#diaper aesthetic ask game
padded-daydreams · 1 year
hii ^^ for the ask game do you know if there are any color block diaps out there with primary colors or maybe diaps with building blocks and other baby toys like that?
Let's Build has bright colors and building blocks and while I know some other diapers with similar baby Toys like Classico (which also has a Landing Zone Print version) I'm going to leave it at those four actually I think those are relevant sorry am tired and forgot where that sentence was going have fun!
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moonhowler · 3 days
6 and 7 for maya? (From the ask game)
🐴 6. This is a good one! When Maya first came to stay at the hotel she refused to regress or even hear anything agere related. Sure, she may had regressed her first day in hell, but that was completely involuntarily and an accident. She was determined to never regress ever again since she didn't want to feel like a burden or cause any more trouble to the women who found her. They were already kind enough to let her stay here rent free. Maya was used to taking care of people, not the other way around.
This didn't suit well with Charlie and Vaggie though. They could clearly see the girl was hurting and having a difficult time at adapting to hell. The poor thing was always stressed and on edge....eventually, her mind and body couldn't take it any longer and she finally snapped.
2 weeks had passed before Maya involuntarily regressed again. Charlie was the first one to hear the little's screams and inconsolable cries coming from her room. The trigger was small, but all the pressure she had been carrying finally broke her down. Both women noticed that Maya regressed extremely young and was more than likely to stay that way for a while from repressing for so long, so when they managed to calm her down, they went straight to buy the basics to take care of a baby.
A couple of days passed before Maya woke up big again. Her memories were foggy and she was confused, but overall she felt better. She was more relaxed and her body actually felt well rested. She felt embarrased after noticing she had been sleeping inside a crib while wearing a diaper and baby clothes though...
Finally, the 3 women finally had a conversation. Charlie and Vaggie explained to Maya what had happened, how worried they had been, and how much she needed to regress in order to avoid this happening again. Maya wasn't pleased with this, but finally agreed since she was aware this wasn't healthy.
Vaggie was in charge to write down a schedule for Maya. The couple had decided that she needed to regress at least a few hours every single day, and Maya was absolutely miserable. She hated feeling weak and was extremely mortified about her new needs. It got to the point where she would involuntarily regress shortly before her programmed little time and would cry her heart out and scream how much she didn't want to regress. This broke Charlie's and Vaggie's hearts, but they were patient and really understanding. They would shower the little with love, affection, and compassion whenever this happened, plus lots and lots of cuddles.
After a few days Maya began to realize regressing wasn't so bad. Cuddling with Charlie and Vaggie always made her feel better, and she realized she actually enjoyed some baby shows! She would giggle and rock back and ford whenever Bear in the Big Blue House or Blue's Clues was on tv. Lullabies weren't so bad either! The songs were catchy and relaxing for her baby brain. Here toys were fun too! She found out she really enjoyed arranging her blocks/toy cars by color and playing with her Mega Bloks.
Charlie even managed to get her Berry! Her childhood rabbit plushie and best friend! Maya was absolutely ecstatic and couldn't help her tail from wagging. She squealed with joy and was jumping and running around before giving both women a hug. It was adorable.
As time passed, Maya stopped needing to regress every single day. She was finally happy and at ease with her regression. Maya now regresses voluntarily once or twice a week, maybe a bit more if things at the hotel get a bit more stressing. Specially now that they have their first real guest...
☕ 7. Normally watching baby shows or listening to lullabies really help Maya regress! She's really fond of Blue's Clues, Bear in the Blue House, Bluey, and also loves Disney and Studio Ghibli movies. Something that also helps her a lot is being read to. Maya absolutely loves stories and looking at the pretty pictures while someone gives her cuddles and narrates the story. If Maya is outside, looking at a playground sometimes makes her want to regress and go play in the swings or slide.
The times Maya is being stubborn, Charlie and Vaggie realized that the fastest way to help her into her headspace is to discreetly treat her younger. Things like talking to her softly, using petnames every now and then, casual back rubs, and nonchalantly turning the tv to a random cartoon really works wonders to slowly coax her into her headspace. Most of the time she doesn't even notice what they are doing, and the few times that she does, it's aways too late and she is already in need of a change of clothes and some padding.
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regressor-wicked · 8 months
agere headcanon ask game !
seen a few of these go around and i thought i'd try my hands at making my own! just send me a character and a number :) feel free to rb and do this yourself!
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how did they find out about age regression? did they stumble upon it online? did a friend tell them about it?
do they have a specific age or range they regress to, or do they just go off vibes?
why do they regress? is it trauma or stress related? do they regress to go back to simpler times, or to create new memories? what causes them to regress?
is their regression more voluntary or involuntary? do they ever regress without realizing it?
do they ever find themselves only regressing partially, or do they fully drop when they regress?
are they a stuffie or a blankie kid? both? neither?
do they have a caregiver? are they a caregiver/flip?
in what ways are they different when they're regressed? do aspects of their personality or interests change at all? are they similar to how they were when they were an actual kid, or completely different?
do they identify with any specific labels (regressor, flip, pet regressor, etc.)?
do they have any regression gear (teethers, pacifiers, diapers, specific toys or outfits, etc.)? do they try to hide it from friends/family?
do they fall into any 'regressor stereotypes' (baby talk, loving disney movies, liking pastels, etc.), or do they diverge from the 'norm' (liking horror media, regressing to an older age, etc.)?
do they have any specific nicknames for when they regress? how about nicknames they've given to their caregiver(s) or friends?
what do they like to do when they're regressed? do they like to play pretend, watch tv/movies, color, etc.?
what kind of snacks/drinks do they gravitate towards when regressed? do they use a sippy cup or bottle? how about those little divider plates/trays?
what do they wear when they're regressed? do they have specific clothes, or do they just wear whatever is most comfortable? do they have a comfort article of clothing?
where do they tend to regress? do they mostly regress at home, at the park, at a specific friend's house? do they have a specific place they like to go once they're regressed?
do they prefer to play indoors or outdoors? do they get upset when it rains?
do they take naps? if so, do they take them at a specific time, or just nap whenever they feel like it? do they get fussy over having to take one?
what kind of things do you associate with their regression? is their a specific aesthetic or general 'vibe' you think suits them and their regression?
what is age regression to them? what do they like/dislike? are they proud of their regression, or feel a bit more insecure about it?
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
any damian and tim bonding headcannons? since dc is utterly set on making them hate each other urgh
Once in a while Tim likes to knock Damian down a peg by reminding him he already discovered Batman and Robin's identity while Damian was in diapers
Damian showed up to Tim's room on a random Saturday afternoon. It took some prodding to figure out the petting zoo got a new goat, but the adults were busy and he wasn't accustomed to asking for "frivolous" things like that
Damian: "Do you have games on your phone?"
Tim, handing Damian his phone: "No"
Pet photoshoots are one thing, but consider: pet music videos
Damian is jealous of how the law keeps him from doing things meanwhile Tim has freedom as an emancipated minor. Tim responds by saying "haha loser"
Tim is in Camp "If you ruin Damian's excitement I'll frame you for tax fraud 4 months from now"
Tim's playlist gets put through the Damian Test, which is like Rotten Tomatoes except Damian plays it for Titus to see how he reacts. Tim has a solid 22% approval rate
Damian's a vegetarian but he'll still fight Tim over the wishbone
Damian stays inside with the dogs during Fourth of July fireworks. Tim swings by to drop a cup of hot chocolate and sneak his dirty laundry into Damian's hamper
Tim's favorite "-core" aesthetic is Microsoft Windows Landscape Screensaver Core. Damian's is Change Your Brother's Microsoft Windows Landscape Screensaver To A Lungfish Core
Tim let Damian drive home one night. Damian took two wrong exits, almost rear-ended a truck, and kept forgetting to use his blinker. When Tim said, "I thought you knew how to drive" Damian replied, "Yes. I never said I drove well. Come on, Drake, I can hardly reach the brakes" (Tim also had a small moment of being proud that Damian picked up his sense of humor)
Damian convinced Tim to chaperone his group on a class field trip to the harbor because Damian wanted to dig through the sludge for evidence on a case
When Damian tells him not to do something, that's when Tim stops and re-evaluates the kind of danger he's willing to put himself in
Tim's apartment was stocked with frozen pizza, coffee, Doritos, and Mountain Dew prior to moving in. Damian's housewarming gift was an apple
Damian occasionally peels and puts an orange on Tim's desk when he's gone too long without a snack
Unlike Dick, Tim doesn't censor himself around Damian, and unlike Jason, he doesn't avoid uncomfortable topics for the sake of not getting in trouble with Bruce. Thus, Tim taught Damian what the peach emoji actually means
Damian: "Drake, how do you like your egg?"
Tim: "Scrambled"
Damian: "Too bad. Pennyworth forbade me from cooking"
They veered from patrol on a side quest to try Jokerized seasoning on top of as many things as they could
Tim once napped through a Wayne Enterprises fire drill. He woke up to firefighters knocking at his window with Damian next to them making an L on his forehead
When Tim went off on a mission with Young Justice, Damian packed him a lunch box consisting of a loaf of bread, two 5-hour energy shots, a flash grenade, Cheese Viking band-aids, Damian's lucky pen, a fake ID, and a handwritten note saying "I'm stealing your pants. Don't expect them back"
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1, 2, 11, 13, 18 for the diap ask game! maybe pixl n fwhip for both games, and anyone else you wanna do? I wanna hear all the things so do whoever !! :D
I saw this one second so the first one is on Joel but!! Here is both Pix and Fwhip for this one!!
Why do they wear diapers? (comfort? necessity?)
Pixl: Comfort, for the most part. He's really embarrassed about being small for as old as he is, but he really does like diapers. He doesn't super need them, he's pretty good about voicing this particular need after an.. embarrassing incident, so it's really just for comfort. When he's really small it becomes more of a necessity, but he'll wear them even when not regressed because he enjoys them.
Fwhip: A mix of both? Fwhip is very much all over the place when it comes to being regressed, he doesn't really know how it feels when he is vs isnt small, so it's pretty up in the air how well his body is communicating with his head at any given time. He wears them to bed no matter what (they help with bad dreams!) out of necessity (with comfort as a bonus), and occassionally during the day to help him feel a bit more settled in being small.
2.When did they start wearing diapers?
Pixl: When the other emperors started being more open with their regression he considered it, but he only started actually wearing them once his own regression stopped being his best kept secret. It felt far easier to both get and wear diapers once he stopped feeling so anxious about people knowing he regresses.
Fwhip: Once Sausage started making cool designs he got right on board. He likes ones that match his aesthetic, and refuses to wear any that he doesn't find as cool as he finds himself. That was only to bed though. He started wearing them during the day when Gem got him some really cool ones, and recommended they try to have a sort of regression day because he had been stressed. It was then he discovered that they (on occasion) helped him feel more regressed than not.
11.Do they like the smell of baby powder?
Pixl: Sort of? He doesn't like the fact that it can be a giveaway to the fact that he's wearing a diaper, since he's still a bit self-conscious about it on occasion, but he does like the smell on its own. He would get ones that have other scents than the classic scent just to match whatever outfit he had going on that day. Experimenting with purple fabrics? Lavender scented baby powder!
Fwhip: Yes and no? Like before, he's a very mixed bag with regression stuff. One day it's a positive trigger and he's quickly dropping into baby space, the next it's a bit too fragrant and embarrassing that he smells like it.
13.Have they ever had a daytime accident?
Pixl: Yes! I said this before, but there was an embarrassing incident. One time, Pix was sort of floating between regression and not regressing during an alliance meeting, and he really need to use the toilet, but he was with Fwhip and Fwhip did not know about his regression yet. Almost no one did. And he didn't want to interrupt the meeting because that would be rude, and their relationship was strained enough, so he just waited. Except, the meeting went on and on and on, and Pix was starting to get desperate, but Fwhip was still talking, and he couldn't interrupt him, so he kept quiet. By the time Fwhip was done, and it was Pix's turn to talk, he couldn't even say anything. Fwhip got really worried, even more so when Pix just suddenly started crying silently. He approached him, and quickly understood what had happened. Fwhip helped Pix out, helped him get cleaned up and into new clothes, and they continued the meeting after wards like nothing had happend.
Fwhip: Yup! Like... somewhat often? He's really bad at realizing when he needs to use the bathroom. He stopped getting upset about it after the first couple of times, and always has a spare outfit on him. He's more embarrassed about it when regressed than big, he just sort of stopped caring about it once it had happened at least once in front of every emperor.
18.Do they have a diaper bag? What does it look like?
Pixl: Yes! It's very discreet, a little messanger/book bag style? Brown leather since it matches most of his outfits! It has lots of pockets on the inside for organisation.
Fwhip: Not personally, but both Gem and Sausage have one, so he just sort of uses theirs? He's almost always regressed around them, so he never bothered with having one of his own, they both know what he likes and keep it on hand.
Hope you enjoyed <3
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crissiebaby · 1 year
DiapOut: Chapter 29
DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, WAM, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. If you haven’t read the first chapter and want to catch up, be sure to check out the link in the description. I hope you enjoy!
“Now, I know what you all are thinking! Round Two was so blushy that it seems almost impossible to think we could outdo ourselves!” shouted Cassi, pacing back and forth across her platform until coming to a full stop on her mark and turning to the camera, “Well, don’t worry, ladies and gentlebabs, because we think we’ve done just that! Once again, I’m your ultra-loveable host, CassiRole, and you’re watching DiapOut! The only show on TV made by diaper dorks for diaper dorks!”
The crowd roared as lights surrounded the players in a very dramatic fashion. For the audience, it was a spectacle unlike any other. But for the contestants, it was as close to staring into the sun as they could get. “Geez, turn down high beams,” joked Cade, placing a hand over his eyes until they were able to adjust to the environmental brightness.
“Speaking of high beams, how’ve you been holding up, Cade?” asked Kyoko, checking in on the status of her teammate as casually as possible after watching Rupert’s collapse. While Cade continued to insinuate that there was nothing to worry about on the subject of any cannabinoid withdrawal effects, she was a lot less convinced. She also was doing her best to course-correct whatever may have caused half of her team to pick her as the one who needed an attitude adjustment.
Thankfully, Cade was a lot more reassuring than he normally was. “I’m good, really. Firing on all cylinders over here!” he said, raising his arms and flexing his string-bean muscles. He may have enjoyed being high more often than not, but no one could sober up from a weed induced-stupor like he could.
“Shhhhhhhh!” said Keelee from the sidelines, holding a finger to her lips as she stared down Kyoko and Cade before gesturing to Cassi, who was still in the midst of her Round Three opening address. She quickly turned her attention back on Cassi, waiting for her verbal cue to bring up the rest of the studio lights.
“I’m sure you all can remember even a fraction of the simpler time that was your youth. A time when you had all the time in the world. Maybe you played kickball or dress-up for your favorite activity. But not me. As a shy, prepubescent CassiRole, my favorite thing to do was to dive into the gaming closet and pull out one of the dozens of board games. Be it Monopoly, Life, Chess, or Checkers, your girl was a force to be rivaled with. But perhaps no game filled me with more glee than the simplicity of Candy Land,” said Cassi, the audience clinging to every word of her rambling monologue like the suckers they were. Perhaps it was the deep-seated rage over the way Keelee barked at her, but there was a sort of aggressiveness to her speech that made her twice as engaging to watch, “Contestants! Ladies and gentlebabs! Welcome to Round Three!”
A series of awestruck gasps broke out as a cascade of lights powered on to illuminate the entire studio space, inviting the crowd, the players, and those watching at home into the jewel-toned world of a children’s board game. However, unlike Candy Land, the board wasn’t decorated with candy paraphilia. Instead, the candy-theming had been replaced by what could only be described as a dream nursery aesthetic. Gone were the likes of the Peanut Acres and that dastardly Lord Licorice, replaced by far more ABDL-appropriate locations and characters, such as Mount Thumb Sucker, Baby Food Brook, and some mischievous-looking dude in a massive diaper with the nameplate, Baron Von Blushy. A single, multicolored path snaked through the various sections of the board, leading up to the finish line, which was marked by a large, Cassi Land sign written in the same font as the classic children’s game.
“Don’t be fooled by appearances! Cassi Land is nowhere near as simple as the board game it's based on. One at a time, each player will roll their dice and move their entire team forward. If your team lands on an event or punishment square, the person who rolled will have to complete whatever task is at hand, or else the team will be forced to return to their previous spot on the board. The players will then rotate, allowing for the next teammate in line to take the next roll,” stated Cassi as the feed cut away to a graphic package, giving the at-home viewers a chance to explore the board before the game begins, “Whichever team crosses the finish line first will win a whopping 40 points. But don’t rush to the end too quickly! Successfully completed events and punishments will come with their own point totals depending on complexity. And with the points as neck and neck as they are, you’ll want to rack up as many points as you possibly can!”
If the audience was rambunctious before, they were falling out of their seats to heap praise on CassiRole and the design team for Round Three. Even Misa, who was already dreading whatever sadistic punishments were waiting for them on the board, had to admit this was the coolest set she’d ever seen. Having thoroughly enjoyed Candy Land growing up, she was a self-described master of the game, despite the fact that it was purely a luck game. As uniquely exhilarating as it was to be standing within a life-sized board game, she couldn’t let any of it show, choosing to scowl as hard as she could as if her feigned disapproval made her participation any less embarrassing.
Lelaya, on the other hand, did not share in Misa’s need to downplay her enthusiasm. “O! M! G! This is, like, extra, triple-double amazeballs!!!” she shouted as she began jumping up and down on her tippy toes, unable to contain the excitement that was bursting out of her, “Oooh! Look over there! I think that’s-”
“Shhhh! Calm down, girl. We’ll be playing soon enough,” said Ayaya, placing her hands on Lelaya’s shoulders from behind in an attempt to simmer her eagerness. Looking around at her teammates as she continued to hold Lelaya steady, it finally hit her, “Okay, seriously, when the fuck did I become the team’s babysitter?!”
With a microphone in hand, Cassi joined the contestants on their starting mats, ready to kick this game into motion. “Lelaya, Cade, please join me over here,” she said, prompting the pair to step away from the rest of their team, “As you recall, you two have the important job of being your team captains. So, as your first official task, you will now select the order that your team will roll in. Lelaya, we’ll start with you.” She held the mic forward for Lelaya to speak into.
Wearing a stupid smile on her face, it wasn’t even a full two seconds before the power she was granted went straight to her head. Tapping her chin playfully, she examined her teammates indecisively. “Well, obviously, I’m going first! After thaaaaaaat…hmmm…”
Standing behind both Mia and Misa, Ayaya was quick to gesture to the two people in front of her, pointing to Mia while holding up two fingers before shifting to Misa and holding up three. A few chuckles were squeezed out of the audience as a few of its members caught sight of Lelaya’s back-seat captain.
“...hehe, I was thinking the same thing!” said Lelaya, pretending as though she wasn’t being heavily influenced, “Mia will go next, then Misa, then Ayaya.”
“Excellent deliberation skill! You picked that order fast! One can only wonder where your inspiration comes from,” said Cassi with a hint of sarcasm tucked into her voice. She did her best to withhold her laughter over Lelaya’s adorable Littleness as she shifted the mic to Cade, “Alright Cade, you’ve had extra time so I expect you to be ready.”
Nodding his head, Cade spoke into the mic, “I am. Since Rupert’s hanging in there with some stomach issues, I’ll have him go last. And sorry guys, I don’t wanna throw myself onto punishments if I can help it, so I’ll go second to last.”
“That leaves Kyoko and Zeke,” said Cassi, pulling the microphone back to her mouth briefly as she narrated Cade’s decision-making.
Looking back and forth between his President and Vice President, Cade was racking his brain to come up with any justification to have one go before the other. Both were equally capable, so that wasn’t as much of an issue. Thinking back to how he previously voted, he finally came to a clear decision. “Kyoko, since I voted for you early on that attitude adjustment, you can go second. Sorry, Zeke,” he said, his gaze falling to the floor.
Sighing, Zeke had a feeling that he would be rolling first for his team. Shrugging his shoulders, he did everything in his power to take the pressure off of Cade. “It’s fine by me. The Biggest among us should go first, after all, right?” he said cheekily, earning chuckles from both his teammates and the crowd.
“Perfect! Go ahead and return to your teams,” said Cassi, dismissing Cade and Lelaya back to their starting mats, “Next, I need Ayaya and Kyoko to join me, if you’d both be so kind!
Eying each other up as they approached Cassi, Kyoko was taken aback by how much Ayaya was mad-dogging her. Yeah, they were opponents in this game but she had nothing personal against this girl or anyone on the enemy team.
However, what Kyoko thought was Ayaya displaying her animosity towards her was actually the result of her being caught in the crosshairs of Ayaya and Keelee, who were busy glaring at each other. Their reasoning was pretty straightforward. Keelee knew Ayaya was up to something, and Ayaya, who was indeed up to something, despised Keelee for refusing to get off her back. It was only a matter of time before such a volatile pair inevitably butted heads.
“Ooh! I’m sensing some tension!” remarked Cassi, never passing up a moment to squeeze as much drama out of her cast as possible. Spotting Ayaya’s heated expression, she approached her first with the mic, “Any words for your rivals before we kick off Round Three?”
In an instant, Ayaya’s attitude shifted as she remembered the cameras that were all around her. She’d let Keelee get the better of her and needed to recover without painting herself as a villain in the eyes of the audience. Taking a deep breath in through her nose, she softened her expression into a cheeky smirk, “Just try not to mess yourselves too bad out there when we spank you in front of all these people,” she said, riling up the crowd with her schoolyard taunts.
“In your dreams,” responded Kyoko, her competitive nature getting the better of her as she spoke without the microphone in front of her.
“CUT!” shouted Jackson from the side of the stage, “You need to wait for Cassi to approach you. And you’re supposed to be lisping, remember?”
Groaning, Kyoko bonked herself on the forehead with her palm, having momentarily forgotten about her new acting gig. Scrunching up her face, she was less-than-pleased with the idea that whatever comeback she said needed to be vocalized with a hypnotically-induced lisp. Gritting her teeth, she waited for Cassi to cross over to her with the mic, dreading the embarrassment that was coming her way.
“Some tough words! Any response, Kyoko?” said Cassi, utilizing every ounce of media training she had to keep from giggling at what was to come.
Looking Ayaya dead in the eyes, Kyoko decided to keep it simple, knowing anything more would amplify her faux impediment. “Bwing it on, mushy tush,” she said, her cheeks burning as the audience chuckled and cooed at her “babified” voice. To her credit, she did manage to get Ayaya to blush as well by reminding her of her hypermessing from Round Two.
“Love the energy! You both are gonna need that as we move into Round Three,” said Cassi as she handed out two small medallions with binkies engraved on them, one to Kyoko and one to Ayaya, “You’re also gonna want this! That medallion allows you to veto any one punishment or event and can be used for anyone on your team. Since your teams trust you both so much, I’m sure you’ll make the right decisions.
Dismissing Ayaya and Kyoko back to their respective mats, Cassi rotated 180 degrees and faced the camera that had been positioned directly behind her. As she posed between the two teams, she wondered if she was almost more excited to see Round Three play out than any member of her adoring audience. “The board has been set! Let the games begin!”
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more DiapOut!? Subscribe to my Patreon, where you can get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse at patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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ittybittythunder · 2 months
welcome! im bee and this is my age regression blog 👋💗
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here you'll find posts about:
age regression, non-sexual diaper wearing & use, cute aesthetic images, animals, my art and writing + projecting my regression onto my favorite fandom blorbos
PLEASE, MINORS DNI! this is an 18+ blog. it is centered around age regression and everything here is intended to be non-sexual, however I may reblog from ABDL/babyfur/variants blogs, so I'd prefer minors to stay off my blog, so everyone's boundaries can be respected. thank you for understanding!
About me:
name: bee
pronouns: he/him
age: 21+
little age: 1-9
i am also a cg. currently not looking for a little/cg tho, please don't ask!
nicknames: only if we're mutuals/friends please. i especially like kiddo, bud/buddy, and sweetheart, but im good with whatever vibes, "feminine" ones included! ^^;
my side blogs: for art @sweetheart-thor and for fic @little-kitten-mittens-fic
shows, movies & games: thor and loki (marvel), webkinz, bluey, kirby, pysch, sonic, star trek, fnaf sb, acnh
animals: every kind of cat!! + ferrets, bats, dogs, foxes, dinosaurs
organization: #asks answered
potential trigger warnings i use: #cursing #kink mention #medical
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victoriousscarf · 8 months
If it is not too much troubles, would you mind sharing some of your chicken misadventures? Chickens look totally cool but I probably will run away if they approach me in their coolly dominant manners 😭😭.
At first I was like what? And then I remembered I just reblogged a post about chickens and I assume this is in reaction to that.
So I was looking for photos of our chickens after I got this ask and found this gem somehow, which is probably the most aesthetic photo of my family's chickens ever taken. Mostly because usually we have a way less color coordinated flock, as dad and I both tend to pick out one or two of every breed that catches our eye that season.
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First I have to say I have very rarely met a chicken that I found particularly scary in any way, most of them are sorta affably dumb... and then I remembered the Bennet sisters which were 5 white Brahma chickens we had, and they were like the meanest mean girls we ever ended up with. And there were five of them. So maybe if you see five big white chickens coming at you... that's when you book it.
But for the most part, chickens are pretty funny to me. They've all got their weird little personalities, and some of them are quite beautiful.
Now we kept chickens for laying purposes, not meat chickens. (Every once and a while my dad tries that before remembering he like, doesn't like slaughtering animals at all). We've also had Indian Runner Ducks, and a few breeds of Turkey. Over the years a lot of them have blurred together but some weird highlights:
We had this one chicken that I named Leaper who like, was a fainting chicken. You know those fainting goats? She was like that. She'd just randomly topple over and lay there, no matter where she was in the yard. None of the other chickens wanted to hang with her in the flock, because like she was weird. But this little bantam rooster named Patsy had a messed up back (Like his spine curved? I've never seen it before or since but he was also a weird little guy) and he would hang out with her. We'd often look out in the yard and Patsy would be standing over Leaper, watching her while she was in one of her fainting spells.
There was also the chicken Zelda (Who I think was named after Zelda Fitzgerald, not the video game) who was the most successful broody hen I've ever met. She would regularly surprise us with whole flocks of like 10, 12 chicks. She was also a bantam (which means they're smaller than average) and she would gather eggs from the whole flock, so her kids would be the weirdest mix match of breeds and sizes, and most of them ended up towering over her. Every time she went missing we started watch for when she'd next show up with a brood. We thought she was dead like 3 times. We found clutches of her eggs in an old stump, under the chicken coop, in the greenhouse, and under the porch. Every time dad discovered one she moved again.
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The coop in question where she came up with a whole clutch of chicks one time.
I had one friend too, who has this huge white rooster that she loved more than life. She would regularly carry him around in her arms and he had a special diaper to come into the house. One Easter we used some sort of dye on him to make him blue and green (I honestly cannot remember what kind of dye, but she would not have done anything to hurt this guy so it must have been safe enough). Just imagine the biggest rooster you can with a full on fashion dye job. He did not really forgive us for that one for a while.
Of course the downside to chicken owning is you have to deal with the death and predators. We had a Bald Eagle get caught in the chicken run wire one time, and I remember the whole family standing in the doorway, realizing just how BIG an eagle is, when it's caught its talons in your chicken run (the chickens were fine, and it did eventually free itself, while we were still trying to figure out who to even call).
And we had an owl serial killer one time, where it took the heads and left the bodies stacked in a pile inside the coop door... That's a wild story no one believes when you bring it out at parties.
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disastardly · 10 months
ask game shit 🧡🦖🐸
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
I generally enjoy all colors, but anything too puke-y? Like not just muted, but anything that makes me think of diapers, vom, etc. Too visceral.
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
Dodo bird, by far. I kept trying to roll other ideas around in my head but it always comes back to the dodo bird. Look at this idiot (affectionate):
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It can't fly. It's 3'+ tall. It weighs as much as a medium dog. People thought it was a myth and didn't immediately notice that they accidentally hunted it into extinction. Only one known soft tissue sample exists.
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
"Came Back Wrong" Art School Barbie: a little witchy, a little punk, a little eclectic/boho, always curated to high heaven (if I'm leaving the house). Lots of pieces that I've either had for a million years, picked up at thrift shops, or got at weird little boutiques irl/online.
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padded-daydreams · 1 year
Literally anything with cats! I love cats so much
I love cats as well! I have 6 of the little creatures running around my apartment. Let's see what I can find.
Catstronaut, for all your kitty astronaut needs. There's also Astronaut, for all your tiger-related astronaut needs, which I'm sure it completely different. There's not a whole lot of diapers out there with house cats, but if you go on a Safari then you might see a lion, which is a very large cat. Lots of big cats going out on Adventures out here, and some of them seem to like to go Sailing. Its not all that surprising, however, that many big cats like to go on Galactic space adventures. Again, tigers are technically cats, sometimes you'll see the Lil Squirts go swimming. They aren't known for being Little Builders, when you look at all there is to know about lions and tigers, but then again, they aren't well known for going into outer space either.
Hope this helps!
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soft-lambtail · 1 year
Request Rules. . .
To request moodboards, stimboards, outfits, or little/cg scenarios, please make sure you have read my dni and follow it when requesting!
Before you request anything, please make sure I have my requests open! You can find that out on my ask box.
Any requests I deem inappropriate will be either ignored or you will be blocked!
I don't have to make your request if I don't want to!
I'm chronically ill, so it may take me a while to get to some requests. Please be patient with me.
If you're requesting outfits, please be specific if you can!
If you are looking for nonverbal communication card requests, please dm me or click this.
I do not take communication card requests through my ask box!
What I will not do. . .
Youtubers, Twitch streamers, Content Creators
Harry Potter/anything involving JK Rowling(see info on why: X) tw for transphobia & antisemitism
Outfits with diapers or undergarments(diapers aren't inherently nsfw, but they do make me uncomfy and can attract k!nk blogs ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა)
Bugs like beetles, wasps, & scorpions(they scare me c':)
Anything with knives or medical equipment(ex. needles, IVs, syringes, etc.)
Anything super scary like Mandela Catalog, The Walten Files, analog horror, etc.
Anything nsfw(obviously)
What I will do. . .
All animals that are not beetles, wasps, and scorpions
Zodiac signs
Lgbtqia2s+ flag themes
Colors! However, really bright colors (like bright kidcore) will have content warnings since it can hurt other people's eyes!
Specific aesthetics
Music themes
Most games/shows/movies
Mobile aids, service animals, bq monitors, insulin pumps, etc.
Themes of mostly anything.
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to reach out!
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fandomohana · 1 year
This is my main blog, but my side blog is Athena-writes-I-guess and I can only send asks on this haha
For ask game:
Hi, beautiful! So glad to have you here on any account. 💙💙💙
Hoo boy. Two of these are ADHD kryptonite. 🤣🤣🤣 I am diagnosed ADHD, in case anyone else sees this, so no one thinks I'm taking a dig at the neurodivergent community. 💙💙💙
🐸 Describe your aesthetic - That's an ADHD kryptonite. 🤣🤣🤣 I'd say, and I just came up with this, I'd call it ADHD aesthetic. My weird little brain just follows wherever the spirit guides me, so I have a lot of things I really love, aesthetically. I love history, Halloween, dark academia has intrigued me. I like the cottagecore aesthetic, but I also love shiny, sparkly stuff. Cozy, books. My brain is like someone put interests into a pile, shook it up, and made a grab bag. 🤣🤣🤣 I hope that makes sense. 😅
🙃 What's a weird fact that you know? - The other ADHD kryptonite. 😅 My brain is so full of weird, random stuff, but as soon as anyone asks for one, I forget every fact I know. 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣 I spent a while thinking, I have a few to choose from.
When toilet paper became a thing, people thought it was too nice to use, so they used it as stationary.
In the past, little boys were also put into dresses not just because it made changing diapers easier, but to confuse demons who sought out little boys. One way to identify a boy or girl in old paintings, is their hair part. Girls were parted in the middle, boys parted to one side of the head or the other.
🎵 Last song you listened to? - Yay! Easy one! 🤣🤣🤣 Ur Mum by Wet Leg. 💙💙💙
Thank you so much for playing along with me! I love these games. 🥰🥰🥰
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pooopopop · 2 years
I’m actually a part of the polyamorous scene in Washington and both Vicky and Misha were frequent party guests, from what I heard. I saw them once and I asked the host if that was Misha Collins (this was back in 2012 or 13), she said, “oh yeah, they use to come here often, but now not so much. Guess he doesn’t want as much attention as before.” So yeah, they were wild, apparently they both once joined a sex cult and had to take part in group sex. This was for a documentary that Vicky was filming/investigating.
I’m not inclined to believe you but sure it sounds about right because in that Larry king interview in 2013 he said that she’s been for it sometimes and not so much other times and at that point they were focused on changing diapers. Sex cult was rajneeshpuram, I never heard that it was for a documentary but I remember misha talked about trying to join as if they didn’t actually want too, but I think they probably wanted to join fr. Rajneesh was this new age sex-based mystic Hindu who was practically chased out of India because other Hindus rejected his teachings. New age white people were taken by his ~oriental mystique~, as people still are, New Agers are total cultural appropriators and there’s a huge market for spiritual tourism like those ayahuasca retreats. Lot of them promote psychedelic drug use as the only way to have a real connection to God/The Universe, like Ram Dass. But Misha and Vicki definitely aren’t Buddhist because not consuming animals is a huge sacred dietary restriction and neither of them are vegetarian. That was quite a bit of a tangent but I’d just advise anybody to be highly skeptical of a white person who really loudly indulges in Eastern spirituality because the majority of the time it’s all aesthetics, funneled through this game of telephone between spiritual leaders who are largely looking to be exploitive. Its a gross misrepresentation of Hinduism.
To get back to why I made the post and why I was frustrated for my friend’s sake, Misha (and Vicki) just don’t seem to give any weight to the potential damages or have any concern for some of the exploitive/creepy behavior they promote. Like, they think it’s cute. There was one story Misha told about them and their friends going to a strip club that wouldn’t let Vicki in, so she dropped skirt pissed on the steps and started calling out to the people walking in saying she was showing her good for free. It’s not cute, guys, that’s enough to become a registered sex offender.
I don’t want to write out the specific things that that have felt like red flags to me, I don’t want to single people out who haven’t done it themselves like the girl in the original post, so all I’ll say is that I don’t think his flippant nature regarding sex, his predisposition to always bring it up at cons (on stage and 1-on-1), and the perceived intimacy he promotes as part of his image to his fandom: all that is purposeful engineering on his part , regardless of his intentions behind it. And it’s fertile grounds for something Not Great happening.
Girls (/gn) we need to be ok with judging rich cis white male celebrities. Even the ones you like.
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locria-writes · 3 years
in an omegaverse scenario, what would be the aab LIs secondary genders? 🤭
hey, anon? fuck you
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but fine here you go anyway god i hate you anon
alpha -- ed, val, lothar, einar
beta -- ignazio, wolf
omega -- oskar
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belphies-pillow · 3 years
Pfffff, I reas the granny headcanons and the instant thought that came to my mind is "What if MC was literally an infant?" Like, they literally kidnapped a baby for a demon exchange program. *insert panicking brother noises*
Bahahaha!!!! I’m going to operate under the premise that for some extenuating circumstance they can’t send MC back right away.
Demon Brother’s Reactions to a Baby MC!
Warnings: Infant!GN!MC, minor plot spoilers, minor characteristic spoilers.
Assembled in the student council hall the bro’s (along with Diavolo) sat in their respective seats, getting ready for the imminent arrival of the newest exchange student. “My Lord. The preparations are complete, I can open the portal at any time.” “Wonderful Barbatos! Let’s not wait any longer!”
With that the air in the room became heavy and a bright light flashed around the ground level chair the student would pass through the portal too. As the light started to fade all of the collective demons began whispering and leaned forward curious to get their first peek at the human!
What came next was complete silence.
“Hey Lu, is somethin’ wrong with ‘em? They’re so small!”
*Lucifer shell shocked staring at the baby*
*Baby staring right back*
Lucifer: “.......” *blinks*
Baby: “WAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!”
After a few moments of panicking and wailing (from both demons and baby) they are informed by Barbatos that for some unknown reason he can’t reopen the portal....Congrats bros! You’re all honorary demon daddies!
Slinked out while everyone was trying to calm the baby down. He took pride in being an intimidating demon of status but when the baby looked at him and started to cry? He felt bad..... such a tiny, innocent little being and he made them cry. That stings the pride. Takes the longest to warm up to the baby for that reason. Ended up bonding with MC when he had to take over for Mammon after Mams got a last minute modeling gig. He came back home late and went to Lucifer’s study to take MC back. Upon walking in, he saw Lucifer reclined back in his office chair asleep with lil MC snuggled up snoozing away on his chest. After snapping a few pictures for blackmail, and stealing a valuable lamp, he quietly left the office. Spoiler alert! No one can get MC back from Luci, that’s his baby now.
Did a combination of attempted tsundere and failed, panic and omfg I love this baby and will burn all three realms if something happens to them!!!! As soon as MC looked at him with those little tear filled doe eyes, *guardian demon mode engaged* he shocked everyone by pushing them all aside, picking MC up holding them protectively to his chest and started rocking them. MC had Mams wrapped around their little finger by the time they finished the walk back to the house of lamentation. If everyone was in a state of shock before, what followed next was a sign of the apocalypse........
yes, you read that right. Satan had already reading a baby caregiving book as they walked, calling in favors from his network of people to help find what he needs. Mammon sends Asmo with him cause well, who knows fashion better? Demands the bassinet be set up in his room and watches his brothers like a crow hawk when they interact or hold MC. Even got one of the baby harness carriers so MC can come to RAD with him and unashamedly baby talks to them. One time a demon tried to make fun of him for it.....once. Mams impressed even Lucifer by managing to go demon form, put aforementioned asshole demon in a chokehold in one arm, while whisper threatening their life. With a peacefully sleeping MC in the other.
Don’t mess with Mams baby human.....
An awkward bean, but he tries! Takes on the role of primary playmate. Will put the baby in his lap and their little hands on the game controller to play with the buttons. MC gets such a kick out of it! He also likes to show them his aquarium tanks. MC is fascinated by the whole aesthetic and belly laughs whenever Henry swims by. Also finds age appropriate anime shows he thinks MC will like. Still devastated that they had no interest in TSL.
Was the one who helped calm the baby down. He quickly pulled up a playlist of cute cat videos on his D.D.D. and managed to distract MC so that the rocking motion in Mam’s arms started to soothe them to sleep. Once that was accomplished, ran to the library to grab a pile of books on child rearing and on the way home called every witch he knew that has children to get advice.
Nearly had a stroke when Mammon handed him Goldie! Went into town with Asmo and got the essential items (Diapers, formula, bottles, the bassinet/ bedding may or may not be cat themed) and left Asmo to pick out clothing. LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to teach the baby things! Always gushing about how smart MC is! Beats even Asmo with how many videos on his Devilgram there are of MC.
Will sooner tell Lucifer he loves him before he’ll ever admit it but avatar of catnip teared up when MC took those wobbly first few steps.
Always squealing with delight over every cute little thing MC does! “Look at that perfect little nose and sweet smile! You love Asmo the best don’t you ?” *death glare from Mammon*
Had the most fun in ages buying clothes. MC is literally the most stylish baby in the devildom. He actually started a second Devilgram account solely dedicated to posting MC’s daily style. It’s become one of the most popular accounts! Even rivaling Asmo’s main one.
Every morning he goes into Mammon’s room and picks out MC’s outfit for the day. Will pick up, hold, fuss and coo over MC but is mysteriously no where to be found with more of the tedious duties. He tried to feed them their bottle once but became almost catatonic when MC spit up on his designer shirt. The most traumatizing thing for him was an attempted poopy diaper change....you know those funny videos on YouTube where the dads are trying to change the baby’s diaper with gloves and a mask on while gagging and dry heaving?
Yeeeahh that was him, once Mammers stopped laughing long enough to pick himself up off the floor he took over.
Beelzebub and Belphegor:
They adore MC! As far as they’re concerned that’s their new baby sibling. They asked Satan to teach them all the child rearing things he learned and love to take care of them! Will work together to take of the baby. Beel likes to feed the baby but needed a wee bit of instruction first.
“Beel....you can’t feed the baby a turkey leg.”
“Why not? it’s delicious!” *drools*
“They don’t have any teeth yet! Not to mention the turkey leg’s bigger than they are..”
Don’t worry! He gets the hang of it! 😆
Belphie assists Beel whenever he can. Doesn’t mind changing diapers or anything. The only problem is that for a non incarnate of sloth, caring for a baby can be absolutely exhausting, but for Belphie? It’s like a daily triathlon. Sleeps when the baby does. There was one time Belphie woke up to find himself swaddled in a blanket along with MC. *side eyes Mammon and Levi*
The special bonding thing Cow Husband likes to do with MC is too take them into the planetarium, not only to look at the sky but he loves to tell MC all the fun memories he has of Beel, Him and Lilith growing up. It heals a wound on heart he thought would bleed forever whenever little MC smiles.
Thank you so much for the request! 💜🖤🤍
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wonderinglullaby · 2 years
Hello! I hate to be a bother, especially since your requests are closed, but I've been a little curious about regression. I recently found out it wasn't something sexual (And thank goodness. Looking up old kids shows on tumblr felt like a nightmare before I found out) but I still wasn't quite sure what it was. I've tried doing my own research, but it only yielded stuff like webmd. I've seen phrases like little space and impure regression thrown around but I haven't a clue what they mean.
🧸 : you’re no bother at all! I’m always open to questions whether my requests are open or not.
I know exactly how you feel though - I’ve been using regression subconsciously to cope for years, but got caught up in the sexual scene by accident because I didn’t know agere was a thing. I’ll do my best to explain some stuff to you!! Hopefully I can be of help.
People regress for many reasons: to cope, because of trauma, because of nostalgia or even just a way to relax! It’s different for everyone and isn’t always triggered because you went through something bad in your life.
People can regress to any age. Whether it’s a baby or a teenager, and age regression shouldn’t be limited to true ages. A 14 year old can regress and so can a 40 year old, it’s for everyone.
Regression isn’t limited to pinks and pastels, and can be ANYTHING you want. An aesthetic of a show you watch, primary colors, emo, spooky stuff - whatever. Like I said, it’s different for everyone, everyone is valid for having something different associated with regression.
A lot of regressors use gear like onesies, pacis, sippy cups, toys, diapers, etc. but it’s completely okay if you don’t use stuff like that. You can if it makes your regression experience better, but you can just eat snacks and play video games and call it a good regression day. No harm in that!
Some regressors have caregivers, which are people who work as a older figure to take care of someone while they’re in a smaller headspac - since they’re in the mind of a child. It can be platonic or romantic. Not all regress need/want caregivers - like people who regress to a older child/teen or people who prefer to be alone while regressed.
Another term is “flip” which is a person who age regresses, but also works as a caregiver!
Lemme know if you have any more questions! these are just some basic things I thought I’d explain for you <3
now for the terms you asked about!
“Little Space“ is a term used to name the younger headspace you slip into. Although it is also a term used in the nsfw spaces as well. Because of this, many age regressors are uncomfortable using this term which is completely fine. But it’s also okay who use the term to describe their regression.
personally, I refer to my regression headspace as “tiny space“ cause I regress to a baby.
“Impure regression“ is a term we are trying to replace with the better “vent regression!”
Vent regression means you are regressing to vent out emotions, your regression was caused by a negative trigger, or you are feeling sad/angry or just any non-happy emotions while you’re regressed and you’re having an unpleasant regression experience.
The reason we are trying to replace “impure regression“ is because it was associated with regression having to be “pure“ to be correct. Like if you were feeling sad while in a smaller headspace it is suddenly “incorrect” just because you’re upset. Which many of us strongly disagreed with. Regression is a coping mechanism for many people, and it shouldn’t be limited to only happy emotions. It is not “incorrect“ for people to be sad when regressed or using regression to vent out how they’re feeling. So that’s why we’re trying to replace this term with a more supportive and open one.
I hope this helped some! Again, feel free to ask more questions.
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