#diabetic holiday food
sir-klauz · 2 years
Found a whole bunch of vegetarian and vegan food for my partner and kid to have this year again and each year it’s getting so much better for this! The embracing of diet which isn’t just slabs of meat everywhere is wonderful and has needed to happen for many years. Not everyone can cook a vegetarian meal from scratch! And come ON, party food? Hello??? It was rarely stocked out here in the countryside like it was more so in the city. I’m glad I could do this for them. Vegan tempura nests? And things like faux king prawns and all kinds of things! Vegan turkey? Wreaths? No pressure for nut roast and biscuits or fkin nothing (exaggeration but not really). I’m seeing dozens of people queuing at the Butchers and is that because they wanna or is it because they think they have to? Or what?
I’m not strictly vegetarian and anyone that makes the excuse that they’re not vegetarian so “can’t” incorporate decent vegetarian food into the holiday meals are just being lazy aha, you’re eating half a plate of vegetarian food which lets be honest, it’s pretty lame I mean potatoes and sprouts, sprouts being one of the most famous gross vegetables available😂.
“I don’t get people who decide to go plant based and then buy food that looks like meat”, well, why do people who eat meat buy food that doesn’t “look like meat”? Because a sausage sure doesn’t look like a pig. Likewise, why? Just because you don’t want to eat an animal, doesn’t mean you don’t get to be allowed to enjoy the taste, aha. It allows people to still eat it without needing to eat an animal and not enjoying that aspect. Intolerant meat eaters complain a lot about the “nasty taste of vegetables” then get aggy about people otherwise enjoying the taste more than a plain carrot (for example).
There’s so many delicious foods out there that don’t require incredibly expensive cuts of meat with everything! It just irritates me sometimes how OTT people go when it comes to eating meat unnecessarily? And how rude some get towards anyone does anything else. There’s never a need for the whole table to be full of meat food and upset faces of people who don’t eat it once again going without. 😩 Season of family and friends though right? 👀 It’s not hard to be selfless and incorporate plant based options for people, it isn’t! I am the minority for eating meat in my little family, I don’t eat much but it all works fine! Nobody is ever left out. I don’t get the flat out refusal to try. It’s not just often vegetables with no seasoning on which is what most people will only add on the side of a steak as it is?
It’s not hard to Google what to do either if you don’t know, or dare say it, ask. This isn’t just with vegetarian/vegan food, this is having things to hand for a plate of food for anyone with a different diet to you that you’re inviting. Diabetic, allergies, dishes which respect their faith if they’re wanting to come over to respect yours or your traditions as well, the least you can do is return it. If you can’t afford it, say they are free to bring their own food that they know they can eat or would like to, so everyone can sit down comfortably and have a meal and enjoy themselves rather than old school culture of feeling forced.
I love ketchup on loads of food. Roast dinner included! It makes everything nicer for me and even more so when I used to dislike gravy as a kid but I got endless comments about it. It doesn’t matter! It’s a time to enjoy a treat, and food we love, like any other holiday or special occasion. That’s the point. Stop making people uncomfortable excluding them!
Happy solstice for the 21st as well~ and a good autumn and winter for any other things people were doing during this time. 🍵
Share what you got up to if you like, I’d love to hear it, in my comments or ask box! Or, what you enjoyed eating for a treat or for any religious holiday you’ve engaged with. Have a lot of fun and also if I don’t get chance to say it before, Happy New Year!
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h0neyfreak · 7 months
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mr-divabetic · 11 months
Join us for Divabetic's upcoming Holiday Sugar-Free Baking Party with special guests: the Diabetic Pastry Chef and Catherine Schuller on 11/30/23 on Zoom. It's Free! Register Today: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/holiday-sugar-free-baking-party-tickets-752274151237?aff=oddtdtcreator
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click-ur-moments · 1 year
Gravy Noodles recipe / গ্রেভি নুডলস রেসিপি
Gravylicious Noodles
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soullust · 5 months
my miscellaneous dps headcanons (including some background characters)
has HORRIBLE eyesight. like wayy worse that meeks but he hates wearing his glasses
loves scavenger hunts
charlie helped him realize he's gay (they made out once to 'check' but never had any actual feelings for eachother)
is diabetic but doesn't know it
is so incredibly competitive it's ridiculous. he'll die before he loses a bet
selectively mute
gets his poetry / writing published at least twice. the first time was even before he turned 18
scrunches his nose when smiling
not a morning person. he's dead until noon
is a huge gossip and his grandma's favorite bc of it
can't lie to save his life
loves horseback riding
can't cook. at all. like he burns water
loves spicy foods and smells
his parents mostly ignored him and his younger sister during their childhood and basically raised his sister himself
but it also gave him a lot of freedom, especially during holidays and school breaks, since his parents always either pawned him off to family or just didn't care where he was 90% of the time.
like, really, they only care about appearances so they get on his back about being disrespectful every once in a while and ignore him the rest that's one of the reasons he acts out all the time he desperately craves attention he never got
tina INSISTS on doing his make-up everytime they hang out. he likes make-up and she's pretty good, so he just lets her
like todd, he's very competitive, but, unlike todd, he's not a sore loser
has a huge sweet tooth smells like it
was obsessed with nordic mythology in middleschool
matthew ("spaz") was his childhood bestfriend, but they grew apart over the years
is allergic to bees. somehow never remembers to take his epipen anywhere. it's a miracle he's survived this long
he's a car guy. wants to be a car mechanic
had a crush on neil in like 6th grade
scared of birds
has a stutter and used to have a lisp
gamer boi
not exactly a hc but yall can we acknowledge how sarcastic and bitchy he is??? he's hilarious
knows how to sew
gives the best hugs
once got arrested and had to call charlie to bail him out. charlie was so proud he bought him ice cream on their way back
has lexical-gustatory synesthesia
his bio dad is dead and he hates his step-father with a passion
is besties with gloria and she finds him hillarious
mr keating used to work as a line cook in his teens. also he was a lot like charlie during his highschool years (chaotic & funny)
chris used to do ballet as a kid, but has moved on to cheerleading and gymnastics. her parents are divorced. she lives with her mother and younger half-brother
ginny really should be wearing glasses but she hates them and her parents refuse to buy her more flattering frames. she can't swim. people always share their secrets with her bc she seems like she can keep them, but she’s actually a huge gossip
stick has a twin sister. he is nonverbal and communicates thru asl
gloria is training to be a hairdresser
tina can’t walk in heels taller than half an inch
hopkins has a huge crush on cameron
matthew is an origami master
mr mcallister knits in his spare time. he married a chinese woman who, when he met her, didn’t know any english
i take headcanon and one-shot requests btw
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sissylittlefeather · 3 months
Let's Forget About the Stars: Chapter 5
A/N: Sorry this took me so long! Real life is kicking my ass, y'all. Anyway, this is another installment of Elvis and Dove Morningstar. No smut this time, just enough tooth-rotting fluff to give you diabetes. I hope y'all enjoy it!
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Warnings: none really, period-appropriate racial tension/jokes
Word count: ~2.1k
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Gladys shoots the Colonel a look. If she has it her way, they'll be married by spring. Little does she know, Elvis has the same plan.
October comes and goes with a trip to California. November begins with Dove and Elvis in Hawaii. Their love for each other grows with each passing day and Elvis becomes more and more determined to make her his wife. Somehow, they still don't have sex, despite the hotel stays and nights at Graceland in between. For the moment, they're content with her using her hand and him using his mouth. They both become more practiced with time and they fall into a bit of a routine. It's not something they're bored with, by any means. If anything, they're happier together as they get more comfortable with each other.
As Thanksgiving approaches, Elvis has an idea. One night as they lay in bed together he decides to take a chance.
"Hey, Dovey. Are you going home for the holiday?" He asks, his eyes as innocent as he can make them.
"Yeah. My family has a big dinner. I've never missed it."
"What if I... what if I came with you?" She looks at him curiously.
"Wouldn't your parents miss you?"
"Oh, yeah, I guess I didn't think about that. I just don't really wanna be away from ya." He twirls the end of a piece of her hair in his fingers. It's something he does when he's nervous and she recognizes his tell.
"You really wanna come with me, huh?" He looks up at her sincerely.
"I do, baby."
"I s'pose I could ask Daddy if your folks could come along? Would that work?" He brightens instantly.
"Yes! That would be perfect!" She smiles softly and kisses him on the cheek.
"I'm sure he won't mind." He pulls her close to him and kisses her forehead. The next step in his plan is working out nicely.
For Thanksgiving, Elvis, Dove, Gladys, and Vernon make their way to Oklahoma for dinner with Dove's family. Vernon is less than pleased with the idea, but Gladys is excited to meet Dove's mother. As they walk up to the door, Elvis chuckles.
"It's going to be a little like the first Thanksgiving, isn't it? All us white folks and your family?" Dove laughs.
"I think you'll be surprised at how civilized we are."
"Oh, honey, I didn't mean to imply-"
"It's fine, Jumbee. I'm kidding." When they get to the door, Dove knocks gently and then takes Elvis's hand in hers. She can tell he's nervous again. Her father opens the door and stands there stoically without smiling.
"Hi Daddy."
"Welcome, white visitors." The Presleys stand on the front porch awkwardly. "I'm joking. Come on in, folks."
He laughs jovially and welcomes them in warmly. Everyone relaxes as he does so and the afternoon begins. Gladys is pleased to see that Dove immediately jumps in to assist her mother and sister with the dinner, and offers to help. Dove's mother, Mary, welcomes her into the kitchen lovingly and the two women bond over food and the raising of children. Gladys compliments her home as Dove's siblings run around them. Vernon sits on the couch awkwardly as Elvis makes conversation first with Dove's father and then jumps into some game with her brothers. Dove is the oldest of five kids with her sister 17 and then her brothers 14, 11, and 9. Before too long, Dove's father, John, is able to engage Vernon in conversation and the two men find it surprisingly easy to talk to each other once they get started.
Overall, the afternoon passes pleasantly and Elvis and Dove exchange a relieved look when everyone sits down to eat. They sit side by side and hold hands under the table while Dove's father blesses the food. As everyone begins to eat, they're able to talk a little.
"I think this is going well." Dove whispers.
"I agree. Daddy even seems to be coming around." He nods toward Vernon who is still conversing with John. Dove smiles warmly.
"I told you it would be okay." Without thinking, Elvis reaches up and pushes a piece of hair behind her ear.
"You were right, as always. I love you, Dovey."
"I love you too, Jumbee." He's dying to lean in and kiss her, but he doesn't want to be disrespectful. Their exchange does not go unnoticed by both mothers, though, who smile first at their children and then at each other.
After dinner, the women begin to clean up and shoo the men into the living room. Elvis knows this is his chance.
"Daddy, I'd like to talk to Mr. Morningstar alone, if it's alright." Vernon nods, not sure what his son might be up to.
"You can call me John, son." Dove's father responds. They walk over to a corner to try to get some privacy, despite the bustling activity in the room. "Now what is it you want to talk to me about?"
Elvis shifts from one foot to the other nervously and bites his nail. Then, he takes a deep breath. There's no time like the present.
"Sir, I'd like your permission to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."
"I had a feeling that's what this was all about." Elvis smiles a little, not sure what to make of that response.
"I give you my permission." Elvis breathes a sigh of relief. "But you have to know this won't be easy with you being who you are and her being what she is."
"I'm not afraid, sir."
"I can see that, son, and it's very noble. I'm just not sure you're aware of what you're getting yourself into. People like us... well, we're not treated the same. Your children will be different than those around them. And your fame-"
"Sir, please don't let my career distract you from the fact that I'm just a man. I'm just a man who is madly in love with your daughter. No marriage is easy, and sure ours might be made a little harder by who I am and the differences between us. But I'm just a man. And I want to marry your daughter more than anything in the world." John smiles warmly.
"That's all I needed to hear, son. You have my permission to marry her if that's what she wants." Elvis beams, the joy rolling off of him in waves. Dove feels the change in his demeanor and looks at him inquisitively. He just nods and smiles. John pulls his attention back to the conversation momentarily.
"You really love her?"
"I do, sir."
"And you promise to take care of her, always?" Elvis nods vehemently.
"To the best of my ability, sir."
"Then you have my blessing." Elvis shakes his hand vigorously.
"Thank you, sir. Thank you so much." Vernon watches the exchange and deduces what must be happening. He knows he's promised the Colonel that he'll be an accomplice to whatever plot he has to keep them apart, but being here with her family has changed his perspective. They're not so different, after all. He smiles despite himself, determined to tell the Colonel whatever he needs to say to make sure his son stays happy.
After dinner, Elvis and his parents leave to go to their hotel because Dove's parents' house isn't quite big enough for everyone to stay. Dove is dying to go with them and stay with Elvis in his room, but she knows her father wouldn't appreciate that. What happens in Memphis is a different story, but here in his home, she has to respect his rules. As they go to leave, Elvis wraps her in his arms and kisses her cheek.
"I'll miss you all night, Dovey."
"I'll miss you too, Jumbee." They embrace one last time and he risks a gentle kiss on her lips. The four parents watch with their hearts warmed, both sets remembering what it was like to be so young and so in love.
The next day, Dove and the Presleys head back to Memphis after a warm goodbye and invitation to visit anytime from the Morningstar family.
It's a long drive, but eventually they make it back to Graceland. Elvis turns to Dove and whispers in her ear.
"You wanna stay with me tonight? I missed you so much last night. I wanna hold you like we normally do."
"I want to, Jumbee, but we need to stop by my place first. I need some more clothes." He smiles and kisses her temple. A short stop at her place is nothing.
Elvis drops his parents off at Graceland and then takes Dove back to the boarding house. When they pull up, though, it's obvious something is wrong. Someone's stuff is packed up and set on the porch. Dove gets out of the car nervously and Elvis jumps out too.
"You don't have to come with me."
"Something's going on. I just want to make sure you're okay." She nods and he takes her hand, leading her up the front porch steps. As they approach the pile of belongings, Dove inhales sharply. At the top of the pile is her record player.
"No." She rifles through some more of the stuff and is shocked to discover it's all hers. Grabbing Elvis's hand, she rushes up the stairs to her room. On the door is a paper marked "Eviction Notice."
"Eviction? Dovey?" Elvis looks at her concerned. Dove sighs deeply and puts her head in her hands.
"I might have missed a few months' rent."
"I'm out of my savings and none of the clubs here will hire me to sing." Tears begin to well up in her eyes. "I guess I'll have to go back to Oklahoma."
Elvis tips her chin up to look into his eyes.
"No, baby. I'm not letting you get away." He walks back to the porch and starts to load things in his trunk.
"But where else will I go?" Dove asks, a little panicked.
"You're coming home with me. You practically live there anyway. Now we can just bring the rest of your stuff." She shakes her head vehemently.
"No, I don't think I should do that. We're not married." He stops and cups her chin in his hand.
"We won't do anything more than normal. I just love you and refuse to have you on the streets or lose you because you go back to Oklahoma. You're coming home with me. Please?"
Dove considers her options. She does love staying with Elvis and this would solve the problem of her going back and forth. Still, is she ready to live with a man before she marries him? Then, she looks at Elvis with his ocean-blue eyes, begging her to agree. She can't tell him no.
"Alright then, grab a box."
He beams as they load up the rest of her things into his car.
Dove lays with her head on Elvis's chest, looking at the boxes of her belongings in the corner of his room. She's never lived with anyone that wasn't her family before. He feels her swallow deeply.
"Are ya nervous, Dovey?" She looks up at him.
"A little. I've just never lived with anyone else before. What if we start to hate each other?" He chuckles and kisses her forehead.
"Not possible, baby. And even if we did, how would it be different than if we figured it out after we got married?"
"You could kick me out." He looks at her seriously.
"I would never do that. Not before marriage and not after, either. I love you way too much." She looks up at him and says a prayer that he's right.
"I love you too, Jumbee. I just hope we're not making a mistake."
"We're not. Do you trust me?" He smiles with the memory of every time he's asked her that and she relaxes.
"Of course I do." She snuggles into his chest and he squeezes her gently, kissing the top of her hair affectionately.
"Everything will be just fine. You'll see."
"She WHAT?!" Vernon holds the phone receiver away from his ear as the Colonel yells. He tries to respond calmly.
"She moved into the house-"
"I'm going to stop you right there, Colonel. It's okay that she moved in. He's planning to marry her soon."
"Do you have any idea what kind of scandal this might cause?!" Vernon takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.
"I don't care. They're happy. I'm not going to take that away from him."
"Then I'm on my own." The Colonel's voice shakes with rage. "You'll regret this, you know."
"I'll never regret seeing my son so happy. Goodbye, Colonel." Vernon hangs up the phone, satisfied with his ability to stand up for Elvis.
What he doesn't know, what no one knows, though, is that the Colonel has decided his next move. And it's a move that will shake the Presley family to its core.
Until next time!
@wildhorseinkansas @ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley
Want to be added or removed? Let me know!
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kindly-whisper-norbury · 10 months
Okay, here's a gift-giving idea for you!
If you are stumped on what to get someone for the holidays, just do what we have been doing for several years now: get a nice box or fancy bag, and then go ahead and fill it up with non-perishable food and drinks!
Just get all kinds! Start with a few things that you know the recipient loves, then put in a whole bunch of stuff that they've never had!
Go ahead, get them that bag of cappuccino-flavored potato chips, or the habanero chocolate bar, or the Mayochup. Ever see those pickle-juice freezer pops? Throw some in! Ginger peach turmeric tea bags? Why not? TMNT cereal? Red Velvet Oreos? Tapatio Birria Ramen? Go for it!
Go walking through your local international market to find items that you didn't even know were sold in your area. It's a great place to get different curries and canned drinks and snacks!
It works well for people on restricted diets, too. Know someone who is gluten-free or diabetic or lactose intolerant or has a peanut allergy? Get them all kinds of snacks that they can eat without worry!
If it sounds like it might get expensive, it doesn't have to! Get a smaller box or bag so you don't feel obligated to fill a big one, or get larger items that take up a lot of space (like chips or cereal) and put in a selection of smaller ones to fill in the gaps. Plus, it is food, so what you buy may very well take the place of snacks you would have had to purchase anyway… just with more variety!
Like I said, we have been doing this for my kids for quite a while, and it is what they look forward to the most every year. We always open the food boxes last because once they are into those, there's no pulling them away! There's guaranteed to be a lot of "I'm eating this one first!" and "What the heck is this?" and "This one is… interesting." and "Yes! I was hoping for that!" about the different things in the box.
If a particular item in their package doesn't appeal to them, they often trade it out with each other, and any snacks left after a month officially become household property (fair game for anyone to eat!).
In fact, last year my two oldest kids made a box for me and their dad, so they are carrying on the (relatively new) tradition!
Happy gift-giving, everyone!
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weareweirdpeople · 4 months
not a vent but diabetic shit because why not I want to share my experience
I have diabetes. I've had diabetes sense i was an elementary schooler on the way to middle school. Diabetes fucking sucks and it runs in my family. Because of this, and the fact that my family refuses to call it a disability despite it literally being a chronic illness, it has taken me a while to realize I do infact have a disability.
in hindsight, I am "lucky" that my mom raised me restricting lots of "unhealthy snacks" (non health foods. My mom viewed fucking cheezits as unhealthy and she came from a family that was even stricter with 'healthy' foods.) This meant that when I got diagnosed with diabetes, I would be prepared for the fact that now they weren't just rare treats my mom was learning to be ok with. Now they were aparently dangerous to my health and I could almost never eat them again.
My uncle has severe type 1 diabetes and my mom used to try to help him manage it, but he's a grown man whos never taken good care of it and does what he wants. So now that I had diabetes she was going to are sure I definitely didn't end up like that. This means that even if he himself brought all the kids a sweet treat, depending on my blood sugar I wouldn't even be allowed to have it. Most of the time she didn't want me to have it. This all went down with covid and I got to live with my diabetic father. The plus side was that the restrictions where pretty much gone, and I just needed to manage my sugar. The bad part is that I was fucking terrified of pricking my finger. It would take me hours to pick my finger, and my dad would be pissed. It slowly became very normal. I also had to learn how to take pills and open a pill bottle.
A while later now that I'm living with my whole family, I still have great care over my diabetes. I say great care as in how my family views it. I have the best a1c, I have the most consistent blood sugars. Personally I'm happy I can do that while having major depression but it makes me sad at the same time. It just pisses me off. Anytime my sugar is high I'm asked "what did you eat? What did you eat today? What was your sugar this morning?" I have an anxiety disorder. The doctors and google have told us that stress and anxiety can heighten blood sugar. Every time its about what I at. If im super sleepy? What did I eat? Whats my blood sugar? If im super anxious? Whats my blood sugar? Is it low? What have you eaten today?
My mom has always been focused on my diabetes. I low key hate it.
But in hindsight some of her ideas and things she let me do were so bad that its actually funny. Like holy shit mom, that was wild.
She at first wanted me to count all of my carbs. Every time I ate. All the carbs. She wanted me to check my sugar everytime I ate and then based on that it would determine what I was allowed to eat.
Then there was the point in time where she let me run around outside all day without eating lunch and sometimes even breakfast or any water until my sugar dropped crazy low and I was dizzy and shaking, and then id go outside again right after it went up. She doesn't like me reminding her of this because she says it makes her feel like a bad mother and that she was distracted. Im pretty sure the only constant meal was eating was dinner.
one time during Easter when we did an egg hunt my siblings got eggs fully of candy like normal. But my mom was running late on candy shopping so instead of giving me candy eggs, she made me get the special eggs she made, thinking they had zero sugar candy. They were fuckkng almonds. Unsalted Almonds. What. The. Fuck. I have never let her live that shit down, because who gives their kid fucking almonds as a treat??? Diabetic or not, unsalted almonds???
I was very very upset that year to say the least. My mom has always been stingy with any candy of any sorts. Even before we knew I was diabetic I was only really allowed 1-3 prices of candy from a holiday at most, and only after dinner. My Halloween candy especially would either go bad or she would eat it as well and I would not get much of it.
And after diabetes? Keto everything. My mom wanted to find as much keto stuff as possible, and I get it. We have a diabetic household, but she didn't do that shit until I got diagnosed with diabetes. I am happy that by now shes pretty much stopped all her restrictions and the keto stuff, she's still really diabetes focused when it comes to my mood and doesn't consider it a disability but that's okish.
Hilariously j don't have type 1 diabetes. Or type 2. I have a genetic mutation, and have had to convince multiple people that no I don't just have type 2, no I didn't not get diabetes because of my eating habits have you fucking seen me I am a god damm stick and even if I was fat that doesn't mean shit, no I cannot just eat fruit instead of candy that's not how diabetes works you peice of shit.
Long story short, i don't get a CGM or an Insulin pump. I actually make too much insulin, and dont really absorb it all and a CGM is to expensive... that means I just have to watch my sugar and take my pills indefinitely and I can't check my sugar too much because then I'd have to wait for my refills to get done because American health care fucking sucks ass.
lol diabetes sucks, stop being assholes to people with diabetes.
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fennecfiree · 9 months
(copy and pasting some of my older posts btw)
ALSO! Ask me any of my other headcanons with the ask feature thingy, for example, creek hcs, clyde hcs, or anything like that. ill answer!
Stan: Blue eyes, short black greasy hair ( he never washes his frickin hair ) he has some acne, he's the 2nd tallest in the main 4, he's thin, has earrings, he has a slipknot pin on his hat, and has some eye bags because he never sleeps 😱 he's bisexual ( girl pref ) and Demi boy. He has autism, and asthma. special interest is bored games, he listens to Slipknot, MCR, deftones, Korn, his fav song is Duality. his fav food is m&ms, his fav video game is Roblox, he also plays RimWorld, terrified of snakes, his fav shows are Stranger things, The simpsons, Spongebob, and Rick and morty, cares more for animals than most people, gets annoyed when people talk to much. His phone is full of pictures of Sparky. whenever he's home alone he chugs some of Randy's beer 😭 his phone is always on do not disturb. still keeps in touch with the goth kids. he's very close with Tolkien, which Kyle got mad about since Stan was jealous when Kyle was making tiktoks with Tolkien. he gets B-. Loves horror games and movies and forces kyle to play them with him, paints his nails black. asks for a cat every Christmas, has a Bart Simpson sad pfp ( you know those.. ) really into creepy pastas. he watched TheOddOnesOut, and SomethingElseYT
Kyle: he has olive eyes, really curly short ginger hair, he has braces, and a bigger nose, he's pretty pale and has freckles, the shortest out of the 4, and he's chubby. he's bisexual and asexual ( he ofc found out when he's older ). he has type 1 diabetes (and is really embarrassed about it). anxiety, autism ( his special interest is ocean creatures ) and bad anger issues. he listens to AJR, Green day, The cure, Weezer, The offspring. his fav song is Pretty fly for a white guy. his fav food is stew, and and he drinks monster sometimes. His fav game is Minecraft and Fnaf 1. He's a giant germaphobe, he washes his hands after every time he goes somewhere. he's also scared of gore. he watches Gravity Falls, BfDI. Spongebob, Him and Ike watch Yo gabba gabba together 😭😭 He cant watch horror movies, and cant play scary games. He talks A LOT. He has a handsanitizer bottle on his desk. His favorite holiday is Halloween, he gets A+ most of the time, but sometimes he gets A-. he spends 2 hours doing his hair, he studies really hard, and gets furious if someone else in class gets a higher grade ( its usually Wendy ) he try's to draw good, and thinks he does, but its very poorly drawn cartoon drawings with detailed eyes. he try's to straighten his hair but it just looks very weird, and it made him sad 😓HIM AND STAN WATCH SPONGEBOB TOGETHER AND THEY LOAD UP ON EVERYSINGLE SNACK. he's insecure about his looks. he looks up to his dad a lot, he cry's when his teachers don't respond to him putting up his hand 😭. doesn't notice when he's raising his voice. sleeps with his orca whale plushie 😎 He watches Markiplier, Flamingo, and LS Mark.
Cartman: 1 brown eye, 1 blue eye, short light brown messy hair, he has long eyelashes and some acne, he has a tooth gap, he's the tallest of the 4, and ofc he's a fatass 😭 he's gay, lactose intolerant and has heterochromia (left is brown, right is blue) He listens to Lady gaga, Britney spears, Taylor swift. and his fav song is Poker face. His fav food is Cheesy Poofs, and Pancakes. His fav game is Happy wheels and People playground. he has Trypanophobia. He watches Saw, The Human Centipede, and Happy tree friends. when he plays Minecraft with people he refuses to share a house with someone cuz it's gay, he scams kids in Roblox adopt me. Him and Shelly play smash or pass together with celebrities 😭 he has a Instagram account for Mr Kitty. He's an iPad kid 🤪🤪🤪🤪 goes on Omegle (let's pretend it's still up) and pretends to be a girl. Has an account on Twitter just for making fun of Kyle, listens to true crime. Collects stickers 😊😊 begs his mom to give him robux, he also has another Twitter account that's a Stan account for lady Gaga. Terrified of Wendy 😭😲 the coon is his fursona, he also pretends that he hates furrys but secretly is one 😭 Gets C-. reddit user.. says "MY CONTROLLER BROKE" when he loses a game, he's fluent in German. He's really smart, sometimes even smarter than Kyle, but doesn't care to use it for good, he just uses it for asshole shit. Sleeps with all 10000 of his stuffed animals. he hates fathers day. he watches Trisha paytas, ishowspeed, and shane dawson. 😭😭
Kenny: Blue eyes, messy blonde hair, he has a tooth gap, and his clothes are really dirty, he's the 2nd shortest of the 4, and he's pretty skinny, he's pansexual and genderfluid. he listens to Cardi B, Gorillaz, Vengaboys. and his fav song is Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! his fav food is Grilled cheese. His fav game is DDLC and FNF (he plays on butters pc) He watches Pokemon, MPL ( originally Karen forced him to watch it but he kinda likes it LMAO ) and Sailor moon. he falls asleep in class a lot. He gets B+. therapist friend, zones out a lot. He sometimes comes to school with pigtails that Karen gave him. He never fights with his siblings. Stan always gives him some of his school lunch. his clothes are covered in holes and stains. he loves playing truth or dare and always picks dare. he loves birthday party's and always take a ton of food to bring to his family. he wants a pet rat so bad. he likes Stan the best out of the main 4, he sometimes finds Kyle super annoying and cartman... well its cartman.. goes outside and burns pieces of paper for fun. he watches Mr Beast ( he comments on every video "please help me") Gawr Gura, Ironmouse, and Pokimane.
Butters: Blue eyes, very short blonde hair, a scar on his right eye. he's the same height as Kenny, slim, has a couple freckles but not NEARLY as much as Kyle 😨he's Bisexual. He has PTSD. He listens to BTS, Disney songs, his fav song is Butter 🙀 His fav food is Ice cream ( strawberry ) His fav game is Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and Roblox. He watches Hello kitty (ofc) MLP ( him and Kenny watch it together) and Spongebob. He loves pastel colors. VERY bad memory, likes the taste of milk, Bites his nails, He still has the Marjorine clothes and likes to dance around in them, HIM AND BRADLEY ARE PEN PALS. Has to sing the ABCs to know the placements Gets A-. He also cant watch horror movies or play scary games like Kyle. He starts celebrating Christmas in October. watches those boys vrs girls gacha life music videos. USES THOSE VERY CURLY STRAWS IN CHOCOLOTE MILK AND BLOWS BUBBLES IN THEM!!! He's an art kid. He watches DanTDM, and Stampy
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withlovefromsimtown · 8 months
Lifa's Life Update (+Sims Progress)
Well it's been a minute, but We're still here & I don't mind.
Things roughly in order:
I fully remapped onto a custom SC4 terrain & rebuilt an entire Sims 2 BG neighborhood to update it to UC (any guesses?), started working on clothing defaults for the aforementioned neighborhood.
Started 2 huge TS2 projects that I may someday finish, completely unrelated to all of that, because I was in Milkshape & I can't control myself.
Had my partner's friends over A LOT, like it seemed like every couple weeks for awhile someone would be crashing in the guest room. (They're my friends too they just... started off as partner's friends lol.)
Barbecued & grilled a lot, because friends & food.
Went to a VNV Nation show with my friend (things that are on the Elder Goth Bucket List lol), made a whole Yeet Weekend outta it & also went to Ikea, Fivebelow, Spirit Halloween, a local outdoor market, & a snowcone stand.
The fucking holidays.
Got sick, part 1.
Surprise, my cat has diabetes & needs 2x daily insulin shots!
More of the fucking holidays.
Got sick, part 2.
2x/month cat checkups to check blood sugar & adjust the dose, for like 3 months.
TX freezes, local friend doesn't have sufficient insulation or central heating in their home to deal with the temps, because TX, & comes to stay with me (with their cat) for a week because I have central heating.
During that week that my friend was here, Mr Diabetes Cat decided to a) eat all the dry kibble out of every bowl, b) refuse wet food at shots time because he was full of dry kibble, & then c) throw up kibble & turn around & pee all over my carpet right after throwing up, which resulted in him not getting his shots that night--they have to be given with food---& getting scheduled an urgent vet visit in the morning. (He's fine, just expensive.)
On the day it actually warmed up outside before it went back to 20 degrees, friend & I did a mini-hike together. We also had food from the Generic Asian Cuisine place (yeah I know, it's Texas though) where we got Pho, Lumpia, & a tofu stir-fry.
I regret having to work during the freezy times, unfortunately.
Partner obtained me a uhh... knockoff Steamdeck handheld? Rog Ally? so I can keep Win7 on my monster computer & also play my dumb ancient murder-aliens 4x RTS game on Steam that I like, but I haven't fixed my mods for it to play it, because I...
Got sick, part 3.
While sick, took Mr Diabetes Cat to his very last 2-week checkup; we're on 3-month checkup schedules now! Because he's stable! Yay!
The entire house is a disaster & I'm still not 100% but I'm back to cooking/cleaning a bit between work at least.
Working on more of the necessary clothing defaults for the TS2 neighborhood I redid.
Planning for March when the entire zoo needs to be vetted again for vaxxing, just gonna wrap the diabetes checkup into that & do everyone's bloodwork at that time also unless something drastic happens. (We do like 2-3 cats at a time over the course of 2 weeks, & then the dog on her own, we're not like... hauling a van of animals to the vet all at once...)
Need to get some of the soft mesh transportation prisons for the cats before then, because the big crate with the lid is about to disintegrate.
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simslegacy5083 · 28 days
Not So Berry (Straud Descendants) Gen 9
Today's (8/26/2024) Episode: A Little Harvestfest Fun
Jade had made her farewells after Skye’s party, and shortly after Valentina was saying her own goodbyes to the young Lawbournes at the homestead.
“G-ma go bye-bye?” Skye asked, clearly confused by this shake-up to his well-ordered world. Valentina picked him up and hugged him tight “Don’t worry, I’ll be back to visit, and you tell mommy and daddy to call me if you get lonely, OK?”
Skye smiled and nodded, snuggling in close. After one last kiss she gently put him down and turned to embrace her stepson. Well, I’m off to help Scott and Bria prepare my signature Huckleberry Tofurkey for our Tomorang Harvestfest. You take good care of my little man, you hear?”
“Absolutely” her stepson replied, “After all, I learned from the best, and he’ll be having a grand time at Don’s with his cousin Adelaide tonight.”
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Adelaide was Great Grandpa Don’s firstborn with the latest Mrs. Lothario. He had indeed married Rhea, the sim he’d told Luigi all about during their last Geekcon adventure. In an effort to bond with her husband’s extended family the young heiress had invited Luigi and Denton over to the couple’s stately Glimmerbrook estate for Harvestfest.
Rhea had assumed she’d have the most in common with the other mother of a toddler, but Noemi’s social awkwardness made small talk an uphill battle, and their young ones didn’t start off instant buds either.
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Over in Don’s downstairs office things were going much better. Denton and Luigi were taking advantage of the time before dinner to host a special dual player modded Sims Forever Charity event: “Harvestfest Turducken – A Sims Forever Holiday meal streaming live from the Lothario mansion”
“I’ll go wrangle our guests” Luigi told his cousin once they were online. “Can you get our “very special” (and possibly deadly) dinner prepped and ready? The poll is open to decide which sims will be the “lucky” ones to join us this evening!”
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While the boys were happily putting together a virtual dinner party, Bridget had followed Don into the actual kitchen. With the aide of Luigi’s drone Yoshi, she was “supervising” (and streaming) the immortal chef’s preparation of the feast they’d all be enjoying that night.
Luigi cut back and forth between game footage and the live documentary, until Don finished up and called everyone to the grand meal.
The in-game Pufferfish wound up being as well prepared as Don’s impeccable Lamb dish, so after the pair of streamers completed their virtual event (without culinary tragedy) and uploaded a last few high-quality shots of Don’s savory masterpiece, everyone sat down to eat.
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Noemi was much more relaxed during the meal than she’d been before it, settling across from gaming savvy Denton in the kitchen and happily striking up a conversation about Project Daisy. He was excited to get his hands on an early access copy of the game as soon as it was ready.
“With you two at the helm this thing is sure to be a hit” he told her as he served himself and Markus a second slice of lamb.
“Luigi appreciates my outsider perspective on the game as much as my technical work,” she said, “but making sure he actually rests his hand is my most important job.” At Denton’s grimace, she nodded. “Exactly. Dealing with his Carpel Tunnel has been hard on him. He wants to do more, but I keep reminding him that overdoing it will just make it harder to work, play, or code that alpha version of the game you’re dying to try out.”
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Meanwhile in the dining room, Luigi thanked his grandfather for the delicious meal that met his anemia and diabetes related dietary requirements.
“Making healthy food tasty and tasty food healthy is the highest calling of a chef.” Don said. “I hear you’re becoming a pretty good cook yourself.”
“I’m headed that way.” Luigi replied “Cooking was dad’s favorite activity, not mine, but Noemi has my “mouse time” tightly regulated to protect my wrist, so I’m in the kitchen more often. Now that the stream is over, I promised her I’d be offline for the rest of the day. I know she’s trying to help, but I tell you, there’s only so much “resting” a sim can take!”
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After dinner the adults were preparing to leave when they discovered Skye and Adelaide happily playing “queens of the castle”.
Not wanting to disturb them Don turned to his grandson. “If you need to be offline anyway, and Yoshi is all warmed up, why don’t we leave these two alone and record that cosmetic promo we had planned for next week right now?”
“Sounds good to me!” Luigi nodded, and the men left Noemi and Rhea to once again attempt small talk while they headed upstairs to get started.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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ask-sibverse · 11 months
T1D Reader- Halloween Party (Bad Sanses X Reader)
I was hoping to get this out yesterday but shit happens. Halloween costume probably looks like this. Honestly while doing Killer and Horror is so much fun, this time it's Dust's turn.
Note to self: never underestimate Killer's persistence. When that skeleton wants something he can be incredibly stubborn about it.
And what he wanted was for everyone to get a "day off" to celebrate Halloween. Why? You weren't sure at first until you noticed all the sexy costumes pulled up on his computer.
Note to self: never underestimate Killer's persistence. When that skeleton wants something he can be incredibly stubborn about it.
And what he wanted was for everyone to get a "day off" to celebrate Halloween. Why? You weren't sure at first until you noticed all the sexy costumes pulled up on his computer.
But you agreed to come along, if only to keep Killer out of trouble. Cross seemed to agree for a similar reason, although you weren't sure why Dust came along. Horror was staying home, which made sense. A party would probably be hell on his sensory issues.
Killer somehow managed to talk you into a fairly revealing "witch costume." You were just hoping it wouldn't be too cold in the AU you were going to, although Killer probably wouldn't register it was too cold for you.
Lazy ass usual, Dust was just using his knife as a "serial killer" costume. Killer used one of those axe headbands and (probably, hopefully) fake blood to be a "murder victim." Killer, asshole that he is, picked out a cow costume for Cross that was *immediately* denied, and the former royal guard ended up wearing a soldier costume instead that Killer complained was "so boring."
You all went to a surface AU, obviously, because monsters underground did not know about or celebrate Halloween (honestly you wondered if some monsters found the holiday insensitive.) A neutral AU, one with some tension between monsters and humans, but nothing so bad a couple monsters couldn't attend a Halloween party.
Once arriving you remembered one reason you never went to parties- alcohol. You never drank, couldn't figure out how to manage it and your diabetes. You'd heard how you behaved low was how you would act while drunk, but different sources said to bolus for it or not bolus. Some said you'd spike, others said you'd drop, it was just too unpredictable for your tastes and not worth the risks. Killer respected that, sort of, after telling him "no" several times. You... Really couldn't tell if Killer was *actually* drink or just liked acting drunk. Dust seemed to have a beer or two himself while Cross was with you in the "100% sober" category.
At least the food was good. The host had fun making "spooky" snacks that were still recognizable enough for you to dose correctly. At least it was human food, monster food still needed a whole other layer of guesstimating.
Somewhere later into the night you grabbed Dust and dragged him into a dance. Maybe the atmosphere, maybe your outfit, but something had you tired of being a wallflower and wanting to *do* something. You weren't an amazing dancer but you were at least coordinated enough to avoid tripping over yourself or Dust. It wasn't a Dancetale so your skills weren't that important anyways.
It wasn't long before Dust's face was flushed, whether from exertion or something else you weren't sure. The skeleton often kept to distance attacks in fights and teleported everywhere, so you weren't sure.
Even still, seeing him blushing made you feel... Something. You were *definitely* feeling bold tonight because before you knew it, you leaned in and kissed him.
You've kissed other humans before, but kissing a skeleton was such an incredibly different experience. Despite your lips being pressed directly to teeth, it wasn't uncomfortable at all. Honestly, it felt amazing, even more so when Dust's mouth opened slightly and oh stars okay ecto tongues felt *great.*
You both ended up off the dance floor for a rather steamy and handsy makeout session that had both of you flushed and panting afterwards. Dust grinned at you. "Wanna continue this back in my room?" You nodded eagerly.
Dust got Cross to tear a portal home for you both, although he was staying behind to make sure Killer got home eventually.
The two of you barely made it to Dust's room before he was making out with you again, tearing at your clothes with a passion and energy you hadn't seen in the lazy skeleton before. Honestly, sex with him was incredible.
And totally worth the look you got from Nightmare the next day. And the teasing from Killer.
(I know you guys probably want the sexy times, but honestly diabetes + sex is something I had planned for it's own one shot, so pls be patient. If you have any prompts or ideas for T1D, shoot me an ask!)
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alex-rambles · 2 years
Happy Thanksgiving! Who wants random character oneshots?
I do! Here's some oneshots literally no one asked for, because I'm just like that!
Reader is gender neutral
(If you couldn't tell, I was thinking about Mikami, which is why he's first)
Teru Mikami
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You can hear a faint "delete, delete, delete" as you dish out pie.
"Teru," you say, attempting to earn his attention.
"Delete, delete, delete!"
Is he ignoring you, or is he too caught up in his so-called "duties?"
"Teru," you say again.
"DELETE!" He makes big, dramatic strokes with his pen, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Teru!" you snap, causing him to finally look up.
"What's wrong, love?" he asks.
You smile at his use of the word love.'
You slide over his cut of the pumpkin pie, earning an odd look. "Why is the dessert first?" he questions.
"Happy Thanksgiving." You roll your eyes.
"What's that?"
"An American holiday celebrating colonization, death, and destruction. At this point it's just an excuse to pig out, though."
"And why are we celebrating this holiday?"
"Because I'm hungry?"
He gives you a blank look that looks funny on his normally serious face.
"Because I'm American, Teru," you finally say.
"I'm busy, Y/N. God said-"
You kiss him on the head. "All you do is work, love. Kira can wait. Have pie! It's good!"
His cheeks turn slightly pink at the suddenly display of affection, and he wipes his glasses. "You think he won't mind?"
"Just spend time with your oh-so-loving partner, and you can write names for the rest of the night."
"A fair compromise. I... don't see why not."
"Happy Thanksgiving," you say with a smile.
"Happy Thanksgiving."
L Lawliet
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"Ryuzaki, you've never expressed any interest in this holiday. You just want sweets."
L hums in response. "You don't have to call me Ryuzaki, you know."
"I know, but that's how you introduced yourself to me, so it's my nickname for you now..."
"I am aware."
L places pie, an odd Oreo cake, and a stray cookie on his plate. "It's nice to celebrate foreign holidays."
"You did not cook turkey, gravy, stuffing, or any of the actual foods. You just want an excuse to eat sweets!"
L pouts. "That is not true."
L pouting is a common, yet still hilarious sight. It contrasts with his serious, sleep-deprived exterior, and it never fails to make you laugh.
"I win, Ryuzaki," you say with a smirk, playing on his competitive nature.
"No, you haven't gotten me to admit anything."
"I'll throw out your food."
"No!" His typical monotonous voice momentarily turns almost angry.
He grabs his plate and holds it. He manages to balance it on his pulled-up knees, and drops an Oreo in his mouth.
"How aren't you diabetic?" you sigh, finally giving in.
It appears L Lawliet has won once more.
Bonus: Lumity
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"Luz, you never did explain... Thanksgiving... to me."
Luz laughs, attempting to serve Amity a decent piece of the turkey. "Oh, Amity. There's no need to explain it, it's just a day where we're thankful for things!"
"But that's every day, right?"
"Yes, but today we celebrate! By stuffing ourselves!"
"That's odd."
Still, Amity sits down, and bites into her turkey, quickly gagging. "Luz, I think you did it wrong..."
"What? But I did it how-" Luz bites into her own, he eyes widening in shock.
"Yuck. This is bad."
The pair share a chuckle.
"It's okay, we'll just have something else!" Amity suggests helpfully.
"Yeah, let's... let's do that."
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dragoon811 · 7 months
I have had a shitty week. Can someone manifest me some good vibes?
Sunday started nice. Monday was a holiday (Family Day) so I got some extra weekend. I was looking forward to it - then Elder Child crawled into my bed just past midnight with a fever.
Monday she stopped eating after lunch (two bites of banana), but was drinking water.
Stayed home Tuesday to help her combat the fever. Wednesday morning she had no fever so my daycare lady was able to take her and I went to work. She kept me updated etc all day.
My gut didn’t like how much she was sleeping so after work I decided to take Elder Child to the children’s hospital. Convinced my husband to pack me a bag, thinking they’d throw Tylenol at us and we’d sit in the waiting room for 8 hours to be told it’s an ear infection/sinus infection…. But I got home to her and her fever returned. (And my period started. JOY.)
Loaded her into the stroller, threw myself in, and off we went! Waited in line at triage.
Triage called us, we weighed her, we talked. And I said I was concerned because she hadn’t eaten, the fever was back, my sister was diabetic and I was starting to worry because when she was sleeping I couldn’t rouse her easily, and her breath smelled and basically asked them to check her blood sugar.
So they did. (This was NOT an enjoyable experience for Elder Child.) it was at 2 - new to how Canadians measure shit, I’m really glad the little screen added in red: “CRITICAL LOW”.
The nurse made a phone call and stressed, surprised, that Elder Child was alert.
Upon the second attempt at a reading because it was low, Elder Child was more prepared. She kicked, she fought, she puked all over herself, and bolted for the emerge doors.
Ok. Skip a second test. (Note: I did not pack spare clothes.)
We were taken right back to a room in the emergency wing. Unsettling.
Then a flurry of people - a lady trying to help Elder Child adjust and calm down. Nurses. Doctors asking questions. (Another note - I have not slept well in 2 weeks, am hearing impaired, and now overwhelmed and scared. Not a good combo.)
Gave Elder Child a nasal spray to calm her (this resulted in another bolting for freedom, also thwarted), another blood check….and once the spray started to work, we tried to prep her for an IV/blood draw.
This was ALSO strongly disliked. More holding her down. I did a lot of crying.
We went through the symptoms - tummy hurting, drinking some water but hadn’t peed in like 6-7 hours, fever, sleeping constantly, not eating. Ended up doing ultrasound, X-ray. Ten bottles of blood (and she FREAKED). Finally got her to pee. Yes, she peed on me.
Refused food. Refused popsicles. Refused juice. Started IV - first sugar bolus. Then hydration. We named the IV robot Frank. Elder Child, loopy from the spray, patted it and told it it was doing a good job. Also, during our walk to ultrasound, said she was Frank’s pet puppy and he was taking her for a walk, see her leash? 😅
Spent the night. (Another note: my daycare kept her sister until bedtime. And we arranged to take her as soon as she woke up because we cannot trust my husband with her care.) Lots more holding her down and blood checks.
Also please note: Elder Dragoon wails and screams when distressed. She was very distressed. I felt really sorry for the staff because I couldn’t calm her.
In the morning she managed to eat a bit! Yay! Tried to disconnect the iv - sugar went down. Hooked her back up. Spent the day trying to get her to drink 100ml of apple juice.
Ended up discharged at almost 4pm - diagnosis: fever, causing hypoglycemia. Apparently kids don’t have as much stores as adults and the fever was burning through what she DID have.
So I spent today waking her every 4 hours and getting her to eat or drink. It took her an hour to drink half a juice box. But by dinner today she was improved and actually had food. And accepted popsicles.
Still have to get her eating or drinking again in about 20min. Then set the timer back.
I just want a full REM cycle of sleep. I am SO fucking tired.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 4.15
Anime Day
Anniversary of Tarija (Bolivia)
AR-15 Day
Ariadne Asteroid Day
ASL Day (American Sign Language Day)
Banyan Tree Day (Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)
Bija Mangala (Field Cultivation Festival)
Buck Rogers Day
Children’s Day (Spain)
Criminal Investigation Department Employees Day (Ukraine)
Da Vinci Day
Day of Love (Georgia)
Day of People (Aysellant)
Day of Radio-Electronic Fight Troops (Russia)
Day of the Sun (North Korea)
Father Damien Day (Hawaii)
Fluff Appreciation Day
415 Day
Freak Out Day
Gallaudet Day
Good Roads Day (Illinois)
Great Stichwort
Hardware Freedom Day
Hillsborough Disaster Memorial Day (Liverpool, UK)
Himachal Day (India)
Historical City Day (Malacca)
Hug Your Boiler Day
Income Tax Pay Day
International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day
International Pompe Day
Ivory Soap Day
Jackie Robinson Day
Kim Il Sung Day (North Korea)
Lilac Day (French Republic)
Lover’s Day (Kazakhstan)
Mariah Carey Day (California)
Melaka UNESCO Heritage Day (Malaysia)
Microvolunteering Day
National Anime Day
National ASL Day
National Collegiate Recovery Day
National Griper’s Day
National Hookup Day
National Keaton Day
National Laundry Day
National Poet Day (Peru)
National Rubber Eraser Day
National Security Education Day (Hong Kong)
National That Sucks Day
National Titanic Remembrance Day
One Boston Day
Purple Up Day
Quantum Teleportation Day
Rubber Eraser Day
Swallow Day (UK)
Take a Wild Guess Day
Tax Day (US)
Tax Resistor's Day
That Sucks Day
Tipsa Diena (Traditional start of plowing; Ancient Latvia)
Titanic Remembrance Day
Type 1 Diabetes Day
Universal Day of Culture
World Art Day
World Tiny Art Gallery Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Fast Food Day
McDonald’s Day
National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
National Takeout Day (Canada)
3rd Monday in April
Boston Marathon Day [3rd Monday]
National Stress Awareness Day [3rd Monday]
Landing of the 33 Patriots Day observed (Uruguay) [3rd Monday]
Patriots' Day (Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin) [3rd Monday]
Sechseläuten ends (Six Ringing Festival; Zurich, Switzerland) [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 15 (3rd Week)
National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week [thru 4.19]
Undergraduate Research Week [thru 4.19]
Week of the Young Child [thru 4.19]
Independence & Related Days
Independence Day Holiday (Israel)
Unitedlands (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Vishwamitra (f.k.a. Children’s Group; Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Day after Sidereal New Year (South and Southeast Asian) (a.k.a. …
Bengali New Year (India)
Bohag Bihu (Parts of India)
Himachl Day (Parts of India)
Lao New Yar (Laos)
Masadi (Parts of India)
Nababarsha (Parts of India)
New Year Holidays (Myanmar)
Sarhul (Parts of India)
Songkran (Thailand)
Water-Sprinkling Festival continues (Yunnan, China)
Poila Boishakh (Bengali New Year)
Festivals Beginning April 15, 2024
Boston Marathon (Boston, Massachusetts) [3rd Monday]
Coquina Beach Seafood & Music Festival (Coquina Beach, Florida) [thru 4.17]
Singing in the Sun (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) [thru 4.20]
TED Conference (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) [thru 4.19]
Feast Days
Abbo II of Metz (Christian; Saint)
Arshile Gorky (Artology)
Bananas with Everything Day (a.k.a. Banana Day; Pastafarian)
Basilissa and Anastasia (Christian; Martyrs)
Day of Tellus Mater (Pagan)
Elizabeth Catlett Mora (Artology)
Father Damien (The Episcopal Church)
Festival of Hero/Bast (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Matsu/Mazu (Goddess of the Sea; Taoism)
Fordicidia (Old Roman Festival of Fertility to honor Ceres)
Henry James (Writerism)
Hippachus (Positivist; Saint)
Hunna (Christian; Saint)
Jeffrey Archer (Writerism)
Kanamara Matsuri (Iron Phallus Festival; Japan)
Leonardo da Vinci (Artology)
Munde (Christian; Saint)
Padarn (Christian; Saint)
Pammy (Muppetism)
Paternus of Avranches (Christian; Saint)
Peter Gonzales (Christian; Saint)
Ruadan of Lothra (Christian; Saint)
Rusalja (Celebration of River Spirts Rusalki of the Lemko People of Carpathia; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Tellus Mater (Old Roman Mother Earth Festival)
Vlad Tepes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [14 of 53]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the Titanic Sank and it’s also Tax Day.)
The Adventures off Marco Polo (Film; 1938)
Aftermath, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1966)
The Art of Real Happiness, by Norman Vincent Peale (Book; 1950)
The Black Island, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1938) [Tintin #7]
Catalogue d’Oiseaux, by Olivier Messiaen (Pieno Pieces; 1959)
Colors (Film; 1988)
Dark Command (Film; 1940)
Donald’s Nephews (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Don’t Speak, by No Doubt (Song; 1996)
84, Charing Cross Road, by Helene Hanff (Novel; 1970)
El Amor Bruno (Love, the Magician), by Manuel de Falla (Ballet; 1915)
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (Film; 2022)
Fargo (TV Series; 2014)
The Fitzgeralds and The Kennedys, by Doris Kearns Goodwin (Book; 1987)
Flashdance (Film; 1983)
Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes (Short Story; 1959)
Genghis Khan (Film; 1965)
Girls (TV Series; 2012)
The Hypo-Chondri-Cat (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
The Little Goldfish (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
Little Red School Mouse (Noveltoons; 1949)
In Living Color (TV Series; 1990)
The Last Emperor (Film; 1988)
The Lumberjack (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
The Moon and Sixpence, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1919)
Mouse Come Home (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1946)
Outer Banks (TV Series; 2020)
Outer Range (TV Series; 2022)
Rattus Norvegicus, by The Stranglers (Album; 1977)
Ride ‘Em Plowboy (Oswald the Luck Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Rio (Animated Film; 2011)
Robinson Crusoe’s Broadcast (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Rock & Rule (Animated Film; 1983)
Rock for Light, by The Bad Brains (Album; 1983)
Stage Fright (Film; 1950)
St. Matthew’s Passion, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Oratorio; 1729)
Think, recorded by Aretha Franklin (Song; 1968)
To the Finland Station, by Edmund Wilson (Novel; 1940)
The Twenty-One Balloons, by William Pène du Bois (Novel; 1947)
Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On, by Jerry Lee Lewis (Song; 1957)
Wild, by Cheryl Strayed (Memoir; 2012)
Today’s Name Days
Anastasia, Damian, Una (Austria)
Rastislav, Teodor (Croatia)
Anastázie (Czech Republic)
Olympia (Denmark)
Uljas, Uljo, Verner, Verni (Estonia)
Linda, Tuomi (Finland)
César, Paterne (France)
Anastasia, Damian, Una (Germany)
Leonidas (Greece)
Anasztázia, Tas (Hungary)
Anastasio, Annibale (Italy)
Aelita, Agita, Balvis, Gastons (Latvia)
Anastazijus, Liudvina, Modestas, Vaidotė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Oda, Odd, Odin (Norway)
Anastazja, Bazyli, Leonid, Ludwina, Modest, Olimpia, Tytus, Wacław, Wacława, Wiktoryn, Wszegniew (Poland)
Aristarh, Pud, Trofim (Romania)
Fedor (Slovakia)
Telmo (Spain)
Oliver, Olivia (Sweden)
Mstyslav, Mstyslava (Ukraine)
Kenya, Octavia, Tavia, Tucker (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 106 of 2024; 260 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 16 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 7 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 66 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 16 Cyan; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 2 April 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 22 Archimedes (4th Month) [Varro]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 28 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 26 of 31)
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eva-knits12 · 10 months
Chris Evans characters making the Thanksgiving meal
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Steve Rogers:
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Steve watches the Lion and the Packers game with Bucky and Sam.
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You're left alone, so you cook the meal while drinking a glass of wine (or two), and listening to some podcasts.
You cook the turkey, the mashed potatoes, the stuffing and the green bean casserole.
Sam brings his famous candied yams and Bucky brings cranberry relish.
The meal is good, but you cooked it.
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Colin Shea:
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Colin cooks the meal.
Eva is busy soothing her cramps.
Her monthlies made their appearance, one day ahead of time.
Eva sleeps on the couch, and Colin carries her to bed.
Colin listens to music on his tablet while cooking the meal.
Colin wakes Eva up.
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Dessert is a chocolate pumpkin cake.
Movies are watched, but Eva and Colin fall asleep twenty minutes into the movie.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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Katherine is in the hospital being treated for bacterial pneumonia, so Harlan, Ransom and you spend the rest of the day at your brother's.
Your brother cooks the meal.
You go to visit Katherine in the hospital after dinner.
A few days later, you and Ransom take Katherine home.
Your brother comes by later that day to make a Thanksgiving meal for you, Ransom, and the twins.
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The twins eat a little bit of everything.
They love the green bean casserole and the cranberry sauce.
Katherine has to take her antibiotic, which is icky.
She eats some vanilla ice cream for dessert.
The twins, you, and Ransom go to sleep after your brother leaves.
The next day. Harlan goes to school, but you make Katherine a little leftovers for her lunch.
You, Ransom and the twins have a nice holiday, even though it wound up with a kid in the hospital.
Ransom wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Andy Barber:
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Andy cooks the entire meal from scratch.
He even made the dessert from scratch, including a pumpkin pie for you that's diabetic friendly.
Andy delivers you water and snacks to help keep your sugar up.
While watching movies in your PJ's with Joy, you breast feed Penelope.
Andy smiles at the wholesome site.
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Andy plays an important role in your type I diabetes.
He even checks your Dexcom when your sleeping to make sure that your sugar is normal, and wakes you when it's dangerously low.
He brings you juice and a granola bar when it is.
Andy loves being a husband to you and a dad to the girls.
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Jake Jensen:
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Jake plays video games while you cook the meal.
Jake's niece, sister, and your brother, sister-in-law and your nephew all arrive.
The meal is ready, you made everything, including three kinds of pie.
You have vanilla ice cream, and the neapolitan kind.
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After, you and Jake have plans to binge watch Star Wars and Harry Potter.
You have plenty of food leftover, so it's all good.
You also have plenty of frozen stuff.
You went grocery shopping on Monday, so you're all set until next Monday.
The meal is amazing.
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Frank Adler:
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Mary has a cold, so Thanksgiving will be lowkey.
You and Frank went to high school together, and this is your first Thanksgiving in your hometown since you moved back home.
You come over, and cook the meal for Frank and Mary.
You also make Mary your famous chicken soup.
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Frank sips beer and watches the Lions and the Packers, while you cook the meal in his kitchen.
Mary has some soup, but you leave a plate in the fridge with reheating instructions in case she feels like eating.
You also make pumpkin pie for dessert.
It's an amazing Thanksgiving, and it was low key.
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Johnny Storm:
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Your aunt cooks the meal.
Johnny is kidnapped by your mom and your aunts who have to know every single detail of his proposal at Disney.
The meal is enjoyed.
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Johnny and you go back to NYC, smiling more than ever.
You worked of the dinner multiple times in the hotel.
And in the shower, and in your childhood bedroom.
Damn, Johnny can make you come in ways that still blow your mind.
He makes you come again when you return to your NYC apartment.
You and Johnny are deeply in love, and he was on his best behavior.
Next year, you both are cooking the meal.
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