#diana prince x baby danvers
drghostwrite · 1 year
prompt list: -> here
“rules”: -> here
Shows & Characters:
Criminal Minds:
Any character
Jennifer “JJ” Jareau:
Two hearts collide
A baby for Christmas
Did I hit too hard…
Derek Morgan:
• Under fire
Once Upon A Time:
Regina Mills (favorite to write in like love/wife stories)
Scars for Love pt. 1, pt. 2
Until My Last Breath
Out at Sea
Running Back to You
Black is my color
Power bottom(request)
Zelena Mills
Wife gives birth(x reader request)
Emma Swan
Other characters
Larissa Weems:
Always You, pt. 2, pt. 3
Give You Everything
Seeing Green
other characters per request
Marvel CU:
Natasha Romaoff:
You’re Not Alone
Dark Nights
Jealousy looks good on you
Maria Hill:
You are the Calm to my Chaos
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
When Lightning Strikes
DC Universe:
Diana Prince
Lena Luthor
When the Sky Falls
When the Sun Sets on Us
Alex Danvers
Bond of Steel
Arthur Curry(Aquaman)
A Royal Bloodline
Grey's Anatomy:
Arizona Robbins:
If I Just Lay Here?
Already Taken
You’re my Comfort
The Shooting(request)
Next Time We’re Driving
My House, My Rules
Snowed In
Callie Torres
A Superstar with a Scalpel
Holding onto you, pt. 2, pt. 3
Addison Montgomery:
Code Black
Supply Closets & Satin Sheets
Operating Rooms
Some other characters but those are primary
Dana Scully (obvi):
You Remembered(prompt)
True Temptation
Fox Mulder
Monica Reyes:
• When I say go(prompt)
Others are special request
Desperate Housewives:
Lynette Scavo
Bree Van de Kamp
To love again(request)
Other wives and some other characters can be special request
Law & Order SVU:
Olivia Benson (The only right answer for a wife)
Something to Fight for...
other taskforce members
Rizzoli and Isles:
Jane Rizzoli:
That Thin Line pt. 1, pt. 2
Maura Isles:
Drown Our Problems
When the Music Fades
Frankie or Tommy Rizzoli
Sidney Prescott:
We All Scream Sometimes pt. 1, pt. 2
Blood on the knife
Orange is the New Black:
Alex Vause:
Ex-Lovers (request)
Saints and Sinners
The 100:
Clarke Griffin:
Takes a Village
Abby Griffin
Octavia Blake
Game of Thrones(GOT):
A Rightful Heir
The Walking Dead
Reader gets shot (request)
Reader has baby during run
Evan Buckley:
• 911, What’s your emergency?
(Criminal Minds) x (X Files), Pt. 2
There are some things I just won't write for but I do case by a case basis, I will put warnings if there is anything I view as may be triggering. Please give me more shows or characters to write for, I'm begging you! most fics are reader x character, some involve pregnancy and marriage but they will mostly be one-shots.
118 notes · View notes
captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Fifty Eight
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 6.5k
Warnings: ANGST... some fluff.
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Diana Prince, Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC
This Part: The brewing storm hits the Danvers household.
Buckle up buttercup. And... I'm sorry.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @inquisitive-nix, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @checkingoutforheroes, @mmmmokdok, @certainkryptoniangeek, @starmako26
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The golden sunlight shines through the trees as the leaves gently rustle in the breeze. Emma is leaning against a rock with her guitar and she plucks at the strings. The melody echoes around her creating a beautiful sound that makes Emma smile and her heart soar.
Closing her eyes Emma starts humming and feeling herself becoming one with the music, trying to find the words to express how she is feeling in this moment.
Finally the words come to her and she sings along with the birds, pouring out her very soul into the song.
A snap of a swig makes Emma immediately stop and twist in the direction of the sound.
“Oh! Sorry!” Nia gasps out with wide eyes. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted to hear you better.”
Emma smiles and visibly relaxes. “It’s okay.” She pats the ground next to her and the brunette comes over to sit beside her. “So, you're in my dream right now?”
“Yea. We still haven’t figured out why it happened.” Nia says sincerely and rubs the back of her neck.
“I’m glad it did.” Emma admits and starts strumming her guitar again.
“Yea. I mean, I hadn’t figured out it was you until recently. I always wondered who the mysterious woman was, the familiar voice.” Emma says softly. “It was a real comfort even when times were hard your… presence helped me more than you will know.”
Nia sniffs and places her head on Emma’s shoulder. The pair enjoy each other’s company as Emma continues to play.
“Em?” Nia asks gently.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Well, you just did, but go ahead.” Emma grins at the brunette who laughs.
“Well, er-” Nia hesitates and sits up, turning to face Emma making the blonde frown slightly and stop playing. She places her guitar beside her and moves so she is facing Nia properly. “Is Diana okay?”
Emma tilts her head. “I-” Emma blinks. “I’m not sure. I have noticed she’s gotten quieter so I’m trying to give her space.” Emma runs her hand through her long wavy hair. “I did ask but she insisted she was okay. We may go for a picnic today.”
Nia smiles at that. “Aww a picnic! That sounds so good! Maybe Brainy and I can join you and-”
Emma laughs, cutting Nia off by the sound. Neither notice the forests suddenly going silent. “Nia, the point of the picnic with Diana is to have some alone time with her. She’s probably feeling a bit overwhelmed with everyone and we just need some space.”
“Oh yea! Of course I mean you both would want some-”
Emma turns her head to gaze around the darkening tree line. The hairs on her arms stand to attention and a feeling of dread makes her heart start to pump.
Emma raises her finger to her lips, signalling Nia to stay quiet. The brunette understands and also glances around, now aware of the deathly quiet forest.
Someone, or something, was watching them.
“Can you wake us up?” Emma whispers as she slowly moves into a position where she can run.
Nia tries to activate her powers but nothing happens.
“Shit.” Emma mutters.
Suddenly a monstrous roar erupts from the trees and Emma jumps to her feet, pulling Nia up with her.
They sprint in the other direction of the noise, their hearts thumping as loud as the crashing footfalls of whatever is chasing them.
“I am your doom!” A monstrous roar sounds behind them, freezing their blood instantly.
“Nia!” Another voice calls out frantically. “Nia wake up!”
The pair keep running until they reach an edge of a cliff. They skid to a halt and look down at the bottomless drop.
“Nia! Please wake up.”
“Nia, go.” Emma gasps out.
“No, I am not leaving you here.”
Emma shakes in fear as the thunderous sound gets closer. “It’s only a dream.” Emma cups Nia’s face. “Wake up.”
Suddenly Nia is gone. Emma turns back to the forest and sees it has been replaced by the skyscrapers of National City that are closing her in. Standing in the middle of the only means of escape is a sight that makes her tremble more. In the shadows are glowing red eyes.
“You have nowhere to run!” The gigantic figure roars and steps out of the shadows, revealing a monstrous, grey beast that has white, sharp spikes protruding at different parts of its body. “I will destroy you and everything you love!” It roars and charges at Emma who stands frozen in fear.
Just as the behemoth crashes into her Emma gasps awake and shoots up in bed.
Her heart is thumping wildly and her body trembles.
“Em?” Robyn whispers out quietly in the dark but Emma still jumps and clutches at her heart.
Shakily she gets to her feet and rushes from the room and can hear Robyn follow her. The corridor is brightly lit and Emma almost ploughs into a wide eyed Nia. Immediately the brunette wraps her arms around Emma. “You’re okay.” Nia coos soothingly and rubs Emma’s back.
“What happened?” Robyn whispers urgently as she closes the bedroom door to not disturb Diana.
“Nia was in Emma’s dreams, well, it appears to be a nightmare.” Brainy explains. “I had to wake Nia up, she was thrashing all over the bed.”
A nearby door opens and Kara sleepily pokes her head out, immediately she catches sight of Emma’s shaking shoulders and rushes to her sister. “What’s wrong?”
“Nightmare.” Robyn answers. “Shall we go downstairs?”
Emma lets go of Nia and steps away. “I need to go surfing.”
“Okay, well why don’t we go with you. Take a picnic breakfast down with us?” Nia offers and Emma nods. She shakily makes her way to the garage to change into her swim and winter wetsuit.
When she reemerges Kara is quickly gathering some bread and jams to take down to the beach. Ben watches sleepily from the stools and Lucy is filling beakers of coffee as Robyn tells her about her first gig. But as soon as Robyn spots Emma she stops and focuses on the blonde.
“Are you okay? You look a bit pale.”
Emma places her surfboard against the island and lifts her hands. “My heart is still thumping slightly but I will be okay once I am in the water.”
Nia and Brainy enter the back room and are wrapped up warmly. “Ready to go?”
Emma nods and then pauses. “I am just going to see if Diana is awake.” She heads quietly back upstairs and silently opens the door. But Diana is still fast asleep.
Emma gazes down at her girlfriend and a small smile crosses her lips. Her heart calms down further and flutters with love for the brunette. She takes a scrap piece of paper and writes down where she has gone, hoping Diana will come down to the beach to join them. Emma places it where Diana will see it very easily and leaves as quietly as she entered.
Going back downstairs Emma picks up her board and starts walking with the group down to the beach. Her senses are on high alert as her eyes glance all around, the sun is rising, making their surroundings brighter and more easily seen.  Emma half listens to the discussion that is taking place but her mind focuses on the monster she saw, making a chill run down her spine. Any loud noise makes her flinch slightly. Kara seems to notice and sticks close to Emma’s side and Nia joins them.
Finally they are on the beach and Emma sprints into the surf. Her breath is taken away by how cold the water is but she soon gets used to it. Finally she feels a sense of peace and heads further out.
– – –
Diana sighs heavily as she sits at the island with a coffee, wondering why Emma hadn’t woken her up to go down to the beach.
‘I love you.’
Had been written in Emma’s curvy handwriting and normally reading those words would have made Diana’s heart flutter. But now, her heart painfully stutters.
She pulls a photo album Eliza had made for her daughters towards her. Opening it, she realises it is Emma’s due to it beginning being a toddler Alex beaming up at the camera next to a slight bump on Eliza’s stomach and an ultrasound photo. Each picture showed a timeline of the bump growing bigger until baby Emma arrived. Diana studies the look of pure adoration on Alex’s face and a tiny smile crosses her own. Especially when she keeps turning the pages and sees Emma grow from a small, adorable child with pig-tails to a strong, beautiful young woman. Each birthday had a photo, each christmas, even the first one without Jeremiah. Showing the sisters were more subdued and more clingy.
Nearing the end she turns a page, her smile drops and her jaw clenches.
Lena is sat close to a beaming Emma whose arm is placed around her shoulders, but unlike Emma, who is smiling straight at the camera, the raven haired woman is gazing longingly at Emma’s face, making Diana wonder how Emma didn’t realise Lena’s feelings sooner.
Diana shakes her head slightly at how ridiculous Lena’s words were of not loving Emma when she can clearly see the level of love, not only in this picture, but everytime she catches Lena gazing at Emma when she thinks no one else is looking. Diana slams the book shut, remembering how Lena had watched Emma dancing with such adoration. Such longing. Such love. She had been completely mesmerised by Emma.
Diana stares into her coffee and rests her head against her hand while she thinks. Wondering if Emma still feels something for her ex.
“Are you trying to find the world’s answers in that mug?” Sam jokes while going to the fridge.
“Something like that.” Diana answers softly.
“Hey, are you okay?” Sam asks with a tilt of her head while pouring a dash of milk into her coffee.
Diana swallows deeply and nods.
“Are you sure?” Sam asks, unconvinced by Diana’s response.
“Yes, I’ve just got a lot on my mind lately.”
“Do you wanna talk about it? I’ve been told I am a good listener.” Sam says brightly with a reassuring smile and sits on the stool next to Diana.
“You aren’t going to back down, are you?” Diana asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Nope.” Sam pops out and sips her coffee.
Diana drinks her own before talking. “Was Emma and Lena’s breakup as out of the blue for you as it was for Emma?”
Sam blinks, having not expected that question. “I-” Sam takes another sip while she thinks. “Yes, it completely blindsided me. I knew Lena was struggling with- something. Fuck, we all were struggling and instead of trying to deal with it we pretended that everything was normal and fine. But it wasn’t and we, I, didn’t see that Emma was drowning until it was too late, until she was gone.”
“You make it sound like she died.” Diana says sadly while she fiddles with her mug.
“In a way, it felt like she had.” Sam admits, her eyes getting misty with tears as she remembers that summer evening.
“What do you mean?”
“When we couldn’t find her and we knew that Lena had broken up with Emma, there was a moment I feared Em had-” Sam pauses, feeling her throat close with emotion.
Diana places her hand over Sam’s to comfort the other brunette.
“That must have been very hard.”
Sam nods and clears her throat. “You have no idea the relief we felt when Emma emailed Eliza. Alex spent hours trying to track her, begging Eliza for the new email address, but she wouldn’t budge. I spent so many nights holding Alex while she sobbed.”
They both take a sip of their drinks and Diana taps her mug. “What was the reason Lena broke up with Emma?”
Sam turns and searches Diana’s dark eyes. “I can only tell you what I know.”
– – –
Hours After The Break Up
Sam and Lucy speed over to L-Corp from Lena and Emma’s apartment. Sam has to consciously keep her grip loose and not crush the steering wheel. But her whole body is tense and her mind is racing as quick as the car.
‘I did hear her heartbeat. I’m sure I did.’ Sam tries to replay the horrifying moment she no longer could hear Emma and how she broke down the doors. Only to find Emma was no longer in the apartment but there was evidence she had been there.
“It can’t be true.” Lucy mutters angrily and she flicks through the many news reports. “What the fuck is Lena thinking?”
The car screeches into the underground parking lot and Sam races to the elevator.
“Wait for me!” Lucy calls and Sam holds the doors for her. “Look at this?!” Lucy seethes and holds out her phone, showing Sam a video of a clearly distraught Emma falling against the side of a building. Her tears fall thick and fast as she gasps for air, making Sam’s rage build.
The doors open and Sam superspeed to Lena’s office and slams open the office doors. “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!” Sam yells in an outrage, but Lena doesn’t even look up, instead she continues to stare glassy eyed at the glass of scotch in her hand. “Lena Kieran Luthor.” Sam threatens as she marches up to the desk. “What have you done?”
Before Lena can answer a breathless Lucy rushes into the office. Her eyes also ablaze with rage.
“I’d like to hear… the answer to that question… too.” Lucy gasps out and stands next to Sam.
The pair stare expectantly at the CEO.
“Well?” Sam grits out.
Lena inhales deeply, straightens her back and looks blankly at them. “I broke up with Emma.” She says casually, as if talking about the weather.
Lucy’s face morphs into pure anger and she quickly turns away from the desk, storming to the other side of the office with her hands on her hips, keeping her back to Lena.
Sam, though still furious at the truth, doesn’t express it in her face.
“What happened?” She tries to ask as calmly as she can.
“I fell out of love with her.” Lena says matter of factly. “Although, I’m not even sure I was in love with her to begin with.”
“BULL-SHIT!” Lucy yells from the other end of the room and spins around to glare daggers at the CEO.
“Lucy.” Sam implores the brunette, giving her a hard look.
“Fine! I can't be here.” Lucy stomps out of the office. Her heavy footsteps fade away as she leaves.
Making a decision Sam sits heavily on one of the chairs opposite the desk and waits. She clenches and unclenches her hands while studying Lena closely.
But Lena’s face remains emotionless and she doesn’t move or say anything.
Finally Sam opens her mouth, trying to keep her voice as even and calm as she can. “We both know you are lying. And whatever is going on in your head, you need to stop it.”
“You may think that-” Lena takes a big gulp of her scotch. “But I am a Luthor.”
Sam’s right cheek jerks slightly. “What did Lillian make you believe now?” Sam says through gritted teeth.
“We both know the businesses are failing and-”
“Stop!” Sam slams her hand down on the desk, creating a few more hairline cracks. “Lee, talk to me. Please.” Sam’s face softens as she implores her best friend.
But Lena stares back blankly at her. “Luthor’s don’t get their happy ending.”
– – –
“And then Lena shut down. She went into autopilot and solely focused on work and booze.” Sam says sadly and finishes her coffee. “Kara and I tried everything, from screaming at her to falling to our knees and begging for the real reason why.” Sam takes a deep breath in and releases it gradually. “But she stayed silent. Soon she lost weight, wasn’t sleeping but then something managed to get through to her and slowly, the Lena we knew came back to us.”
“But she’s never truthfully told you why?” Diana asks with a small frown.
Sam shakes her head somberly.
“Good morning.” Alex yawns out as she enters the back room and Diana relaxes her face.
“Morning babe.” Sam responds and Alex kisses her.
“Hmm coffee.” Alex hums and goes to the machine to make a cup. “What do you guys wanna do today?”
“Not sure, Ruby is still asleep.” Sam says and Alex turns to the two brunettes. “Maybe we don’t plan anything and just relax?”
“Hmm so a chilled out kind of day? I like that idea.” Alex lifts her mug up and walks to the island.
“Emma and I are planning to have some alone time, maybe a picnic.” Diana adds and taps her mug.
“Sounds good.” Alex nods and takes a sip of her coffee. “Where is she? Still asleep?”
“No, she’s down at the beach.” Diana comments and Alex momentarily narrows her eyes. “With Nia, Brainy, Lucy, Robyn, Kara and Ben.” She adds quickly.
“Babe you need to relax.” Sam reaches out and places a hand on top of Alex’s.
The redhead sighs heavily. “Yea I know, I just, I worry and I can’t help it.”
“Yea but she’s a grown woman and part Kryptonian now.” Sam lovingly strokes her fiance’s arm. “Shall I go wake Ruby up and we can decide what we are doing?”
“I can go wake her.” Diana offers and rises from the stool.
“Okay, thanks.” Sam nods and Alex comes around the island to sit in Diana’s place. The couple start talking quietly and Diana makes her way up the stairs. She hears the shower running but continues on to Kara and Alex’s old room.
She silently opens the door and frowns when Ruby isn’t in the room.
However, Lena is.
Diana’s eyes narrow at the open ring box in Lena’s hands and how she gazes at it longingly.
Diana’s stomach drops at the familiarity of the ring.
“What’s that?” She asks softly, making the raven haired woman jump and snap the box shut.
“Nothing.” Lena says just as quickly.
Diana enters the room and closes the door behind her. “May I see it?” Diana holds out her hand and approaches the bed Lena is sitting on.
Lena hesitates but places the ring box in Diana’s hand.
Slowly Diana opens it and feels her heart break. Her gaze rises to meet Lena’s.
“I bought it at the christmas fair.” Lena explains coolly and fiddles with her curly  hair.
“It’s pretty. Who is it for?”
“No one. I just liked it.” Lena smoothly answers but her continued fidgeting gives it away.
The door opens and Ruby enters wrapped in a towel.
“Morning!” Ruby happily greets the pair and Diana closes the box.
“Good morning sleepy head.” Diana says with a bit too much enthusiasm. “Lena, why don’t you come downstairs with me and we can leave Ruby to change?” The brunette holds open the door but Lena doesn’t move right away. Only when Diana tilts her head at her does Lena rise rigidly from the bed.
Diana leads the way through the house into the back room.
“Good morning!” Sam opens her arms to give Lena a hug. Lena does so, but stiffly.
“Are you okay?” Alex whispers softly when she hugs the raven haired woman.
Lena nods.
“Lena, please.” Diana calls over to her as she opens the back door. Motioning for Lena to walk through it. “Go down to the yard.”
Lena complies and feels the damp grass under her feet.
“That’s far enough.” Diana says and Lena turns to face the Amazonian. She keeps her face expressionless and crosses her arms tightly over her chest.
Diana throws the ring box up and down in her hand a few times as her eyes roam over the raven haired woman. “You know, when Emma first told me about you, what you did, I thought you were either an idiot, a psychopath or both.” Diana paces back and forth, tilting her head as she continues to study Lena.
“I think that description hits the nail on the head. Now if you don’t mind-” Lena attempts to move past Diana but the brunette cuts her off.
“Don’t worry, I just want to ask you a few, simple questions.” Diana explains softly and quickly grabs Lena’s necklace to reveal the engagement ring hanging from it. “For starters, it’s funny how you wear the ring Emma was going to propose with, despite your claims of not loving her.” Diana skillfully opens the ring box in her hand. “And this ring, very similar in style but also unique. Almost like they were made for each other.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lena says in her best CEO voice. But it isn’t fooling Diana.
In a flash Wonder Woman stands in front of her. Making Lena slowly back away, her eyes widening in fear.
Suddenly she is halted when the lasso wraps around her torso, arms and hands.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
– – –
Emma lifts her head to look at the beach and sees Lucy, Robyn, Nia, Brainy, Kara and Ben packing up their breakfast picnic. She surfs a big wave into the shallows and jumps off her board. She beams at the group and signals if they want her to carry anything.
“Oh no, we’re fine, you carry your board.” Kara insists and Emma shrugs, leading the way on the path back to the house.
“That was seriously so cool!” Robyn exclaims beside her. “Will you be able to teach me? I mean I have gone paddle boarding though I couldn’t stand on it due to my balance being shocking!”
Emma nods her head and grins at her friend.
“Oh I know what you mean! I tried to get on a board in a lake, where there were no waves at the time, but I kept falling off!” Lucy laughs and the group starts discussing different water sports.
Emma listens but her mind starts wandering. Despite the thrill the surfing gave her, Emma can’t help but shake the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.
“Oh and we should totally do those inflatable assault courses over the water! I’ve heard they’re really-”
Suddenly Emma’s ears pick up a noise in the distance.
“Kara?” Ben asks and Emma turns to gaze at her sister.
“Do you hear it too?” Kara asks Emma and she nods.
Another scream fills the air, making Emma drop her board and sprint to the house.
“Kara?! Em?!” Ben, Lucy and Robyn yell after them but the sisters continue running as they hear the Superfriends’ outraged cries.
“What are you doing?!”
“Let her go!”
The sisters finally make it to the backyard and Emma skids to a halt at what she sees.
Diana and Lena are in the middle of the yard and Diana’s lasso is wound tightly around Lena. It glows brightly and is obviously causing Lena a lot of pain. Her face scrunched up in distress as she silently screams. Tears are streaming endlessly down her face.
Kara zooms past Emma and charges at Diana but is propelled backwards when she gets near the pair.
“Kara!” Alex yells and Emma glances worriedly down at her.
“I’m okay.” Kara grits out and tries to charge at Diana again. But the same thing happens and Kara ends up being a heap on the floor.
“There’s an invisible barrier surrounding them.” Brainy calls out to Kara as he helps her up. His eyes search frantically for a way to get through to Lena.
Emma finally notices the Superfriends positioned around the pair and are trying to break through, shouting at Diana to stop. Sam is banging against the barrier with all her might, J’onn keeps attempting to phase through it and Nia rushes forward and tries blasting it with energy.
They watch helplessly as Lena falls to her knees and her eyes, full of anguish, connect with Emma’s.
Enraged Emma storms away back to the path, where Lucy, Robyn and Ben emerge out of breath.
“Em?” Robyn gasps out and her eyes widen at what she sees in front of her.
But Emma spins around and charges at Diana. Her superspeed engages and a glow encases her body. The barrier shatters like a pane of glass and Emma tackles Diana, they fall heavily and skid across the dirt.
The lasso unravels from Lena but before Emma can do anything, purple light surrounds her and she falls onto cold, damp concrete. Emma looks up at the sudden night sky, her breath becomes visible in the crisp air.
Diana pushes Emma off of her and rises to her feet “I brought you here on our second date.” Diana says mournfully while looking around. “Do you remember?”
Emma stands and recognises the view of a twinkling Paris from the Montparnasse tower. She nods, trembling slightly from the cold. Her wetsuit was still damp and currently starting to freeze in the frigid winter air.
“What the hell was that?! Why did you use the lasso on Lena?” Emma signs accusingly.
“I needed answers”
“To what?! She was in pain!”
“Because she was stubborn enough to hold onto it. If she had just admitted the truth and had been honest, she wouldn’t have gotten burned.”
Emma tilts her head and stares at Diana in disbelief.
“Don’t look at me like that! The bracelet you got Lena, in Rome, it matched the ring, the engagement ring, you got her!” Diana points accusingly.
Emma freezes and her mouth drops open. “How do you know about the ring?”
Diana tuts and rolls her eyes in annoyance. “The necklace she wears? The one she is always playing with? The ring is attached to it! I saw it when she fainted.”
“When did Lena faint?”
“When you were unconscious and I had to explain everything, that we thought your powers were killing you! She was so overcome with emotion she collapsed!”
Emma stares in shock at Diana and shakes her head. “That can’t be true.”
“It is.” Diana grits out and crosses her arms. “She fought against my lasso, she got burned because she wouldn’t admit the truth.”
Emma pinches the bridge of her nose. Overwhelmed by what she is feeling. “What truth did you need to know so desperately? Why did you not talk to me about it?” Emma signs furiously. “Like when we were outside yesterday, that would have been a perfect time! Or when everyone went to bed, you could have told me how you were feeling.”
“Because you know as little, actually probably less, than I do and I wanted to know the truth.” Diana says simply but before Emma can respond Diana flicks her wrist and the lasso winds tightly around Emma’s torso and hands, causing Emma to silently yelp. “And now, I will ask you some questions.”
Emma shakes in fear as the lasso glows brightly around her, temporarily blinding her.
“Do you love me?” Diana asks softly.
Emma immediately nods.
“Do you love Lena?” Diana asks, her voice tight and cracks saying the raven haired woman’s name.
Emma hesitates, suddenly the lasso increases in heat and Emma bends over in pain.
She nods and the pain subsides. Emma  straightens up as tears start rolling down her face.
“Do you love Lena more than you love me?” Diana whispers brokenly and Emma’s face scrunches up. Knowing it wasn’t a simple yes or no question and she had no way to communicate with her hands. She tries to mouth her words, wanting to explain and reason that her love for Lena was deeper because of all they had been through, the friendship that was built over many years.
But Emma knows they can never be together, despite, through everything, she still loves Lena.
Unable to answer, Emma collapses to her knees in pain as she silently weeps. The lasso burns through her wetsuit, searing painfully into her skin.
Emma rocks back and forth when suddenly the lasso unwinds and Emma collapses forward onto the freezing concrete.
“I am sorry it has ended this way.” Diana chokes out and Emma shakily lifts her head up to look at her.
Light engulfs Emma and suddenly she’s falling, landing heavily with a thud on the damp earth.
“EMMA?!” Sam yells nearby and Emma hears a stampede race over to her. Her whole body shakes and jerks from both  physical and mental pain.
‘This can’t be happening.’ Emma chants in her mind. ‘Not again. I’m not enough.’
“Hey, I got you.” She feels Alex’s hands on her shoulders but Emma wants to scream out in pain and fear.
“Alex! You're hurting her!” J’onn yells out and the pressure of Alex’s hands are gone. Which is a momentary relief for Emma but she misses the contact.
“Oh my god.” Lucy gasps. “Her wetsuit!”
“She used the lasso on her too?!” Kara spits out and Emma feebly curls into herself. “No! J’onn! Let go of me! I’m going to find that bitch!” Kara roars and Emma stares weakly up at her fuming sister as she tries to shake J’onn off.
Sam jumps up and takes a hold of Kara as well, holding her in place.
“Let go of me! She’s hurt those I love!” Kara yells angrily and thrashes against the pair.
“I got them.” Nia pants and clips the red sun cuffs on Kara, immediately weakening her.
Ben steps forward and cups Kara’s face. “Hey, look at me, take deep breaths.” Ben says softly. “It’s okay that you are angry, but I don’t think we need a round two of Supergirl vs Wonder Woman.”
“Only cause she will lose.” Kara spits out, Ben draws her into a hug and slowly Kara calms down.
“Take her inside.” J’onn says softly and Ben leads Kara to the door, whispering words of love and reassurance in her ear.
“Can you straighten out for me Peanut?” Alex asks softly. “You’ll feel better if you do.”
Emma swallows and gradually uncurls herself, wincing at the sharp pain from her skin. Alex tries to assess Emma’s injuries and the blonde continues to cry. “Peanut? Can you sit up for me?” Alex asks softly and Emma slowly tries to move her body. She voicelessly whines out in quick breaths but manages to rest against her sister. “There we go. Just breathe.”
Brainy kneels in front of the sisters and analyses Emma’s condition. “She’s shaking, we need to get her inside.”
They help Emma up and half carry her in the house as the adrenaline starts to fade from her body.
“Put her on the other sofa.” Eliza orders as she tends to a still weeping Lena as she tends her wounds. “We may need to take them to NC or someone goes to get some more ointment.”
Emma’s head lolls to the side and she immediately forgets her pain when she notices Lena on the sofa. She motions for Alex to take her over.
“No Peanut, we need to lay you down.”
Emma firmly plants her feet on the floor and stares defiantly at her sister.
With a huff Alex turns and helps her get to Lena.
“Is that a good idea?” Brainy asks quietly but soon they are by Lena’s side.
“Alex! What are you doing?!” Eliza asks sharply.
“She wants to see Lena.” Alex explains as Emma studies her ex’s injuries. Her heart sinks at the burn marks underneath Lena’s singed clothing.
“Em?” Lena sobs out and her green eyes stare sorrowfully up at her. “I’m… sorry.”
Emma kneels heavily next to the sofa and takes a deep breath.
‘Please work.’ Emma begs and she closes her eyes, placing her hand gently on Lena’s arm.
“Emma what are you-”
Gasps fill the room as Emma’s hand starts to glow.
“Em.” Lena croaks out. “No, stop, please.”
But the blonde continues and grits her teeth, imagining Lena’s wounds healing until there was no sign of them.
“Emma, that’s enough!” Brainy removes her hand and Emma instantly feels the energy drain out of her. She sluggishly opens her eyes and watches the burn wounds fade away, leaving no evidence they were even there.
Lena sits up in wonder as she checks her hands. Their eyes connect-
Suddenly Emma sways and everything goes black.
– – –
“Are you sure she’s okay?”
Emma hears Kara whisper urgently as she starts to wake up.
“Yes Kara, she’s fine.” Brainy’s voice tries to sound reassuring. “Well, as fine as she can be physically.”
“So she isn’t trapped in a dream world being chased by shadowy monsters?” Kara’s worried voice asks.
“No, I’ve touched her hand a few times and I haven’t been pulled in.” Nia’s voice explains.
“Okay. That’s good. Right?”
When there is no response Emma drowsily tries to open her eyes. But in reality she wants to go back to sleep. She feels warm, safe and secure. Recognising her head is on someone’s lap and they are gently stroking her hair.
“It would appear she is waking up.” J’onn’s voice says nearby and the hand stops stroking her head. Making Emma pout.
“Emma?” Alex says right above her.
Emma cracks open an eye and is blinded by an orange light.
“Turn the sun lamps off.” Alex orders and Emma snuggles her face into her sister’s stomach. “Em, we need you to wake up to check you over.”
Emma frowns up at her. ‘Why do I need to be checked over?’
“Do you not remember?” J’onn asks, his tone makes Emma pause and she opens her eyes to look over at him. An expression of compassion is etched on his face.
‘Remember what?’ Emma slowly sits up with Alex’s help and sits properly on the sofa. Noting Winn and Brainy packing away sun lamps.
She glances down at herself but sees no signs of injuries. Just her sweatpants, mix matched fluffy socks and Supergirl hoodie.
“Little one?” Kara asks softly to her right and Emma glances over at her. She blinks at the deep sorrow in Kara’s blue eyes.
Then it clicks. She remembers.
Emma's eyes slowly search the room.
Diana is missing.
Suddenly Emma jumps up and stumbles to the stairs. She hears her sisters rushing after her as she makes her way up to her room.
Opening the door she collapses against it.
All of Diana’s things are gone.
The reality of what had happened hits her and her legs give way.
“Wow!” Alex gasps out and catches Emma as she slides down the door.
Tears well up in Emma’s eyes and bangs her head against the wood. Emotional pain explodes inside her and she grits her teeth as she tries to hold it in.
“Hey, I got you.” Alex cradles Emma against her and Kara kneels next to them, wrapping her arms around the two.
“Let it out, little one.” Kara softly coos and their hearts break when they hear Emma’s voiceless sobs.
Eliza is quickly by their side, enveloping her daughters in a hug and rocks them gently.
Eventually Emma is able to calm down enough and the Danvers women sit in the doorway.
“Come on, it’s lunch time.” Eliza softly says and kisses each daughter’s forehead. Hovering over Emma’s head a bit longer before getting up and making her way down to the kitchen. Emma leans her head back against the door and stares brokenly up at the ceiling.
The mantra of her deepest fears keep playing and feelings of unworthiness plague her mind.
“Emma?” Alex asks gently and Emma lowers her head down to gaze at her. Built up tears fall from her eyes. “We are with you in this, okay?” Alex cups Emma’s cheek and her sister’s face scrunches up with emotion. “I mean it. You are my sister and I am not abandoning you again. I promise.”
Kara sniffs and wipes under her glasses. “I promise too. I will be here with you, no matter what.”
Emma’s bloodshot eyes flick between her two sisters and she nuzzles their cheeks.
“Hey guys?” Ben says from the top of the stairs. “Lunch is ready.”
Kara is the first to get up, followed by Alex. Emma takes one more sorrowful glance into her room and shakily stands to her feet.
Her sisters take her hands and lead her downstairs to the dining room. When Emma gets to the door she freezes.
“Little one?” Kara asks worriedly at Emma’s distressed expression.
Emma shakes her head and backs away, her eyes fixed on Diana’s empty chair. She turns and flees into the back room. She curls herself into the corner of the sofa and tightly wraps her arms around herself.
J’onn quietly enters the room and Emma watches him as he approaches her.
“Hey princess. May I sit here?” He asks and Emma nods. “Would you mind if everyone eats in here? We could put a movie on? Your choice.”
He tries to listen to Emma’s thoughts but he can’t understand them. So many different voices all jumbling together into one loud noise.
The blonde nods slightly and J’onn tries giving her a reassuring smile. He grabs her teal blanket and tucks it around her, knowing it will help her feel more safe and secure.
He tells the others in the dining room and the Superfriends quietly come into the room with the bread, paté, meats and cheeses and sit with Emma.
Winn sets up the projector and screen while Alex tries to encourage Emma to choose the movie. But she just stares ahead blank and teary eyed. They end up choosing Coco, knowing it was one of Emma’s favourite films.
As the introduction music begins Robyn places a plate of food in front of Emma but she makes no attempt to eat it.
When the music swells when Miguel crosses the bridge Emma’s eyes snap to the screen, seemingly bringing her out of her stare and she begins watching it.
“Peanut, you need to eat.” Alex whispers but Emma doesn’t move. So Alex takes the plate and spreads the paté on the bread and lifts the slice up to Emma’s mouth.
But Emma turns her head away. Her vision blurs with tears and she sniffs heavily. The memories of her first date with Diana fills her mind.
“Alex.” J’onn softly calls over to her and shakes his head. Signalling for her to stop. She does so and looks on helplessly at her sister.
Emma silently weeps and Alex pulls her into a hug. Kara goes to Emma’s other side and they move Emma over so she is in between them. They surround their sister in a tight hug and hold her close, giving her the physical comfort and reassurance that they are there.
From across the room green eyes watch them mournfully before turning back to the movie. She holds Ruby close while a tear rolls down her cheek.
(Fifty Nine)
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Requested by anonymous: Being Alex and Kara younger sister and being completely different from them, like in the angsty way, with problems with authority and alcohol, drugs and that kind of shit, just a mess, maybe you could add that she’s Jeremiah’s daughter? but she doesn’t get along with him either?daddy issues. I always saw Jeremiah as a villain so ;D
Requested by anonymous: a little crossover? maybe mixing Gotham with National City? Idk how I just want to be friends with the bat lol or Diana BOTH
Requested by Anon: something angsty with the danvers sisters? maybe make the reader their little sister with powers!!!
Warning: Mention of alcohol and being drunk. Mention of drugs. Mention of a bad relationship with your dad.
(a/n): I struggled with this so much, also, this is not angsty enough, and I’m sorry for that, but I had enough with the Diana one
I wrote this on my phone, please excuse the low quality and the mess
Chapter I - The Beginning
The Danvers family. United, passionate, and courageous. Who would even think that you came from such a nice family uh?. While they reunited every so often, hugs and sweet talks, Eliza cooking a nice meal for them, Alex probably snuggling into Maggie’s arms, while Kara is out there, finishing her shift at being Supergirl. You were probably spending your time at the nearest bar, refusing to go to the family reunion.
They have had their problems with Jeremiah, maybe that’s where you got your rebel side and problem with authority. Alex also had it, but not as much as you.
You are not going to lie, you have a few bad habits but everyone does right?. I don’t know what they do such a fuss over such silly things like ending up in the hospital because you forgot that you don’t have to mix vodka and MDMA, it was just a little mistake. A mistake that your family loves to remind you, that and the times you appear out of nowhere passed out on the couch with a bottle in your hand. You were young, two years younger than Alex, so they freaked out a lot, plus Alex had turned into a good girl all out of sudden making you look even worse.
Since your last party night in National City, which you end up in the hospital again, you left and never came back. Sadly, you didn’t end up in a very good place.
It isn’t like you don’t love your family, you do. But their disapproving look at your bad antics makes you want to run away. Especially Alex, the girl had her bad past, such as yourself, she used to spend her time in jail and drunk and blah blah blah, and now, she thinks she can judge you. If it wasn’t for the green guy she would still be in jail.
Clark had told you about the family reunion Kara was planning and that you had to go.
“I hope Y/N comes this time, I miss her, I wonder where she is” Kara asked her sister, after she got to change her costume off.
“you know her, she’s probably at some bar, drinking her ass off” Alex said, not being really happy with the idea of having you here. It isn’t that she hates you, but she’s really bitter about you leaving.
“Alex! , you’re talking about your sister” Eliza said, scolding her daughter.
“my problematic, alcoholic and even junky sister” Alex said, sipping on her glass of wine.
“do I need to remind you about your past?” Eliza said, raising an eyebrow.
“fair enough, but I wasn’t that bad, how long has been since we saw her?” Alex ask.
“it’s been a long time actually, I miss her, we used to be so close.” Kara said, looking sadly at her mom.
“I miss bee too, she’s my babygirl, she got a little bit out of control" Eliza said, sighing deeply.
“a little bit? as far as we know, she could be in an alley seeing unicorns-” Alex stop when she saw you standing in the doorway, you were glaring at her.
“I’m not in an alley, but I have to admit that sounds better than being here” Alex was pretty much speechless. You changed a lot, the bubbly and annoyingly energetic self , was now with a stone cold face, and your eyes, that used to be a dark blue were now a pale grey, no emotion seem to be there.
“…hey” That was the only thing that Alex managed to say, but judging by your intense glare, and how you walk past her instead of hugging her, she knew that you weren’t going to be nice.
“fuck off” You mutter still glaring her, walking past her, your destination was your mom., that was smiling at you.
“wow, okay! Hi ! where have you been? you’re so beautiful-We missed you a lot-are you staying? you have to stay!” Kara said, getting over excited, embracing you in a bone-crushing hug. She frowns at the mixed smell of tobacco and alcohol in your clothes, but she keeps the smile on her face.
“I just came to say hi, I’m not staying” You said, chuckling a little at her excitement. Kara almost drops you after she heard you.
“what? why not?! , t-there’s pie! you-y-you love pie!” Kara said, a worried look on her face.
“Kara, sweetheart..I hate pie” You said, walking to your mom that was waiting for you with open arms.
“hey mom” You mumbled, Eliza rushing to hug you.
“Sweetheart, you’re so tall!” You mom said, not daring to let you go.
“it may be the drugs-ouch!” Alex said, Maggie hitting her arm at hearing her comment. You already know who she is, she was the one who opened the door for you.
“what’s up with you?!” Maggie whispered to Alex, the D.E.O agent huff.
“where’s dad? Clark told me that you guys got him back” You asked, eating one of the french fries that were on the table. Earning a disapproving look from your mom.
“it’s a long story-” Kara started but you stop her.
“he got back with Lilian right?” You said, eating a few more french fries.
“h-how did you-”
“he visit me the other day, told me to stay away from trouble and the Luthors, but I thought he would at least visit you too, oh my god this is so good mom” You said, your mom now taking the french fries away from you.
“he visited you?!” Alex exclaimed, not believing that he had actually visited you. Even when he was around, you and he didn’t have the best relationship.
“are you deaf?”
“did he said anything else?” He did said a lot, but they didn’t need to know that.
“…nop, just that” Kara heart your heart race a little bit after saying that and send a look to Alex.
“you’re lying”
“if I were lying you wouldn’t even notice Alex” You said glaring at your older sister.
“what did he say? tell me exactly what he said-” Alex said walking closer to you
“don’t get all C.I.A with me-”
“I will if that means you will tell me the truth-”
“enough! , Alex go take a walk, Maggie could you calm her down?” Eliza said, Maggie was already dragging Alex away.
“copy that Mama Danvers, let’s get some fresh air ” After Maggie and Alex left, Eliza turn to you.
“we are going to talk-” You know where this was going to end up, and right now, you should be heading back to Gotham.
“I can’t, I just came to say hello, that’s all” You said, eyeing the door.
“We haven’t seen you in years Y/N-” Kara started.
“ let your mom know how are you-” Eliza said walking to you.
“I’m fine, see?” You said, turning around in a mocking way.
“amazing, splendid, living the best time of my life, yay!” Kara frowns at your words.
“you smell like cigarette-”
“I thought you stop smoking!” Your mom said, the same disappointed look you are were used to get from, well, everyone. Coming back was a bad idea.
“coming here was a bad idea, I’m going back home-” You say walking to the door, not caring about your family protests.
“This is your home!” Eliza says.
“It was good to see you and all, take care you two, Kara punch Alex for me please-”  You said now standing in front of the door.
“no wait! , don’t go yet, just stay a little bit more-” Kara said, grabbing your arm.
“I can’t I have to-” Right when you were about to open the door, it opens itself, revealing the man you hate most.
“Y/N, you’re not going anywhere” A sigh escapes from your mouth.
“Jeremiah, I thought you were alergic to family-”
“I’m not going to let you go back to that bar kid, I thought I told you to stay out of trouble-” You scoff, his presence making want to scream
How he dares to step into this house after all he has done to you and this family?. Kara could see your hands turning into fists, claw clenching and your eyes sending imaginary dagger at him. “I haven’t touched a bar in a long time, and you know a lot about getting in trouble right? you’re the one working with the phsyco after all-How is she anyway? she must be missing her lab rat-”
“Y/N-” He says in a threatening voice, you felt as he was mocking you.
“move” You didn’t sound as yourself anymore, and that scared the Danvers family. Jeremiah shifts uncomfortably in his place, knowing what you were capable of, but also knowing that you would not do anything stupid in front of Eliza or your sisters. He clears his throat and gives you the “listen to me” look pointing his finger at you.
“We’re going to have a nice day as a family-” You tried to get through him but he rest his disgusting hand in your shoulder which you slap away, making Kara and Eliza looked at each other wide eyed.
“Dad, move” You groan, getting all in you to not punch him. Kara was actually scared that you may hurt Jeremiah.
“you’re part of this family Y/N, I don’t care how much you beg, you’re not getting out of here-” That’s it, you’ll get out of here or he’s dead.
“Move! I don’t want to stay here! much less with a traitor like you!” You say, making Eliza gasp and Jeremiah glares at you.
“Y/N!” Eliza exclaims, you didn’t bother to look at her already knowing how distress she is. All that you wanted today was visit your mother and your alien sister, possibly see Alex too and not fight with her, and steal some popstickles from Kara. But nothing went as you planned.
“now move, or I’m going to make you and I’ll enjoy it while I do it so” You say. Kara could hear your heart stammering in your chest and you breathing turning a little uneven, but what it surprise her was the low growl that came out of your throat, she must be things, at least that’s what she thinks….if she only knew.
“You never listen do you?” Jeremiah spats at you, and you smirk. You get out of the apartment, making sure to carve a few words into his skull.
“I do, I listen to everything, and I see everything…I know everything dad” You said, the last sentence making Jeremiah looked at you in surprise, the atmosphere change, you were the one that was playing to be the mouse, and now Jeremiah was the one trembling, as if you were holding your finger in the trigger. You could easily spit all the truth, but they would not believe you. How could they? you couldn’t say “hey mom, dad killed me in order to protect his ass from Lilian, but don’t worry Mama Luthor bring me back from the dead and now I am a freak with crazy powers that I can’t control yay!”
“Y/N?” Kara call you out. Taking out of the glaring contest between you and Jeremiah.
“I have to go now, have a nice day” You mumbled, walking away from your family.
Outside the building was Maggie and Alex, the detective trying to calm down her girlfriend. You rush to the meeting are where Alfred was supposed to pick you up, but you forget that Maggie and Alex were outside.
“Your Dad is at the family reunion, you should run back there, he may disappear again” You say walking away, but Alex was not going to let you go so easily. She used to be the one sticking by your side the most. And when Kara appeared and Jeremiah disappeared, she used to hold you tighter at night, until everything went downhill, and both of you got separate ways.
After Alex got better with the help of J’onn, she tried to fix your relationship with her, but it was too late, you were already packing your things to leave. She blames herself for that everyday, she always has.
“Maggie can you wait for me inside?” Alex asks.
“sure, bye Y/N” Maggie waves at you and you smile at her.
“we need to talk”
“I don’t think there’s anything to discuss” You said, your eyes roaming around the street, searching for Alfred.
“what’s up with you? for real this time, where were you? we were all worried about you! you just disappear one day, if it wasn’t for Clark we would never know you were still alive!” Clark had only found you because you wanted him to. And you’re here standing in front of her because Diana had told you to, the Goddess can be very convincing when hugs and sweet talks are involved, actually, you would do anything she wants, you have a soft spot for her.
“would that even matters? you were busy sleeping in jail or avoiding Kara to even noticed that I left” You said, with more venom in your words that you had intended to. Well, Diana had told you to speak with the truth no matter how bad it was. You spot the black SUV, and start walking, ignoring Alex but like I already said, she was not going to let you go so easily. She grabs your arm, shoving you towards her.
Inside the car
“should we help her sir?”
“she’s talking with her sister, I don’t see why we should help her Alfred”
“well, I think you’re aware of Lady Y/N Danvers condition sir, she can’t be left unsupervised in violet or triggering environments, her arguing with her sister could trigger-”
“I am aware about her ..“condition” Alfred, but she is doing better, she’s not going to snap at her sister, plus.. it does not concern us”
“but sir Diana said-”
“Diana is not her babysitter or her Doctor, drop it”
“yes sir”
“you guys find out that I left a week later, just because the school called mom asking why I was not going” You say. Alex looks at you with pity. She knows her family had fucked up, but everyone makes mistakes!
“you were pretty shy and quiet, sometimes I even forgot you were there-” You scoff, slapping away her hand on your arm.
“oh shut up Alex, I had always spent time trying to talk to you, same as Kara but you always told me to shut up, I didn’t exist for you, let’s keep it that way”
“And that’s the problem!, I don’t even know you anymore!, all these years hoping that you were safe, that you were going to come back, you left just like dad did!” You sigh, running your fingers through your hair. You looked at her, she didn’t look sad, she looked exasperated.
“you pushed me away…don’t play the innocent card Alex…I have to go-” You say, walking towards the car.
“where? where are you going?” Alex asks following you. You didn’t want to tell her, but she would not stop until you tell her so…
“Gotham” You say just a few meters away from the car
“keep an eye on dad” You said once you open the door. Alex tried to look inside but you didn’t let her. She frowns at your words
“what? why? he’s okay”
“just…be careful with him, that’s all I’m going to say…be careful” And with that, you left, leaving a very confused and concerned Alex.
Alex ends up going back to Kara’s apartment, Maggie waiting outside the door for her.
“she left? are you okay love” Maggie rushes to her girlfriend.
“yeah, goddamit I think she’s in trouble” Alex mutters to her,  the detective smiles sadly at her.
“by the looks of it, she’s always in trouble hmm?”
“do you know where Gotham is?” Alex asks. The name sound familiar to her but she couldn’t put a finger on it.
“oh she lives there? that explains a lot” Maggie says, cringing a little.
“what? i-is it bad? it’s a bad place?” Alex says worried, and Maggie just nods at her.
“it’s not the best city to live in-it’s like a major city from crime and-” Kara burst into the door, looking at the Sanvers duo, her face being a mix between sadness and confusion.
“first of all, what the hell just happen” She exclaims making Alex sigh.
“and second… I heard everything, what does she mean by keeping an eye on Jeremiah?”
“maybe she’s just worried about him” Alex says.
“yeah, that’s not possible, she almost tackle him when he stepped in the door, she is really angry with him” Kara says, remembering the beautiful family reunion you two had, and your weird behavior.
“something’s wrong, something’s really wrong with her” Alex says. Maggie puts her arm around Alex’s waist, squeezing it gently.
“I do have that feeling too, what are we going to do?” Kara says, knowing that you weren’t going to disappear so easily this time, she wasn’t going to let you.
“right now, eat, we think about it later, come on Maggie, let me introduce you to my Dad” Alex say, remembering that her dad was there. Kara jumps with excitement.
“oh this is going to be fun!” Meanwhile, you were chatting with your friend.
“did you already have your family reunion?” Bruce asks you.
“why do you care? as long as you know, I could be an orphan” You say, eyeing the bottle of whiskey.
“but you’re not, you have a family…you should be grateful for that” Bruce said, grabbing the bottle and pouring you a glass of it, making you smile at him, he knows you so well.
“…I am…where are we going now?” You ask him, taking a sip from the ridiculous expensive whiskey.
“back to Gotham, Joker’s back up again with his… jokes” You scoff at him.
“are you sure you don’t want to stay? I can deal with the Joker by my own” He says. He knows that you will never admit how much you miss your family, if you’re lucky to have one, then you should with them.
“but who would take care of Harley then?” You say, smirking at him. He glares at you, remembering all the times he has found you sneaking out with the psychotic blonde.
“I can do that too, Lilian is here, and she’s planning something big, normally I wouldn’t care since is not my city…but your family is here…you should stay” You sigh, drinking your glass of whiskey in a row. You looked at him, not enjoying that he had taken the part of big brother with you.
“don’t bother me Bruce…you get all sappy with me” He chuckles.
“There’s a building where you can stay, I’ll send all your equipment just in case and I’ll send your motorbike too-” He says, already knowing that you want to stay.
“you don’t need to do that you know?” You say, counting mentally all the times he helped you.
“of course I do, I owe you that much and….you’re the only person I can bare” He says, now he was the one counting mentally all the times you had saved his ass.
“what about me sir?” Alfred asks, making you chuckle.
“you make me doubt sometimes Alfred” Alfred stopped the car in front of a big and fancy building. Bruce gets out of the car, same as Alfred.
Alfred opens the car’s trunk
“clothes” Says Alfred handing you one bag.
“and money” He says handing you the other bag. You sigh, not really sure of what to do.
“are you sure you don’t need help?” You ask, Bruce just smirks at you and puts a pair of keys in your pocket
“don’t make me change my mind Y/N” He says, walking to the car
“for being so cold and dark…you can be pretty nice sometimes batsy” You playfully say.
“I’m already regretting it” He said, getting into the car.
“if you need a hand with the Luthors, just call”
“will do” You begin walking inside the building.
“and Y/N-” You stop at the door.
“what is it this time?”
“…try to stay away from the bars or I’ll send Diana”
“..no promises”
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* THIS SUCKS IM SORRY
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jayankles · 3 years
Bec's Kinktoberfest Masterlist
This is my completed masterlist of @becs-bunker Bec's Kinktoberfest Challenge, this was such a fun challenge, even if half of my things didn't even post when they were supposed to. But anyway, thank you again, I loved writing for a multitude of fandoms and thanks for giving me the opportunity to explore these different characters.
I Need More - Mutual Masturbation - Billy Russo x Reader
Protection on Vacation: Smut Drabble - Sneaking Around | Forbidden Love - Bodyguard!Dean x Princess!Reader
They’re Gone - Voyeurism | Exhibitionism - John Winchester x Reader
Blood and  Ice - Hot/Cold Play - Frank Castle x Reader
Teasing Texts - Sexting/Phone Sex - Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Piss Me Off - Angry or Hate Sex - Jake Peralta x Reader
Dad Joke Seduction - Comfort Sex - Scott Lang x Pregnant!Reader
Teach an Angel New Tricks - Dirty talk | Size Kink - Castiel x Reader
Folded Chair - In front of a mirror - Ruby 2.0 x Reader
The Little Princess and her King - Toys | Praise Kink -King!Brunhilde x Reader
Spelled Eyes: Part 2 /Spelled Eyes: Part 3 - Threesome/Moresome - Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Cas x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Hands to Himself - Sir Kink | Bed Sharing - T’Challa x Reader
Call Me Out - Public or Semi public sex - Sam Wilson x Reader
All for Show - Filming Themselves - Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Reader
Little Peter - Caught Masturbating - Peter Parker x Reader
Dino Nuggets - Daddy Kink - Daddy!Jared x Momma!Reader
The Ladies Room - Casual Sex - Danneel Harris x Reader
Sweet Tasting Demon - Touch Deprivation | Somnophilia - Sam Winchester x Ruby 2.0
Lucy Gives Up - Oral Sex - Wanda Maximoff x Powered!Reader
Selfish Hearts - Make Up Sex - Diana Prince x Reader
Stupid Plans end in Exciting Lessons - Teasing - Thor Odinson x Reader
Don’t Waste Perfect Lingerie Sets - A/B/O | Lingerie - Anael x Reader
“It’s not illegal if you pay for it.” - Camp fire - Rough Sex | Camping - Hunter Hardon x Venus Ryder (Pornstar!Dean x Pornstar!Reader)
Make it Up To You - Shibari | Bondage - Regina Mills x Reader
Save Me, Supergirl - Roleplay - Kara Danvers x Reader
Only at Home - Orgasm Denial - Finn Balor (Fergal Devitt) x Reader x Seth Rollins (Colby Lopez)
So Close to your Reward - Spanking - Adrian Chase x Reader
Imperfectly Perfect - Body Worship | Nipple Play - Killian Jones x Reader
Don’t Drown while I’m Trying - Aftercare - Carol Danvers x Reader
I Can Last Longer - First to come loses - Henry Cavill x Poc!Reader (aesthetic)
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl - Dealer's Choice - Jared Padalecki x Reader x Genevieve Padalecki
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Master List
Characters and Pairings Listed: Wanda Maximoff, Agatha Harkness, Jennifer Barkley, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Supercorp, Lena x Alex, Diana Prince, Lena x Diana, Katie McGrath, Melissa Benoist, Katie x Melissa, Katie x Chyler, Morgana Pendragon, Morgana x Gwen, Marley Rose, Marley x Lena, and Lucy Westenra
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Wanda Maximoff
I Wanna Lock in Your Love
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Agatha Harkness
The Five Love Languages with Agatha Harkness
Jennifer Barkley
Working on a Campaign with Jennifer Barkley Would Include
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Kate Bishop
ain't it a waste they'd watch the throwing of the shade? (nfwmb)
Danvers-Luthor!Reader Dating Kate Bishop and Meeting Kara and Lena Would Include
Kate Bishop Flirting with You Would Include
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Kara Danvers
Reader is dating Kara, and she has asthma and has a really bad asthma attack so Kara takes care of her
”Who Do You Belong To?”
Kara taking care of an injured reader
Reader comes home a little drunk and she's super affectionate with Kara..
“No puppy eyes, you little maniac.”
Kara Danvers x reader while reader is on their period
Reader is the popular cheerleader and Kara is the shy nerd. Reader secretly has a huge crush on Kara...
Reader calls Kara mommy and she finds it really hot
Reader trying to sneak up on Kara in the kitchen
Kara temporarily loses her powers and they somehow get transferred into the reader
Kara comes home to a bruised and bloodied reader and she sorta freaks out
Pre-relationship jealous Kara x Reader
A version of the notebook with Fem!Reader as Noah and kara or lena as Allie
Chubby fem reader X Kara: Kara makes sure the reader knows how beautiful and sexy they are..
hoping to hit you somewhere vital
Smut fic: “What are you doing here?” And, “You’re not as quiet as you think you are.”
Reader is laying on her bed, she's on her side, wearing sleeping shorts and a sports bra, reading a book when Kara comes home...
we are hiding in a safer place
Who’s Your Daddy? (i promise this is not smut)
“I see that you’ve been a naughty girl this year”
Kara Danvers Playlist
"Hey babe? You wanna eat out today?"
let me in, let me near
still inside, I felt alone
it goes off like a gun
Your name is like a melody
Smut where they're in the middle of a interview and Kara starts fingering reader under the table
crawled beneath my veins
you’re vibrating at my frequency
lips as sweet as candy
“Take off your shirt.”
in the death of every fear
Jealous Kara Would Include
"That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Sex with Kara Danvers Would Include
“Can I touch your boob?”
Dating Kara and Being Lena’s Ex Would Include
“Eat me.”
Reader is a witch from harry potter and kara is amazed by her powers and like asks reader to do spells
Reader is around 6 months pregnant with their child and one of kara's enemy's find out about her and kidnaps her and kara saves her
Lena Luthor
Lena Luthor Flirting with You Would Include
Lena Luthor and Baby Danvers Reader Having a Baby Would Include
Nervousness and a Mother’s Embrace
the same woman I fell in love with
“So maybe I was wrong...”
“How about I kiss you here and here and…” “Stop being a tease!”
Chubby fem reader but instead of Kara it’s Lena
Lena x fem!reader where after a long and stressful day the two are Facetiming and Lena falls asleep and it’s cute and fluffy
"Can I kiss you now?"
Songshot #2 with “Unthinkable” by Alicia Keys
my heart beats like a drum
146: “Are you okay?” and 41: “I’m pregnant.“
mommy!Lena, in which she has a fight with her teenage daughter
LenaxDaxamite!Reader where R is good friend with Lena since a while but L doesn't know about R's origins. During the final fight in S2, R goes to LCorp...
15: “Don’t die on me– Please.” 19: “I’m going to kill you!”
TouchedStarved!Reader and equally TouchedStarved!Lena bonding and finally getting the affection they deserve
say there’s no one else for you
#57 “is that my shirt?” and #73 “oh, are you ticklish?”
Lena Luthor!Student x Reader where the reader has been getting close to them for a while but one day in class they all make fun of the reader because they just came out...
Cam’s Archive #3:  Imagine Person A of your OTP is a single parent with an adopted child. One day they go shopping and Person A spots Person B from the other side of the store...
Cam’s Archive #2: Student!Reader x Teacher!Lena
First Date with Lena Would Include
Dating Lena and being younger than her would include
Angsty Edge Lord Lena Luthor Playlist
looking back is a trap sometimes
The Benefits of Having a Genius Girlfriend
Lena Luthor Playlist
in the wake of every heartache
filling in the blanks as we go
hold on to love like invisible strings
my condolences to good
the thief that stole my mind
Lena Luthor x daughter reader were the reader is Lena’s 3 year old little girl just a cute mommylena fic
this broken world keeps turning
"The only fucks I give are with my fingers."
“I don’t really just leave them lying around.”
“Did you just… finish?”
Baby Danvers Fic (Part 1) (Part 2)
Alex Danvers
Being like a daughter to Alex Danvers headcanons
Maggie Sawyer
History of Maggie Sawyer
Kara flying past Lena’s apartment and as she does she hears Lena scream, so Kara burst in ready to fight whoever is trying to hurt her friend only to find Lena...
Oneshot where Kara is the one who’s pregnant and Lena is over protective and spoils her
Kara as the angry mom, Lena as mom’s chill girlfriend, Winn as the nerdy uncle, and Mon-el as the fun (but distance) dad and reader is their kid who gets in trouble
Sleep Deprived Headcanon
Prompt 26 "I'm dying"
Supercorp Angst Playlist
Supercorp Playlist
Photograph Songshot (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Halloween Special
the kids were young and pretty
Kara and Lena get drunk and break into the zoo to steal an animal...
Supercorp Smut Drabble 
Mix of Supercorp, Kara, and Lena
Christmas Special
Eclipse Special (also includes Morgana x reader)
Lena Luthor x Alex Danvers
“Okay, I’ve learned my lesson...”
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Lena Luthor x Diana Prince
Lena being in danger and Kara is too busy but Diana is in the right place at the right time
Diana Prince
Jealous Diana x Reader smut
Diana Prince where your pickup lines don't seem to work
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Katie McGrath
Student!Reader and Professor!Katie having a secret affair
Katie and the reader are working together on Supergirl but fans shipping Katie with her costar Melissa (Supercorp) more than them...
Katie meets the reader at a con and they hit it off and go on a date
Melissa Benoist
“The food looks great but... There’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now. ”
Melissa and Katie struggling with keeping their hands of each other
“We can’t do that here!”
Katie McGrath x Chyler Leigh
47: “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
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Supergirl/Merlin Crossover
Supergirl/Merlin AU
Morgana Pendragon
don’t you hear me howlin’, babe?
Morgana Pendragon Being Clingy Would Include
Reader is from the future and communicates almost entirely in memes and is in love with Morgana...
Angst: ‘I’ve always been a compulsive liar, but I meant what I said’
Headcanons on what kind of mother Morgana Pendragon would be
Morgana imagine where the reader follows her after she leaves Camelot
Another Morgana x reader where one is pregnant
R is running from knights trying to kill her since she has magic and ends up running into Morgana who she fears will kill her
daddy!Morgana x fem!reader
we beat our hearts against each other
Cam’s Archive: Morgana Pendragon
Morgana Pendragon Playlist
my respects to grace and virtue
Mistress Morgana of bdsm imagine
ivory towers and plastic flowers
heaven knows your name i’ve been praying
Being a Werewolf and Dating Morgana Would Include
our hearts were little stones
You know I’m here for you
the river’s gonna give us the wedding bands
The reader pretends to have forgotten Morgana's birthday all day because they had a big surprise planned but eventually Morgana gets genuinely offended and throws a big scene...
I am not chosen but you chose me
The reader is shy and very very flustered around Morgana
you got it at your fingertips
That Comfortable Position of Falling in Love
without you I was broken
my favorite color is you
to want my share is not a sin
my regards to soul and romance
when I miss, you come and kiss me with a smile
Being Overprotective & Dating Morgana Pendragon would include
want you stealing my time
it’s worth every ache I’ll ever feel
Dating Morgana Pendragon Would Include
Morgana Fic (Part 1) (Part 2)
Jealous Morgana Pendragon would include
Dating a Clingy/Cuddly Morgana Pendragon Would Include
I’ll stop breaking my own heart
Morgana Pendragon Having a Crush On You Would Include
I’ll Slip into a Dress
the bug that crawled its way inside my ear
you make me smile, please stay for a while
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Marley Rose
Fluffy, cuddly, softy, kissy one with Marley Rose
During the school production of Grease, Marley struggles with her weight
"Why are you so quiet around me? " "because I'm afraid I'd say something stupid and scare you away"
*holds tight from behind* “mmm, something smells really good babe” *kisses neck*...
Marley gets jealous of readers boyfriend and tries to get reader to fall for her
"Look I was suppose to take my sister to the ed sheeran concert but she ditched me, want to go with me instead"
Marley has a thing for being spanked, but she’s shy about it and doesn’t tell reader. One day reader playfully slaps Marley’s butt whilst their making out, and Marley moans
Marley falls in love with r the first time she saw her, but r has a boyfriend so Marley has to figure out a way to get r to fall for her.
Dating needy/affectionate Marley would include
Your best friend, Kitty hacked Marley twitter account and changed her name into "Mrs.y/l/n "
Marley and reader are like making out and they get caught by kitty
Marley Rose x Lena Luthor
Lena seducing Marley at home, trying to distract her from studying
“Take off your shirt.” “Stop being a baby.” “Sit still, would you?”
"Is this okay baby? It doesn't hurt right?" "N-no, it's g-good" "yeah? You like that" 
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Lucy Westenra
"You're the perfect combination of sexy and cute "
I will keep you in my mind
Lucy Westenra Playlist
Reader finds out Lucy is a vampire
First Date with Lucy Would Include
lily white and poppy red
Lucy being overwhelmed with the reader's beauty
shining like the stars tonight
Mina tries to embarrass Lucy whenever you're talking to them because she knows Lucy has a crush on you
Lucy getting the reader flowers for Valentine's day and kissing them, shocking everyone
Dating Lucy Westenra Would Include
Mina is your sister and she found out you and Lucy have been dating
take, o take those lips away
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forever-your-soldat · 5 years
Thousand Followers!
First of, I want to thank everyone for always checking on updates or just me in general. You have all been such an awesome bunch and I love you all so much! That is why I would like to happily announce that I have reached 1k followers! To all my babies, you’re all super awesome and you have no idea how happy you’ve all made me. It’s been six months since I started on Tumblr, but this has been a really wonderful experience to get to you lot and be able to talk to you
So in celebration to this wonderful event, I will be opening up my requests just for this certain entry.
-You do not have to be following me to make a request.
-Send me a song/ show (add in the season and episode)/ movie with the time count so I can look for the idea you want me to make. (ex. I Wish by One Direction, 1:36)
-I will write for any of the following characters:
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Carol Danvers
Maria Hill
Gwen Stacy
James Barnes
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Hela Odinsdotttir
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Diana Prince
Kara Danvers
Lena Luthor
(You can ask for character x reader x character)
-choose whether it is Stark!, Vampire!, Wolf!, God!, Young!, Daughter!, etc for the character involved or just leave it blank if you want a regular person.
It is December 1, 2019. This will be closed after 2 weeks so be sure to send me your requests by then!
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wlw-imagines-blog · 6 years
Master List, 18/01/19 (Updated as of 28/08/19)
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Hey hey! here’s a master list of the fics I have written thus far:
Wanda Maximoff x reader:
Kiss Me Like the World is Going to Disappear
Request #1 (When She Sees Me)
Are We All Lost Stars?
More Alike Than Not (Part 1)
More Alike Than Not (Part 2)
Without You. 
Cooking With Wanda Would Include
I Will Stay if You Dare
The Sun Begins to Fade
Dark, Dark Nights, and Violent Things
Drinks Are On Me.
Is This What You Always Want Me For? Part 1
Is This What You Always Want Me For? Part 2
All Roads Lead To You.
Crazy Little Thing
One of A Kind.
Up In Arms
A Kiss and I Will Surrender
Under the Sky of Glass
Baby, You’re a Haunted House
Wanda Taking Care of You When You’re Sick Would Include:
Abandonment, Enthroned: 1, 2, 3, Moodboard
Ava Starr:
Dating Ava Starr Would Include:
America’s Sweethearts:
Sharon Carter:
Dating Sharon Carter Would Include:
Carol Danvers:
Dating Carol Danvers Would Include:
Natasha Romanoff:
The Steady Hour
I Only Have Eyes For You
Coming Home.
Fancy Flowers.
Hold on Tight (To Whatever Gets You Through The Night)
There is No Ending For Us (Part 1)
There is No Ending For Us (Part 2)
Lady Sif:
The Solstice; 1 2 (UNFINISHED)
General Okoye:
Bark and Bite 1 2 3 4 5
Daisy Johnson:
Meeting and (Eventually) Dating Daisy Johnson would include:
Peggy Carter:
I Can Say It Without Words
Michelle Jones:
Just a Blip, Huh?
Diana Prince:
Being Shy and dating Diana Prince would include:
How You First Met Diana (Modern Times)
You being an art major and meeting Diana would include
Imagine Diana Leaving to Join the Justice League
Anna Milton:
Dating Angel!Anna Milton Would Include:
There’s A Chill in the Wind But It’s Warm in Your Arms
Meeting and Eventually Dating Ruby Would Include:
Jo Harvelle:
Dating Jo would include
Meg Masters:
Dating Meg Masters Would Include
Ocean’s Eight:
Lou Miller:
Fever All Through the Night
Harry Potter:
Hermione Granger:
What Are You Waiting For? Kiss Her! Kiss Her Now!
Tutor Teaching
So, This is War?
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wndmxmffs · 5 years
what’s next
hey babies! hope you all are doing well and drinking enough water! under the cut, you can find all the upcoming imagines/one-shots/fics/blurbs. you’re free to scrool through in case you aren’t interested!
they aren’t in any particular order, and probably won’t be posted according to this one.
nebula x wanda maximoff (one-shot)
nebula is introduced to rain for the first time and wanda is super lovely with her.
wanda maximoff x vision (one-shot)
shuri is able to bring vision back, so wanda reunites with him and they kiss.
maria hill x reader (one-shot)
maria and reader reunite after the events of endgame.
carol danvers x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: angst 2. “Please, don’t leave me.” and kissing 7. giggly
carol danvers x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: angst 5. “Why can’t you love me back?”; fluff 3. “I think I love you.” and kissing 2. under the stars
wanda maximoff x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: fluff 5. “It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.” and song would you be so kind by dodie
shuri x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: fluff 10. “I may have accidentally sort of adopted four cats.” and 3. “I think I love you.”; kissing 7. giggly
carol danvers x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: fluff 6. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”; 7. “Are you wearing my shirt?” and 10. “I may have accidentally sort of adopted four cats.”
natasha romanoff x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: angst 1. “Please, forgive me.”; 9. “I don’t love you anymore.” and 10. “Why did you lie?”
maria hill x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: angst 8. “Stay.” and fluff 4. “You aren’t alone. You’ve never been.”
carol danvers x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: song movement by hozier
nebula x reader (headcanon)
nebula dating a reader who has BIID
nebula x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: fluff 7. “Are you wearing my shirt?” and 9. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” (pre-relationship)
peggy carter x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: fluff 8. “You do realise that I’ll throw something at you if you eat the last cookie, right?” and kissing 10. in the kitchen
diana prince x reader (one-shot)
diana goes to a library where she meets librarian reader and is smitten by them. diana spies on reader while she works and admires the knowledge she has of the vast library. she tries asking reader out but they refuse for some reason. diana is persistent and eventually the reader says yes.
wanda maximoff x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: fluff 1. “If you steal the blankets, I’m going to put my cold feet on you.”
natasha romanoff x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: song too good at goodbyes by sam smith
carol danvers x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: kissing 2. under the stars
natasha romanoff x reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: angst 8. “Stay.” and 9. “I don’t love you anymore.”
natasha romanoff x male!reader (one-shot)
writing prompts: angst 5. “Why can’t you love me back?”; fluff 7. “Are you wearing my shirt?”; 3. “I think I love you.”; 9. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” and kissing 4. half-asleep (he reader is part of the avengers and in love with natasha. they have a fight, because he tells her how he feels but she is scared and says she doesn't love him back. then on a mission, he gets hurt really bad and almost dies but then later after the surgery they share a kiss and talk a few seconds while he is half asleep.)
last update: 2019. 08. 09.
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
Who I write for
I have  pretty wide range of interests and fandoms so if you like it so do I probably! This is btw a Reader-insert type blog and I’m also down with poly type things (i.e. Stucky x reader) I live for angst so send in those prompts/requests! Also if you just wanna talk about movies/shows/whatever I would love that! I do like other stuff other than the things I write about. I’ll probably add to this list to cause I most likely forgot someone. 
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Scott Lang, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Peter B. Parker, Carol Danvers, Matt Murdock 
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley
DC: Bruce Wayne, Steve Trevor, Diana Prince, Clark Kent, Jason Todd, Harry Wells (The CW),
Good Omens: Crowley 
New Girl: Nick Miller
Kingsman: Harry Hart
Star Trek: Leonard McCoy, James T. Kirk. 
Baby Driver: Baby, Darling, Buddy
Bones: Vincent Nigel Murray
The Man from U.NC.L.E.: Illya Kuryakin, Napoleon Solo, Gaby 
Haunting of Hill House: Steve Crain, Nellie Craine 
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wlw-with-reader · 6 years
The Addams Family
Wednesday Addams x Female Reader
You Embrace Death Because Of Her
Love Me In The Dark
Let Your Demons Roar Tonight
Staying On Land Was A Life Sentence
Blue Bloods
Erin Reagan x Female Reader
They Know
Jane Volturi x Female Reader
Like Fire, You Consumed Her
And Like Death, You Embraced Her
Rosalie Hale x Female Reader
You Are Hers As Much As She Is Yours
Spy Kids
Ingrid Cortez x Female Reader
The Spy That Fell In Love With Her Daughter's Best Friend
Bobbi Morse x Female Reader
It Takes Two To Tango
Free Me Of You (Past Relationship with Wanda)
Find Her
Daisy Johnson x Female Reader
Loving You Easy
My Milkshake Gets Her Home
She Wished To Hear Those Words From You
Jemma Simmons x Female Reader
Keep Me Silent
She Knows You
Melinda May x Reader
She Promised You Sundays
Maria Hill x Female Reader
She'd Burn the World For You
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Don't Let Me Win
She Blooms With Her
It Takes Two To Tango (Natasha is Reader's Sister)
Loving You Easy (Past Relationship with Reader)
Babies, Oh My!
Peggy Carter x Female Reader
That's Where She'll Always Be (Plus Sized Reader)
She Promised You Forever
My Darling, It's Only You (Plus Sized Reader)
Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader
She Blooms With Her (Unrequited)
Her Home Was You
Free Me Of You (Past Relationship with Wanda)
She's Got Your Back
Just Ask Me Again
Looks Like It Should Be The Two Of You Dancing Together Instead
Going Back
Keep Me Here
Because Loving Her Was Never A Winning Game
Grateful For A Love Like Hers
Ballet Was An Escape
Lady Sif x Female Reader
Meant For Her
To Bring Her Home
Alex Danvers x Female Reader
Meet Me in the Archives
Promise Me
Not Just A Pickup Line
She Is Her Father's Daughter
She's More Than That
No More Secrets
You Are Capable
Our Story
Lena Luthor x Female Reader
I Would Be Honored If You'd Let Me Take Your Last Name
Come Home With Me
You're Worth More Than Gold
Just Breathe
Checkmate, Mother
On You
Good News
Worse Than Lillian
Maybe Just Wishing
Your Scars
Silence Would Be Welcomed
Let Her Hands Be The One To Tell The Story
Sam Arias x Female Reader
And I Knew My Soul Was Destined To Love You
Lena Luthor x Female Reader x Sam Arias
Life With Daddy
Diana Prince x Female Reader
To Be Hers (Part 1)
Don't Mourn For Us Mortals
Damn, Daddy
Jealous Confessions
Antiope x Female Reader
Let Me Fall So You Won't Have To
Hippolyta x Female Reader
To A New Life
Diana Prince x Female Reader x Lena Luthor
Married Life With A CEO And A Goddess
It's Like Our Souls Were Meeting For the First Time
Iris West x Female Reader
With Confidence, She Wore Red
Some Things Just Can't Be Explained
Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost x Female Reader
Burn Me. Freeze Me. Just Love Me The Way You Have Always Loved Me.
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Amy Santiago x Female Reader
To Me, You Are Perfect
They Call Her Draco
No Interruptions Please
Congratulations, Sergeant
Careful Kisses
Relax If You Can
This Is How You'll Remember Her
Rosa Diaz x Female Reader
Salad For Two
Hating You Was The Only Option Left For Her
Keep Her On Her Toes
Why He Talked So Much
Just The Two Of Us
Not Part Of The Job
And It All Comes Down To You
Gina Linetti x Female Reader
It Baffles Her
Date Someone Else
Amy Santiago x Female Reader x Rosa Diaz
Celebrate Your Own Way
Two And For Tonight, Three
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss x Female Reader
Why You Can't Love A Ghost
You're Almost There
You're The Only One
It's Every Single Day With Her
Eight Days Of Loving You
Loving Her Now
She's Here Now
Jennifer Jareau x Female Reader
With You, She'd Rather Be
Grey's Anatomy
Amelia Shepherd x Female Reader
We Were Meant To Fall Out Of Love (Past Relationship with Reader)
Her Brains, Your Heart
Why She Will Always Mean More To Me Than You
April Kepner x Female Reader
She Said Your Flowers Were Her Favorite
Her Past Does Not Dictate Her Present
Meredith Grey x Female Reader
That's My Sister! (Reader is Mark's Twin Sister)
Jo Wilson x Female Reader
I Should've Told You
Tell Her You Love Her
Arizona Robbins x Female Reader
We Were Meant To Fall Out Of Love (Past Relationship with Amelia)
She Was Named After A Storm
Afternoons Like This
Quinn Perkins x Female Reader
Hell On Earth
Jane the Virgin
Petra Solano x Female Reader
Up To You
The Simplest Decision
Humor Her
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger x Female Reader
And In Time, You Were Always Mine
Fleur Delacour x Female Reader
To Her, You Are Beauty Defined (Plus Sized!Reader)
Hunger Games
Johanna Mason x Female Reader
Rebel. Riot. But Never Lose Her.
Wynonna Earp
Waverly Earp x Female Reader
Say Something
Wynonna Earp x Female Reader
Payback's A Real Sister
Mass Effect
Female Shepard x Female Reader
Don't Wake Her Up
Pretty Little Liars
Paige McCullers x Female Reader
Life After Rosewood
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argyle-s · 6 years
The Shape of Things To Come Chapter 9/38
Rating: Mature
Read at Ao3
Start at the Beginning
Supergirl doesn't cause an environmental disaster, Kara and Alex talk, and Cat gets demanding.
Thanks to @ifourmindbeso for her great work as a beta. Any remaining mistakes are entirely my own.
Chapter 9 - Fighting Fires
Kara turned in mid-air as the missiles closed on her, flying backwards as she hit one of them with a blast of heat vision, causing it to explode.  She turned slightly, focusing on the remaining missile, and blew out a huge blast of freeze breath, encasing the missile in ice.  The freezing temperature caused the fuel pump to seize, which made the missile lose thrust, and pitch downwards.  She watched it fall, her breath having rendered it so cold it shattered on impact.
“Okay,” Alex said over the radio, “come on in.”
Kara laughed, knowing she was being called in because they were now out of missiles.  She twisted slightly, shooting back towards the small command post.  She slowed as she approached, dropping subsonic so she didn’t shatter any of the equipment, and finally pulled up at the last minute, then drifted down to a gentle landing.
“How was that?” she asked J’onn.
“I see you share your cousin’s appetite for wanton destruction, Miss Danvers” J’onn said.
Kara rolled her eyes.  “You are enjoying this entirely too much.”
“I’m trying to make sure you’re going to be an asset.  A novice Superhero can be a liability in the field.  So far, all you’ve proven is you can manage an intelligence asset.  I need to know you can control all of your abilities.  Strength, Stamina, Speed.”
“Well, are you convinced yet?” Kara asked.  “Because I wanna go get some breakfast and if I don’t get something to eat soon, you’re gonna see me not controlling the growling in my stomach and trust me, that’s not pretty.”
“She’s right,” Alex said.  “No one ever comes out of that looking pretty.”
Both Kara and Alex turned around at the sound of a loud chuckle behind them, only to find Vasquez standing there, holding a large bag.
“Are those…?” Kara asked, not bothering to finish her sentence as she took two steps towards Vasquez.
“Breakfast burritos from that grill down the 975,” Vasquez said.  “Extra hot sauce.”
“Oh, Rao Light,” Kara said as Vasquez handed her the bag.  “Marry me?”
Vasquez laughed.  “I think my girlfriend would object.”
Kara sat the bag on one of the work tables and pulled out a burrito, peeling the foil off it.  “Does she cook?  If so, bring her along.  I’ll marry you both.”
“Kara,” Alex said.
Vasquez just laughed harder.  “I do most of the cooking, but she’s the jealous type.”
Kara took a huge bite out of the burrito, chewing quickly, before swallowing.  “If you can cook, I can see why.”  She held up the burrito slightly.  “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, ma’am.  My girlfriend was one of the agents on the plane with Alex, so I figure I owe you one.”
Kara smiled, and nodded.  “Glad I could help,” she said, before she wolfed down the rest of her burrito, and reached for a second one.
“Are you heading into work today?” Alex asked.
Kara shook her head, mouth too full of food to speak.  She swallowed.  “No.  Cat never works on the weekends she has Carter.  I thought once we were done, I’d do a few runs through the city, rescue some kittens from trees, show the coat of arms.  That sort of thing.”
“You sure that’s a good idea, Kara?  I know you talked to your Aunt but there are still a lot of Fort Rozz escapees out there.”
“Well, if you’d rather, I could take you out to Sanctuary.”
Kara nodded.  “Absolutely.  I’ve got something out there I want you to see anyway.  Something I think would be a huge help-“
“Supergirl.  Come in, Supergirl” Winn’s voice suddenly rang in her ear.
Kara reached up and touched her eat piece.  “Hey, Winn, what’s up?”
“There’s a huge fire raging down at National City port, and it is bad,” Winn said.
“I’m on it,” Kara said.  She turned to Alex.  “Fire down at the port.  Don’t let anyone eat my burritos.”
“Are you sure, Kara?  You’ve been dodging missiles and pushing pretty hard.  Even you have your limits.”
“I know,” Kara said, “but this is just a bit of x-ray vision, some freeze breath.  No big deal.  I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Just… Be careful, okay.”
“I will.  Love you.”  With that, Kara kicked off and shot into the sky, but not without hearing her sister’s answering ‘Love you too’.
The fire was as big and as intimidating as she remembered, but this time, as she approached, she spotted the source using her X-ray vision.  One of the pipelines used to pump oil off the tankers was ruptured and feeding the fire, which explained why her freeze breath hadn’t worked the last time.  She spotted the fire chief, and dropped down beside him.
“Chief,” she said.
“Thank God,” he said.  “Can you blow this out?”
“No,” Kara replied.  “Not yet.  There’s a leaking oil line inside the flames.  If I hit it with my freeze breath, it will just spread the fire.”
“Shit,” he said.  “Can you move the tanker?”
“Not unless you have tow chains handy.  If I try to just grab on and drag it, the welds will split open like a rotten banana.  I need to go into the fire, and cut off the fuel supply.  While I do that, move your water line between the flames and the ship, to hold it back.  Buy me five minutes, and I’ll be able to put this out.”
“Okay,” he said.  “Will do.”
Kara nodded and lifted off again as he shifted his men’s focus to pushing the edge of the fire back and controlling the advance instead of trying to put it out.  She dove into the heart of the inferno and grabbed a barrel, tearing it in half and slapped the metal over the tear in the oil pipe.  A careful blast from her heat vision formed a weld which would hold for a while, then she kicked off, rising above the fire, and carefully used her freeze breath to put out the flames, as well as cool off the oil-filled pipes.
Once she was done, she flew back over to the chief.
“Okay, you need to get a repair crew in here as fast as possible.  I’ve welded a piece of steel over the tear in the pipe, but the steel is low quality, and the weld isn’t especially solid since I couldn’t clean or prep the surfaces or get it hot enough to boil out the impurities without risking setting off what was in the pipe.”
The chief nodded.  “Right.  Is it cool enough to go in?”
“Yes,” she said.  “You want me to show you?”
“Either I finally managed to get the last of the smell out, or my sense of smell has just given up on me,” Kara said as she came out of the DEO locker room dressed in a black t-shirt, and a black pair of BDU pants that had been tucked away in some storage locker or other, along with a fresh pair of boots and socks.
Alex sniffed, “Definitely the latter,” she said.
Kara reached out and gave her a light shove.  “Shut up,” she said.  “Seriously, that was terrible.”
“Yeah, it was bad enough with a human nose,” Alex said.  “I can’t even imagine with a Kryptonian one.”
“Any progress on the suit?” Kara asked.
“That’s probably going to take more time.”
“Just have them put it in a sealed bag,” Kara said.  “I’ll take care of it at home.”
“How are you going to get home” Alex asked.
“Drive me?”
Kara sat the oversized bag of subs down on the counter as Alex locked the door behind them, and reached for a plate for Alex and a serving platter for herself.  She took a moment to fish out Hot Pastrami and the bag of Salt and Vinegar chips and put them on a plate, before carefully arranging her two cheese steaks and two meatball subs on the platter.
“Where do you want this?” Alex asked, holding up the sealed biohazard bag containing Kara’s Supergirl suit.
“Konex,” Kara said, grinning.  “End stealth mode.”
Alex jumped a bit as Konex decloaked.
“How can I be of assistance, Lady Kara?” the robot asked
“Kara,” Alex said, “What is that?”
Kara turned around and opened the refrigerator, pulling out a diet coke for Alex and a two liter of grape soda for herself.  “He’s a Kryptonian tier-four cyber-construct, designed to operate as a personal attendant.”
“Okay,” Alex said.  “And you didn’t think to mention him back when we were growing up?”
Kara laughed.  “Clark has one named Kelex in his stronghold up north.  One of the first things I got from J’onn when we started working together was a crystal containing Konex’s memories.  He was my personal attendant growing up.  Kelex was able to build him a new body last year and download the memories from the crystal.  I would have told you about him, but I couldn’t figure out how to do that without telling you I’d gotten stuff out of my pod.”
Alex frowned.  “Kara, I’ve been all over your pod.  Everything that was in it is catalogued at the DEO.”
“You didn’t know about the hidden compartment behind the seat,” Kara said.  “Konex, this is Alex Danvers.  Scan for identity match, and execute stored order four.”
Kara watched as Konex approached Alex and scanned her briefly.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Alex.”
“What just happened?” Alex asked.
“Konex just added your biometrics and genetic profile to the security protocols for his control programs, as well as for those of Sanctuary.  In short, if anything happens to me, the chain of command goes You, Kal-El, J’onn, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne.  There’s a list of people after that, but honestly, right now, you’re the only person who even knows they are on the list.”
Alex turned to look at her.  “Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne? Why… What…” Alex raised her free hand to cover her face.
Kara took pity on her and walked over, taking the bag with her Supergirl outfit and handing it to Konex.
“Clean that, please,” she said.  “Or, if it’s easier, just recycle it and make a new one.  Also, while you’re working, make me about twenty spares, and fit them all with anti-Kryptonite shields, and spare coms.”
“Yes, Lady Kara.”
She turned back to Alex, carefully prying her hand away from her face.  “I’m sorry,” she said.
Alex shook her head.  “No, I shouldn’t react like this.  It’s just…”
“A week ago, I was your baby sister.  Now, I’m pulling super advanced AI-controlled robots out of thin air and telling you Bruce Wayne is Batman and Diana Prince is Wonder Woman,” Kara said.  “I get it.  Believe me.  I was on the other side of this once, and I did not handle it well.”
“Can we just sit down for a bit?” Alex said.
Kara nodded.  “Go ahead.  I’ll grab the food and be right there.”
Alex walked over and dropped down on the couch.  Kara gathered up their food and made her way over to sit down next to her sister.  They ate in silence, Kara doing her best to eat at a human pace.  She was finished with all four of her subs and about halfway through a family-sized bag of sour cream and onion potato chips when Alex finally spoke up.
“How much more haven’t you told me?” Alex asked.
Kara sat down the bag of chips.  “Big things, or little things?”
“Big things?” Alex asked.
Kara thought about it for a minute, before answering.  “Two,” she said.  “There are two big things I haven’t told you yet.  The first is how I found out about all of this, and believe me when I say that it’s not something I want to keep to myself, but I can’t tell you about the first one without telling you about the second one.  The second one is…”  Kara took a deep breath.  “I’m afraid the second one will make you hate me,” she said.
“Kara,” Alex said, turning towards her, “You’re my sister, and I love you, no matter what.”
Kara nodded.  “I love you too, Alex, but sometimes secrets can drive even the closest people apart.”
“Then why not just tell me?” Alex asked.
“Because you’d die,” Kara said.
“Kara, I’m not-“
“Alex,” Kara said, cutting her off, “I know how good you are.  I would trust you to have my back in any fight.  In fact, I’m pretty sure, if push comes to shove, you could take down a Kryptonian as long as you had time to prepare for the fight.  But if I told you about this, you’d want to do something.  Because you’re good and kind and one of the most loving, caring people I’ve ever met.  But this isn’t a fight you can win.  Not right now.  Not while we’ve got Fort Rozz to deal with.”
“Kara, you’re scaring me,” Alex said.  “Whatever this is, you shouldn’t have to carry it alone.  Please, let me help?”
Kara reached out and took Alex’s hands on hers, squeezing them as she looked at her sister, and remembering the last time they’d had a secret between them.  The fallout from her sister lying about who killed Astra had nearly destroyed National City.  It wasn’t a good memory, and the truth was, it had taken a long time for her to really get over it.  The Red K incident had been proof of that.
The issue wasn’t that she didn’t trust Alex, it was that she knew Alex.  If she told Alex, there was a good chance Alex would do something stupid, like go after Cadmus on her own.  On the other hand, if she didn’t tell anyone, and something happened to her, the timeline could turn out even worse than before.  And there was the simple weight of the secret itself.
“If I tell you, you have to promise you won’t do anything.  Not until we deal with Fort Rozz.”
Alex nodded.  “I get it, Kara.  One threat at a time.”
Kara sighed.  “No, Alex, you don’t.  This isn’t small.  This isn’t like promising Eliza you’d finish your homework before you go surfing.  If you make this promise, you have to keep it, no matter how much it hurts. No matter what.  You have to keep it.  Okay?”
This time it seemed to get the message across.  Alex sat there, and Kara could see her thinking it over, considering it, before she finally nodded.  “Okay.  I promise.  I won’t do anything until we deal with Fort Rozz.”
Kara nodded.  “Have you ever heard of Project Cadmus?”
“Yeah.  Some sort of research project.  We send them samples from any aliens we capture, and if an alien dies, either during capture, or in their cell, we send the remains to Cadmus for study.”
“They don’t just study alien remains,” Kara said.  “Back before J’onn took over the DEO, Hank Henshaw…  The real Hank Henshaw, deliberately killed a lot of aliens and classified the kills as ‘killed resisting capture’ so he could funnel the remains to Cadmus. If you go through the records you’ll also find a lot of aliens who were ‘transferred to other holding facilities’, only they never arrived.  Instead, they wound up in Cadmus.  After J’onn took over and their supply of live aliens dried up, they started their own capture program.  Sam Lane procures for them sometimes too.”
“That’s horrible,” Alex said, “but-“
“They take humans, too,” Kara said.  She took a deep breath.  “This is the part I’ve been afraid to tell you…  Alex, they have Jeremiah.”
“What?” Alex said.  “They…  They have my dad’s body?”
Kara shook her head.  “No.  Not his body.”  Kara could see the exact moment realization struck.  She could see the mixture of hope and fear flooding into Alex.
“He’s…  He’s alive?” she asked.
Kara nodded.
“How long have you known?” Alex asked.
“Alex,” Kara said.  “You promised.”
“How long, Kara?”
Kara let go of Alex’s hands and reached up to grip her shoulders.  “Tell me you won’t do anything, Alex.”
“How long?” Alex asked, and Kara could hear the rage in her voice, but she didn’t answer.  She just waited.  “He’s my father,” Alex said.  “We have to do something.  We have to help him!”  Alex tried to stand up, but Kara held her in place, her grip firm enough that there wasn’t anything Alex could do, but gentle enough that Alex didn’t hurt herself.
“I’m sorry, Alex,” Kara said.  “I’m so sorry.”
“Let me go,” Alex said.
“You promised,” Kara said.
The slap surprised them both.  One moment, Alex was sitting there, struggling, and the next, Kara felt the flat of Alex’s hand slam into the side of her face.  It was so unexpected, she didn’t have time to roll with it, and instead of hurting her, Alex ended up whimpering and cradling her hand.  Kara let her go, moving back a little bit as she looked down, checking with x-ray vision to make sure Alex hadn’t broken her hand.
Alex, for her part, was looking back, and forth between her hand, and Kara’s face.
“It’s okay,” Kara said.
Alex shook her head.  “No.  No, it’s not.  I shouldn’t have…”
Kara reached out and took Alex’s injured hand in her own, blowing a very gentle stream of cool air over it.
“It’s okay,” Kara said.  “I’m the one who should be sorry.  It’s my fault Jeremiah was on that mission.  My fault Cadmus has him.  My fault Fort Rozz is here.  My fault Myriad is a threat.  My fault Cadmus even exists.”  She looked up into Alex’s eyes.  “Sometimes, I think it would have been better if I never made it off Krypton,” she said.
The look of horror on Alex’s face wasn’t something Kara expected to see in that moment, but on some level, it was comforting.
“No,” Alex said.  “No.  Kara, you can’t think like that.  Please.  I’m sorry.  You’re right, this is big and I just…” she shrugged, helplessly.
“Please, tell me you’ll keep your promise.  I swear, I have people working on getting your father out.  Clark knows almost everything I do about Cadmus and he’s got Wonder Woman and Batman for backup.  If they can get Jeremiah out, they will.”
Alex nodded.  “Okay,” she said.  “Okay.  But, as soon as Myriad is out of the way-“
“We find Cadmus, and we burn it to the ground,” Kara said.  “Every last bit of it.”
The next morning was rough.  Kara didn’t really need sleep, but she and Alex had talked for hours and it had been emotionally exhausting.  Kara had told her everything she could about Cadmus, leaving out only Lillian Luthor, Simon Tycho and Hank Henshaw’s involvement.  She’d told her everything about Astra, too, but it was all hard.  It was like draining an infected wound, only stopping before it was entirely clean, and bandaging it up with half the rot still inside.  There was so much she couldn’t tell her.  She’d wanted to talk about the battle of CatCo plaza, about the Third Army and the war of light, about Darkseid and the anti-life equation.
She couldn’t.  Not yet.  She couldn’t tell Alex until she was ready to tell J’onn, and she couldn’t tell J’onn until she could prove all of it, because it sounded insane.  Sometimes, she wondered if she was insane.  On the other hand, if she got to hug her sister in the morning before she went into work to see Winn and Cat, maybe insanity wasn’t so bad.
Though today was the day Cat demanded an interview with her in the original timeline.  She was wondering if that was still going to happen when the elevator door opened, and she saw Winn waiting for her, holding a large pink box.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“Just a little something Maggie and I chipped in for,” he said, lifting the lid.
“Is that a brownie pizza?” she asked, her face splitting into an enormous smile.
“Yes,” he said.  “We wanted to do a cake, but we thought a ‘Congratulations on your first big disaster’ cake would be a little obvious.”
“Oh!” she squealed as she threw her arms around Winn, hugging him as tightly as she dared.  “Thank you,” she said.  “You have no idea how much I needed something like this this morning.”  She stepped back, still smiling at him as she picked up the envelope containing Cat’s morning mail from the reception desk, before heading over to her own desk.
Winn sat the brownie pizza down on her desk.  “You okay?” he asked.
“Rough weekend,” she said.  “Alex and I had a big fight.  We sorted it out.  And I saw my Aunt.”
“Your Aunt?” Winn asked.  “Like,” he made a wavey motion with his hand Kara assumed was supposed to indicate flying, “that Aunt?”
“Yes.  That probably went as well as could be expected,” she said.
‘Drunk, 9:00 AM.  That’s the last time I have breakfast with Ruth Bader Ginsberg.’
Kara shook her head as she reached for Cat’s coffee.  “She’s here,” she said as she lifted the lid and gave it a quick zap of heat vision.
“At least now I know how you do that,” Winn said as he dropped into his seat and pulled up his goof-off spreadsheet so it would look like he was working.
The door to the elevator opened, and Cat strode out.  Kara put the latte into her hand.
“Your latte, Ms. Grant,” she said.
Cat took a sip and let out a small moan of satisfaction.  “Hot, as always,” she said.  “Content meeting, two minutes.  My office.”
“I assume we’re all aware of Supergirl’s latest act of derring-do,” Cat said.
“Walking into a burning oil fire to cut off the fuel supply, then blowing the fire out,” James said.  “Pretty impressive for someone who’s only been on the job a week.”
“Hmmm, yes,” Cat said.  “Our girl has been making quite a showing of herself all over National City.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” James asked.
“It would be, if it weren’t the front-page story on the Daily Planet.  Their fifth, in as many days.  Which annoys me, because they already have their own go-to Superhero, and now they’re trying to steal mine.”
Cat stalked around from behind her desk to stand in front of it.  “Now, when I branded her, there was a certain implicit expectation that she would be gracing the pages of *our* publications.”  Cat turned towards Kara.  “Tell me something, Kara.”
“Hmmm, me?” Kara asked.
“Yes,” Cat answered.  “Do you really think it was coincidence that one of the Planet’s star reporters just happened through these offices last week?”
Kara shrugged.  “I never know with Clark.”
“Uh, huh,” Cat said.  “Well, coincidence or not, the Daily Planet is not taking Supergirl from us.  We are going to take back control of the Supergirl narrative, starting now.”
“How are we going to do that?” Dave asked.
“I want an interview,” Cat said.
“Okay,” Kara said.  “When would you like me to set that up?”
Every eye in the room turned towards her.
“You, Keira?” Cat asked.
“Don’t I usually schedule all your interviews?” she said.
Cat’s eyes narrowed.  “This one might be a little different.”
“Have I ever failed to deliver, Ms. Grant?”
“Do I need to bring up the Justin Bieber incident?”
“I believe there’s an amendment to my contract that prevents either of us from ever speaking of that again,” Kara said, shuddering.
Cat sighed.  “Fine.  Go ahead and see if you can arrange it, but I want a backup plan,” she said, turning to James.  “Do you think your friend in blue could arrange a sit down?”
“It doesn’t really work that way,” James said.
“Mmmm… Well, if Clark Kent, or for that matter, Lois Lane or any of the other hags over at the Planet get this before we do, I’m going to hold you and Keira personally responsible since you’re inviting the enemy into my house.”
“Now, I want a sit down with Supergirl.  A heart-to-heart, girl-to-girl.  By the end of the week.”  Cat waved her hand in a shooing gesture.  “Go get it.”
Kara started to turn around, but Cat’s voice stopped her.
“Not you, Keira,” she said.
Kara turned back to Cat.  “Something else I can do for you, Ms. Grant?”
Cat waited until the entire office was empty.  “You really think you can get me an interview with Supergirl?”
“I do.”
Cat stared at her for a moment, and let out a breath.  “You get me that interview and we’ll have a discussion about your salary, since apparently I’m not paying what other people are offering you.”
“That’s not necessary, Ms. Grant.”
“Yes, it is,” Cat said.  “You’re never going to get ahead if you don’t learn how to demand what you’re due, Keira.”
Kara stared back at Cat for a moment, then nodded.  “Okay,” she said.  “How about we start with you using my real name, since I know you know it.”
Cat smiled.  “Get me the interview, and we’ll talk.”
Kara laughed and shook her head as she turned and left the office, only to find James waiting for her at her desk.
“Are you sure you want to do that interview?” he asked.  The question threw Kara, because in the original timeline, he’d been the one to reassure her when she said she couldn’t do it.
“I don’t see why not,” Kara said.  “My cousin managed to hide right in front of Perry White’s face for eleven years.”
“Yeah, and Lois Lane was fooled for a good five seconds,” James said.
Kara rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, well, Cat Grant isn’t checking out my ass every time I turn my back.”
James shook his head.  “Could have fooled me,” he said, before he headed for his office.
Winn appeared a second later.  “He bothering you?” he asked.
“A little,” Kara said.  “He means well, but he hasn’t gotten it through his head that I don’t need a big brother.”
“Well, if he gets to be a problem let me know.  I’ll get Maggie to rough him up.”
Kara smiled.  “You and Maggie really hit it off, huh?”
“Yeah,” he said.  “She’s like the really butch older sister I never knew I wanted.”
“Oh, please.  She’s a soft futch, at best.”
“She loads her own ammo, Kara.”
“Don’t care,” Kara said.  “If she can’t forge a sword out of a load of iron ore, she’s not butch.”
“Who have you been hanging out with?”
“Wonder Woman,” Kara said.  “Now, the real question is, am I expected to share my brownie pizza?”
Winn laughed.  “Now what kind of friends would we be if we made you share?”
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captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Fifty Seven
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 7.8k
Warnings: Fluff, Smut 🔞.
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Diana Prince, Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC
This Part: It's Christmas Morning! Time for fun, presents, laughter and... other things. But is a storm brewing?
So sorry that I am writing a xmas chapter in march... If I hadn't of had my writers block this would have come out in December 😅 Ahh well! It's been fun to do and seeing the Superfriends hang out.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @inquisitive-nix, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @checkingoutforheroes, @mmmmokdok, @certainkryptoniangeek, @starmako26
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It is Christmas morning and Emma stretches as she slowly wakes up before pulling Diana closer to her. Yesterday she had woken up to the Superfriends cooing over the Danvers sisters as they clung to each other on the sofa. But today she enjoyed waking up behind her girlfriend.
Christmas Eve had been a relaxing day filled with christmas movies, games, food and a chilled atmosphere. Although, Emma expects today to be a bit more lively. She can’t wait to watch everyone open the presents she got them, finding it was the main thing she enjoys about the day.
Emma reaches out for her phone and cracks an eye open to see what the time is.
‘Still too early.’ Emma muses and opens her messages to send christmas wishes to her British friends.
After completing her task Emma rests her head on the pillow. She weighs up her options of either staying in bed or the possibility of going surfing. But she remembers Alex’s request that someone goes to the beach with her. She can sense Diana is still very much in a deep sleep and the house is quiet other than the heavy breathing and snoring coming from the different rooms. Closing her eyes again Emma snuggles back into Diana and places a kiss on her shoulder. Emma starts drifting off to sleep when she hears the creak of the door opening from the next room.
She sluggishly opens her eyes and yawns, hoping maybe whoever is awake will agree to come with her to the beach. Carefully she removes her arms from around Diana and hears the shower turning on.
‘Guess I’ll have to wait.’ Emma thinks and debates about whether to change out of her long pyjama bottoms and t-shirt.
But then her ears prick up from a certain noise coming from the bathroom. A noise she knows very, very, intimately and Emma’s cheeks heat up.
“Emma.” Lena moans, her breathing becomes more ragged while her heartbeat picks up as she hums deeply. “Em-ma.”
Arousal immediately spreads through Emma’s body, as well as horror. She springs out of bed, throwing on her Supergirl hoodie and rushes as silently as she can downstairs.
She places her hands over her ears to try to deafen the sound but it’s no use. She can hear everything.
In a panic her eyes fall on her portal watch that Winn had borrowed to do some last minute christmas eve shopping and Emma dives for it. The familiar bright purple light surrounds her and she teleports without thinking of where she will end up.
Emma blinks when the light fades and she’s standing outside Robyn’s door.
‘She may not even be here.’ Emma reasons but finds her fist rising to knock anyway. Emma waits and hears movement within, her chest heaving as she tries to calm down. ‘She could be with someone! You idiot!’ Emma berates herself and wonders if it’s too late to portal somewhere else when the door opens.
“Em?” Robyn asks with a laugh. “I just messaged you!” Robyn’s crystal blue eyes narrow slightly as she takes in Emma’s wide eyed expression and red cheeks. “Are you okay?”
Emma gently shakes her head and Robyn pulls her into the flat. Emma motions to the bathroom and quickly uses it before washing her hands and entering the lounge.
“What’s wrong?” Robyn asks from the sofa and pats the space beside her. Emma flops heavily onto it and holds her head in her clammy hands. “Em? Seriously, what’s going on?”
Emma breathes in heavily and runs her hands through her hair before sitting up. She reaches for her phone and starts typing.
“Oh, er, you don’t need to do that.”
Emma questioningly gazes at her friend.
“I’ve been learning sign language. Like the American version as well as the British but more focused on ASL.”
“Because I wanted to be able to communicate with you better. I mean, I saw how you were with Diana and it made more sense that I learn.”
Emma sucks in her lips and pulls Robyn into a grateful hug.
“So-” Robyn moves away and focuses on the blonde. “What’s going on?”
“I woke up and I was the first one awake. Or so I thought.” Emma pauses and Robyn repeats it to make sure she understands.
“Okay, continue.”
“It was Lena and she-”
Robyn’s face darkens at the mention of Emma’s ex. “What did she do? Do you need me to slap her?”
Emma shakes her head and suddenly feels very awkward. “She was having a shower and I heard her-” Emma makes a motion with her hand.
“Heard her what? Trying to sing?”
Emma takes a deep breath. “She was masturbating.”
Robyn tilts her head and Emma shuffles uncomfortably. “Erm, I don’t know that sign.”
Emma facepalms and wonders how else she can sign it. But Emma grabs her phone again and writes it instead.
“Ah no! Please let me figure it out!” Robyn pouts and Emma rolls her eyes. She quickly makes the wanking motion and looks away from Robyn.
“Lena has a dick?!”
Emma slams her head against the back cushion and holds her forehead as she silently groans.
“Oh.. Oh!” Robyn starts to giggle. “You heard her giving some self love huh?”
Emma nods.
“So you have super hearing too?”
Emma nods again.
“Erm, well I can see why that would be slightly awkward for you, but why did you look so freaked out just now?”
“She moaned my name.”
“Oh.” Robyn says quietly and her smile drops.
Emma cringes but Robyn’s face twitches and she presses her lips tightly together.
“It is not funny!” Emma signs heatedly.
Unable to hold it in anymore Robyn barks out laughing. Offended Emma grabs a pillow and whacks her friend over the head.
“Oi!” Robyn whacks her back and Emma holds her hands up in surrender before flopping back onto the sofa. “I’m sorry, it’s just, man, it is funny!” Robyn tries to explain and Emma huffs loudly. “No wonder you were so beat red when I opened the door!”
Emma nods and her eyes wander around the room. She frowns at how bare it is of decorations and stares questioningly at her friend.
“You haven’t decorated?”
“Hey I know what you are doing! You are trying to change the subject! We ain’t done with Lena flicking her bean.”
Emma bursts into silent laughter and Robyn joins in. The pair can’t seem to stop and soon they both have tears running down their faces.
“Ah I needed that.” Robyn gasps out and wipes under her eyes. “So, how do you feel about what happened? I mean, you teleported here.”
Emma shifts on the sofa and faces the brunette.
“Honestly, I panicked.”
“Reasonable, but why?” Robyn asks and Emma feels her heart clench.
“It turned me on.”
Robyn nods. “And that’s okay, it’s natural and-”
Emma raises her hands and signs quickly. “But I have a girlfriend, who I love very much and Lee broke my heart! Plus she does not want me! So why would she be doing that?!”
Robyn sighs heavily. “Maybe she still likes you.” Emma glares daggers at her and Robyn raises a hand. “I mean, you are hot Em, I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to sleep with you.”
“You did not.”
“Yea well, I missed my chance years ago. I’d rather be your friend anyway.” Robyn takes Emma’s hand and smiles.
Emma smiles back but her phone interrupts by brightly flashing and pinging on the coffee table.
Reaching over her heart freezes when she sees the message from Alex.
“Em?” Robyn asks and leans over to read the message. “Ahh, didn’t tell them where you were going?”
Emma shakes her head and rocks herself slightly, as if trying to self soothe.
“Well, you better leave. Wouldn’t want Supergirl to come crashing through my balcony windows again. I’m still finding pieces of glass!” Robyn says jokingly, Emma glances around the flat again and her phone lights up with another message.
Alex: Seriously Em, please message me that you are okay.
Emma: Sorry I’m with Robyn, it was a last second decision. I’ll be home soon.
Emma sends the message and gazes up at Robyn. “Come with me.”
Robyn blinks, looking taken aback by Emma’s request. “No it’s okay, I mean, the day is almost over for me anyway.”
Emma tilts her head, a look of compassion crosses her face. “Why did you not tell me you were going to be alone?”
Robyn breaks their eye contact and focuses on her fidgeting hands. “Because I didn’t want to see the look you are giving me now.”
Emma pulls the brunette into a hug but her phone pings again. But Emma ignores it and keeps her attention on her best friend. She moves back to sign. “Please Robyn.”
“They might not even want me!” Robyn whines. “I’m sure Lucy won’t either.” Robyn adds under her breath and a light blush crosses her cheeks.
Emma pauses. “Lucy?”
Robyn’s cheeks darken even further. “Yea, she, erm, took me out for coffee while my flat was being repaired.”
Emma grins. “Pack a bag. Now.”
“Urgh!” Robyn groans and rushes to her room, knowing Emma will just teleport them if she doesn’t. Plus she wants her own toothbrush and clothes. “But I don’t have any gifts!” Robyn yells, then rolls her eyes when she realises Emma can’t respond.
Emma appears in the doorway with a grin. “Mom says it is okay and she cannot wait to see you. I am sure Lucy feels the same.” Emma raises an eyebrow.
“Do not say anything to her. I mean sign.” Robyn zips the bag up and Emma copies the motion across her mouth.
“It’s very sweet though.”
Robyn ignores her and huffs out a deep breath. “Okay, let’s go before I change my mind or your sister murders you for sneaking out again.”
Emma momentarily pauses at Robyn’s words but lets out a silent snort of laughter.
Purple light engulfs the pair and next they are standing in the huge back room of the Danvers house.
“Oh shit that-” Robyn drops her bag and sways. Emma grabs her quickly and helps her onto a sofa, placing her head between her legs. “Happy christmas everyone.” Robyn’s muffled voice calls out and she raises a hand to wave. The Superfriends say their own greetings back and Emma keeps her head lowered, worrying about Alex’s mood. But also she is unsure of how she will react looking at Lena. Suddenly Robyn flings her head back and smiles.
“Sorry about that! Always had terrible travel sickness!” Robyn jumps to her feet and approaches a worried looking Eliza. “Thank you for having me over Eliza! Though I’m sure Emma would have kidnapped me either way!”
“I’m glad she did, no one should be alone on christmas day.” Eliza says and gives the brunette a hug, who seemingly melts into the motherly embrace.
Emma smiles sadly at them, knowing Robyn had been disowned by her parents and feels frustrated with herself that she presumed Robyn would be with Tina, Caden or Logan.
The sofa dips next to her and she turns to see a subdued Alex.
Emma raises her hands. “I am sorry, it was a quick decision and I should have left a note or messaged you.”
“It’s okay, I’m sorry I panicked and lashed out. Again.”
“I was worried steam was gonna erupt from her ears or something.” Kara jokes as she sits next to Emma. “Merry christmas.”
Emma responds by snuggling into her side and watches Robyn help Eliza and Diana get drinks for everyone. Diana’s eyes connect with hers and Emma’s face lights up in a bright smile. Diana gives her a small, closed smile and continues her task, making Emma frown slightly.
“Nowwww, can we start opening presents?” Ruby whines.
“Yea! Pwesents! Pwwwese?” Mary copies her and claps on Winn’s lap who tickles her sides. Mary squeals and Emma voicelessly chuckles with the others.
“Soon Rubes.” Sam says and kisses her daughter’s head. “Emma needs something to eat first.” Sam gives the blonde a pointed look and Emma begrudgingly stands to get something from the kitchen.
“Here you go sweetheart. I made you a bacon sandwich.” Eliza holds it out to her daughter and Emma takes it gratefully. She takes a bite and approaches Diana.
“Good morning Astéri.” Diana says softly and Emma nuzzles her cheek against hers.
“What have I told you about the cuteness overload that’s giving me fillings?” Robyn scoffs and Emma narrows her eyes. She puckers her lips and gets closer to her girlfriend’s lips. “No, Emma, I won’t be able to take much more!” Robyn says dramatically and Emma waits for Diana to kiss her.
“Oh I know right?!” Lucy comes up beside Robyn. “I look at them and I feel nauseous from the cuteness overload.”
“Ha! Yea, er, that’s funny and so true.” Robyn stutters and Emma notices her friend’s cheeks turning red again. She quickly kisses Diana’s cheek instead, guessing that she didn’t see it. “It’s nice to see you again Miss Lane.”
“Yea likewise, I mean, last I saw you your apartment was in a bit of a state.” Lucy says smoothly. “And please, it’s Lucy.”
Robyn nods. “Yes, of course.” Robyn holds out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Lucy.”
Emma raises an eyebrow at her sisters who are also watching closely and return their own raised eyebrows. Robyn and Lucy shake hands and giggle.
“Adults are weird.” Ruby mutters and Emma laughs loudly, causing Robyn’s head to snap and stare at her.
“Did you just?!”
Emma reaches up to her neck and massages it. She opens her mouth to see if she can make any other noises, but only air comes out.
“Emma’s voice is coming back bit by bit.” Diana tries to explain and holds the blonde’s hand.
“Yea, she has these moments where it breaks through.” Lucy adds and Robyn stares in wonder.
“So, it doesn’t stay?”
Emma nods sadly.
“But it’s a start.” Robyn grins, making Emma’s face light up too.
Mary huffs loudly and Emma takes pity on her by leading the others to the sofas. She sits and places her plate on the coffee table, gazing at the huge pile of presents. She turns to Diana and lifts her hands.
“Thanks for bringing mine down.”
“It wasn’t a problem.” Diana responds softly and gently kisses her lips.
“Are we ready?” Eliza asks and Emma is looking over to check everything is there. However, she realises Robyn’s presents are still in her room. She springs to her feet and quickly signs she’ll be back and rushes upstairs.
She quickly changes into blue jeans, a plain t-shirt and puts her Supergirl hoodie back on before grabbing Robyn’s presents. Consisting of a bag full of little presents and a big, long, narrow box that requires both of her hands to carry. She zips back into the room, placing them under the tree.
“Is that… That isn’t for me?” Robyn’s mouth drops open and Emma nods. “But, I-”
Emma sits next to her and takes her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Okay, shall I be the postal worker?” Alex gets on her knees and starts looking at labels. Mary plods over to try and help. “Who wants to go first?”
“ME!” Mary, Ruby and Kara yell at the same time.
“No me!” Nia giggles loudly and waves her hands around.
“How about-” Alex grabs a present and reads it. “Mom.” She gives it to Mary who starts to give it to Ayla. “Oh no sweetie, my Mom! To Eliza.” Alex says warmly and Mary changes course to hand Eliza the present.
“To Mom, love Emma x.” Eliza reads and she smiles at her daughter. “Thank you Sweetheart.” She starts to carefully open it and Emma rolls her eyes at her sisters. Eliza always insists that the wrapping paper can be reused, causing her daughters to try and wrap it so well that their Mom would have no choice but to rip the present open.
“Just rip it!” Both Kara and Alex yell while Emma claps and finishes her bacon sandwich.
“Okay!” Eliza laughs and does so, revealing  a beautiful shawl. “Oh wow! Emma, this is wonderful.”
The Superfriends ooo and ahh as Eliza wraps it around her neck and poses with it.
“It looks lovely on you.” Nia smiles and Alex reaches for another present.
“And this belongs to-”
“Me!” Mary’s hand shoots up.
“MEEEEE!” Kara whines.
“No ME!” Ruby yells even louder and Emma shakes her head in amusement as she snuggles into Diana.
Soon the room is filled with ripped wrapping paper and Emma enjoys watching everyone open the many gifts she got them.
“So, this next one is for-” Alex lifts a small, slim present. “Emma!” Alex holds it out and Emma blinks at her. “Why do you look surprised?”
Emma takes it and reads the label, seeing it was from Ruby. She looks over at the teen and smiles warmly at her. She opens the small gift, revealing a woven friendship bracelet in the colours of red, blue and gold.
“Do you like it?” Ruby asks hesitantly and Emma nods as tears fill her eyes. She motions for Ruby to come over and holds her right wrist out for Ruby to tie it on. After Ruby does so Emma pulls the teen into a hug.
“Thank you! I love it!” Emma signs and admires it on her wrist.
“Next we have!” Alex declares in a game show voice making everyone chuckle. She spots a box hidden behind the christmas tree and dives underneath to get it.
“Oh Alex.” Eliza mutters, knowing her daughter always loves a challenge. “Surely it's better to do the presents in the front?”
“Where's the fun in that?” Alex chuckles as she sits back up with the gift. She reads the label and declares. “Emma again!” She holds a beautifully wrapped, shoe sized box and Lena tenses. “Do you want it now or wait for others to open some more?”
Emma shrugs and reaches for it.
‘Dearest Emma, from Lena.’ Emma reads and feels her cheeks heating up. Robyn giggles beside her and the blonde nudges her hard in the ribs.
“Ow!” Robyn yelps and rubs her side.
With trembling fingers Emma delicately unwraps the present and opens the box. She tilts her head at what she sees and carefully reaches in, pulling out a light coloured wooden box with the top and front missing. Inside is a little boat on top of wooden, reed like sticks.
“What is it?” Ruby asks and Emma places it on the coffee table in front of her.
Seeing a handle she winds it up and the sticks start moving in a ripple effect, like waves of the sea with the boat bobbing up and down.
A gentle chime starts playing out and Emma immediately recognises it as her song ‘Shallow’. She stares at it in wonder and listens to the music box version of her song.
When it ends, Emma sniffs.
“That sounded beautiful.” Brainy comments and others in the room agree.
“Who is it from Sweetheart?” Eliza asks and Emma slowly raises her head and her eyes connect with worried green eyes.
“Thank you.”
“Y-you’re welcome.” Lena shakily responds, not noticing the slight frown that appears on Diana’s face as her eyes flick from the back of Emma’s head into her own.
“Okay, next one is-”
The gift opening continues for a bit longer and many of the gifts Emma bought in Europe are opened.
“Ooo this one is for me!” Alex smiles happily and starts opening it. She pauses when the smell of the leather hits her but then tears the rest of the paper. “Wow! I love it!” Alex lifts the leather jacket up and gazes at it. Immediately she puts it on and Sam wolf whistles at her. “Thanks Peanut!” Alex beams at her sister and Emma smiles back, happy it’s a perfect fit.
“Now you will not be trying to steal mine! I have seen you looking longingly at it!”
“Me? Would I ever do such a thing?” Alex declares, making both Emma and Kara look at each other and nod. “Hey!”
An alarm sounds in the kitchen and Eliza gets up. “Okay I think it’s time for a break because lunch is ready!”
“Yay!” Kara squeals and bounces over to Emma to pull her into a hug. “Thank you so much for my new art supplies! I seriously cannot wait to use them!”
“And for this sexy ass jacket!” Alex says, squeezing in between Emma and Diana. Emma snuggles into their arms and squeezes them three times.
“I love you too.” Alex whispers back and reaches for Diana to join the hug. The brunette smiles and takes Alex’s hand instead.
“Ditto.” Kara says and kisses the top of Emma’s head.
Robyn smiles at the sisters and gets up from the sofa. As she heads towards the kitchen Ruby starts playing the music box again. Robyn pauses and her gaze lowers to Lena. A surge of anger flows through her as wary green eyes connect with her icy stare.
“Luthor.” Robyn greets with a curt nod before continuing on. “Eliza? How can I help?”
“Oh bless you! Thank you Robyn, but you’re our guest!”
“No, please let me help.” Robyn pouts.
“Okay, if you insist.” Eliza laughs and Robyn beams at her. The brunette reaches for the big ceramic tray that is piled high with roasted potatoes. “Careful!” Eliza shouts, causing Robyn to freeze. “That is very hot! Could you take the carrots instead?” Robyn does so as Kara bounds over to help too.
Robyn enters the dining room and places the carrots on the huge table. She stares at the decorations and feels a sense of gratitude warming her.
“Watch your back.” Kara says from behind her and places the ceramic tray in the middle of the table.
Robyn blinks. Kara wasn’t wearing oven gloves.
“Robyn? You okay?” Kara asks in concern.
“Yea!” The brunette answers quickly. “Sorry, I’m just really honoured that you guys are okay with me being here.”
“Aw! Of course we are!” Kara places a hand on Robyn’s shoulder and leaves to get more food to place on the table.
Robyn glances down at the tray with a frown and touches it. She hisses as her fingertips burn and moves her hand away. ‘Holy Shit!’
Someone touches her shoulder and Robyn jumps in fright.
Emma places the big bowl of shredded cabbage down and frowns at her.
“Oh I, the, er, the tray was slightly off the mat so I moved it so the table wouldn’t burn. But forgot it was scolding hot, so ya know, burned myself in the process.” She waves her hand and winces at the pain.
Emma gently grabs Robyn’s wrist and examines her finger tips. Cringing at the sight of the burn and blisters already starting to appear.
“Seriously I’m fine.”
But Emma doesn’t listen and drags her to the downstairs bathroom and runs her fingers under the cold water.
Robyn yelps and tries to pull away but Emma keeps her hand firmly in place.
“Emma? Robyn?” They hear Eliza call them from the corridor. “There you are! What happened?” They both turn to look at Eliza and miss the quick glow of Emma’s hands.
“Oh I touched the potato tray and I burnt myself?”
“Is that a question?” Eliza asks as she begins to fuss over Robyn’s hand. The brunette blinks, having felt the pain dull and disappear. Neither sees Emma stumbling slightly against the wall to steady herself.
“Actually, my fingers feel better.”
“Hmm, they don’t look overly burned.” Eliza agrees and releases Robyn’s hand. “Please be more careful.” Eliza implores and Robyn nods.
‘Like Kara was?’ Robyn wants to say but instead follows the two blondes into the dining room. Her mouth drops open at the amount of food on the table, likening the display to a feast.
She is seated in between Emma and Diana with Lucy placed strategically opposite her in the middle of Kara and Ben.
The meal is dished out and Emma silently hums as she enjoys the Christmas lunch. She listens to the chatter and laughter as she eats and part of the way through Emma tries to get Diana’s attention but she is seemingly too preoccupied in her discussion with Winn and Brainy about a new project they want to work on.
“No, I'm being serious!” Robyn laughs with Lucy, Kara, Sam, Alex, and Ruby. “Emma and I were working on a song and I made an error so I asked Emma for a rubber, the look on her face was priceless and I motioned with my hand-” Robyn makes a rubbing out motion that could easily be mistaken as something else. “And repeated if she had a rubber. Well she stared at me like she was utterly mortified until she yelled out ‘oh you mean an ERASER!’”
Emma grins at the memory, remembering how they fell onto the floor gasping for breath because they had laughed so much and had to abandon song writing for the day.
“Oh that’s too funny!” Kara laughs and Emma frowns when she hears Robyn’s heart rate momentarily spike. “Are there many differences between British and American words?”
“Er-” Robyn stutters but smiles. “Yea! There’s so many but that’s been the funniest one.”
“I found another one is eggplant.” Lucy smirks at Robyn. “Do you know what that is?”
Emma listens to Robyn’s heart pick up again and she looks over at Sam to see if she heard it too. By the confused glance she gives her, it would seem she did.
“Erm, I don’t actually.”
“Or Cilantro?”
“That’s… no, I don’t know.”
“First one is Aubergine and the second is Coriander.” Lucy explains with a coy smile.
“Ah- what? That makes no sense! Like why call it an eggplant?!”
“Well why would you call a trunk a boot?”
“Why would you call a biscuit a cookie when it is nothing like a cookie but a hobnob!” Robyn says back and the pair start debating the differences.
Emma silently chuckles with the others and she grins at Alex who raises her glass of zero percent beer at her.
Emma toasts back to her and sips her pepsi max, secretly wishing she could have some wine with this meal. But she wants to support and honour the Superfriends’ sobriety.
Finally the meal ends and mostly everyone feels stuffed from the yummy food.
“Oh man, I can’t eat another bite.” Ben leans back in his chair, tapping his stomach.
“Speak for yourself!” Kara laughs and grabs another roasted potato from the tray. Robyn watches her with veiled interest.
“So is that no to dessert?” Alex asks Ben who huffs out like a horse.
“Probably not for a little bit.” He stretches and smiles at Eliza. “Thank you for this wonderful meal. I didn’t believe Kara when she said it tops thanksgiving.”
“Thank you Ben.”
Emma raises her glass to her Mom and the others copy her, sending their thanks.
“Sooooo, presents?” Ruby asks with a grin, making everyone chuckle and they head back into the back room.
Emma, Nia and Ayla quickly load the dishwasher, much to Eliza’s annoyance, but they argue that she should sit and relax because she did most of the hard work with cooking. Once they plan the different loads they make the coffees and bring them over with mints to the sofas and settle back down.
Alex kneels by the tree again and picks up a small ring box.
“Actually, Alex, can I give you mine?” Sam asks and Alex's head snaps to her in confusion.
“Er, sure?”
“Okay, well, a lot has happened since thanksgiving and I want to do this properly, mainly because I didn’t have everyone’s blessing at the time.” Sam smiles over at Emma and kneels in front of Alex. “I cannot imagine waking up without you by my side, we’ve been through a lot but with you by my side, I know I can face anything. You are my whole world and-” Sam pulls out a ring box and opens it. “Alexandra Danvers, will you marry me?”
Alex bursts into laughter and tears as she nods. “Of course!” They kiss and hold each other. Alex pulls away and laughs again. “I wondered where my ring went!” Sam slides it onto Alex’s finger and beams at her. “And actually-” Alex picks up the ring box beside her. “You beat me to it. Again.”
Sam chuckles and Emma snuggles happily into Diana’s side.
“Growing up, I knew something was missing but I could never figure out what it was. It was like this little hole in my heart and when I met you, that hole started to fill and heal. When you told me you loved me I felt whole. You complete me and I never want to go a day without you by my side.” Alex opens the box, revealing a beautiful oval diamond ring. “Samatha Aries, will you do me the absolute honour in marrying me?”
Sam sniffs as tears roll down her cheeks and she nods quickly. “Yes! Yes!”
Emma claps with the Superfriends and beams at the pair, wiping her own face which is wet with tears. She places a hand over her heart and feels grateful to have witnessed the proposal.
She snuggles happily into her girlfriend, but her eyes instinctively seek out emotional green ones before snapping away. She does notice how Lena fiddles with the long necklace but turns her thoughts back to Sam and Alex as they break apart and face the group.
“Congratulations!” J’onn cheers and claps with everyone.
“Thank you.” Alex beams and Sam stays by her side. “Shall we open more presents or?”
“PLEASEEEE!” Ruby whines jokingly and Alex reaches for one.
“Pwesents! Pwesents!” Mary claps and soon the room is filled with wrapping paper again.
Emma screws some tightly in her hand as Nia admires a necklace Emma got her. The blonde takes aim and throws the ball at Alex’s head.
“OW!” Alex yelps and Emma snorts, raising her hands to protect herself when Alex throws it back.
“Girls!” Eliza says strictly and tries to hide the smile on her face as Mary picks some paper up and tries throwing it at Alex.
“Can you slide the really big box over?” Emma signs and Alex points at a small one.
“This one?”
Emma rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
“Oh, you mean, this one?” Alex points at an even smaller one, making some chuckle. Emma raises an eyebrow and Alex gives in, sliding the big, long box over. Emma turns to Robyn and motions for her to open it.
“That’s really for me? Oh no, Em, you’ve already gotten me so much I couldn’t possibly-”
Emma places her hand on Robyn’s shoulder.
Taking a deep breath Robin leans down and starts pulling the wrapping paper off. Opening the lid she freezes.
“No, you didn’t…” Robyn’s voice is low and her face scrunches up as her eyes fill with tears.
“What is it?” Ruby asks and tries to see.
Robyn unlocks the guitar case and delicately lifts up a beautiful acoustic guitar, placing it on her lap. “Em, I-”
“Please accept it. You helped me so much when I was in my darkest moments. This is the least I could do.”
Alex, Kara and Lena watch Emma sign and all three of their shoulders fall.
Robyn leans over and kisses Emma’s cheek. “Thank you.” She plucks the strings. “You’ve already tuned it?”
Emma nods with a grin and leans back into Diana’s arms. She looks over at her sisters, who immediately perk up, hiding there crestfallen expressions.
“Can you play something for us, please?” Lucy asks excitedly.
Robyn obliges and starts playing Leave Your Lover by Sam Smith.
Emma bobs her head along and starts breathing with the notes. Suddenly a hum escapes her lips and she shoots up.
Robyn smiles at her and keeps strumming.
“Try again.” Diana whispers and rests her chin on Emma’s shoulder
Emma swallows and breathes along with the chorus, she manages to hum a few more notes before her voice gives out again.
Robyn finishes the song and everyone claps. Kara takes her glasses off to wipe under her eyes and Robyn studies her intently.
“Wow!” Lucy smiles. “That was amazing!” Robyn’s cheeks heat up and she shyly ducks her head.
Diana sniffs and Emma turns her face to her. “I didn’t think I’d ever hear your voice like that.”
“I agree, it’s encouraging.” Brainy gives them a relieved smile.
Robyn continues to strum the guitar as more gifts are handed out and she watches Kara shyly hand Ben her present. He opens it and beams at her.
“Wow! Thank you honey.” He leans over and gently kisses her lips. Kara pulls away with a giddy smile and goes to point at the different camera lenses when Robyn calls over to her.
“Hey Kara?”
Kara’s eyes snap to the brunette. “Yea?” Kara answers and fiddles with her glasses.
“Has anyone ever told you how much you look like Supergirl?”
Everyone momentarily freezes before Kara bursts out laughing. “They have actually but I’m nowhere near as pretty as her, so-”
“Nah you are just as pretty. Maybe it’s the glasses?” Robyn tilts her head and Emma glances over at J’onn. He nods, confirming that Robyn has connected the dots.
“Have you met Supergirl?” Ruby asks intrigued.
“I have actually! Quite up close too.” Robyn continues to pluck the strings and grins. “I was minding my own business in my flat, apartment for you guys, when suddenly Supergirl crashed through my wall looking for Emma! Dust covered every surface leaving a nice Supergirl hole.”
“Hey! It was through your balcony window!” Kara cries out and Robyn’s smile widens. Seeing this Kara stutters and her eyes grow as large as plates.
“How would you know that?” Robyn teases.
“Because I work closely with Supergirl and-”
“Kara, it’s fine, she figured it out.” J’onn tries to reassure her.
“But? How?” Nia asks and Lucy looks at Robyn in awe.
“Well, maybe don’t carry scolding hot trays with your bare hands that would singe the skin off mere mortals? Just a suggestion.” Robyn shugs. “Oh and Emma getting superpowers and how upset you were that you had just missed her, that was a big giveaway.” Robyn says. “Next you’re gonna tell me Diana is Wonder Woman!”
When her comment doesn’t get a reaction Robyn’s head snaps to Emma and Diana and she stops playing.
“Yup.” Diana says with a sly grin.
“And I got drunk at Thanksgiving and said how sexy Wonder Woman was and how she is on my list?”
“You did.” Diana says in a low, seductive voice, causing Emma to jokingly wrap her arms possessively around her, making Diana chuckle.
“I need a drink.” Robyn groans and drops her head. “This is a lot to take in.”
Lucy gets up and sits beside the brunette. “Welcome to the club.” She bumps her shoulder into the Brit.
“We’ll save the mountains of paperwork you’ll need to sign for later.” Lucy teases.
“Hmm, I figured.” Robyn raises her head and looks over at Kara. “I promise your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you.” Kara says gratefully and Ben places an arm around her protectively.
“Who wants dessert?” Eliza asks to break the tension and everyone responds positively.
Emma nuzzles her face into Diana’s and smiles at her.
“Oh and Emma?” Eliza calls causing her daughter to spin around and face her. “Would it be a good idea to set Robyn’s bed up in your room? There’s another blow up mattress we haven’t used yet.”
Emma nods and goes to stand. “Shall I come with you?” Diana asks and Emma nods again.
“I’ll bring my bag up too.” Robyn gently places her new guitar in the case and follows the couple upstairs. “This house is seriously amazing. You grew up here?”
Emma nods and opens her bedroom door.
“Oh wow.” Robyn exclaims as she looks around and Emma and Diana clear a space for her by Diana’s side of the bed which has the most room.
Emma grabs the box containing the blow up mattress but it seems to be wedged tight. They laugh and try to wrestle it free for a while until a soft knock sounds on the door.
Diana and Robyn are unable to answer with how much they are laughing so Emma goes to open the door, revealing a nervous looking Alex.
“Hey, do you mind if we talk?” Alex motions to the office she and Sam are sleeping in.
Emma nods and signs to the two brunettes that she’ll be back. She follows her sister and sits on the bed by the window.
“Alright, so-” Alex runs a hand through her hair and sits facing Emma. “I have another present for you but I’d rather you open it in private.” Alex reaches under her pillow and pulls out a wrapped book.
Emma takes it and unwraps it. She tilts her head at the journal in her hands.
“Open it.” Alex says softly and Emma complies. Revealing pages upon pages of Alex’s handwriting, doodles and photographs. “I know I did the video logs but this felt right. To write down my thoughts, memories, how I feel about certain things. I wanted to make it up to you for reading yours.”
Emma closes the book and opens her arms to her sister. They embrace and hold onto each other for a while until Diana knocks on the door.
“Hey, we managed to get the bed set up and your Mom wants to know what desserts you want?”
“Thank you. We will be down in a moment.” Emma signs and Diana closes the door behind her. “Thank you.” Emma signs to her sister and sniffs heavily.
“You’re welcome. I mean, it should come with a warning before you read it and then you’ll probably want to throw it across the room or burn it cause I really go into some detail about certain things and-”
Emma places her hand on top of Alex’s to help her sister’s ramble. “Take a breath.”
Alex does so and laughs. “We better go get some dessert before it’s all gone!”
Emma nods and takes Alex’s hand, momentarily placing the journal in her room before they head downstairs together.
“Finally!” Kara yells happily. “Eliza wouldn’t start serving until you’d come back down.”
“I want everyone to be treated equally.” Eliza explains with a wink. “Who wants pie and who wants yule log?” Eliza calls out and Emma motions for the cinnamon apple pie. The plates are passed around and the group eats while the presents continue to be opened.
“Thank you for the painting.” Diana whispers softly. She had been surprised when Alex had called her name and it was a gift from Emma. “I’m guessing you painted it while I was at work?”
Emma nods and nuzzles her cheek again.
“And this one is for Lena!” Alex stretches to give the stunned raven haired woman the small present.
“Oh.” Lena whispers and reads the label.
‘Dear Lena, happy christmas. Emma x’
Emma nervously watches Lena carefully open the gift with shaking fingers and when she pulls the paper back, her eyes widen when the bracelet is revealed. Lena remains frozen as she stares at it.
“Lee?” Sam asks and leans over. “Oh-” Sam gasps out when she sees the design on the bracelet. “That’s… pretty.”
“Can we see?” Kara asks. “Put it on!”
Lena does so, with the help of Sam due to her fingers trembling so much and holds her wrist up.
Lena’s eyes connect with Emma and the familiar warmth spreads through her. “Thank you.” Lena says softly and plays with the chain on her neck. Emma nods and lets out the breath she had been holding. She also doesn’t realise how tightly Diana is holding her, or the barely there scowl on her face as she analyses the bracelet.
Alex’s eyes flick between the three women and starts to sense an unease, like a growing tension appears between them. She turns to her fiancé who gently shakes her head and reaches for another gift. “This one is for-”
The gift opening continues until there are no more presents left under the tree.
“Oh sweetheart, this is too much.” Eliza looks at her little pile and the other little piles around the room but Emma continues to smile.
“It’s different things from our trip to Europe.” Emma explains. “You should have seen the amount Diana and I bought each other!” She turns to smile at her girlfriend but catches a sad look in Diana’s eyes that quickly disappears. Emma tilts her head questioningly but Diana ignores it.
“Oh yea, it almost became a game to see if we could buy items for each other without each other knowing!” Diana laughs, but to Emma, it sounds forced.
“Must have been nice seeing all those different cultures?” Nia says wishfully.
“The best.” Diana says, gently squeezing Emma’s hand.
“What’s for dinner?” Kara asks, making Eliza chuckle.
“It’s leftovers and I baked some bread this morning.”
Kara springs to her feet and goes to help Eliza get the spread ready. Alex and Sam quickly follow to help and Emma motions at Robyn to get her attention off Lucy for a moment.
“Do you want to play together?” Emma signs and points at the piano.
“Yea!” Robyn grins, she grabs her new guitar and the pair head to the piano.
Emma starts playing and Robyn joins in. Filling the room with beautiful, soothing melodies. The Superfriends listen and move or tap along.
The pair play a few songs until the food is ready. Once they finish the last notes the group applaud them.
“Thank you, thank you very much!” Robyn grins and Emma turns around to smile at them. Her eyes search for Diana, but her girlfriend is no longer in the room.
“She went outside.” J’onn softly tells her and Emma nods her thanks.
Opening the back door Emma spots Diana leaning against the railing, watching the sea move in the distance, reflecting the bright moonlight.
Emma approaches and stands beside her, making her presence known. But Diana keeps her gaze fixed on the horizon.
Emma shuffles her feet, feeling slightly anxious by the silent treatment but brushes it off as her insecurities playing tricks on her and just tries to enjoy the moment. Emma places her head on Diana’s shoulder and smiles when Diana gently kisses her.
“I love you, Astéri.” Diana whispers and Emma squeezes her hand.
They continue to stand in silence until the door opens behind them, making Emma straighten. “Heya!” Nia waves. “Sorry to bother you, we are thinking of playing a game. Do you wanna join?”
Emma gazes at Diana who looks back at her before nodding at Nia. “Sounds good.”
“Yay!” Nia claps and goes back into the house announcing to the group the couple were joining them.
Diana goes to follow but Emma keeps a hold of her hand, causing Diana to look back at her.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, sorry, it’s just been a crazy day.”
“I know right? How about tomorrow it is just us? We go for a hike, take a picnic, just you and I.”
Diana gives her a small smile and nods. “That sounds nice.”
Emma smiles back and leads Diana into the house. They grab some food and settle back on the sofa as Winn sets up the Playstation game ‘That’s you!’
Laughter erupts as they make their own profiles and take their photos. Some use the filters and create funny illusions that Emma likens to the mirrors you see at carnivals. The first round begins and questions get asked. The group have to type their answers into their devices, some from being reasonably sensible to utterly ridiculous and everyone votes on their favourite.
Emma ends up in the lead as the second round begins. It is a drawing round and Emma’s photo gets picked. She sits back and waits for everyone to draw whatever the subject is and silently chuckles at the level of concentration on their faces. Finally each drawing is revealed and everyone cheers and laughs at the different pieces of artwork. Next it is Emma’s role to choose her favourite and she pauses while deciding which one to go for.
“Come on Em!” Ben yells. “You know which one you need to choose!”
“Yea, not the one with the red hat!” Kara quips cheekily causing Ben to give her a look of betrayal.
“You’re gonna run out of time.” J’onn warns Emma and she looks between two she likes the look of. Finally she chooses, revealing the artist’s name.
“Ah well done Lena!” Eliza cheers and the raven haired woman smiles at her.
Diana shuffles a bit beside Emma and a new round begins. This time questions are asked who would be more likely to do something.
“Who’d order takeout and pretend they cooked it?” Lucy reads out and Emma grins.
She presses Alex’s name and waits.
The tokens get revealed and Alex stares at the screen with an open mouth due to almost everyone choosing her. “I would not!”
“Sure babe.” Sam giggles and kisses Alex’s cheek.
“Who’d schedule every hour of your easy-going roadtrip?” Kara reads out and immediately shares a knowing look with Emma. They press their phones at the same time and wait.
“Well I know this one is definitely not me.” Alex says assuringly and waits for the tokens to fall. “WHAT?!” Alex yells in outrage when all but her chosen token falls on her. “I can be easy going!”
Emma lets out a burst of air from her mouth which suddenly transforms into a laugh. Everyone's heads snap to hers and the room is uplifted with a buzz of happiness. The round continues and Emma is still one of the front runners, closely followed by Brainy and Lena.
“Ooo it’s the drawing round!” Lucy exclaims as the last round begins and poses with her phone. Each contestant has been given a different instruction of how to pose.
Emma ignores her phone for a moment and raises her hand to feel her throat, still unused to the sensation of her vocal cords working.
The seed of hope within her feels like it’s starting to grow and bloom and Emma starts to believe in it.
Glancing down at her phone she snorts at the text saying she needed to take a photo of her looking angelic. She takes the photo and waits for the round to begin. They have a limited amount of time to draw a bit on each photo until the round ends and a winner is chosen.
The Superfriends howl with laughter at some of the results and Emma silently laughs with them. Feeling happy that today has turned out so well.
(Part Fifty Eight)
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myriadimagines · 7 years
author honesty hour!
Rules: Answer all 21 questions, let the one who tagged you know you answered and then tag your writing pals!
i was tagged by @justcallmesailor​, thank u 💙
(so for ‘imagines’ i’m just gonna answer in regard to my one shots!!) 
The Works:
1. Which is the imagine you’re most proud of?
these are my top 5!!
See You Soon (Nate Heywood x Reader)
The Best Christmas Gift (Diana Prince x Reader)
Bar Liar (Liz Allen x Reader)
We Are Not The Same, Brother (Part 2) (Kylo Ren x Reader)
Nothing Will Keep Us Apart (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
2. Which is your least favourite?
i feel like i don’t like half of what i write... but i guess if i had to choose one it’d be Cold (Oswald Cobblepot x Reader), just because it was a really weird request in the first place. 
3. If you were to recommend one to read to your mom?
probably Danger (David Haller x Reader). i feel like she enjoys that style of my writing the most.
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
maybe Fire (Napoleon Solo x Reader)? the request was kinda vague and i kinda struggled with it, but looking back i possibly could’ve come up with a story that flowed a lot better. 
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
yikES i have a lot. i feel like all the one shots that were based on gif imagines i regret, because the gif imagines themselves are sometimes not enough to write a full piece on and i shouldve insisted that people add more details (if that makes sense)
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
Sorry Bodhi, She’s Off Limits (Cassian Andor x Reader) was one of the first one shots i’ve ever posted and i feel like it kinda boosted my popularity because i started getting a lot of requests after that
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
i might be wrong but i think it’s I’ll Hurt The Suit (Eggsy Unwin x Reader) (which i honestly don’t even like that much but oh well.)
however, i have a gif imagine and a headcanon that actually has 1.4k notes, whaaaat? the gif imagine is a kingsman one here and the headcanon is a sherlock one here (both of which i actually like, especially the sherlock one) 
8. Your imagine with the least notes?
It’ll Be Hard To Ever Forget You (Cassie Ainsworth x Reader), i guess because no one is really in the skins fandom because my other skins one shot doesn’t have that many notes either
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
i feel like getting a good prompt/request that’s detailed can like... really make or break a request. but as for writing? i guess coming up with a clear plot, because honestly i could go through all my works and tell you which ones i just made up on the spot because i had no inspiration and which ones i actually had an idea for a beginning middle and end -- the latter are always better in my opinion.
10. When’s the next update on your works?
well only gif imagines are open right now and i’m just kinda drafting them all, but the next one i need to write is a baby driver request!! and the next one to be posted is a lauren strucker imagine!
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after?
well i kinda started this blog from the beginning as a writing blog so i cant really answer this
The Writer:
1. Which character do you love writing for?
ahhh i think i just answered this with another anon but if i had to choose one it’d probably be diana prince
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
i don’t really want to say because i don’t want to like... discourage people who actually like the characters? 
3. What’s your favourite AU to write for?
i don’t think i’ve ever really written an au (except an au where like.... people live), so i dont have a favorite/least favorite!
4. What’s your least favourite AU to write for?
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
nothing i can think of off the top of my head... i guess just requests for characters i dont like or just characters i don’t understand the appeal of. i’m also not a fan of when people request the same character like in a row, because i’m guess i just prefer more variety?
6. What do you wish was requested more?
i guess my favorite characters and there are some fandoms which are kinda small but i wish i had more requests from them (like the bold type, wynonna earp etc), but overall i feel like i get a pretty wide variety
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
i don’t write smut (i’d be terrible at it omg). i feel most comfortable writing fxf, but i’ll write everything else, but i’m always just scared i’m writing something inaccurate. 
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
@vividimagines and @writings-of-a-british-fangirl were blogs i’d check every day before i started my imagines blog and inspired me to create my own, but i also love @marvel-grrl because i think she’s an amazing writer!! and i feel like @lotsoffandomimagines was a big inspiration for me setting up my blog because honestly i didnt know what i was doing but ace seemed pretty organised. 
9. How long have you been an imagine writer for?
since december 2016!!
10. Any upcoming secret works? 🤔
not at the moment... i have a bunch of unfinished fics for kara danvers, matt murdock, lorna dane and bellamy blake but they’re probably not going to be posted for a while, if ever. 
i’m going to tag @diansaprince @theheadcanonsawakens @lotsoffandomimagines !!
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jayankles · 3 years
Any Fandom Goes Bingo Masterlist
Tumblr media
Distractions, Showers, and Studying - Danneel Harris x Reader x Genevieve Cortese - claiming
Save Me, Supergirl - Kara Danvers x Reader "it's just something i'd like to do"
Un Juego de Armas - Dean Winchester x Reader- songfic
"don't listen to him. he's a dream killer."
The Little Princess and her King - Brunnhilde x Reader - smut
fallen cupid/human
Her Hero - Bucky Barnes x Reader - dream sharing
long lost sibling
Something to Consider - Diana Prince x Reader - angst
video game au
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl - Jared Padalecki x Reader x Genevieve Padalecki - writer's choice au
Superhero Son - Peter Parker x Reader (platonic) - babysitting
Made the Gag Reel - Alexander Calvert x Reader - free space
I am Reborn - No Pairing - reincarnation
Tough Guys on Motorcycles - Biker!Dean Winchester x Reader - polar opposite
afterlife au
truth serum
truth or dare
A Great Day for Murder - Bodyguard!Thor Odinsion x Queen!Reader - secret relationship
Start Caring - Carol Danvers x Reader - "did I say that out loud?"
exes who still live together
"it's okay. it's gonna be alright, we just gotta keep our shit together."
Beautiful View - Bucky Barnes x Reader - foolish/responsible
"I really don't like doing this over the phone
Misandry - Ruby 2.0 x Reader x Anael - crime
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Here are the fics I have written so far!
Agents of SHIELD
Staring at their Ass
BioQuake + Reader
Jealous BioQuake + Reader
Realizing Their Feelings For You
The First “I Love You"s
Being Part of the Secret Warriors
Reacting to Wet Dreams
MorseCode Angst: Our Light | Our Loss
Daisy Johnson 
Cute Girl Like You
Real | Rise
Baby Sunrose
Kitty, Kitty | Bitchy Witchy
Is There a Doctor in the House?
Hello Again
Rainy Day, Lazy Day
A Hunting We Will Go
Peanut Butter and Jelly
A Letter
(No) Sex on the Beach
Protective Daisy Johnson
Dating Daisy + Going on the Run
NSFW Headcanons
Jealous Daisy Johnson
Being Coulson’s Daughter + Crushing on Daisy Johnson
First Time with Daisy
Being Steve’s Little Sister + Dating Daisy Johnson
Dating Daisy Johnson + Having Tattoos
Being Melinda’s Niece + Dating Daisy
Beach Time Headcanons
Being Daisy’s Younger Sister + Being a SHIELD Agent
Crushing on Daisy + Being Part of the Secret Warriors
Having a Sonic Scream + Dating Daisy Johnson
Being a Reporter + Crushing on Daisy Johnson
Sparring with Daisy Johnson
Being Daisy Johnson’s Teen Sister
Dating Daisy Johnson + Being an Avenger + Having  Fire Powers
Clingy/Needy Daisy Johnson
Mama May and Papa Garner
Team Noticing Shit
Having a Lil Cat with Daisy
Having a Puppy with Daisy
I Am “This” Close
Fly Me To The Moon
She Shines
Make Her Happy For Me
Hi, I’m Dad
Give Them Back
I’m Just Curious
I Got You
Come Back Home
Never Picked, Never Chosen
 Elena Rodriguez
Dating Elena Rodriguez
Wanda Maximoff
How to Hook Up Witches
Dating Wanda Maximoff
NSFW Headcanons
A Birthday to Remember
Being an Avenger + Crushing on Wanda
The Manual
Celebrating Hanukkah with Wanda
Paint Me
Abraca- FUCK YOU
Cuddle Puddle
Jemma Simmons 
You’re Cute
Why Daisy Should (Not) Be Cupid
Being Daisy’s Lil Sis + Crushing on Jemma
NSFW Headcanons
Brother Not So Dearest
I Burn (All Those I Touch)
Silly Ol’ Peter
Melinda May
Melinda May
Opposites      Attract
First Time      with Melinda May
NSFW      Headcanons
Jean Grey
Bandages and Tickles
NSFW Headcanons
Bobbi Morse
I Wish…
NSFW Headcanons
Jealous Bobbi Morse
Domestic Bobbi Morse
Freak in the Streets, Sweet in the Sheets
Peggy Carter
NSFW Headcanons
Human!Aida/Ophelia Falling for You
Take Out
Lady Sif
NSFW Headcanons
Dating Sif + Not Being a Fighter
Swan Song
Surprise Times 2!
Natasha Romanoff
Eye of the Beholder
Maria Hill
NSFW Headcanons
Michelle Jones
Dating Michelle Jones
Protective MJ
Liz Toomes
Dating Liz Toomes
Seasons of Waiting
Jessica Jones
Dating Jessica Jones
Diana Prince 
Dating Diana + Meeting the League
Dating Diana Prince
NSFW Headcanons
Being Bruce’s Secretary + Being Hit On By Diana
  Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Dating Harley Quinn + Poison Ivy
Apartment with Harley and Ivy
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Dating Harley Quinn + Poison Ivy
Apartment with Harley and Ivy
Kendra Saunders
Jesse Quick
Wherever You      Go, I Go
Kate Kane
Dating Kate Kane + Papa Batman and “The Talk”
Sara Lance
First Time with Sara
Dating Sara Lance
Dom!Sara Lance
NSFW Headcanons
Thea Queen 
NSFW Headcanons
Lena Luthor
Dom!Reader and Lena
Dating Lena Luthor
 Kara Danvers
NSFW Headcanons
Felicity Smoak
First Time with Felicity
Legends of Tomorrow
The Andersen Accords: 
Chapter 1: Going Down (Not Like That)
Caitlin Snow
 Peaches and Cream
Fate Franchise
Best Cuddlers
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Dating Medea
Oda Nobunaga
Shy Lover
Nero Claudius
Dating Nero
Dating Nero + Being A Servant
Marie Antoinette
Dating Marie
Dating Passionlip
Attila the Hun
Dating Attila the Hun
Florence Nightingale
Dating Florence Nightingale
Dating Scathach
Jeanne d’Arc
Dating Jeanne d’Arc
Mashu Kyrielight
Mashu Asking You Out + Afterwards
Dating Mashu Kyrielight
Jing Ke
Dating Jing Ke
Ibaraki Douji
Dating Ibaraki Douji
Realizing her feelings
Olga Marie
Olga Maria Having a Crush on You
Married to Olga + Having A Child
Crushing on You + Revival 
Jeanne d’Arc Alter
Dating Jeanne d’Arc Alter
Dating Kiyohime
Dating Medusa
Dating Ishtar
Dating Mordred
Dating Atalanta
Arturia Pendragon | Lancer Alter | Tituria Alter
Dating + NSFW
Miyamoto Musashi
Dating Musashi
Voltron Legendary Defender
Princess Allura
Starlight, Starbright
No Matter What
 Power Rangers
Admitting Feelings
First Kiss
Realizing Their Feelings For You
Take A Hint
Trimberly x  Reader: Sweetest Kisses
Having a Small Tattoo
Trimberly x Reader Headcanons
The Dudes Getting the OT3 Together
That Should Be Me
Campfire Confessions
Too Cute
Can I Kiss You?
Hottie from Down Under
My Hero
Brotp: Black and Pink
Dating Trini + Being the Medic
Dating Trini + Being Sick
Christmas With Trini
Kimberly Hart
Green Means “Stop”
Et Tu, Bae?
Dating Kimberly + Having a Subtle Accent
Pink With Envy
 Disney’s Descendants
Baba Yaga’s Granddaughter
If the Love…Fits?
Kiss My Ass
La Belle et la Sorcière
Bad Girls Go…Goods?
Dating Mal
Dating Evie
Jealous Evie
Protective Evie
Of Assholes and Faeries
A Nice Day To Be With You
   Joan Watson
Dating Joan Watson
Jealous Joan Watson
 Wynonna Earp
Wynonna Earp
Safe and Sound
Better Late Than Never
Carry Me to Valhalla
Fishsticks and Alcohol
Waverly Earp
Haught Damn Times 2
Nicole Haught
Haught Damn Times 2
   Chloe Bennet
Dating Chloe Bennet
  Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Polya Relationship: Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, and Gina Linetti
Rosa Diaz
Dating Rosa Diaz
Kiss My Fist
The Rainbow Connection
Amy Santiago 
Dating Amy Santiago
Ace Attorney
Athena Cykes
Sweet, Sweet Victory
Klavier Gavin
Turning The Tables
Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy
For You
Rose Tico
For You
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randomfandomimagine · 8 years
Characters Tags Masterlist Part 2
Add ‘x reader’ to character tags if you want to see the fanfiction posts and avoid ships and other random posts. 
Part 1 of this masterlist
Final Fantasy VII
Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Reno Sinclair, Yuffie Kisaragi, Denzel, Vincent Valentine, Sephiroth, Genesis Rhapsodos, Barret Wallace, Biggs, Jessie Rasberry, Leslie Kyle, Tseng
Paper Towns
Quentin Jacobsen, Ben Starling, Radar, Margo Roth Spiegelman
Glee Club
Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Will Schuester, Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabrey, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mike Chang, Blaine Anderson, Mercedes Jones,  Artie Abrams, Sebastian Smythe, Rory Flanagan, Sam Evans
New Girl
Schmidt, Winston Bishop, Nick Miller
Final Fantasy X
Tidus, Auron, Yuna, Rikku
Back to the Future
Marty McFly, George McFly, Lorraine MccFly, Jennifer Parker, Biff Tannen
Nathan Young, Kelly Bailey, Simon Bellamy, Curtis Donovan, Alisha Daniels
Death Note
L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mihael Keehl (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate River (Near), Touta Matsuda
Nathan Drake, Sam Drake, Victor Sullivan, Chloe Frazer
D’Artagnan, Aramis, Porthos, Athos, Phillippe
Bart Allen, Clark Kent (Welling), Oliver Queen (Hartley), Jimmy Olsen (Ashmore), A.C., Lex Luthor, Chloe Sullivan
Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla of Cintra, Dandelion, Jaskier (Batey), Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Renfri
Final Fantasy XV
Chocobros, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Aranea Highwind, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Cindy Aurum
Jurassic World
Zach Mitchell, Owen Grady
Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Maria Hill, Darcy Lewis, Stephen Strange, T’Challa, Shuri, Loki Laufeyson, Jane Foster, Peggy Carter, Pepper Pots, Peter Quill, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Carol Danvers, Howard Stark, James Rhodes, Vision
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), (Tom Holland), Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn
PS4 Marvel Spider-Man
Star Wars
Poe Dameron, Finn, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Rey, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Padme Amidala, Rose Tico
Wade Wilson, Vanessa Carlysle, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Nathan Summers/Cable, Yukio
Kara Danvers, Winn Schott, Alex Danvers, James Olsen
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scamander, Credence Barebone, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Theseus Scamander
Hercules, Li Shang, Aladdin, Tarzan, Eric, Jane Porter, John Smith, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Kristoff, Anna, Kuzco, Milo Thatch
Eugene Fitzherbert, Rapunzel
Stanley Yelnats, Hector Zeroni, X-Ray, Zigzag
Fantastic Four
Johnny Storm, Reed Richards
How I Met Your Mother
Marshall Eriksen, Barney Stinson, Ted Mosby
Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Ross Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Monica Geller
Malcolm In The Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson, Reese Wilkerson, Francis Wilkerson
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Henry Turner, James Norrington, Elizabeth Swann, Carina Smyth
Charles Xavier, Raven Darkhelmore (Mystique), Jean Grey, Hank McCoy, Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver), Logan Howlett (Wolverine), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Erik Lehnsherr
Life Is Strange
Warren Graham, Nathan Prescott, Max Caulfield, Chloe Price, Kate Marsh
Diana Prince, Steve Trevor, Bruce Wayne, Arthur Curry
Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), Lois Lane
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon Cooper
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta, Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, Terry Jeffords, Raymond Holt, Gina Linetti
Baby Driver
Baby, Darling
My Hero Academia 
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Uraraka Ochako, Mei Hatsume, Iida Tenya
God Of War
Kratos, Atreus, Mimir, Freya, Athena, Sindri, Brok, Faye, Baldur
Others (fandoms I don’t usually write for)
Augustus Waters (TFIOS), Oliver Queen (Arrow)
Part 3 of this masterlist!
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