#derek bio
noyzinerd · 7 months
[After the pack runs into one of Derek's ex's from his time in New York]
Stiles: Oh my god, that girl was gorgeous! I mean, did you guys see her?!
The pack:
Stiles: Why on Earth would Derek ever break up with someone so beautiful? What was he even thinking?!
The pack:
Stiles: I know if I ever landed someone like that, I'd probably never let them go.
The pack:
Stiles: Aw shoot, I gotta get going or I'm gonna be late. See you later guys!
The pack: The pack:
Malia: So, are we all still pretending Derek's ex-girlfriend didn't just look like Stiles in a wig?
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z0mbie2b0y · 3 months
Stiles wasn't human, well they don't exactly know what he is but he's something.
It was something everyone suspected but never voiced out loud unless in a joking or teasing manner but soon after Stiles visited relatives in Poland they saw signs, signs of things that couldn't be explained or understood, even though they checked the Bestiary they couldn't find it... Deaton or Chris didn't know and even their contacts. So they did the best thing they could, they went back to where it all started which was a fucking cave in the woods near Stiles's grandmother's home...
(Ehhh might add more might drop it
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love-fics · 1 month
Alright my Teen Wolf pals, I'm asking for fic recs. But like, with a very specific thing? So sterek, obvi, but where isaac is like "oh derek? yea thats my dad and stiles is my mom btw" like hes still the same age as stiles, he's just like their kid. just a tiny little pup
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crazyinluvfix · 6 months
hey babes x
masterlist for my multi fandom blog, and when i say multi fandom i mean literally anything !!
request in bio and i will deliver. i’m talking music, movies, tv shows, books, you name it i’m there
i’ll write anything within reason ( smut, fluff, angst, etc. )
fics with * will have smut
‘FATAL ATTRACTION’ chapter masterlist
coming soon…
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metal-sludge · 2 months
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SPINAL TAP (1964 - 2009) | RAW, May 1992.
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xcherryerim · 7 months
He is so cunty, I love him.
also this picture is so fucking funny to me.
And this song is so him.
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roselyn-writing · 9 months
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I changed Derek’s appearance because he looked similar to my other male OCs; Black hair, Fair skin, Blue eyes and etc. I made him different by giving him a tanned skin, chestnut brown hair and his blue eyes remained lol.
Full Name: Derek Monrik.
Age: 50 Y.O.
Date of birth: 21 November 1180. (Virginian time and year).
Hair: Brown.
Eyes: Blue.
Skin tone: Tan.
Favourite food: Burgers, Steaks. French Fries.
Least Favourite food: Peanuts, beans.
Favourite colours: Brown, Blue, Black.
Aesthetics: Royal Aesthetics, Bandit Aesthetic, Police (Sheriff) Aesthetics. Prince aesthetics.
Weapons: Enchanted Sword.
Hobbies: Practice with his sword and riding his favourite white horse, He named it (Buck).
Derek is inspired by Prince Charming (OUAT). And the other princes who gone rogue. I’m a big history lover lol.
Derek Monrik was born into the Royal family of The Monriks; to a Kingdom called ‘Verdantia’.
He was the second-born child of Queen Eveliyn and King James. He couldn’t see his family, Because they were invaded by their mortal enemy Kingdom: The ‘Lothlorien’.
The Lothlorien army quickly raided their Kingdom. King James, Queen Eveliyn, and Their oldeer son, Bernard managed to find his baby brother ‘Derek’ and they escaped the Kingdom. Fleeing from the enemy.
Once, King Leonidas of The Lothlorien Kingdom entered King James's old castle. He and his wife, Queen Adaia, sat on the thrones; Declaring this Kingdom is now theirs.
He raised his hand. “I hereby declare this kingdom is ours!” Leonidas announced. His tone is laden with pride and joy.
Hours later, One of the maids brought a baby to King Leonidas. She told him that she found the baby in a hidden basket in one of the princes' rooms.
King Leonidas took the baby. He held it like he held his baby. The moment he looked at the baby, He knew it was King James's son. He had a sinister smile plastered on his face. He will raise the child so that when he grows up, He will task him to kill King James, his father, and his brother, Bernard, His real family, Which He would never know, Because he was abandoned.
King Leonidas raised Derek as his son. Because, He is sterile and he couldn’t have children. So, Derek was his only chance to experience Parenthood. And he was happy with it.
Years go by, and Derek grows up to be the best and strongest Prince in the kingdom. Known for his chivalry, strength and kindness. His name was on every tongue. Everyone knows him and love him.
Prince Derek: The Venerated Prince-Knight, was tasked by other kings to slay Dragons, Demons, Creatures, etc. He killed one of the most feared and fiercest dragons was ever known to Virginians. ‘The Latroshka’ it literally means:‘Face of Death’ in the Virginian language. Once he killed it, King Midas paid King Leonidas handsomely.
His second best achievement was the killing of the Aleazēt which was a Demoness living in a statue named by the same name: ‘Aleazēt’ She lived in a black statue of a naked woman with messy long hair.
The Aleazēt was known to corrupt people, enslave them and use them for her own purposes. He was tasked to kill her by King Oberon, King Leonidas and his soldiers camped near the Aleazēt place.
Derek managed to find her and broke the statue to pieces. He thought she was dead, So, He returned to his father to tell him about the succession of his mission.
King Leonidas looked at him. He has a neutral expression. “When you killed her did something appear?” King Leonidas queried. His tone was neutral.
Derek shook his head. “No, Nothing appeared, It just broke to pieces,”
King Leonidas facepalmed at Derek revelation. “Then, You didn’t kill her, Go back and finish the job!” He commanded with a firm tone.
Derek once again left for the statue of Aleazēt. He was astounded to see the statue there Like nothing happened! Like it was never shattered. So, Derek took his sword and started to smash the statue, Breaking it into millions of pieces. He didn’t stop until he heard a loud shriek of a woman.
In just a matter of milliseconds, He blinked for seconds, Startled by the sudden sound, he quickly looked around to find the source and that's when he saw her – a mysterious black woman with skin as black as onyx - eyes as red as garnets, and her hair falling on her face like a thick river of blackness, Lying right in front of him; It was none other than Aleazēt herself! His heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation.
The moment she tried to escape or resist, Derek acted swiftly, drawing his sword and striking her with a forceful blow that sliced her in two; She let out a piercing scream that echoed through the air. But instead of blood and flesh, Derek was met with a cloud of black dust and sand that blinded him momentarily. With a quick reflex, he shielded his eyes and regained his focus. It was a thrilling victory, and he had completed his mission successfully.
He returned to the camp one again. He informed his father that he finally killed her. To prove it, He handed his father a potion bottle filled with black sand. That was Aleazēt remains.
His father, King Leonidas, Smiled proudly and congratulated his son. “Excellent! I’m so proud of you!” He cried happily.
To thank Derek for his help. They hosted a large and luxurious party for his honour. There, He met Princess Charlotte, The daughter of King Midas.
King Midas smiled as he introduced his daughter to Prince Derek and King Leonidas, She was beautiful, elegant but she was a spoil brat.
King Midas suggested that Prince Derek should ask for his daughter hand’s in marriage. But, He has to earn it by killing a notorious Siren: ‘Lady of the rocks’ She lived and guarded a beautiful lake decorated with rocks and rocky landscapes. It is called Lake ‘Na’rinda’
After the party, King Leonidas and his son, Prince Derek sat to discuss the next mission of Derek. King Leonidas told of him the Siren, Cordelia.
“Cordelia, The beautiful and seductive yet murderous Siren of the Na’rinda Lake, luring in all who come to the lake to pull them to their watery graves.” That was what King Leonidas told his son, Prince Derek, about the deadly yet alluring siren.
Derek was with Princess Charlotte in the royal carriage. King Midas asked his daughter to accompany them. Suddenly, The driver of the carriage stopped.
Derek exited the carriage to see what made the driver stop, The driver told him there is a big tree that had been cut down and its blocking their way. Derek strolled to the big fallen tree to investigate. He surveyed his eyes at the sight in front of him. He noticed it has been cut clean, Not by accident at all. He deduced someone made this trap.
He helped the driver and his men to remove the tree. Suddenly, He heard a loud scream coming from Princess Charlotte. A thief had stolen her golden bracelet and took off.
Prince Derek immediately goes after the thief. He knocked the person down, and he discovers that thief is a woman.
“You are a girl?” Prince Derek gasped.
“A woman.” She corrected him. Then she headbutted him then she ran away.
Prince Derek, Momentarily stunned, He got to his feets. And he vows that he will find her no matter what.
Hours later, The woman exited her cottage, she steps out of it, and she is immediately snagged in a trap, Set by Prince Derek himself.
Derek chuckled as he crossed his arms. “Told you, I will find you.” He grinned.
“Ugh, You again, What do you want?” The woman said, Her tone is laden with annoyance.
“You know what I want! give the golden bracelet back!”
“Fine, I will give your bracelet back. But! You should release me first!”
Derek rolled his eyes but he released the woman from the tree-trap. After he released her. She handed him the bracelet.
Derek wasn’t interested in the bracelet. He was pondering the woman’s face. She is beautiful.
Her skin is creamy and flawless — Her long curly black hair cascaded down her shoulders and back like a waterfall – gentle hazelnut eyes with a hint of a green colour in them. She has a slender body-build that is covered with brown and white bandit outfit.
Derek was admiring her but he realised himself and took the golden bracelet from her. He looked at her with a neutral facial expression.
“What’s your name?” He asked.
“Eevie.” She replied. “You?”
“Prince Derek.”
“Nice to meet you. ‘Prince’”
“So, What are you doing here?”
“Nothing much, Just stealing so I can eat.”
“Where’s your family?”
“I don’t have a family.”
There was an awkward silent between. Derek felt sorry for Eevie. He knew she has a tough life. He inserted his hand inside his pocket and handed her a sac full of gold. She was surprised. She looked at him for explanation.
“You need more than I do.” came his reply. His tone was firm yet full of compassion.
She smiled as she took the gold sac. “Thank you.”
Prince Derek smiled. He looked at her for one final moment. Before he leave.
“I hope we cross paths again,” Derek said then he left.
Eevie smiled. She looked at Derek’s back as he was walking away, until, He disappeared into the thick forest of trees and grass.
At this moment; Derek knew who his heart chose. And that was Eevie. He never wanted to marry someone out of power and ‘kingdoms relations’. He wanted to marry out of love.
Derek told his father he doesn’t want to marry King Midas’s daughter: Princess Charlotte. Instead, He wanted to marry out of love.
Enraged, King Leonidas demanded his son to take back his words and he’d marry Princess Charlotte, Not because of money or riches, He wanted his son to marry a noble or a royal woman. He doesn’t want his own son to defile his bloodline.
Derek looked at his father with his serious facial expression. He stated his reasons. And he will not abandon what his heart desires.
Before King Leonidas could grab his son’s hand to so he could stay and talk more. Derek looked at his father and self-exiled himself. He ran to his room. Took some possessions: Gold and clothes. Then he left the palace.
He entered the horse stable, He ride his trusted white horse and took off to the forest, Where Eevie is.
After encountering Eevie once more, he mustered up the courage to confess his love for her. To his delight, she smiled and reciprocated his feelings, and the two fell deeply in love. They decided to get married and start a new life together away from the chaos and drama of royalty. They settled in a cozy home in the woods and lived happily ever after with one another.
In modern world, Derek works as a sheriff in Moirvdonne police department and he is so good at his job.
This is the Lore of Derek Monrik. I hope you like it! 🖤🖤😊.
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swampfawn · 2 years
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pitohuiart · 2 years
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Derek is a business student.  He has a part time office job and is room mates with Sophie. Derek met Lily in college and got closer with her when Sophie was dating Kanna. Took him a very long time to realize he had feelings for Lily and is still very inexperienced in romance, he is trying his best.
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networthandbio · 9 months
Derek Lipp Net Worth 2023 | Derek Lipp Wife, Son, Mom, Wikipedia, Kids, Bio
Curious about Derek Lipp Net Worth? Discover the amazing journey from Derek Lipp Bio. Derek Lipp is a TikTok and former Vine sensation. He boasts of millions of social media followers. Known for his humorous videos, jokes, challenges, and collaborations with fellow influencers. He is also an accomplished musician and producer. He has several albums and singles to his name. Introduction of Derek…
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usmsgutterson · 2 months
Nothing Feels As Good As Going Home - S.R
Okay!! My ao3 did see this one first (I had edited it late last night and honestly?? I was too lazy to post it on both platforms because I edited it on ao3 and was too lazy to copy, paste, and then write an authors note lmao) and I'm pretty unsure about this as a whole because I'm only eight seasons in and I haven't written for Spencer before, but I'm conquering my fears tonight.
Despite my bio (which will be changed at least fifteen minutes after this has been posted--I have two accounts and I want to do some maintenance for this one because it needs a little TLC I fear) my requests are currently open!! They're wide open to Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan and Aaron Hotchner, even though I'd also likely be willing to write for another criminal minds character if you asked.
Fic type - this one is tooth rotting fluff because I couldn't resist
Warnings - spencer might be a tad ooc because this is the first time I've written for him. This is also set either in or around season eight as, when I wrote this, I was about halfway through that season and I'm currently close to 2/3rds of the way done with it. Cats are also in this one, if you aren't a cat person.
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Spencer used to hate going home. He felt like he’d never really know what would be going on the minute he opened the front door and stepped inside, and after his father left, that fear intensified bit by bit.  
After his father left, he never knew what it would mean, going home, so he stalled. He’d go to a local park and sit on a bench and read a few books in an hour, maybe two, in order to escape the fear he felt at the idea of going home when he had no idea what would be going on in that house, whether his mother was okay that day or not.  
When he went to college and was living in the dorms, he hated going back because it meant more isolation. More loneliness, more of the same, really. Only his books to keep him company and just about nobody else, unless Ethan called, which he usually did two or three times a week. Ethans calls were one of the only things that really helped him when he wasn’t looking after his mother whenever he was on break, typically around the winter and during the summer.  
After having his mother institutionalised, he feared going home because it meant that she wasn’t there, and the guilt that came with having her taken into a facility when it wasn’t something she wanted weighed down on him very heavily.  
In those last two years pre-FBI, he hated going home because it meant more of the same. More loneliness, more of the same nature documentaries he'd seen a thousand times before if he wasn't putting on the news, and more books that he’d already read several times before haunting him from wherever it was that they sat on his bookshelves, which had been scattered throughout most rooms in his apartment.  
But he joined the FBI at twenty-one and managed to meet you somewhere along that year, found out that you’d just started working with the Marshals and had lived only twenty five minutes out from Arlington, which put you about fifteen from Quantico as a whole, and he started hating going home a lot less after you guys had been together for four months.  
After four months of dates and getting to know each other, getting home usually meant going on another date or Spencer finally getting the opportunity to call you and stay on the phone for longer than fifteen minutes.  
Spencer is very careful about your relationship, though—very secretive, though he doesn’t really mean to be, to avoid teasing from Derek and, four or so years down the line, Emily and JJ, though even Rossi joined in on occasion.
It’s not until he’s on the jet, Alex sitting to his left, JJ across him and Derek diagonally so, that he has to spill the beans.  
He gets a text from you and it’s the way that he smiles that gives it away.  
Hey, Spence! I cleaned up the house a little bit and went to grab your favourite coffee beans from the bodega we both like. Also: meet Megatron. Her name deceives.  
Attached is a photo of a kitten that can’t be more than four or five weeks old, dark brown everywhere except for her paws and chin, which are white.  
“Who’s the lucky one, boy genius?” Derek asks.  
“Huh?” Spencer looks up, eyes widened slightly. “It’s nobody.”  
JJs head tilts. “You wouldn’t smile like that for a nobody,” she says. “Who is it?”  
“Is it the one with the dark blue Prius--” Alex starts before she pauses, realizing where she's fumbled. That gets Rossi and Hotch interested, both of whom come to sit in the seats across from the four.  
Alex is the only one on the team who knows about you apart from Penelope, which is pure happenstance—his car had broken down once when both she and Spencer had worked a late night, and so you’d offered to pick him up from work so that the two of you could go back to the house you shared and indulge in a shark documentary and some pizza.  
“It is,” Spencer nods. “Their name is Y/N.”  
“How long have you had a Y/N?” Derek asks.  
“Since I was twenty-one,” Spencer admits. “About a decade now.”  
“You kept a romantic partner hidden for a decade ?” Derek asks. “How? Does--”  
“Penelope knows about them because they’re in the group she goes to on Tuesdays,” Spencer says. “The one for knitting and crocheting—Y/N does the latter, mostly, but they did knit the cardigan I was wearing last week.”  
“And how did Penelope figure out about the thing you two have had going on?”  
“It’s more than a thing , Derek,” Alex says. “If it’s been going for a decade, it’s more than a thing.”  
“We’d gotten done with a case early, and Penelope had left pretty much as soon as we were on the jet so that she could make it to the aforementioned group. I asked them where they were and picked them up with their favourite tea as a surprise. Penelope saw me there, watched us hug, and just about lost her mind. Have I satisfied your thirst for knowledge yet?”  
He turns to Alex briefly, nods a bit to answer her earlier remark. “I just proposed last weekend, so you’re right. It’s more than just a thing I would say.”  
Derek and JJs eyes widen until their shock is clearly conveyed, and Spencer laughs.  
“You have a fiancee, and you just—didn't think to fucking tell anybody?” Derek laughs. “Were you ever going to tell us?”  
“I was—we've been busy with work, and it didn’t occur to me.”  
“Okay,” JJ nods like she believes it, and that’s good enough for Spencer because he’s telling the truth anyway. “What was the text about?”  
Spencer shrugs, paraphrases.  
“They wrote me to tell me they’d cleaned up the house and picked up a stray, I think,” Spencer answers. “I mean, the stray part wasn't explicitly stated but—the kitten doesn’t look more than four weeks old, so the assumption was immediate, but they know I can’t say no to cats. They’ve been hoping that they’d find a stray while I was on a case since we first moved into a condo together. We bought our house six months ago now, and they’ve joked, every single time before I’ve left for a case, that it’s the perfect time.”  
“What’d they name it?” Rossi asks. “Assuming they didn’t ask for your input. I wouldn’t--I’d have a kitten named Einstein who could never live up to that.”  
Spencer can’t help the loving laugh that bubbles up from his throat as his fingers absently locate the chain around his neck, with an engagement ring of his own weighing the chain down just slightly so that the ring sits comfortably at the middle of his collarbone.  
“They named her Megatron,” he says nonchalantly. “Smallest cat I’ve ever seen, and still, she’s got big shoes to fill. Massive ones, actually.”  
That is enough to get Hotch to crack a smile. For a second, Spencer feels like he’s winning even though a game isn’t even being played.  
“Okay, so—how did you do it?” JJ asks. “I mean—ten years and a recent engagement? With only two people on our team discovering through that entire time? How?”  
“Penelope figured it out three years in,” Spencer answers. “Alex only figured it out recently, which is kind of surprising because I’ve never exactly hidden their existence. I just haven't talked about them because nobody has ever really asked but—I don’t know, either. We kept it low key because we both work law enforcement and it was just easier that way for the first little while, and then we both decided we liked the quiet so we kept things that way.”  
“They work in law enforcement?” Derek asks, his eyes narrowing. “Are they FBI?”  
“They’re a Deputy US Marshal, actually,” Spencer corrects. “They work in the Virginia office, which is 45 minutes outside of Quantico, up in Arlington. It’s why I have a twenty five minute commute—we both like our jobs a lot, and twenty-five minutes for me one way is only eighteen minutes for them the other, but I like driving so I don’t mind. They’re in talks for a promotion right now, and they were meant to hear about it today but so far their texts haven’t indicated anything about that.”  
It’s the most Spencer has told anyone except his mother about you since you’d gotten together, and while you both normally like to keep things quiet, bragging about you to the people he routinely trusts with his life is a very nice feeling.  
“US Marshal?” JJ asks. “They pretty commonly hire ex-military,” she says.  
“They’ve never been anywhere near the military,” Spencer laughs. “They did a two year degree at a community college, went to Glynco for training, and were employed by the US Marshals by twenty-one, around the same time I joined the FBI. We met each other at a coffee shop when they were off of work and their local one was closed, so our meeting was kismet.”  
Spencers phone buzzes again, and he ignores it that time. 
Alex grins at him, while Derek tuts and JJs eyes go to his phone as it buzzes once, then twice more, the fourth buzz coming four and a half seconds after the first, second, and third.  
“Check it,” she urges. “The jet is going to land in fifteen minutes, Spencer, so if it’s good news, you might as well.”  
I have really really REALLY good news 
Please tell me your jet is landing soon or the very minute it’s landed call me please because you work twenty five minutes away and that means I can call and order from Antonios and by the time you’re home, you’ll only have to wait five minutes for pizza.  
Also, Megatrons full name is Megatron Ichabod Reid. Just so you know. I love you so much you stupid smart handsome tall man.  
Spencer doesn’t even try to fight his laugh as he reads.
“Good news?” Derek asks.  
“I think they got promoted, but I won’t know for sure til I’m home,” Spencer answers. “Also--Megatrons full name is apparently Megatron Ichabod Reid—their texts read like they’re hyper.”  
“I’d be pretty hyper if I got news of a promotion,” Rossi says. “Let us know if they did, though, kid. I’m hosting a dinner to celebrate your engagement regardless, but if they got promoted, it’s another thing to celebrate on the roster, and all the more of an excuse to meet the person you’ve kept hidden from the likes of us for a decade.”  
“You guys ordering Antonios?” Alex asks. “You mentioned getting Antonios for dinner the day after I saw you two together. I’m assuming it’s their favourite pizza spot—you don’t really seem like the pizza type. More like a pasta guy.”  
“We both love it,” Spencer answers. “There’s no pizza like Antonios—not where we live, anyway. It’s the middle ground between Quantico and Arlington, so there’s not a whole lot to do unless you drive either way.”  
“Antonios makes a good pizza,” Rossi nods.  
“Their pasta is better,” Hotch interjects. Spencer shakes his head, tries to go back to the book that’s sitting on the table in front of him but fails miserably, waits for the fifteen minutes til the jet lands to be done whilst the rest of the team talks amongst themselves.  
The second the jet lands, as he’s walking out of it, he dials your number and you pick up on the first ring.  
“Spencer Walter Reid, light of my life and giver of astoundingly lovely forehead kisses, please tell me you’ve landed,”  
Spencer laughs. “Just did,” he says. “The team knows about us now, by the way—I smiled when you texted and that lead to Derek questioning me, so there’s that. Also, if the good news is what I think it is, Rossi wants to hold a celebration dinner as an excuse to meet you. He fronted it with our engagement first, but I think he’s just shocked we’ve kept each other under wraps that long.”  
“You like Megatrons name?” You ask, giggling a bit, seemingly in spite of yourself. “I’m sorry, Spence—I'm hyper as hell, bouncing off the walls type. I’m going to open a bottle of wine, see if it calms me down a little. Get home as fast as you can, though! I miss your handsome face!”  
“Just gotta finish a file or two and then I’ll be home,” he says. “If you order the pizza now, I’ll only be like, five minutes late—the pizza won’t be scalding, like it usually is because of their ridiculously well-working warmer bags.”  
“I love you, Spence,” you say, tone turning a little serious. “Get home safe, please.”  
“I will,” Spencer nods. “You okay?”  
“Hyper but yearning,” you laugh. “I just miss you, ‘s all.”  
“I miss you too,” he says. “I’ll be home in forty minutes, tops. I promise.”  
The phone call ends, and he doesn’t miss the knowing smiles that are on Derek and Rossis faces. JJ is looking at him mildly confused as the tone of the conversation changed near it’s end, but he doesn’t want to explain, and so he chooses not to say anything.  
He goes back into the office, completes what remains of the files he has to work on, and after he submits the paperwork in to Hotch, he just about speed walks out of the office, toward the elevators.  
Derek is leaving at the same time as he is. “Goin’ home to Megatron and the singular person who’s managed to keep up with you for the past decade?” He asks teasingly as the doors close.    
“Yeah,” Spencer laughs. “I know you guys will tease me about it til the end of my time here, but—yeah. I get to go home to a stray cat the love of my life probably found in the parking lot of a Joanns, and the love of my life themself.”  
“I’m all done with my teasing, for now,” Derek says. “I’m just a little confused—why'd you keep them from us for this long?”  
“I don’t know,” Spencer admits. “When we’d first started dating, they’d just started out with the Marshals and they were scared having a partner in the FBI would get them special treatment, and then, when the stuff with Tobias Hankel happened and I got into Dialudid, I was scared that I’d make an enemy and then they’d find out about Y/N and use them to hurt me, and it just—we’re the quiet type, so we had reasons til we stopped needing them. I was going to tell you guys before we got engaged, but stuff has just kept happening so quickly in these past couple of years, and it’s kept slipping my mind.”  
Derek shrugs, but smiles understandingly. “I get it,” he says. “Lookin’ forward to that dinner Rossi is planning, though. I can’t wait to meet the singular person who probably would let you talk their ear off because they find you handsome or like your voice or something else that’s really sweet. You have a good night, Spence.”  
The elevator dings and the doors open, and the two leave separately. Spencer drives a little above the speed limit in the interest of getting home, which isn’t something he’d ever thought he’d do but is doing that night because it’s been a week since you’d last seen each other and he misses you like mad.  
When he inserts his key into the lock, unlocks the door and steps inside, he’s not filled with dread or fear or anxiety or loneliness or anything like that—instead, it feels like exactly what it’s supposed to.  
As he steps out of his shoes, hangs his bag on the coat rack and hears the sound of your laugh, he registers just how much the place he calls home feels like the word used to describe it.  
As he greets you with a hug and a few kisses to the forehead, it feels so much like home that it almost causes an ache in his chest. As you tell him about your promotion from Deputy to Chief Deputy and he hears Megatron the cat meow for the first time, happiness swells within him. Home, for the first time in his life, truly feels like a home. A place where he can unwind and be with those he truly loves, a place in which happiness is practically never-ending.  
Going home has never felt so good as going home to you, and Spencer is unsure anything will ever beat it.  
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anothermansjeans · 1 year
Read Your Mind
aaron hotchner x fem!reader
a/n: hello babes! i had originally posted this on patreon but wanted to share it with tumblr as well (ik i said it’d take like 2 weeks but here she is)! i’ll be writing the smut scenes to this fic and those will be patreon exclusives so if you wanna become a member it’s in my bio :)
wc: 1.1k
cw: implied sex, dry humping mention ?? i think that’s it!
inspiration: read your mind by sabrina carpenter
To say Y/N was frustrated would be an understatement. The constant mixed signals she has received from Aaron would make whiplash seem less painful, and she wasn’t being over dramatic.
When she first developed what was once a small crush— and is now almost what she thought was love— for her boss, she wouldn’t have ever thought he’d have even an ounce of any sort of romantic feelings for her, but after a drunken night out with the team and coming to the realization that they lived not even two buildings away from one another, confessions and heavy petting were exchanged. The next morning after mutual hungover groans were exchanged throughout the bullpen, Hotch called her into his office and made it very clear that lines were crossed… but also stated he had enjoyed himself. The confusion had begun there. Knowing he wasn’t typically one for physical contact, the feeling of him placing his hand onto her hand that rested on top of his desk sent a shock through her system. She enjoyed it, she really enjoyed it, but within thirty seconds of that contact he had also said how he needed her to get back to her desk— he needed to be alone to work.
Y/N brushed it off after that. Nothing was going to happen— Aaron liked what they did, but clearly didn’t want to pursue anything. That was understandable, and it would’ve stayed understandable if he kept up with the professionalism. Lack of said professionalism happened during a case in New York. Everyone had to share a room with someone except for one, and when it came down to pairing off Emily and JJ went off with each other, Derek and Spencer assumed they’d be the second pair, and Rossi claimed the solo room for himself. That left Y/N and Hotch with each other. It was very awkward for the first hour, but they slowly warmed up to each other again.
If anyone told Y/N that she would be having sex with Aaron that night she would’ve laughed in their face, and if anyone told her that they’d wake up in each other’s arms and bask in the warmth, she would’ve sent them to a mental institution. But it happened. After one too many glances they inevitably gave in, and that morning was a lot less awkward than the morning after their drunken dry humping.
But the cycle with Hotch continued after that. They’d share secret kisses, he’d tell her very sternly to get to work. They would spend the night with each other, he’d say they shouldn’t see each other for a while just to call her in the next night or two. At this point, she figured he was lonely but didn’t want to commit. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could play this game with him, and she would continue to mull it over in the early hours at the office before anyone else was there, stirring her coffee in the kitchenette until she felt a strong pair of hands touch her waist.
“I miss you.”
His voice was raspy, like he woke up not too long ago and just came in. She knew his statement was referring to the small break in seeing each other he had suggested, and the thought of it made her upset, causing her to place her coffee on the counter and turn around, crossing her arms.
“I can’t read your mind.” Her statement caused him to lift an eyebrow, forcing her to elaborate. “I’m a profiler, and for the love of God I cannot read what the hell is going on in your mind. You say that we need to stop and then you call me whenever you deem it’s a good time. You know we’re crossing a line here, make that very clear, but still see me in a romantic setting. I can't read your mind.”
His hands had dropped from her waist, and he took a step back. “There’s nothing to read here, Y/N. I thought we were together.”
She scoffed, causing him to wince, “then why the fuss, Aaron? Why are you saying things but doing the opposite? Why the mixed signals?” She waited a minute, staring back at him, waiting for him to say something, but when he didn’t, she grabbed her coffee and started to take off.
“Wait.” He hooked his hand around her elbow, causing her to turn back to him. “You’re right. I’ve screwed up. I don’t know what I’m doing half of the time— I don’t typically date, but Y/N, I’m not lying when I say that there is no one else I would want to be experiencing this with. I was actually hoping that you’re it for me.”
A small part of her wanted to laugh in his face. After countless days trying to read what the hell was going on in his mind, this wasn’t even on the forefront of the mental list she compiled. The biggest part of her wanted to believe him. She really did, but she had nothing to go on. “I need you to prove it, Aaron. I feel like I’m clueless here and I just—”
He swiftly cut her off by tugging her towards him and smashing their lips together. This kiss was a lot different than the secret or drunken ones they’ve shared. It felt like the real deal for Y/N, and she could’ve stayed there forever if it wasn’t for the small crash as well as the exclaimed “oh!” they heard.
Breaking apart, they turned their heads to see a very frazzled Penelope standing there with her hands in a surrendering position, lips in an “oh” shape, and a broken mug on the floor. No one spoke immediately, but once everyone was fully aware of the situation at hand, Penelope went down to the floor and started scooping up the broken pieces. “I am so sorry sir… and Y/N! I’m uh— I‘ll just—”
“It’s okay, Garcia,” Hotch’s voice was gruff, “I’ll clean it up. Just get ready for the briefing.”
She had slowly gotten up and wiped her hands across her dress. “Yes, sir,” she spoke quietly, but once she turned around and scurried away Y/N could hear a quiet “I am so telling Derek I was right.”
Surprisingly, it wasn’t awkward afterwards as they both pitched in to clean the broken glass. Their slightly heated faces and hidden smiles were enough for them to both understand what the other was thinking— this thing between them was real, and they had to practice avoiding the rest of the team for anything other than case related things.
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genericpuff · 4 months
Rachel did a live Q&A in the LO Discord server and gave some news about the Animated Series, it’s still happening! (Surprisingly) Any thoughts on that or things you’d like to see from it?
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Right, like every other time she's said it's "still happening" with no evidence to actually support it. That's always been the issue and still is.
Sorry, that's not me being snarky at you, I'm more so frustrated and absolutely fucking done with all the empty promises and platitudes.
Best case scenario with what was said during the Q&A was that she said "it's still happening" (worst case was that she didn't address it at all).
Like, how is this:
"I can say that… we are currently doing work on it… and it is going well.. and that it looks really cool and that I wish everyone could see what we’ve done because it looks really really really cool, and it’s happening, but that’s all I can say at this point… I can say, making tv shows takes a really long time, it takes so long" (last night's Q&A)
Any different than this:
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Any different than this:
“Um, it’s been really interesting. It’s been educational for me. So, what I—what has been done so far is beautiful. Like, if I could share it, I would. But I can’t. Because it’s very naughty.” - Girl Wonder SDCC (July 2023)
She's been saying this for the last two years since people started getting suspicious it wasn't happening in the first place, and despite all the reassurances that "it's still happening", it doesn't seem to have anything to show for itself. Cast list? Nope. Director? Nope. Writers? Nah. Just a showrunner whose bio still says "TBA" and who, despite having a whole ass 40 minute long interview with Girl Wonder, still didn't have anything to show for what's to come, just more empty promises that it's "still happening" (and a lot of banter about Stephanie's life, rather than her involvement with LO).
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In fact, most of what Stephanie talks about in the podcast concerning LO is pitching it, not developing it. And this interview happened just a few months ago. Go listen to it yourself if you don't believe me.
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So at this point, I see "it's still happening" as "don't panic" corporate speak for "we're still pitching it and trying to find a network for it so we can actually move onto development." Yes, animation takes a long time, even Hazbin Hotel took about three and a half years to finally release after Prime bought the rights to it in 2020. But LO, again, clearly hasn't even started the animation process yet. And while we're comparing it to Hazbin, note that HH actually had LOADS to show for itself along the way of being developed and did a much, MUCH better job at staying relevant and pulling in new people and hyping it up. Even people who never watched Hazbin before in its indie days on Youtube were hearing about it, it made an active effort to sell itself to new viewers and break out of its bubble on Youtube. Is LO doing that? No, not really. Most of the people who know about it are diehard fans who refuse to read anything that isn't shown directly to them on Webtoons, and diehard haters who are tired of the garbage that gets advertised on Webtoons. Ask anyone who doesn't use Webtoons, and best case, they'll know someone who reads LO, worst case, they won't even know what a webtoon is.
Shit, even the new upcoming Zelda movie has names attached to it, including Avi Arad, Wes Ball, and Derek Connolly. And my god, it's gonna SUCK DICK with that bad of a line-up (the guy who ruined the OG Spiderman trilogy and created Morbius, the guy who directed the Maze Runner films, and one of the leading storywriters behind Rise of Skywalker, fucking YIKES) but hey, at least it has more than one name attached to it.
But okay, if we're gonna play the comparison game, let's be fair and compare LO to some other works in its own lane. Let's Play announced last year that it would be getting an animated adaption, and it already has a studio backing it that is FAR more suited for it than JHC is to LO - OLM, the same studio whose animated for massive franchises like Pokemon, Yo-Kai, and Gudetama. JHC meanwhile has animated... motion capture kid shows like Word Party. Because that's the only kind of animation they actually specialize in when it comes to their in-house services. Sure, they also have Harriet the Spy, but that wasn't animated by them, that was animated by Titmouse Inc (heh sorry).
I'm the Grim Reaper recently had its own animated adaption announced, and who's in charge of it? Oh, only SAM FUCKING RAIMI-
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And look, maybe the Let's Play and I'm the Grim Reaper adaptions won't happen either. I just think it's ironic that they both have more to show for themselves in terms of credible names attached to them than what LO has managed to scrape up after five years of promising that it's "still happening" (especially when one of those series is nowhere near as big as LO and the one that WAS as big as LO walked away from Webtoons entirely). For Webtoons' own "worldwide phenomenon", they sure have given LO the shit end of the stick by pairing it with a family-with-kids-under-10 production studio that doesn't specialize in animation and a showrunner who got her start with the Cosmopolitan (weird how LO has so many plugs with Cosmo, huh? Why is JHC producing the show again?)
At the end of the day, nothing's changed. It's still just the ole' "it's still happening" record on a loop, while the comic itself falls further out of favor with people. And it's likely gonna be going behind DailyPass soon, so just think about what that's gonna do to its relevancy after it gets sent away to the equivalent of the Webtoons graveyard.
As I've said countless times before every time this topic comes up, at best, if it is still happening, and I'm wrong about all of this, they are doing the worst job I've ever seen at hyping people up and keeping them informed. It is NOT a good thing that people have to keep asking Rachel if it's still happening.
As for worst case... you wanna know what other projects come to my mind that have fallen into the same state of development hell and decay as LO's TV show? YandereSim and Cryamore. What do you think the popular opinion is about those works and their creators now? Because if you don't know either of those names and are about to google them, let me give you a heads up warning - it's not positive.
If it happens, it happens. It will hopefully be before I get all the therapy I need to undo what LO has done to my brain so that I don't have to make repeat visits LOL But if it's after, hey, maybe the show will be good! Assuming Rachel doesn't, y'know, E.L. James the whole thing. Because frankly, the show will need to cut and rework a LOT of stuff to be any good IMO and I don't think that will be possible if Rachel gets directly involved. But I'm not even hoping for that scenario because there's literally NOTHING to give me that hope, "it's still happening" is nothing more than "don't panic" corporate speak to me at this point. It's cynical, but I just can't waste my energy caring about it anymore.
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ineffably-human · 1 year
It honest to God took me a month to rewatch the last two episodes of this season of Shadows, because I'm still so mad about how they handled Guillermo's decision. And I'm probably going to always be mad. I think this season wasted a lot of time that could have been spent laying better groundwork, for both Guillermo's decision and for Nadja and the Guide's subplot.
But something did click into place for me in that very last scene, where Derek's being ushered down by Topher to meet the other zombies. Season Three was unofficially about power and protection. Season Four was officially about change. I thought this season was going to be about secrets. But it's actually about belonging to a community.
The vampires were out in the world a lot more this season. Colin runs for public office (passing among humans as he can), which drags him into the interests of the community of energy vampires. Nadja connects to a community from her homeland, and winds up caring about them more than she ever expected. Laszlo's mostly focused on the experiments, but his natural ease with Sean (and humans in general) is on display a few times - and when the vampires think he's in distress, they throw a whole party to rally him. The Guide, of course, struggles the whole season with feeling like an outsider who can't be part of the group she cares for.
Sean links the vampires to the pride parade, not just celebrating the queer community, but making the vampires the face of queerness, of immigration, of Staten Island itself. (And Guillermo gets his first taste of Pride, and of a community he'd never been able to claim until recently.) At the same time, it's shown that vampires always feel like they're a step away from being found out by humans, of their surrounding community turning on them and forcing them out.
Nandor struggles throughout the season with social awkwardness, communicating, being misunderstood; he fails to connect with strangers without hypnosis guiding the conversation the way he wants it to go. But the other vampires have become his home, in a way that's evolved past their relationship during Season Three. He rallies them successfully during Local News. He and Colin Robinson look out for each other. Keeping Guillermo's secret is just as much about protecting Nandor as it is protecting Guillermo.
(It's still Guillermo he's always calling out for, though. With the certainty of someone who already knows where home is, he just hasn't named it yet.)
And as always, Guillermo is stuck in between two worlds. He can't connect fully with his bio family, but can't truly step away from them. He wants to be a vampire, but his transformation fights him and he can't see humans as prey. He wants to come when Nandor calls, but can't tell him about the biggest thing that's happening to him.
By the finale he feels more isolated from the vampires than ever, to the point that he can't see what's actually happening: by the time they all know his secret, the others have rallied around him, and are seeing him as another member of the family in need of protecting.
And once Nandor realizes that he cares more about losing Guillermo than his own pride, he deliberately brings that community to Guillermo: he introduces Guillermo as the fifth of their household, and throws him a birthday party to bookend the one at the start of the season. He makes Guillermo a ceremony, invites everyone they know, and asks if he's willing to become one of them forever.
And it's not that Guillermo doesn't want to be a vampire. He does, desperately. It's that he can't stop also being a human.
So instead it's Derek (a vampire basically living as a human, and deeply lonely for it) who is ushered into a new community ready to welcome him, something Guillermo has always been hoping for.
("Do you like eating human flesh? Heh, you will!")
Guillermo still doesn't have The Thing he wants, not really. He still has to name exactly what it is. But Nandor helped guide him towards where home is. And Laszlo helped him pick up the pieces. The vampires don't love Guillermo like a fellow vampire, but they love him like Guillermo, and like with Colin last year that doesn't just reset. It can't. The roots are in too deep, it's already bound everyone stronger.
We'll just have to wait to see what it turns into.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Cowboy!reader Masterlist
Because apparently y’all love this lol (see- see what I did there? Y’all)
I'm trying to put these in a rough order as I go in the fic universe to try and make it easier to read aha
Description: cowboy has an elderly neighbour (this is literally just cowboy and his neighbour, in my head set before he joins the BAU) Warnings: none
Description: Cowboy reader is new to the team and is feeling unheard. Warnings: bad government knowledge on Atlas' part, I did try to google it but idk guys, trying my best here. Oh, also, stress eating.
I Understand
Description: directly follows from 'interestin'', cowboy reader talks down a teenage unsub. Warnings: guns, hostage negotiations, untrusting team
Description: Directly follows 'I Understand', Hotch accuses cowboy reader of lying to the teen unsub. Warnings:
The Post That Started It All
Description: Warnings: gunshot wound.
Baking and House Plants
Description: Warnings: briefly mentions anxiety.
Description: Cowboy and Spencer talk about reading Warnings: the only thing I can think of is that reader suggests to spencer to read the warnings of a book reader likes
Allergies (Not Really)
Description: Warnings: transphobia, sad reader, guns, bullet wound, fighting, briefly mentions some murders to set the scene a bit, someone calls reader a redneck.
More (Not) Allergies
Description: Allergies (Not Really) Part 2 Warnings: minor sad reader.
Flirting, reckless driving, I didn't mean to hit you I promise
Description: Warnings: minor car accident, unsub is not a nice man, brief mentions of killings/murders.
Stronger Coffee
Description: an cop says a few offhand comments about Derek and you don't take no shit. Warnings: hints to racism (nothing 'on screen'), blood
Mama's Boy
Description: (Follow up from Flirting, reckless driving, I didn't mean to hit you I promise) Warnings: Brief mentions of murder and kidnapping (super brief), a man tries to intimidate a woman, that’s about it. Oh, some swearing. 
Pretty As A picture
Description: Warnings: a shelter?
Gay Panic
Description: Warnings: gay panic, some unsavoury thoughts - like one
Gay Panic Part 2
Description: Cowboy gets hit on Warnings: None
Description: Cowboy is in love... Warnings: n/a
Description: the team sees cowboy's tattoos Warnings: n/a
Mermaids and Unicorns
Description: A kid sees his first real life cowboy Warnings: n/a
Description: a guy hits on JJ at a bar and cowboy reader is not happy about it. Set before they confess their feelings, they're still "friends" here. Warning: unwanted touching (arm around the shoulder), and guy tries to kiss JJ (when she doesn't want it)
Description: JJ thinks cowboy looks huggable. Warnings: none
Sunflower Seeds
Description: Warnings: Death, sadness, abuse, bad foster parents, death of a child, murderous foster parents. Word count: 2403
Description: Warnings: Smoking, addiction (smoking)
The Art of Actually Quitting
Description: JJ helps cowboy tackle his smoking addiction. Warnings: Addiction, reader snaps
I'm Sorry, I Promise, Have Some Flowers
Description: Warnings:
My Bio Daddy
Description: Not sexy times I swear. Cowboy reader's father visits, things don't go too well... Warnings: abuse, abusive parents, abduction, claustrophobia, judgy nurse, hospital visits, child abuse mentions
Farmers Tan
Description: just a little snippet of cowboy reader and the team really Warnings: n/a
Southern Belle Ex
Description: the BAU run into an old friend of cowboy reader while near his home town Warning: jealousy, mentions past smoking addiction, that's about it
Description: Being close to home, the team finally get to meet reader's family. Things start out great and then... Not so much. Reader makes sure his younger brother knows that despite what their parents have said, he's still there for them. Warning: homophobia, someone nearly says the f-slur twice (they don't say the whole thing, reader puts them in their place), mentions of going to conversion therapy, pro-conversion therapy views, being kicked out because of sexuality, unaccepting parents, unaccepting sibling (Jason's a bit of a dick and I stand by that). I think that's everything.
Description: Cowboy reader babysits Jack Warnings: None
I was worried
Description: Warnings: Blood, guns, gun shot wound, passing out, hospitals, some swear words
Description: cowboy reader can't sleep :( Warnings: can't sleep (idk if it's insomnia tho), very tired reader, I think that's all
Description: Warnings: implications of claustrophobia, it's his first birthday party so he's a bit overwhelmed bless him (I say over a fully grown man)
Description: cowboy reader gets sick and makes some confessions. And it's what everyone's been waiting for Warnings: illness, mentions throwing up (no actual throwing up), cold/flu, mentions high temperature, reader feels rough, yeah
Description: Warnings:
Crazy Ex Girlfriend
Description: Dana, an old 'friend' of reader turns up at his work place and decides to make a scene. Warnings: reader gets slapped, crazy ex girlfriend, she insults JJ, she calls her a sl^t and wh0re, she also tells reader to 'burn in h3ll'
Rain and Thunder
Description: It's raining, and reader can't help but feel connected with the earth. Ever the romantic, this particular type of weather leads to more discussions of feelings. Takes place quite some time after 'Sick' and 'Dates' but you guys dont know about dates yet. I've not written it yet but it happens before this. Warnings: rain, thunder, lightning, that's it this one is happy feelings, bit cliche but ya know I enjoyed writing it aha
Description: Cowboy reader tries tiktok Warnings: None
Description: Cowboy reader shows JJ his secret talent (sfw don't worry) Warnings: hints to kissing? That's literally it, oh and some bad language at the end.
(No) Self-Preservation
Description: scar reveal. Warnings: scars, abusive backstory.
Description: JJ and Cowboy hit a rough patch, the song is promise by Laufey (just in case you can't see it, Tumblr's being annoying for me) Warnings: sadness :'), smoking
Like A ______
Description: Warnings:
Save A Horse
Description: Warnings:
Allergy Reunion
Description: Mia and reader reunite, chaos ensues. Warnings: gun shots, unsubs go to the school, guns, schools targeted, criminal minds levels of violence (maybe even on the slightly tamer side).
All For Nothing (Part 1)
Description: Cowboy doesn't make it in time... Warnings: Death, death of children and a parent, shock, blood, mentions of a shelter/homelessness
taglist under the cut
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout @chaosofmanyfandoms @logicalhorror @luvfornick @prmsn-17
@xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout @chaosofmanyfandoms @logicalhorror @luvfornick @prmsn-17 @pinxeajin
I might have missed some people out - I'm very sorry if I have, also please let me know either in my inbox, on here, or message if you wanna be added to the taglist :)
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Can I request an Aaron Hotchner x autistic!daughter young adult ideally but any age. Or even she’s on the team and he’s a father figure to her because her own is so ableist. My dad is so ableist and I have so much autistic trauma from him even though my autism is from him too. He thinks that gives him even more rights to say whatever he wants to me and bully me even more. I just need to know what it feels like to have a good dad who cares about my autism. Who cares about me ❤️❤️
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Aaron Hotchner x Autistic! Young adult reader
Of course I can, I'm sorry you have to deal with that, my parents have trouble understanding my Autism as well but they are getting better. I will write this for you!
Summary: Y/Ns ableist Dad comes to the BAU and starts being an Ableist arsehole to his daughter, her father figure (Hotch) steps in and saves her.
Third Person pov...
It had been 3 years since Y/N L/N joined the BAU, she was 21 when she joined and instantly became the baby of the team and Hotch became her Dad, Y/N is autistic and has sensory issues.
Ever since she was little her father was ablest and would bully her and verbally abuse her saying how her being Autistic meant something was wrong with her and that she needed fixing, the man caused her to have so many meltdowns and sensory overloads that it made others concerned her teachers as school.
He was later arrested for child abuse and was sent to prison, Y/N was then left with her neighbours who were a nice loving family and always liked her but hated her dad and were glad she got away from him after suffering for years, her Mum was out of the picture.
The young girl had so much trauma from her childhood when she joined the BAU that Hotch became her father figure, their relationship helped mend Y/Ns trauma from her bio dad and she was able to live comfortably knowing he wasnt in her life anymore, she was treated with respect and was always told that her autism wasn't a bad thing.
From being with Penelope and Spencer (who are also Autistic) her relationship with her Autism was mended and she was able to be herself, while with her dad she could stim or doing anything 'autistic' but with her new found family she was free to stim and had all her accomedations, if anyone disrespected her or called her weird they would have to deal with an angry Hotch and the rest of the team.
It was a normal day for the team, they weren’t on a case and for once they all got to relax and fill out paperwork, well aside from Hotch and Spencer no one was doing any paperwork, Derek and Emily were sat giggling loudly like children as they kept throwing rolled up pieces of paper at their second youngest member.
The laughter increased as they kept hitting their mark, Spencers head, the genius was none the wiser as a pile of paper was forming around him at their many failed attempts. From the side JJ and Penelope sit and watch as Spencer doesn't realise, opposite the genius sat Y/N she was busy spinning in her chair with her headphones on and watching the scene play out.
She had the perfect poker face for when a paper ball hit Spencer's head, as the children in the bull pen play the two adults Hotch and Rossi where actually getting work done, , well Hotch was at least the Italian was drinking and watching the kids outside keeping an eye on them as someone responsible needed too.
As Y/N continued to spin around her in chair she didn’t hear the heavy footsteps off someone walking up behind her, the H/C woman was suddenly yanked off her chair and onto the hard floor by a man, in the process of being manhandled her headphones when flying off her head.
“What did I tall ya about doing that Girl!” exclaimed a voice that haunted her nightmares, gasping in terror Y/N stared frozen at her Father who was suppose to be in prison, the large man had a sickening grin on his face as he saw the terror in his daughter eyes.
“Yes its me!” he laughed that horrible laugh that had Y/N holding her hands overs her ears, the 21 year old was still frozen on the floor while the others were staring at the scene before them guns raised, by this time Hotch and Rossi had heard what happened and were out of their offices.
“bu-but your supposed to be in jail!” exclaimed Y/N finally finding her voice stuttering, the man looked down at her crumpled form, he then grabbed the front of her blouse pulling his daughter close. “they let me out for good behaviour, did ya miss me!” he semi whispered as Y/Ns face grew a sickening pale white, she scrambled to get away but the man wouldn’t let go instead he raised his hand and slapped her.
Y/N cried out in pain. “you really didn’t think I could be held for long did ya you retard! You really are still a fucked in the head as you were years ago” yelled the man, Hotch had had enough, he rain down thw ramp arms raised, gun in his hands. “Get your hands on hr now, you do realise you just assaulted a federal agent” growled out Hotch as the man teared his eyes away from the shivering form of his daughter.
He spat at Hotch. “your not her father I am, this waste of space in am Agent HA!”!” he laughed again and kicked Y/N hard in the ribs, Penelope gasps tears in her eyes as she witnesses her friend get beaten. Y/N holds in her cries of pain and raises her head from the floor glaring at the man.
“your not my dad you never have been!” she cried tears rolling down her face, the sadistic man smirked at the tears rolling down his daughters face, the sight reminding off when she was a kid and he would verbally abuse her, he had never hit her before now, it felt good.
Her words made him angry. “I am your father retard, though I hate to admit it you share my blood, your as stupid as I remember crying on the floor like the child you are to stupid to do what I say” he goes on on berating Y/N and saying how stupid she was once again verbally abusing her, as he went on his rant Y/N managed to stand up.
She was then pulled behind Hotch, his finger close to pulling the trigger. “you Bastard, you shut the fuck up now, you have crossed the line now get out of my building and away from my Daughter before I pump your body full of bullets!” yelled Hotch threw clenched teeth, he was so close to pulling the trigger instead he stormed up so he was chest to chest with the man and pulled back his fist.
When he lets go his right hand connected with the nose he was satisfied to feel it shatter, a smirk on his face before gesturing to a couple of agents. “now don’t ever come back or I will kill you” Hotches hand was burning but he felt satisfied when Y/Ns Dad freeze before he tsked and stormed out not before calling Y/N the R slur before he was detained by two agents ans forced into handcuffs.
Hotch crossed his arms before turning around to hug Y/N was had collapsed, the stress from her dad coming in draining her, she was then sat at her desk with Hotch hovering around her looking at her injuries, E/C eyes locked on his brown ones.
“Im your daughter” she whispers hoarsely, this made Hotch smile and run his hand through her hair. “of course, you are sweetie” he smiled softly kissing her forehead still smiling when she smiles back.
The end!!
Hoped you liked this oneshot so sorry for the wait! As usual sorry for the grammar and spelling mistake!
Requests are open!
Word count: 1366
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