#deviant problems
karlachian · 2 months
i think it is funny when people make wyll the therapy friend as if that man even knows what therapy is. that 18 charisma is making you think he’s not fighting literal devils in there HE IS LYING TO YOU. don’t get me wrong he loves healthy communication he does NOT ever think about cognitive behavioral therapy though. actually give me 15 minutes alone in a room with him i know he has an ulder sized blind spot in his view of authority but i bet i could get him to subscribe to a deleuze-guattari viewpoint of psychiatry even. defender of the people and all that.
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prismaticpichu · 7 months
TAKE MY PHOTOSHOP AWAY Hshshshshshshhshshshshshshshshshshhs
Brain wanted MORE useless Sephiroth in a Pokeball 😂
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schminnie · 8 months
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fresh durge? would anyone like some durge?
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Thanks to an anonymous entry we have this sack of shit today! This entry just so happens to be from DeviantArt! It's safe to say the words and behaviour of Licca-ChanFTW is very much the general behaviour of antis (predators) in general. The comment section is abysmal. Going through the comments they're rife with misogyny, racism, homophobia and victim blaming. Yet they consistently seem to preach that everyone else is the problem. A true embodiment of what it means to be an anti; a predatory hypocrite pig. Link
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sumontienne · 1 year
text taken from the website
URGENT! Lawmakers have reintroduced the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a dangerous censorship bill that would give the government unprecedented control over the internet.
KOSA won’t make kids more safe. Instead, it’ll put youth in danger by preventing them from accessing resources they need. Lawmakers concerned about online safety should reject KOSA and instead work to protect all internet users from abusive tech companies by passing a Federal data privacy law. 
Why is KOSA a bad bill?
KOSA uses two methods to “protect” kids, and both of them are awful.
First, KOSA would pressure platforms to install filters that would wipe the net of anything deemed “inappropriate” for minors. This = instructing platforms to censor, plain and simple. Places that already use content filters have restricted important information about suicide prevention and LGBTQ+ support groups, and KOSA would spread this kind of censorship to every corner of the internet. It’s no surprise that anti-rights zealots are excited about KOSA: it would let them shut down websites that cover topics like race, gender, and sexuality.
Second, KOSA would ramp up the online surveillance of all internet users by expanding the use of age verification and parental monitoring tools. Not only are these tools needlessly invasive, they’re a massive safety risk for young people who could be trying to escape domestic violence and abuse. 
90+ rights groups agree that KOSA is dangerous and updates to the 2023 version won’t and can’t address the big problems with the bill. If you believe in a free and open internet, send a message to your lawmakers right now and tell them to reject KOSA!
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Going to forever keep advertising my shit with tropes because do I have to? No. Am I too "stupid" to do it another way? No, not really. And as you've all seen, I also am perfectly capable of writing real blurbs and do write real blurbs. But I think it's fun to make the pic with the tropes anyway and have that around too. And also it keeps the pretentious people away. The sort who don't understand reading is not always for taking a "discomfort" vitamin because they A) are privileged enough to not have discomfort every day of their life to need to escape from or B) are fresh out of college and haven't discovered the joys of/have been shamed OUT of reading as a fun low pressure thing they can do to escape when they're fucking tired (and they think this sort of thing is new with fanfic and not more or less how "trash" lit like romance novels are marketed), as opposed to reading as some sort of Moral Duty To Be Deep that was instilled in them by a middle aged straight white English professor who thinks one can fulfill this by writing 10 pages about books where people scream at each other, have affairs with young women, or Make Up A Guy to warn people about things that Could Happen (that *cough* already happen to marginalized people *cough*) Anyway it's my version of a scarecrow. Firing shots to keep the rent low. Come take a seat next to me in the dumpster my fellow raccoons.
#Doing this for music of my heart for one day when I cram it all into a delicious tropey collection#God the only thing I hate about this post though is how the length of that sentence reminds me of Charles Dickens I fuckin hate that guy#I love being a shallow gremlin it's part of my brand#I jest but tbh I just am so over that stuff#It's another version of trashing romance novels or pop music or whatever to feel deep#Like if you were really deep#You would conceive of the breadth of humanity - only a fraction of which is inherently graspable by you on a deeper level#You would conceive of the fact that the experiences of the collective of humanity amount to 8 billion inner universes#You would conceive of how the ultimate 'depth' is accepting that you will only ever dip your finger into the surface of the lake#Of human experience#And that nothing hints at the existence of this lake more than someone being able to take joy in or find value#In something which you are fundamentally incapable of inherently ascribing value to - a truth that there's absolutely no fault in#aside from the fault of believing a value is universal because you possess it#This is also sort of like that thing where I talk like a caffienated teenager in a 2003 deviant art forum#But I can whip out the 'correct' grammar and spelling as needed to shut someone up who's being needlessly pretentious#I know this will get no notes and you'll think me a fool shooting myself in the foot but I really don't care#1) I have a day job so I can afford all the attitude I want#And 2) I feel like the people who like my stuff get it....and that's fine with me#if my friends and regulars like things that's good enough for me#Also sorry while we're at it we should probably talk about how thinking fanfic is inherently stupid#Or not a valuable form of reading material#Is deeply linked with homophobia and misogyny#There are a LOT of problems with fanfic but they mostly have to do with people focusing on derivative work at the expense of#Indie creators getting attention for original work that doesn't benefit from a corporations' billions of dollars of marketing
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Okay, but like, disaster twins work so well for these two. They’re twins that cause problems on purpose
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They’re disaster twins that sometimes rope Tails into the mix. Knuckles is just the tired older brother that wants one day without chaos.
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pink-pone · 2 years
Some crazy stuff going on with Deviant Art lately, basically they’re automatically going to use your art to make ai generated art unless you painstakingly opt-out for each one of your posts. I have like 471 art pieces on there and some artists have thousands so…yeah. Rough.
I won’t leave though, even if so many others are. I’ve been there for years and it has good memories. Plus it’s nice to easily look back and see my art progress with DA’s gallery feature. But I totally get if others want to leave, it’s pretty crummy lol.
Update: Thanks to people’s comments I now know DA has set it so you don’t have to opt-out to each deviation manually, and that it’s automatically set so all your art is opted-out! Yay!! Still sad it had to happen in the first place, but yay!
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emmathompsonegot · 2 years
Saw that Gone gifset, and spent my shower crafting an elaborate post about how s6 spuffy had like 8 layers of themes
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miraclemaya · 2 years
ahhh tooo many rpg books i wanna buy but they cost money ahhh
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blackdaisies · 2 years
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It feels so exhausting to be an artist trying to have a social media presence right now. And I'm a filthy casual, I can't imagine how it is for artists trying to use these tools professionally. It feels like so many platforms are just actively trying to make things difficult for creatives.
Anyway, DeviantArt is being ratioed on twitter right now. If this affects you, go tell them to make it so we need to OPT IN to AI training. As it is, the default is you need to OPT OUT of every image which is seriously bullshit.
There are a ton of casual DA users that uploaded their art who might have no idea that their art is being used for AI training, and that is shitty.
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krakenprince · 1 month
i'm all about weirdo freak pervert mentally ill queers except if you're into anything weird you're my enemy
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websitewizard2005 · 4 months
i need a better title for Max Dallas Is “Not” A Lesbian but i cannot think of one.
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butchmartyr · 25 days
everybody wanna interrogate the norms with which they grew up with until it’s time to ask if sexual abuse (yes, even that kind of sexual abuse) is really a problem of dangerous individuals with deviant desire, or rather an issue of power and control over those vulnerable like every other form of abuse. or until you start asking if monogamous relationship norms are really apolitical. theyll straight up just start beating you with hammers for that one
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Paul Layer, aged 14 or 16 according to varied reports, sentenced by Magistrate Bradford, of Sturgeon Falls to two years in the Kingston Penitentiary on a charge of forgery. was taken to that institution last week by Deputy Sheriff, Homer Varin. Warden Platt of the penitentiary objected to taking young Layer as too young to be incarcerated with the brand of criminals to be found in Kingston pen, and reported the matter to the Minister of Justice so that Layer could be transferred to a reformatory. Layer's crime consisted in raising a money order and forging signatures to the same after he had raised the amount." - from the Cobalt Daily Nugget. April 10, 1912. Page 8.
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moistvonlipwig · 8 months
one of rgu's best takes about rape and incest is that rape and incest are not deviant. they are exceedingly normal. they are, in fact, the logical extension of patriarchal romance and the patriarchal family -- the same logic that underpins those structures facilitates abuse, rape, incest, and csa. many people, even those who nominally understand the idea of rape culture, conceive of rape as a deviation from cultural mores, and even more people view incest as an aberration, a twisting of the Family (which is Good) into something unnatural and evil. but rgu correctly identifies that rape and incest are outgrowths of patriarchal society, not alien intrusions upon it. incest is merely a symptom of the problem which is the patriarchal family itself. rape and domestic abuse are merely symptoms of the problem which is patriarchal & heteronormative romance and society itself. rather than rape being deviant, it is resistance to patriarchy which is deviant; rather than incest being abnormal, it is a girl holding out a hand to another girl in pain which is abnormal. because 'abnormal' does not mean 'bad' any more than 'normal' means 'good'. "fall in love normally, get married normally, have a normal family, and have a normal life -- but normal has nothing to do with us!"
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