#deer safety
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typhlonectes · 9 days
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DANGER: Elk calving season has begun in Yellowstone National Park; Be aware of your surroundings!
Cow elk are much more aggressive toward people during the calving season and may run toward you or kick.
Stay alert. Look around corners before exiting buildings or walking around blind spots: cow elk may bed their calves near buildings and under cars.
Always keep at least 25 yards (23 m), or the length of two full-sized buses, from elk.
If an elk runs toward you, run away. Find shelter in your vehicle or behind a tall, sturdy barrier as quickly as possible.
Attacks can be unprovoked and unpredictable.
You are responsible for your own safety.
via: Yellowstone National Park
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beehtml · 5 months
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J.T. REALMUTO | 01.09.2024
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fluffle-writes · 3 months
Fanmade entry based on the game Home Safety Hotline (my recreation of the UI isn't perfect but it's close enough lol.) To make the image I just mushed together some stock images and applied a bunch of shading layers and filters until it looked distorted enough to hide all my mistakes
WARNINGS: Horror, body horror, unreality, metamorphosis, referenced child harm
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Text and separate image UTC
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Deerfolk have the stature of bipedal deer, and t heir 'arms' appear to be almost human in structure, tipped with long, scythe-like claws. Their eyes also give off a faintly red glow. Looking at them for too long seems to warp a person's perception of their surroundings. Male Deerfolk often have antlers whereas female Deerfolk lack them.
Male Deerfolk are more aggressive, however they rarely hunt humans outside of winter months. They do pose a threat to pets and livestock year-round, leaving them as empty corpses on the outskirts of forests after any hunts.
Female Deerfolk have a peculiar behaviour where they may target human children, feeding them berries or flowers over the course of a week, which triggers a metamorphosis in the child that will eventually transform them into a young fawn.
Evidence of transformation may be higher amounts of energy, thicker hair, abnormal nonverbal behaviour, abnormal screaming when outdoors, insistence to go into the trees, and (in males) development of lumps around the top of the head or temples.
Deerfolk can be repelled by nailing a horseshoe to the outside of your house, as well as applying a capsaicin spray around the outskirts of any forested area near your home.
In the case of infected children, the change cannot be reversed, and it is advised that parents either release it into the forest or contact HSH pest removal services to handle the removal of an infected fawn.
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parkeryangs · 3 months
felix woe.begone deer motif. y'know.
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nando161mando · 7 months
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Who are you protecting?
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #KeepMasksInHealthCare #maskup #WearAMask #covid #covid19
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the-owl-tree · 8 months
something that rubbed me the wrong way abt the sister’s was the fact that they’re supposed to be seen as oppressing men and it’s just such a twisted, backwards and unnatural society!!!1111!1 been a while since I’ve read sqh and haven’t read tree’s roots to be fair, but like isn’t their whole thing independence and spiritual connection to the earth and finding your own path?? tree’s just mad these hippie milfs won’t let him be a bum so he found cats who will and he makes it the problem of literal children
Had me up onto the "won't let him be a bum" part. Nothing wrong with wanting to stay with your family and continue receiving help/safety/food/etc., definitely doesn't make you a "bum".
Their belief is that "sisters sing to the stars and brothers talk to the land", toms are sent out to wander because of their connection to the land and are meant to protect it. (So no, they do not think Toms are lesser.). So while yes, there is an explicit spiritual reasoning to what they do, it still can be argued that making six moon old toms leave even when they don't want to is wrong. Which yeah sure it is if they were real. But they're not! This isn't a real group, the characters aren't real people doing this and in a serious which has been so vehemently misogynistic, the "what if toms didn't have it easy??" narrative is laughable.
Like this group exists within a series that has posited that it is a woman's duty to give birth and raise children (and if she doesn't want to, she's a heartless abusive bitch), that frequently kills off its female characters to fuel the male character's arc or give them some emotional man pain for a bit, and when they do live their arcs frequently revolve around romance or children. The Sisters are not "misandrists" or whatever, they're just another trope of the authors shitty skewed views of women. Tree's novella has him frequently pointing out how ~unfair~ the Sisters are and one of the bigger plot points is him meeting his True Loving Father who is dismayed at his Bitch Mate.
It doesn't help the fandom conversation around them is insufferable (but quite frankly a lot of that is a broader issue of people on Tumblr conflating words. Equally annoying but a bigger conversation than just kitty cats).
Anyways, there's my Sisters rant. Can we please think a little more about this group and how they're treated within the narrative, as well as the authors track record when it comes to female characters in this series. Please.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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I guess Jared hasn't quite gotten home to take his nap, yet! LOL!
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hauntedcorn · 8 months
Tips on avoiding deer collisions
I've been out amongst the corn and the deer more than ever this year and I've come to know more about deer than I even knew there was to know about deer. I've learned to recognize when and where deer are most likely to walk out onto roads and how to avoid hitting them. I wanted to share my tips in case I can help someone else, and possibly even save a life.
Please note that this advice comes from someone who lives in the Midwestern United States, so it may not be 100% applicable to people living in other environments. This also focuses on whitetail deer and may not be applicable to other cervids.
I will also be sure to make a follow-up post if I notice any particular behavioral patterns during the rut this year that I feel should be addressed. Remember that the fall rutting season is when deer are most active, so be especially cautious.
Tip #1: If a collision seems unavoidable, DON'T SWERVE
I get it, no one WANTS to risk totaling their car and hurting a deer all in one go. As much as we have an instinct to swerve, doing so can cause you to:
lose control of your car
flip your car
swerve into oncoming traffic
hit unexpected deer 2-5 that are following deer #1 (more on this later)
Many insurance companies will also NOT cover damages that are caused by swerving for a deer, but they WILL cover damages caused by hitting a deer. Sometimes hitting a deer is simply unavoidable.
TIP #2: There are ALWAYS deer!
Deer are theoretically crepuscular, which means that they are mostly active at dawn and dusk, but this isn't a rigid rule! On a similar note, they are most likely to spend their time near trees, but not always.
I have come across deer on the roads at the expected times of dawn and dusk, but I have also seen them on or near the roads at noon, 3 PM, 5 PM, etc. They can surprise you! I can't tell you how many times I've thought to myself "ah, there won't be any deer in this place/at this time" only to see several of them. Sometimes I've seen them in the middle of corn fields, in the middle of the day, fairly far away from trees.
An important thing to keep in mind is the fact that any vegetation that is about 4-5 ft in height can conceal deer shockingly well, especially if they're bedded down. Pay attention to the sides of the road if there is any tall foliage, ESPECIALLY at night. Corn is particularly great at hiding deer. Remember that deer have excellent camouflage. They can appear and disappear very, very suddenly. A deer will run into the woods and be out of sight within seconds.
Wherever you are, there are deer nearby. Wherever you are, whenever you're there, a deer can run onto the road.
In addition to the fact that there are always deer, there is almost always more than one deer. If you see one, more are nearby.
TIP #3: Be extra cautious at night and LOOK FOR EYESHINE!
While deer can be active at any time, they are much more likely to be out around nighttime. Again, their camouflage is astoundingly good, so sometimes the only way to notice them at night is by their eyeshine. Keep your brights on as much as you safely (and legally) can. Even if you can see the road itself well, using high beams will help you catch eyeshine from farther away, with a wider radius.
Avoid speeding at night as much as you can, especially if one or both sides of the road have tall vegetation. If you get ANY kind of funny feeling that you should slow down, trust your intuition.
TIP #4: What to do when you see deer near/on the road
If you do manage to spot a deer standing on the side of the road before they've crossed, what you do next depends on whether or not there is another car close behind you. If there is, the best thing to do is to keep driving and make NO changes in speed, lights, etc. You don't want to spook them onto the road!
If no one is close behind you and you see deer near the road or already crossing it ahead of you, slow down as much as possible and stop if you can do so safely. If they're crossing the road, give them space and let them cross on their own.
If the deer are standing there and staring at you without moving, flashing your brights a few times will usually spook them enough to make them run. They don't always run in the most sensible direction. If they're at the side of the road, they may very well run across it once they're spooked. Be aware of this and be sure to give them as much space as you can when you're trying to get them away from the road.
This is where it's important to remember that deer are rarely alone. If you flash your lights or honk at deer, don't drive immediately after the road is clear - there could very well be more deer out of sight who will come out onto the road. This is true when deer are crossing without encouragement as well. They often cross in a single file line, so be sure to wait a few seconds to make sure that ALL of them have crossed.
TIP #5: Build your deer karma!
This piece of advice takes more of a spiritual approach, so feel free to skip this if you don't believe in that sort of thing. All of the more practical tips have already been covered.
Whitetail deer are clearly not threatened by extinction whatsoever. They are overpopulated in most of the United States due to a complete lack of large predators. They are, however, often disrespected by humans. Their habitats are degrading and shrinking, and many of their populations are suffering from disease due to their overpopulation. I would say that most humans see them as lesser than most other animals. They're seen as little more than products.
I believe in, and have seen evidence of, something I call "deer karma." People who have a true awareness of deer, people who love and respect them deeply, run into far less trouble with deer collisions than folks who see deer as creatures that are far beneath them. You can build deer karma simply by respecting them as animals whose lives have inherent value. Remember that they have their own thoughts, feelings, and personalities just like any companion animal. If you hunt deer or eat them, do so with respect and acknowledge the life they gave for you. If you aren't a hunter, you can build respect for deer by expressing some condolence to roadkill deer. Just think of them as you pass, and try to express some sympathy for them.
One very basic thing that everyone can do is to research how to avoid harming wild deer inadvertently. Don't feed wild deer, don't pet wild deer, and don't set out salt or mineral licks if you live in a state where Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is present.
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rambleonwithrosie · 10 months
PSA for protecting yourself in public places!
Be an owl.
Owls will make themselves look more threatening than they are when in danger.
I know we're children of the internet and half of this site is on the spectrum or just has crippling social anxiety but save your life and speak with confidence if some creep is talking to you. Don't shrink. Don't try to be small. Be unapologetic and tell them to stop and be loud. Make a scene. A little embarrassment is worth surviving a potentially hostile situation. This is your permission to be rude.
W - White Lies
I'm one of the most honest people I know and lying is contrary to my belief system but there are exceptions (Rahab lied to save the spies in the Bible) so i feel fudging if you have to to save yourself is acceptable. So have that "fake phone call" (or use voice memo to send a real message so someone DOES know the vital info like location and eta to your destination) tell the creep you're on your way to visit your dad. Don't tell the creep you're alone even if you are. BS it. And I personally feel bringing Dads into the conversation is better than boyfriends because well they can't really argue with you having a dad like they can about whether you have a boyfriend or not.
I know all my spectrum kids out there are like "I would rather die" but if you make yourself do it you might save yourself from actually dying. Confident eye contact slashes your chances of becoming a victim significantly. I was fortunately taught this as a child and so I instinctively square up when I feel in danger. We had this campus group who went around in costume especially during homecoming week. I was walking alone and two of the costumed spirit members came up to me trying to scare me (not sure if for laughs or serious threat) and i stared them down and didn't flinch when they made some scary noise so this even works if you can't SEE their eyes. Just square up look them up and down. Make eye contact. Talk to them (put the curt professional tone on them. Just the iciest voice you can manage talk to them like you came there to fire them from their job) If you look them in the eye they'll think you're confident and they'll also know you know how to identify them in a lineup
In conclusion don't be like a frightened deer in headlights
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Be bigger than you are and make unsettling eye contact like an owl
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or my personal favorite embodiment of self defense persona
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Be a frilled lizard. Act like you came there to fuck THEIR shit up today.
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mustiels-art · 2 years
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woah its John Doe from chainsaw man!!! (Not real, sadly)
Tried out drawing my chainsaw man tabletop oc in the csm anime's style. It was a fun exercise, I think it came out pretty well.
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absolute-eyesore · 1 year
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Recent commission for @sickened-things for its personal use. Lots of fun to work on, especially the icon image. <3
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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babylonbirdmeat · 5 months
Anyways which one of you is donating piles of magazines to Arkham Asylum so John Doe can do art therapy after he's captured
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finelinens · 1 year
hope you're all doin okay :) rough morning for us all i think haha but while driving just now i saw some deer with their little fawns and some horses with a baby foal so that made me feel very good. i've also been reading frankenstein for the first time (recently discovered that gothic horror is definitely one of my fav genres!) and this passage felt very pointed
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mary shelley looked all of us in the eye and asked if we've ever considered logging off and going outside
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Whoever drew the bdubs moon big at my school and hung it up in the hallway.
Your amazing. I don’t know who you are but it gave me a heart attack in the hallway and it looks fantastic
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bladling · 8 months
about to go on this trip and i forgot my comfort plush at home im actually so upset
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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