#vegetarian tips
vegetariantips · 1 year
Favorite warm veggie bowl thread! Share your favorite combos for a dinner time veggie bowl!
I’ll go first
Red lentils as the base. Add, roasted sweet potatoes, sautéed onion, carrot, and kale. Top it all off with some fresh lemon juice and nutritional yeast. Sometimes I add avocado or add mushrooms to to sauté.
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sir-klauz · 2 years
Found a whole bunch of vegetarian and vegan food for my partner and kid to have this year again and each year it’s getting so much better for this! The embracing of diet which isn’t just slabs of meat everywhere is wonderful and has needed to happen for many years. Not everyone can cook a vegetarian meal from scratch! And come ON, party food? Hello??? It was rarely stocked out here in the countryside like it was more so in the city. I’m glad I could do this for them. Vegan tempura nests? And things like faux king prawns and all kinds of things! Vegan turkey? Wreaths? No pressure for nut roast and biscuits or fkin nothing (exaggeration but not really). I’m seeing dozens of people queuing at the Butchers and is that because they wanna or is it because they think they have to? Or what?
I’m not strictly vegetarian and anyone that makes the excuse that they’re not vegetarian so “can’t” incorporate decent vegetarian food into the holiday meals are just being lazy aha, you’re eating half a plate of vegetarian food which lets be honest, it’s pretty lame I mean potatoes and sprouts, sprouts being one of the most famous gross vegetables available😂.
“I don’t get people who decide to go plant based and then buy food that looks like meat”, well, why do people who eat meat buy food that doesn’t “look like meat”? Because a sausage sure doesn’t look like a pig. Likewise, why? Just because you don’t want to eat an animal, doesn’t mean you don’t get to be allowed to enjoy the taste, aha. It allows people to still eat it without needing to eat an animal and not enjoying that aspect. Intolerant meat eaters complain a lot about the “nasty taste of vegetables” then get aggy about people otherwise enjoying the taste more than a plain carrot (for example).
There’s so many delicious foods out there that don’t require incredibly expensive cuts of meat with everything! It just irritates me sometimes how OTT people go when it comes to eating meat unnecessarily? And how rude some get towards anyone does anything else. There’s never a need for the whole table to be full of meat food and upset faces of people who don’t eat it once again going without. 😩 Season of family and friends though right? 👀 It’s not hard to be selfless and incorporate plant based options for people, it isn’t! I am the minority for eating meat in my little family, I don’t eat much but it all works fine! Nobody is ever left out. I don’t get the flat out refusal to try. It’s not just often vegetables with no seasoning on which is what most people will only add on the side of a steak as it is?
It’s not hard to Google what to do either if you don’t know, or dare say it, ask. This isn’t just with vegetarian/vegan food, this is having things to hand for a plate of food for anyone with a different diet to you that you’re inviting. Diabetic, allergies, dishes which respect their faith if they’re wanting to come over to respect yours or your traditions as well, the least you can do is return it. If you can’t afford it, say they are free to bring their own food that they know they can eat or would like to, so everyone can sit down comfortably and have a meal and enjoy themselves rather than old school culture of feeling forced.
I love ketchup on loads of food. Roast dinner included! It makes everything nicer for me and even more so when I used to dislike gravy as a kid but I got endless comments about it. It doesn’t matter! It’s a time to enjoy a treat, and food we love, like any other holiday or special occasion. That’s the point. Stop making people uncomfortable excluding them!
Happy solstice for the 21st as well~ and a good autumn and winter for any other things people were doing during this time. 🍵
Share what you got up to if you like, I’d love to hear it, in my comments or ask box! Or, what you enjoyed eating for a treat or for any religious holiday you’ve engaged with. Have a lot of fun and also if I don’t get chance to say it before, Happy New Year!
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xanderisbraindead · 8 months
Dont press your tofu. That will not get the texture you want. I see a lot of people saying they hate the texture of tofu and then i find out they’re pressing it
Boil it in saltwater for 10 minutes then let it sit for 30 minutes.
Freeze it
Microwave it
Dehydrate and rehydrate it
Or even a combination of these
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3-lavender · 1 year
Any information about being a vegetarian, any tips, anything at all, statistics about how it helps the environment if it even does? If any of you know anything and would like to share with me pls do!! I’m serious about becoming a vegetarian but I actually don’t know that much about it or how it helps.
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lowspoonsfood · 11 months
On a day you have slightly more energy than usual, get a whole bag of yellow onions, slice them into thin slices, and throw them into a slow cooker on low with half a stick (or more, butter is good for you) of butter for 8-12 hours. When they are nice and caramelized, spread them in a thin layer on a cookie sheet to freeze, but kind of score the layer in a grid pattern so you can break them into squares once frozen. That will give you enough caramelized onions for literal months, just throw a square or two into any soup, hash, sauce, whatever and it will taste like it took hours with no extra effort at that time.
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vegan-nom-noms · 4 months
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Creamy Vegetable Chickpea Soup (Vegan)
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bootleg-nessie · 5 months
Not enough people know that vegetables are a human construct
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natitith · 2 months
Hi! For all the vegetarians, vegans or whatever... people with not conventional diet (omnivore ig)
Doesn't it feel like you're coming out or something? Like, i spent years trying to convince my family to respect my decision lol
Do you have any tip?
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creekfiend · 2 years
I fucking hate the veganism fights like all fights online have no nuance and are in super bad faith but man the veganism one is just... something else
I've never heard any vegans be like 'yeah I don't care about agricultural workers lol' and I've never heard anyone who thinks that animal products can be consumed ethically be like 'ha ha factory farm/slaughterhouse/meat packing plant employees can go die actually!'
I think. People who feel strongly about what we are eating in general do care about Pretty Much Everything
I'm friends with some vegans vegetarians and they're friends with me and like... it's. Fine. And not in a 'we Don't Talk About It' way at all!!!! In a like 'we can talk about food systems and what we would ideally like to be able to do within them'
I'm someone who tried to be vegetarian once and had to stop for health reasons. I'd love to be able to only eat animal products from small local farms who i trust to treat all their animals ethically but for health and money reasons can't rn. None of my friends who eat differently than me are mean about that? I don't know comma man it's just. I think we all care a lot about everything actually. Which is why everyone's so fucking mad lmao
This is a pointless post which is why no one can reblog it 🥲 I just feel like omfg the veganism fight has the BIGGEST STRAWMEN IN THE WORLD its like ... straw mechas
Actually that's a really good mental image. Strawmechas. Bad ass
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faggotto · 9 days
I think a big part of the reason why I let myself go so much is bc I went through really bad depression, so it was just getting myself to survive on whatever I could. The boy I was ⭐️ving for had used me and left me and so I let it all go. Now I realize how important it was to stay on it. I’ve been fat, and skinny and now I’m fat again, and it’s true that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I thought it only mattered to eat grass fed butter and milk, and humane meat, but now im remebering it was never about that, it was about how much fat is in all of that! fat from hemp and chia and flax us different than fat from pork and chicken! and the calorie diff is CRAZY!!!! I just have to find the energy to do the work
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akaga11 · 5 months
Gesunde vegetarische Rezepte als Thema meiner Diplomarbeit 2009
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veganfoody · 2 years
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9 Mistakes to Avoid When Transitioning to Vegansim
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dont-offend-the-bees · 4 months
Right that's it. Dropping everything else this week to spend some time learning how to cook things I can actually stomach.
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Cooking Tip #3
The easiest way to get your family to eat more fruits and veggies is to not cook at all!! Simply rinse the fruits and veggies and give a quick chop to any that need it like cucumbers or carrots and set them on the table in a serving dish. If you want you can further entice them with a yummy and healthy yogurt dill dip or a sweet peanut butter honey dip.
You’ll be surprised how many disappear as your family casually grabs a handful of blueberries as they go in and out of the kitchen!!
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whomst-the-hell · 1 year
if youre egg free but not vegan do i have some good news for you (from your neighbourhood lacto-vegetarian!): any recipe with fewer than four or five eggs (meaning the base recipe, dont worry abt doubling etc) will probably work if you substitute 1 egg=1 tblsp of plain yoghurt or sour cream. if thats not enough, also use 1 tblsp custard powder.
this applies to cakes, muffins, pastries, honestly most baked goods — give it a try other places, it’ll probably be fine!
in most recipes egg is a binding agent, not a flavour, so yoghurt/sour cream will do the trick!
this makes finding recipes wayyy easier — most recipes are either completely normal or completely vegan which both have their faults, so its pretty useful to just modify an existing something!
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vegan-nom-noms · 4 months
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Salt And Pepper Mushrooms
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