#did i cry at harry potter world
emmashouldbewriting · 2 years
What's your Hogwarts house?
I'm afraid I'm a terribly boring Gryffindor because Hermione was my hero and taught me that girls can be smart AND brave, which was great because while I'm smart, I was a terrible wuss as a kid LOL
what's your Hogwarts house?! EVERYONE TELL ME THEIR HOUSESSSSS
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youremymoony · 1 year
so was anyone gonna tell me that harry potter and the welcome to the world of grey is the most heart wrenching, heart warming, painful and wonderfully written drarry fic ever or was i just supposed to find out on my own?
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happy halloween my little depressed sad and crying right now co-stans
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riansdiary · 3 months
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Hello everyone! This is a copy of my success story post on SUA (Subliminal Amino) and I decided to post it here as well for some inspiration! 🌈
Highlight Codes:
Red - don't do this! ⚠️
Blue - this is what you need to do 👍
I have a manifesting success story to inspire you! The only techniques I did was simply just:
1. Thought of what I want 🤔💡🍗
I was craving my mom's the best fried chicken in the world. Yes, I stand by this! Anyone who eats it including people outside of the family always always always praises my mom because she literally cooks the best fried chicken! Specifically fried chicken breast or thigh sometimes. I never told them that I wanted some.
2. Affirmed a few times whenever I thought of it. 💬
I just affirmed naturally and casually "We're gonna have fried chicken because I said so and because I decided so." We are all the boss of our reality so I just affirmed/decided that we're gonna have it, that Mom is gonna cook that for us.
3. I commanded my subconscious. 👑
This always works for me and it's my favorite thing to do to manifest. I just commanded my subconscious like a boss and told it what I want. Actually, it's smart and it already knows that but I did that for extra assurance. You just tell it what you want and it'll get it for you no matter what. You need to trust your subconscious mind that it will get that for you. Think as if you ordered something and well you know it's gonna be delivered right? Yeah, like that. You just sit pretty, affirm if you think of it to persist no matter what you see and trust that it's gonna get that for you. Do this only if it feels right to you. I mean it's literally you! Your higher self. Your subconscious wants the best for you and will get it for you as soon as you tell it what you want, the subconscious mind already manifests that in the 4d meaning it's yours it already happened in your imagination. The subconscious mind naturally will materialize that in the 3d as well but that's really just the cherry on top. 🍒
3. PERSIST. 🙂‍↕️😠🥳
Meaning stand firm in your decision and think as if it's already done. Be in the state of the wish fulfilled meaning you sit pretty, affirm when you need to assure yourself and in the mean time, do what makes you happy. Distract yourself.
4. The 3d is neutral. It has no meaning. It doesn't mean you don't have your desire. You give meaning to it. 🧐
It's literally a past newspaper like in Harry Potter, the newspaper that moves. It's in the past and it's the result of our thoughts before. It's not you follow the 3d and react to what it shows you. It follows you so leave it alone and know it is done in the 4d. If you wanna check, check and visualize that desire. For non-visualizers or people who have aphantasia, imagination is not equal to visualization. It can be thoughts and feelings as well. I don't visualize but sometimes when I'm in the mood I do but you could check your mind.
For example:
You're want to be rich. You see the 3d and wanna check your bank account or wallet. It's okay if you see there's nothing. Why? Because you're changing your reality to one where you have money. Check your mind instead.
Do this: You saw the 3d and seeing what the past newspaper (3d) is showing you. "Let me check my mind. Okay, I checked my mind and the 4d. I literally have 10 billion in my bank account. I just need to keep up with knowing it's done and not follow the 3d because it's supposed to be following me and the 4d. The 3d just puts out whatever I'm thinking and the 4d so in the 4d I have my desires. I can calm down now. If I check the 3d, I'm letting it stick. Whatever I focus on grows so let's focus and pay attention to good stuff and that I have my desires." You can cry or feel the feelings. Release them and let it go. Then come back to deciding or affirming whatever technique works for you to persist on what you want instead. Reacting is okay. It's okay to let out your feelings, you're human. The thing is after that, if you keep paying attention to circumstances and accepting the 3d as true then you will be stuck in a loop. It literally just copies and follows the 4d and your thoughts. So if you accept that circumstance as a fact, the 3d will have to follow you and copy that. Meaning, again, getting stuck in that loop until you decide to persist because technically it is already done.
Another example:
You're manifesting a thing that you really want like a shirt or a top. Could be food.
Let's go with fries. "Okay my mom will come home and she bought fries for me. I'm deciding that Mom's got me some fries. Okay, done."
Then your mom comes home but she didn't give you anything. This is crucial. Do not give up immediately. You could still get the fries the next day. For this example, let's say you specifically said now or today. The 3d is neutral. You give the meaning to it. This is an example. Let's say you wanted that and your sister wanted that too.
Your mom comes home. Your sister is looking at what your mom brought home but wasn't told anything about the fries. She is frustrated and gave up. She felt like it didn't work so never mind. Like why isn't it here? Ugh! She then goes to her room. She gave the 3d meaning and she thought it meant that it failed.
Now you. You didn't give up. You kept affirming naturally and deciding that you're gonna have it no matter what. You said: "Nope. That brown paper bag is mine. It has my fries. The fries are there. She's gonna give them to me." Your mom ends up not giving you the bag but you didn't give up. "Nope. I'm not taking no for an answer. She just forgot about it. She forgot to hand it to me but it's there. It's mine." You just chilled and calmed down, continuing to do what you do and never gave up. Your mom then sat next to you and told you that she forgot to give you the fries! 🍟
You both gave different meanings to the situation or circumstance. Your sister gave up and saw it as fact that she didn't get the fries but you didn't stop, didn't give up and just accepted it as a fact that you do in fact have the fries.
Now let me tell you how it happened. How I manifested eating my mom's fried chicken. Reminder, I didn't tell them what I wanted at all but if it feels like inspired action you could get your manifestation that way as well. Your mom or dad could ask you what you wanted and that's basically considered success and inspired action to tell them what you want.
I don't wanna repeat the circumstance for me but who cares! It's the past and I'm a billionaire now! Basically, dad didn't have a job before and we had a strict budget. We were only able to eat fried eggs or hotdogs at this time so you can tell that we couldn't afford other dishes at that moment but I didn't give up. I just ranted about the fear I'm feeling about the circumstance once and released any feelings. After that, I didn't pay attention and forgot about that circumstance. Why, you may ask? Because whatever you focus on grows. Attention is our superpower. You will keep having whatever you're focusing on or paying attention to.
First day. As I said. I firmly decided and affirmed that we're gonna eat fried chicken. I also commanded my subconscious as a bonus. I embodied the energy of Blair Waldorf and Hong Haein from Queen of Tears and decided that and commanded my subconscious like a boss. I am gonna write up a post about this soon! Manifesting with boss or queen energy because we are the bosses and queens of our reality. You are the boss of your subconscious but again it's you. It wants you to have everything you want and it will give you that. Our lunch was different but it's another one of my favorites. It was a delicious soup with chicken and vegetables in it. It's good and we eat that with rice! It was delicious but did I give up? No. This is when I decided to give the 3d a positive meaning. I said "Well, there's chicken breast in that soup. Usually, when we have that dish, we still have some extra chicken in the freezer. If there's this then I'm pretty sure we have extra chicken left in the freezer for mom to cook fried chicken."
I just continued being firm in my decision and accepting my desire as a fact. (I'm literally writing this while Dad's making fries! Another one of my manifestations! Not the exact one. I love the McDonald's one but I haven't given up. It is as good as that though! I consider this as a sign! I was craving that so I decided to give it a go and manifest that.)
Next day. We had this sticky rice chicken broth soup. You probably know what this is if you're Filipino haha! Is it fried chicken? Nope but I still accepted my desire as fact. Affirmed when I felt like it but naturally.
Now today! (Literally eating fries now! I'm such a master in manifesting! 🍟)
Heard Mom talking about needing frying oil and decided to give that a positive meaning. That mom's gonna cook fried chicken. Mom cooks something, I didn't look because I know what it is of course. It smelt different like another food but did I give up? Again, no. Stood firm in my decision again. Affirmed it like a boss like it's gonna happen no matter what. "Nope, that's literally fried chicken breast. Yup, it is. We're having that for lunch and dinner."
I saw Mom put it on the table and it looked and smelled so good! I was so proud of myself. I have been reading and watching law of assumption videos and over consumed. I was so happy because I know what works for me now! You should do what feels right or what works for you no matter what other people are saying in the law of assumption community. Heck, just follow the persisting and assigning positive meaning from mine and do which technique works for you! You can do it! I've had problems manifesting too before but I'm manifesting so easily and effortlessly now. I believe in you. Dare to think that your desires are facts. Also, do what makes you happy in the middle of manifesting! What would we feel when we have manifested what we want? HAPPINESS. Doing what makes you happy (have common sense please) and knowing it's done will do wonders for you! You're basically shifting to your desired reality where your manifestation is a fact and is true! Ask yourself moment to moment when you're free. "What feels the happiest for me to do right now?" For me, it could be watching BTS funny moments or performances or watching Ghibli and Disney movies! I'm currently binge watching what I missed or what I haven't watched! I'm planning to watch all Ghibli movies! I totally recommend them! They give you such feel good vibes! Whatever is available to you that you can do right now like making yourself a nice cup of your favorite coffee and watching your favorite comfort show or movie. It could be playing games or as simple as playing with your pet. Those that you liked to do as a child. Whatever makes you happy, just have common sense. That is why I gave you a lot of examples! Anyway, that is all!
I wanna thank my beautiful sister @babygothprincess (she's not my sister. She's just so helpful and sweet and she always felt like an older sister to me so I gave her that nickname ☺️) for being patient with me and literally becoming my manifesting teacher or mentor here! I wouldn't be able to be the manifesting queen/boss that I am now without her constant help and encouragement! Thank you sis as always!!! You deserve to live your best life because you help all of us here so much! I'm eternally grateful! (High five if you guys know which movie this line is from! 🤚) I can't thank you enough! I learned so much from you!
- XOXO Rian 💋
Btw, who likes roleplaying and Gossip Girl please DM me! I am a co-admin of a Gossip Girl Rp group so tell me if you're interested! It's set in the present so Blair and the others are now married and are adults but there are characters from other shows too. There's a whole new generation. It's the Gossip Girl reboot characters plus original characters a.k.a OC's/the characters we created. Message me if you wanna join in the fun! Bye!
Note: I also manifested being featured in SUA (subliminal amino) and I got it literally just a few minutes after deciding and knowing it's done!
I just literally thought: "Oh my God! I got featured! Thank you so much! That's so sweet." I did it once or twice and whenever I thought about it and it was done!!! 🌈
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shadowbriar · 7 months
George Weasley - What Matters
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Pairing : George Weasley x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 0.8k Warning : Takes place on the night after the Seven Potters event. Not proofread I'm too tired. Synopsis : Soothing conversation after what seems to be the greatest nightmare the couple had to live through. Notes : Part of Shadowbriar's 2024 Valentines Project. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
"Have you ever imagined a world where we’re not together?”
George frowns, lifting from the bed to lay on his side, his arm supporting his head. He watches her closely, seeing the glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes. Supposed the nightmare of him arriving at the Burrow with blood soaking his shirt earlier was still etched in her mind. 
The plan was a success, should one argue. Their objective was met. Harry is now safe and sound, sleeping in Ron’s room like a baby. Though some sacrifices needed to be made, loss to mourn and cry for, at least knowing that what they fought for was achieved would be the softer side of the bed they’ll sleep on tonight.
“No, never.” He says firmly, trying to provide some comfort for her “Why would I ever think that?”
She shrugs, “Reasons.”
Gently, George reaches for her hand and places it to his chest. He hopes that it could ease her wary mind a little. He wanted her to feel his heart beat, to feel his heat, to feel him. He knows that it would take more than sweet words and tender embraces tonight to get them through the night, to get them just a blink of sleep no matter how sore and aching their bodies are, but he has no idea how else he could comfort her when he too was still a little shaken from the event that occurred.
“I’m sorry,” She whispers, her voice shaky as she tries her best not to let the tears fall “I should be the one comforting you, but I just—”
“Shh, it’s alright, Darling,” George says as he pulls her close “It’s okay. I’m right here.”
“I could have lost you.”
“But you didn’t,” He reassures, patting her head gently “You’ll never lose me.”
“But I almost did, George. I almost lost you.”
“Love,” George pulls away a little, staring deep into her eyes with that boyish smile “It would take much more than Voldy’s gothic underling to keep us apart, trust me.”
She forces a smile, one that didn’t truly reach her eyes. Her stare was still vacant, like she’s trying to comprehend her surroundings and finding firm stepping after the rug beneath her feet was pulled. There has been no greater horror, no bigger fear and terror than the one she felt a couple hours ago.
“I can’t lose you,” She says to him “I just can’t.”
“I know. I can’t lose you, either.” He says gently, caressing her cheek “I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
“What’s left of you, you mean.”
George raised an eyebrow, “Meaning?”
“You lack an ear,” She tries to jest, smiling slightly bigger though her eyes still welled of tears “Can’t decide if it makes you lose a couple points in the appearance department or if it enhances it.”
“The latter, of course. You have one hell of an unkillable boyfriend,” He says proudly, grinning “Reckon muggles write it on their papers? A bloody ear fell from the sky. Imagine the horror!”
Her laughter finally breaks. Though it didn’t last as long as George wished it would, the lingering smile on her lips was enough to tell him that the storm is slowly passing. Gently, he leans in and kisses her. How the night went by was certainly unideal but now that she’s here, laying on his bed, everything feels alright. Like the pain on his ear was reduced into a slight itch and the soreness of his body was caused by nothing but a typical quidditch practice.
The sigh she let go as they parted lifted tons of her burden. The corners of her lips were still curled, satisfied with the solace they could both find in each other though chaos still unravels around them. It was modest and unadorned, but much more than enough to soothe both of their scarred minds.
“I love you,” She says softly “I don’t want to ever imagine a world without you.”
“Then don’t,” George answers “Don’t imagine it, don’t think about it, don’t worry about it because it would never happen. It’s us or nothing, remember? That’s all that matters.”
She chuckles, “That’s a bit extreme now, init? Us or nothing?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have anyone other than you,” He argues, raising an eyebrow “Do you have anyone you’d have other than me?”
“There’s a short list of possible names.” She jokes once again “You’re in my top three at the moment, honestly.”
“I hate you.”
“Okay, top five now from that comment.”
George let out a satisfied laughter, pulling her head close to his chest that she could feel the echo of his chuckle and the steady beating of his heart. Her arms now encircle his waist. There seems to be too much space between them tonight though their bodies were cramped together on such a tiny bed. No close is close enough for the two right now.
“I hope you know I didn’t mean that.” She whispers to his shirt “There could be no one but you.”
“I know,” George says, planting a kiss to the crown of her head “I know, Sweetheart, I know.”
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bridenore · 16 days
HD eight year fic recs : 50k+ words
Here are a few drarry eight year fic recs that are between 30k and 50k words. Posted in alphabetical order, as always.
You can access my rec lists for eight year fics that have less than 10k words here, between 10k and 20k here, between 20k and 30k here and between 30k and 50k here.
Arms Wide Open: Hogwarts by Sita_Z [28k]
Harry did not expect his Eighth Year to involve any more investigations of abandoned bathrooms. Nor did he expect to come across Draco Malfoy there, alone, bleeding and in late-stage labor. Arms Wide Open: Grimmauld Place by Sita_Z [36k] After leaving Hogwarts, Harry and Draco face an uncertain future, raising Scorpius and dealing with the wizarding world’s reaction to their situation. Sequel to Arms Wide Open: Hogwarts.
At Your Service by @faith2wood [95k]
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There’s only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic [88k]
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Beholden by @faith2wood [123k]
Draco Malfoy might not be a killer, but it turns out he's an effective painkiller. If stopping pain was all Draco's touch did, things might not be so complicated, but either way Harry can't afford to be choosy.
The Changing Lights by lazywonderland [142k]
Harry returns for an eighth year following the end of the war and realises that although he's put his own animosity towards Malfoy aside, no one else seems to have done the same. When a hex leaves his oldest rival in the body of a female and ridicule doubles, Harry discovers that his hero complex is a difficult thing to fight.
Exceeds Eggspectations by Elle Gray (LGray) [61k]
Eighth year. Winter. Christmas has been and gone. Harry’s just been dumped and so has Malfoy. There’s a stupid fake baby assignment to be done, and what’s the harm in doing it together, really, when life is this shit already? This is not slow burn, this is a roman candle pointed at a pile of dry twigs that represent your heart.
Firebond by Oakstone730 / @i-didnt-wanna-do-it​ [94k]
Draco is forced to tutor Harry in potions. A slight problem occurs.
Golden Age by @lol-zeitgeistic [52k]
The Celtic druids once made a decision that kept magic in abundance in Britannia, but they couldn’t account for the technological advances Muggles would make centuries later. Now magic is dying on the isles, and this is not a dark lord that Harry can fight. OR: Harry Potter doesn’t save the world this time, but he does get a lot of hugs.
Graceless Heart by shushu_yaoi_lj / @orange-peony​ [132k]
Harry is lost and broken after the war. He has gone to countless funerals, broken up with Ginny, moved back into Grimmauld Place—which feels darker and dirtier than ever before despite how much he tries to fix it. He feels lonely and desperate, but he won’t ask for help, and he still can’t cry. When he agreed to help the Aurors at Malfoy Manor over the summer, he thought that he would be breaking dark curses. Harry never thought that he would actually spend his days sorting out dusty books with Draco Malfoy, or teaching him how to cook. Little by little, as they begin to navigate their life post-war, Harry and Draco become intimate…in more ways than Harry could have ever expected.
Helix by Saras_Girl [92k]
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again. [2014 advent fic]
It’s No Great Mystery by @agentmoppet​ [57k]
Who on earth decided that bringing back the Yule Ball for their eighth year would be a good idea? It feels like the worst day of Harry’s life, watching everyone get glammed up like the war never happened, like the last Triwizard Tournament wasn’t such a colossal failure. And then it happens again. And again. And again.
Manticoria by @lol-zeitgeistic [70k]
In the dangerous days after Voldemort’s fall, Harry struggles to find a way to be with Draco—again. But as the magical world threatens to die all around them, it might be more difficult than he thought. Includes dying wards, dying beasts, and love struggling to live; sentient magic, wandlore, Founder lore, potion lore, and ward lore; and of course there is Zacharias Smith to ruin everything, as usual.
Mental by sara_holmes [156k]
Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
My Little Berserker by @aelys-althea  [105k]
Eighth year was supposed to be calm. Moderated. Peaceful, even. Draco returned to escape the chaos wrought upon his shambles of a life and Harry to flee the responsibility of a world that sees him as something greater than was truly possible. Hogwarts was a safe haven, right? At least it was until Hagrid comes up with the wonderful idea to introduce some additional members to the student body of the fluffier variety. Hagrid doesn’t do moderated - where’s the fun in that?
The Nightmare Club by Elle Gray [85k]
Hermione and Ron are going back to Hogwarts to do N.E.W.T.s, Ginny isn’t. Harry hasn’t decided, until he has, in front of the Wizengamot and now he’s responsible for Malfoy as well. A tale of enemies who learn to get along, get it wrong and get it on. Everything is purple, some things are on fire and no-one is sleeping properly. But don’t worry, there’s tea!
Not in the Hands of Boys by @fourth-rose [130k] *incomplete
Once the final battle is won, life must go on, although it can be even harder to master than death. Back at Hogwarts for his final year of school, Harry tries to cope with everything he's been through. As the world around him struggles for a way back to normality, he is forced to realise that in the long run, living takes a lot more courage than dying.
Objects of Desire by Azrael Geffen [400k+]
The dream team sign a magical contract promising to lose their virginities within the year, they soon fix on the objects of their desires, but will the bitterness left in the wake of the war prove too hurtful for love to exist?
Ocean of Storms by Bounding-Heart [113k]
The war is over and Harry has returned to help rebuild Hogwarts. He longs to move forwards, but the past refuses to let him go. The castle is full of ghosts: haunting nightmares, the deaths he couldn’t prevent, and the age-old rivalry that Draco Malfoy seems determined to maintain.
Owl Was Well by @fencer-x [66k]
Draco Malfoy is not an owl, really he isn’t. He simply assumes the shape of one on occasion when he wants to find a bit of privacy—a goal entirely thwarted because Harry Potter doesn’t understand you can’t just grab any old bird from the Owlery and force it to send your missives and deliver your packages.
The Promise of Summer by Omi_Ohmy [66k]
How was Harry supposed to know that coming back for eighth year would be so confusing? Everything is the same, and yet not the same. And nowhere is this more obvious than with Draco Malfoy. Harry finds himself once more watching and following Malfoy, trying to work him out. When they are drawn together to heal the castle, Harry doesn’t just find Malfoy - he also finds himself.
red and green are complimentary colours by  ace_0fhearts [88k]
After the war Hermione manages to convince Harry to go back to Hogwarts for his eighth year. Expecting an uneventful year of classes and rooming with the other Gryffindor boys, he’s surprised when McGonagall tells him he’ll be sharing a room with Draco Malfoy. Now Harry has to get through a year of arguments and awkward silences. Or he would, if Malfoy would stop ignoring him and moping around the castle alone. Or: Draco and Harry fall in love through sleepless nights and late night quidditch games
Reparo by amalin [84k]
Voldemort’s final defeat does not mean Harry Potter’s troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it. 
Right Hand Red by @lqtraintracks [73k] 
Harry felt Malfoy’s breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory. Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable.
The Silent World Within You by @femmequixotic and @noeeon [95k]
Harry only wanted Malfoy for one night, one birthday. It wasn’t meant to be anything more.
spins madly on by asofthaven [56k]
As part of his probation, Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts to complete his N.E.W.T.s. Gobstones, the political machinations of the Hogwarts student body, and one Harry James Potter captures Draco’s attention instead.
Things Worth Knowing by @femmequixotic and @noeeon [164k]
After the Battle, Harry thinks he’s left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco’s just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He’s hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems. And that’s not even addressing the fact that Potter’s got serious issues of his own, which Draco realises as he’s forced to share an Eighth Year dormitory room and several classes with the Gryffindor Git. If only they can make it through the year without killing each other, it should be all right, shouldn’t it?
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop [113k] 
Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just – do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just – they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him. When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed – or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face – with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare?
You’ve Got Owl Post by @slyth-princess [50k]
After discovering muggle romantic comedies during winter break, Pansy Parkinson and Luna Lovegood decide to launch an ambitious project called You’ve Got Owl Post which matches up students through an enchanted notebook so they can send letters to each other without knowing who is at the other end. It is an instant hit. Harry, without his friends knowing, is one of the first to join. And he rapidly finds a kindred soul on the other side of the pages. In real life, however, he is once again plagued by Draco Malfoy. After fighting in class, McGonagall has had enough. So, as punishment and a lesson, she assigns them the running of that years dueling club. Everyone, including Harry and Draco, assumes it will be a disaster. However, sometimes the people you think you know the best are the ones who can surprise you the most. A story of letters, bets, friendship, love, forgiveness, and discovering who you really are.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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blorger · 3 days
"Are you…lecturing me on how to be more threatening? You?"  "I'm plenty threatening." "In what world?" "I'm a Death Eater! Very dangerous." "I've seen you crying to a ghost in a girls loo, Malfoy, you'll excuse me if I'm not trembling from fear." & "Wait," Teddy says, "he's not your special friend?"  "No, Teddy, my special friend is a girl."  "So, boys can't be special friends?"  "I—" Harry's mouth hangs open, eyes very round behind his glasses, clearly caught out. Hopeless. Utterly, despicably hopeless. He's so visibly in over his head that it's genuinely amusing, and Draco is finally starting to understand what's going on here, why Teddy looked so surprised to see him at the door; the girlfriend must be coming over, but Draco just so happened to get here first.  "Yes, of course they can," Draco answers Teddy, who looks up at him without blinking. "It's just that I'm not that. Or, well, I'm very special, so that's fitting, but I'm not Potter's friend. In fact, I'm his mortal enemy." Teddy frowns at him. "So, why are you in his house?"  "I visit," Draco says simply. & Teddy blinks at them from the doorway. His gaze flicks between them, and he says, very softly, "I heard shouting."  "Yes, we—" Harry's voice is thick, raspy, so he clears it once, twice, a third time, and tries again. "We had a…disagreement. I'm sorry you had to hear that, Teddy." "You're fighting?"  "No. Er, well, yes. A little bit. It's fine."  "You were kissing," Teddy says. "I saw it."  Harry's eyes sink shut for a moment, and he drags a hand through his hair, which Draco may have accidentally made a mess of, then he blows out a deep breath and opens his eyes. "That's—well, that did happen, yes. That was…something we did."  Teddy's eyes narrow. "I thought you were mortal enemies."  "Mortal enemies kiss…sometimes," Harry says weakly, clearly out of his depth here. He grimaces almost immediately after he says this, then seems to remember he's the adult out of the two of them and coughs, standing up taller.
from from love, obviously by bizarrestars 🔒
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year
Joyous Nightmares - Part 1
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: A year after surviving the Second Wizarding War, Severus Snape begins to have joyous nightmares where he dreams of having a wife and a daughter. These dreams bring him nightmares because he doesn't believe that he'll ever get married or have a family of his own. So what happens when the wife in his dreams is revealed to be you?
Warning: Nothing heavy, but there are some mentions of death. Angst and nightmares are also featured.  This is my first fanfiction for Harry Potter. I hope you enjoy it!
Part 2 | Part 3
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*GIF isn't mine
Severus has had nightmares for as long as he can remember. As a child, he dreamt of his parents arguing and his father hitting him when drunk. Then his nightmares focused mainly on his rejection from Lily, and Potter and Black bullying him. Sometimes they would trip him in the hall, causing his trousers to fall off, and other times Potter would make him kiss the ground and eat the dirt while Lily watched. As he grew older, he dreamt of Lily’s death. After the Second Wizarding War, he relived his near-fatal attack by Nagini almost every night. But about a year after the war ends, Severus starts to have nightmares about a much different topic. 
Severus is sitting on his bed when he hears crying. He walks down a hall in a house, one that looks much different than the one in Spinner’s End, to the source of the crying: a baby. He opens the door at the end of the hall and sees a small infant flailing around the crib. Gingerly lifting the baby from the bed, he cradles the baby in his arm and places their head on his shoulder. He doesn’t know why or how, but he knows that the baby is a girl and that she’s his daughter. He gently bounces her up and down and sits in a rocking chair. 
“Hush now. Daddy is here,” he whispers and kisses her forehead. “You have nothing to fear. I will always protect you.” He holds the little girl closer to him, and soon she falls asleep in his arms. 
Severus wakes up in his bed in his private chamber at Hogwarts. Although he has dreamt of much more horrific, much more gruesome things, this dream leaves him feeling immensely worse. He has been bullied and seen death in the real world, so seeing it in his mind’s eye at night is no different than experiencing it. But dreaming of cradling his own tiny baby girl? That leaves him with a gaping hole in his heart, a hole he cannot mend because he will never have a family. Pathetic, greasy-haired Severus, forever condemned to loneliness. 
He pulls the covers back up his chest, turns on his side, and closes his eyes. No matter how much he tosses and turns that night, he can't fall asleep until dawn. 
Several nights later, Severus has a similar dream. 
He’s back in the same house. With a quick peek through the window, he can tell that this house is in the countryside with its green, sprawling valley. Severus turns to the little girl in the highchair, who is now eight or nine months old. He dips a spoon into a jar of baby food and tries to feed it to his daughter, who purses her lips and turns her head.
“Do not be picky. This is delicious,” he says and puts the spoonful of baby food into his mouth. No, he was lying about the delicious part. “Perhaps it does not taste good, but it is good for you. My Half-Blood Princess must grow to be healthy and strong.”
Even though his daughter giggles at her nickname, she still refuses to eat the food. “Fine. I did not want to fall into temptation, but you are forcing me.”
Severus takes a small cauldron from the cupboard, which is no bigger than a large bowl. He puts the jar of baby food and spoon into the cauldron and uses his wand to make steam rise from the cauldron. He swirls his wand over the cauldron, pretending to stir it, and casts a fake spell of gibberish words. 
Severus’s daughter breaks into a giggling fit and bounces up and down in her high seat. Severus can’t help but smile and laugh at her joy. He uses his wand to lift a spoonful of baby food from the cauldron and towards the little girl, who finally opens her mouth and eats. 
He never thought himself much of a fatherly figure, but these joyous nightmares have made him realize how desperately he wishes to have a family of his own. Every time he visits Hogsmeade, he stares at the small children accompanying their parents at shops or playing in the playground. Even though he doesn’t show much love to the people around him, he somehow knows that he would shower his own child with love and affection. 
Severus decides not to go back to sleep. There are two hours until he must make his way to the Great Hall and he still has essays to grade. Anything to get his mind off the baby, though a small cauldron in the corner of his room ensures that the hole in his heart remains open.
Over the next few months, Severus has dreams about his child almost every night. In every dream, he watches her grow up, even if it’s by a month or two. Nothing particularly profound happens; they merely participate in average daily activities. Once he dreams that she plays with a toy wand set that emits tiny colorful sparks. Another time she sits on his lap as he reads to her and wrestles his hair from her tiny fingers. That one makes him feel especially pained as he’s always felt insecure about his hair, and he can’t imagine a baby happily playing with it. 
After a particularly hard day of disciplining dunderheads and spilled potions, another person joins his dreams. 
Muggle baby strollers are quite the invention, Severus thinks as he pushes his sleeping daughter around the main square of the nearest town. Stores here display all types of clothes, as well as chocolate boxes and snack bags; however, he doesn’t see anything suitable for his wife’s birthday. 
Finally, Severus spots a beautiful dark green pendant through a jewelry shop’s window. An idea pops into his mind about how he can transform this simple Muggle pendant into something enchanting for his wife.
He buys it, then spends the rest of the day locked in his study working on magically connecting the pendant and a journal. He charms the pendant to heat up and display messages Severus writes in the journal. This way, Severus can send short messages to his wife no matter where he is. “I love you,” he writes in the journal and watches it slowly appear on the green gem. 
“What do you think?” he asks his daughter when he enters the living room. She giggles and grasps the chain of the necklace, which Severus takes as a yes.
“One day, I will give you one of your own, my Half-Blood Princess.”
A wife. A wife whom he loves. A wife that loves him, too, even if he has no proof to support his theory. A wife who he loves enough to have a baby with. A wife who he knows he will never have. 
Since he started having these joyous nightmares, he has recognized that the existence of a wife would appear at some point. Though when she finally does, he’s caught off guard. He thought that as an adult, he would finally grow out of the nervous, insecure person he was as a child. But he’s thought wrong; a fist squeezes his heart as he thinks about how lonely and unlovable he is. His hand wanders to the pillow on the other side of the bed as he imagines a wife lying beside him. He wishes that he could hold her, kiss her, and love her. But who would ever be attracted to his oily hair and sallow skin, or not be appalled by his deeds as he served the Dark Lord? 
Tears have threatened to spill after waking from his past dreams. This time, though, the tears overtake him and sobs wrack his body. 
Steps sound from around the corner. Severus prepares to berate the student he catches, but he stops short when he spots you. “Hi Severus, you can go to bed. It’s my night to patrol the corridors, remember?” 
Severus doesn’t have many friends at Hogwarts, or anywhere for that matter. But out of the few people he can rely on, you are one of them. You frequently eat lunch with him and sit beside him for meals. You’re always there for him to talk to, though you aren’t pushy. He appreciates you more than you likely appreciate him.  
“I know,” he says a little too harshly. “I thought I should help since I could not sleep.” Do not want to sleep is more like it, he thinks. 
You don’t take offense to his harsh tone. “That’s nice of you. Are you having nightmares, perhaps? Are the ghosts in your dreams giving you too much grief?” You give him a gentle smile and Severus feels a warmth spreading over his body. 
“I consumed too much caffeine,” he lies. 
“Don’t I know the dangers of drinking too much tea before I go to bed.” 
You two patrol the corridors as he listens to your stories of catching students out of bed and making fools of themselves in class. He rather enjoys being in your presence, a warm welcome from his joyous nightmares. 
It seems too soon when your patrol is over and you head in different directions to return to your chambers. Determined not to fall asleep, Severus spends the rest of his time until breakfast grading essays. He has never physically seen his dream wife; he only writes to her or prepares dinner or breakfast for her. Unfortunately, his eyes feel too heavy and he eventually succumbs to sleep. 
It’s a beautiful day and Severus chases after his daughter, who runs through the valley outside their house. He finally catches up with her when she drops to the ground, picking at something. “I got you!” he yells after he grabs his daughter and lifts her into his arms. 
“Daddy!” she giggles and presents him with the flowers she has picked. “For you!”
He takes the bundle from her dirt-stained hands and smiles down at her. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He places her back down on the ground and kneels beside her. “How about you pick some for Mummy?”
“Okay!” His daughter runs around a little more until she picks the largest flowers in the valley and gives them to her dad for safekeeping. He lifts her back into his arms and walks towards the house. 
In the distance, he can see a woman by their house. He knows that it’s his wife, but the light from the setting sun and the shadow from the house blocks him from seeing her features. Severus uses one of his hands to shield his eyes from the sun glaring into his eyes and tells his daughter, “Wave to Mummy!”
Severus checks the time and jumps to his feet. He strains to discern the identity of his dream wife based on his memories of the dream but to no avail. He arrives at the Great Hall, takes his seat beside you at the High Table, and attempts to compose himself as he digs into his food. Why are you living under the delusion that this dream woman is a real person? Severus tells himself in his mind. If you ever see what she looks like, she will be an imaginary woman who only lives in your head. 
For a split second, Severus peeks at you from the corner of his eyes and imagines you as his wife blinded by the light from the sun. Deciding that it’s a dangerous path to take, he snaps out of it and goes back to nibbling his toast. 
You catch him looking at you and you ask, “Are you alright, Severus? You look like you didn’t get any sleep!” Oddly, he enjoys the concern in your voice and the furrowing of your brows. 
“I am fine,” he brushes off, but you’ve already poured him coffee and waved your wand at it. 
“Take this. It should get you through the rest of the day.” Severus grunts thanks and takes a sip. Normally, coffee makes him feel shaky and nervous as he unwittingly recalls his joyous nightmares. This coffee tastes different; it's sweet and makes him feel like he will stay awake and alert for the rest of the day. 
You talk to each other about your plans for the day until you finish your food and stand from your seat. “I’ll see you later!” you call from behind. For some indiscernible reason, Severus is looking forward to that. 
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bchanslvr · 2 years
Harry Potter accidentally calling reader mommy?
warnings — AFAB!READER. mommy kink, slight bondage, pegging, praise/degradation, oral (f reciving), mentions of titties & lactation and finally not proof read cuz i wanna get this out quickly. lmk if i missed anything.
summary — what if harry calls you mommy accidentally?
a/n — haven't written smut for him in a while so you know i had to go all out !!
He's tied to the headboard in a pretty red rope as you're riding him, and he's watching you use his cock like he was just some toy. He's groaning and panting, begging and crying for you to let him touch you. And on a particularly hard roll of your hips he accidentally moans out “mommy please”.
You felt a pang of arousal you had never felt before as he said those words and clench around him tightly. Even though he's nearing the part of delusion he notices and says it again.
Now it's your turn to groan as you roll your hips harder, hands gripping his hair.
And everybody knows he has a hair pulling kink so when you do he lets the most loudest most delicious whine out of his kissable lips.
He's looking at you like you're his entire world and you could feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm.
And with having found his new found kink, you abuse that power because he will do just about anything for praise.
"mommy's good little boy"
He has no shame. Will beg for anything and everything without shame because he feels safe with you to show that vulnerable side of him.
God pussy eater.
Will gobble you down because he wants to please you over and over again till you're pushing his head off of your poor cunt.
Obsessed with your tits also.
Doesn't matter if they're big or small, a tities a titty and he'll take it.
He'll be laying on your tits and trying to grope and suck on them any chance he gets.
If you lactate then it’s over for you because that boy will be on your tits for the rest of his life.
He'll be balls deep in you and then get a urge to suck on your tits so he'll stop and lay on you as he slurps on them.
Did you know Chosen One Harry Potter loves it up the ass?
Peg him!!
and degrade him.
Call him mommy’s little slut and he will cum on the spot.
Such a little slutty boy for you.
Takes the fucking like a champ all the way, drooling and begging for you to be harder and use him.
Fuck sometimes he forgets about taking care of himself and will just break you to the point of exhaustion even though he's outta his mind babbling about being "mommy's good boy" always.
He'll do things no man or woman have ever done to you.
Do you know those porn videos where you sit in between their legs as they finger your cunt from behind and they're just clinging onto their partners hands, and trying to close their legs but their partner just keeps spreading them apart?
Yeah he'll do that to you.
Sometimes he doesn't have the energy for anything and just wants to be nice and warm in mommy's cunt so he'll fuck in the sideways position as he spoons you.
He'll be kissing down your neck desperately as he ruts into you from behind.
Speaking of necks, if you go anywhere near it he folds immediately.
His weak spot fr.
Other times like the first tie he called you mommy he will let you use him for all your desires.
He's just a pliable cute little dildo for you.
Sucker for orgasm denial and chasity if you're into that.
Is never a brat.
Unless you're busy and ignoring him and he wants your attention so he'll tease you until it gets the best of you so you punish him with it.
Overall just your good little mommy's boy that just wants to be taken care of in your hands.
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thewulf · 2 years
Works and Requests
Oh man I knew this day would come, I finally have to make seprate masterlists for some fandoms, this main post is too massive now! Masterlist's below the cut <3
If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up
Fluff: ✿‎ ‎
Angst: ✦‎
Hurt/Comfort: ‎♡
Top Gun Masterlist
Criminal Minds Masterlist
The Lord of the Rings Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
Accidentally in Love ‎♡✿‎ ‎
Always & Forever Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎ ‎
Here For You ‎♡✿‎
Tides of Comfort✿‎
Rafe Cameron
Who Did This To You? Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Big Blue World✿✦‎
Terrible Liar✿✦‎
Whatever The Hell This Is✿✦‎
The Outsiders
Darrel "Darry" Curtis
I Want To✿✦
By Your Side♡✿
Sunflowers and Second Chances♡✿
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Don't Cry✿✦
A Safe Place♡✿
Second Sunrise♡✿
Love Strikes♡✿
Igniting Affection✿‎ ‎
Steve Randle
Peachy Girl♡✿
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Adorably Clueless ✿‎
That Was the Moment ♡✿
Treat You Better✿✦
Paul Lahote
Forever Yours♡✿‎
Trust in the Tide✿‎
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe
Bound by Shadows✿✦
The Quiet Between✿✦
Teaching Trails✿
Beneath the Healer's Touch♡✿‎
Soothing Shadows♡✿‎
Frosted Steel✿✦
Hidden Away✿✦
Eris Vanserra
A Realm Reborn✿✦
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain John Price
The Price of Protection♡✿‎
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Breaking Point♡✿‎
Through Your Eyes✿
Avatar Way of Water
Neteyam Sully
Different | Part 1 | Part 2 ✿‎ ‎
James "Bucky" Barnes
At Odds ✿✦‎
Miles Teller
Thank You Kind Stranger ✿‎
Works In Progress (WIP's)!
Steve Randle x Reader - Request!
Sirius Black x Reader - Request!
Legolas x Reader - Request!
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader - Request
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Who I Write For:
Top Gun: Maverick & 1986
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Bob Floyd
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Any other pilot upon request!
Harry Potter
The Marauders Era
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Paul Lahote
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Quill Ateara
Edward Cullen
Emmet Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis
Sodapop "Soda" Curtis
Ponyboy "Pony" Curtis
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Steve Randall
Keith “Two-Bit” Matthews
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Outer Banks
JJ Myabank
John B Routledge
Pope Heyward
Topper Thorton
Rafe Cameron
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Neteyam Sully
Lo'ak Sully
Jake Sully
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Ellie Williams
The Lord of the Rings
King Thranduil
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain Price
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe (ACOTAR)
Any High Lord really
Any other upon request!
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 18 days
we meet again
(so @arliedraws created a slytherin!sirius universe in which james in an auror and sirius is a death eater (or is he??) and they have unfulfilled homoerotic urges for one another and i...came up with this idea, and it's been in my brain (and @impishtubist's SMS text messages for licherally months). It seemed that arlies most recent day of birth was an appropriate time to drop this. xoxo)
James's cheeks hurt from smiling so widely as two first-year aurors brought out a cake, lit with an abundance of candles that shot up into the air spelling out Happy Retirement Auror Potter! To complete the package, the cake was decorated as a tropical lagoon. Crystal blue waters, and yellow sprinkles on top to mimic a sunset. Sending James a final subliminal message to cash in his 30 years of unspent vacation time, aside from a few days here and there, and disappear into the tropics. Off the grid, off radar, off the cases. Officially.
Not that James was one who ever said I cannot wait to retire in passing--because he had loved every moment of his years in the aurors department. His first year in the training program, his first big raid, his promotion to Senior Auror, to Director of the Department and finally in his last year, the ultimate promotion of having the responsibility of training new aurors. He had put in the work, and he could leave the department and rest easy knowing everyone left behind would continue to do faithful and just work for the wizarding world. Including his son, Harry who, after years of telling James no I'm not coming into the department, I don't want to, I'm not following in your footsteps, shove off, Dad and trying a host of obscure occupations just to prove a point (most recently a shop clerk at Florean Flortescue) he finally confessed to James he had applied.
James tried to pretend he wasn't elated. Harry tried to pretend he wasn't equally as excited, both of them concealing smiles on Harry's first day in the department. Keeping it cool as the Potter Men were known to do.
"I can't believe you actually did it," Harry said, as cake was passed around, the retirement party in full swing. James was halfway through his slice, blue frosting magically enchanted to pool around the rim of his plate.
"Did you doubt it?"
"Yes," Harry stressed, alongside Moody and Sturgis Podmore, both chatting within earshot. Harry gave James a pointed look, as if to say see, it's not just me. "I thought you were going to delay it again just last week when you got all weepy about writing the report details for your last training class. 12 pages--"
"It's important to be thorough--"
"And that last one was damp, swear," Harry teased, and James shook his head cutting off another bite of cake.
"Oh, just you wait. You'll be crying at your desk too when the time comes," James told him, teeth tinted blue as he spoke, "and you'll look around and wonder where the time went and wish you could--"
Harry dropped his head to the side, closing his eyes and letting out a small snore, earning a loud laugh from Moody, before pretending to wake up, "Sorry? I must've fallen asleep while you were reminiscing."
"Reflecting," James corrected.
"Much more interested in our vacation--"
"Oh no, you're much too busy," James told him, letting out a low whistle, "I've seen that training curriculum and I don't think you'll have time for much of anything for the next few...years?" James shrugged, "Looks like I'll be seeing Santorini, and Turks and Caicos all by myself. Maybe I'll finally take your advice and," James paused to think for a moment, "What is it you've been telling me? Find--"
James sentence was cut off by the department doors opening, Kingsley Shacklebolt striding in, violet robes trailing behind him, jaw clenched and eyebrows close together. James couldn't help but laugh a little as Harry seemed to straighten up, putting his hands behind his back as the Minister of Magic made his way toward Moody and the other Senior Aurors in the room. James had known Kingsley for years--and by extension, Harry had known Kingsley for years, but everything seemed to shift when Kingsley went from Your Dads Friend with the Cool Tattoos and Earrings, to Minister of Magic and Effectively Your Boss. Harry cleared his throat and gave James a nod, before following the other younger aurors in looking extremely busy around the office. Suddenly papers were all too out of place, and there was much work to be done, when only moments before, they were playing a rousing game of napkin Quidditch.
"Sorry, Potter, this celebration may have to be cut short. Auror Bones just sent a patronus, and that burglary down at Diagon Alley might not be so simple after all," Shacklebolt said, dropping his voice lower, "The owner of the shop confessed to having some...untoward artifacts in the back, and you'll never guess what was taken."
"What kind of artifacts?" James asked.
"You're retired, Potter."
James looked at his watch, "I'm not retired for another two hours, now what kind of artifacts?"
"Reliquaries is how the owner described them. Heirlooms that have been passed down in his family for centuries...which means--"
"Layers of dark magic." Moody mumbled.
"That's not the important piece, I'm afraid," Kingsley continued, "The only reason the owner knew there had been a burglary was because the backdoor was left unlocked. I remember when I was a junior auror here...there was a series of home theft...shop theft...all of them with the back entry way left open and--"
"A note," James cut him off immediately, eyes wide as his heart pounded against his rib cage. He could feel a flush fall over his body, acid rising in his throat.
"Oh no," muttered Moody.
"What did the note say?" James asked again and Kingsley hesitated, sharing a glance with Moody.
"Potter, you're retiring, enjoy your--"
"What did the note say?" James asked again, this time loud enough to catch the attention of other members of the department.
"Finders keepers."
James's ears were ringing as he left the auror department, not even pausing after Kingsley had spoken the words on the note. Two single words, and suddenly James couldn't see straight. Couldn't think straight.
Finders keepers, finders keepers, finders keepers.
It didn't matter that James was set to retire in an hour and a half.
It didn't matter he had left a party in his honor. It also didn't matter that his lips were stained blue from cake, or that he had dinner plans with Harry after the party to celebrate, just the two of them. He threw open the door to his office, the walls now barren and the space void of any personal touches, and quickly went toward his filing cabinet.
This case, had been the only one James had be removed from. This case, had been the only one in thirty years that had just been marked closed with no real resolution. A series of home thefts over the course of three months, all seemingly connected, but they came up empty every time, eventually abandoning it. After three months, after James was removed from the case, not a single report.
Every time a burglary had been called in since, James read the file and poured over every detail, hoping for more information. For a reason to reopen the case. But none was ever found. James had the dates memorized. Pulling each report one by one, and opening them to the notes found at each scene.
Finders keepers.
He grabbed the files, shrinking them and shoving them into the pockets of his robes, wand in hand as he left his office once more, closing the door behind him. Moody, and Kingsley were already on their way down the hall, nearly chasing after James, urgency in their footsteps to stop him from doing something stupid.
"Potter!" Moody barked
"Evening, Alastor. I believe I have a party to be getting back to," James said simply, though sweat was dripping down his back, beading on the center of his forehead. He ran a hand through his greying hair, in a way he hoped was nonchalant and not in a way that looked dangerously suspicious.
"Potter, do I need to remind you, you were removed from this case and--"
"I'm retired, w-why in Merlins name would--don't be--no, I-I'm not, and there's no, it's a party! I'm having a great time, have a good night!" James gave them both a wave before resuming his brisk walk-run down the hallway, shoes squeaking on the tile floor, eager to get out of the department
He knew where to go.
He knew he shouldn't be going there.
He had to.
There was a fireplace on the first floor of the Ministry of Magic for floo access. James approached the fireplace, thinking, briefly, that perhaps it was foolish to think that after all this time he might still have access--clearance-- to this location. He grasped a handful of floo powder anyway, closing his eyes as he stepped into the fireplace.
The sitting room looked exactly as James remembered it.
Sort of.
The curtains had been changed. They were a deep yellow now instead of grey like they were the last time James was here. The carpet had been removed, and James stepped out of the fireplace onto cool hardwood floors.
The pristine black leather couch, and the gaudy chandelier were the same though. So were the end tables, and the armchair in the corner with a hand-embroidered throw pillow. James had laughed at it then, because a crook shouldn't have had something so dainty and delicate so proudly on display in their home. So distracted by the decor, the once familiar smells and sounds of Number 12, he didn't notice the man in the doorway.
"I have to admit, Potter, this is quite the surprise."
James jumped, hand immediately grasping the wand on the inside of his robes, attention turning toward the man in the doorway. Dress shirt rolled up to his elbows, not quite tucked into his trousers; dark hair cut shorter than the last time James saw him. 20 years ago. He was wearing house slippers, which shouldn't have been odd, considering they were indoors and among other names James could've called him, Sirius Black was far from a barbarian, and knew better than to wear shoes around the house. But the slippers were fur lined. And James had to stop the corners of his mouth from grinning--just as they had at the pillow.
All at once, James was in his thirties again. Not his fifties.
And he was staring at Sirius Black. Tall, dark, irritating, criminal , Sirius Black. Thoughts racing, with absolutely nothing to say. Tongue swollen in his mouth.
"I could have you arrested," Sirius remarked casually, tilting his head to the side. "I believe this is what people in your line of work call trespassing, isn't it?"
"Your floo let me in," James responded, sounding much younger, and much more petulant than he intended. It was always that way around Sirius. James had thought that years as an auror would put him in a better position to deal with Sirius Black and his quick tongue. That this time he would be ready, and James would be able to respond with ease and not stare and stammer as he did in the past.
He was wrong.
"Ah, so this is just poor manners? Or did I forget the moment I invited you to my home? Did we have dinner plans?"
"Well, no but--"
"No to poor manners? Or no I didn't forget?"
James rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, "We didn't have plans, Black. I'm not here for a chat--"
"But we have so much to catch up on. It's been ages-- how's your son?"
"Cut the shit, Black. I know you were behind the burglary down in Diagon Alley."
Sirius gasped, pressing his hand to his chest, looking surprised and affronted by James's accusation, "Me? But I've been at home all day. Baking. Would you like a slice of rhubarb, Potter?" Sirius gestured with his head, turning around to walk back through the doorway and down the hall of Grimmauld Place.
James followed.
"Well, don't stand there, you can have a seat. Make yourself at home," Sirius gestured to the kitchen table. Fresh flowers in the center. James took a seat, watching as Sirius waved his wand to begin slicing a pie on the counter, all the while smirking at James with his arms folded across his chest. "Do you still take your tea with cream?"
"No!" James objected, "I mean, I do but don't offer me tea, I'm here--"
"Yes, yes, very official auror business, I remember. Just because you have poor manners and show up unannounced to people's homes--"
"I don't!"
"--doesn't mean that I do, and you're a guest in my home, so I am going to offer you tea. Do you still take it with cream?"
"Yes...thank you," James said, watching as Sirius poured two cups of tea, sending them over to the table, along with the pie before joining James.
Black still had that same damn smile. Not a grey hair in sight, though had more creases under his eyes.
"Thank you," James repeated, looking down at the pie in front of him, something clicking in his brain. "Why...why do you have this pie?"
Sirius smiled slowly. "Why not?"
"Why do you have a rhubarb pie, Black?"
"Well, since you asked. A little birdie told me you were retiring from the auror department and...I just thought I'd...prepare for the occasion. It's your favorite, isn't it?"
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dracowars · 2 years
More dad!draco x mum!reader please I’m so in love with theses two. Just fluff it’s so good
draco malfoy as a father
pairing: dad!draco x mum!reader
a/n: i turned this request into my first ever headcanon!! feedback is always appreciated <3
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth
universe: harry potter
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Draco Malfoy is literally the best dad that the world has ever seen
He's always dreamed of starting a family and was even happier that he could fulfill this lifelong dream with none other than you
When you first told him that you're pregnant, he couldn't even believe his ears
And when you showed him the positive test, he couldn't believe his eyes either
Draco was certain that that was the best and happiest moment of his life
(Well, minus your wedding day)
Once the small baby, that resembles his own facial features and hair color, was in his arms, he started crying
He couldn't believe that this small (wizard) being was what you both created
Draco swore to himself on that day he would always protect you and his son, no matter what
And love you unconditionally until the very end
He didn't lie
In the first weeks after Scorpius was born, Draco did everything in his might to help you take care of your newborn
From changing diapers to feeding, Draco did all of it so you were able to relax
In the end, he was better than you in changing diapers
Kind of turned into a contest between the two of you of who could change them faster
Unfortunately, you had to accept that your husband was the winner
Speaking of winning, once Scorpius was older and understood that he could do things that other children couldn't, no day passed without him dueling his father
In that case, however, Draco let his son win
The cheeky smile on Scorpius' lips when he came running towards you after winning was priceless
Nowadays, Scorpius can't stop rambling about finally leaving for Hogwarts next year, talking your ears off at every opportunity
This is kind of your husband's fault who wouldn't stop telling his children about all his adventures when he was their age
Oh, did I say children?
You welcomed your daughter into the family too, only a few years after being blessed with Scorpius
Draco turned into an even better father to both your children, always making sure that they were doing fine and supporting them in everything they did
Since he himself didn't experience the best childhood regarding parental (fatherly) love, he wanted to be the best dad ever and do so much better than his own father
He definitely succeeded
You couldn't have asked for a better father to your two kids
You're obsessed with how he takes care of them, and they are as obsessed with him as you
Can't sleep? Draco tells them stories and lets them sleep in your bed
Have a bad day? Draco is there to cheer them up
From the outside it might not seem so, but he can actually be quite strict as well
Once Scorpius destroyed his sister's toy in a crying fit and Draco had to separate them
Then, he took Scorpius to the side and intently talked to him for half an hour
After being reprimanded, Scorpius apologized to his sister and everything was well at last
All in all, you're terribly in love with your little family
And, once again, Draco is the best dad ever, period
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bubbless-s · 24 days
I love love LOVE your page. Your Harry Potter fics are my favsss. Your Kyle and Kenny headcanons were LITERALLY SCRUMPTIOUS, I WILL KEEP EATING IT UP.
But if I could, may I request the main 3 SP boys x reader please? Separately of course. Maybe they’re dating and having a sleepover together. Just hc’s on what they’d do at a sleepover with a partner.
If you could, fem reader would be preferred, gender neutral is okay though.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pillow Fights and Stolen Hearts₊ ⊹ ᶻ !! ␥
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- ʚɞ genre: fluffy! (as always no gender implied.)
- ʚɞ warnings: none (devider)
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Kyle Broflovski
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ೀ⋆ He definitely begged his mom for this.
ೀ⋆ His mom allowed with the rule of the door being open.
ೀ⋆ You suggested the sleepover firstly and got him hooked.
ೀ⋆ “What will we do on the sleepover? Play truth or dare?” after Stan showed him the powers of truth or dare he is willing to try it out with you. A little tho! He isn’t awaiting it with heart eyes!!
ೀ⋆ Our lovesick fool made a little list of things just incase if you guys runout of things to do.
ೀ⋆ “Do you have games on your phone?” -Ike
ೀ⋆ Kyle got you a rose too! He gave it to you when you arrived at his house.
ೀ⋆ Imagine the surprise on your face when you open the door to Kyles house only to get a rose shoved to your face. A very well decorated rose at that.
ೀ⋆ The fun part is when night came.
ೀ⋆ Kyle being Kyle couldn’t sleep at all.
ೀ⋆ Why you may ask. 1. He has the worst bed hair ever! 2.What if he kicks you in his sleep?! 3. Can’t stop staring at your sleeping face
ೀ⋆ It was the most anxious sleepover to him BUT you know after rain rainbow comes.
Stan Marsh
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✧ Stan had this planned out for months.
✧ He carefully planned each step like the “master mind” he is. He totally sucks at it but eh
✧ First he will impress you with his guitar skills then ask you to come over to his place for a sleepover.
✧ It was a solid plan until he almost puked out of nervousness.
✧ But things did work out in Stans favour nonetheless!
✧ This loverboy was over the moon that you agreed and went out to buy all the snacks in the world with his pocket money.
✧ Not to mention he brushed his teeth 12 times because you guys w-will..will kiss..such a blasphemy..!
✧ Stan also made a very romantic questionable playlist.
✧ “You deserve better.” - Shelley
✧ When night fell Stan and you found yourself under the covers.
✧ Sleepy but still talking. Too invested in the conversation but too sleepy to continue..
✧ The problems solution was a sweet kiss and a even sweeter goodnight bidding.
Kenny Mccormick
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৻ꪆ Kenny was thrilled to have a sleepover with you.
৻ꪆ Finally he was going to see what your room looks like!
৻ꪆ Asking him to come over wasn’t hard at all, you just asked as someone would do normally and Kenny cut you off saying yes. If it was a comic it would definitely have big “!!!” marks at the end.
৻ꪆ When he did arrive at your place y’all did the casual things. Watching TV together, snuggling under the covers, Kenny chasing you to tickle your sensitive spots—
৻ꪆ Yea you heard me ladies, gentlemen and non-binary sillies, Kenny chased you till you were breathless only to trap you underneath him.
৻ꪆ For some tickles. You had to cry and beg for release!
৻ꪆ When night began its reign Kenny became more quirky.
৻ꪆ He would always steal kisses or his hands would wande—ahem Kenny Im trying to keep this family friendly.
৻ꪆ Anyway! Kenny is the best cuddle buddy out there if you are cold he will pull you closer to himself, if you are hot he will loosen his arms.
৻ꪆ If Kenny happened to be awake later on his thought could begin to wander to more evil places.
৻ꪆ But he wouldn’t do that to his darling..
৻ꪆ Until you woke up funny shapes drawn all over your face.
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infinityinakiss · 1 year
avatrice au fic recommendations:
i don't think there is a single avatrice au fic that i haven't read so here are some my favorites. i tried to find ones that weren't as popular, so hopefully there are couple here you haven't read.
I want to believe by puppybusby @yashastrongarms - x files au - basically 23k of avatrice flirting while being incredibly reckless with alien shit. unfortunately, it is only a one shot that doesn't delve into their relationship, but it is so worth it. and the tension. woof.
Truly a Steadfast Love by StoicLastStand - medieval au - they have a whole series of ficlets, but this is one of my favorites. there's a tournament to win ava's hand in marriage, ava goes undercover to fight for her freedom, but she ends up falling for the very knight who everybody wants to win. i also love their lucifer au, Greater Sacrifices.
a lover, or something of mine by Smokestarrules - reincarnation au - each chapter is a different life with a different story, and i promise you, if you have anything that even resembles a heart, you will cry. i keep going back and rereading chapter 4 because apparently i love to hurt myself. i also love the world is just illusion (trying to change you) by them, it's a road trip au.
i should love you (and i swear i do) by Noteveryonefitsintothebadbitchgenre - harry potter au (fuck jk rowling) - its that trope where they're married and they talk about each other constantly but nobody actually knows they're married. their students all think that professor silva and professor young have a friendly rivalry, but there are a couple of moments that don't add up.
purple by sxftmelody - hitman au - technically, but really it's just sad, i always cry at the end. beatrice helps ava run away after a job, and slowly they open themselves up and start to fall in love. tw: major character death. also love turning page by the same author, mercenary/princess au.
in our corner of the world by definitelynotthere - roommate au - i know, i know, there's a thousand roommate aus, why would i recommend a fic that isn't even finished and will probably never get finished? i don't know, i just really love this one, and if you're like me, you'll go "ooh, two cakes" and read it anyway.
The last hero of Ogygia by jessnope - percy jackson au - specifically calypso au, ava is calypso and beatrice is the flirty hunter that washed up on her shore. it's super cute.
stay there, 'cause i'll be coming over (while our blood's still young) by britishngay - spiderman au - ava's character voice is actually designed to be spiderman, and bea is the perfect doctor lady that patches spidey up when she gets hurt. plus beatrice telling lilith to "shut up and sit down" will never not be iconic.
sunday people (sunday shines for you) by gilligankane @piratekane - another roommates au - jealous ava is back again and out for blood, specifically jenn-with-two-ns blood.
this is my prayer (I'm in love with you) by nyxtyka - my best friend's wedding/spies au - i'll be honest, this fic went to my marked for laters to die. i don't know if it'll ever be finished, but it is one of my favorite aus, i promise it'll be worth the pain.
spellbound by onomofication - witch au - beatrice is the witch in the woods that ava goes to to finally find a way to explore the world like she has always wanted to. but as she gets to know the surprisingly kind, serious, kinda-sorta witch, she discovers that maybe the world was smaller than she had once imagined. i also love another fic by this author, hit me with you best shot, which is basically a cupid au, where ava runs around trying to stop jc, a cupid, from shooting the love of her life, beatrice.
the celestial glow is blinding by understreetlights - firewatch au - did i think ava and beatrice sitting around, looking at trees, and falling love with each other through walkie talkies was going to be interesting? no, but the world loves to prove me wrong.
too cold, it's withdrawal by KatieQgle - captain america au - give this one a chance, even if you don't like marvel. beatrice is hot as fuck as bucky and honestly the winter soldier plot line needed a little sapphic yearning. come on, avatrice in the army in the 1940s, being badass and fighting nazis together? who wouldn't love that?
i have a ton more, reach out if you want them!
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madhatterbri · 1 year
Broken | B.Z.
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Summary: Blaise wants to hide your relationship. You confront him about it.
"Aren't you going to invite me to Slug's Christmas party? I hear you can invite someone not in the club," you questioned with excitement. Professor Slughorn only invited the shining stars in the Wizarding World. Your family blacklisted you from ever being considered. After the break in at the Ministry of Magic last year, your father was arrested for aiding Lord Voldemort.
"No," Blaise answered while never looking up from his book. He dipped his quill in the ink jar and continued to write notes.
"Oh. Are you not going?" you pushed the Slughorn party a little further. Something didn't sit right with you. He was normally short but this was a bit much. Your stomach sank. Did he invite another witch?
"I will be attending alone,"
"Why won't you invite me? This would be the perfect time to reveal our relationship,"
"I said no, your name. We aren't in a relationship," he asserted while never looking up from his book. Normally you would drop the discussion but this time was different. Maybe it was your friend's words getting in your head. He was never going to want more. You started to pack your things. He looked up slightly panicked. "Where are you going?"
"I'm not going to be someone's dirty little secret, Zabini," you answered. "I am going to be with someone that wants to be with me,"
His dark brown eyes stared at you while you zipped your messenger bag closed. His teeth clenched and his eyes darted around wondering what to do. Thoughts sped through his mind. He opened his mouth to speak. Before he could speak you were leaving.
You walked out of the library trying to control your temper. Tears pricked your eyes. This had to be done. Blaise was in hot pursuit of you. Your name rolled off his tongue as he tried to get your attention.
"Your name," Cormac called out. You stopped in your tracks quickly. Blaise took a few steps back. "I have been looking everywhere for you. I was wondering if you would like to join me to Professor Slughorn's party,"
The thought of going with him revolted you. He was a creep. The spoiled brst only knew your name because he saw you attending your father's trial. Imagine seeing a girl crying for her father and a jerk hitting on her.
You felt Blaise eyes stare behind you. The idea was tempting. A party sounded more enticing than crying about your first Christmas without your father. Maybe Cormac changed since the summer. You swallowed your disgust and gladly accepted.
Things at the Christmas party made you realize you should have hung out with Pansy. Things went perfectly at first. Your date gave you all the attention you wished Blaise would have given you. Cormac wasn't afraid to be see with you. Except he wasn't all perfect.
He couldn't keep his hands to himself. You tried acting like you didn't mind it. At first it was innocent. His hand would rest on the small of your back. His hands were suddenly brushing against other parts of your body. Whenever you noticed Blaise was watching you allowed it. Merlin, you knew you were going to need to scrub your skin off.
Everytime he spotted mistletoe he tried to kiss you. He only managed to kiss your cheek though. You always played it off that you were impressed with something at the party. Christmas decorations or Harry Potter were often used as an excuse.
Your saving grace came at the cost of Professor Snape's clothing. Cormac ended up throwing up by the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The boy's sick ended up splatting on to the former Potions professor. Your date was given a detention and thrown out of the party.
After a few minutes, you decided to turn in. The party was starting to die down. Mister Filch caught Draco Malfoy out after curfew. Professor Snape walked with him in tow. You hoped the little ferret didn't cost your house points.
"Your name?" Blaise asked once you two made it to the Slytherin common room. The room was empty. Your fellow Slytherins were long asleep. "A word,"
"I got to actually see what it was like to be with someone that isn't ashamed of me. Do you know what that was like?" You asked with tears in your eyes. A shaky breath slipped out of you. A single tear slid down your cheek. You shrugged and shook your head. "You know I defended you against everyone but you ended up being exactly like they said,"
"And what am I?"
"A sad, lonely bloke who will never love because of his mum," you answered harshly. His nostrils flared as he glared at you. No one was allowed to mention his mother to him. She was a sore subject to him.
"You don't know what you are talking about like usual," he snapped.
"You aren't going to let anyone love you. You didn't want to give me attention because you think I will turn on you like your mother did to your dad," you stopped yourself. So many more words begged to spill from you. They would have just hurt him. Just because you were hurting doesn't mean he should hurt too.
"You think you are so clever," he chuckled dryly. "Stop talking about things you don't know about,"
"I love you, Blaise," you confessed. He flinched at your words. All he would need is one hand to count the times his mother told him those words. A piece of your heart broke at his reaction. He truly didn't know how special he was. "But I can't help fix someone that wants to stay broken,"
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Light My Love - I - T.Nott
Series Summary - Follow Y/N as she navigated the wizarding world on her own, starting from her first year, all the way through to her seventh. As she falls in love and get her heart broken, how a certain friend is always there to mend her broken heart even though his is slowly getting broken in the process.
Chapter Summary - Y/N makes a new friend on the first day of classes. There is a time jump to nearly 2 months later. She receives a letter from her mother after the woman finds out about her failing grade. She finds a certain mirror after receiving said letter.
Pairings - Theo Nott x Fem!Reader(eventual)
Series Warnings - Blood purity, dark wizards, Reader is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, pining, angst, reader will have some shitty boyfriends, Female Reader, use of Y/N
Chapter Warnings - Female Reader, use of Y/N, mentions of food and eating, poorly written angst, crying, rough parent-child relationship
Author's Note - I wanted to do a retelling of the Harry Potter series with a pureblood Slytherin character so here it is! I will probably update this slow just like my Always There series so be patient with me! After a few posts I will make a masterlist and link it to all of my posts for this series as well as on my masterlist.
Word Count - 1917
My full Masterlist
Series Masterlist
My requests are open!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
The class she was most excited for was potions. The potions master was known for being a cold-hearted man and quite the stickler when it comes to grading but she liked a good challenge. Plus she knew that Snape had tended to favor the Slytherins but wasn’t exactly afraid to take points from the house. That was her second subject of the day, getting back into the dungeons for the next couple of hours.
As the class started, Snape was quick to spot the newest hot topic of the school, Harry Potter. “Our new celebrity,” The professor said slowly in a condescending tone. She felt bad for the boy, from her understanding he had just found out about who he was and why he was famous. She felt even worse as Snape interrogated the boy who lived, asking him questions he didn’t have the answers to. 
“I kinda feel bad,” She whispered to another Slytherin she had met earlier in the day, Lorenzo Berkshire.
“I do too,” He whispered back to her. He was the sweetest Slytherin she had ever met, a down to Earth and caring boy. It was quite a strange difference compared to his cousin and her closest friend, Draco Malfoy.
“Mr. Berkshire, Miss Y/L/N, is there something you’d like to share with the class?” Snape questioned the pair after correcting Potter.
“No sir,” They replied in unison.
Their lesson continued on as they sat quietly for the rest of the lesson. The class was rather uneventful but it was only the first class of the term, they could only get more interesting from there. As the class ended, she picked up her pace to catch up with Theo and Mattheo. “Flirting with Berkshire were you?” Mattheo teased.
“No! I was just saying that I kinda felt bad for Potter. I overheard Granger talking about him during Transfiguration, apparently he had only found out how his parents died on his birthday when he got his letter. He was just thrown into the wizarding world without a clue about it,” She explained herself.
“How could you feel bad for him? He’s completely set for life, he’s famous for something he did as a baby. You and me both know what he did to my family, Y/N,” The Riddle boy questioned her.
“I’m sorry, Matt. I didn’t mean it that way, I just meant that the boy is clueless, he doesn’t know anything about our world, just the bare minimum.”
“You’ve got a heart of gold, principessa,” Theo chimed in, throwing an arm around her shoulder.
“A heart of gold will only get broken in a family like yours,” A voice said behind them, the voice belonged to Draco.
“Shut it, Dray. As much as I love my father and mother, I don’t wish to become them.”
Their conversation was stopped as they entered their last class of the day, Charms. It was the only class where they had actually learned something on the first day, the professor showing them a wand movement that would benefit them the most in the class. As classes finished for the day, the Slytherin gang hung out in the common room until it was time for dinner. Y/N and Draco were sitting side by side next to a large window pointing into the Black Lake. She had her potions book opened in front of her as she took notes of the pages Snape had assigned.
“So, you and Berkshire?” Draco broke their silence.
“Not you too,” She whined, “No, he’s just a friend. We literally just met yesterday.”
“What about Nott?”
“What about him?”
“Do you fancy him? Or Riddle? You seem rather close with them,” He pointed out.
“Can you stop? No, they’re my friends, you know that. You’re just a trouble maker, Malfoy. Stop speculating,” She begged him.
“Malfoy and trouble in the same sentence? Salazar I should be surprised,” Mattheo said sarcastically from behind them, “How are you making sense of the reading? I don’t get it.”
“I guess I’m just a natural at potions. I mean my mother is a potioneer,” She shrugged, going back to reading the pages. She ignored the two boys who started fooling around, focusing on her book and writing in depth notes on the potion and its ingredients. She knew her way around the cure for boils potion as well as the wiggenweld potion, those were brewed the most by her mother whom she had watched millions of times making the potions. She was writing the notes on those two by memory, only referring back to the book when she was slightly unsure.
When the pestering of the two boys became too much, however, she packed up her things and went to the library where she knew it would be quiet. It was nearly pin-drop silent in the library when she entered, she had spotted Theo in a corner by himself so she went over to sit with him. He knew who it was, she was one of the only other Slytherins that would actually use the library for what it was meant for. The two friends sat in silence, studying their own topics until it came time for dinner.
It was nearly 2 months into the first term of their first year. The Slytherins had been keeping track of everything that Seamus Finnegan had blown up. The tally was now up to 10 things, the tenth rewarding Y/N with the dorm to herself for the weekend. They had a bet going and she was the first to say that Seamus would blow up 10 things by Halloween. Her dormmates agreed to sleep on the couches in the common room for the night.
She had a good day all together, she was the only other student other than Hermione Granger to get down the levitation spell in Charms, she was the only student to brew a perfect forgetfulness potion and she had won the bet. Her mood soured however when the post came. A letter being dropped in her lap by the family owl. When she opened it she noticed the familiar writing of her mother.
My dearest daughter,
I regret to tell you that you must stay at Hogwarts until the end of the school year. Your father and I have some business to attend to during the holidays. I did hear from Professor Quirrell that you are failing his class. We are very disappointed in you. The next time we see you, you will receive your punishment. We have already taken your books out of your room, we have let the house elf know that you are not to leave your room unless permitted and all of your art supplies have been burned.
Your mother
She tore up the letter, getting up abruptly before walking towards the exit. Just as she went to pass through the doors, she was practically run over by the very same professor mentioned in her letter. She recovered quickly before wandering around the castle. She ended up finding an empty room with a lone mirror in the corner. She went up to the mirror, peering into it, only to see herself happy with her parents behind her, large smiles on their faces.
Her family may have kept up appearances but her parents weren’t the nicest people. She was able to hide her true feelings deep down, repressing them until they all came spilling to the surface. She was in front of that mirror for nearly 2 hours until someone walked into the room. She hadn’t acknowledged them, just stared into the mirror at the happy family she wished she had, silent tears falling down her cheeks.
“I see you found the Mirror of Erised,” Snape said from behind her.
“I guess so,” She murmured. 
“What do you see, Miss Y/L/N?”
“My family, but we’re actually happy, not just pretend happy,” She admitted after a beat of silence.
“This mirror shows you your deepest desires. I would have thought a student as knowledgeable as you would want to be the headmaster or minister of magic, especially considering how young you are.”
“I can’t control my desires I guess.”
“It’s getting rather late, dear girl. I will escort you back to the common room so you don’t get into trouble.”
She got up from the floor, wiping away the tears on her face and followed the professor out of the room. She felt somewhat ashamed being escorted to the common room by Snape. She felt even worse when they had entered the common room, her friends starting to poke fun until she ran off to her dorm.
“What’s up with her?” Draco asked the group as Snape began to walk away.
The professor turned around, facing the group of concerned friends, “She’s not as happy as she pretends to be.” As the potions master left the room, the group was even more confused and concerned. The comment being made doing nothing but making them feel even more concerned.
Draco had a feeling he knew what was going on, he remembers her mentioning that she wasn’t doing well in DADA, failing the class at the moment. He left the common room and towards the girls' dorms, gently knocking on her door. Little did he know, the girl already had one of the friends from the group in the room. Theo was sitting beside her on the bed, letting her take her time with telling him what she was upset about.
They sat for nearly 20 minutes before she had even said anything. “My mother wrote to me,” She admitted.
“I figured that much, principessa. I haven’t seen you tear up a single letter until today. What did she say?”
“I have to stay here for the holidays and because I’m failing defense against the dark arts I’m on lockdown this summer. She took away all of my books, told the house elves that I can’t leave my room unless permitted by her and she burned all of my art supplies,” She explained.
“She’s a twat,” Theo said bluntly, causing her to laugh loudly.
“What? I’m just telling the truth, she's a twat. Just because you have a single bad grade, she punishes you to an extreme. It’s not like you’re failing any other class, just the one. I’m failing like 3 of them right now.”
“You know how my parents are.”
“Unfortunately true. I’m sure the Malfoy’s will let you join them on Christmas. Or I could stay here with you. You know what, I’ll stay here with you and we’ll have the best Christmas.”
After her talk with Theo, her heart didn’t feel as heavy, a little bit of the weight was lifted off of her shoulders. The Italian boy doing his best at cheering her up and trying to take a bit of weight off of her shoulders.
On the other side of the door, Draco had heard her laughing causing a small smile to appear on his face. He was happy that she was even slightly happy for even a short amount of time. He saw her as a little sister even though they were the same age, he was fiercely protective over her and knew how her parents were. He was just happy to hear her laugh thanks to the bluntness of Theodore. Draco was able to sleep a little more peacefully knowing that she had someone to cheer her up other than him.
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