#detransition flag
detransisbeautiful · 2 years
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my detrans pride flag :)
originally posted on my old flag account but I figured I'd post it here too!
terfs esp those who aren't detrans DNI
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floweroftruth · 3 months
Detrans Flag!
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This flag is trans friendly and accepting of all kinds of detransitioners! (sorry for the low quality symbol if anybody wants to recreate it with a higher quality feel free to do so)
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confusedcunny · 1 year
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I made a pride flag for misgendering/detranskink.
It's all just for fun, no intention of being offensive or anything. Just had an idea and kinda made it.
Also I know it's not super well made but just an idea I thought of. Like the heart reversing the colors to signify either the use of the pronouns assigned at birth or signifying the reversion back into the gender assigned at birth. (But it's just a little heart, not the whole flag, since it's a kink and not reality.) Or well, that was kinda the idea I had...
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Detrans Woman Pride Flag
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Detrans woman (or reidentified woman): someone who detransitioned to womanhood.
It could overlap with FtMtF, however not every detrans woman feel represented by that acronym, some may detransition from being non-binary, for example (i.e. FtNtF).
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uwuinkitsuneuwu · 2 months
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И ещё один флаг, сделанный по идее одной из лисичек в нашей лисьей коммуне
Детранс флаг!! Для тех, кто прошёл транс-переход, а потом понял, что совершил ошибку, и сделал переход обратно
(Почему это выглядит как выцветшие розоватые цвета флага России?...)
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I've finally bit the bullet and got a doctor's appointment up here to try and get an HRT prescription. I'm not backing down on it, even if someone tells me my health issues are a risk. I'm filing my name change over the summer. The world is not getting kinder. My transition will not get easier. There is no surrender if I want to stay honest about myself.
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genialtomfool · 1 year
Hello!!! My friend just made a new detransition flag
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Much prettier than the previous ones I think,, you can ask any questions about it on discord. Her user is lizzy.is.dizzy.
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intersex-support · 2 years
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Image description: [ First slide is a logo that combines trans and intersex flags by putting trans colors inside the purple circle. Text says #Trans intersex solidarity. The rest of the slides have text that reads: Gender affirming care for trans teens is under threat - and the same bills force surgeries on intersex babies. 90 of the 120 gender affirming healthcare ban bills in states across the USA have carve outs to permit nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants. That's 75%! This is why we need #TransIntersexSolidarity!
Eradicating our sex traits, our genders, our bodies, is eradicating us.States are segregating trans, nonbinary, and intersex people into false sex and gender binaries by simultaneously forcing trans+ youth to detransition AND authorizing non-consensual interventions on intersex infants and children. We can’t let them. The accelerating gender and sex apartheid must be stopped. #TransIntersexSolidarity
Legislators: So you want to save the children? Here's how. Protect youth by preserving their rights to bodily autonomy and self-determination. Protect youth by letting them be their authentic selves. Let trans, nonbinary & intersex youth make their own choices about their own bodies, when they are informed and ready. #TransIntersexSolidarity
Solidarity from intersex communities with trans+ youth in the United States and across the globe! [body] Some people are trans and/or nonbinary. Some people are intersex. Some people are both trans+ and intersex. We are all united in our shared birthrights to be both free from interventions we do not want and to have access to the gender affirming care we do want. #TransIntersexSolidarity]
Sharing these graphics from @intersexawareness on Instagram. Trans and intersex communities have always been tied together, and right now both of us are under attack. Solidarity is more important than ever!
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lizzieisright · 7 months
How can you support Palestine? It’s constantly ranked as one of the worst countries for lgbt rights/safety and people who are found out face death in many instances. A man was decapitated in the street for being found gay and gay sexual relations are illegal with a penalty of jail time… Who do you think you are crusading for? The reality is if you went there with a rainbow flag walking down the street you would not be ok. Queer people flee to Israel for safety because society there as in many Islamic regions is notoriously anti-lgbt. Israel bought their land and have every right to defend themselves contrary to what the people wanting to wipe out their entire country believe
I support Palestine because every person has a right to live. Because what is happening is a genocide. It's a fact. You can argue about it to the kingdom come, but it's done by the book genocide and, since it's a fact, opinions can't change it.  
With this being said, I'd like to address two specific points you made.
You can't shame me - or anyone who is queer and supports Palestine - by talking about hate crimes against queer people or describing them. Because before that you should look at your own country and check when was the last time a hate crime happened. I bet it'll be recent. Hate crimes and homophobia are not exclusive to arabic/muslim countries. This point of view is narrow minded at best and racist at worst - either by the lack of education or lack of interest in the world.
"The reality is if you went there with a rainbow flag walking down the street you would not be ok." - At this point I thought you might be a troll because saying this to me? I really am the wrong person to come to with this. I live in Russia. It's illegal to wear rainbow flags here and you will go to jail for it. Chechnya has torture camps for gay men. There's police raids in gay bars in Moscow happening regularly. Trans people are in danger of being forced to detransition. I live in the scenario above, you don't need to scare me with it out of supporting Palestine.
But my point is - I support Palestine as a queer even more as just a human, because I know what it means to live like this. Just because Palestinian queers might not be all loud and proud doesn't mean they don't exist; just because being gay is condemned and puts one's life at risk doesn't mean queers just suddenly stop existing.
And I also know - just as I have support here (my closest friends are straight women with traditional beliefs and they are very comfortable with me being gay, most people I know are not violently homophobic) Palestinian queers have their support, their communities and their people who love them and care for them. And they need our support as well. We don't get to turn our back on our fellow queers just because they happen to live in unsafe places. (and again, this kind of belief stinks of racism or of the need to broaden your worldview horizons. Believe me, the majority of queers are not white and don't live in lgbt-friendly countries)
"Israel bought their land and have every right to defend themselves contrary to what the people wanting to wipe out their entire country believe." My point in this is also really affected by me being Russian. (I'm sorry if some of you are uncomfortable with it, I can't really change it.)
You see, these reasons are very similar to what I've heard when Putin tried to justify the attack on Ukraine.
"Israel bought their land" is just as disgusting to me as "Ukraine didn't exist until 1991". "Israel has every right to defend themselves" is Putin's "We're defending ourselves against the collective West". Which is fucking nonsense.
And this is done by the book propaganda - and I'm not saying this because propaganda is a big word people like to throw around. I know this because I studied propaganda for my bachelor degree as a part of "changing public's opinion" course - me and my classmates were trained in this. They take some historical facts you can't deny or make an enemy out of someone (them vs us) and manipulate it to fit their rhetoric. Once you know how to recognise it you'll never not recognise it again.
Israel is not defending itself by targeting civilians and sniping children - they killed more children in these months than Russia in two years which is horrifying to me - they confirmed multiple times they want to erase Palestine from the face of the Earth. These words don't mean self-defence. It's a colonial power that really wants to show how powerful they are and how unstoppable they are. And again, I know this from the side of the colonial power. For me, people who side with Israel are the same people who side with Russia - and it makes me sick. 
Also please don’t assume that people who support Palestine want to destroy Israel, this is again, very narrow minded. Saving people from genocide by committing another genocide? This is plainly stupid. The world is not black and white, it's more complicated than just taking sides. I'll give an example: I'm queer and I know I'll be in danger if I ever come to Dagestan (close to Chechnya) - but dagestan people fund rise to send humanitarian aid to Palestine and I donate to them, because people are dying and I don't really care if people who'll help them are homophobic to me. Because it's not about me.
But there are moments in history when you need to take a stand, and I will not stand with Israel. (or Russia for that matter)
Anyway. Stand with Ukraine. Free Palestine. 
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x-honeycomb-x · 1 year
1 note = 1 week of detransitioning
feel free to join me! Detransition for tumblr 💓👾
1 note = 1 week of me detransitioning
using she/they pronouns
dressing feminine
only cumming when watching lesbian porn
no testosterone (although it’s established I’ll go 10+ years without t)
take estrogen (if I can find it and my safety allows)
massage my boobs
wear bras and underwear (which I do everyday anyways)
Write “Tumblr’s girl” on my body with a permanent marker
get a temporary womb tattoo
shave my body
take my trans pride flag down
use a feminine minecraft/video game skin
use feminine shampoo and body wash
wear an accessory that reminds me I’m tumblr’s detrans girl/woman
Keep me as tumblr’s detrans girl <3 comment if you’re joining me
Edit: This post has been up for a year, and I don't think the points would go up much longer, in a conclusion I need to detransition for 14 years, i'll be a cis woman until i'm 38, thanks guys <3 And for the context I have detransitioned irl for a year
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I still think it's really funny that the "toothpaste"/"listerine" flag I (partially?) made back in 2016 based off an anon's suggestion took off and had so much discourse over it. Because I literally had NO idea about it until years later when I stumbled upon it randomly (iirc) because nobody said anything to my face about it ever. Even now I don't think anyone has said anything to me outside of direct responses of posts I made about it.
Like there's literally everyone across every spectrum of everything either loving or hating the flag for completely different reasons, some of which aren't even remotely true. But somehow it almost never reached me.
I'm just here playing in my mud pit trying to help people make and find flags and terms that make them happy while there's a whole war raging over (at least) one of them around the corner.
Anyway, I got burned out a while ago from making flags because people kept making like 100000 a day with photos and copyrighted images on them and I couldn't keep up so I don't know all the flags the youth are using anymore.
Anyway I just wanted to reiterate that I'm NOT a truscum. One of them took the flag and reuploaded it stating it was the "official" gay man flag and I guess that's when it exploded and people just assumed they made it?
I also still 100% support non-dysphoric/transitioning trans people, bi/pan lesbians/gay men, anyone with "weird" or "contradictory" labels, people with 500 genders or 0 genders or -62 genders, you can detransition, retransition, LMNOP-transition, you can change your sex but not your gender, you can reclaim your slurs, you can do whatever you want forever, just don't be an ass and for the love of cats stop making overly complex flags, they're supposed to be simple for a reason!
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@gayflagblog's version
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Mod Hermy
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bunnyyu · 23 days
This is to the trans folks who have felt so much grief and pain from being trans alone that they have considered detransition/detransitioned. I see you, and I love you. As a trans person who has considered whether it’s even worth the fight, if it’s even worth it to continue being trans in a world that is so unbelievably inconsiderate and exclusionary of trans people, I can assure you, it’s worth it. Get up and fight for your rights. You do not deserve to be beaten down by those that will not see you for YOU. I know it’s difficult. I know being trans can make us feel like we do not belong in this world. But we do. And we always will. Trans people will always exist and have existed for so long. Future generations of trans kids are gonna need ol’ trans folks like us. Keep fighting. Go to pride, go to local youth groups for lgbt+ minorities. Put flags up, make a scene. Make NOISE. let the people know that we EXIST. And we will never, ever stop existing. EVER. PERIOD.
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Detrans Man Pride Flag
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Detrans man (or reidentified man): someone who detransitioned to manhood.
Not essentially the same as MtFtM, it could be MtNtM, for example.
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kiruliom · 10 months
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no spoons for ID
trans² (trans squared) flag
reasons one could use this flag (non-exclusive):
transitioning in more than 1 direction (I need to specify this experience is NOT intersex exclusive)
re-identifying with your agab ('detransitioning'), but from a distictly trans lens this time.
having detransitioned, but deciding to re-transition at a later date.
having more than one gender
being so trans just using transgender doesnt describe it well enough.
I was gonna add more non-binary inclusive stripes but I had to keep it to a minimum while still keeping it recognizable as a version of a trans flag. I hope the single white stripe from the original does it justice, at least it's touching the blue as well this time ^-^
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TS provided in alt text
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popart-vvv · 5 months
This is a PSA...
Why? Why?!
It was made by members of 4chan, the worst site on the internet BY FAR! The complete opposite of KO_OP--filled with right-wing rhetoric and intolerant of any piece of media that dares to be different! If you like the "parody game" and its related products, then you're saying that you support 4chan, warranting a block from me.
2. Lazy and unambitious design. GVH is all-around unique; high schoolers having to deal with the lead up to a cataclysmic event, deciding how to spend their time up to that event, and every character is an anthropomorphic dino. Plus, the game is a blend of rhythm and cinematic adventure, a novel choice in game design. Plus, the characters are all written like believable teens with understandable issues (the effects of the impending meteor, for instance), with plenty of non-forced conflict.
The OTHER game, meanwhile... stole the designs of the main characters and appropriated them into high school drama cliches, plus, the design for the main teacher blatantly rips off an Adult Swim character, for some reason. The worst part is the main character, though! It's just some muscly guy with a blank face! No eyes, mouth, hair, NOTHING ON THE HEAD! Goddammit, seriously, that is the WORST character design I have ever seen in my life!
Plus, THAT game is just another throwaway dating sim VN that can NEVER reach GVH's level.
GVH's main characters are queer one way or another: Fang is non-binary, Rosa is a transgender woman, Sage is a transgender man, and it's possible for Fang to enter a relationship with Naomi. Reed is also hinted to be in a relationship with a male classmate, Alvin. Plus, there is some subtext regarding the pairings of Trish/Rosa and Sage/Stella, as well as in Naser's arc.
Meanwhile... THAT game is basically a vehicle by its creators to espouse 4chan bullshit. Fang is an enby when you first meet them, but their "happy ending" has the player character convince them to detransition. RED FLAG! RED FLAG! And the only endings where they stay an enby are the ones that don't give them any respect! This is bad messaging! Apparently, they're saying that the only way to find happiness in life is to throw away your queer identity! FUCK THAT SHIT!
Again, that is huge disrespect towards a likeable representation of an enby.
Note: Rosa, Sage, and Naomi's queer characteristics were envisioned DURING the rewrite, so it was after THAT game was revealed. Make of that what you will.
4. It blatantly disrespects KO_OP, and frankly, the company does not deserve it.
Goodbye Volcano High was released in August of last year, but it was actually revealed as far back as summer 2020. It was VASTLY different back then--it was more like a traditional visual novel, except with the same anthropomorphic dinos and unique designs. By the time GVH was released, it had gone through a huge story rewrite, resulting in the final product.
Unfortunately, there's a whole backstory in the development of GVH.
2020 was when COVID-19 was ravaging the world, and KO_OP's workers were struggling with the disease, putting a major dent in the game's production and delaying it for a while.
Also, the rewrite started not long after the game was revealed. Admittedly, this was due to a mistake on KO_OP's part in their choice of a writing crew, but the writing team was replaced, so good on them.
Also during development, they were harassed by 4chan and other unsavory people, culminating in THAT game. Basically, there's an undercurrent of PTSD--on the KO_OP Discord, if you bring up THAT game or any other hugely offensive content, you'll get a warning or a ban. Is it any wonder they hate THAT game?
Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, KO_OP should be admired for withstanding all that crap and releasing GVH three years after its initial announcement, the payoff being that it has its own dedicated fanbase and was nominated in three major awards ceremonies. Like GLAAD!
5. Real-World Events
Probably the worst part is that THAT game has a fanbase, even after a terribly heartbreaking event in February.
Two words: Nex Benedict.
Seriously, to still support that game, even in light of similar tragedies... That's inhumane.
I know this kind of post may not be your cup of tea, but I needed to get this off my chest. I love this game so much... It pains me to see that a supportive game, alongside its fans and creators, is being unfairly targeted by terrible people.
I stand by what I said in this post. I did my research before making this essay. That said, if there are any inaccuracies in here, I apologize.
However, I will not tolerate anyone who tries to argue in support of THAT game. If they do that, they get reported/blocked.
Sincerely, popart-vvv.
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