anovainspace · 2 years
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major tags;; xxx!gaster , delivery!gaster , delivery!
✎ what’s the basic information?    
a genocide maniac / out-code that’s barely seen. he has one goal and will strive for that goal with (or without) the duo. He’s barely seen and doesn’t really show himself often; he’s in the shadows simply collecting data and infomation. 
if wanting to know about his personality or him in general, he’s hard working and treats the others (xxx! sans/frisk) with respect, but he is two-faced when it comes to his motives.
✎ does have a cannon outfit? does he have an alternative outfit? is it okay if i make an outfit for him?
he does have a casual outfit! he also has an alternative outfit!
you can make another outfit! (if you don’t mind if you can @ me? i would love to see and link them/it!)
✎ what are his stats?
[LV. XXX] [HP. XXX] [ATK. 36] [EXP. 50000] [DEF. 4(10)]
 ✎ what pronouns do they go by?
officially, xxx!gaster goes by him/he and they/them
✎ do they have a birthday?
May 24
✎ what nicknames does he go by?
outsider/out-codes/people who met him calls him “mr.post"
xxx!sans calls him “sir” (or just gaster)
xxx!frisk calls him “mr.post” (rarely calls him gaster)
✎ what are his abilities/powers/etc?
âme (ability): creating for the benefit of himself and xxx!frisk; not only does he get a portion of determination to survive on, but also has xxx!frisk is useful to his goal. Âme gives 10 DEF when equipped.
salvare point (weapon): after obtaining two save-points and being able to stabilize them to work as an attack instead of its true purpose, he was about to create three phases. salvare point phase one doesn’t DMG the person, but instead saves the information/data (ATK, LV, and EXP). salvare point phase two ATK is 36 but will stack if getting hit by phase two multiple times. salvare point phase three is like phase two, but 50/50 chance phase three is one shot, due to using more of the determination. (note: phase three is his weakest point in the battle and will show his true soul in the process)
information tablet (etc): studying aus and how their code functions, but he’s aware if he had more people that helped him, he could gather more information quicker. sans’ information is more based on different au’s structure and how the au works. frisk’s information is more based on different individuals themselves (who they are, what their personality is, the souls of the person/monster, and STATS). 
✎ what’s his cannon height? age?
based on this post from “fandom” called “W.D. Gaster” xxx!gaster is taller than the original gaster. (gaster = 6’5, xxx!gaster = 7’1)
i don't have a cannon age for him, but i do have a cannon age-range; xxx!gaster is adult (lmao more like a grandpa)
✎ what au’s does he visit?
✎ what’s xxx!gaster font?
 determination mono web regular and wing dings (any font is fine though, it’s just more recommended)
✎ what’s his relationship with the other two outcodes?
xxx!sans: he sees him as a student/are on neutral terms with each other. they both have the same goal, but get frustrated when xxx!sans argues with the method he wants to use.
xxx!frisk: after taking some portion of frisk determination and their memories, they just see them as a child that will follow him like a lost duck. he doesn’t dislike them, but he doesn’t care what happens with them, since they’re an out-code 
overall: locked (currently)
✎ what’s his relationship(s) with people/monsters (individuals)?
(Core)Frisk: locked (currently)
Error (Sans): locked (currently)
Ink (Sans): an acquaintance and something he can benefit from.
✎ what’s his relationship(s) with people/monsters (aus/timelines)?
UnderTale (Pacifist): locked (currently)
UnderFell (Pacifist): locked (currently)
UnderSwap (Pacifist): visit the place sometimes, but won't interact with anyone, he might’ve got caught once, but it wasn’t anything major.
UnderGut: locked (currently) 
(note: this will be updated if i get more questions and are becoming repetitive)
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procrastinatinglumi · 2 years
(Read from right to left)
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delivery! x memory!sans ( collab w/ @anovainspace )
nothing sus here lmaoo - Lumi
[ʚɞ reset] [ʚɞ previous] [ʚɞ next]
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sin-content · 2 years
I loved the halloween designs!
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Oh it seems that DustSwap wants to trick or treat with them! Pfft-
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DustSwap Ella by Me
[Her name is Violet, she is nice, dont worry]
Delivery cast by @anovainspace!
[Xxx!Frisk, xxx!Sans, xxx!Gaster]
They are so cute I couldnt resist
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Howdy! In honor of Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day, I've decided to put together a little collection of fics that should be more Papyrus focused!
What Are Friends For by IchikiWindGryphon (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
Undyne and Papyrus are the best of friends. But when Undyne learns Papyrus's greatest secret, it pushes their relationship to the brink. Things only get worse as she learns of the skeleton brothers' traumatic past, and the horrors of Dr. W.D. Gaster.
We Need to Talk by batter_sempai (General Audiences, Incomplete)
Something is bothering Frisk. Because of a deal they made in the past, a familiar voice keeps haunting them, telling them to murder those close to them and threatening to take over their body. For a while, only Flowey knows what is happening to them, but their struggle to keep in control is noticed by Papyrus, who offers to help them. All three of them soon find themselves isolated, as Papyrus attempts to communicate to the Fallen Child possessing Frisk, in order to protect his brother and to prevent another genocide run from occurring.
Flowey Is Not a Good Life Coach by unrestedjade (Mature, Complete)
Flowey gets bored and decides to change up one of his runs. Papyrus presents an interesting project, for the moment.
You Can't Make An Emotionally-Developed Papyrus Omelette Without Breaking A Few Limit-Eggs by KachiggaTHUNDER (Teen And Up, Complete)
Papyrus faces everything with a positive attitude, and never gives up once he's been asked to do something. As nice as that is in theory, it can lead to problems in practice. Problems such as strained friendships, personal doubts and damage to one's personal possessions. Still, no problem can make the Great Papyrus give up! ...Probably.
Two Sides of the Same Coin by AceFace98 (Teen And Up, Complete)
Papyrus lived his whole life in a single room, with only the “Mental Evaluation” days to look forward to (he called them “Long Boring Test” days, which was much more accurate). He never really minded his life, he didn’t know anything else. The doctors were all really nice to him, and he had everything he could possibly want. Expect, maybe, he wished he wasn’t so lonely. But when his wish comes true, everything else comes crashing down around him. Another skeleton child breaks into his room, carrying a backpack full of supplies and plans of escape. Papyrus tags along with him, mostly not to loose the closest thing he’s ever had to a friend, and he finds out quickly that he’s grossly unprepared for the outside world. But friends stick together, especially when they might be...brothers?
The Deep End Yessica (Teen And Up, Complete)
There must have been a mistake. He doesn’t belong here. Life is great. Monsters are free, the surface is wonderful and things couldn’t be better. So the fact that Papyrus still wants to die, isn’t really a problem, is it?
Blue Heart by Rogue_Mutt (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
In the Underfell Universe, Papyrus continues to uphold his duties as a member of the Royal Guard Militia alongside his brother Sans. When he accepts an assignment from Undyne to collect taxes from Snowdin, he is then ambushed before he can make the delivery. After being brutally attacked, he gains the respect from king Asgore Dreemurr himself, who offers Papyrus to become an official member of his grim guard. Papyrus will come to understand the rules of this Kill or be killed world as he comes to question exactly what he is willing to do to keep he and his brother alive and well.
Forgettable by Peepasaurus (Teen And Up, Complete)
After the world went dark, everyone lost a few memories. But some forgot more than others. Papyrus couldn't decipher what was real or an illusion. What was a nightmare or a memory. What it meant to keep hearing the words, 'I am here'.
Oh, Brother by peachyelixer (Teen And Up, Complete)
Papyrus had always seen himself as the stronger brother. Of course - why wouldn’t he when his lazy brother, Sans, spends 90% of the day sleeping in his room and the other 10% doing god-knows-what? But when the secrets of time-lines and what Sans has been keeping on his shoulders are revealed, Papyrus makes a promise both to himself and to his brother that Sans wouldn’t fight this battle on his own anymore. Papyrus was going to help his older brother, no matter what.
How To Be A Big Brother by kaliawai512 (General Audiences, Complete)
Frisk is upset. Papyrus doesn't know why. They're on the surface, everyone is safe and they all have a brand new life together. But Frisk has been sitting in the corner during the day and waking up screaming in the middle of the night. They are very, very upset, and Papyrus wants to help. He just doesn't know how. But he does know how someone helped him when he was young, and maybe, just maybe, he can do the same thing himself. Maybe he can be as great a big brother as his own was to him. (Secret Santa gift for Peanutable - happy holidays!!)
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utmvarchive · 6 months
Mobtale: a summary.
As seen before with Underfell, some UNDERTALE iterations could be better described as a whole category of AUs with similar traits. Such is the case with "Mobtale," or Mobstertale, wherein the common threads are that while monsterkind was never banished from fresh air, tensions with humankind have persisted to the point of monsters forming gangs to get by, and either the 2010s still maintain the style of the so-called "Prohibition Era" or the entire 2010s population is set back ~80-90 years.
While Mobtales can be distinguished from Undernovela by cultural differences between transatlantic USA and Latin America, Mobtales can also be distinguished from each other by monsters' jobs, dealings and relationship with humans.
Take, for example, "UT Mob AU" where human children had been experimented upon by adults to incite tensions between humans and monsters. The children were meant to be taken in by monsters as Trojan horses, and then triggered to collect their monster SOULs. Asgore and Toriel had lost their son this way, not knowing what had been done to Chara. W.D. Gaster had been researching how to rehabilitate Frisk and others before them, and Alphys was entrusted with continuing their treatment plans after his passing, but his brothers Sans and Papyrus, who used to work for Toriel but now work for Asgore, unknowingly intercepted a delivery when they found Frisk in a crate.
They did not recognize Frisk as a human but saw they wore a dog tag, which said FRISK. 349-550-0 C-TEST, so the brother nicknamed them "Little Pup" or "Lil Pup." As much as Toriel wanted to take over upon seeing Sans' and Papyrus' inexperience at childcare, she compromised that she'd help the two provide for them since Lil Pup took a liking to staying with the two at their abandoned warehouse.
Sans began investigating in secret, but after there'd been a failed attempt to mug Papyrus at knife-point, Lil Pup later attacked Sans with a knife. Papyrus intercepted and diffused the situation, and Lil Pup would not remember this incident, but Sans was still wary. He tried once to return them to the humans, with Temmies to lead the way, but he couldn't follow through when Lil Pup cried for him. So he took them back home, committing to his and Papyrus' responsibility for the child, and resumed his investigation.
Alphys would tell him everything when it led him back to her, but word about the "pup" had reached Asgore through Undyne, at which point he put out a dead-or-alive capture order. Sans intercepted the dog monsters, but Papyrus intercepting Undyne set Lil Pup off and Sans would take them both elsewhere before they could take Papyrus' SOUL. In the following struggle, Sans stole Frisk's SOUL as they were stealing his, and in the panic to preserve Frisk's, the two's SOULS osmosed to a degree before Sans Frisk's body would accept theirs back.
After this incident, Alphys was able to explain the situation to Asgore, and he called off the headhunt.
...In the case of "Undermafia," Sans and Papyrus work for W.D. Gaster, who in turn refers to Frisk as "young boss." The Skeleton Family was entrusted with the human's care when Asriel died and Toriel feared what Asgore would do after their separation. W.D. Gaster especially took a liking to Frisk, while Sans' motives are more financial and Papyrus is a reluctant but proficient sniper.
Meanwhile, in "UT Gangster AU," Sans and Papyrus, fronting as an Italian diner alongside Grillby, work for Toriel after the loss of Asriel motivated Asgore to found their gang. Asgore remains the gang's public face and Undyne acts as underboss, usually with Sans on diversion duty and Papyrus as the getaway driver. This... frequently means that Sans lets the police target him for brutal physical abuse. He does not give them the satisfaction of seeing how much they're hurting him, but he does not tell the gang what he endures for his them either, which has forced Papyrus to feign ignorance around Sans' secrets. Depending on where else alterations have been made, this AU especially could also suggest that staying on the surface has allowed monsters to emulate more physical matter– enough to bleed. Because this Sans has. Often.
As seen above, another major disctinction between Mobtales is custody of Frisk. Frisk is Asgore and Toriel's formally-adopted child in both Undernovela and Undermafia, but in UT Gangster AU they were not taken in permanently until after they tried turning Frisk in as a runaway, only for them to return to the Dreemurr family; and in UT Mob AU, it was Sans and Papyrus who adopted Frisk, being the two who found them. This is the more overt differentiation.
To understand a more subtle difference for telling apart Mobtales by their Frisks, it must first be understood that as organic lifeforms, humans have historically related identities and social designations to their external tissues, such as how adults use some of these traits to assign genders to newborns, assign social roles to genders and maintain social pressure to follow these birth assignments even into adulthood. By 201X, more human societies have begun phasing out these gender roles, but Mobtales take after a time period several decades earlier.
This may give context for the variations in Frisk's presentation between Mobtales. In UT Mob AU, they were never forced to follow this practice under the care of monsters, whereas in UT Gangster AU, they'd gotten in frequent trouble for mixing gendered school uniforms until they were homeschooled. And in Undermafia, Frisk is what other humans would call a tomboy, addressing herself as a girl while dressing more like the men and boys of the time. This could be due to the underdeveloped vernacular of the era's mainstream or to fundamental differences in her sense of identity.
...Come to think of it, I don't know whether or not assignment should also go on the list of alterations. Back in my timeline, it never came up before I ▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢, and I had no reason to review our Frisk's personal data when I went looking for □□□□.
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karamooniliaaskblog · 4 months
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AU Title
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( This is an abbreviation, it mean Monochrome. )
°Character İnformation Sheets °
W.D Gaster's Followers Masterpost (<-almost)
Sans & Papyrus AU versions
"Give me six characters to make fanart of!" Thing
Most Basic Versions Of The Designs Of The Bad Time/Skele Trio
Frisk Refence/İnformation Sheet
- To be continued -
All Asks chronologically:
1# Pap's Fav Food
2# Where are the AU creator? ( İn this Post, the question is invisible cuz I lost it :') )
3# Cat Sans meet Monoc Sans
4# Sans wants to marry with Ketchup
5# Cat Sans wants Food
6# Science & The Future Hopes
7# Give Child Papy A Hug!
8# Telling Sans Almost Everything About His Future
9# Almost Forcing Sans To Marry With Ketchup
10# Kidnapping "Adopting" Asriel
11# That Heartbreaking Pun
12# Playtime Wants To Play With Chara & Asriel
14# >:(
15# What is True Science?
16# UnderGround Delivery Service (UDS :D)
17# Falling Hazard (Glitched Video)
...To be continued...
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cannibala-co · 5 months
Deltarune Chapter 3 Take because I’m Bored
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okay so uh first off, The Weather Team are the first main people you meet. They have a little weather station in the first area, the Rose Swamp, which is a mix of the living room and the discarded flowers. They’re very annoying and are kind of the secret bosses??? I dunno they have connections to Gaster beCAUSE I CAN- … they want to get to the Light World because they want a perfect home.
They also join the party for a bit till you get to the second area, which is the City. But in your way, the final part of the swamp is a beach-like area where you meet Rook. Rook is a Wine Glass in the light world, and in the dark world she’s a laid back surfer-type with a shop, and that’s where you find Toriel.
After you leave the swamp, the Weather team say they’re leaving the Fun Gang when… idk Toriel says something about the Dreemur house. But before they leave, you enter Mikes Diner, an abandoned diner that used to be huge. The City (I don’t have a name) is the kitchen if you couldn’t tell. When you turn Mike back on, he is a Mettaton type character who cooks with you, in a battle. Finally, you make it to Tenna Casino, where you meet Tenna, the big bad. He’s a Cross between Scatman and Wario, and is a Mob boss guy. He would be the final boss, but before that, the weather Team act all scary like they’re gonna fight you, but they don’t.
the secret boss might be the cat from the TV? I know it sounds weird but what if when the Dark Fountain was made, his restaurant was torn down for the casino and he a pizza delivery boy now??? Idk BYE
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
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aha. i see... the post you tagged me in.... AND I SHALL DELIVER!!! kitty-delivery is at your service!!!!!!!!!!!! MYUHUHUUUUUU AWAWAWAWAAAAA (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
OKAYOKAYOKAY— so!! hmmmm.... what's up with gasty boy? what's gonna happen now that he's actually present and existing instead of scattered across everything everywhere all at once?? he's giving mad scientist but how far does the mad scientist go????? i'm interested in him 'cause i don't think i've ever read a sans au fic like this where the OG gaster was there too and i love the way you write them all!!!!!! or if you wanna do something else,, take this as an opportunity to infodump about anything you want!!!!! WAVE EMOJI WAVE EMOJI LOVE YOU CHICHIIII!!!! (≧▽≦)/ (≧▽≦)/
alright, you already know that he's a mad scientist, but as i've said before, he's morally gray, which means a lot of things don't deter him of completing/doing experiments.
which is why the lil 'oopsie daysie' happened with machine, and that's why there are alternates at the manor.
sans and papyrus, at the least, are pissed about it. but this discovery makes gaster's nerdy big boy brain hyperfixate on anything relating to the topic of alternative universes (humans in this universe dont have much research about it other than the occasional movie that makes you think, and the theories.)
and if i go further into this id spoil some of the plot (which i already did enough of) sooo, lets think of some hypothetical scenarios and headcannons!
id say that reader (you) would get into the lab a lot. and while you can be a great lab assistant, lets be honest, you touch too much shi 💀💀
gaster would have this thing where he'd put you in he corner for 5 minutes before letting you interact with the work again.
when i think of gaster's experiments, not only do i think of vials of dangerous liquids, but i also think of a SHIT ton of notes just neatly organized into notebooks on a metal shelf
a lot of the pages are more about ramblings and tiny details rather than general info
so if you try to read it, please get some context dear.
i know most ppl have the headcannon that sans gets his sleepy eepies from his dad, but he completely developed that on his own
gaster has a schedule set to where he sleeps for 8 hours, and only has 3 hours of free time.
which means if you see the other 13 hours blocked on his schedule he will not acknowledge you unless you are helping him progress
Going back to his interests, i think his favorite part about science are the details that most people miss that just really bring the whole theory together into a fact.
bro prolly has some national scientist awards and threw that shi straight into the trash.
its not that he isnt proud of his achievements actually, not at all.
he just doesn't need someone else, better yet a human to tell him so
so he tries to ignore the public despite their incessant please for his presence ✨
Since gaster actually exists, he is still labeled as the royal scientist, despite not being apart of a monarchy anymore, and does favors for the king when the curiosity allows it.
I want him to be a grandfather figure, who rambles on about success in life, who is also emotionally repressed, who also takes many risks that a man his age shouldn't.
his ideas and experiments are very "out of the box" per say. Like, if you told him you cant see souls at all (which is most likely gonna happen) dudes gonna strap you down and ignore your cries of pain as he extracts the your soul from your chest. poking and prodding at it to compare it to a monster soul.
i mean, he has the real thing now! no need to rely in outdated textbooks and theories right? why not test it for himself? and if you resent him for the rest of your life for it, he would tell you how lucky you are to still be alive and that he got what he wanted without losing a "potential specimen".
which makes you wonder what other lives has gaster been liable for??...oh well!
And noowwww back to the reader!
since reader is now gonna be a big part of his life- he'll allow certain things to slide. as you live more and more with him and the gang, he'll call you assistant or human and not by your real name.
i dont think gaster would spend much time around you during his scheduled hours (he kicks you out half the time)
but during his free time, and since you're human, he is very curious.
he asks about you, what it's like being a human female, what makes your skin darker than other humans, and why'd you conjoin your hair-
just lots of general questions about your appearance and how humans literally dont use INTENT at all.
and yes, INTENT, DETERMINATION, ATK, LOVE, and much more terms from undertale will be used in this fic. so i suggest getting into the fandom vocab a bit when you can-
but to put it simply, INTENT is like another way of language for monsters. it's pretty much what it says, but to break it down: intent is something that you do with purpose.
personally, i headcannon intent to be more intune with emotions and how the user feels and/or wants to feel in the moment. for example "aggressive and murderous intent" or "caring, sweet, and loving intent." and INTENT carries magic within it, hence why monsters are so in tune with internal emotions while humans aren't. and that's why monsters re more in danger with humans than any other creature, because humans used unknowing intent that could kill a monster in one hit.
Surprisingly enough he doesn't like to spend his breaks at home in his bed.
instead, he goes out to muffet's for a very specific coffee order, and a spider muffin.
half of the time he'll make you pay with your own money, crippling your pockets.
other times he'll roll his eyes when you "forget" to bring your wallet and get you only a drink off the menu.
if you catch him as he's leaving out for a break, gaster may sometimes not go to muffet's at all and find a park to watch kids trip at.
or maybe a grass field during golden hour.
im not gonna say that gaster hates kids, but it's moreso that fact that they...are underdeveloped, and therefore harder to understand in his eyes.
as ive said before, this guys ignores his feelings, so he gets uncomfortable when people show theirs.
so when you cry, or get angry in situations that dont seem as big to him as it does to you, he lowkey cringes a bit.
but since.. *sigh* you're now his pupil, as well as someone who takes his work more seriously than others (DESPITE YOUR TENDENCY TO TOUCH SHIT)
he has to take of you now! and *gags* comfort you
bro cant comfort for shit (which is one of the reasons why they dont have plants at their house)
so when you hug him with your snotty face... and your...wet tears, he shivers aggressively but tries to keep still
yea he doesn't hug back at all, its bad enough he has to watch you!
(or maybe it's bc he doesn't know how to hug back 👀)
In this au, the reader is canon to the universe. not isekaid, not transported, no. she lives there and the code is accurate. so any and all timelines will include her.
and timelines are gonna be a "what if", or maybe a chapter for angst. idk yet. And in this fic, imma make the choice for flowey not to remember resets. but only due to his will (cool right?).
frisk isn't really gonna be included much into the plot, only when it calls for it.
oh shit- back to gaster
not sure if i said this before, but warming up to gaster even the littlest bit is like reading a 100 chapter slowburn.
it's gonna take a long time, hell, maybe a year or so, for him and reader to start actually building a granddaughter/grandpa relationship. so while youre still getting to know him, it's like he's avoiding you, (but you clearly don't read his schedule enough sooooo)
and when you guys finally get to that point, you guys are like buddies. he'll ramble to you about certain topics, while you sit and listen.
you'd watch movies with him as he overanalyzes characters and plots, only to fuck it up and end up with something different, claiming "he could write a better one".
gaster loves helping you study
even if it's for a 5 question quiz, he'll help you out as much as he can!
plus, id be a shame if the ✨Smartest Man On the Surface ™✨ let his little human fail!
nuh uh, not happening!!!
he's very proud of you everytime you get an assignment back with an A with lots of praise from the teachers.
he'll even try to get you in a routine (which rarely works often, as easy as it seems)
gaster chuckles every time you make him a homemade snack, or lunch meal, it warms his little heart ❤️
Other times he can't stand your attitude
Why cant you control yourself in situations that aren't bigger than you make it seem?
it racks his big brain so much, that he bans you from the lab for 3 days when stuff like that happens.
he really hates it when someone has a tone with him, it grinds against some part of his brain the makes his more "violent" and intrusive thoughts.
its not noticable at first, at least not to him, but after the 1st hour he begins thinking
"humans have skeletons right?"
"what would skin all in a pile look like?"
"what would happen if he gripped, squeezed and strangled a soul made of pure determination?"
of course, he already knows that answer to those. and if you dont, just ask frisk.
im sure they remember very well.
but after the intrusive thoughts go away, he's just left seething in anger.
i feel like gaster (,similar to donnie from rise) has a hard time understanding other people, because he's been alone for most of his life.
and that makes him jealous of you.
but in the end, you'll always be gaster's little assistant ❤️
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @amorisbackandbetterthanever @cyb3r-st4r if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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bluu3berry · 4 months
Visitor to valles
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CW: Bad grammer, un-sorted/messy writing, Guns / Weaponry Characters: Mafia!swap (Gunshot) | My take Wing-Dings, + Unn | Mine Bluu (me/persona) + South | Mine Ivy + Nightmare (Owned by @superbfirnacho ) and B i n g o !! (Mine)
*He walked down the street without much notice of the things around him, the monsters and humans chatting up a storm in the off section of the road… He stared at the emptier side looking down and over to the beach, He frowned seeing all such happy faces, how come they can be so happy? Even that nightmare with the goat was happy, nightmare sanses weren't usually allowed in this city! But no of course he gets to be happy.
*He paused for a second as he looked down at the small colorless dinosaur, it looked up at him as a floating hand appeared offering for him to take, he confusingly tilted his head before taking it silently, the child smiled as it scribbled out eyes blinked once and teleported him to the beach, the kid pulled him along the poncho flowing behind its long tail, why did it have wholes in its head?.. the small bow was at least semi-cute.
" Uh… Who exactly are you..? " *He spoke with amusement at the child pulling him, they paused and looked over at him before letting go of his hand and bowing " Some call me goner kid, However, I prefer to go by Bingo. I'm here to show you the true side of this city. " *The child spoke in an echo as the gaster hand tightened its grip pulling him up into the air, the child followed in an instant as it started to feel like he was falling, but truly wasn't. he was just floating, the scribbled-eye freak looked back at him with another wide smile as it dived like a dragon down into the city, stopping by a coffee shop as it landed gracefully, meanwhile, he faceplanted onto the ground, before standing back up and fixing his fedora, the hand helping by pulling him upwards
" Okay grumpy pants, welcome to… Boba cafe' is run by a friend of mine and his dad, she doesn't work here too much but it's very vibrant. " *The skeleton groaned as he was guided inwards to the shop, seeing a small bluu skeleton floating side to side and dropping off small deliveries, with a bigger skeleton hunched over working with the cups and cafe food. the smaller one dropped to the ground as it smiled hugging the child in its grasp, the kid squeaked but so did the blue sans copy. It smiled adjusting its bandana and looked up at the redeeming criminal sans. He stared and glared at the skeleton, meanwhile, she shrugged and stole his fedora walking over to the bigger black skeleton and putting it on his head, he paused patting his head, and taking it off with a frown " Alright, who is the new guy Bingo brought over… " *The voice of the big skeleton echoed softly its raspy voice paused before looking over, he smiled and teleported over shrinking, bits of a black fog radiated off of him*
"… ehh- Hello. " Bingo forced the mafia's hand out to the tearful skeleton which was shaken, meanwhile the one with stars on the tip of its eyes watched in the background.. before going back to her side hustle "Hello! Welcome to Boba Cafe. " *He grabbed the arm and slipped on a wristband, before he could realize the wristband glowed as he blinked taking his hand back, blinking at it… bingo smiled and shut his eyes, the big skeleton bowed gently and walked away with small stomps on the floor
" That is the indicator! it's a wristband used for people who need friends, so do you want some friends? I'm sure I can find a good group for ya! " *Bingo winked as they spoke he just stared and sighed nodding and looking away flustered at the fact a kid would help him, it was pathetic but he did quit his job for the mafia to become a better person, it's a good step in the right direction, He was guided to the center of the big city, where other collection of people sat, the humanoids and monsters collectively talking about CHEESE! It was confusing… but it didn't seem to be the main point of this travel, he was spun around with ease by the hand facing- a daycare?? Why would he be taken to a daycare? " Look kiddo- I want friends and all but I aint gonna be friends with children- " *He spoke with a weird gruff tone, bingo just cringed before laughing softly shaking their head, the monochrome child led him within and looked around in the pick up area*
" Yes yes, it is a place mainly for kids, but.. you're very fond of children, so I'd think someone who is waiting for a child would be an amazing friend! Don't you think so? " *It spoke softly and slowly, as an old person would, but the voice was still smooth.. Bingo smiled as they stopped near a gaster holding a hair-covered child, he paused and backed off to the mobster, he looked ashamed as he tipped his fedora downward " Hello WingDings! I was wondering if you could have a small chitchat with my friend? He's a very kind fellow and is trying to get better! He doesn't bite! " *Bingo smiled as Wingdings calmed down he put the child down its neon green and yellow shirt glowed a bit before they just scampered off ".. Uh, hello. I'm Sans- well, to be more specific I'm Mafia!Swap, Some call me gunshot, I ain't too fond of at' name so eh. " *Gunshot spoke softly as he approached holding out his hand, wingdings smiled.. the gaster hand let go of Gunshot's arm and let him throw. They started a small conversation, and Bingo realized his job was done, he smiled softly and turned away the small gaster hand picking up and waving goodbye to Gunshot, gunshot paused and smiled gently waving to the leaving ghost, as he soon.. faded out of the existence of the city.
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sui-imi · 1 year
Does UnderEats Gaster have like a list that has names on who is not allowed to order. Kinda like a ‘you are banned’ thing?
[EXEC] Hmm... Not exactly. I Regularly Inform Each And Every Worker About Bad Customers. What They Do With This Information Is Up To Them.
[EXEC] Each Driver Has A Personal Blacklist. That Means, If A Blacklisted Customer Orders, They Won't Be Assigned That Delivery. If No Drivers Are Willing To Take It, Then The Order Will Be Cancelled.
[EXEC] Of Course, There Are Some People (For Example, Nightmare's Little Clique) Who Try To Circumvent This By Creating New Accounts Under False Names, But I Will Always Know Who They Are. They Cannot Escape The 'Bad Customer' List.
[EXEC] Each person I Hire Has The Ability To Defend Themselves. They Should Be Fine In Most Scenarios - Or At Least Able To Flee Long Enough To Call For Help. I Won't Tell Them Who To Deliver Or Not Deliver To.
[EXEC] But Some People Make Me Want To.
[ROO] he's talking about me.
[EXEC] Yes. The One Person Who Hasn't Blacklisted Anyone. Which Is Why He Gets Into So Many Ridiculous Situations.
[ROO] 'food for all'. that's the good old UnderEats motto.
[EXEC] That's Not The Motto.
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alusniper · 11 months
I just wanted to how u were doing?
And how the next chapter of Wardtale was going (very excited for this chapter btw. Esp. given the sneak peeks we have gotten of it so far)?
(Honestly. Wardtale is just so great and interesting in general. Like; I love Sans being a former military general. Now newspaper delivery person, is that right? Idk, I just love that kind of past live(s) and/or multiple side stuff when it comes to Sans. Plus; I am suck for science stuff, military, spy, tactician, or assassin, etc. stuff for Sans. Think ur series, or the amazing Timetale. With one of the best Sans and Alphys and Sans and Alphys relationships I have ever seen. Or think The Golden Quiche series. Or TLD series, by the same person who did TGQ, and is a really great and unique DustTale take. So I love that for ur Sans. Alphys' and more cold (if I am remembering correctly) role in WT is very interesting too! And it is interesting that Sans hates her. I wonder what Alphys thinks and/or feels about Sans. Ur Frisk take and design is great too! Tbh; u are just so good at designs in general.
Also, I love the sprite game art style kind of thing that Wardtale has! It is so different and unique. And it gives me the vibes of sprite comics, which, I wish say more of, esp. ongoing and/or completed ones in the fandom(s). Though, the ones we have are great. But still different, and very developed. Anyways, I am very excited (though also sad, but also happy the series is going to be getting closure) for the next chapter and the last 2 (I think) chapters in the Wardtale. And I am very interested to hopefully still see ur take on Wardhorror. I love horror and/or horrortale takes. And I already love ur takes on Sans and Aliza for example.)
Or about the next part and/or chapter of The Ebott Books is going if u are working on that instead?
(Loving this so far too. I love ur sprite video series for Wardtale, but ur comics are so well done too! And it helps even more to give each series a really unique feel to it. Loving the kind of fairy tale elements, designs, and curses in this! It is all very interesting. Sans, Paps, Frisk's, and I think Asgore was in this and had a cool design, all look awesome and cool and cute and stuff.
Though, I won't lie, seeing Paps more mainly in blue, and Sans mainly more in a brown-ish color; even though they both look great, kind of threw me off. '^^ Because, I more connect blue to Sans. At least usually. Or like, they both have blue clothes and stuff; like in some Outertale versions. Like, The Ebott Books Paps is not the only blue Paps I have seen. There is also CP from Under/Source. But like, blue just works for me w/ CP (not that it doesn't ur Paps) and doesn't throw me off as much for some reason. Maybe because also, a couple of the main Sanses and characters are mainly purple and blue (so still one blue, and another cool color. Plus; I just like purple on Sans). So maybe that helps in me not getting as thrown off.
Last thing: About ur " • S A N S ' S • • F A M I L Y•"
That post and art was really cool and interesting. I would have loved to see it in the series proper or maybe some kind of side video or something, because idk, I just find it cool and interesting. And exploring Sans, Paps, Gaster, and skelemom a bit more as a family sounds cool. And I like seeing people different takes on the skelebrothers family. But I get why u decided u can't. If u ever do post more and/or etc.; I will defin. be interested though.
Also, I know it is because you don't want to show the Mom (which, honestly, I wouldn't minded seeing ur take on Skelemom. I like seeing more takes on Sans' and/or Paps' parent(s), and we know more of that in the fandom(s) imo. Like, there is Timetale, Reminiscence, The Golden Quiche (and kinda The Lone Defender), etc. have good takes on the skeleparent(s). As a few examples), but the way u have ur part of the picture missing and/or ripped is quite ominous and mysterious.
If don't know or don't want to answer about how stuff is going with Wardtale or The Ebott Books and/or etc; I would totally understand and get it!
Wowwww this the great ask I received :>
• (this makes me happy) Thank you for liking sans' relationships and him being a former general who gave up his life to be a newspaper delivery boy, I always liked watching documentaries and I did well at school when they were about revolutions and wars. Alphys doesn't hate but doesn't like Sans either, she supports him more because of Papyrus and Gaster (even though Gaster sees Sans as a soldier rather than a son and Papyrus for having fought with Sans but still cares a lot about him) The only common thing they have in common is that they think that humans should be left alone and that they don't transmit the virus to monsters, but they have totally opposite ways of solving this problem.
Sans is also jealous that Papyrus admires Alphys and listens to her more than Sans, after Sans arranged for Papyrus to join Asgore's army and try to place him in an important position.
• Yes, after Wardtale ends I want to do two ideas that popped into my head (which won't be canonical in the story) but after it's over I'm going to do some drawings of Au, either events that happened in the series or from each Monsters past.
• ebott books I left on hiatus because I want to focus on finishing wardtale and war fragment (an old sonic comic of mine with the main couple from infinite x gadget) on Wattpad since both are not long before they are finished.
• The idea was for Papyrus to be white or black, but it didn't work very well (because they are both inspired by wild wolves) so I thought about putting a gray color but it looked quite dead, then finally I decided to put a more bluish gray color since the Au's colors are shades of blue and white to represent ice (yes, I confess that it's not every day that there's a papyrus with blue that reminds me of a sans lol)
• I can even show more of the past two two (there's a part ready about this that I haven't posted yet) and also if I have space I'll put more of Alphys' past or at least mention about their and Alphys' childhood and more about the asriel and sans relationship
• At first I thought about Sans and Papyrus's mother being a parody or something funny like featuring Temmy or another character (maybe an NPC that no one knows the existence or importance of) but since Wardtale took a more serious path I thought about what she could be like or who she could be, so I thought the fans could interpret what her face would look like... BUT I WANTED TO MAKE A POINT OF DESIGNING THE DRESS BECAUSE I LOVE DESIGNING DRESSES.
No problem, I'm happy that you love the series a lot, I'm still doing Wardtale, but due to the accident that caused my cell phone to die and me losing a lot of things, it made me feel discouraged, but thanks to my girlfriend, my sister and some fans encouraging me to continue little by little I came back and I'm redoing some sprites that I had lost
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anovainspace · 1 year
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BAM new look for the future >> mwahahAHAHA
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foxalone · 2 years
[special delivery]
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Gaster!Blood: My God... This lady is incredibly intimidating and yet so sweet hehe , Should I ask her out on a date one day?...
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No, it's not worth it for her to worry too much, however...
God I'm between heaven and hell!
Gaster!Blood , Frisk2.0 and Underblood belongs to me
Inverso!Gaster and Inversotale by: @nova2cosmos
Undertale by Toby Fox
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coffeebeanwrites · 7 months
Something I always toyed with for my Gaster fic was how he would spoil his partner.
He tries a couple times, giving straight up cash, taking them out to nice meals, paying for take-out or delivery. But none of it really feels like spoiling in the typical sense.
I don't know how I would ever write it, but he'd eventually move on to trying gifts (given their reaction to Christmas/Gyftmas, it's the logical progression). Pretty necklaces he spots while visiting the farmers market with them, a scarf or bandana that catches their eyes. I've always thought that he helps "update" their wardrobe too. Purchasing more business like masculine clothing, taking them to a tailor, ensuring their happiness in every way.
But this one keeps popping up in my brain, and it comes and goes. But it's been floating around for about 6 years or so. It has to do with perfume/cologne. Because, he's (mildly) obsessed with scent. In a more naturalistic sense (pheromones) as well as with just observing the world around him through smell (re; 'taste'. Smells with tongue. Don't ask me if it works like a snake that's one aspect of his biology I haven't dwelled on). It's half the reason he's always wearing something, it's like a shield for his senses.
But with them it's a little different. He simply cannot get enough of being around them, in their space, constantly keeping them close enough to "smell". Even going as far as to spend time licking them obsessively (there's a WIP for that... It keeps bouncing between Souls Desire and Souls Sin). So I feel like the truly selfish, whim-driven spoiling would be gifting high-end colognes/perfumes for them to wear. And he would probably end up letting on eventually that they should wear it all the time, even a light mist at home.
I have this like, image of them wearing a perfume oil (Probably that really generic bold Carolina Herrera one, "Good Girl"[I sound like I'm dissing it but I'm actually not because I own the rollerball perfume oil]) and then applying it just before they go to give him a hug before he leaves or when they get dropped off on campus, and swiping it on his neck or shirt collar. So when he takes a breath he catches a whiff of it and it's like their little secret all day. Or in sort of a primal/prey dynamic it's like a mark (god knows Gaster leaves plenty) and it's just, this kind of sultry, sensual action that gets passed between them.
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Hiii I saw you were good at finding undertale fics! I wanted to ask if you could find me slowburn fic with gaster (with possibly eventual smut/smut?)
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
Dark, Darker, Yet Darker by platonicharmonics (Mature, Complete)
The life and times of Dr. W. D. Gaster, and the important people in his life — from the dawn of the Human-Monster War to the Accident.
Alone Together, Across the Multiverse by WolfGod369 (Explicit, Incomplete)
Gaster searches the multiverse for the scattered pieces of his Soul, finding that you (the Reader) somehow bound with one such fragment. Forced to take you with him, you slowly bond over time, traveling the multiverse together on your now-shared mission. What starts out as a cold, tense relationship gradually evolves into an actual relationship with the former Royal Scientist.
Piece by Piece by words_to_escape_by (Explicit, Complete)
A story where you find yourself somehow connected to a mysterious monster- one that invades your dreams, creeps into your reality, and somehow, gives your life a bit more meaning and excitement. To help him, you decide to hop through timelines and parallel universes (read- AU's) to find the missing pieces of his soul. And you can't help but come to find him... interesting. This is a W.D. Gaster x Reader fanfic, with plenty o plot and fluff sprinkled about places. Be prepared for a slow, slow burn. Also, my first fanfic, so please bear with me while I learn...
Rule of 3's by kibbles_n_kat (Explicit, Incomplete)
You spend your days reading and making deliveries for your carrier job, life is pretty normal. Weeeell, that's until you meet some well dressed skeleton brothers under..... uncomfortable circumstances. But that's alright! You'll work hard to make up for past mistakes. Relationships may grow although, someone might get a little "handsy" in the future. Welcome to my very first fan fic, but certainly not the last ;3
Soul of Fire by TrinTerrance (Mature, Incomplete)
It had been seven years since Monsters resurfaced, and tension between the human and monster races was finally beginning to reach a boiling point. You had just graduated college, and could barely make due with your grocery store job. With attacks and riots beginning to plague the city, living alone in your run down apartment was slowly becoming harder and harder to bare. But one night, upon finding yourself amidst a dangerous bar fight, a tall dark stranger appears…and saves your life. This is how you meet W.D. Gaster. The man who could single (or multiple) handedly change everything.
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scuddle-bubble101 · 2 years
*seductively slides in, laying across a scare board with flower in mouth*
Flower delivery for a mr “Pretty buns.” Compliments to Mr comic Gaster.
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"Get tha' fuck outtah my house."
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