#decided it was okay to ship me off hours away just for that doctor to tell me I should've been getting help locally
cextra-loz · 4 months
The longer it takes for my doctors to prescribe me anything other than metoprolol the more powerful my rage and fury becomes.
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fxlling13 · 25 days
I do, Not.
Whittaker!Master x (fem)reader
Synopsis: The Master joins you as a plus one to your cousins wedding, unaware of how awful your family actually is.
Warnings: Body shaming, bad language, suggestive content, homophobia, bullying behaviour.
WC: 8.5k
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Light glided up and down the pillar in the centre of the console, moving at a regular pace, an indicator that you were adrift in space. There was a steady rumble in the air, the ships engine on auto. The Doctor was rambling, you weren’t sure what about as you had zoned out many minutes prior. But he was exited. Maybe it was your next trip? Or a new planet? Perhaps he’d found an ancient artefact and wanted to dissect it. Either way, you hadn’t been paying any attention. Your eyes were fixated on the metallic floor, brain going at a thousand miles per hour.
“-don’t you both agree?” The Doctors voice slowly filtered back into your head. Blinking a few times, you looked up, trying not to make your confusion obvious.
“Oh yeah of course. That was the best option, right (y/n)?” The Master looked over at you from her seat by the console, her face unreadable.
“R-right. Yeah.” You said unconvincingly, playing with your fingers. She raised her brows, looking you up and down as if to scan you. You just averted your eyes.
“Good. Good. So, I’ll drop you back off at home, (y/n)? Or should I wait till after you’ve slept?” The Doctor asked, smiling at you warmly. Your heart sunk a little at the idea, time was not on your side at all.
“After I’ve slept. If that’s alright?”
“Of course it is. You go and rest okay?” He grinned, patting your shoulder affectionately. You gave him a tight lipped smile, turning and heading up the steps, to find your room. Thankfully, the tardis had moved it closer for you. Once inside, you sat yourself on the plush bed and put your head in your hands. With your anxiety through the roof, you let out a shallow breath and gripped the roots of your hair hard. You really didn’t want to go, didn’t want to force yourself to act a certain way, just to appease your family. If you thought too hard, you knew you’d get overly emotionally and tried to regulate your mind. It was one day. You could survive one day. Right? Out of nowhere, hands landed on your own, carefully pulling them away from your head.
“Are you trying to pull your hair out?” The Master sounded both concerned and amused, looking down at you. Not having heard her come in, you gaped at her for a moment. She ran her fingers through your hair, straightening it out. “What’s wrong?” Her question caught you even more off guard, forcing you to smile.
“Nothing.” She just looked at you with a straight face, clearly seeing past your lie.
“You’ve been out of it all week. You nearly got lost yesterday because you weren’t listening to us.” The Master started, taking a seat beside you. “And I know The Doctor loves to chat, but you always listen. You’re always engaged. You’re far too nice not to be. So what’s wrong?” Knowing you had been caught out, you stared down at your lap in defeat.
“It’s stupid.” You muttered, thinking that the Timelady would just laugh at your woes.
“That’s for me to decide.” She replied, golden eyes never leaving you. Slowly, you turned yourself to face her, sitting criss-cross and occupying yourself with a loose thread on your navy sheets.
“I have to go to my cousins wedding when I go home.” You begun, nail catching the thread right to pull it out.
“Right? So what’s the issue?” The Master pressed, observing your body language.
“We don’t get along. At all. It’s complicated.”
“I see. If you don’t get on, why are you going?”
“I’m in the bridal party. Her mum, my auntie, practically forced her to put me as a bridesmaid.” You explained, straightening your back and looking at the blonde once again. “She’s really difficult to deal with. And really old fashioned. She even tried to force me to wear a really ugly dress but I fought her on that.”
“Have you tried hitting her?” The Masters question made you giggle, shaking your head. “It might work.”
“Yeah I’ll keep that in mind.” You said, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Can’t you take someone with you?” The Master asked, trying to bring light to your situation. You just groaned, flopping back against your pillows.
“That’s the problem. I can bring a plus one, I just don’t have anyone.”
“Why not take your precious Doctor. You know he loves a wedding.” She grumbled pointedly.
“First of all, he’s not ‘my’ Doctor. Secondly, no. He’s far too boisterous, would cause more issues.” Your voice grew quiet, closing your eyes and being saddened by the situation. Raising from spot, The Master walked around the bed and sat on the free side. She leant closer to you, admiring your features silently.
“What about me?” You shot up, peering at her a bit baffled.
“What about you?”
“Well. I’ll go with you.” She said calmly, as if it was easy. As if it were a normal thing for a woman like her to do.
“You’d go? To a human wedding?”
“Why not?” She almost seemed offended, putting her hands behind her head.
“Humans?” You chortled, shocked at her laid back approach to it.
“I don’t care about them. I’d be going to keep you company.” The Master propped up the pillows behind her, sitting back comfortably. Preying that your cheeks were staying their natural colour, you glanced at her again.
“You’ll dress up?”
“Come now, you know I love to do that.” Okay, she had a point there.
“You’ll follow the time schedule?”
“Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.” The Master turned her head to look at you with a smile. Now you were blushing, swallowing hard.
“You’d have to go in alone, because I’m in the bridal party. So you’d have to get ready and find your seat without me.” You told her, settling down once again. She hummed and nod, lying on her side to face you.
“That’s fine.”
“Really? You’ll go with me?” You were unsure, thinking maybe she was just pulling your leg. The woman reached across, brushing your hair behind your shoulder.
“Of course I will.” She tapped your nose softly, earning a bashful smile from you in return. “So tell me, what’s the theme sweetheart?” Her hand caressed your cheek, your breath catching slightly. The Master had always been touchy with you, and it was no secret that you loved it. At home, you had always felt touch-starved, coming from a more private family. From people who kept themselves to themselves, and their emotions under lock and key.
“Hm? Winter wonderland.” You said, gazing up at her happily. “I think she’s having it in a country manor. From the pictures, everything was white and covered in fake snow.”
“Sounds tacky.” The Master muttered, thumb rolling over the apple of your cheek slowly. Your skin went warm beneath her touch.
“The inside looks nice, it’s really old. If you ignore the plastic winter creatures she’s going to put up.” You both laughed.
“Dress code?” She then asked, remembering what you said earlier.
“Obviously it’s evening wear. Suits, dresses, whatever you feel comfortable in.” You let yourself consider the woman next to you. “It’s winter colours. So reds? Maroon? Plum? You’d look pretty in plum…” you trailed off, thinking out loud. She smirked, noticing your mind slipping elsewhere. Gripping your chin between her finger and thumb, she brought your attention back to her.
“Oh? Would I now?” Her smug tone made you realise what you had just said, your eyes growing wider. “Are you flirting with me, love?” The Master chuckled, leaning inanely close to your face. Panicking slightly, you scooted away and got up off the bed. She looked at you bemused.
“N-no of course not.” You looked down at the carpet, scared of the disgust that would be sent your way if she thought you were. “I wouldn’t..don’t worry.” The Master just looked at you with pure confusion, sitting herself upright.
“You know it’s okay if you were right?” She reassured. You just nod, grabbing your nightwear and heading into the bathroom to change.
You had given The Master all the information she needed. Time. Date. Place. Everything she needed to know. You were half convinced she wouldn’t even show up, but held out hope regardless. Once The Doctor had dropped you home, you gathered everything you would need and called a cab.
The manor was indeed already decorated, fitted with fake holly along all of the windows. Pine trees lined the drive in, the ground covered with white stones. Lifting your duffle bag, you walked inside and up into the bridal suite. You knocked, a younger blonde woman letting you in. You recognised her to be your cousins long time friend.
“Oh there you are. Hurry up and get dressed.” Your cousin, Beth, hardly looked at you, motioning to a door at the back of the room. She was in the middle of having her long, mouse-brown hair curled. Doing as you were told, you stepped into the lavish bathroom, admiring the floral wallpaper. Carefully, you pulled out your dress and stepped into it. The deep red satin fit you perfectly, the zip easy to fasten. With off the shoulder sleeves, the front having a v-cut neckline. There were lace details lining the long dress, the satin material flowing down your body perfectly. Even with a slit up the left thigh, the dress was classy and sweet. After fastening your heels, you left the bathroom. Beth turned, jaw clenching as she saw you.
“Sit. You need your hair done.” Her voice was dry, the lady doing her makeup having to stop momentarily. Sitting yourself down, you chose a simple style and let the worker do your hair. Everyone was chatting, a clear excitement floating around the room. You didn’t know any of them, only your cousin who was ignoring your presence. Already, you felt so out of place, sitting in silence whilst your face was made up.
“You look really pretty.” The lady applying your lipstick spoke quietly, your eyes growing in surprise. You smiled at her,
“Thank you.” Your voice was low, but clearly showed your emotions. Beth stood, two friends helping her into the oversized gown she called a wedding dress. Another bridesmaid handed her a bouquet of bright red roses, a stark contrast to all the white, but matching her lips. You were handed a bunch of poinsettia, tied with white ribbon.
“Don’t slouch or anything, (y/n). I don’t need you ruining the aesthetic.” Beth drawled, allowing someone to clip her veil in. You said nothing, just watching her and waiting. You knew eventually it would start, the insults and jabs. “Then again, you’re looking a little peaky. Lost weight?” The girls all laughed, apart from the stylists that was. Your hands moved to cover your middle self consciously.
“Maybe?” You mumbled, trying not to show any effect. Beth giggled patronisingly, making her way over to you. She looked you up and down with disgust, sucking on her teeth slight.
“I’d say just sit still and look pretty, but you can’t even do that.” Again, her little tribe began to laugh, as you stood there with shame. From the corner of your eye, you could see the make up artist looking at you with pity. Just then, your auntie burst into the room, a big smile on her face as she rushed to her daughter. You could hear her saying how beautiful she looked and had an internal conflict. It wasn’t your aunts fault, she didn’t know how Beth acted towards you. Still, it annoyed you.
“Oh and (y/n) don’t you look nice. I’m happy you’re here.” Your aunt gave you a quick hug before checking a message on her phone. “Twenty minutes people. Shall we head down and wait in the lounge?” She ushered everyone down the stairs, through some double doors and into a well decorated room. There were three couches and two chairs, all black velvet. Taking one of the chairs, you pulled out your phone, seeing that The Doctor had been spamming you with wedding themed gifs. You just scoffed to yourself, scrolling through them. Then your phone pinged, The Master.
Master: though I don’t like this stupid human technology, I’m going to use it for your sake. How is everything this morning?
Even her texts were formal, you thought whilst quickly typing a reply.
Me: stressful but fine. Just waiting for the groom I think. Are you here?
Master: of course I am. Right at the back of the hall. There’s an old man next to me. I don’t like him.
Me: what why?
Master: he smells like an old shoe cupboard. I’m thinking of spraying him with my perfume.
Smiling to yourself, you shook your head as your thumbs moved across the keypad.
Me: let’s not. I’m sure you can cope for an hour.
Master: an hour?! No, I think I may have to douse him in the stuff.
Me: as funny as that would be, please don’t.
Master: very well. The things I do for you, right sweetheart?
Her message made your cheeks grow red, your lip catching between your teeth.
Me: I am your favourite, right?
After the previous night, the way she had responded to your accidental flirting, you decided to test the waters. Just to see if she’d play along or be put off by it.
Master: but of course my dear, why else would I surround myself with silly little humans.
Your smile grew embarrassingly large, watching the small bubbles on screen. Who knew The Master could be so charming?
Master: besides, you don’t smell.
Me: that’s good to know.
Master: why do the women here wear such odd hats?
Me: it’s British wedding attire, they’re called fascinators. I don’t get it either
Master: they’re bigger than them. And so brightly coloured. Why do they have such big feathers and round things on them?
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, a hand coming to cover your mouth.
Me: sounds like you’re having fun, judging everyone.
Master: well, you’re not here so how else can I entertain myself.
Me: you make me sound like a toy.
Master: not at all, sweetheart. I merely enjoy your company, is that such a crime?
Again, you were blushing, staring at the black text dumbly. How could she have such an impact on you, when she wasn’t even with you.
“Who you texting, (y/n)? Your boyfriend?” One girl jeered, the entourage cackling in unison. You peered over at them, your mood souring in a second.
“Don’t be silly, as if anyone would ever date that.” Beth taunted, earning more laughs from her minions. Hastily, you put your phone into your bag, sitting yourself straighter. Seeing the time, Beth made everyone stand heading towards the doors. Giving you one last glare, she muttered “don’t walk too fast, your scrawny legs might snap.” With a sickening smile, she stood by her father and linked his arm. He was always a silent man, he saw his daughter’s behaviour but never cared. You got in line, holding the flowers so tight you thought their stems might break. Alas, they did not and you followed the other bridesmaids down the aisle, classical music guiding everyone along. You stood in formation, listening to the exchange of vows doing your best to keep a smile plastered on your face. It seemed to go on for hours, their self-made vows boring you half to death. Eventually, they said ‘I do’ and sealed their marriage with a far too long kiss, walking back down the aisle hand in hand.
Your aunt and uncle stood with you, waiting by a set of white French doors, for the happy couple to come along. It was freezing outside, but you three were forced to endure the November wind. All the guests were inside the main hall, being shown to their seats and allowed to get drinks.
“Oh my love!” Your aunt sounded happy, hugging the newly weds. You said nothing, just following your family inside when they were announced. Beth was making a scene for herself, waving at the crowd as if she were a celebrity. Rolling your eyes, you checked the list for your table number. Of course, you were with your family, on the main round table in the centre of the room. You spotted that your ‘plus one’ assigned the seat next to you, thankfully. Beth passed you, her hip budging you harder than needed. You stumbled to the side, allowing the taller to gaze at her guest list, as if she needed to.
“Don’t rush, you won’t be missed.” She spat, walking off without a care. Even though you’d always been treated that way from her, it made your chest hurt. You were growing tired of it. A hand landed on your shoulder, making you turn on the spot. You instantly relaxed, seeing The Master. She was looking you over with worry, a scowl on her features.
“I’ve been looking for you, did she really make you wait? Just so she could make that lacklustre entrance?” She scoffed, shaking her head. However, you found yourself thoroughly distracted, her appearance shocking you. Her usually straight hair had a slight curl to it, done with precision. She wore a crimson suit, with wide-leg pants and blazer sleeves turned up twice. Her shirt, crisp and white, was fastened with a loose red tie. More to the point, her lips were tainted like a candy apple, tempting you cruelly. “Love?” She trailed her hand down your arm, brining you out of your trance.
“S-sorry, what?” You stuttered, blinking quickly. The Master smirked, stepping closer and letting her eyes wander over your figure.
“Wow, look at you.” She grinned not shy about admiring you. You averted your eyes, looking to the side to escape her vision.
“Awful-“ you both spoke at the same time, coming to look at each other with surprise. The Master frowned, tilting her head a little.
“What?” She half laughed, looking you over once more. “Awful? How can you possibly think that? You look gorgeous.” Her manicured hand cupped your cheek, lips curling up. You blushed, leaning into her touch naturally.
“I don’t agree, but thank you.” You mumbled, causing the woman to raise her brows.
“Would I lie to you?” She asked.
“Well, no but-“
“Exactly, you look devine. And I’ll give hell to anyone who says otherwise. Okay sweetheart?” The Master finally made you smile, nodding your head shyly. “Let’s find our seats shall we, I’m parched.”
After finding your seats, The Master looked around the room with a judging gaze.
“Everyone’s so…chirpy.”
“I think you mean, happy?” You laughed, facing her properly. She just rolled her eyes, leaning back on the mahogany seat and resting her hand on the top of your chair. For a moment, The Master just looked at you, her eyes softer than normal.
“What? What is it?” You felt small, like an ant compared to her. She exuded confidence and poise, making even the toughest men tremble. It was one of the things that drew you to her, her almost protective aura.
“I’m just admiring you, love.” She murmured, moving to twirl the front strand of your hair. Your face felt hot suddenly. “I like your hair, and your make up, it looks good.” The Master continued, not helping your racing heart at all.
“A stylist did it.” Was all you could get out, unsure of how to react to her compliments.
“Well, they did an amazing job. It’s hard to make perfection more perfect.” Your hands came up, covering your face in an instant. How could she say something like that so casually? She chuckled, stroking the back of your head.
“You can’t just say that.” You whined, peeking out at her.
“What? The truth? Of course I can, in fact, it’s very easy.” The Master grinned, giving you a cheeky wink. You just laughed, hitting her arm playfully. “I’ll go and get us a drink, okay love?” You bobbed your head, watching her leave your side and head across the room. A witch-like laughter drew closer, almost making you wince. It was Beth, and her poor husband, taking their seats two down from you. Her voice was loud and obnoxious, like nails on a chalkboard. She was boasting about her big day, clinging to her partners arm as if he’d vanish. Though, you wouldn’t blame him if he did.
“Enjoying your afternoon alone?” Beth asked, leaning over to you with a false smile. Ignoring her, you looked back into the crowd for The Master. “It’s a shame you didn’t go with the dress I picked for you. It would have given you a figure.” She said, grimacing as she looked at you. Sighing, you faced her with a blank expression. Beth put her hands up in defence.
“Look, I’m just saying. You look like a twig. That dress would have given you hips.” She exasperated.
“It was poofy and ridiculous. Plus, it was bright, bright red. I would have looked stupid.” You huffed pointedly.
“You don’t need any help there.” Beth spoke under her breath, crossing her leg and leering at you. “I think you look stupid in that dress if I’m honest. Why wear low cut when you have no tits to show off?” She laughed, pointing at you as if you weren’t there. A lump formed in your throat, crossing your arms over your chest. “(Y/n) you look like a little boy. I’m not trying to be rude, it’s just facts. You should really gain weight if you ever want a boyfriend.” She chastised, her faux advice hitting you twice in the gut. Swallowing thickly, you dipped your head, gripping the fabric of your dress. “I’m assuming you came alone? Dumb question actually, of course you d-“ Beth paused, surprise taking over. Behind you, you felt the presence of someone sitting down.
“Here’s your drink.” The Master said, paying no mind to your cousin. It felt as though your lips were glued shut. The atmosphere was tense, the blonde beside you finally looking at Beth.
“Sorry, you are?”
“You can just call me, O.” The Master shook her hand firmly, the other scoffing a laugh.
“O? That’s a name?”
“Well obviously not, it’s a nickname. But it’s all you need to know.” Beth was taken aback by The Masters blunt attitude, but you didn’t care.
“Right. And how do you know (y/n)?”
“We worked together…” You answered, having already thought about it earlier. You’d known you had to be well prepared, couldn’t go around telling people she was an alien.
“Oh in your stupid little science job?” Beth sipped at her wine, the drink staining her top lip. You inhaled deeply, relived when Beth turned her attention to her friends. Blinking fast, you flinched when The Master placed a hand on your shoulder. Looking at her, you found her seemingly annoyed.
“Does she always talk to you like that?” She questioned, but you couldn’t respond. She hadn’t heard everything and you didn’t want to fuss over nothing. Your silence worried her. The Master brought you to face her, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“That’s a yes then. Ignore her, she looks like a pastry.” That comment made you laugh, picking up your fruity drink. Shuffling your chair closer, you gazed up at her sadly.
“You can distract me right?” Your voice was pouty, eyes glossed over. The Master felt her breath hitch, your innocent face doing things to her. She caressed your cheek lovingly.
“Of course, come here.” You didn’t need to be told twice, allowing her to wrap an arm around you and pull you back into her chest. With your back resting against her front, The Master let her arm hold around your waist, landing on your hip. Remembering your cousins words, you carefully moved her hand off of your hip-bone. The Master noticed immediately, looking down at you confused. Closing your eyes, you let out a breath and let your head fall back onto her shoulder.
“I’m glad you’re here, I don’t think I’d cope without you.” You mumbled, wetting your lips.
“You flatter me, love.” The Master sipped her short, “I’m not going anywhere don’t you worry.” She assured you, your eyes opening and looking right at her. You smiled shyly, not minding as her hand returned to its original spot. Drawing shapes on your hip, The Masters hazel eyes flickered down to your lips, just for a second before moving away.
“Will there be food?”
“Yeah look.” You reached forward, picking up a card from the middle of the table, then sitting back again. The Master took it from you, reading over the menu with a pleased hum.
“Sounds okay I suppose. I am quite peckish.” She spoke absentmindedly, eyes wandering around the room. Clearly, she was back to judging the guests again. It was funny to watch, the emotions on her face constantly changing. “Oh lord, that man is coming over.” Remembering her texts, you watched as an older gentleman waddled past and to the bride. You covered your mouth, tilting your head back and whispering.
“That’s her great uncle.” The Master made a small noise of recognition, her lips moving by your ear.
“That explains the smell.” You both laughed quietly, unaware of being watched.
After an hour of people mingling, everyone was made to sit and get ready for the food. The Master unfolded your cloth napkin, placing it over your lap neatly.
“How chivalrous.” You giggled, watching her do her own.
“I do try, love.” She may have been joking, but you had butterflies in your stomach regardless. Appetisers were placed in front of you, a trio of dips with different crudité and breads for dunking. Along side this was a small bowl of soup. It was a vibrant orange colour. Picking up your spoon, you tried some, soon pulling a face of disgust.
“Not to your taste?” The Master chortled, eating hers normally.
“I hate lentils.” You told her, moving the bowl aside and dipping the cucumber into some hummus. It was a light start to the meal, not that you minded. Thankfully, your auntie was talking to you now, telling you all about her life in retirement. You hardly noticed everything get cleared and the fresh cutlery get put down. The waiters went around putting the mains out, a seasonal roast. Who doesn’t love that? There were roasted rainbow carrots, large sprouts and parsnips. Along with the stuffing and crispy potato’s, there were two cuts of meat to choose from. After asking you, The Master put some on your plate before her own then sat back.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” She turned to you with a hint of amusement.
“Like what?”
“All soppy, every time I do something for you.” Her gaze softened as she looked at you, a genuine smile on her lips.
“Because I appreciate it.” You said simply, eating a small bite of your food. She beamed, giving your hand a small squeeze before turning to her own meal. The room was fairly quiet as people ate, apart from Beth of course. She was still going on with herself. Even her man looked tired of the constant word vomit. When finished, The Master leant over, her lips brushing your ear as she spoke.
“What happens now?” You shivered at the close proximity.
“Well i think they’re going to do speeches before dessert. Then I assume there will be dancing?” She nod at you, sitting back again. The plates were cleaned hastily, the room picking up again.
“So, O, how long have you known (y/n)?” Your aunt smiled at the blonde, but there was a sour feeling behind it.
“Over a year, we work together.” The Master lied, repeating what you had said earlier.
“Oh that’s lovely, we were just talking about their childhood.” She practically disregarded her, hands clasping together. You pressed your lips into a fine line, not having the best memories of your youth. “When they were little, they used to fight all the time. It was adorable.” Your auntie laughed, reminiscing happily. Beth looked over at you, smiling fakly. They were less than joyous memories, every family event was hell on earth. “They’ve always just been so different. Has (y/n) told you that Beth was a Pageant queen in London?” Your aunt gloated. The Master glanced at you before shaking her head. You rubbed at your face tiredly.
“She certainly hadn’t.”
“Oh yes! She won three years in a row. Oh I was so proud.” Beth grinned at her mother’s praise, still held up on her beauty queen title. “What was it you won, (y/n)? Best young uh…uhm…”
“It was just a junior writers competition.” You said quietly, head bowed in embarrassment. Beth snorted out a laugh, your chest tightening in shame.
“Oh yes that was it! You got your story published.”
“You did? That’s amazing.” The Master wrapped an arm around your shoulders, trying to bring you some comfort. You just scoffed.
“No it’s not.” Your voice was hardly above a whisper.
“She had one of those emo phases too. Oh they looked so silly next to each other. My Beth was in pink and (y/n) was all in black.” Both your Aunt and Beth were laughing, as you shrunk in on yourself.
“And remember when you had purple hair?” Beth jabbed, giggling into her hand. The Master kept her attention on you, rubbing your arm tenderly. Just when you thought that maybe she’d finished, Beth let out an excitable gasp. “You know what was the funniest phase you had?” You looked at her confused, unsure of where she was going with it. “That time you said you liked girls!” She cackled and you felt your heart drop. Your lips parted, mouth going dry instantly. “Don’t you remember mum?” Beth asked.
“Of course I do, that was a wild day. But she was just confused. Weren’t you dear? We don’t want to scare off your colleague.” Your aunt smiled at you, but you could see the unease in her eyes. Swallowing thickly, you nod slowly.
“I’m glad you’re not one of those at least. Disgusting.” Beth shivered as if repulsed, picking up her wine glass again.
“Yeah, thank god.” Your eyes started to sting with unshed tears, so you stood carefully and excused yourself. The master watched you make your exit, head shooting around to your cousin. She would have shot them, but knew you wouldn’t approve.
Icy winter air hit you as you stepped outside. You leant against the jagged brick wall, head falling back on it as you stared up at the darkening sky. Even though you tried, you couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks. Everything was ruined now, she knew your dirty little secret. A part of you that you hid from everyone, including yourself. Sliding down the wall, you balled up your fists, hitting your head a few times as your breathing increased in pace. You should never have come. You could hear the door opening, heels clicking as they came closer. Something pressed to your side but you didn’t look, not even when a hand came to land on your knee.
“(Y/n)..?” The Master spoke gently, as if worried she’d scare you. Not responding, she thumbed your cold skin softly, letting you have a moment. Brining your head forward, you inhaled weakly.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled, wiping under your eyes harshly.
“Look at me, (y/n).” The Master ordered with an authoritative timbre. Nervously, you looked up at the blonde with watery eyes. She frowned, tilting your chin towards her and letting out a breath.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Because you’re going to think I’m disgusting.” You stuttered, sniffling and avoiding her intense, hazel eyes.
“What? What are you talking about?” She sounded puzzled, stroking your hair gingerly.
“Because of what she said-“
“Your cousin?” You nod at her, more tears seeping out the corner of your eyes. Seeing the distress you were in, The Master didn’t say another word. Instead, she pulled you into her warm embrace, arms encasing you protectively. You buried your face into the crook of her neck, deciding to worry about the repercussions later.
“Darling you have nothing to be sorry for.” She said sternly, running her fingers through your hair. “I know you said you didn’t get along. But you should told me how bad it was.”
“I didn’t want you to think I was being dramatic.” You admitted, nuzzling closer to her.
“Dramatic? They’re narcissistic, homophobic, pretentious assholes.” The Master spat, nails scratching against your scalp nicely. You gazed up at her.
“You don’t care?”
“About what?” She asked bemused, wiping your cheeks dry with faint movements.
“That I..like girls…” you struggled to get the words out, having an internal battle with yourself. The Master chuckled, holding your cheek tenderly.
“Sweetheart, I’ve been flirting with you for the past eighteen months. If anything, I’m happy.” Heat rose on your face, eyes widening.
“You have?” Your surprise made the woman laugh harder.
“Oh you’re cute. This is why you’re my favourite.” She simpered, twirling your hair. “Of course I have. And I’ve enjoyed every second of making you all red and flustered. It’s my favourite hobby.” Your heart was racing again, unable to take your eyes off of her. With a hum, she helped you to your feet, brushing off your dress.
“Thank you.” You smiled, making sure there was no dirt on your behind. You could still hear the party, a glass being clinked for attention. “They must be doing the speeches.” You commented, looking down and scuffing your heel against the stones. The dress slipped from your thigh, the slit leaving your leg out in the elements.
“I’m assuming we won’t miss much?”
“No. Just a bunch of ‘me me me’ coming from the bride and everyone boosting her ego.” You said, lip jutting out. The Master, ever confident, leant in close, her breath fanning your face.
“You taunt me, (y/n).” She spoke lowly, causing you to gulp.
“I do?” You asked, trying desperately not to look at her lips.
“You know you do. With your big, sad eyes and pouty lips.” Her thumb ran just under your bottom lip, causing them to part on instinct. “And this dress, leaving very little to the imagination.” Using her pointer finger, she traced the dip in the neckline. Goosebumps rose under her touch, your lip tucking between your teeth. She looked into your eyes smirking, her other hand slipping down your body to hold your hip.
“Tell me what else she’s said tonight.” The Master almost demanded, “because I know there’s more that you haven’t told me.”
“Promise me you won’t kill her?” You gave her your best puppy eyes, earning a reluctant nod. So, with a deep breath, you told her every insult that had been sent your way that day. With everything you said, you saw her temper rising, her hand tightened on your hip.
Her jaw was clenched,nostrils flaring slightly.
“Are you serious?” She spoke through gritted teeth, eyeing the door like a target.
“It’s fine-“
“It not fine, (y/n). She’s your family! It’s verbal abuse!” The Master was enraged, hand slipping into her pocket. “I don’t care, I’m going to turn her into a tiny doll, and stand on her until she’s just plastic dus-“ Thinking on the spot, your latched onto The Masters tie, yanking her forward and crashing your lips together. Dropping her TCE back into her blazer, she kissed back with fervour, holding your waist tightly. You wound your arms around her neck, drawing back a little.
“It’s fine. After tonight I’m not going to contact them for as long as possible.” You mumbled, happy that your spur of the moment decision had worked. The Master rested her forehead against your own, holding your cheek feebly. Loud clapping came from inside but you both paid no mind, occupied with each other.
“I hope you don’t mind me kissing you, just to take your mind off of killing people.” You said quickly, just in case you’d read the situation wrong, and she was only flirting with you for her own entertainment.
“Hm, I didn’t mind at all.” She said lowly, eyes dropping not so subtly. “But maybe I need you to distract me some more?” The Master suggested, voice dropping an octave. You smiled brightly, pressing your lips to hers once again. Her lips moved against yours flawlessly, hand snaking down your thigh and squeezing your soft flesh. Your hand found her nape, pulling her against your body, so she had you pinned to the wall. The Master almost growled, nipping on your bottom lip till they parted, your tongues pressing together. You moaned into the kiss, a hand sliding into her blazer and holding onto her waist. Your mind became hazy, consumed only by her. The Master revelled in the sounds you made, proud knowing it was because of her. You didn’t want it to end, chasing her lips as she pulled away. Pecking your lips a couple more times, The Master looked down at you simpering.
“I say, we go back in there hand in hand, get some cake. Have a dance, who cares about your stupid family? Then we leave and get you the hell away from them.” Liking her idea, you nod gleefully and placed your fingers together. “And if she says anything, I can’t promise I’ll be nice.” The Master told you straight, but you just leant up and kissed her cheek.
“I don’t care.”
Thankfully, the speeches were finished when you walked back into the room. On the stage, Beth was cutting the cake, cheering at a pitch far too high. The Master made sure your chairs were touching before sitting down, keeping an arm around your waist.
“I hope it’s chocolate.” You said absentmindedly, noticing people getting their dessert.
“If not, I’ll get you some later.” The Master was quick to say, making you smile.
“You’re so attentive.”
“Have you only just noticed?” She feigned offence, you just laughing and shook your head. Beth returned to the table, giving a slice to her mother and father. A waiter came around for the rest of the guests, making sure everyone got a piece. It was a pretty slice of cake, with white icing and red berries on the top. You were overjoyed to find it was a Black Forest cake. Excited, you tried some of the icing and felt your eyes light up.
“Be careful (y/n). Your emaciated body might shrivel up from all that sugar.” Beth said in a baby voice, pulling an overly cutesy face to add insult to injury. Clicking her tongue, The Master picked up her spoon.
“Jealousy is a nasty disease, Beth. I hope you get better soon.” Her false sympathy almost made you laugh, but you held it together. She sat there shocked, brows knitting together.
“As if I’d be jealous of that. I dont want to look like a boy!”
“And yet.” She begun, casting her eyes over to your cousin. “She’s more feminine than you’ll ever be. Especially with that attitude.” The Master ate some of her cake, tapping the spoon against her lips.
“Excuse me! You’re at my wedding!” Beth screeched, a few people looking over but not really noticing much amiss.
“Hm, you must be so sad that you got outdone on your special day.” The Master taunted, lip turning up as she could see red flashing up on the bride. Beth slammed her fist on the table, a few of the drinks sloshing over.
“I did not get outdone by that bony little skank!” You stopped mid bite, turning to her clearly hurt. Feeling you tense up, The Masters eyes went cold.
“Say that again.” She seethed, looking at the brunette with pure malice. “I dare you.” Beth shrunk back under her icy gaze, jaw trembling slightly as she went back to her own cake. Frowning, you turned your back to your supposed family.
“I can’t wait till we leave.” You murmured, checking the time on your phone. “But I wanna dance with you first.” The idea brought a smile back to your face, digging back into your food. The Master chuckled, watching as your lips wrapped around the spoon almost criminally.
“Yeah…” Her voice trailed off. You looked up at her and she almost groaned but swallowed it down.
“You’re going to kill me sweetheart.”
“I thought that was your job?” You giggled, pushing the now empty bowl away. Giving you a simple smile, The Master got distract by your aunt who had just sat down.
“You two missed the speeches! It’s a shame. They were lovely.” Clearly, she was slightly intoxicated now.
“I’m sure they were.” The master was hardly audible.
“You two are sat really close. Almost on top of each other?” Ignoring the drunk woman, you suddenly remembered something and let out a small gasp. Moving her fingers along your side, The Master looked down at you.
“Is everything alright?”
“I forgot, I kinda have a room here tonight. You know because I’m in the bridal party?” You explained. Blinking at you, she hummed in thought.
“Do you have to stay?”
“Well I suppose not, but it’s a lovely building and it would be a shame not to.” Glimpsing at her, you smiled and rested your head on her shoulder. “You’re my ‘plus one’ remember. Meaning it’s your room too.” That made the timelady grin, brushing your hair back tenderly.
“Then I guess that’s not so bad, but I wasn’t aware of this. I don’t have anything with me?” Pressing your cheek to her blazer, you shrugged with a vivacious smile.
“We can share don’t worry.”
“Oh? Aren’t you sweet.” The Master chuckled, stroking your cheek with the back of her hand. To your right, a noise of distaste could be heard very clearly.
“What are you doing?” Beth asked as if you had broken some sort of law. The Master looked at her, the girl moving back a bit.
“Not that! That!” Beth waved her hands frantically, motioning to how The Master was holding you. There was a gaping pit in the bottom of your stomach, knowing it could only end badly.
“It’s called physical contact and affection. I know you must not get any, judging by the state of your husband.” The Master nod to the man by the bar, swaying from side to side. Beth looked too, cheeks puffing out sheepishly.
“Of course I do!”
“You seem very insecure about it.” The Master commented, bringing your head to rest on her again. It was as if she could sense your unease.
“I get all the affection I need, from my husband! My man! You two are just being weird!” Beth shrieked. To anyone else, it would seem like you were committing murder. Her over the top reactions were making people talk.
“May-haps you tell us why?” The Master was clearly bored.
“Because you’re both girls! Look at yourselves!” And you did, you both looked at each other with confusion. However, The Master simpered, allowing you to adjust and lean back against her chest. You stared at your cousin emotionlessly, letting out a breath as The Master put her hand on your bare thigh.
“Your point?” You both said at the same time, only causing more agitation from the bridezilla.
“It’s not natural! Not normal!” Beth preached.
“The only thing unnatural around here is you.” The Master shot back. “You should really get a refund from all those doctors.” You covered your mouth quickly, holding your laughter. Beth sat there with her mouth agape, staring dumbly. The Master just smirked, leaning down and pressing her lips to the side of your head. Your aunt, who had been watching the whole time, put her Prosecco down sloppily.
“You just kissed her.” She slurred, eyes narrowing in your direction. The Master just scoffed.
“That, was not a kiss.” She said, cupping your cheek and making you face her. You blushed as her lips met yours, kissing back shyly. The kiss was longer than necessary, not that you were complaining, but you felt the discomfort around you. When she pulled back, The Master smiled and looked at your aunt smugly.
“That was a kiss.” She bragged, standing and pulling you with her. “Now, if you’ll excuse us. We’re going to dance.”
“Together?” Your aunt still questioned somehow.
“Are you mentally slow?” The Master spat, sliding her hand back around your waist. They just stared. Rolling her eyes, the blonde clicked her tongue in anger.
“Yeah, exactly. You’re old and loveless, stuck with a husband who won’t even speak to you, and a daughter you live through vicariously. And even that disappoints you.” The Master was toying with fire, throwing everything back at your aunt, the same way you’d always been treated. “Don’t look at us, like we’re the ones doing something wrong. As if you haven’t been using her as your personal punching bag. I’d count yourselves lucky that she even came, that she’s even staying. And, after tonight, don’t bet on ever seeing her again.” She spat, taking you away from them and onto the dance floor.
The room was as luxurious as expected, neat and pristine. There was a large king-sized bed in the middle, with fresh white, linen sheets and a dark throw folded neatly at the bottom. With two mahogany tables on either side, one had a copper lamp, the other a bowl of mints and a phone for reception. On the left wall, there was a large window, with cream drapes and wooden shutters. On the right, a wardrobe and dressing table, matching to the rest of the maroon wood-work. Opposite the bed there was a large tv hung on the wall, a door next to it which lead to a bathroom. Your bags had been taken there, courtesy of the hotel staff.
“This is nice, you were right.” The Master nod, walking around and looking at the paintings dotted about. Crouching by your bag, you pulled out your pyjamas, plus a spare vest then walked over to her.
“Here, you can wear these.” You handed her the black plaid, loose pyjama pants along with a grey vest. She took them gratefully.
“Thanks love. Mind if I take the bathroom?” Once you had shook your head, she gave your nose an affectionate tap before going. After slipping out of your dress, you unclasped your bra, tossing both into the bag without care. Buttoning up the matching plaid shirt, you put on some cosy socks then perched on the end of the bed. It took a few minutes, but you took your hair out of its style and brushed out all the knots until it was smooth again. Taking the remote, you flicked through the limited options on the tv.
“Anything decent?” The Master asked, reappearing from the bathroom.
“Shrek?” You said, not recognising anything else on the list. Clearly, it was the only big production movie they had bought the rights to stream. Looking up, your face grew warm at what you saw. It was a rare sight, seeing The Master in pyjamas, but it was one you found yourself liking. The grey vest was tight, making your eyes fixate on less than savoury areas. Walking to stand in front of you, she tilted your chin up so your eyes met.
“Put whatever you like on, I know noise helps you relax.” The Master smiled, stroking your cheek before stepping away and going to the left side of the bed. Clicking play, you looked back at her, watching as she sat herself against the pillows. “Well, are you going to join me?” She tilted her head, reaching an arm out for you. Not needing to be told twice, you crawled over to her and lay snug to her side. The Master chuckled, brushing her fingers through your hair. You couldn’t help but stare up at the woman, doe eyes flittering between her eyes and her lips.
“Do you want something, love?” She asked rhetorically, nails scratching at your nape. Getting shy, you shook your head and rolled over. Again, she laughed at your behaviour, shuffling down and pressing herself against your back. Tentatively, her hand slid up your hip and under the matching shirt.
“Don’t turn away from me, I enjoy seeing your pretty face. Especially when you’re blushing.” She spoke confidently, fingers gliding along the skin of your stomach. You bit your lip timidly, gazing back at her. There was a blistering smile on her face, tugging you to lay on your back before her hand slipping out, landing on your front. “That’s better.” The Master muttered, leaning down and giving you a chaste kiss. A whine slipped past your lips.
“That wasn’t a kiss.” You almost pouted, hardly noticing when she began to play with the buttons on your shirt.
“Oh, that wasn’t enough for you?” She inquired playfully, to which you shook your head fiercely. Unable to resist, The Master captured your lips in a deeper kiss, your hands finding purchase on her shoulders. Your lips moved in conjunction perfectly, the movie being drowned out in the background. She popped the bottom three buttons open, hand slithering back under the fabric. You gasped as her hand got higher, allowing The Blonde to escalate the kiss. A moan escaped as your tongues met, your fingers threading through her hair and tugging at it almost desperately. Somehow, she pulled back, trailing kisses along your jaw and down the column of your neck. Your head fell back as she nipped at the skin, leaving red marks in their wake.
“Such a tease.” She breathed, sinking her teeth into the sensitive area and leaving a dark bruise. Hissing in both pain and pleasure, you keened into her touch.
“Cute.” The Master smiled, looking down at you, proud of the state she had left you in. Carefully, she moved the both of you under the covers. Hooking her hands under your arms, she pulled you up onto the her chest and wrapped you in her warm embrace. You relaxed instantaneously, pressing your nose into the crook of her neck.
“Promise me you won’t kill Beth in the middle of the night?” You mumbled tiredly, hugging her waist comfortably. The Master huffed, drawing shapes onto your back.
“Fine. But only because I can’t bear the thought of leaving you.” Her response made you smile fondly, eyes closing feeling more content now. Falling silent, your mind started to drift off as you listened to the TV. Lowering the volume, The Master left it playing as you slept, making sure the duvet was shielding you from the cold. Having you sleep in her arms was a feeling she could definitely enjoy every night. With you, maybe she could even find the safety to fall asleep herself.
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gracesimp · 2 years
Sonic Duties
tenth doctor x fem!reader
Summary: the doctor teaches his companion how to use his sonic screwdriver.
just some short fluff tbh :') and maybe a little...suggestive? ;)
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If the Doctor wasn't piloting the TARDIS, he was working on her. And if Rose was being honest, she didn't believe that the Doctor had the slightest clue of what he was doing. Sometimes her and y/n even doubted that the ship needed repairing, the Doctor just coming up with that excuse to kill off his boredom when the girls' asked for a relaxed day.
Today was no different. Rose decided she wanted to pop back home for a short visit to see her mum. Y/n tagged along to say a quick 'hi' to Jackie, but a quick greeting involving the eldest Tyler would last at least an hour, so, the Doctor did what he always did. He got to work.
As predicted, an hour had passed before his companion rejoined him. He failed to hear the door opening as he was positioned under the ground railings, on his back with his sonic working away.
"Whatcha doing?" Y/n asked, evidently scaring the man as he jumped, dropping his screwdriver and making it fall on to his head as he groaned. Y/n held a hand to her mouth, trying her best to contain her giggles as the TimeLord hopped out from under the grating, rubbing his head with narrowed eyes.
"Don't do that! I may have two hearts but I'm just as good as dead if one of them stops!" He exclaimed.
Her giggles became louder and she pushed his hand away from his forehead, dragging him down gently by the neck as she placed a gentle kiss to the non existent bump. "You big baby."
"It hurt!" The Doc defended before rolling his eyes as a smile took over his face. He grabbed Y/n's hand, dragging her towards the wires his was fixing. "I'm just sorting out the wiring so that the radar gets more accurate reads. Wanna try?" He asked, holding his sonic out to her.
"Me?" Y/n pointed at herself, an unsure expression taking over.
"No, her behind you." Completely oblivious, Y/n looked around the room, finding it unoccupied baring the two. The Doctor smiled fondly. "Yes, you."
Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" This earned a chuckle as he nodded his head. "Course I'm sure. I trust you. C'mon." He lead her by the hand to under the floor, revealing multicoloured wires exporting short sparks.
"Okay, so, psychic link." He said, pressing the sonic into her hand, allowing their fingers to breeze past each others as a slight shock ran through his veins. "Point and think!"
"Okay!" Y/n smiled, glowing with confidence as her head disappeared under the floor, leaving the man standing tall on the ground, unable to see his companion from the small holes in the grating. A few seconds later her head popped back up, all previous confidence having disappeared. "Doctor.."
"...What do I think?"
His smile falters a little and he rushes to get her back on her feet. "Actually, let's try it on something easier first." Y/n moans but complies, rolling her eyes when the Doctor rambles on about 'one wrong move ripping the fabric of space and time' or something along those lines. He interwines their fingers, pulling her forward towards the console.
"Aha!" Y/n looks up, watching as he fiddles with the monitor, pressing some buttons on the side of it. "Okay! Beginners practice! Just turn the monitor on. Easy Peasy - before you know it, you'll be a pro!"
"Do you reckon?" She smiles widely while the Doctor squeezes her hand.
"Course I do!" He nudges her with his elbow. "Right, just press this button," he steps behind her, her back pressing into his chest as he guides her finger to press on the button, smirking slightly as her breath hitches. "Point," He lifts her arm up, facing the switched off monitor. "And think." he whispers into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Y/n curses internally, very thankful he was teaching her the ways of his screwdriver and not the psychic paper.
The blue light reflects on the blackness of the screen. For a few seconds, nothing happens. Just as she was about to give up, noise starts coming from the monitor. Shortly after it was accompanied by a video of her favourite film.
She jumps up in triumph, joining the doctor in his laughter as he wraps an arm around her, pressing her into him as he shakes her left and right.
"I did it!"
The Doctor offers her a cheeky wink, scrunching his nose proudly as a blood runs and taints her cheeks. "Never doubted you!"
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standfucker · 7 months
If I have read your pinned post correctly, your requests are open! (If I've read it incorrectly please ignore this (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH) ).
I would love a Marco x afab they/them vibes either bullet point or drabble as you see fit based off this prompt:
You stow away on The Moby Dick –and get discovered. You stowed away because your island was going to sacrifice you!
Thank you very much if you decide to write it 🥰SFW or NSFW is fine, however the words take you =3
(hides word count) I'm not biased, I'm not biased Dx Working on this during a particularly bad day was very therapeutic. That's my reasoning for it being so long, and not because I'm obsessed with Marco.
Stowing Away to Save Yourself - Marco x Reader
CW: mentions of ritual sacrifice, questions of self-worth
The weather changes abruptly in the New World. It’s only been half a day since the Whitebeard Pirates sailed from the last island they stopped at, a cheerful summer island, and since then the snow has been falling for a few hours now. Despite the chilly wind, Marco’s in a good mood; the island natives had been friendly and let the crew participate in their harvest festival.
Whistling to himself, Marco goes to retrieve medical supplies from a crate. His tune dies as he finds you hiding inside, huddled down on a stack of boxes. Wearing practically nothing, just thin clothing that appears ceremonial, your skin is ashy and dry from exposure, and the snot is frozen to your upper lip. You’re shivering badly, one arm wrapped around your knees, the other clutching a scalpel you’ve scavenged. You point it at him, eyes wide with fear, teeth chattering.
“Oh,” is all he says at first, caught off-guard. Stowaways just don’t happen on the Moby Dick–no one would dare. But Marco quickly pushes past his surprise and analyzes the situation. Your breathing is slow and shallow despite your visible alarm; he recognizes that you’re approaching hypothermia, if not already there. He shrugs off his coat, the icy wind immediately cutting through his light clothing beneath and making the hairs on his arms stand up. “You need to get warmed up, yoi. How about we trade? That scalpel for my coat?”
You flinch when he holds his coat out to you, then eye the garment. Slowly, you scoot forward, glancing between the coat and him, like you’re waiting for him to grab you. You reach out–then snatch his coat and retreat, still gripping the scalpel. Marco watches as you hold the scalpel between your teeth while you struggle to get the coat on, then go back to pointing it his way with both hands. Oh boy. He needs to handle this delicately, as you clearly don’t trust him, which is fair enough. You likely know which ship it is you’re on, after all.
“You need to get warmed up,” he repeats. “You’re going to freeze to death. Come with me, yoi. I can find you proper clothing.” When you don’t move, he adds, “you can keep holding onto that scalpel, if you’d like.”
Marco offers you a hand. You stare at it for a second, then at him. Slowly, you try to get up, but don’t quite manage it. “I…I c-c-can’t stand up…” you say, words slurring slightly.
The slurring is a bad sign. He needs to act quickly without freaking you out. Marco holds up his hands in a passive gesture. “I’m going to come closer and pick you up, yoi,” he explains. “I promise I won’t hurt you. I’m a doctor.”
He takes a step, and you don’t flinch this time. Now confident, he closes the distance and bends down to lift you. Your skin has no warmth to it, and up close, he can see the ice forming at your tear ducts.
Marco carries you like one would carry an infant, an arm tucked under your bottom and another supporting your back. You cling to his shoulder, shivering. He emits healing flames from his body to jumpstart the rewarming process, and you make a small noise of shock, grip on him tightening.
“It’s okay. They aren’t burning you, see? I ate the Bird-Bird Fruit: Phoenix Model. My flames have healing properties,” he says.
The whole way back to the infirmary, he can feel the freezing metal of the scalpel pressed against the back of his neck, but he doesn’t take it personally. You must be panicking inside, you’re just too cold to show it. He describes what’s going to happen as he walks, both to break the silence and to help keep you calm.
“I’m going to call some nurses, and they’re going to use the infirmary shower to get you warmed up. They’ll strip you, but they’re all women,” he says. “In the meantime, I’ll get something hot for you to eat. You’re going to be okay, so just hold on a bit longer, yoi.”
Once he’s reached the infirmary and set you down, he uses the emergency transponder snail to notify Tate, the head nurse. Then he takes your temperature while you both wait for them to arrive. It’s far too low for you to even be conscious, which is impressive–you must be holding on through sheer will. Marco rests one hand on the back of your neck to continue to apply healing flames. The other, he holds out to you expectantly.
“Sorry, but you can’t have the scalpel around the nurses, yoi. They’re not pirates like the rest of us, though. You’ll be safe with them.” To his surprise, you hand him the scalpel without any fuss. He smiles. “Thank you, miss…?”
You give him your name, and he repeats it before introducing himself.
Three nurses burst into the room, making you jump. They already know the situation, so Marco reassures you. “They’re here to help. The infirmary shower is over there,” he points, “I’m going to step out now. Is that okay?”
You nod, and Marco leaves you in their capable hands.
The news of a stowaway has already spread like wildfire, his crewmates continuing to stop him to ask about it as he walks down the hall, and Marco continuing to tell them he’ll update them later. Thatch has a bowl of piping-hot soup waiting for him by the time he reaches the galley, and Marco can’t help but feel proud of the crew’s efficiency.
Meanwhile, the nurses have you under a stream of warm water, slowly bringing your temperature back up. Your brain feels foggy, like your thoughts are drifting through molasses. They gradually float faster as your core temperature increases. It’s probably better that way, you think. If you tried to process everything you’d just escaped at once, you’re pretty sure your head would explode. You don’t even want to think about your island, your people, and how awful they seem right now. Instead, you focus on everything else: the kind doctor, who spoke soothingly and moved slowly, who smiled at you instead of throwing you overboard. The nurses, who were fussing over you and monitoring the thermometer in your mouth. The ship, which seemed like a potential death trap, but was still the better alternative than certain doom.
Once the nurses are happy with your temp, you’re dried and dressed in borrowed clothing. You tell the nurses they can throw your old clothes away, that you never want to see “those rags” again. When you come out of the shower, Marco’s waiting for you with a tray of food. He has you sit in a patient bed and sets the tray down on the extendable table, double-checking your temperature for himself. One of the nurses gripes at him for doing so, he sheepishly apologizes, and then they leave the two of you alone.
Your first sip of the soup is cautious, but once you taste it, you lift the bowl directly to your mouth and chug, nearly burning your mouth in the process. Marco smiles.
“Our ship’s cook does good work, doesn’t he?” he says. “Eat as much as you’d like. There’s plenty more, yoi.”
You don’t reply. Now that you’re all warmed up, your thoughts are moving a mile a minute, and you’d rather stuff your face than dwell on any of them.
Marco perks slightly when he hears you sniffle. You should be warm now, but–oh. You’re tearing up as you eat, hands quivering just a little bit. He leans his head on his fist, watching you.
“I suppose the only reason you’d escape that beautiful island of yours is if you had no choice,” he guesses. “Still, you’re brave to stow away on an Emperor’s ship–”
“I’m not,” you cut him off, swallowing hard. The tears begin to run down your cheeks. “I’m a coward and a disgrace.”
“What makes you say that?”
You wipe your eyes with your sleeve and look down. “...I was supposed to be a sacrifice.”
Marco’s eyes widen. Such practices are exceptionally rare nowadays, and the island had seemed so peaceful and prosperous, all the villagers kindly and energetic.
“We always have a bountiful harvest after,” you explain, eyes distant. “It happens on the last night of the festival. I was chosen as the next virgin maiden sacrifice. I’m not even a maiden! It’s…It’s not fair…” Your bottom lip quivers. “I didn’t want to die.”
“There’s certainly nothing wrong with that, yoi,” Marco says, shocked.
“There is! Now my family will be shamed, and they’re just going to kill someone else,” you covered your face, your next words coming out through sobs. “I couldn’t do it and someone else is going to die in my place. I’m such a coward! Such a coward…”
“Hey now, hey,” he says softly, unable to stop himself from reaching out to you. He rests his hands on your shoulders, bending down to your level. “It’s okay. You were right to run. It’s okay.”
Rather than flinching, you lean toward him, desperate for any sort of comfort, and he pulls you into his chest, hugging you tightly and letting you cry and blubber on about how sorry you are.
“Don’t worry about your village anymore,” he says, rubbing your back, “you’re safe now, and that’s what matters. You did the right thing, and now you get to have your whole life ahead of you, yoi.”
“But I…” you hiccup.
Marco cradles your face in his hands and gently lifts it so you’re looking at him. “Defying one’s fate is the bravest thing that anyone can do.”
You stare back into his eyes. Somehow, despite having just met him, you know that he means what he says. To not hang onto his words is impossible, and to not be a little taken with him from then on is even more so.
At first you don’t muster up the courage to leave the infirmary, even though you’re given the all-clear to move about. You do puzzles and draw venting, angry pictures with the things Marco provides you with. Eventually, he manages to convince you to come out with a little coaxing and reassurance. You stay glued to his side, trusting no one else, and stay firmly behind him when meeting new crewmates, peering out from his arm with a death grip on his jacket. Your legs shake when you meet Whitebeard.
The crew is friendly enough, and once Whitebeard learns your story, he gruffly reassures you that you can sail with them. You slowly begin to relax, though you still don’t leave Marco alone. He’s frequently busy, so you follow him around as he goes about his day. He doesn’t seem to mind, even teasingly calling you “duckling” for it. The only place you leave him be are in his own quarters, letting him have his privacy. You sleep in the womens’ quarters with the nurses, having decided it’s the least intimidating option.
As each day goes by, you gain more confidence. You start letting Marco out of your sight for periods of time, opting to stay by the people he hangs out with the most instead. Anyone he seems to have a high regard for, you’re willing to be around–he trusts them, so you begin to trust them, too. Each of them finds some common ground with you. For example, Thatch asks you about the food customs on your home island, though he quickly notices it’s a sore subject and changes the topic. The galley is under operation 24-7 to feed such a large crew, so he doesn’t mind letting you help out to give you something to do. When he has the time, he shows you some knife techniques and tricks. You try to mimic a complex trick, flipping the knife between your fingers, and end up slicing your index finger. When you tell Marco about it that night, he asks to see.
“It’s not bad,” you say as he peels off the bandage. “Just a little cut. Thatch said I need to take it slow...He’s nice.”
“Don’t let his charm fool you. He can be a real wiseass,” Marco chuckles, inspecting the thin scab. “Do you like to learn new things, yoi?”
“Mhm. Back home, I hadn’t picked out a trade to learn yet, because I couldn’t decide. So I just worked.”
He places his index finger over the scab, and a small, blue flame flickers out from the point of contact. It lights up the surrounding darkness with soft, cobalt light. You’re transfixed, having not seen his ability since you first met him a few weeks ago. You start to feel funny in your chest, and aren’t sure if it’s a side-effect of his ability, or if it’s because he’s holding your hand so very gently right now. His hands are warm.
“What did you do?” Marco asks.
“Farming stuff, mostly. Harvesting the fields. Sometimes I watched my neighbor’s kids, or helped out at the local market. I tried to do what I was supposed to, which was experiment and figure out a path. But I guess my problem is that I didn’t know what I wanted, even at my age. I stagnated…” you voice lowers. “That’s why…”
“Don’t think about it like that,” Marco interrupts. “I can’t say I know what your elders’ decision-making process is. But there’s never a good reason to take a life, and definitely not because it helps everyone else prosper, yoi. You deserve better.”
“They’re not bad people,” you say, sighing. “They’re… I don’t know. I don’t know why they would do that. I don’t know what to think anymore.”
“I don’t blame you for feeling conflicted. They treated you well until then, I assume.”
You nod, feeling your throat get a bit tight. “Yeah.”
Marco lifts his hand from yours, and to your amazement, the cut is gone, not even a scar left in its place. You gasp, having never actually seen his powers work in such a tangible way.
“It’s healed!” you say, rubbing at the spot as if it would dispel the illusion. “No way! Marco, you’re amazing!”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Aw, shucks. It was nothing, yoi.”
“What a wonderful devil fruit! I was always told they’re bad news, but that can’t be true for all of them.”
“It’s more that the people who eat them are usually the ambitious, power-seeking type.”
“That doesn’t sound like you. Why did you eat it?”
Marco looks up at the stars for a moment, reminiscing. “My home island was in shambles. Couldn’t pay the heavenly tax, so it was complete chaos. When I came across the fruit, I didn’t know what type it was…but I hoped it could give me a better life, somehow.”
“Did it?”
He smiled sadly. “No, but Pops docked at my island not long after, and forcibly adopted me…And my power helps my brothers, so I can’t say I regret it, yoi!”
You smile. “Well, I’m glad you were the one who ate it. To help others…it suits someone like you. You deserve that devil fruit.”
A faint tinge of pink colors Marco’s cheeks, and he awkwardly thanks you for the comment, rubbing the back of his neck again.
The days pass by, and you see less of Marco as you spend more time with the crew. Ace immediately takes to treating you like a brother, and decides to teach you how to defend yourself, showing you how to handle a dagger. The crewmates watching all give their input on which weapon you should learn to use (theirs, usually) until Vista says a dagger makes the most sense for you and quiets them down. Though his towering size is a bit intimidating at first, Vista is just as warm and open as most of them, and he becomes the third person after Marco and Whitebeard in which you divulge your story.
“What a daring escape!” is his response, which warms you up to him right away.
Vista lets you sit on his shoulder to look out over the sea. So does Jozu, who shows off his devil fruit power afterward just to enjoy your marveling. Jozu insists that you try and stab him while he’s all “rocked out,” and laughs when your borrowed dagger glances harmlessly off his diamond hide. Right after his demonstration, Blamenco insists that his power is even more astounding: Your eyes nearly pop out of your head when he pulls a comically large hammer out of his own body. And once one crewmate starts showing off, they all want in, and that afternoon is spent with various displays of weaponry, skill showcasing, and a lot of posturing. The crew bickers as easily as they laugh together.
Marco stops by to see what the commotion is, and finds you laughing, too, in the middle of the crowd. He smiles to himself.
“Everyone’s so much fun,” you tell him that night, huddled next to him in the crow’s nest. It’s your first time being there, having braved the climb with Marco’s encouragement that he could fly down and catch you if you slipped. Now that you’re within it, you’re not as tense, but the height makes you nervous, so you sit right against Marco.  “Crazy, but fun. I didn’t know pirates could be like this. Especially not an Emperor’s crew.”
“Life is funny like that, isn’t it?” he responds. “You can never be sure about anything in this world.”
“I’m sure that you have a great crew.”
He chuckles. “I think so too.”
“I really thought you guys were gonna kill me, you know? I only stowed away on the small chance I could hide away until the next island.”
“Better for you that your plan fell through, yoi. Speaking of which… We’re due to arrive at another island soon to restock.” He tilts his head at you. “What do you want to do?”
You think about it for a minute. “I’m not sure…I guess I have to disembark, right?” You’ve helped around the ship where you could, your practical skills coming in handy for many small jobs. If you weren’t cleaning, you were helping the cooks in the galley, or making repairs to weapons and armor, or doing maintenance on the ship. “To be honest, I still don’t know what I want to do.”
“Nothing wrong with that. That just means you can keep on trying new things.”
“You’re pretty optimistic.”
He pauses, looking at you. “Was your indecision looked down upon before?”
“Shouldn’t it be?” you ask. “It’s healthy to have a path in life.”
“Is that a saying from your home village?”
“It is.”
He smiles wryly. “Coming from a place that makes ritual sacrifices, I’d question their wisdom, yoi. Wouldn’t you?”
You blink, a bit stunned by his words. You’d never really thought about it like that. “...They’re not bad people.”
“So you’ve said. But I wouldn’t want you going back there, myself. Good people can make bad decisions.”
“I…” you fall quiet. After a minute, he looks at you and is surprised to see you tearing up. “Sorry. I’m just…I’m so relieved.”
“Don’t apologize, yoi.” Marco drapes an arm over your shoulders. With his other hand, he wipes away your tears. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Your heartbeat picks up from the contact. “Um! No. I mean, yes?” You avoid his gaze, looking guilty. “I kind of…I kind of miss them. Isn’t that ridiculous?”
“Of course not. It’s still your home.”
A few more tears run down your cheeks, and you giggle nervously when he wipes those away, too. “S-Stop that. I can wipe my own face.”
“Ah, let me fuss, yoi,” he says, pinching your cheek. “It’s good for you.”
“What is?” You bat his hand away. 
“Being taken care of. I take it you’re not used to that, either.”
You shrug. “I’m an adult…I’m usually the one taking care of others. Especially since I’m unmarried.”
“You mentioned not being a ‘maiden’ once. Is that why you remained single?”
“Kind of. It’s not normal to be…like that where I’m from. I was expected to get married and have children, and if not, then to at least choose a trade to work in. But since I couldn’t do even that, I, uh…” you laugh awkwardly, avoiding his gaze, “I’m kind of considered useless…”
Marco doesn’t respond. After a minute, you glance his way nervously. He’s staring off, and there’s a dark look in his eyes. “You were chosen for that reason, then. It wasn’t random.”
“Yeah?” you say, and he looks at you intently.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
Suddenly your throat gets dry, and the tears come straight back. Overwhelmed with feeling, you lean your head against his shoulder. “Thanks.”
Marco tilts your chin up to look at him. “I know this is all unfamiliar. The crew is rowdy and rambunctious, and the ship is crowded. You’re both brave and resilient to have endured it thus far, and I’m proud of you for getting along with everyone.”
You can’t help but smile at that. “It’s really not so bad,” you say. His gaze is intense, so you look up at the sky instead. “At least the stars are familiar, even if our constellations are different.”
He nudges you. “Tell me about them.”
You point up at the night sky, explaining how the northern section of stars form a constellation of a great bird. The Crow, it’s called.
“That one, above the cloud?” Marco points, and you shake your head. Taking his hand, you point it to the correct star, moving his hand to trace out the imaginary line between them. Below that one is the Farmer, eternally on the lookout for the Crow, and next to her, the Plow, and the Oxen that pull it…
The ship rocks gently, the night air cool and comfortable, and Marco is warm against your side. You name constellations until your eyelids grow heavy and your hand drifts down. Marco asks you about the next one, but you no longer respond. Looking down, he sees that you’ve fallen asleep.
That night, you dream of being carried by the Crow, made of soft blue starlight, descending from the heavens to carry you in its talons, and gently drop you into bed.
The rest of the week flies by, and soon, the Whitebeard Pirates dock at the next island. It’s one of Whitebeard’s territories, so everyone is relaxed and upbeat. You sit on the railing and watch crewmates go to and from the ship with boxes of supplies.
“It seems like a nice place,” you tell Marco, who looks up from his checklist. “I have to make a decision now. Figure out where I go from here…”
“Do you want to stay longer?” Marco asks bluntly, making you gape at him.
“Is that even allowed?”
“I doubt anyone would oppose it, but you still have to ask Pops.” The thought of asking Whitebeard is scary enough to make you hesitate, and Marco chuckles. “I can go with you, if you’d like.”
“No,” you say, surprising him. “I'll do it myself.”
At Marco’s suggestion, you wait until after dinner, by which time Whitebeard’s had a few enormous mugs of beer in him. Still, you have to resist the urge to shake in your boots. Whitebeard hasn’t talked to you much in the month you’ve been on board, and while he’s never been cruel, he is loud, brash, and seems to take up even more space than he already does with the grand aura that hangs about him.
“What do you want, squirt?” he asks before you can even say anything, brows drawn together like he’s read your mind and already made a decision.
“Uh…Um, I…” you stammer.
“Speak up.”
You swallow and raise your voice. “I…I wanna…Um…”
“Louder. My ears aren’t what they used to be.”
You step forward, close your eyes, and shout, “Pops, can I sail with you a while longer?!”
The deck is silent. Not a single crewmate makes a peep. Whitebeard’s eyebrows raise, and slowly, the corner of his lips curl up, just a little.
“You may,” is all he says, but you nearly fall over in relief, all your tension lifted in a second.
You turn away, but go rigid when he adds, “What do you say?”
“T-Thank you!” you bow to Whitebeard, who grunts and waves a hand dismissively.
You get to know more people as time passes. Jiru and Kingdew teach you the basics of working the rigging to haul in sails, and with some direction and careful observation, let you help out the crew in hoisting them one day. It's a strenuous activity made easier by many hands, but you still work up a sweat. They both pat you on the back after. “As you get stronger, it gets easier,” Jiru says.
You do get stronger over the weeks. Faster, too. Ace has gone from teaching you to handle a weapon to straight-up teaching you how to handle yourself in a fight. You get a lot of physical activity on the ship, and always fall asleep easily as a result. You rest well…most of the time. Your escape from your island still eats at you on occasion, crawling up your back at night to linger at the edges of your mind. During the day, you’re too distracted by action and others to think much of it, but there’s no stopping it when you’re alone with your thoughts.
One night, Marco finds himself unable to sleep. Rather than fighting it, he gets up to go for a nighttime flight. He finds that the freedom of the sky sets his mind at ease–perhaps it has to do with his zoan instincts. He perches on the railing of the ship, transforms, and spreads his wings, letting the wind catch him and lift him up. With no heat in the night air, he has to flap hard to gain some altitude, but once he gets up higher, he’s able to soar beneath the stars, the wind whipping his crest and tail feathers.
Though the crew’s used to him in this shape, he still doesn’t fully transform all that often, so some crewmates working the night shift stop to watch for a while. He doesn’t mind, angling his wings to fly in a wide circle around the ship. It’s then that he notices who’s in the crow’s nest–Rakuyo, and huddled up next to him, you. Rakuyo’s flask is in your hand, you’re holding onto his arm, and with Marco’s sharp zoan vision, he can see the tear streaks on your cheeks. He’s immediately concerned, and a bit bothered. You’re not normally touchy with anyone but him, and while he trusts Rakuyo, Marco isn’t fond of how his drinking habits can cloud his judgment–and yours.
Marco tilts his wings and cuts a sharp, neat curve, landing gracefully on the edge of the crow’s nest. You stare at him, eyes huge, and he can’t help feeling a bit conceited at your obvious wonder.
“Hey, Marco,” Rakuyo greets him.
“Rakuyo,” he nods. “Y/n. Is everything okay, yoi?”
You sniffle and nod.
“They couldn’t sleep,” Rakuyo says. “Had a bad dream.”
“Is that right?” Marco can’t help the annoyance in his tone, and Rakuyo notices, looking suddenly uncertain.
“Nip of whiskey always helps put me back to sleep,” Rakuyo explains quickly.
“And how did you plan on getting them back down the mast afterward?” Marco tilts his head, eyes narrowed.
“Uh…Well, I could carry them?”
“You’re drinking too, yoi.”
You speak up then, still wide-eyed. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Marco doesn’t know if phoenixes can blush, but he feels the heat rise to his cheeks all the same. Rakuyo glances at you, his grimace flipping into a grin. “Okay, maybe they’ve had enough.”
Marco transforms most of his body back, leaving his wings out for a moment just to watch your awestruck expression. He hops into the crow’s nest.
“Well, if you’re here, I’ll leave them to you,” Rakuyo says, plucking his flask from your hands. He pats your shoulder and stands up fast, eager to avoid Marco’s ire. “Chin up, kiddo,” he says to you, then hurries away down the mast, leaving you two alone.
You hiccup.
Marco sighs, sitting down next to you. “Bad dream, huh?”
“Yeah.” You look up at him with those big, sad eyes, and Marco feels his heart clench. “What about you?”
“Just restless, yoi.”
“But you work so hard.”
“Heh, thanks for noticing. I can’t say why I’m unable to sleep right now.” He reaches to wipe your tears away, and you let him, leaning your head on his shoulder afterward.
“You felt my pain and came out. Now you’re here.” You close your eyes. “You’re such a good doctor…”
Marco laughs. “I think you need some water, yoi.” He pats your head, and you look up at him. “If I go get you some, will you be okay up here by yourself?”
You nod. “I won’t be scared. Well…maybe a little…but I’ll be okay!”
“That’s my little duckling,” he smiles. “I’ll be quick.”
A few minutes later, Marco’s back with a canteen. He settles back next to you as you drink.
“Do you want to talk about it, yoi?” he asks.
“Talk about what?”
“You dream.”
Your face falls, and you seem to deflate a little. “...Yeah,” you say. “Even after that whiskey, I couldn’t forget it.”
“I’m all ears.”
You chug some more water and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “I had a dream that my friend was sacrificed in my place.” You sink even lower, curling up.
“Oh, love.”
“I know a sacrifice was made after I left. Some poor girl, who had no idea her time was suddenly up. And I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. Like if only I accepted my fate, things would be better for everyone.”
Marco drapes an arm around your shoulders and hugs you to his side. “Do you really believe that?”
“I don’t know. I don’t want to believe it.” You settle against him. “Everyone here is so…so content. So free. So sure of themselves.”
“Maybe on the surface, yoi.” He rubs your arm. “Nobody’s perfect.”
You look up at him. “Do you really think I’m brave?”
“Do you really think I deserve my devil fruit?”
The question catches you off guard. “Oh. Well, yeah, of course. I’ve always believed that, since I’ve met you.”
“I feel the same way. You’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever met, yoi.” He smiles softly. “It’s no easy feat to go against the wishes of your entire village.”
You drop your head to hide your smile. Marco reminds you to keep drinking, and you do so, sipping at the canteen until the water’s almost gone.
“Will you tell me about the constellations you grew up learning?”
Marco points up to the sky. “You see the Crow up there, like you showed me a while ago? Take the star forming the tip of the wing, and go south…”
“There?” You point.
“Close.” This time, Marco takes your hand, guiding you to the correct star. “That triangle of stars that connects to that square–back home, we called it the Forge. And that one, the one your people called the Farmer? We called the same formation the Hunter.”
With a gentle voice and a gentler touch, Marco points out a few more constellations. The Unicorn. The Sickle. The Loom. As he points out the last star forming the Chariot, you both fall silent. He doesn’t let go of your wrist. Slowly, he slides his hand up your wrist to hold your own, interlacing your fingers together.
Your heart skips in your chest. The both of you lower your intertwined hands, until you’re just sitting there holding hands. You look at each other. Marco’s blushing.
Carefully, gradually, Marco lowers his head, and softly presses his lips to yours.
The ship rocks gently, the night air cool and comfortable, Marco is warm against you, and you know right then there’s nowhere else in the world you’d rather be.
Breaking the kiss, Marco cups your cheek and presses his forehead gently to yours.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
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circusgoth-dotcom · 4 months
Truffle Hog
Ship: Mark Hoffman x Svente Kramer [Butcher's Market AU]
Word Count: 821
Summary: Exploring this concept more/giving it an official AU; John dies like in canon and is survived by his apprentices/associates, including Amanda. In this particular snapshot, sometime after John's death, Svente insists on a "funeral." After the funeral, Mark takes him home, and things get... questionable. CWs for themes of death and grief, dealing with grief in an unhealthy way, brief suggestiveness toward the end.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife @rexscanonwife
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Svente was the one who insisted on a “funeral.” A lower-than-low-key meeting between John’s closest associates to reflect on his death and regard the future without him. The ex-wife, the doctor, the detective, the reformed junkie, and the religiously devoted lover, together in the cold and damp basement of an abandoned building. All dressed in black, two of five openly weeping.
Jill knew the only people who wanted to be there were Svente and Amanda. She was there to support them, and Lawrence and Mark had likely only shown up because they knew to avoid crossing Svente. Of course, she was grieving, too, but she had decided John’s death was not worth tears. Quiet words were spoken, hands squeezed, coffee feverishly drank out of bland paper cups. After what seemed like a trivial hour, Lawrence finally made some kind of excuse to disperse and the others followed suit.
Svente found oinkself being guided out of the basement and into the grey afternoon by Mark. Then they were at his car. “You’re going to be okay, Reeves. You’re resilient.” Its maiden name. “John always talked about your strength.”
“I was strong because of him.” Its voice was raw.
“Just because he’s gone doesn’t mean you stop being strong. Amanda’s more liable to snap than you… you’ll simply bend.”
“What if it all falls apart without him?” Svente began to hyperventilate, “I can’t. I can’t, without him, I’m nothing, and this group needs a fatherly hand to guide them or it will be like fucking herding cats!”
Mark’s large hands engulfed Svente’s shoulders, his tone becoming more aggressive, “You think panicking is going to help, Reeves?”
He turned his deer-in-headlights gaze to Mark’s tanned and bull-like face, his topaz eyes glinting. They felt weak. They couldn’t stop themself from placing their icy hands on the sides of Mark’s neck, index fingers firmly under his jaw. “You could do it. As John’s husband, I ask you to. Promise me you’ll take up the mantle. Promise me.”
Mark made a quiet gasp of surprise. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“Promise me.”
He sighed and pried his hands away from his neck. “I promise. Get in the car.”
Svente did as instructed. When they wound up in his driveway, he began to tremble. “I can’t. It will be too quiet.”
“I thought you liked it quiet.” Mark got out of the car and opened the passenger side door.
“You don’t know what it’s like, living with someone for so long. You hear them living.” One step. John’s breathing. Two steps. His footsteps. Three steps. John making coffee, or tea, in the kitchen. Four steps. The sound of his body sinking into bed. Five steps. The subtle squeak of his wheelchair. Freeze. Mark’s voice, at first muffled.
“Svente, it’s raining. You need to move.”
Mark’s arm around his waist, forcing him towards the front door. “That was John’s name for me.” Robotically, they unlocked their front door.
“You didn’t hear me when I called you by your first. You’re better known by that pet name, anyway.” They went inside.
Mark had only ever been in John and Svente’s duplex twice. It was quaint and sweet, almost giving the innocence of a grandparents’ house, especially when Svente was baking. It didn’t smell of bread or muffins today. It’s stark contrast against John and Svente’s work and belief system bemused Mark, but what else could he expect?
“Keep calling me that,” Svente instructed. They took off their coats and placed them in the entryway closet. Svente wandered into the living room and Mark slipped into the bathroom, shortly returning with a towel. He tossed it in Svente’s lap, but when they didn’t move to dry themself off, he did it for them. It happened so suddenly, their lips passing each other softly. Svente wasn’t sure it had actually happened until they were chasing Mark’s warmth, leaning after him when he had pulled away. He dropped the towel beside them and kissed them again, more seriously this time. Svente’s hands ran hesitantly over the smooth, black silk separating Mark’s skin from his own, fingers whispering over his chest, up his arms, and cascading down his back.
Mark placed his knee between their legs as the kiss became more heated. Deep down, he knew this was wrong. This was taking advantage of Svente’s grief, its uncontrollable desire to feel whole again after the biggest loss of its life. The towel slid from the couch. Svente moaned softly. At first, he couldn’t make it out, then his senses became clear and sharp as it reached him.
“John, John, John,” Svente half-gasped, new tears spilling down his cheeks. Mark backed off, handing Svente a handkerchief before putting the towel in their bedroom. Svente sprung to his feet and followed Mark before pushing him out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him. Mark sat quietly on the couch.
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laney-rockin · 1 year
I know I haven't made a whole "my thoughts on -insert star trek episode here- for a while [I've been so busy and surprisingly to me doing a sport for two weeks straight will murder any energy I have]
FIRSTLY. Chapel, babes. GET THE FUCK OVER SPOCK HOLY FUCK. Spock, babygirl, GET THE FUCK OVER CHAPEL. You two are not soulmates, you will never be soulmates. I am tired of watching you two hold hands and look in each other's eyes while you could be GOING BACK TO THE SHIP HOLY FUCK MOVE.
SECONDLY. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! The Gorn are shown to be a highly advanced society capable of fucking WARP. What the actual fuck is SNW doing trying to push a "they're monsters that eat humans and babies" narrative. YOU MURDERED A CHILD. NO FUCKING WONDER THE GORN HATE YOU.
THIRDLY. Batel and Pike are kinda cute together I can see how they're meant to be together. Kinda weak making Batel get bitten by a Gorn but go off SNW- make some decisions. Would've been way fucking cooler to have Batel get into more action without getting bitten just so Pike can have some sad man moments. But what do I know? I'm not even out of high school, I cannot possibly fathom what is going on in these people's minds.
Also Chapel uselessly looking out the window to stare at the Enterprise was so fucking stupid. I get her flashlight didn't work but also like- she had an HOUR until she ran out of oxygen/life support. Where is the hustle? Personally I would be having an actual legit panic attack as I searched for a spacesuit and extra flashlight instead of just staring at the Enterprise and calling Spock's name.
ALSO [In my opinion that means nothing] THE "TO BE CONTINUED" SCREEN FUCKING SUCKED. The ending was not satisfying at all in an "I wanna see more!" kinda way. It was more of a "LET THIS "ADVENTURE" FUCKING END" kinda way.
In my opinion the only thing that saved this episode was Scotty, my role model and the biggest reason why I wanna do aerospace engineering. That man was amazing and stole the show for me, every single time we had to cut away to see Spock and Chapel be annoying I just wished I could see Scotty again. He was so fucking cool and so fucking nerdy and just the coolest man ever.
Speaking of introducing legacy characters: next season they have to bring in Bones McCoy. And I guarantee it's gonna be top-tier because SNW seems hellbent on just ruining Spock and Chapel atm. But if they touch the grumpy country doctor and don't give him and Spock the stupidest yet so in character reason for them to just start bickering like two old woman at the bazaar I will riot.
All in all- a "what the fuck was that" episode. Loved Uhura, Pelia, Scotty and everyone else but Spock and Chapel. Their actors I have no ill will towards [I think they're both super cool and I'd love to meet them someday] but I just cannot actually stand their characters in scenes together. That's just me tho!!
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✨Small fluffy Texacali fic cuz I got a random burst of motivation✨ And im gonna leave this here because you love this ship: @loseradjacent
(also Texas is FTM and uses a binder cuz he's afraid of getting surgery and doesn't trust that the doctors will do it properly)
California woke up at around 3am to the sound of someone teleporting into his and Texas's shared house. 'Who could it be at this hour...' he thought to himself as he got out of bed, grabbed his glasses, and started heading downstairs to see who it was.
As he walked to the living room, he saw the silhouette of his boyfriend, who had been gone for government stuff for the past 3 days. A smile spread across his face as he quickly walked over to Texas and enveloped him in a strong bear hug from behind and placed his head on the slightly taller state's shoulder.
"Hey Star...." he whispered and pecked him on the cheek.
Texas turned around so that he could hug Cali properly. He buried his face in the Golden State's shoulder and sighed contentedly, breathing in the scent of the new maple scented shampoo and bodywash Cali had been using. "Hey SafeSpace...." He mumbled quietly. Cali seemed to notice a hint of.... Pain? in his voice.
Cal pulled away and looked at Texas with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay babes??"
Texas pulled away as well with a smile. "Im fine, SafeSpace." Cali noticed how Texas seemed to be readjusting and pulling at something in his shirt, and it all came together pretty quickly.
He sighed and just decided to ask it right away instead of stalling. "Texas, how long have you been binding for?" asked the Golden State quietly.
Texas's eyes widened slightly before he nervously rubbed the back of his neck and said:
"Only a few hours, why?"
'Oh if only he knew what a bad liar he was....' Cal thought to himself before he suddenly pulled the other in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Texas was a bit stunned at first, seeing as it seemed that he was the one yat made the first move half the time, but he kissed back, wrapping his arms around the slightly shorter's (Texas is 6'5 and Cal is 6'4) shoulders/upper back. The two kissed for what had to be forever before pulling away, panting slightly.
California pulled the Lone Star State into another hug and buried his face in his neck. "Texas, how long? Please don't lie to me, all I wanna do is help you, and I need you allow me to."
Texas was silent for a few minutes, before answering. "Two days...I'm sorry, I-I-I-I couldn't let them know, I d-dont wanna k-know what they would do t-t-to me-"
"Shhhh shhhh.... It's okay, I'm not mad." Cali said, pulling away from Texas slightly and gently wiping away the few tears that rolled down his face. Cali silently swore to himselfto KILL anyone that would ever dare to hurt Texas. Usually it would be Texas doing the comforting and being protective, but at the moment it was California's job. He took off his own flannel and handed it over to Texas, who looked at him confused.
"Go put this on, it'll be baggier on you and you can take off your binder and stop hurting yourself. I'll take care of putting this stuff away."
Texas hugged Cali again and he buried his face in the other's shoulder. "Thank you, Amor." he whispered. He kissed California on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to change.
When he got back, California had set up a small nest of blankets on the couch and opened Netflix on the TV. A small smile formed on his face as he walked over to Cali, who returned the smile.
Texas sat down next to the smaller, who pulled them both into a laying position, with Texas pinned between Cali and the back of the couch. He leaned into the touch of the other's hand caressing his cheek.
"There's my handsome~" Cal said, grinning at the happy glint and blush that appeared on the other's face. He turned around slightly and started playing some random show that they had both already watched before turning back around and kissing the Lone Star State once again.
They pulled away and stared lovingly into each other's eyes before Texas hid his face in the crook of Cal's neck and started drifting off to sleep, and Cal following not long after....
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pure-garbage · 2 months
Corrin Strikes! The Mark That Never Fades
Chapter Warnings: Violence
By the time the ship docked at a harbor safe enough for Lana to consider disembarking, she had abandoned any thought of parting with the straw hats. Luffy charmed her, Sanji swooned over her, Usopp proved even more hilarious than his captain. Nami and Zoro were still less than warm at times, but Lana didn't mind. Every day she spent free to do as she pleased was a day she couldn't find cause to complain.
For the first time, Lana realized she'd spent the last five years thinking of nothing past escaping Corrin. She didn't want to go back home. She wasn't ready to face the family she'd run away from and even if she was, the journey back was hardly an easy one. She had absolutely no idea what she wanted her newly secured future to look like. When she considered the manifold obstacles confronting her, it felt like the easiest path forward was also the best.
'You'll always be a criminal now, no matter what you do. May as well commit to it.'
The advice she'd grudgingly accepted from Zoro turned out to be, perhaps, the most influential thing anyone had ever told her.
"Well, guess this is good-bye."
Luffy's grin as they moored at the small port was exactly what Lana had come to expect from him.
"Actually, I decided to take you up on your offer. Assuming it still stands."
"Yeah? You're gonna join my crew?"
"Yeah. I'll join."
"Alriiiight!" Luffy bellowed, pumping a fist into the air and drawing the attention of the rest of the crew. "Sanji! Make sure you pick up plenty of meat in town! We've gotta have a feast tonight, okay?"
"You always find a reason to make every meal a feast," Sanji tsked. "Nami's given me a strict budget for this supply run and I'll honor her request at any cost."
"Food! Meat, meat meat!"
Luffy launched himself off the ship, chanting, closely followed by the others. Nami clapped Lana's shoulder in passing, affording her a smile that seemed warmer than any Lana had gotten from her up to that point.
"Welcome to the crew," Nami told her. "Just in time too... someone needs to watch the ship while the rest of us resupply."
"Huh? Hey, I wanna come too! What about Zoro? He's still here!" Lana protested.
"Yeah, him and his half-sliced off feet," Nami chortled with a roll of her eyes.
"But he's fine! Look, he's been working out for four hours!"
Lana pointed while Zoro ignored them and kept counting.
"... 1,372, 1,373, 1,374..."
"Hold down the fort, new kid!" Nami called back as she ran after the others.
Zoro finished his insane workout and dropped onto the deck with a soft groan and a thud that was way quieter than it should have been. Despite her annoyance at being left behind, Lana was still impressed with the control he demonstrated over his body.
Still, she crossed her arms over her chest, frowning as Zoro caught his breath.
"Is all this moving around really a good idea?" she asked. Admittedly, she was lashing out more with annoyance than worry for her newly acquired crew-mate.
"What, worried your patch job isn't up to the task?" Zoro challenged with a grin.
Lana glanced down and gulped. The silk stitches around both his ankles were intact, but still...
"I'm not a doctor," she reminded him. "They're not sutures, just stitching. They're meant to mend cloth, not flesh."
Lana felt the need to say it as a disclaimer in case the make-shift treatment didn't work as intended, but Zoro mistook her words for concern. He decided to stop teasing her.
"I'm staying off my feet," he assured her. "I won't break the stitches."
Lana puffed a little, blowing a stray lock of hair back up into it's proper place. It was true. She'd watched him exercising and he'd done an entire routine using only his arms.
"You'd better not break them," she warned. "Sewing your mangled ankles up was the grossest thing I've ever had to do, and if you think I'm doing it again, you're... you're... you're sleeping."
Zoro's only retort was a soft, gurgling snore.
Lana settled down on deck.
"Guess... I could practice if I wanted," she mused.
Lana only had one weapon, but she was in the habit of keeping it concealed. She'd swiped it nearly six months ago and hidden it well in her boot to keep Corrin from discovering it.
'It's a wonder the Baroque Works agents didn't find it. These are the best boots I've ever owned.'
She tugged the knife free. It was a balisong style blade, the very same she'd famously managed to stick a naval captain with. At the time she'd stolen it, she'd watched the vendor demonstrating the various ways you could flip it open and shut. She'd been dazzled by the display, but under Corrin's thumb, never dared try her hand at the tricks for fear that he would take away her prize.
"Alright, now..."
She swung it loosely, but still fumbled the opening and smacked her own wrist with the weighted handle.
Lana lost track of time as she wrestled with the knife and her own clumsiness. Her concentration as so complete that she inadvertently blocked out the world. Every iota of her focus was invested in bending the weapon to her will.
A slip-up cost her some blood as the blade bit into her fingers.
"What a dangerous toy you've picked up, Avariya."
Lana's blood ran cold. Corrin's voice was right below her at her back. She turned, springing to her feet. Her old oppressor stood on the deck of a sloop, rocking gently on the waves in the shadow of the Merry.
"Corrin! How did you-"
"Escape? Well, it's a wonderful story, Avariya dear," Corrin grinned. "I'll be sure to tell it to you... after you've come with me!"
Corrin wasn't alone on the small boat, but the five men with him weren't familiar to Lana. He wasn't traveling with his usual crew.
'What happened to all the others? Are they dead? Serves them right, I hope they are!'
Corrin took a leap, launching himself onto the deck of the Merry with a resonant thud. Lana stumbled back, horror washing over her. This was a nightmare.
The rest of the men followed Corrin while he appraised his new surroundings.
"What a nice little ship," he chuckled. "Surely it can't be yours, can it?"
The savage light in his eyes alone was enough to make Lana tremble. The memory of the retribution he'd promised her for another attempt at escape...
'He won't take me. I'll die before I go with him again!'
Lana locked the knife open with both hands. All she could do was fight.
"No matter. Now, you're coming with me, Avariya!" Corrin growled. "Drop that little toy and come quietly... maybe I'll shorten the beating you're due, just by a little, if you don't give me much trouble now."
Corrin's men spread out to surround her. Lana gripped the knife like a lifeline, planted her feet firmly on the deck. With all her attention directed at her foes, she failed to notice Zoro waking. He yawned, stretched and sat up, rising cross-legged as he surveyed the scene.
"I'm not coming with you, Corrin!" Lana scowled. She was visibly shaking, but she still stood fast. Her determination was apparent to Zoro at a glance. "There's nothing you can do to make me!"
"Come on, lockbreaker!" Corrin sneered. "We've been through this enough times already! You know the outcome! Just give it up before you earn yourself an even worse beating than you already have!"
He reached for her and she slashed at him, sending him recoiling with a snarl. Zoro smirked.
"Hey Lana!" he called. "Friends of yours? You should have checked with the captain before you invited them aboard."
"The captain, eh? That you?" Corrin asked, turning his attention to Zoro.
"Hmph. That's too bad. If you were, I could have struck a bargain with you for Avariya."
Lana sliced a grasping hand, sending one of Corrin's hired men scrambling back cursing.
"Sorry to burst your bubble," Zoro informed him, "But even if our captain was here, there's no way in hell he'd ever hand her over to you."
"You're confident you can speak on his behalf?"
Corrin's men were closing in on Lana. Her short, erratic attacks kept them at bay, but Zoro could tell that whatever meager training she had wouldn't be enough to save her. It was only a matter of time before her resolve, firm as it was, would be overcome.
"I am," Zoro announced. "And I'll only say this once: Get off our ship."
Corrin laughed and drew his cutlass.
"Take the lockbreaker, boys. I'll deal with her new friend."
The order given, Corrin's men descended on Lana all at once.
"Hey Lana! Don't let them overwhelm you," Zoro called helpfully, not moving from his seat on the deck. "Keep your focus, your grip and your balance!"
"I don't think I had any of those things to start with!" Lana protested from somewhere within the fray.
"If I were you, I'd worry less about Avariya and more about myself," Corrin warned as he advanced.
Zoro unsheathed Yubashiri by an inch, but otherwise remained rooted in place as Corrin approached.
Lana wasn't faring as poorly as she'd feared and a break in the scuffle afforded her a look at Zoro's situation.
"Zoro! Don't move! You'd better not- Ah! Hands off!"
'What's she so worried about, the stitches?' Zoro wondered. His smirk deepened.
"Come on, Lana, you think I need to get on my feet to take this pathetic sack? Don't make me laugh."
"Zoro! I'm serious! Don't you- Hey, watch it jerk!"
She was starting to get on his nerves. Nami had also been insufferable in the days following his injury and he was fed up with hearing about it.
"Don't order me around!" he snapped, eyes fixed to Corrin. The Seeker captain was almost close enough to cut down. "I don't need you or anyone else fussing over me like I'm some sick puppy!"
"Roronoa! Don't... you... dare!"
Lana rolled away from the tussling men, leaving her cloak behind as she planted herself between Zoro and Corrin. Zoro fumed. If she thought she could get between him and his adversary...
Lana panted, struggling to catch her breath while the men triumphantly restrained a figure wrapped in her cloak. She met Zoro's furious glare with fiery eyes of her own.
"Corrin is mine!"
Zoro's rage quelled and his eyebrows shot up as he realized Lana had no interest in keeping him off his feet after all. She just wanted to settle the score with her former captain herself.
"My mistake," Zoro chuckled, letting Yubashiri settle back fully into her sheath. "By all means."
"Corrin! We got her!"
The men proudly displayed their captive: one of their own comrades, battered, dazed and tangled Lana's purple cloak.
"You numbskulls! Avariya's right here!" Corrin raged.
"Quick moves and sleight of hand," Zoro observed. "And here I was, thinking you were pretty much totally untrained."
"I've trained alone. I never had the benefit of instruction," Lana admitted. "But don't think for a second I'll let that stop me from getting even with this scumbag!"
Zoro didn't think that, not even for a second. He could tell easily that Corrin wasn't a warrior. Not in the same sense as Zoro, or even barely trained little Lana. The man standing before them was just another bully trying to cow the world into submission with force and fists.
"Alright then, can I at least take out these other guys? Just sitting here watching is gonna bore me to death," Zoro groaned.
"Do what you want, I don't know any of these goons. Just leave Corrin to me."
Corrin's hired hands were just starting to get a handle on what had happened. They weren't the brightest bunch.
"Oh no! Orvil! We've killed Orvil!"
"He's not dead, dummy, you just knocked him out!"
"Me?! You're the one who-"
"QUIET!" Corrin roared. "Fools!"
While Corrin berated them, Zoro took a moment to correct his crewmate.
"Don't tell me you're gonna take him on with that."
Lana held up the knife like she'd forgotten she had it.
Zoro crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm not gonna sit here and say it's impossible for one to win a sword fight with a knife... just that you don't have the skills to pull it off," he sighed.
"Well, you're not wrong, but it's all I have," Lana protested.
"Open your eyes. Grab that Orvil guy's sword while these goons are squabbling."
"Then what? I've never even held a sword before! I have no idea how to use it!"
"The same is true of that knife. Pick up the cutlass. Training or no, it'll at least put your reach on par with your opponents'."
"I guess you're the expert," Lana admitted. She moved on the cutlass, drawing the collective gazes of their foes.
"Get her and let's get going!" Corrin barked, mobilizing his men.
Behind Lana, Zoro stood and drew a single sword.
"If you want your fight, take it," he told her. "I'll clear out the riff-raff."
Just the thought of Zoro's feet made Lana's stomach turn, but she had her own battle to face.
"Corrin! Let's end this!" she declared.
As Zoro engaged the others, Lana stared down the man who had sworn to hunt her to the ends of the earth. She pulled at the sash on her wrist, yanking it up her arm to fully reveal the mark she'd been branded with years before.
"Today... You're taking this mark back!"
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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she-karev · 4 months
Snowstorm (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev's Sister)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 16 Episode 15
Mental Health Resources: https://www.nami.org/, https://www.aacap.org/, https://www.dbsalliance.org/, https://afsp.org/
Summary: After their massive fight Amber works at the hospital during a blizzard when she finds out Andrew went on foot to retrieve an organ in the middle of the snowstorm. She and Carina visit him in his hospital room where he snaps at her again and kicks her out of their apartment.
Words: 2623
Amber’s feet crunch the snow as she paces back and forth outside the pit in her scrubs, fleece jacket and beanie to keep herself warm. She opted to go outside for some privacy to call DeLuca and reprimand him for what she considers an extremely dumbass move. A few hours ago, Carina called her up to peds where Alex told them that DeLuca volunteered to go out on foot to retrieve a liver for his dying patient. She didn’t tell him about what Andrew said to her the other night because she knew he would be angry and want to beat him up again. At the state Andrew is in he might put her brother in jail permanently just to spite her.
She breathes in the cold blizzard air through her nose that makes it stuffy causing her to become angrier. She waits for Andrew to answer her 20th call today but it goes straight to voicemail again causing her to curse under her breath. She doesn’t notice Jackson Avery approaching behind her blowing hot air into his hands looking to see how she is. Amber groans and decides to leave another message hoping he listens to this one and knows she means business.
“If your ears aren’t frozen off when you hear this then consider this your last warning Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca.” Jackson looks taken back by her harsh tone not seeing the look of fury on her face, “If your ass is not back here in this warm hospital in the next 30 minutes I will go out on foot, drag your frozen body back here where I will warm you up by setting you on fire!”
Amber hits the hang up button, “Wow and I thought Vic was angry on the phone.”
“I am not in the fucking mood Jackson.” Amber snaps at him, “If you came here to complain about your latest side piece fighting with you over the phone again, I suggest you turn around and deal with another frostbite that will be less ugly than I will be with you.”
Jackson holds his hands up in defense and walks up to Amber’s view where he can see that despite how angry she sounds she looks scared. He puts his hands down and rubs her arms to keep her warm, “I’m not here to complain about Vic again, given how you told me to screw off when I did, I know better now. Also, I can see how worried you are about DeLuca so I’m gonna let the side piece comment pass. Believe me I’ve been where you are when April went overseas but this isn’t that. It’s a hospital three miles away and as long as he’s bundled up, he’ll be fine. He’s just trying to save a little girl instead of waiting around for a miracle that might not come. He’s being a doctor like all of us.”
“He has bipolar disorder.” Amber tells him in a broken voice like a child. Jackson’s eyes shot up at that new information, “He’s manic like his father, he’s not being a doctor right now and he’s not the man that I love anymore he is a mentally ill person who is risking his life and not considering the consequence. It’s a textbook symptom.”
Jackson takes a beat before calmly responding, “Okay look I get that your mind goes to the mental illness angle because of the way you grew up but maybe you should take a second before accusing him of something he might not even have. You don’t have the right degree to diagnose him.”
“I grew up with mentally ill people all of my life.” Amber reminds him in a strained voice, “I know the signs of a breakdown when I see one Jackson. I saw it the other night when I confronted him and he yelled at me and compared me to my father.”
Jackson shakes his head in shock and looks at her offended by Andrew’s cruel comment, “Wait what? He did what?”
“Yeah, you heard me and it’s as bad as you think it is.”
Jackson turns angry at DeLuca for hurting Amber when she was trying to help him and it shows in his eyes, “I am gonna kick his ass.”
“I might beat you to it.” Amber sniffles, “I know it’s hard to accept help when you need it and I can’t force him like I couldn’t force my mom. I know he didn’t ask for this mental illness but the way he’s going its…”
“Frustrating?” Amber nods at Jackson’s suggestion, “Yeah you sound like me when me and April were having our problems. Does Alex know about this?”
“No nobody but you knows about this. If I tell him it’s gonna make him pity me and I can’t stand having people pity me. ‘Oh, the poor little girl with the crazy mom, crazy brother and crazy boyfriend’ I saw it in his eyes at the hospital after Aaron attacked me and I cannot do that again. God, I know he didn’t ask for this curse but I really hate Andrew for doing this to me. It sounds horrible I know.”
“No, it’s not you’re not horrible.” Jackson states kindly, “Your just tired and you’ve more than earned the right to be. We’re both doctors so we both know that it could have been the illness that said it and it doesn’t make him inherently selfish but it is selfish of him to bring you down with him and not doing anything about it.”
“I know, I know believe me I have recited that mantra with my mom, my brother and now…” Amber looks up at the dark sky in agony, “Is there something wrong with me?”
Jackson can immediately tell what she’s thinking and shakes his head, “No there is nothing wrong with you.”
“Because I feel like everyone, I love ends up bonkers in the end so I think maybe I’m cursed like I have a pheromone that drives people crazy and makes them attack me when I try to help.” Amber wipes a stray tear away, “If that’s the case I have the worst superpower in the world.”
“Listen to me.” Jackson grips Amber’s biceps to bring her back from that dark hole in her head, “None of that was your fault it was just…a few bad spins at the genetic wheel. You didn’t do anything wrong.” This makes Amber’s lips quiver as she’s near in tears, “This is not your fault.”
“Please stop.” Amber orders as she breaks out of his hold, “Hearing that there was no logical reason for this new mental case in my life doesn’t make me feel better. It just makes me feel like I am destined to suffer for life because of my family and the person I love. So just please stop consoling me because I will cry and I really hate crying and the person who made me cry and I can’t afford to hate you too please don’t make me hate you.”
“Okay, okay it’s okay.” Jackson rubs her arms and talks soothingly, “You’re not gonna hate me I promise. No matter what happens with DeLuca I’ll be there for you, you know that right?”
Amber nods knowing full well if she can’t trust Andrew to get help when he needs it, she can at least trust Jackson to be there to pick her up in the aftermath. Over the past 2 years their relationship has grown from wingman to friends to surrogate siblings. She never told anyone this but she considers Jackson a big brother taking Aaron’s spot when he’s not here. He does what Aaron would do in this situation, comfort her and reassure her that he is always in her corner no matter how awful she is to him.
Suddenly Jackson’s phone beeps and he looks at it with a worried look causing her to be curious, “What is it?”
“DeLuca is here right now.”
Amber’s relief is stalled as she has a question in the way, “Why did they page you for that?”
Amber quickly walks inside the pit with Jackson to find Carina and Andrew by the trauma room arguing in Italian. She sees the damage clear as day from Andrew’s hands that are frozen red, black and blue. The sight horrifies her but she keeps going with Andrew not giving her the time of day.
“Look will you all stop!” Andrew yells out in English, “I need to get back out there the pit is overrun it’s not that bad.”
“Oh god.” Amber throws a towel over his shoulders and opens the trauma room door, “Get in right the hell now before your fingers start to decay and fall off!”
“She says as gently as she can.” Jackson supports as he leads an annoyed Andrew inside the room, “In now.”
Andrew is still defiant while Jackson gets to work, “Everyone is overexaggerating okay? We’re taking away your resources from actual patients that need us. Stop.” Amber scoffs at Andrew refusing to see that his hands can’t keep still because they are still cold to the core. While she pinches the bridge of her nose Carina admonishes Andrew for his reckless behavior in Italian clearly pissed. Andrew responds back in his native tongue still insistent his condition doesn’t warrant concern. Jackson sends Simms to get the supplies to start defrosting his hands leaving them.
“Okay I don’t know what you are saying but I am guessing your still insisting on going back out there despite the fact your hands are still shaking not to mention blue, red and black.”
“Can you just stay out of this? I don’t need your help.” Andrew snaps at Amber who looks at him offended.
“You clearly needed it when you went out there in an 8-degree blizzard that left your hands frozen solid!” Andrew rolls his eyes at me that pisses Amber off more, “Meanwhile I was here calling you and worrying about you wondering if you froze to death!”
Andrew looks at her with a vicious glint, “Well, I’m sorry for trying to save a little girl while you pinned over me on the phone.”
Amber shakes her head in shock over Andrew trying to make himself into the hero and her into the villain. She pulls her hair back trying to rein in her emotions while Jackson worked on Andrew who is still insistent that he is fine.
“Stop this is ridiculous. I need to treat patients.”
“You’re not treating patients like this.” Carina tells Andrew frustrated, “W-Who are you gonna treat? Andrea you're not a doctor right now.”
“Can we get my sister out of here, please?” Jackson is too busy to listen to Andrew.
“DeLuca, I've been doing this all day, so I need you to listen close. If you do not let me treat you exactly the way I need to, you will lose one or both of your hands, and your future as a surgeon, okay? So sit tight, shut the hell up, and let me get you thawed out.” That stopped Andrew as he sat still while Jackson worked. Amber leaves the room feeling frustrated and not wanting to risk hitting Andrew while Avery tries to save his surgical career.
Two Hours Later
Carina and Amber walk side by side towards Andrew’s room looking to see how he is after Jackson defrosted his hands as best as he could. Amber spent that time working in the pit channeling her rage into treating patients and it mostly worked as she is calmer now but still angry at Andrew for risking his life without even talking to her about it. She makes a note to herself to bring that up later sensing that he is still raw and will probably snap at the first attack. They pass Jackson as he exits the room and see Andrew in bed in a hospital gown with topical cream covering his still blue and black hands.
“I’m not really in the mood for visitors.” Andrew bluntly states.
Amber inhales and exhales, “Look um I just thought you should know that Elisa is okay, she’s in the PICU and she’s stable…thanks to you. So, I just wanted you to know that.”
“I do know that.” Andrew responds coldly, “And I also know that if you'd had it your way, I wouldn't have gone out there, and that little girl would be dead. So, I guess you're thanking me for not talking to you first.”
Amber closes her eyes as she senses déjà vu from the night of their fight. It started with him refusing to see the error of his ways and ended with him saying that without him in her life she would have ended up like her father.
Carina steps in to try, “Andrea, we were just worried about you. Okay, this is just like when Papa-”
“I'm not him, okay?! I'm not him! For the first time in my career, I'm succeeding on my own, without anybody's help. Why can't you just be happy for me and accept that? Why-Why-Why do you always got to accuse me of-of not being well?”
Amber sighs and tries to make him see why they have concerns, “There is a history here Andrew-”
Andrew interrupts her with a comment that takes Amber by surprise in a bad way, “Okay, well I didn’t accuse you of having schizophrenia when you had a panic attack on our first date, did I?” Amber stands there with her eyes wide as they look hurt and shock by a new low Andrew achieved in their relationship, “You know what if your gonna keep badgering me and saying I have a problem then you should probably get out of my place!”
Carina tries to step in while Amber is still frozen in shock looking close to tears, “Andrea-”
“I asked you to leave!” Andrew continues not bothering to see how much this is hurting Amber, “I don’t need you here Amber!”
Amber can only respond in a broken voice, “You don’t mean that.”
Andrew keeps going still talking down to her despite his vulnerable state, “Your right, it’s not that I don’t need you, it’s that I don’t want you here, GET OUT!”
Amber takes a deep breath so she can keep her tears to herself to not give him the satisfaction. She promptly turns around, walks out the door and slams the door behind her as hard as humanly possible hoping it makes it clear that she is done with him just like he’s done with her.
That Night
Jackson sips his glass of whiskey ready for a good night’s sleep after about 10 hours of debriding frost bite. After his shift he ran into Vic and they made up not even remembering what their fight was about. She suggested they meet at his place but he said no saying he predicts he has a friend coming over tonight. Now he’s still up waiting for his friend to show up after the fight he heard outside DeLuca’s room. He hears a knock on the door of his penthouse causing him to groan softly but stand up. He walks to the door and as he expected Amber Karev is on the other side looking numb from heartbreak with a suitcase and duffle bag by her side. He looks at her in sympathy and simply takes her duffle bag indicating the answer to her soon to be asked question.
“I’m sorry Amber.” Jackson can only say with Amber sniffling.
“Can I crash at your place?”
“Of course, come in.” He opens the door and allows her in where she drags her suitcase with her and he closes the door.
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abbygrabska · 4 months
The Last Of The Time Lords
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One Year Later…
“Citizens rejoice. Your lord and master stand on high playing Track 3.” 
The doors open and the Master spins.
‘I Can’t Decide’ by the Scissor Sisters plays and he sings along.
He struts in and slides over to the table. He sits in one of the chairs and spins as Francine, in a maid uniform, serves him tea.
He runs up onto the bridge and begins ringing an old-fashioned ship’s bell. The Doctor crawls out of a tent that has straw on the floor. Beside the tent is a bowl that reads ‘Dog’.
I help him into a wheelchair, silently.
The Master shoves me away, pushing the Doctor around the room in the wheelchair ending up by one of the windows, “It’s ready to rise, Doctor. The new Time Lord Empire.” Some Toclafane spheres float by. “It’s good, isn’t it? Isn’t it good? Anything? No? Anything?” He waves his hand in front of the Doctor’s face, “Oh, but they broke your hearts, didn’t they? Those Toclafane. Ever since you worked out what they really are. They say Martha Jones… has come back home. Now why would she do that?”
“Leave her alone.” I glare.
“But you said something to her, didn’t you? On the day I took control.” The Master kneels down, “What did you tell her?”
“I have one thing to say to you. You know what it is.” The Doctor tells him.
“Oh, no you don’t!” He gets up and pushes the Doctor away until he hits a wall. “Valiant now entering Zone One airspace. Citizens rejoice.”
The Master claps his hands, “Come on, people! What are we doing? Launch day in 24 hours!”
The Doctor gives the signal to Francine.
A clock on the bridge reads 14:58. The Doctor and I look over at Francine and Tish. The master walks in, “Time for my massage. Who shall I have today? Tanya. Come on, sweetheart. Abby, have you met Tanya? She’s gorgeous.” He takes off his jacket and throws it onto the table, “Tanya, when we get to the stars, I’m gonna take you to Katria Nova. Whirlpools of gold.” He sits down.
Tanya begins to massage his shoulders.
“Condition red!”
“What the hell?” The Master goes up the stairs to the bridge.
“Repeat: condition red.”
Francine grabs the Master’s jacket and throws it to Tish who hands it to the Doctor. The Doctor takes out the laser screwdriver and aims it at the Master.
“Oh, I see.” He puts his hands up.
“I told you. I have one thing to say.” The screwdriver doesn’t work and the Master laughs.
The Doctor keeps trying the screwdriver.
The Master leans over, “Isomorphic controls.” He takes the screwdriver then backhands the Doctor, sending him to the floor, “Which means they only work for me. Like this.” He shoots the wall beside Francine, “Say sorry!” “Sorry. Sorry. Sorry!”
“Mum!” Tish runs to her.
“Didn't you learn anything from the blessed Saint Martha?” He picks up his jacket and puts it on, “Siding with the Doctor is a very dangerous thing to do. Take them away.” A guard forces Francine and Tish out.
“Okay. Gotcha.” He lifts the Doctor into a chair, “There you go, Gramps.” He sits on the edge of the table, “Oh, do you know, I remember the days when the Doctor, oh, that famous Doctor, was waging a time war. Battling Sea Devils and Axons. He sealed the rift at the Medusa Cascade single-handedly. Ooh. and look at him now. Stealing screwdrivers. How did he ever come to this? Oh yeah. Me!” He laughs.
“I just need you to listen.” “No, it’s my turn. Revenge! Best served hot. And this time… It’s a message for Miss Jones.”
The Master looks into the camera, “My people. Salutations on this, the eve of war. Lovely woman. But I know there’s all sorts of whispers down there. Stories of a child, walking the Earth, giving you hope.” He walks to stand beside the Doctor, “But I ask you… how much hope has this man got? Say hello, Gandalf. Except he’s not that old, but he’s an alien with a much greater lifespan than you stunted, little apes. What if it showed? What if I suspend your capacity to regenerate? All 900 years of your life, Doctor. What if we could see them?” He uses the screwdriver on him again, “Older and older and older.” Tears stream down my face silently, watching him write in agony. “Down you go, Doctor.” 
The Doctor falls to the floor. “Down, down, down you go.” He stops and there is silence, “Doctor.” He bends down to see the Doctor’s clothes lying on the floor, empty. Up by the neck a large domed head peers out with huge, blinking eyes.
The Master walks back to the camera, “Recieved and understood, Miss Jones?”
The camera stops recording.
“Tomorrow, they launch. We’re opening up a rift in the Braccatolian space. They won’t see us coming. Kinda scary.” “Then stop.” I say.
“Once the empire is established and there’s a new Gallifrey in the heavens, maybe then… it stops.” He looks at the Doctor through the bars, “The drumming. The never-ending drumbeat. Ever since I was a child. I looked into the vortex. That’s when it chose me. The drumming, the call to war. Can’t you hear it? Listen, it’s there now. Right now. Tell me you can hear it, Doctor. Tell me.”
“It’s only you.” “Good.” The door opens and a sphere enters. “Tomorrow, the war. Tomorrow, we rise. Never to fall.”
“You see? I’m doing it for them! You should be grateful! After all, you love them. So very, very much.”
“You should have seen it, Doctor. Furnaces, burning. The last of humanity screaming at the dark.” “There was no solution, no diamonds. Just the dark and the cold.” 
“All that human invention that had sustained them across the eons. It all turned inwards. They cannibalized themselves.”
“We made ourselves so pretty.”
“Regressing into children. But it didn’t work. The universe was collapsing around them.”
“But then the Master came with his wonderful time machine to bring us back home.”
“My masterpiece, Doctor. A living Tardis, strong enough to hold the paradox in place, allowing the past and the future to collide in infinite majesty.” “But you’re changing history. Not just Earth, the entire universe.” “I’m a Time Lord. I have that right.”
“But even then, why come all this way just to destroy?” “With me as their master. Time Lord and humans combined. Haven’t you always dreamt of that, Doctor?” He walks toward the Doctor, “Human race. Greatest monsters of them all. Night-night.” He walks out, the sphere following.
I reach my fingers through the birdcage, the Doctor grabs them.
I am asleep in a chair, across from the Doctor’s cage. The lights turn on.
“Guess what?”
“Citizens of Earth, rejoice and observe.” The door to the conference room opens and two guards escort Martha in. She walks forward alone. She smiles softly at me and the Doctor.
“Your teleport device. In case you thought I’d forgotten.”
Martha reaches into her pocket and throws him the vortex manipulator.
“And now… kneel.” Martha does.
“Down below, the fleet is ready to launch. Two hundred thousand ships set to burn across the universe.” The Master speaks into the comm. link, “Are we ready?” “The fleet awaits your signal. Rejoice!” “Three minutes to alight the black hole converters. Counting down!” A clock on the wall counts down the seconds, “I never could resist a ticking clock. My children, are you ready?” “We will fly and blaze and slice! We will fly and blaze and slice!” “At zero, to mark this day, the child, Martha Jones, will die. Ha, my first blood. Ha, any last words? No?” He looks at the Doctor, “Such a disappointment, this one. Days of old, Doctor, you have a companion who could absorb the time vortex. This one’s useless!” He looks to Martha, “Bow your head. And so it falls to me, the Master of all, to establish from this day, a new order of Time Lords! From this day forward…” 
Martha chuckles.
“What? What’s so funny?” “A gun?” “What about it?” “A gun in four parts?” “Yes, and I destroyed it.” “A gun in four parts scattered across the world? I mean, come on. Did you really believe that?” “What do you mean?” “As if I would ask her to kill.”
“Oh, well, it doesn’t matter. I’ve got her exactly where I want her.”
“But I knew what Professor Docherty would do. The Resistance knew about her son.” “That’s why I came to find you. Know your enemy.” “I told her about the gun, so she’d get me here. At the right time.” “Oh, but you’re still gonna die!” “Don’t you wanna know what I was doing? Traveling the world?” “Tell me.” “I told a story, that’s all. No weapons, just words. I did just what the Doctor said. I went across the continents all on my own. And everywhere I went, I found the people, and I told them my story. I told them about the Doctor. And I told them to pass it on, to spread the word so that everyone would know about the Doctor.” “Faith and hope? Is that all?” “No, ‘cause I gave them an instruction. Just as the Doctor said.” She stands.
“I told them that if everyone thinks of one word, at one specific time…” “Nothing will happen! Is that your weapon?! Prayer?!”
“Right across the world. One word, just one thought, at one moment… but with 15 satellites!” “What?”
“The Archangel Network.” Jack realizes.
“A telepathic field binding the whole human race together, with all of them, every single person on Earth, thinking the same thing at the same time. And that word… is Doctor.” The countdown reaches zero and a glowing field rings around the Doctor.
“Stop it. No, no, no, no, you don’t!”
I close my eyes, “Doctor.” “Stop this right now! Stop it!” “Doctor.”
“I’ve had a whole year to tune myself into the psychic netword and integrate with its matrices.” “I order you to stop!”
I open my eyes, the Doctor is back to normal. “The one thing you can’t do. Stop them thinking.”
The master is shocked.
Using the telepathic field, the Doctor levitates, “Tell me the human race is degenrate now when they can do this.” Martha runs to her family and hugs them. “No!” The Master fires a laser at the Doctor, but the field deflects it.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” “Then I’ll kill her!” He aims the laser at me, the Doctor throws it across the room telekinetically. Unarmed, the Master panics, “You can’t do this! You can’t do… It’s not fair!” “And you know what happens now.” “No!” The Doctor floats to the Master who backs away down the stairs, “No! No! No!” “You wouldn’t listen.” “No!” “Because you know what I’m going to say.” “No!” He curls into the foetal position.
The Doctor lands, walking over to the whimpering Master and wraps his arms around him, “I forgive you.” “My children!” “Protect the paradox! Protect the paradox! Protect the paradox!” “Captain! The paradox machine!” “You men! With me! You stay here!” Jack runs off with some guards.
The Master pulls out the vortex manipulator and activates it. The Doctor puts his hand on it and they both disappear.
“We’ve got all 6 billion spheres heading straight for us!” We all watch on the bridge as the spheres get closer.
The ship rocks as the paradox is destroyed.
I am thrown back only to be caught by the Doctor, who smiles.
“Everyone down! Time is reversing!” He falls to the floor, lying face-to-face with me and laughs.
Time slows and the Valiant stills.
The Doctor stands and checks the controls, “The paradox is broken. We’ve reverted back, one year and one day. Two minutes past 8:00 in the morning.”
He turns on the comms.
“This is UNIT Central. What’s happened up there? We just saw the President assasinated!” “You see? Just after the President was killed, but just before the spheres arrived. Everything back to normal. Planet Earth restored. None of it happened. The rockets, the terror. It never was.” “What about the spheres?” Martha asks.
“Trapped at the end of the universe.” “But I remember it.” “We’re at the eye of the storm. The only ones who’ll ever know.” The Doctor spots Clive, “Oh, hello! You must be Mr. Jones! We haven’t actually met.” The Master makes a break for it but is stopped by Jack as he returns.
“Whoa, big fella! You don’t wanna miss the party.” Jack turns to the guard, “Cuffs.” He cuffs the Master’s hands behind his back, “So, what do we do with this one?”
“We kill him.” “We execute him.” “No, that’s not the solution.” Francine aims a gun at the Master, “Oh, I think so. ‘Cause all those… things, they still happened because of him. I saw them.” “Go on! Do it!” “Francine, you’re better than this.” I tell her, taking her hand. She drops the gun and hugs me.
Martha takes her from me.
“You still haven’t answered the question. What happenes to me?” “You’re my responsibility from now on. The only Time Lord left in existence.” Jack goes to the Doctor, “Yeah, but you can’t trust him.” “No. The only safe place for him is the Tardis.” “You mean you’re just gonna… keep me?”
“Hmm. If that’s what I have to do.” The Doctor looks to Jack, “It’s time to change. Maybe i’ve been wandering for too long. Now i’ll have someone to care for.”
A gunshot ring sout and the Master staggers backwards.
The gun clatters to the ground, no one in sight.
The Doctor runs to the Master, “There you go. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” He lowers him gently to the ground. “Who was it?”
“I didn’t see.”
“Dying in your arms. Happy now?”
“You’re not dying, don’t be stupid. It’s only a bullet. Just regenrate.” “No.” “One little bullet. Come on.” “I guess you dont know me so well. I refuse.” The Doctor’s voice brakes, “Regenerate. Just regenerate. Please! Please! Just regenerate! Come on!” “And spend the rest of my life imprisoned with you?” “You’ve got to. Come on. It can’t end like this. You and me, all the things we’ve done. Axons? Remember the Axons? And the Daleks? We’re the only two left, there’s no one else. Regenerate!” 
“How about that? I win.” The Master pauses, “Will it stop, Doctor? The drumming. Will it stop?” He closes his eyes for a final time.
The Doctor holds the Master close, rocking back and forth as he cries. He screams in despair and loss.
Later that night, the Doctor lights the Master’s funeral pyre, with me by his side. We watch for a bit before walking away.
Back in Cardif, the Doctor, Martha, Jack and I stand at the rails by Pierhead Building looking out over the bay.
“Time was, every single one of these people knew your name. Now they’ve all forgotten you.”
“Good.” “Back to work.” “I really don’t mind, though. Come with me.” “I had plenty of time to think that past year, the Year Than Never Was. And I kept thinking about that team of mine. Like you said, Doctor, responsibility.” “Defending the Earth. Can’t argue with that.” The Doctor goes to shake his hand but exposes the vortex manipulator.
“Hey, I need that!” “I can’t have you walking around with a time-traveling teleport.” The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver, “You could go anywhere, twice. The second time to apologize.” “And what about me?” Jack asks, “Can you fix that? Will I ever be able to die?” “Nothing I can do. You’re an impossible thing, Jack.” Jack laughs, “Been called that before.” He starts to leave then turns back and salutes, “Sir, Ma’am.” He turns to leave again and stops, “But I keep wondering… what about aging? ‘Cause I can’t die, but I keep getting older. The odd little gray hair, you know? What happenes if I live for a million years?”
“I really don’t know.” Jack chuckles, “Okay, vanity. Sorry. Yeah, can’t help it. Used to be a poster boy when I was a kid back on the Boeshane Pennisula. Tiny little place. I was the first one ever to be signed up for the Time Agency. They were so proud of me. The Face of Boe they called me. Hmm, I’ll see you.” He runs cross the Plas towards the water tower.
I look between Martha and the Doctor.
“Can’t be.” “No, definitely not. No.” 
I laugh, “Oh, my god! Remember when we watched the Earth burn on our first trip? The Face of Boe spoke to me, said I was as clever at nineteen at as I was when we meet for the last time.”
“Last time? But he was alive when we met him then.” “I don’t know, maybe he means when Jack starts going by Boe.” I shrug.
My phone rings, it’s Wish.
“Hello?” “Hey, wanna meet up?” She asks.
“Same spot as before he regenerated.” She hangs up.
I look at my phone in confusion.
“Who was that?” The Doctor asks.
“Wish. She wants to meet up. I’ll see you in a bit.” I answer before walking off.
I walk over to Wish.
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She hugs me tightly.
“Okay?” I ask.
She pulls away, “More importantly are you? Year That Never Was?”
I look at her gobsmacked, “How do you remember that?” “I was there. You just didn’t see me.” She pulls out a Tarids key with part of a phone attached to it, “Jack gave it to me, or rather, Boe did.”
“Did you see who shot the Master?” I ask.
She winces, “That was me. Sorry. It needed to be done. Spoilers and all that. You’ll understand at some point.”
I nod, still confused slightly.
“Anyways, time to go.” She sighs.
“Anything you can tell me?”
“Uhmm…” She thinks for a second, “Yeah, you go blonde. Oh, and you’re gonna love Donna!” She smiles brightly before pulling something from behind her back and strapping it to her wrist. It’s a vortex manipulator.
“See you next time!”
She disappears.
I nod to myself, before going back to the Tardis.
Martha enters the Tardis and the Doctor peers around the central column.
“Right then!” He gets up, “Off we go! The open road! There is a burst of starfire right now over the coast of Meta Sigmafolio. Oh, the sky is like oil on water. Fancy a look? Or… back in time. We could… I don’t know, Charles II? Henry VIII? I know! What about Agatha Christie? I’d love to meet Agatha Christie! I bet she’s brilliant!” He notices Martha isn’t smiling and immediately sobers, “Okay.” “I just can’t.” “Yeah.” “Spent all these years training to be a doctor. Now i’ve got people to look after. They saw the half the planet slaughtered and they’re devastated. I can’t leave them.” “Of course not.” I smile, “Thank you.” I hug her, “Martha Jones, you saved the world.” “Yes, I did. I spent a lot of time with you thinking I was second best. But you know what? I am good. You gonna be alright?”
“Always, yeah.” “Right, then.” She kisses both of us on the cheek then walks out before coming back in, “‘Cause the thing is, it’s like my friend Vicky, she lived with this bloke, student housing, there were five of them, all packed in, and this bloke was called Sean. And she loved him, she did. She completely adored him. Spent all day long talking about him.” “Is this going anywhere?” The Doctor asks.
I slap him on the arm.
“Yes! ‘Cause he never looked at her twice. I mean, he liked her, but that was it. And she wasted years pining after him, years of her life, ‘cause while he was around, she never looked at anyone else. And I told her, I always said to her, time and time again, I said: Get out. So this is me, getting out.” She reaches into her pocket and tosses her phone to him, “Keep that. ‘Cause I’m not having you disappear. If that rings, when that rings, you better come running. Got it?” “Got it.” He nods. “I’ll see you again, mister.” She smiles and leaves.
The Doctor starts up the tardis.
He’s working a few of the controls when a ship’s horn is heard and something crashes into the Tardis, throwing us to the floor. I look up and see the bow of an ocean liner has broken through the wall.I let out a cough and wave a hand in the air to clear the smoke. “What the fuck?!” I spot a life preserver that reads ‘Titanic’.
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Chapter Thirty-Five
As she's waiting for the Time Lord to return, her mobile rings. "Oh, bl**dy h*ll." She presses the device to her ear, and leans back in her seat. "Hey, Jackaboy!"
"Where are you?" he asks, "You've been gone for an hour."
"Ah, right. Well, you see, the rift sort of stole me."
"Oh okay th– Wait, what!"
"Yeah, I was heading to get the food. One second I'm in the middle of Cardiff in 2007, next second, middle of nowhere in 1970."
Jack sighs deeply, "Right, do you know where you are now?"
"I found UNIT. If anyone can get me back it's them."
Jack snorts, "Maybe. I would've gone to Torchwood myself."
Sophie rolls her eyes, "I'm nowhere near Wales. The Doctor is working for UNIT right now, so, as much as I love you, I think he might be able to do a bit better than you."
"Fine, let me know if there's any way I can help, I guess."
"Aye, aye, Captain," she finishes, hanging up the mobile.
As she tucks the device back into her pocket, the Doctor once again breezes into the room, the Brigadier and Liz Shaw trailing after him. "Doctor, you can't just leave us to deal with the alien," Liz protests, "What if they come back?"
The Time Lord waves her off, "They're leaving, and not too dangerous anyway. They're gone by now."
"Still," the Brig starts, "That's not a reason to just run off," he grumbles.
The Doctor turns, and rolls his eyes, "I have my own issues to handle, Brigadier."
"What could possibly be more important than an alien invasion?" Liz asks, crossing her arms.
Sophie decides to take this moment, and clear her throat rather loudly. Both scientist and soldier turn to find her spinning in a chair. "Hi," she waves, smiling at them. The Brigadier sighs deeply, turns on his heel, and leaves the room. Sophie watches him leave, and shrugs. She leaps from the chair, and walks over to the scientist, and smiles, "Sophie McCoy, I'm an old friend of the Doctor's."
"Dr. Elizabeth Shaw," she states, taking it all in stride.
"Miss McCoy here has gotten herself stuck here, in 1970."
"So like you?" Liz asks, raising an eyebrow at the Doctor.
Sophie chuckles, before noticing the glare the Doctor is sending her way. "Not exactly like him. I was pulled through a rift that exists between time and space, and it deposited me here."
Liz crosses her arms, "How do we get you back then? Do you just go back through the rift?"
The Doctor shakes his head, "No, the rift could deposit her anywhere, if she even managed to get through." He shakes his head, begins to pace across the lab, "No, we have to figure a different way to get her back."
"Well," Sophie starts, "I would say we could use the TARDIS, but unfortunately you had to go and get yourself caught by the Time Lords," she shakes her head at him, but smiles all the while.
He rolls his eyes, "I also happened to save Jamie and Zoe." He then turns away from her, "We'll have to try something different."
"I could try to call a different you. Someone with a working TARDIS?" she theorises.
"As if they could possibly help."
Sophie crosses her arms, and raises an eyebrow, "And you can?"
He scoffs, "Of course."
"Great. How?"
He raises his eyebrows, and resumes his pacing, "I'm not quite sure yet."
She rolls her eyes, "Well take your time then I guess." She turns on her heel, and heads over toward the TARDIS. She pushes the doors open, and strolls into the time/space ship, feeling once again at home. She touches the side of the central console, and feels the ship rumbling. "I know, old girl, you don't like being tied to any one place any more than the Doctor. Don't worry, you'll get out of this eventually." She looks around the console room again, "I just hope I do, too."
The ship rumbles under her touch again, and she smiles. The doors to the box open with a squeak, and the Doctor stands there in all his glory, "My dear Miss. McCoy, you know I will do all I can to get you back home."
She sighs, and leans back against the console, "I know, Doc. It's just...it's a lot to take in. I'm trapped out of my own time, and have no way to get back."
The Time Lord steps toward her, and places a hand on her shoulder, crouching down to meet her eyes, "I will get you home."
She nods, takes a deep breath, and squares her shoulders, "Right, lets see what we can figure out." The duo exit the ship, and Sophie walks over to the whiteboard. "I guess our first course of business should be to list all of the different types of time travel we know, and could use."
Just as she uncaps the marker, a loud banging noise is heard from within a closet. The Time Lord and the human glance at each other. Sophie quickly extracts a sword from within her bag, as the Doctor approaches the closet.
He pulls the door open, and a disgruntled Time Lord steps out. He readjusts his robes, and tries once again to look respectable. The Doctor sighs, and steps back, gesturing for Sophie to lower her sword. Begrudgingly, she let's the blade of the weapon clatter against the floor.
"What do you want?" the Doctor asks. "I'm assuming that you aren't here to release me, and allow my knowledge of time travel to be restored," he muses, and walks away from the mysterious Time Lord visitor.
"No, my dear Doctor, I'm not here for that."
He sighs, "As I suspected. So why are you here then?"
Before he gets the chance to respond, Sophie speaks up, "You're with the CIA, but you're a new recruit."
The Time Lord's eyes widen, "How!"
She chuckles, "You have a time ring. Those are mainly used by CIA agents, but, you ended up in the closet, which definitely isn't where you meant to be. Thus, a new CIA agent."
The Doctor smiles, and places a hand on her shoulder, "Why are you here?"
The Time Lord snaps out of his shock, "Right. I've been sent on a mission, Doctor. I'm to assign you a task, straight from the head of the CIA."
The Doctor rolls his eyes, "Yes, because as I've become aware, my exile makes me some kind of galactic yo-yo."
"Uh, right," the agent says, "I can guarantee, if you accomplish this mission—"
"You'll return my knowledge of time travel?"
"I'll take Miss McCoy home."
"That doesn't seem quite fair," the Doctor sighs.
"I do," Sophie interrupts, "I think it's more than fair. What do we have to do?"
"Um, the Doctor must complete the mission, until it's completed, I'm afraid I must take you with me."
She takes a few steps back, "Hold up, I didn't agree to that."
"Again, I have to take you with me." He reaches out, and grabs her arm, "I'm really sorry about this, ma'am." Then, the world goes wibbly.
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pepsiwriteswords · 2 years
17. Acceptance
    “Okay, you’ve been chasing me around this gods-forsaken country for months now - was there something you wanted to ask me?”
    The human leans heavily against the wall, trying and not quite managing to rally up the challenging look she thinks they’re going for. “Join the crew.”
    Svea stares at them for a moment. She can think of several reasons not to do that off the top of her head, but she knows this human will only listen to maybe two of them. “Couple problems with that proposal,” she says when she’s decided which ones to bring up. “You’re not the one in charge and I’m a vampire.”
    Nakoa snorts. “I’m well aware.” They raise their chin and make a languid gesture at their throat, so she can see the neat little puncture marks from her fangs. 
    “Okay, so you know why living on a ship full time wouldn’t work for me.”
    They drop their chin again and wave dismissively. “There’s plenty of room below deck - and plenty of tasks to be done down there - for you to stay while the sun’s out. And Amnestria will be easy enough to convince - she’s already taken on Lakhesis, and I know she’d say yes just to keep me from running off every time we dock somewhere, if nothing else.”
    She rolls her eyes. “Ah, yes, a ringing endorsement of my character or skillset. How do you know I even have anything to offer as a crewmate?”
    “You’re a vampire. And not a new one, the way you carry yourself and talk about it.”
    “Not all of us go through a self-loathing phase. Maybe I’m just spectacularly well-adjusted.”
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure. The most well-adjusted person out there."
Svea sighs and steps back to lean against the wall of the building behind her, across from Nakoa. “Okay, but I could be a million years old and still know nothing actually useful for life on the water.”
    Nakoa arches one brow at her, putting their hands in their pockets as they let themself slouch against their wall. “Well, I’m pretty sure you’re not a million years old, and I have no idea how you’d manage to pick up no useful skills at all. But let me think a second…”
    Letting them have their moment, she looks out toward the street. It’s a little after midnight, if she had to guess at the time. There’ll be the occasional straggler, but it’ll be a few hours before the taverns start closing, giving her the best shot at another meal. Nakoa makes a wonderful treat, but that’s all they can be - she doesn’t want to kill them, both because she’s sure they’ve well and truly endeared everyone on that damn ship to them and she doesn’t particularly want any of them to come after her, and because she actually likes them. 
    Actually … “How, exactly, do you figure I’m going to eat, out on the sea?” she asks, not looking away from the street. “Your pup may be able to make do, but I need blood, and I’m sure your captain doesn’t want me draining any of her crew.”
    “I am also on the ship, you know.” A pause. “Also, rude. Be nice to Lakhesis, that was unnecessary.”
    She turns her head to look at them. “I couldn’t just feed from you. Not if you want to be functional.”
    “Okay, so how many of us would you need to feed from?”
    Humming softly, she attempts the mental math. “At minimum … four, on a rotating schedule, about two per week, so each would get time to recoup.”
    They give her a considering look. “For one, we can totally do that. For two … how much knowledge of the human body do you have?”
    “Um. Quite a bit, I suppose. Why?”
    Nakoa grins, standing straight, though their hands stay in their pockets. “Because I love Xareni and Zenith, I do, but they are shitty doctors. Also, they’re smart enough to be at least a little afraid of Jorina, but that means neither of them will tell her to go and take a break when she’s sick. Vampire trumps boatswain, no matter how badass.”
    Svea eyes them warily. “Okay … I feel like I should point out that you haven’t actually cleared this with your captain. Clear this whole venture with her - and whoever you have in mind for the other three bloodbags, while you’re at it - and let me grab dinner, and I’ll join.”
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fangurk · 3 years
Puppy Love (The Cullen Family x Child! Werewolf! Reader)
Y/n - Your Name
Y/h/c - Your Hair Color
Y/e/c - Your Eye Color
Y/f/c - Your Favorite Color
Y/f/f - Your Favorite Flavor
Prompt (given to me by @inrice): but could you do something along the lines of the cullens (mainly alice) takes upon the job of raising a werewolf!reader? who's a child of course.
Summary: Alice Cullen stumbles upon a very strange, very lonely child while out on a hunt and, in true Cullen fashion, decides to take them home. Nobody knows how to take care of a werewolf or a child, but when they put in a collective effort (and bring in the help of Bella) things start getting easier...
Warning: Is this kidnapping? It might be kidnapping, fluff, slightly angsty at some parts, AU because Caius is cruel, and potentially odd genderless terms of endearment.
A/n: family fic makes the brain go brrr. so like i didn't really know how to handle the whole werewolf thing because the twilight lore is so... bare... and i wanted to write more on the family parts so it's not like a real focus but it is mentioned quite a bit. I hope that's okay! /gen
Word Count: 1.2k+
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Alice wasn’t able to foresee you.
She simply stumbled across you one day on a hunt, your tiny body curled up at the base of a tree. You smelled so much of dog she almost mistook you for one, and then you looked up at her with big y/e/c eyes and she knew.
Carlisle wasn’t very happy when she brought you home.
“The Volturi will have a field day with this.” He says as he repacks his doctor bag. “The child is dangerous to have around.”
“But they're all alone, Carlisle. You said it yourself, they looked like they were out there for days— and I waited there with them until nightfall, no one came…”
Her shoulders fall and she looks at the door separating them from the rest of the family.
“Oh please just let them stay, we’ll all take care of them— if anything we’re better suited for it than anyone!”
Carlisle opens his mouth to protest but is interrupted by Esme opening the door, you asleep in her arms. All of his hesitance melts away at the sight, and at the sound of your small snores.
He sighs. “Fine, the child can stay— but we have to be careful.”
Alice nearly erupts with her joy, and Carlisle tries to hide a smile.
They give you a nice bedroom.
Rosalie, Alice, and Esme take an entire day to shop, nearly clearing out three children’s stores in the process. They build you furniture and they paint the walls a pretty shade of y/f/c; you now own more toys and clothes than a kid can possibly comprehend.
You spend the day with Emmett, the only Cullen boy who’s comfortable getting close to you, and he introduces you to the wide range of children’s cartoons. Your browsing ended with Crashbox, something that had the big man far more into it than you, but it was fun nonetheless.
“Want to see your room, Y/n?” Rosalie hums, poking her head around the corner and flashing you a dazzling smile.
The ladies let you wander around the new space, excitement brightening your features.
Emmett is still enraptured by the TV long after you’re put to bed.
Most days are good days.
Even if two of the family members seem a little afraid of you, you’re happy. You’re fed and clothed and loved.
But then there are bad days.
You wouldn’t eat. Nothing Esme made you was satisfactory and you were too upset and overwhelmed to let anyone know what you wanted; everyone tries to comfort you, even Jasper with his powers, but none of it really seems to work.
And then Edward comes home.
He left at some point during the crying and everyone figured that he was just bailing ship like he usually does when it comes to you. But, in reality, he somehow managed to get a cohesive reading of your mind and immediately went to someone who could help him.
“I brought Bella.” He says, gesturing awkwardly at his equally awkward girlfriend when five sets of frustrated eyes land on him.
“And I brought chicken nuggets…” The brunette human raises the bag up with a smile.
Everyone watches in confusion as you perk up a bit.
“Uh, here.” Bella crosses the room and places the bag down in front of you.
You open the bag and immediately start eating, sniffling but no longer upset. Every Cullen is reeling in shock.
“Well. What do you have to say to Bella?” Alice clears her throat, giving you an encouraging smile.
“Thank you, Bella.” You mumble, mouth full of food.
“Oh- it was actually Edward’s idea.”
You turn and thank him, beaming, and he gives you a crooked smile in return.
Afterward, Edward doesn’t really avoid you anymore.
‘Children of the Moon’ don’t pass their lycanthropy onto their offspring.
Alice doesn’t like to think about it, but sometimes the implication that someone bit and infected you consumes her mind and it makes her want to cry.
On the days they go to school, you do too.
They figure it’s good for you to spend time with other kids your age, and it seems to be. You always come home with crazy stories of playtime adventures and smelling of paint and crayons; the teachers love you, or more so the bright little woman who picks you up from school.
“Draw your family.” The teacher encourages one day.
You draw the Cullens.
When you proudly hand it to Alice when she picks you up from school, she lifts you up in a hug. Jasper frames your little drawing and puts it up next to all of their graduation caps.
The full moon is pretty horrific.
In order to keep everyone safe from your tiny claws, they keep you in the basement. For hours before the transformation, you just lie down there and wail-- you’re only little, it’s only fair.
Alice sits outside and talks to you the whole time, her voice wavering and her hands shaking.
She doesn’t move after the wails turn into howls, even if it would be safer to do so.
“Does Jasper hate me?”
You’re wrapped up in bandages, sitting on the picnic blanket with your adoptive mother and eating a sandwich too big for you as her husband pretends to do something down by the water. Alice is completely blindsided. They’ve sort of explained what they are to you, and you’ve kind of filled in blank spaces to the best of your ability, but she’s still unsure how to explain Jasper’s hesitance.
She doesn’t wind up having to.
“No,” He says, sitting down next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “I don’t. I’m actually quite fond of you darlin’.”
That alone seems to satisfy you and, over time, he loosens up a bit.
Jasper seems happier than he has in a while, listening to you talk about things little kids talk about, and Alice watches fondly with a smile.
One of them reads a story and tucks you into bed every night.
Most times it’s Alice, sometimes Jasper joins in.
Tonight is one of those nights. You’re clean and showered, dressed in a cute little pajama set, and nestled under the covers; she’s lying down next to you, Goodnight Moon open in her hands, and he’s in a chair next to the bed.
“... goodnight noises everywhere.” She finishes, smiling at your drooping eyes and lulling head.
Carefully, she unwinds herself from you and, with the help of her husband tucks the blanket under your sides. You tug your favorite stuffed animal close to your chest, y/e/c eyes closed, and a smile on your little face.
“Goodnight, y/n.” “Night, kid.” They each say, Alice bending down to kiss your head and Jasper opting to stand there and smile.
“G’night mom and dad.”
Jasper’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head and he turns to face his wife quickly.
Alice Cullen, the girl who forgot half of her life, never felt more whole than she did standing in your room, holding her mate’s hand, and turning off the light as the hushed sound of a cricket’s song filled the big house...
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shipsandlattes · 4 years
So I know everyone has already dissected this scene to its core, but it’s taken me a good 48 hours to digest this and I just needed to get it out.
I’m an aspiring actor, I’ve been training for a long time, with a lot of amazing teachers. I’ve watched a lot of shows and shipped a lot of couples. Some of them beautiful and canon, others, well, let’s just say waiting 22 years and counting for acknowledgement, closure, anything, it’s a damn challenge. I’ve seen a hell of a lot of will-they-wont-they’s, baiting, purposeful ignorance, deliberate fake outs, zero explanations, storylines that basically caused canon disintegration, the works.
In saying that, Dean and Cas were right up there on the list with the other “impossibles” because honestly, I didn’t think the writers would have the guts to do it, but I am so f*cking proud they did. It’s safe to say I’ve watched the scene a good hundred+ times already. 
I’ve seen a lot of “controversy” around Dean’s reaction/Jensen’s acting choices and whether or not Dean reciprocates Cas’ feelings, and obviously, I needed to add my own views to the mix.
Just work with me for a minute here.
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Dean Winchester is an emotionally repressed trainwreck, and ironically enough, the one that is so full of emotion it hurts to watch. When Cas first starts his speech, he’s confused, really confused because why on earth would Cas start off on a rant now? Billie’s waiting to kill them, he just said he knew something that was more powerful than she was, something that could save them. That’s where he thought this speech was going.
The confusion turns to realisation that it’s a goodbye when Cas starts telling him how incredible he is, how his entire essence is love. Go back and watch the scene again, when Cas says “you’re the most caring man on Earth”, you physically see Dean look down, his eyes searching, he’s actively trying to make sense of what’s happening, he knows what’s coming and you can see him coming to terms with the shock of the words being said to him. He then looks directly at Cas. That look, that was pure shock.
Also, notice how he doesn’t stop Cas from talking? He doesn’t interject, make a joke, doesn’t talk about how there is no time for this now, they’ve got to at least try and stop Billie. He. says. nothing. He listens, he listens like I’ve never seen Dean listen before. Because it’s sinking in now.
When Cas really starts crying, when he says “you changed me, Dean”, you can actually see the pain in Dean’s eyes. He’s no longer in control of his emotions, he’s crying too. He’s never seen Cas like this, so raw, and vulnerable and human. This is the hardest, most emotional conversation they’ve both ever had. They are talking about the one thing that everybody knows, but is never addressed. When it wasn’t talked about, they could deny it, live in the lie. Once it’s said aloud, it’s real and they can’t turn back.
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This above series of interactions is the part that kills me the most. The moment Cas says “because it is”, that’s the exact moment of realisation. Look at that last GIF, really look. He’s just worked it out, that he is Cas’ true happiness. He knows what’s coming before Cas even says it. Go back and watch the scene again, they pulled that off so well, the way the music swells at this exact moment. Jensen is giving us everything here, you can see what’s happening in his head - he is Cas’ happiness. He is the one thing on Earth Cas wants and thinks he can’t have. He is the reason Cas is about to die. He knows what Cas is about to say and he’s not sure he’s ready to hear it, not now, not like this. It’s almost a silent plea not to say it, because he knows. Of course he knows. It’s like he can’t quite believe Cas is really, after all this time, finally going to say it.
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And because obviously Jensen decided that that wasn’t enough to break us, the loaded reaction when Cas says “I love you” has me nothing but convinced that it’s reciprocated. Because Dean knows. He’s always known. Those tears, that head tilt, that gulp. He’s so genuinely confused that they’re really having this conversation. It’s like he can’t quite believe that this is the reality before him because he’s been living in that denial, in that self-loathing and unlovable layer he believes to be true. He’s been under the ‘what if... but it could never be’ umbrella for so long. 
What also makes this real is that there isn’t anyone else around this time. When “I love you’s” have been said before, they have always been able to deflect it, with other people or other words. Now it’s just the two of them. No deflecting, no running away. Dean is forced to hear it, to absorb it, to realise it’s for nobody else but him.
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Now, I don’t know if you guys felt this, but when Dean says “Don’t do this, Cas”, he wasn’t just referring to Cas sacrificing himself to the Empty, he’s telling Cas that he can’t just say this, not now, knowing he’s going to die, knowing that Dean won’t get a chance to think, to process, to say what he needs too. I keep staring at that GIF above, Dean is breaking down, I’m almost convinced that Jensen was using an “I love you too, please just stop this” inner monologue for this bit. Look at the way he’s looking at Cas before he realises the Empty has started materialising and turns around. That’s a look of pure heartbreak. Trust me when I tell you, it’s really hard to keep those inner thoughts inside if you’re so in the moment - actually, don’t just take my word for it, read any acting book, ask any actor, it’s so hard to keep that in and sometimes you don’t, and sometimes you do - it’s in both the resistance and the letting go that the gold happens. This my friends, is gold. 
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Did anyone else hear “Cas, I-”, well, regardless of whether or not it was an “I” or a very sharp breath, the outcome is the same. Dean’s gone into immediate panic mode. The Empty at one end and Billie at the other, and all poor Dean wants to do is gather his thoughts on not what to say but how to say it. I don’t think he comprehended just how little time he had, he was so focused on what was being said that the reality of the situation caught him completely off guard.
Also, I know this post was about dissecting Dean’s reaction, but can we sidebar a minute to talk about Cas as he pushes Dean out of the way? He’s sobbing, he’s fully crying. That hit me really hard, I’ve never seen Cas cry like that, I’ve never seen Misha get to play that level of emotion before and it was the most heartbreaking thing to watch since The Doctor and Rose and Buffy and Spike, to which by the way, I find many parallels between those couples and this scene.
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Speaking of crying, that brings me to this: Dean slumped on the floor, ignoring a call from Sam, sobbing his heart out knowing he’s lost everything. Dean-I’m-emotionally-unavailable-Winchester is sobbing. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t recall ever seeing Dean cry like this before either, the sobbing was so evident and piercing in that silence. The look around the room, the burying of his head in his hands, that is a classic writers romantic love trope if I’ve ever seen it, they really pulled out all the stops with this one.
So, to summarise, I think Jensen’s choices and Dean’s reactions were absolutely and utterly perfect. They both did it so well that it didn’t break from character that these two emotionally distant and repressed men are in love and finally voicing it. Jensen barely said two words and still managed to cause mass coronary’s across the fandom. That my friends is what you call a brilliant actor. I bow down to the talents of these two amazing human beings.
Before I leave this novel, I have to say there are now a few things I’m going to need from the powers that be to not screw this up, help me manifest this:
1. Dean gets to reciprocate his feelings to Cas in person. So, I’m gonna need Cas back and a very emotional Dean.
2. Dean to be actively dealing with heartbreak in the next episode (unless they decided to bring Cas back that soon, which I wouldn’t put past them at this point).
3. Sam to confront Dean about his feelings for Cas, because out of everyone, he’d be the one to hit Dean with the truth of his fears. Sam knows. Sam is supportive. Sam sees it all.
4. I’m gonna need some physical affection, cause after 12 years of nonsense, we damn well deserve it. A hug, and not just any old reunion hug, a proper, this is different now hug. A kiss because hello, in love out loud now. Forehead touching, handholding, really gonna need the works here.
5. A happy ending for the two of them, one way or another. We’ve never had one, it’s time.
Okay, have at it now, let’s speak these into existence please.
Note: GIFs are not mine, I did not make them, credit to owners who I’m not sure of, but they’re beautiful, thanks for making them. EDIT: I’ve just been informed that these gorgeous gifs belong to @michaeldean​ and @inacatastrophicmind​! 
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mystery-star · 3 years
Waiting for you - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: mentions of injury and death
Words: 1838
Star Trek universe: AOS
A/N: Just a lil thing I wrote because I haven’t written (at least for Spocko) in ages. And didn’t feel like writing on a series.
“She’s here. She’s here” you heard someone shouting beside you and looked around and finally you could see the Enterprise approaching in one of many tunnels above you. You smiled and stepped forward a little and waited for the crew to dismount. When you saw the first of them, your smile got broader and you got onto your tiptoes to look out for your husband. Not many people of the Enterprise had someone waiting for them and those who did seemed overjoyed. It made you look down for moment because you had a feeling that Spock wouldn’t greet you like others greeted their loved ones. Finally, you could see him and slightly raised your hand, hoping he’d see you. When he did, he came straight towards you, stopping half a meter in front of you
“(Y/N)” he said “What brings you to Yorktown?”
“I’ll give you three guesses” you replied and just threw yourself around his neck “I’ve missed you, Spock” you breathed against his skin and he hugged you back slightly.
“Am I therefore right to conclude that you came here in order to see me during my shore leave?”
“Right” you let go of him but only that you could kiss him. He cupped your face and kissed you back. At some point his hand found yours, slowly stroking his first two fingers against yours. But then he pulled away from you all of a sudden, just holding your hand. You turned around and saw two older Vulcans behind you.
“Commander, might we have a word? Alone?” you wanted to ask why you couldn’t come when Spock threw a glance at you and squeezed your hand
“Do you mind?”
“Just be quick” you pecked his cheek “I’ll be waiting for you, okay?” you handed him a keycard of the hotel where you had booked a room for you both. He gave a nod, then let go of your hand and followed the two men. With a sigh you looked after him and returned to the hotel, knowing he would be clever enough to find it when he was done.
But he only came when it was dark and you were already in bed, reading a magazine on your PADD.
“Have you been waiting with sleeping until I return?”
“Well, you got some days of shore leave, then I won’t see you for another two years. I want to use every minute with you that I can” he gave a nod and sat down on the bed, placing a device on the nightstand. “What did they want?”
“I will tell you in the morning”
“Alright” you put the PADD aside and stretched yourself a little before sitting up, crawling closer to him and wrapping your arms around him again, kissing him. “We now have better things to do, don’t you think?” he kissed you back and placed one of his hands in the small of your back, pulling you closer while he ran his other hand over the side of your face. After the kiss he leaned his forehead to yours and you bumped his nose with yours. “Did you have fun out there on the mission?”
“I have written and called you three times per week, as we have agreed on, and informed you about what you call ‘adventures’ and have also answered each question concerning them I was allowed to answer”
“Well yes but your last message was two days ago. I need a recap of the past two days. Or retell me your favorite mission. Doing it face-to-face is much better” you pecked his lips. He gave a nod, pulled you into his lap and started telling you how the Captain had attempted to make peace between two species that didn’t work out as planned. Then he went on to their arrival to Yorktown and suddenly his communicator beeped “Tell me that’s your private comm”
“It is not” he leaned forward to get it and you just wanted to stop him but let it happen with a sigh. Placing you back on the bed, he gave your hand a squeeze, took the comm, opened it and left the room. With a sigh you fell back on the bed, glancing to the PADD and considering if you should continue reading but then looked at the ceiling, repeating everything you had planned to do with Spock in the following days in your mind. Soon Spock returned and you sat up with a smile but his words ruined it “I must go”
“Go? Go where? Aren’t you on shore leave?”
“I am. However, there is a matter that requires my assistance”
“What is it?”
“I cannot tell you much but I must leave Yorktown”
“You’re shitting me”
“I do not joke”
“But… but… will you at least get that time off later on? How long will you be gone?”
“I suppose it should not take longer than 36 hours”
“Oh well…. Then you owe me yet another debriefing upon your return” he gave a nod, came closer to put his comm on his nightstand and pecking your forehead.
“Please make yourself a pleasant day tomorrow”
“Okay. And then I’ll be waiting here for you… again”
But Spock didn’t come home the evening or morning after he had left, so you decided to make yourself another nice day exploring another area of Yorktown. In the late afternoon, you suddenly heard how the station went on alert and after looking around you saw that a swarm of tiny ships tried attacking Yorktown. Around you everyone was in panic, screaming, rallying kids and running away while you stood there frozen, staring at the many little ships on the other side of Yorktown.
“We have to leave. Come. Now” someone next to you shouted, pulling on your arm
“Can we go somewhere safe? Like a… bunker?”
“A bunker on a Starbase?” the man started laughing slightly and shook his head.
“Or can we do something? Something to help? Is there a defense station or militia? Or help evacuate people?”
“That’s Starfleet’s business” as if on cue, there was an announcement, informing the public that there was an attack and that you should not panic. You let out a snort and watched how the people around you seemed to panic even more. You looked around and finally saw a security, officer, going over to him.
“Excuse me, Sir?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll all be safe, just stay calm and…”
“No, I wanted to ask if I can help something.”
“Yeah. Weapons, evacuate people or something” he looked at you, considered it a while then said he’d have to check it out. But before he could return, they managed to somehow blow up all the small ships. Somehow you couldn’t believe that this was everything and sure enough, there was another announcement informing the public that a great part of the ship had been destroyed but that three of them had gotten into Yorktown but that they still had the situation under control and would do everything to stop them. For some reason, you found that three ships hand entered Yorktown almost worse than the initial attack. Because you knew there probably wasn’t much you could do unless the ships came to that part of Yorktown, you sat down in a café, ordered a drink and watched the news on the big screen that gave a permanent update on the situation at the other end of Yorktown. Not even 15 minutes later, you heard that everyone was out of danger and the intruders had been rendered harmless. After a sigh, you finished your drink and then returned to the scene of the action, maybe there now was something you could help, like tidying up damage or helping the wounded. You stayed there and helped until it was dark and the volunteers were sent home, so you returned to the hotel. But you didn’t get far and the receptionist called you over.
“You are (Y/N) (Y/L/N), right?”
“That’s me, yeah”
“I have message for you, from a doctor Leonard McCoy”
“I know him. He’s the doctor on the Enterprise. What is this message about?”
“He lets you know, that your husband… Commander Spock will spend the night in Yorktown hospital”
“Ho-hospital? They’re back? What does he have? Is it bad? Can I visit him? When did they get back?”
“He only told me that so you know where your husband is and in case you wish to see him. I don’t know anything else” you nodded and with a thank-you you ran out of the hotel, to the hospital, where you had brought a few people earlier today. You went to a visitor station to register your visit and once you knew where your husband was and that he currently could be visited, you rushed to the elevator and then to his room. When you saw Spock lying in bed awake, you let out a deep breath and moved closer.
“Spock” you breathed, not sure what to say and having a hundred questions at the tip of your tongue. "How are you?” was the first you asked
“I am well, (Y/N). The doctors insisted I stayed the night to ensure that my condition does not become worse” you nodded and came closer, taking his hand, pressing a kiss to it as you sat down on the edge of the bed. To your delight, he squeezed your hand.
“What happened? To you, I mean?” he explained how on the mission his side was impaled by a piece of metal and that McCoy didn’t have the correct equipment to properly treat him. “At least you’re safe” you ran your free hand through his hair. “When did you even get back?”
“4.2 hours ago”
“That was… that was when the attack happened” he agreed and said it was them who played a great role in stopping them. “Oh so that big ship that destroyed the central plaza was you, the Franklin?”
“And what about the Enterprise?”
“She has been destroyed”
“Oh no. What about the crew? Are they safe?”
“We have not yet been able to ascertain who has survived the attack on the Enterprise and who lost their life, however, I am certain that at least 350 people have survived”
“Out of 428 that’s still a lot that could have died”
“Besides, I also know of at least 16 casualties from the crew” you gave a nod
“And what now? I mean is your mission over? The Enterprise is gone”
“We do not know yet but it is certain that we will remain her for longer than the originally scheduled 12 days of shore leave”
“Well, then we got more time to do something as long as we’re here. And I get to see you longer. Ha that visit was worth it” you leant down to kiss his forehead. “Now we just gotta make sure you’ll be on your feet as soon as possible because I have lot planned for the next days”
Taglist: @softsapphicideals
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: gun violence, hospitals, blood
A/N: besties, i-...just read the warnings (slight spoiler: the angst will be resolved)
Chapter 21
“How exciting is this! Last day of kindergarten today and then your seventh birthday party tomorrow!” you exclaimed, “My baby is growing up way too fast.”
You squeezed Jo tightly.
“Okay, I’m going to drop Jo off and then I’ll pick up the cake from the bakery, go grocery shopping, and get the decorations,” Spencer kissed you as he held up Jo’s backpack for her to slip her arms into.
“Don’t forget Mrs. Flynn’s gift. She had to put up with 20 rowdy kids for a whole year, the least we can do is give her some cookies and a gift card to Target,” you said.
“Got it,” Jo patted her backpack.
“Goodbye, my loves,” you gave both of them one last kiss before they exited the front door and you finished getting ready for work.
At the end of the day, Jo came marching out of the elementary school in the usual class line. You and Spencer came running up to her.
“There’s my big kindergarten graduate,” you bent down to hug her with Spencer following suit.
“I got a diploma,” she beamed, holding up the piece of paper with her name on it.
Josephine Y/L/N-Reid
Her officially updated birth certificate name.
“We need to frame this and put it up right next to Daddy’s PhDs,” you smiled.
“I think this occasion calls for a milkshake,” Spencer lifted up Jo.
“It most certainly does...and fries,” you agreed.
You had a row of picnic tables at the park all decorated with balloons, streamers, and dinosaur tablecloths. You and Spencer woke up extra early to make sure everything was ready for the time of the party.
You both had been repeatedly taking trips back and forth home to bring everything to the park that you needed. Jo’s friends from her class would be there as well as the BAU.
As people started to arrive, you handed out party hats to everyone. Derek attempted to sneak past you.
“Ah ah ah,” you held your arm out to stop him, “No hat, no entry.”
“Even Hotch is wearing one,” you pointed to Hotch sitting at a table with Jack, wearing a bright pink party hat.
“Fine. Gimme the green one,” Derek sighed.
Jo and her friends were having a blast. You ordered enough pizza to fill everyone up completely but luckily, the kids ran it off playing tag on the playground.
“Okay, cake everyone!” Spencer shouted to gather everyone around the central table as he began to light the candles.
Jo took the end seat with the biggest grin on her face and you stood behind her. Derek and Penelope had their phones out to record and take pictures.
Spencer picked the cake up and took a deep inhale, signaling that he was about to start singing, “Happy Birth-”
BANG. You didn’t even know what was happening. You quickly pulled Jo behind you, shielding her from whatever made that loud noise.
Then, you felt something warm seeping down your front. You looked down to see your white shirt quickly darkening into red.
Spencer dropped the cake on the ground, running over to you, “Y/N!”
You fell to the ground just as he caught you. You could hear the muffled sounds of screams, kids crying, and people running away.
“Hey, eyes on me! Eyes on me, okay? You’re gonna be just fine,” Spencer was grappling at your torso to find where all the blood was coming from.
“Where’s Jo?” you panickedly asked.
“Penelope has her. Hotch called an ambulance, it’s on its way, baby. Just stay with me,” he pleaded.
“Spence, it hurts too much. I’m sorry,” you cried.
“No, Y/N, please. Jo needs you. I need you. I can’t do this without you,” he sobbed.
“You’re the best dad ever, Spence. I currently have a mug being shipped to the house that says so,” you feebly attempted to laugh, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Spencer whispered as the ambulance pulled up with its sirens wailing.
As you were being loaded into the stretcher, you caught a glimpse of Jo crying into Penelope’s shoulder.
“Spence, stay with Jo,” you whispered.
“What? No. I’m coming with you,” he said.
“She’s really scared, Spence.”
“Y/N, this is not up for debate. You were just shot. I’m not leaving you. Penelope will bring her to the hospital waiting room,” Spencer insisted, getting into the ambulance.
Everything went dark after that.
Spencer was nervously bouncing his leg up and down, blankly staring at the hospital floor. Everything around him was a monotonous hum.
“Reid...Reid...Reid!” Derek snapped him out of his trance, shaking his shoulder.
“Penelope is outside with Jo now and she’ll bring her in in a second but we need to get you cleaned up first,” Derek said, guiding Spencer to the bathroom.
Spencer looked down at his clothes. Whatever emotional state Jo was in right now would definitely not be eased by seeing her Daddy covered in Mommy’s blood. Derek helped wipe all the blood off Spencer and then handed him a spare pair of sweats from his go bag.
“W-What happened?” was the first thing that Spencer said as they returned to the waiting room and Derek texted Penelope that it was all clear.
“Hotch and Rossi are at the scene trying to figure that out now. We think the unsub was actually aiming for Jo but Y/N blocked the bullet,” Derek stated.
“Oh god,” Spencer put his face in his palms until he heard a familiar crying growing louder.
“Mommy! Daddy!” Jo wailed.
Penelope was also teary-eyed but Spencer could tell she was trying her best to hold it together for Jo’s sake. She transferred Jo into Spencer’s arms. Spencer tucked the little girl into his chest.
“Is Mommy okay?” she sobbed.
Spencer looked up at Derek and Penelope before looking back down at his daughter, “I don’t know, baby, but the doctors are taking real good care of her.”
Jo continued to cry into Spencer's chest for about a half an hour until she lost all of her energy and fell asleep. Spencer looked down at his daughter’s puffy red eyes. How could he possibly give her any more bad news on her birthday? You had to be okay. You were supposed to be the perfect little family. This was supposed to be his happy ending.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” a surgeon called out.
“Right here,” Spencer spoke softly and slowly stood in order to not wake Jo up.
Derek and Penelope stood right beside him.
“Ms. Y/L/N suffered a bullet wound to the gut. However, the surgery went well and she is expected to make a full recovery,” the surgeon announced.
“Oh thank god,” Spencer let out a huge exhale that he didn’t even know he was holding.
“She has lost a lot of blood so she’s not awake yet but you are welcome to wait with her if you would like. She should be up within the hour,” the surgeon informed Spencer.
Spencer nodded his head emphatically.
“Garcia and I are going to head back to the BAU to confer with the rest of the team. Text us with any updates,” Derek patted Spencer on his back.
“Right this way,” the surgeon guided Spencer to a room down the hall.
There you laid in a hospital bed, still managing to look beautiful after nearly dying and a multiple hour surgery.
He took the seat beside you, still cradling Jo in his arms.
About 20 minutes later, Spencer’s eyes snapped up to meet yours after he heard a little movement coming from the bed.
You opened your mouth slightly to speak but Spencer beat you to it.
“Marry me.”
“Am I alive?” you closed your eyes again, blinking really hard, and then opening them to still see the same scene in front of you.
“Yes, Y/N, you are luckily very much alive and I don’t want to spend another second not being married to the love of my life. I stupidly let you go once and I am not going to let that happen ever again. You and Jo are my whole entire life, there's nothing more I could possibly want. So, I am asking you…”
Spencer grabbed your hand and slipped the ring off your index finger, then he knelt with Jo still asleep in his arms, clinging to his neck, “...if you will do me the greatest honor of spending the rest of our lives together. Y/N, will you marry me?
“Yes,” you cried as he slipped the ring back on to your index finger.
“I promise I’ll get you another ring as soon as we’re out of here,” Spencer said.
“Shut up and kiss me, Spence,” you cupped his cheeks, pulling him towards you until your lips connected.
“Mommy?” you heard a meek voice ask from between you both.
“Hi baby. I’m so sorry I scared you like that,” you said.
Jo untangled herself from Spencer and wrapped her arms around your neck.
“It’s okay, Mommy, as long as you are okay.”
A/N: i got multiple crying headaches while writing and editing this chapter
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