#definitley a case of
ehghtyseven · 2 years
Well. that was A Game.
apologies to @rimouskis who had to listen to me quietly wailing “but when will jason be freeeeee” through most of the third
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 25: Broken
Night terrors, burning body temperature, delirious hallucinations, and glassy faded vision…
Helpless and afraid, he calls out for his caretaker…but he’s not there…
He’s all alone now…with no one to help…
Completely broken.
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donut1642 · 1 year
AO3 Down
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kanmom51 · 1 year
I had a thought after reading JKs comments from his Stationhead session, no girlfriend etc.
In my opinion, not enough attention was paid to the White Day live he did when Jimin was in New York. It was really, to me, so incredibly emotional and a deep deep expression of his love. When he put on the white dress shirt, and told Jimin he dressed up for him. When he poured that second small glass drink, held it to his forehead, closed his eyes then poured it into his big drink and drank the combo. Such an emotional moment, I cried with him. Then held up his hand with the JM so close to the camera.
Case closed. They are forever. 💜
Definitley case closed!!!
The 3-4 lives he did that night.
The 8:11.
The choice of outfits.
The soundrack.
The reaction to JM.
The showing us loud and clear who the love of his life is.
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The spoilers.
The "look forward to it" to JM's SMF pt. 2 teaser.
This wasn't about us, it wasn't about him, it was all about JM, again.
And he was so damn emotional.
Loud and clear.
Almost as loud and clear as this:
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Im gonna be honest i think we need to understand how oswald's and fanny's relationship REALLY was, because its clear that they both describe it with still personal very very strong feelings and they do run head first into that Unreliable narrator territory often enough to make me belive theres something big missing a invisible elephant in the room if you will
Fanny says oswald betrayed her
While oswald says she was extremly toxic and wants her away (yet he still pulled all that shit at the dance like bro she was litellary just having fun at an even that you just so happened to be at Then you walked up to her asked her for a dance and acted like she was the devil and started accusing her)
And while both these things could be true in sense we need to know HOW, how was fanny toxic? How did oswald betray her? We have a silloute of a picture but not the frame or the pieces
Also I do seriously wonder how was fanny toxic to oswald? It all was very very long ago and while fanny's personality could be mirroring her now but She didnt have all the experience she has now she had to be diffrent from how she's now
(Also I truly belive oswald definitley fucked up in some way too and we don't know it yet like she had multiple boyfriends but oswald stucks out and not only that but even the thought of him angers her, it could be because if we look at the timeline he could be her first boyfriend or alternativley her ticked out of bad home life like you said but I do think there has to be more to it especialy since again we don't know that much about how he was all that time ago...but we do know fanny likes to ignore neon red flags)
Sorry for the long ask oh my i didnt mean to write it so long I hope you don't mind my mid analisis in your ask box but you did say you wanna talk more about fanny so
ヾ (‘∀ `*)
Honestly I don't mind people hitting my askbox up with analyses or their own takes on certain parts of IM I live for this and I WOULD like to interact with the Inky Mystery fandom more on tumblr cause most of the time I'm hanging out with everyone on discord, but it's nice to talk on here too lol
I'm gonna guess you're asking for my opinion on this?
I don't know if I would describe them as both being unreliable narrators, because from my knowledge Oswald has never divulged to anyone about his relationship with Fanny so we don't really know what his whole perspective on the matter actually is. We don't know if he thinks he was innocent throughout the relationship or if he acknowledges that they were both toxic and bad for each other. What we know is that Oswald was the one who dumped Fanny not the other way around and that means something to me at least.
Fanny on the other hand...I would definitely call her an unreliable narrator when this is how she's describing the breakup:
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If you were to only hear from Fanny's side of things you could be convinced that Oz was having an affair with Ortensia on the side during his relationship with Fanny. But this isn't the case, and there's nothing from Fanny's side to provide evidence that this was the case. Not to mention that she's implying that Ortensia seduced Oz into breaking up with her so she could replace her. Calling her an unreliable narrator here doesn't even cut it she's just outright lying about two people who haven't really done her wrong.
But this isn't the first time either. In another chapter she makes a bunch of accusations against Oswald again.
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Accusations, that again, are not proven to be true. We got Oswald's perspective during the Far Far West arc and anything pertaining to Fanny never came up. He never talked to anyone about it. He never talked to Cuphead about it. Hell, he didn't even talk to Cuphead at the group date either.
We've only had Oswald make one real accusation against Fanny from when they were together and it was in response to an accusation that Fanny made about him. We have no idea whether Oz is telling the truth or not, but I also have no reason to see why he'd lie. I don't think Fanny is lying to cover up anything, I think she's so bitter about the break up it doesn't occur to her that Oz breaking up with her wasn't to spite her or anything. Yes it hurt and it sucks the way her life turned out after the break, but that's not Oz's fault. He's not responsible for that.
All in all, I think it's good to have an open mind about their relationship, but we also have to look at the facts and the facts show that it's not on equal ground. One person is spreading rumors or fabrications and the other hasn't said a word about the situation to anyone.
Hell, even at the group date situation, Oz approached Fanny to call her out on her behavior but he could have just as easily gone straight to Cuphead and warned him about Fanny and her past. Oswald keeps what happened between them to himself and those he knows best. Fanny has openly talked shit about both Ortensia and Ozzy in front of other people casually without consideration for privacy.
The whole thing regarding why Oswald angers her so much whenever she thinks about him. I have ideas, and I feel like I'm right on the money but I want to wait and see before making a big meta post about their relationship. M shared something juicy on the discord and I am very excited when we get to see it!!!
Also THANK YOU for the ask!! This was nice I'm glad I got to gush about these two some more because I often don't lol
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You know how humans see dogs as cute or adorable, are hybrids also seen as adorable or cute, like maybe not as much as dogs but more than normal humans, especially hybrids who are considered attractive? Also do hybrids have bigger pupils in the Reign universe?
That's definitley a thing that happens in the Reign universe! It can be to a hybrid's detriment as well if people just assume they're a lil cute ball of fluff that can't do anything. However in Pup's case I think it just results in all of 141 having occassions where they're internally just like
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because Pup did something cute like wag their tail or flatten their ears and they know they can't patronise them so instead they have to just stand there like 🫥
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
Does the Maximoff’s Romani community still exist in-universe? Like is it still “active” (can’t think of another word) in the present day of the Marvel Universe?
Depends on what you mean by "community."
Most accounts of Wanda and Pietro's upbringing make it seem like their family travelled as part of a specific group, likely made up of several families. It's worth noting that this is a very common image of "traditional" Roma that doesn't always reflect historical realities, and in this case I definitley think it's based more on, like, a stock trope than anything else.
Regardless, in Scarlet Witch (2016), Wanda tries to find that group and comes up short, with the implication being that hey haven't been seen in years. There is, however, a sizeable Romani population in Transia, and Wanda was living among them when she was in hiding/an amnesiac after the Decimation. The Maximoffs also have, like, other relatives and extended family, although they never appear on page.
Are the people that the Maximoffs used to camp out with at the base of Mount Wundagore still around? Apparently not, or at least they're no longer travelling and working together. Is there still a Romani community in the place where they grew up? Are there still people that they're related to? Yes.
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basmathgirl · 4 months
Hello Basmathgirl!
I’m a bit embarrassed to ask, but are you the same Basmathgirl, who writes fanfics over on AO3 (e.g. Dancing with Dad)?
If you’re the AO3 author: Do you plan to write more fics in the future, especially stories including the fourteenth Doctor? + I looove your stories!!! <3
In any case I enjoy scrolling through your blog, even if you don’t write fanfics ;)
Hello kind Anon
Nah, there's no need to be embarrassed when asking me questions (I'm used to that: people not knowing).
I can happily confirm that I am indeed Basmathgirl who writes fanfic; not that tumblr acknowledges that with a suitable badge, but hey ho.
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Oooh, thank you for loving my stories! There are definitley more fics in the planning stages; and I hope to include the Fourteenth Doctor at some point - I'm wrestling with 3 Tenth Doctor ones at the moment, pushing them to get finished.
Then again, my muse might insist that I write a Fourteenth Doctor fic right this second. You just never know. Perhaps I ought to try a drabble and/or 15 minute writing exercise again? Worth a try, surely.
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Created system culture (or in MY case, median culture) is having become so attached to my OC’s as my ASD hyperfixation that they’re just. A part of me now. Literally living in my head rent-free!
Hyperphantasia definitley plays a role in this, my inner world is very. complex, I think?
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onesaltyerik · 2 years
Deranged Ramblings of A Technoblade fan
Ok I don't know how to blog for shit and I've not slept in two days so yall are now gonna suffer as I throw out my thoughts to the universe.
Technoblade, the character, is often depicted as wearing a corset and while I've not seen anyone complain about it being "unrealistic" because lets be real here the SBI is made up of a perpetually tired bird man, a bard with a habit of destroying countries, a vaguely anthropormorphised to straight up anime elf prince pig depending on the artist, and a Tommy; a corset is the LEAST of one's worries ya know?
Anywho, corsets on a warrior. Being a semi-qualified art historian and an enthusiast in fashion and medieval armour, it is ACTUALLY plausible!
As the common discourse goes, a PROPERLY FITTED and NON-TIGHTLACED corset is actually very comfortable to wear. They were literally designed to support the chest and help with posture despite the common modern idea of the corset being cruel and blah blah blah literally everyone who's worn a proper corset can vouch that it's actually quite comfy. (Myself included, shut up men can wear corsets too.) And depending on the type of corset, they can be very flexible to allow for movement. The type of corset would be the one to look at when determining realism, in this case we got full corsets that are kinda like vests, underbust corsets, and mid corsets. Your full size corset provides the most support as it distributes the weight of the bust around your waist and shoulders, with some types of underbusts doing similar. Seeing as unless c/Techno has a bust size in need of support, this probably isn't gonna be the one worn most in battle as, while corsets can be moved pretty easily in, they were not made in the intention to be worn into battle.
An underbust would be more flexible and still provide any sort of support, and a mid-torso corset probably wouldn't provide the same amount of support but would still help with supporting one's back, especially when riding a horse or walking for a long time and trust me good back support is a BOON when you're wearing armour. On that front, while a corset that has boning made of baleen, metal, or bone might provide some protection to slashing attacks, and distribution of impact to an extent, against an arrow/axe/well placed sword strike, not great. That's the point of wearing a gambison and armour in general. A gambeson acts as a means of keeping armour from touching the skin and chaffing, as well as providing an extra layer of squish between the body and the weapon. You can actually just wear a gembeson when fighting in a pinch, it won't exactly protect against an axe or flail or mace or arrow, but much like a corset slashing damage will be diminished.
So, as for wearing a corset while also wearing armour, to look fashionable but still provide protection, I would say the best way to do so would be to wear a mid-torso corset with a gambeson style interior, and a crop top style gambeson over the top and half-breast plate over that. Would I wear it into battle? Absolutly not. Would it provide protection during a display of power in a parade? Yes. Is it better than nothing? Also yes. Am I going to draw this at some point? Absofuckinlutely! The more likely form, and one that would be very interesting to see that I have yet to see any artist (so far) make, would be a wasp-waist style of breastplate armour. At that point you basically have a full on metal corset that's way more effective than just wearing the weirdly layered bits of corsetry and armour that was previously mentioned. Anyways, I am sleep deprived and have definitley missed a few points but I hope whoever has read this enjoyed the ramblings ok goodnight.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Do you think the Bridgerton storylines and relationships would have been different if The Bridgertons weren't a titled family, or rich but the spouses were?
Weirdly had this thought after watching the latest Magic Mike movie 😅 that somehow led to me wondering about Bridgerton and the divide between the wealthy and poor.
Current thoughts: ok so let's go Modern Au, because icbf with the regency rules and proprietry.
Bridgertons are like Modern Au Weasley family/ Cheaper by the dozen vibes.
Simon: Still the son of a Duke, canon backstory with Anthony being his best mate. They met at a fancy boarding school but Ant was a scholarship kid. In attempt to escape his Aunt's matchmaking schemes, he propses a fake relationship with the waitress he'd just witnessed sucker punch a rowdy customer. Unaware of just how inevitable their meeting truly was.
Kate: known cold stone Heiress to her late Father's company. An active workaholic who is always triggered into fight mode by that 'Bridgerton bastard' who works for her good Friend Simon (cbf thinking of proper roles rn😂😅)
Sophie: After her dad died, she's surprised to learn he named her his official heir despite her illegitimacy and only left a stipend for her step family in his will. Forced to go into hiding after multiple murder attempts, she has a fateful encounter with a struggling art student and becomes his unwilling muse.
Penelope: The Featheringtons are high class old money folk, but Pen is desperate to escape the suffocating lifestyle she's been born into. She wants to branch out make a name for herself with her own hard done work to thank not some dead ancestors lucky gamble in investment and business. Thank the gods for the charming bartender who's become the listening ear she's desperately needed all her life.
Phillip: Mostly similar cannon backstory. Except the children are his brothers and they do indeed need a nanny. Eloise didn't even know what she applied for. All she knew was she'd get a free room(no dorm expenses) free food (no meal expenses) and no transport fees (uni was only a 40 minute walk!). What a deal, and it'll keep Anthony off her case about finances!! How hard of a babysitting job could it be?
As far as I got, but would love to hear if you or anyone else has any other thoughts to share or add 😁😁
Magic Mike, lmao. I should probably watch that series if it's giving people ideas. But yeah I do think it would definitley change some dynamics espcially since three, four if we count the tv series, of the spouses came from not okay money situations.
Saphne: So for this I can still see it going as a mutually beneficial fake relationship for both. Hear me out, sex historian Daphne. It's a newer field and newly graduated Daphne is working to help get it off the ground with social media, but she doesn't have much time due to her long hours as a waitress. In comes Simon, her brother's best friend, who allows her the chance to help boost her following. Everyone would be curious about Simon Basset's new boo, and Simon will get his aunt off his back about finding love. Anthony orinally doesn't want his sister in the limelight like that but he does eventually consent when Daphne starts pulling in numbers and can leave her waitress jobs where a bunch of creaps like to come. Oops they fell in love.
Kathony: I can see this going one of two ways, the first being something similar that anon wrote, or mistress Anthony. Anthony works with Simon in his law firm, with hopes to open up his own practice one day, but that's a far off dream with seven siblings, five who are helping with the bills, and a mother to help support. Kate's frustrated with her job as the heiress to her father's company. She's needs a release. That lawyer Simon keeps sending looks handsome enough and one hate sex night later Anthony is now Kate's mistress. There's no way this is gonna backfire on either of them right?
Benophie: Hear me out, makeup artist Benedict. His true talent lies in painting, but that doesn't pay the bills. He's good with a brush, and once in a while, he gets to have fun with special effects makeup. Sophie is being paraded around as the new Pennwood heiress, despite her suspicious birth. Her stepmother is doing everything in her power to have the media downplay Sophie and her ability to be the heiress to Pennwood by getting every makeup artist to purposely make Sophie look horrible. Having enough Sophie calls her friends for a makeup artist her stepmother hasn't sunk her claws in. Enter Benedict. Benedict works his magic and makes Sophie look fabulous for her next interview. Sophie has found her new makeup artist, and Benedict has found his new muse.
Polin: Penelope is from old money, and she hates it. She feels trapped and suffocating from all the rules she has to follow. She wants to leave and make something of her own. Her friend Colin, who she met in a writer's group, jokes she can write a tell all book. That earns him a sock in the arm from Penelope, who refuses to become a stereotype. Colin wants to see the world one day. Travel to far off places, explore the culture, and most importantly, try the food. Penelope thinks he has what it takes to be a travel writer. He's shared what he wrote when in his journal during the rare family outing to the beach, and it almost felt like you were there. Well Penelope has more money than she knows what to do with and knows about running a blog. She might not what to do with herself but she can help somebody else. Who knows maybe she'll get some inspiration. Hey Colin, how would you feel about a trip to the Mediterranean?
Philoise: Throw them in the plot of the Nanny, and there's the modern philoise au. But on a serious note, Eloise doesn't even know what she applied for, all she knew is that the benefits were perfect. Needing a nanny for the weekend, Phillip hires Eloise on a test run. Her methods are unconventional, but Oliver and Amanda haven't scared her off. Phillip would almost dare to say they like her, and Phillip might like her too.
And that's all I got for now too. Lovelies join in if you want!
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tweedfrog · 11 months
What if Tywin died instead of Joanna?
Well several things change but firstly let's get this out of the way: I doubt someone who loved and was loved by Tywin and was taken into his confidences was a good person by any measure. I think Joanna could have certainly been better than Tywin but that's hardly a hard hurdle to clear.
I think it also depends when Tywin dies. Like before he has his kids? Before the whole rains of castamere situation?
Let's assume for the sake of the story that Tywin dies around where Joanna does in canon - right after the birth of Tyrion. Presumably the shock of having a son with dwarfism is so terrible to his ableist ass idk he falls down a flight of stairs.
- Jaime/Cersei have less of a chance to have a long relationship because Joanna is actively trying to keep them seperated. I think the twincest still happens but with far less frequency.
- Jaime ends up married to Elia which takes out basically the best marriage option for Rhaegar. Wether this would be a good thing for either party is debatable. I don't think Jaime would make anyone a very good husband and I doubt Elia is happy married to a kid who's like 8 years younger than she is. On the other hand she would wind up alive so success!
- Consequently it is possible Rhaegar ends up married to Cersei. Theres apparently no more girls left with a high enough status and (enough?) Targ blood because in canon we know Aerys considered Elia like a worst case scenario if Rhaegar didn't have a sister and if Steffons trip to Essos fell through. Maybe if Joanna uses Aerys weird fascination with her to push the marriage through?
- the debacle at Harrenhal still happens because i cant see Cersei having enough kids quickly enough to satisfy Rhaegar. Her children with Robert were fairly spaced out. I don't think Cersei would have been as miserable with Rhaegar as she was with Robert, because I don't think Rhaegar would physically abuse her but it wouldn't be the happy marriage she was envisioning. I also uh, don't see Cersei handling national humiliation with as much grace and equanimity as Elia did.
- now here would be the biggest divergence. Either Cersei fumes and shoves Lyanna down a well Melara Heatherspoon style or Joanna manages to control her daughter enough that this doesn't happen.
- If Lyanna manages to survive Cersei I think maybe it proceeds as canon did - so Lyanna dies in childbirth and Jon is passed off as Ned's son? Maybe since Ned's claiming of Jon seems to have fooled EVERYONE.
- Cersei obviously isn't brutally murdered by her own family for being Rhaegars widow but I could see her marrying Robert to legitimise Roberts reign. After that I think possibly the first daughter Cersei had with Rhaegar is married to her half brother (Cerseis child with Robert) to solidify Roberts line on the throne? Maybe if they can get away with the dyanstic incest? Idk how much people would be freaked out by a non targ engaging in incest.
- Cerseis other kids with Rhaegar are going to the faith sorry kids. I think the twincest still happens but I feel like Joanna would catch on after the first kid so it would be less Ned trying to crown Stannis and more Ned trying to crown a 5 yr old Baratheon!Tommen.
- I think Tyrion definitley doesn't wind up as abused as he was by Tywin (definitley no Tysha scenario here) but it's not a bed of roses. I think he would face quite serious emotional abuse by Joanna too. He probably also ends up in the faith with the whole "look after your half targ nephews/neices and don't shame us" thing.
Tl:dr Joanna has many of the same political aims as Tywin but executes them with more finesse because she isn't a sexual sadist
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Did you jikookers see that? Yes JK is a smoker just like tae,and it's obvious tae taught him to smoke,they now spend time smoking together as a real couple and nothing for jimin,or your delusional ship. He doesn't care anymore he wants the world to know that he too smokes like his boyfriend tae,When taekook are hanging our,enjoying each others company while smoking,jimin is busy going to museums with namjoon.poor jokers😂😂😂😂.You will always be losers at the end of the day,you can never have what taekook have jk just proved that they are the only real ship.You ALL SHOULD GIVE UP
I was going to just block this shit off but then, I felt like having a good laugh, so I decided to post this.
Do I even have to comment?
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And for the fun of it...
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But finally, in case the message wasn't clear enough...
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And we are the ones being called delusional...
But seriously. Why the fuck do you assholes keep showing up in Jikook blogs trying to what? Convert us? Prove us wrong? This is utterly hilarious.
I guess that's what you do when you have zero interaction between the two people you are forcing on each other to be in a relationship they aren't in?
Do you even realize how utterly ridiculous you sound?
I guess that by your logic all social smokers are literally fucking each other. Ok then. Good logic. Does that apply to social drinkers too? Cause JK, he been drinking A LOT with JM. Does that mean they are fucking? Ooh....ooh, I guess we're on to something here.
I'd say that instead of coming with stupid ass asks to send to Jikook blogs @secretfurystrawberry you go and:
a. Get a life, cause stalking Jikook blogs is not a good look on you.
b. Stop trying to force a square into a triangle. JK and Tae are mates, good friends. C'est tous. Nothing else. And no matter which what way you twist it, it won't fit. And for crying out loud, start listening to JK you ass. He's made it abundantly clear.
c. I think you also need to go back to school. Although I'm not sure they teach common sense in school, so maybe not school. But you definitley need a lesson in common sense if this is what you can come up with to try and 'prove' just how 'real' TKK are (as a couple, cause friends, they don't smoke together now, do they?).
Bottom line dear asshole TKKer, is fuck back off to your fake account!!
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It's been a while since I've answered stupid ass asks like these. I tend to just block or delete.
Gotta say, it feels good to vent a little, lol.
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I LITERALLY LOVE UR REIGN DOWN ON ME SERIES SO MUCH!! 😻😻😻 it makes my day every time you post and the writing has me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure istg you write the 141 SO WELL!!! Im so curious about how the 141 would react if pup got distant for a while because they didn’t want to get attached out of fear of not wanting to be abandoned again?? Only answer if you’re comfortable!! <333
Why thank you! 💕 Be careful with those enclosure bars, we've already had to call the dentist out on several occassions, we can't have him trailing out here again for you 🙄😂
I think if Pup got distant Ghost would pick it up pretty quickly. He knows them well enough to see when somethings up, so even if they tried to pretend like things were fine, he'd monitor the situation until he saw fit to step in.
I definitley wanna have more 1 on 1 interactions with Ghost and Pup as things go on, because I want to show them having more conversations where Pup feels that they can speak as equal. Which I bring up because I think in this case I think that Ghost would need to intiatiate one of these conversations. He'd just plainly address their avoidant behaviour and remind Pup that he values their honesty above everything and would just let them talk through their worries (probably after Pup getting all annoyed because they want to deal in peace haha).
But yeah, the behaviour wouldn't stand for long. Ghost is doing everything to make sure Pup integrates and like hell will he let them cheat themselves out of a good team 💕
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kuramirocket · 1 year
Hi, my mom just told me about how she wasn't taught Zapotec as a child because of anti-indigenous racism. She was born in San Juan Teitipac, I believe my grandmother and past relatives spoke Central Valley Zapotec. I'm not sure where to go from there to try and learn the language.
Note: a few words she remembers but not sure of spelling:
Muchito/mushito/muxito?- little boy
Wixa/wija/güixa/güiga? - field rat/large rodent they ate
Could you point me in the direction of which dialect this could be? Thank you!!
Hi! Ooh, okay, I'm not sure how much help I can be because I only know a few words and phrases in the variation of the Zapotec language my family speaks.
I found out more about the Zapotec we speak from this paper. However, it focuses on the village my mother and her side of the family was born in and it's only in Spanish and I have only read a small part of it. If you can read Spanish this might help. For example, according to the paper:
The Zapotec spoken in Oaxaca is divided into four variants:
Zapotec of the Valley (Bene Lashe)
Southern Zapotec (Bene Chhaa Nhisdao)
Isthmus Zapotec (Bene Yeze’e)
Zapotec of the Sierra (Bene Ya’a)
From my understanding, San Juan Teitipac is in the Tlacolula District which has many variants of the Zapotec language. This would be the "valles centrales" (Central Valleys) shown here.
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Furthernore, according to wikipedia:
San Tlacolula Valley Zapotec is a cluster of Zapotec languages spoken in the western Tlacolula Valley, which show varying degrees of mutual intelligibility. All varieties of Valley Zapotec are endangered. The languages in this group include:
Santa Ana del Valle Zapotec
Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec
San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec
Tlacolula de Matamoros Zapotec
San Juan Guelavía Zapotec
San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya Zapotec
San Juan Teitipac Zapotec
This same wikipedia page also leads to an online Tlacolula Valley Zapotec dictionary here.
The Ticha project talks about and has resources about Colonial Valley Zapotec.
There are also youtube channels about the Zapotec though some are old and haven't updated:
Valley Zapotec Language Lessons
Mexican Excellence also posts a lot of great videos about decolonizing and speaking overall of the indigenous Mexican experience.
Connecting to other indigenous Zapotec speakers may help you too in case they have other resources. I've seen a good amount of Zapotec people and other indigenous Mexicans on Tik Tok. I follow hundreds of people (majority of Mexican descent at @kurami_rocket) so, I'd have to go through all of them to find my fellow Zapotec people 😅 BUT you can simply search #zapotec on Tik Tok as recently as a week since they uploaded vids to find them and ask for help. And please don't be afraid to ask others for help like with me! Many of our fellow indigenous brothers and sisters would be more than happy to try and help!
I wish I could give more information, but I would need to try and do very in depth research to find pieces and clues that may help you.
It's definitley very hard and difficult reconnecting because of the colonialism and genocide our people suffered and continue to experience. Information online is vastly scarce and hard to come by. Especially learning indigenous languages online. Finding any and all resources truly is valuable.
If you haven't tried already, the best bet is always to ask your family members if you can. Especially older family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc as they may know a lot that they have never told you.
I hope this helps you start your journey in hopefully being able to learn more!!
Also if any other tumblr users have read this far, please feel free to reblog this and share any resources you may know too!
@sephirajo Idk if you may have any resources or something to add?
And @kaoren please feel free to drop me another ask or dm if you have more questions!! :)
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Plushies I think the BSD characters would have in a kindergarden AU
(They are all 4-6 in this. Kyouka,Kenji and Q are still babies.)
TWs: None
Shibusawa: He definitley has a red dragon plush and he carries it around with him all the time. He also has a white rat plush which Fyodor gifted him
Fyodor: He has a grey rat plush. He gifted Sigma, Nikolai and Shibusawa little rat plushies in their favorite colors too. After learning a bit japanese he started to pretend that his plush rat would talk to him and that only he could understand it. Like that he sometimes scared other kids or tried to scare the kindergardners away.
Sometimes he would also talk through the rat because he often struggled with expressing or openly admitting emotions. Like that he once told Nikolai that "the rat" wouldn't want to talk with him anymore and that it would be angry with him because he clearly enjoys talking with the others and spending time with them much more than talking with "the rat" since he learned a bit japanese. Trying to talk with Fyodor is useless then. You got to talk with rattie until he feels comfortable enough to talk directly with the person.
Nikolai: Nikolai is the kid who hoards plushies and always comes to the kindergarden with a new one. He also steals some plushies from the kindergarden but his favorites are the multicolored plush rat which Fyodor gifted him, his fluffy bird plush and his two jester puppets with which he always performs puppet shows in broke japanese for the other kids or he performs one in russian only for Fyodor
Sigma: Sigma has a purple/lavender colored plush rat which Fyodor gifted him and he loves it dearly. He also has a plush star with cute face and he keeps a comforter in light blue with small stars on it in his bagpack which provides him comfort when he cries again or panics. Alone the knowledge of having it wih him is comforting and ressuring to him.
Atsushi: He always carries a white tiger plush which has a cute face and which is nearly as tall as him around with him.
Akutagawa: He has a black red plushie which he named "Rashomon". Nobody really knows what the plush is supposed to be and some kids think it looks scary but he loves it a lot.
Gin: Gin has a stuffed doll which she likes to dress up. Sometimes the doll is "the prettiest girl to ever exist" and sometimes she's "the coolest assasin who can beat everyone without revealing her true identiy".
Chuuya: He says that plushies are childish but he owns a fluffy sheep plushie which he always cuddles while falling asleep and which he would never give away.
Dazai: He owns a damn lot plushies since Oda and Ango spoil him a bit after adopting him but his favorite is his big superhero plush from a superhero series for kids which he named "Odasaku-Man". He often tries to hide his face behind it or presses his face into it when he doesn't want to talk, when he is embaressed, pouting or crying.
Poe: He always carries a racoon plush around with him. He named the plush Karl and he cries when it needs to be put in the washing machine. He also talks with it, tucks it in every evening and "feeds" it.
Ranpo: Ranpo has a comforter like Sigma but he only uses it when he's overwhelmed, sad or scared. He keeps it in Fukuzawas' office and he'd never admit owning such a thing. He's already six after all. Besides this, he preferes to play with his detective magnifying glass instead of playing with plushies anyways.
Mushitaro: He owns a round ghost plushie which looks like the ghosts from his ability in the canon universe. Karl and the ghost are often either witnesses or suspects in the cases which Ranpo makes up when Poe, Mushitaro and Ranpo play detective.
Kyouka: Kyouka owns a white plush bunny. She chews on it's ears all the time.
Tecchou: Tecchou owns a plush ant for some reason. He shows the plush ant the real ants all the time and introduces it to it's family
Jouno: He owns a white mochi cat which has the same texture and feeling like squishmellow plushies. He likes the feeling of those plushies a lot. He doesn't bring it often with him though and cuddles more with it at home.
Bram: Bram owns a tiny bat plush with very fluffy fur on it's chest. He loves that fur and often nuzzles his nose into it. He loves the bat in general and he's never seen sleeping without it in his arms. He also has tiny socks for it which he put on it's feet in the cold months aswell as a tiny but thick blanket in which he wraps the bat when it's cold outside. He called it Count Dracula. The bat also has tiny velcro pads on it's wings so that you can clasp them together. He uses this to clasp the wings together around his throat. Like this he can carry the bat on his back and can do things without having to put the plush away.
Lovecraft: He is never seen without his large Cthulhu plush which he drags around on one tentacle. He mainly uses it as pillow.
Kenji: He has a small cow plush which mooes if you squeeze it.
Steinbeck: Steinbeck has serval farm animals as plushies. He sometimes brings one of them with him to kindergarden but he preferes to bring his toy garden tools with him.
Louisa: Louisa has a bambi plushie which has a pastell pink bow around his neck. She loves it very much, reads stories to it and protects it. It also has a small cape which Lucy sewed for it herself for Louisas' birthday as a present.
Lucy: Lucy always keeps her doll "Anne" with her. The doll has red wool hair, black buttons as eyes and alwys wears new dresses since Lucy always sews her new ones. She also sewed tiny jackets, skirts as well as sockets aprons and she also knitted sweaters for her.
Yosano: Yosano owns a teddy. Fukuzawa gifted it to her and now he's her assistant when she "treats" "patients".
Q: They have their creepy doll. They were found on the doorstep of the orphanage together with this doll and serval adults have tried to exchange the doll and have tried to give Q a soft cute and fluffy plush but Q would always start to cry when they got their doll taken away and would only stop crying after they would get their doll back so eventually the kindergardeners and caretakers would just stop trying.
Fitzgerald: No plush but for some reason he always brings a damn lot play/fake money with him to kindergarden to "show everyone how rich he is" , calling himself the richest man alive.
Tachihara: He has a tiny lizard toy which he keeps in his backpack. He doesn't take it out very often though. He preferes to play with his toy gun together with Higuchi and Gin.
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