#depressing? hell yes
yay-depression · 1 year
texting my therapist like “hey can we move up our appointment? i keep having revelations.”
#today’s revelation is related to yesterday’s revelation#but basically#i was literally gaslight about being treated poorly by everyone from family to friends to significant others#and bc i didn’t have that many good interactions between the gaslighting#i just accepted that i was in fact overreacting and that all relationships (friend/romance/other) i was destined to be forgotten about in#i was not supposed to be given attention i was just there to give attention and support and love to other people#and then once in a blue moon i’d have genuinely good interactions#and i’d end up like immediately falling in love (platonic or romantic tbh) with the person who showed me any basic amount of attention#literally any time someone would reach out to me first or give signs that they actually wanted to talk to me and i wasn’t just a burden#i’d be like ‘i love you i would die for you marry me please’#healthy? no#depressing? hell yes#i still do this btw#for the same fucking reason#you’d think in however many years since this pattern has been happening it’d of changed at some point#but nope!#and thinking back on it this pattern of behavior is actually really fucking old#like back to when i was a little kid old#i remember having a crush on a guy in like year 2 just bc he went out of his way to say hello to me#and another guy bc sometimes he was nice to me for no reason#and a girl named khia bc she gave me compliments sometimes#like?? that was it#all of those were literally before the age of 8#getting crushes on teachers assistants or tutors bc they gave me praise sometimes#getting a crush on my latin TA in junior year bc she asked about my interests#getting a crush on a guy at camp because he asked how i was doing a lot and cared about the health of my singing voice#getting a crush on a guy i barely knew bc he kept wanting to actually fucking talk to me#like he actually engaged in conversation with me#that happened an embarrassing amount of times actually#so what i’m learning is ‘all it takes for me to love you is for you to show me a modicum of interest’
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 22 hours
the longest damn late night phone call from heaven EVER
aka, Emily has a slightly gruesome favor to ask, Charlie's determined to be good and helpful friend, and Vaggie was only half-right about people not recognizing her without her exorcist mask
Charlie: “…not exactly what I expected, when dad said heaven wanted another chat.”
Emily: “I know, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to bother you at home-”
Charlie: “It’s fine. Kinda late for a video call but, hold on.” (slips into hallway) (quietly shuts bedroom door) “It’s important right?”
Emily: “It’s… it’s important to me.”
Charlie: “Well that counts! What’s up? Uh, aside from literally you, anyway.”
Emily: “Before that, is your girlfriend- is Vaggie okay?”
Charlie: “She’s.”
Charlie: “……”
Charlie: “…fine.”
Emily: “There were a lot of bandages.”
Charlie: “Oh. Those.”
Emily: “I wasn’t trying to look, but when you were going past of bed, I just. I’ve never seen one of us like-”
Charlie: “Um I don’t think she’d really like the ‘one of us’ part. Just a heads up.”
Emily: “I’ll remember. Will they heal? Lute’s arm already has, and she said angelic steel is what- what killed that first Exorcist-”
Charlie: “Some of them- Some of them will heal, Vaggie says.”
Emily: “And the others?”
Charlie: “They’ll… probably be like her eye, I guess. The bleeding will stop.”
Emily: “Her eye-?”
Charlie: “Did you know Lute gouged it out with a sword? Right before leaving her in hell?”
Emily: “She- No! Why would she-”
Charlie: “So you didn’t know what Vaggie was when you saw her. You didn’t know what Lute and Adam did to her-”
Emily: “Charlie I SWEAR I had no idea. The Exorcists- other than Lute they keep those masks on almost all time, even up here! I could have walked past Vaggie a hundred times without knowing it!”
Charlie: “….that’s what she said too.”
Emily: “Vaggie?”
Charlie: “Mm.”
Emily: “Why ask me then? She told you and you trust her… right?”
Charlie: “It’s, complicated. And not the point.”
Emily: “Are you two okay-”
Charlie: “Not the point. What can I help heaven with tonight? I’d, kinda like to get back to bed before she wakes up.”
Emily: “Sorry, of course, I just don’t want you two to have more trouble…” (sighs) “…but I guess I’m not the right person to help am I. Not with, all this.”
Charlie: “I don’t blame you for what Lute and Adam did. Or for Sera letting them do it.”
Emily: “It still makes being friends hard, doesn’t it?”
Charlie: “…a little.”
Emily: “I’m-”
Charlie: “But! I’m not gonna let them stop us from doing it.” (determined) “Screw heaven- I wouldn’t have answered the phone if it’d been anyone other than you calling from up there anyway! Well, you or Sir Pentious.”
Emily: “I’m so, SO glad he made it here. ”
Charlie: “Me too.” (smiles) “You need help with something? Tell me. If I can do anything about it, I will.”  
Emily: “Oh it’s nothing like that, it’s just… a question.”
Charlie: “Okay?”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “….”
Emily: “…I’m a little scared to ask.”
Charlie: “That’s okay! I know the feeling! If it helps, I promise I won’t get angry or annoyed just over you asking something!”
Emily: “Thanks. That’s. Not really what I’m scared of.”
Charlie: “Well what parts the scary part?”
Emily: “The answer.”
Charlie: “...huh.”
Emily: “I’m not sure I want to hear it, honestly.”
Charlie: “But you called in the middle of the night so you could ask?”
Emily: “Yes.”
Charlie: “So you DO want to know.”
Emily: “It feels more like I have to know.”
Charlie: “Okay…. uhh. What… kind of question is it?”
Emily: “The battle. The, dead Exorcists.”
Charlie: “Oh fuck. Shoot- Is it about the bodies? Because I’m REALLY sorry again about letting the cannibals uh, eat them. I’d kinda. I’d promised them- the cannibals I mean- and, um. They lost a lot of friends too so-”
Emily: “No that’s fine. It’s, it doesn’t matter much once they’re dead does it. S-someone should get to be happy about the fresh. Um. Meat.”
Charlie: “Ssssstillll, I wish I could’ve sent them back-”
Emily: “Did you see-?”
Charlie: “-whoops sorry, go ahead.”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “….”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “Ah-hem. Go ahead?”
Emily: “…”
Charlie: “Aaaaany time now…”
Emily: “…”
Charlie: “….Look, Emily-”
Emily: “I know I’m sorry I-”
Charlie: “No no! I really wish I had all night for this. Really! I wanna be the friend who sits up until four in morning talking- and any other time I would be!”
Emily: “I know.”
Charlie: “Only I also really, really don’t want Vaggie waking up alone tonight. Not after we, after I- I can’t do that to her right now, okay?”
Emily: “…yes. Okay.”
Charlie: “How about this- you call back in the morning, we settle in and-”
Emily: “Did you see an Exorcist that didn’t fit in?”
Charlie: “-uhhh, what?”
Emily: “An Exorcist.”
Charlie: “I mean, yes? There were dozens! Pretty hard to keep count when you’re fighting for you-”
Emily: “But was there one that didn’t fit in?”
Charlie: “Fit in what where- oh ugh Angel Dust get OUT of my head-”
Emily: “With the others. The other Exorcists. Was there one in the fight that, didn’t quite look right? Caught your eye for some reason?”
Charlie: “Don’t they all kinda look the same?”
Emily: “Yes. Mostly.”
Charlie: “Bloodstained uniform, horned mask, weird crossed out eye and stitched mouth aesthetic thing, scary black and white wings-”
Emily: “Did the cannibals eat the wings?”
Charlie: “The w-”
Emily: “The wings of the dead Exorcists. Did they eat-”
Charlie: “Emily- those are feathers. The cannibals ate the meaty parts sure, but-”
Emily: “So you could still check. If. If any of the Exorcists who died. If they had strange wings.”
Charlie: “I guess, I-”
Emily: “Charlie. I need you to check.”
Charlie: “What-”
Emily: “I just need to know-”
Charlie: “But-”
Emily: “-please-”
Charlie: “Hey it’s okay, I’ll check! I’ll check first thing tomorrow!”
Emily: “Promise?”
Charlie: “Of course! It’ll be easy, don’t worry! Vaggie saved the wings from all of them. I’m not sure what for- some kind of funeral I think- or target practice- funerary target practice? Is that an angel thing…?”
Emily: “We don’t….really have those in Heaven. Funerals.”
Charlie: “Oh. Right.”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “Must be nice.”
Emily: “I’m sorry.”
Charlie: “No- that came out wrong. Forget it! So the wing thing is just a Vaggie thing or something. Anyway. Checking the wings. Nooooo problem. CAN do.”
Emily: “Thank you. And. And you’ll just tell me about it? Not anyone else in heaven?”
Charlie: “Sure! Is it a secret?”
Emily: “No.”
Charlie: “Buuuut you don’t want Sera finding out.”
Emily: “I’ll tell her later. When I’m… Once I’ve…”
Emily: “…”
Charlie: “Oh Emily hey- it’s okay! Shh, it’s okay!!”
Emily: “I don’t know if it is.” (voice breaking) “Sera won’t let me near the Exorcists and Lute won’t answer any questions about them- I don’t know who else to ask or if I really want to know, but I can’t sleep, and if she didn’t die down there then I NEED to find her somehow and ask her HOW she could’ve been doing this! Murdering people, killing souls-”
Charlie: “Whoa wait, ask who? What am I even checking the Exorcist wings for?”
Charlie: “… Who…who are you looking for?”
Emily: “I don’t know her name. We never met.”
Charlie: “You seem to really care about her, for someone you’ve never met.”
Emily: “Because she was DIFFERENT! She-”
Emily: (looks away)
Emily: “…she’s part of why I never questioned the Exorcists. She. I thought she was proof that underneath masks, they meant well. That they were strict and distant but also protectors, and they cared, and…”
Charlie: “…and now you know what she was doing the whole time.”
Emily: “She CAN’T have been. You shouldn’t be able to be so kind and gentle and still-”
Charlie: “People can be a lot of different things, to different people.”
Emily: “How?”
Charlie: “That’s just… what makes people, people, I think. We can all do things we never thought we’d do.”
Emily: “Exorcists kill children don’t they. Child sinners- they don’t spare them, do they?”
Charlie: “They don’t really DO the whole ‘sparing’ thing. Not in the Pride Ring. Only my dad’s family is safe from exterminations- or was safe. Kids… if they don’t have anyone, or if their families can’t keep them safe, then…” (shudders) “…yeah. I’ve. I found the bodies a few times.”
Emily: “How… how can they-”
Charlie: “I don’t know.” (tired) (slumping back against the door) “They just do.”
Emily: “She can’t have done that! That’s the ONE thing I know about her- she LOVED children. Falling in line and being a good Exorcist didn’t matter as soon as a child needed her!”
Charlie: “Well- well maybe she wasn’t one of the ones who… hurt kids. Maybe she didn’t do that.”
Emily: “But she must have seen it happening. Known it happened. And she didn’t stop it.”
Charlie: (wince) “T- tell me about her? The parts you saw up in heaven, her being nice to those kids- that happened too! What was she like?”
Emily: “…watchful.”
Charlie: “A guardian angel huh?” (smiles weakly) “I think I know the type.”
Emily: “She should’ve been that. She shouldn’t have-” (sighs) “…Exorcists keep to themselves, up in heaven.”
Charlie: (grits teeth) “If they’re mostly all like Lute then that’s probably the only way to keep heaven a nice place.”
Emily: “Lute isn’t… well I guess I don’t really know her either. I always thought she was just paranoid, busy being overprepared, scared for heaven and channeling it into anger…. maybe she is that? Maybe she just-”
Charlie: “She tried stabbing out Vaggie’s other eye.”
Emily: “….”
Emily: “A lot of things make sense now, knowing what she and Adam were doing.”
Charlie: “Like keeping the Exorcists separate?”
Emily: “That, and the identical uniforms, the masks… the constant, BRUTAL training and practice.”
Charlie: “Building trust in a warzone….”
Emily: “What?”
Charlie: “Nothing- How did any of them get near a kid, if that’s what it’s like?”
Emily: “They didn’t. It was an accident.”
Charlie: “Now THAT’S depressing.”
Emily: “I guess so..”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “So. What happened?”
Emily: “Oh… some children were testing their wings. Just out having fun, you know. A few flew out of sight- their friends tried looking for them, but there are parts of heaven not everyone can always reach.”
Charlie: “There is? Why-”
Emily: “Heaven’s supposed to be a peaceful, happy place. An eternity of rest and recovery- It’s supposed to be safe. To be safe, Sera always said the Exorcists needed to be ready to defend it, and they needed space to not always be happy or peaceful.”
Charlie: “They always seemed pretty happy about not being peaceful, not gonna lie.”
Emily: “They get really into training with each other- but do you mean, even during the exterminations-?”
Charlie: “ESPECIALLY then.”
Emily: (frustrated) “I wish things would stop making so much sense!”
Charlie: “Same.”
Emily: “It was right there all along, and I didn’t see it!”
Charlie: “I mean, they really didn’t want you to.”
Emily: “And how many people are dead because of that?”
Charlie: “It’s not your fault… And it’s not all bad.” (weak chuckle) “Vaggie likes it better down here. The one upside to finding out old secrets is how it can make things better- she makes much more sense now too.”
Emily: “In good ways?”
Charlie: “In… in kinda silly, kinda sad ways.”  
Emily: “Silly is good.”
Charlie: “Yeah…”
Emily: “Sorry. I won’t pry. I’m just listening- passively- if you want.”
Charlie: "It’s nothing super personal or secret, just that, I get why she likes high places and open spaces when she needs thinking time. Not like the view’s amazingly great down here, so I always wondered… All those times finding her on roof tops or the hotel’s crow’s nest."
Charlie: "I asked if staring at heaven's light was a moth demon thing once and she just shrugged, but the angel thing makes so much more sense and she's terrible at lying if I'd just ASKED-”
Emily: "Now you're sounding like me."
Charlie: "URGH right- good things, good things are- when she's up there, I know now she's either cursing heaven or hating herself."
Emily: "... is there a better good thing? Because that's..."
Charlie: "Now I can HELP her. With that."
Emily: "That's a good thing, yes."
Charlie: "She doesn't have to walk around all the time being scared of me finding out and getting angry or hurt, I DID find out and I WAS angry and and hurt, and it was fine."
Emily: "Well..."
Charlie: "Okay fine, not fine but BETTR. It IS better."
Emily: "..."
Emily: “...your hotel has a crow’s nest? That must be perfect for her.”
Charlie: “What? Oh, yes. She loves it...”
Charlie: "Shit even her HAIR makes so much sense now."
Emily: “She’s grown hers out- I’ve never thought about an Exorcist with long hair- it’s very pretty.”
Charlie: “Pretty, fun to play with, but she leaves it loose even when all the swooshing annoys her. It gets in the way of her trying to stab people."
Emily: "I bet we could find a metaphor in that."
Charlie: "I guess it’s kinda like wings though? The weight and having something cover her back like that.”
Emily: “Wings are… not just that. Wings are pretty different.”
Charlie: “Long hair was probably still better than nothing though. I wonder if she’ll cut it now? Or just keep it in the ponytail?”
Emily: “What do you mean?”
Charlie: "Well, short hair is easier to take care of, right? Plus she seemed to really like having it out of her face during the battle, even after getting her wings back-”
Emily: “No, wait- Getting them back? She’s an angel, doesn’t she have- hasn’t she always had….”
Charlie: “No she… They didn’t mention that either, did they.”
Emily: “What did they do.”
Charlie: “One guess. And one guess who ‘they’ were.”
Emily: “Lute. Adam leaves- he left almost everything that actually needed doing to her.”
Charlie: “Well this time the thing that needed doing-”
Emily: “They took her wings.”
Charlie: "It was more of a ripping action? Tearing?? Wrenching- No, ripping sounds right- Ripped them off and left them on the ground next to her. Vaggie had to stuff them in a dumpster before any sinners saw them and mobbed her.”
Emily: “….”
Charlie: “M-maybe I shouldn’t have said that part.”
Emily: “It’s fine. Important to know.”
Charlie: “But Vaggie only just told ME about it, and now I’m blubbering it out to you- fuck. Forget I said it? Please?”
Emily: “You should talk about it with someone who isn’t her, Charlie.”
Charlie: “Not like this though! Not with-”
Emily: “An angel. Someone from heaven.”
Charlie: “-not with someone she isn’t even friends with yet.”
Emily: “Thanks for the ‘yet’ part. I hope you’re right about it.”
Charlie: “I will be. But um. Until then…?”
Emily: “All I know is she didn’t have wings and now she does again. No specifics.”
Charlie: “Thank you.”
Charlie: (clears throat) “You, uh. You were telling me about YOUR Exorcist.”
Emily: “Right. Her and children. The ones who wandered off-”
Charlie: “-onto the one place in heaven that isn’t sunshine and rainbows and fluffy clouds of happiness, right right.”
Emily: “It was a bit of shoreline Exorcists use for live battle training.”
Charlie: “Yay fun?”
Emily: “Where they, they practice tearing each other apart with their bare hands-”
Charlie: “Oh!”
Emily: “-weapons aren’t used for it, don’t worry! None of the children were in any real danger!”
Charlie: “But they SAW it!?”
Emily: “From a distance… not, not close enough to get splattered by blood….”
Charlie: “Oh wow that’s SO reassuring!”
Emily: “Except for one of them.”
Charlie: “How the HECK didn’t anyone notice there were kids around before starting that stuff!? Didn’t they CHECK-”
Emily: “The Exorcists are very used to being left alone.”
Charlie: “STILL!”
Emily: “I know. I was so angry at first- I didn’t show it, the other children were already hiding under my wings after I’d gathered them up. They didn’t need me getting mad too.”
Charlie: “Didn’t wanna to scare them?”
Emily: “Watching the Exorcists was scary enough.”
Charlie: “I’m trying SO real hard to imagine a happy ending for this.”
Emily: “It’s there, don’t worry. See, one of the children had wandered further than the rest, and was just standing there, frozen. Staring up at.. all that.”
Charlie: “That doesn’t sound happy.”
Emily: “It was so frustrating! I couldn’t get to them without bringing the others even closer too! Some of them could barely move they were so frightened- I tried calling up at the Exorcists, asking them to stop, but they either didn’t hear me or ignored me-”
Charlie: “FUCK that’s just-”
Emily: “But then-”
Charlie: “….”
Emily: “One of them left formation.”
Charlie: (smiling) “Yeah?”
Emily: “She came swooping down, all soaked in blood- not hers, I don’t think. She didn’t look hurt. She landed right in front of the child."
Charlie: “Oh covered in BLOOD that must’ve been, er, something.”
Emily: “It wasn’t great. Poor thing was so scared under her shadow I thought they’d cry.”
Charlie: “Wouldn’t blame them.”
Emily: “Me neither. Those masks… but’s it’s funny, you know, how much a small thing can change everything else.”
Charlie: “She wasn’t as scary as her mask, was she?”
Emily: “No. She was, awkward. I saw her do a little wave and kneel down- later they said she’d talked with them, asked if they were hurt and where their home was.”
Charlie: “Normal stuff.”
Emily: “Strange for an Exorcist. Then she- she offered to take them home. She was still all spattered with-”
Charlie: “Blood. Ew.”
Emily: “I didn’t know what was going on when it happened, I just saw the Exorcist stand up and march right into the sea, right into the waves! She come out clean enough but also. Well. Also sopping wet and a bit um, a bit less scary looking."
Charlie: "Heheh."
Emily: "A lot less scary looking. A little pitiful looking?”
Charlie: “Like Husk after the champagne bottle incident!”
Emily: “Like who?”
Charlie: “Oh our bartender. Long story- but I’ve seen sad and bedraggled wings before. I’d LOVE to see them on an Exorcist!”
Emily: “It was pretty funny. And she didn’t seem to mind the child laughing at her either. If anything I think she made more of a show of shaking herself dry and fluffing up afterwards, once she heard them giggling over it.”
Charlie: “Aww~! She didn’t wanna scare them either!”
Emily: “She was silly. I’d never seen an Exorcist being silly before. The other ones watching didn’t seem to like it. They’d finally stopped fighting and looked like they were muttering to each other… Lute, Adam, even Sera, they're really strict about not having Heaven's army mixing with the rest of Heaven...”
Charlie: “But she- the silly exorcist- she didn’t care.”
Emily: “If she did, it didn’t stop her.”
Charlie: “Did she take the kid home herself then? Once she wasn’t covered in. Uhh. Blood.”
Emily: “She did. The other children were so jealous!”
Charlie: “Jealous??”
Emily: “After she helped wipe off the, the blood spatters on them, she scooped them up and just rocketed into the sky.”
Charlie: “Ohmygosh that's so FUN! Angel piggyback rides are the best!”
Emily: “It looked like it. Exorcists train and practice, and their wings are strong- I knew that but I still don’t think I’ve ever seen someone move like that in the air. Like she was dancing.”
Charlie: “Vaggie says fighting and dancing have a lot in common.”
Emily: “She does?”
Charlie: “Mm-hmm. And if SHE’S any example, then I bet plenty of the Exorcists would be GREAT dancers too! If they bothered not killing people long enough to find out, that is.”
Emily: “If. Right."
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “….Vaggie stopped. She was, she used to- and it took time but, she stopped.”
Emily: “And Lute cut out her eye for it.”
Charlie: “I don’t think she regrets losing it. Or- it was worth it to her? She.. sometimes it’s almost like she feels like she deserved it.” 
Emily: “I hope not. It shouldn’t have happened, it didn’t help anyone.”
Charlie: “No. It really didn’t.”
Emily: “They probably used her as an example of why no one else should do that.”
Charlie: “…well… maybe your Exorcist will still think it’s worth it?”
Emily: “Maybe. If she’s not dead.”
Charlie: “R-right.” 
Emily: “And she’s really not mine. I don’t even know her.”
Charlie: “You know enough to care.”
Emily: “To care about someone who might not even deserve it? How does that help anyone-”
Charlie: “EVERYONE deserves to be cared about.”
Emily: “Even-”
Charlie: “Everyone. At least to the point of caring if they’re dead or not.”
Emily: “… you’d make a great angel, Charlie.”
Charlie: “HA! I’m not sure that’s a compliment anymore but uh. Thanks?”
Emily: “I meant it more that, if Sera and Lute and Adam had been more like you, then none of this would have happened. Or if you’d been up here, you would’ve stopped them.”
Charlie: “Ehhh… I kinda think if you couldn’t manage it, I wouldn’t have either..? Definitely NOT alone and not without-”
Emily: “You started the hotel! You had to go against so many people to do that-”
Charlie: “-okay yes but we only JUST got that going. And I only could do THAT because I had…”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “It’s easier, with someone who believes in you.”
Emily: “Like a partner?”
Charlie: “Yeah.”
Emily: “A girlfriend.”
Charlie: “….yeah.”
Emily: “And it’s late. I’ll let you get back to her.”
Charlie: “It’s probably okay. She was tired and, she’s a pretty heavy sleeper once she actually falls asleep. You can usually tell when she really conks out because the snoring-”
Charlie: “-oh fuck oh no no no not again DON’T TELL HER I SAID THAT EITHER!”
Emily: “I won’t.” (giggling) “Although I might’ve heard it earlier.”
Charlie: “Fuck. Shit! FUCK!”
Emily: “But I swear on all six of my wings I won’t breathe a word. I also don’t know what happened to you guys- other than a huge traumatic revelation followed by an actual battle for your lives-”
Charlie: “That was a thing, yes.”
Emily: “-but I really hope you two are okay.”
Charlie: “Oh we will be! Weirdly enough, we’re better off now than we were before, even!”
Emily: “Lots of new things you can finally talk about?”
Charlie: “SO many.”
Emily: “Heh. Good. I’m glad something turned out okay from all this.”
Charlie: “And I really hope at least ONE more thing can turn out okay. For you, specifically.”
Emily: “We’ll… we’ll see I guess.”
Charlie: “First thing in the morning. I promise.”
Emily: (breath in) “Okay….” (breathe out) “Thank you.”
Charlie: “Any time. Or, no problem. Or- not that I WANT you to need help identifying bodies again anytime soon, I just meant…”
Emily: (laughs) “I know, Charlie. It’s okay. And it’s also really late. Good night.”
Charlie: “Good n- oh hey wait, Emily!!”
Emily: “-yes?”
Charlie: “What AM I looking for exactly? With the wings.”
Emily: “Oh- You know how Exorcist always those two stripes on theirs? The black bands on their feathers, the undersides.”
Charlie: “Yyyyep, yep. Now that you mention it…”
Emily: “She only had one.”
Charlie: "......"
Charlie: “…one… wing stripe?”
Emily: “It’s how I noticed her at first.”
Charlie: “That’s, that’s rare among Exorcists, huh?”
Emily: “She was the only one with wings like that, I think. Every few years I’d catch sight of her following behind Lute and Adam with a few others, trailing them through the actually populated places in Heaven for once, in full Exorcist gear.”
Charlie: “Well if she, if they were masked, maybe it wasn’t always the same person-”
Emily: “It was. She was easy enough to spot even without the wings, once I knew what to look for.”
Charlie: “Which was…?”
Emily: “She was the only one who’d wave back at the children who waved at her.”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “…oh.”
Emily: “Sorry. This is, a pretty depressing thing to go back to sleep after, isn’t it? Try to have some good dreams okay?”
Charlie: “I- I will. I’ll try. Um, you too?”
Emily: “I’ll give my best shot, if I can sleep. Thank you again, Charlie. Night.”
Charlie: “Good night..”
-call ends-
Charlie: “……..”
Muffled voice: “….charlie?”
Charlie: “SHIT!” (bangs head on door) (slips back into bedroom) “I’m here, I’m right here- no no no don’t sit up-!”
Vaggie: “What’s wrong?”
Charlie: “Nothing! Just a phone call. Please lay back down?”
Vaggie: “Something happened. Everyone okay?”
Charlie: “Everyone’s fine- Emily calling for a small favor that’s all- Vaggie c’mon, we just got it so your ribs weren’t getting pressed on…”
Vaggie: “Emily.” (alarmed) “Did Lute try something? Did Sera-?”
Charlie: “NO. Nothing happened to anyone! Now, SIT!”
Vaggie: (sits)
Vaggie: “Something’s wrong.”
Charlie: “Well my girlfriend happens to be one half broken bones and other half tenderized meat and won’t stay still, so THAT’S not exactly great!”
Vaggie: “…..”
Charlie: “…….”
Charlie: (sits too) “…Emily wants help checking the dead Exorcists. She might’ve known one of them.”
Vaggie: “Shit.”
Charlie: “Yeah..”
Vaggie: “But, knew one? How would she know any of us?”
Charlie: “Well…”
Vaggie: “She’s a seraph. The only Exorcist who goes near the higher ups is Lute.”  
Charlie: “Right but, just because you never met her doesn’t mean…”
Charlie: (sighs)
Charlie: “It was a LONG talk. Tell you tomorrow?”
Vaggie: "I guess... If you promise to be my pillow and lay down for a while instead of just pacing some more, then yeah, I can wait.”
Charlie: “Okay not fair- I was taking a call!”
Vaggie: “Your hoofbeats were tip tapping through my dreams long before then, babe.”
Charlie: “Motherfucker.”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Sleep, sweetie.” (drags them down)
Charlie: “Hey don’t act like that wasn’t MY line a moment ago!”
Vaggie: “A moment ago all I knew was something was wrong and you were sad. Now I know just the usual shit is wrong, and you’re dead tired.”
Charlie: “Guess you’re not wrong there…”
Charlie: “….Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “Hmm?”
Charlie: "Do you.. like Emily?"
Vaggie: "Like her? The one not asshole angel up in heaven? She got all fired up with you about the shit unfairness of hell and stuff. What's not to like."
Charlie: "That's not the same as you actually liking her though."
Vaggie: "Hun, we've barely met. It's not like I went on the heaven tour with her."
Charlie: "Buuut.. maybe you'd like to get to know her?"
Vaggie: "Do you want me to get to know her."
Charlie: ".... I just wish there was some part of heaven that... wasn't bad for you."
Vaggie: "Hey, it was heaven. Murder soldier cult thing aside, if we're just talking personal comfort or whatever, it wasn't the worst thing in creation."
Charlie: "Wow what a stunning review! Other than the psychological trauma, it was great!"
Vaggie: "It wasn't that bad. Just you know. Comparatively."
Charlie: "Comparatively?"
Vaggie: "To this. Being here like this, with you."
Charlie: "Hmph."
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "... you asleep?"
Vaggie: "Almost. But it feels like you have another question before you're ready for sleep."
Charlie: "You don't have to answer this one."
Vaggie: "Me not answering is kinda what fucked us over before."
Charlie: "It's different now. We can wait until you're ready."
Vaggie: "I'm ready. Ask."
Charlie: "....okay."
Charlie: "Um..."
Charlie: “Was. The sinners you killed-”
Vaggie: “Murdered.”
Charlie: “Murdered, okay. Okay. Were they. Were any of them… kids?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “Once.”
Vaggie: “Almost.”
Charlie: “…almost… so, that was the time you stopped.”
Vaggie: “Yes.”
Charlie: “Okay. Because it was a kid?”
Vaggie: “I don’t know.”
Charlie: “What d-”
Vaggie: “I don’t know what I mean. It doesn’t. I don’t think it matters. Charlie- not killing one time isn’t the same as… never having killed.”
Charlie: “I know- I mean, I get that-”
Vaggie: “It doesn’t fix anything, or make anything better.”
Charlie: “It doesn't have to! We’re working on that part together. With the hotel.”
Vaggie: “It's not your thing to have to make up for.”
Charlie: “My home, my people, my friends and my girlfriend. Mine mine mine. And you feel better now you’ve stopped, don’t you?”
Vaggie: “Feeling like a less crappy person also isn’t the same as feeling better.”
Charlie: “It’s not?”
Vaggie: “Thinking you’re a good person, a hero even, is a pretty great feeling. Finding out you’re murderer sucks.”
Charlie: “You ARE a good-!”
Vaggie: “Charlie. Please?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “What about when I hug you?”
Vaggie: “… hard not to feel lucky as hell, then.”
Charlie: “Good” (hugs) "Me too."
Vaggie: “Kinda hard to hug back while I’m lying half on top of you… Would a wing snuggle be alright?”
Charlie: “It won’t hurt your ribs??”
Vaggie: “No. I could use a stretch, honestly.”
Charlie: “Then gimme the floofies!”
Vaggie: “Yeah?”
Charlie: “GIMME GIMME~”
Vaggie: "Floofies at your service." (wings go floof) (snuggles one over charlie) “I’m glad they came back.. different.”
Charlie: “With the gray?”
Vaggie: “Mm. Thoughts?”
Charlie: “GRAY-t! They go WAY better with your hair now!”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Nice. Girlfriend approved."
Charlie: "And it's lucky we ARE girlfriends, or else your pretty wings would have girls FLOCKING to you!"
Vaggie: "Right." (SNORTS) "Night, Charlie.”
Charlie: “If you’re wishing me goodnight to try stoping the wing puns, please know there’s more where that came from! I am in no way winging it here.”
Vaggie: “I figured.”
Charlie: "I really do love your wings, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Really helps they don't look like they used to."
Charlie: "Hmm. Is the anything other than the color different?"
Vaggie: "... Isn't that enough?"
Charlie: "I don't mean it like that! It's just, well, they only have one stripe on them, and the other exorcists-"
Vaggie: "They were like that before. Sorry."
Charlie: "Vaggie I don't NEED them to look different. I'm just, curious!"
Vaggie: "Uh-huh."
Charlie: "Really! Did any of the other exorcists have-?"
Vaggie: "No."
Charlie: "None of them? Ever?"
Vaggie: "Not since I took up vanguard duty. Or since. Looks like Lute got rid of the position after I- after getting rid of me. Now they just all stream down into hell all at once. No one scouts ahead." (mutters) "Messy."
Charlie: "Huh."
Vaggie: "So I guess my wings didn't change that much really."
Charlie: "If they'd stayed exactly the same I would have loved them."
Vaggie: "Not sure I'd want you to."
Charlie: "Too bad. They're part of you. They're part of the most amazing woman I've ever met.... If you like them better now though, that's good. Maybe you. Maybe you'll feel like having them out more?"
Vaggie: "We'll see."
Charlie: "BUT I want eternal dibs on the wing hugs."
Vaggie: "What? You staking a claim?"
Charlie: "Yes absolutely. My wing hugs, okay?" (hugs tighter) "Mine."
Vaggie: "Okay." (chuckling) (relaxing) "They're all yours, babe." (snuggling in) “Love you...”
Charlie: “Love you too, Vaggie.”
Charlie: (smooches gf's forehead) “Goodnight…”
Vaggie: (already asleep)
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: (traces the one stripe on Vaggie’s wing)
Charlie: "...you probably could have been happy up there... if they'd let you."
Charlie: (wipes face)
Charlie: “… fuck heaven.”  
Vaggie: (SNORES)
Charlie: (grins) (still teary-eyed) “Exactly.”
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
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what little i still know about re and what fun little facts i've seen about leon made me wanna do a "what if leon, but b.o.w"
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
i don't think I've ever enjoyed a birthday party with friends as much as today i am genuinely getting a bit teary eyed
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skyeslittlecorner · 6 months
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Sir why is 'blood' in quotes? Completely unnecessary and confusing quotes???
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skunkoon · 6 months
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Blitzy baby you've got it bad~
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casualmonsterenjoyer · 2 months
So, I just watched the final episode and I've been loud ugly crying for the past 20 minutes.
I think this is the happiest ending I could have witnessed.
Yes, Tech is actually dead but he will always be with his brothers and Omega. They will continue to honor him and he will never be forgotten. And so will we as a fandom.
The clones got rescued and even though not all made it out those who did survive have been given an opportunity to choose a life of their own.
Hunter finally got some peace and quiet. The same goes for Crosshair and Wrecker. They all were able to watch and help Omega grow up.
And oh, what an amazing person she's grown into.
Once I realized it was in fact her and I wasn't just imagining things...yeah no, the crying got worse again.
She grew up on her own terms.
She was given Hunter's bandana.
And she chose to fight for what she believes in, again.
Despite the pain and suffering, I do believe this to be a great happy ending.
May Omega fight to see another day, to return to Pabu and her brothers and maybe, she'll even reunite with an old friend. I bet Hera would love that.
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hella1975 · 6 months
there's a very specific kind of vibe that comes with living with your friends in final year that it just does not have in first year or even second year. like as a fresher it's usually the first time any of you have lived away from home let alone with SO MANY people your age and it's terrifying and exciting and randomised to boot so it's generally carnage for a whole year in the best and worst ways, and then second year you pick who you're living with and it feels like for the first time you're doing this adult thing PROPERLY. you have a place of your own now. these are the people you've chosen to live with. studying gets serious etc. but it's still fresh. it's still new. you still don't know how to navigate it. but final year? final year is when you actually get it right. you know how to manage your time better. you know what works for you and what doesn't. studying is the main focus and you've been out in the world for three years now and it's not loud and boisterous like it was in first year and you're not exciteable and awkward like you were in second year. you're comfortable. every single one of my flatmates has their own friend group and we mainly keep to our own social circles, but we'll still meet each other back at the house after a night out and sit in the kitchen or my room to do the debrief. sometimes i'll go days not seeing either of them despite sharing a house but every now and then someone will softly call up the stairs that 'the heating's on!' or one of us will sneeze and the other two will yell 'bless you!' through the walls. the lack of interaction isn't interpreted as dislike in ways it would have been even last year, because we're all just old enough to be past that now and settled enough in our friendship not to worry about it. idk. uni is very loud and unsettling a lot of the time so it's been really sweet to see how almost boringly comfortable final year is.
#like my day today was literally drag myself out of bed at 10am to meet my econ friends bc we're in a group together#and i spent two hours with them writing a fucking TRADE REPORT before coming home#and the rest of the day was kinda lost. i showered. i put a wash on. i had a nap. i mainly stayed in my room#which sometimes is the End Of All Things but today was quite nice#and i can hear in their rooms how my flatmates are doing the exact same thing. pottering about and getting on with uni#and we've barely spoken all day but earlier my one flatmate ran into my room all excited to show me her nails#bc she's been teaching herself to do gels and it took her 2 hours but im still one of the first people she wanted to show#and just now we all went to use the bathroom at the same time and it led to one of our Stair Sessions#where we all inexplicably just gather on the stairs and chat for no reason with a cup of tea#idk it's just nice. it's such basic shit but i can't belive in first year i used to spend EVERY DAY with these girls#and we were one single friendship group and that was all we had#and then in second year one girl branched off bc she lived in a studio and got into her societies#but me and the other girl lived together again and it was the same thing of she was a friend before she was someone i lived with#and weirdly that can actually be detrimental to a dynamic. but this year we're all just very solidified and confident in ourselves#and where we stand and yes we all have our own friendship groups outside of the house now#but there's still that love and simple comfortableness around each other that you only get with time and a hell of a lot of proximity#and a sense of being settled that maybe is just what happens as you get older#idk it's just really nice. if i had this exact same day in first year (doing economics and barely leaving my room)#it would've been a really bad depressive day for me so the fact i can find such contentment from it now is really heartening#i love my little life here im very proud of what ive been able to achieve :)#hella goes to uni#feeling nostalgic because SOME BITCH decided to ribs post
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rxttenfish · 3 months
i love it when miranda gets to be stupidly dramatic over nothing. currently in the fic she's wildly upset that aaravi didn't compliment how nice the letter she wrote breaking bad news to aaravi was. she put extra effort making it sound all nice and everything!
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felizusnavidad · 6 months
haiku about the end of the year
it’s this time of the year
when you say goodbye
to moments of doubt and anger and tears
don’t let fuckers win
screw them
let’s focus on goodness and light
they will never know these feelings
goodbye bad bad people
once upon a time, in a faraway land in a small and shitty mall there was this "luxury" store and guess what was it called? ****Trend
there was a girl, poppy was her name she used to work in this place and oh, it was once her safe space but not anymore, what a shame
the job was shitty, that's not a lie her workmates were amazing though they made her laugh, laughed at her jokes (she even befriended the new guy)
and then one day no fun, no more she got the worst news ever "we are transferring you", the bad bitch witch tells her "to a different mall, a different store"
the store was far away from poppy's and her new team couldn't accept her there was one guy who fucking hated her she couldn't take it, she wrote her notice
i guess you can say she wrote her way out but she still had to stay for quite some time tried to be nice to them, was that a crime? "i will survive this, without a doubt"
crying sessions in the bathroom that was poppy's way to cope but then one day she just said "nope" new idea, sick leave, BOOM!
who's laughing now? i guess not them she's gonna have long christmas break she knows for sure that wasn't a mistake that's why now she is writing this poem
she also got a new job offer her teerico merch is on the way good things are coming, also, hey! she's taking the job, it starts next year!
she saw in the heights live in koszalin she met jakub gierszał with her bestie, bel she wrote her way out of this hell (maybe one day she will also meet lin?)
here's to new year, here's to the new chapter here's to uk trip and the eras tour in poland! here's to my friends, my moots from foreign land may poppy's life be full of laughter!
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dear-buttercup · 8 months
Something I found very beautiful about the Paris special was that no matter what universe, Gabriel is still a jerk and a horrible parent :))
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randomshitwithwinter · 2 months
im fucking desperate here, but im not desperate enough to go on reddit somone plz say something nice abt my appearance plz?
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okiroash · 4 months
I still love ghost trick,, I'm just taking a bit of a break from it since my mind and hand been itching to rot on something else 💥💥 (still having soft feelings towards the ghost trick guy..)
if you love rpgmaker horror games.. totally check out end roll,, IT'S FREE!!!!! (manlybadasshero also made a playthrough of it, if you want to watch)
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cakemoney · 4 months
me: spends all season being emotionally invested in kristen and adaine's struggle with their complicated family relationships, feeling let down by adults who can't be relied on to be on their side, questioning the values they had been raised with, bunking with riz in strongtower luxury apartments
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teasel-backatitagain · 4 months
Thinking about her (Karina Braun)
#I do not like her in the slightest#But also want to explore Reiners feelings toward her post rumbling#Her 'oh yes i only want my son' bullshit is not flying with me (nor is it flying with jean AHAHAHAH)#Karina used Reiner as a tool to further her own desires#Putting a clear expiration date on her only son as the ripe age of ten#She sees him coming back from his trip to hell depressed suicidal self harming and does not care lol#She also gladly pushes gabby toward the same fate (and we know how Reiner feels about Gabby)#So yes propaganda propaganda but goddamn the amount of damages she caused her only son (a literal CHILD)#Reiner is somewhat aware of all that but feels conflicted about it and might kind of push it away#Cause god he has already lost so much#She would have AT BEST troubles reckoning with the full extend of it and properly atone for it#And at worst be a nasty bitch about it and straight up refuse to admit anything but still insists on having a relationship with her son#Idk man wherever she ends up falling on that spectrum Reiner is in for a fun time#(cause i do think he'd want some sort of relationship with her)#(also i think she wouldn't be fully on board with her son kissing devil men (yes jean) on the mouth so that's a problem to add to the list)#Interested about how jean would fit in all of that cause of course he'd be there every step of the way#(they're in love your honor there is just a chance they don't know it yet)#Between his mom being so not karina#his foul mouth#big heart and burning desire to prevent reiner from being trampled yet again#That would make for some fun discussions#So much possibilities... the juices are jussing#do i have the braincells to discuss all this with the nuance it deserves at this ungodly hour? no#hopefully at some point i will#reinjean adjacent#rambling
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riphimopen · 2 years
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