#def a cheshire cat
paper-lilypie · 2 years
Okay so I was a bit late to reading chapter 3 but OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD!! The emotion, the writing, the characterization- I AM GOING TO THROW. A. FIT. Rolling around on the floor just to dispel the excitement this chapter summoned. RISE!
Anyways, the way you portray Moon is just PERFECT! The hesitation, the frustration, the short and simple answers that lead into more questions- he reminds me of the Cheshire Cat, in a way, because his defining factor is his smile and the fact that he’s so….vague. Also the bells and the hat? Touching. Eating away at my heart and then moving onto my lungs. Simply beautiful.
Fazbear Entertainment: ….improved technology and made leaps that society has never seen until now???
Literally MMMMMMMMMM it’s almost 5am and I am SALIVATING so so so worth the wait. As a fellow writer, the way you use words and write dialogue is simply stunning. SUPER impressed, keep it up!!
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​haha yeah I like this ask a normal amount
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bugbxyjunk · 1 year
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n3onwraith · 3 months
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I forgot to post that I drew Needles! You can't tell, I haven't made the HC doodles comprehensive yet, but hisbneedles hide under his skin and eject when needed, like those spike traps but millions of needles!
I'm gonna put all my HCs below the cut just to spare yall
He's def a natural redhead to me, but bleached it a lot before becoming an avatar
Technically, this would only be his human disguise thing. Full eldritch is reserved for attacking ppl and defense, which is rarer than attacking people, and in that form he's all lanky with all his needles out all the time like a fucked up longhorse and pincushion had a baby and it got possessed
He just has no sense of pain most of the time, at least related to intrinsic issues. Getting stabbed or shot hurts, but when his bones constantly break as Eldritch Needles or when his limbs fall off (like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas) he doesn't feel all the pain, just a tinge or a pinch
Can remove his needles from his skin, but their 'slot' stays open until he puts them back or replaces them (like shark teeth, he grows them but can also swap them out for found ones) and he uses that to sew himself back together as needed
Lots of piercings, most home-done. Really only his lobe and one of three cartilage rings is professional, he did the rest as an angsty teen for fun
Was turned as a late teen/in his early twenties, and therefore his disguise stays looking that age because that's the only way he really remembers who he is and what he looked like. Eldritch Needles is just a fucked up skinsuit really, a puppet for what he needs to do, and Needles himself can't remember or guess what he would look like by now (bones, probably, with his luck, but he was taken as an avatar/eldritch in the 90s/early 2000s so realistically only around 40-50 or so)
Got in a ton of accidents as a kid, always was and always is banged up somehow
Flashes his needles and puffs up on instinct when things piss him off, has to stop himself from doing it around people
A gifted kid for the institute who ended up being neglected outside of schoolwork and what he could do (projection?)
Glitters in the sunlight even with the needles put away. Its just bcs he's got so much metal in him and the sunlight catches the slots weird enough to glint briefly
The jacket reacts the same way his hair and needles do, like an external organ, but it's only due to it being part of his avatar influence shit and its not actually a part of him. It goes dormant when removed or unwanted
Like a hedgehog hair-wise, it's harmless and like regular hair until it's Needle Time (TM)
Easily offended/angered, as seen in the 911 call, and likes to fuck with people. I'd guess older sibling if he had any, but the kind where you matured too fast and then slowed your roll so late you were the immature one (projecting)
Likes to be colorful but in a dull way. Washed out colors just suit him better in his opinion and let him express himself without drawing attention to himself and the fact he's not quite human anymore
Gap teeth <3 Wanted to get braces as a teen but didn't, still pissed about it because now he can't and it doesn't matter since hes not human anymore anyways. slowly learning to like the gap when his angel fangs don't get stuck in em
Didn't draw it but he has snake bites too, just rarely wears them. It's either angel fangs or snake bites but never both because they tend to snag for him
A parallel of both Nikola and Michael, kind of. He's got little bits that Norris, Chester and Augustus would recognize if they ever met him, like his speech pattern and penchant for never giving straight answers, but he's got his own thing going on more than the parallels ever could be.
Rip off Cheshire Cat. Alice in Wonderland, the animated one, was his favorite movie growing up for the colors, and when he got older for the story
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love-islike-abomb · 5 months
Roman reigns x y/n
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"hysteria when you're near!"
I don't know what this is... It was just a random idea🤷
Warnings: fluff mainly but some hints of smut, errors I may have missed.
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @mzv11 @marchm-langdon @msbluehaz3 @mandeelemons @niknakbucks92 @pittieprincess22 @queengreenarrowmia89 @vintage-pvssy @weirdgirl16355 @windhamsrotunda
Drew and I's breakup had been a mutual thing. Neither of us thought the relationship was really going anywhere. It'd been almost 2 years and he had just started dating someone while I just kinda kept working on me and when the right person came along I'd know.
Solo had been trying to set me up with people but I wasn't interested... At least not in any of the ones he tried. Solo had started to catch on that I had a crush on his cousin. I tried to hide it as best I could but Everytime I saw him I smiled like a Cheshire cat. Even the other female wrestlers had noticed and they all would giggle along with me. We were like a bunch of school girls with a crush on the quarterback.
Solo finally approached me one day "spill it y/n! How long have you had a crush on my cousin?" He said crossing his arms in his usual pose. For a split second I froze but I knew eventually it was gonna happen "a while" I said fidgeting with my hands.
"how long is a while?" He asked.
I sighed heavily "6 months"
I looked up at solo amd noticed his eyes were looking at something else. I turned around and behind stood the very person I had just been talking about. I swallowed hard "how long have you been standing there?" I asked unable to look him in the eye. "Long enough to know you've had feelings for me for 6 months and never told me" he smiled.
"I'm kinda shy" i said. He lifted my chin with his finger "I don't bite...hard" he winked at me. "Y/n he's had a crush on you for a while as well but you were with Drew and he didn't wanna come in between you and you said you were gonna work on yourself. You never told any of us you had a crush on Roman" solo said.
"like I said I'm kinda shy and I didn't plan on it to happen it just kinda did. I see him out there In the ring and I know it's in character but Everytime he says 'acknowledge me' I wanna say 'yes da- um..."
Roman looked at me with that trademark smile and leaned towards my ear "baby girl I'll show you just how daddy I can be!" He growled. I bit my lip before turning around and looking at solo "thank you" I smiled and walked away catching up to Roman.
"so I wanted to officially ask you y/n... " He said "will you be my girl?"
I smiled "absolutely"
He smiled, turned around, put his finger up in his usual one pose and said "acknowledge me"
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yazthebansheek · 2 months
day 6.draw one of the Crp clowns/jesters! + Headcanons! (Candy Pop)
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He is 7’2
Loves eating candy.
Will have psychotic sugar rushes sometimes and then pass tf out.
Yk he has that man spread ass sit bro💀💀
Honestly really childish 
Long ass tongue…
Ayo what can that tongue do 🤨😏
Def likes Jason in that way.
Bisexual…AND BIPOLAR!!!!
Likes to annoy, scare, and piss people off for fun.
Careless, reckless, ruthless and sadistic. 
Prankster + jokester 
Kind of narcissistic / over confident.
Kinda hard to offend/anger.
Doesn’t like people seeing him in his night terror form.
100% horny 80% of the time.
He doesn’t really care about gender. If he can fuck he will fuck.
Whore. absolute fucking slut. Cock slut. Loves pussy. Loves cock. Sluttiest thot in this motherfucking bitch. Cunty thotty slutty whore.💀💀💀💀💀 (I can’t take myself seriously bro)
Doesn’t wear make-up. That’s legit js his face.
Sharp ahh teeth like boy-
Waaaaayyyyy too over protective of his sister, Candy Cane.
One of the best bff’s you could ever have, Nathan is Lucky.
Ofc his bestie is Nathan, it’s literally Canon!!!!<3
Kinda gets jealous easily? Mostly when he doesn’t get attention or gets attention absolutely stolen from him.
Loves to be the center of attention 
He uses black magic, dark magic, demonic magic, voodoo, witchcraft, whatever cursed/dark magic you can think of, he does it or has done it.
List of things he loves: #3. Jason. #2. His sister. #1. His hair!!!!
He loves his hair more than anything, a bitch even think about touching his hair he will backhand them so motherfucking hard they forget how to speak.
He doesn’t really like judge angels. Why? Because most things related to a fucking angel, he hates. He has never really met her though so….He just always judges a book by its cover honestly. 
Him and LJ fight a lot, but they can get along together sometimes.
His father figure? Oh hell yeah, y’all know it’s Papa Grande. Fuck slenderman, ain’t nobody like that old bitch.
Upside down crosses everywhere. <3
He likes bright colors.
Jason will have this man in a corset sometimes like holy shit???!
He’s a mini fashionista and also Jason’s model/inspiration sometimes.
Coming in contact (touch) with some holy objects or angels will cause him 3rd degree burns😘🩷  and he just doesn’t really like holy water, but it won’t burn him.
Bibles and some holy shit makes him weaker, but in a more painful way. Which usually makes this man screech in pain<3333 I’m such a sadist 🥰😇
He doesn’t like angels or people in most religions 
He likes to play dress up/other games with sally, sometimes LJ and Jason will join too! 
Whenever playing Alice in wonderland with Sally, he’s the Cheshire Cat.
He’s a top obvi!!!
he can enter and exit through mirrors as he pleases. 
He can teleport
Likes to hang around the pasta kids because they lure in unsuspecting worried adults (aka free prey for Candy ;))
Candy, Pop, Poppy, Night, Poppyseed, C.pop, whore, Hatsune Miku, Raspberry fairy demon, Hatsune Miku demon jester, fairy princess jester demon, Slut, bestie, clown, raspberry, creepy blue clown bitch, night terror, night terrors, cluster demon, the collector, emperor of the dark, dark emperor, the dark omen, demon from the abyss, abyss demon.
He can steal other people’s powers, supernatural strength and speed, he can jump high, adapt to his environment quickly, really good sharp senses, enhanced visuality, and can phase through walls (ghosting)
Manipulation, teleportation, dark architect, power gifting, mind control, mastermind, nightmare manipulation, shapeshifting, magic (mentioned b4), levitation, invisibility, soul absorption
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avocado-writing · 8 months
feel like demon aziraphale would go HEAVY with the nicknames,, whether in a teasing or casual or intimate way,, just so very familiar,, every other sentence is spliced or punctuated with a ‘love’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘doll face’, ‘sweet thing’, could see him being cheeky and annoying and going at nightingale and angel Crowley with a ‘sweetcheeks’ or ‘babycakes’, but at the end of the day he is def a terms of endearment bitch,, who definitely loves getting called them right back even tho he probs denies it,, call him dear or love or some personalized nickname back and that demon is getting the slightest little giddy blush and a smirky-smile he can barely suppress. bonus points for 1. hearing that shit in michael sheen’s naturally lower voice and 2. thinking about in a bedroom context 🫠
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YOU. I like you
“Needy little whores, huh? Begging for daddy’s cock?”
you usually laugh at the audacity of him calling himself “daddy”, but right now? when you and Crowley are on your knees in front of him, desperate and whimpering, and as he fucks himself with his own hand? you’re utterly buying into it.
“yes,” you choke.
“please,” Crowley begs. gosh he looks angelic like this, all sweat-soaked and vulnerable. knowing the two of you will look after him.
Aziraphale’s pupils blow dark. a grin creeps to his lips, Cheshire-cat like, practically taking up his whole face.
“go on then. work for it; put on a show for me.”
you grab Crowley’s face in your hands and press your mouth to his. you’re not exactly kissing as much as you’re tangling your tongue against his, lewd and wet. it’s done entirely for the pleasure of the viewer - and it works. aziraphale strokes himself faster, grunting in the back of his throat.
“fuck. that’s it. fuckin’ beautiful. come on, put those pretty mouths on me.”
you do immediately. Crowley runs his tongue up Aziraphale’s sac, you take his cock down your throat. you feel him reach down and caress your faces with one broad, thick hand on each of you.
“gorgeous,” he mutters. he looks at you with adoration tinging the hunger in his eyes. oh, how he loves you both. your demon.
to be kneeling before him is heaven.
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jq37 · 4 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 5
Attack of the Rage Mages
Welcome back to the Report Card where the Bad Kids are ready to fucking fight dude! Even the battle episodes this season are super beefy and I am having a crazy busy week so I’m going to do my best to try and strike a balance between giving y’all all the key details and being efficient. 
To remind you guys of the setup: The Bad Kids have just been portaled to the Synod Mall by Adaine who was working there when Cassandra (there with Kalina to pamphlet) suddenly cried out in pain and started expelling crystal shards that are turning the mages that interact with them into beefy rage monsters who are attacking indiscriminately.
Also, a detail I didn’t mention last recap but is relevant in this one, hanging from the ceiling, kinda looking like the one in Grand Central Station, is a shifting interdimensional clock (since people visit the Synod from lots of places/dimensions and need to know their specific time). 
OK, that’s everything you need to know! I’m gonna do this fight in bullets and focus on just the key points, and then jump into the things that matter more in the thoughts section. Onward!
Adaine clocks the crystals as being from the school of Enchantment. She uses Dimension Door to get Kristen right next to Cass who is getting bigger and more pissed. She’s even MORE pissed when Adaine asks Kristen if she should hit her with her sword. 
Cass tries to cast Hold Monster on Kristen (ow) and Fig dispels it. Cass is also not happy about that and her skull flashes to her Nightmare King form for a moment. 
Fabian clocks that things are about to get real and then does a TON of very cool, very impressive combo fighter/bard stuff. Everyone is playing really mechanically smart this episode but I have to say, he especially impressed me. 
Riz checks the clock and sees that even though it’s only been a few seconds in the Synod, it’s been like 40 minutes in Spyre. Fabian checks in with the Hangman telepathically so he can do damage control and Fig wonders if they can use the clock to go back in time and not be late for the party. 
Kalina goes invisible but Adaine can see her with her Divination powers and can see that her eyes are slitted and narrow and her tail is twitching. 
Several of the red crystals have infected mages at this point and after Riz goes, using Tasha’s Hideous Laughter to distract one of the mages, the crystals whisper Cass’s name and the mages who aren’t distracted go for her. 
Fabian attacks one (an attack of opportunity I believe) and Brennan notes as he slices them that they seem to have way more blood than usual under a lot of pressure, which is odd enough that I wanted to note it. 
One of the mages does a whirlwind attack that hits Kristen, Adaine, Kalina and Cass. Cass and Kristen have at least this in common: they both fail the save and take the full 30 points. Cass yells for the mages to stop attacking and the red within her glows brighter.
Fig uses Suggestion to recruit one of the uninfected mages to help by Counterspelling anything harmful cast on Kristen. Luckily, Conor Counterpsell happened to be at the mall that day and is now at her service! She also hits Cass with a bardic saying that they’re there for her and that she doesn’t think she’s scared so much as pissed which is totally valid. Very rock and roll. 
Cass commands everyone to get back and does a wave of necrotic damage to everyone around her. It seems a bit indiscriminate–even Kalina is hit which she wouldn’t usually do on purpose even as the NK. 
Gorgug asks for an insight check to know if the crystals here are in any way related to the crystal in Lydia Barkrock’s chest that is keeping some evil at bay with her constant rage. Brennan gives a surprised but pleased Cheshire Cat grin. No roll necessary: they’re def related in some way. These pulse and move much more rapidly though. Hers pulses like a heartbeat. 
On Kristen’s turn, she gives Cass a heartfelt apology about dropping the ball in general and missing this meeting specifically. She says she didn’t realize she was supposed to be here this time and she understands Cass being upset. Because this is season 3, I don’t even need to tell you what Ally rolls on this Persuasion check. But I will, because that’s what a recap is. 
On Kristen’s Nat 20 (this is why she keeps getting gods despite her track record), Cassandra is instantly calmed and brought down to her regular size. She expels 7 more of those shatter star crystals and she’s bleeding and scared. She clearly internalized what Fig told her though because she also says that she’s pissed. All she wanted was to help! The red in her pulses as she says, “It isn’t f–” She doesn’t seem to be able to get out the word “fair”. And she sees that she’s freaking out Kristen with the red pulse so she tries to calm down. 
Round 2 (Breaking This Up Because Tumblr Hates Big Text Blocks)
Adaine summons a mall cop but even a wizard mall cap is still a mall cop and thus, useless. Adaine offers to Dimension Door Cass away but Cass wants to stay and fight. “How are they back here?” Cass says about the stars. “I thought you were dead.” (On an Insight check, Kirsten doesn’t think that this is NK related).  
Adaine has her coolest moment of the episode here (imo) where she casts True Strike and Steel Wind strike and then attacks again and again and again with her Sword of SIght doing 41 damage each to 4 of the stars. Brennan narrates it as the hits being foretold by her divination. It’s very cool and I’m glad Adaine can do melee attacks now. 
Kalina turns back visible as it looks like the battle is turning in their favor. She shoots Riz  a low, playful , “Hey Riz,” because of course she does. 
It’s now Cass’s turn. She’s back to herself, she’s a goddess, it looks like she’s about to end this fight super early into the runtime. But then…
OK, things go bonkers for a sec. Stick with me. 
Cass thanks Fig for the advice–seemingly utilizing her Bardic. She’s about to do some kind of Mass Dispelling. But then Fig starts to feel all weird and hot and her stomach gurgles. A fire elemental who I assume is on autopilot offers Fig a sample of shrimp and, for SOME REASON, despite her stomach feeling weird and them being in PITCHED COMBAT (Ally’s words lol), Fig takes a shrimp. The plate flips which starts a series of Rube Goldberg ass events that end with Cass choking on a piece of shrimp/having an allergic reaction (a thing that can apparently happen to a god) and going unconscious. At the table, the Intrepid Heroes are baffled except for Emily who is laughing hysterically. 
Riz notices a drip of tartar sauce on Fig's shirt and finally realizes that she’s exhibiting some real Gilear behavior. He puts together that the effect that Cass didn’t save from (hmmm) was somehow connected to Fig giving her Bardic. 
Fig quickly explains what happened with her unlocking something to help with the Night Yorb fight in ep 1 (she calls it an ancestral curse which is funny bc she’s not blood related to Gilear. Diversity win! This ancestral curse recognizes that non-traditional family structures are still just as valid!). Conor Counterspell is like Y’ALL there is a FIGHT happening to try and get them back on task. Before she does though, Fig (and Adaine) see a vision of the gleaming, golden Pride armor from the Bottomless Pit that Gilear wore back in SY. A voice says, “It was not yours to take” Ominous! Adaine’s vision has a fun Oracle bonus: Fig in the Pride armor, years in the future, causing Gilear-esque bullshit to happen on an apocalyptic scale. Goofy yet still ominous! 
Adaine almost gets all raged up by a shatter star but she saves. Conor gets hit (much to Emily’s dismay) but he doesn’t turn on them. Put a pin in that. 
Kalina yells for her mistress as she goes down but then also gets hit with a shatter star. Before the rage overtakes her she struggles to get out last words to Riz, “Ragh Barkrock.” And then she doesn’t grow, but she becomes very still. 
Fabian is still VERY shrimp party focused and wants to try and use the clock to turn back time or something similar. He climbs up and sees a vision of an old version of himself lamenting the fact that he never got to be a maximum legend. Now he’s even MORE party focused. He tries to get the wizards to fight on the premise that they finally have the chance to beat up some jocks but they refrain because they know the rage mage’s are possessed and not true jocks. Welp, worth a shot! 
Kalina gets the shrimp out of Cass’s throat to bring her back up which is enough time for Cass to give a hazy, “Kalina,” before her familiar says, “I liked you better as the Nightmare King” and slits her throat. Cass drops to zero. 
Riz casts Compelled Duel on Kalina and Adaine uses a portent roll to make Kalina fail her save. He then hides. Some attacks happen, Kalina vanishes–away from Adaine’s 10 feet of vision but still within range of Riz because of the Compelled Duel. 
The mages attack, dropping Kristen. Cass does a TON of saves and only fails one with a Nat 1. But that’s enough to trigger her partial transformation. She comes to, once again getting huge and riddled with red light through her veins. 
Fig brings up Kristen. Cass gets even bigger and redder. She’s furious, but not at them anymore. She looks like she wants to murder Kalina. Kristen, with decent Insight, sees that the Rage is giving her power but it’s making her unstable. This isn’t like healthy embracing of valid emotions, this needs to be stopped. 
She jumps on Cass’s back and says, “There's plenty of time to be angry! We can definitely talk this through, and your anger is not scary to me. I totally understand.” She casts Dispel Magic with her Staff of Doubt. A DC 23 is needed and she rolls with advantage. She missed by ONE. Brennan lets her roll again with advantage. Even worse rolls. She gets two more chances with Advantage. Nope. She rolls AGAIN, with an added d4. STILL NO. By my account that’s NINE rolls, none of them successes. Adaine tries as well and just misses. The dice REALLY don’t want this to happen it seems. 
Cass prepares to cast a 9th Level Circle of Death (14d6 necrotic or half on a save). Fig and Adaine both try to Counterspell it and Fig tells Conor to do it as well. He says he has bigger fish to fry. She doesn’t see how that can be possible, but they’re OK because Adaine succeeds. 
Conor then throws his staff at the clocks and shatters it, sending them through a trippy Labyrinth-esque (think Sarah falling out of the World Falls Down ball) scene that lands them back at Seacaster manor, ten seconds before they left. As they leave, Cass is getting bigger and bigger and she throws some kind of twilight energy spell at Kristen that follows them out. It seems like Conor saved them from something major that was about to go down. 
But now, they’re back at the manor, watching themselves about to walk into the Synod fight. They yell some advice and their doubles disappear. Fig rolls a Nat 20 to understand time loops. She’s been a secret honor student this whole time is what I’m getting from this season.  
Riz questions whether they won or not but this feels like a situation where if you have to ask, the answer is no. 
OK, phew. That was a lot, but we still have a bit more to go. 
Kristen tries to check in with Cass and she gets this ominous message: “She is at my side once more.” The Bad Kids try to parse that but don’t come up with a clear answer. The voice asks Kristen if she wishes for divinity and says they’ll give her the master she deserves. A portal opens and a slimy, rotted, Yes! slides out like a sick joke. Kristen dispels it and when the voice says, “I am coming for you. And when I find you, I will break you in a way that none who loved you will recognize the ruin I have wrought. Lean your soul in closer, that I might give you more than words,” she breaks the connection. 
She also gets some images of the shattered mall, the dead mages floating in Astral Space, and she puts together that the Astral Realm is both where the mall is (*was) and where dead gods go. 
Ragh shows up all buttered (sure) to tell them that the ramp is buttered (sure) and though Riz wants to question him right away (both because of Gorgug’s epiphany and Kalina’s last words), this party is HAPPENING so it’s gonna have to wait. They decide to go with the Fig Disguised As Kristen plan for the shrimp jump because Kristen is, very understandably, having an existential crisis. Riz makes her invisible and Fig goes to do the jump (much to the Hangman’s delight who likes her much better than Kristen). 
Everyone gives Fig buffs but she does need it as she rolls a NAT 20. She uses her leftover spell slots to do some flashy pyrotechnics and leaves the tartar sauce filled pooled “like Daenerys”. The crow is in tearful awe. They cheer, they cry, they declare Fabian a minimum legend. They know for a fact that this is gonna be a killer year. 
Honor Roll
Gorgug for Some Serious Sleuthing 
At least once per season Zac has a genuine Jimmy Neutron Brain Blast about a plot thing and this was it for Junior Year. What a pull. He def beat me to it by a WIDE margin. And it ties in super neatly to things Gorgug would notice and have a sense about since he knows Lydia and knows rage. I don’t care what any of his teachers say; he’s smart in all the ways that count. 
Adaine for Poor Timing
Adaine I love you so much but mayhaps, “Your God is dying again, you’re gonna fail junior year” isn’t the most helpful thing to say in the middle of a traumatic life event that is also a life or death battle. 
Random Thoughts
Unironically the biggest W of this combat? Adaine losing her job. That was gonna cause more issues than it solved and she CAN get a better one. Or, you know, road trip with Aelwyn for some light matricide. Either would be better than her leaving school to work an 8 hour graveyard shift. 
I wonder if Brennan meant for that clock to have time traveling properties and the party just clocked it (ha) before it came up or if they said it and then he used it to snatch them out of the fight that it didn’t seem like he wanted them to auto fail because he gave them so many rolls to try and save Cass! I really badly wanna know what he was hoping for out of this fight. 
OK so I’m Pepe Silvia-ing a bit. In the previous episodes, there have been at least two moments where Brennan describes a character getting kinda hot under the collar. One is when Kristen is confronting her parents and the other is when Riz is mad about the Rat Grinders. And in the Kristen instance, she then got advantage on her next roll but Brennan didn’t say why. It struck me as odd both times and now I’m wondering if it’s related to whatever these shatter stars are.
Speaking of, we get a lot of tidbits about them but no real info. Cass saying, “I thought you were dead,” and also there’s a moment that didn’t make the recap where the stars almost go for something but then don’t because it wouldn’t be tactically the smartest and that feels like a level of active sentence, right? Plus the fact that they literally said Cass’s name to get the wizards to attack her. I wonder what a Detect Thoughts would have gleaned. 
Lmao at Brennan making Emily profile the minis. 
“By the laws of this ancient mall.” Bruh, it JUST opened! 
Shocked that when Brennan described the crystals moving like a flock of birds, he resisted the opportunity to use the word “murmuration”. 
Cass doesn’t seem able to get the word “Fair” out. She’s struggling like there’s a geas spell on her or something else compelling her. The obvious thing to jump to is KP’s campaign which emphasized “fairness under the rules” but it’s hard to see how those things are connected yet. Just throwing some stuff up on the conspiracy board for later.
Also, while pseudo-connections are being made, I wonder if Gorgug’s rage storyline is going to intertwine with whatever is happening with these rage stars.  There was mention of like rage that is helpful vs rage that makes you unstable and that reminded me of Porter talking about how Gorgug only really rages to protect his friends. I dunno. We’ll see if it ends up going further than just the parallels. 
My favorite moment of the ep didn’t make the recap but I wanted to highlight it here. When Adaine is targeted by the rage star, she saves but Brennan asks her what the world would look like if she was consumed by rage and she said Falinel would be destroyed as revenge and Sylvaire would be destroyed–not on purpose but as collateral damage in the quest to hunt her mother. I think questions like that for flavor and character insight are so fun! 
The Hangman’s adoration of Fig is so cute. He was lamenting his shrimp costume that he of course had to wear for the shrimp jump (shoutout Torek) but when Fig said she thought it was cute he got all blushy. I love him. 
I have to mention that Riz cast Tasha’s Hideous Laughter by flossing (like the dance). Who taught that goblin how to floss? Is Riz on Fantasy TikTok?
Lmao at Kristen suddenly being like, Shh, don’t mention the arty-Pay in from of ass-Cay in this fight as if she hasn’t been putting her foot in her mouth for the past four eps. Took 5 eps but her tact finally arrived. 
“Your anger isn’t scary to me,” is a genuinely sweet sentiment in this context. 
When the Bad Kids are speculating about what the hell happened after the fight, someone asks Kristen if Cass has a dad or something she can talk to. Idk if she has a dad exactly but closest would be that Sol and Galicaea are her older siblings, right? (I thiiink that’s right. Def about Gal. Taking the wiki's word for it re Sol). I’m more and more suspicious about this turning into a family affair. And it would make sense for them to get involved right? It parallels Kristen’s relationship with her family coming back to the forefront. And Tracker is still in the mix as Gal’s cleric. I dunno, it feels like it’s gonna be important. 
It’s likely that Kalina prob met whatever fate Cass did but we’ve seen that Kalina can operate kinda separated from Cass (like she did in SY) and Brennan said that Cass can’t truly die unless Kristen and Craig do so I guess we’ll see where that goes. 
Are Fig’s Bardics now a game of Russian Roulette? If so, uh-oh! We don’t have a ton to go on for the exact mechanics of what’s going on yet, but it seems certain that a trip to hell is gonna be necessary to start getting this sorted (which she really needs to do anyway being an archdevil with responsibilities and all). 
These have been getting too long for Tumblr to handle lately so I’ll end on these last two bullets. In the AP, Ally said that Kristen really does want to be a cleric to Cass, she’s just suffering for lack of organization. And at least to me, that’s not how it’s come across so far, but taking that into account puts her actions in a different light. It’s still all irresponsible of course but if it’s supposed to be more just genuinely scattered than callous/indifferent then this feels more like a storyline about looking for middle ground than finding yet another new path whole cloth. She was for sure more in serious mode this ep than she has been the last four eps so we’ll see if this side of her sticks around.
I ended the last recap by saying I was worried for Cass and, guess what? Still am! Galicaea, help your sister!  
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starfilledsky2810 · 11 months
do you think that rui would be the type to kabedon you because i think so too 🥰🥰🥰
like imagine he randomly pins you to the wall. both of ur faces r so close and ur literally flustered n shii and rui on the other hand is def enjoying this
most likely he kisses you on the lips and pulls back smiling innocently as if nothing happened 😭😭😭
ANYWAYS, he's pretty tall this MEAN IDIOT (affectionate) uses that to his advantage for literally anything AND MOST DEFINITELY FLUSTERING YOU hfhdhdhsg
Imagine he teases you like me normally does but when he turns away with his cute cat grin on his face you TACKLE HUG him from behind in revenge hehe OMG IMAGINE HIM LAUGHING IT OFF WHEN HE FEELS YOU ON HIS BACK OAFUUAROKFHS I LOVE HIS LAUGHS
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charlizekkelly · 1 year
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Charlize K. Kelly writes dark, paranormal romance with unorthodox characters and adventures of the deliciously corrupt kind. She’s a villain’s villain and quests for the ethereal of eighties glam rock, bridging the then and now in every chapter.
When she’s not creating fictional worlds, she spends her time reading, hanging out with her dog Satan, and blasting Def Leppard, Mötley Crüe and Bon Jovi from the coast to the Wheatbelt.
Charlize lives in Western Australia and dreams of the day somebody will bring the eighties back with a modern edge.
~Chaos Incarnate ; Newsletter~
╰☆☆ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒☆☆╮
𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 - LIVE ON AMAZON
╰☆☆ 𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐒☆☆╮
𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮: @𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘬𝘬𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘛𝘪𝘬𝘵𝘰𝘬: @𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘬𝘬𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘢𝘥: @𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘬𝘬𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳: @𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘬𝘬𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴: @𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦 𝘬𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘺
╰☆☆ 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄☆☆╮
little mortal ; deacon frost
sticky sweet ; nikki sixx & vince neil
cigarettes & leather ; david
dr. feelgood ; paul
hungry like the wolf ; dwayne
cheshire-cat ; marko
take a ride on the wild side ; marko & david
╰ part one | part two |
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just-a-carrot · 8 months
Since I JUST realized that Iggy's color scheme and "white rabbit" moniker is a reference to the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland (I am EMBARRASSED at how long it took me to figure this one out), are the other characters also meant to reference characters from Alice? Orlam is obviously the Queen of Hearts, but I can't seem to come up with clear characters for the others...
I have to make a confession.
I did not actually design Iggy with the white rabbit in mind it was more of a happy accident 🤣💦 But a few ppl have made the correlation since and I do agree it's a good one despite the fact that I can't take active credit for it LOLOL unless my mind perhaps somewhat subconsciously did it when I was first thinking about what he would look like 😂
As for the other chars, that's a good question 🤔 I don't really have a de facto list but I do have some vague combined ideas of who they seem to correlate with the most??
Orlam is def Queen of Hearts as you said but I think he's also kinda combined with the March Hare. Gidget is perhaps a mixture of the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat?? Genzou I'm thinking a combination of the Caterpillar and Dormouse. Bucks perhaps the most tricky. I'll say maybe the Red Queen (not to be confused with the Queen of Hearts LOL)
They're not perfect or exact and someone else might have better ideas but that's kinda how I'm leaning hahaha. Though they weren't designed with these chars in mind, it's more just me looking and seeing who they can kinda correlate with after the fact lol
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solluve · 2 years
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alban but he turned into a cat headcanons !!this is a cry for help blame everything on shu.
these fics are based on the avatar the vtuber protays. NOT the real person. (so some things may be not relating to the real person but the avatars apperance)
not proofread ────────────────────────
we all saw this coming everyone but YOU u came home one day and the door was unlocked like nah...ain't no way someone broke in. you literally began to panic you panicked BUT DIDNT THINK STRAIGHT ENOUGH U JUST BARGED INTO THE HOUSE like at least call ur freind. you were scanning the house in pure fear until a purple haired mf caught ur attention that one bitch u see hanging out with all the other colorful bitches shu yamino.. nah man wtf. he just looks at you and chuckles awkwardly LIKE HELLO U SHOULD BE THE ONE LAUGHING. ugh whatever your still not relaxed tho have u SEEN THIS MF MUSCLES HE COULD STANGLE YOU WHY IS HE HERE before you can even gather yourself he just places a brown cat onto the counter straight faced and everything staring right into ur soul the cat is too. blahnlah blah shu explains how he turned ur boyfriend into a cat.
"yeah sorry....don't sue me please" —shu 2022
ur just nodding and thinking he's joking Like alban does pranks this wouldn't be a surprise until YOU RELIZED THE EYES OF THAT MF CAT JUST LIKE ALBANS SO NOW UR LOWKEY LIKE "ohh so this is rlly him. aha." AND WHAT DOES SHU MEAN BY IT WILL TAKE A WHILE FOR A CURE U WANTED A BOYFREIND NOT A CAT AS ONE. whatever now ur in charge of him. he is literally the phase I am speed HE WONT STOP SCURRYING EVERYWHRRE STOP TRYING TO CLIMB UP THE WALLS VERTICALLY at one point U MANGAED TO FIANLLY CATCH THAT MF and yk what he did? meow menacingly. MF WHO U MEOWING AT. You just dropped him right there and he began to scurry again he like a little rat IN WHICH U DID TEST SOMETHINF ON HIM u have to entertain the cat someway you tried a string to a gray sock to mimic a rat and placed it on the floor you chuckled to ur self but... WHERE IS THE SOCK THE SOCK IS GONE. and u just see a little brown mfer absolutely RIPPING IT UP he better pay for that I love my socks. (he's a thief for a reason ig) He absolutely ripped the place up. wallpaper teared just like your wallet. WAS HE EVEN AWARE?? DID HE STILL HAVE A BRAIN?? yes. He was aware. cause when he got tired, he sat right infornt of you and smiled. he knew it cheshire cat smile can cats even smile he did it anyways AND YK HE DID?? AFTER HE WAS DONE HE JUMPED ON THE COUCH WITH YOU he tried to nuzzle his face into your neck but u were still lowkey pissed UNTIL YOU HEARD IT HE PURRED !! THE MF PURRED. your heart absolutely exploded hearing that. So you allowed him to just do it he's kinda cute for a cat
but he def radiated "nya nya motherfucker" vibes
and then shu at 2am manged to break in again since he got a shortcut to get the cure like mfer how and why are u doing that get a restraining order.
dm me at " ! thesis#3037 " if u want !! u can also req there
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ghostywispe · 1 year
what the ghost boys (+the blakes) fav disney movie is
griffin: aladdin. fav character is def the magic carpet.
billy: alice in wonderland. he finds the whole thing a tad trippy but totally went as the cheshire cat for halloween one year.
vance: princess and the frog. no explanation needed.
bruce: sleeping beauty. or the jungle book.
robin: lady and the tramp. i dont have a reason, just a feeling.
finney: the little mermaid. he totally sings part of your world at the top of his lugs when it comes on.
gwen: beauty and the beast. she totally loves chip and the feather dusters.
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rockybloo · 1 year
It will never not be hard to explain how Monstrums...are??? Like as a species what animal they are because it's never as simple as Sourpuss being a cat or Bitterbat being a bat or Redhot being a bull.
Sourpuss has catlike features but they also have other animal behaviours like squirrels and kangaroos. but they also are a sphinx but also the Cheshire cat but also the embodiment of rawr XD internet culture and sour candy and-the list goes on and on.
Monstrums aren't a "So this character is this animal" as much as they are "this character is this creature, often mythical but cranked to 100 with stuff I think is cool"
Because Monstrums are basically monsters and monsters, for us humans, are things we don't understand. Mythical creatures are the biggest influence on Monstrums and they are basically the products of humans not knowing what the fuck is entirely in our reality.
And Monstrums are meant to be built off the stereotypical monster idea where they hide under beds or in the dark or in your closet. Because that's like one of the first times we encounter the unknown as kids and our fear is personified into some creature we don't know.
I even revamped their elemental magic so instead of it being stuff we know like earth or wind or fire it's more abstract concepts like Bitterbat's element is fear.
Because Monstrums are also very emotion themed. It's how Lord Vile weaponized human emotions to create Vents.
But so much of this stuff is very much hard to explain to someone because the rules are so loose for the sole purpose I can make whatever character design I want to fit into Glitter and Guilt to serve a purpose. Similar to how there is no limit for what type of heroes or villains are in story because once again, I don't want to be held back from any potential designs that might be fun to put into a story plot point.
Anyways, Monstrums are hard to explain but a cheat code to them is that if they look like a specific animal, they def got more going on than just that animal.
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
I have some 200+ questions about the story so far lol; I am on Retrace XXIII and I need some time to let everything sink in before I move on to the next arc; let me try to frame all my thoughts in a coherent and chronological manner (lol)
1] starting from Alice, because everything in this story seems to revolve around her: she was a human who lived 100 years ago and was murdered during the so-called Tragedy of Sablier with a pair of scissors. the current Chain Alice is only assuming her form and has no memories of her past (which she is trying to collect but I fear the picture they piece together won't be a good one)
after all (re: Rt. 16)--
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because her memories were that painful.
I feel like the ‘twisted’ Alice is the actual, remnant spirit of human Alice that created both the dimension inside the musical watch and the one Cheshire is guarding, is also the one Oz met in Retrace I from the graveyard. tho, idk how human Alice became the Chain Alice. or, rather, in Break's words, which is the true version of the chain--is it the Rabbit or is it the girl?
2] Vincent and Gil belong to the same era as Alice. there is some time leap shenanigans going on with them, that's how they landed in the present (or, well, 15 years ago from the present). Gil got adopted in the Vessalius household (as a nine-year-old so 15+9=24) whereas Vincent in the Nightray one.
a minor point: how is Gil growing older with his contract with Raven whereas Break and Sharon stopped aging?
3] Vincent.....this man knows everything. literally everything. Please someone squeeze out the details from him, please. and he is involved (heavily) in the Tragedy, going by these two panels (Rt. 19)
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(poor baby ;-; if I have to make a wild guess, either he was lured or brainwashed into this....and he immediately goes into defensive mode, claiming everything is 'that person' 's fault. who is that person? Glen? Alice? although he carried a pair of scissors with him and Oz follows after him, I doubt this pair and the one found near her dead body is the same. def a blind. but I won't leave it out of the options that Vincent did kill Alice)
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something else I noticed during that mindscape of Sablier Tragedy is that Oz knows how to get to Alice. he knows the place that was destroyed 100 years ago. idk what to make of this but interesting. this means he must have been alive at that time (Jack Vessalius reincarnation route or something else?)
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4] I thought Gil's fear of cats was played for the sake of gags but if it makes him freeze up in a fight against a humanoid looking cat--Cheshire, then it's a serious matter.
5] Cheshire might try to kill everyone in his territory but I am still gonna love him bc he is the cutest cat with the cutest bell that goes ring ring (even if it's for a little while, he made Alice smile while she was alive, look at him snuggled up in her arms)
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plus I don't believe Break's words that the Cat is a ‘fanatical follower of the Will’ (Rt:15) and since the Will hates Alice, Cheshire must hate Alice too. I doubt Cheshire would want to kill Alice in any form. he is very loyal to her that even 100 years after her death, he is still here trying to protect the fragment of memory in his bell. he is still trying, in his own little catlike ways, to protect Alice from getting hurt from her painful memories and I just </3 </3
5] Sometime in the past, the Will of the Abyss plucked out Break's left eye and gave it to Cheshire. Why? plus again to my question: what exactly is the Will of the Abyss? What is its connection to Cheshire, Alice and Break? Why does the Will hate Alice? What does the Will want with Oz? and so on
6] Also interesting that here, it’s the Mad Hatter that takes Alice to the mad tea-party conducted by Cheshire Cat
whereas in the original story, it was Cheshire Cat that sent Alice the Mad Hatter’s way. Mad Hatter was not at all gracious to Alice during the mad tea-party lol
Talking of that, Break’s chain seems like some sort of nullification ability (Rt. 20)
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aaannd.... Break wonders if the power of the B-Rabbit and that of the Mad Hatter is the same? Break vs Alice soon? But Break's body can't take much of his Chain's power so he will be the first to lose anw
7] Oz feels so strongly for Alice that he singlehandedly started to pull down Cheshire's dimension. In a way, both Oz and Cheshire are the same. they want to protect Alice by destroying everything that hurts her. Cheshire was even ready to go up against the Mad Hatter, against which he stood no chance, just to protect her.
8] Jack Vessalius..... is an enigma. He is hailed as a hero of Sablier, and he, along with the Four Dukedoms, put a stop to the reign of terror under the Baskervilles and saved the country from sinking completely into the Abyss and so on.,..
what I am more curious about is that he appears a lot in Alice's memories and her (the human one, not the chain) reactions to him vary from being highly pleased to be in presence to eagerly waiting for him to downright wanting to kill him. Is she mistaking Oz for Jack? Even Gil mistook Jack for Oz for the same shining golden hair, emerald green eyes. (Rt.17) But Jack was quite affectionate to her in those memories, patting her head and lightly scolding her (Rt.8), then why would she want to kill him? What is their relationship? do I want to know
9] after his speech via Oz's lips, the Pandora officials now believe that Oz is Jack's reincarnation after completing his 100 year cycle. means more burden for Oz to not only maintain the Vessalius House but also the image of Jack.
10] anddd I dunno how to feel about Jack's constant possession of Oz's body. It’s already happened three times now (Rt. 11, Rt.18, Rt. 21) Oz being a hundred year reincarnation of the hero is a bit iffy and cliche but ok, but to be able to ‘possess’ (for the lack of a better word) him every time something arises... if Oz is gonna be under the shadow of the celebrated Jack Vessalius all the time, he won’t have any character development for himself. Oz might try to rely more on Jack than becoming stronger by himself. (two souls possessing one body is only interesting and chaotic when they have opposing interests like Sukuna/Yuuji or Greed/Ling etc.)
11] Baskervilles are even more mysterious. What's their deal? Why do they want the Will of the Abyss? Why did they sink the capital city into the Abyss? Were they trying to make Chains out of the humans by forcing them into the Abyss? and why to massacre everyone? to make crests of blood, FMA-style? After the Tragedy, the remnants of the Baskervilles went into hiding and only came out now with Oz coming of age. According to Jack, they are preparing for a comeback by their master Glen who isn't actually dead apparently. ofc everything starts when our protagonist hits 15
12] The organization of Pandora is... sketchy to say the least. Among many other reasons, but primarily this (Rt. 9)
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The members of Pandora too can make a contract with the otherworldly Chains, but apparently, legal. No Seal, no ticking needle, nothing. They get all the benefits from the Chains without risking their lives, which automatically creates a hierarchy of sorts, a kind of divide between the ‘upper class’ and the commoners who blindly walk into these contracts. 
since I am guessing only the people from the four Dukedoms (Rainsworth and Nightray being two) get to make ‘legal’ contracts
the common people get lured into making contracts with the Chains at the promise of ‘ability to change the past’ and eventually, inevitably, failing (bc let’s be real, there’s no way you can do that by killing a bunch of people and even if you do get to change the past, only a hundred new problems will arise and so I never understand the prospects of doing that re: all of those time traveling movies) 
and sinking into the Abyss or dying at the hands of the Pandora
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—and watch over the other households (Rt. 13)
(I think Vincent is easily the most perceptive characters we have met so far. He could understand all the underlying politics among the noble families at the age of what? six? seven?
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he agrees that part of their status was because of the four families' role in the Tragedy of Sablier but more because they got their hands on the Door to the Abyss. which is really interesting. because it means that the war (massacre?) from 100 years ago also benefited the 'heroes' in many ways. hmmm. was it simply coincidentally spoils of the war? or... was something else going on?)
well, anw my point is that’s for Chains that have already devoured people. But what about Oz and Alice? Oz hasn’t killed anyone nor has Alice eaten anyone bc (Rt.15)
Oz had no choice. He didn’t have any kind of greedy ambition to change the past, to save his business, save someone etc. etc., he just wanted to get out of the Abyss where he had been cast by the Baskervilles in the first place (which they are at again even after ten years)... and the only choice he had, to escape and escape from the mouths of the other Chains dwelling in the Abyss was to make a contract with the strongest Chain there– B. Rabbit. He is not at fault, he had no idea of Chains or Contracts prior to meeting Chain Alice, he did it in the spur of the moment to save his own life and no ulterior motives. 
My question is: If Pandora does have a means to make legal contracts, why don’t they legalize the one between Alice and Oz? The needle’s already moved by two degrees (Rt. 20) and it won’t be long before he is pulled back into the Abyss, this time into the very depths. 
Unless that’s what Pandora wants. 
I literally don’t trust any of the adults around Oz and Alice (except for Gil. I don’t consider Gil as an adult) because Vincent, one of the top echelons of Pandora, is working with the Baskervilles. I don’t know if it’s just him or there are more working with the Baskervilles. (oh but it isn't like he is actually working with them. He is probably planning to backstab them when the time comes and capture the fifth door from them to get hold of the Will.)
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hhhh-snakes · 1 year
RWBY V9 opening theories/analysis
@mythicalnonsense825 and i spent like 20 minutes putting this together. PLS ADD UR OWN THEORIES IM SO CURIOUS ‼
the clocks behind jaune are the clocks from ozpin's office
the clocks have no 11:00 (no 11th hour, either no being too late OR no final chances) but they do have 13, an 'unlucky' number
11 symbolizes the spiritual messenger, and jaune is joan of arc, a messenger of god. but no one believed joan. is jaune going to find a way out and have no one believe him? are the gods going to communicate to him? 11 represents balance, too, specifically containing both SUN and MOON energy.
ren, nora, qrow, winter and them arent in the opening, will they be in the season at all?
neo and the crime syndicate of dead people??? i see clover, ozma, and adam (maybe jaques?????????) myth's making a post abt her theories
is ever after/wonderland actually the afterlife? yang was talking about how she was sure she was dead. maybe she saw something - pyrrha maybe? clover? please?
what do the mice represent?????
jabberwalker is VERY important. last time a grimm-like thing talked it was actually a person, and they hinted that thats what happened to summer, maybe the jabberwalker is summer?? in the art at the end of the episode, ruby's facing it alone.
alyx (new girl) is 100% alice
NEO AND ALYX ARE THE SAME PERSON? MAYBE? MAYBE SIBLINGS? alyx literally turns into ruby at one point
why is alyx silhouetted? is she not what she seems? a Dark Past maybe?
i sense tension between alyx and ruby. crescent rose washes up on the beach WITH alyx- does she take it? does ruby feel like she's replacing her? alyx starts to lead, it looks like.
right before ruby falls when theyre all on the tree weiss, yang, and blake are all in fighting position while ruby's barely holding on.
alyx's sibling/friend in the mirror -- neo?? someone else?? maybe pietro?
neo is DEF the mad hatter, and the flowers on her cup are forget-me-nots
ruby's new cat friend is the cheshire cat. she's falling behind and the cat's walking with her -- is it manipulating her?? im worried abt how vulnerable she is rn
ik im delusional but GOLD LADY WARRIOR PYRRHA?????? MAKING JAUNE'S ARMOR????????
little doll guy is the king of hearts?? who's the queen of hearts/the red queen. ruby?? she's the heart of the group, she's red, and she's going down a different path this season.
ruby falls far behind when they get to the king/queen of hearts section, and they start running. then, theyre running a lot faster in the magic forest place. are they running away from ruby, or are they chasing alyx?
can they use their semblances? they all got winded super easily, too. aura doesnt exist here?
"why should i fight to connect with a world/i cannot exhume?/that world is ungrateful/a family estranged/(hatred won)" ruby's giving up on fighting. "what i'd give in exchange to be happy without trying" -- if ruby has a villain arc it's over for me. this seems like it connects to ruby/alyx's fake smile on the bridge
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lycanth0t · 1 year
Of Lambs and Cigars (Handmaids Tale Oneshot)
Nick watched as Lieutenant Stan rubbed his hands in anticipation - he doubted the cold blooded fuck was sensitive to the cold - before slapping his fist twice against the door. A terrified, high pitched scream emitted from the inside, and for some reason the tenor of it made Nick’s blood turn to ice.
Stan swung open the door, and it took an eternity for Nick’s eyes to adjust to the thick blackness of the truck until he regained focus, and saw her.
He would have known Hannah Bankole’s face anywhere.
Set in Season 4 when June is tortured for information about the missing handmaids, it follows how Agnes was brought to the prison, and Nick’s role in protecting her
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Since he wasn’t permitted to oversee June’s torture, Nick forced himself to watch through the multiple twelve inch screens of the control room. The air in the room was thick with cigar smoke; the scent of which trickled to the back of his throat to the very base of his chest.
Naturally, June wasn’t the only prisoner being tortured - just the only one that he cared about. Still his eyes flickered to the screen slightly to the left, where a man was having his face branded with an iron poker; screaming so loudly it was as though his face would split in two. In the screen above from him, a woman was in the grips of starvation; being fed just enough to stop her internal organs from shutting down, but not enough to stop her hair from completely falling out. She’d taken to gnawing at her forearm like a feral animal; blackened teeth splinting against alabaster skin. Nick’s hand twitched ever so slightly before he instantly regained composure.
Composure, afterall, was his only asset.
“It’s like liveleak” a male voice chuckled beside him.
Nick turned; one of the head guards - who he knew to be called Marcus - sat slumped in a desk chair, haphazardly throwing an apple from hand to hand.
“Excuse me?” Nick said quietly, and Marcus laughed; he was a tall, wiry guy with narrow features, and his dark hair was kept inches longer than protocol allowed.
“Come on man, from before? Don’t tell me you’d never browsed on it before. Used to be able to see cartel shootings, or people offing themselves. Nothing on this though, this is some high def shit”
The glint in his eye made Nick want to punch the man straight in the face, but before he could; the sound of a glass door sliding open redirected his attention and the scent of cigar smoke and sweat was now accompanied by a sickly sweet aftershave.
“Ah, Commander Blaine, just the man I was looking for” Lieutenant Stan’s silhouette was obscured by the red hue of the corridor, “I was hoping you would accompany me in unloading a delivery”
“Of course Lieutenant” Nick responded, suspicion curled in the pit of his stomach as he followed the older man through the windowless corridor. He knew that Stan wasn’t referring to a last minute import of linen and scotch.
“Is it another Martha to testify for the missing Handmaids, sir?” he asked, his words were punctuated by the echoing screams of prisoners.
“Is it another Martha to testify for the missing Handmaids, sir?” he asked, his words were punctuated by the echoing screams of prisoners.
Lieutenant Stan scoffed, “Have you really that little faith in me, son? Once you’ve met one Martha you’ve met them all, frankly bringing two was an indulgence. I’m confident this is a far more effective tool to relieve our dear June”
As the men descended the concrete steps into the loading bay Nick pondered, not for the first time, what a cold blooded psychopath like Lieutenant Stan did before The Fall. Judging by the 80’s style glasses and Cheshire cat grin, Nick pictured him as a pastor in a sleepy little town in Utah, preaching purity to ten year olds while his porn stash was buried beneath the pews. He wouldn’t be entirely surprised if he’d chosen the vocation of torture for his own sexual satisfaction. Instead of voicing these thoughts, however, Nick dutifully responded;
“Praise be, Lieutenant”
As the shutters drew upwards, it let in a stream of ice cold air that howled furiously around them, beams of sharp white light permeated Nick’s vision, so he could barely make out the military grade truck that roared down the slope.
Nick had lost count of how many trucks he had unloaded over the years; how many people he’d assisted out of the back and straight to their death, like cattle being slaughtered. On one occasion, a Handmaid had sliced open her wrists and gone into rigor mortis by the time he’d arrived. It was therefore with a dulled, morbid curiosity that he watched the truck park in front of them.
He watched as Lieutenant Stan rubbed his hands in anticipation - he doubted the cold blooded fuck was sensitive to the cold - before slapping his fist twice against the door. A terrified, high pitched scream emitted from the inside, and for some reason the tenor of it made Nick’s blood turn to ice.
Stan swung open the door, and it took an eternity for Nick’s eyes to adjust to the thick blackness of the truck until he regained focus, and saw her.
He would have known Hannah Bankole’s face anywhere.
He’d spent hours studying her picture, listening to June describe in painful detail the curl of her daughter’s eyelashes, the freckle just below her right eyebrow, the plumpness of her lips. Nick knew she’d liked oranges, the colour yellow, and that her first word had been “cat”. He also knew that if June saw her in the state she was in now, it would plunge her head first into insanity.
Her heart shaped face was streaked with tears, and wide brown eyes filled with such terror that Nick felt as though a punch had been landed to his stomach. She was dressed in just a soft pink night dress, meaning that she’d been snatched straight from bed by the Guards.
“Oh my dear Agnes! We are so glad you made it here safely” Lieutenant Stan said theatrically, “come, come my dear let's get you inside” he beckoned, reaching out his hand.
Tentatively, Agnes edged forward, one hand desperately clutching at a stuffed animal of a soft white lamb.
“Why isn’t an Aunt or Martha with her? She shouldn’t be here unaccompanied” Nick said, his voice harsh. He only realised his mistake when Hannah flinched away from him and closer to Stan.
“We tend to find that women get a little over emotional when it comes to handling the children, and I’m sure our dear Agnes is brave enough to be here, aren’t you Agnes?” he cooed.
“Yes sir” Agnes replied obediently, teeth chattering against the cold air. “We should get her inside, it’s freezing” Nick said decisively.
Without waiting for the other man to respond, he shed his jacket and stepped towards Agnes, who fortunately did not shy away from him as he draped the jacket over her narrow shoulders. Nick’s chest began to ache; she was too young ot be here, too small, too vulnerable.
“Of course! You’ll be perfectly safe here Agnes, now that your Bilhah isn’t out hunting for you”
At the mentioned of her Bilhah, Hannah flinched violently, and her head whipped around as though she expected a monster to materialise from thin air.
“Is my Bilhah here?” she asked in a terrified whisper. Bilhah was a term used by children who were old enough to remember life Pre-Gilead, and came from the all important bible verse that had founded so many policies of the republic. It referred to the woman who carried them in their earthly shell and gave them to their “true” mothers as ordained by God. God of course being a group of fifty or so aged white men in a conference room, deciding which children belonged with which family.
“I’m afraid so, but there’s no need for you to be worried my dear, she’s all chained up and has Guards watching her all the time, and you have Commander Blaine to protect you” Lieutenant Stan said with a conspiratorial wink, “Isn’t that right Commander?”
Nick looked over at Hannah, and saw June’s almond eyes staring back at him, in the face of a terrified child.
“Yes” he answered firmly, still holding her gaze, “I’m here to protect you Agnes”
“Excellent, let’s make our way in, shall we?” the Lieutenant announced, he offered out a hand for Hannah to take, but Nick pretended not to see and promptly hoisted her into his arms, ensuring to wrap his jacket tighter around her against the bracing cold.
“After you, Lieutenant” Nick said, as he followed the old man straight into hell. —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Sir, we can’t question her until we have the necessary paperwork in order” Nick said. They had been walking for a solid five minutes through the maze of corridors and staircases, he’d told Hannah not to look, and she had promptly closed her eyes shut and buried her face against his shoulder, while he pretended not to notice the drops of tears that spilled onto his shirt.
“Am I in trouble?” Hannah queried suddenly, lifting her head abruptly. “No” Nick replied instantly.
“We’ll have to see about that, dear,” Stan replied in a sickly sweet voice. “Look at her Lieutenant, she can barely keep her eyes open” Nick argued, trying to ensure no venom bled into his tone.
He watched the Lieutenant consider this for a moment, taking in the child’s dark under eyes and pale skin. It took every ounce of self control Nick had not to pull away when the old man reached out his large hand and cup Hannah’s face. To her credit, she didn’t flinch.
Nick was going to be sick.
“I suppose you’re right” the old man said after an age, “we can begin in the morning, I’ll send a guard to - “
“That won’t be necessary” Nick said firmly, “I’ll see to her myself”. He would rather have his eyes plucked out than leave Hannah alone with any of the depraved men that worked in the building.
The lieutenant raised his eyebrows at this, but subsided. “Very well son, then this is the room for our treasured guest”
The room in question was more of a squalid cell; there was a fold out bed on the far right corner - devoid of a pillow or duvet - and a sink on the left wall, letting out tiny droplets of water that bounced against the metal basin. Above them, the fluorescent lights hummed with electricity.
Every fibre of Nick’s being shrieked in protest; it was wrong to have Hannah here, but he had no other choice. He didn’t even wish to set her on the ground; knowing that the place was infested with rats, and that human blood had been shed in the very same room.
The Lieutenant must have spotted the resistance in Nick’s eyes, or the way Hannah recoiled against the harsh light.
“Say Agnes, why don’t you recite a passage for this blessed night” Stan began, “how about, Peter 3:14?”
With barely a moment’s hesitation, Hannah dutifully resited the passage in a distant, almost robotic voice.
“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear their threats and do not be frightened”
The seriousness of her tone disturbed Nick greatly, as it reminded him all too well of Eden.
“Praise be Agnes! You may wish to pray on your suffering tonight” Stans advised. He took a step towards them, and it took all of Nick’s self control to not shove the man away. Instead he focused his mind on Hannah’s trembling form. “I’m afraid I’ll have to take Mr Lamb into custody, until you’ve shown us what a good girl you can be”
Sick fuck.
June would tear that man apart piece by piece, if she saw him snatch the stuffed toy from her daughter - the only comfort she had in the world - before turning on his heel and marching out.
Hannah’s bottom lip began to tremble, and Nick watched in growing despair as she choked back the tears that were desperate to fall.
“You’re okay” he said quietly, “you’re going to be okay, here” he set her down on the metal bed and crouched in front of her. He wished more than anything that June was here, or Rita, or anyone with experience in comforting a distraught child because he was completely out of his depth. His mind flickered again to Luke Blankole, caring for a baby he knew wasn’t his, without the help of his wife.
“I’m scared,” Hannah uttered.
“What are you scared of?” Nick asked, knowing there could be a thousand answers. She could easily turn to him that she’s afraid of him; a strange Commander she’d never met who had taken her to a grimy little cell and asking her questions.
“I’m afraid that by Bilhah is going to escape and - and she’s going to hurt me” Hannah whispered.
Nick forced himself not to think of June, which was near impossible given the likeness she shared with her daughter. He had to remain composed.
“Do you remember her from before?” he asked genuinely. He saw her freeze, sas this was clearly a subject she had been taught never to speak of, “it’s okay, you can tell me” he encouraged.
“Yes sir, I remember a little” she answered eventually. “And did she ever hurt you then?”
She paused again, and he saw her genuinely consider his question, trying to distinguish her actual memories from what she had been told. After a moment, she shook her head, and ringlets of curls bounced around her face.
“Your Bilhah” the word stuck in Nick’s throat, “would never hurt you. Sometimes she gets confused, but that’s because she misses and loves you, and people sometimes do strange things when they love someone”
“But Aunt Sabine says she’s a godless woman and - and she wants to drag me to Hell with her” Hannah said in a horrified whisper.
To the children of Gilead, hell was a very real place. Nick had heard complaints from countless Commanders that their young ones were having nightmares about a burning inferno. They would never change the curriculum though, as fear was the most powerful method of control.
Nick paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. He didn’t stand a chance at undoing years indoctrination in one night, all he could hope to do is release her from the sheer terror with which she thought of June.
“Do you want to know what I think?” he asked, and Hannah nodded dutifully, “I think that only God gets to decide who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, and that frightens grown ups, because grown ups want to be the ones to make decisions and to know everything, so sometimes they pretend that they do”
He watched her attempt to process his words, the cogs turning in her exhausted mind, though she said nothing.
“I used to live in the same house as your Bilhah, did you know that?”
Hannah’s eyes snapped at him, “was she your Handmaid?” she asked innocently.
“No” Nick replied instantly, “I was just the driver of the house”
“Oh” Hannah said, mulling it over, “was she always upset? When I saw her in the woods she was crying?”
He remembered that day too, and how long June had wept after she’d left.
“Why don’t you get ready for bed, and I’ll tell you what I remember” he promised.
Hannah shuffled back onto the bed, and Nick adjusted his jacket as a make-shift duvet, before settling himself back down onto the damp concrete floor. He was fully aware of the girl’s eyes on him, soaking in every word he spoke like gospel. He breathed in deeply, trying to quieten his fears of saying the wrong thing. It was important that Hannah knew about her mother.
And so Nick spoke.
He didn’t lie, either, he didn’t tell her that her mother was a meek and pious woman, fulfilling her godly duty. He told her how good she was to her friends; that she looked out for those in need, that she was brave - and would take out wayward spiders even when the Commander was too scared to go near. He told her she sang a lot, when she thought no one could hear her, her favourite season is Spring.
The next time Nick glanced at Hannah, she was asleep, and looked as peaceful as he had ever seen her.
It was surprising even to him; the burning protectiveness that bloomed within hin when he looked at the child, and he made an oath to himself that for as long as his heart was still beating; no harm would come of Hannah Bankole.
He wasn’t naive enough to think he could do it entirely himself, and only one other name sprung to mind.
Commander Joseph Lawrence.
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