#desert roots apothecary
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Here’s what I’m doing to get back on track/ How to get the most out of restarting your wellness journey:
Establish/ Re-establish a routine – Remove decision making fatigue – harness the power of incremental but continuous progress towards a goal.
Be more regimented – Say Yes to your routine, say No to unimportant invitations and distractions.
Make a Visual List – Seeing is believing! When you can see what you have done, it motivates you to do more.
Better Input - Intake better, inspirational, positive information.  
Cut off negative information sources – Be objective and take a break from any tv series, social media feed, podcast, website, or person, who is feeding you a steady diet of negative, and distressing information.  
Captain’s Log - Keep a written daily journal to evaluate feedback and progress. Make data informed decisions!  Better input better output.
Just like a mighty oak tree grows from a tiny acorn that fits in the palm of your hand, your spiritual and wellness transformation can start from the smallest action, so start small and start now because you are worth it.
Thank you
William Z. Brennan & Desert Mountain Apothecary
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kyndaris · 3 months
Way to Dawn
There is something to be said of old turn-based games with pixellated graphics. For many, they hark back to the good old days where things in the world actually made sense. In these halcyon days, things were simple. There was not as much grey in the world because everything was black and white. Unfortunately, as time has passed me by, games have become grittier with worlds as drab and bleak as the one we face in reality. Octopath Traveler, however, is a series that knows exactly how to tap into the nostalgia we have for our childhoods.
When the first game released in 2018, I was immediately hooked. In 2023, the second game came out. Due to the fact I was drowning in far too many lengthy games that released in the back-half of 2022, coupled with an overseas trip, and a host of other compelling titles, I simply could not find the necessary time to sink into Octopath Travler II. Enter January 2024.
After finishing off a few key games like Assassin's Creed: Mirage and Spider-Man 2 over December, I managed to eke out some time to give Octopath Traveler II my undivided attention. 90+ hours of it, in fact.
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While I started with Alfyn in the original Octopath Traverl, this time I decided to go with my gut and pick my favourite class in almost every single role-playing game I've ever had the chance to dabble in: a thief. Unlike the happy-go-lucky apothecary, Alfyn, Throne finds herself trapped in an endless cycle of death. Her opening chapter sees her scurrying through the sewers of New Delsta with three other members of her gang, the Black Snakes. As the chapter progress, we see the internal struggle among the members of the gang before Throne is then confronted with a long-time friend as both are keen to escape the chains that bind them.
Despite the bleak nature of this first part, Throne's story is still one filled with optimism as she fights for freedom and to break free from the cycle that has kept her trapped for all her life.
From there, I slowly recruited the rest of the Travelers, starting off with Temenos and Osvald. From there, I jumped on a ship to Beastling Island, recruited Ochette and moved to the Eastern Continent - nabbing Castti, Hikari, Partitio and Agnea. The journey took me all across the world of Solistia.
Later, as the game progressed, I would hop to and fro from both continents as I chased after each dangling story thread for my odd band of characters.
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And while I liked all of the stores, the two that stuck out to me belonged to Partitio and Agnea. Possibly because of how positive their outlooks were, and how undaunted they were of the cruelties inherent in the world. I know others on the internet may disagree but given the state of the world these days, I was in the mood for something light-hearted and fun.
Let's start with the Dancer shall we?
Agnea is a girl from the village of Cropdale. Her mother was a dancer and, like her, Agnea dreams of becoming a star. Her story, although simple, sees her travel all across the world to show off her dancing talent and bring a smile to people's faces.
Along the way, she meets a colourful cast of intrepid performers from Gil to Giselle's Travelling Troupe.
Of course, it wouldn't be a video game without a villain. And Dolcinaea serves as the perfect foil to Agnea's optimism. Hers is a tale of hardship growing up in the deserts of Sai, being inspired by Cuani (Agnea's mother) and working hard to become a star to take her away from her roots. But while she views her past with disdain and wishes to eradicate it, Agnea is there to remind her of the people her actions will affect, culminating in a dance battle at the Grand Gala in the Merry Hills region.
Plus, there's some fruity goodness along the way with a few key lines between Veronica and Dolcinaea.
Who doesn't like an uplifting journey, anyways?
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As for Paritio...where to begin?
If all merchants were like him, I'd think the world would be a much better place. Growing up in a silver mine, Partitio has experienced both prosperity and the depths of poverty when the former land owner of the silver mine takes back the land and levies a huge tax on the silver that is mined in the area. Crushed underneath the weight of oppressive capitalism, Partitio and his gang of friends push back against the enforcers (including a man named Giff - which felt like it was ripping off Biff from the Back to the Future series).
From there, Partitio seeks to do away with the devil that is 'poverty' and seeks out a means to make money but also give back to the community at large. He does so by buying the rights to the steam engine. But not before securing himself a grand sum of 80 billion leaves!
And instead of running away with the money, makes good on his promise to make the world a better place.
While there are some forums that declare Partitio as a capitalist in the truest sense (where human greed does not enter the equation and people know how to share the wealth), I thought many of his ideas somewhat left-leaning. True, he is no communist but Partitio is a person who understands the plight of the common-man and knows how to utilise the talents of those around him to the greatest benefit. More than that, though, he is filled with empathy for those around him and isn't shy to splash his own money around to improve the lives of those around them by 1. giving them a living wage and 2. not push people down in order to get ahead.
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Plus, when his theme starts playing and the saxophone kicks in...you know you've got a winner on your hands.
I also really liked Agnea's Song of Hope theme. But I'm also a sucker for any fiddle or string instrument. Which is also why I'm in love with Throne's and Osvald's themes. And that is something else I wanted to praise about Octopath Traveler II. The music! My goodness, the music!
Both Octopath Traveler games are scored by Yasunori Nishiki and he is a genius when it comes to composing such great music. There is something so magical about all the tracks in Octopath Traveler II that I loved.
And that's saying a lot because I very much enjoyed the tracks of the game. Heck, I even bought the CD for the first game and had my mother play it while we drove back up from Melbourne.
The music also proved great at selling the emotion of the song and kept the story aloft, proving to be very poignant at several points. It always kept me engaged during the boss battles. Such a shame it was overlooked at The Game Awards in 2023. I'm sure Flute Guy would have kicked it out of the park if Octopath Traveler II had been nominated for Game of the Year. He certainly was living his best life when Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was nominated and was grooving out to Tears of the Kingdom.
But back to the story of Octopath Travler II. Like the first game, the stories of the Travelers are connected to a central antagonist. But whereas Galdera was a hidden boss hidden behind several side quests, after finishing off each of the Traveler's stories and the Crossed Paths storylines, the Travelers come together and ACTUALLY interact with each other.
When the world plunges into darkness, the Travelers soon piece together that the Moonshade Order was behind it all. Together, they set about re-igniting the flames scattered around the world before confronting the big bad: Vide after Oboro sacrifices himself to the God.
And like many games of the past decade, Octopath Traveler II is a game that explores themes of despair and hope through the lens of nihilism. In fact, I was reminded very much of Danganronpa. True, we didn't have a crazy antagonist obsessed with despair, but we did encounter individuals who saw a cruel unforgiving world and gave into the darkness (or Shadow) within their hearts to quell the suffering.
It's a sentiment I can understand. Humans are cruel. Wars are started for petty reasons, be they for resources or simple pride.
Worse, we turn a blind eye to certain inconvenient truths. Especially if they would only serve to make us feel bad.
Sometimes it's easy to think: what would life be like if humans were all wiped out from existence?
Our Travelers, though, are made of sterner stuff. Despite witnessing atrocities, they continue to fight for the dawn. In their hearts lay a glimmer of light - of hope - for a better world. And in a video game, their actions do bring on positive change.
Together, they drive back Vide and look to the future. Thus bringing a happy end to it all.
But while the overarching story might feel quite simplistic, the themes explored in Octopath Traveler II, I felt were especially poignant. In each Traveler's story, we got to see elements of our current world - be it corrupt bureaucracy, the inherent greediness in humans or their lack of care for the natural world. Each time, though, the Travelers managed to triumph over their foes and bring new understanding.
It's a story I can get behind. And it's probably why I fell in love with Partitio and Agnea's story (but also, who wouldn't want to fight a steam train?)
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Gameplay-wise, Octopath Traveler II doesn't stray too far from the first game. It does, however, have a few tweaks that make the game fun and exciting such as Latent Powers and character abilities. For example, Throne is able to increase the strength of all characters at the start of battle when it's night-time. Hikari, on the other hand, has access to learned skills which can be gained by challenging NPCs scattered around the world.
This brings a whole host of different ways to play the game and to optimise the party. Even as weigh in on when to use brave points to unleash on our foes and break past their shields or to hoard them for a devastating attack later on.
Combined in this way, Octopath Traveler II is a marvel of a game. True, there were moments where I felt the story was a little bogged down, but I certainly enjoyed my time with it. Better yet, it never felt like it was a grind. The 90+ hours I sunk into it flew by without me even realising it as my characters levelled up and grew stronger with each passing hour. Beyond these factors, it also added elements of fruitiness between NPCs but it never tried to shove it in the player's face.
Still, in my head-canon, Dolcinaea and Veronica are a couple. As are Temenos and Crick (before his untimely demise - but he was giving off mass death vibes in Chapter 3. Just saying), Pala and Mikka, and possibly Castti and Malaya (although Malaya, too, is dead).
Plus, I loved the dynamics between all the Travelers with Castti being the mum of the group, Osvald the dad, with the others being chaotic siblings.
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bricknmortar · 1 year
why rick’s daemon would be a scorpion: an explanation literally no one asked for
so anyways i’m absolutely reeling from the finale so i’m gonna just put all of my free time into this dimension/au. this is a whole lotta word vomit and i probably missed stuff and will come back and add it later but i’m like 99% sure this is the most fitting animal i could find for him. this is primarily based on symbolic associations
Scorpions are heavily associated with toxicity and poison, as well as anger and danger - which need I say more lol?
they are also symbolic for betrayal, vengeance/revenge, deceit, and violence in general which come on guys
scorpio is also a constellation, so there are links to astronomy and space
While scorpions are violent, aggressive animals in media, they are also stealthy and quiet - which many overtly aggressive animals do not have as a trait because they are often apex predators, and rick can be fucking unseen when he wants to
which brings me to my next point - rick is an absolutely dangerous man but he’s also sensitive and has been shown to literally lose his shit when someone makes him feel insecure. i feel like dangerous bugs kinda capture that vulnerability?
scorpions have also been historically associated with both medicine and poison and their venom was believed to have curative properties in many civilizations around the world. they have links to both science and the medical field due to their long rooted history in ancient apothecary. they are also tied heavily to life and death which - rick literally has the power to heal or poison, kill someone or bring them back to life - idk i just think it’s really fitting
scorpion mothers are like pretty widely associated with being horrible mothers - literally killing and eating their young when they do not have enough food. while this can’t be taken literally, it can very easily be interpreted as exploiting offspring and family for personal gain - which come on thats like the whole show
in aesop’s fables, there is a story called “the scorpion and the frog” in which a scorpion asks a frog if he can ride on it’s back as to travel across a river. the frog is suspicious that the scorpion will sting him but the scorpion assures him that he will not - because he will die as well. halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog and the scorpion drowns. it’s meant to be an allegory about not being able to escape one’s own nature, even when it is a detriment to oneself. It also feels very “dragging people down with you” and honestly all of it just screams rick to me
despite the fact that you can kill one with your shoe (or, in rick’s case, your words), these things are tough as fuck. they survive in the hottest deserts on planet earth and everywhere else except antarctica, and can hold their breaths underwater for six fucking days (which idk is funny considering the scorpion and the frog fable but i think is also very rick)
scorpions in christianity are literally symbols of the devil himself, and by extension, deciet, lust, sin, ect ect ect. yeeeeah
speaking of lust, scorpions are often used as a symbol for lust and sexuality and i’m just going to flat out say it that rick is a slut (which is honestly his most redeeming quality because sluts are cool as fuck) and uhhh also there are too many rick fuckers for this not to be an association
“wait,” you say. “rick would have a daemon that couldn’t die as easily as a scorpion would!” but have u considered that maybe he wouldn’t? this man is so fucking sensitive that his grandson called him boring and he freaked out (twice!) and was so emotionally wounded he had to purposefully scar him to “teach him a lesson”. a daemon represents someone’s soul, and idk rick’s soul has been pretty fucking scarce in the show. scorpions are small and inconspicuous and able to sneak and be almost invisible - i think rick’s daemon would probably hide in his coat and/or pocket most of the time which i think could be really symbolic for rick literally HIDING HIS SOUL and avoiding being emotionally vulnerable with the people around him because he knows how easily he can get hurt. that sense and fear of emotional vulnerability is such a staple to rick’s character.
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toweringclam · 1 year
Tanith the Warrior (Octopath OC)
"Passion! Glory! Beauty! Strength! I am Tanith, and someday all the world will cheer my name!"
Links to previous: Osanna the Cleric, Clyde the Merchant, Tusitala the Dancer, Opal the Thief, Penelope the Scholar, Adam the Apothecary
Name: Tanith Job: Warrior Gender: Female Element: None Latent Power: Roar of the Crowd (Monsters target her this turn, she suffers greatly reduced damage on the next attack) Appearance: Muscular and curvy, wearing extremely impractical armor designed to show off her body. Carries a short sword and small circular shield. Fluffy bombshell hair. Always smiling. Kind of a bimbofied gladiator look tbh. Friendly Action: Challenge Unfriendly Action: Tribute (Level-based item acquisition) Starting Region: Saltlands. A desert that serves as the center of power for the Sacred Flame and Crimson Crusade. It's scrubbier than previous deserts, based more on the desert parts of Israel than the Sahara. Starting Town: Cure. A coastal town within the Flame's territory. It's notable for its large amphitheater for gladiatorial combat. These days the fights are to submission, knockout, or first blood. Intentional killing of opponents is prohibited. Starting Story: Tanith has always been remarkably strong for a girl. Even without training she could easily match the boys in sheer strength. She felt self-conscious about this until she was taken in by an aging gladiator who taught her that her strength is beauty and her beauty is strength. He trained her for the ring and she was happy to take part, but gets frustrated by the feeling she's being held back by her gender. With her mentor's encouragement, she sets out on her own. Goal: To work her way up the ranks as a gladiator and prove that she is the best there is. Battle Motif: "To Restore Glory," a triumphant piece focusing on bugles and french horns.
Visually, Tanith is inspired by a cross between Xena and Yang (RWBY). Personality-wise, I see her as the Tressa/Agnea of the group. She's an idealist who wants to prove herself and is relentlessly positive, even when she runs up against the darker aspects of her profession.
The fact the Sacred Flame is running a gladiatorial arena should kinda tell you how far they've fallen. Essentially the Saltlands are a crusader state, with squabbling nobles controlling a foreign region, one that they conquered with military force. The Crimson Crusade is the root of the corruption in the Sacred Flame church, and it's their actions that have stained the Flame with blood.
Much like Penelope, Tanith is perfect. I have not changed her at all since her initial concept.
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: Infusing the taste of over 60 different edible flowers, weaving folklore with flavor!The Flower-Infused Cocktail: Flowers, with a Twist is the flower-lover's favorite book, with a fresh take on traditional mixology, infusing the taste of over 60 different edible flowers with history and folklore.Alyson Brown founded her business, Wild Folk Flower Apothecary, in 2017 as a way to share her love of flowers with the world. Flowers became her life. She went on to work with the Central Oregon Wildflower Show to collect and identify wildflowers, host workshops weaving intentions of flowers into botanical creations, plan a flower-infused Solstice dinner in her backyard, design many flower crowns, and mix many flower-infused cocktails.Though she currently calls the high deserts of Central Oregon her home, she often refers to her southern roots and love for the beach, having grown up just minutes from the Gulf Coast beaches in Florida. She lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, two young boys, a black cat, and a fluffy dog. When she’s not mixing flower-infused cocktails, she runs a creative services business in which she specializes in brand photography and graphic design, and in her spare time she enjoys hiking, paddleboarding, and gardening.
A stunning and gorgeous collection of recipes, photos, and information on edible flowers and a little bit of folklore and flavor. This was the perfect book to add to your collection if you enjoy not only drinking one of these delicious drinks but if you want to make them too! The photographs are so beautiful and each recipe is unique. This is a great read and really does add a bit of magic to your drinks!
*Thanks Netgalley and Rowman & Littlefield, Globe Pequot for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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Find The Words [ 14 ]
Thank you to the wonderful @kyofsonder for giving us a tag! You can find his response right here! :D
Our Words: choose | trick | neighbor | speak | linger
Tagging: An Open Tag; if you see this and want to, tag us and answer the tag! I would love to see your words and your works! c:
Your Words: cabin | church | reliance | memorandum | applied
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Choose | The Libraries of Ebliscacia
There are two things to understand, one question to answer.” “Understanding One: “The Library understands all things. So, if you were to go on one adventure, then come back for another, the Library will remember your journey, even if you choose a different path. So all your small choices will stack to form your true adventure, so please, choose wisely.”
Trick(s) | A Magician & A Curse
“It’s not fucking poisoned or anything, Would be a waste of food and herbs, poisoning for what amounts to a uniform and a sword.” Elios finds heat in their cheeks, rolls their eyes at the correct assumption as they take the parcel from the Magician and instantly unwrap the rations within. “You can’t be too safe.” “You can if you’d rather starve and die than deal with parlor tricks.”
Neighbor(s) | Random Fantasy XV
The garage was empty, nests in the corners and bugs making their homes. “Hmm. It seems Mr. Argentum isn't in the business of keeping his neighbors impressed.” “That's your concern!? Come on Specs, this house is definitely deserted! The kid probably ditched a while ago and went off somewhere.”
Speak | A Magician & A Curse
When they make it to the apothecary, Rune’s silent and turning cold, the only heat rising from her wound. The healer doesn’t even speak, just ushers Elios in and takes Rune from her, setting her down on one of the beds and instantly beginning to mix herbs into a bowl, whispering careful instructions to the assistant, who begins running around the small room, gathering materials. Elios hovers next to Rune, watches the rapid gasps the Magician takes to breathe.
Linger | The Rapunzel Witch
Even the Trees wish to know his soft affection, the Knight hearing the gentle whispers of the plants as grass and roots seem to entangle around the Royal, giving him a seat only for the one so loved by the Forests and the Lands. It makes the Knight smile, and he lets the soft moment linger, gently calming the Trees of his presence so that he can catch the isolation of a Prince who desired it more than his entire kingdom. A laugh comes, full and bright and hitting the air with a spark that seems to make everything more vibrant, the Knight blinking as it seems to even hit him. Emotions swarm and he stares as the Royal throws his head back a little, hair bursting as the wind throws itself in joyful chaos with his amusement.
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sjjnyc · 10 months
Root healing in the desert
It really is true . . . the medicine will find you.
A couple of months after I arrived in Gilbert, Arizona I started getting regular pelvic physical therapy. Meanwhile, there was this beautiful plant across the street in the neighbor's front yard, and I later learned it was an Ocotillo plant. I fell in love immediately. Sadly, the shrub was removed, and I felt a strange loss. The following year I would notice another Ocotillo plant down the block and around the corner. It was as I remembered; glorious.
At some point I visited an apothecary in Tempe and left with some medicinal goodies, and one happened to be an Ocotillo tincture. When I looked the plant up on my phone in the shop, low and behold I learned that Ocotillo supports moving stagnant energy in the pelvis. I laughed because it really is true, the medicine will find you. Time and time again, I am reminded of the information we can gather about our health from noticing what plants, herbs and foods we are attracted to and find in the kitchen and pantry.
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Ocotillo tincture by Rainbow Bliss Botanicals in Tempe, Arizona
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Here are some resources to learn more about the medicine of Ocotillo:
Ocotillo Medicine: The Mover and Shaker
Ocotillo  -- Kiva Rosethorn
Ocotillo - wonder botanica 
Ocotillo Elixir by La Abeja Herbs
Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens): Ecstatically Grounded and Passionately Responsive- A Desert Ally for Stagnancy, Flow and Connection with Life Force
Tending to my reproductive/pelvic health is a part of my ongoing water work
I was always interested in reproductive health; I can't pin-point the exact time I started diving more into it, but I think my journey started in my early 20s when I learned about the work of Queen Afua. I can't remember! Then I found myself reading websites and books about menstruation and birth (particularly birth imprints), and later on I took two workshops focused on pelvic health and pleasure respectively. I even thought about being a doula and took a post-partum doula training in Harlem, but being a doula wasn't for me at that time because I was still working through mother wounds.
I took a break from my studies, and then returned a couple of years ago, finding people to learn from through social media who focus on reproductive and pelvic health, the nervous system and somatics, birth, herbalism for the female reproductive system, menstruation awareness and literacy, sensuality, pleasure and family constellations work. I documented this in 2020 on my other IG account @rootsandrainbowbodies.
At some point when I first returned to these interests, I came across the work of Marissa Correia and learned so much from her; it was truly a special time. Among several beautiful gifts, I took her ENCOMPASS course during the winter of 2019 when I lived directly by the Hudson River in Troy, New York. It was really magical; I wish I could go back to those moments of joining class at night with the cool air, snow falling and the winter river running close by.
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Marissa calls the pelvis the root, and ever since then, I've been referring to my pelvis as a root. She was the first person I learned from about how the nervous system is foundational to our menstrual cycles, how I can understand my cycle through seasons, and not override my need for rest in a go-go-go world. As I've continued doing my pelvic exercises at home after my physical therapy, I've been making connections between what I experience during my exercises and what I learned and experienced during her classes. You can learn more about her work and Womb School, of which she is a co-founder, alongside Kris González and Dr. Jeevan Singh.
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Never in a million years did I think another layer of my root consciousness and healing would take place in the desert, and that a desert plant like that of mystical Ocotillo would support me. Two plants have clearly pointed out where in my pelvic bowl needs attention and healing: Cannabis and Ocotillo; they both have "said" the same thing in my body. Between going to my physical therapy appointments (I'm so grateful I had health insurance and a doctor who was patient and encouraging), doing at home exercises ( I try to stay consistent), working with Ocotillo and learning from various practioners and wayshowers like Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, Kimberly Ann Johnson and Lizzy Jeff (among others!), I feel like I am making a lot of progress.
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lailoken · 3 years
‘:Formulae:’ [Pt. 2]
“Jewell'd Waters of Radiance.
A Sacred Bath For Women; being a most excellent preparation for the rites of any sylvan goddess, nymph, female spirit or deific form. The Balneum requires generous amounts of fresh flowers, hence several hours should be allotted for gathering, being ever mindful of the spirits to be honour'd.
Leaf of Raspberry, dry. 35 g.
Rose Petals, fresh. 35 g.
Cherry Blossoms, fresh. 35 g.
Blossoms of Honeysuckle, fresh. 35 g.
Orange Flower Water. 350 ml.
Rose Absolute. 13 drops.
Let a cold infusion of the fresh blossoms be made, allowing them to steep in large seal'd vessels of well or spring water. Make a hot infusion of the Berry Leaves, with sufficient boiling water to cover. Seal in a stopper'd jar and steep for 30 minutes. When the Bath is drawn, strain the Leaf infusion decoction into the water, along with the Orange flower water and Rose Absolute. Add double the amount of Salt of Lilith to the ablution, and agitate the waters. Finally, pour in the cold infusions, leaving the fresh flowers to float freely. Let the Spirit to Be Honour'd be invoked with the Wand of Quickening, and the bath-chamber lit with candles.
Aqueum Liliya.
A lustral sacrifice for ritual conveyance of the benedictions of Lilith in her fully waxed, angelic, and tutelary lunation. The bath may be modified for succubi, nymphs, or water-spirits. All flowers should be fresh-gathered in Her name.
Petals of White Roses. 200
Blossom of Jasmine. 200
Blossom of Gardenia. 100
Blossom of Lily. 3
Blossom of Angel's Trumpet. 1
Place into the Working Basin and cover with 4 litres of cold spring water. Knead the blossoms gently between the fingers for several moments while a graven image of the Lady is silently focused upon with Eye and Heart. Let stand for three hours prior to use in a quiet, sheltered place, away from the light, with a single white candle lit for the Lady before her Idol. During the rite wherein the lustration is to be employed, the Lady should be invoked with a wand of Crooked Willow or Tamarisk, and the branch employed to quicken the florid waters. The petals should be left in the waters and the lustration sprinkled upon the crowns, brows, and palms of those who would receive the Lady's goodness.
Waters of Magnetism.
An excellent bath for increasing Charisma or one's natural Charms, ideal for attracting a mate or other sexual glamours. The Balneum may also be used prior to gambling. Owing to the seasonal nature of Cherry and Quince, the Bath is best employ'd in Spring. Cherry blossoms are rarely found at the local apothecary. Thus, one must gather one's own in Spring. One may also employ blossoms of Apple, Plum, Pear, or Peach for like effect.
Cherry Blossoms, fresh or dried. 200
Blossoms of Flowering Quince, fresh. 100
Chamomile Blossoms, fresh or dried. 100
Rose Buds, fresh. 30
Steep in enough boiling water to cover. Let the infusion sit for 10 minutes. Strain into bathwater, washing the Herb material through several times. Immerse oneself for at least 30 minutes and allow the waters to air-dry on the skin after emerging.
Lustration of Mercurius.
A bath appropriate for invoking the patron of magic, and alchymic wisdom. This Bath of the Wise grants especial gifts prior to labours of the spiritual laboratory.
Lavender Blossoms. 30 g.
Essential Oil of Lavender. 8 drops
Essential Oil of Sandalwood. 8 drops
Kosher Salt. 60g.
Epsom Salt. 60 g.
Infuse Lavender Blossoms in 1.5 litres boiling water for the space of 30 minutes. Strain and add to a 300 litre bath and stir in, adding salt and oils. For best results, soak for at least 40 minutes and drip dry afterward.
Warrior's Ablution.
A stimulating brew to lend power during confrontations with enemies, the law, or for use prior to negotiations.
Leaf of Rosemary, fresh. 70 g.
Cinnamon chips. 30 g.
Bloom of Chamomile, dry. 30 g.
Flowers of Broom. 30 g.
Add Rosemary and Cinnamon to a cooking vessel with enough water Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer 15 minutes. In a separate vessel, steep the Broom and Chamomile blossoms in 1 litre boiling water. Strain both infusion and decoction and discard Herbal material, adding the liquids to the bathwater. cover.
Earthing Bath.
For drawing stray powers back into the Corpus, centering the Mind, and subduing quarrelsome spirits.
Linden blossom, dried. 60 g.
Oak, leaves and twigs, dried and crumbl'd. 60 g.
Leaf of Wormwood. 33 g.
Infuse the Linden and Wormwood in 1.5 litre boiling water for 20 minutes. As it is steeping, simmer Oak leaves in 1 litre of water for 20 minutes. Strain both fluids into the bath tub and soak as long as is needed.
Midsummer Gold.
A Solar infusion made from traditional Herbs for washing the body and clearing and fortifying the aethyric orb.
Herb of St. Johnswort, dry. 30 g.
Herb of Vervain, dry. 30 g.
Leaf of Mugwort, dry. 25 g.
On the morning of the Summer Solstice, seal each of the Herbs in a separate steeping jar with enough water to completely fill the vessel. Allow to steep for at least four hours in the sunlight, absorbing the Solar Genius at the peak of its power. During this time of steeping, the very Fires of the Sun should be invoked and beseech'd into the Womb of the Waters of the Moon. In this conjunctio the Fruits of Our Labour arise. The exhausted plant matter is then strained out, and the resulting infusions mixed. The potentiated wash may be poured on the head while holding clear in the Imaginal Eye the Solar virtues cleansing the crown, and gradually seeping into the entirety of the aethyric orb. The wash may also be added to bathwater for extended soaking.
Floor Wash.
A general but potent Encharmed Solution for cleansing the oratory or home of Noxious Spirits or in the wake of an unpleasant event.
Leaf of Vervain, dry. 40 g.
Leaf of Sagebrush, dry. 30 g.
Leaf of Thyme. 20 g.
Root of European Mandrake. 7 g.
Steep Vervain, Sagebrush and Thyme in 1 litre boiling water, leaving to stand in an airtight jar for 7 hours before filtering. In a separate cooking vessel, add Mandrake to 400 ml. water and bring to a boil. Simmer 20 minutes. Filter and reserve liquid, burying the boil'd Root in an honourable location and with a coin and thanks. Add to Herbal infusion when it has been strained.
Purification Bath.
A relaxing bath excellent for quieting and realigning the disrupted psyche, as well as nourishing and envigorating the bastions of spiritual defence. Our Fair Decoction may be simmered longer than the 15 minutes given, up to 25. The resulting brew may be used for a cold bath as well, omitting the salts and oil.
Fir Needle. 50 g.
Atlas Cedar. 33 g.
Epsom Salt. 30 g.
Root of Valerian, chopped. 25 g.
Root of Calamus, chopped. 25 g.
Essential Oil of Sandalwood. 5 drops.
Bring 1 litre of water to a boil. Add Fir, Cedar, Calamus and Valerian. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and add to hot bath water, along with essential oil and salt. For cases of extreme disruption, double the amount of Fir, Salt, and True Oil of Sanders.
Mist of Dispersion.
For banishing rude spirits or flocculum abomini. Mix all ingredients in 4 oz. atomizer bottle and agitate before use.
Essential Oil of Palmarosa. 5 drops.
Essential Oil of Fir. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Juniper Berry. 3 drops.
Essential Oil of Atlas Cedar. 2 drops.
Essential Oil of Birch. 1 drop.
Water. 75 ml.
Perfumer's Alcohol or 100 proof spirit. 40 ml.
Asperge Sylvaticus.
A suitable brew for asperging brethren prior to Congregational works of sorcery. The ingenium derives from a subtil congressus of the Lord and Lady of the Desert, the Lord of the Forest, and the Lady of the Garden.
Leaf of Sagebrush, crumbl'd. 33 g.
Leaf of Douglas Fir, Larch, or Hemlocks, chopp'd. 30 g.
Leaf of Scent'd Geranium. 30 g.
Leaf of Wormwood. 5
Make a strong decoction of the Fir, Hemlock or Larch with 1 litre of water in a covered cauldron, simmered for fifteen minutes. Pour the hot decoction over the remaining ingredients in a steeping vessel and let stand seal'd for half an hour. Strain and asperge with a branch of the evergreen employ'd. Tincture of Myrrh may also be added in small amounts to enhance the cleansing virtue.
Mist of Severity.
Another Compound'd Mist for the more potent workings of Exorcism or in instances of stubborn hauntings. Mix all ingredients and store in 4 oz. atomizer bottle, shaking before use.
Essential Oil of Hyssop. 5 drops.
Essential Oil of Cajeput. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Juniper Berry. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Black Peppercorn. 3 drops.
Water. 75 ml.
Perfumer's Alcohol or 100 proof spirit. 40 ml.
The Viridian Broom.
A potent asperge for sprinkling, using a fresh bough of Cypress.
Sprig of Douglas Fir, chopp'd. 35 g.
Herbe of Pennyroyal, whole flowering. 35 g.
Leaves of Cypress. 28 g.
Berries of Juniper, crush'd well. 25.
Place Douglas Fir, Cypress and Juniper Berries in the Wort-Cauldron with 1 litre of water, and bring to a boil. Simmer, cover'd, for 20 minutes. Remove from Heat and add the Pennyroyal. Strain when cool.
Sorcerer's Hand Wash.
For hand-anointing prior to works of the Magical Arte. Place 11 Devil's Shoestrings, along with a slice of the very best Galangal Root, a twig of True Cinnamon, a pinch of Sweet Tobacco, and a small slice of True Mandrake in a bottle of dark glass and fill with 151 Proof Rum. Stopper, storing in a dark place. Gems or minerals sympathetic to the magician may also be added as desired.
Balneum of the Wayfarer.
A blessed wash especially for the feet prior to Sojourning forth in the Greenwood, or for such as wander long in lonely places, giving invigoration and purpose to the stride. Fresh-harvest'd Rhizome of Wild Ginger (Asarum spp.) may be substituted for Ginger.
Root of Ginger, fresh, sliced. 90 g.
Leaf of Bay, fresh. 50.
Leaf of Holy Basil, fresh. 40 g.
Make strong decoctions of the Ginger and Bay in separate vessels. Pour both over the Basil into a large Hermeticus and steep for ten minutes. Pour wash without straining into a basin and soak feet for 30 minutes prior to Sojourn.”
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A. Schulke
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
The Phoenix Resistance - Book 2, Chapter 6
Pendleton's Potions & Apothecary
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A/N: This was written as part of the @phoenixresistance project. Kaari Arcano belongs to @kathrynalicemc, Ellie Hopper (in mention) to @thatravenpuffwitch
Diagon Alley, London - 16th February, 13.45 pm
The members of the Phoenix Resistance had been lucky to come out of the disastrous raid on Briarwood’s Brew & Bewitchery alive. The Lone Star tavern was buzzing with activity focused on figuring out how their plans had been discovered, but after returning from their mission bruised, cut and empty-handed, they couldn’t deny the truth much longer:
They were running out of supplies.
Not only was their stock of Polyjuice Potion running precariously low, their demand for Healing Potions was steadily growing as well. Ellie Hopper was sending what she could spare from her safehouse in Ireland, but if they didn’t manage to plug the hole in their ranks, simple Healing Potions soon wouldn’t be sufficient anymore.
Even though it was way past lunchtime, Diagon Alley was almost deserted when Ava and Kaari stepped out of the backdoor of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. The few people who’d had no choice but to venture outside were keeping to themselves, huddling into their coats and keeping their eyes fixed on their feet. Ava did the same and shoved her hands deeply into her pockets, careful to not draw any unwanted attention as she led Kaari past barred up and abandoned shops into a small, shadowy side street.
“Funny how we always end up in alleyways together, don’t you think?” Kaari grinned, but it was half-hearted. He cast a watchful look over his shoulder and then up above, where a strip of narrow grey sky could be seen between the roofs. “You’re absolutely sure it’s safe? No one will draw suspicions?”
“They won’t. What reason would I have not to come here?” Ava shrugged and walked down the alley at a deliberately relaxed pace. “If anything, it’s strange I haven’t shown my face here yet.”
“And she’s really trustworthy?”
Ava stopped and stared at him. The look in her eyes was hard. “I’ll pretend you never said that.”
She turned away from Kaari and toward an old oak door painted in a dark green tone. Above it a wooden sign swung in the wind, the short chains from which it was suspended rattling softly. It showed a cauldron sitting on a fire, a thread of smoke curling in on itself rising from it. It was beautifully painted and above the picture bold, cursive letters stated the name of the shop:
Pendleton’s Potions & Apothecary.
A set of tiny silver bells gave a musical chime when Ava opened the door and walked inside. The room was dark and smelled like crushed herbs and firewood. They appeared to be the only people in the shop, save for a blonde woman standing behind the counter. Her hair was of a similar light blonde shade as Ava’s and touched on her shoulders, slightly tousled from the steam of the potion brewing next to her. She had her back turned to them and was busy chopping up some roots at an impressive speed. Before Ava had the chance to say anything, the woman spoke without looking up.
“I don’t care if Valentine’s Day is over or not, if you ask me about getting any of my Beautification Potions half price I’m going to hex you out of this shop and right into Knockturn Alley.”
Ava’s lips curled into a smirk. “Not even on family discount?”
The woman froze at the sound of Ava’s voice and whirled around. There was a look of surprise on Mina Pendleton’s face, but it quickly made for a cool, calculating expression as she looked Ava up and down.
“So it’s true,” she said and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You’re back.”
Ava bowed her head. “As you can see.”
“As I can see now, yes. Did it ever cross your mind to actually tell anyone?”
“I’ve been kind of busy,” Ava said and her eyes flicked to Kaari.
“Well, I’m busy too,” Mina said indignantly and raised her chin.
“That’s good to hear.”
Ava had to fight a grin looking at Mina. By the way her lips were twitching, Ava could tell that Mina had a hard time keeping her face straight as well, but Ava wasn’t ready to give in just yet.
“How was the Pendleton family dinner?” she asked instead.
“Good,” Mina said stuffily. “There was a pleasantly small amount of horrific historical facts without you being there.”
“I’d rather have horrific historical facts than ponderous potion discussions.”
Mina raised her eyebrows. “Grandmother Carolyn would beg to disagree.”
Now Ava couldn’t help the smile spreading on her face anymore. “That she would.”
Suddenly Mina started laughing. She put down the silver knife she had been holding, came out from behind the counter and closed her arms around Ava. “It’s good to see you made it home safely.”
“It’s good to see you’re still in business,” Ava said as she returned the hug. “Has there been much trouble lately?”
Mina’s face darkened and she rolled her eyes. “Don’t get me started. They’re ruining my business, these wretched Death Eaters. They have no idea how much time and resources it takes to brew proper quality products. And for the price they’re suggesting? Ridiculous.”
Kaari looked up sharply. “You’re selling potions to the Death Eaters?”
“They pay me, I sell them my wares. It’s called running a business,” Mina said coolly. The look she was giving him wasn’t friendly. “Who were you again?”
Kaari inclined his head. “Kaari Arcano, at your service.” He looked curiously between Mina and Ava. “So that’s the famous cousin you’ve been telling me about?”
When Ava nodded a lopsided grin formed on Kaari’s face. “You can tell you’re related. Seems to run in the family.” He raised both his hands and formed an hourglass shape with them but stopped when he saw Ava’s warning look. He cleared his throat. “The hair, I mean. The blonde. Very distinctive.”
Mina was looking at Kaari with something ranging between bewilderment and disgust. She turned to Ava, who was pinching the bridge of her nose like she had a particularly nasty headache.
“Who is this clown and why have you brought him here?” Mina asked in perfectly fluent Swedish.
“He works with me,” Ava shrugged, answering in Swedish as well.
“He’s a Curse-Breaker?”
“Not really. You get used to him after a while.”
Mina wrinkled her nose. “Well, I don’t want to get used to him. Just look at him.”
“I mostly get told I’m quite easy on the eye, actually,” Kaari suddenly chimed in. He had a very heavy accent, but his Swedish was fluent. Mina looked at him incredulously.
“You know how to speak Swedish?”
“Naturally,” Kaari grinned, switching back to English and nonchalantly scratching his beard, “it’s pretty much like Norwegian. You speak one, you speak them all.”
Mina looked like she’d just had a revelation, but not one of the good kind. She turned to Ava and hissed, “You brought a Norwegian to my shop?”
Kaari looked between the two women with an amused gleam in his eyes. “I sense some hostility here.”
Mina’s glare was withering. “Norwegians,” she said sniffily. “Everyone knows they’ve always been a bunch of barbarians. Doesn’t look like it has changed.”
“Just like the Swedish still are a crowd of insufferable snobs.”
“Listen here, you Norwegian -” Mina bristled up but Ava cut between their bickering with a sharp clearing of her throat.
“How about we get back to business?”
Mina turned to her cousin but kept watching Kaari out of the corner of her eyes. “What business would I have with someone like him?”
“Not with him. With me,” Ava said firmly. From her pocket she produced a sheet of tightly rolled up parchment which she handed to Mina. “This is what I need.”
Tearing her eyes away from Kaari, who was glaring right back at her, Mina skimmed through Ava’s list. The more she read, the higher her eyebrows rose.
“You have a record of needing a lot of unusual things, but this is excessive even for you. Powdered moonstone, hellebore syrup, salamander blood, boom berry juice…” She looked at Ava sceptically. “What do you want to do with this, heal an army?” She read on and her brow furrowed. “Also Bicorn horn and Boomslang skin? What do you need Polyjuice Potion for?”
Ava’s face was unmoved. “The less you know the better.”
“Better for you?”
“Better for you.”
Mina’s face hardened and she handed the list back to Ava. “Listen, I don’t care if you’re family or not - or rather, I care because you’re family - but I’m not going to sell you half of my supply for some ominous, probably illegal reasons without so much as being told why.”
Ava crossed her arms in front of her chest and arched an eyebrow. “You know me. Do you really think I’d do something you’d disapprove of with this?”
“I do know you and that’s why I’m sure you’re going to do something I’d disapprove of with this.”
Mina had her arms crossed in front of her chest as well and there was a stubborn gleam in her eyes. Ava hesitated and exchanged a questioning look with Kaari; Kaari nodded.
“Mina, have you ever heard of the Phoenix Resistance?” Ava asked quietly.
“The Phoenix Resistance?” Mina repeated, looking confused. “Only rumours. Word on the street is that they’re kidnapping people. Why are you asking?” She suddenly narrowed her eyes and shifted uncomfortably. “You don’t have anything to do with them, do you?”
“I do. And we don’t kidnap people, we get them out of harm’s way. Out of Azkaban, too. They’re putting children in there, Mina!” Ava added more forcefully when Mina groaned in exasperation.
“At least tell me you’re not actively contributing to breaking the law.” When Ava didn’t answer, she sighed and hissed, “Oh, isn’t that fantastic? And now you’ve come expecting me to support your stunts, or what?”
“I need to go back to Azkaban soon and we don’t have much Polyjuice Potion left. I don’t know if it will last until a new batch is ready,” Ava said, undeterred by Mina’s opposition. “Things have been getting riskier. Death Eater presence has increased everywhere and we’re about to run out of healing supplies. We tried getting some from Briarwood’s Brew & Bewitchery but -”
“So that was you wrecking the place!” Mina called out and Ava instinctively looked over her shoulder in alarm to see if anyone had heard her. “Got me a flood of new customers, I have to say. Bad luck for Cain, but who cares about that old bugger?” She frowned as a thought crossed her mind. “I roughly know his stock of inventory, though. If you got even half of his supplies, you should be well off for a while.”
“Things got a little out of hand,” Ava said curtly, “and now we’re even worse off than before. We could really use your help on that front.”
“Do you even know what you’re doing? You’re putting yourself right into the target line. It’s dangerous business, Ava. I’d never thought you’d be so reckless after all that’s happened.”
Ava stiffened. “It’s a worthwhile cause.”
“So is staying alive.”
Not interested in their argument, Kaari had begun wandering around the shop. Intrigued by a glass holding a collection of frog brains swimming inside a greenish liquid he didn’t notice the flap of his pocket lifting up and a tiny head popping out of it.
Nym looked around curiously and sniffed the warm air. His tongue was hanging from his mouth and he licked over his whole face once before quickly shaking his head. Wiggling back and forth, he freed himself from Kaari’s coat, batting his little wings and flapping around the room.
A gleam coming from the countertop caught his eye. There, next to a cutting board with some chopped up pieces of something gnarly, a beautiful silver knife was lying. Kaari liked knives, Nym knew that; he would probably want to see this.
Eyes set on his price, Nym determinedly flew over to the counter. In front of it two women were standing and arguing. One of them Nym knew - she was Kaari’s friend Ava. The other looked similar to her but Nym had never seen her before. She had her hand sitting right next to the cutting board and the knife, and it was there Nym landed heavily with an audible thud.
When Mina saw the tiny dragon sitting on the back of her hand, she froze mid-sentence and her eyes widened.
“Okay,” Ava said and looked between Nym and her cousin in slight alarm, “don’t freak out.”
She could have spared herself the words, however. As soon as Mina had realised what was sitting on her hand she gave an ear-piercing screech and started flailing her arm in frantic motions. Shocked by being suddenly hurled through the air, Nym tightly clung to Mina. When he wouldn’t let go, she brushed him off with her other hand in an act of sheer desperation. Nym hit the countertop, rolled around his own axis several times, and finally came to a halt in a seated position.
Alerted by the commotion, Kaari hurried over. He tried to grab Nym and put him back into his pocket, but Nym had no intention of being confined to Kaari’s coat again just yet.
Feeling obviously sorry for scaring Mina like that, he evaded Kaari’s grasp, flew over to her and landed on top of her head. Mina immediately started shaking her head frantically and Nym dug his claws into her hair to not be flung off again. When Kaari finally got hold of Nym and plucked him off her head, Mina was close to tears.
He gave the small, huffing dragon a stern look but was fighting a laugh as he ran his hand over Nym’s scales in a soothing motion. “Now, now,” he said and glanced at Mina with a grin, “did the evil witch scare you?”
“I probably should have told you about that, sorry,” Ava said to a very pale and flustered looking Mina.
“Bloody right you should have.”
“It’s really not her fault,” Ava said to Kaari, who was still chuckling under his breath. “Mina is deadly afraid of anything with scales.”
“How could you be afraid of this little face?” Kaari held Nym out to Mina again, who quickly brought Ava between her and the small dragon. She was far from amused.
“Take that thing away from me.”
“He is not a thing,” Kaari said and suddenly sounded irritated. “He’s a dragon and his name is Nym.”
“It has a name?”
“Of course he does. You have a name as well, don't you?”
“That’s hardly the same thing.”
“Don’t listen to the mean woman,” Kaari said to Nym, ignoring Mina and scratching Nym’s scaly back. Nym seemed to enjoy it and stretched to make more room for Kaari’s fingers. A thought seemed to cross Kaari’s mind and he turned to Ava.
“Didn’t you say your cousin used to be a Slytherin?”
“I did.”
“Aren’t there pretty much snakes everywhere in Slytherin?”
“Not everyone who gets sorted into Slytherin loves playing with snakes,” Mina said indignantly.
A smug grin formed on Kaari’s face. “I remember a lot of Slytherins who did.”
Mina’s face turned a dark red colour and she struggled for a proper comeback while trying to keep her composure. Eventually, she settled for ignoring him.
“How do you always find these people?” she asked Ava and shook her head. “Dragons and dragonologists, seriously…”
“They tend to find me,” Ava said and gave a little shrug before her face turned serious again. “I need an answer, Mina. Will you help us, or not?”
Mina contemplated her words for a moment. “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”
“I am.”
“This is dangerous.”
“I know.”
Mina gave a barely perceptible shake of her head and muttered to herself, “And they say you got the brains in the family.” She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the chiming of the bells above the door. Two wizards in long, dark robes and even darker looks on their faces had entered the shop. Clearing her throat, Mina spoke again, this time louder and pointedly cheerful.
“It was so nice to see you drop in again. We need to catch up properly soon, you see I have customers now. How about you stop by my place on Sunday for brunch? For old times’ sake.”
Ava nodded, relief written on her face. Before she could say anything, however, Kaari butted in. “It won’t be a proper Norwegian breakfast of course, but I’d die for some real Nordic food.”
Mina had a mind to tell Kaari where exactly he ought to stick his Nordic breakfast but stopped when she saw Ava’s apologetic look. She sighed, more deeply than she had ever thought possible, and turned to Kaari with a forced smile.
“Be my guest. But I’m warning you - no pets allowed.”
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
This episode is just riddled with flashbacks isn’t it? In the apothecary Pearl once again urges caution and perhaps a move to a nice town far away from Mystic Falls. Katherine needs more time, she plans to turn both of the Salvatore boys. 
It seems Jonathan Gilbert is courting or attempting to court Miss Pearl. Considering that she is a newly arrived, not-white, non-virgin, business owning, single woman around 30-40s with a teenage daughter (in Virginia in 1864) Mr. Gilbert really must be in love. Of course, I would happily eschew the norms of the day to marry Miss Pearl myself so I have no issue with the historical inconsistency of it at all. Katherine, Anna, and Emily all seem very happy for her which is sweet. 
We switch over to the Salvatores, both boys walking their grounds on either side of their father. Papa Salvatore wears a suit and carries a cane, Stefan looks significantly better in his black blazer and necktie than his first flashback appearance, and Damon is wear blue which is a nice change of pace to see from his usual black. Between this and his brown pinstripe suit from the opening scene, I wonder when Damon decided to eschew color altogether. 
Guiseppe says that the town should be able to rely on them and then takes a dig at Damon deserting the Confederacy. Stefan actually tries to stand up for his brother which is nice, but he says that his choice should be respected, not that it was the right choice which is an odd defense. We also get to the root of Damon’s daddy issues in which is father looks at him and says: “all I have is disappointment.” Ouch. It is hard for Damon to hear and Stefan deals with it in his usual manner of handling distressing topics. He immediately ignores it and changes the subject. 
Guiseppe says that they need to deal with vampires. The brothers share a look and it gets intense when he follows up that there is a plan to kill them.
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littlelionsloves · 4 years
Black Lives Matter
This is a compilation post with information on:
Resources for Black people
How to support the Black community
How to help protests
Donating (even if you have no money to spare)
Why the police force needs to be defunded
Educating yourself as a non-Black person
The importance of talking about race with children
Link to google doc that will be regularly updated
Resources for Black people
7 Virtual Mental Health Resources Supporting Black People Right Now
Free therapy services
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color (Twitter, IG)
Harriet’s Apothecary (IG)
BEAM Collective (Twitter, IG)
Black Girl in Om (Twitter, IG)
How to support the Black community
Support Black brands, companies, organisations, creators & influencers
250 UK based Black influencers
25 books by Black authors
Replace brands by Black owned businesses
Black Nation App, find Black owned businesses
Black owned wellness brands
Black owned bookstores
Black owned restaurants
How to protest
Ways to help protestors if you can’t protest
What to do if you’re stopped and searched (app)
Public Health Experts Say the Pandemic Is Exactly Why Protests Must Continue, by Shannon Palus
Donate even if you have no money: List of YouTube videos loaded with ads, all ad revenue goes towards various BLM organisations. Idea started by Zoe Amira, who posted an hour long video on YouTube with art and music by Black creators.
Black Lives Matter (Twitter, IG): Aims to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
Reclaim the Block (Twitter, IG): Organizes Minneapolis community and city council members to move money from the police department into other areas of the city’s budget that truly promote community health and safety.
The Bail Project (Twitter, IG): Provides free bail assistance to low-income individuals who are legally presumed innocent, and whom a judge has deemed eligible for release before trial contingent on paying bail.
National Bail Funds Network (Twitter, IG): Produces tools and resources for organizers using community justice tactics to creatively tackle multiple drivers of criminalization and incarceration— including, but not limited to, money bail, court fees and fines, probation and parole, pretrial detention & supervision, and immigration detention & supervision.
Unicorn Riot (Twitter, IG): Decentralized, educational, non-profit media organization of artists and journalists. Dedicated to exposing root causes of dynamic social and environmental issues through amplifying stories and exploring sustainable alternatives in today’s globalized world.
Know Your Rights Camp (Twitter, IG): Aims to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization and the creation of new systems that elevate the next generation of change leaders.
Fair Fight (Twitter, IG): Promotes fair elections, brings awareness to the public on election reform, advocates for election reform at all levels, and engages in other voter education programs and communications.
Black Visions Collective (Twitter, IG): Envisions a world in which ALL Black Lives Matter and aims to develop Minnesota’s emerging Black leadership to lead powerful campaigns.
Campaign Zero (IG): Aims to limit police interventions, improve community interactions, and ensure accountability.
Loveland Therapy Fund for Black Women & Girls (IG): Aims to bring opportunity and healing to communities of color, and especially to Black women and girls.
Black Earth Farms (IG): Grow, harvest, and deliver nutrient dense and chemical free food to low-income, houseless, and food desert communities.
Justice for George Floyd (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Justice for Ahmaud Arbery (x) (x) (x) (x)
Justice for Breonna Taylor (x) (x) (x) (x)
Justice for Tony McDade (x) (x) (x)
So many more petitions here
Why the police needs to be defunded
Defund the Police (petition)
Email template to defund LAPD
Building A Police-Free Future
What Happened When A White Cop Decided Not To Shoot A Black Man, by Joe Sexton
Slave Patrol and the Origins of Policing, by Jacki Iyamah
The Racist Roots of American Policing, by Connie Hasset-Walker
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone, by Linda Greenhouse
Why the officers fired for the George Floyd killing could ultimately get their jobs back, by Sam Levin
Educate yourself
Free Black History Library, created by Charles Preston
Anti-Racism Resources, compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein
Anti-Racist Resource Guide, created by Victoria Alexander
Pride started with ‘revolutionary riots’, by Tim Fitzsimons
Being Black in Britain: The Civil Rights Movement They Never Taught You in School, by Jasmine Botchey
Uncovering the brutal truth about the British empire, by Marc Parry
Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People, by Kelsey Blackwell
When is the last time you saw a white person killed online?, by Alia E. Dastagir
In Defense of Looting, by Vicky Osterweil
Fiction Books:
The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas
Harbor Me, by Jacqueline Woodson
Non-Fiction Books:
The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou
The Fire Next Time, by James Baldwin
Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Don’t Touch My Hair, by Emma Dabiri
Women, Race, & Class, by Angela Y. Davis
White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race. by Reni Eddo-Lodge
Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack, by Paul Gilroy
How To Be An Anti-Racist, by Ibram X. Kendi
Stamped from the Beginning, by Ibram X. Kendi
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Teacher Got Wrong, by James Loewen
My Grandmother’s Hands, by Resmaa Menakem
So You Want to Talk About Race, by Ijeoma Oluo
The Color of Law, by Richard Rothstein
How To Argue With A Racist, by Adam Ruther-Ford
Me and White Supremacy, by Layla F. Saad
Black Minded, by Michael E. Sawyer
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria, by Beverly Tatum
The 13th
Explained: The Racial Wealth Gap
Time: The Kalief Browder Story
Who Killed Malcolm X?
What Happened, Miss Simone?
I Am Not Your Negro
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
16 Shots
Crrime + Punishment
Afro (German)
Wit is ook een kleur (Dutch)
Trop noire pour être française (French)
If Beale Street Could Talk
American Son
Just Mercy
Self Made
When They See Us
Dear White People
Talk about race with children
Children see things differently
BBC Bitesize lesson on racism
Resource Roundup
They’re Not Too Young to Talk About Race
31 children's books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance
Diverse kids’ books
Don’t stay silent.
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If there is only one thought that I hope you take from this it’s that you are enough. When you feel like you are enough, it’s easy to make healthy changes, and they actually feel great, and you want to make even more.  It feels frictionless, it makes your actual experience of consciousness so much more enjoyable, and you are worth it.  You are worth living a healthier lifestyle, you are worth feeling better, you are worth thinking better thoughts, having a happier life, being at peace with yourself, and having better relationships with people and most importantly yourself.  You are worth it and I believe in you!
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hi-5-sunflower · 3 years
Chapter One
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Finally decided to take the plunge and post a full chapter! Here we go!
Word count: 2,200
Summary: Laura sneaks into an alchemy storehouse at night in hopes of finding a medicinal herb for her sick father.
Content notices: Mild violence, mention of illness, mild blood
Laura never thought she’d be the type to commit a crime.
And yet, here she was.
Against a clear night sky, the alchemy storehouse loomed like a great block of granite, its entrance attended by a solitary pacing guard. Laura watched from the shadows of the field beyond, concealed amid a patch of dusty desert weeds, her spine burning from the strain of prolonged crouching. Clutching the heavy stone was cramping her hand, but patience was key if she had any hope for success tonight.
The guard’s dull yellow Glow lantern, hanging from a hook on the building’s face, did its best to fend off the gloom of the moonless night. Intuitively, Laura knew the field she hid out in was little more than a black void, but the night-vision tonic she’d taken kept fooling her; she could make out the cracks in the dirt beneath her feet, could count the twigs on the skeletal stalks around her as though a full moon shone overhead.
She watched as the guard approached the nearest corner of the storehouse before turning on his heel to march back, and Laura’s grip tightened around the stone, its jagged edges biting into her palm.
As he reached the far corner, she seized her moment, rising up and hurling the rock as hard as she could. It sailed through the air, arcing over the field to a spot near where the guard stood.
With a thump and a rustle, it made contact with brittle shrubbery, and sure enough, the guard’s attention snapped toward it.
Laura darted from her cover, acutely aware of her footfalls pattering on the dirt as she hurried forward, pinning her knapsack to her body to silence it, making for the side of the storehouse. Giddiness fueled her as she sped across open land, not daring to look in the guard’s direction, not slowing her pace until she was tucked snug against the dark northern wall.
From here she crept silently alongside the building, staying deep in shadow. There might be another guard stationed at the rear entrance, but with any shred of luck, the first one wouldn’t raise the alarm.
At the corner, she knelt low, peering around slowly. This side was also lit by a hanging lantern, but to her immense relief, no one was back here. At least, not at the moment.
Still, that meant the first guard was responsible for watching back here, too, or there were others nearby. A stable and another low building were positioned in such a way that if someone inside looked out, they could easily see her.
No time to lose.
Unlike the front entrance, which was a standard door, the rear entrance was big enough to give entry to animal-drawn supply carts, closed off by a pair of massive wooden gates. An iron chain wound tightly between the gates, held fast by a heavy padlock. Laura approached, nodding to herself, and fished a set of lockpicks from her bag.
All week, she’d gathered every lock she could get her hands on in preparation for this moment, working at them for hours until she could’ve picked them in her sleep. Never mind that this lock was twice as big as those. That was just another of many hurdles to overcome tonight.
The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on her as she fumbled with the greasy contraption, trying not to jangle the chain. She’d spent the last six years of her life in the Silver Guard, a faithful servant of the law, busting petty criminals for...
Well, this.
And yet, here I am.
She couldn’t afford to feel too bad about that now, though. That could come later.
With a heavy click, the lock popped open, and Laura exhaled, realizing she’d been holding her breath. The chain threatened to slide out of place, but she caught hold of it before it could make too much noise. She deliberately extracted it just enough that she could sidle between the doors and into the storehouse.
It was tempting to congratulate herself for this small success, but the job wasn’t done yet. She drew the gates closed behind her and turned her attention to the abyss she now stood in.
A broad skylight interrupted the middle of the ceiling, a dim sprinkle of stars visible through the glass panes, but the rest of the room was a jungle of silhouettes. She dug into her knapsack again, feeling around for her portable Glow lamp, as her enhanced night vision could only do so much in an area as large and dark as this. She pulled the little lamp out and switched it on, finding herself in an absolute labyrinth of towering shelves.
Oh boy.
She took a breath, inhaling the strange scent of the place—herbaceous, with a hint of horse—and reviving her determination. Lyusk root was the prize she sought, the key to alleviating her father’s incessant, painful coughing. Of the countless herbalists and apothecaries she’d visited in the last month, not a single one had the root for sale anymore, reducing her options to two: leave her father to suffer, or raid the stores of some high-profile alchemy company.
By that point, it hadn’t been a difficult choice. Now if she could only figure out where they’d stashed that damn root.
Her cylindrical lamp was designed to concentrate its Glow, but the cavernous darkness easily swallowed its faint white beam. She started down an aisle, checking crate labels, but some of the chicken-scratch print was barely legible. Squinting, she made out the words hyssop seeds on one.
The crates on the shelf beside it were labeled iceberry leaf extract, so she placed her bet on alphabetical arrangement. That meant she wasn’t terribly far from the lyusk root, assuming this place had some.
If it didn’t...
She pushed the thought from her mind and scanned labels as she hurried alongside the shelves, hoping she wouldn’t have to climb up high. Her pulse picked up as she skimmed the L’s: lavender...lion blossom...lotus concentrate...
Magnolia bark...
Maybe it was up high after all. She took a few steps back, raising her lamp over her head to try glimpsing the labels on the upper shelves, but it was no good.
Taking note of her position, she went in search of a ladder, but before she could get far, a rattle echoed through the storehouse.
Someone was opening the gate.
Laura’s heart stopped. She fumbled with the lamp, switching it off, then knelt against a shelf in the dark, hardly daring to breathe.
“Okay, good try,” drawled a voice, echoing hollowly throughout the room. “I know someone’s in here. Let’s not make this harder than it needs to be.”
She could see the guard silhouetted in the thin gap between the gates, and to her dismay, he was flanked by two others. They, too, carried Glow lamps, but theirs were much brighter than hers, emitting long beams that cut through the darkness.
They split up, their beams swinging this way and that. As one set of footsteps approached Laura’s hiding place, she chose her moment and bolted, treading lightly as she wound her way through the maze.
She took refuge against a stack of crates near the exit. One guard still stood between her and freedom.
“I’ll make you a deal,” the guard called out. “Quit wasting my time and I’ll consider letting you go without reporting you.” Laura briefly considered the offer, but it was probably a bluff. She remained silent, trying not to breathe too hard or to let her nerves gain authority as she waited for her chance to escape.
The first guard’s lamp beam continued to probe into the blackness around him as he stood firm by the gate. Come on. You won’t find me like that. Any second now, one of his friends would make their way around a corner and spot her. She was stuck here until he decided to budge.
After what felt like an hour, he finally did, grumbling to himself as he made his way between two rows of shelves.
She sprinted for the gate. In her haste to get outside, her knapsack caught on the dangling length of chain, which emitted a deafening clatter as it slid to the ground.
The guard’s beam honed in on the entrance just as she ducked away.
Laura ran for it. Her heart battered against her chest as she skidded around the corner, trying to fight down her rising panic. They were pushing through the gate now. If she could make it into town, she could probably lose them, but she had to get there first.
Adrenaline spurred her forward, her hearing muffled by the rush of air in her ears. They were falling behind, she was sure of it...
And then, without warning, she collided face first into a brick wall.
Except the wall had hands, which closed around her wrists like a vice, resisting her attempts to wrench free.
“Alright, pal,” said her captor. “Fun’s over.”
Damn it.
The other two guards caught up, shining their blinding lights into her face, illuminating her failure. She squinted at them as defiantly as she could manage, and they responded by seizing her knapsack and tying her hands behind her back with scratchy rope.
“Nothing stolen in here,” said one guard, digging around in the knapsack. “Not much of a thief, eh?”
“Get her out of here,” said another. “Let the Guardians deal with her.”
They dumped her unceremoniously onto a rickety supply cart, and with her hands bound, it was a rough landing. A flash of white erupted behind her eyes as her head clashed with coarse wood, and after that, there was blood in her mouth.
It tasted like defeat.
Someone fetched a mule from the nearby stable, and a moment later the cart lurched into motion. Laura mentally cursed herself throughout the sore, splintery ride, trying not to think about the slew of problems she’d just created for herself.
Once they got into town, she was handed over to the Silver Guard as promised. As the official peacekeepers of the Tri-Realm Republic, the Guard were, to most, a symbol of leadership, protection, and upstanding citizenship. Laura grew up admiring that black-and-silver uniform and was ecstatic the day she finally got to don it herself, but at the moment, it was the last thing she wanted to see.
It was only a matter of time now before word of this incident got to her commanding officer. Before her own uniform was taken away for good. She cursed herself again.
“Alchemy storehouse, huh?” said the Guardian, mild amusement in her tone as she untied Laura’s hands. “Must be some fun stuff in there.”
Laura dropped her gaze, examining the prickly desert burs caught in the laces of her boots. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Where’re you from?”
“Silverton.” Laura sighed. “Listen, my mother’s name is Eva Alvez, and I suppose you ought to send someone to inform her of this.” Her mother was not going to be pleased with her, but better someone else broke the news first.
“You’re Senator Alvez’s girl?” said the Guardian, scanning her. “Oh yeah, I see it. Looks like the spikefruit fell a few miles from the tree, huh?” She paused to chuckle at her own joke. “Let’s getcha back to Silverton, then.”
The Guardian took her to the Rift station, which was fortunately quiet this time of night. There were still just enough people around to stare uncomfortably, though, as Laura’s chaperone took her to the front of the line and received clearance to the gate labeled ZASSK–SILVERTON.
Rift gates were the fastest way to travel long distances, and the only way to travel between realms. Suspended within a metal archway, the gate was a translucent, rippling surface, like an upright pool of water. Peering into it, Laura could just make out the blurred figures of people milling about on the other side.
She stepped through, momentarily engulfed in the familiar staticky sensation. Her skin prickled fuzzily, and not a second later, she was in the Rift station in Silverton, the capital city of the Republic and her hometown.
The Guardian led Laura to the local Guard post, though her feet reluctantly carried her there on their own. To her chagrin, astonished faces greeted her as her comrades realized tonight’s offender was one of their own. Pointedly avoiding eye contact, she let herself be escorted into the holding room, not at all in the mood to explain.
The small room was furnished with a half-dozen chairs, a low table offering a few recent copies of Republic News Weekly, and an off-white Glow lamp fixed high on the wall. In all of her years working here, she’d never known how stiff these chairs were.
Time crawled in the silence, making her acutely aware of her pounding headache and the smarting scrape on her temple. Not to mention the constant self-reminders that, for all the trouble she’d gone to tonight, she’d come away empty handed after all.
I’m sorry, Dad. I’ll get that lyusk root for you somehow.
Thanks for reading! Here's the full intro for the book if you're interest in learning more about it!
Tagging @thelaughingstag 🦌🙂
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witchytingys · 4 years
Types of Witches PT. 1✨🌙
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Green Witch 🌿
Loves nature and the earth 🌿
Works with trees, herbs, plants, and flowers 🌳
Usually enjoys hiking or trail walking 🍃
Skilled herbalist and makes herbal remedies 🌲
Enjoys gardening and/or wild-crafting 🌸
Loves animals and wildlife 🐿
Environmentally friendly ♻️
Attune with earth’s natural cycles 🌱
Has an apothecary full of herbs, roots and oils 🍄
Can have interest in the Fae 🧚🏼
Subcategories: Garden Witch, Flora Witch 🌷
Kitchen Witch 🥧
Loves cooking and baking 🍰
Incorporates magick into housekeeping 🧽
Loves working on the kitchen and around the home 🏡
Infuses magick and intent into every meal 🍝
Herbs and spices always! 🌿
Loving and maternal instincts 💕
Family oriented: the caregiver 👶🏼
Makes herbal remedies and potions 🍃
Tries to buy local, organic, and in season 🍯
Has a veggies/fruit and herb garden 🥬
Sea Witch 🐚
Loves being by any body of water 🌊
Loves bath rituals 🛁
Works with large bodies of water 💦
Feels relaxed when at the beach 🏖
Practices water-based magick and worship 🌧
Works with tons of salt 🧂
Uses sea shells, bones, seaweed, beach sand, etc 🐚
Enjoys thunderstorms ⛈
Worships sea deities/mermaids 🧜🏼‍♀️
Attune with the Moon’s cycles 🌙
Subcategories: Ice Witch, Water Witch 🌊
Crystal Witch 💎
Works with stones and crystals 💎
A branch of green witchcraft 🌿
Practices crystal healing ✨
Uses crystal ball to scry 🔮
Usually interested in reiki and energy work 🙌🏼
Books full of crystal properties 📚
Channels chakra balance 📿
Cleanses crystals regularly 🌬
Meditates frequently 🧘🏼‍♀️
Enjoys working with the Moon 🌙
Subcategories: Rock Witch, Earth Witch 🍃
Faerie Witch 🧚🏼
Communicates and works with faeries 💕
Skilled on properly approaching the fae, as they can be quite tricky 🧚🏼
Leaves offerings for the fae 🧚🏼‍♀️
Environmentally friendly ♻️
Enjoys plants such as rosemary and thyme 🌿
Often enjoys working with crystals 💎
Studies the fae and spirit lore ✨
Enjoys nature, especially forests and waterfalls 🌸
Usually believes in mythological creatures 🦄
Creates faerie gardens to attract them 🍄
Subcategories: Angelic Witch, Crystal Witch, Green Witch 🌳
Elemental Witch (Earth) 🌳
Works with the elements of earth 🌿
Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn 💫
Grounds and centres easily 🍃
Usually interested in the fae and folklore 🍄
Works with plants, herbs, flowers, and trees 🌻
Creates natural remedies and medicines ☘️
Connects deeply with nature and animals 🌲
Enjoys working with crystals and stones 💎
Enjoys wild crafting and gardening 🌱
Eco-friendly ♻️
Subcategories: Green Witch, Garden Witch, Flora Witch, Crystal Witch, Swamp Witch, Forest Witch, Desert Witch 🌾
Hedge Witch 🍃
Not one consensus of a Hedge Witch 🌿
Usually hereditary or passed down 👵🏼
A solitary practitioner 🌳
Often Shamans, Healers, or Charmers 🌙
Practitioner of herbal arts - medicinal and spiritual 🌱
Communicates with spirits 👻
No two Hedge Witches are alike ✨
Deep respect and love for nature 🐿
The “doctor” of the village 👩🏼‍🔬
Always lived in the forest in the old days 🌲
Subcategories: Hereditary Witch, Earth Witch, Green Witch ☘️
Hereditary Witch 👵🏼
Exactly what it sounds like! 😇
Aspire to have children to pass on the craft 🤰🏼
Born into a family of witches 🤱🏼
Has nothing to do with bloodline ✨
Follows personal traditions of the family 👵🏼
Born and raised into witchcraft 🌙
Has a wise and skilled ancestor 💫
Very family oriented 👩‍👧‍👧
Taught magick from a young age 📚
Family grimoire passed down 📖
Subcategories: Hedge Witch, Granny Witch 🗝
Cosmic Witch 💫
Utilizes planetary and celestial energies ⭐️
Planetary alignments and positions, lunar cycles, days of the week, and planetary hours play a big role in their craft 🌛
Studies astrology and astronomy ✨
Usually believes in aliens 🛸
Includes meteors, super novas, black holes, galaxies, etc in crafting ☄️
Worships the planets themselves 🪐
Uses astrology as their form of divination 🔮
Often skilled at astral travel 🌝
Subcategories: Lunar Witch, Solar Witch 🌞
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lydiathane · 3 years
The Fever Breaks
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( Photo source | CN: Suicide )
It's the sweltering apex of summer when I come to drenched. I immediately know this delirious fever-heat, the shimmering veil of sweat from root to tip. It's hot like wax-drip, hot like rotten lolly on the cobbles, all red syrup and dirt. It smells like desert dust and apothecary's poultice; nettles, mugwort, freshly-ground fuck (the last I had to give). Through the tiny slat of window belching arid gusts at me, I can see the golden fingers of dawn spread wide through a field of cobalt, with one most prominent standing tall and proud. Fuck you! sings sunrise in a heavenly chorus that sweeps a sheet of light across the sleepy land. Fuck you, and you! Fuck you all!
Alright, alright. I'm awake.
"Good morning, sunshine."
A croak is all I can offer until she tips a bowl of tepid water against my parched lips. I drink on reflex, gulping uncomfortably until it begins to dribble down my chin. Breakfast and a bath, this place has it all.
"Is this hell?" I finally rasp.
"Honey, you're gonna wish it was once the potions wear off."
"That's not very comforting."
My swimming vision solidifies on the round face of a tawny nurse who's got her hands on her hips and does not look particularly charmed or impressed by me. The wear on her suggests that she's been here all night.
"You tried to kill yourself," she reveals with complete matter-of-fact before I can so much as ask what I'm doing in her ward. This bitch is ice-cold. Not so much as a good morning or a feigned we're glad to see you. Brutal, but all I can think to say is, "Guess I didn't do a very good job, did I?"
"It's a sin, you know."
"Are you sure?"
"Your life was a gift given to you by your parents and by the gods."
I shift under the white linens and raise a hand to stop her. Everything hurts, and it's only now that I notice. "No, wait. I mean...you're right, but...are you sure I tried to kill myself?"
"Well, the nice man who found you out in the desert said you were face-down in the sand, and when he tried to pick you up, you told him to leave you there to die. So unless you've got a better idea of what that could possibly mean..."
Do I? I don't. Seems pretty open and shut to me. And yet, I persist. "Don't you think I'd remember?" So much of this doesn't add up; am I the sort of person who would run out into the Sagolii to commit suicide? Am I the sort of person who would want to commit suicide at all? Come to think of it, I don't know what sort of person I am, because I don't know who the fuck I am.
She crosses the room and sits by my bedside, unaware of my internal identity crisis. Her mouth turns up into the smile of someone who's got a heart of gold on a limited lifespan, and every minute of my bullshit is running the clock. She touches my cheek and I flinch.
"You should really smile more. You've got a pretty face," she remarks, and something in me says I should just accept the compliment and keep my big mouth shut. Besides, I'm afraid of what's going to come out if I open it again. "You should have a lot to be happy about; you survived, didn't you? Today's a new day, Miss Lydia."
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
Last night I wrote some Unwanted Inheritance meta for Mitch, tagging @raksh-writes since i know you like this AU <3
As a child and young man, Mitch had a more than passing interest in archaeology. This was fostered in part by Hurley’s stories of his travels, but also stemmed from a natural inclination towards the discipline (this is foreshadowing for later). When he came to stay with Hurley after his parents’ deaths, he distracted himself from his grief by studying Hurley’s work, as well as similar expeditions. His main focus was with Egypt, but there was also some interest towards exploration in Antarctica. He was also morbidly interested in the tragedy of the Franklin expedition. 
Mitch likely would have gone on to study archaeology, but Hurley urged him away from it, for his sister’s sake. She wouldn’t have wanted to see her son galivanting around the desert and wasting away both his inheritance and his potential. Mitch thought Hurley’s arguments were hypocritical - it was too dangerous; there were better things for Mitch to do with his life; etc. - but did eventually follow his advise and become a physician instead. 
Mitch has always had a morbid sort of curiosity about his work, studying the illnesses that ailed his patients from a clinical distance. He is not an empathic person by nature, and as such was always very cold to his patients. Despite this, he is still an excellent doctor, and has a very high success rate. He has a more holistic approach in evaluating his patients to root out the cause of their ailments, to allow for a more thorough treatment. This becomes obvious when he begins treating Stiles, as Stiles isn’t actually sick, per se, and needs something more then a prescription to take to the apothecary. 
Mitch saw no need to inflict unnecessary suffering on his patients, delivered harsh truths when necessary to prevent torturing them with false hope, and didn’t often let his ego get in the way of his treatments. He finds out what the problem is and fixes it in the most efficient manner he can, without the need for any fanfare or praise. He doesn’t socialize with his peers because he can’t stand their arrogance. 
Mitch thinks he’s more similar to an undertaker than a healer, most of the time. His job is to preserve a dying thing for as long as possible, to allow the bereaved their chance to say goodbye. While doctors typically wear white, Mitch is most often dressed in black, like he is in perpetual mourning. It also signifies the coming of death, and he is its harbinger. 
Due to the loss of his family at such a young age, he has a very morbid outlook on life, that is matched by Stiles when they meet. 
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