dragons-and-handcuffs · 11 months
Demon!Tywin convinced Goddess of Purity Lyra that ‘anal doesn’t count as real sex’ and that she would definitely still be a virgin…
Yes she’s on all fours like a bitch in heat…
Yes a demon creampies her ass for the third time in a row…
Yes she’s pushing her ass back at him and meeting his thrusts…
Yes she keeps cumming despite her or Tywin not touching her pussy…
Yes her eyes roll into the back of her and she starts drooling with tongue hanging out as Tywin starts spanking her…
But she’s still pure…
Omg this is so perfect 😈
Tywin convinced Lyra that anal and oral doesn't count and promised to not take her virginity until she gives consent. Lyra agreed because she wants to remain pure. And because she is the goddess of purity she made the celestial vow to never pleasure herself or touch herself.
And now Tywin just use and fuck her ass and mouth many times a day. She is constantly wet but can't herself. She cums while Tywin has her on her knees like a whore and fuck her ass. Tywin kept his promise and doesn't even give any attention to her aching cunt. He constantly tells her that she is so pure and heavenly as she cums while he fucks her. She just can't help but push her ass back so his cock can reach her deeper.
Imagine her drool and Tywin's cum falling on her tits as he fucks her mouth. Imagine Tywin spank her ass as his cum runs down to her cunt. Imagine his cum still inside her and running down her legs under her pure white modest dress as she walks through the doors of heaven.
She is still pure but now she has a constantly aching cunt that she vowed to never pleasure and she can't stop thinking about Tywin fucking her. But she is still pure and holds the title as the goddess of purity and love😈
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Game of Thrones scenes that made history -> Joffrey's death
4x02 "The Lion and the Rose"
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wouldtheyfuck · 2 months
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crowcoven · 1 year
someone end my suffering I’m thinking of a braime/lannister fam supernatural au and it went from a silly little idea to me eyeing a google doc because the idea is GROWING
#like dean jaime#sam tyrion#cersei mystery other sibling okay just trust me it works ive thought about it sooooooooo mcuh#brienne cas#john obvi tywin#like the starks are a werewolf pack#tywin would have killed ned at some point so theres a lot of tension at first but it evens out eventually between all the kids#tyrion being like poisoned in the womb sam style with demon blood but tywin and cersei still blame him for joannas death#but once the kiddos learn the truth about the whole demon blood oh shit tyrions in trouble thing#cersei goes NUTS#now she REALLY has someone to blame and like minor murder spree shit gets messy trying to find demon dude#but eventually she breaks and its actually just GUILT for how badly she treated tyrion for so long#they get slowly better after#and and the whole you dont think you deserve to be saved? destiel thing with braime#like im sorry angel brienne are you kidding me#OMG ruby can be shae thats so sad and twisted I love it#jaime loses his hand via hell hounds#brienne tries to fix it and she cant but later jaime tells her its okay#that maybe hes grown to be better without it#cant decide if any incest#prob just like they were werid co dependant with like tension for awhile but never actually did anything besides maybeee kiss at some point#im giving cersei a cool demon girlfriend i dont even care#danys gotta be in here somewhere i need that girl to be magic#it wont be like spn plot per say just same world and a lotta same elements#but like mashed together as i see fir
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Babe when you’ll update 🥹🥹🥹
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spoilers below for chapter 30!
"You're avoiding it." Lord Bolton noted mildly, his pale eyes casting over her as if in pseudo concern, lingering for a heartbeat longer on her pregnant belly.
"Avoiding what?" She asked bravely.
"The real question you've been longing to ask me. You know the who, my Queen. You know the why. What is left?"
Elynor did not enjoy being led. And she would not be. She stiffened her upper lip, looking at him with what she hoped were steely eyes.
It might've been successful, because then the Lord of the Dreadfort smiled at her humorlessly. "'How?'" He asked for her, then continued. "How did we do this? How did we receive word to do what we did?"
Her stomach was tense, and she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. Still, the she-wolf said nothing.
"I'll tell you, Your Grace. But first, I have a question for you that must be answered first."
"Oh is that all?" Elynor replied stiffly.
"What did I say last to King Robb as I sank my blade into his heart?" He encouraged her, tone plain and unemotional, but guiding. Leading again, she thought hopelessly.
Her throat could not have allowed her to guess if she wanted. It was sore again, as if remembering how she'd screamed as her twin died that night.
"'The Lannisters send their regards.'"
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goodqueenaly · 4 months
After the long night ends and Jon (possibly) dies for good. Will everyone throughout Westeros know that Jon is not the son of Ned, or will most people still think that Jon is his bastard?
Do I think there will be multiple characters in-universe who may very well survive the looming apocalyptic crisis and will likely learn that Jon was the biological son of Rhaegar Targaryen (and Lyanna Stark)? Yes, I think that’s almost certainly going to be the case. It is perhaps no coincidence that two of the people who were made aware of Robb’s will regarding Jon - that is, Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover - are also currently with Howland Reed, one of the few people alive who were all but definitely present for Jon’s birth at the tower of joy. With the Stark children I think set to convene at Winterfell, and various factions in favor of their respective claims with them, I very much anticipate that the bombshell news regarding Jon’s biological paternity will come up as the dynastic question of House Stark’s leadership is debated. Too, Dany’s prophesied, metaphorical vision of Jon - the blue rose blooming at the Wall - connects him with Lyanna, and by extension Rhaegar. If, and I think when, Jon rides a dragon, his Targaryen heritage may seem confirmed (which is not to say dragonriding necessitates Targaryen parentage - as indeed I think will be the case with the draconically scholastic Tyrion). (And this is without any knowledge to be potentially conveyed by either Benjen, notably not confirmed as dead and almost certainly aware to some extent of the relationship between Rhaegar and Lyanna, or Wylla/any other individuals at Starfall, where I think extremely likely Gerold Dayne, and by extension Areo Hotah, are headed.)
Do I think that “everyone throughout Westeros [will] know” that Jon’s biological father was Rhaegar Targaryen? I’m not sure what “everyone throughout Westeros” will even understand about the eventual defeat of the Others generally, much less be aware of the specifics regarding those responsible for this defeat. One idea GRRM has returned to again and again throughout ASOIAF is a story whose particulars are exaggerated, twisted, and/or lost through the passage of space and/or time: think of, to give just a few examples, the news of Oxcross reaching King’s Landing with a lycanthropic element added, or the confused rumors of Dany’s dragons serving as a conversation piece for the Citadel’s students, or the myth of Hukko the Pentoshi hero perhaps stemming from a corruption of the Andalish religious figure Hugor. To whatever extent the rest of Westeros becomes aware of the defeat of the Others - and I think that the final showdown against the Others will happen at Winterfell, relatively far from much of Westeros - it’s entirely possible that Jon’s biological parentage gets lost in the shuffle of translating the story to other peoples and regions. Was the dragonriding hero who bravely sacrificed himself to rid the world of demonic supernatural slavers Jon Snow, the bastard son of Lord Eddard, or Jon Stark, legitimized/legitimate brother of the Young Wolf (and perhaps would-be King in the North in his own right), or Jon, son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, or even a figure with another supposed backstory completely? The truth may become obscured as distance, physical and chronological, passes from both the large (or larger) scale revelation of Jon’s biological parentage and the ultimate defeat of the Others.
Also, I have to say it - Jon not being the biological child of Eddard Stark does not at all erase the fact that Jon was (and is) very much Ned’s son. Where Tywin did everything possible to hurt, humiliate, and demean his biological son Tyrion, Ned did everything possible to embrace a boy he knew was not his biological son; Ned was willing to go above and beyond social expectations, even permanently sacrificing some part of his relationship with the wife he loved, to hold out Jon as his son. Consequently, it’s Ned Jon looks to as his father and paternal example; even if Jon eventually learns that half of his DNA came from Rhaegar (and I think he will), I don’t think that knowledge will replace the love Ned and Jon had (and the latter has) for one another.
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The same people who hate on Criston Cole are the same ones who unironically call Elia a bitch for ‘getting in the way’ of Rhaegar and Lyanna’s ‘perfect’ love story. Demonize Meria Martell for refusing to bow down to their white supremacy allegory Barbie when she came to her front door with a WMD and demanded she prostrate herself or else she and all her subjects would be burned.
GRRM couldn’t be clearer when he wrote fire and blood, not with the whole ‘surrender or die’ thing they got going on that was repeated seven times. And the entire thing Aegon did to two great houses,,, like are we supposed to view him as a good person when his response to someone not wanting to be subjugated by foreign invaders was to massacre an entire bloodline? Everyone agrees that Tywin was a monster for eliminating two lines yet Aegon is praised for what? Doing the exact same thing and more with the fields of fire????
Your blond Barbie can do no wrong and anyone who thinks these colonizers are colonizers get dogpiled and buried in anons telling them to die. Like how unserious can you guys get? It’s always the Targ Stan’s who think their fav is without fault and anyone in-universe or not, that says anything bad about them are the most horrible monsters to exist. Especially if said in-universe person is from Dorne.
I think the Ullers should’ve done everyone in ASOIAF a favor and shot down all three dragons. Killing Targaryens WMD: Electric Boogaloo.
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rarepears · 10 months
Thought I had written this idea up before but apparently I didn't. (Because I didn't have much of a plot/set up to jazz it up I suppose?) But I remembered the worldbuilding element again when Shiro on discord was talking about the #Shen Yuan is born as Tywin Lannister's eldest son AU:
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Okay so on Earth, the "North" can be referencing Canada, Russia, Scandinavian land and more. It's huge. More importantly, the planet is ROUND (no flat earthers on my timeline thank you very much).
We know one side of Mobei Jun's Northern Empire is Luo Binghe's Southern Demon Empire. What happens when Mobei Jun crosses the North Pole of his territory to the other side of the globe? What lands are those?
Hm... Westeros? >.>
So let's toss it into Shen Yuan is born as Tywin Lannister's eldest son AU. The Shen Qingqiu body died in an explosion and the Sun and Moon seeds (if that's the wrong name, well it's midnight here and I'm sleepy) kind of did its thing but not really and Shen Yuan gets an actual human body... in Joanna Lannister's womb. Maybe she ate some weird new plant that a merchant was introducing to the Westerland lord in hopes of getting a trade deal going with the very wealthy Casterly Rock which SURELY would love exotic plants to eat.
Anyways, this is all to say that Luo Binghe's hunt for his shizun won't have to involve going to other dimensions now. Mobei Jun calls up his demon overlord emperor to help the North solve a growing problem with some weird monsters cropping up in its most remote territory (aka the white walkers). Lo and behold, Luo Binghe learns of another human kingdom.
Plus with this twist to PIDW geography, Cang Qiong can join in the ride and fun of discovering a blonde hair green eyed Shen Qingqiu.
Oh and Jiu-Finger lurking in the back with a little dagger ready to stab Yue Qingyuan of course.
Welcome to live time plotting and editing where various details written in previous posts get chucked out of the window
[More in #Shen Yuan is born as Tywin Lannister's eldest son AU]
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I’m pretty sure the whole “kinslayers are cursed” thing will end up being an abusive social construct and not an actual real divine punishment. Like, nearly every time a character brings it up is to demonize an abuse victim for killing their abusers in revenge or self-defence?
Ygritte condemning that unnamed Stark for killing his sperm donor after he kidnapped and raped his mom and pilliaged the North. The Lannister faction condemning Tyrion for gutting Tywin after nearly thirty years of emotional, physical, financial and sexual abuse and a couple of murder attempts. Even Theon gets called a kinslayer by the Stark household after he kills Bran and Rickon, even though Theon isn’t related to them by blood and he was the Starks’ hostage for a decade and would be killed the moment Balon stepped out of line.
If the curse was meant to be real, why doesn’t the narrative openly condemn Viserys as a wannabe kinslayer for threatening to cut open his pregnant sister? Or Tywin for pruposely putting Tyrion in the most dangerous part of the battlefield? Or Lysa for trying to murder Sansa? Or Ned for accepting to decapitate someone he knew since he was ten? Why nothing happened to Euron after he killed his brothers? Because the kinslaying curse was always meant to be a social construct that protected the powerful from the consequences of their abusive actions, to mantain unilateral filial loyality.
Even the readers picked up on that. They call Daenerys a kinslayer for not trying to save Viserys after he threatened to kill her and her baby, plus the years of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. They condemn Jon and call him a kinslayer for stabbing Daenerys after she mass murdered a city.
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godjustkys · 4 months
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╰┈➤ ❝ masterlist;
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- Teen wolf
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Supernatural
- The Walking Dead (AMC)
- Merlin (BBC)
- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- The Maze Runner
- Lord of The Rings
- The Hobbit
- Harry Potter
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- IT
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dead Poet's Society
- Shameless
- Handsome Devil
- The Black Phone
- Sweet Home
- Arcane
- Spider-man Universe
- The Goldfinch
- The Last of Us
- The Beekeeper
- Weak Hero Class 1
- Bad and Crazy
- Demon Slayer
- My Hero Academia
(the anime list will get updated as long as I continue watching anime.)
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Characters I will to write for;
Teen wolf:
- Stiles Stilinski
Stiles Stilinski x top!m!reader (smut)
- Scott McCall
none yet..
- Derek Hale
none yet..
- Allison Argent
none yet..
- Lydia Martin
none yet..
- Isaac Lahey
none yet..
- Jackson Whittemore
none yet..
- Peter Hale
none yet..
- Malia Tate
none yet..
- Kira Yukimura
none yet..
- Liam Dunbar
none yet..
- Theo Raeken
none yet..
- Jordan Parrish
none yet..
- Erica Reyes
none yet..
- Ethan Steiner
none yet..
- Aiden Steiner
none yet..
- Christopher Argent
none yet..
- Mason Hewitt
none yet..
- Danny Mahealani
none yet..
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- Tony Stark
none yet..
- Peter Parker
none yet..
- Bruce Banners
none yet..
- Thor Odinson
none yet..
- Loki Laufeyson
none yet..
- Steve Rogers
none yet..
- Natasha Romanoff
none yet..
- Stephen Strange
none yet..
- Wanda Maximoff
none yet..
- Clint Barton
none yet..
- Bucky Barnes
none yet..
- Carol Danvers
none yet..
- Shuri
none yet..
- Sam Wilson
none yet..
- Okoye
none yet..
- Wade Wilson
none yet..
- Pietro Maximoff
none yet..
- Vision
none yet..
- Yelena Belova
none yet..
- Peter Quill
none yet..
- Gamora
none yet..
- Nebula
none yet..
- Matt Murdock
none yet..
- Frank Castle
none yet..
- Xu Shang-chi
none yet..
- Eddie Brock
none yet..
- Dean Winchester
'What a perv.' Dean x top!m!reader (smut)
- Sam Winchester
none yet..
- Castiel
none yet..
(I have little knowledge of supernatural.)
The Walking Dead:
- Rick Grimes
none yet..
- Carl Grimes
none yet..
- Michonne
none yet..
- Negan
none yet..
- Daryl Dixon
none yet..
- Eugene
none yet..
- Rosita Espinosa
none yet..
- Maggie Greene
none yet..
- Glenn Rhee
none yet..
- Carol Peletier
none yet..
- Andrea
none yet..
- Gabriel Stokes
none yet..
- Dwight
none yet..
- Simon
none yet..
- Merlin
none yet..
- Arthur Pendragon
none yet..
- Morgana Pendragon
none yet..
- Guinevere
none yet..
- Lancelot
none yet..
- Mordred
none yet..
- Gwaine
none yet..
- Percival
none yet..
- Elyan
none yet..
- Leon
none yet..
- Paul Atreides
none yet..
- Leto Atreides
none yet..
- Chani
none yet..
- Feyd-Rautha
none yet..
- Duncan Idaho
none yet..
- Stilgar
none yet..
Game of Thrones:
- Ned Stark
none yet..
- Catelyn Stark
none yet..
- Robb Stark
none yet..
- Jon Snow
none yet..
- Theon Greyjoy
none yet..
- Sansa Stark
none yet..
- Arya Stark
none yet..
- Tywin Lannister
none yet..
- Jaime Lannister
none yet..
- Cersei Lannister
none yet..
- Tyrion Lannister
none yet..
- Tommen Baratheon
none yet..
- Joffrey Baratheon
none yet..
- Daenerys Targaryen
none yet..
- Jorah Mormont
none yet..
- Sandor Clegane
none yet..
- Samwell Tarly
none yet..
- Margaery Tyrell
none yet..
- Tormund Giantsbane
none yet..
- Brienne of Tarth
none yet..
- Podrick
none yet..
- Ramsay Bolton
none yet..
- Jaqen H'ghar
none yet..
- Grey Worm
none yet..
- Rachel Greene
none yet..
- Phoebe Buffay
none yet..
- Monica Geller
none yet..
- Ross Geller
none yet..
- Chandler Bing
none yet..
- Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani dating headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
The Maze Runner:
- Thomas
none yet..
- Newt
none yet..
- Minho
none yet..
- Gally
none yet..
- Frypan
none yet..
- Aris
none yet..
- Janson
none yet..
Lord of The Rings:
- Frodo Baggins
none yet..
- Samwise Gamgee
none yet..
- Pippin Took
none yet..
- Merry Brandybuck
none yet..
- Aragorn
none yet..
- Legolas
none yet..
- Boromir
none yet..
- Faramir
none yet..
- Galadriel
none yet..
- Arwen
none yet..
- Éowyn
none yet..
- Éomer
none yet..
The Hobbit:
- Bilbo Baggins
none yet..
- Thorin Oakenshield
none yet..
- Kili Durin
none yet..
- Fili Durin
none yet..
- Tauriel
none yet..
- King Thranduil
none yet..
- Elrond
none yet..
Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter
none yet..
- Hermione Granger
none yet..
- Ron Weasley
none yet..
- Fred Weasley
none yet..
- George Weasley
none yet..
- Draco Malfoy
none yet..
- Blaise Zabini
none yet..
- Oliver Wood
none yet..
- Seamus Finnigan
none yet..
- Luna Lovegood
none yet..
- Neville Longbottom
none yet..
- Dean Thomas
none yet..
- Severus Snape
none yet..
- Sirius Black
none yet..
- Regulus Black
none yet..
- Remus Lupin
none yet..
- James Potter
none yet..
- Lily Potter
none yet..
- Bill Weasley
none yet..
- Bellatrix Lestrange
none yet..
- Cedric Diggory
none yet..
- Lucius Malfoy
none yet..
- Narcissa Malfoy
none yet..
Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
- Jake Peralta
none yet..
- Amy Santiago
none yet..
- Charles Boyle
none yet..
- Gina Linetti
none yet..
- Rosa Diaz
none yet..
- Terry Jeffords
none yet..
- Ray Holt
none yet..
- Richie Tozier
none yet..
- Eddie Kaspbrak
none yet..
- Beverly Marsh
none yet..
- Bill Denbrough
none yet..
- Stanley Uris
none yet..
- Ben Hanscom
none yet..
- Mike Hanlon
none yet..
- Henry Bowers
none yet..
- Patrick Hockstetter
none yet..
Diary of a wimpy kid:
- Greg Heffley
none yet..
- Rodrick Heffley
none yet..
Dead Poet's Society:
- Neil Perry
none yet..
- Todd Anderson
none yet..
- Charlie Dalton
none yet..
- Knox Overstreet
none yet..
- Steven Meeks
none yet..
- John Keating
none yet..
- Fiona Gallagher
none yet..
- Lip Gallagher
none yet..
- Ian Gallagher
none yet..
- Debbie Gallagher
none yet..
- Carl Gallagher
none yet..
- Liam Gallagher
none yet..
- Mickey Milkovich
none yet..
- Mandy Milkovich
none yet..
- Kevin Ball
none yet..
- Veronica Fisher
none yet..
- Jimmy Lishman
none yet..
- Karen Jackson
none yet..
Handsome Devil:
- Ned Roche
none yet..
- Conor Masters
none yet..
- Dan Sherry
none yet..
The Black Phone:
- Finney Blake
none yet..
- Robin Arellano
none yet..
- Vance Hopper
none yet..
- Bruce Yamada
none yet..
- Billy
none yet..
- Griffin
none yet..
Sweet home:
- Cha Hyun-su
none yet..
- Lee Eun-hyuk
none yet..
- Pyeon Sang-wook
none yet..
- Jung Jae-heon
none yet..
- Seo Yi-kyung
none yet..
- Lee Eun-yu
none yet..
- Yoon Ji-su
none yet..
- Jung Ui-Myeong
none yet..
- Jinx
none yet..
- Vi
none yet..
- Viktor
none yet..
- Caitlyn
none yet..
- Silco
none yet..
- Sevika
none yet..
- Ekko
none yet..
- Vander
none yet..
- Mel
none yet..
- Jayce
none yet..
Spider-Man Universe:
- Peter Parker (A. G.)
none yet..
- Peter Parker (T. M.)
none yet..
- Peter B. Parker
none yet..
- Miles Morales (Earth 1610)
none yet..
- Miles Morales (Earth 42)
none yet..
- Miguel O'Hara
none yet..
- Hobie Brown
none yet..
- Pavitr Prabhakar
none yet..
- Gwen Stacy
none yet..
The Goldfinch:
- Boris Pavlikovsky
none yet..
- Theodore Decker
none yet..
The Last of Us:
- Ellie Williams
none yet..
- Joel Miller
none yet..
- Tommy Miller
none yet..
- Tess Servopoulos
none yet..
- Abby Anderson
none yet..
- Dina Woodward
none yet..
- Lev
none yet..
- Yara
none yet..
- Jesse Pinkman
none yet..
- Manny
none yet..
- Owen
none yet..
- Mel
none yet..
The Beekeeper:
- Derek Danforth
none yet..
- Adam Clay
none yet..
Weak Hero Class 1:
- Yeon Si-eun
none yet..
- Oh Beom-seok
none yet..
- Ahn Su-ho
none yet..
- Park Hu-min
none yet..
- Kang Woo-young
none yet..
- Jeon Seok-dae
none yet..
Bad and Crazy:
- Ryu Soo-Yeol
none yet..
- Do In-beom
none yet..
- K
none yet..
- Oh Kyung-Tae
none yet..
- Boss Yong
none yet..
- Andrei Kang
none yet..
Demon slayer:
- Tanjiro Kamado
none yet..
- Nezuko Kamado
none yet..
- Zenitsu Agatsuma
none yet..
- Inosuke Hashibira
none yet..
- Genya Shinazugawa
none yet..
- Kanao Tsuyuri
none yet..
- Aoi
none yet..
- Shinobu Kocho
none yet..
- Tomioka Giyuu
none yet..
- Rengoku Kyojuro
none yet..
- Uzui Tengen
none yet..
- Mitsuri Kanroji
none yet..
- Obanai Iguro
none yet..
- Shinazugawa Sanemi
none yet..
- Muichiro Tokito
none yet..
- Gyomei Himejima
none yet..
- Muzan Kibutsuji
none yet..
- Akaza
none yet..
- Douma
none yet..
- Gyutaro
none yet..
- Daki
none yet..
- Kokushibo
none yet..
- Murata
none yet..
HASHIRA; hashira headcanons, pt.1 (angst)
My Hero Academia:
- Izuku Midoriya
none yet..
- Katsuki Bakugou
none yet..
- Shoto Todoroki
none yet..
- Tenya Iida
none yet..
- Ochako Uraraka
none yet..
- Denki Kaminari
none yet..
- Eijirou Kirishima
none yet..
- Tokoyami Fumikage
none yet..
- Shoji Mezo
none yet..
- Momo Yaoyorozu
none yet..
- Hanta Sero
none yet..
- Kyoka Jirou
none yet..
- Mashirao Ojirou
none yet..
- Mina Ashido
none yet..
- Yuga Aoyama
none yet..
- Monoma Neito
none yet..
- Shinsou Hitoshi
none yet..
- Rumi Usagiyama
none yet..
- Keigo Takami
none yet..
- Aizawa Shouta
none yet..
- Hizashi Yamada
none yet..
- Oboro Shirakumo
none yet..
- Touya Todoroki
none yet..
- Tomura Shigaraki
none yet..
- Toga Himiko
none yet..
- Jin Bubaigawara
none yet..
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adding anime back cause I watched demon slayer,,, :3
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lilith-91 · 1 year
Which character is subject to the worst takes in asoiaf fandom, for you?
All of them bruh. Anyway
Gets some of the absolute worst takes ever because of how she treats Jon. The hate has lessened a little bit, but she still has some hard-core haters that will never forgive her.
Sansa's a little less hated than Cat, due to her age, but people (especially ten years ago) would lose absolutely any perspective when talking about her and her poor decisions. People blaming Sansa for “betraying” her family while she was being held prisoner by manipulative monsters who killed her father and could very easily do the same to her is baffling.
Whether people think he's an Angel or Demon, Rhaegar is subject to some of THE worst takes on the internet, and they seem impervious to the fact that we know fucking nothing about this guy. Every “Robert good Rhaegar bad” take is insane in its hypocrisy. Literally everything Rhaegar did, Robert did to a greater extent. Funniest thing is it’s pretty clear subtext that GRRM is pro-Rhaegar; whenever the next book comes out they’re going to be left looking stupid.
Tywin discussions to this day cannot evolve past "He was a brutally effective genius who didn't care about the opinions of sheep" or "He was a bumbling idiot who doomed the Lannister House to extinction because he isn't as nice as Ned Stark."
People will make huge leaps of judgement for their favorite tinfoil theory that they headcanon as true, but will insist that because Stannis says he only wants the iron throne out of duty he actually means it. The man who resented his more successful brothers who he believed he was more capable than all his life sent tens of thousands to die because it was the right thing to do? He can believe he’s in the right while also being driven by his own ego and pride.
A lot of the fandom acts like she's far more morally dark than she actually is. She's the opposite of morally dark. She shoots herself in the foot repeatedly because she's trying her best to be noblebright in a dark and gritty setting. She's the only character in the entire series who fights for a subjugated group without the expectation of any gain for herself.
Mh, i'm not saying anything. It's better lol
Btw, i blame D&D. They ruined the characters.
Books>>>>Show. Always.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 11 months
demon!Tywin x goddess!Lyra
The goddess of purity is now constantly wet and horny. Her virgin cunt begging to be used. Most of the time she is on hands and knees for Tywin. Her perfect beautiful lips around his demonic cock and covered with his cum. Her tits covered with his cum and spit. Imagine Tywin pulling her tits and spitting in her mouth. Imagine Tywin having her on all four, pressing her head down by grabbing a fistful of her long perfect black hair, her ass sticking out as he roughly fucks her.
Tywin knows Lyra can even touch her cunt because of her vow, so he convinces her to ride his thigh. As long as she is still a virgin she is pure. Imagine her riding his thigh like a desperate whore as he sits on his throne, his is fucking her mouth with his fingers, she is drooling and cumming. She can't stop riding his thigh as it is giving her a little relief. But she is still pure.
Lyra just couldn't take it anymore. Tywin has managed to break her will. She tries to convince him to take her virginity without her consent so somehow her vow is still intact. But Tywin tells her he wouldn't unless she says "take away my purity and claim me as yours for ever". Tywin knows it will taint her and it will taint those who worship her. She now has to decide which is more important, her aching and throbbing cunt or her purity.
But she has to keep in mind that if she chooses her pleasure she will no longer be the goddess of purity, instead she will be known as the goddess of whores and submission. She will also no longer be the goddess of true love if she lets Tywin claim her because he has been manipulating her from the start and their relationship is extremely toxic. But the question is what does she want?
I feel like Tywin will keep away her choice and keep her pure only to see her suffer and beg. He will continue to fuck her mouth and ass and she will continue to do as he says and let him use and humiliate her. Every time he will send her back to the celestial realm after using her and staining her white dress with his cum. Lyra loves Tywin and Tywin loves Lyra as his celestial whore
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writingsofwesteros · 3 months
?! AEMOND QKKEWKEKOGODKS LMAO he's never beating them milf lover allegations I'm cryingggg.
Now the wheels are turning in my head, though, because 👀 what a thought that is 👀 okay other anon 🤝
I think I have read somewhere that Tywins brother Kevans' wife was past what age they thought she'd have children when she had their youngest Janei, and Melisandre was ancient when she had that demon baby 💀and Cersei was around late 40s almost 50 when she was pregnant with Euron Greyjoys kid, supposedly, in s8 GOT something I guess it is rare but possible in asoiaf universe then, especially with Alys' help...
Wouldn't that be something 👀🤌
He would not stop trying ; Aemond is just completely obsessed thank you very much
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
Hi! Congrats for your 100 followers! Could you please write something for Tyrion Lannister and the prompt ❛ shh, it’s okay. i’m here. ❜. Maybe e reader saying it to him since I love reverse comfort and throughout the whole series I just wanted to give him a hug 😭🫶🏻
Hi anon!! I love this idea, mans need some comfort in his life!! Hope this does the idea some justice <3
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tywin lannister x female! reader
pretty much the ask!! also this is for the 100 follower event
word count: 572 words reading time: about 3 minutes warnings: none prompt: ❛ shh, it’s okay. i’m here. ❜
The life of a head of house Lannister was stressful so many people looked to him for guidance, while others were awaiting for him to fail. There was so much pressure on a single person's shoulder to keep everything together. At times not everyone could be pleased. Tywin sacrificed a connection with his family for the betterment of his house. Hoping to solidify House Lannister's position and power for many generations.
But it never seemed enough for his children or for others. That no matter what he did they wanted to opposite, they wanted everything. After his first wife's death, Tywin threw himself further into his goal, shutting out everyone else. There was no rest for the man. Marrying you was only a part of his duty and the betterment of his House. Jamie could not marry, and Tyrion was a little demon who only thought of whores and wine, to get him to marry someone would be too much work. Thus, it fell on his shoulders to fulfil this duty.
What surprised him was when he began to develop true feelings for you. That he could love someone else after his late wife. Yet here you were, the object of his affections. A slither of kindness in his life, something to give him a break from his gruelling work. Your husband was a strong man, someone who seemed so detached from his emotions. Nothing seemed to be able to affect him as though he hovered above everything like some sort of god.
When you entered the dark room of his chambers you intend to talk about your day with him, an activity you both seemed to enjoy partaking in at the end of the day. You were greeted with an overwhelming sense of sadness, the further you walked into the room the more it grew. Although the room was dark you could see enough to navigate the area.
"Tywin?" Your voice was soft, almost frightened of what might answer in the darkness. That maybe the man was not here, instead, it was some unknown maid that is just looking for a quiet place to cry. But such thoughts were banished from your mind when your eyes landed on a figure in a plush chair, a mug of what you could only assume was beer or wine in his hand. Tywin was a hard man to miss, even in the darkness of this room. Crossing the room you come to stand in front of him, the sad feeling when you entered the room only growing. It was clear to you he was the source of the sadness.
"My love?" The man looks up at you for only a moment, but it was enough to see the overwhelming desire and sadness in his blue eyes. Your expression softened and you cup his face in your hands, hoping to provide him with some comfort. Yet it only seemed to unleash the damn inside him as tears sprang to his eyes. Years of pent-up sadness and desire burst forward at a simple comforting touch. He had not felt such a kind touch in years, not since his first wife passed.
"Shh, it’s okay. I’m here," You wrap your arms around him from your standing position. Due to his seated position, the man was suffocated by your presence. Though he did not care, he needed such comfort at this moment. You were the only one to provide him such a thing in years. The pressure and stress of his life slipped from his shoulders while he was in your embrace.
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adarkandmagicalforest · 11 months
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jackoshadows · 2 years
One of the things I dislike the most about Ned Stark is his friendship with Robert Baratheon. Our very first impressions of Robert Baratheon in the story comes from Ned’s POV and it doesn’t get any better as AGoT progresses and we see that he is weak willed and nonchalantly cruel. It only gets worse once we read Jaime and Cersei’s POV chapters and there’s more insight into Robert as a husband and father.
What we read about Robert Baratheon being an absolutely useless monarch and person who has no problem murdering children is from Ned Stark’s own POV. Our introduction to Robert in AGoT is Ned describing someone who justified the brutal massacre of babies and then he goes on to talk about his love for his great friend.
Robert’s hatred of the Targaryens was a madness in him. He remembered the angry words they had exchanged when Tywin Lannister had presented Robert with the corpses of Rhaegar’s wife and children as a token of fealty. Ned had named that murder; Robert called it war. When he had protested that the young prince and princess were no more than babes, his new-made king had replied, “I see no babes. Only dragonspawn.” Not even Jon Arryn had been able to calm that storm. Eddard Stark had ridden out that very day in a cold rage, to fight the last battles of the war alone in the south. It had taken another death to reconcile them; Lyanna’s death, and the grief they had shared over her passing.
This time, Ned resolved to keep his temper. “Your Grace, the girl is scarcely more than a child. You are no Tywin Lannister, to slaughter innocents.” It was said that Rhaegar’s little girl had cried as they dragged her from beneath her bed to face the swords. The boy had been no more than a babe in arms, yet Lord Tywin’s soldiers had torn him from his mother’s breast and dashed his head against a wall. - Eddard, AGoT
How does Lyanna’s death change what happened to Rhaenys and baby Aegon or Robert’s viewpoint of what was done to them? It doesn’t, as seen by Robert’s desire to have another child, Daenerys, assassinated.
And despite knowing how terrible Robert’s treatment of women has been in the ensuing years after Lyanna’s death - the bastards, the abuse of his wife - and despite Lyanna herself refuting Robert Baratheon as a good husband, Ned continues to hold great stock in Robert’s obsessive love for Lyanna.
In whole, Ned’s relationship with Robert Baratheon diminishes him and is a fundamental flaw in his character. It further highlights the hypocrisy in his complex relationship with honor and duty.
More importantly, how is Jon Snow going to look back on his father’s friendships with Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn? Right in Jon’s first POV chapter, he’s surprised at how different Robert is to what Ned has told them about the King. He finds the man comes nowhere close to his father’s adoration of the person.
Next had come King Robert himself, with Lady Stark on his arm. The king was a great disappointment to Jon. His father had talked of him often: the peerless Robert Baratheon, demon of the Trident, the fiercest warrior of the realm, a giant among princes. Jon saw only a fat man, red-faced under his beard, sweating through his silks. He walked like a man half in his cups. - Jon, AGoT
How is it going to be to know that Ned was best friends with and admired the man who would think of Jon as dragonspawn deserving of death? That Jon had to be hidden from his father’s best friend as a bastard else he would be killed - just like babies Rhaenys and Aegon.
Something that Jon himself has experience doing - babyswapping in order to save Mance’s baby from Stannis and Melisandre’s fires.  Ned hiding him away from Robert, just as Jon hides away Mance’s baby from Robert’s brother Stannis.
That his father admired and loved a man who supported the deaths of his half siblings and that Jon was named after Jon Arryn who rewarded the Lannisters for their treachery, which included the rape and murder of Elia and her babies.
The only people who have held the Lannisters to account for what was done to Elia and her children were the Martells and Oberyn Martell, years later.
I mean, this fandom goes on and on about how Jon is going to feel guilt and remorse for Robert’s Rebellion and look down on Rhaegar Targaryen and all the while ignoring how the truth is going to affect Jon’s idea of the people he did know and loved deeply. 
Why in the world would Jon Snow look kindly upon Ned’s love for a man who would have done to him what was done to Aegon and Rhaenys? Jon’s having to be hidden away as a bastard is a consequence of Robert’s visceral hatred of the Targaryens.
People who think that Jon will immediately start hating the Targaryens or his biological father after knowing the truth are going to be sorely disappointed. It’s not that black and white and there are many complex facets to Jon Snow finally knowing the truth of what actually happened and the mystery of his parentage as explained to him most probably by Howland Reed.
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