#design survivor fanfict
The only place the quote "be the change you wish to see in the world" applies to me is when I'm looking for a certain type of fanfic under a super specific tag and there's nothing to read under that tag.
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carolinemorrison · 1 year
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“Emily I should have stopped the moment I realized what Lorraine was doing. You and Elena mean everything to me. I mean it . . . I. . . “
She held up her hand. “No, it was me. I overreacted.”
“You had every reason to overreact.”
She walked closer to his desk. “I jumped the gun. . . I. . .”
He smiled. “You better watch saying gun in the white house.”
Emily smirked, suddenly feeling much more at ease. She glanced over at the corner of his desk, where sure enough just as Seth had said, behind a scorpion paperweight, was a picture of him and her. She nodded towards it. “I have the same picture in my night stand.”
This caused him to smile. “It made coming into this office every day worthwhile.”
She bit her lip. “I shouldn’t have left. I was scared. . .I. . . we. . .”
Aaron nodded. “Yeah. . . we. . . I should. . . “
Emily glanced up at him. Their eyes met, words tied up in a moment of stillness. Emily turned her head, brushing off the heated tension rising between them, pretending to be engrossed in the artwork on the wall. Aaron struted over to her, and grabbed her face, pulling his lips to hers. He couldn't help himself. The only thing that mattered to him, was touching her. 
A03 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27057577/chapters/121287931
FANFICTION.NET - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13722310/1/Family-Politics
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tenderlywicked · 2 years
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This is what downshifting must feel like—Live Like Scum, Die Like a Hero has 15 (!) hits on AO3 at the moment, compared to over 46,000 hits on my most popular fic. But! I guess I’m going to finish it anyway before returning to a half-written TDJ story because just look at this man—isn’t he worth tormenting? :)
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I was wondering, why does it feel like I can't write good original fiction or original characters, but my fanfiction is great (imo anyway, which I never feel for my original fiction)? In some senses, I get it, like I feel I really know the characters in other people's fiction after seeing them through their story, but like....ugh. It's really frustrating. Do I just not understand how to develop an original character? Am I overcomplicating things?
Fan-Fiction: Struggling with Writing Original Fiction Characters
All of the above... ♥
So, yes, you're probably overcomplicating things a bit, but also it actually is hard for a lot of writers to make the switch between writing canon characters and developing their own original characters. In other words, what you're experiencing isn't unusual and it's absolutely surmountable. :)
One of the things I love about fan-fiction for newer writers is it allows you to focus fully on the mechanics of writing without having to divert effort toward things like world building and character development. The problem with that, though, is once you make the switch from writing fan-fiction to writing original fiction, you might find that your world building and character development skills are lagging behind. It sounds like this might be the situation in your case.
This is why I think it's a great idea to experiment with writing OCs, or in other words "original characters" as part of your fan-fiction. You don't even have to post these stories if you don't want to--write them for yourself, for practice. But, creating an original character to join your favorite canon characters is a great way to get practice in character creation and development while still within the comfy zone of your fan-fiction. Just by virtue of having to exist in the canon world, you have a little bit of a template to follow as far as who this character can be and what they can do. But, you have some freedom with things like back story, internal conflict, and character arc. Writing OCs in fan-fiction helps you hone those skills and learn to create characters you love without tossing yourself into the deep end.
And, if you need practice with setting development/world building, you can do that within fan-fiction, too. Try moving the canon characters into a new time, world, or situation. For example, what if the characters of The Hunger Games were survivors of a modern day shipwreck in the South Pacific? Or, what if the characters from ACOTAR lived in a Dune-like world, with different planets and starships and great houses? In this scenario, you can focus more on world building and plot without having to worry as much about character design and development.
So... no matter what, the reality is you'll just have to be patient with yourself. Whether you choose to hone your character development skills through writing fan-fiction OCs, or whether you keep at it with original fiction characters, it's going to take some time for you to develop those skills. It will be frustrating because you'll know that these characters aren't hitting the mark you want them to, but that's also good, because knowing they're falling short means you can try to figure out why and what you can do to fix it.
And, if you need additional help, you can always visit my Character Development master list of posts.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
SEE MY ask policies
VISIT MY Master List of Top Posts
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damnfandomproblems · 22 days
Response to 5634: Mkay, do not start complaining about something you like being censored because you’re acting indifferent to someone being pro-censorship bully arguing with an anti-censorship and anti-harassment person.
The reason why these arguments are a big deal (and you can just ignore the arguments by blocking if it bugs you that much) is because the arguments antis make is similar to that of puritans, old ignorant people trying to blame video games for school shootings and wanting games like GTA censored or banned, and people that were book burners as one of the commenters pointed out.
Antis actively go into spaces they KNOW they hate with a passion and make callout posts that were designed to harass people, Antis legit made blogs PURELY just to bully someone over dead dove fanfiction, and antis are the most bigoted people, when someone who writes content they don’t like just so happens to be a minority, it quickly is no longer about fictional content they hate, now they gotta be racist towards a POC writer (I’ve seen this happen to a South Asian woman).
Antis have also been the reason why some artists get ran off the internet. I’ve seen it happen to a non-binary artist who was harassed off the internet a pseudo-incest ship. Their Twitter, Tumblr blog, and anything else they had were all wiped from existence, and I will never forgive the people that did that to them.
Antis are also the most insensitive people and insult real life rape victims or people that have had CSEM made of them. Jenna Ortega had CSEM made of her by sick freaks that made explicit AI generated photos of her as a kid. Then idiots made it about weird gross anime porn fetishes and that is how it leads to creeps online making CSEM or prey on real life kids. Read the GODDAMN room.
Speaking of CSEM, antis have defended Netflix’s Cuties, which is actual CSEM in comparison to drawings and fanfiction with underage characters.
Another anti who was ironically an artist also responded to a CSA survivor saying, “do not equate my pain and suffering to anime drawings” in the most insulting way imaginable with an eye roll gif.
There has also been cases where antis were caught being a creep towards children. One minute an anti is calling people “pedophiles” over fiction, next thing you know, they got caught sexting a minor, they have actual convictions and are on the sex offender registry, they accepted minors into their 18+ space, or literally anything else that involves endangering minors. Which is why I’m bracing myself for a similar incident in the JJK fandom with all the puritans running around invading tags like an obnoxious person.
I could go on, but this is already long enough as it is. Now, the next time you wanna play that Peter Griffin clip on full blast saying, “who the hell cares,” think about everything I said here.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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womaninwinter · 2 months
Thank you for tagging me @paranorahjones I am terminally online today and delighted to be playing tag games :)
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction? Depends on how you define fic I guess. When I was very little, I would "tell myself stories" (literally I would just sit on the floor in my room and pronounce the story aloud) which were essentially self-insert fics about my favourite characters. I guess expansion has always been my automatic response to a story I like. My older sister was active in fandoms first, so I learned about fic from her, and when I ended up in a teeny tiny fandom with practically no content in my teens, writing fic was a very natural next step.
2. How many fandoms have you written in? *counts on my fingers* well, there was [REDACTED], [REDACTED], BTVS, Designated Survivor, and now L&Co. So actually not that many. When I fixate about something, I fixate long and hard and I don't have room for other obsessions.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
As above, really depends on how you define fic and how you define writing lol. If you're being exacting, uhhh about 15 years or so, but with long gaps in there. Years of actual productivity, probably more like 3 or 4.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? Very definitely read lol, I'm a slow writer and a fast reader. Trying to shift the balance however.
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer? I think my ability to plan and execute a large-scale project is increasing, as is my ability to actually dramatise a setting properly.
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? Abdominal trauma recovery (for Gutted, my specialest little guy fic)
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love a comment from someone who Gets what I was going for. It doesn't have to be a long one, just something that shows me that yes, I communicated successfully here! (or just when people tell me unhinged things like "I'm chewing on this nomnomnomnom". I love that too)
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Easily the Catholic Lockwood stuff LOL.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? It's not quite a story type, but I hate when you're trying to bring a character to the point of a certain realisation or decision and you have to describe their thought process and it's soooo hard to do cleanly and really I should have made this damn thing a conversation but it's TOO LATE NOW.
10. What is the easiest type? A conversation lol. Again, now specific type of story, but I love writing dialogue.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? Usually at my desk, on my computer. G Docs is my medium of choice - accessible anywhere, easily shared, easy to retrieve if you go somewhat crazy and delete everything...
12. What is something that you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
The big "Lockwood reverts to his faith and Lucy converts" fic. Will I ever do it?? Who knows. I like thinking about it though.
13. What made you choose your username?
This is a great question, and the answer is I have NO clue. I didn't want it to be something that was easily identified as me (for anyone who knows me IRL, womaninwinter is quite a giveaway lol). I picked a phrase that came to mind and sounded moderately cool, and for some reason, the phrase was "Savoirfaire". (some unconscious snobbery about my writing abilities going on?? Perhaps!)
tagging: @itripandfallalot, @polithicc, @menina89, @lilaccatholic and @insidethekaleidoscope (I forget who has and hasn't done this already)
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readychilledwine · 7 months
we want the juicy details on your sexual awakening
It's not that juicy. It's actually fairly sad, but someone else may be at this point and need to hear it.
Warning - questionable consent, technically a form of sex work, total power exchange, abusive relationships, mental health issues, learning to adapt, and becoming a survivor instead of a victim.
I was a really really good kid and teen. Like I addressed, I got my kicks from fanfiction. I dated once in high school, and it never went further than kissing (which caused my first break up and broken heart). My first "What is happening to my body," came from watching The Mummy, and it wasn't something I could discuss with anyone besides my older brother who did the best he could to try to talk to me about safe sex.
I moved away from my parents in 2014 and went to a college about 4 hours away. Aka- close enough to mom and dad to drive home once every couple months, not close enough for them to randomly show up. I was an art major focusing on art history and visual design, and that required me to take a life drawing class.
Tender 18 year old Liz, a starving college student working two jobs, ended up catching the eye of one of the male models, and we started talking a lot. I found out after a month of him taking me on dates, surprising me with gifts, and him staying up with me when I'd be lonely because I didn't live on campus have friends, that he was married and him and his wife were looking for a girlfriend for him since she had a boyfriend on the side. I don't regret this choice because it shaped who I am today, but I stupidly agreed to go into it without having set my own boundaries and limits.
He had rules for me. Rules I can recite clearly to this day: he dresses me, I do not make financial choices without him, I am to tell him where I was at all times and leave my tracker on, he decides what I eat and when, no drinking, no smoking, and no other partners. If I listened, he would pay my tuition, books, help with rent, etc. At the time, I did not realize that I was entering a total power exchange dynamic, and he knew that.
Those starter rules evolved into more... sex based rules, and after 3 months, I ended up losing my virginity to him after he told me refusing was breaking his rules, and if I broke his rules, my allowance was cut off, and I really needed help with rent, friends. I am not proud of that decision, but that decision was made.
I stayed in this relationship with him hanging financial security and my own naivety over my head for close to 10 months. My dad is a law enforcement officer, and he is the one who noticed the change in my personality and looks.
I had waist length dark brown hair. I came home blonde with my hair cut to my lower neck. I stopped wearing Converse and Vans and started wearing heels and sandles more. I would get really anxious and upset if I wasn't near my phone or could not find it to meet my required check-ins. I cried. Alot. Yelling made me actually panic. My dad made me sit down with a female investigator and answer questions about everything.
When she was done and confirmed to him what was happening, he then proceeded to get my brothers, a uHaul, and my apartment keys and move me back home. He had my phone bill at that point, so he blocked the couple, her boyfriend, and their friends that I had the displeasure of meeting and ensured I never heard from them again.
Cohearsed consent is not consent. The second I started therapy and realized that, I spiraled. The weight of everything set in, and I realized I had been a victim of sexual assault. I began to cope by being hypersexual. Within a year, I'd had sex with close to 30 people trying to reclaim my body and, in turn, endangering myself until I met my ex fiancé.
When I met him, things changed significantly. He was a stepping stone in my healing and helped me find religion and value in myself beyond my body. Ironically, my healing and finding the wrong religion (catholics don't seem to be a fan of spirituality) is what led to our engagement being called off. I was 21 when we stopped seeing each other.
I slowed down at that point signicantly and cut off all sex. I was done with it and decided never again. I could please me better than anyone else could anyways. Then, I met baby daddy, and we started as strictly friends with benefits. He is the safest dom I've ever had, the kindest man I've ever met, and from the bat, he understood me more than I understood me. He saw me for me and cared for me despite the damaged goods.
He triggered the true awakening. We took sex between us slow, exploring things gently, talking about what I wanted to try and keeping track of what I liked, what he liked, and meeting in a happy middle. He indulged my want to explore with other women and just sat and watched. Then, when we felt I was ready, he introduced me to the swinging/bdsm lifestyle, and it helped me process the remaining bits of trauma I had with him beside me every step of the way. He helped shape me sexually into who I needed to be to heal and then who I deserved to be sexually for me.
I don't know at what point FwB turned into us living together and telling each other how much the other means to us almost daily, but now we're here, cuddling on couch, exhausted from taking care of our daughter, and discussing which one of us gets the last chocolate peanut butter overnight oats packet and *whispers* marriage.
Him and Sophia are the happy ending 18 year old Liz thought she was losing when she was desperate to pay rent. He helped me heal, learn who I was in terms of sex, and gave me the safest place to land.
One might say I'm pretty attached to him forever now 🤣
Ps - let me tell ya, missionary isn't boring when it's with someone who thinks you're the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, pregnancy stretch marks, and all. 💕
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katerinaaqu · 5 months
Hello and welcome to this corner of contradictions! I am a proud Greek archeologist and singer who loves mythology and worldbuilding! This page will be dealing with various themes but mostly the collaboration with the amazing @artsofmetamoor and our collaboration for fanart related to the TV series, comic and manga called W.I.T.C.H as well as about millions of AUs related to that! (for instance check this AMAZING sketch with a Greek Mythology High Fantasy AU!)
Some of my work includes creating music such as:
Ballard's Sad Flute
or singing:
Dilla's Songchord (Avatar AU)
Some of the fanfictions that I do write on this fandom do include the below works, mostly one-shots and analysis on the worldbuilding
Hidden Truth Prequel: The Peak of Madness -complete-
(Diego -OC- slowly loses his mind and agony while waiting for his brother Caleb to show signs of life. Believing he truly is abandoned by everything and everyone, Diego uses his magic to do the unforgivable; take Caleb's form and hold his brother prisoner!)
Aditionally this page is also on occasion dealing with Greek mythos and poetry, particularly the homeric epics (Iliad and Odyssey) and the characters involved at them (with some special emphasis on Odysseus and the people who got related with him)
Some of the stories:
(Odysseus is being guilt-stroke and horrified by the success of his plan to take Troy and by the Greek rage upon it and sinks to a series of thoughts and flashbacks) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty:
(Odysseus loses his last ship and last comrades at the sea, roams about for 9 days helpless and beaches at Ogygia where even more trauma awaits him) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Gone with the Wind:
(Odysseus remains awake for 9 days guarding the sack given to them by Aeolus in order to reach his home faster. However soon he finds out that sleepless nights take a toll on him and the consequences are severe...) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
The Death of Odysseus:
(The final moments of the king of Ithaca, based on the prophecy of Tiresias in the Odyssey. Odysseus has lived a long life and meets his end while finally meeting with an old friend...and his journey to the Underworld begins...) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Ismarus! Ismarus!:
(Odysseus and his men leave from Troy but are devided from the rest of the fleets by a storm. They find themselves in Thrace to the city of Ismarus where Odysseus decides they should raid the land of Cicones)
Part 1
Short Stories
If I never knew you
Odysseus Leaving Ithaca (random Pocahontas inspo)
Odysseus and Helen
Argos (analysis and tiny scene A Tribute to Argos)
Screams and Shadows in the Night
Philoctetes Inspiration
Philoctetes Inspiration 2
Ruthless Justice
The Will to Die The Need to Survive
Escape from Cyclops Island: Hubris
I Take that Back
The Why never asked and the Because that never mattered
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sewerpalette · 4 months
Alright, Alright, Alright. Sooooo hear me out, when I do write a subnautica fanfiction on AO3 (I’m currently busy writing smth else but it IS planned.) I think I’m gonna completely reimagine BZ. I’ve been talking about concepts with some of my mutuals over on instagram and I think I’m starting to like the idea of creative freedom more than trying to build on something canon. (More below image)
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That also means there’s gonna be some redesigns; some more major than others. Something I’d like to focus on is how eerie and powerful the architects are compared to us as humans, I think I’d want AL‘s form to change depending on what he’s doing for maximum efficiency, and also to drive home the point that the architects do not feel any attachment to the body they use. Ofcourse this is a me rewrite so some design choices might just seem a little out of pocket, like I’ve been thinking of making one of the architects forms looking like a combination of hands formed around a mechanical exoskeleton- wich I actually like pretty much so it might stick. (Biblically accurate architect lmao 😭💀)
For the first game survivors there isn’t really anything I plan on changing (beyond the designs I’ve already made up) but I do have a ton of ideas for the Alterrans and Robin/Marg.
I also want to rewrite some significant story cutscenes and points, ones I think would be interesting.
It’s probably gonna end up more similar to the original story, atleast that’s what I’m going for. I really like a lot of characterization and dialogue from the early access version(s), so I might steal some of it /hj.
(Image was taken from the subnautica below zero Wikipedia page.)
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@sockdooe I first encountered this supposed explanation in the comments section of a fanfiction, so it is to be taken with a grain of salt, but I read that Shiro's design was primarily based on what the showrunners thought "looked cool". This includes the prosthetic grafted onto his person by his captors, the scar across his face, and the shock of white fringe in his otherwise naturally dark hair. And, I won't lie, his design serves its purpose. Shiro immediately draws the eye, and not just because of his usual placement front and center in the standard team line up.
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It's reasonable for the sort of space soldier, G.I. Joe type of character the staff intended Shiro to be to have these sorts of physical characteristics.
It's also completely reasonable in a Sci-Fi/Action show for a villain as menacing and ruthless as Sendak to have a similarly distinct, eye-catching design. Such features as a sinister, gleaming, red bionic eye, and massive prosthetic arm powered by a core of glowing, magical electric energy pulsing in a line from shoulder to forearm stand out, are easily memorable, and make him instantly recognizable as a really Bad Guy.
The idea of Shiro being a sort of "light, heroic mirror" to Sendak, which the show introduced and continued to attempt to enforce all the way up to Sendak's death, sits incredibly uneasily with me, however. As I've made explicit several times, before.
Content Warning for discussion of sexual assault/rape.
We're shown the recurrent imagery of Sendak looming over and behind an incapacitated Shiro.
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Shiro's instinctive response to seeing Sendak heading toward him is to back away out of fear before steeling himself and resolving to fight, if only to protect the Castle and an unconscious Lance.
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The very first thing that Shiro says to Sendak is, "You're not getting in", to which Sendak replies, "Yes. I am".
Coran suggests that the Galra might keep him and Hunk as, "some sort of creepy pet to play with how they please", in an appeal to Shay and Rax for assistance concealing their presence on the Balmera.
There's genuine contempt in Shiro's voice when he asks Sendak, "What do you want?", prior to his torture at Sendak's hands.
Sendak delivers a stomach-churning gloating little speech after torturing Shiro via electric shock.
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And, Rolo refers to Sendak as a, "real nasty bugger", a term that has an exceptionally crude colloquial meaning.
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Now, maybe I'm a cynical weirdo who is reading far too deeply into this, and connecting dots that aren't there. But...
Shiro bears a much stronger resemblance to Berserk's Guts than the Takashi Shirogane from the original Go Lion! that he's named after. Guts is a famous survivor of childhood sexual abuse, having been sold by his adoptive father and purchased for use as a sex slave by an ugly hulking pederast.
There were obvious Neon Genesis Evangelion fans working on this show, and Rei Ayanami, the character that Shiro's story seems to reference with the sheer excess of clones created using his DNA, is also a victim of sexual abuse.
(There's even, arguably, influence taken from The Legend of the Blue Wolves, a relatively obscure yaoi OVA largely set at a military facility which trains soldiers and pilots for combat missions in deep space. It features an extended scene with a virtual flight simulator, and one of the two male leads is-- wouldn't you know it? Raped by an ugly hulking monster.)
Correlation does not imply causation, and perhaps the similarities are entirely superficial, and we're not meant to think too hard about them.
Yet, with the amount of scrutiny that a series as utterly wholesome and innocuous as Bluey is constantly under, I cannot buy for a minute that a series Netflix gave a TV Y7 rating to didn't undergo some level of screening to ensure that its content was appropriate for the intended child audience. Someone had to have asked the staff if bugger was the term they meant to use, aware of the disturbing, far less than child-friendly implications, and was met with a resounding confirmation.
Beyond that, extended proximity to even an imprisoned and inanimate Sendak sends Shiro spiraling into a psychological break down.
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Shiro's intensely traumatic experiences in captivity, which his brain seems to have largely repressed in order to protect him ("It's all a blur.") would, by themselves, be enough to convince him that he's been broken and reshaped into something monstrous. His bodily autonomy was, unquestionably, brutally violated, and his innately altruistic, self-sacrificing nature was violently challenged when he was forced to kill or be killed for his captors' entertainment. His right arm was taken from him and replaced with a weapon, and he has the blood of who knows just how many innocents on his hands. He was, indeed, broken down in an attempt to reform him into the Galra Empire's "greatest weapon", and likely very much wars with himself over what he had to do to ensure his own survival, believing himself to be a monster.
What really stands out to me, though, is that this intense, primal terror and the accompanying feelings of "brokenness" and "monstrousness" only surface around Sendak. Despite also being associated with and direct causes of his trauma, neither Haggar nor Zarkon rattle Shiro to his core the way Sendak does.
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Neither of them are insistent on drilling into Shiro's head how "broken" he supposedly is, as Sendak is shown doing over and over again. Including taunting Shiro over the non-consensual modifications to his body.
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Harboring a deep sense of shame, and viewing themselves as something dirty, ugly, disgusting, broken, or even monstrous is an experience common among survivors of sexual abuse.
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Having Shiro's physical condition repeatedly mirror his personal tormentor's would be sick and twisted enough.
Adding the context of rape or sexual abuse to Shiro's torment makes the creative decision to intentionally model his arm after his abuser's outright sadistic.
No one deserves to have a constant physical reminder of their abuser and rapist permanently attached to their person. And, attempting to paint Shiro as a "heroic mirror" to Sendak fails entirely when Shiro doesn't so much as get to best Sendak in combat once.
All of the points you've raised about the function and structure of prosthetics are amazing, informative, and highly appreciated. (The comment about Shiro's abominable floating arm looking like it wouldn't be able to support the weight of a grocery bag makes me laugh.) Sadly, there's a faction of the fanbase who are all too quick to fetishize that arm, like everything else surface-level about Shiro. I've seen a number of fics where its ability to be propelled a great distance with a single thought is used to pleasure a partner while Shiro, himself, is in a different room, where the arm is equipped with a vibrating function for use as a sex toy, and, of course, where the thickness of its fingers is sexualized for... the same reason the bulge in the crotch of Shiro's pants is.
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(I beg this fandom to stop reducing this man to a seme stereotype because of his physical build and height. Nothing in his personality suggests that he would be anything even approximating that cursed archetype. Let him be a pillow princess, for God's sake, like he deserves.)
This reply took me forever, and I am sincerely sorry about that. I hope you find something worthwhile in this haphazard collection of thoughts.
And, "Sendick" is how I'm going to be mentally referring to that creep from now on.
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nikoisme · 2 months
Okay since you honored me with an ask here's one back;
I have seen this in many people who design Odysseus and I was wondering where does the inspiration for his nose scar strife from? Because I do not remember much on injuries said to he inflicted upon his face in the Iliad but I need to double-check. We know on his infamous scar on his leg that was caused by the boar and we can also remember how he got a spear in his stomach (or side depending on how we interpret the translation) during the war by Socus.
Surely we expect he suffered other injuries that might leave him a scar (I do also comment on them in my fanfiction Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty) but I noticed way too many people draw that scar over his nose so I wonder where does it strife from?
You are right, there is no mention of Odysseus being injured on the face in the Iliad. Truth be told, I never really thought much about it!
I can only speak from a character design standpoint. I feel like when giving characters scars on the face, many will give them one across the nose. It's really common among different characters, actually. In my case, it's because it's really easy to draw in various angles and understand its position on the face. This comes in handy because odysseus is a character i draw a lot.
He could have gotten it in various ways considering the years of war and then the years spent on sea. @iroissleepdeprived talked about how they think he got the scar here, and i find it really interesting! I think it's plausible, to have gotten it somewhere in battle.
So long story short, I think it's more of a character design thing, but people may come up with their ideas how he might have gotten the scar!
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carolinemorrison · 1 year
I'm working on something that I think will make lots of my Designated Survivor readers happy.
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tenderlywicked · 2 years
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There’s always a handsome man to blame when I start writing something super angsty. That’s the first snippet, more pain to follow :)
Live Like Scum, Die Like a Hero
Fandom: 60일 지정생존자 | Designated Survivor: 60 Days (TV 2019)
Summary: A courageous navy officer, a miracle survivor, and almost-a-president… He wasn’t supposed to die like that—on a dark road, from the hands of his own man. So what if he doesn’t have to?
It’s a common misconception that one dies immediately from a shot to the head. Sometimes, sure. But not always. At least it’s not what happens to him.
Down on the ground, stunned, rough asphalt against his cheek, Oh Yeong Seok is still able to hear the second shot, a single shot, and it can only mean one thing. Sang Min is dead or dying. But he shouldn’t be, he can’t be. Yeong Seok clings to this thought desperately, trying to stay alert, as voices above him argue if there’s a point in calling an ambulance.
There must be a lot of blood; head wounds usually bleed like hell. Surely, that’s quite a sight to behold. He feels himself slipping away, growing more and more distant—despite his will, no matter how stubbornly he grabs at the last shreds of consciousness.
His men were supposed to be safe, both Sang Min and Jae Hak. What will happen to Jae Hak now? Will he be deemed their accomplice?
No. No, it can’t end like this. All he needed was time…just a little time to fix everything…
But the world is dimming above him, too vast and indifferent, and the voices are dimming too. As much as he likes crossing the lines, crossing the one between life and death is no fun at all.
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quenthel · 2 months
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design document for an upcoming story im writing... outlining who wants what... yes its gonna be a rogue trader fanfiction w a lot of oc stuff lol... im mostly writing it to process my own feelings about rogue trader and which parts i liked/ didnt like AND my outlet to do the stuff in the wh40k setting i missed so far...its going to be a story where the material conditions matter... also lot of musings about being a psyker and an outcast/ being part of the admech and their dual contradictory purpose... the main plot is that a voidship crashes on a planet and the rogue trader will investigate the survivors and will try to figure out what happened
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binnieceo · 8 months
"I don't support it in real life!"
Then why write about it? If for coping purposes, why post it online for others (especially actual predators) to see and consume? Then why portray those things in a positive light instead of condemning them?And you're seriously going to tell me that just because as an adult you want to see a fictional minor (that mind you, is usually designed to resemble an actual child) depicted in sexual situations doesn't mean you don't share that same view concerning children in real life? You find fictional minors attractive but not real ones? Why does the line between finding someone who is (and usually also looks like) a child sexually attractive get drawn at whether the child is real or not? I'm not calling anyone pedophiles, but if the shoe fits... And also no, I am not talking about 18 y/os finding 17 y/os attractive. Use your brain. Creating content of underaged characters is still questionable regardless of age, however.
I have some free time and you were polite in your ask, so I'll answer you since I believe you were genuine in your question.
I'll answer your question in parts, if that's alright with you!
"I don't support it in real life!" Then why write about it?
Well, it's not because I don't support something that I'm not allowed to write about it!
Fiction is just that... fiction. They are stories. I'm sure there are many stories in your folclore that depict hideous acts (such as murder, rape, incest, etc etc) but neither you or your people agree with them or think that the things done in those stories are okay to be done in real life—because stories are just stories and bad things done in stories are meant to stay in those stories.
And dark content is present in most media forms, whether you like it or not. I don't know which fandoms you are a part of (since you sent this ask anonymously) but I'll just list a few:
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has canonical torture, murder, racism, self-harm and even genocide
The Dragon Prince has canonical racism, torture, murder, kidnapping, blackmailing and gaslighting
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power has canonical slavery, racism, murder, torture, child soldiers, child abuse and much more (its been a while since I last watched SPOP so i don't remember)
Adult shows also tackle these subjects. Doctor House, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, The Simpsons, South Park... God, even the HOLY BIBLE has stories with rape, murder, slavery and much more in them! And that's a SACRED BOOK!
If for coping purposes, why post it online for others [...]
I don't speak for everyone who sees this post, but when I post online, I post for myself. My fanfics are all completely self-indulgent. And while I appreciate my readers, I don't write with them in mind.
But on that same note, the stories are mine and I can do whatever I want with them. This is the internet and I can post whatever I want, anytime I want. If I decide I want to post a rapefic on ao3, I will. If i want the fic to be private for me and my friends, it will stay private.
Plus, other people might find my stories and relate to them or even enjoy them! I write about rape and sexual harrassment, for example, because I am a survivor, and so many survivors have found my stories and messaged me about them, thanking me for putting into words what they couldn't. It's rewarding, really. Being able to connect with people so deeply over stories.
[...] (especially actual predators) to see and consume?
I'm gonna be completely honest with you. Predators, pedophiles and the like are NOT reading ao3 fanfiction. They are out there on chatting websites trying to prey on children, or going out of their way IRL to take advantage of young family members or unknown children/teenagers.
If I crave a hamburger, I'll go out of my way to eat it. I won't open a review talking about the burger or stare at pictures of burgers. The same goes for predators. NO PREDATOR OUT THERE is reading fanfiction about Klee Genshin Impact. Me posting or not posting my fanfiction WILL NOT CHANGE THAT.
But on the off chance that a pedophile really sees an underage fanfic of a fictional character, then... that's a good thing, don't you agree? I don't know about you but I'd much rather if a pedophile read smut of Klee Genshin Impact than if they went out of their way to abuse and traumatize a real, living and breathing child that exists in real life and will suffer for the rest of their lives because of it.
Characters are just that, characters. And in fanfiction, what we write about them isn't real, it isn't canon. They aren't even canonically traumatized by what we write, but real people are.
Why portray those things in a positive light instead of condemning them?
I don't know if you've ever read my fanfics or if you're just throwing this question out there, but to me personally, I have never written about rape/sexual assault and painted it in a positive light, much by the contrary.
As a survivor, I highlight how horrible the abuse made me feel and use my characters to talk about it. Not once have I glorified or written about sexual abuse in a positive light.
But if you're not talking about me personally, then I have to say... I'm sorry? Do you learn your morals from fictional content?
Ok fine maybe you can learn a few morals from MLP like "don't lie" and "be nice", but do you really open a show like South Park with racist, homophobic jokes and go "ah yes, this is a perfect example! I should base my morals off this show"? Do you?
Are you really unable to tell what is right or wrong by yourself? Does watching a slasher movie with a charismatic killer make you go "wow! Killers are amazing! I want to be like them!" Does watching action movies make you think that it's cool to commit arson and shoot people?
If your answer is yes, then I am so sorry but there is no other way to say this other than... that's your problem.
It's not the writers' duty to tell you what's wrong or right. They are not pre-school teachers who will grab you by the hand and point and tell you what you should or should not do-The writer has one and only ONE duty: To tell a story. They can portray whatever they want to portray in WHATEVER WAY they feel like, and you're supposed to be an adult about it.
And you're seriously going to tell me that just because as an adult you want to see a fictional minor [...] You find fictional minors attractive but not real ones?
Yes, because fictional minors are... fictional? They are not real? They DO NOT EXIST?
I'm so sorry but if I ever saw a child/teenager with the same proportions that lolisho/anime gives them then i'd be calling the authorities ON THE SPOT because THAT SHIT IS AN ALIEN AND IT IS NOT HUMAN.
Children don't look like that. Put up Klee Genshin Impact next to a real child. They are so incredibly different that once you notice how uncanny it is, you'll feel weirded out because she won't even look like she's human anymore.
You wouldn't accuse all furries of fucking real life dogs just because they think their blue dog fursonas are hot, would you? (what if anthro blue wolves were real? I'd be scared out of my mind to be honest,)
It's not because you're sexually attracted to something fictional that you find it hot in real life (god bless me and my breeding kink girlies who are sex repulsed and are terribly afraid of getting pregnant)
Hey, have you heard of like, lesbians who fall in love with fictional men? (like me lmao), do you think those fictional crushes make them any less lesbian? No, because these guys are not realistic. They have blue hair, extra limbs maybe, and were literally designed to be loved and to be perfect.
There are SOOOOO many examples I could give you, but I don't want to go on and on because I got my point across
But like, you do understand that fictional characters are... fictional, right? You can't even say that they are minors because... they aren't. They don't have a birth certificate, or a family tree saved in a country's government somewhere. They do not exist, you are aware of that, right?
When a "child" or "minor" is fictional, there is no child, there is no minor. You can't touch, groom, rape or abuse something that does not exist.
Law was made to protect the children who suffered, or who are, suffering because of abuse right now.
And by that i mean, real, living breathing human children who have their likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams for the future, and families that exist.
Fictional children/minors are nothing but tools, characters, a way of expression. THEY DON'T EXIST. They don't eat, they don't cry, they don't smile. They won't do anything unless they're commanded to by the writer.
They have no lives, no mind. And they will only grow up when the creator decides that it's time for that to happen. The line is there for this exact reason.
You using your time to send this ask to "defend" PIXELS isn't doing anything to help or advocate for REAL CHILDREN who are suffering in the world right now.
Honestly, this only makes it seem like you're the one who doesn't care.
By the end of it all, i have no idea why you sent me this ask. Yeah I am anti-harassment but I don't think I've posted lolisho/underage content before? (again, I stray far from these because i find them icky and triggering) So I don't know why you focused so much on fictional children rather than the other things I do talk and post about on this blog.
And before I go, I want to shine a note here:
I'm not calling anyone pedophiles, but if the shoe fits...
I don't know how old you are, but you know damn well what you are saying and what you are doing. And I'm gonna say it again: Implying or flat out CALLING people pedophiles without proof can get you into real trouble.
Don't misuse that word. It has a meaning and a weight to it. I wasn't a victim of pedophilia myself but I know that real survivors would feel enraged at the way you're just throwing out words and accusations as if they were nothing, as if those people didn't suffer because of it.
I'm asking not for me, but for any other person who may come across this post, DON'T GO OUT THERE USING WORDS YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF. You are causing more harm than good.
Also, send your asks un-anonymously next time. Don't be a coward.
Have a nice day!
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forcebookish · 1 month
What drew you to Burn Notice?
EXCELLENT QUESTION.................... i don't remember hahaha
nah ok iirc i caught it on tv when season 6 was airing and got hooked and i think i watched the whole thing up to that point in, like, a week. i don't remember what particularly caught me, but at the time, i was living with my friend and wasn't in school or working, so i didn't have a lot going on and found it strangely soothing. i still do! it's my go-to comfort show. something about michael's deep, steady voice, especially on the VOs, and all the whump and found family was (and is) really relaxing to me. and i like that they help people who no one else can help and that it's not afraid to be sentimental. you know, it's this perfect blend of comedy, action, tragedy, drama, mystery, and romance.
around the same time, i was also watching flashpoint, which is another series about veterans, snipers, and found family with a lot of whump lol for some reason, i'm really drawn to those kind of characters and stories. bucky is my fave in marvel; widowmaker and ana are my faves in overwatch; i'm one of six people who actually really like riley in btvs lol
maybe because it's people who are expected to be detached, emotionless, or not easily affected by their dire circumstances, but are in fact deeply affected and emotional despite their best efforts are really appealing to me. (ok, re: widowmaker, she is, by design, detached and emotionless, but only because she was brainwashed and even asked to be; plus, that just opens up great potential for emotion breakdowns in fanfiction! :D) (hm, i also apparently like brainwashing plots 🤔)
i also LOVVVVE mom characters, especially overly devoted and protective ones who have complicated or abusive relationships with their kids. maddie is tied with michael for my fave; mags is my fave in justified; cersei is one of my faves in asoiaf. basically, i like mama bears who are at risk of eating their cubs. again, i think it has to do with that dichotomy and contradictory nature. moms are expected to be protective of their kids, yes, but when it's to the detriment of the very kids they do all these shitty things for, that scratches a particular itch to me.
i tend to like characters who not only have layers, but have facets of their personalities that might not jive together or mesh well; they have sides of themselves that they have to fight or reconcile with. they're hard and soft. michael is an army ranger veteran, an ex-spy, a killer; he's also an abuse survivor, a lover, has a soft spot for kids. sam is a navy seal veteran, a forger, a killer; he's also a sugar baby, a booze hound, a goofball. fiona is an ex-IRA guerilla, a bomber, an arms dealer; she's also a lover, a grieving sister, someone with a fierce moral compass. jesse is a badass counter intelligence agent, a killer, a ball of rage; he's also a grieving son, a whiner, kind of a dork. i love their inner-conflicts and how those really do inform the way they interact with one another. i love that they have history and intense fights or issues, but always come back and forgive each other.
i also tend to like stories with major character death? i guess i just like high stakes! it really is the whole package for me! 😂😂
ANYWAY........................................................... thanks for popping in, obviously i love rambling about stuff i like <3333
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