shrug.
“What do you think?”
“No,” Bruce interrupts. “Just you. What do you think about what you’re doing?”
“I- I’ve never really thought about it. It seems wrong to fight against someone like Batman, someone changing this town. Then again, I’m fighting to change this town, but I have no idea where those lines are. Where what he does and what I do start being so different, I mean.”
“Start looking,” Bruce suggests. “The moment you start thinking for yourself, all of those burdens you’re carrying around fall off.”
“I wish it was that easy,” you whisper.
“It can be.”
“Not for me. I need to go. Thanks for the hospitality, Mr. Wayne.”
Bruce stands with you and says, “Come back anytime.”
You don’t expect that to happen, but you agree regardless.
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Two weeks later, you find yourself knocking on Bruce Wayne’s door. Again. He has helped you more than you thought possible. Thinking for yourself is hard some days, but you can now see Gotham in a new light. You’ve seen Batman a few times, and your heart and mind tug between him and Bruce. They’re similar yet so different, and each time one of them says something to help you or encourage you to be better, to find and be yourself, you find yourself pining for them hours after you leave their presence.
“Good,” Bruce says as he opens the door.
“That’s a weird way to greet someone,” you mumble.
“No, I was hoping to see you. I have a question to ask.”
Bruce smirks, though you don’t know why. 
“Would you like to go out with me? There’s a diner on the outskirts of town where we can be alone, be us,” he asks.
“Are you kidding?” you reply.
“No. You – the real you – are someone that I would like to know better. You’re different than I expected.”
“You are too. I’d like that.”
After your time with Bruce, he walks you to the door. When he turns back inside, Alfred awaits him.
“Master Bruce, you know that I enjoy seeing you happy, but I urge you to remember who she is,” Alfred says.
“That’s not who she is. The masked figure that fights Batman is not the woman who was just here,” Bruce argues.
“But she once was. Just remember that Bruce, please.”
Bruce nods once. He wants to look at the present and ignore the past but forgetting means letting his guard down. You’ll have to prove to everyone that what Bruce sees is real.
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“Wake up!” someone yells.
You awake just before you hit the floor as someone pulls you.
“Is this supposed to be funny?” your father snarls. “Because I don’t see a smile or hear any laughs!”
“Listen,” you begin quickly.
“No! You listen! After everything I have done for you, you forget about the Bat? Ignore his nightly crusades, leave him to destroy the rest of your home? It seems I was wrong all along; you are one of them too.”
“One of who?”
“A failure! You’re not one of the redeemers, you’re a mistake,” he growls. “And trusting you was a mistake. I should have eliminated you with the rest of your people!”
“No, no, no,” you argue quickly, attempting to cover your ears.
He rips your hands away from your head and smiles at the tears in your eyes.
“It’s not true, I’m better now,” you whisper.
“You. Are. Broken. And no one can save you now. Not unless you save yourself,” your father says. “They’ll never accept you because people are bad, but revenge makes a change.”
Your father trained you well as a child, and as you try to fight to keep his thoughts out of your mind, you remember what it was like to be raised by him.
“You’re wrong,” you argue.
He wipes your tears, wetting his fingers before he stretches your lips in a sad attempt to match his smile. 
“Perfection is rare,” he reminds you. “And you’ve strayed so far.”
“What do you want?” you ask.
“Kill the Bat. Prove yourself to me, or I will…” He runs his jagged thumbnail from your left cheek, over your lips, and to your right cheek. “Or I will turn you into a better daughter and prove to you that we are the chosen.”
You nod, accepting your assignment. Deep down, you know it’s wrong, but a chance at perfection and safety from your father will always be the better choice. Killing Batman, it is.
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“Bats!” you yell across the rooftop. “About time you showed up!”
“I thought you left with the last word,” he calls. “What are you doing here?”
“We started a fight. Let’s end it.”
He shakes his head as he raises his hands toward you. “What happened?”
“I remembered what you are. And who I am.”
“No, you didn’t. You remembered how things used to be.” He drops his voice to repeat, “What happened?”
“I got a step closer to perfection.”
You run toward Batman and lunge toward his torso. Your arms wrap around him, but he hinges forward to toss you over his shoulder. Before you hit the roof, you catch yourself and flip to punch Batman under the jaw. He staggers and releases his grip on you but doesn’t fall.
“You think you’re so perfect,” you say through heavy breaths. “Does beating up bad guys and throwing them in a dilapidated jail cell make you feel good?”
“That’s not what you think,” he answers.
Shaking your head quickly, you force yourself not to think. If you remember how you feel about Batman, everything that Bruce helped you discover about yourself, you will fail your mission and your father. You’re hurt, angry, and confused, and you need to end this fight before it worsens.
“You have no idea what I think.”
You jump toward him, aiming your hands toward his throat. It won’t be an easy end, but you can do this, you tell yourself. No, you can’t, another voice says in your mind. It will kill you, too.
“Shut up!” you cry aloud.
Your hands hit Batman’s shoulders as your weight knocks him off balance. He grips your waist tightly, and you freeze against his chest. 
“Think about you,” he whispers. “What do you want to do here tonight?”
“I want- I want- I don’t know,” you stammer. “He told me to-“
“Don’t listen to him,” Batman growls. “You are not him.”
You move your hands toward his windpipe, then stop. Your hands trail down to rest against his chest instead. As your mind races, everything blurs together. 
“Make it stop,” you beg.
Batman lowers you to the roof and releases his grip on you. When his hands fall away from your sides, he steps back. Your arms drop from his chest as you think. 
“I want to finish this,” you decide. “Tonight.”
Batman tilts his head to the side quickly. “Then let’s do this.”
You run toward Batman, and he lunges forward at the same time. When you meet in the middle, you push off your foot and jump into his arms. Batman catches you and pulls you closer than he had before. You hold the sides of his cowl as his arms wrap around your waist, and you kiss him. It’s your choice, what you want to do, and it’s perfect.
Batman tightens his grip on you as you move against him. The kiss is passionate and drowns out every thought that isn’t yours. You pull back when you can't breathe and drop your forehead against Batman’s cowl. He sets you down, but you stay close to him as you breathe.
“Keep fighting!” your father yells as the alarm at Arkham activates.
You turn quickly, shocked to see him. He can’t force you to do anything now that your mind is yours again. Your father circles you, menacing in how he moves and worse in how he thinks. Batman pushes you behind him as he turns to face him.
“Joker,” he calls. “You can’t control her anymore.”
Your dad laughs before he says, “I never controlled her. I just told her the truth, though you probably don’t know what that is, do you, Batsy?”
“Get him back to Arkham,” you whisper behind Batman. “Or kill him, but don’t let him walk away.”
“Oh, so you’re conspiring with him now,” your father muses. “It’s a shame I’ll have to teach you that lesson we discussed earlier. Though I think everyone could look better with a smile.”
“Joker! This is the GCPD!” an officer announces through a speaker on a police helicopter. “Put your hands where I can see them.”
“I have to go,” you tell Batman. “See you around, Bruce.”
You leave his side and run away from the center of attention. Your track record with the GCPD isn’t great but it will be better from now on. If Bruce was surprised by your use of his name, he didn’t show it. A kiss like that can’t be confused with any other, and your pining for Batman while dating Bruce Wayne now has a much better explanation than simple attraction.
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“Have you seen him recently?” Bruce asks as you sit across the table from him in Wayne Manor.
“Not since that night. I don’t ever want to see him again,” you explain. “But…”
“Will you keep helping me? I want to find my own reason to fight, do it for a purpose that feels right to me.”
“Of course I will. Do you have anything in mind?”
You shrug and glance down to say, “Maybe something with the kids around here. There’s a lot that we don’t see as adults. Gotham doesn’t need more villains, and there’s enough child abuse and neglect to justify a hero of its own.”
“A hero?” Bruce repeats. He smiles as you nod.
Everything that your father did to you and planted in your mind is history, but you will do everything you can to save other kids from experiencing similar situations. With Bruce by your side through the day and Batman at night (and your father in an “unescapable maximum-security cell” at Arkham), you know you can be good. It’ll just take a little time and a lot of reflection… maybe some kisses from Bruce wouldn’t hurt either, you think.
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loverofoptimus · 4 years
DCAU Superman x Reader NSFW Headcanons
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I’ve been blanking on things to write for a long while but I wasn’t about to let Superman Day go without material. Enjoy!
Boy oh boy. As much of a role model as he is, Superman has one hell of a sex drive even if he only gives it to someone who he truly loves (being you of course).
Whether it comes from containing it for his special someone, growing up on a farm, or just simply being a thing in Kryptonians, you’re not sure
All you know is, he’ll never turn down an opportunity to mate with you.
But Clark’s still a good guy. He’ll patiently wait until you’re ready before he tries anything too intimate.
He has a very inviting aroma about him. He doesn’t need cologne to give you an intoxicating feeling.
He’s not really one for dirty talk. He prefers to let his actions speak for themselves
He also prefers to compliment your beauty rather than your sexuality
But he does love to hear you say his name (any one of them will do).
His hands will give you a massage all over your body when things get heated.
Mostly your breasts.
Though it kind of embarrasses him to say it, he LOVES it when you slap, smack, grab, or otherwise touch his ass. It sends a wave of adrenaline throughout his body and pushes him to love you harder.
Despite being the most capable man not named The Flash of doing them, he doesn’t do quickies. He prefers passion in his intimacy.
He doesn’t like using toys either. He wants to be sure it’s him who’s giving you satisfaction. 
He’s willing to wear his suit in bed, even keep it on when you two are “connected”.
And it doesn’t take much convincing for him to give a little superhero foreplay.
As long as it doesn’t have the potential to hurt you, he’s open to experimentation.
If you’re expecting Superman to live up to his name……you won’t be even the slightest bit disappointed.
Was there every any doubt? He is big. Very big.
He can go on as long, as hard, as many times times as you’d like.
His preference of positions are just about any where you two are facing each other. He loves to see your satisfaction. 
Interesting thing. He can actually control whether or not his ejection will be fertile. No condoms, sponges, or pills required.
Of course he’ll still want to start trying for kids when you’re ready.
After you two have them, he’ll gain a newfound daddy kink.
And cuddling afterwards is a guarantee.
He may be a little vanilla but nobody does it better than Superman
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