#detransition pride flag
detransisbeautiful · 2 years
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my detrans pride flag :)
originally posted on my old flag account but I figured I'd post it here too!
terfs esp those who aren't detrans DNI
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Detrans Woman Pride Flag
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Detrans woman (or reidentified woman): someone who detransitioned to womanhood.
It could overlap with FtMtF, however not every detrans woman feel represented by that acronym, some may detransition from being non-binary, for example (i.e. FtNtF).
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genialtomfool · 1 year
Hello!!! My friend just made a new detransition flag
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Much prettier than the previous ones I think,, you can ask any questions about it on discord. Her user is lizzy.is.dizzy.
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x-honeycomb-x · 1 year
1 note = 1 week of detransitioning
feel free to join me! Detransition for tumblr 💓👾
1 note = 1 week of me detransitioning
using she/they pronouns
dressing feminine
only cumming when watching lesbian porn
no testosterone (although it’s established I’ll go 10+ years without t)
take estrogen (if I can find it and my safety allows)
massage my boobs
wear bras and underwear (which I do everyday anyways)
Write “Tumblr’s girl” on my body with a permanent marker
get a temporary womb tattoo
shave my body
take my trans pride flag down
use a feminine minecraft/video game skin
use feminine shampoo and body wash
wear an accessory that reminds me I’m tumblr’s detrans girl/woman
Keep me as tumblr’s detrans girl <3 comment if you’re joining me
Edit: This post has been up for a year, and I don't think the points would go up much longer, in a conclusion I need to detransition for 14 years, i'll be a cis woman until i'm 38, thanks guys <3 And for the context I have detransitioned irl for a year
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I still think it's really funny that the "toothpaste"/"listerine" flag I (partially?) made back in 2016 based off an anon's suggestion took off and had so much discourse over it. Because I literally had NO idea about it until years later when I stumbled upon it randomly (iirc) because nobody said anything to my face about it ever. Even now I don't think anyone has said anything to me outside of direct responses of posts I made about it.
Like there's literally everyone across every spectrum of everything either loving or hating the flag for completely different reasons, some of which aren't even remotely true. But somehow it almost never reached me.
I'm just here playing in my mud pit trying to help people make and find flags and terms that make them happy while there's a whole war raging over (at least) one of them around the corner.
Anyway, I got burned out a while ago from making flags because people kept making like 100000 a day with photos and copyrighted images on them and I couldn't keep up so I don't know all the flags the youth are using anymore.
Anyway I just wanted to reiterate that I'm NOT a truscum. One of them took the flag and reuploaded it stating it was the "official" gay man flag and I guess that's when it exploded and people just assumed they made it?
I also still 100% support non-dysphoric/transitioning trans people, bi/pan lesbians/gay men, anyone with "weird" or "contradictory" labels, people with 500 genders or 0 genders or -62 genders, you can detransition, retransition, LMNOP-transition, you can change your sex but not your gender, you can reclaim your slurs, you can do whatever you want forever, just don't be an ass and for the love of cats stop making overly complex flags, they're supposed to be simple for a reason!
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@gayflagblog's version
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Mod Hermy
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bunnyyu · 22 days
This is to the trans folks who have felt so much grief and pain from being trans alone that they have considered detransition/detransitioned. I see you, and I love you. As a trans person who has considered whether it’s even worth the fight, if it’s even worth it to continue being trans in a world that is so unbelievably inconsiderate and exclusionary of trans people, I can assure you, it’s worth it. Get up and fight for your rights. You do not deserve to be beaten down by those that will not see you for YOU. I know it’s difficult. I know being trans can make us feel like we do not belong in this world. But we do. And we always will. Trans people will always exist and have existed for so long. Future generations of trans kids are gonna need ol’ trans folks like us. Keep fighting. Go to pride, go to local youth groups for lgbt+ minorities. Put flags up, make a scene. Make NOISE. let the people know that we EXIST. And we will never, ever stop existing. EVER. PERIOD.
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wordslikesilver · 7 months
Seeing the discourse lately on transmisogyny and coming across new terms like tme and tma being used more than I think I’ve ever seen before because of everything going on had me uneasy, not gonna lie, I always do when I find new terminology from the alphabet mafia because I’m thinking to myself oh boy, more stuff to explain to cis people. Looked into it, it all seems pretty reasonable to me tho for including nonbinary femmes and femme intersex people I’ve sorta just always by default assumed “Trans Femme” was really good given the whole “it’s a spectrum and transmisogyny by definition is talking about the people on the femme side of it who didn’t start there” so admittedly I’ll probably be a grump about changing my vocab soon.
But then I see some new shit in the wake of all this TERF nonsense and bigotry being used against trans women? Detransitioned cis women calling themselves trans women and saying WE don’t understand the concept of gender well? The audacity? Look, changing the labels of a community to be less offensive is something I support so loudly and love and adore. This isn’t that. This is people encroaching on our pride and our identities and pretending the flag we nobly fly, the icon of bravery and unifying love in the face of oppression that it is, isn’t clearly “ours” enough. That it’s something they’re allowed to say belongs to them too so we need to come up with something new to call ourselves when we discuss the pain we face in our lives. Erasing and rewording the definitions of who we are til our identity is gone altogether. Moving the goal posts and telling us to teach everyone a whole new set of labels when the average layman still doesn’t even know that “Cis” isn’t a fucking slur, let alone what it means. Never forget that at your core when you fight against this new bigotry and they try to dance circles around you with their words and misdirect the conversation to stupid shit. Alienation from an already unified identity is a classic means of making it so much fucking harder for the oppressed to have their pleas for basic rights be acknowledged. Never let your people’s pain be silenced by someone pretending to they’re too stupid to know who you’re talking about.
To the TERFs and bigots who find this, and I fucking hope you find this, Trans Woman is not yours to fucking claim just because “gender is a construct and complicated” you will NEVER know the pain people like me have been through. I refuse to acknowledge a claim on my people’s identity because someone managed to misunderstand a concept hard enough and it’s now snowballed into a new form of complicating discussions of deserving basic and equal rights. I have felt the pains a cis woman has felt, I have felt sexist and awful treatment from men, I have been catcalled, I have been stalked, I have been made unsafe, I have been expected to be a mother for no other reason than “all women want them one day” and I have been assumed to be less than a man for some imagined frailty of the fairer sex. I am a woman. We can share that label, I WANT to share that label. We can bond over sapphic love and feminine experiences and hardships we both suffer under a cruel patriarchy. In just the same way, I have never known the pain of period cramps. I don’t have a vagina. I will never have a pregnancy scare and I will never feel the side effects of birth control. I wasn’t catcalled by gross men walking home when I was in high school. I was never sexualized by the media when I was in middle school the way cis girls would see happen to them. I am NOT a cis woman and I will never be one. I grew up as a boy, I lived and I loved as a young man, I saw the world through masculine eyes and was raised being treated as one, I will never pretend I know what it’s like to be a young girl being preyed upon and used by an older man. I will never touch that label because it’s simply not correct at the most fundamental level. I am a trans woman and that made me who I am. After all the people I’ve met and all the experiences I’ve shared, it took time to be so proud of calling myself a trans woman. Holding up the sky would’ve taken less strength of the heart, but now I feel the deepest pride knowing I’ve done something inconceivably harder.
But you, you people cannot take that from me and my sisters. I draw the fucking line at saying you think you have the slightest notion of what it’s like to be transfeminine. To be born in a body that makes people see you as a man from the very first glance, to hear you wrong from the first whisper of your voice. To spend the rest of your life working tirelessly in a fight against your own biology and/or the perception of the entire world whenever it casts its ugly eye upon you. Some of us don’t even have the privilege of fighting those perceptions or the things or own bodies have been programmed to force on us. Some of us don’t even want to have to do anything about how we look because it’s bullshit to have to fight for that basic respect from our peers in the first place and their standards just don’t align with who we are deep down in the first place! Gender is complicated but this isn’t. Have you EVER held your breath in the women’s public washroom and tucked your feet in because you were scared you’d make other women uncomfortable, because you’re not sure if you’re in an accepting space? FEARED what might happen if you step into the women’s change room to put on a bathing suit or your work clothes? Have you EVER been threatened with physical violence and called slurs in front of your own mother on public transit? Have you ever had to tell your doctor you’re ready to drop out of school to show how “sure” (re: fucking desperate) you are to be prescribed HRT? Sure, lots of cis women are on HRT, I treat them as patients all the time. Have you ever had a hot flash at the age of 21 because you were late on your injection? Did you pierce your skin with thin metal once a week for years and years to get the breasts you have? Did your body do irreparable things to your bones and your voice that make it so no one will ever see you as a woman at first glance without thousands of hours of effort, of tears, of sheer fucking focus and fixation on achieving the ideal self you see in your mind and dream of being one day? DID YOU HAVE TO BEG YOUR GOVERNMENT TO LET YOU HAVE THE BODY YOU LITERALLY ALREADY HAD AT BIRTH OR DID THEY NEVER EVEN SO MUCH AS TRY TO GET IN THE WAY OF JUST BEING CALLED MISS ON YOUR GOD DAMN LICENSE? Cis women can’t even begin to imagine the feelings I have felt, building my wings of feather and bones and wax, day after day, dreaming of flying beside my sisters who were born with wings they’ll never fear will melt, all the while remembering the last time someone born in a body like mine flew too close to the sun. Maybe they’ll perhaps know what it’s like to bind them to their back and hide them beneath their shirt, maybe they’ll even have sheered and ripped the bones from their sockets and one day wish they could have them back and sing with the rest of the angels like they used to, but they will NEVER fly on wings like mine, fear the heat from the light that makes life worth living the way I do, fear the same slings and arrows screaming up through the air from down below and even at times from above my head to let me know loud and clear they wanna knock me outta this sky, this sky that’s so beautiful and holy I cry when I touch it, the very first chance they get.
Transphobia won’t ever take the sky from me. My Icarian Wings are made on the foundation of generation after generation of my people who dreamed and yearned to touch the sunlight blue skies and the infinite glittering nights, each of us telling each other, telling ourselves we’ll never fear the light again one day, lifting each other when we fall, soaring higher each time than the ones whose wax melted before we could save them could, warmly teaching each other how to fix our broken wings and freely gifting each other the love it takes to make them stronger for the next flight. Holding each others hands as we dance and show each other how to fly, hand in hand and heart in heart with the angels who call us sister angels. A cis woman having the audacity to flap her never melting wings and saying hers are just like mine, that the name of my people is just a construct so she can say she she’s just like Icarus too, makes me wanna vomit. Pretending she knows what it’s like to watch in terror as all the feathers fall out suddenly in a moment of weakness making her break her bones upon the rocks, listening to everyone around her say “I knew it, I knew his wings were fake, look at him crawl along the ground in the dirt and the mud where he belongs.” Pretending that if two people both have skin, even of a different colour, that since the labels are made up, the sun and society itself will surely treat them the same if the white one calls themselves black.
Transphobia won’t ever take the sky from me. Come and fucking try to take these wings from me and see what happens.
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sapphos-darlings · 1 year
Here's our pinned post to help you navigate this blog!
Check out these general tags we use, and below the cut introduction to our mod team. FAQ under construction.
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Mod Lavender (on the left): Lesbian, Nordic, in my 30s. I am a combination of passion for my nerdy hobbies and writing craft, and burning fury for female liberation. I am a linguist, a history-enthusiast, and a great lover of movies, especially horror and scifi. I never grew out of my otaku phase so that’s who I am now. I own fancy rats and study Mandarin Chinese for fun. A survivor of bipolar disorder, self-harm addiction and broken heart; it gets better! I’ve lived in the woods for four months and only cried once during it.
Mod Sade (on the right): Bisexual, 31, detransitioned and neurodivergent. Relationshipped with a nonbinary person. I love travel, history, stories, storms and rain, and unicorns. If I was a dragon, I would hoard notebooks and mugs and TTRPG dice from Etsy. I take bad polaroids and occasionally participate in arts such as painting and writing and doll customization. I’m a lineage-oriented Sims 4 player and a vulture culture enthusiast. WoW raider, Reddit user, so far left it hurts to look right.
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freackthejester · 1 year
I am still pissed about being called straight the other day by a guy who had just an hour before bragged about sending a consensual dick pic to a gold star lesbian.
Strangers definitely read me as male in my customer service job, but pretty much all the co-workers know that I'm afab and basically a woman, in terms of getting mad about the patriarchy and having tits and how I identify. There's a tendency for some people who know me medium-well or run in queer circles to call me 'they' and that's perfectly alright and friendly, a reasonable thing to default to when i am that asshole who refuses to answer The Question.
Do I have to come out waving asexual pride flags and Detransitioned Lizards in order to be recognized? Do I have to degrade myself to participating in go buy a flag culture?
Thats how he said it too, the little bastard, he said it was weird that a person would get booked on a Queer show (stand-up comedy) just because they (I) look queer even though they (I) are (am) straight.
You motherfuckingasshole . We're comedians. I'm joking. I'm dodging the question. I'm not part of you're system maaaaaaannaaannnnn.
My belonging in the LBTQIA+ community is the only irretactable part of my social identity. Homophobes don't like me. I'm that scary Political Lesbian who read the SCUM Manifestio and quit men but has a tough time warming up to women because y'all deal with way toofuckingmuch so what am I now except kind of ugly?
and Proud?
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itsjustfire4 · 2 years
I’m fucking livid rn.
Has anyone heard anything about the laws they’re trying to pass in the US?
-There’s the thing in Oklahoma they want to pass where they can forcibly detransition those under 26.
-Fl getting those under 18 to detransition and stopping those who are trying.
-They’re also trying to get the ‘don’t say gay’ bill to become nation wide.
Like this is isn’t even about kids anymore (it never was), this is outright discrimination and is fucking unconstitutional. And that’s not even mentioning the shit that’s already passed.
This isn’t and never was about kids. This is genuine hate for those in the LGBTQ+ community. As a trans person who lives the US this is terrifying. I have family in Florida, the oldest being 9, what if they turn out to be queer? This is putting children in unsafe home/school/public environments. This is not okay.
And it isn’t even just the US! Stuff like this is going on in the UK as well! And that’s not even beginning to talk about the country’s that you get the death penalty for being LGBTQ+!!
And this also isn’t mentioning the shit going on in the schools themselves.
Last year my school had a Pride Day for LGBTQ+ students and other minority groups. The GSA (which I myself am apart of) spent weeks making decorations for this event. We spent time putting up these decorations just for them all to get ripped down. And the pride flag that we put up was torn down and replaced with a trump flag. This was putting all the bullying and harassment the students have been facing at our our school up front and you want to know what happened? Those students that did this shit got a 40 minute talking to about how it isn’t okay to bully ppl and they had to apologize to a few kids from the GSA. That’s it. That’s all they fucking did. This year we were denied a Pride Day because it was a “distraction”. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? these kids got zero punishment and now they’re trying to get us to what? Shut up about it? No.
This is just one example, I have so many stories of the things that have gone on at my school and how the staff did fuck all to help. There are plenty of teachers at the school who have showed their support for us LGBTQ+ members and for them in so grateful. But the admin, the people that can do anything about it have done absolutely nothing. Even when it got physical. They didn’t step in to help.
We have seminars and days dedicated to all these websites about saying something about bullying so that people can get help. But. When we reach out and ask for the help that they preach for us to look for they do do nothing? You CANNOT tell us to ask for help and then ignore us when we ask for it. This is why the $uic!d€ rate for LGBTQ+ teens is so high. This is why we don’t ask for help.
Do better. We are screaming for help but are getting drowned to be silent because it’s easier for you to do nothing. We have been shown time and time again that we are not safe in the places where we should be. I can’t step out of my house without being made to feel unsafe and that isn’t how it should be at all.
This is why I hate America and governments in general. My rights should not be up for debate by anyone but especially people who have never gone through anything like this. My medical history and/or plans are no one’s business but my own. Who I love and choose to marry is no one’s business but my own.
Learn to shut the fuck up and let people live their lives without fear of being killed/harmed/harassed in any way.
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Detrans Man Pride Flag
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Detrans man (or reidentified man): someone who detransitioned to manhood.
Not essentially the same as MtFtM, it could be MtNtM, for example.
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mishkalantia · 2 years
Anti-transgender bills in Florida:
These are the only words that come to mind to describe what's going on in Florida's House and Senate in March 2023. The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, may as well add a bill to have us wear pink triangle arm bands at this point like the Nazis did.
For the love of God, vote in your next election. People's very lives depend on it.
Strengthen the 'don't say gay' bill. Bans any discussion on sexuality and gender through 8th grade, then vaguely states that any material from 8th to 12th grade must be age appropriate. It doesn't give any guidelines to what that is. The bill also limits pronoun usage to birth gender being the only acceptable use in schools. Teachers have to submit a full list of every. Single. Book. In their class rooms for state approval under the new current law.
This one legislates drag performances. It will fine, suspend, and revoke all licenses for any business that do any kind of drag performances where children are present.
Restricts what flags can be flown at public buildings. Specifically, it is targeting the LGBT flag and the transgender pride flag. But the bill is written so badly that it oddly also includes local government flags.
This one is an anti transgender bathroom bill. Bans anyone from using a bathroom or changing room other than for the sex listed on their birth certificate. Punishments include jail time, sexual misdemeanor infraction on you record, and a 10,000 dollar fine.
Bans sex education until 6th grade. No discussion of periods until 6th grade even for girls who have them early will be allowed by school officials. Abstinence only education as only acceptable education. It would also allow any person in your school district to object to any classroom book, school library book, or a book on a reading list that shows or describes any sexual conduct, even if it is not pornographic—provided it’s not for a health course. It also limits all discussion of gender to binary terms only, including how students and staff are addressed.
HB 999:
Removes all attempts at diversity employment from universities of any kind. Guts diversity programs, as well as ban majors and minors in subjects like Gender Studies, Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, Radical Gender Theory, and any interest groups for minorities of all types, not just LGBT organizations. Amazing they didn't add anthropology to the list.
SB 952:
Requires employers who allowed insurance to cover gender transition in the past to pay all expenses for detransitioning, even if the employee no longer works for that company.
SB254 / HB1421:
This is the one that scares me the most. Bans all transition related treatment for children. Remove all insurance support for transition related care. Because the bill is badly written, it technically also bans procedures used in some cancer treatments for breast cancer and prostate cancer as medications and procedures are also used for transition. Allows the state to take emergency custody of a child being supported through transition. All transgender youths in Florida under the age of 18 must de-transition by the end of 2023.
It also allows the state to take emergency custody of a child with a transgender parent. Even crossing state lines if one parent lives in Florida.
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pashterlengkap · 3 months
Russian trans politician forced to detransition or get sent to psychiatric hospital
Yulia Alyoshina, a transgender Russian politician, announced last month that they were detransitioning. In an interview published on Thursday with Novaya Gazeta Baltiya, they revealed that they were forced to undergo this detransition due to threats of being sent to a psychiatric hospital. Alyoshina, who will be referred to with they/them pronouns as it is not currently clear what English pronouns they currently prefer, had sought help from the Russian Supreme Court asking whether they had a right to exist as a transgender person. The court responded by saying it “doesn’t make decisions.” Related Russian bar employees arrested for promoting LGBTQ+ “extremism” Drag performers were stripped as their outfits were confiscated by authorities. “I made posts on my Telegram channel in May and June because of this stress,” Alyoshina said. “I’ve been under severe stress since winter.” Global perspectives delivered right to your inbox Our newsletter bridges borders to bring you LGBTQ+ news from around the world. Subscribe to our Newsletter today Last month, Alyoshina made a sudden post on Telegram saying, “I went through old albums of my ancestors, prayed for them, and it helped the idea set in that I’m a guy.” “I’m a patriot of my country, that’s why I live in Russia. I apologize to all the Russian people!” According to the interview, they had made these posts after hearing about the risk of being forced into a psychiatric institution. This is a common tactic used by the Russian government to silence political opponents. Last November, Russia declared the “international LGBT movement” an “extremist organization,” raiding LGBTQ+ bars and clubs while arresting citizens. Many have been incarcerated for just displaying a pride flag or even having a nebulous tie to the LGBTQ+ community. Alyoshina had run for governor of Altai, a region in Siberia, as a member of the Civic Initiative Party. She had also sought help from the Russian Orthodox Church but had received “repulsive” treatment. She said, “I’m in a situation where I have not much to lose now.” http://dlvr.it/T8lqgl
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xxsaints4girlsxx · 1 year
apollo, please put your headphones on.
not looking forward to the upcoming alliance between groomer-panic-drag-ban-don't-say-gay fascists and ban-kink-at-pride-protect-minors-seggs-is-scawy twitter queers. i can imagine it so vividly, they'll propose some gay propaganda bill akin to what they have in russia, and when they're talking to the mainstream media, they'll say "we're not homophobes, we just don't want people fucking in the streets or walking each other on leashes at walmart", and they'll point to the most extreme pictures they can find of kink floats at pride, and the liberals will be suckered right in. but of course, the language will be vague, and homophobes see a gay couple holding hands and immediately think about how they fuck, they see a rainbow flag and think "sexual deviance", and it'll really be up to the cops to decide how it's enforced -
maybe this is a paranoid fantasy. i certainly hope so. but that's what i would have thought about drag bans and forced detransitioning, too. all i know is that we're all freaks to them, and freaks are stronger if we fight side by side instead of fighting each other.
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plushself · 2 years
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detransitioner flag!
I noticed most detransitioner flags are either made by transphobes or not very pretty so I thought I'd try my hand. free to use by anyone who isn't anti trans of course.
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Detransitioned/detransitioning lesbian flag
(For a woman who transitioned either socially, medically, or both, into a transgender man, and has since detransitioned/started detransitioning back into a cis woman, who also is attracted to other women/females)
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